# Slovenian translation of mate-themes.
# Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the mate-themes package.
# Andraz Tori <andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si>, 2006.
# Matjaž Horvat <m@owca.info>, 2006.
# Matic Žgur <mr.zgur@gmail.com>, 2007.
# Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org> 2008 - 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mate-themes master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=mate-themes&amp;component=general\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-12-01 18:34+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-11 17:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian MATE Translation Team <mate-si@googlegroups.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Slovenian\n"

#: ../desktop-themes/Clearlooks/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "Attractive Usability"
msgstr "Privlačna uporabnost"

#: ../desktop-themes/Clearlooks/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Clearlooks"
msgstr "Clearlooks"

#: ../desktop-themes/ClearlooksTest/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "Clearlooks Test Theme"
msgstr "Poskusna tema Clearlooks"

#: ../desktop-themes/ClearlooksTest/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Theme with a different colorscheme to find problems in applications."
msgstr "Tema z drugačno barvno shemo za iskanje napak v vmesniku programa."

#: ../desktop-themes/Crux/index.theme.in.h:1
#: ../icon-themes/Crux/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "Crux"
msgstr "Crux"

#: ../desktop-themes/Crux/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Smooth gradients with purple highlights"
msgstr "Mehki prelivi z vijoličnimi poudarki"

#: ../desktop-themes/Glider/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "Glider"
msgstr "Jadralno letalo"

#: ../desktop-themes/Glider/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Simple, smooth and aesthetically pleasing"
msgstr "Preprost, mehak in prijeten za oko"

#: ../desktop-themes/Glossy/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "A glossy looking theme"
msgstr "Tema z bleščečim videzom"

#: ../desktop-themes/Glossy/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Glossy"
msgstr "Bleščeče"

#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrast/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "Black-on-white text and icons"
msgstr "Besedilo in ikone belo na črnem"

#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrast/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "High Contrast"
msgstr "Visok kontrast"

# G:0 K:1 O:0
#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrastInverse/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "High Contrast Inverse"
msgstr "Obrnjen visok kontrast"

#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrastInverse/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "White-on-black text and icons"
msgstr "Besedilo in ikone belo na črnem"

#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrastLargePrint/index.theme.in.in.h:1
#: ../icon-themes/HighContrastLargePrint/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "High Contrast Large Print"
msgstr "Visok kontrast, velike črke"

#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrastLargePrint/index.theme.in.in.h:2
msgid "Large black-on-white text and icons"
msgstr "Velika, besedilo in ikone črno na belem"

#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrastLargePrintInverse/index.theme.in.in.h:1
#: ../icon-themes/HighContrastLargePrintInverse/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "High Contrast Large Print Inverse"
msgstr "Visok kontrast, velik izpis, obrnjeno"

#: ../desktop-themes/HighContrastLargePrintInverse/index.theme.in.in.h:2
msgid "Large white-on-black text and icons"
msgstr "Velika, besedilo in ikone belo na črnem"

#: ../desktop-themes/LargePrint/index.theme.in.in.h:1
msgid "Large Print"
msgstr "Velik izpis"

#: ../desktop-themes/LargePrint/index.theme.in.in.h:2
msgid "Large text and icons"
msgstr "Veliko besedilo in ikone"

#: ../desktop-themes/LowContrast/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "Low Contrast"
msgstr "Nizek kontrast"

#: ../desktop-themes/LowContrast/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Muted text and icons"
msgstr "Medla besedila in ikone"

#: ../desktop-themes/LowContrastLargePrint/index.theme.in.in.h:1
msgid "Large muted text and icons"
msgstr "Velika, medla besedila in ikone"

#: ../desktop-themes/LowContrastLargePrint/index.theme.in.in.h:2
msgid "Low Contrast Large Print"
msgstr "Nizek kontrast, velik izpis"

#: ../desktop-themes/Mist/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "A minimalistic appearance"
msgstr "Minimalističen videz"

#: ../desktop-themes/Mist/index.theme.in.h:2
#: ../icon-themes/Mist/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "Mist"
msgstr "Meglice"

#: ../icon-themes/HighContrast-SVG/index.theme.in.h:1
msgid "High contrast scalable icons with black borders"
msgstr "Vektorske ikone v visokem kontrastu s črnimi okvirji"

#: ../icon-themes/HighContrast-SVG/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "HighContrast-SVG"
msgstr "Visok kontrast-SVG"

# G:0 K:1 O:0
#: ../icon-themes/HighContrastLargePrint/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Large High Contrast Icon Theme"
msgstr "Visoko kontrastni slog"

# G:0 K:1 O:0
#: ../icon-themes/HighContrastLargePrintInverse/index.theme.in.h:2
msgid "Large Inverse High Contrast Icon Theme"
msgstr "Obrnjen visoko kontrastni slog"

#~ msgid "Dusty orange appearance"
#~ msgstr "Prašen oranžni videz"

#~ msgid "Grand Canyon"
#~ msgstr "Veliki kanjon"

#~ msgid "Ocean Dream"
#~ msgstr "Oceanske sanje"

#~ msgid "The colours of the seashore"
#~ msgstr "Barve morske obale"

#~ msgid "Simple"
#~ msgstr "Enostavna"

#~ msgid "Thin appearance, high performance"
#~ msgstr "Tenak videz, visoko storilno"

#~ msgid "A soft glassy appearance"
#~ msgstr "Mehak steklen videz"

#~ msgid "Smokey Blue"
#~ msgstr "Dimno modra"

#~ msgid "Traditional"
#~ msgstr "Tradicionalna"

#~ msgid "Traditional hard-edged 3D appearance"
#~ msgstr "Tradicionalen močno-obrobljen videz 3D"

#~ msgid "Flat-Blue"
#~ msgstr "Čisto modra"

#~ msgid "Sandy"
#~ msgstr "Peščena"

#~ msgid "Smokey-Blue"
#~ msgstr "Dimno-modra"

#~ msgid "Smokey-Red"
#~ msgstr "Dimno-rdeča"

#~ msgid "Default"
#~ msgstr "Privzeta"

#~ msgid "Plain"
#~ msgstr "Pusta"

#~ msgid "Default Mate Theme"
#~ msgstr "Gnomova privzeta tema"

#~ msgid "Mate"
#~ msgstr "Mate"