gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#101010\nbg_color:#4D4D4D"

style "caja-sidebar"

#	text[NORMAL]	= @fg_color
	base[NORMAL]	= @bg_color
	font_name		= "Regular"

	GtkTreeView::odd_row_color	= @bg_color
	GtkTreeView::even_row_color	= @bg_color

#	padding from the left edge
	GtkTreeView::horizontal_separator = 15
    xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "caja-view"
	xthickness		= 0
	ythickness		= 0
	bg[NORMAL]		= @bg_color
	base[NORMAL]	= @bg_color

style "caja-statusbar"
	bg[NORMAL]	= mix (0.60, shade (1.05, "#454548"), "#454548")
	xthickness	= 4
	ythickness	= 1

style "caja-location" {

	bg[NORMAL]	= mix (0.60, shade (1.05, @bg_color), @bg_color)

style "caja-scrollbar"
	GtkScrollbar::slider-width = 11

	bg[NORMAL]      = shade (2.5, "#3b3b3b")
	bg[PRELIGHT]    = shade (2.8, "#3b3b3b")
	bg[ACTIVE]      = shade (3.0, "#3b3b3b")
	bg[INSENSITIVE]	= shade (1.5, "#3b3b3b")

	engine "murrine"
	#rgba = FALSE
	border_shades	  = {0.3, 0.8} # draw a gradient on the border.
	border_colors	  = { "#3b3b3e", "#3b3b3e" }
	#contrast = 1.0
	glow_shade		  = 1.14 # sets glow amount for buttons or widgets
	glowstyle		  = 0 # 0=top, 1=bottom, 2=top and bottom, 3=center (vertical), 4=center (horizontal) 
	highlight_shade	  = 1.02 # set highlight amount for buttons or widgets
	lightborder_shade = 1.2 # sets lightborder amount for buttons or widgets
	gradient_shades   = {1.3, 0.8, 0.6, 0.34}
	roundness		  = 8
	trough_shades	  = {1.0, 1.0} #{0.8, 2.0}
	contrast		  = 0.0

widget_class	"*Caja*Places*Sidebar*"			style "caja-sidebar"
widget_class	"*Caja*View*"					style "caja-view"
widget_class	"*Caja*Statusbar*"				style "caja-statusbar"
widget			"*.caja-extra-view-widget" 		style : highest "caja-location"
widget			"*Caja*Scrollbar*"				style "caja-scrollbar"