############################ # HOW TO INSTALL # ############################ To use this theme you'll need the LATEST stable versions of the following software: - GTK 3.6 - The package gnome-themes-standard installed. (Usually installed by default in most distros.) - The Murrine GTK2 engine or later. (Package name varies between distributions. This engine should be installed by default in Ubuntu.) - The Pixbuf GTK2 engine (Package name varies between distributions. This engine should be installed by default in Ubuntu. In arch, fedora and some other non-debian distributions it's included in the gtk2-engines or gtk-engines package. In Debian based distros it's called gtk2-engines-pixbuf.) - gnome-tweak-tool (If you're using Gnome 3.) - Gnome-shell-extension-user-theme (To enable 3rd party themes in gnome-shell.) ## INSTALLING THE GTK2 THEME ## Unzip the included folder(s) to 1 of the following locations: /usr/share/themes /home/your username/.themes Open your desktop environment's customization settings. Select the theme(s) from the menus there. Note: The /.themes folder is only for your user. If you for example open Synaptic or any other administrative application it will not be styled. ## INSTALLING THE GTK3 & GNOME-SHELL THEME ## Unzip the included folder(s) to 1 of the following locations: /usr/share/themes /home/your username/.themes You also need to copy the window border (mutter) theme to: /home/your username/.local/share/themes or /usr/share/themes For example: .local/share/themes/Zukitwo/metacity-1 Note: The /.themes folder is only for your user. If you for example use an application as root it will not be styled. Open gnome-tweak-tool. In gnome-tweak-tool you can select the Gnome-shell theme, GTK theme and Mutter window theme. To use the GNOME-Shell theme you need to install the user theme extension. Availble here - https://extensions.gnome.org/ If changes doesn't take place after selecting the themes you can try to log out and back in. If you're in Gnome-shell you can just press ALT+F2 and type r to restart the shell. ## USING A TRANSPARENT PANEL BACKGROUND IN XFCE ## Rightclick on your XFCE panel and go to the background settings. Select the custom background image provided with this theme. (Needs composition effects enabled.)