/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Richard Hughes <richard@hughsie.com> * * Taken in part from: * - lshal (C) 2003 David Zeuthen, <david@fubar.dk> * - notibat (C) 2004 Benjamin Kahn, <xkahn@zoned.net> * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <locale.h> #include <glib.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <dbus/dbus-glib.h> #include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h> #include "gpm-stock-icons.h" #include "gpm-common.h" #include "gpm-manager.h" #include "gpm-session.h" #include "org.mate.PowerManager.h" #include "egg-debug.h" /** * gpm_object_register: * @connection: What we want to register to * @object: The GObject we want to register * * Register org.mate.PowerManager on the session bus. * This function MUST be called before DBUS service will work. * * Return value: success **/ static gboolean gpm_object_register (DBusGConnection *connection, GObject *object) { DBusGProxy *bus_proxy = NULL; GError *error = NULL; guint request_name_result; gboolean ret; bus_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection, DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS, DBUS_PATH_DBUS, DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS); ret = dbus_g_proxy_call (bus_proxy, "RequestName", &error, G_TYPE_STRING, GPM_DBUS_SERVICE, G_TYPE_UINT, 0, G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_UINT, &request_name_result, G_TYPE_INVALID); if (error) { egg_debug ("ERROR: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } if (!ret) { /* abort as the DBUS method failed */ egg_warning ("RequestName failed!"); return FALSE; } /* free the bus_proxy */ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (bus_proxy)); /* already running */ if (request_name_result != DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER) { return FALSE; } dbus_g_object_type_install_info (GPM_TYPE_MANAGER, &dbus_glib_gpm_manager_object_info); dbus_g_error_domain_register (GPM_MANAGER_ERROR, NULL, GPM_MANAGER_TYPE_ERROR); dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (connection, GPM_DBUS_PATH, object); return TRUE; } /** * timed_exit_cb: * @loop: The main loop * * Exits the main loop, which is helpful for valgrinding g-p-m. * * Return value: FALSE, as we don't want to repeat this action. **/ static gboolean timed_exit_cb (GMainLoop *loop) { g_main_loop_quit (loop); return FALSE; } /** * gpm_main_stop_cb: **/ static void gpm_main_stop_cb (GpmSession *session, GMainLoop *loop) { g_main_loop_quit (loop); } /** * gpm_main_query_end_session_cb: **/ static void gpm_main_query_end_session_cb (GpmSession *session, guint flags, GMainLoop *loop) { /* just send response */ gpm_session_end_session_response (session, TRUE, NULL); } /** * gpm_main_end_session_cb: **/ static void gpm_main_end_session_cb (GpmSession *session, guint flags, GMainLoop *loop) { /* send response */ gpm_session_end_session_response (session, TRUE, NULL); /* exit loop, will unref manager */ g_main_loop_quit (loop); } /** * main: **/ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { GMainLoop *loop; DBusGConnection *system_connection; DBusGConnection *session_connection; gboolean verbose = FALSE; gboolean version = FALSE; gboolean timed_exit = FALSE; gboolean immediate_exit = FALSE; GpmSession *session = NULL; GpmManager *manager = NULL; GError *error = NULL; GOptionContext *context; gint ret; const GOptionEntry options[] = { { "verbose", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose, N_("Show extra debugging information"), NULL }, { "version", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &version, N_("Show version of installed program and exit"), NULL }, { "timed-exit", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &timed_exit, N_("Exit after a small delay (for debugging)"), NULL }, { "immediate-exit", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &immediate_exit, N_("Exit after the manager has loaded (for debugging)"), NULL }, { NULL} }; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, MATELOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,32,0) #else if (! g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL); #endif dbus_g_thread_init (); g_type_init (); context = g_option_context_new (N_("MATE Power Manager")); /* TRANSLATORS: program name, a simple app to view pending updates */ g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_set_translation_domain(context, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_set_summary (context, _("MATE Power Manager")); g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, NULL); if (version) { g_print ("Version %s\n", VERSION); goto unref_program; } #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,32,0) #else if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL); #endif dbus_g_thread_init (); gtk_init (&argc, &argv); egg_debug_init (verbose); egg_debug ("MATE %s %s", GPM_NAME, VERSION); /* check dbus connections, exit if not valid */ system_connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (error) { egg_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); egg_error ("This program cannot start until you start " "the dbus system service.\n" "It is <b>strongly recommended</b> you reboot " "your computer after starting this service."); } session_connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error); if (error) { egg_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); egg_error ("This program cannot start until you start the " "dbus session service.\n\n" "This is usually started automatically in X " "or mate startup when you start a new session."); } /* add application specific icons to search path */ gtk_icon_theme_append_search_path (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (), GPM_DATA G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "icons"); loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); /* optionally register with the session */ session = gpm_session_new (); g_signal_connect (session, "stop", G_CALLBACK (gpm_main_stop_cb), loop); g_signal_connect (session, "query-end-session", G_CALLBACK (gpm_main_query_end_session_cb), loop); g_signal_connect (session, "end-session", G_CALLBACK (gpm_main_end_session_cb), loop); gpm_session_register_client (session, "mate-power-manager", getenv ("DESKTOP_AUTOSTART_ID")); /* create a new gui object */ manager = gpm_manager_new (); if (!gpm_object_register (session_connection, G_OBJECT (manager))) { egg_error ("%s is already running in this session.", GPM_NAME); return 0; } /* register to be a policy agent, just like kpackagekit does */ ret = dbus_bus_request_name(dbus_g_connection_get_connection(system_connection), "org.freedesktop.Policy.Power", DBUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING, NULL); switch (ret) { case DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER: egg_debug ("Successfully acquired interface org.freedesktop.Policy.Power."); break; case DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE: egg_debug ("Queued for interface org.freedesktop.Policy.Power."); break; default: break; }; /* Only timeout and close the mainloop if we have specified it * on the command line */ if (timed_exit) { g_timeout_add_seconds (20, (GSourceFunc) timed_exit_cb, loop); } if (immediate_exit == FALSE) { g_main_loop_run (loop); } g_main_loop_unref (loop); g_object_unref (session); g_object_unref (manager); unref_program: g_option_context_free (context); return 0; }