@ducktype/1.0 @define applet Fish = Preferences [topic #fish-settings] @link[guide >index group="fish-settings"] To configure $app($applet;), right-click on the $app($applet;) applet, then choose $gui[.menu](Preferences). [terms] - $gui(Name of fish) * Use this text box to specify the name of the fish. - $gui(Command to run when clicked) * By default, $app($applet;) runs the $cmd(fortune) command when you click on the applet. Use this text box to specify an alternative command to run. - $gui(File) * Use this field to select the image to display in the applet. You can select an image that is supplied with the applet or a personal image. - $gui(Total frames in animation) * Use this spin box to specify the number of frames in the animation. - $gui(Pause per frame) * Use this spin box to specify the pause in seconds between each frame in the animation. - $gui(Rotate on vertical panels) * Select this option to rotate the applet image when you add the applet to a vertical panel.