Thoughts on Source Configuration

Since there has been a request for multiple back-end support inside MATE
Dictionary, and since Gdict makes the addition of such back-ends a possibility,
we need a way to configure these back-ends.

My plan is to use .desktop files in a standard location, such as
/usr/share/mate-dictionary and $HOME/.config/mate/mate-dictionary.  By dropping a
correctly-formatted .desktop file inside these locations, you can enable a new
dictionary source inside MATE Dictionary.

* Syntax

** General keys

A .desktop file is parsable using the GKeyFile class of GLib.  Please remember
that a .desktop file is case sensitive.  A standard .desktop file for
Dictionary must have the "Dictionary" group; only this group should be parsed,
and other groups should be ignored.

The mandatory name of the dictionary source is specified by the "Name" key;
it may be localized.

An optional description of the dictionary source is specified by the
"Description" key; also this may be localized.

The type of back-end to use is specified by the mandatory "Transport" key; at
this moment, only the "dictd" value is permitted.

An optional default database to be used with the dictionary source is specified
by the "Database" key; if no default database is specified, assume the default
database for the transport.

An option default match strategy to be used with the dictionary source is
specified by the "Strategy" key; if no default strategy is specified, assume
the default strategy for the transport.

** Transport-specific keys

These are the keys defined for the "dictd" transport:

"Hostname" [mandatory]
	holds the hostname of the dictionary server to connect to;
"Port" [optional]
	holds the port of the dictionary server to connect to; if omitted,
	the default port should be used.

** Example

Dictionary source for

	_Name: Default
	_Description: Default dictionary server
	Transport: dictd
	Port: 2628

$ Last updated: 2005-12-07 19:00 (+0100) ebassi $