# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MATE Desktop Environment\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-04 12:56+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-04 11:56+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Stefano Karapetsas <stefano@karapetsas.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/MATE/language/sr@latin/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: sr@latin\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:1
msgid "Use Default Font"
msgstr "Koristi podrazumevani font"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
msgid ""
"Whether to use the system's default fixed width font for editing text "
"instead of a font specific to pluma. If this option is turned off, then the "
"font named in the \"Editor Font\" option will be used instead of the system "
msgstr "Da li treba koristiti podrazumevani sistemski font fiksne širine za prikaz teksta umesto fonta navedenog u podešavanjima programa Vilenjakova beležnica. Ako je ova opcija isključena, font naveden u opciji „Font uređivača“ će biti korišćen umesto sistemskog fonta."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
msgid "Editor Font"
msgstr "Font uređivača"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
msgid ""
"A custom font that will be used for the editing area. This will only take "
"effect if the \"Use Default Font\" option is turned off."
msgstr "Prilagođeni font koji će biti korišćen u prostoru za unos teksta. Ovo će jedino imati efekta ako je štiklirana kućica „Koristi podrazumevani font“."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:5
msgid "Style Scheme"
msgstr "Postavke stila"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
msgid "The ID of a GtkSourceView Style Scheme used to color the text."
msgstr "ID postavke GtkSourceView stila koji se koristi za bojenje teksta."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:7
msgid "Create Backup Copies"
msgstr "Pravi rezervne primerke"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:8
msgid ""
"Whether pluma should create backup copies for the files it saves. You can "
"set the backup file extension with the \"Backup Copy Extension\" option."
msgstr "Da li da program pravi rezervnu kopiju za datoteke koje čuva. Možete postaviti ekstenziju datoteke sa rezervnom kopijom pomoću opcije „Ekstenzija rezervne kopije“."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:9
msgid "Autosave"
msgstr "Čuvaj u periodičnim razmacima"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:10
msgid ""
"Whether pluma should automatically save modified files after a time "
"interval. You can set the time interval with the \"Autosave Interval\" "
msgstr "Da li da program automatski čuva izmenjenu datoteku posle određenog vremenskog intervala. Možete postaviti vremenski interval pomoću opcije „Vremenski razmak za periodično čuvanje“."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:11
msgid "Autosave Interval"
msgstr "Vremenski razmak za periodično čuvanje"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:12
msgid ""
"Number of minutes after which pluma will automatically save modified files. "
"This will only take effect if the \"Autosave\" option is turned on."
msgstr "Broj minuta nakon kojih će program automatski sačuvati izmenjenu datoteku. Ovo će jedino imati efekta ukoliko je opcija „Automatsko snimanje“ uključena."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:13
msgid "Writable VFS schemes"
msgstr "Mogućnosti upisa na virtualne sisteme datoteka"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:14
msgid ""
"List of VFS schemes pluma supports in write mode. The 'file' scheme is "
"writable by default."
msgstr "Spisak VFS šema koje program podržava u režimu upisa. Šema „file“ je podrazumevano upisiva."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:15
msgid "Maximum Number of Undo Actions"
msgstr "Najveći broj opozvanih akcija"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:16
msgid ""
"Maximum number of actions that pluma will be able to undo or redo. Use "
"\"-1\" for unlimited number of actions."
msgstr "Maksimalan broj radnji koje će program moći da opozove ili ponovi. Koristite „-1“ za neograničen broj radnji."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:17
msgid "Line Wrapping Mode"
msgstr "Način preloma linije"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:18
msgid ""
"Specifies how to wrap long lines in the editing area. Use \"GTK_WRAP_NONE\" "
"for no wrapping, \"GTK_WRAP_WORD\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and "
"\"GTK_WRAP_CHAR\" for wrapping at individual character boundaries. Note that"
" the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as "
"mentioned here."
msgstr "Podešava način preloma dugačkih linija za štampanje. Koristiti „GTK_WRAP_NONE“ za isključivanje preloma, „GTK_WRAP_WORD“ za prelom na kraju reči, i „GTK_WRAP_CHAR“ za prelom između znakova. Obratite pažnju da su vrednosti osetljive na velika ili mala slova, pa se uverite da ih koristitie na isti način kao što su ovde navedene."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:19
msgid "Tab Size"
msgstr "Veličina tabulatora"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:20
msgid ""
"Specifies the number of spaces that should be displayed instead of Tab "
msgstr "Podešava broj razmaka koji će biti prikazan umesto znaka tabulatora."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:21
msgid "Insert spaces"
msgstr "Umetni razmake"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:22
msgid "Whether pluma should insert spaces instead of tabs."
msgstr "Da li da program umetne razmake umesto tabulatora."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:23
msgid "Automatic indent"
msgstr "Uvlači u radu"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:24
msgid "Whether pluma should enable automatic indentation."
msgstr "Da li da program omogući automatsko uvlačenje."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:25
msgid "Display Line Numbers"
msgstr "Prikaži brojeve linija"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:26
msgid "Whether pluma should display line numbers in the editing area."
msgstr "Da li da program prikaže brojeve linija u prostoru za izmenu teksta."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:27
msgid "Highlight Current Line"
msgstr "Istakni tekući red"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:28
msgid "Whether pluma should highlight the current line."
msgstr "Da li da program ističe tekući red u Vilenjakovoj beležnici."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:29
msgid "Highlight Matching Bracket"
msgstr "Istakni uparenu zagradu"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:30
msgid "Whether pluma should highlight the bracket matching the selected one."
msgstr "Da li da program upari zagradu koja se poklapa sa označenom."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:31
msgid "Display Right Margin"
msgstr "Prikaži desnu marginu"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:32
msgid "Whether pluma should display the right margin in the editing area."
msgstr "Da li da program prikaže desnu marginu u prostoru za izmenu teksta."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:33
msgid "Right Margin Position"
msgstr "Položaj desne margine"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:34
msgid "Specifies the position of the right margin."
msgstr "Određuje položaj desne margine."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:35
msgid "Smart Home End"
msgstr "Pametne Home/End tipke"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:36
msgid ""
"Specifies how the cursor moves when the HOME and END keys are pressed. Use "
"\"DISABLED\" to always move at the start/end of the line, \"AFTER\" to move "
"to the start/end of the line the first time the keys are pressed and to the "
"start/end of the text ignoring whitespaces the second time the keys are "
"pressed, \"BEFORE\" to move to the start/end of the text before moving to "
"the start/end of the line and \"ALWAYS\" to always move to the start/end of "
"the text instead of the start/end of the line."
msgstr "Podešava kako se kursor pomera kada se pritisnu tipke HOME i END. Koristiti „DISABLED“ za stalno vraćanje na početak/kraj linije, „AFTER“ za pomeranje na početak/kraj linije po prvom pritisku i početak/kraj teksta zanemarijući beline po drugom pritisku, „BEFORE“ za pomeranje na početak/kraj teksta pre pomeranja na početak/kraj linije i „ALWAYS“ za pomeranje na početak/kraj teksta umesto početak/kraj linije."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:37
msgid "Restore Previous Cursor Position"
msgstr "Vrati prethodni položaj kursora"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:38
msgid ""
"Whether pluma should restore the previous cursor position when a file is "
msgstr "Da li da program povrati prethodnu poziciju kursora kada se učita datoteka.."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:39
msgid "Enable Search Highlighting"
msgstr "Uključi isticanje pronađenog teksta"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:40
msgid ""
"Whether pluma should highlight all the occurrences of the searched text."
msgstr "Da li treba istaknuti sve pojave pronađenog teksta."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:41
msgid "Enable Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Uključi isticanje sintakse"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:42
msgid "Whether pluma should enable syntax highlighting."
msgstr "Da li da program omogući isticanje sintakse."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:43
msgid "Toolbar is Visible"
msgstr "Paleta sa alatima je vidljiva"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:44
msgid "Whether the toolbar should be visible in editing windows."
msgstr "Da li da linija sa alatima bude vidljiva."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:45
msgid "Toolbar Buttons Style"
msgstr "Stil dugmića na paleti sa alatima"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:46
msgid ""
"Style for the toolbar buttons. Possible values are \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_SYSTEM\" "
"to use the system's default style, \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS\" to display icons "
"only, \"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_AND_TEXT\" to display both icons and text, and "
"\"PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_BOTH_HORIZ\" to display prioritized text beside icons."
" Note that the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly "
"as mentioned here."
msgstr "Stil dugmića na liniji alata. Moguće vrednosti su „PLUMA_TOOLBAR_SYSTEM“ za Podrazumevani sistemski stil, „PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS“ za prikaz samo ikona, „PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_AND_TEXT“ za prikaz i ikona i teksta, i „PLUMA_TOOLBAR_ICONS_BOTH_HORIZ“ za prikaz naglašenog teksta pored ikona. Obratite pažnju da su vrednosti osetljive na velika i mala slova, pa se uverite da ih koristite kao što su ovde navedene."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:47
msgid "Status Bar is Visible"
msgstr "Prikaži statusnu liniju"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:48
msgid ""
"Whether the status bar at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
msgstr "Da li da linija stanja u dnu prostora za izmenu teksta bude vidljiva."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:49
msgid "Side Pane is Visible"
msgstr "Bočna oblast je vidljiva"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:50
msgid ""
"Whether the side pane at the left of editing windows should be visible."
msgstr "Da li bočni panel u levom delu oblasti za unos teksta treba da bude vidljiv."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:51
msgid "Bottom Panel is Visible"
msgstr "Panel na dnu je vidljiv"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:52
msgid ""
"Whether the bottom panel at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
msgstr "Da li panel na dnu prostora za unos teksta treba da bude vidljiv."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:53
msgid "Maximum Recent Files"
msgstr "Maksimum skoro otvaranih datoteka"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:54
msgid ""
"Specifies the maximum number of recently opened files that will be displayed"
" in the \"Recent Files\" submenu."
msgstr "Podešava maksimalan broj skoro otvorenih datoteka koje će biti prikazane u „Skoro otvorene datoteke“ podmeniju."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:55
msgid "Print Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Štampaj isticanje sintakse"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:56
msgid ""
"Whether pluma should print syntax highlighting when printing documents."
msgstr "Da li da program ističe sintaksu prilikom štampanja dokumenata."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:57
msgid "Print Header"
msgstr "Štampaj zaglavlje"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:58
msgid ""
"Whether pluma should include a document header when printing documents."
msgstr "Da li da program uključi zaglavlje dokumenta prilikom štampanja."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:59
msgid "Printing Line Wrapping Mode"
msgstr "Način preloma štampane linije"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:60
msgid ""
"Specifies how to wrap long lines for printing. Use \"GTK_WRAP_NONE\" for no "
"wrapping, \"GTK_WRAP_WORD\" for wrapping at word boundaries, and "
"\"GTK_WRAP_CHAR\" for wrapping at individual character boundaries. Note that"
" the values are case-sensitive, so make sure they appear exactly as "
"mentioned here."
msgstr "Podešava način preloma dugačkih linija za štampanje. Koristiti „GTK_WRAP_NONE“ za isključivanje preloma, „GTK_WRAP_WORD“ za prelom na kraju reči, i „GTK_WRAP_CHAR“ za prelom između znakova. Obratite pažnju da su vrednosti osetljive na velika ili mala slova, pa se uverite da ih koristite na isti način kao što su ovde navedene."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:61
msgid "Print Line Numbers"
msgstr "Štampaj brojeve linija"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:62
msgid ""
"If this value is 0, then no line numbers will be inserted when printing a "
"document. Otherwise, pluma will print line numbers every such number of "
msgstr "Ukoliko je vrednost 0, program neće umetati brojeve linija prilikom štampanja dokumenta. U suprotnom, program će štampati broj linije za svaki uneti broj linija."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:63
msgid "Body Font for Printing"
msgstr "Font za štampanje tela teksta"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:64
msgid ""
"Specifies the font to use for a document's body when printing documents."
msgstr "Podešava koji će font biti korišćen za telo dokumenta prilikom štampanja."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:65
msgid "Header Font for Printing"
msgstr "Font za štampanje zaglavlja"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:66
msgid ""
"Specifies the font to use for page headers when printing a document. This "
"will only take effect if the \"Print Header\" option is turned on."
msgstr "Podešava koji će font biti korišćen za štampanje zaglavlja stranice. Ovo će jedino imati efekta ako je uključena opcija „Štampaj zaglavlje“."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:67
msgid "Line Number Font for Printing"
msgstr "Font za štampanje broja linije"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:68
msgid ""
"Specifies the font to use for line numbers when printing. This will only "
"take effect if the \"Print Line Numbers\" option is non-zero."
msgstr "Podešava koji će font biti korišćen za štampanje brojeva linija. Ovo će jedino imati efekta ukoliko opcija „Štampaj brojeve linija“ nije postavljena na 0."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:69
msgid "Automatically Detected Encodings"
msgstr "Automatski otkrivaj kodne rasporede"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:70
msgid ""
"Sorted list of encodings used by pluma for automatically detecting the "
"encoding of a file. \"CURRENT\" represents the current locale encoding. Only"
" recognized encodings are used."
msgstr "Uređeni spisak kodnih rasporeda koje koristi program za samoprepoznavanje kodnog rasporeda datoteke. „CURRENT“ označava tekući kodni raspored lokaliteta. Koriste se jedino prepoznati kodni rasporedi."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:71
msgid "Encodings shown in menu"
msgstr "Kodni rasporedi prikazani u meniju"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:72
msgid ""
"List of encodings shown in the Character Encoding menu in open/save file "
"selector. Only recognized encodings are used."
msgstr "Spisak kodiranja prikazanih u meniju za kodiranje znakova pri izboru datoteka. Koriste se samo prepoznati kodni rasporedi."

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:73
msgid "History for \"search for\" entries"
msgstr ""

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:74
msgid "List of entries in \"search for\" textbox."
msgstr ""

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:75
msgid "History for \"replace with\" entries"
msgstr ""

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:76
msgid "List of entries in \"replace with\" textbox."
msgstr ""

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:77
msgid "Active plugins"
msgstr "Pokrenuti dodaci"

#: ../data/org.mate.pluma.gschema.xml.in.in.h:78
msgid ""
"List of active plugins. It contains the \"Location\" of the active plugins. "
"See the .pluma-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
msgstr "Spisak aktivnih dodataka. Sadrži „putanju“ aktivnih dodataka. Pogledajte datoteku .pluma-plugin da biste saznali „putanju“ datog dodatka."

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Pluma"
msgstr ""

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:2 ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:769
msgid "Text Editor"
msgstr "Vilenjakova beležnica"

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:3
msgid "Edit text files"
msgstr "Uređivač tekstualnih dokumenata"

#: ../data/pluma.desktop.in.in.h:4
msgid "pluma Text Editor"
msgstr "Vilenjakova beležnica za uređivanje teksta"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:140
msgid "Log Out _without Saving"
msgstr "Od_javi se bez čuvanja rada"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:144
msgid "_Cancel Logout"
msgstr "Poniš_ti odjavu"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:151
msgid "Close _without Saving"
msgstr "Zatvori _bez snimanja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:214
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Pitanje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:414
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld second will be permanently "
msgid_plural ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld seconds will be permanently "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:423
msgid ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last minute will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Izmene u poslednjem minutu će biti trajno odbačene ukoliko ne sačuvate."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:429
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld second will be "
"permanently lost."
msgid_plural ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last minute and %ld seconds will be "
"permanently lost."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:439
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minute will be permanently "
msgid_plural ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last %ld minutes will be permanently "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:454
msgid ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last hour will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Izmene tokom poslednjeg časa će biti trajno odbačene ukoliko ne sačuvate."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:460
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minute will be "
"permanently lost."
msgid_plural ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last hour and %d minutes will be "
"permanently lost."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:475
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural ""
"If you don't save, changes from the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:518
#, c-format
msgid "Changes to document \"%s\" will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Izmene učinjene u dokumentu „%s“ će biti trajno odbačene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:523
#, c-format
msgid "Save changes to document \"%s\" before closing?"
msgstr "Da sačuvam izmene u dokumentu „%s“ pre zatvaranja?"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:537
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:748
msgid "Saving has been disabled by the system administrator."
msgstr "Čuvanje je onemogućeno od strane administratora sistema."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:703
#, c-format
msgid "Changes to %d document will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural "Changes to %d documents will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:709
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There is %d document with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
msgid_plural ""
"There are %d documents with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:727
msgid "Docum_ents with unsaved changes:"
msgstr "Dokumenti sa nesačuvanim izmenama:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:729
msgid "S_elect the documents you want to save:"
msgstr "Izaberite _dokumente koje želite da sačuvate:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-close-confirmation-dialog.c:750
msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Ukoliko ne sačuvate, sve vaše izmene će biti trajno odbačene."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:321
msgid "Character Encodings"
msgstr "Kodiranja znakova"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:387
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:448
msgid "_Description"
msgstr "O_pis"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:396
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.c:457
msgid "_Encoding"
msgstr "_Kodni raspored"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Character encodings"
msgstr "Kodiranja znakova"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "A_vailable encodings:"
msgstr "Dos_tupni kodni rasporedi:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-encodings-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "E_ncodings shown in menu:"
msgstr "Kodni _rasporedi prikazani u meniju:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:574
msgid "Click on this button to select the font to be used by the editor"
msgstr "Pritisnite ovo dugme kako biste odabrali font koji će biti korišćen u uređivaču"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:584
#, c-format
msgid "_Use the system fixed width font (%s)"
msgstr "_Koristi sistemski font fiksne širine (%s)"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:787
msgid "The selected color scheme cannot be installed."
msgstr "Odabrana postavka boja ne može biti postavljena."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:812
msgid "Add Scheme"
msgstr "Dodaj postavku boja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:819
msgid "A_dd Scheme"
msgstr "_Dodaj postavku boja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:827
msgid "Color Scheme Files"
msgstr "Datoteke sa postavkama boja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:834
#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:55
msgid "All Files"
msgstr "Sve datoteke"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:879
#, c-format
msgid "Could not remove color scheme \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ne mogu da uklonim postavku boja „%s“."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.c:1090
msgid "pluma Preferences"
msgstr "Postavke Vilenjakove beležnice"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Postavke"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:9
msgid "Text Wrapping"
msgstr "Prelom teksta"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:4
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:21
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:9
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:4
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "    "
msgstr "    "

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:10
msgid "Enable text _wrapping"
msgstr "Omogući _prelom teksta"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:11
msgid "Do not _split words over two lines"
msgstr "Ne deli re_č u dve linije"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:3
msgid "Line Numbers"
msgstr "Brojevi linija:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7 ../pluma/pluma-view.c:2070
msgid "_Display line numbers"
msgstr "Prika_ži brojeve linija"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
msgid "Current Line"
msgstr "Tekući red"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
msgid "Highlight current _line"
msgstr "Ist_akni tekući red"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
msgid "Right Margin"
msgstr "Desna margina"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
msgid "Display right _margin"
msgstr "Pr_ikaži desnu marginu"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
msgid "_Right margin at column:"
msgstr "_Desna margina u koloni:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
msgid "Bracket Matching"
msgstr "Uparivanje zagrada"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
msgid "Highlight matching _bracket"
msgstr "Istakni uparenu za_gradu"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
msgid "View"
msgstr "Pregled"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
msgid "Tab Stops"
msgstr "Tabulatori"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
msgid "_Tab width:"
msgstr "Širina _tabulatora:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
msgid "Insert _spaces instead of tabs"
msgstr "Umetni razmake ume_sto tabulatora"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
msgid "Automatic Indentation"
msgstr "Automatsko uvlačenje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
msgid "_Enable automatic indentation"
msgstr "Omogući _automatsko uvlačenje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
msgid "File Saving"
msgstr "Snimanje datoteke"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
msgid "Create a _backup copy of files before saving"
msgstr "Napravi _rezervni primerak datoteka pre snimanja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:23
msgid "_Autosave files every"
msgstr "S_am sačuvaj datoteke svakih"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:24
msgid "_minutes"
msgstr "_minuta"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:25
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Uređivač"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:26
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Font"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:27
msgid "Editor _font: "
msgstr "Font _uređivača:"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:28
msgid "Pick the editor font"
msgstr "Izaberite font uređivača"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:29
msgid "Color Scheme"
msgstr "Šema boja"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:30
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "Dod_aj..."

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:31
msgid "Font & Colors"
msgstr "Font i boje"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-preferences-dialog.ui.h:32
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Dodaci"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:305
#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:1 ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1530
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Zameni"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:316 ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1528
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Pronađi"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:423
msgid "Replace _All"
msgstr "Z_ameni sve"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.c:424
#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:577
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Zameni"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Zameni sve"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "_Search for: "
msgstr "_Traži: "

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "Replace _with: "
msgstr "_Zameni sa: "

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "_Match case"
msgstr "_Uporedi mala i velika slova"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid "Match _entire word only"
msgstr "Upor_edi samo cele reči"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "Search _backwards"
msgstr "Traži u_nazad"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:8
msgid "_Wrap around"
msgstr "Pre_lamaj oko"

#: ../pluma/dialogs/pluma-search-dialog.ui.h:9
msgid "_Parse escape sequences (e.g. \\n)"
msgstr ""

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:126
msgid "Show the application's version"
msgstr "Prikazuje izdanje programa"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:129
msgid ""
"Set the character encoding to be used to open the files listed on the "
"command line"
msgstr "Postavlja kodiranje znakova koje se koristi pri otvaranju datoteka datih u naredbi"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:129
msgid "ENCODING"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:132
msgid "Display list of possible values for the encoding option"
msgstr "Prikazuje spisak mogućih vrednosti za kodiranje"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:135
msgid "Create a new top-level window in an existing instance of pluma"
msgstr "Pravi novi prozor najvišeg nivoa u postojećoj instanci programa"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:138
msgid "Create a new document in an existing instance of pluma"
msgstr "Pravi novi dokument u postojećoj Vilenjakovoj beležnici"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:141
msgid "[FILE...]"
msgstr "[DATOTEKA...]"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:196
#, c-format
msgid "%s: invalid encoding.\n"
msgstr "%s: neispravan kodni zapis.\n"

#. Setup command line options
#: ../pluma/pluma.c:583
msgid "- Edit text files"
msgstr "- Uredi tekstualne dokumente"

#: ../pluma/pluma.c:619
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n"
msgstr "%s\nPokrenite „%s --help“ za potpun spisak dostupnih mogućnosti.\n"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:250
#, c-format
msgid "Loading file '%s'…"
msgstr "Učitavam datoteku „%s“…"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:259
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %d file…"
msgid_plural "Loading %d files…"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#. Translators: "Open Files" is the title of the file chooser window
#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:453
msgid "Open Files"
msgstr "Otvori datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:564
#, c-format
msgid "The file \"%s\" is read-only."
msgstr "Datoteka „%s“ je samo za čitanje."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:569
msgid "Do you want to try to replace it with the one you are saving?"
msgstr "Da li želite da pokušate da je zamenite onom koju snimate?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:638 ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:861
#, c-format
msgid "Saving file '%s'…"
msgstr "Čuvam datoteku „%s“…"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:746
msgid "Save As…"
msgstr "Sačuvaj kao…"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "Reverting the document '%s'…"
msgstr "Vršim povraćaj dokumenta „%s“…"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1120
#, c-format
msgid "Revert unsaved changes to document '%s'?"
msgstr "Povratiti nesačuvane izmene u dokumentu „%s“?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1129
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Changes made to the document in the last %ld second will be permanently "
msgid_plural ""
"Changes made to the document in the last %ld seconds will be permanently "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1138
msgid ""
"Changes made to the document in the last minute will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Izmene učinjene u dokumentu u poslednjem minutu će biti trajno odbačene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1144
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld second will be "
"permanently lost."
msgid_plural ""
"Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld seconds will be "
"permanently lost."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1154
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Changes made to the document in the last %ld minute will be permanently "
msgid_plural ""
"Changes made to the document in the last %ld minutes will be permanently "
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1169
msgid ""
"Changes made to the document in the last hour will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Izmene učinjene u dokumentu tokom poslednjeg časa će biti trajno odbačene."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1175
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minute will be "
"permanently lost."
msgid_plural ""
"Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minutes will be "
"permanently lost."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1190
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Changes made to the document in the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
msgid_plural ""
"Changes made to the document in the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-file.c:1216
msgid "_Revert"
msgstr "Pov_rati"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-help.c:82
msgid "pluma is a small and lightweight text editor for the MATE Desktop"
msgstr "Vilenjakova beležnica je mala i lagana beležnica teksta za okruženje Gnom"

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-help.c:93
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Goran Rakić <grakic@devbase.net>\nDanilo Šegan <danilo@prevod.org>\nStrahinja Radić <vilinkamen@mail.ru>\nIgor Nestorović <igor@prevod.org\nSlobodan D. Sredojević <slobo@akrep.be>\nBranko Kokanović <branko.kokanovic@gmail.com>\n\nhttp://prevod.org — prevod na srpski jezik."

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-search.c:116
#, c-format
msgid "Found and replaced %d occurrence"
msgid_plural "Found and replaced %d occurrences"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-search.c:126
msgid "Found and replaced one occurrence"
msgstr "Pronašao sam i zamenio jednu pojavu"

#. Translators: %s is replaced by the text
#. entered by the user in the search box
#: ../pluma/pluma-commands-search.c:147
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" not found"
msgstr "„%s“ nije pronađeno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-document.c:1080 ../pluma/pluma-document.c:1095
#, c-format
msgid "Unsaved Document %d"
msgstr "Nesačuvan dokument %d"

#: ../pluma/pluma-documents-panel.c:97 ../pluma/pluma-documents-panel.c:111
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:2279 ../pluma/pluma-window.c:2284
msgid "Read-Only"
msgstr "Samo čitanje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-documents-panel.c:791 ../pluma/pluma-window.c:3689
msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenti"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:138 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:180
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:182 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:184
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:186 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:188
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:190 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:192
msgid "Unicode"
msgstr "Unikod"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:151 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:175
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:225 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:268
msgid "Western"
msgstr "Zapadni"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:153 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:227
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:264
msgid "Central European"
msgstr "Centralnoevropski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:155
msgid "South European"
msgstr "Južnoevropski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:157 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:171
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:278
msgid "Baltic"
msgstr "Baltički"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:159 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:229
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:242 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:246
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:248 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:266
msgid "Cyrillic"
msgstr "Ćirilični"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:161 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:235
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:276
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Arapski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:163 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:270
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Grčki"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:165
msgid "Hebrew Visual"
msgstr "Hebrejski Visual"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:167 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:231
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:272
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Turski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:169
msgid "Nordic"
msgstr "Nordijski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:173
msgid "Celtic"
msgstr "Keltski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:177
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Rumunski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:195
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr "Jermenski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:197 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:199
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:213
msgid "Chinese Traditional"
msgstr "Kineski tradicionalni"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:201
msgid "Cyrillic/Russian"
msgstr "Ćirilični/ruski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:204 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:206
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:208 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:238
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:253
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japanski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:211 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:240
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:244 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:259
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korejski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:216 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:218
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:220
msgid "Chinese Simplified"
msgstr "Kineski pojednostavljeni"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:222
msgid "Georgian"
msgstr "Gruzijski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:233 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:274
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Hebrejski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:250
msgid "Cyrillic/Ukrainian"
msgstr "Ćirilični/ukrajinski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:255 ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:261
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:280
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vijetnamski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:257
msgid "Thai"
msgstr "Tajlandski"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings.c:431
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nepoznato"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:280
msgid "Automatically Detected"
msgstr "Samo-prepoznat"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:296
#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:311
#, c-format
msgid "Current Locale (%s)"
msgstr "Tekući lokalitet (%s)"

#: ../pluma/pluma-encodings-combo-box.c:361
msgid "Add or Remove..."
msgstr "Dodaj ili u_kloni..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:56
msgid "All Text Files"
msgstr "Sve tekstualne datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:84
msgid "C_haracter Encoding:"
msgstr "Kodiranje zn_akova:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:149
msgid "L_ine Ending:"
msgstr "Završetak linije:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:168
msgid "Unix/Linux"
msgstr "Uniks/Linuks"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:174
msgid "Mac OS Classic"
msgstr "Mac OS Classic"

#: ../pluma/pluma-file-chooser-dialog.c:180
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Windows"

#: ../pluma/pluma-help.c:104
msgid "There was an error displaying the help."
msgstr "Došlo je do greške pri prikazivanju pomoći."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:204
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:209
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:513
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:536
msgid "_Retry"
msgstr "Pon_ovi"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:231
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find the file %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu da nađem datoteku %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:233
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:272
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:279
msgid "Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Proverite da li ste tačno naveli putanju (mesto) i pokušajte ponovo."

#. Translators: %s is a URI scheme (like for example http:, ftp:, etc.)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:248
#, c-format
msgid "pluma cannot handle %s locations."
msgstr "Vilenjakova beležnica ne može da rukuje mestima %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:254
msgid "pluma cannot handle this location."
msgstr "Vilenjakova beležnica ne može da rukuje ovim mestom."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:262
msgid "The location of the file cannot be mounted."
msgstr "Ne mogu da montiram putanju datoteke."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:266
msgid "The location of the file cannot be accessed because it is not mounted."
msgstr "Ne mogu da pristupim putanji datoteke jer nije montirana."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:270
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a directory."
msgstr "%s je fascikla."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:277
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a valid location."
msgstr "%s ne predstavlja ispravnu putanju."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:307
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Host %s could not be found. Please check that your proxy settings are "
"correct and try again."
msgstr "Računar %s nije pronađen. Proverite da li su ispravna podešavanja mrežnog posrednika i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:320
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Hostname was invalid. Please check that you typed the location correctly and"
" try again."
msgstr "Ime računara nije ispravno. Proverite da li ste uneli ispravnu adresu i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:328
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not a regular file."
msgstr "%s nije obična datoteka."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:333
msgid "Connection timed out. Please try again."
msgstr "Vreme za uspostavljanje veze je isteklo. Pokušaj ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:356
msgid "The file is too big."
msgstr "Datoteka je prevelika."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected error: %s"
msgstr "Neočekivana greška: %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:433
msgid "pluma cannot find the file. Perhaps it has recently been deleted."
msgstr "Program ne može da pronađe datoteku. Možda je nedavno obrisano."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:443
#, c-format
msgid "Could not revert the file %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu da povratim datoteku %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:469
msgid "Ch_aracter Encoding:"
msgstr "Kodiranje _znaka:"

#. Translators: the access key chosen for this string should be
#. different from other main menu access keys (Open, Edit, View...)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:520
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:545
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:831
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:841
msgid "Edit Any_way"
msgstr "_Ipak promeni"

#. Translators: the access key chosen for this string should be
#. different from other main menu access keys (Open, Edit, View...)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:523
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:550
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:834
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:846
msgid "D_on't Edit"
msgstr "_Ne menjaj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:654
msgid ""
"The number of followed links is limited and the actual file could not be "
"found within this limit."
msgstr "Ne mogu da nađem traženu datoteku jer je broj veza za praćenje je ograničen."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:658
msgid "You do not have the permissions necessary to open the file."
msgstr "Nemate neophodne dozvole za otvaranje datoteke."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:664
msgid "pluma has not been able to detect the character encoding."
msgstr "Program nije mogao da prepozna kodiranje znakova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:666
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:688
msgid "Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file."
msgstr "Proverite da ono nije binarna datoteka."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:667
msgid "Select a character encoding from the menu and try again."
msgstr "Izaberite kodiranje znakova iz menija i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "There was a problem opening the file %s."
msgstr "Došlo je do greške pri otvaranju datoteke %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:675
msgid ""
"The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing "
"this file you could make this document useless."
msgstr "Datoteka koju ste otvorili ima neispravnih karaktera. Ako nastavite sa izmenama ove datoteke, može da postane neupotrebljiva."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:678
msgid "You can also choose another character encoding and try again."
msgstr "Izaberite kodiranje znakova iz menija i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:685
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open the file %s using the %s character encoding."
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim datoteku %s pomoću kodiranja znakova %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:689
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:764
msgid "Select a different character encoding from the menu and try again."
msgstr "Izaberite neko drugo kodiranje znakova iz menija i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:699
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open the file %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim datoteku %s."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:759
#, c-format
msgid "Could not save the file %s using the %s character encoding."
msgstr "Ne mogu da sačuvam datoteku %s koristeći %s kodiranje znakova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:762
msgid ""
"The document contains one or more characters that cannot be encoded using "
"the specified character encoding."
msgstr "Dokument sadrži jedan ili više znakova koji ne mogu biti pretvoreni korišćenjem zadatog kodnog zapisa znakova."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:861
#, c-format
msgid "This file (%s) is already open in another pluma window."
msgstr "Ova datoteka (%s) je već otvorena u drugom prozoru."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:879
msgid ""
"pluma opened this instance of the file in a non-editable way. Do you want to"
" edit it anyway?"
msgstr "Program je otvorio ovaj primerak dokumenta tako da menjanje sadržaja nije moguće. Da li i pored toga želite da menjate sadržaj?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:942
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:952
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1056
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1066
msgid "S_ave Anyway"
msgstr "S_ačuvaj i pored toga"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:946
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:956
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1060
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1070
msgid "D_on't Save"
msgstr "_Nemoj sačuvati"

#. FIXME: review this message, it's not clear since for the user the
#. "modification"
#. could be interpreted as the changes he made in the document. beside
#. "reading" is
#. not accurate (since last load/save)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:974
#, c-format
msgid "The file %s has been modified since reading it."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je izmenjena nakon vremena kada ste je učitali."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:993
msgid ""
"If you save it, all the external changes could be lost. Save it anyway?"
msgstr "Ako je sačuvate, sve spoljne izmene mogu biti izgubljene. Sačuvaćete je i pored toga?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1088
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create a backup file while saving %s"
msgstr "Nisam mogao napraviti rezervni primerak nakon čuvanja dokumenta %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1091
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create a temporary backup file while saving %s"
msgstr "Nisam mogao da napravim privremeni rezervni primerak datoteke prilikom čuvanja dokumenta %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1111
msgid ""
"pluma could not back up the old copy of the file before saving the new one. "
"You can ignore this warning and save the file anyway, but if an error occurs"
" while saving, you could lose the old copy of the file. Save anyway?"
msgstr "Program ne može napraviti rezervni primerak starog dokumenta pre čuvanja novog. Možete zanemariti ovo upozorenje i sačuvati novi dokument i pored toga, ali ukoliko se dogodi bilo kakva greška prilikom čuvanja, možete da izgubite stari primerak dokumenta. Sačuvaćete dokument i pored toga?"

#. Translators: %s is a URI scheme (like for example http:, ftp:, etc.)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1175
#, c-format
msgid ""
"pluma cannot handle %s locations in write mode. Please check that you typed "
"the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Program ne može da rukuje %s mestima u režimu upisa. Proverite da li ste uneli ispravnu putanju i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1183
msgid ""
"pluma cannot handle this location in write mode. Please check that you typed"
" the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Program ne može da radi sa ovim putanjama u režimu upisa. Proverite da li ste uneli ispravnu putanju i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1192
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is not a valid location. Please check that you typed the location "
"correctly and try again."
msgstr "%s nije ispravno mesto. Proverite da li ste uneli ispravnu adresu i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1198
msgid ""
"You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check "
"that you typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Nemate neophodne dozvole da sačuvate datoteku. Proverite da li ste uneli ispravnu putanju i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1204
msgid ""
"There is not enough disk space to save the file. Please free some disk space"
" and try again."
msgstr "Nema dovoljno prostora na disku da sačuvate datoteku. Oslobodite prostor na disku i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1209
msgid ""
"You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you "
"typed the location correctly and try again."
msgstr "Pokušavate da sačuvate datoteku na disku na kojem upis nije dozvoljen. Proverite da li ste putanju ukucali ispravno i pokušajte ponovo."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1215
msgid "A file with the same name already exists. Please use a different name."
msgstr "Postoji još jedna datoteka sa istim imenom. Iskoristite neko drugo ime."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1220
msgid ""
"The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on length of"
" the file names. Please use a shorter name."
msgstr "Disk na koji pokušavate da sačuvate datoteku ima ograničenje na dužinu imena datoteka. Upotrebite kraće ime."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1227
msgid ""
"The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on file "
"sizes. Please try saving a smaller file or saving it to a disk that does not"
" have this limitation."
msgstr "Disk na koji pokušavate da sačuvate datoteku ograničava određenu veličinu datoteke. Sačuvajte manju datoteku ili je sačuvate na neki drugi disk koji nema ovo ograničenje."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1243
#, c-format
msgid "Could not save the file %s."
msgstr "Ne može da sačuva datoteku %s."

#. FIXME: review this message, it's not clear since for the user the
#. "modification"
#. could be interpreted as the changes he made in the document. beside
#. "reading" is
#. not accurate (since last load/save)
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1287
#, c-format
msgid "The file %s changed on disk."
msgstr "Sadržaj datoteke „%s“ se promenio mimo programa."

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1292
msgid "Do you want to drop your changes and reload the file?"
msgstr "Da li želiš da odbaciš izmene i ponovo učitaš datoteku?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1294
msgid "Do you want to reload the file?"
msgstr "Da li želite da ponovo učitate datoteku sa diska?"

#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1300
#: ../pluma/pluma-io-error-message-area.c:1311
msgid "_Reload"
msgstr "_Ponovo učitaj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-panel.c:365 ../pluma/pluma-panel.c:541
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Prazno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-panel.c:431
msgid "Hide panel"
msgstr "Sakrij panel"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:54
msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Dodatak"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:55
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Uključeno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:504
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_O programu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:512
msgid "C_onfigure"
msgstr "P_odesi"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:521
msgid "A_ctivate"
msgstr "U_ključi"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:532
msgid "Ac_tivate All"
msgstr "Uk_ljuči sve"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:537
msgid "_Deactivate All"
msgstr "_Isključi sve"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:800
msgid "Active _Plugins:"
msgstr "_Uključeni dodaci"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:825
msgid "_About Plugin"
msgstr "_O dodatku"

#: ../pluma/pluma-plugin-manager.c:829
msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
msgstr "P_odesi dodatak"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:551
#, c-format
msgid "File: %s"
msgstr "Datoteka: %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:560
msgid "Page %N of %Q"
msgstr "Stranica %N od %Q"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-job.c:819
msgid "Preparing..."
msgstr "Pripremam..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:1
msgid "Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Isticanje sintakse"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:2
msgid "Print synta_x highlighting"
msgstr "Štampaj isticanje sinta_kse"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:4
msgid "Print line nu_mbers"
msgstr "Štampaj brojeve _linija"

#. 'Number every' from 'Number every 3 lines' in the 'Text Editor' tab of the
#. print preferences.
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:6
msgid "_Number every"
msgstr "Ispiši _broj svakih"

#. 'lines' from 'Number every 3 lines' in the 'Text Editor' tab of the print
#. preferences.
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:8
msgid "lines"
msgstr "linije"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:12
msgid "Page header"
msgstr "Zaglavlje strane"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:13
msgid "Print page _headers"
msgstr "Štam_paj zaglavlja stranica"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:14
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Fontovi"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:15
msgid "_Body:"
msgstr "Te_lo:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:16
msgid "_Line numbers:"
msgstr "Brojevi _linija:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:17
msgid "He_aders and footers:"
msgstr "Za_glavlja i podnožja:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preferences.ui.h:18
msgid "_Restore Default Fonts"
msgstr "Pov_rati podrazumevane slovne likove"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:568
msgid "Show the previous page"
msgstr "Prikaži prethodnu stranu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:580
msgid "Show the next page"
msgstr "Prikaži sledeću stranu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:596
msgid "Current page (Alt+P)"
msgstr "Tekuća strana (Alt+P)"

#. Translators: the "of" from "1 of 19" in print preview.
#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:619
msgid "of"
msgstr "od"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:627
msgid "Page total"
msgstr "Ukupan broj strana"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:628
msgid "The total number of pages in the document"
msgstr "Ukupan broj strana u dokumentu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:645
msgid "Show multiple pages"
msgstr "Prikaži više strana odjednom"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:658
msgid "Zoom 1:1"
msgstr "Uvećanje 1:1"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:667
msgid "Zoom to fit the whole page"
msgstr "Uvećaj da stane cela strana"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:676
msgid "Zoom the page in"
msgstr "Primakni stranu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:685
msgid "Zoom the page out"
msgstr "Odmakni se od strane"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:697
msgid "_Close Preview"
msgstr "_Zatvori pregled pred štampu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:700
msgid "Close print preview"
msgstr "Zatvori pregled pred štampu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:770
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d of %d"
msgstr "Stranica %d od %d"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:954
msgid "Page Preview"
msgstr "Pregled pred štampu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-print-preview.c:955
msgid "The preview of a page in the document to be printed"
msgstr "Pregled strane dokumenta pred štampu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-smart-charset-converter.c:319
msgid "It is not possible to detect the encoding automatically"
msgstr "Ne mogu sam da prepoznam kodni raspored"

#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:70 ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:76
msgid "OVR"
msgstr "OVR"

#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:70 ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:76
msgid "INS"
msgstr "INS"

#. Translators: "Ln" is an abbreviation for "Line", Col is an abbreviation for
#. "Column". Please,
#. use abbreviations if possible to avoid space problems.
#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:341
#, c-format
msgid "  Ln %d, Col %d"
msgstr "  lin %d, kol %d"

#: ../pluma/pluma-statusbar.c:444
#, c-format
msgid "There is a tab with errors"
msgid_plural "There are %d tabs with errors"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[2] ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-style-scheme-manager.c:215
#, c-format
msgid "Directory '%s' could not be created: g_mkdir_with_parents() failed: %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu da napravim fasciklu „%s“: g_mkdir_with_parents() poziv nije uspeo: %s"

#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://master.gnome.org/home/users/paolo)
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Reverting %s from %s"
msgstr "Vršim povraćaj dokumenta %s iz fascikle %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:667
#, c-format
msgid "Reverting %s"
msgstr "Vraćam dokument %s"

#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://master.gnome.org/home/users/paolo)
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %s from %s"
msgstr "Učitavam dokument %s iz fascikle %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:690
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %s"
msgstr "Učitavam %s"

#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://master.gnome.org/home/users/paolo)
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:773
#, c-format
msgid "Saving %s to %s"
msgstr "Čuvam dokument %s u facikli %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:780
#, c-format
msgid "Saving %s"
msgstr "Čuvam %s"

#. Read only
#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1673
msgid "RO"
msgstr "SČ"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1720
#, c-format
msgid "Error opening file %s"
msgstr "Greška pri otvaranju datoteke %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1725
#, c-format
msgid "Error reverting file %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu da povratim dokument %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1730
#, c-format
msgid "Error saving file %s"
msgstr "Greška prilikom pokušaja čuvanja datoteke %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1751
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unikod (UTF-8)"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1758
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Ime:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1759
msgid "MIME Type:"
msgstr "MIME vrsta:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab.c:1760
msgid "Encoding:"
msgstr "Kodiranje:"

#: ../pluma/pluma-tab-label.c:285
msgid "Close document"
msgstr "Zatvori dokument"

#. Toplevel
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:47
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Datoteka"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:48
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Uređivanje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:49
msgid "_View"
msgstr "P_regled"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:50
msgid "_Search"
msgstr "Pret_raga"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:51
msgid "_Tools"
msgstr "Ala_ti"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:52
msgid "_Documents"
msgstr "Do_kumenti"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:53
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Pomoć"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:57
msgid "Create a new document"
msgstr "Napravi novi dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:58
msgid "_Open..."
msgstr "_Otvori..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:59 ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1458
msgid "Open a file"
msgstr "Otvori datoteku"

#. Edit menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:62
msgid "Pr_eferences"
msgstr "_Postavke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:63
msgid "Configure the application"
msgstr "Podesite program"

#. Help menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:66
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "Sadr_žaj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:67
msgid "Open the pluma manual"
msgstr "Otvori uputstvo Gnomove beležnice"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:69
msgid "About this application"
msgstr "O ovom programu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:73
msgid "Leave fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Napusti ceo ekran"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:81
msgid "Save the current file"
msgstr "Sačuvaj trenutnu datoteku"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:82
msgid "Save _As..."
msgstr "Sačuvaj _kao..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:83
msgid "Save the current file with a different name"
msgstr "Sačuvaj trenutnu datoteku pod drugim imenom"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:85
msgid "Revert to a saved version of the file"
msgstr "Vrati sačuvanu verziju datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:87
msgid "Page Set_up..."
msgstr "Podešavanje strane..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:88
msgid "Set up the page settings"
msgstr "Menja podešavanja stranice"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:90
msgid "Print Previe_w"
msgstr "Pregled pre_d štampu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:91
msgid "Print preview"
msgstr "Pregled pred štampu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:92
msgid "_Print..."
msgstr "_Štampaj..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:93
msgid "Print the current page"
msgstr "Odštampaj tekuću stranu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:97
msgid "Undo the last action"
msgstr "Opozovi poslednju radnju"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:99
msgid "Redo the last undone action"
msgstr "Ponovi poslednju opozvanu radnju"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:101
msgid "Cut the selection"
msgstr "Iseci označeno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:103
msgid "Copy the selection"
msgstr "Umnoži označeno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:105
msgid "Paste the clipboard"
msgstr "Ubaci iz spiska isečaka"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:107
msgid "Delete the selected text"
msgstr "Obriši označen tekst"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:108
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Izaberi _sve"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:109
msgid "Select the entire document"
msgstr "Označi ceo dokument"

#. View menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:112
msgid "_Highlight Mode"
msgstr "_Režim isticanja"

#. Search menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:115
msgid "_Find..."
msgstr "Pretra_ži..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:116
msgid "Search for text"
msgstr "Traži tekst"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:117
msgid "Find Ne_xt"
msgstr "Traži _sledeće"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:118
msgid "Search forwards for the same text"
msgstr "Traži isti tekst unapred"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:119
msgid "Find Pre_vious"
msgstr "Traži pret_hodno"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:120
msgid "Search backwards for the same text"
msgstr "Traži isti tekst unazad"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:122 ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:125
msgid "_Replace..."
msgstr "Zam_eni..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:123 ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:126
msgid "Search for and replace text"
msgstr "Traži i menja željeni tekst"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:128
msgid "_Clear Highlight"
msgstr "Ukloni isti_canje"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:129
msgid "Clear highlighting of search matches"
msgstr "Uklanja isticanje pronađenog teksta"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:130
msgid "Go to _Line..."
msgstr "Idi u _red..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:131
msgid "Go to a specific line"
msgstr "Vodi vas u izabrani red unutar dokementa"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:132
msgid "_Incremental Search..."
msgstr "_Interaktivno traženje..."

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:133
msgid "Incrementally search for text"
msgstr "Interaktivno traži zadati tekst"

#. Documents menu
#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:136
msgid "_Save All"
msgstr "_Sačuvaj sve"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:137
msgid "Save all open files"
msgstr "Čuva sve otvorene datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:138
msgid "_Close All"
msgstr "Zat_vori sve"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:139
msgid "Close all open files"
msgstr "Zatvara sve otvorene datoteke"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:140
msgid "_Previous Document"
msgstr "_Prethodni dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:141
msgid "Activate previous document"
msgstr "Prikazuje prethodni dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:142
msgid "_Next Document"
msgstr "_Naredni dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:143
msgid "Activate next document"
msgstr "Prikazuje naredni dokument"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:144
msgid "_Move to New Window"
msgstr "Pre_mesti u novi prozor"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:145
msgid "Move the current document to a new window"
msgstr "Premešta trenutni dokument u novi prozor"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:152
msgid "Close the current file"
msgstr "Zatvori trenutnu datoteku"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:159
msgid "Quit the program"
msgstr "Zatvori program"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:164
msgid "_Toolbar"
msgstr "Paleta _alata"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:165
msgid "Show or hide the toolbar in the current window"
msgstr "Menja vidljivost palete sa alatima u trenutnom prozoru"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:167
msgid "_Statusbar"
msgstr "Linija sa _stanjem"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:168
msgid "Show or hide the statusbar in the current window"
msgstr "Menja vidljivost linije sa stanjem u trenutnom prozoru"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:171
msgid "Edit text in fullscreen"
msgstr "Uređuj tekst preko celog ekrana"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:178
msgid "Side _Pane"
msgstr "_Bočna oblast"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:179
msgid "Show or hide the side pane in the current window"
msgstr "Prikazuje ili skriva bočnu oblast u trenutnom prozoru"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:181
msgid "_Bottom Pane"
msgstr "Oblast _na dnu"

#: ../pluma/pluma-ui.h:182
msgid "Show or hide the bottom pane in the current window"
msgstr "Promeni vidljivost oblasti na dnu u trenutnom prozoru"

#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1090
msgid "Please check your installation."
msgstr "Proverite vašu instalaciju."

#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1159
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open UI file %s. Error: %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim UI datoteku %s. Greška: %s"

#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1179
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find the object '%s' inside file %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu da pronađem objekat „%s“ unutar datoteke %s.."

#. Translators: '/ on <remote-share>'
#: ../pluma/pluma-utils.c:1339
#, c-format
msgid "/ on %s"
msgstr "/ na %s"

#. create "Wrap Around" menu item.
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1274
msgid "_Wrap Around"
msgstr "Pre_lamaj oko"

#. create "Match Entire Word Only" menu item.
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1284
msgid "Match _Entire Word Only"
msgstr "Upor_edi samo cele reči"

#. create "Match Case" menu item.
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1294
msgid "_Match Case"
msgstr "_Uporedi mala i velika slova"

#. create "Parse escapes" menu item.
#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1304
msgid ""
"_Parse escape sequences (e.g. \n"
msgstr ""

#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1418
msgid "String you want to search for"
msgstr "Slog koji tražite"

#: ../pluma/pluma-view.c:1427
msgid "Line you want to move the cursor to"
msgstr "Red u koji želite da pomerite kursor"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1011
#, c-format
msgid "Use %s highlight mode"
msgstr "Koristi %s režim isticanja"

#. add the "Plain Text" item before all the others
#. Translators: "Plain Text" means that no highlight mode is selected in the
#. * "View->Highlight Mode" submenu and so syntax highlighting is disabled
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1068 ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1980
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:121
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:419
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:529
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:844
msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr "Običan tekst"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1069
msgid "Disable syntax highlighting"
msgstr "Iključi isticanje sintakse"

#. Translators: %s is a URI
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1355
#, c-format
msgid "Open '%s'"
msgstr "Otvori „%s“"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1460
msgid "Open a recently used file"
msgstr "Otvori skoro korišćenu datoteku"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1466
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Otvori"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1524
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sačuvaj"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1526
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Štampaj"

#. Translators: %s is a URI
#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1705
#, c-format
msgid "Activate '%s'"
msgstr "Aktiviraj „%s“"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:1958
msgid "Use Spaces"
msgstr "Koristi razmake"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:2029
msgid "Tab Width"
msgstr "Širina tabulatora"

#: ../pluma/pluma-window.c:3893
msgid "About pluma"
msgstr "O programu"

#: ../plugins/changecase/changecase.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Change Case"
msgstr "Izmeni veličinu"

#: ../plugins/changecase/changecase.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Changes the case of selected text."
msgstr "Izmeni veličinu izabranog teksta."

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:222
msgid "C_hange Case"
msgstr "Izme_ni veličinu"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:223
msgid "All _Upper Case"
msgstr "Sva _velika slova"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:224
msgid "Change selected text to upper case"
msgstr "Prebaci izabrani tekst u velika slova"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:226
msgid "All _Lower Case"
msgstr "Sva _mala slova"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:227
msgid "Change selected text to lower case"
msgstr "Prebaci izabrani tekst u mala slova"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:229
msgid "_Invert Case"
msgstr "_Obrni veličinu"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:230
msgid "Invert the case of selected text"
msgstr "Obrni veličinu slova izabranog teksta"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:232
msgid "_Title Case"
msgstr "Veličina _naslova"

#: ../plugins/changecase/pluma-changecase-plugin.c:233
msgid "Capitalize the first letter of each selected word"
msgstr "Povećava prvo slovo svake izabrane reči"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/checkupdate.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Check update"
msgstr "Nova izdanja"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/checkupdate.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Check for latest version of pluma"
msgstr "Proverava da li je izašla nova Vilenjakova beležnica"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:239
msgid "There was an error displaying the URI."
msgstr "Došlo je do greške pri prikazivanju adrese."

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:285
#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:300
msgid "_Download"
msgstr "Preu_zmi"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:289
#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:308
msgid "_Ignore Version"
msgstr "_Zanemari izdanje"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:324
msgid "There is a new version of pluma"
msgstr "Izašla je nova Vilenjakova beležnica"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/pluma-check-update-plugin.c:328
msgid ""
"You can download the new version of pluma by clicking on the download button"
" or ignore that version and wait for a new one"
msgstr "Možete da imate novo izdanje Vilenjakove beležnice pritiskom na dugme „Preuzmi“ ili da zanemarite ovo izdanje i sačekate novo"

#: ../plugins/checkupdate/org.mate.pluma.plugins.checkupdate.gschema.xml.in.in.h:1
msgid "Version to ignore until the next version is released"
msgstr "Izdanja koja treba zanemariti dok ne izađe naredno izdanje"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:1
msgid "Document Statistics"
msgstr "Statistika dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid ""
"Analyzes the current document and reports the number of words, lines, "
"characters and non-space characters in it."
msgstr "Analizira trenutni dokument i izveštava o broju reči, redova, znakova, i znakova bez razmaka."

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:2
msgid "_Update"
msgstr "_Osveži"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:3
msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:5
msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Bajtova"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:6
msgid "Characters (no spaces)"
msgstr "Znakova (bez razmaka)"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:7
msgid "Characters (with spaces)"
msgstr "Znakova (sa razmacima)"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:8
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Reči"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:9
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Linije"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:10
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Dokument"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/docinfo.ui.h:11
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Označena oblast"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/pluma-docinfo-plugin.c:431
msgid "_Document Statistics"
msgstr "Statistika _dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/docinfo/pluma-docinfo-plugin.c:433
msgid "Get statistical information on the current document"
msgstr "Uzmi statističke podatke o trenutnom dokumentu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here-osx.desktop.in.h:1
#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Open terminal here"
msgstr "Ovde otvori komandnu liniju"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here-osx.desktop.in.h:2
#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/open-terminal-here.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Open a terminal in the document location"
msgstr "Otvori komandnu liniju sa početkom u otvorenoj fascikli"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/externaltools.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "External Tools"
msgstr "Spoljni alati"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/externaltools.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Execute external commands and shell scripts."
msgstr "Izvršava spoljne naredbe i skripte ljuske."

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:172
msgid "Manage _External Tools..."
msgstr "Upravnik spo_ljnim alatima..."

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:174
msgid "Opens the External Tools Manager"
msgstr "Otvara upravnika spoljnim alatima"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:178
msgid "External _Tools"
msgstr "Spoljni _alati"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:180
msgid "External tools"
msgstr "Spoljni alati"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/__init__.py:212
msgid "Shell Output"
msgstr "Izlaz ljuske"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/capture.py:93
#, python-format
msgid "Could not execute command: %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu da izvršim naredbu: %s"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:162
msgid "You must be inside a word to run this command"
msgstr "Morate biti unutar neke reči da bi izvršili ovu naredbu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:267
msgid "Running tool:"
msgstr "Pokrenuti alat:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:292
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Gotovo."

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/functions.py:294
msgid "Exited"
msgstr "Izašao"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:119
msgid "All languages"
msgstr "Svi jezici"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:518
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:522
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:842
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:22
msgid "All Languages"
msgstr "Svi jezici"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:628
msgid "New tool"
msgstr "Novi alat"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:759
#, python-format
msgid "This accelerator is already bound to %s"
msgstr "Ova prečica je već vezana za %s"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:810
msgid "Type a new accelerator, or press Backspace to clear"
msgstr "Zadaj jednu novu prečicu ili očisti tasterom za brisanje"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/manager.py:812
msgid "Type a new accelerator"
msgstr "Pritisni novu prečicu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/outputpanel.py:105
msgid "Stopped."
msgstr "Zaustavljen."

#. ex:ts=4:et:
#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:1
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "Ništa"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:2
msgid "Current document"
msgstr "Tekući dokument"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:3
msgid "All documents"
msgstr "Svi dokumenti"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:4
msgid "Current selection"
msgstr "Trenutno izabrano"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:5
msgid "Current selection (default to document)"
msgstr "Trenutno izabrano (podrazumevano u dokumentu)"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:6
msgid "Current line"
msgstr "Tekući red"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:7
msgid "Current word"
msgstr "Tekuća reč"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:8
msgid "Display in bottom pane"
msgstr "Prikaži u oblasti na dnu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:9
msgid "Create new document"
msgstr "Napravi novi dokument"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:10
msgid "Append to current document"
msgstr "Pripoj trenutnom dokumentu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:11
msgid "Replace current document"
msgstr "Zameni tekući dokument"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:12
msgid "Replace current selection"
msgstr "Zameni trenutno označeni tekst"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:13
msgid "Insert at cursor position"
msgstr "Umetni na poziciju kursora"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:14
msgid "All documents except untitled ones"
msgstr "Svi dokumenti izuzev naslovljenih"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:15
msgid "Local files only"
msgstr "Samo lokalne datoteke"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:16
msgid "Remote files only"
msgstr "Samo udaljene datoteke"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:17
msgid "Untitled documents only"
msgstr "Samo nenaslovljeni dokumenti"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:18
msgid "External Tools Manager"
msgstr "Upravnik spoljnih alata"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:19
msgid "_Tools:"
msgstr "Ala_ti:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:20
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:7
msgid "_Edit:"
msgstr "_Uredi:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:23
msgid "_Applicability:"
msgstr "P_rimenjivost:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:24
msgid "_Output:"
msgstr "Izl_az:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:25
msgid "_Input:"
msgstr "_Ulaz:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:26
msgid "_Save:"
msgstr "_Sačuvaj:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui.h:27
msgid "_Shortcut Key:"
msgstr "Preč_ica:"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/build.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Build"
msgstr "Izgradi"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/build.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Run \"make\" in the document directory"
msgstr "Izvrši naredbu „make“ u fascikli dokumenata"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/remove-trailing-spaces.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Remove trailing spaces"
msgstr "Ukloni završne razmake"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/remove-trailing-spaces.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Remove useless trailing spaces in your file"
msgstr "Uklanja beskorisne razmake i praznine sa kraja linije u datoteci"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/run-command.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Run command"
msgstr "Izvrši naredbu"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/run-command.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Execute a custom command and put its output in a new document"
msgstr "Pokreće komandu i smešta njen izlaz u novi dokument"

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/search-recursive.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/externaltools/data/switch-c.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Switch onto a file .c and .h"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/filebrowser.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "File Browser Pane"
msgstr "Oblast sa preglednikom datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/filebrowser.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Easy file access from the side pane"
msgstr "Lak pristup datotekama iz bočne oblasti"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:1
msgid "Set Location to First Document"
msgstr "Postavi početak na prvi dokument"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
msgid ""
"If TRUE the file browser plugin will view the directory of the first opened "
"document given that the file browser hasn't been used yet. (Thus this "
"generally applies to opening a document from the command line or opening it "
"with Caja, etc.)"
msgstr "Ako je postavljeno na „TRUE“ (tačno), dodatak za razgledanje datoteka će prikazati fasciklu dokumenta koji je prvi otvoren, ukoliko razgledač nije već korišćen. Ovo obično vredi kada se dokument otvara iz komandne linije, Cajaa, itd."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
msgid "File Browser Filter Mode"
msgstr "Režim filtriranja u pregledniku datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
msgid ""
"This value determines what files get filtered from the file browser. Valid "
"values are: none (filter nothing), hidden (filter hidden files), binary "
"(filter binary files) and hidden_and_binary (filter both hidden and binary "
msgstr "Vrednost određuje koje datoteke će biti filtrirane iz pregledniku datoteka. Podržane vrednosti su: none (bez filtriranja), hidden (filtriraj skrivene datoteke), binary (filtriraj binarne datoteke) i hidden_and_binary (filtriraj skrivene i binarne datoteke)."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:5
msgid "File Browser Filter Pattern"
msgstr "Maska filtera u pregledniku datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
msgid ""
"The filter pattern to filter the file browser with. This filter works on top"
" of the filter_mode."
msgstr "Maska filtera za primenu u pregledniku datoteka. Filter radi po režimu iz filter_mode."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:7
msgid "Open With Tree View"
msgstr "Otvori kao stablo"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:8
msgid ""
"Open the tree view when the file browser plugin gets loaded instead of the "
"bookmarks view"
msgstr "Prikazuje stablo kada se preglednik datoteka učita umesto pregleda obeleživača"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:9
msgid "File Browser Root Directory"
msgstr "Korenska fascikla u pregledniku datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:10
msgid ""
"The file browser root directory to use when loading the file browser plugin "
"and onload/tree_view is TRUE."
msgstr "Šta treba biti korenska fascikla pri učitavanju preglednika datoteka kada je onload/tree_view omogućeno (TRUE)."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:11
msgid "File Browser Virtual Root Directory"
msgstr "Zamišljeni korenska fascikla u pregledniku datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:12
msgid ""
"The file browser virtual root directory to use when loading the file browser"
" plugin when onload/tree_view is TRUE. The virtual root must always be below"
" the actual root."
msgstr "Šta treba biti zamišljena korenska fascikla pri učitavanju preglednika datoteka kada je onload/tree_view omogućeno (TRUE). Zamišljena fascikla mora biti unutar stvarne korenske fascikle."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:13
msgid "Enable Restore of Remote Locations"
msgstr "Omogući obnavljanje udaljenih lokacija"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/org.mate.pluma.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml.in.in.h:14
msgid "Sets whether to enable restoring of remote locations."
msgstr "Da li treba omogućiti obnavljanje udaljenih lokacija."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-bookmarks-store.c:235
msgid "File System"
msgstr "Sistem datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:531
msgid "_Set root to active document"
msgstr "Postavi koren na tekući dokument"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:533
msgid "Set the root to the active document location"
msgstr "Postavi koren na mesto tekućeg dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:538
msgid "_Open terminal here"
msgstr "_Ovde otvori komandnu liniju"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:540
msgid "Open a terminal at the currently opened directory"
msgstr "Otvori komandnu liniju sa početkom u otvorenoj fascikli"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:681
msgid "File Browser"
msgstr "Preglednik datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:803
msgid "An error occurred while creating a new directory"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri pravljenju nove fascikle"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:806
msgid "An error occurred while creating a new file"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri pravljenju nove datoteke"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:811
msgid "An error occurred while renaming a file or directory"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri preimenovanju datoteke ili fascikle"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:816
msgid "An error occurred while deleting a file or directory"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri brisanju datoteke ili fascikle"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:821
msgid "An error occurred while opening a directory in the file manager"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri otvaranju fascikle u pregledniku"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:825
msgid "An error occurred while setting a root directory"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri postavljanju korenske fascikle"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:829
msgid "An error occurred while loading a directory"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška tokom učitavanja fascikle"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:832
msgid "An error occurred"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1063
msgid ""
"Cannot move file to trash, do you\n"
"want to delete permanently?"
msgstr "Ne mogu da premestim datoteku u smeće. Da li\nželite da je odmah trajno obrišete?"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1067
#, c-format
msgid "The file \"%s\" cannot be moved to the trash."
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne može biti premeštena u smeće."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1070
msgid "The selected files cannot be moved to the trash."
msgstr "Odabrana datoteka ne može biti premeštena u smeće."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1103
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Da li sigurno želiš da trajno obrišeš „%s“?"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1106
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected files?"
msgstr "Da li sigurno želiš da trajno obrišeš odabrane datoteke?"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-plugin.c:1109
msgid "If you delete an item, it is permanently lost."
msgstr "Ukoliko nešto obrišeš, biće zauvek izgubljeno."

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:1667
msgid "(Empty)"
msgstr "(Prazno)"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3307
msgid ""
"The renamed file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
"settings to make the file visible"
msgstr "Preimenovana datoteka je odstranjena filterom. Morate prilagoditi podešavanja filtriranja kako biste je učinili vidljivom"

#. Translators: This is the default name of new files created by the file
#. browser pane.
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3546
msgid "file"
msgstr "datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3570
msgid ""
"The new file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
"settings to make the file visible"
msgstr "Nova datoteka je odstranjena filterom. Morate prilagoditi podešavanja filtriranja kako biste je učinili vidljivom"

#. Translators: This is the default name of new directories created by the
#. file browser pane.
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3599
msgid "directory"
msgstr "fascikla"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-store.c:3619
msgid ""
"The new directory is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
"settings to make the directory visible"
msgstr "Nova datoteka je odstranjena filterom. Morate prilagoditi podešavanja filtriranja kako biste je učinili vidljivom"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:713
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Obeleživači"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:794
msgid "_Filter"
msgstr "_Filter"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:799
msgid "_Move to Trash"
msgstr "Pre_mesti u smeće"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:800
msgid "Move selected file or folder to trash"
msgstr "Premesti odabranu datoteku ili fasciklu u smeće"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:802
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "O_briši"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:803
msgid "Delete selected file or folder"
msgstr "Obriši označenu datoteku ili fasciklu"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:810
msgid "Open selected file"
msgstr "Otvori označenu datoteku"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:816
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Gore"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:817
msgid "Open the parent folder"
msgstr "Otvori nadfasciklu"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:822
msgid "_New Folder"
msgstr "_Nova fascikla"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:823
msgid "Add new empty folder"
msgstr "Dodaj novu praznu fasciklu"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:825
msgid "New F_ile"
msgstr "Nova datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:826
msgid "Add new empty file"
msgstr "Dodaj novu praznu datoteku"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:831
msgid "_Rename"
msgstr "P_reimenuj"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:832
msgid "Rename selected file or folder"
msgstr "Preimenujte odabranu datoteku ili fasciklu"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:838
msgid "_Previous Location"
msgstr "_Prethodno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:840
msgid "Go to the previous visited location"
msgstr "Idi na prethodno posećeno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:842
msgid "_Next Location"
msgstr "_Naredno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:843
msgid "Go to the next visited location"
msgstr "Idi na sledeće posećeno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:844
msgid "Re_fresh View"
msgstr "_Osveži pogled"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:845
msgid "Refresh the view"
msgstr "Osveži pogled"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:846
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:864
msgid "_View Folder"
msgstr "_Prikaži fasciklu"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:847
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:865
msgid "View folder in file manager"
msgstr "Prikaži fasciklu u pregledniku datoteka"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:854
msgid "Show _Hidden"
msgstr "Prikaži sa_krivene"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:855
msgid "Show hidden files and folders"
msgstr "Prikaži sakrivene datoteke i fascikle"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:857
msgid "Show _Binary"
msgstr "Prikaži _binarne"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:858
msgid "Show binary files"
msgstr "Prikaži binarne datoteke"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:990
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:999
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1024
msgid "Previous location"
msgstr "Prethodno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:992
msgid "Go to previous location"
msgstr "Idi na prethodno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:994
#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1019
msgid "Go to a previously opened location"
msgstr "Idi na prethodno otvoreno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1015
msgid "Next location"
msgstr "Naredno mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1017
msgid "Go to next location"
msgstr "Idi na sledeće mesto"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:1233
msgid "_Match Filename"
msgstr "_Filtriraj po imenu"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:2137
#, c-format
msgid "No mount object for mounted volume: %s"
msgstr "Ne postoji objekat montiranja za montirani disk: %s"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:2217
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open media: %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim medijum: %s"

#: ../plugins/filebrowser/pluma-file-browser-widget.c:2264
#, c-format
msgid "Could not mount volume: %s"
msgstr "Ne mogu da montiram disk: %s"

#. ex:ts=8:noet:
#: ../plugins/modelines/modelines.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Modelines"
msgstr "Linije režima"

#: ../plugins/modelines/modelines.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Emacs, Kate and Vim-style modelines support for pluma."
msgstr "Emaks, Kejt i Vim podrška za linije režima u Vilenjakovoj beležnici."

#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/__init__.py:50
msgid "Python Console"
msgstr "Piton konzola"

#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Interactive Python console standing in the bottom panel"
msgstr "Interaktivna piton konzola koja stoji u panelu na dnu"

#. ex:et:ts=4:
#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/config.ui.h:1
msgid "C_ommand color:"
msgstr "Boja za _naredbe:"

#: ../plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/config.ui.h:2
msgid "_Error color:"
msgstr "Boja za _greške:"

#. ex:ts=8:et:
#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen/popup.py:35
#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Quick Open"
msgstr "Brzo otvori"

#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen/windowhelper.py:69
msgid "Quick open"
msgstr "Brzo otvori"

#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen/windowhelper.py:70
msgid "Quickly open documents"
msgstr "Brzo otvara dokumente"

#: ../plugins/quickopen/quickopen.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Quickly open files"
msgstr "Brzo otvara datoteke"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Document.py:58
msgid "Snippets"
msgstr "Isečci"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Insert often-used pieces of text in a fast way"
msgstr "Umetnite rečenice koje često koristite na brz način"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:1
msgid "Snippets Manager"
msgstr "Upravnik isečaka"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:2
msgid "_Snippets:"
msgstr "_Isečci:"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:3
msgid "Create new snippet"
msgstr "Napravi novi isečak"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:4
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:800
msgid "Import snippets"
msgstr "Uvezi isečke"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:5
msgid "Export selected snippets"
msgstr "Izvezi odabranie isečke"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:6
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:412
msgid "Delete selected snippet"
msgstr "Obriši odabrani isečak"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:8
msgid "Activation"
msgstr "Pokretanje"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:10
msgid "_Tab trigger:"
msgstr "Oki_dač za jezičak:"

#. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(0)
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:11
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:689
msgid "Single word the snippet is activated with after pressing Tab"
msgstr "Reč na koju se aktivira isečak nakon pritiska na taster tabulatora"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:12
msgid "Shortcut key with which the snippet is activated"
msgstr "Prečica sa tastature koja aktivira isečak"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:13
msgid "S_hortcut key:"
msgstr "Preč_ica:"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui.h:14
msgid "_Drop targets:"
msgstr "O_dredište:"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/WindowHelper.py:130
msgid "Manage _Snippets..."
msgstr "Sredi cit_ate..."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/WindowHelper.py:131
msgid "Manage snippets"
msgstr "Upravljanje isečcima"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:46
msgid "Snippets archive"
msgstr "Arhiva isečaka"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:71
msgid "Add a new snippet..."
msgstr "Dodaj novi isečak..."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:121
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Opšte"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:409
msgid "Revert selected snippet"
msgstr "Povrati označeni isečak"

#. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(3)
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:682
msgid ""
"This is not a valid Tab trigger. Triggers can either contain letters or a "
"single (non-alphanumeric) character like: {, [, etc."
msgstr "Ovo nije ispravan okidač za jezičak. Okidači mogu da sadrže slova ili jednostruke karaktere koji nisu slova ni cifre, poput {, [, itd."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:779
#, python-format
msgid "The following error occurred while importing: %s"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri uvozu: %s"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:786
msgid "Import successfully completed"
msgstr "Uvoz je uspešno završen"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:805
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:891
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:954
msgid "All supported archives"
msgstr "Sve podržane arhive"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:806
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:892
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:955
msgid "Gzip compressed archive"
msgstr "Arhiva kompresovana Gzipom"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:807
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:893
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:956
msgid "Bzip2 compressed archive"
msgstr "Arhiva kompresovana Bzipom"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:808
msgid "Single snippets file"
msgstr "Jedinstvena datoteka sa isečcima"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:809
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:895
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:958
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Sve datoteke"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:821
#, python-format
msgid "The following error occurred while exporting: %s"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri izvozu: %s"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:825
msgid "Export successfully completed"
msgstr "Izvoz je uspešno završen"

#. Ask if system snippets should also be exported
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:865
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:932
msgid "Do you want to include selected <b>system</b> snippets in your export?"
msgstr "Da li želiš da uključiš označene <b>sistemske</b> isečke pri izvozu?"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:880
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:950
msgid "There are no snippets selected to be exported"
msgstr "Nema odabranih isečaka za izvoz"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:885
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:923
msgid "Export snippets"
msgstr "Izvezi isečke"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:1062
msgid "Type a new shortcut, or press Backspace to clear"
msgstr "Zadaj novu prečicu ili je ukloni tasterom za brisanje unazad"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Manager.py:1064
msgid "Type a new shortcut"
msgstr "Ukucaj novu prečicu"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Exporter.py:65
#, python-format
msgid "The archive \"%s\" could not be created"
msgstr "Ne mogu da napravim arhivu „%s“"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Exporter.py:82
#, python-format
msgid "Target directory \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "Ciljni fascikla „%s“ ne postoji"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Exporter.py:85
#, python-format
msgid "Target directory \"%s\" is not a valid directory"
msgstr "Ciljna fascikla „%s“ nije ispravna"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:29
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:83
#, python-format
msgid "File \"%s\" does not exist"
msgstr "Datoteka „%s“ ne postoji"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:32
#, python-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is not a valid snippets file"
msgstr "Datoteka „%s“ nije ispravna datoteka sa isečcima"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:42
#, python-format
msgid "Imported file \"%s\" is not a valid snippets file"
msgstr "Uvezena datoteka „%s“ nije ispravna datoteka sa isečcima"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:52
#, python-format
msgid "The archive \"%s\" could not be extracted"
msgstr "Arhiva „%s“ ne može biti raspakovana"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:70
#, python-format
msgid "The following files could not be imported: %s"
msgstr "Sledeće datoteke nisu mogle biti uvezene: %s"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:86
#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Importer.py:99
#, python-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is not a valid snippets archive"
msgstr "Datoteka „%s“ nije ispravna datoteka sa isečcima"

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Placeholder.py:594
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Execution of the Python command (%s) exceeds the maximum time, execution "
msgstr "Izvršavanje piton naredbe (%s) je trajalo duže nego što je dozvoljeno, te je prekinuto."

#: ../plugins/snippets/snippets/Placeholder.py:602
#, python-format
msgid "Execution of the Python command (%s) failed: %s"
msgstr "Izvršavanje piton naredbe (%s) nije uspelo: %s"

#: ../plugins/sort/pluma-sort-plugin.c:88
msgid "S_ort..."
msgstr "Por_eđaj..."

#: ../plugins/sort/pluma-sort-plugin.c:90
msgid "Sort the current document or selection"
msgstr "Poređaj tekući dokument ili označeni deo"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:1
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Poređaj"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Sorts a document or selected text."
msgstr "Ređa dokument ili izabrani tekst."

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:2
msgid "_Sort"
msgstr "Por_eđaj"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:3
msgid "_Reverse order"
msgstr "O_brnuti redosled"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:4
msgid "R_emove duplicates"
msgstr "Ukloni dupli_kate"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:5
msgid "_Ignore case"
msgstr "_Zanemari veličinu slova"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:6
msgid "S_tart at column:"
msgstr "Počni sa kolonom:"

#: ../plugins/sort/sort.ui.h:7
msgid "You cannot undo a sort operation"
msgstr "Ne možete poništiti ređanje"

#. Translators: Displayed in the "Check Spelling" dialog if there are no
#. suggestions for the current misspelled word
#. Translators: Displayed in the "Check Spelling" dialog if there are no
#. suggestions
#. * for the current misspelled word
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:420
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:471
msgid "(no suggested words)"
msgstr "(nema predloga reči)"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:444
msgid "_More..."
msgstr "Da_lje..."

#. Ignore all
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:499
msgid "_Ignore All"
msgstr "_Zanemari sve"

#. + Add to Dictionary
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:514
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "Dod_aj"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-automatic-spell-checker.c:553
msgid "_Spelling Suggestions..."
msgstr "Predlozi provere pi_sanja..."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:282
msgid "Check Spelling"
msgstr "Proveri pisanje"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:293
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Predlozi"

#. Translators: Displayed in the "Check Spelling" dialog if the current word
#. isn't misspelled
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:578
msgid "(correct spelling)"
msgstr "(ispravno pisanje)"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-dialog.c:721
msgid "Completed spell checking"
msgstr "Završena provera pisanja"

#. Translators: the first %s is the language name, and
#. * the second %s is the locale name. Example:
#. * "French (France)"
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:285
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:291
#, c-format
msgctxt "language"
msgid "%s (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s)"

#. Translators: this refers to an unknown language code
#. * (one which isn't in our built-in list).
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:300
#, c-format
msgctxt "language"
msgid "Unknown (%s)"
msgstr "Nepoznat (%s)"

#. Translators: this refers the Default language used by the
#. * spell checker
#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-checker-language.c:406
msgctxt "language"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Podrazumevani"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-language-dialog.c:141
#: ../plugins/spell/languages-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Set language"
msgstr "Postavi jezik"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-language-dialog.c:198
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Jezici"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:86
msgid "_Check Spelling..."
msgstr "Proveri pi_sanje..."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:88
msgid "Check the current document for incorrect spelling"
msgstr "Proveri trenutni dokument za greške u pisanju"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:94
msgid "Set _Language..."
msgstr "Postavi _jezik..."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:96
msgid "Set the language of the current document"
msgstr "Podesi jezik za trenutni dokument"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:105
msgid "_Autocheck Spelling"
msgstr "_Automatski proveravaj pisanje"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:107
msgid "Automatically spell-check the current document"
msgstr "Automatski proveravaj pisanje u trenutnom dokumentu"

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:752
msgid "The document is empty."
msgstr "Dokument je prazan."

#: ../plugins/spell/pluma-spell-plugin.c:782
msgid "No misspelled words"
msgstr "Nema pogrešno otkucanih reči"

#: ../plugins/spell/languages-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "Select the _language of the current document."
msgstr "Izaberite je_zik trenutnog dokumenta."

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:1
msgid "Check spelling"
msgstr "Provera pisanja"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:2
msgid "Misspelled word:"
msgstr "Pogrešno otkucane reči:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:3
msgid "word"
msgstr "reč"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:4
msgid "Change _to:"
msgstr "Izme_ni u:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:5
msgid "Check _Word"
msgstr "Proveri re_č"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:6
msgid "_Suggestions:"
msgstr "Predlo_zi:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:7
msgid "_Ignore"
msgstr "_Zanemari"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:8
msgid "Cha_nge"
msgstr "Izme_ni"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:9
msgid "Ignore _All"
msgstr "_Zanemari sve"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:10
msgid "Change A_ll"
msgstr "I_zmeni sve"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:11
msgid "User dictionary:"
msgstr "Korisnički rečnik:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:12
msgid "Add w_ord"
msgstr "D_odaj reč"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:13
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Jezik:"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell-checker.ui.h:14
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jezik"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Spell Checker"
msgstr "Provera pravopisa"

#: ../plugins/spell/spell.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Checks the spelling of the current document."
msgstr "Proveri pisanje u trenutnom dokumentu."

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin.c:98
#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:716
#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:732
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Elementi"

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:623
msgid "Select the group of tags you want to use"
msgstr "Izaberite grupu elemenata koje želite da koristite"

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:642
msgid "_Preview"
msgstr "_Pregled pred štampu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/pluma-taglist-plugin-panel.c:713
msgid "Available Tag Lists"
msgstr "Dostupni spiskovi elemenata"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "XHTML 1.0 - Tags"
msgstr "XHTML 1.0 — Oznake"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Abbreviated form"
msgstr "Skraćeni oblik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Abbreviation"
msgstr "Skraćenica"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Accessibility key character"
msgstr "Znak za pristupni taster"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Acronym"
msgstr "Akronim"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Align"
msgstr "Poravnanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:7
msgid "Alignment character"
msgstr "Znak za poravnanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:8
msgid "Alternative"
msgstr "Alternativno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:9
msgid "Anchor URI"
msgstr "Adresa veze"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:10
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Veza"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:12
msgid "Applet class file code (deprecated)"
msgstr "Kod za aplete (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:13
msgid "Associated information"
msgstr "Priloženi podaci"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:14
msgid "Author info"
msgstr "Podaci o autoru"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:15
msgid "Axis related headers"
msgstr "Zaglavlja u vezi ose"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:17
msgid "Background color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Boja pozadine (prevaziđeno)"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:19
msgid "Background texture tile (deprecated)"
msgstr "Tekstura pozadine (prevaziđeno)"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:21
msgid "Base font (deprecated)"
msgstr "Osnovni font (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:22
msgid "Base URI"
msgstr "Osnovna adresa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:23
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Zacrnjena"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:25
msgid "Border (deprecated)"
msgstr "Ivica (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:26
msgid "Cell rowspan"
msgstr "Polje u više redova"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:28
msgid "Center (deprecated)"
msgstr "Centriraj (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:29
msgid "Character encoding of linked resource"
msgstr "Kodiranje znakova vezanog resursa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:30
msgid "Checked state"
msgstr "Je li izabrano"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:31
msgid "Citation"
msgstr "Citat"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:32
msgid "Cite reason for change"
msgstr "Navedite razlog izmene"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:33
msgid "Class implementation ID"
msgstr "IB implementacije klase"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:34
msgid "Class list"
msgstr "Spisak klasa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:35
msgid "Clear text flow control"
msgstr "Očisti kontrolu protoka teksta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:36
msgid "Code content type"
msgstr "Vrsta sadržaja koda"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:38
msgid "Color of selected links (deprecated)"
msgstr "Boja izabranih veza (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:39
msgid "Column span"
msgstr "Raspon stubaca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:40
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Stupci"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:41
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Primedba"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:42
msgid "Computer code fragment"
msgstr "Isečak računarskog koda"

#. The "type" attribute is deprecated for the "ol" tag only,
#. since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:45
msgid "Content type (deprecated)"
msgstr "Vrsta sadržaja (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:46
msgid "Coordinates"
msgstr "Koordinate"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:47
msgid "Date and time of change"
msgstr "Datum i vreme izmene"

#. NOTE: used in "object" tag
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:49
msgid "Declare flag"
msgstr "Declare atribut"

#. Translators: DEFER is an optional attribute of the <script> tag.
#. It indicates that the script is not going to generate any document
#. content. The browser can continue parsing and drawing the page.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:53
msgid "Defer attribute"
msgstr "Defer atribut"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:54
msgid "Definition description"
msgstr "Opis definicije"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:55
msgid "Definition list"
msgstr "Spisak definicija"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:56
msgid "Definition term"
msgstr "Izraz definicije"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:57
msgid "Deleted text"
msgstr "Obrisani tekst"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:58
msgid "Directionality"
msgstr "Usmerivost"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:60
msgid "Directionality (deprecated)"
msgstr "Usmerivost (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:61
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Isključeno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:62
msgid "DIV container"
msgstr "Sadržalac DIV"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:63
msgid "DIV Style container"
msgstr "Sadržalac DIV stila"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:64
msgid "Document base"
msgstr "Osnova dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:65
msgid "Document body"
msgstr "Telo dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:66
msgid "Document head"
msgstr "Zaglavlje dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:67
msgid "Element ID"
msgstr "IB elementa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:68
msgid "Document title"
msgstr "Naslov dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:69
msgid "Document type"
msgstr "Vrsta dokumenta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:70
#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:72
msgid "Emphasis"
msgstr "Naglašavanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:71
msgid "Encode type"
msgstr "Vrsta kodiranja"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:73
msgid "Font face (deprecated)"
msgstr "Font (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:74
msgid "For label"
msgstr "Za oznaku"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:75
msgid "Forced line break"
msgstr "Ručni prelom reda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:76
msgid "Form action handler"
msgstr "Akcija za obrazac"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:77
msgid "Form control group"
msgstr "Grupa elemenata za obrazac"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:78
msgid "Form field label text"
msgstr "Tekst oznake polja u obrascu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:79
msgid "Form input type"
msgstr "Vrsta unosa u obrazac"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:80
msgid "Form input"
msgstr "Unos u obrazac"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:81
msgid "Form method"
msgstr "Način slanja obrasca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:82
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Obrazac"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:83
msgid "Forward link"
msgstr "Prosleđivanje veze"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:84
msgid "Frame render parts"
msgstr "Delovi iscrtavanja okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:85
msgid "Frame source"
msgstr "Izvor okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:86
msgid "Frame target"
msgstr "Odredište okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:87
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Okvir"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:88
msgid "Frame border"
msgstr "Ivica okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:89
msgid "Frameset columns"
msgstr "Stupci skupa okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:90
msgid "Frameset rows"
msgstr "Redovi skupa okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:91
msgid "Frameset"
msgstr "Skup okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:92
msgid "Frame spacing"
msgstr "Razmak okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:93
msgid "Generic embedded object"
msgstr "Opšti ugnježdeni objekat"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:94
msgid "Generic metainformation"
msgstr "Opšti metapodaci"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:95
msgid "Generic span"
msgstr "Opšte obuhvatanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:96
msgid "Header cell IDs"
msgstr "IB polja zaglavlja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:97
msgid "Heading 1"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 1"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:98
msgid "Heading 2"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 2"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:99
msgid "Heading 3"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 3"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:100
msgid "Heading 4"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 4"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:101
msgid "Heading 5"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 5"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:102
msgid "Heading 6"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 6"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:103
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Visina"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:104
msgid "Horizontal rule"
msgstr "Vodoravna linija"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:106
msgid "Horizontal space (deprecated)"
msgstr "Vodoravni razmak (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:107
msgid "HREF URI"
msgstr "HREF adresa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:108
msgid "HTML root element"
msgstr "Koreni HTML element"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:109
msgid "HTTP header name"
msgstr "Naziv HTTP zaglavlja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:110
msgid "I18N BiDi override"
msgstr "I18A dvosmerno prevazilaženje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:111
msgid "Image map area"
msgstr "Oblast mapirane slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:112
msgid "Image map name"
msgstr "Naziv mapirane slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:113
msgid "Image map"
msgstr "Mapirana slika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:114
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Slika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:115
msgid "Inline frame"
msgstr "Okvir u tekstu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:116
msgid "Inserted text"
msgstr "Umetnuti tekst"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:117
msgid "Instance definition"
msgstr "Jedna definicija"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:118
msgid "Italic text"
msgstr "Kurzivni tekst"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:120
msgid "Java applet (deprecated)"
msgstr "Java programče (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:121
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Oznaka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:122
msgid "Language code"
msgstr "Kod jezika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:123
msgid "Large text style"
msgstr "Stil velikog teksta"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:125
msgid "Link color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Boja za veze (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:126
msgid "List item"
msgstr "Stavka spiska"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:127
msgid "List of MIME types for file upload"
msgstr "Spisak MIME vrsti za nabacivanje datoteke"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:128
msgid "List of supported character sets"
msgstr "Spisak podržanih skupova znakova"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:129
msgid "Local change to font"
msgstr "Lokalna izmena slovnog lika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:130
msgid "Long description link"
msgstr "Dug opis veze"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:131
msgid "Long quotation"
msgstr "Dug navod"

#. Supported in XHTML 1.0 Frameset DTD only.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:133
msgid "Margin pixel height"
msgstr "Visina margine u pikselima"

#. Supported in XHTML 1.0 Frameset DTD only.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:135
msgid "Margin pixel width"
msgstr "Širina margine u pikselima"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:136
msgid "Maximum length of text field"
msgstr "Najveća dužina tekstualnog polja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:137
msgid "Output media"
msgstr "Medij za izlaz"

#. Here I take some liberties: There's no mandatory attributes,
#. but those are most common, and will likely be used.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:140
msgid "Media-independent link"
msgstr "Veza nezavisna od medija"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:142
msgid "Menu list (deprecated)"
msgstr "Spisak kao meni (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:143
msgid "Multi-line text field"
msgstr "Višeredno tekstualno polje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:144
msgid "Multiple"
msgstr "Višestruki izbor"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:145
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naziv"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:146
msgid "Named property value"
msgstr "Imenovana vrednost osobine"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:147
msgid "No frames"
msgstr "Bez okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:148
msgid "No resize"
msgstr "Bez promene veličine"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:149
msgid "No script"
msgstr "Bez skripte"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:151
msgid "No shade (deprecated)"
msgstr "Bez senčenja (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:152
msgid "No URI"
msgstr "Bez adrese"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:154
msgid "No word wrap (deprecated)"
msgstr "Bez preloma reda (prevaziđeno)"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:156
msgid "Object applet file (deprecated)"
msgstr "Datoteka objekta programčeta (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:157
msgid "Object data reference"
msgstr "Referenca objekta podataka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:158
msgid "Offset for alignment character"
msgstr "Pomeraj za znak poravnanja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:159
msgid "OnBlur event"
msgstr "Događaj OnBlur"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:160
msgid "OnChange event"
msgstr "Događaj OnChange"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:161
msgid "OnClick event"
msgstr "Događaj OnClick"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:162
msgid "OnDblClick event"
msgstr "Događaj OnDblClick"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:163
msgid "OnFocus event"
msgstr "Događaj OnFocus"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:164
msgid "OnKeyDown event"
msgstr "Događaj OnKeyDown"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:165
msgid "OnKeyPress event"
msgstr "Događaj OnKeyPress"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:166
msgid "OnKeyUp event"
msgstr "Događaj OnKeyUp"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:167
msgid "OnLoad event"
msgstr "Događaj OnLoad"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:168
msgid "OnMouseDown event"
msgstr "Događaj OnMouseDown"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:169
msgid "OnMouseMove event"
msgstr "Događaj OnMouseMove"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:170
msgid "OnMouseOut event"
msgstr "Događaj OnMouseOut"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:171
msgid "OnMouseOver event"
msgstr "Događaj OnMouseOver"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:172
msgid "OnMouseUp event"
msgstr "Događaj OnMouseUp"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:173
msgid "OnReset event"
msgstr "Događaj OnReset"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:174
msgid "OnSelect event"
msgstr "Događaj OnSelect"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:175
msgid "OnSubmit event"
msgstr "Događaj OnSubmit"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:176
msgid "OnUnload event"
msgstr "Događaj OnUnload"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:177
msgid "Option group"
msgstr "Grupa opcija"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:178
msgid "Option selector"
msgstr "Birač opcije"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:179
msgid "Ordered list"
msgstr "Uređeni spisak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:180
msgid "Paragraph class"
msgstr "Klasa pasusa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:181
msgid "Paragraph style"
msgstr "Stil pasusa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:182
msgid "Paragraph"
msgstr "Pasus"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:183
msgid "Preformatted text"
msgstr "Preoblikovani tekst"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:184
msgid "Profile metainfo dictionary"
msgstr "Rečnik profila sa metapodacima"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:185
msgid "Push button"
msgstr "Dugme"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:186
msgid "ReadOnly text and password"
msgstr "Tekst samo za čitanje i lozinka"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:188
msgid "Reduced spacing (deprecated)"
msgstr "Smanjeni razmak (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:189
msgid "Reverse link"
msgstr "Obrnuta veza"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:190
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Redovi"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:191
msgid "Rulings between rows and columns"
msgstr "Linije između redova i stubaca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:192
msgid "Sample program output, scripts"
msgstr "Primer ispisa programa, skripti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:193
msgid "Scope covered by header cells"
msgstr "Opseg koji pokrivaju polja zaglavlja"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:195
msgid "Script language name"
msgstr "Ime skript jezika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:196
msgid "Script statements"
msgstr "Naredbe skripte"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:197
msgid "Scrollbar"
msgstr "Klizač"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:198
msgid "Selectable option"
msgstr "Izbiriva opcija"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:199
msgid "Selected"
msgstr "Izabrana"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:200
msgid "Server-side image map"
msgstr "Mapa slike na serveru"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:201
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Oblik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:202
msgid "Short inline quotation"
msgstr "Kratak umetnuti navod"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:204
msgid "Size (deprecated)"
msgstr "Veličina (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:205
msgid "Small text style"
msgstr "Stil malog teksta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:206
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Izvor"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:207
msgid "Space-separated archive list"
msgstr "Razmakom razdvojen spisak arhiva"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:208
msgid "Spacing between cells"
msgstr "Razmak među poljima"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:209
msgid "Spacing within cells"
msgstr "Razmak u poljima"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:210
msgid "Span"
msgstr "Obuhvatanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:211
msgid "Standby load message"
msgstr "Poruka za čekanje pri učitavanju"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:213
msgid "Starting sequence number (deprecated)"
msgstr "Broj za početak niza (prevaziđeno)"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:215
msgid "Strike-through text style (deprecated)"
msgstr "Stil precrtanog teksta (prevaziđeno)"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:217
msgid "Strike-through text (deprecated)"
msgstr "Precrtani tekst (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:218
msgid "Strong emphasis"
msgstr "Snažno naglašavanje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:219
msgid "Style info"
msgstr "Podaci o stilu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:220
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "Indeks"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:221
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Stepen"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:222
msgid "Table body"
msgstr "Telo tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:223
msgid "Table caption"
msgstr "Naslov tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:224
msgid "Table column group properties"
msgstr "Osobine grupe stubaca tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:225
msgid "Table column properties"
msgstr "Osobine stupca tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:226
msgid "Table data cell"
msgstr "Polje tabele sa podacima"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:227
msgid "Table footer"
msgstr "Podnožje tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:228
msgid "Table header cell"
msgstr "Polje zaglavlja tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:229
msgid "Table header"
msgstr "Zaglavlje tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:230
msgid "Table row"
msgstr "Red tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:231
msgid "Table summary"
msgstr "Sažetak tabele"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:232
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabela"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:233
msgid "Target - Blank"
msgstr "Odredište — prazno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:234
msgid "Target - Parent"
msgstr "Odredište — sadržalac"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:235
msgid "Target - Self"
msgstr "Odredište — isti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:236
msgid "Target - Top"
msgstr "Odredište — glavni"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:237
msgid "Teletype or monospace text style"
msgstr "Stil teksta utvrđene širine"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:239
msgid "Text color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Boja teksta (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:240
msgid "Text entered by user"
msgstr "Tekst koji unosi korisnik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:241
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Naslov"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:242
msgid "Underlined text style"
msgstr "Stil podvučenog teksta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:243
msgid "Unordered list"
msgstr "Neuređeni spisak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:244
msgid "Use image map"
msgstr "Koristi mapu slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:245
msgid "Value interpretation"
msgstr "Tumačenje vrednosti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:246
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Vrednost"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:247
msgid "Variable or program argument"
msgstr "Promenljiva ili argument programa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:248
msgid "Vertical cell alignment"
msgstr "Uspravno poravnanje polja"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:250
msgid "Vertical space (deprecated)"
msgstr "Uspravni razmak (prevaziđeno)"

#. Deprecated since HTML 4.01, not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:252
msgid "Visited link color (deprecated)"
msgstr "Boja za posećene veze (prevaziđeno)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:253
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Širina"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:254
msgid "HTML - Tags"
msgstr "HTML — Oznake"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:255
msgid "Above"
msgstr "Iznad"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:256
msgid "Applet class file code"
msgstr "Kod za aplete"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:257
msgid "Array"
msgstr "Niz"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:258
msgid "Background color"
msgstr "Boja pozadine"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:259
msgid "Background texture tile"
msgstr "Tekstura pozadine"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:260
msgid "Base font"
msgstr "Osnovni font"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:261
msgid "Border color"
msgstr "Boja ivice"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:262
msgid "Border"
msgstr "Ivica"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:263
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Centriraj"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:264
msgid "Checked (state)"
msgstr "Izabrano (stanje)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:265
msgid "Color of selected links"
msgstr "Boja izabranih veza"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:266
msgid "Content scheme"
msgstr "Shema sadržaja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:267
msgid "Content type"
msgstr "Vrsta sadržaja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:268
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Smer"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:269
msgid "Directory list"
msgstr "Spisak fascikli"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:270
msgid "HTML version"
msgstr "Izdanje HTML-a"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:271
msgid "Embedded object"
msgstr "Ugnježdeni objekat"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:272
msgid "Figure"
msgstr "Slika"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:273
msgid "Font face"
msgstr "Font"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:274
msgid "Frameborder"
msgstr "Ivica okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:275
msgid "Framespacing"
msgstr "Razmak okvira"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:276
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Zaglavlje"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:277
msgid "Horizontal space"
msgstr "Vodoravni razmak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:278
msgid "Image source"
msgstr "Izvor slike"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:279
msgid "Inline layer"
msgstr "Sloj u tekstu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:280
msgid "Java applet"
msgstr "Java programče"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:281
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Sloj"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:282
msgid "Link color"
msgstr "Boja veze"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:283
msgid "Listing"
msgstr "Ispis"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:284
msgid "Mail link"
msgstr "Veza za poštu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:285
msgid "Marquee"
msgstr "Reklamna poruka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:286
msgid "Menu list"
msgstr "Spisak kao meni"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:287
msgid "Multicolumn"
msgstr "Višestubaca"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:288
msgid "Next ID"
msgstr "Sledeći IB"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:289
msgid "No embedded objects"
msgstr "Nema ugnježdenih objekata"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:290
msgid "No layers"
msgstr "Bez slojeva"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:291
msgid "No line break"
msgstr "Bez preloma reda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:292
msgid "No shade"
msgstr "Bez senčenja"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:293
msgid "No word wrap"
msgstr "Bez preloma reda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:294
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Beleška"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:295
msgid "Object applet file"
msgstr "Datoteka objekta programčeta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:296
msgid "Preformatted listing"
msgstr "Preoblikovani ispis"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:297
msgid "Prompt message"
msgstr "Upitna poruka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:298
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Navod"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:299
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Opseg"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:300
msgid "Reduced spacing"
msgstr "Smanjeni razmak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:301
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Koren"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:302
msgid "Single line prompt"
msgstr "Upit u jednom redu"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:303
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Veličina"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:304
msgid "Soft line break"
msgstr "Meki prelom reda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:305
msgid "Sound"
msgstr "Zvuk"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:306
msgid "Spacer"
msgstr "Razmaknica"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:307
msgid "Square root"
msgstr "Kvadratni koren"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:308
msgid "Starting sequence number"
msgstr "Broj za početak niza"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:309
msgid "Strike-through text style"
msgstr "Stil precrtanog teksta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:310
msgid "Strike-through text"
msgstr "Precrtani tekst"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:311
msgid "Tab order position"
msgstr "Redosled pri prelazu tabulatorom"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:312
msgid "Text color"
msgstr "Boja teksta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:313
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:314
msgid "Top margin in pixels"
msgstr "Gornja margina u pikselima"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:315
msgid "URL"
msgstr "Adresa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:316
msgid "Vertical space"
msgstr "Uspravni razmak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:317
msgid "Visited link color"
msgstr "Boja posećenih veza"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:318
msgid "HTML - Special Characters"
msgstr "HTML — naročiti znaci"

#: ../plugins/taglist/HTML.tags.xml.in.h:319
msgid "Non-breaking space"
msgstr "Razmak bez preloma reda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Latex - Tags"
msgstr "LaTeH — Oznake"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Bibliography (cite)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (citat)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Bibliography (item)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (stavka)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Bibliography (shortcite)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (kratak citat)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Bibliography (thebibliography)"
msgstr "Bibliografija (thebibliography)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Brackets ()"
msgstr "Zagrade ()"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:7
msgid "Brackets []"
msgstr "Zagrade []"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:8
msgid "Brackets {}"
msgstr "Zagrade {}"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:9
msgid "Brackets <>"
msgstr "Zagrade <>"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:10
msgid "File input"
msgstr "Uključenje datoteke"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:11
msgid "Function cosine"
msgstr "Funkcija kosinus"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:12
msgid "Function e^"
msgstr "Funkcija e^"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:13
msgid "Function exp"
msgstr "Funkcija exp"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:14
msgid "Function log"
msgstr "Funkcija log"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:15
msgid "Function log10"
msgstr "Funkcija log10"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:16
msgid "Function sine"
msgstr "Funkcija sinus"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:17
msgid "Greek alpha"
msgstr "Grčko alfa"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:18
msgid "Greek beta"
msgstr "Grčko beta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:19
msgid "Greek epsilon"
msgstr "Grčko ipsilon"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:20
msgid "Greek gamma"
msgstr "Grčko gama"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:21
msgid "Greek lambda"
msgstr "Grčko lambda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:22
msgid "Greek rho"
msgstr "Grčko ro"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:23
msgid "Greek tau"
msgstr "Grčko tau"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:24
msgid "Header 0 (chapter)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 0 (chapter)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:25
msgid "Header 0 (chapter*)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 0 (chapter*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:26
msgid "Header 1 (section)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 1 (section)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:27
msgid "Header 1 (section*)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 1 (section*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:28
msgid "Header 2 (subsection)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 2 (subsection)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:29
msgid "Header 2 (subsection*)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 2 (subsection*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:30
msgid "Header 3 (subsubsection)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 3 (subsubsection)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:31
msgid "Header 3 (subsubsection*)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 3 (subsubsection*)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:32
msgid "Header 4 (paragraph)"
msgstr "Zaglavlje 4 (paragraph)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:33
msgid "Header appendix"
msgstr "Zaglavlje dodatka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:34
msgid "List description"
msgstr "Opis spiska"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:35
msgid "List enumerate"
msgstr "Pobrojani spisak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:36
msgid "List itemize"
msgstr "Spisak po tačkama"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:37
msgid "Item with label"
msgstr "Stavka sa oznakom"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:38
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Stavka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:39
msgid "Maths (display)"
msgstr "Matematički izraz (izdvojen)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:40
msgid "Maths (inline)"
msgstr "Matematički izraz (u tekstu)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:41
msgid "Operator fraction"
msgstr "Operator razlomka"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:42
msgid "Operator integral (display)"
msgstr "Operator integrala (izdvojen)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:43
msgid "Operator integral (inline)"
msgstr "Operator integrala (u tekstu)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:44
msgid "Operator sum (display)"
msgstr "Operator zbira (izdvojen)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:45
msgid "Operator sum (inline)"
msgstr "Operator zbira (u tekstu)"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:46
msgid "Reference label"
msgstr "Oznaka reference"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:47
msgid "Reference ref"
msgstr "Referenca ref"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:48
msgid "Symbol <<"
msgstr "Simbol <"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:49
msgid "Symbol <="
msgstr "Simbol <="

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:50
msgid "Symbol >="
msgstr "Simbol >="

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:51
msgid "Symbol >>"
msgstr "Simbol >>"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:52
msgid "Symbol and"
msgstr "Simbol and"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:53
msgid "Symbol const"
msgstr "Simbol const"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:54
msgid "Symbol d2-by-dt2-partial"
msgstr "Simbol d2-sa-dt2-parcijalno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:55
msgid "Symbol dagger"
msgstr "Simbol bodež"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:56
msgid "Symbol d-by-dt"
msgstr "Simbol d-sa-dt"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:57
msgid "Symbol d-by-dt-partial"
msgstr "Simbol d-sa-dt-parcijalno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:58
msgid "Symbol equiv"
msgstr "Simbol ekvivalencija"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:59
msgid "Symbol en-dash --"
msgstr "Simbol crta --"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:60
msgid "Symbol em-dash ---"
msgstr "Simbol duga crta ---"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:61
msgid "Symbol infinity"
msgstr "Simbol beskonačno"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:62
msgid "Symbol mathspace ,"
msgstr "Simbol matrazmak ,"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:63
msgid "Symbol mathspace ."
msgstr "Simbol matrazmak ."

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:64
msgid "Symbol mathspace _"
msgstr "Simbol matrazmak _"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:65
msgid "Symbol mathspace __"
msgstr "Simbol matrazmak __"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:66
msgid "Symbol simeq"
msgstr "Simbol slično"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:67
msgid "Symbol star"
msgstr "Simbol zvezda"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:68
msgid "Typeface bold"
msgstr "Masni font"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:69
msgid "Typeface type"
msgstr "Vrsta fonta"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:70
msgid "Typeface italic"
msgstr "Kurzivni font"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:71
msgid "Typeface slanted"
msgstr "Iskošeni font"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:73
msgid "Unbreakable text"
msgstr "Neprelomivi tekst"

#: ../plugins/taglist/Latex.tags.xml.in.h:74
msgid "Footnote"
msgstr "Fusnota"

#: ../plugins/taglist/taglist.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Tag list"
msgstr "Spisak elemenata"

#: ../plugins/taglist/taglist.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid ""
"Provides a method to easily insert commonly used tags/strings into a "
"document without having to type them."
msgstr "Obezbeđuje način lakog umetanja često korišćenih elemenata/niski u dokument bez potrebe da ih kucate."

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "XSLT - Elements"
msgstr "XSLT — Elementi"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:2
msgid "XSLT - Functions"
msgstr "XSLT — Funkcije"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:3
msgid "XSLT - Axes"
msgstr "XSLT — Ose"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:4
msgid "ancestor"
msgstr "predak"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:5
msgid "ancestor-or-self"
msgstr "predak-ili-isti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:6
msgid "attribute"
msgstr "atribut"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:7
msgid "child"
msgstr "sadržani"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:8
msgid "descendant"
msgstr "naslednik"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:9
msgid "descendant-or-self"
msgstr "naslednik-ili-isti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:10
msgid "following"
msgstr "naredni"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:11
msgid "following-sibling"
msgstr "naredni-slični"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:12
msgid "namespace"
msgstr "prostor imena"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:13
msgid "parent"
msgstr "nadređeni"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:14
msgid "preceding"
msgstr "prethodni"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:15
msgid "preceding-sibling"
msgstr "prethodni-slični"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XSLT.tags.xml.in.h:16
msgid "self"
msgstr "isti"

#: ../plugins/taglist/XUL.tags.xml.in.h:1
msgid "XUL - Tags"
msgstr "XUL — Oznake"

#: ../plugins/time/org.mate.pluma.plugins.time.gschema.xml.in.in.h:1
msgid "Prompt type"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/time/org.mate.pluma.plugins.time.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
msgid "Selected format"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/time/org.mate.pluma.plugins.time.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
msgid "Custom format"
msgstr ""

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:181
msgid "In_sert Date and Time..."
msgstr "Umetni datum i _vreme..."

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:183
msgid "Insert current date and time at the cursor position"
msgstr "Umetni trenutni datum i vreme na poziciju kursora"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:568
msgid "Available formats"
msgstr "Dostupni formati"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-plugin.c:721
msgid "Configure insert date/time plugin..."
msgstr "Podesi dodatak za ubacivanje datuma/vremena..."

#: ../plugins/time/time.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Insert Date/Time"
msgstr "Umetni datum/vreme"

#: ../plugins/time/time.pluma-plugin.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Inserts current date and time at the cursor position."
msgstr "Umeće trenutni datum i vreme na poziciju kursora."

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Insert Date and Time"
msgstr "Umetni datum i vreme"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "U_metni"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:3
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "Use the _selected format"
msgstr "Koristi odabrani fo_rmat"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:5
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid "_Use custom format"
msgstr "Kori_sti poseban format"

#. Translators: Use the more common date format in your locale
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:7
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"
msgstr "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"

#. Translators: This example should follow the date format defined in the
#. entry above
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-dialog.ui.h:8
#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:11
msgid "01/11/2009 17:52:00"
msgstr "01.11.2009 17:52:00"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Configure date/time plugin"
msgstr "Podesi dodatak za datum/vreme"

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "When inserting date/time..."
msgstr "Kada se ubacuje datum/vreme..."

#: ../plugins/time/pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "_Prompt for a format"
msgstr "U_pitaj za format"