/schemas/apps/mate-screenshot/take_window_shot /apps/mate-screenshot/take_window_shot mate-screenshot bool false Window-specific screenshot (deprecated) Grab just the current window, rather than the whole desktop. This key has been deprecated and it is no longer in use. /schemas/apps/mate-screenshot/delay /apps/mate-screenshot/delay mate-screenshot int 0 Screenshot delay The number of seconds to wait before taking the screenshot. /schemas/apps/mate-screenshot/last_save_directory /apps/mate-screenshot/last_save_directory mate-screenshot string Screenshot directory The directory the last screenshot was saved in. /schemas/apps/mate-screenshot/include_border /apps/mate-screenshot/include_border mate-screenshot bool true Include Border Include the window manager border along with the screenshot /schemas/apps/mate-screenshot/include_pointer /apps/mate-screenshot/include_pointer mate-screenshot bool true Include Pointer Include the pointer in the screenshot /schemas/apps/mate-screenshot/border_effect /apps/mate-screenshot/border_effect mate-screenshot string none Border Effect Effect to add to the outside of a border. Possible values are "shadow", "none", and "border".