# Slovenian translation for pluma.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pluma package.
# Andraž Tori <andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si>, 2000 - 2005.
# Matic Žgur <mr.zgur@gmail.com>, 2006 - 2007.
# Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org>, 2007 - 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pluma\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=pluma&component=general\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-27 11:35+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-27 12:59+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian MATE Translation Team <mate-si@googlegroups.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVENIA\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Slovenian\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Edit text files"
msgstr "Urejanje besedilnih datotek"

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:2
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:759
msgid "Text Editor"
msgstr "Urejevalnik besedil"

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:3
msgid "pluma"
msgstr "pluma"

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:4
msgid "pluma Text Editor"
msgstr "Urejevalnik besedil Pluma"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:1
msgid "A custom font that will be used for the editing area. This will only take effect if the \"Use Default Font\" option is turned off."
msgstr "Pisava po meri, ki bo uporabljena za izpis besedila. Upoštevana bo le v primeru, da je možnost \"Uporabi privzeto pisavo\" onemogočena."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:2
msgid "Active plugins"
msgstr "Dejavni vstavki"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:3
msgid "Automatic indent"
msgstr "Samodejno zamikanje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:4
msgid "Automatically Detected Encodings"
msgstr "Samodejno zaznan nabor z nakov"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:5
msgid "Autosave"
msgstr "Samodejno shranjevanje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:6
msgid "Autosave Interval"
msgstr "Časovni razmik samodejnega shranjevanja"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:7
msgid "Body Font for Printing"
msgstr "Pisava telesa za tiskanje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:8
msgid "Bottom Panel is Visible"
msgstr "Spodnji pladenj je viden"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:9
msgid "Create Backup Copies"
msgstr "Ustvarjaj varnostne kopije"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:10
msgid "Display Line Numbers"
msgstr "Pokaži številke vrstic"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:11
msgid "Display Right Margin"
msgstr "Pokaži desni rob"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:12
msgid "Editor Font"
msgstr "Pisava urejevalnika"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:13
msgid "Enable Search Highlighting"
msgstr "Omogoči poudarjanje zadetkov"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:14
msgid "Enable Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Omogoči poudarjanje skladnje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:15
msgid "Encodings shown in menu"
msgstr "Kodiranja prikazana v meniju"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:16
msgid "Header Font for Printing"
msgstr "Pisava glave za tiskanje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:17
msgid "Highlight Current Line"
msgstr "Poudari trenutno vrstico"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:18
msgid "Highlight Matching Bracket"
msgstr "Poudari pripadajoče oklepaje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:19
msgid "If this value is 0, then no line numbers will be inserted when printing a document. Otherwise, pluma will print line numbers every such number of lines."
msgstr "V primeru, da je vrednost 0, potem številke vrstic ob tiskanju dokumenta ne bodo izpisane. V nasprotnem primeru bo Pluma vsakih toliko vrstic izpisoval številke vrstic."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:20
msgid "Insert spaces"
msgstr "Vstavi presledke"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:21
msgid "Line Number Font for Printing"
msgstr "Pisava številk vrstic za tiskanje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:22
msgid "Line Wrapping Mode"
msgstr "Način preloma vrstic"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:23
msgid "List of VFS schemes pluma supports in write mode. The 'file' scheme is writable by default."
msgstr "Seznam shem VFS, ki jih pluma podpira v pisnem načinu. Shema 'datoteka (file)' je privzeto zapisljiva."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:24
msgid "List of active plugins. It contains the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .pluma-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
msgstr "Seznam dejavnih vstavkov. Vsebuje \"Mesto\" dejavnih vstavkov. Glejte datoteko .pluma-plugin za pridobitev \"Mesta\" danega vstavka."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:25
msgid "List of encodings shown in the Character Encoding menu in open/save file selector. Only recognized encodings are used."
msgstr "Seznam kodnih naborov prikazanih v meniju Nabora znakov v izbirniku za odpiranje in shranjevanje datotek. Uporabljena so le prepoznani nabori znakov."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:26
msgid "Maximum Number of Undo Actions"
msgstr "Največje število razveljavitev"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:27
msgid "Maximum Recent Files"
msgstr "Največ nedavnih datotek"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:28
msgid "Maximum number of actions that pluma will be able to undo or redo. Use \"-1\" for unlimited number of actions."
msgstr "Največje število dejanj, ki jih pluma lahko razveljavi ali obnovi. Uporabite \"-1\" za neomejeno število dejanj."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:29
msgid "Maximum number of actions that pluma will be able to undo or redo. Use \"-1\" for unlimited number of actions. Deprecated since 2.12.0"
msgstr "Največje število dejanj, ki jih pluma lahko razveljavi ali obnovi. Uporabite \"-1\" za neomejeno število dejanj. Ni v uporabi od 2.12.0"

#. Translators: This is the Editor Font.
#. This is a Pango font
#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:32
msgid "Monospace 12"
msgstr "Monospace 12"

#. Translators: This is the Body font for printing.
#. This is a Pango font.
#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:35
msgid "Monospace 9"
msgstr "Monospace 9"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:36
msgid "Number of minutes after which pluma will automatically save modified files. This will only take effect if the \"Autosave\" option is turned on."
msgstr "Število minut po katerih bo pluma samodejno shranil spremenjene datoteke. Upoštevano bo le v primeru, da je možnost \"Samodejno shranjevanje\" omogočena."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:37
msgid "Print Header"
msgstr "Natisni glave strani"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:38
msgid "Print Line Numbers"
msgstr "Natisni številke vrstic"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:39
msgid "Print Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Natisni poudarjanje skladnje"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:40
msgid "Printing Line Wrapping Mode"
msgstr "Tiskanje v načinu preloma vrstic"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:41
msgid "Restore Previous Cursor Position"
msgstr "Povrni prejšnji položaj kazalca"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:42
msgid "Right Margin Position"
msgstr "Položaj desnega odmika"

#. Translators: This is the Header font for printing.
#. This is a Pango font.
#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:45
msgid "Sans 11"
msgstr "Sans 11"

#. Translators: This is the Line Number font for printing.
#. This is a Pango font.
#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:48
msgid "Sans 8"
msgstr "Sans 8"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:49
msgid "Side Pane is Visible"
msgstr "Stranski pladenj je viden"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:50
msgid "Smart Home End"
msgstr "Pametni tipki HOME in END"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:51
msgid "Sorted list of encodings used by pluma for automatically detecting the encoding of a file. \"CURRENT\" represents the current locale encoding. Only recognized encodings are used."
msgstr "Urejen seznam naborov znakov, ki ga uporablja pluma za samodejno zaznavo kodiranja datoteke. \"CURRENT\" predstavlja trenutno kodiranje jezikovnega okolja. Uporabljena so le prepoznana kodiranja."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:52
msgid "Specifies how the cursor moves when the HOME and END keys are pressed. Use \"DISABLED\" to always move at the start/end of the line, \"AFTER\" to move to the start/end of the line the first time the keys are pressed and to the start/end of the text ignoring whitespaces the second time the keys are pressed, \"BEFORE\" to move to the start/end of the text before moving to the start/end of the line and \"ALWAYS\" to always move to the start/end of the text instead of the start/end of the line."
msgstr "Določa kako se kazalnik premika kadar sta pritisnjeni tipki HOME in END. Uporabite \"ONEMOGOČENO\" da se vedno premakne med začetkom in koncem vrstice, možnost \"PO\" za premikanje na začetek in konec ob prvem pritisku tipk in na začetek in konec besedila brez upoštevanja preslednih znakov ob naslednjem pritisku, Možnost \"PRED\" za premik na začetek in konec besedila pred premikanjem na začetek in konec vrstice in možnost \"VEDNO\" za premik na začetek in konec besedila namesto na začetek in konec vrstice."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:53
msgid "Specifies how to wrap long lines for printing. Use \"GTK_WRAP_NONE\" for no wrapping, \"GTK_WRAP_WORD\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and \"GTK_WRAP_CHAR\" for wrapping at individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
msgstr "Določa kako naj se prelomijo dolge vrstice pri tiskanju. \"GTK_WRAP_NONE\" za brez lomljenja, \"GTK_WRAP_WORD\" za lomljenje po besedah in \"GTK_WRAP_CHAR\" za lomljenje po posameznih znakih. Te vrednosti so občutljive na velikost črk, zato bodite pazljivi."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:54
msgid "Specifies how to wrap long lines in the editing area. Use \"GTK_WRAP_NONE\" for no wrapping, \"GTK_WRAP_WORD\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and \"GTK_WRAP_CHAR\" for wrapping at individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
msgstr "Določa kako naj se prelomijo dolge vrstice v urejevalni površini. \"GTK_WRAP_NONE\" za brez lomljenja, \"GTK_WRAP_WORD\" za lomljenje po besedah in \"GTK_WRAP_CHAR\" za lomljenje po posameznih znakih. Te vrednosti so občutljive na velikost črk, zato bodite pazljivi."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:55
msgid "Specifies the font to use for a document's body when printing documents."
msgstr "Določa pisavo, ki se uporabi za telo dokumenta pri tiskanju."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:56
msgid "Specifies the font to use for line numbers when printing. This will only take effect if the \"Print Line Numbers\" option is non-zero."
msgstr "Določa pisavo, ki se uporabi za številke vrstic pri tiskanju. Uporabljena je le v primeru, da je možnost \"Natisni številke vrstic\" različna od nič."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:57
msgid "Specifies the font to use for page headers when printing a document. This will only take effect if the \"Print Header\" option is turned on."
msgstr "Določa pisavo, ki se uporabi za glave strani pri tiskanju. Uporabljena je le v primeru, da je možnost \"Natisni glave\" omogočena."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:58
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of recently opened files that will be displayed in the \"Recent Files\" submenu."
msgstr "Določa največje število nedavno odprtih datotek, ki bodo prikazane v podmeniju \"Nedavne datoteke\"."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:59
msgid "Specifies the number of spaces that should be displayed instead of Tab characters."
msgstr "Določa število presledkov, ki naj bodo prikazani namesto znaka za zamik (tab)."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:60
msgid "Specifies the position of the right margin."
msgstr "Določa položaj desnega robu"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:61
msgid "Status Bar is Visible"
msgstr "Vrstica stanja je vidna"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:62
msgid "Style Scheme"
msgstr "Oblika sheme"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:63
msgid "Style for the toolbar buttons. Possible values are \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_SYSTEM\" to use the system's default style, \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS\" to display icons only, \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_AND_TEXT\" to display both icons and text, and \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_BOTH_HORIZ\" to display prioritized text beside icons. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
msgstr "Slog gumbov orodne vrstice. Mogoče vrednosti so \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_SYSTEM\", ki uporabi privzet sistemski slog, \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS\", da se prikažejo le ikone, \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_AND_TEXT\", da se prikažejo tako ikone kot besedilo in \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_BOTH_HORIZ\", da se prikaže pomembnejše besedilo ob ikonah. Te vrednosti so občutljive na velikost črk, zato bodite pazljivi."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:64
msgid "Tab Size"
msgstr "Velikost zamika"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:65
msgid "The ID of a GtkSourceView Style Scheme used to color the text."
msgstr "ID GtkSourceView oblike sheme uporabljen za obarvanje besedila."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:66
msgid "Toolbar Buttons Style"
msgstr "Slog gumbov orodne vrstice"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:67
msgid "Toolbar is Visible"
msgstr "Orodna vrstica je vidna"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:68
msgid "Undo Actions Limit (DEPRECATED)"
msgstr "Omejitev števila razveljavljenih dejanj (NI VEČ V UPORABI)"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:69
msgid "Use Default Font"
msgstr "Uporabi privzeto pisavo"

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:70
msgid "Whether pluma should automatically save modified files after a time interval. You can set the time interval with the \"Autosave Interval\" option."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma samodejno shrani spremenjene datoteke po določenem času. Čas lahko nastavite z možnostjo \"Časovni razmik samodejnega shranjevanja\"."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:71
msgid "Whether pluma should create backup copies for the files it saves. You can set the backup file extension with the \"Backup Copy Extension\" option."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma ustvari varnostne kopije datotek, ki jih shrani. Pripono varnostnih datotek lahko nastavite z možnostjo \"Pripona varnostnih kopij datotek\"."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:72
msgid "Whether pluma should display line numbers in the editing area."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma pokaže številke vrstic v urejevalni površini."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:73
msgid "Whether pluma should display the right margin in the editing area."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma v urejevalni površini pokaže desni odmik."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:74
msgid "Whether pluma should enable automatic indentation."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma omogoči samodejno zamikanje."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:75
msgid "Whether pluma should enable syntax highlighting."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma omogoči poudarjanje skladnje."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:76
msgid "Whether pluma should highlight all the occurrences of the searched text."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma poudari pojavljanje iskanega besedila."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:77
msgid "Whether pluma should highlight the bracket matching the selected one."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma poudari oklepaj, ki pripada dvojici izbranega oklepaja."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:78
msgid "Whether pluma should highlight the current line."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma poudari trenutno vrstico."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:79
msgid "Whether pluma should include a document header when printing documents."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma vključi glavo dokumenta pri tiskanju."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:80
msgid "Whether pluma should insert spaces instead of tabs."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma vstavlja presledke namesto zamikov (tabulatorjev)."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:81
msgid "Whether pluma should print syntax highlighting when printing documents."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma poudari skladnjo dokumentov med tiskanjem."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:82
msgid "Whether pluma should restore the previous cursor position when a file is loaded."
msgstr "Ali naj pluma povrne prejšnji položaj kazalca, ko se datoteka naloži."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:83
msgid "Whether the bottom panel at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
msgstr "Ali naj bo spodnji pladenj pod urejevalnim oknom viden."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:84
msgid "Whether the side pane at the left of editing windows should be visible."
msgstr "Ali naj bo stranski pladenj na levi strani urejevalnega okna viden."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:85
msgid "Whether the status bar at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
msgstr "Ali naj bo vrstica stanja na dnu urejevalnega okna vidna."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:86
msgid "Whether the toolbar should be visible in editing windows."
msgstr "Ali naj bo orodna vrstica vidna v urejevalnih oknih."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:87
msgid "Whether to use the system's default fixed width font for editing text instead of a font specific to pluma. If this option is turned off, then the font named in the \"Editor Font\" option will be used instead of the system font."
msgstr "Ali naj se uporabi privzeta sistemska pisava s stalno širino za urejanje besedila namesto pisave uporabljene v programu Pluma. V primeru, da ta možnost ni izbrana, bo namesto sistemske pisave uporabljena tista pisava, ki je imenovana kot možnost \"Pisava urejevalnika\"."

#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:88
msgid "Writable VFS schemes"
msgstr "Zapisljive sheme VFS"

#. Translators: This is the list of encodings shown by default in the Character Encoding
#. menu in open/save file selector. Only recognized encodings are displayed.
#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:91
msgid "[ISO-8859-15]"
msgstr "[ISO-8859-2,UTF-8]"

#. Translators: This is the sorted list of encodings used by pluma
#. for automatic detection of the file encoding. You may want to customize it adding
#. encodings that are common in your country, for instance the GB18030 encoding
#. for the Chinese	translation. You may also want to remove the ISO-8859-15 encoding
#. (covering English and most Western European languages) if you think people
#. in you country will rarely use it.
#. "CURRENT" is a magic value used by pluma and it represents the encoding
#. for the current locale, so please don't translate the "CURRENT" term.
#. Only recognized encodings are used.
#. See http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/pluma/trunk/pluma/pluma-encodings.c?view=markup for
#. a list of supported encodings
#: ../data/pluma.schemas.in.in.h:103
msgid "[UTF-8,CURRENT,ISO-8859-15,UTF-16]"
msgstr "[UTF-8,CURRENT,ISO-8859-2,UTF-16]"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:140
msgid "Log Out _without Saving"
msgstr "Odjavi se _brez shranjevanja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:144
msgid "_Cancel Logout"
msgstr "_Prekliči odjavo"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:151
msgid "Close _without Saving"
msgstr "Zapri _brez shranjevanja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:212
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Vprašanje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:412
#, c-format
msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %ld sekund dela trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje %ld sekunde dela trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %ld sekund dela trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %ld sekund dela trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:421
msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last minute will be permanently lost."
msgstr "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje minute trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld second will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje minute in %ld sekund trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje minute in %ld sekunde trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje minute in %ld sekund trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje minute in %ld sekund trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:437
#, c-format
msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minutes will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %ld minut trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje %ld minute trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %ld minut trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %ld minut trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:452
msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last hour will be permanently lost."
msgstr "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje ure trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:458
#, c-format
msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minute will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minutes will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje ure in %d minut trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje ure in %d minute trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje ure in %d minut trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje ure in %d minut trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:473
#, c-format
msgid "If you don't save, changes from the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "If you don't save, changes from the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %d ur trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnje %d ure trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %d ur trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "V kolikor ne shranite, bodo spremembe zadnjih %d ur trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:516
#, c-format
msgid "Changes to document \"%s\" will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Spremembe dokumenta \"%s\" bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:521
#, c-format
msgid "Save changes to document \"%s\" before closing?"
msgstr "Ali želite shraniti spremembe v dokumentu \"%s\" preden se zapre?"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:535
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:746
msgid "Saving has been disabled by the system administrator."
msgstr "Skrbnik sistema je onemogočil shranjevanje."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:701
#, c-format
msgid "Changes to %d document will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "Changes to %d documents will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "Spremembe %d dokumentov bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "Spremembe %d dokumenta bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "Spremembe %d dokumentov bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "Spremembe %d dokumentov bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:707
#, c-format
msgid "There is %d document with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
msgid_plural "There are %d documents with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
msgstr[0] "%d dokumentov nima shranjenih spremembe. Ali želite shraniti pred zapiranjem?"
msgstr[1] "%d dokument ima neshranjene spremembe. Ali želite shraniti pred zapiranjem?"
msgstr[2] "%d dokumenta ima neshranjene spremembe. Ali želite shraniti pred zapiranjem?"
msgstr[3] "%d dokumenti ima neshranjene spremembe. Ali želite shraniti pred zapiranjem?"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:725
msgid "Docum_ents with unsaved changes:"
msgstr "Spremenjeni doku_menti, ki niso shranjeni:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:727
msgid "S_elect the documents you want to save:"
msgstr "_Izberite dokumente, ki jih želite shraniti: "

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:748
msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
msgstr "V kolikor sprememb ne shranite, bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:321
msgid "Character Encodings"
msgstr "Nabori znakov"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:385
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:446
msgid "_Description"
msgstr "_Opis"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:394
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:455
msgid "_Encoding"
msgstr "_Kodiranje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "A_vailable encodings:"
msgstr "Podprti _nabori:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "Character encodings"
msgstr "Nabori znakov"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "E_ncodings shown in menu:"
msgstr "Nabori, _prikazani v meniju:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:571
msgid "Click on this button to select the font to be used by the editor"
msgstr "Pritisnite ta gumb za izbiro pisave, ki naj jo uporablja urejevalnik"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:581
#, c-format
msgid "_Use the system fixed width font (%s)"
msgstr "_Uporabi pisavo sistema s stalno širino (%s)"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:784
msgid "The selected color scheme cannot be installed."
msgstr "Izbrane barvne sheme ni mogoče namestiti."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:809
msgid "Add Scheme"
msgstr "Dodaj shemo"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:816
msgid "A_dd Scheme"
msgstr "_Dodaj shemo"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:824
msgid "Color Scheme Files"
msgstr "Datoteke barvnih shem"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:831
#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:52
msgid "All Files"
msgstr "Vse datoteke"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:876
#, c-format
msgid "Could not remove color scheme \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ni mogoče odstraniti barvne sheme \"%s\"."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:1087
msgid "pluma Preferences"
msgstr "Možnosti programa pluma"

#. ex:ts=4:et:
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:1
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:1
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:1
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:1
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "    "
msgstr "    "

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "Automatic Indentation"
msgstr "Samodejno zamikanje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "Bracket Matching"
msgstr "Ujemanje oklepajev"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "Color Scheme"
msgstr "Barvna shema"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "Create a _backup copy of files before saving"
msgstr "Ustvari _varnostne kopije datotek pred shranjevanjem"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid "Current Line"
msgstr "Trenutna vrstica"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "Display right _margin"
msgstr "Pokaži desni _rob"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:1
msgid "Do not _split words over two lines"
msgstr "Ne _deli besed preko dveh vrstic"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Urejevalnik"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
msgid "Editor _font: "
msgstr "_Pisava urejevalnika:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:2
msgid "Enable text _wrapping"
msgstr "Omogoči _prelom besedila"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
msgid "File Saving"
msgstr "Shranjevanje datotek"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Pisava"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
msgid "Font & Colors"
msgstr "Pisave in barve"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
msgid "Highlight current _line"
msgstr "Poudari _trenutno vrstico"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
msgid "Highlight matching _bracket"
msgstr "Poudari pripadajoče _oklepaje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
msgid "Insert _spaces instead of tabs"
msgstr "Vstavi _presledke namesto tabulatorjev"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:5
msgid "Line Numbers"
msgstr "Številke vrstic"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
msgid "Pick the editor font"
msgstr "Izbor pisave urejevalnika"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Vstavki"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Možnosti"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
msgid "Right Margin"
msgstr "Desni rob"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:23
msgid "Tab Stops"
msgstr "Mesta tabulatorjev"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:24
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:11
msgid "Text Wrapping"
msgstr "Prelom besedila"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:25
msgid "View"
msgstr "Pogled"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:26
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Dodaj ..."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:27
msgid "_Autosave files every"
msgstr "Samodejno _shrani datoteke vsakih"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:28
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1968
msgid "_Display line numbers"
msgstr "_Pokaži številke vrstic"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:29
msgid "_Enable automatic indentation"
msgstr "Vključi s_amodejno zamikanje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:30
msgid "_Right margin at column:"
msgstr "_Desni odmik pri stolpcu:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:31
msgid "_Tab width:"
msgstr "Širina _tabulatorja:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:32
msgid "_minutes"
msgstr "_minut"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:300
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:2
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1522
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Zamenjaj"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:311
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1520
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Poišči"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:415
msgid "Replace _All"
msgstr "Zamenjaj _vse"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:416
#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:582
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Zamenjaj"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Match _entire word only"
msgstr "Poišči le _cele besede"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Zamenjaj vse"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "Replace _with: "
msgstr "_Zamenjaj z: "

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "Search _backwards"
msgstr "Poišči _nazaj"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid "_Match case"
msgstr "_Upoštevaj velikost črk"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "_Search for: "
msgstr "_Poišči: "

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:8
msgid "_Wrap around"
msgstr "_Prelomi vrstice"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:123
msgid "Show the application's version"
msgstr "Pokaži različico programa"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:126
msgid "Set the character encoding to be used to open the files listed on the command line"
msgstr "Nastavi kodiranje znakov, ki naj bo uporabljeno za odpiranje datotek, naštetih v ukazni vrstici"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:126
msgid "ENCODING"
msgstr "KODIRANJE"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:129
msgid "Display list of possible values for the encoding option"
msgstr "Pokaži seznam mogočih vrednosti kodiranja"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:132
msgid "Create a new top-level window in an existing instance of pluma"
msgstr "Ustvari novo vrhnje okno v obstoječem oknu pluma"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:135
msgid "Create a new document in an existing instance of pluma"
msgstr "Ustvari nov dokument v obstoječem primerku pluma"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:138
msgid "[FILE...]"
msgstr "[DATOTEKA ...]"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:193
#, c-format
msgid "%s: invalid encoding.\n"
msgstr "%s: neveljavno kodiranje.\n"

#. Setup command line options
#: ../pluma/pluma.c:576
msgid "- Edit text files"
msgstr "- Urejanje datotek z besedili"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:612
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
msgstr ""
"Zaženite '%s --help' za podroben pregled celotnega seznama možnosti ukazne vrstice.\n"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:255
#, c-format
msgid "Loading file '%s'…"
msgstr "Nalaganje datoteke '%s' ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:264
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %d file…"
msgid_plural "Loading %d files…"
msgstr[0] "Nalaganje %d datotek ..."
msgstr[1] "Nalaganje %d datoteke ..."
msgstr[2] "Nalaganje %d datotek ..."
msgstr[3] "Nalaganje %d datotek ..."

#. Translators: "Open Files" is the title of the file chooser window
#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:458
msgid "Open Files"
msgstr "Odpri datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:569
#, c-format
msgid "The file \"%s\" is read-only."
msgstr "Datoteka \"%s\" je le berljiva."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:574
msgid "Do you want to try to replace it with the one you are saving?"
msgstr "Jo želite poskusiti nadomestiti s to, ki jo shranjujete?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:643
#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:866
#, c-format
msgid "Saving file '%s'…"
msgstr "Shranjevanje datoteke '%s' ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:751
msgid "Save As…"
msgstr "Shrani kot ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1080
#, c-format
msgid "Reverting the document '%s'…"
msgstr "Povračanje dokumenta '%s' ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1125
#, c-format
msgid "Revert unsaved changes to document '%s'?"
msgstr "Povrni neshranjene spremembe dokumentu '%s'?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1134
#, c-format
msgid "Changes made to the document in the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnjih %ld sekundah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji %ld sekundi bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnjih %ld sekundah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnjih %ld sekundah bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1143
msgid "Changes made to the document in the last minute will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji minuti bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1149
#, c-format
msgid "Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld second will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld seconds will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji minuti in %ld sekundah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji minuti in %ld sekundi bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji minuti in %ld sekundah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji minuti in %ld sekundah bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1159
#, c-format
msgid "Changes made to the document in the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last %ld minutes will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnjih %ld minutah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji %ld minuti bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnjih %ld minutah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnjih %ld minutah bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1174
msgid "Changes made to the document in the last hour will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji uri bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1180
#, c-format
msgid "Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minute will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minutes will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji uri in %d minutah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji uri in %d minuti bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji uri in %d minutah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji uri in %d minutah bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1195
#, c-format
msgid "Changes made to the document in the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "Changes made to the document in the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji %d urah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[1] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji %d uri bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[2] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji %d urah bodo trajno izgubljene."
msgstr[3] "Spremembe dokumenta narejene v zadnji %d urah bodo trajno izgubljene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1221
msgid "_Revert"
msgstr "_Povrni"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-help.c:83
msgid "pluma is a small and lightweight text editor for the MATE Desktop"
msgstr "pluma je majhen in lahek urejevalnik besedil za namizje MATE"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-help.c:108
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Matej Urbančič <mateju@svn.gnome.org>\n"
"Matic Žgur <mr.zgur@gmail.com>\n"
"Andraž Tori <andraz.tori1@guest.arnes.si>"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-search.c:114
#, c-format
msgid "Found and replaced %d occurrence"
msgid_plural "Found and replaced %d occurrences"
msgstr[0] "Najdenih in zamenjanih %d nizov"
msgstr[1] "Najdeno in zamenjano %d niz"
msgstr[2] "Najdeni in zamenjani %d niza"
msgstr[3] "Najdena in zamenjana %d nizi"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-search.c:124
msgid "Found and replaced one occurrence"
msgstr "Najden in zamenjan en niz"

#. Translators: %s is replaced by the text
#. entered by the user in the search box
#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-search.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" not found"
msgstr "\"%s\" ni mogoče najti"

#: ../pluma/pluma-document.c:1067
#: ../pluma/pluma-document.c:1082
#, c-format
msgid "Unsaved Document %d"
msgstr "dokument %d"

#: ../pluma/pluma-documents-panel.c:97
#: ../pluma/pluma-documents-panel.c:111
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:2271
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:2276
msgid "Read-Only"
msgstr "Le za branje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-documents-panel.c:780
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:3670
msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenti"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:138
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:180
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:182
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:184
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:186
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:188
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:190
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:192
msgid "Unicode"
msgstr "Unicode"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:151
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:175
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:225
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:268
msgid "Western"
msgstr "zahodnoevropsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:153
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:227
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:264
msgid "Central European"
msgstr "srednjeevropsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:155
msgid "South European"
msgstr "južnoevropsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:157
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:171
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:278
msgid "Baltic"
msgstr "baltsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:159
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:229
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:242
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:246
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:248
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:266
msgid "Cyrillic"
msgstr "cirilica"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:161
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:235
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:276
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "arabsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:163
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:270
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "grško"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:165
msgid "Hebrew Visual"
msgstr "hebrejsko predočeno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:167
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:231
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:272
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "turško"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:169
msgid "Nordic"
msgstr "nordijsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:173
msgid "Celtic"
msgstr "keltsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:177
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "romunsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:195
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr "armensko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:197
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:199
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:213
msgid "Chinese Traditional"
msgstr "kitajsko tradicionalno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:201
msgid "Cyrillic/Russian"
msgstr "cirilica/rusko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:204
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:206
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:208
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:238
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:253
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "japonsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:211
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:240
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:244
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:259
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "korejsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:216
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:218
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:220
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr "kitajsko poenostavljeno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:222
msgid "Georgian"
msgstr "gruzijsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:233
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:274
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "hebrejsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:250
msgid "Cyrillic/Ukrainian"
msgstr "cirilica/ukrajinsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:255
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:261
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:280
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "vietnamsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:257
msgid "Thai"
msgstr "tajsko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:431
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznano"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:272
msgid "Automatically Detected"
msgstr "Samodejno zaznano"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:288
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:303
#, c-format
msgid "Current Locale (%s)"
msgstr "Trenutne jezikovne nastivitve (%s)"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:353
msgid "Add or Remove..."
msgstr "Dodaj ali odstrani ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:53
msgid "All Text Files"
msgstr "Vse datoteke z besedilom"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:81
msgid "C_haracter Encoding:"
msgstr "_Kodni nabor znakov:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:141
msgid "L_ine Ending:"
msgstr "_Konec vrstice:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:160
msgid "Unix/Linux"
msgstr "Unix/Linux"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:166
msgid "Mac OS Classic"
msgstr "Mac OS"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:172
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Okna"

#: ../pluma/pluma-help.c:104
msgid "There was an error displaying the help."
msgstr "Prišlo je do napake med prikazovanjem pomoči."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:198
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:203
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:504
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:527
msgid "_Retry"
msgstr "_Poskusi znova"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:224
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find the file %s."
msgstr "Ni mogoče najti datoteke %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:226
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:265
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:272
msgid "Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Preverite, ali ste pravilno vpisali mesto in poskusite znova."

#. Translators: %s is a URI scheme (like for example http:, ftp:, etc.)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:241
#, c-format
msgid "pluma cannot handle %s locations."
msgstr "pluma ne zna upravljati z mesti %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:247
msgid "pluma cannot handle this location."
msgstr "pluma ne zna obravnavati tega mesta."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:255
msgid "The location of the file cannot be mounted."
msgstr "Mesta z datoteko ni mogoče priklopiti."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:259
msgid "The location of the file cannot be accessed because it is not mounted."
msgstr "Ni mogoč dostop do mesta datoteke, saj ni priklopljeno."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:263
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a directory."
msgstr "%s je imenik."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:270
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid location."
msgstr "%s ni veljavno mesto."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:300
#, c-format
msgid "Host %s could not be found. Please check that your proxy settings are correct and try again."
msgstr "Gostitelja %s ni mogoče najti. Preverite, ali so nastavitve vašega posredniškega strežnika  pravilne in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:313
#, c-format
msgid "Hostname was invalid. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Ime gostitelja ni veljavno. Preverite, ali ste pravilno vpisali mesto in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:321
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a regular file."
msgstr "%s ni običajna datoteka."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:326
msgid "Connection timed out. Please try again."
msgstr "Povezava je potekla. Poskusite ponovno."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:349
msgid "The file is too big."
msgstr "Datoteka je prevelika."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:390
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected error: %s"
msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka: %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:426
msgid "pluma cannot find the file. Perhaps it has recently been deleted."
msgstr "Ni mogoče najti datoteke. Morda je bila nedavno izbrisana."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:435
#, c-format
msgid "Could not revert the file %s."
msgstr "Ni mogoče povrniti datoteke %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:460
msgid "Ch_aracter Encoding:"
msgstr "_Kodni nabor znakov:"

#. Translators: the access key chosen for this string should be
#. different from other main menu access keys (Open, Edit, View...)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:511
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:536
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:809
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:819
msgid "Edit Any_way"
msgstr "_Vseeno urejaj"

#. Translators: the access key chosen for this string should be
#. different from other main menu access keys (Open, Edit, View...)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:514
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:541
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:812
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:824
msgid "D_on't Edit"
msgstr "_Ne urejaj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:637
msgid "The number of followed links is limited and the actual file could not be found within this limit."
msgstr "Število sledečih povezav je omejeno in dejanske datoteke v tem izboru ni mogoče najti."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:641
msgid "You do not have the permissions necessary to open the file."
msgstr "Ni ustreznih dovoljen za odpiranje datoteke."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:647
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open the file %s."
msgstr "Ni mogoče odpreti datoteke %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:649
msgid "pluma has not been able to detect the character encoding."
msgstr "s programom pluma ni mogoče zaznati kodiranja znakov."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:651
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:673
msgid "Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file."
msgstr "Preverite, da ne poskušate odpreti binarne datoteke."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:652
msgid "Select a character encoding from the menu and try again."
msgstr "Izberite kodni nabor znakov iz menija in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:658
#, c-format
msgid "There was a problem opening the file %s."
msgstr "Prišlo je do napake med odpiranjem datoteke %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:660
msgid "The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing this file you could make this document useless."
msgstr "Odprta datoteka ima nekatere neveljavne znake. Z urejanjem datoteke lahko dokument postane neuporaben."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:663
msgid "You can also choose another character encoding and try again."
msgstr "Izberite drug kodni nabor znakov in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:670
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open the file %s using the %s character encoding."
msgstr "Ni mogoče odpreti datoteke %s z uporabo %s nabora znakov."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:674
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:742
msgid "Select a different character encoding from the menu and try again."
msgstr "Izberite drug kodni nabor znakov iz menija in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:737
#, c-format
msgid "Could not save the file %s using the %s character encoding."
msgstr "Ni mogoče shraniti datoteke %s z uporabo %s nabora znakov."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:740
msgid "The document contains one or more characters that cannot be encoded using the specified character encoding."
msgstr "Dokument vsebuje enega ali več znakov, ki jih ni mogoče kodirati v izbranem naboru znakov."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:839
#, c-format
msgid "This file (%s) is already open in another pluma window."
msgstr "Ta datoteka (%s) je že odprta v drugem oknu programa pluma."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:853
msgid "pluma opened this instance of the file in a non-editable way. Do you want to edit it anyway?"
msgstr "pluma je odprl ta primer datoteke v načinu, ki ne dopušča urejanja. Ali jo želite vseeno urejati?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:912
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:922
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1018
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1028
msgid "S_ave Anyway"
msgstr "_Vseeno shrani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:916
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:926
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1022
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1032
msgid "D_on't Save"
msgstr "_Ne shrani"

#. FIXME: review this message, it's not clear since for the user the "modification"
#. could be interpreted as the changes he made in the document. beside "reading" is
#. not accurate (since last load/save)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:944
#, c-format
msgid "The file %s has been modified since reading it."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je bila spremenjena od zadnjega branja."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:959
msgid "If you save it, all the external changes could be lost. Save it anyway?"
msgstr "V primeru, da datoteko shranite, bodo vse zunanje spremembe izgubljene. Ali jo želite vseeno shraniti?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1050
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create a backup file while saving %s"
msgstr "Ni mogoče ustvariti varnostne kopije datoteke med shranjevanjem %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1053
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create a temporary backup file while saving %s"
msgstr "Ni mogoče ustvariti začasne varnostne kopije datoteke med shranjevanjem %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1069
msgid "pluma could not back up the old copy of the file before saving the new one. You can ignore this warning and save the file anyway, but if an error occurs while saving, you could lose the old copy of the file. Save anyway?"
msgstr "ni mogoče narediti varnostne kopije stare datoteke pred shranjevanjem nove datoteke. To opozorilo lahko prezrete in vseeno shranite datoteko, vendar če pride do napake med shranjevanjem, lahko izgubite staro kopijo datoteke. Ali želite datoteko vseeno shraniti?"

#. Translators: %s is a URI scheme (like for example http:, ftp:, etc.)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1129
#, c-format
msgid "pluma cannot handle %s locations in write mode. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "pluma ne more obravnavati mest %s v pisnem načinu. Preverite, ali ste pravilno vpisali mesto in poskusite ponovno."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1137
msgid "pluma cannot handle this location in write mode. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "pluma ne more obravnavati tega mesta v pisnem načinu. Preverite, ali ste mesto pravilno vtipkali in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1146
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid location. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "%s ni veljavno mesto. Preverite, ali ste mesto pravilno vtipkali in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1152
msgid "You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Za shranjevanje datoteke nimate ustreznih dovoljenj. Preverite, ali ste pravilno vtipkali mesto in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1158
msgid "There is not enough disk space to save the file. Please free some disk space and try again."
msgstr "Na disku ni dovolj prostora, da bi lahko shranili datoteko. Sprostite nekaj prostora na disku in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1163
msgid "You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Datoteko poskušate shraniti na disk, ki je le za branje. Preverite, ali je mesto pravilno vpisano in poskusite znova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1169
msgid "A file with the same name already exists. Please use a different name."
msgstr "Datoteka z enakim imenom že obstaja. Uporabite drugo ime."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1174
msgid "The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on length of the file names. Please use a shorter name."
msgstr "Disk, na katerega želite shraniti datoteko, ima omejitev dolžine imen datotek. Uporabite krajše ime."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1181
msgid "The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on file sizes. Please try saving a smaller file or saving it to a disk that does not have this limitation."
msgstr "Disk na katerega želite shraniti datoteko ima omejitev velikosti datotek. Poskušajte shraniti manjšo datoteko ali pa jo shranite na disk, ki nima takšnih omejitev."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1196
#, c-format
msgid "Could not save the file %s."
msgstr "Ni mogoče shraniti datoteke %s."

#. FIXME: review this message, it's not clear since for the user the "modification"
#. could be interpreted as the changes he made in the document. beside "reading" is
#. not accurate (since last load/save)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1239
#, c-format
msgid "The file %s changed on disk."
msgstr "Datoteka %s se je spremenila na disku."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1244
msgid "Do you want to drop your changes and reload the file?"
msgstr "Ali želite zavreči spremembe in ponovno naložiti datoteko?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1246
msgid "Do you want to reload the file?"
msgstr "Ali želite ponovno naložiti datoteko?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1252
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1263
msgid "_Reload"
msgstr "Ponovno _naloži"

#: ../pluma/pluma-panel.c:356
#: ../pluma/pluma-panel.c:528
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Prazno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-panel.c:418
msgid "Hide panel"
msgstr "Skrij pladenj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:54
msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Vstavek"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:55
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Omogočeno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:504
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_O programu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:512
msgid "C_onfigure"
msgstr "_Nastavitve"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:521
msgid "A_ctivate"
msgstr "_Pokaži"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:532
msgid "Ac_tivate All"
msgstr "_Pokaži vse"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:537
msgid "_Deactivate All"
msgstr "_Skrij vse"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:800
msgid "Active _Plugins:"
msgstr "Dejavni _vstavki:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:825
msgid "_About Plugin"
msgstr "_O vstavku"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:829
msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
msgstr "_Nastavitve vstavka"

#: ../pluma/pluma-prefs-manager.c:170
msgid "Cannot initialize preferences manager."
msgstr "Ni mogoče zagnati upravljalnika nastavitev."

#: ../pluma/pluma-prefs-manager.c:1138
#, c-format
msgid "Expected `%s', got `%s' for key %s"
msgstr "Pričakovano `%s', dobljeno `%s' za ključ %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:541
#, c-format
msgid "File: %s"
msgstr "Datoteka: %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:550
msgid "Page %N of %Q"
msgstr "Stran %N od %Q"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:809
msgid "Preparing..."
msgstr "Pripravljanje ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:3
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Pisave"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:4
msgid "He_aders and footers:"
msgstr "_Glave in noge:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:6
msgid "Page header"
msgstr "Glava strani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:7
msgid "Print line nu_mbers"
msgstr "Natisni š_tevilke vrstic"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:8
msgid "Print page _headers"
msgstr "_Natisni glave strani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:9
msgid "Print synta_x highlighting"
msgstr "Natisni poudarjanje _skladnje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:10
msgid "Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Poudarjanje skladnje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:12
msgid "_Body:"
msgstr "_Telo:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:13
msgid "_Line numbers:"
msgstr "Številke _vrstic:"

#. 'Number every' from 'Number every 3 lines' in the 'Text Editor' tab of the print preferences.
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:15
msgid "_Number every"
msgstr "Š_tevilka vsakih"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:16
msgid "_Restore Default Fonts"
msgstr "_Povrni privzete pisave"

#. 'lines' from 'Number every 3 lines' in the 'Text Editor' tab of the print preferences.
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:18
msgid "lines"
msgstr "vrstic"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:565
msgid "Show the previous page"
msgstr "Pokaži prejšnjo stran"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:577
msgid "Show the next page"
msgstr "Pokaži naslednjo stran"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:593
msgid "Current page (Alt+P)"
msgstr "Trenutna stran (Alt+P)"

#. Translators: the "of" from "1 of 19" in print preview.
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:616
msgid "of"
msgstr "od"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:624
msgid "Page total"
msgstr "Skupaj strani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:625
msgid "The total number of pages in the document"
msgstr "Celotno število strani v dokumentu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:642
msgid "Show multiple pages"
msgstr "Pokaži več strani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:655
msgid "Zoom 1:1"
msgstr "Približaj 1:1"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:664
msgid "Zoom to fit the whole page"
msgstr "Približaj na širino strani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:673
msgid "Zoom the page in"
msgstr "Približaj stran"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:682
msgid "Zoom the page out"
msgstr "Oddalji stran"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:694
msgid "_Close Preview"
msgstr "_Zapri predogled"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:697
msgid "Close print preview"
msgstr "Zapri predogled tiskanja"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:767
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d of %d"
msgstr "Stran %d od %d"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:951
msgid "Page Preview"
msgstr "Predogled strani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:952
msgid "The preview of a page in the document to be printed"
msgstr "Predogled strani v dokumentu za tisk"

#: ../pluma/pluma-smart-charset-converter.c:308
msgid "It is not possible to detect the encoding automatically"
msgstr "Ni mogoče samodejno zaznati nabora znakov."

#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:70
#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:76
msgid "OVR"
msgstr "PREP"

#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:70
#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:76
msgid "INS"
msgstr "VST"

#. Translators: "Ln" is an abbreviation for "Line", Col is an abbreviation for "Column". Please,
#. use abbreviations if possible to avoid space problems.
#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:332
#, c-format
msgid "  Ln %d, Col %d"
msgstr "  Vr. %d, St. %d"

#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:431
#, c-format
msgid "There is a tab with errors"
msgid_plural "There are %d tabs with errors"
msgstr[0] "Obstaja %d zavihkov z napakami"
msgstr[1] "Obstaja %d zavihek z napakami"
msgstr[2] "Obstajata %d zavihka z napakami"
msgstr[3] "Obstajajo %d zavihki z napakami"

#: ../pluma/pluma-style-scheme-manager.c:207
#, c-format
msgid "Directory '%s' could not be created: g_mkdir_with_parents() failed: %s"
msgstr "Mape '%s' ni mogoče ustvariti: g_mkdir_with_parents() napaka: %s"

#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://master.gnome.org/home/users/paolo)
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Reverting %s from %s"
msgstr "Povrnitev datoteke %s iz %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:667
#, c-format
msgid "Reverting %s"
msgstr "Povrnitev %s"

#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://master.gnome.org/home/users/paolo)
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %s from %s"
msgstr "Nalaganje datoteke %s iz %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:690
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %s"
msgstr "Nalaganje %s"

#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://master.gnome.org/home/users/paolo)
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:773
#, c-format
msgid "Saving %s to %s"
msgstr "Shranjevanje datoteke %s v %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:780
#, c-format
msgid "Saving %s"
msgstr "Shranjevanje %s"

#. Read only
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1711
msgid "RO"
msgstr "Le beri"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1758
#, c-format
msgid "Error opening file %s"
msgstr "Napaka med odpiranjem datoteke %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1763
#, c-format
msgid "Error reverting file %s"
msgstr "Napaka med povračanjem datoteke %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1768
#, c-format
msgid "Error saving file %s"
msgstr "Napaka med shranjevanjem datoteke %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1789
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1796
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Ime:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1797
msgid "MIME Type:"
msgstr "Vrsta MIME:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1798
msgid "Encoding:"
msgstr "Nabor znakov:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab-label.c:200
msgid "Close document"
msgstr "Zapri dokument"

#. Toplevel
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:47
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Datoteka"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:48
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Uredi"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:49
msgid "_View"
msgstr "P_ogled"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:50
msgid "_Search"
msgstr "_Iskanje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:51
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "_Orodja"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:52
msgid "_Documents"
msgstr "_Dokumenti"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:53
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Pomoč"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:57
msgid "Create a new document"
msgstr "Ustvari nov dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:58
msgid "_Open..."
msgstr "_Odpri ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:59
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1450
msgid "Open a file"
msgstr "Odpri datoteko"

#. Edit menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:62
msgid "Pr_eferences"
msgstr "_Lastnosti"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:63
msgid "Configure the application"
msgstr "Spremeni nastavitve programa"

#. Help menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:66
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "_Vsebina"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:67
msgid "Open the pluma manual"
msgstr "Odpri priročnik za pluma"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:69
msgid "About this application"
msgstr "O programu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:73
msgid "Leave fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Zapusti celozaslonski način"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:81
msgid "Save the current file"
msgstr "Shrani trenutno datoteko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:82
msgid "Save _As..."
msgstr "Shrani _kot ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:83
msgid "Save the current file with a different name"
msgstr "Shrani trenutno datoteko z drugim imenom"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:85
msgid "Revert to a saved version of the file"
msgstr "Povrni na shranjeno različico datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:87
msgid "Page Set_up..."
msgstr "Nastavitve _strani ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:88
msgid "Set up the page settings"
msgstr "Nastavi nastavitve strani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:90
msgid "Print Previe_w"
msgstr "Predogled _tiskanja"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:91
msgid "Print preview"
msgstr "Predogled tiskanja"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:92
msgid "_Print..."
msgstr "Na_tisni ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:93
msgid "Print the current page"
msgstr "Natisni trenutno stran"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:97
msgid "Undo the last action"
msgstr "Razveljavi zadnje dejanje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:99
msgid "Redo the last undone action"
msgstr "Obnovi zadnje razveljavljeno dejanje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:101
msgid "Cut the selection"
msgstr "Izreži izbrano"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:103
msgid "Copy the selection"
msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:105
msgid "Paste the clipboard"
msgstr "Prilepi iz odložišča"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:107
msgid "Delete the selected text"
msgstr "Izbriši izbrano besedilo"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:108
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Izberi _vse"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:109
msgid "Select the entire document"
msgstr "Izberi celoten dokument"

#. View menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:112
msgid "_Highlight Mode"
msgstr "Način _poudarjanja"

#. Search menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:115
msgid "_Find..."
msgstr "_Poišči ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:116
msgid "Search for text"
msgstr "Poišči besedilo"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:117
msgid "Find Ne_xt"
msgstr "Najdi _naslednje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:118
msgid "Search forwards for the same text"
msgstr "Poišči niz naprej po besedilu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:119
msgid "Find Pre_vious"
msgstr "Najdi _predhodne"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:120
msgid "Search backwards for the same text"
msgstr "Niz poišči nazaj po besedilu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:122
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:125
msgid "_Replace..."
msgstr "_Zamenjaj ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:123
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:126
msgid "Search for and replace text"
msgstr "Poišči in zamenjaj besedilo"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:128
msgid "_Clear Highlight"
msgstr "_Počisti poudarjanje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:129
msgid "Clear highlighting of search matches"
msgstr "Počisti poudarjanje iskanih zadetkov"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:130
msgid "Go to _Line..."
msgstr "Skoči v _vrstico ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:131
msgid "Go to a specific line"
msgstr "Pojdi na določeno vrstico"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:132
msgid "_Incremental Search..."
msgstr "_Postopno iskanje ..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:133
msgid "Incrementally search for text"
msgstr "Postopno iskanje besedila"

#. Documents menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:136
msgid "_Save All"
msgstr "Shrani _vse"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:137
msgid "Save all open files"
msgstr "Shrani vse odprte datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:138
msgid "_Close All"
msgstr "_Zapri vse"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:139
msgid "Close all open files"
msgstr "Zapri vse odprte datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:140
msgid "_Previous Document"
msgstr "_Predhodni dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:141
msgid "Activate previous document"
msgstr "Pokaži prejšnji dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:142
msgid "_Next Document"
msgstr "N_aslednji dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:143
msgid "Activate next document"
msgstr "Pokaži naslednji dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:144
msgid "_Move to New Window"
msgstr "_Prestavi na naslednje okno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:145
msgid "Move the current document to a new window"
msgstr "Prestavi trenutni dokument v novo okno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:152
msgid "Close the current file"
msgstr "Zapri trenutno datoteko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:159
msgid "Quit the program"
msgstr "Končaj program"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:164
msgid "_Toolbar"
msgstr "_Orodna vrstica"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:165
msgid "Show or hide the toolbar in the current window"
msgstr "Pokaži ali skrij orodno vrstico v trenutnem oknu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:167
msgid "_Statusbar"
msgstr "Vrstica _stanja"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:168
msgid "Show or hide the statusbar in the current window"
msgstr "Pokaži ali skrij vrstico stanja v trenutnem oknu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:171
msgid "Edit text in fullscreen"
msgstr "Urejaj v celozaslonskem načinu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:178
msgid "Side _Pane"
msgstr "Stranski _pladenj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:179
msgid "Show or hide the side pane in the current window"
msgstr "Pokaži ali skrij stranski pladenj v trenutnem oknu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:181
msgid "_Bottom Pane"
msgstr "_Spodnji pladenj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:182
msgid "Show or hide the bottom pane in the current window"
msgstr "Pokaži ali skrij spodnji pladenj v trenutnem oknu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1071
msgid "Please check your installation."
msgstr "Preverite namestitev."

#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1140
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open UI file %s. Error: %s"
msgstr "Ni mogoče odpreti vmesniške datoteke %s. Napaka: %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1160
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find the object '%s' inside file %s."
msgstr "Ni mogoče najti predmeta '%s' v datoteki %s."

#. Translators: '/ on <remote-share>'
#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "/ on %s"
msgstr "/ na %s"

#. create "Wrap Around" menu item.
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1218
msgid "_Wrap Around"
msgstr "_Prelomi vrstice"

#. create "Match Entire Word Only" menu item.
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1228
msgid "Match _Entire Word Only"
msgstr "Poišči le _cele besede"

#. create "Match Case" menu item.
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1238
msgid "_Match Case"
msgstr "_Upoštevaj velikost črk"

#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1352
msgid "String you want to search for"
msgstr "Niz, ki ga želite poiskati"

#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1361
msgid "Line you want to move the cursor to"
msgstr "Vrstica, na katero želite premakniti kazalec"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1003
#, c-format
msgid "Use %s highlight mode"
msgstr "Uporabi način poudarjanje %s"

#. add the "Plain Text" item before all the others
#. Translators: "Plain Text" means that no highlight mode is selected in the
#. * "View->Highlight Mode" submenu and so syntax highlighting is disabled
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1060
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1972
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:121
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:419
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:529
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:844
msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr "Običajno besedilo"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1061
msgid "Disable syntax highlighting"
msgstr "Onemogoči poudarjanje skladnje"

#. Translators: %s is a URI
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1347
#, c-format
msgid "Open '%s'"
msgstr "Odpri '%s'"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1452
msgid "Open a recently used file"
msgstr "Odpri nedavno uporabljeno datoteko"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1458
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Odpri"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1516
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Shrani"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1518
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Natisni"

#. Translators: %s is a URI
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1697
#, c-format
msgid "Activate '%s'"
msgstr "Pokaži \"%s\""

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1950
msgid "Use Spaces"
msgstr "Uporabi presledke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:2021
msgid "Tab Width"
msgstr "Širina tabulatorja"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:3874
msgid "About pluma"
msgstr "O programu"

#: ../plugins/changecase/changecase.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "Spremeni velikost črk"

#: ../plugins/changecase/changecase.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Changes the case of selected text."
msgstr "Spremeni velikost črk izbranega besedila."

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:222
msgid "C_hange Case"
msgstr "Spreme_ni velikost črk"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:223
msgid "All _Upper Case"
msgstr "Vse _velike črke"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:224
msgid "Change selected text to upper case"
msgstr "Spremeni izbrano besedilo v velike črke"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:226
msgid "All _Lower Case"
msgstr "Vse _male črke"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:227
msgid "Change selected text to lower case"
msgstr "Spremeni izbrano besedilo v male črke"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:229
msgid "_Invert Case"
msgstr "_Obrni velikost črk"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:230
msgid "Invert the case of selected text"
msgstr "Obrni velikost črk v izbranem besedilu"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:232
msgid "_Title Case"
msgstr "_Velike prve črke besed"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:233
msgid "Capitalize the first letter of each selected word"
msgstr "Naj bo prva črka vsake besede velika"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/checkupdate.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Check for latest version of pluma"
msgstr "Preveri za najnovejšo različico programa pluma"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/checkupdate.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Check update"
msgstr "Preveri za posodobitve"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:246
msgid "There was an error displaying the URI."
msgstr "Ob prikazovanju naslova URI je prišlo do napake."

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:293
#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:308
msgid "_Download"
msgstr "_Prejmi"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:297
#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:316
msgid "_Ignore Version"
msgstr "_Prezri različico"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:332
msgid "There is a new version of pluma"
msgstr "Na voljo je nova različica programa pluma"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:336
msgid "You can download the new version of pluma by clicking on the download button or ignore that version and wait for a new one"
msgstr "Novejšo različico programa pluma je mogoče prenesti s klikom na gumb za prenos, lahko pa jo tudi prezrete in počakate na novejše posodobitve."

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Version to ignore until the next version is released"
msgstr "Prezrta različica do objave naslednje različice"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Analyzes the current document and reports the number of words, lines, characters and non-space characters in it."
msgstr "Analizira trenutni dokument in poroča o njegovem številu besed, vrstic, znakov in ne-presledkov."

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:6
msgid "Document Statistics"
msgstr "Statistika dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:2
msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Bajtov"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:3
msgid "Characters (no spaces)"
msgstr "Število znakov (brez presledkov)"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:4
msgid "Characters (with spaces)"
msgstr "Število znakov (s presledki)"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:5
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokument"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:7
msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:8
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Vrstice"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:9
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Izbor"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:10
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Besede"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:11
msgid "_Update"
msgstr "_Posodobi"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/pluma-docinfo-plugin.c:422
msgid "_Document Statistics"
msgstr "Statistika _dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/pluma-docinfo-plugin.c:424
msgid "Get statistical information on the current document"
msgstr "Pridobi statistične podatke o trenutnem dokumentu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here-osx.desktop.in.h:1
#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Open a terminal in the document location"
msgstr "Odpre terminal na mestu dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here-osx.desktop.in.h:2
#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Open terminal here"
msgstr "Odpri terminal tukaj"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/externaltools.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Execute external commands and shell scripts."
msgstr "Izvedi zunanje ukaze in lupinske skripte."

#: ../plugins/externaltools/externaltools.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "External Tools"
msgstr "Zunanja orodja"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:172
msgid "Manage _External Tools..."
msgstr "Upravljanje z _zunanjimi orodji ..."

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:174
msgid "Opens the External Tools Manager"
msgstr "Odpre upravljalnik  zunanjih orodij"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:178
msgid "External _Tools"
msgstr "Zunanja _orodja"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:180
msgid "External tools"
msgstr "Zunanja orodja"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:212
msgid "Shell Output"
msgstr "Izpis v lupini"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/capture.py:92
#, python-format
msgid "Could not execute command: %s"
msgstr "Ni mogoče izvesti ukaza: %s"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:162
msgid "You must be inside a word to run this command"
msgstr "Za zagon tega ukaza morate biti znotraj besede"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:267
msgid "Running tool:"
msgstr "Zagnano orodje:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:292
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Končano."

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:294
msgid "Exited"
msgstr "Končal"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:119
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Vsi jeziki"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:518
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:522
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:842
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:2
msgid "All Languages"
msgstr "Vsi jeziki"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:628
msgid "New tool"
msgstr "Novo orodje"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:759
#, python-format
msgid "This accelerator is already bound to %s"
msgstr "Ta bližnjica je že vezana na %s"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:810
msgid "Type a new accelerator, or press Backspace to clear"
msgstr "Vpišite novo bližnjico ali pritisnite vračalko za izbris"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:812
msgid "Type a new accelerator"
msgstr "Vpišite novo bližnjico"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/outputpanel.py:105
msgid "Stopped."
msgstr "Ustavljeno."

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:3
msgid "All documents"
msgstr "Vsi dokumenti"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:4
msgid "All documents except untitled ones"
msgstr "Vsi dokumenti razen neimenovanih"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:5
msgid "Append to current document"
msgstr "Dodaj trenutnemu dokumentu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:6
msgid "Create new document"
msgstr "Ustvari nov dokument"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:7
msgid "Current document"
msgstr "Trenutni dokument"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:8
msgid "Current line"
msgstr "Trenutna vrstica"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:9
msgid "Current selection"
msgstr "Trenutna izbira"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:10
msgid "Current selection (default to document)"
msgstr "Trenutna izbira (privzeto za dokument)"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:11
msgid "Current word"
msgstr "Trenutna beseda"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:12
msgid "Display in bottom pane"
msgstr "Pokaži v spodnjem pladnju"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:13
msgid "External Tools Manager"
msgstr "Upravljalnik zunanjih orodij"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:14
msgid "Insert at cursor position"
msgstr "Vstavi na položaj kazalca"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:15
msgid "Local files only"
msgstr "Le krajevne datoteke"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:16
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "Ničesar"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:17
msgid "Remote files only"
msgstr "Samo oddaljene datoteke"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:18
msgid "Replace current document"
msgstr "Zamenjaj trenutni dokument"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:19
msgid "Replace current selection"
msgstr "Zamenjaj trenutno izbiro"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:20
msgid "Untitled documents only"
msgstr "Samo neimenovani dokumenti"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:21
msgid "_Applicability:"
msgstr "_Uporabnost:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:22
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:12
msgid "_Edit:"
msgstr "_Uredi:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:23
msgid "_Input:"
msgstr "_Dovod:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:24
msgid "_Output:"
msgstr "_Izhod:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:25
msgid "_Save:"
msgstr "_Shrani:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:26
msgid "_Shortcut Key:"
msgstr "_Bližnjična tipka:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:27
msgid "_Tools:"
msgstr "O_rodja:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/build.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Build"
msgstr "Izgradi"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/build.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Run \"make\" in the document directory"
msgstr "Zaženi \"make\" v imeniku dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/remove-trailing-spaces.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Remove trailing spaces"
msgstr "Odstrani presledke na koncu vrstic"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/remove-trailing-spaces.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Remove useless trailing spaces in your file"
msgstr "Odstrani neuporabne presledke na koncu vrstic v vaši datoteki"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/run-command.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Execute a custom command and put its output in a new document"
msgstr "Izvede poljuben ukaz in prikaže njegov izhod v novem dokumentu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/run-command.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Run command"
msgstr "Zaženi ukaz"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/filebrowser.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Easy file access from the side pane"
msgstr "Enostaven dostop do datotek iz stranskega pladnja"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/filebrowser.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "File Browser Pane"
msgstr "Pladenj pregledovalnika datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-bookmarks-store.c:235
msgid "File System"
msgstr "Datotečni sistem"

#. ex:ts=8:noet:
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Enable Restore of Remote Locations"
msgstr "Omogoči povrnitev oddaljenih mest"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "File Browser Filter Mode"
msgstr "Filtrirni način pregledovalnika datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "File Browser Filter Pattern"
msgstr "Filtrirni vzorec pregledovalnika datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "File Browser Root Directory"
msgstr "Korenski imenik pregledovalnika datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:5
msgid "File Browser Virtual Root Directory"
msgstr "Navidezni korenski imenik pregledovalnika datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:6
msgid "If TRUE the file browser plugin will view the directory of the first opened document given that the file browser hasn't been used yet. (Thus this generally applies to opening a document from the command line or opening it with Caja, etc.)"
msgstr "Izbrana možnost omogoča, da bo vstavek pregledovalnika datotek prikazal imenik prvega odprtega dokumenta, če pregledovalnik še ni bil uporabljen. (Čeprav se ponavadi to nanaša na odpiranje dokumenta iz ukazne vrstice ali na odpiranje s programom caja itd.)"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:7
msgid "Open With Tree View"
msgstr "Odpri z drevesnim prikazom"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:8
msgid "Open the tree view when the file browser plugin gets loaded instead of the bookmarks view"
msgstr "Odpri drevesni prikaz namesto prikaza zaznamkov, ko se zažene vstavek pregledovalnika datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:9
msgid "Set Location to First Document"
msgstr "Nastavi mesto na prvi dokument"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:10
msgid "Sets whether to enable restoring of remote locations."
msgstr "Nastavi, ali je omogočena povrnitev oddaljenih mest."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:11
msgid "The file browser root directory to use when loading the file browser plugin and onload/tree_view is TRUE."
msgstr "Korenski imenik pregledovalnika datotek, ki naj se uporabi pri nalaganju vstavka pregledovalnika datotek in ko je onload/tree_view RESNIČNO (TRUE)."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:12
msgid "The file browser virtual root directory to use when loading the file browser plugin when onload/tree_view is TRUE. The virtual root must always be below the actual root."
msgstr "Navidezni korenski imenik pregledovalnika datotek, ki naj se uporabi pri nalaganju vstavka pregledovalnika datotek in ko je onload/tree_view RESNIČNO (TRUE). Navidezni koren mora vedno biti pod dejanskim korenom."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:13
msgid "The filter pattern to filter the file browser with. This filter works on top of the filter_mode."
msgstr "Filtrirni vzorec za filtriranje pregledovalnika datotek. Ta filter deluje nad filter_mode."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser.schemas.in.h:14
msgid "This value determines what files get filtered from the file browser. Valid values are: none (filter nothing), hidden (filter hidden files), binary (filter binary files) and hidden_and_binary (filter both hidden and binary files)."
msgstr "Ta vrednost določa, katere datoteke so filtrirane v pregledovalniku datotek. Veljavne vrednosti so: none (ne filtriraj), hidden (filtriraj skrite datoteke), binary (filtriraj binarne datoteke) in hidden_and_binary (filtriraj tako skrite kot binarne datoteke)."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:597
msgid "_Set root to active document"
msgstr "_Nastavi aktivni dokument kot korenski"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:599
msgid "Set the root to the active document location"
msgstr "Nastavi mesto aktivnega dokumenta kot korensko"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:604
msgid "_Open terminal here"
msgstr "_Odpri terminal tukaj"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:606
msgid "Open a terminal at the currently opened directory"
msgstr "Odpri terminal v trenutno odprtem imeniku"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:742
msgid "File Browser"
msgstr "Brskalnik datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:873
msgid "An error occurred while creating a new directory"
msgstr "Med ustvarjanjem novega imenika je prišlo do napake"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:876
msgid "An error occurred while creating a new file"
msgstr "Med ustvarjanjem nove datoteke je prišlo do napake"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:881
msgid "An error occurred while renaming a file or directory"
msgstr "Med preimenovanjem datoteke ali imenika je prišlo do napake."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:886
msgid "An error occurred while deleting a file or directory"
msgstr "Med brisanjem datoteke ali imenika je prišlo do napake"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:891
msgid "An error occurred while opening a directory in the file manager"
msgstr "Med odpiranjem datoteke v upravljalniku datotek je prišlo do napake."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:895
msgid "An error occurred while setting a root directory"
msgstr "Med nastavljanjem korenskega imenika je prišlo do napake"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:899
msgid "An error occurred while loading a directory"
msgstr "Med nalaganjem imenika je prišlo do napake"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:902
msgid "An error occurred"
msgstr "Prišlo je do napake"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1194
msgid ""
"Cannot move file to trash, do you\n"
"want to delete permanently?"
msgstr ""
"Datoteke ni mogoče premakniti v smeti,\n"
"ali jo želite trajno izbrisati?"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1198
#, c-format
msgid "The file \"%s\" cannot be moved to the trash."
msgstr "Datoteke \"%s\" ni mogoče premakniti v smeti."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1201
msgid "The selected files cannot be moved to the trash."
msgstr "Izbranih datotek ni mogoče premakniti v smeti."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1234
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite trajno izbrisati \"%s\"?"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1237
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected files?"
msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite trajno izbrisati izbrane datoteke?"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1240
msgid "If you delete an item, it is permanently lost."
msgstr "V kolikor izbrišete predmet, bo trajno izgubljen."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:1667
msgid "(Empty)"
msgstr "(Prazno)"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3305
msgid "The renamed file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter settings to make the file visible"
msgstr "Preimenovana datoteka je zaradi filtriranja trenutno nevidna. Nastaviti morate nastavitve filtriranja, da bo datoteka postala vidna."

#. Translators: This is the default name of new files created by the file browser pane.
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3544
msgid "file"
msgstr "datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3568
msgid "The new file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter settings to make the file visible"
msgstr "Nova datoteka je zaradi filtriranja trenutno nevidna. Nastaviti morate nastavitve filtriranja, da bo datoteka postala vidna"

#. Translators: This is the default name of new directories created by the file browser pane.
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3597
msgid "directory"
msgstr "mapa"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3617
msgid "The new directory is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter settings to make the directory visible"
msgstr "Nova mapa je zaradi filtriranja trenutno nevidna. Nastaviti morate nastavitve filtriranja, da bo mapa spet postala vidna."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:704
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Zaznamki"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:785
msgid "_Filter"
msgstr "_Filter"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:790
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "Premakni v _smeti"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:791
msgid "Move selected file or folder to trash"
msgstr "Premakne izbrano datoteko ali mapo v smeti"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:793
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Izbriši"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:794
msgid "Delete selected file or folder"
msgstr "Izbriše izbrano datoteko ali mapo"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:801
msgid "Open selected file"
msgstr "Odpri izbrano datoteko"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:807
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Gor"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:808
msgid "Open the parent folder"
msgstr "Odpri nadrejeno mapo"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:813
msgid "_New Folder"
msgstr "Nova _mapa"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:814
msgid "Add new empty folder"
msgstr "Doda novo prazno mapo"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:816
msgid "New F_ile"
msgstr "Nova _datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:817
msgid "Add new empty file"
msgstr "Doda novo prazno datoteko"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:822
msgid "_Rename"
msgstr "_Preimenuj"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:823
msgid "Rename selected file or folder"
msgstr "Preimenuje izbrano datoteko ali mapo"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:829
msgid "_Previous Location"
msgstr "_Prejšnje mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:831
msgid "Go to the previous visited location"
msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnje obiskano mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:833
msgid "_Next Location"
msgstr "_Naslednje mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:834
msgid "Go to the next visited location"
msgstr "Pojdi na naslednje obiskano mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:835
msgid "Re_fresh View"
msgstr "O_sveži pogled"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:836
msgid "Refresh the view"
msgstr "Osveži pogled"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:837
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:855
msgid "_View Folder"
msgstr "_Poglej mapo"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:838
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:856
msgid "View folder in file manager"
msgstr "Pogled mape v upravljalniku datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:845
msgid "Show _Hidden"
msgstr "Pokaži _skrite"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:846
msgid "Show hidden files and folders"
msgstr "Pokaže skrite datoteke in mape"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:848
msgid "Show _Binary"
msgstr "Pokaži _binarne"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:849
msgid "Show binary files"
msgstr "Pokaži binarne datoteke"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:981
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:990
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1011
msgid "Previous location"
msgstr "Prejšnje mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:983
msgid "Go to previous location"
msgstr "Pojdi na prejšnje mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:985
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1006
msgid "Go to a previously opened location"
msgstr "Pojdi na prej odprto mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1002
msgid "Next location"
msgstr "Naslednje mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1004
msgid "Go to next location"
msgstr "Pojdi na naslednje mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1216
msgid "_Match Filename"
msgstr "_Skladanje imen datotek"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:2118
#, c-format
msgid "No mount object for mounted volume: %s"
msgstr "Ni priklopnega predmeta za priklopljen pogon: %s"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:2198
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open media: %s"
msgstr "Ni mogoče odpreti medija: %s"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:2245
#, c-format
msgid "Could not mount volume: %s"
msgstr "Ni mogoče priklopiti pogona: %s"

#. ex:ts=8:noet:
#: ../plugins/modelines/modelines.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Emacs, Kate and Vim-style modelines support for pluma."
msgstr "Podpora za modelines v slogu programov Emacs, Kate in Vim."

#: ../plugins/modelines/modelines.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Modelines"
msgstr "Modelines"

#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Interactive Python console standing in the bottom panel"
msgstr "Vzajemna konzola python v spodnjem pladnju"

#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/__init__.py:50
msgid "Python Console"
msgstr "Konzola python"

#. ex:et:ts=4:
#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/config.ui.h:1
msgid "C_ommand color:"
msgstr "Barva _ukaza:"

#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/config.ui.h:2
msgid "_Error color:"
msgstr "Barva _napake:"

#. ex:ts=8:et:
#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen/popup.py:35
#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Quick Open"
msgstr "Hitro odpiranje"

#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen/windowhelper.py:69
msgid "Quick open"
msgstr "Hitro odpiranje"

#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen/windowhelper.py:70
msgid "Quickly open documents"
msgstr "Hitro odpiranje dokumentov"

#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Quickly open files"
msgstr "Hitro odpiranje datotek"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Insert often-used pieces of text in a fast way"
msgstr "Vstavi na hiter način pogosto uporabljene dele besedila"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Document.py:58
msgid "Snippets"
msgstr "Odseki"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:2
msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Zagon"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:3
msgid "Create new snippet"
msgstr "Ustvari nov delček kode"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:4
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:409
msgid "Delete selected snippet"
msgstr "Izbriši izbrane delčke kode"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:5
msgid "Export selected snippets"
msgstr "Izvozi izbrane delčke kode"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:6
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:797
msgid "Import snippets"
msgstr "Uvozi delčke kode"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:7
msgid "S_hortcut key:"
msgstr "B_ližnjična tipka:"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:8
msgid "Shortcut key with which the snippet is activated"
msgstr "Tipkovna bližnjica za izbran delček kode"

#. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(0)
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:9
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:686
msgid "Single word the snippet is activated with after pressing Tab"
msgstr "Ena beseda s katero se zažene delček kode po pritisku tipke tab"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:10
msgid "Snippets Manager"
msgstr "Upravljalnik odsekov"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:11
msgid "_Drop targets:"
msgstr "_Spusti cilje:"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:13
msgid "_Snippets:"
msgstr "_Odseki:"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:14
msgid "_Tab trigger:"
msgstr "_Sprožilec zavihka:"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/WindowHelper.py:130
msgid "Manage _Snippets..."
msgstr "Upravljanje z _odseki ..."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/WindowHelper.py:131
msgid "Manage snippets"
msgstr "Upravljanje z odseki"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:46
msgid "Snippets archive"
msgstr "Arhiv delčkov kode"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:71
msgid "Add a new snippet..."
msgstr "Dodaj nov odsek ..."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:121
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Splošno"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:406
msgid "Revert selected snippet"
msgstr "Povrni izbrane delčke kode"

#. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(3)
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:679
msgid "This is not a valid Tab trigger. Triggers can either contain letters or a single (non-alphanumeric) character like: {, [, etc."
msgstr "To ni veljaven sprožilec zavihka. Sprožilci lahko vsebujejo črke ali posamezen, ne alfanumerični znak, kot {, [, itd."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:776
#, python-format
msgid "The following error occurred while importing: %s"
msgstr "Med uvažanjem je prišlo do napake: %s"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:783
msgid "Import successfully completed"
msgstr "Uvoz uspešno zaključen."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:802
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:888
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:951
msgid "All supported archives"
msgstr "Vse podprte oblike arhivov"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:803
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:889
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:952
msgid "Gzip compressed archive"
msgstr "Gzip skrčen arhiv"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:804
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:890
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:953
msgid "Bzip2 compressed archive"
msgstr "Bzip skrčen arhiv"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:805
msgid "Single snippets file"
msgstr "Enojna datoteka delčkov kode"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:806
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:892
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:955
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Vse datoteke"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:818
#, python-format
msgid "The following error occurred while exporting: %s"
msgstr "Med izvozom je prišlo do napake: %s"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:822
msgid "Export successfully completed"
msgstr "Izvoz uspešno zaključen."

#. Ask if system snippets should also be exported
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:862
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:929
msgid "Do you want to include selected <b>system</b> snippets in your export?"
msgstr "Ali želite vključiti izbran <b>sistem</b> delčkov kode v izvoz?"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:877
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:947
msgid "There are no snippets selected to be exported"
msgstr "Ni izbranih delčkov kode za izvoz"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:882
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:920
msgid "Export snippets"
msgstr "Izvozi delčke"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:1059
msgid "Type a new shortcut, or press Backspace to clear"
msgstr "Vpišite novo bližnjico ali pritisnite vračalko za izbris"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:1061
msgid "Type a new shortcut"
msgstr "Vpišite novo bližnjico"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Exporter.py:65
#, python-format
msgid "The archive \"%s\" could not be created"
msgstr "Arhiva \"%s\" ni mogoče ustvariti"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Exporter.py:82
#, python-format
msgid "Target directory \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "Ciljna mapa \"%s\" ne obstaja"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Exporter.py:85
#, python-format
msgid "Target directory \"%s\" is not a valid directory"
msgstr "Ciljna mapa \"%s\" ni veljavna mapa"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:29
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:83
#, python-format
msgid "File \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "Datoteka \"%s\" ne obstaja"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:32
#, python-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is not a valid snippets file"
msgstr "Datoteka \"%s\" ni veljavna datoteka delčkov"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:42
#, python-format
msgid "Imported file \"%s\" is not a valid snippets file"
msgstr "Uvožena datoteka \"%s\" ni veljavna datoteka delčkov"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:52
#, python-format
msgid "The archive \"%s\" could not be extracted"
msgstr "Arhiva \"%s\" ni mogoče razširiti"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:70
#, python-format
msgid "The following files could not be imported: %s"
msgstr "Nekaterih datotek ni mogoče uvoziti: %s"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:86
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:99
#, python-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is not a valid snippets archive"
msgstr "Datoteka \"%s\" ni veljaven arhiv delčkov kode"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Placeholder.py:594
#, python-format
msgid "Execution of the Python command (%s) exceeds the maximum time, execution aborted."
msgstr "Izvedba pythonovega ukaza (%s) je prekoračila časovno omejitev, izvedba je prekinjena."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Placeholder.py:602
#, python-format
msgid "Execution of the Python command (%s) failed: %s"
msgstr "Izvedba pythonovega ukaza (%s) ni uspela: %s"

#: ../plugins/sort/pluma-sort-plugin.c:86
msgid "S_ort..."
msgstr "R_azvrsti ..."

#: ../plugins/sort/pluma-sort-plugin.c:88
msgid "Sort the current document or selection"
msgstr "Razvrsti trenutni dokument ali izbiro"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:3
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Razvrsti"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Sorts a document or selected text."
msgstr "Razvrsti izbran dokument ali besedilo."

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:1
msgid "R_emove duplicates"
msgstr "_Odstrani dvojnike"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:2
msgid "S_tart at column:"
msgstr "_Začni pri stolpcu:"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:4
msgid "You cannot undo a sort operation"
msgstr "Dejanja razvrščanja ni mogoče razveljaviti"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:5
msgid "_Ignore case"
msgstr "_Prezri velikost črk"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:6
msgid "_Reverse order"
msgstr "_Obrnjen vrstni red"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:7
msgid "_Sort"
msgstr "_Razvrsti"

#. Translators: Displayed in the "Check Spelling" dialog if there are no suggestions for the current misspelled word
#. Translators: Displayed in the "Check Spelling" dialog if there are no suggestions
#. * for the current misspelled word
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:420
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:455
msgid "(no suggested words)"
msgstr "(ni predlaganih besed)"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:444
msgid "_More..."
msgstr "_Več ..."

#. Ignore all
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:499
msgid "_Ignore All"
msgstr "_Prezri vse"

#. + Add to Dictionary
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:514
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "_Dodaj"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:553
msgid "_Spelling Suggestions..."
msgstr "Črkovalni _predlogi ..."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:270
msgid "Check Spelling"
msgstr "Preveri črkovanje"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:281
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Predlogi"

#. Translators: Displayed in the "Check Spelling" dialog if the current word isn't misspelled
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:562
msgid "(correct spelling)"
msgstr "(pravilno črkovanje)"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:705
msgid "Completed spell checking"
msgstr "Preverjanje črkovanja je končano"

#. Translators: the first %s is the language name, and
#. * the second %s is the locale name. Example:
#. * "French (France)"
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:285
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:291
#, c-format
msgctxt "language"
msgid "%s (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s)"

#. Translators: this refers to an unknown language code
#. * (one which isn't in our built-in list).
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:300
#, c-format
msgctxt "language"
msgid "Unknown (%s)"
msgstr "Neznan nabor (%s)"

#. Translators: this refers the Default language used by the
#. * spell checker
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:406
msgctxt "language"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Privzeto"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-language-dialog.c:141
#: ../plugins/spell/languages-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "Set language"
msgstr "Nastavitev jezika"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-language-dialog.c:196
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Jeziki"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:86
msgid "_Check Spelling..."
msgstr "_Preveri črkovanje ..."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:88
msgid "Check the current document for incorrect spelling"
msgstr "Preveri pravilnost črkovanja v trenutnem dokumentu ..."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:94
msgid "Set _Language..."
msgstr "Nastavi _jezik ..."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:96
msgid "Set the language of the current document"
msgstr "Nastavi jezik trenutnega dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:105
msgid "_Autocheck Spelling"
msgstr "_Samodejno preveri črkovanje"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:107
msgid "Automatically spell-check the current document"
msgstr "Samodejno preverjaj črkovanje trenutnega dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:743
msgid "The document is empty."
msgstr "Dokument je prazen."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:773
msgid "No misspelled words"
msgstr "Ni napačno črkovanih besed"

#: ../plugins/spell/languages-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Select the _language of the current document."
msgstr "Izbor _jezika trenutnega dokumenta."

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:1
msgid "Add w_ord"
msgstr "Dodaj _besedo"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:2
msgid "Cha_nge"
msgstr "Spreme_ni"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:3
msgid "Change A_ll"
msgstr "Spremeni v_se"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:4
msgid "Change _to:"
msgstr "Spremeni _v:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:5
msgid "Check _Word"
msgstr "Preveri _besedo"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:6
msgid "Check spelling"
msgstr "Preveri črkovanje"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:7
msgid "Ignore _All"
msgstr "Prezri _vse"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:8
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jezik"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:9
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Jezik:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:10
msgid "Misspelled word:"
msgstr "Napačno črkovana beseda:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:11
msgid "User dictionary:"
msgstr "Uporabniški slovar:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:12
msgid "_Ignore"
msgstr "_Prezri"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:13
msgid "_Suggestions:"
msgstr "P_redlogi:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:14
msgid "word"
msgstr "beseda"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Checks the spelling of the current document."
msgstr "Preveri črkovanje trenutnega dokumenta."

#: ../plugins/spell/spell.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Spell Checker"
msgstr "Črkovalnik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin.c:98
#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:694
#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:710
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Oznake"

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:605
msgid "Select the group of tags you want to use"
msgstr "Izbor skupine oznak za uporabo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:624
msgid "_Preview"
msgstr "_Predogled"

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:691
msgid "Available Tag Lists"
msgstr "Seznam oznak, ki so na voljo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Abbreviated form"
msgstr "Skrajšana oblika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Abbreviation"
msgstr "Okrajšava"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Above"
msgstr "Nad"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Accessibility key character"
msgstr "Tipke dostopnosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Acronym"
msgstr "Kratica"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Align"
msgstr "Poravnaj"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:7
msgid "Alignment character"
msgstr "Znak poravnave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:8
msgid "Alternative"
msgstr "Alternativna"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:9
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Sidro"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:10
msgid "Anchor URI"
msgstr "URI sidra"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:11
msgid "Applet class file code"
msgstr "Datoteka kode razreda vstavkov"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:13
msgid "Applet class file code (deprecated)"
msgstr "Datoteka kode razreda vstavkov (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:14
msgid "Array"
msgstr "Polje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:15
msgid "Associated information"
msgstr "Povezani podatki"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:16
msgid "Author info"
msgstr "Podatki o avtorju"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:17
msgid "Axis related headers"
msgstr "Glave, povezane z osjo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:18
msgid "Background color"
msgstr "Barva ozadja"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:20
msgid "Background color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Barva ozadja (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:21
msgid "Background texture tile"
msgstr "Slika tlakovanja ozadja"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:23
msgid "Background texture tile (deprecated)"
msgstr "Slika tlakovanja ozadja (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:24
msgid "Base URI"
msgstr "Osnovni URI"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:25
msgid "Base font"
msgstr "Osnovna pisava"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:27
msgid "Base font (deprecated)"
msgstr "Osnovna pisava (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:28
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Krepko"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:29
msgid "Border"
msgstr "Obroba"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:31
msgid "Border (deprecated)"
msgstr "Rob (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:32
msgid "Border color"
msgstr "Barva robu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:33
msgid "Cell rowspan"
msgstr "Vrstično podaljšanje celice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:34
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Sredinsko"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:36
msgid "Center (deprecated)"
msgstr "Središče (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:37
msgid "Character encoding of linked resource"
msgstr "Kodiranje znakov povezanega vira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:38
msgid "Checked (state)"
msgstr "Označeno (stanje)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:39
msgid "Checked state"
msgstr "Označeno stanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:40
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Navedek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:41
msgid "Cite reason for change"
msgstr "Navedba razloga za spremembo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:42
msgid "Class implementation ID"
msgstr "ID implementacije razreda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:43
msgid "Class list"
msgstr "Seznam razredov"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:44
msgid "Clear text flow control"
msgstr "Lomljenje čistega besedila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:45
msgid "Code content type"
msgstr "Koda vrste vsebine"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:46
msgid "Color of selected links"
msgstr "Barva izbranih povezav"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:48
msgid "Color of selected links (deprecated)"
msgstr "Barva izbranih povezav (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:49
msgid "Column span"
msgstr "Dolžina stolpca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:50
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Stolpci"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:51
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Opomba"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:52
msgid "Computer code fragment"
msgstr "Odsek programske izvorne kode"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:53
msgid "Content scheme"
msgstr "Shema vsebine"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:54
msgid "Content type"
msgstr "Vrsta vsebine"

#. The "type" attribute is deprecated for the "ol" tag only,
#. since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:57
msgid "Content type (deprecated)"
msgstr "Vrsta vsebine (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:58
msgid "Coordinates"
msgstr "Koordinate"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:59
msgid "DIV Style container"
msgstr "Hranilnik sloga DIV"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:60
msgid "DIV container"
msgstr "Hranilnik DIV"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:61
msgid "Date and time of change"
msgstr "Datum in ura spremembe"

#. NOTE: used in "object" tag
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:63
msgid "Declare flag"
msgstr "Deklariranje zastavice"

#. Translators: DEFER is an optional attribute of the <script> tag.
#. It indicates that the script is not going to generate any document
#. content. The browser can continue parsing and drawing the page.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:67
msgid "Defer attribute"
msgstr "Odloži lastnost"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:68
msgid "Definition description"
msgstr "Opis definicije"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:69
msgid "Definition list"
msgstr "Seznam definicij"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:70
msgid "Definition term"
msgstr "Ime definicije"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:71
msgid "Deleted text"
msgstr "Izbrisano besedilo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:72
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Smer"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:73
msgid "Directionality"
msgstr "Usmerjenost"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:75
msgid "Directionality (deprecated)"
msgstr "Usmerjenost (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:76
msgid "Directory list"
msgstr "Seznam imenikov"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:77
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Onemogočeno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:78
msgid "Document base"
msgstr "Osnova dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:79
msgid "Document body"
msgstr "Telo dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:80
msgid "Document head"
msgstr "Glava dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:81
msgid "Document title"
msgstr "Naziv dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:82
msgid "Document type"
msgstr "Vrsta dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:83
msgid "Element ID"
msgstr "ID predmeta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:84
msgid "Embedded object"
msgstr "Vgrajen predmet"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:85
#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:9
msgid "Emphasis"
msgstr "Poudarek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:86
msgid "Encode type"
msgstr "Vrsta kodiranja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:87
msgid "Figure"
msgstr "Skica"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:88
msgid "Font face"
msgstr "Ime pisave"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:90
msgid "Font face (deprecated)"
msgstr "Ime pisave (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:91
msgid "For label"
msgstr "Za oznako"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:92
msgid "Forced line break"
msgstr "Zahtevan prelom vrstice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:93
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Obrazec"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:94
msgid "Form action handler"
msgstr "Obravnalnik dejanja obrazca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:95
msgid "Form control group"
msgstr "Nadzorna skupina obrazca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:96
msgid "Form field label text"
msgstr "Besedilo v polju oznake obrazca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:97
msgid "Form input"
msgstr "Vnos obrazca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:98
msgid "Form input type"
msgstr "Vrsta vnosa v obrazec"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:99
msgid "Form method"
msgstr "Metoda obrazca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:100
msgid "Forward link"
msgstr "Povezava naprej"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:101
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Okvir"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:102
msgid "Frame border"
msgstr "Rob okvirja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:103
msgid "Frame render parts"
msgstr "Deli izrisa okvirja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:104
msgid "Frame source"
msgstr "Izvor okvirja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:105
msgid "Frame spacing"
msgstr "Razmik med okvirji"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:106
msgid "Frame target"
msgstr "Cilj okvirja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:107
msgid "Frameborder"
msgstr "Rob okvirja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:108
msgid "Frameset"
msgstr "Nabor okvirjev"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:109
msgid "Frameset columns"
msgstr "Stolpci nabora okvirjev"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:110
msgid "Frameset rows"
msgstr "Vrstice nabora okvirjev"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:111
msgid "Framespacing"
msgstr "Prostor med okvirji"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:112
msgid "Generic embedded object"
msgstr "Generičen vrgadni predmet"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:113
msgid "Generic metainformation"
msgstr "Generični metapodatki"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:114
msgid "Generic span"
msgstr "Generičen odsek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:115
msgid "HREF URI"
msgstr "URI HREF"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:116
msgid "HTML - Special Characters"
msgstr "HTML - Posebni znaki"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:117
msgid "HTML - Tags"
msgstr "HTML - Oznake"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:118
msgid "HTML root element"
msgstr "Korenski predmet HTML"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:119
msgid "HTML version"
msgstr "Različica HTML"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:120
msgid "HTTP header name"
msgstr "Ime glave HTTP"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:121
msgid "Header cell IDs"
msgstr "ID-ji celice glave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:122
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Naslov"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:123
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Naslov 1"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:124
msgid "Heading 2"
msgstr "Naslov 2"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:125
msgid "Heading 3"
msgstr "Haslov 3"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:126
msgid "Heading 4"
msgstr "Naslov 4"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:127
msgid "Heading 5"
msgstr "Naslov 5"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:128
msgid "Heading 6"
msgstr "Naslov 6"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:129
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Višina"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:130
msgid "Horizontal rule"
msgstr "Vodoravna črta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:131
msgid "Horizontal space"
msgstr "Vodoravni prostor"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:133
msgid "Horizontal space (deprecated)"
msgstr "Vodoravni prostor (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:134
msgid "I18N BiDi override"
msgstr "Prednostni I18N BiDi"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:135
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Slika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:136
msgid "Image map"
msgstr "Karta slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:137
msgid "Image map area"
msgstr "Področje karte slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:138
msgid "Image map name"
msgstr "Ime karte slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:139
msgid "Image source"
msgstr "Vir slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:140
msgid "Inline frame"
msgstr "Vključen okvir"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:141
msgid "Inline layer"
msgstr "Vključena plast"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:142
msgid "Inserted text"
msgstr "Vstavljeno besedilo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:143
msgid "Instance definition"
msgstr "Navedba primerka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:144
msgid "Italic text"
msgstr "Poševno besedilo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:145
msgid "Java applet"
msgstr "Java aplet"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:147
msgid "Java applet (deprecated)"
msgstr "Programček java (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:148
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Oznaka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:149
msgid "Language code"
msgstr "Šifra jezika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:150
msgid "Large text style"
msgstr "Slog velikega besedila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:151
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Plast"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:152
msgid "Link color"
msgstr "Barva povezave"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:154
msgid "Link color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Barva povezave (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:155
msgid "List item"
msgstr "Predmet seznama"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:156
msgid "List of MIME types for file upload"
msgstr "Seznam vrst MIME za pošiljanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:157
msgid "List of supported character sets"
msgstr "Seznam podprtih naborov znakov"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:158
msgid "Listing"
msgstr "Seznam"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:159
msgid "Local change to font"
msgstr "Krajevna sprememba pisave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:160
msgid "Long description link"
msgstr "Dolg opis povezave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:161
msgid "Long quotation"
msgstr "Dolg navedek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:162
msgid "Mail link"
msgstr "Povezava na poštni naslov"

#. Supported in XHTML 1.0 Frameset DTD only.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:164
msgid "Margin pixel height"
msgstr "Višina odmika v točkah"

#. Supported in XHTML 1.0 Frameset DTD only.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:166
msgid "Margin pixel width"
msgstr "Širina odmika v točkah"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:167
msgid "Marquee"
msgstr "Markiza"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:168
msgid "Maximum length of text field"
msgstr "Največja dolžina polja besedila"

#. Here I take some liberties: There's no mandatory attributes,
#. but those are most common, and will likely be used.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:171
msgid "Media-independent link"
msgstr "Povezava neodvisna od medija"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:172
msgid "Menu list"
msgstr "Seznam menija"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:174
msgid "Menu list (deprecated)"
msgstr "Seznam menija (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:175
msgid "Multi-line text field"
msgstr "Večvrstično polje besedila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:176
msgid "Multicolumn"
msgstr "Večstolpično"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:177
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Večkratno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:178
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:179
msgid "Named property value"
msgstr "Poimenovana vrednost lastnosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:180
msgid "Next ID"
msgstr "Naslednji ID"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:181
msgid "No URI"
msgstr "Ni naslova URI"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:182
msgid "No embedded objects"
msgstr "Ni vgrajenih predmetov"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:183
msgid "No frames"
msgstr "Ni okvirjev"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:184
msgid "No layers"
msgstr "Ni plasti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:185
msgid "No line break"
msgstr "Ni preloma vrstice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:186
msgid "No resize"
msgstr "Ni spremembe velikosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:187
msgid "No script"
msgstr "Ni skripte"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:188
msgid "No shade"
msgstr "Ni senčenja"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:190
msgid "No shade (deprecated)"
msgstr "Ni senčenja (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:191
msgid "No word wrap"
msgstr "Ni preloma besed"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:193
msgid "No word wrap (deprecated)"
msgstr "Ni preloma besed (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:194
msgid "Non-breaking space"
msgstr "Nedeljivi presledek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:195
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Opomba"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:196
msgid "Object applet file"
msgstr "Datoteka predmeta vstavka"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:198
msgid "Object applet file (deprecated)"
msgstr "Datoteka predmeta vstavka (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:199
msgid "Object data reference"
msgstr "Navezovanje na podatke predmeta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:200
msgid "Offset for alignment character"
msgstr "Odmik za znak poravnave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:201
msgid "OnBlur event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnBlur"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:202
msgid "OnChange event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnChange"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:203
msgid "OnClick event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnClick"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:204
msgid "OnDblClick event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnDblClick"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:205
msgid "OnFocus event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnFocus"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:206
msgid "OnKeyDown event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnKezDown"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:207
msgid "OnKeyPress event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnKeyPress"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:208
msgid "OnKeyUp event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnKeyUp"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:209
msgid "OnLoad event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnLoad"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:210
msgid "OnMouseDown event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnMouseDown"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:211
msgid "OnMouseMove event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnMouseMove"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:212
msgid "OnMouseOut event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnMouseOut"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:213
msgid "OnMouseOver event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnMouseOver"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:214
msgid "OnMouseUp event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnMouseUp"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:215
msgid "OnReset event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnReset"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:216
msgid "OnSelect event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnSelect"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:217
msgid "OnSubmit event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnSubmit"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:218
msgid "OnUnload event"
msgstr "Dogodek OnUnload"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:219
msgid "Option group"
msgstr "Skupina možnosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:220
msgid "Option selector"
msgstr "Izbirnik možnosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:221
msgid "Ordered list"
msgstr "Urejen seznam"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:222
msgid "Output media"
msgstr "Izhodni medij"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:223
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Odstavek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:224
msgid "Paragraph class"
msgstr "Razred odstavka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:225
msgid "Paragraph style"
msgstr "Slog odstavka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:226
msgid "Preformatted listing"
msgstr "Predoblikovan seznam"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:227
msgid "Preformatted text"
msgstr "Predoblikovano besedilo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:228
msgid "Profile metainfo dictionary"
msgstr "Slovar metapodatkov profila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:229
msgid "Prompt message"
msgstr "Vprašalno sporočilo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:230
msgid "Push button"
msgstr "Gumb"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:231
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Navedek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:232
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Območje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:233
msgid "ReadOnly text and password"
msgstr "Le berljivo besedilo in geslo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:234
msgid "Reduced spacing"
msgstr "Zmanjšan prazen prostor"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:236
msgid "Reduced spacing (deprecated)"
msgstr "Zmanjšan prazen prostor (deprecated)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:237
msgid "Reverse link"
msgstr "Obrnjena povezava"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:238
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Koren"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:239
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Vrstice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:240
msgid "Rulings between rows and columns"
msgstr "Ravnilo med vrsticami in stolpci"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:241
msgid "Sample program output, scripts"
msgstr "Primer izhoda programa, skripte"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:242
msgid "Scope covered by header cells"
msgstr "Območje pokrito s celicami glave"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:244
msgid "Script language name"
msgstr "Ime skriptnega jezika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:245
msgid "Script statements"
msgstr "Zahteve skripta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:246
msgid "Scrollbar"
msgstr "Drsnik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:247
msgid "Selectable option"
msgstr "Izbirna možnost"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:248
msgid "Selected"
msgstr "Izbrano"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:249
msgid "Server-side image map"
msgstr "Karta slike na strežniku"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:250
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Oblika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:251
msgid "Short inline quotation"
msgstr "Kratek vmesni navedek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:252
msgid "Single line prompt"
msgstr "Enovrstično vprašanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:253
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:255
msgid "Size (deprecated)"
msgstr "Velikost (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:256
msgid "Small text style"
msgstr "Slog majhnega besedila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:257
msgid "Soft line break"
msgstr "Mehak prelom vrstice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:258
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Zvok"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:259
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:260
msgid "Space-separated archive list"
msgstr "Seznam arhiva ločen s presledki"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:261
msgid "Spacer"
msgstr "Preslednik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:262
msgid "Spacing between cells"
msgstr "Prostor med celicami"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:263
msgid "Spacing within cells"
msgstr "Prostor znotraj celic"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:264
msgid "Span"
msgstr "Razmik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:265
msgid "Square root"
msgstr "Kvadratni koren"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:266
msgid "Standby load message"
msgstr "Sprotno sporočilo o nalaganju"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:267
msgid "Starting sequence number"
msgstr "Številka začetka zaporedja"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:269
msgid "Starting sequence number (deprecated)"
msgstr "Številka začetka zaporedja (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:270
msgid "Strike-through text"
msgstr "Prečrtano besedilo"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:272
msgid "Strike-through text (deprecated)"
msgstr "Prečrtano besedilo (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:273
msgid "Strike-through text style"
msgstr "Slog prečrtanega besedila"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:275
msgid "Strike-through text style (deprecated)"
msgstr "Slog prečrtanega besedila (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:276
msgid "Strong emphasis"
msgstr "Močan poudarek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:277
msgid "Style info"
msgstr "Podatki o slogu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:278
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "Podpisano"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:279
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Nadpisano"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:280
msgid "Tab order position"
msgstr "Položaj zaporedja zavihkov"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:281
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Preglednica"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:282
msgid "Table body"
msgstr "Telo preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:283
msgid "Table caption"
msgstr "Naziv preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:284
msgid "Table column group properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti skupine stolpcev preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:285
msgid "Table column properties"
msgstr "Lastnosti stolpca preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:286
msgid "Table data cell"
msgstr "Podatkovna celica preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:287
msgid "Table footer"
msgstr "Noga preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:288
msgid "Table header"
msgstr "Glava preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:289
msgid "Table header cell"
msgstr "Celica glave preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:290
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "Vrstica preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:291
msgid "Table summary"
msgstr "Povzetek preglednice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:292
msgid "Target - Blank"
msgstr "Cilj - Prazno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:293
msgid "Target - Parent"
msgstr "Cilj - nadrejeni predmet"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:294
msgid "Target - Self"
msgstr "Cilj - Sam"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:295
msgid "Target - Top"
msgstr "Cilj - Na vrhu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:296
msgid "Teletype or monospace text style"
msgstr "Enopresledni slog besedila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:297
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Besedilo"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:298
msgid "Text color"
msgstr "Barva besedila"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:300
msgid "Text color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Barva besedila (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:301
msgid "Text entered by user"
msgstr "Besedilo, ki ga vpiše uporabnik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:302
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Naziv"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:303
msgid "Top margin in pixels"
msgstr "Vrhnji rob v točkah"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:304
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:305
msgid "Underlined text style"
msgstr "Nedoločen slog besedila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:306
msgid "Unordered list"
msgstr "Neurejen seznam"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:307
msgid "Use image map"
msgstr "Uporabi karto slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:308
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Vrednost"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:309
msgid "Value interpretation"
msgstr "Interpretacija vrednosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:310
msgid "Variable or program argument"
msgstr "Spremenljivka ali argument programa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:311
msgid "Vertical cell alignment"
msgstr "Navpična poravnava celic"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:312
msgid "Vertical space"
msgstr "Navpični prostor"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:314
msgid "Vertical space (deprecated)"
msgstr "Navpični prostor (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:315
msgid "Visited link color"
msgstr "Barva obiskane povezave"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:317
msgid "Visited link color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Barva obiskane povezave (zastarelo)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:318
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Širina"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:319
msgid "XHTML 1.0 - Tags"
msgstr "XHTML 1.0 - Oznake"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Bibliography (cite)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (citat)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Bibliography (item)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (predmet)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Bibliography (shortcite)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (kratki citat)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Bibliography (thebibliography)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (bibliografija)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Brackets ()"
msgstr "Oklepaja ()"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Brackets <>"
msgstr "Oklepaja <>"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:7
msgid "Brackets []"
msgstr "Oklepaja []"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:8
msgid "Brackets {}"
msgstr "Oklepaja {}"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:10
msgid "File input"
msgstr "Datotečni dovod"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:11
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Spodnja opomba"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:12
msgid "Function cosine"
msgstr "Funkcija cosinus"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:13
msgid "Function e^"
msgstr "Funkcija e^"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:14
msgid "Function exp"
msgstr "Funkcija exp"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:15
msgid "Function log"
msgstr "Funkcija log"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:16
msgid "Function log10"
msgstr "Funkcija log10"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:17
msgid "Function sine"
msgstr "Funkcija sine"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:18
msgid "Greek alpha"
msgstr "Grška alfa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:19
msgid "Greek beta"
msgstr "Grška beta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:20
msgid "Greek epsilon"
msgstr "Grški epsilon"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:21
msgid "Greek gamma"
msgstr "Grška gama"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:22
msgid "Greek lambda"
msgstr "Grška lambda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:23
msgid "Greek rho"
msgstr "Grška ro"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:24
msgid "Greek tau"
msgstr "Grška tau"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:25
msgid "Header 0 (chapter)"
msgstr "Naslov 0 (poglavje)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:26
msgid "Header 0 (chapter*)"
msgstr "Naslov 0 (poglavje*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:27
msgid "Header 1 (section)"
msgstr "Naslov 1 (odsek)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:28
msgid "Header 1 (section*)"
msgstr "Naslov 1 (odsek*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:29
msgid "Header 2 (subsection)"
msgstr "Naslov 2 (pododsek)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:30
msgid "Header 2 (subsection*)"
msgstr "Naslov 2 (pododsek*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:31
msgid "Header 3 (subsubsection)"
msgstr "Naslov 3 (podpododsek)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:32
msgid "Header 3 (subsubsection*)"
msgstr "Naslov 3 (podpododsek*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:33
msgid "Header 4 (paragraph)"
msgstr "Naslov 4 (odstavek)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:34
msgid "Header appendix"
msgstr "Pripona glavi"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:35
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Predmet"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:36
msgid "Item with label"
msgstr "Predmet z oznako"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:37
msgid "Latex - Tags"
msgstr "Latex - oznake"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:38
msgid "List description"
msgstr "Opis seznama"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:39
msgid "List enumerate"
msgstr "Oštevilčenje seznama"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:40
msgid "List itemize"
msgstr "Opredmetenje seznama"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:41
msgid "Maths (display)"
msgstr "Matematika (prikaz)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:42
msgid "Maths (inline)"
msgstr "Matematika (vključeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:43
msgid "Operator fraction"
msgstr "Operator ostanek"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:44
msgid "Operator integral (display)"
msgstr "Operator integral (prikaz)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:45
msgid "Operator integral (inline)"
msgstr "Operator integral (vključeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:46
msgid "Operator sum (display)"
msgstr "Operator vsota (prikaz)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:47
msgid "Operator sum (inline)"
msgstr "Operator vsota (vključeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:48
msgid "Reference label"
msgstr "Oznaka navezave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:49
msgid "Reference ref"
msgstr "Vsebina navezave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:50
msgid "Symbol <<"
msgstr "Simbol <<"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:51
msgid "Symbol <="
msgstr "Simbol <="

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:52
msgid "Symbol >="
msgstr "Simbol >="

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:53
msgid "Symbol >>"
msgstr "Simbol >>"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:54
msgid "Symbol and"
msgstr "Simbol in"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:55
msgid "Symbol const"
msgstr "Simbol konstante"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:56
msgid "Symbol d-by-dt"
msgstr "Simbol d-by-dt"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:57
msgid "Symbol d-by-dt-partial"
msgstr "Simbol d-by-dt-partial"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:58
msgid "Symbol d2-by-dt2-partial"
msgstr "Simbol d2-by-dt2-partial"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:59
msgid "Symbol dagger"
msgstr "Simbol bodala"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:60
msgid "Symbol em-dash ---"
msgstr "Simbol pomišljaj (em-dash) ---"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:61
msgid "Symbol en-dash --"
msgstr "Simbol pomišljaj (en-dash) --"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:62
msgid "Symbol equiv"
msgstr "Simbol enakost"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:63
msgid "Symbol infinity"
msgstr "Simbol neskončnosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:64
msgid "Symbol mathspace ,"
msgstr "Simbol matematičnega prostora ,"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:65
msgid "Symbol mathspace ."
msgstr "Simbol matematičnega prostora ."

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:66
msgid "Symbol mathspace _"
msgstr "Simbol matematičnega prostora _"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:67
msgid "Symbol mathspace __"
msgstr "Simbol matematičnega prostora __"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:68
msgid "Symbol simeq"
msgstr "Simbol simeq"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:69
msgid "Symbol star"
msgstr "Simbol zvezdica"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:70
msgid "Typeface bold"
msgstr "Pisava krepka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:71
msgid "Typeface italic"
msgstr "Pisava poševna"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:72
msgid "Typeface slanted"
msgstr "Pisava nagnjena"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:73
msgid "Typeface type"
msgstr "Vrsta pisave"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:74
msgid "Unbreakable text"
msgstr "Nelomljiva pisava"

#: ../plugins/taglist/taglist.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Provides a method to easily insert commonly used tags/strings into a document without having to type them."
msgstr "Omogoča enostavno vstavljanje pogosto uporabljenih oznak/nizov v dokument brez tipkanja."

#: ../plugins/taglist/taglist.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Tag list"
msgstr "Seznam oznak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "XSLT - Axes"
msgstr "XLST - Osi"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:2
msgid "XSLT - Elements"
msgstr "XSLT - Predmeti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:3
msgid "XSLT - Functions"
msgstr "XSLT - Funkcije"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:4
msgid "ancestor"
msgstr "predhodnik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:5
msgid "ancestor-or-self"
msgstr "predhodnik-ali-jaz"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:6
msgid "attribute"
msgstr "atribut"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:7
msgid "child"
msgstr "podrejeni predmet"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:8
msgid "descendant"
msgstr "naslednik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:9
msgid "descendant-or-self"
msgstr "naslednik-ali-sam"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:10
msgid "following"
msgstr "sledi"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:11
msgid "following-sibling"
msgstr "sledi-brat-ali-sestra"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:12
msgid "namespace"
msgstr "imenski prostor"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:13
msgid "parent"
msgstr "nadrejeni predmet"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:14
msgid "preceding"
msgstr "na vrsti pred"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:15
msgid "preceding-sibling"
msgstr "na vrsti pred - brat-ali-sestra"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:16
msgid "self"
msgstr "sam"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XUL.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "XUL - Tags"
msgstr "XUL - Oznake"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:182
msgid "In_sert Date and Time..."
msgstr "Vs_tavi datum in uro ..."

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:184
msgid "Insert current date and time at the cursor position"
msgstr "Vstavi trenutni datum in uro na položaju kazalca"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:613
msgid "Available formats"
msgstr "Oblike na voljo"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:766
msgid "Configure insert date/time plugin..."
msgstr "Nastavi vstavek vstavljanja datuma/ure ..."

#: ../plugins/time/time.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Insert Date/Time"
msgstr "Vstavi datum/uro"

#: ../plugins/time/time.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Inserts current date and time at the cursor position."
msgstr "Vstavi trenutna datum in uro na položaju kazalca."

#. Translators: Use the more common date format in your locale
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:3
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:4
#, no-c-format
msgid "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"
msgstr "%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M:%S"

#. Translators: This example should follow the date format defined in the entry above
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:4
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid "01/11/2009 17:52:00"
msgstr "23.11.2010, 17:52:00"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "Insert Date and Time"
msgstr "Vstavi datum in uro"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:6
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:8
msgid "Use the _selected format"
msgstr "Uporabi _izbrano obliko"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Vstavi"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:8
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:11
msgid "_Use custom format"
msgstr "_Uporabi prikrojeno obliko"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "Configure date/time plugin"
msgstr "Nastavi vstavek datum/ura"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:9
msgid "When inserting date/time..."
msgstr "Vstavljanje datuma in časa ..."

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:10
msgid "_Prompt for a format"
msgstr "_Vprašaj za zapis"

#~ msgid "*"
#~ msgstr "*"
#~ msgid "<span size=\"small\">01/11/2002 17:52:00</span>"
#~ msgstr "<span size=\"small\">01/11/2002 17:52:00</span>"
#~ msgid "<span weight=\"bold\"> When inserting date/time...</span>"
#~ msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\"> Ko se vstavlja datum/ura ...</span>"
#~ msgid "Whether pluma should highlight matching bracket."
#~ msgstr "Ali naj pluma poudari pripadajoča uklepaj in zaklepaj."
#~ msgid "HttP header name"
#~ msgstr "Ime glave HttP"
#~ msgid "Character Codings"
#~ msgstr "Kodiranje znakov"
#~ msgid "Ch_aracter Coding:"
#~ msgstr "_Kodiranje znakov:"
#~ msgid "0"
#~ msgstr "0"
#~ msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">File Name</span>"
#~ msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">Ime datoteke</span>"
#~ msgid "<b>Language</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Jezik</b>"
#~ msgid "<b>word</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>beseda</b>"
#~ msgid "Backup Copy Extension"
#~ msgstr "Pripona varnostnih kopij datotek"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Extension or suffix to use for backup file names. This will only take "
#~ "effect if the \"Create Backup Copies\" option is turned on."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pripona oziroma končnica varnostnih kopij datotek. Upoštevana bo le v "
#~ "primeru, da je možnost \"Ustvarjaj varnostne kopije\" omogočena."
#~ msgid "Could not obtain backup filename"
#~ msgstr "Ni mogoče dobiti varnostne kopije datoteke"
#~ msgid "_Indent"
#~ msgstr "_Zamakni"
#~ msgid "U_nindent"
#~ msgstr "_Razveljavi zamik"
#~ msgid "Unindent selected lines"
#~ msgstr "Razveljavi zamik zamik izbrane vrstice"
#~ msgid "Indent Lines"
#~ msgstr "Zamakni vrstice"
#~ msgid "Indents or un-indents selected lines."
#~ msgstr "Zamakne ali razveljavi zamik izbrane vrstice."
#~ msgid "Default Value"
#~ msgstr "Privzeta vrednost"
#~ msgid "Environmental Variable"
#~ msgstr "Okoljska spremenljivka"
#~ msgid "Escape"
#~ msgstr "Ubežni znak"
#~ msgid "Modifier"
#~ msgstr "Pomožna tipka"
#~ msgid "Placeholder Default"
#~ msgstr "Privzeto držalo"
#~ msgid "Placeholder Reference"
#~ msgstr "Nastavitve držala"
#~ msgid "Placeholder begin and end"
#~ msgstr "Začektek in konec držala"
#~ msgid "Python Placeholder"
#~ msgstr "Držalo python"
#~ msgid "Regular Expression Pattern"
#~ msgstr "Vzorec logičnega izraza"
#~ msgid "Regular Expression Placeholder"
#~ msgstr "Držalo logičnega držala"
#~ msgid "Regular Expression Replace Pattern"
#~ msgstr "Vzorec logičnega izraza zamenjave "
#~ msgid "Seperator"
#~ msgstr "Ločilnik"
#~ msgid "Shell Placeholder"
#~ msgstr "Lupinsko držalo"
#~ msgid "Single Placeholder"
#~ msgstr "Enojno držalo"
#~ msgid "Tabstop"
#~ msgstr "Mesta tabulatorjev"
#~ msgid "<b>Current Line</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Trenutna vrstica</b>"
#~ msgid "<b>Font</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Pisava</b>"
#~ msgid "<b>Line Numbers</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Številke vrstic</b>"
#~ msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">Color Scheme</span>"
#~ msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">Barvna shema</span>"
#~ msgid "<b>Fonts</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Pisave</b>"
#~ msgid "<b>Page header</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Glava strani</b>"
#~ msgid "<b>Syntax Highlighting</b>"
#~ msgstr "<b>Poudarjanje skladnje</b>"
#~ msgid "Open Location"
#~ msgstr "Odpri mesto"
#~ msgid "Enter the _location (URI) of the file you would like to open:"
#~ msgstr "Vnesite _mesto (URI) datoteke, ki jo želite odpreti:"
#~ msgid "%s: malformed file name or URI.\n"
#~ msgstr "%s: napačno oblikovano ime datoteke ali URI.\n"
#~ msgid "Open _Location..."
#~ msgstr "Odpri _mesto ..."
#~ msgid "Open a file from a specified location"
#~ msgstr "Odpri datoteko iz navedenega mesta"
#~ msgid "Edit tool <i>%s</i>:"
#~ msgstr "Uredi orodje <i>%s</i>:"
#~ msgid "A Brand New Tool"
#~ msgstr "Popolnoma novo orodje"
#~ msgid "Co_mmand(s):"
#~ msgstr "_Ukaz(i):"
#~ msgid "Edit tool <i>make</i>:"
#~ msgstr "Uredi orodje <i>make</i>:"
#~ msgid "_Description:"
#~ msgstr "_Opis:"
#~ msgid "Insert User Na_me"
#~ msgstr "Vstavi uporabniško i_me"
#~ msgid "Insert the user name at the cursor position"
#~ msgstr "Na položaju kazalca vstavi uporabniško ime"
#~ msgid "Inserts the user name at the cursor position."
#~ msgstr "Na položaju kazalca vstavi uporabniško ime."
#~ msgid "User name"
#~ msgstr "Uporabniško ime"
#~ msgid "None"
#~ msgstr "Brez"
#~ msgid "The following python code, run in a snippet, does not return a value"
#~ msgstr "Naslednja pythonova koda, zagnana v odseku, ne vrne vrednosti"
#~ msgid "language|Unknown (%s)"
#~ msgstr "Neznan (%s)"
#~ msgid "language|Default"
#~ msgstr "Privzeti"
#~ msgid "The file contains corrupted data."
#~ msgstr "Datoteka vsebuje pokvarjene podatke."
#~ msgid "The file contains data in an invalid format."
#~ msgstr "Datoteka vsebuje podatke v neveljavni obliki."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There are too many open files. Please close some applications and try "
#~ "again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Odprtih je preveč datotek. Zaprite nekaj programov in poskusite znova."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not enough available memory to open the file. Please close some running "
#~ "applications and try again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Za odprtje datoteke ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika. Zaprite nekaj "
#~ "programov in poskusite znova."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Host name was empty. Please check that your proxy settings are correct "
#~ "and try again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ime gostitelja je bilo prazno. Preverite, ali so nastavitve posrednika "
#~ "(proxy) pravilne in poskusite znova."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Attempt to log in failed. Please check that you typed the location "
#~ "correctly and try again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Poskus prijave ni uspel. Preverite, ali ste pravilno vpisali mesto in "
#~ "poskusite znova."
#~ msgid "The file you are trying to open is not a regular file."
#~ msgstr "Datoteka, ki jo želite odpreti, ni običajna datoteka"
#~ msgid "Attempt to log in failed."
#~ msgstr "Poskus prijave ni uspel"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s is a directory. Please check that you typed the location correctly and "
#~ "try again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s je imenik. Preverite, če ste vpisali pravo pot in poskusite znova."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Not enough available memory to save the file. Please close some running "
#~ "applications and try again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Za shranjevanje datoteke ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika. Zaprite nekaj "
#~ "programov in poskusite znova."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "%s is not a regular file. Please check that you typed the location "
#~ "correctly and try again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s ni običajna datoteka. Preverite, ali ste mesto vpisali pravilno in "
#~ "poskusite znova."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Nothing\n"
#~ "Current document\n"
#~ "All documents"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nič\n"
#~ "Trenutni dokument\n"
#~ "Vsi dokumenti"
#~ msgid "The entered location is not valid."
#~ msgstr "Vpisano mesto ni veljavno."
#~ msgid "gtk-revert-to-saved"
#~ msgstr "gtk-revert-to-saved"
#~ msgid "on"
#~ msgstr "na"
#~ msgid "Invalid uri"
#~ msgstr "Neveljaven uri"
#~ msgid "Recent Files"
#~ msgstr "Nedavne datoteke"