/* Baobab - (C) 2005 Fabio Marzocca baobab-remote-connect-dialog.c Modified module from caja-connect-server-dialog.c Released under same licence */ /* * Caja * * Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat, Inc. * * Caja is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Caja is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include "baobab-remote-connect-dialog.h" #include <string.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include "baobab.h" /* Translators: all the strings in this file are meant to map the similar strings inside caja-connect-server and should be translated the same way */ struct _BaobabRemoteConnectDialogDetails { GtkWidget *grid; GtkWidget *type_combo; GtkWidget *uri_entry; GtkWidget *server_entry; GtkWidget *share_entry; GtkWidget *port_entry; GtkWidget *folder_entry; GtkWidget *domain_entry; GtkWidget *user_entry; }; static void baobab_remote_connect_dialog_class_init (BaobabRemoteConnectDialogClass *class); static void baobab_remote_connect_dialog_init (BaobabRemoteConnectDialog *dialog); G_DEFINE_TYPE(BaobabRemoteConnectDialog, baobab_remote_connect_dialog, GTK_TYPE_DIALOG) #define RESPONSE_CONNECT GTK_RESPONSE_OK static void display_error_dialog (GError *error, GFile *location, GtkWindow *parent) { GtkWidget *dlg; char *parse_name; char *error_message; parse_name = g_file_get_parse_name (location); error_message = g_strdup_printf (_("Cannot scan location \"%s\""), parse_name); g_free (parse_name); dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new (parent, GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, error_message, NULL); gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dlg), "%s", error->message); g_free (error_message); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)); gtk_widget_destroy (dlg); } static void mount_enclosing_ready_cb (GFile *location, GAsyncResult *res, GtkWindow *app) { gboolean success; GError *error = NULL; success = g_file_mount_enclosing_volume_finish (location, res, &error); if (success || g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_ALREADY_MOUNTED)) { baobab_scan_location (location); } else { display_error_dialog (error, location, app); } if (error) g_error_free (error); if (location) g_object_unref (location); } static void connect_server_dialog_present_uri (GtkWindow *app, GFile *location, GtkWidget *widget) { GMountOperation *op; op = gtk_mount_operation_new (GTK_WINDOW (widget)); g_file_mount_enclosing_volume (location, 0, op, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) mount_enclosing_ready_cb, app); g_object_unref (op); } struct MethodInfo { const char *scheme; guint flags; }; /* A collection of flags for MethodInfo.flags */ enum { DEFAULT_METHOD = 0x00000001, /* Widgets to display in setup_for_type */ SHOW_SHARE = 0x00000010, SHOW_PORT = 0x00000020, SHOW_USER = 0x00000040, SHOW_DOMAIN = 0x00000080, IS_ANONYMOUS = 0x00001000 }; /* Remember to fill in descriptions below */ static struct MethodInfo methods[] = { /* FIXME: we need to alias ssh to sftp */ { "sftp", SHOW_PORT | SHOW_USER }, { "ftp", SHOW_PORT | SHOW_USER }, { "ftp", DEFAULT_METHOD | IS_ANONYMOUS | SHOW_PORT}, { "smb", SHOW_SHARE | SHOW_USER | SHOW_DOMAIN }, { "dav", SHOW_PORT | SHOW_USER }, /* FIXME: hrm, shouldn't it work? */ { "davs", SHOW_PORT | SHOW_USER }, { NULL, 0 }, /* Custom URI method */ }; /* To get around non constant gettext strings */ static const char* get_method_description (struct MethodInfo *meth) { if (!meth->scheme) { return _("Custom Location"); } else if (strcmp (meth->scheme, "sftp") == 0) { return _("SSH"); } else if (strcmp (meth->scheme, "ftp") == 0) { if (meth->flags & IS_ANONYMOUS) { return _("Public FTP"); } else { return _("FTP (with login)"); } } else if (strcmp (meth->scheme, "smb") == 0) { return _("Windows share"); } else if (strcmp (meth->scheme, "dav") == 0) { return _("WebDAV (HTTP)"); } else if (strcmp (meth->scheme, "davs") == 0) { return _("Secure WebDAV (HTTPS)"); /* No descriptive text */ } else { return meth->scheme; } } static void baobab_remote_connect_dialog_finalize (GObject *object) { BaobabRemoteConnectDialog *dialog; dialog = BAOBAB_REMOTE_CONNECT_DIALOG(object); g_object_unref (dialog->details->uri_entry); g_object_unref (dialog->details->server_entry); g_object_unref (dialog->details->share_entry); g_object_unref (dialog->details->port_entry); g_object_unref (dialog->details->folder_entry); g_object_unref (dialog->details->domain_entry); g_object_unref (dialog->details->user_entry); g_free (dialog->details); G_OBJECT_CLASS (baobab_remote_connect_dialog_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void connect_to_server (BaobabRemoteConnectDialog *dialog, GtkWindow *app) { struct MethodInfo *meth; char *uri; GFile *location; int index; GtkTreeIter iter; /* Get our method info */ gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog->details->type_combo), &iter); gtk_tree_model_get (gtk_combo_box_get_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog->details->type_combo)), &iter, 0, &index, -1); g_assert (index < G_N_ELEMENTS (methods) && index >= 0); meth = &(methods[index]); if (meth->scheme == NULL) { uri = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (dialog->details->uri_entry), 0, -1); /* FIXME: we should validate it in some way? */ } else { char *user, *port, *initial_path, *server, *folder ,*domain ; char *t, *join; gboolean free_initial_path, free_user, free_domain, free_port; server = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (dialog->details->server_entry), 0, -1); if (strlen (server) == 0) { GtkWidget *dlg; dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, _("Cannot Connect to Server. You must enter a name for the server.")); gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dlg), _("Please enter a name and try again.")); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)); gtk_widget_destroy (dlg); g_free (server); return; } user = ""; port = ""; initial_path = ""; domain = ""; free_initial_path = FALSE; free_user = FALSE; free_domain = FALSE; free_port = FALSE; /* FTP special case */ if (meth->flags & IS_ANONYMOUS) { user = "anonymous"; /* SMB special case */ } else if (strcmp (meth->scheme, "smb") == 0) { t = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (dialog->details->share_entry), 0, -1); initial_path = g_strconcat ("/", t, NULL); free_initial_path = TRUE; g_free (t); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->port_entry) != NULL) { free_port = TRUE; port = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (dialog->details->port_entry), 0, -1); } folder = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (dialog->details->folder_entry), 0, -1); if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->user_entry) != NULL) { free_user = TRUE; t = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (dialog->details->user_entry), 0, -1); user = g_uri_escape_string (t, G_URI_RESERVED_CHARS_ALLOWED_IN_USERINFO, FALSE); g_free (t); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->domain_entry) != NULL) { free_domain = TRUE; domain = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (dialog->details->domain_entry), 0, -1); if (strlen (domain) != 0) { t = user; user = g_strconcat (domain , ";" , t, NULL); if (free_user) { g_free (t); } free_user = TRUE; } } if (folder[0] != 0 && folder[0] != '/') { join = "/"; } else { join = ""; } t = folder; folder = g_strconcat (initial_path, join, t, NULL); g_free (t); t = folder; folder = g_uri_escape_string (t, G_URI_RESERVED_CHARS_ALLOWED_IN_PATH, FALSE); g_free (t); uri = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s%s%s%s%s%s", meth->scheme, user, (user[0] != 0) ? "@" : "", server, (port[0] != 0) ? ":" : "", port, folder); if (free_initial_path) { g_free (initial_path); } g_free (server); if (free_port) { g_free (port); } g_free (folder); if (free_user) { g_free (user); } if (free_domain) { g_free (domain); } } gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (dialog)); location = g_file_new_for_uri (uri); g_free (uri); connect_server_dialog_present_uri (app, location, GTK_WIDGET (dialog)); } static void response_callback (BaobabRemoteConnectDialog *dialog, int response_id, GtkWindow *app) { switch (response_id) { case RESPONSE_CONNECT: connect_to_server (dialog, app); break; case GTK_RESPONSE_NONE: case GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT: case GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL: break; default : g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void baobab_remote_connect_dialog_class_init (BaobabRemoteConnectDialogClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); gobject_class->finalize = baobab_remote_connect_dialog_finalize; } static void setup_for_type (BaobabRemoteConnectDialog *dialog) { struct MethodInfo *meth; int index, i; GtkWidget *label, *grid; GtkTreeIter iter; /* Get our method info */ gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog->details->type_combo), &iter); gtk_tree_model_get (gtk_combo_box_get_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (dialog->details->type_combo)), &iter, 0, &index, -1); g_assert (index < G_N_ELEMENTS (methods) && index >= 0); meth = &(methods[index]); if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->uri_entry) != NULL) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), dialog->details->uri_entry); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->server_entry) != NULL) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), dialog->details->server_entry); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->share_entry) != NULL) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), dialog->details->share_entry); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->port_entry) != NULL) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), dialog->details->port_entry); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->folder_entry) != NULL) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), dialog->details->folder_entry); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->user_entry) != NULL) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), dialog->details->user_entry); } if (gtk_widget_get_parent (dialog->details->domain_entry) != NULL) { gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), dialog->details->domain_entry); } /* Destroy all labels */ gtk_container_foreach (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog->details->grid), (GtkCallback) gtk_widget_destroy, NULL); i = 1; grid = dialog->details->grid; if (meth->scheme == NULL) { label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Location (URI):")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dialog->details->uri_entry); gtk_widget_set_hexpand (dialog->details->uri_entry, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (dialog->details->uri_entry); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), dialog->details->uri_entry, 1, i, 1, 1); i++; return; } label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Server:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dialog->details->server_entry); gtk_widget_set_hexpand (dialog->details->server_entry, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (dialog->details->server_entry); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), dialog->details->server_entry, 1, i, 1, 1); i++; label = gtk_label_new (_("Optional information:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 2, 1); i++; if (meth->flags & SHOW_SHARE) { label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Share:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dialog->details->share_entry); gtk_widget_set_hexpand (dialog->details->share_entry, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (dialog->details->share_entry); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), dialog->details->share_entry, 1, i, 1, 1); i++; } if (meth->flags & SHOW_PORT) { label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Port:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dialog->details->port_entry); gtk_widget_set_hexpand (dialog->details->port_entry, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (dialog->details->port_entry); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), dialog->details->port_entry, 1, i, 1, 1); i++; } label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Folder:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dialog->details->folder_entry); gtk_widget_set_hexpand (dialog->details->folder_entry, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (dialog->details->folder_entry); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), dialog->details->folder_entry, 1, i, 1, 1); i++; if (meth->flags & SHOW_USER) { label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_User Name:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dialog->details->user_entry); gtk_widget_set_hexpand (dialog->details->user_entry, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (dialog->details->user_entry); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), dialog->details->user_entry, 1, i, 1, 1); i++; } if (meth->flags & SHOW_DOMAIN) { label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Domain Name:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, i, 1, 1); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), dialog->details->domain_entry); gtk_widget_set_hexpand (dialog->details->user_entry, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (dialog->details->domain_entry); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), dialog->details->domain_entry, 1, i, 1, 1); i++; } } static void combo_changed_callback (GtkComboBox *combo_box, BaobabRemoteConnectDialog *dialog) { setup_for_type (dialog); } static void port_insert_text (GtkEditable *editable, const gchar *new_text, gint new_text_length, gint *position) { int pos; if (new_text_length < 0) { new_text_length = strlen (new_text); } /* Only allow digits to be inserted as port number */ for (pos = 0; pos < new_text_length; pos++) { if (!g_ascii_isdigit (new_text[pos])) { GtkWidget *toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (editable)); if (toplevel != NULL) { gdk_window_beep (gtk_widget_get_window (toplevel)); } g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (editable, "insert_text"); return; } } } static void baobab_remote_connect_dialog_init (BaobabRemoteConnectDialog *dialog) { GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *grid; GtkWidget *combo; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkListStore *store; GtkCellRenderer *renderer; int i; dialog->details = g_new0 (BaobabRemoteConnectDialogDetails, 1); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), _("Connect to Server")); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog), 5); gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), 2); gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), FALSE); vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 5); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), vbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (vbox); hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (hbox); label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("Service _type:")); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.0); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), 0.5); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); dialog->details->type_combo = combo = gtk_combo_box_new (); /* each row contains: method index, textual description */ store = gtk_list_store_new (2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING); gtk_combo_box_set_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), GTK_TREE_MODEL (store)); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (store)); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, TRUE); gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, "text", 1); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (methods); i++) { GtkTreeIter iter; const gchar * const *supported; int j; /* skip methods that don't have corresponding MateVFSMethods */ supported = g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes (g_vfs_get_default ()); if (methods[i].scheme != NULL) { gboolean found; found = FALSE; for (j = 0; supported[j] != NULL; j++) { if (strcmp (methods[i].scheme, supported[j]) == 0) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { continue; } } gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, i, 1, get_method_description (&(methods[i])), -1); if (methods[i].flags & DEFAULT_METHOD) { gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), &iter); } } if (gtk_combo_box_get_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo)) < 0) { /* default method not available, use any other */ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), 0); } gtk_widget_show (combo); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), combo); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), combo, TRUE, TRUE, 0); g_signal_connect (combo, "changed", G_CALLBACK (combo_changed_callback), dialog); hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (hbox); label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (" "); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); dialog->details->grid = grid = gtk_grid_new (); gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 6); gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 12); gtk_widget_show (grid); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), grid, TRUE, TRUE, 0); dialog->details->uri_entry = gtk_entry_new(); dialog->details->server_entry = gtk_entry_new (); dialog->details->share_entry = gtk_entry_new (); dialog->details->port_entry = gtk_entry_new (); g_signal_connect (dialog->details->port_entry, "insert_text", G_CALLBACK (port_insert_text), NULL); dialog->details->folder_entry = gtk_entry_new (); dialog->details->domain_entry = gtk_entry_new (); dialog->details->user_entry = gtk_entry_new (); gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (dialog->details->uri_entry), TRUE); gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (dialog->details->server_entry), TRUE); gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (dialog->details->share_entry), TRUE); gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (dialog->details->port_entry), TRUE); gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (dialog->details->folder_entry), TRUE); gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (dialog->details->domain_entry), TRUE); gtk_entry_set_activates_default (GTK_ENTRY (dialog->details->user_entry), TRUE); /* We need an extra ref so we can remove them from the table */ g_object_ref (dialog->details->uri_entry); g_object_ref (dialog->details->server_entry); g_object_ref (dialog->details->share_entry); g_object_ref (dialog->details->port_entry); g_object_ref (dialog->details->folder_entry); g_object_ref (dialog->details->domain_entry); g_object_ref (dialog->details->user_entry); setup_for_type (dialog); gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), "gtk-cancel", GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL); gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("_Scan"), RESPONSE_CONNECT); gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), RESPONSE_CONNECT); } GtkWidget * baobab_remote_connect_dialog_new (GtkWindow *window, GFile *location) { GtkWidget *dialog; dialog = gtk_widget_new (BAOBAB_TYPE_REMOTE_CONNECT_DIALOG, NULL); gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), window); g_signal_connect (dialog, "response", G_CALLBACK (response_callback), window); if (window) { gtk_window_set_screen (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), gtk_window_get_screen (GTK_WINDOW (window))); } return dialog; }