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  <!ENTITY applet "Clock">
      (Do not remove this comment block.)
  Maintained by the MATE Documentation Project
  Template version: 2.0 beta
  Template last modified Feb 11, 2002

<!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
<article id="index" lang="en">
<!-- please do not change the id; for translations, change lang to -->
<!-- appropriate code -->
	 <title>&applet; Manual</title>
      <holder>MATE Documentation Project</holder>
		<holder>Paul Cutler</holder>
		<holder>Sun Microsystems</holder>
		<holder>Dan Mueth</holder>
<!-- translators: uncomment this:

   <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>

<!-- An address can be added to the publisher information.  If a role is
     not specified, the publisher/author is the same for all versions of the
     document.  -->
	 <publisher role="maintainer">
		<publishername> MATE Documentation Project </publishername>
		<publishername> GNOME Documentation Project </publishername>

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		<author role="maintainer">
		  <firstname>MATE Documentation Project</firstname>
		  <affiliation><orgname>MATE Desktop</orgname></affiliation>
		  <firstname>Paul </firstname>
		  <surname> Cutler</surname>
			 <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
			 <address> <email>pcutler@gnome.org</email> </address>
		  <firstname>Sun </firstname>
			 <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
		  <firstname>Dan </firstname>
		  <surname> Mueth</surname>
			 <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
			 <address> <email>d-mueth@uchicago.edu</email> </address>
      <!-- This is appropriate place for other contributors: translators,
           maintainers,  etc. Commented out by default.
           <othercredit role="translator">
	     <surname>Translator 1</surname>
	       <orgname>Latin Translation Team</orgname>
	       <address> <email>translator@gnome.org</email> </address>
	     <contrib>Latin translation</contrib>

	 <releaseinfo revision="1.10.1" role="review">


		  <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V&manrevision;</revnumber>
			 <para role="author">MATE Documentation Team</para>
			 <para role="publisher">MATE Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.7;</revnumber>
			 <para role="author">Paul Cutler</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>Clock Applet Manual V2.6</revnumber>
			 <para role="author">Paul Cutler</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>Clock Applet Manual V2.5</revnumber>
		  <date>February 2004</date>
			 <para role="author">Sun Microsystems</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>Clock Applet Manual V2.4</revnumber>
		  <date>September 2003</date>
			 <para role="author">Sun Microsystems</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>Clock Applet Manual V2.3</revnumber>
		  <date>January 2003</date>
			 <para role="author">Sun Microsystems</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>Clock Applet Manual V2.2</revnumber>
		  <date>August 2002</date>
			 <para role="author">Sun Microsystems</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>Clock Applet Manual V2.1</revnumber>
		  <date>June 2002</date>
			 <para role="author">Sun Microsystems</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>Clock Applet Manual V2.0</revnumber>
		  <date>March 2002</date>
			 <para role="author">Sun Microsystems</para>
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		  <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual</revnumber>
		  <date>April 2000</date>
			 <para role="author">Dan Mueth
			 <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
	 <releaseinfo> This manual describes version &appletversion; of the &applet; applet.
		<para> To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the &applet; applet or this manual, follow the directions in the <ulink url="help:mate-user-guide/feedback" type="help">MATE Feedback Page</ulink>. </para>

	 <abstract role="description">
		<para>The <application>&applet;</application> applet displays the date and time, and when clicked, displays a calendar.  The <application>&applet;</application> can be customized to show seconds or a 12 or 24 hour clock.</para>
<!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->

<!-- ============= Introduction ============================== -->

  <sect1 id="clock-introduction">

<!-- ==== Figure ============================================= -->
	 <figure id="clock-fig">
		<title>&applet; Applet</title>
			 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/clock_applet.png"
				<phrase>Shows &applet; applet.</phrase>
    <!-- ==== End of Figure ======================================= -->
The <application>&applet;</application> applet displays the date and time, and when clicked, displays a calendar.  The <application>&applet;</application> can be customized to show seconds or a 12 or 24 hour clock.

<sect2 id="clock-introduction-add">
<title>To Add &applet; to a Panel</title>
  <para>Perform the following steps:</para>
               Right-click on the panel.
               Choose <guimenuitem>Add to Panel</guimenuitem>.
               Scroll down the list of items in the <guilabel>Add to Panel</guilabel> dialog, then select <guilabel>Clock</guilabel>.
               Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>.
<!-- ================ Usage ================================ -->

  <sect1 id="clock-usage">

	<sect2 id="clock-usage-calendar">
	<title>To Show the Calendar</title>
	<para>Click on the applet to open a small calendar showing the current month. To close the calendar, click again on the part of the applet that is in the panel.</para>

	<para>You can change the month shown in the calendar by clicking the arrows to each side of the month and year text.</para>

	<para>Double-click a day in the calendar to launch the <application>Evolution</application> groupware application.</para>

	<sect2 id="clock-usage-copy">
	<title>To Insert the Date or Time Into an Application</title>
<para>The <application>&applet;</application> applet takes the time from the system clock.
	To insert the date or time from the <application>&applet;</application> applet into an application, perform the following steps:</para>
			<para>Right-click on the <application>&applet;</application> applet.
				Choose one of the following menu items from the applet popup menu:
					<guimenuitem>Copy Time</guimenuitem>
					<guimenuitem>Copy Date</guimenuitem>
			Point to the location in your application where you want to insert the item.
			Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> or middle-click to insert the item.


<!-- ============= Preferences ============================= -->

<sect1 id="clock-settings">
<title>Clock Preferences</title>
	To configure the <application>&applet;</application>, right-click on the applet, then choose <guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem>. You will be presented with three tabs to change preferences for <guimenuitem>General</guimenuitem>,  <guimenuitem>Locations</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Weather</guimenuitem>.</para>

<sect2 id="generalprefs">
	<title>General Preferences</title>
			 <term><guilabel>Clock Format</guilabel></term>
			 <para>Select one of the following options:</para>
			 <para><guilabel>12 hour</guilabel></para>
			 <para>Display the time in the a.m./p.m. format.</para>
			 <note><para>This option is not shown if your session language does not use the 12 hour clock.
			 <para><guilabel>24 hour</guilabel></para>
			 <para>Display the time in the 00.00 to 24.00 format.</para>
			 <term><guilabel>Show the date</guilabel></term>
			 <para>Select this option to display the date in the applet.</para>
			 <term><guilabel>Show seconds</guilabel></term>
			 <para>Select this option to display seconds in the applet.</para>
			 <term><guilabel>Show week numbers in calendar</guilabel></term>
			 <para>Select this option to display week numbers in the calendar.</para>
			 <term><guilabel>Show the weather</guilabel></term>
			 <para>Select this option to display the the current weather forecast at your location.
			The weather will be displayed as an icon for sunny, cloudy, rain or more.</para>
			 <term><guilabel>Show temperature</guilabel></term>
			 <para>Select this option to display the temperature at your location.</para>



<sect2 id="locationprefs">
	<title>Location Preferences</title>

			 <para>You can add one or more locations and their local time to be displayed in the Clock.
			To add a location:</para>
			 <para>Press <guilabel>Add</guilabel></para>
			 <para>Type the city, region or country name and as you type a list of options will appear
			in a drop down box.  Select a match from the pop-up and the <guilabel>Timezone</guilabel>,
			 <guilabel>Latitude</guilabel>, and <guilabel>Longitude</guilabel> entries will be
			automatically filled in.</para>


<sect2 id="weatherprefs">
	<title>Weather Preferences</title>

			 <para>You can display the Temperature unit in one of the following options from the drop down box:
			 <para><guilabel>F</guilabel> (Fahrenheit)</para>
			 <para><guilabel>C</guilabel> (Celsius)</para>
			 <para><guilabel>K</guilabel> (Kelvin)</para>
			 <para><guilabel>Default</guilabel> The default display for your region.</para>
			 <term><guilabel>Wind speed unit</guilabel></term>
			 <para>You can display the Speed unit in one of the following options from the drop down box:
			 <para><guilabel>Beaufort scale</guilabel></para>
			 <para><guilabel>mph</guilabel> (miles per hour)</para>
			 <para><guilabel>km/h</guilabel> (kilometers per hour)</para>
			 <para><guilabel>m/s</guilabel> (meters per second)</para>
			 <para><guilabel>Default</guilabel> The default display for your region.</para>


<sect2 id="clock-usage-adjust">
    <title>To Adjust the System Date or Time</title>
    <para>To adjust the system date or time that the <application>&applet;</application> applet displays, perform the following steps:</para>
            <para>Press the <guibutton>Time Settings</guibutton> button in the Preferences dialog.
            <para>Use the <guilabel>Date &amp; Time</guilabel> dialog to adjust the date and time.
            <para>Press the <guibutton>Set System Time</guibutton> button, then the <application>mate-polkit</application> dialog prompts for the administration password. Enter the administration password and press the <guibutton>Authenticate</guibutton> button.

