Panel session/configuration handling

(Please read the session-management docs in porting-docs before
reading this)

Panel global configuration
All the panel configuration options that are not per panel are stored
in MateConf in the /apps/panel/global folder. There is a schema for it,
and sysadms can override the defaults by changing the defaults in the
default database.

It will look like this

Panel Profiles

All the per-panel setup is stored in named profiles. Initially the
"Default" profile is created for you, and if you never create a new
profile everything seems to the user just like profiles don't exist.
The profiles contain all the per-panel settings and the per-applet

Each profile stores it's configuration in MateConf in a separate prefix,
like this:

When a new profile is created it's content is copied from a default
profile choosen depending on the screen size. The defaults are stored
in /apps/panel/default-profiles, like this:


These are delivered in a serialized fashion in mate-core, and the (to
be written by hp) mateconf deserialization app is used to install
them at make install/package install time. Then the sysadmin can
change these as he sees fit. I can imagine a "make current profile be
default" button somewhere.

[ This is a area where opinions differ.

     The active profile can typically be changed by the user any time
     using a popdown menu or suchlike. (Just imagine selecting a new
     profile and all the panels will go swooosh and pop up in their
     new places with different applets and stuff.)

     The name of the active profile is always the same as the current
     gsm named session.

Per-Session Data

NOTE: This section only applies to alex version aboce. In _vicious_
version, there would be no real per-session data, just the session name.

The only per-session data saved by the panel is which profile it
uses. In general per-session data should only be trivial things that
the user won't be mad when(if?) he loses. According to hp's
session-management docs in the porting-docs:

       This can all be kind of a pain, so apps are encouraged to 
       save all their state as part of the command they pass to the
       session manager, and avoid saving persistent files.  That is, it's
       easier and more robust to have a command line option
       --with-window-count=3 than it is to store the window count in MateConf under
       and provide a discard command to clear that key.

It seems unnecessary to store the panel per session data in MateConf, so
we would just store the command line saved to the session manager as
"--profile=Laptop" (replace laptop by name of active profile). This
way we won't have problems cleaning up MateConf either.

Per-Panel configuration

The panel profile data would looks something like this:

                                  /33214/ ...
 /apps/panel/profile/Laptop/applets/43234/applet_type (oaf id?)
				         /prefs/   <- This is where the applet itself 
                                                     stores it's per-instance prefs.
                                   /56378/ ...
This means that the panel profile configuration data is a list
of panels with unique ids, that has per panel settings, and a list of
applets with unique ids (applets may move between panels, and need to
keep their prefs, so they are not in the panel subfolder).

Each applet folder also have a "prefs" folder
(e.g. /apps/panel/profile/Laptop/applets/43234/prefs/) which is used by the
applet to store it's per instance data.

Applet Prefs

An applet has two sorts of preferences, per-instance and global. The
per-instace perferences are options that may be different for each
instance of the applet (such as number of rows in the pager), while
the global preferences are preferences that are shared by all running
applets of that type (and even non-running ones in different
profiles). Examples of global preferences may be tooltip timeouts, or
in deskguide the number of windows in a class before grouping starts.

It is important that the preferences ui for the applet separates the
global and the per-instance settings in some way, so users do not get
totally confused about what is applied to all instances and what is not.

Global applet preferences are managed entierly by the applet, and is
normally stored in MateConf in a key such as:


Global settings have normal MateConf behaviour, and the applet should
install a schema for them.

Per-instance preferences are private to the applet. You should write
schemas for them for good measure, but currently MateConf doesn't handle
dynamic keys well, so they will not be installed. In the future this
will be fixed though. The keys are private anyway, so not having
schemas does not matter that much, since other apps should not modify
them (and can't find them since they are dynamic and prefixed with
strange id's).

When the panel instantiates an applet (first time or not) it will give
the applet a MateConf prefix (see above) for it to read and write it's
per-instance configuration from. Since there is no way currently to
have schemas for these dynamic prefixes there won't be any default
values for the applet settings. Thus we have to hardcode the settings
in the applet.

So the way to read prefs changes slightly. You have to try reading,
and if there is no data in mateconf, use the default value. The way to
use this is to call mateconf_client_get(), which return NULL if the value
is unset and has no default (this means it will automagically work
whenever we implement dynamic prefix schemas).

We should probably wrap the mateconf calls in some utility functions like

applet_mateconf_get_int_with_default (SomeAppletType *applet,
		  		   const gchar* key,
                                   gint default,
                                   GError** err)
  GError* error = NULL;
  MateConfValue* val;
  MateConfClient *client = panel_mateconf_get_client ();
  gchar *full_key; 

  g_return_val_if_fail(err == NULL || *err == NULL, 0);

  full_key = applet_get_full_key (applet, key);
  val = get(client, full_key, TRUE, NULL, NULL, &error);
  g_free (full_key);

  if (val != NULL)
      gint retval = def;

      g_assert(error == NULL);
      if (check_type(key, val, MATECONF_VALUE_INT, &error))
        retval = mateconf_value_get_int(val);
        handle_error(client, error, err);


      return retval;
    return default;

And the applet would use this like this

#define TOOLTIP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT 100 /* msec */

 timeout = applet_mateconf_get_int_with_default ("tooltip_timeout", TOOLTIP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, NULL);

It is important that we have actual defines for the defaults, so as to
not repeat the problems we had previously, with different defaults in
different places.

Session Manager interaction

[NOTE: Only applies to alex version, _vicious_ one doesn't even need this ]

The panels responds to the SaveYourself request, but does not need to
propagate this request to the applets, since the applet settings are
stored per-instance-in-a-profile, and not in a session. This makes
things robust (won't lose applet setup), and easier to understand for
the user.

The only thing the panel needs to do on SaveSetup is to pass the
command line containing the active profile "--profile=Laptop" to the
session manager. There are no MateConf cleanup needed, or no session id
thrown about at all.

Full example MateConf tree
/apps/panel/profile/Default/applets/62568/prefs/ ...
/apps/panel/profile/Default/applets/43355/prefs/ ...
/apps/panel/profile/Coding/ ...
/apps/panel/profile/Gaming/ ..
/apps/panel/default-profiles/small/ (panels and applets) 
/apps/panel/default-profiles/medium/ (panels and applets) 
/apps/panel/default-profiles/large/ (panels and applets)