# translation of dictionary_help.HEAD.po to Basque # Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo@euskalgnu.org>, 2008. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: dictionary_help.HEAD\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2007-09-04 03:34+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-14 19:25+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo@euskalgnu.org>\n" "Language-Team: Basque <itzulpena@euskalgnu.org>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:150(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-application.png'; md5=fb48a9e5863bfb2b3811df2e28489eb7" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-application.png'; md5=fb48a9e5863bfb2b3811df2e28489eb7" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:179(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-lookup.png'; md5=c41c96af4de54f457a2081aad009a8d0" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-lookup.png'; md5=c41c96af4de54f457a2081aad009a8d0" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:221(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-find.png'; md5=d8bf0677084e2d9998a7942faaab5379" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-find.png'; md5=d8bf0677084e2d9998a7942faaab5379" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:262(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-preferences-source.png'; md5=5470b15e64e66924477f150c4f47e96d" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-preferences-source.png'; md5=5470b15e64e66924477f150c4f47e96d" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:282(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-add-source.png'; md5=d059507fee77bb176fce53373951756b" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-add-source.png'; md5=d059507fee77bb176fce53373951756b" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:351(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-preferences-print.png'; md5=12a65f07cb333db4c7ba743d1d12a00f" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-preferences-print.png'; md5=12a65f07cb333db4c7ba743d1d12a00f" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:385(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-applet.png'; md5=538c7fa191540f99dd964963a1079677" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-applet.png'; md5=538c7fa191540f99dd964963a1079677" #. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. #. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:421(None) msgid "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-applet-window.png'; md5=e26ac4847d2e7b53c6bba7d8e1a519c4" msgstr "@@image: 'figures/mate-dictionary-applet-window.png'; md5=e26ac4847d2e7b53c6bba7d8e1a519c4" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:24(title) msgid "Dictionary Manual" msgstr "Hiztegiaren eskuliburua" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:27(para) msgid "Dictionary enables you to look up definitions and correct spellings of words." msgstr "Definizioak bilatzeko eta hitzen ortografia zuzentzeko aukera ematen dizu hiztegiak." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:34(year) msgid "2005" msgstr "2005" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:35(holder) C/mate-dictionary.xml:82(para) msgid "Emmanuele Bassi" msgstr "Emmanuele Bassi" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:48(publishername) C/mate-dictionary.xml:83(para) msgid "MATE Documentation Project" msgstr "MATEren dokumentazio-proiektua" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:2(para) msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You can find a copy of the GFDL at this <ulink type=\"help\" url=\"help:fdl\">link</ulink> or in the file COPYING-DOCS distributed with this manual." msgstr "Baimena ematen da dokumentu hau kopiatu, banatu eta/edo aldatzeko Free Software Foundation-ek argitaratutako GNU Dokumentazio Librearen Lizentziaren 1.1. bertsioan edo berriago batean ezarritako baldintzak betetzen badira; Atal Aldaezinik, Aurreko azaleko testurik eta Atzeko azaleko testurik gabe. GFDL lizentziaren kopia <ulink type=\"help\" url=\"help:fdl\">esteka honetan</ulink> edo eskuliburu honekin batera ematen den COPYING-DOCS fitxategian aurkituko duzu." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:12(para) msgid "This manual is part of a collection of MATE manuals distributed under the GFDL. If you want to distribute this manual separately from the collection, you can do so by adding a copy of the license to the manual, as described in section 6 of the license." msgstr "Eskuliburu hau GFDL lizentziarekin banatzen diren MATE eskuliburuen bildumakoa da. Eskuliburu hau bildumatik bereizita banatu nahi baduzu, bana dezakezu, baina eskuliburuari lizentziaren kopia bat gehitu beharko diozu, lizentzian bertan 6. atalean azaltzen den bezala." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:19(para) msgid "Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any MATE documentation, and the members of the MATE Documentation Project are made aware of those trademarks, then the names are in capital letters or initial capital letters." msgstr "Enpresek euren produktu eta zerbitzuak bereizteko erabiltzen dituzten izen asko marka erregistratu moduan hartu behar dira. Izen horiek MATEren edozein agiritan agertzen direnean, eta MATEren Dokumentazio Proiektuko kideak marka komertzialak direla konturatu badira, orduan izen horiek maiuskulaz idatzita egongo dira, osorik edo hasierako letra maiuskulaz jarrita." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:35(para) msgid "DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED ON AN \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS FREE OF DEFECTS MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, AND PERFORMANCE OF THE DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, YOU (NOT THE INITIAL WRITER, AUTHOR OR ANY CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER; AND" msgstr "DOKUMENTUA \"DAGOEN-DAGOENEAN\" EMATEN DA, INOLAKO BERMERIK GABE, EZ ESPRESUKI ADIERAZITAKORIK ETA EZ INPLIZITURIK ERE; BESTEAK BESTE (MUGARIK GABE), EZ DA BERMATZEN DOKUMENTUA EDO BERTSIO ALDATUA AKATSIK GABEA DENIK, MERKATURATZEKO EDO XEDE JAKIN BATERAKO EGOKIA DENIK EDO ARAURIK HAUSTEN EZ DUENIK. DOKUMENTUAREN EDO DOKUMENTUAREN BERTSIO ALDATUAREN KALITATEARI, ZEHAZTASUNARI ETA PERFORMANTZIARI BURUZKO ERANTZUKIZUN OSOA ZUREA DA. DOKUMENTUREN BATEK EDO BERTSIO ALDATUREN BATEK EDOZEIN MOTATAKO AKATSIK IZANEZ GERO, ZUK (EZ HASIERAKO IDAZLEAK, EZ EGILEAK ETA EZ INONGO KOLABORATZAILEK) ZEURE GAIN HARTU BEHARKO DUZU BERRIKUSTEKO, KONPONTZEKO EDO ZUZENTZEKO BEHARREZKO ZERBITZU GUZTIEN KOSTUA. BERME-UKATZE HAU LIZENTZIA HONEN FUNTSEZKO ZATIA DA. EZ DA BAIMENIK EMATEN EZEIN DOKUMENTU EDO BERTSIO ALDATU ERABILTZEKO, BALDIN ETA EZ BADA BERME-UKATZE HAU ONARTZEN." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:55(para) msgid "UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, WHETHER IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL THE AUTHOR, INITIAL WRITER, ANY CONTRIBUTOR, OR ANY DISTRIBUTOR OF THE DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT, OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH PARTIES, BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER DAMAGES OR LOSSES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO USE OF THE DOCUMENT AND MODIFIED VERSIONS OF THE DOCUMENT, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES." msgstr "EZINGO DA INONGO ZIRKUNSTANTZIA EDO LEGE-TEORIARIK OINARRI HARTU --EZ ERANTZUKIZUN ZIBILARI BURUZKORIK (ZABARKERIA BARNE HARTUTA) EZ KONTRATUARI BURUZKORIK, EZ BESTERIK-- DOKUMENTU HONEN EDO BERTSIO ALDATU BATEN EGILEA, HASIERAKO IDAZLEA, EDOZEIN KOLABORATZAILE EDO BANATZAILE, EDO ALDERDI HORIEN EDOZEIN HORNITZAILE BESTE PERTSONA BATEN AURREAN ERANTZULE EGITEKO, PERTSONA HORREK EDOZEIN MOTATAKO KALTE ZUZENEKO, ZEHARKAKO, BEREZI, INTZIDENTAL EDO ONDORIOZKOAK JASAN DITUELAKO, BESTEAK BESTE (MUGARIK GABE), BEZEROAK GALTZEAREN, LANA ETEN BEHARRAREN, ORDENAGAILUAK EZ IBILTZEAREN EDO GAIZKI IBILTZEAREN ONDORIOZKO KALTEAK, EDO DOKUMENTUA NAHIZ HAREN BERTSIO ALDATUAK ERABILTZETIK ONDORIOZTATZEN DIREN EDO ERABILERA HORREKIN ZERIKUSIA DUEN EDOZEIN KALTE EDO GALERA, ALDERDIARI KALTE HORIEK GERTA ZITEZKEELA ADITZERA EMAN BAZAIO ERE." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:28(para) msgid "DOCUMENT AND MODIFIED VERSIONS OF THE DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE GNU FREE DOCUMENTATION LICENSE WITH THE FURTHER UNDERSTANDING THAT: <placeholder-1/>" msgstr "DOKUMENTUA ETA DOKUMENTUAREN BERTSIO ALDATUAK GNU DOKUMENTAZIO LIBREAREN LIZENTZIAREN BALDINTZEN ARABERA EMATEN DIRA, ETA ONDOREN ZEHAZTEN DIRENAK ONARTZERA BEHARTZEN DUTE: <placeholder-1/>" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:55(firstname) msgid "Emmanuele" msgstr "Emmanuele" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:56(surname) msgid "Bassi" msgstr "Bassi" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:58(email) msgid "ebassi@gmail.com" msgstr "ebassi@gmail.com" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:79(revnumber) msgid "Dictionary Manual V1.0.0" msgstr "Hiztegiaren eskuliburua 1.0.0" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:80(date) msgid "January 2005" msgstr "2005eko urtarrila" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:88(releaseinfo) msgid "This manual describes version 2.14.0 of Dictionary." msgstr "Eskuliburu honetan Hiztegiaren 2.14.0 bertsioa azaltzen da." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:90(title) msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Ohar-bidaltzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:91(para) msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the Dictionary application or this manual, follow the directions in the <ulink url=\"help:mate-feedback\" type=\"help\">MATE Feedback Page</ulink>." msgstr "Hiztegiari buruzko akatsen berri emateko edo oharrak bidaltzeko, <ulink url=\"help:mate-feedback\" type=\"help\">MATEra oharrak bidaltzeko orria</ulink>n aurkituko dituzu argibideak." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:101(primary) msgid "Dictionary" msgstr "Hiztegia" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:107(title) msgid "Introduction" msgstr "Sarrera" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:109(para) msgid "The <application>Dictionary</application> application enables you to search words and terms on a dictionary source." msgstr "Hiztegian hitzak eta terminoak bilatzeko aukera ematen du <application>Hiztegia</application> aplikazioak." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:116(title) msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Erabiltzen hastea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:120(title) msgid "To Start Dictionary" msgstr "Hiztegia abiaraztea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:122(para) msgid "You can start <application>Dictionary</application> in the following ways:" msgstr "Aukera hauek dituzu <application>Hiztegia</application> abiarazteko:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:127(term) msgid "<guimenu>Applications</guimenu> menu" msgstr "<guimenu>Aplikazioak</guimenu> menua" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:129(para) msgid "Choose <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Accessories</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Dictionary</guimenuitem></menuchoice>." msgstr "Aukeratu <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Gehigarriak</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Hiztegia</guimenuitem></menuchoice>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:135(term) msgid "Command line" msgstr "Komando-lerroa" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:137(para) msgid "Execute the following command: <command>mate-dictionary</command>" msgstr "Exekutatu komando hau: <command>mate-hiztegia</command>" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:142(para) msgid "Once started, the <application>Dictionary</application> window is displayed:" msgstr "Abiarazi ondoren, <application>Hiztegia</application>ren leihoa bistaratzen da:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:146(title) C/mate-dictionary.xml:175(title) C/mate-dictionary.xml:217(title) C/mate-dictionary.xml:258(title) C/mate-dictionary.xml:278(title) C/mate-dictionary.xml:347(title) msgid "Dictionary Window" msgstr "Hiztegiaren leihoa" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:152(phrase) msgid "Shows Dictionary main window." msgstr "Hiztegiaren leiho nagusia erakusten du." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:163(title) msgid "Usage" msgstr "Erabilera" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:166(title) msgid "Looking up a word" msgstr "Hitza bilatzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:168(para) msgid "To look up a word, type it into the <guilabel>entry field</guilabel> and press <keycap>Enter</keycap>." msgstr "Hitz bat bilatzeko, idatzi hitza <guilabel>sarreraren eremua</guilabel>n, eta sakatu <keycap>Sartu</keycap>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:171(para) msgid "If some definition for the word is found, it will appear inside the main window area:" msgstr "Hitzaren definizioren bat aurkitzen badu, leiho-area nagusian azalduko da:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:181(phrase) msgid "Shows a definition inside the Dictionary main window." msgstr "Hiztegiaren leiho nagusiaren barruan erakusten du definizioa." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:186(para) msgid "Otherwise, an error dialog will appear, with a message explaining the nature of the error." msgstr "Bestela, errorearen elkarrizketa-koadroa eta errorearen izaera azaltzen duen mezu bat azalduko dira." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:192(title) msgid "Save look up results" msgstr "Bilaketaren emaitzak gordetzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:194(para) msgid "To save the results of a look up, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save a Copy</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Enter a name for the file in the <guilabel>Save a Copy</guilabel> dialog, then click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>." msgstr "Bilaketa baten emaitzak gordetzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Fitxategia</guimenu><guimenuitem>Gorde kopia</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Idatzi fitxategiaren izena <guilabel>Gorde kopia</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroan, eta sakatu <guibutton>Gorde</guibutton>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:199(title) msgid "Print look up results" msgstr "Bilaketaren emaitzak inprimatzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:201(para) msgid "To print the results of a look up, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem></menuchoice>." msgstr "Bilaketa baten emaitzak inprimatzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Fitxategia</guimenu><guimenuitem>Inprimatu</guimenuitem></menuchoice>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:203(para) msgid "Inside the <guilabel>Print</guilabel> dialog you can select the printer to use, the paper format, the number of copies." msgstr "Inprimagailua, paper-formatua eta kopia kopurua aukeratu ditzakezu <guilabel>Inprimatu</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroan." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:206(para) msgid "To see a preview of what will be printed, click <guibutton>Preview</guibutton>." msgstr "Inprimatuko duzuna aurrez ikusteko, egin klik <guibutton>Aurrebista</guibutton>n." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:209(para) msgid "To print, click <guibutton>Print</guibutton>." msgstr "Inprimatzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Inrpimatu</guibutton> botoian." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:214(title) msgid "Find Text" msgstr "Testua bilatzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:223(phrase) msgid "Shows the Dictionary Find pane inside the main window." msgstr "Hiztegiaren bilaketa-panela erakusten du leiho nagusiaren barruan." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:229(para) msgid "To find text inside the results of a look up, perform the following steps:" msgstr "Bilaketa baten emaitzetan testu bat bilatzeko, jarraitu urrats hauei:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:233(para) msgid "Choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Find</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to display the <guilabel>Find</guilabel> pane." msgstr "<guilabel>Bilatu</guilabel> panela bistaratzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Editatu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Bilatu</guimenuitem></menuchoice>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:235(para) msgid "Type the text you want to find inside the <guilabel>Search</guilabel> entry." msgstr "Idatzi bilatu nahi duzun testua <guilabel>Bilaketa</guilabel> sarreran." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:237(para) msgid "To find the next occurrence of the text, click <guibutton>Next</guibutton>. To find the previous occurrence of the text, click <guibutton>Previous</guibutton>." msgstr "Testuaren hurrengo agerraldia bilatzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Hurrengoa</guibutton> botoian. Testuaren aurreko agerraldia bilatzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Aurrekoa</guibutton> botoian." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:248(title) C/mate-dictionary.xml:438(title) msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Hobespenak" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:250(para) msgid "To change the <application>Dictionary</application> application preferences, choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem></menuchoice>." msgstr "<application>Hiztegia</application> aplikazioaren hobespenak aldatzeko, aukeratu <menuchoice><guimenu>Editatu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Hobespenak</guimenuitem></menuchoice>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:255(title) msgid "Dictionary Sources" msgstr "Hiztegiaren iturburuak" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:264(phrase) msgid "Shows the Source tab of the Preferences dialog." msgstr "Hobespenen elkarrizketa-koadroko Iturburua fitxa erakusten du." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:269(para) msgid "To change the dictionary source used to look up words, select the desired source from the list." msgstr "Hitzak bilatzeko erabilitako hiztegiaren iturburua aldatzeko, zerrendan aukeratu nahi duzun iturria." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:275(title) msgid "Adding a new source" msgstr "Iturburu berri bat gehitzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:284(phrase) msgid "Shows the Add Source dialog." msgstr "'Gehitu iturburua' elkarrizketa-koadroa erakusten du." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:289(para) msgid "To add a new dictionary source, perform the following steps:" msgstr "Hiztegi-iturburu bat gehitzeko, jarraitu urrats hauei:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:292(para) msgid "Click on the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button" msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Gehitu</guibutton> botoian." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:293(para) msgid "Edit the name of the new source inside the <guilabel>Description</guilabel> entry" msgstr "Editatu iturburu berriaren izena <guilabel>Azalpena</guilabel> sarreran." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:294(para) msgid "Change the transport type of the new source using the <guilabel>Transport</guilabel> combo box" msgstr "Aldatu iturburu berriaren garraio mota, <guilabel>Garraioa</guilabel> konbinazio-koadroa erabiliz." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:295(para) msgid "Edit the attributes of the new source" msgstr "Editatu iturburu berriaren atributuak" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:296(para) msgid "Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>" msgstr "Sakatu <guibutton>Gehitu</guibutton>" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:299(para) msgid "Different source transport types uses different attributes. This is the list of available attributes per transport type:" msgstr "Iturburuen garraio mota desberdinek, atributu desberdinak erabiltzen dituzte. Hau da garraio mota bakoitzean erabilgarri dauden atributuen zerrenda:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:306(para) msgid "Transport" msgstr "Garraioa" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:307(para) msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Atributuak" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:312(para) msgid "Dictionary Server" msgstr "Hiztegi-zerbitzaria" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:314(para) msgid "Hostname: the hostname of the dictionary server" msgstr "Ostalari-izena: hiztegi-zerbitzariaren ostalari-izena" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:315(para) msgid "Port: the port of the dictionary server" msgstr "Ataka: hiztegi-zerbitzariaren ataka" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:326(title) msgid "Removing a source" msgstr "Iturburu bat kentzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:328(para) msgid "To remove a dictionary source, perform the following steps:" msgstr "Hiztegi-iturburu bat kentzeko, jarraitu urrats hauei:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:331(para) msgid "Select the source you wish to remove" msgstr "Hautatu kendu nahi duzun iturburua:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:332(para) msgid "Click the <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button" msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Kendu</guibutton> botoian." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:335(para) msgid "If you remove a dictionary source it will be permanently deleted from the list of available sources. Also, as some sources might be defined system-wide you may actually not be able to remove them unless you have the right ownership privileges." msgstr "Hiztegi-iturburu bat kentzen baduzu, betiko ezabatzen da iturburu erabilgarrien zerrendatik. Litekeena da zenbait iturburu sistema osorako finkatuta egotea; beraz,, ezingo dituzu kendu jabetza-pribilegio egokiak izan ezean." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:344(title) msgid "Print Options" msgstr "Inprimatzeko aukerak" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:353(phrase) msgid "Shows the Print tab inside the Preferences dialog." msgstr "Hobespenen elkarrizketa-koadroko inprimatzeko fitxa erakusten du ." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:358(para) msgid "If you want to change the font name and size used when printing, perform the following steps:" msgstr "Inprimatzean erabiltzen diren letra-tipoa eta letra-tamaina aldatu nahi badituzu, jarraitu urrats hauei:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:362(para) msgid "Click on the <guilabel>Print Font</guilabel> button" msgstr "Egin klik <guilabel>Inprimatzeko letra-tipoa</guilabel> botoian" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:363(para) msgid "Select the font and size you wish to use" msgstr "Aukeratu erabili nahi dituzun letra-tipoa eta letra-tamaina" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:364(para) msgid "Click <guibutton>Ok</guibutton>" msgstr "Egin klik <guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoian." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:373(title) msgid "The Dictionary Applet" msgstr "Hiztegia miniaplikazioa" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:375(para) msgid "The <application>Dictionary</application> application comes with a panel applet, the <application>Dictionary Applet</application>. You can add the <application>Dictionary Applet</application> applet to a panel and look up words in dictionaries." msgstr "<application>Hiztegia</application> aplikaziorekin batera paneleko miniaplikazioa dator: <application>Hiztegia miniaplikazioa</application>. <application>Hiztegia miniaplikazioa</application> panel bati gehitu eta hitzak bila ditzakezu hiztegietan." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:381(title) C/mate-dictionary.xml:417(title) msgid "Dictionary Applet Window" msgstr "Hiztegia miniaplikazioaren leihoa" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:387(phrase) msgid "Shows Dictionary Applet." msgstr "Hiztegia miniaplikazioa erakusten du" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:395(title) msgid "To Start Dictionary Applet" msgstr "Hiztegia miniaplikazioa abiaraztea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:397(para) msgid "To add <application>Dictionary Applet</application> to a panel, right-click on the panel, then choose <guimenuitem>Add to Panel</guimenuitem>. Select Dictionary Applet in the <application>Add to the panel</application> dialog, then click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>." msgstr "<application>>Hiztegia miniaplikazioa</application> panel bati gehitzeko, egin klik eskuineko botoiaz panelean eta aukeratu <guimenuitem>Gehitu panelari</guimenuitem>. Hautatu Hiztegia miniaplikazioa <application>Gehitu panelari</application> elkarrizketa-koadroan, eta egin klik <guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoian." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:406(title) msgid "Using the Dictionary Applet" msgstr "Hiztegia miniaplikazioa erabiltzea" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:408(para) msgid "To look up a word, type it into the <guilabel>entry field</guilabel>, and press <keycap>Enter</keycap> or right-click on the dictionary icon and then choose <guimenuitem>Look up</guimenuitem>." msgstr "Hitz bat bilatzeko, idatzi hitza <guilabel>sarreraren eremua</guilabel>n eta sakatu <keycap>Sartu</keycap>, edo egin klik eskuineko botoiaz hiztegiaren ikonoan eta aukeratu <guimenuitem>Bilatu</guimenuitem>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:413(para) msgid "If some definition for the word was found, a window will appear, with the text of the definitions:" msgstr "Hitzaren definizioren bat aurkitzen badu, leiho bat azalduko da definizioaren testuarekin:" #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:423(phrase) msgid "Shows Dictionary Applet main window." msgstr "Hiztegia miniaplikazioaren leiho nagusia erakusten du." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:428(para) msgid "Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save the definitions to a text file. Click <guibutton>Print</guibutton> to print the definitions. Click <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> to clear the definitions." msgstr "Definizioak testu fitxategi batean gordetzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Gorde</guibutton> botoian. Definizioak inprimatzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Inprimatu</guibutton>n. Definizioak garbitzeko, egin klik <guibutton>Garbitu</guibutton>n." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:432(para) msgid "You can make the window disappear by left-clicking on the dictionary icon or by pressing <keycap>Esc</keycap>." msgstr "Leihoa desagerraraz dezakezu hiztegiaren ikonoan ezkerreko botoiaz klik eginez edo <keycap>Ihes</keycap> sakatuz." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:440(para) msgid "To configure the <application>Dictionary Applet</application>, right-click on the dictionary icon, then choose <guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem>." msgstr "<application>Hiztegia miniaplikazioa</application> konfiguratzeko, egin klik eskuineko botoiaz hiztegiaren ikonoan eta aukeratu <guimenuitem>Hobespenak</guimenuitem>." #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:443(para) msgid "The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog is the same used by the <application>Dictionary</application> application, so refer to <xref linkend=\"mate-dictionary-preferences\"/>" msgstr "<guilabel>Hobespenak</guilabel> elkarrizketa-koadroa <application>Hiztegia</application> aplikazioak erabiltzen duena bezalakoa da, beraz kontsultatu <xref linkend=\"mate-dictionary-preferences\"/>" #. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2. #: C/mate-dictionary.xml:0(None) msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza <hizkpol@ej-gv.es>, 2008."