# Shavian translation for mate-system-monitor. # Copyright (C) 2009 The Mate Foundation. # Thomas Thurman <tthurman@gnome.org>, 2009. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: mate-system-monitor\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.mate.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=system-monitor&component=general\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-01 17:51+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-12 18:36 -0400\n" "Last-Translator: Thomas Thurman <tthurman@gnome.org>\n" "Language-Team: Shavian <ubuntu-l10n-en-shaw@launchpad.net>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n" #: ../mate-system-monitor.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../src/callbacks.cpp:157 #: ../src/interface.cpp:619 ../src/procman.cpp:724 msgid "System Monitor" msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懃饜應饜懐饜懄饜憫饜懠" #: ../mate-system-monitor.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../src/callbacks.cpp:158 msgid "View current processes and monitor system state" msgstr "饜憹饜懣 饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜懐 饜懃饜應饜懐饜懄饜憫饜懠 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫" #: ../src/argv.cpp:18 msgid "Show the System tab" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憺 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憫饜懆饜憵" #: ../src/callbacks.cpp:167 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "路饜憫饜應饜懃饜懇饜憰 路饜憯饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/disks.cpp:300 ../src/memmaps.cpp:498 msgid "Device" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憹饜懖饜憰" #: ../src/disks.cpp:301 msgid "Directory" msgstr "饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/disks.cpp:302 ../src/gsm_color_button.c:211 ../src/openfiles.cpp:247 msgid "Type" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜憪" #: ../src/disks.cpp:303 msgid "Total" msgstr "饜憫饜懘饜憫饜懇饜懁" #: ../src/disks.cpp:304 msgid "Free" msgstr "饜憮饜懏饜懓" #: ../src/disks.cpp:305 msgid "Available" msgstr "饜懇饜憹饜懕饜懁饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁" #: ../src/disks.cpp:306 msgid "Used" msgstr "饜懣饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/disks.cpp:313 ../src/interface.cpp:702 ../src/procdialogs.cpp:705 #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:709 msgid "File Systems" msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻" #. xgettext: ? stands for unknown #: ../src/e_date.c:155 msgid "?" msgstr "?" #: ../src/e_date.c:162 msgid "Today %l:%M %p" msgstr "饜憫饜懌饜憶饜懕 %l:%M %p" #: ../src/e_date.c:171 msgid "Yesterday %l:%M %p" msgstr "饜憳饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懠饜憶饜懕 %l:%M %p" #: ../src/e_date.c:183 msgid "%a %l:%M %p" msgstr "%a %l:%M %p" #: ../src/e_date.c:191 msgid "%b %d %l:%M %p" msgstr "%b %d %l:%M %p" #: ../src/e_date.c:193 msgid "%b %d %Y" msgstr "%b %d %Y" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:1 msgid "" "0 for the System Info, 1 for the processes list, 2 for the resources and 3 " "for the disks list" msgstr "" "0 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懘, 1 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫, 2 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懏饜懄饜憻饜懝饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜懐 3 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憭饜憰 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:2 msgid "Default graph cpu color" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮 CPU 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:3 msgid "Default graph incoming network traffic color" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮 饜懄饜懐饜憭饜懗饜懃饜懄饜憴 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憮饜懄饜憭 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:4 msgid "Default graph mem color" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮 mem 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:5 msgid "Default graph outgoing network traffic color" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮 饜懍饜憫饜憸饜懘饜懄饜憴 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憮饜懄饜憭 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:6 msgid "Default graph swap color" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮 饜憰饜憿饜應饜憪 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:7 msgid "" "Determines which processes to show by default. 0 is All, 1 is user, and 2 is " "active" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憫饜懟饜懃饜懄饜懐饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜憲 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜憵饜懖 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫. 0 饜懄饜憻 饜懛饜懁, 1 饜懄饜憻 饜懣饜憻饜懠, 饜懐 2 饜懄饜憻 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:8 msgid "Disk view columns order" msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憭 饜憹饜懣 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懝饜憶饜懠" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:9 msgid "Enable/Disable smooth refresh" msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁/饜憶饜懄饜憰饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憰饜懃饜懙饜憺 饜懏饜懓饜憮饜懏饜懅饜憱" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:10 msgid "" "If TRUE, system-monitor operates in 'Solaris mode' where a task's cpu usage " "is divided by the total number of CPUs. Else it operates in 'Irix mode'." msgstr "" "饜懄饜憮 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃-饜懃饜應饜懐饜懄饜憫饜懠 饜應饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 '饜憰饜懘饜懁饜懅饜懏饜懄饜憰 饜懃饜懘饜憶' 饜憿饜懞 饜懇 task's 路饜憰路饜憪路饜懣 饜懣饜憰饜懄饜憽 饜懄饜憻 " "饜憶饜懄饜憹饜懖饜憶饜懇饜憶 饜憵饜懖 饜憺 饜憫饜懘饜憫饜懇饜懁 饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠 饜憹 CPUs. 饜懅饜懁饜憰 饜懄饜憫 饜應饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 'Irix 饜懃饜懘饜憶'." #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:11 msgid "Main Window height" msgstr "饜懃饜懕饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘 饜懀饜懖饜憫" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:12 msgid "Main Window width" msgstr "饜懃饜懕饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘 饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:13 msgid "Process view columns order" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憹饜懣 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懝饜憶饜懠" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:14 msgid "Process view sort column" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憹饜懣 饜憰饜懝饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:15 msgid "Process view sort order" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憹饜懣 饜憰饜懝饜憫 饜懝饜憶饜懠" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:16 msgid "Saves the currently viewed tab" msgstr "饜憰饜懕饜憹饜憻 饜憺 饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜憹饜懣饜憶 饜憫饜懆饜憵" #, no-c-format #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:18 msgid "Show process 'CPU %' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'CPU %' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:19 msgid "Show process 'CPU time' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'CPU 饜憫饜懖饜懃' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:20 msgid "Show process 'PID' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'PID' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:21 msgid "Show process 'SELinux security context' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'SELinux 饜憰饜懄饜憭饜憳饜懌饜懠饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:22 msgid "Show process 'Waiting Channel' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憿饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憲饜懆饜懐饜懇饜懁' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:23 msgid "Show process 'X server memory' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'X 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:24 msgid "Show process 'arguments' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懜饜憸饜懣饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:25 msgid "Show process 'estimated memory usage' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懃饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄 饜懣饜憰饜懄饜憽' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:26 msgid "Show process 'name' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懐饜懕饜懃' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:27 msgid "Show process 'nice' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懐饜懖饜憰' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:28 msgid "Show process 'owner' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懘饜懐饜懠' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:29 msgid "Show process 'resident memory' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懏饜懅饜憻饜懄饜憶饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:30 msgid "Show process 'shared memory' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憱饜懞饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:31 msgid "Show process 'start time' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫 饜憫饜懖饜懃' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:32 msgid "Show process 'status' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫饜懌饜憰' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:33 msgid "Show process 'virtual memory' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憹饜懟饜憲饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:34 msgid "Show process 'writable memory' column on startup" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懏饜懖饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懗饜憪" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:35 msgid "Show process dependencies in tree form" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憶饜懄饜憪饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懓饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憫饜懏饜懓 饜憮饜懝饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:36 msgid "Show warning dialog when killing processes" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憿饜懝饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憭饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憴 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:37 msgid "Solaris mode for CPU percentage" msgstr "饜憰饜懘饜懁饜懅饜懏饜懄饜憰 饜懃饜懘饜憶 饜憮饜懝 CPU 饜憪饜懠饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憽" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:38 msgid "Time in milliseconds between updates of the devices list" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜懃 饜懄饜懐 饜懃饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶饜憻 饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憿饜懓饜懐 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜憹 饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憹饜懖饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:39 msgid "Time in milliseconds between updates of the graphs" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜懃 饜懄饜懐 饜懃饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶饜憻 饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憿饜懓饜懐 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜憹 饜憺 饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮饜憰" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:40 msgid "Time in milliseconds between updates of the process view" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜懃 饜懄饜懐 饜懃饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶饜憻 饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憿饜懓饜懐 饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜憹 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憹饜懣" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:41 msgid "Whether information about all filesystems should be displayed" msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫 饜懛饜懁 filesystems 饜憱饜懌饜憶 饜憵饜懓 饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憶" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:42 msgid "" "Whether to display information about all filesystems (including types like " "'autofs' and 'procfs'). Useful for getting a list of all currently mounted " "filesystems." msgstr "" "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫 饜懛饜懁 filesystems (饜懄饜懐饜憭饜懁饜懙饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜憫饜懖饜憪饜憰 饜懁饜懖饜憭 'autofs' 饜懐 " "'procfs'). 饜懣饜憰饜憮饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懝 饜憸饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懇 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜懛饜懁 饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜懃饜懍饜懐饜憫饜懇饜憶 filesystems." #, no-c-format #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:44 msgid "Width of process 'CPU %' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'CPU %' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:45 msgid "Width of process 'CPU time' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'CPU 饜憫饜懖饜懃' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:46 msgid "Width of process 'PID' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'PID' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #, fuzzy #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:47 msgid "Width of process 'SELinux security context' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'SELinux 饜憰饜懄饜憭饜憳饜懌饜懠饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:48 msgid "Width of process 'Waiting Channel' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憿饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憲饜懆饜懐饜懇饜懁' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:49 msgid "Width of process 'X server memory' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 'X 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:50 msgid "Width of process 'arguments' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懜饜憸饜懣饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:51 msgid "Width of process 'estimated memory usage' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懃饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄 饜懣饜憰饜懄饜憽' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:52 msgid "Width of process 'name' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懐饜懕饜懃' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:53 msgid "Width of process 'nice' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懐饜懖饜憰' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:54 msgid "Width of process 'owner' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懘饜懐饜懠' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:55 msgid "Width of process 'resident memory' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懏饜懅饜憻饜懄饜憶饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:56 msgid "Width of process 'shared memory' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憱饜懞饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:57 msgid "Width of process 'start time' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫 饜憫饜懖饜懃' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:58 msgid "Width of process 'status' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫饜懌饜憰' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:59 msgid "Width of process 'virtual memory' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜憹饜懟饜憲饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/mate-system-monitor.schemas.in.h:60 msgid "Width of process 'writable memory' column" msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 '饜懏饜懖饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄' 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:188 msgid "Fraction" msgstr "饜憮饜懏饜懆饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:189 msgid "Percentage full for pie colour pickers" msgstr "饜憪饜懠饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫饜懄饜憽 饜憮饜懌饜懁 饜憮饜懝 饜憪饜懖 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠 饜憪饜懄饜憭饜懟饜憻" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:196 msgid "Title" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懁" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:197 msgid "The title of the color selection dialog" msgstr "饜憺 饜憫饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懁 饜憹 饜憺 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠 饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:198 ../src/gsm_color_button.c:602 msgid "Pick a Color" msgstr "饜憪饜懄饜憭 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:204 msgid "Current Color" msgstr "饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:205 msgid "The selected color" msgstr "饜憺 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:212 msgid "Type of color picker" msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜憹 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠 饜憪饜懄饜憭饜懟" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:523 msgid "Received invalid color data\n" msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹饜憶 饜懄饜懐饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懄饜憶 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇\n" #: ../src/gsm_color_button.c:623 msgid "Click to set graph colors" msgstr "饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠饜憻" #. xgettext: noun, top level menu. #. "File" did not make sense for system-monitor #: ../src/interface.cpp:50 msgid "_Monitor" msgstr "_饜懃饜應饜懐饜懄饜憫饜懠" #: ../src/interface.cpp:51 msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_饜懅饜憶饜懄饜憫" #: ../src/interface.cpp:52 msgid "_View" msgstr "_饜憹饜懣" #: ../src/interface.cpp:53 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_饜懀饜懅饜懁饜憪" #: ../src/interface.cpp:55 msgid "Search for _Open Files" msgstr "饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懝 _饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:56 msgid "Search for open files" msgstr "饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懝 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:58 msgid "Quit the program" msgstr "饜憭饜憿饜懄饜憫 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憸饜懏饜懆饜懃" #: ../src/interface.cpp:61 msgid "_Stop Process" msgstr "_饜憰饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:62 msgid "Stop process" msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:63 msgid "_Continue Process" msgstr "_饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懣 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:64 msgid "Continue process if stopped" msgstr "饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懣 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜憫饜應饜憪饜憫" #: ../src/interface.cpp:66 ../src/procdialogs.cpp:84 msgid "_End Process" msgstr "_饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:67 msgid "Force process to finish normally" msgstr "饜憮饜懝饜憰 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憫 饜憮饜懄饜懐饜懄饜憱 饜懐饜懝饜懃饜懇饜懁饜懄" #: ../src/interface.cpp:68 ../src/procdialogs.cpp:75 msgid "_Kill Process" msgstr "_饜憭饜懄饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:69 msgid "Force process to finish immediately" msgstr "饜憮饜懝饜憰 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憫 饜憮饜懄饜懐饜懄饜憱 饜懄饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懢饜憫饜懁饜懓" #: ../src/interface.cpp:70 msgid "_Change Priority..." msgstr "_饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄..." #: ../src/interface.cpp:71 msgid "Change the order of priority of process" msgstr "饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 饜憺 饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:73 msgid "Configure the application" msgstr "饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憮饜懄饜憸饜憳饜懠 饜憺 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/interface.cpp:75 msgid "_Refresh" msgstr "_饜懏饜懓饜憮饜懏饜懅饜憱" #: ../src/interface.cpp:76 msgid "Refresh the process list" msgstr "饜懏饜懓饜憮饜懏饜懅饜憱 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/interface.cpp:78 msgid "_Memory Maps" msgstr "_饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄 饜懃饜懆饜憪饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:79 msgid "Open the memory maps associated with a process" msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憺 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄 饜懃饜懆饜憪饜憰 饜懇饜憰饜懘饜憱饜懄饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懇 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:80 msgid "Open _Files" msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 _饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:81 msgid "View the files opened by a process" msgstr "饜憹饜懣 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜憵饜懖 饜懇 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:83 msgid "_Contents" msgstr "_饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:84 msgid "Open the manual" msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憺 饜懃饜懆饜懐饜憳饜懌饜懇饜懁" #: ../src/interface.cpp:86 msgid "About this application" msgstr "饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/interface.cpp:91 msgid "_Dependencies" msgstr "_饜憶饜懄饜憪饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懓饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:92 msgid "Show parent/child relationship between processes" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懞饜懇饜懐饜憫/饜憲饜懖饜懁饜憶 饜懏饜懄饜懁饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憱饜懄饜憪 饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憿饜懓饜懐 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:99 msgid "_Active Processes" msgstr "_饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:100 msgid "Show active processes" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #, fuzzy #: ../src/interface.cpp:101 msgid "A_ll Processes" msgstr "A_ll 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:102 msgid "Show all processes" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懛饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #, fuzzy #: ../src/interface.cpp:103 msgid "M_y Processes" msgstr "M_y 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:104 msgid "Show user own process" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懣饜憻饜懠 饜懘饜懐 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:189 msgid "End _Process" msgstr "饜懅饜懐饜憶 _饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #: ../src/interface.cpp:243 msgid "CPU History" msgstr "CPU 饜懀饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/interface.cpp:300 msgid "CPU" msgstr "CPU" #, c-format #: ../src/interface.cpp:302 msgid "CPU%d" msgstr "CPU%d" #: ../src/interface.cpp:320 msgid "Memory and Swap History" msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄 饜懐 饜憰饜憿饜應饜憪 饜懀饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/interface.cpp:359 ../src/proctable.cpp:226 msgid "Memory" msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/interface.cpp:385 msgid "Swap" msgstr "饜憰饜憿饜應饜憪" #: ../src/interface.cpp:406 msgid "Network History" msgstr "饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜懀饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/interface.cpp:445 msgid "Receiving" msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹饜懄饜憴" #: ../src/interface.cpp:466 msgid "Total Received" msgstr "饜憫饜懘饜憫饜懇饜懁 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹饜憶" #: ../src/interface.cpp:500 msgid "Sending" msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憴" #: ../src/interface.cpp:522 msgid "Total Sent" msgstr "饜憫饜懘饜憫饜懇饜懁 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫" #. procman_create_sysinfo_view(); #: ../src/interface.cpp:690 msgid "System" msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃" #: ../src/interface.cpp:694 ../src/procdialogs.cpp:525 msgid "Processes" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/interface.cpp:698 ../src/procdialogs.cpp:640 msgid "Resources" msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憻饜懝饜憰饜懇饜憻" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/load-graph.cpp:153 msgid "%u second" msgid_plural "%u seconds" msgstr[0] "%u 饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶" msgstr[1] "%u 饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶饜憻" #. xgettext: 540MiB (53 %) of 1.0 GiB #, c-format #: ../src/load-graph.cpp:329 msgid "%s (%.1f %%) of %s" msgstr "%s (%.1f %%) 饜憹 %s" #, c-format #: ../src/lsof.cpp:124 msgid "<b>Error</b>\n'%s' is not a valid Perl regular expression.\n%s" msgstr "<b>饜懟饜懠</b>\n'%s' 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懇 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懄饜憶 路饜憪饜懟饜懁 饜懏饜懅饜憸饜憳饜懌饜懁饜懠 饜懄饜憭饜憰饜憪饜懏饜懅饜憱饜懇饜懐.\n%s" #: ../src/lsof.cpp:270 msgid "Process" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #, fuzzy #: ../src/lsof.cpp:282 msgid "PID" msgstr "PID" #: ../src/lsof.cpp:292 ../src/memmaps.cpp:476 msgid "Filename" msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃" #. gtk_window_set_modal(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), TRUE); #: ../src/lsof.cpp:309 msgid "Search for Open Files" msgstr "饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懝 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻" #: ../src/lsof.cpp:337 msgid "_Name contains:" msgstr "_饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐饜憻:" #: ../src/lsof.cpp:353 msgid "Case insensitive matching" msgstr "饜憭饜懕饜憰 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憰饜懇饜憫饜懄饜憹 饜懃饜懆饜憲饜懄饜憴" #, fuzzy #: ../src/lsof.cpp:361 msgid "S_earch results:" msgstr "S_earch 饜懏饜懄饜憻饜懗饜懁饜憫饜憰:" #. xgettext: virtual memory start #, fuzzy #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:478 msgid "VM Start" msgstr "VM 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫" #. xgettext: virtual memory end #, fuzzy #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:480 msgid "VM End" msgstr "VM 饜懅饜懐饜憶" #. xgettext: virtual memory syze #, fuzzy #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:482 msgid "VM Size" msgstr "VM 饜憰饜懖饜憻" #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:483 msgid "Flags" msgstr "饜憮饜懁饜懆饜憸饜憻" #. xgettext: virtual memory offset #, fuzzy #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:485 msgid "VM Offset" msgstr "VM 饜應饜憮饜憰饜懅饜憫" #. xgettext: memory that has not been modified since #. it has been allocated #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:488 msgid "Private clean" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懖饜憹饜懇饜憫 饜憭饜懁饜懓饜懐" #. xgettext: memory that has been modified since it #. has been allocated #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:491 msgid "Private dirty" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懖饜憹饜懇饜憫 饜憶饜懟饜憫饜懄" #. xgettext: shared memory that has not been modified #. since it has been allocated #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:494 msgid "Shared clean" msgstr "饜憱饜懞饜憶 饜憭饜懁饜懓饜懐" #. xgettext: shared memory that has been modified #. since it has been allocated #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:497 msgid "Shared dirty" msgstr "饜憱饜懞饜憶 饜憶饜懟饜憫饜懄" #, fuzzy #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:499 msgid "Inode" msgstr "Inode" #. gtk_window_set_modal(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), TRUE); #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:608 msgid "Memory Maps" msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄 饜懃饜懆饜憪饜憰" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/memmaps.cpp:627 msgid "_Memory maps for process \"%s\" (PID %u):" msgstr "_Memory 饜懃饜懆饜憪饜憰 饜憮饜懝 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 \"%s\" (PID %u):" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:34 msgid "file" msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:36 msgid "pipe" msgstr "饜憪饜懖饜憪" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:38 msgid "IPv6 network connection" msgstr "IPv6 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:40 msgid "IPv4 network connection" msgstr "IPv4 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:42 msgid "local socket" msgstr "饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憰饜應饜憭饜懇饜憫" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:44 msgid "unknown type" msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懘饜懐 饜憫饜懖饜憪" #. Translators: "FD" here means "File Descriptor". Please use #. a very short translation if possible, and at most #. 2-3 characters for it to be able to fit in the UI. #, fuzzy #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:246 msgid "FD" msgstr "FD" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:248 msgid "Object" msgstr "饜懇饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫" #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:332 msgid "Open Files" msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/openfiles.cpp:354 msgid "_Files opened by process \"%s\" (PID %u):" msgstr "饜憹饜懣 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜憵饜懖 饜懇 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/procactions.cpp:75 msgid "Cannot change the priority of process with pid %d to %d.\n%s" msgstr "饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 饜憺 饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜憹 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/procactions.cpp:155 msgid "Cannot kill process with pid %d with signal %d.\n%s" msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜懄饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜憺 pid %d 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憰饜懄饜憸饜懐饜懇饜懁 %d.\n%s" #. xgettext: primary alert message #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:70 msgid "Kill the selected process?" msgstr "饜憭饜懄饜懁 饜憺 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰?" #. xgettext: secondary alert message #, fuzzy #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:72 msgid "" "Killing a process may destroy data, break the session or introduce a security " "risk. Only unresponding processes should be killed." msgstr "" "饜憭饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憴 饜懇 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懃饜懕 饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懚 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇, 饜憵饜懏饜懕饜憭 饜憺 饜憰饜懅饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懝 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懇饜憶饜懣饜憰 饜懇 饜憰饜懄饜憭饜憳饜懌饜懠饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜憭. 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 " "unresponding 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憱饜懌饜憶 饜憵饜懓 饜憭饜懄饜懁饜憶." #. xgettext: primary alert message #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:79 msgid "End the selected process?" msgstr "饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憺 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰?" #. xgettext: secondary alert message #, fuzzy #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:81 msgid "" "Ending a process may destroy data, break the session or introduce a security " "risk. Only unresponding processes should be ended." msgstr "" "饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜懇 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懃饜懕 饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懚 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇, 饜憵饜懏饜懕饜憭 饜憺 饜憰饜懅饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懝 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懏饜懇饜憶饜懣饜憰 饜懇 饜憰饜懄饜憭饜憳饜懌饜懠饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜憭. 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 " "unresponding 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憱饜懌饜憶 饜憵饜懓 饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懇饜憶." #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:115 msgid "(Very High Priority)" msgstr "(饜憹饜懅饜懏饜懄 饜懀饜懖 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄)" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:117 msgid "(High Priority)" msgstr "(饜懀饜懖 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄)" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:119 msgid "(Normal Priority)" msgstr "(饜懐饜懝饜懃饜懇饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄)" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:121 msgid "(Low Priority)" msgstr "(饜懁饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄)" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:123 msgid "(Very Low Priority)" msgstr "(饜憹饜懅饜懏饜懄 饜懁饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄)" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:175 msgid "Change Priority" msgstr "饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:196 msgid "Change _Priority" msgstr "饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 _饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:217 msgid "_Nice value:" msgstr "_饜懐饜懖饜憰 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣:" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:233 msgid "Note:" msgstr "饜懐饜懘饜憫:" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:234 msgid "" "The priority of a process is given by its nice value. A lower nice value " "corresponds to a higher priority." msgstr "" "饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜憹 饜懇 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憸饜懄饜憹饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懖 饜懄饜憫饜憰 饜懐饜懖饜憰 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣. 饜懇 饜懁饜懘饜懠 饜懐饜懖饜憰 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣 饜憭饜應饜懏饜懄饜憰饜憪饜應饜懐饜憶饜憻 饜憫 饜懇 " "饜懀饜懖饜懠 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜應饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懄." #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:457 msgid "Icon" msgstr "饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:502 msgid "System Monitor Preferences" msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懃饜應饜懐饜懄饜憫饜懠 饜憪饜懏饜懅饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:532 msgid "Behavior" msgstr "饜憵饜懄饜懀饜懕饜憹饜憳饜懠" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:551 ../src/procdialogs.cpp:666 #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:728 msgid "_Update interval in seconds:" msgstr "_饜懗饜憪饜憶饜懕饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懠饜憹饜懇饜懁 饜懄饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶饜憻:" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:576 msgid "Enable _smooth refresh" msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 _饜憰饜懃饜懙饜憺 饜懏饜懓饜憮饜懏饜懅饜憱" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:590 msgid "Alert before ending or _killing processes" msgstr "饜懇饜懁饜懟饜憫 饜憵饜懄饜憮饜懝 饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜懝 _饜憭饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憴 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憻" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:604 msgid "Solaris mode" msgstr "路饜憰饜懘饜懁饜懅饜懏饜懄饜憰 饜懃饜懘饜憶" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:622 ../src/procdialogs.cpp:762 msgid "Information Fields" msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懓饜懁饜憶饜憻" #, fuzzy #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:635 msgid "Process i_nformation shown in list:" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 i_nformation 饜憱饜懘饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫:" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:647 msgid "Graphs" msgstr "饜憸饜懏饜懎饜憮饜憰" #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:686 msgid "Show network speed in bits" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憰饜憪饜懓饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憰" #, fuzzy #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:748 msgid "Show _all filesystems" msgstr "饜憱饜懘 _all filesystems" #, fuzzy #: ../src/procdialogs.cpp:775 msgid "File system i_nformation shown in list:" msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 i_nformation 饜憱饜懘饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫:" #: ../src/procman.cpp:682 msgid "A simple process and system monitor." msgstr "饜懇 饜憰饜懄饜懃饜憪饜懇饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懐 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懃饜應饜懐饜懄饜憫饜懠." #: ../src/proctable.cpp:211 msgid "Process Name" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜懐饜懕饜懃" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:212 msgid "User" msgstr "饜懣饜憻饜懠" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:213 msgid "Status" msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫饜懌饜憰" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:214 msgid "Virtual Memory" msgstr "饜憹饜懟饜憲饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:215 msgid "Resident Memory" msgstr "饜懏饜懅饜憻饜懄饜憶饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:216 msgid "Writable Memory" msgstr "饜懏饜懖饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:217 msgid "Shared Memory" msgstr "饜憱饜懞饜憶 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:218 msgid "X Server Memory" msgstr "饜懅饜憭饜憰 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠 饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄" #, no-c-format #: ../src/proctable.cpp:219 msgid "% CPU" msgstr "% CPU" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:220 msgid "CPU Time" msgstr "CPU 饜憫饜懖饜懃" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:221 msgid "Started" msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懇饜憶" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:222 msgid "Nice" msgstr "饜懐饜懖饜憰" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:223 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:224 msgid "Security Context" msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜憭饜憳饜懌饜懠饜懄饜憫饜懄 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫" #: ../src/proctable.cpp:225 msgid "Command Line" msgstr "饜憭饜懇饜懃饜懎饜懐饜憶 饜懁饜懖饜懐" #. xgettext: wchan, see ps(1) or top(1) #: ../src/proctable.cpp:228 msgid "Waiting Channel" msgstr "饜憿饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憲饜懆饜懐饜懇饜懁" #, c-format #: ../src/proctable.cpp:945 msgid "Load averages for the last 1, 5, 15 minutes: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" msgstr "饜懁饜懘饜憶 饜懆饜憹饜懠饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懁饜懎饜憰饜憫 1, 5, 15 饜懃饜懄饜懐饜懄饜憫饜憰: %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f" #, c-format #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:77 msgid "Release %s" msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憰 %s" #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:116 msgid "Unknown CPU model" msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懘饜懐 CPU 饜懃饜應饜憶饜懇饜懁" #, c-format #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:586 msgid "Kernel %s" msgstr "饜憭饜懟饜懐饜懇饜懁 %s" #, c-format #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:599 msgid "MATE %s" msgstr "路饜憸饜懐饜懘饜懃 %s" #. hardware section #, c-format #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:613 msgid "<b>Hardware</b>" msgstr "<b>饜懀饜懎饜懏饜憶饜憿饜懅饜懏</b>" #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:618 msgid "Memory:" msgstr "饜懃饜懅饜懃饜懠饜懄:" #, c-format #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:625 msgid "Processor %d:" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懎饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懟 %d:" #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:630 msgid "Processor:" msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懎饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懟:" #. disk space section #, c-format #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:642 msgid "<b>System Status</b>" msgstr "<b>饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫饜懌饜憰</b>" #: ../src/sysinfo.cpp:648 msgid "Available disk space:" msgstr "饜懇饜憹饜懕饜懁饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憭 饜憰饜憪饜懕饜憰:" #: ../src/util.cpp:30 msgid "Running" msgstr "饜懏饜懗饜懐饜懄饜憴" #: ../src/util.cpp:34 msgid "Stopped" msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜應饜憪饜憫" #: ../src/util.cpp:38 msgid "Zombie" msgstr "饜憻饜應饜懃饜憵饜懄" #: ../src/util.cpp:42 msgid "Uninterruptible" msgstr "饜懇饜懐饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懟饜懇饜憪饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁" #: ../src/util.cpp:46 msgid "Sleeping" msgstr "饜憰饜懁饜懓饜憪饜懄饜憴" #. xgettext: weeks, days #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:101 msgid "%uw%ud" msgstr "%uw%ud" #. xgettext: days, hours (0 -> 23) #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:105 msgid "%ud%02uh" msgstr "%u:%02u:%02u" #. xgettext: hours (0 -> 23), minutes, seconds #, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:109 msgid "%u:%02u:%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u:%02u" #. xgettext: minutes, seconds, centiseconds #, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:112 msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:164 msgid "%.1f KiB" msgstr "%.1f MiB" #, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:165 msgid "%.1f MiB" msgstr "%.1f MiB" #, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:166 msgid "%.1f GiB" msgstr "%.1f GiB" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:167 msgid "%.1f kbit" msgstr "%.1f MiB" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:168 msgid "%.1f Mbit" msgstr "%.1f MiB" #, fuzzy, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:169 msgid "%.1f Gbit" msgstr "%.1f GiB" #, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:184 msgid "%u bit" msgid_plural "%u bits" msgstr[0] "%u 饜憵饜懄饜憫" msgstr[1] "%u 饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憰" #, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:185 msgid "%u byte" msgid_plural "%u bytes" msgstr[0] "%u 饜憵饜懖饜憫" msgstr[1] "%u 饜憵饜懖饜憫饜憰" #: ../src/util.cpp:373 msgid "<i>N/A</i>" msgstr "<i>饜懐/饜懇</i>" #. xgettext: rate, 10MiB/s or 10Mbit/s #, c-format #: ../src/util.cpp:490 msgid "%s/s" msgstr "%s/s"