<schemalist> <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.mate.pluma.plugins.pythonconsole" path="/org/mate/pluma/plugins/pythonconsole/"> <key name="command-color" type="s"> <default>'#314e6c'</default> <summary>Command Color Text</summary> <description>The command color text</description> </key> <key name="error-color" type="s"> <default>'#990000'</default> <summary>Error Color Text</summary> <description>The error color text</description> </key> <key name="use-system-font" type="b"> <default>true</default> <summary>Whether to use the system font</summary> <description> If true, the terminal will use the desktop-global standard font if it’s monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise). </description> </key> <key name="font" type="s"> <default>'Monospace 10'</default> <summary>Font</summary> <description> A Pango font name. Examples are “Sans 12” or “Monospace Bold 14”. </description> </key> </schema> </schemalist>