/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2006 William Jon McCann <mccann@jhu.edu> * Copyright (C) 2006 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> * Copyright (C) 2003 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> * Copyright (c) 1993-2003 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include <unistd.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <grp.h> #include <security/pam_appl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <glib.h> #include <glib/gstdio.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include "gs-auth.h" #include "subprocs.h" /* Some time between Red Hat 4.2 and 7.0, the words were transposed in the various PAM_x_CRED macro names. Yay! */ #ifndef PAM_REFRESH_CRED # define PAM_REFRESH_CRED PAM_CRED_REFRESH #endif #ifdef HAVE_PAM_FAIL_DELAY /* We handle delays ourself.*/ /* Don't set this to 0 (Linux bug workaround.) */ # define PAM_NO_DELAY(pamh) pam_fail_delay ((pamh), 1) #else /* !HAVE_PAM_FAIL_DELAY */ # define PAM_NO_DELAY(pamh) /* */ #endif /* !HAVE_PAM_FAIL_DELAY */ /* On SunOS 5.6, and on Linux with PAM 0.64, pam_strerror() takes two args. On some other Linux systems with some other version of PAM (e.g., whichever Debian release comes with a 2.2.5 kernel) it takes one arg. I can't tell which is more "recent" or "correct" behavior, so configure figures out which is in use for us. Shoot me! */ #ifdef PAM_STRERROR_TWO_ARGS # define PAM_STRERROR(pamh, status) pam_strerror((pamh), (status)) #else /* !PAM_STRERROR_TWO_ARGS */ # define PAM_STRERROR(pamh, status) pam_strerror((status)) #endif /* !PAM_STRERROR_TWO_ARGS */ static gboolean verbose_enabled = FALSE; static pam_handle_t *pam_handle = NULL; static gboolean did_we_ask_for_password = FALSE; struct pam_closure { const char *username; GSAuthMessageFunc cb_func; gpointer cb_data; int signal_fd; int result; }; typedef struct { struct pam_closure *closure; GSAuthMessageStyle style; const char *msg; char **resp; gboolean should_interrupt_stack; } GsAuthMessageHandlerData; static GCond *message_handled_condition; static GMutex *message_handler_mutex; GQuark gs_auth_error_quark (void) { static GQuark quark = 0; if (! quark) { quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("gs_auth_error"); } return quark; } void gs_auth_set_verbose (gboolean enabled) { verbose_enabled = enabled; } gboolean gs_auth_get_verbose (void) { return verbose_enabled; } static GSAuthMessageStyle pam_style_to_gs_style (int pam_style) { GSAuthMessageStyle style; switch (pam_style) { case PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON: style = GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_PROMPT_ECHO_ON; break; case PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF: style = GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF; break; case PAM_ERROR_MSG: style = GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_ERROR_MSG; break; case PAM_TEXT_INFO: style = GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_TEXT_INFO; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return style; } static gboolean auth_message_handler (GSAuthMessageStyle style, const char *msg, char **response, gpointer data) { gboolean ret; ret = TRUE; *response = NULL; switch (style) { case GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_PROMPT_ECHO_ON: break; case GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF: if (msg != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (msg, _("Password:"))) { did_we_ask_for_password = TRUE; } break; case GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_ERROR_MSG: break; case GS_AUTH_MESSAGE_TEXT_INFO: break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } return ret; } static gboolean gs_auth_queued_message_handler (GsAuthMessageHandlerData *data) { gboolean res; if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("Waiting for lock"); } g_mutex_lock (message_handler_mutex); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("Waiting for response"); } res = data->closure->cb_func (data->style, data->msg, data->resp, data->closure->cb_data); data->should_interrupt_stack = res == FALSE; g_cond_signal (message_handled_condition); g_mutex_unlock (message_handler_mutex); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("Got response"); } return FALSE; } static gboolean gs_auth_run_message_handler (struct pam_closure *c, GSAuthMessageStyle style, const char *msg, char **resp) { GsAuthMessageHandlerData data; data.closure = c; data.style = style; data.msg = msg; data.resp = resp; data.should_interrupt_stack = TRUE; g_mutex_lock (message_handler_mutex); /* Queue the callback in the gui (the main) thread */ g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) gs_auth_queued_message_handler, &data); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("Waiting for respose to message style %d: '%s'", style, msg); } /* Wait for the response */ g_cond_wait (message_handled_condition, message_handler_mutex); g_mutex_unlock (message_handler_mutex); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("Got respose to message style %d: interrupt:%d", style, data.should_interrupt_stack); } return data.should_interrupt_stack == FALSE; } static int pam_conversation (int nmsgs, const struct pam_message **msg, struct pam_response **resp, void *closure) { int replies = 0; struct pam_response *reply = NULL; struct pam_closure *c = (struct pam_closure *) closure; gboolean res; int ret; reply = (struct pam_response *) calloc (nmsgs, sizeof (*reply)); if (reply == NULL) { return PAM_CONV_ERR; } res = TRUE; ret = PAM_SUCCESS; for (replies = 0; replies < nmsgs && ret == PAM_SUCCESS; replies++) { GSAuthMessageStyle style; char *utf8_msg; style = pam_style_to_gs_style (msg [replies]->msg_style); utf8_msg = g_locale_to_utf8 (msg [replies]->msg, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* if we couldn't convert text from locale then * assume utf-8 and hope for the best */ if (utf8_msg == NULL) { char *p; char *q; utf8_msg = g_strdup (msg [replies]->msg); p = utf8_msg; while (*p != '\0' && !g_utf8_validate ((const char *)p, -1, (const char **)&q)) { *q = '?'; p = q + 1; } } /* handle message locally first */ auth_message_handler (style, utf8_msg, &reply [replies].resp, NULL); if (c->cb_func != NULL) { if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("Handling message style %d: '%s'", style, utf8_msg); } /* blocks until the gui responds */ res = gs_auth_run_message_handler (c, style, utf8_msg, &reply [replies].resp); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("Msg handler returned %d", res); } /* If the handler returns FALSE - interrupt the PAM stack */ if (res) { reply [replies].resp_retcode = PAM_SUCCESS; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i <= replies; i++) { free (reply [i].resp); } free (reply); reply = NULL; ret = PAM_CONV_ERR; } } g_free (utf8_msg); } *resp = reply; return ret; } static gboolean close_pam_handle (int status) { if (pam_handle != NULL) { int status2; status2 = pam_end (pam_handle, status); pam_handle = NULL; if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message (" pam_end (...) ==> %d (%s)", status2, (status2 == PAM_SUCCESS ? "Success" : "Failure")); } } if (message_handled_condition != NULL) { g_cond_free (message_handled_condition); message_handled_condition = NULL; } if (message_handler_mutex != NULL) { g_mutex_free (message_handler_mutex); message_handler_mutex = NULL; } return TRUE; } static gboolean create_pam_handle (const char *username, const char *display, struct pam_conv *conv, int *status_code) { int status; const char *service = PAM_SERVICE_NAME; char *disp; gboolean ret; if (pam_handle != NULL) { g_warning ("create_pam_handle: Stale pam handle around, cleaning up"); close_pam_handle (PAM_SUCCESS); } /* init things */ pam_handle = NULL; status = -1; disp = NULL; ret = TRUE; /* Initialize a PAM session for the user */ if ((status = pam_start (service, username, conv, &pam_handle)) != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_handle = NULL; g_warning (_("Unable to establish service %s: %s\n"), service, PAM_STRERROR (NULL, status)); if (status_code != NULL) { *status_code = status; } ret = FALSE; goto out; } if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("pam_start (\"%s\", \"%s\", ...) ==> %d (%s)", service, username, status, PAM_STRERROR (pam_handle, status)); } disp = g_strdup (display); if (disp == NULL) { disp = g_strdup (":0.0"); } if ((status = pam_set_item (pam_handle, PAM_TTY, disp)) != PAM_SUCCESS) { g_warning (_("Can't set PAM_TTY=%s"), display); if (status_code != NULL) { *status_code = status; } ret = FALSE; goto out; } ret = TRUE; message_handled_condition = g_cond_new (); message_handler_mutex = g_mutex_new (); out: if (status_code != NULL) { *status_code = status; } g_free (disp); return ret; } static void set_pam_error (GError **error, int status) { if (status == PAM_AUTH_ERR || status == PAM_USER_UNKNOWN) { char *msg; if (did_we_ask_for_password) { msg = g_strdup (_("Incorrect password.")); } else { msg = g_strdup (_("Authentication failed.")); } g_set_error (error, GS_AUTH_ERROR, GS_AUTH_ERROR_AUTH_ERROR, "%s", msg); g_free (msg); } else if (status == PAM_PERM_DENIED) { g_set_error (error, GS_AUTH_ERROR, GS_AUTH_ERROR_AUTH_DENIED, "%s", _("Not permitted to gain access at this time.")); } else if (status == PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED) { g_set_error (error, GS_AUTH_ERROR, GS_AUTH_ERROR_AUTH_DENIED, "%s", _("No longer permitted to access the system.")); } } static int gs_auth_thread_func (int auth_operation_fd) { static const int flags = 0; int status; int status2; struct timespec timeout; sigset_t set; const void *p; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_nsec = 1; set = block_sigchld (); status = pam_authenticate (pam_handle, flags); sigtimedwait (&set, NULL, &timeout); unblock_sigchld (); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message (" pam_authenticate (...) ==> %d (%s)", status, PAM_STRERROR (pam_handle, status)); } if (status != PAM_SUCCESS) { goto done; } if ((status = pam_get_item (pam_handle, PAM_USER, &p)) != PAM_SUCCESS) { /* is not really an auth problem, but it will pretty much look as such, it shouldn't really happen */ goto done; } /* We don't actually care if the account modules fail or succeed, * but we need to run them anyway because certain pam modules * depend on side effects of the account modules getting run. */ status2 = pam_acct_mgmt (pam_handle, 0); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message ("pam_acct_mgmt (...) ==> %d (%s)\n", status2, PAM_STRERROR (pam_handle, status2)); } /* FIXME: should we handle these? */ switch (status2) { case PAM_SUCCESS: break; case PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD: break; case PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL: break; case PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED: break; case PAM_PERM_DENIED: break; default : break; } /* Each time we successfully authenticate, refresh credentials, for Kerberos/AFS/DCE/etc. If this fails, just ignore that failure and blunder along; it shouldn't matter. Note: this used to be PAM_REFRESH_CRED instead of PAM_REINITIALIZE_CRED, but Jason Heiss <jheiss@ee.washington.edu> says that the Linux PAM library ignores that one, and only refreshes credentials when using PAM_REINITIALIZE_CRED. */ status2 = pam_setcred (pam_handle, PAM_REINITIALIZE_CRED); if (gs_auth_get_verbose ()) { g_message (" pam_setcred (...) ==> %d (%s)", status2, PAM_STRERROR (pam_handle, status2)); } done: /* we're done, close the fd and wake up the main * loop */ close (auth_operation_fd); return status; } static gboolean gs_auth_loop_quit (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gboolean *thread_done) { *thread_done = TRUE; gtk_main_quit (); return FALSE; } static gboolean gs_auth_pam_verify_user (pam_handle_t *handle, int *status) { GThread *auth_thread; GIOChannel *channel; guint watch_id; int auth_operation_fds[2]; int auth_status; gboolean thread_done; channel = NULL; watch_id = 0; auth_status = PAM_AUTH_ERR; /* This pipe gives us a set of fds we can hook into * the event loop to be notified when our helper thread * is ready to be reaped. */ if (pipe (auth_operation_fds) < 0) { goto out; } if (fcntl (auth_operation_fds[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) { close (auth_operation_fds[0]); close (auth_operation_fds[1]); goto out; } if (fcntl (auth_operation_fds[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) { close (auth_operation_fds[0]); close (auth_operation_fds[1]); goto out; } channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (auth_operation_fds[0]); /* we use a recursive main loop to process ui events * while we wait on a thread to handle the blocking parts * of pam authentication. */ thread_done = FALSE; watch_id = g_io_add_watch (channel, G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP, (GIOFunc) gs_auth_loop_quit, &thread_done); auth_thread = g_thread_create ((GThreadFunc) gs_auth_thread_func, GINT_TO_POINTER (auth_operation_fds[1]), TRUE, NULL); if (auth_thread == NULL) { goto out; } gtk_main (); /* if the event loop was quit before the thread is done then we can't * reap the thread without blocking on it finishing. The * thread may not ever finish though if the pam module is blocking. * * The only time the event loop is going to stop when the thread isn't * done, however, is if the dialog quits early (from, e.g., "cancel"), * so we can just exit. An alternative option would be to switch to * using pthreads directly and calling pthread_cancel. */ if (!thread_done) { raise (SIGTERM); } auth_status = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_thread_join (auth_thread)); out: if (watch_id != 0) { g_source_remove (watch_id); } if (channel != NULL) { g_io_channel_unref (channel); } if (status) { *status = auth_status; } return auth_status == PAM_SUCCESS; } gboolean gs_auth_verify_user (const char *username, const char *display, GSAuthMessageFunc func, gpointer data, GError **error) { int status = -1; struct pam_conv conv; struct pam_closure c; struct passwd *pwent; pwent = getpwnam (username); if (pwent == NULL) { return FALSE; } c.username = username; c.cb_func = func; c.cb_data = data; conv.conv = &pam_conversation; conv.appdata_ptr = (void *) &c; /* Initialize PAM. */ create_pam_handle (username, display, &conv, &status); if (status != PAM_SUCCESS) { goto done; } pam_set_item (pam_handle, PAM_USER_PROMPT, _("Username:")); PAM_NO_DELAY(pam_handle); did_we_ask_for_password = FALSE; if (! gs_auth_pam_verify_user (pam_handle, &status)) { goto done; } done: if (status != PAM_SUCCESS) { set_pam_error (error, status); } close_pam_handle (status); return (status == PAM_SUCCESS ? TRUE : FALSE); } gboolean gs_auth_init (void) { return TRUE; } gboolean gs_auth_priv_init (void) { /* We have nothing to do at init-time. However, we might as well do some error checking. If "/etc/pam.d" exists and is a directory, but "/etc/pam.d/xlock" does not exist, warn that PAM probably isn't going to work. This is a priv-init instead of a non-priv init in case the directory is unreadable or something (don't know if that actually happens.) */ const char dir [] = "/etc/pam.d"; const char file [] = "/etc/pam.d/" PAM_SERVICE_NAME; const char file2 [] = "/etc/pam.conf"; struct stat st; if (g_stat (dir, &st) == 0 && st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { if (g_stat (file, &st) != 0) { g_warning ("%s does not exist.\n" "Authentication via PAM is unlikely to work.", file); } } else if (g_stat (file2, &st) == 0) { FILE *f = g_fopen (file2, "r"); if (f) { gboolean ok = FALSE; char buf[255]; while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { if (strstr (buf, PAM_SERVICE_NAME)) { ok = TRUE; break; } } fclose (f); if (!ok) { g_warning ("%s does not list the `%s' service.\n" "Authentication via PAM is unlikely to work.", file2, PAM_SERVICE_NAME); } } /* else warn about file2 existing but being unreadable? */ } else { g_warning ("Neither %s nor %s exist.\n" "Authentication via PAM is unlikely to work.", file2, file); } /* Return true anyway, just in case. */ return TRUE; }