#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "procman.h" extern "C" { #include "e_date.h" } static const char* format_process_state(guint state) { const char *status; switch (state) { case GLIBTOP_PROCESS_RUNNING: status = _("Running"); break; case GLIBTOP_PROCESS_STOPPED: status = _("Stopped"); break; case GLIBTOP_PROCESS_ZOMBIE: status = _("Zombie"); break; case GLIBTOP_PROCESS_UNINTERRUPTIBLE: status = _("Uninterruptible"); break; default: status = _("Sleeping"); break; } return status; } static char * mnemonic_safe_process_name(const char *process_name) { const char *p; GString *name; name = g_string_new (""); for(p = process_name; *p; ++p) { g_string_append_c (name, *p); if(*p == '_') g_string_append_c (name, '_'); } return g_string_free (name, FALSE); } static inline unsigned divide(unsigned *q, unsigned *r, unsigned d) { *q = *r / d; *r = *r % d; return *q != 0; } /* * @param d: duration in centiseconds * @type d: unsigned */ static char * format_duration_for_display(unsigned centiseconds) { unsigned weeks = 0, days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0; (void)(divide(&seconds, ¢iseconds, 100) && divide(&minutes, &seconds, 60) && divide(&hours, &minutes, 60) && divide(&days, &hours, 24) && divide(&weeks, &days, 7)); if (weeks) /* xgettext: weeks, days */ return g_strdup_printf(_("%uw%ud"), weeks, days); if (days) /* xgettext: days, hours (0 -> 23) */ return g_strdup_printf(_("%ud%02uh"), days, hours); if (hours) /* xgettext: hours (0 -> 23), minutes, seconds */ return g_strdup_printf(_("%u:%02u:%02u"), hours, minutes, seconds); /* xgettext: minutes, seconds, centiseconds */ return g_strdup_printf(_("%u:%02u.%02u"), minutes, seconds, centiseconds); } GtkWidget* procman_make_label_for_mmaps_or_ofiles(const char *format, const char *process_name, unsigned pid) { GtkWidget *label; char *name, *title; name = mnemonic_safe_process_name (process_name); title = g_strdup_printf(format, name, pid); label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (title); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0f, 0.5f); g_free (title); g_free (name); return label; } /** * procman::format_size: * @size: * * Formats the file size passed in @bytes in a way that is easy for * the user to read. Gives the size in bytes, kibibytes, mebibytes or * gibibytes, choosing whatever is appropriate. * * Returns: a newly allocated string with the size ready to be shown. **/ gchar* procman::format_size(guint64 size, guint64 max_size, bool want_bits) { enum { K_INDEX, M_INDEX, G_INDEX, T_INDEX }; struct Format { guint64 factor; const char* string; }; const Format all_formats[2][4] = { { { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1) << 10, N_("%.1f KiB") }, { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1) << 20, N_("%.1f MiB") }, { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1) << 30, N_("%.1f GiB") }, { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1) << 40, N_("%.1f TiB") } }, { { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1000), N_("%.1f kbit") }, { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1000000), N_("%.1f Mbit") }, { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1000000000), N_("%.1f Gbit") }, { G_GUINT64_CONSTANT(1000000000000), N_("%.1f Tbit") } } }; const Format (&formats)[4] = all_formats[want_bits ? 1 : 0]; if (want_bits) { size *= 8; max_size *= 8; } if (max_size == 0) max_size = size; if (max_size < formats[K_INDEX].factor) { const char *format = (want_bits ? dngettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "%u bit", "%u bits", (guint) size) : dngettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "%u byte", "%u bytes",(guint) size)); return g_strdup_printf (format, (guint) size); } else { guint64 factor; const char* format = NULL; if (max_size < formats[M_INDEX].factor) { factor = formats[K_INDEX].factor; format = formats[K_INDEX].string; } else if (max_size < formats[G_INDEX].factor) { factor = formats[M_INDEX].factor; format = formats[M_INDEX].string; } else if (max_size < formats[T_INDEX].factor) { factor = formats[G_INDEX].factor; format = formats[G_INDEX].string; } else { factor = formats[T_INDEX].factor; format = formats[T_INDEX].string; } return g_strdup_printf(_(format), size / (double)factor); } } gboolean load_symbols(const char *module, ...) { GModule *mod; gboolean found_all = TRUE; va_list args; mod = g_module_open(module, static_cast(G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY | G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL)); if (!mod) return FALSE; procman_debug("Found %s", module); va_start(args, module); while (1) { const char *name; void **symbol; name = va_arg(args, char*); if (!name) break; symbol = va_arg(args, void**); if (g_module_symbol(mod, name, symbol)) { procman_debug("Loaded %s from %s", name, module); } else { procman_debug("Could not load %s from %s", name, module); found_all = FALSE; break; } } va_end(args); if (found_all) g_module_make_resident(mod); else g_module_close(mod); return found_all; } static gboolean is_debug_enabled(void) { static gboolean init; static gboolean enabled; if (!init) { enabled = g_getenv("MATE_SYSTEM_MONITOR_DEBUG") != NULL; init = TRUE; } return enabled; } static double get_relative_time(void) { static unsigned long start_time; GTimeVal tv; if (G_UNLIKELY(!start_time)) { glibtop_proc_time buf; glibtop_get_proc_time(&buf, getpid()); start_time = buf.start_time; } g_get_current_time(&tv); return (tv.tv_sec - start_time) + 1e-6 * tv.tv_usec; } void procman_debug_real(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; char *msg; if (G_LIKELY(!is_debug_enabled())) return; va_start(args, format); msg = g_strdup_vprintf(format, args); va_end(args); g_debug("[%.3f %s:%d %s] %s", get_relative_time(), file, line, func, msg); g_free(msg); } namespace procman { void size_cell_data_func(GtkTreeViewColumn *, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) { const guint index = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(user_data); guint64 size; GValue value = { 0 }; gtk_tree_model_get_value(model, iter, index, &value); switch (G_VALUE_TYPE(&value)) { case G_TYPE_ULONG: size = g_value_get_ulong(&value); break; case G_TYPE_UINT64: size = g_value_get_uint64(&value); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } g_value_unset(&value); char *str = procman::format_size(size); g_object_set(renderer, "text", str, NULL); g_free(str); } /* Same as above but handles size == 0 as not available */ void size_na_cell_data_func(GtkTreeViewColumn *, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) { const guint index = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(user_data); guint64 size; GValue value = { 0 }; gtk_tree_model_get_value(model, iter, index, &value); switch (G_VALUE_TYPE(&value)) { case G_TYPE_ULONG: size = g_value_get_ulong(&value); break; case G_TYPE_UINT64: size = g_value_get_uint64(&value); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } g_value_unset(&value); if (size == 0) g_object_set(renderer, "markup", _("N/A"), NULL); else { char *str = procman::format_size(size); g_object_set(renderer, "text", str, NULL); g_free(str); } } void duration_cell_data_func(GtkTreeViewColumn *, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) { const guint index = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(user_data); unsigned time; GValue value = { 0 }; gtk_tree_model_get_value(model, iter, index, &value); switch (G_VALUE_TYPE(&value)) { case G_TYPE_ULONG: time = g_value_get_ulong(&value); break; case G_TYPE_UINT64: time = g_value_get_uint64(&value); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } g_value_unset(&value); time = 100 * time / ProcData::get_instance()->frequency; char *str = format_duration_for_display(time); g_object_set(renderer, "text", str, NULL); g_free(str); } void time_cell_data_func(GtkTreeViewColumn *, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) { const guint index = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(user_data); time_t time; GValue value = { 0 }; gtk_tree_model_get_value(model, iter, index, &value); switch (G_VALUE_TYPE(&value)) { case G_TYPE_ULONG: time = g_value_get_ulong(&value); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } g_value_unset(&value); char *str = procman_format_date_for_display(time); g_object_set(renderer, "text", str, NULL); g_free(str); } void status_cell_data_func(GtkTreeViewColumn *, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) { const guint index = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(user_data); guint state; GValue value = { 0 }; gtk_tree_model_get_value(model, iter, index, &value); switch (G_VALUE_TYPE(&value)) { case G_TYPE_UINT: state = g_value_get_uint(&value); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } g_value_unset(&value); const char *str = format_process_state(state); g_object_set(renderer, "text", str, NULL); } template<> void tree_store_update(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* iter, int column, const char* new_value) { char* current_value; gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, column, ¤t_value, -1); if (!current_value or std::strcmp(current_value, new_value) != 0) gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model), iter, column, new_value, -1); g_free(current_value); } std::string format_rate(guint64 rate, guint64 max_rate, bool want_bits) { char* bytes = procman::format_size(rate, max_rate, want_bits); // xgettext: rate, 10MiB/s or 10Mbit/s std::string formatted_rate(make_string(g_strdup_printf(_("%s/s"), bytes))); g_free(bytes); return formatted_rate; } std::string format_network(guint64 rate, guint64 max_rate) { char* bytes = procman::format_size(rate, max_rate, ProcData::get_instance()->config.network_in_bits); std::string formatted(bytes); g_free(bytes); return formatted; } std::string format_network_rate(guint64 rate, guint64 max_rate) { char* bytes = procman::format_size(rate, max_rate, ProcData::get_instance()->config.network_in_bits); std::string formatted(bytes); g_free(bytes); return formatted; } }