#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sysinfo.h" #include "procman.h" #include "util.h" using std::string; using std::vector; namespace { class SysInfo { public: string hostname; string distro_name; string distro_release; string kernel; string mate_version; guint64 memory_bytes; guint64 free_space_bytes; string processors; SysInfo() { this->load_processors_info(); this->load_memory_info(); this->load_disk_info(); this->load_uname_info(); this->load_mate_version(); } virtual ~SysInfo() { } virtual void set_distro_labels(GtkWidget* name, GtkWidget* release) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(name), "label", ("" + this->distro_name + "").c_str(), NULL); /* Translators: The first string parameter is release version (codename), * the second one is the architecture, 32 or 64-bit */ char* markup = g_strdup_printf(_("Release %s %s"), this->distro_release.c_str(), this->get_os_type().c_str()); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(release), "label", markup, NULL); g_free(markup); } static string system() { return uname().sysname; } private: void load_memory_info() { glibtop_mem mem; glibtop_get_mem(&mem); this->memory_bytes = mem.total; } string get_os_type () { int bits; if (GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8) bits = 64; else bits = 32; /* translators: This is the type of architecture, for example: * "64-bit" or "32-bit" */ return string(g_strdup_printf (_("%d-bit"), bits)); } typedef struct { const char* regex; const char* replacement; } ReplaceStrings; static char* remove_duplicate_whitespace (const char* old) { char* result; GRegex* re; GError* error = NULL; const GRegexMatchFlags flags = static_cast(0); re = g_regex_new ("[ \t\n\r]+", G_REGEX_MULTILINE, flags, &error); if (re == NULL) { g_warning ("Error building regex: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); return g_strdup (old); } result = g_regex_replace (re, old, -1, 0, " ", flags, &error); g_regex_unref (re); if (result == NULL) { g_warning ("Error replacing string: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); return g_strdup (old); } return result; } static char* prettify_info (const char *info) { char* pretty; const GRegexCompileFlags cflags = static_cast(0); const GRegexMatchFlags mflags = static_cast(0); static const ReplaceStrings rs[] = { { "Intel[(]R[)]", "Intel\302\256"}, { "Core[(]TM[)]", "Core\342\204\242"}, { "Atom[(]TM[)]", "Atom\342\204\242"}, }; pretty = g_markup_escape_text (info, -1); for (uint i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (rs); i++) { GError* error; GRegex* re; char* result; error = NULL; re = g_regex_new (rs[i].regex, cflags, mflags, &error); if (re == NULL) { g_warning ("Error building regex: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); continue; } result = g_regex_replace_literal (re, pretty, -1, 0, rs[i].replacement, mflags, &error); g_regex_unref (re); if (error != NULL) { g_warning ("Error replacing %s: %s", rs[i].regex, error->message); g_error_free (error); continue; } g_free (pretty); pretty = result; } return pretty; } void load_processors_info() { const glibtop_sysinfo *info = glibtop_get_sysinfo(); GHashTable* counts; GString* cpu; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key, value; counts = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); /* count duplicates */ for (uint i = 0; i != info->ncpu; ++i) { const char* const keys[] = { "model name", "cpu", "Processor" }; char* model; int* count; model = NULL; for (int j = 0; model == NULL && j != G_N_ELEMENTS (keys); ++j) { model = static_cast(g_hash_table_lookup (info->cpuinfo[i].values, keys[j])); } if (model == NULL) continue; count = static_cast(g_hash_table_lookup (counts, model)); if (count == NULL) g_hash_table_insert (counts, model, GINT_TO_POINTER (1)); else g_hash_table_replace (counts, model, GINT_TO_POINTER (GPOINTER_TO_INT (count) + 1)); } cpu = g_string_new (NULL); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, counts); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) { char* stripped; int count; count = GPOINTER_TO_INT (value); stripped = remove_duplicate_whitespace ((const char *)key); if (count > 1) g_string_append_printf (cpu, "%s \303\227 %d ", stripped, count); else g_string_append_printf (cpu, "%s ", stripped); g_free (stripped); } g_hash_table_destroy (counts); this->processors = string(prettify_info (cpu->str)); g_string_free (cpu, TRUE); } void load_disk_info() { glibtop_mountentry *entries; glibtop_mountlist mountlist; entries = glibtop_get_mountlist(&mountlist, 0); this->free_space_bytes = 0; for (guint i = 0; i != mountlist.number; ++i) { if (string(entries[i].devname).find("/dev/") != 0) continue; if (string(entries[i].mountdir).find("/media/") == 0) continue; glibtop_fsusage usage; glibtop_get_fsusage(&usage, entries[i].mountdir); this->free_space_bytes += usage.bavail * usage.block_size; } g_free(entries); } static const struct utsname & uname() { static struct utsname name; if (!name.sysname[0]) { ::uname(&name); } return name; } void load_uname_info() { this->hostname = uname().nodename; this->kernel = string(uname().sysname) + ' ' + uname().release + ' ' + uname().machine; } void load_mate_version() { xmlDocPtr document; xmlXPathContextPtr context; const string nodes[3] = { "string(/mate-version/platform)", "string(/mate-version/minor)", "string(/mate-version/micro)" }; string values[3]; if (not (document = xmlParseFile(DATADIR "/mate-about/mate-version.xml"))) return; if (not (context = xmlXPathNewContext(document))) return; for (size_t i = 0; i != 3; ++i) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath; xpath = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST nodes[i].c_str(), context); if (xpath and xpath->type == XPATH_STRING) values[i] = reinterpret_cast(xpath->stringval); xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath); } xmlXPathFreeContext(context); xmlFreeDoc(document); if (!values[0].empty() && !values[1].empty() && !values[2].empty()) this->mate_version = values[0] + '.' + values[1] + '.' + values[2]; } }; class SolarisSysInfo : public SysInfo { public: SolarisSysInfo() { this->load_solaris_info(); } private: void load_solaris_info() { this->distro_name = "Solaris"; std::ifstream input("/etc/release"); if (input) std::getline(input, this->distro_release); } }; class LSBSysInfo : public SysInfo { public: LSBSysInfo() : re(Glib::Regex::create("^.+?:\\s*(.+)\\s*$")) { // start(); } virtual void set_distro_labels(GtkWidget* name, GtkWidget* release) { this->name = name; this->release = release; this->start(); } private: sigc::connection child_watch; int lsb_fd; GtkWidget* name; GtkWidget* release; void strip_description(string &s) const { const GRegexMatchFlags flags = static_cast(0); GMatchInfo* info = 0; if (g_regex_match(this->re->gobj(), s.c_str(), flags, &info)) { s = make_string(g_match_info_fetch(info, 1)); g_match_info_free(info); } } std::istream& get_value(std::istream &is, string &s) const { if (std::getline(is, s)) this->strip_description(s); return is; } void read_lsb(Glib::Pid pid, int status) { this->child_watch.disconnect(); if (!WIFEXITED(status) or WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { g_error("Child %d failed with status %d", int(pid), status); return; } Glib::RefPtr channel = Glib::IOChannel::create_from_fd(this->lsb_fd); Glib::ustring content; while (channel->read_to_end(content) == Glib::IO_STATUS_AGAIN) ; channel->close(); Glib::spawn_close_pid(pid); procman_debug("lsb_release output = '%s'", content.c_str()); string release, codename; std::istringstream input(content); this->get_value(input, this->distro_name) and this->get_value(input, release) and this->get_value(input, codename); this->distro_release = release; if (codename != "" && codename != "n/a") this->distro_release += " (" + codename + ')'; this->SysInfo::set_distro_labels(this->name, this->release); } void start() { std::vector argv(2); argv[0] = "lsb_release"; argv[1] = "-irc"; Glib::SpawnFlags flags = Glib::SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD | Glib::SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH | Glib::SPAWN_STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL; Glib::Pid child; try { Glib::spawn_async_with_pipes("/", // wd argv, flags, sigc::slot(), // child setup &child, 0, // stdin &this->lsb_fd); // stdout } catch (Glib::SpawnError &e) { g_error("g_spawn_async_with_pipes error: %s", e.what().c_str()); return; } sigc::slot slot = sigc::mem_fun(this, &LSBSysInfo::read_lsb); this->child_watch = Glib::signal_child_watch().connect(slot, child); } void sync_lsb_release() { char *out= 0; GError *error = 0; int status; if (g_spawn_command_line_sync("lsb_release -irc", &out, 0, &status, &error)) { string release, codename; if (!error and WIFEXITED(status) and WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) { std::istringstream input(out); this->get_value(input, this->distro_name) and this->get_value(input, release) and this->get_value(input, codename); this->distro_release = release; if (codename != "" && codename != "n/a") this->distro_release += " (" + codename + ')'; } } if (error) g_error_free(error); g_free(out); } private: Glib::RefPtr re; }; class NetBSDSysInfo : public SysInfo { public: NetBSDSysInfo() { this->load_netbsd_info(); } private: void load_netbsd_info() { this->distro_name = "NetBSD"; std::ifstream input("/etc/release"); if (input) std::getline(input, this->distro_release); } }; class GenericSysInfo : public SysInfo { public: GenericSysInfo() { this->load_os_release(); } private: void load_os_release() { std::ifstream input("/etc/os-release"); if (input) { while (!input.eof()) { string s; int len; std::getline(input, s); if (s.find("NAME=") == 0) { len = strlen("NAME="); this->distro_name = s.substr(len); } else if (s.find("VERSION=") == 0) { len = strlen("VERSION="); // also strip the surrounding quotes this->distro_release = s.substr(len + 1, s.size() - len - 2); } } } } }; class MintSysInfo : public SysInfo { public: MintSysInfo() { this->load_os_release(); } private: void load_os_release() { this->distro_name = "Linux Mint"; std::ifstream input("/etc/linuxmint/info"); if (input) { while (!input.eof()) { string s; int len; std::getline(input, s); if (s.find("DESCRIPTION=") == 0) { len = strlen("DESCRIPTION="); // also strip the surrounding quotes this->distro_release = s.substr(len + 1, s.size() - len - 2); } } } } }; class OpenBSDSysInfo : public SysInfo { public: OpenBSDSysInfo() { this->load_openbsd_info(); } private: void load_openbsd_info() { this->distro_name = "OpenBSD"; this->distro_release = this->kernel; std::ifstream input("/etc/motd"); if (input) std::getline(input, this->kernel); } }; SysInfo* get_sysinfo() { if (g_file_test ("/etc/linuxmint/info", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { return new MintSysInfo; } else if (g_file_test ("/etc/os-release", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { return new GenericSysInfo; } else if (char *p = g_find_program_in_path("lsb_release")) { g_free(p); return new LSBSysInfo; } else if (SysInfo::system() == "SunOS") { return new SolarisSysInfo; } else if (SysInfo::system() == "NetBSD") { return new NetBSDSysInfo; } else if (SysInfo::system() == "OpenBSD") { return new OpenBSDSysInfo; } return new SysInfo; } } #define X_PAD 5 #define Y_PAD 12 #define LOGO_W 92 #define LOGO_H 351 #define RADIUS 5 static gboolean sysinfo_logo_draw (GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *context, gpointer data_ptr) { GtkAllocation allocation; GtkStyle *style; cairo_t *cr; cairo_pattern_t *cp; cr = gdk_cairo_create(gtk_widget_get_window(widget)); gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation); cairo_translate(cr, allocation.x, allocation.y); cairo_move_to(cr, X_PAD + RADIUS, Y_PAD); cairo_line_to(cr, X_PAD + LOGO_W - RADIUS, Y_PAD); cairo_arc(cr, X_PAD + LOGO_W - RADIUS, Y_PAD + RADIUS, RADIUS, -0.5 * M_PI, 0); cairo_line_to(cr, X_PAD + LOGO_W, Y_PAD + LOGO_H - RADIUS); cairo_arc(cr, X_PAD + LOGO_W - RADIUS, Y_PAD + LOGO_H - RADIUS, RADIUS, 0, 0.5 * M_PI); cairo_line_to(cr, X_PAD + RADIUS, Y_PAD + LOGO_H); cairo_arc(cr, X_PAD + RADIUS, Y_PAD + LOGO_H - RADIUS, RADIUS, 0.5 * M_PI, -1.0 * M_PI); cairo_line_to(cr, X_PAD, Y_PAD + RADIUS); cairo_arc(cr, X_PAD + RADIUS, Y_PAD + RADIUS, RADIUS, -1.0 * M_PI, -0.5 * M_PI); cp = cairo_pattern_create_linear(0, Y_PAD, 0, Y_PAD + LOGO_H); style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(cp, 0.0, style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].red / 65535.0, style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].green / 65535.0, style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].blue / 65535.0, 1.0); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(cp, 1.0, style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].red / 65535.0, style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].green / 65535.0, style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].blue / 65535.0, 0.0); cairo_set_source(cr, cp); cairo_fill(cr); cairo_pattern_destroy(cp); cairo_destroy(cr); return FALSE; } static GtkWidget* add_section(GtkBox *vbox , const char * title, int num_row, int num_col, GtkWidget **out_frame) { GtkWidget *table; GtkWidget *frame = gtk_frame_new(title); gtk_frame_set_label_align(GTK_FRAME(frame), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_label_set_use_markup( GTK_LABEL(gtk_frame_get_label_widget(GTK_FRAME(frame))), TRUE ); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type(GTK_FRAME(frame), GTK_SHADOW_NONE); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0); GtkWidget *alignment = gtk_alignment_new(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0); gtk_alignment_set_padding(GTK_ALIGNMENT(alignment), 0, 0, 12, 0); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), alignment); table = gtk_grid_new(); gtk_grid_set_row_spacing(GTK_GRID(table), 6); gtk_grid_set_column_spacing(GTK_GRID(table), 6); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(table), 6); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(alignment), table); if(out_frame) *out_frame = frame; return table; } static GtkWidget* add_row(GtkGrid * table, const char * label, const char * value, int row) { GtkWidget *header = gtk_label_new(NULL); gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(header), label); gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(header), TRUE); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 14, 0) gtk_widget_set_halign (header, GTK_ALIGN_START); #else gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(header), 0.0, 0.5); #endif gtk_grid_attach( table, header, 0, row, 1, 1); GtkWidget *label_widget = gtk_label_new(value); gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(label_widget), TRUE); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 14, 0) gtk_widget_set_halign (label_widget, GTK_ALIGN_START); #else gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label_widget), 0.0, 0.5); #endif gtk_grid_attach( table, label_widget, 1, row, 1, 1); return label_widget; } static GtkWidget * procman_create_sysinfo_view(void) { GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *vbox; SysInfo *data = get_sysinfo();; GtkWidget * logo; GtkWidget *distro_frame; GtkWidget *distro_release_label; GtkWidget *distro_table; GtkWidget *hardware_table; GtkWidget *disk_space_table; GtkWidget *header; gchar *markup; hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 12); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(hbox), 6); /* left-side logo */ if (g_file_test (DATADIR "/pixmaps/mate-system-monitor/distribution/side.png", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { logo = gtk_image_new_from_file(DATADIR "/pixmaps/mate-system-monitor/distribution/side.png"); } else { logo = gtk_image_new_from_file(DATADIR "/pixmaps/mate-system-monitor/side.png"); } #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 14, 0) gtk_widget_set_valign (logo, GTK_ALIGN_START); gtk_widget_set_margin_start (logo, 5); gtk_widget_set_margin_end (logo, 5); gtk_widget_set_margin_top (logo, 12); gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (logo, 12); #else gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(logo), 0.5, 0.0); gtk_misc_set_padding(GTK_MISC(logo), 5, 12); #endif gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), logo, FALSE, FALSE, 0); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(logo), "draw", G_CALLBACK(sysinfo_logo_draw), NULL); vbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 12); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), 12); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); // hostname markup = g_strdup_printf("%s", data->hostname.c_str()); GtkWidget *hostname_frame = gtk_frame_new(markup); g_free(markup); gtk_frame_set_label_align(GTK_FRAME(hostname_frame), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_label_set_use_markup( GTK_LABEL(gtk_frame_get_label_widget(GTK_FRAME(hostname_frame))), TRUE ); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type(GTK_FRAME(hostname_frame), GTK_SHADOW_NONE); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hostname_frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0); /* distro section */ unsigned table_size = 2; if (data->mate_version != "") table_size++; distro_table = add_section(GTK_BOX(vbox), "???", table_size, 1, &distro_frame); unsigned table_count = 0; distro_release_label = gtk_label_new("???"); gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(distro_release_label), TRUE); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 14, 0) gtk_widget_set_halign (distro_release_label, GTK_ALIGN_START); #else gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(distro_release_label), 0.0, 0.5); #endif gtk_grid_attach( GTK_GRID(distro_table), distro_release_label, 0, table_count, 1, 1); table_count++; data->set_distro_labels(gtk_frame_get_label_widget(GTK_FRAME(distro_frame)), distro_release_label); markup = g_strdup_printf(_("Kernel %s"), data->kernel.c_str()); header = gtk_label_new(markup); gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(header), TRUE); g_free(markup); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 14, 0) gtk_widget_set_halign (header, GTK_ALIGN_START); #else gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(header), 0.0, 0.5); #endif gtk_grid_attach( GTK_GRID(distro_table), header, 0, table_count, 1, 1); table_count++; if (data->mate_version != "") { markup = g_strdup_printf(_("MATE %s"), data->mate_version.c_str()); header = gtk_label_new(markup); gtk_label_set_selectable(GTK_LABEL(header), TRUE); g_free(markup); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 14, 0) gtk_widget_set_halign (header, GTK_ALIGN_START); #else gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(header), 0.0, 0.5); #endif gtk_grid_attach( GTK_GRID(distro_table), header, 0, table_count, 1, 1); table_count++; } /* hardware section */ markup = g_strdup_printf("%s", _("Hardware")); hardware_table = add_section(GTK_BOX(vbox), markup, 1, 2, NULL); g_free(markup); markup = procman::format_size(data->memory_bytes); add_row(GTK_GRID(hardware_table), _("Memory:"), markup, 0); g_free(markup); markup = NULL; add_row(GTK_GRID(hardware_table), _("Processor:"), data->processors.c_str(), 1); if(markup) g_free(markup); /* disk space section */ markup = g_strdup_printf("%s", _("System Status")); disk_space_table = add_section(GTK_BOX(vbox), markup, 1, 2, NULL); g_free(markup); markup = procman::format_size(data->free_space_bytes); add_row(GTK_GRID(disk_space_table), _("Available disk space:"), markup, 0); g_free(markup); return hbox; } namespace procman { void build_sysinfo_ui() { static GtkWidget* ui; if (!ui) { ProcData* procdata = ProcData::get_instance(); ui = procman_create_sysinfo_view(); GtkBox* box = GTK_BOX(gtk_notebook_get_nth_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(procdata->notebook), PROCMAN_TAB_SYSINFO)); gtk_box_pack_start(box, ui, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all(ui); } } }