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<book xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude" id="libgdict">
    <title>MATE Dictionary Library Reference Manual</title>
      <holder>Emmanuele Bassi</holder>

      This manual documents the &version; release of the Dictionary
      Library for MATE 2.x

  <part id="introduction">
      The MATE Dictionary Library is a simple yet powerful collection of
      classes that can be used to access various dictionary sources.

      It was created for the MATE Dictionary application, but it has been
      made available for each developer whom wishes to access and display
      definitions stored inside language dictionaries.

  <part id="gdict">
    <title>The MATE Dictionary Library</title>
    <chapter id="context">
      <title>Dictionary Context</title>

      <para>A dictionary context is a representation of a transport method,
      that is a way to access a dictionary source.</para>

      <para>A dictionary source is any digital representation of a language
      dictionary which provides a way to programmatically query its contents
      for the available definitions of a word, phrase or any kind of

      <para>A dictionary source might use files encoded using the DICT or the
      StarDict formats, and offer an interface for queries compliant to the
      Dictionary Protocol as defined by the RFC 2229.</para>

      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-context.xml"/>


    <chapter id="context-types">
      <title>Context Implementations</title>

      <para>The only context implementation currently available is a client
      for the Dictionary Protocol.</para>

      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-client-context.xml"/>
    <chapter id="sources">
      <title>Dictionary Source</title>

      <para>A dictionary source is repesented using a specially crafted file,
      and can be accessed using the GdictSource class.</para>

      <para>Dictionary sources can be created at runtime or stored inside a
      file and loaded directly using its path. Usually, sources files are
      stored inside a predefined path and loaded using the GdictSourceLoader

      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-source.xml"/>
      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-source-loader.xml"/>


    <chapter id="gdict-utils">
      <title>Gdict Utilities</title>

      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-utils.xml"/>
      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-version.xml"/>



  <part id="gdictui">
    <title>The MATE Dictionary Library Widgets</title>

      Apart from the low-level classes, the MATE Dictionary library
      offers a set of widgets for accessing the dictionary sources and showing
      the results of queries.

      <title>Base widgets</title>

      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-defbox.xml"/>
      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-speller.xml"/>

      <title>Advanced widgets</title>

      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-database-chooser.xml"/>
      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-strategy-chooser.xml"/>
      <xi:include href="xml/gdict-source-chooser.xml"/>

  <index role="deprecated">
    <title>Index of deprecated symbols</title>
  <index role="0.10">
    <title>Index of new symbols in 0.10</title>
  <index role="0.12">
    <title>Index of new symbols in 0.12</title>
