diff options
authorrootavish <>2014-06-21 15:01:33 +0530
committerrootavish <>2014-06-21 15:01:33 +0530
commite817bd447789cd670fb00b6507debfe84f8cf64f (patch)
parentd57fa16e9e8c9091ebf826af94a0c3ad1a593596 (diff)
Changed dependecy to webkit-1.0,added web view to window properties
Currently the backend/epub/epub-document.c file has some dummy code, such as that for thumbnails, solely to get it to build. Now that we are done with all functions that we would possibly need to handle the backend, I am now working now on displaying the document via a webview, starting with this commit where i add a webview to the EvWindow properties. Similar to this I need to put in custom functions for epub, as rendering is done by the layout engine. I will also need to add some epub specific callback functions to the widgets.
4 files changed, 405 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/backend/epub/epub-document.c b/backend/epub/epub-document.c
index 826ccf74..39c114e3 100644
--- a/backend/epub/epub-document.c
+++ b/backend/epub/epub-document.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "ev-file-helpers.h"
#include "epub-document.h"
#include "unzip.h"
+#include "ev-document-thumbnails.h"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
@@ -10,38 +11,194 @@
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
-/* A variable to hold the path where we extact our ePub */
-static gchar* tmp_dir = NULL;
-/* A variable to hold our epubDocument , for unzip purposes */
-static unzFile epubDocument ;
+#include <webkit/webkit.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
typedef enum _xmlParseReturnType
- xmlattribute = 0,
- xmlkeyword = 1
-struct _DocumentTreeNode {
+typedef struct _contentListNode {
gchar* key ;
gchar* value ;
+typedef struct _EpubDocumentClass EpubDocumentClass;
+struct _EpubDocumentClass
+ EvDocumentClass parent_class;
+struct _EpubDocument
+ EvDocument parent_instance;
+ /*Stores the path to the source archive*/
+ gchar* archivename ;
+ /*Stores the path of the directory where we unzipped the epub*/
+ gchar* tmp_archive_dir ;
+ /*Stores the contentlist in a sorted manner*/
+ GList* contentList ;
+ /*uri of the current page being displayed in the webview*/
+ gchar* currentpageuri ;
+ /* A variable to hold our epubDocument for unzipping*/
+ unzFile epubDocument ;
-typedef struct _DocumentTreeNode DocumentTreeNode;
+static void epub_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init (EvDocumentThumbnailsInterface *iface);
+EV_BACKEND_REGISTER_WITH_CODE (EpubDocument, epub_document,
+ {
+ epub_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init);
+ } );
+static GdkPixbuf *
+epub_document_thumbnails_get_thumbnail (EvDocumentThumbnails *document,
+ EvRenderContext *rc,
+ gboolean border)
+ GdkPixbuf *thumbnail;
+ return thumbnail;
+static void
+epub_document_get_page_size (EvDocument *document,
+ EvPage *page,
+ double *width,
+ double *height)
+static void
+epub_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions (EvDocumentThumbnails *document,
+ EvRenderContext *rc,
+ gint *width,
+ gint *height)
+ gdouble page_width, page_height;
+ epub_document_get_page_size (EV_DOCUMENT (document), rc->page,
+ &page_width, &page_height);
+ if (rc->rotation == 90 || rc->rotation == 270) {
+ *width = (gint) (page_height * rc->scale);
+ *height = (gint) (page_width * rc->scale);
+ } else {
+ *width = (gint) (page_width * rc->scale);
+ *height = (gint) (page_height * rc->scale);
+ }
+static void
+epub_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init (EvDocumentThumbnailsInterface *iface)
+ iface->get_thumbnail = epub_document_thumbnails_get_thumbnail;
+ iface->get_dimensions = epub_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions;
-/*Prototypes for some future functions*/
static gboolean
-extract_one_file (GError ** error);
+epub_document_save (EvDocument *document,
+ const char *uri,
+ GError **error)
+ EpubDocument *epub_document = EPUB_DOCUMENT (document);
+ return ev_xfer_uri_simple (epub_document->archivename, uri, error);
+static int
+epub_document_get_n_pages (EvDocument *document)
+ EpubDocument *epub_document = EPUB_DOCUMENT (document);
+ if (epub_document-> contentList == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ return g_list_length(epub_document->contentList);
+static void
+render_cb_function(GtkWidget *web_view,
+ GParamSpec *specification,
+ cairo_surface_t **surface)
+ WebKitLoadStatus status = webkit_web_view_get_load_status (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(web_view));
+ if ( status == WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED )
+ {
+ *(surface) = webkit_web_view_get_snapshot (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(web_view));
+ }
+static void
+epub_webkit_render(cairo_surface_t **surface,EpubDocument *epub_document,
+ const char* uri)
+ GtkWidget *offscreen_window = gtk_offscreen_window_new ();
+ gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(offscreen_window),800,600);
+ GtkWidget* web_view = webkit_web_view_new ();
+ GtkWidget* scroll_view = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL,NULL);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scroll_view),GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC,GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
+ webkit_web_view_load_uri(WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(web_view),epub_document->currentpageuri);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scroll_view),web_view);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(offscreen_window),scroll_view);
+ g_signal_connect(WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(web_view),"notify::load-status",G_CALLBACK(render_cb_function),surface);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (offscreen_window);
+ g_object_unref(web_view);
+ g_object_unref(scroll_view);
+ g_object_unref(offscreen_window);
+static cairo_surface_t *
+epub_document_render (EvDocument *document)
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ EpubDocument *epub_document = EPUB_DOCUMENT(document);
+ epub_webkit_render(&surface,epub_document,epub_document->currentpageuri);
+ return surface;
+ * epub_remove_temporary_dir : Removes a directory recursively.
+ * This function is same as comics_remove_temporary_dir
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 if it was successfully deleted,
+ * -1 if an error occurred
+ */
+static int
+epub_remove_temporary_dir (gchar *path_name)
+ GDir *content_dir;
+ const gchar *filename;
+ gchar *filename_with_path;
+ if (g_file_test (path_name, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
+ content_dir = g_dir_open (path_name, 0, NULL);
+ filename = g_dir_read_name (content_dir);
+ while (filename) {
+ filename_with_path =
+ g_build_filename (path_name,
+ filename, NULL);
+ epub_remove_temporary_dir (filename_with_path);
+ g_free (filename_with_path);
+ filename = g_dir_read_name (content_dir);
+ }
+ g_dir_close (content_dir);
+ }
+ /* Note from g_remove() documentation: on Windows, it is in general not
+ * possible to remove a file that is open to some process, or mapped
+ * into memory.*/
+ return (g_remove (path_name));
static gboolean
check_mime_type (const gchar* uri,
GError** error);
static gboolean
-extract_epub_from_container (const gchar* uri,
- GError ** error);
-static gboolean
open_xml_document (const gchar* filename);
static gboolean
@@ -73,14 +230,10 @@ xml_free_doc();
static void
free_tree_nodes (gpointer data);
-static GList*
-setup_document_tree (const gchar* content_uri,
- GError** error);
/*Global variables for XML parsing*/
static xmlDocPtr xmldocument ;
static xmlNodePtr xmlroot ;
-static xmlNodePtr retval ;
+static xmlNodePtr xmlretval ;
**Functions to parse the xml files.
@@ -138,7 +291,7 @@ xml_get_pointer_to_node(xmlChar* parserfor,
xmlNodePtr topchild,children ;
- retval = NULL ;
+ xmlretval = NULL ;
if ( !xmlStrcmp( xmlroot->name, parserfor) )
@@ -153,8 +306,8 @@ xml_get_pointer_to_node(xmlChar* parserfor,
if ( xml_check_attribute_value(topchild,attributename,attributevalue) == TRUE )
- retval = topchild;
- return retval;
+ xmlretval = topchild;
+ return xmlretval;
@@ -169,7 +322,7 @@ xml_get_pointer_to_node(xmlChar* parserfor,
topchild = topchild->next ;
- return retval ;
+ return xmlretval ;
static void
@@ -186,7 +339,7 @@ xml_parse_children_of_node(xmlNodePtr parent,
if ( xml_check_attribute_value(child,attributename,attributevalue) == TRUE )
- retval = child;
+ xmlretval = child;
return ;
@@ -197,8 +350,8 @@ xml_parse_children_of_node(xmlNodePtr parent,
- /*return already if we have retval set*/
- if ( retval != NULL )
+ /*return already if we have xmlretval set*/
+ if ( xmlretval != NULL )
return ;
@@ -235,10 +388,12 @@ xml_check_attribute_value(xmlNode* node,
static xmlChar*
-xml_get_data_from_node(xmlNodePtr node,xmlParseReturnType rettype,xmlChar* attributename)
+xml_get_data_from_node(xmlNodePtr node,
+ xmlParseReturnType rettype,
+ xmlChar* attributename)
xmlChar* datastring ;
- if ( rettype == xmlattribute )
+ if ( rettype == XML_ATTRIBUTE )
datastring= xmlGetProp(node,attributename);
datastring= xmlNodeListGetString(xmldocument,node->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
@@ -280,14 +435,70 @@ check_mime_type(const gchar* uri,GError** error)
+static gboolean
+extract_one_file(EpubDocument* epub_document,GError ** error)
+ GFile * outfile ;
+ gsize writesize = 0;
+ GString * gfilepath ;
+ unz_file_info64 info ;
+ gchar* directory;
+ GFileOutputStream * outstream ;
+ gpointer currentfilename = g_malloc0(512);
+ gpointer buffer = g_malloc0(512);
+ if ( unzOpenCurrentFile(epub_document->epubDocument) != UNZ_OK )
+ {
+ return FALSE ;
+ }
+ unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(epub_document->epubDocument,&info,currentfilename,512,NULL,0,NULL,0) ;
+ directory = g_strrstr(currentfilename,"/") ;
+ if ( directory != NULL )
+ directory++;
+ gfilepath = g_string_new(epub_document->tmp_archive_dir) ;
+ g_string_append_printf(gfilepath,"/%s",(gchar*)currentfilename);
+ /*if we encounter a directory, make a directory inside our temporary folder.*/
+ if (directory != NULL && *directory == '\0')
+ {
+ g_mkdir(gfilepath->str,0777);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outfile = g_file_new_for_path(gfilepath->str);
+ outstream = g_file_create(outfile,G_FILE_CREATE_PRIVATE,NULL,error);
+ while ( (writesize = unzReadCurrentFile(epub_document->epubDocument,buffer,512) ) != 0 )
+ {
+ if ( g_output_stream_write((GOutputStream*)outstream,buffer,writesize,NULL,error) == -1 )
+ {
+ return FALSE ;
+ }
+ }
+ g_output_stream_close((GOutputStream*)outstream,NULL,error);
+ g_object_unref(outfile) ;
+ g_object_unref(outstream) ;
+ }
+ unzCloseCurrentFile (epub_document->epubDocument) ;
+ g_string_free(gfilepath,TRUE);
+ g_free(currentfilename);
+ g_free(buffer);
static gboolean
-extract_epub_from_container (const gchar* uri, GError ** error)
+extract_epub_from_container (const gchar* uri,
+ EpubDocument *epub_document,
+ GError ** error)
GError* err = NULL ;
GString * temporary_sub_directory ;
- gchar* archivename = g_filename_from_uri(uri,NULL,error);
- if ( !archivename )
+ epub_document->archivename = g_filename_from_uri(uri,NULL,error);
+ gchar* epubfilename ;
+ if ( !epub_document->archivename )
if (err) {
g_propagate_error (error, err);
@@ -301,24 +512,24 @@ extract_epub_from_container (const gchar* uri, GError ** error)
return FALSE ;
- tmp_dir = g_strrstr(archivename,"/");
- if ( *tmp_dir == '/' )
- tmp_dir++ ;
+ epubfilename = g_strrstr(epub_document->archivename,"/");
+ if ( *epubfilename == '/' )
+ epubfilename++ ;
- temporary_sub_directory = g_string_new( tmp_dir );
+ temporary_sub_directory = g_string_new( epubfilename );
g_string_append(temporary_sub_directory,"XXXXXX") ;
- tmp_dir = ev_mkdtemp(temporary_sub_directory->str,error) ;
+ epub_document->tmp_archive_dir = ev_mkdtemp(temporary_sub_directory->str,error) ;
- if (!tmp_dir) {
+ if (!epub_document->tmp_archive_dir) {
return FALSE ;
- epubDocument = unzOpen64(archivename);
+ epub_document->epubDocument = unzOpen64(epub_document->archivename);
- if ( epubDocument == NULL )
+ if ( epub_document->epubDocument == NULL )
if (err) {
g_propagate_error (error, err);
@@ -331,7 +542,7 @@ extract_epub_from_container (const gchar* uri, GError ** error)
return FALSE ;
- if ( unzGoToFirstFile(epubDocument) != UNZ_OK )
+ if ( unzGoToFirstFile(epub_document->epubDocument) != UNZ_OK )
if (err) {
g_propagate_error (error, err);
@@ -346,7 +557,7 @@ extract_epub_from_container (const gchar* uri, GError ** error)
while ( TRUE )
- if ( extract_one_file(&err) == FALSE )
+ if ( extract_one_file(epub_document,&err) == FALSE )
if (err) {
g_propagate_error (error, err);
@@ -357,77 +568,20 @@ extract_epub_from_container (const gchar* uri, GError ** error)
_("could not extract archive"));
+ return FALSE;
- if ( unzGoToNextFile(epubDocument) == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE )
+ if ( unzGoToNextFile(epub_document->epubDocument) == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE )
break ;
- unzClose(epubDocument);
- if ( err != NULL )
- g_error_free(err);
- g_free(archivename);
+ unzClose(epub_document->epubDocument);
return TRUE ;
-static gboolean
-extract_one_file(GError ** error)
- GFile * outfile ;
- gsize writesize = 0;
- GString * gfilepath ;
- unz_file_info64 info ;
- gchar* directory;
- GFileOutputStream * outstream ;
- gpointer currentfilename = g_malloc0(512);
- gpointer buffer = g_malloc0(512);
- if ( unzOpenCurrentFile(epubDocument) != UNZ_OK )
- {
- return FALSE ;
- }
- unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(epubDocument,&info,currentfilename,512,NULL,0,NULL,0) ;
- directory = g_strrstr(currentfilename,"/") ;
- if ( directory != NULL )
- directory++;
- gfilepath = g_string_new(tmp_dir) ;
- g_string_append_printf(gfilepath,"/%s",(gchar*)currentfilename);
- /*if we encounter a directory, make a directory inside our temporary folder.*/
- if (directory != NULL && *directory == '\0')
- {
- g_mkdir(gfilepath->str,0777);
- }
- else
- {
- outfile = g_file_new_for_path(gfilepath->str);
- outstream = g_file_create(outfile,G_FILE_CREATE_PRIVATE,NULL,error);
- while ( (writesize = unzReadCurrentFile(epubDocument,buffer,512) ) != 0 )
- {
- if ( g_output_stream_write((GOutputStream*)outstream,buffer,writesize,NULL,error) == -1 )
- {
- return FALSE ;
- }
- }
- g_output_stream_close((GOutputStream*)outstream,NULL,error);
- g_object_unref(outfile) ;
- g_object_unref(outstream) ;
- }
- unzCloseCurrentFile (epubDocument) ;
- g_string_free(gfilepath,TRUE);
- g_free(currentfilename);
- g_free(buffer);
-static gchar* get_uri_to_content(const gchar* uri,GError ** error)
+static gchar*
+get_uri_to_content(const gchar* uri,GError ** error,gchar* tmp_archive_dir)
GError * err = NULL ;
gchar* containerpath = g_filename_from_uri(uri,NULL,&err);
@@ -477,9 +631,8 @@ static gchar* get_uri_to_content(const gchar* uri,GError ** error)
return NULL ;
- relativepath = xml_get_data_from_node(rootfileNode,xmlattribute,(xmlChar*)"full-path") ;
- if ( relativepath == NULL )
+ relativepath = xml_get_data_from_node(rootfileNode,XML_ATTRIBUTE,(xmlChar*)"full-path") ;
+ if ( relativepath == NULL )
@@ -487,7 +640,7 @@ static gchar* get_uri_to_content(const gchar* uri,GError ** error)
_("epub file is corrupt,no container"));
return NULL ;
- g_string_printf(absolutepath,"%s/%s",tmp_dir,relativepath);
+ g_string_printf(absolutepath,"%s/%s",tmp_archive_dir,relativepath);
content_uri = g_filename_to_uri(absolutepath->str,NULL,&err);
if ( !content_uri ) {
@@ -508,18 +661,18 @@ static gchar* get_uri_to_content(const gchar* uri,GError ** error)
static GList*
-setup_document_tree(const gchar* content_uri, GError** error)
+setup_document_content_list(const gchar* content_uri, GError** error,gchar *tmp_archive_dir)
GList* newlist = NULL ;
GError * err = NULL ;
- gchar* contentOpf="/home/rootavish/Downloads/zlib/progit/content.opf";
xmlNodePtr manifest,spine,itemrefptr,itemptr ;
gboolean errorflag = FALSE;
gchar* relativepath ;
GString* absolutepath = g_string_new(NULL);
- if ( open_xml_document(contentOpf) == FALSE )
+ if ( open_xml_document(content_uri) == FALSE )
@@ -555,13 +708,13 @@ setup_document_tree(const gchar* content_uri, GError** error)
return FALSE ;
- retval = NULL ;
+ xmlretval = NULL ;
/*Get first instance of itemref from the spine*/
- if ( retval != NULL )
- itemrefptr = retval ;
+ if ( xmlretval != NULL )
+ itemrefptr = xmlretval ;
@@ -574,31 +727,29 @@ setup_document_tree(const gchar* content_uri, GError** error)
- if ( xmlStrcmp(itemrefptr->name,"itemref") == 0)
+ if ( xmlStrcmp(itemrefptr->name,(xmlChar*)"itemref") == 0)
- DocumentTreeNode* newnode = g_malloc0(sizeof(newnode));
- newnode->key = xml_get_data_from_node(itemrefptr,xmlattribute,(xmlChar*)"idref");
- if ( newnode->key == NULL )
+ contentListNode* newnode = g_malloc0(sizeof(newnode));
+ newnode->key = xml_get_data_from_node(itemrefptr,XML_ATTRIBUTE,(xmlChar*)"idref");
+ if ( newnode->key == NULL )
errorflag =TRUE;
- retval=NULL ;
- xml_parse_children_of_node(manifest,"item","id",newnode->key);
+ xmlretval=NULL ;
+ xml_parse_children_of_node(manifest,(xmlChar*)"item",(xmlChar*)"id",(xmlChar*)newnode->key);
- if ( retval != NULL )
+ if ( xmlretval != NULL )
- itemptr = retval ;
+ itemptr = xmlretval ;
- relativepath = xml_get_data_from_node(itemptr,xmlattribute,(xmlChar*)"href");
- g_string_assign(absolutepath,tmp_dir);
+ relativepath = xml_get_data_from_node(itemptr,XML_ATTRIBUTE,(xmlChar*)"href");
+ g_string_assign(absolutepath,tmp_archive_dir);
newnode->value = g_filename_to_uri(absolutepath->str,NULL,&err);
if ( newnode->value == NULL )
@@ -636,11 +787,105 @@ setup_document_tree(const gchar* content_uri, GError** error)
+/* Callback function to free the contentlist.*/
static void
free_tree_nodes(gpointer data)
- DocumentTreeNode* dataptr = data ;
+ contentListNode* dataptr = data ;
-} \ No newline at end of file
+static void
+epub_document_init (EpubDocument *epub_document)
+ epub_document->archivename = NULL ;
+ epub_document->tmp_archive_dir = NULL ;
+ epub_document->contentList = NULL ;
+ epub_document->currentpageuri = NULL;
+static gboolean
+epub_document_load (EvDocument* document,
+ const char* uri,
+ GError** error)
+ EpubDocument *epub_document = EPUB_DOCUMENT(document);
+ GError* err = NULL ;
+ gchar* containeruri ;
+ GString *containerpath ;
+ gchar* contentOpfUri ;
+ if ( check_mime_type (uri,&err) == FALSE )
+ {
+ /*Error would've been set by the function*/
+ g_propagate_error(error,err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /*FIXME : can this be different, ever?*/
+ containerpath = g_string_new(epub_document->tmp_archive_dir);
+ g_string_append_printf(containerpath,"/META-INF/container.xml");
+ containeruri = g_filename_to_uri(containerpath->str,NULL,&err);
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ g_propagate_error(error,err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ contentOpfUri = get_uri_to_content (containeruri,&err,epub_document->tmp_archive_dir);
+ if ( contentOpfUri == NULL )
+ {
+ g_propagate_error(error,err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ epub_document->contentList = setup_document_content_list (contentOpfUri,&err,epub_document->tmp_archive_dir);
+ if ( epub_document->contentList == NULL )
+ {
+ g_propagate_error(error,err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE ;
+static void
+epub_document_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EpubDocument *epub_document = EPUB_DOCUMENT (object);
+ if (epub_document->epubDocument != NULL) {
+ if (epub_remove_temporary_dir (epub_document->tmp_archive_dir) == -1)
+ g_warning (_("There was an error deleting ā€œ%sā€."),
+ epub_document->tmp_archive_dir);
+ g_free (epub_document->tmp_archive_dir);
+ }
+ if ( epub_document->contentList ) {
+ g_list_free_full(epub_document->contentList,(GDestroyNotify)free_tree_nodes);
+ }
+ g_free (epub_document->tmp_archive_dir);
+ g_free (epub_document->currentpageuri);
+ g_free (epub_document->archivename);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (epub_document_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+epub_document_class_init (EpubDocumentClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ EvDocumentClass *ev_document_class = EV_DOCUMENT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->finalize = epub_document_finalize;
+ ev_document_class->load = epub_document_load;
+ ev_document_class->save = epub_document_save;
+ ev_document_class->get_n_pages = epub_document_get_n_pages;
+ ev_document_class->get_page_size = epub_document_get_page_size;
+ ev_document_class->render = epub_document_render;
diff --git a/ b/
index 19bc4ba4..b7d1070a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -699,13 +699,13 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(epub,
if test "x$enable_epub" = "xyes"; then
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES(WEBKIT, webkit2gtk-3.0 >= $WEBKIT_REQUIRED libxml-2.0 >= $LIBXML_REQUIRED zlib,enable_epub=yes,enable_epub=no)
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(WEBKIT, webkit-1.0 >= $WEBKIT_REQUIRED libxml-2.0 >= $LIBXML_REQUIRED zlib,enable_epub=yes,enable_epub=no)
if test "x$enable_epub" = "xyes"; then
AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_EPUB], [1], [Enable support for ePub documents.])
- AC_MSG_WARN(["ePub support is disabled since webkit2gtk-3.0( version >= $WEBKIT_REQUIRED ) is needed"])
+ AC_MSG_WARN(["ePub support is disabled since webkit-1.0( version >= $WEBKIT_REQUIRED ) is needed"])
diff --git a/shell/ b/shell/
index cd123aad..aff9fde0 100644
--- a/shell/
+++ b/shell/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS= \
@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ atril_LDADD= \
$(top_builddir)/libdocument/ \
$(top_builddir)/libview/ \
$(top_builddir)/libmisc/ \
atril_LDADD += atril-icon.o
diff --git a/shell/ev-window.c b/shell/ev-window.c
index 5b046ae7..9219a7cb 100644
--- a/shell/ev-window.c
+++ b/shell/ev-window.c
@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
#include "ev-media-player-keys.h"
#endif /* ENABLE_DBUS */
+#include <webkit/webkit.h>
typedef enum {
@@ -141,7 +144,9 @@ struct _EvWindowPrivate {
GtkWidget *sidebar_attachments;
GtkWidget *sidebar_layers;
GtkWidget *sidebar_annots;
+ GtkWidget *web_view ;
/* Settings */
GSettings *settings;
GSettings *default_settings;
@@ -5294,6 +5299,12 @@ ev_window_dispose (GObject *object)
priv->view = NULL;
+ if ( priv->web_view ) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->web_view);
+ priv->web_view = NULL ;
+ }
if (priv->password_view) {
g_object_unref (priv->password_view);
priv->password_view = NULL;
@@ -7019,6 +7030,9 @@ ev_window_init (EvWindow *ev_window)
gtk_widget_show (ev_window->priv->view_box);
ev_window->priv->view = ev_view_new ();
+ ev_window->priv->web_view = webkit_web_view_new () ;
ev_view_set_page_cache_size (EV_VIEW (ev_window->priv->view), PAGE_CACHE_SIZE);
ev_view_set_model (EV_VIEW (ev_window->priv->view), ev_window->priv->model);
@@ -7065,10 +7079,18 @@ ev_window_init (EvWindow *ev_window)
/* We own a ref on these widgets, as we can swap them in and out */
g_object_ref (ev_window->priv->view);
g_object_ref (ev_window->priv->password_view);
- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (ev_window->priv->scrolled_window),
+ if (0)
+ {
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (ev_window->priv->scrolled_window),
+ ev_window->priv->web_view);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (ev_window->priv->scrolled_window),
+ }
/* Connect to model signals */
g_signal_connect_swapped (ev_window->priv->model,