/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Alex Murray * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif /* HAVE_STRING_H */ #include #include #include #include #include "active-sensor.h" #include "sensors-applet-plugins.h" #include "sensors-applet-settings.h" typedef enum { VERY_LOW_SENSOR_VALUE = 0, LOW_SENSOR_VALUE, NORMAL_SENSOR_VALUE, HIGH_SENSOR_VALUE, VERY_HIGH_SENSOR_VALUE } SensorValueRange; /* Cast a given value to a valid SensorValueRange */ #define SENSOR_VALUE_RANGE(x) ((SensorValueRange)(CLAMP(x, VERY_LOW_SENSOR_VALUE, VERY_HIGH_SENSOR_VALUE))) #define CAIRO_GRAPH_COLOR_GRADIENT 0.4 static const gchar * const temp_overlay_icons[] = { PIXMAPS_DIR "very-low-temp-icon.png", PIXMAPS_DIR "low-temp-icon.png", PIXMAPS_DIR "normal-temp-icon.png", PIXMAPS_DIR "high-temp-icon.png", PIXMAPS_DIR "very-high-temp-icon.png" }; static gdouble sensor_value_range_normalised(gdouble value, gdouble low_value, gdouble high_value) { return ((value - low_value)/(high_value - low_value)); } static SensorValueRange sensor_value_range(gdouble sensor_value, gdouble low_value, gdouble high_value) { gdouble range; range = sensor_value_range_normalised(sensor_value, low_value, high_value)*(gdouble)(VERY_HIGH_SENSOR_VALUE); /* check if need to round up, otherwise let int conversion * round down for us and make sure it is a valid range * value */ return SENSOR_VALUE_RANGE(((gint)range + ((range - ((gint)range)) >= 0.5))); } static gboolean active_sensor_execute_alarm(ActiveSensor *active_sensor, NotifType notif_type) { gboolean ret; GError *error = NULL; sensors_applet_notify_active_sensor(active_sensor, notif_type); g_debug("EXECUTING %s ALARM: %s", (notif_type == LOW_ALARM ? "LOW" : "HIGH"), active_sensor->alarm_command[notif_type]); ret = g_spawn_command_line_async (active_sensor->alarm_command[notif_type], &error); g_debug("Command executed in shell"); if (error) g_error_free (error); return ret; } static gboolean active_sensor_execute_low_alarm(ActiveSensor *active_sensor) { return active_sensor_execute_alarm(active_sensor, LOW_ALARM); } static gboolean active_sensor_execute_high_alarm(ActiveSensor *active_sensor) { return active_sensor_execute_alarm(active_sensor, HIGH_ALARM); } /* needs to be able to be called by the config dialog when the alarm * command changes */ void active_sensor_alarm_off(ActiveSensor *active_sensor, NotifType notif_type) { g_assert(active_sensor); if (active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[notif_type] != -1) { g_debug("Disabling %s alarm.", (notif_type == LOW_ALARM ? "LOW" : "HIGH")); if (!g_source_remove(active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[notif_type])) { g_debug("Error removing alarm source"); } g_free(active_sensor->alarm_command[notif_type]); active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[notif_type] = -1; } sensors_applet_notify_end(active_sensor, notif_type); } static void active_sensor_all_alarms_off(ActiveSensor *active_sensor) { /* turn off any alarms */ int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ALARMS; i++) { if (active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[i] >= 0) { g_debug("-- turning off notif with type %d ---", i); active_sensor_alarm_off(active_sensor, i); } } } static void active_sensor_alarm_on(ActiveSensor *active_sensor, NotifType notif_type) { GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreePath *tree_path; GtkTreeIter iter; g_assert(active_sensor); model = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_model(active_sensor->sensor_row); tree_path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(active_sensor->sensor_row); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, tree_path)) { if (active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[notif_type] == -1) { /* alarm is not currently on */ gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, (notif_type == LOW_ALARM ? LOW_ALARM_COMMAND_COLUMN : HIGH_ALARM_COMMAND_COLUMN), &(active_sensor->alarm_command[notif_type]), ALARM_TIMEOUT_COLUMN, &(active_sensor->alarm_timeout), -1); g_debug("Activating alarm to repeat every %d seconds", active_sensor->alarm_timeout); /* execute alarm once, then add to time to keep repeating it */ active_sensor_execute_alarm(active_sensor, notif_type); int timeout = (active_sensor->alarm_timeout <= 0 ? G_MAXINT : active_sensor->alarm_timeout); switch (notif_type) { case LOW_ALARM: active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[notif_type] = g_timeout_add_seconds(timeout, (GSourceFunc)active_sensor_execute_low_alarm, active_sensor); break; case HIGH_ALARM: active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[notif_type] = g_timeout_add_seconds(timeout, (GSourceFunc)active_sensor_execute_high_alarm, active_sensor); break; default: g_debug("Unknown notif type: %d", notif_type); } } } gtk_tree_path_free(tree_path); } /** * Compares two ActiveSensors and returns -1 if a comes before b in the tree, * 0 if refer to same row, 1 if b comes before a */ gint active_sensor_compare(ActiveSensor *a, ActiveSensor *b) { GtkTreePath *a_tree_path, *b_tree_path; gint ret_val; g_assert(a); g_assert(b); a_tree_path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(a->sensor_row); b_tree_path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(b->sensor_row); ret_val = gtk_tree_path_compare(a_tree_path, b_tree_path); gtk_tree_path_free(a_tree_path); gtk_tree_path_free(b_tree_path); return ret_val; } static void active_sensor_update_icon(ActiveSensor *active_sensor, GdkPixbuf *base_icon, SensorType sensor_type) { GdkPixbuf *overlay_icon, *new_icon; const gchar *overlay_icon_filename = NULL; SensorValueRange value_range; g_assert(active_sensor); /* select overlay icon * depending on sensor * value */ value_range = sensor_value_range(active_sensor->sensor_values[0], active_sensor->sensor_low_value, active_sensor->sensor_high_value); if (sensor_type == TEMP_SENSOR) { overlay_icon_filename = temp_overlay_icons[value_range]; } /* load base icon */ new_icon = gdk_pixbuf_copy(base_icon); /* only load overlay if required */ if (overlay_icon_filename) { overlay_icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(overlay_icon_filename, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, NULL); if (overlay_icon) { gdk_pixbuf_composite(overlay_icon, new_icon, 0, 0, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR, 255); g_object_unref(overlay_icon); } } gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(active_sensor->icon), new_icon); g_object_unref(new_icon); } static void active_sensor_update_graph(ActiveSensor *as, cairo_t *cr) { GtkAllocation allocation; gdouble line_height; gdouble width, height; gdouble x, y; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; gint i; gtk_widget_get_allocation (as->graph, &allocation); width = allocation.width; height = allocation.height; /* so we can set a clipping area, as well as fill the * back of the graph black */ cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, width, height); /* clip to rectangle and keep it as a path so can be * filled below */ cairo_clip_preserve(cr); /* use black for bg color of graphs */ cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_fill(cr); /* determine height to scale line at for each value - * only do as many as will fit or the number of * samples that we have */ for (i = 0; i < MIN(as->num_samples, width); i++) { /* need to remove one more to make it line up * properly when drawing */ x = width - i - 1; y = height; line_height = sensor_value_range_normalised(as->sensor_values[i], as->sensor_low_value, as->sensor_high_value) * height; if (line_height > 0) { cairo_move_to(cr, x, y); cairo_line_to(cr, x, y - line_height); } } /* make lines a gradient from slightly darker than * chosen color at bottom of graph, to slightly * lighter than chosen color at top of graph */ pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear(x, y, x, 0); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(pattern, 0, as->graph_color.red / 65535.0 - CAIRO_GRAPH_COLOR_GRADIENT, as->graph_color.green / 65535.0 - CAIRO_GRAPH_COLOR_GRADIENT, as->graph_color.blue / 65535.0 - CAIRO_GRAPH_COLOR_GRADIENT); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(pattern, height, as->graph_color.red / 65535.0 + CAIRO_GRAPH_COLOR_GRADIENT, as->graph_color.green / 65535.0 + CAIRO_GRAPH_COLOR_GRADIENT, as->graph_color.blue / 65535.0 + CAIRO_GRAPH_COLOR_GRADIENT); cairo_set_source(cr, pattern); cairo_stroke(cr); cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } void active_sensor_destroy(ActiveSensor *active_sensor) { g_debug("-- destroying active sensor label..."); gtk_widget_destroy(active_sensor->label); g_debug("-- destroying active sensor icon.."); gtk_widget_destroy(active_sensor->icon); g_debug("-- destroying active sensor value..."); gtk_widget_destroy(active_sensor->value); g_debug("-- destroying active sensor graph and frame..."); gtk_widget_destroy(active_sensor->graph); gtk_widget_destroy(active_sensor->graph_frame); g_debug("-- destroying active sensor values..."); g_free(active_sensor->sensor_values); active_sensor_all_alarms_off(active_sensor); g_free(active_sensor); } #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) gboolean graph_draw_cb(GtkWidget *graph, cairo_t *cr, gpointer data) { #else gboolean graph_expose_event_cb(GtkWidget *graph, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data) { #endif ActiveSensor *as; as = (ActiveSensor *)data; #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) cairo_t *cr; cr = gdk_cairo_create (event->window); gdk_cairo_region (cr, event->region); cairo_clip (cr); #endif active_sensor_update_graph(as, cr); /* propagate event onwards */ #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) cairo_destroy (cr); #endif return FALSE; } static void active_sensor_set_graph_dimensions(ActiveSensor *as, gint width, gint height) { gdouble *old_values; gint num_samples, old_num_samples; gint graph_width, graph_height; /* dimensions are really for graph frame, so need to remove * extra width added by graph frame - make sure not less than * 1 - always need atleast 1 sample */ graph_width = CLAMP(width - GRAPH_FRAME_EXTRA_WIDTH, 1, width - GRAPH_FRAME_EXTRA_WIDTH); graph_height = CLAMP(height - GRAPH_FRAME_EXTRA_WIDTH, 1 , height - GRAPH_FRAME_EXTRA_WIDTH); g_debug("setting graph dimensions to %d x %d", graph_width, graph_height); num_samples = graph_width; if (as->sensor_values) { old_values = as->sensor_values; old_num_samples = as->num_samples; as->num_samples = num_samples; as->sensor_values = g_malloc0(sizeof(gdouble)*as->num_samples); memcpy(as->sensor_values, old_values, MIN(old_num_samples, as->num_samples)*sizeof(gdouble)); g_free(old_values); } else { as->sensor_values = g_malloc0(sizeof(gdouble)*num_samples); as->num_samples = num_samples; } /* update graph frame size request */ gtk_widget_set_size_request(as->graph, graph_width, graph_height); } void active_sensor_update_graph_dimensions(ActiveSensor *as, gint sizes[2]) { active_sensor_set_graph_dimensions(as, sizes[0], sizes[1]); gtk_widget_queue_draw (as->graph); } ActiveSensor *active_sensor_new(SensorsApplet *sensors_applet, GtkTreeRowReference *sensor_row) { ActiveSensor *active_sensor; MatePanelAppletOrient orient; gint graph_size; gboolean horizontal; g_assert(sensors_applet); g_assert(sensor_row); g_debug("creating new active sensor"); active_sensor = g_new0(ActiveSensor, 1); active_sensor->sensors_applet = sensors_applet; active_sensor->sensor_row = sensor_row; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_NOTIFS; i++) { active_sensor->alarm_timeout_id[i] = -1; } active_sensor->label = gtk_label_new(""); active_sensor->value = gtk_label_new(""); active_sensor->icon = gtk_image_new(); active_sensor->graph = gtk_drawing_area_new(); active_sensor->graph_frame = gtk_frame_new(NULL); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type(GTK_FRAME(active_sensor->graph_frame), GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(active_sensor->graph_frame), active_sensor->graph); gtk_widget_add_events(active_sensor->graph_frame, GDK_ALL_EVENTS_MASK); /* need to set size according to orientation */ orient = mate_panel_applet_get_orient(active_sensor->sensors_applet->applet); graph_size = g_settings_get_int(active_sensor->sensors_applet->settings, GRAPH_SIZE); horizontal = ((orient == MATE_PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_UP) || (orient == MATE_PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_DOWN)); active_sensor_set_graph_dimensions(active_sensor, (horizontal ? graph_size : sensors_applet->size), (horizontal ? sensors_applet->size : graph_size)); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(active_sensor->graph), #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0) "draw", G_CALLBACK(graph_draw_cb), #else "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(graph_expose_event_cb), #endif active_sensor); active_sensor->updated = FALSE; return active_sensor; } static void active_sensor_update_sensor_value(ActiveSensor *as, gdouble sensor_value) { /* only if have more than 1 sample stored */ if (as->num_samples > 1) { memmove(&(as->sensor_values[1]), as->sensor_values, (as->num_samples - 1)*sizeof(gdouble)); } as->sensor_values[0] = sensor_value; } void active_sensor_update(ActiveSensor *active_sensor, SensorsApplet *sensors_applet) { GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreePath *path; /* instance data from the tree for this sensor */ gchar *sensor_path = NULL; gchar *sensor_id = NULL; gchar *sensor_label = NULL; SensorType sensor_type; gchar *sensor_interface; gboolean sensor_enabled; gdouble sensor_low_value; gdouble sensor_high_value; gboolean sensor_alarm_enabled; gdouble sensor_multiplier; gdouble sensor_offset; gdouble sensor_value; GdkPixbuf *icon_pixbuf; gchar *graph_color; /* to build the list of labels as we go */ gchar *value_text = NULL; gchar *old_value_text; TemperatureScale scale; DisplayMode display_mode; GError *error = NULL; gchar *tooltip = NULL; gchar *value_tooltip = NULL; /* hidden gsettings options */ gint font_size = 0; gboolean hide_units = FALSE; g_assert(active_sensor); g_assert(active_sensor->sensor_row); g_assert(sensors_applet); model = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_model(active_sensor->sensor_row); path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(active_sensor->sensor_row); /* if can successfully get iter can proceed */ if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path)) { gtk_tree_path_free(path); gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(sensors_applet->sensors), &iter, PATH_COLUMN, &sensor_path, ID_COLUMN, &sensor_id, LABEL_COLUMN, &sensor_label, INTERFACE_COLUMN, &sensor_interface, SENSOR_TYPE_COLUMN, &sensor_type, ENABLE_COLUMN, &sensor_enabled, LOW_VALUE_COLUMN, &sensor_low_value, HIGH_VALUE_COLUMN, &sensor_high_value, ALARM_ENABLE_COLUMN, &sensor_alarm_enabled, MULTIPLIER_COLUMN, &sensor_multiplier, OFFSET_COLUMN, &sensor_offset, ICON_PIXBUF_COLUMN, &icon_pixbuf, GRAPH_COLOR_COLUMN, &graph_color, -1); SensorsAppletPluginGetSensorValue get_sensor_value; /* only call function if is in hash table for plugin */ if ((get_sensor_value = sensors_applet_plugins_get_sensor_value_func(sensors_applet, sensor_interface)) != NULL) { sensor_value = get_sensor_value(sensor_path, sensor_id, sensor_type, &error); if (error) { g_debug("Error updating active sensor: %s", error->message); sensors_applet_notify_active_sensor(active_sensor, SENSOR_INTERFACE_ERROR); /* hard code text as ERROR */ value_text = g_strdup(_("ERROR")); value_tooltip = g_strdup_printf("- %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); error = NULL; /* set sensor value to an error code - * note this is not unique */ sensor_value = -1; } else { /* use hidden gsettings key for hide_units */ hide_units = g_settings_get_boolean(sensors_applet->settings, HIDE_UNITS); /* scale value and set text using this * value */ switch (sensor_type) { case TEMP_SENSOR: scale = (TemperatureScale) g_settings_get_int(sensors_applet->settings, TEMPERATURE_SCALE); /* scale value */ sensor_value = sensors_applet_convert_temperature(sensor_value, CELSIUS, scale); sensor_value = (sensor_value * sensor_multiplier) + sensor_offset; switch (scale) { case FAHRENHEIT: value_text = g_strdup_printf("%2.0f %s", sensor_value, (hide_units ? "" : UNITS_FAHRENHEIT)); /* tooltip should * always display * units */ value_tooltip = g_strdup_printf("%2.0f %s", sensor_value, UNITS_FAHRENHEIT); break; case CELSIUS: value_text = g_strdup_printf("%2.0f %s", sensor_value, (hide_units ? "" : UNITS_CELSIUS)); value_tooltip = g_strdup_printf("%2.0f %s", sensor_value, UNITS_CELSIUS); break; case KELVIN: value_text = g_strdup_printf("%2.0f", sensor_value); value_tooltip = g_strdup(value_text); break; } break; case FAN_SENSOR: sensor_value = (sensor_value * sensor_multiplier) + sensor_offset; value_text = g_strdup_printf("%4.0f %s", sensor_value, (hide_units ? "" : UNITS_RPM)); value_tooltip = g_strdup_printf("%4.0f %s", sensor_value, UNITS_RPM); break; case VOLTAGE_SENSOR: sensor_value = (sensor_value * sensor_multiplier) + sensor_offset; value_text = g_strdup_printf("%4.2f %s", sensor_value, (hide_units ? "" : UNITS_VOLTAGE)); value_tooltip = g_strdup_printf("%4.2f %s", sensor_value, UNITS_VOLTAGE); break; case CURRENT_SENSOR: sensor_value = (sensor_value * sensor_multiplier) + sensor_offset; value_text = g_strdup_printf("%4.2f %s", sensor_value, (hide_units ? "" : UNITS_CURRENT)); value_tooltip = g_strdup_printf("%4.2f %s", sensor_value, UNITS_CURRENT); break; } /* end switch(sensor_type) */ } /* end else on error */ /* setup for tooltips */ if (sensors_applet->show_tooltip) tooltip = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", sensor_label, value_tooltip); g_free(value_tooltip); /* only do icons and labels / graphs if needed */ display_mode = g_settings_get_int (sensors_applet->settings, DISPLAY_MODE); /* most users wont have a font size set */ font_size = g_settings_get_int (sensors_applet->settings, FONT_SIZE); /* do icon if needed */ if (display_mode == DISPLAY_ICON || display_mode == DISPLAY_ICON_WITH_VALUE) { /* update icon if icon range has changed if no * update has been done before */ if ((sensor_value_range(sensor_value, sensor_low_value, sensor_high_value) != sensor_value_range(active_sensor->sensor_values[0], active_sensor->sensor_low_value, active_sensor->sensor_high_value)) || !(active_sensor->updated)) { active_sensor_update_sensor_value(active_sensor, sensor_value); active_sensor->sensor_low_value = sensor_low_value; active_sensor->sensor_high_value = sensor_high_value; active_sensor_update_icon(active_sensor, icon_pixbuf, sensor_type); } if (tooltip) { gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(active_sensor->icon, tooltip); } } active_sensor_update_sensor_value(active_sensor, sensor_value); active_sensor->sensor_low_value = sensor_low_value; active_sensor->sensor_high_value = sensor_high_value; /* do graph if needed */ if (display_mode == DISPLAY_GRAPH) { /* update graph color in case has changed */ gdk_color_parse(graph_color, &(active_sensor->graph_color)); gtk_widget_queue_draw (active_sensor->graph); if (tooltip) { gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(active_sensor->graph, tooltip); } } old_value_text = value_text; if (sensor_alarm_enabled) { if (sensor_value >= sensor_high_value || sensor_value <= sensor_low_value) { /* make value text red and * activate alarm */ if (display_mode == DISPLAY_LABEL_WITH_VALUE || display_mode == DISPLAY_ICON_WITH_VALUE || display_mode == DISPLAY_VALUE) { value_text = g_markup_printf_escaped("%s", old_value_text); g_free(old_value_text); } /* could have both coditions at once */ if (sensor_value >= sensor_high_value) { active_sensor_alarm_on(active_sensor, HIGH_ALARM); } if (sensor_value <= sensor_low_value) { active_sensor_alarm_on(active_sensor, LOW_ALARM); } } else { /* make sure alarms are off */ active_sensor_all_alarms_off(active_sensor); } } else { /* else for if alarm enabled */ /* make sure all alarms are off */ active_sensor_all_alarms_off(active_sensor); } /* do value label */ if (display_mode == DISPLAY_LABEL_WITH_VALUE || display_mode == DISPLAY_ICON_WITH_VALUE || display_mode == DISPLAY_VALUE) { if (font_size) { old_value_text = value_text; value_text = g_strdup_printf("%s", font_size, old_value_text); g_free(old_value_text); } gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(active_sensor->value), value_text); if (tooltip) { gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(active_sensor->value, tooltip); } } /* finished with value text */ g_free(value_text); /* do label label */ if (display_mode == DISPLAY_LABEL_WITH_VALUE) { if (font_size) { old_value_text = sensor_label; sensor_label = g_strdup_printf("%s", font_size, old_value_text); g_free(old_value_text); } gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(active_sensor->label), sensor_label); if (tooltip) { gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(active_sensor->label, tooltip); } } g_free(tooltip); } else { g_debug("no get_sensor_value function yet installed for interface %s.", sensor_interface); } g_free(sensor_path); g_free(sensor_id); g_free(sensor_label); g_free(sensor_interface); g_free(graph_color); g_object_unref(icon_pixbuf); } else { g_debug("Error getting iter when updating sensor..."); } active_sensor->updated = TRUE; } /* to be called when the icon within the GtkRowReference that this * sensor references is changed - updates icon based upon value in the * ActiveSensor */ void active_sensor_icon_changed(ActiveSensor *active_sensor, SensorsApplet *sensors_applet) { GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeIter iter; SensorType sensor_type; GdkPixbuf *icon_pixbuf; g_assert(active_sensor); g_assert(sensors_applet); model = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_model(active_sensor->sensor_row); path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(active_sensor->sensor_row); /* if can successfully get iter can proceed */ if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path)) { gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(sensors_applet->sensors), &iter, SENSOR_TYPE_COLUMN, &sensor_type, ICON_PIXBUF_COLUMN, &icon_pixbuf, -1); active_sensor_update_icon(active_sensor, icon_pixbuf, sensor_type); g_object_unref(icon_pixbuf); } gtk_tree_path_free(path); }