# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: # Dušan Kazik <prescott66@gmail.com>, 2015-2016 # Ján Ďanovský <dagsoftware@yahoo.com>, 2013,2015-2016 # Tibor Kaputa <tibbbi2@gmail.com>, 2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: MATE Desktop Environment\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-08-01 17:44+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-01 14:45+0000\n" "Last-Translator: monsta <monsta@inbox.ru>\n" "Language-Team: Slovak (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/sk/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: sk\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:117 msgid "Power Manager Brightness Applet" msgstr "Aplet jasu Správcu napájania" #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:118 msgid "Adjusts laptop panel brightness." msgstr "Nastaví jas obrazovky na prenosnom počítači." #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:419 #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:376 msgid "Cannot connect to mate-power-manager" msgstr "Nedá sa spojiť so Správcom napájania MATE" #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:421 msgid "Cannot get laptop panel brightness" msgstr "Nedá sa získať jas obrazovky prenosného počítača" #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:423 #, c-format msgid "LCD brightness : %d%%" msgstr "Jas LCD : %d %%" #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:928 #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:450 msgid "Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2" msgstr "Program je chránený licenciou GNU General Public License verzie 2" #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:929 #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:451 msgid "" "Power Manager is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n" "modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n" "as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n" "of the License, or (at your option) any later version." msgstr "Správca napájania je slobodný softvér; môžete ho ďalej šíriť a/alebo\nupravovať podľa ustanovení Všeobecnej verejnej licencie GNU tak, ako\nbola vydaná organizáciou Free Software Foundation, a to buď verzie 2\ntejto licencie, alebo (podľa vášho uváženia) ktorejkoľvek neskoršej verzie." #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:933 #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:455 msgid "" "Power Manager is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n" "GNU General Public License for more details." msgstr "Správca napájania je rozširovaný v nádeji, že bude užitočný,\navšak BEZ AKEJKOĽVEK ZÁRUKY. Neposkytujú sa ani odvodené záruky\nOBCHODOVATEĽNOSTI alebo VHODNOSTI PRE URČITÝ ÚČEL. Ďalšie podrobnosti\nhľadajte vo Všeobecnej verejnej licencii GNU." #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:937 #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:459 msgid "" "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n" "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n" "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n" "02110-1301, USA." msgstr "Kópiu Všeobecnej verejnej licencie GNU ste mali dostať spolu s týmto\nprogramom; ak sa tak nestalo, napíšte na Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA." #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:1197 #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:690 msgid "_About" msgstr "_O programe" #: ../applets/brightness/brightness-applet.c:1200 #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:693 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_Pomocník" #: ../applets/brightness/org.mate.BrightnessApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:1 msgid "Brightness Applet Factory" msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie apletu jasu" #: ../applets/brightness/org.mate.BrightnessApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:2 msgid "Factory for Brightness Applet" msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie pre aplet jasu" #: ../applets/brightness/org.mate.BrightnessApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:3 msgid "Brightness Applet" msgstr "Aplet jasu" #: ../applets/brightness/org.mate.BrightnessApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:4 msgid "Adjusts Laptop panel brightness" msgstr "Nastaví jas obrazovky na prenosnom počítači" #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:95 msgid "Power Manager Inhibit Applet" msgstr "Aplet potlačenia Správcu napájania" #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:96 msgid "Allows user to inhibit automatic power saving." msgstr "Umožňuje používateľovi potlačiť automatickú úsporu energie." #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:379 msgid "Automatic sleep inhibited" msgstr "Automatické uspanie je potlačené" #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:381 msgid "Automatic sleep enabled" msgstr "Automatické uspanie je povolené" #: ../applets/inhibit/inhibit-applet.c:409 msgid "Manual inhibit" msgstr "Ručné potlačenie" #: ../applets/inhibit/org.mate.InhibitApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:1 msgid "Inhibit Applet Factory" msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie pre aplet potlačenia" #: ../applets/inhibit/org.mate.InhibitApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:2 msgid "Factory for Inhibit Applet" msgstr "Vytváracie rozhranie pre Aplet potlačenia" #: ../applets/inhibit/org.mate.InhibitApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:3 msgid "Inhibit Applet" msgstr "Aplet potlačenia" #: ../applets/inhibit/org.mate.InhibitApplet.mate-panel-applet.in.in.h:4 msgid "Allows user to inhibit automatic power saving" msgstr "Umožňuje používateľovi potlačiť automatickú úsporu energie" #: ../data/mate-power-manager.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../src/gpm-tray-icon.c:186 msgid "Power Manager" msgstr "Správca napájania" #: ../data/mate-power-manager.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../src/gpm-tray-icon.c:188 msgid "Power management daemon" msgstr "Démon správy napájania" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:1 msgid "Whether to hibernate, suspend or do nothing when inactive" msgstr "Určuje, čo robiť počas nečinnosti - hibernovať, uspať, alebo nerobiť nič" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:2 msgid "" "The type of sleeping that should be performed when the computer is inactive." msgstr "Typ úsporného režimu, ktorý sa uplatní v prípade, že je počítač nečinný." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:3 msgid "Battery critical low action" msgstr "Akcia pri takmer vybitej batérii" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:4 msgid "The action to take when the battery is critically low." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď je batéria takmer vybitá." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:5 msgid "" "If the battery event should occur when the lid is shut and the power " "disconnected" msgstr "Určuje, či má nastať udalosť batérie vtedy, keď je kryt zavretý a napájanie je odpojené zo siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" "If the battery lid close event should occur (for example 'Suspend when lid " "closed on battery') when the lid is previously shut and the AC power " "disconnected at a later time." msgstr "Určuje, či má nastať udalosť batérie pre zavretie krytu (napríklad „Uspať, ak systém beží z batérie a zavrie sa kryt“), ak bol predtým kryt zatvorený a napájanie zo siete neskôr odpojené." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:7 msgid "UPS critical low action" msgstr "Akcia pri takmer vybitej UPS" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:8 msgid "The action to take when the UPS is critically low." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď je UPS takmer vybitá." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:9 msgid "UPS low power action" msgstr "Akcia pri slabej UPS" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:10 msgid "The action to take when the UPS is low." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď je UPS slaá." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Allow backlight brightness adjustment" msgstr "Povoliť reguláciu intenzity podsvietenia" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "" "If the screen brightness should be changed when switching between AC and " "battery power." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má jas obrazovky meniť pri prechode medzi napájaním zo siete a napájaním z batérie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Reduce the backlight brightness when on battery power" msgstr "Znížiť intenzitu podsvietenia obrazovky počas napájania z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "If the screen should be reduced in brightness when the computer is on " "battery power." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má znižovať jas obrazovky na úsporu energie v čase, keď je počítač napájaný z batérie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Reduce the keyboard backlight when on battery power" msgstr "Znížiť podsvietenie klávesnice pri napájaní z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "" "If the keyboard backlight brightness should be reduced when the computer is " "on battery power" msgstr "Či má byť znížený jas podsvietenia klávesnice, keď je počítač napájaný z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Keyboard backlight brightness when on AC power." msgstr "Jas podsvietenia klávesnice pri napájaní zo siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "" "Percent brightness to set keyboard backlight at when on AC power. Legal " "values are between 0 and 100." msgstr "Percento jasu podsvietenia klávesnice, ktoré sa má nastaviť pri napájaní zo siete. Platné hodnoty sú v rozmedzí 0 a 100." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Percent to reduce keyboard backlight by when on battery power." msgstr "Percento zníženia podsvietenia klávesnice pri napájaní z batérie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:21 #, no-c-format msgid "" "The percentage to reduce the keyboard backlight by when on battery power. " "For example, if set to '60', the backlight will be cut by 40% on battery " "power. Legal values are between 0 and 100." msgstr "Percento zníženia podsvietenia klávesnice pri napájaní z batérie. Napríklad, ak je nastavené na „60“, podsvietenie bude znížené o 40% pri napájaní z batérie. Platné hodnoty sú v rozmedzí 0 a 100." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Percent to reduce keyboard backlight by when idle." msgstr "Percento zníženia podsvietenia klávesnice pri nečinnosti." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:24 #, no-c-format msgid "" "The percentage to reduce the keyboard backlight by when idle. For example, " "if set to '60', the backlight will be cut by 40% when idle. Legal values are" " between 0 and 100." msgstr "Percento zníženia podsvietenia klávesnice pri nečinnosti. Napríklad, ak je nastavené na „60“, podsvietenie bude znížené o 40% pri nečinnosti. Platné hodnoty sú v rozmedzí 0 a 100." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "The brightness of the screen when idle" msgstr "Jas displeja, keď je systém nečinný." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "" "This is the laptop panel screen brightness used when the session is idle. " "Only valid when use-time-for-policy is true." msgstr "Toto je jas panelu obrazovky prenosného počítača, použitý keď je relácia nečinná. Platí iba keď use-time-for-policy je nastavené na true." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Dim the screen after a period of inactivity when on battery power" msgstr "Stlmiť obrazovku po určitom čase nečinnosti, ak je systém napájaný z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "If the screen should be dimmed to save power when the computer is idle when " "on battery power." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má stlmiť obrazovka na úsporu energie v čase, keď počítač nepracuje a je napájaný z batérie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The default amount of time to dim the screen after idle" msgstr "Predvolený čas na stlmenie obrazovky po nečinnosti" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The default amount of time to dim the screen after idle." msgstr "Predvolený čas na stmenie obrazovky po nečinnosti." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "LCD dimming amount when on battery" msgstr "Úroveň stlmenia LCD počas napájania z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "" "The amount to dim the brightness of the display when on battery power. " "Possible values are between 0 and 100." msgstr "Úroveň stlmenia jasu displeja, keď je systém napájaný z batérie. Možné hodnoty sú od 0 do 100." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Dim the screen after a period of inactivity when on AC power" msgstr "Stlmiť obrazovku po určitom čase neaktivity, ak je systém napájaný z elektrickej siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "If the screen should be dimmed to save power when the computer is idle when " "on AC power." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má stlmiť obrazovka na úsporu energie v čase, keď počítač nepracuje a je napájaný zo siete." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Method used to blank screen on AC" msgstr "Spôsob vypnutia obrazovky pri napájaní zo siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "The DPMS method used to blank the screen when on AC power." msgstr "DPMS metóda, ktorá sa použije na vyčistenie obrazovky pri napájaní zo siete." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Method used to blank screen on battery" msgstr "Spôsob vypnutia obrazovky pri napájaní z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "The DPMS method used to blank the screen when on battery power." msgstr "DPMS metóda, ktorá sa použije na vyčistenie obrazovky pri napájaní z batérie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "LCD brightness when on AC" msgstr "Jas LCD počas napájania zo siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "" "The brightness of the display when on AC power. Possible values are between " "0.0 and 100.0." msgstr "Jas displeja, keď je systém napájaný zo siete. Možné hodnoty sú od 0.0 do 100.0." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Suspend button action" msgstr "Akcia pri stlačení tlačidla uspania" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "The action to take when the system suspend button is pressed." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď je stlačené tlačidlo uspania." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Hibernate button action" msgstr "Akcia pri stlačení tlačidla Hibernovať" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "The action to take when the system hibernate button is pressed." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď je stlačené tlačidlo hibernácie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Power button action" msgstr "Akcia pre tlačidlo vypnutia" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "The action to take when the system power button is pressed." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď je stlačené tlačidlo vypnutia." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Laptop lid close action on battery" msgstr "Akcia pri zavretí krytu prenosného počítača počas napájania z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "The action to take when the laptop lid is closed and the laptop is on " "battery power." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď sa zavrie kryt prenosného počítača a napájaný je z batérie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Laptop lid close action when on AC" msgstr "Akcia pri zavretí krytu prenosného počítača počas napájania zo siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "" "The action to take when the laptop lid is closed and the laptop is on AC " "power." msgstr "Akcia, ktorú vykonať, keď sa zavrie kryt prenosného počítača a napájaný je z elektrickej siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Whether to use time-based notifications" msgstr "Určuje, či sa majú používať upozornenia založené na čase" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "" "If time based notifications should be used. If set to false, then the " "percentage change is used instead, which may fix a broken ACPI BIOS." msgstr "Určuje, či sa majú používať upozornenia založené na čase. Ak je nastavené na false, tak sa bude používať percentuálna zmena, čo môže pomôcť pri problémoch s chybným ACPI BIOS-om." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Check CPU load before sleeping" msgstr "Pred uspaním skontrolovať záťaž procesora" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "If the CPU load should be checked before doing the idle action." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má záťaž procesora skontrolovať pred vykonaním akcie pre čas nečinnosti." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Whether NetworkManager should be connected and disconnected on sleep." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má Správca siete pripájať a odpájať počas spánku." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "" "Whether NetworkManager should disconnect before suspending or hibernating " "and connect on resume." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má Správca siete pred uspaním alebo hibernovaním odpájať a pripájať sa po obnovení činnosti." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Use mate-screensaver lock setting" msgstr "Použiť nastavenie uzamykania z mate-screensaver" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to use the screen lock setting of mate-screensaver to decide if the " "screen is locked after a hibernate, suspend or blank screen." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má použiť nastavenie uzamykania obrazovky šetriča obrazovky MATE na rozhodovanie o uzamknutí obrazovky po hibernovaní, uspaní alebo po režime prázdnej obrazovky." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Lock screen when blanked" msgstr "Uzamknúť pri prázdnej obrazovke" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "" "Whether the screen is locked when the screen is turned off. Only used if " "lock-use-screensaver is false." msgstr "Určuje, či má byť obrazovka uzamykaná, keď sa obrazovka vypína. Používa sa len v prípade, že nastavenie lock-use-screensaver je nastavený na false." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Lock screen on suspend" msgstr "Uzamknúť obrazovku pri uspaní" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "" "Whether the screen is locked when the computer wakes up from a suspend. Only" " used if lock-use-screensaver is false." msgstr "Určuje, či má byť obrazovka uzamykaná, keď sa počítač zobúdza zo spánku. Používa sa len v prípade, že nastavenie lock-use-screensaver je nastavený na false." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Lock screen on hibernate" msgstr "Uzamknúť obrazovku pri hibernovaní" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "" "Whether the screen is locked when the computer wakes up from a hibernate. " "Only used if lock-use-screensaver is false." msgstr "Určuje, či má byť obrazovka uzamykaná, keď sa počítač zobúdza z hibernácie. Používa sa len v prípade, že nastavenie lock-use-screensaver je nastavený na false." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Lock GNOME keyring on sleep" msgstr "Uzamknúť zväzok kľúčov GNOME pri uspaní" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "" "Whether the GNOME keyring is locked before the computer enters suspend. This" " means the keyring will have to be unlocked on resume." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má uzamknúť zväzok kľúčov GNOME pred prejdením počítača do režimu spánku. To znamená, že zväzok kľúčov bude treba odomknúť po prebudení z režimu spánku." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "" "Whether the GNOME keyring is locked before the computer enters hibernate. " "This means the keyring will have to be unlocked on resume." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má uzamknúť zväzok kľúčov GNOME pred prejdením počítača do režimu hibernácie. To znamená, že zväzok kľúčov bude treba odomknúť po prebudení z hibernácie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "If we should show the low capacity warning for a broken battery" msgstr "Určuje, či sa má zobrazovať varovanie o vybití pre pokazenú batériu" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "If we should show the low capacity warning for a broken battery." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má zobrazovať varovanie o vybití pre pokazenú batériu." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "Notify when AC adapter is disconnected" msgstr "Upozorniť pri odpojení z elektrickej siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "If the user should be notified when the AC adapter is disconnected." msgstr "Určuje, či má byť používateľ upozornený, keď je napájanie odpojené zo siete." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Notify when fully charged" msgstr "Upozorniť pri plnom dobití" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "" "If a notification message should be displayed when the battery is fully " "charged." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má zobraziť upozornenie po úplnom dobití batérie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "Notify on a sleep failure" msgstr "Upozorniť na zlyhanie uspania" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "" "If a notification message should be displayed after suspend or hibernate " "failed." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má zobraziť upozornenie po zlyhaní uspania alebo hibernácie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "The URI to show to the user on sleep failure" msgstr "URI zobrazené používateľovi pri zlyhaní uspania" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "" "When sleep fails we can show the user a button to help fix the situation. " "Leave this blank if the button should not be shown." msgstr "Ak uspanie zlyhá, môžeme používateľovi zobraziť tlačidlo na nápravu situácie. Ponechajte prázdne, ak sa tlačidlo nemá zobraziť." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Notify on a low power" msgstr "Upozorniť na slabú batériu" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "" "If a notification message should be displayed when the battery is getting " "low." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má zobraziť upozornenie, keď je batéria blízko vybitia." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "Whether we should show the history data points" msgstr "Určuje, či sa má zobrazovať história dátových bodov." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "" "Whether we should show the history data points in the statistics window." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má v štatistickom okne zobrazovať história dátových bodov." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "Whether we should smooth the history data" msgstr "Určuje, či sa majú vyhladzovať dáta histórie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Whether we should smooth the history data in the graph." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má vyhladzovať grafu histórie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "The default graph type to show for history" msgstr "Predvolený typ grafu, ktorý sa zobrazí pre históriu" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "The default graph type to show in the history window." msgstr "Predvolený typ grafu, ktorý sa zobrazí v okne histórie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "The maximum time displayed for history" msgstr "Maximálny čas zobrazený v histórii" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "" "The maximum duration of time displayed on the x-axis of the history graph." msgstr "Maximálny rozsah času zobrazeného na osi x grafu histórie." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "Whether we should show the stats data points" msgstr "Určuje, či sa má zobrazovať štatistika dátových bodov." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Whether we should show the stats data points in the statistics window." msgstr "Určuje, či sa má v štatistickom okne zobrazovať štatistika dátových bodov." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Whether we should smooth the stats data" msgstr "Určuje, či sa majú vyhladzovať štatistické údaje." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Whether we should smooth the stats data in the graph." msgstr "Určuje, či sa majú vyhladzovať štatistické údaje v grafe." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "The default graph type to show for stats" msgstr "Predvolený typ grafu, pre zobrazenie štatistík." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "The default graph type to show in the stats window." msgstr "Predvolený typ grafu, ktorý sa zobrazuje v okne štatistík." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "The index of the page number to show by default" msgstr "Index čísla strany zobraziť v predvolenom stave." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "" "The index of the page number to show by default which is used to return " "focus to the correct page." msgstr "Index čísla strany zobraziť v predvolenom stave, ktorý je použitý na vrátenie zamerania správnej strany." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "The ID of the last device selected" msgstr "ID posledného zariadenia vybraté" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "" "The identifier of the last device which is used to return focus to the " "correct device." msgstr "Identifikátor posledného zariadenia, ktorý je použitý na vrátenie zamerania správneho zariadenia." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Percentage considered low" msgstr "Percento, kedy je považovaná za slabú" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "" "The percentage of the battery when it is considered low. Only valid when " "use-time-for-policy is false." msgstr "Počet percent batérie, kedy sa považuje za slabú. Platné len ak je use-time-for-policy nastavené na false." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Percentage considered critical" msgstr "Percento, kedy je považovaná za takmer vybitú" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "" "The percentage of the battery when it is considered critical. Only valid " "when use-time-for-policy is false." msgstr "Počet percent batérie, kedy sa považuje za takmer vybitú. Platné len ak je use-time-for-policy nastavené na false." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Percentage action is taken" msgstr "Percento, kedy sa vykoná akcia" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "" "The percentage of the battery when the critical action is performed. Only " "valid when use-time-for-policy is false." msgstr "Počet percent batérie, kedy sa vykoná kritická činnosť. Platné len ak je use-time-for-policy nastavené na false." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "The time remaining when low" msgstr "Zostávajúci čas, keď je slabá" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "" "The time remaining in seconds of the battery when it is considered low. Only" " valid when use-time-for-policy is true." msgstr "Zostávajúci čas batérie v sekundách, kedy sa považuje za slabú. Platné len ak use-time-for-policy je nastavené na true." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "The time remaining when critical" msgstr "Zostávajúci čas, keď je takmer vybitá" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:107 msgid "" "The time remaining in seconds of the battery when it is considered critical." " Only valid when use-time-for-policy is true." msgstr "Zostávajúci čas batérie v sekundách, kedy sa považuje za takmer vybitú Platné len ak use-time-for-policy je nastavené na true." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:108 msgid "The time remaining when action is taken" msgstr "Zostávajúci čas, kedy sa vykoná akcia" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:109 msgid "" "The time remaining in seconds of the battery when critical action is taken. " "Only valid when use-time-for-policy is true." msgstr "Zostávajúci čas batérie v sekundách, kedy sa vykoná kritická činnosť Platné len ak use-time-for-policy je nastavené na true." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:110 msgid "Sleep timeout computer when on battery" msgstr "Časový limit uspania počítača pri napájaní z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:111 msgid "" "The amount of time in seconds the computer on battery power needs to be " "inactive before it goes to sleep." msgstr "Časový interval v sekundách, koľko musí byť počítač napájaný z batérie nečinný, kým dôjde k jeho uspaniu." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:112 msgid "Sleep timeout computer when on AC" msgstr "Časový limit uspania počítača pri napájaní zo siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:113 msgid "" "The amount of time in seconds the computer on AC power needs to be inactive " "before it goes to sleep." msgstr "Časový interval v sekundách, koľko musí byť počítač napájaný zo siete nečinný, kým dôjde k jeho uspaniu." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:114 msgid "Sleep timeout computer when on UPS" msgstr "Časový limit uspania počítača pri použití záložného zdroja" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:115 msgid "" "The amount of time in seconds the computer on UPS power needs to be inactive" " before it goes to sleep." msgstr "Časový interval v sekundách, koľko musí byť počítač napájaný z UPS nečinný, kým dôjde k jeho uspaniu." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:116 msgid "Sleep timeout display when on AC" msgstr "Časový limit uspania displeja pri napájaní zo siete" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:117 msgid "" "The amount of time in seconds before the display goes to sleep when the " "computer is on AC power." msgstr "Časový interval v sekundách, než sa uspí displej, keď je systém napájaný zo siete." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:118 msgid "Sleep timeout display when on battery" msgstr "Časový limit uspania displeja pri napájaní z batérie" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:119 msgid "" "The amount of time in seconds the computer on battery power needs to be " "inactive before the display goes to sleep." msgstr "Časový interval v sekundách, koľko musí byť počítač napájaný z batérie nečinný, kým dôjde k uspaniu displeja." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:120 msgid "Sleep timeout display when on UPS" msgstr "Časový limit uspania displeja pri použití záložného zdroja" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:121 msgid "" "The amount of time in seconds the computer on UPS power needs to be inactive" " before the display goes to sleep." msgstr "Časový interval v sekundách, koľko musí byť počítač napájaný z UPS nečinný, kým dôjde k uspaniu displeja." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:122 msgid "If sounds should be used" msgstr "Určuje, či sa majú použiť zvuky" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:123 msgid "" "If sounds should be used when the power is critically low, or inhibit " "requests have stopped the policy action." msgstr "Určuje, či sa majú použiť zvuky, keď je batéria vybitá, alebo keď požiadavky o potlačenie zastavili akciu vyvolanú politikou." #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:124 msgid "" "If preferences and statistics items should be shown in the context menu" msgstr "Určuje, či majú byť v kontextovom menu zobrazené položky nastavenia a štatistiky" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:125 msgid "When to show the notification icon" msgstr "Kedy zobrazovať ikonu upozornenia" #: ../data/org.mate.power-manager.gschema.xml.in.h:126 msgid "Display options for the notification icon." msgstr "Možnosti zobrazenia pre ikonu upozornení." #: ../data/mate-power-preferences.desktop.in.in.h:1 msgid "Power Management" msgstr "Správa napájania" #: ../data/mate-power-preferences.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Configure power management" msgstr "Konfigurovať správu napájania" #. TRANSLATORS: shown on the titlebar #. TRANSLATORS: the program name #: ../data/mate-power-statistics.desktop.in.in.h:1 #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:1 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1093 #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1612 msgid "Power Statistics" msgstr "Štatistika napájania" #: ../data/mate-power-statistics.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Observe power management" msgstr "Pozorovať správu napájania" #: ../data/gpm-feedback-widget.ui.h:1 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Jas" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:2 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:211 msgid "Details" msgstr "Podrobnosti" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:3 msgid "Graph type:" msgstr "Typ grafu:" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:4 msgid "Data length:" msgstr "Dĺžka údajov:" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:5 msgid "There is no data to display." msgstr "Na zobrazenie nie sú žiadne údaje." #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:6 msgid "Use smoothed line" msgstr "Použiť vyhladenú čiaru" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:7 msgid "Show data points" msgstr "Zobraziť dátové body" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:8 msgid "History" msgstr "História" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:9 msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Štatistika" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:10 msgid "Processor wakeups per second:" msgstr "Prebudení procesora za sekundu:" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:11 msgid "0" msgstr "0" #: ../data/gpm-statistics.ui.h:12 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:197 msgid "Wakeups" msgstr "Prebudenia" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:1 msgid "Power Management Preferences" msgstr "Nastavenia Správy napájania" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:2 msgid "<b>Actions</b>" msgstr "<b>Akcie</b>" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:3 msgid "Put computer to _sleep when inactive for:" msgstr "U_spať počítač, ak je nečinný po dobu:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:4 msgid "When laptop lid is cl_osed:" msgstr "Keď sa zavrie k_ryt prenosného počítača: " #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:5 msgid "<b>Display</b>" msgstr "<b>Displej</b>" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:6 msgid "Put _display to sleep when inactive for:" msgstr "Uspať _displej, ak je nečinný po dobu:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:7 msgid "Set display _brightness to:" msgstr "Nastaviť _jas displeja na:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:8 msgid "Di_m display when idle" msgstr "Stl_miť displej pri nečinnosti" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:9 msgid "On AC Power" msgstr "Napájané zo siete" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:10 msgid "When battery po_wer is critically low:" msgstr "Keď je _batéria takmer vybitá:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:11 msgid "_Reduce backlight brightness" msgstr "_Znížiť intenzitu podsvietenia" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:12 msgid "On Battery Power" msgstr "Napájané z batérie" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:13 msgid "When UPS power is l_ow:" msgstr "Keď je UPS s_labá:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:14 msgid "When UPS power is _critically low:" msgstr "Keď je UPS _takmer vybitá:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:15 msgid "On UPS Power" msgstr "Napájané z UPS" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:16 msgid "When the power _button is pressed:" msgstr "Keď je stlačené _tlačidlo vypnutia:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:17 msgid "When the _suspend button is pressed:" msgstr "Keď je stlačené tlačidlo u_spania:" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:18 msgid "<b>Notification Area</b>" msgstr "<b>Oblasť upozornení</b>" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:19 msgid "_Never display an icon" msgstr "_Nikdy nezobraziť ikonu" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:20 msgid "_Only display an icon when battery power is low" msgstr "_Ikonu zobraziť iba keď je batéria slabá" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:21 msgid "Only display an icon when charging or _discharging" msgstr "Ikonu zobrazovať len počas nabíjania alebo vy_bíjania" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:22 msgid "Only display an icon when a battery is p_resent" msgstr "Ikonu zobrazovať len ak je p_rítomná nejaká batéria" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:23 msgid "_Always display an icon" msgstr "Vždy _zobrazovať ikonu" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:24 msgid "General" msgstr "Všeobecné" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:25 msgid "Provides help about this program" msgstr "Poskytuje pomocníka k tomuto programu" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:26 msgid "Make Default" msgstr "Nastaviť ako predvolené" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:27 msgid "Sets this policy to be used by all users" msgstr "Nastaví túto politiku pre všetkých používateľov" #: ../data/gpm-prefs.ui.h:28 msgid "Closes the program" msgstr "Ukončí tento program" #. command line argument #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:166 msgid "Set the current brightness" msgstr "Nastaviť aktuálny jas" #. command line argument #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:169 msgid "Get the current brightness" msgstr "Získať aktuálny jas" #. command line argument #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:172 msgid "Get the number of brightness levels supported" msgstr "Získať počet podporovaných úrovní jasu" #. TRANSLATORS: tool that is used when copying profiles system-wide #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:184 msgid "MATE Power Manager Backlight Helper" msgstr "Pomocník podsvietenia v Správcovi napájania MATE" #. TRANSLATORS: user did not specify valid options #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:192 msgid "No valid option was specified" msgstr "Nebola určená žiadna platná možnosť" #. TRANSLATORS: no backlights found #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:201 msgid "No backlights were found on your system" msgstr "Vo vašom systému nebolo nájdené žiadne podsvieteniw" #. TRANSLATORS: failed to access backlight file #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:212 msgid "Could not get the value of the backlight" msgstr "Nepodarilo sa získať hodnotu úrovne podsvietenia" #. TRANSLATORS: failed to access backlight file #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:230 msgid "Could not get the maximum value of the backlight" msgstr "Nepodarilo sa získať maximálnu hodnotu úroveň podsvietenia" #. TRANSLATORS: only able to install profiles as root #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:247 msgid "This program can only be used by the root user" msgstr "Tento program môže používať iba používateľ root" #. TRANSLATORS: the program must never be directly run #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:256 msgid "This program must only be run through pkexec" msgstr "Tento program môže byť spustený iba cez pkexec" #. TRANSLATORS: failed to access backlight file #: ../src/gpm-backlight-helper.c:267 msgid "Could not set the value of the backlight" msgstr "Nepodarilo sa nastaviť hodnotu úrovne podsvietenia" #: ../src/gpm-common.c:53 msgid "Unknown time" msgstr "Neznámy čas" #: ../src/gpm-common.c:58 #, c-format msgid "%i minute" msgid_plural "%i minutes" msgstr[0] "%i minúta" msgstr[1] "%i minúty" msgstr[2] "%i minút" #: ../src/gpm-common.c:69 #, c-format msgid "%i hour" msgid_plural "%i hours" msgstr[0] "%i hodina" msgstr[1] "%i hodiny" msgstr[2] "%i hodín" #. TRANSLATOR: "%i %s %i %s" are "%i hours %i minutes" #. * Swap order with "%2$s %2$i %1$s %1$i if needed #: ../src/gpm-common.c:75 #, c-format msgid "%i %s %i %s" msgstr "%i %s a %i %s" #: ../src/gpm-common.c:76 msgid "hour" msgid_plural "hours" msgstr[0] "hodina" msgstr[1] "hodiny" msgstr[2] "hodín" #: ../src/gpm-common.c:77 msgid "minute" msgid_plural "minutes" msgstr[0] "minúta" msgstr[1] "minúty" msgstr[2] "minút" #. Translators: This is %i days #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:446 #, c-format msgid "%id" msgstr "%id" #. Translators: This is %i days %02i hours #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:449 #, c-format msgid "%id%02ih" msgstr "%id%02ih" #. Translators: This is %i hours #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:454 #, c-format msgid "%ih" msgstr "%ih" #. Translators: This is %i hours %02i minutes #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:457 #, c-format msgid "%ih%02im" msgstr "%ih%02im" #. Translators: This is %2i minutes #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:462 #, c-format msgid "%2im" msgstr "%2im" #. Translators: This is %2i minutes %02i seconds #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:465 #, c-format msgid "%2im%02i" msgstr "%2im%02i" #. Translators: This is %2i seconds #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:469 #, c-format msgid "%2is" msgstr "%2is" #. Translators: This is %i Percentage #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:473 #, c-format msgid "%i%%" msgstr "%i%%" #. Translators: This is %.1f Watts #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:476 #, c-format msgid "%.1fW" msgstr "%.1fW" #. Translators: This is %.1f Volts #: ../src/gpm-graph-widget.c:481 #, c-format msgid "%.1fV" msgstr "%.1fV" #. TRANSLATORS: show verbose debugging #: ../src/gpm-main.c:172 ../src/gpm-prefs.c:93 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1595 msgid "Show extra debugging information" msgstr "Zobraziť prídavné ladiace informácie" #: ../src/gpm-main.c:174 msgid "Show version of installed program and exit" msgstr "Zobraziť verziu nainštalovaného programu a skončiť" #: ../src/gpm-main.c:176 msgid "Exit after a small delay (for debugging)" msgstr "Skončiť po malom oneskorení (na ladenie)" #: ../src/gpm-main.c:178 msgid "Exit after the manager has loaded (for debugging)" msgstr "Skončiť po načítaní správcu napájania (na ladenie)" #: ../src/gpm-main.c:189 ../src/gpm-main.c:193 msgid "MATE Power Manager" msgstr "Správca napájania MATE" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:223 ../src/gpm-manager.c:295 msgid "Battery is very low" msgstr "Batéria je takmer vybitá" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:275 msgid "Power plugged in" msgstr "Napájanie pripojené" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:279 msgid "Power unplugged" msgstr "Napájanie odpojené" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:283 msgid "Lid has opened" msgstr "Kryt bol otvorený" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:287 msgid "Lid has closed" msgstr "Kryt bol zavretý" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:291 msgid "Battery is low" msgstr "Batéria je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:299 msgid "Battery is full" msgstr "Batéria je nabitá" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:303 msgid "Suspend started" msgstr "Uspanie spustené" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:307 msgid "Resumed" msgstr "Obnovené" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the sound description #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:311 msgid "Suspend failed" msgstr "Uspanie zlyhalo" #. TRANSLATORS: message text #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:581 msgid "Computer failed to suspend." msgstr "Zlyhalo prepnutie počítača do režimu spánku." #. TRANSLATORS: title text #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:583 msgid "Failed to suspend" msgstr "Uspanie zlyhalo" #. TRANSLATORS: message text #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:587 msgid "Computer failed to hibernate." msgstr "Zlyhalo prepnutie počítača do režimu hibernácie." #. TRANSLATORS: title text #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:589 msgid "Failed to hibernate" msgstr "Hibernácia zlyhala" #. TRANSLATORS: message text #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:594 msgid "Failure was reported as:" msgstr "Zlyhanie bolo nahlásené nasledovne:" #. TRANSLATORS: button text, visit the suspend help website #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:607 msgid "Visit help page" msgstr "Navštíviť stránku pomocníka" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the mate-screensaver throttle #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:853 msgid "Display DPMS activated" msgstr "DPMS displeja je zapnuté" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the mate-screensaver throttle #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:872 msgid "On battery power" msgstr "Napájaný z batérie" #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:890 msgid "Laptop lid is closed" msgstr "Kryt prenosného počítača je zavretý" #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:928 msgid "Power Information" msgstr "Informácie o napájaní" #. We should notify the user if the battery has a low capacity, #. * where capacity is the ratio of the last_full capacity with that of #. * the design capacity. (#326740) #. TRANSLATORS: battery is old or broken #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1115 msgid "Battery may be broken" msgstr "Batéria je možno pokazená" #. TRANSLATORS: notify the user that that battery is broken as the capacity is #. very low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1118 #, c-format msgid "" "Battery has a very low capacity (%1.1f%%), which means that it may be old or" " broken." msgstr "Vaša batéria má príliš nízku kapacitu (%1.1f %%), čo znamená, že môže byť stará alebo pokazená." #. TRANSLATORS: show the charged notification #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1167 msgid "Battery Charged" msgid_plural "Batteries Charged" msgstr[0] "Batéria je úplne nabitá" msgstr[1] "Batérie sú úplne nabité" msgstr[2] "Batérií je úplne nabitých" #. TRANSLATORS: laptop battery is now discharging #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1213 msgid "Battery Discharging" msgstr "Batéria sa vybíja" #. TRANSLATORS: tell the user how much time they have got #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1217 #, c-format msgid "%s of battery power remaining (%.0f%%)" msgstr "zostávajúci čas na batériu je %s (%.0f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: the device is discharging, but we only have a percentage #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1220 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1232 #, c-format msgid "%s discharging (%.0f%%)" msgstr "%s vybíjanie (%.0f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: UPS is now discharging #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1225 msgid "UPS Discharging" msgstr "UPS sa vybíja" #. TRANSLATORS: tell the user how much time they have got #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1229 #, c-format msgid "%s of UPS backup power remaining (%.0f%%)" msgstr "%s záložnej energie UPS zostáva (%.0f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: laptop battery low, and we only have one battery #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1313 msgid "Battery low" msgstr "Batéria je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: laptop battery low, and we have more than one kind of battery #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1316 msgid "Laptop battery low" msgstr "Batéria prenosného počítača je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: tell the user how much time they have got #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1322 #, c-format msgid "Approximately <b>%s</b> remaining (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Zostáva ešte približne <b>%s</b> (%.0f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: UPS is starting to get a little low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1326 msgid "UPS low" msgstr "UPS je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: tell the user how much time they have got #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1330 #, c-format msgid "Approximately <b>%s</b> of remaining UPS backup power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Zostáva vám ešte približne <b>%s</b> záložnej kapacity UPS (%.0f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: mouse is getting a little low #. TRANSLATORS: the mouse battery is very low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1334 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1468 msgid "Mouse battery low" msgstr "Batéria myši je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: tell user more details #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1337 #, c-format msgid "Wireless mouse is low in power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Bezdrôtová myš pripojená k tomuto počítaču má málo energie (%.0f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: keyboard is getting a little low #. TRANSLATORS: the keyboard battery is very low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1341 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1476 msgid "Keyboard battery low" msgstr "Batéria klávesnice je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: tell user more details #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1344 #, c-format msgid "Wireless keyboard is low in power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Bezdrôtová klávesnica pripojená k tomuto počítaču má málo energie (%.0f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: PDA is getting a little low #. TRANSLATORS: the PDA battery is very low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1348 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1485 msgid "PDA battery low" msgstr "Batéria PDA je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: tell user more details #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1351 #, c-format msgid "PDA is low in power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "PDA má málo energie (%.0f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: cell phone (mobile) is getting a little low #. TRANSLATORS: the cell battery is very low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1355 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1495 #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1505 msgid "Cell phone battery low" msgstr "Batéria mobilného telefónu je slabá" #. TRANSLATORS: tell user more details #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1358 #, c-format msgid "Cell phone is low in power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Prenosný telefón má málo enrgie (%.0f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: media player, e.g. mp3 is getting a little low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1362 msgid "Media player battery low" msgstr "Multimediálny prehrávač bez energie" #. TRANSLATORS: tell user more details #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1365 #, c-format msgid "Media player is low in power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Multimediálny prehrávač má málo energie (%.0f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: graphics tablet, e.g. wacom is getting a little low #. TRANSLATORS: the cell battery is very low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1369 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1514 msgid "Tablet battery low" msgstr "Tablet bez energie" #. TRANSLATORS: tell user more details #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1372 #, c-format msgid "Tablet is low in power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Tablet má málo energie (%.0f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: computer, e.g. ipad is getting a little low #. TRANSLATORS: the cell battery is very low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1376 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1523 msgid "Attached computer battery low" msgstr "Pripojený počítač bez energie" #. TRANSLATORS: tell user more details #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1379 #, c-format msgid "Attached computer is low in power (%.0f%%)" msgstr "Pripojený počítač má málo energie (%.0f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: laptop battery critically low, and only have one kind of #. battery #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1427 msgid "Battery critically low" msgstr "Batéria je takmer vybitá" #. TRANSLATORS: laptop battery critically low, and we have more than one type #. of battery #. TRANSLATORS: laptop battery is really, really, low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1430 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1583 msgid "Laptop battery critically low" msgstr "Batéria prenosného počítača je takmer vybitá" #. TRANSLATORS: tell the use to insert the plug, as we're not going to do #. anything #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1439 msgid "Plug in your AC adapter to avoid losing data." msgstr "Ak nechcete prísť o údaje, pripojte napájaciu šnúru do elektrickej siete." #. TRANSLATORS: give the user a ultimatum #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1443 #, c-format msgid "Computer will suspend very soon unless it is plugged in." msgstr "Počítač sa o malú chvíľu uspí, pokiaľ ho nepripojíte k sieti." #. TRANSLATORS: give the user a ultimatum #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1447 #, c-format msgid "Computer will hibernate very soon unless it is plugged in." msgstr "Počítač sa o malú chvíľu hibernuje, pokiaľ ho nepripojíte k sieti." #. TRANSLATORS: give the user a ultimatum #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1451 #, c-format msgid "Computer will shutdown very soon unless it is plugged in." msgstr "Počítač sa o malú chvíľu vypne, pokiaľ ho nepripojíte k sieti." #. TRANSLATORS: the UPS is very low #. TRANSLATORS: UPS is really, really, low #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1458 ../src/gpm-manager.c:1619 msgid "UPS critically low" msgstr "UPS je takmer vybitá" #. TRANSLATORS: give the user a ultimatum #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1462 #, c-format msgid "" "Approximately <b>%s</b> of remaining UPS power (%.0f%%). Restore AC power to" " your computer to avoid losing data." msgstr "Približne <b>%s</b> kapacity UPS (%.0f%%). Obnovte dodávku elektrickej energie, aby ste sa vyhli prípadnej strate údajov." #. TRANSLATORS: the device is just going to stop working #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1471 #, c-format msgid "" "Wireless mouse is very low in power (%.0f%%). This device will soon stop " "functioning if not charged." msgstr "Bezdrôtová myš má veľmi málo energie (%.0f%%). Ak sa nenabije, čoskoro prestane fungovať." #. TRANSLATORS: the device is just going to stop working #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1479 #, c-format msgid "" "Wireless keyboard is very low in power (%.0f%%). This device will soon stop " "functioning if not charged." msgstr "Bezdrôtová klávesnica má veľmi málo energie (%.0f%%). Ak sa nenabije, čoskoro prestane fungovať." #. TRANSLATORS: the device is just going to stop working #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1488 #, c-format msgid "" "PDA is very low in power (%.0f%%). This device will soon stop functioning if" " not charged." msgstr "PDA má veľmi málo energie (%.0f%%). Ak sa nenabije, čoskoro prestane fungovať." #. TRANSLATORS: the device is just going to stop working #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1498 #, c-format msgid "" "Cell phone is very low in power (%.0f%%). This device will soon stop " "functioning if not charged." msgstr "Prenosný telefón má veľmi málo energie (%.0f%%). Ak sa nenabije, čoskoro prestane fungovať." #. TRANSLATORS: the device is just going to stop working #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1508 #, c-format msgid "" "Media player is very low in power (%.0f%%). This device will soon stop " "functioning if not charged." msgstr "Multimediálny prehrávač má veľmi málo energie (%.0f%%). Ak sa nenabije, čoskoro prestane fungovať." #. TRANSLATORS: the device is just going to stop working #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1517 #, c-format msgid "" "Tablet is very low in power (%.0f%%). This device will soon stop functioning" " if not charged." msgstr "Tablet má veľmi málo energie (%.0f%%). Ak sa nenabije, čoskoro prestane fungovať." #. TRANSLATORS: the device is just going to stop working #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1526 #, c-format msgid "" "Attached computer is very low in power (%.0f%%). The device will soon " "shutdown if not charged." msgstr "Pripojený počítač má veľmi málo energie (%.0f%%). Ak sa nenabije, čoskoro prestane fungovať." #. TRANSLATORS: computer will shutdown without saving data #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1591 msgid "" "The battery is below the critical level and this computer will <b>power-" "off</b> when the battery becomes completely empty." msgstr "Batéria dosiahla úroveň, keď je už takmer vybitá. Keď sa celkom vybije, tento počítač sa <b>vypne</b>." #. TRANSLATORS: computer will suspend #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1597 msgid "" "The battery is below the critical level and this computer is about to " "suspend.<br><b>NOTE:</b> A small amount of power is required to keep your " "computer in a suspended state." msgstr "Batéria dosiahla úroveň, keď je už takmer vybitá. Tento počítač sa chystá prepnúť do režimu spánku. <br><b>Upozornenie:</b> Aj v režime spánku je potrebné malé množstvo energie." #. TRANSLATORS: computer will hibernate #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1604 msgid "" "The battery is below the critical level and this computer is about to " "hibernate." msgstr "Batéria dosiahla úroveň, keď je už takmer vybitá. Tento počítač sa chystá hibernovať." #. TRANSLATORS: computer will just shutdown #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1609 msgid "" "The battery is below the critical level and this computer is about to " "shutdown." msgstr "Batéria dosiahla úroveň, keď je už takmer vybitá. Tento počítač sa chystá vypnúť." #. TRANSLATORS: computer will shutdown without saving data #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1627 msgid "" "The UPS is below the critical level and this computer will <b>power-off</b> " "when the UPS becomes completely empty." msgstr "UPS dosiahla úroveň, keď je už takmer vybitá. Keď sa celkom vybije, počítač sa <b>vypne</b>." #. TRANSLATORS: computer will hibernate #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1633 msgid "" "The UPS is below the critical level and this computer is about to hibernate." msgstr "UPS dosiahla úroveň, keď je už takmer vybitá. Tento počítač sa chystá hibernovať." #. TRANSLATORS: computer will just shutdown #: ../src/gpm-manager.c:1638 msgid "" "The UPS is below the critical level and this computer is about to shutdown." msgstr "UPS dosiahla úroveň, keď je už takmer vybitá. Tento počítač sa chystá vypnúť." #: ../src/gpm-prefs.c:97 msgid "MATE Power Preferences" msgstr "Nastavenia napájania MATE" #: ../src/gpm-prefs-core.c:248 msgid "Shutdown" msgstr "Vypnúť" #: ../src/gpm-prefs-core.c:255 msgid "Suspend" msgstr "Uspať" #: ../src/gpm-prefs-core.c:258 msgid "Hibernate" msgstr "Hibernovať" #: ../src/gpm-prefs-core.c:261 msgid "Blank screen" msgstr "Prázdna obrazovka" #: ../src/gpm-prefs-core.c:264 msgid "Ask me" msgstr "Spýtať sa" #: ../src/gpm-prefs-core.c:267 msgid "Do nothing" msgstr "Nerobiť nič" #: ../src/gpm-prefs-core.c:327 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nikdy" #. TRANSLATORS: the rate of discharge for the device #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:81 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:469 msgid "Rate" msgstr "Tempo" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:82 msgid "Charge" msgstr "Nabitie" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:83 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:483 msgid "Time to full" msgstr "Čas do nabitia" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:84 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:488 msgid "Time to empty" msgstr "Čas do vybitia" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:91 msgid "10 minutes" msgstr "10 minút" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:92 msgid "2 hours" msgstr "2 hodiny" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:93 msgid "6 hours" msgstr "6 hodín" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:94 msgid "1 day" msgstr "1 deň" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:95 msgid "1 week" msgstr "1 týždeň" #. TRANSLATORS: what we've observed about the device #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:104 msgid "Charge profile" msgstr "Profil nabíjania" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:105 msgid "Discharge profile" msgstr "Profil vybíjania" #. TRANSLATORS: how accurately we can predict the time remaining of the #. battery #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:107 msgid "Charge accuracy" msgstr "Presnosť nabíjania" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:108 msgid "Discharge accuracy" msgstr "Presnosť vybíjania" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:135 msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Atribút" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:142 msgid "Value" msgstr "Hodnota" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:159 msgid "Image" msgstr "Obrázok" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:165 msgid "Description" msgstr "Popis" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:184 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:408 msgid "Type" msgstr "Typ" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:190 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:204 msgid "Command" msgstr "Príkaz" #. TRANSLATORS: this is when the stats time is not known #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:289 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznáme" #. TRANSLATORS: this is a time value, usually to show on a graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:293 #, c-format msgid "%.0f second" msgid_plural "%.0f seconds" msgstr[0] "%.0f sekúnd" msgstr[1] "%.0f sekunda" msgstr[2] "%.0f sekundy" #. TRANSLATORS: this is a time value, usually to show on a graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:298 #, c-format msgid "%.1f minute" msgid_plural "%.1f minutes" msgstr[0] "%.1f minút" msgstr[1] "%.1f minúta" msgstr[2] "%.1f minúty" #. TRANSLATORS: this is a time value, usually to show on a graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:303 #, c-format msgid "%.1f hour" msgid_plural "%.1f hours" msgstr[0] "%.1f hodín" msgstr[1] "%.1f hodina" msgstr[2] "%.1f hodiny" #. TRANSLATORS: this is a time value, usually to show on a graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:307 #, c-format msgid "%.1f day" msgid_plural "%.1f days" msgstr[0] "%.1f dní" msgstr[1] "%.1f deň" msgstr[2] "%.1f dni" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:316 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Áno" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:316 msgid "No" msgstr "Nie" #. TRANSLATORS: the device ID of the current device, e.g. "battery0" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:405 msgid "Device" msgstr "Zariadenie" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:410 msgid "Vendor" msgstr "Dodávateľ" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:412 msgid "Model" msgstr "Model" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:414 msgid "Serial number" msgstr "Sériové číslo" #. TRANSLATORS: a boolean attribute that means if the device is supplying the #. * main power for the computer. For instance, an AC adapter or laptop #. battery #. * would be TRUE, but a mobile phone or mouse taking power is FALSE #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:419 msgid "Supply" msgstr "Dodávka" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:422 #, c-format msgid "%d second" msgid_plural "%d seconds" msgstr[0] "%d sekúnd" msgstr[1] "%d sekunda" msgstr[2] "%d sekundy" #. TRANSLATORS: when the device was last updated with new data. It's #. * usually a few seconds when a device is discharging or charging. #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:426 msgid "Refreshed" msgstr "Obnovené" #. TRANSLATORS: Present is whether the device is currently attached #. * to the computer, as some devices (e.g. laptop batteries) can #. * be removed, but still observed as devices on the system #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:436 msgid "Present" msgstr "Prítomné" #. TRANSLATORS: If the device can be recharged, e.g. lithium #. * batteries rather than alkaline ones #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:443 msgid "Rechargeable" msgstr "Nabíjacie" #. TRANSLATORS: The state of the device, e.g. "Changing" or "Fully charged" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:449 msgid "State" msgstr "Stav" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:453 msgid "Energy" msgstr "Energia" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:456 msgid "Energy when empty" msgstr "Energia vo vybitom stave" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:459 msgid "Energy when full" msgstr "Energia v nabitom stave" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:462 msgid "Energy (design)" msgstr "Energia (konštrukčná)" #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:476 msgid "Voltage" msgstr "Napätie" #. TRANSLATORS: the amount of charge the cell contains #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:498 msgid "Percentage" msgstr "Percento" #. TRANSLATORS: the capacity of the device, which is basically a measure #. * of how full it can get, relative to the design capacity #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:505 msgid "Capacity" msgstr "Kapacita" #. TRANSLATORS: the type of battery, e.g. lithium or nikel metal hydroxide #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:510 msgid "Technology" msgstr "Technológia" #. TRANSLATORS: this is when the device is plugged in, typically #. * only shown for the ac adaptor device #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:515 msgid "Online" msgstr "Zapojené" #. TRANSLATORS: the command line was not provided #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:827 msgid "No data" msgstr "Žiadne údaje" #. TRANSLATORS: kernel module, usually a device driver #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:834 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:839 msgid "Kernel module" msgstr "Modul jadra" #. TRANSLATORS: kernel housekeeping #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:844 msgid "Kernel core" msgstr "Vlastné jadro" #. TRANSLATORS: interrupt between processors #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:849 msgid "Interprocessor interrupt" msgstr "Medziprocesorové prerušenie" #. TRANSLATORS: unknown interrupt #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:854 msgid "Interrupt" msgstr "Prerušenie" #. TRANSLATORS: the keyboard and mouse device event #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:901 msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad" msgstr "PS/2 klávesnica/myš/touchpad" #. TRANSLATORS: ACPI, the Intel power standard on laptops and desktops #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:904 msgid "ACPI" msgstr "ACPI" #. TRANSLATORS: serial ATA is a new style of hard disk interface #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:907 msgid "Serial ATA" msgstr "Serial ATA" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the old-style ATA interface #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:910 msgid "ATA host controller" msgstr "Radič diskov ATA" #. TRANSLATORS: 802.11 wireless adaptor #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:913 msgid "Intel wireless adaptor" msgstr "Bezdrôtový adaptér Intel" #. TRANSLATORS: a timer is something that fires periodically. #. * The parameter is a process name, e.g. "firefox-bin". #. * This is shown when the timer wakes up. #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:920 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:925 #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:930 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:935 #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:940 #, c-format msgid "Timer %s" msgstr "Časovač %s" #. TRANSLATORS: the parameter is the name of task that's woken up from #. sleeping. #. * This is shown when the task wakes up. #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:944 #, c-format msgid "Sleep %s" msgstr "Spí %s" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the name of a new realtime task. #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:947 #, c-format msgid "New task %s" msgstr "Nová úloha %s" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the name of a task that's woken to check state. #. * This is shown when the task wakes up. #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:951 #, c-format msgid "Wait %s" msgstr "Čaká %s" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the name of a work queue. #. * A work queue is a list of work that has to be done. #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:955 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:959 #, c-format msgid "Work queue %s" msgstr "Zoznam úloh %s" #. TRANSLATORS: this is when the networking subsystem clears out old entries #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:962 #, c-format msgid "Network route flush %s" msgstr "Vyčistenie smerovaní siete %s" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the name of an activity on the USB bus #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:965 #, c-format msgid "USB activity %s" msgstr "USB aktivita %s" #. TRANSLATORS: we've timed out of an aligned timer, with the name #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:968 #, c-format msgid "Wakeup %s" msgstr "Zobudené %s" #. TRANSLATORS: interupts on the system required for basic operation #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:971 msgid "Local interrupts" msgstr "Lokálne prerušenia" #. TRANSLATORS: interrupts when a task gets moved from one core to another #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:974 msgid "Rescheduling interrupts" msgstr "Prerušenia preplánovania" #. TRANSLATORS: shown on the titlebar #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1083 msgid "Device Information" msgstr "Informácie o zariadení" #. TRANSLATORS: shown on the titlebar #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1085 msgid "Device History" msgstr "História zariadenia" #. TRANSLATORS: shown on the titlebar #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1087 msgid "Device Profile" msgstr "Profil zariadenia" #. TRANSLATORS: shown on the titlebar #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1089 msgid "Processor Wakeups" msgstr "Prebudenia procesora" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the X axis on the graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1356 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1362 #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1368 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1374 msgid "Time elapsed" msgstr "Uplynulý čas" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the Y axis on the graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1358 msgid "Power" msgstr "Energia" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the Y axis on the graph for the whole battery device #. TRANSLATORS: this is the X axis on the graph for the whole battery device #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1364 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1408 #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1414 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1420 #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1426 msgid "Cell charge" msgstr "Nabitie článku" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the Y axis on the graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1370 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1376 msgid "Predicted time" msgstr "Odhadovaný čas" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the Y axis on the graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1410 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1422 msgid "Correction factor" msgstr "Opravný faktor" #. TRANSLATORS: this is the Y axis on the graph #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1416 ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1428 msgid "Prediction accuracy" msgstr "Presnosť odhadu" #. TRANSLATORS: show a device by default #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1598 msgid "Select this device at startup" msgstr "Zvoliť toto zariadenie pri štarte" #. TRANSLATORS: the icon for the CPU #: ../src/gpm-statistics.c:1864 msgid "Processor" msgstr "Procesor" #: ../src/gpm-tray-icon.c:189 msgid "Copyright © 2011-2016 MATE developers" msgstr "Autorské práva © 2011-2016 Vývojári prostredia MATE" #. Translators should localize the following string #. * which will be displayed at the bottom of the about #. * box to give credit to the translator(s). #: ../src/gpm-tray-icon.c:195 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "Ján Ďanovský <dagsoftware@yahoo.com>\nTibor Kaputa <tibbbi2@gmail.com>\nDušan Kazik <prescott66@gmail.com>" #. TRANSLATORS: % is a timestring, e.g. "6 hours 10 minutes" #: ../src/gpm-tray-icon.c:297 #, c-format msgid "%s remaining" msgstr "Zostáva %s" #. preferences #: ../src/gpm-tray-icon.c:351 msgid "_Preferences" msgstr "Nas_tavenia" #. TRANSLATORS: device not present #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:211 #, c-format msgid "%s not present" msgstr "%s: nie je prítomné" #. TRANSLATORS: a phone is charging #. TRANSLATORS: device is charging, but we only have a percentage #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:224 ../src/gpm-upower.c:288 #, c-format msgid "%s charging (%.1f%%)" msgstr "%s: nabíjanie (%.1f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: The laptop battery is fully charged, and we know a time #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:239 #, c-format msgid "" "Battery is fully charged.\n" "Provides %s laptop runtime" msgstr "Batéria je plne nabitá.\nPoskytuje %s behu počítača" #. TRANSLATORS: the device is fully charged #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:244 #, c-format msgid "%s is fully charged" msgstr "%s je plne nabitá" #. TRANSLATORS: the device is discharging, and we have a time remaining #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:252 #, c-format msgid "%s %s remaining (%.1f%%)" msgstr "%s: zostáva %s (%.1f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: the device is discharging, but we only have a percentage #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:257 #, c-format msgid "%s discharging (%.1f%%)" msgstr "%s: vybíjanie (%.1f %%)" #. TRANSLATORS: the device is charging, and we have a time to full and empty #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:271 #, c-format msgid "" "%s %s until charged (%.1f%%)\n" "Provides %s battery runtime" msgstr "%s: %s do nabitia (%.1f%%)\nPostačuje na %s behu z batérie" #. TRANSLATORS: device is charging, and we have a time to full and a #. percentage #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:282 #, c-format msgid "%s %s until charged (%.1f%%)" msgstr "%s: %s do nabitia (%.1f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: this is only shown for laptops with multiple batteries #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:295 #, c-format msgid "%s waiting to discharge (%.1f%%)" msgstr "%s: čaká na vybíjanie (%.1f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: this is only shown for laptops with multiple batteries #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:301 #, c-format msgid "%s waiting to charge (%.1f%%)" msgstr "%s: čaká na nabíjanie (%.1f%%)" #. TRANSLATORS: when the device has no charge left #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:306 #, c-format msgid "%s empty" msgstr "%s: prázdne" #. TRANSLATORS: the type of data, e.g. Laptop battery #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:366 msgid "Product:" msgstr "Produkt:" #. TRANSLATORS: device is missing #. TRANSLATORS: device is charged #. TRANSLATORS: device is charging #. TRANSLATORS: device is discharging #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:370 ../src/gpm-upower.c:373 ../src/gpm-upower.c:376 #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:379 msgid "Status:" msgstr "Stav:" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:370 msgid "Missing" msgstr "Chýba" #. TRANSLATORS: battery state #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:373 ../src/gpm-upower.c:650 msgid "Charged" msgstr "Nabité" #. TRANSLATORS: battery state #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:376 ../src/gpm-upower.c:638 msgid "Charging" msgstr "Nabíja sa" #. TRANSLATORS: battery state #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:379 ../src/gpm-upower.c:642 msgid "Discharging" msgstr "Vybíja sa" #. TRANSLATORS: percentage #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:384 msgid "Percentage charge:" msgstr "Percento nabitia:" #. TRANSLATORS: manufacturer #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:388 msgid "Vendor:" msgstr "Dodávateľ:" #. TRANSLATORS: how the battery is made, e.g. Lithium Ion #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:393 msgid "Technology:" msgstr "Technológia:" #. TRANSLATORS: serial number of the battery #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:397 msgid "Serial number:" msgstr "Sériové číslo:" #. TRANSLATORS: model number of the battery #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:401 msgid "Model:" msgstr "Model:" #. TRANSLATORS: time to fully charged #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:406 msgid "Charge time:" msgstr "Čas nabitia:" #. TRANSLATORS: time to empty #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:412 msgid "Discharge time:" msgstr "Čas vybitia:" #. TRANSLATORS: Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor are all related to battery #. Capacity #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:419 msgid "Excellent" msgstr "Vynikajúca" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:421 msgid "Good" msgstr "Dobrá" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:423 msgid "Fair" msgstr "Uspokojivá" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:425 msgid "Poor" msgstr "Chabá" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:429 msgid "Capacity:" msgstr "Kapacita:" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:435 ../src/gpm-upower.c:460 msgid "Current charge:" msgstr "Úroveň nabitia:" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:441 msgid "Last full charge:" msgstr "Posledné plné nabitie:" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:447 ../src/gpm-upower.c:465 msgid "Design charge:" msgstr "Nabitie od výrobcu:" #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:452 msgid "Charge rate:" msgstr "Tempo nabíjania:" #. TRANSLATORS: system power cord #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:487 msgid "AC adapter" msgid_plural "AC adapters" msgstr[0] "Elektrické zásuvky" msgstr[1] "Elektrická zásuvka" msgstr[2] "Elektrické zásuvky" #. TRANSLATORS: laptop primary battery #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:491 msgid "Laptop battery" msgid_plural "Laptop batteries" msgstr[0] "Batérie prenosného počítača" msgstr[1] "Batéria prenosného počítača" msgstr[2] "Batérie prenosného počítača" #. TRANSLATORS: battery-backed AC power source #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:495 msgid "UPS" msgid_plural "UPSs" msgstr[0] "UPS" msgstr[1] "UPS" msgstr[2] "UPS" #. TRANSLATORS: a monitor is a device to measure voltage and current #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:499 msgid "Monitor" msgid_plural "Monitors" msgstr[0] "Merače" msgstr[1] "Merač" msgstr[2] "Merače" #. TRANSLATORS: wireless mice with internal batteries #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:503 msgid "Mouse" msgid_plural "Mice" msgstr[0] "Myš" msgstr[1] "Myši" msgstr[2] "Myší" #. TRANSLATORS: wireless keyboard with internal battery #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:507 msgid "Keyboard" msgid_plural "Keyboards" msgstr[0] "Klávesnice" msgstr[1] "Klávesnica" msgstr[2] "Klávesnice" #. TRANSLATORS: portable device #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:511 msgid "PDA" msgid_plural "PDAs" msgstr[0] "PDA" msgstr[1] "PDA" msgstr[2] "PDA" #. TRANSLATORS: cell phone (mobile...) #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:515 msgid "Cell phone" msgid_plural "Cell phones" msgstr[0] "Mobilné telefóny" msgstr[1] "Mobilný telefón" msgstr[2] "Mobilné telefóny" #. TRANSLATORS: media player, mp3 etc #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:519 msgid "Media player" msgid_plural "Media players" msgstr[0] "Multimediálny prehrávač" msgstr[1] "Multimediálne prehrávače" msgstr[2] "Multimediálnych prehrávačov" #. TRANSLATORS: tablet device #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:523 msgid "Tablet" msgid_plural "Tablets" msgstr[0] "Tablet" msgstr[1] "Tablety" msgstr[2] "Tabletov" #. TRANSLATORS: tablet device #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:527 msgid "Computer" msgid_plural "Computers" msgstr[0] "Počítač" msgstr[1] "Počítače" msgstr[2] "Počítačov" #. TRANSLATORS: battery technology #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:594 msgid "Lithium Ion" msgstr "Lítium-ión" #. TRANSLATORS: battery technology #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:598 msgid "Lithium Polymer" msgstr "Lítium-polymér" #. TRANSLATORS: battery technology #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:602 msgid "Lithium Iron Phosphate" msgstr "Lítium-fosforečnan železitý" #. TRANSLATORS: battery technology #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:606 msgid "Lead acid" msgstr "Olovený článok" #. TRANSLATORS: battery technology #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:610 msgid "Nickel Cadmium" msgstr "Nikel-kadmium" #. TRANSLATORS: battery technology #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:614 msgid "Nickel metal hydride" msgstr "Nikel-metal hydrid" #. TRANSLATORS: battery technology #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:618 msgid "Unknown technology" msgstr "Neznáma technológia" #. TRANSLATORS: battery state #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:646 msgid "Empty" msgstr "Prázdna" #. TRANSLATORS: battery state #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:654 msgid "Waiting to charge" msgstr "Čaká na nabíjanie" #. TRANSLATORS: battery state #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:658 msgid "Waiting to discharge" msgstr "Čaká na vybíjanie" #. TRANSLATORS: battery state #: ../src/gpm-upower.c:662 msgid "Unknown state" msgstr "Neznámy stav"