/schemas/apps/baobab/ui/toolbar_visible /apps/baobab/ui/toolbar_visible baobab bool TRUE Toolbar is Visible Whether the toolbar should be visible in main window. /schemas/apps/baobab/ui/statusbar_visible /apps/baobab/ui/statusbar_visible baobab bool FALSE Status Bar is Visible Whether the status bar at the bottom of main window should be visible. /schemas/apps/baobab/properties/enable_home_monitor /apps/baobab/properties/enable_home_monitor baobab bool FALSE Enable monitoring of home directory Whether any change to the home directory should be monitored. /schemas/apps/baobab/properties/skip_scan_uri_list /apps/baobab/properties/skip_scan_uri_list baobab list string [] Excluded partitions URIs A list of URIs for partitions to be excluded from scanning. /schemas/apps/baobab/ui/baobab_subfoldertips_visible /apps/baobab/ui/baobab_subfoldertips_visible baobab bool TRUE Subfolders tooltips visible Whether the subfolder tooltips of the selected folder are drawn.