### This file styles Caja. caja-e.rc is for Caja elementary. ###

style "caja-window-base" { bg[NORMAL] = @base_color }

style "caja-sidebar" = "murrine-sidebar" {
	GtkTreeView::horizontal_separator = 15
	GtkTreeView::vertical_separator = 2

	text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
	base[NORMAL] = "#E3E3E3"

	GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = "#E3E3E3"
	GtkTreeView::even_row_color = "#E3E3E3"

style "caja-view" {
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "caja-handle" {
	GtkPaned::handle-size = 1
	engine "pixmap" {
		# for the thin gray line separating the sidepane and viewpane
		image {
			function	= HANDLE
			recolorable	= TRUE
			file		= "Handles/handle-caja.png"
			stretch		= TRUE
			border		= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

style "caja-statusbar"
	bg[NORMAL] = @base_color
	base[NORMAL] = @base_color
	fg[NORMAL] = shade (1.2, @fg_color)

	engine "murrine" {}

style "caja-location"

	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

	bg[NORMAL] = @base_color

	engine "pixmap" {
		function        = FLAT_BOX
		recolorable     = TRUE
		file            = "Caja/extra-widget.png"
		state           = NORMAL
		stretch         = TRUE
		border          = { 0, 0, 1, 0 }

style "caja-pathbar"
	#bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color

# Order of assignment is important

widget_class "*CajaSidePane.*"                 style "caja-sidebar"
widget_class "*Caja*Places*Sidebar*"           style "caja-sidebar"
widget_class "*Caja*Side*.GtkWidget"           style "caja-sidebar"
widget_class "*Caja*Side*Title*"               style "caja-sidebar"

#widget "*CajaNavigationWindow"                 style "caja-window-base"

widget_class "*Caja*Scrollbar"                 style "murrine-scrollbar"
widget_class "*CajaSidePane.*Scrollbar"        style:highest "murrine-scrollbar"	
widget_class "*Caja*Statusbar*"                style "caja-statusbar"

widget "*Caja*Splitter"                        style "caja-handle"
widget_class "*Caja*View*"                     style "caja-view"
widget_class "*Caja*Notebook"                  style "murrine-notebook"

widget_class "*Caja*<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*Caja*<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>"    style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*Caja*<GtkList>.<GtkButton>"     style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*Caja*<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>"    style "murrine-treeview-header"

widget_class "*CajaPathBar*"                   style "caja-pathbar" 
widget "*.caja-extra-view-widget"              style "caja-location"