# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MATE Desktop Environment\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-17 19:52+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Egoitz Rodriguez Obieta <egoitzro@gmail.com>, 2018\n"
"Language-Team: Basque (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/eu/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: ../mate-terminal.appdata.xml.in.h:1
msgid "A terminal emulator for the MATE desktop environment"
msgstr ""

#: ../mate-terminal.appdata.xml.in.h:2
msgid ""
"<p> MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to "
"access a UNIX shell in the MATE environment. MATE Terminal emulates the "
"xterm program developed by the X Consortium. It supports translucent "
"backgrounds, opening multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and "
"clickable URLs. </p> <p> MATE Terminal is a fork of GNOME Terminal and part "
"of the MATE Desktop Environment. If you would like to know more about MATE "
"and MATE Terminal, please visit the project's home page. </p>"
msgstr ""

#: ../mate-terminal.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../src/terminal-options.c:189
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:4428
msgid "MATE Terminal"
msgstr "MATEko terminala"

#: ../mate-terminal.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../src/terminal-accels.c:350
#: ../src/terminal.c:590 ../src/terminal-profile.c:161
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2193
msgid "Terminal"
msgstr "Terminala"

#: ../mate-terminal.desktop.in.in.h:3
msgid "Use the command line"
msgstr "Erabili komando-lerroa"

#: ../src/eggsmclient.c:229
msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
msgstr "Desgaitu saio-kudeatzailearen konexioa"

#: ../src/eggsmclient.c:234
msgid "Specify file containing saved configuration"
msgstr "Zehaztu gordetako konfigurazioa duen fitxategia"

#: ../src/eggsmclient.c:234 ../src/terminal-options.c:964
#: ../src/terminal-options.c:973
msgid "FILE"

#: ../src/eggsmclient.c:239
msgid "Specify session management ID"
msgstr "Zehaztu saio-kudeatzailearen IDa"

#: ../src/eggsmclient.c:239
msgid "ID"
msgstr "IDa"

#: ../src/eggsmclient.c:265
msgid "Session management options:"
msgstr "Saio-kudeaketaren aukerak:"

#: ../src/eggsmclient.c:266
msgid "Show session management options"
msgstr "Erakutsi saio-kudeaketaren aukerak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:1
msgid "List of profiles"
msgstr "Profil-zerrenda"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:2
msgid ""
"List of profiles known to mate-terminal. The list contains strings naming "
"subdirectories relative to /org/mate/terminal/profiles."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Profile to use for new terminals"
msgstr "Terminal berrietan erabiltzeko profila"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:4
msgid ""
"Profile to be used when opening a new window or tab. Must be in "
msgstr ""
"Leiho edo fitxa berria irekitzean erabiliko den profila. Profilen zerrendan "
"egon behar du."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Whether the menubar has access keys"
msgstr "Menu-barrak sarbide-teklarik duen"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:6
msgid ""
"Whether to have Alt+letter access keys for the menubar. They may interfere "
"with some applications run inside the terminal so it's possible to turn them"
" off."
msgstr ""
"Menu-barran Alt+letra bizkortzailerik eduki behar den. Terminalean "
"exekutatzen diren aplikazioekin interferentzia egin lezakete, eta horregatik"
" ematen da desaktibatzeko aukera."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:7
msgid "Whether the standard GTK+ shortcut for menubar access is enabled"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:8
msgid ""
"Normally you can access the menubar with F10. This can also be customized "
"via gtkrc (gtk-menu-bar-accel = \"whatever\"). This option allows the "
"standard menubar accelerator to be disabled."
msgstr ""
"Normalean, F10 sakatuta menu-barra bistaratzen da. Nahi izanez gero, "
"pertsonaliza daiteke gtkrc-ren bidez (gtk-menu-bar-accel = \"nahiduzuna\"). "
"Aukera honekin menu-barraren ohiko laster-tekla desgai daiteke."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:9
msgctxt "active-encodings"
msgid "[ 'UTF-8', 'current' ]"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:10
msgid "List of available encodings"
msgstr "Kodeketa erabilgarrien zerrenda"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:11
msgid ""
"A subset of possible encodings are presented in the \"Encoding\" submenu. "
"This is a list of encodings to appear there. The special encoding name "
"\"current\" means to display the encoding of the current locale."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:12
msgid "Whether to ask for confirmation when closing terminal windows"
msgstr "Terminal baten leihoa ixtean baieztapena eskatu behar den ala ez."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:13
msgid ""
"Whether to ask for confirmation when closing a terminal window which has "
"more than one open tab."
msgstr ""
"Hainbat fitxa dituen terminal baten leihoa ixtean baieztapena eskatu behar "
"den ala ez."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:14
msgid "Close tabs with middle click"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:15
msgid "If true, it enables the ability to close tabs using middle click."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:16
msgid "Switch tabs with [Ctrl]+[Tab]"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:17
msgid ""
"If true, it enables the ability to switch tabs using [Ctrl+Tab] and "
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:18
msgctxt "visible-name"
msgid "'Default'"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:19
msgid "Human-readable name of the profile"
msgstr "Profilaren izen ulergarria."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:20
msgid "Human-readable name of the profile."
msgstr "Profilaren izen ulergarria."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:21
msgid "Whether to show menubar in new windows/tabs"
msgstr "Leiho/fitxa berrietan menu-barra erakutsi behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:22
msgid ""
"True if the menubar should be shown in new windows, for windows/tabs with "
"this profile."
msgstr ""
"Egiazkoa leiho berrietan menu-barrak agertu behar badu profil hau duten "

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:23
msgid "Default color of text in the terminal"
msgstr "Terminaleko testuaren kolore lehenetsia"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:24
msgid ""
"Default color of text in the terminal, as a color specification (can be "
"HTML-style hex digits, or a color name such as \"red\")."
msgstr ""
"Terminaleko testuaren kolore lehenetsia, kolore-zehaztapen gisa (HTML "
"estiloko digitu hamaseitarretan, edo kolore-izena emanda, adib. \"red\")."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:25
msgid "Default color of terminal background"
msgstr "Terminalaren atzeko planoko kolore lehenetsia"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:26
msgid ""
"Default color of terminal background, as a color specification (can be HTML-"
"style hex digits, or a color name such as \"red\")."
msgstr ""
"Atzeko planoko kolore lehenetsia, kolore-zehaztapen gisa (HTML estiloko "
"digitu hamaseitarretan, edo kolore-izena emanda, adib. \"red\")."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:27
msgid "Default color of bold text in the terminal"
msgstr "Terminaleko testu lodiaren kolore lehenetsia"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:28
msgid ""
"Default color of bold text in the terminal, as a color specification (can be"
" HTML-style hex digits, or a color name such as \"red\"). This is ignored if"
" bold_color_same_as_fg is true."
msgstr ""
"Terminaleko testu lodiaren kolore lehenetsia, kolore-zehaztapen gisa (HTML "
"estiloko digitu hamaseitarretan, edo kolore-izena emanda, adib. \"red\"). "
"Honi ezikusi egingo zaio bold_color_same_as_fg TRUE (egia) bada."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:29
msgid "Whether bold text should use the same color as normal text"
msgstr "Testu lodiak testu arruntaren kolore berdina erabiliko duen ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:30
msgid ""
"If true, boldface text will be rendered using the same color as normal text."
msgstr ""
"TRUE (egia) bada, letra lodiko testua errendatuko da testu arruntaren kolore"
" berdina erabiliz."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:31
msgid "What to do with dynamic title"
msgstr "Zer egin titulu dinamikoarekin"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:32
msgid ""
"If the application in the terminal sets the title (most typically people "
"have their shell set up to do this), the dynamically-set title can erase the"
" configured title, go before it, go after it, or replace it. The possible "
"values are \"replace\", \"before\", \"after\", and \"ignore\"."
msgstr ""
"Terminaleko aplikazioak titulua ezartzen badu (normalena eginkizun hori "
"shell-ari ematea izaten da), dinamikoki ezarritako titulua lehendik "
"dagoenaren ordez, edo aurretik, edo ondoren jar daiteke. Balio posibleak "
"\"replace\", \"before\", \"after\", eta \"ignore\" dira."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:33
msgctxt "title"
msgid "'Terminal'"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:34
msgid "Title for terminal"
msgstr "Terminalaren titulua"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:35
msgid ""
"Title to display for the terminal window or tab. This title may be replaced "
"by or combined with the title set by the application inside the terminal, "
"depending on the title_mode setting."
msgstr ""
"Terminal-leihoan edo -fitxan bistaratzeko titulua. Titulu hori terminalean "
"exekutatzen den aplikazioak ordeztuko du, edo aplikazioarenarekin "
"konbinatuko da, title_mode ezarpenean zehaztutakoaren arabera."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:36
msgid "Whether to allow bold text"
msgstr "Testu-formatu lodia onartzen den"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:37
msgid "If true, allow applications in the terminal to make text boldface."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, terminaleko aplikazioek testu-formatu lodia erabili ahal "
"izango dute."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:38
msgid "Whether to silence terminal bell"
msgstr "Terminal-soinua isilarazi behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:39
msgid ""
"If true, don't make a noise when applications send the escape sequence for "
"the terminal bell."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, ez da zaratarik entzungo aplikazioek ihes-sekuentzia "
"bidaltzen dutenean terminal-soinuarentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:40
msgid "Copy selection to clipboard"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:41
msgid "If true, selection is automatically copied to clipboard buffer."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:42
msgid "Characters that are considered \"part of a word\""
msgstr "\"Hitz-zatitzat\" hartzen diren karaktereak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:43
msgid ""
"When selecting text by word, sequences of these characters are considered "
"single words. Ranges can be given as \"A-Z\". Literal hyphen (not expressing"
" a range) should be the first character given."
msgstr ""
"Testua hitzez hitz hautatzen denean, karaktere-sekuentzia hauek hitz bezala "
"hartuko dira. Balio-bitarteak \"A-Z\" moduan eman daitezke. Marratxo "
"literalak (balio-bitartea adierazten ez dutenak) lehen karaktere gisa eman "
"behar dira."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:44
msgid "Whether to use custom terminal size for new windows"
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren tamaina pertsonalizatua erabiliko den leiho berrientzako ala ez"
" adierazten du"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:45
msgid ""
"If true, newly created terminal windows will have custom size specified by "
"default_size_columns and default_size_rows."
msgstr ""
"True (egia) bada, sortu berri diren terminalaren leihoak tamaina "
"pertsonalizatua edukiko dute default_size_columns eta default_size_rows "
"parametroek definituta."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:46
msgid "Default number of columns"
msgstr "Zutabeen kopuru lehenetsia"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:47
msgid ""
"Number of columns in newly created terminal windows. Has no effect if "
"use_custom_default_size is not enabled."
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren leiho berriko zutabeen kopurua. Eraginik ez dauka "
"use_custom_default_size ez bada gaitu."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:48
msgid "Default number of rows"
msgstr "Errenkaden kopuru lehenetsia"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:49
msgid ""
"Number of rows in newly created terminal windows. Has no effect if "
"use_custom_default_size is not enabled."
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren leiho berriko errenkaden kopurua. Eraginik ez dauka "
"use_custom_default_size ez bada gaitu."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:50
msgid "Position of the scrollbar"
msgstr "Korritze-barraren posizioa"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:51
msgid ""
"Where to put the terminal scrollbar. Possibilities are \"left\", \"right\", "
"and \"hidden\"."
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren korritze-barra non kokatu. Aukerak \"ezkerrean\", \"eskuinean\""
" eta \"ezkutuan\" dira."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:52
msgid "Number of lines to keep in scrollback"
msgstr "Korritze-barran mantentzeko lerro-kopurua"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:53
msgid ""
"Number of scrollback lines to keep around. You can scroll back in the "
"terminal by this number of lines; lines that don't fit in the scrollback are"
" discarded. If scrollback_unlimited is true, this value is ignored."
msgstr ""
"Korritze-barran zenbat lerro mantendu. Lerro horiek izango dituzu atzera "
"korritu ahal izateko; kopuru hori gainditu ahala, lerroak galduz joango "
"dira. 'scrollback_unlimited' TRUE (egia) bada, balio honi ezikusi egingo "

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:54
msgid "Whether an unlimited number of lines should be kept in scrollback"
msgstr "Korritze-barran mugarik gabeko lerro-kopurua mantenduko diren ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:55
msgid ""
"If true, scrollback lines will never be discarded. The scrollback history is"
" stored on disk temporarily, so this may cause the system to run out of disk"
" space if there is a lot of output to the terminal."
msgstr ""
"TRUE (egia) bada, korritze-barrako lerroak ez dira inoiz baztertuko. "
"Korritze-barraren historia aldi baterako diskoan gordeko denez, honek "
"diskoan lekurik gabe gelditzea eragin dezake terminaleko irteera ugaria "
"izanez gero."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:56
msgid "Whether to scroll to the bottom when a key is pressed"
msgstr "Tekla bat sakatutakoan beheraino korritu behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:57
msgid "If true, pressing a key jumps the scrollbar to the bottom."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, tekla bat sakatzean korritze-barra beheraino joango da."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:58
msgid "Whether to scroll to the bottom when there's new output"
msgstr "Irteera berri bat dagoenean beheraino korritu behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:59
msgid ""
"If true, whenever there's new output the terminal will scroll to the bottom."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, irteera berri bat dagoenean terminala beheraino korrituko "

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:60
msgid "What to do with the terminal when the child command exits"
msgstr "Zer egin terminalarekin komando umeak amaitzen duenean"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:61
msgid ""
"Possible values are \"close\" to close the terminal, and \"restart\" to "
"restart the command."
msgstr ""
"Balio posibleak: \"close\" terminala ixteko, eta \"restart\" komandoa "

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:62
msgid "Whether to launch the command in the terminal as a login shell"
msgstr ""
"Terminaleko komandoa saioa hasteko shell gisa abiarazi behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:63
msgid ""
"If true, the command inside the terminal will be launched as a login shell. "
"(argv[0] will have a hyphen in front of it.)"
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, terminaleko komandoa saioa hasteko shell gisa abiaraziko da."
" (Marratxo bat izango du argv[0] katearen aurretik)."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:64
msgid "Whether to update login records when launching terminal command"
msgstr ""
"Terminaleko komandoa abiaraztean saio-hasierako erregistroak eguneratu behar"
" diren ala ez."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:65
msgid ""
"If true, the system login records utmp and wtmp will be updated when the "
"command inside the terminal is launched."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, sistemako saio-hasierako utmp eta wtmp erregistroak "
"eguneratu egingo dira terminalean komando bat abiarazten denean."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:66
msgid "Whether to run a custom command instead of the shell"
msgstr ""
"Shell-aren ordez komando pertsonalizatu bat exekutatu behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:67
msgid ""
"If true, the value of the custom_command setting will be used in place of "
"running a shell."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, custom_command ezarpenaren balioa erabiliko da, shell bat "
"exekutatu beharrean."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:68
msgid "Whether to blink the cursor"
msgstr "Kurtsorea keinuka egongo den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:69
msgid ""
"The possible values are \"system\" to use the global cursor blinking "
"settings, or \"on\" or \"off\" to set the mode explicitly."
msgstr ""
"Balio erabilgarriak: \"system\", kurtsore globala ezarpen keinukariak "
"erabilteko; \"on\" edo \"off\" modua esplizitoki ezartzeko."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:70
msgid "The cursor appearance"
msgstr "Kurtsorearen itxura"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:71
msgid ""
"The possible values are \"block\" to use a block cursor, \"ibeam\" to use a "
"vertical line cursor, or \"underline\" to use an underline cursor."
msgstr ""
"Balio erabilgarriak honakoak dira: \"block\" bloke formako kurtsorea, "
"\"ibeam\" marra bertikal formakoa, edo \"underline\" azpimarra formakoa."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:72
msgid "Custom command to use instead of the shell"
msgstr "Shell-aren ordez erabiltzeko komando pertsonalizatua"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:73
msgid "Run this command in place of the shell, if use_custom_command is true."
msgstr ""
"Exekutatu hau komando hau shell-aren ordez, use_custom_command egiazkoa "

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:74
msgid "Icon for terminal window"
msgstr "Terminal-leihoaren ikonoa"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:75
msgid "Icon to use for tabs/windows containing this profile."
msgstr "Profil honetako fitxetan/leihoetan erabiltzeko ikonoa."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:76
msgid "Palette for terminal applications"
msgstr "Terminaleko aplikazioentzako paleta"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:77
msgid ""
"Terminals have a 16-color palette that applications inside the terminal can "
"use. This is that palette, in the form of a colon-separated list of color "
"names. Color names should be in hex format e.g. \"#FF00FF\""
msgstr ""
"Terminalek 16 koloreko paleta dute terminaleko aplikazioek erabiltzeko. Hau "
"da paleta hori, kolore-izenak bi puntuz bereizita. Kolore-izenak formatu "
"hamaseitarrean ematen dira, adib. \"#FF00FF\""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:78
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Letra-tipoa"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:79
msgid "An Pango font name. Examples are \"Sans 12\" or \"Monospace Bold 14\"."
msgstr "Pango letra-tipo baten izena. Adib., \"Sans 12\" edo \"Monospace Bold 14\"."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:80
msgid "Background type"
msgstr "Atzeko planoaren mota"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:81
msgid ""
"Type of terminal background. May be \"solid\" for a solid color, \"image\" "
"for an image, or \"transparent\" for either real transparency if a "
"compositing window manager is running, or pseudo-transparency otherwise."
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren atzeko planoaren mota. Aukerak: \"solid\" (kolore solidoa) "
"\"image\" (irudia), edo \"transparent\" benetako gardentasuna leiho-"
"kudeatzaile konposatua exekutatzen ari bada, edo bestela sasi-gardentasuna."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:82
msgid "Background image"
msgstr "Atzeko planoko irudia"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:83
msgid "Filename of a background image."
msgstr "Atzeko planoko irudiaren fitxategi-izena."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:84
msgid "Whether to scroll background image"
msgstr "Atzeko planoko irudia korritu behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:85
msgid ""
"If true, scroll the background image with the foreground text; if false, "
"keep the image in a fixed position and scroll the text above it."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, atzeko planoko irudia aurreko planoko testuarekin batera "
"korrituko da; bestela, irudia ez da mugituko eta testua bakarrik korrituko "

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:86
msgid "How much to darken the background image"
msgstr "Zenbat ilundu atzeko planoko irudia."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:87
msgid ""
"A value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how much to darken the background "
"image. 0.0 means no darkness, 1.0 means fully dark. In the current "
"implementation, there are only two levels of darkness possible, so the "
"setting behaves as a boolean, where 0.0 disables the darkening effect."
msgstr ""
"Atzeko planoko irudia zenbat ilundu behar den zehazteko, 0.0 eta 1.0 arteko "
"balio bat adierazi behar da. 0.0 balioak ez iluntzeko esan nahi du eta 1.0 "
"balioak erabat iluntzeko. Oraingoz, bi maila besterik ez daude aukeran, eta,"
" beraz, ezarpen boolearra da (0.0k itzaleztatzea desgaitzen du)."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:88
msgid "Effect of the Backspace key"
msgstr "Atzera-teklaren ekintza"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:89
msgid ""
"Sets what code the backspace key generates. Possible values are \"ascii-"
"del\" for the ASCII DEL character, \"control-h\" for Control-H (AKA the "
"ASCII BS character), \"escape-sequence\" for the escape sequence typically "
"bound to backspace or delete. \"ascii-del\" is normally considered the "
"correct setting for the Backspace key."
msgstr ""
"'Atzera-tekla'k sortuko duen kodea ezartzen du. Hauek dira balio posibleak: "
"\"ascii-del\" (ASCII DEL karakterea), \"control-h\" (Ktrl+H, AKA ASCII BS "
"karakterea), \"escape-sequence\" (normalean atzera-teklari edo ezabatzekoari"
" lotutako ihes-sekuentzia). Atzera-teklarentzat \"ascii-del\" ezarpen "
"egokitzat jotzen da normalean."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:90
msgid "Effect of the Delete key"
msgstr "\"Ezabatu\" teklaren ekintza"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:91
msgid ""
"Sets what code the delete key generates. Possible values are \"ascii-del\" "
"for the ASCII DEL character, \"control-h\" for Control-H (AKA the ASCII BS "
"character), \"escape-sequence\" for the escape sequence typically bound to "
"backspace or delete. \"escape-sequence\" is normally considered the correct "
"setting for the Delete key."
msgstr ""
"'Ezabatu' teklak sortuko duen kodea ezartzen du. Hauek dira balio posibleak:"
" \"ascii-del\" (ASCII DEL karakterea), \"control-h\" (Ktrl+H, AKA ASCII BS "
"karakterea), \"escape-sequence\" (normalean atzera-teklari edo ezabatzekoari"
" lotutako ihes-sekuentzia). Ezabatu teklarentzat \"escape-sequence\" ezarpen"
" egokitzat jotzen da normalean."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:92
msgid "Whether to use the colors from the theme for the terminal widget"
msgstr "Terminalean gaiaren koloreak erabili behar diren ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:93
msgid ""
"If true, the theme color scheme used for text entry boxes will be used for "
"the terminal, instead of colors provided by the user."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, testua sartzeko koadroetako gaiaren kolore-eskema bera "
"erabiliko da terminalean, erabiltzaileak zehaztutako koloreak erabili "

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:94
msgid "Whether to use the system font"
msgstr "Sistemako letra-tipoa erabili behar den ala ez"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:95
msgid ""
"If true, the terminal will use the desktop-global standard font if it's "
"monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise)."
msgstr ""
"Hautatzen bada, terminalak mahaigaineko letra-tipo orokorra erabiliko du, "
"tarte bakarrekoa bada (eta hurbileneko letra-tipoa bestela)."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:96
msgid "Highlight S/Key challenges"
msgstr "Nabarmendu S/Key erronkak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:97
msgid ""
"Popup a dialog when an S/Key challenge response query is detected and "
"clicked on. Typing a password into the dialog will send it to the terminal."
msgstr ""
"Ireki elkarrizketa bat S/key erronka-erantzunaren kontsulta detektatu eta "
"bertan klik egiten denean. Pasahitza idatzita, terminalera bidaliko du."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:98
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to open a new tab"
msgstr "Fitxa berria irekitzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:99
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for opening a new tab. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Fitxa berria irekitzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:100
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to open a new window"
msgstr "Leiho berria irekitzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:101
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for opening a new window. Expressed as a string in the"
" same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Leiho berria irekitzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:102
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to create a new profile"
msgstr "Profil berria sortzeko laster-teklak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:103
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for bringing up the dialog for profile creation. "
"Expressed as a string in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If "
"you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no"
" keyboard shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""
"Profila sortzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa irekitzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa "
"adierazita GTK+ baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. "
"Aukera honetan \"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik"
" egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:104
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to save the current tab contents to file"
msgstr "Uneko fitxako edukia fitxategi batean gordetzeko laster-teklak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:105
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to save the current tab contents to a file. Expressed "
"as a string in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the "
"option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard "
"shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren titulua ezartzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ "
"baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:106
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to close a tab"
msgstr "Fitxa ixteko laster-teklak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:107
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for closing a tab. Expressed as a string in the same "
"format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"Fitxa ixteko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:108
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to close a window"
msgstr "Leihoa ixteko laster-teklak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:109
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for closing a window. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Leihoa ixteko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:110
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to copy text"
msgstr "Testua kopiatzeko laster-teklak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:111
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for copying selected text to the clipboard. Expressed "
"as a string in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the "
"option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard "
"shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""
"Hautatutako testua arbelean kopiatzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita "
"GTK+ baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:112
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to paste text"
msgstr "Testua itsasteko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:113
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for pasting the contents of the clipboard in the "
"terminal. Expressed as a string in the same format used for GTK+ resource "
"files. If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
"will be no keyboard shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:114
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to select all text"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:115
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for selecting all the text in the terminal. Expressed "
"as a string in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the "
"option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard "
"shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:116
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to show the find dialog"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:117
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for showing the find dialog. Expressed as a string in "
"the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:118
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to find the next occurrence of the search term"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:119
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for finding the next occurrence of the search term in "
"the terminal. Expressed as a string in the same format used for GTK+ "
"resource files. If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
"then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:120
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to find the previous occurrence of the search term"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:121
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for finding the previous occurrence of the search term"
" in the terminal. Expressed as a string in the same format used for GTK+ "
"resource files. If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
"then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:122
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to toggle full screen mode"
msgstr "Pantaila osoko modua jarri eta kentzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:123
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for toggling full screen mode. Expressed as a string "
"in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to "
"the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for"
" this action."
msgstr ""
"Pantaila osoko modua jartzeko eta kentzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa "
"adierazita GTK+ baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. "
"Aukera honetan \"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik"
" egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:124
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of the menubar"
msgstr "Menu-barra erakutsi eta ezkutatzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:125
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to toggle the visibility of the menubar. Expressed as "
"a string in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the "
"option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard "
"shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""
"Menu-barra erakutsi eta ezkutatzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+"
" baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:126
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to set the terminal title"
msgstr "Terminalaren titulua ezartzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:127
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to set the terminal title. Expressed as a string in "
"the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren titulua ezartzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ "
"baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:128
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to reset the terminal"
msgstr "Terminala berrezartzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:129
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to reset the terminal. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Terminala berrezartzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:130
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to reset and clear the terminal"
msgstr "Terminala berrezarri eta garbitzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:131
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to reset and clear the terminal. Expressed as a string"
" in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to "
"the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for"
" this action."
msgstr ""
"Terminala berrezarri eta garbitzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+"
" baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:132
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to the previous tab"
msgstr "Aurreko fitxara joateko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:133
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to switch to the previous tab. Expressed as a string "
"in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to "
"the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for"
" this action."
msgstr ""
"Aurreko fitxara aldatzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ "
"baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:134
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to the next tab"
msgstr "Hurrengo fitxara joateko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:135
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to switch to the next tab. Expressed as a string in "
"the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Hurrengo fitxara aldatzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ "
"baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:136
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to the previous profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:137
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to switch to the previous profile. Expressed as a "
"string in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the "
"option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard "
"shortcut for this action."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:138
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to the next profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:139
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key to switch to the next profile. Expressed as a string "
"in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to "
"the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for"
" this action."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:140
msgid "Accelerator to move the current tab to the left."
msgstr "Tekla bizkortzailea, uneko fitxa ezkerrera eramateko."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:141
msgid ""
"Accelerator key to move the current tab to the left. Expressed as a string "
"in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to "
"the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
msgstr ""
"Tekla bizkortzailea, uneko fitxa ezkerrera eramateko. Kate gisa adierazita "
"GTK+ baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:142
msgid "Accelerator to move the current tab to the right."
msgstr "Tekla bizkortzailea, uneko fitxa eskuinera eramateko."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:143
msgid ""
"Accelerator key to move the current tab to the right. Expressed as a string "
"in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to "
"the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
msgstr ""
"Tekla bizkortzailea, uneko fitxa eskuinera eramateko. Kate gisa adierazita "
"GTK+ baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:144
msgid "Accelerator to detach current tab."
msgstr "Bizkortzailea uneko fitxa desuztartzeko."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:145
msgid ""
"Accelerator key to detach current tab. Expressed as a string in the same "
"format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
msgstr ""
"Uneko fitxa desuztartzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ "
"baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:146
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 1"
msgstr "1. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:147
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 1. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"1. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:148
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 2"
msgstr "2. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:149
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 2. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"2. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:150
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 3"
msgstr "3. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:151
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 3. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"3. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:152
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 4"
msgstr "4. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:153
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 4. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"4. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:154
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 5"
msgstr "5. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:155
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 5. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"5. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:156
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 6"
msgstr "6. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:157
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 6. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"6. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:158
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 7"
msgstr "7. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:159
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 7. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"7. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:160
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 8"
msgstr "8. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:161
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 8. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"8. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:162
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 9"
msgstr "9. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:163
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 9. Expressed as a string in the same"
" format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"9. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:164
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 10"
msgstr "10. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:165
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 10. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"10. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:166
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 11"
msgstr "11. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:167
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 11. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"11. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:168
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to switch to tab 12"
msgstr "12. fitxara joateko laster-tekla."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:169
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for switch to tab 12. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"12. fitxara aldatzeko laster-tekla. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:170
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to launch help"
msgstr "Laguntza abiatzeko laster-teklak"

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:171
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for launching help. Expressed as a string in the same "
"format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the special "
"string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for this "
msgstr ""
"Laguntza irekitzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:172
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to make font larger"
msgstr "Letra handiagotzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:173
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for making font larger. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Letra handiagotzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:174
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to make font smaller"
msgstr "Letra txikiagotzeko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:175
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for making font smaller. Expressed as a string in the "
"same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to the "
"special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for "
"this action."
msgstr ""
"Letra txikiagotzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ baliabide-"
"fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan \"disabled\" "
"kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza honentzat."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:176
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to make font normal-size"
msgstr "Letra-tamaina normala ikusteko laster-teklak."

#: ../src/org.mate.terminal.gschema.xml.in.h:177
msgid ""
"Keyboard shortcut key for making font the normal size. Expressed as a string"
" in the same format used for GTK+ resource files. If you set the option to "
"the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for"
" this action."
msgstr ""
"Letra-tamaina normala ezartzeko laster-teklak. Kate gisa adierazita GTK+ "
"baliabide-fitxategietan erabiltzen den formatu berean. Aukera honetan "
"\"disabled\" kate berezia jartzen bada, ez da laster-teklarik egongo ekintza"
" honentzat."

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:44
msgid "Black on light yellow"
msgstr "Beltza hori argiaren gainean"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:49
msgid "Black on white"
msgstr "Beltza zuriaren gainean"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:54
msgid "Gray on black"
msgstr "Grisa beltzaren gainean"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:59
msgid "Green on black"
msgstr "Berdea beltzaren gainean"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:64
msgid "White on black"
msgstr "Zuria beltzaren gainean"

#. Translators: "Solarized" is the name of a colour scheme, "light" can be
#. translated
#: ../src/profile-editor.c:69
msgid "Solarized light"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: "Solarized" is the name of a colour scheme, "dark" can be
#. translated
#: ../src/profile-editor.c:74
msgid "Solarized dark"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:492
#, c-format
msgid "Error parsing command: %s"
msgstr "Errorea komandoa analizatzean: %s"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:509
#, c-format
msgid "Editing Profile “%s”"
msgstr "'%s' profilaren edizioa"

#. Translators: This is the name of a colour scheme
#: ../src/profile-editor.c:540 ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:11
#: ../src/extra-strings.c:82
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Pertsonalizatua"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:590
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Irudiak"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:734
#, c-format
msgid "Choose Palette Color %d"
msgstr "Aukeratu %d paleta-kolorea"

#: ../src/profile-editor.c:738
#, c-format
msgid "Palette entry %d"
msgstr "%d paleta-sarrera"

#: ../src/encodings-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Add or Remove Terminal Encodings"
msgstr "Gehitu edo kendu terminal-kodeketak"

#: ../src/encodings-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "A_vailable encodings:"
msgstr "_Kodeketa erabilgarriak:"

#: ../src/encodings-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "E_ncodings shown in menu:"
msgstr "_Menuan erakutsitako kodeketak:"

#: ../src/find-dialog.ui.h:1 ../src/terminal-accels.c:218
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Bilatu"

#: ../src/find-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "_Search for:"
msgstr "Bila_tu: "

#: ../src/find-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "_Match case"
msgstr "_Maiuskula/minuskula"

#: ../src/find-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "Match _entire word only"
msgstr "_Hitz osoak soilik"

#: ../src/find-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "Match as _regular expression"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/find-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid "Search _backwards"
msgstr "Bilatu _atzerantz"

#: ../src/find-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "_Wrap around"
msgstr "_Doitu"

#: ../src/keybinding-editor.ui.h:1
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "Laster-teklak"

#: ../src/keybinding-editor.ui.h:2
msgid "_Enable menu access keys (such as Alt+F to open the File menu)"
msgstr ""
"Gaitu menuetako _tekla bizkortzaileak (adib., Alt+F Fitxategia menua "

#: ../src/keybinding-editor.ui.h:3
msgid "Enable the _menu shortcut key (F10 by default)"
msgstr "Gaitu menuaren _lasterbidea (lehenespenez F10)"

#: ../src/keybinding-editor.ui.h:4
msgid "_Shortcut keys:"
msgstr "_Laster-teklak:"

#: ../src/profile-manager.ui.h:1
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profilak"

#: ../src/profile-manager.ui.h:2
msgid "_Profile used when launching a new terminal:"
msgstr "_Terminal berria abiaraztean erabiliko den profila:"

#: ../src/profile-new-dialog.ui.h:1 ../src/terminal-accels.c:156
msgid "New Profile"
msgstr "Profil berria"

#: ../src/profile-new-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "C_reate"
msgstr "_Sortu"

#: ../src/profile-new-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "Profile _name:"
msgstr "Profila-_izena:"

#: ../src/profile-new-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "_Base on:"
msgstr "_Oinarria:"

#. Translators: Cursor shape: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:1 ../src/extra-strings.c:35
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Blokea"

#. Translators: Cursor shape: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:2 ../src/extra-strings.c:37
msgid "I-Beam"
msgstr "Marra bertikala"

#. Translators: Cursor shape: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:3 ../src/extra-strings.c:39
msgid "Underline"
msgstr "Azpimarra"

#. Translators: When terminal commands set their own titles: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:4 ../src/extra-strings.c:63
msgid "Replace initial title"
msgstr "Ordeztu hasierako titulua"

#. Translators: When terminal commands set their own titles: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:5 ../src/extra-strings.c:65
msgid "Append initial title"
msgstr "Erantsi hasierako titulua"

#. Translators: When terminal commands set their own titles: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:6 ../src/extra-strings.c:67
msgid "Prepend initial title"
msgstr "Jarri hasierako titulua aurrean"

#. Translators: When terminal commands set their own titles: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:7 ../src/extra-strings.c:69
msgid "Keep initial title"
msgstr "Mantendu hasierako titulua"

#. Translators: When command exits: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:8 ../src/extra-strings.c:49
msgid "Exit the terminal"
msgstr "Irten terminaletik"

#. Translators: When command exits: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:9 ../src/extra-strings.c:51
msgid "Restart the command"
msgstr "Berrabiarazi komandoa"

#. Translators: When command exits: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:10 ../src/extra-strings.c:53
msgid "Hold the terminal open"
msgstr "Utzi terminala irekita"

#. Translators: This is the name of a colour scheme
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:12 ../src/extra-strings.c:72
msgid "Tango"
msgstr "Tango"

#. Translators: This is the name of a colour scheme
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:13 ../src/extra-strings.c:74
msgid "Linux console"
msgstr "Linux kontsola"

#. Translators: This is the name of a colour scheme
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:14 ../src/extra-strings.c:76
msgid "XTerm"
msgstr "XTerm"

#. Translators: This is the name of a colour scheme
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:15 ../src/extra-strings.c:78
msgid "Rxvt"
msgstr "Rxvt"

#. Translators: This is the name of a colour scheme
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:16 ../src/extra-strings.c:80
msgid "Solarized"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: Scrollbar is: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:17 ../src/extra-strings.c:56
msgid "On the left side"
msgstr "Ezkerreko aldean"

#. Translators: Scrollbar is: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:18 ../src/extra-strings.c:58
msgid "On the right side"
msgstr "Eskuineko aldean"

#. Translators: Scrollbar is: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:19 ../src/terminal-accels.c:408
#: ../src/extra-strings.c:60
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Desgaituta"

#. * Copyright © 2009 Christian Persch
#. *
#. * Mate-terminal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#. * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#. * (at your option) any later version.
#. *
#. * Mate-terminal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#. * GNU General Public License for more details.
#. *
#. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#. * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#. This file contains extra strings that need to be translated, but
#. * can't be extracted by intltool since the ui files aren't in git, and
#. * the glade files don't contain them in the right form. See bug #553357.
#. Translators: This refers to the Delete keybinding option
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:20 ../src/extra-strings.c:24
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatikoa"

#. Translators: This refers to the Delete keybinding option
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:21 ../src/extra-strings.c:26
msgid "Control-H"
msgstr "Kontrol+H"

#. Translators: This refers to the Delete keybinding option
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:22 ../src/extra-strings.c:28
msgid "ASCII DEL"
msgstr "ASCII EZAB"

#. Translators: This refers to the Delete keybinding option
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:23 ../src/extra-strings.c:30
msgid "Escape sequence"
msgstr "Ihes-sekuentzia"

#. Translators: This refers to the Delete keybinding option
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:24 ../src/extra-strings.c:32
msgid "TTY Erase"
msgstr "TTY ezabatu"

#. Translators: Cursor blink: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:25 ../src/extra-strings.c:42
msgid "Use system settings"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: Cursor blink: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:26 ../src/extra-strings.c:44
msgid "Always blink"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: Cursor blink: ...
#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:27 ../src/extra-strings.c:46
msgid "Never blink"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:28
msgid "Profile Editor"
msgstr "Profil-editorea"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:29
msgid "_Profile name:"
msgstr "_Profila-izena:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:30
msgid "_Use the system fixed width font"
msgstr "_Erabili sisteman finkatutako letra-tipoa"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:31
msgid "_Font:"
msgstr "Letra-_tipoa:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:32
msgid "Choose A Terminal Font"
msgstr "Aukeratu terminalaren letra-tipoa"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:33
msgid "_Allow bold text"
msgstr "_Onartu testu lodia"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:34
msgid "Show _menubar by default in new terminals"
msgstr "Erakutsi _menu-barra lehenespenez terminal berrietan"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:35
msgid "Terminal _bell"
msgstr "Terminal-_soinua"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:36
msgid "Copy selected text into _clipboard"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:37
msgid "Cursor blin_k:"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:38
msgid "Cursor _shape:"
msgstr "Kurtsorearen _forma:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:39
msgid "Select-by-_word characters:"
msgstr "_Hitz gisa hautatzeko karaktereak:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:40
msgid "Use custom default terminal si_ze"
msgstr "Erabili terminalaren _tamaina pertsonalizatu lehenetsia"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:41
msgid "Default size:"
msgstr "Tamaina lehenetsia:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:42
msgid "columns"
msgstr "zutabeak"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:43
msgid "rows"
msgstr "errenkadak"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:44
msgid "General"
msgstr "Orokorra"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:45
msgid "<b>Title</b>"
msgstr "<b>Titulua</b>"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:46
msgid "Initial _title:"
msgstr "Hasierako _titulua:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:47
msgid "When terminal commands set their o_wn titles:"
msgstr "Terminaleko komandoek _haien tituluak noiz ezarri:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:48
msgid "<b>Command</b>"
msgstr "<b>Komandoa</b>"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:49
msgid "_Run command as a login shell"
msgstr "_Exekutatu komandoa saioa hasteko shell gisa"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:50
msgid "_Update login records when command is launched"
msgstr "_Eguneratu saio-hasierako erregistroak komando bat abiarazten denean"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:51
msgid "Ru_n a custom command instead of my shell"
msgstr "E_xekutatu komando pertsonalizatua shell-aren ordez"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:52
msgid "Custom co_mmand:"
msgstr "Ko_mando pertsonalizatua:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:53
msgid "When command _exits:"
msgstr "Ko_mandoak amaitzen duenean:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:54
msgid "Title and Command"
msgstr "Titulua eta komandoa"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:55
msgid "<b>Foreground, Background, Bold and Underline</b>"
msgstr "<b>Aurreko planoa, atzeko planoa, lodia eta azpimarra</b>"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:56
msgid "_Use colors from system theme"
msgstr "Erabili _sistemaren gaiaren koloreak"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:57
msgid "Built-in sche_mes:"
msgstr "_Eskema inkorporatuak:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:58
msgid "_Text color:"
msgstr "_Testuaren kolorea:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:59
msgid "Choose Terminal Background Color"
msgstr "Aukeratu terminalaren atzeko planoko kolorea"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:60
msgid "Choose Terminal Text Color"
msgstr "Aukeratu terminalaren testuaren kolorea"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:61
msgid "_Background color:"
msgstr "_Atzeko planoko kolorea:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:62
msgid "Bol_d color:"
msgstr "_Lodiaren kolorea:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:63
msgid "_Underline color:"
msgstr "_Azpimarra kolorea:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:64
msgid "_Same as text color"
msgstr "Testuaren kolorearen _berdina"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:65
msgid "<b>Palette</b>"
msgstr "<b>Paleta</b>"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:66
msgid "Built-in _schemes:"
msgstr "Eskema _inkorporatuak:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:67
msgid "Color p_alette:"
msgstr "Kolore-_paleta:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:68
msgid ""
"<small><i><b>Note:</b> Terminal applications have these colors available to "
msgstr ""
"<small><i><b>Oharra:</b> terminaletan kolore hauek erabil "

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:69
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Koloreak"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:70
msgid "_Solid color"
msgstr "_Kolore solidoa"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:71
msgid "_Background image"
msgstr "_Atzeko planoko irudia"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:72
msgid "Image _file:"
msgstr "_Irudi-fitxategia:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:73
msgid "Select Background Image"
msgstr "Atzeko planoko irudia"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:74
msgid "Background image _scrolls"
msgstr "_Atzeko planoko irudia korritzen da"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:75
msgid "_Transparent background"
msgstr "_Atzeko plano gardena"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:76
msgid "S_hade transparent or image background:"
msgstr "_Itzaleztatu atzeko plano gardena edo irudiduna:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:77
msgid "S_hade transparent background:"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:78
msgid "<small><i>None</i></small>"
msgstr "<small><i>Bat ere ez</i></small>"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:79
msgid "<small><i>Maximum</i></small>"
msgstr "<small><i>Gehienezkoa</i></small>"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:80
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Atzeko planoa"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:81
msgid "_Scrollbar is:"
msgstr "_Korritze-barraren posizioa:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:82
msgid "Scroll on _output"
msgstr "Ko_rritu irteeran"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:83
msgid "Scroll on _keystroke"
msgstr "Korritu _tekla sakatutakoan"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:84
msgid "lines"
msgstr "lerro"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:85
msgid "Scroll_back:"
msgstr "_Atzera korritu:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:86
msgid "_Unlimited"
msgstr "_Mugagabea"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:87
msgid "Scrolling"
msgstr "Korritzea"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:88
msgid ""
"<small><i><b>Note:</b> These options may cause some applications to behave "
"incorrectly.  They are only here to allow you to work around certain "
"applications and operating systems that expect different terminal "
msgstr ""
"<small><i><b>Oharra:</b> aukera hauek aplikazio batzuen funtzionamendua "
"oztopa dezakete. Terminaletan beste portaera bat espero duten zenbait "
"aplikazio eta sistema eragilerekin lan egin ahal izateko bakarrik eskaintzen"
" dira.</i></small>"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:89
msgid "_Delete key generates:"
msgstr "'_Ezabatu' tekla sakatutakoan:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:90
msgid "_Backspace key generates:"
msgstr "_Atzera-tekla sakatutakoan:"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:91
msgid "_Reset Compatibility Options to Defaults"
msgstr "_Berrezarri bateragarritasun-aukerak lehenetsietara"

#: ../src/profile-preferences.ui.h:92
msgid "Compatibility"
msgstr "Bateragarritasuna"

#: ../src/skey-challenge.ui.h:1
msgid "S/Key Challenge Response"
msgstr "S/Key erronka-erantzuna"

#: ../src/skey-challenge.ui.h:2
msgid "_Password:"
msgstr "_Pasahitza:"

#: ../src/skey-popup.c:165
msgid "The text you clicked on doesn't seem to be a valid S/Key challenge."
msgstr "Zuk klik egindako testuak ez dirudi S/Key erronka denik."

#: ../src/skey-popup.c:176
msgid "The text you clicked on doesn't seem to be a valid OTP challenge."
msgstr "Zuk klik egindako testuak ez dirudi OTP erronka denik."

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:148
msgid "New Tab"
msgstr "Fitxa berria"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:152
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "Leiho berria"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:161
msgid "Save Contents"
msgstr "Gorde edukia"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:166
msgid "Close Tab"
msgstr "Itxi fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:170
msgid "Close Window"
msgstr "Itxi leihoa"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:178
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiatu"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:182
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Itsatsi"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:186
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Hautatu dena"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:194
msgid "Hide and Show menubar"
msgstr "Ezkutatu eta erakutsi menu-barra"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:198
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Pantaila osoa"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:202
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Zooma handiagotu"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:206
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Zooma txikiagotu"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:210
msgid "Normal Size"
msgstr "Tamaina normala"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:222
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Bilatu hurrengoa"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:226
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Bilatu aurrekoa"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:234 ../src/terminal-window.c:4209
msgid "Set Title"
msgstr "Ezarri titulua"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:238
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Berrezarri"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:242
msgid "Reset and Clear"
msgstr "Berrezarri eta garbitu"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:246
msgid "Switch to Previous Profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:250
msgid "Switch to Next Profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:258
msgid "Switch to Previous Tab"
msgstr "Aldatu aurreko fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:262
msgid "Switch to Next Tab"
msgstr "Aldatu hurrengo fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:266
msgid "Move Tab to the Left"
msgstr "Eraman fitxa ezkerrera"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:270
msgid "Move Tab to the Right"
msgstr "Eraman fitxa eskuinera"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:274
msgid "Detach Tab"
msgstr "Desuztartu fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:278
msgid "Switch to Tab 1"
msgstr "Aldatu 1. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:283
msgid "Switch to Tab 2"
msgstr "Aldatu 2. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:288
msgid "Switch to Tab 3"
msgstr "Aldatu 3. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:293
msgid "Switch to Tab 4"
msgstr "Aldatu 4. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:298
msgid "Switch to Tab 5"
msgstr "Aldatu 5. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:303
msgid "Switch to Tab 6"
msgstr "Aldatu 6. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:308
msgid "Switch to Tab 7"
msgstr "Aldatu 7. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:313
msgid "Switch to Tab 8"
msgstr "Aldatu 8. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:318
msgid "Switch to Tab 9"
msgstr "Aldatu 9. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:323
msgid "Switch to Tab 10"
msgstr "Aldatu 10. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:328
msgid "Switch to Tab 11"
msgstr "Aldatu 11. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:333
msgid "Switch to Tab 12"
msgstr "Aldatu 12. fitxara"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:341
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Edukia"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:346
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fitxategia"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:347
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editatu"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:348
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ikusi"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:349
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Bilatu"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:351
msgid "Tabs"
msgstr "Fitxak"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:352
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Laguntza"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:855
#, c-format
msgid "The shortcut key “%s” is already bound to the “%s” action"
msgstr "'%s' lasterbidea jadanik '%s' ekintzari lotuta dago"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:1011
msgid "_Action"
msgstr "_Ekintza"

#: ../src/terminal-accels.c:1030
msgid "Shortcut _Key"
msgstr "_Laster-teklak"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:540
msgid "Click button to choose profile"
msgstr "Egin klik botoian profila aukeratzeko"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:623
msgid "Profile list"
msgstr "Profil-zerrenda"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:702
#, c-format
msgid "Delete profile “%s”?"
msgstr "'%s' profila ezabatu?"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:706
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_Utzi"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:711
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Ezabatu"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:718
msgid "Delete Profile"
msgstr "Ezabatu profila"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:1165
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You already have a profile called “%s”. Do you want to create another "
"profile with the same name?"
msgstr ""
"'%s' izeneko profila badago lehendik. Beste profila izen berdinarekin "
"sortzea nahi duzu?"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:1260
msgid "Choose base profile"
msgstr "Aukeratu oinarrizko profila"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:1848
#, c-format
msgid "No such profile \"%s\", using default profile\n"
msgstr "Ez dago '%s' profilik, profil lehenetsia erabiliko da\n"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:1875
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid geometry string \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "\"%s\" geometria-kate baliogabea\n"

#: ../src/terminal-app.c:2081
msgid "User Defined"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak definitua"

#: ../src/terminal.c:585
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to parse arguments: %s\n"
msgstr "Huts egin du argumentuak analizatzean: %s\n"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:53 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:66
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:80 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:102
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:113
msgid "Western"
msgstr "Mendebaldekoa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:54 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:81
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:92 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:111
msgid "Central European"
msgstr "Europako Erdialdekoa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:55
msgid "South European"
msgstr "Europako Hegoaldekoa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:56 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:64
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:118
msgid "Baltic"
msgstr "Baltikokoa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:57 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:82
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:88 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:89
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:94 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:112
msgid "Cyrillic"
msgstr "Zirilikoa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:58 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:85
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:91 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:117
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Arabiera"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:59 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:97
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:114
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Grekoa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:60
msgid "Hebrew Visual"
msgstr "Hebrear bisuala"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:61 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:84
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:100 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:116
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Hebreera"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:62 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:83
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:104 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:115
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Turkiarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:63
msgid "Nordic"
msgstr "Nordikoa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:65
msgid "Celtic"
msgstr "Zeltiarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:67 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:103
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Errumaniarra"

#. These encodings do NOT pass-through ASCII, so are always rejected.
#. * FIXME: why are they in this table; or rather why do we need
#. * the ASCII pass-through requirement?
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:68 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:125
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:126 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:127
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:128
msgid "Unicode"
msgstr "Unicode"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:69
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr "Armeniera"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:70 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:71
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:75
msgid "Chinese Traditional"
msgstr "Txinatar tradizionala"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:72
msgid "Cyrillic/Russian"
msgstr "Zirilikoa/Errusiarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:73 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:86
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:106
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japoniarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:74 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:87
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:109 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:129
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korearra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:76 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:77
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:78
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr "Txinatar soildua"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:79
msgid "Georgian"
msgstr "Georgiera"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:90 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:105
msgid "Cyrillic/Ukrainian"
msgstr "Zirilikoa/Ukrainarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:93
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Kroaziarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:95
msgid "Hindi"
msgstr "Hindia"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:96
msgid "Persian"
msgstr "Pertsiarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:98
msgid "Gujarati"
msgstr "Gujaratera"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:99
msgid "Gurmukhi"
msgstr "Gurmukhia"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:101
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Islandiarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:107 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:110
#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:119
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vietnamdarra"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:108
msgid "Thai"
msgstr "Thailandiera"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:506 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:531
msgid "_Description"
msgstr "_Azalpena"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:515 ../src/terminal-encoding.c:540
msgid "_Encoding"
msgstr "_Kodeketa"

#: ../src/terminal-encoding.c:598
msgid "Current Locale"
msgstr "Uneko hizkuntza-ezarpena"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:176
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Option \"%s\" is no longer supported in this version of mate-terminal; you "
"might want to create a profile with the desired setting, and use the new '--"
"profile' option\n"
msgstr ""
"'mate-terminal'-en bertsio honek ez du '%s' aukera zaharra onartzen; profil "
"bat sor dezakezu nahi duzun ezarpenarekin, eta '--profile' aukera berria "

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:209
#, c-format
msgid "Argument to \"%s\" is not a valid command: %s"
msgstr "\"%s\"(r)en argumentua ez da baliozko komandoa: %s"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:348
msgid "Two roles given for one window"
msgstr "Bi portaera eman zaizkio leiho bati"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:369 ../src/terminal-options.c:402
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" option given twice for the same window\n"
msgstr "\"%s\" aukera bi aldiz eman da leiho bererako\n"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:601
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid zoom factor"
msgstr "\"%s\" ez da baliozko zoom-faktorea"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:608
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom factor \"%g\" is too small, using %g\n"
msgstr "\"%g\" zoom-faktorea txikiegia da, %g erabiliko da\n"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:616
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom factor \"%g\" is too large, using %g\n"
msgstr "\"%g\" zoom-faktorea handiegia da, %g erabiliko da\n"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:651
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Option \"%s\" requires specifying the command to run on the rest of the "
"command line"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" aukerak komando-lerroaren gainerako zatian exekutatu beharreko "
"komandoa zehaztea eskatzen du"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:813
msgid "Not a valid terminal config file."
msgstr "Ez da terminalaren baliozko konfigurazio-fitxategia."

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:826
msgid "Incompatible terminal config file version."
msgstr "Terminalaren konfigurazio-fitxategi bertsioa bateraezina."

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:954
msgid ""
"Do not register with the activation nameserver, do not re-use an active "
msgstr ""
"Ez da erregistratzen aktibazioko izen-zerbitzarian, ez du berrerabiltzen "
"terminal aktiborik"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:963
msgid "Load a terminal configuration file"
msgstr "Kargatu terminalaren konfigurazio-fitxategia"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:972
msgid "Save the terminal configuration to a file"
msgstr "Gorde terminalaren konfigurazioa fitxategi batean"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:987
msgid "Open a new window containing a tab with the default profile"
msgstr "Leiho berri bat irekitzen du profil lehenetsiko fitxa batekin"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:996
msgid "Open a new tab in the last-opened window with the default profile"
msgstr ""
"Fitxa berri bat irekitzen du profil lehenetsian azkena irekitako leihoan"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1010
msgid "Turn on the menubar"
msgstr "Aktibatu menu-barra"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1019
msgid "Turn off the menubar"
msgstr "Desaktibatu menu-barra"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1028
msgid "Maximize the window"
msgstr "Maximizatu leihoa"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1037
msgid "Full-screen the window"
msgstr "Pantaila osoko leihoa"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1046
msgid ""
"Set the window size; for example: 80x24, or 80x24+200+200 (COLSxROWS+X+Y)"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1047
msgid "GEOMETRY"
msgstr "GEOMETRIA"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1055
msgid "Set the window role"
msgstr "Ezarri leihoaren portaera"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1056
msgid "ROLE"
msgstr "EGITEKOA"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1064
msgid "Set the last specified tab as the active one in its window"
msgstr "Azkena zehaztutako fitxa leiho honetako fitxa aktibo gisa ezartzen du"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1078
msgid "Execute the argument to this option inside the terminal"
msgstr "Exekutatu aukera honen argumentua terminalaren barruan"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1087
msgid "Use the given profile instead of the default profile"
msgstr "Erabili emandako profila profil lehenetsiaren ordez"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1088

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1096
msgid "Set the terminal title"
msgstr "Ezarri terminalaren titulua"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1097
msgid "TITLE"
msgstr "IZENBURUA"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1105
msgid "Set the working directory"
msgstr "Ezarri laneko direktorioa"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1106
msgid "DIRNAME"
msgstr "DIRIZENA"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1114
msgid "Set the terminal's zoom factor (1.0 = normal size)"
msgstr "Ezarri terminalaren zoom-faktorea (1.0 = tamaina normala)"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1115
msgid "ZOOM"
msgstr "ZOOMA"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1366 ../src/terminal-options.c:1369
msgid "MATE Terminal Emulator"
msgstr "MATE terminalaren emulatzailea"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1370
msgid "Show MATE Terminal options"
msgstr "Erakutsi MATE terminalaren aukerak"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1380
msgid ""
"Options to open new windows or terminal tabs; more than one of these may be "
msgstr ""
"Aukerak leiho edo terminalaren fitxa berriak irekitzeko; hauetariko bat "
"baino gehiago zehatz daiteke:"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1381
msgid "Show terminal options"
msgstr "Erakutsi terminalaren aukerak"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1389
msgid ""
"Window options; if used before the first --window or --tab argument, sets "
"the default for all windows:"
msgstr ""
"Leihoaren aukerak; aurreneko --window edo --tab argumentuak baino lehenago "
"erabiltzen bada, lehenetsia ezartzen du leiho guztientzako:"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1390
msgid "Show per-window options"
msgstr "Erakutsi aukerak leihoko"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1398
msgid ""
"Terminal options; if used before the first --window or --tab argument, sets "
"the default for all terminals:"
msgstr ""
"Terminalaren aukerak; aurreneko --window edo --tab argumentuak baino "
"lehenago erabiltzen bada, lehenetsia ezartzen du terminal guztientzako:"

#: ../src/terminal-options.c:1399
msgid "Show per-terminal options"
msgstr "Erakutsi aukerak terminaleko"

#: ../src/terminal-profile.c:168
msgid "Unnamed"
msgstr "Izengabea"

#: ../src/terminal-screen.c:1540
msgid "_Profile Preferences"
msgstr "_Profilaren hobespenak"

#: ../src/terminal-screen.c:1541 ../src/terminal-screen.c:1919
msgid "_Relaunch"
msgstr "_Berrabiarazi"

#: ../src/terminal-screen.c:1544
msgid "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"
msgstr "Errorea terminal honetako prozesu umea sortzean"

#: ../src/terminal-screen.c:1924
#, c-format
msgid "The child process exited normally with status %d."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-screen.c:1929
#, c-format
msgid "The child process was terminated by signal %d."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-screen.c:1934
msgid "The child process was terminated."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-tab-label.c:132
msgid "Close tab"
msgstr "Itxi fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-tabs-menu.c:198
msgid "Switch to this tab"
msgstr "Aldatu fitxa honetara"

#: ../src/terminal-util.c:145
msgid "There was an error displaying help"
msgstr "Errorea gertatu da laguntza bistaratzean"

#: ../src/terminal-util.c:217
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open the address “%s”"
msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' helbidea ireki"

#: ../src/terminal-util.c:325
msgid ""
"MATE Terminal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
"Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) "
"any later version."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-util.c:329
msgid ""
"MATE Terminal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT"
" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for "
"more details."
msgstr ""
"MATE Terminal erabilgarria izango delakoan banatzen da, baina, INOLAKO "
"BERMERIK GABE; era berean, ez da bermatzen beraren EGOKITASUNA "
"nahi izanez gero, ikus GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorra."

#: ../src/terminal-util.c:333
msgid ""
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with"
" MATE Terminal; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
"Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA"
msgstr ""
"MATE Terminal programarekin batera GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren kopia "
"bat jasoko zenuen; hala ez bada, idatzi hona: Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc.,"
" 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."

#. Translators: This is the label of a menu item to choose a profile.
#. * _%d is used as the accelerator (with d between 1 and 9), and
#. * the %s is the name of the terminal profile.
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:669
#, c-format
msgid "_%d. %s"
msgstr "_%d. %s"

#. Translators: This is the label of a menu item to choose a profile.
#. * _%c is used as the accelerator (it will be a character between A and Z),
#. * and the %s is the name of the terminal profile.
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:675
#, c-format
msgid "_%c. %s"
msgstr "_%c. %s"

#. Toplevel
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1864
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fitxategia"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1865 ../src/terminal-window.c:1878
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2119
msgid "Open _Terminal"
msgstr "Ireki _terminala"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1866 ../src/terminal-window.c:1883
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2124
msgid "Open Ta_b"
msgstr "Ireki _fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1867
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editatu"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1868
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Ikusi"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1869
msgid "_Search"
msgstr "_Bilatu"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1870
msgid "_Terminal"
msgstr "_Terminala"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1871
msgid "Ta_bs"
msgstr "_Fitxak"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1872
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Laguntza"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1888
msgid "New _Profile…"
msgstr "Profil _berria..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1893
msgid "_Save Contents"
msgstr "_Gorde edukia"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1898 ../src/terminal-window.c:2134
msgid "C_lose Tab"
msgstr "I_txi fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1903
msgid "_Close Window"
msgstr "_Itxi leihoa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1910 ../src/terminal-window.c:2104
msgid "_Copy"
msgstr "_Kopiatu"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1915 ../src/terminal-window.c:2109
msgid "_Paste"
msgstr "_Itsatsi"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1920 ../src/terminal-window.c:2114
msgid "Paste _Filenames"
msgstr "Itsatsi _fitxategi-izenak"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1925
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Hautatu _dena"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1930
msgid "P_rofiles…"
msgstr "_Profilak..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1935
msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts…"
msgstr "_Laster-teklak..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1940
msgid "Pr_ofile Preferences"
msgstr "Profilaren _hobespenak"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1947
msgid "Zoom _In"
msgstr "_Zooma handiagotu"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1952
msgid "Zoom _Out"
msgstr "_Txikiagotu"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1957
msgid "_Normal Size"
msgstr "Tamaina _normala"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1964
msgid "_Find..."
msgstr "_Bilatu..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1969
msgid "Find Ne_xt"
msgstr "Bilatu _hurrengoa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1974
msgid "Find Pre_vious"
msgstr "Bilatu _aurrekoa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1979
msgid "_Clear Highlight"
msgstr "_Garbitu nabarmentzea"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1985
msgid "Go to _Line..."
msgstr "Joan _lerrora"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1990
msgid "_Incremental Search..."
msgstr "Bilaketa _inkrementala..."

#. Terminal menu
#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1997
msgid "Change _Profile"
msgstr "Aldatu p_rofila"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:1999
msgid "_Previous Profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2004
msgid "_Next Profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2009
msgid "_Set Title…"
msgstr "_Ezarri titulua..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2013
msgid "Set _Character Encoding"
msgstr "Ezarri _karaktere-kodeketa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2015
msgid "_Reset"
msgstr "_Berrezarri"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2020
msgid "Reset and C_lear"
msgstr "Berrezarri eta ga_rbitu"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2027
msgid "_Add or Remove…"
msgstr "_Gehitu edo kendu..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2034
msgid "_Previous Tab"
msgstr "_Aurreko fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2039
msgid "_Next Tab"
msgstr "_Hurrengo fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2044
msgid "Move Tab _Left"
msgstr "Eraman fitxa e_zkerrera"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2049
msgid "Move Tab _Right"
msgstr "Eraman fitxa e_skuinera"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2054
msgid "_Detach tab"
msgstr "_Desuztartu fitxa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2061
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "_Edukia"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2066
msgid "_About"
msgstr "Honi _buruz"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2073
msgid "_Send Mail To…"
msgstr "_Bidali posta..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2078
msgid "_Copy E-mail Address"
msgstr "_Kopiatu postaren helbidea"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2083
msgid "C_all To…"
msgstr "_Deitu..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2088
msgid "_Copy Call Address"
msgstr "_Kopiatu deiaren helbidea"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2093
msgid "_Open Link"
msgstr "_Ireki esteka"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2098
msgid "_Copy Link Address"
msgstr "_Kopiatu estekaren helbidea"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2102
msgid "P_rofiles"
msgstr "_Profilak"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2129 ../src/terminal-window.c:3617
msgid "C_lose Window"
msgstr "It_xi leihoa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2139
msgid "L_eave Full Screen"
msgstr "_Irten pantaila osotik"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2143
msgid "_Input Methods"
msgstr "_Sarrera-metodoak"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2150
msgid "Show _Menubar"
msgstr "Erakutsi _menu-barra"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:2156
msgid "_Full Screen"
msgstr "_Pantaila osoa"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:3604
msgid "Close this window?"
msgstr "Itxi leiho hau?"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:3604
msgid "Close this terminal?"
msgstr "Itxi terminal hau?"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:3608
msgid ""
"There are still processes running in some terminals in this window. Closing "
"the window will kill all of them."
msgstr ""
"Oraindik prozesu batzuk exekutatzen ari dira leiho honetako terminal "
"batzuetan. Leiho hau ixtean prozesu guzti horiek hilko dira."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:3612
msgid ""
"There is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will"
" kill it."
msgstr ""
"Oraindik prozesu bat exekutatzen ari da terminal honetan. Terminal hau "
"ixtean prozesu hori hilko da."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:3617
msgid "C_lose Terminal"
msgstr "_Itxi terminala"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:3683
msgid "Could not save contents"
msgstr "Ezin izan da edukia gorde"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:3707
msgid "Save as..."
msgstr "Gorde honela..."

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:4226
msgid "_Title:"
msgstr "_Titulua:"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:4411
msgid "Contributors:"
msgstr "Laguntzaileak:"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:4430
msgid "A terminal emulator for the MATE desktop"
msgstr "Terminalaren emuladorea MATEren mahaigainerako"

#: ../src/terminal-window.c:4437
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Asier Iturralde Sarasola <asier.iturralde@gmail.com>\n"
"Aritz Jorge Sánchez"