path: root/pluma/pluma-ui.h
diff options
authorPablo Barciela <[email protected]>2018-01-18 23:24:59 +0100
committerraveit65 <[email protected]>2018-02-08 21:34:17 +0100
commit2217a021ca5c5ac918dd6e41c4ef29435b5a6b8e (patch)
tree136751a6809f3f9dc590c4fc8f0a588e7e86e190 /pluma/pluma-ui.h
parent29d362e10ff63935fa1ecc12a0156b43fd3c11b9 (diff)
avoid deprecated GtkStock
Diffstat (limited to 'pluma/pluma-ui.h')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/pluma/pluma-ui.h b/pluma/pluma-ui.h
index c2c465b2..45b4d2a9 100644
--- a/pluma/pluma-ui.h
+++ b/pluma/pluma-ui.h
@@ -53,23 +53,23 @@ static const GtkActionEntry pluma_always_sensitive_menu_entries[] =
{ "Help", NULL, N_("_Help") },
/* File menu */
- { "FileNew", GTK_STOCK_NEW, NULL, "<control>N",
+ { "FileNew", "document-new", N_("_New"), "<control>N",
N_("Create a new document"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_new) },
- { "FileOpen", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, N_("_Open..."), "<control>O",
+ { "FileOpen", "document-open", N_("_Open..."), "<control>O",
N_("Open a file"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_open) },
/* Edit menu */
- { "EditPreferences", GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES, N_("Pr_eferences"), NULL,
+ { "EditPreferences", "preferences-desktop", N_("Pr_eferences"), NULL,
N_("Configure the application"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_preferences) },
/* Help menu */
- {"HelpContents", GTK_STOCK_HELP, N_("_Contents"), "F1",
+ {"HelpContents", "help-browser", N_("_Contents"), "F1",
N_("Open the pluma manual"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_help_contents) },
+ { "HelpAbout", "help-about", N_("_About"), NULL,
N_("About this application"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_help_about) },
/* Fullscreen toolbar */
+ { "LeaveFullscreen", "view-restore", N_("_Leave Fullscreen"),
NULL, N_("Leave fullscreen mode"),
G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_view_leave_fullscreen_mode) }
@@ -77,56 +77,56 @@ static const GtkActionEntry pluma_always_sensitive_menu_entries[] =
static const GtkActionEntry pluma_menu_entries[] =
/* File menu */
- { "FileSave", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, NULL, "<control>S",
+ { "FileSave", "document-save", N_("_Save"), "<control>S",
N_("Save the current file"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_save) },
- { "FileSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("Save _As..."), "<shift><control>S",
+ { "FileSaveAs", "document-save-as", N_("Save _As..."), "<shift><control>S",
N_("Save the current file with a different name"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_save_as) },
+ { "FileRevert", "document-revert", N_("_Revert"), NULL,
N_("Revert to a saved version of the file"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_revert) },
- { "FilePrintPreview", GTK_STOCK_PRINT_PREVIEW, N_("Print Previe_w"),"<control><shift>P",
+ { "FilePrintPreview", "document-print-preview", N_("Print Previe_w"),"<control><shift>P",
N_("Print preview"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_print_preview) },
- { "FilePrint", GTK_STOCK_PRINT, N_("_Print..."), "<control>P",
+ { "FilePrint", "document-print", N_("_Print..."), "<control>P",
N_("Print the current page"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_print) },
/* Edit menu */
- { "EditUndo", GTK_STOCK_UNDO, NULL, "<control>Z",
+ { "EditUndo", "edit-undo", N_("_Undo"), "<control>Z",
N_("Undo the last action"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_undo) },
- { "EditRedo", GTK_STOCK_REDO, NULL, "<shift><control>Z",
+ { "EditRedo", "edit-redo", N_("_Redo"), "<shift><control>Z",
N_("Redo the last undone action"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_redo) },
- { "EditCut", GTK_STOCK_CUT, NULL, "<control>X",
+ { "EditCut", "edit-cut", N_("Cu_t"), "<control>X",
N_("Cut the selection"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_cut) },
- { "EditCopy", GTK_STOCK_COPY, NULL, "<control>C",
+ { "EditCopy", "edit-copy", N_("_Copy"), "<control>C",
N_("Copy the selection"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_copy) },
- { "EditPaste", GTK_STOCK_PASTE, NULL, "<control>V",
+ { "EditPaste", "edit-paste", N_("_Paste"), "<control>V",
N_("Paste the clipboard"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_paste) },
+ { "EditDelete", "edit-delete", N_("_Delete"), NULL,
N_("Delete the selected text"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_delete) },
- { "EditSelectAll", GTK_STOCK_SELECT_ALL, N_("Select _All"), "<control>A",
+ { "EditSelectAll", "edit-select-all", N_("Select _All"), "<control>A",
N_("Select the entire document"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_edit_select_all) },
/* View menu */
{ "ViewHighlightMode", NULL, N_("_Highlight Mode") },
/* Search menu */
- { "SearchFind", GTK_STOCK_FIND, N_("_Find..."), "<control>F",
+ { "SearchFind", "edit-find", N_("_Find..."), "<control>F",
N_("Search for text"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_search_find) },
{ "SearchFindNext", NULL, N_("Find Ne_xt"), "<control>G",
N_("Search forwards for the same text"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_search_find_next) },
{ "SearchFindPrevious", NULL, N_("Find Pre_vious"), "<shift><control>G",
N_("Search backwards for the same text"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_search_find_prev) },
- { "SearchReplace", GTK_STOCK_FIND_AND_REPLACE, N_("_Replace..."), "<control>H",
+ { "SearchReplace", "edit-find-replace", N_("_Replace..."), "<control>H",
N_("Search for and replace text"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_search_replace) },
{ "SearchClearHighlight", NULL, N_("_Clear Highlight"), "<shift><control>K",
N_("Clear highlighting of search matches"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_search_clear_highlight) },
- { "SearchGoToLine", GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO, N_("Go to _Line..."), "<control>I",
+ { "SearchGoToLine", "go-jump", N_("Go to _Line..."), "<control>I",
N_("Go to a specific line"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_search_goto_line) },
- { "SearchIncrementalSearch", GTK_STOCK_FIND, N_("_Incremental Search..."), "<control>K",
+ { "SearchIncrementalSearch", "edit-find", N_("_Incremental Search..."), "<control>K",
N_("Incrementally search for text"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_search_incremental_search) },
/* Documents menu */
- { "FileSaveAll", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save All"), "<shift><control>L",
+ { "FileSaveAll", "document-save", N_("_Save All"), "<shift><control>L",
N_("Save all open files"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_save_all) },
- { "FileCloseAll", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, N_("_Close All"), "<shift><control>W",
+ { "FileCloseAll", "window-close", N_("_Close All"), "<shift><control>W",
N_("Close all open files"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_close_all) },
{ "DocumentsPreviousDocument", NULL, N_("_Previous Document"), "<alt><control>Page_Up",
N_("Activate previous document"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_documents_previous_document) },
@@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ static const GtkActionEntry pluma_menu_entries[] =
/* separate group, needs to be sensitive on OS X even when there are no tabs */
static const GtkActionEntry pluma_close_menu_entries[] =
- { "FileClose", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, NULL, "<control>W",
+ { "FileClose", "window-close", N_("_Close"), "<control>W",
N_("Close the current file"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_close) }
/* separate group, should be sensitive even when there are no tabs */
static const GtkActionEntry pluma_quit_menu_entries[] =
- { "FileQuit", GTK_STOCK_QUIT, NULL, "<control>Q",
+ { "FileQuit", "application-exit", N_("_Quit"), "<control>Q",
N_("Quit the program"), G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_file_quit) }
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ static const GtkToggleActionEntry pluma_always_sensitive_toggle_menu_entries[] =
{ "ViewStatusbar", NULL, N_("_Statusbar"), NULL,
N_("Show or hide the statusbar in the current window"),
G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_view_show_statusbar), TRUE },
- { "ViewFullscreen", GTK_STOCK_FULLSCREEN, NULL, "F11",
+ { "ViewFullscreen", "view-fullscreen", N_("_Fullscreen"), "F11",
N_("Edit text in fullscreen"),
G_CALLBACK (_pluma_cmd_view_toggle_fullscreen_mode), FALSE }