/* * panel-background.c: panel background rendering * * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2012-2021 MATE Developers * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. * * Authors: * Mark McLoughlin */ #include #include "panel-background.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_X11 #include #include #endif #include "panel-util.h" static gboolean panel_background_composite (PanelBackground *background); static void load_background_file (PanelBackground *background); void panel_background_apply_css (PanelBackground *background, GtkWidget *widget) { GtkStyleContext *context; PanelBackgroundType effective_type; context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget); effective_type = panel_background_effective_type (background); switch (effective_type) { case PANEL_BACK_NONE: gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "mate-custom-panel-background"); break; case PANEL_BACK_COLOR: case PANEL_BACK_IMAGE: gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "mate-custom-panel-background"); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } } static void panel_background_prepare_css (void) { GtkCssProvider *provider; provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, ".mate-custom-panel-background{\n" " background-color: rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);\n" " background-image: none;\n" "}", -1, NULL); gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen (gdk_screen_get_default (), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); g_object_unref (provider); } static gboolean panel_background_prepare (PanelBackground *background) { PanelBackgroundType effective_type; GtkWidget *widget = NULL; if (!background->transformed) return FALSE; effective_type = panel_background_effective_type (background); switch (effective_type) { case PANEL_BACK_NONE: if (background->default_pattern) { /* the theme background-image pattern must be scaled by * the width & height of the panel so that when the * backing region is cleared * (gdk_window_clear_backing_region), the correctly * scaled pattern is used */ cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_pattern_get_surface(background->default_pattern, &surface); /* catch invalid images (e.g. -gtk-gradient) before scaling and rendering */ if (surface != NULL ){ double width, height; cairo_matrix_t m; cairo_surface_reference(surface); width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface); height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface); cairo_matrix_init_translate (&m, 0, 0); cairo_matrix_scale (&m, width / background->region.width, height / background->region.height); cairo_pattern_set_matrix (background->default_pattern, &m); gdk_window_set_background_pattern (background->window, background->default_pattern); } else { g_warning ("%s", "unsupported value of 'background-image' in GTK+ theme (such as '-gtk-gradient')"); /* use any background color that has been set if image is invalid */ gdk_window_set_background_rgba ( background->window, &background->default_color); } cairo_surface_destroy(surface); } else gdk_window_set_background_rgba ( background->window, &background->default_color); break; case PANEL_BACK_COLOR: { GdkRGBA color = background->color; if (!gdk_screen_is_composited (gdk_screen_get_default ())) { color.alpha = 1.; } gdk_window_set_background_rgba (background->window, &color); break; } case PANEL_BACK_IMAGE: g_assert (background->composited_pattern); gdk_window_set_background_pattern (background->window, background->composited_pattern); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } /* Panel applets may use the panel's background pixmap to * decide how to draw themselves. Therefore, we need to * make sure that all drawing has been completed before * the applet looks at the pixmap. */ gdk_display_sync (gdk_window_get_display (background->window)); gdk_window_get_user_data (GDK_WINDOW (background->window), (gpointer) &widget); if (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)) { panel_background_apply_css (background, gtk_widget_get_toplevel(widget)); gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(widget,TRUE); gtk_widget_queue_draw (widget); } background->notify_changed (background, background->user_data); return TRUE; } static void free_composited_resources (PanelBackground *background) { background->composited = FALSE; if (background->composited_pattern) cairo_pattern_destroy (background->composited_pattern); background->composited_pattern = NULL; } static cairo_pattern_t * composite_image_onto_desktop (PanelBackground *background) { int width, height; cairo_t *cr; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; width = background->region.width; height = background->region.height; surface = gdk_window_create_similar_surface (background->window, CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, width, height); if (cairo_surface_status (surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return NULL; } cr = cairo_create (surface); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, background->transformed_image, 0, 0); pattern = cairo_get_source (cr); cairo_pattern_set_extend (pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, height); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (surface); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return pattern; } static gboolean panel_background_composite (PanelBackground *background) { if (!background->transformed) return FALSE; free_composited_resources (background); switch (background->type) { case PANEL_BACK_NONE: case PANEL_BACK_COLOR: break; case PANEL_BACK_IMAGE: if (background->transformed_image) { background->composited_pattern = composite_image_onto_desktop (background); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } background->composited = TRUE; panel_background_prepare (background); return TRUE; } static void free_transformed_resources (PanelBackground *background) { free_composited_resources (background); background->transformed = FALSE; if (background->type != PANEL_BACK_IMAGE) return; if (background->transformed_image) g_object_unref (background->transformed_image); background->transformed_image = NULL; } static GdkPixbuf * get_scaled_and_rotated_pixbuf (PanelBackground *background) { GdkPixbuf *scaled; GdkPixbuf *retval; int orig_width, orig_height; int panel_width, panel_height; int width, height; load_background_file (background); if (!background->loaded_image) return NULL; orig_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (background->loaded_image); orig_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (background->loaded_image); panel_width = background->region.width; panel_height = background->region.height; width = orig_width; height = orig_height; if (background->fit_image) { switch (background->orientation) { case GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL: width = orig_width * panel_height / orig_height; height = panel_height; break; case GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL: if (background->rotate_image) { width = orig_width * panel_width / orig_height; height = panel_width; } else { width = panel_width; height = orig_height * panel_width / orig_width; } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } } else if (background->stretch_image) { if (background->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL && background->rotate_image) { width = panel_height; height = panel_width; } else { width = panel_width; height = panel_height; } } else if (background->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL && background->rotate_image) { int tmp = width; width = height; height = tmp; } if (width == orig_width && height == orig_height) { scaled = background->loaded_image; g_object_ref (scaled); } else { scaled = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple ( background->loaded_image, width, height, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR); } if (background->rotate_image && background->orientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { if (!background->has_alpha) { guchar *dest; guchar *src; int x, y; int destrowstride; int srcrowstride; retval = gdk_pixbuf_new ( GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, height, width); dest = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (retval); destrowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (retval); src = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (scaled); srcrowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (scaled); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { guchar *dstptr = & ( dest [3*y + destrowstride * (width - x - 1)] ); guchar *srcptr = & ( src [y * srcrowstride + 3*x] ); dstptr[0] = srcptr[0]; dstptr[1] = srcptr[1]; dstptr[2] = srcptr[2]; } g_object_unref (scaled); } else { guint32 *dest; guint32 *src; int x, y; int destrowstride; int srcrowstride; retval = gdk_pixbuf_new ( GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, height, width); dest = (guint32 *) gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (retval); destrowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (retval) / 4; src = (guint32 *) gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (scaled); srcrowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (scaled) / 4; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = 0; x < width; x++) dest [y + destrowstride * (width - x - 1)] = src [y * srcrowstride + x]; g_object_unref (scaled); } } else retval = scaled; return retval; } static gboolean panel_background_transform (PanelBackground *background) { if (background->region.width == -1) return FALSE; free_transformed_resources (background); if (background->type == PANEL_BACK_IMAGE) background->transformed_image = get_scaled_and_rotated_pixbuf (background); background->transformed = TRUE; panel_background_composite (background); return TRUE; } static void panel_background_update_has_alpha (PanelBackground *background) { gboolean has_alpha = FALSE; if (background->type == PANEL_BACK_COLOR) has_alpha = (background->color.alpha < 1.); else if (background->type == PANEL_BACK_IMAGE && background->loaded_image) has_alpha = gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (background->loaded_image); background->has_alpha = (has_alpha != FALSE); } static void load_background_file (PanelBackground *background) { GError *error = NULL; if (!g_file_test (background->image, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) return; /* FIXME add a monitor on the file so that we reload the background * when it changes */ background->loaded_image = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (background->image, &error); if (!background->loaded_image) { g_assert (error != NULL); g_warning (G_STRLOC ": unable to open '%s': %s", background->image, error->message); g_error_free (error); } panel_background_update_has_alpha (background); } void panel_background_set_type (PanelBackground *background, PanelBackgroundType type) { if (background->type == type) return; free_transformed_resources (background); background->type = type; panel_background_update_has_alpha (background); panel_background_transform (background); } static void panel_background_set_color_no_update (PanelBackground *background, const GdkRGBA *color) { g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); if (gdk_rgba_equal (color, &background->color)) return; background->color = *color; panel_background_update_has_alpha (background); } void panel_background_set_color (PanelBackground *background, const GdkRGBA *color) { g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); if (gdk_rgba_equal (color, &background->color)) return; free_transformed_resources (background); panel_background_set_color_no_update (background, color); panel_background_transform (background); } static void panel_background_set_image_no_update (PanelBackground *background, const char *image) { g_clear_object (&background->loaded_image); g_free (background->image); if (image && image [0]) background->image = g_strdup (image); else background->image = NULL; panel_background_update_has_alpha (background); } void panel_background_set_image (PanelBackground *background, const char *image) { if (!background->image && !image) return; if (background->image && image && !strcmp (background->image, image)) return; free_transformed_resources (background); panel_background_set_image_no_update (background, image); panel_background_transform (background); } static void panel_background_set_fit_no_update (PanelBackground *background, gboolean fit_image) { background->fit_image = fit_image != FALSE; } void panel_background_set_fit (PanelBackground *background, gboolean fit_image) { fit_image = fit_image != FALSE; if (background->fit_image == fit_image) return; free_transformed_resources (background); panel_background_set_fit_no_update (background, fit_image); panel_background_transform (background); } static void panel_background_set_stretch_no_update (PanelBackground *background, gboolean stretch_image) { background->stretch_image = stretch_image != FALSE; } void panel_background_set_stretch (PanelBackground *background, gboolean stretch_image) { stretch_image = stretch_image != FALSE; if (background->stretch_image == stretch_image) return; free_transformed_resources (background); panel_background_set_stretch_no_update (background, stretch_image); panel_background_transform (background); } static void panel_background_set_rotate_no_update (PanelBackground *background, gboolean rotate_image) { background->rotate_image = rotate_image != FALSE; } void panel_background_set_rotate (PanelBackground *background, gboolean rotate_image) { rotate_image = rotate_image != FALSE; if (background->rotate_image == rotate_image) return; free_transformed_resources (background); panel_background_set_rotate_no_update (background, rotate_image); panel_background_transform (background); } void panel_background_set (PanelBackground *background, PanelBackgroundType type, const GdkRGBA *color, const char *image, gboolean fit_image, gboolean stretch_image, gboolean rotate_image) { panel_background_set_color_no_update (background, color); panel_background_set_image_no_update (background, image); panel_background_set_fit_no_update (background, fit_image); panel_background_set_stretch_no_update (background, stretch_image); panel_background_set_rotate_no_update (background, rotate_image); panel_background_set_type (background, type); } void panel_background_set_default_style (PanelBackground *background, GdkRGBA *color, cairo_pattern_t *pattern) { g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); background->default_color = *color; if (pattern) cairo_pattern_reference (pattern); if (background->default_pattern) cairo_pattern_destroy (background->default_pattern); background->default_pattern = pattern; if (background->type == PANEL_BACK_NONE) panel_background_prepare (background); } void panel_background_realized (PanelBackground *background, GdkWindow *window) { g_return_if_fail (window != NULL); if (background->window) return; background->window = g_object_ref (window); panel_background_prepare_css (); panel_background_prepare (background); } void panel_background_unrealized (PanelBackground *background) { if (background->window) g_object_unref (background->window); background->window = NULL; } void panel_background_change_region (PanelBackground *background, GtkOrientation orientation, int x, int y, int width, int height) { gboolean need_to_retransform = FALSE; gboolean need_to_reprepare = FALSE; if (background->region.x == x && background->region.y == y && background->region.width == width && background->region.height == height && background->orientation == orientation) return; /* we only need to retransform anything on size/orientation changes if the background is an image and some conditions are met */ if (background->type == PANEL_BACK_IMAGE) { if (background->orientation != orientation && background->rotate_image) { /* if orientation changes and we are rotating */ need_to_retransform = TRUE; } else if ((background->region.width != width || background->region.height != height) && (background->fit_image || background->stretch_image)) { /* or if the size changes and we are stretching or fitting the image */ need_to_retransform = TRUE; } } /* if size changed, we at least need to "prepare" the background again */ if (background->region.width != width || background->region.height != height) need_to_reprepare = TRUE; background->region.x = x; background->region.y = y; background->region.width = width; background->region.height = height; background->orientation = orientation; if (need_to_retransform || ! background->transformed) /* only retransform the background if we have in fact changed size/orientation */ panel_background_transform (background); else if (background->has_alpha || ! background->composited) /* only do compositing if we have some alpha value to worry about */ panel_background_composite (background); else if (need_to_reprepare) /* at least we must prepare the background if the size changed */ panel_background_prepare (background); } void panel_background_init (PanelBackground *background, PanelBackgroundChangedNotify notify_changed, gpointer user_data) { background->type = PANEL_BACK_NONE; background->notify_changed = notify_changed; background->user_data = user_data; background->color.red = 0.; background->color.blue = 0.; background->color.green = 0.; background->color.alpha = 1.; background->image = NULL; background->loaded_image = NULL; background->orientation = GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; background->region.x = -1; background->region.y = -1; background->region.width = -1; background->region.height = -1; background->transformed_image = NULL; background->composited_pattern = NULL; background->window = NULL; background->default_pattern = NULL; background->default_color.red = 0.; background->default_color.green = 0.; background->default_color.blue = 0.; background->default_color.alpha = 1.; background->fit_image = FALSE; background->stretch_image = FALSE; background->rotate_image = FALSE; background->has_alpha = FALSE; background->transformed = FALSE; background->composited = FALSE; } void panel_background_free (PanelBackground *background) { free_transformed_resources (background); g_clear_pointer (&background->image, g_free); g_clear_object (&background->loaded_image); g_clear_object (&background->window); if (background->default_pattern) cairo_pattern_destroy (background->default_pattern); background->default_pattern = NULL; } char * panel_background_make_string (PanelBackground *background, int x, int y) { PanelBackgroundType effective_type; char *retval; retval = NULL; effective_type = panel_background_effective_type (background); if (effective_type == PANEL_BACK_IMAGE) { cairo_surface_t *surface; if (!background->composited_pattern) return NULL; if (cairo_pattern_get_surface (background->composited_pattern, &surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) return NULL; if (cairo_surface_get_type (surface) != CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_XLIB) return NULL; retval = g_strdup_printf ("pixmap:%d,%d,%d", (guint32)cairo_xlib_surface_get_drawable (surface), x, y); } else if (effective_type == PANEL_BACK_COLOR) { gchar *rgba = gdk_rgba_to_string (&background->color); retval = g_strdup_printf ( "color:%s", rgba); g_free (rgba); } else retval = g_strdup ("none:"); return retval; } PanelBackgroundType panel_background_get_type (PanelBackground *background) { return background->type; } const GdkRGBA * panel_background_get_color (PanelBackground *background) { return &(background->color); } /* What are we actually rendering - e.g. if we're supposed to * be rendering an image, but haven't got a valid image, then * we're rendering the default gtk background. */ PanelBackgroundType panel_background_effective_type (PanelBackground *background) { PanelBackgroundType retval; retval = background->type; if (background->type == PANEL_BACK_IMAGE && !background->composited_pattern) retval = PANEL_BACK_NONE; return retval; }