MATE Power Manager
			   A Power Manager for MATE

MATE Power Manager is a MATE session daemon that acts as a policy agent on top of
UPower, which requires fairly new versions of the kernel and udev.
MATE Power Manager listens for system events and responds with user-configurable actions.

MATE Power Manager comes in three main parts:

	- mate-power-manager:	   the manager daemon itself
	- mate-power-preferences:  the control panel program, for configuration
	- mate-power-statistics:   the statistics graphing program

To build, MATE Power Manager requires

	- Glib (2.13.0 or later)
	- Gtk2+ (2.11.0 or later)
	- GNOME Keyring (3.0.0 or later)
	- DBus (0.70 or later)
	- libnotify (0.7.0 or later)
	- Cairo (1.0.0 or later)
	- Unique (0.9.4 or later)
	- libpanel (2.0.0 or later)
	- xrandr (1.2.0 or later)
	- Canberra (0.10 or later)
	- UPower (0.9.1 or later)
	- HAL (0.5.8 or later)

To work properly, mate-power-manager requires udevd, upowerd and
udisks-daemon to be running.

MATE Power Manager is a fork of GNOME Power Manager.

For more information, please see