MatePanelApplet The MatePanelApplet object. The #MatePanelApplet object is an object which encapsulates an applet. It is a #GtkContainer which may contain a single widget. This widget, in turn, should contain all widgets exposed by the applet. A #MatePanelApplet is associated with a #MateComponentControl. The control makes the cross process UI emmbedding required by applets possible. The #MatePanelApplet struct contains private data only. Emitted when the background of the panel changes. Use @type to determine which, if any, of @color and @pimxap is valid. @matepanelapplet: The object which received the signal. @arg1: @arg2: @arg3: @type: The #MatePanelAppletBackgroundType. @color: The #GdkColor if @type is #PANEL_COLOR_BACKGROUND. @pixmap: The pixmap file name if @type is #PANEL_PIXMAP_BACKGROUND Emitted when the orientation of the panel changes. @matepanelapplet: The object which received the signal. @orient: The new #MatePanelAppletOrient of the applet. Emitted when the size of the panel changes. Note: this is different for size negotiation which is handled by size_request() and size_allocate() as usual. This signal should be used to determine what font size or widget layout to use depending on the size of the panel. See mate_panel_applet_get_size(). @matepanelapplet: The object which received the signal. @size: The size hint of the panel. Emitted when the applet has lost focus. This signal is used internally and is not meant to be used by applets themselves. @matepanelapplet: The object which received the signal. @direction: The direction of focus movement. The #MatePanelAppletOrient type specifies the orientation of the applet. The values may seem backward (e.g. %MATE_PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_LEFT means the panel is on the right hand side), but this is because the value is representative of the applet's orientation, not the panel's position. @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_UP: @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_DOWN: @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_LEFT: @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_RIGHT: The #MatePanelAppletBackgroundType enumerated type specifies the type of background of a panel. @PANEL_NO_BACKGROUND: The panel has no background, the default is used. @PANEL_COLOR_BACKGROUND: The panel has a color, i.e rgb value, background. @PANEL_PIXMAP_BACKGROUND: The panel has either an image background or is translucent. The #MatePanelAppletFlags associated with the applet are boolean flags which the panel may read in order to figure out how to handle the applet. @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_FLAGS_NONE: No flags are to be associated with the applet. @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_EXPAND_MAJOR: The applet should expand horizontally on an horizontal panel and vertically on a vertical panel - e.g. the behaviour of the Window List applet. @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_EXPAND_MINOR: The applet should expand vertically on an horizontal panel and horizontally on a vertical panel. Most applets should set this flag in order to utilise the full panel width and allow the applet to be Fitt's Law compliant. @MATE_PANEL_APPLET_HAS_HANDLE: The panel should draw a grab handle around the applet - e.g. the Window List and Notification Area applets both set this flag. This callback is invoked when the applet is loaded onto the panel. Typically the callback will check that @iid matches and fill the @applet with the widgets which make up the applet. Prior to the callback being invoked the #MatePanelApplet (or an instance of the sub-class specified by the #GType passed to the factory macros) is instantiated and initialized. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @iid: The MateComponent IID of the applet requested. @user_data: The data passed to the factory macros. @Returns: %TRUE on success, %FALSE on failure. Creates a new #MatePanelApplet. This function is typically not useful as the applet is created before the #MatePanelAppletFactoryCallback is invoked. @void: @Returns: The #MatePanelApplet. Get the current orientation of the applet. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @Returns: The orientation of the applet. Get the current size hint for the panel. The size hint is not useful for most applets. Note: The return value is not an integer value specifying the pixel size of the panel. Do not use this value to calculate the size of the applet. Use it only as a hint by which to decide the applet's layout. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @Returns: The panel's size hint. Returns the current background type. If the background type is %PANEL_NO_BACKGROUND both @color and @pixmap will be unaffected. If the background type is %PANEL_COLOR_BACKGROUND then @color will contain the current panel background colour. If the background type is %PANEL_PIXMAP_BACKGROUND, @pixmap will contain a pointer to a #GdkPixmap which is a copy of the applet's portion of the panel's background pixmap. @applet: A #MatePanelApplet. @color: A #GdkColor to be filled in. @pixmap: Returned #GdkPixmap. @Returns: The background type. Returns the MateConf path to the directory containing the applet's per-instance preference keys. Using this you may construct the full path for the applet's preference keys. See for more information. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @Returns: A MateConf path. Associates each schema in @schema_dir with a key in the applet's preferences directory (i.e. the directory returned by mate_panel_applet_get_preferences_key()). Each applet preference should have an associated schema to ensure that the key has a defined type, sane default and documentation. If you pass %NULL for @opt_error, this function will print a warning message from any #GError which MateConf may return. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @schema_dir: The MateConf path where the applet's schemas are installed e.g. /schemas/apps/my_applet @opt_error: Optional #GError. Retrieve the #MatePanelAppletFlags associated with the applet. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @Returns: The #MatePanelAppletFlags. Set the #MatePanelAppletFlags associated with the applet. See #MatePanelAppletFlags for more details on the possible uses of these flags. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @flags: The #MatePanelAppletFlags to associate. Set a list of desired size ranges for an applet with the #MATE_PANEL_APPLET_EXPAND_MAJOR flags set. @size_hints is an array of (max, min) pairs where min(i) > max(i + 1). The panel will endeavour to allocate the applet a size in one of the (@base + max, @base + min) ranges. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @size_hints: Array of size_hints. @n_elements: Number of elements in the array. Not the number of pairs. @base_size: The base size of the applet. Check if the @applet is locked down. A locked down applet should not allow any change to its configuration. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @Returns: %TRUE if the @applet is locked down, %FALSE otherwise. Set keyboard focus to @applet. @applet: The #MatePanelApplet. @timestamp: timestamp of the event triggering the window focus Sets up a popup menu for @applet described by the xml string, @xml. See section for a description of the format of the xml. @applet: A #MatePanelApplet. @xml: The xml character string describing the popup menu. @action_group: @verb_list: The list of #MateComponentUIVerbs for the menu. @user_data: The user data pointer for the menu. Sets up a popup menu for @applet described by the xml file, @file. See for a description of the format of the xml. @applet: A #MatePanelApplet. @filename: @action_group: @opt_datadir: The data directory - i.e. ${prefix}/share (optional). @file: The file's name. @opt_app_name: The application's name (optional). @verb_list: The list of #MateComponentUIVerbs for the menu. @user_data: The user data pointer for the menu. A generic 'main' routine for applets. This should not normally be used directly because it is invoked by #MATE_PANEL_APPLET_MATECOMPONENT_FACTORY. @factory_id: @out_process: @applet_type: The #GType to instantiate. @callback: The factory callback. @data: The factory user data pointer. @Returns: 0 on success, 1 on failure. @iid: The matecomponent-activation iid of the factory.