path: root/backend/dvi/mdvi-lib/tfmfile.c
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authorPerberos <[email protected]>2011-11-09 18:17:43 -0300
committerPerberos <[email protected]>2011-11-09 18:17:43 -0300
commitf6ce926719943751cf65cacde7fae050593eb2d6 (patch)
tree9224d1751678cf2d1fbd0431f128b711311c0287 /backend/dvi/mdvi-lib/tfmfile.c
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/dvi/mdvi-lib/tfmfile.c')
1 files changed, 747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/dvi/mdvi-lib/tfmfile.c b/backend/dvi/mdvi-lib/tfmfile.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73ebf26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/dvi/mdvi-lib/tfmfile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+/* tfmfile.c -- readers for TFM, AFM, OTFM-0 and OTFM-1 files */
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Matias Atria
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h> /* tex-file.h needs this */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "mdvi.h"
+#include "private.h"
+#undef TRUE
+#undef FALSE
+#include "afmparse.h"
+typedef struct tfmpool {
+ struct tfmpool *next;
+ struct tfmpool *prev;
+ char *short_name;
+ int links;
+ TFMInfo tfminfo;
+} TFMPool;
+static ListHead tfmpool = {NULL, NULL, 0};
+static DviHashTable tfmhash;
+#define TFM_HASH_SIZE 31
+static inline void swap_array(Uint32 *ptr, int n)
+ Uint32 i;
+ while(n-- > 0) {
+ i = *ptr;
+ *ptr++ = ((i & 0xff000000) >> 24)
+ | ((i & 0x00ff0000) >> 8)
+ | ((i & 0x0000ff00) << 8)
+ | ((i & 0x000000ff) << 24);
+ }
+static int __PROTO(ofm_load_file(const char *filename, TFMInfo *info));
+/* reading of AFM files */
+/* macro to convert between AFM and TFM units */
+#define AFM2TFM(x) FROUND((double)(x) * 0x100000 / 1000)
+int afm_load_file(const char *filename, TFMInfo *info)
+ /* the information we want is:
+ * - tfmwidth
+ * - width and heights
+ * - character origins
+ */
+ FontInfo *fi = NULL;
+ int status;
+ CharMetricInfo *cm;
+ FILE *in;
+ in = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if(in == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ status = afm_parse_file(in, &fi, P_GM);
+ fclose(in);
+ if(status != ok) {
+ mdvi_error(_("%s: Error reading AFM data\n"), filename);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* aim high */
+ info->chars = xnalloc(TFMChar, 256);
+ info->loc = 256;
+ info->hic = 0;
+ info->design = 0xa00000; /* fake -- 10pt */
+ info->checksum = 0; /* no checksum */
+ info->type = DviFontAFM;
+ mdvi_strncpy(info->coding, fi->gfi->encodingScheme, 63);
+ mdvi_strncpy(info->family, fi->gfi->familyName, 63);
+ /* now get the data */
+ for(cm = fi->cmi; cm < fi->cmi + fi->numOfChars; cm++) {
+ int code;
+ TFMChar *ch;
+ code = cm->code;
+ if(code < 0 || code > 255)
+ continue; /* ignore it */
+ ch = &info->chars[code];
+ ch->present = 1;
+ if(code < info->loc)
+ info->loc = code;
+ if(code > info->hic)
+ info->hic = code;
+ ch->advance = AFM2TFM(cm->wx);
+ /* this is the `leftSideBearing' */
+ ch->left = AFM2TFM(cm->charBBox.llx);
+ /* this is the height (ascent - descent) -- the sign is to follow
+ * TeX conventions, as opposed to Adobe's ones */
+ ch->depth = -AFM2TFM(cm->charBBox.lly);
+ /* this is the width (rightSideBearing - leftSideBearing) */
+ ch->right = AFM2TFM(cm->charBBox.urx);
+ /* this is the `ascent' */
+ ch->height = AFM2TFM(cm->charBBox.ury);
+ }
+ /* we don't need this anymore */
+ afm_free_fontinfo(fi);
+ /* optimize storage */
+ if(info->loc > 0 || info->hic < 256) {
+ memmove(&info->chars[0],
+ &info->chars[info->loc],
+ (info->hic - info->loc + 1) * sizeof(TFMChar));
+ info->chars = mdvi_realloc(info->chars,
+ (info->hic - info->loc + 1) * sizeof(TFMChar));
+ }
+ /* we're done */
+ return 0;
+#endif /* WITH_AFM_FILES */
+int tfm_load_file(const char *filename, TFMInfo *info)
+ int lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd, ne;
+ int i, n;
+ Uchar *tfm;
+ Uchar *ptr;
+ struct stat st;
+ int size;
+ FILE *in;
+ Int32 *cb;
+ Int32 *charinfo;
+ Int32 *widths;
+ Int32 *heights;
+ Int32 *depths;
+ Uint32 checksum;
+ in = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if(in == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ tfm = NULL;
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) reading TFM file `%s'\n",
+ filename));
+ /* We read the entire TFM file into core */
+ if(fstat(fileno(in), &st) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if(st.st_size == 0)
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ /* allocate a word-aligned buffer to hold the file */
+ size = 4 * ROUND(st.st_size, 4);
+ if(size != st.st_size)
+ mdvi_warning(_("Warning: TFM file `%s' has suspicious size\n"),
+ filename);
+ tfm = (Uchar *)mdvi_malloc(size);
+ if(fread(tfm, st.st_size, 1, in) != 1)
+ goto error;
+ /* we don't need this anymore */
+ fclose(in);
+ in = NULL;
+ /* not a checksum, but serves a similar purpose */
+ checksum = 0;
+ ptr = tfm;
+ /* get the counters */
+ lf = muget2(ptr);
+ lh = muget2(ptr); checksum += 6 + lh;
+ bc = muget2(ptr);
+ ec = muget2(ptr); checksum += ec - bc + 1;
+ nw = muget2(ptr); checksum += nw;
+ nh = muget2(ptr); checksum += nh;
+ nd = muget2(ptr); checksum += nd;
+ checksum += muget2(ptr); /* skip italics correction count */
+ checksum += muget2(ptr); /* skip lig/kern table size */
+ checksum += muget2(ptr); /* skip kern table size */
+ ne = muget2(ptr); checksum += ne;
+ checksum += muget2(ptr); /* skip # of font parameters */
+ size = ec - bc + 1;
+ cb = (Int32 *)tfm; cb += 6 + lh;
+ charinfo = cb; cb += size;
+ widths = cb; cb += nw;
+ heights = cb; cb += nh;
+ depths = cb;
+ if(widths[0] || heights[0] || depths[0] ||
+ checksum != lf || bc - 1 > ec || ec > 255 || ne > 256)
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ /* from this point on, no error checking is done */
+ /* now we're at the header */
+ /* get the checksum */
+ info->checksum = muget4(ptr);
+ /* get the design size */
+ info->design = muget4(ptr);
+ /* get the coding scheme */
+ if(lh > 2) {
+ /* get the coding scheme */
+ i = n = msget1(ptr);
+ if(n < 0 || n > 39) {
+ mdvi_warning(_("%s: font coding scheme truncated to 40 bytes\n"),
+ filename);
+ n = 39;
+ }
+ memcpy(info->coding, ptr, n);
+ info->coding[n] = 0;
+ ptr += i;
+ } else
+ strcpy(info->coding, "FontSpecific");
+ /* get the font family */
+ if(lh > 12) {
+ n = msget1(ptr);
+ if(n > 0) {
+ i = Max(n, 63);
+ memcpy(info->family, ptr, i);
+ info->family[i] = 0;
+ } else
+ strcpy(info->family, "unspecified");
+ ptr += n;
+ }
+ /* now we don't read from `ptr' anymore */
+ info->loc = bc;
+ info->hic = ec;
+ info->type = DviFontTFM;
+ /* allocate characters */
+ info->chars = xnalloc(TFMChar, size);
+ /* byte-swap the three arrays at once (they are consecutive in memory) */
+ swap_array((Uint32 *)widths, nw + nh + nd);
+ /* get the relevant data */
+ ptr = (Uchar *)charinfo;
+ for(i = bc; i <= ec; ptr += 3, i++) {
+ int ndx;
+ ndx = (int)*ptr; ptr++;
+ info->chars[i-bc].advance = widths[ndx];
+ /* TFM files lack this information */
+ info->chars[i-bc].left = 0;
+ info->chars[i-bc].right = widths[ndx];
+ info->chars[i-bc].present = (ndx != 0);
+ if(ndx) {
+ ndx = ((*ptr >> 4) & 0xf);
+ info->chars[i-bc].height = heights[ndx];
+ ndx = (*ptr & 0xf);
+ info->chars[i-bc].depth = depths[ndx];
+ }
+ }
+ /* free everything */
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+ return 0;
+ mdvi_error(_("%s: File corrupted, or not a TFM file\n"), filename);
+ if(tfm) mdvi_free(tfm);
+ if(in) fclose(in);
+ return -1;
+static int ofm1_load_file(FILE *in, TFMInfo *info)
+ int lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd;
+ int nco, ncw, npc;
+ int i;
+ int n;
+ int size;
+ Int32 *tfm;
+ Int32 *widths;
+ Int32 *heights;
+ Int32 *depths;
+ TFMChar *tch;
+ TFMChar *end;
+ lf = fuget4(in);
+ lh = fuget4(in);
+ bc = fuget4(in);
+ ec = fuget4(in);
+ nw = fuget4(in);
+ nh = fuget4(in);
+ nd = fuget4(in);
+ fuget4(in); /* italics */
+ fuget4(in); /* lig-kern */
+ fuget4(in); /* kern */
+ fuget4(in); /* extensible recipe */
+ fuget4(in); /* parameters */
+ fuget4(in); /* direction */
+ nco = fuget4(in);
+ ncw = fuget4(in);
+ npc = fuget4(in);
+ /* get the checksum */
+ info->checksum = fuget4(in);
+ /* the design size */
+ info->design = fuget4(in);
+ /* get the coding scheme */
+ if(lh > 2) {
+ /* get the coding scheme */
+ i = n = fsget1(in);
+ if(n < 0 || n > 39)
+ n = 39;
+ fread(info->coding, 39, 1, in);
+ info->coding[n] = 0;
+ } else
+ strcpy(info->coding, "FontSpecific");
+ /* get the font family */
+ if(lh > 12) {
+ n = fsget1(in);
+ if(n > 0) {
+ i = Max(n, 63);
+ fread(info->family, i, 1, in);
+ info->family[i] = 0;
+ } else
+ strcpy(info->family, "unspecified");
+ }
+ tfm = NULL;
+ /* jump to the beginning of the char-info table */
+ fseek(in, 4L*nco, SEEK_SET);
+ size = ec - bc + 1;
+ info->loc = bc;
+ info->hic = ec;
+ info->chars = xnalloc(TFMChar, size);
+ end = info->chars + size;
+ for(tch = info->chars, i = 0; i < ncw; i++) {
+ TFMChar ch;
+ int nr;
+ /* in the characters we store the actual indices */
+ ch.advance = fuget2(in);
+ ch.height = fuget1(in);
+ ch.depth = fuget1(in);
+ /* skip 2nd word */
+ fuget4(in);
+ /* get # of repeats */
+ nr = fuget2(in);
+ /* skip parameters */
+ fseek(in, (long)npc * 2, SEEK_CUR);
+ /* if npc is odd, skip padding */
+ if(npc & 1) fuget2(in);
+ /* now repeat the character */
+ while(nr-- >= 0 && tch < end)
+ memcpy(tch++, &ch, sizeof(TFMChar));
+ if(tch == end)
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ }
+ /* I wish we were done, but we aren't */
+ /* get the widths, heights and depths */
+ size = nw + nh + nd;
+ tfm = xnalloc(Int32, size);
+ /* read them in one sweep */
+ if(fread(tfm, 4, size, in) != size) {
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ }
+ /* byte-swap things if necessary */
+ swap_array((Uint32 *)tfm, size);
+ widths = tfm;
+ heights = widths + nw;
+ depths = heights + nh;
+ if(widths[0] || heights[0] || depths[0])
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ /* now fix the characters */
+ size = ec - bc + 1;
+ for(tch = info->chars; tch < end; tch++) {
+ tch->present = (tch->advance != 0);
+ tch->advance = widths[tch->advance];
+ tch->height = heights[tch->height];
+ tch->depth = depths[tch->depth];
+ tch->left = 0;
+ tch->right = tch->advance;
+ }
+ /* NOW we're done */
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+ return 0;
+ if(tfm) mdvi_free(tfm);
+ return -1;
+/* we don't read OFM files into memory, because they can potentially be large */
+static int ofm_load_file(const char *filename, TFMInfo *info)
+ int lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd;
+ int i, n;
+ Int32 *tfm;
+ Uchar *ptr;
+ int size;
+ FILE *in;
+ Int32 *cb;
+ Int32 *charinfo;
+ Int32 *widths;
+ Int32 *heights;
+ Int32 *depths;
+ Uint32 checksum;
+ int olevel;
+ int nwords;
+ in = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if(in == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ /* not a checksum, but serves a similar purpose */
+ checksum = 0;
+ /* get the counters */
+ /* get file level */
+ olevel = fsget2(in);
+ if(olevel != 0)
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ olevel = fsget2(in);
+ if(olevel != 0) {
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) reading Level-1 OFM file `%s'\n",
+ filename));
+ /* we handle level-1 files separately */
+ if(ofm1_load_file(in, info) < 0)
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) reading Level-0 OFM file `%s'\n", filename));
+ nwords = 14;
+ lf = fuget4(in); checksum = nwords;
+ lh = fuget4(in); checksum += lh;
+ bc = fuget4(in);
+ ec = fuget4(in); checksum += 2 * (ec - bc + 1);
+ nw = fuget4(in); checksum += nw;
+ nh = fuget4(in); checksum += nh;
+ nd = fuget4(in); checksum += nd;
+ checksum += fuget4(in); /* skip italics correction count */
+ checksum += 2*fuget4(in); /* skip lig/kern table size */
+ checksum += fuget4(in); /* skip kern table size */
+ checksum += 2*fuget4(in); /* skip extensible recipe count */
+ checksum += fuget4(in); /* skip # of font parameters */
+ /* I have found several .ofm files that seem to have the
+ * font-direction word missing, so we try to detect that here */
+ if(checksum == lf + 1) {
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) font direction missing in `%s'\n",
+ filename));
+ checksum--;
+ nwords--;
+ } else {
+ /* skip font direction */
+ fuget4(in);
+ }
+ if(checksum != lf || bc > ec + 1 || ec > 65535)
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ /* now we're at the header */
+ /* get the checksum */
+ info->checksum = fuget4(in);
+ /* get the design size */
+ info->design = fuget4(in);
+ /* get the coding scheme */
+ if(lh > 2) {
+ /* get the coding scheme */
+ i = n = fsget1(in);
+ if(n < 0 || n > 39) {
+ mdvi_warning(_("%s: font coding scheme truncated to 40 bytes\n"),
+ filename);
+ n = 39;
+ }
+ fread(info->coding, 39, 1, in);
+ info->coding[n] = 0;
+ } else
+ strcpy(info->coding, "FontSpecific");
+ /* get the font family */
+ if(lh > 12) {
+ n = fsget1(in);
+ if(n > 0) {
+ i = Max(n, 63);
+ fread(info->family, i, 1, in);
+ info->family[i] = 0;
+ } else
+ strcpy(info->family, "unspecified");
+ }
+ /* now skip anything else in the header */
+ fseek(in, 4L*(nwords + lh), SEEK_SET);
+ /* and read everything at once */
+ size = 2*(ec - bc + 1) + nw + nh + nd;
+ tfm = xnalloc(Int32, size * sizeof(Int32));
+ if(fread(tfm, 4, size, in) != size) {
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ }
+ /* byte-swap all the tables at once */
+ swap_array((Uint32 *)tfm, size);
+ cb = tfm;
+ charinfo = cb; cb += 2*(ec - bc + 1);
+ widths = cb; cb += nw;
+ heights = cb; cb += nh;
+ depths = cb;
+ if(widths[0] || heights[0] || depths[0]) {
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+ goto bad_tfm;
+ }
+ /* from this point on, no error checking is done */
+ /* we don't need this anymore */
+ fclose(in);
+ /* now we don't read from `ptr' anymore */
+ info->loc = bc;
+ info->hic = ec;
+ info->type = DviFontTFM;
+ /* allocate characters */
+ info->chars = xnalloc(TFMChar, size);
+ /* get the relevant data */
+ ptr = (Uchar *)charinfo;
+ for(i = bc; i <= ec; ptr += 4, i++) {
+ int ndx;
+ ndx = muget2(ptr);
+ info->chars[i-bc].advance = widths[ndx];
+ /* TFM files lack this information */
+ info->chars[i-bc].left = 0;
+ info->chars[i-bc].right = widths[ndx];
+ info->chars[i-bc].present = (ndx != 0);
+ ndx = muget1(ptr);
+ info->chars[i-bc].height = heights[ndx];
+ ndx = muget1(ptr);
+ info->chars[i-bc].depth = depths[ndx];
+ }
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+ return 0;
+ mdvi_error(_("%s: File corrupted, or not a TFM file\n"), filename);
+ fclose(in);
+ return -1;
+char *lookup_font_metrics(const char *name, int *type)
+ char *file;
+ switch(*type) {
+ case DviFontAny:
+ case DviFontTFM:
+ file = kpse_find_tfm(name);
+ *type = DviFontTFM;
+ break;
+ case DviFontOFM: {
+ file = kpse_find_ofm(name);
+ /* we may have gotten a TFM back */
+ if(file != NULL) {
+ const char *ext = file_extension(file);
+ if(ext && STREQ(ext, "tfm"))
+ *type = DviFontTFM;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case DviFontAFM:
+ file = kpse_find_file(name, kpse_afm_format, 0);
+ break;
+ case DviFontAny:
+ file = kpse_find_file(name, kpse_afm_format, 0);
+ *type = DviFontAFM;
+ if(file == NULL) {
+ file = kpse_find_tfm(name);
+ *type = DviFontTFM;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return file;
+ * The next two functions are just wrappers for the font metric loaders,
+ * and use the pool of TFM data
+ */
+/* this is how we interpret arguments:
+ * - if filename is NULL, we look for files of the given type,
+ * unless type is DviFontAny, in which case we try all the
+ * types we know of.
+ * - if filename is not NULL, we look at `type' to decide
+ * how to read the file. If type is DviFontAny, we just
+ * return an error.
+ */
+TFMInfo *get_font_metrics(const char *short_name, int type, const char *filename)
+ TFMPool *tfm = NULL;
+ int status;
+ char *file;
+ if(tfmpool.count) {
+ tfm = (TFMPool *)mdvi_hash_lookup(&tfmhash,
+ MDVI_KEY(short_name));
+ if(tfm != NULL) {
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) reusing metric file `%s' (%d links)\n",
+ short_name, tfm->links));
+ tfm->links++;
+ return &tfm->tfminfo;
+ }
+ }
+ file = filename ? (char *)filename : lookup_font_metrics(short_name, &type);
+ if(file == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ tfm = xalloc(TFMPool);
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) loading font metric data from `%s'\n", file, file));
+ switch(type) {
+ case DviFontTFM:
+ status = tfm_load_file(file, &tfm->tfminfo);
+ break;
+ case DviFontOFM:
+ status = ofm_load_file(file, &tfm->tfminfo);
+ break;
+ case DviFontAFM:
+ status = afm_load_file(file, &tfm->tfminfo);
+ break;
+ default:
+ status = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(file != filename)
+ mdvi_free(file);
+ if(status < 0) {
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ tfm->short_name = mdvi_strdup(short_name);
+ /* add it to the pool */
+ if(tfmpool.count == 0)
+ mdvi_hash_create(&tfmhash, TFM_HASH_SIZE);
+ mdvi_hash_add(&tfmhash, MDVI_KEY(tfm->short_name),
+ listh_prepend(&tfmpool, LIST(tfm));
+ tfm->links = 1;
+ return &tfm->tfminfo;
+void free_font_metrics(TFMInfo *info)
+ TFMPool *tfm;
+ if(tfmpool.count == 0)
+ return;
+ /* get the entry -- can't use the hash table for this, because
+ * we don't have the short name */
+ for(tfm = (TFMPool *)tfmpool.head; tfm; tfm = tfm->next)
+ if(info == &tfm->tfminfo)
+ break;
+ if(tfm == NULL)
+ return;
+ if(--tfm->links > 0) {
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) %s not removed, still in use\n",
+ tfm->short_name));
+ return;
+ }
+ mdvi_hash_remove_ptr(&tfmhash, MDVI_KEY(tfm->short_name));
+ DEBUG((DBG_FONTS, "(mt) removing unused TFM data for `%s'\n", tfm->short_name));
+ listh_remove(&tfmpool, LIST(tfm));
+ mdvi_free(tfm->short_name);
+ mdvi_free(tfm->tfminfo.chars);
+ mdvi_free(tfm);
+void flush_font_metrics(void)
+ TFMPool *ptr;
+ for(; (ptr = (TFMPool *)tfmpool.head); ) {
+ tfmpool.head = LIST(ptr->next);
+ mdvi_free(ptr->short_name);
+ mdvi_free(ptr->tfminfo.chars);
+ mdvi_free(ptr);
+ }
+ mdvi_hash_reset(&tfmhash, 0);