diff options
authorPerberos <[email protected]>2011-11-06 19:30:49 -0300
committerPerberos <[email protected]>2011-11-06 19:30:49 -0300
commita8d28a6ce7e0c56dacba5d527d9134573a008902 (patch)
-rw-r--r--data/icons/16x16/actions/eom-image-collection.pngbin0 -> 611 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/16x16/actions/eom-plugin.pngbin0 -> 719 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/16x16/actions/slideshow-play.pngbin0 -> 663 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/16x16/apps/eom.pngbin0 -> 732 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/22x22/actions/eom-image-collection.pngbin0 -> 653 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/22x22/actions/eom-plugin.pngbin0 -> 1079 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/22x22/actions/slideshow-play.pngbin0 -> 979 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/22x22/apps/eom.pngbin0 -> 1342 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/24x24/actions/eom-image-collection.pngbin0 -> 638 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/24x24/actions/slideshow-play.pngbin0 -> 983 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/24x24/apps/eom.pngbin0 -> 1380 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-image-collection.pngbin0 -> 1141 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-plugin.pngbin0 -> 1462 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/32x32/actions/slideshow-play.pngbin0 -> 1337 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/32x32/apps/eom.pngbin0 -> 2330 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/icons/48x48/actions/slideshow-play.pngbin0 -> 1717 bytes
-rw-r--r--data/pixmaps/thumbnail-frame.pngbin0 -> 908 bytes
-rw-r--r--po/[email protected]1323
-rw-r--r--po/[email protected]2570
-rw-r--r--po/[email protected]1192
-rw-r--r--po/[email protected]1659
-rw-r--r--po/[email protected]1214
366 files changed, 222093 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4eb7ef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+Tim Gerla <[email protected]>
+Philip Van Hoof <[email protected]>
+Paolo Borelli <[email protected]>
+Jens Finke <[email protected])
+Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+Arik Devens <[email protected]>
+Michael Meeks <[email protected]>
+Martin Baulig <[email protected]>
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba35a54
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geomraphical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e7fe8c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Hacking on the Eye of Mate
+o spec file:
+ People from the mate packaging project are welcome to contribute fixes for
+ the spec file.
+o build fixes:
+ "build sheriff commits welcome". Please send a mail with your patch to either
+ the maintainers or [email protected]. If you don't know what "build sheriff"
+ means please read the mail by Michael Meeks:
+o In all other cases the following rules apply:
+The code for Eye of Mate was written with several goals in mind:
+ - maintainable,
+ - extensible,
+ - correct,
+ - documented.
+If you want to work on EOM as well, please read the MATE Programming
+Guidelines first, understand their purpose, and keep them in mind when
+writing code for EOM.
+If you have a patch you would like to put into EOM, please file a bug
+using for the product EOM and attach the
+patch to it. This way your submisson won't get lost.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29bf84a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Claudio Saavedra
+Userid: csaavedra
+Felix Riemann
+Userid: friemann
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..773303c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+jpeg_DIRS = jpegutils
+SUBDIRS = $(jpeg_DIRS) cut-n-paste bindings src plugins po help data doc
+ ChangeLog-2.6 \
+ ChangeLog-2.18 \
+ ChangeLog.pre-git \
+ mate-doc-utils.make
+ intltool-extract \
+ intltool-merge \
+ intltool-update \
+ mate-doc-utils.make
+DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --disable-schemas-install --disable-scrollkeeper --enable-gtk-doc
+# Ignore scrollkeeper issues for now. @#*$& scrollkeeper
+distuninstallcheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print | grep -v scrollkeeper | grep -v /share/mate/help/ | grep -v \.omf
+ $(srcdir)/aclocal.m4 \
+ $(srcdir)/config.guess \
+ $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(srcdir)/config.sub \
+ $(srcdir)/depcomp \
+ $(srcdir)/gtk-doc.make \
+ $(srcdir)/install-sh \
+ $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(srcdir)/missing \
+ $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs \
+ $(srcdir)/omf.make \
+ $(srcdir)/xmldocs.make
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# This is the last commit before the ChangeLog was converted
+CHANGELOG_START = 6a7944721e667a5c2d87e841917d850aea885019
+ @if test -d "$(srcdir)/.git"; \
+ then \
+ echo Creating ChangeLog && \
+ ( cd "$(top_srcdir)" && \
+ echo '# Generated by Makefile. Do not edit.'; echo; \
+ $(top_srcdir)/missing --run git log -M -C --stat \
+ $(CHANGELOG_START)..) > ChangeLog.tmp \
+ && mv -f ChangeLog.tmp $(top_distdir)/ChangeLog \
+ || ( rm -f ChangeLog.tmp ; \
+ echo Failed to generate ChangeLog >&2 ); \
+ else \
+ echo A git clone is required to generate a ChangeLog >&2; \
+ fi
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1b4d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,3402 @@
+Version 2.32.0
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Ivaylo Valkov [bg]
+- Gil Forcada [ca]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Christian Kirbach [de]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Bruno Brouard, Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Fran Dieguez [gl]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Gianvito Cavasoli [it]
+- Takayuki KUSANO [ja]
+- Baurzhan Muftakhidinov [kk]
+- Aurimas Černius, Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- A S Alam [pa]
+- Piotr Drąg [pl]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Daniel S. Koda, Henrique P. Machado [pt_BR]
+- Yuri Myasoedov [ru]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Dean Lee, Aron Xu [zh_CN]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK, zh_TW]
+Version 2.31.92
+ * Copy image to disk when setting as desktop background when it is
+ located on removable media (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Ask user whether to reload an externally modified image (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Miscellaneous code fixes (Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #534348, eom should suggest to reload a modified file (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #613056, Side pane always shown at startup when plug-in is activated
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #625384, Background setting doesn't work as expected (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Christian Kirbach [de]
+- Michael Kotsarinis [el]
+- Bruce Cowan [en_GB]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Andika Triwidada [id]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- A S Alam [pa]
+- Piotr Drąg [pl]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Милош Поповић [sr]
+- Miloš Popović [sr@latin]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Dean Lee [zh_CN]
+New and updated manual translations
+- 朱涛 [zh_CN]
+Version 2.31.91
+Bug fixes:
+ #628148, Miscellaneous string fixes (Philip Withnall)
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- Philip Withnall [en_GB]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Fran Dieguez [gl]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK, zh_TW]
+Version 2.31.90
+ * Draw images against black background by default to gain a
+ better contrast (Felix Riemann)
+ * Backport UI elements from master to change background color (Felix Riemann)
+ * Code improvements (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #616450, Use a nicer background colour (Felix Riemann)
+ #625325, Useless Yes/No question (Felix Riemann)
+ #626569, Button bar appears when deleting in fullscreen (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Fran Dieguez [gl]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Andika Triwidada [id]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- A S Alam [pa]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Милош Поповић [sr]
+- Miloš Popović [sr@latin]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Yinghua Wang [zh_CN]
+Version 2.31.5
+ * New toolbar button and 'P' shortcut to pause the slideshow (Felix
+ Riemann)
+ * UI improvements (Florian Müllner)
+ * Code improvements (Felix Riemann)
+ Note: this is a special release, which doesn't really follow from
+ 2.31.4 but from 2.30.2 instead. 2.31.4 was targetting MATE 3.0,
+ which won't be released until March 2011. The changes included in
+ this release, other than the immediately listed, are all those
+ listed below, with the exception of the changes involving GSettings
+ and GTK+ 3.0.
+ New translations might have been lost in the process.
+Version 2.31.4
+ * Rename "Image Collection" to "Image Gallery" (Felix Riemann)
+ * Update totem-scrsaver to use GDBus (Bastien Nocera, Florian Müllner)
+ * Build fixes (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann)
+ * Optimize GSettings-usage and fix key names (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #618304, Rename 'Image Collection' to 'Gallery' (Felix Riemann)
+ #621370, invalid character (_) in gsettings key (Felix Riemann)
+ #621439, Update totem-scrsaver from upstream (Bastien Nocera, Florian Müllner)
+ #621616, eom-2.30.1 fails to configure when --without-libjpeg is passed
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Mario Blättermann [de]
+- Kristjan SCHMIDT [eo]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Fran Diéguez [gl]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Carles Ferrando Garcia [ca]
+- Mario Blättermann [de]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Jukka Heikkilä [fi]
+Version 2.31.3
+ * Begin GSettings migration (Felix Riemann)
+ * Allow using a custom background color for the image view (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #502992, allow user to specify background color (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Sira Nokyoongtong [th]
+Version 2.31.2
+ * Make eom fully GSEAL-compilant (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #606883, Make eom GSEAL-compatible (Andre Klapper, Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Ihar Hrachyshka [be]
+- Thomas Thurman [en@shaw]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- Manoj Kumar Giri [or]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+Version 2.31.1
+ * Render SVGs natively when zoomed (Hiroyuki Ikezoe)
+ * Print SVGs as vector image (Felix Riemann)
+ * Embed page setup in print dialog (Marek Kašík)
+ * Add high resolution app icon (Hylke Bons)
+ * Various UI improvements (Hylke Bons, Gabriel Corvalan Cornejo)
+ * Further GSEAL-compatibility work (Andre Klapper, Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #108435, SVG scaling support (Hiroyuki Ikezoe)
+ #518055, SVG being printed as low res bitmap (Felix Riemann)
+ #614405, use icons for recent file list (Hylke Bons)
+ #614451, Embed page setup dialog in the print dialog (Marek Kašík)
+ #614457, menu tweaks (Hylke Bons, Felix Riemann)
+ #614497, bad wording in open file dialog (Gabriel Corvalan Cornejo)
+ #615344, Does not show external linked images that the URI is
+ relative path in svg (Hiroyuki Ikezoe)
+ #615356, hires icon for eom (Hylke Bons)
+ #615387, libjpeg-8 breaks lossless JPEG modification (Felix Riemann)
+ #615531, Please support --version (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Amitakhya Phukan [as]
+- Runa Bhattacharjee [bn_IN]
+- Gil Forcada [ca]
+- Gil Forcada [ca@valencia]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Fran Diéguez [gl]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Žygimantas Beručka [lt]
+- Anita Reitere [lv]
+- Ani Peter [ml]
+- Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) [oc]
+- Krishna Babu K [te]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Gheyret T.Kenji [ug]
+Version 2.30.2
+Bug fixes:
+ #621616, eom-2.30.1 fails to configure when --without-libjpeg
+ is passed (Claudio Saavedra)
+New und updated translations:
+- Manoj Kumar Giri [or]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Jukka Heikkilä [fi]
+Version 2.30.1
+Bug fixes:
+ #615387, libjpeg-8 breaks lossless JPEG modification (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Runa Bhattacharjee [bn_IN]
+- Gil Forcada, Jordi Serratosa [ca]
+- Carles Ferrando, Gil Forcada [ca@valencia]
+- Mattias Põldaru [et]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Žygimantas Beručka [lt]
+- Anita Reitere [lv]
+- Ani Peter [ml]
+- Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) [oc]
+- Krishna Babu K [te]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Gheyret T.Kenji [ug]
+Version 2.30.0
+New and updated translations:
+- Krasimir Chonov [bg]
+- Sadia Afroz[bn]
+- Gil Forcada [ca]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Thanos Lefteris [el]
+- Bruce Cowan [en_GB]
+- Mattias Põldaru [et]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Tommi Vainikainen [fi]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Sweta Kothari [gu]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Gianvito Cavasoli [it]
+- Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP), SUGITA Toshinori [ja]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- A S Alam [pa]
+- Piotr Drąg [pl]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Горан Ракић [sr]
+- Goran Rakić [sr@latin]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko [uk]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK, zh_TW]
+Version 2.29.91
+ * Build fixes (Maciej Piechotka, Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #609184, Build failure: doesn't look for some required libs (Felix Riemann)
+ #610692, eom 2.29.90 fails to build (Maciej Piechotka)
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Amitakhya Phukan [as]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Fran Diéguez [gl]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Vladimir Melo [pt_BR]
+- Lucian Adrian Grijincu [ro]
+- Alexander Saprykin [ru]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Dr,T,Vasudevan [ta]
+Version 2.29.90
+ * Further GSEAL-compatibility improvements (Felix Riemann)
+ * Allow switching to a random image from the collection (Quinten Lansu)
+ * Build fixes (Daniel Macks)
+ * Ask user if he actually needs the Appearance capplet after setting a new
+ desktop wallpaper through Eye of MATE (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #606935, "Change desktop background" dialog shows up when using
+ "Set as desktop wallpaper" option in image viewer (Felix Riemann)
+ #609184, Build failure: doesn't look for some required libs (Daniel Macks)
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Krasimir Chonov [bg]
+- Sadia Afroz [bn]
+- Christian Kirbach, Felix Riemann [de]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Sweta Kothari [gu]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Michel Recondo [pt_BR]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Dr,T,Vasudevan [ta]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- YunQiang Su [zh_CN]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK, zh_TW]
+Version 2.29.5
+ * Remember last save location during session (Felix Riemann)
+ * String fixes / improvements (Philip Withnall)
+ * Improve GSEAL-compatibility (Felix Riemann)
+ * Use GtkInfoBar widget for the error message area (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #604230, Don't remaind the last save location (directory) (Felix Riemann)
+ #605851, Miscellaneous string fixes (Philip Withnall)
+ #605852, Use Pango markup attributes in GtkBuilder file (Philip Withnall)
+New and updated translations
+- Philip Withnall [en_GB]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Laurent Coudeur [fr]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Nils-Christoph Fiedler [nds]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Clytie Siddall [vi]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko [uk]
+New and updated manual translations
+- Maxim V. Dziumanenko [uk]
+Version 2.29.3
+ * Code fixes / improvements (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Tao Wei [zh_CN]
+Version 2.29.2
+ * Add dialog asking to save changes on exit (Marcus Carlson)
+ * Build system fixes (Sebastien Bacher)
+Bug fixes:
+ #322243, eom doesn't ask whether to save changes (Marcus Carlson)
+ #600893, don't use LOCALMODLIBS in the configure (Sebastien Bacher)
+New and updated translations
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Thomas Thurman [en@shaw]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Antón Méixome [gl]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+Version 2.29.1
+ * Support for animated GIFs (Raoul Berger)
+ * Enhance statusbar translatability (Khaled Hosny)
+ * Code fixes/improvements (Josh Lee, Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #335093, Support for animated images (Raoul Berger)
+ #566104, Reverse Left/Right arrows action in RTL mode (Felix Riemann)
+ #597059, Make statusbar info string translatable (Khaled Hosny)
+ #597754, Incorrect behavior when slideshow delay is set to 0 seconds
+ (Josh Lee)
+New and updated translations
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Denis Arnaud [br]
+- Jordi Mas [ca]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- Christian Kirbach [de]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Davide Falanga [it]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- A S Alam [pa]
+- Wancharle Sebastião Quirino [pt_BR]
+- Leonid Kanter [ru]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Dr.T.Vasudevan [ta]
+New and updated manual translations
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+Version 2.28.0
+New and updated translations:
+- Amitakhya Phukan [as]
+- astur [ast]
+- Runa Bhattacharjee [bn_IN]
+- Denis ARNAUD [br]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Giannis Katsampirhs [el]
+- Philip Withnall [en_GB]
+- Sweta Kothari [gu]
+- Rajesh Ranjan [hi]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- Ani Peter [ml]
+- Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Manoj Kumar Giri [or]
+- A S Alam [pa]
+- Adi Roiban [ro]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Krishna Babu K [te]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko [uk]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Ask Hjorth Larsen [da]
+- Μάριος Ζηντίλης, Kostas Papadimas [el]
+Version 2.27.92
+Bug fixes:
+ #592945, Images not automatically rotated (Felix Riemann)
+ #594403, Display order is broken in some locales (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations
+- Runa Bhattacharjee [bn_IN]
+- Denis Arnaud [br]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Davide Falanga [it]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Miloš Popović [sr, sr@latin]
+- Askin Yollu [tr]
+Version 2.27.91
+ * Make "Open With..." plugin look more like Caja's (Marcus Carlson)
+ * Code fixes / improvements (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #592649, Open with list should be in sync with caja (Marcus Carlson)
+New and updated translations
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- Tommi Vainikainen [fi]
+- Laurent Coudeur [fr]
+- Seán de Búrca [ga]
+- Antón Méixome [gl]
+- Piotr Drąg [pl]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+Version 2.27.90
+ * Fix crashes with plugins using Clutter 1.0 (Felix Riemann)
+ * Make netbook-mode and xdg-fallback always enabled (Felix Riemann)
+ * Support Automake 1.11's silent build rules (Felix Riemann)
+ * Generate ChangeLog from git history (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Build system fixes (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #590124, Eom fails to compile if exempi/exif are not available (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Carles Ferrando [ca@valencia]
+- Adrian Gunis [cs]
+- Jochen Skulj [de]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Antón Méixome [gl]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Peteris Krisjanis [lv]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Manoj Kumar Giri [or]
+- Krix Apolinário, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle [pt_BR]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Dr.T.Vasudevan [ta]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK, zh_TW]
+Version 2.27.5
+ * Add option to move the detailled metadata list on its own page in the image
+ properties dialog; useful on small screens (Felix Riemann)
+ * Add option to have filechooser show the XDG pictures folder by default if
+ no image is loaded (Felix Riemann)
+ * Code improvements (Claudio Saavedra, Frédéric Péters)
+ * Build system improvements / fixes (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #566810, Image properties dialog too big for netbooks (Felix Riemann)
+ #589151, Let filechooser fall back to user's pictures folder (Felix Riemann)
+ #589584, always show icon for rotate/flip menu items (Frédéric Péters)
+New and updated translations
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- César Veiga, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle [pt_BR]
+- Bùi Xuân Dương, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy [vi]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK, zh_TW]
+New and updated manual translations
+- Marek Černocký [cs]
+Version 2.27.4
+ * Allow having a "Save" button on the toolbar (Felix Riemann)
+ * Try to realise the main window from the main loop to reduce the risk
+ of crashes when clutter-using plugins use the sidebar. (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Mark Krapivner [he]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- wanderlust [uk]
+Version 2.27.3
+Bug fixes:
+ #585357, Undefined entity in .de helpfile (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+Version 2.27.2
+ * Interpolation controllable independently for zoom-in and zoom-out
+ (Brad Greco, Evert Verhellen)
+ * Code improvements / fixes (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #491197, Avoiding zoom-in blurriness (Brad Greco, Evert Verhellen)
+ #583268, properties in image properties dialog not selectable (Felix Riemann)
+ #583448, Crash on exif data (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Nathan-J. Hirschauer [de]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Dr.T.Vasudevan [ta]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Βασίλης Κοντογιάνης, Simos Xenitellis [el]
+Version 2.27.1
+ * Drop libart_lgpl dependency (Felix Riemann)
+ * Allow disabling trash confirmation dialog (Felix Riemann)
+ * Shortcut improvements (Gabor Kelemen, Felix Riemann, Claudio Saavedra,
+ Cyriac Thomas)
+ * Reduce number of exported symbols (Felix Riemann)
+ * UI improvements (Claudio Saavedra, Robin Stocker)
+ * Code improvements / fixes (Josselin Mouette, Felix Riemann,
+ Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #541967, Make possible to remove image with 'Delete' without being asked
+ for confirmation (Felix Riemann)
+ #543158, Make deletion confirmation dialog optional during session
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #556378, "Best Fit" zoom setting should have a shortcut (Felix Riemann)
+ #557317, image collection's scroll bar doesn't have a proportional slider
+ (Robin Stocker)
+ #571732, Get rid of deprecated libart_lgpl (Felix Riemann)
+ #575772, Move to Trash button has no accelerator (Gabor Kelemen)
+ #576558, Crashes when trying to save write protected file
+ (Josselin Mouette, Felix Riemann)
+ #579212, JPEG file causes memory corruption (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #580600, eom crashes on drag&drop a directory from places menu (Felix Riemann)
+ #581180, Set as background on Right click (Cyriac Thomas)
+New and updated translations:
+- Osama Khalid [ar]
+- Amitakhya Phukan [as]
+- Thanos Lefteris, Simos Xenitellis [el]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- A S Alam [pa]
+- Vladimir Melo [pt_BR]
+- Matej Urban [sl]
+- Miloš Popović [sr.po, sr@latin]
+- Funda Wang [zh_CN]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Felix Riemann [de]
+- Marios Zindilis, Fotis Tsamis [el]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+Version 2.26.0
+New and updated translations:
+- Runa Bhattacharjee [bn_IN]
+- Kenneth Nielsen, Ask H. Larsen [da]
+- Suso Baleato, Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
+- Rajesh Ranjan [hi]
+- Žygimantas Beručka, Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- Rajesh Ranjan [mai]
+- Ani Peter [ml]
+- Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Manoj Kumar Giri [or]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Nickolay V. Shmyrev [ru]
+- I. Felix [ta]
+- Krishna Babu K, Krishnababu K [te]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Philip Withnall [en_GB]
+- Milo Casagrande [it]
+- Łukasz Jernaś [pl]
+Version 2.25.92
+ * Code improvements / fixes (Christian Persch, Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Typo fixes in UI / docs (Milo Casagrande, Łukasz Jernaś)
+Bug fixes:
+ #550086, Rotate image counterclockwise shortcut (Felix Riemann)
+ #558086, simplify drag targets handling (Christian Persch)
+ #572410, eom crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke() (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #572723, Misspelled word in a window (Milo Casagrande)
+ #572889, Possible typo (Łukasz Jernaś)
+New and updated translations:
+- Jordi Mas, David Planella [ca]
+- Petr Kovar, Adrian Gunis [cs]
+- Marios Zindilis, Simos Xenitellis [el]
+- David Lodge, Philip Withnall [en_GB]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Sweta Kothari [gu]
+- Milo Casagrande [it]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Manoj Kumar Giri [or]
+- Adi Roiban, Jani Monoses [ro]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Joan Duran [ca]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+Version 2.25.91
+ * Additional workaround for CVE-2008-5978 (Morten Welinder)
+Bug fixes:
+ #569228, eom: untrusted python modules search path (Morten Welinder)
+New and updated translations:
+- Ihar Hrachyshka [be@latin]
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Christian Kirbach [de]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Takeshi AIHANA [ja]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- Tomasz Dominikowski [pl]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Adi Roiban, Jani Monoses [ro]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Clytie Siddall [vi]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Ask. H. Larsen [da]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+Version 2.25.90
+ * Support for deleting files that can't be trashed (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Build system improvements / fixes (Luis Medinas, Felix Riemann)
+ * Code improvements / fixes (Christian Persch, Joaquim Rocha)
+Bug fixes:
+ #441637, Patch to delete file when Trash isn't found (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #568410, eom 2.25.5 build fails (Felix Riemann)
+ #568882, don't rely on gtk implementation details (Christian Persch)
+ #569657, Eom needs update on data/ (Luis Medinas)
+ #569855, Unref on thumbnail manipulator functions (Joaquim Rocha)
+New and updated translations:
+- Jordi Mas, Gil Forcada [ca]
+- Andre Klapper [de]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Krix Apolinário, Og Maciel, Henrique P. Machado, César Veiga [pt_BR]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_TW]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Andre Klapper [de]
+Version 2.25.5
+ * Code improvements / fixes (Felix Riemann)
+ * Drop libmate dependency (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #559500, drop libmate dependency (Felix Riemann)
+ #557662, Cannot build doc without exif enabled. (Arun Raghavan)
+ #566104, Reverse Left/Right arrows action in RTL mode (Khaled Hosny)
+ #566190, scroll buttons of the icons navigation window are reversed for
+ RTL locales (Yair Hershkovitz)
+New and updated translations:
+- Gil Forcada, Jordi Mas [ca]
+- Marios Zindilis [el]
+- Jorge Gonzalez, Jorge González [es]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Nurali, Nurali Abdurahmonov [uz]
+Version 2.25.4
+ * Code improvements / fixes (Felix Riemann)
+ * Python bindings improvements (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #566367, no weekday calculation in exif date display (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+Versio 2.25.3
+ * Build system improvements (Daniel Macks, Felix Riemann)
+ * Code improvements / fixes (Claudio Saavedra, Friedrich Oslage, Tom Parker)
+ * Fetch tooltip data asynchronously (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * UI enhancements (Bob Mauchin, Robin Sonefors)
+Bug fixes:
+ #514352, HIG says "Page Setup" not "Page Setup..." (Bob Mauchin)
+ #555480, Add a delete button (Robin Sonefors)
+ #558442, eom should load image tooltips data asynchronously (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #560070, Sub-optimal -I flag ordering (Daniel Macks)
+ #560073, Poor linking against convenience libs (Daniel Macks, Felix Riemann)
+ #563570, MATE Goal: Clean up GLib and GTK+ includes (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #564290, eom_image_load doesn't correctly clear errors on read issues
+ (Tom Parker)
+ #564526, eom SIGBUS on sparc (Friedrich Oslage)
+New and updated translations:
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Mark Krapivner, Yair Hershkovitz [he]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+Version 2.25.2
+ * Build system fixes / improvements (Felix Riemann, Kjartan Maraas)
+ * Workarounds to make remote images work again (Felix Riemann)
+ * Fix broken keyboard keys (Frederic Peters)
+ * String improvements (Luca Ferretti)
+ * Code improvements (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+- #559579, Don't use "wallpaper" term deprecated by GDP style guide (Luca Ferretti)
+- #560065, Build failure: local variable-name collides with system-header symbol (Felix Riemann)
+- #560068, Insufficient check for libz (Felix Riemann)
+- #560336, need to update the eggtreemultidnd.[ch] copy from libegg (Felix Riemann)
+- #560396, can't open menu with keyboard when no image is shown (Frederic Peters)
+- #562119, eom doesn't open remote images (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Jorge González [es]
+Version 2.25.1
+ * Improvements to the JPEG metadata reader (Felix Riemann)
+ * Fix progress reporting when images only need copying during "Save As" (Felix Riemann)
+ * Fix some critical warnings (Claudio Saavedra, Vincent Untz)
+ * Do not open some images at 98% or 99% (Felix Riemann)
+ * Install metadata related headers properly (Pierre-Luc Beaudoin)
+ * Avoid possible markup "injection attack" (Martin Olsson)
+ * Copy non-local images locally when setting them as wallpaper (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Allow DnD without an enabled collection (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Use less deprecated APIs (Felix Riemann, Diego Escalante Urrelo)
+ * Code & Docs cleanups + improvements
+Bug fixes:
+- #553232, copy remote wallpapers locally (Claudio Saavedra)
+- #476709, I need to drag & drop images from eom's simple viewer (Claudio Saavedra)
+- #530447, Eye of MATE opens images resized at 98% or 99% zoom (Felix Riemann)
+- #555940, eom is vulnerable to pango injection attack :-) (Martin Olsson)
+- #555942, Not all public EXIF API headers are installed (Pierre-Luc Beaudoin)
+- #556086, Use gtk_show_uri instead of mate_help (Diego Escalante Urrelo)
+- #555916, drop libglade dependency; use GtkBuilder (Felix Riemann)
+- #556029, Drop mate-desktop dependency (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- OsamaKhalid [ar]
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- Pierros Papadeas [el]
+- Takeshi AIHANA [ja]
+- Jovan Naumovski [mk]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- Vladimir Melo [pt_BR]
+- Laurent Dhima [sq]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko [uk]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Osama K [ar]
+- Mario Blättermann [de]
+- Sira Nokyoongtong [th]
+Version 2.24.0
+ * Fixes setting an image as wallpaper (Felix Riemann, Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+- #552109, won't set wallpaper (Felix Riemann, Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Friedel Wolff [af]
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Jordi Mas, Gil Forcada [ca]
+- Adrian Guniš [cs]
+- M.P. Rommedahl, Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Philipp Kerling [de]
+- David Lodge, Philip Withnall [en_GB]
+- Jorge González, Claudio Saavedra [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio, Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Ankit Patel, Ankitkumar Patel, Sweta Kothari [gu]
+- Robert Sedak [hr]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Milo Casagrande, Luca Ferretti [it]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Žygimantas Beručka, Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Tomasz Dominikowski [pl]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Vladimir Melo [pt_BR]
+- Mugurel Tudor [ro]
+- Alexandre Prokoudine [ru]
+- Goran Rakić [sr.po, sr@latin]
+- Dr.T.Vasudevan, Tirumurthi Vasudevan [ta]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Baris Cicek [tr]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Mario Blättermann [de]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Robert-André Mauchin [fr]
+- Milo Casagrande [it]
+Version 2.23.92
+ * Fixes in the recent files management (Felix Riemann)
+ * Fixes drawing problems on the message area (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Fixes "Operation not supported" error on save-as-many (Felix Riemann)
+ * Fixes the "reload image" plugin (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann)
+ * More API reference (Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #548392, redisplay image plugin is broken (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann)
+ #504538, When image is not found, eom shows broken background for the message (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #550252, The Gimp breaks EOM's recent files order (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Hendrik Richter [de]
+- David Lodge, Philip Withnall [en_GB]
+- Rajesh Ranjan [hi]
+- Robert Sedak [hr]
+- Clytie Siddall, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy [vi]
+- Funda Wang [zh_CN]
+Version 2.23.91
+ * Fixes segfaults with XMP-only files (Felix Riemann)
+ * Do not fail to show current directory in the open file chooser
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * More robust handling of image loading errors (Felix Riemann)
+ * Sensible UI defaults if MateConf fails (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Misc UI improvements (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Build system and docs improvements (Tom Parker)
+Bug fixes:
+ #548738, Segfault trying to see properties of an image with XMP metadata
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #547466, eom builds without python support can't build documentation
+ (Tom Parker)
+ #548736, eom's 'Open..' dialog gives an false "No such file or directory"
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Goran Rakic [sr@Latn]
+- Petr Kovar, Adrian Gunis [cs]
+- Dawa pemo, Pema Geyleg [dz]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Žygimantas Beručka, Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- Tomasz Dominikowski [pl]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_TW]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Leonardo Gregianin [pt_BR]
+Version 2.23.90
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Build system improvements (Felix Riemann, Paul, Tom Parker)
+Bug fixes:
+ #547302, eom trunk needs gtk >= 2.13.1 not 2.11.6 (Tom Parker)
+ #547566, eom crashed with SIGSEGV in eom_thumbnail_load() (Felix Riemann)
+ #548079, can not access File menu with Alt-F key combo (Felix Riemann)
+ #548202, in the plugins, move $(EOM_LIBS) from libwhatever_la_LDFLAGS
+ to libwhatever_la_LIBADD (Paul)
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Ihar Hrachyshka [be@latin]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- Mark Krapivner, Yair Hershkovitz [he]
+- Takeshi AIHANA [ja]
+- Shankar Prasad [kn]
+- Arangel Angov [mk]
+- മണിലാല്‍ കെ.എം|Manilal K M, Hari Vishnu, Sarath Lakshman [ml]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Vladimir Melo [pt_BR]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+Version 2.23.6
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Code cleanups (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * More icon naming specs usage (Matthias Clasen)
+Bug fixes:
+ #545873, use standard icon names (Matthias Clasen)
+New and updated translations:
+- Djihed Afifi [ar]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio, Laurent Dhima [eu]
+- Pierre Lemaire [fr]
+- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) [oc]
+- Hugo Doria, Fabrício Godoy [pt_BR]
+- Laurent Dhima [sq]
+- Woodman Tuen [zh_TW]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+Version 2.23.5
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Show 35mm film equivalent in addition to lens focal length in
+ properties dialog if value is provided by image.
+ * Code improvements and cleanups (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #539495, eom stays in Slideshow mode even in Full Screen or normal window
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #543171, Unexpected/Wrong EXIF information about "Focal length" shown
+ (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Jordi Mas, Joan Duran [ca]
+- Rakesh Pandit [ks]
+- Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) [oc]
+- Zabeeh Khan [ps]
+- Laurent Dhima [sq]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Joan Duran [ca]
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Depend on intltool 0.40.0
+Version 2.23.4
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Code improvements and cleanups (Felix Riemann, Cosimo Cecchi)
+Bug fixes:
+ #526483, Use play icon for Slideshow (Andreas Nilsson, Michael Monreal)
+ #537488, Fix some build warnings (Cosimo Cecchi)
+ #537758, libz not included so build breaks on Solaris (Damien Carbery)
+New and updated translations:
+- Djihed Afifi [ar]
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+Version 2.23.3
+New features:
+ * Allow to use arrow keys to scroll the image if zoomed in (Gernot Klimscha)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Code improvements and cleanups (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann)
+ * More documentation on plugin API (Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #528454, Metadata box should have limited width (Lucas Rocha)
+ #533041, Eom generates thumbnails of thumbnails (Lucas Rocha)
+ #532925, Missing feature: movement of image not possible with keyboard
+ when image is zoomed
+New and updated translations:
+- Djihed Afifi [ar]
+- Philip Withnall, David Lodge [en_GB]
+- Clytie Siddall [vi]
+Version 2.23.2
+New features:
+ * Use gtk-doc to document plugin API (Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #530102, Doesn't register support for compressed svg (Franklin Piat)
+ #531300, fails to start up due to lcms error (Felix Riemann)
+ #531809, scroll view scrollbar needs to have secondary steppers disabled
+ (Benjamin Berg)
+New and updated translations:
+- Petr Kovar [cs]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Andrea Decorte [fur]
+- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Tino Meinen [nl]
+Version 2.23.1
+New features:
+ * Migration to gio/gvfs (Cosimo Cecchi)
+ * An initial set of default plugins (Lucas Rocha, Claudio Saavedra)
+ * New command line option --new-instance to force creation of a
+ new instance instead of reusing existing one (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * PNG metadata (XMP and color profile) support (Felix Riemann)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Miscellaneous improvements in thumbnailing code (Michael Chudobiak)
+ * Several metadata handling improvements (Felix Riemann, Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ * Fixed #343061, Can't save picture after opened a link picture (Cosimo
+ Cecchi, Felix Riemann)
+ * Fixed #427053, Keyboard shortcuts managed in eom-scroll-view.c only work
+ if image has focus (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Fixed #466566, Display date in a more prominent place (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Fixed #492017, Bring back 'Q' to exit eom (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Fixed #517017, Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_event: assertion
+ `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed (Wouter Bolsterlee)
+ * Fixed #517821, Save print settings in key file (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Fixed #523173, provide option not to fork and exit if existing instance
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Fixed #525618, thumbnail code issues (Michael J. Chudobiak)
+ * Fixed #526331, EoG can't read XMP tags created with F-SPOT whereas Caja
+ can (Felix Riemann)
+ * Fixed #527798, compile warnings (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Fixed #522077, make it easier to add more metadata readers (Felix Riemann)
+ * Fixed #523856, read (and use) selected PNG metadata (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Alexander Shopov, Yavor Doganov [bg]
+- Simos Xenitellis, Kostas Papadimas [el]
+- Philip Withnall, David Lodge [en_GB]
+- Jorge González, Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Ivar Smolin [et]
+- Mark Krapivner, Yair Hershkovitz [he]
+- Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Peter Tuhársky [sk]
+- Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy, Clytie Siddall [vi]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Jorge Gonzalez, Jorge González [es]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko, Maxim V. Dziumanenko [uk]
+Version 2.22.0
+New features:
+ * Contextual menu in image view widget
+ * Support for resetting the toolbar to its default layout
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Performance improvements
+ * Several fixes and improvements in the UI
+ * Improvements in plugin API
+Bug fixes:
+ #519028, EOM crashes when loading too small ICC chunk (Felix Riemann)
+ #519910, crash in Image Viewer: I saved a new picture in... (Felix Riemann)
+ #498989, Eom gets it's locking wrong and crashes. (Matt Keenan)
+ #506421, eom with python enabled requires NO_IMPORT, NO_IMPORT_PYGOBJECT
+ defined to prevent multiply defined symbols (Paul)
+ #509079, Recent files wrong direction when in RTL with latin file names
+ (Djihed Afifi)
+New and updated translations:
+- Djihed Afifi [ar]
+- Runa Bhattacharjee [bn_IN]
+- Gil Forcada, Jordi Mas [ca]
+- Kenneth Nielsen, M.P. Rommedahl [da]
+- Philip Withnall, David Lodge [en_GB]
+- Jorge González, Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Stéphane Raimbaul [fr]
+- Ankit Patel [gu]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+- Gintautas Miliauskas, Žygimantas Beručka [lt]
+- Rahul Bhalerao, Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Åsmund Skjæveland [nn]
+- Alexandre Prokoudine [ru]
+- Peter Tuhársky [sk]
+- Laurent Dhima [sq]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko [uk]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK]
+- Chao-Hsiung Liao, Woodman Tuen [zh_TW]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Kenneth Nielsen, M.P. Rommedahl [da]
+- Jorge Gonzalez, Jorge González [es]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+- Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle, Rodrigo Flores [pt_BR]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+Version 2.21.92
+Bug fixes:
+ #513958, crash in Image Viewer: Pressing page down to go... (Felix Riemann)
+ #500203, eom crash when .mate2/eom is not a directory (Felix Riemann)
+ #513827, Use DateTimeOriginal for the "Taken on" metadata (Francisco Rojas)
+ #517450, Missing return ? (Rodrigo Moya)
+New and updated translations:
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Vincent van Adrighem [nl]
+- Ihar Hrachyshka [be@latin]
+- R: Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle [pt_BR]
+- Pawan Chitrakar [ne]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Andre Klapper, Hendrik Richter [de]
+- Runa Bhattacharjee [kn]
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+- Arangel Angov [mk]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- Petr Kovar [cs]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Takeshi Aihana [ja]
+- Artur Flinta [pl]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+Version 2.21.90
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Convert remaining help manuals over to g-d-u (Felix Riemann)
+ * Reuse the loaded image's data to create the thumbnail if it doesn't exist
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #322728, Add support for --disable-scrollkeeper (Felix Riemann)
+ #511393, Tooltip could be more precise (Felix Riemann)
+ #512626, eom 2.20.4 crashes on some jpeg files when there's a loaded
+ color profile (Felix Riemann)
+ #515250, EOM slow, locks up system on bitonal TIFF (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny [ar]
+- Amitakhya Phukan [as]
+- Andre Klapper [de]
+- Kostas Papadimas [el]
+- Jorge González, Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio, Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Mark Krapivner, Mark Krapviner [he]
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+- Arangel Angov, Jovan Naumovski [mk]
+- Sandeep Shedmake [mr]
+- Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) [oc]
+- Tomasz Dominikowski, MATE PL Team [pl]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle, Pedro de Medeiros [pt_BR]
+- Danishka Navin [si]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Baris Cicek [tr]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko [uk]
+- Woodman Tuen, Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_HK]
+- Woodman Tuen, Chao-Hsiung Liao [zh_TW]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+- Yannig Marchegay [oc]
+- Rodrigo Flores, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle [pt_BR]
+Version 2.21.4
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Fix ICC profiles implementation (Frederic Crozat, Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Do not close a window while an image is being saved (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * More discrete toolbar in fullscreen mode (Francisco Rojas)
+ * Added documentation for the toolbar editor (Felix Riemann)
+ * Misc. performance improvements (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Misc. UI improvements, code improvements, leaks fixed, etc (Claudio
+ Saavedra, Felix Riemann, Seán de Búrca)
+Bug fixes:
+ #487075, crash in Image Viewer: Trying to ``save as'' Th... (Felix Riemann)
+ #491092, eom shouldn't quit while an image is being saved (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #496464, Tooltips in Eye of MATE (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #501073, Toolbar in full screen view should be more "discrete" (Francisco
+ Rojas)
+ #503637, No toolbar documentation (Felix Riemann)
+ #504093, Print size units default to inches (Felix Riemann)
+ #505576, Keypress navigation in slideshow mode do not reset slideshow timer
+ (Priit Laes)
+ #505811, slow image switching due to GtkRecent (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #505949, String fixes for EOM HEAD (Seán de Búrca, Felix Riemann)
+ #507068, XICC implementation is broken, causing eom to quit when loading
+ sRGB images (Frederic Crozat)
+ #509149, Build failure for eom-properties-dialog.c (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Khaled Hosny, Djihed Afifi [ar]
+- Ihar Hrachyshka [be@latin]
+- Jorge González [es]
+- Ivar Smolin, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle [et]
+- Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio, Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Seán de Búrca [ga]
+- Erdal Ronahi [ku]
+- Kjartan Maraas, Espen Stefansen [nb]
+- Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) [oc]
+- Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle [pt_BR]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Clytie Siddall [vi]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+Version 2.21.3
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Miscellaneous fixes in the UI (Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha)
+New and updated translations:
+- Jakub Friedl [cs]
+- Kostas Papadimas [el]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Rodrigo Flores [pt_BR]
+Version 2.21.2
+New features:
+ * Support for resetting the toolbar to its default layout (Felix Riemann)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Fixes for memory leaks and code optimizations (Felix Riemann)
+ * Improvements in plugin API (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Improvements in the plugin system Python bindinds (Ross Burton)
+Bug fixes:
+ #458661, Up/Down keys in image collection (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #491528, Use trash icon i.s.o. delete icon for move to trash
+ menu item (Jaap Haitsma)
+ #491826, Defaults are wrong (Lucas Rocha)
+ #494881, Support for exempi 1.99.5 (Sebastian Dröge)
+ #496184, Eom does not support color management (Felix Riemann)
+ #499154, Specify correct type for eom_image_load and
+ _has_data (Ross Burton)
+ #499156, Wrap eom_image_load in Python (Ross Burton)
+ #480975, Feature request : EOM lack an option to reset
+ toolbars (Felix Riemann)
+New and updated translations:
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Ihar Hrachyshka [be@latin]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Gil Forcada [ca]
+- Yannig Marchegay [oc]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Yannig Marchegay [oc]
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+Version 2.21.1
+New features:
+ * Contextual menu in image view widget (Cosimo Cecchi)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Several code cleanups and improvements (Felix Riemann, Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #482752, crash when opening a tiff image (eom_image_load) (Felix Riemann)
+ #475124, Add " (invalid Unicode)" suffix when image caption is not a valid utf8
+ string (Lucas Rocha)
+ #475645, When an image is saved, the selection is lost (Lucas Rocha)
+ #476313, plugins about dialog is not gtk+-2.11/2.12 ready (Felix Riemann)
+ #476919, eom save menu is always active (Cosimo Cecchi)
+ #477550, fileformat combobox in save-as-many dialog is empty (Felix Riemann)
+ #479029, eom crashes when showing Image Collection (Felix Riemann)
+ #479400, Renamed files vanish from the collection (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #479884, Mouse dragging UI broken. (Lucas Rocha)
+ #481096, Thumbnails in collection viewer not updated when scrolling
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #481301, Add a context menu in main window (open with/properties etc.)
+ (Cosimo Cecchi)
+ #482128, Hangs on XPM file (Felix Riemann)
+ #486057, "SetAsWallpaper" functionality doesn't launch background properties
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #488344, using the scroll buttons of a non-first instance of eom scrolls the
+ collection on the first one (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #488808, eom won't display some .jpg files (Felix Riemann)
+ #490065, Retry string not marked for translation (Kelemen Gabor)
+ #481712, Substandard .desktop file (patch against latest SVN attached)
+ (Stéphane Loeuillet)
+New and updated translations:
+- Ihar Hrachyshka [be@latin]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Djihed Afifi [ar]
+- Matej Urbančič [sl]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Yair Hershkovitz [he]
+Version 2.20.0
+New features:
+ * Complete rewrite of application core which means more stable,
+ maintanable, faster image viewer for MATE
+ * New plugin system which allows developers to extend EOM's UI
+ and behavior. Python support is available.
+ * Editable application toolbar
+ * New image collection pane with on-demand thumbnail loading,
+ polished look, and continuous scrolling side buttons.
+ * Side Pane to be extended by plugins
+ * New image properties dialog which replaces the image info
+ sidepane
+ * Single instance D-Bus-based activation support
+ * Revamped error/warning UI
+ * "Open with" support to quickly open images on other applications
+ * Mouse scrollwheel improvements: HIG compliancy and zoom factor
+ setting
+ * General UI polishing
+ * Command line options for fullscreen, slideshow and image collection
+ disabling
+ * Display EXIF MakerNotes
+ * XMP Support
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Small refactorings in metadata readers (Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #354352, Show incomplete images (Lucas Rocha)
+ #394803, Fails to load .svgz (Matthias Clasen, Felix Riemann)
+ #440254, Eom crashes when opening an image with invalid unicode
+ as filename (Lucas Rocha)
+ #447063, eom hangs when opening SVG files that include external
+ images (Felix Riemann)
+ #459665, opened images should take as much screen space as
+ possible (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #465583, thumbnails badly rotated (autorotation enabled) (Lucas Rocha)
+ #470521, some image is rendered with a wrong rotation (Lucas Rocha)
+ #471530, Confusing PyGtk configure failure message (Paolo Borelli)
+ #474642, ./configure is semi-broken (Martin Olsson)
+ #474710, eom crashes when you try to open this .jpg file (it works fine on
+ Vista/XP) (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #474931, factore out some code in the metadata consumer (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Vincent van Adrighem [nl]
+- Alexandre Prokoudine [ru]
+- Ankit Patel [gu]
+- Goran Rakić [sr, sr@Latn]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Kostas Papadimas [el]
+- Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+- Gil Forcada [ca]
+- Hendrik Richter [de]
+- Yannig Marchegay [oc]
+- Jovan Naumovski [mk]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Andre Klapper [sk]
+- Djihed Afifi [ar]
+- David Lodge [en_GB]
+- Maxim Dziumanenko [uk]
+- Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Kenneth Nielsen [da]
+- Laurent Dhima [sq]
+- Artur Flinta [pl]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+- Luca Ferretti [it]
+Version 2.19.92
+New features:
+ * New image collection pane layout with continuous scrolling
+ side buttons (Lucas Rocha)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Several code cleanups and improvements (Felix Riemann)
+Bug fixes:
+ #427046, Scrollwheel on image list doesn't work (Lucas Rocha)
+ #458663, Kill the scrollbar! (Lucas Rocha)
+New and updated translations:
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- Stéphane Raimbault [fr]
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Raphael Higino [pt_BR]
+- Funda Wang [zh_CN]
+- Clytie Siddall [vi]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Ankit Patel [gu]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Gintautas Miliauskas [lt]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Ani Peter [ml]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Takeshi AIHANA [ja]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- I. Felix [ta]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+Version 2.19.91
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Small improvements on thumbnails appearance (Lucas Rocha)
+Bug fixes:
+ #470297, eom doesn't display images from an empty window (Felix Riemann)
+ #311308, Drag and Dropping the same image twice in EOM will open
+ 2 windows (Lucas Rocha)
+ #467835, Patch to HIGify plugin list (Martin Ejdestig)
+ #470416, Icon install location (Lucas Rocha)
+ #470686, zooming documentation is confusing (Lucas Rocha)
+ #466681, Page Setup/Properties/Trash items not accessible (Patrick Wade)
+New and updated translations:
+- Adam Weinberger [en_CA]
+- Ankit Patel [gu]
+- Alexander Shopov [bg]
+- Duarte Loreto [pt]
+- Raphael Higino [pt_BR]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Hendrik Richter [de]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Žygimantas Beručka [lt]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Takeshi AIHANA [ja]
+- Artur Flinta [pl]
+- I. Felix [ta]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+Version 2.19.5
+New features:
+ * XMP Support (Hubert Figuiere)
+ * Side Pane to be extended by plugins (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Inhibit screensaver when running slideshow/fullscreen (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Improved selection visual feedback in image collection
+ pane (Lucas Rocha)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Several code cleanup and fixes (Felix Riemann, Claudio Saavedra)
+Bug fixes:
+ #456451, crash in EOM: Saving rotated image (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #408591, Add wbmp to supported image types (Sven Arvidsson)
+ #427806, Crash: when specifying an invalid extension in save
+ as dialog (Felix Riemann)
+ #451101, Support Adobe XMP metadata (Hubert Figuiere)
+ #453151, Changing scale of image in print dialog is slow (Stefan Röllin,
+ Claudio Saavedra)
+ #455672, Use "document-page-setup" named icon for File->Setup Page
+ (Luca Ferretti)
+ #455700, tooltips in collection don't update (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #459819, Inhibit screensaver when running slideshow (Lucas Rocha)
+ #460780, Weird preferences window (Felix Riemann)
+ #462362, Application specific icons are installed in the wrong directory
+ (Jaap Haitsma)
+ #462785, Fail to build with undefined reference to
+ `eom_application_register_service' (Felix Riemann)
+ #462971, Thumbnails of modified images wrongly loaded from thumbnail
+ factory (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #462973, thumbnails not updated after applying a transformation
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #464709, [patch] make thumbnail of modified and saved images actually
+ appear (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #465060, [patch] get rid of compilation warnings (Cosimo Cecchi)
+ #465628, configure doesn't check for libexif/exif-data.h (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Kostas Papadimas [el]
+- Ankit Patel, Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó [gu]
+- Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy [vi]
+- Jordi Mas [ca]
+- Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio [eu]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Wouter Bolsterlee [nl]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Åsmund Skjæveland [lv]
+- Žygimantas Beručka [lt]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Artur Flinta [pl]
+- Stéphane Raimbault [fr]
+- Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle, Raphael Higino [pt_BR]
+- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
+- Åsmund Skjæveland [hi]
+- Ilkka Tuohela [fi]
+- Takeshi Aihana [ja]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Jovan Naumovski [mk]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Claude Paroz [fr]
+Version 2.19.4
+New features:
+ * Python support on plugin system (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Use same thumbnail frame than Caja (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Ability to enable collection pane when in fullscreen (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Display EXIF MakerNotes (Jef Driesen)
+ * Image Collection toolbar item available on toolbar editor (Lucas Rocha,
+ Andreas Nilsson, Jakub Steiner)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Several code cleanup and fixes (Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha)
+ * Several improvements and fixes on editable toolbar (Felix Riemann, Jaap
+ Haitsma)
+Bug fixes:
+ #340831, add toolbar icon for image collection (Lucas Rocha)
+ #350809, Exif MakerNotes are not decoded (even when supported by
+ libexif) (Jef Driesen)
+ #374582, Need 'slideshow' button on toolbar (Felix Riemann)
+ #413211, eom crashed with SIGSEGV in eom_image_load() (Chris Wilson)
+ #425613, Grey border around images in fullscreen/presentation mode
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #435408, next and previos button don't get sensitive (Lucas Rocha)
+ #435456, focus on the "Exif" tab should be remebered (Lucas Rocha)
+ #438242, EOM should have a drag mode when zooming (Lucas Rocha)
+ #440168, spacing in vertical collection not ideal (Lucas Rocha)
+ #445535, Plugin menù problem (Lucas Rocha)
+ #449741, Add ability to enable collection pane when in fullscreen
+ (Lucas Rocha)
+ #452849, egg-toolbareditor copy needs to be synched with libegg (Jaap
+ Haitsma)
+ #452886, Typo in data/ (Bob Mauchin)
+ #453064, Use a shorter label for collection button on toolbar (Lucas
+ Rocha)
+ #453503, null string pointer for "value" in eom_window.c at line 345
+ (Lucas Rocha)
+ #450590, [toolbareditor] allow named icons with
+ Gtk{Radio,Toggle}Actions (Felix Riemann, Jaap Haitsma)
+ #452923, [toolbareditor] use gobject type helpers instead of defining
+ our own (Felix Riemann)
+ #313676, Cleanup of EXIF tab (or, if you want, side pane) (Lucas Rocha)
+ #441138, use caja thumbnails in the image pane (Lucas Rocha)
+New and updated translations:
+- Ankit Patel [gu]
+- Funda Wang [zh_CN]
+- Clytie Siddall, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy [vi]
+- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Jovan Naumovski [mk]
+- Danishka Navin [si]
+- Pema Geyleg, Jorge Gonzalez [dz]
+- Artur Flinta [pl]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Sunil Mohan Adapa [te]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Tirumurthi Vasudevan [ta]
+New and updated manual translations:
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+Version 2.19.3
+New features:
+ * New preferences tab for the image collection view position/size features
+ (Felix Riemann).
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Make the toolbar keyboard navigable (Patrick Wade, Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Several code cleanup and fixes (Felix Riemann, Christian Persch,
+ Claudio Saavedra, Damien Carbery)
+Bug fixes:
+ #430021, crash in Image Viewer: Eom crashes when it star...
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #439907, /usr/lib/eom/plugins/ warning not required (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #440207, duplicate actions (Christian Persch)
+ #440716, sys/time.h header needed to build on Solaris (Damien Carbery)
+ #385327, Keyboard navigation doesn't work in eom toolbar. (Patrick Wade,
+ Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+- Danilo Segan, Goran Rakic [sr, sr@Latn]
+- Kjartan Maraas [no, nb]
+- Daniel Nylander [sv]
+- David Lodge [en_GB]
+- Theppitak Karoonboonyanan [th]
+- Jakub Friedl [cs]
+- Priit Laes [et]
+- Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+- Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+- Yair Hershkoviz [he]
+Version 2.19.2
+New features:
+ * New plugin system which allows developers to extend EOM's UI
+ and behavior (Lucas Rocha)
+Misc improvements/fixes:
+ * Several code cleanups (Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha)
+ * Correctly set slideshow delay when being entered with the
+ keyboard (Ryan Cumming)
+Bug fixes:
+ #435614, When DnD rotate left/right icons to "Toolbar Editor" the
+ icon not appear (Felix Riemann)
+ #437691, README files needs an update (Claudio Saavedra)
+New and updated translations:
+ * Nickolay V. Shmyrev [ru]
+ * Kjartan Maraas [nb]
+ * Daniel Nylander [sv]
+ * Jorge Gonzalez [es]
+New and updated manual translations:
+ * Nickolay V. Shmyrev [ru]
+ * Daniel Nylander [sv]
+Version 2.19.1
+New features:
+ * Complete rewrite of application core which means more stable,
+ maintanable, faster image viewer for MATE (Claudio Saavedra,
+ Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha, and others)
+ * Editable application toolbar (Claudio Saavedra, Lucas Rocha)
+ * New image collection pane with on-demand thumbnail loading
+ (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha)
+ * Support for setting image collection position (left, right, top,
+ bottom) and wether it's resizable or not. No preference UI
+ yet (Lucas Rocha)
+ * New image properties dialog which replaces the image info
+ sidepane (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Single instance D-Bus-based activation support (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Revamped error/warning UI (Lucas Rocha)
+ * "Open with" support to quickly open images on other applications
+ (Rodrigo Aguilar)
+ * Mouse scrollwheel improvements: HIG compliancy and zoom factor
+ setting (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Migration to GtkRecent (Felix Riemann)
+ * UI polishing on multiple images save as dialog (Claudio Saavedra)
+ * Command line options for fullscreen, slideshow and image collection
+ disabling (Bruno Boaventura, Lucas Rocha)
+Bug fixes:
+ #377123, [eom-ng] implement EomJobSave (Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha)
+ #319859, "open image with" function (Rodrigo Aguilar)
+ #334321, Should be possible move the collection in EOM (Lucas Rocha)
+ #316175, EOM gives no error upon opening non image files (Lucas Rocha)
+ #432439, Run gtk-update-icon-cache in uninstall-hook (Brian Pepple)
+ #429156, [patch] "Save As" dialog for multiple files is way too
+ ugly (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #427154, Some strings are not translated in save-as-multiple dialog.
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #419756, Slideshow background should be black. (Diego Escalante)
+ #404708, eom crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke() (Lucas Rocha)
+ #404126, Convert debug messages to eom_debug_message (Claudio André)
+ #401939, [eom-ng] Remove leaftag support. (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #399333, EOM-NG crash while opening Print dialog (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #398250, build bug: missing symbols from libpangoft2 (Elijah Newren)
+ #389314, eom should use stock_print-setup from g-i-t for the
+ "Page setup..." action (Thomas Andersen)
+ #376513, TRACKER: command-line options (Bruno Boaventura, Lucas Rocha)
+ #355858, switching image forward and back quickly can display wrong
+ image (Felix Riemann)
+ #351040, [eom-ng] use GtkRecent (Felix Riemann)
+ #344140, [eom-ng] remove duplicate code in fullscreen-code (Claudio
+ Saavedra)
+ #342817, crash trying to view profile image (Felix Riemann)
+ #342103, [patch] [eom-ng] update about dialog (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #341935, Should not zoom with mouse wheel (Lucas Rocha)
+ #341831, [eom-ng] memory usage increases when switching fastly between
+ images (Lucas Rocha)
+ #341600, [eom-ng] EOM eats a lot o CPU when inactive (Paolo Borelli)
+ #340957, Filenames containing numbers are not properly sorted (as how
+ caja does) (Felix Riemann)
+ #335689, Middle mouse drag should also scroll (Wouter Bolsterlee,
+ Lucas Rocha)
+ #327424, progress bar changes view size which forces re-zooming of
+ image (Lucas Rocha)
+ #322057, eom print output is corrupt (Jan Kümmel)
+ #305823, The rotate buttons on the toolbar are blurred (Luca Ferretti)
+ #404907, [eom-ng] Crash when opening properties dialog (broken EXIF).
+ (Felix Riemann)
+ #372820, First call to PKG_CHECK_MODULES is conditional without a prior
+ call to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG (Felix Riemann)
+ #381867, mouse cursor disappear after exit fullscreen mode
+ (Bruno Boaventura)
+ #383090, Slideshow / Slide Show (Bruno Boaventura)
+ #336973, [eom-ng] Migration of the collection pane to GtkIconView and
+ GtkListStore (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha)
+ #356947, [eom-ng] GtkPrint support (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #393586, [eom-ng] Editable toolbar for EOM (Claudio Saavedra, Lucas Rocha)
+ #401946, [eom-ng] [patch] D-Bus based activation (Claudio Saavedra)
+ #416321, [eom-ng] Use tooltips to show image information in the
+ thumbview (Lucas Rocha)
+ #89512, Setting for how much the mouse wheel should affect
+ zoom (Lucas Rocha)
+ #321400, mouse side-buttons for navigation (Lucas Rocha)
+New and updated translations:
+ * Laurent Dhima [sq]
+ * Yannig Marchegay [oc]
+ * Daniel Nylander [sv]
+ * Jovan Naumovski [mk]
+ * again, Luca Ferretti [it]
+ * Djihed Afifi [ar]
+ * David Lodge [en_GB]
+ * Jakub Friedl [cs]
+ * Ignacio Casal Quinteiro [gl]
+ * Jorge González, Claudio Saavedra [es]
+New and updated manual translations:
+ * Changwoo Ryu [ko]
+ * Daniel Nylander [sv]
+ * Jorge González, Claudio Saavedra [es]
+- Build when libexif is not installed in the system [#417684].
+- Updated translations: Nikos Charonitakis (el).
+- Updated manual translations: Maxim Dziumanenko (uk), A S
+ Alam (pa).
+Version 2.18.0
+- Avoid ellipsizing image position in statusbar for with big
+ numbers (Lucas Rocha) [#357427]
+- Fix crasher when trying to print an already removed image
+ (Claudio Saavedra) [#414547]
+- Correctly handle external file removals (Claudio Saavedra) [#399982]
+- Update image list position and length when image are externaly
+ removed or added (Lucas Rocha, Claudio Saavedra) [#414968]
+- Removed 'Application' category from desktop file (Claudio Saavedra).
+- Updated manual translations: Daniel Nylander (sv), Amadeu A.
+ Barbosa (pt_BR), Christophe Bliard (fr), David Lodge (en_GB)
+- Updated translations: Ankit Patel (gu), Artur Flinta (pl),
+ Erdal Ronahi (ku), Gintautas Miliauskas (lt), Reinout van
+ Schouwen (nl), Goran Rakić (sr, sr@Latn), Nickolay V. Shmyrev (ru)
+Version 2.17.92
+- Take other images in the same location into account even for remote
+ URIs (if the image's parent is a directory) (Lucas Rocha) [#364426]
+- EOM dependency on GTK >= 2.10 (Felix Riemann)
+- Several code cleanups (Claudio Saavedra)
+- Updated manual translations: Daniel Nylander (sv),
+ Amadeu A. Barbosa Junior (pt_BR), Maxim Dziumanenko (uk),
+ Christophe Bliard (fr)
+- Updated translations: Ihar Hrachyshka (be), Daniel Nylander (sv),
+ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó (ca),
+ Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle (pt_BR),
+ Duarte Loreto (pt), Djihed Afifi (ar), David Lodge (en_GB),
+ Takeshi Aihana (ja), Ivar Smolin (et), Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy (vi),
+ Maxim Dziumanenko (uk), Stéphane Raimbault (fr), Hendrik Richter (de),
+ Abel Cheung (zh_CN), Peter Bach (da), Alexander Shopov (bg),
+ Kjartan Maraas (nb), Changwoo Ryu (ko), Gabor Kelemen (hu)
+Version 2.17.91
+- Show an error message instead of closing the program if the image
+ loading has failed (Claudio Saavedra) [#399988]
+- Fix crash when exiting EOM (Kees Cook) [#389755]
+- Several code cleanups and memory leak fixes (Felix Riemann, Claudio Saavedra)
+- Fix crash when closing EOM while printing (Felix Riemann) [#404708]
+- Change launcher description to match UI review (Lucas Rocha) [#383436]
+- Updated manual translations: Vasiliy Faronov (ru), AP Singh Alam (pa),
+ David Lodge (en_GB)
+- Updated translations: Daniel Nylander (sv), David Lodge (en_GB),
+ Kjartan Maraas (nb), Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Pema Geyleg (dz),
+ Priit Laes (et), Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó (ca), Leonardo Fontenelle (pt_BR),
+ Jakub Friedl (cs), Stéphane Raimbault (fr), Philip Kerling (de),
+ Ihar Hrachyshka (be), Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Changwoo Ryu (ko), Djihed Afifi (ar),
+ Duarte Loreto (pt), Alexander Shopov (bg)
+Version 2.17.90
+- Several code cleanups (Felix Riemann)
+- Small i18n fix (Philip Kerling) [#395541]
+- Updated translations: Priit Laes (et), Daniel Nylander (sv),
+ Clytie Siddall (vi), Hendrik Richter (de), Raphael Higino (pt_BR),
+ Djihed Afifi (ar), Rasmus Ory Nielsen (da), Yair Hershkovitz (he),
+ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Kjartan Maraas (nb), Matic Zgur (sl),
+ Jakub Friedl (cs)
+Version 2.17.4
+- Several printing fixes (Claudio Saavedra)
+- Fix crash on automatic orientation (Felix Riemann) [#388413]
+- Use mate-icon-theme icon for printing setup (Thomas Andersen) [#389314]
+- Fix fatal warning when reusing windows (Felix Riemann) [#390268]
+- Several code cleanups (Felix Riemann, Lucas Rocha) [#354106]
+- New themable EOM icon by Ulisse Perusin (Luca Ferretti) [#357413]
+- New interactive image print preview on printing
+ dialog (Claudio Saavedra) [##356947, #321815]
+- Updated manual translations: Daniel Nylander (sv)
+- Updated translations: Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es),
+ Ales Nyakhaychyk (be), Raivis Dejus (lv), Djihed Afifi (ar),
+ Daniel Nylander (sv), Kjartan Maraas (nb), David Lodge (en_GB),
+ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó (ca),
+ Jovan Naumovski (mk), Alexander Shopov (bg), Clytie Siddall (vi),
+ Jakub Friedl (cs), Priit Laes (et)
+Version 2.17.3
+- Printing fixes (Claudio Saavedra) [#381358]
+- Memory leaks fixes (Felix Riemann)
+- Automatic orientation based on EXIF (Kalle Vahlman, Jef Driesen) [#148400]
+- Simplify preferences dialog label texts (Lucas Rocha) [#382586]
+- Updated manual translations: Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es),
+ Jan Arne Petersen (de)
+- Updated translations: Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Ilkka Tuohela (fi),
+ Kjartan Maraas (nb), Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Priit Laes (et),
+ Djihed Afifi (ar)
+Version 2.17.2
+- Manual translations fixes (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemman)
+ [#363348, #366695]
+- Several code cleanups (Claudio Saavedra, Felix Riemann) [#375897]
+- Use stock icons for rotate and flip actions (Luca Ferretti) [#305823]
+- Migration to GtkPrint (Claudio Saavedra)
+- Make check pattern for transparent images a bit lighter (Claudio Saavedra)
+ [#350183]
+- i18n fixes on save as dialog for multiple images (Felix Riemman)
+ [#337642, #340490]
+- Build infrastructre fixes (Felix Riemann) [#372820]
+- Updated manual translations: Daniel Nylander (sv), Francisco Javier
+ F. Serrador (es)
+- Updated translations: Satoru Satoh (ja), Hendrik Richter (de),
+ Danilo Nylander (sv), Jakub Friedl (cs)
+Version 2.17.1
+- Use mouse sidebuttons for image navigation (Lucas Rocha) [#321400]
+- Use mouse wheel to scroll, not to switch images (Wouter Bolsterlee) [#331645]
+- Save customized keybindings on application shutdown (Lucas) [#324757]
+- Fix some memory leaks (Claudio Saavedra)
+- Fix critical warnings (Claudio)
+- Undo stack optimizations (Felix Riemman)
+- Make sure correct image is displayed when reselecting current one while
+ loading other image (Felix) [#355858]
+- Add stock icon to undo action (Felix)
+- Several code cleanups and updates (Felix)
+- Optimize transformations calculations (Felix)
+- Updated translations: Jakub Friedl (cs), Mindu Dorji (dz), Ivar Smolin (et),
+ Christophe Bliard (fr), Satoru SATOH (ja), Kjartan Maraas (nb), Åsmund
+ Skjæveland (nn), Pablo Saratxaga (wa).
+- Fix infinite loop on canvas destruction (Sven Herzberg) [#350569]
+Version 2.16.0
+- Updated translations: Raivis Dejus (lv), Duarte Loreto (pt),
+ Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Robert-André Mauchin (fr),
+ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Gabor Kelemen (hu),
+ Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_HK, zh_TW), Jovan Naumovski (mk),
+ Nikos Charonitakis (el), Inaki Larranaga (eu), Abel Cheung (zh_HK, zh_TW),
+ Danilo Šegan (sr, [email protected]), Runa Bhattacharjee (bn_IN)
+Version 2.15.92
+- .desktop file small fix (Lucas Rocha) [#343052]
+- Fix error when loading images with ':' in their filenames
+ from command line (Felix Riemman) [#305129].
+- Fix critical warnings when opening remote
+ images (Lucas Rocha) [#350557]
+- Make transparency color preferences work on full screen
+ mode (Felix Riemman) [#346680]
+- Updated translations: Wouter Bolsterlee (nl), Baris Cicek (tr),
+ Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Jovan Naumovski (mk), Priit Laes (et),
+ Guntupalli Karunakar (dz), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es),
+ Maxim Dziumanenko (uk), Ani Peter (ml), Hendrik Richter (de),
+ Vladimer Sichinava (ka), Ahmad Riza H Nst (id), Clytie Siddall (vi),
+ Ankit Patel (gu), Gabor Kelemen (hu), Daniel Nylander (sv),
+ Leonid Kanter (ru), Satoru Satoh (ja), Artur Flinta (pl),
+ Funda Wang (zh_CN), Alexander Shopov (bg), Matic Žgur (sl).
+Version 2.15.91
+- Small fixes on error dialog (Lucas Rocha)
+- Fix memory leak on image transformation (Felix Riemman) [349434]
+- Fix typo on UI message (Lucas Rocha) [349361]
+- Panning around the image with arrows on fullscreen mode
+ (Lucas Rocha) [347174]
+- Updated translations: Hendrik Richter (de), Francisco Javier F.
+ Serrador (es), Christophe Merlet (fr), Maxim Dziumanenko (uk),
+ Jovan Naumovski (mk), Bastien Nocera (en_GB), Theppitak
+ Karoonboonyanan (th), Ankit Patel (gu), Jakub Friedl (cs)
+Version 2.15.90
+- Avoid losing EXIF data when saving changed jpeg images (Felix Riemman)
+ [#309219]
+- Use middle mouse drag to scroll image (Wouter Bolsterlee) [#335689].
+- Make transparent color selection work (Felix Riemman) [#347600].
+- Fix crash when switching images with mouse wheel (Callum McKenzie) [#340827].
+- Updated translations: Mahay Alam Khan (bn_IN), Jordi Mallach (ca), Jakub
+ Friedl (cs), Kostas Papadimas (el), Christophe Merlet (RedFox) (fr), Satoru
+ SATOH (ja), Daniel Nylander (sv).
+Version 2.15.4
+- Several code cleanups (Felix Riemman) [#321267, #321267]
+- Updated FSF address (Francisco Javier F. Serrador).
+- Updated translations: Ales Nyakhaychyk (be), Vladimir Petkov (bg), Mahay
+ Alam Khan (bn_IN), Mahay Alam Khan (bn), Lukas Novotny (cs), Martin Willemoes
+ Hansen (da), Hendrik Richter (de), Mindu Dorji (dz), Alan Horkan (en_GB),
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Priit Laes (et), Iñaki Larrañaga
+ Murgoitio (eu), Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Benoît Dejean (fr), Ankit Patel (gu),
+ Mohammad DAMT (id), Changwoo Ryu (ko), Fanomezana Rajaonarisoa (mg), Sanlig
+ Badral (mn), Mahesh Subedi (ne), A S Alam (pa), Licio Fernando Nascimento da
+ Fonseca (pt_BR), Leonid Kanter (ru), Felix (ta), Theppitak
+ Karoonboonyanan (th), Gheyret T.Kenji (ug), Woodman Tuen (zh_HK), Woodman
+ Tuen (zh_TW)
+Version 2.15.3
+- Properly sort image filenames containing numbers (Felix Riemann) [#340957]
+- Thumbnailing fixes (Felix Riemann) [#342817]
+- Fix printing for images with alpha channel (Jan Kümmel) [#322057]
+- Updated translations: Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl), Ankit Patel (gu),
+ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Clytie Siddall (vi), Inaki Larrañaga (eu),
+ Pema Geyleg (dz), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es)
+Version 2.15.2
+- Small code cleanups (Lucas Rocha)
+- About dialog update (Claudio Saavedra) [#342103]
+- Respect desktop saving lockdown (Lucas Rocha) [#341862]
+- Avoid rezooming caused by progress bar (Lucas Rocha) [#327424]
+- Partial fix for crash on slideshow/fullscreen
+ cancel (Claudio Saavedra) [#320206]
+Version 2.15.1
+- mate-doc-utils migration (Lucas Rocha)
+- Use the directory of the currently viewed file as
+ initial location of file chooser (Lucas Rocha) [#335653]
+- Image navigation keyboard shortcuts review for desktop
+ coherence: Alt-Left for previous image, Alt-Right for
+ next, Alt-Home for first, Alt-End for last (Jaap Haitsma)
+- GOption migration (Michael Plump)
+- Small UI fixes (Lucas Rocha) [#339315, #335109]
+- Duplex printing off by default (Lucas Rocha) [#334016]
+- Fix crash when saving files on directories that EOM
+ is watching (Lucas Rocha) [#336050]
+- Use of po/LINGUAS file (Michiel Sikkes)
+- Updated translations: Baris Cicek (tr), Gora Mohanty (or),
+ Tommi Vainikainen (dz), Priit Laes (et),
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Lukas Novotny (cs),
+ Clytie Siddall (vi), Kjartan Maraas (no),
+ Ankit Patel (gu).
+Version 2.14.0
+- Fixes crasher when opening images with strange extensions
+ (Ryan Lortie) [#333551]
+- Quit EOM when not able to load images (Lucas Rocha)
+- Fix window positioning behavior (Lucas Rocha)
+- Updated translations: Alexander Shopov (bg), Mugurel Tudor (ro),
+ Rajesh Ranjan (hi), Luca Ferretti (it), Ole Laursen (da),
+ Gabor Kelemen (hu), Daniel Nylander (sv), Elnaz Sarbar (fa),
+ Farzaneh Sarafraz (fa), Miloslav Trmac (cs), Benoît Dejean (fr).
+Version 2.13.92
+- Disable all debug messages by default (Lucas Rocha) [#331362]
+- Fix 64-bit pointer truncation (Pascal Hofstee, Alexander
+ Nedotsukov) [#331971]
+- Correct handling of zoom precision with mouse wheel
+ (Felix Riemann) [#310833]
+- Build system fixes (Sylvain Bertrand) [#330708]
+- Define a minimum window size (Lucas Rocha) [#327065]
+- Mouse scroll wheel now makes image switching on collection
+ pane (Lucas Rocha) [#331645]
+- Fixes crash when removing images from a directory with images
+ that EOM is watching (Lucas Rocha)
+- Updated translations: Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Kostas Papadimas (el),
+ Satoru Satoh (ja), Inaki Larrañaga (eu), Artur Flinta (pl),
+ Rhys Jones (cy), Leonid Kanter (ru), Alessio Frusciante (it),
+ Maxim Dziumanenko (uk)
+Version 2.13.91
+- Remove critical warnings on save dialogs (Lucas Rocha) [#327170]
+- Use current locale for images on NIS filesystem (Takao Fujiwara) [320289]
+- Updated translations: Laurent Dhima (sq), Hendrik Richter (de),
+ Lukas Novotny (cs), Alexander Sigachov (ru)
+Version 2.13.90
+- Normal viewing of images from SMB shares (#326104)
+ Patch from Felix Riemann.
+- .desktop file fixes (#328033)
+- Updated translations: Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Ankit Patel (gu),
+ Adam Weinberger (en_CA), Slobodan D. Sredojevic (sr, sr@Latn),
+ Priit Laes (et), Clytie Siddall (vi), Kjartan Maraas (no, nb),
+ Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó (ca), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es),
+ Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_TW, zh_HK), Funda Wang (zh_CN), Duarte Loreto (pt),
+ Evandro Fernandez Giovanini (pt_BR)
+Version 2.13.5
+- Plural string fixes (#327106)
+- Updated translations: Clytie Siddall (vi), Ankit Patel (gu),
+ Gabor Kelemen (hu), Ivar Smolin (et), Takeshi Aihana (ja),
+ Kjartan Maraas (no, nb), Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_TW, zh_HK),
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Slobodan D. Sredojevic (sr, sr@Latn),
+ Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl), Ilkka Tuohela (fi)
+Version 2.13.4
+- Disable xscreensaver on fullscreen mode (#326369)
+- Correctly refresh image section for very small images (#317641).
+ Patch from Felix Riemann.
+- New delete confirmation dialog (#322884). Patch from
+ Jaap Haitsma.
+- Several code cleanups. Patches from Felix Riemann.
+- Resize window according to the image dimensions (#323204)
+- Add BackSpace accel for previous image action (#324088)
+- Fix GTK+ dependency version. (#324149)
+- Updated translations: Alan Horkan (en_GB), Clytie Siddall (vi),
+ Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Abel Cheung (zh_TW, zh_HK), Josep Puigdemont
+ i Casamajó (ca), Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Vincent van Adrighem (nl),
+ Kjartan Maraas (no, nb), Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl), Theppitak
+ Karoonboonyanan (th), Ankit Patel (gu), Alexander Shopov (bg),
+ Adam Weinberger (en_CA)
+Version 2.13.3
+- Added Return accelerator for Next Image and Shift+Return
+ and Shift+SpaceBar accelerators for Previous Image. (#322593)
+ Patch from Jaap A. Haitsma <[email protected]>
+- Use one single function when changing single selection
+ instead of six too similar ones. (#321395) Patch from
+ Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>)
+- Icon now shown in about dialog. (#321665) Patch from
+ Vincent Noel <[email protected]>.
+- Image information pane is disabled by default. (#313672)
+- Other assorted bug fixes and code cleanups.
+- Updated translations:
+ Ankit Patel (gu), Alessio Frusciante (it), Miloslav Trmac (cs),
+ Åsmund Skjæveland (nn), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es),
+ Alexander Shopov (bg), Žygimantas Beručka (lt),Ales Nyakhaychyk (be),
+ Takeshi AIHANA (ja), Adam Weinberger (en_CA), Funda Wang (zh_CN),
+ Priit Laes (et), Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl), Kjartan Maraas (nb, no),
+ Guilherme de S. Pastore (pt_BR), Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th).
+Version 2.13.2
+- UI redesign. Fixes bugs #148643 and #320542. (Lucas Rocha)
+ * Removed 'New Window' and 'Open Folder' from 'File' menu;
+ * Removed 'New Window' and 'Open' items from toolbar;
+ * Moved rotation toolbar items to the right edge;
+ * Added Next/Previous button to toolbar for easy navigation
+ through image collection;
+ * Added 'Go' menu with Next/Previous/First/Last Image items;
+ * Status shows the position of image within a collection,
+ not the number the selected images;
+ * Added 'Image Collection' item to 'View' menu to Show/Hide
+ image collection pane;
+ * Accelerators: Ctrl+PageDown and spacebar switches to the next
+ image, Ctrl+PageUp switches to the previous image, Ctrl+Home
+ switches to the first image, Ctrl+End switches to the last image,
+ F9 shows/hides image collection pane, F5 starts slideshow.
+- Fix crash when setting window icon. Fixes bug #320245.
+ (Claudio Saavedra)
+- Removed confirmation dialog when removing an image. Fixes
+ bug #309046. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Option to use an image as the desktop wallpaper. Fixes bug
+ #140768. (Nirmal Kumar, Lucas Rocha)
+- Page Up and Page Down scroll images up and down. Fixes bug
+ #152364. (Lucas rocha)
+- Several code cleanups. (Lucas Rocha, Paolo Borelli)
+- Correct keys that cancel Fullscreen and Slideshow. (Lucas
+ Rocha)
+- On single and collection view, default focus on
+ image. Fixes bug #169836. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Make it possible to use '=' or '+' for zooming in. Fixes
+ bug #320367. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Added accelerators from numerical keypad for zooming in
+ and out. Fixes bug #315183. (Felix Riemann)
+- Make scrollbar buttons work in thumbnails pane. Fixes
+ bug #124653. (Juan Carlos Inostroza)
+- More coherent fullscreen/slide show behavior. Fixes
+ bug #317392. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Window icon is a thumbnail of the image. Fixed bug
+ #311720. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Use intuitive mate-icon-theme icon for image viewer
+ instead of EOM icon. Fixes bug #167087. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Fix width of the information pane that was too small.
+ Fixes bug #313674. (Ed Catmur)
+Version 2.13.1
+- Update window title when saving in another location.
+ Fixes bug #318318. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Asks to overwrite target file instead of source when 'Saving
+ as'. Fixes bug #162627. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Don't crash when removing images from a collection.
+ Fixes bug #313003. (Lucas Rocha)
+- No "Open in new window" option on save action. Fixes bug #318734.
+ (Lucas Rocha)
+- Add image/svg+xml to the list of supported file types.
+ Closes bug #314566. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Fix RGBA->RGB conversion when saving PNG images to JPEG.
+ Fixes bug #314742. (Felix Riemann)
+- Update "recent files" when viewing images. Fixes bug #316004.
+ (Lucas Rocha)
+- Ctrl+I keybinding to show/hide Image Properties bar.
+ Fixes bug #307188. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Fix crash when trying to view an image from recent list that
+ doesn't exist anymore. Fixes bug #312448. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Change X development libraries checking in build system
+ to work on every platform. Fixes bug #317828. (Christophe Belle)
+- Fix crash when adding new non-image files to a directory eom
+ watches and when trying to view a PNG image with a JPEG extension.
+ Fixes bugs #316808 and #311925. (Callum McKenzie)
+- Translation Updates: Ivan Noris (sk)
+Version 2.12.1
+- Several bug fixes from Lucas Rocha: fixes a crash reading broken
+ SVG files, fixes a crash when opening a symlink to an image,
+ and properly updates the status bar on opening.
+- Translation Updaes: Vladimir Petkov (bg), Mahay Alam Khan (bn),
+ Miloslav Trmac (cs), Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio (eu), Ignacio
+ Casal Quinteiro (gl), Alessio Frusciante (it), Christian Rose (sv),
+ Clytie Siddall (vi)
+Version 2.12.0
+- Images opened with the sidebar enabled are now shown at 100% zoom
+ with a correct window size. Bug #315189. (Ryan Lortie)
+- Fixed a crashing bug while using arrow keys to navigate a
+ directory. Bug #311086. (Lucas Rocha)
+- Translation Updates: Vladimir Petkov (bg), Jordi Mallach (ca),
+ Miloslav Trmac (cs), Rhys Jones (cy), Hendrik Richter (de),
+ Kostas Papadimas (el), Stéphane Raimbault (fr), Gil Osher (he),
+ Gabor Kelemen (hu), Mohammad DAMT (id), Young-Ho Cha (ko),
+ Erdal Ronahi (ku), Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Michiel Sikkes (nl),
+ Guilherme de S. Pastore (pt_BR), Duarte Loreto (pt), Mugurel
+ Tudor (ro), Leonid Kanter (ru), Laurent Dhima (sq), Baris
+ Cicek (tr), Maxim Dziumanenko (uk), Clytie Siddall (vi),
+ Woodman Tuen (zh_TW)
+Version 2.11.92
+- Threading bug fix from Ross Burton.
+- New Ukraininian translation of the manual.
+- Translation Updates:
+ Vladimir Petkov (bg), Jordi Mallach (ca), Miloslav Trmac (cs),
+ Kostas Papadimas (el), Gabor Kelemen (hu), Žygimantas Beručka (lt),
+ Guilherme de S. Pastore (pt_BR), Duarte Loreto (pt) , Mugurel
+ Tudor (ro), Leonid Kanter (ru), Laurent Dhima (sq), Maxim
+ Dziumanenko (uk), Woodman Tuen (zh_TW)
+Version 2.11.90
+- Bug fixes for dual-screen/multi-monitor display.
+ (Davyd Madeley)
+- ICC color profile support, requires the Little CMS library
+ available at (Ross Burton)
+- The thumbnail list of images is now updated dynamically
+ based on filesystem changes. (Philip Van Hoof)
+- Printing and print preview bugs have been fixed. (Philip Van Hoof)
+- Many small bug fixes and UI changes.
+- Translation Updates:
+ Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj (ar), Vladimir Petkov (bg), Jordi Mallach (ca),
+ Miloslav Trmac (cs), Martin Willemoes Hansen (da), Hendrik Richter
+ (de), Nikos Charonitakis (el), Adam Weinberger (en_CA), David Lodge
+ (en_GB), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Priit Laes (et), Iñaki
+ Larrañaga Murgoitio (eu), Meelad Zakaria (fa), Ilkka Tuohela
+ (fi), Benoît Dejean (fr), Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl), Ankit
+ Patel (gu), Rajesh Ranjan (hi), Gabor Kelemen (hu), Mohammad DAMT
+ (id), Alessio Frusciante (it), Takeshi AIHANA (ja), Changwoo Ryu
+ (ko), Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Terance Edward Sola (nb), Pawan
+ Chitrakar (ne), Michiel Sikkes (nl), Åsmund Skjæveland (nn),
+ Terance Edward Sola (no), Zuza Software Foundation (nso), Bartosz
+ Kosiorek (pl), Guilherme de S. Pastore (pt_BR), Duarte Loreto
+ (pt), Mugurel Tudor (ro), Leonid Kanter (ru), Steve Murphy (rw),
+ Ivan Noris (sk), Laurent Dhima (sq), Игор Несторовић
+ (sr), Christian Rose (sv), (tamil), Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th),
+ A. Alphan Bayazit (tr), Gheyret T.Kenji (ug), Maxim Dziumanenko
+ (uk), Clytie Siddall (vi), Canonical Ltd (xh), Funda Wang (zh_CN),
+ Woodman Tuen (zh_TW), Zuza Software Foundation (zu)
+Version 2.11.0
+- The status bar code has been reworked (Paolo Borelli)
+- Preferences and Help dialogs now launch centered on the
+ parent window. (Paolo Borelli)
+- Some small fixes to the zoom UI (Paolo Borelli)
+- Color picker button has been rewritten to use new Gtk API
+ (Paolo Borelli)
+- More UI fixes (Paolo Borelli, Dennis Cranston, Murali K.)
+- Many bug fixes (Kjartan Maraas, Behdad Esfahbod)
+- Portable to the Microsoft Windows platform (Tor Lillqvist)
+- Translation Updates:
+ Vladimir Petkov (bg), Martin Willemoes Hansen (da),
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Ivar Smolin (et),
+ Ilkka Tuohela (fi), Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl),
+ Terance Edward Sola (nb), Michiel Sikkes (nl),
+ Terance Edward Sola (no), Ivan Noris (sk),
+ Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th), Gheyret T.Kenji (ug),
+ Funda Wang (zh_CN), Woodman Tuen (zh_TW)
+Version 2.10.2
+- Translation Updates: Vladimir Petkov (bg), Ivar Smolin (et)
+ Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio (eu), Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (gl)
+ Gabor Kelemen (hu), Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Steve Murphy (rw)
+ Clytie Siddall (vi), Canonical Ltd (xh), Woodman Tuen (zh_TW)
+Version 2.10.0
+- Translation Updates:
+ Albanian (Laurent Dhima), Brazilian Portuguese (Guilherme de
+ S. Pastore), Bulgarian (Vladimir Petkov), Canadian English (Adam
+ Weinberger), Catalan (Jordi Mallach), Chinese Simplified (Funda
+ Wang), Chinese Traditional (Woodman Tuen), Czech (Miloslav Trmac),
+ Danish (Martin Willemoes Hansen), Dutch (Tino Meinen), English/GB
+ (David Lodge), Estonian (Ivar Smolin), Finnish (Ilkka Tuohela),
+ French (Benoît Dejean), German (Frank Arnold), Greek
+ (Nikos Charonitakis), Gujarati (Ankit Patel), Hungarian (Gabor
+ Kelemen), Indonesia (Mohammad DAMT), Italian (Alessio Frusciante),
+ Japanese (Takeshi AIHANA), Korean (Changwoo Ryu), Lithuanian
+ (Žygimantas Beručka), Macedonian (Tomislav Markovski), Norwegian
+ (Kjartan Maraas), Norwegian (Kjartan Maraas), Polish (Bartosz
+ Kosiorek), Portuguese (Duarte Loreto), Punjabi (Amanpreet Singh
+ Alam), Romanian (Mugurel Tudor), Russian (Leonid Kanter), Serbian
+ (Данило Шеган), Slovak (Ivan Noris), Spanish (Francisco Javier
+ F. Serrador), Swedish (Christian Rose), Thai (Theppitak
+ Karoonboonyanan), Turkish (A. Alphan Bayazit), Ukrainian (Maxim
+ Dziumanenko), Xhosa (Canonical Ltd)
+Version 2.9.0
+- Support for bug-buddy auto version completion (Christoffer Olsen)
+- Some critical bug fixes (James Henstridge, Jens)
+- Preferences help (Vinay M R)
+- Removing of eel dependency (Paolo Borelli)
+- Show/hide image info view
+- Translation Updates:
+ Adam Weinberger (en_CA), Alexander Shopov (bg), David Lodge (en_GB),
+ Dwayne Bailey (nso), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Hendrik Richter
+ (de), Kjartan Maraas (nb), Laurent Dhima (sq), Martin Willemoes Hansen
+ (da), Miloslav Trmac (cs), Mohammad DAMT (id),
+Version 2.8.1
+- Documentation update
+- File/directory chooser fix
+- Removed quit from menu for consistency
+- Recent files update
+- More statusbar information
+- Improved slideshow navigation
+- Translation Updates:
+ Abel Cheung (zh_TW, mk, de), Akagic Amila (bs), Alessio
+ Frusciante (it), Arafat Medini (ar), Changwoo Ryu (ko),
+ Danilo Šegan (sr), Jens Finke (cs), Jesus Bravo Alvarez (gl),
+ Nikos Charonitakis (el), Paisa Seeluangsawat (th),
+ Stanislav Visnovsky (sk)
+Version 2.8.0
+- Bug fixes
+- Translation Updates:
+ Adam Weinberger (en_CA), Alexander Shopov (bg), Arafat Medini
+ (ar), Baris Cicek (tr), Changwoo Ryu (ko), Christian Rose (sv),
+ Christophe Merlet (fr), Dafydd Harries (cy), Danilo Šegan (sr),
+ David Lodge (en_GB), Estêvão Samuel Procópio (pt_BR), Francisco
+ Javier F. Serrador (es), Gora Mohanty (or), Ilkka Tuohela (fi),
+ Iñaki Larrañaga (eu), Jayaradha (ta), Jordi Mallach (ca),
+ Kjartan Maraas (nb, no), Kostas Papadimas (el), Laszlo Dvornik (hu),
+ Laurent Dhima (sq), Leonid Kanter (ru), Martin Willemoes Hansen (da),
+ Miloslav Trmac (cs), Mugurel Tudor (ro), Peteris Krisjanis (lv),
+ Roozbeh Pournader (fa), Takeshi AIHANA (ja), Vincent van Adrighem (nl),
+ Åsmund Skjæveland (nn)
+Version 2.7.1
+- eom.desktop fix (Ray Strode)
+- About icon added (Mason Kidd)
+- Removed bonob dependencies
+- Compile with new libexif (Grzegorz Golawski)
+- Multiple string translation fixes
+- Multiple bug fixes (slideshow, crasher)
+- Translation Updates:
+ Adam Weinberger (en_CA), Alexander Shopov (bg), Ankit Patel (gu),
+ Artur Flinta (pl), Changwoo Ryu (ko), Christian Rose (bs, or),
+ Danilo Šegan (sr), David Lodge (en_GB), Duarte Loreto (pt),
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Funda Wang (zh_CN), Gareth Owen
+ (en_GB), Gora Mohanty (or), Guntupalli Karunakar (hi), Gustavo Maciel
+ Dias Vieira (pt_BR), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms), Jens Finke (de),
+ Kjartan Maraas (nb, no), Laszlo Dvornik (hu), Laurent Dhima (sq),
+ Martin Willemoes Hansen (da), Maxim Dziumanenko (uk), Miloslav
+ Trmac (cs), Takeshi AIHANA (ja), Telsa Gwynne (cy), Tommi Vainikainen
+ (fi), Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Åsmund Skjæveland (nn),
+ Žygimantas Beručka (lt)
+Version 2.7.0
+- Kicked matecomponent components. Eom is a monolithic program again.
+- Display image info for single and collection view.
+- Better metadata reader
+- Speed improvements
+- Use new GtkUIManager
+- New icons for flipping transformations
+- "Save As" function in collection view
+- "Delete" function
+- Translation Updates:
+ Adam Weinberger (en_CA), Alexander Shopov (bg), Alexander Winston (en_CA),
+ Christian Rose (tk), Christophe Merlet (fr), Est Samuel Proc io (pt_BR),
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Gareth Owen (en_GB), Gil Osher (he),
+ Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira (pt_BR), Jens Finke (de), Laurent Dhima (sq),
+ Miloslav Trmac (cs), Pablo Saratxaga (wa), Pawan Chitrakar (ne),
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl)
+Version 2.6.1
+* General:
+ - Fullscreen fixes for Xinerama (#137137)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Abel Cheung (zh_TW), Andras Timar (hu), Christian Rose (af),
+ Guntupalli Karunakar (gu), Iñaki Larrañaga (eu), Pablo Saratxaga (wa),
+ Samúel Jón Gunnarsson (is)
+Version 2.6.0
+* General:
+ - Fileselector opens non local URIs (Seth Nickell)
+ - Italian documentation update (Lucca Feretti)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Andras Timar (hu), Arafat Medini (ar), Baris Cicek (tr), Dmitry G.
+ Mastrukov (ru), Gareth Owen (en_GB), Guntupalli Karunakar (pa),
+ Stanislav Visnovsky (sk), Telsa Gwynne (cy)
+Version 2.5.91
+* Translation Updates:
+ Abel Cheung (zh_TW), Alastair McKinstry (ga),
+ Alexander Winston (en_CA), Dafydd Harries (cy), Dinesh Nadarajah (ta),
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira (pt_BR),
+ Leonid Kanter (ru), Maxim Dziumanenko (uk), Miloslav Trmac (cs),
+ Robert Sedak (hr), Sanlig Badral (mn), Sayamindu Dasgupta (bn)
+Version 2.5.90
+* General:
+ - Documentation updates (Breda McColgan)
+ - Translation markup fix (Ole Laursen) - #119170
+ - File Selection fixes (Jan Arne Peterson, Jonathan Blandford,
+ Jens) - #128396, #135816
+* Collection:
+ - New busy icon, borrowed from caja. - #134981
+ - Thumbnail layout fixes.
+* Translation Updates:
+ Alastair McKinstry (ga), Ales Nyakhaychyk (be),
+ Alessio Frusciante (it), Changwoo Ryu (ko), Christophe Merlet (fr),
+ Duarte Loreto (pt), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Guntupalli
+ Karunakar (hi), Jarkko Ranta (fi), Jordi Mallach (ca),
+ Kjartan Maraas (no), Kostas Papadimas (el), Miloslav Trmac (cs),
+ Mugurel Tudor (ro), Mətin Əmirov (az), Ole Laursen (da),
+ Paisa Seeluangsawat (th), Priit Laes (et), Takeshi AIHANA (ja),
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Yuriy Syrota (uk), Žygimantas Beručka (lt)
+Version 2.5.6
+* General:
+ - Updated documentation (Breda McColgan)
+ - Typo fixes (Alessio Frusciante)
+ - AIX compilation fixes
+ - Recent files update
+* Collection:
+ - Marked forgotten string for translation (Danilo Šegan)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Artur Flinta (pl), Christian Rose (sv), Danilo Šegan (sr),
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms),
+ Jarkko Ranta (fi), Jens Finke (de), Kostas Papadimas (el),
+ Laurent Dhima (sq), Miloslav Trmac (cs), Takeshi AIHANA (ja),
+ Åsmund Skjæveland (nn)
+Versino 2.5.5
+* General:
+ - Don't force file selector window size.
+* Collection:
+ - Save scroll position in exif data, when switching images.
+ Fixes #123463.
+* Translation Updates:
+ Alastair McKinstry (ga), Arafat Medini (ar), Changwoo Ryu (ko),
+ Christian Rose (sv), Danilo Šegan (sr, sr@Latn), Francisco
+ Javier F. Serrador (es), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms), Laurent Dhima (sq),
+ Mətin Əmirov (az), Nikos Charonitakis (el), Takeshi AIHANA (ja),
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl)
+Version 2.5.4
+* General:
+ - Recent files update (Jason Leach)
+ - Compile fixes - #131766 (German Poo Caaman~o)
+ - Crash fix for filenames with ':' - #130726
+ - Close file dialog on cancel in all cases - #131654
+ (Balamurali Viswanathan)
+* Collection:
+ - Display name of the directory shown - #132263
+ - Fixed memory leaks.
+ - Mnemonic for "View as Image Collection" in Caja - #128796
+ (Christian Neumair)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Changwoo Ryu (ko), Laurent Dhima (sq), Christophe Merlet (fr),
+ Miloslav Trmac (cs), Takeshi AIHANA (ja), Kostas Papadimas (el),
+ Robert Sedak (hr), Sanlig Badral (mn), Jens Finke (de),
+ Artur Flinta (pl), Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Francisco Javier F.
+ Serrador (es), Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Duarte Loreto (pt),
+ Ole Laursen (da), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms), Kjartan Maraas (no),
+ Andras Timar (hu), Mətin Əmirov (az), Åsmund Skjæveland (nn),
+ Danilo Šegan (sr)
+Version 2.5.3
+* General:
+ - Preview of images in the fileselector if an thumbnail
+ already exists.
+ - 'eom *.jpg' works again and give you a nice collection view
+ - Handle spaces in filenames.
+* Translation Updates:
+ Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Miloslav Trmac (cs), Francisco Javier
+ F. Serrador (es), Taneem Ahmed (bn), Danilo Šegan (sr, sr@Latn),
+ Robert Sedak (hr), Duarte Loreto (pt), Christophe Merlet (fr),
+ Åsmund Skjæveland (nn), Laurent Dhima (sq), Jordi
+ Mallach (ca), Roozbeh Pournader (fa), Kjartan Maraas (no),
+ Artur Flinta (pl), Arafat Medini (ar)
+* General:
+ - Intltool build fix (#130062)
+* Collection:
+ - Indicate modified images by bold caption
+ - Better caption wrapping
+* Translation Updates:
+ Laurent Dhima (sq), Gustavo Noronha Silva (pt_BR),
+ Takeshi AIHANA (ja), Miloslav Trmac (cs),
+ Åsmund Skjæveland (nn), Duarte Loreto (pt),
+ Artur Flinta (pl)
+Version 2.5.2
+* General:
+ - Use new GTK file chooser (Jan Arne Petersen)
+ - Compilation fixes (Kaushal Kumar)
+ - Build fix (Thomas Vander Stichele)
+ - Multiple save-issues fixed
+ - Fullscreen mode crash fixed
+ - 0-byte file issue fixed
+* Collection:
+ - Show only image files, which can actully loaded by GdkPixbuf
+* Translation Updates:
+ Jens Finke (de), Danilo Šegan (sr, sr@Latn), Francisco Javier
+ F. Serrador (sp), Miloslav Trmac (cs), Kjartan Maraas (no),
+ Changwoo Ryu (ko), Takeshi AIHANA (jp), Arafat Medini (ar),
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Laurent Dhima (sq), Kjartan Maraas (no)
+Version 2.5.1
+* General:
+ - Support lossless saving of jpeg files (Jens)
+* Collection:
+ - Select last viewed slideshow image when returning from fullscreen
+ (Jens) - #118617
+* Viewer:
+ - Display image file size (Jens)
+ - Ask user before overwriting files ([email protected])
+ #119469
+* Translation Updates:
+ Laurent Dhima (sq), Paisa Seeluangsawat (th), Vincent van Adrighem
+ (nl), Miloslav Trmac (cs), Žygimantas Beručka (lt), Danilo Šegan
+ Šegan (sr), Ole Laursen (da), Jordi Mallach (ca), Kostas Papadimas
+ (el), Francisco Javier F. Serrador (es)
+* General:
+ - Cache recently loaded images.
+ - Use exif loader from libexif >= 0.5.12.
+ - Reworked image loading status cycle
+ - Made fullscreen shortcut key F11 work on Solaris (Shivaram
+ Upadhyayula, Jens) - #104805
+ - Updated help (Breda McColgan)
+* Collection:
+ - Don't include auto-generated files in tarball - #125118
+ - New model implementation (EomImageList)
+ - Mem leak fix
+ - Slideshow: automatic switching after user determined timeout.
+ - Slideshow: determine upscale status for small images by config
+ key.
+* Shell:
+ - Consider mateconf key 'open_new_window' - #91189
+ - Tool-/statusbar hiding (Kaushal Kumar, Jens) - #114231
+* Translation Updates:
+ Danilo Šegan (sr, sr@Latn), Åsmund Skjæveland (nn), Kostas Papadimas (el),
+ KAMAGASAKO Masatoshi (ja), Jordi Mallach (ca), Vincent van Adrighem (nl),
+ Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms)
+Version 2.5.0 (changes since 2.4.0)
+* General:
+ - Better filename -> UTF-8 translation - #122671, #117838 (Jens,
+ Hidetoshi Tajima)
+ - configure switch to disable libexif support
+ - Added X-MATE-DocPath to .desktop file - #124196
+* Collection:
+ - Fixed crash on shutdown
+ - Fixed crash when libexif is not available
+ - Fixed duplicate size entries in info view
+ - Update image infos on modification
+ - Much better thumbnail layout
+ - Mark status message for translation
+ - Don't show frame around temporary icons
+* Translation Updates:
+ Pablo Saratxaga (wa), Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira (pt_BR),
+ Žygimantas Beručka (lt), [email protected] (et), Jordi Mallach (ca),
+ Christian Rose (sv), Pablo Gonzalo del Campo (es),
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Danilo Šegan (sr), Jens Finke (de)
+==== mate-2-4 branch ====
+Version 2.4.0
+* General:
+ - User documentation updates (Irene Ryan)
+* Collection View:
+ - Crash fixed on startup when not linking against libexif. (Jens)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Mugurel Tudor (ro), Jarkko Ranta (fi), Ivan Stojmirov (mk),
+ Guntupalli Karunakar (hi), Pablo Saratxaga (vi)
+Version 2.3.90
+* Build fix - #120871 (William Jon McCann
+* Translation Updates:
+ Dafydd Harries (cy), Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Stanislav Visnovsky (sk),
+ Pablo Gonzalo del Campo (es), Yuriy Syrota (uk)
+Version 2.3.6
+* General:
+ - HIG dialog fixes - #117799 (Martin Kretzschmar)
+ - Menu layout fixes - #117270 (Andreas Köhler)
+ - Removal of debug messages/code (Jens)
+ - Destroy "file does not exsit" dialog #117673 - (Andreas Köhler)
+* Controls:
+ - Wait until timeout before destroying control on last reference
+ #118204 - (Gustavo Carneiro, Jens)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Duarte Loreto (pt), Kostas Papadimas
+ (el), Francisco Javier Fernandez (es), Takeshi AIHANA (jp), Changwoo Ryu (ko),
+ Dafydd Harries (cy), Pablo Saratxaga (vi), Christophe Merlet (fr),
+ Laurent Dhima (sq), Evandro Fernandes Giovanini (pt_BR),
+ Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms), Alessio Frusciante (it), Dmitry G. Mastrukov (be),
+ Ole Laursen (da), Funda Wang (zh_CN), Metin Amiroff (az), Danilo
+ Šegan (sr, sr@Latn), Jarkko Ranta (fi), Metin Amiroff (az),
+ Kjartan Maraas (no), Abel Cheung (zh_TW), Samúel Jón Gunnarsson (is),
+ Sanlig Badral (mn)
+Version 2.3.5
+* General:
+ - UI polishing
+ - Documentation build fixes (John Fleck)
+ - Don't show title on error dialogs
+ - Unified copyright string - #101726 (Christian Neumair)
+ - eom.desktop fixes (Jordi Mallach)
+* Collection View:
+ - Hide side panes on splitter mouse click
+ - Draw frame around thumbnails
+ - Arrange thumbnails better
+ - Show scrollbars only if required (Andreas Köhler)
+* Image View:
+ - Window should be adapted to image size in all cases now - #114189
+ - Show error dialog on I/O errors
+* Translation Updates:
+ Valek Filippov (ru), Andras Timar (hu), Vincent van Adrighem (nl),
+ Dmitry G. Mastrukov (b), Pablo Saratxaga (wa), Metin Amiroff (az),
+ Owain Green & Dafydd Harries (cy), Jens Finke (de), Christian Rose
+ (sv), Jordi Mallach (ca), Miloslav Trmac (cs), Gil "Dolfin" Osher
+ (he), Artur Flinta (pl)
+Version 2.3.4
+* SVG mime type fixes (Christian Schaller)
+* Special support for JPEG images on save (preserves EXIF data,
+ requires libjpeg)
+* Function for saving modified images in a collection.
+* Collection thumbnail creation/update fixes.
+* Code cleanup
+* GUI cleanup (before the freeze)
+* Gconf keys cleanup
+* Translation Updates:
+ Christian Rose (sv), Jordi Mallach (ca), Takeshi AIHANA (ja),
+ Christophe Merlet (fr), Sam?el J?n Gunnarsson (is), Dmitry
+ G. Mastrukov (ru), Laurent Dhima (sq), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms),
+ Miloslav Trmac (cs), Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Taneem Ahmed (bn),
+ Mohammad DAMT (id), Jens Finke (de), Gil "Dolfin" Osher (he), Ole
+ Laursen (da), Artur Flinta (pl), Pauli Virtanen (fi).
+Version 2.3.3
+* Printing of images in image viewer (Lutz Müller)
+* Image Collection View:
+ - Layout computation fix (Federico)
+ - image rotation/flipping (Jens)
+ - drag'n'drop source (Jens)
+* Load/transform progress indication (Jens)
+* Scheme type fixes (Abel Cheung)
+* Build fix (Art Haas)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Christophe Merlet (fr), Takeshi AIHANA (ja), Paul Duffy (ga),
+ Pablo Gonzalo del Campo (es), Danilo Danilo Šegan (sr@Latn),
+ Paisa Seeluangsawat (th), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms),
+ Duarte Loreto (pt), Abel Cheung (zh_TW), Christian Rose (sv),
+ Dmitry G. Mastrukov (be), Laurent Dhima (sq), Miloslav Trmac (cs),
+ Christian Neumair (de), Jordi Mallach (ca), Kostas Papadimas (el),
+ Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Evandro Fernandes Giovanini (pt_BR),
+Version 2.3.2
+Release skipped.
+Version 2.3.1
+* TIFF loading fixes - #109139 (Jens)
+* Consider theme background (Jens)
+* Code cleanup (Federico)
+* List collection view in caja only if there are images in
+ the directory (Alexander Larsson)
+* Hide mouse cursor in fullscreen mode - #92184 (Jens)
+* Added menu mnemonics - #107831 (Jens)
+* More international help docs (Mike Lei)
+* Collection view supports zoom interface (Jens)
+* Recent files support (Jens)
+* Scheme installation fixes (Bobby Kashani, Jens)
+* Fullscreen image pre-load improvements (Jens)
+* Translation updates:
+ Jens Finke (de), Fatih Demir (ta), Laurent Dhima (sq), Miloslav
+ Trmac (cs), Changwoo Ryu (ko)
+Version 2.3.0
+* Architectual changes (Jens)
+* Build image collection component always
+ (this is also usable in Caja as photo collection view) (Jens)
+* Collection view shows the selected image in the top
+ half of the window (Jens)
+* Support for thumbnail management spec (Jens)
+* Adaption to content size works better (Jens)
+* Sticky zoom to fit (if you resize the window the image zoom will be
+ adapted automatically) (Jens)
+* Progressive image loading for remote or large files - #89831 (Jens)
+* EXIF support in collection view (requires optional libexif) (Jens)
+* Correct filename escaping - #105192, #95561, #104961 (Federico)
+* Session recovery fixes - #108829 (Shivaram Upadhyayula)
+* File selector improvements - #101888, #102116, #90767, #102117 (Jens)
+* More HIG compatible - #106169, #100206 (Jens)
+* Use 'Image Viewer' in .desktop entry - #100205 (Elle Uca)
+* Require libeel (Federico)
+* Compiler warning fixes - #108342 (Kelledin, Jens)
+* Don't close preferences on ESC - #105720 (Jens)
+* Updates of strings to translate - #99572 (Jens)
+* MateConf configure fixes - #106130 (Julio Merino)
+* Translation Updates:
+ Roozbeh Pournader (fa), FSF-India (ml),
+ Metin Amiroff (az), Paul Duffy (ga),
+ Belarusian team (be), Christophe Merlet (fr)
+=============== Branch for Mate 2.4 ================
+Version 2.2.0
+* Translation updates.
+Version 1.1.4
+* Translation updates.
+Version 1.1.3
+* Toolbar fix (Christian Neumaier)
+* Translation updates.
+Version 1.1.2
+* Typo fixes. (Kjartan Maraas)
+* Translation updates.
+Version 1.1.1
+* Typo fixes. (Kjartan Maraas)
+* Documentation updates. - #91027 (Irene Ryan)
+* URI handling fixes. (Jens)
+* Don't depend on libmateprint until printing is working again. (Jens)
+* Translation updates.
+Version 1.1.0
+* We don't crash anymore if the user doesn't have permissions to read
+ a file - #85263 (Federico).
+* The window is correctly sized upon startup, and you can shrink it
+ again - #72352, #75713 (Jens).
+* Caja will now display "Display as Image", which is better than
+ "Display as EOM Image" - #73651 (Federico).
+* Images now have a simple context menu - #75889 (Federico).
+* We do the right thing to destroy the window list on File/Exit -
+ #86469 (Federico).
+* Filenames with percent signs in them are now handled correctly -
+* #89372 (Federico).
+* The File/Open dialog now displays a list of the supported image
+ types - #85690 (Jens).
+* Removed Tiles interpolation as it does not make sense for EOM. (Federico)
+* Reworked preferences dialog and droped View menu settings. (Jens)
+* Components are installed in $(libexec) (Michael).
+* Restarted work on the collection component, currently disabled
+ by default (Jens).
+* No distorted view anymore when resizing an empty window. -
+ #85927 (Jens)
+* DnD into an empty window doesn't open a new window. (Jens)
+* Load control ui xml file correctly (Ross Burton).
+* Fullscreen now uses the whole screen again. (Jens)
+* Better HIG compliance. (Jens)
+* Rotating and flipping images - #68340 (Jens).
+* New Latvian translation (Peteris Krisjanis).
+* New Bulgarian translation (Borislav Aleksandrov).
+* New Albanian translation (Laurent Dhima, Christian Rose).
+* Lots of updated translations.
+=========== Branch for Mate 2.2 =================
+Version 1.0.1
+* We now display error dialogs if files that do not exist get passed
+ through the command line - #84890 (Federico).
+* Fixed a stupid bug that affected session management - #85216
+ (Federico).
+* Translation Updates
+Version 1.0.0
+* Fixed installation of locale files on Solaris - #83642 (Hidetoshi
+ Tajima)
+* Translation Updates
+Version 0.119
+* Updated the scrolling engine for GTK+ 2.0; it is nice and fast again -
+ #82417 (Federico)
+* EOM doesn't crash on exit anymore if you bring up the preferences
+ dialog - #82426 (Federico)
+* Session is saved and discarded correctly - #82603 (Federico)
+* Re-added scroll wheel support - #79351 (Federico)
+* Fixes for installation prefix - #83399 (Ross Burton)
+* Opening an image in a window that already contains one will not screw
+ up the image view size - #83233 (Federico)
+* Prettified the About dialog (Federico)
+* Misc. code cleanup (Federico)
+Version 0.118
+* include dir fix (Ronald Bultje, me)
+* fix for save-session crash (me)
+* reduced debug output (Michael)
+* accessibility support (Muktha Narayan, Federico)
+* support for loading svg images (Jacob Berkman)
+* zoom to fit does fit, #76406 (Federico)
+* image saving fix, #76239 (Federico)
+* preference dialog has help (Satyajit Kanungo, Federico)
+* Updated translations:
+ Pablo Saratxaga (vi, ca, wa),Duarte Loreto (pt), Kjartan Maraas (no),
+ Stanislav Visnovsky (sk), Hector Garcia Alvarez (es),
+ Christophe Merlet (fr), Ole Laursen (da), Abel Cheung (zh_TW),
+ Zbigniew Chyla (pl), Christian Rose (sv), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms)
+Version 0.117
+* no re-rendering on mouse moves, bug #72351 (fix has been in 0.116.1 already
+ but wasn't announced yet) (Michael Meeks)
+* session management fixes (Federico)
+* image saving fixes, bug #77173 (Federico)
+* matecomponent_window_new adaptions (Murray Cumming)
+* build fixes regarding broken libjpeg, bug #79010 (Federico)
+* help topic menuitem added (Satyajit Kanungo)
+* fullscreen fix, bug #73606 (Federico)
+* Updated translations:
+ Jarkko Ranta (fi), Ole Laursen (da), Changwoo Ryu (ko),
+ Zbigniew Chyla (pl), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms)
+Version 0.116.0
+* added mnemonics to preference dialog
+* menu rearrangements to fit HIG better
+* bigger default window size
+* session management
+* build fixes
+* removed remaining uses of deprecated API
+* fixed memory leak with preference dialog
+* beautified preference dialog
+* Updated translations:
+ Christian Rose (sv), Jarkko Ranta (fi), Stanislav Visnovsky (sk),
+ Abel Cheung (zh_TW), Duarte Loreto (pt), Kjartan Maraas (no),
+ Fatih Demir (ta), Christophe Merlet (fr), Changwoo Ryu (ko),
+ Zbigniew Chyla (pl), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms), Jens Finke (de)
+Version 0.115.0
+* reworked user dialog when opening multiple files concurrently
+* report loading errors to the user through a dialog
+* reworked preferences dialog
+* Updated translations:
+ Ole Laursen (da), Zbigniew Chyla (pl), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms),
+ Jens Finke (de), Roy-Magne Mo (nn), Wang Jian (zh_CN),
+ Valek Filippov (ru), Jarkko Ranta (fi)
+Version 0.114.0
+* zooming fixes
+* memory leak fixes
+* documentation fixes (John Fleck)
+* don't ask for collection component when there are
+ multiple files on the command line
+* link with popt explicitly (Laszlo Peter)
+* save preference settings through mateconf
+* updated translations:
+ Valek Filippov (ru), Stanislav Visnovsky (sk), Zbigniew Chyla (pl),
+ Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms), Ole Laursen (da), Takayuki KUSANO (ja),
+ Kjartan Maraas (no), Jarkko Ranta (fi)
+Version 0.113.0
+* fixed statusbar updates
+* merged most of the ChangeLogs into a single one (Federico)
+* check for required library versions on configure
+* don't crash on non-image files (bug #72228)
+* integrate smoothly with caja (bug #72069)
+* use gtk stock icons
+* updated translations:
+ Ole Laursen (da), Kjartan Maraas (no), Jens Finke (de),
+ Wan Jian (zh_CN)
+Version 0.112.0
+* fixed display flickering when zooming (Jens)
+* removed features which won't be ready
+ within the Mate2 timeframe: (Jens)
+ - evolution & gnocam configure options
+ - printing support
+* eom.desktop updates for Mate2 (Jens)
+* build fixes for Forte CC (Laszlo Peter)
+* disable properites menu item when
+ no component is loaded (Jens)
+* fixed all remaining places where
+ strings aren't marked as translatable (Jens)
+* some code cleanup (Jens)
+* Updated translations:
+ Zbigniew Chyla (pl), Cristian Rose (sv), Duarte Loreto (pt)
+ Ole Laursen (da)
+Version 0.111.0
+* setup eom-image-viewer component for translation (Jens)
+* removed decorations on fullscreen mode (Jens)
+* fixed image saving (Jens)
+* fixed all the remaining issues where strings don't get translated (Jens
+* Updated translations:
+ Abel Cheung (zh_TW), Takayuki KUSANO (ja)
+Version 0.110.0
+* Better integration with Caja (Michael Meeks)
+* autoconf 2.5x build fix (Havoc Pennington)
+* bind_textdomain fixes (Shingo Akagaki)
+* MateComponent reference leak fixes (Jens)
+* Resize window to image on opening (Jens)
+* Drag'n'drop fixes (Jens)
+* Re-enabled preference settings (Jens)
+* mateconf schema installation fixes (Jens)
+* Code cleanup & compile warning fixes (Jens)
+* New/updated translations:
+ Christophe Merlet (fr), Ole Laursen (da), Duarte Loreto (pt),
+ Zbigniew Chyla (pl),Stanislav Visnovsky (sk), Roy-Magne Mo (nn),
+ Jarko Ranta (fi), Vincent van Adrighem (nl), Kjartan Maraas (no),
+ Chrisitan Rose (sv), Hasbullah Bin Pit (ms)
+=========== 0.11x.0 versions are for Mate 2 ======================
+Version 0.6
+* There's a totally new MateComponent component which uses the core EOM
+ code to display things (Martin, Michael). The old component has
+ been moved into Caja.
+* Requires MateComponent 0.35, MateConf 0.12, mate-print 0.25 and OAF 0.6.2.
+Version 0.5
+* You can now drag a bunch of filenames into a window and EOM will
+ open them for you (patch from Juan Pablo Mendoza).
+* Introduced a maximum zoom factor so that the gdk-pixbuf scaling
+ functions are happy (Federico).
+* Fixes to the documentation installation procedure (Federico).
+Version 0.4
+* Requires libglade stable and MateConf 0.8.
+* We now have a wonderful user's manual courtesy of Eliot Landrum.
+ This guy deserves a beer.
+* Greatly enhanced the scrolling engine. Now it is fast and nice. It
+ also supports a two-pass scrolling mode which is useful for slow
+ machines when scrolling zoomed images (Federico).
+* New full screen viewing mode. Look at your images on the big
+ screen! (Federico)
+* We support wheel mice; you can use the wheel for zooming (Federico).
+* Windows can adjust their size and zoom factor automatically when
+ opening new images (Federico).
+* New preferences dialog and a slew of options to tinker
+ with (Arik, Federico).
+* The MateComponent part can now use OAF instead of GOAD (Maciej).
+* Plenty of MateComponent work (Michael, Iain, Maciej).
+* Miscellaneous UI polishing (Federico).
+* New and updated translations (Fatih, Pablo, Rasta, Kjartan, Jesús,
+ Zbigniew, Yukihiro, Christopher, Andreas, Jarkko, Valek, Gergo,
+ Ville, Yuri, Kusano, Kenny, Kai, George, Matthias, Federico).
+Version 0.3
+* Requires gdk-pixbuf 0.7, mate-print 0.18, matecomponent > 0.9.
+* The old canvas-based rendering engine is gone. We now have a custom
+ rendering engine using gdk-pixbuf's fast scaling functions (right
+ now only bilinear interpolation is supported, but that will change).
+ Zooming and scrolling can be interrupted by the user at any time,
+ leading to a smoother user interface experience (Federico).
+ Scrolling is not finished, look at the TODO list to see what is
+ missing. The final scrolling support will be in the next version.
+* Image windows now display the filename and image size in the title
+ (Miguel, Federico).
+* Many enhancements to the MateComponent component (Michael).
+* RGBA print support for the MateComponent component (Michael).
+* We now install an eom.desktop file and a cool icon (Tuomas).
+* Many new and updated translations (Ville, Jarkko, Pablo, Dan, Gergo,
+ Alastair, Tomasz, Richard, Yuri, Matthias, Sergey, Fatih, Dennis,
+ Christopher, George, Lauris, Vincent, Simos, Kjartan).
+Version 0.2
+* Requires gdk-pixbuf-0.3. Uses the new gdk-pixbuf API.
+* Added "hand" scrolling. Performance sucks due to limitations in
+ GtkLayout and the MATE canvas. These will be fixed shortly.
+Version 0.1
+This is the first public release of the Eye of Mate. It is *far*
+from complete, but is stable and usable enough to work as a small and
+fast image viewer.
+Features in this release:
+- Opening multiple images at once in different windows.
+- Fast zooming and scrolling, while keeping memory usage constant.
+- Opening multiple images from the command line.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..922337f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Eye of MATE: an image viewing and cataloging program
+Perfect vision soup:
+ - 1 cauldron of snake broth
+ - 2 vampire ears
+ - 4 legs of tarantula
+ - 1 eye of mate
+This is the Eye of MATE, an image viewer program. It is meant to be
+a fast and functional image viewer.
+This package requires the following modules to be installed: glib,
+GTK+, libmateui, libglade, mateconf, mate-desktop, gio, gdk-pixbuf,
+mate-icon-theme, shared-mime-info, libart, and libglade.
+You can get these packages from your favourite MATE FTP mirror or at
+ or from other sources where MATE
+packages are distributed. shared-mime-info can be downloaded
+from the website.
+Optional Libraries
+'Eye of MATE' supports the reading of EXIF information stored in
+images by digital cameras. To get this working, you need the optional
+libexif library. It is available at
+If you also want to preserve your EXIF data on save make sure you have
+libjpeg installed, including the development files.
+In order to make 'Eye of MATE' work as a single instance application you'll
+need D-Bus installed in your system. You can get it from
+ .
+Other optional dependencies include Little cms for color management,
+Python, pygtk, and mate-python for python plugins support, and
+Exempi for XMP metadata reading.
+The bleeding-edge version of this package is always available from the MATE
+SVN repository (instructions at
+Released versions are available at
+You can find screenshots and the latest news about 'Eye of MATE' in
+Reporting bugs
+Please use the MATE bug tracking system to report bugs. You can
+reach it at
+This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License. Please see the file COPYING for details.
+Maintainer: Lucas Rocha ([email protected])
+Felix Riemann ([email protected])
+Claudio Saaevedra ([email protected])
+Tim Gerla ([email protected])
+Arik Devens ([email protected])
+Federico Mena-Quintero ([email protected])
+Jens Finke ([email protected])
+Lutz Müller ([email protected])
+Martin Baulig ([email protected])
+Michael Meeks ([email protected])
diff --git a/THANKS b/THANKS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ac2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/THANKS
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Many kudos, thanks, beers, and brownie points to:
+ Mark Crichton <[email protected]> - Wrote the initial versions
+ of GdkPixbuf, and bravely maintained Imlib for MATE's
+ purposes. And rode us around in the minivan of death.
+ Arik Devens <[email protected]> - Wrote the preferences code
+ for EOM and provided many interesting conversations. And lent
+ me his comic books, which are insanely cool.
+ Damien Diederen <[email protected]> - Wrote the original fast
+ scaling code that was the inspiration for EOM.
+ Tuomas Kuosmanen <[email protected]> - Created the cute icon for
+ EOM, as well as lots of nice artwork. That artwork was
+ proudly viewed in EOM as well.
+ Raph Levien <[email protected]> - Wrote libart, microtile arrays,
+ GdkRGB, and some awesome code for doing imaging *fast*.
+ Provided a botomless pit of knowledge.
+ Michael Meeks <[email protected]> - Wrote the initial MateComponent
+ stuff for EOM, and provided good feedback all along.
+ Maciej Stachowiak <[email protected]> - All-around super hacker,
+ and provided excellent feedback for EOM.
+ Owen Taylor <[email protected]> - Wrote the awesome scaling
+ and compositing functions for GdkPixbuf. Also provided a
+ really bottomless pit of knowledge.
+ Carsten "The Rasterman" Haitzler <[email protected]> -
+ Provided many interesting discussions about classification of
+ images and other imaging stuff. He also throws the best
+ parties.
+ The MATE translation team - For letting us use EOM in a
+ zillion languages.
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..add5c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Please see also bugzilla for a more accurate list of open bugs, things todo:
+This is more or less an up-to-date (2005-05-29) list of things need to
+be done on the code in the HEAD branch:
+* Check for outdated thumbnails in .thumbnails directory (according to thumbnail specification).
+* Remember the inner window layout in collection mode (window size and
+position is already implemented)
+* libeom/eom-job-manager.c: More tests required.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e468651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
+srcdir=`dirname $0`
+test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
+(test -f $srcdir/ \
+ && test -f $srcdir/ \
+ && test -d $srcdir/src \
+ && test -f $srcdir/src/eom-application.c) || {
+ echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the"
+ echo " top-level $PKG_NAME directory"
+ exit 1
+which || {
+ echo "You need to install mate-common from the MATE CVS"
+ exit 1
diff --git a/bindings/ b/bindings/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f1fc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+SUBDIRS += python
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/bindings/ b/bindings/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..657e3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@am__append_1 = python
+subdir = bindings
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \
+ html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \
+ install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \
+ install-html-recursive install-info-recursive \
+ install-pdf-recursive install-ps-recursive install-recursive \
+ installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive \
+ ps-recursive uninstall-recursive
+RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \
+ distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive
+ $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS:-recursive=) tags TAGS ctags CTAGS \
+ distdir
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+DIST_SUBDIRS = python
+am__relativize = \
+ dir0=`pwd`; \
+ sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \
+ sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \
+ while test -n "$$dir1"; do \
+ first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first" != "."; then \
+ if test "$$first" = ".."; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \
+ dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \
+ else \
+ first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ else \
+ dir2="../$$dir2"; \
+ fi; \
+ dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ done; \
+ reldir="$$dir2"
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+SUBDIRS = $(am__append_1)
+all: all-recursive
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign bindings/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign bindings/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd
+# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile.
+# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles,
+# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status'
+# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make');
+# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line.
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ dot_seen=yes; \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done; \
+ if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \
+ fi; test -z "$$fail"
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ case "$@" in \
+ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ esac; \
+ rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \
+ rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ rev="$$rev ."; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ for subdir in $$rev; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done && test -z "$$fail"
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ include_option=--etags-include; \
+ empty_fix=.; \
+ else \
+ include_option=--include; \
+ empty_fix=; \
+ fi; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \
+ set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \
+ echo " am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \
+ top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \
+ distdir="$$new_distdir" \
+ am__remove_distdir=: \
+ am__skip_length_check=: \
+ am__skip_mode_fix=: \
+ distdir) \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-recursive
+all-am: Makefile
+installdirs: installdirs-recursive
+install: install-recursive
+install-exec: install-exec-recursive
+install-data: install-data-recursive
+uninstall: uninstall-recursive
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-recursive
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-recursive
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-recursive
+html: html-recursive
+info: info-recursive
+install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive
+install-html: install-html-recursive
+install-info: install-info-recursive
+install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive
+install-ps: install-ps-recursive
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-recursive
+ps: ps-recursive
+ install-am install-strip tags-recursive
+ all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ ctags ctags-recursive distclean distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \
+ install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \
+ install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \
+ install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \
+ install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \
+ installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-recursive \
+ uninstall uninstall-am
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/bindings/python/ b/bindings/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9841596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = \
+nodist_eom_la_SOURCES = \
+ eom.c
+eom_la_LDFLAGS = \
+ -module -avoid-version
+eom_la_LIBADD = \
+eom_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir) \
+ -I$(top_builddir) \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ -I$(top_builddir)/src \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ $(AM_V_GEN)cd $(top_builddir)/src && $(MAKE) eom-enum-types.h
+eom.c: eom.defs eom.override $(top_builddir)/src/eom-enum-types.h
+ $(AM_V_GEN)( cd $(srcdir) && $(PYGOBJECT_CODEGEN) \
+ --register $(PYGOBJECT_DEFSDIR)/gio-types.defs \
+ --register $(PYGTK_DEFSDIR)/pango-types.defs \
+ --register $(PYGTK_DEFSDIR)/gdk-types.defs \
+ --register $(PYGTK_DEFSDIR)/gtk-types.defs \
+ --override $*.override \
+ --prefix py$* $(<F) ) > $@
+ src/eom-application.h \
+ src/eom-window.h \
+ src/eom-dialog.h \
+ src/eom-properties-dialog.h \
+ src/eom-message-area.h \
+ src/eom-statusbar.h \
+ src/eom-thumb-nav.h \
+ src/eom-image.h \
+ src/eom-scroll-view.h \
+ src/eom-thumb-view.h \
+ src/eom-list-store.h \
+ src/eom-job-queue.h \
+ src/eom-jobs.h \
+ src/eom-plugin.h
+ eom.c
+ eom.override \
+ eom.defs
+ cd $(distdir); rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/bindings/python/ b/bindings/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..441d9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = bindings/python
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+nodist_eom_la_OBJECTS = eom_la-eom.lo
+eom_la_OBJECTS = $(nodist_eom_la_OBJECTS)
+AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V))
+am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_lt_0 = --silent
+eom_la_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) \
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(eom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(eom_la_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir)
+depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp
+am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles
+am__mv = mv -f
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \
+AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V))
+am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+CCLD = $(CC)
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_$(V))
+am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@;
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+SOURCES = $(nodist_eom_la_SOURCES)
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = \
+nodist_eom_la_SOURCES = \
+ eom.c
+eom_la_LDFLAGS = \
+ -module -avoid-version
+eom_la_LIBADD = \
+eom_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir) \
+ -I$(top_builddir) \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ -I$(top_builddir)/src \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ src/eom-application.h \
+ src/eom-window.h \
+ src/eom-dialog.h \
+ src/eom-properties-dialog.h \
+ src/eom-message-area.h \
+ src/eom-statusbar.h \
+ src/eom-thumb-nav.h \
+ src/eom-image.h \
+ src/eom-scroll-view.h \
+ src/eom-thumb-view.h \
+ src/eom-list-store.h \
+ src/eom-job-queue.h \
+ src/eom-jobs.h \
+ src/eom-plugin.h
+ eom.c
+ eom.override \
+ eom.defs
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-am
+.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign bindings/python/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign bindings/python/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)
+ @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
+ dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \
+ test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \
+ echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \
+ rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \
+ done $(eom_la_OBJECTS) $(eom_la_DEPENDENCIES)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(eom_la_LINK) $(eom_la_OBJECTS) $(eom_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+ -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f *.tab.c
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/eom_la-eom.Plo@am__quote@
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+eom_la-eom.lo: eom.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(eom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT eom_la-eom.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/eom_la-eom.Tpo -c -o eom_la-eom.lo `test -f 'eom.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/eom_la-eom.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/eom_la-eom.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom.c' object='eom_la-eom.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(eom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o eom_la-eom.lo `test -f 'eom.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom.c
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \
+ dist-hook
+check-am: all-am
+check: $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES)
+install: $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+ -test -z "$(BUILT_SOURCES)" || rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \
+ mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+.MAKE: all check install install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \
+ clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags dist-hook \
+ distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \
+ install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \
+ install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \
+ install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \
+ install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \
+ installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-compile \
+ mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \
+ tags uninstall uninstall-am
+ $(AM_V_GEN)cd $(top_builddir)/src && $(MAKE) eom-enum-types.h
+eom.c: eom.defs eom.override $(top_builddir)/src/eom-enum-types.h
+ $(AM_V_GEN)( cd $(srcdir) && $(PYGOBJECT_CODEGEN) \
+ --register $(PYGOBJECT_DEFSDIR)/gio-types.defs \
+ --register $(PYGTK_DEFSDIR)/pango-types.defs \
+ --register $(PYGTK_DEFSDIR)/gdk-types.defs \
+ --register $(PYGTK_DEFSDIR)/gtk-types.defs \
+ --override $*.override \
+ --prefix py$* $(<F) ) > $@
+ cd $(distdir); rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/bindings/python/eom.defs b/bindings/python/eom.defs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b37c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/eom.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@
+;; -*- scheme -*-
+; object definitions ...
+(define-object Application
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GObject")
+ (c-name "EomApplication")
+(define-object Dialog
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GObject")
+ (c-name "EomDialog")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_DIALOG")
+(define-object Image
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GObject")
+ (c-name "EomImage")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_IMAGE")
+(define-object Job
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GObject")
+ (c-name "EomJob")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_JOB")
+(define-object JobLoad
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "EomJob")
+ (c-name "EomJobLoad")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_JOB_LOAD")
+(define-object JobModel
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "EomJob")
+ (c-name "EomJobModel")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_JOB_MODEL")
+(define-object JobSave
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "EomJob")
+ (c-name "EomJobSave")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE")
+(define-object JobSaveAs
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "EomJobSave")
+ (c-name "EomJobSaveAs")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE_AS")
+(define-object JobThumbnail
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "EomJob")
+ (c-name "EomJobThumbnail")
+(define-object JobTransform
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "EomJob")
+ (c-name "EomJobTransform")
+(define-object ListStore
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GtkListStore")
+ (c-name "EomListStore")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_LIST_STORE")
+(define-object Plugin
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GObject")
+ (c-name "EomPlugin")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_PLUGIN")
+(define-object PropertiesDialog
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "EomDialog")
+ (c-name "EomPropertiesDialog")
+(define-object ScrollView
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GtkTable")
+ (c-name "EomScrollView")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_SCROLL_VIEW")
+(define-object Sidebar
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GtkVBox")
+ (c-name "EomSidebar")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_SIDEBAR")
+(define-object Statusbar
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GtkStatusbar")
+ (c-name "EomStatusbar")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_STATUSBAR")
+(define-object ThumbNav
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GtkHBox")
+ (c-name "EomThumbNav")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_THUMB_NAV")
+(define-object ThumbView
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GtkIconView")
+ (c-name "EomThumbView")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_THUMB_VIEW")
+(define-object Window
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (parent "GtkWindow")
+ (c-name "EomWindow")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_WINDOW")
+;; Enumerations and flags ...
+(define-flags ImageData
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomImageData")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_IMAGE_DATA")
+ (values
+ '("image" "EOM_IMAGE_DATA_IMAGE")
+ '("dimension" "EOM_IMAGE_DATA_DIMENSION")
+ '("exif" "EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF")
+ )
+(define-enum ImageError
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomImageError")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_IMAGE_ERROR")
+ (values
+ '("save-not-local" "EOM_IMAGE_ERROR_SAVE_NOT_LOCAL")
+ '("not-loaded" "EOM_IMAGE_ERROR_NOT_LOADED")
+ '("vfs" "EOM_IMAGE_ERROR_VFS")
+ '("file-exists" "EOM_IMAGE_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS")
+ '("tmp-file-failed" "EOM_IMAGE_ERROR_TMP_FILE_FAILED")
+ '("generic" "EOM_IMAGE_ERROR_GENERIC")
+ '("unknown" "EOM_IMAGE_ERROR_UNKNOWN")
+ )
+(define-enum ImageStatus
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomImageStatus")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_IMAGE_STATUS")
+ (values
+ )
+(define-enum JobSaveResponse
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomJobSaveResponse")
+ (values
+ )
+(define-enum ListStoreColumn
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomListStoreColumn")
+ (values
+ '("thumbnail" "EOM_LIST_STORE_THUMBNAIL")
+ '("thumb-set" "EOM_LIST_STORE_THUMB_SET")
+ '("eom-image" "EOM_LIST_STORE_EOM_IMAGE")
+ '("eom-job" "EOM_LIST_STORE_EOM_JOB")
+ '("num-columns" "EOM_LIST_STORE_NUM_COLUMNS")
+ )
+(define-enum PropertiesDialogPage
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomPropertiesDialogPage")
+ (values
+ )
+(define-enum TransparencyStyle
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomTransparencyStyle")
+ (values
+ '("background" "EOM_TRANSP_BACKGROUND")
+ '("checked" "EOM_TRANSP_CHECKED")
+ '("color" "EOM_TRANSP_COLOR")
+ )
+(define-enum ThumbNavMode
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomThumbNavMode")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_THUMB_NAV_MODE")
+ (values
+ '("one-row" "EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_ONE_ROW")
+ '("one-column" "EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_ONE_COLUMN")
+ '("multiple-rows" "EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_MULTIPLE_ROWS")
+ '("multiple-columns" "EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_MULTIPLE_COLUMNS")
+ )
+(define-enum ThumbViewSelectionChange
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomThumbViewSelectionChange")
+ (values
+ )
+(define-enum WindowMode
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomWindowMode")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_WINDOW_MODE")
+ (values
+ '("unknown" "EOM_WINDOW_MODE_UNKNOWN")
+ '("normal" "EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL")
+ '("fullscreen" "EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN")
+ '("slideshow" "EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW")
+ )
+(define-enum WindowError
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomWindowError")
+ (gtype-id "EOM_TYPE_WINDOW_ERROR")
+ (values
+ '("control-not-found" "EOM_WINDOW_ERROR_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND")
+ '("ui-not-found" "EOM_WINDOW_ERROR_UI_NOT_FOUND")
+ '("no-persist-file-interface" "EOM_WINDOW_ERROR_NO_PERSIST_FILE_INTERFACE")
+ '("trash-not-found" "EOM_WINDOW_ERROR_TRASH_NOT_FOUND")
+ )
+(define-flags StartupFlags
+ (in-module "Eom")
+ (c-name "EomStartupFlags")
+ (values
+ '("fullscreen" "EOM_STARTUP_FULLSCREEN")
+ '("slide-show" "EOM_STARTUP_SLIDE_SHOW")
+ '("disable-collection" "EOM_STARTUP_DISABLE_COLLECTION")
+ )
+;; From eom-application.h
+(define-function eom_application_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_application_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_application_get_instance
+ (c-name "eom_application_get_instance")
+ (return-type "EomApplication*")
+(define-method shutdown
+ (of-object "EomApplication")
+ (c-name "eom_application_shutdown")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method open_window
+ (of-object "EomApplication")
+ (c-name "eom_application_open_window")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("guint" "timestamp")
+ '("EomStartupFlags" "flags")
+ '("GError**" "error")
+ )
+(define-method open_uri_list
+ (of-object "EomApplication")
+ (c-name "eom_application_open_uri_list")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("GSList*" "uri_list")
+ '("guint" "timestamp")
+ '("EomStartupFlags" "flags")
+ '("GError**" "error")
+ )
+(define-method get_windows
+ (of-object "EomApplication")
+ (c-name "eom_application_get_windows")
+ (return-type "GList*")
+;; From eom-dialog.h
+(define-function eom_dialog_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_dialog_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-method construct
+ (of-object "EomDialog")
+ (c-name "eom_dialog_construct")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "glade_file")
+ '("const-gchar*" "dlg_node")
+ )
+(define-method show
+ (of-object "EomDialog")
+ (c-name "eom_dialog_show")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method hide
+ (of-object "EomDialog")
+ (c-name "eom_dialog_hide")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method get_controls
+ (of-object "EomDialog")
+ (c-name "eom_dialog_get_controls")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "property_id")
+ )
+ (varargs #t)
+;; From eom-image.h
+(define-function eom_image_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_image_new
+ (c-name "eom_image_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomImage")
+ (return-type "EomImage*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-char*" "txt_uri")
+ )
+(define-function eom_image_new_file
+ (c-name "eom_image_new_file")
+ (return-type "EomImage*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GFile*" "file")
+ )
+(define-method has_data
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_has_data")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImageData" "data")
+ )
+(define-method load
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_load")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImageData" "data2read")
+ '("EomJob*" "job" (null-ok))
+ '("GError**" "error")
+ )
+(define-method set_thumbnail
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_set_thumbnail")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GdkPixbuf*" "pixbuf")
+ )
+(define-method get_pixbuf
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_pixbuf")
+ (return-type "GdkPixbuf*")
+(define-method get_thumbnail
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_thumbnail")
+ (return-type "GdkPixbuf*")
+(define-method get_size
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_size")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gint*" "width")
+ '("gint*" "height")
+ )
+(define-method get_bytes
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_bytes")
+ (return-type "goffset")
+(define-method is_modified
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_is_modified")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method modified
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_modified")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method get_caption
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_caption")
+ (return-type "const-gchar*")
+(define-method get_exif_info
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_exif_info")
+ (return-type "gpointer")
+(define-method get_file
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_file")
+ (return-type "GFile*")
+(define-method get_uri_for_display
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_get_uri_for_display")
+ (return-type "gchar*")
+(define-method undo
+ (of-object "EomImage")
+ (c-name "eom_image_undo")
+ (return-type "none")
+;; From eom-job-queue.h
+(define-method queue_add_job
+ (of-object "EomJob")
+ (c-name "eom_job_queue_add_job")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method queue_remove_job
+ (of-object "EomJob")
+ (c-name "eom_job_queue_remove_job")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+;; From eom-jobs.h
+(define-function eom_job_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_job_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-method finished
+ (of-object "EomJob")
+ (c-name "eom_job_finished")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method run
+ (of-object "EomJob")
+ (c-name "eom_job_run")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method set_progress
+ (of-object "EomJob")
+ (c-name "eom_job_set_progress")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("float" "progress")
+ )
+(define-function eom_job_thumbnail_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_job_thumbnail_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_job_thumbnail_new
+ (c-name "eom_job_thumbnail_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomJobThumbnail")
+ (return-type "EomJob*")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ )
+(define-function eom_job_load_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_job_load_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_job_load_new
+ (c-name "eom_job_load_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomJobLoad")
+ (return-type "EomJob*")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ '("EomImageData" "data")
+ )
+(define-function eom_job_model_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_job_model_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_job_model_new
+ (c-name "eom_job_model_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomJobModel")
+ (return-type "EomJob*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GSList*" "uri_list")
+ )
+(define-function eom_job_transform_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_job_transform_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_job_transform_new
+ (c-name "eom_job_transform_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomJobTransform")
+ (return-type "EomJob*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GList*" "images")
+ '("EomTransform*" "trans")
+ )
+;; From eom-list-store.h
+(define-function eom_list_store_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_list_store_new
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomListStore")
+ (return-type "GtkListStore*")
+(define-method append_image
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_append_image")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ )
+(define-method add_uris
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_add_uris")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GList*" "uri_list")
+ )
+(define-method remove_image
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_remove_image")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ )
+(define-method get_pos_by_image
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image")
+ (return-type "gint")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ )
+(define-method get_image_by_pos
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_get_image_by_pos")
+ (return-type "EomImage*")
+ (parameters
+ '("gint" "pos")
+ )
+(define-method get_pos_by_iter
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_get_pos_by_iter")
+ (return-type "gint")
+ (parameters
+ '("GtkTreeIter*" "iter")
+ )
+(define-method length
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_length")
+ (return-type "gint")
+(define-method get_initial_pos
+ (of-object "EomListStore")
+ (c-name "eom_list_store_get_initial_pos")
+ (return-type "gint")
+;; From eom-plugin.h
+(define-function eom_plugin_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_plugin_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-method activate
+ (of-object "EomPlugin")
+ (c-name "eom_plugin_activate")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomWindow*" "window")
+ )
+(define-method deactivate
+ (of-object "EomPlugin")
+ (c-name "eom_plugin_deactivate")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomWindow*" "window")
+ )
+(define-method update_ui
+ (of-object "EomPlugin")
+ (c-name "eom_plugin_update_ui")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomWindow*" "window")
+ )
+(define-method is_configurable
+ (of-object "EomPlugin")
+ (c-name "eom_plugin_is_configurable")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method create_configure_dialog
+ (of-object "EomPlugin")
+ (c-name "eom_plugin_create_configure_dialog")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+;; From eom-properties-dialog.h
+(define-function eom_properties_dialog_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_properties_dialog_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_properties_dialog_new
+ (c-name "eom_properties_dialog_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomPropertiesDialog")
+ (return-type "GObject*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GtkWindow*" "parent")
+ '("EomThumbView*" "thumbview")
+ '("GtkAction*" "next_image_action")
+ '("GtkAction*" "previous_image_action")
+ )
+(define-method update
+ (of-object "EomPropertiesDialog")
+ (c-name "eom_properties_dialog_update")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ )
+(define-method set_page
+ (of-object "EomPropertiesDialog")
+ (c-name "eom_properties_dialog_set_page")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomPropertiesDialogPage" "page")
+ )
+;; From eom-scroll-view.h
+(define-function eom_scroll_view_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_scroll_view_new
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomScrollView")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method set_image
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_set_image")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ )
+(define-method set_zoom_upscale
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_upscale")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "upscale")
+ )
+(define-method set_zoom_multiplier
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_multiplier")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gdouble" "multiplier")
+ )
+(define-method set_antialiasing_in
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_in")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "state")
+ )
+(define-method set_antialiasing_out
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_out")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "state")
+ )
+(define-method set_transparency
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_set_transparency")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomTransparencyStyle" "style")
+ '("GdkColor*" "color")
+ )
+(define-method scrollbars_visible
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method zoom_in
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_zoom_in")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "smooth")
+ )
+(define-method zoom_out
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_zoom_out")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "smooth")
+ )
+(define-method zoom_fit
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_zoom_fit")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method set_zoom
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_set_zoom")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("double" "zoom")
+ )
+(define-method get_zoom
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_get_zoom")
+ (return-type "double")
+(define-method get_zoom_is_min
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_min")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_zoom_is_max
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_max")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method show_cursor
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_show_cursor")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method hide_cursor
+ (of-object "EomScrollView")
+ (c-name "eom_scroll_view_hide_cursor")
+ (return-type "none")
+;; From eom-sidebar.h
+(define-function eom_sidebar_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_sidebar_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_sidebar_new
+ (c-name "eom_sidebar_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomSidebar")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method add_page
+ (of-object "EomSidebar")
+ (c-name "eom_sidebar_add_page")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "title")
+ '("GtkWidget*" "main_widget")
+ )
+(define-method remove_page
+ (of-object "EomSidebar")
+ (c-name "eom_sidebar_remove_page")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GtkWidget*" "main_widget")
+ )
+(define-method set_page
+ (of-object "EomSidebar")
+ (c-name "eom_sidebar_set_page")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GtkWidget*" "main_widget")
+ )
+(define-method get_n_pages
+ (of-object "EomSidebar")
+ (c-name "eom_sidebar_get_n_pages")
+ (return-type "gint")
+(define-method is_empty
+ (of-object "EomSidebar")
+ (c-name "eom_sidebar_is_empty")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+;; From eom-statusbar.h
+(define-function eom_statusbar_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_statusbar_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_statusbar_new
+ (c-name "eom_statusbar_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomStatusbar")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method set_image_number
+ (of-object "EomStatusbar")
+ (c-name "eom_statusbar_set_image_number")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gint" "num")
+ '("gint" "tot")
+ )
+(define-method set_progress
+ (of-object "EomStatusbar")
+ (c-name "eom_statusbar_set_progress")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gdouble" "progress")
+ )
+;; From eom-thumb-nav.h
+(define-function eom_thumb_nav_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_nav_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_thumb_nav_new
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_nav_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomThumbNav")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GtkWidget*" "thumbview")
+ '("EomThumbNavMode" "mode")
+ '("gboolean" "show_buttons")
+ )
+(define-method get_show_buttons
+ (of-object "EomThumbNav")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_nav_get_show_buttons")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method set_show_buttons
+ (of-object "EomThumbNav")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "show_buttons")
+ )
+(define-method get_mode
+ (of-object "EomThumbNav")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_nav_get_mode")
+ (return-type "EomThumbNavMode")
+(define-method set_mode
+ (of-object "EomThumbNav")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_nav_set_mode")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomThumbNavMode" "mode")
+ )
+;; From eom-thumb-view.h
+(define-function eom_thumb_view_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_thumb_view_new
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomThumbView")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method set_model
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_set_model")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomListStore*" "store")
+ )
+(define-method set_item_height
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_set_item_height")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gint" "height")
+ )
+(define-method get_n_selected
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected")
+ (return-type "guint")
+(define-method get_first_selected_image
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image")
+ (return-type "EomImage*")
+(define-method get_selected_images
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images")
+ (return-type "GList*")
+(define-method select_single
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_select_single")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomThumbViewSelectionChange" "change")
+ )
+(define-method set_current_image
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_set_current_image")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomImage*" "image")
+ '("gboolean" "deselect_other")
+ )
+(define-method set_thumbnail_popup
+ (of-object "EomThumbView")
+ (c-name "eom_thumb_view_set_thumbnail_popup")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GtkMenu*" "menu")
+ )
+;; From eom-window.h
+(define-function eom_window_get_type
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function eom_window_new
+ (c-name "eom_window_new")
+ (is-constructor-of "EomWindow")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomStartupFlags" "flags")
+ )
+(define-method get_mode
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_mode")
+ (return-type "EomWindowMode")
+(define-method set_mode
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_set_mode")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("EomWindowMode" "mode")
+ )
+(define-method get_ui_manager
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_ui_manager")
+ (return-type "GtkUIManager*")
+(define-method get_store
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_store")
+ (return-type "EomListStore*")
+(define-method get_view
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_view")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method get_sidebar
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_sidebar")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method get_thumb_view
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_thumb_view")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method get_thumb_nav
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_thumb_nav")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method get_statusbar
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_statusbar")
+ (return-type "GtkWidget*")
+(define-method get_image
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_get_image")
+ (return-type "EomImage*")
+(define-method open_uri_list
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_open_uri_list")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GSList*" "uri_list")
+ )
+(define-method is_empty
+ (of-object "EomWindow")
+ (c-name "eom_window_is_empty")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
diff --git a/bindings/python/eom.override b/bindings/python/eom.override
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d95cf36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/eom.override
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#define NO_IMPORT
+#include "pygobject.h"
+#include <pygtk/pygtk.h>
+#include "eom-enum-types.h"
+#include "eom-application.h"
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include "eom-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-properties-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-statusbar.h"
+#include "eom-sidebar.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-nav.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-scroll-view.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-job-queue.h"
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include "eom-plugin.h"
+void pyeom_register_classes (PyObject *d);
+void pyeom_add_constants (PyObject *module, const gchar *strip_prefix);
+static PyObject *
+_helper_wrap_gobject_glist (const GList *list)
+ PyObject *py_list;
+ const GList *tmp;
+ if ((py_list = PyList_New(0)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (tmp = list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
+ PyObject *py_obj = pygobject_new(G_OBJECT(tmp->data));
+ if (py_obj == NULL) {
+ Py_DECREF(py_list);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ PyList_Append(py_list, py_obj);
+ Py_DECREF(py_obj);
+ }
+ return py_list;
+modulename eom
+import gtk.Widget as PyGtkWidget_Type
+import gobject.GObject as PyGObject_Type
+import gtk.Window as PyGtkWindow_Type
+import gtk.Action as PyGtkAction_Type
+import gtk.Statusbar as PyGtkStatusbar_Type
+import gtk.Menu as PyGtkMenu_Type
+import gtk.gdk.Pixbuf as PyGdkPixbuf_Type
+import gtk.FileChooserDialog as PyGtkFileChooserDialog_Type
+import gtk.ListStore as PyGtkListStore_Type
+import gtk.HBox as PyGtkHBox_Type
+import gtk.VBox as PyGtkVBox_Type
+import gtk.Table as PyGtkTable_Type
+import gtk.IconView as PyGtkIconView_Type
+import gio.File as PyGFile_Type
+ *_get_type
+override eom_application_get_windows
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_eom_application_get_windows(PyGObject *self)
+ const GList *list;
+ PyObject *py_list;
+ list = eom_application_get_windows (EOM_APPLICATION (self->obj));
+ py_list = _helper_wrap_gobject_glist (list);
+ return py_list;
+override eom_application_open_uri_list kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_eom_application_open_uri_list (PyGObject *self,
+ PyObject *args,
+ PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "uri_list", NULL };
+ PyObject *list, *item;
+ GSList *glist = NULL;
+ int len, i;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (args, kwargs,
+ "O:EomApplication.open_uri_list", kwlist,
+ &list))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!PySequence_Check (list)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError,
+ "first argument must be a sequence");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = PySequence_Length (list);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ item = PySequence_GetItem (list, i);
+ Py_DECREF(item);
+ if (!PyString_Check (item)) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError,
+ "sequence item not a string");
+ g_slist_free (glist);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ glist = g_slist_append (glist, g_strdup (PyString_AsString (item)));
+ }
+ eom_application_open_uri_list (EOM_APPLICATION (self->obj), glist, GDK_CURRENT_TIME, 0, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (glist);
+ Py_INCREF (Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c06d286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+m4_define(eom_major_version, 2011)
+m4_define(eom_minor_version, 11)
+m4_define(eom_micro_version, 09)
+m4_define(eom_version, eom_major_version.eom_minor_version.eom_micro_version)
+AC_INIT([eom], eom_version, [], [eom])
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 foreign no-dist-gzip dist-bzip2])
+# Support silencing the build output if supported (automake-1.11+)
+AC_DEFINE(EOM_MAJOR_VERSION, eom_major_version, [EOM major version])
+AC_SUBST(EOM_MAJOR_VERSION, eom_major_version)
+AC_DEFINE(EOM_MINOR_VERSION, eom_minor_version, [EOM minor version])
+AC_SUBST(EOM_MINOR_VERSION, eom_minor_version)
+AC_DEFINE(EOM_MICRO_VERSION, eom_micro_version, [EOM micro version])
+AC_SUBST(EOM_MICRO_VERSION, eom_micro_version)
+# Disable building static archives by default
+AC_PATH_PROG([GLIB_GENMARSHAL], [glib-genmarshal])
+# ****************************************************************
+# Support for nl_langinfo (_NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT) (optional)
+# ****************************************************************
+AC_TRY_LINK([#include <langinfo.h>], [
+char c;
+c = *((unsigned char *) nl_langinfo(_NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT));
+], have_langinfo_measurement=yes, have_langinfo_measurement=no)
+if test "$have_langinfo_measurement" = "yes"; then
+ [Define if _NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT is available])
+# ***********
+# Translation
+# ***********
+# ***************
+# mate-doc-utils
+# ***************
+# **********
+# MATE Libs
+# **********
+ glib-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \
+ gio-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \
+ gthread-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \
+ mate-desktop-2.0 >= $MATE_DESKTOP_REQUIRED \
+ gdk-pixbuf-2.0 >= $GDKPIXBUF_REQUIRED \
+ mateconf-2.0 >= $MATECONF_REQUIRED \
+ gtk+-unix-print-2.0 >= $GTK_PRINT_REQUIRED \
+ mate-icon-theme >= $MATE_ICON_THEME_REQUIRED \
+ shared-mime-info >= $SHARED_MIME_INFO_REQUIRED"
+# ***************
+# ZLIB (required)
+# ***************
+ [AC_CHECK_LIB([z], [inflate],
+ [AC_CHECK_LIB([z], [crc32], [], [have_zlib=no])],
+ [have_zlib=no])],
+ [have_zlib=no])
+if test x$have_zlib = xno; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([No sufficient zlib library found on your system.])
+# ***************
+# EXIF (optional)
+# ***************
+AC_ARG_WITH([libexif], AC_HELP_STRING([--without-libexif], [disable EXIF support]))
+if test x$with_libexif != xno; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EXIF, libexif >= $LIBEXIF_REQUIRED, have_exif=yes, have_exif=no)
+ if test "x$have_exif" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER([libexif/exif-data.h],[],[have_exif=no])
+ fi
+if test "x$have_exif" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EXIF, 1, [EXIF Support.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_EXIF], [test "x$have_exif" = "xyes"])
+# *********************
+# Little CMS (optional)
+# *********************
+AC_ARG_WITH([cms], AC_HELP_STRING([--without-cms], [disable colour management support]))
+if test x$with_cms != xno; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LCMS, lcms, have_lcms=yes, have_lcms=no)
+if test "x$have_lcms" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LCMS, 1, [Little CMS Support.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_LCMS], [test "x$have_lcms" = "xyes"])
+# *********************
+# Exempi (optional)
+# *********************
+AC_ARG_WITH(xmp, AC_HELP_STRING([--without-xmp], [disable special XMP support]))
+if test x$with_xmp != xno; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EXEMPI, exempi-2.0 >= $EXEMPI_REQUIRED, have_exempi=yes, have_exempi=no)
+if test "x$have_exempi" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EXEMPI,1, [XMP support.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_EXEMPI], [test "x$have_exempi" = "xyes"])
+# Build EXIF-related documentation if we really have support for it
+if test "x$have_exif" = "xyes" || test "x$have_exempi" = "xyes"; then
+# ********************
+# Jpeg (semi-optional)
+# ********************
+AC_ARG_WITH(libjpeg, AC_HELP_STRING([--without-libjpeg], [disable special JPEG support]))
+ have_jpeg=no
+ have_libjpeg_80=no
+ if test x$with_libjpeg != xno && test -z "$LIBJPEG"; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(jpeg, jpeg_destroy_decompress,
+ have_jpeg=yes,
+ have_jpeg=no
+ AC_MSG_WARN(*** JPEG loader will not be built (JPEG library not found) ***))
+ if test "$have_jpeg" = yes; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for jpeglib.h])
+[#include <stdio.h>
+#undef PACKAGE
+#undef VERSION
+#include <jpeglib.h>],
+ have_jpeg=yes,
+ have_jpeg=no)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($have_jpeg)
+ if test "$have_jpeg" = yes; then
+ LIBJPEG='-ljpeg'
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_JPEG, 1, [Jpeg Support.])
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBJPEG, 1, [libjpeg is Present.])
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(jpeg, jpeg_simple_progression,
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PROGRESSIVE_JPEG, 1, [Jpeg Progressive Saving Support.]),
+ AC_MSG_WARN(JPEG library does not support progressive saving.))
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([[libjpeg version is 8 or greater]])
+ [[
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <jpeglib.h>
+#error "wrong version"
+int main(int c, char**v) { return 0; }
+ ]]) ],
+ have_libjpeg_80=yes],
+ have_libjpeg_80=no])
+ else
+ AC_MSG_WARN(*** JPEG loader will not be built (JPEG header file not found) ***)
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test x$with_libjpeg != xno && test -z "$LIBJPEG"; then
+*** Checks for JPEG loader failed. You can build without it by passing
+*** --without-libjpeg to configure but some programs using GTK+ may
+*** not work properly])
+ fi
+AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_JPEG, test x$have_jpeg = xyes)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBJPEG_80, test "x$have_libjpeg_80" = xyes)
+# ****************
+# D-Bus activation
+# ****************
+AC_ARG_WITH([dbus], AC_HELP_STRING([--without-dbus], [disable dbus based activation]))
+if test x$with_dbus != xno; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DBUS], [dbus-glib-1 >= $DBUS_GLIB_REQUIRED], have_dbus=yes, have_dbus=no)
+if test x$have_dbus = xyes; then
+ AC_PATH_PROG([DBUS_BINDING_TOOL], [dbus-binding-tool], [no])
+ if test x$DBUS_BINDING_TOOL = "xno" ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([dbus-binding-tool executable not found in your path - should be installed with dbus glib bindings])
+ fi
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DBUS, 1, [DBUS based activation.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_DBUS], [test "x$have_dbus" = "xyes"])
+# ************************************
+# libXML2 (required for toolbareditor)
+# ************************************
+# ***************
+# RSVG (optional for scaling svg image)
+# ***************
+AC_ARG_WITH([librsvg], AC_HELP_STRING([--without-librsvg], [disable RSVG support]))
+if test x$with_librsvg != xno; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(RSVG, librsvg-2.0 >= $LIBRSVG_REQUIRED, have_rsvg=yes, have_rsvg=no)
+if test "x$have_rsvg" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_RSVG, 1, [RSVG Support.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_RSVG], [test "x$have_rsvg" = "xyes"])
+# ****************
+# ****************
+# *******************************************************
+# libX11 (required for TotemScrSaver and Color Profiling)
+# *******************************************************
+# Check GDK rendering target
+gdk_target=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=target gdk-2.0`
+if test "x$have_lcms" = "xyes" || test "$gdk_target" = "x11"; then
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(X11, [x11], have_x11=yes, have_x11=no)
+ if test "x$have_x11" != "xyes"; then
+ # Fallback for X11 releases without .pc-files
+ if test x$no_x = xyes ; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([X development libraries (libX11) not found])
+ else
+ have_x11=yes
+ fi
+ fi
+# *****
+# MateConf
+# *****
+AC_PATH_PROG([MATECONFTOOL], [mateconftool-2], [no])
+if test "$MATECONFTOOL" = "no"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([mateconftool-2 not found])
+# ************
+# Sun Keyboard
+# ************
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(X11/Sunkeysym.h, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SUNKEYSYM_H, 1, [Sun Keyboard Support]))
+# **************
+# Python Support
+# **************
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether Python support is requested])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-python],[Enable python support]),
+ [enable_python=$enableval have_python=$enableval],
+ [enable_python=autodetect have_python=yes])
+if test "x$have_python" != "xno"; then
+ AM_PATH_PYTHON([2.3],[],[no])
+ if test "x$PYTHON" = "x:"; then
+ have_python=no
+ fi
+if test "x$have_python" != "xno"; then
+ PY_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys ; print sys.prefix'`
+ PY_EXEC_PREFIX=`$PYTHON -c 'import sys ; print sys.exec_prefix'`
+ PYTHON_OTHER_LIBS=`sed -n -e 's/^LIBS=\(.*\)/\1/p' $PYTHON_MAKEFILE`
+if test "x$have_python" != "xyes"; then
+ if test "x$enable_python" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Python not found])
+ elif test "x$enable_python" = "xautodetect"; then
+ enable_python=no
+ AC_MSG_WARN([Python not found, disabling python support])
+ fi
+if test "x$have_python" != "xno"; then
+ pygobject-2.0 >= $PYGOBJECT_REQUIRED
+ pygtk-2.0 >= $PYGTK_REQUIRED],
+ [],
+ [
+ have_python=no
+ if test "x$enable_python" = "xyes"; then
+ elif test "x$enable_python" = "xautodetect"; then
+ enable_python=no
+ AC_MSG_WARN([Disabling python support])
+ fi
+ ])
+if test "x$have_python" != "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pygobject defs])
+ PYGOBJECT_DEFSDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=defsdir pygobject-2.0`
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pygtk defs])
+ PYGTK_DEFSDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=defsdir pygtk-2.0`
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pygobject codegen])
+ PYGOBJECT_CODEGEN="$PYTHON `$PKG_CONFIG --variable=codegendir pygobject-2.0`/"
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pygobject h2def])
+ PYGOBJECT_H2DEF="$PYTHON `$PKG_CONFIG --variable=codegendir pygobject-2.0`/"
+ dnl Check for -fno-strict-aliasing
+ FLAGS="-fno-strict-aliasing"
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether [$]CC understands $FLAGS])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([], [], [compiler_has_option=yes], [compiler_has_option=no])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($compiler_has_option)
+ if test $compiler_has_option = yes; then
+ fi
+if test "x$have_python" != "xno" -a "x$enable_python" != "xno"; then
+ enable_python=yes
+ AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_PYTHON],[1],[Define to compile with python support])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_PYTHON],[test "x$enable_python" = "xyes"])
+echo "
+Configure summary:
+ Source code location .......: ${srcdir}
+ Compiler ...................: ${CC}
+ Extra Compiler Warnings ....: ${WARN_CFLAGS}
+ Python support .............: ${have_python}
+ EXIF support ...............: ${have_exif}
+ XMP support ................: ${have_exempi}
+ JPEG support ...............: ${have_jpeg}
+ Colour management support ..: ${have_lcms}
+ D-Bus activation............: ${have_dbus}
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/ b/cut-n-paste/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..177f5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+SUBDIRS = toolbar-editor totem-screensaver
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/ b/cut-n-paste/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2985db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = cut-n-paste
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \
+ html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \
+ install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \
+ install-html-recursive install-info-recursive \
+ install-pdf-recursive install-ps-recursive install-recursive \
+ installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive \
+ ps-recursive uninstall-recursive
+RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \
+ distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive
+ $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS:-recursive=) tags TAGS ctags CTAGS \
+ distdir
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+am__relativize = \
+ dir0=`pwd`; \
+ sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \
+ sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \
+ while test -n "$$dir1"; do \
+ first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first" != "."; then \
+ if test "$$first" = ".."; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \
+ dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \
+ else \
+ first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ else \
+ dir2="../$$dir2"; \
+ fi; \
+ dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ done; \
+ reldir="$$dir2"
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+SUBDIRS = toolbar-editor totem-screensaver
+all: all-recursive
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign cut-n-paste/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign cut-n-paste/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd
+# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile.
+# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles,
+# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status'
+# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make');
+# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line.
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ dot_seen=yes; \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done; \
+ if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \
+ fi; test -z "$$fail"
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ case "$@" in \
+ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ esac; \
+ rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \
+ rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ rev="$$rev ."; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ for subdir in $$rev; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done && test -z "$$fail"
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ include_option=--etags-include; \
+ empty_fix=.; \
+ else \
+ include_option=--include; \
+ empty_fix=; \
+ fi; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \
+ set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \
+ echo " am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \
+ top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \
+ distdir="$$new_distdir" \
+ am__remove_distdir=: \
+ am__skip_length_check=: \
+ am__skip_mode_fix=: \
+ distdir) \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-recursive
+all-am: Makefile
+installdirs: installdirs-recursive
+install: install-recursive
+install-exec: install-exec-recursive
+install-data: install-data-recursive
+uninstall: uninstall-recursive
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-recursive
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-recursive
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-recursive
+html: html-recursive
+info: info-recursive
+install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive
+install-html: install-html-recursive
+install-info: install-info-recursive
+install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive
+install-ps: install-ps-recursive
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-recursive
+ps: ps-recursive
+ install-am install-strip tags-recursive
+ all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ ctags ctags-recursive distclean distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \
+ install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \
+ install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \
+ install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \
+ install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \
+ installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-recursive \
+ uninstall uninstall-am
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b2fb12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ egg-editable-toolbar.c \
+ egg-toolbars-model.c \
+ egg-toolbar-editor.c
+ egg-editable-toolbar.h \
+ egg-toolbars-model.h \
+ egg-toolbar-editor.h
+noinst_HEADERS = \
+ eggmarshalers.h
+libtoolbareditor_la_SOURCES = \
+libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_builddir)/lib/egg \
+libtoolbareditor_la_LIBADD = $(LIBXML2_LIBS)
+libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -DCURSOR_DIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\"
+ eggmarshalers.c \
+ eggmarshalers.h \
+ eggtypebuiltins.c \
+ eggtypebuiltins.h
+stamp_files = \
+ stamp-eggmarshalers.c \
+ stamp-eggmarshalers.h \
+ stamp-eggtypebuiltins.c \
+ stamp-eggtypebuiltins.h
+eggmarshalers.h: stamp-eggmarshalers.h
+ @true
+stamp-eggmarshalers.h: eggmarshalers.list
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --internal --prefix=_egg_marshal $(srcdir)/eggmarshalers.list --header > eggmarshalers.h \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+eggmarshalers.c: stamp-eggmarshalers.c
+ @true
+stamp-eggmarshalers.c: eggmarshalers.list
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --prefix=_egg_marshal $(srcdir)/eggmarshalers.list --header --body > eggmarshalers.c \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+eggtypebuiltins.c: stamp-eggtypebuiltins.c
+ @true
+stamp-eggtypebuiltins.c: $(EGGHEADERS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)( cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) \
+ --fhead "#include \"eggtypebuiltins.h\"\n\n" \
+ --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
+ --fprod "\n#include \"@filename@\"" \
+ --vhead "static const G@Type@Value _@enum_name@_values[] = {" \
+ --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
+ --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n};\n\n" \
+ --vtail "G_GNUC_INTERNAL GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n" \
+ --vtail " static GType type = 0;\n\n" \
+ --vtail " if (G_UNLIKELY (type == 0))\n" \
+ --vtail " type = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", _@enum_name@_values);\n\n" \
+ --vtail " return type;\n}\n\n" \
+ $(^F) ) > xgen-$(@F) \
+ && ( cmp -s xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) || cp xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) ) \
+ && rm -f xgen-$(@F) \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+eggtypebuiltins.h: stamp-eggtypebuiltins.h
+ @true
+stamp-eggtypebuiltins.h: $(EGGHEADERS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)( cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) \
+ --fhead "#ifndef __EGGTYPEBUILTINS_H__\n" \
+ --fhead "#define __EGGTYPEBUILTINS_H__ 1\n\n" \
+ --fhead "#include <glib-object.h>\n\n" \
+ --fhead "G_BEGIN_DECLS\n\n" \
+ --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n" \
+ --ftail "#endif /* __EGGTYPEBUILTINS_H__ */\n" \
+ --fprod "\n/* --- @filename@ --- */" \
+ --eprod "#define EGG_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ @enum_name@_get_type()\n" \
+ --eprod "G_GNUC_INTERNAL GType @enum_name@_get_type (void);\n" \
+ $(^F) ) > xgen-$(@F) \
+ && ( cmp -s xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) || cp xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) ) \
+ && rm -f xgen-$(@F) \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+ eggmarshalers.list
+ EGGFILES="$(EGGFILES) eggmarshalers.list" EGGDIR="$(EGGDIR)" $(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/
+CLEANFILES = $(stamp_files) $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..598e361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor
+DIST_COMMON = $(noinst_HEADERS) $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+libtoolbareditor_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1)
+am__objects_1 = libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.lo \
+ libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.lo
+am__objects_2 = libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.lo \
+ libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.lo \
+ libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.lo
+am__objects_3 =
+am_libtoolbareditor_la_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1) $(am__objects_2) \
+ $(am__objects_3)
+libtoolbareditor_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libtoolbareditor_la_OBJECTS)
+AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V))
+am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_lt_0 = --silent
+libtoolbareditor_la_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC \
+ $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) \
+ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir)
+depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp
+am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles
+am__mv = mv -f
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \
+AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V))
+am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+CCLD = $(CC)
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_$(V))
+am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@;
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+SOURCES = $(libtoolbareditor_la_SOURCES)
+DIST_SOURCES = $(libtoolbareditor_la_SOURCES)
+HEADERS = $(noinst_HEADERS)
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+ egg-editable-toolbar.c \
+ egg-toolbars-model.c \
+ egg-toolbar-editor.c
+ egg-editable-toolbar.h \
+ egg-toolbars-model.h \
+ egg-toolbar-editor.h
+noinst_HEADERS = \
+ eggmarshalers.h
+libtoolbareditor_la_SOURCES = \
+libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_builddir)/lib/egg \
+libtoolbareditor_la_LIBADD = $(LIBXML2_LIBS)
+libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -DCURSOR_DIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\"
+ eggmarshalers.c \
+ eggmarshalers.h \
+ eggtypebuiltins.c \
+ eggtypebuiltins.h
+stamp_files = \
+ stamp-eggmarshalers.c \
+ stamp-eggmarshalers.h \
+ stamp-eggtypebuiltins.c \
+ stamp-eggtypebuiltins.h
+ eggmarshalers.list
+EGGDIR = $(srcdir)/../../../libegg/libegg
+CLEANFILES = $(stamp_files) $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-am
+.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)
+ @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
+ dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \
+ test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \
+ echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \
+ rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \
+ done $(libtoolbareditor_la_OBJECTS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_DEPENDENCIES)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(libtoolbareditor_la_LINK) $(libtoolbareditor_la_OBJECTS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+ -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f *.tab.c
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.Plo@am__quote@
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.lo: eggmarshalers.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.Tpo -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.lo `test -f 'eggmarshalers.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eggmarshalers.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eggmarshalers.c' object='libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-eggmarshalers.lo `test -f 'eggmarshalers.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eggmarshalers.c
+libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.lo: eggtypebuiltins.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.Tpo -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.lo `test -f 'eggtypebuiltins.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eggtypebuiltins.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eggtypebuiltins.c' object='libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-eggtypebuiltins.lo `test -f 'eggtypebuiltins.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eggtypebuiltins.c
+libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.lo: egg-editable-toolbar.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.Tpo -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.lo `test -f 'egg-editable-toolbar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`egg-editable-toolbar.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='egg-editable-toolbar.c' object='libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-egg-editable-toolbar.lo `test -f 'egg-editable-toolbar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`egg-editable-toolbar.c
+libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.lo: egg-toolbars-model.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.Tpo -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.lo `test -f 'egg-toolbars-model.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`egg-toolbars-model.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='egg-toolbars-model.c' object='libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbars-model.lo `test -f 'egg-toolbars-model.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`egg-toolbars-model.c
+libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.lo: egg-toolbar-editor.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.Tpo -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.lo `test -f 'egg-toolbar-editor.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`egg-toolbar-editor.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='egg-toolbar-editor.c' object='libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtoolbareditor_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libtoolbareditor_la-egg-toolbar-editor.lo `test -f 'egg-toolbar-editor.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`egg-toolbar-editor.c
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) $(HEADERS)
+install: $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ -test -z "$(DISTCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+ -test -z "$(BUILT_SOURCES)" || rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \
+ mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+.MAKE: all check install install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \
+ clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \
+ distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \
+ distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \
+ install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \
+ install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \
+ install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+ install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \
+ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \
+ pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am
+eggmarshalers.h: stamp-eggmarshalers.h
+ @true
+stamp-eggmarshalers.h: eggmarshalers.list
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --internal --prefix=_egg_marshal $(srcdir)/eggmarshalers.list --header > eggmarshalers.h \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+eggmarshalers.c: stamp-eggmarshalers.c
+ @true
+stamp-eggmarshalers.c: eggmarshalers.list
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --prefix=_egg_marshal $(srcdir)/eggmarshalers.list --header --body > eggmarshalers.c \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+eggtypebuiltins.c: stamp-eggtypebuiltins.c
+ @true
+stamp-eggtypebuiltins.c: $(EGGHEADERS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)( cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) \
+ --fhead "#include \"eggtypebuiltins.h\"\n\n" \
+ --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
+ --fprod "\n#include \"@filename@\"" \
+ --vhead "static const G@Type@Value _@enum_name@_values[] = {" \
+ --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
+ --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n};\n\n" \
+ --vtail "G_GNUC_INTERNAL GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n" \
+ --vtail " static GType type = 0;\n\n" \
+ --vtail " if (G_UNLIKELY (type == 0))\n" \
+ --vtail " type = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", _@enum_name@_values);\n\n" \
+ --vtail " return type;\n}\n\n" \
+ $(^F) ) > xgen-$(@F) \
+ && ( cmp -s xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) || cp xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) ) \
+ && rm -f xgen-$(@F) \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+eggtypebuiltins.h: stamp-eggtypebuiltins.h
+ @true
+stamp-eggtypebuiltins.h: $(EGGHEADERS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)( cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) \
+ --fhead "#ifndef __EGGTYPEBUILTINS_H__\n" \
+ --fhead "#define __EGGTYPEBUILTINS_H__ 1\n\n" \
+ --fhead "#include <glib-object.h>\n\n" \
+ --fhead "G_BEGIN_DECLS\n\n" \
+ --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n" \
+ --ftail "#endif /* __EGGTYPEBUILTINS_H__ */\n" \
+ --fprod "\n/* --- @filename@ --- */" \
+ --eprod "#define EGG_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ @enum_name@_get_type()\n" \
+ --eprod "G_GNUC_INTERNAL GType @enum_name@_get_type (void);\n" \
+ $(^F) ) > xgen-$(@F) \
+ && ( cmp -s xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) || cp xgen-$(@F) $(@F:stamp-%=%) ) \
+ && rm -f xgen-$(@F) \
+ && echo timestamp > $(@F)
+ EGGFILES="$(EGGFILES) eggmarshalers.list" EGGDIR="$(EGGDIR)" $(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ada3932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1810 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Marco Pesenti Gritti
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Christian Persch
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id: egg-editable-toolbar.c 937 2009-04-07 11:16:53Z friemann $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "egg-editable-toolbar.h"
+#include "egg-toolbars-model.h"
+#include "egg-toolbar-editor.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static GdkPixbuf * new_separator_pixbuf (void);
+#define EGG_ITEM_NAME "egg-item-name"
+#define STOCK_DRAG_MODE "stock_drag-mode"
+static const GtkTargetEntry dest_drag_types[] = {
+ PROP_0,
+static guint egg_editable_toolbar_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
+struct _EggEditableToolbarPrivate
+ GtkUIManager *manager;
+ EggToolbarsModel *model;
+ guint edit_mode;
+ gboolean save_hidden;
+ GtkWidget *fixed_toolbar;
+ GtkWidget *selected;
+ GtkActionGroup *actions;
+ guint visibility_id;
+ GList *visibility_paths;
+ GPtrArray *visibility_actions;
+ char *popup_path;
+ guint dnd_pending;
+ GtkToolbar *dnd_toolbar;
+ GtkToolItem *dnd_toolitem;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EggEditableToolbar, egg_editable_toolbar, GTK_TYPE_VBOX);
+static int
+get_dock_position (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ GtkWidget *dock)
+ GList *l;
+ int result;
+ l = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (etoolbar));
+ result = g_list_index (l, dock);
+ g_list_free (l);
+ return result;
+static int
+get_toolbar_position (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar, GtkWidget *toolbar)
+ return get_dock_position (etoolbar, gtk_widget_get_parent (toolbar));
+static int
+get_n_toolbars (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GList *l;
+ int result;
+ l = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (etoolbar));
+ result = g_list_length (l);
+ g_list_free (l);
+ return result;
+static GtkWidget *
+get_dock_nth (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ int position)
+ GList *l;
+ GtkWidget *result;
+ l = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (etoolbar));
+ result = g_list_nth_data (l, position);
+ g_list_free (l);
+ return result;
+static GtkWidget *
+get_toolbar_nth (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ int position)
+ GList *l;
+ GtkWidget *dock;
+ GtkWidget *result;
+ dock = get_dock_nth (etoolbar, position);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (dock != NULL, NULL);
+ l = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (dock));
+ result = GTK_WIDGET (l->data);
+ g_list_free (l);
+ return result;
+static GtkAction *
+find_action (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *name)
+ GList *l;
+ GtkAction *action = NULL;
+ l = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (etoolbar->priv->manager);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
+ for (; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GtkAction *tmp;
+ tmp = gtk_action_group_get_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (l->data), name);
+ if (tmp)
+ action = tmp;
+ }
+ return action;
+static void
+drag_data_delete_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ int pos, toolbar_pos;
+ widget = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_TOOL_ITEM);
+ g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (etoolbar));
+ pos = gtk_toolbar_get_item_index (GTK_TOOLBAR (gtk_widget_get_parent (widget)),
+ GTK_TOOL_ITEM (widget));
+ toolbar_pos = get_toolbar_position (etoolbar, gtk_widget_get_parent (widget));
+ egg_toolbars_model_remove_item (etoolbar->priv->model,
+ toolbar_pos, pos);
+static void
+drag_begin_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ gint flags;
+ gtk_widget_hide (widget);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 16, 0)
+ action = gtk_activatable_get_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (widget));
+ action = gtk_widget_get_action (widget);
+ if (action == NULL) return;
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_name_flags (etoolbar->priv->model,
+ gtk_action_get_name (action));
+ if (!(flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_INFINITE))
+ {
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_name_flags (etoolbar->priv->model,
+ gtk_action_get_name (action),
+ flags);
+ }
+static void
+drag_end_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ gint flags;
+ if (gtk_widget_get_parent (widget) != NULL)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 16, 0)
+ action = gtk_activatable_get_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (widget));
+ action = gtk_widget_get_action (widget);
+ if (action == NULL) return;
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_name_flags (etoolbar->priv->model,
+ gtk_action_get_name (action));
+ if (!(flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_INFINITE))
+ {
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_name_flags (etoolbar->priv->model,
+ gtk_action_get_name (action),
+ flags);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+drag_data_get_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
+ guint info,
+ guint32 time,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ EggToolbarsModel *model;
+ const char *name;
+ char *data;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (etoolbar));
+ model = egg_editable_toolbar_get_model (etoolbar);
+ name = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), EGG_ITEM_NAME);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ name = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (gtk_widget_get_parent (widget)), EGG_ITEM_NAME);
+ g_return_if_fail (name != NULL);
+ }
+ data = egg_toolbars_model_get_data (model, gtk_selection_data_get_target (selection_data), name);
+ if (data != NULL)
+ {
+ gtk_selection_data_set (selection_data, gtk_selection_data_get_target (selection_data), 8, (unsigned char *)data, strlen (data));
+ g_free (data);
+ }
+static void
+move_item_cb (GtkAction *action,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *toolitem = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (egg_editable_toolbar_get_selected (etoolbar), GTK_TYPE_TOOL_ITEM);
+ GtkTargetList *list = gtk_target_list_new (dest_drag_types, G_N_ELEMENTS (dest_drag_types));
+ GdkEvent *realevent = gtk_get_current_event();
+ GdkEventMotion event;
+ event.type = GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY;
+ event.window = realevent->any.window;
+ event.send_event = FALSE;
+ event.axes = NULL;
+ event.time = gdk_event_get_time (realevent);
+ gdk_event_get_state (realevent, &event.state);
+ gdk_event_get_coords (realevent, &event.x, &event.y);
+ gdk_event_get_root_coords (realevent, &event.x_root, &event.y_root);
+ gtk_drag_begin (toolitem, list, GDK_ACTION_MOVE, 1, (GdkEvent *)&event);
+ gtk_target_list_unref (list);
+static void
+remove_item_cb (GtkAction *action,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *toolitem = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (egg_editable_toolbar_get_selected (etoolbar), GTK_TYPE_TOOL_ITEM);
+ int pos, toolbar_pos;
+ toolbar_pos = get_toolbar_position (etoolbar, gtk_widget_get_parent (toolitem));
+ pos = gtk_toolbar_get_item_index (GTK_TOOLBAR (gtk_widget_get_parent (toolitem)),
+ GTK_TOOL_ITEM (toolitem));
+ egg_toolbars_model_remove_item (etoolbar->priv->model,
+ toolbar_pos, pos);
+ if (egg_toolbars_model_n_items (etoolbar->priv->model, toolbar_pos) == 0)
+ {
+ egg_toolbars_model_remove_toolbar (etoolbar->priv->model, toolbar_pos);
+ }
+static void
+remove_toolbar_cb (GtkAction *action,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *selected = egg_editable_toolbar_get_selected (etoolbar);
+ GtkWidget *toolbar = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (selected, GTK_TYPE_TOOLBAR);
+ int toolbar_pos;
+ toolbar_pos = get_toolbar_position (etoolbar, toolbar);
+ egg_toolbars_model_remove_toolbar (etoolbar->priv->model, toolbar_pos);
+static void
+popup_context_deactivate (GtkMenuShell *menu,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_selected (etoolbar, NULL);
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (etoolbar), "selected");
+static void
+popup_context_menu_cb (GtkWidget *toolbar,
+ gint x,
+ gint y,
+ gint button_number,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ if (etoolbar->priv->popup_path != NULL)
+ {
+ GtkMenu *menu;
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_selected (etoolbar, toolbar);
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (etoolbar), "selected");
+ menu = GTK_MENU (gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (etoolbar->priv->manager,
+ etoolbar->priv->popup_path));
+ g_return_if_fail (menu != NULL);
+ gtk_menu_popup (menu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, button_number, gtk_get_current_event_time ());
+ g_signal_connect_object (menu, "selection-done",
+ G_CALLBACK (popup_context_deactivate),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ }
+static gboolean
+button_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventButton *event,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ if (event->button == 3 && etoolbar->priv->popup_path != NULL)
+ {
+ GtkMenu *menu;
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_selected (etoolbar, widget);
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (etoolbar), "selected");
+ menu = GTK_MENU (gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (etoolbar->priv->manager,
+ etoolbar->priv->popup_path));
+ g_return_val_if_fail (menu != NULL, FALSE);
+ gtk_menu_popup (menu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, event->button, event->time);
+ g_signal_connect_object (menu, "selection-done",
+ G_CALLBACK (popup_context_deactivate),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+configure_item_sensitivity (GtkToolItem *item, EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ char *name;
+ name = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item), EGG_ITEM_NAME);
+ action = name ? find_action (etoolbar, name) : NULL;
+ if (action)
+ {
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (action), "sensitive");
+ }
+ gtk_tool_item_set_use_drag_window (item,
+ (etoolbar->priv->edit_mode > 0) ||
+static void
+configure_item_cursor (GtkToolItem *item,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET (item);
+ if (gtk_widget_get_window (widget) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (priv->edit_mode > 0)
+ {
+ GdkCursor *cursor;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (etoolbar));
+ cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gdk_screen_get_display (screen),
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (widget), cursor);
+ gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);
+ gtk_drag_source_set (widget, GDK_BUTTON1_MASK, dest_drag_types,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (dest_drag_types), GDK_ACTION_MOVE);
+ {
+ pixbuf = new_separator_pixbuf ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *icon_name=NULL;
+ char *stock_id=NULL;
+ GtkAction *action;
+ char *name;
+ name = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), EGG_ITEM_NAME);
+ action = name ? find_action (etoolbar, name) : NULL;
+ if (action)
+ {
+ g_object_get (action,
+ "icon-name", &icon_name,
+ "stock-id", &stock_id,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ if (icon_name)
+ {
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ GtkIconTheme *icon_theme;
+ GtkSettings *settings;
+ gint width, height;
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget);
+ icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen (screen);
+ settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen (screen);
+ if (!gtk_icon_size_lookup_for_settings (settings,
+ &width, &height))
+ {
+ width = height = 24;
+ }
+ pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (icon_theme, icon_name,
+ MIN (width, height), 0, NULL);
+ }
+ else if (stock_id)
+ {
+ pixbuf = gtk_widget_render_icon (widget, stock_id,
+ }
+ g_free (icon_name);
+ g_free (stock_id);
+ }
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (!pixbuf))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf (widget, pixbuf);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET(item)), NULL);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+configure_item_tooltip (GtkToolItem *item)
+ GtkAction *action;
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 16, 0)
+ action = gtk_activatable_get_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (item));
+ action = gtk_widget_get_action (GTK_WIDGET (item));
+ if (action != NULL)
+ {
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (action), "tooltip");
+ }
+static void
+connect_widget_signals (GtkWidget *proxy, EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (proxy))
+ {
+ gtk_container_forall (GTK_CONTAINER (proxy),
+ (GtkCallback) connect_widget_signals,
+ (gpointer) etoolbar);
+ }
+ if (GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (proxy))
+ {
+ g_signal_connect_object (proxy, "drag_begin",
+ G_CALLBACK (drag_begin_cb),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ g_signal_connect_object (proxy, "drag_end",
+ G_CALLBACK (drag_end_cb),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ g_signal_connect_object (proxy, "drag_data_get",
+ G_CALLBACK (drag_data_get_cb),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ g_signal_connect_object (proxy, "drag_data_delete",
+ G_CALLBACK (drag_data_delete_cb),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ }
+ if (GTK_IS_BUTTON (proxy) || GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (proxy))
+ {
+ g_signal_connect_object (proxy, "button-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (button_press_event_cb),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ }
+static void
+action_sensitive_cb (GtkAction *action,
+ GParamSpec *pspec,
+ GtkToolItem *item)
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar = EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR
+ (gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (item), EGG_TYPE_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR));
+ if (etoolbar->priv->edit_mode > 0)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (item), TRUE);
+ }
+static GtkToolItem *
+create_item_from_action (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *name)
+ GtkToolItem *item;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
+ if (strcmp (name, "_separator") == 0)
+ {
+ item = gtk_separator_tool_item_new ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GtkAction *action = find_action (etoolbar, name);
+ if (action == NULL) return NULL;
+ item = GTK_TOOL_ITEM (gtk_action_create_tool_item (action));
+ /* Normally done on-demand by the GtkUIManager, but no
+ * such demand may have been made yet, so do it ourselves.
+ */
+ gtk_action_set_accel_group
+ (action, gtk_ui_manager_get_accel_group(etoolbar->priv->manager));
+ g_signal_connect_object (action, "notify::sensitive",
+ G_CALLBACK (action_sensitive_cb), item, 0);
+ }
+ gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (item));
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (item), EGG_ITEM_NAME,
+ g_strdup (name), g_free);
+ return item;
+static GtkToolItem *
+create_item_from_position (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position)
+ GtkToolItem *item;
+ const char *name;
+ name = egg_toolbars_model_item_nth (etoolbar->priv->model, toolbar_position, position);
+ item = create_item_from_action (etoolbar, name);
+ return item;
+static void
+toolbar_drag_data_received_cb (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ gint x,
+ gint y,
+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
+ guint info,
+ guint time,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ /* This function can be called for two reasons
+ *
+ * (1) drag_motion() needs an item to pass to
+ * gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item(). We can
+ * recognize this case by etoolbar->priv->pending being TRUE
+ * We should just create an item and return.
+ *
+ * (2) The drag has finished, and drag_drop() wants us to
+ * actually add a new item to the toolbar.
+ */
+ GdkAtom type = gtk_selection_data_get_data_type (selection_data);
+ const char *data = (char *)gtk_selection_data_get_data (selection_data);
+ int ipos = -1;
+ char *name = NULL;
+ gboolean used = FALSE;
+ /* Find out where the drop is occuring, and the name of what is being dropped. */
+ if (gtk_selection_data_get_length (selection_data) >= 0)
+ {
+ ipos = gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index (toolbar, x, y);
+ name = egg_toolbars_model_get_name (etoolbar->priv->model, type, data, FALSE);
+ if (name != NULL)
+ {
+ used = ((egg_toolbars_model_get_name_flags (etoolbar->priv->model, name) & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_USED) != 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we just want a highlight item, then . */
+ if (etoolbar->priv->dnd_pending > 0)
+ {
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_pending--;
+ if (name != NULL && etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar == toolbar && !used)
+ {
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolitem = create_item_from_action (etoolbar, name);
+ gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item (etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar,
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolitem, ipos);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item (toolbar, NULL, 0);
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar = NULL;
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolitem = NULL;
+ /* If we don't have a name to use yet, try to create one. */
+ if (name == NULL && gtk_selection_data_get_length (selection_data) >= 0)
+ {
+ name = egg_toolbars_model_get_name (etoolbar->priv->model, type, data, TRUE);
+ }
+ if (name != NULL && !used)
+ {
+ gint tpos = get_toolbar_position (etoolbar, GTK_WIDGET (toolbar));
+ egg_toolbars_model_add_item (etoolbar->priv->model, tpos, ipos, name);
+ gtk_drag_finish (context, TRUE, context->action == GDK_ACTION_MOVE, time);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_drag_finish (context, FALSE, context->action == GDK_ACTION_MOVE, time);
+ }
+ }
+ g_free (name);
+static gboolean
+toolbar_drag_drop_cb (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ gint x,
+ gint y,
+ guint time,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GdkAtom target;
+ target = gtk_drag_dest_find_target (GTK_WIDGET (toolbar), context, NULL);
+ if (target != GDK_NONE)
+ {
+ gtk_drag_get_data (GTK_WIDGET (toolbar), context, target, time);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+toolbar_drag_motion_cb (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ gint x,
+ gint y,
+ guint time,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GdkAtom target = gtk_drag_dest_find_target (GTK_WIDGET (toolbar), context, NULL);
+ if (target == GDK_NONE)
+ {
+ gdk_drag_status (context, 0, time);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Make ourselves the current dnd toolbar, and request a highlight item. */
+ if (etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar != toolbar)
+ {
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar = toolbar;
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolitem = NULL;
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_pending++;
+ gtk_drag_get_data (GTK_WIDGET (toolbar), context, target, time);
+ }
+ /* If a highlight item is available, use it. */
+ else if (etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolitem)
+ {
+ gint ipos = gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index (etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar, x, y);
+ gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item (etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar,
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolitem, ipos);
+ }
+ gdk_drag_status (context, context->suggested_action, time);
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+toolbar_drag_leave_cb (GtkToolbar *toolbar,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ guint time,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item (toolbar, NULL, 0);
+ /* If we were the current dnd toolbar target, remove the item. */
+ if (etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar == toolbar)
+ {
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolbar = NULL;
+ etoolbar->priv->dnd_toolitem = NULL;
+ }
+static void
+configure_drag_dest (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ GtkToolbar *toolbar)
+ EggToolbarsItemType *type;
+ GtkTargetList *targets;
+ GList *list;
+ /* Make every toolbar able to receive drag-drops. */
+ gtk_drag_dest_set (GTK_WIDGET (toolbar), 0,
+ dest_drag_types, G_N_ELEMENTS (dest_drag_types),
+ /* Add any specialist drag-drop abilities. */
+ targets = gtk_drag_dest_get_target_list (GTK_WIDGET (toolbar));
+ list = egg_toolbars_model_get_types (etoolbar->priv->model);
+ while (list)
+ {
+ type = list->data;
+ if (type->new_name != NULL || type->get_name != NULL)
+ gtk_target_list_add (targets, type->type, 0, 0);
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+static void
+toggled_visibility_cb (GtkToggleAction *action,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ GtkWidget *dock;
+ EggTbModelFlags flags;
+ gboolean visible;
+ gint i;
+ visible = gtk_toggle_action_get_active (action);
+ for (i = 0; i < priv->visibility_actions->len; i++)
+ if (g_ptr_array_index (priv->visibility_actions, i) == action)
+ break;
+ g_return_if_fail (i < priv->visibility_actions->len);
+ dock = get_dock_nth (etoolbar, i);
+ if (visible)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_show (dock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_widget_hide (dock);
+ }
+ if (priv->save_hidden)
+ {
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (priv->model, i);
+ if (visible)
+ {
+ flags &= ~(EGG_TB_MODEL_HIDDEN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flags |= (EGG_TB_MODEL_HIDDEN);
+ }
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_flags (priv->model, i, flags);
+ }
+static void
+toolbar_visibility_refresh (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ gint n_toolbars, n_items, i, j, k;
+ GtkToggleAction *action;
+ GList *list;
+ GString *string;
+ gboolean showing;
+ char action_name[40];
+ char *action_label;
+ char *tmp;
+ if (priv == NULL || priv->model == NULL || priv->manager == NULL ||
+ priv->visibility_paths == NULL || priv->actions == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (priv->visibility_actions == NULL)
+ {
+ priv->visibility_actions = g_ptr_array_new ();
+ }
+ if (priv->visibility_id != 0)
+ {
+ gtk_ui_manager_remove_ui (priv->manager, priv->visibility_id);
+ }
+ priv->visibility_id = gtk_ui_manager_new_merge_id (priv->manager);
+ showing = gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (etoolbar));
+ n_toolbars = egg_toolbars_model_n_toolbars (priv->model);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_toolbars; i++)
+ {
+ string = g_string_sized_new (0);
+ n_items = egg_toolbars_model_n_items (priv->model, i);
+ for (k = 0, j = 0; j < n_items; j++)
+ {
+ GValue value = { 0, };
+ GtkAction *action;
+ const char *name;
+ name = egg_toolbars_model_item_nth (priv->model, i, j);
+ if (name == NULL) continue;
+ action = find_action (etoolbar, name);
+ if (action == NULL) continue;
+ g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING);
+ g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (action), "label", &value);
+ name = g_value_get_string (&value);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ k += g_utf8_strlen (name, -1) + 2;
+ if (j > 0)
+ {
+ g_string_append (string, ", ");
+ if (j > 1 && k > 25)
+ {
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ g_string_append (string, name);
+ g_value_unset (&value);
+ }
+ if (j < n_items)
+ {
+ g_string_append (string, " ...");
+ }
+ tmp = g_string_free (string, FALSE);
+ for (j = 0, k = 0; tmp[j]; j++)
+ {
+ if (tmp[j] == '_') continue;
+ tmp[k] = tmp[j];
+ k++;
+ }
+ tmp[k] = 0;
+ /* Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+ * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+ * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+ * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+ * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+ * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+ * please remove. */
+ action_label = g_strdup_printf (_("Show “_%s”"), tmp);
+ g_free (tmp);
+ sprintf(action_name, "ToolbarToggle%d", i);
+ if (i >= priv->visibility_actions->len)
+ {
+ action = gtk_toggle_action_new (action_name, action_label, NULL, NULL);
+ g_ptr_array_add (priv->visibility_actions, action);
+ g_signal_connect_object (action, "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (toggled_visibility_cb),
+ etoolbar, 0);
+ gtk_action_group_add_action (priv->actions, GTK_ACTION (action));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ action = g_ptr_array_index (priv->visibility_actions, i);
+ g_object_set (action, "label", action_label, NULL);
+ }
+ gtk_action_set_visible (GTK_ACTION (action), (egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (priv->model, i)
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (GTK_ACTION (action), showing);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (action, gtk_widget_get_visible
+ (get_dock_nth (etoolbar, i)));
+ for (list = priv->visibility_paths; list != NULL; list = g_list_next (list))
+ {
+ gtk_ui_manager_add_ui (priv->manager, priv->visibility_id,
+ (const char *)list->data, action_name, action_name,
+ }
+ g_free (action_label);
+ }
+ gtk_ui_manager_ensure_update (priv->manager);
+ while (i < priv->visibility_actions->len)
+ {
+ action = g_ptr_array_index (priv->visibility_actions, i);
+ g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast (priv->visibility_actions, i);
+ gtk_action_group_remove_action (priv->actions, GTK_ACTION (action));
+ i++;
+ }
+static GtkWidget *
+create_dock (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *toolbar, *hbox;
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (0, FALSE);
+ toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new ();
+ gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_show (toolbar);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toolbar, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ g_signal_connect (toolbar, "drag_drop",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_drag_drop_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (toolbar, "drag_motion",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_drag_motion_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (toolbar, "drag_leave",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_drag_leave_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (toolbar, "drag_data_received",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_drag_data_received_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (toolbar, "popup_context_menu",
+ G_CALLBACK (popup_context_menu_cb), etoolbar);
+ configure_drag_dest (etoolbar, GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar));
+ return hbox;
+static void
+set_fixed_style (EggEditableToolbar *t, GtkToolbarStyle style)
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TOOLBAR (t->priv->fixed_toolbar));
+ gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (t->priv->fixed_toolbar),
+static void
+unset_fixed_style (EggEditableToolbar *t)
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TOOLBAR (t->priv->fixed_toolbar));
+ gtk_toolbar_unset_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (t->priv->fixed_toolbar));
+static void
+toolbar_changed_cb (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *toolbar;
+ EggTbModelFlags flags;
+ GtkToolbarStyle style;
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (model, position);
+ toolbar = get_toolbar_nth (etoolbar, position);
+ if (flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_ICONS)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_TEXT)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_BOTH)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_BOTH_HORIZ)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gtk_toolbar_unset_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar));
+ if (position == 0 && etoolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar)
+ {
+ unset_fixed_style (etoolbar);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), style);
+ if (position == 0 && etoolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar)
+ {
+ set_fixed_style (etoolbar, style);
+ }
+ toolbar_visibility_refresh (etoolbar);
+static void
+unparent_fixed (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *toolbar, *dock;
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_TOOLBAR (etoolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar));
+ toolbar = etoolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar;
+ dock = get_dock_nth (etoolbar, 0);
+ if (dock && gtk_widget_get_parent (toolbar) != NULL)
+ {
+ gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (dock), toolbar);
+ }
+static void
+update_fixed (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *toolbar, *dock;
+ if (!etoolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar) return;
+ toolbar = etoolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar;
+ dock = get_dock_nth (etoolbar, 0);
+ if (dock && toolbar && gtk_widget_get_parent (toolbar) == NULL)
+ {
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (dock), toolbar, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (toolbar);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (dock, -1, -1);
+ gtk_widget_queue_resize_no_redraw (dock);
+ }
+static void
+toolbar_added_cb (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *dock;
+ dock = create_dock (etoolbar);
+ if ((egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (model, position) & EGG_TB_MODEL_HIDDEN) == 0)
+ gtk_widget_show (dock);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (dock, -1, MIN_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (etoolbar), dock, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_reorder_child (GTK_BOX (etoolbar), dock, position);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (dock);
+ update_fixed (etoolbar);
+ toolbar_visibility_refresh (etoolbar);
+static void
+toolbar_removed_cb (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *dock;
+ if (position == 0 && etoolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar != NULL)
+ {
+ unparent_fixed (etoolbar);
+ }
+ dock = get_dock_nth (etoolbar, position);
+ gtk_widget_destroy (dock);
+ update_fixed (etoolbar);
+ toolbar_visibility_refresh (etoolbar);
+static void
+item_added_cb (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int tpos,
+ int ipos,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ GtkWidget *dock;
+ GtkWidget *toolbar;
+ GtkToolItem *item;
+ toolbar = get_toolbar_nth (etoolbar, tpos);
+ item = create_item_from_position (etoolbar, tpos, ipos);
+ if (item == NULL) return;
+ gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), item, ipos);
+ connect_widget_signals (GTK_WIDGET (item), etoolbar);
+ configure_item_tooltip (item);
+ configure_item_cursor (item, etoolbar);
+ configure_item_sensitivity (item, etoolbar);
+ dock = get_dock_nth (etoolbar, tpos);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (dock, -1, -1);
+ gtk_widget_queue_resize_no_redraw (dock);
+ toolbar_visibility_refresh (etoolbar);
+static void
+item_removed_cb (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position,
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ GtkWidget *toolbar;
+ GtkWidget *item;
+ toolbar = get_toolbar_nth (etoolbar, toolbar_position);
+ item = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item
+ (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), position));
+ g_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
+ if (item == priv->selected)
+ {
+ /* FIXME */
+ }
+ gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (toolbar), item);
+ toolbar_visibility_refresh (etoolbar);
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_build (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ int i, l, n_items, n_toolbars;
+ EggToolbarsModel *model = etoolbar->priv->model;
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (etoolbar->priv->manager != NULL);
+ n_toolbars = egg_toolbars_model_n_toolbars (model);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_toolbars; i++)
+ {
+ GtkWidget *toolbar, *dock;
+ dock = create_dock (etoolbar);
+ if ((egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (model, i) & EGG_TB_MODEL_HIDDEN) == 0)
+ gtk_widget_show (dock);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (etoolbar), dock, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ toolbar = get_toolbar_nth (etoolbar, i);
+ n_items = egg_toolbars_model_n_items (model, i);
+ for (l = 0; l < n_items; l++)
+ {
+ GtkToolItem *item;
+ item = create_item_from_position (etoolbar, i, l);
+ if (item)
+ {
+ gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), item, l);
+ connect_widget_signals (GTK_WIDGET (item), etoolbar);
+ configure_item_tooltip (item);
+ configure_item_sensitivity (item, etoolbar);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ egg_toolbars_model_remove_item (model, i, l);
+ l--;
+ n_items--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n_items == 0)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (dock, -1, MIN_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT);
+ }
+ }
+ update_fixed (etoolbar);
+ /* apply styles */
+ for (i = 0; i < n_toolbars; i ++)
+ {
+ toolbar_changed_cb (model, i, etoolbar);
+ }
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_disconnect_model (EggEditableToolbar *toolbar)
+ EggToolbarsModel *model = toolbar->priv->model;
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (model, G_CALLBACK (item_added_cb), toolbar);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (model, G_CALLBACK (item_removed_cb), toolbar);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (model, G_CALLBACK (toolbar_added_cb), toolbar);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (model, G_CALLBACK (toolbar_removed_cb), toolbar);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (model, G_CALLBACK (toolbar_changed_cb), toolbar);
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_deconstruct (EggEditableToolbar *toolbar)
+ EggToolbarsModel *model = toolbar->priv->model;
+ GList *children;
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ if (toolbar->priv->fixed_toolbar)
+ {
+ unset_fixed_style (toolbar);
+ unparent_fixed (toolbar);
+ }
+ children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (toolbar));
+ g_list_foreach (children, (GFunc) gtk_widget_destroy, NULL);
+ g_list_free (children);
+egg_editable_toolbar_set_model (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ if (priv->model == model) return;
+ if (priv->model)
+ {
+ egg_editable_toolbar_disconnect_model (etoolbar);
+ egg_editable_toolbar_deconstruct (etoolbar);
+ g_object_unref (priv->model);
+ }
+ priv->model = g_object_ref (model);
+ egg_editable_toolbar_build (etoolbar);
+ toolbar_visibility_refresh (etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (model, "item_added",
+ G_CALLBACK (item_added_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (model, "item_removed",
+ G_CALLBACK (item_removed_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (model, "toolbar_added",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_added_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (model, "toolbar_removed",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_removed_cb), etoolbar);
+ g_signal_connect (model, "toolbar_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_changed_cb), etoolbar);
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_init (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv;
+ priv = etoolbar->priv = EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR_GET_PRIVATE (etoolbar);
+ priv->save_hidden = TRUE;
+ g_signal_connect (etoolbar, "notify::visible",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_visibility_refresh), NULL);
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar = EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (object);
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ GList *children;
+ if (priv->fixed_toolbar != NULL)
+ {
+ g_object_unref (priv->fixed_toolbar);
+ priv->fixed_toolbar = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->visibility_paths)
+ {
+ children = priv->visibility_paths;
+ g_list_foreach (children, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+ g_list_free (children);
+ priv->visibility_paths = NULL;
+ }
+ g_free (priv->popup_path);
+ priv->popup_path = NULL;
+ if (priv->manager != NULL)
+ {
+ if (priv->visibility_id)
+ {
+ gtk_ui_manager_remove_ui (priv->manager, priv->visibility_id);
+ priv->visibility_id = 0;
+ }
+ g_object_unref (priv->manager);
+ priv->manager = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->model)
+ {
+ egg_editable_toolbar_disconnect_model (etoolbar);
+ g_object_unref (priv->model);
+ priv->model = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (egg_editable_toolbar_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_set_ui_manager (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ GtkUIManager *manager)
+ static const GtkActionEntry actions[] = {
+ { "MoveToolItem", STOCK_DRAG_MODE, N_("_Move on Toolbar"), NULL,
+ N_("Move the selected item on the toolbar"), G_CALLBACK (move_item_cb) },
+ { "RemoveToolItem", GTK_STOCK_REMOVE, N_("_Remove from Toolbar"), NULL,
+ N_("Remove the selected item from the toolbar"), G_CALLBACK (remove_item_cb) },
+ { "RemoveToolbar", GTK_STOCK_DELETE, N_("_Delete Toolbar"), NULL,
+ N_("Remove the selected toolbar"), G_CALLBACK (remove_toolbar_cb) },
+ };
+ etoolbar->priv->manager = g_object_ref (manager);
+ etoolbar->priv->actions = gtk_action_group_new ("ToolbarActions");
+ gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (etoolbar->priv->actions, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+ gtk_action_group_add_actions (etoolbar->priv->actions, actions,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (actions), etoolbar);
+ gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (manager, etoolbar->priv->actions, -1);
+ g_object_unref (etoolbar->priv->actions);
+ toolbar_visibility_refresh (etoolbar);
+GtkWidget * egg_editable_toolbar_get_selected (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ return etoolbar->priv->selected;
+egg_editable_toolbar_set_selected (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ GtkWidget *widget)
+ GtkWidget *toolbar, *toolitem;
+ gboolean editable;
+ etoolbar->priv->selected = widget;
+ toolbar = (widget != NULL) ? gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_TOOLBAR) : NULL;
+ toolitem = (widget != NULL) ? gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_TOOL_ITEM) : NULL;
+ if(toolbar != NULL)
+ {
+ gint tpos = get_toolbar_position (etoolbar, toolbar);
+ editable = ((egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (etoolbar->priv->model, tpos) & EGG_TB_MODEL_NOT_EDITABLE) == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ editable = FALSE;
+ }
+ gtk_action_set_visible (find_action (etoolbar, "RemoveToolbar"), (toolbar != NULL) && (etoolbar->priv->edit_mode > 0));
+ gtk_action_set_visible (find_action (etoolbar, "RemoveToolItem"), (toolitem != NULL) && editable);
+ gtk_action_set_visible (find_action (etoolbar, "MoveToolItem"), (toolitem != NULL) && editable);
+static void
+set_edit_mode (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ gboolean mode)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ int i, l, n_items;
+ i = priv->edit_mode;
+ if (mode)
+ {
+ priv->edit_mode++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_return_if_fail (priv->edit_mode > 0);
+ priv->edit_mode--;
+ }
+ i *= priv->edit_mode;
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = get_n_toolbars (etoolbar)-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ GtkWidget *toolbar;
+ toolbar = get_toolbar_nth (etoolbar, i);
+ n_items = gtk_toolbar_get_n_items (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar));
+ if (n_items == 0 && priv->edit_mode == 0)
+ {
+ egg_toolbars_model_remove_toolbar (priv->model, i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (l = 0; l < n_items; l++)
+ {
+ GtkToolItem *item;
+ item = gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), l);
+ configure_item_cursor (item, etoolbar);
+ configure_item_sensitivity (item, etoolbar);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar = EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (object);
+ switch (prop_id)
+ {
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_ui_manager (etoolbar, g_value_get_object (value));
+ break;
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_model (etoolbar, g_value_get_object (value));
+ break;
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_selected (etoolbar, g_value_get_object (value));
+ break;
+ etoolbar->priv->popup_path = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value));
+ break;
+ set_edit_mode (etoolbar, g_value_get_boolean (value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar = EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (object);
+ switch (prop_id)
+ {
+ g_value_set_object (value, etoolbar->priv->manager);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_object (value, etoolbar->priv->model);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_object (value, etoolbar->priv->selected);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_boolean (value, etoolbar->priv->edit_mode>0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+egg_editable_toolbar_class_init (EggEditableToolbarClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->dispose = egg_editable_toolbar_dispose;
+ object_class->set_property = egg_editable_toolbar_set_property;
+ object_class->get_property = egg_editable_toolbar_get_property;
+ egg_editable_toolbar_signals[ACTION_REQUEST] =
+ g_signal_new ("action_request",
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EggEditableToolbarClass, action_request),
+ NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING,
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("ui-manager",
+ "UI-Mmanager",
+ "UI Manager",
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("model",
+ "Model",
+ "Toolbars Model",
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("selected",
+ "Selected",
+ "Selected toolitem",
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_string ("popup-path",
+ "popup-path",
+ "popup-path",
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("edit-mode",
+ "Edit-Mode",
+ "Edit Mode",
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EggEditableToolbarPrivate));
+GtkWidget *
+egg_editable_toolbar_new (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ const char *popup_path)
+ "ui-manager", manager,
+ "popup-path", popup_path,
+ NULL));
+GtkWidget *
+egg_editable_toolbar_new_with_model (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *popup_path)
+ "ui-manager", manager,
+ "model", model,
+ "popup-path", popup_path,
+ NULL));
+egg_editable_toolbar_get_edit_mode (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ return priv->edit_mode > 0;
+egg_editable_toolbar_set_edit_mode (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ gboolean mode)
+ set_edit_mode (etoolbar, mode);
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (etoolbar), "edit-mode");
+egg_editable_toolbar_add_visibility (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *path)
+ etoolbar->priv->visibility_paths = g_list_prepend
+ (etoolbar->priv->visibility_paths, g_strdup (path));
+egg_editable_toolbar_show (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *name)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ EggToolbarsModel *model = priv->model;
+ int i, n_toolbars;
+ n_toolbars = egg_toolbars_model_n_toolbars (model);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_toolbars; i++)
+ {
+ const char *toolbar_name;
+ toolbar_name = egg_toolbars_model_toolbar_nth (model, i);
+ if (strcmp (toolbar_name, name) == 0)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_show (get_dock_nth (etoolbar, i));
+ }
+ }
+egg_editable_toolbar_hide (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *name)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ EggToolbarsModel *model = priv->model;
+ int i, n_toolbars;
+ n_toolbars = egg_toolbars_model_n_toolbars (model);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_toolbars; i++)
+ {
+ const char *toolbar_name;
+ toolbar_name = egg_toolbars_model_toolbar_nth (model, i);
+ if (strcmp (toolbar_name, name) == 0)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_hide (get_dock_nth (etoolbar, i));
+ }
+ }
+egg_editable_toolbar_set_fixed (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ GtkToolbar *toolbar)
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv = etoolbar->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (!toolbar || GTK_IS_TOOLBAR (toolbar));
+ if (priv->fixed_toolbar)
+ {
+ unparent_fixed (etoolbar);
+ g_object_unref (priv->fixed_toolbar);
+ priv->fixed_toolbar = NULL;
+ }
+ if (toolbar)
+ {
+ priv->fixed_toolbar = GTK_WIDGET (toolbar);
+ gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow (toolbar, FALSE);
+ g_object_ref_sink (toolbar);
+ }
+ update_fixed (etoolbar);
+/* We should probably experiment some more with this.
+ * Right now the rendered icon is pretty good for most
+ * themes. However, the icon is slightly large for themes
+ * with large toolbar icons.
+ */
+static GdkPixbuf *
+new_pixbuf_from_widget (GtkWidget *widget)
+ GtkWidget *window;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ gint icon_height;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget);
+ if (!gtk_icon_size_lookup_for_settings (gtk_settings_get_for_screen (screen),
+ &icon_height))
+ {
+ icon_height = DEFAULT_ICON_HEIGHT;
+ }
+ window = gtk_offscreen_window_new ();
+ /* Set the width to -1 as we want the separator to be as thin as possible. */
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (widget, -1, icon_height);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), widget);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (window);
+ /* Process the waiting events to have the widget actually drawn */
+ gdk_window_process_updates (gtk_widget_get_window (window), TRUE);
+ pixbuf = gtk_offscreen_window_get_pixbuf (GTK_OFFSCREEN_WINDOW (window));
+ gtk_widget_destroy (window);
+ return pixbuf;
+static GdkPixbuf *
+new_separator_pixbuf (void)
+ GtkWidget *separator;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ separator = gtk_vseparator_new ();
+ pixbuf = new_pixbuf_from_widget (separator);
+ return pixbuf;
+static void
+update_separator_image (GtkImage *image)
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = new_separator_pixbuf ();
+ gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (image), pixbuf);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+static gboolean
+style_set_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkStyle *previous_style,
+ GtkImage *image)
+ update_separator_image (image);
+ return FALSE;
+GtkWidget *
+_egg_editable_toolbar_new_separator_image (void)
+ GtkWidget *image = gtk_image_new ();
+ update_separator_image (GTK_IMAGE (image));
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (image), "style_set",
+ G_CALLBACK (style_set_cb), GTK_IMAGE (image));
+ return image;
+EggToolbarsModel *
+egg_editable_toolbar_get_model (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar)
+ return etoolbar->priv->model;
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.h b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ce2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Marco Pesenti Gritti
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Christian Persch
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id: egg-editable-toolbar.h 891 2008-08-08 21:14:52Z friemann $
+ */
+#include "egg-toolbars-model.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#define EGG_TYPE_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (egg_editable_toolbar_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EggEditableToolbar EggEditableToolbar;
+typedef struct _EggEditableToolbarPrivate EggEditableToolbarPrivate;
+typedef struct _EggEditableToolbarClass EggEditableToolbarClass;
+struct _EggEditableToolbar
+ GtkVBox parent_object;
+ /*< private >*/
+ EggEditableToolbarPrivate *priv;
+struct _EggEditableToolbarClass
+ GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
+ void (* action_request) (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *action_name);
+GType egg_editable_toolbar_get_type (void);
+GtkWidget *egg_editable_toolbar_new (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ const char *visibility_path);
+GtkWidget *egg_editable_toolbar_new_with_model (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *visibility_path);
+void egg_editable_toolbar_set_model (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model);
+EggToolbarsModel *egg_editable_toolbar_get_model (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar);
+GtkUIManager *egg_editable_toolbar_get_manager (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar);
+void egg_editable_toolbar_set_edit_mode (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ gboolean mode);
+gboolean egg_editable_toolbar_get_edit_mode (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar);
+void egg_editable_toolbar_show (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *name);
+void egg_editable_toolbar_hide (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *name);
+void egg_editable_toolbar_set_fixed (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ GtkToolbar *fixed_toolbar);
+GtkWidget * egg_editable_toolbar_get_selected (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar);
+void egg_editable_toolbar_set_selected (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ GtkWidget *widget);
+void egg_editable_toolbar_add_visibility (EggEditableToolbar *etoolbar,
+ const char *path);
+/* Private Functions */
+GtkWidget *_egg_editable_toolbar_new_separator_image (void);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee7f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Marco Pesenti Gritti
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id: egg-toolbar-editor.c 929 2009-02-19 14:49:56Z friemann $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "egg-toolbar-editor.h"
+#include "egg-editable-toolbar.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+static const GtkTargetEntry dest_drag_types[] = {
+static const GtkTargetEntry source_drag_types[] = {
+static void egg_toolbar_editor_finalize (GObject *object);
+static void update_editor_sheet (EggToolbarEditor *editor);
+ PROP_0,
+struct EggToolbarEditorPrivate
+ GtkUIManager *manager;
+ EggToolbarsModel *model;
+ GtkWidget *table;
+ GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
+ GList *actions_list;
+ GList *factory_list;
+ /* These handlers need to be sanely disconnected when switching models */
+ gulong sig_handlers[SIGNAL_HANDLER_LIST_SIZE];
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EggToolbarEditor, egg_toolbar_editor, GTK_TYPE_VBOX);
+static gint
+compare_items (gconstpointer a,
+ gconstpointer b)
+ const GtkWidget *item1 = a;
+ const GtkWidget *item2 = b;
+ char *key1 = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item1),
+ "egg-collate-key");
+ char *key2 = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item2),
+ "egg-collate-key");
+ return strcmp (key1, key2);
+static GtkAction *
+find_action (EggToolbarEditor *t,
+ const char *name)
+ GList *l;
+ GtkAction *action = NULL;
+ l = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (t->priv->manager);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (t), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
+ for (; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ GtkAction *tmp;
+ tmp = gtk_action_group_get_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (l->data), name);
+ if (tmp)
+ action = tmp;
+ }
+ return action;
+static void
+egg_toolbar_editor_set_ui_manager (EggToolbarEditor *t,
+ GtkUIManager *manager)
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_UI_MANAGER (manager));
+ t->priv->manager = g_object_ref (manager);
+static void
+item_added_or_removed_cb (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int tpos,
+ int ipos,
+ EggToolbarEditor *editor)
+ update_editor_sheet (editor);
+static void
+toolbar_removed_cb (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position,
+ EggToolbarEditor *editor)
+ update_editor_sheet (editor);
+static void
+egg_toolbar_editor_disconnect_model (EggToolbarEditor *t)
+ EggToolbarEditorPrivate *priv = t->priv;
+ EggToolbarsModel *model = priv->model;
+ gulong handler;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < SIGNAL_HANDLER_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ handler = priv->sig_handlers[i];
+ if (handler != 0)
+ {
+ if (g_signal_handler_is_connected (model, handler))
+ {
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (model, handler);
+ }
+ priv->sig_handlers[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+egg_toolbar_editor_set_model (EggToolbarEditor *t,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ EggToolbarEditorPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (t));
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ priv = t->priv;
+ if (priv->model)
+ {
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (priv->model == model)) return;
+ egg_toolbar_editor_disconnect_model (t);
+ g_object_unref (priv->model);
+ }
+ priv->model = g_object_ref (model);
+ update_editor_sheet (t);
+ priv->sig_handlers[SIGNAL_HANDLER_ITEM_ADDED] =
+ g_signal_connect_object (model, "item_added",
+ G_CALLBACK (item_added_or_removed_cb), t, 0);
+ priv->sig_handlers[SIGNAL_HANDLER_ITEM_REMOVED] =
+ g_signal_connect_object (model, "item_removed",
+ G_CALLBACK (item_added_or_removed_cb), t, 0);
+ priv->sig_handlers[SIGNAL_HANDLER_TOOLBAR_REMOVED] =
+ g_signal_connect_object (model, "toolbar_removed",
+ G_CALLBACK (toolbar_removed_cb), t, 0);
+static void
+egg_toolbar_editor_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EggToolbarEditor *t = EGG_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (object);
+ switch (prop_id)
+ {
+ egg_toolbar_editor_set_ui_manager (t, g_value_get_object (value));
+ break;
+ egg_toolbar_editor_set_model (t, g_value_get_object (value));
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+egg_toolbar_editor_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EggToolbarEditor *t = EGG_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (object);
+ switch (prop_id)
+ {
+ g_value_set_object (value, t->priv->manager);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_object (value, t->priv->model);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+egg_toolbar_editor_class_init (EggToolbarEditorClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->finalize = egg_toolbar_editor_finalize;
+ object_class->set_property = egg_toolbar_editor_set_property;
+ object_class->get_property = egg_toolbar_editor_get_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("ui-manager",
+ "UI-Manager",
+ "UI Manager",
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("model",
+ "Model",
+ "Toolbars Model",
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EggToolbarEditorPrivate));
+static void
+egg_toolbar_editor_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EggToolbarEditor *editor = EGG_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (object);
+ if (editor->priv->manager)
+ {
+ g_object_unref (editor->priv->manager);
+ }
+ if (editor->priv->model)
+ {
+ egg_toolbar_editor_disconnect_model (editor);
+ g_object_unref (editor->priv->model);
+ }
+ g_list_free (editor->priv->actions_list);
+ g_list_free (editor->priv->factory_list);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (egg_toolbar_editor_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+GtkWidget *
+egg_toolbar_editor_new (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ return GTK_WIDGET (g_object_new (EGG_TYPE_TOOLBAR_EDITOR,
+ "ui-manager", manager,
+ "model", model,
+ NULL));
+static void
+drag_begin_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context)
+ gtk_widget_hide (widget);
+static void
+drag_end_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context)
+ gtk_widget_show (widget);
+static void
+drag_data_get_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
+ guint info,
+ guint32 time,
+ EggToolbarEditor *editor)
+ const char *target;
+ target = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "egg-item-name");
+ g_return_if_fail (target != NULL);
+ gtk_selection_data_set (selection_data, gtk_selection_data_get_target (selection_data), 8,
+ (const guchar *) target, strlen (target));
+static gchar *
+elide_underscores (const gchar *original)
+ gchar *q, *result;
+ const gchar *p;
+ gboolean last_underscore;
+ q = result = g_malloc (strlen (original) + 1);
+ last_underscore = FALSE;
+ for (p = original; *p; p++)
+ {
+ if (!last_underscore && *p == '_')
+ last_underscore = TRUE;
+ else
+ {
+ last_underscore = FALSE;
+ *q++ = *p;
+ }
+ }
+ *q = '\0';
+ return result;
+static void
+set_drag_cursor (GtkWidget *widget)
+ GdkCursor *cursor;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget);
+ cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gdk_screen_get_display (screen),
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (widget), cursor);
+ gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);
+static void
+event_box_realize_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GtkImage *icon)
+ GtkImageType type;
+ set_drag_cursor (widget);
+ type = gtk_image_get_storage_type (icon);
+ if (type == GTK_IMAGE_STOCK)
+ {
+ gchar *stock_id;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ gtk_image_get_stock (icon, &stock_id, NULL);
+ pixbuf = gtk_widget_render_icon (widget, stock_id,
+ gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf (widget, pixbuf);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ }
+ else if (type == GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME)
+ {
+ const gchar *icon_name;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ GtkIconTheme *icon_theme;
+ GtkSettings *settings;
+ gint width, height;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ gtk_image_get_icon_name (icon, &icon_name, NULL);
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget);
+ icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen (screen);
+ settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen (screen);
+ if (!gtk_icon_size_lookup_for_settings (settings,
+ &width, &height))
+ {
+ width = height = 24;
+ }
+ pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (icon_theme, icon_name,
+ MIN (width, height), 0, NULL);
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (!pixbuf))
+ return;
+ gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf (widget, pixbuf);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ }
+ else if (type == GTK_IMAGE_PIXBUF)
+ {
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gtk_image_get_pixbuf (icon);
+ gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf (widget, pixbuf);
+ }
+static GtkWidget *
+editor_create_item (EggToolbarEditor *editor,
+ GtkImage *icon,
+ const char *label_text,
+ GdkDragAction action)
+ GtkWidget *event_box;
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ gchar *label_no_mnemonic = NULL;
+ event_box = gtk_event_box_new ();
+ gtk_event_box_set_visible_window (GTK_EVENT_BOX (event_box), FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_show (event_box);
+ gtk_drag_source_set (event_box,
+ source_drag_types, G_N_ELEMENTS (source_drag_types), action);
+ g_signal_connect (event_box, "drag_data_get",
+ G_CALLBACK (drag_data_get_cb), editor);
+ g_signal_connect_after (event_box, "realize",
+ G_CALLBACK (event_box_realize_cb), icon);
+ if (action == GDK_ACTION_MOVE)
+ {
+ g_signal_connect (event_box, "drag_begin",
+ G_CALLBACK (drag_begin_cb), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (event_box, "drag_end",
+ G_CALLBACK (drag_end_cb), NULL);
+ }
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new (0, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_show (vbox);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (event_box), vbox);
+ gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (icon));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), GTK_WIDGET (icon), FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ label_no_mnemonic = elide_underscores (label_text);
+ label = gtk_label_new (label_no_mnemonic);
+ g_free (label_no_mnemonic);
+ gtk_widget_show (label);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ return event_box;
+static GtkWidget *
+editor_create_item_from_name (EggToolbarEditor *editor,
+ const char * name,
+ GdkDragAction drag_action)
+ GtkWidget *item;
+ const char *item_name;
+ char *short_label;
+ const char *collate_key;
+ if (strcmp (name, "_separator") == 0)
+ {
+ GtkWidget *icon;
+ icon = _egg_editable_toolbar_new_separator_image ();
+ short_label = _("Separator");
+ item_name = g_strdup (name);
+ collate_key = g_utf8_collate_key (short_label, -1);
+ item = editor_create_item (editor, GTK_IMAGE (icon),
+ short_label, drag_action);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GtkAction *action;
+ GtkWidget *icon;
+ char *stock_id, *icon_name = NULL;
+ action = find_action (editor, name);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (action != NULL, NULL);
+ g_object_get (action,
+ "icon-name", &icon_name,
+ "stock-id", &stock_id,
+ "short-label", &short_label,
+ NULL);
+ /* This is a workaround to catch named icons. */
+ if (icon_name)
+ icon = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name (icon_name,
+ else
+ icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock (stock_id ? stock_id : GTK_STOCK_DND,
+ item_name = g_strdup (name);
+ collate_key = g_utf8_collate_key (short_label, -1);
+ item = editor_create_item (editor, GTK_IMAGE (icon),
+ short_label, drag_action);
+ g_free (short_label);
+ g_free (stock_id);
+ g_free (icon_name);
+ }
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (item), "egg-collate-key",
+ (gpointer) collate_key, g_free);
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (item), "egg-item-name",
+ (gpointer) item_name, g_free);
+ return item;
+static gint
+append_table (GtkTable *table, GList *items, gint y, gint width)
+ if (items != NULL)
+ {
+ gint x = 0, height;
+ GtkWidget *alignment;
+ GtkWidget *item;
+ height = g_list_length (items) / width + 1;
+ gtk_table_resize (table, height, width);
+ if (y > 0)
+ {
+ item = gtk_hseparator_new ();
+ alignment = gtk_alignment_new (0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (alignment), item);
+ gtk_widget_show (alignment);
+ gtk_widget_show (item);
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, alignment, 0, width, y-1, y+1);
+ }
+ for (; items != NULL; items = items->next)
+ {
+ item = items->data;
+ alignment = gtk_alignment_new (0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (alignment), item);
+ gtk_widget_show (alignment);
+ gtk_widget_show (item);
+ if (x >= width)
+ {
+ x = 0;
+ y++;
+ }
+ gtk_table_attach_defaults (table, alignment, x, x+1, y, y+1);
+ x++;
+ }
+ y++;
+ }
+ return y;
+static void
+update_editor_sheet (EggToolbarEditor *editor)
+ gint y;
+ GPtrArray *items;
+ GList *to_move = NULL, *to_copy = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *table;
+ GtkWidget *viewport;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (editor));
+ /* Create new table. */
+ table = gtk_table_new (0, 0, TRUE);
+ editor->priv->table = table;
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table), 12);
+ gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 24);
+ gtk_widget_show (table);
+ gtk_drag_dest_set (table, GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL,
+ dest_drag_types, G_N_ELEMENTS (dest_drag_types),
+ /* Build two lists of items (one for copying, one for moving). */
+ items = egg_toolbars_model_get_name_avail (editor->priv->model);
+ while (items->len > 0)
+ {
+ GtkWidget *item;
+ const char *name;
+ gint flags;
+ name = g_ptr_array_index (items, 0);
+ g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast (items, 0);
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_name_flags (editor->priv->model, name);
+ if ((flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_INFINITE) == 0)
+ {
+ item = editor_create_item_from_name (editor, name, GDK_ACTION_MOVE);
+ if (item != NULL)
+ to_move = g_list_insert_sorted (to_move, item, compare_items);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item = editor_create_item_from_name (editor, name, GDK_ACTION_COPY);
+ if (item != NULL)
+ to_copy = g_list_insert_sorted (to_copy, item, compare_items);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Add them to the sheet. */
+ y = 0;
+ y = append_table (GTK_TABLE (table), to_move, y, 4);
+ y = append_table (GTK_TABLE (table), to_copy, y, 4);
+ g_list_free (to_move);
+ g_list_free (to_copy);
+ g_ptr_array_free (items, TRUE);
+ /* Delete old table. */
+ viewport = gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (editor->priv->scrolled_window));
+ if (viewport)
+ {
+ gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (viewport),
+ gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (viewport)));
+ }
+ /* Add table to window. */
+ gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport
+ (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (editor->priv->scrolled_window), table);
+static void
+setup_editor (EggToolbarEditor *editor)
+ GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (editor), 12);
+ scrolled_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
+ editor->priv->scrolled_window = scrolled_window;
+ gtk_widget_show (scrolled_window);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled_window),
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (editor), scrolled_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+static void
+egg_toolbar_editor_init (EggToolbarEditor *t)
+ t->priv->manager = NULL;
+ t->priv->actions_list = NULL;
+ setup_editor (t);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.h b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6e1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Marco Pesenti Gritti
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "egg-toolbars-model.h"
+typedef struct EggToolbarEditorClass EggToolbarEditorClass;
+#define EGG_TYPE_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (egg_toolbar_editor_get_type ())
+typedef struct EggToolbarEditor EggToolbarEditor;
+typedef struct EggToolbarEditorPrivate EggToolbarEditorPrivate;
+struct EggToolbarEditor
+ GtkVBox parent_object;
+ /*< private >*/
+ EggToolbarEditorPrivate *priv;
+struct EggToolbarEditorClass
+ GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
+GType egg_toolbar_editor_get_type (void);
+GtkWidget *egg_toolbar_editor_new (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model);
+void egg_toolbar_editor_set_model (EggToolbarEditor *t,
+ EggToolbarsModel *model);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbars-model.c b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbars-model.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e8c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbars-model.c
@@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Marco Pesenti Gritti
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Christian Persch
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id: egg-toolbars-model.c 929 2009-02-19 14:49:56Z friemann $
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "egg-toolbars-model.h"
+#include "eggtypebuiltins.h"
+#include "eggmarshalers.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <libxml/tree.h>
+#include <gdk/gdk.h>
+static void egg_toolbars_model_finalize (GObject *object);
+typedef struct
+ char *name;
+ EggTbModelFlags flags;
+} EggToolbarsToolbar;
+typedef struct
+ char *name;
+} EggToolbarsItem;
+static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
+struct EggToolbarsModelPrivate
+ GNode *toolbars;
+ GList *types;
+ GHashTable *flags;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EggToolbarsModel, egg_toolbars_model, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static xmlDocPtr
+egg_toolbars_model_to_xml (EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ GNode *l1, *l2, *tl;
+ GList *l3;
+ xmlDocPtr doc;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model), NULL);
+ tl = model->priv->toolbars;
+ xmlIndentTreeOutput = TRUE;
+ doc = xmlNewDoc ((const xmlChar*) "1.0");
+ doc->children = xmlNewDocNode (doc, NULL, (const xmlChar*) "toolbars", NULL);
+ for (l1 = tl->children; l1 != NULL; l1 = l1->next)
+ {
+ xmlNodePtr tnode;
+ EggToolbarsToolbar *toolbar = l1->data;
+ tnode = xmlNewChild (doc->children, NULL, (const xmlChar*) "toolbar", NULL);
+ xmlSetProp (tnode, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*) toolbar->name);
+ xmlSetProp (tnode, (const xmlChar*) "hidden",
+ (toolbar->flags&EGG_TB_MODEL_HIDDEN) ? (const xmlChar*) "true" : (const xmlChar*) "false");
+ xmlSetProp (tnode, (const xmlChar*) "editable",
+ (toolbar->flags&EGG_TB_MODEL_NOT_EDITABLE) ? (const xmlChar*) "false" : (const xmlChar*) "true");
+ for (l2 = l1->children; l2 != NULL; l2 = l2->next)
+ {
+ xmlNodePtr node;
+ EggToolbarsItem *item = l2->data;
+ if (strcmp (item->name, "_separator") == 0)
+ {
+ node = xmlNewChild (tnode, NULL, (const xmlChar*) "separator", NULL);
+ continue;
+ }
+ node = xmlNewChild (tnode, NULL, (const xmlChar*) "toolitem", NULL);
+ xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*) "name", (const xmlChar*) item->name);
+ /* Add 'data' nodes for each data type which can be written out for this
+ * item. Only write types which can be used to restore the data. */
+ for (l3 = model->priv->types; l3 != NULL; l3 = l3->next)
+ {
+ EggToolbarsItemType *type = l3->data;
+ if (type->get_name != NULL && type->get_data != NULL)
+ {
+ xmlNodePtr dnode;
+ char *tmp;
+ tmp = type->get_data (type, item->name);
+ if (tmp != NULL)
+ {
+ dnode = xmlNewTextChild (node, NULL, (const xmlChar*) "data", (const xmlChar*) tmp);
+ g_free (tmp);
+ tmp = gdk_atom_name (type->type);
+ xmlSetProp (dnode, (const xmlChar*) "type", (const xmlChar*) tmp);
+ g_free (tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return doc;
+static gboolean
+safe_save_xml (const char *xml_file, xmlDocPtr doc)
+ char *tmp_file;
+ char *old_file;
+ gboolean old_exist;
+ gboolean retval = TRUE;
+ tmp_file = g_strconcat (xml_file, ".tmp", NULL);
+ old_file = g_strconcat (xml_file, ".old", NULL);
+ if (xmlSaveFormatFile (tmp_file, doc, 1) <= 0)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to write XML data to %s", tmp_file);
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ old_exist = g_file_test (xml_file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
+ if (old_exist)
+ {
+ if (rename (xml_file, old_file) < 0)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to rename %s to %s", xml_file, old_file);
+ retval = FALSE;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rename (tmp_file, xml_file) < 0)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to rename %s to %s", tmp_file, xml_file);
+ if (rename (old_file, xml_file) < 0)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to restore %s from %s", xml_file, tmp_file);
+ }
+ retval = FALSE;
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ if (old_exist)
+ {
+ if (unlink (old_file) < 0)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to delete old file %s", old_file);
+ }
+ }
+ failed:
+ g_free (old_file);
+ g_free (tmp_file);
+ return retval;
+egg_toolbars_model_save_toolbars (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *xml_file,
+ const char *version)
+ xmlDocPtr doc;
+ xmlNodePtr root;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model));
+ doc = egg_toolbars_model_to_xml (model);
+ root = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc);
+ xmlSetProp (root, (const xmlChar*) "version", (const xmlChar*) version);
+ safe_save_xml (xml_file, doc);
+ xmlFreeDoc (doc);
+static gboolean
+is_unique (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ EggToolbarsItem *idata)
+ EggToolbarsItem *idata2;
+ GNode *toolbar, *item;
+ for(toolbar = g_node_first_child (model->priv->toolbars);
+ toolbar != NULL; toolbar = g_node_next_sibling (toolbar))
+ {
+ for(item = g_node_first_child (toolbar);
+ item != NULL; item = g_node_next_sibling (item))
+ {
+ idata2 = item->data;
+ if (idata != idata2 && strcmp (idata->name, idata2->name) == 0)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static GNode *
+toolbar_node_new (const char *name)
+ EggToolbarsToolbar *toolbar;
+ toolbar = g_new (EggToolbarsToolbar, 1);
+ toolbar->name = g_strdup (name);
+ toolbar->flags = 0;
+ return g_node_new (toolbar);
+static GNode *
+item_node_new (const char *name, EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ EggToolbarsItem *item;
+ int flags;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
+ item = g_new (EggToolbarsItem, 1);
+ item->name = g_strdup (name);
+ flags = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (model->priv->flags, item->name));
+ if ((flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_INFINITE) == 0)
+ g_hash_table_insert (model->priv->flags,
+ g_strdup (item->name),
+ return g_node_new (item);
+static void
+item_node_free (GNode *item_node, EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ EggToolbarsItem *item = item_node->data;
+ int flags;
+ flags = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (model->priv->flags, item->name));
+ if ((flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_INFINITE) == 0 && is_unique (model, item))
+ g_hash_table_insert (model->priv->flags,
+ g_strdup (item->name),
+ g_free (item->name);
+ g_free (item);
+ g_node_destroy (item_node);
+static void
+toolbar_node_free (GNode *toolbar_node, EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ EggToolbarsToolbar *toolbar = toolbar_node->data;
+ g_node_children_foreach (toolbar_node, G_TRAVERSE_ALL,
+ (GNodeForeachFunc) item_node_free, model);
+ g_free (toolbar->name);
+ g_free (toolbar);
+ g_node_destroy (toolbar_node);
+egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position)
+ GNode *toolbar_node;
+ EggToolbarsToolbar *toolbar;
+ toolbar_node = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, toolbar_position);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (toolbar_node != NULL, 0);
+ toolbar = toolbar_node->data;
+ return toolbar->flags;
+egg_toolbars_model_set_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ EggTbModelFlags flags)
+ GNode *toolbar_node;
+ EggToolbarsToolbar *toolbar;
+ toolbar_node = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, toolbar_position);
+ g_return_if_fail (toolbar_node != NULL);
+ toolbar = toolbar_node->data;
+ toolbar->flags = flags;
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model), signals[TOOLBAR_CHANGED],
+ 0, toolbar_position);
+char *
+egg_toolbars_model_get_data (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ GdkAtom type,
+ const char *name)
+ EggToolbarsItemType *t;
+ char *data = NULL;
+ GList *l;
+ if (type == GDK_NONE || type == gdk_atom_intern (EGG_TOOLBAR_ITEM_TYPE, FALSE))
+ {
+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (*name != 0, NULL);
+ return strdup (name);
+ }
+ for (l = model->priv->types; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ t = l->data;
+ if (t->type == type && t->get_data != NULL)
+ {
+ data = t->get_data (t, name);
+ if (data != NULL) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+char *
+egg_toolbars_model_get_name (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ GdkAtom type,
+ const char *data,
+ gboolean create)
+ EggToolbarsItemType *t;
+ char *name = NULL;
+ GList *l;
+ if (type == GDK_NONE || type == gdk_atom_intern (EGG_TOOLBAR_ITEM_TYPE, FALSE))
+ {
+ g_return_val_if_fail (data, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (*data, NULL);
+ return strdup (data);
+ }
+ if (create)
+ {
+ for (l = model->priv->types; name == NULL && l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ t = l->data;
+ if (t->type == type && t->new_name != NULL)
+ name = t->new_name (t, data);
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (l = model->priv->types; name == NULL && l != NULL; l = l->next)
+ {
+ t = l->data;
+ if (t->type == type && t->get_name != NULL)
+ name = t->get_name (t, data);
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+static gboolean
+impl_add_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position,
+ const char *name)
+ GNode *parent_node;
+ GNode *child_node;
+ int real_position;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, FALSE);
+ parent_node = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, toolbar_position);
+ child_node = item_node_new (name, model);
+ g_node_insert (parent_node, position, child_node);
+ real_position = g_node_child_position (parent_node, child_node);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model), signals[ITEM_ADDED], 0,
+ toolbar_position, real_position);
+ return TRUE;
+egg_toolbars_model_add_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position,
+ const char *name)
+ EggToolbarsModelClass *klass = EGG_TOOLBARS_MODEL_GET_CLASS (model);
+ return klass->add_item (model, toolbar_position, position, name);
+egg_toolbars_model_add_toolbar (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position,
+ const char *name)
+ GNode *node;
+ int real_position;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model), -1);
+ node = toolbar_node_new (name);
+ g_node_insert (model->priv->toolbars, position, node);
+ real_position = g_node_child_position (model->priv->toolbars, node);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model), signals[TOOLBAR_ADDED],
+ 0, real_position);
+ return g_node_child_position (model->priv->toolbars, node);
+static char *
+parse_data_list (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ xmlNodePtr child,
+ gboolean create)
+ char *name = NULL;
+ while (child && name == NULL)
+ {
+ if (xmlStrEqual (child->name, (const xmlChar*) "data"))
+ {
+ xmlChar *type = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "type");
+ xmlChar *data = xmlNodeGetContent (child);
+ if (type != NULL)
+ {
+ GdkAtom atom = gdk_atom_intern ((const char*) type, TRUE);
+ name = egg_toolbars_model_get_name (model, atom, (const char*) data, create);
+ }
+ xmlFree (type);
+ xmlFree (data);
+ }
+ child = child->next;
+ }
+ return name;
+static void
+parse_item_list (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ xmlNodePtr child,
+ int position)
+ while (child)
+ {
+ if (xmlStrEqual (child->name, (const xmlChar*) "toolitem"))
+ {
+ char *name;
+ /* Try to get the name using the data elements first,
+ as they are more 'portable' or 'persistent'. */
+ name = parse_data_list (model, child->children, FALSE);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ name = parse_data_list (model, child->children, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* If that fails, try to use the name. */
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ xmlChar *type = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "type");
+ xmlChar *data = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "name");
+ GdkAtom atom = type ? gdk_atom_intern ((const char*) type, TRUE) : GDK_NONE;
+ /* If an old format, try to use it. */
+ name = egg_toolbars_model_get_name (model, atom, (const char*) data, FALSE);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ name = egg_toolbars_model_get_name (model, atom, (const char*) data, TRUE);
+ }
+ xmlFree (type);
+ xmlFree (data);
+ }
+ if (name != NULL)
+ {
+ egg_toolbars_model_add_item (model, position, -1, name);
+ g_free (name);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (xmlStrEqual (child->name, (const xmlChar*) "separator"))
+ {
+ egg_toolbars_model_add_item (model, position, -1, "_separator");
+ }
+ child = child->next;
+ }
+static void
+parse_toolbars (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ xmlNodePtr child)
+ while (child)
+ {
+ if (xmlStrEqual (child->name, (const xmlChar*) "toolbar"))
+ {
+ xmlChar *string;
+ int position;
+ EggTbModelFlags flags;
+ string = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "name");
+ position = egg_toolbars_model_add_toolbar (model, -1, (const char*) string);
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (model, position);
+ xmlFree (string);
+ string = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "editable");
+ if (string && xmlStrEqual (string, (const xmlChar*) "false"))
+ xmlFree (string);
+ string = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "hidden");
+ if (string && xmlStrEqual (string, (const xmlChar*) "true"))
+ xmlFree (string);
+ string = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "style");
+ if (string && xmlStrEqual (string, (const xmlChar*) "icons-only"))
+ flags |= EGG_TB_MODEL_ICONS;
+ xmlFree (string);
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_flags (model, position, flags);
+ parse_item_list (model, child->children, position);
+ }
+ child = child->next;
+ }
+egg_toolbars_model_load_toolbars (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *xml_file)
+ xmlDocPtr doc;
+ xmlNodePtr root;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model), FALSE);
+ if (!xml_file || !g_file_test (xml_file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return FALSE;
+ doc = xmlParseFile (xml_file);
+ if (doc == NULL)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to load XML data from %s", xml_file);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ root = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc);
+ parse_toolbars (model, root->children);
+ xmlFreeDoc (doc);
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+parse_available_list (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ xmlNodePtr child)
+ gint flags;
+ while (child)
+ {
+ if (xmlStrEqual (child->name, (const xmlChar*) "toolitem"))
+ {
+ xmlChar *name;
+ name = xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar*) "name");
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_name_flags
+ (model, (const char*)name);
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_name_flags
+ (model, (const char*)name, flags | EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_KNOWN);
+ xmlFree (name);
+ }
+ child = child->next;
+ }
+static void
+parse_names (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ xmlNodePtr child)
+ while (child)
+ {
+ if (xmlStrEqual (child->name, (const xmlChar*) "available"))
+ {
+ parse_available_list (model, child->children);
+ }
+ child = child->next;
+ }
+egg_toolbars_model_load_names (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *xml_file)
+ xmlDocPtr doc;
+ xmlNodePtr root;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model), FALSE);
+ if (!xml_file || !g_file_test (xml_file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return FALSE;
+ doc = xmlParseFile (xml_file);
+ if (doc == NULL)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Failed to load XML data from %s", xml_file);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ root = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc);
+ parse_names (model, root->children);
+ xmlFreeDoc (doc);
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+egg_toolbars_model_class_init (EggToolbarsModelClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ volatile GType flags_type; /* work around gcc's optimiser */
+ /* make sure the flags type is known */
+ flags_type = EGG_TYPE_TB_MODEL_FLAGS;
+ object_class->finalize = egg_toolbars_model_finalize;
+ klass->add_item = impl_add_item;
+ signals[ITEM_ADDED] =
+ g_signal_new ("item_added",
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EggToolbarsModelClass, item_added),
+ NULL, NULL, _egg_marshal_VOID__INT_INT,
+ signals[TOOLBAR_ADDED] =
+ g_signal_new ("toolbar_added",
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EggToolbarsModelClass, toolbar_added),
+ NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+ signals[ITEM_REMOVED] =
+ g_signal_new ("item_removed",
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EggToolbarsModelClass, item_removed),
+ NULL, NULL, _egg_marshal_VOID__INT_INT,
+ signals[TOOLBAR_REMOVED] =
+ g_signal_new ("toolbar_removed",
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EggToolbarsModelClass, toolbar_removed),
+ NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+ signals[TOOLBAR_CHANGED] =
+ g_signal_new ("toolbar_changed",
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EggToolbarsModelClass, toolbar_changed),
+ NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EggToolbarsModelPrivate));
+static void
+egg_toolbars_model_init (EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ model->priv =EGG_TOOLBARS_MODEL_GET_PRIVATE (model);
+ model->priv->toolbars = g_node_new (NULL);
+ model->priv->flags = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_name_flags (model, "_separator",
+static void
+egg_toolbars_model_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EggToolbarsModel *model = EGG_TOOLBARS_MODEL (object);
+ g_node_children_foreach (model->priv->toolbars, G_TRAVERSE_ALL,
+ (GNodeForeachFunc) toolbar_node_free, model);
+ g_node_destroy (model->priv->toolbars);
+ g_hash_table_destroy (model->priv->flags);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (egg_toolbars_model_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+EggToolbarsModel *
+egg_toolbars_model_new (void)
+egg_toolbars_model_remove_toolbar (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position)
+ GNode *node;
+ EggTbModelFlags flags;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model));
+ flags = egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (model, position);
+ if (!(flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NOT_REMOVABLE))
+ {
+ node = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, position);
+ g_return_if_fail (node != NULL);
+ toolbar_node_free (node, model);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model), signals[TOOLBAR_REMOVED],
+ 0, position);
+ }
+egg_toolbars_model_remove_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position)
+ GNode *node, *toolbar;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model));
+ toolbar = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, toolbar_position);
+ g_return_if_fail (toolbar != NULL);
+ node = g_node_nth_child (toolbar, position);
+ g_return_if_fail (node != NULL);
+ item_node_free (node, model);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model), signals[ITEM_REMOVED], 0,
+ toolbar_position, position);
+egg_toolbars_model_move_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position,
+ int new_toolbar_position,
+ int new_position)
+ GNode *node, *toolbar, *new_toolbar;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model));
+ toolbar = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, toolbar_position);
+ g_return_if_fail (toolbar != NULL);
+ new_toolbar = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, new_toolbar_position);
+ g_return_if_fail (new_toolbar != NULL);
+ node = g_node_nth_child (toolbar, position);
+ g_return_if_fail (node != NULL);
+ g_node_unlink (node);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model), signals[ITEM_REMOVED], 0,
+ toolbar_position, position);
+ g_node_insert (new_toolbar, new_position, node);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model), signals[ITEM_ADDED], 0,
+ new_toolbar_position, new_position);
+egg_toolbars_model_delete_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *name)
+ EggToolbarsItem *idata;
+ EggToolbarsToolbar *tdata;
+ GNode *toolbar, *item, *next;
+ int tpos, ipos;
+ g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_TOOLBARS_MODEL (model));
+ toolbar = g_node_first_child (model->priv->toolbars);
+ tpos = 0;
+ while (toolbar != NULL)
+ {
+ item = g_node_first_child (toolbar);
+ ipos = 0;
+ /* Don't delete toolbars that were already empty */
+ if (item == NULL)
+ {
+ toolbar = g_node_next_sibling (toolbar);
+ continue;
+ }
+ while (item != NULL)
+ {
+ next = g_node_next_sibling (item);
+ idata = item->data;
+ if (strcmp (idata->name, name) == 0)
+ {
+ item_node_free (item, model);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model),
+ signals[ITEM_REMOVED],
+ 0, tpos, ipos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ipos++;
+ }
+ item = next;
+ }
+ next = g_node_next_sibling (toolbar);
+ tdata = toolbar->data;
+ if (!(tdata->flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NOT_REMOVABLE) &&
+ g_node_first_child (toolbar) == NULL)
+ {
+ toolbar_node_free (toolbar, model);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (model),
+ 0, tpos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tpos++;
+ }
+ toolbar = next;
+ }
+egg_toolbars_model_n_items (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position)
+ GNode *toolbar;
+ toolbar = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, toolbar_position);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (toolbar != NULL, -1);
+ return g_node_n_children (toolbar);
+const char *
+egg_toolbars_model_item_nth (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position)
+ GNode *toolbar;
+ GNode *item;
+ EggToolbarsItem *idata;
+ toolbar = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, toolbar_position);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (toolbar != NULL, NULL);
+ item = g_node_nth_child (toolbar, position);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NULL);
+ idata = item->data;
+ return idata->name;
+egg_toolbars_model_n_toolbars (EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ return g_node_n_children (model->priv->toolbars);
+const char *
+egg_toolbars_model_toolbar_nth (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position)
+ GNode *toolbar;
+ EggToolbarsToolbar *tdata;
+ toolbar = g_node_nth_child (model->priv->toolbars, position);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (toolbar != NULL, NULL);
+ tdata = toolbar->data;
+ return tdata->name;
+GList *
+egg_toolbars_model_get_types (EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ return model->priv->types;
+egg_toolbars_model_set_types (EggToolbarsModel *model, GList *types)
+ model->priv->types = types;
+static void
+fill_avail_array (gpointer key, gpointer value, GPtrArray *array)
+ int flags = GPOINTER_TO_INT (value);
+ if ((flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_KNOWN) && !(flags & EGG_TB_MODEL_NAME_USED))
+ g_ptr_array_add (array, key);
+GPtrArray *
+egg_toolbars_model_get_name_avail (EggToolbarsModel *model)
+ GPtrArray *array = g_ptr_array_new ();
+ g_hash_table_foreach (model->priv->flags, (GHFunc) fill_avail_array, array);
+ return array;
+egg_toolbars_model_get_name_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model, const char *name)
+ return GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (model->priv->flags, name));
+egg_toolbars_model_set_name_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model, const char *name, gint flags)
+ g_hash_table_insert (model->priv->flags, g_strdup (name), GINT_TO_POINTER (flags));
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbars-model.h b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbars-model.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c02b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbars-model.h
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Marco Pesenti Gritti
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id: egg-toolbars-model.h 929 2009-02-19 14:49:56Z friemann $
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gdk/gdk.h>
+#define EGG_TYPE_TOOLBARS_MODEL (egg_toolbars_model_get_type ())
+typedef struct EggToolbarsModel EggToolbarsModel;
+typedef struct EggToolbarsModelPrivate EggToolbarsModelPrivate;
+typedef struct EggToolbarsModelClass EggToolbarsModelClass;
+#define EGG_TOOLBAR_ITEM_TYPE "application/x-toolbar-item"
+typedef enum
+ EGG_TB_MODEL_BOTH = 1 << 2,
+ EGG_TB_MODEL_ICONS = 1 << 4,
+ EGG_TB_MODEL_TEXT = 1 << 5,
+} EggTbModelFlags;
+typedef enum
+} EggTbModelNameFlags;
+struct EggToolbarsModel
+ GObject parent_object;
+ /*< private >*/
+ EggToolbarsModelPrivate *priv;
+struct EggToolbarsModelClass
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+ /* Signals */
+ void (* item_added) (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position);
+ void (* item_removed) (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position);
+ void (* toolbar_added) (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position);
+ void (* toolbar_changed) (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position);
+ void (* toolbar_removed) (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position);
+ /* Virtual Table */
+ gboolean (* add_item) (EggToolbarsModel *t,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position,
+ const char *name);
+typedef struct EggToolbarsItemType EggToolbarsItemType;
+struct EggToolbarsItemType
+ GdkAtom type;
+ gboolean (* has_data) (EggToolbarsItemType *type,
+ const char *name);
+ char * (* get_data) (EggToolbarsItemType *type,
+ const char *name);
+ char * (* new_name) (EggToolbarsItemType *type,
+ const char *data);
+ char * (* get_name) (EggToolbarsItemType *type,
+ const char *data);
+GType egg_tb_model_flags_get_type (void);
+GType egg_toolbars_model_get_type (void);
+EggToolbarsModel *egg_toolbars_model_new (void);
+gboolean egg_toolbars_model_load_names (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *xml_file);
+gboolean egg_toolbars_model_load_toolbars (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *xml_file);
+void egg_toolbars_model_save_toolbars (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *xml_file,
+ const char *version);
+/* Functions for manipulating the types of portable data this toolbar understands. */
+GList * egg_toolbars_model_get_types (EggToolbarsModel *model);
+void egg_toolbars_model_set_types (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ GList *types);
+/* Functions for converting between name and portable data. */
+char * egg_toolbars_model_get_name (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ GdkAtom type,
+ const char *data,
+ gboolean create);
+char * egg_toolbars_model_get_data (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ GdkAtom type,
+ const char *name);
+/* Functions for retrieving what items are available for adding to the toolbars. */
+GPtrArray * egg_toolbars_model_get_name_avail (EggToolbarsModel *model);
+gint egg_toolbars_model_get_name_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *name);
+void egg_toolbars_model_set_name_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *name,
+ gint flags);
+/* Functions for manipulating flags on individual toolbars. */
+EggTbModelFlags egg_toolbars_model_get_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position);
+void egg_toolbars_model_set_flags (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ EggTbModelFlags flags);
+/* Functions for adding and removing toolbars. */
+int egg_toolbars_model_add_toolbar (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position,
+ const char *name);
+void egg_toolbars_model_remove_toolbar (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position);
+/* Functions for adding, removing and moving items. */
+gboolean egg_toolbars_model_add_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position,
+ const char *name);
+void egg_toolbars_model_remove_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position);
+void egg_toolbars_model_move_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position,
+ int new_toolbar_position,
+ int new_position);
+void egg_toolbars_model_delete_item (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ const char *name);
+/* Functions for accessing the names of items. */
+int egg_toolbars_model_n_items (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position);
+const char * egg_toolbars_model_item_nth (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int toolbar_position,
+ int position);
+/* Functions for accessing the names of toolbars. */
+int egg_toolbars_model_n_toolbars (EggToolbarsModel *model);
+const char *egg_toolbars_model_toolbar_nth (EggToolbarsModel *model,
+ int position);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/eggmarshalers.list b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/eggmarshalers.list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f953dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/eggmarshalers.list
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/ b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580965c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+libtotemscrsaver_la_SOURCES = \
+ totem-scrsaver.h \
+ totem-scrsaver.c
+libtotemscrsaver_la_LIBADD = $(X11_LIBS)
+libtotemscrsaver_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ $(X11_CFLAGS) \
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/ b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd581a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver
+DIST_COMMON = README $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+libtotemscrsaver_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1)
+am_libtotemscrsaver_la_OBJECTS = \
+ libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.lo
+libtotemscrsaver_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libtotemscrsaver_la_OBJECTS)
+AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V))
+am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_lt_0 = --silent
+libtotemscrsaver_la_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC \
+ $(libtotemscrsaver_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) \
+ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir)
+depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp
+am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles
+am__mv = mv -f
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \
+AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V))
+am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+CCLD = $(CC)
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_$(V))
+am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@;
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+SOURCES = $(libtotemscrsaver_la_SOURCES)
+DIST_SOURCES = $(libtotemscrsaver_la_SOURCES)
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+libtotemscrsaver_la_SOURCES = \
+ totem-scrsaver.h \
+ totem-scrsaver.c
+libtotemscrsaver_la_LIBADD = $(X11_LIBS)
+libtotemscrsaver_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ $(X11_CFLAGS) \
+all: all-am
+.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)
+ @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
+ dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \
+ test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \
+ echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \
+ rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \
+ done $(libtotemscrsaver_la_OBJECTS) $(libtotemscrsaver_la_DEPENDENCIES)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(libtotemscrsaver_la_LINK) $(libtotemscrsaver_la_OBJECTS) $(libtotemscrsaver_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+ -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f *.tab.c
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.Plo@am__quote@
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.lo: totem-scrsaver.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtotemscrsaver_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.Tpo -c -o libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.lo `test -f 'totem-scrsaver.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`totem-scrsaver.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='totem-scrsaver.c' object='libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libtotemscrsaver_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libtotemscrsaver_la-totem-scrsaver.lo `test -f 'totem-scrsaver.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`totem-scrsaver.c
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES)
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \
+ mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \
+ clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \
+ distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \
+ distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \
+ install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \
+ install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \
+ install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+ install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \
+ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \
+ pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/README b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5be11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The sources for the screensaver enabling/disabling code are copied from Totem.
+A simple replacement (s/WITH_DBUS/ENABLE_DBUS/g) was needed. The hardcoded
+"reason for inhibiting" string was also modified.
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf2bce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Bastien Nocera <[email protected]>
+ Copyright © 2010 Christian Persch
+ Copyright © 2010 Carlos Garcia Campos
+ The Mate Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ The Mate Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with the Mate Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
+ write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ Authors: Bastien Nocera <[email protected]>
+ Christian Persch
+ Carlos Garcia Campos
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gdk/gdk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+#include <X11/keysym.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_XTEST
+#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_XTEST */
+#endif /* GDK_WINDOWING_X11 */
+#include "totem-scrsaver.h"
+#define GS_SERVICE "org.mate.ScreenSaver"
+#define GS_PATH "/org/mate/ScreenSaver"
+#define GS_INTERFACE "org.mate.ScreenSaver"
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+static void totem_scrsaver_finalize (GObject *object);
+struct TotemScrsaverPrivate {
+ /* Whether the screensaver is disabled */
+ gboolean disabled;
+ /* The reason for the inhibition */
+ char *reason;
+ GDBusProxy *gs_proxy;
+ gboolean have_screensaver_dbus;
+ guint32 cookie;
+ gboolean old_dbus_api;
+ /* To save the screensaver info */
+ int timeout;
+ int interval;
+ int prefer_blanking;
+ int allow_exposures;
+ /* For use with XTest */
+ int keycode1, keycode2;
+ int *keycode;
+ gboolean have_xtest;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE(TotemScrsaver, totem_scrsaver, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static gboolean
+screensaver_is_running_dbus (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ return scr->priv->have_screensaver_dbus;
+static void
+on_inhibit_cb (GObject *source_object,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GDBusProxy *proxy = G_DBUS_PROXY (source_object);
+ TotemScrsaver *scr = TOTEM_SCRSAVER (user_data);
+ GVariant *value;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ value = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error);
+ if (!value) {
+ if (!scr->priv->old_dbus_api &&
+ g_error_matches (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD)) {
+ g_return_if_fail (scr->priv->reason != NULL);
+ /* try the old API */
+ scr->priv->old_dbus_api = TRUE;
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (proxy,
+ "InhibitActivation",
+ g_variant_new ("(s)",
+ scr->priv->reason),
+ -1,
+ on_inhibit_cb,
+ scr);
+ } else {
+ g_warning ("Problem inhibiting the screensaver: %s", error->message);
+ }
+ g_error_free (error);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* save the cookie */
+ if (g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(u)")))
+ g_variant_get (value, "(u)", &scr->priv->cookie);
+ else
+ scr->priv->cookie = 0;
+ g_variant_unref (value);
+static void
+on_uninhibit_cb (GObject *source_object,
+ GAsyncResult *res,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GDBusProxy *proxy = G_DBUS_PROXY (source_object);
+ TotemScrsaver *scr = TOTEM_SCRSAVER (user_data);
+ GVariant *value;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ value = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error);
+ if (!value) {
+ if (!scr->priv->old_dbus_api &&
+ g_error_matches (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD)) {
+ /* try the old API */
+ scr->priv->old_dbus_api = TRUE;
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (proxy,
+ "AllowActivation",
+ g_variant_new ("()"),
+ -1,
+ on_uninhibit_cb,
+ scr);
+ } else {
+ g_warning ("Problem uninhibiting the screensaver: %s", error->message);
+ }
+ g_error_free (error);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* clear the cookie */
+ scr->priv->cookie = 0;
+ g_variant_unref (value);
+static void
+screensaver_inhibit_dbus (TotemScrsaver *scr,
+ gboolean inhibit)
+ TotemScrsaverPrivate *priv = scr->priv;
+ if (!priv->have_screensaver_dbus)
+ return;
+ scr->priv->old_dbus_api = FALSE;
+ if (inhibit) {
+ g_return_if_fail (scr->priv->reason != NULL);
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (priv->gs_proxy,
+ "Inhibit",
+ g_variant_new ("(ss)",
+ g_get_application_name (),
+ scr->priv->reason),
+ -1,
+ on_inhibit_cb,
+ scr);
+ } else {
+ g_dbus_proxy_call (priv->gs_proxy,
+ "UnInhibit",
+ g_variant_new ("(u)", priv->cookie),
+ -1,
+ on_uninhibit_cb,
+ scr);
+ }
+static void
+screensaver_enable_dbus (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ screensaver_inhibit_dbus (scr, FALSE);
+static void
+screensaver_disable_dbus (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ screensaver_inhibit_dbus (scr, TRUE);
+static void
+screensaver_update_dbus_presence (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ TotemScrsaverPrivate *priv = scr->priv;
+ gchar *name_owner;
+ name_owner = g_dbus_proxy_get_name_owner (priv->gs_proxy);
+ if (name_owner) {
+ priv->have_screensaver_dbus = TRUE;
+ g_free (name_owner);
+ } else {
+ priv->have_screensaver_dbus = FALSE;
+ }
+static void
+screensaver_dbus_owner_changed_cb (GObject *object,
+ GParamSpec *pspec,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ TotemScrsaver *scr = TOTEM_SCRSAVER (user_data);
+ screensaver_update_dbus_presence (scr);
+static void
+screensaver_dbus_proxy_new_cb (GObject *source,
+ GAsyncResult *result,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ TotemScrsaver *scr = TOTEM_SCRSAVER (user_data);
+ TotemScrsaverPrivate *priv = scr->priv;
+ priv->gs_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (result, NULL);
+ if (!priv->gs_proxy)
+ return;
+ screensaver_update_dbus_presence (scr);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->gs_proxy, "notify::g-name-owner",
+ G_CALLBACK (screensaver_dbus_owner_changed_cb),
+ scr);
+static void
+screensaver_init_dbus (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,
+ screensaver_dbus_proxy_new_cb,
+ scr);
+static void
+screensaver_finalize_dbus (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ if (scr->priv->gs_proxy) {
+ g_object_unref (scr->priv->gs_proxy);
+ }
+static void
+screensaver_enable_x11 (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+#ifdef HAVE_XTEST
+ if (scr->priv->have_xtest != FALSE)
+ {
+ g_source_remove_by_user_data (scr);
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_XTEST */
+ XLockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+ XSetScreenSaver (GDK_DISPLAY(),
+ scr->priv->timeout,
+ scr->priv->interval,
+ scr->priv->prefer_blanking,
+ scr->priv->allow_exposures);
+ XUnlockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+#ifdef HAVE_XTEST
+static gboolean
+fake_event (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ if (scr->priv->disabled)
+ {
+ XLockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+ XTestFakeKeyEvent (GDK_DISPLAY(), *scr->priv->keycode,
+ True, CurrentTime);
+ XTestFakeKeyEvent (GDK_DISPLAY(), *scr->priv->keycode,
+ False, CurrentTime);
+ XUnlockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+ /* Swap the keycode */
+ if (scr->priv->keycode == &scr->priv->keycode1)
+ scr->priv->keycode = &scr->priv->keycode2;
+ else
+ scr->priv->keycode = &scr->priv->keycode1;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+#endif /* HAVE_XTEST */
+static void
+screensaver_disable_x11 (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+#ifdef HAVE_XTEST
+ if (scr->priv->have_xtest != FALSE)
+ {
+ XLockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+ XGetScreenSaver(GDK_DISPLAY(), &scr->priv->timeout,
+ &scr->priv->interval,
+ &scr->priv->prefer_blanking,
+ &scr->priv->allow_exposures);
+ XUnlockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+ if (scr->priv->timeout != 0) {
+ g_timeout_add_seconds (scr->priv->timeout / 2,
+ (GSourceFunc) fake_event, scr);
+ } else {
+ g_timeout_add_seconds (XSCREENSAVER_MIN_TIMEOUT / 2,
+ (GSourceFunc) fake_event, scr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_XTEST */
+ XLockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+ XGetScreenSaver(GDK_DISPLAY(), &scr->priv->timeout,
+ &scr->priv->interval,
+ &scr->priv->prefer_blanking,
+ &scr->priv->allow_exposures);
+ XSetScreenSaver(GDK_DISPLAY(), 0, 0,
+ DontPreferBlanking, DontAllowExposures);
+ XUnlockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+static void
+screensaver_init_x11 (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+#ifdef HAVE_XTEST
+ int a, b, c, d;
+ XLockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+ scr->priv->have_xtest = (XTestQueryExtension (GDK_DISPLAY(), &a, &b, &c, &d) == True);
+ if (scr->priv->have_xtest != FALSE)
+ {
+ scr->priv->keycode1 = XKeysymToKeycode (GDK_DISPLAY(), XK_Alt_L);
+ if (scr->priv->keycode1 == 0) {
+ g_warning ("scr->priv->keycode1 not existant");
+ }
+ scr->priv->keycode2 = XKeysymToKeycode (GDK_DISPLAY(), XK_Alt_R);
+ if (scr->priv->keycode2 == 0) {
+ scr->priv->keycode2 = XKeysymToKeycode (GDK_DISPLAY(), XK_Alt_L);
+ if (scr->priv->keycode2 == 0) {
+ g_warning ("scr->priv->keycode2 not existant");
+ }
+ }
+ scr->priv->keycode = &scr->priv->keycode1;
+ }
+ XUnlockDisplay (GDK_DISPLAY());
+#endif /* HAVE_XTEST */
+static void
+screensaver_finalize_x11 (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ g_source_remove_by_user_data (scr);
+static void
+totem_scrsaver_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ TotemScrsaver *scr;
+ scr = TOTEM_SCRSAVER (object);
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ g_value_set_string (value, scr->priv->reason);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+totem_scrsaver_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ TotemScrsaver *scr;
+ scr = TOTEM_SCRSAVER (object);
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ g_free (scr->priv->reason);
+ scr->priv->reason = g_value_dup_string (value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+totem_scrsaver_class_init (TotemScrsaverClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (TotemScrsaverPrivate));
+ object_class->set_property = totem_scrsaver_set_property;
+ object_class->get_property = totem_scrsaver_get_property;
+ object_class->finalize = totem_scrsaver_finalize;
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_REASON,
+ g_param_spec_string ("reason", NULL, NULL,
+ * totem_scrsaver_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a #TotemScrsaver object.
+ * If the MATE screen saver is running, it uses its DBUS interface to
+ * inhibit the screensaver; otherwise it falls back to using the X
+ * screensaver functionality for this.
+ *
+ * Returns: a newly created #TotemScrsaver
+ */
+TotemScrsaver *
+totem_scrsaver_new (void)
+static void
+totem_scrsaver_init (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ scr->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (scr,
+ TotemScrsaverPrivate);
+ screensaver_init_dbus (scr);
+ screensaver_init_x11 (scr);
+#warning Unimplemented
+totem_scrsaver_disable (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ g_return_if_fail (TOTEM_SCRSAVER (scr));
+ if (scr->priv->disabled != FALSE)
+ return;
+ scr->priv->disabled = TRUE;
+ if (screensaver_is_running_dbus (scr) != FALSE)
+ screensaver_disable_dbus (scr);
+ else
+ screensaver_disable_x11 (scr);
+#warning Unimplemented
+ {}
+totem_scrsaver_enable (TotemScrsaver *scr)
+ g_return_if_fail (TOTEM_SCRSAVER (scr));
+ if (scr->priv->disabled == FALSE)
+ return;
+ scr->priv->disabled = FALSE;
+ if (screensaver_is_running_dbus (scr) != FALSE)
+ screensaver_enable_dbus (scr);
+ else
+ screensaver_enable_x11 (scr);
+#warning Unimplemented
+ {}
+totem_scrsaver_set_state (TotemScrsaver *scr, gboolean enable)
+ g_return_if_fail (TOTEM_SCRSAVER (scr));
+ if (scr->priv->disabled == !enable)
+ return;
+ if (enable == FALSE)
+ totem_scrsaver_disable (scr);
+ else
+ totem_scrsaver_enable (scr);
+static void
+totem_scrsaver_finalize (GObject *object)
+ TotemScrsaver *scr = TOTEM_SCRSAVER (object);
+ g_free (scr->priv->reason);
+ screensaver_finalize_dbus (scr);
+ screensaver_finalize_x11 (scr);
+#warning Unimplemented
+ {}
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (totem_scrsaver_parent_class)->finalize (object);
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.h b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb95174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2004, Bastien Nocera <[email protected]>
+ The Mate Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ The Mate Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with the Mate Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
+ write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ Author: Bastien Nocera <[email protected]>
+ */
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#define TOTEM_TYPE_SCRSAVER (totem_scrsaver_get_type ())
+typedef struct TotemScrsaver TotemScrsaver;
+typedef struct TotemScrsaverClass TotemScrsaverClass;
+typedef struct TotemScrsaverPrivate TotemScrsaverPrivate;
+struct TotemScrsaver {
+ GObject parent;
+ TotemScrsaverPrivate *priv;
+struct TotemScrsaverClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+GType totem_scrsaver_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+TotemScrsaver *totem_scrsaver_new (void);
+void totem_scrsaver_enable (TotemScrsaver *scr);
+void totem_scrsaver_disable (TotemScrsaver *scr);
+void totem_scrsaver_set_state (TotemScrsaver *scr,
+ gboolean enable);
+#endif /* !TOTEM_SCRSAVER_H */
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b89623a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+SUBDIRS = pixmaps icons
+desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
+desktop_DATA = $(DESKTOP_FILES)
+schemas_in_files =
+schemas_DATA = $(
+gladedir = $(pkgdatadir)
+glade_DATA = eom-image-properties-dialog.ui \
+ eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui \
+ eom-preferences-dialog.ui
+uidir = $(datadir)/eom
+ eom-ui.xml \
+ eom-toolbar.xml
+ui_DATA = $(UI_FILES)
+pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+pkgconfig_DATA = eom.pc
+gtkrcdir = $(pkgdatadir)
+gtkrc_DATA = gtkrc
+ if test -z "$(DESTDIR)" ; then \
+ for p in $(schemas_DATA) ; do \
+ MATECONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=$(MATECONF_SCHEMA_CONFIG_SOURCE) $(MATECONFTOOL) --makefile-install-rule $(top_builddir)/data/$$p >&1 > /dev/null; \
+ done \
+ fi
+ $(gtkrc_DATA) \
+ $(glade_DATA) \
+ $(schemas_in_files) \
+ $(schemas_DATA)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9914e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \
+ html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \
+ install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \
+ install-html-recursive install-info-recursive \
+ install-pdf-recursive install-ps-recursive install-recursive \
+ installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive \
+ ps-recursive uninstall-recursive
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(gladedir)" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(gtkrcdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(schemasdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(uidir)"
+DATA = $(desktop_DATA) $(glade_DATA) $(gtkrc_DATA) $(pkgconfig_DATA) \
+ $(schemas_DATA) $(ui_DATA)
+RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \
+ distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive
+ $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS:-recursive=) tags TAGS ctags CTAGS \
+ distdir
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+am__relativize = \
+ dir0=`pwd`; \
+ sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \
+ sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \
+ while test -n "$$dir1"; do \
+ first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first" != "."; then \
+ if test "$$first" = ".."; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \
+ dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \
+ else \
+ first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ else \
+ dir2="../$$dir2"; \
+ fi; \
+ dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ done; \
+ reldir="$$dir2"
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+SUBDIRS = pixmaps icons
+desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
+desktop_DATA = $(DESKTOP_FILES)
+schemas_in_files =
+schemas_DATA = $(
+gladedir = $(pkgdatadir)
+glade_DATA = eom-image-properties-dialog.ui \
+ eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui \
+ eom-preferences-dialog.ui
+uidir = $(datadir)/eom
+ eom-ui.xml \
+ eom-toolbar.xml
+ui_DATA = $(UI_FILES)
+pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+pkgconfig_DATA = eom.pc
+gtkrcdir = $(pkgdatadir)
+gtkrc_DATA = gtkrc
+ $(gtkrc_DATA) \
+ $(glade_DATA) \
+ $(schemas_in_files) \
+ $(schemas_DATA)
+all: all-recursive
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+eom.pc: $(top_builddir)/config.status $(srcdir)/
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(top_builddir)/config.status $(srcdir)/
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-desktopDATA: $(desktop_DATA)
+ test -z "$(desktopdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)"
+ @list='$(desktop_DATA)'; test -n "$(desktopdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(desktop_DATA)'; test -n "$(desktopdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-gladeDATA: $(glade_DATA)
+ test -z "$(gladedir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(gladedir)"
+ @list='$(glade_DATA)'; test -n "$(gladedir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(gladedir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(gladedir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(glade_DATA)'; test -n "$(gladedir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(gladedir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(gladedir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-gtkrcDATA: $(gtkrc_DATA)
+ test -z "$(gtkrcdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(gtkrcdir)"
+ @list='$(gtkrc_DATA)'; test -n "$(gtkrcdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(gtkrcdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(gtkrcdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(gtkrc_DATA)'; test -n "$(gtkrcdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(gtkrcdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(gtkrcdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-pkgconfigDATA: $(pkgconfig_DATA)
+ test -z "$(pkgconfigdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)"
+ @list='$(pkgconfig_DATA)'; test -n "$(pkgconfigdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(pkgconfig_DATA)'; test -n "$(pkgconfigdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-schemasDATA: $(schemas_DATA)
+ test -z "$(schemasdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(schemasdir)"
+ @list='$(schemas_DATA)'; test -n "$(schemasdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(schemasdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(schemasdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(schemas_DATA)'; test -n "$(schemasdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(schemasdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(schemasdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-uiDATA: $(ui_DATA)
+ test -z "$(uidir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(uidir)"
+ @list='$(ui_DATA)'; test -n "$(uidir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(uidir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(uidir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(ui_DATA)'; test -n "$(uidir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(uidir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(uidir)" && rm -f $$files
+# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd
+# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile.
+# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles,
+# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status'
+# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make');
+# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line.
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ dot_seen=yes; \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done; \
+ if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \
+ fi; test -z "$$fail"
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ case "$@" in \
+ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ esac; \
+ rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \
+ rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ rev="$$rev ."; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ for subdir in $$rev; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done && test -z "$$fail"
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ include_option=--etags-include; \
+ empty_fix=.; \
+ else \
+ include_option=--include; \
+ empty_fix=; \
+ fi; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \
+ set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \
+ echo " am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \
+ top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \
+ distdir="$$new_distdir" \
+ am__remove_distdir=: \
+ am__skip_length_check=: \
+ am__skip_mode_fix=: \
+ distdir) \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-recursive
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+installdirs: installdirs-recursive
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(desktopdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(gladedir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(gtkrcdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(pkgconfigdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(schemasdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(uidir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-recursive
+install-exec: install-exec-recursive
+install-data: install-data-recursive
+uninstall: uninstall-recursive
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-recursive
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ -test -z "$(DISTCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-recursive
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-recursive
+html: html-recursive
+info: info-recursive
+install-data-am: install-data-local install-desktopDATA \
+ install-gladeDATA install-gtkrcDATA install-pkgconfigDATA \
+ install-schemasDATA install-uiDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive
+install-html: install-html-recursive
+install-info: install-info-recursive
+install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive
+install-ps: install-ps-recursive
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-recursive
+ps: ps-recursive
+uninstall-am: uninstall-desktopDATA uninstall-gladeDATA \
+ uninstall-gtkrcDATA uninstall-pkgconfigDATA \
+ uninstall-schemasDATA uninstall-uiDATA
+ install-am install-strip tags-recursive
+ all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ ctags ctags-recursive distclean distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \
+ install-data-am install-data-local install-desktopDATA \
+ install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am \
+ install-gladeDATA install-gtkrcDATA install-html \
+ install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+ install-pdf install-pdf-am install-pkgconfigDATA install-ps \
+ install-ps-am install-schemasDATA install-strip install-uiDATA \
+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \
+ tags tags-recursive uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-desktopDATA uninstall-gladeDATA uninstall-gtkrcDATA \
+ uninstall-pkgconfigDATA uninstall-schemasDATA uninstall-uiDATA
+@MATECONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL_TRUE@ for p in $(schemas_DATA) ; do \
+@MATECONF_SCHEMAS_INSTALL_TRUE@ MATECONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=$(MATECONF_SCHEMA_CONFIG_SOURCE) $(MATECONFTOOL) --makefile-install-rule $(top_builddir)/data/$$p >&1 > /dev/null; \
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui b/data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d50cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 2.12 -->
+ <!-- interface-naming-policy toplevel-contextual -->
+ <object class="GtkDialog" id="eom_image_properties_dialog">
+ <property name="border_width">5</property>
+ <property name="title" translatable="yes">Image Properties</property>
+ <property name="icon_name">gtk-properties</property>
+ <property name="type_hint">dialog</property>
+ <property name="has_separator">False</property>
+ <child internal-child="vbox">
+ <object class="GtkVBox" id="image-properties-dialog-vbox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="spacing">2</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkNotebook" id="notebook">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="border_width">5</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkHBox" id="general_box">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox27">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="border_width">10</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkImage" id="thumbnail_image">
+ <property name="width_request">100</property>
+ <property name="height_request">100</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="stock">gtk-missing-image</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkHBox" id="hbox19">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="border_width">10</property>
+ <property name="spacing">7</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox29">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="spacing">5</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label36">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Name:</property>
+ <property name="justify">right</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label37">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Width:</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label38">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Height:</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">2</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label39">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Type:</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">3</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label40">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Bytes:</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">4</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label73">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Location:</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">5</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox30">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="spacing">5</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="name_label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="selectable">True</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="width_label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="selectable">True</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="height_label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="selectable">True</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">2</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Image Enhancements</property>
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+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
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+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Smooth images when zoomed-_out</property>
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+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <packing>
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+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ </packing>
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+ <child>
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+ <packing>
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+ <packing>
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+ </attributes>
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+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="bg_color_check">
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+ <property name="position">0</property>
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+ <property name="position">1</property>
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+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
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+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label8">
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+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Transparent Parts</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <property name="fill">False</property>
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+ <child>
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+ <property name="label"> </property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <child>
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+ <child>
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+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <child>
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+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+ <property name="group">checkpattern_radio</property>
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+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
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+ <child>
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+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">False</property>
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="background_radio">
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">As _background</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
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+ <property name="group">checkpattern_radio</property>
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+ </packing>
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
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+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">2</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <child type="tab">
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label4">
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="tab_fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="spacing">18</property>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Image Zoom</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/>
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+ <property name="label"> </property>
+ </object>
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+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
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+ <child>
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+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="upscale_check">
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">E_xpand images to fit screen</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <child>
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+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label15">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Sequence</property>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/>
+ </attributes>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
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+ <child>
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+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label16">
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
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+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox15">
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+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkHBox" id="seconds_hbox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Switch image after:</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="mnemonic_widget">seconds_spin</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="adjustment">adjustment1</property>
+ <property name="climb_rate">1</property>
+ <property name="numeric">True</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="label18">
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">2</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkCheckButton" id="loop_check">
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+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">False</property>
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+ <packing>
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+ <property name="position">1</property>
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+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ </packing>
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+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child type="tab">
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+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Slideshow</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="position">1</property>
+ <property name="tab_fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="border_width">12</property>
+ <child>
+ <placeholder/>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="position">2</property>
+ </packing>
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+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Plugins</property>
+ </object>
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+ <property name="tab_fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
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+ <property name="layout_style">end</property>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="use_stock">True</property>
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+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="can_default">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+ <property name="use_stock">True</property>
+ </object>
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+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
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+ <property name="position">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <action-widgets>
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+ <action-widget response="-7">close_button</action-widget>
+ </action-widgets>
+ </object>
diff --git a/data/eom-toolbar.xml b/data/eom-toolbar.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e895c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/eom-toolbar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
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+ <toolitem name="ImageSave"/>
+ <toolitem name="ImagePrint"/>
+ <toolitem name="ImageProperties"/>
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+ <toolitem name="ViewFullscreen"/>
+ <toolitem name="ViewSlideshow"/>
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+ <toolitem name="ViewZoomOut"/>
+ <toolitem name="ViewZoomNormal"/>
+ <toolitem name="ViewZoomFit"/>
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diff --git a/data/eom-ui.xml b/data/eom-ui.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7673cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/eom-ui.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ <menubar name="MainMenu">
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+ </menu>
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+ <separator/>
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+ <separator/>
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+ <menuitem action="HelpAbout"/>
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+ <toolitem action="GoPrevious"/>
+ <toolitem action="GoNext"/>
+ <toolitem action="GoLast"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <toolitem action="ViewZoomIn"/>
+ <toolitem action="ViewZoomOut"/>
+ <toolitem action="ViewZoomNormal"/>
+ <toolitem action="ViewZoomFit"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <toolitem action="EditRotate270"/>
+ <toolitem action="EditRotate90"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <toolitem action="ViewImageCollection"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <toolitem action="PauseSlideshow"/>
+ </toolbar>
+ <popup name="ThumbnailPopup">
+ <menu action='ImageOpenWith'>
+ <placeholder name="Applications Placeholder"/>
+ </menu>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageSave"/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageSaveAs"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="ImagePrint"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="EditMoveToTrash"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageProperties"/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageSetAsWallpaper"/>
+ </popup>
+ <popup name="ViewPopup">
+ <menu action='ImageOpenWith'>
+ <placeholder name="Applications Placeholder"/>
+ </menu>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageSave"/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageSaveAs"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="ImagePrint"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="EditMoveToTrash"/>
+ <separator/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageProperties"/>
+ <menuitem action="ImageSetAsWallpaper"/>
+ </popup>
+ <accelerator name="ControlEqualAccel" action="ControlEqual"/>
+ <accelerator name="ControlKPAddAccel" action="ControlKpAdd"/>
+ <accelerator name="ControlKPSubAccel" action="ControlKpSub"/>
+ <accelerator name="BackSpaceAccel" action="BackSpace"/>
+ <accelerator name="DeleteAccel" action="Delete"/>
+ <accelerator name="EndAccel" action="End"/>
+ <accelerator name="HomeAccel" action="Home"/>
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fd8145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+_Name=Image Viewer
+_Comment=Browse and rotate images
+Exec=eom %U
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e7259c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Name: Eye of MATE
+Description: The MATE Image Viewer
+Requires: gtk+-2.0, mateconf-2.0
+Version: @VERSION@
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..626ebca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ <schemalist>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/autorotate</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/autorotate</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Automatic orientation</short>
+ <long>Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on
+ EXIF orientation.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/background-color</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/background-color</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>string</type>
+ <default>#000000</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Background Color</short>
+ <long>The color that is used to fill the area behind the image.
+ If the use-background-color key is not set, the color is determined
+ by the active GTK+ theme instead.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/use-background-color</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/use-background-color</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Use a custom background color</short>
+ <long>If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme will determine the fill color.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/interpolate</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/interpolate</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Interpolate Image</short>
+ <long>Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out.
+ This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than
+ non-interpolated images.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/extrapolate</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/extrapolate</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Extrapolate Image</short>
+ <long>Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in.
+ This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than
+ non-extrapolated images.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/transparency</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/transparency</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>string</type>
+ <default>CHECK_PATTERN</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Transparency indicator</short>
+ <long>Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values
+ are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then
+ the trans-color key determines the color value used.
+ </long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/scroll_wheel_zoom</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/scroll_wheel_zoom</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Scroll wheel zoom</short>
+ <long>Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/zoom_multiplier</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/zoom_multiplier</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>float</type>
+ <default>0.05</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Zoom multiplier</short>
+ <long>The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel
+ for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll
+ event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each
+ scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/view/trans_color</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/view/trans_color</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>string</type>
+ <default>#000000</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Transparency color</short>
+ <long>If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this
+ key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency.
+ </long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/full_screen/loop</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/full_screen/loop</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Loop through the image sequence</short>
+ <long>Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an
+ endless loop.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/full_screen/upscale</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/full_screen/upscale</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Allow zoom greater than 100% initially</short>
+ <long>If this is set to FALSE small images will not be
+ stretched to fit into the screen initially.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/full_screen/seconds</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/full_screen/seconds</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <default>5</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Delay in seconds until showing the next image</short>
+ <long>A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays
+ on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero
+ disables the automatic browsing.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/toolbar</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/toolbar</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Show/Hide the window toolbar.</short>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/statusbar</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/statusbar</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Show/Hide the window statusbar.</short>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/image_collection</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/image_collection</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Show/Hide the image collection pane.</short>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/image_collection_position</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/image_collection_position</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom;
+ 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right.</short>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/image_collection_resizable</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/image_collection_resizable</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Whether the image collection pane should be resizable.</short>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/sidebar</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/sidebar</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Show/Hide the window side pane.</short>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/scroll_buttons</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/scroll_buttons</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons.</short>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/disable_trash_confirmation</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/disable_trash_confirmation</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Trash images without asking</short>
+ <long>If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when
+ moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files
+ cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/filechooser_xdg_fallback</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/filechooser_xdg_fallback</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded.</short>
+ <long>If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it will show the current working directory.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/ui/propsdialog_netbook_mode</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/ui/propsdialog_netbook_mode</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>bool</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page.</short>
+ <long>If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog
+ will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog
+ more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled,
+ the widget will be embedded on the "Metadata" page.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/eom/plugins/active_plugins</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/eom/plugins/active_plugins</applyto>
+ <owner>eom</owner>
+ <type>list</type>
+ <list_type>string</list_type>
+ <default>[]</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Active plugins</short>
+ <long>List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the "Location" of the active plugins.
+ See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the "Location" of a given plugin.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ </schemalist>
diff --git a/data/gtkrc b/data/gtkrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df90b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/gtkrc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+style "eom-image-collection-scrollbar" {
+ GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 0
+ GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0
+ GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 0
+ GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-forward-stepper = 0
+ GtkScrollbar::min-slider-length = 60
+widget "*.eom-image-collection-scrollbar" style "eom-image-collection-scrollbar"
diff --git a/data/icons/16x16/ b/data/icons/16x16/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ba3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/16x16/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+size = 16x16
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.png \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+noinst_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_DATA)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/icons/16x16/ b/data/icons/16x16/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d47d76f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/16x16/
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/icons/16x16
+DIST_COMMON = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) \
+ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+DATA = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) $(noinst_DATA)
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+size = 16x16
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.png \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+noinst_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_DATA)
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/16x16/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/16x16/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-dist_actioniconsDATA: $(dist_actionicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(actioniconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-dist_appiconsDATA: $(dist_appicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(appiconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \
+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
+ install-data install-data-am install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \
+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
+ install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \
+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/icons/16x16/actions/eom-image-collection.png b/data/icons/16x16/actions/eom-image-collection.png
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diff --git a/data/icons/22x22/ b/data/icons/22x22/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d116aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/22x22/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+size = 22x22
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.png \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+noinst_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_DATA)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/icons/22x22/ b/data/icons/22x22/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7326e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/22x22/
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/icons/22x22
+DIST_COMMON = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) \
+ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+DATA = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) $(noinst_DATA)
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+size = 22x22
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.png \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+noinst_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_DATA)
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/22x22/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/22x22/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-dist_actioniconsDATA: $(dist_actionicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(actioniconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-dist_appiconsDATA: $(dist_appicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(appiconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
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+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
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+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
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+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
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+ style="fill:url(#radialGradient3201);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:url(#linearGradient3203);stroke-width:2.47580862;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;display:inline"
+ id="path3358"
+ sodipodi:cx="65.28125"
+ sodipodi:cy="18.25"
+ sodipodi:rx="3.7693167"
+ sodipodi:ry="4.8792539"
+ d="M 69.050567 18.25 A 3.7693167 4.8792539 0 1 1 61.511933,18.25 A 3.7693167 4.8792539 0 1 1 69.050567 18.25 z"
+ transform="matrix(1.095473,0.607655,-0.644743,0.625415,-41.98124,-37.52792)" />
+ </g>
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+ <g
+ inkscape:groupmode="layer"
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+ style="display:inline">
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+ transform="matrix(6.035307e-3,0,0,6.271702e-3,20.7636,19.94502)">
+ <path
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cccc"
+ id="path5058"
+ d="M -111.45871,-150.67077 C -111.45871,-150.67077 -111.45871,327.66002 -111.45871,327.66002 C 19.386732,328.56047 204.86193,220.49036 204.86185,88.463847 C 204.86185,-43.56269 58.848173,-150.67075 -111.45871,-150.67077 z "
+ style="opacity:0.40206185;color:black;fill:url(#radialGradient3845);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker:none;marker-start:none;marker-mid:none;marker-end:none;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible" />
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+ d="M -111.45871,-150.68038 C -111.45871,-150.68038 -111.45871,327.65041 -111.45871,327.65041 C -1419.9129,328.55086 -3274.6643,220.48075 -3274.6643,88.454235 C -3274.6643,-43.572302 -1814.5279,-150.68036 -111.45871,-150.68038 z "
+ id="path5018"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cccc" />
+ </g>
+ <path
+ sodipodi:type="arc"
+ style="opacity:0.8;fill:url(#radialGradient2920);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.88565296;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="path2982"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:rx="10.532116"
+ sodipodi:ry="10.724427"
+ d="M 71.064232 24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 50,24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 71.064232 24.724428 z"
+ transform="matrix(0.569686,0,0,0.55947,-21.4843,-1.832571)" />
+ <path
+ style="fill:#6f7d82;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 16,16 L 17,15 L 18.5,16.5 L 17.5,17.5 L 16,16 z "
+ id="path4029"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccc" />
+ <path
+ sodipodi:type="arc"
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:url(#linearGradient2918);stroke-width:1.64431727;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="path2994"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:rx="8.9117899"
+ sodipodi:ry="9.1776361"
+ d="M 69.443906 24.724428 A 8.9117899 9.1776361 0 1 1 51.620326,24.724428 A 8.9117899 9.1776361 0 1 1 69.443906 24.724428 z"
+ transform="matrix(0.61716,0,0,0.599283,-24.358,-2.816928)" />
+ <path
+ style="opacity:0.4;fill:url(#linearGradient2906);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.88565296;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 17.595221,10.187612 C 16.093981,15.456431 10.442106,8.4068282 8.4999898,14.050276 C 9.5812577,16.524813 12.496139,17.667897 15.006424,16.601802 C 17.516707,15.535706 18.676489,12.66215 17.595221,10.187612 z "
+ id="path1995"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccsc"
+ inkscape:transform-center-y="2.8582448"
+ inkscape:transform-center-x="-0.38987137" />
+ <path
+ sodipodi:open="true"
+ sodipodi:end="4.2413415"
+ sodipodi:start="2.2530266"
+ transform="matrix(0.32838,0.119529,-0.119654,0.316378,-3.919139,-3.046883)"
+ d="M 54.250243,32.778916 A 9.9629145,10.377243 0 0 1 56.010747,15.477335"
+ sodipodi:ry="10.377243"
+ sodipodi:rx="9.9629145"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ id="path2944"
+ style="opacity:0.9;fill:none;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:url(#linearGradient2916);stroke-width:2.90871835;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ sodipodi:type="arc" />
+ <path
+ sodipodi:type="arc"
+ style="opacity:0.7;fill:none;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:url(#linearGradient2914);stroke-width:2.33187675;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="path3042"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:rx="10.532116"
+ sodipodi:ry="10.724427"
+ d="M 71.064232 24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 50,24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 71.064232 24.724428 z"
+ transform="matrix(0.439137,0,0,0.418781,-13.58189,1.656635)" />
+ <path
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccc"
+ id="path2163"
+ d="M 17.5,17.5 C 17.315932,16.97894 17.853688,16.376482 18.5,16.5 C 19.651538,17.339018 20.591007,18.022454 21.5,19 C 21.665137,20.010948 20.990629,20.621817 20,20.5 C 19.007209,19.591196 18.285272,18.719489 17.5,17.5 z "
+ style="fill:#c17d11;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:#8f5902;stroke-width:1.00000036;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;display:inline"
+ inkscape:transform-center-x="-6.0394275"
+ inkscape:transform-center-y="6.036402" />
+ <path
+ style="opacity:0.3;fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#eeeeec;stroke-width:1.00000036px;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1;display:inline"
+ d="M 18.328125,17.203125 C 19.0045,17.661514 20.293289,18.61815 20.84375,19.234375"
+ id="path2896"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" />
+ </g>
diff --git a/data/icons/24x24/ b/data/icons/24x24/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09cbd37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/24x24/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+size = 24x24
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/icons/24x24/ b/data/icons/24x24/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0dfc6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/24x24/
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/icons/24x24
+DIST_COMMON = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) \
+ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+DATA = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA)
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+size = 24x24
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/24x24/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/24x24/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-dist_actioniconsDATA: $(dist_actionicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(actioniconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-dist_appiconsDATA: $(dist_appicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(appiconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \
+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
+ install-data install-data-am install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \
+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
+ install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \
+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/icons/24x24/actions/eom-image-collection.png b/data/icons/24x24/actions/eom-image-collection.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8e93d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/24x24/actions/eom-image-collection.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/data/icons/24x24/actions/slideshow-play.png b/data/icons/24x24/actions/slideshow-play.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4552eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/24x24/actions/slideshow-play.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/data/icons/24x24/apps/eom.png b/data/icons/24x24/apps/eom.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15815ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/24x24/apps/eom.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/data/icons/32x32/ b/data/icons/32x32/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0582f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/32x32/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+size = 32x32
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.png \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+noinst_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.svg \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_DATA)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/icons/32x32/ b/data/icons/32x32/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d418d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/32x32/
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/icons/32x32
+DIST_COMMON = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) \
+ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+DATA = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) $(noinst_DATA)
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+size = 32x32
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.png
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.png \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.png \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+noinst_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.svg \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_DATA)
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/32x32/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/32x32/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-dist_actioniconsDATA: $(dist_actionicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(actioniconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-dist_appiconsDATA: $(dist_appicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(appiconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \
+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
+ install-data install-data-am install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \
+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
+ install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \
+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-image-collection.png b/data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-image-collection.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b67609b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-image-collection.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-image-collection.svg b/data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-image-collection.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5be940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/32x32/actions/eom-image-collection.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
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+ d="M -111.45871,-150.68038 C -111.45871,-150.68038 -111.45871,327.65041 -111.45871,327.65041 C -1419.9129,328.55086 -3274.6643,220.48075 -3274.6643,88.454235 C -3274.6643,-43.572302 -1814.5279,-150.68036 -111.45871,-150.68038 z "
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diff --git a/data/icons/48x48/ b/data/icons/48x48/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c4d701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/48x48/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+size = 48x48
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/icons/48x48/ b/data/icons/48x48/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84a54a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/48x48/
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/icons/48x48
+DIST_COMMON = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"
+DATA = $(dist_actionicons_DATA)
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+size = 48x48
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/slideshow-play.png
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/48x48/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/48x48/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-dist_actioniconsDATA: $(dist_actionicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(actioniconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-dist_actioniconsDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \
+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
+ install-data install-data-am install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am \
+ install-html install-html-am install-info install-info-am \
+ install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps \
+ install-ps-am install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \
+ installdirs maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \
+ mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am \
+ ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/icons/48x48/actions/slideshow-play.png b/data/icons/48x48/actions/slideshow-play.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2936f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/48x48/actions/slideshow-play.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/data/icons/ b/data/icons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..123b8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUBDIRS = 16x16 22x22 24x24 32x32 48x48 scalable
+gtk_update_icon_cache = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t $(datadir)/icons/hicolor
+install-data-hook: update-icon-cache
+uninstall-hook: update-icon-cache
+ @-if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \
+ echo "Updating Gtk icon cache."; \
+ $(gtk_update_icon_cache); \
+ else \
+ echo "*** Icon cache not updated. After (un)install, run this:"; \
+ echo "*** $(gtk_update_icon_cache)"; \
+ fi
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/icons/ b/data/icons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ce623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/icons
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \
+ html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \
+ install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \
+ install-html-recursive install-info-recursive \
+ install-pdf-recursive install-ps-recursive install-recursive \
+ installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive \
+ ps-recursive uninstall-recursive
+RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \
+ distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive
+ $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS:-recursive=) tags TAGS ctags CTAGS \
+ distdir
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+am__relativize = \
+ dir0=`pwd`; \
+ sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \
+ sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \
+ while test -n "$$dir1"; do \
+ first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first" != "."; then \
+ if test "$$first" = ".."; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \
+ dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \
+ else \
+ first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ else \
+ dir2="../$$dir2"; \
+ fi; \
+ dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ done; \
+ reldir="$$dir2"
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+SUBDIRS = 16x16 22x22 24x24 32x32 48x48 scalable
+gtk_update_icon_cache = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t $(datadir)/icons/hicolor
+all: all-recursive
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd
+# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile.
+# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles,
+# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status'
+# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make');
+# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line.
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ dot_seen=yes; \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done; \
+ if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \
+ fi; test -z "$$fail"
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ case "$@" in \
+ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ esac; \
+ rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \
+ rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ rev="$$rev ."; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ for subdir in $$rev; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done && test -z "$$fail"
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ include_option=--etags-include; \
+ empty_fix=.; \
+ else \
+ include_option=--include; \
+ empty_fix=; \
+ fi; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \
+ set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \
+ echo " am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \
+ top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \
+ distdir="$$new_distdir" \
+ am__remove_distdir=: \
+ am__skip_length_check=: \
+ am__skip_mode_fix=: \
+ distdir) \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-recursive
+all-am: Makefile
+installdirs: installdirs-recursive
+install: install-recursive
+install-exec: install-exec-recursive
+install-data: install-data-recursive
+uninstall: uninstall-recursive
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-recursive
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-recursive
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-recursive
+html: html-recursive
+info: info-recursive
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-data-hook
+install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive
+install-html: install-html-recursive
+install-info: install-info-recursive
+install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive
+install-ps: install-ps-recursive
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-recursive
+ps: ps-recursive
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall-hook
+ install-am install-data-am install-strip tags-recursive \
+ uninstall-am
+ all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ ctags ctags-recursive distclean distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \
+ install-data-am install-data-hook install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \
+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
+ install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \
+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \
+ tags tags-recursive uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-hook
+install-data-hook: update-icon-cache
+uninstall-hook: update-icon-cache
+ @-if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \
+ echo "Updating Gtk icon cache."; \
+ $(gtk_update_icon_cache); \
+ else \
+ echo "*** Icon cache not updated. After (un)install, run this:"; \
+ echo "*** $(gtk_update_icon_cache)"; \
+ fi
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/icons/scalable/ b/data/icons/scalable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7acb6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/scalable/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+size = scalable
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/icons/scalable/ b/data/icons/scalable/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5103212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/scalable/
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/icons/scalable
+DIST_COMMON = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA) \
+ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" \
+ "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+DATA = $(dist_actionicons_DATA) $(dist_appicons_DATA)
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+size = scalable
+actioniconsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/actions
+appiconsdir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/$(size)/apps
+dist_appicons_DATA = \
+ apps/eom.svg
+dist_actionicons_DATA = \
+ actions/eom-plugin.svg \
+ actions/eom-image-collection.svg \
+ actions/slideshow-play.svg
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/scalable/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/icons/scalable/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-dist_actioniconsDATA: $(dist_actionicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(actioniconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_actionicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(actioniconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+install-dist_appiconsDATA: $(dist_appicons_DATA)
+ test -z "$(appiconsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(dist_appicons_DATA)'; test -n "$(appiconsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(actioniconsdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(appiconsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \
+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
+ install-data install-data-am install-dist_actioniconsDATA \
+ install-dist_appiconsDATA install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \
+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
+ install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \
+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-dist_actioniconsDATA uninstall-dist_appiconsDATA
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/icons/scalable/actions/eom-image-collection.svg b/data/icons/scalable/actions/eom-image-collection.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4850a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/scalable/actions/eom-image-collection.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
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+ <dc:title>Andreas Nilsson</dc:title>
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+ <cc:Agent>
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+ style="opacity:0.40206185;color:black;fill:url(#radialGradient2952);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;marker:none;marker-start:none;marker-mid:none;marker-end:none;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1;visibility:visible;display:inline;overflow:visible"
+ d="M -111.45871,-150.68038 C -111.45871,-150.68038 -111.45871,327.65041 -111.45871,327.65041 C -1419.9129,328.55086 -3274.6643,220.48075 -3274.6643,88.454235 C -3274.6643,-43.572302 -1814.5279,-150.68036 -111.45871,-150.68038 z "
+ id="path5018"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cccc" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g4042"
+ transform="translate(1.00124,1)">
+ <path
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccc"
+ id="path4029"
+ d="M 35.49876,35 L 36.99876,33.5 L 39.49876,36 L 37.99876,37.5 L 35.49876,35 z "
+ style="fill:#6f7d82;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1" />
+ <path
+ transform="matrix(1.139373,0,0,1.118941,-41.4699,-2.165178)"
+ d="M 71.064232 24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 50,24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 71.064232 24.724428 z"
+ sodipodi:ry="10.724427"
+ sodipodi:rx="10.532116"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ id="path2982"
+ style="opacity:0.6;fill:url(#radialGradient4060);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.88565296;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ sodipodi:type="arc" />
+ <path
+ transform="matrix(1.186846,0,0,1.165564,-44.34354,-3.317899)"
+ d="M 71.064232 24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 50,24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 71.064232 24.724428 z"
+ sodipodi:ry="10.724427"
+ sodipodi:rx="10.532116"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ id="path2994"
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:#414340;stroke-width:1.70045328;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ sodipodi:type="arc" />
+ <path
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccc"
+ id="rect3080"
+ d="M 36.99876,37 C 36.973373,36.01628 38.015787,35.06911 38.99876,35 C 41.763476,37.0154 44.316369,39.151843 46.49876,41.5 C 46.708105,43.834772 45.511148,44.609523 43.49876,44.5 C 41.115177,42.316968 38.88411,39.929325 36.99876,37 z "
+ style="fill:#c17d11;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:#8f5902;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1"
+ inkscape:transform-center-x="-14.499995"
+ inkscape:transform-center-y="14.5" />
+ <path
+ inkscape:transform-center-x="-0.4563408"
+ inkscape:transform-center-y="2.7205539"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccsc"
+ id="path1995"
+ d="M 36.086124,21.439789 C 33.867148,30.784641 21.316877,21.785156 18.908845,29.5602 C 21.150078,34.301127 26.816759,36.329866 31.557689,34.088632 C 36.298618,31.847397 38.327357,26.180715 36.086124,21.439789 z "
+ style="opacity:0.8;fill:url(#linearGradient4068);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.88565296;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1" />
+ <path
+ sodipodi:type="arc"
+ style="opacity:0.9;fill:none;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:url(#linearGradient4070);stroke-width:1.0629977;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ id="path2944"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:rx="10.532116"
+ sodipodi:ry="10.724427"
+ d="M 52.930779,32.147613 A 10.532116,10.724427 0 0 1 55.991077,15.048046"
+ transform="matrix(0.89,0.330218,-0.324295,0.874041,-18.35683,-16.09895)"
+ inkscape:transform-center-y="-1.1313152"
+ inkscape:transform-center-x="5.456351"
+ sodipodi:start="2.3770938"
+ sodipodi:end="4.2666097"
+ sodipodi:open="true" />
+ </g>
+ <path
+ transform="matrix(1.139371,0,0,1.118941,-40.46857,-1.165163)"
+ d="M 71.064232 24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 50,24.724428 A 10.532116 10.724427 0 1 1 71.064232 24.724428 z"
+ sodipodi:ry="10.724427"
+ sodipodi:rx="10.532116"
+ sodipodi:cy="24.724428"
+ sodipodi:cx="60.532116"
+ id="path3042"
+ style="fill:none;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:url(#linearGradient2888);stroke-width:0.97421879;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"
+ sodipodi:type="arc" />
+ <path
+ style="opacity:0.3;fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#eeeeec;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1"
+ d="M 39.734375,37.03125 C 42.408672,38.882997 44.712614,41.066318 46.484375,42.921875"
+ id="path2896"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cc" />
+ </g>
diff --git a/data/pixmaps/ b/data/pixmaps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1ba2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pixmaps/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+pixmapsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/pixmaps
+pixmaps_DATA = \
+ thumbnail-frame.png
+ $(pixmaps_DATA)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/data/pixmaps/ b/data/pixmaps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c15eb80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pixmaps/
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = data/pixmaps
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(pixmapsdir)"
+DATA = $(pixmaps_DATA)
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+pixmapsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/pixmaps
+pixmaps_DATA = \
+ thumbnail-frame.png
+ $(pixmaps_DATA)
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/pixmaps/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign data/pixmaps/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-pixmapsDATA: $(pixmaps_DATA)
+ test -z "$(pixmapsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(pixmapsdir)"
+ @list='$(pixmaps_DATA)'; test -n "$(pixmapsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(pixmapsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(pixmapsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(pixmaps_DATA)'; test -n "$(pixmapsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(pixmapsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(pixmapsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(pixmapsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-pixmapsDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-pixmapsDATA
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \
+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
+ install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \
+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
+ install-pdf-am install-pixmapsDATA install-ps install-ps-am \
+ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \
+ uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-pixmapsDATA
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/data/pixmaps/thumbnail-frame.png b/data/pixmaps/thumbnail-frame.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2605d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pixmaps/thumbnail-frame.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/distro/archlinux/PKGBUILD b/distro/archlinux/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d253b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/archlinux/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+pkgdesc="An image viewing and cataloging program for MATE"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('mate-desktop' 'libexif' 'lcms' 'desktop-file-utils' 'mate-icon-theme' 'exempi')
+makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'mate-doc-utils' 'intltool')
+options=('!emptydirs' '!libtool')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"
+ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ./ --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var --disable-scrollkeeper || return 1
+ make || return 1
+package() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"
+ make MATECONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mateconf/schemas"
+ mateconf-merge-schema "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mateconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas" --domain ${pkgname} ${pkgdir}/etc/mateconf/schemas/*.schemas || return 1
+ rm -f ${pkgdir}/etc/mateconf/schemas/*.schemas
diff --git a/distro/archlinux/mate-image-viewer.install b/distro/archlinux/mate-image-viewer.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5598826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/archlinux/mate-image-viewer.install
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+post_install() {
+ usr/sbin/mateconfpkg --install ${pkgname}
+ gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f usr/share/icons/hicolor
+pre_upgrade() {
+ pre_remove $1
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install $1
+pre_remove() {
+ usr/sbin/mateconfpkg --uninstall ${pkgname}
+post_remove() {
+ gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f usr/share/icons/hicolor
diff --git a/distro/ubuntu/build b/distro/ubuntu/build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..354859b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/ubuntu/build
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# fill it
+pkgdesc="An image viewing and cataloging program for MATE"
+#depends="gstreamer0.10-base-plugins, mate-panel, mate-character-map, libgtop, libmatenotify, cpufrequtils"
+# editar esta funcion!
+build() {
+ cd $pkgsrc
+ # descomprimir
+ tar xvzf download
+ # entramos a la carpeta
+ cd ${pkgname}
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var --disable-scrollkeeper || return 1
+ make || return 1
+ make MATECONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mateconf/schemas"
+ mateconf-merge-schema "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mateconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas" --domain ${pkgname} ${pkgdir}/etc/mateconf/schemas/*.schemas || return 1
+ rm -f ${pkgdir}/etc/mateconf/schemas/*.schemas
+# esto incluye la parte que se repite en la mayoria de los builds
+. /usr/share/mate-doc-utils/
diff --git a/distro/ubuntu/postinst b/distro/ubuntu/postinst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d89b3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/ubuntu/postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/usr/sbin/mateconfpkg --install ${pkgname}
+gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor
+exit 0
diff --git a/distro/ubuntu/postrm b/distro/ubuntu/postrm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..76da030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/ubuntu/postrm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+set -e
+gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor
+exit 0
diff --git a/distro/ubuntu/preinst b/distro/ubuntu/preinst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81c176a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/ubuntu/preinst
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+if [ -f /usr/share/mateconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas ]; then
+ /usr/sbin/mateconfpkg --uninstall ${pkgname}
diff --git a/distro/ubuntu/prerm b/distro/ubuntu/prerm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa60ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distro/ubuntu/prerm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set -e
+if [ -f /usr/share/mateconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas ]; then
+ /usr/sbin/mateconfpkg --uninstall ${pkgname}
+exit 0
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989a5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ reference
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd0e5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+subdir = doc
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive dvi-recursive \
+ html-recursive info-recursive install-data-recursive \
+ install-dvi-recursive install-exec-recursive \
+ install-html-recursive install-info-recursive \
+ install-pdf-recursive install-ps-recursive install-recursive \
+ installcheck-recursive installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive \
+ ps-recursive uninstall-recursive
+RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive \
+ distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive
+ $(RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS:-recursive=) tags TAGS ctags CTAGS \
+ distdir
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+am__relativize = \
+ dir0=`pwd`; \
+ sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \
+ sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \
+ sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \
+ while test -n "$$dir1"; do \
+ first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first" != "."; then \
+ if test "$$first" = ".."; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \
+ dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \
+ else \
+ first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+ if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \
+ dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ else \
+ dir2="../$$dir2"; \
+ fi; \
+ dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+ done; \
+ reldir="$$dir2"
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+ reference
+all: all-recursive
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign doc/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign doc/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd
+# into them and run `make' without going through this Makefile.
+# To change the values of `make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles,
+# (1) if the variable is set in `config.status', edit `config.status'
+# (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run `make');
+# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the `make' command line.
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ dot_seen=yes; \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done; \
+ if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \
+ fi; test -z "$$fail"
+ @fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+ for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+ case $$f in \
+ *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+ *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ dot_seen=no; \
+ case "$@" in \
+ distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+ esac; \
+ rev=''; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then :; else \
+ rev="$$subdir $$rev"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ rev="$$rev ."; \
+ target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+ for subdir in $$rev; do \
+ echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+ if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+ local_target="$$target-am"; \
+ else \
+ local_target="$$target"; \
+ fi; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+ || eval $$failcom; \
+ done && test -z "$$fail"
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) tags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ test "$$subdir" = . || ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) ctags); \
+ done
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ include_option=--etags-include; \
+ empty_fix=.; \
+ else \
+ include_option=--include; \
+ empty_fix=; \
+ fi; \
+ list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \
+ set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+ if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \
+ $(am__relativize); \
+ new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \
+ echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \
+ echo " am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \
+ ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \
+ top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \
+ distdir="$$new_distdir" \
+ am__remove_distdir=: \
+ am__skip_length_check=: \
+ am__skip_mode_fix=: \
+ distdir) \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-recursive
+all-am: Makefile
+installdirs: installdirs-recursive
+install: install-recursive
+install-exec: install-exec-recursive
+install-data: install-data-recursive
+uninstall: uninstall-recursive
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-recursive
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-recursive
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-recursive
+html: html-recursive
+info: info-recursive
+install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive
+install-html: install-html-recursive
+install-info: install-info-recursive
+install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive
+install-ps: install-ps-recursive
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-recursive
+ps: ps-recursive
+ install-am install-strip tags-recursive
+ all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ ctags ctags-recursive distclean distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \
+ install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec \
+ install-exec-am install-html install-html-am install-info \
+ install-info-am install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am \
+ install-ps install-ps-am install-strip installcheck \
+ installcheck-am installdirs installdirs-am maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags tags-recursive \
+ uninstall uninstall-am
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/doc/reference/ b/doc/reference/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a796954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+## Process this file with automake to produce
+# We require automake 1.6 at least.
+# This is a blank for using gtk-doc.
+# Copy this to your project's API docs directory and modify the variables to
+# suit your project. See the GTK+ Makefiles in gtk+/docs/reference for examples
+# of using the various options.
+# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.
+# The top-level SGML file. You can change this if you want to.
+# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(srcdir).
+# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inline comments
+# documenting the functions and macros.
+# e.g. DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../../gtk
+# Extra options to pass to gtkdoc-scangobj. Not normally needed.
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.
+# e.g. SCAN_OPTIONS=--deprecated-guards="GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED"
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
+# e.g. MKDB_OPTIONS=--sgml-mode --output-format=xml
+MKDB_OPTIONS=--sgml-mode --output-format=xml
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mktmpl
+# e.g. MKTMPL_OPTIONS=--only-section-tmpl
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref. Not normally needed.
+# e.g. FIXXREF_OPTIONS=--extra-dir=../gdk-pixbuf/html --extra-dir=../gdk/html
+# Used for dependencies. The docs will be rebuilt if any of these change.
+# e.g. HFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.h
+# e.g. CFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.c
+# Header files to ignore when scanning.
+# e.g. IGNORE_HFILES=gtkdebug.h gtkintl.h
+ eom-python-plugin.h \
+ eom-image-private.h \
+ eom-image-jpeg.h \
+ eom-marshal.h \
+ eom-application-service.h \
+ eom-enum-types.h \
+ eom-module.h \
+ eom-python-module.h
+ eom-exif-util.h \
+ eom-exif-details.h
+# Images to copy into HTML directory.
+# e.g. HTML_IMAGES=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/stock-icons/stock_about_24.png
+# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE).
+# e.g. content_files=running.sgml building.sgml changes-2.0.sgml
+content_files= version.xml
+# SGML files where gtk-doc abbrevations (#GtkWidget) are expanded
+# These files must be listed here *and* in content_files
+# e.g. expand_content_files=running.sgml
+# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling gtkdoc-scangobj with your library.
+# Only needed if you are using gtkdoc-scangobj to dynamically query widget
+# signals and properties.
+# e.g. INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) $(GTK_DEBUG_FLAGS)
+# e.g. GTKDOC_LIBS=$(top_builddir)/gtk/$(gtktargetlib)
+ -I$(top_srcdir) \
+ -I$(top_builddir) \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/plugins \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/jpegutils \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver \
+jpeg_LIB = $(top_builddir)/jpegutils/
+ $(top_builddir)/src/ \
+ $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/ \
+ $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/ \
+ $(LIBJPEG) \
+ $(X_LIBS) \
+ $(EOM_LIBS) \
+ $(jpeg_LIB) \
+# This includes the standard gtk-doc make rules, copied by gtkdocize.
+include $(top_srcdir)/gtk-doc.make
+# Other files to distribute
+# e.g. EXTRA_DIST +=
+# Files not to distribute
+# for --rebuild-types in $(SCAN_OPTIONS), e.g. $(DOC_MODULE).types
+# for --rebuild-sections in $(SCAN_OPTIONS) e.g. $(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt
+# Comment this out if you want your docs-status tested during 'make check'
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/doc/reference/ b/doc/reference/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be3032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+# -*- mode: makefile -*-
+# Everything below here is generic #
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+@HAVE_EXEMPI_FALSE@@HAVE_EXIF_FALSE@ eom-exif-details.h
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(top_srcdir)/gtk-doc.make
+subdir = doc/reference
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = version.xml eom-docs.sgml
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+# We require automake 1.6 at least.
+# This is a blank for using gtk-doc.
+# Copy this to your project's API docs directory and modify the variables to
+# suit your project. See the GTK+ Makefiles in gtk+/docs/reference for examples
+# of using the various options.
+# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.
+# The top-level SGML file. You can change this if you want to.
+# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(srcdir).
+# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inline comments
+# documenting the functions and macros.
+# e.g. DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../../gtk
+DOC_SOURCE_DIR = ../../src
+# Extra options to pass to gtkdoc-scangobj. Not normally needed.
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.
+# e.g. SCAN_OPTIONS=--deprecated-guards="GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED"
+SCAN_OPTIONS = --rebuild-types
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
+# e.g. MKDB_OPTIONS=--sgml-mode --output-format=xml
+MKDB_OPTIONS = --sgml-mode --output-format=xml
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mktmpl
+# e.g. MKTMPL_OPTIONS=--only-section-tmpl
+# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref. Not normally needed.
+# e.g. FIXXREF_OPTIONS=--extra-dir=../gdk-pixbuf/html --extra-dir=../gdk/html
+# Used for dependencies. The docs will be rebuilt if any of these change.
+# e.g. HFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.h
+# e.g. CFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.c
+HFILE_GLOB = $(top_srcdir)/src/*.h
+CFILE_GLOB = $(top_srcdir)/src/*.c
+# Header files to ignore when scanning.
+# e.g. IGNORE_HFILES=gtkdebug.h gtkintl.h
+IGNORE_HFILES = eom-python-plugin.h eom-image-private.h \
+ eom-image-jpeg.h eom-marshal.h eom-application-service.h \
+ eom-enum-types.h eom-module.h eom-python-module.h \
+ $(am__append_1)
+# Images to copy into HTML directory.
+# e.g. HTML_IMAGES=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/stock-icons/stock_about_24.png
+# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE).
+# e.g. content_files=running.sgml building.sgml changes-2.0.sgml
+content_files = version.xml
+# SGML files where gtk-doc abbrevations (#GtkWidget) are expanded
+# These files must be listed here *and* in content_files
+# e.g. expand_content_files=running.sgml
+expand_content_files =
+# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling gtkdoc-scangobj with your library.
+# Only needed if you are using gtkdoc-scangobj to dynamically query widget
+# signals and properties.
+# e.g. INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) $(GTK_DEBUG_FLAGS)
+# e.g. GTKDOC_LIBS=$(top_builddir)/gtk/$(gtktargetlib)
+ -I$(top_srcdir) \
+ -I$(top_builddir) \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/plugins \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/jpegutils \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver \
+@ENABLE_JPEG_TRUE@jpeg_LIB = $(top_builddir)/jpegutils/
+ $(top_builddir)/src/ \
+ $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/ \
+ $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/ \
+ $(LIBJPEG) \
+ $(X_LIBS) \
+ $(EOM_LIBS) \
+ $(jpeg_LIB) \
+# We set GPATH here; this gives us semantics for GNU make
+# which are more like other make's VPATH, when it comes to
+# whether a source that is a target of one rule is then
+# searched for in VPATH/GPATH.
+GPATH = $(srcdir)
+ $(content_files) \
+ $(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt \
+ $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt
+# This includes the standard gtk-doc make rules, copied by gtkdocize.
+# Other files to distribute
+# e.g. EXTRA_DIST +=
+DOC_STAMPS = setup-build.stamp scan-build.stamp tmpl-build.stamp sgml-build.stamp \
+ html-build.stamp pdf-build.stamp \
+ tmpl.stamp sgml.stamp html.stamp pdf.stamp
+ $(DOC_MODULE).args \
+ $(DOC_MODULE).hierarchy \
+ $(DOC_MODULE).interfaces \
+ $(DOC_MODULE).prerequisites \
+ $(DOC_MODULE).signals
+ $(DOC_MODULE)-undocumented.txt \
+ $(DOC_MODULE)-undeclared.txt \
+ $(DOC_MODULE)-unused.txt
+# Files not to distribute
+# for --rebuild-types in $(SCAN_OPTIONS), e.g. $(DOC_MODULE).types
+# for --rebuild-sections in $(SCAN_OPTIONS) e.g. $(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/gtk-doc.make $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign doc/reference/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign doc/reference/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+version.xml: $(top_builddir)/config.status $(srcdir)/
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@
+eom-docs.sgml: $(top_builddir)/config.status $(srcdir)/
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \
+ dist-hook
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile all-local
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ -test -z "$(DISTCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-local mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-local
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-data-local
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic \
+ maintainer-clean-local
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-local
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am all-local check check-am clean clean-generic \
+ clean-libtool clean-local dist-hook distclean \
+ distclean-generic distclean-libtool distclean-local distdir \
+ dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
+ install-data install-data-am install-data-local install-dvi \
+ install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \
+ install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+ install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \
+ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \
+ maintainer-clean-local mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-local
+$(REPORT_FILES): sgml-build.stamp
+#### setup ####
+ -@if test "$(abs_srcdir)" != "$(abs_builddir)" ; then \
+ echo ' DOC Preparing build'; \
+ files=`echo $(SETUP_FILES) $(expand_content_files) $(DOC_MODULE).types`; \
+ if test "x$$files" != "x" ; then \
+ for file in $$files ; do \
+ test -f $(abs_srcdir)/$$file && \
+ cp -pu $(abs_srcdir)/$$file $(abs_builddir)/ || true; \
+ done; \
+ fi; \
+ test -d $(abs_srcdir)/tmpl && \
+ { cp -rp $(abs_srcdir)/tmpl $(abs_builddir)/; \
+ chmod -R u+w $(abs_builddir)/tmpl; } \
+ fi
+ @touch setup-build.stamp
+#### scan ####
+scan-build.stamp: $(HFILE_GLOB) $(CFILE_GLOB)
+ @echo ' DOC Scanning header files'
+ @_source_dir='' ; \
+ for i in $(DOC_SOURCE_DIR) ; do \
+ _source_dir="$${_source_dir} --source-dir=$$i" ; \
+ done ; \
+ gtkdoc-scan --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --ignore-headers="$(IGNORE_HFILES)" $${_source_dir} $(SCAN_OPTIONS) $(EXTRA_HFILES)
+ @if grep -l '^..*$$' $(DOC_MODULE).types > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
+ echo " DOC Introspecting gobjects"; \
+ scanobj_options=""; \
+ gtkdoc-scangobj 2>&1 --help | grep >/dev/null "\-\-verbose"; \
+ if test "$(?)" = "0"; then \
+ if test "x$(V)" = "x1"; then \
+ scanobj_options="--verbose"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ gtkdoc-scangobj $(SCANGOBJ_OPTIONS) $$scanobj_options --module=$(DOC_MODULE); \
+ else \
+ for i in $(SCANOBJ_FILES) ; do \
+ test -f $$i || touch $$i ; \
+ done \
+ fi
+ @touch scan-build.stamp
+$(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES) $(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt: scan-build.stamp
+ @true
+#### templates ####
+tmpl-build.stamp: setup-build.stamp $(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt $(SCANOBJ_FILES) $(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt $(DOC_MODULE)-overrides.txt
+ @echo ' DOC Rebuilding template files'
+ @gtkdoc-mktmpl --module=$(DOC_MODULE) $(MKTMPL_OPTIONS)
+ @if test "$(abs_srcdir)" != "$(abs_builddir)" ; then \
+ if test -w $(abs_srcdir) ; then \
+ cp -rp $(abs_builddir)/tmpl $(abs_srcdir)/; \
+ fi \
+ fi
+ @touch tmpl-build.stamp
+tmpl.stamp: tmpl-build.stamp
+ @true
+ @true
+#### xml ####
+sgml-build.stamp: tmpl.stamp $(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt $(srcdir)/tmpl/*.sgml $(expand_content_files)
+ @echo ' DOC Building XML'
+ @-chmod -R u+w $(srcdir)
+ @_source_dir='' ; \
+ for i in $(DOC_SOURCE_DIR) ; do \
+ _source_dir="$${_source_dir} --source-dir=$$i" ; \
+ done ; \
+ gtkdoc-mkdb --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --output-format=xml --expand-content-files="$(expand_content_files)" --main-sgml-file=$(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $${_source_dir} $(MKDB_OPTIONS)
+ @touch sgml-build.stamp
+sgml.stamp: sgml-build.stamp
+ @true
+#### html ####
+html-build.stamp: sgml.stamp $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $(content_files)
+ @echo ' DOC Building HTML'
+ @rm -rf html
+ @mkdir html
+ @mkhtml_options=""; \
+ gtkdoc-mkhtml 2>&1 --help | grep >/dev/null "\-\-verbose"; \
+ if test "$(?)" = "0"; then \
+ if test "x$(V)" = "x1"; then \
+ mkhtml_options="$$mkhtml_options --verbose"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ gtkdoc-mkhtml 2>&1 --help | grep >/dev/null "\-\-path"; \
+ if test "$(?)" = "0"; then \
+ mkhtml_options="$$mkhtml_options --path=\"$(abs_srcdir)\""; \
+ fi; \
+ cd html && gtkdoc-mkhtml $$mkhtml_options $(MKHTML_OPTIONS) $(DOC_MODULE) ../$(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE)
+ -@test "x$(HTML_IMAGES)" = "x" || \
+ for file in $(HTML_IMAGES) ; do \
+ if test -f $(abs_srcdir)/$$file ; then \
+ cp $(abs_srcdir)/$$file $(abs_builddir)/html; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -f $(abs_builddir)/$$file ; then \
+ cp $(abs_builddir)/$$file $(abs_builddir)/html; \
+ fi; \
+ done;
+ @echo ' DOC Fixing cross-references'
+ @gtkdoc-fixxref --module=$(DOC_MODULE) --module-dir=html --html-dir=$(HTML_DIR) $(FIXXREF_OPTIONS)
+ @touch html-build.stamp
+#### pdf ####
+pdf-build.stamp: sgml.stamp $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $(content_files)
+ @echo ' DOC Building PDF'
+ @rm -f $(DOC_MODULE).pdf
+ @mkpdf_options=""; \
+ gtkdoc-mkpdf 2>&1 --help | grep >/dev/null "\-\-verbose"; \
+ if test "$(?)" = "0"; then \
+ if test "x$(V)" = "x1"; then \
+ mkpdf_options="$$mkpdf_options --verbose"; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ if test "x$(HTML_IMAGES)" != "x"; then \
+ for img in $(HTML_IMAGES); do \
+ part=`dirname $$img`; \
+ echo $$mkpdf_options | grep >/dev/null "\-\-imgdir=$$part "; \
+ if test $$? != 0; then \
+ mkpdf_options="$$mkpdf_options --imgdir=$$part"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ fi; \
+ gtkdoc-mkpdf --path="$(abs_srcdir)" $$mkpdf_options $(DOC_MODULE) $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE) $(MKPDF_OPTIONS)
+ @touch pdf-build.stamp
+ @rm -f *~ *.bak
+ @rm -rf .libs
+ @rm -rf xml html $(REPORT_FILES) $(DOC_MODULE).pdf \
+ $(DOC_MODULE)-decl-list.txt $(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt
+ @if test "$(abs_srcdir)" != "$(abs_builddir)" ; then \
+ rm -f $(SETUP_FILES) $(expand_content_files) $(DOC_MODULE).types; \
+ rm -rf tmpl; \
+ fi
+maintainer-clean-local: clean
+ @rm -rf xml html
+ @installfiles=`echo $(builddir)/html/*`; \
+ if test "$$installfiles" = '$(builddir)/html/*'; \
+ then echo 1>&2 'Nothing to install' ; \
+ else \
+ if test -n "$(DOC_MODULE_VERSION)"; then \
+ else \
+ installdir="$(DESTDIR)$(TARGET_DIR)"; \
+ fi; \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) $${installdir} ; \
+ for i in $$installfiles; do \
+ echo ' $(INSTALL_DATA) '$$i ; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $${installdir}; \
+ done; \
+ if test -n "$(DOC_MODULE_VERSION)"; then \
+ mv -f $${installdir}/$(DOC_MODULE).devhelp2 \
+ $${installdir}/$(DOC_MODULE)-$(DOC_MODULE_VERSION).devhelp2; \
+ fi; \
+ $(GTKDOC_REBASE) --relative --dest-dir=$(DESTDIR) --html-dir=$${installdir}; \
+ fi
+ @if test -n "$(DOC_MODULE_VERSION)"; then \
+ else \
+ installdir="$(DESTDIR)$(TARGET_DIR)"; \
+ fi; \
+ rm -rf $${installdir}
+# Require gtk-doc when making dist
+@ENABLE_GTK_DOC_FALSE@ @echo "*** gtk-doc must be installed and enabled in order to make dist"
+dist-hook: dist-check-gtkdoc dist-hook-local
+ @mkdir $(distdir)/tmpl
+ @mkdir $(distdir)/html
+ @-cp ./tmpl/*.sgml $(distdir)/tmpl
+ @cp ./html/* $(distdir)/html
+ @-cp ./$(DOC_MODULE).pdf $(distdir)/
+ @-cp ./$(DOC_MODULE).types $(distdir)/
+ @-cp ./$(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt $(distdir)/
+ @cd $(distdir) && rm -f $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ @$(GTKDOC_REBASE) --online --relative --html-dir=$(distdir)/html
+.PHONY : dist-hook-local docs
+# Comment this out if you want your docs-status tested during 'make check'
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/doc/reference/ b/doc/reference/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ceb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
+ "" [
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<book id="index" xmlns:xi="">
+ <bookinfo>
+ <title>Eye of MATE Reference Manual</title>
+ <releaseinfo>
+ for Eye of MATE &version;
+ </releaseinfo>
+ </bookinfo>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>User Interface</title>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-properties-dialog.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-list-store.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-file-chooser.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-thumb-nav.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-thumb-view.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-scroll-view.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-window.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-statusbar.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-exif-details.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-dialog.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-sidebar.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-thumbnail.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-error-message-area.xml"/>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Image data and manipulation</title>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-image.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-image-save-info.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-transform.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-metadata-reader.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-metadata-reader-png.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.xml"/>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Printing</title>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-print-preview.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-print-image-setup.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-print.xml"/>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Application and configuration</title>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-preferences-dialog.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-application.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-session.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-config-keys.xml"/>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Plugins</title>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-plugin.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-plugin-manager.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-plugin-engine.xml"/>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Utilities</title>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-debug.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-uri-converter.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-util.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-exif-util.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-pixbuf-util.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/zoom.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/uta.xml"/>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Asynchronous jobs</title>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-jobs.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/eom-job-queue.xml"/>
+ </chapter>
diff --git a/doc/reference/eom-overrides.txt b/doc/reference/eom-overrides.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/eom-overrides.txt
diff --git a/doc/reference/eom-sections.txt b/doc/reference/eom-sections.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffdba98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/eom-sections.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-application.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-application.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d020f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-application.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_APP ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomApplication ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_get_instance ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_register_service ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_shutdown ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_open_window ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_open_uri_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_open_file_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_open_uris ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_get_windows ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_get_toolbars_model ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_save_toolbars_model ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_reset_toolbars_model ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_screensaver_enable ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_application_screensaver_disable ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-config-keys.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-config-keys.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10db3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-config-keys.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_DIR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_DESKTOP_CAN_SAVE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_DESKTOP_CAN_PRINT ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_VIEW_AUTOROTATE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_VIEW_TRANS_COLOR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_FULLSCREEN_LOOP ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_UI_TOOLBAR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_UI_STATUSBAR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_UI_SIDEBAR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_CONF_UI_SCROLL_BUTTONS ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-debug.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-debug.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a31c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-debug.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomDebugSection ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_WINDOW ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_VIEW ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_JOBS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_THUMBNAIL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_IMAGE_LOAD ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_IMAGE_SAVE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_LIST_STORE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_PREFERENCES ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_PRINTING ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_LCMS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO DEBUG_PLUGINS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_debug_init ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_debug ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_debug_message ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-dialog.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-dialog.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f6253b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-dialog.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomDialog ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomDialog:parent-window ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_dialog_construct ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_dialog_show ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_dialog_hide ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_dialog_get_controls ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-error-message-area.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-error-message-area.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e65986f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-error-message-area.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_load_error_message_area_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_no_images_error_message_area_new ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-exif-details.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-exif-details.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9575f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-exif-details.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomExifDetails ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_exif_details_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_exif_details_update ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_exif_details_xmp_update ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-exif-util.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-exif-util.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78f2414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-exif-util.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_exif_util_format_date ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_exif_util_get_value ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-file-chooser.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-file-chooser.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a12f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-file-chooser.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomFileChooser ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_file_chooser_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_file_chooser_get_format ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-image-save-info.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-image-save-info.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5ad488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-image-save-info.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomImageSaveInfo ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_save_info_from_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_save_info_from_uri ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_save_info_from_file ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-image.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-image.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab270b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-image.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomImageData ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IMAGE_DATA_ALL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomImageError ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IMAGE_ERROR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomImageStatus ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomImage ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomImage::changed ##### -->
+@eomimage: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomImage::file-changed ##### -->
+@eomimage: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomImage::next-frame ##### -->
+@eomimage: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomImage::save-progress ##### -->
+@eomimage: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomImage::size-prepared ##### -->
+@eomimage: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomImage::thumbnail-changed ##### -->
+@eomimage: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_error_quark ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_new_file ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_load ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_cancel_load ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_has_data ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_data_ref ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_data_unref ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_set_thumbnail ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_save_as_by_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_save_by_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_pixbuf ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_thumbnail ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_size ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_bytes ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_is_modified ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_modified ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_caption ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_collate_key ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_exif_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_xmp_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_file ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_uri_for_display ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_status ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_transform ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_autorotate ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_profile ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_apply_display_profile ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_undo ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_get_supported_mime_types ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_is_supported_mime_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_image_file_changed ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-job-queue.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-job-queue.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..118319b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-job-queue.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_queue_init ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_queue_add_job ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_queue_remove_job ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-jobs.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-jobs.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf820e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-jobs.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_TYPE_JOB_THUMBNAIL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_THUMBNAIL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_THUMBNAIL_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IS_JOB_THUMBNAIL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_TYPE_JOB_LOAD ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_LOAD ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_LOAD_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IS_JOB_LOAD ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_TYPE_JOB_MODEL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_MODEL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_MODEL_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IS_JOB_MODEL ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_TYPE_JOB_TRANSFORM ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_TRANSFORM ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_TRANSFORM_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IS_JOB_TRANSFORM ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_SAVE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_SAVE_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IS_JOB_SAVE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_SAVE_GET_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE_AS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_SAVE_AS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_SAVE_AS_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_IS_JOB_SAVE_AS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_COPY ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_JOB_COPY_CLASS ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJob ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomJob::finished ##### -->
+@eomjob: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomJob::progress ##### -->
+@eomjob: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJobThumbnail ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJobLoad ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJobModel ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJobTransform ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomJobSaveResponse ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJobSave ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJobSaveAs ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomJobCopy ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_finished ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_run ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_set_progress ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_thumbnail_get_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_thumbnail_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_load_get_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_load_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_model_get_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_model_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_transform_get_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_transform_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_save_get_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_save_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_save_as_get_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_save_as_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_copy_get_type ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_job_copy_new ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-list-store.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-list-store.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6241cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-list-store.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_LIST_STORE_THUMB_SIZE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomListStoreColumn ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomListStore ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_new_from_glist ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_append_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_add_files ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_remove_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_get_image_by_pos ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_get_pos_by_iter ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_length ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_get_initial_pos ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_thumbnail_set ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_thumbnail_unset ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_list_store_thumbnail_refresh ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..124e54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomMetadataReaderJpg ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader-png.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader-png.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74d2df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader-png.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomMetadataReaderPng ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44ad0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-metadata-reader.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomMetadataReader ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomMetadataReaderInterface ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomMetadataFileType ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_consume ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_finished ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_chunk ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_data ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_get_xmp_data ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_get_iptc_chunk ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_get_iptc_data ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_metadata_reader_get_icc_profile ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-pixbuf-util.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-pixbuf-util.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ea3683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-pixbuf-util.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_pixbuf_get_savable_formats ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_pixbuf_get_format_by_suffix ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_pixbuf_get_format ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_pixbuf_get_common_suffix ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin-engine.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin-engine.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc88cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin-engine.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomPluginInfo ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_init ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_shutdown ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_garbage_collect ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_get_plugins_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_activate_plugin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_deactivate_plugin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_active ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_configurable ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_configure_plugin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_update_plugins_ui ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_icon_name ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_authors ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_website ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_copyright ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin-manager.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin-manager.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6331f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin-manager.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomPluginManager ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_manager_new ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece85ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-plugin.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_PLUGIN_CONST ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomPlugin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_activate ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_deactivate ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_update_ui ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_is_configurable ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_plugin_create_configure_dialog ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_TYPE ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-preferences-dialog.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-preferences-dialog.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1199d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-preferences-dialog.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomPreferencesDialog ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPreferencesDialog:mateconf-client ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_preferences_dialog_get_instance ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print-image-setup.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print-image-setup.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f938ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print-image-setup.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomPrintImageSetup ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintImageSetup:image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintImageSetup:page-setup ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_image_setup_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_image_setup_get_options ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print-preview.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print-preview.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dbb584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print-preview.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomPrintPreview ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomPrintPreview::image-moved ##### -->
+@eomprintpreview: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:image-scale ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:image-x-align ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:image-y-align ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:page-bottom-margin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:page-left-margin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:page-right-margin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:page-top-margin ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:paper-height ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPrintPreview:paper-width ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_preview_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_preview_new_with_pixbuf ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_preview_set_page_margins ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_preview_set_from_page_setup ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_preview_get_image_position ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_preview_set_image_position ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_preview_set_scale ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c717c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-print.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_operation_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_get_page_setup ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_set_page_setup ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_get_print_settings ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_print_set_print_settings ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-properties-dialog.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-properties-dialog.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6b4d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-properties-dialog.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomPropertiesDialogPage ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomPropertiesDialog ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPropertiesDialog:netbook-mode ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomPropertiesDialog:thumbview ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_properties_dialog_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_properties_dialog_update ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_properties_dialog_set_page ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72a2e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_save_as_dialog_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_save_as_dialog_get_converter ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-scroll-view.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-scroll-view.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c832585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-scroll-view.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomScrollView ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomScrollView::zoom-changed ##### -->
+@eomscrollview: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:background-color ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:use-background-color ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomTransparencyStyle ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_scroll_wheel_zoom ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_upscale ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_multiplier ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_in ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_out ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_transparency ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_popup ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_zoom_in ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_zoom_out ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_zoom_fit ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_set_zoom ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_get_zoom ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_min ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_max ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_show_cursor ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_scroll_view_hide_cursor ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-session.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-session.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c785c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-session.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_session_init ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_session_is_restored ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_session_load ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-sidebar.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-sidebar.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff8fa46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-sidebar.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomSidebar ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomSidebar::page-added ##### -->
+@eomsidebar: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomSidebar::page-removed ##### -->
+@eomsidebar: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### ARG EomSidebar:current-page ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_sidebar_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_sidebar_add_page ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_sidebar_remove_page ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_sidebar_set_page ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_sidebar_get_n_pages ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_sidebar_is_empty ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-statusbar.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-statusbar.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5b6fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-statusbar.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomStatusbar ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_statusbar_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_statusbar_set_image_number ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_statusbar_set_progress ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumb-nav.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumb-nav.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f08c5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumb-nav.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomThumbNavMode ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomThumbNav ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomThumbNav:mode ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomThumbNav:show-buttons ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomThumbNav:thumbview ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_nav_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_nav_get_show_buttons ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_nav_get_mode ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_nav_set_mode ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumb-view.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumb-view.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c63d124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumb-view.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomThumbViewSelectionChange ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomThumbView ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_set_model ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_set_item_height ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_select_single ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_set_current_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumb_view_set_thumbnail_popup ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumbnail.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumbnail.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2de9aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-thumbnail.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumbnail_init ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumbnail_fit_to_size ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumbnail_add_frame ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_thumbnail_load ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-transform.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-transform.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..effa3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-transform.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomTransformType ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomTransform ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_apply ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_reverse ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_compose ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_is_identity ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_identity_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_rotate_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_flip_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_scale_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_transform_get_transform_type ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-unused.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-unused.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a0f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-unused.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:antialiasing-in ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:antialiasing-out ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:default-bg-color ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:maximum-image-scale ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:scrollwheel-zoom ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:transparency ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:transparency-color ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:transparency-style ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomScrollView:zoom-multiplier ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomWindow:gallery-position ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomWindow:gallery-resizable ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-uri-converter.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-uri-converter.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2333152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-uri-converter.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomUCType ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomUCInfo ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomUCError ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_UC_ERROR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomURIConverter ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomURIConverter:convert-spaces ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomURIConverter:counter-n-digits ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomURIConverter:counter-start ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomURIConverter:n-images ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ARG EomURIConverter:space-character ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_uc_error_quark ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_uri_converter_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_uri_converter_check ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_uri_converter_requires_exif ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_uri_converter_do ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_uri_converter_preview ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_uri_converter_print_list ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-util.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-util.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4907cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-util.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_show_help ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_make_valid_utf8 ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_parse_uri_string_list_to_file_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_string_list_to_file_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_strings_to_file_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_string_array_to_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_string_array_make_absolute ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_launch_desktop_file ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_dot_dir ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_util_file_is_persistent ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-window.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-window.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387c641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/eom-window.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### MACRO EOM_WINDOW_ERROR ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomWindowMode ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomWindowError ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM EomStartupFlags ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT EomWindow ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SIGNAL EomWindow::prepared ##### -->
+@eomwindow: the object which received the signal.
+<!-- ##### ARG EomWindow:startup-flags ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_mode ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_set_mode ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_ui_manager ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_store ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_view ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_sidebar ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_thumb_view ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_thumb_nav ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_statusbar ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_get_image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_open_file_list ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION eom_window_is_empty ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/uta.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/uta.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae79aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/uta.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION uta_ensure_size ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION uta_add_rect ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION uta_remove_rect ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION uta_find_first_glom_rect ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION uta_copy_area ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/tmpl/zoom.sgml b/doc/reference/tmpl/zoom.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b26005f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/tmpl/zoom.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Image ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION zoom_fit_size ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION zoom_fit_scale ##### -->
diff --git a/doc/reference/ b/doc/reference/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78bda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reference/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/jpegutils/ b/jpegutils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26cd4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+libeom_jpegutils_la_SOURCES = \
+ jpegint.h \
+ transupp.h
+libeom_jpegutils_la_SOURCES += \
+ jpegint-8a.h \
+ transupp-8a.c \
+ transupp-8a.h
+libeom_jpegutils_la_SOURCES += \
+ transupp-6b.c \
+ transupp-6b.h
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/jpegutils/ b/jpegutils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80e3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_TRUE@am__append_1 = \
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_TRUE@ jpegint-8a.h \
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_TRUE@ transupp-8a.c \
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_TRUE@ transupp-8a.h
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_FALSE@am__append_2 = \
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_FALSE@ transupp-6b.c \
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_FALSE@ transupp-6b.h
+subdir = jpegutils
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+libeom_jpegutils_la_LIBADD =
+am__libeom_jpegutils_la_SOURCES_DIST = jpegint.h transupp.h \
+ jpegint-8a.h transupp-8a.c transupp-8a.h transupp-6b.c \
+ transupp-6b.h
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_TRUE@am__objects_1 = transupp-8a.lo
+@HAVE_LIBJPEG_80_FALSE@am__objects_2 = transupp-6b.lo
+am_libeom_jpegutils_la_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1) $(am__objects_2)
+libeom_jpegutils_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libeom_jpegutils_la_OBJECTS)
+AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V))
+am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_lt_0 = --silent
+DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir)
+depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp
+am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles
+am__mv = mv -f
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \
+AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V))
+am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+CCLD = $(CC)
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_$(V))
+am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@;
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+SOURCES = $(libeom_jpegutils_la_SOURCES)
+DIST_SOURCES = $(am__libeom_jpegutils_la_SOURCES_DIST)
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+libeom_jpegutils_la_SOURCES = jpegint.h transupp.h $(am__append_1) \
+ $(am__append_2)
+all: all-am
+.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign jpegutils/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign jpegutils/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)
+ @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
+ dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \
+ test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \
+ echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \
+ rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \
+ done $(libeom_jpegutils_la_OBJECTS) $(libeom_jpegutils_la_DEPENDENCIES)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(libeom_jpegutils_la_OBJECTS) $(libeom_jpegutils_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+ -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f *.tab.c
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/transupp-6b.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/transupp-8a.Plo@am__quote@
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES)
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES \
+ mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \
+ clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \
+ distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \
+ distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \
+ install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \
+ install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \
+ install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+ install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \
+ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \
+ pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/jpegutils/README.6b b/jpegutils/README.6b
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86cc206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/README.6b
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software
+README for release 6b of 27-Mar-1998
+This distribution contains the sixth public release of the Independent JPEG
+Group's free JPEG software. You are welcome to redistribute this software and
+to use it for any purpose, subject to the conditions under LEGAL ISSUES, below.
+Serious users of this software (particularly those incorporating it into
+larger programs) should contact IJG at [email protected] to be added to
+our electronic mailing list. Mailing list members are notified of updates
+and have a chance to participate in technical discussions, etc.
+This software is the work of Tom Lane, Philip Gladstone, Jim Boucher,
+Lee Crocker, Julian Minguillon, Luis Ortiz, George Phillips, Davide Rossi,
+Guido Vollbeding, Ge' Weijers, and other members of the Independent JPEG
+IJG is not affiliated with the official ISO JPEG standards committee.
+This file contains the following sections:
+OVERVIEW General description of JPEG and the IJG software.
+LEGAL ISSUES Copyright, lack of warranty, terms of distribution.
+REFERENCES Where to learn more about JPEG.
+ARCHIVE LOCATIONS Where to find newer versions of this software.
+RELATED SOFTWARE Other stuff you should get.
+FILE FORMAT WARS Software *not* to get.
+TO DO Plans for future IJG releases.
+Other documentation files in the distribution are:
+User documentation:
+ install.doc How to configure and install the IJG software.
+ usage.doc Usage instructions for cjpeg, djpeg, jpegtran,
+ rdjpgcom, and wrjpgcom.
+ *.1 Unix-style man pages for programs (same info as usage.doc).
+ wizard.doc Advanced usage instructions for JPEG wizards only.
+ change.log Version-to-version change highlights.
+Programmer and internal documentation:
+ libjpeg.doc How to use the JPEG library in your own programs.
+ example.c Sample code for calling the JPEG library.
+ structure.doc Overview of the JPEG library's internal structure.
+ filelist.doc Road map of IJG files.
+ coderules.doc Coding style rules --- please read if you contribute code.
+Please read at least the files install.doc and usage.doc. Useful information
+can also be found in the JPEG FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) article. See
+ARCHIVE LOCATIONS below to find out where to obtain the FAQ article.
+If you want to understand how the JPEG code works, we suggest reading one or
+more of the REFERENCES, then looking at the documentation files (in roughly
+the order listed) before diving into the code.
+This package contains C software to implement JPEG image compression and
+decompression. JPEG (pronounced "jay-peg") is a standardized compression
+method for full-color and gray-scale images. JPEG is intended for compressing
+"real-world" scenes; line drawings, cartoons and other non-realistic images
+are not its strong suit. JPEG is lossy, meaning that the output image is not
+exactly identical to the input image. Hence you must not use JPEG if you
+have to have identical output bits. However, on typical photographic images,
+very good compression levels can be obtained with no visible change, and
+remarkably high compression levels are possible if you can tolerate a
+low-quality image. For more details, see the references, or just experiment
+with various compression settings.
+This software implements JPEG baseline, extended-sequential, and progressive
+compression processes. Provision is made for supporting all variants of these
+processes, although some uncommon parameter settings aren't implemented yet.
+For legal reasons, we are not distributing code for the arithmetic-coding
+variants of JPEG; see LEGAL ISSUES. We have made no provision for supporting
+the hierarchical or lossless processes defined in the standard.
+We provide a set of library routines for reading and writing JPEG image files,
+plus two sample applications "cjpeg" and "djpeg", which use the library to
+perform conversion between JPEG and some other popular image file formats.
+The library is intended to be reused in other applications.
+In order to support file conversion and viewing software, we have included
+considerable functionality beyond the bare JPEG coding/decoding capability;
+for example, the color quantization modules are not strictly part of JPEG
+decoding, but they are essential for output to colormapped file formats or
+colormapped displays. These extra functions can be compiled out of the
+library if not required for a particular application. We have also included
+"jpegtran", a utility for lossless transcoding between different JPEG
+processes, and "rdjpgcom" and "wrjpgcom", two simple applications for
+inserting and extracting textual comments in JFIF files.
+The emphasis in designing this software has been on achieving portability and
+flexibility, while also making it fast enough to be useful. In particular,
+the software is not intended to be read as a tutorial on JPEG. (See the
+REFERENCES section for introductory material.) Rather, it is intended to
+be reliable, portable, industrial-strength code. We do not claim to have
+achieved that goal in every aspect of the software, but we strive for it.
+We welcome the use of this software as a component of commercial products.
+No royalty is required, but we do ask for an acknowledgement in product
+documentation, as described under LEGAL ISSUES.
+In plain English:
+1. We don't promise that this software works. (But if you find any bugs,
+ please let us know!)
+2. You can use this software for whatever you want. You don't have to pay us.
+3. You may not pretend that you wrote this software. If you use it in a
+ program, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that
+ you've used the IJG code.
+In legalese:
+The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied,
+with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or
+fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you,
+its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy.
+This software is copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane.
+All Rights Reserved except as specified below.
+Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these
+(1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this
+README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice
+unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files
+must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation.
+(2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying
+documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of
+the Independent JPEG Group".
+(3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts
+full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept
+NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind.
+These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code,
+not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to
+acknowledge us.
+Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name
+in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from
+it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's
+We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of
+commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are
+assumed by the product vendor.
+ansi2knr.c is included in this distribution by permission of L. Peter Deutsch,
+sole proprietor of its copyright holder, Aladdin Enterprises of Menlo Park, CA.
+ansi2knr.c is NOT covered by the above copyright and conditions, but instead
+by the usual distribution terms of the Free Software Foundation; principally,
+that you must include source code if you redistribute it. (See the file
+ansi2knr.c for full details.) However, since ansi2knr.c is not needed as part
+of any program generated from the IJG code, this does not limit you more than
+the foregoing paragraphs do.
+The Unix configuration script "configure" was produced with GNU Autoconf.
+It is copyright by the Free Software Foundation but is freely distributable.
+The same holds for its supporting scripts (config.guess, config.sub,
+ltconfig, Another support script, install-sh, is copyright
+by M.I.T. but is also freely distributable.
+It appears that the arithmetic coding option of the JPEG spec is covered by
+patents owned by IBM, AT&T, and Mitsubishi. Hence arithmetic coding cannot
+legally be used without obtaining one or more licenses. For this reason,
+support for arithmetic coding has been removed from the free JPEG software.
+(Since arithmetic coding provides only a marginal gain over the unpatented
+Huffman mode, it is unlikely that very many implementations will support it.)
+So far as we are aware, there are no patent restrictions on the remaining
+The IJG distribution formerly included code to read and write GIF files.
+To avoid entanglement with the Unisys LZW patent, GIF reading support has
+been removed altogether, and the GIF writer has been simplified to produce
+"uncompressed GIFs". This technique does not use the LZW algorithm; the
+resulting GIF files are larger than usual, but are readable by all standard
+GIF decoders.
+We are required to state that
+ "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of
+ CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of
+ CompuServe Incorporated."
+We highly recommend reading one or more of these references before trying to
+understand the innards of the JPEG software.
+The best short technical introduction to the JPEG compression algorithm is
+ Wallace, Gregory K. "The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard",
+ Communications of the ACM, April 1991 (vol. 34 no. 4), pp. 30-44.
+(Adjacent articles in that issue discuss MPEG motion picture compression,
+applications of JPEG, and related topics.) If you don't have the CACM issue
+handy, a PostScript file containing a revised version of Wallace's article is
+available at The file (actually
+a preprint for an article that appeared in IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics)
+omits the sample images that appeared in CACM, but it includes corrections
+and some added material. Note: the Wallace article is copyright ACM and IEEE,
+and it may not be used for commercial purposes.
+A somewhat less technical, more leisurely introduction to JPEG can be found in
+"The Data Compression Book" by Mark Nelson and Jean-loup Gailly, published by
+M&T Books (New York), 2nd ed. 1996, ISBN 1-55851-434-1. This book provides
+good explanations and example C code for a multitude of compression methods
+including JPEG. It is an excellent source if you are comfortable reading C
+code but don't know much about data compression in general. The book's JPEG
+sample code is far from industrial-strength, but when you are ready to look
+at a full implementation, you've got one here...
+The best full description of JPEG is the textbook "JPEG Still Image Data
+Compression Standard" by William B. Pennebaker and Joan L. Mitchell, published
+by Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993, ISBN 0-442-01272-1. Price US$59.95, 638 pp.
+The book includes the complete text of the ISO JPEG standards (DIS 10918-1
+and draft DIS 10918-2). This is by far the most complete exposition of JPEG
+in existence, and we highly recommend it.
+The JPEG standard itself is not available electronically; you must order a
+paper copy through ISO or ITU. (Unless you feel a need to own a certified
+official copy, we recommend buying the Pennebaker and Mitchell book instead;
+it's much cheaper and includes a great deal of useful explanatory material.)
+In the USA, copies of the standard may be ordered from ANSI Sales at (212)
+642-4900, or from Global Engineering Documents at (800) 854-7179. (ANSI
+doesn't take credit card orders, but Global does.) It's not cheap: as of
+1992, ANSI was charging $95 for Part 1 and $47 for Part 2, plus 7%
+shipping/handling. The standard is divided into two parts, Part 1 being the
+actual specification, while Part 2 covers compliance testing methods. Part 1
+is titled "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images,
+Part 1: Requirements and guidelines" and has document numbers ISO/IEC IS
+10918-1, ITU-T T.81. Part 2 is titled "Digital Compression and Coding of
+Continuous-tone Still Images, Part 2: Compliance testing" and has document
+numbers ISO/IEC IS 10918-2, ITU-T T.83.
+Some extensions to the original JPEG standard are defined in JPEG Part 3,
+a newer ISO standard numbered ISO/IEC IS 10918-3 and ITU-T T.84. IJG
+currently does not support any Part 3 extensions.
+The JPEG standard does not specify all details of an interchangeable file
+format. For the omitted details we follow the "JFIF" conventions, revision
+1.02. A copy of the JFIF spec is available from:
+ Literature Department
+ C-Cube Microsystems, Inc.
+ 1778 McCarthy Blvd.
+ Milpitas, CA 95035
+ phone (408) 944-6300, fax (408) 944-6314
+A PostScript version of this document is available by FTP at
+ There is also a plain text
+version at, but it is missing
+the figures.
+The TIFF 6.0 file format specification can be obtained by FTP from
+ The JPEG incorporation scheme
+found in the TIFF 6.0 spec of 3-June-92 has a number of serious problems.
+IJG does not recommend use of the TIFF 6.0 design (TIFF Compression tag 6).
+Instead, we recommend the JPEG design proposed by TIFF Technical Note #2
+(Compression tag 7). Copies of this Note can be obtained from or
+from It is expected that the next revision
+of the TIFF spec will replace the 6.0 JPEG design with the Note's design.
+Although IJG's own code does not support TIFF/JPEG, the free libtiff library
+uses our library to implement TIFF/JPEG per the Note. libtiff is available
+The "official" archive site for this software is (Internet
+address The most recent released version can always be found
+there in directory graphics/jpeg. This particular version will be archived
+as If you don't have
+direct Internet access, UUNET's archives are also available via UUCP; contact
[email protected] for information on retrieving files that way.
+Numerous Internet sites maintain copies of the UUNET files. However, only is guaranteed to have the latest official version.
+You can also obtain this software in DOS-compatible "zip" archive format from
+the SimTel archives (, or
+on CompuServe in the Graphics Support forum (GO CIS:GRAPHSUP), library 12
+"JPEG Tools". Again, these versions may sometimes lag behind the
+The JPEG FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) article is a useful source of
+general information about JPEG. It is updated constantly and therefore is
+not included in this distribution. The FAQ is posted every two weeks to
+Usenet newsgroups, news.answers, and other groups.
+It is available on the World Wide Web at
+and other news.answers archive sites, including the official news.answers
+archive at
+If you don't have Web or FTP access, send e-mail to [email protected]
+with body
+ send usenet/news.answers/jpeg-faq/part1
+ send usenet/news.answers/jpeg-faq/part2
+Numerous viewing and image manipulation programs now support JPEG. (Quite a
+few of them use this library to do so.) The JPEG FAQ described above lists
+some of the more popular free and shareware viewers, and tells where to
+obtain them on Internet.
+If you are on a Unix machine, we highly recommend Jef Poskanzer's free
+PBMPLUS software, which provides many useful operations on PPM-format image
+files. In particular, it can convert PPM images to and from a wide range of
+other formats, thus making cjpeg/djpeg considerably more useful. The latest
+version is distributed by the NetPBM group, and is available from numerous
+sites, notably
+Unfortunately PBMPLUS/NETPBM is not nearly as portable as the IJG software is;
+you are likely to have difficulty making it work on any non-Unix machine.
+A different free JPEG implementation, written by the PVRG group at Stanford,
+is available from This program
+is designed for research and experimentation rather than production use;
+it is slower, harder to use, and less portable than the IJG code, but it
+is easier to read and modify. Also, the PVRG code supports lossless JPEG,
+which we do not. (On the other hand, it doesn't do progressive JPEG.)
+Some JPEG programs produce files that are not compatible with our library.
+The root of the problem is that the ISO JPEG committee failed to specify a
+concrete file format. Some vendors "filled in the blanks" on their own,
+creating proprietary formats that no one else could read. (For example, none
+of the early commercial JPEG implementations for the Macintosh were able to
+exchange compressed files.)
+The file format we have adopted is called JFIF (see REFERENCES). This format
+has been agreed to by a number of major commercial JPEG vendors, and it has
+become the de facto standard. JFIF is a minimal or "low end" representation.
+We recommend the use of TIFF/JPEG (TIFF revision 6.0 as modified by TIFF
+Technical Note #2) for "high end" applications that need to record a lot of
+additional data about an image. TIFF/JPEG is fairly new and not yet widely
+supported, unfortunately.
+The upcoming JPEG Part 3 standard defines a file format called SPIFF.
+SPIFF is interoperable with JFIF, in the sense that most JFIF decoders should
+be able to read the most common variant of SPIFF. SPIFF has some technical
+advantages over JFIF, but its major claim to fame is simply that it is an
+official standard rather than an informal one. At this point it is unclear
+whether SPIFF will supersede JFIF or whether JFIF will remain the de-facto
+standard. IJG intends to support SPIFF once the standard is frozen, but we
+have not decided whether it should become our default output format or not.
+(In any case, our decoder will remain capable of reading JFIF indefinitely.)
+Various proprietary file formats incorporating JPEG compression also exist.
+We have little or no sympathy for the existence of these formats. Indeed,
+one of the original reasons for developing this free software was to help
+force convergence on common, open format standards for JPEG files. Don't
+use a proprietary file format!
+The major thrust for v7 will probably be improvement of visual quality.
+The current method for scaling the quantization tables is known not to be
+very good at low Q values. We also intend to investigate block boundary
+smoothing, "poor man's variable quantization", and other means of improving
+quality-vs-file-size performance without sacrificing compatibility.
+In future versions, we are considering supporting some of the upcoming JPEG
+Part 3 extensions --- principally, variable quantization and the SPIFF file
+As always, speeding things up is of great interest.
+Please send bug reports, offers of help, etc. to [email protected].
diff --git a/jpegutils/README.8a b/jpegutils/README.8a
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da0c488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/README.8a
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software
+README for release 8a of 28-Feb-2010
+This distribution contains the eighth public release of the Independent JPEG
+Group's free JPEG software. You are welcome to redistribute this software and
+to use it for any purpose, subject to the conditions under LEGAL ISSUES, below.
+This software is the work of Tom Lane, Guido Vollbeding, Philip Gladstone,
+Bill Allombert, Jim Boucher, Lee Crocker, Bob Friesenhahn, Ben Jackson,
+Julian Minguillon, Luis Ortiz, George Phillips, Davide Rossi, Ge' Weijers,
+and other members of the Independent JPEG Group.
+IJG is not affiliated with the official ISO JPEG standards committee.
+This file contains the following sections:
+OVERVIEW General description of JPEG and the IJG software.
+LEGAL ISSUES Copyright, lack of warranty, terms of distribution.
+REFERENCES Where to learn more about JPEG.
+ARCHIVE LOCATIONS Where to find newer versions of this software.
+ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks.
+FILE FORMAT WARS Software *not* to get.
+TO DO Plans for future IJG releases.
+Other documentation files in the distribution are:
+User documentation:
+ install.txt How to configure and install the IJG software.
+ usage.txt Usage instructions for cjpeg, djpeg, jpegtran,
+ rdjpgcom, and wrjpgcom.
+ *.1 Unix-style man pages for programs (same info as usage.txt).
+ wizard.txt Advanced usage instructions for JPEG wizards only.
+ change.log Version-to-version change highlights.
+Programmer and internal documentation:
+ libjpeg.txt How to use the JPEG library in your own programs.
+ example.c Sample code for calling the JPEG library.
+ structure.txt Overview of the JPEG library's internal structure.
+ filelist.txt Road map of IJG files.
+ coderules.txt Coding style rules --- please read if you contribute code.
+Please read at least the files install.txt and usage.txt. Some information
+can also be found in the JPEG FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) article. See
+ARCHIVE LOCATIONS below to find out where to obtain the FAQ article.
+If you want to understand how the JPEG code works, we suggest reading one or
+more of the REFERENCES, then looking at the documentation files (in roughly
+the order listed) before diving into the code.
+This package contains C software to implement JPEG image encoding, decoding,
+and transcoding. JPEG (pronounced "jay-peg") is a standardized compression
+method for full-color and gray-scale images.
+This software implements JPEG baseline, extended-sequential, and progressive
+compression processes. Provision is made for supporting all variants of these
+processes, although some uncommon parameter settings aren't implemented yet.
+We have made no provision for supporting the hierarchical or lossless
+processes defined in the standard.
+We provide a set of library routines for reading and writing JPEG image files,
+plus two sample applications "cjpeg" and "djpeg", which use the library to
+perform conversion between JPEG and some other popular image file formats.
+The library is intended to be reused in other applications.
+In order to support file conversion and viewing software, we have included
+considerable functionality beyond the bare JPEG coding/decoding capability;
+for example, the color quantization modules are not strictly part of JPEG
+decoding, but they are essential for output to colormapped file formats or
+colormapped displays. These extra functions can be compiled out of the
+library if not required for a particular application.
+We have also included "jpegtran", a utility for lossless transcoding between
+different JPEG processes, and "rdjpgcom" and "wrjpgcom", two simple
+applications for inserting and extracting textual comments in JFIF files.
+The emphasis in designing this software has been on achieving portability and
+flexibility, while also making it fast enough to be useful. In particular,
+the software is not intended to be read as a tutorial on JPEG. (See the
+REFERENCES section for introductory material.) Rather, it is intended to
+be reliable, portable, industrial-strength code. We do not claim to have
+achieved that goal in every aspect of the software, but we strive for it.
+We welcome the use of this software as a component of commercial products.
+No royalty is required, but we do ask for an acknowledgement in product
+documentation, as described under LEGAL ISSUES.
+In plain English:
+1. We don't promise that this software works. (But if you find any bugs,
+ please let us know!)
+2. You can use this software for whatever you want. You don't have to pay us.
+3. You may not pretend that you wrote this software. If you use it in a
+ program, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that
+ you've used the IJG code.
+In legalese:
+The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied,
+with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or
+fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you,
+its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy.
+This software is copyright (C) 1991-2010, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.
+All Rights Reserved except as specified below.
+Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these
+(1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this
+README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice
+unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files
+must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation.
+(2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying
+documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of
+the Independent JPEG Group".
+(3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts
+full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept
+NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind.
+These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code,
+not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to
+acknowledge us.
+Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name
+in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from
+it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's
+We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of
+commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are
+assumed by the product vendor.
+ansi2knr.c is included in this distribution by permission of L. Peter Deutsch,
+sole proprietor of its copyright holder, Aladdin Enterprises of Menlo Park, CA.
+ansi2knr.c is NOT covered by the above copyright and conditions, but instead
+by the usual distribution terms of the Free Software Foundation; principally,
+that you must include source code if you redistribute it. (See the file
+ansi2knr.c for full details.) However, since ansi2knr.c is not needed as part
+of any program generated from the IJG code, this does not limit you more than
+the foregoing paragraphs do.
+The Unix configuration script "configure" was produced with GNU Autoconf.
+It is copyright by the Free Software Foundation but is freely distributable.
+The same holds for its supporting scripts (config.guess, config.sub, Another support script, install-sh, is copyright by X Consortium
+but is also freely distributable.
+The IJG distribution formerly included code to read and write GIF files.
+To avoid entanglement with the Unisys LZW patent, GIF reading support has
+been removed altogether, and the GIF writer has been simplified to produce
+"uncompressed GIFs". This technique does not use the LZW algorithm; the
+resulting GIF files are larger than usual, but are readable by all standard
+GIF decoders.
+We are required to state that
+ "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of
+ CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of
+ CompuServe Incorporated."
+We recommend reading one or more of these references before trying to
+understand the innards of the JPEG software.
+The best short technical introduction to the JPEG compression algorithm is
+ Wallace, Gregory K. "The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard",
+ Communications of the ACM, April 1991 (vol. 34 no. 4), pp. 30-44.
+(Adjacent articles in that issue discuss MPEG motion picture compression,
+applications of JPEG, and related topics.) If you don't have the CACM issue
+handy, a PostScript file containing a revised version of Wallace's article is
+available at The file (actually
+a preprint for an article that appeared in IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics)
+omits the sample images that appeared in CACM, but it includes corrections
+and some added material. Note: the Wallace article is copyright ACM and IEEE,
+and it may not be used for commercial purposes.
+A somewhat less technical, more leisurely introduction to JPEG can be found in
+"The Data Compression Book" by Mark Nelson and Jean-loup Gailly, published by
+M&T Books (New York), 2nd ed. 1996, ISBN 1-55851-434-1. This book provides
+good explanations and example C code for a multitude of compression methods
+including JPEG. It is an excellent source if you are comfortable reading C
+code but don't know much about data compression in general. The book's JPEG
+sample code is far from industrial-strength, but when you are ready to look
+at a full implementation, you've got one here...
+The best currently available description of JPEG is the textbook "JPEG Still
+Image Data Compression Standard" by William B. Pennebaker and Joan L.
+Mitchell, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993, ISBN 0-442-01272-1.
+Price US$59.95, 638 pp. The book includes the complete text of the ISO JPEG
+standards (DIS 10918-1 and draft DIS 10918-2).
+Although this is by far the most detailed and comprehensive exposition of
+JPEG publicly available, we point out that it is still missing an explanation
+of the most essential properties and algorithms of the underlying DCT
+If you think that you know about DCT-based JPEG after reading this book,
+then you are in delusion. The real fundamentals and corresponding potential
+of DCT-based JPEG are not publicly known so far, and that is the reason for
+all the mistaken developments taking place in the image coding domain.
+The original JPEG standard is divided into two parts, Part 1 being the actual
+specification, while Part 2 covers compliance testing methods. Part 1 is
+titled "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images,
+Part 1: Requirements and guidelines" and has document numbers ISO/IEC IS
+10918-1, ITU-T T.81. Part 2 is titled "Digital Compression and Coding of
+Continuous-tone Still Images, Part 2: Compliance testing" and has document
+numbers ISO/IEC IS 10918-2, ITU-T T.83.
+IJG JPEG 8 introduces an implementation of the JPEG SmartScale extension
+which is specified in a contributed document at ITU and ISO with title "ITU-T
+JPEG-Plus Proposal for Extending ITU-T T.81 for Advanced Image Coding", April
+2006, Geneva, Switzerland. The latest version of the document is Revision 3.
+The JPEG standard does not specify all details of an interchangeable file
+format. For the omitted details we follow the "JFIF" conventions, revision
+1.02. JFIF 1.02 has been adopted as an Ecma International Technical Report
+and thus received a formal publication status. It is available as a free
+download in PDF format from
+A PostScript version of the JFIF document is available at
+ There is also a plain text version at
+, but it is missing the figures.
+The TIFF 6.0 file format specification can be obtained by FTP from
+ The JPEG incorporation scheme
+found in the TIFF 6.0 spec of 3-June-92 has a number of serious problems.
+IJG does not recommend use of the TIFF 6.0 design (TIFF Compression tag 6).
+Instead, we recommend the JPEG design proposed by TIFF Technical Note #2
+(Compression tag 7). Copies of this Note can be obtained from
+ It is expected that the next revision
+of the TIFF spec will replace the 6.0 JPEG design with the Note's design.
+Although IJG's own code does not support TIFF/JPEG, the free libtiff library
+uses our library to implement TIFF/JPEG per the Note.
+The "official" archive site for this software is
+The most recent released version can always be found there in
+directory "files". This particular version will be archived as
+, and in Windows-compatible
+"zip" archive format as
+The JPEG FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) article is a source of some
+general information about JPEG.
+It is available on the World Wide Web at
+and other news.answers archive sites, including the official news.answers
+archive at
+If you don't have Web or FTP access, send e-mail to [email protected]
+with body
+ send usenet/news.answers/jpeg-faq/part1
+ send usenet/news.answers/jpeg-faq/part2
+Thank to Juergen Bruder for providing me with a copy of the common DCT
+algorithm article, only to find out that I had come to the same result
+in a more direct and comprehensible way with a more generative approach.
+Thank to Istvan Sebestyen and Joan L. Mitchell for inviting me to the
+ITU JPEG (Study Group 16) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
+Thank to Thomas Wiegand and Gary Sullivan for inviting me to the
+Joint Video Team (MPEG & ITU) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
+Thank to John Korejwa and Massimo Ballerini for inviting me to
+fruitful consultations in Boston, MA and Milan, Italy.
+Thank to Hendrik Elstner, Roland Fassauer, Simone Zuck, Guenther
+Maier-Gerber, and Walter Stoeber for corresponding business development.
+Thank to Nico Zschach and Dirk Stelling of the technical support team
+at the Digital Images company in Halle for providing me with extra
+equipment for configuration tests.
+Thank to Richard F. Lyon (then of Foveon Inc.) for fruitful
+communication about JPEG configuration in Sigma Photo Pro software.
+Thank to Andrew Finkenstadt for hosting the site.
+Last but not least special thank to Thomas G. Lane for the original
+design and development of this singular software package.
+The ISO JPEG standards committee actually promotes different formats like
+"JPEG 2000" or "JPEG XR" which are incompatible with original DCT-based
+JPEG and which are based on faulty technologies. IJG therefore does not
+and will not support such momentary mistakes (see REFERENCES).
+We have little or no sympathy for the promotion of these formats. Indeed,
+one of the original reasons for developing this free software was to help
+force convergence on common, interoperable format standards for JPEG files.
+Don't use an incompatible file format!
+(In any case, our decoder will remain capable of reading existing JPEG
+image files indefinitely.)
+Version 8 is the first release of a new generation JPEG standard
+to overcome the limitations of the original JPEG specification.
+More features are being prepared for coming releases...
+Please send bug reports, offers of help, etc. to [email protected].
diff --git a/jpegutils/jpegint-8a.h b/jpegutils/jpegint-8a.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c27a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/jpegint-8a.h
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ * jpegint.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1991-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
+ * Modified 1997-2009 by Guido Vollbeding.
+ * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
+ *
+ * This file provides common declarations for the various JPEG modules.
+ * These declarations are considered internal to the JPEG library; most
+ * applications using the library shouldn't need to include this file.
+ */
+/* Declarations for both compression & decompression */
+typedef enum { /* Operating modes for buffer controllers */
+ JBUF_PASS_THRU, /* Plain stripwise operation */
+ /* Remaining modes require a full-image buffer to have been created */
+ JBUF_SAVE_SOURCE, /* Run source subobject only, save output */
+ JBUF_CRANK_DEST, /* Run dest subobject only, using saved data */
+ JBUF_SAVE_AND_PASS /* Run both subobjects, save output */
+/* Values of global_state field (jdapi.c has some dependencies on ordering!) */
+#define CSTATE_START 100 /* after create_compress */
+#define CSTATE_SCANNING 101 /* start_compress done, write_scanlines OK */
+#define CSTATE_RAW_OK 102 /* start_compress done, write_raw_data OK */
+#define CSTATE_WRCOEFS 103 /* jpeg_write_coefficients done */
+#define DSTATE_START 200 /* after create_decompress */
+#define DSTATE_INHEADER 201 /* reading header markers, no SOS yet */
+#define DSTATE_READY 202 /* found SOS, ready for start_decompress */
+#define DSTATE_PRELOAD 203 /* reading multiscan file in start_decompress*/
+#define DSTATE_PRESCAN 204 /* performing dummy pass for 2-pass quant */
+#define DSTATE_SCANNING 205 /* start_decompress done, read_scanlines OK */
+#define DSTATE_RAW_OK 206 /* start_decompress done, read_raw_data OK */
+#define DSTATE_BUFIMAGE 207 /* expecting jpeg_start_output */
+#define DSTATE_BUFPOST 208 /* looking for SOS/EOI in jpeg_finish_output */
+#define DSTATE_RDCOEFS 209 /* reading file in jpeg_read_coefficients */
+#define DSTATE_STOPPING 210 /* looking for EOI in jpeg_finish_decompress */
+/* Declarations for compression modules */
+/* Master control module */
+struct jpeg_comp_master {
+ JMETHOD(void, prepare_for_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, pass_startup, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, finish_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* State variables made visible to other modules */
+ boolean call_pass_startup; /* True if pass_startup must be called */
+ boolean is_last_pass; /* True during last pass */
+/* Main buffer control (downsampled-data buffer) */
+struct jpeg_c_main_controller {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
+ JMETHOD(void, process_data, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JDIMENSION *in_row_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION in_rows_avail));
+/* Compression preprocessing (downsampling input buffer control) */
+struct jpeg_c_prep_controller {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
+ JMETHOD(void, pre_process_data, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_buf,
+ JDIMENSION *in_row_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION in_rows_avail,
+ JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION *out_row_group_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION out_row_groups_avail));
+/* Coefficient buffer control */
+struct jpeg_c_coef_controller {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
+ JMETHOD(boolean, compress_data, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPIMAGE input_buf));
+/* Colorspace conversion */
+struct jpeg_color_converter {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, color_convert, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION output_row, int num_rows));
+/* Downsampling */
+struct jpeg_downsampler {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, downsample, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION in_row_index,
+ JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION out_row_group_index));
+ boolean need_context_rows; /* TRUE if need rows above & below */
+/* Forward DCT (also controls coefficient quantization) */
+typedef JMETHOD(void, forward_DCT_ptr,
+ (j_compress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
+ JSAMPARRAY sample_data, JBLOCKROW coef_blocks,
+ JDIMENSION start_row, JDIMENSION start_col,
+ JDIMENSION num_blocks));
+struct jpeg_forward_dct {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* It is useful to allow each component to have a separate FDCT method. */
+ forward_DCT_ptr forward_DCT[MAX_COMPONENTS];
+/* Entropy encoding */
+struct jpeg_entropy_encoder {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, boolean gather_statistics));
+ JMETHOD(boolean, encode_mcu, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));
+ JMETHOD(void, finish_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+/* Marker writing */
+struct jpeg_marker_writer {
+ JMETHOD(void, write_file_header, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, write_frame_header, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, write_scan_header, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, write_file_trailer, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, write_tables_only, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* These routines are exported to allow insertion of extra markers */
+ /* Probably only COM and APPn markers should be written this way */
+ JMETHOD(void, write_marker_header, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker,
+ unsigned int datalen));
+ JMETHOD(void, write_marker_byte, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, int val));
+/* Declarations for decompression modules */
+/* Master control module */
+struct jpeg_decomp_master {
+ JMETHOD(void, prepare_for_output_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, finish_output_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* State variables made visible to other modules */
+ boolean is_dummy_pass; /* True during 1st pass for 2-pass quant */
+/* Input control module */
+struct jpeg_input_controller {
+ JMETHOD(int, consume_input, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, reset_input_controller, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, start_input_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, finish_input_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* State variables made visible to other modules */
+ boolean has_multiple_scans; /* True if file has multiple scans */
+ boolean eoi_reached; /* True when EOI has been consumed */
+/* Main buffer control (downsampled-data buffer) */
+struct jpeg_d_main_controller {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
+ JMETHOD(void, process_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION out_rows_avail));
+/* Coefficient buffer control */
+struct jpeg_d_coef_controller {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_input_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(int, consume_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, start_output_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(int, decompress_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPIMAGE output_buf));
+ /* Pointer to array of coefficient virtual arrays, or NULL if none */
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *coef_arrays;
+/* Decompression postprocessing (color quantization buffer control) */
+struct jpeg_d_post_controller {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
+ JMETHOD(void, post_process_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
+ JDIMENSION *in_row_group_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION in_row_groups_avail,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION out_rows_avail));
+/* Marker reading & parsing */
+struct jpeg_marker_reader {
+ JMETHOD(void, reset_marker_reader, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* Read markers until SOS or EOI.
+ * Returns same codes as are defined for jpeg_consume_input:
+ */
+ JMETHOD(int, read_markers, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* Read a restart marker --- exported for use by entropy decoder only */
+ jpeg_marker_parser_method read_restart_marker;
+ /* State of marker reader --- nominally internal, but applications
+ * supplying COM or APPn handlers might like to know the state.
+ */
+ boolean saw_SOI; /* found SOI? */
+ boolean saw_SOF; /* found SOF? */
+ int next_restart_num; /* next restart number expected (0-7) */
+ unsigned int discarded_bytes; /* # of bytes skipped looking for a marker */
+/* Entropy decoding */
+struct jpeg_entropy_decoder {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(boolean, decode_mcu, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));
+/* Inverse DCT (also performs dequantization) */
+typedef JMETHOD(void, inverse_DCT_method_ptr,
+ (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
+ JCOEFPTR coef_block,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
+struct jpeg_inverse_dct {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ /* It is useful to allow each component to have a separate IDCT method. */
+ inverse_DCT_method_ptr inverse_DCT[MAX_COMPONENTS];
+/* Upsampling (note that upsampler must also call color converter) */
+struct jpeg_upsampler {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, upsample, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
+ JDIMENSION *in_row_group_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION in_row_groups_avail,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
+ JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr,
+ JDIMENSION out_rows_avail));
+ boolean need_context_rows; /* TRUE if need rows above & below */
+/* Colorspace conversion */
+struct jpeg_color_deconverter {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, color_convert, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION input_row,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_buf, int num_rows));
+/* Color quantization or color precision reduction */
+struct jpeg_color_quantizer {
+ JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, boolean is_pre_scan));
+ JMETHOD(void, color_quantize, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
+ int num_rows));
+ JMETHOD(void, finish_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+ JMETHOD(void, new_color_map, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+/* Miscellaneous useful macros */
+#undef MAX
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#undef MIN
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+/* We assume that right shift corresponds to signed division by 2 with
+ * rounding towards minus infinity. This is correct for typical "arithmetic
+ * shift" instructions that shift in copies of the sign bit. But some
+ * C compilers implement >> with an unsigned shift. For these machines you
+ * must define RIGHT_SHIFT_IS_UNSIGNED.
+ * RIGHT_SHIFT provides a proper signed right shift of an INT32 quantity.
+ * It is only applied with constant shift counts. SHIFT_TEMPS must be
+ * included in the variables of any routine using RIGHT_SHIFT.
+ */
+#define SHIFT_TEMPS INT32 shift_temp;
+#define RIGHT_SHIFT(x,shft) \
+ ((shift_temp = (x)) < 0 ? \
+ (shift_temp >> (shft)) | ((~((INT32) 0)) << (32-(shft))) : \
+ (shift_temp >> (shft)))
+#define SHIFT_TEMPS
+#define RIGHT_SHIFT(x,shft) ((x) >> (shft))
+/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
+#define jinit_compress_master jICompress
+#define jinit_c_master_control jICMaster
+#define jinit_c_main_controller jICMainC
+#define jinit_c_prep_controller jICPrepC
+#define jinit_c_coef_controller jICCoefC
+#define jinit_color_converter jICColor
+#define jinit_downsampler jIDownsampler
+#define jinit_forward_dct jIFDCT
+#define jinit_huff_encoder jIHEncoder
+#define jinit_arith_encoder jIAEncoder
+#define jinit_marker_writer jIMWriter
+#define jinit_master_decompress jIDMaster
+#define jinit_d_main_controller jIDMainC
+#define jinit_d_coef_controller jIDCoefC
+#define jinit_d_post_controller jIDPostC
+#define jinit_input_controller jIInCtlr
+#define jinit_marker_reader jIMReader
+#define jinit_huff_decoder jIHDecoder
+#define jinit_arith_decoder jIADecoder
+#define jinit_inverse_dct jIIDCT
+#define jinit_upsampler jIUpsampler
+#define jinit_color_deconverter jIDColor
+#define jinit_1pass_quantizer jI1Quant
+#define jinit_2pass_quantizer jI2Quant
+#define jinit_merged_upsampler jIMUpsampler
+#define jinit_memory_mgr jIMemMgr
+#define jdiv_round_up jDivRound
+#define jround_up jRound
+#define jcopy_sample_rows jCopySamples
+#define jcopy_block_row jCopyBlocks
+#define jzero_far jZeroFar
+#define jpeg_zigzag_order jZIGTable
+#define jpeg_natural_order jZAGTable
+#define jpeg_natural_order7 jZAGTable7
+#define jpeg_natural_order6 jZAGTable6
+#define jpeg_natural_order5 jZAGTable5
+#define jpeg_natural_order4 jZAGTable4
+#define jpeg_natural_order3 jZAGTable3
+#define jpeg_natural_order2 jZAGTable2
+#define jpeg_aritab jAriTab
+/* Compression module initialization routines */
+EXTERN(void) jinit_compress_master JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_c_master_control JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ boolean transcode_only));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_c_main_controller JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ boolean need_full_buffer));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_c_prep_controller JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ boolean need_full_buffer));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_c_coef_controller JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
+ boolean need_full_buffer));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_color_converter JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_downsampler JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_forward_dct JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_huff_encoder JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_arith_encoder JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_marker_writer JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
+/* Decompression module initialization routines */
+EXTERN(void) jinit_master_decompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_d_main_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ boolean need_full_buffer));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_d_coef_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ boolean need_full_buffer));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_d_post_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
+ boolean need_full_buffer));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_input_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_marker_reader JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_huff_decoder JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_arith_decoder JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_inverse_dct JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_upsampler JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_color_deconverter JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_1pass_quantizer JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_2pass_quantizer JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+EXTERN(void) jinit_merged_upsampler JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
+/* Memory manager initialization */
+EXTERN(void) jinit_memory_mgr JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
+/* Utility routines in jutils.c */
+EXTERN(long) jdiv_round_up JPP((long a, long b));
+EXTERN(long) jround_up JPP((long a, long b));
+EXTERN(void) jcopy_sample_rows JPP((JSAMPARRAY input_array, int source_row,
+ JSAMPARRAY output_array, int dest_row,
+ int num_rows, JDIMENSION num_cols));
+EXTERN(void) jcopy_block_row JPP((JBLOCKROW input_row, JBLOCKROW output_row,
+ JDIMENSION num_blocks));
+EXTERN(void) jzero_far JPP((void FAR * target, size_t bytestozero));
+/* Constant tables in jutils.c */
+#if 0 /* This table is not actually needed in v6a */
+extern const int jpeg_zigzag_order[]; /* natural coef order to zigzag order */
+extern const int jpeg_natural_order[]; /* zigzag coef order to natural order */
+extern const int jpeg_natural_order7[]; /* zz to natural order for 7x7 block */
+extern const int jpeg_natural_order6[]; /* zz to natural order for 6x6 block */
+extern const int jpeg_natural_order5[]; /* zz to natural order for 5x5 block */
+extern const int jpeg_natural_order4[]; /* zz to natural order for 4x4 block */
+extern const int jpeg_natural_order3[]; /* zz to natural order for 3x3 block */
+extern const int jpeg_natural_order2[]; /* zz to natural order for 2x2 block */
+/* Arithmetic coding probability estimation tables in jaricom.c */
+extern const INT32 jpeg_aritab[];
+/* Suppress undefined-structure complaints if necessary. */
+#ifndef AM_MEMORY_MANAGER /* only jmemmgr.c defines these */
+struct jvirt_sarray_control { long dummy; };
+struct jvirt_barray_control { long dummy; };
diff --git a/jpegutils/jpegint.h b/jpegutils/jpegint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..302c342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/jpegint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* Wrapper around jpegint.h for libjpeg-8. */
+#include "jpegint-8a.h"
+/* Not needed in libjpeg < 8 */
diff --git a/jpegutils/transupp-6b.c b/jpegutils/transupp-6b.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed7bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/transupp-6b.c
@@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
+ * GThumb
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+/* based upon file transupp.c from the libjpeg package, original copyright
+ * note follows:
+ *
+ * transupp.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997, Thomas G. Lane.
+ * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
+ *
+ * This file contains image transformation routines and other utility code
+ * used by the jpegtran sample application. These are NOT part of the core
+ * JPEG library. But we keep these routines separate from jpegtran.c to
+ * ease the task of maintaining jpegtran-like programs that have other user
+ * interfaces.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <jpeglib.h>
+#include "transupp-6b.h" /* My own external interface */
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+enum {
+#define ERREXIT(cinfo,code) \
+ ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
+ (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
+static long
+jround_up (long a, long b)
+/* Compute a rounded up to next multiple of b, ie, ceil(a/b)*b */
+/* Assumes a >= 0, b > 0 */
+ a += b - 1L;
+ return a - (a % b);
+static void
+jcopy_block_row (JBLOCKROW input_row, JBLOCKROW output_row,
+ JDIMENSION num_blocks)
+/* Copy a row of coefficient blocks from one place to another. */
+ register JCOEFPTR inptr, outptr;
+ register long count;
+ inptr = (JCOEFPTR) input_row;
+ outptr = (JCOEFPTR) output_row;
+ for (count = (long) num_blocks * DCTSIZE2; count > 0; count--) {
+ *outptr++ = *inptr++;
+ }
+ * Lossless image transformation routines. These routines work on DCT
+ * coefficient arrays and thus do not require any lossy decompression
+ * or recompression of the image.
+ * Thanks to Guido Vollbeding for the initial design and code of this feature.
+ *
+ * Horizontal flipping is done in-place, using a single top-to-bottom
+ * pass through the virtual source array. It will thus be much the
+ * fastest option for images larger than main memory.
+ *
+ * The other routines require a set of destination virtual arrays, so they
+ * need twice as much memory as jpegtran normally does. The destination
+ * arrays are always written in normal scan order (top to bottom) because
+ * the virtual array manager expects this. The source arrays will be scanned
+ * in the corresponding order, which means multiple passes through the source
+ * arrays for most of the transforms. That could result in much thrashing
+ * if the image is larger than main memory.
+ *
+ * Some notes about the operating environment of the individual transform
+ * routines:
+ * 1. Both the source and destination virtual arrays are allocated from the
+ * source JPEG object, and therefore should be manipulated by calling the
+ * source's memory manager.
+ * 2. The destination's component count should be used. It may be smaller
+ * than the source's when forcing to grayscale.
+ * 3. Likewise the destination's sampling factors should be used. When
+ * forcing to grayscale the destination's sampling factors will be all 1,
+ * and we may as well take that as the effective iMCU size.
+ * 4. When "trim" is in effect, the destination's dimensions will be the
+ * trimmed values but the source's will be untrimmed.
+ * 5. All the routines assume that the source and destination buffers are
+ * padded out to a full iMCU boundary. This is true, although for the
+ * source buffer it is an undocumented property of jdcoefct.c.
+ * Notes 2,3,4 boil down to this: generally we should use the destination's
+ * dimensions and ignore the source's.
+ */
+static void
+do_flip_h (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays)
+/* Horizontal flip; done in-place, so no separate dest array is required */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, comp_width, blk_x, blk_y;
+ int ci, k, offset_y;
+ JCOEFPTR ptr1, ptr2;
+ JCOEF temp1, temp2;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Horizontal mirroring of DCT blocks is accomplished by swapping
+ * pairs of blocks in-place. Within a DCT block, we perform horizontal
+ * mirroring by changing the signs of odd-numbered columns.
+ * Partial iMCUs at the right edge are left untouched.
+ */
+ MCU_cols = dstinfo->image_width / (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ for (blk_y = 0; blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (blk_x = 0; blk_x * 2 < comp_width; blk_x++) {
+ ptr1 = buffer[offset_y][blk_x];
+ ptr2 = buffer[offset_y][comp_width - blk_x - 1];
+ /* this unrolled loop doesn't need to know which row it's on... */
+ for (k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; k += 2) {
+ temp1 = *ptr1; /* swap even column */
+ temp2 = *ptr2;
+ *ptr1++ = temp2;
+ *ptr2++ = temp1;
+ temp1 = *ptr1; /* swap odd column with sign change */
+ temp2 = *ptr2;
+ *ptr1++ = -temp2;
+ *ptr2++ = -temp1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+do_flip_v (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Vertical flip */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_rows, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JBLOCKROW src_row_ptr, dst_row_ptr;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* We output into a separate array because we can't touch different
+ * rows of the source virtual array simultaneously. Otherwise, this
+ * is a pretty straightforward analog of horizontal flip.
+ * Within a DCT block, vertical mirroring is done by changing the signs
+ * of odd-numbered rows.
+ * Partial iMCUs at the bottom edge are copied verbatim.
+ */
+ MCU_rows = dstinfo->image_height / (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ if (dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ comp_height - dst_blk_y - (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ /* Bottom-edge blocks will be copied verbatim. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ }
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ if (dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the mirrorable area. */
+ dst_row_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y];
+ src_row_ptr = src_buffer[compptr->v_samp_factor - offset_y - 1];
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i += 2) {
+ /* copy even row */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ /* copy odd row with sign change */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Just copy row verbatim. */
+ jcopy_block_row(src_buffer[offset_y], dst_buffer[offset_y],
+ compptr->width_in_blocks);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+do_transpose (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Transpose source into destination */
+ JDIMENSION dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Transposing pixels within a block just requires transposing the
+ * DCT coefficients.
+ * Partial iMCUs at the edges require no special treatment; we simply
+ * process all the available DCT blocks for every component.
+ */
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_x,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x][dst_blk_y + offset_y];
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+do_rot_90 (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* 90 degree rotation is equivalent to
+ * 1. Transposing the image;
+ * 2. Horizontal mirroring.
+ * These two steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, comp_width, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Because of the horizontal mirror step, we can't process partial iMCUs
+ * at the (output) right edge properly. They just get transposed and
+ * not mirrored.
+ */
+ MCU_cols = dstinfo->image_width / (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_x,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x][dst_blk_y + offset_y];
+ if (dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y]
+ [comp_width - dst_blk_x - offset_x - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ i++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Edge blocks are transposed but not mirrored. */
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+do_rot_270 (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* 270 degree rotation is equivalent to
+ * 1. Horizontal mirroring;
+ * 2. Transposing the image.
+ * These two steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_rows, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Because of the horizontal mirror step, we can't process partial iMCUs
+ * at the (output) bottom edge properly. They just get transposed and
+ * not mirrored.
+ */
+ MCU_rows = dstinfo->image_height / (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_x,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ if (dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x]
+ [comp_height - dst_blk_y - offset_y - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Edge blocks are transposed but not mirrored. */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x][dst_blk_y + offset_y];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+do_rot_180 (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* 180 degree rotation is equivalent to
+ * 1. Vertical mirroring;
+ * 2. Horizontal mirroring.
+ * These two steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, MCU_rows, comp_width, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JBLOCKROW src_row_ptr, dst_row_ptr;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ MCU_cols = dstinfo->image_width / (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ MCU_rows = dstinfo->image_height / (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ if (dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the vertically mirrorable area. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ comp_height - dst_blk_y - (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ /* Bottom-edge rows are only mirrored horizontally. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ }
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ if (dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the mirrorable area. */
+ dst_row_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y];
+ src_row_ptr = src_buffer[compptr->v_samp_factor - offset_y - 1];
+ /* Process the blocks that can be mirrored both ways. */
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < comp_width; dst_blk_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[comp_width - dst_blk_x - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i += 2) {
+ /* For even row, negate every odd column. */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j += 2) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ /* For odd row, negate every even column. */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j += 2) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Any remaining right-edge blocks are only mirrored vertically. */
+ for (; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks; dst_blk_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i += 2) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Remaining rows are just mirrored horizontally. */
+ dst_row_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y];
+ src_row_ptr = src_buffer[offset_y];
+ /* Process the blocks that can be mirrored. */
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < comp_width; dst_blk_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[comp_width - dst_blk_x - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i += 2) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Any remaining right-edge blocks are only copied. */
+ for (; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks; dst_blk_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+do_transverse (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Transverse transpose is equivalent to
+ * 1. 180 degree rotation;
+ * 2. Transposition;
+ * or
+ * 1. Horizontal mirroring;
+ * 2. Transposition;
+ * 3. Horizontal mirroring.
+ * These steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, MCU_rows, comp_width, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ MCU_cols = dstinfo->image_width / (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ MCU_rows = dstinfo->image_height / (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_x,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ if (dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x]
+ [comp_height - dst_blk_y - offset_y - 1];
+ if (dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y]
+ [comp_width - dst_blk_x - offset_x - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ i++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Right-edge blocks are mirrored in y only */
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x][dst_blk_y + offset_y];
+ if (dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Bottom-edge blocks are mirrored in x only */
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y]
+ [comp_width - dst_blk_x - offset_x - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ i++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* At lower right corner, just transpose, no mirroring */
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Request any required workspace.
+ *
+ * We allocate the workspace virtual arrays from the source decompression
+ * object, so that all the arrays (both the original data and the workspace)
+ * will be taken into account while making memory management decisions.
+ * Hence, this routine must be called after jpeg_read_header (which reads
+ * the image dimensions) and before jpeg_read_coefficients (which realizes
+ * the source's virtual arrays).
+ */
+jtransform_request_workspace (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info)
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *coef_arrays = NULL;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ int ci;
+ if (info->force_grayscale &&
+ srcinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCbCr &&
+ srcinfo->num_components == 3) {
+ /* We'll only process the first component */
+ info->num_components = 1;
+ } else {
+ /* Process all the components */
+ info->num_components = srcinfo->num_components;
+ }
+ switch (info->transform) {
+ /* Don't need a workspace array */
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_180:
+ /* Need workspace arrays having same dimensions as source image.
+ * Note that we allocate arrays padded out to the next iMCU boundary,
+ * so that transform routines need not worry about missing edge blocks.
+ */
+ coef_arrays = (jvirt_barray_ptr *)
+ (*srcinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
+ sizeof(jvirt_barray_ptr) * info->num_components);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < info->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = srcinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ coef_arrays[ci] = (*srcinfo->mem->request_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, FALSE,
+ (JDIMENSION) jround_up((long) compptr->width_in_blocks,
+ (long) compptr->h_samp_factor),
+ (JDIMENSION) jround_up((long) compptr->height_in_blocks,
+ (long) compptr->v_samp_factor),
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor);
+ }
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ /* Need workspace arrays having transposed dimensions.
+ * Note that we allocate arrays padded out to the next iMCU boundary,
+ * so that transform routines need not worry about missing edge blocks.
+ */
+ coef_arrays = (jvirt_barray_ptr *)
+ (*srcinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
+ sizeof(jvirt_barray_ptr) * info->num_components);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < info->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = srcinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ coef_arrays[ci] = (*srcinfo->mem->request_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, FALSE,
+ (JDIMENSION) jround_up((long) compptr->height_in_blocks,
+ (long) compptr->v_samp_factor),
+ (JDIMENSION) jround_up((long) compptr->width_in_blocks,
+ (long) compptr->h_samp_factor),
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ info->workspace_coef_arrays = coef_arrays;
+/* Transpose destination image parameters */
+static void
+transpose_critical_parameters (j_compress_ptr dstinfo)
+ int tblno, i, j, ci, itemp;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ JQUANT_TBL *qtblptr;
+ UINT16 qtemp;
+ /* Transpose basic image dimensions */
+ dtemp = dstinfo->image_width;
+ dstinfo->image_width = dstinfo->image_height;
+ dstinfo->image_height = dtemp;
+ /* Transpose sampling factors */
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ itemp = compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ compptr->h_samp_factor = compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ compptr->v_samp_factor = itemp;
+ }
+ /* Transpose quantization tables */
+ for (tblno = 0; tblno < NUM_QUANT_TBLS; tblno++) {
+ qtblptr = dstinfo->quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno];
+ if (qtblptr != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ qtemp = qtblptr->quantval[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ qtblptr->quantval[i*DCTSIZE+j] = qtblptr->quantval[j*DCTSIZE+i];
+ qtblptr->quantval[j*DCTSIZE+i] = qtemp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Trim off any partial iMCUs on the indicated destination edge */
+static void
+trim_right_edge (j_compress_ptr dstinfo)
+ int ci, max_h_samp_factor;
+ /* We have to compute max_h_samp_factor ourselves,
+ * because it hasn't been set yet in the destination
+ * (and we don't want to use the source's value).
+ */
+ max_h_samp_factor = 1;
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ int h_samp_factor = dstinfo->comp_info[ci].h_samp_factor;
+ max_h_samp_factor = MAX(max_h_samp_factor, h_samp_factor);
+ }
+ MCU_cols = dstinfo->image_width / (max_h_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ if (MCU_cols > 0) /* can't trim to 0 pixels */
+ dstinfo->image_width = MCU_cols * (max_h_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+static void
+trim_bottom_edge (j_compress_ptr dstinfo)
+ int ci, max_v_samp_factor;
+ /* We have to compute max_v_samp_factor ourselves,
+ * because it hasn't been set yet in the destination
+ * (and we don't want to use the source's value).
+ */
+ max_v_samp_factor = 1;
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ int v_samp_factor = dstinfo->comp_info[ci].v_samp_factor;
+ max_v_samp_factor = MAX(max_v_samp_factor, v_samp_factor);
+ }
+ MCU_rows = dstinfo->image_height / (max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+ if (MCU_rows > 0) /* can't trim to 0 pixels */
+ dstinfo->image_height = MCU_rows * (max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE);
+/* Adjust output image parameters as needed.
+ *
+ * This must be called after jpeg_copy_critical_parameters()
+ * and before jpeg_write_coefficients().
+ *
+ * The return value is the set of virtual coefficient arrays to be written
+ * (either the ones allocated by jtransform_request_workspace, or the
+ * original source data arrays). The caller will need to pass this value
+ * to jpeg_write_coefficients().
+ */
+jvirt_barray_ptr *
+jtransform_adjust_parameters (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info)
+ /* If force-to-grayscale is requested, adjust destination parameters */
+ if (info->force_grayscale) {
+ /* We use jpeg_set_colorspace to make sure subsidiary settings get fixed
+ * properly. Among other things, the target h_samp_factor & v_samp_factor
+ * will get set to 1, which typically won't match the source.
+ * In fact we do this even if the source is already grayscale; that
+ * provides an easy way of coercing a grayscale JPEG with funny sampling
+ * factors to the customary 1,1. (Some decoders fail on other factors.)
+ */
+ if ((dstinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCbCr &&
+ dstinfo->num_components == 3) ||
+ (dstinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_GRAYSCALE &&
+ dstinfo->num_components == 1)) {
+ /* We have to preserve the source's quantization table number. */
+ int sv_quant_tbl_no = dstinfo->comp_info[0].quant_tbl_no;
+ jpeg_set_colorspace(dstinfo, JCS_GRAYSCALE);
+ dstinfo->comp_info[0].quant_tbl_no = sv_quant_tbl_no;
+ } else {
+ /* Sorry, can't do it */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Correct the destination's image dimensions etc if necessary */
+ switch (info->transform) {
+ /* Nothing to do */
+ break;
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_right_edge(dstinfo);
+ break;
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_bottom_edge(dstinfo);
+ break;
+ transpose_critical_parameters(dstinfo);
+ /* transpose does NOT have to trim anything */
+ break;
+ transpose_critical_parameters(dstinfo);
+ if (info->trim) {
+ trim_right_edge(dstinfo);
+ trim_bottom_edge(dstinfo);
+ }
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ transpose_critical_parameters(dstinfo);
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_right_edge(dstinfo);
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_180:
+ if (info->trim) {
+ trim_right_edge(dstinfo);
+ trim_bottom_edge(dstinfo);
+ }
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ transpose_critical_parameters(dstinfo);
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_bottom_edge(dstinfo);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Return the appropriate output data set */
+ if (info->workspace_coef_arrays != NULL)
+ return info->workspace_coef_arrays;
+ return src_coef_arrays;
+/* Execute the actual transformation, if any.
+ *
+ * This must be called *after* jpeg_write_coefficients, because it depends
+ * on jpeg_write_coefficients to have computed subsidiary values such as
+ * the per-component width and height fields in the destination object.
+ *
+ * Note that some transformations will modify the source data arrays!
+ */
+jtransform_execute_transformation (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info)
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays = info->workspace_coef_arrays;
+ switch (info->transform) {
+ break;
+ do_flip_h(srcinfo, dstinfo, src_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ do_flip_v(srcinfo, dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ do_transpose(srcinfo, dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ do_transverse(srcinfo, dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ do_rot_90(srcinfo, dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_180:
+ do_rot_180(srcinfo, dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ do_rot_270(srcinfo, dstinfo, src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ }
+/* Setup decompression object to save desired markers in memory.
+ * This must be called before jpeg_read_header() to have the desired effect.
+ */
+jcopy_markers_setup (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, JCOPY_OPTION option)
+ int m;
+ /* Save comments except under NONE option */
+ if (option != JCOPYOPT_NONE) {
+ jpeg_save_markers(srcinfo, JPEG_COM, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ /* Save all types of APPn markers iff ALL option */
+ if (option == JCOPYOPT_ALL) {
+ for (m = 0; m < 16; m++)
+ jpeg_save_markers(srcinfo, JPEG_APP0 + m, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+/* Copy markers saved in the given source object to the destination object.
+ * This should be called just after jpeg_start_compress() or
+ * jpeg_write_coefficients().
+ * Note that those routines will have written the SOI, and also the
+ * JFIF APP0 or Adobe APP14 markers if selected.
+ */
+jcopy_markers_execute (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JCOPY_OPTION option)
+ jpeg_saved_marker_ptr marker;
+ /* In the current implementation, we don't actually need to examine the
+ * option flag here; we just copy everything that got saved.
+ * But to avoid confusion, we do not output JFIF and Adobe APP14 markers
+ * if the encoder library already wrote one.
+ */
+ for (marker = srcinfo->marker_list; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) {
+ if (dstinfo->write_JFIF_header &&
+ marker->marker == JPEG_APP0 &&
+ marker->data_length >= 5 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[0]) == 0x4A &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[1]) == 0x46 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[2]) == 0x49 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[3]) == 0x46 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[4]) == 0)
+ continue; /* reject duplicate JFIF */
+ if (dstinfo->write_Adobe_marker &&
+ marker->marker == JPEG_APP0+14 &&
+ marker->data_length >= 5 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[0]) == 0x41 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[1]) == 0x64 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[2]) == 0x6F &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[3]) == 0x62 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[4]) == 0x65)
+ continue; /* reject duplicate Adobe */
+ /* We could use jpeg_write_marker if the data weren't FAR... */
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ jpeg_write_m_header(dstinfo, marker->marker, marker->data_length);
+ for (i = 0; i < marker->data_length; i++)
+ jpeg_write_m_byte(dstinfo, marker->data[i]);
+ }
+ jpeg_write_marker(dstinfo, marker->marker,
+ marker->data, marker->data_length);
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_LIBJPEG */
diff --git a/jpegutils/transupp-6b.h b/jpegutils/transupp-6b.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b89e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/transupp-6b.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
+ * GThumb
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+/* based upon file transupp.h from the libjpeg package, original copyright
+ * note follows:
+ *
+ * transupp.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997, Thomas G. Lane.
+ * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
+ *
+ * This file contains declarations for image transformation routines and
+ * other utility code used by the jpegtran sample application. These are
+ * NOT part of the core JPEG library. But we keep these routines separate
+ * from jpegtran.c to ease the task of maintaining jpegtran-like programs
+ * that have other user interfaces.
+ *
+ * NOTE: all the routines declared here have very specific requirements
+ * about when they are to be executed during the reading and writing of the
+ * source and destination files. See the comments in transupp.c, or see
+ * jpegtran.c for an example of correct usage.
+ */
+ * Codes for supported types of image transformations.
+ */
+#ifndef TRANSUPP_H
+#define TRANSUPP_H
+#include <jpeglib.h>
+typedef enum {
+ JXFORM_NONE, /* no transformation */
+ JXFORM_FLIP_H, /* horizontal flip */
+ JXFORM_FLIP_V, /* vertical flip */
+ JXFORM_TRANSPOSE, /* transpose across UL-to-LR axis */
+ JXFORM_TRANSVERSE, /* transpose across UR-to-LL axis */
+ JXFORM_ROT_90, /* 90-degree clockwise rotation */
+ JXFORM_ROT_180, /* 180-degree rotation */
+ JXFORM_ROT_270 /* 270-degree clockwise (or 90 ccw) */
+ * Although rotating and flipping data expressed as DCT coefficients is not
+ * hard, there is an asymmetry in the JPEG format specification for images
+ * whose dimensions aren't multiples of the iMCU size. The right and bottom
+ * image edges are padded out to the next iMCU boundary with junk data; but
+ * no padding is possible at the top and left edges. If we were to flip
+ * the whole image including the pad data, then pad garbage would become
+ * visible at the top and/or left, and real pixels would disappear into the
+ * pad margins --- perhaps permanently, since encoders & decoders may not
+ * bother to preserve DCT blocks that appear to be completely outside the
+ * nominal image area. So, we have to exclude any partial iMCUs from the
+ * basic transformation.
+ *
+ * Transpose is the only transformation that can handle partial iMCUs at the
+ * right and bottom edges completely cleanly. flip_h can flip partial iMCUs
+ * at the bottom, but leaves any partial iMCUs at the right edge untouched.
+ * Similarly flip_v leaves any partial iMCUs at the bottom edge untouched.
+ * The other transforms are defined as combinations of these basic transforms
+ * and process edge blocks in a way that preserves the equivalence.
+ *
+ * The "trim" option causes untransformable partial iMCUs to be dropped;
+ * this is not strictly lossless, but it usually gives the best-looking
+ * result for odd-size images. Note that when this option is active,
+ * the expected mathematical equivalences between the transforms may not hold.
+ * (For example, -rot 270 -trim trims only the bottom edge, but -rot 90 -trim
+ * followed by -rot 180 -trim trims both edges.)
+ *
+ * We also offer a "force to grayscale" option, which simply discards the
+ * chrominance channels of a YCbCr image. This is lossless in the sense that
+ * the luminance channel is preserved exactly. It's not the same kind of
+ * thing as the rotate/flip transformations, but it's convenient to handle it
+ * as part of this package, mainly because the transformation routines have to
+ * be aware of the option to know how many components to work on.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Options: set by caller */
+ JXFORM_CODE transform; /* image transform operator */
+ boolean trim; /* if TRUE, trim partial MCUs as needed */
+ boolean force_grayscale; /* if TRUE, convert color image to grayscale */
+ /* Internal workspace: caller should not touch these */
+ int num_components; /* # of components in workspace */
+ jvirt_barray_ptr * workspace_coef_arrays; /* workspace for transformations */
+} jpeg_transform_info;
+/* Request any required workspace */
+void jtransform_request_workspace (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info);
+/* Adjust output image parameters */
+jvirt_barray_ptr * jtransform_adjust_parameters (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info);
+/* Execute the actual transformation, if any */
+void jtransform_execute_transformation (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info);
+ * Support for copying optional markers from source to destination file.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ JCOPYOPT_NONE, /* copy no optional markers */
+ JCOPYOPT_COMMENTS, /* copy only comment (COM) markers */
+ JCOPYOPT_ALL /* copy all optional markers */
+#define JCOPYOPT_DEFAULT JCOPYOPT_COMMENTS /* recommended default */
+/* Setup decompression object to save desired markers in memory */
+void jcopy_markers_setup (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ JCOPY_OPTION option);
+/* Copy markers saved in the given source object to the destination object */
+void jcopy_markers_execute (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JCOPY_OPTION option);
+#endif /* TRANSUPP_H */
+#endif /* HAVE_LIBJPEG */
diff --git a/jpegutils/transupp-8a.c b/jpegutils/transupp-8a.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03caa09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/transupp-8a.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1609 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
+ * GThumb
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+/* based upon file transupp.c from the libjpeg package, original copyright
+ * note follows:
+ *
+ *
+ * transupp.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.
+ * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
+ *
+ * This file contains image transformation routines and other utility code
+ * used by the jpegtran sample application. These are NOT part of the core
+ * JPEG library. But we keep these routines separate from jpegtran.c to
+ * ease the task of maintaining jpegtran-like programs that have other user
+ * interfaces.
+ */
+/* Although this file really shouldn't have access to the library internals,
+ * it's helpful to let it call jround_up() and jcopy_block_row().
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <jpeglib.h>
+#include "transupp-8a.h" /* My own external interface */
+#include <ctype.h> /* to declare isdigit() */
+ * Lossless image transformation routines. These routines work on DCT
+ * coefficient arrays and thus do not require any lossy decompression
+ * or recompression of the image.
+ * Thanks to Guido Vollbeding for the initial design and code of this feature,
+ * and to Ben Jackson for introducing the cropping feature.
+ *
+ * Horizontal flipping is done in-place, using a single top-to-bottom
+ * pass through the virtual source array. It will thus be much the
+ * fastest option for images larger than main memory.
+ *
+ * The other routines require a set of destination virtual arrays, so they
+ * need twice as much memory as jpegtran normally does. The destination
+ * arrays are always written in normal scan order (top to bottom) because
+ * the virtual array manager expects this. The source arrays will be scanned
+ * in the corresponding order, which means multiple passes through the source
+ * arrays for most of the transforms. That could result in much thrashing
+ * if the image is larger than main memory.
+ *
+ * If cropping or trimming is involved, the destination arrays may be smaller
+ * than the source arrays. Note it is not possible to do horizontal flip
+ * in-place when a nonzero Y crop offset is specified, since we'd have to move
+ * data from one block row to another but the virtual array manager doesn't
+ * guarantee we can touch more than one row at a time. So in that case,
+ * we have to use a separate destination array.
+ *
+ * Some notes about the operating environment of the individual transform
+ * routines:
+ * 1. Both the source and destination virtual arrays are allocated from the
+ * source JPEG object, and therefore should be manipulated by calling the
+ * source's memory manager.
+ * 2. The destination's component count should be used. It may be smaller
+ * than the source's when forcing to grayscale.
+ * 3. Likewise the destination's sampling factors should be used. When
+ * forcing to grayscale the destination's sampling factors will be all 1,
+ * and we may as well take that as the effective iMCU size.
+ * 4. When "trim" is in effect, the destination's dimensions will be the
+ * trimmed values but the source's will be untrimmed.
+ * 5. When "crop" is in effect, the destination's dimensions will be the
+ * cropped values but the source's will be uncropped. Each transform
+ * routine is responsible for picking up source data starting at the
+ * correct X and Y offset for the crop region. (The X and Y offsets
+ * passed to the transform routines are measured in iMCU blocks of the
+ * destination.)
+ * 6. All the routines assume that the source and destination buffers are
+ * padded out to a full iMCU boundary. This is true, although for the
+ * source buffer it is an undocumented property of jdcoefct.c.
+ */
+do_crop (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Crop. This is only used when no rotate/flip is requested with the crop. */
+ JDIMENSION dst_blk_y, x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* We simply have to copy the right amount of data (the destination's
+ * image size) starting at the given X and Y offsets in the source.
+ */
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_y + y_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ jcopy_block_row(src_buffer[offset_y] + x_crop_blocks,
+ dst_buffer[offset_y],
+ compptr->width_in_blocks);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_flip_h_no_crop (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays)
+/* Horizontal flip; done in-place, so no separate dest array is required.
+ * NB: this only works when y_crop_offset is zero.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, comp_width, blk_x, blk_y, x_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, k, offset_y;
+ JCOEFPTR ptr1, ptr2;
+ JCOEF temp1, temp2;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Horizontal mirroring of DCT blocks is accomplished by swapping
+ * pairs of blocks in-place. Within a DCT block, we perform horizontal
+ * mirroring by changing the signs of odd-numbered columns.
+ * Partial iMCUs at the right edge are left untouched.
+ */
+ MCU_cols = srcinfo->output_width /
+ (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ for (blk_y = 0; blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci], blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ /* Do the mirroring */
+ for (blk_x = 0; blk_x * 2 < comp_width; blk_x++) {
+ ptr1 = buffer[offset_y][blk_x];
+ ptr2 = buffer[offset_y][comp_width - blk_x - 1];
+ /* this unrolled loop doesn't need to know which row it's on... */
+ for (k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; k += 2) {
+ temp1 = *ptr1; /* swap even column */
+ temp2 = *ptr2;
+ *ptr1++ = temp2;
+ *ptr2++ = temp1;
+ temp1 = *ptr1; /* swap odd column with sign change */
+ temp2 = *ptr2;
+ *ptr1++ = -temp2;
+ *ptr2++ = -temp1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x_crop_blocks > 0) {
+ /* Now left-justify the portion of the data to be kept.
+ * We can't use a single jcopy_block_row() call because that routine
+ * depends on memcpy(), whose behavior is unspecified for overlapping
+ * source and destination areas. Sigh.
+ */
+ for (blk_x = 0; blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks; blk_x++) {
+ jcopy_block_row(buffer[offset_y] + blk_x + x_crop_blocks,
+ buffer[offset_y] + blk_x,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_flip_h (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Horizontal flip in general cropping case */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, comp_width, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, k, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JBLOCKROW src_row_ptr, dst_row_ptr;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Here we must output into a separate array because we can't touch
+ * different rows of a single virtual array simultaneously. Otherwise,
+ * this is essentially the same as the routine above.
+ */
+ MCU_cols = srcinfo->output_width /
+ (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_y + y_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ dst_row_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y];
+ src_row_ptr = src_buffer[offset_y];
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks; dst_blk_x++) {
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Do the mirrorable blocks */
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[comp_width - x_crop_blocks - dst_blk_x - 1];
+ /* this unrolled loop doesn't need to know which row it's on... */
+ for (k = 0; k < DCTSIZE2; k += 2) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++; /* copy even column */
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++; /* copy odd column with sign change */
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Copy last partial block(s) verbatim */
+ jcopy_block_row(src_row_ptr + dst_blk_x + x_crop_blocks,
+ dst_row_ptr + dst_blk_x,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_flip_v (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Vertical flip */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_rows, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JBLOCKROW src_row_ptr, dst_row_ptr;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* We output into a separate array because we can't touch different
+ * rows of the source virtual array simultaneously. Otherwise, this
+ * is a pretty straightforward analog of horizontal flip.
+ * Within a DCT block, vertical mirroring is done by changing the signs
+ * of odd-numbered rows.
+ * Partial iMCUs at the bottom edge are copied verbatim.
+ */
+ MCU_rows = srcinfo->output_height /
+ (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ if (y_crop_blocks + dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ comp_height - y_crop_blocks - dst_blk_y -
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ /* Bottom-edge blocks will be copied verbatim. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_y + y_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ }
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ if (y_crop_blocks + dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the mirrorable area. */
+ dst_row_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y];
+ src_row_ptr = src_buffer[compptr->v_samp_factor - offset_y - 1];
+ src_row_ptr += x_crop_blocks;
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i += 2) {
+ /* copy even row */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ /* copy odd row with sign change */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Just copy row verbatim. */
+ jcopy_block_row(src_buffer[offset_y] + x_crop_blocks,
+ dst_buffer[offset_y],
+ compptr->width_in_blocks);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_transpose (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Transpose source into destination */
+ JDIMENSION dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y, x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Transposing pixels within a block just requires transposing the
+ * DCT coefficients.
+ * Partial iMCUs at the edges require no special treatment; we simply
+ * process all the available DCT blocks for every component.
+ */
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_x + x_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x][dst_blk_y + offset_y + y_crop_blocks];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_rot_90 (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* 90 degree rotation is equivalent to
+ * 1. Transposing the image;
+ * 2. Horizontal mirroring.
+ * These two steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, comp_width, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Because of the horizontal mirror step, we can't process partial iMCUs
+ * at the (output) right edge properly. They just get transposed and
+ * not mirrored.
+ */
+ MCU_cols = srcinfo->output_height /
+ (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ comp_width - x_crop_blocks - dst_blk_x -
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ /* Edge blocks are transposed but not mirrored. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_x + x_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ }
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[compptr->h_samp_factor - offset_x - 1]
+ [dst_blk_y + offset_y + y_crop_blocks];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ i++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Edge blocks are transposed but not mirrored. */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x]
+ [dst_blk_y + offset_y + y_crop_blocks];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_rot_270 (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* 270 degree rotation is equivalent to
+ * 1. Horizontal mirroring;
+ * 2. Transposing the image.
+ * These two steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_rows, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ /* Because of the horizontal mirror step, we can't process partial iMCUs
+ * at the (output) bottom edge properly. They just get transposed and
+ * not mirrored.
+ */
+ MCU_rows = srcinfo->output_width /
+ (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_x + x_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ if (y_crop_blocks + dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x]
+ [comp_height - y_crop_blocks - dst_blk_y - offset_y - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Edge blocks are transposed but not mirrored. */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x]
+ [dst_blk_y + offset_y + y_crop_blocks];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_rot_180 (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* 180 degree rotation is equivalent to
+ * 1. Vertical mirroring;
+ * 2. Horizontal mirroring.
+ * These two steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, MCU_rows, comp_width, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JBLOCKROW src_row_ptr, dst_row_ptr;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ MCU_cols = srcinfo->output_width /
+ (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size);
+ MCU_rows = srcinfo->output_height /
+ (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ if (y_crop_blocks + dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the vertically mirrorable area. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ comp_height - y_crop_blocks - dst_blk_y -
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ /* Bottom-edge rows are only mirrored horizontally. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_y + y_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ }
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ dst_row_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y];
+ if (y_crop_blocks + dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ /* Row is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_row_ptr = src_buffer[compptr->v_samp_factor - offset_y - 1];
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks; dst_blk_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Process the blocks that can be mirrored both ways. */
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[comp_width - x_crop_blocks - dst_blk_x - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i += 2) {
+ /* For even row, negate every odd column. */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j += 2) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ /* For odd row, negate every even column. */
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j += 2) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Any remaining right-edge blocks are only mirrored vertically. */
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i += 2) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Remaining rows are just mirrored horizontally. */
+ src_row_ptr = src_buffer[offset_y];
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks; dst_blk_x++) {
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Process the blocks that can be mirrored. */
+ dst_ptr = dst_row_ptr[dst_blk_x];
+ src_ptr = src_row_ptr[comp_width - x_crop_blocks - dst_blk_x - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; i += 2) {
+ *dst_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+ *dst_ptr++ = - *src_ptr++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Any remaining right-edge blocks are only copied. */
+ jcopy_block_row(src_row_ptr + dst_blk_x + x_crop_blocks,
+ dst_row_ptr + dst_blk_x,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+do_transverse (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset, JDIMENSION y_crop_offset,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays)
+/* Transverse transpose is equivalent to
+ * 1. 180 degree rotation;
+ * 2. Transposition;
+ * or
+ * 1. Horizontal mirroring;
+ * 2. Transposition;
+ * 3. Horizontal mirroring.
+ * These steps are merged into a single processing routine.
+ */
+ JDIMENSION MCU_cols, MCU_rows, comp_width, comp_height, dst_blk_x, dst_blk_y;
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_blocks, y_crop_blocks;
+ int ci, i, j, offset_x, offset_y;
+ JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer, dst_buffer;
+ JCOEFPTR src_ptr, dst_ptr;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ MCU_cols = srcinfo->output_height /
+ (dstinfo->max_h_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size);
+ MCU_rows = srcinfo->output_width /
+ (dstinfo->max_v_samp_factor * dstinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ comp_width = MCU_cols * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ comp_height = MCU_rows * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ x_crop_blocks = x_crop_offset * compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ y_crop_blocks = y_crop_offset * compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ for (dst_blk_y = 0; dst_blk_y < compptr->height_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_y += compptr->v_samp_factor) {
+ dst_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, dst_coef_arrays[ci], dst_blk_y,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->v_samp_factor, TRUE);
+ for (offset_y = 0; offset_y < compptr->v_samp_factor; offset_y++) {
+ for (dst_blk_x = 0; dst_blk_x < compptr->width_in_blocks;
+ dst_blk_x += compptr->h_samp_factor) {
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ comp_width - x_crop_blocks - dst_blk_x -
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ src_buffer = (*srcinfo->mem->access_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, src_coef_arrays[ci],
+ dst_blk_x + x_crop_blocks,
+ (JDIMENSION) compptr->h_samp_factor, FALSE);
+ }
+ for (offset_x = 0; offset_x < compptr->h_samp_factor; offset_x++) {
+ dst_ptr = dst_buffer[offset_y][dst_blk_x + offset_x];
+ if (y_crop_blocks + dst_blk_y < comp_height) {
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Block is within the mirrorable area. */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[compptr->h_samp_factor - offset_x - 1]
+ [comp_height - y_crop_blocks - dst_blk_y - offset_y - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ i++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Right-edge blocks are mirrored in y only */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x]
+ [comp_height - y_crop_blocks - dst_blk_y - offset_y - 1];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++) {
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ j++;
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (x_crop_blocks + dst_blk_x < comp_width) {
+ /* Bottom-edge blocks are mirrored in x only */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[compptr->h_samp_factor - offset_x - 1]
+ [dst_blk_y + offset_y + y_crop_blocks];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ i++;
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = -src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* At lower right corner, just transpose, no mirroring */
+ src_ptr = src_buffer[offset_x]
+ [dst_blk_y + offset_y + y_crop_blocks];
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < DCTSIZE; j++)
+ dst_ptr[j*DCTSIZE+i] = src_ptr[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Parse an unsigned integer: subroutine for jtransform_parse_crop_spec.
+ * Returns TRUE if valid integer found, FALSE if not.
+ * *strptr is advanced over the digit string, and *result is set to its value.
+ */
+jt_read_integer (const char ** strptr, JDIMENSION * result)
+ const char * ptr = *strptr;
+ JDIMENSION val = 0;
+ for (; isdigit(*ptr); ptr++) {
+ val = val * 10 + (JDIMENSION) (*ptr - '0');
+ }
+ *result = val;
+ if (ptr == *strptr)
+ return FALSE; /* oops, no digits */
+ *strptr = ptr;
+ return TRUE;
+/* Parse a crop specification (written in X11 geometry style).
+ * The routine returns TRUE if the spec string is valid, FALSE if not.
+ *
+ * The crop spec string should have the format
+ * <width>x<height>{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>
+ * where width, height, xoffset, and yoffset are unsigned integers.
+ * Each of the elements can be omitted to indicate a default value.
+ * (A weakness of this style is that it is not possible to omit xoffset
+ * while specifying yoffset, since they look alike.)
+ *
+ * This code is loosely based on XParseGeometry from the X11 distribution.
+ */
+jtransform_parse_crop_spec (jpeg_transform_info *info, const char *spec)
+ info->crop = FALSE;
+ info->crop_width_set = JCROP_UNSET;
+ info->crop_height_set = JCROP_UNSET;
+ info->crop_xoffset_set = JCROP_UNSET;
+ info->crop_yoffset_set = JCROP_UNSET;
+ if (isdigit(*spec)) {
+ /* fetch width */
+ if (! jt_read_integer(&spec, &info->crop_width))
+ return FALSE;
+ info->crop_width_set = JCROP_POS;
+ }
+ if (*spec == 'x' || *spec == 'X') {
+ /* fetch height */
+ spec++;
+ if (! jt_read_integer(&spec, &info->crop_height))
+ return FALSE;
+ info->crop_height_set = JCROP_POS;
+ }
+ if (*spec == '+' || *spec == '-') {
+ /* fetch xoffset */
+ info->crop_xoffset_set = (*spec == '-') ? JCROP_NEG : JCROP_POS;
+ spec++;
+ if (! jt_read_integer(&spec, &info->crop_xoffset))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (*spec == '+' || *spec == '-') {
+ /* fetch yoffset */
+ info->crop_yoffset_set = (*spec == '-') ? JCROP_NEG : JCROP_POS;
+ spec++;
+ if (! jt_read_integer(&spec, &info->crop_yoffset))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* We had better have gotten to the end of the string. */
+ if (*spec != '\0')
+ return FALSE;
+ info->crop = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+/* Trim off any partial iMCUs on the indicated destination edge */
+trim_right_edge (jpeg_transform_info *info, JDIMENSION full_width)
+ MCU_cols = info->output_width / info->iMCU_sample_width;
+ if (MCU_cols > 0 && info->x_crop_offset + MCU_cols ==
+ full_width / info->iMCU_sample_width)
+ info->output_width = MCU_cols * info->iMCU_sample_width;
+trim_bottom_edge (jpeg_transform_info *info, JDIMENSION full_height)
+ MCU_rows = info->output_height / info->iMCU_sample_height;
+ if (MCU_rows > 0 && info->y_crop_offset + MCU_rows ==
+ full_height / info->iMCU_sample_height)
+ info->output_height = MCU_rows * info->iMCU_sample_height;
+/* Request any required workspace.
+ *
+ * This routine figures out the size that the output image will be
+ * (which implies that all the transform parameters must be set before
+ * it is called).
+ *
+ * We allocate the workspace virtual arrays from the source decompression
+ * object, so that all the arrays (both the original data and the workspace)
+ * will be taken into account while making memory management decisions.
+ * Hence, this routine must be called after jpeg_read_header (which reads
+ * the image dimensions) and before jpeg_read_coefficients (which realizes
+ * the source's virtual arrays).
+ *
+ * This function returns FALSE right away if -perfect is given
+ * and transformation is not perfect. Otherwise returns TRUE.
+ */
+jtransform_request_workspace (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info)
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *coef_arrays;
+ boolean need_workspace, transpose_it;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ JDIMENSION xoffset, yoffset;
+ JDIMENSION width_in_iMCUs, height_in_iMCUs;
+ JDIMENSION width_in_blocks, height_in_blocks;
+ int ci, h_samp_factor, v_samp_factor;
+ /* Determine number of components in output image */
+ if (info->force_grayscale &&
+ srcinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCbCr &&
+ srcinfo->num_components == 3)
+ /* We'll only process the first component */
+ info->num_components = 1;
+ else
+ /* Process all the components */
+ info->num_components = srcinfo->num_components;
+ /* Compute output image dimensions and related values. */
+ jpeg_core_output_dimensions(srcinfo);
+ /* Return right away if -perfect is given and transformation is not perfect.
+ */
+ if (info->perfect) {
+ if (info->num_components == 1) {
+ if (!jtransform_perfect_transform(srcinfo->output_width,
+ srcinfo->output_height,
+ srcinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size,
+ srcinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size,
+ info->transform))
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ if (!jtransform_perfect_transform(srcinfo->output_width,
+ srcinfo->output_height,
+ srcinfo->max_h_samp_factor * srcinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size,
+ srcinfo->max_v_samp_factor * srcinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size,
+ info->transform))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there is only one output component, force the iMCU size to be 1;
+ * else use the source iMCU size. (This allows us to do the right thing
+ * when reducing color to grayscale, and also provides a handy way of
+ * cleaning up "funny" grayscale images whose sampling factors are not 1x1.)
+ */
+ switch (info->transform) {
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ info->output_width = srcinfo->output_height;
+ info->output_height = srcinfo->output_width;
+ if (info->num_components == 1) {
+ info->iMCU_sample_width = srcinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size;
+ info->iMCU_sample_height = srcinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size;
+ } else {
+ info->iMCU_sample_width =
+ srcinfo->max_v_samp_factor * srcinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size;
+ info->iMCU_sample_height =
+ srcinfo->max_h_samp_factor * srcinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ info->output_width = srcinfo->output_width;
+ info->output_height = srcinfo->output_height;
+ if (info->num_components == 1) {
+ info->iMCU_sample_width = srcinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size;
+ info->iMCU_sample_height = srcinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size;
+ } else {
+ info->iMCU_sample_width =
+ srcinfo->max_h_samp_factor * srcinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size;
+ info->iMCU_sample_height =
+ srcinfo->max_v_samp_factor * srcinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* If cropping has been requested, compute the crop area's position and
+ * dimensions, ensuring that its upper left corner falls at an iMCU boundary.
+ */
+ if (info->crop) {
+ /* Insert default values for unset crop parameters */
+ if (info->crop_xoffset_set == JCROP_UNSET)
+ info->crop_xoffset = 0; /* default to +0 */
+ if (info->crop_yoffset_set == JCROP_UNSET)
+ info->crop_yoffset = 0; /* default to +0 */
+ if (info->crop_xoffset >= info->output_width ||
+ info->crop_yoffset >= info->output_height)
+ if (info->crop_width_set == JCROP_UNSET)
+ info->crop_width = info->output_width - info->crop_xoffset;
+ if (info->crop_height_set == JCROP_UNSET)
+ info->crop_height = info->output_height - info->crop_yoffset;
+ /* Ensure parameters are valid */
+ if (info->crop_width <= 0 || info->crop_width > info->output_width ||
+ info->crop_height <= 0 || info->crop_height > info->output_height ||
+ info->crop_xoffset > info->output_width - info->crop_width ||
+ info->crop_yoffset > info->output_height - info->crop_height)
+ /* Convert negative crop offsets into regular offsets */
+ if (info->crop_xoffset_set == JCROP_NEG)
+ xoffset = info->output_width - info->crop_width - info->crop_xoffset;
+ else
+ xoffset = info->crop_xoffset;
+ if (info->crop_yoffset_set == JCROP_NEG)
+ yoffset = info->output_height - info->crop_height - info->crop_yoffset;
+ else
+ yoffset = info->crop_yoffset;
+ /* Now adjust so that upper left corner falls at an iMCU boundary */
+ info->output_width =
+ info->crop_width + (xoffset % info->iMCU_sample_width);
+ info->output_height =
+ info->crop_height + (yoffset % info->iMCU_sample_height);
+ /* Save x/y offsets measured in iMCUs */
+ info->x_crop_offset = xoffset / info->iMCU_sample_width;
+ info->y_crop_offset = yoffset / info->iMCU_sample_height;
+ } else {
+ info->x_crop_offset = 0;
+ info->y_crop_offset = 0;
+ }
+ /* Figure out whether we need workspace arrays,
+ * and if so whether they are transposed relative to the source.
+ */
+ need_workspace = FALSE;
+ transpose_it = FALSE;
+ switch (info->transform) {
+ if (info->x_crop_offset != 0 || info->y_crop_offset != 0)
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ /* No workspace needed if neither cropping nor transforming */
+ break;
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_right_edge(info, srcinfo->output_width);
+ if (info->y_crop_offset != 0)
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ /* do_flip_h_no_crop doesn't need a workspace array */
+ break;
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_bottom_edge(info, srcinfo->output_height);
+ /* Need workspace arrays having same dimensions as source image. */
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* transpose does NOT have to trim anything */
+ /* Need workspace arrays having transposed dimensions. */
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ transpose_it = TRUE;
+ break;
+ if (info->trim) {
+ trim_right_edge(info, srcinfo->output_height);
+ trim_bottom_edge(info, srcinfo->output_width);
+ }
+ /* Need workspace arrays having transposed dimensions. */
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ transpose_it = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_right_edge(info, srcinfo->output_height);
+ /* Need workspace arrays having transposed dimensions. */
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ transpose_it = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_180:
+ if (info->trim) {
+ trim_right_edge(info, srcinfo->output_width);
+ trim_bottom_edge(info, srcinfo->output_height);
+ }
+ /* Need workspace arrays having same dimensions as source image. */
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ if (info->trim)
+ trim_bottom_edge(info, srcinfo->output_width);
+ /* Need workspace arrays having transposed dimensions. */
+ need_workspace = TRUE;
+ transpose_it = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Allocate workspace if needed.
+ * Note that we allocate arrays padded out to the next iMCU boundary,
+ * so that transform routines need not worry about missing edge blocks.
+ */
+ if (need_workspace) {
+ coef_arrays = (jvirt_barray_ptr *)
+ (*srcinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
+ sizeof(jvirt_barray_ptr) * info->num_components);
+ width_in_iMCUs = (JDIMENSION)
+ jdiv_round_up((long) info->output_width,
+ (long) info->iMCU_sample_width);
+ height_in_iMCUs = (JDIMENSION)
+ jdiv_round_up((long) info->output_height,
+ (long) info->iMCU_sample_height);
+ for (ci = 0; ci < info->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = srcinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ if (info->num_components == 1) {
+ /* we're going to force samp factors to 1x1 in this case */
+ h_samp_factor = v_samp_factor = 1;
+ } else if (transpose_it) {
+ h_samp_factor = compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ v_samp_factor = compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ } else {
+ h_samp_factor = compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ v_samp_factor = compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ }
+ width_in_blocks = width_in_iMCUs * h_samp_factor;
+ height_in_blocks = height_in_iMCUs * v_samp_factor;
+ coef_arrays[ci] = (*srcinfo->mem->request_virt_barray)
+ ((j_common_ptr) srcinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, FALSE,
+ width_in_blocks, height_in_blocks, (JDIMENSION) v_samp_factor);
+ }
+ info->workspace_coef_arrays = coef_arrays;
+ } else
+ info->workspace_coef_arrays = NULL;
+ return TRUE;
+/* Transpose destination image parameters */
+transpose_critical_parameters (j_compress_ptr dstinfo)
+ int tblno, i, j, ci, itemp;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ JQUANT_TBL *qtblptr;
+ UINT16 qtemp;
+ /* Transpose image dimensions */
+ jtemp = dstinfo->image_width;
+ dstinfo->image_width = dstinfo->image_height;
+ dstinfo->image_height = jtemp;
+ itemp = dstinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size;
+ dstinfo->min_DCT_h_scaled_size = dstinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size;
+ dstinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size = itemp;
+ /* Transpose sampling factors */
+ for (ci = 0; ci < dstinfo->num_components; ci++) {
+ compptr = dstinfo->comp_info + ci;
+ itemp = compptr->h_samp_factor;
+ compptr->h_samp_factor = compptr->v_samp_factor;
+ compptr->v_samp_factor = itemp;
+ }
+ /* Transpose quantization tables */
+ for (tblno = 0; tblno < NUM_QUANT_TBLS; tblno++) {
+ qtblptr = dstinfo->quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno];
+ if (qtblptr != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < DCTSIZE; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ qtemp = qtblptr->quantval[i*DCTSIZE+j];
+ qtblptr->quantval[i*DCTSIZE+j] = qtblptr->quantval[j*DCTSIZE+i];
+ qtblptr->quantval[j*DCTSIZE+i] = qtemp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Adjust Exif image parameters.
+ *
+ * We try to adjust the Tags ExifImageWidth and ExifImageHeight if possible.
+ */
+adjust_exif_parameters (JOCTET FAR * data, unsigned int length,
+ JDIMENSION new_width, JDIMENSION new_height)
+ boolean is_motorola; /* Flag for byte order */
+ unsigned int number_of_tags, tagnum;
+ unsigned int firstoffset, offset;
+ JDIMENSION new_value;
+ if (length < 12) return; /* Length of an IFD entry */
+ /* Discover byte order */
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[0]) == 0x49 && GETJOCTET(data[1]) == 0x49)
+ is_motorola = FALSE;
+ else if (GETJOCTET(data[0]) == 0x4D && GETJOCTET(data[1]) == 0x4D)
+ is_motorola = TRUE;
+ else
+ return;
+ /* Check Tag Mark */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[2]) != 0) return;
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[3]) != 0x2A) return;
+ } else {
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[3]) != 0) return;
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[2]) != 0x2A) return;
+ }
+ /* Get first IFD offset (offset to IFD0) */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[4]) != 0) return;
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[5]) != 0) return;
+ firstoffset = GETJOCTET(data[6]);
+ firstoffset <<= 8;
+ firstoffset += GETJOCTET(data[7]);
+ } else {
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[7]) != 0) return;
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[6]) != 0) return;
+ firstoffset = GETJOCTET(data[5]);
+ firstoffset <<= 8;
+ firstoffset += GETJOCTET(data[4]);
+ }
+ if (firstoffset > length - 2) return; /* check end of data segment */
+ /* Get the number of directory entries contained in this IFD */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ number_of_tags = GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset]);
+ number_of_tags <<= 8;
+ number_of_tags += GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+1]);
+ } else {
+ number_of_tags = GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+1]);
+ number_of_tags <<= 8;
+ number_of_tags += GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset]);
+ }
+ if (number_of_tags == 0) return;
+ firstoffset += 2;
+ /* Search for ExifSubIFD offset Tag in IFD0 */
+ for (;;) {
+ if (firstoffset > length - 12) return; /* check end of data segment */
+ /* Get Tag number */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ tagnum = GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset]);
+ tagnum <<= 8;
+ tagnum += GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+1]);
+ } else {
+ tagnum = GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+1]);
+ tagnum <<= 8;
+ tagnum += GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset]);
+ }
+ if (tagnum == 0x8769) break; /* found ExifSubIFD offset Tag */
+ if (--number_of_tags == 0) return;
+ firstoffset += 12;
+ }
+ /* Get the ExifSubIFD offset */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+8]) != 0) return;
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+9]) != 0) return;
+ offset = GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+10]);
+ offset <<= 8;
+ offset += GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+11]);
+ } else {
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+11]) != 0) return;
+ if (GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+10]) != 0) return;
+ offset = GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+9]);
+ offset <<= 8;
+ offset += GETJOCTET(data[firstoffset+8]);
+ }
+ if (offset > length - 2) return; /* check end of data segment */
+ /* Get the number of directory entries contained in this SubIFD */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ number_of_tags = GETJOCTET(data[offset]);
+ number_of_tags <<= 8;
+ number_of_tags += GETJOCTET(data[offset+1]);
+ } else {
+ number_of_tags = GETJOCTET(data[offset+1]);
+ number_of_tags <<= 8;
+ number_of_tags += GETJOCTET(data[offset]);
+ }
+ if (number_of_tags < 2) return;
+ offset += 2;
+ /* Search for ExifImageWidth and ExifImageHeight Tags in this SubIFD */
+ do {
+ if (offset > length - 12) return; /* check end of data segment */
+ /* Get Tag number */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ tagnum = GETJOCTET(data[offset]);
+ tagnum <<= 8;
+ tagnum += GETJOCTET(data[offset+1]);
+ } else {
+ tagnum = GETJOCTET(data[offset+1]);
+ tagnum <<= 8;
+ tagnum += GETJOCTET(data[offset]);
+ }
+ if (tagnum == 0xA002 || tagnum == 0xA003) {
+ if (tagnum == 0xA002)
+ new_value = new_width; /* ExifImageWidth Tag */
+ else
+ new_value = new_height; /* ExifImageHeight Tag */
+ if (is_motorola) {
+ data[offset+2] = 0; /* Format = unsigned long (4 octets) */
+ data[offset+3] = 4;
+ data[offset+4] = 0; /* Number Of Components = 1 */
+ data[offset+5] = 0;
+ data[offset+6] = 0;
+ data[offset+7] = 1;
+ data[offset+8] = 0;
+ data[offset+9] = 0;
+ data[offset+10] = (JOCTET)((new_value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ data[offset+11] = (JOCTET)(new_value & 0xFF);
+ } else {
+ data[offset+2] = 4; /* Format = unsigned long (4 octets) */
+ data[offset+3] = 0;
+ data[offset+4] = 1; /* Number Of Components = 1 */
+ data[offset+5] = 0;
+ data[offset+6] = 0;
+ data[offset+7] = 0;
+ data[offset+8] = (JOCTET)(new_value & 0xFF);
+ data[offset+9] = (JOCTET)((new_value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ data[offset+10] = 0;
+ data[offset+11] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ offset += 12;
+ } while (--number_of_tags);
+/* Adjust output image parameters as needed.
+ *
+ * This must be called after jpeg_copy_critical_parameters()
+ * and before jpeg_write_coefficients().
+ *
+ * The return value is the set of virtual coefficient arrays to be written
+ * (either the ones allocated by jtransform_request_workspace, or the
+ * original source data arrays). The caller will need to pass this value
+ * to jpeg_write_coefficients().
+ */
+GLOBAL(jvirt_barray_ptr *)
+jtransform_adjust_parameters (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info)
+ /* If force-to-grayscale is requested, adjust destination parameters */
+ if (info->force_grayscale) {
+ /* First, ensure we have YCbCr or grayscale data, and that the source's
+ * Y channel is full resolution. (No reasonable person would make Y
+ * be less than full resolution, so actually coping with that case
+ * isn't worth extra code space. But we check it to avoid crashing.)
+ */
+ if (((dstinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCbCr &&
+ dstinfo->num_components == 3) ||
+ (dstinfo->jpeg_color_space == JCS_GRAYSCALE &&
+ dstinfo->num_components == 1)) &&
+ srcinfo->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor == srcinfo->max_h_samp_factor &&
+ srcinfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor == srcinfo->max_v_samp_factor) {
+ /* We use jpeg_set_colorspace to make sure subsidiary settings get fixed
+ * properly. Among other things, it sets the target h_samp_factor &
+ * v_samp_factor to 1, which typically won't match the source.
+ * We have to preserve the source's quantization table number, however.
+ */
+ int sv_quant_tbl_no = dstinfo->comp_info[0].quant_tbl_no;
+ jpeg_set_colorspace(dstinfo, JCS_GRAYSCALE);
+ dstinfo->comp_info[0].quant_tbl_no = sv_quant_tbl_no;
+ } else {
+ /* Sorry, can't do it */
+ }
+ } else if (info->num_components == 1) {
+ /* For a single-component source, we force the destination sampling factors
+ * to 1x1, with or without force_grayscale. This is useful because some
+ * decoders choke on grayscale images with other sampling factors.
+ */
+ dstinfo->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = 1;
+ dstinfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = 1;
+ }
+ /* Correct the destination's image dimensions as necessary
+ * for rotate/flip, resize, and crop operations.
+ */
+ dstinfo->jpeg_width = info->output_width;
+ dstinfo->jpeg_height = info->output_height;
+ /* Transpose destination image parameters */
+ switch (info->transform) {
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ transpose_critical_parameters(dstinfo);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Adjust Exif properties */
+ if (srcinfo->marker_list != NULL &&
+ srcinfo->marker_list->marker == JPEG_APP0+1 &&
+ srcinfo->marker_list->data_length >= 6 &&
+ GETJOCTET(srcinfo->marker_list->data[0]) == 0x45 &&
+ GETJOCTET(srcinfo->marker_list->data[1]) == 0x78 &&
+ GETJOCTET(srcinfo->marker_list->data[2]) == 0x69 &&
+ GETJOCTET(srcinfo->marker_list->data[3]) == 0x66 &&
+ GETJOCTET(srcinfo->marker_list->data[4]) == 0 &&
+ GETJOCTET(srcinfo->marker_list->data[5]) == 0) {
+ /* Suppress output of JFIF marker */
+ dstinfo->write_JFIF_header = FALSE;
+ /* Adjust Exif image parameters */
+ if (dstinfo->jpeg_width != srcinfo->image_width ||
+ dstinfo->jpeg_height != srcinfo->image_height)
+ /* Align data segment to start of TIFF structure for parsing */
+ adjust_exif_parameters(srcinfo->marker_list->data + 6,
+ srcinfo->marker_list->data_length - 6,
+ dstinfo->jpeg_width, dstinfo->jpeg_height);
+ }
+ /* Return the appropriate output data set */
+ if (info->workspace_coef_arrays != NULL)
+ return info->workspace_coef_arrays;
+ return src_coef_arrays;
+/* Execute the actual transformation, if any.
+ *
+ * This must be called *after* jpeg_write_coefficients, because it depends
+ * on jpeg_write_coefficients to have computed subsidiary values such as
+ * the per-component width and height fields in the destination object.
+ *
+ * Note that some transformations will modify the source data arrays!
+ */
+jtransform_execute_transform (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
+ j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info)
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays = info->workspace_coef_arrays;
+ /* Note: conditions tested here should match those in switch statement
+ * in jtransform_request_workspace()
+ */
+ switch (info->transform) {
+ if (info->x_crop_offset != 0 || info->y_crop_offset != 0)
+ do_crop(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ if (info->y_crop_offset != 0)
+ do_flip_h(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ else
+ do_flip_h_no_crop(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ do_flip_v(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ do_transpose(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ do_transverse(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ do_rot_90(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_180:
+ do_rot_180(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ do_rot_270(srcinfo, dstinfo, info->x_crop_offset, info->y_crop_offset,
+ src_coef_arrays, dst_coef_arrays);
+ break;
+ }
+/* jtransform_perfect_transform
+ *
+ * Determine whether lossless transformation is perfectly
+ * possible for a specified image and transformation.
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ * image_width, image_height: source image dimensions.
+ * MCU_width, MCU_height: pixel dimensions of MCU.
+ * transform: transformation identifier.
+ * Parameter sources from initialized jpeg_struct
+ * (after reading source header):
+ * image_width = cinfo.image_width
+ * image_height = cinfo.image_height
+ * MCU_width = cinfo.max_h_samp_factor * cinfo.block_size
+ * MCU_height = cinfo.max_v_samp_factor * cinfo.block_size
+ * Result:
+ * TRUE = perfect transformation possible
+ * FALSE = perfect transformation not possible
+ * (may use custom action then)
+ */
+jtransform_perfect_transform(JDIMENSION image_width, JDIMENSION image_height,
+ int MCU_width, int MCU_height,
+ JXFORM_CODE transform)
+ boolean result = TRUE; /* initialize TRUE */
+ switch (transform) {
+ case JXFORM_ROT_270:
+ if (image_width % (JDIMENSION) MCU_width)
+ result = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_90:
+ if (image_height % (JDIMENSION) MCU_height)
+ result = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case JXFORM_ROT_180:
+ if (image_width % (JDIMENSION) MCU_width)
+ result = FALSE;
+ if (image_height % (JDIMENSION) MCU_height)
+ result = FALSE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Setup decompression object to save desired markers in memory.
+ * This must be called before jpeg_read_header() to have the desired effect.
+ */
+jcopy_markers_setup (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, JCOPY_OPTION option)
+ int m;
+ /* Save comments except under NONE option */
+ if (option != JCOPYOPT_NONE) {
+ jpeg_save_markers(srcinfo, JPEG_COM, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ /* Save all types of APPn markers iff ALL option */
+ if (option == JCOPYOPT_ALL) {
+ for (m = 0; m < 16; m++)
+ jpeg_save_markers(srcinfo, JPEG_APP0 + m, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+/* Copy markers saved in the given source object to the destination object.
+ * This should be called just after jpeg_start_compress() or
+ * jpeg_write_coefficients().
+ * Note that those routines will have written the SOI, and also the
+ * JFIF APP0 or Adobe APP14 markers if selected.
+ */
+jcopy_markers_execute (j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JCOPY_OPTION option)
+ jpeg_saved_marker_ptr marker;
+ /* In the current implementation, we don't actually need to examine the
+ * option flag here; we just copy everything that got saved.
+ * But to avoid confusion, we do not output JFIF and Adobe APP14 markers
+ * if the encoder library already wrote one.
+ */
+ for (marker = srcinfo->marker_list; marker != NULL; marker = marker->next) {
+ if (dstinfo->write_JFIF_header &&
+ marker->marker == JPEG_APP0 &&
+ marker->data_length >= 5 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[0]) == 0x4A &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[1]) == 0x46 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[2]) == 0x49 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[3]) == 0x46 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[4]) == 0)
+ continue; /* reject duplicate JFIF */
+ if (dstinfo->write_Adobe_marker &&
+ marker->marker == JPEG_APP0+14 &&
+ marker->data_length >= 5 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[0]) == 0x41 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[1]) == 0x64 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[2]) == 0x6F &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[3]) == 0x62 &&
+ GETJOCTET(marker->data[4]) == 0x65)
+ continue; /* reject duplicate Adobe */
+ /* We could use jpeg_write_marker if the data weren't FAR... */
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ jpeg_write_m_header(dstinfo, marker->marker, marker->data_length);
+ for (i = 0; i < marker->data_length; i++)
+ jpeg_write_m_byte(dstinfo, marker->data[i]);
+ }
+ jpeg_write_marker(dstinfo, marker->marker,
+ marker->data, marker->data_length);
+ }
diff --git a/jpegutils/transupp-8a.h b/jpegutils/transupp-8a.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7baf00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/transupp-8a.h
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ * transupp.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.
+ * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
+ *
+ * This file contains declarations for image transformation routines and
+ * other utility code used by the jpegtran sample application. These are
+ * NOT part of the core JPEG library. But we keep these routines separate
+ * from jpegtran.c to ease the task of maintaining jpegtran-like programs
+ * that have other user interfaces.
+ *
+ * NOTE: all the routines declared here have very specific requirements
+ * about when they are to be executed during the reading and writing of the
+ * source and destination files. See the comments in transupp.c, or see
+ * jpegtran.c for an example of correct usage.
+ */
+/* If you happen not to want the image transform support, disable it here */
+#define TRANSFORMS_SUPPORTED 1 /* 0 disables transform code */
+ * Although rotating and flipping data expressed as DCT coefficients is not
+ * hard, there is an asymmetry in the JPEG format specification for images
+ * whose dimensions aren't multiples of the iMCU size. The right and bottom
+ * image edges are padded out to the next iMCU boundary with junk data; but
+ * no padding is possible at the top and left edges. If we were to flip
+ * the whole image including the pad data, then pad garbage would become
+ * visible at the top and/or left, and real pixels would disappear into the
+ * pad margins --- perhaps permanently, since encoders & decoders may not
+ * bother to preserve DCT blocks that appear to be completely outside the
+ * nominal image area. So, we have to exclude any partial iMCUs from the
+ * basic transformation.
+ *
+ * Transpose is the only transformation that can handle partial iMCUs at the
+ * right and bottom edges completely cleanly. flip_h can flip partial iMCUs
+ * at the bottom, but leaves any partial iMCUs at the right edge untouched.
+ * Similarly flip_v leaves any partial iMCUs at the bottom edge untouched.
+ * The other transforms are defined as combinations of these basic transforms
+ * and process edge blocks in a way that preserves the equivalence.
+ *
+ * The "trim" option causes untransformable partial iMCUs to be dropped;
+ * this is not strictly lossless, but it usually gives the best-looking
+ * result for odd-size images. Note that when this option is active,
+ * the expected mathematical equivalences between the transforms may not hold.
+ * (For example, -rot 270 -trim trims only the bottom edge, but -rot 90 -trim
+ * followed by -rot 180 -trim trims both edges.)
+ *
+ * We also offer a lossless-crop option, which discards data outside a given
+ * image region but losslessly preserves what is inside. Like the rotate and
+ * flip transforms, lossless crop is restricted by the JPEG format: the upper
+ * left corner of the selected region must fall on an iMCU boundary. If this
+ * does not hold for the given crop parameters, we silently move the upper left
+ * corner up and/or left to make it so, simultaneously increasing the region
+ * dimensions to keep the lower right crop corner unchanged. (Thus, the
+ * output image covers at least the requested region, but may cover more.)
+ *
+ * We also provide a lossless-resize option, which is kind of a lossless-crop
+ * operation in the DCT coefficient block domain - it discards higher-order
+ * coefficients and losslessly preserves lower-order coefficients of a
+ * sub-block.
+ *
+ * Rotate/flip transform, resize, and crop can be requested together in a
+ * single invocation. The crop is applied last --- that is, the crop region
+ * is specified in terms of the destination image after transform/resize.
+ *
+ * We also offer a "force to grayscale" option, which simply discards the
+ * chrominance channels of a YCbCr image. This is lossless in the sense that
+ * the luminance channel is preserved exactly. It's not the same kind of
+ * thing as the rotate/flip transformations, but it's convenient to handle it
+ * as part of this package, mainly because the transformation routines have to
+ * be aware of the option to know how many components to work on.
+ */
+#ifndef TRANSUPP_H
+#define TRANSUPP_H
+/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
+#define jtransform_parse_crop_spec jTrParCrop
+#define jtransform_request_workspace jTrRequest
+#define jtransform_adjust_parameters jTrAdjust
+#define jtransform_execute_transform jTrExec
+#define jtransform_perfect_transform jTrPerfect
+#define jcopy_markers_setup jCMrkSetup
+#define jcopy_markers_execute jCMrkExec
+ * Codes for supported types of image transformations.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ JXFORM_NONE, /* no transformation */
+ JXFORM_FLIP_H, /* horizontal flip */
+ JXFORM_FLIP_V, /* vertical flip */
+ JXFORM_TRANSPOSE, /* transpose across UL-to-LR axis */
+ JXFORM_TRANSVERSE, /* transpose across UR-to-LL axis */
+ JXFORM_ROT_90, /* 90-degree clockwise rotation */
+ JXFORM_ROT_180, /* 180-degree rotation */
+ JXFORM_ROT_270 /* 270-degree clockwise (or 90 ccw) */
+ * Codes for crop parameters, which can individually be unspecified,
+ * positive, or negative. (Negative width or height makes no sense, though.)
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ * Transform parameters struct.
+ * NB: application must not change any elements of this struct after
+ * calling jtransform_request_workspace.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Options: set by caller */
+ JXFORM_CODE transform; /* image transform operator */
+ boolean perfect; /* if TRUE, fail if partial MCUs are requested */
+ boolean trim; /* if TRUE, trim partial MCUs as needed */
+ boolean force_grayscale; /* if TRUE, convert color image to grayscale */
+ boolean crop; /* if TRUE, crop source image */
+ /* Crop parameters: application need not set these unless crop is TRUE.
+ * These can be filled in by jtransform_parse_crop_spec().
+ */
+ JDIMENSION crop_width; /* Width of selected region */
+ JCROP_CODE crop_width_set;
+ JDIMENSION crop_height; /* Height of selected region */
+ JCROP_CODE crop_height_set;
+ JDIMENSION crop_xoffset; /* X offset of selected region */
+ JCROP_CODE crop_xoffset_set; /* (negative measures from right edge) */
+ JDIMENSION crop_yoffset; /* Y offset of selected region */
+ JCROP_CODE crop_yoffset_set; /* (negative measures from bottom edge) */
+ /* Internal workspace: caller should not touch these */
+ int num_components; /* # of components in workspace */
+ jvirt_barray_ptr * workspace_coef_arrays; /* workspace for transformations */
+ JDIMENSION output_width; /* cropped destination dimensions */
+ JDIMENSION output_height;
+ JDIMENSION x_crop_offset; /* destination crop offsets measured in iMCUs */
+ JDIMENSION y_crop_offset;
+ int iMCU_sample_width; /* destination iMCU size */
+ int iMCU_sample_height;
+} jpeg_transform_info;
+/* Parse a crop specification (written in X11 geometry style) */
+EXTERN(boolean) jtransform_parse_crop_spec
+ JPP((jpeg_transform_info *info, const char *spec));
+/* Request any required workspace */
+EXTERN(boolean) jtransform_request_workspace
+ JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, jpeg_transform_info *info));
+/* Adjust output image parameters */
+EXTERN(jvirt_barray_ptr *) jtransform_adjust_parameters
+ JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info));
+/* Execute the actual transformation, if any */
+EXTERN(void) jtransform_execute_transform
+ JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
+ jpeg_transform_info *info));
+/* Determine whether lossless transformation is perfectly
+ * possible for a specified image and transformation.
+ */
+EXTERN(boolean) jtransform_perfect_transform
+ JPP((JDIMENSION image_width, JDIMENSION image_height,
+ int MCU_width, int MCU_height,
+ JXFORM_CODE transform));
+/* jtransform_execute_transform used to be called
+ * jtransform_execute_transformation, but some compilers complain about
+ * routine names that long. This macro is here to avoid breaking any
+ * old source code that uses the original name...
+ */
+#define jtransform_execute_transformation jtransform_execute_transform
+ * Support for copying optional markers from source to destination file.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ JCOPYOPT_NONE, /* copy no optional markers */
+ JCOPYOPT_COMMENTS, /* copy only comment (COM) markers */
+ JCOPYOPT_ALL /* copy all optional markers */
+#define JCOPYOPT_DEFAULT JCOPYOPT_COMMENTS /* recommended default */
+/* Setup decompression object to save desired markers in memory */
+EXTERN(void) jcopy_markers_setup
+ JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, JCOPY_OPTION option));
+/* Copy markers saved in the given source object to the destination object */
+EXTERN(void) jcopy_markers_execute
+ JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
+ JCOPY_OPTION option));
+#endif /* TRANSUPP_H */
diff --git a/jpegutils/transupp.h b/jpegutils/transupp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45df17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpegutils/transupp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#include "transupp-8a.h"
+#include "transupp-6b.h"
diff --git a/plugins/ChangeLog b/plugins/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39591db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+2009-08-09 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ Add support for Automake 1.11's silent build rules.
+2009-07-25 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ Merge per-plugin Makefiles into a single one. This makes it possible
+ to build the plugins in parallel.
+2009-04-10 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:
+ Make reload action available from the scrollview's context menu.
+2009-04-10 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * reload/eom-reload-plugin.c: (impl_activate),
+ (eom_reload_plugin_class_init):
+ Update reload plugin to be independent of the five predefined
+ menu slots. Also remove unneeded hook.
+2009-03-16 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * NEWS: Updates for 2.26.0
+2009-03-03 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.92 version marker.
+2009-02-28 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * reload/eom-reload-plugin.c: Use 'R' as shortcut key. The old one is
+ needed elsewhere.
+2009-02-16 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.91 version marker.
+2009-02-03 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.90 version marker.
+2008-12-15 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.3 version marker.
+2008-12-01 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.2 version marker.
+2008-11-03 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.1 version marker.
+2008-09-22 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.24.0 version marker.
+2008-09-09 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.92 version marker.
+2008-09-07 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * reload/eom-reload-plugin.c: (reload_cb): Adapt reload plugin to the
+ latest API changes regarding image reloading. This turns this plugin
+ pretty much into a boilerplate plugin. Part of bug #548392.
+2008-09-02 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.91 version marker.
+2008-08-21 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * fullscreen/ Fix a comment.
+2008-07-19 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.90 version marker.
+2008-08-19 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * plugins/fullscreen/
+ * plugins/reload/
+ * plugins/statusbar-date/
+ Use plugin_LDADD to set the appropriate libraries instead of
+ plugin_LDFLAGS. Fixes bug #548202 (Paul).
+2008-07-21 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.5 version marker.
+2008-06-16 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * version marker.
+2008-06-16 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.4 version marker.
+2008-06-12 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * fullscreen/
+ * reload/
+ * statusbar-date/
+ Remove libtool versioning scheme from plugins.
+2008-06-03 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.3 version marker.
+2008-05-12 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.2 version marker.
+2008-04-21 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.1 version marker.
+2008-03-20 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c: (impl_activate): Request
+ a wider size, to give place for the human readable date.
+2008-03-20 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c: (impl_deactivate):
+ Disconnect the signal handler on plugin deactivation.
+2008-03-20 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c: (statusbar_set_date),
+ (selection_changed_cb), (impl_activate), (impl_deactivate): Do some refactoring
+ to allow to set the date during plugin activation.
+2008-03-20 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c:
+ (selection_changed_cb): Remove unnecessary checks
+ for HAVE_EXIF.
+2008-03-20 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * Add statusbar-date plugin conditionally on
+ libexif presence.
+ * statusbar-date/
+ * statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c: (free_window_data),
+ (selection_changed_cb), (eom_statusbar_date_plugin_init),
+ (eom_statusbar_date_plugin_finalize), (impl_activate),
+ (impl_deactivate), (impl_update_ui),
+ (eom_statusbar_date_plugin_class_init):
+ * statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h:
+ * statusbar-date/
+ Added a plugin to show the EXIF date on the statusbar. This fixes
+ bug #466566.
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..344bf15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
+pluginsdir = $(libdir)/eom/plugins
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ -DEOM_LOCALEDIR=\""$(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale"\"
+AM_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version -module
+plugins_LTLIBRARIES = \
+ fullscreen/ \
+ reload/
+plugins_in_files = \
+ fullscreen/ \
+ reload/
+# Fullscreen plugin
+fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_SOURCES = \
+ fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.h \
+ fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.c
+fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_LIBADD = $(EOM_LIBS)
+# Reload plugin
+reload_libreload_la_SOURCES = \
+ reload/eom-reload-plugin.h \
+ reload/eom-reload-plugin.c
+reload_libreload_la_LIBADD = $(EOM_LIBS)
+# Statusbar Date Plugin
+plugins_LTLIBRARIES += statusbar-date/
+statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_SOURCES = \
+ statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h \
+ statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c
+statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_LIBADD = $(EOM_LIBS)
+plugins_in_files += statusbar-date/
+# Generate plugin info files
+%.eom-plugin: $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*po) ; $(AM_V_GEN)$(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@ -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache
+plugins_DATA = $(
+CLEANFILES = $(plugins_DATA)
+EXTRA_DIST = $(plugins_in_files)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d87e586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+# Statusbar Date Plugin
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@am__append_1 = statusbar-date/
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@am__append_2 = statusbar-date/
+subdir = plugins
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ ChangeLog
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)"
+fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1)
+am__dirstamp = $(am__leading_dot)dirstamp
+am_fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_OBJECTS = \
+ fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.lo
+fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_OBJECTS = \
+ $(am_fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_OBJECTS)
+AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V))
+am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_lt_0 = --silent
+reload_libreload_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1)
+am_reload_libreload_la_OBJECTS = reload/eom-reload-plugin.lo
+reload_libreload_la_OBJECTS = $(am_reload_libreload_la_OBJECTS)
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_DEPENDENCIES = \
+am__statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_SOURCES_DIST = \
+ statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h \
+ statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@am_statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_OBJECTS = \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.lo
+statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_OBJECTS = \
+ $(am_statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_OBJECTS)
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@am_statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_rpath = -rpath \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ $(pluginsdir)
+DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir)
+depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp
+am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles
+am__mv = mv -f
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \
+AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V))
+am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+CCLD = $(CC)
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_$(V))
+am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@;
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+SOURCES = $(fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_SOURCES) \
+ $(reload_libreload_la_SOURCES) \
+ $(statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_SOURCES)
+DIST_SOURCES = $(fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_SOURCES) \
+ $(reload_libreload_la_SOURCES) \
+ $(am__statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_SOURCES_DIST)
+DATA = $(plugins_DATA)
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
+pluginsdir = $(libdir)/eom/plugins
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ -DEOM_LOCALEDIR=\""$(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale"\"
+AM_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version -module
+plugins_LTLIBRARIES = fullscreen/ reload/ \
+ $(am__append_1)
+plugins_in_files = fullscreen/ \
+ reload/ $(am__append_2)
+# Fullscreen plugin
+fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_SOURCES = \
+ fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.h \
+ fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.c
+fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_LIBADD = $(EOM_LIBS)
+# Reload plugin
+reload_libreload_la_SOURCES = \
+ reload/eom-reload-plugin.h \
+ reload/eom-reload-plugin.c
+reload_libreload_la_LIBADD = $(EOM_LIBS)
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_SOURCES = \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_LIBADD = $(EOM_LIBS)
+plugins_DATA = $(
+CLEANFILES = $(plugins_DATA)
+EXTRA_DIST = $(plugins_in_files)
+all: all-am
+.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign plugins/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign plugins/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+install-pluginsLTLIBRARIES: $(plugins_LTLIBRARIES)
+ test -z "$(pluginsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)"
+ @list='$(plugins_LTLIBRARIES)'; test -n "$(pluginsdir)" || list=; \
+ list2=; for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f $$p; then \
+ list2="$$list2 $$p"; \
+ else :; fi; \
+ done; \
+ test -z "$$list2" || { \
+ echo " $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=install $(INSTALL) $(INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG) $$list2 '$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)'"; \
+ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=install $(INSTALL) $(INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG) $$list2 "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)"; \
+ }
+ @list='$(plugins_LTLIBRARIES)'; test -n "$(pluginsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ $(am__strip_dir) \
+ echo " $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=uninstall rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)/$$f'"; \
+ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=uninstall rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)/$$f"; \
+ done
+ -test -z "$(plugins_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(plugins_LTLIBRARIES)
+ @list='$(plugins_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
+ dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \
+ test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \
+ echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \
+ rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \
+ done
+ @$(MKDIR_P) fullscreen
+ @: > fullscreen/$(am__dirstamp)
+ @$(MKDIR_P) fullscreen/$(DEPDIR)
+ @: > fullscreen/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.lo: fullscreen/$(am__dirstamp) \
+ fullscreen/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+fullscreen/ $(fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_OBJECTS) $(fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_DEPENDENCIES) fullscreen/$(am__dirstamp)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) -rpath $(pluginsdir) $(fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_OBJECTS) $(fullscreen_libfullscreen_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+ @$(MKDIR_P) reload
+ @: > reload/$(am__dirstamp)
+ @$(MKDIR_P) reload/$(DEPDIR)
+ @: > reload/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+reload/eom-reload-plugin.lo: reload/$(am__dirstamp) \
+ reload/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+reload/ $(reload_libreload_la_OBJECTS) $(reload_libreload_la_DEPENDENCIES) reload/$(am__dirstamp)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) -rpath $(pluginsdir) $(reload_libreload_la_OBJECTS) $(reload_libreload_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+ @$(MKDIR_P) statusbar-date
+ @: > statusbar-date/$(am__dirstamp)
+ @$(MKDIR_P) statusbar-date/$(DEPDIR)
+ @: > statusbar-date/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.lo: \
+ statusbar-date/$(am__dirstamp) \
+ statusbar-date/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+statusbar-date/ $(statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_OBJECTS) $(statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_DEPENDENCIES) statusbar-date/$(am__dirstamp)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(am_statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_rpath) $(statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_OBJECTS) $(statusbar_date_libstatusbar_date_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+ -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.lo
+ -rm -f reload/eom-reload-plugin.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f reload/eom-reload-plugin.lo
+ -rm -f statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.lo
+ -rm -f *.tab.c
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@fullscreen/$(DEPDIR)/eom-fullscreen-plugin.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@reload/$(DEPDIR)/eom-reload-plugin.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@statusbar-date/$(DEPDIR)/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.Plo@am__quote@
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)depbase=`echo $@ | sed 's|[^/]*$$|$(DEPDIR)/&|;s|\.o$$||'`;\
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $$depbase.Tpo -c -o $@ $< &&\
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $$depbase.Tpo $$depbase.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)depbase=`echo $@ | sed 's|[^/]*$$|$(DEPDIR)/&|;s|\.obj$$||'`;\
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $$depbase.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'` &&\
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $$depbase.Tpo $$depbase.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)depbase=`echo $@ | sed 's|[^/]*$$|$(DEPDIR)/&|;s|\.lo$$||'`;\
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $$depbase.Tpo -c -o $@ $< &&\
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(am__mv) $$depbase.Tpo $$depbase.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+ -rm -rf fullscreen/.libs fullscreen/_libs
+ -rm -rf reload/.libs reload/_libs
+ -rm -rf statusbar-date/.libs statusbar-date/_libs
+install-pluginsDATA: $(plugins_DATA)
+ test -z "$(pluginsdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)"
+ @list='$(plugins_DATA)'; test -n "$(pluginsdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(plugins_DATA)'; test -n "$(pluginsdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)" && rm -f $$files
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(pluginsdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ -rm -f fullscreen/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+ -rm -f fullscreen/$(am__dirstamp)
+ -rm -f reload/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+ -rm -f reload/$(am__dirstamp)
+ -rm -f statusbar-date/$(DEPDIR)/$(am__dirstamp)
+ -rm -f statusbar-date/$(am__dirstamp)
+ -test -z "$(DISTCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-pluginsLTLIBRARIES \
+ mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -rf fullscreen/$(DEPDIR) reload/$(DEPDIR) statusbar-date/$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-pluginsDATA install-pluginsLTLIBRARIES
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -rf fullscreen/$(DEPDIR) reload/$(DEPDIR) statusbar-date/$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-pluginsDATA uninstall-pluginsLTLIBRARIES
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic \
+ clean-libtool clean-pluginsLTLIBRARIES ctags distclean \
+ distclean-compile distclean-generic distclean-libtool \
+ distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \
+ install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \
+ install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \
+ install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+ install-pdf install-pdf-am install-pluginsDATA \
+ install-pluginsLTLIBRARIES install-ps install-ps-am \
+ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \
+ pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-pluginsDATA uninstall-pluginsLTLIBRARIES
+# Generate plugin info files
+%.eom-plugin: $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*po) ; $(AM_V_GEN)$(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(top_srcdir)/po $< $@ -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/plugins/fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.c b/plugins/fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baec887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-fullscreen-plugin.h"
+#include <gmodule.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
+#include <eom-debug.h>
+#include <eom-scroll-view.h>
+#define WINDOW_DATA_KEY "EomFullscreenWindowData"
+EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE(EomFullscreenPlugin, eom_fullscreen_plugin)
+typedef struct
+ gulong signal_id;
+} WindowData;
+static gboolean
+on_button_press (GtkWidget *button, GdkEventButton *event, EomWindow *window)
+ if (event->button == 1 && event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) {
+ EomWindowMode mode = eom_window_get_mode (window);
+ eom_window_set_mode (window, EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL);
+ else if (mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL)
+ eom_window_set_mode (window, EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+free_window_data (WindowData *data)
+ g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_free (data);
+static void
+eom_fullscreen_plugin_init (EomFullscreenPlugin *plugin)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomFullscreenPlugin initializing");
+static void
+eom_fullscreen_plugin_finalize (GObject *object)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomFullscreenPlugin finalizing");
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_fullscreen_plugin_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+impl_activate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *view = eom_window_get_view (window);
+ WindowData *data;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ data = g_new (WindowData, 1);
+ data->signal_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (view),
+ "button-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_button_press),
+ window);
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window),
+ data,
+ (GDestroyNotify) free_window_data);
+static void
+impl_deactivate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *view = eom_window_get_view (window);
+ WindowData *data;
+ data = (WindowData *) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window),
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (view, data->signal_id);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window),
+ NULL);
+static void
+impl_update_ui (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+static void
+eom_fullscreen_plugin_class_init (EomFullscreenPluginClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ EomPluginClass *plugin_class = EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->finalize = eom_fullscreen_plugin_finalize;
+ plugin_class->activate = impl_activate;
+ plugin_class->deactivate = impl_deactivate;
+ plugin_class->update_ui = impl_update_ui;
diff --git a/plugins/fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.h b/plugins/fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df3a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/fullscreen/eom-fullscreen-plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <eom-plugin.h>
+ * Type checking and casting macros
+ */
+#define EOM_TYPE_FULLSCREEN_PLUGIN (eom_fullscreen_plugin_get_type ())
+/* Private structure type */
+typedef struct _EomFullscreenPluginPrivate EomFullscreenPluginPrivate;
+ * Main object structure
+ */
+typedef struct _EomFullscreenPlugin EomFullscreenPlugin;
+struct _EomFullscreenPlugin
+ EomPlugin parent_instance;
+ * Class definition
+ */
+typedef struct _EomFullscreenPluginClass EomFullscreenPluginClass;
+struct _EomFullscreenPluginClass
+ EomPluginClass parent_class;
+ * Public methods
+ */
+GType eom_fullscreen_plugin_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+/* All the plugins must implement this function */
+G_MODULE_EXPORT GType register_eom_plugin (GTypeModule *module);
+#endif /* __EOM_FULLSCREEN_PLUGIN_H__ */
diff --git a/plugins/fullscreen/ b/plugins/fullscreen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c55969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/fullscreen/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[Eom Plugin]
+_Name=Fullscreen with double-click
+_Description=Activate fullscreen mode with double-click
+Authors=Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+Copyright=Copyright © 2007 Lucas Rocha
diff --git a/plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c b/plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b3dcc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-reload-plugin.h"
+#include <gmodule.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
+#include <eom-debug.h>
+#include <eom-scroll-view.h>
+#include <eom-thumb-view.h>
+#include <eom-image.h>
+#define WINDOW_DATA_KEY "EomReloadWindowData"
+EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE(EomReloadPlugin, eom_reload_plugin)
+typedef struct
+ GtkActionGroup *ui_action_group;
+ guint ui_id;
+} WindowData;
+static void
+reload_cb (GtkAction *action,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ eom_window_reload_image (window);
+static const gchar * const ui_definition =
+ "<ui><menubar name=\"MainMenu\">"
+ "<menu name=\"ToolsMenu\" action=\"Tools\"><separator/>"
+ "<menuitem name=\"EomPluginReload\" action=\"EomPluginRunReload\"/>"
+ "<separator/></menu></menubar>"
+ "<popup name=\"ViewPopup\"><separator/>"
+ "<menuitem action=\"EomPluginRunReload\"/><separator/>"
+ "</popup></ui>";
+static const GtkActionEntry action_entries[] =
+ { "EomPluginRunReload",
+ N_("Reload Image"),
+ "R",
+ N_("Reload current image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (reload_cb) }
+static void
+free_window_data (WindowData *data)
+ g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_object_unref (data->ui_action_group);
+ g_free (data);
+static void
+eom_reload_plugin_init (EomReloadPlugin *plugin)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomReloadPlugin initializing");
+static void
+eom_reload_plugin_finalize (GObject *object)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomReloadPlugin finalizing");
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_reload_plugin_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+impl_activate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GtkUIManager *manager;
+ WindowData *data;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ data = g_new (WindowData, 1);
+ manager = eom_window_get_ui_manager (window);
+ data->ui_action_group = gtk_action_group_new ("EomReloadPluginActions");
+ gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (data->ui_action_group,
+ gtk_action_group_add_actions (data->ui_action_group,
+ action_entries,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (action_entries),
+ window);
+ gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (manager,
+ data->ui_action_group,
+ -1);
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window),
+ data,
+ (GDestroyNotify) free_window_data);
+ data->ui_id = gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_string (manager,
+ ui_definition,
+ -1, NULL);
+ g_warn_if_fail (data->ui_id != 0);
+static void
+impl_deactivate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GtkUIManager *manager;
+ WindowData *data;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ manager = eom_window_get_ui_manager (window);
+ data = (WindowData *) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window),
+ g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
+ gtk_ui_manager_remove_ui (manager,
+ data->ui_id);
+ gtk_ui_manager_remove_action_group (manager,
+ data->ui_action_group);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window),
+ NULL);
+static void
+eom_reload_plugin_class_init (EomReloadPluginClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ EomPluginClass *plugin_class = EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->finalize = eom_reload_plugin_finalize;
+ plugin_class->activate = impl_activate;
+ plugin_class->deactivate = impl_deactivate;
diff --git a/plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.h b/plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19a5d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#ifndef __EOM_RELOAD_PLUGIN_H__
+#define __EOM_RELOAD_PLUGIN_H__
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <eom-plugin.h>
+ * Type checking and casting macros
+ */
+#define EOM_TYPE_RELOAD_PLUGIN (eom_reload_plugin_get_type ())
+/* Private structure type */
+typedef struct _EomReloadPluginPrivate EomReloadPluginPrivate;
+ * Main object structure
+ */
+typedef struct _EomReloadPlugin EomReloadPlugin;
+struct _EomReloadPlugin
+ EomPlugin parent_instance;
+ * Class definition
+ */
+typedef struct _EomReloadPluginClass EomReloadPluginClass;
+struct _EomReloadPluginClass
+ EomPluginClass parent_class;
+ * Public methods
+ */
+GType eom_reload_plugin_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+/* All the plugins must implement this function */
+G_MODULE_EXPORT GType register_eom_plugin (GTypeModule *module);
+#endif /* __EOM_RELOAD_PLUGIN_H__ */
diff --git a/plugins/reload/ b/plugins/reload/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec527b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/reload/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[Eom Plugin]
+_Name=Reload Image
+_Description=Reload current image
+Authors=Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+Copyright=Copyright © 2007 Lucas Rocha
diff --git a/plugins/statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c b/plugins/statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f096fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/* Statusbar Date -- Shows the EXIF date in EOM's statusbar
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h"
+#include <gmodule.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+#include <eom-debug.h>
+#include <eom-scroll-view.h>
+#include <eom-image.h>
+#include <eom-thumb-view.h>
+#include <eom-exif-util.h>
+#define WINDOW_DATA_KEY "EomStatusbarDateWindowData"
+EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE(EomStatusbarDatePlugin, eom_statusbar_date_plugin)
+typedef struct
+ GtkWidget *statusbar_date;
+ gulong signal_id;
+} WindowData;
+static void
+free_window_data (WindowData *data)
+ g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_free (data);
+static void
+statusbar_set_date (GtkStatusbar *statusbar, EomThumbView *view)
+ EomImage *image;
+ gchar *date = NULL;
+ gchar time_buffer[32];
+ ExifData *exif_data;
+ if (eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (view) == 0)
+ return;
+ image = eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image (view);
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (statusbar, 0);
+ if (!eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF)) {
+ if (!eom_image_load (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF, NULL, NULL)) {
+ gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (statusbar));
+ }
+ }
+ exif_data = (ExifData *) eom_image_get_exif_info (image);
+ if (exif_data) {
+ date = eom_exif_util_format_date (
+ eom_exif_util_get_value (exif_data, EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL, time_buffer, 32));
+ exif_data_unref (exif_data);
+ }
+ if (date) {
+ gtk_statusbar_push (statusbar, 0, date);
+ gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (statusbar));
+ g_free (date);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (statusbar));
+ }
+static void
+selection_changed_cb (EomThumbView *view, WindowData *data)
+ statusbar_set_date (GTK_STATUSBAR (data->statusbar_date), view);
+static void
+eom_statusbar_date_plugin_init (EomStatusbarDatePlugin *plugin)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomStatusbarDatePlugin initializing");
+static void
+eom_statusbar_date_plugin_finalize (GObject *object)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomStatusbarDatePlugin finalizing");
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_statusbar_date_plugin_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+impl_activate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *statusbar = eom_window_get_statusbar (window);
+ GtkWidget *thumbview = eom_window_get_thumb_view (window);
+ WindowData *data;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ data = g_new (WindowData, 1);
+ data->statusbar_date = gtk_statusbar_new ();
+ gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip (GTK_STATUSBAR (data->statusbar_date),
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (data->statusbar_date, 200, 10);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (statusbar),
+ data->statusbar_date,
+ data->signal_id = g_signal_connect_after (G_OBJECT (thumbview), "selection_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (selection_changed_cb), data);
+ statusbar_set_date (GTK_STATUSBAR (data->statusbar_date),
+ EOM_THUMB_VIEW (eom_window_get_thumb_view (window)));
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (window),
+ data,
+ (GDestroyNotify) free_window_data);
+static void
+impl_deactivate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *statusbar = eom_window_get_statusbar (window);
+ GtkWidget *view = eom_window_get_thumb_view (window);
+ WindowData *data;
+ data = (WindowData *) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window),
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (view, data->signal_id);
+ gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (statusbar), data->statusbar_date);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window),
+ NULL);
+static void
+impl_update_ui (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+static void
+eom_statusbar_date_plugin_class_init (EomStatusbarDatePluginClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ EomPluginClass *plugin_class = EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->finalize = eom_statusbar_date_plugin_finalize;
+ plugin_class->activate = impl_activate;
+ plugin_class->deactivate = impl_deactivate;
+ plugin_class->update_ui = impl_update_ui;
diff --git a/plugins/statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h b/plugins/statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fccb533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/statusbar-date/eom-statusbar-date-plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* Statusbar Date -- Shows the EXIF date in EOM's statusbar
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <eom-plugin.h>
+ * Type checking and casting macros
+ */
+#define EOM_TYPE_STATUSBAR_DATE_PLUGIN (eom_statusbar_date_plugin_get_type ())
+/* Private structure type */
+typedef struct _EomStatusbarDatePluginPrivate EomStatusbarDatePluginPrivate;
+ * Main object structure
+ */
+typedef struct _EomStatusbarDatePlugin EomStatusbarDatePlugin;
+struct _EomStatusbarDatePlugin
+ EomPlugin parent_instance;
+ * Class definition
+ */
+typedef struct _EomStatusbarDatePluginClass EomStatusbarDatePluginClass;
+struct _EomStatusbarDatePluginClass
+ EomPluginClass parent_class;
+ * Public methods
+ */
+GType eom_statusbar_date_plugin_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+/* All the plugins must implement this function */
+G_MODULE_EXPORT GType register_eom_plugin (GTypeModule *module);
diff --git a/plugins/statusbar-date/ b/plugins/statusbar-date/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c90c0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/statusbar-date/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[Eom Plugin]
+_Name=Date in statusbar
+_Description=Shows the image date in the window statusbar
+Authors=Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+Copyright=Copyright © 2008 Free Software Foundation
diff --git a/po/ChangeLog b/po/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab96f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,8127 @@
+2009-04-12 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2009-04-06 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2009-04-03 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation (Thanos Lefteris).
+2009-03-29 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2009-03-25 Claude Paroz <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Fixed French translation.
+2009-03-25 Amitakhya Phukan <[email protected]>
+ * as.po: Updated Assamese translations.
+2009-03-24 Shankar Prasad <[email protected]>
+ * kn.po: Updated Kannada translations.
+2009-03-21 Goran Rakic <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation by Miloš Popović.
+2009-03-18 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation by Osama Khalid.
+2009-03-18 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2009-03-17 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2009-03-16 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * NEWS: Updates for 2.26.0
+ * ChangeLog: remove trailing whitespaces.
+2009-03-15 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * mai.po: corrected msgfmt chk for Maithili translation.
+2009-03-15 Ani Peter <[email protected]>
+ * ml.po: Updated Malayalam Translations
+2009-03-15 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * mai.po: added Maithili translation.
+ * LINGUAS: Added Maithili (mai) to the list of Languages.
+2009-03-15 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation by Ask H. Larsen
+2009-03-14 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated Hindi Translation.
+2009-03-13 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation
+2009-03-13 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated Hindi Translation.
+2009-03-12 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Fixed an error on the Portuguese translation.
+2009-03-12 Nickolay V. Shmyrev <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation.
+2009-03-12 I. Felix <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Tamil Translation updated
+2009-03-11 Manoj Kumar Giri <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya Translation.
+2009-03-09 Sandeep Shedmake <[email protected]>
+ * mr.po: Updated Marathi Translations.
+2009-03-09 Krishnababu K <[email protected]>
+ * te.po: Updated Telugu Translation.
+2009-03-09 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * bn_IN.po: Updated Bengali India Translation
+2009-03-07 Mark Krapivner <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation by Yaron Shahrabani.
+2009-03-06 Gintautas Miliauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2009-03-03 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.92 version marker.
+2009-03-02 Manoj Kumar Giri <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya Translation.
+2009-03-02 Shankar Prasad <[email protected]>
+ * kn.po: Updated Kannada translations.
+2009-02-27 Claude Paroz <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2009-02-27 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation by Milo Casagrande.
+2009-02-24 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation (Marios Zindilis).
+2009-02-24 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation by David Planella.
+2009-02-23 Philip Withnall <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2009-02-22 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po:
+ * ca.po:
+ * cs.po:
+ * da.po:
+ * de.po:
+ * es.po:
+ * et.po:
+ * eu.po:
+ * fi.po:
+ * gu.po:
+ * hu.po:
+ * ja.po:
+ * ko.po:
+ * nb.po:
+ * nl.po:
+ * pl.po:
+ * pt.po:
+ * pt_BR.po:
+ * ro.po:
+ * sv.po:
+ * th.po:
+ * vi.po:
+ * zh_HK.po:
+ * zh_TW.po:
+ Fix translations affected by bug #572723.
+2009-02-21 Petr Kovar <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation by Adrian Gunis.
+2009-02-18 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2009-02-18 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2009-02-17 Jani Monoses <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation
+ by Adi Roiban <[email protected]>
+2009-02-17 Sweta Kothari <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Committed Gujarati Translation.
+2009-02-16 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.91 version marker.
+2009-02-15 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation by Kenneth Nielsen
+2009-02-15 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2009-02-14 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2009-02-14 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Updated Belarusian Latin translation by Ihar Hrachyshka.
+2009-02-14 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2009-02-12 Jani Monoses <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation
+ by Adi Roiban <[email protected]>
+2009-02-11 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2009-02-10 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2009-02-09 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2009-02-09 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2009-02-07 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2009-02-06 Jani Monoses <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation
+ by Adi Roiban <[email protected]>
+2009-02-06 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2009-02-06 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2009-02-04 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2009-02-04 Christian Kirbach <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2009-02-03 Tomasz Dominikowski <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation
+2009-02-03 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.90 version marker.
+2009-02-03 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+2009-01-30 Jonh Wendell <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Krix Apolinário.
+2009-01-29 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2009-01-27 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2009-01-24 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2009-01-24 Andre Klapper <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2009-01-24 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2009-01-21 Og Maciel <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by
+ César Veiga, revised by Henrique P. Machado.
+2009-01-19 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.5 version marker.
+2009-01-18 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2009-01-12 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2009-01-10 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2009-01-08 Nurali Abdurahomonov <[email protected]>
+ * uz.po: Added Uzbek translation by Nurali.
+ * LINGUAS: added uz and uz@cyrillic
+2009-01-07 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation by Marios Zindilis.
+2009-01-06 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.4 version marker.
+2009-01-05 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2009-01-03 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2008-12-15 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2008-12-15 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.3 version marker.
+2008-12-15 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2008-12-10 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2008-12-01 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2008-12-01 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.2 version marker.
+2008-11-16 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-11-08 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2008-11-03 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.25.1 version marker.
+2008-10-30 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Update Ukrainian translation.
+2008-10-19 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by OsamaKhalid.
+2008-10-13 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * POTFILES.skip:
+ Add GtkBuilder files.
+2008-10-12 Petr Kovar <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation by Adrian Gunis
+ (bug #548506 again).
+2008-09-29 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Updated Dutch translation by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2008-09-28 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2008-09-26 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation by Pierros Papadeas.
+2008-09-25 Og Maciel <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Vladimir Melo.
+2008-09-25 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2008-09-23 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2008-09-23 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian Translation.
+2008-09-23 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2008-09-22 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.24.0 version marker.
+2008-09-22 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation by Kenneth Nielsen
+2008-09-22 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2008-09-22 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2008-09-22 Ankitkumar Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translations.
+2008-09-22 Petr Kovar <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation by Adrian Gunis.
+2008-09-22 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2008-09-21 Goran Rakić <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian Translation.
+2008-09-22 Robert-André Mauchin <[email protected]>
+ * af.po: Updated Afrikaans translation by Friedel Wolff.
+2008-09-21 Tomasz Dominikowski <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation
+2008-09-21 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation by
+ Mişu Moldovan <[email protected]>
+2008-09-21 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2008-09-21 Alexandre Prokoudine <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+2008-09-21 Claude Paroz <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2008-09-21 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2008-09-21 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque trsnalation.
+2008-09-21 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2008-09-21 Og Maciel <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Vladimir Melo.
+2008-09-21 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2008-09-21 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2008-09-21 Philipp Kerling <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2008-09-21 Gintautas Miliauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2008-09-21 Philip Withnall <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2008-09-21 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-09-21 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation
+2008-09-21 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-09-21 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation
+2008-09-21 Shankar Prasad <[email protected]>
+ * kn.po: Updated Kannada Translation
+2008-09-21 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation by Kenneth Nielsen
+2008-09-20 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation by Milo Casagrande.
+2008-09-18 I. Felix <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Tamil Translation updated by Tirumurthi Vasudevan
+2008-09-18 Sweta Kothari <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Committed Gujarati Translation.
+2008-09-18 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish Translation
+2008-09-18 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2008-09-17 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2008-09-16 Sandeep Shedmake <[email protected]>
+ * mr.po: Updated Marathi Translations.
+2008-09-15 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2008-09-14 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2008-09-13 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Typo and style fixes by Vladimir Melo. Terminology fixes
+ by Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle.
+2008-09-13 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2008-09-13 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2008-09-12 Goran Rakić <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation (by Miloš Popović).
+2008-09-11 Robert Sedak <[email protected]>
+ * hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.
+2008-09-09 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.92 version marker.
+2006-08-29 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated Hindi Translation.
+2008-09-08 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2008-09-07 Robert Sedak <[email protected]>
+ * hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.
+2008-09-07 Philip Withnall <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2008-09-07 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated zh_CN translation.
+2008-09-05 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2008-09-02 Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation
+2008-09-02 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.91 version marker.
+2008-08-29 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-08-28 Gintautas Miliauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2008-08-26 Pema Geyleg <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated Dzongkha Translation
+2008-08-25 Goran Rakic <[email protected]>
+ * LINGUAS, [email protected], [email protected]: Conversion from sr@Latn to sr@latin.
+2008-08-23 Petr Kovar <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation by Adrian Gunis
+ (bug #548506).
+2008-08-21 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+2008-08-21 Tomasz Dominikowski <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation
+2008-07-19 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.90 version marker.
+2008-08-17 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2008-08-16 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Updated Belarusian Latin translation by Ihar Hrachyshka.
+2008-08-15 Praveen Arimbrathodiyil <[email protected]>
+ * ml.po: Malayalam translation updated by Hari Vishnu.
+2008-08-15 Sarath Lakshman <[email protected]>
+ * ml.po: update for malayalam language po
+2008-08-13 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2008-08-13 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2008-08-13 Shankar Prasad <[email protected]>
+ * kn.po: Updated Kannada Translation.
+2008-08-11 Ilkka Tuohela <<[email protected]>>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2008-08-10 Arangel Angov <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2008-08-10 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+ * Fixed the date of Portuguese Team bellow :)
+2008-08-10 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2008-08-07 Og Maciel <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated translation by Vladimir Melo.
+2008-08-6 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2008-08-04 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.6 version marker.
+2008-07-29 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2008-07-29 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2008-07-29 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2008-07-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2008-07-27 Yannig Marchegay <[email protected]>
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation.
+2008-07-25 Claude Paroz <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Update French translation by Pierre Lemaire.
+2008-07-25 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2008-07-24 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Terminology fixes by Fabrício Godoy.
+2008-06-24 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-07-22 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian Translation.
+2008-07-21 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.5 version marker.
+2008-07-21 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian Translation.
+2008-07-21 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2008-07-15 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * ps.po: Added Pashto Translation by Zabeeh Khan ([email protected])
+ * LINGUAS: Added Pashto (ps) to the list of Languages
+2008-07-03 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * ks.po: Added Kashmiri Translations by Rakesh Pandit ([email protected])
+ * LINGUAS: Added Kashmiri (ks) to the list of Languages.
+2008-07-03 Yannig Marchegay <[email protected]>
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation.
+2008-06-27 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Minor fixes to Catalan translation by Joan Duran.
+2008-06-24 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2008-06-16 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * version marker.
+2008-06-16 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.4 version marker.
+2008-06-11 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2008-06-10 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Import updated translation from 2.22 branch
+2008-06-10 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2008-06-03 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.3 version marker.
+2008-05-25 Philip Withnall <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2008-05-25 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2008-05-22 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2008-05-19 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2008-05-12 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.2 version marker.
+2008-05-02 Petr Kovar <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Merged Czech translation from the mate-2-22 branch,
+ helps to fix the bug #517967.
+2008-04-30 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2008-04-30 Andre Klapper <[email protected]>
+ * fur.po: Added Friulian translation on behalf of
+ the Friulian team. Fixes bug #530509.
+2008-04-29 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2008-04-25 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2008-04-21 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.23.1 version marker.
+2008-04-19 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2008-04-19 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-04-19 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * Add missing file.
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2008-04-06 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2008-03-30 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-03-29 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2008-03-25 Philip Withnall <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2008-03-23 Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Update Vietnamese translation
+2008-03-21 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Yavor Doganov <[email protected]>
+2008-03-17 Marcel Telka <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation by Peter Tuhársky.
+2008-03-16 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * Fix intltool warnings.
+2008-03-16 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation from
+ Rune Nakim.
+2008-03-12 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2008-03-12 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2008-03-10 Rahul Bhalerao <[email protected]>
+ * mr.po: Updated Marathi Translation by Sandeep Shedmake.
+2008-03-10 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.22.0 version marker.
+2008-03-10 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2008-03-09 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated
+2008-03-08 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * bn_IN.po: Updated Bengali India Translaions
+2008-03-08 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+2008-03-08 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian Translation.
+2008-03-08 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * bn_IN.po: Corrected errors related to plural forms
+2008-03-08 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation
+2008-03-07 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Update Ukrainian translation.
+2008-03-06 Marcel Telka <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation by Peter Tuhársky.
+2008-03-05 Stéphane Raimbault <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2008-03-05 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2008-03-04 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2008-03-03 Alexandre Prokoudine <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation.
+2008-03-03 Rahul Bhalerao <[email protected]>
+ * mr.po: Updated Marathi translations from Sandeep Shedmake.
+2008-03-03 Philip Withnall <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2008-03-02 Gintautas Miliauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2008-03-01 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2008-03-01 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2008-02-28 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated
+2008-02-27 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Added missing "..."
+2008-02-27 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2008-02-26 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2008-02-26 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2008-02-25 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.21.92 version marker.
+2008-02-23 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Fix some duplicated accelerators.
+2008-02-23 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2008-02-23 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2008-02-20 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated by Zoltán Máthé
+2008-02-17 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Reinout van Schouwen.
+2008-02-17 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2008-02-16 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Brazilian Portuguese translation updated by Hugo Doria.
+2008-02-16 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Updated Belarusian Latin translation.
+2008-02-16 Andre Klapper <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2008-02-15 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * kn.po: Updated Kannada Translations by Shankar Prasad.
+2008-02-15 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2008-02-14 Arangel Angov <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2008-02-14 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2008-02-14 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2008-02-14 Pawan Chitrakar <[email protected]>
+ * ne.po: Updated Nepali Translation.
+2008-02-14 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2008-02-13 Petr Kovar <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation by Kamil Paral.
+2008-02-13 Andre Klapper <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2008-02-13 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2008-02-12 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2008-02-12 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2008-02-12 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation, fix #51650.
+2008-02-12 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2008-02-11 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * 2.21.90 version marker.
+2008-02-11 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2008-02-11 Claude Paroz <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2008-02-11 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2008-02-10 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Update Italian translation from 2.20 branch.
+2008-02-07 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2008-02-06 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation
+2008-02-03 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Fixed typo in Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2008-02-02 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2008-02-02 Yannig Marchegay <[email protected]>
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation.
+2008-02-02 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Improved translation of "Go to" messages.
+2008-02-02 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2008-02-02 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translaion by Mark Krapviner.
+2008-02-01 Amitakhya Phukan <[email protected]>
+ * LINGUAS: Added as to LINGUAS.
+ * as.po: Updated assamese translations.
+2008-01-31 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+2008-01-31 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2008-01-31 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2008-01-29 Jonh Wendell <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Brazilian Portuguese translation updated by Pedro de Medeiros.
+2008-01-29 Danishka Navin <[email protected]>
+ * si.po: Updated Sinhala translation.
+2008-01-27 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2008-01-25 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Update Ukrainian translation.
+2008-01-24 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2008-01-23 Andre Klapper <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2008-01-22 Stéphane Raimbault <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation by Claude Paroz.
+2008-01-22 Rahul Bhalerao <[email protected]>
+ * mr.po: Added Marathi translations given by Sandeep Shedmake.
+ * LINGUAS: Added en entry for Marathi(mr).
+2008-01-16 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish translation
+2008-01-15 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2008-01-14 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.21.4 version marker.
+2008-01-14 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2008-01-14 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2008-01-12 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2008-01-11 Espen Stefansen <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian Bokmål translation.
+2008-01-11 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2008-01-10 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Updated Belarusian Latin translation.
+2008-01-10 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin
+2008-01-06 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Updated Belarusian Latin translation.
+2008-01-04 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2008-01-04 Erdal Ronahi <[email protected]>
+ * ku.po: Updated Kurdish translation
+2008-01-04 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2008-01-03 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-12-31 Yannig Marchegay <[email protected]
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation.
+2007-12-31 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2007-12-30 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-12-29 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-12-29 Seán de Búrca <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation.
+2007-12-28 Priit Laes <plaes at svn dot mate dot org>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin echo
+2007-12-27 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2007-12-27 Seán de Búrca <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation.
+2007-12-23 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-12-17 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.21.3 version marker.
+2007-12-13 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Translation of "status bar" fixed by Rodrigo Flores.
+2007-12-11 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation
+2007-12-06 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-12-06 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-12-04 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.21.2 version marker.
+2007-12-03 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2007-12-01 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Updated Belarusian Latin translation.
+2007-11-21 Yannig Marchegay <[email protected]>
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation
+2007-11-14 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2007-11-12 Matej Urbančič <[email protected]>
+ * sl.po: Updated Slovenian translation.
+2007-11-09 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated
+2007-11-08 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2007-11-04 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-11-04 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Priit Laes.
+2007-11-03 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2007-11-02 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-11-01 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es/es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-10-29 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.21.1 version marker.
+2007-10-28 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-10-27 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-10-27 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation
+2007-10-25 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2007-10-24 Matej Urbančič <[email protected]>
+ * sl.po: Updated Slovenian translation.
+2007-10-23 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-10-21 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-10-20 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2007-10-12 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * Glade-file has been split into muliple files.
+2007-09-23 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation (fix for bug #479253).
+2007-09-17 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Added Belarusian Latin translation.
+ * LINGUAS: Added be@latin.
+2007-09-17 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.20.0 version marker.
+2007-09-17 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-09-17 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-09-16 Gil Forcada <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2007-09-16 Yannig Marchegay <[email protected]>
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation.
+2007-09-15 Alexandre Prokoudine <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation.
+2007-09-15 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2007-09-15 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2007-09-15 Andre Klapper <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation on behalf of Peter Tuharsky
+2007-09-15 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho Cha.
+2007-09-14 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek Translation
+2007-09-14 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2007-09-13 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-09-13 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2007-09-13 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2007-09-12 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2007-09-10 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Updated Estonian translation.
+2007-09-10 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2007-09-10 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Update Ukrainian translation.
+2007-09-10 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-09-09 Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation
+2007-09-07 Goran Rakić <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2007-09-06 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2007-09-06 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2007-09-04 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2007-09-04 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.19.92 version marker.
+2007-09-03 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2007-09-02 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+ * ChangeLog: Fix newlines in Clytie's recent entry.
+2007-09-02 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2007-09-02 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated zh_CN translation.
+2007-08-30 Stéphane Raimbault <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2007-08-30 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2007-08-30 Ani Peter <[email protected]>
+ * ml.po: Updated Malayalam Translation
+2007-08-30 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation updates by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>
+2007-08-29 Gintautas Miliauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2007-08-29 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-08-29 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-08-29 I. Felix <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Tamil Translation updated by Tirumurthi Vasudevan
+2007-08-28 Raphael Higino <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+2007-08-28 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2007-08-28 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-08-28 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-08-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-08-28 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.19.91 version marker.
+2007-08-27 Žygimantas Beručka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2007-08-26 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2007-08-26 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2007-08-26 Raphael Higino <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+ by Og Maciel <[email protected]>.
+2007-08-25 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Yasen Pramatarov <[email protected]>
+2007-08-23 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2007-08-23 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation updates by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>
+2007-08-20 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-08-19 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2007-08-19 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-08-18 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-08-18 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2007-08-18 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-08-17 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-08-17 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-08-16 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation updates by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>
+2007-08-16 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-08-16 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-08-15 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-08-14 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2007-08-14 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: intltool-update de
+2007-08-14 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-08-14 I. Felix <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Tamil Translation updated by Tirumurthi Vasudevan
+2007-08-14 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-08-14 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-08-14 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.19.5 version marker.
+2007-08-13 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-08-13 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-08-12 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Brazilian Portuguese translation updated by Og Maciel
+2007-08-12 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2007-08-12 Žygimantas Beručka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2007-08-11 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-08-11 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-08-09 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-08-09 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-08-09 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-08-08 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2007-08-07 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-08-07 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-08-07 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-08-06 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-08-05 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: s/_Conteúdo/S_umário; see bug #461308.
+2007-08-05 Raphael Higino <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+2006-08-04 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2007-08-02 Jordi Mas <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2007-08-01 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-08-01 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-08-01 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-07-30 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2007-07-30 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-07-30 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-07-30 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-07-28 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2007-07-24 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-07-23 Matic Žgur <[email protected]>
+ * sl.po: Updated Slovenian translation.
+2007-07-22 Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation from Phạm Thành Long
+2007-07-21 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2007-07-21 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-07-19 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-07-18 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2007-07-17 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-07-16 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-07-15 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-07-14 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2007-07-13 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-07-11 Stéphane Raimbault <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation by Robert-André Mauchin and
+ Claude Paroz.
+2007-07-11 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-07-09 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.19.4 version marker.
+2007-07-09 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-07-09 I. Felix <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Tamil Translation updated by Tirumurthi Vasudevan
+2007-07-06 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-07-05 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es/es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-07-03 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2007-07-02 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2007-07-02 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-07-01 Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2007-07-01 Sunil Mohan Adapa <[email protected]>
+ * te.po: Added Telugu translation done by
+ Bharat Kumar <[email protected]>.
+2007-06-29 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-06-29 Pema Geyleg <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated dzongkha translation
+2007-06-28 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2007-06-26 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2007-06-25 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-06-23 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmål translation.
+2007-06-22 I. Felix <[email protected]>
+ * si.po: Sinhala Translation updated by Danishka Navin
+ * LINGUAS: Added Sinhala (si) to The List of Languages.
+2007-06-20 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2007-06-18 I Felix <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Updated Tamil Translation.
+2007-06-18 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-06-17 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-06-15 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-6-12 Pema Geyleg <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated dzongkha translation
+2007-06-11 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2007-06-11 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-06-04 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.19.3 version marker.
+2007-06-04 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2007-06-01 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-05-31 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Updated Estonian translation by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>.
+2007-05-31 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-05-30 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Updated Estonian translation by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>.
+2007-05-28 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-05-27 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-05-22 Yair Hershkoviz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updaed Hebrew translation.
+2007-05-18 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2007-05-17 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-05-16 Jakukub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation
+2007-05-15 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2007-05-15 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-05-15 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.19.2 version marker.
+2007-05-10 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-05-08 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-05-08 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * Fix a typo.
+ * nb.po: Update translation.
+2007-05-07 Nickolay V. Shmyrev <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation by
+ Vasily Faronov <[email protected]>
+2007-05-03 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-05-03 Jorge Gonzalez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-05-02 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * Add missing files.
+2007-04-30 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.19.1 version marker.
+2007-04-27 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2007-04-26 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+ * Added missing file.
+2007-04-25 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * oc.po: Added Occitan translation from
+ Yannig MARCHEGAY <[email protected]>.
+ * LINGUAS: Added "oc" (Occitan).
+2007-04-23 Jorge González <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2007-04-22 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2007-04-20 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-04-16 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2007-04-14 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-04-06 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-04-04 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-04-02 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-03-23 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-03-20 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2007-03-19 Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ * Add missing eom-exif-util.c to file list.
+2007-03-18 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-03-18 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2007-03-15 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2007-03-15 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation (again).
+2007-03-15 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2007-03-14 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2007-03-12 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * version marker.
+2007-03-12 Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2007-03-11 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.18.0 version marker.
+2007-03-10 Nickolay V. Shmyrev <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation.
+2007-03-05 Goran Rakic <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2007-03-05 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Reinout van Schouwen.
+2007-03-04 Gintautas Miliauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2007-03-04 Erdal Ronahi <erdal dot ronahi at gmail dot com>
+ * ku.po: Updated Kurdish translation
+2007-03-03 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2007-03-01 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2007-02-26 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.17.92 version marker.
+2007-02-24 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2007-02-25 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2007-02-23 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2007-02-23 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2007-02-22 Peter Bach <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2007-02-22 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated simplified Chinese translation on behalf of
+ Funda Wang.
+2007-02-21 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2007-02-20 Stéphane Raimbault <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2007-09-20 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Update Ukrainian translation.
+2007-02-19 Nguyen Th¡gác Duy <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2007-02-18 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Updated Estonian translation by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>.
+2007-02-17 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2007-02-16 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated English (British) translation
+2007-02-16 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-02-15 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2007-02-14 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2007-02-14 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-02-13 Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2007-02-13 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-02-12 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-02-12 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation.
+2007-02-12 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+* 2.17.91 version marker.
+2007-02-11 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2007-02-10 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2007-02-09 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated English (British) translation
+2007-02-8 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2007-02-07 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2007-02-05 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Updated Estonian translation by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>.
+2007-02-05 Stephane Raimbault <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation by Jonathan Ernst. Fixes the
+ menu accelerators.
+2007-02-03 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2007-02-03 Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation.
+2007-02-03 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation, by
+ Philipp Kerling <[email protected]>
+2007-01-30 Stephane Raimbault <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation by Claude Paroz.
+2007-01-30 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-01-28 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Updated Estonian translation by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>.
+2007-01-27 Vasiliy Faronov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation.
+2007-01-26 Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2007-01-26 Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2007-01-25 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-01-24 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>.
+2007-01-24 Pema Geyleg <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated Dzongkha Translation.
+2007-01-24 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2007-01-24 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-01-23 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated English (British) translation
+2007-01-23 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-01-22 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.17.90 version marker.
+2007-01-22 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-01-20 Matic Zgur <[email protected]>
+ * sl.po: Updated Slovenian translation.
+2007-01-20 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2007-01-17 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2007-01-16 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2007-01-15 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2007-01-15 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2007-01-13 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation, two strings fixed with patch
+ from Rasmus Ory Nielsen.
+2007-01-13 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Khaled Hosny.
+2007-01-13 Raphael Higino <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2007-01-12 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation, fix #395541.
+2007-01-12 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2007-01-09 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2007-01-09 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>.
+2007-01-08 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.17.4 version marker.
+2007-01-08 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated English (British) translation
+2007-01-07 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Estonian translation update by Ivar Smolin.
+2007-01-05 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * Add shell/eom-print-image-setup.c
+2007-01-05 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2007-01-05 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2007-01-05 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2007-01-03 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Mohamed Magdy.
+2007-01-01 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated English (British) translation
+2006-12-31 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2006-12-29 Josep Puigdemont i Casamajo <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2006-12-29 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-12-29 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated English (British) translation
+2006-12-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2006-12-27 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation.
+2006-12-25 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2006-12-24 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation.
+2006-12-22 Raivis Dejus <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: Updated Latvian Translation.
+2006-12-23 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusina Translation by Ihar Hrachyshka.
+2006-12-22 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-12-20 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-12-19 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-12-18 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.17.3 version marker.
+2006-12-18 Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation.
+2006-12-17 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-12-14 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-12-11 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2006-12-09 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-12-07 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-12-04 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.17.2 version marker.
+2006-12-04 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2006-11-19 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2006-11-16 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * remove util.c
+2006-11-03 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation, fix #369519.
+2006-11-01 Satoru SATOH <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Merged fixes for incorrect translations from mate-2-16 branch.
+2006-10-18 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.17.1 version marker.
+2006-10-09 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * wa.po: Updated Walloon file
+2006-10-08 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from
+ Christophe Bliard <[email protected]>.
+2006-10-02 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-09-20 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-09-16 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-09-14 Satoru SATOH <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Fixed up mismatch between nplurals and number of
+ plural forms some messages have.
+2006-09-13 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2006-09-08 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-09-07 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2006-09-06 Pema Geyleg <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated Dzongkha translation.
+2006-09-05 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2006-09-04 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * version marker.
+2006-09-04 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Update Persian translation by Meelad Zakaria.
+2006-09-04 Ani Peter <[email protected]>
+ * ml.po: Updated Malayalam translation
+2006-09-04 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.16.0 version marker.
+2006-09-03 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * bn_IN.po: Updated Bengali India Translation.
+2006-09-03 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated by Goran Rakic.
+2006-09-03 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Chinese (Hong Kong) translation from
+ Woodman Tuen <[email protected]>.
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Chinese (Taiwan) translation from
+ Woodman Tuen <[email protected]>.
+2006-09-02 Inaki Larranaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2006-09-01 Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2006-09-01 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation.
+2006-08-31 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+2006-08-30 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2006-08-29 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated Hindi Translation.
+2006-08-27 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-08-26 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from
+ Robert-André Mauchin <[email protected]>.
+2006-08-26 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2006-08-26 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2006-08-25 Raivis Dejus <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: Updated Latvian translation.
+2006-08-21 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.15.92 version marker.
+2006-08-21 Matic Zgur <[email protected]>
+ * sl.po: Updated Slovenian translation.
+2006-08-19 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2006-08-18 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2006-08-17 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Added, since it is
+ generated from
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2006-08-16 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2006-08-17 Satoru SATOH <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2006-08-16 Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation.
+2006-08-16 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2006-08-16 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Translation updated.
+2006-08-14 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-08-14 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-08-13 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-08-13 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-08-12 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2006-08-12 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2006-08-12 Ahmad Riza H Nst <[email protected]>
+ * id.po: Updated.
+2006-08-11 Vladimer Sichinava <[email protected]>
+ * ka.po: Added Georgian translation.
+2006-08-11 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-08-11 Josep Puigdemont i Casamajo <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2006-08-10 Ani Peter <[email protected]>
+ * ml.po: Updated Malayalam translation
+2006-08-10 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Update Ukrainian translation.
+2006-08-10 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-08-10 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-08-10 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated Dzongkha translation by
+ Dzongkhalinux team, DIT
+2006-08-09 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-08-09 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Fixed/Updated Macedonian translation.
+2006-08-09 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2006-08-09 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-08-09 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish Translation from Onur Can Cakmak
+2006-08-09 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2006-08-08 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+ by Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>
+2006-08-08 Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2006-08-07 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.15.91 version marker.
+2006-08-07 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2006-08-07 Inaki Larranaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2006-08-07 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-08-06 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-08-06 Bastien Nocera <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Update British English translation. Make sure that
+ Counterclockwise is Anti-clockwise in proper English (Closes: #348539)
+2006-08-05 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-08-01 Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated/Fixed Macedonian Translation
+2006-07-31 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Update Ukrainian translation.
+2006-07-30 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2006-07-27 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-07-26 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-07-24 Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * 2.15.90 version marker.
+2006-07-24 Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2006-07-22 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2006-07-22 Satoru SATOH <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2006-07-21 Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2006-07-21 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2006-07-18 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2006-07-16 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2006-07-13 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.15.4 version marker.
+2006-07-09 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho Cha.
+2006-07-09 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+2006-07-08 Raphael Higino <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2006-07-08 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Udated Belarusain translation.
+2006-07-07 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Udated Belarusain translation.
+2006-07-06 Inaki Larranaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2006-07-05 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Rostislav Raykov <[email protected]>
+2006-07-03 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * bn_IN.po: Added Bengali India Translation
+ * LINGUAS: Added Bengali India (bn_IN) to the list of languages.
+2006-07-02 Benoît Dejean <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2006-07-02 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-07-02 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-07-01 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-07-01 Pawan Chitrakar <[email protected]>
+ * ne.po: updated Nepali Translation
+2006-06-28 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated Dzongkha translation
+ by Dzongkhalinux, DIT
+2006-06-26 I. Felix <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Updated Tamil translation.
+2006-06-24 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2006-06-20 Thierry S. Randrianiriana <[email protected]>
+ * mg.po: Added Malagasy translation
+ * LINGUAS: Added Malagasy code 'mg'
+2006-06-17 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-06-16 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-06-15 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-06-13 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated.
+2006-06-12 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-06-10 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated spanish translation.
+2006-06-10 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.15.3 version marker.
+2006-05-31 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-05-30 Pema Geyleg <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated Dzongkha translation.
+2006-05-27 Pema Geyleg <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Updated Dzongkha Translation.
+2006-05-25 Inaki Larranaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2006-05-25 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2006-05-23 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-05-22 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-05-21 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-05-21 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.15.2 version marker.
+2006-05-06 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-05-05 Inaki Larranaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2006-05-03 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2006-04-30 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2006-04-24 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.15.1 version marker.
+2006-04-26 Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: Updated Latvian translation by Raivis Dejus <[email protected]>
+2006-04-26 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2006-04-25 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-04-25 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-04-18 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-04-17 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * LINGUAS: Remove obsolete entry for no_NO
+ * no.po: And the translation.
+2006-04-17 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2006-04-14 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2006-04-09 Lukas Novotny <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2006-04-09 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2006-04-07 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-04-07 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-04-05 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-03-22 Tommi Vainikainen <[email protected]>
+ * dz.po: Added Dzongkha translation from Pema Geyleg.
+2006-03-15 Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya translation.
+2006-03-15 Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya translation.
+2006-03-14 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish Translation
+2006-03-13 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.14.0 version marker.
+2006-03-13 Benoît Dejean <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2006-03-12 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation by Petr Tomeo.
+2006-03-12 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Updated Persian translation by Elnaz Sarbar, and
+ Farzaneh Sarafraz.
+2006-03-08 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Fixed a typo
+2006-03-08 Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Swedish translation updated.
+2006-03-08 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Hungarian translation updated.
+2006-03-07 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2006-03-07 Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2006-03-06 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated Hindi Translation.
+2006-03-05 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation
+2006-03-05 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2006-03-04 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.13.92 version marker.
+2006-03-02 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2006-03-01 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2006-02-27 Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+2006-02-27 Rhys Jones <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation.
+2006-02-25 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2006-02-21 Inaki Larranaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2006-02-19 Satoru SATOH <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2006-02-19 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2006-02-17 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2006-02-14 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.13.91 version marker.
+2006-02-12 Nickolay V. Shmyrev <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation by
+ Alexander Sigachov <[email protected]>.
+2006-02-09 Lukas Novotny <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2006-02-04 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-02-02 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2006-01-29 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.13.90 version marker.
+2006-01-29 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2006-01-28 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2006-01-27 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2006-01-27 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+2006-01-23 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2006-01-21 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-01-21 Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2006-01-21 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2006-01-19 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-01-19 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+ * no.po: Same.
+2006-01-19 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2006-01-18 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-01-08 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation
+2006-01-18 Slobodan D. Sredojevic <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation
+2006-01-17 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2006-01-17 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-01-17 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-01-16 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.13.5 version marker.
+2006-01-16 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-01-16 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-01-15 Slobodan D. Sredojevic <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation
+2006-01-14 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-01-14 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translaion(Taiwan).
+ * zh_HK.po: Added Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+2006-01-13 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+ * no.po: Same.
+2006-01-12 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2006-01-12 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2006-01-11 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Hungarian translation updated.
+2006-01-11 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-01-11 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2006-01-10 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.13.4 version marker.
+2006-01-09 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2006-01-09 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2006-01-09 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2005-01-09 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2006-01-09 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2006-01-09 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2006-01-09 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-01-08 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * Add egg-recent-view-gtk.c
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+ * no.po: Same.
+2006-01-07 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2006-01-04 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2006-01-03 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2006-01-02 Josep Puigdemont i Casamajó <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2005-12-29 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Chinese (Hong Kong) translation from MATE HK Team
+2005-12-28 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Chinese (Taiwan) translation.
+ * zh_HK.po: New Chinese (Hong Kong) translation.
+2005-12-26 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2005-12-21 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-12-03 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation by
+ Alan Horkan <[email protected]>.
+2005-12-11 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2005-12-09 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2005-12-02 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-11-29 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2005-11-27 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-11-22 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2005-11-22 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2005-11-18 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation.
+2005-11-18 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2005-11-17 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-11-17 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2005-11-16 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated.
+2005-11-15 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2005-11-15 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+ * no.po: Same.
+2005-11-14 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-11-14 Guilherme de S. Pastore <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2005-11-14 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2005-11-13 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.13.2 version marker.
+2005-11-13 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Updated Persian translation by Elnaz Sarbar
+ <[email protected]> and Meelad Zakaria <[email protected]>.
+2005-11-13 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-11-13 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2005-11-12 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-11-11 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation.
+2005-11-10 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation.
+2005-11-09 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation.
+2005-11-07 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-11-02 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Corrected a typo.
+2005-10-25 Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * 2.13.1 version marker.
+2005-10-20 Marcel Telka <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation by Ivan Noris.
+2005-10-01 Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>
+ * bn.po: Updated Bengali (bn) translation. Translation by Mahay Alam Khan <[email protected]>
+2005-09-26 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2005-09-25 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2005-09-16 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-09-06 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-09-06 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+2005-09-05 Inaki Larranaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2005-09-05 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2005-09-02 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from
+ Stephane Raimbault <[email protected]>.
+2005-08-31 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * ku.po: Added Kurkish Translation from Erdal Ronahi
+2005-08-31 Mohammad DAMT <[email protected]>
+ * id.po: Updated Indonesian translation.
+2005-08-29 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2005-08-29 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Young-Ho Cha.
+2005-08-28 Yair Hershkovitz <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2005-08-27 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2005-08-27 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-08-25 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2005-08-24 Rhys Jones <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation.
+2005-08-23 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Hungarian translation updated.
+2005-08-22 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish Translation
+2005-08-22 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation
+2005-08-20 Josep Puigdemont <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation by
+ Xavier Conde Rueda <[email protected]>
+2005-08-20 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2005-08-19 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation by Justina Klingaita.
+2005-08-18 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation
+2005-08-17 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2005-07-16 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-08-14 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Hungarian translation updated.
+2005-08-14 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation.
+2005-08-13 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation
+2005-08-13 Guilherme de S. Pastore <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+2005-08-12 Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+2005-08-11 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2005-08-10 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po Updated Greek Translation
+2005-08-03 Stanislav Brabec <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Improved EXIF translations.
+2005-07-31 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Bulk updates to Finnish translation
+ for new website.
+2005-07-31 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2005-07-28 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Bulk change to some Finnish translations.
+2005-07-28 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2005-07-28 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2005-07-27 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2005-07-24 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+ * no.po: Same
+2005-07-23 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-07-22 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated.
+2005-07-22 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-07-22 Pawan Chitrakar <[email protected]>
+ * ne.po: Updated Nepali Translation
+2005-07-21 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated.
+2005-07-20 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2005-07-19 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated by Igor Nestorovic.
+2005-07-18 Abduxukur Abdurixit <[email protected]>
+ * ug.po: Updated Uighur translation by
+ Gheyret Tohti <[email protected]>.
+2005-07-18 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-07-18 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2005-07-18 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-07-17 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-07-16 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated by Igor Nestorovic.
+2005-07-16 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-07-15 Gabor Kelemen <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Hungarian translation updated.
+2005-07-15 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2005-07-14 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated.
+2005-07-11 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2005-07-10 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-07-07 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-07-04 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Fixed German translation by
+ Jens Seidel <[email protected]>.
+2005-07-07 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Updated Persian translation by Meelad Zakaria
+2005-07-03 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-07-03 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Update Japanese translation.
+2005-07-02 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-07-02 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-07-01 Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation.
+2005-07-01 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2005-06-30 Terance Sola <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian Bokmaal translation.
+ * no.po: Same.
+2005-06-27 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-06-26 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2005-06-26 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2005-06-25 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-06-22 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Fix language team reference.
+2005-06-21 Marcel Telka <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation by Ivan Noris.
+2005-06-14 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2005-06-10 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-06-09 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2005-06-06 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-06-06 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-06-06 Abduxukur Abdurixit <[email protected]>
+ * ug.po: Added Uighur translation from Gheyret T. Kenji
+2005-06-06 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2005-06-04 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation by
+ Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>.
+2005-06-01 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-05-27 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2005-05-21 Iaki Larraaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2005-05-18 Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-05-12 Jayaradha <[email protected]>
+ *ta.po tamil translation updated
+2005-05-12 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-05-11 Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po Updated Greek Translation
+2005-05-11 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po Updated Greek Translation
+2005-05-05 Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated hindi translation.
+2005-04-23 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-04-18 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2005-04-17 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-04-15 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-04-15 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-04-14 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Update
+ * no.po: Update
+2005-04-12 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-04-11 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-04-11 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Update German translation.
+2005-04-09 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-04-07 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2005-04-07 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Update German translation.
+2005-04-05 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-04-04 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-03-31 Steve Murphy <[email protected]>
+ * rw.po: Added Kinyarwanda translation.
+2005-03-31 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-03-29 Adi Attar <[email protected]>
+ * xh.po: Updated Xhosa translation.
+2005-03-21 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2005-03-18 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2005-03-18 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2005-03-16 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2005-03-15 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-03-15 Guilherme de S. Pastore <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2005-03-15 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2005-03-15 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-03-06 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation.
+2005-03-04 Laszlo Dvornik <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Hungarian translation updated by Gabor Kelemen.
+2005-03-04 Adi Attar <[email protected]>
+ * xh.po: Added Xhosa translation.
+2005-03-03 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2005-03-02 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish Translation by Alphan Beyazit
+2005-03-02 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2005-03-02 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation from MATE HK Team
+2005-03-02 Ahmad Riza H Nst <[email protected]>
+ * id.po: Updated Indonesian Translation.
+2005-03-01 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2005-02-28 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation by
+ Josep Puigdemont <[email protected]>.
+2005-02-24 Arafat Medini <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation.
+2005-02-24 Raphael Higino <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2005-02-21 Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2005-02-21 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Gujarati Translation.
+2005-02-20 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-02-18 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2005-02-17 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation
+2005-02-15 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2005-02-15 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-02-14 Benoît Dejean <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2005-02-09 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-02-09 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2005-02-09 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-02-07 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2005-02-07 Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+2005-02-06 Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2005-02-06 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2005-02-06 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-02-04 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2005-02-03 Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2005-02-02 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-01-30 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British translation.
+2005-01-30 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2005-01-29 Raphael Higino <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2005-01-25 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2005-01-24 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2005-01-22 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2005-01-21 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-01-21 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-01-20 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2005-01-18 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2005-01-18 Frank Arnold <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2005-01-18 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-01-17 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2005-01-17 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Removed nonexisting entry.
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2005-01-16 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2005-01-15 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-01-15 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * Add libeom/eom-util.c and shell/eom-preferences.c
+ * POTFILES.skip: Add
+ * nb.po: Update
+ * no.po: Update
+2005-01-15 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin.
+2005-01-13 Alexander Winston <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-01-12 Marcel Telka <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation by Ivan Noris <[email protected]>.
+2005-01-04 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2004-12-30 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2004-12-29 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-12-23 Laszlo Dvornik <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Hungarian translation updated by Gabor Kelemen.
+2004-12-21 Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+2004-12-17 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-12-13 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British translation.
+2004-12-07 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-12-05 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-12-05 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2004-12-03 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2004-12-03 Dwayne Bailey <[email protected]>
+ * zu.po: Updates to Zulu translation.
+2004-11-30 Dwayne Bailey <[email protected]>
+ * zu.po: Added Zulu translation by
+ Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>.
+2004-11-29 Dwayne Bailey <[email protected]>
+ * nso.po: Updated Northern Sotho translation.
+====== 2.9.1 =====
+2004-11-28 Dwayne Bailey <[email protected]>
+ * nso.po: Added Northern Sotho translation by
+ Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>.
+2004-11-25 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2004-11-25 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokmal translation.
+2004-11-15 Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-11-14 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2004-10-30 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-10-26 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated translator-credits.
+2004-10-26 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2004-10-25 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-10-25 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-10-25 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-10-25 Mohammad DAMT <[email protected]>
+ * id.po: Updated Indonesian translation
+2004-10-24 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-10-23 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-10-21 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-10-21 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-10-20 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Fixed misspelling in bug 152412.
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation.
+2004-10-20 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+===== 2.9.0 =====
+2004-10-19 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+===== 2.8.2 ======
+2004-10-09 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2004-10-06 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2004-09-26 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po, el.po, en_CA.po, fr.po, gu.po, hu.po, ja.po,
+ nn.po, pa.po, ro.po, ru.po, sk.po, sq.po, ta.po,
+ tr.po:
+ Copied translation for the string
+ "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%" from the 2.6 series. This
+ string has been re-added by a recent patch.
+ Other po files have been updated by msgmerge.
+2004-09-21 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2004-09-21 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation by Ivan Noris.
+2004-09-20 Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2004-09-17 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po: [email protected]: Small updates.
+2004-09-13 Arafat Medini <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation.
+2004-09-13 Jesus Bravo Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation.
+2004-09-12 Akagic Amila <[email protected]>
+ * bs.po: Updated Bosnian translation.
+2004-09-12 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation by MATE HK Team
+ * mk.po: Mark wrong entry as fuzzy (msgfmt check failed).
+ * de.po: Add missing plural form header.
+2004-09-12 Paisa Seeluangsawat <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+======== 2.8.1 =========
+2004-09-12 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from
+ Sebastien Bacher <[email protected]>.
+2004-09-12 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Updated Persian translation by Meelad Zakaria
+2004-09-12 Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation.
+2004-09-10 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2004-09-09 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish Translation by Ridvan Can
+2004-09-09 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2004-09-07 Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya translation.
+2004-09-07 Peteris Krisjanis <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: Updated Latvian translation by
+ Edgars Jekabsons <[email protected]>
+2004-09-07 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>
+2004-09-07 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation.
+2004-09-05 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Update.
+ * no.po: Update
+2004-09-05 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-09-05 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British translation.
+2004-09-04 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation
+2004-09-04 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-09-03 Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya translation.
+2004-09-03 Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya translation.
+2004-09-01 Estuvo Samuel Procípio <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2004-08-31 Arafat Medini <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation
+2004-08-31 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2004-08-29 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2004-08-27 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2004-08-25 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British translation.
+2004-08-24 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-08-24 Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation
+2004-08-23 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2004-08-23 Iñaki Larrañaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2004-08-22 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated.
+2004-08-22 Laszlo Dvornik <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2004-08-22 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2004-08-21 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-08-20 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-08-20 Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+2004-08-20 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * .cvsignore: Sorted and added entries.
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2004-08-20 Jayaradha <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Updated Tamil translation.
+2004-08-19 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-08-19 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+====== 2.8.0 ======
+2004-08-18 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-08-18 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2004-08-18 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-08-18 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-08-18 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2004-08-18 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-08-17 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2004-08-17 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2004-08-16 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * bs.po: Added Bosnian translation by
+ Kenan Hadiavdi <[email protected]>.
+2004-08-16 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-08-16 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-08-16 Ankit Patel <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Updated Final Gujarati Translation.
+2004-08-16 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * POTFILES.skip: Updated.
+2004-08-14 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2004-08-13 Tommi Vainikainen <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Unified some fields in po headers for Finnish team.
+2004-08-10 Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Updated Oriya translation.
+2004-08-09 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2004-08-09 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2004-08-06 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-08-06 Telsa Gwynne <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation from Dafydd Tomos
+2004-08-06 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Completed Hindi translation.
+2004-08-03 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation
+2004-08-03 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation
+2004-08-03 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2004-08-03 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2004-08-02 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * or.po: Added Oriya translation by
+ Gita Sakti <[email protected]>.
+2004-08-02 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-08-02 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2004-07-31 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-07-31 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-07-29 Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Reviewed and updated fuzzy messages plus
+ translated new messages.
+2004-07-29 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-07-29 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2004-07-28 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-07-28 Laszlo Dvornik <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2004-07-28 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2004-07-27 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Rostislav Raykov <[email protected]>
+2004-07-27 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-07-27 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-07-26 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2004-07-26 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British translation.
+2004-07-26 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-07-26 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2004-07-25 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-07-25 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation done by
+ Raphael Higino <[email protected]>.
+2004-07-24 David Lodge <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British translation.
+2004-07-24 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-07-22 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2004-07-22 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir "Kaladan" Petkov <[email protected]>
+2004-07-22 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir "Kaladan" Petkov <[email protected]>
+2004-07-21 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-07-24 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated Hindi translation.
+2004-07-21 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Removed no longer existing files that
+ would cause complaining from intltool-update.
+====== 2.7.1 ======
+2004-07-20 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Added files, which have been removed
+ from distribution - #147846.
+ * Added encoding declaration - #147846.
+2004-07-20 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir "Kaladan" Petkov <[email protected]>
+2004-07-18 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * Sorted and added a missing file.
+2004-07-13 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Updated.
+2004-07-12 Pawan Chitrakar <[email protected]>
+ * ne.po: Added Nepali Translation
+2004-07-11 Gil Osher <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+ Thanks to Shoshannah Forbes.
+2004-07-07 Esti Samuel Procio <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2004-07-05 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-06-28 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Translation updated.
+2004-05-29 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * tk.po: Added Turkmen translation by
+ Gurban Mohemmet Tewekgeli <[email protected]>.
+2004-05-27 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-05-25 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2004-05-25 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-05-25 Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Vladimir "Kaladan" Petkov <[email protected]>
+2004-05-18 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB,po: Updated British English translation
+2004-05-16 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * wa.po: Updated Walloon file
+2004-05-16 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2004-05-15 Alexander Winston <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-05-13 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spansih translation.
+2004-05-13 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-05-08 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-05-04 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation done by
+ Raphael Higino <[email protected]>.
+2004-04-28 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-04-27 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2004-04-27 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-04-26 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-04-25 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British English translation
+2004-04-25 Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-04-25 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Added libeom/eom-info-view-*.c files.
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-04-24 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+===== 2.6.1 =====
+2004-04-15 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2004-04-09 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * gu.po: Added Gujurati translation by
+ Gujarati Team <[email protected]>.
+2004-04-06 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * wa.po: Updated Walloon file
+2004-04-03 Samuel Jon Gunnarsson <[email protected]>
+ * is.po: Updated Icelandic translation by
+ Helgi Tormar Torbjørnsson <[email protected]>
+2004-04-02 Iñaki Larrañaga <[email protected]>
+ * eu.po: Added Basque translation by
+ Iñaki Larrañaga <[email protected]>.
+2004-03-31 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * af.po: Added Afrikaans translation by
+ Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>.
+2004-03-23 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation from
+ Ching-Hung Lin <[email protected]>.
+======= 2.6.0 =======
+2004-03-22 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * pa.po: Punjabi translation by
+ Amanpreet Singh Alam <[email protected]>.
+2004-03-19 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2004-03-19 Telsa Gwynne <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation from Rhys Jones.
+2004-03-19 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+ from Russian team <[email protected]>.
+2004-03-18 Arafat Medini <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation.
+2004-03-17 Gareth Owen <[email protected]>
+ * en_GB.po: Added British translation
+2004-03-17 Baris Cicek <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish translation by Enver Altin.
+2004-03-17 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+======= 2.5.91 =======
+2004-03-15 Sayamindu Dasgupta <[email protected]>
+ * bn.po: Updated Bengali translation.
+2004-03-15 Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+2004-03-14 Robert Sedak <[email protected]>
+ * hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.
+2004-03-14 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation from
+ Lawrence Leung <[email protected]>.
+2004-03-13 Dinesh Nadarajah <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Updated Tamnil translation
+2004-03-11 Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation
+2004-03-11 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation done by
+ Raphael Higino <[email protected]>.
+2004-03-11 Alexander Winston <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-03-11 Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation from Rhys Jones.
+2004-03-11 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-03-09 Sanlig Badral <[email protected]>
+ * mn.po: Updated Mongolian translation.
+2004-03-08 Alastair McKinstry <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation.
+2004-03-08 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+======= 2.5.90 =======
+2004-03-08 Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation.
+2004-03-08 Funda Wang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2004-03-07 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2004-03-07 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation.
+2004-03-07 Paisa Seeluangsawat <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2004-03-06 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation.
+2004-03-06 Mein Amirov <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Translation updated.
+2004-03-05 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2004-03-05 Yuriy Syrota <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2004-03-03 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2004-03-02 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation by
+ Luca Ferretti.
+2004-02-29 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2004-02-28 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spansih translation.
+2004-02-28 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2004-02-27 Paisa Seeluangsawat <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai translation.
+2004-02-27 Priit Laes <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Translation updated.
+2004-02-27 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2004-02-26 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Kees van den Broek.
+2004-02-25 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2004-02-24 Alastair McKinstry <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation.
+2004-02-24 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2004-02-25 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2004-02-24 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-02-24 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2004-02-24 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Michiel Sikkes.
+2004-02-24 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Updated Hindi translation.
+2004-02-24 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-02-23 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2004-02-23 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+======= 2.5.6 =======
+2004-02-23 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-02-23 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-02-23 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2004-02-23 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2004-02-23 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-02-23 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2004-02-22 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2004-02-22 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2004-02-21 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2004-02-21 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * en_CA.po: Added Canadian English translation by
+ Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>.
+2004-02-20 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2004-02-20 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-02-20 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-02-20 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2004-02-20 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spansih translation.
+2004-02-20 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-02-19 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-02-18 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Minor fix in Finnish translation.
+2004-02-18 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2004-02-17 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Fixed translator_credits.
+2004-02-17 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+====== 2.5.5 =======
+2004-02-16 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2004-02-15 Metin Amirov <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Translation updated.
+2004-02-12 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2004-02-12 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-02-11 Arafat Medini <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation.
+2004-02-11 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2004-02-10 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2004-02-09 Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2004-02-08 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-02-07 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2004-02-05 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-02-03 Alastair McKinstry <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation.
+====== 2.5.4 =======
+2004-02-03 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-02-03 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2004-02-03 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2004-02-03 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2004-02-03 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-02-02 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-02-01 Metin Amirov <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Translation updated.
+2004-02-01 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2004-02-01 Robert Sedak <[email protected]>
+ * hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.
+2004-02-01 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-01-31 Métin Amirov <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Translation updated.
+2004-01-31 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2004-01-31 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-01-28 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2004-01-28 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Fixed Czech translation.
+2004-01-26 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2004-01-25 Sanlig Badral <[email protected]
+ * mn.po: Updated Mongolian translation.
+2004-01-25 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2004-01-25 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2004-01-21 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-01-20 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2004-01-19 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-01-18 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2004-01-17 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2004-01-16 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation
+2004-01-15 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2004-01-15 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-01-15 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2004-01-15 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-01-14 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-01-14 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+===== 2.5.3 ====
+2004-01-13 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-01-11 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-01-10 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004.01.09 Arafat Medini <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation
+2004-01-09 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by MATE PL Team.
+2004-01-07 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-01-06 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2004-01-05 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Updated Persian translation.
+2004-01-04 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2004-01-04 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2004-01-04 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2004-01-03 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2004-01-03 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2004-01-03 Robert Sedak <[email protected]>
+ * hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.
+2004-01-02 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-01-02 Taneem Ahmed <[email protected]>
+ * bn.po: Updated Bangla (Bengali) translation.
+2004-01-01 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-01-01 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-12-30 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+===== ====
+2003-12-29 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2003-12-29 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated and revised Portuguese translation.
+2003-12-27 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2003-12-23 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2003-12-23 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-12-23 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2003-12-23 Gustavo Noronha Silva <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: updated translation.
+2003-12-22 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+==== 2.5.2 ======
+2003-12-21 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2003-12-21 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-12-21 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2003-12-21 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-12-20 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem.
+2003-12-20 Arafat Medini <[email protected]>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic translation
+2003-12-19 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2003-12-17 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Fixed Czech translation.
+2003-12-17 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2003-12-14 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2003-12-12 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-12-12 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2003-12-11 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-12-10 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation
+===== 2.5.1 =====
+2003-12-08 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-12-05 Paisa Seeluangsawat <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Updated Thai (th) translation.
+2003-12-05 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem.
+2003-12-04 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+2003-11-28 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-11-25 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-11-18 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-11-17 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-11-12 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-11-12 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2003-11-10 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>.
+==== ======
+2003-11-08 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2003-11-05 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem.
+2003-11-04 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2003-11-04 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem.
+2003-11-03 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-11-03 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-11-01 KAMAGASAKO Masatoshi <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2003-10-30 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation
+2003-10-30 Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
+2003-10-30 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-10-29 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-10-30 KAMAGASAKO Masatoshi <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2003-10-26 Carlos Perelló Marín <[email protected]>
+ * Fixed.
+2003-10-25 Metin Amiroff <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azerbaijani translation.
+2003-10-20 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-10-19 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * Added comment.
+ * POTFILES.skip: Removed non-existing file.
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-10-17 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
+ Yelitza Louze <[email protected]>
+2003-10-17 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Vincent van Adrighem.
+2003-10-13 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-10-11 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-10-09 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-10-09 Zygimantas Berucka <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: updated Lithuanian translation.
+==== mate-2-4 branch =====
+2003-09-26 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Applied revision by Augusta Marques da Silva
+2003-09-18 Töivo Leedjärv <[email protected]>
+ * et.po: Updated Estonian translation
+ by Priit Laes <[email protected]>.
+2003-09-10 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * wa.po: Updated Walloon file
+2003-09-09 Pauli Virtanen <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Small fix to Finnish translation from Tommi Vainikainen.
+2003-09-07 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vientamese file
+2003-09-06 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated romanian translation by
+ Mifu Moldovan <[email protected]>
+2003-09-05 Guntupalli Karunakar <[email protected]>
+ * hi.po: Added Hindi translation.
+2003-09-04 Taneem Ahmed <[email protected]>
+ * bn.po: Updated Bangla (Bengali) translation.
+2002-09-04 Ivan Stojmirov <[email protected]>
+ * mk.po: Updated Macedonian translation
+2003-09-03 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2003-09-02 Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Updated Romanian translation.
+2003-08-31 Yuriy Syrota <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2003-07-25 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Fixed a string in Spanish translation to match with Caja's view menu.
+2003-08-27 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Slovak translation updated.
+2003-08-27 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-08-26 Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation.
+2003-08-24 Sanlig Badral <[email protected]>
+ * mn.po: Updated Mongolian translation.
+2003-08-23 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-08-23 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Added libeom/
+ * no.po: Update Norwegian translation.
+2003-08-23 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Update Norwegian translation.
+2003-08-20 Samuel Jon Gunnarsson <[email protected]>
+ * is.po: Updated Icelandic translation.
+2003-08-19 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2003-08-18 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Update Norwegian translation.
+2003-08-18 Metin Amiroff <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azerbaijani translation.
+2003-08-13 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2003-08-08 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Updated Serbian translation.
+2003-08-06 Metin Amiroff <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azerbaijani translation.
+2003-08-06 Wang Jian <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
+ Funda Wang <[email protected]>.
+2003-08-05 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-08-05 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
+ from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-08-04 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2003-08-01 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2003-08-01 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2003-08-01 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-07-26 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2003-07-25 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
+ Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>.
+2003-07-24 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vientamese file
+2003-07-23 Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Upaged Welsh translation. Yes, again.
+2003-07-23 Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation.
+2003-07-20 Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Updated Welsh translation. Merging of work done via Kyfieithu
+ by Owain Green.
+2003-07-20 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2003-07-19 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2003-07-18 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
+ Francisco Javier Fernandez <[email protected]>.
+2003-07-18 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-07-18 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation
+2003-07-17 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2003-07-17 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+====== 2.3.5 =====
+2003-07-16 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-07-16 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2003-07-16 Gil "Dolfin" Osher <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2003-07-15 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-07-15 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-07-15 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-07-14 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-07-13 Telsa Gwynne <[email protected]>
+ * cy.po: Added Welsh translation from Owain Green and
+ Dafydd Harries via Kyfieithu (
+2003-07-13 Metin Amiroff <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azerbaijani translation.
+2003-07-11 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * wa.po: Updated Walloon file
+2003-07-11 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
+ from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-07-07 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2003-07-07 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-07-06 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2003-07-05 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated russian translation.
+2003-07-02 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-07-01 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-07-01 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2003-07-01 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2003-06-30 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-06-30 Pauli Virtanen <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Set translator_credits.
+2003-06-30 Gil "Dolfin" Osher <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2003-06-30 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-06-30 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-06-30 Mohammad DAMT <[email protected]>
+ * id.po: Updated Indonesian translation
+2003-06-27 Artur Flinta <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2003-06-26 Gil "Dolfin" Osher <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2003-06-26 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-06-23 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Removed viewer/eom-image.c
+ * POTFILES.skip: Removed collection/eom-collection-preferences.c
+2003-06-23 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-06-23 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-06-22 Samuel Jon Gunnarsson <[email protected]>
+ * is.po: Updated Icelandic translation
+2003-06-22 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-06-22 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * Added missing file.
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-06-21 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-06-20 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * Added missing file.
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-06-19 Mohammad DAMT <[email protected]>
+ * id.po: Updated Indonesian translation
+2003-06-17 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Minor fixes to Czech translation.
+2003-06-15 Taneem Ahmed <[email protected]>
+ * bn.po: Added Bengali translation by Sayamindu Dasgupta
+ of Ankur group <[email protected]>.
+2003-06-15 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-06-14 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-06-13 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2003-06-13 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-06-11 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-06-11 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: Updated Russian translation
+ from Russian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-06-10 Samuel Jon Gunnarsson <[email protected]>
+ * is.po: Added Icelandic translation
+2003-06-08 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2003-06-07 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2003-06-06 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-06-06 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-06-05 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2003-06-04 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Fix broken encoding.
+2003-06-04 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-06-02 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-06-01 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-05-31 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-05-29 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+ from David Barzilay <[email protected]>.
+2003-05-29 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-05-28 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-05-27 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-05-26 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
+ Francisco Javier Fernandez <[email protected]>.
+2003-05-26 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2003-05-25 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation
+2003-05-23 Paul Duffy <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation.
+2003-05-20 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-05-19 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2003-05-17 Christian Neumair <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Removed file not containing any gettext call.
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-05-16 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-05-16 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-05-16 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
+ from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-05-15 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-05-15 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * Remove non-existant file(s).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2003-05-11 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2003-05-10 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay translation.
+2003-05-09 Paisa Seeluangsawat <[email protected]>
+ * th.po: Added Thai translation.
+2003-05-09 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * [email protected]: Updated latin transliteration.
+2003-05-09 Danilo Segan <[email protected]>
+ * sr.po, [email protected]: Added Serbian translation by Serbian team
+ (
+2003-05-08 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by
+ Francisco Javier Fernandez <[email protected]>.
+2003-05-08 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Remove non-existant file(s).
+2003-05-07 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2003-05-05 Paul Duffy <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation.
+2003-05-05 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2003-05-04 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2003-05-04 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ Released version 2.3.1.
+2003-05-04 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2003-04-29 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-04-29 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-04-23 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Committed updated Tamil translation by Dinesh.
+2003-04-12 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2003-03-24 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ Released version 2.3.0.
+2003-03-17 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Updated Persian translation.
+2003-03-13 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * ml.po: Added Malayalam translation by
+ FSF-India <[email protected]>.
+2003-02-22 Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>
+ * fa.po: Updated Persian translation.
+2003-02-19 Metin Amiroff <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azerbaijani translation.
+2003-02-19 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Updated Irish translation by
+ Paul Duffy <[email protected]>.
+2003-02-19 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
+ from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-02-18 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * Updated.
+ * POTFILES.skip: Updated.
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2003-02-13 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
+ from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-02-11 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Committed updated Turkish translation by Arman.
+2003-02-10 Mohammad DAMT <[email protected]>
+ * id.po: Added Indonesian translation
+2003-02-09 Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation by
+ Lapo Calamandrei and me.
+2003-02-09 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * kn.po: Added Kannada translation by
+ Pramod <[email protected]>.
+2003-02-03 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated Russian translation
+ from Russian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-02-01 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Committed updated Turkish translation by Barbaros.
+2003-01-30 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated Russian translation
+ from Russian team <[email protected]>.
+2003-01-29 He Qiangqiang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
+ Xiong Jiang <[email protected]>.
+2003-01-28 Pauli Virtanen <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation by Lauri Nurmi.
+2003-01-26 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2003-01-21 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * mn.po: Added Mongolian translation by
+ Ochirbat Batzaya <[email protected]>.
+2003-01-21 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2003-01-20 Marius Andreiana <marius>
+ * ro.po: updated ( thanks to Mugurel Tudor )
+2003-01-20 Yuriy Syrota <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translations.
+2003-01-20 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vientamese file
+2003-01-20 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2003-01-20 Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translations.
+2003-01-20 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Some fixes for problems catched in translation review.
+2003-01-17 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese.
+2003-01-14 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2003-01-14 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vientamese file
+2003-01-11 Gil "Dolfin" Osher <[email protected]>
+ * he.po: Updated Hebrew translation.
+2003-01-10 Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Updated Albanian translation.
+2003-01-07 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2003-01-06 Artis Trops <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: Updated Latvian translation.
+2003-01-04 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2003-01-03 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation by Francisco Javier Fernandez
+2003-01-03 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2003-01-02 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2003-01-02 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2002-12-23 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Fixed a string in Danish translation.
+2002-12-22 Artis Trops <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: Updated Latvian translation.
+2002-12-21 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by V. van Adrighem.
+2002-12-20 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2002-12-16 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2002-12-15 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2002-12-14 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2002-12-10 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2002-12-09 Artis Trops <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: sync with mate-2-0 branch.
+2002-12-07 He Qiangqiang <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: sync with mate-2-0 branch.
+2002-12-06 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2002-12-05 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-12-03 Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2002-12-01 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated.
+2002-11-30 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2002-11-27 Christian Neumair <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-11-25 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Massive copy-paste from stable branch.
+2002-11-26 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-11-25 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-11-25 Yanko Kaneti <[email protected]>
+ * *.po: Convert all to UTF-8.
+2002-11-22 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+ * POTFILES.skip: Update.
+ * Add collection/eom-collection-view-ui.xml.
+2002-11-22 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
+ * from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2002-11-17 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Updated Belarusian translation
+ * from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2002-11-15 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * be.po: Added Belarusian translation
+ * from Belarusian team <[email protected]>.
+2002-11-04 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-11-04 Andras Timar <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation.
+2002-10-15 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+ * POTFILES.skip: Update.
+ * Use directly.
+2002-10-13 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-10-13 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Added eom-glade.h and
+2002-10-10 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-09-30 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-09-16 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2002-09-07 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2002-09-01 Marius Andreiana <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: updated ( thanks to Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]> )
+2002-08-25 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2002-08-18 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-08-14 Christian Meyer <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated/Fixed German translation.
+2002-07-28 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sq.po: Added Albanian translation by
+ Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>.
+2002-07-27 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from contribution of
+ Sun G11n <[email protected]>.
+2002-07-26 Gustavo Noronha Silva <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: updated Brazilian Portuguese translation,
+ by Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>
+2002-07-26 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated Russian translation.
+2002-07-20 jacob berkman <[email protected]>
+ * fixup
+2002-07-16 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * Fixed libeom/ name.
+2002-07-10 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Added libeom/eom-file-selection.c
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-07-10 jacob berkman <[email protected]>
+ * remove some files
+2002-07-07 Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: 1.28 updated italian tanslation.
+2002-07-01 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2002-06-30 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated Russian translation.
+2002-06-26 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Tino meinen
+2002-06-26 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-06-27 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2002-06-26 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-06-26 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2002-06-26 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-06-26 Yanko Kaneti <[email protected]>
+ * bg.po (added): Bulgarian translation by
+ Borislav Aleksandrov <[email protected]>.
+2002-06-24 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Added libeom/ui-image.c.
+2002-06-24 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2002-06-22 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2002-06-22 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-06-21 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2002-06-20 Peteris Krisjanis <[email protected]>
+ * lv.po: Added Latvian translation.
+2002-06-20 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-06-17 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: Updated Amharic translation.
+2002-06-17 Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
+ * am.po: New file for Amharic.
+2002-06-17 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-06-16 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation updated by Tino meinen
+2002-06-17 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2002-06-16 Carlos Perello Marin <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2002-06-15 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2002-06-15 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2002-06-15 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-06-15 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2002-06-14 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2002-06-14 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-06-14 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-06-14 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated Russian translation.
+2002-06-13 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-06-13 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2002-06-12 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2002-06-11 Wang Jian <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
+ Wang Li <[email protected]>.
+2002-06-10 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated Russian translation.
+2002-06-10 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vientamese file
+2002-06-10 Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated Russian translation.
+2002-06-08 Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation.
+2002-06-06 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Updated Dutch translation (Tino Meinen).
+2002-06-05 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Fix.
+2002-06-04 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-06-04 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file
+2002-06-03 Germán Poo Caamao <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish Translation
+2002-06-03 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish Translation
+2002-06-03 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2002-06-02 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002_06-01 Jesus Bravo Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation
+2002-06-01 Carlos Perelló Marín <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Recoded as UTF8
+2002-06-01 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-05-31 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-05-31 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-05-31 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file
+2002-05-31 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-05-31 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-05-31 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-05-30 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Added translator credits. TRANSLATORS: PLEASE CHECK
+ "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE". This will
+ immortalize you in the About box :)
+2002-05-30 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2002-05-29 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation
+2002-05-25 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-05-25 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-05-23 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-05-22 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-05-22 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-05-22 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2002-05-21 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese file
+ * wa.po: Added Walloon file
+2002-05-19 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-05-18 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-05-18 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-05-16 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-05-16 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-05-16 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2002-05-16 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-05-14 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: updated Vietnamese file
+2002-05-14 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * Synced with source tree.
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2002-05-12 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-05-08 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: updated Vietnamese file
+2002-05-01 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2002-04-30 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: updated Catalan file
+2002-04-30 Hector Garcia Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2002-04-30 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-04-30 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-04-29 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation and converted to UTF-8.
+2002-04-29 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * vi.po: Added Vietnamese file
+2002-04-29 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-04-26 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-04-26 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2002-04-22 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2002-04-22 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2002-04-19 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-04-15 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-04-15 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-04-14 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * .cvsignore: Added some file(s).
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2002-04-12 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-04-12 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-04-12 Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation.
+2002-04-11 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from work of
+ Christophe Fergeau <[email protected]>.
+2002-04-08 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * ta.po: Added Tamil translation by Dinesh.
+2002-03-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-03-28 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2002-03-27 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+ * Removed.
+2002-03-26 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-03-25 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2002-03-24 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-03-22 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-03-22 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-03-21 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-03-21 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Added shell/eom-preferences.c
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-03-19 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2002-03-17 Roy-Magne Mo <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk
+2002-03-16 Wang Jian <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
+2002-03-15 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2002-03-10 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2002-03-03 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-03-02 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2002-02-28 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-02-28 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Updated Malay Translation.
+2002-02-28 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-02-26 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-02-25 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2002-02-22 Wang Jian <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.po: Added Simplified Chinese translation by
+ Wang Li <[email protected]>. The old one discarded.
+2002-02-22 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation and converted it to UTF-8.
+2002-02-22 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-02-20 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-02-17 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-02-12 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2002-02-11 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2002-02-11 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Added this file.
+2002-02-10 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2002-02-10 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-02-10 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Added viewer/eom-image-view-ctrl-ui.xml.
+2002-02-07 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2002-02-05 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated and converted to UTF-8.
+2002-02-05 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.GB2312.po -> zh_CN.po
+2002-02-04 Héctor García Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2002-02-02 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation and
+ converted to UTF-8.
+2002-01-31 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation and converted it to UTF-8.
+2002-01-30 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2002-01-31 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by
+ MATE PL Team <[email protected]>.
+2002-01-30 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Updated Slovak translation.
+2002-01-30 Roy-Magne Mo <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Updated Norwegian (nynorsk) translation.
+2002-01-29 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2002-01-29 Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Updated Dutch translation.
+2002-01-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2002-01-28 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated and converted to UTF-8.
+2002-01-24 Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>
+ * ms.po: Added Malay Translation.
+2002-01-16 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Removed all references to the collection component
+ for now.
+2001-12-27 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Renamed to
+2001-12-27 Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>
+ * pt.po: Added portuguese translation
+2001-12-21 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2001-12-13 Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>
+ * sk.po: Added Slovak translation.
+2001-12-06 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2001-11-27 Hector Garcia Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2001-11-11 Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated italian translation.
+2001-11-09 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Committed updated Turkish translation by Nilg????n.
+2001-11-09 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation, convert to UTF8.
+2001-10-25 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <[email protected]>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2001-10-13 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2001-10-12 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2001-10-05 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azeri files
+2001-10-04 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2001-10-02 Fabrice Bellet <[email protected]>
+ * removed duplicated
+2001-09-30 Carlos Perelló Marín <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Copied from stable branch.
+2001-09-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * Updated.
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2001-09-28 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2001-09-07 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-08-28 ERDI Gergo <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: updated (more to come)
+2001-08-14 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.Big5.po -> zh_TW.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2001-08-13 Abel Cheung <[email protected]>
+ * zh_TW.Big5.po: Updated traditional Chinese translation.
+2001-07-18 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2001-07-13 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * nn.po: Added Norwegian (nynorsk) translation.
+2001-07-13 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2001-07-12 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2001-07-07 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-07-03 Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated italian translation.
+2001-06-29 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Removed missing files.
+2001-06-26 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2001-06-25 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * az.po,ca.po: Updated Azeri and Catalan files
+2001-06-21 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azeri file
+2001-06-20 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2001-06-16 Matthias Warkus <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Large update.
+2001-06-10 Ole Laursen <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2001-06-08 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-06-05 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Please note: The src/ and matecomponent/ directories are
+ dead. I've removed references to files in these dirs again, which
+ will save you much translation work :-).
+2001-06-05 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azeri file
+2001-06-03 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-06-03 Tomas Ögren <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Fixed minor typo
+2001-06-03 gettextize <[email protected]>
+ * Upgrade to gettext-0.10.38.
+ * cat-id-tbl.c: Remove file.
+ * stamp-cat-id: Remove file.
+2001-05-28 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-05-25 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Updated Azeri file
+2001-05-22 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * Updated.
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2001-04-30 Matthias Warkus <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Fixed German translation.
+2001-04-25 Christian Meyer <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2001-04-20 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2001-04-15 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2001-04-11 Martin Norbäck <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation
+2001-03-29 ERDI Gergo <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation
+2001-03-28 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Removed all files from src/ directory, added
+ libeom/
+2001-03-18 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Copied from stable branch.
+2001-03-11 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2001-03-07 Jesus Bravo Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation.
+2001-03-07 Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Added and
+ eom-shell-ui.xml.
+2001-02-27 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Fixed missing "msgstr"; someone had put "msgid" in there.
+2001-02-26 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Use the stable Turkish translation.
+2001-02-22 Marius Andreiana <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: updated
+2001-02-14 Christian Meyer <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2001-02-13 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Update of the Korean translation.
+2001-02-13 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-02-13 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: The Ultimately Final Finnish translation
+2001-02-12 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation
+2001-02-12 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2001-02-09 Gediminas Paulauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation.
+ * *.po: added string with translation from eom.desktop file.
+ * replace .glade.h with .glade, added
+2001-02-09 Christian Meyer <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2001-02-09 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * Removed.
+ * Updated to use xml-i18n-tools
+ * Updated to use xml-i18n-tools
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2001-02-08 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: more updates.
+2001-02-08 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: Committed updated Korean translation.
+2001-02-07 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2001-02-07 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-02-07 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2001-02-06 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+ * Added viewer/*
+2001-02-06 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2001-02-06 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2001-02-07 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2001-02-06 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation (another to come).
+2001-02-01 Christian Meyer <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2001-01-29 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan file
+2001-01-26 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Updated Greek translation.
+2001-01-26 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * az.po: Added Azeri file
+ * {cs,fr,pl,sl}.po: fixed headers
+2001-01-25 ERDI Gergo <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation
+2001-01-09 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2001-01-08 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2001-01-04 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2000-12-27 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2000-12-27 Kai Lahmann <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation
+2000-12-25 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-12-05 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-11-23 Yukihiro Nakai <[email protected]>
+ * zh_CN.GB2312.po: Add traditional Chinese translation from
+ Wu Yulun.
+2000-11-16 Martin Baulig <[email protected]>
+ * Removed matecomponent-image-generic.c,
+ this has been merged into the caja-image-viewer.
+2000-11-03 ERDI Gergo <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation
+2000-10-30 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2000-10-24 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2000-10-13 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated the Turkish translation.
+2000-10-12 ERDI Gergo <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Some updates (not 100% yet)
+2000-10-10 Gediminas Paulauskas <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Updated Lithuanian translation
+2000-09-25 Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2000-09-24 Jesus Bravo Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation.
+2000-09-09 Kai Lahmann <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: Updated Dutch translation from Dennis Smit <[email protected]>
+2000-09-03 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2000-09-02 Christian Rose <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2000-08-19 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-08-18 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2000-08-17 Kai Lahmann <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation
+2000-08-17 JP Rosevear <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Fix build.
+2000-08-17 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2000-08-17 Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated Italian translation.
+2000-08-15 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-08-03 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-07-24 Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: updated.
+2000-07-24 Matthias Warkus <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated.
+2000-07-24 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2000-07-24 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated the Turkish translation.
+2000-07-24 Ville Hautamäki <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated finnish translation
+2000-07-20 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated the Turkish translation.
+2000-07-16 Andreas Hyden <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+Sun Jul 16 14:08:23 2000 George Lebl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: do some updates to czech translation
+2000-07-13 Benedikt Roth <[email protected]>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation from Kai Lahmann <[email protected]>
+2000-07-12 Kenny Graunke <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: updated dutch translation for Dennis Smit
+2000-06-28 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2000-06-27 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * Added missing files.
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-06-19 Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+2000-06-15 Yuri Syrota <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2000-06-13 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-06-10 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2000-06-08 Ville Hautamäki <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: updated finnish translation
+2000-06-07 Ville Hautamäki <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: updated finnish translation
+2000-06-05 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po: Updated the Turkish translation.
+2000-05-22 ERDI Gergo <[email protected]>
+ * hu.po: Updated Hungarian translation (plus duplicated
+ untranslated msgid's)
+2000-05-18 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Added src/
+2000-05-13 Valek Filippov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: updated russian translation.
+2000-05-09 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2000-05-07 Andreas Hyden <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2000-05-07 Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Updated italian translation.
+2000-05-07 Yukihiro Nakai <[email protected]>
+ * ja.po: Updated from Takayuki KUSANO.
+2000-05-04 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-04-30 Zbigniew Chyla <[email protected]>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation.
+2000-04-29 Jesus Bravo Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation.
+2000-04-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+2000-04-27 Updated Ukrainian translation <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po : Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2000-04-22 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po : Updated version number ...
+2000-04-19 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: update
+2000-04-18 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * ca.po: Added Catalan file
+2000-04-18 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po : Update .
+2000-04-17 Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>
+ * fi.po: New Finnish translation.
+2000-04-12 Dennis Smit <[email protected]>
+ * nl.po: New Dutch translation.
+2000-04-10 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po : Updated the Turkish translation .
+2000-04-07 Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>
+ * lt.po: Added Lithuanian file
+2000-04-05 Dan Damian <[email protected]>
+ * ro.po: Added Romanian translation.
+2000-03-11 Alastair McKinstry <[email protected]>
+ * ga.po: Added Irish translation.
+2000-02-26 Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: fixed italian translation.
+Mon Feb 21 22:19:15 2000 George Lebl <[email protected]>
+ * cs.po: translate to czech
+2000-02-16 Lauris Kaplinski <[email protected]>
+ * et.po : added Estonian translation
+2000-02-15 Vincent Renardias <[email protected]>
+ * fr.po : completed translation
+2000-02-09 Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>
+ * el.po: Added Greek translation.
+2000-01-21 Fatih Demir <[email protected]>
+ * tr.po : Notified tr.po in this file.
+2000-01-03 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * A little script that lets people
+ update the .pot file without makefiles etc.
+1999-12-29 Richard Hult <[email protected]>
+ * sv.po: Added Swedish translation.
+1999-12-27 Yuri Syroya <[email protected]>
+ * uk.po: Added Ukrainian translation.
+1999-12-13 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+1999-11-26 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Updated Norwegian translation.
+1999-11-21 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: Updated translation.
+1999-10-29 Sergey Panov <[email protected]>
+ * ru.po: New Russian translation
+ from Evgeny Bulgakov <[email protected]>
+1999-10-12 Jesus Bravo Alvarez <[email protected]>
+ * gl.po: Added Galician translation.
+1999-10-04 Yukihiro Nakai <>
+ * ja.po: New Japanese translation from Kusano Takayuki.
+1999-10-02 Sung-Hyun Nam <[email protected]>
+ * ko.po: New Korean translation.
+1999-09-28 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * es.po: New Spanish translation.
+1999-09-28 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * da.po: Added Danish translation from Kenneth
+ Christiansen <[email protected]>
+1999-09-28 Tristan Tarrant <[email protected]>
+ * it.po: Added Italian translation.
+1999-09-23 Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>
+ * no.po: Added Norwegian translation.
+1999-09-18 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Added window.c and tb-image.c.
+1999-09-15 Federico Mena Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Started the ChangeLog.
diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14401f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/LINGUAS
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# please keep this list sorted alphabetically
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8a222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Makefile for program source directory in GNU NLS utilities package.
+# Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Ulrich Drepper <[email protected]>
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Rodney Dawes <[email protected]>
+# This file may be copied and used freely without restrictions. It may
+# be used in projects which are not available under a GNU Public License,
+# but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext functionality.
+# - Modified by Owen Taylor <[email protected]> to use GETTEXT_PACKAGE
+# instead of PACKAGE and to look for po2tbl in ./ not in intl/
+# - Modified by jacob berkman <[email protected]> to install
+# and for use with glib-gettextize
+# - Modified by Rodney Dawes <[email protected]> for use with intltool
+# We have the following line for use by intltoolize:
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+libdir = @libdir@
+itlocaledir = $(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale
+subdir = po
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+# Automake >= 1.8 provides @mkdir_p@.
+# Until it can be supposed, use the safe fallback:
+mkdir_p = $(install_sh) -d
+PO_LINGUAS=$(shell if test -r $(srcdir)/LINGUAS; then grep -v "^\#" $(srcdir)/LINGUAS; else echo "$(ALL_LINGUAS)"; fi)
+USER_LINGUAS=$(shell if test -n "$(LINGUAS)"; then LLINGUAS="$(LINGUAS)"; ALINGUAS="$(ALL_LINGUAS)"; for lang in $$LLINGUAS; do if test -n "`grep \^$$lang$$ $(srcdir)/LINGUAS 2>/dev/null`" -o -n "`echo $$ALINGUAS|tr ' ' '\n'|grep \^$$lang$$`"; then printf "$$lang "; fi; done; fi)
+USE_LINGUAS=$(shell if test -n "$(USER_LINGUAS)" -o -n "$(LINGUAS)"; then LLINGUAS="$(USER_LINGUAS)"; else if test -n "$(PO_LINGUAS)"; then LLINGUAS="$(PO_LINGUAS)"; else LLINGUAS="$(ALL_LINGUAS)"; fi; fi; for lang in $$LLINGUAS; do printf "$$lang "; done)
+POFILES=$(shell LINGUAS="$(PO_LINGUAS)"; for lang in $$LINGUAS; do printf "$$lang.po "; done)
+# This comment gets stripped out
+CATALOGS=$(shell LINGUAS="$(USE_LINGUAS)"; for lang in $$LINGUAS; do printf "$$ "; done)
+.SUFFIXES: .po .pox .gmo .mo .msg .cat
+ $(MSGMERGE) $< $(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).pot -o $*.pox
+ $(MSGFMT) -o $@ $<
+ file=`echo $* | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
+ && rm -f $$file && $(GMSGFMT) -o $$file $<
+ sed -f ../intl/po2msg.sed < $< > $*.msg \
+ && rm -f $@ && gencat $@ $*.msg
+all: all-@USE_NLS@
+all-yes: $(CATALOGS)
+install: install-data
+install-data: install-data-@USE_NLS@
+install-data-no: all
+install-data-yes: all
+ linguas="$(USE_LINGUAS)"; \
+ for lang in $$linguas; do \
+ dir=$(DESTDIR)$(itlocaledir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES; \
+ $(mkdir_p) $$dir; \
+ if test -r $$; then \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$ $$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo; \
+ echo "installing $$ as $$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo"; \
+ else \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$ $$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo; \
+ echo "installing $(srcdir)/$$ as" \
+ "$$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo"; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -r $$; then \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$ $$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo.m; \
+ echo "installing $$ as $$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo.m"; \
+ else \
+ if test -r $(srcdir)/$$ ; then \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$ \
+ $$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo.m; \
+ echo "installing $(srcdir)/$$ as" \
+ "$$dir/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo.m"; \
+ else \
+ true; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+# Empty stubs to satisfy archaic automake needs
+dvi info ctags tags CTAGS TAGS ID:
+# Define this as empty until I found a useful application.
+install-exec installcheck:
+ linguas="$(USE_LINGUAS)"; \
+ for lang in $$linguas; do \
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(itlocaledir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo; \
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(itlocaledir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).mo.m; \
+ done
+check: all $(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).pot
+ rm -f missing notexist
+ srcdir=$(srcdir) $(INTLTOOL_UPDATE) -m
+ if [ -r missing -o -r notexist ]; then \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ rm -f *.pox $(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).pot *.old.po cat-id-tbl.tmp
+ rm -f .intltool-merge-cache
+clean: mostlyclean
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f Makefile POTFILES stamp-it
+ rm -f *.mo *.msg *.cat *.cat.m *.gmo
+maintainer-clean: distclean
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+ rm -f
+distdir = ../$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(subdir)
+dist distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ dists="$(DISTFILES)"; \
+ extra_dists="$(EXTRA_DISTFILES)"; \
+ for file in $$extra_dists; do \
+ test -f $(srcdir)/$$file && dists="$$dists $(srcdir)/$$file"; \
+ done; \
+ for file in $$dists; do \
+ test -f $$file || file="$(srcdir)/$$file"; \
+ ln $$file $(distdir) 2> /dev/null \
+ || cp -p $$file $(distdir); \
+ done
+update-po: Makefile
+ tmpdir=`pwd`; \
+ linguas="$(USE_LINGUAS)"; \
+ for lang in $$linguas; do \
+ echo "$$lang:"; \
+ result="`$(MSGMERGE) -o $$tmpdir/$$ $$lang`"; \
+ if $$result; then \
+ if cmp $(srcdir)/$$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$ >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$; \
+ else \
+ if mv -f $$tmpdir/$$ $$lang.po; then \
+ :; \
+ else \
+ echo "msgmerge for $$lang.po failed: cannot move $$tmpdir/$$ to $$lang.po" 1>&2; \
+ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ else \
+ echo "msgmerge for $$ failed!"; \
+ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+Makefile POTFILES: stamp-it
+ @if test ! -f $@; then \
+ rm -f stamp-it; \
+ $(MAKE) stamp-it; \
+ fi
+stamp-it: $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ cd $(top_builddir) \
+ $(SHELL) ./config.status
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make not to export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c232cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# List of source files containing translatable strings.
+# Please keep this file sorted alphabetically.
+[encoding: UTF-8]
+[type: gettext/glade]data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui
+[type: gettext/glade]data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui
+[type: gettext/glade]data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.skip b/po/POTFILES.skip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..474e9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/POTFILES.skip
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# List of source files that should *not* be translated.
+# Please keep this file sorted alphabetically.
diff --git a/po/af.po b/po/af.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea0ebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/af.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@
+# Afrikaans translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Zuza Software Foundation
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>, 2004
+# F Wolff <[email protected]>, 2008
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom 2.6-branch\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-22 00:17+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-21 15:42+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: F Wolff <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: [email protected]\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: VirTaal 0.1\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:919
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Wys “_%s“"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Skuif op nutsbalk"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Skuif die geselekteerde item op die nutsbalk"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Sk_rap vanaf nutsbalk"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Skrap die geselekteerde item vanaf die nutsbalk"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Skrap nutsbalk"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1387
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Skrap die geselekteerde nutsbalk"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Skeier"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktiveer volskermmodus met dubbelklik"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Volskerm met dubbelklik"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Herlaai beeld"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Herlaai huidige beeld"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Datum in statusbalk"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Wys die prentdatum in die statusbalk"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Bekyk en roteer beelde"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Beeldbekyker"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lensopeningwaarde:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Outeur:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Grepe:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kameramodel:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kopiereg:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Datum/tyd:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Beskrywing:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Detail</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Blootstellingstyd:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Flits:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fokuslengte:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Hoogte:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO-spoedklassifikasie:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sleutelwoorde:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ligging:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Metermodus</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Naam:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tipe:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Wydte:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Algemeen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Beeldeienskappe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "Vo_lgende"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "Vo_rige"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lêernaamvoorskou</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lêerpadspesifikasies</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Keuses</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> oorspronklike lêernaam</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> teller</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Kies 'n gids"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Teikengids:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Lêernaamformaat:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Hernoem vanaf:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Vervang spasies met onderstreep"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Stoor as..."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Begin teller by:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Na:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Beeldverbeterings</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Beeldzoem</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Volgorde</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Deursigtige dele</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "As _agtergrond"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "As geruite _patroon"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "As pasgemaakte k_leur:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Kleur vir deursigtige areas"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "R_ek beelde om by skerm te pas"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Voorkeure vir MATE se Oog"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Beeld_aansig"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Inproppe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Skyfievertoning"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Verglad beelde met in_zoem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Outom_atiese oriëntasie"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Lus volgorde"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Wi_ssel beeld na:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekondes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"'n Waarde groter as 0 bepaal die aantal sekondes wat die beeld op die skerm "
+"bly totdat die volgende beeld outomaties vertoon word. Nul deaktiveer die "
+"outomatiese blaaier."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktiewe inproppe"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Laat zoem groter as 100% aanvanklik toe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Outomatiese oriëntasie"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Vertraging in sekondes tot vertoning van die volgende beeld"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Bepaal hoe deursigtigheid aangedui moet word. Geldige waardes is "
+"GERUITE_PATROON, KLEUR en GEEN. As KLEUR gekies word, dan bepaal "
+"diedeursigtigheids_kleursleutel die gebruikte kleur waarde."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"As die deursigtigheidsleutel die waarde KLEUR het,dan bepaal hierdie sleutel "
+"die kleur wat gebruik gaan wordom deursigtigheid aan te dui."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien dit op VALS ingestel is sal kleiner beelde aanvanklik nie gerek word "
+"om in die skerm in te pas nie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Beeldversameling se paneelposisie. Stel op 0 vir onder; 1 vir links; 2 vir "
+"bo; 3 vir regs."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoleer beeld"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Lus deur die beeldvolgorde"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Wys/verberg die beeldversamelingpaneel se rolknoppies."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Wys/verberg die beelversamelingpaneel."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Wys/verberg die venstersypaneel."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Wys/verberg die vensterstatusbalk."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Wys/verberg die vensternutsbalk."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Deursigtigheidskleur"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Deursigtigheidsaanwyser"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Of die opeenvolging van beelde in 'n oneindige lus gewys moet word of nie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Of die beelversamelingpaneel se grootte verstel kan word of nie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Of die beeld geïnterpoleer moet word op zoem of nie. Dit het 'n beter "
+"kwaliteit tot gevolg, maar is ietwat stadiger as nie-geïnterpoleerde beelde."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Lêerformaat is onbekend of word nie ondersteun nie"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"MATE se Oog kon geen ondersteunde skryfbare formaat bepaal gebaseer op die "
+"lêernaam nie."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Probeer gerus 'n ander uitbreiding soos .png of .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alle lêers"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Alle beelde"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:133
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:135 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:444
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:720
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Laai beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Stoor beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Open gids"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformasie op ongelaaide beeld."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformasie het misluk."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:947
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF word nie ondersteun vir hierdie formaat nie."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1067
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Laai van beeld het misluk."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1469 ../src/eom-image.c:1571
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Geen beeld gelaai nie."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1479 ../src/eom-image.c:1583
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Skep van tydelike lêer het misluk."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Kon nie 'n tydelike lêer skep vir storing van: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Kon nie geheue toeken vir laai van JPEG-lêer nie"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Beelddata"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Omstandighede met neem van beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Maker se nota"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ander"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP-regtebestuur"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP ander"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiket"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Waarde"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:90
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "P_robeer weer"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Kon nie beeld '%s' laai nie."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Geen beelde in '%s' gevind nie."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Die gegewe liggings bevat geen beelde nie."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Beeldinstellings"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Die beeld waarvoor die drukeienskappe opgestel gaan word"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:847
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Bladsyopstelling"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Die inligting vir die bladsy waar die beeld gedruk gaan word"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posisie"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:881
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Links:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Regs:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:883
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Bo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Onder:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "S_entreer:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Geen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:893
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horisontaal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:895
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikaal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:897
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Albei"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Grootte"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:918
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Wydte:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:920
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Hoogte:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:923
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skaal:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Eenheid:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:941
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:943
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Duim"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:973
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Voorskou"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Onbekend"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm-film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:470
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Geneem op"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Ten minste twee lêername is die selfde."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Kon nie hulp vertoon vir MATE se Oog nie"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ongeldige Unicode)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Open met \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1132
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Gebruik \"%s\" op die geselekteerde beeld te open"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1247
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Stoor tans beeld \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1590
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Laai tans beeld \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2286
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fout met druk van beeld:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2414
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Nutsbalkredigeerder"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2417
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "He_rstel na verstek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2503
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Friedel Wolff"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2506
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2514
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2527 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE se Oog"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2530
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Die beeldkyker vir MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2901
+msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+msgstr "Slegs plaaslike beelde kan werkskermagtergrond gebruik word"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2905
+msgid ""
+"To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+"your computer"
+msgstr ""
+"Om hierdie beeld as die werkskerm se agtergrond te stel, stoor dit plaaslik "
+"op die rekenaar."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2943
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Wil jy definitief\n"
+"\"%s\" skuif na die asblik?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2946
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Wil jy definitief die geselekteerde\n"
+"beeld na die asblik skuif?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Wil jy definitief die %d geselekteerde\n"
+"beelde na die asblik skuif?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2961
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Skuif na asblik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2989 ../src/eom-window.c:3003 ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Kon nie toegang kry tot asblik nie."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3075
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Fout met skrap van beeld %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3282
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Lêer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3283
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Redigeer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Bekyk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3285
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3286
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Gaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Gereedskap"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3288
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Help"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Open..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3291
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Open 'n lêer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Sluit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3294
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Sluit venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3296
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "N_utsbalk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3297
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Redigeer die nutsbalk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Voorke_ure"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3300
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Voorkeure vir MATE se Oog"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Inhoud"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3303
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hulp met hierdie toepassing"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:506
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Aangaande"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3306
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Aangaande hierdie toepassing"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Nutsbalk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3312
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Verander die sigbaarheid van die nutsbalk in huidige venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusbalk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3315
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Verander die sigbaarheid van die statusbalk in huidige venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Beeldversameling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3318
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Verander die sigbaarheid van die beeldversamelingpaneel in huidige venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3320
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Sy_paneel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3321
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Verander die sigbaarheid van die sypaneel in huidige venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Stoor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Stoor die veranderinge in die tans geselekteerde beelde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3329
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Open _met"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Open die geselekteerde beelde met 'n ander toepassing"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3332
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Stoor _as..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3333
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Stoor die geselekteerde beelde met 'n ander naam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3335
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "Bladsy_opstelling..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3336
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Stel die bladsyeienskappe om te druk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Druk..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Druk die geselekteerde beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Eie_nskappe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3342
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Wys die eienskappe en metadata vir die geselekteerde beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3344
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Ontdoen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3345
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Ontdoen die laaste verandering in die beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Draai _horisontaal om"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Maak 'n horisontale spieëlbeeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Draai _vertikaal om"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Maak 'n vertikale spieëlbeeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Roteer kloksgewys"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Roteer die beeld 90 grade na regs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Roteer _anti-kloksgewys"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3357
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Roteer die beeld 90 grade na links"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Stel in as _werkskermagtergrond"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "Stel die geselekteerde beeld as die werkskerm se agtergrond"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362 ../src/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Skuif na _asblik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Skuif die geselekteerde beeld na die asblik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3365 ../src/eom-window.c:3377 ../src/eom-window.c:3380
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zoem in"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3366 ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Vergroot die beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3368 ../src/eom-window.c:3383
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoem _uit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369 ../src/eom-window.c:3381 ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Krimp die beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3371
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normale grootte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Wys die beeld op sy normale grootte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3374
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Beste _passing"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Pas die beeld in die venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3392
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Volskerm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Wys die huidige beeld in volskermmodus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3398 ../src/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Vo_rige beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3399
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gaan na die vorige beeld in die versameling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3401
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Vo_lgende beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gaan na die volgende beeld in die versameling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404 ../src/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Eerste beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gaan na die eerste beeld in die versameling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3407 ../src/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Laaste beeld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gaan na die laaste beeld in die versameling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3422
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Skyfievertoning"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Begin 'n skyfievertoning van die beelde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Vorige"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3493
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Volgende"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3497
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Regs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Links"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "In"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3506
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Uit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3509
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normaal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3512
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Pas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3515
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Versameling"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Inprop"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Geaktiveer"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:514
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Opstelling"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:524
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktiveer"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:536
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tiveer almal"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:541
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktiveer almal"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:832
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktiewe inproppe:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:861
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Aangaande inprop"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:868
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Inprop se _opstelling"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Open in volskermmodus"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Deaktiveer beeldversameling"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Open in skyfievertoningmodus"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+"Begin 'n nuwe instansie in plaas van om 'n bestaande een oor te gebruik"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[LÊER...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:223
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Beeldkyker MATE se Oog"
+#~ msgid "View many different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Bekyk baie verskillende tipes beelde"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Beeldinterpolasie</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "Laat _zoem groter as 100% aanvanklik toe"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Saving Image"
+#~ msgstr "Stoor beeld"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "Sky_fievertoning"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Sluit"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+#~ msgstr "_Interpoleer beeld op zoem"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Open beelde in 'n nuwe venster"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Of die oopmaak van 'n beeld 'n nuwe venster moet skep,in plaas daarvan om "
+#~ "die beeld in die huidige venster te vervang of nie."
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+#~ msgstr "%s x %s pixel"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "leë lêer"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Lêer bestaan"
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Lêernaam"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Lêer-grootte"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Eienskap"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "_Lêer"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Kanselleer storing"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "_Inhoud"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "sekondes"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "Wil jy %s oorskryf?"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "Kon nie 'n tydelike lêer skep vir storing van: %s"
+#~ msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+#~ msgstr "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Nuwe"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Open 'n nuwe venster"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "_Open Gids..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Open 'n gids"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Roteer 180 _Grade"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jy is op punt om %i vensters gelyktydig te open. Wil jy hulle eerder as "
+#~ "'n versameling open?"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Open veelvuldige enkel vensters?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Enkel Vensters"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "Lêer(s) nie gevind nie."
+#~ msgstr[1] "Lêer(s) nie gevind nie."
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-beeldversameling-bekyker"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-beeldversameling-bekykfabriek"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Bekyk as B_eeldversameling"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Storing afgehandel"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Versamel Aansig"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Beelde: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Venstertitel"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Statusteks"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Vordering van Beeldlaai"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-beeld"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-beeldbekyker fabriek"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Verskansbare EOM-beeld"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "Beelde kan slegs as plaaslike lêers gestoor word."
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Nie-ondersteunde beeldtipe vir storing."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Bladsy"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Papier"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% van oorspronklike grootte"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Verstel na "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Snyhulp"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Af, dan regs"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Pas in op bladsy"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Horisontaal teen "
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Kantlyne"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Versoek hulp"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Oorvleuel"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Oorvleuelhulp"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Bladsy volgorde"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Regs, dan af"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Skaal"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Wys"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Vertikaal teen "
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Die naam van die lêer of data om te druk"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Kanselleer"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Nuwe"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Open"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Open in nuwe venster"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Eindig die program"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Eindig"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr "vertaler_krediete-VOEG_JOUSELF_HIER_BY"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Volskerm"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Beeldvoorskou van wat gedruk gaan word"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Druk Voorsko_u..."
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Roteer Links"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Roteer Regs"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Roteer K_loksgewys"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Roteer Ant_i-kloksgewys"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Zoem In"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Zoem _Uit"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Normale Grootte"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Beste _Pas"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Sluit"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Laai van beeld %s het misluk."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Laai van beeld %s het misluk.\n"
+#~ "Rede: %s."
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Beeld suksesvol gestoor"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Statusbalkteks"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Verlangde Venster Wydte"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Verlangde Venster Hoogte"
diff --git a/po/am.po b/po/am.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c51870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/am.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1176 @@
+# Translations into the Amharic Language.
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Ge'ez Frontier Foundation <[email protected]>, 2002.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-11 19:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-14 11:02+EDT\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ge'ez Frontier Foundation <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Amharic <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "የምስል ተመልካች"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "የተለያዩ ዓይነት ምስሎችን ተመልከቱ"
+msgid " "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "ድርድር Interpolation"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "ድርድር Interpolation"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "ፋይል ክፈት"
+msgid "Eye of Mate Preferences"
+msgstr "የኖም ዐይን ምርጫዎች"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "_ፋይል"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "የምስል ተመልካች"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "በ_ሌላ ስም አስቀምጥ..."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "ምስሉን አስቀምት"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ወደ ላይ፦"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_ዝጋ"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "_Interpolation"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "በአዲስ መስኮት ውስጥ ምስልን ክፈት"
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "ምስል"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ምስልን ጫን"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ምስሉን አስቀምት"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ፋይል ክፈት"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "የምስል ስፋት"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "የምስል ምስል ስብስብ"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "መወሰን አቃተው / ማመንታት"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "መለኪያ"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "_ፋይል"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "የምስል ስፋት"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "ብርሃን"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "_ፋይል"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "_ፋይል"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of Mate."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "ምስሉን አስቀምት"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "ተወው"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "መሀከል"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "_ይዞታዎች"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "መወሰን አቃተው / ማመንታት"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "_ድርድር"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "አሳይ"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Midtone"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2167 shell/eom-window.c:2482
+#: shell/main.c:498
+msgid "Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "የኖም ዐይን"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "የኖም ምስል መመልከቻ እና ፕሮግራም መዘርዘሪያ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of Mate.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ለኖም ዐይን መረጃ ማሳየት አልተቻለም።\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:627
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:636 shell/eom-window.c:649
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:637
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:642
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:650 shell/eom-window.c:1034
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1023
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1166
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "ምስሉን አስቀምት"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1399
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1437
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr ""
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2096
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2233
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_ፋይል"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2234
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_አስተካክል"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2235
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_ተመልከት"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2236
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_መረጃ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_አዲስ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "አዲስ መስኮት ክፈት"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_ክፈት..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ፋይል ክፈት"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open _Directory..."
+msgstr "_ክፈት..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open a directory"
+msgstr "ፋይል ክፈት"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_ዝጋ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "መስኮቱን ዝጋ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_ምርጫዎች"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "የኖም ዐይን"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_ይዞታዎች"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "መረጃ በዚህ መጠቀሚያ ፕሮግራም ላይ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_ስለ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "ስለዚህ ፕሮግራም"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2249
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "የስታተስ ባር ጽሑፍ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2254
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "በሌላ ስም አስቀምጥ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2255
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "በ_ሌላ ስም አስቀምጥ..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2259
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "በአግድም"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2260
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "በቁመት"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2262
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2263
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2264
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "በ180 ያሽከርክሩ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2266
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2268
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "ሙሉ እስክሪን"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2269
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "ከ_ቅርበት ዕይታ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2270
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "ከ_ርቀት ዕይታ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "የ_ተለመደ መጠን"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2272
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:236
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"%i መስኮቶችን እኩል ለመክፈት እየተዘጋጁ ነው።\n"
+"በዚህ ፋንታ አሰባስቦ እንዲከፍተው ይፈልጋሉ?"
+#: shell/main.c:240
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "በአዲስ መስኮት ውስጥ ክፈት"
+#: shell/main.c:244
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "ነጠላ መስኮቶች"
+#: shell/main.c:246
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "ስብስብ"
+#: shell/main.c:298
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "`%s'ን መክፈት አልተቻለም"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "የEOM ምስል ስብስብ ተመልካች"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "የEOM ምስል ስብስብ መመልከቻ ፋብሪካ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "የምስል ምስል ስብስብ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "View as Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "የምስል ምስል ስብስብ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Next Image"
+#~ msgstr "ምስሉን አስቀምት"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Previous Image"
+#~ msgstr "ምስሉ ይታተም"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "ስብስብ"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "የመስኮት አርእስት"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "የስታተስ ባር ጽሑፍ"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "የEOM ምስል"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "የEOM ምስል ተመልካች"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "የEOM ምስል የተመልካች ፋብሪካ"
+#~ msgid "Image"
+#~ msgstr "ምስል"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "ገጾች"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "የቅድመ ህትመት ዕይታ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Millimeter"
+#~ msgstr "ሚሊ ሜትር"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "ወረቀት"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "%% የመጀመሪያው መጠን"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "ወደ...አስተካክል፦"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "መረጃውን ቆርጠህ አትም"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "ወደ ታች ካዛ በስተቀኝ"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "በገጹ ልክ"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally"
+#~ msgstr "በአግድም"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "በአግድም"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "ህዳጎች"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "ድርርቦሽ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "መረጃውን ደርበህ አትም"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "የገጽ ንጽጽር"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "በስተቀኝ ካዛ ወደ ታች"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "መለኪያ"
+#~ msgid "Vertically"
+#~ msgstr "በቁመት"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "በቁመት"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "ተወው"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "አዲስ"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "ክፈት"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "በአዲስ መስኮት ውስጥ ክፈት"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "በዚህኛው መስኮት ውስጥ ክፈት"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "ከፕሮግራሙ ውጣ"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_ውጣ"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr "ዘግዕዝ Frontier Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Fit"
+#~ msgstr "ልክ"
+#~ msgid "In"
+#~ msgstr "ቅርበት"
+#~ msgid "Normal"
+#~ msgstr "የተለመደ"
+#~ msgid "Out"
+#~ msgstr "ርቀት"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "ሙሉ እስክሪን"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "የሚታተመውን የምስሉ ቅድመ ዕይታ ያሳያል"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "የቅድመ ህትመት ዕይታ..."
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "የህትመት _ቅንጅት"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "ወደማተሚያው ምስሉን አትም"
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "የገጹን አቀማመጥ አሁን ላለው ማተሚያ አስተካክሉ"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_አትም..."
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/ከ_ቅርበት ዕይታ"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/ከ_ርቀት ዕይታ"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/የ_ተለመደ መጠን"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_ዝጋ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "የምስሉ ሕትመት አልተሳካም"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr "የምስሉ ሕትመት አልተሳካም"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "የምስል እርዝማኔ"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "የስታተስ ባር ጽሑፍ"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Could not find files"
+#~ msgstr "`%s'ን መክፈት አልተቻለም"
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "የቅጂው መብት 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "ኖምVFS ማስጀመር አልቻልኩም!\n"
+#~ msgid "pts"
+#~ msgstr "ነጥቦች"
+#~ msgid "points"
+#~ msgstr "ነጥቦች"
+#~ msgid "mm"
+#~ msgstr "ሚ/ሜ"
+#~ msgid "cm"
+#~ msgstr "ሴ/ሜ"
+#~ msgid "centimeter"
+#~ msgstr "ሴንቲ ሜትር"
+#~ msgid "inch"
+#~ msgstr "ኢንች"
+#~ msgid "Print Setup"
+#~ msgstr "የህትመት ቅንጅት"
+#~ msgid "Print"
+#~ msgstr "አትም"
+#~ msgid "Print preview"
+#~ msgstr "የቅድመ ህትመት ዕይታ"
+#~ msgid "Units: "
+#~ msgstr "ክፍሎች፦"
+#~ msgid "Paper size:"
+#~ msgstr "የወረከት መጠን፦"
+#~ msgid "Orientation"
+#~ msgstr "አቀማመጥ"
+#~ msgid "Portrait"
+#~ msgstr "በቁም"
+#~ msgid "Landscape"
+#~ msgstr "አግድም"
+#~ msgid "Left:"
+#~ msgstr "ግራ፦"
+#~ msgid "Right:"
+#~ msgstr "ቀኝ፦"
+#~ msgid "Bottom:"
+#~ msgstr "ወደ ታች፦"
+#~ msgid "Overlap horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "በአግድም በ... ተደራርቧል"
+#~ msgid "Overlap vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "በቁም በ... ተደራርቧል"
+#~ msgid "Printing"
+#~ msgstr "በማተም ላይ"
+#~ msgid "Helpers"
+#~ msgstr "ረዳቶች"
+#~ msgid "Eye of Mate Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "የኖም ዐይን የምስል ተመልካች"
+#~ msgid "By c_olor"
+#~ msgstr "በ_ቀለሙ"
+#~ msgid "Pick a color"
+#~ msgstr "ቀለም ምረጡ"
+#~ msgid "check type"
+#~ msgstr "ዓይነቱን አጣራ"
+#~ msgid "dither type"
+#~ msgstr "የመወሰን አቃተው ዓይነት"
+#~ msgid "BMP"
+#~ msgstr "BMP"
+#~ msgid "GIF"
+#~ msgstr "GIF"
+#~ msgid "ICO"
+#~ msgstr "ICO"
+#~ msgid "JPEG"
+#~ msgstr "JPEG"
+#~ msgid "PNG"
+#~ msgstr "PNG"
+#~ msgid "PNM"
+#~ msgstr "PNM"
+#~ msgid "RAS"
+#~ msgstr "RAS"
+#~ msgid "SVG"
+#~ msgstr "SVG"
+#~ msgid "TGA"
+#~ msgstr "TGA"
+#~ msgid "TIFF"
+#~ msgstr "TIFF"
+#~ msgid "XBM"
+#~ msgstr "XBM"
+#~ msgid "XPM"
+#~ msgstr "XPM"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows\n"
+#~ "simultanously. Do you want to continue?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "%i መስኮቶችን እኩል ለመክፈት እየተዘጋጁ ነው።\n"
+#~ "መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not access %s\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate will not be able to display this file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "%sን ማስጀመር አልተቻለም።\n"
+#~ "የኖም ዐይን ይህንን ፋይል ለማሳየት አይችልም። "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following files cannot be displayed because Eye of Mate was not able "
+#~ "to access them:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "የኖም ዐይን ማስጀመር ስላልቻለ የሚከተሉት ፋይሎች ሊታዩ አይችሉም፦\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "ኖምVFS ማስጀመር አልቻልኩም!\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgstr "matecomponent ማስጀመር አልቻልኩም!\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not save image as '%s': %s."
+#~ msgstr "ምስሉን በ'%s': %s ስም ማስቀመጥ አልቻለም።"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for the preferences dialog.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ለምርጫዎቹ ልውውጥ መረጃ ማሳየት አልተቻለም።\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Change preferences"
+#~ msgstr "ምርጫዎቹን ቀይሩ"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "ዝጋ"
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "አዲስ _መስኮት"
+#~ msgid "1:1"
+#~ msgstr "1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom _1:1"
+#~ msgstr "በቅርበት አሳይ _1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom to _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "በመስኮቱ _ልክ አጉላ"
+#~ msgid "Check _size"
+#~ msgstr "_መጠኑን አጣራ"
+#~ msgid "Check _type"
+#~ msgstr "_ዓይነቱን አጣራ"
+#~ msgid "Large"
+#~ msgstr "ትልቅ"
+#~ msgid "Medium"
+#~ msgstr "መሀከለኛ"
+#~ msgid "Print Pre_view"
+#~ msgstr "የቅድመ ህትመት ዕይታ"
+#~ msgid "Print S_etup"
+#~ msgstr "የህትመት ቅንጅት"
+#~ msgid "Small"
+#~ msgstr "ትንሽ"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear"
+#~ msgstr "_Bilinear"
+#~ msgid "_Black"
+#~ msgstr "ጥቁር"
+#~ msgid "_Dark"
+#~ msgstr "_ጨለማ"
+#~ msgid "_Dither"
+#~ msgstr "_Dither"
+#~ msgid "_Gray"
+#~ msgstr "_ግራጫ"
+#~ msgid "_Hyperbolic"
+#~ msgstr "_ሞላላ ቅርጽ"
+#~ msgid "_Light"
+#~ msgstr "_ብርሃን"
+#~ msgid "_Maximum (high color)"
+#~ msgstr "_ከፍተኛ መጠን (ደማቅ ቀለም)"
+#~ msgid "_Midtone"
+#~ msgstr "_Midtone"
+#~ msgid "_White"
+#~ msgstr "_ነጭ"
+#~ msgid "Check Type"
+#~ msgstr "ዓይነቱን አጣራ"
+#~ msgid "Check Size"
+#~ msgstr "መጠኑን አጣራ"
+#~ msgid "Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "የሞላላ ቅርጹ Interpolation"
+#~ msgid "No dithering"
+#~ msgstr "ያለ dithering"
+#~ msgid "Dark"
+#~ msgstr "ጨለማ"
+#~ msgid "Black"
+#~ msgstr "ጥቁር"
+#~ msgid "Gray"
+#~ msgstr "ግራጫ"
+#~ msgid "White"
+#~ msgstr "ነጭ"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation:"
+#~ msgstr "_Interpolation፦"
+#~ msgid "_Dither:"
+#~ msgstr "መወሰን _አቃተው / ማመንታት፦"
+#~ msgid "Check _type:"
+#~ msgstr "_ዓይነቱን አጣራ፦"
+#~ msgid "Check _size:"
+#~ msgstr "_መጠኑን አጣራ፦"
diff --git a/po/ar.po b/po/ar.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6233c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ar.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1582 @@
+# translation of to Arabic
+# Copyright (C) 2002,2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Sayed Jaffer Al-Mosawi <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Isam Bayazidi <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Arafat Medini <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004.
+# Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Djihed Afifi <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Khaled Hosny <[email protected]>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+# Osama Khalid <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-23 13:29+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-23 13:29+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Khaled Hosny <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Arabic <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ar\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
+"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "اعرض “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ا_نقل على شريط الأدوات"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "انقل العنصر المحدد على شريط الأدوات"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ا_حذف من شريط الأدوات"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "احذف العنصر المحدد من شريط الأدوات"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "ا_حذف شريط الأدوات"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "احذف شريط الأدوات المحدد"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "فاصل"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "نشّط طور ملء الشاشة بالنقر المزدوج"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "املأ الشاشة عند النقر المزدوج"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "أعد تحميل الصّورة"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "أعد تحميل الصورة الحالية"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "التاريخ في شريط الحالة"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "أظهرالتاريخ في شريط حالة النّافذة"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "تصفح و أدر الصور"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "عارض الصّور"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "قيمة الفتحة:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "المؤلف:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "بايتات:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "طراز الكاميرا:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "حقوق النشر:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "التّاريخ والوقت:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "الوصف:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "التفاصيل"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "زمن التعرض:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "فلاش:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "البعد البؤري:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "عامّ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "الارتفاع:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ترتيب ISO للسرعة:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "خصائص الصورة"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "الكلمات الأساسية:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "المكان:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "البيانات الإضافية"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "نمط القياس:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "الاسم:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "النوع:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "العرض:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "ال_تّالي"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "ال_سابق"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "‏<b>‪%f‬:</b> اسم الملف الأصلي"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "‏<b>‪%n‬:</b> عدّاد"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "اختر مجلّدًا"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "المجلد المقصد:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "معاينة أسماء الملفّات"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "مواصفات مسارات الملفّات"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "صيغة اسم الملف:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "الخيارات"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "غيّر الاسم من:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "استبدل الفراغات بشرطة تحتية"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "احفظ باسم"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ابدأ العدّاد عند:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "إلى:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "ك_خلفية"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "ك_نمط التماس"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "ك_لون مخصص:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "كلون مخصص"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "خلفية"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "لون الخلفية"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "لون المساحات الشفّافة"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "وس_ع الصور لتلائم الشاشة"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "تفضيلات عين جنوم"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "تحسينات الصور"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "عرض الصورة"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "تقريب الصّورة"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "ملحقات"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "متتالية"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "عرض شرائح"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "اجعل الصور ناعمة عند _تقريبها"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "اجعل الصور ناعمة عند _تبعيدها"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "الأجزاء الشّفافة"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_توجه تلقائي"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "متتالية _حلقيّة"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_بدّل الصورة بعد:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "ثوان"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"أي قيمة أكبر من 0 تحدّد الثّواني الذي تبقاها صورةٌ على الشّاشة حتّى عرض الصّورة "
+"التّالية تلقائيًّا. الصّفر يلغى التّصفح التّلقائي."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "الملحقات النشِطة"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "اسمح بتقريب أكبر من 100% مبدئيًّا"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "توجه تلقائي"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "التّأخير بالثّواني حتّى عرض الصّورة التّالية"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"يحدد كيفيّة الإشارة للشّفافيّة. القيم الممكنة هي CHECK_PATTERN و COLOR و NONE. "
+"إن اختيرت القيمة COLOR فسيحدد مفتاح trans_color قيمة اللّون المستخدم."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "استوفي الصورة"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"إذا فُعّل ولم تُحمّل أي صورة في النافذة النشطة فسيعرض مخير الملفات مجلد صور "
+"المستخدم باستخدام مجلدات XDG الخاصة. إذا عُطّل أو لم يكن مجلد الصور موجودا "
+"فسيستخدم المجلد الحالي."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"إذا فُعّل فلن تسأل «عين جنوم» تأكيد نقل الصور إلى المهملات. لكن ستظل تسأل إذا "
+"تعذّر نقل أي ملف إلى المهملات وكان سيُحذف بدلا من هذا."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"إذا فُعّل ستُنقل قائمة البيانات الفوقية المفصّلة في حوار الخصائص إلى صفحة "
+"مستقلة. سيجعل هذا الحوار مناسبا أكثر للشاشات الصغيرة مثل حواسيب النت. إذا "
+"عُطّل فستضمن القائمة في صفحة البيانات الفوقية."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"إذا كان لمفتاح الشّفافيّة القيمة COLOR، فسيحدد هذا المفتاح اللّون الذي سيستخدم "
+"للإشارة إلى الشّفافيّة."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"إذا عيّن هذا على أنّه \"خطأ\" فلن تمدّد الصّور الصّغيرة مبدئيًّا لملائمة الشّاشة."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"مكان لوح مجموعة الصور. حدد بـ 0 للأسفل، 1 للجهة اليسرى، 2 للأعلى، 3 للجهة "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "استوفي الصورة"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"قائمة الملحقات النشطة. لا تحتوي على قيمة \"المكان\" للملحقات النشطة. انظر "
+"ملف .eom-plugin لتحصل على \"مكان\" أي ملحق."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "تّحلّق عبر تتالي الصّور"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "تحجيم بالعجلة"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "أظهر\\أخفِ أزرار لوحة مجموعة الصور."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "أظهر\\أخفِ لوحة مجموعة الصور."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "أظهر\\أخفِ لوح النافذة الجانبي."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "أظهر\\أخفِ شريط حالة النّافذة."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "أظهر\\أخفِ شريط أدوات النّافذة."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"قيمة الضعف المطبقة عند استعمال عجلة الفأرة عند التحجيم. هذه القيمة تعرف "
+"الخطوة التحجيمية عند كل تدوير. مثلا، 0.05 تؤدي إلى 5%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "لون الشّفافيّة"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "مبيّن الشّفافيّة"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "أرسل الصور إلى المهملات دون سؤال"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "استخدم لون خلفية مخصص"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "ما إذا كان مخير الملفات سيعرض مجلد صور المستخدم إذا لم تُحمّل أي صور."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ما إذا كان شريط مجموعة الصور قابلا للتحجيم."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"فيما إذا يفترض استيفاء الصّورة عند تقريبها أم لا. يؤدي هذا لجودة أفضل لكنه "
+"أبطأ من الصّور غير المستوفاة."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"فيما إذا يفترض استيفاء الصّورة عند تبعيدها أم لا. يؤدي هذا لجودة أفضل لكنه "
+"أبطأ من الصّور غير المستوفاة."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "ما إذا كان يجب لف الصورة تلقائيًا بناء على توجه EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "ما إذا كانت قائمة البيانات الفوقية المفصّلة في صفحة منفصلة."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "ما إذا سيتم استعمال عجلة الفأرة للتقريب أم لا."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "فيما إذا يفترض عرض متتالية الصّور في حلقة لا نهائية."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "مضاعِف التقريب"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "شغل في نمط ملء الشاشة"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "أغلق _دون حفظ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "سؤال"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "إذا لم تحفظ ستضيع جميع التغييرات."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "أأحفظ التغييرات على الصورة \"%s\" قبل الإغلاق؟"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "لا صور تحتوي تغييراتٍ غير محفوظة."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"هناك صورة واحدة تحتوي تغييراتٍ غير محفوظة. أأحفظ التغييرات قبل الإغلاق؟"
+msgstr[2] "هناك صورتين تحتوي تغييراتٍ غير محفوظة. أأحفظ التغييرات قبل الإغلاق؟"
+msgstr[3] "هناك %d صور تحتوي تغييراتٍ غير محفوظة. أأحفظ التغييرات قبل الإغلاق؟"
+msgstr[4] "هناك %d صورة تحتوي تغييراتٍ غير محفوظة. أأحفظ التغييرات قبل الإغلاق؟"
+msgstr[5] "هناك %d صورة تحتوي تغييراتٍ غير محفوظة. أأحفظ التغييرات قبل الإغلاق؟"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "ا_ختر الصور التي تريد حفظها:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "إذا لم تحفظ ستضيع جميع التغييرات."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "نمط الملف مجهول أو غير مدعوم"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "لم يمكن لعين جنوم تعيين نمط صور مدعوم قابل للكتابة من اسم الملف."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "الرجاء اختيار نمط صور مختلف مثل .png أو .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "كل الملفّات"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "كل الصّور"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "‏%s ‏(*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "بكسل"
+msgstr[1] "بكسل"
+msgstr[2] "بكسلين"
+msgstr[3] "بكسلات"
+msgstr[4] "بكسلا"
+msgstr[5] "بكسل"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "افتح صورة"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "احفظ الصّورة"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "افتح مجلّدا"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "التحويل عند رفع صورة."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "فشل التحويل."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "إكسيف(EXIF) غير مدعوم لهذا النسق من الملفّات."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "فشل تحميل الصورة."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "لم تحمّل صورة."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "فشل إنشاء الملف المؤقّت."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "تعذّر إنشاء ملف مؤقّت لحفظ: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "تعذّر تخصيص ذاكرة لتحميل ملف JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "كاميرا"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "بيانات الصّورة"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ظروف أخذ الصّورة"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "ملحوظة الصانع"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "أخرى"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "إدارة حقوق XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "‏XMP أخرى"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "وسم"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "القيمة"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%A، %Oe %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A، %Oe %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "أ_عد المحاولة"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "تعذّر تحميل الصورة '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "لا توجد صور في '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "الأمكنة المعطاة لا تحتوي على أية صور."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "إعدادات الصورة"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "صورة"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "الصورّة التي ستعد خصائص طباعتها"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "إعداد الصفحة"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "معلومات الصفحة حيث ستطبع الصورة"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "الموضع"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_يسار:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "ي_مين:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "أ_على:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "أ_سفل:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_مركز:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "لا شيء"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "أفقيا"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "رأسيا"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "كلاهما"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "المقاس"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "ال_عرض:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "الا_رتفاع:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "ال_تحجيم:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ال_وحدة:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "ملي مترات"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "بوصات"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "مُعاينة"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "مجهول"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%I.1f (عدسة)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%I.1f (فيلم 35مم)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "كما هي"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "‏%Id ‏\\ %Id"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "أخذت على"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "على الأقل هناك ملفان باسم واحد."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "تعذّر عرض مساعدة عين جنوم"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (يونيكود غير صحيح)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "‏%i × %i بكسل %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "‏%i × %i بكسل %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "‏%i × %i بكسل %s %i%%"
+msgstr[3] "‏%i × %i بكسل %s %i%%"
+msgstr[4] "‏%i × %i بكسل %s %i%%"
+msgstr[5] "‏%i × %i بكسل %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "أ_عد التحميل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "أ_خفِ"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"عدّل تطبيق خارجي الصورة \"%s\".\n"
+"أتريد إعادة تحميلها؟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "استعمل \"%s\" لفتح العنصر المنتقى"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "يحفظ الصورة ‏\"%s\" ‏(%Iu‏/%Iu)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "يفتح الصورة “%s”"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"خطأ أثناء طباعة الملف:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "محرر شريط الأدوات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "أ_عد الضبط للمبدئي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"فريق عربآيز للترجمة :\n"
+"عرفات المديني\t<[email protected]>\n"
+"عبدالعزيز العرفج\t<[email protected]>\n"
+"خالد حسني\t<[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"هذا البرنامج حر؛ بامكانك إعادة توزيعه و/أو تعديله تحت شروط الرخصة العمومية "
+"العامة لجنو والتي نشرتها منظمة البرمجيات الحرة؛ سواء الإصدارة 2 من الرخصة أو "
+"أي إصدارة بعدها حسب رغبتك.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"يوزّع هذا البرنامج على أمل أن يكون مفيدًا لمن يستخدمه دون أدنى مسؤولية؛ ولا "
+"حتى أي ضمان يضمن صلاحية العرض في السوق أو توافقه مع أي استخدام محدد. يمكنك "
+"مراجعة الرخصة العمومية العامة لجنو لمزيد من التفاصيل.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"من المفترض أن تكون قد استلمت نسخة من رخصة جنو العامة مع البرنامج؛ في حال عدم "
+"استلامك لذلك، يمكنك مكاتبة:\n"
+"Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA "
+"02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "عين جنوم"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "عارِض صور جنوم."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "افتح تف_ضيلات الخلفية"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"لقد جعلت الصورة \"%s\" خلفية سطح المكتب.\n"
+"أتريد تغيير مظهرها؟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "يحفظ الصورة محليا…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "أتريد فعلًا نقل الصورة \"%s\" إلى المهملات؟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "تعذّر العثور على مهملات ل\"%s\". أتريد إزالة هذه الصورة بشكل دائم؟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "هل تريد فعلًا نقل الصورة المحدّدة إلى المهملات؟"
+msgstr[1] "هل تريد فعلًا نقل الصورة المحدّدة إلى المهملات؟"
+msgstr[2] "هل تريد فعلًا نقل الصورتان المحدّدتان إلى المهملات؟"
+msgstr[3] "هل تريد فعلًا نقل %i صور محددة إلى المهملات؟"
+msgstr[4] "هل تريد فعلًا نقل %i صورة محددة إلى المهملات؟"
+msgstr[5] "هل تريد فعلًا نقل %i صور محددة إلى المهملات؟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"بعض الصورة المختارة لا يمكن نقلها إلى المهملات وستحذف بشكل دائم. أمتأكد أنك "
+"تريد المتابعة؟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "انقل إلى ال_مهملات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_لا تسأل ثانيا خلال هذه الجلسة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "تعذّر الوصول إلى المهملات."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "تعذر حذف الملف"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "خطأ أثناء حذف الصّورة %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_صورة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_تحرير"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_عرض"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ا_ذهب"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "أد_وات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_مساعدة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "ا_فتح…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "افتح ملف"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "أ_غلق"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "أغلق النّافذة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "ش_ريط الأدوات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "حرّر شريط الأدوات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "التّف_ضيلات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "تفضيلات عين جنوم"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "ال_محتويات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "مساعدة حول هذا التّطبيق"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_عنْ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "عنْ هذا التّطبيق"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "شريط الأ_دوات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "تُغَيّر رؤية شريط الأدوات في النافذة الحالية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "شريط ال_حالة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "تُغَيّر رؤية شريط الحالة في النافذة الحالية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "م_جموعة صور"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "تغيير رؤية لوح مجموعة الصور في النافذة الحالية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "ال_لوحة الجانبية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "تغيير رؤية لوح مجموعة الصور في النافذة الحالية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "ا_حفظ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "احفظ التغييرات في الصور المحددة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "افتح بـا_ستخدام"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "افتح الصورة المحددة بتطبيق آخر"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "احفظ با_سم…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "احفظ الصورة المحددة باسم آخر"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "ا_طبع…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "اطبع الصورة المحددة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "خ_صائص"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "اعرض خصائص وبيانات الصورة المحددة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_تراجع"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "تراجع عن آخر تغيير في الصورة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "اقلب أ_فقيا"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "اعكس الصورة أفقيا"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "اقلب _رأسيا"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "اعكس الصورة رأسيا"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ا_ستدر مع عقارب الساعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "أدِر الصورة 90 درجة لليمين"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "استدر _عكس عقارب الساعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "أدِر الصورة 90 درجة لليسار"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "اضبط كخلفية _سطح المكتب"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "يضبط الصورة المختارة كخلفية سطح المكتب"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "انقل الصورة المحددة إلى مجلد المهملات"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_قرّب"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "كبّر الصورة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_بعّد"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "صغّر الصورة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "حجم _عادي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "اعرض الصورة في حجمها العادي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "أفضل ملا_ئمة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "لائم الصورة مع النافذة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_ملء الشّاشة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "اعرض الصورة الحالية في نمط ملء الشاشة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "ألبث شرائح"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "ألبث أو استأنف عرض الشرائح"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "الصّ_ورة السّابقة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "اذهب للصّورة السّابقة للمجموعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "الصّورة ال_تّالية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "اذهب للصورة التالية للمجموعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "الصّورة ال_أولى"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "اذهب للصورة الأولى للمجموعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "الصّورة الأ_خيرة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "اذهب للصورة الأخيرة للمجموعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "صورة _عشوائية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "اذهب لصورة عشوائية من المجموعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "عرض _شرائح"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ابدأ عرض شرائح للصور"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "السّابقة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "التّالية"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "اليمين"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "اليسار"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "داخل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "خارج"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "عادي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "ملائمة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "مجموعة"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "المهملات"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "ملحق"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "مفعّل"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "ا_ضبط"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "ن_شّط"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "ن_شّط الكل"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "أ_خمِد الكل"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "الملحقات النشِ_طة:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_عنْ الملحق"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "ا_ضبط الملحق"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "عارض الصور عين جنوم"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "افتح في نمط ملء الشاشة"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "عطل مجموعة الصور"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "اعرض في نمط عرض الشرائح"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "ابدأ سيرورة جديدا بدلا من استخدام الموجودة"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "أظهر نسخة التطبيق"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ملف…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "نفّذ '%s --help' لرؤية قائمة كاملة بخيارات سطر الأوامر المتوفرة."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "حمّل الصّورة"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_ملف"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "اضبط خصائص الصفحة للطباعة"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>تفاصيل</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>الارتفاع:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>الاسم:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>النّوع:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>العرض:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "احفظ _كـ..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "افتح بـ \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Dialogs"
+#~ msgstr "الحوارات"
+#~ msgid "File Open Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "حوار فتح ملف"
+#~ msgid "Image Properties Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "حوار خصائص الصورة"
+#~ msgid "Initially _display pictures folder if no image is loaded"
+#~ msgstr "مبدئيا، اعرض مجلد الصور إذا لم تحمل أي صورة"
+#~ msgid "_Use layout for small screens"
+#~ msgstr "استخدم _نسقا للشاشات الصغيرة"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "انقل إلى المهملات"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "الصور المحلية فقط يمكن استخدامها كخلفيات"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr "لتستطيع ضبط هذه الصورة كخلفية لك، رجاءً احفظها محليا في حاسوبك"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "إ_عداد الصفحة..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "اجعلها ال_خلفية"
diff --git a/po/as.po b/po/as.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..555d34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/as.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1422 @@
+# translation of as.po to Assamese
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Amitakhya Phukan <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Amitakhya Phukan <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Amitakhya Phukan <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: as\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-12-14 16:08+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-22 17:12+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Amitakhya Phukan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Assamese <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1)\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক "
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবাৰত স্থানান্তৰ কৰক (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত বস্তুক টুলবাৰত স্থানান্তৰ কৰক"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবাৰৰ পৰা অপসাৰণ কৰক (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবাৰৰ পৰা নিৰ্বাচিত বস্তু আঁতৰাওক"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবাৰ আঁতৰাওক (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত টুলবাৰ অপসাৰণ কৰক"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "বিভাজক"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰ্দ্দাৰ মোডত চলাওক"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "দুবাৰ ক্লিক কৰিলে সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰ্দাত প্ৰদৰ্শন ব্যৱস্থা সক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'ব"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "দুবাৰ ক্লিকত সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰ্দাত প্ৰদৰ্শন"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ছবি পুনঃ তুলি লওক"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "বৰ্তমান ছবি পুনঃ তুলি লওক"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "অৱস্থাবাৰত তাৰিখ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰৰ অৱস্থাসূচক বাৰত ছবিৰ তাৰিখ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিবলৈ ব্যৱহৃত হয়"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ছবি ব্ৰাউজ কৰক আৰু ঘুৰায় লওক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শক"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>বিন্ধাৰ মান:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>লিখক:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>বাইটসমূহ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>কেমেৰা মডেল:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>প্ৰতিলিপিস্বত্ব:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>তাৰিখ/সময়:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>বিৱৰণ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>সবিশেষ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>উদঙুৱাই ৰখাৰ সময়:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ফ্লেশ্ব:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ফ'কেল লেঙ্গথ্‌:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>উচ্চতা:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO গতিৰ ৰেটিং:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>প্ৰাসঙ্গিক-শব্দ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>অৱস্থান:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>মিটাৰিং মোড:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>নাম:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ধৰন:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>প্ৰস্থ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "সবিশেষ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "সাধাৰণ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ছবিৰ গুণ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "মিটাডাটা"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "পিছলৈ (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "আগলৈ (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>নথিপত্ৰ নাম প্ৰাকদৰ্শণ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>নথিপত্ৰ পাথৰ সুনিৰ্দিষ্ট বিৱৰণ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>বিকল্প</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> প্ৰাথমিক নথিপত্ৰৰনাম</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> কাউন্টাৰ</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "এটা ফ'ল্ডাৰ বাচি লওক"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "গন্তব্যৰ ফোল্ডাৰ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "নথিপত্ৰৰ নাম:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "ইয়াৰ পৰা পুনঃ নামকৰণ কৰক:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "ৰিক্তস্থানক আন্ডাৰস্ক'ৰেৰে প্ৰতিস্থাপন কৰক"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "এই ধৰণে সংৰক্ষণ কৰক"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ইয়াত কাউন্টাৰ আৰম্ভ কৰক:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ইয়ালৈ:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>চিত্ৰ আৰু ভাল ৰখা</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ছবিৰ জুম</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ক্ৰমপৰ্যায়</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>স্বচ্ছ অংশ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "পটভূমি হিচাপে (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "চৌখুপী ছেক হিচাপে (_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "নিজৰ পছন্দৰ ৰং হিচাপে: (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছ অংশসমূহৰ বাবে ৰং"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "পৰ্দ্দাত খাপ খুৱাব বাবে ছবি ডাঙৰ কৰক (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE সংক্ৰান্ত পছন্দ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শন"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইন"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "স্লাইডশ্ব'"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "ডাঙৰকৈ প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ সময়ত ছবিসমূহ স্মুদ কৰা হ'ব (_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "সৰুকৈ প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ সময়ত ছবিসমূহ স্মুদ কৰা হ'ব (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়ভাবে দিশ নিৰ্ণয় কৰা (_A)স"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "চক্ৰাকাৰ আবৰ্তনৰ ক্ৰমপৰ্যায় (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "ইয়াৰ পিছত ছবি পৰিবৰ্তন কৰক: (_S)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "চেকেন্ড"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"০ ৰ পৰা ডাঙৰ মানে নিৰ্দেশ কৰে কিমান চেকেন্ডৰ পিছত স্ক্ৰিনত ছবি সলনি কৰা হ'ব । ০ ৰ মান "
+"স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় ব্ৰাউজিং নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰে ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "সক্ৰিয় প্লাগ-ইন"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "প্ৰাথামিক ডাঙৰ কৰি চোৱাৰ মাত্ৰা ১০০ %ৰ অধিক হ'ব পাৰে"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় দিশ নিৰ্ধাৰণ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "পিছৰ ছবি চোৱাৰ সময়ৰ ব্যৱধান"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"কিভাবে স্বচ্ছতা নিৰ্দেশ কৰা হ'ব, সেইটো নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰে । বৈধ মানসমূহ হ'ল চেকযুক্ত নকশা, "
+"ৰং আৰু একো নাই । যদি ৰং বছা হয়, তেন্তে trans_color চাবিয়ে ব্যৱহৃত ৰঙৰ মান "
+"ঠিক কৰে ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ছবি প্ৰক্ষিপ্ত কৰা হ'ব"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"সক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'লে, আবৰ্জনাৰ বক্সত ছবি স্থানান্তৰৰ সময় Eye of MATE দ্বাৰা প্ৰশ্ন কৰা "
+"ন'হ'ব । অকল আবৰ্জনাত স্থানান্তৰ নকৰি অকল কোনো ছবি আঁতৰুৱাৰ প্ৰয়োজন চোৱা দিলে প্ৰশ্ন "
+"কৰা হ'ব ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"সক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'লে আৰু সক্ৰিয় উইন্ডোত কোনো ছবি লোড নকৰা হ'লে নথিপত্ৰ নিৰ্বাচন ব্যৱস্থা "
+"দ্বাৰা XDG বিশেষ ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ পঞ্জিকা প্ৰয়োগ কৰি ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ ছবিৰ ফোল্ডাৰ প্ৰদৰ্শন "
+"কৰা হ'ব । যদি এই বৈশিষ্ট্য নিষ্ক্ৰিয় থাকে অথবা যদি এইটো প্ৰস্তুত নকৰা হয় তেনেহ'লে "
+"বৰ্তমানে ব্যৱহৃত পঞ্জিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"এই বৈশিষ্ট্য সক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'লে, বিৱিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যৰ সম্বাদ বক্সত প্ৰদৰ্শিত মিটা-ডাটাৰ "
+"তালিকাৰ বাবে সম্বাদত এটা পৃথক পৃষ্ঠা নিৰ্মিত হ'ব । ইয়াৰ ফলত, সৰু মাপৰ পৰ্দাত যেনে "
+"নেটবুক ইত্যাদিত, এই সম্বাদ সহজে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা সম্ভব হ'ব । নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'লে, উইজেট "
+"\"মিটা-ডাটা\" পৃষ্ঠাত সংযোজন কৰা হ'ব ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"স্বচ্ছতা চাবিৰ মান যদি COLOR হয়, তেনেহ'লে এই চাবিটোৱে নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰে কি ৰং ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি "
+"স্বচ্ছতা বুজুৱা হ'ব ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"ইয়াক যদি FALSE হিচাপে নিৰ্ধাৰিত কৰা হয় তেনেহ'লে প্ৰাথমিকভাবে সৰু ছবিসমূহকে সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰ্দাত "
+"দেখুৱা ন'হ'ব ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবি সংগ্ৰহত পেইনৰ স্থান । তলৰ কাৰণে ০; বাওঁফালৰ কাৰণে ১; ওপৰৰ কাৰণে ২; সোঁফালৰ কাৰণে ৩ "
+"নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰক ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ছবিক প্ৰক্ষিপ্ত কৰক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"সক্ৰিয় প্লাগ-ইনৰ তালিকা । ইয়াত সক্ৰিয় প্লাগ-ইনৰ \"স্থান\" নাথাকে । এটা প্লাগ-ইনৰ "
+"\"স্থান\"ৰ কাৰণে .eom-plugin নথিপত্ৰ চাওক ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ছবিৰ ক্ৰমত আবৰ্তন কৰক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "স্ক্ৰল হুইল জুম"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ছবি সংকলনৰ পেইন স্ক্ৰ'লৰ বুটা দেখাওক/লুকাওক ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ছবি সংকলনৰ পেইন দেখাওক/লুকাওক ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰ কাষৰ পেইন দেখুৱাওক/লুকাওক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰ স্টাটাসবাৰ দেখুৱাওক/লুকাওক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰ টুলবাৰ দেখুৱাওক/লুকাওক ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"জুম কৰিবলৈ মাউছৰ স্ক্ৰ'ল হুইল ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোঁতে প্ৰয়োগ কৰিব লগা গুণক । এই মানে প্ৰত্যেক "
+"স্ক্ৰ'লৰ ঘটনাৰ কাৰণে জুম কৰাৰ পদক্ষেপৰ সংজ্ঞা দিয়ে । যেনে, ০.০৫ ৰ ফলত প্ৰত্যেক স্ক্ৰ'ল "
+"ঘটনাত এটা ৫% জুম বৃদ্ধি হয় আৰু ১.০০ ৰ ফলত ১০০% জুম বৃদ্ধি হয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছতাৰ ৰং"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছতা সূচক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "প্ৰশ্ন নকৰি ছবি আঁতৰুৱা হ'ব"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ছবিৰ ধাৰা এটা অশেষ আবৰ্তন হিচাপে দেখুৱা হ'ব নে নহয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"কোনো ছবি লোড নকৰা হ'লে, নথিপত্ৰ নিৰ্বাচন ব্যৱস্থা দ্বাৰা ব্যৱহাৰকৰ্তাৰ ছবিৰ ফোল্ডাৰ প্ৰয়োগ "
+"কৰা হ'ব নে নহয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "ছবি সংকলনৰ পেইনক পুনঃ মাপ দিব পৰা হ'ব নে নহয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ মাত্ৰা বৃদ্ধিৰ সময় ছবি বিক্ষিপ্ত কৰা হ'ব নে নহয় । ইয়াৰ ফলত ছবি ধোঁৱা চোৱা হয় "
+"আৰু বিক্ষিপ্ত নকৰা ছবিৰ তুলনাত অধিক সময় ব্যয় হয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ মাত্ৰা হ্ৰাসৰ সময় ছবি প্ৰক্ষিপ্ত কৰা হ'ব নে নহয় । ইয়াৰ ফলত ছবি ধোঁৱা চোৱা হয় "
+"আৰু প্ৰক্ষিপ্ত নকৰা ছবিৰ তুলনাত অধিক সময় ব্যয় হয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF দিশৰ মতে ছবিক স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়ভাবে ঘূৰুৱা হ'ব নে নহয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"বিভিন্ন বৈশিষ্ট্যৰ সম্বাদত উপস্থিত মিটাডাটা তালিকাৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত স্বত্বন্ত্ৰ পৃষ্ঠা উপলব্ধ কৰা "
+"হ'ব নে নহয় ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "স্ক্ৰ'ল হুইলক জুম কৰিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হ'ব নে নাই ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "জমু মাল্টিপ্লায়াৰ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "নথিপত্ৰৰ আকৃতি অজ্ঞাত বা অসমৰ্থিত"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE এ নথিপত্ৰৰ নামৰ আধাৰত এটা সমৰ্থিত লিখিব পৰা নথিপত্ৰৰ আকৃতি নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰিব "
+"নোৱাৰিলে ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি .png বা .jpg ৰ দৰে এটা অন্য নথিপত্ৰৰ সম্প্ৰসাৰণ বাচি লওক ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "সকলোবোৰ নথিপত্ৰ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "সকলো ছবি"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ছবি তুলি লওক"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ছবি সংৰক্ষণ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ফোল্ডাৰ খোলক"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:546
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "আন-লোডছ কৰা ছবিত ৰূপান্তৰণ ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "ৰূপান্তৰণ বিফল ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:978
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "এই নথিপত্ৰ আকৃতিৰ বাবে EXIF সমৰ্থিত নহয় ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1093
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ছবি তুলি লোৱা বিফল ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1498 ../src/eom-image.c:1600
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "কোনো ছবি তুলি লোৱা নহয় ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1508 ../src/eom-image.c:1612
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "অস্থায়ী নথিপত্ৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিবলৈ বিফল ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "সংৰক্ষণ কৰাৰ বাবে অস্থায়ী নথিপত্ৰ সৃষ্টি কৰা ন'গ'ল: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG নথিপত্ৰ পঢ়াৰ বাবে স্মৃতিশক্তি বিতৰণ কৰা ন'গ'ল"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "কেমেৰা"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ছবিৰ তথ্য"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ছবি গ্ৰহনৰ চৰ্ত্ত"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "সৃষ্টিকৰ্তাৰ টোকা"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "অন্যান্য"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP অধিকাৰৰ পৰিচালনা"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "অন্যান্য"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "টেগ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "মান"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "পুনঃপ্ৰচেষ্টা (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ছবি তুলি ল'বলৈ অক্ষম ।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ত কোনো ছবি পোৱা ন'গ'ল ।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "এই স্থানত কোনো ছবি নাই ।"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "চিত্ৰ বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "চিত্ৰ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "ছবি যাৰ মূদ্ৰণৰ গুণ প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰা হ'ব"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ বিন্যাস"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ছবি মূদ্ৰণ কৰিব লগা পৃষ্ঠাৰ তথ্য"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "অৱস্থান"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "বাওঁফালে(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "সোঁফালে (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ওপৰত (_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "তলত (_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "মাজত (_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "শূণ্য"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "উলম্ব"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "দুয়োটা"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "মাপ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "বহল (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "উচ্চতা (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "স্কেলিং (_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "একক (_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeters"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inches"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Preview"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "অজ্ঞাত"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (লেন্স)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (৩৫ মিলিমিটাৰ ফিল্ম)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "যেনে আছে"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "চলি আছে"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "অন্ততঃ দুটা নথিপত্ৰৰ নাম একেই ।"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE সংক্ৰান্ত সহায়ক তথ্য প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (অবৈধ ইউনিকোড)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:770
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i পিক্সেল %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i পিক্সেলসমূহ %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1188
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত ছবি খুলিবলৈ \"%s\" ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1338
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" ছবি ৰক্ষা কৰা হৈছে (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1677
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" ছবি তুলি লোৱা হৈছে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2376
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"নথিপত্ৰ মূদ্ৰণ কৰোঁতে ভুল:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2518
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "টুলবাৰ সম্পাদক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2521
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "অবিকল্পিতলৈ পুনঃ নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰক (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2607
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "অমিতাক্ষ ফুকন ([email protected])"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2610
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2614
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2618
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2631
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2634
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শন ব্যৱস্থা ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3075
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "স্থানীয় অৱস্থানত ছবি সংৰক্ষণ কৰা হৈছে..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3157
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"আপুনি নিশ্চিতৰূপে\n"
+"\"%s\" আবৰ্জনাৰ বক্সত স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলৈ নিশ্চিত নে ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3160
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\"-ৰ বাবে প্ৰযোজ্য আবৰ্জনাৰ বাকচ পোৱা নাযায় । আপুনি এইটো স্থায়ীৰূপে বৰ্জন "
+"কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক নেকি ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3165
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"আপুনি নিৰ্বাচিত ছবিক\n"
+"আবৰ্জনাৰ বাকচলৈ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলৈ নিশ্চিত নে ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"আপুনি %d নিৰ্বাচিত ছবিক\n"
+"আবৰ্জনাৰ বাকচলৈ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলৈ নিশ্চিত নে ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3170
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"নিৰ্বাচিত কিছু ছবি, আবৰ্জনাৰ বাকচত স্থানান্তৰ কৰা সম্ভব ন'হ'ব আৰু স্থায়ীভাবে বৰ্জন কৰা হ'ব "
+"। আগবাঢ়িবলৈ আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3187 ../src/eom-window.c:3614 ../src/eom-window.c:3638
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "আবৰ্জনাৰ বক্সত স্থানান্তৰণ (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3189
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "বৰ্তমানৰ অধিবেশনত পুনঃ প্ৰশ্ন কৰা ন'হ'ব (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3234 ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "আবৰ্জনা ফোল্ডাৰত প্ৰবেশ কৰা নাযায় ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ আঁতৰাবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s আঁতৰাওঁতে ভুল ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3536
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শন (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ছবি (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "গন্তব্য (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3539
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "সৰঞ্জাম (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "সহায় (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3542
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "খোলক(_O)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "এটা নথিপত্ৰ খোলক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3545
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "বন্ধ (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰ বন্ধ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3548
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবাৰ (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "অনুপ্ৰয়োগৰ টুলবাৰ সম্পাদন কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3551
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "পছন্দসমূহ(_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3552
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE সংক্ৰান্ত পছন্দ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3554
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "বিষয়বস্তু (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "এই অনুপ্ৰয়োগৰ কাৰণে সহায়"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "বিষয়ে (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "অনুপ্ৰয়োগৰ বিষয়ে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3563
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুল-বাৰ(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "বৰ্তমান সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰত টুলবাৰৰ উপস্থিতি বদলায়"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3566
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "অৱস্থাসূচক-বাৰ (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3567
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "বৰ্তমান সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰত অৱস্থাসূচক বাৰৰ উপস্থিতি বদলায়"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3569
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ছবিৰ সংকলন (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "বৰ্তমান সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰৰ ছবি সংকলনৰ পেইনৰ প্ৰদৰ্শন পৰিবৰ্তন কৰে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3572
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "কাষৰ পেইন (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "বৰ্তমান সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰত কাষৰ পেইনৰ উপস্থিতি বদলায়"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "সংৰক্ষণ (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3579
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "বৰ্ত্তমানে নিৰ্বাচিত ছবিৰ সলনিসমূহ সংৰক্ষণ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3581
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "ইয়াৰ সহায়ত খোলক (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত ছবিক অন্য এটা অনুপ্ৰয়োগেৰে খোলক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3584
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "এই ধৰণে সংৰক্ষণ কৰক (_A)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3585
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত ছবিক অন্য নামেৰে ৰক্ষা কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3588
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "মূদ্ৰণৰ কাৰণে পৃষ্ঠাৰ গুণ প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3590
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "মূদ্ৰণ কৰক (_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত ছবি মূদ্ৰণ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3593
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "গুণসমূহ (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3594
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত ছবিৰ গুণসমূহ আৰু মিটাডাটা দেখাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3596
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "পূৰ্বাৱস্থালৈ নিয়ক (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3597
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ছবিক পূৰ্বাৱস্থালৈ নিয়ক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3599
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক দিশত ওলোটাওক (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3600
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ছবিৰ অনুভূমিক ভাবে মিৰৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3602
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "উলম্বভাবে ওলোটাওক (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3603
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ছবিক উলম্বভাবে মিৰৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3605
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ঘড়িৰ কাঁটাৰ দিশত ঘূৰাওক (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3606
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ছবিক ৯০ ডিগ্ৰী সোঁফালে ঘূৰাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3608
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "ঘড়িৰ কাঁটাৰ বিপৰীত দিশত ঘূৰাওক (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3609
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ছবিক ৯০ ডিগ্ৰী বাওঁফালে ঘূৰাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3611
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "ডেষ্কট'পৰ পটভূমি ৰূপে নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰা হ'ব (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3612
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত ছবি ডেস্কট'পৰ পটভূমি ৰূপে ধাৰ্য কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত ছবিক আবৰ্জনাৰ বাকচলৈ নিয়ক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3617 ../src/eom-window.c:3629 ../src/eom-window.c:3632
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "ডাঙৰ কৰি প্ৰদৰ্শন (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3618 ../src/eom-window.c:3630
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ছবি ডাঙৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3620 ../src/eom-window.c:3635
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "সৰু কৰি প্ৰদৰ্শন (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3621 ../src/eom-window.c:3633 ../src/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ছবি সৰু কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3623
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মাপ (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3624
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মাপত ছবি দেখুৱাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3626
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "সৰ্বোত্তম মাপ (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3627
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ছবিক সংযোগক্ষেত্ৰত খাপ খোৱাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3644
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰ্দাত প্ৰদৰ্শন (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3645
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "বৰ্ত্তমানৰ ছবিক সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰ্দ্দাত দেখুৱাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3650 ../src/eom-window.c:3662
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "আগৰ ছবি (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3651
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনৰ আগৰ ছবিলৈ যাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3653
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "পিছৰ ছবি (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3654
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনৰ পিছৰ ছবিলৈ যাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3656 ../src/eom-window.c:3665
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "প্ৰথম ছবি (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনৰ প্ৰথম ছবিলৈ যাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3659 ../src/eom-window.c:3668
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "সৰ্বশেষ ছবি (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3660
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনৰ সৰ্বশেষ ছবিলৈ যাওক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3674
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "স্লাইড-ছো (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3675
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ছবিসমূহৰ এটা স্লাইড-ছো প্ৰদৰ্শন আৰম্ভ কৰক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3741
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "আগলৈ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3745
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "পিছলৈ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3749
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "সোঁফালে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "বাওঁফালে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ভিতৰত"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3758
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "বাহিৰত"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3761
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3764
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "সৰ্বোত্তম মাপ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3767
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "সংগ্ৰহ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3770
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "আৰ্বজনা"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইন"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "সক্ৰিয়"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "বিন্যাস কৰক (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "সক্ৰিয় কৰক (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "সকলো সক্ৰিয় কৰক (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "সকলো নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰক (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "সক্ৰিয় প্লাগ-ইন:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইনৰ বিষয়ে (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইন বিন্যাস কৰক (_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "সম্পূৰ্ণ পৰ্দ্দাৰ মোডত খোলক"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ছবিৰ সঙ্কলন নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰক"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "স্লাইড-ছো মোডত খোলক"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "উপস্থিত চানেকি পুনৰায় ব্যৱহাৰ নকৰি এটা নতুন চানেকি নিৰ্মাণ কৰক"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"আদেশ-শাৰীৰ পৰা ব্যৱহাৰযোগ্য সকলো বিকল্পৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ তালিকা চোৱাৰ বাবে '%s --help' "
+"প্ৰয়োগ কৰক ।"
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শন ব্যৱস্থা"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "ফাইল বিদ্যমান"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "আবৰ্জনাৰ বাক্সে স্থানান্তৰ"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "পৃষ্ঠাৰ বৈশিষ্ট্য...(_u)"
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "ওয়াল-পেপাৰ ৰূপে স্থাপন কৰুন (_W)"
diff --git a/po/ast.po b/po/ast.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..005fd72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ast.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1490 @@
+# Asturian translation for eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 eom's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Astur <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Xandru Armesto <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: "
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-26 10:24+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-23 18:13+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Xandru Armesto <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Softastur [email protected]\n"
+"Language: ast\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.5.2\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Asturian\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Amosar “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mover a la Barra de Ferramientes"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Mueve l'elementu seleicionáu a la barra de ferramientes"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Quitar de la Barra de Ferramientes"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Quita l'elementu seleicionáu de la barra de ferramientes"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Esborrar Barra de Ferramientes"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Quitar la barra de ferramientes seleicionada"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separtador"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Executándose en mou de pantalla completa"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activar el mou de pantalla completa con una pulsación duble"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pantalla completa con pulsación duble"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Recargar Imaxe"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Recargar la imaxe actual"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data na barra d'estáu"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Amuesa la data de la imaxe na barra d'estáu de la ventana"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Restola y voltia imáxenes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor d'Imáxenes"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor d'Apertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modelu de Cámara:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/Hora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripción:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalles"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Tiempu d'Esposición:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distancia Focal:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Xeneral"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Altor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Tasa de velocidá ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propiedaes d'Imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Pallabres clave:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Allugamientu:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadatos"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mou de Midida:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nome:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipu:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Anchor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Siguiente"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Anterior"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nome de ficheru orixinal"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> cuntador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Escueyi una carpeta"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Carpeta de destín:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Prever nome de ficheru"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificaciones de la Ruta de Ficheru"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formatu del nome de ficheru:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Renomar de:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Trocar espacios por guión baxu"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Guardar Como"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Aniciar cuntador en:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "A:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Como _fondu de pantalla"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Como _patrón de cuadrícula"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Como c_olor personalizáu:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Color pa Árees Tresparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_spander imáxenes hasta axustar a la pantalla"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencies d'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Ameyora d'Imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vista d'Imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom d'Imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Secuencia"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diapositives"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Suavizar imáxenes al _ampliar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Suavizar imáxenes al _amenorgar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Partes tresparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Auto orientación"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Secuencia en _bucle"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Camudar imaxe tres:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Un valor mayor que 0 determina los segundos qu'una imaxe permanez na "
+"pantalla hasta que la siguiente s'amuesa automáticamente. Cero desactiva la "
+"visualización automática."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins activos"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permite una ampliación mayor que'l 100% d'aniciu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientación automática"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Retardu en segundos hasta que s'amuesa la imaxe siguiente"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina cómo tendría de conseñase la tresparencia. Los valores válidos son "
+"CHECK_PATTERN; COLOR y NONE. Si s'escueye COLOR, entós la clave "
+"«trans_color» determina'l valor del color usáu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Estrapolar Imaxe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Si ta activu'l Visor d'imáxenes nun pedirá confirmación al mover imáxenes a "
+"la papelera. Entrugará si dalgún de los ficheros nun se puede mover a la "
+"papelera y tendrá de ser esborráu nel so llugar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si ta activu y nun hai denguna imaxe cargada na ventana activa, el seleutor "
+"de ficheros amosará les imáxenes del direutoriu del usuariu usando los "
+"direutorios especiales d'usuariu XDG. Si ta desactiváu o'l direutoriu "
+"d'imáxenes nun se configuró, amosará'l direutoriu de trabayu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si ta activa la llista de metadatos detallaos nel diálogu de propiedaes "
+"moveráse a la so propia páxina nel diálogu. Esto fadrá'l diálogu más usable "
+"en pantalles pequeñes, como les de los «netbooks». Si ta desactiváu'l widget "
+"empotraráse na páxina «Metadatos»."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la clave de tresparencia tien un valor COLOR, entós, esta clave "
+"determina'l color que s'usa pa conseñar la tresparencia."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Si esto s'afita a FALSE les imáxenes pequeñes nun sedrán axustaes hasta "
+"cubrir tola pantalla d'aniciu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posición del panel de coleición d'imáxenes. Afita 0 p'abaxo; 1 pa esquierda; "
+"2 p'arriba; 3 pa drecha."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolar Imaxe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Llista de los complementos activos. Nun contién el «Allugamientu» de los "
+"complementos activos. Adique'l ficheru .eom-plugin pa obtener el "
+"«Allugamientu» pa un complementu determináu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Ciclar a traviés de la secuencia d'imáxenes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Ampliación cola rueda del mur"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Amuesa/Anubre los botones de desplazamientu del panel de coleición "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Amuesa/Anubre'l panel de coleición d'imáxenes."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Amuesa/Anubre'l panel llateral de la ventana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Amuesa/Anubre la barra d'estáu de la ventana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Amuesa/Anubre la barra de ferramientes de la ventana."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"El multiplicador a aplicar cuando s'use'l mur p'ampliar. Esti valor define'l "
+"pasu de l'ampliación usada pa cada eventu de desplazamientu. Por exemplo, "
+"0.05 resulta nun incrementu del 5% pa cada eventu de desplazamientu y 1.00 "
+"resulta nun incrementu d'ampliación del 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Color de tresparencia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de tresparencia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Unviar imáxenes a la papelera ensin entrugar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Conseña si'l seleutor de ficheros tien d'amosar la carpeta d'imáxenes del "
+"usuariu si nun hai denguna imaxe cargada."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+"Conseña si'l panel de coleición d'imáxenes tendría de ser redimensionable o "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Conseña si hai d'estrapolar la imaxe al ampliala. Produz meyor calidá pero "
+"va daqué más sele que les imáxenes non estrapolaes."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si la imaxe tien d'interpolase al amenorgala. Produz una meyor "
+"calidá, pero ye daqué más sele que les imáxenes non interpolaes."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Conseña si la imaxe tien de voltiase automáticamente basándose na "
+"orientación EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Conseña si la llista de metadatos nel diálogu de propiedaes tien de tener la "
+"so propia páxina."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Conseña si la rueda del mur tien d'usase p'ampliar o non."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Conseña si la secuencia d'imáxenes tien d'amosase nun bucle infinitu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicador d'ampliación"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Zarrar _ensin Guardar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Entruga"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Si nun guardes los cambeos van perdese dafechu."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "¿Guardar cambeos na imaxe \"%s\" enantes de zarrar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Hai %d imaxe ensin cambeos guardaos. ¿Guardar los cambeos enantes de zarrar?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Hai %d imáxenes ensin cambeos guardaos. ¿Guardar los cambeos enantes de "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_eleiciona les imáxenes que quies guardar:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Si nun guardes los cambeos, van perdese dafechu."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "El formatu de ficheru ye desconocíu o nun ta sofitáu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"El Visor d'imáxenes nun pudo determinar un formatu de ficheru escribible "
+"sofitáu basándose nel nome del ficheru."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Téntalo con una estensión de ficheru desemeyada como .png o .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tolos Ficheros"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Toles Imáxenes"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "píxel"
+msgstr[1] "píxeles"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Cargar Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Guardar Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Abrir Carpeta"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Tresformación nuna imaxe nun cargada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Falló la tresformación."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF non sofitáu pa esti formatu de ficheru."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Fallu al cargar la imaxe."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nun se cargó denguna imaxe."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "La creación del ficheru temporal falló."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nun se pudo crear el ficheru temporal pa guardar: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nun se pudo atopar memoria pa cargar el ficheru JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Cámara"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Datos de la Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condiciones nes que se Tomó la Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nota de Marcador"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Otru"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Xestión de Drechos XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Otru XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Retentar"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Nun se pudo cargar la imaxe '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nun s'alcontraron imáxenes en '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Los allugamientos proporcionaos nun contienen imáxenes."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Axustes d'Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Imaxe a la que se van definir les propiedaes"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configuración de Páxina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Información de la páxina u se va imprentar la imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posición"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Izquierda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "D_recha:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Arriba:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "A_baxo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entru:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Dengún"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Dambos"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamañu"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "A_nchor:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "A_ltor:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "E_scaláu:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unidá:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milímetros"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Pulgaes"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Vista previa"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Desconocíu"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (llonx. focal)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (película de 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "como ye"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Tomada en"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "A lo menos hai dos nomes de ficheru iguales."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nun se pudo amosar l'aida pa Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode non válidu)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i píxel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i píxeless %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Usar \"%s\" p'abrir la imaxe seleicionada"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Guardando imaxe \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Cargando imaxe \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fallu al imprentar el ficheru:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de la Barra de Ferramientes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Resetear a Predeterminaos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Xandru Armesto [email protected]\n"
+"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
+" Iñigo Varela\n"
+" Xuacu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr "Esti programa ye software llibre; pues redistribuyilu y/o camudalu baxo los "
+"términos de la Llicencia Pública Xeneral de GNU espublizada pola Fundación "
+"del Software Llibre; na versión 2 o (a la to eleición) una más nueva.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr "Esti programa distribúise col enfotu de que seya usable, pero ENSIN NENGUNA "
+"GARANTÍA, inclusive ensin la garantía implícida de COMERCIALIDÁ o ADECUACIÓN "
+"A UN PROPÓSITU PARTICULAR. Llei la Llicencia Pública Xeneral pa más detáis.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Tendríes de tener recibío una copia de la Llicencia Pública Xeneral de GNU "
+"con esti programa; si nun ye asina, escribi a la Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "El visor d'imáxenes de MATE."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"La imaxe \"%s\" afitóse como Fondu d'Escritoriu.\n"
+"¿Quies camudar el so aspeutu?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Guardando la imaxe llocalmente…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿De xuru quies mover\n"
+"\"%s\" a la papelera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Nun se pudo alcontrar la papelera pa \"%s\". ¿Quies desaniciar esta imaxe pa "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"¿Daveres quies mover la\n"
+"%d imaxe seleicionada a la papelera?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"¿Daveres quies mover les\n"
+"%d imáxenes seleicionaes a la papelera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Dalgunes de les imáxenes seleicionaes nun se pueden mover a la papelera y "
+"van ser desaniciaes dafechu. ¿Daveres quies siguir?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mover a la _Papelera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Nun entrugar otra vuelta durante esta sesión"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nun se pudo acceder a la papelera."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Nun se pudo esborrar el ficheru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Fallu al esborrar la imaxe %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Ficheru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ver"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Dir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Ferramientes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Aida"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Abrir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Abrir un ficheru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Zarrar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zarrar ventana"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Barra de ferramientes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Editar la barra de ferramientes de l'aplicación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_ncies"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferencies pa Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Conteníos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Aida tocante a esta aplicación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Tocante _a"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Tocante a esta aplicación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Barra Ferramientes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Camuda la visibilidá de la barra de ferramientes na ventana actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'E_stáu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Camuda la visibilidá de la barra d'estáu na ventana actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Coleición d'_Imáxenes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Camuda la visibilidá de la coleición d'imáxenes del panel na ventana actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panel llateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Camuda la visibilidá del panel llateral na ventana actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Guardar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Guardar los cambeos nes imáxenes actualmente seleicionaes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Abrir _con"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Abre la imaxe seleicionada con una aplicación diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Guardar C_omo…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Guarda les imáxenes seleicionaes con un nome diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Afita les propiedaes de la páxina pa imprentar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Im_prentar…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprentar la imaxe seleicionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "P_ropiedaes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Amuesa les propiedaes y los metadatos de la imaxe seleicionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Desfacer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Desfai'l caberu cambéu na imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Espeyar _Horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Espeya la imaxe horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Espeyar _Verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Espeya la imaxe verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Voltiar en Sen Horariu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Voltia la imaxe 90 graos a la drecha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Voltiar en Sen _Antihorariu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Voltia la imaxe 90 graos a la esquierda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Afitar como Fondu del _Escritoriu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Afitar la imaxe seleicionada como'l fondu del escritoriu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mover la imaxe seleicionada a la papelera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Ampliar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Allargar la imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "A_menorgar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Encueye la imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Tamañu _Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Amuesa la imaxe col so tamañu normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Meyor _Encaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Axusta la imaxe a la ventana"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Pantalla _completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Amosar la imaxe actual en mou de pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imaxe _Anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Dir a la imaxe anterior de la coleición"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Imaxe _Siguiente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Dir a la siguiente imaxe de la coleición"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Primer Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Dir a la primer imaxe de la coleición"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Cabera Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Dir a la cabera imaxe de la coleición"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imaxe al D_ebalu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Dir a una imaxe de la coleición al debalu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diapositives"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Anicia una presentación de diapositives de les imáxenes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Siguiente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Drecha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquierda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Aumentar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Amenorgar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Axustar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Coleición"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Papelera"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Habilitáu"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tivar Too"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desactivar Too"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Com_plementos Activos:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Tocante al Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar Plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:62
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Abrir en mou de pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Desactivar la coleición d'imáxenes"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Abrir en mou diapositives"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Aniciar una nueva instancia n'arróu de refugar la que yá esiste"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FICHERU…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Executa '%s --help' pa ver una llista completa de les opciones disponibles "
+"na llinia de comandos."
+#: ../src/main.c:232
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor d'imáxenes Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detáis</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Altor:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nome:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipu:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Anchor:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Guard_ar Como..."
diff --git a/po/az.po b/po/az.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c1e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/az.po
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+# translation of to Azerbaijani Turkish
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2000,2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Vasif Ismailoglu MD <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Mətin Əmirov <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-11 19:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-14 15:22+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mətin Əmirov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Azerbaijani Turkish <[email protected]."
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.2\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Rəsm Nümayişcisi"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Bir çox rəsm növlərinin nümayişi"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rəsm İnterpolyasiyası</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rəsm Yaxınlaşdırması/b>"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rəsm İnterpolyasiyası</b>"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ardıcıllıq</b>"
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Şəffaf Hissələr</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Başlanğıcda 100%-dən böyük _yaxınlıq dərəcəsinə icazə ver"
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Arxa plan _olaraq"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Na_xış olaraq"
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Xüsusi rə_ng olaraq"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Şəffaf Sahələrin Rəngi"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Qovluğu Aç"
+msgid "Eye of Mate Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate Seçimləri"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Fayl adı"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "Rəsm _Görünüşü"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "_Fərqli Qeyd Et"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Rəsm qeyd edilir"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Sonrakı rəsmin avtomatik göstərilmə _vaxtı:"
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "_Ardıcıl Nümayiş"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Bağla"
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "Böyüdüləndə rəsmi _interpolyasiya et"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Təkrarlama ardıcıllığı"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "saniyə"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Sıfırdan böyük olan rəqəm rəsmin diqəri göstərilənə dək nə müddət ekranda "
+"göstəriləcəyini bildirir. Əgər sıfır verilsə, avtomatik nümayiş fəal "
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Başlanğıcda 100%-dən böyük yaxınlıq dərəcəsinə icazə ver"
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Növbəti rəsmin göstərilincəyə dək saniyə olaraq gecikmə"
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Şəffaflığın necə göstəriləcəyini müəyyən edir. Hökmlü qiymətlər "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR və NONE-dur. Əgər COLOR seçilərsə, trans_color açarı "
+"işlədilən rəngin qitmətini müəyyən edir."
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Əgər şəffaflıq açarının qiyməti COLOR isə, bu zaman bu açar şəffaflığı "
+"göstərən rəngi müəyyən edər."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Əgər burada FALSE seçilibsə, kiçik rəsmlər ekrana tam oturmaq üçün "
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Rəsmi İnterpolyasiya et"
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Rəsmlər arasında ilgəklə"
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Rəsmi yeni pəncərədə aç"
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Pəncərə vəziyyət çubuğunu göstər/gizlət."
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Pəncərə vasitə çubuğunu göstər/gizlət."
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Şəffaflıq rəngi"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Şəffaflıq işarəsi"
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Açılan rəsmin başqa rəsmin olduğu pəncərədəki rəsmin yerini alması yerinə "
+"yeni pəncərədə açılması."
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Rəsm ardıcıllığının sonsuz ilgək ilə göstərilməsi."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Yaxınlaşdırma ərzində rəsmin interpolyasiya ediləcəyi. Bu daha ə'la "
+"keyfiyyətə yalnız interpolyasiya edilməmiş rəsmlərə nəzarən biraz daha yavaş "
+"sür'ətə yol açar."
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Bütün Fayllar"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Bütün Rəsmlər"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s piksel"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Rəsmi Yüklə"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Rəsmi Qeyd Et"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Qovluğu Aç"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Qeyd etmək üçün müvəqqəti fayl yaradıla bilmədi: %s"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG faylını yükləmək üçün yaddaş ayrıla bilmədi"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "boş fayl"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Fayl mövcuddur"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Yüklü rəsm yoxdur."
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Ad"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Rəsmin Eni"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Rəsm Kolleksiyası"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Qiymət"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Fayl adı"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "En"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Hündürlük"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Fayl böyüklüyü"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Əlamət"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "_Fayl"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of Mate."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Rəsm qeyd edilir"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Qeydi ləğv et"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Orta"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "_Məzmun"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "saniyə"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2167 shell/eom-window.c:2482
+#: shell/main.c:498
+msgid "Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "MATE rəsm nümayiş və kataloqlama proqramı"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of Mate.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of Mate üçün yardım göstərilə bilmədi.\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:627
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "%s faylının üstünə yazmaq istəyirsiniz?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:636 shell/eom-window.c:649
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:637
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:642
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:650 shell/eom-window.c:1034
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1023
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Qeyd etmək üçün müvəqqəti fayl yaradıla bilmədi: %s"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1166
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Rəsm qeyd edilir"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1399
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "%s faylının üstünə yazmaq istəyirsiniz?"
+msgstr[1] "%s faylının üstünə yazmaq istəyirsiniz?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1437
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr ""
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2096
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i piksel %s %i%%"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2233
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fayl"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2234
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Düzəlt"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2235
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Görünüş"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2236
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Yardım"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Yeni"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Yeni pəncərə aç"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Aç..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Bir fayl aç"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open _Directory..."
+msgstr "_Qovluğu Aç..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open a directory"
+msgstr "Qovluq aç"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Bağla"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Pəncərəni bağla"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Seçi_mlər"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate Seçimləri"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Məzmun"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Bu proqram haqqında yardım"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Haqqında"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Bu proqram haqqında"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Vasitə Çubuğu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2249
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Və_ziyyət Çubuğu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2254
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Qeyd Et"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2255
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "_Fərqli Qeyd Et"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Geri Al"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2259
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Üfüqi İstiqamətdə Çevir"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2260
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Şaquli İstiqamətdə Çevir"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Saat Əqrəbi _İstiqamətində Çevir"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2263
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Saat Əqrəbinin _Tərs İstiqamətində Çevir"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2264
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "180 _Dərəcə Çevir"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2266
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2268
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Tam Ekran"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2269
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Yaxınlaşdır"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2270
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Uzaqlaşdır"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normal Böyüklük"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2272
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Ən _Uyğun"
+#: shell/main.c:236
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"Eyni anda %i pəncərə açacaqsınız. Bunun əvəzinə onları yığcam olaraq açmaq "
+#: shell/main.c:240
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Birdən çox ayrı pəncərə açılsın?"
+#: shell/main.c:244
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Tək Pəncərələr"
+#: shell/main.c:246
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kolleksiya"
+#: shell/main.c:298
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Fayl(lar) tapılmadı."
+msgstr[1] "Fayl(lar) tapılmadı."
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "`%s' açıla bilmədi"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Rəsm Kolleksiyası Nümayişçisi"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Rəsm kolleksiyası nümayişi e'malatxanası"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "_Rəsm Kolleksiyası Olaraq Göstər"
+#~ msgid "View as Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsm Kolleksiyası Olaraq Göstər"
+#~ msgid "Next"
+#~ msgstr "Sonrakı"
+#~ msgid "Next Image"
+#~ msgstr "Sonrakı Rəsm"
+#~ msgid "Previous"
+#~ msgstr "Əvvəlki"
+#~ msgid "Previous Image"
+#~ msgstr "Əvvəlki Rəsm"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Ardıcıl Nümayiş"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Qeyd etmə bitdi"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Zibil Qutusuna At"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Yığcam Nümayiş"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsmlər: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Pəncərə Başlığı"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Vəziyyət Mətni"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsm Yüklənmə İrəliləyişi"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Rəsmi"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Rəsm Nümayçisi"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Rəsm nümayişçisi e'malatxanası"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Hopdurula bilmən EOM Rəsmi"
+#~ msgid "Image"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsm"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "Rəsmlər yalnız yerli fayl olaraq qeyd edilə bilər."
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Qeyd üçün dəstəklənməyən rəsm növü."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Səhifə"
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Nümayiş"
+#~ msgid "Millimeter"
+#~ msgstr "Millimetr"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Kağız"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% Original böyüklük "
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Buna uyğunlaşdır:"
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Yardım kəsilir"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Aşağı, sonra sağa"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Səhifəyə yaraşdır"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally"
+#~ msgstr "Üfüqi olaraq"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Üfüqi olaraq"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Kənarlar"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Yardım sifarişi"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Üst Üstə Gətir"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Yardımı üst üstə gətir"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Səhifə ardıcıllığı"
+# Right down
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Sağa, sonra aşağı"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Miqyasla"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Göstər"
+#~ msgid "Vertically"
+#~ msgstr "Şaquli olaraq"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Şaquli olaraq"
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Çap ediləcək data ya da fayl adı"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Ləğv Et"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Hazırkı pəncərədəki vəziyyət çubuğunun görünüşünü dəyişdir"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Hazırkı pəncərədəki vasitə çubuğunun görünüşünü dəyişdir"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Yeni"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Aç"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Yeni pəncərədə aç"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "Bu pəncərədə aç"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Proqramdan çıx"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "Çı_x"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vasif İsmailoğlu <[email protected]>\n"
+#~ "Mətin Əmirov <[email protected]>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Tərcümə işləri üzrə yazışma siyahısı ünvanımız:\n"
+#~ msgid "Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Yaraşdır"
+#~ msgid "In"
+#~ msgstr "Yaxına"
+#~ msgid "Normal"
+#~ msgstr "Normal"
+#~ msgid "Out"
+#~ msgstr "Uzağa"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Tam Ekran"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Çap ediləcək rəsm nümayişi"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Çap _Nümayişi..."
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "Ç_ap Qurğuları"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsmi çapçıya çap et"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Sola Çevir"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Sağa Çevir"
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "Hazırkı çapçı üçün qurğuları quraşdır"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "Ç_ap Et..."
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Saat Əqrəbi _İstiqamətində Çevir"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Saat Əqrəbinin _Tərs İstiqamətində Çevir"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Yaxınlaşdır"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/_Uzaqlaşdır"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Normal Böyüklük"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Ə_n Uyğun"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Bağla"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "%s rəsmi yüklənə bilmədi."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "%s rəsmi yüklənə bilmədi.\n"
+#~ "Səbəb: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Yüklənmə bacarılmadı"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsm müvəffəqiyyətlə qeyd edildi"
+#~ msgid "Image saving failed"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsm qeyd edilə bilmədi"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Rəsmin Hündürlüyü"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Vəziyyət Çubuğu Mətni"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Pəncərənin Ön Qurğulu Eni"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Pəncərənin Ön Qurğulu Hündürlüyü"
diff --git a/po/be.po b/po/be.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8928dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/be.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1701 @@
+# Беларускі пераклад eom.HEAD.
+# Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Vital Khilko <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Ales Nyakhaychyk <[email protected]>, 2002, 2004.
+# Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-12 20:44+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-03 12:45+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Belarusian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
+"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#: ../
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Праглядай і паварочвай малюнкі"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Глядач малюнкаў"
+#: ../
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Перадпрагляд назвы файла</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Спэцыфікацыі шляху да файла</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Паляпшэньні малюнка</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Маштаб</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Парамэтры</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Пасьлядоўнасьць</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Празрыстастыя часткі</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Як _тло"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Як абраны ў_зор"
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Як адмысловы _колер:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Колер для празрыстых прастораў"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Тэчка прызначэньня:"
+#: ../
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Расьцягваць малюнкі на ўвесь экран"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Перавагі Eye·of·MATE"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Фармат файла:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Выгляд малюнка"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Перайменаваць з:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Замяніць прагалы падкрэсьліваньнямі"
+#: ../ ../shell/eom-window.c:3607
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Захаваць як"
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Запіс малюнка"
+#: ../
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слайдшоў"
+#: ../
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Інтэрпаляцыя малюнка пры _маштабаваньні"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Запусьціць лічыльнік ад:"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Куды:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Аўтаматычная арыентацыя"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "А_гляд"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Цыклічная пасьлядоўнасьць"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Зьмяніць малюнак праз:"
+#: ../
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "сэкундаў"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Значэньне, большае за 0, азначае колькасьць сэкундаў, якую малюнак будзе "
+"заставацца на экране, пакуль ня будзе аўтаматычна паказаны наступны. Нуль "
+"выключае аўтаматычную зьмену малюнкаў."
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Дазволіць пачатковы маштаб большы за 100%"
+#: ../
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Аўтаматычная арыентацыя"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Прамежак часу ў сэкундах паміж зьменамі малюнкаў"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Вызначае як адлюстроўваецца празрыстасьць. Дапушчальныя значэньні: "
+"\"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR і NONE\". Калі выбрана COLOR, тады ключ \"trans_color"
+"\" задае колер."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Калі ключ празрыстасьці мае значэньне COLOR, тады гэты ключ вызначае колер "
+"для адлюстраваньня празрыстасьці."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Калі гэтае значэньне ўсталявана ў FALSE, тады маленькія малюнкі ня будуць "
+"расьцягнутыя адразу ж да памераў экрана."
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Інтэрпаляваць малюнак"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "Геамэтрыя апошняга вакна з калекцыяй"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "Геаметрыя апошняга асобнага вакна"
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Пракручваць пасьлядоўнасьць малюнкаў"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Адлюстраваць малюнкі ў новым акне"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць зьвесткі для калекцыі."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць зьвесткі для асобнага малюнка."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць прастору калекцыі."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць радок стану."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Паказаць/схаваць панэлю сродкаў."
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Колер празрыстасьці"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Індыкатар празрыстасьці"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Ці мусіць адкрыты малюнак ствараць новае вакно замест таго, каб замяніць "
+"малюнак ва ўжо адкрытым вакне."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Ці мусіць пасьлядоўнасьць малюнкаў пракручвацца бясконца."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Ці мусіць інтэрпалявацца малюнак пры маштабаваньні. Гэта паляпшае якасьць, "
+"але запавольвае хуткасьць адлюстраваньня."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Ці трэба аўтаматычна паварочваць малюнак у адпаведнасьці з арыентацыяй EXIF."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:344
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Немагчыма стварыць часовы файл, каб захаваць %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:363
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Немагчыма вызваліць памяць для загрузкі файла JPEG"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:436
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Трансфармаваньне незагружанага малюнка."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:714
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF не падтрымліваецца для гэтага фармату."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1128 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1337
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Файл існуе"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1277 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1405
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Малюнак не загружаны."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1286 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1414
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Памылка стварэньня часовага файла."
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Камэра"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Дадзеныя малюнка"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:31
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Умовы здыманьня малюнка"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:32
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Нататак маркера"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:33
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Іншае"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:211
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Тэг"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:219 ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Значэньне"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28 ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:29
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Назва файла"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:29
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Шырыня"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:30
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Вышыня"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:31
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Памер файла"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Атрыбут"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:79
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Файл"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:91
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:98
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1025
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Ня менш за две аднолькавых назвы файлаў."
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:44
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (нерэчаісны Unicode)"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:123
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Усе файлы"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Усе відарысы"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:149
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:245
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr[0] "%s x %s піксаль"
+msgstr[1] "%s x %s піксалі"
+msgstr[2] "%s x %s піксаляў"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:391
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "Адкрыць у новым акне"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:419
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Адкрыць малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:427
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Запісаць малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:435
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Адчыняе тэчку"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:110
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Немагчыма адлюстраваць даведку для Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:810
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:811
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Малюнак, для якога трэба вызначыць рэжым друку"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:817
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Наладка аркуша"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:818
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Зьвесткі пра аркуш, на якім будзе надрукаваны малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Разьмяшчэньне"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:847
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "Зь_лева:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "С_права:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:849
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "У_версе:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:850
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "У_нізе:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:852
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Па_сярэдзіне:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:857
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Няма"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:859
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Гарызантальна"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:861
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Вэртыкальна"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:863
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Абодва"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:879
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Памер"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Шырыня:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Вышыня:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Маштабаваньне:"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:902
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Адзінкі: "
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Мілімэтры"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:909
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Дзюймы"
+#: ../shell/eom-print-image-setup.c:929
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Перадпрагляд"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:30
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Лічыльнік"
+#. These are currently unsupported and being hidden
+#. * to avoid making the UI look broken
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:34
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Камэнтар"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:35
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Дата"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:36
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Час"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:37
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Дзень"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:38
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Месяц"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:39
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Год"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:40
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Гадзіна"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:41
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Хвіліна"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:42
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Сэкунды"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Магчымасьць адсутнічае."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:163
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"Каб карыстацца гэтай функцыяй, вам неабходна бібліятэка libexif. Калі ласка, "
+"усталюйце яе ( і перазьбярыце Eye of Mate."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:237
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "як ёсьць"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Запіс малюнка %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:243
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Скасаваньне захаваньня..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:570
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Наладка малюнка"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:585
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Памылка друку файла:\n"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:697
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Ales Nyakhaychyk <nab mail by>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:700
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Гэта праграма - вольнае праграмнае забесьпячэньне; вы можаце распаўсюджваць "
+"і/альбо зьмяняць яе ў адпаведнасьці з тэрмінамі \"GNU General Public License"
+"\", якую выдала Фундацыя вольнага праграмнага забесьпячэньня; вэрсія 2 гэтае "
+"ліцэнзіі альбо (на ваш выбар) больш новая вэрсія.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:704
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Гэта праграма распаўсюджваецца з надзеяй, што яна будзе карысная, але безь "
+"НІЯКАЕ ГАРАНТЫІ; нават без гарантыі меркаванай прыдатнасьці для якое-небудзь "
+"мэты. За падрабязнасьцямі зьвяртайцеся да тэксту \"GNU General Public License"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:708
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
+"Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+msgstr ""
+"Вы мусілі атрымаць копію ліцэнзіі \"GNU General Public License\" разам з "
+"гэтай праграмай. Калі вы не атрымалі яе, дашліце ліст ў фундацыю Free "
+"Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-"
+"1301, USA"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:721 ../shell/eom-window.c:3326
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3964 ../shell/main.c:624
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Вока MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:724
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "MATE-праграма для прагляду і каталягізацыі малюнкаў."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:755
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Немагчыма адлюстраваць даведку для \"Вока MATE.\"\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1190
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Перазапісаць файл %s?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1191
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Файл існуе. Ці жадаеце перазапісаць яго?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1202 ../shell/eom-window.c:1218
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Абмінуць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1203
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Перазапісаць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Памылка захаваньня %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1219 ../shell/eom-window.c:1786
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Паўтарыць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1649
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "Немагчыма вызначыць URI прызначэньня."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1772
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Немагчыма вызначыцьфармат файла %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1773
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"Калі ласка, выкарыстоўвайце адпаведны суфікс файла ці вылучыце фармат файла."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1911
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Памылка запісу малюнкаў."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2178
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Вы насамрэч жадаеце перамясьціць\n"
+"\"%s\" у Сьметніцу?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2181
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Вы сапраўды хочаце перамясьціць\n"
+"%d выбраны малюнак у сьметніцу?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Вы сапраўды хочаце перамясьціць\n"
+"%d выбраныя малюнкі ў сьметніцу?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Вы сапраўды хочаце перамясьціць\n"
+"%d выбраных малюнкаў у сьметніцу?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2196 ../shell/eom-window.c:3562
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Перанесьці ў сьметніцу"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2227
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Немагчыма атрымаць доступ да Сьметніка."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2303
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Памылка выдаленьня малюнка %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixels [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3187
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i піксаль %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i піксалi %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i x %i піксаляў %s %i%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3243
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr "Прычына: %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3412
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "Немагчыма прачытаць малюнак %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Файл"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3528
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Рэдагаваньне"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3529
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Выгляд"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3530
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3531
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Пераход"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3532
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Даведка"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3533
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Адчыніць..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3533
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Адкрывае файл"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "За_крыць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Зачыніць акно"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Перавагі"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Перавагі для Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3536
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Зьмест"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3536
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Дапаможнік аб праграме"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "А_б праграме..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Пра праграму"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3542
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Панэля _сродкаў"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3542
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Зьмяняе бачнасьць панэлі сродкаў у бягучым вакне"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Рад_ок стану"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Зьмяняе бачнасьць радка стану ў бягучым вакне"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3544
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Калекцыя малюнкаў"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3544
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Зьмяняе бачнасьць прасторы калекцыі малюнкаў у актыўным вакне"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3548
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Захаваць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3549
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Захаваць _як..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3550
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "На_ладка аркуша..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3551
+msgid "Print..."
+msgstr "Друк..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3553
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Адкаціць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Гарызантальнае люстра"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3556
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Вэртыкальнае люстра"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Па_вярнуць па-сонцу"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3559
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Павярнуць лі_чыльнік супраць сонца"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3560
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Зрабіць _шпалерамі тла"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Поўны экран"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3565
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Слайдшоў"
+#. accelerators
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3566 ../shell/eom-window.c:3572
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "На_блізіць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3567 ../shell/eom-window.c:3574
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Адда_ліць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3568
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Звчайны памер"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3569
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Найл_епшы выгляд"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3575 ../shell/eom-window.c:3577
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Наступны малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3576 ../shell/eom-window.c:3578
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3579 ../shell/eom-window.c:3590
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Пяпярэдні малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3580
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Перанесьці ў _Сьметніцу"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3581 ../shell/eom-window.c:3592
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Пер_шы малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3582 ../shell/eom-window.c:3593
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Ап_ошні малюнак"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3586
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "Зь_весткі малюнка"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3586
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Зьмяняе бачнасьць інфармацыйнай прасторы ў бягучым вакне"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3604
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Адчыніць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3605
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Зачыніць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3606
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Захаваць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3608
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Адкаціць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3611
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Зправа"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3612
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Зьлева"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Павялічыць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3616
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Паменьшыць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3617
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Звычайны"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3618
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Запоўніць"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3619
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Наступны"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3620
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Папярэдні"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "Ня знойдзена апісаньне спалучэньня карыстальніка"
+#: ../shell/main.c:22
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[ФАЙЛ...]"
+#: ../shell/main.c:161
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "Немагчыма стварыць спалучэньне карыстальніка для Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/main.c:356
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Файл ня знойдзены."
+msgstr[1] "Файлы ня знойдзены."
+msgstr[2] "Файлы ня знойдзены."
+#: ../shell/main.c:426
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Немагчыма прачытаць малюнак '%s'."
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open '%s'"
+msgstr "Адчыніць \"%s\""
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:444
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "Пуста"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Адлюстроўвае малюнкі разнастайных фарматаў"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Сляйд-шоў"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Інтэрпаляцыя відарыса</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "Дазв_оліць пачатковае павелічэньне большае за 100%"
+#~ msgid "Print"
+#~ msgstr "Друк"
+#~ msgid "Print Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Перадпрагляд друку"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Павя_рнуць на 180°"
+#~ msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+#~ msgstr "Немагчыма адкрыць `%s'"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the %d selected image to the trash?Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the %d selected images to the trash?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Вы насамрэч жадаеце перамясьціць\"%d відарыс у Сьметніцу?Вы насамрэч "
+#~ "жадаеце перамясьціць\"%d відарыа у Сьметніцу?"
+#~ msgid "Save _As"
+#~ msgstr "Сохранить как"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Выдаліць"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Адчыніць _тэчку..."
+#~ msgid "Open a folder"
+#~ msgstr "Адчыненьне тэчкі"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Адчыніць шмат самотных вокнаў?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. "
+#~ "Do you want to open them in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Вы зьбіраецеся адчыніць адначасова %i вокнаў. Мо, жадаеце адчыніць іх як "
+#~ "збор?Вы зьбіраецеся адчыніць адначасова %i вокнаў. Мо, жадаеце адчыніць "
+#~ "іх як збор?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Самотныя вокны"
+#~ msgid "Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Збор"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+#~ msgstr "Аўтаматычна паказваць _наступны відарыс праз:"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "_Фотапаказ"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "пусты файл"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "Назвы файлаў не раз'яднаны."
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Стварыць"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Адкрывае новае акно"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Адчыніць _тэчку..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Адчыняе тэчку"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Прагляд збора відарысаў EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Фабрыка прагляду збора відарысаў EOM"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Выгляд з_бору відарысаў"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Захаваньне завершана"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Прагляд збора"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Відарысы: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Загаловак акна"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Тэкст стану"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Прагрэс загрузкі відарыса"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Відарыс EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Праглядальнік відарысаў EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Вытворчасьць прагляду відарысаў EOM"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Відарыс EOM, які магчыма ўбудаваць"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "Відарысы могуць быць захаваны толькі як мясцовыя файлы."
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Гэты тып відарыса не падтрымліваецца для захаваньня."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Старонка"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Папера"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% зыходнага памера"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Раўнаць па"
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Выразка даведкі"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Долу, затым направа"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Па старонцы"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Гарызантальна па"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Палі"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Чарга даведкі"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Перакрыцьцё"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Перакрыцьцё даведкі"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Парадак старонак"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Направа, затым долу"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Маштаб"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Адлюстраваць"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Вэртыкальна па"
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Назва файла ці даньняў для друку"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Адмена"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Новы"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "Адкрыць у гэтым акне"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Выйсьці з праграмы"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "В_ыйсьці"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Алесь Няхайчык <[email protected]>, 2002, 2004\n"
+#~ "Віталь Хілько <[email protected]>, 2003"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Поўнаэкранны"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Прагляд відарыса перад друкам"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Перадпрагляд друку..."
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Друкуе відарыс на друкарцы"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Павярнуць налева"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Павярнуць направа"
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "Наладжвае усталёўкі старонкі для бягучае друкаркі"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Павярнуць па-_сонцу"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Павярнуць лі_чыльнік па-сонцу"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/Маштаб _+"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Маштаб _-"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Нармальны памер"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Най_лепшы памер"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/За_крыць"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Збой загрузкі відарыса %s."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Збой загрузкі відарыса %s.\n"
+#~ "Тлумачэньне: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Збой загрузкі"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Відарыс пасьпяхова захаваны"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Вышыня відарыса"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Тэкст радка стану"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Пажаданая шырыня акна"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Пажаданая вышыня акна"
+#~ msgid "dialog1"
+#~ msgstr "дыялёг1"
+#~ msgid "Could not find files"
+#~ msgstr "Немагчыма адшукаць файлы"
+#~ msgid "Don't use zoom larger than 100%"
+#~ msgstr "Не выкарыстоўваць маштаб большы за 100%"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom (better quality but slower)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "_Інтэрпаляваць відарыс пры маштабаваньні (найякасна, але запавольна)"
+#~ msgid "By Extension"
+#~ msgstr "Па пашырэньнях"
+#~ msgid "Determine File Type:"
+#~ msgstr "Вызначэньне тыпу файла:"
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Аўтарскія правы © 2000-2002, Фонд вольнага праграмовага забясьпячэньня"
+#~ msgid "Automatically pick window size"
+#~ msgstr "Самастойна падхопліваць памер акна"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom factor for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "Дапомны маштаб для поўнаэкраннага прагляда"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default zoom factor for the full screen view. Possible values are: 0 (use "
+#~ "1:1 zoom factor), 1 (use the same zoom factor as the image window), 2 "
+#~ "(fit the image to the screen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Дапомны маштаб для поўнаэкраннага прагляду. Магчымыя значэньні: 0 (маштаб "
+#~ "1:1), 1 (выкарыстоўваць той сама маштаб, што й у акна відарыса), 2 "
+#~ "(падагнаць відарыс да памеру экрана)."
+#~ msgid "Put a bevel around the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Стварыць рамку вакол экрана"
+#~ msgid "Scrollbar policy for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "Палітыка пракруткі для поўнаэкраннага рэжыма"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether image windows should pick their size and zooming factor "
+#~ "automatically based on the size of the image. If this option is not set, "
+#~ "image windows will get whatever size the window manager assigns to them."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ці усталёўвае акно свой памер і маштаб , грунтуючыся на памеры відарыса. "
+#~ "Калі парамэтар ня ўсталяваны, акно атрымае той памер, які ўсталяваў для "
+#~ "яго мэнаджар вокнаў."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether the full screen view should display a bevel along the edges of "
+#~ "the screen."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ці трэба адлюстроўваць рамку вакол відарысу ў рэжыме адлюстраваньня на "
+#~ "ўвесь экран."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to display scrollbars on the full screen view. Possible values "
+#~ "are: 1 (automatic; only display scrollbars if the image is larger than "
+#~ "the window), 2 (never display scrollbars)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ці трэба адлюстроўваць палосы пракруткі ў рэжыме паўнаэкраннага прагляду. "
+#~ "Магчымыя значэньні: 1 (аўтаматычна; толькі калі памер відарыса большы за "
+#~ "памер акна), 2 (ніколі не адлюстроўваць палосы пракруткі)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to fit standard-sized images to the screen when in full screen "
+#~ "mode. These are images with sizes like 320x240, 640x480, 800x800, etc. "
+#~ "This selects whether such images should be scaled to fit the screen "
+#~ "regardless of the setting for the default zoom factor of the full screen "
+#~ "view."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ці трэба зьмяняць памер відарысаў стандартных памераў да памеру поўнага "
+#~ "экрана. Відарысы з памерамі 320x240, 640x480, 800x800, і г.д. пад час "
+#~ "рэжыма \"на ўвесь экран\" будуць маштабаваныя да памераў экрана "
+#~ "незалежнаад значэньня зыходнага маштаба для прагляду на ўвесь экран."
+#~ msgid "action_area"
+#~ msgstr "плошча_дзеяньня"
+#~ msgid "dialog"
+#~ msgstr "дыялёг"
+#~ msgid "vbox"
+#~ msgstr "вскрыня"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "Не атрымалась ініцыялізаваць MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "pts"
+#~ msgstr "кр."
+#~ msgid "points"
+#~ msgstr "кропкі"
+#~ msgid "mm"
+#~ msgstr "мм"
+#~ msgid "cm"
+#~ msgstr "см"
+#~ msgid "centimeter"
+#~ msgstr "сантымэтры"
+#~ msgid "Print Setup"
+#~ msgstr "Наладка друку"
+#~ msgid "Print preview"
+#~ msgstr "Перадпрагляд друку"
+#~ msgid "Paper size:"
+#~ msgstr "Памер паперы:"
+#~ msgid "Portrait"
+#~ msgstr "Партрэт"
+#~ msgid "Landscape"
+#~ msgstr "Альбом"
+#~ msgid "Overlap horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Перакрыцьцё па гарызанталі"
+#~ msgid "Overlap vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Перакрыцьцё па вэртыкалі"
+#~ msgid "Helpers"
+#~ msgstr "Даведкі"
+#~ msgid "Eye of Mate Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Праглядальнік відарысаў \"Вока MATE\""
+#~ msgid "By c_olor"
+#~ msgstr "Па колеры"
+#~ msgid "Indicate Transparency"
+#~ msgstr "Індыцыруе празрыстасьць"
+#~ msgid "Pick a color"
+#~ msgstr "Выбраць колер"
+#~ msgid "interpolation type"
+#~ msgstr "тып інтэрпаляцыі"
+#~ msgid "the type of interpolation to use"
+#~ msgstr "тып інтэрпаляцыі для выкарыстаньня"
+#~ msgid "check type"
+#~ msgstr "тып пазначэньня"
+#~ msgid "the type of chequering to use"
+#~ msgstr "тып пазначэньня для выкарыстаньня"
+#~ msgid "the size of chequers to use"
+#~ msgstr "памер пазначэньня для выкарыстаньня"
+#~ msgid "dither type"
+#~ msgstr "тып зьмешваньня"
+#~ msgid "BMP"
+#~ msgstr "BMP"
+#~ msgid "GIF"
+#~ msgstr "GIF"
+#~ msgid "ICO"
+#~ msgstr "ICO"
+#~ msgid "JPEG"
+#~ msgstr "JPEG"
+#~ msgid "PNG"
+#~ msgstr "PNG"
+#~ msgid "PNM"
+#~ msgstr "PNM"
+#~ msgid "RAS"
+#~ msgstr "RAS"
+#~ msgid "SVG"
+#~ msgstr "SVG"
+#~ msgid "TGA"
+#~ msgstr "TGA"
+#~ msgid "TIFF"
+#~ msgstr "TIFF"
+#~ msgid "XBM"
+#~ msgstr "XBM"
+#~ msgid "XPM"
+#~ msgstr "XPM"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows\n"
+#~ "simultanously. Do you want to continue?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Вы зьбіраецеся адначасова адчыніць\n"
+#~ "%i вокнаў. Вы ўпэўненыя?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not access %s\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate will not be able to display this file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Немагчыма атрымаць доступ да %s\n"
+#~ "\"Вока MATE\" ня зможа адлюстраваць гэты файл."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following files cannot be displayed because Eye of Mate was not able "
+#~ "to access them:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Наступныя файлы ня могуць быць адлюстраваныя, таму што Eye of Mate ня "
+#~ "мае правоў доступу да іх:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "Не атрымалася распачаць MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgstr "Не атрымалася распачаць MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for the preferences dialog.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Немагчыма адлюстраваць дапамогу для дыялёгу пераваг.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Change preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Зьмяніць перавагі"
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "Стварыць акно"
+#~ msgid "Unable to open %s."
+#~ msgstr "Немагчыма адчыніць %s."
+#~ msgid "1:1"
+#~ msgstr "1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom _1:1"
+#~ msgstr "Маштабаваць _1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom to _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Маштаб найлепшы"
+#~ msgid "Check _size"
+#~ msgstr "Памер адзнак"
+#~ msgid "Check _type"
+#~ msgstr "Тып адзнак"
+#~ msgid "Large"
+#~ msgstr "Вялікія"
+#~ msgid "Medium"
+#~ msgstr "Сярэднія"
+#~ msgid "Nea_rest Neighbour"
+#~ msgstr "Бліжэйшы сусед"
+#~ msgid "Normal (_pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgstr "Звычайнае (псэўдакаляровае)"
+#~ msgid "Print S_etup"
+#~ msgstr "Наладзіць друк"
+#~ msgid "Small"
+#~ msgstr "Маленькія"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear"
+#~ msgstr "_Білінейная"
+#~ msgid "_Black"
+#~ msgstr "_Чорнае"
+#~ msgid "_Dark"
+#~ msgstr "_Цёмнае"
+#~ msgid "_Dither"
+#~ msgstr "Дрыжаньне"
+#~ msgid "_Gray"
+#~ msgstr "_Шэры"
+#~ msgid "_Hyperbolic"
+#~ msgstr "_Гіпэрбалічная"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "_Інтерпаляцыя"
+#~ msgid "_Light"
+#~ msgstr "Сьветлы"
+#~ msgid "_Maximum (high color)"
+#~ msgstr "Найбольшае (шмат колераў)"
+#~ msgid "_Midtone"
+#~ msgstr "Паўадценьні"
+#~ msgid "_White"
+#~ msgstr "_Белы"
+#~ msgid "Check Type"
+#~ msgstr "Тып адзнак"
+#~ msgid "Check Size"
+#~ msgstr "Памер адзнак"
+#~ msgid "Nearest Neighbour Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Інтэрпаляцыя па бліжэйшаму суседу"
+#~ msgid "Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Білінейная інтэрпаляцыя"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Гіпэрбалічная інтэрпаляцыя"
+#~ msgid "No dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Без дрыжаньня"
+#~ msgid "Normal (pseudocolor) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Звычайнае (псэўдакаляровае) дрыжаньне"
+#~ msgid "Maximum (high color) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Найбольшае (шмат каляровае) дрыжаньне"
+#~ msgid "Dark"
+#~ msgstr "Цемра"
+#~ msgid "Black"
+#~ msgstr "Чорны"
+#~ msgid "Gray"
+#~ msgstr "Шэры"
+#~ msgid "White"
+#~ msgstr "Белы"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation:"
+#~ msgstr "Інтэрпаляцыя:"
+#~ msgid "_Dither:"
+#~ msgstr "Дрыжаньне:"
+#~ msgid "Check _type:"
+#~ msgstr "Тып адзнак:"
+#~ msgid "Check _size:"
+#~ msgstr "Памер адзнак:"
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't support window_title property."
+#~ msgstr "Окно не поддерживает свойство window_title (заголовок окна)"
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't support status_text property."
+#~ msgstr "Окно не поддерживает свойство status_text."
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't have properties"
+#~ msgstr "Окно не имеет свойств"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't retrieve mime type for file."
+#~ msgstr "Не удалось получить mime-тип для файла."
+#~ msgid "Error while obtaining file informations."
+#~ msgstr "Ошибка при получении информации о файле."
+#~ msgid "Check size large"
+#~ msgstr "Размер отметок больших"
+#~ msgid "Check size medium"
+#~ msgstr "Размер отметок средних"
+#~ msgid "Check size small"
+#~ msgstr "Размер отметок маленьких"
+#~ msgid "Check type _black"
+#~ msgstr "Тип отметок черных"
+#~ msgid "Check type _dark"
+#~ msgstr "Тип отметок темных"
+#~ msgid "Check type _gray"
+#~ msgstr "Тип отметок серых"
+#~ msgid "Check type _light"
+#~ msgstr "Тип отметок светлых"
+#~ msgid "Check type _midtone"
+#~ msgstr "Тип отметок полутоновых"
+#~ msgid "Check type _white"
+#~ msgstr "Тип отметок белых"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Билинейная интерполяция"
+#~ msgid "_No dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Без смешивания"
+#~ msgid "_Tiles Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Интерполяция элементов"
+#~ msgid "Zoom to _Default"
+#~ msgstr "Исходный масштаб"
diff --git a/po/[email protected] b/po/[email protected]
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8ecc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/[email protected]
@@ -0,0 +1,1323 @@
+# Biełaruski pierakład eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Ihar Hrachyshka
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Ihar Hrachyshka <[email protected]>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.mate-2-20\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-02-14 04:27+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-14 04:31+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: YOUR NAME <E-MAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Belarusian Latin <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
+"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:918
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Pakažy \"_%s\""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1381
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Pieraniasi na panel pryładździa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Pieraniasi abrany element na panel pryładździa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Vydali z paneli pryładździa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Vydali abrany element z paneli pryładździa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Vydali panel pryładździa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Vydali abranuju panel pryładździa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separatar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Pracuje ŭ poŭnaekrannym režymie"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Uklučaj poŭnaekranny režym dvuklikam"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Poŭnaekranny režym dvuklikam"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Pieračytaj vyjavu"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Pieračytaj hetuju vyjavu"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data ŭ paneli statusu"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Pakazvaje datu vyjavy ŭ paneli statusu vakna"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Ahladaj i pavaročvaj vyjavy"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Ahladalnik vyjavaŭ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vartaść apertury:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Aŭtar:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bajtaŭ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Madel kamery:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Aŭtarskija pravy:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Data/Čas:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Apisańnie:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Detali</b>"
+# Sa słoŭnika Valentyny Paškievič
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Čas naśviatleńnia:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Blisk:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fokusnaja adlehłaść:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vyšynia:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Acenka chutkaści ISO:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Klučavyja słovy:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pałažeńnie:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Režym vymiareńnia:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nazva:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Typ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Šyrynia:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Ahulnaje"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Ułaścivaści vyjavy"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metaźviestki"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Nastupnaja"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Papiaredniaja"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pieradahlad nazvy fajłu</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Specyfikacyi ściežak fajłaŭ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opcyi</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> pačatkovaja nazva fajłu</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> ličylnik</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Abiary kataloh"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Metavy kataloh:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Farmat nazvy fajłu:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Źmiani nazvu z:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Zamiani prabieły na padkreśleńni"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Zapišy jak"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Pačni ličyć ad:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Da:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Udaskanaleńni vyjavy</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Maštab vyjavy</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Paśladoŭnaść</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Prazrystyja častki</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Jak _fon"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Jak _uzor pravierki"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Jak asablivy _koler:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Koler dla prazrystych abšaraŭ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Raściahvaj vyjavy, kab dapasavać ich da ekranu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Nałady Voka MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vyhlad vyjavy"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Pluginy"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pakaz słajdaŭ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Źmiakčaj _maštabavanyja vyjavy"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Aŭtamatyčnaja aryjentacyja"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Pietlevaja _čarhovaść"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Źmiani vyjavu praz:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundaŭ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Vartaść, bolšaja za 0, akreślaje kolkaść sekundaŭ, paśla jakich pakazanaja "
+"vyjava budzie aŭtamatyčna zamianiacca na nastupnuju. Nul adklučaje "
+"aŭtamatyčny ahlad."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktyŭnyja pluginy"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Dazvol pačatkovy maštab, bolšy za 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Aŭtamatyčnaja aryjentacyja"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Zatrymka ŭ sekundach da pakazu nastupnaj vyjavy"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Akreślaje, jak treba paznačać prazrystaść. Mahčymyja vartaści: "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR i NONE. Kali abranaja COLER, tady kluč \"trans_color\" "
+"akreślaje ŭžytuju vartaść koleru."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Kali kluč prazrystaści maje vartaść COLOR, tady hety kluč akreślaje koler, "
+"užyvany dziela paznačeńnia prazrystaści."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Kali adklučana, małyja vyjavy nia buduć adrazu raściahvacca, kab zaniać "
+"uvieś ekran."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Pałažeńnie paneli z kalekcyjaj vyjavaŭ. Akreśl 0 dla nizu, 1 dla levaha "
+"boku, 2 dla vierchu, 3 dla pravaha boku."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpaluj vyjavu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Śpis aktyŭnych pluginaŭ. Tut niama \"Pałažeńnia\" aktyŭnych pluginaŭ. Bač "
+"fajł .eom-plugin, kab daviedacca \"Pałažeńnie\" peŭnaha pluginu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Piatlaj pa čarzie vyjavaŭ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Maštabavańnie kołam prakrutki"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Pakažy/schavaj knopki prakrutki na paneli z kalekcyjaj vyjavaŭ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Pakažy/schavaj panel z kalekcyjaj vyjavaŭ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Pakažy/schavaj bakavuju panel akna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Pakažy/schavaj panel statusu vakna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Pakažy/schavaj panel pryładździa vakna."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Množnik dla maštabavańnia z dapamohaj koła prakrutki myšy. Hetaja vartaść "
+"akreślaje krok maštabavańnia dla adnoj aperacyi prakrutki. Naprykład, 0.05 "
+"aznačaje 5%-naje pavieličeńnie dla adnoj aperacyi prakrutki, a 1.00 aznačaje "
+"100%-naje pavieličeńnie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Koler prazrystaści"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indykatar prazrystaści"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Ci treba pakazvać paśladoŭnaść vyjavaŭ u biaskoncaj piatli."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Ci pavinna być panel z kalekcyjaj vyjavaŭ źmiennych pamieraŭ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Ci treba interpalavać vyjavu pry maštabavańni. Heta palapšaje jakaść, ale "
+"adbyvajecca marudniej za nieinterpalavanyja vyjavy."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Ci treba pavaročvać vyjavu zhodna z aryjentacyjaj EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Ci treba ŭžyvać koła prakrutki dziela maštabavańnia."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Množnik maštabavańnia"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Farmat fajłu nieviadomy ci nie padtrymvajecca"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Voka MATE nia moža vyznačyć padtrymany farmat fajłu z mahčymaściu zapisu, "
+"hruntujučysia na naźvie fajłu."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Pasprabuj ź inšym fajłavym pašyreńniem, naprykład, .png ci .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Usie fajły"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Usie vyjavy"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:132
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:134 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:385
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:727
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "pikseli"
+msgstr[2] "pikselaŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Zahruzi vyjavu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Zapišy vyjavu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Adčyni kataloh"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transfarmacyja dla niezahružanaj vyjavy."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Pamyłka transfarmacyi."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:948
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Dla hetaha farmatu fajłu nie padtrymvajecca EXIF."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1070
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Pamyłka zahruzki vyjavy."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1472 ../src/eom-image.c:1574
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Vyjavy nie zahružanyja."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1482 ../src/eom-image.c:1586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Pamyłka stvareńnia časovaha fajłu."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Niemahčyma stvaryć časovy fajł dziela zapisu: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Niemahčyma vydzielić pamiaci dziela zahruzki fajłu JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Źviestki vyjavy"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Umovy zdymańnia vyjavy"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Zaŭvaha stvaralnika"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Inšaje"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Kiravańnie pravami XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Inšaje XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Paznaka"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Vartaść"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Paŭtary"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Niemahčyma zahruzić vyjavu \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Vyjavy nia znojdzienyja ŭ \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Akreślenyja pałažeńni nie źmiaščajuć vyjavaŭ."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Nałady vyjavy"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Vyjava"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Vyjava, dla jakoj buduć akreślenyja ŭłaścivaści vydruku"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Kanfihuracyja staronki"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Infarmacyja dla staronki, na jakoj budzie nadrukavanaja vyjava"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Pałažeńnie"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Leva:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Prava:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Vierch:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Niz:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Centravana:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Niama"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Haryzantalny"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertykalny"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Abodva"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Pamier"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Šyrynia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Vyšynia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Źmiany pamieru:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Adzinka vymiareńnia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetry"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Cali"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Pieradahlad"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:149 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nieviadomy"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:228
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (linza)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:239
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "jak jość"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:413
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Zrobleny"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Prynamsi dźvie nazvy fajłaŭ adnolkavyja."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Niemahčyma pakazać dapamohu dla Voka MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (niapravilny Unikod)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Adčyni ŭ \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1139
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Užyj \"%s\", kab adčynić abranuju vyjavu"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1254
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Zapis vyjavy \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1597
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Zahruzka vyjavy \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2293
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pamyłka vydruku fajłu:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2421
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Redaktar paneli pryładździa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2424
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Viarni zmoŭčanaje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Ihar Hračyška <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2513
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Hetaja prahrama źjaŭlajecca volnym prahramnym zabieśpiačeńniem; ty možaš "
+"raspaŭsiudžvać jaje i/ci źmianiać zhodna z umovami Ahulnaj Publičnaj "
+"Licenzii GNU (GPL), apublikavanaj Fondam Volnaha Prahramnaha Zabieśpiačeńnia "
+"(Free Software Foundation); versii 2 albo (pa tvaim vybary) luboj "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2517
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Hetaja prahrama raspaŭsiudžvajecca z nadziejaj, što jana budzie karysnaj, "
+"CHOĆ BY DLA JAKICH METAŬ. Hladzi Ahulnuju Publičnuju Licenziju GNU (GPL) dla "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2521
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Ty pavinny byŭ atrymać kopiju Ahulnaj Publičnaj Licenzii GNU (GPL) razam z "
+"hetaj prahramaj; kali nie, napišy pra heta (pa-anhielsku) na adras: Free "
+"Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-"
+"1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2534
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Voka MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2537
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Prahladalnik vyjavaŭ MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2970
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "Zapis lakalnaj kopii vyjavy..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3038
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ty sapraŭdy chočaš pieranieści\n"
+"\"%s\" u śmietnicu?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3041
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Dla \"%s\" nie ŭdałosia znajści śmietnicy. Chočaš niezvarotna vydalić hetuju "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3046
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Ty sapraŭdy chočaš pieranieści\n"
+"abranuju vyjavu ŭ śmietnicu?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ty sapraŭdy chočaš pieranieści\n"
+"%d abranyja vyjavy ŭ śmietnicu?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Ty sapraŭdy chočaš pieranieści\n"
+"%d abranych vyjavaŭ u śmietnicu?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3051
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Niekatoryja z abranych vyjavaŭ niemahčyma vykinuć u śmietnicu, i tamu jany "
+"buduć niezvarotna vydalenyja. Ty sapraŭdy chočaš praciahvać?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3068
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Pieraniasi ŭ śmietnicu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3104 ../src/eom-window.c:3118
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Niemahčyma atrymać dostup da śmietnicy."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3126
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Nie ŭdałosia vydalić fajł"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Pamyłka pry vydaleńni vyjavy %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fajł"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Redahuj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Vyhlad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3407
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Vyjava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Idzi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Pryłady"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Dapamoha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Adčyni..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Adčyni fajł"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Začyni"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Začyni vakno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Panel pryładździa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3419
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Redahuj panel pryładździa aplikacyi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Nałady"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3422
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nałady Voka MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Źmieściva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Dapamoha dla hetaj aplikacyi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3427 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Ab"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3428
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Ab hetaj aplikacyi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3433
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Panel pryładździa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3434
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Źmianiaje bačnaść paneli pryładździa ŭ dziejnym aknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Panel _statusu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3437
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Źmianiaje bačnaść paneli statusu ŭ dziejnym aknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3439
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Kalekcyja vyjavaŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3440
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Źmianiaje bačnaść paneli z kalekcyjaj vyjavaŭ u dziejnym aknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3442
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Bakavaja _panel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Źmianiaje bačnaść bakavoj paneli ŭ dziejnym aknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3448
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Zapišy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3449
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Zachavaj źmieny dla dziejna abranych vyjavaŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3451
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Adčyni _ŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3452
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Adčyni abranuju vyjavu inšaj aplikacyjaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3454
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Zapišy _jak..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3455
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Zapišy abranyja vyjavy ź inšaj nazvaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Akreśl ułaścivaści staronki dziela vydruku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3460
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Drukuj..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3461
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Vydrukuj abranuju vyjavu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Ułaścivaści"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3464
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Pakažy ŭłaścivaści j metaźviestki dla abranaj vyjavy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Anuluj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Anuluj apošniuju źmienu vyjavy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Adlustruj _haryzantalna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3470
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Adlustruj vyjavu haryzantalna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3472
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Adlustruj _vertykalna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3473
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Adlustruj vyjavu vertykalna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3475
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Paviarni pa hadzińniku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3476
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Paviarni vyjavu ŭprava na 90 hradusaŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3478
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Paviarni _ad hadzińnika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3479
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Paviarni vyjavu ŭleva na 90 hradusaŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3481
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Zrabi _fonam stała"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3482
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Zrabi abranuju vyjavu fonam dla stała"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3484 ../src/eom-window.c:3508
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Pieraniasi ŭ _śmietnicu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3485
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Pieraniasi abranuju vyjavu ŭ śmietnicu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487 ../src/eom-window.c:3499 ../src/eom-window.c:3502
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Pa_vialič"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3488 ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Pavialič vyjavu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490 ../src/eom-window.c:3505
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Pa_mienš"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3491 ../src/eom-window.c:3503 ../src/eom-window.c:3506
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Pamienš vyjavu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3493
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Narmalny pamier"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3494
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Pakažy vyjavu jejnym zvyčajnym pamieram"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3496
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Najlepš da_pasuj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3497
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Dapasuj vyjavu da vakna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3514
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Poŭny ekran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3515
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Pakažy dziejnuju vyjavu ŭ poŭnaekrannym režymie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3520 ../src/eom-window.c:3532
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Papiaredniaja vyjava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3521
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pierajdzi da papiaredniaj vyjavy z kalekcyi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3523
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Nastupnaja vyjava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3524
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pierajdzi da nastupnaj vyjavy z kalekcyi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3526 ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "P_ieršaja vyjava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pierajdzi da pieršaj vyjavy z kalekcyi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529 ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Apošniaja vyjava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3530
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pierajdzi da apošniaj vyjavy z kalekcyi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3544
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pakaz _słajdaŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3545
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Pačni hladzieć slideshow z vyjavaŭ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3611
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Papiaredniaja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nastupnaja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3619
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Prava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3622
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Leva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3625
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Bolš"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3628
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Mienš"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3631
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Narmalna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3634
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Dapasuj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3637
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kalekcyja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3640
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Vykiń"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Uklučany"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Kanfihuruj"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktyvizuj"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tyvizuj usie"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktyvizuj usie"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktyŭnyja _pluginy:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Ab pluginie"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Kanfihuruj plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Adčyni ŭ poŭnaekrannym režymie"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Vykluč kalekcyju vyjavaŭ"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Adčyni ŭ režymie słajdaŭ"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Adčyni ŭ novym aknie"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FAJŁ...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Vykanaj \"%s --help\", kab ubačyć poŭny śpis mahčymych opcyjaŭ zahadnaha "
+#: ../src/main.c:234
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Prahladalnik vyjavaŭ Voka MATE"
diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..098892d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/bg.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1550 @@
+# Bulgarian translation of eom po-file.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Borislav Aleksandrov <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Vladimir Petkov <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
+# Rostislav Raykov <[email protected]>, 2004, 2006.
+# Alexander Shopov <[email protected]>, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+# Yasen Pramatarov <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Yavor Doganov <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Krasimir Chonov <[email protected]>, 2010.
+# Ivaylo Valkov <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-26 16:48+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-26 16:48+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ivaylo Valkov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bulgarian <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language: bg\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Показване на „_%s“"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Преместване по лентата с инструменти"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Преместване на избрания елемент в лентата с инструменти"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Премахване от лентата"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Премахване на избрания елемент от лентата с инструменти"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Изтриване на лентата с инструменти"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Премахване на избраната лента с инструменти"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Разделител"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Активиране на режим на цял екран чрез двойно натискане с мишката"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Цял екран с двойно натискане с мишката"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Презареждане на изображението"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Презареждане на текущото изображение"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Показване дата в лентата за състояние"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Показва датата на изображението в лентата за състояние"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Преглед и завъртане на изображения"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Преглед на изображения (EoG)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Стойност на блендата:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Автор:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Байтове:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Модел на фотоапарата:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Авторски права:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Дата и час:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Описание:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Подробности"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Време на експозицията:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Светкавица:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Фокусно разстояние:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Общи"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Височина:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Чувствителност по ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Настройки на изображението"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Ключови думи:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Местоположение:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Допълнителни данни"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Режим на мерене:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Име:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Вид:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Широчина:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Следващо"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Предишно"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> оригинално име на файла"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> брояч"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Изберете папка"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Целева папка:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Преглед на файловото име"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Характеристики на файловия път"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Формат на името:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Настройки"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Преименуване от:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Замяна на интервалите с долни черти"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Запазване като"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Стартиране брояча на:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "На:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Като _фон"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Като _шахматна дъска"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Като _цвят:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Като цвят:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Фон"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Цвят на фона"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Оцветяване на прозрачните зони"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Раз_ширяване на изображенията за напасване към екрана"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Настройки на програмата"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Подобряване на изображението"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Преглед на изображения"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Мащаб"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Приставки"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Последователност"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Прожекция"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Заглаждане при _увеличаване"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Заглаждане при _намаляване"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Прозрачни части"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Автоматично завъртане"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "П_оследователност на завъртанията"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Смяна на изображението след:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "секунди"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Стойност, по-голяма от 0, определя секундите, в които изображението да стои "
+"на екрана докато не бъде заменено от следващото. 0 спира автоматичното "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Включени приставки"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Позволяване на по-голям мащаб от 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Автоматично завъртане"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Секунди между показване на изображенията"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Определя как ще бъде показвана прозрачността. Валидните стойности са "
+"„CHECK_PATTERN“, „COLOR“ и „NONE“. Ако е избрано „COLOR“, тогава ключът "
+"trans-color определя използвания цвят."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Екстраполиране на изображението"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако е истина и в активния прозорец не е заредено изображение, прозорецът за "
+"избор на изображения ще показва потребителската папка за изображения според "
+"XDG. Ако е лъжа или не е настроена папка за изображения, ще се покаже "
+"текущата работна папка."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако е истина, програмата няма да пита за потвърждение при преместване на "
+"изображенията в кошчето. Когато поради някаква причина изображенията не "
+"могат да бъдат преместени в кошчето, а ще бъдат изтрити, все пак ще се иска "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако е истина, допълнителните подробни за изображението ще бъдат преместени в "
+"собствен прозорец. Така програмата ще се ползва по-лесно на малки екрани "
+"(напр. при ултра преносими компютри). Ако е лъжа, данните се показват в "
+"страницата „Допълнителни данни“."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако ключът за прозрачността има стойността „COLOR“, тогава той определя "
+"цвета, който ще бъде използван за изобразяване на прозрачността."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако е истина, цветът зададен чрез ключа background-color, ще се използва за "
+"запълване на областта зад изображението. Ако е лъжа, цветът ще се определи "
+"от текущата тема на GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако тук е ЛЪЖА, малките изображения няма да бъдат разтягани, за да паснат на "
+"големината на екрана."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Разположение на панела за колекции. Задайте 0 за в долния край, 1 за отляво, "
+"2 за в горния край и 3 за отдясно."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Интерполиране на изображението"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Списък с включените приставки. Не съдържа „местоположението“ на включените "
+"приставки. За да разберете къде е дадена приставка, проверете във файла .eom-"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Повтаряне на последователността на изображенията"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Увеличение с колелцето на мишката"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Показване/скриване на плъзгачите на панела за колекцията."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Показване/скриване на панела за колекцията."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Показване/скриване на страничния панел."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Показване/скриване на лентата за състоянието."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Показване/скриване на лентата с инструментите."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Цветът, който се използва за запълване на областта зад изображението. Ако "
+"ключът use-background-color е лъжа, цветът се определя от текущата тема на "
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Коефициентът, който да се използва при увеличение с колелцето на мишката. "
+"Тази стойност определя стъпката за увеличение при всяко движение на "
+"колелцето. Например 0.05 означава коефициент 5% увеличение или намаляване "
+"при движение на колелцето, а 1.00 означава 100% промяна на увеличението."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Цвят на прозрачността"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Индикатор на прозрачността"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Преместване в кошчето без питане"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Използване на цвят на фона, избран от потребителя"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Дали прозорецът за избор на изображения ще показва потребителската папка за "
+"изображения, ако не е заредено изображение."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Дали панелът на колекциите да се преоразмерява или не."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Дали изображението да бъде екстраполирано при увеличение или не. Това води "
+"до по-мъгляво качество при големи увеличения и по-бавно показване."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Дали изображението да бъде интерполирано при увеличение или не. Това води до "
+"по-добро качество и по-бавно показване."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Дали изображението да бъде завъртано автоматично в зависимост на "
+"ориентацията в EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Дали допълнителните подробни данни от прозореца с информация за "
+"изображението да се преместят на собствена страница."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Включване на възможност за увеличение с колелцето на мишката."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Дали последователността от изображения да бъде показвана чрез безкраен "
+"процес на повтаряне."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Коефициент на увеличение"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Изпълнение в режим на цял екран"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Затваряне _без запазване"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Въпрос"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ако не запазите промените, те ще бъдат изгубени."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Запазване на промените в „%s“ преди затваряне?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Има %d изображение с незапазени промени. Да се запазят ли промените преди "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Има %d изображения с незапазени промени. Да се запазят ли промените преди "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "И_зберете изображенията, които искате да се запазят:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ако не запазите промените, те ще бъдат изгубени."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Файловият формат е непознат или неподдържан"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Програмата не може да определи поддържан файлов формат на основата на "
+"файловото име."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Опитайте с различно разширение, като .png или .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Всички файлове"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Всички изображения"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "пиксел"
+msgstr[1] "пиксела"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Отваряне на изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Запазване на изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Отваряне на папка"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Преобразуване на незаредено изображение."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Неуспешно преобразуване."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "За този файлов формат не се поддържа EXIF."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Неуспех при зареждане на изображението"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Няма заредено изображение."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Създаването на временния файл е неуспешно."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Временният файл за запазването на %s не може да бъде създаден"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Недостатъчна свободна памет за зареждане на файла във формат JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Фотоапарат"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Данни на изображението"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Условия за заснемане"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Бележка на създателя"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Друг"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Управление на правата по XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Друго в XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Етикет"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Стойност"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%A, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%A, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Нов опит"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Неуспех при зареждане на изображението „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Не са открити изображения в „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Указаното местоположение не съдържа изображения."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Настройки"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Изображението, за което ще бъдат задавани настройки за печат"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Настройки на страницата"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Информация за страницата, където ще се печата изображението"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Позиция"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Ляво:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Дясно:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Горе:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "Дол_у:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Центриране:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Никакво"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Хоризонтално"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Вертикално"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "По двете оси"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Размер"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Ширина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Височина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "Ма_щабиране:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Единица:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Милиметри"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Инчове"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Мостра"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Непознато"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (mm)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (mm приравнено)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "както е"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Заснето на"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Поне два файла имат еднакви имена."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ръководството на Eye of MATE не може да бъде показано"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (невалиден Уникод)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i×%i пиксел, %s — %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i×%i пиксела, %s — %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Презареждане"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Скриване"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Изображението „%s“ е променено от друга програма.\n"
+"Искате ли да то да бъде заредено отново?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Използвайте „%s“ за отваряне на избраното изображение"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Запазване на изображението „%s“ (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Отваряне на изображението „%s“"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Грешка при печата на файла:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Редактор на лентата с инструменти"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Обратно към стандартните настройки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Ясен Праматаров <[email protected]>\n"
+"Владимир „Kaladan“ Петков <[email protected]>\n"
+"Красимир „bfaf“ Чонов <[email protected]>\n"
+"Александър Шопов <[email protected]>\n"
+"Ивайло Вълков <[email protected]>\n"
+"Борислав Александров\n"
+"Проектът за превод на MATE има нужда от подкрепа.\n"
+"Научете повече за нас на\n"
+"Докладвайте за грешки на"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Тази програма (Eye of MATE) е свободен софтуер. Можете да я "
+"разпространявате и/или променяте под условията на Общия публичен лиценз на "
+"GNU (GNU GPL), както е публикуван от Фондацията за свободен софтуер — версия "
+"2 на лиценза или (по ваше решение) по-късна версия.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Тази програма се разпространява с надеждата, че ще бъде полезна, но БЕЗ "
+"ДА Е УПОТРЕБА. За подробности погледнете Общия публичен лиценз на GNU.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Трябва да сте получили копие от Общия публичен лиценз на GNU (GNU GPL) "
+"заедно с тази програма. Ако не сте, пишете до Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Програма за преглед на изображения."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Настройки на фона"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Изображението „%s“ се използва за фон на плота.\n"
+"Искате ли да го редактирате?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Запазване на изображението локално…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да преместите\n"
+"„%s“ в кошчето?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Не може да бъде открито кошче, където „%s“ да бъде преместено. Искате ли да "
+"премахнете това изображение завинаги?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да преместите\n"
+"избраното изображение в кошчето?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да преместите\n"
+"избраните %d изображения в кошчето?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Някои от избраните изображения не могат да бъдат преместени в кошчето и ще "
+"бъдат премахнати завинаги. Искате ли да продължите?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Преместване в _кошчето"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Без повторно запитване през тази сесия"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Нямате достъп до кошчето."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Файлът не може да бъде изтрит"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Грешка при изтриването на изображението %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Редактиране"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "Из_глед"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Начало"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Инструменти"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Помо_щ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Отваряне…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Отваряне на файл"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Затваряне"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Затваряне на прозореца"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Лента с инструменти"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Редактиране лентата с инструменти на програмата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Настройки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Настройки на Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Ръководство"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Помощ за тази програма"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Относно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Относно тази програма"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Лента с инструменти"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Промяна видимостта на лентата с инструментите на текущия прозорец"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Лента за _състоянието"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Промяна видимостта на лентата за състоянието на текущия прозорец"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Колекция от изображения"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Промяна видимостта на панела с колекцията в текущия прозорец"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Страничен панел"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Промяна видимостта на страничния панел на текущия прозорец"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "З_апазване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Запазване на промените на избраните изображения"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Отваряне _с"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Отваряне на избраното изображение с друга програма"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Запазване _като…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Запазване на избраните изображения под друго име"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Печат…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Разпечатване на избраното изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Под_робности"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Показване на допълнителните данни на избраното изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Възстановяване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Възстановяване на последната промяна по изображението"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Хоризонтално обръщане"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Хоризонтален огледален образ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Вертикално обръщане"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Вертикален огледален образ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Завъртане на_дясно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Завъртане на изображението 90° надясно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Завъртане на_ляво"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Завъртане на изображението 90° наляво"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Задаване като _фон"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Задаване на избраното изображение като фон на работния плот"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Преместване на избраното изображение в кошчето"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Увеличаване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Увеличаване на изображението"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "На_маляване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Смаляване на изображението"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Но_рмален размер"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Показване на изображението в нормалния му размер"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Най-_добро изпълване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Вместване на изображението съобразно прозореца"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "На _цял екран"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Показване на текущото изображение на цял екран"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Временно спиране на прожекцията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Продължаване или временно спиране на прожекцията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Предишно изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Отиване на предишното изображение от колекцията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Следващо изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Отиване на следващото изображение от колекцията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Пър_во изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Отиване на първото изображение от колекцията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "П_оследно изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Отиване на последното изображение от колекцията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Слу_чайно изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Отиване на случайно изображение от колекцията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Про_жекция"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Прожектиране на изображенията"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Предишно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Следващо"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Надясно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Наляво"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Увеличаване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Намаляване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Нормално"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Наместване"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Колекция"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Кошче"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Приставка"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Включено"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Настройки"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Включване"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Включване на в_сички"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "И_зключване на всички"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Включени приставки:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Относно приставката"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Настройки на приставката"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Програма за преглед на изображения EoG"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Зареждане в режим на цял екран"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Изключване на колекцията от изображения"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Зареждане в режим на прожекция"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Стартиране на нов процес вместо преизползване на съществуващ"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Показване на версията на програмата"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Изпълнете „%s --help“, за да видите списък с наличните опции за командния "
diff --git a/po/bn.po b/po/bn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c76bbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/bn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1780 @@
+# Bengali translation of eom
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Sayamindu Dasgupta <[email protected]>, 2003
+# Mahay Alam Khan <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Samia Niamatullah <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Sadia Afroz <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bn\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-27 14:55+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-28 10:34+0600\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sadia Afroz<[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bengali<[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: WordForge 0.6 RC1 (Build: 4_8_2009)\n"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#| msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“%s” প্রদর্শন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবারে যান (_M)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত বিষয়টিকে টুলবারে নিয়ে যান"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবার থেকে অপসারণ (_R)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত বিষয়টিকে টুলবার থেকে অপসারণ করুন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবারটি মুছে ফেলুন (_D)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত টুলবারটি অপসারণ করুন"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "বিভাজক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শিত হচ্ছে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "ডবল ক্লিক করে পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শন প্রক্রিয়া সক্রিয় করুন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "ডবল ক্লিক করে পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ছবি পুনরায় লোড করুন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "বর্তমান ছবিটি পুনরায় লোড করুন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr " স্ট্যাটাসবারের তারিখ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "উইন্ডো স্ট্যাটাসবারে ছবির তারিখ প্রদর্শন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ছবি ব্রাউজ করুন এবং চক্রাকারে ঘোরান"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড হওয়ার অগ্রগতি"
+# "Load" এর বাংলা কি লোড'ই রাখতে চাও? আমি সাধারণতঃ "ফাইল পড়া" লিখি। অতএব-
+# msgstr "ফাইল পড়ার অগ্রগতি"
+# যেইটা খুশি লিখ
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ছবি প্রদর্শক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "অ্যাপারচার মান:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "রচয়িতা:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "বাইট:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "ক্যামেরা মডেল:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "স্বত্বাধিকার:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "তারিখ/সময়:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "বিবরণ:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "বিস্তারিত"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "প্রদর্শনের সময়:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "ঝলক:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "ফোকাস দুরত্ব:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "সাধারণ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "উচ্চতা:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO গতি নির্ধারক:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ছবির বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "কীওয়ার্ড:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "অবস্থান:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "মেটাডাটা"
+# এটার কনটেক্সট সম্বন্ধে জানি না
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "মিটারিং মোড:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "নাম:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "ধরন:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "প্রস্থ:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী (_N)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "পূর্ববর্তী (_P)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> ফাইলের আদি নাম"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> নির্ণায়ক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "ফোল্ডার নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "গন্তব্য ফোল্ডার:"
+# preview is defined as প্রাকমুদ্রণ in commonword.po, but প্রাকদর্শণ is more relevant here - mak
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "ফাইলের নামের প্রাকদর্শন"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "ফাইল পাথের সুনির্দিষ্ট বিবরণ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ফাইলের নামের ফরম্যাট:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "অপশন"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "নামান্তর হয়েছে:"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "ফাঁকা জায়গাগুলো আন্ডারস্কোর দিয়ে প্রতিস্থাপন করা হবে"
+# msgstr "চিত্রটি ছাপা হোক এই প্রিন্টারে"
+# কনটেক্সট জানি না - এটাই বোধহয় ঠিক
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "নতুনভাবে সংরক্ষণ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "কাউন্টার আরম্ভ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "অভিমুখে:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "পটভূমি হিসেবে (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "চৌখুপী ছক হিসেবে (_p)"
+# msgstr "চেকযুক্ত _নকশা হিসেবে"
+# "চৌখুপী" ঠিক আছে - Dictionary'তে দেখলাম এইটা আছে। কিন্তু আমি কখনো এই শব্দটা শুনি নাই ;-)
+# ##আমিও না
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "স্বনির্ধারিত রং হিসেবে: (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছ অংশসমূহের জন্য রং"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "স্ক্রীনের সাথে মানানসই করার জন্য ছবিগুলোকে প্রসারিত করুন (_x)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "জিনোম চোখের পছন্দসমূহ"
+# msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপন</b>"
+# নাকি msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপণ</b>" ??
+# শেষেরটা ঠিক। তবে সমস্যা হইলো, প্রক্ষেপণ বা Interpolation - কোনটাই আমি বুঝতেছি না ;-(
+# ##অভিধানে Interpolation-> প্রক্ষেপণ
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "ছবি বর্ধিতকরণ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ছবি প্রদর্শন"
+# msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপন</b>"
+# নাকি msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপণ</b>" ??
+# শেষেরটা ঠিক। তবে সমস্যা হইলো, প্রক্ষেপণ বা Interpolation - কোনটাই আমি বুঝতেছি না ;-(
+# ##অভিধানে Interpolation-> প্রক্ষেপণ
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "ছবি বড় আকারে প্রদর্শন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "প্লাগইন"
+# এটার কনটেক্সট সম্বন্ধে জানি না
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "ক্রমপর্যায়"
+# msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার _উল্টোদিকে ঘোরানো হোক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "স্লাইড প্রদর্শনী"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "বড় আকারে প্রদর্শনের সময় ছবিগুলোকে মসৃণ করা হবে (_i)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "ছোট আকারে প্রদর্শনের সময় ছবিগুলোকে মসৃণ করা হবে (_o)"
+# msgstr "<b>ক্রম</b>"
+# যেইটা খুশী লিখ, দুটাই ঠিক
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছ অংশ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয় স্থিতিবিন্যাস (_A)"
+# কনটেক্সট....
+# msgstr "ছবির দৃশ্য" -- Unsure
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "চক্রাকার আবর্তনের ক্রমপর্যায় (_L)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "উল্লিখিত অবস্থার পর ছবি পরিবর্তন করা হবে: (_S)"
+# msgstr "চিত্র ছোট/বড় করার সময় যাতে _প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হয় (তাতে ছবির মান বেশি ভালো হবে, কিন্তু প্রক্রিয়াটিকে সম্পন্ন করতে বেশি সময় #লাগবে)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "সেকেন্ড"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"০ থেকে বড় মান নির্দেশ করে কত সেকেন্ড পর পর স্ক্রিনে ছবি বদলানো হবে। ০ মান "
+"স্বয়ংক্রিয় ব্রাউজিং নিষ্ক্রিয় করে দেয়।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "সক্রিয় প্লাগইন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "প্রাথমিকভাবে বড় করে দেখার মাত্রা ১০০%-এর বেশী অনুমোদন করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয় স্থিতিবিন্যাস"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী ছবি দেখার মধ্যবর্তী সময়ের ব্যবধান"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"কিভাবে স্বচ্ছতা নির্দেশ করা হবে, তা নির্ধারণ করে। কার্যকর মানসমূহ হল চেকযুক্ত নকশা, "
+"রং ও কোনটি না। যদি রং বেছে নেয়া হয়, তবে trans_color কী ব্যবহৃত রঙের মান ঠিক "
+# "ঠিক এর পরিবর্তে "নির্ধারণ" লিখ। আর "স্বচ্ছতা" বানানে এখানেও গোলমাল। এটা কি Yudit/Lekho এর Inconsistency ?
+# #হতে পারে - কিন্তু আমি Yudit ব্যবহার করি না - জি-এডিট
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ছবিকে প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"এটি সক্রিয় করা হলে, জিনোমের চোখ ছবিসমূহ আবর্জনায় সরানোর সময় নিশ্চিত হওয়ার জন্য "
+"পুনরায় জিজ্ঞেস করবে না। তবে কোন ফাইল আবর্জনায় সরানো না গেলে এবং সরানোর পরিবর্তে "
+"মুছে গেলে এটি পুনরায় জিজ্ঞেস করবে।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"সক্রিয় উইন্ডোতে যদি কোন ছবি সক্রিয় করা না থাকে অথবা কোনও ছবি লোড করা না থাকে, "
+"তাহলে XDG বিশেষ ব্যবহারকারী ডিরেক্টরী থেকে ফাইলনির্বাচক ব্যবহারকারীর ছবির ফোল্ডার "
+"দেখাবে। যদি নিস্ক্রিয় করা থাকে অথবা ছবির ফোল্ডার নির্ধারণ করা না থাকে তবে এটি "
+"বর্তমান কাজের ডিরেক্টরী দেখাবে।"
+# Translated by sadia
+# I have confusion in this translation.
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"যদি বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলীর ডায়ালগ থেকে বিস্তারিত মেটাডাটার লিস্ট সক্রিয় করা হয়, তবে "
+"ডায়ালগ তার নিজের পৃষ্ঠা ডায়ালগে চলে যায়। এর মাধ্যমে ছোট পর্দার ক্ষেত্রে ডায়ালগ আরও "
+"বেশি ব্যবহারযোগ্য হওয়া উচিত, যেমন: নেটবুকে ব্যবহার । নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হলে widget "
+"\"মেটাডাটা\" পৃষ্ঠায় সন্নিবেশিত হয়ে যায়।"
+# msgstr "আদর্শ আয়তনের চিত্রসমূহ সমগ্র পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শন করা হোক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"স্বচ্ছতা কী-এর মান যদি রং হয়, তাহলে এই কী নির্ধারণ করে কোন রং ব্যবহার করে স্বচ্ছতা "
+"বোঝানো হবে।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"এটা যদি FALSE হিসেবে নির্ধারিত থাকে, তাহলে প্রাথমিকভাবে ছোট ছবিগুলোকে প্রসারিত "
+"করে দেখানো হবে না।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবির সম্মিলিত অবস্থান সংগ্রহ। নিচের জন্য ০; বামের জন্য ১; উপরের জন্য ২; ডানের জন্য "
+"৩ নির্ধারণ করুন।"
+# "ঠিক এর পরিবর্তে "নির্ধারণ" লিখ। আর "স্বচ্ছতা" বানানে এখানেও গোলমাল। এটা কি Yudit/Lekho এর Inconsistency ?
+# #হতে পারে - কিন্তু আমি Yudit ব্যবহার করি না - জি-এডিট
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ছবিকে প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"সক্রিয় প্লাগইনের তালিকা। এটি সক্রিয় প্লাগইনের \"অবস্থান\" ধারণ করে না। উল্লিখিত "
+"প্লাগইনের অবস্থান পেতে .eom-plugin ফাইলটিতে দেখুন।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ছবির ক্রমের মধ্য দিয়ে আবর্তন করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "চক্রাকারে স্ক্রল করে বড় আকারে প্রদর্শন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ছবি সংগ্রহ পেনের স্ক্রল বোতাম প্রদর্শন/আড়াল।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ছবি সংগ্রহ পেন প্রদর্শন/আড়াল।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "উইন্ডোর সাইড পেন প্রদর্শন/আড়াল।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "উইন্ডো স্ট্যাটাসবার প্রদর্শন/আড়াল।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "উইন্ডো টুলবার প্রদর্শন/আড়াল।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"মাউসের স্ক্রল চাকাটি বড় আকারে প্রদর্শনের জন্য ব্যবহার করা হলে যে গুণিতক প্রয়োগ করা "
+"হবে। প্রতিবার স্ক্রল করলে বড় আকারে প্রদর্শনের যে ধাপ তা এই মান নির্দেশ করে। "
+"উদাহরণস্বরূপ, ৫% বড় আকারে প্রদর্শনের জন্য প্রতিবার স্ক্রল করলে বাড়ে ০.০৫ এবং ১০০% এর "
+"জন্য বাড়ে ১.০০।"
+# #ধন্যবাদ :-)
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছতার রং"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছতা সূচক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "ছবিগুলোকে অনুমতি ছাড়াই আবর্জনায় সরানো হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"কোন ছবি লোড করা না থাকলে ফাইল নির্বাচকের ব্যবহারকারীর ছবির ফোল্ডার দেখানো উচিত "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ছবি সংগ্রহ পেনের আকার পরিবর্তনযোগ্য হওয়া উচিত কিনা।"
+# Translated by sadia
+# extrapolate-proper meaning is not found
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবির আকার বড় করার সময় তাকে প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হবে কিনা। এতে ছবির গুণগত মান উন্নত হয় "
+"কিন্তু গোটা প্রক্রিয়াটি সম্পন্ন হতে আরো বেশি সময় লাগে।"
+# Translated by sadia
+# interpolate- proper meaning is not found
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবির আকার ছোট করার সময় ইন্টারপোলেট করা হবে কিনা। এতে ছবির মান উন্নত হয় কিন্তু "
+"পুরো প্রক্রিয়াটি সম্পন্ন হতে আরো বেশি সময় লাগে।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবিগুলোকে EXIF স্থিতিবিন্যাসের উপর নির্ভর করে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে আবর্তিত হতে দেয়া হবে "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী ডায়ালগের ভেতর মেটাডাটার তালিকার জন্য আলাদা কোন পৃষ্ঠা থাকা উচিত "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "বড় আকারে প্রদর্শনের জন্য স্ক্রল চাকাটি ব্যবহার করা উচিত কিনা।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ছবির ধারা একটি অবিরাম লুপ হিসেবে দেখানো হবে কিনা।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "বড় আকারে প্রদর্শনের গুণিতক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "সংরক্ষণ না করেই বন্ধ (_w)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "প্রশ্ন"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "আপনি যদি সংরক্ষণ না করেন, তবে আপনার পরিবর্তনগুলো বাতিল হয়ে যাবে।"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "বন্ধ করার আগে \"%s\" ছবিটিতে করা পরিবর্তনগুলো সংরক্ষণ করা হবে কি?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"%d টি ছবিতে অসংরক্ষিত পরিবর্তন রয়েছে। বন্ধ করার আগে পরিবর্তনগুলো সংরক্ষণ করা হবে "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"%d টি ছবিতে অসংরক্ষিত পরিবর্তন রয়েছে। বন্ধ করার আগে পরিবর্তনগুলো সংরক্ষণ করা হবে "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "সংরক্ষণ করার জন্য ছবি নির্বাচন করুন: (_e)"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "আপনি যদি সংরক্ষণ না করেন, তবে আপনার করা সকল পরিবর্তন বাতিল হয়ে যাবে।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ফাইল ফরম্যাট অজানা বা অসমর্থিত"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"ফাইলের নামের উপর নির্ভর করে জিনোমের চোখ লিখনযোগ্য ফাইল ফরম্যাট নির্ধারণ করতে "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "অনুগ্রহপূর্বক ফাইলের অন্য একটি এক্সটেনশন যেমন: .png বা .jpg-তে চেষ্টা করুন।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "সকল ফাইল"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "সকল ছবি"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "পিক্সেল"
+msgstr[1] "পিক্সেল"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ছবি লোড"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ছবি সংরক্ষণ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ফোল্ডার খুলুন"
+# Transformation means রূপান্তরণ
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "লোড না করা ছবির রূপান্তর।"
+# Transformation means রূপান্তরণ
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "রূপান্তর ব্যর্থ।"
+# msgstr "এক্সটেনশন অনুসারে"
+# "অনুযায়ী"তে কোন সমস্যা নাই
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "এই ফাইল ফরম্যাটের জন্য EXIF সমর্থিত নয়।"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সফলভাবে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr " ছবির লোডিং প্রক্রিয়া ব্যর্থ।"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষন করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "কোন ছবি লোড করা হয়নি।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "অস্থায়ী ফাইল তৈরীতে ব্যর্থ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "সংরক্ষণ করার জন্য অস্থায়ী ফাইল তৈরী করা যায়নি: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ফাইল পড়ার জন্য মেমরি বরাদ্দ করা যায়নি"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "ক্যামেরা"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষণ ব্যর্থ হয়েছে"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ছবির তথ্য"
+# Factory মনে হয় translate না করাই ভাল। মনে হচ্ছে এটা প্রোগ্রামিং সংক্রান্ত কোন ফ্যাক্টরি। C++ -এ এই জাতীয় কিছু ব্যাপার আছে
+# হুম - কিন্তু কনভেশনালি Factory -> কারখানা
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ছবি গ্রহণের শর্তাবলী"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "তৈরীকারকের নোট"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "অন্যান্য"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP এক্সিফ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP স্বত্বাধিকার কর্তৃপক্ষ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP অন্যান্য"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ট্যাগ"
+# msgstr "ধর্ম্ম"
+# বানানটা হইলো গিয়ে - ধর্ম
+# #সরি - পুরোনো অভিধান দেখছিলাম
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "মান"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "পুনরায় চেষ্টা (_R)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ছবি লোড করা যায়নি।"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষন করা হোক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr " '%s'-তে কোন ছবি পাওয়া যায়নি।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "উল্লিখিত অবস্থানে কোন ছবি নেই।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ছবির সেটিংসমূহ"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ছবি"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "যে ছবির মুদ্রণ বৈশিষ্টাবলী সেট আপ করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "পৃষ্ঠার সেটআপ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ছবিটি যেখানে মুদ্রিত হবে সেই পৃষ্ঠার জন্য তথ্যাবলী"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "অবস্থান"
+# could be অবশিষ্ট also - mak
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "বাম: (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "ডান: (_R)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "উপরে: (_T)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "নিচে: (_B)"
+# msgstr "ব্যবস্থাপন করা হোক "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "কেন্দ্র: (_e)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "কোনটি না"
+# শুধু "ছবি" লিখলে জিনিষটা সহজে বোঝা যায়। "চিত্র সংগ্রহ" ঠিক আছে - কিন্তু কেমন জানি শোনায়। "চিত্রের সংগ্রহ" লিখতে পারো।
+# #চিত্রের করে দিয়েছি
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "উল্লম্ব"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "উভয়"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "আকার"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "প্রস্থ: (_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "উচ্চতা: (_H)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "আকার পরিবর্তন: (_S)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "একক: (_U)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "মিলিমিটার"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ইঞ্চি"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "প্রাকদর্শন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "অজানা"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (লেন্স)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm ফিল্ম)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "যেমন আছে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "গ্রহণ করা"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "অন্তত দুইটি ফাইলের নাম অনুরূপ।"
+# msgstr "গুহ্‌নোমের চিত্র দর্শন ও চিত্র তালিকাভুক্ত করার প্রোগ্রাম"
+# msgstr "গুহ্‌নোমের চিত্র প্রদর্শন ও তালিকাভুক্তির প্রোগ্রাম।"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "জিনোমের চোখের জন্য সহায়তা প্রদর্শন করা যায়নি"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (অকার্যকর ইউনিকোড)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i পিক্সেল %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i পিক্সেল %s %i%%"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটি খোলার জন্য \"%s\" ব্যবহার করুন"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড করা হোক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" ছবি সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে (%u/%u)"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড করা হোক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" ছবি লোড করা হচ্ছে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ফাইল মুদ্রণে ত্রুটি দেখা দিয়েছে:\n"
+"%s "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "টুলবার সম্পাদক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "পূর্বনির্ধারিততে পুনর্বিন্যাস করুন (_R)"
+# অঙ্কুর প্রকল্পের পক্ষে মাহে আলম খান ([email protected])
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"অঙ্কুর প্রকল্পের পক্ষে সায়ামিন্দু দাশগুপ্ত <[email protected]>\n"
+"মাহে আলম খান <[email protected]>\n"
+"সামিয়া নিয়ামতুল্লাহ <[email protected]>\n"
+"সাদিয়া আফরোজ <[email protected]>"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"এই প্রোগ্রামটি একটি মুক্ত সফটওয়্যার; মুক্ত সফটওয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন দ্বারা প্রকাশিত GNU "
+"সাধারণ পাবলিক লাইসেন্সের শর্তাবলীর অধীনে আপনি এটাকে পুনর্বন্টন করতে পারেন এবং/"
+"অথবা পরিবর্তনও করতে পারেন; লাইসেন্স সংস্করণ ২, অথবা (আপনার সুবিধানুযায়ী) পরবর্তী "
+"যেকোন সংস্করণ।\n"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"এই প্রোগ্রামটি বিতরণ করার মূল উদ্দেশ্য যে ব্যবহারকারীরা এর দ্বারা উপকৃত হবেন, কিন্তু "
+"কোন ওয়ারেন্টি ছাড়া; এমনকি বানিজ্যিক বা কোন নির্দিষ্ট ক্ষেত্রে যথাযথ হওয়ারও কোন "
+"গ্যারান্টি দেয় না। আরও বিস্তারিত তথ্যের জন্য GNU সাধারণ পাবলিক লাইসেন্স দেখুন।\n"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"এই প্রোগ্রামটির সাথে আপনি হয়ত GNU সাধারণ পাবলিক লাইসেন্সের একটি অনুলিপি পেয়ে "
+"থাকবেন; যদি না পান, তবে Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - "
+"Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA এই ঠিকানায় লিখুন।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "জিনোমের চোখ"
+# The এর বাংলা লেখার কি দরকার আছে ?
+# #লিখেই দিনা - আইনি ব্যাপার....
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "জিনোমের ছবি প্রদর্শক।"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" ছবিটি ডেস্কটপের পটভূমি হিসেবে নির্ধারিত হয়েছে।\n"
+"আপনি কি এর অবয়ব পরিবর্তন করতে চান?"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড করা হোক"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "স্থানীয়ভাবে ছবি সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে…"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"আপনি কি নিশ্চিত আপনি সত্যিই\n"
+"\"%s\" কে আবর্জনায় সরাতে চান?"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+" \"%s\" এর জন্য কোন আবর্জনা পাওয়া যায়নি। আপনি কি ছবিটিকে স্থায়ীভাবে অপসারণ করতে "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত আপনি সত্যিই নির্বাচিত ছবিটিকে আবর্জনা সরিয়ে ফেলতে চান?"
+msgstr[1] "আপনি কি নিশ্চিত আপনি সত্যিই %d নির্বাচিত ছবিগুলোকে আবর্জনায় সরাতে চান?"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"নির্বাচিত কিছু ছবি আবর্জনায় সরিয়ে ফেলা অসম্ভব এবং স্থায়ীভাবে অপসারিত হবে। আপনি কি "
+"নিশ্চিত আপনি অগ্রসর হতে চান? "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "আবর্জনায় সরিয়ে ফেলুন (_T)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "এই সেশন চলাকালীন পুনরায় জিজ্ঞেস করা হবে না (_D)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "আবর্জনায় প্রবেশ করা যায়নি।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ফাইলটি মুছে ফেলা যায়নি"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s মুছে ফেলার সময় ত্রুটি দেখা দিয়েছে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "ফাইল (_F)"
+# এটার একটা ভদ্রলোকের মতো বাংলা না করলেই নয়
+# Pro: Dictionary'তে "স্লাইড" আছে, সুতরাং সমস্যা নাই
+# # তাও - ভালো শোনায় না - আর শো-র বাংলা কি?
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)"
+# msgstr "_বাতিল করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "প্রদর্শন (_V)"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ছবি (_I)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "যান (_G)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "টুল (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "সহায়তা (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "খুলুন… (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ফাইল খুলুন"
+# msgstr "সফটওয়ার _পরিচিতি"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "বন্ধ (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "উইন্ডো বন্ধ করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবার (_o)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "অ্যাপলিকেশন টুলবার সম্পাদনা করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "পছন্দসমূহ (_n)"
+# msgstr "_পছন্দসমূহ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "জিনোম চোখের পছন্দসমূহ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "বিষয়বস্তু (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "এই অ্যাপলিকেশনের সহায়তা"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি থেকে বিদায় নেওয়া হোক"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি বন্ধ করে দেয়া হোক" -- ভাবানুবাদ
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "পরিচিতি (_A)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "অ্যাপলিকেশনের পরিচিতি"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবার (_T)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমান উইন্ডোতে টুলবারের দৃশ্যমানতা বদলায়"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "স্ট্যাটাসবার (_S)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমান উইন্ডোতে স্ট্যাটাসবারের দৃশ্যমানতা বদলায়"
+# msgstr "পৃথক উইন্ডো"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ছবি সংগ্রহ (_I)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমান উইন্ডোতে ছবি সংগ্রাহকের দৃশ্যমানতা বদলায়"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "পার্শ্বদেশ (_P)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমান উইন্ডোতে পার্শ্বদেশের দৃশ্যমানতা বদলায়"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "সংরক্ষণ (_S)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "বর্তমানে নির্বাচিত ছবিগুলোর পরিবর্তন সংরক্ষণ করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "সহযোগে খোলা হবে (_w)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটিকে ভিন্ন অ্যাপলিকেশনের সাথে খোলা হবে"
+# msgstr "চিত্রটি ছাপা হোক এই প্রিন্টারে"
+# কনটেক্সট জানি না - এটাই বোধহয় ঠিক
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "নতুনভাবে সংরক্ষণ… (_A)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিগুলোকে ভিন্ন নামে সংরক্ষণ করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "মুদ্রণের জন্য পৃষ্ঠার বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী নির্ধারণ"
+# msgstr "_পুরো পর্দা জুড়ে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "মুদ্রণ… (_P)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটিকে মুদ্রণ করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী (_r)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটির বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী ও মেটাডাটা প্রদর্শন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "আগের অবস্থায় ফিরিয়ে আনা হবে (_U)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ছবিটিতে করা শেষ পরিবর্তন বাতিল করা হবে"
+# শুধু "ছবি" লিখলে জিনিষটা সহজে বোঝা যায়। "চিত্র সংগ্রহ" ঠিক আছে - কিন্তু কেমন জানি শোনায়। "চিত্রের সংগ্রহ" লিখতে পারো।
+# #চিত্রের করে দিয়েছি
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিকভাবে উল্টানো হবে (_H) "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে অনুভূমিকভাবে প্রতিফলিত করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "উল্লম্বভাবে উল্টানো হবে (_V)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে উল্লম্বভাবে প্রতিফলিত করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার দিকে ঘোরান (_R)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে ৯০ ডিগ্রী ডানে ঘোরান"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার বিপরীত দিকে ঘোরান (_l)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে ৯০ ডিগ্রী বামে ঘোরান"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "ডেক্সটপের পটভূমি হিসেবে নির্ধারণ করা হবে (_D)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটিকে ডেক্সটপের পটভূমি হিসেবে নির্ধারণ করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটিকে আবর্জনা ফোল্ডারে সরিয়ে ফেলা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "বড় আকারে প্রদর্শন (_Z)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে বড় করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "ছোট আকারে প্রদর্শন (_O)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে সঙ্কোচন করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক আকার (_N)"
+# বেশ কঠিন শোনাচ্ছে
+# msgstr "চক্র" অথবা
+# msgstr "চক্রাকারে"
+# #বুঝলাম না!
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে এর নিজস্ব আকারে প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "সবচেয়ে ভালোভাবে মানানসই (_F)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ছবিটিকে উইন্ডোর সাথে মানানসই করা হবে"
+# msgstr "আপনার বর্তমান প্রিন্টারের পৃষ্ঠা বৈশিষ্টাবলী ঠিক করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শন (_F)"
+# বেশ কঠিন শোনাচ্ছে
+# msgstr "চক্র" অথবা
+# msgstr "চক্রাকারে"
+# #বুঝলাম না!
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "বর্তমান ছবিটি পর্দাজুড়ে প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "পূর্ববর্তী ছবি (_P)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "এই সংগ্রহের পূর্ববর্তী ছবিতে যাও"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী ছবি (_N)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "এই সংগ্রহের পরবর্তী ছবিতে যাও"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "প্রথম ছবি (_F) "
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "এই সংগ্রহের প্রথম ছবিতে যাও"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "শেষ ছবি (_L)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "এই সংগ্রহের শেষ ছবিতে যাও"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "র্যান্ডম ছবি (_R)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "এই সংগ্রহের যেকোনো ছবিতে যান"
+# msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার _উল্টোদিকে ঘোরানো হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "স্লাইড প্রদর্শন (_S)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ছবিগুলোর স্লাইড প্রদর্শন শুরু করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "পূর্ববর্তী"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ডান"
+# could be অবশিষ্ট also - mak
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "বাম"
+# msgstr "আঁটানো হোক"
+# #এটা কিন্তু জি-উ-আই নিয়ে ঝামেলা করবে
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ভিতরে"
+# msgstr "স্বাভাবিক ভাবে দেখানো হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "বাহিরে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক"
+# "ভালো" বানানটা ঠিক আছে, তবে সাধারণতঃ "ভাল"ই লিখা হয়
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "মানানসই"
+# msgstr "পৃথক উইন্ডো"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "সংগ্রহ"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "আবর্জনা"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগইন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "সক্রিয়"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "কনফিগার (_o)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "সক্রিয় (_c)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "সব সক্রিয় (_t)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "সব নিষ্ক্রিয় (_D)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "সক্রিয় প্লাগইন: (_P)"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি থেকে বিদায় নেওয়া হোক"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি বন্ধ করে দেয়া হোক" -- ভাবানুবাদ
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগইন পরিচিতি (_A)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগইন কনফিগার (_o)"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "পর্দাজুড়ে প্রদর্শন মোডে খুলুন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ছবি সংগ্রহ নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "স্লাইড প্রদর্শন মোডে খুলুন"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "বিদ্যমান দৃষ্টান্তকে পুনরায় ব্যবহার না করে নতুন দৃষ্টান্ত আরম্ভ করা হবে"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE…]"
+# Translated by sadia
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "বিদ্যমান কমান্ড লাইন অপশনের পুরো তালিকা দেখতে '%s --সহায়তা' চালান।"
+# Translated by sadia
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "জিনোম চোখের ছবি প্রদর্শক"
diff --git a/po/bn_IN.po b/po/bn_IN.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caaa660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/bn_IN.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1604 @@
+# translation of bn_IN.po to Bengali INDIA
+# Bengali India translation of eom
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Sayamindu Dasgupta <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Mahay Alam Khan <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Samia Niamatullah <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bn_IN\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 04:21+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-13 12:26+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Runa Bhattacharjee <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bengali INDIA <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“%s” প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুল-বারের মধ্যে স্থান পরিবর্তন (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত বস্তুটির স্থান টুল-বারের মধ্যে পরিবর্তন করুন"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুল-বার থেকে সরিয়ে নিন (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত বস্তুটি টুল-বার থেকে সরিয়ে নিন"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুল-বার মুছে ফেলুন (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত টুল-বার মুছে ফেলুন"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "বিভাজন রেখা"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শনের মোডে সঞ্চালিত হচ্ছে"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "দুইবার ক্লিক করা হলে, সম্পূর্ণ পর্দায় প্রদর্শন ব্যবস্থা সক্রিয় করা হবে"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "দুইবার ক্লিক সহযোগে সম্পূর্ণ পর্দায় প্রদর্শন"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ছবি পুনরায় লোড করুন"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "বর্তমান ছবি পুনরায় লোড করুন"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "অবস্থাসূচক বারে তারিখ প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "উইন্ডোর অবস্থাসূচক বারের মধ্যে ছবির তারিখ প্রদর্শন করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ছবি ব্রাউজ করুন ও ঘুরিয়ে নিন"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড হওয়ার অগ্রগতি"
+# "Load" এর বাংলা কি লোড'ই রাখতে চাও? আমি সাধারণতঃ "ফাইল পড়া" লিখি। অতএব-
+# msgstr "ফাইল পড়ার অগ্রগতি"
+# যেইটা খুশি লিখ
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ছবি প্রদর্শক"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "<b>অ্যাপারচারের মান:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "<b>নির্মাতা:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "<b>বাইট:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "<b>ক্যামেরার মডেল:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "<b>স্বত্বাধিকার:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "<b>তারিখ/সময়:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "<b>বর্ণনা:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "বিবরণ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "<b>এক্সপোসারের জন্য সময়:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "<b>ফ্ল্যাশ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "<b>ফোক্যাল লেংথ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "সাধারণ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "উচ্চতা: (_H)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "<b>ISO গতির মাত্রা:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ছবির বৈশিষ্ট্য"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "<b>প্রাসঙ্গিক শব্দ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "<b>অবস্থান:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "মিটা-ডাটা"
+# এটার কনটেক্সট সম্বন্ধে জানি না
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "<b>মিটারিং মোড:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "উপরে: (_T)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "প্রস্থ: (_W)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "পূর্ববর্তী (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> মূল ফাইলের নাম</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> কাউন্টার</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "একটি ফোল্ডার নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "উদ্দিষ্ট ফোল্ডার:"
+# preview is defined as প্রাকমুদ্রণ in commonword.po, but প্রাকদর্শণ is more relevant here - mak
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "<b>ফাইলের নামের পূর্বপ্রদর্শন</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "<b>ফাইল পাথের সুনির্দিষ্ট বিবরণ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ফাইলের নাম ব্যবহৃত বিন্যাস:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "<b>বিবিধ বিকল্প</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "নাম পরিবর্তন করা হবে:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "শূণ্য স্থানগুলির পরিবর্তে আন্ডারস্কোর প্রয়োগ করা হবে"
+# msgstr "চিত্রটি ছাপা হোক এই প্রিন্টারে"
+# কনটেক্সট জানি না - এটাই বোধহয় ঠিক
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "নতুন নামে সংরক্ষণ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "কাউন্টার আরম্ভের মান:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "সমাপ্তি:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "পটভূমি রূপে (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "চৌখুপী ছক রূপে (_p)"
+# msgstr "চেকযুক্ত _নকশা হিসেবে"
+# "চৌখুপী" ঠিক আছে - Dictionary'তে দেখলাম এইটা আছে। কিন্তু আমি কখনো এই শব্দটা শুনি নাই ;-)
+# ##আমিও না
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "স্বনির্ধারিত রং অনুযায়ী: (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছ অংশে ব্যবহৃত রঙ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "পর্দার মাপ অনুযায়ী ছবির মাপ নির্ধারণ করা হবে (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE সংক্রান্ত পছন্দ"
+# msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপন</b>"
+# নাকি msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপণ</b>" ??
+# শেষেরটা ঠিক। তবে সমস্যা হইলো, প্রক্ষেপণ বা Interpolation - কোনটাই আমি বুঝতেছি না ;-(
+# ##অভিধানে Interpolation-> প্রক্ষেপণ
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "<b>ছবির উন্নতি</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ছবি প্রদর্শন"
+# msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপন</b>"
+# নাকি msgstr "<b>চিত্র প্রক্ষেপণ</b>" ??
+# শেষেরটা ঠিক। তবে সমস্যা হইলো, প্রক্ষেপণ বা Interpolation - কোনটাই আমি বুঝতেছি না ;-(
+# ##অভিধানে Interpolation-> প্রক্ষেপণ
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "<b>ছবি ছোট/বড় করে প্রদর্শন</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইন"
+# এটার কনটেক্সট সম্বন্ধে জানি না
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "<b>ক্রমপর্যায়</b>"
+# msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার _উল্টোদিকে ঘোরানো হোক"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "স্লাইড-শো"
+# "ঠিক এর পরিবর্তে "নির্ধারণ" লিখ। আর "স্বচ্ছতা" বানানে এখানেও গোলমাল। এটা কি Yudit/Lekho এর Inconsistency ?
+# #হতে পারে - কিন্তু আমি Yudit ব্যবহার করি না - জি-এডিট
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "বড় মাপে প্রদর্শনকালে, ছবিগুলি মসৃণ করা হবে (_i)"
+# "ঠিক এর পরিবর্তে "নির্ধারণ" লিখ। আর "স্বচ্ছতা" বানানে এখানেও গোলমাল। এটা কি Yudit/Lekho এর Inconsistency ?
+# #হতে পারে - কিন্তু আমি Yudit ব্যবহার করি না - জি-এডিট
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "ছোট মাপে প্রদর্শনকালে, ছবিগুলি মসৃণ করা হবে (_o)"
+# msgstr "<b>ক্রম</b>"
+# যেইটা খুশী লিখ, দুটাই ঠিক
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "<b>স্বচ্ছ অংশ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয় দিশা নির্ধারণ (_A)"
+# কনটেক্সট....
+# msgstr "ছবির দৃশ্য" -- Unsure
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "লুপে ব্যবহৃত অনুক্রম (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত সময়ের পরে ছবি পরিবর্তন করা হবে: (_S)"
+# msgstr "চিত্র ছোট/বড় করার সময় যাতে _প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হয় (তাতে ছবির মান বেশি ভালো হবে, কিন্তু প্রক্রিয়াটিকে সম্পন্ন করতে বেশি সময় #লাগবে)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "সেকেন্ড"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"০-র থেকে বড় মান নির্দেশ করে কত সেকেন্ড অতিবাহিত হওয়ার পরে পর্দায় ছবি বদলানো "
+"হবে। ০ মান স্বয়ংক্রিয় ব্রাউজিং নিষ্ক্রিয় করে দেয়।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "সক্রিয় প্লাগ-ইন"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "প্রারম্ভ, বড় করে দেখার মাত্রা ১০০%-র বেশি নির্ধারণ করা যাবে"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয় দিশা নির্ধারণ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী ছবি প্রদর্শনের পূর্বে অতিবাহিত সময়, সেকেন্ড অনুযায়ী নির্ধারিত"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"কিভাবে স্বচ্ছতা নির্দেশ করা হবে, তা নির্ধারণ করে। বৈধ মানসমূহ হল CHECK_PATTERN "
+"(চেকযুক্ত নকশা), COLOR (রং) ও NONE (কিছুই না)। রঙ বেছে নেওয়া হলে, trans_color "
+"কি-টির সাহায্যে ব্যবহৃত রঙের মান নির্ধারণ করা হয়।"
+# "ঠিক এর পরিবর্তে "নির্ধারণ" লিখ। আর "স্বচ্ছতা" বানানে এখানেও গোলমাল। এটা কি Yudit/Lekho এর Inconsistency ?
+# #হতে পারে - কিন্তু আমি Yudit ব্যবহার করি না - জি-এডিট
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ছবিকে প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হবে"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"সক্রিয় করা হলে, আবর্জনার বাক্সে ছবি স্থানান্তরের সময় Eye of MATE দ্বারা জিজ্ঞাসা "
+"করা হবে না। শুধুমাত্র আবর্জনায় স্থানান্তর না করে সরাসরি কোনো ছবি মুছে ফেলার প্রয়োজন "
+"দেখা দিলে জিজ্ঞাসা করা হবে।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"সক্রিয় করা হলে ও সক্রিয় উইন্ডোর মধ্যে কোনো ছবি লোড না করা হলে ফাইল নির্বাচন "
+"ব্যবস্থা দ্বারা XDG বিশেষ ব্যবহারকারীর ডিরেক্টরি প্রয়োগ করে ব্যবহারকারীর ছবির "
+"ফোল্ডার প্রদর্শন করা হবে। যদি এই বৈশিষ্ট্য নিষ্ক্রিয় থাকে অথবা যদি এটি প্রস্তুত না করা "
+"হয় তাহলে বর্তমানে ব্যবহৃত ডিরেক্টরি প্রদর্শন করা হবে।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"এই বৈশিষ্ট্য সক্রিয় করা হলে, বিবিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যের ডায়লগ বক্সের মধ্যে প্রদর্শিত মিটা-"
+"ডাটার তালিকার জন্য ডায়লগের মধ্যে একটি পৃথক পৃষ্ঠা নির্মিত হবে। এর ফলে, ছোট মাপের "
+"পর্দায় যেমন নেটবুক ইত্যাদিতে, এই ডায়লগটি সহজে ব্যবহার করা সম্ভব হবে। নিষ্ক্রিয় করা "
+"হলে, উইজেটটি \"মিটা-ডাটা\" পৃষ্ঠায় সংযোজন করা হবে।"
+# msgstr "আদর্শ আয়তনের চিত্রসমূহ সমগ্র পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শন করা হোক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"স্বচ্ছতা কীএর মান যদি রং হয়, তাহলে এই কীটি নির্ধারণ করে কোন রং ব্যবহার করে "
+"স্বচ্ছ্তা বোঝানো হবে।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"এটা যদি FALSE হিসাবে নির্ধারিত থাকে, তাহলে প্রাথমিকভাবে ছোট ছবিসমূহকে পুরো পর্দা "
+"জুড়ে দেখানো হবে না।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবির সংকলনের পেইনের অবস্থান। সম্ভাব্য মান: নীচে স্থাপনের জন্য 0 (০); বাঁদিকে "
+"স্থাপনের জন্য 1 (১); উপরে স্থাপনের জন্য 2 (২); ডানদিকে স্থাপনের জন্য 3 (৩)।"
+# "ঠিক এর পরিবর্তে "নির্ধারণ" লিখ। আর "স্বচ্ছতা" বানানে এখানেও গোলমাল। এটা কি Yudit/Lekho এর Inconsistency ?
+# #হতে পারে - কিন্তু আমি Yudit ব্যবহার করি না - জি-এডিট
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ছবিকে প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হবে"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"সক্রিয় প্লাগ-ইনের তালিকা। এই তালিকার মধ্যে সক্রিয় প্লাগ-ইনের \"অবস্থান (Location)"
+"\" উপস্থিত থাকে না। কোনো প্লাগ-ইনের \"অবস্থান (Location)\" জানার জন্য সংশ্লিষ্ট "
+"প্লাগ-ইনের .eom-plugin ফাইল দেখুন।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ছবি ক্রমের মধ্য দিয়ে আবর্তন করো"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "স্ক্রোল উইলের সাহায্যে বড় করে প্রদর্শন"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ছবি সংকলনের পেইনের মধ্যে স্ক্রোল-বাটল প্রদর্শন/আড়াল করা হবে।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ছবি সংকলনের পেইন প্রদর্শন/আড়াল করা হবে।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "উইন্ডোর মধ্যে পার্শ্ববর্তী পেইন প্রদর্শন/আড়াল করা হবে"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "উইন্ডো স্টাটাসবার দেখাও/লুকাও"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "উইন্ডো টুলবার দেখাও/লুকাও"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"মাউসের স্ক্রোল উইল সহযোগে প্রদর্শন ক্ষেত্রের বিবর্ধনের সময় ব্যবহারযোগ্য মাত্রা। "
+"প্রতিবার স্ক্রোল করার পরে, বিবর্ধনের মাত্রা এই মান দ্বারা চিহ্নিত হবে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, "
+"০.০৫ মান নির্ধারণের ফলে প্রতিবার স্ক্রোল করা হলে প্রদর্শনক্ষেত্র ৫% বৃদ্ধি হবে ও ১.০০ "
+"নির্ধারণ করা হলে প্রদর্শন ক্ষেত্র ১০০% বৃদ্ধি হবে।"
+# #ধন্যবাদ :-)
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছতার রং"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "স্বচ্ছতা সূচক"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "জিজ্ঞাসা না করে ছবি মুছে ফেলা হবে"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"কোনো ছবি লোড না করা হলে, ফাইল নির্বাচন ব্যবস্থা দ্বারা ব্যবহারকারীর ছবির ফোল্ডার "
+"প্রয়োগ করা হবে কি না।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ছবি সংকলনের পেইনের মাপ পরিবর্তন করা যাবে কি না"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবি প্রদর্শনের মাত্রা বৃদ্ধির সময় ছবিটি বিক্ষিপ্ত করা হবে কিনা। এর ফলে ছবিটি ধোঁয়াটে "
+"দেখা দেয় ও বিক্ষিপ্ত না করা ছবির তুলনায় বেশি সময় ব্যয় হয়।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ছবি প্রদর্শনের মাত্রা হ্রাসের সময় ছবিটি প্রক্ষিপ্ত করা হবে কিনা। এর ফলে ছবিটি "
+"ধোঁয়াটে দেখা দেয় ও প্রক্ষিপ্ত না করা ছবির তুলনায় বেশি সময় ব্যয় হয়।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF দিশার মানের উপর ভিত্তি করে ছবিটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়রূপে ঘোরানো হবে কি না।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"বিভিন্ন বৈশিষ্ট্যের ডায়লগের মধ্যে উপস্থিত মিটাডাটা তালিকার ক্ষেত্রে স্বত্বন্ত্র পৃষ্ঠা "
+"উপলব্ধ করা হবে কি না।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "বড় করে ছবি প্রদর্শনের জন্য স্ক্রোল-উইল ব্যবহার করা হবে কি না।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ছবির ধারা একটি অশেষ আবর্তন হিসাবে দেখানো হবে কিনা ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "বিবর্ধনের মাত্রা"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "জিজ্ঞাসা না করে ছবি মুছে ফেলা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "অবস্থান"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ফাইলের বিন্যাস অজানা অথবা সমর্থিত নয়"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"ফাইলের নামের সাহায্যে সমর্থিত লিখনযোগ্য ফাইলের বিন্যাস Eye of MATE দ্বারা বোধগম্য "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে একটি পৃথক ফাইল এক্সটেনশন যেমন .png অথবা .jpg প্রয়োগ করুন।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "সকল ফাইল"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "সকল ছবি"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "পিক্সেল"
+msgstr[1] "পিক্সেল"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ছবি লোড করুন"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ছবি সংরক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ফোল্ডার খুলুন"
+# Transformation means রূপান্তরণ
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ছবি আনলোডের সময় রূপান্তরণ।"
+# Transformation means রূপান্তরণ
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "রূপান্তর করে ব্যর্থ।"
+# msgstr "এক্সটেনশন অনুসারে"
+# "অনুযায়ী"তে কোন সমস্যা নাই
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "এ ফাইল ফর্ম্যাটের জন্য EXIF সমর্থিত নয়।"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সফলভাবে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ছবি লোড করতে ব্যর্থ।"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষন করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "কোনো ছবি লোড করা হয়নি"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "অস্থায়ী ফাইল তৈরীতে অক্ষম"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "সংরক্ষণ করার জন্য অস্থায়ী ফাইল তৈরী করা গেল না: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ফাইল পড়ার জন্য মেমরি বরাদ্দ করা গেল না"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "ক্যামেরা"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষণ ব্যর্থ হয়েছে"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষন ব্যর্থ হয়েছে"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ছবির তথ্য"
+# Factory মনে হয় translate না করাই ভাল। মনে হচ্ছে এটা প্রোগ্রামিং সংক্রান্ত কোন ফ্যাক্টরি। C++ -এ এই জাতীয় কিছু ব্যাপার আছে
+# হুম - কিন্তু কনভেশনালি Factory -> কারখানা
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ছবি গ্রহনের শর্তাবলী"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "তৈরীকারকের নোট"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "অন্যান্য"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP অধিকার পরিচালনা"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP অন্যান্য"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ট্যাগ"
+# msgstr "ধর্ম্ম"
+# বানানটা হইলো গিয়ে - ধর্ম
+# #সরি - পুরোনো অভিধান দেখছিলাম
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "মান"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "পুনঃপ্রচেষ্টা (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ছবিটি লোড করতে ব্যর্থ।"
+# msgstr "চিত্র সংরক্ষন করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s'-র মধ্যে কোনো ছবি পাওয়া যায়নি।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত অবস্থানের মধ্যে কোনো ছবি উপস্থিত নেই।"
+# msgstr "পৃথক উইন্ডো"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ছবি সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্য"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ছবি"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত ছবিটির জন্য প্রিন্ট সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্য নির্ধারণ করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "পৃষ্ঠার বৈশিষ্ট্য নির্ধারণ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ছবিটি প্রিন্ট করার জন্য নির্ধারিত পৃষ্ঠা সংক্রান্ত তথ্য"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "অবস্থান"
+# could be অবশিষ্ট also - mak
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "বাঁদিকে: (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "ডানদিকে: (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "উপরে: (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "নীচে: (_B)"
+# msgstr "ব্যবস্থাপন করা হোক "
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "কেন্দ্রস্থিত: (_e)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "শূণ্য"
+# শুধু "ছবি" লিখলে জিনিষটা সহজে বোঝা যায়। "চিত্র সংগ্রহ" ঠিক আছে - কিন্তু কেমন জানি শোনায়। "চিত্রের সংগ্রহ" লিখতে পারো।
+# #চিত্রের করে দিয়েছি
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "উলম্ব"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "উভয়"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "মাপ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "প্রস্থ: (_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "উচ্চতা: (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "মাপ পরিবর্তন: (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "একক: (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "মিলিমিটার"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ইঞ্চি"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "পূর্বরূপে প্রদর্শন"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "অজানা"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (লেন্স)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (৩৫ মিলিমিটার ফিল্ম)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "যেমন আছে"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "ছবি নেওয়া হয়েছিল"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "অন্তত দুইটি ফাইলের নাম অনুরূপ।"
+# msgstr "গুহ্‌নোমের চিত্র দর্শন ও চিত্র তালিকাভুক্ত করার প্রোগ্রাম"
+# msgstr "গুহ্‌নোমের চিত্র প্রদর্শন ও তালিকাভুক্তির প্রোগ্রাম।"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE সংক্রান্ত সহায়ক তথ্য প্রদর্শন করতে ব্যর্থ"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (অবৈধ ইউনিকোড)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i পিক্সেল %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i পিক্সেল %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিগুলি \"%s\" সহযোগে খুলুন"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড করা হোক"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" (%u/%u) ছবি সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে"
+# msgstr "চিত্র লোড করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" ছবি লোড করা হচ্ছে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ফাইল প্রিন্ট করতে ত্রুটি:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "টুলবার সম্পাদন ব্যবস্থা"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "ডিফল্ট মান পুনরায় স্থাপন করুন (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "অঙ্কুর প্রকল্পের পক্ষে মাহে আলম খান ([email protected])"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"এটি একটি মুক্ত সফ্টওয়্যার; Free Software Foundation দ্বারা প্রকাশিত GNU General "
+"Public License'র শর্তানুযায়ী এটি বিতরণ ও পরিবর্তন করা যাবে; লাইনসেন্সেরসংস্করণ ২ "
+"অথবা (আপনার সুবিধানুযায়ী) ঊর্ধ্বতন কোনো সংস্করণের অধীন।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"এটি বিতরণ করার মূল উদ্দেশ্য যে ব্যবহারকারীরা এর দ্বারা উপকৃত হবেন, কিন্তু এটির জন্য "
+"কোনো সুস্পষ্ট ওয়ারেন্টি উপস্থিত নেই; বাণিজ্যিক ও কোনো সুনির্দিষ্ট কর্ম সাধনের জন্য "
+"অন্তর্নিহীত ওয়ারেন্টিও অনুপস্থিত। অধিক জানতে GNU General Public License পড়ুন।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"এই প্রোগ্রামের সাথে GNU General Public License'র একটি প্রতিলিপি উপলব্ধ হওয়া "
+"উচিত; না থাকলে নিম্নলিখিত ঠিকানায় লিখে তা সংগ্রহ করুন Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+# The এর বাংলা লেখার কি দরকার আছে ?
+# #লিখেই দিনা - আইনি ব্যাপার....
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE-র ছবি প্রদর্শনের প্রোগ্রাম।"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "স্থানীয় অবস্থানে ছবি সংরক্ষণ করা হচ্ছে..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"আপনি কি নিশ্চিতরূপে\n"
+"\"%s\" আবর্জনার বাক্সে স্থানান্তর করতে ইচ্ছুক?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\"-র জন্য প্রযোজ্য আবর্জনার বাক্স পাওয়া যায়নি। আপনি কি এটি স্থায়ীরূপে বর্জন করতে "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"আপনি কি নিশ্চিতরূপে নির্বাচিত %d-টি ছবি\n"
+"আবর্জনার বাক্সে স্থানান্তর করতে ইচ্ছুক?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"আপনি কি নিশ্চিতরূপে নির্বাচিত %d-টি ছবি\n"
+"আবর্জনার বাক্সে স্থানান্তর করতে ইচ্ছুক?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"নির্বাচিত কয়েকটি ছবি, আবর্জনার বাক্সে স্থানান্তর করা সম্ভব হবে না ও স্থায়ীভাবে বর্জন "
+"করা হবে। আপনি কি নিশ্চিতরূপে এইগুলি বর্জন করতে ইচ্ছুক?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "আবর্জনার বাক্সে স্থানান্তরণ (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "বর্তমানে সেশানের মধ্যে পুনরায় জিজ্ঞাসা করা হবে না (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "আবর্জনা ফোল্ডারে প্রবেশ করা যাচ্ছেনা।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ফাইল মুছে ফেলতে ব্যর্থ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s মুছে ফেলতে গিয়ে ত্রুটি দেখা দিয়েছে।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "ফাইল (_F)"
+# এটার একটা ভদ্রলোকের মতো বাংলা না করলেই নয়
+# Pro: Dictionary'তে "স্লাইড" আছে, সুতরাং সমস্যা নাই
+# # তাও - ভালো শোনায় না - আর শো-র বাংলা কি?
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)"
+# msgstr "_বাতিল করা হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "প্রদর্শন (_V)"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ছবি (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "গন্তব্য (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "সরঞ্জাম (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "সহায়তা (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "খুলুন... (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ফাইল খুলুন"
+# msgstr "সফটওয়ার _পরিচিতি"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "বন্ধ করুন (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "উইন্ডো বন্ধ করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "টুল-বার (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের টুল-বার সম্পাদন করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "পছন্দসই বৈশিষ্ট্য (_n)"
+# msgstr "_পছন্দসমূহ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE সংক্রান্ত পছন্দ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "সূচি (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের জন্য সাহায্য"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি থেকে বিদায় নেওয়া হোক"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি বন্ধ করে দেয়া হোক" -- ভাবানুবাদ
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "পরিচিতি (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "অ্যাপলিকেশন পরিচিতি"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "টুলবার (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমান উইন্ডোতে টুলবারের উপস্থিতি বদলায়"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "স্ট্যাটাসবার (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমান উইন্ডোতে স্ট্যাটাসবারের উপস্থিতি বদলায়"
+# msgstr "পৃথক উইন্ডো"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ছবির সংকলন (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমানে উইন্ডোর ছবি সংকলনের পেইনের প্রদর্শন পরিবর্তন করে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "পার্শ্ববর্তী পেইন (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "বর্তমান উইন্ডোর মধ্যে পার্শ্ববর্তী পেইনের প্রদর্শন পরিবর্তন করতে ব্যবহৃত হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "সংরক্ষণ (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিগুলির সব পরিবর্তন সংরক্ষণ করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সহযোগে খুলুন (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটি একটি পৃথক অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সহযোগে খুলুন"
+# msgstr "চিত্রটি ছাপা হোক এই প্রিন্টারে"
+# কনটেক্সট জানি না - এটাই বোধহয় ঠিক
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "নতুন নামে সংরক্ষণ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিগুলি পৃথক নামে সংরক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "প্রিন্ট করার জন্য পৃষ্ঠার বৈশিষ্ট্য নির্ধারণ করুন"
+# msgstr "_পুরো পর্দা জুড়ে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "প্রিন্ট করুন...(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটি প্রিন্ট করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবির বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী ও মিটাডাটা প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "পূর্বাবস্থা (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ছবির সর্বশেষ পরিবর্তন বাতিল করুন"
+# শুধু "ছবি" লিখলে জিনিষটা সহজে বোঝা যায়। "চিত্র সংগ্রহ" ঠিক আছে - কিন্তু কেমন জানি শোনায়। "চিত্রের সংগ্রহ" লিখতে পারো।
+# #চিত্রের করে দিয়েছি
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক দিশায় পরিবর্তন (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক দিশায় ছবিটির প্রতিবিম্ব তৈরি করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "উলম্ব দিশায় পরিবর্তন (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "উলম্ব দিশায় ছবিটির প্রতিবিম্ব তৈরি করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার দিকে ঘোরানো হবে (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ছবিটি ডানদিকে ৯০ ডিগ্রি ঘুরিয়ে দিন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার বিপরীত দিকে ঘোরানো হবে (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ছবিটি বাঁদিকে ৯০ ডিগ্রি ঘুরিয়ে দিন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "পটভূমি রূপে নির্ধারণ করুন (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটি ডেস্কটপের পটভূমি রূপে ধার্য করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "নির্বাচিত ছবিটি আবর্জনার বাক্সে সরিয়ে নিন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "বড় মাপে প্রদর্শন (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ছবির মাপ বড় করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "ছোট মাপে প্রদর্শন (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ছবিটির মাপ ছোট করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মাপ (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মাপে ছবিটি প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "সর্বোত্তম মাপ (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "উইন্ডোর মাপ অনুযায়ী ছবির মাপ ধার্য করুন"
+# msgstr "আপনার বর্তমান প্রিন্টারের পৃষ্ঠা বৈশিষ্টাবলী ঠিক করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শন (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "বর্তমান ছবিটি সম্পূর্ণ পর্দাজুড়ে প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "পূর্ববর্তী ছবি (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনের মধ্যে পূর্ববর্তী ছবিটিতে চলুন"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী ছবি (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনের মধ্যে পরবর্তী ছবিটিতে চলুন"
+# Pro: এইটা নিয়ে Confusion আছে। Embed = ?
+# #আমারও মাথায় ঢুকছে না :-(
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "প্রথম ছবি (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনের মধ্যে প্রথম ছবিটিতে চলুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "সর্বশেষ ছবি (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনের মধ্যে সর্বশেষ ছবিটিতে চলুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "ছবি পুনরায় লোড করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "সংকলনের মধ্যে পরবর্তী ছবিটিতে চলুন"
+# msgstr "ঘড়ির কাঁটার _উল্টোদিকে ঘোরানো হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "স্লাইড-শো (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ছবিগুলিকে স্লাইড-শো রূপে প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "পূর্ববর্তী"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ডানদিকে"
+# could be অবশিষ্ট also - mak
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "বাঁদিকে"
+# msgstr "আঁটানো হোক"
+# #এটা কিন্তু জি-উ-আই নিয়ে ঝামেলা করবে
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "বড় আকার"
+# msgstr "স্বাভাবিক ভাবে দেখানো হোক"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "ছোট আকার"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "স্বাভাবিক"
+# "ভালো" বানানটা ঠিক আছে, তবে সাধারণতঃ "ভাল"ই লিখা হয়
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "সর্বোত্তম মাপ"
+# msgstr "পৃথক উইন্ডো"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "ছবির সংকলন"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "বর্জন করুন"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইন"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "সক্রিয়"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "কনফিগার করুন (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "সক্রিয় করুন (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "সকল সক্রিয় করুন (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "সকল নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "সক্রিয় প্লাগ-ইন: (_P)"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি থেকে বিদায় নেওয়া হোক"
+# msgstr "প্রোগ্রামটি বন্ধ করে দেয়া হোক" -- ভাবানুবাদ
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইন পরিচিতি (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "প্লাগ-ইন কনফিগার করুন (_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ পর্দাজুড়ে প্রদর্শনের মোডে খুলুন"
+# msgstr "পৃথক উইন্ডো"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ছবির সংকলন নিষ্ক্রিয় করুন"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "স্লাইড-শো মোডে খুলুন"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "উপস্থিত ইনস্ট্যান্স পুনরায় ব্যবহার না করে একটি নতুন ইনস্ট্যান্স নির্মাণ করুন"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"কমান্ড-লাইন থেকে ব্যবহারযোগ্য সকল বিকল্পের সম্পূর্ণ তালিকা দেখার জন্য '%s --help' "
+"প্রয়োগ করুন।"
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ছবি প্রদর্শন ব্যবস্থা"
diff --git a/po/br.po b/po/br.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f5e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/br.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1299 @@
+# Breton translation for eom
+# Copyright (c) (c) 2006 Canonical Ltd, and Rosetta Contributors 2006
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Giulia, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-25 04:05+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-05 22:24+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Denis\n"
+"Language-Team: Breton <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Diskouezh “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Dilec'hiañ war ar varrenn-ostilhoù"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Dilec'hiañ an elfenn dibabet war ar varrenn-ostilhoù"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Lemel diwar ar varrenn-ostilhoù"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Lemel an elfenn dibabet diwar ar varrenn-ostilhoù"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Lemel ur varrenn-ostilhoù"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Lemel ar varrenn ostilhoù dibabet"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Kefarz"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Adkargañ ar skeudenn"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Gweler skeudennoù"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Aozer :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Eizhbitoù :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Copyright :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Deiziad / Eur :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Deskrivadur :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Munudoù</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Amkanell ar c'hamera :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sav :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gerioù alc'hwez :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lec'hiadur :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Anv :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rizh :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Led :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+#| msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Munudoù"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Hollek"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Perzhioù ar skeudenn"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metaroadennoù"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_A-heul"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_An hini kent"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rakgwel an anv-restr</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Resisadurioù war hent ar restr</n>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dibaboù</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Dibab un teuliad"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Teuliad an dehaezadur :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Mentrezh anv ar restr :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Enrollañ dindan"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Da :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zoum ar skeudenn</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Prantad</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tammoù treuzwelus</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Evit an _drekleur"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Da _liv personelaet :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Liv evit an takadoù treuzwelus"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Gwellvezioù Lagad MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Sell ar skeudenn"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Enlugelladoù"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Kinnig luc'hvannoù"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Cheñch skeudenn war-lerc'h:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "eilenn"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "Ur road brasoc'h da 0 a lâr an niver a eilennoù a chomo ur skeudenn hewel a-raok ma vo diskouezet war-eeun an hini da heul. Zero a lazh ar furch automatek."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Enlugelladoù oberiant"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Aotreañ ur zoom brasoc'h eget ar 100% a-orin"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Koulzad e eilennoù a-raok diskouez ar skeudenn da heul"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr "Ma lakait FALSE amañ, ne vo ket azasaet ar skeudennoù bihan da vent ar skramm."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolañ ar skeudenn"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Diskouez/kuzhat panell ar skeudennaoueg."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Diskouez/kuzhat barrenn-stad ar prenestr."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Diskouez/kuzhat barrenn-ostilhoù ar prenestr."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Liv an dreuzwelusted"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Kannad an dreuzwelusted"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Kenderc'hel pe get da ziskouez diehan an heuliad skeudennoù."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "An holl restroù"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "An holl skeudennoù"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:768
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "a bikseloù"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Kargañ ar skeudenn"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Enrollañ ar skeudenn"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Digeriñ un teuliad"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:546
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:977
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "N'eo ket gouzañvet an EXIF evit ar mentrezh-restr-mañ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1092
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1494
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1596
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Skeudenn ebet karget"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1504
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1608
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Sac'het eo krouidigezh ar restr mareadus."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ne oa ket tu da grouiñ ar restr mareadus evit an enrollañ: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ne oa ket tu da reiñ memor evit kargañ ar restr JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Titouroù ar skeudenn"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Evezhiadenn an aozer"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Traoù all"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP all"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Klav"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Road"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr ""
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Adklask"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Dibarzhoù ar skeudenn"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Skeudenn"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Arventennoù ar bajenn"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Lec'hiadur"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "K_leiz"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "D_ehou"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Lein :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Diaz :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Kr_eizañ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Hini ebet"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "A-zremm"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "A-serzh"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "An eil hag egile"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Ment"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Led :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Sav :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "O skeulaat :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unanenn :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "a vilimetroù"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "a veutadoù"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Alberz"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:155
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Dianav"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:233
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Bez ez eus daou restr kevatal da vihanañ"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ne oa ket tu da ziskouez ar skoazell evit Lagad MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(Unicode didalvoudek)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1183
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1333
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1672
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2368
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Kemmer barrennoù-ostilhoù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2513
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2599
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Giulia Fraboulet <>\n"
+"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
+" Denis\n"
+" Oublieuse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2602
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2606
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2610
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2623
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Lagad MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2626
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3067
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3149
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ha sur oc'h e fell deoc'h kas\n"
+"\"%s\" d'al lastez?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3152
+#, c-format
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3157
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3162
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3179
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3606
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3630
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Kas d'al _lastez"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3181
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3226
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3240
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Ne oa ket tu da dizhout al lastez."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3319
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Fazi en ur zilemel ar skeudenn %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3526
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Restr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "K_emmañ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3528
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "G_welout"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "S_keudenn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3530
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Mont"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3531
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Binvioù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3532
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Skoazell"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Digeriñ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Digeriñ ur restr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Serriñ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Serriñ ar prenestr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barenn _ostilhoù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3541
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "G_wellvezioù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3544
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Gwellvezioù evit Lagad MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Endalc'hadoù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3547
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Kaout skoazell evit an arload-mañ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Diwar-benn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3550
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Diwar-benn an arload-mañ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Barrenn-ostilhoù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3556
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Kemmañ a ra hewelded ar varrenn-ostilhoù er prenestr red"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Barrenn-stad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3559
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Kemmañ a ra hewelded ar varrenn-stad er prenestr red"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3561
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Skeudennaoueg"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3562
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Kemmañ a ra hewelded panell ar skeudennaoueg er prenestr red"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panell gostez"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3565
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Enrollañ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3571
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Digeriñ _gant"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3574
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3576
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Enrollañ dind_an..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3577
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3580
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Moullañ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3583
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Moullan ar skeudenn diuzet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3585
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Pe_rzhioù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3588
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Nullañ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3589
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Gwintañ a-_zremm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3592
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3594
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Gwintañ a-_serzh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3595
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3597
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_C'hwelañ gant roud ar bizied"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3598
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "C'hwelañ ar skeudenn dre 90 derez war an tu dehou"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3600
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "C'hwe_lañ gant roud gin ar bizied"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3601
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "C'hwelañ ar skeudenn dre 90 derez war an tu kleiz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3603
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3604
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3607
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3609
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3621
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3624
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zoom brasaat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3610
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3622
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3612
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3627
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom _bihanaat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3613
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3625
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3628
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Ment _boutin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3616
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3618
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Ment peurvat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3619
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "Skramm _leun"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3637
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3642
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3654
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Skeudenn _gent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3643
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3645
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Skeudenn da _heul"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3646
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3648
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Skeudenn g_entañ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3649
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3651
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3660
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Skeudenn z_iwezhañ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3652
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3666
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Kinnig luc'hvannoù"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3667
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3733
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Kent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3737
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Da heul"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3741
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Dehou"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3744
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Kleiz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3747
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "E-barzh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3750
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Er-maez"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Boutin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Dastumad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Lastez"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Enlugellad"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Gweredekaet"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "Kefl_uniañ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Gweredekaat"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Gweredekaat an _holl"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Diweredekaat an holl"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Enl_ugelladoù oberiant :"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Diwar-benn an enlugellad"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Ober war-dro an enlugellad"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[RESTR...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Lagad MATE gweler skeudennoù"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Digeriñ gant \"%s\""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+#~ "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Interpolañ pe get ar skeudenn pa vez zoomet warni. Digas a ra ur c'halite "
+#~ "uheloc'h met un tamm gorrekoc'h e vo eget skeudennoù n'int ket interpolet."
diff --git a/po/bs.po b/po/bs.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de4ca42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/bs.po
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.po to Bosnian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Kenan Hadžiavdić <[email protected]>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-11 19:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-10 19:23+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kenan Hadžiavdić <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bosnian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
+"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Preglednik slika"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Pregledajte mnogo različitih tipova slika"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pregled imena datoteke</b>"
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pojedinosti putanje datoteke</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Interpolacija slike</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Uvećanje slike</b>"
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opcije</b>"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sekvenca</b>"
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Providni dijelovi</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Dopusti početno _uvećanje preko 100%"
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Kao _pozadina"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Kao _kvadratići"
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Kao izabrana _boja"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Boja providnih područja"
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Odredišni direktorij:"
+msgid "Eye of Mate Preferences"
+msgstr "Opcije za Eye of Mate"
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Format imena datoteke:"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "_Pregled slika"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Preimenuj iz:"
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Zamijeni prazna polja podvlakama"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Snimi kao"
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Snimam sliku"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Pokaži automatski _sljedeću sliku nakon:"
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Prikaz s_lajdova"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Započni brojač na:"
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "U:"
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Pregledaj"
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "_Interpoliraj sliku kod uvećanja"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Sekvenca _petlje"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundi"
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Vrijednost veća od 0 određuje koliko sekundi će slika ostati na ekranu prije "
+"nego se automatski prikaže sljedeća. Nula isključuje automatski pregled."
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Dopusti prvobitno uvećanje preko 100%"
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Pauza u sekundama prije prikazivanja sljedeće slike"
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Odlučuje kako će se providnost naznačiti. Važeće vrijednosti su "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR i NONE. Ako je izabrana COLOR, onda ključ trans_color "
+"određuje vrijednost korištene boje."
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ako je vrijednost ključa za providnost COLOR, onda ovaj ključ određuje boju "
+"koja će se koristiti za naznačavanje providnosti."
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ako ovo nije postavljeno, male slike neće odmah biti razvučene da bi se "
+"uklopile na ekran."
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoliraj sliku"
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Petlja kroz niz slika"
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Otvori slike u novom prozoru"
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Pokaži/sakrij statusnu traku prozora."
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Pokaži/sakrij traku s alatima u prozoru."
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Providna boja"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indikator providnosti"
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Da li će otvaranje slike napraviti novi prozor umjesto zamjenjivanja slike u "
+"trenutnom prozoru."
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Da li će se niz slika prikazivati u beskonačnoj petlji."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Da li će se slika interpolirati tokom uvećanja ili ne.Ovo poboljšava "
+"kvalitet ali je sporije nego slike bez interpoliranja."
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Sve datoteke"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Sve slike"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s piksli"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Učitaj sliku"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Snimi sliku"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Otvori direktorij"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nisam mogao napraviti privremenu datoteku za snimanje: %s"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nisam mogao dodijeliti memoriju za učitavanje JPEG datoteke"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "prazna datoteka"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Datoteka postoji"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nije učitana slika."
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Neuspješno pravljenje privremene datoteke."
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Podaci slike"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Uslovi snimanja slike"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Bilješka fotografa"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ostalo"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Oznaka"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Vrijednost"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Ime datoteke"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Širina"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Visina"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Veličina datoteke"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Atribut"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Datoteka"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Opcija nije dostupna."
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of Mate."
+msgstr ""
+"Da biste koristili ovu funkciju, trebate imati biblioteku libexif. Molim "
+"instalirajte libexif ( i ponovo kompajlirajte Eye of "
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "kao što je"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Snimam sliku %s."
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Odustani od snimanja ..."
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr "Imena datoteka nisu odvojena."
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Brojač"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Komentar"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Datum"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Vrijeme"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Dan"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Mjesec"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Godina"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Sat"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Minuta"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Sekunda"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Kenan Hadžiavdić <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2167 shell/eom-window.c:2482
+#: shell/main.c:498
+msgid "Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "MATE program za pregled i razvrstavanje slika."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of Mate.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Nisam mogao prikazati pomoć za Eye of Mate.\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Prepisati preko datoteke %s?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:627
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Datoteka postoji. Želite li snimiti preko?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:636 shell/eom-window.c:649
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Preskoči"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:637
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Prepiši preko"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:642
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Greška tokom snimanja %s."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:650 shell/eom-window.c:1034
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Pokušaj ponovo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1023
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Nisam mogao odrediti format datoteke %s"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"Molim koristite odgovarajući nastavak u imenu datoteke ili izaberite format "
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1166
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Greška pri snimanju slika."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1399
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Da li zaista želite pomjeriti %i sliku u smeće?"
+msgstr[1] "Da li zaista želite pomjeriti %i slike u smeće?"
+msgstr[2] "Da li zaista želite pomjeriti %i slika u smeće?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1437
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nemam pristupa smeću."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Greška pri brisanju slike %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2096
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2233
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Datoteka"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2234
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Izmijeni"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2235
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Pogledaj"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2236
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Pomoć"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Novi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Otvori novi prozor"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Otvori..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open _Directory..."
+msgstr "_Otvori direktorij..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open a directory"
+msgstr "Otvori direktorij"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Zatvori"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zatvori prozor"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Postavke"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Postavke za Eye of Mate"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Sadržaj"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Pomoć za ovu aplikaciju"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_O"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "O ovoj aplikaciji"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Traka s alatima"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2249
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusna traka"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2254
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Snimi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2255
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Snimi _kao"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Vrati"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2259
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Obrni _vodoravno"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2260
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Obrni _uspravno"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2262
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Okreni u smjeru _kazaljke na satu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2263
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Okreni _suprotno od smjera kazaljke na satu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2264
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "_Okreni 180°"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2266
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Briši"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2268
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Cijeli ekran"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2269
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Uvećaj"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2270
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "U_manji"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normalna veličina"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2272
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Prilagođeno"
+#: shell/main.c:236
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"Spremate se istovremeno otvoriti %i prozora. Želite li ih umjesto toga "
+"otvoriti u zbirci?"
+#: shell/main.c:240
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Otvoriti više pojedinačnih prozora?"
+#: shell/main.c:244
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Pojedinačni prozori"
+#: shell/main.c:246
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Zbirka"
+#: shell/main.c:298
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Datoteka nije nađena."
+msgstr[1] "Datoteke nisu nađene."
+msgstr[2] "Datoteke nisu nađene."
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Nisam mogao otvoriti `%s'"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Slike: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Izađi"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Zatvori sve prozore i izađi"
diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3657ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ca.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2641 @@
+# eom translation to Catalan.
+# Copyright © 2000-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Softcatalà <[email protected]>, 2000, 2001, 2002.
+# Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
+# Jordi Mas <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Gil Forcada <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-27 20:32+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-24 13:24+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Gil Forcada <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Catalan <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Mostra «_%s»"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mou dins la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Mou l'element seleccionat a la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Suprimeix de la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Suprimeix l'element seleccionat de la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Suprimeix la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Suprimeix la barra d'eines seleccionada"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separador"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activa el mode a pantalla completa fent doble clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pantalla completa fent doble clic"
+# Ha de ser indeterminat (josep)
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Carrega una imatge"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Torna a carregar la imatge actual"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data a la barra d'estat"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Mostra la data de la imatge a la barra d'estat"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Navegueu per imatges i gireu-les"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualitzador d'imatges"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor de l'obertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model de la càmera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data i hora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripció:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalls"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Temps d'exposició:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flaix:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Longitud focal:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Alçada:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Valoració ISO de la velocitat:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propietats de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Paraules clau:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Ubicació:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadades"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mode de mesurament:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipus:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Amplada:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Següent"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "A_nterior"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nom de fitxer original"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> comptador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Escolliu una carpeta"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Carpeta de destinació:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Previsualització del nom del fitxer"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificacions del camí dels fitxers"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format del nom del fitxer:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcions"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Canvia el nom de:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Reemplaça els espais per subratllats"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Anomena i desa"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Inicia el comptador a:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "A:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Com a _fons"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Com a _patró de quadrats"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Com a c_olor personalitzat:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Com a color personalitzat:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fons"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Color de fons"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Color per a àrees transparents"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Ajusta totes les imatges a la _pantalla"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferències de l'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Millores de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Visualització de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Ampliació de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Connectors"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Seqüència"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Suavitza les imatges en _ampliar-les"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Suavitza les imatges en _reduir-les"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Parts transparents"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientació _automàtica"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Seqüència en buc_le"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Canvia d'imatge despré_s de:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segons"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Un valor més gran que 0 determina els segons que romandrà una imatge en "
+"pantalla fins que la següent es mostri automàticament. Zero inhabilita la "
+"navegació automàtica."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Connectors actius"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permet que l'ampliació sigui més gran que 100% inicialment"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientació automàtica"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Retard en segons abans de mostrar la següent imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina com s'ha d'indicar la transparència. Els valors vàlids són "
+"«CHECK_PATTERN» (comprova el patró), «COLOR» (color) i «NONE» (cap). Si se "
+"selecciona COLOR, aleshores la clau «trans-color» determina el valor del "
+"color utilitzat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapola la imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està activat i no s'ha carregat cap imatge a la finestra activa, el "
+"selector de fitxers mostrarà la carpeta d'imatges de l'usuari utilitzant els "
+"directoris d'usuari especials XDG. Si està desactivat o no s'ha configurat "
+"la carpeta d'imatges, es mostrarà el directori de treball actual."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està activat, l'Eye of MATE no sol·licitarà confirmació en enviar "
+"imatges a la paperera. Tot i això, la demanarà si algun dels fitxers no es "
+"pot enviar a la paperera i s'ha de suprimir."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està activat es mourà la llista de metadades detallades del diàleg de "
+"propietats a la seva pròpia pàgina en el diàleg. Això farà el diàleg més "
+"fàcil d'utilitzar en pantalles petites; per exemple quan s'utilitzi en "
+"ordinadors ultraportàtils. Si està desactivat el giny serà incrustat a la "
+"pàgina «Metadades»."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la clau de transparència té el valor COLOR, aleshores aquesta clau "
+"determina el color que s'utilitza per indicar la transparència."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està actiu, el color establert en la clau «background-color» s'utilitzarà "
+"per a emplenar l'àrea de darrera la imatge. Si no està establerta, "
+"s'utilitzarà el color del tema de GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està establert a FALSE, les imatges petites no s'estiraran per ajustar a "
+"la finestra inicialment."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posició de la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges. Establiu-ho a 0 perquè "
+"estigui a baix; 1 a l'esquerra; 2 a dalt; 3 a la part dreta."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpola la imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Llista de connectors actius. No conté la «Location» dels connectors actius. "
+"Vegeu el fitxer .eom-plugin per obtenir la «Location» d'un connector "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Repeteix la seqüència d'imatges"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom amb la rodeta de desplaçament"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Mostra/amaga els botons de desplaçament de la subfinestra de col·lecció "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la subfinestra lateral de la finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la barra d'estat de la finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la barra d'eines de la finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"El color que s'utilitzarà per a emplenar l'àrea de darrera la imatge. Si la "
+"clau «use-background-color» no està establerta, s'utilitzarà el color del "
+"tema de GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"El factor de multiplicació que s'ha d'aplicar quan es faci servir la rodeta "
+"del ratolí per ampliar o reduir. Aquest valor defineix el pas d'ampliació/"
+"reducció que es farà a cada esdeveniment de la rodeta. Per exemple, 0.05 "
+"significa que a cada esdeveniment de rodeta s'ampliarà o es reduirà un 5%, "
+"1.00 serà una ampliació/reducció del 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Color de transparència"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de transparència"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Envia les imatges a la paperera sense confirmar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Utilitza un color de fons personalitzat"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el selector de fitxers hauria de mostrar la carpeta d'imatges de l'usuari "
+"si no s'ha carregat cap imatge."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Si la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges s'ha de poder redimensionar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Si s'ha d'extrapolar la imatge en ampliar. Això aporta una qualitat borrosa "
+"i és una mica més lent que les imatges no extrapolades."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Si s'ha d'interpolar la imatge en reduir. Això aporta una millor qualitat "
+"però és una mica més lent que les imatges no interpolades."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Si la imatge s'ha de girar automàticament d'acord amb les dades EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la llista de metadades del diàleg de propietats hauria de tenir la seva "
+"pròpia pàgina."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar la rodeta de desplaçament per fer zoom."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Si la seqüència d'imatges s'hauria de mostrar en un bucle infinit."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Mutiplicador del zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "S'està executant en mode a pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Tanca _sense desar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pregunta"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Es perdran els canvis si no els deseu."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Abans de tancar voleu desar els canvis a la imatge «%s»?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Hi ha %d imatge que té canvis sense desar. Voleu desar-los abans de tancar?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Hi ha %d imatges que té canvis sense desar. Voleu desar-los abans de tancar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_eleccioneu les imatges que voleu desar:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Es perdran tots els canvis si no els deseu."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "El format de fitxer és desconegut o no està implementat"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"L'Eye of MATE no ha pogut determinar el format de fitxer basant-se en el "
+"nom del fitxer."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Proveu una extensió de fitxer diferent, com .png o .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Totes les imatges"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "píxel"
+msgstr[1] "píxels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Obre una imatge"
+# Aquí és determinat perquè sabem quina imatge volem desar
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Desa la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Obre una carpeta"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformació en una imatge descarregada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut transformar la imatge."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Aquest format de fitxer no pot fer servir EXIF."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge."
+# FIXME: O... "no s'ha carregat cap imatge"? (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "No hi ha cap imatge carregada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Ha fallat la creació del fitxer temporal."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer temporal per desar: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut assignar memòria per carregar el fitxer JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Càmera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dades de la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condicions de captura de la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nota de l'autor"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Altres"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP EXIF"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Gestió de drets XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Altres XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Reintenta-ho"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge «%s»."
+# FIXME: O... "no s'ha carregat cap imatge"? (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap imatge a «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Les ubicacions donades no contenen cap imatge."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Paràmetres de la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "La imatge de la qual se'n configuraran les propietats de la impressió"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configuració de la pàgina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "La informació de la pàgina on s'imprimirà la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posició"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Esquerra:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Dreta:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Superior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Inferior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Centre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Cap"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horitzontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ambdós"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Mida"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Amplada:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "A_lçària:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Escalat:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unitat:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Mil·límetres"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Polzades"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Previsualització"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Desconegut"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lent)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (film de 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "com està"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Presa al"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Hi ha dos noms de fitxer iguals com a mínim."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut mostrar l'ajuda de l'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode no vàlid)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i píxel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i píxels %s %i%%"
+# Ha de ser indeterminat (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Torna a carregar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Oculta"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Una aplicació externa ha modificat la imatge «%s».\n"
+"Voleu tornar a carregar-la?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Utilitza «%s» per obrir la imatge seleccionada"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "S'està desant la imatge «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "S'està obrint la imatge «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha produït un error en imprimir el fitxer:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de la barra d'eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Reinicia als predeterminats"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Softcatalà <[email protected]>\n"
+"Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>\n"
+"Jordi Mas i Hernàndez <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Aquest programa és lliure; el podeu redistribuir i/o modificar d'acord amb "
+"els termes de la Llicència pública general de GNU tal com la publica la Free "
+"Software Foundation; ja sigui la versió 2 de la Llicència com (si ho "
+"preferiu) qualsevol versió posterior.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Aquest programa es distribueix amb l'esperança que serà útil, però SENSE CAP "
+"GARANTIA; ni tan sols amb la garantia de COMERCIALITZABILITAT o APTITUD PER "
+"A PROPÒSITS DETERMINATS. Vegeu la Llicència general pública de GNU per a més "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la llicència pública general de GNU amb "
+"aquest programa; sinó, escriviu a la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 "
+"Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "El visualitzador d'imatges del MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "Obre les preferències del _fons de pantalla"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha establert la imatge «%s» com a fons d'escriptori.\n"
+"Voleu modificar-ne la seva aparença?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "S'està desant la imatge en local…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Esteu segur de voler moure\n"
+"«%s» a la paperera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut trobar una paperera per a «%s». Voleu suprimir aquesta imatge "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Esteu segur que voleu moure la\n"
+"imatge seleccionada a la paperera?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Esteu segur que voleu moure les\n"
+"%d imatges seleccionades a la paperera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"No es poden moure a la paperera algunes de les imatges seleccionades, de "
+"manera que se suprimiran permanentment. Segur que voleu continuar?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mou a la _paperera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "No _ho tornis a demanar en aquesta sessió"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut accedir a la paperera."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut suprimir el fitxer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en eliminar la imatge %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Visualitza"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Vés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_juda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Obre…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Obre un fitxer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Tanca"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Tanca la finestra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'_eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Edita la barra d'eines de l'aplicació"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Preferè_ncies"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferències de l'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Continguts"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ajuda per a aquesta aplicació"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Quant a"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Quant a aquesta aplicació"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'_eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Canvia la visibilitat de la barra d'eines de la finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'e_stat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Canvia la visibilitat de la barra d'estat de la finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Col·lecció d'_imatges"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Canvia la visibilitat de la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges de la "
+"finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Subfinestra lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Canvia la visibilitat de la subfinestra lateral en la finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Desa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Desa els canvis de les imatges seleccionades"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Obre a_mb"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Obre la imatge seleccionada amb una aplicació diferent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "_Anomena i desa…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Desa les imatges seleccionades amb un nom diferent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Imprimeix…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprimeix la imatge seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "P_ropietats"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Mostra les propietats i les metadades de la imatge seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Desfés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Desfés l'últim canvi a la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Inverteix _horitzontalment"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Capgira horitzontalment la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Inverteix _verticalment"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Capgira verticalment la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Gira cap a la dreta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Gira la imatge 90 graus en sentit horari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Gira cap a _l'esquerra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Gira la imatge 90 graus en sentit antihorari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Estableix com a fons d'_escriptori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Estableix la imatge seleccionada com a fons d'escriptori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mou la imatge seleccionada a la paperera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "A_mplia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Amplia la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Re_dueix"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Encongeix la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Mida _normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Mostra la imatge en la seva mida normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Millor a_just"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Ajusta la imatge a la finestra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Pantalla _completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mostra la imatge actual en mode pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Fes una pausa a la projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Fes una pausa o reprèn la projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _prèvia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a la imatge prèvia de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _següent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a la imatge següent de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "P_rimera imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a la primera imatge de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Darrera imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a l'última imatge de la col·lecció"
+# Ha de ser indeterminat (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _aleatòria"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a una imatge aleatòria de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Inicia una projecció de les imatges"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Prèvia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Següent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Dreta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquerra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Apropa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Allunya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Ajusta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Llença-la a la paperera"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Connector"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Habilitat"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigura"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctiva"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tiva'ls tots"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desactiva'ls tots"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Connectors actius:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Quant al connector"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigura el connector"
+# Eye of Mate és un nom propi. jm
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualitzador d'imatges Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Obre a pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Inhabilita la col·lecció d'imatges"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Obre en mode projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Inicia una instància nova en lloc de reutilitzar-ne una d'existent"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Mostra la versió de l'aplicació"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FITXER…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Executeu «%s --help» per veure la llista completa d'opcions disponibles de la "
+"línia d'ordres."
+# Ha de ser indeterminat (josep)
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Carrega una imatge"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Fitxer"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Configureu les propietats de la pàgina per a imprimir"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detalls</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Alçada:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nom:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipus:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Amplada:</b>"
+#~ msgid "_Open..."
+#~ msgstr "_Obre..."
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "_Anomena i desa..."
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Imprimeix..."
+# c-format
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Obre amb «%s»"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Mou a la paperera"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Només es poden utilitzar les imatges locals com a fons de pantalla"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Deseu la imatge en aquest ordinador per a poder-la establir com a fons de "
+#~ "pantalla"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Config_uració de la pàgina..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Estableix com a _fons d'escriptori"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "El fitxer existeix"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Ubicació:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "<b>Position</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Posició</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mida</b>"
+#~ msgid "Bottom"
+#~ msgstr "Inferior"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Col·lecció d'imatges"
+#~ msgid "Top"
+#~ msgstr "Superior"
+#~ msgid "Use fixed size"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza mida fixa"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria de la darrera col·lecció de finestres"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria de la darrera finestra individual"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Obre les imatges en una finestra nova"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si en obrir una imatge s'hauria de crear una nova finestra en comptes de "
+#~ "reemplaçar la imatge de la finestra actual."
+#~ msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+#~ msgstr "El programa del MATE per a visualitzar i catalogar imatges."
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Navega"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Mostra/amaga la informació de les imatges per a una col·lecció."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Mostra/amaga la informació de la imatge per a una sola imatge."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Nom del fitxer"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Amplada"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Alçària"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Mida del fitxer"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Atribut"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Fitxer"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s píxel"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s x %s píxels"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Obre en una finestra nova"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "Comptador"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Comentari"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "Data"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "Hora"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "Dia"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "Mes"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "Any"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "Hora"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "Minut"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "Segon"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "L'opció no és disponible."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Per a utilitzar aquesta funció necessiteu la biblioteca libexif. "
+#~ "Instal·leu libexif ( i recompileu l'Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Cancel·la el desat ..."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut mostrar l'ajuda de l'Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "Voleu sobreescriure el fitxer %s?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "El fitxer ja existeix. Voleu sobreescriure'l?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "Omet"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "Sobreescriu"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar %s."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut determinar l'URI de destinació."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut determinar el format del fitxer %s"
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Utilitzeu un sufix apropiat per al nom de fitxer o seleccioneu un format "
+#~ "de fitxer."
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar les imatges."
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Raó: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "_Informació de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "Tanca"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "Desa"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "Desfés"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat la descripció de la interfície d'usuari."
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear la interfície d'usuari de l'Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "No s'ha trobat el fitxer."
+#~ msgstr[1] "No s'han trobat els fitxers."
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "Buit"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitza diferents tipus d'imatges"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Projecció de diapositives"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Interpolació de la imatge</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "_Permet una ampliació inicial més gran del 100%"
+#~ msgid "Print Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Previsualitza la impressió"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Gi_ra 180 graus"
+#~ msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir «%s»"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Suprimeix"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si està establert a TRUE, les imatges es canviaran després del nombre de "
+#~ "segons determinat a la clau 'full_screen/seconds'."
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "Finestra _nova"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Obre una finestra nova"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Obre una _carpeta..."
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Nou"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Voleu obrir múltiples finestres individuals?"
+# Quin sentit té dir que "s'obrirà 1 finestra simulàniament"? (josep)
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Esteu a punt d'obrir %i finestra simultàniament. Voleu, en lloc d'això, "
+#~ "obrir-la en una col·lecció?"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Ara s'obriran %i finestres simultàniament. Voleu que enlloc d'això "
+#~ "s'obrin en una col·lecció?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Finestres individuals"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "Diapositives"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "fitxer buit"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "Els noms dels fitxers no són disjunts."
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Nou"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Obre un _directori..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Obre un directori"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Imatges: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "S_urt"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les finestres i surt"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitzador de col·leccions d'imatges EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Creació de vistes de la col·lecció d'imatges d'EOM"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "El desat ha finalitzat"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Mostra la col·lecció"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Títol de la finestra"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Text d'estat"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Progrés de la càrrega de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'imatges EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Creació de visualitzadors d'imatges EOM"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imatge EOM incrustable"
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "El tipus d'imatge no és suportat per a desar."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Pàgina"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Paper"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% de la mida original"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Ajusta a "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda de tallar"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Abaix, i llavors a la dreta"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Ajusta a la pàgina"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Horitzontalment per "
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Marges"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda d'ordenació"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Sobreposa"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda de sobreposar"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Ordre de la pàgina"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Dreta, i llavors abaix"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Escala"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Mostra"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Verticalment per "
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "El nom del fitxer o dades a imprimir"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Cancel·la"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Surt del programa"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Pantalla sencera"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Previsualitza la imatge ha imprimir"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Pre_visualització de la impressió"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la imatge a la impressora"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/Amplia el _zoom"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Re_dueix el zoom"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/Mida _normal"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Millor a_just"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Tanca"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge %s."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge %s.\n"
+#~ "Raó: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "La càrrega de la imatge ha fallat"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "S'ha desat la imatge correctament"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Alçada de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Text de la barra d'estat"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Amplada de finestra desitjada"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Alçada de finestra desitjada"
+#~ msgid "dialog1"
+#~ msgstr "diàlegl"
+#~ msgid "By Extension"
+#~ msgstr "Per l'extensió"
+#~ msgid "Determine File Type:"
+#~ msgstr "Determina el tipus de fitxer:"
+#~ msgid "Don't use zoom larger than 100%"
+#~ msgstr "No utilitzes zoom més gran que 100%"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom (better quality but slower)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "_Interpola la imatge a l'ajustar el zoom (millor qualitat, però més lent)"
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "Copyright © 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Automatically pick window size"
+#~ msgstr "Obté la mida de la finestra automàticament"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom factor for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "El factor de zoom per defecte per a la vista a pantalla completa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default zoom factor for the full screen view. Possible values are: 0 (use "
+#~ "1:1 zoom factor), 1 (use the same zoom factor as the image window), 2 "
+#~ "(fit the image to the screen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El factor del zoom per defecte per a la vista a pantalla completa. Els "
+#~ "valors possibles són: 0 (usa el factor del zoom 1:1), 1 (usa el mateix "
+#~ "factor del zoom que la finestra d'imatge), 2 (ajusta la imatge a la "
+#~ "pantalla)."
+#~ msgid "Fit standard-sized images to the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Ajusta les imatges de mida estàndard a la finestra"
+#~ msgid "Put a bevel around the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Col·loca un bisell al voltant de la pantalla"
+#~ msgid "Scrollbar policy for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Política de la barra de desplaçament per a la vista a pantalla completa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether image windows should pick their size and zooming factor "
+#~ "automatically based on the size of the image. If this option is not set, "
+#~ "image windows will get whatever size the window manager assigns to them."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si les finestres d'imatge haurien de seleccionar la seua mida i factor de "
+#~ "zoom automàticament basant-se en la mida de la imatge. Si aquesta opció "
+#~ "no s'estableix, les finestres d'imatge obtindran qualsevol mida li "
+#~ "assigne el gestor de finestres."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether the full screen view should display a bevel along the edges of "
+#~ "the screen."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si la vista a pantalla completa hauria de mostrar un bisell per la vora "
+#~ "de la pantalla."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to display scrollbars on the full screen view. Possible values "
+#~ "are: 1 (automatic; only display scrollbars if the image is larger than "
+#~ "the window), 2 (never display scrollbars)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si s'han de mostrar barres de desplaçament en la vista a pantalla "
+#~ "completa. Els valors possibles són: 1 (automàtic; només mostra barres de "
+#~ "desplaçament si la imatge és més gran que la finestra), 2 (mai mostra "
+#~ "barres de desplaçament)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to fit standard-sized images to the screen when in full screen "
+#~ "mode. These are images with sizes like 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, etc. "
+#~ "This selects whether such images should be scaled to fit the screen "
+#~ "regardless of the setting for the default zoom factor of the full screen "
+#~ "view."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si s'han d'ajustar les imatges de mida estàndard a la finestra quan "
+#~ "s'està en mode a pantalla completa. Aquestes són imatges amb mides com "
+#~ "320x240, 640x480, 800x800, etc. Açò selecciona si aquestes imatges s'han "
+#~ "d'escalar per a ajustar-se a la pantalla siga quin siga el paràmetre per "
+#~ "al factor del zoom per defecte de la vista a pantalla completa."
+#~ msgid "action_area"
+#~ msgstr "àrea_acció"
+#~ msgid "dialog"
+#~ msgstr "diàleg"
+#~ msgid "vbox"
+#~ msgstr "vbox"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "pts"
+#~ msgstr "pts"
+#~ msgid "points"
+#~ msgstr "punts"
+#~ msgid "mm"
+#~ msgstr "mm"
+#~ msgid "cm"
+#~ msgstr "cm"
+#~ msgid "centimeter"
+#~ msgstr "centímetre"
+#~ msgid "Print Setup"
+#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la configuració"
+#~ msgid "Print preview"
+#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la previsualització"
+#~ msgid "Paper size:"
+#~ msgstr "Mida del paper:"
+#~ msgid "Portrait"
+#~ msgstr "Retrat"
+#~ msgid "Landscape"
+#~ msgstr "Apaisat"
+#~ msgid "Overlap horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Sobreposar horitzontalment per "
+#~ msgid "Overlap vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Sobreposar verticalment per "
+#~ msgid "Helpers"
+#~ msgstr "Ajudants"
+#~ msgid "By c_olor"
+#~ msgstr "Per c_olor"
+#~ msgid "Indicate Transparency"
+#~ msgstr "Indica la transparència"
+#~ msgid "Pick a color"
+#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un color"
+#~ msgid "interpolation type"
+#~ msgstr "tipus d'interpolació"
+#~ msgid "the type of interpolation to use"
+#~ msgstr "el tipus d'interpolació a utilitzar"
+#~ msgid "check type"
+#~ msgstr "comprova el tipus"
+#~ msgid "the type of chequering to use"
+#~ msgstr "el tipus de comprovació a utilitzar"
+#~ msgid "the size of chequers to use"
+#~ msgstr "la mida del comprovadors a utilitzar"
+#~ msgid "dither type"
+#~ msgstr "tipus de trama"
+#~ msgid "BMP"
+#~ msgstr "BMP"
+#~ msgid "GIF"
+#~ msgstr "GIF"
+#~ msgid "ICO"
+#~ msgstr "ICO"
+#~ msgid "JPEG"
+#~ msgstr "JPEG"
+#~ msgid "PNG"
+#~ msgstr "PNG"
+#~ msgid "PNM"
+#~ msgstr "PNM"
+#~ msgid "RAS"
+#~ msgstr "RAS"
+#~ msgid "SVG"
+#~ msgstr "SVG"
+#~ msgid "TGA"
+#~ msgstr "TGA"
+#~ msgid "TIFF"
+#~ msgstr "TIFF"
+#~ msgid "XBM"
+#~ msgstr "XBM"
+#~ msgid "XPM"
+#~ msgstr "XPM"
+# c-format
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows\n"
+#~ "simultanously. Do you want to continue?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esteu a punt d'obrir %i finestres\n"
+#~ "simultàniament. Voleu continuar?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not access %s\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate will not be able to display this file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut accedir a %s\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate no podrà mostrar aquest fitxer."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following files cannot be displayed because Eye of Mate was not able "
+#~ "to access them:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No es es poden mostrar els següents fitxers perque Eye of Mate no ha "
+#~ "pogut accedir a ells:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for the preferences dialog.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut mostrar l'ajuda per al diàleg de preferències.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Change preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Canvia les preferències"
+#~ msgid "_Preferences..."
+#~ msgstr "_Preferències..."
+#~ msgid "1:1"
+#~ msgstr "1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom _1:1"
+#~ msgstr "Zoom _1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom to _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Redueix el zoom"
+#~ msgid "Check _size"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la _mida"
+#~ msgid "Check _type"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el _tipus"
+#~ msgid "Large"
+#~ msgstr "Gran"
+#~ msgid "Medium"
+#~ msgstr "Mitjà"
+#~ msgid "Nea_rest Neighbour"
+#~ msgstr "Veïnatge més proper"
+#~ msgid "Normal (_pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgstr "Normal (_pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgid "Print S_etup"
+#~ msgstr "Imprim_eix la Configuració"
+#~ msgid "Small"
+#~ msgstr "Petit"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear"
+#~ msgstr "_Bilinear"
+#~ msgid "_Black"
+#~ msgstr "N_egre"
+#~ msgid "_Dark"
+#~ msgstr "_Fosc"
+#~ msgid "_Dither"
+#~ msgstr "_Trama"
+#~ msgid "_Gray"
+#~ msgstr "_Gris"
+#~ msgid "_Hyperbolic"
+#~ msgstr "_Hiperbòlica"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "_Interpolació"
+#~ msgid "_Light"
+#~ msgstr "_Clar"
+#~ msgid "_Maximum (high color)"
+#~ msgstr "_Màxim (color alt)"
+#~ msgid "_Midtone"
+#~ msgstr "_To mitjà"
+#~ msgid "_White"
+#~ msgstr "_Blanc"
+#~ msgid "Check Type"
+#~ msgstr "Tipus de comprovació"
+#~ msgid "Check Size"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida"
+#~ msgid "Nearest Neighbour Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació del veí més proper"
+#~ msgid "Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació bilineal"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació hiperbòlica"
+#~ msgid "No dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Sense trama"
+#~ msgid "Normal (pseudocolor) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat normal (pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgid "Maximum (high color) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat màxim (color alt)"
+#~ msgid "Dark"
+#~ msgstr "Fosc"
+#~ msgid "Black"
+#~ msgstr "Negre"
+#~ msgid "Gray"
+#~ msgstr "Gris"
+#~ msgid "White"
+#~ msgstr "Blanc"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation:"
+#~ msgstr "_Interpolació:"
+#~ msgid "_Dither:"
+#~ msgstr "_Trama:"
+#~ msgid "Check _type:"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el _tipus:"
+#~ msgid "Check _size:"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la _mida:"
+#~ msgid "Unable to open %s."
+#~ msgstr "No es pot obrir %s."
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't support window_title property."
+#~ msgstr "El control no suporta la propietat window_title."
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't support status_text property."
+#~ msgstr "El control no suporta la propietat status_text."
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't have properties"
+#~ msgstr "El control no té propietats"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't retrieve mime type for file."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut recuperar el tipus mime pel fitxer."
+#~ msgid "Error while obtaining file informations."
+#~ msgstr "Ha succeït un error mentre s'obtenia informació del fitxer."
+#~ msgid "Check size large"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida (gran)"
+#~ msgid "Check size medium"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida (mitjana)"
+#~ msgid "Check size small"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida (petita)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _black"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_negre)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _dark"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_fosc)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _gray"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_gris)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _light"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (c_lar)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _midtone"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (to _mitjà)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _white"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_blanc)"
+#~ msgid "Normal (_pseudocolor) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat normal (_pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació _bilineal"
+#~ msgid "_Maximum (high color) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat _màxim (color alt)"
+#~ msgid "_No dithering"
+#~ msgstr " Se_nse trama"
+#~ msgid "_Tiles Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació de m_osaics"
+#~ msgid "View"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitza"
+#~ msgid "Can't find eom-shell-ui.xml.\n"
+#~ msgstr "No es pot trobar eom-shell-ui.xml.\n"
+#~ msgid "Eye Of Mate"
+#~ msgstr "Eye of Mate"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't get local MateComponentControl interface.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut aconseguir la interfície de control local del MateComponent.\n"
+#~ msgid "Can't handle URI: %s"
+#~ msgstr "No es pot manejar el URI: %s"
+#~ msgid "Rectangle"
+#~ msgstr "Rectangle"
+#~ msgid "Layout Mode:"
+#~ msgstr "Mode format:"
+#~ msgid "I could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No he pogut inicialitzar el MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "I could not initialize MateComponent"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateComponent"
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Open an image file"
+#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer d'imatge"
+#~ msgid "Close the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra actual"
+#~ msgid "_Close This Window"
+#~ msgstr "_Tanca aquesta finestra"
+#~ msgid "2:1"
+#~ msgstr "2:1"
+#~ msgid "3:1"
+#~ msgstr "3:1"
+#~ msgid "4:1"
+#~ msgstr "4:1"
+#~ msgid "5:1"
+#~ msgstr "5:1"
+#~ msgid "6:1"
+#~ msgstr "6:1"
+#~ msgid "7:1"
+#~ msgstr "7:1"
+#~ msgid "8:1"
+#~ msgstr "8:1"
+#~ msgid "9:1"
+#~ msgstr "9:1"
+#~ msgid "10:1"
+#~ msgstr "10:1"
+#~ msgid "1:2"
+#~ msgstr "1:2"
+#~ msgid "1:3"
+#~ msgstr "1:3"
+#~ msgid "1:4"
+#~ msgstr "1:4"
+#~ msgid "1:5"
+#~ msgstr "1:5"
+#~ msgid "1:6"
+#~ msgstr "1:6"
+#~ msgid "1:7"
+#~ msgstr "1:7"
+#~ msgid "1:8"
+#~ msgstr "1:8"
+#~ msgid "1:9"
+#~ msgstr "1:9"
+#~ msgid "1:10"
+#~ msgstr "1:10"
+#~ msgid "Increase zoom factor by 5%%"
+#~ msgstr "Augmenta el zoom en un 5%%"
+#~ msgid "Decrease zoom factor by 5%%"
+#~ msgstr "Redueix el zoom en un 5%%"
+#~ msgid "Display the image at 1:1 scale"
+#~ msgstr "Mostra la imatge a escala original"
+#~ msgid "_Zoom factor"
+#~ msgstr "_Factor del zoom"
+#~ msgid "_Fit to Window"
+#~ msgstr "_Ajusta a la finestra"
+#~ msgid "Full _Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Pantalla _sencera"
+#~ msgid "Use the whole screen for display"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza tota la pantalla per a la visualització"
+#~ msgid "Black only"
+#~ msgstr "Només negre"
+#~ msgid "Check size"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida"
+#~ msgid "Dark checks"
+#~ msgstr "Comprovacions de la foscor"
+#~ msgid "Gray only"
+#~ msgstr "Només gris"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic (slowest, best quality)"
+#~ msgstr "Hiperbòlic (més lent, millor qualitat)"
+#~ msgid "Image Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Finestres d'imatge"
+#~ msgid "Light checks"
+#~ msgstr "Comprovacions de la claror"
+#~ msgid "Midtone checks"
+#~ msgstr "Comprovacions del to mitjà"
+#~ msgid "Nearest neighbor (fastest, low quality)"
+#~ msgstr "Límit més proper (més ràpid, qualitat baixa)"
+#~ msgid "Never"
+#~ msgstr "Mai"
+#~ msgid "Only if image does not fit"
+#~ msgstr "Només si la imatge no s'ajusta"
+#~ msgid "Pick window size and zoom factor automatically"
+#~ msgstr "Tria automàticament la mida de la finestra i el factor de zoom"
+#~ msgid "Two-pass scrolling"
+#~ msgstr "Desplaçament de dos en dos"
+#~ msgid "Use 1:1 zoom factor"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza un factor de zoom 1:1"
+#~ msgid "Use same zoom factor as image window"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza el mateix factor de zoom que la finestra de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "Use scrollbars"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza les barres de desplaçament"
+#~ msgid "Viewers"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitzadors"
+#~ msgid "White only"
+#~ msgstr "Només blanc"
+#~ msgid "I could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No he pogut inicialitzar el MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgid "Layout"
+#~ msgstr "Format"
+#~ msgid "Color"
+#~ msgstr "Color"
+#~ msgid "E_OG"
+#~ msgstr "E_OG"
+#~ msgid "Don't save"
+#~ msgstr "Sense desar"
+#~ msgid "Don't exit"
+#~ msgstr "Sense sortir"
diff --git a/po/[email protected] b/po/[email protected]
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b5760e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/[email protected]
@@ -0,0 +1,2570 @@
+# eom translation to Catalan.
+# Copyright © 2000-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Softcatalà <[email protected]>, 2000, 2001, 2002.
+# Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
+# Jordi Mas <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Gil Forcada <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-22 22:54+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-01 21:45+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Gil Forcada <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Catalan <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Mostra «_%s»"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mou dins la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Mou l'element seleccionat a la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Suprimeix de la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Suprimeix l'element seleccionat de la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Suprimeix la barra d'eines"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Suprimeix la barra d'eines seleccionada"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separador"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "S'està executant en mode a pantalla completa"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activa el mode a pantalla completa fent doble clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pantalla completa fent doble clic"
+# Ha de ser indeterminat (josep)
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Carrega una imatge"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Torna a carregar la imatge actual"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data a la barra d'estat"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Mostra la data de la imatge a la barra d'estat"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Navegueu per imatges i gireu-les"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualitzador d'imatges"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor de l'obertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model de la càmera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data i hora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripció:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalls"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Temps d'exposició:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flaix:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Longitud focal:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Alçada:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Valoració ISO de la velocitat:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propietats de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Paraules clau:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Ubicació:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadades"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mode de mesurament:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipus:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Amplada:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Següent"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "A_nterior"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nom de fitxer original"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> comptador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Escolliu una carpeta"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Carpeta de destinació:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Previsualització del nom del fitxer"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificacions del camí dels fitxers"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format del nom del fitxer:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcions"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Canvia el nom de:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Reemplaça els espais per subratllats"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Anomena i alça"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Inicia el comptador a:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "A:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Com a _fons"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Com a _patró de quadrats"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Com a c_olor personalitzat:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Color per a àrees transparents"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Ajusta totes les imatges a la _pantalla"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferències de l'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Millores de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Visualització de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Ampliació de la imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Connectors"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Seqüència"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Suavitza les imatges en _ampliar-les"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Suavitza les imatges en _reduir-les"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Parts transparents"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientació _automàtica"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Seqüència en buc_le"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Canvia d'imatge despré_s de:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segons"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Un valor més gran que 0 determina els segons que romandrà una imatge en "
+"pantalla fins que la següent es mostre automàticament. Zero inhabilita la "
+"navegació automàtica."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Connectors actius"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permet que l'ampliació siga més gran que 100% inicialment"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientació automàtica"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Retard en segons abans de mostrar la següent imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina com s'ha d'indicar la transparència. Els valors vàlids són "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR i NONE. Si se selecciona COLOR, aleshores la clau "
+"trans_color determina el valor del color utilitzat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapola la imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està activat, l'Eye of MATE no sol·licitarà confirmació en enviar "
+"imatges a la paperera. Tot i això, la demanarà si algun dels fitxers no es "
+"pot enviar a la paperera i s'ha de suprimir."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està activat i no s'ha carregat cap imatge a la finestra activa, el "
+"selector de fitxers mostrarà la carpeta d'imatges de l'usuari utilitzant els "
+"directoris d'usuari especials XDG. Si està desactivat o no s'ha configurat "
+"cap carpeta d'imatges, es mostrarà el directori de treball actual."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està activat es mourà la llista de metadades detallades del diàleg de "
+"propietats a la seua pàgina pròpia en este. Això farà el diàleg més "
+"utilitzable en pantalles petites; per exemple quan s'utilitze en ordinadors "
+"ultraportàtils. Si està desactivat el giny serà incrustat a la pàgina "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la clau de transparència té el valor COLOR, aleshores esta clau determina "
+"el color que s'utilitza per indicar la transparència."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Si està establit a FALSE, les imatges petites no s'estiraran per ajustar a "
+"la finestra inicialment."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posició de la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges. Establiu-ho a 0 perquè "
+"estiga a baix; 1 a l'esquerra; 2 a dalt; 3 a la part dreta."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpola la imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Llista de connectors actius. No conté la «Location» dels connectors actius. "
+"Vegeu el fitxer .eom-plugin per obtindre la «Location» d'un connector "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Repeteix la seqüència d'imatges"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom amb la rodeta de desplaçament"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Mostra/amaga els botons de desplaçament de la subfinestra de col·lecció "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la subfinestra lateral de la finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la barra d'estat de la finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/amaga la barra d'eines de la finestra."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"El factor de multiplicació que s'ha d'aplicar quan es faça servir la rodeta "
+"del ratolí per ampliar o reduir. Este valor defineix el pas d'ampliació/"
+"reducció que es farà a cada esdeveniment de la rodeta. Per exemple, 0.05 "
+"significa que a cada esdeveniment de rodeta s'ampliarà o es reduirà un 5%, "
+"1.00 serà una ampliació/reducció del 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Color de transparència"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de transparència"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Envia les imatges a la paperera sense confirmar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el selector de fitxers hauria de mostrar la carpeta d'imatges de l'usuari "
+"si no s'ha carregat cap imatge."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Si la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges s'ha de poder redimensionar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Si s'ha d'extrapolar la imatge en ampliar. Això aporta una qualitat borrosa "
+"i és una mica més lent que les imatges no extrapolades."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Si s'ha d'interpolar la imatge en reduir. Això aporta una millor qualitat "
+"però és una mica més lent que les imatges no interpolades."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Si la imatge s'ha de girar automàticament d'acord amb les dades EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la llista de metadades del diàleg de propietats hauria de tindre la seua "
+"pròpia pàgina."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar la rodeta de desplaçament per fer zoom."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Si la seqüència d'imatges s'hauria de mostrar en un bucle infinit."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Mutiplicador del zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Tanca _sense alçar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pregunta"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Es perdran els canvis si no els alceu."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Abans de tancar voleu alçar els canvis a la imatge «%s»?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Hi ha %d imatge que té canvis sense alçar. Voleu alçar-los abans de tancar?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Hi ha %d imatges que té canvis sense alçar. Voleu alçar-los abans de tancar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_eleccioneu les imatges que voleu alçar:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Es perdran tots els canvis si no els alceu."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "El format de fitxer és desconegut o no està implementat"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"L'Eye of MATE no ha pogut determinar el format de fitxer basant-se en el "
+"nom del fitxer."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Proveu una extensió de fitxer diferent, com .png o .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Totes les imatges"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "píxel"
+msgstr[1] "píxels"
+# Ha de ser indeterminat (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Carrega una imatge"
+# Aquí és determinat perquè sabem quina imatge volem desar
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Alça la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Obri una carpeta"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformació en una imatge descarregada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut transformar la imatge."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Este format de fitxer no pot fer servir EXIF."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge."
+# FIXME: O... "no s'ha carregat cap imatge"? (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "No hi ha cap imatge carregada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Ha fallat la creació del fitxer temporal."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer temporal per alçar: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut assignar memòria per carregar el fitxer JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Càmera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dades de la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condicions de captura de la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nota de l'autor"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Altres"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP EXIF"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Gestió de drets XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Altres XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Reintenta-ho"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge «%s»."
+# FIXME: O... "no s'ha carregat cap imatge"? (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap imatge a «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Les ubicacions donades no contenen cap imatge."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Paràmetres de la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "La imatge de la qual se'n configuraran les propietats de la impressió"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configuració de la pàgina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "La informació de la pàgina on s'imprimirà la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posició"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Esquerra:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Dreta:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Superior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Inferior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Centre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Cap"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horitzontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ambdós"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Mida"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Amplada:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "A_lçària:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Escalat:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unitat:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Mil·límetres"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Polzades"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Previsualització"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Desconegut"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lent)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (film de 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "com està"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Presa al"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Hi ha dos noms de fitxer iguals com a mínim."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut mostrar l'ajuda de l'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode no vàlid)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i píxel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i píxels %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Utilitza «%s» per obrir la imatge seleccionada"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "S'està desant la imatge «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "S'està carregant la imatge «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha produït un error en imprimir el fitxer:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de la barra d'eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Reinicia als predeterminats"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Softcatalà <[email protected]>\n"
+"Jordi Mallach <[email protected]>\n"
+"Jordi Mas i Hernàndez <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa és lliure; el podeu redistribuir i/o modificar d'acord amb els "
+"termes de la Llicència pública general de GNU tal com la publica la Free "
+"Software Foundation; ja siga la versió 2 de la Llicència com (si ho "
+"preferiu) qualsevol versió posterior.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa es distribueix amb l'esperança que serà útil, però SENSE CAP "
+"GARANTIA; ni tan sols amb la garantia de COMERCIALITZABILITAT o APTITUD PER "
+"A PROPÒSITS DETERMINATS. Vegeu la Llicència general pública de GNU per a més "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la llicència pública general de GNU amb "
+"este programa; sinó, escriviu a la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "El visualitzador d'imatges del MATE."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha establit la imatge «%s» com a fons d'escriptori.\n"
+"Voleu modificar-ne la seua aparença?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "S'està desant la imatge en local…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Esteu segur de voler moure\n"
+"«%s» a la paperera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut trobar una paperera per a «%s». Voleu suprimir esta imatge "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Esteu segur que voleu moure la\n"
+"imatge seleccionada a la paperera?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Esteu segur que voleu moure les\n"
+"%d imatges seleccionades a la paperera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"No es poden moure a la paperera algunes de les imatges seleccionades, de "
+"manera que se suprimiran permanentment. Segur que voleu continuar?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mou a la _paperera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "No _ho tornes a demanar en esta sessió"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut accedir a la paperera."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut suprimir el fitxer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en eliminar la imatge %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fitxer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Visualitza"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Vés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_juda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Obri…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Obri un fitxer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Tanca"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Tanca la finestra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'_eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Edita la barra d'eines de l'aplicació"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Preferè_ncies"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferències de l'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Continguts"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ajuda per a esta aplicació"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Quant a"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Quant a esta aplicació"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'_eines"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Canvia la visibilitat de la barra d'eines de la finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'e_stat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Canvia la visibilitat de la barra d'estat de la finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Col·lecció d'_imatges"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Canvia la visibilitat de la subfinestra de col·lecció d'imatges de la "
+"finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Subfinestra lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Canvia la visibilitat de la subfinestra lateral en la finestra actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Al_ça"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Alça els canvis de les imatges seleccionades"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Obri a_mb"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Obri la imatge seleccionada amb una aplicació diferent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "_Anomena i alça…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Alça les imatges seleccionades amb un nom diferent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Configureu les propietats de la pàgina per a imprimir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Imprimeix…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprimeix la imatge seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "P_ropietats"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Mostra les propietats i les metadades de la imatge seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Desfés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Desfés l'últim canvi a la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Inverteix _horitzontalment"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Capgira horitzontalment la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Inverteix _verticalment"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Capgira verticalment la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Gira cap a la dreta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Gira la imatge 90 graus en sentit horari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Gira cap a _l'esquerra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Gira la imatge 90 graus en sentit antihorari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Estableix com a fons d'_escriptori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Estableix la imatge seleccionada com a fons d'escriptori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mou la imatge seleccionada a la paperera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "A_mplia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Amplia la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Re_dueix"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Encongeix la imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Mida _normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Mostra la imatge en la seua mida normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Millor a_just"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Ajusta la imatge a la finestra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Pantalla _completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mostra la imatge actual en mode pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _prèvia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a la imatge prèvia de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _següent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a la imatge següent de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "P_rimera imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a la primera imatge de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Darrera imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a l'última imatge de la col·lecció"
+# Ha de ser indeterminat (josep)
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _aleatòria"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vés a una imatge aleatòria de la col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Inicia una projecció de les imatges"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Prèvia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Següent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Dreta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquerra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Apropa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Allunya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Ajusta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Col·lecció"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Llença-la a la paperera"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Connector"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Habilitat"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigura"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctiva"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tiva'ls tots"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desactiva'ls tots"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Connectors actius:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Quant al connector"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigura el connector"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Obri a pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Inhabilita la col·lecció d'imatges"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Obri en mode projecció de diapositives"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Inicia una instància nova en lloc de reutilitzar-ne una d'existent"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FITXER…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Executeu «%s --help» per veure la llista completa d'opcions disponibles de la "
+"línia d'ordes."
+# Eye of Mate és un nom propi. jm
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualitzador d'imatges Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detalls</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Alçada:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nom:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipus:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Amplada:</b>"
+#~ msgid "_Open..."
+#~ msgstr "_Obre..."
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "_Anomena i desa..."
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Imprimeix..."
+# c-format
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Obre amb «%s»"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Mou a la paperera"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Només es poden utilitzar les imatges locals com a fons de pantalla"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Deseu la imatge en aquest ordinador per a poder-la establir com a fons de "
+#~ "pantalla"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Config_uració de la pàgina..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Estableix com a _fons d'escriptori"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "El fitxer existeix"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Ubicació:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "<b>Position</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Posició</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mida</b>"
+#~ msgid "Bottom"
+#~ msgstr "Inferior"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Col·lecció d'imatges"
+#~ msgid "Top"
+#~ msgstr "Superior"
+#~ msgid "Use fixed size"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza mida fixa"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria de la darrera col·lecció de finestres"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria de la darrera finestra individual"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Obre les imatges en una finestra nova"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si en obrir una imatge s'hauria de crear una nova finestra en comptes de "
+#~ "reemplaçar la imatge de la finestra actual."
+#~ msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+#~ msgstr "El programa del MATE per a visualitzar i catalogar imatges."
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Navega"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Mostra/amaga la informació de les imatges per a una col·lecció."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Mostra/amaga la informació de la imatge per a una sola imatge."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Nom del fitxer"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Amplada"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Alçària"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Mida del fitxer"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Atribut"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Fitxer"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s píxel"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s x %s píxels"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Obre en una finestra nova"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "Comptador"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Comentari"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "Data"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "Hora"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "Dia"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "Mes"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "Any"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "Hora"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "Minut"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "Segon"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "L'opció no és disponible."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Per a utilitzar aquesta funció necessiteu la biblioteca libexif. "
+#~ "Instal·leu libexif ( i recompileu l'Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Cancel·la el desat ..."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut mostrar l'ajuda de l'Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "Voleu sobreescriure el fitxer %s?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "El fitxer ja existeix. Voleu sobreescriure'l?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "Omet"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "Sobreescriu"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar %s."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut determinar l'URI de destinació."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut determinar el format del fitxer %s"
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Utilitzeu un sufix apropiat per al nom de fitxer o seleccioneu un format "
+#~ "de fitxer."
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en desar les imatges."
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Raó: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "_Informació de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "Tanca"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "Desa"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "Desfés"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat la descripció de la interfície d'usuari."
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear la interfície d'usuari de l'Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "No s'ha trobat el fitxer."
+#~ msgstr[1] "No s'han trobat els fitxers."
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "Buit"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitza diferents tipus d'imatges"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Projecció de diapositives"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Interpolació de la imatge</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "_Permet una ampliació inicial més gran del 100%"
+#~ msgid "Print Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Previsualitza la impressió"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Gi_ra 180 graus"
+#~ msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir «%s»"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Suprimeix"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si està establert a TRUE, les imatges es canviaran després del nombre de "
+#~ "segons determinat a la clau 'full_screen/seconds'."
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "Finestra _nova"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Obre una finestra nova"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Obre una _carpeta..."
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Nou"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Voleu obrir múltiples finestres individuals?"
+# Quin sentit té dir que "s'obrirà 1 finestra simulàniament"? (josep)
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Esteu a punt d'obrir %i finestra simultàniament. Voleu, en lloc d'això, "
+#~ "obrir-la en una col·lecció?"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Ara s'obriran %i finestres simultàniament. Voleu que enlloc d'això "
+#~ "s'obrin en una col·lecció?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Finestres individuals"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "Diapositives"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "fitxer buit"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "Els noms dels fitxers no són disjunts."
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Nou"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Obre un _directori..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Obre un directori"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Imatges: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "S_urt"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Tanca totes les finestres i surt"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitzador de col·leccions d'imatges EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Creació de vistes de la col·lecció d'imatges d'EOM"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "El desat ha finalitzat"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Mostra la col·lecció"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Títol de la finestra"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Text d'estat"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Progrés de la càrrega de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imatge EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitzador d'imatges EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Creació de visualitzadors d'imatges EOM"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imatge EOM incrustable"
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "El tipus d'imatge no és suportat per a desar."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Pàgina"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Paper"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% de la mida original"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Ajusta a "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda de tallar"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Abaix, i llavors a la dreta"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Ajusta a la pàgina"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Horitzontalment per "
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Marges"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda d'ordenació"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Sobreposa"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda de sobreposar"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Ordre de la pàgina"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Dreta, i llavors abaix"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Escala"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Mostra"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Verticalment per "
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "El nom del fitxer o dades a imprimir"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Cancel·la"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Surt del programa"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Pantalla sencera"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Previsualitza la imatge ha imprimir"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Pre_visualització de la impressió"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la imatge a la impressora"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/Amplia el _zoom"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Re_dueix el zoom"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/Mida _normal"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Millor a_just"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Tanca"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge %s."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge %s.\n"
+#~ "Raó: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "La càrrega de la imatge ha fallat"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "S'ha desat la imatge correctament"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Alçada de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Text de la barra d'estat"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Amplada de finestra desitjada"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Alçada de finestra desitjada"
+#~ msgid "dialog1"
+#~ msgstr "diàlegl"
+#~ msgid "By Extension"
+#~ msgstr "Per l'extensió"
+#~ msgid "Determine File Type:"
+#~ msgstr "Determina el tipus de fitxer:"
+#~ msgid "Don't use zoom larger than 100%"
+#~ msgstr "No utilitzes zoom més gran que 100%"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom (better quality but slower)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "_Interpola la imatge a l'ajustar el zoom (millor qualitat, però més lent)"
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "Copyright © 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Automatically pick window size"
+#~ msgstr "Obté la mida de la finestra automàticament"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom factor for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "El factor de zoom per defecte per a la vista a pantalla completa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default zoom factor for the full screen view. Possible values are: 0 (use "
+#~ "1:1 zoom factor), 1 (use the same zoom factor as the image window), 2 "
+#~ "(fit the image to the screen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El factor del zoom per defecte per a la vista a pantalla completa. Els "
+#~ "valors possibles són: 0 (usa el factor del zoom 1:1), 1 (usa el mateix "
+#~ "factor del zoom que la finestra d'imatge), 2 (ajusta la imatge a la "
+#~ "pantalla)."
+#~ msgid "Fit standard-sized images to the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Ajusta les imatges de mida estàndard a la finestra"
+#~ msgid "Put a bevel around the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Col·loca un bisell al voltant de la pantalla"
+#~ msgid "Scrollbar policy for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Política de la barra de desplaçament per a la vista a pantalla completa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether image windows should pick their size and zooming factor "
+#~ "automatically based on the size of the image. If this option is not set, "
+#~ "image windows will get whatever size the window manager assigns to them."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si les finestres d'imatge haurien de seleccionar la seua mida i factor de "
+#~ "zoom automàticament basant-se en la mida de la imatge. Si aquesta opció "
+#~ "no s'estableix, les finestres d'imatge obtindran qualsevol mida li "
+#~ "assigne el gestor de finestres."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether the full screen view should display a bevel along the edges of "
+#~ "the screen."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si la vista a pantalla completa hauria de mostrar un bisell per la vora "
+#~ "de la pantalla."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to display scrollbars on the full screen view. Possible values "
+#~ "are: 1 (automatic; only display scrollbars if the image is larger than "
+#~ "the window), 2 (never display scrollbars)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si s'han de mostrar barres de desplaçament en la vista a pantalla "
+#~ "completa. Els valors possibles són: 1 (automàtic; només mostra barres de "
+#~ "desplaçament si la imatge és més gran que la finestra), 2 (mai mostra "
+#~ "barres de desplaçament)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to fit standard-sized images to the screen when in full screen "
+#~ "mode. These are images with sizes like 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, etc. "
+#~ "This selects whether such images should be scaled to fit the screen "
+#~ "regardless of the setting for the default zoom factor of the full screen "
+#~ "view."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si s'han d'ajustar les imatges de mida estàndard a la finestra quan "
+#~ "s'està en mode a pantalla completa. Aquestes són imatges amb mides com "
+#~ "320x240, 640x480, 800x800, etc. Açò selecciona si aquestes imatges s'han "
+#~ "d'escalar per a ajustar-se a la pantalla siga quin siga el paràmetre per "
+#~ "al factor del zoom per defecte de la vista a pantalla completa."
+#~ msgid "action_area"
+#~ msgstr "àrea_acció"
+#~ msgid "dialog"
+#~ msgstr "diàleg"
+#~ msgid "vbox"
+#~ msgstr "vbox"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "pts"
+#~ msgstr "pts"
+#~ msgid "points"
+#~ msgstr "punts"
+#~ msgid "mm"
+#~ msgstr "mm"
+#~ msgid "cm"
+#~ msgstr "cm"
+#~ msgid "centimeter"
+#~ msgstr "centímetre"
+#~ msgid "Print Setup"
+#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la configuració"
+#~ msgid "Print preview"
+#~ msgstr "Imprimeix la previsualització"
+#~ msgid "Paper size:"
+#~ msgstr "Mida del paper:"
+#~ msgid "Portrait"
+#~ msgstr "Retrat"
+#~ msgid "Landscape"
+#~ msgstr "Apaisat"
+#~ msgid "Overlap horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Sobreposar horitzontalment per "
+#~ msgid "Overlap vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Sobreposar verticalment per "
+#~ msgid "Helpers"
+#~ msgstr "Ajudants"
+#~ msgid "By c_olor"
+#~ msgstr "Per c_olor"
+#~ msgid "Indicate Transparency"
+#~ msgstr "Indica la transparència"
+#~ msgid "Pick a color"
+#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un color"
+#~ msgid "interpolation type"
+#~ msgstr "tipus d'interpolació"
+#~ msgid "the type of interpolation to use"
+#~ msgstr "el tipus d'interpolació a utilitzar"
+#~ msgid "check type"
+#~ msgstr "comprova el tipus"
+#~ msgid "the type of chequering to use"
+#~ msgstr "el tipus de comprovació a utilitzar"
+#~ msgid "the size of chequers to use"
+#~ msgstr "la mida del comprovadors a utilitzar"
+#~ msgid "dither type"
+#~ msgstr "tipus de trama"
+#~ msgid "BMP"
+#~ msgstr "BMP"
+#~ msgid "GIF"
+#~ msgstr "GIF"
+#~ msgid "ICO"
+#~ msgstr "ICO"
+#~ msgid "JPEG"
+#~ msgstr "JPEG"
+#~ msgid "PNG"
+#~ msgstr "PNG"
+#~ msgid "PNM"
+#~ msgstr "PNM"
+#~ msgid "RAS"
+#~ msgstr "RAS"
+#~ msgid "SVG"
+#~ msgstr "SVG"
+#~ msgid "TGA"
+#~ msgstr "TGA"
+#~ msgid "TIFF"
+#~ msgstr "TIFF"
+#~ msgid "XBM"
+#~ msgstr "XBM"
+#~ msgid "XPM"
+#~ msgstr "XPM"
+# c-format
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows\n"
+#~ "simultanously. Do you want to continue?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esteu a punt d'obrir %i finestres\n"
+#~ "simultàniament. Voleu continuar?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not access %s\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate will not be able to display this file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut accedir a %s\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate no podrà mostrar aquest fitxer."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following files cannot be displayed because Eye of Mate was not able "
+#~ "to access them:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No es es poden mostrar els següents fitxers perque Eye of Mate no ha "
+#~ "pogut accedir a ells:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for the preferences dialog.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut mostrar l'ajuda per al diàleg de preferències.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Change preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Canvia les preferències"
+#~ msgid "_Preferences..."
+#~ msgstr "_Preferències..."
+#~ msgid "1:1"
+#~ msgstr "1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom _1:1"
+#~ msgstr "Zoom _1:1"
+#~ msgid "Zoom to _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Redueix el zoom"
+#~ msgid "Check _size"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la _mida"
+#~ msgid "Check _type"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el _tipus"
+#~ msgid "Large"
+#~ msgstr "Gran"
+#~ msgid "Medium"
+#~ msgstr "Mitjà"
+#~ msgid "Nea_rest Neighbour"
+#~ msgstr "Veïnatge més proper"
+#~ msgid "Normal (_pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgstr "Normal (_pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgid "Print S_etup"
+#~ msgstr "Imprim_eix la Configuració"
+#~ msgid "Small"
+#~ msgstr "Petit"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear"
+#~ msgstr "_Bilinear"
+#~ msgid "_Black"
+#~ msgstr "N_egre"
+#~ msgid "_Dark"
+#~ msgstr "_Fosc"
+#~ msgid "_Dither"
+#~ msgstr "_Trama"
+#~ msgid "_Gray"
+#~ msgstr "_Gris"
+#~ msgid "_Hyperbolic"
+#~ msgstr "_Hiperbòlica"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "_Interpolació"
+#~ msgid "_Light"
+#~ msgstr "_Clar"
+#~ msgid "_Maximum (high color)"
+#~ msgstr "_Màxim (color alt)"
+#~ msgid "_Midtone"
+#~ msgstr "_To mitjà"
+#~ msgid "_White"
+#~ msgstr "_Blanc"
+#~ msgid "Check Type"
+#~ msgstr "Tipus de comprovació"
+#~ msgid "Check Size"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida"
+#~ msgid "Nearest Neighbour Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació del veí més proper"
+#~ msgid "Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació bilineal"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació hiperbòlica"
+#~ msgid "No dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Sense trama"
+#~ msgid "Normal (pseudocolor) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat normal (pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgid "Maximum (high color) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat màxim (color alt)"
+#~ msgid "Dark"
+#~ msgstr "Fosc"
+#~ msgid "Black"
+#~ msgstr "Negre"
+#~ msgid "Gray"
+#~ msgstr "Gris"
+#~ msgid "White"
+#~ msgstr "Blanc"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation:"
+#~ msgstr "_Interpolació:"
+#~ msgid "_Dither:"
+#~ msgstr "_Trama:"
+#~ msgid "Check _type:"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el _tipus:"
+#~ msgid "Check _size:"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la _mida:"
+#~ msgid "Unable to open %s."
+#~ msgstr "No es pot obrir %s."
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't support window_title property."
+#~ msgstr "El control no suporta la propietat window_title."
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't support status_text property."
+#~ msgstr "El control no suporta la propietat status_text."
+#~ msgid "Control doesn't have properties"
+#~ msgstr "El control no té propietats"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't retrieve mime type for file."
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut recuperar el tipus mime pel fitxer."
+#~ msgid "Error while obtaining file informations."
+#~ msgstr "Ha succeït un error mentre s'obtenia informació del fitxer."
+#~ msgid "Check size large"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida (gran)"
+#~ msgid "Check size medium"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida (mitjana)"
+#~ msgid "Check size small"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida (petita)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _black"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_negre)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _dark"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_fosc)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _gray"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_gris)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _light"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (c_lar)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _midtone"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (to _mitjà)"
+#~ msgid "Check type _white"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova el tipus (_blanc)"
+#~ msgid "Normal (_pseudocolor) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat normal (_pseudocolor)"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació _bilineal"
+#~ msgid "_Maximum (high color) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Tramat _màxim (color alt)"
+#~ msgid "_No dithering"
+#~ msgstr " Se_nse trama"
+#~ msgid "_Tiles Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolació de m_osaics"
+#~ msgid "View"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitza"
+#~ msgid "Can't find eom-shell-ui.xml.\n"
+#~ msgstr "No es pot trobar eom-shell-ui.xml.\n"
+#~ msgid "Eye Of Mate"
+#~ msgstr "Eye of Mate"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't get local MateComponentControl interface.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No s'ha pogut aconseguir la interfície de control local del MateComponent.\n"
+#~ msgid "Can't handle URI: %s"
+#~ msgstr "No es pot manejar el URI: %s"
+#~ msgid "Rectangle"
+#~ msgstr "Rectangle"
+#~ msgid "Layout Mode:"
+#~ msgstr "Mode format:"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection Background Color"
+#~ msgstr "Color de fons de la col·lecció d'imatges"
+#~ msgid "I could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No he pogut inicialitzar el MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgid "I could not initialize MateComponent"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el MateComponent"
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Open an image file"
+#~ msgstr "Obre un fitxer d'imatge"
+#~ msgid "Close the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Tanca la finestra actual"
+#~ msgid "_Close This Window"
+#~ msgstr "_Tanca aquesta finestra"
+#~ msgid "2:1"
+#~ msgstr "2:1"
+#~ msgid "3:1"
+#~ msgstr "3:1"
+#~ msgid "4:1"
+#~ msgstr "4:1"
+#~ msgid "5:1"
+#~ msgstr "5:1"
+#~ msgid "6:1"
+#~ msgstr "6:1"
+#~ msgid "7:1"
+#~ msgstr "7:1"
+#~ msgid "8:1"
+#~ msgstr "8:1"
+#~ msgid "9:1"
+#~ msgstr "9:1"
+#~ msgid "10:1"
+#~ msgstr "10:1"
+#~ msgid "1:2"
+#~ msgstr "1:2"
+#~ msgid "1:3"
+#~ msgstr "1:3"
+#~ msgid "1:4"
+#~ msgstr "1:4"
+#~ msgid "1:5"
+#~ msgstr "1:5"
+#~ msgid "1:6"
+#~ msgstr "1:6"
+#~ msgid "1:7"
+#~ msgstr "1:7"
+#~ msgid "1:8"
+#~ msgstr "1:8"
+#~ msgid "1:9"
+#~ msgstr "1:9"
+#~ msgid "1:10"
+#~ msgstr "1:10"
+#~ msgid "Increase zoom factor by 5%%"
+#~ msgstr "Augmenta el zoom en un 5%%"
+#~ msgid "Decrease zoom factor by 5%%"
+#~ msgstr "Redueix el zoom en un 5%%"
+#~ msgid "Display the image at 1:1 scale"
+#~ msgstr "Mostra la imatge a escala original"
+#~ msgid "_Zoom factor"
+#~ msgstr "_Factor del zoom"
+#~ msgid "_Fit to Window"
+#~ msgstr "_Ajusta a la finestra"
+#~ msgid "Full _Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Pantalla _sencera"
+#~ msgid "Use the whole screen for display"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza tota la pantalla per a la visualització"
+#~ msgid "Black only"
+#~ msgstr "Només negre"
+#~ msgid "Check size"
+#~ msgstr "Comprova la mida"
+#~ msgid "Dark checks"
+#~ msgstr "Comprovacions de la foscor"
+#~ msgid "Gray only"
+#~ msgstr "Només gris"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic (slowest, best quality)"
+#~ msgstr "Hiperbòlic (més lent, millor qualitat)"
+#~ msgid "Image Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Finestres d'imatge"
+#~ msgid "Light checks"
+#~ msgstr "Comprovacions de la claror"
+#~ msgid "Midtone checks"
+#~ msgstr "Comprovacions del to mitjà"
+#~ msgid "Nearest neighbor (fastest, low quality)"
+#~ msgstr "Límit més proper (més ràpid, qualitat baixa)"
+#~ msgid "Never"
+#~ msgstr "Mai"
+#~ msgid "Only if image does not fit"
+#~ msgstr "Només si la imatge no s'ajusta"
+#~ msgid "Pick window size and zoom factor automatically"
+#~ msgstr "Tria automàticament la mida de la finestra i el factor de zoom"
+#~ msgid "Two-pass scrolling"
+#~ msgstr "Desplaçament de dos en dos"
+#~ msgid "Use 1:1 zoom factor"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza un factor de zoom 1:1"
+#~ msgid "Use same zoom factor as image window"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza el mateix factor de zoom que la finestra de la imatge"
+#~ msgid "Use scrollbars"
+#~ msgstr "Utilitza les barres de desplaçament"
+#~ msgid "Viewers"
+#~ msgstr "Visualitzadors"
+#~ msgid "White only"
+#~ msgstr "Només blanc"
+#~ msgid "I could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgstr "No he pogut inicialitzar el MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgid "Layout"
+#~ msgstr "Format"
+#~ msgid "Color"
+#~ msgstr "Color"
+#~ msgid "E_OG"
+#~ msgstr "E_OG"
+#~ msgid "Don't save"
+#~ msgstr "Sense desar"
+#~ msgid "Don't exit"
+#~ msgstr "Sense sortir"
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11d8f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1550 @@
+# Czech translation of Eye Of Mate.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008 the author(s) of Eye Of Mate.
+# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>.
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Lukas Novotny <[email protected]>.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# George Lebl <[email protected]>, 2000.
+# Michal Bukovjan <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Miloslav Trmac <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004, 2005.
+# Petr Tomeš <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Lukas Novotny <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>, 2006, 2007.
+# Kamil Páral <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Petr Kovar <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009.
+# Lucas Lommer <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Adrian Guniš <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-22 16:12+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-22 18:27+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Adrian Guniš <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Czech <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: cs\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Zobrazit „_%s“"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Přesunout na lištu nástrojů"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Přesunout vybranou položku na lištu nástrojů"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Odstranit z lišty nástrojů"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Odstranit vybranou položku z lišty nástrojů"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Smazat lištu nástrojů"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Odstranit vybranou lištu nástrojů"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Oddělovač"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktivuje dvojklikem režim celé obrazovky"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Celá obrazovka dvojklikem"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Znovu načíst obrázek"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Znovu načte aktuální obrázek"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Datum ve stavové liště"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Zobrazuje datum obrázku ve stavové liště okna"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Procházení a otáčení obrázků"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Prohlížeč obrázků"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Hodnota clony:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bajty:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Typ fotoaparátu:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Autorská práva:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Datum a čas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Popis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Podrobnosti"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Čas expozice:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Blesk:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Ohnisková vzdálenost:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Obecné"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Výška:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Citlivost ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Vlastnosti obrázku"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Klíčová slova:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Místo:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Režim měření:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Název:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Typ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Šířka:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Následující"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Předchozí"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> původní název souboru"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> čítač"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Zvolte složku"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Cílová složka:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Náhled názvu souboru"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Specifikace cesty k souboru"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formát názvu souboru:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Možnosti"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Přejmenovat z:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Nahradit mezery podtržítky"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Uložit jako"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Spustit čítač od:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Na:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Jako _pozadí"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Jako _vzor čtverců"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Jako vlastní _barvu:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Jako vlastní barvu:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Pozadí"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Barva pozadí"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Barva průhledných oblastí"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Roztáhnout obrázky podle obrazovky"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Předvolby Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Vylepšení obrázku"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Zobrazení obrázku"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Přiblížení obrázku"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Zásuvné moduly"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Posloupnost"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Promítání snímků"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Vyhlazovat obrázky při př_iblížení"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Vyhlazovat obrázky při _oddálení"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Průhledné části"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatická orientace"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Opakovat _sekvenci"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Přepnout obrázek po:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundách"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Hodnota větší než 0 určuje počet sekund, po který zůstane obrázek na "
+"obrazovce, než je automaticky zobrazen další. Nula zakazuje automatické "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktivní moduly"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Povolit počáteční přiblížení větší než 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatická orientace"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Zpoždění v sekundách do zobrazení dalšího obrázku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Určuje, jak má být průhlednost indikována. Platné hodnoty jsou "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR a NONE. Pokud je zvolena hodnota COLOR, pak hodnotu "
+"použité barvy určuje klíč trans-color."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolace obrázku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud je aktivováno a v aktivním okně není načten žádný obrázek, okno s "
+"výběrem souborů zobrazí uživatelovu složku obrázků pomocí speciálních "
+"adresářů uživatele XDG. Pokud je deaktivováno nebo nebyla nastavena složka "
+"obrázků, zobrazí se aktuální pracovní adresář."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud je aktivováno, prohlížeč obrázků Eye of MATE nebude žádat o potvrzení "
+"při přesouvání obrázků do koše. Bude se ale stále ptát, když některé soubory "
+"nebude možné přesunout do koše a byly by místo toho smazány."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud je aktivováno, přesune se podrobný seznam metadat v okně Vlastnosti na "
+"jeho vlastní stránku v okně. Tak by mělo být toto okno více použitelné na "
+"menších obrazovkách, např. na netboocích. Pokud je vypnuto, widget se vloží "
+"na stránku „Metadata“."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud má klíč průhlednosti hodnotu COLOR, pak tento klíč určuje barvu, která "
+"se použije pro indikaci průhlednosti."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud je toto aktivní, barva nastavená v klíči background-color bude použita "
+"pro vyplnění oblasti za obrázkem. Pokud není nastaven, určí barvu výplně "
+"aktuální motiv GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud je toto nastaveno na „FALSE“, malé obrázky nebudou automaticky "
+"roztaženy, aby se přizpůsobily obrazovce."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Umístění panelu se sbírkou obrázků. 0 - dole, 1 - vlevo, 2 - nahoře, 3 - "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolace obrázku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Seznam aktivních modulů. Neobsahuje umístění aktivních modulů. Umístění "
+"modulu naleznete v souboru .eom-plugin."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Opakovat sekvenci obrázků"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Přibližování rolovacím kolečkem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Zobrazovat/Skrývat tlačítka posuvu panelu se sbírkou obrázků."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Zobrazovat/Skrývat panel se sbírkou obrázků."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Zobrazovat/Skrývat postranní panel okna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Zobrazovat/Skrývat stavovou lištu okna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Zobrazovat/Skrývat lištu nástrojů okna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Barva, která je použita pro vyplnění oblasti za obrázkem. Pokud není klíč "
+"use-background-color nastaven, je místo toho použita barva dle aktivního "
+"motivu GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Násobič použitý při přibližování kolečkem myši. Hodnota definuje velikost "
+"kroku přiblížení při každé události. Například hodnota 0,05 znamená 5% "
+"nárůst přiblížení při každém otočení kolečka a hodnota 1,00 znamená 100% "
+"nárůst přiblížení."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Barva průhlednosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indikátor průhlednosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Přesunout obrázky do koše bez výzvy"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Použít vlastní barvu pozadí"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Zda má okno s výběrem souborů zobrazovat uživatelovu složku obrázků, pokud "
+"nejsou načteny žádné obrázky."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Zda lze měnit velikost panelu se sbírkou obrázků."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Zda se má přiblížený obrázek extrapolovat. To vede k rozmazání a je "
+"pomalejší než obrázky bez extrapolace."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Zda se má oddálený obrázek interpolovat. To zvyšuje kvalitu, ale je "
+"pomalejší než obrázky bez interpolace."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Zda má být obrázek automaticky otočen dle údajů EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Zda má mít seznam metadat v okně Vlastnosti svoji vlastní stránku."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Zda má být rolovací kolečko používáno pro změnu přiblížení."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Zda má být sekvence obrázků zobrazována v nekonečné smyčce."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Násobič přiblížení"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Běží v režimu celé obrazovky"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Zavřít _bez uložení"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Dotaz"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Bez uložení budou vaše změny ztraceny."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Uložit změny v obrázku „%s“ před zavřením?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "V %d obrázku nejsou uloženy změny. Uložit změny před zavřením?"
+msgstr[1] "Ve %d obrázcích nejsou uloženy změny. Uložit změny před zavřením?"
+msgstr[2] "V %d obrázcích nejsou uloženy změny. Uložit změny před zavřením?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Vyberte obrázky, které chcete uložit:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Bez uložení budou všechny vaše změny ztraceny."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Formát souboru je neznámý nebo nepodporovaný"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Program Eye of MATE nemohl stanovit podporovaný zapisovatelný formát "
+"souboru v závislosti na názvu souboru."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Prosím zkuste odlišnou příponu souboru, jako .png nebo .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Všechny soubory"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Všechny obrázky"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "bod"
+msgstr[1] "body"
+msgstr[2] "bodů"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Otevřít obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Uložit obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Otevřít složku"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformace nenačteného obrázku."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformace selhala."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF není pro tento formát souboru podporován."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Nahrávání obrázku selhalo."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nenačten žádný obrázek."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Tvorba dočasného souboru selhala."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nelze vytvořit dočasný soubor pro ukládání: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nelze alokovat paměť pro načtení JPEG souboru"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Fotoaparát"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Údaje o obrázku"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Údaje o snímku"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Poznámka výrobce"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ostatní"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP - správa práv"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP - ostatní"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Symbol"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Hodnota"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %e. %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %e. %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Z_novu"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Nelze načíst obrázek „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "V „%s“ nebyly nalezeny žádné obrázky."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Zadaná umístění neobsahují žádné obrázky."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Nastavení obrázků"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Obrázek, jehož vlastnosti tisku budou nastaveny"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Vzhled stránky"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informace o stránce, na které bude obrázek vytištěn"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Poloha"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "V_levo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "Vp_ravo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Nahoře:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Dole:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Uprostř_ed:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nic"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vodorovně"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Svisle"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Obojí"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Velikost"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "Šířk_a:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Výška:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "Š_kálování:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Jednotka:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetry"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Palce"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Náhled"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neznámý"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (objektiv)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "beze změny"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Vyfotografováno"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Názvy alespoň dvou souborů jsou stejné."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nelze zobrazit nápovědu pro Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (neplatný Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i bod %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i body %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i bodů %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Znovu načíst"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Skrýt"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Obrázek „%s“ byl upraven v externí aplikaci.\n"
+"Přejete si jej znovu načíst?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Otevřít vybraný obrázek pomocí „%s“"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Ukládání obrázku „%s“ (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Otevírá se obrázek „%s“"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chyba během tisku souboru:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor lišty nástrojů"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "O_bnovit na výchozí"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"George Lebl <[email protected]>\n"
+"Michal Bukovjan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Miloslav Trmač <[email protected]>\n"
+"Petr Tomeš <[email protected]>\n"
+"Lukáš Novotný <[email protected]>\n"
+"Jakub Friedl <[email protected]>\n"
+"Kamil Páral <[email protected]>\n"
+"Petr Kovář <[email protected]>\n"
+"Adrian Guniš <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tento program je svobodný software; můžete jej šířit anebo modifikovat podle "
+"ustanovení GNU General Public License, vydávané Free Software Foundation; a "
+"to buď verze 2 této licence anebo (podle vlastního uvážení) kterékoliv "
+"pozdější verze.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tento program je rozšiřován v naději, že bude užitečný, avšak BEZ JAKÉKOLIV "
+"ZÁRUKY; neposkytují se ani odvozené záruky PRODEJNOSTI anebo VHODNOSTI PRO "
+"URČITÝ ÚČEL. Další podrobnosti hledejte v GNU General Public License.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Kopii GNU General Public License byste měli obdržet spolu s tímto programem; "
+"pokud se tak nestalo, napište o ni Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Prohlížeč obrázků pro MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Otevřít předvolby pozadí"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Obrázek „%s“ byl nastaven jako pozadí plochy.\n"
+"Přejete si upravit její vzhled?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Obrázek se ukládá místně…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Opravdu chcete přesunout\n"
+"„%s“ do koše?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Koš pro „%s“ není dostupný. Přejete si odstranit tento obrázek natrvalo?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Opravdu chcete přesunout\n"
+"vybraný obrázek do koše?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Opravdu chcete přesunout\n"
+"%d vybrané obrázky do koše?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Opravdu chcete přesunout\n"
+"%d vybraných obrázků do koše?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Některé z vybraných obrázků nelze přesunout do koše a budou odstraněny "
+"natrvalo. Jste si jisti, že chcete pokračovat?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Přesunout do _koše"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Neptát se znovu během tohoto sezení"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nelze přistoupit ke koši."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Soubor nelze smazat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Chyba při odstraňování obrázku %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Upravit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Zobrazit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "Pře_jít"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Nástroje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Nápo_věda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Otevřít…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Otevřít soubor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Zavřít"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zavřít okno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Lišta nástrojů"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Upravit lištu nástrojů"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Předvolby"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Předvolby Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Obsah"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Nápověda pro tuto aplikaci"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "O _aplikaci"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "O této aplikaci"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Lišta nástrojů"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Změní viditelnost lišty nástrojů v aktuálním okně"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Stavová lišta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Změní viditelnost stavové lišty v aktuálním okně"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "S_bírka obrázků"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Změní viditelnost panelu se sbírkou obrázků v aktuálním okně"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Postranní _panel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Změní viditelnost postranního panelu v aktuálním okně"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Uložit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Uložit změny v aktuálně vybraných obrázcích"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Otevřít _pomocí"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Otevřít vybraný obrázek jinou aplikací"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Uložit _jako…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Uložit vybrané obrázky pod odlišným názvem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Tisk…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Vytisknout vybraný obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Vlast_nosti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Zobrazit vlastnosti a metadata vybraného obrázku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Zpět"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Vrátit poslední změnu v obrázku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Převrátit _vodorovně"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Zrcadlit obrázek vodorovně"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Převrátit _svisle"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Zrcadlit obrázek svisle"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Otočit v_e směru hodinových ručiček"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Otočit obrázek o 90 stupňů doprava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Otočit p_roti směru hodinových ručiček"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Otočit obrázek o 90 stupňů doleva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Nastavit jako _pozadí plochy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Nastavit vybraný obrázek jako pozadí plochy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Přesunout vybraný obrázek do koše"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Přiblíži_t"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Zvětšit obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Oddálit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Zmenšit obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normální velikost"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Zobrazit obrázek v původní velikosti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Nejlepší _velikost"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Přizpůsobit obrázek oknu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Celá obrazovka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Zobrazit aktuální obrázek v režimu celé obrazovky"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pozastavit promítání snímků"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pozastavit nebo pokračovat v promítání snímků"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Předchozí obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Přejít na předchozí obrázek ze sbírky"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Následující obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Přejít na následující obrázek ze sbírky"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "P_rvní obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Přejít na první obrázek ze sbírky"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Po_slední obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Přejít na poslední obrázek ze sbírky"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Ná_hodný obrázek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Přejít na náhodný obrázek ze sbírky"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "P_romítání snímků"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Spustit promítání snímků"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Předchozí"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Následující"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Doprava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Doleva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Zvětšit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Zmenšit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normální"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Přizpůsobit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Sbírka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Koš"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Zásuvný modul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Povoleno"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Konfigurovat"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Aktivovat"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tivovat vše"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktivovat vše"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktivní _moduly:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_O modulu"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Nastavit modul"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Prohlížeč obrázků Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Otevřít v režimu celé obrazovky"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Zakázat sbírku obrázků"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Otevřít v režimu promítání snímků"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Spustit novou instanci namísto znovupoužití existující"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Zobrazit verzi aplikace"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[SOUBOR…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Spustit příkaz „%s --help“ k zobrazení úplného seznamu dostupných přepínačů "
+"příkazové řádky."
diff --git a/po/cy.po b/po/cy.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd8855b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/cy.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1427 @@
+# translation of to Cymraeg
+# eom yn Gymraeg.
+# Owain Green, 2003.
+# <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004.
+# Dafydd Tomos <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Rhys Jones <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006.
+# rhysj - Wedi diweddaru ffeil a'i gyrru drwy Cysill ar gyfer MATE 2.12.
+# rhysj - a hefyd ar gyfer 2.14.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-27 09:05+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-26 15:08-0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rhys Jones <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Cymraeg <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : (n == 2) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Gwelydd Delweddau"
+#: ../
+msgid "View different types of images"
+msgstr "Edrych ar ddelweddau o fathau gwahanol"
+#: ../
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rhagolwg Enw Ffeil</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Manylion Llwybr Ffeil</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rhyngosodiad Delwedd</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Chwyddo Delwedd</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dewisiadau</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dilyniant</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rhannau Tryloyw</b>"
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Caniatáu _chwyddo i fwy na 100% wrth gychwyn"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Fel _cefndir"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Fel patrwm _brith"
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Fel lliw _addasedig:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Lliw ar gyfer Ardaloedd Tryloyw"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Plygell Cyrchfan:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Hoffterau EOM ('Eye of MATE')"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Fformat Enw Ffeil:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Golwg Delwedd"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Ailenwi O:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Amnewid bylchau gyda thanlinellau"
+#: ../ ../shell/eom-window.c:3340
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Cadw Fel"
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Cadw delwedd"
+#: ../
+msgid "Slide Show"
+msgstr "Sioe Sleidiau"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Dechrau cyfri yn:"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "I:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Pori"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "_Rhyngosod delwedd wrth chwyddo"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Ailgychwyn wedi cyrraedd yr un olaf"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Newid delwedd ar ôl:"
+#: ../
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "eiliadau"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Os yw'r gwerth yn fwy na 0, dyma'r nifer o eiliadau bydd delwedd yn aros ar "
+"y sgrin cyn i'r un nesaf gael ei dangos yn awtomatig. Mae gwerth o 0 yn "
+"analluogi'r pori awtomatig."
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Caniatáu chwyddo i fwy na 100% wrth gychwyn"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Y saib mewn eiliadau cyn dangos y ddelwedd nesaf"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Penna sut y dylid dangos tryloywder. CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR a NONE yw'r "
+"gwerthoedd dilys. Os dewisir COLOR, yna mae'r allwedd trans_color yn "
+"penderfynu'r gwerth lliw a ddefnyddir."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Os COLOR yw gwerth yr allwedd tryloywder, yna mae'r allwedd yma'n "
+"penderfynu'r lliw a ddefnyddir ar gyfer dangos tryloywder."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Os mai FALSE yw hwn, fydd delweddau bychain ddim yn cael eu hymestyn i "
+"lenwi'r sgrin wrth gychwyn."
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Rhyngosod Delwedd"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "Geometreg y ffenestr gasglu ddiweddaraf"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "Geometreg y ffenestr unigol ddiweddaraf"
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Ailgychwyn y dilyniant delweddau wedi cyrraedd ei ddiwedd"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Agor delweddau mewn ffenestr newydd"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "Dangos/cuddio gwybodaeth delwedd ar gyfer y casgliad."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "Dangos/cuddio gwybodaeth delwedd ar gyfer delwedd unigol."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Dangos/cuddio'r cwarel casgliad delweddau."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Dangos/cuddio bar statws y ffenestr."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Dangos/cuddio bar offer y ffenestr."
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Lliw tryloywder"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Dangosydd tryloywder"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"A ddylai agor delwedd greu ffenestr newydd yn hytrach nag amnewid y ddelwedd "
+"yn y ffenestr gyfredol."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "A ddylid dangos y dilyniant o ddelweddau mewn cylch diddiwedd."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"A ddylid rhyngosod y ddelwedd wrth chwyddo ai peidio. Ceir ansawdd gwell "
+"drwy wneud hyn, ond mae rhywfaint yn arafach na delweddau heb eu rhyngosod."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:340 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Methwyd creu ffeil dros dro er mwyn arbed: %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:359 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:600
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Methwyd neilltuo cof er mwyn llwytho ffeil JPEG"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:426
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Trawsffurfio delwedd heb ei llwytho."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:538
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Ni chynhelir EXIF ar gyfer ffeil o'r math yma."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1198 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1411
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Ffeil yn bodoli"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1351 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1479
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Dim delwedd wedi ei lwytho."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1360 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1488
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Methwyd creu ffeil dros dro"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Camera"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:31
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Data Delwedd"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:32
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Sefyllfa Cymryd Y Llun"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:33
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nodyn Gwneuthurwr"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:34
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Arall"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:97
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Gwerth"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:29 ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:31
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Enw Ffeil"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:30
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Lled"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:31
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Uchder"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:32
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Maint ffeil"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:89
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Priodoledd"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Ffeil"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:93
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:100
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1024
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Mae o leiaf ddau enw ffeil yr un peth."
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:44
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode annilys)"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:129
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Pob Ffeil"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Pob Delwedd"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr[0] "%s x %s picsel"
+msgstr[1] "%s x %s picsel"
+msgstr[2] "%s x %s picsel"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:397
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "Agor mewn ffenestr newydd"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:425
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Llwytho Delwedd"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:433
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Cadw Delwedd"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:441
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Agor Plygell"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:110
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Methwyd dangos cymorth ar gyfer EOM ('Eye of MATE')"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:32
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Rhifydd"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:33
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Sylw"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:34
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Dyddiad"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:35
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Amser"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:36
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Dyddiad"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:37
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Mis"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:38
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Blwyddyn"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:39
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Awr"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:40
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Munud"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:41
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Eiliad"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Dewis ddim ar gael."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"I ddefnyddio'r nodwedd hon, rhaid i chi gael llyfrgell libexif. Gosodwch "
+"libexif ( ac ailgrynhoi Eye of MATE."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:235
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "fel y mae"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Cadw delwedd %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:243
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Diddymu cadw ..."
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:498
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Owain Green\n"
+"Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>\n"
+"Rhys Jones <[email protected]>\n"
+"Dafydd Tomos <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:503 ../shell/eom-window.c:3048
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3699 ../shell/main.c:601
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "EOM ('Eye of MATE)"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:506
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Rhaglen olygu a chatalogio delweddau MATE."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:532
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Methwyd dangos cymorth ar gyfer EOM ('Eye of MATE').\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:967
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Trosysgrifo ffeil %s?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:968
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Mae'r ffeil yn bodoli'n barod. A ydych am ei drosysgrifo?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:979 ../shell/eom-window.c:995
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Neidio"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:980
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Trosysgrifo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:985
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Gwall wrth gadw %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:996 ../shell/eom-window.c:1562
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Ail-geisio"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1426
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "Methwyd pennu LAU'r cyrchfan."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1548
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Methwyd penderfynu ar fformat ffeil %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1549
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr "Defnyddiwch ôl-ddodiad addas i'r ffeil neu dewiswch fformat ffeil."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1687
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Gwall wrth gadw'r delweddau."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1768 ../shell/eom-window.c:3285
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Argraffu"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1802
+msgid "Print Preview"
+msgstr "Rhagolwg Argraffu"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2006
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am symud\n"
+"\"%s\" i'r sbwriel?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"A ydych yn siŵr eich bod am symud\n"
+"yr %d ddelwedd a ddewiswyd i'r sbwriel?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"A ydych yn siŵr eich bod am symud\n"
+"y %d ddelwedd a ddewiswyd i'r sbwriel?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"A ydych yn siŵr eich bod am symud\n"
+"y %d delwedd a ddewiswyd i'r sbwriel?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2024 ../shell/eom-window.c:3297
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Symud i'r Sbwriel"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2055
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Methwyd a chyrchu'r sbwriel."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Gwall wrth ddileu delwedd %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixels [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2911
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i picsel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i picsel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i x %i picsel %s %i%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2967
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr "Rheswm: %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3097
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "Methwyd llwytho'r ddelwedd %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3262
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Ffeil"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3263
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Golygu"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3264
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Golwg"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3265
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Delwedd"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3266
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Mynd"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3267
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Cymorth"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3268
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Agor..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3268
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Agor ffeil"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Cau"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Cau ffenestr"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3270
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Hoffterau"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3270
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Hoffterau ar gyfer EOM ('Eye of MATE')"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3271
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Cynnwys"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3271
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Cymorth ar y cymhwysiad yma"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Ynghylch"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Ynghylch y rhaglen hon"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Bar _Offer"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Newid gwelededd y bar offer yn y ffenestr gyfredol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3278
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Bar _Statws"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3278
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Newid gwelededd y bar statws yn y ffenestr gyfredol"
+# mae 'eom' yn air Cymraeg, felly pam lai?
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3279
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Casgliad Delweddau"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3279
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Newid gwelededd y cwarel casgliad delweddau yn y ffenestr gyfredol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3283
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Cadw"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Cadw _Fel"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Dadwneud"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3289
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Troi drosodd yn _Llorweddol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Troi drosodd yn _Fertigol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3292
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Cylchdroi _Gyda'r Cloc"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3293
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Cylchdroi yn _Erbyn y Cloc"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3294
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "Cylch_droi 180°"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3295
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Gosod fel _Papur Wal"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Llenwi'r Sgrin"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3300
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Sioe Sleidiau"
+#. accelerators
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3301 ../shell/eom-window.c:3307
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3308
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Chwyddo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3302 ../shell/eom-window.c:3309
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Cre_bachu"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3303
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Maint _Arferol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3304
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Ffit Orau"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3310 ../shell/eom-window.c:3312
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3324
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Delwedd _Nesaf"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3311 ../shell/eom-window.c:3313
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3314 ../shell/eom-window.c:3323
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Delwedd _Flaenorol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3315
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Symud i'r _Sbwriel"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3319
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "_Gwybodaeth am y Ddelwedd"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3319
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Newid gwelededd y cwarel wybodaeth yn y ffenestr gyfredol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3325
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Delwedd _Cyntaf"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Delwedd _Olaf"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3337
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Agor"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Cau"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Cadw"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Dadwneud"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3344
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "De"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3345
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Chwith"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "I Mewn"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Allan"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Arferol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Ffitio"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nesaf"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Blaenorol"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3518
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "Methu canfod disgrifiad rhyngwyneb defnyddiwr."
+#: ../shell/main.c:166
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "Methu creu rhyngwyneb defnyddiwr Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/main.c:357
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Ffeil heb ei ganfod."
+msgstr[1] "Ffeil heb ei ganfod."
+msgstr[2] "Ffeiliau heb eu canfod."
+#: ../shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Methu agor '%s'"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open '%s'"
+msgstr "Agor '%s'"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:444
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "Gwag"
+#~ msgid "Show next image _automatically"
+#~ msgstr "Dangos y ddelwedd _nesaf yn awtomatig"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Os yw hyn wedi'i osod yn WIR, bydd delweddau'n cael eu newid ar ôl y "
+#~ "nifer o eiliadau a benodir gan yr allwedd 'full_screen/seconds'."
+#~ msgid "Show next image automatically in fullscreen mode."
+#~ msgstr "Dangos y ddelwedd _nesaf yn awtomatig yn y modd sgrin lawn"
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "_Ffenestr Newydd"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Agor Ffenestr Newydd"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Agor _Plygell..."
+#~ msgid "Open a folder"
+#~ msgstr "Agor plygell"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Dileu"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Newydd"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Agor sawl ffenestr unigol?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Rydych ar fin agor %i ffenestr ar yr un pryd. A fyddai'n well gennych eu "
+#~ "hagor mewn casgliad yn lle hynny?"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Rydych ar fin agor %i ffenestr ar yr un pryd. A fyddai'n well gennych ei "
+#~ "agor mewn casgliad yn lle hynny?"
+#~ msgstr[2] ""
+#~ "Rydych ar fin agor %i ffenestr ar yr un pryd. A fyddai'n well gennych eu "
+#~ "hagor mewn casgliad yn lle hynny?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Ffenestri Sengl"
+#~ msgid "Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Casgliad"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "Sioe _Sleidiau"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "ffeil wag"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "Nid yw enwau ffeiliau yn wahanedig"
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Newydd"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "_Agor Cyfeiriadur..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Agor cyfeiriadur"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Delweddau: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Gadael"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Cau pob ffenest a gadael"
+# mae 'eom' yn air Cymraeg, felly pam lai?
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Gwelydd Casgliad Delweddau EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Ffatri gwylwyr casgliadau delweddau EOM"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Dangos fel C_asgliad Delweddau"
+#~ msgid "View as Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Dangos fel Casgliad Delweddau"
+#~ msgid "Rotate 180 _Degrees"
+#~ msgstr "Cylchdroi 180 _Gradd"
+#~ msgid "Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Cylchdroi _Gyda'r Cloc"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Cylchdroi yn _Erbyn y Cloc"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving"
+#~ msgstr "Diddymu cadw"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Gorffennodd cadw"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Golwg Casgliad"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Teitl y Ffenestr"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Testun Statws"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Cynnydd Llwytho Delwedd"
+#~ msgid "Saving image"
+#~ msgstr "Cadw delwedd"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Delwedd EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Gwelydd Delwedd EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Ffatri Gwelyddion Delwedd EOM"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Delwedd Mewnadeiladwy EOM"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Sgrin Lawn"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Gwneud rhagolwg o'r ddelwedd sydd i'w argraffu"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "_Rhagolwg Argraffu..."
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "Cyf_luniad Argraffu"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Anfon y ddelwedd i'r argraffydd"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Cylchdroi i'r Chwith"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Cylchdroi i'r Dde"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Cadw _Fel..."
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "Gosod y cyfluniad tudalen ar gyfer eich argraffydd cyfredol"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Argraffu..."
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Rhagolwg"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Cylchdroi _Gyda'r Cloc"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Cylchdroi yn _Erbyn y Cloc"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Nesáu"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/_Pellhau"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Maint Arferol"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/_Ffit Gorau"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Cau"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Methodd llwytho delwedd %s."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Methodd llwytho'r ddelwedd %s.\n"
+#~ "Rheswm: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Methwyd llwytho"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Cafodd y ddelwedd ei arbed yn llwyddiannus"
+#~ msgid "Image Width"
+#~ msgstr "Lled y Ddelwedd"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Hyd y Ddelwedd"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Testun Bar Statws"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Lled Ffenest Ddymunol"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Uchder Ffenest Ddymunol"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "Gellir arbed delweddau fel ffeiliau lleol yn unig."
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Math delwedd ni chynhelir ar gyfer cadw."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Tudalen"
+#~ msgid "Millimeter"
+#~ msgstr "Milimedr"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Papur"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% y maint gwreiddiol"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Addasu i "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Cymorth torri"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "I lawr, wedyn i'r dde"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Ffitio i'r dudalen"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally"
+#~ msgstr "Yn Llorweddol"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Yn llorweddol gan "
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Ymylon"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Cymorth trefnu"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Gorgyffwrdd"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Cymorth gorgyffwrdd"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Trefn tudalennau"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "I'r dde, wedyn i lawr"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Graddfa"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Dangos"
+#~ msgid "Vertically"
+#~ msgstr "Yn Fertigol"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Yn Fertigol gan "
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Enw'r ffeil neu ddata i'w argraffu"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Diddymu"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "Agor yn y ffenestr yma"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Gadael y rhaglen"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Owain Green\n"
+#~ "Dafydd Harries <[email protected]>\n"
+#~ "Rhys Jones <[email protected]>"
+#~ msgid "dialog1"
+#~ msgstr "deialog1"
+#~ msgid "Could not find files"
+#~ msgstr "Methwyd canfod ffeiliau"
+#~ msgid "Don't use zoom larger than 100%"
+#~ msgstr "Peidio chwyddo'n fwy na 100%"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom (better quality but slower)"
+#~ msgstr "_Rhyngbegynnu'r ddelwedd ar chwydd (ansawdd gwell ond arafach)"
+#~ msgid "By Extension"
+#~ msgstr "Gan Estyniad"
+#~ msgid "Determine File Type:"
+#~ msgstr "Pennu Math Ffeil:"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Copyright 2000-2003 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "Hawlfraint (C) 2000-2003 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Eye of Mate Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Gwelydd Delweddau Llygad MATE"
+#~ msgid "By c_olor"
+#~ msgstr "Gan _liw"
+#~ msgid "Indicate Transparency"
+#~ msgstr "Hysbysu tryloywder"
+#~ msgid "Pick a color"
+#~ msgstr "Dewiswch liw"
+#~ msgid "Automatically pick window size"
+#~ msgstr "Dewis maint ffenestr yn awtomatig"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom factor for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "Ffactor chwydd ragosodedig i'r olygfa sgrin lawn"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Default zoom factor for the full screen view. Possible values are: 0 "
+#~ "(use 1:1 zoom factor), 1 (use the same zoom factor as the image window), "
+#~ "2 (fit the image to the screen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ffactor chwydd ragosodedig i'r olygfa sgrîn lawn. Gwerthoedd posib: 0 "
+#~ "(defnyddio ffactor chwydd 1:1), 1 (defnyddio'r un ffactor chwydd a'r "
+#~ "ffenestr ddelwedd), 2 (ffitio'r ddelwedd i'r sgrîn)."
+#~ msgid "Fit standard-sized images to the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Ffitio delweddau maint safonol i'r sgrîn"
+#~ msgid "Put a bevel around the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Rhoi befel o amgylch y sgrîn"
+#~ msgid "Scrollbar policy for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "Polisi bariau sgrolio ar gyfer y golwg sgrîn lawn"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Whether image windows should pick their size and zooming factor "
+#~ "automatically based on the size of the image. If this option is not set, "
+#~ "image windows will get whatever size the window manager assigns to them."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A ddylai ffenestri delwedd ddewis eu meintiau a'u ffactorau chwyddo "
+#~ "wedi'u seilio yn awtomatig ar faint y ddelwedd. Os na osodir y dewisiad "
+#~ "yma, bydd ffenestri delwedd yn cael pa faint bynnag a neilltuir iddynt "
+#~ "gan y trefnydd ffenestri."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Whether the full screen view should display a bevel along the edges of "
+#~ "the screen."
+#~ msgstr "A ddylai'r olygfa sgrîn lawn ddangos befel ar hyd ochrau'r sgrîn."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Whether to display scrollbars on the full screen view. Possible values "
+#~ "are: 1 (automatic; only display scrollbars if the image is larger than "
+#~ "the window), 2 (never display scrollbars)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A ddylid dangos bariau sgrolio ar yr olygfa sgrîn lawn. Gwerthoedd posib: "
+#~ "1 (awtomatig; dengys bariau sgrolio pan fo'r ddelwedd yn fwy na'r "
+#~ "ffenestr yn unig), 2 (ni ddengys bariau sgrolio byth)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Whether to fit standard-sized images to the screen when in full screen "
+#~ "mode. These are images with sizes like 320x240, 640x480, 800x800, etc. "
+#~ "This selects whether such images should be scaled to fit the screen "
+#~ "regardless of the setting for the default zoom factor of the full screen "
+#~ "view."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A ddylid ffitio delweddau maint safonol i'r sgrîn pan yn y modd sgrîn "
+#~ "lawn. Delweddau o faint 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, ayyb yw'r rhain. "
+#~ "Dewisa hwn a ddylid chwyddo delweddau felly i ffitio'r sgrîn beth bynnag "
+#~ "fo gosodiad ffactor chwyddo rhagosodedig yr olygfa sgrîn lawn."
+#~ msgid "interpolation type"
+#~ msgstr "math rhyngbegynnu"
+#~ msgid "the type of interpolation to use"
+#~ msgstr "y math o ryngbegynnu i'w ddefnyddio"
+#~ msgid "check type"
+#~ msgstr "math brith"
+#~ msgid "the type of chequering to use"
+#~ msgstr "y math o fritho i'w ddefnyddio"
+#~ msgid "the size of chequers to use"
+#~ msgstr "maint y sgwariau i'w defnyddio"
+#~ msgid "dither type"
+#~ msgstr "math o fwydro"
+#~ msgid "BMP"
+#~ msgstr "BMP"
+#~ msgid "GIF"
+#~ msgstr "GIF"
+#~ msgid "ICO"
+#~ msgstr "ICO"
+#~ msgid "JPEG"
+#~ msgstr "JPEG"
+#~ msgid "PNG"
+#~ msgstr "PNG"
+#~ msgid "PNM"
+#~ msgstr "PNM"
+#~ msgid "RAS"
+#~ msgstr "RAS"
+#~ msgid "SVG"
+#~ msgstr "SVG"
+#~ msgid "TGA"
+#~ msgstr "TGA"
+#~ msgid "TIFF"
+#~ msgstr "TIFF"
+#~ msgid "XBM"
+#~ msgstr "XBM"
+#~ msgid "XPM"
+#~ msgstr "XPM"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " You are about to open %i windows\n"
+#~ " simultanously. Do you want to continue?\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Rydych ar fin agor %i ffenestr\n"
+#~ " gyda'i gilydd. A ydych am fynd ymlaen?\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Could not access %s\n"
+#~ " Eye of Mate will not be able to display this file.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Methu cyrchu %s\n"
+#~ " Ni fedr Llygad Mate ddangos y ffeil yma.\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " The following files cannot be displayed because Eye of Mate was not "
+#~ "able to access them:\n"
+#~ " %s\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nid oes modd dangos y ffeiliau canlynol gan nad oedd Llygad Mate yn "
+#~ "medru eu cyrchu:\n"
+#~ " %s\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Methu ymgychwyn MateVFS!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Methu ymgychwyn MateComponent!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not save image as '%s': %s."
+#~ msgstr "Methwyd cadw'r ddelwedd fel '%s': %s."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Couldn't initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Methwyd ymgychwyn MateVFS!\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "pts"
+#~ msgstr "ptau"
+#~ msgid "points"
+#~ msgstr "pwyntiau"
+#~ msgid "mm"
+#~ msgstr "mm"
+#~ msgid "cm"
+#~ msgstr "cm"
+#~ msgid "centimeter"
+#~ msgstr "centimetr"
+#~ msgid "inch"
+#~ msgstr "modfedd"
+#~ msgid "Print Setup"
+#~ msgstr "Gosodiad Argraffu"
+#~ msgid "Units:"
+#~ msgstr "Unedau:"
+#~ msgid "Paper size:"
+#~ msgstr "Maint papur:"
+#~ msgid "Orientation"
+#~ msgstr "Cyfeiriadaeth"
+#~ msgid "Portrait"
+#~ msgstr "Darlun"
+#~ msgid "Landscape"
+#~ msgstr "Tirlun"
+#~ msgid "Bottom:"
+#~ msgstr "Gwaelod:"
+#~ msgid "Overlap horizontally by"
+#~ msgstr "Gorgyffwrdd yn llorweddol gan"
+#~ msgid "Overlap vertically by"
+#~ msgstr "Gorgyffwrdd yn fertigol gan"
+#~ msgid "Printing"
+#~ msgstr "Argraffu"
+#~ msgid "Helpers"
+#~ msgstr "Cynorthwywyr"
diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89d6211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/da.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1605 @@
+# Danish translation of Eye of Mate.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Kenneth Christiansen <[email protected]>, 1999.
+# Keld Simonsen <[email protected]>, 2000-2001.
+# Ole Laursen <[email protected]>, 2001-2007.
+# Martin Willemoes Hansen <[email protected]>, 2004-2006.
+# Peter Bach <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# M.P. Rommedahl <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>, 2007, 2009-2010.
+# Konventioner:
+# collection -> samling
+# dither -> (avanceret) farvereducering
+# Vær opmærksom på at "check" kan stå for "tern"!
+# Husk at tilføje dig i credit-listen (besked id "translator-credits")
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-15 20:30+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-14 19:43+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kenneth Nielsen <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Danish <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Vis “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Flyt langs værktøjslinje"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Flyt det valgte objekt langs værktøjslinjen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Fjern fra værktøjslinjen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Fjern det valgte objekt fra værktøjslinjen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Slet værktøjslinje"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Fjern den valgte værktøjslinje"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separator"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktivér fulskærmstilstand med dobbeltklik"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Fuldskærm med dobbeltklik"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Genindlæs billede"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Genindlæs nuværende billede"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Dato i statuslinje"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Viser billedets dato i vinduets statuslinje"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Gennemse og rotere billeder"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Billedfremviser"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Blændeåbningsværdi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Ophavsmand:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Kameramodel:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Ophavsret:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Dato/Tid:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beskrivelse:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detaljer"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Eksponeringstid:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Blitz:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Brændvidde:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generelt"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Højde:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO-hastighedsvurdering:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Billedegenskaber"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Nøgleord:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Placering:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Måletilstand:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Navn:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Type:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Bredde:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Næste"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Forrige"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> oprindeligt filnavn"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> tæller"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Vælg en mappe"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Destinationsmappe:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Forhåndsvisning af filnavn"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Specifikationer af filsti"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Filnavnsformat:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Indstillinger"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Omdøb fra:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Erstat mellemrum med understreger"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Gem som"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Start tæller fra:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Til:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Som _baggrund"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Som ternet _mønster"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Som bestemt _farve:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Som brugerdefineret farve:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Baggrund"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Baggrundsfarve"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Farve for gennemsigtige områder"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Til_pas billeder til skærmen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Indstillinger for Mates øje"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Billedforbedringer"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Billedvisning"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Billedzoom"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Udvidelsesmoduler"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sekvens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slideshow"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Udjævn billeder når der z_oomes ind"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Udjævn billeder når der zoomes _ud"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Gennemsigtige dele"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatisk orientering"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Løkkesekvens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Skift billede efter:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekunder"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"En værdi større end 0 angiver antallet af sekunder et billede bliver på "
+"skærmen før det næste vises automatisk. Nul deaktiverer den automatisk "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktive udvidelsesmoduler"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Tillad zoom større end 100% ved start"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatisk orientering"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Ventetid i sekunder før næste billede vises"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Bestemmer hvordan gennemsigtighed vises. Gyldige værdier er CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR og NONE. Hvis COLOR er valgt, angiver nøglen trans-color den benyttede "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapolér billede"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis aktiveret, og intet billede er indlæst i det aktive vindue, vil "
+"filvælgeren vise brugerens billedmappe ved brug af de specielle XDG-"
+"brugermapper. Hvis deaktiveret, eller hvis billedmappen ikke er blevet "
+"konfigureret, vil den vise den aktuelle arbejdsmappe."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis aktiveret, vil MATEs Øje ikke spørge om bekræftelse når billeder "
+"flyttes til papirkurven. Programmet vil dog stadig spørge, hvis nogle af "
+"filerne ikke kan flyttes til papirkurven og i stedet vil blive slettet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis aktiveret, vil den detaljerede liste af metadata i "
+"egenskabsdialogvinduet blive flyttet til dens egen side i dialogvinduet. "
+"Dette bør gøre dialogvinduet mere anvendeligt på mindre skærme, f.eks. på "
+"netbook-computere. Hvis deaktiveret, vil kontrollen blive indlejret i "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis transparency-nøglen har værdien COLOR, angiver denne nøgle hvilken "
+"farve, der benyttes til at vise gennemsigtighed."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis dette er aktiveret, vil den farve som er defineret af nøglen background-"
+"color blive brugt til at fylde området bagved baggrundsbilledet. Hvis det "
+"ikke er aktiveret, vil det nuværende GTK+-tema bestemme fyldfarven."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis dette er sat til falsk, vil små billeder ikke blive strukket for at "
+"passe til skærmen ved start."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Position af billedsamlingspanel. Sæt til 0 for bund; 1 for venstre; 2 for "
+"top; 3 for højre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolér billede"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Liste af aktive udvidelsesmoduler. Den indeholder ikke \"Placeringen\" af de "
+"aktive udvidelsesmoduler. Kig i \".eom-plugin\"-filen for at finde "
+"placeringen for et bestemt udvidelsesmodul."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Gå i løkke gennem billedsekvensen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Rullehjulszoom"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul rulleknapper for billedsamlingspanel."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul billedsamlingspanelet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul vinduessidepanel."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul vinduesstatuslinjen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul vinduesværktøjslinjen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Farven som bliver brugt til at udfylde området bagved billedet. Hvis nøgles "
+"use-background-image er deaktiveret, vil farven blive bestemt af det aktive "
+"GTK+-tema i stedet for."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Den faktor der skal anvendes når musehjulet bruges til at zoome med. Denne "
+"værdi definerer zoom-skridtet som der bruges for hver rullebegivenhed. F."
+"eks. vil 0.05 resultere i en 5% zoom-stigning for hver rullebegivenhed og "
+"1.00 vil resultere i en 100% zoom-stigning."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Gennemsigtighedsfarve"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Gennemsigtigshedsindikator"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Spørg ikke, når billeder flyttes til papirkurven"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Brug en brugerdefineret baggrundsfarve"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Om filvælgeren skal vise brugerens billedmappe, hvis ingen billeder er "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+"Om det skal være muligt at ændre på størrelsen af billedsamlingspanelet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Om billedet skal ekstrapoleres, når der zoomes ind, eller ej. Dette gør "
+"billedet sløret, og er noget langsommere end ikke-ekstrapolerede billeder."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Om billedet skal interpoleres, når der zoomes ud, eller ej. Dette giver "
+"bedre billedkvalitet, men er noget langsommere end billeder der ikke er "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Om billedet skal roteres automatisk baseret på EXIF-orientering."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Om metadatalisten i egenskabsdialogvinduet skal have sin egen side."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Om rullehjulet skal bruges til at zoome med eller ej."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Om sekvensen af billeder skal vises i en uendelig løkke."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoom-faktor"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Kører i fuldskærmstilstand"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Luk _uden at gemme"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Spørgsmål"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Hvis du ikke gemmer, vil dine ændringer gå tabt."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Vil du gemme ændringer i billedet \"%s\" før programmet lukkes?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Der er %d billede med ugemte ændringer. Gem ændringer før lukning?"
+msgstr[1] "Der er %d billeder med ugemte ændringer. Gem ændringer før lukning?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Vælg de billeder du ønsker at gemme:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Hvis du ikke gemmer, vil alle dine ændringer gå tabt."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Filformatet er ukendt eller ikke understøttet"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Mates øje kunne ikke finde et understøttet skrivbart filformat baseret på "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Prøv med en anden filendelse som f.eks. .png eller .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alle filer"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Alle billeder"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "punkt"
+msgstr[1] "punkter"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Åbn billede"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Gem billede"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Åbn mappe"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformation af ikke indlæst billede."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformationen fejlede."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF er ikke understøttet for dette filformat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Indlæsning af billede mislykkedes."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Intet billede indlæst."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Oprettelse af midlertidig fil mislykkedes."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette midlertidig fil til gemning: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke tildele hukommelse til indlæsning af JPEG-fil"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Billeddata"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Vilkår for billedtagning"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Bemærkning fra producent"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Andet"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP rettighedsstyring"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP andet"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Mærke"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Værdi"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Prøv igen"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Kunne ikke indlæse billedet \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Ingen billeder fundet i \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Den angivne placering inderholder ingen billeder."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Billedindstillinger"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Billede"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Det billede hvis udskriftsegenskaber bliver konfigureret"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sideopsætning"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Oplysninger om siden som billedet bliver udskrevet på"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Position"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Venstre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Højre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Top:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bund:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrum:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ingen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vandret"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Lodret"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Begge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Størrelse"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Bredde:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Højde:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skalering:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Enhed:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Tommer"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Forhåndsvisning"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Ukendt"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (linse)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm-film)"
+# "as is" -> "som original" (beskrivelse i gedits dokumentation)
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "som original"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+# Jeg kunne forestille mig to forskellige ting denne streng kan bruges til. Det kan henvise til en dato. "Taken on Jun 26, 2007", eller til kameraet billedet er taget på "Taken on Phillips T3000 super Zoom". Oversættelsen "Taget på" dækker heldigvis begge disse tilfælde
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Taget på"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Mindst to filnavne er ens."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke vise hjælp til Mates øje"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ugyldig Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i billedpunkt %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i billedpunkter %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Genindlæs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Skj_ul"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Billedet \"%s\" er blevet modificeret af et eksternt program.\n"
+"Ønsker du at genindlæse det?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Brug \"%s\" til at åbne det valgte billede"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Gemmer billede \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Åbner billede \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fejl ved udskrivning af fil:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Værktøjslinje-redigering"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Gendan standard"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Keld Simonsen\n"
+"Kenneth Christiansen\n"
+"Martin Willemoes Hansen\n"
+"Ole Laursen\n"
+"Rasmus Ory Nielsen\n"
+"Peter Bach\n"
+"Kenneth Nielsen\n"
+"M.P. Rommedahl\n"
+"Dansk-gruppen <[email protected]>\n"
+"Mere info:"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dette program er fri software; du må redistribuere det og/eller modificere "
+"det under betingelserne givet i GNU General Public License som publiceret af "
+"Free Software Foundation; enten version 2, eller (efter dit valg) en senere "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dette program distribueres i håbet om, at det vil være nyttigt, men UDEN\n"
+"NOGEN GARANTI; end ikke en underforstået garanti for SALGBARHED eller\n"
+"ANVENDELIGHED TIL ET GIVET FORMÅL. Se GNU General Public License for\n"
+"flere detaljer.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Du bør have modtaget en kopi af GNU General Public License sammen med dette "
+"program; hvis ikke, så skriv til Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Mates øje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Mates øje - billedfremviser."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Åbn baggrundsindstillinger"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Billedet \"%s\" er blevet valgt som skrivebordsbaggrund.\n"
+"Ønsker du at ændre dets udseende?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Gemmer billede lokalt…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ønsker du at flytte\n"
+"\"%s\" til papirkurven?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Der kunne ikke findes en papirkurv for \"%s\". Ønsker du at slette dette "
+"billede permanent?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Ønsker du at flytte det valgte\n"
+"billede til papirkurven?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ønsker du at flytte de %d\n"
+"valgte billeder til papirkurven?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Nogle af de valgte billeder kan ikke flyttes til papirkurven, og vil blive "
+"slettet permanent. Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at fortsætte?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Flyt til _papirkurv"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Spørg ikke igen under denne session"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Kunne ikke tilgå papirkurven."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke slette fil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Fejl ved sletning af billede %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Billede"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Redigér"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Vis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Navigering"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Værktøjer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjælp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Åbn…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Åbn en fil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Luk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Luk vinduet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Værktøjslinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Redigér programmets værktøjslinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Indstillinger"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Indstillinger for Mates øje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Indhold"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hjælp til dette program"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Om"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Om dette program"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Værktøjslinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Skifter synligheden af værktøjslinjen i det aktuelle vindue"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statuslinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Skifter synligheden af statuslinjen i det aktuelle vindue"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Billedsamling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Skifter synligheden af billedsamlingspanelet i det aktuelle vindue"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Side_panel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Skifter synligheden af sidepanelet i det aktuelle vindue"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Gem ændringer i de valgte billeder"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Åbn _med"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Åben det valgte billede med et andet program"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Gem _som…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Gem de valgte billeder under andre navne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Udskriv…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Udskriv det valgte billede"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Egenskaber"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Vis det valgte billedes egenskaber og metadata"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Fortryd"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Fortryd den seneste ændring i billedet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vend om _vandret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Spejlvend billedet vandret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Vend om _lodret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Spejlvend billedet lodret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotér m_ed uret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotér billedet 90 grader til højre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotér m_od uret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotér billedet 90 grader til venstre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Gør til _skrivebordsbaggrund"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Gør det valgte billede til skrivebordsbaggrund"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Flyt det valgte billede til papirkurven"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Zoom _ind"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Forstør billedet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom _ud"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Formindsk billedet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normal størrelse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Vis billedet i sin normale størrelse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Til_pas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Tilpas billedet til vinduet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Fuldskærm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Vis det valgte billede fuldskærmstilstand"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pause slideshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pause eller genoptag slideshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Forrige billede"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det forrige billede i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Næste billede"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det næste billede i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Første billede"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det første billede i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Sidste billede"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det sidste billede i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Tilfældigt billede"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til et tilfældigt billede i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Slideshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Start et diasshow af billederne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Forrige"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Næste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Højre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Venstre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Ind"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Ud"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Tilpas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Samling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Flyt til papirkurven"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Udvidelsesmodul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktiveret"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigurér"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktivér"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tivér alle"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktivér alle"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktive _udvidelsesmoduler:"
+# Bevidst valgt lidt vag. Mit umiddelbare gæt ville være at det rigtige er "_Om udvidelsesmodulet" men den anden skulle også gå
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Om udvidelsesmodul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfigurér udvidelsesmodul"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Mates øje - billedfremviser"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Åbn i fuldskærmstilstand"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Slå billedsamling fra"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Åbn i diastilstand"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Start en ny instans i stedet for at genbruge en eksisterende"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Vis programmets version"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FIL…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Kør \"%s --help\" for at se den fulde liste af tilgængelige "
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Indlæs billede"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Fil"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Konfigurer sideindstillinger til udskrivning"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detaljer</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Højde:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Navn:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Bredde:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "_Gem som..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Åbn med \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Flyt til papirkurv"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Kun lokale billeder kan bruges som skrivebordsbaggrund"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Du skal gemme dette billede lokalt på din computer, for at du kan bruge "
+#~ "det som skrivebordsbaggrund"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Udskrifts_opsætning..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Anvend som _baggrund"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Fil eksisterer"
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05caad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1610 @@
+# German translation for Eye of Mate.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2002, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Matthias Warkus <[email protected]>, 1999-2001.
+# Christian Meyer <[email protected]>, 2000, 2001.
+# Jens Finke <[email protected]>, 2002-2005.
+# Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
+# Benedikt Wicklein <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Philipp Kerling <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008.
+# Andre Klapper <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009.
+# Nathan-J. Hirschauer <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Jochen Skulj <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Felix Riemann <[email protected]>, 2010.
+# Christian Kirbach <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-14 23:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-14 23:40+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Christian Kirbach <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Deutsch <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "»_%s« anzeigen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Auf Werkzeugleiste _verschieben"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Das gewählte Objekt auf der Werkzeugleiste verschieben"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Aus Werkzeugleiste _entfernen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Das gewählte Objekt aus der Werkzeugleiste entfernen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Werkzeugleiste ent_fernen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Die gewählte Werkzeugleiste entfernen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Trennlinie"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Vollbildmodus durch Doppelklick aktivieren"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Vollbildmodus durch Doppelklick"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Bild neu laden"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Aktuelles Bild neu laden"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Datum in Statusleiste"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Datum des Bildes in der Statusleiste anzeigen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Bilder betrachten und drehen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Bildbetrachter"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Blendenwert:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Kameramodell:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Datum/Zeit:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beschreibung:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Details"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Belichtungszeit:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Blitz:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Brennweite:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Allgemein"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Höhe:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO-Empfindlichkeit:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Bildeigenschaften"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Schlüsselwörter:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Ort:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadaten"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Messverfahren:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Typ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Breite:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Nächstes"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Vorheriges"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> ursprünglicher Dateiname"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> Zähler"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Ordner wählen"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Zielordner:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Dateinamen-Vorschau"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Dateipfad-Angaben"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Dateinamen-Format:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Optionen"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Umbenennen von:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Leerzeichen durch Unterstriche ersetzen"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Speichern unter"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Zähler starten bei:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Nach:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Als _Hintergrund"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Als _Karo-Muster"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Als _benutzerdefinierte Farbe:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Als benutzerdefinierte Farbe:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Hintergrund"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Farbe für transparente Bereiche"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Bild auf _Bildschirmgröße bringen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE-Einstellungen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Bildverbesserungen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Bildansicht"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Bildvergrößerung"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Abfolge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diaschau"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Bild bei Vergrößerung _glätten"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Bild bei Verkleinerung _glätten"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Transparente Bereiche"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatische Drehung des Bildes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Endlosschleife"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Bild _wechseln nach:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "Sekunden"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Ein Wert größer 0 legt die Sekunden fest, die ein Bild angezeigt wird, bevor "
+"automatisch auf das nächste weitergeschaltet wird. Null schaltet die "
+"automatische Weiterschaltung ab."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktivierte Plugins"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Anfangsvergrößerung größer als 100% erlauben"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatische Drehung des Bildes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Verzögerung in Sekunden, bis das nächste Bild angezeigt wird"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, wie Transparenz dargestellt werden soll. Zulässige Werte sind: "
+"»CHECK_PATTERN«, »COLOR« sowie »NONE«. Falls Sie »COLOR« wählen, legt der "
+"»trans_color«-Schlüssel fest, welcher Farbwert verwendet werden soll."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Bild interpolieren"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn dieser Schlüssel auf »Wahr« gesetzt ist und kein Bild im aktiven Fenster "
+"geladen ist, zeigt die Dateiauswahl den Bilderordner des Benutzers unter "
+"Verwendung der speziellen XDG-Benutzerordner. Wenn dieser Schlüssel auf "
+"»Falsch« gesetzt ist oder der Bilderordner nicht eingerichtet ist, wird der "
+"aktuelle Arbeitsordner angezeigt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob Eye of MATE nicht nach Bestätigung fragt, wenn Bilder in den "
+"Mülleimer verschoben werden. Es wird aber in jedem Fall nachgefragt, wenn "
+"das Bild nicht in den Müll verschoben werden kann und stattdessen gelöscht "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn dieser Schlüssel auf »Wahr« gesetzt ist, wird die detaillierte Liste der "
+"Metadaten innerhalb des Eigenschaften-Dialogs als eigene Seite innerhalb des "
+"Dialogs angezeigt. Dies soll die Bedienbarkeit des Dialogs auf kleineren "
+"Bildschirmen verbessern, wie z.B. auf Netbooks. Wenn der Schlüssel auf "
+"»Falsch« gesetzt ist, wird das Dialogelement auf der Seite »Metadaten« "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls der Transparenzschlüssel den Wert »COLOR« hat, legt dieser Schlüssel "
+"fest, welche Farbe zum Anzeigen der Transparenz verwendet werden soll."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn dieser Wert festgelegt ist, so wird die im Schlüssel »background-color« "
+"festgelegte Farbe verwendet, um die Bereiche hinter dem Bild zu füllen. "
+"Falls der Wert nicht gesetzt ist, dann wird das aktuelle GTK+-Thema die "
+"Füllfarbe bestimmen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn dieser Wert auf FALSCH gesetzt ist, werden kleine Bilder anfangs nicht "
+"vergrößert, um auf den Bildschirm zu passen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Position der Bildersammlungsleiste. Gültige Werte sind: 0 (unten), 1 "
+"(links), 2 (oben), 3 (rechts)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Bild interpolieren"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Liste aktivierter Plugins. Sie enthält nicht den »Ort« aktiver Plugins. Sehen "
+"Sie in der ».eom-plugin«-Datei eines Plugins nach, um den »Ort« (»Location«) zu "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Endlosschleife durch die Bildabfolge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Vergrößerung per Mausrad"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Bildlaufknöpfe der Bildersammlungsleiste zeigen/verbergen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Bildersammlungsleiste anzeigen/verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Seitenleiste anzeigen/verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Statusleiste anzeigen/verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Werkzeugleiste anzeigen/verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Farbe, die zum Füllen der Hintergrundfläche hinter dem Bild verwendet "
+"wird. Falls der Schlüssel »background-color« nicht gesetzt ist, so wird die "
+"Farbe durch das aktuelle GTK+-Thema bestimmt."
+# Raddrehung klingt irgendwie nach einer vollen Umdrehung.
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Der anzuwendende Faktor, wenn mit dem Mausrad vergrößert werden soll. Dieser "
+"Wert definiert den Vergrößerungsschritt, der bei jedem Weiterschalten des "
+"Rades verwendet wird. 0.05 vergrößert die Ansicht des Bildes um 5%, 1.00 um "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Transparenzfarbe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Transparenzanzeiger"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Bilder ohne nachfragen löschen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Eine benutzerdefinierte Hintergrundfarbe verwenden"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob die Dateiauswahl den Bilderordner des Benutzers anzeigen soll, "
+"wenn keine Bilder geladen sind."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob die Größe der Bildersammlungsleiste angepasst werden kann."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob das Bild beim Vergrößern interpoliert wird. Dies führt zu "
+"einer leicht verschwommenen Bildqualität und ist etwas langsamer als eine "
+"nicht interpolierte Darstellung."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob das Bild beim Verkleinern interpoliert wird. Dies führt zu "
+"einer besseren Bildqualität, ist jedoch etwas langsamer als eine nicht "
+"interpolierte Darstellung."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob das Bild automatisch auf Grund der EXIF-Information gedreht "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob die Liste der Metadaten im Eigenschaften-Dialog auf einer "
+"eigenen Seite angezeigt wird."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Legt fest, ob das Mausrad zum Vergrößern verwendet wird."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Legt fest, ob die Bilder in einer Endlosschleife angezeigt werden."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Vergrößerungsfaktor"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Vollbildmodus aktiviert"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "_Ohne Speichern schließen"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Frage"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Alle Änderungen werden verloren gehen, wenn Sie nicht speichern."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sollen die Änderungen am Bild »%s« vor dem Schließen gespeichert werden?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Es gibt %d Bild mit ungesicherten Änderungen. Sollen die Änderungen vor dem "
+"Schließen gespeichert werden?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Es gibt %d Bilder mit ungesicherten Änderungen. Sollen die Änderungen vor "
+"dem Schließen gespeichert werden?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Wählen Sie die Bilder, die Sie speichern möchten:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Alle Änderungen werden verloren gehen, wenn Sie nicht speichern."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Dateiformat ist unbekannt oder wird nicht unterstützt"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE konnte anhand des Dateinamens kein unterstütztes Dateiformat "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Bitte probieren Sie eine andere Dateierweiterung wie .png oder .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alle Dateien"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Alle Bilder"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "Pixel"
+msgstr[1] "Pixel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Bild öffnen"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Bild speichern"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Ordner öffnen"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformation auf nicht geladenem Bild."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformation ist gescheitert."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF wird für dieses Dateiformat nicht unterstützt."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Laden des Bildes ist gescheitert."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Kein Bild geöffnet."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Erzeugung temporärer Datei gescheitert."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Temporäre Datei zum Speichern konnte nicht angelegt werden: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Speicher zum Laden der JPEG Datei-konnte nicht reserviert werden"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Bilddaten"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Aufnahmebedingungen"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Herstellernotizen"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Andere"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP-Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP-IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP-Rechteverwaltung"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP-Sonstiges"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Attribut"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Wert"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d. %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d. %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Wiederholen"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Bild »%s« konnte nicht geöffnet werden."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "In »%s« konnten keine Bilder gefunden werden."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Der angegebene Ort enthält keine Bilder."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Bildeinstellungen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Das Bild, dessen Druckoptionen eingestellt werden"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Seite einrichten"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Wo soll das Bild auf der Seite gedruckt werden?"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Position"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Links:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Rechts:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Oben:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Unten:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Zentriert:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Keine"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Beide"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Größe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Breite:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Höhe:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skalierung:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Einheit:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Zoll"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Vorschau"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Unbekannt"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (Linse)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm-Film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "wie bisher"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Aufgenommen am"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Mindestens zwei Dateinamen sind gleich."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Die Hilfe für Eye of MATE konnte nicht angezeigt werden."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ungültiges Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i Pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i Pixel %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Neu laden"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Verbergen"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Das Bild »%s« wurde durch eine andere Anwendung verändert.\n"
+"Möchten Sie es neu laden?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Benutzen Sie »%s«, um das gewählte Bild zu öffnen"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Bild »%s« (%u/%u) wird gespeichert"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Bild »%s« wird geöffnet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fehler beim Drucken der Datei:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Werkzeugleisteneditor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Zurücksetzen auf Standardeinstellungen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Jens Finke <[email protected]>\n"
+"Christian Meyer <[email protected]>\n"
+"Christian Neumair <[email protected]>\n"
+"Matthias Warkus <[email protected]>\n"
+"Benedikt Wicklein <[email protected]>\n"
+"Philipp Kerling <[email protected]>\n"
+"Hendrik Richter <[email protected]>\n"
+"Nathan-J. Hirschauer <[email protected]>\n"
+"Christian Kirbach <[email protected]>\n"
+"Felix Riemann <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der "
+"GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation "
+"veröffentlicht, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder gemäß Version 2 "
+"der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder späteren Version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, dass es Ihnen "
+"von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die "
+"implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder der VERWENDBARKEIT FÜR EINEN "
+"BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der GNU General Public License.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem "
+"Programm erhalten haben. Falls nicht, schreiben Sie an die Free Software "
+"Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02110-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Der MATE-Bildbetrachter."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "Hintergrundeinstellungen ö_ffnen"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Das Bild »%s« wurde als Hintergrundbild festgelegt.\n"
+"Möchten Sie sein Erscheinungsbild verändern?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Bild wird lokal gespeichert …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Soll »%s« wirklich\n"
+"in den Mülleimer verschoben werden?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Es konnte kein Müll für »%s« gefunden werden. Wollen Sie das Bild "
+"unwiderruflich löschen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Soll das ausgewählte Bild wirklich\n"
+"in den Müll verschoben werden?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Sollen die %d ausgewählten Bilder\n"
+"wirklich in den Müll verschoben werden?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Einige der zu löschenden Bilder können nicht in den Müll verschoben werden "
+"und werden daher unwiderruflich gelöscht. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie "
+"fortfahren wollen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "In den _Müll verschieben"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Während _der laufenden Sitzung nicht erneut fragen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Auf den Mülleimer konnte nicht zugegriffen werden."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Datei konnte nicht gelöscht werden"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen von Bild %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "Bi_ld"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Bearbeiten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ansicht"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Gehe zu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Werkzeuge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hilfe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "Ö_ffnen …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Eine Datei öffnen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "S_chließen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Fenster schließen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Werkzeugleiste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Werkzeugleiste anpassen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Einstellungen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Einstellungen für Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "I_nhalt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hilfe zu dieser Anwendung"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Info"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Info zu dieser Anwendung"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Werkzeugleiste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ändert die Sichtbarkeit der Werkzeugleiste des aktuellen Fensters"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusleiste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ändert die Sichtbarkeit der Statusleiste des aktuellen Fensters"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Bildersa_mmlung"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Ändert die Sichtbarkeit der Bildersammlungsleiste des aktuellen Fensters"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "S_eitenleiste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ändert die Sichtbarkeit der Seitenleiste des aktuellen Fensters"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Speichern"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Änderungen in den momentan gewählten Bildern speichern"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Öffnen _mit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Das gewählte Bild mit einer anderen Anwendung öffnen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Speichern _unter …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Die gewählten Bilder unter anderen Namen speichern"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Drucken …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Das gewählte Bild drucken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Ei_genschaften"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Die Eigenschaften und Metadaten des gewählten Bilds anzeigen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Rückgängig"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Die letzte Änderung am Bild rückgängig machen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Horizontal spiegeln"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Das Bild horizontal spiegeln"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Vertikal spiegeln"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Das Bild vertikal spiegeln"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Im Uhrzeigersinn drehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Das Bild um 90 Grad nach rechts drehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "_Gegen den Uhrzeigersinn drehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Das Bild um 90 Grad nach links drehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Als _Hintergrundbild"
+# Was ist an "Das gewählte Bild als Desktop-Hintergrund verwenden" auszusetzen?
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Legt das ausgewählte Bild als Hintergrund der Arbeitsfläche fest"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Das gewählte Bild in den Mülleimer verschieben"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Ver_größern"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Das Bild vergrößern"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Ver_kleinern"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Das Bild verkleinern"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normale Größe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Das Bild in seiner normalen Größe anzeigen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Ein_passen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Das Bild auf die Fenstergröße anpassen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Vollbild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Das momentane Bild im Vollbildmodus anzeigen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diaschau anhalten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Die Diaschau anhalten oder fortsetzen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Vorheriges Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Zum vorherigen Bild in der Sammlung gehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Nächstes Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Zum nächsten Bild in der Sammlung gehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Erstes Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Zum ersten Bild in der Sammlung gehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Letztes Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Zum letzten Bild in der Sammlung gehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Zufälliges Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Zu einem zufälligen Bild in der Sammlung gehen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diaschau"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Die Diaschau der Bilder starten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Vorheriges"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nächstes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Rechts"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Links"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Größer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Kleiner"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Anpassen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Sammlung"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Müll"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktiviert"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Konfigurieren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktivieren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "A_lle aktivieren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Alle _deaktivieren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktivierte _Plugins:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Info zu Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin _konfigurieren"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "EOM-Bildbetrachter"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Im Vollbildmodus anzeigen"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Bildersammlung deaktivieren"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Als Diashow anzeigen"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Eine neue Instanz starten, anstatt eine vorhandene zu verwenden"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Die Version der Anwendung anzeigen"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[DATEI …]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Führen Sie »%s --help« für eine vollständige Liste der verfügbaren Optionen "
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Bild öffnen"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Datei"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Die Seiteneinstellungen für das Drucken einrichten"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Höhe:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Typ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Breite:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Speichern _unter …"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Öffnen mit »%s«"
+#~ msgid "Dialogs"
+#~ msgstr "Dialoge"
+#~ msgid "File Open Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Dialog zum Öffnen von Dateien"
+#~ msgid "Image Properties Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Dialog für Bildeigenschaften"
+#~ msgid "Initially _display pictures folder if no image is loaded"
+#~ msgstr "Bilderordner anfangs _anzeigen, wenn kein Bild geladen ist"
+#~ msgid "_Use layout for small screens"
+#~ msgstr "Layout für kleine _Bildschirme verwenden"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "In den Müll verschieben"
diff --git a/po/dz.po b/po/dz.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcea1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/dz.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1367 @@
+# Dzongkha translation of eom
+# Copyright @ 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Mindu Dorji.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-11 04:28+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-25 11:22+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dawa pemo <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: DZONGKHA <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Dzongkha\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: BHUTAN\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” སྟོན "
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་གུར་སྤོ།(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཀྱི་ཕྲ་རིང་གུར་སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་རྣམ་གྲངས་ཚུ་སྤོ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1403
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཀྱི་ཕྲ་རིང་ལས་རྩ་བསྐྲད་གཏང(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1404
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་ལས་སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་རྣམ་གྲངས་ཚུ་རྩ་བསྐྲད་གཏང་"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1405
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིངབཏོན་གཏང་(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1406
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་རྩ་བསྐྲད་གཏང"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:493
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "དབྱེ་བྱེད་པ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "གསལ་གཞི་གངམ་ཐབས་ལམ་ནང་ གཡོག་བཀོལ་དོ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཚུ་ བརྡ་འཚོལ་འབད་དེ་བསྒྱིར་"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་མཐོང་བྱེད།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>པར་ཆས་དོང་ཆུང་གི་བེ་ལུ་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>རྩོམ་པ་པོ:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>བའིཊིསི་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>པར་ཆས་ཀྱི་དཔེ་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>འདྲ་བཤུས་དབང་ཆ:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཚེས་གྲངས་/ཆུ་ཚོད་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>འགྲེལ་བཤད:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>རྒྱས་བཤད་</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>མདངས་ཕོག་ཆུ་ཚོད་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>རིབ་སྟོན་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཕོ་ཀཱལ་རིང་ཚད་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>མཐོ་ཚད་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཨའི་ཨེསི་ཨོ་ མགྱོགས་ཚད་གོང་ཚད་</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>གཙོ་ཚིག་ཚུ:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>གནད་ཁོངས་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>མི་ཊ་རིང་ཐབས་ལམ་</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>མིང་</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>དབྱེ་བ་</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>རྒྱ་ཚད་:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "སྤྱིར་བཏང་"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་རྒྱུ་དངོས་ཚུ་"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "མེ་ཊ་གནད་སྡུད་"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "ཤུལ་མམ་(_N)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "ཧེ་མམ་(_P)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཡིག་སྣོད་མིང་གི་སྔོན་ལྟ་</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཡིག་སྣོད་འགྲུལ་ལམ་གྱི་གསལ་བཀོད།</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>གདམ་ཁ།</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> ཡིག་སྣོད་མིང་ངོ་མ</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> གདོང་ལེན</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "སྣོད་འཛིན་ཅིག་གདམ་ཁ་བརྐྱབས"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "འགྲོ་་ཡུལ་སྣོད་འཛིན:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་མིང་་གི་རྩ་སྒྲིག:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr " ལས་བསྐྱར་མིང་བཏགས:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "བར་་སྟོང་ཚུ་གི་ཚབ་ལུ་ གཤམ་ཐིག་བཙུགས"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "དེ་སྦེ་སྲུངས།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ལུ་: གདོང་ལན་འགོ་བཙུགས:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ལུ:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>གཟུགས་བརྙན་ གོང་སྤེལ།</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>གཟུགས་བརྙན་ རྒྱས་ཟུམ།</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>འབྱུང་རིམ།</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>དྭངས་གསལ་ཅན་གྱི་ཡན་ལག</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "རྒྱབ་གཞི་བཟུམ་སྦེ།(_b)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "ཐིག་ཁྲ་ཅན་གྱི་ དཔེ་གཞི་བཟུམ་སྦེ།(_p)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "\"སྲོལ་སྒྲིག་གི་ ཚོས་གཞི་བཟུམ་སྦེ།(_o)\""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "དྭངས་གསལ་ཅན་གྱི་ མངའ་ཁོངས་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་ཚོས་གཞི།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "གསལ་གཞི་ཚུད་སྒྲིག་འབད་ནིའི་དོན་ལུ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་རྒྱ་བསྐྱེད་འབད་(_x)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ཨའི་ཨོཕ་ཇི་ནོམ་གྱི་་དགའ་གདམ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་མཐོང་སྣང་།(_V)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "པ་ལག་ཨིནསི"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "བཤུད་བརྙན་"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "རྒྱས་ཟུམ་འབད་བའི་སྐབས་ལུ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཚུ་ཧུམ་ཁྱུག་ཁྱུ་བཟོ་ (_z)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "རང་བཞིན་གྱིས་ཕྱོགས་(_A)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "འབྱུང་རིམ་འཕྲལ་བཀོལ་འབད།(_L)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "ཤུལ་ལས་གཟུགས་བརྙན་སོར་:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "སྐར་ཆ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "༠ ལས་སྦོམ་པའི་ བེ་ལུ་གིས་ སྐར་ཆ་ངོས་འཛིན་འབད་དེ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཤུལ་མམ་ཅིག་ རང་བཞིན་གྱིས་མ་ཐོན་ཚུན་ཚོད་ གསལ་གཞི་གུ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཅིག་སྡོདཔ་ཨིན། ཀླད་ཀོར་གྱིས་ རང་བཞིན་བརྡ་འཚོལ་ ལྕོགས་མིན་བཟོཝ་ཨིན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "ཤུགས་ལྡན་པ་ལག་ཨིནསི"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "འགོ་ཐོག་བསྒང་ རྒྱས་ཟུམ་བརྒྱ་ཆ་ ༡༠༠% ལས་ལྷག་བཅུག"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "རང་བཞིན་གྱིས་ཕྱོགས་"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཤུལ་མམ་དེ་ མ་སྟོན་ཚུན་ཚོད་ སྐར་ཆའི་ནང་ ཕྱིར་འགྱངས་འབདཝ་ཨིན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr "དྭངས་གསལ་བརྡ་སྟོན་ ག་དེ་སྦེ་ སྟོན་དགོཔ་ཨིན་ན་ ཐག་བཅདཔ་ཨིན། ནུས་ལྡན་བེ་ལུསི་ཚུ་ CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR དང་ NONE ཨིན། གལ་སྲིད་ COLOR གདམ་ཁ་བརྐྱབས་ཡོད་པ་ཅིན་ ཊཱནསི་ ཚོས་གཞིའི་ལྡེ་མིག་གིས་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་མི་ ཚོས་གཞིའི་བེ་ལུ་ ཐག་བཅད་འབདཝ་ཨིན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "དྭངས་གསལ་ལྡེ་མིག་དེ་ལུ་ བེ་ལུའི་ COLOR ཡོད་པ་ཅིན་ ལྡེ་མིག་འདི་གིས་ དྭངས་གསལ་གྱི་ བརྡ་སྟོན་ནི་ལུ་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་མི་ ཚོས་གཞི་ཐག་་བཅད་འབདཝ་ཨིན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr "གལ་སྲིད་འདི་ FALSE ་ལུ་གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད་བ་ཅིན་ འགོ་ཐོག་བསྒང་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཆུང་ཀུ་ཚུ་ གསལ་གཞི་ནང་ཚུདཔ་སྦེ་ བསྣར་མི་འགྱོ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྡུ་གསོག་ པེན་ གནསས། གཤམ་ལུ་ ༠ དང་གཡོན་ལུ་ ༡ དེ་ལས་ མགུ་ལུ་ ༢ དང་གཡས་ལུ་ ༣ སྦེ་གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྐྱར་བསྣོན་འབད།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr "ཤུགས་ལྡན་པ་ལག་ཨིནསི་གྱི་ཐོ། འདི་གིས་ཤུགས་ལྡན་པ་ལག་ཨིན་ནང་ན་མེད།\"Location\" བྱིན་ཡོད་པའི་པ་ལག་ཨིན་གྱི་\"Location\" འཐོབ་ནི་གི་དོན་ལས་ཨི་ཨོ་ཇི་པ་ལག་ཨིན་ཡིག་སྣོད་བལྟ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་ འབྱུང་རིམ་ཐོག་ལས་ འཕྲལ་བཀོལ་འབད།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "འཁོར་ལོ་རྒྱས་ཟུམ་ བཤུད་བསྒྲིལ་འབད་"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྡུ་ལེན་ པེན་ བཤུད་སྒྲིལ་ཨེབ་རྟ་ཚུ་ སྟོན/སྦ་བཞག"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྡུ་ལེན་གྱི་པེན་ སྟོན/སྦ་བཞག"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གི་ཟུར་ཁའི་པེན་ སྟོན/སྦ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གི་ གནས་ཚད་ཕྲ་རིང་དེ་ སྟོན/སྦ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གི་ ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་དེ་ སྟོན/སྦ།"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr "རྒྱས་ཟུམ་གྱི་དོན་ལུ་ མཱའུསི་བཤུད་སྒྲིལ་འཁོར་ལོ་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་པའི་སྐབས་ འཇུག་སྤྱོད་འབད་ཡོད་མིའི་དགུ་མཐའ་རྐྱབ་མི། བེ་ལུ་དེ་གིས་ བཤུད་སྒྲིལ་བྱུང་ལས་རེ་རེའ་དོན་ལུ་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ཡོད་པའི་རྒྱས་ཟུམ་རིམ་པ་འདི་ ངེས་འཛིན་འབདཝ་ཨིན། དཔེར་ན་ ༥%རྒྱས་ཟུམ་ཡར་འཕར་ཅིག་ནང་ བཤུད་སྒྲིལ་བྱུང་ལས་ རེ་རེ་ལུ་ གྲུབ་འབྲས་ ༠་༠༥ དང་ ༡༠༠% རྒྱས་ཟུམ་ཡར་འཕར་ཅིག་ནང་ ༡་༠༠ དེ་ཅིག་ཨིན། "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "དྭངས་གསལ་གྱི་ཚོས་གཞི།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "དྭངས་གསལ་གྱི་ བརྡ་སྟོན་པ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་འབྱུང་རིམ་ཚུ་ རྫོགས་ནི་མེད་པའི་ འཕྲལ་བཀོལ་ཅིག་ནང་ སྟོན་དགོཔ་ཨིན་ན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྡུ་གསོག་ པེན་འདི་ ཚད་བསྐྱར་བཟོ་འབད་བཏུབ་ཨིན་ན་མེན་ན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ རྒྱས་ཟུམ་གུ་ བསྐྱར་བསྣོན་འབད་ནི་ཨིན་ན་མེན། འདི་གིས་སྤུས་ཚད་ལེགས་ཤོམ་བཟོཝ་ཨིན་རུང་ བསྐྱར་བསྣོན་མ་འབད་བའི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཚུ་དང་ཕྱདཔ་ད་ ལྷོད་ཆ་ཆེཝ་ཨིནཝ།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "ཨི་ཨེགསི་ཨཨའི་ཨེཕ་ཕྱོགས་ལུ་གཞི་བཞག་གི་ཐོག་ལས་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་རང་བཞིན་གྱིས་བསྒྱིར་དགོཔ་ཨིན་ན་མེན་ན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "བཤུད་སྒྲིལ་འཁོར་ལོ་འདི་ རྒྱས་ཟུམ་གྱི་དོན་ལུ་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་དགོཔ་ཨིན་ན་མེན་ན།"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "རྒྱས་ཟུམ་དགུ་མཐའ་རྐྱབ་མི་"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:121
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་ རྩ་སྒྲིག་ མ་ཤེས་པས་ ཡང་ན་ རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་མི་འབད་བས་ "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:126
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr "ཇི་ནོམ་གྱི་ཨཱི་དེ་གིས་ ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་མིང་ལུ་གཞི་བཞག་ཐོག་ལས་ རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་ཡོད་པའི་ འབྲི་བཏུབ་པའི་ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་ རྩ་སྒྲིག་ཅིག་ གཏན་འབེབས་བཟོ་མ་ཚུགས། "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "པི་ཨེན་ཇི་ ཡང་ན་ ཇེ་པི་ཇི་ བཟུམ་མའི་ ཡིག་སྣོད་རྒྱ་བསྐྱེད་སོ་སོ་ཅིག་ འབད་རྩོལ་བསྐྱེད།"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:159
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཆ་མཉམ།"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:164
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཆ་མཉམ།"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:185
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:281
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:439
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:707
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "པིག་སེལ་"
+msgstr[1] "པིག་སེལསི"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:423
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་མངོན་གསལ་འབད།"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:431
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་སྲུངས།"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:439
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "སྣོད་འཛིན་ཁ་ཕྱེ།"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:527
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་རྐྱང་པོའི་དོན་ལས་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་བརྡ་དོན་ སྟོན/སྦ།"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:555
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "བཟོ་བསྒྱུར་འབད་ནི་ འཐུས་ཤོར་འབྱུང་ཡོདཔ། "
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1075
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་རྩ་སྒྲིག་འདི་གི་དོན་ལུ་ ཨི་ཨེགསི་ཨའི་ཨེཕ་ལུ་ རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་མིན་འདུག།"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1192
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ མངོན་གསལ་འབད་ནི་ འཐུས་ཤོར་བྱུང་ཡོདཔ་ "
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1462
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1691
+#, c-format
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་འདུག"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1625
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1761
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཅིག་ཡང་ མངོན་གསལ་མ་འབད་བས།"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1634
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1773
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "གནས་སྐབས་ཀྱི་ཡིག་སྣོད་ གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:357
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr " %s ཁ་ཕྱེ་ནིའི་དོན་ལུ་ གནས་སྐབས་ཀྱི་ཡིག་སྣོད་ གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:376
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "ཇེ་པི་ཨི་ཇི་ཡིག་སྣོད་ བཙུགས་ནིའི་དོན་ལས་ མེ་མོ་རི་ སྤྲོད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "པར་ཆས།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་གནད་སྡུད།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་འབག་ནིའི་གནས་སྟངས།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "བཟོ་མིའི་དྲན་ཐོ།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "གཞན།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr " ཨེགསི་ཨེམ་པི་ ཨི་ཨེགསི་ཨའི་ཨེཕ།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "ཨའི་པི་ཊི་སི ཨའི་པི་ཊི་སི"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "ཨེགསི་ ཨེམ་པི་ ཐོབ་དབང་ འཛིན་སྐྱོང་ "
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "ཨེགསི་ ཨེམ་ པི་ གཞན།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ངོ་རྟགས།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "བེ་ལུ།"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:74
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "མ་ཤེསཔ་"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "ལོག་འབད་རྩོལ་བསྐྱེད(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s'"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:160
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ནང་ལས་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་མ་ཐོབ།"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:165
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "བྱིན་ཡོད་པའི་གནད་ཁོངས་ནང་ལུ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་མེད།"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:833
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "དཔར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་ནི་གི་རྒྱུ་དངོས་ཚུ་གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད་ནི་ཨིན་མི་གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ།"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "ཤོག་ལེབ་གཞི་སྒྲིག་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་དཔར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་ནི་ཨིན་མི་ཤོག་ལེབ་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་བརྡ་དོན།"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:869
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "གནས་ས་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:874
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "གཡོན:(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "གཡས:(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "སྤྱི་ཏོག:(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "གཤམ:(_B)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:879
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "དབུས:(_e)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ཅི་མེད་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "ཐད་སྙོམས་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:888
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "ཀེར་ཕྲང་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:890
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "གཉིས་ཆ་རང་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:906
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "ཚད་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:911
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "རྒྱ་ཚད:(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "མཐོ་ཚད:(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:916
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "ཆ་ཚད་འཇལ་ནི:(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:929
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "སྡེ་ཕྲན:(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:934
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "མི་ལི་མི་ཊརསི་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ཨིན་ཅེསི་"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:966
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "སྔོན་བལྟ་"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ཨིན་དོ་བཟུམ།"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:455
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "གུ་ལུ་འབག་ཡོདཔ"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1015
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "ཉུང་མཐའ་ལུ་ ཡིག་སྣོད་གཉིས་ཀྱི་མིང་ འདྲ་མཉམ་འདུག"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ཨའི་ཨོཕ་ཇི་ནོམ་གྱི་དོན་ལུ་ གྲོགས་རམ་བཀྲམ་སྟོན་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(ནུས་མེད་ཡུ་ནི་ཀོཌི།)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1102
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "'%s' གི་ཐོག་ལས་ཁ་ཕྱེ་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1103
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་གཟུགས་བརྙེན་ཁ་ཕྱེ་ནི་གི་དོན་ལུ་ \"%s\"ལག་ལེན་འཐབ"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1218
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ \"%s\" (%u/%u) སྲུང་བཞག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1557
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ \"%s\" མངོན་གསལ་འབད་དོ་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2369
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ཤོག་ལེབ་སྒྲིག་སྟངས་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2511
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་ཞུན་དག་པ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2514
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "སྔོན་སྒྲིག་ལུ་ སླར་སྒྲིག་འབད་ (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2600
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "ཨའི་ཌི་ཨར་སི་གི་མ་དངུལ་རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་ཐོག་ལས་ བརྡ་དོན་འཕྲུལ་རིག་ལས་ཁུངས་ནང་ སྐད་བསྒྱུར་འབད་ཡི། ཁ་གསལ་གྱི་དོན་ལུ་ འབྲེལ་བ་འཐབ་ས་: <[email protected]>/<[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2603
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr "ལས་རིམ་འདི་སྟོང་མར་ཐོབ་པའི་མཉེན་ཆས་ཅིག་ཨིནམ་ལས་ ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་ རང་དབང་མཉེན་ཆས་གཞི་ཚོགས་ཀྱིས་ དཔེ་བསྐྲུན་འབད་མི་ ཇི་ཨེན་ཡུ་ ཡོངས་ཁྱབ་མི་མང་ཆོག་ཐམ་གྱི་ ཐོན་རིམ་ ༢ ཡང་ན་ ཁྱོད་རའི་བློ་འདོད་བཞིན་དུ་ ཤུལ་ལས་ཀྱི་ཐོན་རིམ་གང་རུང་གི་ ཁ་ཚིག་དང་འཁྲིལ་ཏེ་ བསྐྱར་འགྲེམ་འབད་བ་ ཡང་ན་ ལེགས་བཅོས་འབད་ཆོག\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2607
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr "ལས་རིམ་འདི་ ཀུན་ལུ་ཕན་པའི་རེ་བ་བསྐྱེད་དེ་འགྲེམ་སྤེལ་འབདཝ་ཨིན། དེ་འབདཝ་དང་ ཉེན་ལེན་ག་ནི་ཡང་མེད་པའི་ནང་ལས་ ཐ་ན་སྐྱེལ་འདྲེན་ ཡང་ན་ དམིགས་བསལ་དགོས་དོན་ཅིག་གི་དོན་ལུ་ ཚུད་སྒྲིག་ཡོད་མེད་ཀྱི་ཉེན་ལེན་ཙམ་ཡང་མེད། རྒྱས་བཤད་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་ ཇི་ཨེན་ཡུ་ ཡོངས་ཁྱབ་མི་མང་ཆོག་ཐམ་ལུ་བལྟ།\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2611
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་ ཇི་ཨེན་ཡུ་ ཡོངས་ཁྱབ་མི་མང་ཆོག་ཐམ་གྱི་འདྲ་ཅིག་ ལས་རིམ་འདི་དང་གཅིག་ཁར་ཐོབ་ཐོབ་འོང་། གལ་སྲིད་མ་ཐོབ་ཅིན་ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA ལུ་ ཡི་གུ་གཏང་།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2624
+#: ../src/main.c:186
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ཨའི་ཨོཕ་ཇི་ནོམ།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2627
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "ཇི་ནོམ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ མཐོང་བྱེད། "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3000
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་\"%s\"ངེས་པར་དུ་ཕྱགས་ཧོད་ནང་ སྤོ་ནི་ཨིན་ན?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3003
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་སེལ་འཐུ་འབད་མི་གཟུགས་བརྙན du ཕྱགས་ཧོད་ནང་སྤོ་ནི་ ངེས་གཏན་ཨིན་ན?"
+msgstr[1] "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་སེལ་འཐུ་འབད་མི་གཟུགས་བརྙན་%d ཕྱགས་ཧོད་ནང་སྤོ་ནི་ ངེས་གཏན་ཨིན་ན?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3018
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "ཕྱགས་ཧོད་ལུ་སྤོ་བཤུད་འབད།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3053
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3067
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3073
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ཕྱགས་ཧོད་ནང་ འཛུལ་སྤྱོད་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3139
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ %s བཏོན་གཏང་ནི་ལུ་འཛོལ་བ།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3346
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད།(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "ཞུན་དག(_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "མཐོང་སྣང་།(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཆ།(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "འགྱོ།(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཚུ(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "གྲོགས་རམ།(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "ཁ་ཕྱེ།...(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཅིག་ཁ་ཕྱེ།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3357
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "ཁ་བསྡམས།(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3358
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ཁ་བསྡམས།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་།(_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3361
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་གིས་འཇུག་སྤྱོད་ཞུན་དག་འབད"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "དགའ་གདམ་ཚུ།(_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ཨའི་ཨོཕ་ཇི་ནོམ་གྱི་དོན་ལུ་དགའ་གདམ་ཚུ།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3366
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "ནང་དོན་ཚུ།(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "གློག་རིམ་འདིལུ་ གྲོགས་རམ་འབད་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "སྐོར་ལས།(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3370
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "གློག་རིམ་འདི་གི་སྐོར་ལས།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་།(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ད་ལྟོའི་སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ནང་ ལག་ཆས་ཕྲ་རིང་གི་མཐོང་གསལ་ བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་འབད།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "གནས་ཚད་ཕྲ་རིང་།(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3379
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ད་ལྟོའི་སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ནང་ གནས་ཚད་ཕྲ་རིང་གི་མཐོང་གསལ་ བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་འབད།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3381
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྡུ་ལེན།(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3382
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ད་ལྟོའི་སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ནང་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྡུ་ལེན་པེན་གྱི་མཐོང་གསལ་ བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་འབདཝ་ཨིན།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "ཟུར་ _ པེན་ (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ད་ལྟོའི་སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ནང་ ཟུར་ཁའི་་པེན་གྱི་མཐོང་གསལ་ བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་འབདཝ་ཨིན་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3390
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "སྲུངས།(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "ད་ལྟོ་ སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་གཟུགས་ཚུ་ནང་ བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་ཚུ་ སྲུང་བཞག་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "ཁ་ཕྱེ་(_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3394
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ གློག་རིམ་སོ་སོ་ཅིག་དང་གཅིག་ཁར་ཁ་ཕྱེ་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3396
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "དེ་སྦེ་སྲུངས་...(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3397
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ མིང་སོ་སོ་ཅིག་སྦེ་ སྲུང་བཞག་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3399
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "ཤོག་ལེབ་གཞི་སྒྲིག་་་(_u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3400
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "དཔར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་ནིའི་དོན་ལུ་ ཤོག་ལེབ་ཀྱི་ རྒྱུ་དངོས་ གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "དཔར་བསྐྲུན་...(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་གཟུགས་བརྙེན་དེ་ དཔར་བསྐྲུན་འབད། "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "རྒྱུ་དངོས་ཚུ་ (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "གསལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་པའི་གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེའི་ མེ་ཊ་གནས་སྡུད་ཀྱི་ རྒྱུ་དངོས་ཚུ་ སྟོན་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "འབད་བཤོལ།(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ནང་་མཇུག་གི་ བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་དེ་ འབད་བཤོལ་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3411
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "ཐད་སྙོམས་མྱུར་ལྷོག(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ཐད་སྙོམས་སྦེ་ ངོ་འཆར་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3414
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "ཀེར་ཕྲང་མྱུར་ལྷོག(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ཀེར་ཕྲང་ ངོ་འཆར་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "གཡས་སྐོར་སྦེ་བསྒྱིར།(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ གཡས་ཁ་ཐུག་ལུ་ ཌིག་རི་ ༩༠ བསྒྱིར་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "གཡོན་སྐོར་སྦེ་བསྒྱིར།(_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ གཡོན་་ཁ་ཐུག་ལུ་ ཌིག་རི་ ༩༠ བསྒྱིར་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "གྱང་ཤོག་སྦེ་ གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད།(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ཌེཀསི་ཊོཔ་གི་ གྱང་ཤོག་སྦེ་ གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3426
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "ཕྱགས་ཧོད་ལུ་སྤོ་བཤུད་འབད།(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3427
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་པའི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ཕྱགས་ཧོད་ནང་ བཀོག་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3429
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3441
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "ཕྱིར་རྒྱས།(_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3430
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3442
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ཆེར་བསྐྱེད་འབད་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3432
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3447
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "ནང་ཟུམ།(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3433
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3445
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3448
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ བསྐུམ་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3435
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "སྤྱིར་བཏང་གི་ཚད།(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ཁོ་རའི་སྤྱིར་གཏང་གི་ཚད་ནང་སྟོན་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3438
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "ལེགས་སྒྲིག(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3439
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ སྒོ་སྒྲིག་་ཅིག་ནང་བཙུགས་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3456
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "གསལ་གཞི་གངམ།(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3457
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ད་ལྟོའི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ཐབས་ལམ་གསལགཞི་གངམ་ནང་སྟོན་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3462
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3474
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཧེ་མམ།(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "བསྡུ་གསོག་གི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ ཧེ་མམ་ནང་འགྱོ་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3465
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཤུལ་མམ།(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "བསྡུ་གསོག་གི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ ཤུལ་མམ་ནང་འགྱོ་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3468
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3477
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་དང་པམ་།(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "བསྡུ་གསོག་གི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་དང་པམ་ནང་འགྱོ་"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3471
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3480
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་མཐའ་མམ།(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3472
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "བསྡུ་གསོག་གི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ མཇུག་མམ་དེ་ནང་འགྱོ་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3486
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "བཤུད་བརྙན།(_d)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "སེལ་འཐུ་གྲུབ་ཡོད་པའི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཚི་གི་ བཤུད་བརྙན་ མཐོང་སྣང་ཅིག་ འགོ་བཙུགས་ "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3553
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "ཧེ་མམ།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "ཤུལ་མམ།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3561
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "གཡས།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "གཡོན།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3567
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ནང་ན།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "ཕྱི་ཁ།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "སྤྱིར་བཏང་།"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3576
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "ཚུད་སྒྲིག"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3579
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "བསྡུ་གསོག་ "
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "པ་ལག་ཨིན"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "ལྕོགས་ཅན་བཟོ་ཡོདཔ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "རིམ་སྒྲིག་འབད(_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "ཤུགས་ལྡན་བཟོ(_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "ཆ་མཉམ་ཤུགས་ལྡན་བཟོ(_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "ཆ་མཉམ་ཤུགལ་མེད་བཟོ(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "ཤུགས་ལྡན་ པ་ལག་ཨིནསི: (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "པ་ལག་ཨིན་གྱི་སྐོར་ལས(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "པ་ལག་ཨིན་རིམ་སྒྲིག་འབད(_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "གསལ་གཞི་གངམ་གྱི་ཐབས་ལམ་ནང་ ཁ་ཕྱེ་"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་བསྡུ་ལེན་ ལྕོགས་མིན་བཟོ་"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "བཤུད་སྟོན་ཐབས་ལམ་ནང་ ཁ་ཕྱེ་"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[ཡིག་སྣོད་...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:217
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ཇི་ནོམ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་སྟོན་བྱེད་ཀྱི་མིག་ཏོ་"
+#~ msgid "\n"
+#~ msgstr "\n"
+#~ msgid "%f"
+#~ msgstr "%f"
+#~ msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ཚད</b>"
+#~ msgid "Bottom"
+#~ msgstr "གཤམ"
+#~ msgid "Top"
+#~ msgstr "སྤྱི་ཏོག"
+#~ msgid "Use fixed size"
+#~ msgstr "གཏན་བཟོས་ཡོད་པའི་ཚད་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ"
+#~ msgid "label"
+#~ msgstr "ཁ་ཡིག"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "མཐའ་མཇུག་ལུ་ བསྡུ་ལེན་འབད་མི་ སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གི་ཐིག་རྩིས།"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "མཐའ་མཇུག་ལུ་ སིང་གཱལ་ཊཱོན་འབད་མི་ སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གི་ཐིག་རྩིས།"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཅིག་ཁ་ཕྱེཝ་ད་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་དེ་ ད་ལྟོའི་སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ནང་གི་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་ཚབ་ལུ་ མ་བཙུགས་"
+#~ "པར་ སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གསརཔ་ཅིག་ བཟོ་དགོཔ་ཨིན་ན།"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s པིག་སེལ།"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s x %s པིག་སེལ།"
+#~ msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+#~ msgstr "ཇི་ནོམ་གྱི་གཟུགས་བརྙན་ བལྟ་ནི་དང་ ཐོ་གཞུང་ནང་བཀོད་ནིའི་ལས་རིམ།"
+#~ msgid "Saving Image"
+#~ msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་སྲུང་དོ།"
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "བརྡ་འཚོལ།(_B)"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "བསྡུ་ལེན་གྱི་དོན་ལས་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་བརྡ་དོན་ སྟོན/སྦ།"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་རྐྱང་པོའི་དོན་ལས་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་བརྡ་དོན་ སྟོན/སྦ།"
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་མིང་།"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "གདོང་ལན།"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "བསམ་བཀོད།"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "ཚེས་གྲངས།"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "ཆུ་ཚོད།"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "གཟའ།"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "ཟླཝ།"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "ལོ།"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "ཆུ་ཚོད།"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "སྐར་མ།"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "སྐར་ཆ།"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "གདམ་ཁ་མི་འཐོབ་པས།"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "བྱ་བ་འདི་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ནི་ལུ་ ལིབ་ཨེགསི་ཨིཕ་ དཔེ་མཛོད་དགོ ལིབ་ཨེགསི་ཨིཕ (http://libexif.sf."
+#~ "net ) གཞི་བཙུགས་འབད་གནང་། དེ་ལས་ཨའི་ཨོཕ་ཇི་ནོམ་ ལོག་སྟེ་ཕྱོགས་སྒྲིག་འབད།"
+#~ msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#~ msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%i x %i པིག་སེལ་%s %i%%"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%i x %i པིག་སེལ་%s %i%%"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་དབྱེ་བ་མ་འདྲཝ་ལེ་ཤ་སྟོན།"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "རྒྱ་ཚད།"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "མཐོ་ཚད།"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་ཚད།"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "ཁྱད་ཆོས།"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད།"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "ཨི་ཨེགསི་ཨའི་ཨེཕ།"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གསར་པའི་ནང་ཁ་ཕྱེ།"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "སྲུང་བཞག་ཆ་མེད་གཏང་།་..."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ཨའིཨོཕ་ཇི་ནོམ་དོན་ལུ་ གྲོགས་རམ་བཀྲམ་སྟོན་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་%s ཚབ་སྲུང་འབད་ནི་ཨིན་ན་?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་འདུག འདི་ཚབ་སྲུང་འབད་ནི་ཨིན་ན?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "གོམ་འགྱོ།"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "ཚབ་སྲུང་འབད།"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "%s སྲུང་བཞག་ལུ་འཛོལ་བ།"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "འགྲོ་ཡུལ་གྱི་ ཡུ་ཨར་ཨའི་ ངོས་འཛིན་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s གི་ཡིག་སྣོད་རྩ་སྒྲིག་ ངོས་འཛིན་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་མཇུག་ཚིག་ འོས་ལྡན་ཅིག་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་གནང་ ཡང་ཅིན་ ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་རྩ་སྒྲིག་ཅིག་ སེལ་འཐུ་"
+#~ "འབད་གནང་།"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་སྲུང་བཞག་འབད་ནི་ལུ་འཛོལ་བ།"
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "རྒྱུ་མཚན་:%s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "གཟུགས་བརྙན་གྱི་བརྡ་དོན།(_I)"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "ཁ་ཕྱེ།"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "ཁ་བསྡམས།"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "སྲུངས།"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "འབད་བཤོལ།"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "ལག་ལེན་པའི་ ངོས་འདྲ་བའི་འགྲེལ་བཤད་ འཚོལ་མ་ཐོབ།"
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "ཨའི་ཨོཕ་ཇི་ནོམ་ལག་ལེན་པའི་ངོས་འདྲ་བ་ གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་མ་ཚུགས།"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "ཡིག་སྣོད་འཚོལ་མ་ཐོབ།"
+#~ msgstr[1] "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཚུ་ འཚོལ་མ་ཐོབ།"
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "སྟོངམ།"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>གཟུགས་བརྙན་ བསྐྱར་བསྣོན།</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "འགོ་ཐོག་བསྒང་ རྒྱས་ཟུམ་༡༠༠%ལས་ལྷག་བཅུག(_z)"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "བཤུད་བརྙན།(_d)"
+#~ msgid "Print"
+#~ msgstr "དཔར་བསྐྲུན།"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "ཌི་གིརི་ ༡༨༠ ལུ་བསྒྱིར།(_e)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "འདི་བདེན་པ་གུ་ གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད་བ་ཅིན་ གསལ་གཞི་གངམ་/སྐར་ཆའི་ལྡེ་མིག་གིས་ ཐག་བཅད་མི་དང་འཁྲིལ་"
+#~ "ཏེ་ གཟུགས་བརྙན་ཚུ་ སྐར་ཆའི་གྲངས་དག་པ་ཅིག་གི་ཤུལ་ལས་ སོར་འགྱོ་འོང་།"
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་རྐྱང་པ་ཚུ།(_N)"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་གསརཔ་ཅིག་ཁ་ཕྱེ།"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "སྣོད་འཛིན་ཁ་ཕྱེ།...(_F)"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "བཏོན་གཏང་།"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "གསརཔ།"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་རྐྱང་པ་ མང་རབས་ཅིག་ཁ་ཕྱེ།"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "ྫཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་དུས་མཉམ་ལུ་ སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ %i ཁ་ཕྱེ་ནི་འབད་དོ། དེ་གི་ཚབ་ལུ་ དེ་ཚུ་བསྡུ་ལེན་ཅིག་ནང་ ཁ་ཕྱེ་ནི་ཨིན་"
+#~ "ན?\""
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་དུས་མཉམ་ལུ་ སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ %i ཁ་ཕྱེ་ནི་འབད་དོ། དེ་གི་ཚབ་ལུ་ དེ་ཚུ་བསྡུ་ལེན་ཅིག་ནང་ ཁ་ཕྱེ་ནི་ཨིན་"
+#~ "ན?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "སྒོ་སྒྲིག་རྐྱང་པ་ཚུ།"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་སྟོངམ་བཏོན།"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "ཡིག་སྣོད་ཀྱི་མིང་ཚུ་ འདྲ་མིན་མ་བཟོ་བས།"
diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddca88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/el.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1460 @@
+# Translation of Eye of MATE Documentation to Greek
+# Initial translation by Simos.
+# kostas: 29Oct2003, first update for Mate 2.6
+# kostas: 25Jan2004, update
+# kostas: 22feb2004, update
+# kostas: 164 messages, 04Nov2002, compelted translation.
+# simos: 164 messages, 04Nov2002, full review of translation.
+# kostas: updated th translation, 03Dec2002, for Mate 2.1x.
+# kostas: updated translation, 25May2003, for Mate 2.4x.
+# kostas: updated translation, 18Jul2003.
+# Simos Xenitellis <[email protected]>, 2000, 2001, 2002.2003.
+# Kostas Papadimas <[email protected]>, 2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
+# Nikos Charonitakis <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Pierros Papadeas <[email protected]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom-HEAD-po-el-4121\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-28 21:41+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-29 11:28+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Michael Kotsarinis <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Greek <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Greek\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Προβολή “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Μετακίνηση στην εργαλειοθήκη"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Μετακίνηση του επιλεγμένου αντικειμένου στην εργαλειοθήκη"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Απο_μάκρυνση από την εργαλειοθήκη"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Απομάκρυνση του επιλεγμένου αντικειμένου από την εργαλειοθήκη"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Διαγραφή εργαλειοθήκης"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Απομάκρυνση της επιλεγμένης εργαλειοθήκης"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Διαχωριστικό"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση λειτουργίας πλήρους οθόνης με διπλό-κλικ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Πλήρης οθόνη με διπλό-κλικ"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Επαναφόρτωση της εικόνας"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Επαναφόρτωση τρέχουσας εικόνας"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Ημερομηνία στη μπάρα κατάστασης"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Εμφανίζει την ημερομηνία της εικόνας στη μπάρα κατάστασης"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Περιήγηση και περιστροφή εικόνων"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Εφαρμογή προβολής εικόνων"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Τιμή φωτοφράκτη:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Δημιουργός:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Μοντέλο κάμερας:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Πνευματικά δικαιώματα:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Ημερομηνία/Ώρα:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Περιγραφή:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Λεπτομέρειες"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Χρόνος έκθεσης:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Φλας:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Εστιακή απόσταση:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Γενικά"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Ύψος:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Ταχύτητα ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Ιδιότητες εικόνας"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Λέξεις κλειδιά:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Τοποθεσία:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Μεταδεδομένα"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Λειτουργία μέτρησης:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Όνομα:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Τύπος:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Πλάτος:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "Επόμε_νο"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Προηγούμενο"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> αρχικό όνομα αρχείου"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> μετρητής"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Επιλογή ενός φακέλου"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Φάκελος προορισμού:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση ονόματος αρχείου"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Χαρακτηριστικά διαδρομής αρχείου"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Μορφή ονόματος αρχείου:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Επιλογές"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Μετονομασία από:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Αντικατάσταση διαστημάτων με underscores"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση ως"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Έναρξη μετρητή σε:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Σε:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Ως _παρασκήνιο"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Ως μοτίβο _τετραγωνιδίων"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Ως προσαρμοσμένο χ_ρώμα:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+#| msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Ως προσαρμοσμένο χ_ρώμα:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+#| msgid "As _background"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Παρασκήνιο"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "As _background"
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Χρώμα παρασκηνίου"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Χρώμα για διάφανες περιοχές"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Ανάπτυ_ξη εικόνων ώστε να καταλαμβάνουν την οθόνη"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Προτιμήσεις του Μάτι του MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Βελτιώσεις εικόνας"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Προβολή εικόνας"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Μεγέθυνση εικόνας"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Πρόσθετες λειτουργίες"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Σειρά"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Προβολή σε αλληλουχία"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Εξομάλυνση εικόνων στη μεγέ_θυνση"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Εξομάλυνση εικόνων στη σ_μίκρυνση"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Διαφανή μέρη"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Αυτόματος προσανατολισμός"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Κυκλική επανάληψη"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Ενα_λλαγή εικόνας μετά από:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "δευτερόλεπτα"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "Μια τιμή μεγαλύτερη του 0 καθορίζει τα δευτερόλεπτα που μια εικόνα παραμένει στην οθόνη μέχρι την αυτόματη εμφάνιση της επόμενης. Το μηδέν απενεργοποιεί την αυτόματη περιήγηση."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Ενεργές πρόσθετες λειτουργίες"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Να επιτρέπεται αρχική μεγέθυνση μεγαλύτερη από 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Αυτόματος προσανατολισμός"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Καθυστέρηση σε δευτερόλεπτα μέχρι την εμφάνιση της επόμενης εικόνας"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+#| "CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color "
+#| "key determines the used color value."
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key determines the color value used."
+msgstr "Καθορίζει τον τρόπο που θα ορίζεται η διαφάνεια. Οι έγκυρες τιμές είναι CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR και NONE. Αν επιλεχθεί το COLOR τότε το κλειδί trans-color θα καθορίζει την τιμή του χρώματος που θα χρησιμοποιείται."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Προέκταση εικόνας"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file "
+#| "chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special "
+#| "user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set "
+#| "up it will show the current working directory."
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "Αν είναι ενεργό και δεν έχει φορτωθεί εικόνα στο ενεργό παράθυρο, ο επιλογέας αρχείων θα εμφανίσει τον κατάλογο εικόνων του χρήση χρησιμοποιώντας τους ειδικούς φακέλους χρήστη XDG. Αν είναι ανενεργό ή αν ο φάκελος εικόνων δεν έχει οριστεί, θα εμφανίσει τον τρέχοντα κατάλογο εργασίας."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+#| "the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+#| "trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgid "If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "Αν είναι ενεργοποιημένο, η Εφαρμογή προβολής εικόνων δεν θα σας ζητήσει επιβεβαίωση για τη μετακίνηση εικόνων στα απορρίμματα. Θα σας ζητήσει όμως, αν κάποια από τα αρχεία δεν μπορούν να μετακινηθούν στα απορρίμματα και θα διαγραφούν μόνιμα."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+#| "moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more "
+#| "usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the "
+#| "widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgid "If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "Αν ενεργοποιηθεί η λεπτομερής λίστα μεταδεδομένων στον διάλογο ιδιοτήτων θα μεταφερθεί σε δική της σελίδα στον διάλογο. Αυτό θα κάνει τον διάλογο πιο χρηστικό σε μικρές οθόνες π.χ. σε netbooks. Αν απενεργοποιηθεί, η προβολή θα ενσωματωθεί μέσα στην σελίδα «Μεταδεδομένα»."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "Αν το κλειδί διαφάνειας έχει τη τιμή COLOR, τότε το κλειδί καθορίζει το χρώμα το οποίο θα χρησιμοποιείται για τη σήμανση διαφάνειας."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme will determine the fill color."
+msgstr "Αν αυτό είναι ενεργό, θα χρησιμοποιηθεί το χρώμα που ορίζεται από το κλειδί background-color για να γεμίσει την περιοχή πίσω από την εικόνα. Αν δεν έχει καθορισθεί, το χρώμα θα καθορισθεί από το τρέχον θέμα GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr "Αν αυτό ορισθεί σε FALSE οι μικρές εικόνες δεν θα τεντώνονται αρχικά ώστε να χωράνε στην οθόνη."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr "Θέση ταμπλό συλλογής εικόνων. Ορισμός σε 0 για κάτω; 1 για αριστερά; 2 για πάνω; 3 για δεξιά."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Παρεμβολή εικόνας"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr "Λίστα των ενεργών πρόσθετων λειτουργιών. Δεν περιέχει το \"Location\" των ενεργών πρόσθετων λειτουργιών. Δείτε το αρχείο .eom-plugin για να αποκτήσετε το \"Location\" μιας πρόσθετης λειτουργίας."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Κυκλική εμφάνιση της σειράς εικόνων"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Μεγέθυνση με τη ροδέλα κύλισης"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη των κουμπιών κύλισης του ταμπλό συλλογής εικόνων."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη του ταμπλό συλλογής εικόνων."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Προβολή/απόκρυψη της πλευρικής στήλης του παραθύρου."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Προβολή/απόκρυψη της γραμμής κατάστασης του παραθύρου."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Προβολή/απόκρυψη της εργαλειοθήκης του παραθύρου."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ theme instead."
+msgstr "Το χρώμα που χρησιμοποιείται για να γεμίσει η περιοχή πίσω από την εικόνα. Αν το κλειδί use-background-color δεν έχει καθορισθεί, το χρώμα καθορίζεται από το ενεργό θέμα GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr "Ο πολλαπλασιαστής μεγέθυνσης που θα χρησιμοποιείται με την χρήση της ροδέλας κύλισης. Η τιμή καθορίσει το βήμα μεγέθυνσης για κάθε κύλιση της ροδέλας. Για παράδειγμα το 0.05 έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα την μεγέθυνση 5%, ενώ η τιμή 1.00 έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα μεγέθυνση 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Χρώμα διαφάνειας"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Σήμανση διαφάνειας"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Διαγραφή εικόνων χωρίς προειδοποίηση"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Χρήση προσαρμοσμένου χρώματος παρασκηνίου"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr "Αν ο επιλογέας αρχείων θα εμφανίζει τον φάκελο εικόνων του χρήστη όταν δεν έχουν φορτωθεί εικόνες."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Αν το ταμπλό συλλογής εικόνων θα μπορεί να αλλάζει μέγεθος."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "Αν η εικόνα θα μεγεθύνεται με προεκβολή. Αυτό οδηγεί σε πιο θολή ποιότητα αλλά είναι πιο αργό σε σχέση με τις μη-προεκβαλόμενες εικόνες."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr "Αν η εικόνα θα σμικρύνεται με παρεμβολή. Αυτό οδηγεί σε καλύτερη ποιότητα αλλά είναι πιο αργό σε σχέση με τις μη-παρεμβαλλόμενες εικόνες."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Αν η εικόνα θα πρέπει να περιστρέφεται αυτόματα σύμφωνα με τον προσανατολισμό EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Αν η λίστα μεταδεδομένων στον διάλογο ιδιοτήτων θα έχει δική της σελίδα."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Αν η ροδέλα κύλισης θα χρησιμοποιείται για μεγέθυνση."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Αν η σειρά των εικόνων θα εμφανίζεται σε ατέρμων βρόχο."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Πολλαπλασιαστής μεγέθυνσης"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Εκτέλεση σε λειτουργία πλήρους οθόνης"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "_Κλείσιμο χωρίς αποθήκευση"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Ερώτηση"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Αν δεν αποθηκεύσετε, οι αλλαγές σας θα χαθούν."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Να αποθηκευτούν οι αλλαγές στην εικόνα \"%s\" πριν το κλείσιμο;"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Υπάρχει %d εικόνα με μη αποθηκευμένες αλλαγές. Να αποθηκευτούν οι αλλαγές πριν το κλείσιμο;"
+msgstr[1] "Υπάρχουν %d εικόνες με μη αποθηκευμένες αλλαγές. Να αποθηκευτούν οι αλλαγές πριν το κλείσιμο;"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Επιλέξτε τις εικόνες που θέλετε να αποθηκεύσετε:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Αν δεν αποθηκεύσετε, όλες οι αλλαγές σας θα χαθούν."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Ο τύπος αρχείου είναι άγνωστος ή δεν υποστηρίζεται"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr "Το μάτι του MATE δεν μπορεί να καθορίσει ένα εγγράψιμο τύπο αρχείου με βάση το όνομα αρχείου."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε μια διαφορετική επέκταση αρχείου όπως .png ή .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Όλα τα αρχεία"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Όλες οι εικόνες"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "εικονοστοιχείο (pixel)"
+msgstr[1] "εικονοστοιχεία (pixel)"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+#| msgid "Save Image"
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα φακέλου"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:589
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Μετατροπή σε μια μη φορτωμένη εικόνα."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:617
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Αποτυχία μετατροπής."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1044
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Δεν υποστηρίζεται το EXIF στο τύπο αρχείου."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1171
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης εικόνας."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1576
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1678
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Δεν έχει φορτωθεί εικόνα."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1586
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1690
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Η δημιουργία προσωρινού αρχείου απέτυχε."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Αδυναμία δημιουργίας προσωρινού αρχείου για την αποθήκευση: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Αδυναμία διάθεσης μνήμης για τη φόρτωση αρχείου JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Κάμερα"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Δεδομένα εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Συνθήκες λήψης εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Σημείωση δημιουργού"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Άλλο"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Διαχείριση δικαιωμάτων XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Άλλο XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Ετικέτα"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Τιμή"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Προσπάθεια ξανά"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Αδύνατη φόρτωση της εικόνας '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκαν εικόνες σε '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Οι δοθείσες τοποθεσίες δεν περιέχουν εικόνες."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Η εικόνα για την οποία θα γίνει ρύθμιση των ιδιοτήτων εκτύπωσης"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Ρύθμιση σελίδας"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Οι πληροφορίες για τη σελίδα στην οποία θα εκτυπωθεί η εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Θέση"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Αριστερά:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Δεξιά:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Πάνω:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Κάτω:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Κέντρο:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Καμμία"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Οριζόντια"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Κάθετα"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Και τα δύο"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Μέγεθος"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Πλάτος:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "Ύ_ψος:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Κλιμάκωση:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Μονάδα:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Χιλιοστά"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Ίντσες"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Άγνωστο"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (φακός)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (φιλμ 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "όπως είναι"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Λήφθηκε"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Τουλάχιστον δύο ονόματα αρχείων είναι ίσα."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Δεν είναι δυνατή η προβολή βοήθειας για το μάτι του MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (μη έγκυρο Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i εικονοστοιχείο %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i εικονοστοιχεία %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1239
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Χρήση \"%s\" για άνοιγμα της επιλεγμένης εικόνας"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1389
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση εικόνας \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1739
+#, c-format
+#| msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα εικόνας «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2429
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Σφάλμα κατά την εκτύπωση αρχείου:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2682
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία εργαλειοθήκης"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2685
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Επαναφορά στις προεπιλογές"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2771
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Ελληνική μεταφραστική ομάδα MATE\n"
+" Σίμος Ξενιτέλλης <[email protected]>\n"
+" Κώστας Παπαδήμας <[email protected]>\n"
+" Πιερρός Παπαδέας <[email protected]> Μιχάλης Κοτσαρίνης <[email protected]>\n"
+"Για περισσότερα δείτε"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2774
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα αυτό είναι ελεύθερο λογισμικό. Επιτρέπεται η αναδιανομή ή/και τροποποίησή του υπό τους όρους της Γενικής Άδειας Δημόσιας Χρήσης GNU (GNU General Public License), όπως αυτή έχει δημοσιευτεί από το Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (Free Software Foundation) – είτε της έκδοσης 2 της Άδειας, είτε (κατ' επιλογήν) οποιασδήποτε μεταγενέστερης έκδοσης.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2778
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα αυτό διανέμεται με την ελπίδα ότι θα αποδειχθεί χρήσιμο, παρόλα αυτά ΧΩΡΙΣ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ – χωρίς ούτε και την σιωπηρή εγγύηση ΕΜΠΟΡΕΥΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑΣ ή ΚΑΤΑΛΛΗΛΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΣΥΓΚΕΚΡΙΜΕΝΗ ΧΡΗΣΗ. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες ανατρέξτε στη Γενική Άδεια Δημόσιας Χρήσης GNU (GNU General Public License).\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2782
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "Θα πρέπει να έχετε λάβει ένα αντίγραφο της Γενικής Άδειας Δημόσιας Χρήσης GNU (GNU General Public License) μαζί με αυτό το πρόγραμμα. Εάν όχι, επικοινωνήστε γραπτώς με το Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (Free Software Foundation), Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2795
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Μάτι του MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2798
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Εφαρμογή προβολής εικόνων του MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2924
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "Άνοι_γμα προτιμήσεων παρασκηνίου"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2926
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Από_κρυψη"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2938
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Η εικόνα \"%s\" ορίστηκε ως παρασκήνιο επιφάνειας εργασίας.\n"
+"Θα θέλατε να αλλάξετε την εμφάνισή της;"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση εικόνας τοπικά…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Θέλετε να μετακινήσετε το\n"
+" \"%s\" στα απορρίμματα;"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+#, c-format
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
+msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε απόρριμμα για το \"%s\". Θέλετε να διαγράψετε μόνιμα αυτή την εικόνα;"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Είστε σίγουροι για την μεταφορά της επιλεγμένης\n"
+"εικόνας στο καλάθι αχρήστων;"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Είστε σίγουροι για την μεταφορά των επιλεγμένων\n"
+"%d εικόνων στο καλάθι αχρήστων;"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "Μερικές από τις επιλεγμένες εικόνες δε μπορούν να μετακινηθούν στα απορρίμματα και θα διαγραφούν μόνιμα. Σίγουρα θέλετε να προχωρήσετε;"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3442
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3924
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Μετακίνηση στα α_πορρίμματα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Να _μη γίνει ξανά ερώτηση κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της συνεδρίας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Αδυναμία πρόσβασης στα απορρίμματα."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Αδυναμία διαγραφής αρχείου"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή εικόνας %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3824
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "Ει_κόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Επεξεργασία"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Προβολή"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3827
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Μετάβαση"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Εργα_λεία"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Βοήθεια"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3831
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "Άν_οιγμα…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα αρχείου"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Κλείσιμο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Κλείσιμο παραθύρου"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Ερ_γαλειοθήκη"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία της εργαλειοθήκης της εφαρμογής"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Προτι_μήσεις"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Προτιμήσεις για το Μάτι του MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Περιεχόμενα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Βοήθεια για αυτήν την εφαρμογή"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3846
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Π_ερί"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Περί αυτής της εφαρμογής"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Ερ_γαλειοθήκη"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Αλλάζει την ορατότητα της εργαλειοθήκης στο τρέχον παράθυρο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Γραμμή κατάστασης"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3856
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Αλλάζει την ορατότητα της γραμμής κατάστασης στο τρέχον παράθυρο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3858
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Συ_λλογή εικόνων"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3859
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Αλλάζει της ορατότητας του ταμπλό συλλογής εικόνων στο τρέχον παράθυρο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Πλευρική _στήλη"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Αλλάζει την ορατότητα της πλευρικής στήλης στο τρέχον παράθυρο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Απο_θήκευση"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση αλλαγών στις επιλεγμένες εικόνες"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα _με"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα της επιλεγμένης εικόνας με διαφορετική εφαρμογή"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση _ως…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Αποθήκευση των επιλεγμένων εικόνων με διαφορετικό όνομα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Εκτύ_πωση…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Εκτύπωση της επιλεγμένης εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Ι_διότητες"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Προβολή των ιδιοτήτων και των metadata της επιλεγμένης εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Α_ναίρεση"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3883
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Αναίρεση της τελευταίας αλλαγής στην εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Ορι_ζόντια περιστροφή"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3886
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Οριζόντιος καθρεπτισμός της εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Κά_θετη περιστροφή"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3889
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Κάθετος καθρεπτισμός της εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3891
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Περιστροφή δε_ξιά"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3892
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Περιστροφή εικόνας κατά 90 μοίρες δεξιά"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Π_εριστροφή αριστερά"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Περιστροφή εικόνας κατά 90 μοίρες αριστερά"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3897
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Ως _παρασκήνιο επιφάνειας εργασίας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3898
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Ορισμός της επιλεγμένης εικόνας ως παρασκήνιο στην επιφάνεια εργασίας σας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Μετακίνηση της επιλεγμένης εικόνας στα απορρίμματα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Μεγέ_θυνση"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Μεγέθυνση εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Σ_μίκρυνση"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Σμίκρυνση εικόνας"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Κα_νονικό μέγεθος"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Προβολή εικόνας στο κανονικό της μέγεθος"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Καλύτερο _ταίριασμα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Προσαρμογή εικόνας στο παράθυρο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Πλήρης οθόνη"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Προβολή της τρέχουσας εικόνας σε λειτουργία πλήρους οθόνης"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+#| msgid "Slideshow"
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Παύση προβολής διαφανειών"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Παύση ή συνέχιση της προβολής διαφανειών"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3939
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Προηγούμενη εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3940
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Μετάβαση στην προηγούμενη εικόνα της συλλογής"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Επόμε_νη εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Μετάβαση στην επόμενη εικόνα της συλλογής"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Πρώ_τη εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Μετάβαση στην πρώτη εικόνα της συλλογής"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Τε_λευταία εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Μετάβαση στην τελευταία εικόνα της συλλογής"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Τυχαία εικόνα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Μετάβαση σε μια τυχαία εικόνα της συλλογής"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Προβολή σε αλληλου_χία"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Εκκίνηση μια προβολή των εικόνων σε αλληλουχία"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4033
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Προηγούμενο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4037
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Επόμενο"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Δεξιά"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4044
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Αριστερά"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4047
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Μέσα"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4050
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Έξω"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4053
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Κανονικό"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4056
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Προσαρμογή"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4059
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Συλλογή εικόνων"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4062
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Απορρίμματα"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Πρόσθετη λειτουργία"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Ενεργοποιημένα"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "Ρύ_θμιση"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "Ε_νεργοποίηση"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Α_πενεργοποίηση όλων"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Απενεργοποίηση όλων"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Ενεργές _πρόσθετες λειτουργίες:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Π_ερί πρόσθετης λειτουργίας"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Ρύ_θμιση πρόσθετης λειτουργίας"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+#: ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Εφαρμογή προβολής εικόνων"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα σε λειτουργία πλήρους οθόνης"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση συλλογής εικόνων"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα σε λειτουργία προβολής διαφανειών"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Εκκίνηση νέας συνεδρίας αντί χρήσης της υπάρχουσας"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+#| msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση της έκδοσης της εφαρμογής"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ΑΡΧΕΙΟ…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Εκτελέστε '%s --help' για να δείτε την πλήρη λίστα των διαθέσιμων εντολών."
diff --git a/po/[email protected] b/po/[email protected]
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5168c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/[email protected]
@@ -0,0 +1,1192 @@
+# Shavian translation for eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 The Mate Foundation.
+# Thomas Thurman <[email protected]>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: marco\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-06 19:17+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Thurman <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Shavian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑪𐑯 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑲𐑑𐑩𐑥 𐑪𐑯 𐑞 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑲𐑑𐑩𐑥 𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥 𐑞 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_𐑛𐑦𐑤𐑰𐑑 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑐𐑼𐑱𐑑𐑼"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑰𐑤𐑴𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑰𐑤𐑴𐑛 𐑒𐑳𐑮𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟 𐑯 𐑮𐑴𐑑𐑱𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝𐑿𐑼"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑨𐑐𐑻𐑗𐑻 𐑝𐑨𐑤𐑿:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑷𐑔𐑼:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑚𐑲𐑑𐑕:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑒𐑨𐑥𐑻𐑩 𐑥𐑪𐑛𐑩𐑤:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑒𐑪𐑐𐑦𐑮𐑲𐑑:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑛𐑱𐑑/𐑑𐑲𐑥:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑦𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑛𐑰𐑑𐑱𐑤𐑟</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑐𐑴𐑠𐑻 𐑑𐑲𐑥:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑓𐑤𐑨𐑖:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑓𐑴𐑒𐑩𐑤 𐑤𐑧𐑙𐑔:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑣𐑲𐑑:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO 𐑕𐑐𐑰𐑛 𐑮𐑱𐑑𐑦𐑙:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑒𐑰𐑢𐑻𐑛𐑟:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑤𐑴𐑒𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑥𐑰𐑑𐑼𐑦𐑙 𐑥𐑴𐑛:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑯𐑱𐑥:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑑𐑲𐑐:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑢𐑦𐑛𐑔:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "𐑛𐑰𐑑𐑱𐑤𐑟"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "𐑡𐑧𐑯𐑼𐑩𐑤"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑐𐑮𐑪𐑐𐑼𐑑𐑦𐑟"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_𐑐𐑮𐑰𐑝𐑦𐑩𐑕"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑯𐑱𐑥 𐑐𐑮𐑰𐑝𐑿</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑐𐑭𐑔 𐑕𐑐𐑧𐑕𐑩𐑓𐑩𐑒𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑪𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%𐑧𐑓:</b> 𐑼𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑯𐑩𐑤 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑯𐑱𐑥</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%𐑧𐑯:</b> 𐑒𐑬𐑯𐑑𐑼</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "𐑗𐑵𐑟 𐑩 𐑓𐑴𐑤𐑛𐑼"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "𐑛𐑧𐑕𐑑𐑦𐑯𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑓𐑴𐑤𐑛𐑼:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑯𐑱𐑥 𐑓𐑹𐑥𐑨𐑑:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑰𐑯𐑱𐑥 𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑦𐑐𐑤𐑱𐑕 𐑕𐑐𐑱𐑕𐑩𐑟 𐑢𐑦𐑞 𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑻𐑕𐑒𐑪𐑮𐑟"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑱𐑝 𐑨𐑟"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑑𐑸𐑑 𐑒𐑬𐑯𐑑𐑼 𐑨𐑑:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "𐑑:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑧𐑯𐑣𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑥𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑕</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑟𐑵𐑥</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑕𐑰𐑒𐑢𐑩𐑯𐑕</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑐𐑸𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑐𐑸𐑑𐑕</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "𐑨𐑟 _𐑚𐑨𐑒𐑜𐑮𐑬𐑯𐑛"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "𐑨𐑟 𐑗𐑧𐑒 _𐑐𐑨𐑑𐑼𐑯"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "𐑨𐑟 𐑒𐑳𐑕𐑑𐑩𐑥 𐑒_𐑳𐑤𐑼:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "𐑒𐑳𐑤𐑼 𐑓𐑹 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑐𐑸𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑺𐑦𐑩𐑟"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "𐑧_𐑒𐑕𐑐𐑨𐑯𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑑 𐑓𐑦𐑑 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑰𐑯"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "𐑲 𐑝 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥 𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝𐑿"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑳𐑜𐑦𐑯𐑟"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑥𐑵𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑟𐑵𐑥𐑛-_𐑦𐑯"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑥𐑵𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑟𐑵𐑥𐑛-_𐑬𐑑"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_𐑷𐑑𐑴𐑥𐑨𐑑𐑦𐑒 𐑪𐑮𐑦𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_𐑤𐑵𐑐 𐑕𐑰𐑒𐑢𐑩𐑯𐑕"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_𐑕𐑢𐑦𐑗 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑭𐑓𐑑𐑼:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑟"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑩 𐑝𐑨𐑤𐑿 𐑜𐑮𐑱𐑑𐑼 𐑞𐑨𐑯 0 𐑛𐑦𐑑𐑻𐑥𐑦𐑯𐑟 𐑞 𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑟 𐑩𐑯 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑕𐑑𐑱𐑟 𐑪𐑯 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑰𐑯 𐑳𐑯𐑑𐑦𐑤 𐑞 𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑 "
+"𐑢𐑳𐑯 𐑦𐑟 𐑖𐑴𐑯 𐑷𐑑𐑩𐑥𐑨𐑑𐑦𐑒𐑤𐑦. 𐑟𐑽𐑴 𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑤𐑟 𐑞 𐑷𐑑𐑴𐑥𐑨𐑑𐑦𐑒 𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟𐑦𐑙."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "𐑨𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑝 𐑐𐑤𐑳𐑜𐑦𐑯𐑟"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "𐑩𐑤𐑬 𐑟𐑵𐑥 𐑜𐑮𐑱𐑑𐑼 𐑞𐑨𐑯 100% 𐑦𐑯𐑦𐑖𐑩𐑤𐑦"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "𐑷𐑑𐑴𐑥𐑨𐑑𐑦𐑒 𐑪𐑮𐑦𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑤𐑱 𐑦𐑯 𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑟 𐑳𐑯𐑑𐑦𐑤 𐑖𐑴𐑦𐑙 𐑞 𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑱𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑦𐑓 𐑨𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑝𐑱𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑲 𐑝 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥 𐑢𐑴𐑯𐑑 𐑭𐑕𐑒 𐑓𐑹 𐑒𐑪𐑯𐑓𐑼𐑥𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑥𐑵𐑝𐑦𐑙 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑑 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖. 𐑦𐑑 "
+"𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑕𐑑𐑦𐑤 𐑭𐑕𐑒 𐑦𐑓 𐑧𐑯𐑦 𐑝 𐑞 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟 𐑒𐑨𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑚𐑰 𐑥𐑵𐑝𐑛 𐑑 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖 𐑯 𐑢𐑫𐑛 𐑚𐑰 𐑛𐑦𐑤𐑰𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑯𐑕𐑑𐑧𐑛."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑦𐑓 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑐𐑸𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑦 𐑒𐑰 𐑣𐑨𐑟 𐑞 𐑝𐑨𐑤𐑿 𐑒𐑳𐑤𐑼, 𐑞𐑧𐑯 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑒𐑰 𐑛𐑦𐑑𐑻𐑥𐑦𐑯𐑟 𐑞 𐑒𐑳𐑤𐑼 𐑢𐑦𐑗 𐑦𐑟 𐑿𐑟𐑛 "
+"𐑓𐑹 𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑦𐑒𐑱𐑑𐑦𐑙 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑐𐑸𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑦."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑦𐑓 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑦𐑟 𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑑 𐑓𐑷𐑤𐑕 𐑕𐑥𐑷𐑤 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑚𐑰 𐑕𐑑𐑮𐑧𐑗𐑑 𐑑 𐑓𐑦𐑑 𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑫 𐑞 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑰𐑯 "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑐𐑱𐑯 𐑐𐑩𐑟𐑦𐑖𐑩𐑯. 𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑑 0 𐑓𐑹 𐑚𐑪𐑑𐑫𐑥; 1 𐑓𐑹 𐑤𐑧𐑓𐑑; 2 𐑓𐑹 𐑑𐑪𐑐; 3 𐑓𐑹 𐑮𐑲𐑑."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑑𐑻𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑱𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "𐑤𐑵𐑐 𐑔𐑮𐑵 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑕𐑰𐑒𐑢𐑩𐑯𐑕"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑴𐑤 𐑢𐑰𐑤 𐑟𐑵𐑥"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "𐑖𐑴/𐑣𐑲𐑛 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑐𐑱𐑯 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑴𐑤 𐑚𐑳𐑑𐑩𐑯𐑟."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "𐑖𐑴/𐑣𐑲𐑛 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑐𐑱𐑯."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "𐑖𐑴/𐑣𐑲𐑛 𐑞 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑴 𐑕𐑲𐑛 𐑐𐑱𐑯."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "𐑖𐑴/𐑣𐑲𐑛 𐑞 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑴 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑞 𐑥𐑩𐑤𐑑𐑩𐑐𐑤𐑲𐑻 𐑑 𐑚𐑰 𐑩𐑐𐑤𐑲𐑛 𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑿𐑟𐑦𐑙 𐑞 𐑥𐑬𐑕 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑴𐑤 𐑢𐑰𐑤 𐑓𐑹 𐑟𐑵𐑥𐑦𐑙. 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑝𐑨𐑤𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑓𐑲𐑯𐑟 𐑞 "
+"𐑟𐑵𐑥𐑦𐑙 𐑕𐑑𐑧𐑐 𐑿𐑕𐑑 𐑓𐑹 𐑰𐑗 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑴𐑤 𐑦𐑝𐑧𐑯𐑑. 𐑓𐑹 𐑦𐑜𐑟𐑭𐑥𐑐𐑩𐑤, 0.05 𐑮𐑦𐑟𐑳𐑤𐑑𐑕 𐑦𐑯 𐑩 5% 𐑟𐑵𐑥 "
+"𐑦𐑯𐑒𐑮𐑩𐑥𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑓𐑹 𐑰𐑗 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑴𐑤 𐑦𐑝𐑧𐑯𐑑 𐑯 1.00 𐑮𐑦𐑟𐑳𐑤𐑑 𐑦𐑯 𐑩 100% 𐑟𐑵𐑥 𐑦𐑯𐑒𐑮𐑩𐑥𐑩𐑯𐑑."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑐𐑸𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑦 𐑒𐑳𐑤𐑼"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑐𐑸𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑦 𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑦𐑒𐑱𐑑𐑼"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑢𐑦𐑞𐑬𐑑 𐑭𐑕𐑒𐑦𐑙"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "𐑢𐑧𐑞𐑼 𐑹 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑞 𐑕𐑰𐑒𐑢𐑩𐑯𐑕 𐑝 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑖𐑫𐑛 𐑚𐑰 𐑖𐑴𐑯 𐑦𐑯 𐑩𐑯 𐑧𐑯𐑛𐑤𐑩𐑕 𐑤𐑵𐑐."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑢𐑧𐑞𐑼 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑖𐑫𐑛 𐑚𐑰 𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑱𐑑𐑦𐑛 𐑪𐑯 𐑟𐑵𐑥-𐑦𐑯 𐑹 𐑯𐑪𐑑. 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑤𐑰𐑛𐑟 𐑑 𐑚𐑤𐑻𐑰 𐑒𐑢𐑪𐑤𐑦𐑑𐑰 𐑯 "
+"𐑦𐑟 𐑕𐑳𐑥𐑢𐑪𐑑 𐑕𐑤𐑴𐑼 𐑞𐑨𐑯 𐑯𐑪𐑯 𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑱𐑑𐑦𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑢𐑧𐑞𐑼 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑖𐑫𐑛 𐑚𐑰 𐑦𐑑𐑻𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑱𐑑𐑦𐑛 𐑪𐑯 𐑟𐑵𐑥-𐑬𐑑 𐑹 𐑯𐑪𐑑. 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑤𐑰𐑛𐑟 𐑑 𐑚𐑧𐑑𐑼 𐑒𐑢𐑪𐑤𐑦𐑑𐑰 𐑚𐑳𐑑 "
+"𐑦𐑟 𐑕𐑳𐑥𐑢𐑪𐑑 𐑕𐑤𐑴𐑼 𐑞𐑨𐑯 𐑯𐑪𐑯 𐑦𐑑𐑻𐑐𐑩𐑤𐑱𐑑𐑦𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "𐑢𐑧𐑞𐑼 𐑞 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑴𐑤 𐑢𐑰𐑤 𐑖𐑫𐑛 𐑚𐑰 𐑿𐑟𐑛 𐑓𐑹 𐑟𐑵𐑥𐑦𐑙 𐑹 𐑯𐑪𐑑."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "𐑟𐑵𐑥 𐑥𐑩𐑤𐑑𐑩𐑐𐑤𐑲𐑻"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑓𐑹𐑥𐑨𐑑 𐑦𐑟 𐑳𐑯𐑴𐑯 𐑹 𐑳𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑐𐑹𐑑𐑩𐑛"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "𐑲 𐑝 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥 𐑒𐑫𐑛 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑑𐑻𐑥𐑦𐑯 𐑩 𐑕𐑩𐑐𐑹𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑮𐑲𐑑𐑩𐑚𐑩𐑤 𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑓𐑹𐑥𐑨𐑑 𐑚𐑱𐑕𐑑 𐑪𐑯 𐑞 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑯𐑱𐑥."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "𐑷𐑤 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "𐑷𐑤 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "𐑐𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑩𐑤"
+msgstr[1] "𐑐𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "𐑤𐑴𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑱𐑝 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑓𐑴𐑤𐑛𐑼"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑓𐑻𐑥𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑪𐑯 𐑩𐑯𐑤𐑴𐑛𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑓𐑻𐑥𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑓𐑱𐑤𐑛."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑤𐑴𐑛𐑦𐑙 𐑓𐑱𐑤𐑛."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "𐑯𐑴 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑤𐑴𐑛𐑩𐑛."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "𐑑𐑧𐑥𐑐𐑼𐑼𐑦 𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑒𐑮𐑰𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑓𐑱𐑤𐑛."
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "𐑒𐑨𐑥𐑻𐑩"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑛𐑱𐑑𐑩"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑑𐑱𐑒𐑦𐑙 𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑦𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "𐑥𐑱𐑒𐑼 𐑯𐑴𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "𐑳𐑞𐑼"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑨𐑜"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "𐑝𐑨𐑤𐑿"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_𐑮𐑰𐑑𐑮𐑲"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "𐑒𐑫𐑛 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑤𐑴𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "𐑯𐑴 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑓𐑬𐑯𐑛 𐑦𐑯 '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "𐑞 𐑜𐑦𐑝𐑩𐑯 𐑤𐑴𐑒𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟 𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑱𐑯 𐑯𐑴 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑦𐑙𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑣𐑵𐑟 𐑐𐑮𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑦𐑙 𐑐𐑮𐑪𐑐𐑼𐑑𐑦𐑟 𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑚𐑰 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑱𐑡 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "𐑞 𐑦𐑯𐑓𐑼𐑥𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑓𐑹 𐑞 𐑐𐑱𐑡 𐑢𐑺 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑚𐑰 𐑐𐑮𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑩𐑛"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑩𐑟𐑦𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_𐑤𐑧𐑓𐑑:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_𐑮𐑲𐑑:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_𐑑𐑪𐑐:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_𐑚𐑪𐑑𐑫𐑥:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "𐑕_𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑼:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "𐑯𐑳𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "𐑣𐑪𐑮𐑦𐑟𐑪𐑯𐑑𐑩𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "𐑝𐑻𐑑𐑦𐑒𐑩𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "𐑚𐑴𐑔"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑲𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_𐑢𐑦𐑛𐑔:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_𐑣𐑲𐑑:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_𐑕𐑒𐑱𐑤𐑦𐑙:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_𐑿𐑯𐑦𐑑:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "𐑥𐑦𐑤𐑩𐑥𐑰𐑑𐑻𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑯𐑗𐑩𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑰𐑝𐑿"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "𐑳𐑯𐑴𐑯"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (𐑤𐑧𐑯𐑟)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm 𐑓𐑦𐑤𐑥)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "𐑨𐑟 𐑦𐑟"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑱𐑒𐑩𐑯 𐑪𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "𐑨𐑑 𐑤𐑰𐑕𐑑 𐑑𐑵 𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑯𐑱𐑥𐑟 𐑸 𐑰𐑒𐑢𐑩𐑤."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "𐑒𐑫𐑛 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑛𐑩𐑕𐑐𐑤𐑱 𐑣𐑧𐑤𐑐 𐑓𐑹 𐑲 𐑝 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (𐑦𐑯𐑝𐑨𐑤𐑦𐑛 ·𐑿𐑯𐑦𐑒𐑴𐑛)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:770
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i 𐑧𐑒𐑕 %i 𐑐𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑩𐑤 %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i 𐑧𐑒𐑕 %i 𐑐𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑟 %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1188
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "𐑿𐑟 \"%s\" 𐑑 𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1338
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑱𐑝𐑦𐑙 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1677
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "𐑤𐑴𐑛𐑦𐑙 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2376
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"𐑻𐑼 𐑐𐑮𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑦𐑙 𐑓𐑲𐑤:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2518
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸 𐑧𐑛𐑦𐑑𐑹"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2521
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_𐑮𐑰𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑓𐑷𐑤𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2607
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑤𐑱𐑑𐑼-𐑒𐑮𐑧𐑛𐑦𐑑𐑕"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2610
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑐𐑮𐑴𐑜𐑮𐑨𐑥 𐑦𐑟 𐑓𐑮𐑰 𐑕𐑪𐑓𐑑𐑢𐑺; 𐑿 𐑒𐑨𐑯 𐑮𐑰𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑑𐑮𐑦𐑚𐑿𐑑 𐑦𐑑 𐑯/𐑹 𐑥𐑪𐑛𐑦𐑓𐑲 𐑦𐑑 𐑳𐑯𐑛𐑼 𐑞 𐑑𐑻𐑥𐑟 𐑝 "
+"𐑞 ·𐑜𐑯𐑿 𐑡𐑧𐑯𐑼𐑩𐑤 𐑐𐑳𐑚𐑤𐑦𐑒 𐑤𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑯𐑕 𐑨𐑟 𐑐𐑳𐑚𐑤𐑦𐑖𐑑 𐑚𐑲 𐑞 𐑓𐑮𐑰 𐑕𐑪𐑓𐑑𐑢𐑺 𐑓𐑬𐑯𐑛𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯; 𐑲𐑞𐑼 𐑝𐑻𐑠𐑩𐑯 2 "
+"𐑝 𐑞 𐑤𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑯𐑕, 𐑹 (𐑨𐑑 𐑿𐑼 𐑪𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯) 𐑧𐑯𐑦 𐑤𐑱𐑑𐑼 𐑝𐑻𐑠𐑩𐑯.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2618
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"𐑿 𐑖𐑫𐑛 𐑣𐑨𐑝 𐑮𐑦𐑕𐑰𐑝𐑛 𐑩 𐑒𐑪𐑐𐑦 𐑝 𐑞 ·𐑜𐑯𐑿 𐑡𐑧𐑯𐑼𐑩𐑤 𐑐𐑳𐑚𐑤𐑦𐑒 𐑤𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑯𐑕 𐑩𐑤𐑪𐑙 𐑢𐑦𐑞 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑐𐑮𐑴𐑜𐑮𐑨𐑥; "
+"𐑦𐑓 𐑯𐑪𐑑, 𐑮𐑲𐑑 𐑑 𐑞 𐑓𐑮𐑰 𐑕𐑪𐑓𐑑𐑢𐑺 𐑓𐑬𐑯𐑛𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯, 𐑦𐑙𐑒., 59 𐑑𐑧𐑥𐑐𐑩𐑤 𐑐𐑤𐑱𐑕 - 𐑕𐑢𐑰𐑑 330, "
+"·𐑚𐑪𐑕𐑑𐑩𐑯, 𐑥𐑶 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2631
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "𐑲 𐑝 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2634
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "𐑞 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝𐑿𐑼."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3075
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "𐑕𐑱𐑝𐑦𐑙 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑤𐑴𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑦..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3157
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"𐑸 𐑿 𐑖𐑫𐑼 𐑿 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑 𐑑 𐑥𐑵𐑝\n"
+"\"%s\" 𐑑 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3165
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"𐑸 𐑿 𐑖𐑫𐑼 𐑿 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑 𐑑 𐑥𐑵𐑝\n"
+"𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑑 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"𐑸 𐑿 𐑖𐑫𐑼 𐑿 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑 𐑑 𐑥𐑵𐑝\n"
+"𐑞 %d 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑧𐑟 𐑑 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3170
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"𐑕𐑳𐑥 𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑒𐑭𐑯𐑑 𐑚𐑰 𐑥𐑵𐑝𐑛 𐑑 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖 𐑯 𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑚𐑰 𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑵𐑝𐑛 𐑐𐑻𐑥𐑩𐑯𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑤𐑦. "
+"𐑸 𐑿 𐑖𐑫𐑼 𐑿 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑 𐑑 𐑐𐑮𐑩𐑕𐑰𐑛?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3187 ../src/eom-window.c:3614 ../src/eom-window.c:3638
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑑 _𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3189
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_𐑛𐑵 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑭𐑕𐑒 𐑩𐑜𐑱𐑯 𐑛𐑘𐑫𐑼𐑦𐑙 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "𐑻𐑼 𐑪𐑯 𐑛𐑦𐑤𐑰𐑑𐑦𐑙 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_𐑓𐑲𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_𐑧𐑛𐑦𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3536
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_𐑝𐑿"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_𐑜𐑴"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3539
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_𐑣𐑧𐑤𐑐"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3542
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑩 𐑓𐑲𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3545
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_𐑒𐑤𐑴𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "𐑒𐑤𐑴𐑟 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑴"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3548
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "𐑑_𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "𐑧𐑛𐑦𐑑 𐑞 𐑩𐑐𐑤𐑦𐑒𐑱𐑕𐑩𐑯 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3551
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩_𐑯𐑕𐑧𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3552
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟 𐑓𐑹 𐑲 𐑝 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3554
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_𐑒𐑪𐑯𐑑𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑕"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "𐑣𐑧𐑤𐑐 𐑪𐑯 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑩𐑐𐑤𐑦𐑒𐑱𐑕𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_𐑩𐑚𐑬𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "𐑩𐑚𐑬𐑑 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑩𐑐𐑤𐑦𐑒𐑱𐑕𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3563
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "𐑗𐑱𐑯𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑞 𐑝𐑦𐑟𐑦𐑚𐑦𐑤𐑦𐑑𐑦 𐑝 𐑞 𐑑𐑵𐑤𐑚𐑸 𐑦𐑯 𐑞 𐑒𐑳𐑮𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑴"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3569
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "𐑗𐑱𐑯𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑞 𐑝𐑦𐑟𐑦𐑚𐑦𐑤𐑦𐑑𐑦 𐑝 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑐𐑱𐑯 𐑦𐑯 𐑞 𐑒𐑳𐑮𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑴"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3572
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑲𐑛 _𐑐𐑱𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "𐑗𐑱𐑯𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑞 𐑝𐑦𐑟𐑦𐑚𐑦𐑤𐑦𐑑𐑦 𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑲𐑛 𐑐𐑱𐑯 𐑦𐑯 𐑞 𐑒𐑳𐑮𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑴"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_𐑕𐑱𐑝"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3579
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑱𐑝 𐑗𐑱𐑯𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑦𐑯 𐑒𐑳𐑮𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑤𐑦 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3581
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 _𐑢𐑦𐑞"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑢𐑦𐑞 𐑩 𐑛𐑦𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑩𐑐𐑤𐑦𐑒𐑱𐑕𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3584
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "𐑕𐑱𐑝 _𐑨𐑟..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3585
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑱𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡𐑩𐑟 𐑢𐑦𐑞 𐑩 𐑛𐑦𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑑 𐑯𐑱𐑥"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3588
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐 𐑞 𐑐𐑱𐑡 𐑐𐑮𐑪𐑐𐑼𐑑𐑦𐑟 𐑓𐑹 𐑐𐑮𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑦𐑙"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3590
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_𐑐𐑮𐑦𐑯𐑑..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑦𐑯𐑑 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3593
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑪𐑐_𐑼𐑑𐑦𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3596
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_𐑳𐑯𐑛𐑵"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3597
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "𐑳𐑯𐑛𐑵 𐑞 𐑤𐑭𐑕𐑑 𐑗𐑱𐑯𐑡 𐑦𐑯 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3599
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "𐑓𐑤𐑦𐑐 _𐑣𐑪𐑮𐑦𐑟𐑪𐑯𐑑𐑩𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3600
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "𐑥𐑦𐑮𐑼 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑣𐑪𐑮𐑦𐑟𐑪𐑯𐑑𐑩𐑤𐑦"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3602
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "𐑓𐑤𐑦𐑐 _𐑝𐑻𐑑𐑦𐑒𐑩𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3603
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "𐑥𐑦𐑮𐑼 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝𐑻𐑑𐑦𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑦"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3605
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_𐑮𐑴𐑑𐑱𐑑 𐑒𐑤𐑭𐑒𐑢𐑲𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3606
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑴𐑑𐑱𐑑 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 90 𐑛𐑦𐑜𐑮𐑰𐑟 𐑑 𐑞 𐑮𐑲𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3608
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑴𐑑𐑱𐑑 𐑒𐑬𐑯𐑑𐑼𐑒_𐑤𐑭𐑒𐑢𐑲𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3609
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑴𐑑𐑱𐑑 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 90 𐑛𐑦𐑜𐑮𐑰𐑟 𐑑 𐑞 𐑤𐑧𐑓𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3611
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑨𐑟 _𐑛𐑧𐑕𐑒𐑑𐑪𐑐 𐑚𐑨𐑒𐑜𐑮𐑬𐑯𐑛"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3612
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑨𐑟 𐑞 𐑛𐑧𐑕𐑒𐑑𐑪𐑐 𐑚𐑨𐑒𐑜𐑮𐑬𐑯𐑛"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑑 𐑞 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖 𐑓𐑴𐑤𐑛𐑼"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3617 ../src/eom-window.c:3629 ../src/eom-window.c:3632
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_𐑟𐑵𐑥 𐑦𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3618 ../src/eom-window.c:3630
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "𐑧𐑯𐑤𐑸𐑡 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3620 ../src/eom-window.c:3635
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "𐑟𐑵𐑥 _𐑬𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3621 ../src/eom-window.c:3633 ../src/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "𐑖𐑮𐑰𐑙𐑒 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3623
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_𐑯𐑹𐑥𐑩𐑤 𐑕𐑲𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3624
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "𐑖𐑴 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑨𐑑 𐑦𐑑𐑕 𐑯𐑹𐑥𐑩𐑤 𐑕𐑲𐑟"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3626
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "𐑚𐑧𐑕𐑑 _𐑓𐑦𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3627
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "𐑓𐑦𐑑 𐑞 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑑 𐑞 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑴"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3644
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_𐑓𐑫𐑤 𐑕𐑒𐑮𐑰𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3650 ../src/eom-window.c:3662
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_𐑐𐑮𐑰𐑝𐑦𐑩𐑕 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3651
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "𐑜𐑴 𐑑 𐑞 𐑐𐑮𐑰𐑝𐑦𐑩𐑕 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝 𐑞 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3653
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3654
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "𐑜𐑴 𐑑 𐑞 𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝 𐑞 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3656 ../src/eom-window.c:3665
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_𐑓𐑻𐑕𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "𐑜𐑴 𐑑 𐑞 𐑓𐑻𐑕𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝 𐑞 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3659 ../src/eom-window.c:3668
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_𐑤𐑭𐑕𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3660
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "𐑜𐑴 𐑑 𐑞 𐑤𐑭𐑕𐑑 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝 𐑞 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3741
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑰𐑝𐑦𐑩𐑕"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3745
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3749
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "𐑮𐑲𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "𐑤𐑧𐑓𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3758
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "𐑬𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3761
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "𐑯𐑹𐑥𐑩𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3764
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "𐑓𐑦𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3767
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3770
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑖"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑳𐑜𐑦𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "𐑦𐑯𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑤𐑛"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "𐑒_𐑪𐑯𐑦𐑜𐑼"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "𐑨_𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑝𐑱𐑑"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "𐑨𐑒_𐑑𐑦𐑝𐑱𐑑 𐑷𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_𐑛𐑰𐑨𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑝𐑱𐑑 𐑷𐑤"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "𐑨𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑝 _𐑐𐑤𐑳𐑜𐑦𐑯𐑟:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_𐑩𐑚𐑬𐑑 𐑐𐑤𐑳𐑜𐑦𐑯"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "𐑒_𐑩𐑯𐑓𐑦𐑜𐑼 𐑐𐑤𐑳𐑜𐑦𐑯"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑤 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑒𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑦𐑯 𐑕𐑤𐑲𐑛 𐑖𐑴 𐑥𐑴𐑛"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "𐑕𐑑𐑸𐑑 𐑩 𐑯𐑿 𐑦𐑯𐑕𐑑𐑨𐑯𐑕 𐑦𐑯𐑕𐑑𐑧𐑛 𐑝 𐑮𐑰𐑘𐑵𐑟𐑦𐑙 𐑩𐑯 𐑧𐑒𐑟𐑦𐑕𐑑𐑦𐑙 𐑢𐑳𐑯"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[𐑓𐑲𐑤...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "𐑮𐑳𐑯 '%s --help' 𐑑 𐑕𐑰 𐑩 𐑓𐑫𐑤 𐑤𐑦𐑕𐑑 𐑝 𐑩𐑝𐑱𐑤𐑩𐑚𐑩𐑤 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑭𐑯𐑛 𐑤𐑲𐑯 𐑪𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "𐑲 𐑝 ·𐑜𐑯𐑴𐑥 𐑦𐑥𐑦𐑡 𐑝𐑿𐑼"
diff --git a/po/en_CA.po b/po/en_CA.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ace19b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/en_CA.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+# Canadian English translation of eom
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Adam Weinberger and the MATE Foundation
+# This file is distributed under the same licence as the eom package.
+# Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2005.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-23 18:33-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-07-18 16:59-0400\n"
+"Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Canadian English <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Show “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Move on Toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Remove from Toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Delete Toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Remove the selected toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:439
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separator"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Running in fullscreen mode"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Browse and rotate images"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Image Viewer"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Author:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Description:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Details</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Flash:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Height:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Location:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+msgstr "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Name:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Options</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sequence</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Type:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Width:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "As _background"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "As check _pattern"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "As custom c_olour:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Choose a folder"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Colour for Transparent Areas"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Destination folder:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Filename format:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Image Properties"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Image View"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Rename from:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Replace spaces with underscores"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Save As"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slideshow"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Start counter at:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "To:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatic orientation"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Loop sequence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Next"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Previous"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Switch image after:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "seconds"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Active plugins"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatic orientation"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOUR and NONE. If COLOUR is choosen, then the trans_color "
+"key determines the used colour value."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOUR, then this key determines the "
+"colour which is used for indicating transparency."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolate Image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "Last collection window geometry"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "Last singleton window geometry"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Loop through the image sequence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Open images in a new window"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Scroll wheel zoom"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Show/hide the window side pane."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Transparency colour"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Transparency indicator"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoom multiplier"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:121
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:126
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:159
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Files"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:164
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "All Images"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:185
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:281 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:423
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:615
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:423
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Load Image"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:431
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Save Image"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:439
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Open Folder"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:466
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformation on unloaded image."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:485
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformation failed."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:965
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1069
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Image loading failed."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1340 ../src/eom-image.c:1548
+#, c-format
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "File exists"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1487 ../src/eom-image.c:1616
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "No image loaded."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1496 ../src/eom-image.c:1628
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Temporary file creation failed."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:342
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Could not create temporary file for saving: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Could not allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Camera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Image Data"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Image Taking Conditions"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Maker Note"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Other"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Rights Management"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Other"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:249
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:256
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Value"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:74
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Unknown"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Could not load image '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:160
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "No images found in '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:165
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "The given locations contain no images."
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:806
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:807
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:813
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Page Setup"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:814
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:838
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Position"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:843
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Left:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:844
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Right:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:845
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Top:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:846
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bottom:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:853
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "None"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:855
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:857
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:859
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Both"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Size"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Width:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Height:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Scaling:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:898
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unit:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:903
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimetres"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:905
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inches"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:925
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Preview"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "as is"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:434
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Taken on"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1025
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "At least two file names are equal."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1029
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Open with \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1030
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1135
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" %s"
+msgstr "Saving image \"%s\" %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1440
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Loading image \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Image Settings"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2262
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2363
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Toolbar Editor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2446
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Maintainer: Adam Weinberger <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2449
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2453
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public Licence for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2457
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licence along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2470 ../src/main.c:184
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2473
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "The MATE image viewer."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2833
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2836
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Move to Trash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2897
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Couldn't access trash."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2981
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Error on deleting image %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3188
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_File"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3189
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3190
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_View"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3191
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3192
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Go"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3193
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Tools"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3194
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Help"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3196
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Open..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3197
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Open a file"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3199
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Close"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3200
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Close window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3202
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "T_oolbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3203
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Edit the application toolbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3205
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_nces"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3206
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3208
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Contents"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3209
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Help on this application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3211 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_About"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3212
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "About this application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3217
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Toolbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3218
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3220
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3221
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3223
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Image Collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3224
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3226
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Side _Pane"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3227
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3232
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Save"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3235
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Open _with"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3238
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Save _As..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3241
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "Page Set_up..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3244
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Print..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3247
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Prope_rties"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3250
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Undo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3253
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Flip _Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Flip _Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3259
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rotate Clockwise"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3262
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotate Counter-c_lockwise"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3265
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3268 ../src/eom-window.c:3292
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Move to _Trash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3271 ../src/eom-window.c:3283 ../src/eom-window.c:3286
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zoom In"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3274 ../src/eom-window.c:3289
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom _Out"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normal Size"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3280
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Best _Fit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3298
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Full Screen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3304 ../src/eom-window.c:3316
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Previous Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3307
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Next Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3310 ../src/eom-window.c:3319
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_First Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3313 ../src/eom-window.c:3322
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Last Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3328
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Slideshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3395
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Previous"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3399
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Next"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Right"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Left"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "In"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Out"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Fit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Collection"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Enabled"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigure"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivate"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tivate All"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deactivate All"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:837
+msgid "Active Plugins"
+msgstr "Active Plugins"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:871
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_About Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:878
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigure Plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Open in fullscreen mode"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Disable image collection"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Open in slide show mode"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:215
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
diff --git a/po/en_GB.po b/po/en_GB.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab6741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/en_GB.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@
+# English (British) translation.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 The Mate Foundation
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Gareth Owen <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# David Lodge <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Alan Horkan <horkana tcd ie>, 2005.
+# Philip Withnall <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+# Bruce Cowan <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-14 19:07+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-14 19:08+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Bruce Cowan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: British English <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language: en_GB\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Show “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Move on Toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Remove from Toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Delete Toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Remove the selected toolbar"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separator"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Fullscreen with double-click"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Reload Image"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Reload current image"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Date in statusbar"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Browse and rotate images"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Image Viewer"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Aperture Value:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Author:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Camera Model:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Date/Time:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Description:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Details"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Exposure Time:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Focal Length:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Height:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO Speed Rating:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Image Properties"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Keywords:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Location:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Metering Mode:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Type:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Width:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Next"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Previous"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Choose a folder"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Destination folder:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "File Name Preview"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "File Path Specifications"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Filename format:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Options"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Rename from:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Replace spaces with underscores"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Save As"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Start counter at:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "To:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "As _background"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "As check _pattern"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "As custom c_olour:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "As custom colour:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Background"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Background Colour"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Colour for Transparent Areas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Image Enhancements"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Image View"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Image Zoom"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sequence"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slideshow"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Transparent Parts"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatic orientation"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Loop sequence"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Switch image after:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "seconds"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Active plugins"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatic orientation"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used colour value."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolate Image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the wastebasket. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to "
+"the wastebasket and would be deleted instead."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialogue will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialogue. This should make the dialogue more "
+"usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget "
+"will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"colour which is used for indicating transparency."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"If this is active, the colour set by the background-color key will be used "
+"to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill colour."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolate Image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Loop through the image sequence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Scroll wheel zoom"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"The colour that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the colour is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Transparency colour"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Transparency indicator"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Move images to the wastebasket without asking"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Use a custom background colour"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialogue should have its own "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoom multiplier"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Running in fullscreen mode"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Close _without Saving"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Question"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Files"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "All Images"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Open Image"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Save Image"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Open Folder"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformation on unloaded image."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformation failed."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Image loading failed."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "No image loaded."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Temporary file creation failed."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Camera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Image Data"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Image Taking Conditions"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Maker Note"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Other"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Rights Management"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Other"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Value"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Retry"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Could not load image '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "No images found in '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "The given locations contain no images."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Image Settings"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Page Setup"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Position"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Left:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Right:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Top:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bottom:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "None"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Both"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Size"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Width:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Height:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Scaling:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unit:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimetres"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inches"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Preview"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Unknown"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "as is"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Taken on"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "At least two file names are equal."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (invalid Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Reload"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Hi_de"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Opening image \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Toolbar Editor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Reset to Default"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Gareth Owen <[email protected]>\n"
+"Alan Horkan <horkana tcd ie>\n"
+"David Lodge <[email protected]>\n"
+"Philip Withnall <[email protected]>\n"
+"Bruce Cowan <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public Licence for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licence along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "The MATE image viewer."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Open Background Preferences"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Saving image locally…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the wastebasket?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"A wastebasket for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the wastebasket?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the wastebasket?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the wastebasket and will be "
+"removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Move to Was_tebasket"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Do not ask again during this session"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Couldn't access wastebasket."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Couldn't delete file"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Error on deleting image %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_View"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Go"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Tools"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Help"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Open…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Open a file"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Close"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Close window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "T_oolbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Edit the application toolbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_nces"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Contents"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Help on this application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_About"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "About this application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Toolbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusbar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Image Collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Side _Pane"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Save"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Save changes in currently selected images"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Open _with"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Open the selected image with a different application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Save _As…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Save the selected images with a different name"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Print…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Print the selected image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Prope_rties"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Undo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Undo the last change in the image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Flip _Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Mirror the image horizontally"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Flip _Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Mirror the image vertically"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rotate Clockwise"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotate Anti-c_lockwise"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Set as _Desktop Background"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Move the selected image to the wastebasket"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zoom In"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Enlarge the image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom _Out"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Shrink the image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normal Size"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Show the image at its normal size"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Best _Fit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Fit the image to the window"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Fullscreen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pause Slideshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Previous Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Next Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Go to the next image of the collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_First Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Go to the first image of the collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Last Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Go to the last image of the collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Random Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Go to a random image of the collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Slideshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Previous"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Next"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Right"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Left"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "In"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Out"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Fit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Move to Wastebasket"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Enabled"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigure"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivate"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tivate All"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deactivate All"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Active _Plugins:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_About Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigure Plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Open in fullscreen mode"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Disable image collection"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Open in slideshow mode"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Show the application's version"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Load Image"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_File"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgid "_Open..."
+#~ msgstr "_Open…"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Save _As…"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Move to Wastebasket"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Page Set_up…"
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgid "Error loading print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Error loading print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgid "Error saving print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Error saving print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "File exists"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the selected image to the trash?Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the %d selected images to the trash?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the selected image to the wastebasket?Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the %d selected images to the wastebasket?"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "\n"
+#~ msgstr "\n"
+#~ msgid "%f"
+#~ msgstr "%f"
+#~ msgid "label"
+#~ msgstr "label"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s pixel"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+#~ msgstr "The MATE image viewing and cataloguing program."
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Browse"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Filename"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "Counter"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Comment"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "Date"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "Time"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "Day"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "Month"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "Year"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "Hour"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "Minute"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "Second"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "Option not available."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Width"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Height"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Filesize"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Attribute"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "File"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Open in new window"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Cancel saving…"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "Skip"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "Overwrite"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "Image _Information"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "Close"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "Save"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "Undo"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c6e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1626 @@
+# translation of eom.mate-2-32.po to Español
+# Spanish translation of the Eye of Mate
+# Copyright © 2000-2002, 2006, 2007, 2008 the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>, 1999.
+# Carlos Perelló Marín <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Hector Garcia Alvarez <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Germán Poo Caamaño <[email protected]>, 2002. (Revisión).
+# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
+# Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008.
+# Jorge González <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.mate-2-32\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-14 12:44+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-15 09:09+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jorge González <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Español <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Mostrar «_%s»"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mover en la barra de herramientas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Mover el elemento seleccionado en la barra de herramientas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Quitar de la barra de herramientas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Quitar el elemento seleccionado de la barra de herramientas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Borrar barra de herramientas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Borrar la barra de herramientas seleccionadas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separador"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activar el modo a pantalla completa con una doble pulsación"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pantalla completa con doble pulsación"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Recargar imagen"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Recargar la imagen actual"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Fecha en la barra de estado"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Muestra la fecha de la imagen en la barra de estado de la ventana"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Examine y rote imágenes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor de imágenes"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor de apertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modelo de la cámara:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Derechos de autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Fecha/Hora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripción:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalles"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Tiempo de exposición:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distancia focal:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Altura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Tasa de velocidad ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propiedades de la imagen"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palabras clave:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Ubicación:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadatos"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Modo de medida:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nombre:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipo:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Anchura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Siguiente"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Anterior"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nombre original del archivo"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> contador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Elija una carpeta"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Carpeta de destino:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Vista previa del nombre de archivo"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificaciones de la ruta de archivo"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formato del nombre de archivo:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Renombrar de:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Reemplazar espacios por guión bajo"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Guardar como"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Iniciar contador en:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "A:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Como _fondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Como _patrón de cuadrícula"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Como c_olor personalizado:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Como color personalizado:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Color de fondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Color para áreas transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_xpandir imágenes hasta ajustar a la pantalla"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencias de Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Mejoras de imagen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vista de imágenes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Ampliación de imagen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Complementos"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Secuencia"
+# Slide es diapositiva en este contexto
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diapositivas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Suavizar imágenes al _ampliar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Suavizar imágenes al _reducir"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Partes transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Autorientación"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Secuencia en _bucle"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Cambiar imagen tras:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Un valor mayor que 0 determina los segundos que una imagen permanece en la "
+"pantalla hasta que la siguiente se muestra automáticamente. Cero desactiva "
+"la visualización automática."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Complementos activados"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permite una ampliación mayor que el 100% inicialmente"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientación automática"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Retardo en segundos hasta que se muestra la siguiente imagen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina cómo debería indicarse la transparencia. Los valores válidos son "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR y NONE. Si se elige COLOR, entonces la clave "
+"«trans_color» determina el valor del color usado."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolar imagen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si está activado y no hay ninguna imagen cargada en la ventana activa, el "
+"selector de archivos mostrará las imágenes de la carpeta del usuario usando "
+"los directorios especiales de usuario XDG. Si está desactivado o la carpeta "
+"de imágenes no se ha configurado, mostrará el directorio de trabajo."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Si está activado el Visor de imágenes no pedirá confirmación al mover "
+"imágenes a la papelera. Preguntará si alguno de los archivos no se puede "
+"mover a la papelera y deberá borrarse en su lugar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si está activado la lista de metadatos detallados en el diálogo de "
+"propiedades se moverá a su propia página en el diálogo. Esto hará el diálogo "
+"más usable en pantallas pequeñas, como las de los «netbooks». Si está "
+"desactivado el widget se empotrará en la página «Metadatos»."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la clave de transparencia tiene un valor COLOR, entonces, esta clave "
+"determina el color que se usa para indicar la transparencia."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Si está activado el color establecido por la clave «background-color» se "
+"usará para rellenar el área detrás de la imagen. Si no está establecido, el "
+"tema actual de GTK determinará el color de relleno."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Si esto se establece a FALSE las imágenes pequeñas no serán estiradas hasta "
+"cubrir toda la pantalla inicialmente."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posición del panel de colección de imágenes. Establezca 0 para abajo; 1 para "
+"izquierda; 2 para arriba; 3 para derecha."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolar imagen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista de los complementos activados. No contiene la «Ubicación» de los "
+"complementos activados. Vea el archivo .eom-plugin para obtener la "
+"«Ubicación» para un complemento determinado."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Ciclar a través de la secuencia de imágenes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Ampliación de la rueda del ratón"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Mostrar/ocultar los botones de desplazamiento del panel de colección de "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostrar/ocultar el panel de colección de imágenes."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Mostrar/ocultar el panel lateral de la ventana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostrar/ocultar la barra de estado de la ventana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostrar/ocultar la barra de herramientas de la ventana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"El color usado para rellenar el área detrás de la imagen. Si la clave «use-"
+"background-color» no está establecida, el color lo determina el tema GTK+ "
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"El multiplicador a aplicar cuando se use el ratón para ampliar. Este valor "
+"define el paso de la ampliación usada para cada evento de desplazamiento. "
+"Por ejemplo, 0.05 resulta en un incremento del 5% para cada evento de "
+"desplazamiento y 1.00 resulta en un incremento de ampliación del 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Color de transparencia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de transparencia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Enviar imágenes a la papelera sin preguntar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Usar un color de fondo personalizado"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si el selector de archivos debe mostrar la carpeta de imágenes del "
+"usuario si no hay ninguna imagen cargada."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si el panel de colección de imágenes debería ser redimensionable."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si la imagen se debe extrapolar al ampliarla. Produce mejor calidad "
+"pero es algo más lento que las imágenes no extrapoladas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si la imagen se debe interpolar al reducirla. Produce mejor calidad "
+"pero es algo más lento que las imágenes no interpoladas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si la imagen se debe rotar automáticamente basándose en la "
+"orientación EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si la lista de metadatos en el diálogo de propiedades debe tener su "
+"propia página."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Indica si la rueda del ratón se debe usar para ampliar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica si la secuencia de imágenes debe mostrarse en un bucle infinito."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicador de ampliación"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Ejecutándose en modo pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Cerrar _sin guardar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pregunta"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se perderán sus cambios si no la guarda."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "¿Guardar los cambios en la imagen «%s» antes de cerrar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Existe %d imagen con cambios sin guardar. ¿Guardar los cambios antes de "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Existen %d imágenes con cambios sin guardar. ¿Guardar los cambios antes de "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_eleccionar las imágenes que quiere guardar:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se perderán todos sus cambios si no la guarda."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Formato de archivo desconocido o no soportado"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"El Visor de imágenes no pudo determinar un formato de archivo escribible "
+"soportado basándose en el nombre del archivo."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Inténtelo con una extensión de archivo diferente como .png o .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Todos los archivos"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Todas las imágenes"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "píxel"
+msgstr[1] "píxeles"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Abrir imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Guardar imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Abrir carpeta"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformación en una imagen no cargada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Falló la transformación."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF no soportado para este formato de archivo."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Fallo al cargar la imagen."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "No se ha cargado ninguna imagen."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "La creación del archivo temporal ha fallado."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "No se pudo crear el archivo temporal para guardar: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "No se puede asignar memoria para cargar el archivo JPG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Cámara"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Datos de la imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condiciones en que se sacó la imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nota de marcador"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Otro"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "EXIF XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Gestión de derechos XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Otro XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Reintentar"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "No se pudo cargar la imagen «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "No se encontraron imágenes en «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Las ubicaciones proporcionadas no contienen imágenes."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Ajustes de Imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "La imagen cuyas propiedades de impresión se definirán"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configuración de página"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Información de la página donde la imagen se imprimirá"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posición"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Izquierda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Derecha:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Arriba:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "A_bajo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrado:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ninguno"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ambos"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamaño"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "A_nchura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "A_ltura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "E_scalado:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unidad:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milímetros"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Pulgadas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Vista preliminar"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Desconocido"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (long. focal)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (película de 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "como es"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%Id / %Id"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Tomada en"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Al menos dos nombres de archivo son iguales."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "No se pudo mostrar la ayuda para Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode inválido)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i píxel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i píxeles %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+#| msgid "Reload Image"
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Recargar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Ocultar"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+#| "Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Se ha modificado la imagen «%s» con una aplicación externa\n"
+"¿Quiere actualizarla?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Usar «%s» para abrir la imagen seleccionada"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Guardando imagen «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Abriendo imagen «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Error al imprimir el archivo:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de la barra de herramientas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Restablecer predeterminados"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Jorge González <[email protected]>, 2007-2010\n"
+"Traductores anteriores: \n"
+"Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>, 2007\n"
+"Francisco Javier F. Serrador <[email protected]>, 2003-2006\n"
+"Lucas Vieites <[email protected]>, 2002-2003\n"
+"Germán Poo Caamaño <[email protected]>\n"
+"Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa es software libre; puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo "
+"los términos de la Licencia Pública General de GNU tal como se publica por "
+"la Free Software Foundation; ya sea la versión 2 de la Licencia, o (a su "
+"elección) cualquier versión posterior.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que le sea útil, pero SIN "
+"NINGUNA GARANTÍA; sin incluso la garantía implícita de MERCANTILIDAD o "
+"para más detalles.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Debería haber recibido una copia de la Licencia Pública General de GNU junto "
+"con este programa, si no es así, escriba a la Free Software Foundation, Inc, "
+"59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, EE.UU."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "El visor de imágenes de MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Abrir las preferencias del fondo"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Se ha establecido la imagen «%s» como fondo del Escritorio.\n"
+"¿Quiere modificar su apariencia?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Guardando la imagen localmente…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Seguro que quiere mover\n"
+"«%s» a la papelera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"No se pudo encontrar la papelera para «%s». ¿Quiere eliminar esta imagen "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"¿Seguro que quiere mover la\n"
+"imagen seleccionada a la papelera?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"¿Seguro que quiere mover las %d\n"
+"imágenes seleccionadas a la papelera?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Algunas de las imágenes seleccionadas no se pueden mover a la papelera y se "
+"eliminarán permanentemente. ¿Está seguro de que quiere seguir adelante?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mo_ver a la papelera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_No preguntar de nuevo durante esta sesión"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "No se pudo acceder a la papelera."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "No se pudo borrar el archivo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Error al borrar la imagen %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ver"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Ir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Herramientas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Ay_uda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Abrir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Abrir un archivo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Cerrar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Cerrar ventana"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _herramientas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Editar la barra de herramientas de la aplicación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_ncias"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferencias para Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "Índ_ice"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ayuda acerca de esta aplicación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Acerca _de"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Acerca de esta aplicación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _herramientas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia la visibilidad de la barra de herramientas en la ventana actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _estado"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia la visibilidad de la barra de estado en la ventana actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Colección de _imágenes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Cambia la visibilidad de la colección de imágenes del panel en la ventana "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Panel _lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia la visibilidad del panel lateral en la ventana actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Guardar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Guardar los cambios en las imágenes actualmente seleccionadas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Abrir c_on"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Abrir la imagen seleccionada con una aplicación diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Guardar co_mo…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Guardar las imágenes seleccionadas con un nombre diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Imprimir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprimir la imagen seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Propiedades"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Mostrar las propiedades y los metadatos de la imagen seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Deshacer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Deshacer el último cambio en la imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Voltear _horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Espejar la imagen horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Voltear _verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Espejar la imagen verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rotar en sentido horario"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotar la imagen 90 grados a la derecha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotar en sentido _antihorario"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotar la imagen 90 grados a la izquierda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Establecer como fondo del _Escritorio"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Establecer la imagen seleccionada como el fondo del escritorio"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mover la imagen seleccionada a la papelera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Ampliar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Agrandar la imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Reducir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Encoger la imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Tamaño _normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Mostrar la imagen en su tamaño normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Ajuste _óptimo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Ajustar la imagen a la ventana"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mostrar la imagen actual en modo a pantalla completa"
+# Slide es diapositiva en este contexto
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausar diapositivas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausar o resumir el pase de diapositivas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imagen _anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir a la imagen anterior de la colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Siguiente _imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir a la siguiente imagen de la colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Primera imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir a la primera imagen de la colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Ú_ltima imagen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir a la última imagen de la colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imagen al_eatoria"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir a una imagen aleatoria de la colección"
+# Slide es diapositiva en este contexto
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diapositivas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Iniciar la muestra de las imágenes como diapositivas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Siguiente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Derecha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Izquierda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Ampliar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Reducir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Ajustar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Mover a la papelera"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Complemento"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tivar todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desactivar todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Com_plementos activos:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Acerca del complemento"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar el complemento"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor de imágenes Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Abrir en modo pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Desactivar la colección de imágenes"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Abrir en modo diapositivas"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Iniciar una nueva instancia en lugar de reusar la ya existente"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Mostrar la versión de la aplicación"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ARCHIVO…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Ejecute «%s --help» para ver una lista completa de las opciones comandos de "
+"línea disponibles."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Cargar imagen"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Archivo"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Establecer las propiedades de la página para imprimir"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detalles</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Altura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nombre:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipo:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Anchura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Guardar _como…"
+#~ msgid "Dialogs"
+#~ msgstr "Diálogos"
+#~ msgid "File Open Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Diálogo de apertura de archivos"
+#~| msgid "Image Properties"
+#~ msgid "Image Properties Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Diálogo de propiedades de la imagen"
+#~ msgid "Initially _display pictures folder if no image is loaded"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "_Mostrar inicialmente la carpeta de imágenes si no hay ninguna imagen "
+#~ "cargada"
+#~ msgid "_Use layout for small screens"
+#~ msgstr "_Usar distribución para pantallas pequeñas"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Abrir con «%s»"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Mover a la papelera"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "_Configuración de página…"
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Establecer como _fondo"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Solamente se pueden usar las imágenes locales como fondos"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para poder usar esta imagen como fondo guárdela localmente en su equipo"
diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f510c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/et.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
+# Gnoomi silma (Eye of MATE) eesti keele tõlge.
+# Estonian translation of Eye of MATE.
+# Copyright (C) 2000, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 The MATE Project.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Eye of Mate package.
+# Lauris Kaplinski <lauris ariman ee>, 2000.
+# Ivar Smolin <okul linux ee>, 2005-2010.
+# Priit Laes <amd store20 com>, 2005-2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom 2.32\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-14 12:44+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-14 18:08+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ivar Smolin <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Estonian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Näita „_%s”"
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Tõsta tööriistaribale"
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Valitud kirje tõstmine tööriistaribale"
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Eemalda tööriistaribalt"
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Valitud kirje eemaldamine tööriistaribalt"
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Kustuta tööriistariba"
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Valitud tööriistariba eemaldamine"
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Eraldaja"
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Täisekraanirežiimi aktiveerimine topeltklõpsuga"
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Täisekraan topeltklõpsuga"
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Pildi uuestilaadimine"
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Käesoleva pildi uuesti laadimine"
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Kuupäev olekuribal"
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Pildi kuupäeva näitamine akna olekuribal"
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Piltide sirvimine ja pööramine"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Pildinäitaja"
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Ava suurus:"
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Baite:"
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Kaamera mudel:"
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Autoriõigused:"
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Kuupäev/kellaaeg:"
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Kirjeldus:"
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Üksikasjad"
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Säriaeg:"
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Välklamp:"
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Fookuskaugus:"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Üldine"
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Kõrgus:"
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO tundlikkus"
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Pildi omadused"
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Võtmesõnad:"
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Asukoht:"
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metaandmed"
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mõõterežiim:"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nimi:"
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Liik:"
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Laius:"
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Järgmine"
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Eelmine"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> algupärane failinimi"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> loendur"
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Kataloogi valimine"
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Sihtkataloog:"
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Failinime eelvaade"
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Failiraja määrangud"
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Failinime vorming:"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Valikud"
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Algne nimi:"
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Tühikute asendamine alakriipsudega"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Salvestamine teise nimega"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Loendamise algus:"
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Uus nimi:"
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Taustana"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "_Malelauamustriga"
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Kohandatud _värvusega:"
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Kohandatud värvusega:"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Taust"
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Taustavärvus"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Läbipaistva osa värvus"
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Pildid suurendatakse kogu _ekraani ulatuses"
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE (gnoomi silma) eelistused"
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Pildivaatamise täiustused"
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Pildivaatlus"
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Pildisuurendus"
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Pluginad"
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Pildijada"
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slaidiesitlus"
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Piltide pehmendamine _suurendamisel"
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Piltide pehmendamine _vähendamisel"
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Läbipaistvad osad"
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automaatne suund"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Pildijada korratakse"
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Pildi _vahetamine pärast:"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundit"
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Nullist suurem väärtus tähendab, et pilti kuvatakse ainult selle arvu "
+"sekundeid ja pärast seda kuvatakse automaatselt järgmist pilti. Väärtuse 0 "
+"puhul on automaatne pildivahetus keelatud."
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktiivsed pluginad"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Üle 100% algsuurendus lubatud"
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automaatne suund"
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Viivituse kestus sekundites enne järgmise pildi näitamist"
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"See võti määrab kuidas läbipaistvust näidatakse. Lubatud väärtused on "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR ja NONE. Kui väärtuseks on COLOR, siis trans-color "
+"nimeline võti määrab kasutatava värvuse väärtuse."
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Pildi ekstrapoleerimine"
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Kui märgitud ja kui ühtegi pilti pole aktiivsesse aknasse laaditud, siis "
+"kuvab failivalija kasutajat piltide kataloogi (mille kohta hangitakse andmed "
+"XDG kasutaja erikataloogide hulgast). Kui märkimata või kui pildikataloog on "
+"määramata, siis kuvatakse hetke töökataloog."
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Kui määratud, siis pildinäitaja ei küsi piltide prügikasti viskamise korral "
+"kinnitust. Siiski küsitakse kinnitust juhul, kui faile pole võimalik "
+"prügikasti visata ja selle asemel tahetakse need kustutada."
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Kui märgitud, siis luuakse pildi omaduste dialoogis olevale metaandmete "
+"nimekirjale eraldi leht. See muudab omaduste dialoogi väikse ekraani korral "
+"paremini kasutatavaks. Kui see valik on märkimata, siis põimitakse "
+"metaandmed pildi omaduste dialoogis teiste andmete hulka."
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Kui transparency võti sisaldab värvi COLOR, siis see võti määrab määrab "
+"läbipaistvust kujutamiseks kasutatava värvuse."
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Kui see on märgitud. siis kasutatakse pildi taha jääva piirkonna katmiseks "
+"võtmega background-color määratud värvust. Kui see pole määratud, siis "
+"otsustab selle värvuse aktiivne GTK+ teema."
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Kui see on märkimata, siis väikeseid pilte algseisul ei venitata akna "
+"suurusega sobivaks."
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Pildikogumiku paani asukoht. Võimalikud väärtused on 0 (all), 1 (vasakul), 2 "
+"(üleval) ja 3 (paremal)."
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Pildi interpoleerimine"
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Aktiivsete pluginate nimekiri. See ei sisalda aktiivsete pluginate \"Asukohta"
+"\". Plugina asukoha teadasaamiseks vaata faili .eom-plugin."
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Pildiseeria lõppemisel uuesti alustamine"
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Kerimisratta suurendus"
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Pildikogumiku paani kerimisnuppude näitamine või peitmine."
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Pildikogumiku paani näitamine või peitmine."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Akna külgpaani näitamine või peitmine."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Akna olekuriba näitamine või peitmine."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Akna tööriistariba näitamine või peitmine."
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Pildi taha jääva piirkonna katmise värvus. Kui võtmega use-background-color "
+"pole ühtegi värvust määratud, siis võetakse värvus aktiivsest GTK+ teemast."
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Seda tegurit rakendatakse hiireratta kerimisel suurendamiseks ja "
+"vähendamiseks. Väärtus kirjeldab iga ratta sündmuse korral tehtavat "
+"suurenduse/vähenduse sammu. Näiteks väärtus 0.05 väljendab iga sündmuse "
+"korral suurenduse muutust 5% võrra, 1.00 aga 100% võrra."
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Läbipaistvuse värv"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Läbipaistvuse indikaator"
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Piltide viskamine prügikasti ilma kinnituse küsimiseta"
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Kohandatud taustavärvuse kasutamine"
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Kas failivalijas peaks kasutaja piltide kataloogi näitama, kui pilte pole "
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Kas pildikogumiku paani suurust peab olema võimalik muuta või mitte."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Kas pilti tuleks suurendamisel ekstrapoleerida või mitte. Ekstrapoleeritud "
+"pildid on udusemad ja kuvamine on mõnevõrra aeglasem kui ekstrapoleerimata "
+"piltide puhul."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Kas pilti tuleks suuruse vähendamisel interpoleerida või mitte. "
+"Interpoleeritud piltidel on parem pildikvaliteet, kuid kuvamine on mõnevõrra "
+"aeglasem kui interpoleerimata piltide puhul."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Kas pilti tuleb automaatselt pöörata EXIF-andmetes kirjeldatud suunas või "
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Kas omaduste dialoogis asuv metaandmete nimekiri peab olema eraldi lehel või "
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr ""
+"Kas hiire ratast kasutatakse suurendamiseks ja vähendamiseks või mitte."
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Kas pildiseerias olevaid pilte tuleb näidata lõpmatu tsüklina."
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Suurendustegur"
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Töötamine täisekraanivaates"
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Sulge _ilma salvestamata"
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Küsimus"
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Kui sa ei salvesta, lähevad muudatused jäädavalt kaotsi."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Kas salvestada enne sulgemist pildile \"%s\" tehtud muudatused?"
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"%d pilt on muudetud. Kas muudatused tuleb enne sulgemist salvestada?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"%d pilti on muudetud. Kas muudatused tuleb enne sulgemist salvestada?"
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "Salvestatavate piltide _valimine:"
+#. Secondary label
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Kui sa ei salvesta, lähevad kõik muudatused jäädavalt kaotsi."
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Failivorming on tundmatu või toetamata"
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE ei suuda tuvastada sellel failinimel põhinevat kirjutatavat "
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Palun proovi mõnda teist faililaiendit, näiteks .png or .jpg."
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Kõik failid"
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Kõik pildid"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "pikslit"
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Pildi avamine"
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Pildi salvestamine"
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Kataloogi avamine"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Laadimata pildi transformeerimine."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformeerimine nurjus."
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Selle failivormingu puhul pole EXIF toetatud."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Pildi laadimine nurjus."
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Pilti ei ole laetud."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Tõrge ajutise faili loomisel."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Salvestamise ajutist faili pole võimalik luua: %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG faili laadimiseks pole võimalik mälu eraldada"
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kaamera"
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Pildi andmed"
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Pildistamise tingimused"
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Autori märkus"
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Muu"
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP õigustehaldus"
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP muu"
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Silt"
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Väärtus"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d. %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d. %B %Y"
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "P_roovi uuesti"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Pilti '%s' pole võimalik laadida."
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' alt pilte ei leitud."
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Määratud asukohtades pole pilte."
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Pildi sätted"
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Pilt"
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Pilt, mille printimisomadusi määratakse"
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Lehe sätted"
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Andmed lehekülje kohta, millele pilt prinditakse"
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Asukoht"
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Vasak:"
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Parem:"
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "Ül_eval:"
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_All:"
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Keskel:"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Puudub"
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horisontaalne"
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikaalne"
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Mõlemad"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Suurus"
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Laius:"
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Kõrgus:"
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skaleerumine:"
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "Ü_hik:"
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeetrid"
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Tollid"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Eelvaade"
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Tundmatu"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (läätsega)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "nagu on"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+# pildistamise aeg, R, 26. märts 2009 14:14 (realt 488)
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Pildistatud"
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Vähemasti kaks faili on sama nimega."
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE abiteavet pole võimalik kuvada"
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (vigane Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pikslit %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pikslit %s %i%%"
+#| msgid "Reload Image"
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Laadi uuesti"
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Peida"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+#| "Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilti \"%s\" on mõne teise rakenduse poolt muudetud.\n"
+"Kas soovid seda uuesti laadida?"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Programmi \"%s\" kasutamine valitud pildi avamiseks"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Pildi \"%s\" (%u/%u) salvestamine"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Pildi \"%s\" avamine"
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Viga faili printimisel:\n"
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Tööriistariba redaktor"
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Taasta vaikeseaded"
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Lauris Kaplinski <lauris ariman ee>, 2000.\n"
+"Ivar Smolin <okul linux ee>, 2005-2010.\n"
+"Priit Laes <amd store20 com>, 2005-2007"
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Käesolev programm on vaba tarkvara; Te võite seda levitada ja/või muuta "
+"vastavalt GNU üldise avaliku litsentsi tingimustele, nagu need on sõnastanud "
+"Vaba Tarkvara Fond; kas litsentsi versioonis number 2 või (vastavalt Teie "
+"valikule) ükskõik millises hilisemas versioonis.\n"
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Seda programmi levitatakse lootuses, et see on kasulik, kuid ILMA IGASUGUSE "
+"TEATUD KINDLAKS EESMÄRGIKS. Üksikasjade suhtes vaata GNU Üldist Avalikku "
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Te peaksite olema saanud GNU üldise avaliku litsentsi koopia koos selle "
+"programmiga, kui ei, siis võtke ühendust Vaba Tarkvara Fondiga, 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE (gnoomi silm)"
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE pildinäitaja."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "Ava _taustaeelistused"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Pilt \"%s\" määrati töölaua taustaks.\n"
+"Kas soovid selle välimust muuta?"
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Pildi salvestamine kohalikule kettale…"
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "Soovid sa tõsta \"%s\" prügikasti?"
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Pildi \"%s\" jaoks pole võimalik prügikasti leida. Kas soovid selle pildi "
+"jäädavalt kustutada?"
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Soovid sa tõsta valitud pildi prügikasti?"
+msgstr[1] "Soovid sa tõsta %d valitud pilti prügikasti?"
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Osasid valitud pilte pole võimalik prügikasti visata ja need kustutatakse "
+"jäädavalt. Kas soovid kustutamisega jätkata?"
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "_Viska prügikasti"
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Seda _küsimust selle seansi vältel enam ei küsita"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Prügikasti pole võimalik kasutada."
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Faili pole võimalik kustutada"
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Viga pildi %s kustutamisel"
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Pilt"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Redaktor"
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Vaade"
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Liikumine"
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Tööriistad"
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_bi"
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Ava…"
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Faili avamine"
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Sulge"
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Akna sulgemine"
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Töö_riistariba"
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Rakenduse tööriistariba redigeerimine"
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Eelistused"
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate (gnoomi silma) eelistused"
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Sisukord"
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Selle rakenduse kohta käiv abiteave"
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Programmist lähemalt"
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Info selle programmi kohta"
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Töö_riistariba"
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Käesoleva akna tööriistariba nähtavaloleku muutmine"
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Olekuriba"
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Käesoleva akna olekuriba nähtavaloleku muutmine"
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Pildikogumik"
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Pildikogumiku paani nähtavuse muutmine aktiivses aknas"
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Külg_paan"
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Käesoleva akna külgpaani nähtavaloleku muutmine"
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Sa_lvesta"
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Hetkel valitud piltides tehtud muudatuste salvestamine"
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Ava _programmiga"
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Valitud pildi avamine teise rakendusega"
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Salvesta _kui…"
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Valitud piltide salvestamine teise nimega"
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Prindi…"
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Valitud pildi printimine"
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Omadused"
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Valitud pildi omaduste ja metaandmete näitamine"
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Tühista"
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Pildile tehtud viimase muudatuse unustamine"
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Peegelda _horisontaalselt"
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Pildi peegeldamine rõhtsuunas"
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Pee_gelda vertikaalselt"
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Pildi peegeldamine püstsuunas"
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Pööra _päripäeva"
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Pildi pööramine 90 kraadi paremale"
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Pööra _vastupäeva"
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Pildi pööramine 90 kraadi vasakule"
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Määra töölaua _taustaks"
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Valitud pildi määramine töölaua taustapildiks"
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Valitud pildi tõstmine prügikasti"
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "S_uurenda"
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Pildi suurendamine"
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Vähenda"
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Pildi vähendamine"
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normaalsuurus"
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Pildi normaalsuuruses näitamine"
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Parim _mahutus"
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Pildi sobitamine aknasse"
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Täisekraan"
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Käesoleva pildi näitamine täisekraanil"
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausi slaidiesitlus"
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Slaidiesituse pausimine/pausi lõpetamine"
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Eelmine pilt"
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Liikumine kogumiku eelmisele pildile"
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Järgmine pilt"
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Liikumine kogumiku järgmisele pildile"
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "E_simene pilt"
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Liikumine kogumiku esimesele pildile"
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Viimane pilt"
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Liikumine kogumiku viimasele pildile"
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Juhuslik pilt"
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Liikumine juhuslikule kogumiku pildile"
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Slaidiesitlus"
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Piltide vaatamiseks slaidiesituse käivitamine"
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Eelmine"
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Järgmine"
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Paremale"
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Vasakule"
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Suurenda"
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Vähenda"
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Üksühele"
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Sobita"
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kogumik"
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Viska prügikasti"
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Lubatud"
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Seadista"
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Aktiveeri"
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Aktiveeri _kõik"
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktiveeri kõik"
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktiivsed _pluginad:"
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Pluginast lähemalt"
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Seadista pluginat"
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE pildinäitaja"
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Avamine täisekraanivaates"
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Pildikogumiku keelamine"
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Avamine slaidiesitlusena"
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Uue instantsi käivitamine vana taaskasutamise põhjal"
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Rakenduse versiooni näitamine"
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FAIL…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Kõigi saadaolevate käsureavalikute nägemiseks käivita '%s --help'."
diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8563108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/eu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
+# translation of eu.po to Basque
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eu\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-25 11:04+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-27 10:34+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Erakutsi '_%s'"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Aldatu lekuz tresna-barran"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Aldatu hautatutako elementua lekuz tresna-barran"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Kendu tresna-barratik"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Kendu hautatutako elementua tresna-barratik"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Ezabatu tresna-barra"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Ezabatu hautatutako tresna-barra"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Bereizlea"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktibatu pantaila osoaren modua klik bikoitza eginez"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pantaila osoa klik bikoitzarekin"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Birkargatu irudia"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Birkargatu uneko irudia"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data egoera-barran."
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Irudiaren data erakusten du leihoaren egoera-barran."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Arakatu eta biratu irudiak"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Irudi-ikustailea"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Irekiduraren balioa:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Egilea:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Byteak:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Kamera-modeloa:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright-a:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/Ordua:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Azalpena:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Xehetasunak"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Esposizio-denbora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flasha:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Foku-luzera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Orokorra"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Altuera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO abiaduraren emaria:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Irudiaren propietateak"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Gako-hitzak:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Kokalekua:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadatuak"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Neurtze modua:¡"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Izena:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Mota:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Zabalera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Hurrengoa"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Aurrekoa"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> jatorrizko fitxategi-izena"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> zenbatzailea"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Aukeratu karpeta"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Helburuko karpeta:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-izenaren aurrebista"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Bide-izenaren zehaztapenak"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-izenaren formatua:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Aukerak"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Aldatu honen izena:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Ordeztu zuriuneak azpimarrekin"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Gorde honela"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Hasi zenbatzailea hemen:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Hona:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Atzeko plano gisa"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "K_oadrikula gisa"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "_Kolore pertsonalizatu gisa:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Kolore pertsonalizatu gisa:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Atzeko planoa"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Atzeko planoaren kolorea"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Area gardenen kolorea"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Za_baldu irudiak pantaila betetzeko"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "MATEren begiaren hobespenak"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Irudiaren hobekuntzak"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Irudi-ikuspegia"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Irudiaren zooma"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Pluginak"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sekuentzia"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diapositiba-aurkezpena"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Leundu irudia _handitzean"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Leundu irudia _txikiagotzean"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Gardentasun zatiak"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientazio _automatikoa"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Sekuentzia-begizta"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Irudia _aldatzeko: "
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundo"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0 baino handiagoa den balio batek irudia pantailan zenbat segundotan "
+"erakutsiko den zehazten du, hurrengo irudia automatikoki erakutsi aurretik. "
+"0 balioak bistaratze automatikoa desgaitzen du."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktibatu pluginak"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Baimendu zooma %100 baino handiagoa izatea hasieran"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientazio automatikoa"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Atzerapena segundotan, hurrengo irudia erakutsi aurretik"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Gardentasuna nola adierazi zehazten du. Baliozko aukerak CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR eta NONE dira. COLOR aukeratzen bada, trans_color gakoak zehazten du "
+"kolorearen balioa."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Estrapolatu irudia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Aktibatzen bada, eta irudirik ez badago kargatuta leiho aktiboan, fitxategi-"
+"aukeratzaileak erabiltzailearen argazkien karpeta bistaratuko du "
+"erabiltzailearen direktorioen XDG berezia erabiliz. Desaktibatzen bada, edo "
+"argazkien karpeta ez bada konfiguratu, uneko laneko direktorioa erakutsiko "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Aktibatzen bada, MATEren Begiak ez du berrespenik eskatuko irudiak "
+"zakarrontzira botatzean. Hala ere, irudietariko batzuk ezin badira "
+"zakarrontzira bota, horren ordez ezabatu egin behar al diren galdetuko du."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Aktibatzen bada, propietateen elkarrizketa-koadroko metadatuen zerrenda "
+"xehea elkarrizketa-koadroko dagokion orrialdera eramango da. Honek "
+"elkarrizketa-koadroa askoz ere erabilgarriagoa egingo du pantaila txikidun "
+"ordenagailuetan, adib. 'sareko ordenagailu' edo netbook-etan. Desaktibatzen "
+"bada, trepeta \"Metadatuak\" orrialdean kapsulatuko dira."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Gardentasunaren gakoak COLOR balioa badu, gako honek zehaztuko du "
+"gardentasuna adierazteko erabiliko den kolorea."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Hau aktibo egonez gero, 'background-color' (atzeko planoaren kolorea) gakoak "
+"ezarritako kolorea erabiliko da irudiaren atzeko area betetzeko. Aukera hau "
+"ez bada ezartzen, uneko GTK+ gaiak zehaztuko du kolore betegarria."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"FALSE balioarekin ezartzen bada, irudi txikiak ez dira pantaila bete arte "
+"tiratuko hasieran."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Irudi-bildumaren panelaren posizioa. Balioak: 0 behean, 1 ezkerrean, 2 "
+"goian, 3 eskuinean."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolatu irudia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Plugin aktiboen zerrenda. Ez dauka plugin aktiboen \"Kokalekua\" datua. "
+"Ikus .eom-plugin fitxategia plugin zehatz baten \"Kokalekua\" jakiteko."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Begiztatu irudi-sekuentzia bitartez"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Korritze-gurpilaren zooma"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu irudi-bildumaren paneleko korritze-botoiak."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu irudi-bildumaren panela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu leihoaren albo-panela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu leihoaren egoera-barra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu leihoaren tresna-barra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Irudiaren atzeko area betetzeko erabiliko den kolorea. 'use-background-"
+"color' gakoa ez bada ezartzen, aktibo dagoen GTK+ gaiak zehaztuko du kolorea."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Biderkatzailea saguaren korritze-gurpilarekin zooma erabiltzean aplikatzeko. "
+"Balio honek korritze-gertaerek erabiltzen duten zoomaren urratsa definitzen "
+"du. Adibidez, 0.05 balioak %5-ean handitzen du zooma korritze-gertaera "
+"bakoitzean, eta 1.00 balioak zooma %100-ean handitzen du"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Gardentasunaren kolorea"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Gardentasun-adierazlea"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Bota irudiak zakarrontzira galdetu gabe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Erabili atzeko planoaren kolore pertsonalizatua"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Irudirik ez bada kargatu, fitxategi-aukeratzaileak erabiltzailearen "
+"argazkien karpeta erakutsi behar duen edo ez."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Irudi-bildumaren panela tamainaz alda daitekeen edo ez."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Irudia zooma handiagotzean estrapolatu behar den ala ez. Kalitatea lausoagoa "
+"izango da, baina estrapolatu gabeko irudiak baino mantsoago ibiliko da."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Irudia zooma txikiagotzean interpolatu behar den ala ez. Kalitatea hobea "
+"izango da, baina interpolatu gabeko irudiak baino mantsoago ibiliko da."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF orientazioaren arabera irudia automatikoki biratuko den edo ez."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Propietateen elkarrizketa-koadroan metadatuen zerrendak bere orrialde "
+"propioa eduki behar duen edo ez."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Korritze-gurpila zooma egiteko erabiliko den edo ez."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Irudi-sekuentzia amaierarik gabeko begizta batean erakutsi behar den edo ez."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoomaren biderkatzailea"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Pantaila osoko moduan exekutatzen"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Itxi gorde _gabe"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Galdera"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ez baduzu gordetzen, landutako aldaketa guztiak galduko dira."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Aldaketak \"%s\" irudian gorde itxi aurretik?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Irudi %d dago gorde gabeko aldaketekin. Aldaketak gorde itxi aurretik?"
+msgstr[1] "%d daude gorde gabeko aldaketekin. Aldaketak gorde itxi aurretik?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Hautatu gordetzea nahi dituzun irudiak:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ez baduzu gordetzen, aldaketa guztiak galduko dira."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-formatua ezezaguna da edo ez dago onartuta"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"MATEren Begiak ezin izan du fitxategi-formatu idazgarria zehaztu fitxategi-"
+"izenean oinarrituz"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Saiatu bestelako luzapen batekin, adib. '.png' edo '.jpg'."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Fitxategi denak"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Irudi denak"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Ireki irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Gorde irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Ireki karpeta"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Deskargatutako irudia eraldatzea."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Huts egin du eraldatzean."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Fitxategi-formatu honek ez du EXIF onartzen."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Huts egin du irudia kargatzean."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ez da irudirik kargatu."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Huts egin du aldi baterako fitxategia sortzean."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ezin izan da aldi baterako fitxategia sortu gordetzeko: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ezin izan da memoriarik esleitu JPEG fitxategia kargatzeko"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Irudiaren datuak"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Irudia hartu zeneko baldintzak"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Markagailuaren oharra"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Bestelakoa"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP kudeaketa-eskubideak"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Bestelako XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiketa"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Balioa"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %Y %B %d %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %Y %B %d"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Saiatu berriro"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' kargatu."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Ez da irudirik aurkitu '%s'(e)n."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Emandako kokalekuak ez du irudirik."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Irudiaren ezarpenak"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Irudia (bere inprimatzeko propietateak konfiguratzeko)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Prestatu orrialdea"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Irudia inprimatuko den orrialdearen informazioa"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posizioa"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "E_zkerra:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "E_skuina:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Goia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Behea:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "E_rdia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ezer ere ez"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontala"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Bertikala"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Biak"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamaina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Zabalera:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Altuera:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Eskalatzea:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unitatea:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetroak"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Hazbeteak"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Aurrebista"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Ezezaguna"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (foku-lentea)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm filma)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "honelaxe"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Kapturatua: "
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Bi fitxategi-izen behintzat berdinak dira"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ezin da bistaratu MATEren begiaren laguntza"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode baliogabea)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixel %s %% %i"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixel %s %% %i"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Birkargatu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Ezkutatu"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" irudia kanpoko aplikazio batek aldatu du.\n"
+"Nahi duzu berriro kargatzea?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Erabili \"%s\" hautatutako irudiak irekitzeko"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" irudia gordetzen (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" irudia irekitzen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Errorea fitxategia inprimatzean:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Tresna-barraren editorea"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Berrasieratu lehenetsira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Programa hau software librea da; birbana eta/edo alda dezakezu Software "
+"Foundation-ek argitaratutako GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren 2. bertsioan, "
+"edo (nahiago baduzu) beste berriago batean, jasotako baldintzak betez gero.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Programa hau erabilgarria izango delakoan banatzen da, baina, INOLAKO "
+"BERMERIK GABE; era berean, ez da bermatzen beraren EGOKITASUNA "
+"nahi izanez gero, ikus GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorra.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Programa honekin batera GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren kopia bat jasoko "
+"zenuen; hala ez bada, idatzi hona: Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATEren begia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATEren irudi-ikustailea."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Ireki atzeko planoaren hobespenak"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" irudia mahaigaineko atzeko planoko irudi gisa ezarri da.\n"
+"Nahi duzu bere itxura aldatzea?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Irudia lokalean gordetzen..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ziur zaude \"%s\"\n"
+"zakarrontzira botatzea nahi duzula?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Ezin izan da \"%s\"(r)en zakarrontzia aurkitu. Nahi duzu irudi hau betirako "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Ziur zaude hautatutako irudia\n"
+"zakarrontzira botatzea nahi duzula?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ziur zaude hautatutako %d irudi\n"
+"zakarrontzira botatzea nahi dituzula?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Hautatutako irudi batzuk ezin dira zakarrontzira bota, eta betirako "
+"ezabatuko dira. Aurrera jarraitzea nahi duzu?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Bota _zakarrontzira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Ez galdetu berriro saio honetan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da zakarrontzirik erabili."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Ezin izan da fitxategia ezabatu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Errorea %s irudia ezabatzean"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "I_rudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editatu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ikusi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Joan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Tresnak"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Laguntza"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Ireki..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Fitxategi bat irekitzen du"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "It_xi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Itxi leihoa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "T_resna-barra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Editatu aplikazioaren tresna-barra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Hobespenak"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATEren begiaren hobespenak"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Edukia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Aplikazio honen laguntza"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Honi _buruz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Aplikazio honi buruz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Tresna-barra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Aldatu tresna-barraren ikusgaitasuna uneko leihoan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Egoera-barra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Aldatu egoera-barraren ikusgaitasuna uneko leihoan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Irudi-bilduma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Aldatu irudi-bildumaren panelaren ikusgaitasuna uneko leihoan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Albo-panela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Albo-panelaren ikusgaitasuna aldatzen du uneko leihoan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gorde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Gorde aldaketak unean hautatutako irudietan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Ireki _honekin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Ireki hautatutako irudia beste aplikazio batekin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Gorde _honela..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Gorde hautatutako irudiak beste izenarekin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Inprimatu..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Inprimatu hautatutako irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Propietateak"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Erakutsi hautatutako irudiaren propietateak eta metadatuak"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Desegin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Desegin irudiaren azken aldaketa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Irauli _horizontalki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Ispilatu irudia horizontalki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Irauli _bertikalki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Ispilatu irudia bertikalki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Biratu e_skuinera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Biratu irudia 90 gradu eskuinera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Biratu e_zkerrera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Biratu irudia 90 gradu ezkerrera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Ezarri _mahaigaineko atzeko plano gisa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Ezarri hautatutako irudia mahaigaineko atzeko plano gisa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Bota hautatutako irudia zakarrontzira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Handiagotu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Handiagotu irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Txikiagotu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Txikiagotu irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Tamaina _normala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Erakutsi irudia bere tamaina normalean"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Egokiena"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Doitu irudia leihora"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Pantaila osoan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Erakutsi uneko irudia pantaila osoko moduan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausatu diapositiba-aurkezpena"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausatu edo jarraitu diapositiba-aurkezpena"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Aurreko irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Joan bildumaren aurreko irudira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Hurrengo irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Joan bildumaren hurrengo irudira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Aurreneko irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Joan bildumaren aurreneko irudira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Azkeneko irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Joan bildumaren azkeneko irudira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Ausazko irudia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Joan bildumaren hurrengo ausazko irudira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diapositiba-aurkezpena"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Hasi irudien diapositiba-aurkezpena"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Aurrekoa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Hurrengoa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Eskuinera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Ezkerrera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Handiagotu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Txikiagotu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Doitu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Bilduma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Bota"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugina"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Gaituta"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Konfiguratu"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Aktibatu"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "A_ktibatu denak"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desaktibatu denak"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "P_lugin aktiboak:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Pluginari buruz"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfiguratu plugina"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "MATEren irudi-ikustailearen begia"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Ireki pantaila osoko moduan"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Desgaitu irudi-bilduma"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Ireki diapositiba-erakusketa moduan"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Hasi instantzia berri bat (aurrez dagoena berrerabili ordez)"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Erakutsi aplikazioaren bertsioa"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FITXATEGIA...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Exekutatu '%s --help' komando-lerroko aukera guztiak zerrendatzeko."
diff --git a/po/fa.po b/po/fa.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3015f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fa.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1166 @@
+# Persian translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Sharif FarsiWeb, Inc.
+# Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004, 2006.
+# Meelad Zakaria <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006.
+# Elnaz Sarbar <[email protected]>, 2005, 2006.
+# Farzaneh Sarafraz <[email protected]>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-08-03 06:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-04 12:37+0330\n"
+"Last-Translator: Roozbeh Pournader <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Persian\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "نمایشگر تصویر"
+#: ../
+msgid "View different types of images"
+msgstr "نمایش انواع مختلف تصاویر"
+#: ../
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>پیش‌نمایش نام پرونده</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<B>مشخصات مسیر پرونده</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>درون‌یابی تصویر</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>زوم تصویر</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>گزینه‌ها</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>دنباله</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>قسمت‌های شفاف</b>"
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "اجازه برای _زوم شدن بیشتر از ۱۰۰٪ در ابتدا"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "به رنگ _پس‌زمینه"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "به شکل ش_طرنجی"
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "به _رنگ سفارشی:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "رنگ نواحی شفاف"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "پوشهٔ مقصد"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ترجیحات چشم گنوم"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "قالب نام پرونده:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "نمایش تصویر"
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate image on _zoom"
+msgstr "درون‌یابی تصویر در حالت _زوم"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "تغییر نام از:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "جای‌گزینی فاصله‌ها با زیرخط"
+#: ../ ../shell/eom-window.c:3458
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "ذخیره به نام..."
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "در حال ذخیرهٔ تصویر"
+#: ../
+msgid "Slide Show"
+msgstr "نمایش اسلایدی"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "شروع شمارنده از:"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "تا:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "م_رور"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_تکرار دنباله"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "ت_عویض تصویر پس از:"
+#: ../
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "ثانیه"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"مقدار بزرگ‌تر از صفر ثانیه‌هایی را معین می‌کند که تصویر، پیش از آن که تصویر "
+"بعدی به طور خودکار نمایش داده شود، روی صفحه باقی می‌ماند. صفر مرور خودکار را از "
+"کار می‌اندازد."
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "اجازه برای زوم بیشتر از ۱۰۰٪ در ابتدا"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "تأخیر به ثانیه تا نمایش تصویر بعد"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"تعیین می‌کند شفافیت چطور مشخص شود. مقادیر معتبر عبارت‌اند از CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR و NONE. اگر COLOR انتخاب شود، کلید trans_color مقدار رنگ مورد استفاده "
+"را تعیین می‌کند."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"اگر کلید شفافیت مقدار COLOR را داشته باشد، این کلید مقدار رنگی را که برای "
+"مشخص کردن شفافیت به کار می‌رود تعیین خواهد کرد."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"اگر FALSE تنظیم شود تصاویر کوچک از ابتدا تا جایی که هم اندازهٔ صفحه شوند کش "
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "درون‌یابی تصویر"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "پیکربندی ظاهری آخرین پنجرهٔ مجموعه"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "پیکربندی ظاهری آخرین پنجرهٔ تکی"
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "حلقه در دنبالهٔ تصاویر"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "باز کردن تصاویر در پنجرهٔ جدید"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "نشان دادن/پنهان کردن اطلاعات تصویر برای مجموعه."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "نشان دادن/پنهان کردن اطلاعات تصویر برای تصویر تکی."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "نشان دادن/پنهان کردن قاب مجموعه تصویر."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "نشان دادن/پنهان کردن نوار وضعیت پنجره."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "نشان دادن/پنهان کردن نوار ابزار پنجره"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "رنگ شفافیت"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "مشخصهٔ شفافیت"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"این که باز کردن تصویر، به جای جایگزینی تصویر پنجرهٔ جاری، باعث ایجاد پنجرهٔ "
+"جدید بشود یا نه."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "این که آیا دنبالهٔ تصاویر در حلقه‌ای بی‌پایان نمایش داده شوند یا نه."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"این که آیا تصویر در حالت زوم درون‌یابی بشود یا نه. این کار باعث نمایش تصاویری با کیفیت بهتر خواهد "
+"شد ولی نمایش کمی از تصاویر درون‌یابی نشده آهسته‌تر خواهد بود."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:344
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "ایجاد پروندهٔ موقت برای ذخیره‌سازی ممکن نیست: %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:363
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "اختصاص حافظه برای بار کردن تصویر JPEG ممکن نیست"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:442
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "تغییر شکل تصویر بار نشده."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:554
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "‏EXIF برای این قالب پرونده پشتیبانی نمی‌شود"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1214 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1427
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "پرونده وجود دارد"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1367 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1495
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "تصویری بار نشده است."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1376 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1504
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "شکست در ایجاد پروندهٔ موقت."
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "دوربین"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:31
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "داده‌های تصویر"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:32
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "شرایط گرفتن تصویر"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:33
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "یادداشت سازنده"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:34
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "بقیه"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "برچسب"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:97
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "مقدار"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:29 ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:31
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "نام پرونده"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:30
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "عرض"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:31
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "ارتفاع"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:32
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "اندازهٔ پرونده"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:89
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "مشخصه"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "پرونده"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:93
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:100
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1024
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "دست کم دو پرونده همنام هستند."
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:44
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (یونی‌کد نامعتبر)"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:129
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "همهٔ پرونده‌ها"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "همهٔ تصاویر"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr[0] "%s×%s نقطه"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:397
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "باز کردن در پنجرهٔ جدید"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:425
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "بار کردن تصویر"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:433
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ذخیرهٔ تصویر"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:441
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "باز کردن پوشه"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:110
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "نمایش راهنمای چشم گنوم ممکن نبود"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:32
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "شمارنده"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:33
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "نظر"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:34
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "تاریخ"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:35
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "زمان"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:36
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "روز"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:37
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "ماه"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:38
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "سال"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:39
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "ساعت"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:40
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "دقیقه"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:41
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "ثانیه"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "گزینه موجود نیست."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"برای استفاده از این تابع کتابخانهٔ libexif لازم است. لطفاً libexif را نصب "
+"کنید ( و چشم گنوم را دوباره کامپایل کنید."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:235
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "همین طور که هست"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "در حال ذخیرهٔ تصویر %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:243
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "انصراف از ذخیره ..."
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:503
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"روزبه پورنادر <[email protected]>\n"
+"میلاد زکریا <[email protected]>\n"
+"الناز سربر <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:506
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"این برنامه نرم‌افزار آزاد است؛ یعنی می‌توانید تحت شرایط مجوز عمومی همگانی گنو منتشر شده توسط بنیاد نرم‌افزارهای آزاد (نسخهٔ 2.0 یا نسخه‌های بعدی) آن را تغییر داده یا مجدداً توزیع کنید.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:510
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"این برنامه به این امید توزیع می‌شود که سودمند باشد ولی هیچ‌گونه ضمانتی ندارد؛ حتی این ضمانت که قابل فروش باشد یا "
+"برای منظور بخصوصی مناسب باشد. برای جزئیات بیشتر متن مجوز عمومی همگانی گنو را ببینید.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:514
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
+"Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+msgstr ""
+"شما باید یک نسخه از مجوز عمومی همگانی گنو را با این برنامه دریافت کرده باشید؛ در غیر این صورت نامه‌ای به این نشانی بفرستید: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
+"Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:527 ../shell/eom-window.c:3122
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3817 ../shell/main.c:609
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "چشم گنوم"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:530
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "برنامهٔ نمایش و کاتالوگ کردن تصاویر گنوم"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:561
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"نمایش راهنمای چشم گنوم ممکن نیست.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:996
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "روی پروندهٔ %s نوشته شود؟"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:997
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "پرونده وجود دارد. آیا می‌خواهید روی آن بنویسید؟"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1008 ../shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "گذشتن"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1009
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "رونویسی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1014
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "خطا در ذخیرهٔ %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1025 ../shell/eom-window.c:1591
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "سعی مجدد"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1455
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "تعیین قالب پروندهٔ %s ممکن نبود"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1577
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "تعیین قالب پروندهٔ %s مقدور نیست"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1578
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"لطفاً از پسوند پروندهٔ مناسب استفاده کنید یا قالب پرونده را انتخاب کنید."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1716
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "خطا در ذخیرهٔ تصاویر."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1800
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "چاپ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1834
+msgid "Print Preview"
+msgstr "پیش‌نمایش چاپ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2038
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"آیا واقعاً می‌خواهید «%s» را\n"
+"در زباله‌دان بیندازید؟"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2041
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"آیا واقعاً می‌خواهید %Id تصویر انتخاب شده\n"
+"را در زباله‌دان بیندازید؟"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2056 ../shell/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "انداختن در زباله‌دان"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2087
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "دسترسی به زباله‌دان مقدور نیست."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2163
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "خطا در حذف تصویر %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixels [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "‏‏%Ii×%Ii نقطه %s %Ii%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3039
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr "دلیل: %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3209
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "بار کردن تصویر %s شکست خورد"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_پرونده"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3379
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_ویرایش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3380
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_نما"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3381
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_تصویر"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3382
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ر_فتن"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3383
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_راهنما"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_باز کردن..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "باز کردن پرونده"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "بس_تن"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "بستن پنجره"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "ترجی_حات"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ترجیحات چشم گنوم"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3387
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_محتویات"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3387
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "راهنمای این برنامه"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3388
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_درباره"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3388
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "دربارهٔ این برنامه"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "نوار _ابزار"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "حالت مرئی بودن یا نبودن نوار ابزار در پنجرهٔ فعلی را تغییر می‌دهد"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3394
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "نوار _وضعیت"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3394
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "حالت مرئی بودن یا نبودن نوار وضعیت در پنجرهٔ فعلی را تغییر می‌دهد"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3395
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "مجموعه _تصویر"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3395
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "حالت مرئی بودن یا نبودن قاب مجموعه تصویر را در پنجرهٔ فعلی تغییر می‌دهد"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3399
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_ذخیره"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3400
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "ذخیره به نام..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3401
+msgid "Print..."
+msgstr "چاپ..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_برگردان"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "پشت و رو کردن ا_فقی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "پشت و رو کردن _عمودی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "چرخاندن در _جهت عقربه‌های ساعت"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "چرخاندن در _خلاف جهت عقربه‌های ساعت"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "چرخاندن ۱۸۰ _درجه"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3411
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "استفاده به عنوان کاغذ دیواری"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_تمام‌صفحه"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "نمایش ا_سلایدی"
+#. accelerators
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3417 ../shell/eom-window.c:3423
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "زوم به _داخل"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3418 ../shell/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "زوم به _خارج"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3419
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "اندازهٔ _عادی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_بهترین اندازه"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3426 ../shell/eom-window.c:3428
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3442
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "تصویر _بعدی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3427 ../shell/eom-window.c:3429
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3430 ../shell/eom-window.c:3441
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "تصویر _قبلی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3431
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "انداختن در _زباله‌دان"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3432 ../shell/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_اولین تصویر"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3433 ../shell/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "آ_خرین تصویر"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3437
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "ا_طلاعات تصویر"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3437
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "حالت مرئی بودن یا نبودن قاب اطلاعات در پنجرهٔ فعلی را تغییر می‌دهد"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3455
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "باز کردن"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3456
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "بستن"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3457
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "ذخیره"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3459
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "برگردان"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3462
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "راست"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "چپ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "داخل"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "خارج"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3468
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "عادی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "اندازه کردن"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3470
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "بعدی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3471
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "قبلی"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "شرح واسط کاربر پیدا نشد."
+#: ../shell/main.c:23
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/main.c:174
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "ایجاد واسط کاربر چشم گنوم ممکن نیست."
+#: ../shell/main.c:365
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "پرونده پیدا نشد."
+#: ../shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "باز کردن «%s» ممکن نبود"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open '%s'"
+msgstr "باز کردن «%s»"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:444
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "خالی"
+#~ msgid "Save _As"
+#~ msgstr "ذخیره به نام..."
+#~ msgid "Show next image _automatically"
+#~ msgstr "نمایش تصویر بعدی به طور _خودکار پس از:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "اگر «درست» باشد تصاویر پس از تعداد ثانیه‌های معین شده با کلید «full_screen/"
+#~ "sceonds» عوض می‌شوند."
+#~ msgid "Show next image automatically in fullscreen mode."
+#~ msgstr "نمایش تصویر بعدی به طور خودکار در حالت تمام‌صفحه."
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "پنجره‌ی _جدید"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "باز کردن پنجره‌ی جدید"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "باز کردن _پوشه..."
+#~ msgid "Open a folder"
+#~ msgstr "باز کردن پوشه"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "حذف"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "جدید"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "باز کردن چند پنجره‌ی جداگانه"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "شما دارید %Ii پنجره را هم‌زمان باز می‌کنید. آیا می‌خواهید در عوض آنها را در "
+#~ "یک مجموعه باز کنید؟"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "پنجره‌های جداگانه"
+#~ msgid "Collection"
+#~ msgstr "مجموعه"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "پروندهٔ خالی"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "نام پرونده‌ها نامتقاطع نیست"
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_جدید"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "باز کردن _شاخه..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "باز کردن یک شاخه"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "نمایش‌گر مجموعه تصویر EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "کارخانه‌ی نمایش مجموعه تصویر EOM"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "نمایش به صورت مجموعه ت_صویر"
+#~ msgid "View as Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "نمایش به صورت مجموعه تصویر"
+#~ msgid "Rotate 180 _Degrees"
+#~ msgstr "چرخاندن ۱۸۰ _درجه"
+#~ msgid "Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "چرخاندن در _جهت عقربه‌های ساعت"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "چرخاندن در _خلاف جهت عقربه‌های ساعت"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving"
+#~ msgstr "انصراف از ذخیره"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "ذخیره پایان یافت"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "نمایش مجموعه"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "تصاویر: %Ii از %Ii"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "عنوان پنجره"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "متن وضعیت"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "پیشرفت بارکردن تصویر"
+#~ msgid "Saving image"
+#~ msgstr "در حال ذخیره‌ی تصویر"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "تصویر EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "نمایشگر تصویر EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "کارخانه‌ی نمایش تصویر EOM"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "تصویر EOM توکار"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_ترک"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "بستن پنجره‌ها و ترک برنامه"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "تمام‌صفحه"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "پیش‌نمایش تصویری که قرار است چاپ شود"
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "تنظیمات چاپ"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "چاپ تصویر با چاپگر"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "چرخش به چپ"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "چرخش به راست"
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "برپاسازی تنظیمات صفحه برای چاپگر جاری"
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "پیش‌نمایش"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/چرخاندن در جهت عقربه‌های ساعت"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/چرخاندن در _خلاف جهت عقربه‌های ساعت"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_زوم به داخل"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/زوم به _خارج"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/اندازه‌ی _عادی"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "بهترین اندازه"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_بستن"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "بار کردن تصویر %s شکست خورد."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "بار کردن تصویر %s شکست خورد.\n"
+#~ "دلیل: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "بار کردن شکست خورد"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "تصویر با موفقیت ذخیره شد"
+#~ msgid "Image Width"
+#~ msgstr "عرض تصویر"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "ارتفاع تصویر"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "متن نوار وضعیت"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "عرض مطلوب پنجره"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "ارتفاع مطلوب پنجره"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "تصاویر را تنها می‌توان به‌شکل پرونده‌های محلی ذخیره کرد."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "قالب پروندهٔ پشتیبانی‌نشده."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "صفحه"
+#~ msgid "Millimeter"
+#~ msgstr "میلی‌متر"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "کاغذ"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "٪ اندازه‌ی اصلی"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "تنظیم به "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "راهنمای برش"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "پایین، بعد راست"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally"
+#~ msgstr "افقی"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "حاشیه‌ها"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "راهنمای روی‌هم‌اندازی"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "ترتیب صفحات"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "راست، بعد پایین"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "مقیاس"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "نشان دادن"
+#~ msgid "Vertically"
+#~ msgstr "عمودی"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "انصراف"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "باز کردن در این پنجره"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "خروج از برنامه"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr "روزبه پورنادر <[email protected]>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Could not find files"
+#~ msgstr "نمی‌توان %s را باز کرد"
diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4f9a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2114 @@
+# Finnish translation for eom.
+# Suomennos:
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2010 the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Ville Hautamäki <[email protected]>, 2000.
+# Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>, 2000-2002, 2004.
+# Lauri Nurmi <[email protected]>, 2003-2004.
+# Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]> 2004-2009.
+# Tommi Vainikainen <[email protected]>, 2009-2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-10 15:29+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-10 15:45+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Tommi Vainikainen <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Finnish <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Näytä ”_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Siirrä työkalupalkissa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Siirrä valittua kohtaa työkalupalkissa"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Poista työkalupalkista"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Poista valittu kohta työkalupalkista"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "P_oista työkalupalkki"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Poista valittu työkalupalkki"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Erotin"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Suoritetaan kokoruututilassa"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Ota kokoruututila käyttöön kaksoisnapsautuksella"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta kokoruututilaan"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Lataa kuva uudestaan"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Lataa nykyinen kuva uudestaan"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Päiväys tilarivillä"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Näyttää kuvan päiväyksen ikkunan tilarivillä"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Selaa ja kierrä kuvia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Kuvakatselin"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Aukon koko:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Tekijä:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Tavuja:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Kameran malli:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Tekijänoikeudet:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Päiväys/aika:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Kuvaus:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Yksityiskohdat"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Valotusaika:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Salama:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Polttoväli:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Yleinen"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Korkeus:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO-nopeusluokka:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Kuvan ominaisuudet"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Avainsanat:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Sijainti:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metatiedot"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mittaustila:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nimi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tyyppi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Leveys:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Seuraava"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Edellinen"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> alkuperäinen tiedostonimi"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> laskuri"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Valitse kansio"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Kohdekansio:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Tiedostonimen esikatselu"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Tiedoston polun määrittelyt"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Tiedostonimen muoto:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Asetukset"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Vanha nimi:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Vaihda välilyönnit alaviivoiksi"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Tallenna nimellä"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Aloita laskuri kohdasta:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Uusi nimi:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Tausta_värinä"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Tausta_ruudukkona"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "_Mukautettuna värinä:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Väri läpinäkyville alueille"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Laajenna kuvat ruudun kokoisiksi"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Maten silmän asetukset"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Kuvan parannukset"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Kuvanäkymä"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Kuvan suurennos"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Liitännäiset"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Jakso"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diaesitys"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Pehmennä kuvat _lähennettäessä"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Pehmennä kuvat l_oitonnettaessa"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Läpinäkyvät osat"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automaattinen asento"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Kiertävä esitys"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Vaihda kuvaa viiveellä:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekuntia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Nollaa suurempi arvo määrittää ajan jonka kuva säilyy ruudulla ennen kuin "
+"seuraava näytetään automaattisesti. Nolla poistaa automaattisen etenemisen "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Käytössä olevat liitännäiset"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Salli yli 100 % lähennys aluksi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automaattinen asento"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Viive sekunneissa ennen kuin seuraava kuva näytetään"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Määrittää, kuinka läpinäkyvyys näytetään. Kelvollisia arvoja ovat "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR ja NONE. Jos valitaan COLOR, trans_color -avain "
+"määrittää käytetyn väriarvon."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapoloi kuvaa"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Jos käytössä, eom ei kysy vahvistusta siirrettäessä kuvia roskakoriin. "
+"Vahvistus kysytään edelleen, jos tiedostoa ei voitu siirtää roskakoriin ja "
+"se poistettaisiin välittömästi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "Jos käytössä eikä kuvia ole ladattuna aktiivisessa ikkunassa, tiedostovalitsin näyttää käyttäjän kuvakansion käyttäen XDG:n määrittelemiä käyttäjähakemistoja. Jos ei käytössä tai kuvakansiota ei ole asetettu, näytetään nykyinen työskentelyhakemisto."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Jos käytössä, yksityiskohtainen metatietoluettelo ominaisuudet-ikkunassa "
+"siirretään omalle sivullensa ikkunassa. Tämä tekee ikkunasta soveltuvamman "
+"pienille ruuduille, esim. miniläppäreissä. Jos ei käytössä, tiedot "
+"sulautetaan ”Metatiedot”-sivulle."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Jos läpinäkyvyysavaimen arvo on COLOR, tämä avain määrittää läpinäkyvyyden "
+"ilmaisemiseen käytetyn värin."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Jos arvo asetetaan epätodeksi, pieniä kuvia ei soviteta aluksi ruudun kokoon."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Kuvakokoelmapaneelin sijainti. Alalaita on arvo 0, 1 vasen, 2 ylhäällä ja 3 "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoloi kuvaa"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr "Luettelo käytössä olevista liitännäisistä. Tämä ei sisällä liitännäisten ”sijaintia”. Voit katsoa liitännäisten polun tiedostosta .eom-plugin."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Toista esitystä jatkuvasti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Hiiren rullalla lähennys"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Näytä/piilota kuvakokoelmapaneelin vierityspainikkeet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Näytä/piilota kuvakokoelmapaneeli."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Näytä/piilota ikkunan sivupaneeli."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Näytä/piilota ikkunan tilarivi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Näytä/piilota ikkunan työkalupalkki."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Käytettävä kerroin käytettäessä hiiren rullaa lähentämiseen ja "
+"loitontamiseen. Tämä arvo määrittää käytettävän suurennusaskelen koon "
+"kullekin rullalta tulevalle tapahtumalle. Esimerkiksi arvo 0.05 aiheuttaa 5% "
+"suurennoksen jokaiselle rullan tapahtumalle ja arvo 1.00 100% suurennuksen "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Läpinäkyvä väri"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Läpinäkyvyyden ilmaisin"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Siirrä roskiin ilman vahvistusta"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "Määrittää, näyttääkö tiedostovalitsin käyttäjän kuvakansion kun kuvia ei ole ladattuna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Määrittää, voiko kuvakokoelmapaneelin kokoa muuttaa."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "Määrittää, ekstrapoloidaanko kuvaa lähennettäessä vai ei. Tämä johtaa parempaan kuvanlaatuun, mutta on jonkinverran hitaampi kuin ei-ekstrapoloidut kuvat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr "Määrittää, interpoloidaanko kuvaa loitonnettaessa vai ei. Interpolointi parantaa kuvan laatua, mutta on jonkin verran hitaampi kuin ei-interpoloidut kuvat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Käännetäänkö kuva automaattisesti vastaamaan EXIF-tietojen suuntaa."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Asetetaanko metatietoluettelo ominaisuudetikkunat sen omaan ikkunaan."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Käytetäänkö hiiren rullaa lähentämiseen ja loitontamiseen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Määrittää, näytetäänkö kuvasarja loputtomana kiertona."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Suurennoksen kerroin"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Sulje _ilman tallentamista"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Kysymys"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ellet tallenna, muutoksesi häviävät."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Tallenna muutokset kuvaa ”%s” ennen sulkemista?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Tallentamattomia muutoksia on %d kuvassa. Tallennetaanko muutokset ennen sulkemista?"
+msgstr[1] "Tallentamattomia muutoksia on %d kuvassa. Tallennetaanko muutokset ennen sulkemista?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Valitse kuvat, jotka haluat tallentaa:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ellet tallenna, kaikki muutoksesi häviävät."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Tiedostomuoto on tuntematon tai ei ole tuettu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Maten silmä ei voinut määrittää tiedostonimen perusteella tuettua ja "
+"kirjoitettavissa olevaa tiedostomuotoa."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Kokeile jotain muuta tiedostopäätettä, kuten .png tai .jpg"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Kaikki tiedostot"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Kaikki kuvatiedostot"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pikseli"
+msgstr[1] "pikseliä"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Lataa kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Tallenna kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Avaa kansio"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Muunnos lataamattomalle kuvalle."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Muunnos epäonnistui."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF ei ole tuettu tässä tiedostomuodossa."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Kuvan lataus epäonnistui."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ei kuvaa ladattuna."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Väliaikaistiedoston luonti epäonnistui."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Väliaikaistiedoston luominen tallentamista varten epäonnistui: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG:in lataamiseksi ei saatu jaettua riittävästi muistia"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Kuvan tiedot"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Kuvan ottohetken olosuhteet"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Tekijän huomio"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Muut"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP - Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP - IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP-oikeuksienhallinta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP - muut"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tägi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Arvo"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a %d. %Bta %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a %d. %Bta %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Yritä uudestaan"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Kuvaa ”%s” ei voitu ladata."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Lähteestä ”%s” ei löytynyt kuvia."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Annetuissa paikoissa ei ole kuvia."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Kuvan asetukset"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Kuva, jonka tulostusominaisuudet asetetaan"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sivun asetukset"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Tulostussivun asetukset"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Sijainti"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Vasen:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Oikea:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Ylhäällä:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Alhaalla:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Keskellä:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ei mitään"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Pystysuunnassa"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vaakasuunnassa"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Molemmat"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Koko"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Leveys:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Korkeus:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skaalaus:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Yksikkö:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "millimetri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "tuuma"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Esikatselu"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Tuntematon"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (aukko)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm filmi)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "samassa muodossa"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Kuva otettu"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Vähintään kaksi tiedostonimeä ovat samat."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Maten silmän ohjetta ei voitu näyttää."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (virheelistä Unicodea)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i pikseli %s %i %%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i pikseliä %s %i %%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Avaa valittu kuva komennolla ”%s”"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Tallennetaan kuvaa ”%s” (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ladataan kuvaa ”%s”"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Virhe tulostettaessa tiedostoa:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Työkalupalkin muokkain"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Palauta oletus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Ilkka Tuohela <[email protected]>, 2004-2009\n"
+"Jarkko Ranta <[email protected]>, 2003\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tämä on vapaa ohjelma; voit levittää sitä edelleen ja/tai muokata sitä GNU:n "
+"GPL-lisenssin sallimilla tavoilla siten kuin Free Software Foundation on sen "
+"määritellyt; voit halutessasi käyttää lisenssin versiota 2 taikka mitä "
+"tahansa tämän jälkeen ilmestynyttä versiota.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tätä ohjelmaa levitetään siinä toivossa, että siitä on hyötyä, mutta ILMAN "
+"MITÄÄN TAKUUTA; jopa ilman konkludenttista takuuta MYYNTIKELPOISUUDESTA TAI "
+"katso GNU:n GPL-lisenssiä.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Sinun olisi pitänyt saada kopio GNU:n GPL-lisenssistä tämän ohjelman mukana; "
+"jos et sitä saanut, niin lähetä kirje Free Software Foundation, Inc. :lle, "
+"59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Maten silmä"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Maten kuvakatselin."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Kuva ”%s” on asetettu työpöydän taustakuvaksi.\n"
+"Haluatko muokata sitä?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Tallennetaan kuvaa paikallisesti…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Haluatko varmasti siirtää kuvan\n"
+"”%s” roskakoriin?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "Roskakoria kohteelle ”%s” ei löytynyt. Haluatko poistaa tämän kuvan pysyvästi?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Haluatko varmasti siirtää\n"
+"valitun kuvan roskakoriin?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Haluatko varmasti siirtää\n"
+"%d valittua kuvaa roskakoriin?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Joitain kuvista ei voi siirtää roskakoriin ja siksi ne poistetaan pysyvästi. "
+"Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Siirrä _roskakoriin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Älä kysy _uudestaan tässä istunnossa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Roskakoria ei voitu avata."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Tiedostoa ei voitu poistaa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Virhe poistettaessa kuvaa %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Tiedosto"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Muokkaa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Katsele"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Siirry"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Työkalut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "O_hje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Avaa…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Avaa tiedosto"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Sulje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Sulje ikkuna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Työkalupalkki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Muokkaa ohjelman työkalupalkkia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Asetukset"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Maten silmän asetukset"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "S_isältö"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ohjeita tämän ohjelman käyttöön"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Tietoja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Tietoja sovelluksesta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Työkalupalkki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Määrittää, näytetäänkö työkalupalkki nykyisessä ikkunassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "T_ilarivi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Määrittää, näytetäänkö tilarivi nykyisessä ikkunassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Kuvakokoelmana"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Muuttaa kuvakokoelmapaneelin näkyvyyttä nykyisessä ikkunassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Sivu_paneeli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Määrittää, näytetäänkö nykyisessä ikkunassa sivupaneeli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Tallenna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Tallenna muutokset valittuihin kuviin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Avaa _ohjelmalla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Avaa valittu kuva toisella ohjelmalla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Tallenn_a nimellä…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Tallenna valittu kuva toisella nimellä"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Määrittele sivun tulostusasetukset"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Tulosta…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Tulosta valittu kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Ominaisuudet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Näytä valitun kuvan ominaisuudet ja metatiedot"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "K_umoa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Peru viimeinen muutos kuvaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Peilaa _vaakasuunnassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Peilaa kuva vaakasuunnassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Peilaa _pystysuunnassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Peilaa kuva pystysuunnassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Kierrä _myötäpäivään"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Kierrä kuvaa 90 astetta myötäpäivään"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Kierrä va_stapäivään"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Kierrä kuvaa 90 astetta vastapäivään"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Aseta _taustakuvaksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Aseta valittu kuva työpöydän taustakuvaksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Siirrä valittu kuva roskakoriin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Lähennä"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Suurenna kuvaa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "L_oitonna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Pienennä kuvaa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normaalikoko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Näytä kuva normaalikoossa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Paras sov_itus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Sovita kuva ikkunaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Koko_ruutu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Näytä valittu kuva kokoruututilassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Edellinen kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Siirry kokoelman edelliseen kuvaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Seuraava kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Siirry kokoelman seuraavaan kuvaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Ensi_mmäinen kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Siirry kokoelman ensimmäiseen kuvaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Viimeinen kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Siirry kokoelman viimeiseen kuvaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Satunnainen kuva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Siirry satunnaiseen kuvaan kokoelmassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diaesitys"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Aloita diaesitys kuvista"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Edellinen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Seuraava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Oikea"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Vasen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Lähennä"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Loitonna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normaali"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Sovita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kokoelma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Roskakori"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Liitännäinen"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Käytössä"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Asetukset"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Ota käyttöön"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ota k_aikki käyttöön"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Poi_sta kaikki käytöstä"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Käytössä olevat _liitännäiset:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Tietoja liitännäisestä"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Liitännäisen _asetukset"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Avaa kokoruututilassa"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Poista kuvakokoelma käytöstä"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Avaa diaesitystilassa"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Käynnistä uusi instanssi ohjelmasta olemassaolevan käyttämisen sijasta"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[TIEDOSTO…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Näet kaikki komentorivivalitsimet komennolla ”%s --help”"
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Maten silmä -kuvakatselin"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Yksityiskohdat</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Korkeus:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nimi</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tyyppi:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Leveys:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Avaa ohjelmalla ”%s”"
+#~ msgid "_Open..."
+#~ msgstr "_Avaa…"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Tallenna _nimellä…"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Tulosta…"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Siirrä roskakoriin"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Vain paikallisia kuvia voi käyttää taustakuvina"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tallenna tämä kuva paikallisesti tälle tietokoneelle, jos haluat käyttää "
+#~ "sitä taustakuvana"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Sivun _asetukset…"
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Aseta _taustakuvaksi"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Sijainti:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Viimeisimmän kokoelmaikkunan sijainti ja koko"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Viimeisimmän yksittäiskuvan ikkunan sijainti ja koko"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Avaa kuvia uudessa ikkunassa"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Määrittää, avataanko kuva uuteen ikkunaan sen sijaan että vaihdettaisiin "
+#~ "kuvaa nykyisessä ikkunassa."
+#~ msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+#~ msgstr "Maten kuvankatselu- ja luettelointiohjelma."
+#~ msgid "<b>Position</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Sijainti</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Koko</b>"
+#~ msgid "Bottom"
+#~ msgstr "Alhaalla"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Kuvakokoelmana"
+#~ msgid "Top"
+#~ msgstr "Ylhäällä"
+#~ msgid "Use fixed size"
+#~ msgstr "Käytä kiinteää kokoa"
+#~ msgid "\n"
+#~ msgstr "\n"
+#~ msgid "%f"
+#~ msgstr "%f"
+#~ msgid "label"
+#~ msgstr "merkintä"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s pikseli"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s x %s pikseliä"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Selaa"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Näytä/piilota kuvien tiedot kokoelmalle."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Näytä/piilota kuvan tiedot yhdelle kuvalle."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Tiedostonimi"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Leveys"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Korkeus"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Tiedoston koko"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Ominaisuus"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Tiedosto"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Avaa uudessa ikkunassa"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "Laskuri"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Kommentti"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "Päiväys"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "Kellonaika"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "päivä"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "kuukausi"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "vuosi"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "tunti"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "minuutti"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "sekunti"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "Vaihtoehto ei ole valittavissa."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tämän toiminnon käyttöön tarvitaan libexif-kirjasto. Asenna libexif "
+#~ "( ja käännä Maten silmä uudestaan."
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Peru tallennus …"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Maten silmän ohjetta ei voitu näyttää.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "Kirjoita tiedoston %s yli?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa. Haluatko kirjoittaa tiedoston yli?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "Ohita"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "Kirjoita yli"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "Virhe tallennettaessa tiedostoa %s."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "Kohteen URI:a ei voitu määrittää."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "Tiedoston %s muotoa ei voitu tunnistaa"
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr "Valitse sopiva tiedostopääte tai valitse haluttu tiedostomuoto."
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "Virhe tallennettaessa kuvia."
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Syy: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "Kuvan _tiedot"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "Sulje"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "Tallenna"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "Kumoa"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "Käyttöliittymän kuvausta ei löytynyt"
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "Maten silmän käyttöliittymää ei voitu luoda"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "Tiedostoa ei löytynyt."
+#~ msgstr[1] "Tiedostoja ei löytynyt."
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "Tyhjä"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Katsele erityyppisiä kuvia"
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Kuvan interpolointi</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "Salli aluksi yli 100 % _lähennös"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Diaesitys"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "Print Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Tulostuksen esikatselu"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Kierrä 180°"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Poista"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jos tämä arvo on TRUE, vaihdetaan aina niin monen sekunnin välein, joka "
+#~ "on määritelty avaimessa full_screen/seconds."
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "Uusi ikku_na"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Avaa uusi ikkuna"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Avaa _kansio…"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Uusi"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Avaa useita yksittäisiä ikkunoita?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Olet aikeissa avata %i ikkunaa samanaikaisesti. Haluatko ennemmin avata "
+#~ "ne kuvakokoelmana?"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Olet aikeissa avata %i ikkunaa samanaikaisesti. Haluatko ennemmin avata "
+#~ "ne kuvakokoelmana?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Yksittäiset ikkunat"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "_Diaesitys"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "tyhjä tiedosto"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "Tiedostonimet eivät eroa toisistaan."
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Uusi"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "_Avaa hakemisto…"
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Avaa hakemisto"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Kuvat: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Lopeta"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Sulje kaikki ikkunat ja lopeta"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Maten silmän kokoelmakatselin"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Maten silmän kokoelmakatselintehdas"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Tallentaminen valmis"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Kokoelmanäkymä"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Ikkunan otsikko"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Tilateksti"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Kuvan lataamisen edistyminen"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Maten silmä -kuva"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Maten silmä -kuvakatselintehdas"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Upotettava Maten silmä -kuva"
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Tiedostotyyppi ei ole tuettu."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Sivu"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Paperi"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% alkuperäisestä koosta"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Sovita "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Leikkausohje"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Alas, sitten oikealle"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Sovita sivulle"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Pystysuuntaisesti, järjestäjänä "
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Reunukset"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Järjestämisohje"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Limitä"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Limitysohje"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Sivujärjestys"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Oikealle, sitten alas"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Suhde"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Näytä"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Vaakasuuntaisesti, järjestäjänä "
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Tulostettavan tiedoston tai datan nimi"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Peru"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Lopeta ohjelma"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jarkko Ranta, 2000-2002, 2004\n"
+#~ "Lauri Nurmi, 2003\n"
+#~ "Ville Hautamäki, 2000\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ ""
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Kokoruutu"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Näyttää tulostettavan kuvan esikatselunäkymässä"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Kierrä vasemmalle"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Kierrä oikealle"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Kierrä _myötäpäivään"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Kierrä _vastapäivään"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Lähennä"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/L_oitonna"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Normaalikoko"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Paras sov_itus"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Sulje"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Kuvan %s lataaminen epäonnistui."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kuvan %s lataaminen epäonnistui.\n"
+#~ "Syy: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Lataaminen epäonnistui"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Kuvan tallentaminen onnistui"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Kuvan korkeus"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Tilarivin teksti"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Haluttu ikkunan leveys"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Haluttu ikkunan korkeus"
+#~ msgid "dialog1"
+#~ msgstr "ikkuna1"
+#~ msgid "Don't use zoom larger than 100%"
+#~ msgstr "Älä käytä yli 100% lähennystä"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom (better quality but slower)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "_Interpoloi kuvaa suhdetta muutettaessa (parempi laatu, mutta hitaampi)"
+#~ msgid "sec"
+#~ msgstr "s"
+#~ msgid "By Extension"
+#~ msgstr "Tiedostopäätteen mukaan"
+#~ msgid "Determine File Type:"
+#~ msgstr "Määritä tiedostotyyppi:"
+#~ msgid "&lt;b&gt;Image Interpolation&lt;/b&gt;"
+#~ msgstr "&lt;b&gt;Kuvan pehmennys&lt;/b&gr;"
+#~ msgid "&lt;b&gt;Image Zoom&lt;/b&gt;"
+#~ msgstr "&lt;b&gt;Kuvan lähennys&lt;/b&gr;"
+#~ msgid "&lt;b&gt;Sequence&lt;/b&gt;"
+#~ msgstr "&lt;b&gt;Jatkuva esitys&lt;/b&gt;"
+#~ msgid "&lt;b&gt;Transparency&lt;/b&gt;"
+#~ msgstr "&lt;b&gt;Läpinäkyvyys&lt;/b&gt;"
+#~ msgid "Automatically pick window size"
+#~ msgstr "Valitse ikkunan koko automaattisesti"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom factor for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "Kokoruutunäkymän oletussuhde"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default zoom factor for the full screen view. Possible values are: 0 (use "
+#~ "1:1 zoom factor), 1 (use the same zoom factor as the image window), 2 "
+#~ "(fit the image to the screen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kokoruutunäkymään oletussuhde. Mahdolliset arvot ovat: 0 (käytä suhdetta "
+#~ "1:1), 1 (käytä kuvaikkunan suhdetta), 2 (sovita kuva ruutuun)."
+#~ msgid "Put a bevel around the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Ympäröi ruutu reunuksella"
+#~ msgid "Scrollbar policy for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "Kokoruutunäkymän vierityspalkkikäytäntö"
+#~ msgid "_Maximum (high color)"
+#~ msgstr "_Maksimi (täysvärinen)"
+#~ msgid "_Midtone"
+#~ msgstr "_Keskitummat"
+#~ msgid "_White"
+#~ msgstr "_Valkeat"
+#~ msgid "Check Type"
+#~ msgstr "Ruututyyppi"
+#~ msgid "Check Size"
+#~ msgstr "Ruutukoko"
+#~ msgid "Change preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Muuta asetuksia"
+#~ msgid "Nearest Neighbour Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Lähimpään naapuriin interpolointi"
+#~ msgid "Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Kaksisuuntainen interpolointi"
+#~ msgid "Hyperbolic Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "Liioitteleva interpolointi"
+#~ msgid "No dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Ei pehmennystä"
+#~ msgid "Normal (pseudocolor) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Normaali (pseudovärinen) pehmennys"
+#~ msgid "Maximum (high color) dithering"
+#~ msgstr "Maksimi (täysvärinen) pehmennys"
+#~ msgid "Dark"
+#~ msgstr "Tummat"
+#~ msgid "Black"
+#~ msgstr "Mustat"
+#~ msgid "Gray"
+#~ msgstr "Harmaat"
+#~ msgid "White"
+#~ msgstr "Valkeat"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolation:"
+#~ msgstr "_Interpoloi:"
+#~ msgid "_Dither:"
+#~ msgstr "_Pehmennä:"
+#~ msgid "Check _type:"
+#~ msgstr "Ruutu_tyyppi:"
+#~ msgid "Check _size:"
+#~ msgstr "Ruutu_koko:"
+#~ msgid "scroll"
+#~ msgstr "vieritys"
+#~ msgid "scroll type"
+#~ msgstr "vieritystapa"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't retrieve mime type for file."
+#~ msgstr "Tiedoston mime-tyyppiä ei saatu selville."
+#~ msgid "Error while obtaining file informations."
+#~ msgstr "Virhe haettaessa tiedostotietoja."
+#~ msgid "Check size large"
+#~ msgstr "Suuret ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check size medium"
+#~ msgstr "Keskikokoiset ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check size small"
+#~ msgstr "Pienet ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check type _black"
+#~ msgstr "_Mustat ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check type _dark"
+#~ msgstr "_Tummat ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check type _gray"
+#~ msgstr "_Harmaat ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check type _light"
+#~ msgstr "_Vaaleat ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check type _midtone"
+#~ msgstr "_Keskitummat ruudut"
+#~ msgid "Check type _white"
+#~ msgstr "_Valkeat ruudut"
+#~ msgid "_Bilinear Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "_Kaksisuuntainen interpolointi"
+#~ msgid "_No dithering"
+#~ msgstr "_Ei pehmennystä"
+#~ msgid "_Tiles Interpolation"
+#~ msgstr "_Tiili-interpolointi"
+#~ msgid "Interpolation:"
+#~ msgstr "Interpolointi:"
+#~ msgid "Dither:"
+#~ msgstr "Pehmennys:"
+#~ msgid "Check Size:"
+#~ msgstr "Ruutukoko:"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5487681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1569 @@
+# French translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Vincent Renardias <[email protected]>, 2000.
+# Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>, 2000-2006.
+# Christophe Fergeau <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Sun G11n <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Sébastien Bacher <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Benoît Dejean <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Stéphane Raimbault <[email protected]>, 2005-2008.
+# Damien Durand <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Laurent Richard <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Robert-André Mauchin <[email protected]>, 2006-2007.
+# Christophe Bliard <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Claude Paroz <[email protected]>, 2007-2010.
+# Pierre Lemaire <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Laurent Coudeur <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-18 11:34+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-03 23:47+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Claude Paroz <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: MATE French Team <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Afficher « _%s »"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Déplacer sur la barre d'outils"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Déplace l'élément sélectionné sur la barre d'outils"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Enlever de la barre d'outils"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Supprime l'élément sélectionné de la barre d'outils"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Supprimer la barre d'outils"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Supprime la barre d'outils sélectionnée"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Séparateur"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Passer en mode plein écran avec un double-clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Plein écran sur double-clic"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Recharger l'image"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Recharge l'image en cours"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Date dans la barre d'état"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Affiche la date de l'image dans la barre d'état de la fenêtre"
+# Utilisation de l'infinitif sur les infobulles du Bureau
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Parcourir et pivoter les images"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visionneur d'images"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Ouverture :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Auteur :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Octets :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modèle d'appareil photo :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Date et heure :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Description :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Détails"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Durée d'exposition :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distance focale :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Général"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Hauteur :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Sensibilité ISO :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propriétés de l'image"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Mots-clés :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Lieu :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Métadonnées"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mode de mesure :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Type :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Largeur :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Suivant"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Précédent"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f :</b> nom de fichier original"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n :</b> compteur"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Choisissez un dossier"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Dossier de destination :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu du nom de fichier"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Spécifications du chemin"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format du nom de fichier :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Options"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Renommer à partir de :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Remplacer les espaces par des soulignés"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Enregistrer sous"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Compter à partir de :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "En :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Comme l'a_rrière-plan"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Comme un _damier"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "_Couleur personnalisée :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Couleur personnalisée :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Couleur pour les zones transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "É_tendre les images pour remplir l'écran"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Préférences de Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Améliorations de l'image"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vue Image"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom de l'image"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Greffons"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Suite"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diaporama"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Lisser l'image lors du _zoom avant"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Lisser l'image lors du z_oom arrière"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Parties transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientation _automatique"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Suite en _boucle"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Changer d'image après :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "secondes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Une valeur supérieure à zéro détermine la durée d'affichage d'une image à "
+"l'écran, en secondes, avant de passer automatiquement à l'image suivante."
+"Zéro désactive la navigation automatique."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Greffons actifs"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permettre un zoom initial supérieur à 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientation automatique"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Délai en secondes avant d'afficher l'image suivante"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Détermine la manière dont la transparence doit être indiquée. Les valeurs "
+"valides sont CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR et NONE. Si COLOR est choisi, alors la clé "
+"trans-color détermine la valeur de la couleur utilisée."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapoler l'image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si activé et qu'il n'y a pas d'image chargée dans la fenêtre principale, le "
+"sélecteur de fichiers affiche le dossier des images de l'utilisateur en "
+"utilisant les répertoires utilisateurs spéciaux selon la norme XDG. Si "
+"désactivé ou si le répertoire des images n'est pas configuré, il affiche le "
+"répertoire de travail actuel."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Si activé, Eye of MATE ne demande pas de confirmation lorsque les images "
+"sont mises à la corbeille. Il demande toujours si un fichier ne peut être "
+"mis à la corbeille et devrait donc être directement supprimé."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si activé, la liste détaillée des métadonnées dans la boîte de dialogue des "
+"propriétés est déplacée dans un onglet séparé de la boîte de dialogue. Cela "
+"doit rendre la boîte de dialogue plus lisible sur les petits écrans, par "
+"exemple les netbooks. Si désactivé, la liste détaillée est intégrée à "
+"l'onglet Métadonnées."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la clé transparency a la valeur COLOR, alors cette clé détermine la "
+"couleur qui sera utilisée pour indiquer la transparence."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Si c'est activé, la couleur définie par la clé background-color est utilisée "
+"pour remplir la zone derrière l'image. Sinon, c'est le thème GTK+ actuel qui "
+"détermine la couleur de remplissage."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Si ceci est défini à FAUX, alors les petites images ne seront pas étirées "
+"pour remplir l'écran initialement."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Position du volet de collection d'images. Définir à 0 pour bas ; 1 pour "
+"gauche ; 2 pour haut ; 3 pour droite."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoler l'image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Liste des greffons actifs. Elle ne contient pas l'« emplacement » des "
+"greffons actifs. Référez-vous au fichier .eom-plugin pour obtenir l'"
+"« emplacement » d'un greffon donné."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Répéter la suite d'images"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom à la molette de la souris"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher/masquer les boutons de défilement du volet de la collection "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Afficher/masquer le volet de la collection d'images."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Afficher/masquer le panneau latéral de la fenêtre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Afficher/masquer la barre d'état de la fenêtre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Afficher/masquer la barre d'outils de la fenêtre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"La couleur utilisée pour remplir la zone derrière l'image. Si la clé use-"
+"background-color n'est pas définie, la couleur est déterminée par le thème "
+"GTK+ actif."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Le multiplicateur à appliquer lors de l'utilisation de la molette de la "
+"souris pour zoomer. Cette valeur définit le pas de zoom utilisé pour chaque "
+"événement de défilement. Par exemple, 0,05 permet un incrément de 5 % du "
+"zoom pour chaque événement de défilement et 1,00 un incrément de 100 % du "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Couleur de transparence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicateur de transparence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Mettre les images à la corbeille sans confirmation"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Définir une couleur d'arrière-plan personnalisée"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si le sélecteur de fichiers doit afficher le dossier des images de "
+"l'utilisateur si aucune image n'est chargée."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Indique si le volet de la collection d'images peut être redimensionné."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si l'image doit être extrapolée lors du zoom avant. Cela donne un "
+"rendu d'image flou et est plus lent que les images non extrapolées."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si l'image doit être interpolée lors du zoom arrière. Cela donne une "
+"meilleure qualité de rendu mais est plus lent que les images non interpolées."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si une image doit être pivotée automatiquement en se basant sur les "
+"informations d'orientation EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si la liste des métadonnées dans la boîte de dialogue des propriétés "
+"doit figurer dans un onglet séparé."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Indique si la molette de la souris doit être utilisée pour zoomer."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Indique si une suite d'images doit être affichée en boucle."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicateur du zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Exécution en mode plein écran"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Fermer _sans enregistrer"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Question"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Si vous n'enregistrez pas, vos modifications seront perdues."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications apportées à l'image « %s » avant de "
+"fermer ?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Il y a %d image avec des modifications non enregistrées. Voulez-vous "
+"enregistrer les modifications avant de fermer ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Il y a %d images avec des modifications non enregistrées. Voulez-vous "
+"enregistrer les modifications avant de fermer ?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "Sél_ectionnez les images que vous souhaitez enregistrer :"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Si vous n'enregistrez pas, toutes vos modifications seront perdues."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Le format de fichier est inconnu ou non pris en charge"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE n'a pu trouver un format de fichier avec prise en charge de "
+"l'écriture d'après le nom de fichier."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Essayez une extension de fichier différente telle que .png ou .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tous les fichiers"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Toutes les images"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Ouvrir une image"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Enregistrer l'image"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Ouvrir un dossier"
+# C'est un message d'erreur. SR
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformation impossible sur une image non chargée."
+# C'est un message d'erreur. SR
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "La transformation a échoué."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF n'est pas pris en charge dans ce format de fichier."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Le chargement de l'image a échoué."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Aucune image chargée."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier temporaire."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de créer un fichier temporaire pour l'enregistrement : %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Impossible d'allouer de la mémoire pour le chargement du fichier JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Appareil photo"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Données de l'image"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Conditions de prise de l'image"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Note du fabricant"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Autre"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP gestion des droits"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP autre"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Étiquette"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valeur"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a %e %B %Y, %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a %e %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Réessayer"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Impossible de charger l'image « %s »."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Aucune image trouvée dans « %s »."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Les emplacements indiqués ne contiennent pas d'images."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres de l'image"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "L'image dont les propriétés d'impression seront configurées"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Mise en page"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Les informations de la page sur laquelle l'image sera imprimée"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Position"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Gauche :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Droite :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Haut :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bas :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrer :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucun"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Les deux"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Taille"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Largeur :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Hauteur :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Mise à l'échelle :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unité :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimètres"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Pouces"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu avant impression"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Inconnu"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (objectif)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (film 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "inchangé"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Pris le"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Au moins deux noms de fichiers sont identiques."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Impossible d'afficher l'aide de Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode non valide)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixel %s %i %%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixels %s %i %%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Recharger"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Masquer"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"L'image « %s » a été modifiée par une application externe.\n"
+"Souhaitez-vous la recharger ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Utiliser « %s » pour ouvrir l'image sélectionnée"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Enregistrement de l'image « %s » (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ouverture de l'image « %s »"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur lors de l'impression du fichier :\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de barre d'outils"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Christophe Merlet <[email protected]>\n"
+"Christophe Fergeau <[email protected]>\n"
+"Sun G11n <[email protected]>\n"
+"Sébastien Bacher <[email protected]>\n"
+"Benoît Dejean <[email protected]>\n"
+"Stéphane Raimbault <[email protected]>\n"
+"Damien Durand <[email protected]>\n"
+"Laurent Richard <[email protected]>\n"
+"Robert-André Mauchin <[email protected]>\n"
+"Claude Paroz <[email protected]>\n"
+"Pierre Lemaire <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le "
+"modifier sous les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU telle que "
+"publiée par la Free Software Foundation ; soit la version 2 de la licence, "
+"ou (à votre discrétion) toute version ultérieure.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme est distribué dans l'espoir qu'il puisse être utile, mais SANS "
+"AUCUNE GARANTIE ; sans même la garantie implicite de VALEUR COMMERCIALE ou "
+"D'ADÉQUATION A UN BESOIN PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence Publique Générale "
+"GNU pour plus de détails.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous devriez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Publique Générale GNU avec "
+"ce programme ; si ce n'est pas le cas, écrivez à la Free Software "
+"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Le visionneur d'images de MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Ouvrir les préférences d'arrière-plan"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"L'image « %s » a été définie comme arrière-plan du bureau.\n"
+"Souhaitez-vous modifier la manière de l'afficher ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Enregistrement de l'image en local…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment mettre\n"
+"« %s » à la corbeille ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de trouver une corbeille pour « %s ». Voulez-vous supprimer "
+"définitivement cette image ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment mettre l'image\n"
+"sélectionnée à la corbeille ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment mettre les %d\n"
+"images sélectionnées à la corbeille ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Certaines des images sélectionnées ne peuvent pas être mises à la corbeille "
+"et vont être définitivement supprimées. Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mettre à la _corbeille"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Ne plus _demander pendant cette session"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Impossible d'accéder à la corbeille."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le fichier"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Erreur lors de la suppression de l'image %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "É_dition"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Affichage"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "A_ller à"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Ou_tils"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Aid_e"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Ouvrir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Ouvre un fichier"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Fermer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Ferme la fenêtre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barre d'_outils"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Éditer la barre d'outils de l'application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Préférences"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Préférences de Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Sommaire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Aide sur cette application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "À _propos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "À propos de cette application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barre d'_outils"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Modifie la visibilité de la barre d'outils dans la fenêtre actuelle"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barre d'é_tat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Modifie la visibilité de la barre d'état dans la fenêtre actuelle"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Collection d'_images"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Modifie la visibilité du volet de la collection d'images dans la fenêtre "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panneau latéral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Modifie la visibilité du panneau latéral dans la fenêtre actuelle"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr ""
+"Enregistre les modifications dans les images actuellement sélectionnées"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Ouvrir _avec"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Ouvre l'image sélectionnée avec une autre application"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Enregistrer _sous…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Enregistre les images sélectionnées sous un autre nom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Imprimer…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprime l'image sélectionnée"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Prop_riétés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Affiche les propriétés et les métadonnées de l'image sélectionnée"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "A_nnuler"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Annule la dernière modification de l'image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Miroir _horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Retourne l'image autour d'un axe vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Miroir _vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Retourne l'image autour d'un axe horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation _horaire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Fait pivoter l'image de 90 degrés vers la droite"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation _anti-horaire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Fait pivoter l'image de 90 degrés vers la gauche"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Définir comme arrière-plan du _bureau"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Définit l'image sélectionnée comme arrière-plan du bureau"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Déplace l'image sélectionnée dans le dossier de la corbeille"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Zoom a_vant"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Agrandit l'image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom a_rrière"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Réduit l'image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Taille _normale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Affiche l'image à sa taille normale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Taille _idéale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Adapte la taille de l'image à celle de la fenêtre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Plein écran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Affiche l'image actuelle en mode plein écran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diaporama en pause"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Met en pause ou reprend le diaporama"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Image _précédente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Affiche l'image précédente de la collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Image _suivante"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Affiche la prochaine image de la collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "P_remière image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Affiche la première image de la collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Dernière image"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Affiche la dernière image de la collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Image _aléatoire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Affiche une image choisie au hasard dans la collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diaporama"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Lance un diaporama des images"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Précédent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Suivant"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Droite"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Gauche"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Avant"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Arrière"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Au mieux"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Collection"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Mettre à la corbeille"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Greffon"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activé"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigurer"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctiver"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Tout ac_tiver"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Tout _désactiver"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Greffons actifs :"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "À _propos du greffon"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurer le greffon"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visionneur d'images Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Ouvrir en mode plein écran"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Désactiver la collection d'images"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Ouvrir en mode diaporama"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle instance plutôt que d'en réutiliser une existante"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Afficher la version de l'application"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FICHIER…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Lancez « %s --help » pour voir la liste complète de options disponibles en "
+"ligne de commande."
diff --git a/po/fur.po b/po/fur.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4770e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fur.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1277 @@
+# Friulian translation for EOM
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+# Andrea Decorte <[email protected]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: EOM\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-04-30 19:55+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-21 00:01+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andrea Decorte <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Friulian language team\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Friulian\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: ITALY\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Mostre “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Sposte su la bare dai imprescj"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Sposte l'element selezionât su la bare dai imprescj"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1403
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Gjave de sbare dai imprescj"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1404
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Gjave l'element selezionât de bare dai imprescj"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1405
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Elimine bare dai imprescj"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1406
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Gjave la bare dai imprescj selezionade"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:493
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separadôr"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "In esecuzion te modalitât su dut il visôr"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Ative la modalitât su dut il visôr cuntun dopli clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Dut il visôr cul dopli clic"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Torne a cjamâ figure"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Torne a cjamâ la figure atuâl"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Date su la bare di stât"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Mostre la date de figure te bare di stât dal barcon"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Sgarfe e zire figuris"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visôr di figuris"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Valôr aperture:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Autôr:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Machine fotografiche:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Date/Ore:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Descrizion:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Detais</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Timp di esposizion:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Flash:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lungjece focâl:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Altece:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Peraulis clâfs:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Posizion:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Non:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gjenar:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Largjece:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Gjenerâl"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propietâts de figure"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadâts"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Prossim"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Precedent"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Anteprime dal non dal file</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Specifichis pal percors dal file</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opzions</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> non origjinâl dal file</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> contatôr</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Sielç une cartele"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Cartele di destinazion:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formât dal non dal file:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Cambie non di:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Sostituìs i spazis cun underscores"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Salve cul non"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Scomence a contâ a:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "A:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mioraments de figure</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zoom figure</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Secuence</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tocs trasparents</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Come _daûr"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Come _pattern di control"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Come c_olôr personâl:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Colôrs pes areis trasparentis"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Slarg_je la figure par adatâsi al visôr"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencis di Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Viodude figure"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Presentazion"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Presentazion"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientament _automatic"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Loop de secuence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Cambie figure daspò:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "seconts"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Un valôr plui grant di 0 al determine trops seconts une figure e à di sta "
+"sul visôr prime che chê dopo e vignedi mostrade in automatic. Un valôr di "
+"zero al disative il scoriment automatic."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins atîfs"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permèt un zoom iniziâl plui grant dal 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientament automatic"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Ritart in seconts prime di mostrâ la figure dopo"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Determine cemût che la trasparence e à di jessi indicade. I valôrs valits a "
+"son CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR e NONE. Se al ven sielt COLOR, alore la clâf "
+"trans_color e determine il valôr dal colôr doprât."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Se la clâf de trasparence e à il valôr COLOR, alore cheste clâf e determine "
+"il colôr di doprâ par indicâ la trasparence."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Se al è FALSE lis figuris piçulis no vignaran slargjadis par adatâsi al "
+"visôr cuant che a son viertis."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posizion dal panel de colezion des figuris. 0 par vêlu in bas; 1 a çampe; 2 "
+"in alt; 3 a diestre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolazion figure"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Liste dai plugins atîfs. No conten la \"Posizion\" dai plugins atîfs. Cjale "
+"il file .eom-plugin par viodi dulà che a son logâts sul disc i plugins."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Continue a scori al infinît te secuence di figuris"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom cun la ravuedute dal surîs"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Mostre/Plate i botons pal scoriment intal panel de colezion des figuris."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostre/Plate il panel de colezion des figuris."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Mostre/Plate il panel in bande dal barcon"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostre/Plate la bare di stât dal barcon."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostre/Plate la bare dai imprescj dal barcon."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Il moltiplicatôr di aplicâ cuant che tu dopris la ravuedute dal surîs pal "
+"zoom. Chest valôr al definìs i increments dal zoom. Par esempli, 0.05 al vûl "
+"dî un aument dal zoom dal 5% par ogni event di scoriment e 1.00 intun aument "
+"dal 100% par ogni event di scoriment."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Colôr trasparence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicatôr trasparence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Se une secuence di figuris e à di jessi mostrade intun loop infinît o no."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+"Se lis dimensions dal panel de colezion des figuris al puedin jessi "
+"cambiadis o no."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Se la figure e à di jessi interpolade cul zoom o no. Chest al puarte a une "
+"cualitât miôr ma al è un pôc plui lent che se no si la fâs."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Se la figure e à di jessi zirade in automatic in base al orientament EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Se la ravuedute dal surîs e à di jessi doprade pal zoom o no."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Moltiplicatôr zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Il formât dal file nol è cognossût o nol è supuartât"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE nol pues determinâ un formât di file supuartât in scriture in "
+"base al non dal file."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Par plasê prove une estension dal file divierse come .png o .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Ducj i files"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Dutis lis figuris"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:134
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:136 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:443
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:701
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Cjame figure"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Salve figure"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Vierç cartele"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Trasformazion su une figure no cjamade."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Trasformazion falide."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:947
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF no supuartât par chest formât di file."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1064
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Cjamade de figure falide."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1466 ../src/eom-image.c:1571
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nissune figure cjamade."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1476 ../src/eom-image.c:1583
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Creazion dal file temporani falide."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "No si pues creâ il file temporani pal salvataç: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "No si pues alocâ la memorie par cjamâ il file JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Machine fotografiche"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dâts de figure"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condizions dal scat"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Notis autôr"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Altri"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP - Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP - IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP - Gjeston dai dirits"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP - Altri"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etichete"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valôr"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d di %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:90
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B di %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "To_rne a provâ"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "No si pues cjamâ la figure '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nissune figure cjatade in '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Tes posizions specificadis no son figuris."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Propietâts de figure"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:221 ../src/eom-print.c:254 ../src/eom-print.c:322
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Error loading print settings file: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Erôr te stampe dal file:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:279
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Error saving print settings file: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Erôr te stampe dal file:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:833
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Figure"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "La figure par cui a vegnin configuradis lis propietâts di stampe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Impueste pagjine"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Lis informazions pe pagine dulà che la figure e vignarà stampade"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:869
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posizion"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:874
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "Ça_mpe:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Diestre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Alt:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bas:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:879
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entre in:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "No stâ centrâ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Orizontâl"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:888
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Verticâl"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:890
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ducj e doi i sens"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:906
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Dimension"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:911
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Largjece:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Altece:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:916
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Ridimensionament:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:929
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unitât:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:934
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimetris"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Poleârs"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:966
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Anteprime"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:152
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "No cognossût"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "cemût che al è"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:469
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Cjapât ai"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Almancul doi nons dai files a son compagns."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "No si pues mostrâ il jutori par Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(Unicode no valit)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1109
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Vierç cun \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1110
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Dopre \"%s\" par vierzi la figure selezionade"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1225
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Daûr a salvâ la figure \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1564
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Daûr a cjamâ la figure \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2247
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erôr te stampe dal file:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2375
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de bare dai imprescj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2378
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "Valô_rs predeterminâts"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2464
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Andrea Decorte <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2467
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chest program al è software libar; tu puedis tornâ a distribuîlu e/o "
+"modificâlu sot dai tiermins de GNU General Public License publicade de Free "
+"Software Foundation; sei la version 2 de Licence, sei a to sielte cualsisei "
+"version sucessive.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2471
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chest program al è dât fûr cun la sperance che al sedi util, ma CENCE "
+"NISSUNE GARANZIE; cence neancje la garanzie di VENDIBILITÂT o di JESSI ADAT "
+"A UN FIN PARTICOLÂR. Cjale la GNU General Public License par altris detais.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2475
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu varessis di vê ricevût une copie de GNU General Public License insieme "
+"cun chest program; se nol è cussì, scrîf a Free Software Foundation, Inc., "
+"51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2488 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2491
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Il visôr di figuris di MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2874
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sêstu sigûr di volê spostâ\n"
+"\"%s\" te Scovacere?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Sêstu sigûr di volê spostâ\n"
+"la figure selezionade te Scovacere?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Sêstu sigûr di volê spostâ\n"
+"lis %d figuris selezionadis te Scovacere?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2892
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Sposte te Scovacere"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2920 ../src/eom-window.c:2934 ../src/eom-window.c:2940
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "No si pues acedi ae _Scovacere."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3006
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Erôr te eliminazion de figure %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3213
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_File"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3214
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Modifiche"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3215
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Viodude"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3216
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Figure"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3217
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Va"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3218
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Imprescj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3219
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Jutori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3221
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Vierç"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3222
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Vierç un file"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3224
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Siere"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3225
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Siere il barcon"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3227
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Bare d_ai imprescj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3228
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Cambie la bare dai imprescj de aplicazion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3230
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_ncis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3231
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferencis par Eye of Mate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3233
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Contignûts"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3234
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Jutori su cheste aplicazion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3236 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Informazions su"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3237
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Informazions su cheste aplicazion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3242
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Bare dai imprescj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3243
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambie la visibilitât de bare dai imprescj intal barcon atuâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3245
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Bare di _stât"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3246
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambie la visibilitât de bare di stât intal barcon atuâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Colezion f_iguris"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3249
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Cambie la visibilitât dal panel de colezion des figuris intal barcon atuâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3251
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panel in bande"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3252
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambie la visibilitât dal panel in bande intal barcon atuâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3257
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Salve"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3258
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Salve i cambiaments intes figuris selezionadis cumò"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3260
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Vierç c_un"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3261
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Vierç la figure selezionade cuntune aplicazion divierse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3263
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "S_alve cul non..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3264
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Salve la figure selezionade cuntun non diviers"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3266
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "Imp_ueste pagjine..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3267
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Configure lis propietâts de pagjine pe stampe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "Stam_pe..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3270
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Stampe la figure selezionade"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "P_ropietâts"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3273
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Mostre lis propietâts e i metadâts de figure selezionade"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3275
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "An_ule"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3276
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Anule l'ultin cambiament fat ae figure"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3278
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Disledrose in ori_zontâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3279
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Zire la figure di 180 grâts sul lât orizontâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3281
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Disledrose in _verticâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3282
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Zire la figure di 180 grâts sul lât verticât"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Zire in sens orari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3285
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Zire la figure di 90 grâts a diestre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Zire i_n sens antiorari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3288
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Zire la figure di 90 grâts a çampe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "_Dopre come daûr dal Scritori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3291
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "Dopre la figure selezionade come daûr dal scritori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293 ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Sposte te _Scovacere"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3294
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Sposte la figure selezionade te Scovacere"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3296 ../src/eom-window.c:3308 ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Plui zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3297 ../src/eom-window.c:3309
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Slargje la figure"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299 ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Mancul zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3300 ../src/eom-window.c:3312 ../src/eom-window.c:3315
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Strenç la figure"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Dimension _normâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3303
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Mostre la figure te sô dimension normâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Adate tal mût _miôr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3306
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Adate la figure a lis dimensions dal barcon"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3323
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "Dut il _visôr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3324
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mostre la figure atuâl su dut il visôr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3329 ../src/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Figure _precedente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va ae figure prime de colezion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3332
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Figure _sucessive"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3333
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va ae figure dopo de colezion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3335 ../src/eom-window.c:3344
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Prime _figure"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3336
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va ae prime figure de colezion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3338 ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Ultime figure"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va ae ultime figure de colezion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pre_sentazion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Invie une presentazion des figuris"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Precedent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Prossim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3428
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Diestre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3431
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Çampe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3434
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Plui zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3437
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Mancul zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3440
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normâl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Adate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3446
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Colezion"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Ativât"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigure"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "Ati_ve"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ative _ducj"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Disative ducj"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Plugins atîfs:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Informazions sul plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurazion plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Vierç inte modalitât su dut il visôr"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Disative colezion figuris"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Vierç inte modalitât di presentazion"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Invie une gnove istance invezit di tornâ a doprâ chê esistint"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:223
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visôr di figuris Eye of MATE"
diff --git a/po/ga.po b/po/ga.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26027e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ga.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+# Irish translations for eom package.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Alastair McKinstry <[email protected]>, 2000.
+# Paul Duffy <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Seán de Búrca <[email protected]>, 2007, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-15 01:38-0600\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-15 01:59-0600\n"
+"Last-Translator: Seán de Búrca <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Irish <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=n==1 ? 0 : (n%10==1 || n%10==2) ? 1 : (n%"
+"10>=3 && n%10<= 6) ? 2 : ((n%10>=7 && n%10<=9) || n==10) ? 3 : 4;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Taispeáin \"_%s\""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Bog ar Bharra Uirlisí"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Bog an mhír roghnaithe ar an mbarra uirlisí"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Bain ón mBarra Uirlisí"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Bain an mhír roghnaithe ón mbarra uirlisí"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Scrios Barra Uirlisí"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Bain an barra uirlisí roghnaithe"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Deighilteoir"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Á rith i mód lánscáileán"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Gníomhachtaigh mód lánscáileáin le déchliceáil"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Lánscáileán le déchliceáil"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Athluchtaigh Íomhá"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Athluchtaigh íomhá reatha"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Dáta sa bharra stádais"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Taispeánann sé seo dáta na híomhá i mbarra stádais na fuinneoige"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Brabhsáil agus rothlaigh íomhánna"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Amharcán Íomhánna"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Luach Cró:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Údar:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bearta:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cineál Ceamara:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cóipcheart:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dáta/Am:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cur Síos:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sonraí</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Am Nochta:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Splanc:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fad Fócais:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Airde:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rátáil Luais ISO:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lorgfhocail:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Suíomh:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mód Méadaraithe:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ainm:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cineál:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Leithead:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Mionsonraí"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Ginearálta"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Airíonna Íomhá"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Meiteashonraí"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "Ar _Aghaidh"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Siar"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Réamhamharc Ainm Comhaid</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sonraíochtaí Chonair Chomhad</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Roghanna</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> bunainm comhaid</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> áiritheoir</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Roghnaigh fillteán"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Sprioc-fhillteán:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formáid ainm comhaid:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Athainmnigh ó:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Ionadaigh spásanna le fostríoca"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Sábháil Mar"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Tosaigh áiritheoir ag:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Chuig:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Feabhsúcháin Íomhá</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Súmáil Íomhá</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Seicheamh</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Limistéir Trédhearcacha</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Mar _chúlra"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Mar _phatrún táiplise"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Mar _dhath saincheaptha:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Dath do Limistéir Trédhearcacha"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Leathnaigh íomhánna chun scáileán a oiriúnú"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Sainroghanna Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Amharc Íomhánna"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Breiseáin"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Taispeántas Sleamhnán"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Smúdáil íomhánna agus súmáilte _isteach"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Smúdáil íomhánna agus súmáilte _amach"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Treoshuíomh _uathoibríoch"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Lúb _seicheamh"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Athraigh íomhá i ndiaidh:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "soicind"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Breiseáin gníomhacha"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Taispeáin/folaigh an pána bhailiúchán íomhánna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Taispeáin/folaigh pána taoibh na fuinneoige."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Taispeáin/folaigh barra stádais na fuinneoige."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Taispeáin/folaigh barra uirlisí na fuinneoige."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Gach Comhad"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Gach Íomhá"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:768
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "phicteilín"
+msgstr[1] "phicteilín"
+msgstr[2] "phicteilín"
+msgstr[3] "bpicteilín"
+msgstr[4] "picteilín"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Luchtaigh Íomhá"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Sábháil Íomhá"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Oscail Fillteán"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:546
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Theip ar thrasfhoirmiú."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:971
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1086
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Theip ar luchtú íomhá."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1488 ../src/eom-image.c:1590
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Níor luchtaíodh aon íomhá."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1498 ../src/eom-image.c:1602
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Ceamara"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Sonraí Íomhá"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Coinníollacha Thógáil Íomhánna"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nóta Déantóra"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Eile"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "Exif XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Eile XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Clib"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Luach"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr ""
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Níorbh fhéidir íomhá '%s' a luchtú."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Níor aimsíodh aon íomhá i '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Socruithe Íomhá"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Íomhá"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Socrú Leathanaigh"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "Ar _chlé:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "Ar _dheis:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "Ag ba_rr:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "Ag _bun:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Lár_nach:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Neamhní"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Cothrománach"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Ingearach"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Araon"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Méid"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Leithead:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "A_irde:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Scálú:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "A_onad:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milliméadair"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Orlaí"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Reámhamharc"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:155
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Anaithnid"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:233
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lionsa)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (scannán 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "mar atá"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Tógtha ar"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Níorbh fhéidir cabhair a thaispeáint le Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode neamhbhailí)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1179
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Oscail le \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Úsáid \"%s\" chun an íomhá roghnaithe a oscailt"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1295
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Íomhá \"%s\" á shábháil (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1634
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Íomhá \"%s\" á luchtú"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2330
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Earráid agus comhad á phriontáil:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2472
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Eagarthóir Bharra Uirlisí"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2475
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Athshocraigh go Réamhshocraithe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2561
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Alastair McKinstry <[email protected]>\n"
+"Paul Duffy <[email protected]>\n"
+"Seán de Búrca <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2564
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Is bogearraí saor é an clár seo; is féidir leat é a athdháileadh nó a athrú "
+"faoi théarmaí an GNU General Public License mar foilsíodh é ag an Free "
+"Software Foundation; leagan 2 an License, nó (de do rogha) aon leagan níos "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2568
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dáileadh an clár seo le súil go mbeidh sé úsáideach, ach GAN AON BHARÁNTA; "
+"fiú. Féach an GNU General Public License le haghaidh tuilleadh mionsonraí.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2572
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Ba chóir go bhfuair tú cóip an GNU General Public License in éineacht leis "
+"an gclár seo; mura bhfuair tú é, scríobh chuig an Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2585
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2588
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "An t-amharcán íomhánna MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3029
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3111
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3119
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3124
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3141 ../src/eom-window.c:3568 ../src/eom-window.c:3592
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Bog go _Bruscar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3143
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3188 ../src/eom-window.c:3202
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Níorbh fhéidir bruscar a rochtain."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3210
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3281
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Earráid agus íomhá %s á scriosadh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3488
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Comhad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Eagar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Amharc"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3491
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "Í_omhá"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3492
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Téigh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3493
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Uirlisí"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3494
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Cab_hair"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3496
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Oscail..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3497
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Oscail comhad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3499
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Dún"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Dún fuinneom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3502
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra _Uirlisí"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Cuir barra uirlisí an fheidhmchláir in eagar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3505
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Sainroghanna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3506
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Sainroghanna le Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3508
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Inneachar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3509
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Cabhair leis an feidhmchlár seo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3511 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Maidir Leis Seo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3512
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Maidir leis an feidhmchlár seo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Barra Uirlisí"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3518
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3520
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra _Stádais"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3521
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3523
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Bailiúchán Í_omhánna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3524
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3526
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Pána Taoibh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3532
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Sábháil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3533
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Sábháil athruithe in íomhánna atá roghnaithe faoi láthair"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Oscail _le"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3536
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Sábháil _Mar..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3539
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3542
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3544
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Priontáil..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3545
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Priontáil an íomhá roghnaithe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3547
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Airíonna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3548
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3550
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Cea_laigh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3551
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3553
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Smeach go _Cothrománach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3554
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3556
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Smeach go h_Ingearach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3559
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rothlaigh go Deisealach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3560
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3562
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rothlaigh go _Tuathalach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3563
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3565
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Socraigh mar Chúlra na _Deisce"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3566
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Socraigh an íomhá roghnaithe mar chúlra na deisce"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3569
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Bog an íomhá roghnaithe go dtí an fillteán bruscair"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3571 ../src/eom-window.c:3583 ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Súmáil _Isteach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3572 ../src/eom-window.c:3584
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3574 ../src/eom-window.c:3589
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Súmáil _Amach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3575 ../src/eom-window.c:3587 ../src/eom-window.c:3590
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3577
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Gnáthmhéid"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3580
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "S_cothoiriúint"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3581
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3598
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Lánscáileán"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3599
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Taispeáin an íomhá reatha i mód lánscáileáin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3604 ../src/eom-window.c:3616
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "An Íomhá _Roimhe Seo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3605
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3607
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "An Chéad Íomhá _Eile"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3608
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3610 ../src/eom-window.c:3619
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "An _Chéad Íomhá"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3611
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Téigh go dtí chéad íomhá an bhailiúcháin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3613 ../src/eom-window.c:3622
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "An Íomhá _Dheiridh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3614
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Téigh go dtí íomhá dheiridh an bhailiúcháin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3628
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Taispeántas Sleamhnán"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3629
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3695
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Siar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3699
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Ar Aghaidh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3703
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Go Deisealach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3706
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Go Tuathalach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3709
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Isteach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3712
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Amach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3715
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Gnáthmhéid"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3718
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Oiriúnaigh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3721
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Bailiúchán"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3724
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Bog go Bruscar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Breiséan"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Cumasaithe"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_umraigh"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Gníomhachtaigh"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Gníomhach_taigh Gach Rud"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Díghníomhachtaigh Gach Rud"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Breiseáin Gníomhacha:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Maidir le Breiseán"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_umraigh Breiseán"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Oscail i mód lánscáileán"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Díchumasaigh bailiúchán íomhánna"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Oscail i mód thaispeántas sleamhnán"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[COMHAD...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Amharcán Íomhánna Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Tá comhad ann"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Bog go Bruscar"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Soc_rú Leathanaigh"
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Socraigh Mar _Pháipéar Balla"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Suíomh:</b>\t"
diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..592003d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/gl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1580 @@
+# translation of eom-master-po-gl-66757.po to Galician
+# Galician translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Jesús Bravo Álvarez.
+# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua galega: Se desexas
+# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en
+# First Version: 1999-10-12 12:13+0200
+# Jesús Bravo Álvarez <[email protected]>, 1999-2004.
+# Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>, 2005, 2006.
+# Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008.
+# Mancomún - Centro de Referencia e Servizos de Software Libre <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Suso Baleato <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Fran Diéguez <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Antón Méixome <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Fran Diéguez <[email protected]>, 200, 2010.
+# Fran Dieguez <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom-master-po-gl-66757\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-18 19:06+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-18 19:08+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Fran Dieguez <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Galician <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language: gl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Mostrar “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mover na barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Mover o elemento seleccionado na barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Elimina_r da barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Eliminar o elemento seleccionado da barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "E_liminar a barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Eliminar a barra de ferramentas seleccionada"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separador"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activar o modo de pantalla completa cun dobre clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pantalla completa con dobre clic"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Recargar imaxe"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Recargar a imaxe actual"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data na barra de estado"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Mostra a data da imaxe na barra de estado da xanela"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Ver e rotar imaxes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor de imaxes"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor de apertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autoría:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modelo de cámara:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Dereitos de autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/Hora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descrición:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalles"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Tempo de exposición:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distancia focal:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Xeral"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Altura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Taxa de velocidade ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propiedades da imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palabras chave:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Localización:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadatos"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Modo de medición:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Name:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Superior:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Largura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Seguinte"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Anterior"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nome do ficheiro orixinal"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> contador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Seleccionar un cartafol"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Cartafol de destino:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Previsualización do nome do ficheiro"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificacións de camiños de ficheiros"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formato do nome de ficheiro:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcións"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Renomear de:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Substituír os espazos por guións baixos"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Gardar como"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Iniciar o contador en:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Ata:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Como _fondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Como cadros de _xadrez"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Como _cor personalizada:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Como cor personalizada:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Cor de fondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Cor das zonas transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_xpandir imaxes ata axustalas á pantalla"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencias do Ollo de MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Melloras de imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vista de imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Ampliación de imaxe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Engadidos"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Secuencia"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Presentación de diapositivas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Suavizar as imaxes ao ampl_ialas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Suavizar as imaxes ao reduc_ilas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Partes transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientación _automática"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Secuencia en _bucle"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Cambiar a imaxe despois de:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Un valor maior que 0 determina os segundos que unha imaxe permanece na "
+"pantalla ata que a seguinte se mostra automaticamente. O valor cero "
+"desactiva a navegación automática."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Engadidos activos"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permitir unha ampliación inicial superior ao 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientación automática"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Segundos de espera ata mostrar a seguinte imaxe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina cómo debe indicarse a transparencia dunha imaxe. Os valores "
+"válidos son CHECK_PATTERN (patrón de xadrez), COLOR (cor) e NONE (nada). Se "
+"a opción é COLOR, entón a chave trans-color indica o valor da cor usada."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolar a imaxe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se está activado e non se carga ningunha imaxe na xanela activa, o selector "
+"de ficheiros mostrará o cartafol de imaxes de usuario usando cartafoles "
+"especiais XDG do usuario. Se está desactivado ou o cartafol de imaxes non "
+"foi configurado, mostrará o cartafol de traballo actual."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Se está activado o Ollo de MATE non lle pedirá confirmación ao mover imaxes "
+"ao lixo. Aínda así preguntaralle por se calquera dos ficheiros non fora "
+"posíbel mover ao lixo e tivesen que ser eliminados."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Se está activada a lista de metadatos detallados no diálogo de propiedades "
+"moverase á súa propia páxina no diálogo. Isto debería facer o diálogo máis "
+"usábel en pantallas pequenas, i.e. as usadas nos notebooks. Se está "
+"desactivada o widget incorporarase na páxina «Metadata»."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a chave de transparencia ten o valor COLOR, entón esta chave determina a "
+"cor que se utilizará para indicar a transparencia."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto está activado usarase a cor definida pola chave background-color "
+"para rechear a área detrás da imaxe. Se non está definida, o tema de GTK+ "
+"actual determinará a cor de recheo."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Se está definido como FALSE, as imaxes pequenas non se expandirán "
+"inicialmente para encaixar na pantalla."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posición do panel de colección de imaxes. Defina 0 para abaixo, 1 para "
+"esquerda, 2 para arriba e 3 para dereita."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolar a imaxe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista de engadidos activos. Non contén a \"Localización\" dos engadido "
+"activos. Vexa o ficheiro .eom-plugin para obter a \"Localización\" dun "
+"engadido determinado."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Repetir a secuencia de imaxe en bucle"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom coa roda do rato"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Mostrar ou ocultar os botóns de desprazamento do panel de colección de "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostrar ou ocultar o panel de colección de imaxes."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Mostrar ou ocultar a barra lateral da xanela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostrar ou ocultar a barra de estado da xanela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostrar ou ocultar a barra de ferramentas da xanela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"A cor que se usa para rechear o área detrás da imaxe. Se a chave use-"
+"background-color non está estabelecida, a cor é determinada polo tema de GTK"
+"+ activo."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"O multiplicador que se vai usar cando se utilice a roda do rato para "
+"empregar o zoom. Ese valor define o paso de zoom que se usa en cada "
+"desprazamento. Por exemplo, 0.05 produce un incremento do 5% de zoom en cada "
+"desprazamento e 1.00 produce un incremento de zoom do 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Cor de transparencia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de transparencia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Enviar imaxes ao lixo sen preguntar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Usar como fondo de escritorio"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se o selector de ficheiros debería mostrar o cartafol de imaxes do "
+"usuario se non se cargan imaxes."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se o panel de colección de imaxes debería ser redimensionábel ou non."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se a imaxe se ten que interpolar ao ampliala ou non. Isto ofrece "
+"maior calidade, mais é algo máis lento que as imaxes sen interpolar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se a imaxe tense que interpolar ao reducila ou non. Isto ofrece maior "
+"calidade aínda que é algo máis lento que as imaxes sen interpolar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se a imaxe se debería rotar automaticamente baseándose na orientación "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se a lista dos metadatos na caixa de diálogo de propiedades debería "
+"ter a súa propia páxina."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Indica se se debe usar a roda do rato para facer zoom ou non."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se a secuencia de imaxes se debe presentar nun bucle sen fin ou non."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicador de zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Executar en modo de pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Pechar _sen gardar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pregunta"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se non garda, os seus cambios perderanse."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Desexa gardar os cambios na imaxe «%s» antes de gardar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Hai %d imaxe con cambios sen gardar. Desexa gardar os cambios antes de "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Hai %d imaxes con cambios sen gardar. Desexa gardar os cambios antes de "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_eleccione as imaxes que quere gardar:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se non garda, todos os seus cambios perderanse."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "O formato do ficheiro é descoñecido ou non é compatíbel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"O Ollo de MATE non puido determinar o formato do ficheiro de escritura "
+"compatíbel baseado no nome do ficheiro."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Probe unha extensión distinta como .png ou .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Todos os ficheiros"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Todas as imaxes"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "píxel"
+msgstr[1] "píxels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Abrir imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Gardar a imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Abrir o cartafol"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformación nunha imaxe descargada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Fallou a transformación."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF non é compatíbel con este formato de ficheiro."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao cargar a imaxe."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Non se cargou ningunha imaxe."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao crear o ficheiro temporal."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Non foi posíbel crear un ficheiro temporal para gardar: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Non é posíbel asignar memoria para cargar o ficheiro JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Cámara"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Datos da imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condicións de captura da imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nota do autor"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Outros"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "Exif XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Xestión de dereitos XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Outro XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d de %B de %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d de %B de %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Tenta_r de novo"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Non foi posíbel cargar a imaxe '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Non se encontraron as imaxes en '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "As localizacións proporcionadas non conteñen imaxes."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "A imaxe para a que se definirán as propiedades de impresión"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configuración da páxina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "A información da páxina onde se imprimirá a imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posición"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "E_squerda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "De_reita:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "Su_perior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Inferior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrado:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ningún"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ambos"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamaño"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Largura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "Al_tura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "E_scalado:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unidade:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milímetros"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Polgadas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Previsualización"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Descoñecido"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lente)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (filme de 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "como é"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Tomada en"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Polo menos dous nomes de ficheiro son iguais."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Non foi posíbel mostrar a axuda para o Ollo de MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode non é correcto)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i píxel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i píxeles %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Recargar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Ocu_ltar"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"A imaxe «%s» foi modificada por un aplicativo externo\n"
+"Desexa recargala?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Usar «%s» para abrir a imaxe seleccionada"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Gardando a imaxe «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Abrindo a imaxe «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Produciuse un erro ao imprimir o ficheiro:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor da barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Restabelecer os predefinidos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Fran Diéguez <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010;\n"
+"Antón Méixome <[email protected]>, 2009."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa é software libre; pode redistribuílo ou modificalo baixo as "
+"condicións da Licenza pública xeral GNU tal como a publica a Free Software "
+"Foundation; tanto na versión 2 da Licenza como (segundo o seu criterio) en "
+"calquera versión posterior.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa distribúese esperando que sexa útil, mais SEN NINGUNHA "
+"GARANTÍA; mesmo sen a garantía implícita de VALOR COMERCIAL ou IDONEIDADE "
+"PARA UN PROPÓSITO PARTICULAR. Para máis detalles vexa a Licenza pública "
+"xeral GNU.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Debeu recibir unha copia da Licenza pública xeral GNU xunto con este "
+"programa; en caso contrario, escriba á Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 "
+"Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ollo de MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Visor de imaxes de MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "Abrir as prefe_rencias do fondo"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"A imaxe «%s» foi configurada como fondo de escritorio.\n"
+"Desexa modificar a súa aparencia?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Gardando a imaxe localmente..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Está seguro de que quere mover\n"
+"«%s» ao lixo?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Non foi posíbel localizar o lixo para «%s». Quere eliminar esta imaxe "
+# (pofilter) variables: (u'translation contains variables not in original: %d',)
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Está seguro de que quere mover\n"
+"a imaxe seleccionada ao lixo?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Está seguro de que quere mover\n"
+"as %d imaxes seleccionadas ao lixo?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Non é posíbel mover ao lixo algunhas das imaxes seleccionadas e serán "
+"eliminadas permanentemente. Está seguro de que quere proceder?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mover ao _lixo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Non preguntar de novo durante esta sesión"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Non foi posíbel acceder ao lixo."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Non foi posíbel eliminar o ficheiro"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao eliminar a imaxe %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ver"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "I_r"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Ferramen_tas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_xuda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Abrir..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Abrir un ficheiro"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Pe_char"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Pechar a xanela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de f_erramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Editar a barra de ferramentas do aplicativo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_ncias"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferencias do Ollo de MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Contidos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Axuda sobre este aplicativo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Sobre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Sobre este aplicativo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _ferramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia a visibilidade da barra de ferramentas na xanela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra de e_stado"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia a visibilidade da barra de estado na xanela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Colección de _imaxes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia a visibilidade do panel da colección de imaxes na xanela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panel lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia a visibilidade do panel lateral na xanela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gardar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Gardar os cambios nas imaxes que están seleccionadas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Abrir _con"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Abrir a imaxe seleccionada cun aplicativo distinto"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Gardar _como..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Gardar as imaxes seleccionadas cun nome distinto"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Im_primir..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprimir a imaxe seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "P_ropiedades"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Mostrar as propiedades e os metadatos da imaxe seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Desfacer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Desfacer o último cambio na imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Voltear _horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Reflicte a imaxe horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Voltear _verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Reflicte a imaxe verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotar no _sentido do reloxo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotar a imaxe 90 graos á dereita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotar ao _contrario do reloxo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotar a imaxe 90 graos á esquerda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Definir como fondo de _escritorio"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Definir a imaxe seleccionada como o fondo de escritorio"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mover a imaxe seleccionada ao lixo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Ampliar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Amplía a imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Reducir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Reduce a imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Tamaño _normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Mostrar a imaxe no seu tamaño normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Axuste ó_ptimo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Axusta a imaxe á xanela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mostrar a imaxe actual no modo de pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Presentación de diapositivas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausar ou reiniciar a presentación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imaxe _anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir á imaxe anterior da colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Seguinte imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir á seguinte imaxe da colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Primeira imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir á primeira imaxe da colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Ú_ltima imaxe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir á última imaxe da colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imaxe aleato_ria"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir a unha imaxe aleatoria da colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pre_sentación"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Iniciar unha presentación das imaxes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Seguinte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Dereita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquerda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Ampliar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Reducir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Axustar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Colección"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Enviar ao lixo"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Engadido"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tivar todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desactivar todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Engadidos activos:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Sobre o engadido"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar o engadido"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor de imaxes Ollo de MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Abrir no modo de pantalla completa"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Desactivar a colección de imaxes"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Abrir no modo de presentación"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Iniciar unha instancia nova en vez de reutilizar unha existente"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Editar a barra de ferramentas do aplicativo"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FICHEIRO...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Execute '%s --help' para ver unha lista completa das opcións da liña de "
+"ordes dispoñíbeis."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Cargar a imaxe"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Ficheiro"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Configurar a páxina de propiedades de impresión"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detalles</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Altura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nome:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipo:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Largura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Gardar c_omo..."
diff --git a/po/gu.po b/po/gu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee5f3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/gu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1420 @@
+# translation of to Gujarati
+# Ankit Patel <[email protected]>, 2005, 2006.
+# Ankit Patel <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008.
+# Sweta Kothari <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-01-25 09:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-24 17:31+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sweta Kothari <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Gujarati\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” બતાવો"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "સાધનપટ્ટી પર ખસો (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "પસંદિત વસ્તુને સાધનપટ્ટી પર ખસેડો"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "સાધનપટ્ટીમાંથી દૂર કરો (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "પસંદિત વસ્તુને સાધનપટ્ટીમાંથી દૂર કરો"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "સાધનપટ્ટી કાઢો (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "પસંદિત સાધનપટ્ટી દૂર કરો"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "વિભાજક"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "આખી સ્ક્રીન સ્થિતિમાં ચલાવી રહ્યા છીએ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "બે-ક્લિક સાથે સંપૂર્ણસ્ક્રીન સ્થિતીને સક્રિય કરો"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "બે-ક્લિક સાથે સંપૂર્ણસ્ક્રીન"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર પુન:લોડ કરો"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "હાલના ચિત્રને પુન:લોડ કરો"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "સ્થિતિદર્શકપટ્ટીમાં તારીખ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "વિન્ડોની સ્થિતિદર્શકપટ્ટીમાં તારીખના ચિત્રને બતાવો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ચિત્રો શોધો અને ફેરવો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર દર્શક"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>એપર્ચર કિંમત:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>લેખક:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>બાઈટો:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>કેમેરા મોડેલ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>કોપીરાઈટ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>તારીખ/સમય:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>વર્ણન:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>વિગતો</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>દેખાડવાનો સમય:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ફ્લેશ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ફોકલ લંબાઈ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ઊંચાઈ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO ઝડપ ક્રમ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>મુખ્ય શબ્દો:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>સ્થાન:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>મીટર સ્થિતિ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>નામ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>પ્રકાર:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>પહોળાઈ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "વિગતો"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "સામાન્ય"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર ગુણધર્મો"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "મેટાડેટા"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "આગળ (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "પાછળ (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ફાઈલ નામ પૂર્વદર્શન</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ફાઈલ પથ સ્પષ્ટીકરણો</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>વિકલ્પો</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> મૂળ ફાઈલનામ</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> ગણક</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "ફોલ્ડર પસંદ કરો"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "અંતિમ મુકામ ફોલ્ડર:"
+# #-#-#-#-# libmateui.HEAD.hi.po (libmateui-2.0.hi) #-#-#-#-#
+# libmateui/mate-file-entry.c:224 libmateui/mate-icon-entry.c:188
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ફાઈલનામ બંધારણ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "આમાંથી નામ બદલો:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "ખાલી જગ્યાઓને અન્ડરસ્કોરથી બદલો"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "આ રીતે સંગ્રહ કરો"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ગણક અંહિ શરુ કરો:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "પ્રતિ:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ચિત્ર ઉન્નતીકરણ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ચિત્ર નાનુમોટુ કરો</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ક્રમ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>પારદર્શક ભાગો</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "પાશ્વ ભાગ તરીકે (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "ચકાસણી માટેના નમૂના તરીકે (_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "વૈવિધ્યપૂર્ણ રંગ તરીકે (_o):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "પારદર્શક વિસ્તાર માટેનો રંગ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "ચિત્રોને સ્ક્રીનમાં બંધબેસાડવા માટે વિસ્તૃત કરો (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ની પસંદગીઓ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર દર્શન"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "પ્લગઈનો"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "તકતી પ્રદર્શન"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "જ્યારે ચિત્રો નાનામોટા કરવામાં આવે ત્યારે લીસા બનાવો (_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "જ્યારે ચિત્રો નાનામોટા કરવામાં આવે ત્યારે લીસા બનાવો (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "આપોઆપ દિશાકરણ (_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "લૂપનો ક્રમ (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "આના પછી ચિત્ર બદલો (_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "સેકન્ડો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"૦ કરતાં મોટી કિંમત સ્ક્રીન પર પછીનુ ચિત્ર આવે ત્યાં સુધી ચિત્ર રહે તેટલી સેકન્ડો આપોઆપ રીતે "
+"નક્કી કરે છે. ૦ આપોઆપ શોધવાનું નિષ્ક્રિય કરે છે."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "સક્રિય પ્લગઈનો"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "શરુઆતમાં નાનુમોટુ કરવાનુ પ્રમાણ ૧૦૦% કરતાં વધુ કરવાની પરવાનગી આપો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "આપોઆપ દિશાકરણ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "પછીનું ચિત્ર બતાવવામાં આવે ત્યાં સુધી થતો વિલંબ સેકન્ડોમાં"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"પારદર્શકતા કઈ રીતે દર્શાવાય છે તે નક્કી કરે છે. ચકાસણી માટેના નમૂના, રંગ, કોઈ નહિ યોગ્ય "
+"મૂલ્યો છે. જો રંગ પસંદ થયેલ હોય તો, પારદર્શકતા રંગ કી નક્કી કરશે કે કયો રંગ વાપર્યો છે."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ચિત્રમાં ભ્રામક ફેરફાર કરો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"જો સક્રિય થયેલ Eye of MATE ખાતરી કરવા માટે પૂછતુ ન હોય તો જ્યારે ઇમેજો કચરાપેટીમાં "
+"ખસેડી રહ્યા હોય. તે હજુ પૂછશે જો ફાઇલોનાં કોઇપણ ને કચરાપેટીમાં ખસેડી શકતુ ન હોય તો અને તેને "
+"બદલે નીકાળેલ હોય તો."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"જો સક્રિય થયેલ હોય તો અને સક્રિય વિન્ડોમાં ઇમેજ લોડ ન થયેલ હોય તો, filechooser એ XDG "
+"વિશિષ્ટ વપરાશકર્તાની ડિરેક્ટરીઓની મદદથી વપરાશકર્તાનાં ચિત્રોનાં ફોલ્ડરને દર્શાવશે. જો "
+"સક્રિય થયેલ ન હોય તો અથવા ચિત્રોનું ફોલ્ડર સુયોજિત કરવામાં આવ્યુ ન હોય તો તે હાલની કામ "
+"કરતી ડિરેક્ટરીને બતાવશે."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"જો ગુણધર્મો સંવાદમાં વિગત થયેલ મેટાડેટાની યાદી સક્રિય થયેલ હોય તો તે સંવાદમાં તેનાં પોતાનાં "
+"પાનાંમાં ખસેડેલ હશે. આ નાનામાં નાની સ્ક્રીનો પર સંવાદ વધારે ઉપયોગી બનવુ જોઇએ, દા.ત. "
+"નેટબુકો દ્દારા વપરાયેલ તરીકે. જો નિષ્ક્રિય થયેલ વિજેટ \"Metadata\" પાનાં પર એમ્બેડેડ થયેલ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"જો પારદર્શકતા કીનું મૂલ્ય રંગ હશે, તો પારદર્શકતા દર્શાવવા કયો રંગ વપરાય છે તે આ કી નક્કી "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "જો આ ખોટુ સુયોજિત થયેલ હોય તો નાના ચિત્રો શરુઆતમાં સ્ક્રીનમાં ખેંચીને બેસાડી શકાય એમ નથી."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ચિત્ર સંગ્રહ તકતી સ્થાન. તળિયા માટે ૦ માં સુયોજિત કરો; ડાબા માટે ૧; ટોચ માટે ૨; જમણા "
+"માટે ૩."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ચિત્રમાં ભ્રામક ફેરફાર કરો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"સક્રિય પ્લગઈનોની યાદી. તે સક્રિય પ્લગઈનોનું \"સ્થાન\" સમાવતું નથી. આપેલ પ્લગઈનનું \"સ્થાન\" "
+"મેળવવા માટે .eom-plugin ફાઈલ જુઓ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ચિત્રના ક્રમ પ્રમાણે પુનરાવર્તન"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "વ્હીલ નાનામોટાપણું સરકાવો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ચિત્ર સંગ્રહ તકતી સરકાવો બટનો બતાવો/છુપાવો."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ચિત્ર સંગ્રહ તકતી બતાવો/છુપાવો."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "વિન્ડો બાજુ તકતી બતાવો/છુપાવો."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "વિન્ડોની સ્થિતિદર્શકપટ્ટીને બતાવો/છુપાવો."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "વિન્ડોની સાધનદર્શકપટ્ટીને બતાવો/છુપાવો."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"જ્યારે માઉસ સરક વ્હીલને નાનામોટાપણા માટે વાપરી રહ્યા હતા ત્યારે શું ગુણક લાગુ પાડવું જોઈએ. "
+"આ કિંમત નાનામોટાપણાંના પગલાંઓ વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરે છે દરેક સરક ઘટના માટે. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, "
+"0.05 એ 5% નાનામોટાપણાના વધારામાં પરિણમે છે દરેક સરક ઘટના માટે અને 1.00 એ 100% "
+"નાનામોટાપણાના વધારામાં પરિણમે છે."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "પારદર્શકતા રંગ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "પારદર્શકતા દર્શક"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "પૂછ્યા વગર ચિત્રોને કચરાપેટીમાં નાંખો"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "અંતવિહીન પુનરાવર્તનમાં ચિત્રોને ક્રમબદ્ધ રીતે દર્શાવવા કે પછી નહિ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"ક્યાંતો filechooser વપરાશકર્તાનાં ચિત્રોનું ફોલ્ડરને બતાવવુ જોઇએ જો ઇમેજો લોડ થયેલ ન હોય "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "શું ચિત્ર સંગ્રહ તકતીનું માપ બદલી શકાય તેવું હોવું જોઈએ કે નહિં."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ચિત્રને નાનું-મોટું કરતી વખતે ભ્રામક ફેરફાર કરવા કે નહિ. આ સારી ગુણવત્તા આપતુ નથી અને તુ "
+"અભ્રામક ચિત્ર કરતા થોડી ધીમી છે."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ચિત્રને નાનું-મોટું કરતી વખતે ભ્રામક ફેરફાર કરવો જોઇએ કે નહિ. આ સારી ગુણવત્તા આપે છે પરંતુ "
+"અભ્રામક ચિત્રો કરતા થોડી ધીમી છે."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF દિશાના આધારે શું ચિત્ર આપોઆપ ફેરવવામાં આવવું જોઈએ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "ક્યાંતો ગુણધર્મો સંવાદ માં મેટાડેટા યાદી એ તેનાં પોતાનું પાનું હોવુ જોઇએ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "શું સરક વ્હીલ નાનામોટાપણા માટે વાપરવું જોઈએ કે નહિં."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "ઝુમ ગુણક"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ફાઈલ બંધારણ અજ્ઞાત કે બિનઆધારભૂત છે"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ફાઈલનામ પર આધારિત લખી શકાય તેવું ફાઈલ બંધારણ નક્કી કરી શક્યું નહિં."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને .png અથવા .jpg જેવું અલગ એક્સટેન્સન વાપરી જુઓ."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "બધી ફાઈલો"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "બધા ચિત્રો"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "પિક્સેલ"
+msgstr[1] "પિક્સેલો"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર લાવો"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ચિત્રનો સંગ્રહ કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ફોલ્ડર ખોલો"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:546
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "નહિં લવાયેલ ઈમેજો પર પરિવહન."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "રૂપાંતરણ નિષ્ફળ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:978
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "આ ફાઈલ બંધારણ માટે EXIF આધારભૂત નથી."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1093
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ચિત્ર લાવવામાં નિષ્ફળ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1498 ../src/eom-image.c:1600
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "કોઈ ચિત્ર લાવી શકાયું નહિ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1508 ../src/eom-image.c:1612
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "કામચલાઉ ફાઈલ બનાવવાનું નિષ્ફળ."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "સંગ્રહવા માટે કામચલાઉ ફાઈલ બનાવી શકાઈ નહિ: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ફાઈલ લાવવા માટે મેમરી ફાળવી શકાઈ નહિ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "કેમેરામ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર માહિતી"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર લેવાની શરતો"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "બનાવનાર નોંધ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "બીજુ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP હકો વ્યવસ્થાપન"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP અન્ય"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "નિશાની"
+# src/mateconf-editor-window.c:579
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "મૂલ્ય"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "પુનઃપ્રયાસ (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "ચિત્ર '%s' લાવી શક્યા નહિં."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' માં કોઈ ચિત્રો મળ્યા નહિં."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "આપેલ સ્થાનો કોઈ ચિત્રો સમાવતા નથી."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર સુયોજનો"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર કે જેના છાપન ગુણધર્મો સુયોજિત થશે"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "પાનાં સુયોજન"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "પાનાં માટેની જાણકારી કે જ્યાં ચિત્ર છાપવામાં આવશે"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "સ્થાન"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "ડાબુ (_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "જમણુ (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ટોચ (_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "તળિયું (_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "કેન્દ્ર (_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "કંઈ નહિં"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "આડુ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "ઊભું"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "બંને"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "માપ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "પહોળાઈ (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "ઊંચાઈ (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "ખેંચવાનું (_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "એકમ (_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "મીલિમીટરો"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ઈંચો"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "પૂર્વદર્શન"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "અજ્ઞાત"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "આ રીતે"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "પર લેવાયેલ"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "ઓછામાં ઓછા બે ફાઈલ નામો સરખા છે."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE માટે મદદ દર્શાવી શક્યા નહિં"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (અયોગ્ય યુનિકોડ)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:770
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "pixels"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1188
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "પસંદિત ચિત્ર ખોલવા માટે \"%s\" વાપરો"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1338
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર \"%s\" (%u/%u) સંગ્રહી રહ્યા છીએ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1677
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "ચિત્ર \"%s\" લાવી રહ્યા છીએ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2376
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ફાઈલ છાપવામાં ભૂલ:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2518
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "સાધનપટ્ટી સંપાદક"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2521
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "મૂળભૂતમાં પુનઃસુયોજીત કરો (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2607
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "અંકિત પટેલ <[email protected]>, શ્ર્વેતા કોઠારી <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2610
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2614
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2618
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2631
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2634
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "જીનોમ ચિત્ર દર્શક."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3075
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "ઇમેજ ને સ્થાનિક રીતે સંગ્રહ કરી રહ્યા છે..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3157
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"શું તમે ખરેખર \"%s\" ને કચરાપેટીમાં ખસેડવા\n"
+"માંગો છો?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3160
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "\"%s\" માટે કચરાપેટી એ શોધી શકાતી નથી. શું તમે કાયમ માટે આ ઇમેજને દૂર કરવા માંગો છો?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3165
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"શું તમે ખરેખર પસંદ કરેલ ચિત્રને\n"
+"કચરાપેટીમાં ખસેડવા માંગો છો?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"શું તમે ખરેખર પસંદ કરેલ %d ચિત્રોને\n"
+"કચરાપેટીમાં ખસેડવા માંગો છો?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3170
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"પસંદ થયેલ કેટલીક ઇમેજો ને કચરાપેટીમાં ખસેડી શકાતી નથી અને કાયમ માટે દૂર કરવી પડશે. શું તમે "
+"ખરેખર તેને આગળ વધારવા માંગો છો?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3187 ../src/eom-window.c:3614 ../src/eom-window.c:3638
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "કચરાપેટીમાં ખસેડો (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3189
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "આ સત્ર દરમ્યાન ફરીથી પૂછો નહિં (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3234 ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "કચરાપેટીને વાપરી શક્યા નહિં."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ફાઇલ ને કાઢા શકાતી નથી"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર %s ને કાઢવામાં ભૂલ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "ફાઈલ (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "ફેરફાર (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3536
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "દેખાવ (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "જાઓ (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3539
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "સાધનો (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "મદદ (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3542
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "ખોલો (_O)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ફાઈલને ખોલો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3545
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "બંધ કરો (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "વિન્ડો બંધ કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3548
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "સાધનપટ્ટી (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "કાર્યક્રમ સાધનપટ્ટીમાં ફેરફાર કરો"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:211
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3551
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "પસંદગીઓ (_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3552
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE માટે પસંદગીઓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3554
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "સમાવિષ્ટ ભાગો (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "આ કાર્યક્રમ પરની મદદ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "વિશે (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "આ કાર્યક્રમ વિશે"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3563
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "સાધનદર્શકપટ્ટી (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "વર્તમાન વિન્ડોમાં સાધનપટ્ટીનો દેખાવ બદલો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3566
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "સ્થિતિદર્શકપટ્ટી (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3567
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "વર્તમાન વિન્ડોમાં સ્થિતિદર્શક પટ્ટીનો દેખાવ બદલો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3569
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર સમૂહ (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "વર્તમાન વિન્ડોમાં ચિત્ર સમૂહ તકતીની દૃશ્યતા બદલે છે"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3572
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "બાજુ તકતી (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "વર્તમાન વિન્ડોમાં બાજુ તકતીની દૃશ્યતા બદલે છે"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:114
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "સંગ્રહ કરો (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3579
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "વર્તમાનમાં પસંદિત ચિત્રોમાં ફેરફારો સંગ્રહો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3581
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "ની સાથે ખોલો (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "પસંદિત ચિત્રને અલગ કાર્યક્રમ સાથે ખોલો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3584
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "આ રીતે સંગ્રહ કરો (_A)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3585
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "પસંદિત ચિત્રોને અલગ નામ સાથે સંગ્રહો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3588
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "છાપવા માટે પાનાં ગુણધર્મો સુયોજીત કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3590
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "છાપો (_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "પસંદિત ચિત્ર છાપો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3593
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "ગુણધર્મો (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3594
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "પસંદિત ચિત્રના ગુણધર્મો અને મેટાડેટા બતાવો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3596
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "છેલ્લી ક્રિયા રદ કરો (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3597
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ચિત્રમાં છેલ્લા ફેરફારને રદ કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3599
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "આડુ કરો (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3600
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ચિત્રને આડી રીતે મીરર કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3602
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "ઊભુ કરો (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3603
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ચિત્રને ઊભી રીતે મીરર કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3605
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "સમઘડી દિશામાં ફેરવો (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3606
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ચિત્રને ૯૦ ડિગ્રી જમણે ફેરવો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3608
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "વિષમઘડી દિશામાં ફેરવો (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3609
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ચિત્રને ૯૦ ડિગ્રી ડાબે ફેરવો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3611
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "ડેસ્કટોપ પાશ્વ ભાગ તરીકે સુયોજિત કરો (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3612
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "પસંદિત ચિત્રને ડેસ્કટોપ પાશ્ર્વ ભાગ તરીકે સુયોજીત કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "પસંદિત ચિત્રને કચરાપેટી ફોલ્ડરમાં ખસેડો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3617 ../src/eom-window.c:3629 ../src/eom-window.c:3632
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "મોટું કરો (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3618 ../src/eom-window.c:3630
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર મોટું કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3620 ../src/eom-window.c:3635
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "નાનું કરો (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3621 ../src/eom-window.c:3633 ../src/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ચિત્રને સંકોચો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3623
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "સામાન્ય માપ (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3624
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "ચિત્રને તેના સામાન્ય માપ પ્રમાણે બતાવો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3626
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "શ્રેષ્ઠ રીતે બેસતુ (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3627
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ચિત્રને વિન્ડોમાં બેસાડો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3644
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "પૂર્ણ સ્ક્રીન (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3645
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "વર્તમાન ચિત્રને પૂર્ણસ્ક્રીન સ્થિતિમાં બતાવો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3650 ../src/eom-window.c:3662
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "પહેલાંનું ચિત્ર (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3651
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "આગળના ચિત્ર પર જાવ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3653
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "આગળનું ચિત્ર (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3654
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "આગળના ચિત્ર પર જાવ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3656 ../src/eom-window.c:3665
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "પ્રથમ ચિત્ર (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "પ્રથમ ચિત્ર પર જાવ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3659 ../src/eom-window.c:3668
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "છેલ્લું ચિત્ર (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3660
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "અંતિમ ચિત્ર પર જાવ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3674
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "તકતી પ્રદર્શન (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3675
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ચિત્રોના તકતીપૂર્વદર્શનનો દેખાવ શરૂ કરો"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3741
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "પાછળ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3745
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "આગળ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3749
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "જમણું"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ડાબે"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "અંદર"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3758
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "બહાર"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3761
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "સામાન્ય"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3764
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "બંધબેસતું"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3767
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "સંગ્રહ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3770
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "કચરાપેટી"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "પ્લગઈન"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "સક્રિયકૃત"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "રૂપરેખાંકિત કરો (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "સક્રિયકૃત કરો (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "બધું સક્રિય કરો (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "બધું નિષ્ક્રિય કરો (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "સક્રિય પ્લગઈનો (_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "પ્લગઈન વિશે (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "પ્લગઈન રૂપરેખાંકિત કરો (_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "આખી સ્ક્રીન સ્થિતિમાં ખોલો"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ચિત્ર સંગ્રહ નિષ્ક્રિય કરો"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "તકતી પૂર્વદર્શન સ્થિતિમાં ખોલો"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "વર્તમાન ઘટના પુન:વાપરવાને બદલે નવી ઘટનાને શરૂ કરો"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "ઉપલ્બધ આદેશ વાક્ય વિકલ્પોની સંપૂર્ણ યાદીને જોવા માટે '%s --help' ને ચલાવો."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ચિત્ર દર્શક"
diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857430a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/he.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1584 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.he.po to Hebrew
+# translation of eom.mate-2-0.he.po to Hebrew
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Gil 'Dolfin' Osher <[email protected]>, 2002,2003.
+# Gil Osher <[email protected]>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD.he\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-20 15:17+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-20 15:21+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yaron Shahrabani <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hebrew <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Hebrew\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "הצגת \"_%s\""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ה_זזה בסרגל כלים"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "הזזת הפריט הנבחר בסרגל הכלים"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "הסרה _מסרגל הכלים"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "הסרת הפריט הנבחר מסרגל הכלים"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_מחיקת סרגל כלים"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "הסרת סרגל הכלים הנבחר"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "קו מפריד"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "הפעלת מסך מלא בלחיצה כפולה"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "מסך מלא בלחיצה כפולה"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "טעינת תמונה מחדש"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "טעינת התמונה הנוכחית מחדש"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "תאריך בשורת המצב"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "הצגת תאריך התמונה בשורת המצב"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "צפייה וסיבוב של תמונות"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "מציג תמונות"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "ערך צמצם:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "מחבר:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "בתים:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "דגם המצלמה:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "זכויות יוצרים:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "תאריך/שעה:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "תיאור:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "פרטים"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "זמן החשיפה:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "מבזק:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "רוחב המוקד:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "כללי"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "גובה:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "דרוג מהירות ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "מאפייני תמונה"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "מילות מפתח:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "מיקום:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "נתוני על"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "שיטת מדידה:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "שם:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "סוג:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "רוחב:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "ה_בא"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "ה_קודם"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> שם קובץ מקורי"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> מונה"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "בחירת תיקייה"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "תיקיית יעד:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "תצוגה מקדימה של שם הקובץ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "מפרט נתיב הקובץ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "תצורת שם קובץ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "אפשרויות"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "שינוי שם מ־:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "החלפת רווחים בקו תחתון"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "שמירה בשם"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "התחלת מונה ב־:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "אל:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "כ_רקע"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "כ_תבנית משבצות"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "כ_צבע מותאם אישית"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "כצבע מותאם אישית:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "רקע"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "צבע הרקע"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "צבע לאזורים שקופים"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "ה_רחב תמונות להתאמה למסך"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "העדפות העין של MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "שיפורי תמונה"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "תצוגת תמונה"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "קרוב תמונה"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "תוספים"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "רצף"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "מצגת"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "החלקת תמונות בזמן הת_קרבות"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "החלקת תמונות בזמן הת_רחקות"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "חלקים שקופים"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_כיווניות אוטומטית"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_רצף לולאה"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "החלפת תמונה _לאחר:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "שניות"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Active plugins"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatic orientation"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolate Image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolate Image"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Loop through the image sequence"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Scroll wheel zoom"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Transparency color"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Transparency indicator"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Trash images without asking"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Use a custom background color"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoom multiplier"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "מצב מסך מלא"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "סגירה ל_לא שמירה"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "שאלה"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "אם לא תשמור, השינויים שלך יאבדו."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "לשמור את השינויים לתמונה \"%s\" לפני הסגירה?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"ישנה %d תמונה עם שינויים שלא נשמרו. האם לשמור את השינויים לפני הסגירה?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"ישנן %d תמונות עם שינויים שלא נשמרו. האם לשמור את השינויים לפני הסגירה?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_בחירת התמונות שברצונך לשמור:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "אם לא תתבצע שמירה, כל השינויים שלך יאבדו."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "תצורת הקובץ אינה מוכרת או שאינה נתמכת"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "העין של MATE לא זיהתה תצורת קובץ נתמכת על בסיס שם הקובץ."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "נא לנסות סיומת קובץ שונה לדוגמה: png. או jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "כל הקבצים"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "כל התמונות"
+# Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "פיקסל"
+msgstr[1] "פיקסלים"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "פתיחת תמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "שמירת תמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "פתיחת תיקיה"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "התמרה על תמונה לא טעונה."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "ההתמרה נכשלה."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF לא נתמך עבור תצורת קובץ זה."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "טעינת התמונה נכשלה."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "לא נטענו תמונות."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "יצירת קובץ זמני נכשלה."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "לא ניתן ליצור קובץ זמני לשמירה: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "לא ניתן להקצות זיכרון לטעינת קובץ JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "מצלמה"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "מידע התמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "תנאי צילום התמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "הערות יוצר"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "אחר"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "ניהול זכויות XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "‏XMP אחר"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "תג"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "ערך"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_ניסיון חוזר"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "לא ניתן לפתוח את התמונה '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "לא נמצאו תמונות ב־'%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "המיקומים לא מכילים תמונות."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "הגדרות תמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "תמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "התמונה שאפשרויות ההדפסה שלה יוגדרו"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "הגדרות עמוד"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "המידע עבור העמוד בו תודפס התמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "מיקום"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_שמאל:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_ימין:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_מעלה"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "מ_טה:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "מ_רכז:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ללא"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "אופקי"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "אנכי"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "שניהם"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "גודל"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_רוחב:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_גובה:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "הת_אמה:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_יחידה:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "מילימטרים"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "אינצ'ים"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "תצוגה מקדימה"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "לא ידוע"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (עדשה)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (סרט 35 מ\"מ)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "אותו דבר"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "‏%d / %d‏"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "צולם ב"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "לפחות שני שמות קבצים הם זהים."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "לא ניתן להציג עזרה עבור העין של MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (יוניקוד לא תקני)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i על %i פיקסלים %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i על %i פיקסלים %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "ר_ענון"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "ה_סתרה"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"בתמונה \"%s\" נערכו שינויים על ידי יישום חיצוני.\n"
+"האם ברצונך לטעון אותה מחדש?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "שימוש ב־״%s״ לפתיחת התמונה שנבחרה"
+# c-format
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "התמונה ״%s״ נשמרת (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "פתיחת התמונה ״%s״"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"שגיאה בהדפסת קובץ:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "_עורך סרגל כלים"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "ה_חזר לברירת מחדל"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"גיל אושר\n"
+"יאיר הרשקוביץ <[email protected]>\n"
+"ירון שהרבני <[email protected]>\n"
+"פרויקט תרגום MATE לעברית:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "העין של MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "מציג התמונות של MATE"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "פתיחת העדפות ה_רקע"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"התמונה ״%s״ הוגדרה כתמונת רקע.\n"
+"האם ברצונך לשנות את המראה שלה?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "התמונה נשמרת באופן מקומי..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"האם ברצונך להעביר את\n"
+"\"%s\" לאשפה?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "לא ניתן למצוא אשפה עבור \"%s\". האם ברצונך להסיר תמונה זו לצמיתות?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"האם ברצונך להעביר את\n"
+"התמונה הנבחרת לאשפה?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"האם ברצונך להעביר את %d\n"
+"התמונות הנבחרות לאשפה?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"לא ניתן להעביר כמה מהקבצים הנבחרים אל האשפה והם יוסרו לצמיתות. האם ברצונך "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "הע_ברה לאשפה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_אין לשאול במהלך הפעלה זו"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "לא ניתן לגשת לאשפה."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "לא ניתן למחוק את הקובץ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "שגיאה במחיקת תמונה %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_תמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "ע_ריכה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_תצוגה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_מעבר"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_כלים"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ע_זרה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_פתיחה..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "פתיחת קובץ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_סגירה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "סגירת החלון"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_סרגל כלים"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "עריכת סרגל הכלים"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "ה_עדפות"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "העדפות העין של MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_תכנים"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "עזרה עבור יישום זה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "על _אודות"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "על אודות יישום זה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_סרגל כלים"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "שינוי תצוגת סרגל הכלים בחלון הנוכחי"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_שורת המצב"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "שינוי תצוגת שורת המצב בחלון הנוכחי"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_אוסף תמונות"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "שינוי תצוגת אוסף התמונות בחלון הנוכחי"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "סרגל _צד"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "שינוי תצוגת סרגל הצד בחלון הנוכחי"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_שמירה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "שמירת השינויים בתמונות שנבחרו"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "פתיחה _באמצעות"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "פתיחת תמונות נבחרות באמצעות יישום אחר"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "שמירה _בשם..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "שמירת התמונות שנבחרו בשם שונה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "ה_דפסה..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "הדפסת התמונה הנבחרת"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "מא_פיינים"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "הצג את המאפיינים ואת נתוני העל של התמונה הנבחרת"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_ביטול"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ביטול השינוי האחרון שבוצע לתמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "היפוך או_פקי"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "הפיכת התמונה אופקית"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "היפוך א_נכי"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "הפיכת התמונה אנכית"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "סיבוב _עם כיוון השעון"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "סיבוב התמונה 90 מעלות ימינה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "סיבוב _נגד כיוון השעון"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "סיבוב התמונה 90 מעלות שמאלה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "הגדרה כ_רקע שולחן העבודה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "הגדרת התמונה הנבחרת כרקע שולחן העבודה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "העברת התמונות הנבחרות לאשפה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "הת_קרבות"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "הגדלת התמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "הת_רחקות"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "הקטנת התמונה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "גודל _רגיל"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "הצגת התמונה בגודל הנורמלי שלה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "הה_תאמה הטובה ביותר"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "התאמת התמונה לחלון"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_מסך מלא"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "הצגת התמונה הנוכחית במצב מסך מלא"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "השהיית מצגת"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "השהייה או המשך של המצגת"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "התמונה ה_קודמת"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "מעבר לתמונה הקודמת באוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "התמונה ה_באה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "מעבר לתמונה הבאה באוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "ה_תמונה הראשונה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "מעבר לתמונה הראשונה באוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "התמונה ה_אחרונה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "מעבר לתמונה האחרונה באוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_טעינת תמונה אקראית"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "מעבר לתמונה אקראית באוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_מצגת"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "התחלת מצגת של התמונות"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "הקודם"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "הבא"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ימין"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "שמאל"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "כניסה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "יציאה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "רגיל"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "התאמה"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "אוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "אשפה"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "תוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "פעיל"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "ה_גדרה"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "ה_פעלה"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "הפעלת ה_כול"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_כיבוי הכול"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "תוספים פעי_לים:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "על _אודות התוסף"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "הגדרות תוסף"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "מציג התמונות - העין של MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "פתיחה במסך מלא"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ביטול אוסף תמונות"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "פתיחה במצב מצגת"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Show the application's version"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "טען תמונה"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_קובץ"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "הגדר את מאפייני העמוד להדפסה"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>פרטים</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>גובה:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>שם:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>סוג:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>רוחב:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "_שמור בשם..."
+#~ msgid "Dialogs"
+#~ msgstr "תיבות דו־שיח"
+#~ msgid "File Open Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "דו־שיח לפתיחת קבצים"
+#~ msgid "Image Properties Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "דו־שיח למאפייני תמונה"
+#~ msgid "Initially _display pictures folder if no image is loaded"
+#~ msgstr "עם התחלה יש להציג _תיקיות של תמונות אם לא נטענה תמונה"
+#~ msgid "_Use layout for small screens"
+#~ msgstr "ה_שתמש בפריסה למסכים קטנים"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "פתח בעזרת \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "העבר לאשפה"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "הגדרות _עמוד..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "קבע כ_רקע שולחן העבודה"
diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e84d43b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+# translation of eom.master.po to Hindi
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# G Karunakar <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Ravishankar Shrivastava <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.
+# Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.master\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-24 16:01+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-16 14:56+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hindi <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "दिखायें “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "औजारपट्टी पर ले जायें (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "चयनित मद को औजारपट्टी में खिसकाएँ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "औजारपट्टी से मिटाएँ (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "चयनित मद को औजारपट्टी से हटाएँ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "औजारपट्टी मिटाएँ (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "चयनित औजारपट्टी हटायें"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "विभाजक"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "पूर्णस्क्रीन विधि में चल रहा है"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "दोहरे क्लिक के साथ पूर्णस्क्रीन विधि सक्रिय करें"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "दोहरे क्लिक से पूर्ण स्क्रीन विधि"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "छवि फिर से लोड करें"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "मौजूदा छवि फिर लोड करें"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "स्थिति-पट्टी में तिथि"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "विंडो स्थिति-पट्टी में छवि तिथि दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ब्रॉउज करें और घुमाएँ छवियाँ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "छवि प्रदर्शक"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> एपर्चर मान</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> लेखक</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बाइट</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> कैमरा मॉडल</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> तिथि/ समय</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>वर्णन:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>विवरण</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> प्रदर्शन समय</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> फ्लैश</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> लंबाई</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ऊँचाई:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO गति दर:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> बीजशब्द:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>स्थान:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>मीटरिंग विधि:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>नाम:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रकार:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> चौड़ाई</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+#| msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "विवरण"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "सामान्य"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "छवि गुण"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "मेटाडाटा"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "अगला (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "पिछला (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फ़ाइल नाम पूर्वावलोकन</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फ़ाइल पथ विशिष्टताएँ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>विकल्प</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> असली फाइलनाम </i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> काउंटर</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "कोई फ़ोल्डर चुनें"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "गंतव्य फ़ोल्डर :"
+# #-#-#-#-# libmateui.HEAD.hi.po (libmateui-2.0.hi) #-#-#-#-#
+# libmateui/mate-file-entry.c:224 libmateui/mate-icon-entry.c:188
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "फ़ाइलनाम प्रारूप :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "इससे नाम बदलें:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "प्रतिस्थापन स्थानों को अंडरस्कोर से बदलें"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "इस रूप में सहेजें"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "गिनती यहाँ से चालू करेंः"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "प्रतिः"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>छवि संवर्द्धन</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>छवि ज़ूम</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>अनुक्रम</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पारदर्शी भाग</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "पृष्ठ भूमि जैसे (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "चेक पैटर्न जैसे (_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "अनुकूलित रंग जैसे (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी क्षेत्रों हेतु रंग"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "स्क्रीन में फिट बैठने के लिए बिंब फैलायें (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "गनोम की आँख हेतु वरीयताएँ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "छवि दृश्य"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "प्लगइन्स"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइड-शो"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+#| msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "बड़ा किये जाने पर मृदु बिंब (_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+#| msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "छोटा किये जाने पर मृदु बिंब (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "स्वचालित अभिमुखन (_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "लूप अनुक्रम (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "इसके बाद विंब स्विच करें (_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "सेकण्ड्स"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0 से अधिक मूल्य यह निर्धारित करता है कि एक छवि इतने सेकण्डों तक स्क्रीन पर रहेगा, जब तक "
+"कि अगला स्वचालित रूप से दिखेगा. शून्य स्वचालित ब्राउज़िंग को अक्षम कर देता है."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "प्लगिन सक्रिय"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "प्रारंभ में ही 100% से अधिक ज़ूम स्वीकारें"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "स्वचालित अभिमुखन"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "अगली छवि दिखाने से पहले सेकण्डों में देरी"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"निर्धारित करता है कि किस प्रकार पारदर्शिता दिखाई जाएगी. वैध मूल्य हैं CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR तथा NONE. यदि COLOR चुना जाता है, तब trans_color कुंजी निर्धारित करता है "
+"उपयोग में आने वाला रंग मूल्य."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "छवि बहिर्वेषित करें"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "यदि सक्रिय किया गया आई ऑफ गनोम संपुष्टि के लिए नहीं पूछता है जब रद्दी में छवियों को खिसकाया जाता है. यह अभी भी पूछेगा यदि इनमें से कोई फ़ाइल को खिसकाया नहीं जा सकता है रद्दी में और बदले में मिटाई जाएगी."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "यदि सक्रिय किया जाता है और कोई छवि लोड है सक्रिय विंडो में, फ़ाइल चयनक उपयोक्ता की छवि को दिखाएगा XDG विशेष के प्रयोग से उपयोक्ता निर्देशिका में. यदि सक्रिय नहीं किया है या तस्वीर फ़ोल्डर को सेट अप किया है यह मौजूदा कार्यशील निर्देशिका को दिखाएगा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "यदि सक्रिय किया जाता है, विस्तृत मेटाडेटा सूची को गुण संवाद में खिसकाई जाएगी संवाद के अपने पृष्ठ में. यह संवाद को अधिक उपयोगी बनाएगी, उदा. जैसा नेटबुक के द्वारा प्रयुक्त होता है. यदि निष्क्रिय किया गया विजेट को \"Metadata\" पृष्ठ पर अंतःस्थापित किया जाता है."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"यदि पारदर्शी कुंजी में रंग मूल्य है, तब यह कुंजी निर्धारित करती है कि कौन सा रंग पारदर्शिता "
+"को प्रदर्शित करने में उपयोग में लिया जाएगा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "यदि इसे गलत नियत किया जाता है तो छवियों को स्क्रीन के अनुरूप फैलाया नहीं जाएगा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"छवि संग्रह पट स्थिति. तल के लिए 0 पर सेट करें; बाएँ के लिए 1; ऊपर के लिए 2; दाहिने के "
+"लिए 3."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "इंटरपोलेट छवि"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "छवि अनुक्रम में लूप करें"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "स्क्रॉल चक्र जूम"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "छवि संग्रह पट्टी स्क्रॉल बटन दिखायें/छुपायें."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "चित्र संग्रह पट्टी दिखायें/छुपायें."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "विंडो बाजू-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "विंडो स्थिति-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "विंडो उपकरण-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी रंग"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "पारदर्शिता सूचक"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "छवि को बिना पूछे रद्दी में भेजें"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "एक अंतहीन लूप में छवियों के अनुक्रम दिखाया जाए या नहीं."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "क्या फ़ाइलचयनक को उपयोक्ता की तस्वीर को दिखाना चाहिए यदि कोई छवि लोड नहीं की गई है."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "क्या छवि संग्रह पट्टी फिर आकार देने योग्य है या नहीं."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"क्या छवियाँ ज़ूम करने पर बहिवेर्षित की जाएँ या नहीं. इससे अच्छी विशेषता प्राप्त होगी परंतु यह "
+"गैर बहिवेर्षित छवियों से कुछ धीमा होगा."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"क्या छवियाँ छोटा करने पर इंटरपोलेट की जाएँ या नहीं. इससे अच्छी विशेषता प्राप्त होगी परंतु यह "
+"नॉन इंटरपोलेटेड छवियों से कुछ धीमा होगा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "क्या EXIF अभिमुखन पर आधारित बिंब को स्वतः घुमाया जाना चाहिए या नहीं."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "क्या इस विशेषता संवाद में मेटाडेटा सूची को इसका अपना पृष्ठ रखना चाहिए."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "क्या स्क्रॉल ह्वील को जूम करने या नहीं करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "ज़ूम गुणक"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "फ़ाइल प्रारूप अज्ञात या असमर्थित है"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"फाइलनाम के आधार पर आई ऑफ गनोम कोई समर्थित लेखन योग्य फाइल प्रारूप नहीं निर्धारित "
+"करता है फाइल नाम के आधार पर."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ".png या .jpg की तरह का भिन्न फाइल विस्तार के लिए कोशिश करें."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "सभी फ़ाइलें"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "सभी छवियाँ"
+# Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:768
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "पिक्सेल"
+msgstr[1] "पिक्सेल"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "छवि लोड करें"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "छवि सहेजें"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "फ़ोल्डर खोलें"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:546
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "अनलोडेड विंब में बदलें"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "रूपांतरण विफल."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:971
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF इस फाइल प्रारूप के लिये समर्थित नहीं है."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1086
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "छवि लोडिंग विफल."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1488 ../src/eom-image.c:1590
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "कोई छवि लोडेड नहीं."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1498 ../src/eom-image.c:1602
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "अस्थाई फ़ाइल सृजन असफ़ल."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "%s को सहेजने हेतु अस्थाई फ़ाइल तैयार नहीं कर सका"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "जेपीईजी फ़ाइल को लोड करने हेतु मेमोरी बांटी नहीं जा सकती"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "कैमरा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "छवि डॉटा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "छवि लेने की परिस्थितियाँ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "सृजकवाले की टिप्पणी"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "अन्य"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP अधिकार प्रबंधन"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP अन्य"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "टैग"
+# src/mateconf-editor-window.c:579
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "मान"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "पुनः कोशिश करें (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' छवि को लोड नहीं पाया"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' में कोई छवि नहीं पाई गई."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "दिए स्थान में कोई छवि नहीं."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "छवि सेटिंग"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "छवि"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "छवि जिसकी छपाई गुण सेट अप किया जाएगा"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "पृष्ठ सेटअप"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "पृष्ठ के लिए सूचना जहाँ छवि छापी जाएगी"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "स्थिति"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "बायां (_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "दायां (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ऊपर: (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "नीचे: (_B)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "केंद्र (_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "कुछ नहीं"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "क्षैतिज"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "लंबवत"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "दोनों"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "आकार"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "चौड़ाई (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "ऊँचाई (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "अनुमापित कर रहा है (_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ईकाई (_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "मिलीमीटर्स"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "इंचेस"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "पूर्वावलोकन"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:155
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "अज्ञात"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:233
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "जैसा है वैसा ही"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "इस पर चालू"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "कम से कम दो फाइल नाम समान हैं."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "गनोम की आँख हेतु मदद नहीं दिखा सकता"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(अवैध यूनिकोड)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1183
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "\"%s\" का प्रयोग चुनी छवियों को खोलने के लिए करें"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1333
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" (%u/%u) छवि सहेज रहा है"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1672
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" छवि सहेज रहा है"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2368
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"फाइल छापने में त्रुटि:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "औजारपट्टी संपादक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2513
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "तयशुदा में फिर सेट करें (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2599
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"रविशंकर श्रीवास्तव <[email protected]>\n"
+"राजेश रंजन <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2602
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2606
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2610
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2623
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "गनोम की आँख"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2626
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "गनोम छवि प्रदर्शक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3067
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "छवि स्थानीय रूप से सहेज रहा है..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3149
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"क्या आप\n"
+"\"%s\" को रद्दी में डालना चाहते हैं?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3152
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "\"%s\" के लिए रद्दी नहीं मिल सका. क्या आप इस छवि को स्थाई रूप से हटाना चाहते हैं?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3157
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"क्या आप चयनित छवि को\n"
+"रद्दी में भेजना चाहते हैं ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"क्या आप %d छवियों को\n"
+"रद्दी में भेजना चाहते हैं ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3162
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"कुछ चुनी छवियाँ रद्दी में स्थायी रूप से खिसकायी नहीं जा सकती है. क्या आप निश्चित रूप से आगे "
+"बढ़ना चाहते हैं?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3179 ../src/eom-window.c:3606 ../src/eom-window.c:3630
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "रद्दी में ले जायें (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3181
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "इस सत्र के दौरान मत पूछें (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3226 ../src/eom-window.c:3240
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "रद्दी पर पंहुच नहीं सका."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "फाइल मिटा नहीं सका"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3319
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "छवि %s मिटाने में त्रुटि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3526
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "फ़ाइल (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "संपादन (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3528
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "देखें (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "छवि (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3530
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "जायें (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3531
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "औजार (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3532
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मदद (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "खोलें (_O) ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "एक फ़ाइल खोलें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "बंद करें (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "विंडो बंद करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "औजारपट्टी (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3541
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "अनुप्रयोग औजारपट्टी संपादित करें"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:211
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "वरीयताएँ (_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3544
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ग्नोम की आँख हेतु वरीयताएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "विषय सूची (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3547
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "इस अनुप्रयोग पर मदद"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "के बारे में (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3550
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "इस अनुप्रयोग के बारे में"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "उपकरण-पट्टी (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3556
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "मौजूदा विंडो में उपकरण पट्टी की दृश्यता बदलें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "स्थिति-पट्टी (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3559
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "मौजूदा विंडो में प्रस्थिति पट्टी की दृश्यता बदलें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3561
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "छवि संग्रह (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3562
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "मौजूदा विंडो में चित्र संग्रह पैन की दृश्यता बदलें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "किनारे की पट्टी (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3565
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "मौजूदा विंडो में बाजू पट की दृश्यता बदलें"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:114
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "सहेजें (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3571
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "मौजूदा चुनी छवियों में परिवर्तन सहेजें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "इससे खोलें (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3574
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "चयनित छवि भिन्न अनुप्रयोग से खोलें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3576
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "इस रूप में सहेजें... (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3577
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "चयनित छवियों को भिन्न नाम से सहेजें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3580
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "छपाई के लिए पृष्ठ गुण सेटअप करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "छापें... (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3583
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "चुनी छवियाँ छापें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3585
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "गुण (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "चयनित छवि की मेटाडेटा व गुण दिखाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3588
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "पूर्ववत् करें (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3589
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "छवि में अंतिम परिवर्तन वापस लें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "आड़ा पलटें (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3592
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "छवि क्षैतिज रूप से मिरर करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3594
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "खड़ा पलटें (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3595
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "छवि लंबवत रूप से मिरर करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3597
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "घड़ी की दिशा में घुमाएँ (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3598
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "छवि को 90 डिग्री पर दाहिने घुमाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3600
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "वामावर्त घुमाएँ (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3601
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "छवि को 90 डिग्री पर बाएँ घुमाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3603
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "बतौर डेस्कटॉप पृष्ठभूमि सेट करें (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3604
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "चयनित छवि बतौर डेस्कटॉप पृष्ठभूमि सेट करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3607
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "चयनित छवि रद्दी फोल्डर में खिसकाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3609 ../src/eom-window.c:3621 ../src/eom-window.c:3624
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "बड़ा आकार (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3610 ../src/eom-window.c:3622
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "छवि बड़ा करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3612 ../src/eom-window.c:3627
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "छोटा आकार (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3613 ../src/eom-window.c:3625 ../src/eom-window.c:3628
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "छवि छोटा करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "सामान्य आकार (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3616
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "इसके सामान्य आकार पर छवि दिखाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3618
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "सर्वोत्तम अनुरूप (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3619
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "विंडो में छवि फिट करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "पूर्ण स्क्रीन (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3637
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "पूर्ण स्क्रीन मोड में मौजूदा छवि दिखाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3642 ../src/eom-window.c:3654
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "पिछली छवि (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3643
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रह के पिछली छवि पर जाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3645
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "अगली छवि (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3646
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रह की अगली छवि पर जाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3648 ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "पहली छवि (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3649
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रह की पहली छवि पर जाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3651 ../src/eom-window.c:3660
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "अंतिम छवि (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3652
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रह की अंतिम छवि पर जाएँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3666
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइड शो (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3667
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "छवि की स्लाइड शो दृश्य आरंभ करें"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3733
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "पिछला"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3737
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "अगला"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3741
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "दाहिना"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3744
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "बायाँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3747
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "अन्दर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3750
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "बाहर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "सामान्य"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "अनुरूप"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "संग्रह"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "रद्दी"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगइन"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "सक्षम"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "कॉन्फ़िगर करें (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "सक्रिय करें (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "सभी सक्रिय करें (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "सभी निष्क्रिय करें (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "सक्रिय प्लगिन (_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगइन परिचय (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगइन कॉन्फ़िगर करें (_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "पूर्ण स्क्रीन विधि खोलें"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "छवि संग्रह निष्क्रिय करें"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "स्लाइड शो विधि खोलें"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "किसी मौजूदा के बजाए नया उदाहरण आरंभ करें"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[फाइल...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "'%s --help' चलाएँ उपलब्ध कमांड लाइन विकल्प की पूरी सूची देखने के लिए."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "आई ऑफ गनोम छवि प्रदर्शक"
diff --git a/po/hr.po b/po/hr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b9c30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1270 @@
+# Translation of eom to Croatiann
+# Copyright (C) Croatiann team
+# Translators: Automatski Prijevod <>,Denis Lackovic <[email protected]>,Željko Brajdić <[email protected]>,Robert Sedak <[email protected]>,
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom 0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-07 22:44+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-27 18:54+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Launchpad Translations Administrators <rosetta@launchpad."
+"Language-Team: Croatian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
+"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-05-28 00:41+0000\n"
+"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:919
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1387
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Učitavanje slike"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Prikaži/sakrij statusnu traku prozora."
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Prikaži/sakrij statusnu traku prozora."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Image Viewer"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<B>Pregled imena datoteke</B>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Specifikacija putanje datoteke</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Postavke</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Spremi _kao..."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Postavi brojač na:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Do:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Povećanje/umanjenje slike</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sekvenca</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Prozirni dijelovi</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Kao pozadina"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Kao uzorak za _provjeru"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Kao prilagođena _boja:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Boja i prozirna područja"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE postavke"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Prikaz slike"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Sekvenca petlje"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Zamijeni sliku nakon:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "proizvod loše kvalitete"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Vrijednost veća od 0 određuje koliko sekundi se slika prikazuje na zaslonu "
+"prije nego se automatski pojavi slijedeća. Nula isključuje automatsko "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Omogući uvećanje veće od početnih 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Kašnjenje u sekundama prije prikazivanja sljedeće slike"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Određuje kako se pokazuje prozirnost. Ispravne vrijednosti suCHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR i NONE. Ako je odabrana COLOR, tada trans_color ključodređuje "
+"vrijednost korištene boje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ako je vrijednost ključa prozirnosti COLOR, tada ovaj ključ određuje boju "
+"koja se koristi za naznačivanje prozirnosti."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ako je ovo isključno male slike neće biti rastegnute na najveću moguću "
+"veličinu zaslona."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolacija slike"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Petlja kroz niz slika"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Prikaži/sakrij informacije okna slike."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Prikaži/sakrij statusnu traku prozora."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Prikaži/sakrij statusnu alatnu traku."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Boja prozirnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Naznačivanje prozirnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Da li niz slika treba biti prikazan u beskonačnoj petlji."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Treba li slika biti interpolirana prilikom uvećanja/umanjenja ili ne. To "
+"vodi prema boljoj kvaliteti, ali je nešto sporije od neinterpoliranih slika."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Sve datoteke"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Sve slike"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:133
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:135 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:444
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:720
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Učitavanje slike"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Spremi sliku"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Otvori mapu"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformacije neučitane slike."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:947
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF nije podržan za ovaj format datoteke."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1067
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1469 ../src/eom-image.c:1571
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nema učitane slike."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1479 ../src/eom-image.c:1583
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Kreiranje privremene datoteke nije uspjelo."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nisam mogao stvoriti privremenu datoteku za spremanje: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ne mogu pronaći dovoljno memorije za učitavanje JPEG datoteke"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Podaci slike"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Uvjeti fotografiranja"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Napomena tvorca"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ostalo"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Oznaka"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Vrijednost"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr ""
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:90
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Slika"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:847
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:881
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:883
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:893
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:895
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:897
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:918
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:920
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:923
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:941
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:943
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:973
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Pregled"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "kako je"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:470
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Najmanje dva imena datoteka su identična."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ne mogu prikazati pomoć za Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1132
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1247
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1590
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2286
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2414
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2417
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2503
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+" Automatski Prijevod <>\n"
+" Denis Lackovic <[email protected]>\n"
+" Robert Sedak <[email protected]>\n"
+" Željko Brajdić <[email protected]>\n"
+"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
+" Danijel Šnajder\n"
+" Ivica Petrinic\n"
+" Launchpad Translations Administrators"
+" Miroslav Sabljić"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2506
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2514
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2527 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2530
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2913
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Jeste li sigurni na želite premjestiti\n"
+"\"%s\" u smeće?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2916
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati\n"
+"%d odabranu sliku?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati\n"
+"%d odabrane slike?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati\n"
+"%d odabranih slika?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2931
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Pošalji u smeće"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2959 ../src/eom-window.c:2973 ../src/eom-window.c:2979
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Ne mogu pristupiti smeću."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3045
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Greška pri brisanju datoteke %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3252
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Datoteka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3253
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Uredi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3254
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Prikaz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3255
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Kreni"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3257
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3258
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Pomoć"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3260
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Otvori..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3261
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3263
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Zatvori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3264
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zatvori prozor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3266
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3267
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Postavke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3270
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Postavke za Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Sadržaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3273
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3275 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:506
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_O programu..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3276
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "O ovoj aplikaciji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3281
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Alatna traka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3282
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Mijenja vidljivost alatne trake u trenutnom prozoru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusna traka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3285
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Mijenja vidljivost trake statusa u trenutnom prozoru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Kolekcija slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3288
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Mijenja vidljivost okna kolekcije slika u trenutnom prozoru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3291
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3296
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Spremi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3297
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3300
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Spremi _kao..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3303
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3306
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3308
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Ispis..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3309
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3312
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Vrati"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3315
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Zrcali _vodoravno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3318
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3320
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Zrcali _okomito"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3321
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3323
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Zakreni u smjeru _kazaljke na satu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3324
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3329
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Postavi kao _pozadinu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3332 ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Premjesti u sm_eće"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3333
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3335 ../src/eom-window.c:3347 ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Uvećaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3336 ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3338 ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "U_manji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3339 ../src/eom-window.c:3351 ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normalna Veličina"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3342
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3344
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Najbolje pristajanje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3345
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Puni zaslon"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3368 ../src/eom-window.c:3380
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Prethodna slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3371
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Sljedeća slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3374 ../src/eom-window.c:3383
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Prva slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3377 ../src/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Zadnja slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3392
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Sli_deshow"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3459
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Prethodna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Sljedeća"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Desno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3470
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Lijevo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3473
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Povećaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3476
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Smanji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3479
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Obično"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3482
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Prilagodi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3485
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kolekcija"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:514
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:524
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:536
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:541
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:832
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:861
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:868
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[DATOTEKA...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:223
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Datoteka postoji"
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44afdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1531 @@
+# Hungarian translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Gergo Erdi <cactus at cactus.rulez dot org>, 2000, 2001.
+# Andras Timar <timar at mate dot hu>, 2002, 2003, 2004.
+# Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik at mate dot hu>, 2004.
+# Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng at mate dot hu>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+# Máthé Zoltán <mathzoltan at gmail dot com>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-14 14:31+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-14 14:31+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng at mate dot hu>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hungarian <mate at fsf dot hu>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "„_%s” megjelenítése"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Át_helyezés az eszköztáron"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "A kijelölt elem áthelyezése az eszköztáron"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Eltávolítás az eszköztárról"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "A kijelölt elem eltávolítása az eszköztárról"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Eszköztár törlése"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "A kijelölt eszköztár eltávolítása"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Elválasztó"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Teljes képernyős mód aktiválása dupla kattintásra"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Teljes képernyő dupla kattintásra"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Kép újratöltése"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Aktuális kép újratöltése"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Dátum az állapotsorban"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Megjeleníti a kép dátumát az ablak állapotsorában"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Képek böngészése és forgatása"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Képmegjelenítő"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Apertúraérték:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Szerző:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bájt:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Fényképezőgép típusa:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Dátum/idő:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Leírás:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Részletek"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Expozíciós idő:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Vaku:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Fókusztávolság:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Általános"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Magasság:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO sebességérték:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Képtulajdonságok"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Kulcsszavak:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Hely:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metaadat"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mérési mód:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Név:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Típus:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Szélesség:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Következő"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Előző"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> eredeti fájlnév"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> számláló"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Válasszon mappát"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Célmappa:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Fájlnév előnézete"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Fájlútvonal-specifikációk"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Fájlnév formátuma:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Beállítások"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Átnevezés erről:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Szóközök cseréje aláhúzás karakterekre"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Mentés másként"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Számláló indítása ennél:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Erre:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Háttérként"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "_Rácsmintaként"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Egyéni _színként:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Egyéni színként:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Háttér"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Háttérszín"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Az átlátszó területek színe"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Képek _nagyítása a képernyő méretéhez"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Az Eye of MATE beállításai"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Kép javításai"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Képnézet"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Kép nagyítása"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Bővítmények"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sorozat"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diavetítés"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Képek _simítása nagyításkor"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Képek _simítása kicsinyítéskor"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Átlátszó részek"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatikus tájolás"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Végtelenített sorozat"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Ké_p váltása:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "másodperc után"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0-nál nagyobb érték megadja a másodperceket, amíg egy kép a képernyőn marad "
+"mielőtt a következő automatikusan megjelenne. A nulla kikapcsolja az "
+"automatikus böngészést."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktív bővítmények"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "100 százaléknál nagyobb kezdeti nagyítás engedélyezése"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatikus tájolás"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Késleltetés másodpercben a következő kép mutatásáig"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Meghatározza az átlátszóság kijelzésének módját. Az érvényes értékek "
+"CHECK_PATTERN (rácsminta), COLOR (szín) és NONE (semmi). A COLOR választása "
+"esetén a trans-color kulcs határozza meg a használt színértéket."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Kép extrapolálása"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha be van kapcsolva, és nincs kép betöltve az aktív ablakban, akkor a "
+"fájlválasztó megjeleníti a felhasználó Képek mappáját a speciális XDG "
+"felhasználói könyvtár használatával. Ha ki van kapcsolva, vagy a képek mappa "
+"nincs beállítva, akkor az aktuális munkakönyvtárat jeleníti meg."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha be van kapcsolva, az EOM nem kér megerősítést a képek Kukába "
+"mozgatásakor. Továbbra is rákérdez, ha a fájlok valamelyike nem helyezhető "
+"át, és helyette törlésre kerülne."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha be van kapcsolva, akkor a részletes metaadatlista a tulajdonságok "
+"ablakban saját lapot kap az ablakban. Ez az ablakot használhatóbbá teszi "
+"kisebb képernyőkön, például netbookokon. Ha le van tiltva, a felületi elem a "
+"„Metaadatok” lapon beágyazva jelenik meg."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha a transparency kulcs értéke COLOR, akkor ez a kulcs határozza meg az "
+"átlátszóság kijelzéséhez használt színt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha be van kapcsolva, akkor a background-color kulcsban beállított szín lesz "
+"felhasználva a kép mögötti terület kitöltésére. Ha nincs beállítva, akkor az "
+"aktuális GTK téma fogja meghatározni a kitöltésszínt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha nincs beállítva, kezdetben a kis képek nem lesznek kifeszítve a teljes "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"A képgyűjtemény ablaktábla pozíciója. A lehetséges értékek: 0 (lent), 1 "
+"(balra), 2 (fent), 3 (jobbra)."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Kép interpolálása"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Az aktív bővítmények listája. Ez nem tartalmazza az aktív bővítmények "
+"„helyét”. Adott bővítmény „helyének” lekérésével kapcsolatban nézze meg a ."
+"eom-plugin fájlt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "A képsorozat ismétlése"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Egérgörgő nagyítása"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "A képgyűjteménysáv görgetőgombjainak megjelenítése/elrejtése."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "A képgyűjteménysáv megjelenítése/elrejtése."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Az ablak oldalsávjának megjelenítése/elrejtése."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Az ablak állapotsorának megjelenítése/elrejtése."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Az ablak eszköztárának megjelenítése/elrejtése."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"A kép mögötti terület kitöltésére használt szín. Ha a use-background-color "
+"kulcs nem engedélyezett, akkor a színt az aktív GTK+ téma adja meg."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Az egérgörgő nagyításra való használatakor alkalmazandó szorzó. Ez az érték "
+"megadja az egyes görgetési eseményekhez használt nagyítási lépést. A 0,05 "
+"érték például 5% nagyítási növekedést eredményez minden görgetési "
+"eseményhez, az 1,00 pedig 100% nagyítási növekedést."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Átlátszóságot jelző szín"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Átlátszóság jelzése"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Képek Kukába dobása kérdés nélkül"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Egyéni háttérszín használata"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"A fájlválasztó megjelenítse-e a felhasználó Képek mappáját, ha nincsenek "
+"betöltve képek."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "A képgyűjteménysáv átméretezhető legyen-e."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Legyen-e a kép extrapolálva a nagyításkor. Ez a képminőség elmosódását "
+"eredményezi, és kicsit lassabb a nem extrapolált képek használatánál."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Legyen-e a kép interpolálva a kicsinyítéskor. Ez jobb képminőséget "
+"eredményez, de kicsit lassabb."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "A kép automatikusan elforgatandó-e az EXIF tájolás alapján."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "A tulajdonságok ablak metaadatlistája saját oldalon jelenjen-e meg?"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Az egérgörgő használandó-e nagyításra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "A képek sorozata végtelen ismétlésben legyen-e megjelenítve."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Nagyítás szorzója"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Futás teljes képernyős módban"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Bezárás mentés _nélkül"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Kérdés"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ha nem ment, akkor változtatásai elvesznek."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Menti a(z) „%s” kép változtatásait bezárás előtt?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"%d kép nem mentett változtatásokat tartalmaz. Bezárás előtt menti a "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"%d kép nem mentett változtatásokat tartalmaz. Bezárás előtt menti a "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Válassza ki a mentendő képeket:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ha nem ment, az összes változtatása elvész."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "A fájlformátum ismeretlen vagy nem támogatott"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Az Eye of MATE a fájlnév alapján nem tudott támogatott írható "
+"fájlformátumot meghatározni."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Próbálkozzon másik kiterjesztéssel, mint például a .png vagy .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Minden fájl"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Minden kép"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "képpont"
+msgstr[1] "képpont"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Kép megnyitása"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Kép mentése"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Mappa megnyitása"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Átalakítás a be nem töltött képen."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Az átalakítás meghiúsult."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Az EXIF nem támogatott ehhez a fájlformátumhoz."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "A kép betöltése meghiúsult."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nincs kép betöltve."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Átmeneti fájl létrehozása sikertelen."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nem sikerült ideiglenes könyvtárat létrehozni a mentéshez: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nem sikerült a memóriafoglalás a JPEG-fájl betöltéséhez"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Fényképezőgép"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Kép adat"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Képkészítés körülményei"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Készítői megjegyzés"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Egyéb"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP jogkezelés"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Egyéb"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Érték"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%Y. %B %e. %a, %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y. %B %e. %a"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Ú_jra"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Nem tölthető be a következő kép: „%s”."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nem találhatók képek itt: „%s”."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Az adott helyek nem tartalmaznak képeket."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Képbeállítások"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Kép"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "A kép, amely nyomtatási tulajdonságai beállításra kerülnek"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Oldalbeállítás"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Az oldal információi, amelyre az oldal nyomtatásra kerül"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Pozíció"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Bal oldal:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Jobb oldal:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Fent:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Alul:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Középre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nincs"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vízszintes"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Függőleges"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Mindkettő"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Méret"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Szélesség:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Magasság:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Méretezés:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Egység:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milliméter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Hüvelyk"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Előnézet"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Ismeretlen"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lencse)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35 mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ahogy van"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Készült"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Legalább két fájlnév azonos."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nem sikerült megjeleníteni az Eye of MATE súgóját"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (érvénytelen Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i képpont, %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i képpont, %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "Újr_atöltés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Elrejtés"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"A(z) „%s” képet egy külső alkalmazás módosította.\n"
+"Szeretné újratölteni?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "A kijelölt kép megnyitása ezzel: „%s”"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "„%s” kép mentése (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "„%s” kép betöltése"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Hiba a fájl nyomtatása közben:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Eszköztárszerkesztő"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "Alapér_telmezett"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Dvornik László <dvornik at mate dot hu>\n"
+"Érdi Gergő <cactus at cactus dot rulez dot org>\n"
+"Kelemen Gábor <kelemeng at mate dot hu>\n"
+"Máthé Zoltán <mathzoltan at gmail dot com>\n"
+"Tímár András <timar at mate dot hu>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ez a program szabad szoftver, terjesztheti és/vagy módosíthatja a Free "
+"Software Foundation által kiadott GNU General Public License második (vagy "
+"bármely későbbi) változatában foglaltak alapján.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"A programot abban a reményben terjesztjük, hogy hasznos lesz, de nem "
+"vállalunk SEMMIFÉLE GARANCIÁT, még olyan értelemben sem, hogy a program "
+"részletekért tanulmányozza a GNU GPL licencet.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"A programhoz a GNU General Public License egy példánya is jár, ha nem kapta "
+"meg, írjon a Free Software Foundation Inc.-nek. Levélcímük: 51 Franklin St, "
+"Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "A MATE képmegjelenítője."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Háttérbeállítások megnyitása"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"A(z) „%s” kép az asztal háttereként lett beállítva.\n"
+"Kívánja módosítani a megjelenését?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Kép mentése helyileg…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Biztosan át akarja helyezni a(z)\n"
+"„%s” képet a Kukába?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "Nem található %s kukája. Véglegesen el kívánja távolítani ezt a képet?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Biztos át akarja helyezni a\n"
+"kijelölt képet a Kukába?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Biztos át akarja helyezni a\n"
+"kijelölt %d képet a Kukába?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Néhány kiválasztott kép nem helyezhető át a Kukába és véglegesen törlésre "
+"kerül. Biztosan folytatja?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Áthelyezés a _Kukába"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Ne kérdezze újra ebben a munkamenetben"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "A Kuka nem érhető el."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "A fájl nem törölhető"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Hiba a(z) %s kép törlése közben"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Kép"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "S_zerkesztés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Nézet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Ugrás"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Eszközök"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Súgó"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Megnyitás…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Fájl megnyitása"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Bezárás"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Ablak bezárása"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Eszköz_tár"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás eszköztár szerkesztése"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Beállítások"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Az Eye of MATE beállításai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Tartalom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás súgója"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Névjegy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás névjegye"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Eszköztár"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "A jelenlegi ablakban megváltoztatja az eszköztár láthatóságát"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Á_llapotsor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "A jelenlegi ablakban megváltoztatja az állapotsor láthatóságát"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Képgyűjtemény"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "A jelenlegi ablakban megváltoztatja a képgyűjteménysáv láthatóságát"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Oldal_sáv"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "A jelenlegi ablakban megváltoztatja az oldalsáv láthatóságát"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "M_entés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "A jelenleg kiválasztott kép változtatásainak mentése"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Megnyitás e_zzel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "A kijelölt kép megnyitása más programmal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Men_tés másként…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "A kijelölt képek mentése más néven"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Nyomtatás…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "A kiválasztott kép nyomtatása"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "T_ulajdonságok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "A kiválasztott kép tulajdonságainak és metaadatainak megjelenítése"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Visszavonás"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "A kép utolsó változtatásának visszavonása"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Vízszintes tükrözés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Kép tükrözése vízszintesen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Függőleges tükrözés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Kép tükrözése függőlegesen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Forgatás az ó_ramutató irányába"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Kép forgatása 90 fokkal jobbra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Forgatás az óramutatóval _ellentétesen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Kép forgatása 90 fokkal balra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Beállítás _asztalháttérként"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "A kijelölt kép beállítása asztalháttérként"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "A kijelölt kép áthelyezése a kukába"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Nagyítás"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Kép nagyítása"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Kicsinyítés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Kép kicsinyítése"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normál méret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Kép normál mérete"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Legjobb _illeszkedés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Kép igazítása az ablakhoz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Teljes képernyő"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Kép megjelenítése teljes képernyős módban"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diavetítés megállítása"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "A diavetítés megállítása vagy folytatása"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Előző kép"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ugrás a gyűjtemény előző képére"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Következő kép"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ugrás a gyűjtemény következő képére"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Első kép"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ugrás a gyűjtemény első képére"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Utolsó kép"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ugrás a gyűjtemény utolsó képére"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Véletlen kép"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ugrás a gyűjtemény egy véletlen képére"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diavetítés"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Diavetítés indítása a képekből"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Előző"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Következő"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Jobbra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Balra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Be"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Ki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normál"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Igazítás"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Gyűjtemény"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Kukába"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Bővítmény"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Engedélyezve"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Beállítás"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Aktiválás"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Összes a_ktiválása"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Összes l_etiltása"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "A_ktív bővítmények:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Bővítmény _névjegye"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Bővítmény b_eállítása"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE képmegjelenítő"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Megnyitás teljes képernyős módban"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Képgyűjtemény letiltása"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Megnyitás diavetítés módban"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Új példány indítása a meglévő újrahasznosítása helyett"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás verziószámának megjelenítése"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FÁJL…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Futtassa a(z) „%s --help” parancsot a parancssori kapcsolók listájáért."
diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a86547c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/id.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1548 @@
+# Indonesia translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 THE eom's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Ahmad Riza H Nst <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Mohammad DAMT <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Dirgita <[email protected]>, 2010.
+# Dirgita <[email protected]>, 2010.
+# Andika Triwidada <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom mate-2-32\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-14 12:31+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-14 19:42+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andika Triwidada <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: MATE Indonesian Translation Team <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Menampilkan “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Pin_dahkan Bilah Alat"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Memindahkan item yang dipilih pada bilah alat"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Hapus da_ri Bilah Alat"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Membuang item yang dipilih dari bilah alat"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Hapus Bilah Alat"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Menghapus bilah alat yang dipilih"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Pemisah"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Mengaktifkan mode layar penuh dengan klik ganda"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Layar penuh dengan klik ganda"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Muat Ulang Gambar"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Memuat ulang gambar yang sedang dibuka"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Tanggal di baris status"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Menampilkan tanggal milik gambar pada baris status"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Menampilkan dan memutar gambar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Penampil Gambar"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Nilai Bukaan Lensa:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Penulis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bita:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model Kamera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Hak Cipta:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Tanggal/Waktu:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Deskripsi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detail"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Waktu Pencahayaan:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Lampu Kilat:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Panjang Fokus:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Umum"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Tinggi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Rating Kecepatan ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Properti Gambar"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Kata Kunci:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Lokasi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mode Pengukuran:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nama:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Jenis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Lebar:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "Sela_njutnya"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Sebelumnya"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nama berkas asli"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> penghitung"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Pilih folder"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Folder tujuan:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Pratinjau Nama Berkas"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Spesifikasi Lokasi Berkas"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format nama berkas:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opsi"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Ubah nama dari:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Ganti spasi dengan garis bawah"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Simpan Sebagai"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Mulai penghitung dari:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Sampai:"
+# Salah satu opsi untuk menangani bagian transparan gambar yang dibuka.
+# Dengan memilih opsi ini, maka bagian transparan gambar akan diisi oleh warna yang sama dengan jendela aplikasi, seolah-olah gambar menyatu dengan aplikasi.
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Latar _belakang aplikasi"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Sebagai _pola kotak-kotak"
+# Opsi yang muncul pada dialog Preferensi EOM.
+# Di samping kanan opsi ini, ada kotak untuk memilih warna.
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Pilih _warna:"
+# Opsi yang muncul pada dialog Preferensi EOM.
+# Di samping kanan opsi ini, ada kotak untuk memilih warna.
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Pilih warna:"
+# Salah satu opsi untuk menangani bagian transparan gambar yang dibuka.
+# Dengan memilih opsi ini, maka bagian transparan gambar akan diisi oleh warna yang sama dengan jendela aplikasi, seolah-olah gambar menyatu dengan aplikasi.
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Latar belakang aplikasi"
+# Salah satu opsi untuk menangani bagian transparan gambar yang dibuka.
+# Dengan memilih opsi ini, maka bagian transparan gambar akan diisi oleh warna yang sama dengan jendela aplikasi, seolah-olah gambar menyatu dengan aplikasi.
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Warna Latar Belakang"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Warna untuk Wilayah Transparan"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Perbesar gambar hingga sesuai dengan layar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferensi Eye of Mate"
+# Diterjemahkan sebagai "Peningkatan Gambar" sepertinya tidak cocok. Karena tidak ada yang ditingkatkan di sini kecuali bagaimana menangani situasi tertentu saat membuka gambar. Jadi, dipilihkan "Penanganan Gambar" sebagai kandidat terbaik saat ini.
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Penanganan Gambar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Tampilan Gambar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Perbesaran Gambar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Pengaya"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sekuens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Deretan Gambar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Memperbesar tamp_ilan gambar dengan halus"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "_Memperkecil tampilan gambar dengan halus"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Bagian Transparan"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orient_asi otomatis"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "U_langi sekuens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Berganti gambar setelah:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "detik"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Nilai yang lebih dari 0 berarti lama waktu gambar ditampilkan pada layar "
+"hingga gambar berikutnya ditampilkan secara otomatis. Angka 0 akan mematikan "
+"fasilitas pembukaan otomatis."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Pengaya yang aktif"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Memperbolehkan tingkat perbesaran awal lebih dari 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientasi otomatis"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Jeda waktu hingga gambar berikutnya ditampilkan (dalam detik)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Menentukan bagaimana transparansi ditandai. Nilai yang diterima adalah "
+"CHECK_PATTERN (pola kotak-kotak), COLOR (warna), dan NONE (tak ada). Bila "
+"COLOR yang dipilih, maka kunci trans_color akan menentukan nilai warna yang "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapolasi Gambar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Apabila diaktifkan dan tidak ada gambar yang dimuat pada jendela yang aktif, "
+"pemilih berkas akan menampilkan folder gambar milik pengguna melalui "
+"direktori khusus pengguna XDG. Apabila dinonaktifkan atau folder tersebut "
+"belum ditentukan, maka yang akan ditampilkan adalah direktori kerja (yang "
+"aktif saat itu)."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Apabila diaktifkan, Eye of MATE tidak akan mengkonfirmasi saat memindahkan "
+"gambar ke tempat sampah. Tetapi, akan tetap memberi tahu apabila ada berkas "
+"yang tidak bisa dipindahkan ke tempat sampah dan akan langsung dihapus."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Apabila diaktifkan, maka daftar metadata yang lebih rinci pada dialog "
+"properti akan ditampilkan terpisah pada halaman tersendiri. Dengan begitu, "
+"akan lebih sesuai untuk layar komputer yang kecil, seperti pada netbook. "
+"Apabila dinonaktifkan, maka widget tersebut akan ditampilkan pada halaman "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Apabila kunci transparancy memiliki nilai COLOR, maka nilai ini menentukan "
+"warna yang dipakai untuk menandai adanya wilayah yang transparan."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Apabila ini diaktifkan, maka warna yang ditentukan dengan kunci background-"
+"color akan dipakai untuk mengisi wilayah di belakang gambar. Apabila tidak "
+"diaktifkan, maka tema GTK yang mengisinya."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Apabila diberikan nilai FALSE, maka gambar berukuran kecil tidak akan diubah "
+"ukurannya atau direnggangkan sehingga sesuai dengan ukuran jendela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posisi panel koleksi gambar. Isi dengan 0 untuk di dasar; 1 untuk kiri; 2 "
+"untuk puncak; 3 untuk kanan."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolasi Gambar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Daftar pengaya yang aktif. Kunci ini tidak berisikan \"Lokasi\" dari pengaya "
+"yang aktif tersebut. Lihatlah berkas .eom-plugin untuk mendapatkan \"Lokasi"
+"\" pengaya yang diberikan."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Mengulang urutan gambar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Tombol gulung untuk zum"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan tombol penggulung panel koleksi gambar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Tampilkan/sembunyikan panel koleksi gambar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Menampilkan/menyembunyikan panel samping."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Menampilkan/menyembunyikan baris status."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Menampilkan/menyembunyikan bilah alat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Warna yang dipakai untuk memenuhi area di belakang gambar. Bila kunci use-"
+"background-color tak ditata, warna akan ditentukan oleh tema GTK+ yang aktif."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Faktor pengali yang akan diterapkan saat memakai tombol penggulung pada "
+"tetikus untuk memperbesar atau memperkecil gambar. Nilai tersebut menentukan "
+"langkah penzuman untuk tiap kali gulung. Sebagai contoh, 0.05 menghasilkan "
+"5% perbesaran, sementara 1.00 menghasilkan 100% perbesaran."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Warna transparansi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indikator transparansi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Membuang gambar ke tempat sampah tanpa konfirmasi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Menggunakan warna latar belakang ubahan (yang dipilih sendiri)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Menentukan pemilih berkas untuk menampilkan folder gambar pengguna apabila "
+"tidak ada gambar yang dimuat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Apakah panel koleksi gambar mesti dapat diubah ukurannya."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Menentukan interpolasi gambar saat tampilannya diperbesar. Ini akan "
+"mempengaruhi kualitas tampilan gambar dan agak lebih lambat dibandingkan "
+"tanpa interpolasi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Menentukan interpolasi pada saat tampilan gambar diperkecil. Ini akan "
+"menghasilkan gambar dengan kualitas lebih baik, tetapi agak lebih lambat "
+"dibandingkan tanpa interpolasi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Gambar diputar secara otomatis berdasarkan orientasi EXIF-nya atau tidak."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Menentukan daftar metadata pada dialog properti ditampilkan pada halamannya "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr ""
+"Menentukan tombol gulung tetikus untuk memperbesar/memperkecil tampilan "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Menentukan urutan gambar yang ditampilkan terus-menerus."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Faktor pengali perbesaran gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Berjalan dalam mode layar penuh"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Tutup _tanpa Menyimpan"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pertanyaan"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Jika tidak disimpan, maka perubahan yang telah dibuat akan hilang."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Simpan perubahan pada gambar \"%s\" sebelum ditutup?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Terdapat %d gambar dengan perubahan yang belum disimpan. Simpan sebelum "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "Pilih gambar yang h_endak disimpan:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika tidak disimpan, maka semua perubahan yang telah dibuat akan hilang."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Format berkas tidak dikenal atau tidak didukung"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE tidak dapat menentukan format yang didukung dari nama berkasnya."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Silakan coba ekstensi berkas yang lain, seperti .png atau .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Semua Berkas"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Semua Gambar"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Buka Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Simpan Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Buka Folder"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformasi pada gambar yang belum dimuat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformasi gagal."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF tidak didukung pada format berkas ini."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Gagal memuat gambar."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Tidak ada gambar yang dimuat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Gagal membuat berkas temporer."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat berkas temporer untuk menyimpan: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat mengalokasikan memori untuk memuat berkas JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Data Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Kondisi Pengambilan Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Catatan Pembuat"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Lainnya"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "Exif XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Manajemen Hak XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Lainnya"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Nilai"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Ulangi"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat gambar '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Tidak menemukan gambar di '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Lokasi yang diberikan tidak memiliki berkas gambar."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Pengaturan Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Gambar dengan properti pencetakan yang akan disetel"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Atur Halaman"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informasi halaman tempat gambar akan dicetak"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posisi"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "K_iri:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Kanan:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "A_tas:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bawah:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "T_engah:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nihil"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Horisontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "_Vertikal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Keduanya"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Ukuran"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Lebar:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Tinggi:"
+# Ada "slider" skala di samping kanannya.
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skala:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "Sat_uan:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimeter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inci"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Pratinjau"
+# Tidak diketahui jenis mimenya.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Tidak diketahui"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lensa)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (film 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "apa adanya"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Diambil pada"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Ada dua nama berkas yang sama"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat menampilkan layar bantuan untuk Mata MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unikode tidak sah)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i piksel %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+#| msgid "Reload Image"
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Muat Ulang"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Sem_bunyikan"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+#| "Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Gambar \"%s\" telah diubah oleh aplikasi eksternal.\n"
+"Anda ingin memuat ulang?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Menggunakan \"%s\" untuk membuka gambar yang dipilih"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Menyimpan gambar \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Membuka gambar \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Galat mencetak berkas:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Penyunting Bilah Alat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Kembali ke Awal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Ahmad Riza H Nst <[email protected]>, 2004.\n"
+"Mohammad DAMT <[email protected]>, 2004.\n"
+"Dirgita <[email protected]>, 2010.\n"
+"Andika Triwidada <[email protected]>, 2010."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Program ini adalah perangkat lunak bebas; Anda dapat menyebarluaskannya dan/"
+"atau mengubahnya di bawah syarat GNU General Public License sebagaimana "
+"dipublikasikan oleh Free Software Foundation; baik versi 2 dari Lisensi, "
+"atau (terserah pilihan Anda) versi setelahnya.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Program ini didistribusikan dengan harapan dapat berguna, tetapi TANPA "
+"TERTENTU. Lihat GNU General Public License untuk rincian lebih lanjut.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Anda seharusnya menerima salinan dari GNU General Public License bersama "
+"dengan program ini; jika tidak, kirimkan surat Anda ke Free Software "
+"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Penampil gambar MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Buka Preferensi Latar"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Gambar \"%s\" sudah dijadikan Latar Belakang Desktop.\n"
+"Ubah penampilannya?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Menyimpan gambar lokal..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "Pindahkan \"%s\" ke tempat sampah?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Tempat sampah untuk \"%s\" tidak ditemukan. Hapus gambar secara permanen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Pindahkan %d gambar yang dipilih\n"
+"ke tempat sampah?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Beberapa gambar tidak dapat dipindahkan ke tempat sampah dan harus dihapus "
+"permanen. Laksanakan?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Buang ke _Tempat Sampah"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Jangan tanya lagi selama sesi ini"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Tidak dapat mengakses tempat sampah."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus berkas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Galat menghapus berkas %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Sunting"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Tampilan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Ke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Perkakas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Ba_ntuan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Buka…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Membuka berkas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Tutup"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Menutup jendela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Bilah Alat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Menyunting bilah alat aplikasi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_nsi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferensi Eye of Mate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "Bantua_n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Bantuan untuk aplikasi ini"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Tent_ang"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Tentang aplikasi ini"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Bilah Ala_t"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Mengubah kenampakan bilah alat pada jendela yang aktif"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Baris _Status"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Mengubah kenampakan baris status pada jendela yang aktif"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Koleks_i Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ubah penampakan panel koleksi gambar pada jendela ini"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panel Samping"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Mengubah kenampakan panel samping pada jendela yang aktif"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Simpan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Menyimpan perubahan pada gambar yang dipilih"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Buka _dengan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Membuka gambar yang dipilih dengan aplikasi yang berbeda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Simp_an Sebagai..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Menyimpan gambar yang dipilih dengan nama berbeda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Cetak…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Mencetak gambar yang dipilih"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Prope_rti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Menampilkan properti dan metadata dari gambar yang dipilih"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Tak Jadi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Membatalkan perubahan terakhir pada gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Lipat _Horisontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Membalikkan gambar secara horisontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Lipat _Vertikal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Membalikkan gambar secara vertikal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Puta_r Searah Jarum Jam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Memutar gambar 90 derajat ke kanan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Putar Ber_lawanan Jarum Jam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Memutar gambar 90 derajat ke kiri"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Jadikan Latar Belakang _Desktop"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Menjadikan gambar yang dipilih sebagai latar belakang desktop"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Memindahkan gambar yang dipilih ke folder tempat sampah"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Perbesar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Memperbesar tampilan gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "P_erkecil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Memperkecil tampilan gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Ukuran _Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Menampilkan gambar dalam ukuran normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Sesuai Jende_la"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Menyesuaikan gambar dengan jendela aplikasi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Layar _Penuh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Menampilkan gambar dalam modus layar penuh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Jeda Pertunjukan Slide"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Jeda atau melanjutkan pertunjukan slide"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Gambar _Sebelumnya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Lompat ke gambar sebelumnya dari koleksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Gambar Sela_njutnya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Lompat ke gambar selanjutnya dari koleksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Gambar _Pertama"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Lompat ke gambar pertama dari koleksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Gambar _Terakhir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Lompat ke gambar terakhir dari koleksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Gamba_r Acak"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Lompat ke suatu gambar acak dari koleksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Deretan Gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Memulai deretan gambar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Sebelumnya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Selanjutnya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Kanan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Kiri"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Perbesar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Perkecil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Pas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Koleksi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Tempat Sampah"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Pengaya"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Diaktifkan"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigurasi"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktifkan"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tifkan Semua"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Nonaktifkan Semua"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktifkan _Pengaya:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Tent_ang Pengaya"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfigurasi Pengaya"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Penampil Gambar Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Dibuka dalam mode layar penuh"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Matikan koleksi gambar"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Dibuka dalam mode deretan gambar"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Memulai sesi baru ketimbang menggunakan yang sudah ada"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Menampilkan versi aplikasi"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[BERKAS…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Jalankan '%s --help' untuk daftar lengkap opsi yang tersedia."
diff --git a/po/is.po b/po/is.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c27bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/is.po
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Samúel Jón Gunnarsson <[email protected]>, 2003
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-11 19:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-13 06:28-0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: helgi <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Icelandic <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Myndarýnir"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Skoða margar mismunandi gerðir af myndum"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Innreikningur myndar</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Súmm myndar</b>"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Innreikningur myndar</b>"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Syrpa</b>"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Glærleiki</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Sem _bakgrunnur"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Sem hakað m_ynstur"
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Sem sér_valin litur"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Litur fyrir glær svæði"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Opna Möppu"
+msgid "Eye of Mate Preferences"
+msgstr "Stillingar Eye of Mate"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Skráarnafn"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "_Myndasýn"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Vist_a sem..."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Vista mynd"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr ""
+"Sýna næstu mynd sjálfkrafa:\n"
+"(0 til slá frá)"
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Myn_dasyrpa"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Loka"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "Innreikna mynd"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Endurtaka syrpu"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sek"
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr "Ákvarðar hvernig eigi að sýna eigi glærleika. "
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ef glærleikalykill inniheldur gildið LITUR, þá mun þessi lykill ákvarða "
+"litinn sem notaður verður til að sýna eigi glærleika."
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Innreikna mynd"
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Opna myndir í nýjum glugga"
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Sýna/fela tólstiku"
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Sýna/fela tólstiku"
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Glærleikalitur"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Staða glærleika"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvort að opna eigi mynd í nýjum glugga í stað fyrir að útskipta mynd í "
+"núverandi glugga."
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr "Hvort að innreikna eigi mynd við notkun á súmmi eður ei. "
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Allar Skrár"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Allar Myndir"
+# Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+# Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s pixel"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Hlaða mynd"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Vista mynd"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Opna Möppu"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að tileinka minni fyrir hleðslu á JPEG skrá"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að tileinka minni fyrir hleðslu á JPEG skrá"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "tóm skrá"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Skráin er þegar til"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Engar innhlaðnar myndir."
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Nafn"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Breidd myndar"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Myndasafn"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Gildi"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Skráarnafn"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Breidd"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Hæð"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Skráarstærð"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Egind"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "_Skrá"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of Mate."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Vista mynd"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Hætta við vistun"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Miðjað"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "_Innihald"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "sek"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2167 shell/eom-window.c:2482
+#: shell/main.c:498
+msgid "Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Myndarýnir og myndflokkunarforrit fyrir MATE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of Mate.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ekki tókst að sýna hjálp fyrir Eye of Mate.\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:627
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Viltu yfirskrifa %s?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:636 shell/eom-window.c:649
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:637
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:642
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:650 shell/eom-window.c:1034
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1023
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að tileinka minni fyrir hleðslu á JPEG skrá"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1166
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Vista mynd"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1399
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Viltu yfirskrifa %s?"
+msgstr[1] "Viltu yfirskrifa %s?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1437
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr ""
+# [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2096
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2233
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Skrá"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2234
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "Sýs_l"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2235
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "Sý_n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2236
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjálp"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Nýtt"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Opna nýjan glugga"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Opna..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Opna skrá"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open _Directory..."
+msgstr "_Opna Möppu..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open a directory"
+msgstr "Opna Möppu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Loka"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Loka glugga"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Stilli_ngar"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Stillingar fyrir EoG íhluti"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Innihald"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Skoða hjálp fyrir þetta forrit"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Um"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Um þetta forrit"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Tólstika"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2249
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Texti tólstiku"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2254
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Vi_sta"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2255
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Vist_a sem..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Aft_urkalla"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2259
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Velta Lá_rétt"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2260
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Velta _Lóðrétt"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Snúa með k_lukku"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2263
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Snúa á móti kl_ukku"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2264
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "Snúa um 180 grá_ður"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2266
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2268
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Heilskjásýn"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2269
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Súma inn"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2270
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Súma ú_t"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Ve_njuleg Stærð"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2272
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Besta _Snið"
+#: shell/main.c:236
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"Þú ert við það að opna %i glugga samtímis. Viltu opna þá sem í staðin sem "
+#: shell/main.c:240
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Opna marga einstaka glugga?"
+#: shell/main.c:244
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Einstakir gluggar"
+#: shell/main.c:246
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Safn"
+#: shell/main.c:298
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Skrá(r) fannst/fundust ekki"
+msgstr[1] "Skrá(r) fannst/fundust ekki"
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Ekki tókst að opna `%s'"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM safnmyndarýnir"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Versmiðja EOM safnmyndarýnis"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Myndasafn"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "View as Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Myndasafn"
+#~ msgid "Next"
+#~ msgstr "Næsta"
+#~ msgid "Next Image"
+#~ msgstr "Næsta mynd"
+#~ msgid "Previous"
+#~ msgstr "Fyrri"
+#~ msgid "Previous Image"
+#~ msgstr "Fyrri mynd"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Myndasyrpa"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Vistun lokið"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Henda í ruslið"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Safnsýn"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Myndir: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Titill glugga"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Tilkynningartexti"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Staða á hleðslu myndar"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "EOM mynd"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM myndarýnir"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Verksmiðja EOM myndarýnis"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Innfelld EOM mynd"
+#~ msgid "Image"
+#~ msgstr "Mynd"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "Myndir er einungis hægt að vista sem staðbundar skrár."
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Óstudd gerð myndar til vistunar."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Síða"
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Forsýn"
+#~ msgid "Millimeter"
+#~ msgstr "Millimetrar"
+# First page of notebook: Paper selection and margins.
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Pappír"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% af upprunalegri stærð"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Stillla að"
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Aðstoð við klippingar"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Niður, og svo til hægri"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Falla að síðustærð"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally"
+#~ msgstr "Lárétt"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Lárétt um"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Spássíur"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Aðstoð við uppröðun"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Skörun"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Aðstoð við skörun"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Síðuuppröðun"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Niður, og svo til hægri"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Skali"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Sýna"
+#~ msgid "Vertically"
+#~ msgstr "Lóðrétt"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Lóðrétt um"
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Nafn skráar eða gangs sem á að prenta"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Hætta við"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Nýtt"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Opna"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Opna í nýjum glugga"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "Opna í þessum glugga"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Hætta í forritinu"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "H_ætta"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr "Samúel Jón Gunnarsson <[email protected]>"
+#~ msgid "Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Passa"
+#~ msgid "In"
+#~ msgstr "Inn"
+#~ msgid "Normal"
+#~ msgstr "Venjulegt"
+#~ msgid "Out"
+#~ msgstr "Út"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Heilskjásýn"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Sýnir forsýn fyrir þá mynd sem á að prenta"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Pren_taraforsýn..."
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "Prentar_uppsetning"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Senda mynd til prentara"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Snúa til visnstri"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Snúa til hægri"
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "Stilla pappírsstærðir fyrir prentarann þinn"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Prenta..."
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Snúa til _hægri"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Snúa til _vinstri"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Súma inn"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Súma ú_t"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/Ve_njuleg Stærð"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Besta _Snið"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Loka"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Hleðsla myndar %s mistókst."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hleðsla myndar %s mistókst.\n"
+#~ "Ástæða: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Hleðsla mistókst"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Vistun myndar tókst"
+#~ msgid "Image saving failed"
+#~ msgstr "Vistun myndar mistókst"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Hæð myndar"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Texti tólstiku"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Ósk um breidd glugga"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Ósk um hæð glugga"
diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6844c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/it.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1582 @@
+# Italian translation for Eye Of Mate
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2007, 2008, 2009 The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as eom package.
+# Christopher R. Gabriel <[email protected]>
+# Lapo Calamandrei <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
+# Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
+# Milo Casagrande <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009.
+# Davide Falanga <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Gianvito Cavasoli <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-15 21:51+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-16 10:44+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Gianvito Cavasoli <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Italiana <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# da epiphany, solo cambiate le «»
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Mostra «_%s»"
+# copiata da epiphany
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Sposta sulla barra degli strumenti"
+# copiata da epiphany
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Sposta l'elemento selezionato sulla barra degli strumenti"
+# copiata da epiphany
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Rimuovi dalla barra degli strumenti"
+# copiata da epiphany
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Rimuove l'elemento selezionato dalla barra degli strumenti"
+# copiata da epiphany
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Elimina barra degli strumenti"
+# copiata da epiphany
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Elimina la barra degli strumenti selezionata"
+# copiata da epiphany
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separatore"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Attiva la modalità schermo intero con un doppio-clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Schermo intero col doppio-clic"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Ricarica immagine"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Ricarica l'immagine corrente"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data nella barra di stato"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Mostra la data dell'immagine nella barra di stato della finestra"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Esplora e ruota le immagini"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizzatore di immagini"
+# apertura è anche talvolta parafrasato come diaframma...
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valore apertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autore:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Byte:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modello fotocamera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/Ora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descrizione:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Dettagli"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Tempo esposizione:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Lunghezza focale:"
+# sottinteso 'proprietà'
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generali"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Altezza:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Sensibilità ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Proprietà immagine"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Parole chiave:"
+# questa compare in Proprietà -> Generiche
+# indica la posizione nel file system
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Posizione:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadati"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Modalità esposimetro:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nome:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipo:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Larghezza:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "S_uccessiva"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "Pr_ecedente"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nome file originale"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> contatore"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Scegliere una cartella"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Cartella di destinazione:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Anteprima nome file"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Specifiche percorso file"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formato del nome file:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opzioni"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Rinominare da:"
+# (ndt) opzione
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Sostituire spazi con sottolineature"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Salva come"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Far partire il contatore da:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "A:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Come s_fondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Come _scacchiera"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Come colore _personalizzato:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Come colore personalizzato:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Sfondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Colore dello sfondo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Colore per aree trasparenti"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Espandere le immagini per adattarle allo schermo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferenze di Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Miglioramenti immagine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vista immagine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Ingrandimento immagine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sequenza"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diapositive"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Levigare le immagini quando in_grandite"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Levigare le immagini quando rimpiccioli_te"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Parti trasparenti"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Orientare automaticamente"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Reiterare la sequenza"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Cambiare immagine _dopo:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "secondi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Un valore maggiore di 0 determina quanti secondi un'immagine rimane sullo "
+"schermo prima che la successiva venga mostrata automaticamente. Un valore "
+"pari a 0 disabilita lo scorrimento automatico."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plugin attivi"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Consentire ingrandimento iniziale maggiore del 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientamento automatico"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Ritardo in secondi prima di mostrare l'immagine successiva"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina come debba essere indicata la trasparenza. I valori possibili sono "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR e NONE. Se si sceglie COLOR la chiave trans-color "
+"specifica il valore del colore utilizzato."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Estrapola immagine"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se attivata e nessuna immagine è caricata nella finestra attiva, il "
+"selettore di file mostra la cartella delle immagini dell'utente utilizzando "
+"le directory utente speciali XDG. Se disattivata o la cartella delle "
+"immagini non è stata configurata, mostra la directory di lavoro corrente."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Se attivata, Eye of MATE non chiede conferma per la spostamento delle "
+"immagini nel cestino. Continuerà a chiedere se qualche file non può essere "
+"cestinato e deve essere eliminato."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Se attivata, l'elenco dettagliato dei metadati nella finestra delle "
+"proprietà viene spostato in una propria scheda nel dialogo. Questo dovrebbe "
+"rendere il dialogo più usabile sugli schermi più piccoli, come sui netbook. "
+"Se disattivata, il widget è integrato nella scheda \"Metadati\"."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Se la chiave \"trasparency\" è impostata al valore COLOR, questa chiave "
+"determina il colore usato per indicare la trasparenza."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Se attivata, il colore impostato nella chiave background-color sarà usato "
+"per riempire l'area dietro l'immagine. Se non impostata, l'attuale tema GTK+ "
+"determinerà il colore di riempimento."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Se impostata a FALSE, le immagini piccole non verranno inizialmente "
+"ingrandite per riempire lo schermo."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posizione riquadro raccolta immagini. Impostare a 0 per basso, 1 per "
+"sinistra, 2 per alto, 3 per destra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpola immagine"
+# Nota: non so se "Location" è magari parola chiave e non andrebbe tradotta...
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista dei plugin attivi. Non contiene la \"posizione\" dei plugin attivi. "
+"Consultare il file .eom-plugin per ottenere la \"posizione\" di un "
+"determinato plugin."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Reitera la sequenza di immagini"
+# mi pare abbastanza localizzato, no?
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom con rotellina"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Mostra/Nasconde i pulsanti di scorrimento del riquadro raccolta immagini."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/Nasconde il riquadro della raccolta immagini."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/Nasconde il riquadro laterale della finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/Nasconde la barra di stato della finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/Nasconde la barra degli strumenti della finestra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Il colore che sarà usato per riempire l'area dietro l'immagine. Se la chiave "
+"use-background-color non è impostata, il colore è determinato dal tema GTK+ "
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Il moltiplicatore da applicare quando si fa uso della rotellina del mouse "
+"per lo zoom. Questo valore definisce il passo in ingrandimento da usare per "
+"ciascun evento di scorrimento della rotellina. Per esempio, 0.05 indica un "
+"incremento dello zoom del 5% per ciascun evento di rotazione della "
+"rotellina; 1.00 indica un incremento dello zoom del 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Colore della trasparenza"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicatore di trasparenza"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Sposta nel cestino le immagini senza confermare"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Usa un colore dello sfondo personalizzato"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se il selettore dei file debba mostrare la cartella delle immagini "
+"dell'utente se nessuna immagina è caricata."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Indica se il riquadro raccolta immagini debba essere ridimensionabile."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se l'immagine debba essere estrapolata quando ingrandita. Ciò "
+"comporta una qualità peggiore ed il programma risulta più lento che con le "
+"immagini non estrapolate."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se l'immagine debba essere interpolata quando rimpicciolita. Ciò "
+"comporta una qualità migliore, ma il programma risulta più lento che con le "
+"immagini non interpolate."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se l'immagine debba essere ruotata automaticamente in base "
+"all'orientamento EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se l'elenco dei metadati nel dialogo delle proprietà debba avere una "
+"propria scheda."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Indica se la rotella del mouse debba essere usata per lo zoom."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se la sequenza di immagini debba essere mostrata in un ciclo infinito."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Moltiplicatore di zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Esecuzione in modalità schermo intero"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "C_hiudi senza salvare"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Domanda"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se non si salva, le modifiche saranno perse."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Salvare le modifiche all'immagine «%s» prima di chiudere?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"C'è %d immagine con modifiche non salvate. Salvare le modifiche prima di "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ci sono %d immagini con modifiche non salvate. Salvare le modifiche prima di "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_elezionare le immagini da salvare:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se non si salva, tutte le modifiche saranno perse."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Il formato del file è sconosciuto o non supportato"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Non è possibile per Eye of MATE determinare un formato di file scrivibile "
+"supportato in base al nome di file."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Provare una differente estensione di file come .png o .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tutti i file"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Tutte le immagini"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixel"
+# titolo dialogo
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Apri immagine"
+# titolo dialogo
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Salvataggio dell'immagine"
+# titolo dialogo
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Apertura cartella"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Trasformazione su immagine non caricata."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Trasformazione non riuscita."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF non supportato per questo formato di file."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Caricamento immagine non riuscito."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nessuna immagine caricata."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Creazione del file temporaneo non riuscita."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Impossibile creare il file temporaneo per salvare: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Impossibile allocare memoria per caricare il file JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Macchina fotografica"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dati dell'immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condizioni di ripresa dell'immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Note"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Altro"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "Exif XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Gestione diritti XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Altro XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etichetta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valore"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %-d %B %Y, %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %-d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Riprova"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Impossibile caricare l'immagine «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nessuna immagine trovata in «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "La posizione fornita non contiene alcuna immagine."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Impostazioni immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "L'immagine le cui proprietà di stampa saranno impostate"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Impostazione pagina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Le informazioni sulla pagina su cui l'immagine sarà stampata"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posizione"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Sinistra:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Destra:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Alto:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Basso:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrata:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nessuna"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Orizzontale"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Verticale"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Entrambe"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Dimensione"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Larghezza:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "Alte_zza:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "S_calatura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unità:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimetri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Pollici"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Anteprima"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Sconosciuto"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (obiettivo)"
+# NdT: bisogna verificare bene che coincida con la voce
+# presente in eom-plugins
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1fmm (film 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "come è"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Ripresa il"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Almeno due nomi di file sono uguali."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Impossibile visualizzare la guida di Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode non valido)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "Rica_rica"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Nascon_di"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"L'immagine «%s» è stata modificata da un'applicazione esterna.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Usa «%s» per aprire l'immagine selezionata"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Salvataggio dell'immagine «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Apertura dell'immagine «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Errore nello stampare il file:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor barra strumenti"
+# femminile singolare, ripristina la barra degli strumenti.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Ripristina predefinita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Gianvito Cavasoli <[email protected]>\n"
+"Milo Casagrande <[email protected]>\n"
+"Luca Ferretti <[email protected]>\n"
+"Alessio Frusciante <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Questo programma è software libero; è lecito redistribuirlo o modificarlo "
+"secondo i termini della Licenza Pubblica Generica GNU come è pubblicata "
+"dalla Free Software Foundation; o la versione 2 della licenza o (a propria "
+"scelta) una versione successiva.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Questo programma è distribuito nella speranza che sia utile, ma SENZA ALCUNA "
+"GARANZIA; senza neppure la garanzia implicita di NEGOZIABILITÀ o di "
+"APPLICABILITÀ PER UN PARTICOLARE SCOPO. Si veda la Licenza Pubblica Generica "
+"GNU per avere maggiori dettagli.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Questo programma deve essere distribuito assieme ad una copia della Licenza "
+"Pubblica Generica GNU; in caso contrario, se ne può ottenere una copia "
+"scrivendo alla Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, "
+"Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Il visualizzatore di immagini di MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "A_pri preferenze dello sfondo"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"L'immagine «%s» è stata impostata come sfondo della scrivania.\n"
+"Modificare il suo aspetto?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Salvataggio dell'immagine in locale..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Spostare veramente\n"
+"«%s» nel cestino?"
+# (ndt) quella è un'immagine...
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Impossibile spostare nel cestino «%s». Eliminare definitivamente questa "
+"immagine? "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Spostare veramente l'immagine\n"
+"selezionata nel cestino?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Spostare veramente le %d immagini\n"
+"selezionate nel cestino?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Alcune delle immagini selezionate non possono essere spostate nel cestino e "
+"saranno eliminate definitivamente. Procedere veramente?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Sposta nel _cestino"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Non domandare ancora durante questa sessione"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Impossibile accedere al cestino."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Impossibile eliminare il file"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Errore nell'eliminare l'immagine «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "Imma_gine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Modifica"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Visualizza"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "V_ai"
+# È un menù principale (come File, Modifica, ...),
+# ma non si vede per ora perché credo riservato
+# per usi futuri dei plugin --Luca
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Strumenti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_iuto"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Apri..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Apre un file"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Chiudi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Chiude la finestra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Barra degli strumenti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Modifica la barra degli strumenti dell'applicazione"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Preferen_ze"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferenze per Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Sommario"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Aiuto su questa applicazione"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "I_nformazioni"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Informazioni su questa applicazione"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra degli _strumenti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Cambia la visibilità della barra degli strumenti nella finestra attuale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra di s_tato"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia la visibilità della barra di stato nella finestra attuale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Raccolta immagini"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Cambia la visibilità del riquadro della raccolta immagini nella finestra "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Riquadro _laterale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Cambia la visibilità del riquadro laterale nella finestra attuale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Salva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Salva i cambiamenti alle immagini attualmente selezionate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "A_pri con"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Apre l'immagine selezionata con una diversa applicazione"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Salva c_ome..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Salva le immagini selezionate con un nome diverso"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Stampa..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Stampa l'immagine selezionata"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Pr_oprietà"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Mostra le proprietà e i metadati dell'immagine selezionata"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Annulla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Annulla l'ultimo cambiamento all'immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Capovolgi ori_zzontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Specchia l'immagine in orizzontale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Capovolgi _verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Specchia l'immagine in verticale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Ruota in senso _orario"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Ruota l'immagine di 90 gradi verso destra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Ruota in senso _antiorario"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Ruota l'immagine di 90 gradi verso sinistra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Imposta come s_fondo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Imposta l'immagine selezionata come sfondo della scrivania"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Sposta l'immagine selezionata nella cartella cestino"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Aum_enta ingrandimento"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Allarga l'immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Rid_uci ingrandimento"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Restringe l'immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Dimensione normale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Mostra l'immagine alla sua dimensione normale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Ada_tta dimensione"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Adatta l'immagine alla finestra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Sc_hermo intero"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mostra l'immagine corrente nella modalità schermo intero"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Mette in pausa o riprende le diapositive"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Immagine pr_ecedente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va alla precedente immagine della raccolta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Immagine _successiva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va alla successiva immagine della raccolta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Prima immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va alla prima immagine della raccolta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Ultima immagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va all'ultima immagine della raccolta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Ricarica cas_uale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Va a un'immagine casuale della raccolta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diapositive"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Avvia la visualizzazione delle immagini come diapositive"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Precedente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Successiva"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Destra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Sinistra"
+# Sta per Zoom In
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Aumenta"
+# Sta per Zoom Out
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Riduci"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Adatta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Raccolta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Sposta nel cestino"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Abilitato"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigura"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ttiva"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Atti_va tutti"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Disattiva tutti"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Plugin attivi:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "I_nformazioni sul plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigura plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizzatore di immagini Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Apre in modalità schermo intero"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Disabilita la raccolta di immagini"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Apre in modalità diapositive"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Avvia una nuova istanza invece di usarne una esistente"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Mostra la versione dell'applicazione"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Eseguire \"%s --help\" per l'elenco completo delle opzioni disponibili dalla "
+"riga di comando."
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3e459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@
+# eom ja.po.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>, 1999-2002, 2010.
+# Takeshi AIHANA <[email protected]>, 2002-2009.
+# KAMAGASAKO Masatoshi <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Satoru SATOH <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# SUGITA Toshinori <[email protected]>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom mate-2-32\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-19 17:08+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-15 01:45+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# (pofilter) accelerators: accelerator _ is missing from translation
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "\"%s\" を表示する"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ツールバーへ移動する(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "選択したアイテムをツールバーへ移動します"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ツールバーから削除する(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "選択したアイテムをツールバーから削除します"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "ツールバーの削除(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "選択したツールバーを削除します"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "セパレータ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "ダブルクリックでフルスクリーンモードに切り替えます"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "ダブルクリックでフルスクリーンモードにする"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "画像の再読み込み"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "現在の画像をもう一度読み込みます"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "日付の表示"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "ステータスバーを画像のタイムスタンプを表示します"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "いろいろな画像を閲覧します"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "画像ビューア"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "絞り:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "作者:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "サイズ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "カメラの型式:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "著作権:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "日付/時刻:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "説明:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "詳細"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "露出時間:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "フラッシュ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "焦点距離:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "全般"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "高さ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO 感度:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "画像の設定"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "キーワード:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "フォルダ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "メタデータ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "露出補正モード:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "ファイル名:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "種類:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "幅:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "次へ(_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "前へ(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> オリジナルのファイル名"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> カウンタ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "フォルダの選択"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "保存先のフォルダ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "ファイル名のプレビュー"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "パス名の詳細"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ファイル名の書式:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "オプション"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "変更前:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "空白をアンダースコアで置き換える"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "別名で保存"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "開始番号:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "変更後:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "背景と同じ(_B)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "格子縞にする(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "その他(_O):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "カスタム色:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "背景色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "透過な部分の色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "画面一杯に広げる(_X)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE の設定"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "画像の強調"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "画像の表示"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "画像の拡大/縮小"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "プラグイン"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "順番"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "スライドショー"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "縮小する際に画像を補正する(_I)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "拡大する際に画像を補正する(_O)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "透過な部分"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "自動的に向きを調整する(_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "繰り返す(_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "画像を切り替える時間(_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "秒間隔"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+" 0より大きい値は、次の画像が自動的に表示されるまで画像が画面上に表示される時"
+"間 (秒) を指定することになります。 0を指定すると自動閲覧を無効にします。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "利用可能なプラグイン"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "初期表示で 100% より大きい倍率を許可する"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "向きの自動調整"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "次の画像が表示されるまでの間隔 (秒)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"画像を透過する部分をどのように表示させるかを指定します。指定可能な値は "
+"CHECK_PATTERN、COLOR と NONE です。COLOR を選択した場合、キー trans_color に"
+# FIXME: 以前は"Interpolate Image"だが、同じ意味では?
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "画像の補正"
+# filechooser -> ファイルの選択画面 とした
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"この項目が有効でアクティブなウィンドウで画像が読み込まれていない場合は、XDG "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"この項目が有効な場合、Eye of MATE は画像をごみ箱に移動する際に確認をしませ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"いる場合は、ウィジェットは \"メタデータ\" ページに埋め込まれます。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"キー transparency が COLOR の場合、このキーは透過する部分に使用する色を表しま"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"これがアクティブならば、background-color キーで設定された色が画像の後ろのエリ"
+"アを満たすのに使われます。設定されてない場合、現在の GTK+ のテーマが色を決定"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "FALSE に設定すると、小さい画像が画面に合うよう拡大されなくなります。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"画像コレクションのペインの位置です。指定可能な値: 0 (下側)、1 (左側)、2 (上"
+"側)、3 (右側)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "画像の補正"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"ルダ名は含まれません。詳細は、指定したプラグインの \"フォルダ\" の中にある ."
+"eom-plugin ファイルを参照してみてください。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "一連の画像をループ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "スクロール・ホィールでズームする"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "画像コレクションのペインを表示するかどうか。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "ウィンドウにサイド・ペインを表示するかどうか。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "ウィンドウにステータスバーを表示するかどうか。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "ウィンドウにツールバーを表示するかどうか。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"画像の後ろの領域を塗りつぶすのに使われる色です。use-background-color キーが設"
+"定されていなければ、代わりにアクティブな GTK+ のテーマによって決定されます。"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"0.05 にするとスクロール・イベントが発生する度に 5% 単位で拡大し、1.00 にする"
+"と 100% 単位で拡大することになります。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "透過する部分の色"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "透過する部分の表示方法"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "確認無しで画像を削除する"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "背景にカスタム色を使用する"
+# filechooser -> ファイルの選択画面 とした
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "画像コレクションのペインの大きさを変更できるようにするかを指定します。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF の向きに応じて自動的に画像の向きを調整します。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "画像の拡大/縮小でマウスのホィールを使用できるかどうかを指定します。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "一連の画像を無限ループで表示するかどうか指定します。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "拡大率"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "フルスクリーンモードで動作中です"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "保存せずに閉じる(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "確認"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "保存をしないと変更は失われます。"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "\"%s\" への変更を閉じる前に保存しますか?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"まだ保存していない変更をされた画像が %d 枚あります。閉じる前に変更を保存しま"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "保存したい画像を選んでください(_E):"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "保存をしないと変更はすべて失われます。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "不明またはサポートしていないファイル形式です"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ".png や .jpg のような別の拡張子を試してみてください。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "すべてのファイル"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "すべての画像"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "ピクセル"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "画像を開く"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "画像の保存"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "フォルダの選択"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "読み込んでいない画像で変換します。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "変換に失敗しました。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "このファイル形式では EXIF をサポートしていません。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "画像の読み込みに失敗しました。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "画像が読み込まれていません。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "作業用ファイルの生成に失敗しました。"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "保存するための作業ファイルを生成できませんでした: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ファイルを読み込むためのメモリを確保できませんでした"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "カメラ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "画像データ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "画像の調整"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "メーカの備考"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "その他"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Rights Management"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP その他"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "タグ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "値"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%Y年%B%e日 (%a) %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y年%B%e日 (%a)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "再試行(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' という画像を読み込めませんでした"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' という画像が見つかりませんでした"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "指定した場所に画像がありませんでした"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "画像の設定"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "画像"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "画像を印刷するページの情報"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "ページの設定"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "画像を印刷する場所を表すページ情報です"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "位置"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "左(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "右(_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "上(_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "下(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "中央(_E):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "なし"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "水平方向"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "垂直方向"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "両方"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "サイズ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "幅(_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "高さ(_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "拡大率(_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "単位(_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "ミリ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "インチ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "プレビュー"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "不明"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (レンズ)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm のフィルム)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "変更しない"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %Id"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "撮影日: "
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "同じ名前のファイルです。"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE のヘルプを表示できませんでした"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode が不正です)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i ピクセル %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "再読み込み(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "隠す(_D)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"画像 \"%s\" が別のアプリケーションによって変更されました。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "選択した画像を \"%s\" で開きます"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "画像 \"%s\" を保存しています (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "画像 \"%s\" を開いています"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "ツールバー・エディタ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "デフォルトに戻す(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"相花 毅 <[email protected]>\n"
+"佐藤 暁 <[email protected]>\n"
+"KAMAGASAKO Masatoshi <[email protected]>\n"
+"Takayuki KUSANO <[email protected]>\n"
+"やまねひでき <[email protected]>\n"
+"SUGITA Toshinori <[email protected]>\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"このプログラムはフリーソフトウェアです;フリーソフトウェア財団が提供する GNU "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"については GNU 一般公衆利用許諾契約書をご覧ください。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"あなたは、本プログラムと一緒に GNU 一般公衆利用許諾契約書の写しを受け取ってい"
+"るはずです。そうでない場合は、Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA まで手紙を書いてください。"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE の画像ビューアです。"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "背景の設定を開く(_O)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"画像 \"%s\" がデスクトップの背景に設定されました。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "画像をローカルに保存中…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"本当に \"%s\" を\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "\"%s\" をゴミ箱へ移動できません。この画像を直接削除しますか?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"本当に、選択した %d個の\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "ゴミ箱へ移動する(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "このセッション中に二度と確認しない(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ゴミ箱にアクセスできませんでした。"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ファイルを削除できませんでした"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "画像 %s を削除する際にエラー"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "画像(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "編集(_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "表示(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ジャンプ(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "ツール(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ヘルプ(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "開く(_O)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ファイルを開きます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "閉じる(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "このウインドウを閉じます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "ツールバー(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "ツールバーのアイテムを編集します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "設定(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE の設定を変更します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "目次(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "このアプリケーションのヘルプです"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "情報(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "このアプリケーションについて"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "ツールバー(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ツールバーの表示を切り替えます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "ステータスバー(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ステータスバーの表示を切り替えます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "画像のコレクション(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "画像コレクションの表示を切り替えます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "サイド・ペイン(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "サイド・ペインの表示/非表示を切り替えます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "保存(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "選択した画像の変更点を保存します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "次で開く(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "選択した画像を別のアプリケーションで開きます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "別名で保存(_A)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "選択した画像に名前を付けて保存します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "印刷(_P)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "選択した画像を印刷します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "プロパティ(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "選択した画像のプロパティとメタデータを表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "やり直す(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "最後に適用した変更点を戻します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "水平方向にひっくり返す(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "画像を水平方向にひっくり返します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "垂直方向にひっくり返す(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "画像を垂直方向にひっくり返します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "時計回りに回転する(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "画像を右回りで90°回転させます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "反時計回りに回転する(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "画像を左回りで90°回転させます"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "背景にする(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "選択した画像をデスクトップの背景にします"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "選択した画像をゴミ箱のフォルダへ移動します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "拡大(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "画像を拡大します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "縮小(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "画像を縮小します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "オリジナル(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "通常の大きさで画像を表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "ウィンドウに合わせる(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "画像をウィンドウに合わせた大きさにします"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "フル・スクリーン(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "画像をフルスクリーンモードで表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "スライドショー停止"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "スライドショーを停止したり再開したりします"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "前の画像へ(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "コレクションで前の画像を表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "次の画像へ(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "コレクションで次の画像を表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "先頭へ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "コレクションの一番最初の画像を表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "最後へ(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "コレクションの一番最後の画像を表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "ランダムな画像(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "コレクションでランダムに画像を表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "スライドショー(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "複数の画像をスライドショーで表示します"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "前へ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "次へ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "右側"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "左側"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "拡大"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "縮小"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "標準"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "合わせる"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "コレクション"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "ゴミ箱"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "プラグイン"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "有効"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "設定(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "有効にする(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "すべて有効にする(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "すべて無効にする(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "利用可能なプラグイン(_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "プラグインの情報(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "プラグインの設定(_O)"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 画像ビューア"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "フルスクリーンモードで開く"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "画像のコレクションを無効にする"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "スライド・ショー・モードで開く"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "既存のウィンドウを再利用せずに新しいインスタンスを起動する"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "アプリケーションのバージョンを表示します"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ファイル…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"'%s --help' を実行すると利用可能なすべてのコマンドライン・オプションの一覧が"
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "画像の読み込み"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "ファイル(_F)"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "印刷用にページのプロパティを設定します"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>詳細</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>高さ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ファイル名:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>種類:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>幅:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "別名で保存(_A)..."
diff --git a/po/ka.po b/po/ka.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe224b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ka.po
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+# translation of eom.po to Georgian
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Mate Georgian Translators [email protected]
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Zuka Akhvlediani <[email protected]>
+# Alexander Didebulidze <[email protected]>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-22 13:44+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-30 01:30+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: beso <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Georgian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "სურათების გალერეა"
+#: ../
+msgid "View different types of images"
+msgstr "აჩვენე სხვადასხვა ტიპის გრაფიკული გამოსახულებები"
+#: ../
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b> ფაილის სახელის წინასწარ ნახვა</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ფაილის გეზის სპეციფიკაცია</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>გრაფიკული გამოსახულების ინტერპოლაცია</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>გრაფიკული გამოსახულების გადიდება</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ოფციები</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>თანმიმდევრობა</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>გამჭვირვალე არეები</b>"
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "გაადიდე 100%-მდე"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "ფონად დაყენება"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "შ_აბლონად დაყენება"
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "სხვა _ფრად"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "ფერი გამჭვირვალე ველებისათვის"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "დანიშნულების საქაღალდე:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "გნომეს თვალის პარამეტრები"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "ფაილის სახელის ფორმატი:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "სურათის ხედი"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "გადაარქვი სახელი:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "ჭდეების ხაზგასმით შეცვლა"
+#: ../
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3340
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "შეინახე როგორც"
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "ვინახავ გრაფიკულ გამოსახულებას"
+#: ../
+msgid "Slide Show"
+msgstr "სლაიდ შოუ"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ჩართე მრიცხველი: -დან"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ვის:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_მოიძიე"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "გაადიდე გ_რაფიკული გამოსახულება"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "აჩვენე თანმიმდევრობის ციკ_ლი"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "გადართე ამ გრაფიკული გამოსახულების სემდეგ:"
+#: ../
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "წამები"
+#: ../
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "ნულზე მეტი რიცხვი აღნიშნავს წამებს, თუ რამდენ ხანს დარჩება გამოსახულება ეკრანზე, სანამ მას მომდევნო არ შეცვლის. ციფრი 0 თიშავს ავტომატური ჩვენების შესაძლებლობას."
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "გაადიდე 100%-მდე"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "წამობრივი დაყოვნება მომდევნო გამოსახულების გამოსვლამდე."
+#: ../
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr "განსაზღვრავს გამჭვირვალობის ხარისხს. მოცემული პირობებია გამჭვირვალობის სიმკვეთრე, ფერი ფა არაფერი. თუ არჩეულია ფერი, იგი განსაზღვრავს გამოსაყენებელ ფერს. "
+#: ../
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "თუ გამჭვირვალობის გასაღებს მინიჭებული აქვს ფერი, მაშინ ეს გასაები განსაზღვრავს ფერს, რომელიც გამოიყენება გამჭვირვალობისათვის."
+#: ../
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr "თე ეს მონაცემი მცდარია, პატარა გრაფიკული გამოსახულებები არ გაიჭიმება ეკრანზე."
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "გრაფიკული გამოსახულების ინტერპოლირება"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "ბოლო კოლექციის ფანჯრის გეომეტრიული ფორმა"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "ბოლო კერძო ფანჯრის გეომეტრიული ფორმა"
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "განსაზღვრე გრაფიკულ გამოსახულებათა თანმიმდევრობა"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "გახსენი ახალ ფანჯარაში"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "გამოაჩინე/დამალე ინფორმაცია კოლექციის შესახებ"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "გამოაჩინე/დამალე ინფორმაცია თიტოეული გრაფიკული გამოსახულების შესახებ"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "გამოაჩინე/დამალე გამოსახულებათა კოლექციის ველი."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "გამოაჩინე/დამალე ფანჯრის სტატუსის ველი."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "გამოაჩინე/დამალე ფანჯრის იარაღების ველი."
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "გამჭვირვალეირვალობის ფერი"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "გამჭირვალობის ინდიკატორი"
+#: ../
+msgid "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the image in the current window."
+msgstr "უნდა გაიხსნას თუ არა ახალ ფანჯარაში გრაფიკულმა გამოსახულება, ნაცვლად იმისა რომ წინა გამოსახულების ფანჯარაში შეიცვალოს. "
+#: ../
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ვატრიალო თუ არა გრაფიკულ გამოსახულებათა თანმიმდევრობა შეუჩერებლად."
+#: ../
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr "უნდა განიცადოს თუ არა გამოსახულებამ ინტერპოლირება გადიდების დროს. მას მივყავართ საუკეთესო ხარისხამდე მაგრამ უფრო ნელა იტვირთება ვიდრე არაინტერპოლირებული გამოსახულება."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:340
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "ვერ ვქმნი დროებით ფაილს %s -ის შესანახად"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:359
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:600
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "ვერ განვსაზღვრე მეხსიერების ზომა JPEG ფაილის ჩასატვირთად"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:426
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ჩაუტვირთავი გრაფიკული გამოსახულების ტრანსფორმაცია. "
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:538
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF-ი ვერ კიტხულობს მოცემული ფორმატის ფაილებს."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1198
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1411
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "ფაილი უკვე არსებობს"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1351
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1479
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "გრაფიკული გამოსახულება ჩატვირთული არაა."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1360
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1488
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "ვერ ვქმნი დროებით ფაილს."
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "კამერა"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:31
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "სურათის შექმნის თარიღი"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:32
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "გრაფიკული გამოსახულების იარლიყის მდგომარეობა"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:33
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "შენიშვნა"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:34
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "სხვა"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "იარლიყი"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:97
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "მნიშვნელობა"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:29
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:31
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "ფაილის სახელი"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:30
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "სიგანე"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:31
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "სიმაღლე"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:32
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "ფაილის ზომა"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:89
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "ატრიბუტები"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "ფაილი"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:93
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:100
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1024
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "მინიმუმ ორი ფაილის სახელწოდება იდენტურია."
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:44
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ინვალიდი უნიკოდი)"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:129
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "ყველა ფაილი"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "ყველა გრაფიკული გამოსახულება"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr "%s x %s პიქსელი"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:397
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "გახსენი ახალ ფანჯარაში"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:425
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "გრაფიკული გამოსახულების ჩატვირთვა"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:433
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "გრაფიკული გამოსახულების შენახვა"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:441
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "გახსენი საქაღალდე"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:110
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ვერ ვპოულობ MATE Eye-ს დამხმარე სახელმძღვანელოს."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:32
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "მრიცხველი"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:33
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "კომენტარი"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:34
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "თარიღი"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:35
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "დრო"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:36
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "დღე"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:37
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "თვე"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:38
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "წელი"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:39
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "საათი"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:40
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "წუთი"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:41
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "წამი"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "ოფციები არაა."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif ( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr "ამ ფუნქციის შესასრულებლად საჭიროა სპეციალური Libexif ბიბლიოთეკა. ( დააინსტალირე Libexif და თავიდან გადააინსტალირე გნომეს თვალი."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:235
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "როგორც არის"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "ვინახავ გრაფიკულ გამოსახულებას %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:243
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "შენახვის გაუქმება."
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:498
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Besik Meshveliani <[email protected]> "
+"Zuka·Akhvlediani· <[email protected]> "
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:503
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3048
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3699
+#: ../shell/main.c:601
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "გნომის თვალი "
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:506
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "გნომე გრაფიკული გამოსახულებების დამთვალიერებელი პროგრამა-კატალოგი."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:532
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ვერ ვპოულოდ დამხმარე სახელმძღვანელოს გნომეს თვალისათვის.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:967
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "ჩავანაცვლო და გადავაწერო %s ფაილს?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:968
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "ეს ფაილი უკვე არსებობს. გადავაწერო?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:979
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:995
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "გამოტოვე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:980
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "ჩაანაცვლე, თავზე გადააწერე."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:985
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "%s -ის შენახვისას გაიპარა შეცდომა! (Error)"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:996
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1562
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "გაიმეორე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1426
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "ვერ ვსაზღვრავ დანიშნულების მისამართს"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1548
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "ვერ ვსაზღვრავ %s ფაილის ფორმატს"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1549
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr "გამოიყენე ფაილის შესაბამისი სახელი, ან მონიშნე ფაილის ფორმატი."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1687
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "გრაფიკული გამოსახულების შენახვისას დაშვებულია შეცდომა."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1768
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3285
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "დაბეჭდე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1802
+msgid "Print Preview"
+msgstr "დასაბეჭდი გამოსახულების წინასწარი დათვალიერება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2006
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"დარწმუნებული ხარ რომ გინდა \n"
+"\"%s\" -ს გადაგდება?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected image to the trash?Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr "დარწმუნებული ხარ რომ გსურს %d მონიშნული გრაფიკული გამოსახულების გადაგდება?დარწმუნებული ხარ რომ გსურს%d მონიშნული გრაფიკული გამოსახულების გადაგდება?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2024
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3297
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "გადააგდე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2055
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ვერ ვწვდები სანაგვე ყუთს."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "შეცდომა %s გრაფიკული გამოსახულების წაშლისას"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixels [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2911
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i პიქსელი %s %i%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2967
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr "მიზეზი: %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3097
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "არ ხორციელდება %s გრაფიკული გამოსახულების ჩატვირთვა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3262
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_ფაილი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3263
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "დამუშავ_ება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3264
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_ხედი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3265
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_გრაფიკული გამოსახულება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3266
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "გ_ადასვლა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3267
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_დახმარება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3268
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_გახსნა..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3268
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "გახსენი ფაილი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_დახურვა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "დახურე ფანჯარა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3270
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "პა_რამეტრები"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3270
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "პარამეტრები გნომის თვალისთვის"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3271
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "შ_ინაარსი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3271
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "ამ პროგრამის დამხმარე სახელმძღვანელო"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "შ_ესახებ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "ამ პროგრამის შესახებ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_ინსტრუმენტების ველი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ცვის ინსტრუმენტების ველის შეხედულებას მიმდინარე ფანჯარაში."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3278
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_სტატუსის ველი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3278
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ცვლის სტატუსის შესახედაობას სახეობას მიმდინარე ფანჯარაში."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3279
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_კოლექცია"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3279
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ცვლის გამოსახულებათა კოლექციის ველის შესახედაობას მიმდინარე ფანჯარაში."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3283
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "შ_ეინახე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "შეინახე _როგორც"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_გაუქმება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3289
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "ჰორიზონ_ტალურად"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "ვერტიკალურად"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3292
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "საათის ისრის _მიმართულებით"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3293
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "მ_რიცხველის მოძრაობის მიმართულებით"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3294
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "შემოაბრუნ_ე 180°"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3295
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "დააყენე _ფონად"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "მთლიან ე_კრანზე კაშლა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3300
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_სლაიდ შოუ"
+#. accelerators
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3301
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3307
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3308
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_გადიდება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3302
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3309
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "და_პატარავება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3303
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_ნორმალური ზომა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3304
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "საუკეთესო _ზომა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3310
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3312
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3324
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_შემდეგი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3311
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3313
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3314
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3323
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_წინა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3315
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "_გადააგდე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3319
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "_ინფორმაცია"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3319
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ცვლის საინფორმაციო ველის შესახედაობას მიმდინარე ფანჯარაში."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3325
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_პირველი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_ბოლო"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3337
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "გახსენი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "დახურე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "შეინახე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "უკან დააბრუნე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3344
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "მარჯვნივ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3345
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "მარცხნივ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "გა_დიდება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "და_პატარავება"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "ნორმალური"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "გაშალე"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "შემდეგი"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "წინა"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3518
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "სამომხმარებლო ინტერფეისის აღწერა არ მოიპოვება."
+#: ../shell/main.c:166
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "დაუშვი გნომეს თვალის სამომხმარებლო ინტერფეისის შექმნის სესაძლებლობა"
+#: ../shell/main.c:357
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "ვერ ვპოულობ ფაილს."
+#: ../shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "ვერ ვხსნი `%s'"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open '%s'"
+msgstr "გახსენი '%s'"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:444
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "ცარიელია"
diff --git a/po/kk.po b/po/kk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ead425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/kk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1404 @@
+# Kazakh translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2010 HZ
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom master\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-18 20:40+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-15 13:47+0600\n"
+"Last-Translator: Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Kazakh <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Kazakh\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: KAZAKHSTAN\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” көрсету"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Сай_мандар панеліне жылжыту"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Таңдалған нәрсені саймандар панеліне апару"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Са_ймандар панелінен өшіру"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Таңдалған нәрсені саймандар панелінен өшіру"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Саймандар панелін ө_шіру"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Таңдалған саймандар панелін өшру"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Ажыратқыш"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Толық экран режиміне қос шертумен кіру"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Толық экранға қос шертумен өту"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Суретті қайта жүктеу"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Ағымдағы суретті қайта жүктеу"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Қалып-күй жолағында күнді көрсету"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Терезенің қалып-күй жолағында сурет түсірілген күнді көрсету"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Суреттерді шолу мен айналдыру"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Суреттерді көрсетуші"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Диафрагма мәні:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Авторы:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Байт:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Камера моделі:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Күні мен Уақыты:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Анықтамасы:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Ақпараты"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Экспозиция уақыты:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Жарқылдау(вспышка):"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Фокустық қашықтығы:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Жалпы"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Биіктігі:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO сезімділігі:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Сурет қасиеттері"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Кілт сөздер:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Орналасуы:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Метаақпарат"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Өлшеулер режимі:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Аты:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Түрі:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Ені:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Келесі"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "А_лдыңғы"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> бастапқы файл аты"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> санағыш"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Буманы таңдаңыз"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Мақсат бумасы:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Файл атын қарап шығу"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Файл жолының спецификациялары"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Файл атының пішімі:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Опциялары"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Қалайша сақтау"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Соңы:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Фон"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Фон түсі"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Плагиндер"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Escape тізбегі"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слайдшоу"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "секунд"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is active the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set the current GTK theme will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image when the use-background-color key is set."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Мөлдірлік түсі."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Сақта_май-ақ жабу"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Сұрақ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Барлық файлдар"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Барлық суреттер"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "пиксель"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Суретті ашу"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Суретті сақтау"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Буманы ашу"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:589
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:617
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1044
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1171
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1576
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1678
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1586
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1690
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG файлын жүктеу үшін жадыны бөлу мүмкін емес"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Камера"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Басқа"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Тег"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Мәні"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr ""
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Қа_йталау"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' суретін жүктеу мүмкін емес."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ішінде суреттер табылмады."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Сурет"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Парақ баптаулары"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Орналасуы"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "Со_л жақ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "Оң ж_ақ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "Жоғар_ы:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "Тө_мен:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Ортасы:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ешнәрсе"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Жатық"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Тік"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Екеуі де"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Өлшемі"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Ені:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Биіктігі:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "Парақты масштабтау"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "(%(filesize_unit)s/s)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Миллиметр"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Дюйм"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Алдын-ала қарау"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Белгісіз"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Түсірілген"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "\"MATE көзі\" қолданбасы үшін көмек ақпаратын көрсету мүмкін емес"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (қате Юникод)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i пиксель %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1239
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Таңдалған суретті ашу үшін \"%s\" қолдану"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1389
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" суретін сақтау (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1739
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" суреті ашылуда"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2429
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Файлды баспаға шығару қатесі:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2682
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Панельдер түзетушісі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2685
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "Бас_тапқы мәндерге тастау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2771
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <[email protected]>, 2010"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2774
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr "Бұл - еркін бағдарлама; сіз оны Free Software Foundation шығарған GNU General Public License аясында еркін тарата не/және өзгерте аласыз; лицензия нұсқасы 2 не (тандауыңызша) кез-келген кейін шыққан.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2778
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr "Бұл бағдарлама пайдалы болады деген сеніммен таратылады, бірақ ЕШҚАНДАЙ КЕПІЛДЕМЕ берілмейді; КОММЕРЦИЯЛЫҚ ҚҰНДЫЛЫҚ немесе белгілі бір МАҚСАТТАРҒА СӘЙКЕС КЕЛЕТІНІ үшін де. Көбірек білу үшін GNU General Public License қараңыз.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2782
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "Сіз бұл бағдарламамен бірге GNU General Public License көшірмесін алуыңыз керек еді; олай болмаса, Free Software Foundation, Inc. ұйымына хабарласыңыз, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2795
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE көзі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2798
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE үшін суреттерді көрсету қолданбасы."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2924
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2926
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Жасыру"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2938
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+#, c-format
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3442
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3924
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Қоқы_с шелегіне тастау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Бұ_л сессияда енді келесіде сұрамау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Қоқыс шелегіне қатынау мүмкін емес."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Файлды өшіру мүмкін емес"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s суретін өшіру қатесі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3824
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Сурет"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "Тү_зету"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Түрі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3827
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "Ө_ту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Са_ймандар"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Көмек"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3831
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "А_шу…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Файлды ашу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Жабу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Терезені жабу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Сай_мандар панелі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Қолданбаның саймандар панелін түзету."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Бап_таулар"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "\"MATE көзі\" қолданбасының баптаулары"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "Құра_масы"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Бұл қолданба үшін көмек ақпараты"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3846
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "О_сы туралы"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Бұл қолданба туралы"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Панель"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ағымдағы терезедегі саймандар панелінің көрсетілуін іске қосу не сөндіру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Қалы_п-күй жолағы"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3856
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ағымдағы терезедегі қалып-күй жолағының көрсетілуін іске қосу не сөндіру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3858
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "С_уреттер жинағы"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3859
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ағымдағы терезедегі суреттер жинағы панелінің көрсетілуін іске қосу не сөндіру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Бү_йір панелі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ағымдағы терезедегі бүйір панелінің көрсетілуін іске қосу не сөндіру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Сақтау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Ағымдағы таңдалған файлдар өзгерістерін сақтау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Көм_егімен ашу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Таңдалған суретті басқа қолданбамен ашу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Қалайша сақ_тау…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Таңдалған суреттерді басқа атауымен сақтау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Ба_спаға шығару…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Таңдалған суретті баспаға шығару"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Қас_иеттері"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Таңдалған суреттің қасиеттерін мен метаақпаратын көрсету"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Бол_дырмау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3883
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Суретке жасалған соңғы өзгерісті болдырмау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Горизонталды аудару"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3886
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Суретті горизонталды аудару"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Вертикалды аудару"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3889
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Суретті вертикалды аудару"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3891
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "С_ағат тілі бойымен бұру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3892
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Суретті 90 градус оңға бұру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Саға_т тілі бойына қарсы бұру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Суретті 90 градус солға бұру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3897
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Жұмыс үс_тел тұсқағазы ретінде орнату"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3898
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Таңдалған суретті жұмыс үстелінің тұсқағазы ретінде орнату"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Таңдалған суретті қоқыс шелегіне тастау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Үлке_йту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Суретті үлкейту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Кі_шірейту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Суретті кішірейту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Қалы_пты өлшемі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Суретті оның қалыпты өлшемімен көрсету"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Жақ_сырақ сыю"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Суретті терезені толығымен алатындай етіп көрсету"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Т_олық экранға"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Ағымдағы суретті толық экранда көрсету"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слайдшоуды аялдату"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid "Pause or resume the slidehow"
+msgstr "Слайдшоуды аялдату не жалғастыру"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3939
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Алд_ыңғы сурет"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3940
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Жинақтың алдыңғы суретіне өту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "К_елесі сурет"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Жинақтың келесі суретіне өту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "А_лғашқы сурет"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Жинақтың алғашқы суретіне өту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Соңғы сурет"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Жинақтың соңғы суретіне өту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Кездейсоқ сурет"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Жинақтың кездейсоқ суретіне өту"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Сла_йдшоу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Суреттермен слайдшоуды бастау"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4033
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Алдыңғы"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4037
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Келесі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Оң жақ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4044
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Сол жақ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4047
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "%s, %s ішінде"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4050
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Жоқ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4053
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Қалыпты"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4056
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Еніне дейін созу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4059
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Жинақ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4062
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Қоқыс шелегі"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Плагин"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Қосулы"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "Ба_птау"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "Белс_енді қылу"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Б_арлығын белсенді қылу"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Барлығын белсенді е_мес қылу"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Б_елсенді плагиндер:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "П_лагин туралы"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Пл_агинді баптау"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+#: ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "\"MATE көзі\" суреттерді көрсету қолданбасы"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Толық экранда ашу"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Суреттерді жинақтау мүмкіндігін сөндіру"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Слайдшоуда ашу"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Қосулы тұрған көшірменің орнына жаңа көшірмені жөнелту"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Қолданба нұсқасын көрсету"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Командалық жолдың барлық опцияларын қарау үшін '%s --help' енгізіңіз."
diff --git a/po/kn.po b/po/kn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..764c6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/kn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1479 @@
+# translation of to Kannada
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Shankar Prasad <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-22 12:37+0530\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-22 12:34+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Shankar Prasad <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: kn-IN <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” ಅನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ಉಪಕರಣ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸು(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಅಂಶವನ್ನು ಉಪಕರಣ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸು"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ಉಪಕರಣ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಅಂಶವನ್ನು ಉಪಕರಣ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "ಉಪಕರಣಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿಹಾಕು(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಉಪಕರಣ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "ವಿಭಜಕ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ತೆರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಚಾಲನೆಯಲ್ಲಿದೆ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "ಎರಡು ಕ್ಕಿಕ್ಕಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಪೂರ್ಣತೆರೆ ಕ್ರಮವನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "ಎರಡು-ಬಾರಿ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ಕಿಸಿದಾಗ ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣತೆರೆ"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡು"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಪುನಃ ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡು"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿನ ದಿನಾಂಕ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ವಿಂಡೊದಲ್ಲಿ ಚಿತ್ರದ ದಿನಾಂಕವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸು ಹಾಗು ತಿರುಗಿಸು"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ವೀಕ್ಷಕ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "ಕಿಂಡಿಯ ಮೌಲ್ಯ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "ಕತೃ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "ಬೈಟ್‍ಗಳು:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ ಮಾದರಿ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "ಹಕ್ಕು:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "ದಿನಾಂಕ/ಸಮಯ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "ವಿವರಣೆ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "ವಿವರಗಳು"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "ಎಕ್ಸ್‍ಪೋಶರ್ ಸಮಯ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "ಫ್ಲ್ಯಾಶ್:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "ಫೋಕಲ್ ಉದ್ದ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "ಎತ್ತರ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO ವೇಗದ ರೇಟಿಂಗ್:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದ ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "ಮುಖ್ಯಪದಗಳು:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "ಮೆಟಾಡಾಟ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "ಮೀಟರಿಂಗ್ ಕ್ರಮ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "ಹೆಸರು:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "ಬಗೆ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "ಅಗಲ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "ಮುಂದಿನ(_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿನ(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> ಕಡತದ ಮೂಲ ಹೆಸರು"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> ಕೌಂಟರ್"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "ಒಂದು ಫೋಲ್ಡರನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿತ ಕಡತಕೋಶ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "ಕಡತ ಹೆಸರಿನ ಮುನ್ನೋಟ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "ಕಡತ ಮಾರ್ಗದ ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟತೆಗಳು"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ಕಡತದ ಹೆಸರಿನ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "ಪುನಃ ಹೆಸರಿಸು:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "ಸ್ಪೇಸ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಅಂಡರ್ಸ್ಕೋರುಗಳಿಗೆ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "ಹೀಗೆ ಉಳಿಸು"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ಕೌಂಟರನ್ನು ಈ ಸಮಯಕ್ಕೆ ಆರಂಭಿಸು:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ಗೆ:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "ಹಿನ್ನಲೆಯಾಗಿ(_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "ಪರೀಕ್ಷಾ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸವಾಗಿ(_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "ನನ್ನಿಚ್ಛೆಯ ಬಣ್ಣವಾಗಿ(_o):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಗಳಿಗಾಗಿನ ಬಣ್ಣ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "ತೆರೆಗೆ ಸರಿಹೊಂದುವಂತೆ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸು(_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ಐ ಆಫ್ MATE ನ ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದ ವರ್ಧಕಗಳು"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ನೋಟ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದ ಗಾತ್ರಬದಲಿಕೆ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "ಪ್ಲಗ್‌ಇನ್‌ಗಳು(plugins)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "ಅನುಕ್ರಮ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "ಜಾರುಫಲಕ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶನ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸಿದಾಗ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಮೃದುಗೊಳಿಸು(_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "ಕುಗ್ಗಿಸಿದಾಗ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಮೃದುಗೊಳಿಸು(_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕ ಭಾಗಗಳು"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತ ವಾಲಿಕೆ(_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "ಪುನರಾವರ್ತಿತ(ಲೂಪ್) ಅನುಕ್ರಮ(_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "ಇದರ ನಂತರ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸು(_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳು"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0 ಗಿಂತ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಒಂದು ಮೌಲ್ಯವಿದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ಚಿತ್ರವು ಮುಂದಿನ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ "
+"ತೋರಿಸುವ ಮೊದಲು ಅಷ್ಟು ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳ ಕಾಲ ತೆರೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ. ಸೊನ್ನೆ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತ "
+"ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "ಸಕ್ರಿಯ ಪ್ಲಗ್ಗಿನ್ನುಗಳು"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "ಆರಂಭದಲ್ಲಿ 100% ಗಿಂತ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಝೂಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಮತಿಸು"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತ ವಾಲಿಕೆ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "ಮುಂದಿನ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುವವರೆಗಿನ ವಿಳಂಬ, ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕತೆಯನ್ನು ಹೇಗೆ ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕು ಎಂದು ಸೂಚಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳುCHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR ಹಾಗು NONE ಆಗಿರುತ್ತವೆ. COLOR ಅನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಲಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, trans_color ಕೀಲಿಯು "
+"ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಬಣ್ಣದ ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸು(extrapolate)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಕಸದ ಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ರವಾನಿಸುವಾಗ ಐ ಆಫ್ MATE ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಲು "
+"ಕೇಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಆದರೂ ಸಹ ಯಾವುದೆ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಕಸದ ಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ರವಾನಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗದೆ ಅಳಿಸಿ "
+"ಹಾಕಬೇಕಾಗಿ ಬಂದಲ್ಲಿ ಅದು ಖಚಿತ ಪಡಿಸಲು ಕೇಳುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ ಹಾಗು ಯಾವುದೆ ಚಿತ್ರವು ವಿಂಡೊದಲ್ಲಿ ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗದೆ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ, ಕಡತ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಾರವು "
+"XDG ವಿಶೇಷ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಕೋಶಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳ ಕಡತಕೋಶವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. "
+"ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಥವ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳ ಕಡತಕೋಶವನ್ನು ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಿರದ ಪಕ್ಷದಲ್ಲಿ ಅದು ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಕೆಲಸ "
+"ಮಾಡುವ ಕೋಶವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ಸಂವಾದಲ್ಲಿನ ವಿವರವಾದ ಮೆಟಾಡೇಟ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಸಂವಾದದಲ್ಲಿನ "
+"ಅದರದ್ದೇ ಆದಂತಹ ಪುಟಕ್ಕೆ ಸ್ಥಳಾಂತರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.. ಇದರಿಂದಾಗಿ ಸಣ್ಣ ತೆರೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂವಾದವನ್ನು "
+"ಬಳಸುವುದು ಸುಲಭವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ, ಉದಾ. ನೆಟ್‌ಬುಕ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸುವಂತೆ. ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ ವಿಜೆಟ್‌ "
+"ಅನ್ನು \"ಮೆಟಾಡೇಟ\" ಪುಟದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಡಕಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕತೆ ಕೀಲಿಯು COLOR ಮೌಲ್ಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕತೆಯನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಲು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುವ "
+"ಬಣ್ಣವನ್ನು ಕೀಲಿಯು ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"ಇದನ್ನು FALSE ಗೆ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ಚಿಕ್ಕ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಂಭದಲ್ಲಿ ತೆರೆಗೆ ಹೊಂದಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವಂತೆ "
+"ಎಳೆದು ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹ ಫಲಕದ ಸ್ಥಾನ. ಕೆಳಗನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಲು 0 ; ಎಡಕ್ಕೆ ಸೂಚಿಸಲು 1; ಮೇಲೆ ಎಂದು ಸೂಚಿಸಲು "
+"2; ಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ಸೂಚಿಸಲು 3 ಕ್ಕೆ ಹೊಂದಿಸಿ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದ ಒಳಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸು"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"ಸಕ್ರಿಯ ಪ್ಲಗ್‌ಇನ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಪಟ್ಟಿ. ಇದು ಸಕ್ರಿಯ ಪ್ಲಗ್‌ಇನ್‌ಗಳು ಇರುವ \"ಸ್ಥಳ\"ವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಲ್ಲ. ನೀಡಲಾದ "
+"ಪ್ಲಗ್‌ಇನ್‌ ಇರುವ \"ಸ್ಥಳ\"ವನ್ನು ನೋಡಲು .eom-plugin ಕಡತವನ್ನು ನೋಡಿ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದ ಅನುಕ್ರಮಣೆಯ ಮೂಲಕದ ಲೂಪ್"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "ಚಲನಾ ಚಕ್ರ ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸುವಿಕೆ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹ ಫಲಕ ಚಲನಾ ಗುಂಡಿಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು/ಅಡಗಿಸು."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹ ಫಲಕವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು/ಅಡಗಿಸು."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "ವಿಂಡೊ ಬದಿಯಫಲಕವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು/ಅಡಗಿಸು."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "ವಿಂಡೊ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು/ಅಡಗಿಸು."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "ವಿಂಡೊ ಉಪಕರಣಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು/ಅಡಗಿಸು."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸಲು ಮೌಸಿನ ಚಲನಾ ಚಕ್ರವನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವಾಗ ಅನ್ವಯಿಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಗುಣಕ. ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಂದು ಬಾರಿಯ ಚಲನೆಯ "
+"ಸಮಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸುವ ಹಂತವನ್ನು ಈ ಮೌಲ್ಯವು ಸೂಚಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ, ಪ್ರತಿ ಬಾರಿಯೂ 0.05 "
+"ರಷ್ಟು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿದಾಗ ಚಲನಾ ಸನ್ನಿವೇಶದಲ್ಲಿನ 5% ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸುವಿಕೆಗೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ಹಾಗು 1.00 "
+"ರಷ್ಟು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿದಾಗ ಚಲನಾ ಸನ್ನಿವೇಶದಲ್ಲಿನ 100% ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸುವಿಕೆಗೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕತೆ ಬಣ್ಣ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "ಪಾರದರ್ಶಕತೆ ಸೂಚಕ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "ಅನುಮತಿಯನ್ನು ಕೇಳದೆ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ಹಾಕು"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"ಯಾವುದೆ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡದೆ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಡತ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಾರವು ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳ ಕಡತಕೋಶವನ್ನು "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹ ಫಲಕದ ಗಾತ್ರವು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸುವಂತಿರಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸಿದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕುಗ್ಗಿಸಿದಾಗ ಅಂದಾಜು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ. ಇದರಿಂದಾಗಿ "
+"ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟವು ಮಸುಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ ಹಾಗು ಅಂದಾಜು ಮಾಡದೆ ಇರುವ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳಿಗಿಂತ ಒಂದಿಷ್ಟು "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸಿದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕುಗ್ಗಿಸಿದಾಗ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕ್ಷೇಪಿಸಬೇಕೆ (ಸೇರಿಸಬೇಕೆ) ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ. "
+"ಇದರಿಂದಾಗಿ ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟವು ಉತ್ತಮಗೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತದೆ ಆದರೆ ಸೇರಿಸದೆ ಇರುವ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳಿಗಿಂತ ಒಂದಿಷ್ಟು "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು EXIF ವಾಲಿಕೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಆಧರಿತವಾಗಿ ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ತಿರುಗುವಂತೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ಸಂವಾದದಲ್ಲಿನ ಮೆಟಾಡೇಟಾ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯು ತನ್ನದೆ ಆದ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರಬೇಕೆ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "ಚಲನಾ ಚಕ್ರವನ್ನು ಝೂಮ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರಗಳ ಸರಣಿಯನ್ನು ಒಂದು ಅಂತ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲದ ಲೂಪ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "ಝೂಮ್ ಗುಣಕ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "ಉಳಿಸದೆ ಮುಚ್ಚು (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ಕಡತ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸವು ತಿಳಿದಿಲ್ಲ ಅಥವ ಬೆಂಬಲಿತವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"ಕಡತ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಬರೆಯಬಹುದಾದ ಕಡತದ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸವನ್ನು ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಐ ಆಫ್‌ MATE ನಿಂದ "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು .png ಅಥವ .jpg ಯಂತಹ ಬೇರೊಂದು ಕಡತದ ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಕಡತಗಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳು"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "ಪಿಕ್ಸೆಲ್"
+msgstr[1] "ಪಿಕ್ಸೆಲ್"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ಕಡತಕೋಶವನ್ನು ತೆರೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗದೆ ಇರುವ ಚಿತ್ರದ ಮೇಲೆ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯು ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "ಈ ಬಗೆಯ ಕಡತದ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸಕ್ಕೆ EXIF ಬೆಂಬಲವಿಲ್ಲ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದ ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡುವಿಕೆಯು ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಚಿತ್ರವು ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗಿಲ್ಲ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "ತಾತ್ಕಾಲಿಕ ಕಡತದ ರಚನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಫಲತೆ."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "ಉಳಿಸಲು ತಾತ್ಕಾಲಿಕ ಕಡತವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಮೆಮೊರಿಯನ್ನು ನಿಯೋಜಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ದತ್ತಾಂಶ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ತೆಗೆಯುವ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಗತಿಗಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "ತಯಾರಕ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "ಇತರೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP ಹಕ್ಕುಗಳ ನಿರ್ವಹಣೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP ಇತರೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ಟ್ಯಾಗ್"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "ಮೌಲ್ಯ"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "ಪುನಃ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸು(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ನಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವುದೆ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾದ ಸ್ಥಳಗಳು ಯಾವುದೆ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಲ್ಲ."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "ಯಾವ ಚಿತ್ರದ ಮುದ್ರಣ ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸಬೇಕೋ ಆ ಚಿತ್ರ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "ಪುಟದ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಿ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಮುದ್ರಿಸಬೇಕೋ ಆ ಪುಟದ ಮಾಹಿತಿ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "ಸ್ಥಾನ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "ಎಡ(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "ಬಲ(_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ಮೇಲೆ(_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "ಕೆಳಗಿನ(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "ಮಧ್ಯ(_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ಯಾವುದೂ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "ಸಮತಲ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "ಲಂಬ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "ಎರಡೂ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "ಗಾತ್ರ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "ಅಗಲ(_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "ಎತ್ತರ(_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "ಸ್ಕೇಲಿಂಗ್(_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ಘಟಕ(_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "ಮಿಲಿಮೀಟರುಗಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ಇಂಚುಗಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "ಮುನ್ನೋಟ"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "ಗೊತ್ತಿರದ"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (ಲೆನ್ಸ್‍)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm ಫಿಲ್ಮ್‍)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ಇದ್ದಂತೆ "
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "ತೆಗೆದದ್ದು"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "ಕನಿಷ್ಟ ಎರಡು ಕಡತದ ಹೆಸರುಗಳು ಒಂದೇ ರೀತಿ ಇವೆ."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ಐ ಆಫ್ MATE ಗಾಗಿ ನೆರವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ಅಮಾನ್ಯ ಯುನಿಕೋಡ್)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i ಪಿಕ್ಸೆಲ್ %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i ಪಿಕ್ಸೆಲ್‌ಗಳು %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಲು \"%s\" ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಮುದ್ರಿಸುವಾಗ ದೋಷ:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "ಉಪಕರಣ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಸಂಪಾದಕ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತಕ್ಕೆ ಮರಳಿ ಹೊಂದಿಸು(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "ಶಂಕರ್ ಪ್ರಸಾದ್ ಎಂ. ವಿ. <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the Public License as published by the Free Software "
+"Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ಐ ಆಫ್ MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE ಚಿತ್ರ ವೀಕ್ಷಕ."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಳೀಯವಾಗಿ ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ \n"
+"\"%s\" ಅನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" ಗಾಗಿ ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿಯು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ. ಈ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಆರಿಸಲಾದ \n"
+" %d ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಕೆಲವು ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ ಹಾಗು ಶಾಶ್ವತವಾಗಿ "
+"ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲ್ಪಡುತ್ತವೆ. ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಮುಂದುವರೆಯಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "ಕಸದ ಬುಟ್ಟಿಗೆ ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸು(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "ಈ ಅಧಿವೇಶನದಲ್ಲಿ ಇನ್ನೊಮ್ಮೆ ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಕೇಳಬೇಡ(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ನಿಲುಕಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸುವಾಗ ದೋಷ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "ಕಡತ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು(_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "ನೋಟ(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ತೆರಳು(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "ಉಪಕರಣಗಳು(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ಸಹಾಯ(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "ತೆರೆ(_O)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ಒಂದು ಕಡತವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "ಮುಚ್ಚು(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "ವಿಂಡೋ ಅನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "ಉಪಕರಣಪಟ್ಟಿ(_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "ಅನ್ವಯ ಉಪಕರಣವನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು(_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ಐ ಆಫ್ MATE ನ ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "ವಿಷಯಗಳು(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "ಈ ಅನ್ವಯಕ್ಕಾಗಿನ ಸಹಾಯ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "ಈ ಅನ್ವಯದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "ಉಪಕರಣಪಟ್ಟಿ(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ವಿಂಡೊದಲ್ಲಿ ಉಪಕರಣಪಟ್ಟಿಯ ಗೋಚರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿಪಟ್ಟಿಕೆ(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ಈಗಿನ ವಿಂಡೊ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹ(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ವಿಂಡೊದಲ್ಲಿ ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹದ ಫಲಕದ ಗೋಚರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "ಬದಿಯ ಫಲಕ(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ವಿಂಡೊದಲ್ಲಿ ಬದಿಯ ಫಲಕದ ಗೋಚರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "ಉಳಿಸು(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "ಈಗ ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "ಇದರೊಂದಿಗೆ ತೆಗೆ(_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಬೇರೊಂದು ಅನ್ವಯದೊಂದಿಗೆ ತೆರೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "ಹೀಗೆ ಉಳಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಬೇರೊಂದು ಹೆಸರಿನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಉಳಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "ಮುದ್ರಣಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಪುಟದ ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "ಮುದ್ರಿಸು(_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಮುದ್ರಿಸು "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು(_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರದ ಗುಣಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು ಹಾಗು ಮೆಟಾಡಾಟವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸು(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಕೊನೆಯ ಬದಲಾಣೆಯನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "ಅಡ್ಡವಾಗಿ ತಿರುಗಿಸು(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಅಡ್ಡವಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿಬಿಂಬಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "ಲಂಬವಾಗಿ ತಿರುಗಿಸು(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಲಂಬವಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿಬಿಂಬಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ಅಪ್ರದಕ್ಷಿಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ತಿರುಗಿಸು(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು 90 ಡಿಗ್ರಿಯಷ್ಟು ಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ತಿರುಗಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "ಅಪ್ರದಕ್ಷಿಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ತಿರುಗಿಸು(_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು 90 ಡಿಗ್ರಿಯಷ್ಟು ಎಡಕ್ಕೆ ತಿರುಗಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "ಗಣಕತೆರೆಯ ಹಿನ್ನಲೆಯಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದಿಸು(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಗಣಕತೆರೆಯ ಹಿನ್ನಲೆಯಾಗಿ ಬಳಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಕಸದಬುಟ್ಟಿ ಸ್ಥಳಾಂತರಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸು(_Z)s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಹಿಗ್ಗಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "ಕುಗ್ಗಿಸು(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಕುಗ್ಗಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "ಮಾಮೂಲಿ ಗಾತ್ರ(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಅದರ ಮಾಮೂಲಿ ಗಾತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "ಉತ್ತಮವಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದುವ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ವಿಂಡೊದ ಗಾತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ಸರಿಹೊಂದಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "ಪೂರ್ಣತೆರೆ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ಈಗಿನ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಪೂರ್ಣತೆರೆ ಕ್ರಮದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿನ ಚಿತ್ರ(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "ಸಂಗ್ರಹದ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಚಿತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ತೆರಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "ಮುಂದಿನ ಚಿತ್ರ(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "ಸಂಗ್ರಹದ ಮುಂದಿನ ಚಿತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ತೆರಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "ಮೊದಲ ಚಿತ್ರ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "ಸಂಗ್ರಹದಲ್ಲಿನ ಮೊದಲ ಚಿತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ತೆರಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "ಕೊನೆಯ ಚಿತ್ರ(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "ಸಂಗ್ರಹದಲ್ಲಿನ ಕೊನೆಯ ಚಿತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ತೆರಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "ಸಂಗ್ರಹದ ಮುಂದಿನ ಚಿತ್ರಕ್ಕೆ ತೆರಳು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "ಜಾರುಫಲಕ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶನ(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರಗಳ ಒಂದು ಜಾರುಫಲಕ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶನವನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿನ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "ಮುಂದಿನ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ಬಲ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ಎಡ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ಒಳಗೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "ಹೊಂದಿಸು"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "ಸಂಗ್ರಹ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "ಕಸದ ಬುಟ್ಟಿ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "ಪ್ಲಗ್ಇನ್"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಂಡ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "ಸಂರಚಿಸು(_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "ಸಕ್ರಿಯ ಪ್ಲಗ್ಇನ್‍ಗಳು(_Plugins):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "ಪ್ಲಗ್ಇನ್‍ನ ಬಗ್ಗೆ(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "ಪ್ಲಗ್ಇನ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸಂರಚಿಸು(_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ಪೂರ್ಣತೆರೆ ಕ್ರಮದಲ್ಲಿ ತೆಗೆ"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹವನ್ನು ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "ಜಾರುಫಲಕ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶನದಲ್ಲಿ ತೆಗೆ"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "ಈಗಿರುವ ಒಂದು ಸನ್ನಿವೇಶವನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವ ಬದಲು ಹೊಸತೊಂದನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಿ"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "ಲಭ್ಯವಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಆಜ್ಞಾ ಸಾಲಿನ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೋಡಲು '%s --help' ಅನ್ನು ಚಲಾಯಿಸಿ."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ಐ ಆಫ್ MATE ಚಿತ್ರ ವೀಕ್ಷಕ"
+#~ msgid "Show the application's version"
+#~ msgstr "ಅನ್ವಯದ ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ವಿವರಗಳು</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ಎತ್ತರ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ಹೆಸರು:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ಬಗೆ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ಅಗಲ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "ಹೀಗೆ ಉಳಿಸು(_A)..."
diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c483db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ko.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1457 @@
+# eom ko.po
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Sung-Hyun Nam <[email protected]>, 1999
+# Young-Ho Cha <[email protected]>, 2000,2001,2006
+# Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>, 2002-2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+# 새로 번역하시는 분은 아래 "tranalstor-credits"에 추가하세요.
+# 주의
+# - 카메라 관련 전문 용어가 많으므로 기존에 쓰이는 용어를 찾아서 사용한다.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-14 03:20+0900\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-14 03:31+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Changwoo Ryu <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: MATE Korea <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“%s” 보이기"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음 옮기기(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음에서 선택한 항목을 옮깁니다"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음에서 제거(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음에서 선택한 항목을 제거합니다"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음 삭제(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "선택한 도구 모음을 제거합니다"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "구분선"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "전체화면 모드에서 실행"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "두 번 누르면 전체 화면으로 합니다"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "두 번 누르면 전체 화면"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "그림 다시 읽기"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "현재 그림을 다시 읽습니다"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "상태 표시줄에 시각"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "창의 상태 표시줄에 그림의 시각을 표시합니다"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "그림 살펴보기 및 돌리기"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "그림 보기"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "조리개 값:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "촬영자:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "바이트:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "카메라 모델:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "저작권:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "날짜/시간:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "설명:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "자세히"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "노출 시간:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "플래시:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "초점 거리:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "일반"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "높이:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO 감광도:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "그림 등록정보"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "검색단어:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "장소:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "메타데이터"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "측광 방식:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "이름:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "종류:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "너비:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "다음(_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "이전(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> 원래 파일 이름"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> 일련번호"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "폴더 선택"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "저장할 폴더:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "파일 이름 미리 보기"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "파일 경로 지정"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "파일 이름 형식:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "옵션"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "원래 이름:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "공백을 밑줄로 바꾸기"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "다른 이름으로 저장"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "일련번호 시작:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "바꿀 이름:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "배경으로(_B)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "체크무늬로(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "지정한 색으로(_O):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "투명한 부분의 색"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "화면에 맞게 그림 크기 조정(_X)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "그놈의 눈 기본 설정"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "그림 개선"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "그림 보기"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "그림 확대/축소"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "플러그인"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "차례"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "슬라이드 쇼"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "확대할 때 그림 부드럽게(_I)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "축소할 때 그림 부드럽게(_O)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "투명한 부분"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "자동 방향(_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "반복(_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "그림을 다음 시간 후 바꿈(_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "초"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0보다 큰 값이면 다음 그림으로 자동으로 넘어갈 때까지 유지할 시간입니다. 0이"
+"면 자동 넘어가기를 끕니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "사용중인 플러그인"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "최초에 100%보다 크게 허용합니다"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "자동 방향"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "다음 그림을 표시할 때까지의 지연 시간 (초 단위)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"투명한 부분을 어떻게 나타낼 지 지정합니다. 가능한 값은 CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR, "
+"그리고 NONE입니다. COLOR의 경우 trans_color 키에서 어떤 색을 쓸 지 지정합니"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "그림 엑스트라폴레이션"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"참이면 그림을 휴지통에 옮길 때 확인 질문을 하지 않습니다. 참이라고 해도 파일 "
+"중에 휴지통에 옮기지 못하고 삭제하는 경우에는 확인 질문을 합니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"참이고 창에서 그림을 읽어들이지 않은 경우, 파일 선택 창에서 해당 XDG 사용자 "
+"디렉터리를 사용해 사용자의 그림 폴더를 표시합니다. 거짓이거나 그림 폴더를 설"
+"정하지 않은 경우에는 현재 디렉터리를 표시합니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"참이면 속성 창에서 자세한 메타데이터 목록을 별도 페이지에 표시합니다. 이렇게 "
+"하면 넷북처럼 화면이 작은 경우에 속성 창 크기가 잘 맞습니다. 거짓이면 위젯이 "
+"\"메타데이터\" 페이지에 포함됩니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"transparency 키 값이 COLOR일 경우, 이 키 값이 투명한 부분에 사용될 색이 됩니"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "거짓이면, 최초의 작은 그림을 화면에 맞게 늘리지 않습니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr "그림 모음 창의 위치. 0은 아래, 1은 왼쪽, 2는 위, 3은 오른쪽입니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "그림 인터폴레이션"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"사용중인 플러그인 목록. 사용중인 플러그인의 \"위치\"는 포함하지 않습니다. 주"
+"어진 플러그인의 \"위치\"는 .eom-plugin 파일을 참고하십시오."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "그림 순서를 반복합니다"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "휠로 확대/축소"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "그림 모음창의 스크롤 단추를 보입니다/감춥니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "그림 모음창을 보입니다/감춥니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "창 가장자리 창을 보이거나 감춥니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "창 상태 표시줄을 보이거나 감춥니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "창 도구 모음을 보이거나 감춥니다."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"스크롤 휠로 확대/축소를 사용할 때 적용되는 비율. 각각의 스크롤 이벤트가 생길 "
+"때 적용되는 확대/축소 비율입니다. 0.05로 설정되면 각각의 스크롤 이벤트가 발생"
+"될 때 5%씩 확대증가가 되고, 1.00이면 100% 확대증가가 됩니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "투명 색"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "투명한 부분 나타내기"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "물어보지 않고 휴지통에 그림 버리기"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "그림을 읽어들이지 않았을 때 파일 선택 창에서 사용자의 그림 폴더를 표시할 지 여부."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "그림 모음 창의 크기를 조절할 수 있도록 합니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "축소에서 그림에 엑스트라폴레이션을 할지 여부. 엑스트라폴레이션을 하면 그림이 흐릿해지고, 엑스트라폴레이션을 하지 않는 경우보다 약간 느립니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr "확대에서 그림에 인터폴레이션을 할지 여부. 인터폴레이션을 하면 화질이 좋아지지만, 인터폴레이션을 하지 않는 경우보다 느립니다."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF 방향 정보에 따라 그림을 자동으로 회전할 지 여부."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "속성 창의 메타데이터 목록을 별도 페이지에 표시할지 여부."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "스크롤 휠로 확대/축소를 할지 여부."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "무한 루프에서 그림 시퀀스를 반복해서 표시할 지 여부."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "확대 비율"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "저장하지 않고 닫기(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "물음"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "저장하지 않으면 바뀐 사항을 잃어버립니다."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "바뀐 사항을 \"%s\" 그림에 닫기 전에 저장하시겠습니까?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "바뀐 사항을 저장하지 않은 그림이 %d개 있습니다. 닫기 전에 저장하시겠습니까?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "저장하려는 그림 선택(_E):"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "저장하지 않으면 바뀐 사항을 잃어버립니다."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "파일 형식이 알 수 없거나 지원하지 않습니다"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"그놈의 눈이 파일 이름으로 저장할 수 있는 파일 형식을 알아낼 수 없습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ".png나 .jpg같은 파일 확장자로 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "모든 파일"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "모든 그림"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "픽셀"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "그림 읽어오기"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "그림 저장"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "폴더 열기"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "읽지 않은 그림 변환."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "그림 변환 실패."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "이 파일형식은 EXIF를 지원하지 않습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "그림을 읽는 데 실패했습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "읽어 온 그림이 없습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "임시 파일 만들기가 실패했습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "저장할 때 쓸 임시 파일을 만들지 못했습니다: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG 파일을 읽어들일 때 필요한 메모리를 할당하지 못했습니다"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "카메라"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "그림 데이터"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "사진 찍을 때 조건"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "만든 사람 메모"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "기타"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP 권한 관리"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP 기타"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "태그"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "값"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%Y %B %d %a %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y %B %d %a"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "다시 시도(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "`%s' 그림을 읽어들일 수 없습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s'에서 그림을 찾을 수 없습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "주어진 위치에 아무 그림이 없습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "그림 설정"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "그림"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "인쇄 속성을 설정할 그림"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "페이지 설정"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "그림을 인쇄할 페이지의 정보"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "위치"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "왼쪽(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "오른쪽(_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "위(_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "아래(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "가운데(_E):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "없음"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "가로 방향"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "세로 방향"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "양쪽"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "크기"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "너비(_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "높이(_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "크기 조정(_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "단위(_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "밀리미터"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "인치"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "미리 보기"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "알 수 없음"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (렌즈)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm 필름)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "그대로"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "가져오기"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "두 파일의 이름이 같습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "그놈의 눈에 대한 도움말을 표시할 수 없습니다"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (잘못된 유니코드)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i 픽셀 %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "선택한 그림을 열기위해 \"%s\"(을)를 사용합니다"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" 그림을 저장하는 중 (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" 그림을 읽어들이는 중"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"파일을 인쇄하는 데 오류가 발생했습니다:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "도구 모음 편집기"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "기본값으로 돌아가기(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"남성현 <[email protected]>\n"
+"차영호 <[email protected]>\n"
+"류창우 <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "그놈의 눈"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "그놈 그림 보기."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" 그림을 데스크톱 배경으로 지정했습니다.\n"
+"모양을 수정하시겠습니까?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "그림을 로컬에 저장하는 중입니다…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"정말로 \"%s\"(을)를 \n"
+"휴지통에 옮기시겠습니까?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "\"%s\"에 대한 휴지통이 없습니다. 이 그림을 완전히 제거하시겠습니까?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"정말로 선택한 그림 %d개를\n"
+"휴지통에 옮기시겠습니까?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"선택한 그림 중에 휴지통으로 옮기지 못해서 완전히 제거할 파일이 있습니다. 계"
+"속 하시겠습니까?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "휴지통으로 옮기기(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "이 세션에서 다시 묻지 않기(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "휴지통에 접근할 수 없습니다."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "파일을 삭제할 수 없습니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s 그림을 삭제하는 데 오류가 발생했습니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "파일(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "편집(_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "보기(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "그림(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "이동(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "도구(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "도움말(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "열기(_O)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "파일을 엽니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "닫기(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "창 닫기"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음을 고칩니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "기본 설정(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "그놈의 눈 기본 설정"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "차례(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "이 프로그램에 대한 정보"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "정보(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "이 프로그램 정보"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "도구 모음(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "현재 창의 도구 모음 표시 여부를 바꿉니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "상태 표시줄(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "현재 창의 상태 표시줄 표시 여부를 바꿉니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "현재 창의 그림 모음 창 보기 여부를 바꿉니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "가장자리 창(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "현재 창에서 가장자리 창을 보기 여부를 바꿉니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "저장(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "현재 선택한 그림의 바뀐 사항을 저장합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "다른 프로그램으로 열기(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "선택한 그림을 다른 프로그램에서 엽니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "다른 이름으로 저장(_A)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "선택한 그림을 다른 이름으로 저장합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "인쇄할 페이지의 속성을 설정합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "인쇄(_P)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "선택한 그림을 인쇄합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "속성(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "선택한 그림의 속성과 메타데이터를 봅니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "실행 취소(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "그림에서 마지막에 바꾼 사항을 실행 취소합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "가로 방향으로 뒤집기(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "그림을 가로 방향으로 뒤바꿉니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "세로 방향으로 뒤집기(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "그림을 세로 방향으로 뒤바꿉니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "시계 방향 회전(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "그림을 오른쪽 90도만큼 회전합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "시계 반대 방향 회전(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "그림을 왼쪽 90도만큼 회전합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "바탕 화면 배경으로 설정(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "선택한 그림을 바탕 화면 배경으로 설정합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "선택한 그림을 휴지통 폴더로 옮깁니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "확대(_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "그림을 크게 확대해서 봅니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "축소(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "그림을 작게 축소해서 봅니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "보통 크기(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "그림을 원래 크기로 봅니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "창에 맞게(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "그림을 창 크기에 맞춥니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "전체 화면(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "현재 그림을 전체화면 모드에서 봅니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "이전 그림(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음의 이전 그림으로 이동합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "다음 그림(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음의 다음 그림으로 이동합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "처음 그림(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음의 처음 그림으로 이동합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "마지막 그림(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음의 마지막 그림으로 이동합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "임의의 그림(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음에서 임의의 그림으로 이동합니다"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "슬라이드 쇼(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "그림으로 슬라이드 쇼를 시작합니다."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "이전"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "다음"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "오른쪽"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "왼쪽"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "확대"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "축소"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "보통"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "맞추기"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "휴지통"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "플러그인"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "사용중"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "설정(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "사용하기(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "모두 사용(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "모두 사용하지 않기(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "사용중인 플러그인(_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "플러그인 정보(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "플러그인 설정(_O)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "전체화면 모드로 열기"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "그림 모음 사용하지 않음"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "슬라이드쇼 모드로 열기"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "현재 실행 중인 창을 사용하지 않고 새로 시작합니다"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[파일…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "전체 명령어 옵션 목록을 보려면 '%s --help' 명령을 실행하십시오."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "그놈의 눈 그림 보기"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>상세설명</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>높이:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>이름:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>형식:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>너비:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "다른 이름으로 저장(_A)..."
diff --git a/po/ks.po b/po/ks.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac13867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ks.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1270 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.hi.po to Kashmiri
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Rakesh Pandit <[email protected]> \n
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD.hi\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-03 07:35+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-06-28 05:55+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rakesh Pandit <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Kashmiri <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "हय्यव “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "टुल्लबार पय्ठ पकनविव (_T)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "टुल्लबारस प्यटठ तुलमुत आईटम पकनाव"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1403
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "टुलबार पय्टठ हट्टाव"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1404
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "टुल्लबारस प्यटठ तुलमुत आईटम हट्टाव"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1405
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "टुलबार हट्टाव (_T)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1406
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "तुलमुत टुलबार हटाव"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:493
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "अलग करन वोल"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "फुल सकरिनस मंज चलाव"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "छवि लोड करें"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "विंडो स्थिति-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "विंडो स्थिति-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "छांड त गुमाव फोटो"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "फोटो हावनुक"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>एपरचर वेलयु</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>लेखन वोल:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बय्टस:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>केमरा माडल:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>कापिरायट:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>दोह/बज्जय:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बारे मंज</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बारे मंज ज्यादह्</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>हावनुक वक्त:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फलेश:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फोकल खजर:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>थज्जर:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>आई एस औ सपिड रेटिंग:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>किवोड:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>जाय:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>मिटरिंग मोड:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>नाव:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>टय्यप:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>खज्जर:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "आम"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "फोटो परापरटिज"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "मेटाढाटा"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "दय्यम"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "पतिम"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फ़ाइल नाव गडनिक प्यटठ वुचिव</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फ़ाइल पाथ सपिसफेकशन</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>आपशन</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b>असली फायल ऩाव</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> कावटर</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "फोल्डर तुल"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "तरावनुक फ़ोल्डर :"
+# #-#-#-#-# libmateui.HEAD.hi.po (libmateui-2.0.hi) #-#-#-#-#
+# libmateui/mate-file-entry.c:224 libmateui/mate-icon-entry.c:188
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "फ़ाइलनाव फारमेट :"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "नाव बदलयव:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "खलली जाय बदलयव अंडरस्कोर सित"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "सेव करिव"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "गजरावुन कर शरु:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "तान्य:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फोटो बढावुन</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फोटो ज़ूम</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>गिनती</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>योर तोर वुच्छु हिस्स</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "बेकगरुंड (_b)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "चेक हिश शकल(_p)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "आम रंग (_o)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "योर तोर वुच्छु हिस्सन रंग"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "फोटो करिव बोड सकरिनस मंज बराबर करन बापत्थ(_x)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "गनोम अच्छ परिफरिनसिज"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "फोटो वुच्छुनक"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "पलिगन"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइड शो (_S)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "ज़ूम फोटो कर समुथ(_z)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "आटोमोटिक सयोद गच्छय"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "लूप गिनती (_L)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "फोटो स्विच कर: (_S):"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "सेकण्ड्स"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0 से अधिक मूल्य यह निर्धारित करता है कि एक छवि इतने सेकण्डों तक स्क्रीन पर रहेगा, जब तक "
+"कि अगला स्वचालित रूप से दिखेगा. शून्य स्वचालित ब्राउज़िंग को अक्षम कर देता है."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "प्रारंभ में ही 100% से अधिक ज़ूम स्वीकारें"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "अगली छवि दिखाने से पहले सेकण्डों में देरी"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"निर्धारित करता है कि किस प्रकार पारदर्शिता दिखाई जाएगी. वैध मूल्य हैं CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR तथा NONE. यदि COLOR चुना जाता है, तब trans_color कुंजी निर्धारित करता है "
+"उपयोग में आने वाला रंग मूल्य."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"यदि पारदर्शी कुंजी में रंग मूल्य है, तब यह कुंजी निर्धारित करती है कि कौन सा रंग पारदर्शिता "
+"को प्रदर्शित करने में उपयोग में लिया जाएगा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "यदि इसे गलत नियत किया जाता है तो छवियों को स्क्रीन के अनुरूप फैलाया नहीं जाएगा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "इंटरपोलेट छवि"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "छवि अनुक्रम में लूप करें"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "चित्र संग्रह पट्टी दिखायें/छुपायें."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "चित्र संग्रह पट्टी दिखायें/छुपायें."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "विंडो स्थिति-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "विंडो स्थिति-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "विंडो उपकरण-पट्टी छुपाएँ / दिखाएँ"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी रंग"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "पारदर्शिता सूचक"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "एक अंतहीन लूप में छवियों के अनुक्रम दिखाया जाए या नहीं."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "चित्र संग्रह पट्टी दिखायें/छुपायें."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"क्या छवियाँ ज़ूम करने पर इंटरपोलेट की जाएँ या नहीं. इससे अच्छी विशेषता प्राप्त होगी परंतु यह "
+"नॉन इंटरपोलेटेड छवियों से कुछ धीमा होगा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "सभी फ़ाइलें"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "सभी छवियाँ"
+# Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:133
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:135 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:444
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:719
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "छवि लोड करें"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "छवि सहेजें"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "फ़ोल्डर खोलें"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:531
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "अनलोडेड विंब में बदलें"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:559
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "अनलोडेड विंब में बदलें"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:948
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF इस फाइल प्रारूप के लिये समर्थित नहीं है."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1065
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "%s के लिये विंब लोडिंग विफल"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1467 ../src/eom-image.c:1572
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "कोई छवि लोडेड नहीं."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1477 ../src/eom-image.c:1584
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "अस्थाई फ़ाइल सृजन असफ़ल."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "%s को सहेजने हेतु अस्थाई फ़ाइल तैयार नहीं कर सका"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "जेपीईजी फ़ाइल को लोड करने हेतु मेमोरी बांटी नहीं जा सकती"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "कैमरा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "छवि डॉटा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "छवि लेने की परिस्थितियाँ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "सृजकवाले की टिप्पणी"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "अन्य"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "अन्य"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "टैग"
+# src/mateconf-editor-window.c:579
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "मान"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr ""
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:90
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "फोटो सेटिंग(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:833
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "फोटो (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "पेज सेटयप"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:869
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "जाय प्य्यटठ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:874
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "खोवुर"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "दच्छुन: (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "हरयकन: (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "बोनकंय: (_B)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:879
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "मंजस: (_e)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "काह न"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "सयोद"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:888
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "खड़ा"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:890
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "दोनवय"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:906
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "नाप"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:911
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "खज्जर"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "जेटठर"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:916
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "सकेलिंग"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:929
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "युनिट"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:934
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "मिलिमिटर"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "इंच"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:966
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "छप्पावन बरोटठ वुच्छुन"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "युथ छु"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:470
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "यम विज निमुत"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "कम से कम छह् जअ फाइल नाव बराबर"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "गनोम मदद हकुस न हवित"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(गलत यूनिकोड)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1130
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "यथ सित खोलिव '%s'"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "य: \"%s\" करिव ईसतेमाल फोटो खोलनस मंज"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1246
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "फोटो सेव करिव \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1585
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "फोटो लोड%s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2270
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"छप्पवय्यन मंज गलती:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2398
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "टुल्लबार एडिट्टर(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2401
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "डिफालट बन-अयुन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2487
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "राकेश पंडित <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2490
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2494
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
+"Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2511 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "गनोमच अच्छ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2514
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "गनोम का छवि प्रदर्शक तथा केटलॉग बनाने का प्रोग्रामगनोमच फोटो वुच्छनुक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2897
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"क्या चह्\n"
+"\"%s\" छुका यच्छान यह् तरावोन टरेशस मंज?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2900
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"चह् छुका यच्छान यम फोटो तरावोक\n"
+"टरेशस मंज ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"चह् छुका यच्छान यम %d फोटो तरावोक\n"
+"टरेशस मंज ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2915
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "टरेश मंज तरवयुक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2943 ../src/eom-window.c:2957 ../src/eom-window.c:2963
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "टरेश हयोकम न मिलितह"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3029
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "यह फोटो %s मिटावनस मंज छिह् गलती"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3236
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "फ़ाइल (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3237
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "संपादन (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3238
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "वुछिव (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3239
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "फोटो (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3240
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "गच्छिव (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3241
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "टुल्स (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3242
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मदद (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3244
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "खुलिव (_O) ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3245
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "आक्ख फायल खुलिव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3247
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "बंद करिव (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "विंडो करिव बंद"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3250
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr " टुल्लबार (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3251
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "एपलिकेशन टुल्लबार कर सा एडिट"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:211
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3253
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr " फरिफरसिंस(_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3254
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ग्नोम की आँख हेतु वरीयताएँगनोम अच्छच फरिफरसिंस"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "आथ मंज (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3257
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "यथ्थ एपलिकेशनच मदद"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3259 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "बारे मंज (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3260
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "यथ्थ एपलिकेशन बारे मंज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3265
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "टुल्लबार (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3266
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"मौजूदा विंडो में उपकरण पट्टी की दृश्यता बदलेंयथ्थ विंडो मंज टुल्लबार वुच्छिनुक गाश बदलाव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3268
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "स्टेटस बार (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"मौजूदा विंडो में प्रस्थिति पट्टी की दृश्यता बदलेंयथ्थ विंडो मंज सटेटसबार वुच्छिनुक गाश बदलाव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3271
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "फोटो जमगाह करिव(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "यथ्थ विंडो मंज फोटो जमगाह करनुक पेन वुच्छिनुक गाश बदलाव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3274
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "दंदिरुक पेन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3275
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "यथ्थ विंडो मंज दंदिरुक पेन वुच्छिनुक गाश बदलाव"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:114
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3280
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "सेव (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3281
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "यथ्थ फोटो मंज बदलावस करिव सेव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3283
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "याथ सित्त खुलिव (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "चर्र मुत फोटो खुलिव दय्मस एपलिकेशन मंज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3286
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "सेव करिव... (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "तुलिमत फोटो कर सेव दयमी नाव सित्त"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3289
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "पेज सेट्टप"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "पेज परापरटिज लेख छप्पवय्यव खत्तर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3292
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "छप्पवय्यव..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "यह फोटो छप्पवय्यव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3295
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "परापरटिज (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3296
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "फोटो हुन्द परापरटिज त मेटाडाटा हय्यव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3298
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "फेरिव (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "पतिम बदलाव करिव वापस"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3301
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "आड़ा पलटें (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "सेदि फेरुन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3304
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "खडा फेरिव (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "सय्यद हयुन शिशस मंज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3307
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "घरयह् तरफय गुम-अयुन (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3308
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "फोटो गुम-अयुन दचछुन 90 डिगरि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3310
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "घरयह् विपरित गुम-अयुन(_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "फोटो गुम-अयुन खोवुर 90 डिगरि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3313
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "वालपेपर बनाविव (_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "तुलमिच फोटो बनय्व डेकस टाप वालपेपर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3316 ../src/eom-window.c:3340
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "टरेश मंज तरिव (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "तुलमित फोटो तरिव टरेश मंज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3319 ../src/eom-window.c:3331 ../src/eom-window.c:3334
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "बोड़ आकार (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3320 ../src/eom-window.c:3332
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "बोढ करिव"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3322 ../src/eom-window.c:3337
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "लकुट आकार (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3323 ../src/eom-window.c:3335 ../src/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "फोटो कर लकुट"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3325
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "नारमल आकार(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "फोटो हय्यव नारमल आकारस मंज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3328
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "असल बराबर (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3329
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "फोटो खुलिव नविस विंडो मंज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3346
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "फूल स्क्रीन (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "यह फोटो हय्यव फूल स्क्रीन मंज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352 ../src/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "पतिम फोटो (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "जमाह फोटवन मंज गस पतिमस पय्टठ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "दय्यम फोटो (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "जमाह फोटवन मंज गस दयमिस पय्टठ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3358 ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "गडनियुक फोटो (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "जमाह फोटवन मंज गस गोडनिकस पय्टठ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3361 ../src/eom-window.c:3370
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "अंदिम फोटो (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "जमाह फोटवन मंज गस अंदस पय्टठ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइड शो (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3377
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "फोटोवंन हुंद स्लाइड शो करिव शरु"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "पतिम"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3447
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "दयम"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3451
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "दचछुन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3454
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "खव्वुर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3457
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "अन्दर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3460
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "नयबर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "बराबर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "बराबर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "संबरिव (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "पल्गिन"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "चल्वयव"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "कानफिगर"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "चल्वयव"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "सारि चल्वयव"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "सारि करिव बंद"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "चलविन पलगगिन"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "आथ बारे मंज (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "पलगिन करिव कानफिगर"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "यह खुलिव फुल सकरिन मोडस मंज"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "फोटो जमाह करुन करिव बंद(_I)"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "यह् खुलिव सल्यड शोव मंज"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[फाइल...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:223
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "गनोम अच्छ फोटो वुच्छन खत्तर"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "फ़ाइल मौज़ूद है"
diff --git a/po/ku.po b/po/ku.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60688a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ku.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1297 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.po to Kurdish
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Erdal Ronahi <[email protected], [email protected]>, 2005.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-01-04 18:42+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-04 18:58+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Erdal Ronahi <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Kurdish <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "\"_%s\" nîşan bide"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Di darikê amûran de bigu_hêze"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1403
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Ji Darikê Amûran _Rake"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1404
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1405
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Darikê amûran _jê bibe"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1406
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:491
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Veqetîner"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Nîşanderê Wêneyan"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nivîskar:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bayt:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Roj/Dem:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rave:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kîtekît</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bilindahî:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vebijêrk</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vebijêrk</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cih:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dor</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nav:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cure</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Firehî:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Giştî"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Taybetmendiyên Wêneyê"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "P_êş"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "P_aş"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pêşdîtina Navê Pel</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Diyarkirinên Riya Pel</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vebijêrk</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Peldankekê hilbijêre"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Peldanka hedef:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formata navê pelan"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Ji Nû Vê Binavîne:"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Valahiyan bi jêrexetan biguherîne"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Cuda tomar bike"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Destpêka jimarkerê:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Ji kê re dişîne:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Baştirkirina Wêneyan</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nêzîkkirina Wêne</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dor</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Beşên Şeffaf</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Wekî _rûerd"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Wekî _nîgarê textê kişikê"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Wekî r_engekî taybet:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Ji bo Qadên Şeffad Reng"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Vebijêrkên Çavê MATE'yê"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Nîşandana Wêneyan"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Pêvek"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pêşandana Slaytê"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Dî mezinkirinê de zelal_kirina wêne"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Xelekbar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Maweya _guherandina wêneyan:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "çirke"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Pêvekên çalak"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Di destpêkê de destûrê bide nêzîkkirina ji %100î mezintir"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Berî ku wêne were nîşandan wê çend çirkeyan were rawestandin"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Heke hilbijartî be, wêneyên biçûk wekî standard di dîmenderê de nayê "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Zelalkirina wêne"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Fira bi xelekirina wêneyan"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Panela koleksiyona dîmenan nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Panela koleksiyona dîmenan nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Darikê kelekê yê paceyê nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Darikê rewşê yê paceyê nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Darikê amûran yên paceyan nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Rengê zelaliyê"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Nîşandera zelaliyê"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Panela koleksiyona dîmenan nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:121
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:126
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:159
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Hemû Pel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:164
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Hemû Wêne"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:185
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:281 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:439
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:677
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pîksel"
+msgstr[1] "pîksel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:423
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Wêneyê bar bike"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:431
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Wêneyê Tomar Bike"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:439
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Peldankê veke"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:527
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Li ser wêneyê nehatiye barkirin de veguherîn."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:555
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Li ser wêneyê nehatiye barkirin de veguherîn."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1067
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Ji bo vî celebê dosyeyan EXIF nayê piştrastkirin."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1184
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Barkirina wêneyê bi ser neket."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1455 ../src/eom-image.c:1684
+#, c-format
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Dosya heyî"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1618 ../src/eom-image.c:1754
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Wêne nehate barkirin."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1627 ../src/eom-image.c:1766
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Afirandina dosiyên demîn biserneket."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:357
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ji bo tomarkirinê dosyeya derbasdar nehate çêkirin: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:376
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ji bo karibe dosyeya JPEG bar bike bîr jê re nehate veqetandin"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Daneya Wêne"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Şertên Tomarkirina Wêneyan"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nîşeya Afirîner"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Wekî Din"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Gerînendetiya Mafên XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Wekî Din"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:249
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etîket"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:256
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Nirx"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:74
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nenas"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Dîsa Biceribîne"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Barkirina wêneyê '%s' bi ser neket."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:160
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Wêne di '%s' de nehate dîtin."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:165
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:806
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Wêne"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:807
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:813
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:814
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:838
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Cih"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:843
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Çep:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:844
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Rast:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:845
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Ser:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:846
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Navîn:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:853
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ne yek"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:855
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Berwar"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:857
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Serdirêjahî"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:859
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Her du"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Mezinahî"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Firehî:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Bilindahî:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:898
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:903
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:905
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Înç"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:925
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Pêşdîtin"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "wekî heyî"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:452
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1015
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Qet nebe navê du heb pelan wekî hev in."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unikoda Nederbasdar)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1069
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Bi \"%s\" veke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1070
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1183
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Wêneya \"%s\" (%u/%u) tê tomarkirin."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1522
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Wêneya \"%s\" tê barkirin."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2334
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Mîhengê _Wêneyan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr "Dema pel hatiye çapkirin çewtî çêbû:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2474
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Edîtorê Darikên Amûran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2477
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2561
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Erdal Ronahî <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2564
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2568
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2572
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2585 ../src/main.c:186
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Çavê MATE'yê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2588
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Sepana nîşandana wêneyên MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2961
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "Tu dixwazî pelê \"%s\" biavêjî çopê?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2964
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Tu dixwazî wêneya hilbijartî\n"
+"biavêjî çopê?"
+"Tu dixwazî %d wêneyên hilbijartî\n"
+"biavêjî çopê?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2979
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Biavêje Sergo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3025
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Xwe negihand qutiya çopê."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3109
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Dema wêneyê %s jê dibir çewtî çêbû"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3316
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Dosya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Biguherîne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3318
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Dîtin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3319
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Wêne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3320
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Biçe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3321
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Amûr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3322
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Alîkarî"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3324
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Veke..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3325
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Dosiyekê veke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Bigire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3328
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Paceyê bigire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Darikê amûran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3331
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Darikê amurên sepanê bi dawî bîne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3333
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Vebijêrk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3334
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Mîhengên Çaveya MATE'yê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3336
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Naverok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3337
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Alîkariya ji bo vê sepanê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3339 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Der barê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3340
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Der barê vê sepanê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3345
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Darika amûran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3346
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Guhertina stûnê amûran di paceya heyî de"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Darika rewşê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Guhertina stûna rewşê di paceya heyî de"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Koleksiyona _wêneyan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Guhertina stûna rewşê di paceya heyî de"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Tomar bike"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Veke _bi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3366
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "_Cuda Tomar Bike..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Çapkirin..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Taybetmendî"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Vegerîne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3381
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Berwar Bizivîrîne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Serdirêjahiyê Bizivirîne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3387
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Aliyê Saetê de _Bizivîrîne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3390
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Bike _Kaxiza Dîwer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3396 ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Biavêjî _Çopê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3399 ../src/eom-window.c:3411 ../src/eom-window.c:3414
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Nêzîktir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402 ../src/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Dûrtir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Mezinahiya asayî"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3426
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "Dîmendera _Tijî"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3432 ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Wêneya _berê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3435
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Wêneya _piştre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3438 ../src/eom-window.c:3447
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Wêneya _yekemîn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3441 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Wêneya _dawî"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3456
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Pêşandana Slaytê"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3523
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Paş"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Pêş"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3531
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Rast"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Çep"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Nêzîk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Dûr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Asayî"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Tam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Koleksiyon"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Pêvek"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Çalakkirî"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Veavakirin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "Çala_kkirin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Hemûyan _Çalak bike"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Hemûyan _Neçalak bike"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Der barê Pêvekê De"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Koleksiyona wêneyan neçalak bike"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[DOSYE...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:217
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Vebijêrkên Çavê MATE'yê"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "Saving Image"
+#~ msgstr "Tomarkirina Wêneyan"
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Bigere..."
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometriya paceya koleksiyona herî dawî"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Avakirina paceya pêşîn a endezeya heyî"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Wêneyan di paceya nû de veke"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Ji bo koleksiyonan agahiya wêneyan nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Ji bo wêneyekî agahiya wêne nîşan bide/veşêre."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Navê Pel"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Firehî"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Bilindahî"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Mezinahiya dosiyê"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Taybetmendî"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Pel"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s pîksel"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s x %s pîksel"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Di paceya nû de veke"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "Jimarker"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Şîrove"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "Dîrok"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "Dem"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "Roj"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "Meh"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "Sal"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "Saet"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "Xulek"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "Çirke"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "Vebijêrk ne derbasdar e."
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Tomarkirinê betal bike ..."
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "Bila li ser dosyeya %s were nivîsîn?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "Dosye heye. Tu dixwazî li ser dosyeya heyî binivîse?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "Derbas be"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "Li ser binivîse"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "Dema dosyeya %s dihate tomarkirin çewtî çêbû."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "Navnîşana pêşwazkar nehate dîtin."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "Celebê dosyeya %s nehate diyarkirin"
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ji kerema xwe re yan navekî guncav yên pelan bikar bîne yan jî teşeya pel "
+#~ "hilbijêre."
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "Dema wêne tomar dikir çewtî derket."
+#~ msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#~ msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%i x %i pîksel %s %i%%"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%i x %i pîksel %s %i%%"
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Sedem: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "_Agahiya Wêneyê"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Veke"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "Bigire"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "Tomar bike"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "Vegerîne"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "Pênasa yekeya navberê ya bikarhêner nehate dîtin."
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "Afirandina navrûyê Çavê MATE'ê serneket"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "Dosya nehatiye dîtin."
+#~ msgstr[1] "Dosya nehatine dîtin."
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "Vala"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Cureyên wêneyan yên cuda nîşan bide"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Zelaliya wêne</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "Di destpêkê de destûrê bide nêzîkkirina ji %100î mezintir"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Pêşana Slaytê"
+#~ msgid "Print"
+#~ msgstr "Çapkirin"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "180° Bi_zivirîne"
+#~ msgid "Save _As"
+#~ msgstr "Tomar bike _wekî"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Jê bibe"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Nû"
diff --git a/po/lt.po b/po/lt.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72a297a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/lt.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1595 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.po to Lithuanian
+# Lithuanian translation of eom
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Gediminas Paulauskas <[email protected]>, 2000-2003.
+# Žygimantas Beručka <[email protected]>, 2003-2007, 2010.
+# Justina Klingaitė <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Gintautas Miliauskas <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008, 2010.
+# Aurimas Černius <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-16 22:53+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-16 22:53+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Aurimas Černius <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Lietuvių <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: UTF-8\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%"
+"100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Rodyti „_%s“"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "P_erkelti į įrankinę"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Perkelti pasirinktą elementą į įrankinę"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Pašalinti iš įrankinės"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Pašalinti pasirinktą elementą iš įrankinės"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Ištrinti įrankinę"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Ištrinti pasirinktą įrankinę"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Skirtukas"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktyvuoti viso ekrano veikseną dvigubu pelės paspaudimu"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Viso ekrano veiksena dvigubu spustelėjimu"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Įkelti iš naujo"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Įkelti iš naujo esamą paveikslėlį"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data būsenos juostoje"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Parodo paveikslėlio datą lango būsenos juostoje"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Naršyti ir vartyti paveikslėlius"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlių peržiūros programa"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Diafragmos reikšmė:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autorius:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Baitai:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Fotoaparato modelis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Autoriaus teisės:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/laikas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Aprašymas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Išsami informacija"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Išlaikymo laikas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Blykstė:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Židinio nuotolis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Bendrosios"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Aukštis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO greičio dydis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlio savybės"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Raktažodžiai:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Vieta:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metaduomenys"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Matavimo veiksena:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Pavadinimas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Plotis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Kitas"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Ankstesnis"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> pradinis failo vardas"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> skaitiklis"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Pasirinkite aplanką"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Paskirties aplankas:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Failų pavadinimų peržiūra"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Failų kelio specifikacijos"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Failo vardo formatas:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Parinktys"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Pervadinti iš:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Pakeisti tarpus pabraukimais"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Įrašyti kaip"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Paleisti skaitliuką nuo:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Į:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Kaip _fonas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Kaip lan_guotas raštas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Kaip pasirinktinė s_palva:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Kaip pasirinktinė spalva:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fonas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Fono spalva"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Skaidrių vietų spalva"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Ište_mpti paveikslėlius, kad užpildytų ekraną"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE nustatymai"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlio pagerinimai"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlio rodinys"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlio mastelis"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Įskiepiai"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Seka"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Skaidrių rodymas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "_Didinant glotninti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "_Mažinant glotninti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Skaidrios dalys"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatinis pasukimas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Ciklinė seka"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Pakeisti paveikslėlį po:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sek."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Reikšmė didesnė už 0 nurodo kiek sekundžių paveikslėlis išlieka ekrane iki "
+"parodomas kitas. Nulis – išjungti automatinį naršymą."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Įjungti įskiepiai"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Leisti pradžioje didesnį mastelį negu 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatinė orientacija"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Delsa prieš parodant kitą paveikslėlį"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Nurodo, kaip turi būti rodomos skaidrios sritys. Galimos reikšmės yra "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR ir NONE. Jeigu pasirinkta COLOR, tada trans-color "
+"raktas nurodo naudojamos spalvos reikšmę."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapoliuoti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Jei įjungta ir aktyviame lange nėra įkelta paveikslėlių, failų parinkiklis "
+"rodys naudotojo paveikslėlių aplanką naudodamas XDG specialius naudotojų "
+"aplankus. Jei išjungta arba paveikslėlių aplankas nesukonfigūruotas rodys "
+"darbinį aplanką."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Jei įjungta, Eye of MATE neklaus patvirtinimo prieš perkeliant "
+"paveikslėlius į šiukšlinę. Bus klausiama patvirtinimo, jei bent vienas iš "
+"failų negali būti perkeltas į šiukšlinę, todėl bus ištrintas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Jei įjungta, išsamus metaduomenų sąrašas savybių dialoge bus perkeltas į "
+"atskirą puslapį dialoge. Toks dialogas turėtų būti patogesnis naudoti mažame "
+"ekrane, pvz. internetiniuose kompiuteriuose. Jei išjungta, metaduomenys bus "
+"rodomi „Metaduomenų“ puslapyje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeigu skaidrumo raktas turi vertę COLOR, tada šis raktas nurodo spalvą kuri "
+"naudojama skaidrumui nustatyti."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Jei įjungta, fono spalva bus naudojama plotui už paveikslėlio užpildyti. Jei "
+"išjungta, naudojama GTK+ tema nustatys užpildymo spalvą."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeigu ši reikšmė nustatyta į NEIGIAMĄ, maži paveikslėliai nebus ištempti "
+"tam, kad tilptų į ekraną."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Paveikslėlių kolekcijos polangio pozicija. 0 – apačia; 1 – kairė; 2 – "
+"viršus; 3 – dešinė."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoliuoti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Įjungtų įskiepių sąrašas. Jame nėra aktyvių įskiepių „vietos“. Norėdami "
+"gauti nurodyto įskiepio „vietą“, žiūrėkite .eom-plugin failą."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Rodyti ciklišką paveikslėlių seką"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Slinkties ratuko mastelis"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Rodyti/slėpti paveikslėlių kolekcijos polangio slinkties mygtukus."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Rodyti/slėpti paveikslėlių kolekcijos skydelį."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Rodyti/slėpti lango šoninį polangį."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Rodyti/slėpti lango būsenos juostą."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Rodyti/slėpti lango įrankinę."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Spalva, naudojama plotui už paveikslėlio užpildyti. Jei fono spalva "
+"nenurodyta, ji yra nustatoma iš naudojamos GTK+ temos."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Daugiklis taikomas naudojant pelės slinkties ratuką mastelio keitimui. Ši "
+"reikšmė apibrėžia mastelio žingnį naudojama kiekvienam slinkties įvykiui. "
+"Pavyzdžiui, 0.05 – 5% mastelio didėjimas su kiekvienu slinkties įvykiu, o "
+"1.00 – 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Skaidrumo spalva"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Skaidrumo indikatorius"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Mesti paveikslėlius į šiukšliadėžę neklausiant"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Naudoti pasirinktąją fono spalvą"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Ar failų parinkiklis turėtų rodyti naudotojo paveikslėlių aplanką, jei "
+"neįkeltas joks paveikslėlis."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Ar paveikslėlių kolekcijos polangis turi būti keičiamo dydžio."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Ar didinant paveikslėlis turėtų būti ekstrapoliuotas. Taip gaunama prastesnė "
+"kokybė ir yra šiek tiek lėčiau už neekstrapoliuotus paveikslėlius."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Ar mažinant paveikslėlis turėtų būti interpoliuotas mažinant mastelį. Taip "
+"gaunama geresnė kokybė, tačiau yra šiek tiek lėčiau už neinterpoliuotus "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Ar paveikslėlis turėtų būti automatiškai paverstas atsižvelgiant į EXIF "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Ar metaduomenų sąrašas savybių dialoge turėtų turėti savo puslapį."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Ar mastelio keitimui turėtų būti naudojamas slinkties ratukas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Ar paveikslėlių seka turi būti rodoma nesibaigiančiu ciklu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Mastelio daugiklis"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Veikia viso ekrano veiksenoje"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Užverti _neįrašant"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Klausimas"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Jei neįrašysite, jūsų atlikti pakeitimai bus prarasti."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Įrašyti paveikslėlio „%s“ pakeitimus prieš užveriant?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Yra %d paveikslėlis, turintis neįrašytų pakeitimų. Įrašyti pakeitimus prieš "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Yra %d paveikslėliai, turintys neįrašytų pakeitimų. Įrašyti pakeitimus prieš "
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Yra %d paveikslėlių, turinčių neįrašytų pakeitimų. Įrašyti pakeitimus prieš "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Pasirinkite paveikslėlius, kuriuos norite įrašyti:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Jei neįrašysite, visi jūsų atlikti pakeitimai bus prarasti."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Failo formatas nežinomas arba nepalaikomas"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE nepavyko pagal failo vardą nustatyti palaikomo įrašomo failo "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Bandykite kitą failo plėtinį, pvz., .png arba .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Visi failai"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Visi paveikslėliai"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "taškas"
+msgstr[1] "taškai"
+msgstr[2] "taškų"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Atverti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Įrašyti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Atverti aplanką"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Neįkelto paveikslėlio transformacija."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformuoti nepavyko."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Šiam failo formatui EXIF nepalaikomas."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Nepavyko įkelti paveikslėlio."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Neįkeltas joks paveikslėlis."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Laikino failo sukūrimas nepavyko."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti laikino failo saugojimui: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nepavyko išskirti atminties JPEG failo įkėlimui"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlio duomenys"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlių darymo sąlygos"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Kūrėjo pastabos"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Kita"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP teisių valdymas"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP kita"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Žyma"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Reikšmė"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%Y %B %d (%a) %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y %B %d (%a)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Kartoti"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Nepavyko įkelti paveikslėlio „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "„%s“ paveikslėlių nerasta."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Nurodytose vietose paveikslėlių nėra."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlio parametrai"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlis, kurio spausdinimo nustatymai bus keičiami"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Puslapio sąranka"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informacija apie puslapį, kuriame bus spausdinamas paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Pozicija"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Kairė:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Dešinė:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Viršus:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Apačia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entras:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Niekaip"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontaliai"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikaliai"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Abu"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Dydis"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Plotis:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Aukštis:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Didinimas:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Vienetai:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetrai"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Coliai"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Peržiūra"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nežinoma"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lęšis)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm juostelė)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "kaip yra"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Fotografuota"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Mažiausiai du failų pavadinimai yra vienodi."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nepavyko parodyti Eye of MATE žinyno"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (netaisyklingas unikodas)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i taško %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i taškų %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i taškų %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "Į_kelti iš naujo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Slėpti"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Paveikslėlis „%s“ pakeistas kitos programos.\n"
+"Ar norite įkelti jį iš naujo?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Atidaryti pasirinktą paveikslėlį su „%s“"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Įrašomas paveikslėlis „%s“ (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Atveriamas paveikslėlis „%s“"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Klaida spausdintant failą:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Įrankinės redaktorius"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Atkurti numatytuosius"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Paskutinysis vertėjas:\n"
+"Žygimantas Beručka <[email protected]>,\n"
+"Justina Klingaitė <[email protected]>,\n"
+"Gediminas Paulauskas <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ši programa yra laisvoji programinė įranga; galite ją platinti ir / arba "
+"modifikuoti GNU Bendrosios Viešosios Licencijos sąlygomis, paskelbtomis "
+"Laisvosios Programinės Įrangos Fondo; 2-osios arba (jūsų pasirinkimu) bet "
+"kurios vėlesnės licencijos versijos sąlygomis.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ši programa yra platinama tikintis, kad ji bus naudinga, tačiau NESUTEIKIANT "
+"garantijų. Išsamesnę informaciją rasite GNU Bendrojoje Viešojoje "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Turėjote gauti GNU Bendrosios Viešosios licencijos kopiją kartu su šia "
+"programa. Jeigu negavote, rašykite Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE paveikslėlių peržiūros programa."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Atverti fono nustatymus"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Paveikslėlis „%s“ nustatytas kaip darbastalio fonas.\n"
+"Ar norite pakeisti jo išvaizdą?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlis įrašomas vietiniame diske…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ar tikrai norite perkelti\n"
+"„%s“ į šiukšlinę?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "„%s“ šiukšlinė nerasta. Ar norite šį paveikslėlį ištrinti negrįžtamai?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Ar tikrai norite perkelti %d pasirinktą\n"
+"paveikslėlį į šiukšlinę?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ar tikrai norite perkelti %d pasirinktus\n"
+"paveikslėlius į šiukšlinę?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Ar tikrai norite perkelti %d pasirinktų\n"
+"paveikslėlių į šiukšlinę?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Kai kurių pasirinktų paveikslėlių negalima perkelti į šiukšlinę, tad jie bus "
+"ištrinti negrįžtamai. Ar tikrai norite tęsti?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Perkelti į ši_ukšlinę"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Daugiau neklausti šio seanso metu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nepavyko gauti prieigos prie šiukšlinės."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Nepavyko ištrinti failo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Trinant paveikslėlį %s įvyko klaida"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Taisa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "R_odymas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Eiti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Įran_kiai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Žinynas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Atverti…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Atverti failą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Užverti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Užverti langą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Į_rankinė"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Keisti programos įrankinę"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Nustatymai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE nustatymai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Turinys"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Šios programos žinynas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Apie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Apie šią programą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Į_rankinė"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Keičia įrankinės esamame lange matomumą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Būsenos juosta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Keičia būsenos juostos esamame lange matomumą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Kolekcija"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Keičia esamo lango paveikslėlių kolekcijos skydelio matomumą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Šoninis _polangis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Keičia esamo lango šoninio polangio matomumą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Į_rašyti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Įrašyti pažymėtų paveikslėlių pakeitimus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Atverti _su"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Atverti pažymėtą paveikslėlį su kita programa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Įrašyti k_aip…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Įrašyti pažymėtus paveikslėlius kitu vardu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "S_pausdinti…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Spausdinti pažymėtą paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Sa_vybės"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Rodyti pasirinkto paveikslėlio savybes ir metaduomenis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Atšaukti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Atšaukti paskutinį paveikslėlio pakeitimą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Apversti _horizontaliai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Atspindėti paveikslėlį horizontaliai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Apversti _vertikaliai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Atspindėti paveikslėlį vertikaliai"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Pasukti pagal laik_rodžio rodyklę"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Pasukti paveikslėlį 90 laipsnių į dešinę"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Pasukti prieš _laikrodžio rodyklę"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Pasukti paveikslėlį 90 laipsnių į kairę"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Nustatyti kaip _darbastalio foną"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Nustatyti pasirinktą paveikslėlį kaip darbastalio foną"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Perkelti pasirinktą paveikslėlį į šiukšlinę"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Didinti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Padidinti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Mažinti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Sumažinti paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normalus dydis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Rodyti paveikslėlį normaliu dydžiu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Geriausiai _tinka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Pritaikyti paveikslėlio dydį langui"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Visame ekrane"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Rodyti pasirinktą paveikslėlį viso ekrano veiksenoje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Stabdyti skaidrių rodymas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Stabdyti arba pratęsti skaidrių rodymą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Ankstesnis paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Rodyti ankstesnį rinkinio paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Kitas paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Rodyti kitą rinkinio paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Pirmas paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Rodyti pirmąjį rinkinio paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Pas_kutinis paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Rodyti paskutinįjį rinkinio paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Atsitiktinis paveikslėlis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Rodyti atsitiktinį rinkinio paveikslėlį"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Skaidrių rodymas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Rodyti paveikslėlius kaip skaidres"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Ankstesnis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Kitas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Dešinėn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Kairėn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Didinti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Mažinti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normalus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Taikyti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kolekcija"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Perkelti į šiukšlinę"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Įskiepis"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Įjungtas"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigūruoti"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "Įj_ungti"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Į_jungti visus"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Išjun_gti visus"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktyvūs įs_kiepiai:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Apie įskiepį"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfigūruoti įskiepį"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Paveikslėlių peržiūros programa „Eye of MATE“"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Atverti viso ekrano veiksenoje"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Išjungti paveikslėlių kolekciją"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Atverti skaidrių rodymo veiksenoje"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Paleisti naują egzempliorių užuot naudojus jau paleistą"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Rodyti programos versiją"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FAILAS…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Norėdami pamatyti komandų eilutės parametrų sąrašą, paleiskite „%s --help“."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Įkelti paveikslėlį"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Failas"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Nustatyti puslapio savybes spausdinimui"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Išsami informacija</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Aukštis:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Pavadinimas:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipas:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Plotis:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Įrašyti _kaip..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Atverti su „%s“"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Perkelti į šiukšlinę"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tik vietinis paveikslėlis gali būti naudojamas kaip darbastalio fonas"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Norėdami padaryti šį paveikslėlį darbastalio fonu, įrašykite jį savo "
+#~ "kompiuteryje."
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Puslapio są_ranka..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Padaryti _darbastalio fonu"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Failas egzistuoja"
diff --git a/po/lv.po b/po/lv.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6233d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/lv.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1555 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Anita Reitere <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-05 15:09+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-01 13:28+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anita Reitere <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Latviešu <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Rādīt \"_%s\""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Pārvietot uz rīkjoslu"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Pārvietot izvēlēto elementu uz rīkjoslu"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Aizvākt no _rīkjoslas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Aizvākt izvēlēto elementu no rīkjoslas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Dzēst rīkjoslu"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Noņemt izvēlēto rīkjoslu"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Atdalītājs"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Pilnekrāna režīmā"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktivizēt pilnekrāna režīmu ar dubultklišķi"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pilnekrāns ar dubultklikšķi"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Pārlādēt attēlu"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Pārlādēt pašreizējo attēlu"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Datums statusa joslā"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Parāda attēla izveides datumu loga statusa joslā"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Pārlūkot un grozīt attēlus"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Attēlu skatītājs"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+#| msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Diafragmas atvērums:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+#| msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autors:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+#| msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Baiti:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+#| msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Fotoaparāta modelis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+#| msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Autortiesības:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+#| msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Datums/laiks:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+#| msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Apraksts:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detaļas"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+#| msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Ekspozīcijas laiks:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+#| msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Zibspuldze:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+#| msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Fokusa attālums:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Vispārīgi"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+#| msgid "_Height:"
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Augstums:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+#| msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO ātruma reitings:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Attēla īpašības"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+#| msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Atslēgvārdi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+#| msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Atrašanās vieta:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadati"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+#| msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mērīšanas režīms:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nosaukums:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+#| msgid "_Top:"
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tips:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+#| msgid "_Width:"
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Platums:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Nākamais"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "Ie_priekšējais"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+#| msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> oriģinālais faila nosaukums"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+#| msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> skaitītājs"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Izvēlieties mapi"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Mērķa mape:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#| msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Faila nosaukuma priekšskatījums"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+#| msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Faila ceļa instrukcijas"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Faila nosaukuma formāts:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+#| msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcijas"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Pārdēvēt no:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Aizvietot atstarpes ar pasvītrojumiem"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Saglabāt kā"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Sākt skaitītāju no:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Uz:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Rādīt _fonu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Rādīt _rūtiņrakstu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Rādīt šo _krāsu:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Caurspīdīgo apgabalu krāsa"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "I_zplest attēlu, lai ietilptu ekrānā"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE iestatījumi"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+#| msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Attēla uzlabojumi"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Attēla skats"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+#| msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Attēla palielinājums"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Spraudņi"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+#| msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Secība"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slīdrāde"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Nogludināt attēlus palielinot"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Nogludināt attēlus samazinot"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+#| msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Caurspīdīgajās daļās"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automātiski pagriezt"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Automātiski _atkārtot"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Pār_slēgt attēlu ik pēc:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundēm"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja vērtība lielāka par 0, tā norāda, cik sekundes katru attēlu rādīt. Nulle "
+"izslēdz automātisku attēlu pārslēgšanu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktīvie spraudņi"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Atļaut sākuma tālummaiņu lielāku kā 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automātiski pagriezt"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Aizture sekundēs, pirms parāda nākamo attēlu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Nosaka, kā attēlot caurspīdīgas attēla daļas. Derīgas vērtības ir "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR un NONE. Ja izvēlēts COLOR, tad trans_color "
+"atslēga nosaka lietojamās krāsas vērtību."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapolēt attēlu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja aktivizēts, Eye of MATE nevaicās pēc apstiprinājuma, pārvietojot bildes "
+"uz miskasti. Ja kādu no failiem nevarēs pārvietot uz miskasti, EoG tomēr "
+"vaicās, pirms to izdzēst."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+#| "will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+#| "directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+#| "will show the current working directory."
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja aktivizēts un nav ielādēta attēla aktīvajā logā, failu izvēlētājs attēlos "
+"lietotāja attēlu mapi, izmantojot XDG speciālās lietotāja direktorijas. Ja "
+"deaktivizēts vai arī attēlu mape nav iestatīta, lietotne rādīs šī brīža "
+"darba direktoriju."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja aktivizēts, detalizētais metadatu saraksts īpašību dialogā tiks "
+"pārvietots "
+"uz atsevišķu lapu dialogā. Tam vajadzētu padarīt dialogu vairāk lietojamu uz "
+"mazākiem ekrāniem. Ja izslēgts, logdaļa tiks iekļauta \"Metadata\" lapā."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja caurspīdīguma atslēgai ir vērtība COLOR, šī atslēga nosaka "
+"caurspīdīguma attēlošanai lietojamās krāsas vērtību."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja šis ir FALSE, mazi attēli netiks automātiski izstiepti, lai ietipltu "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Attēlu kolekcijas joslas atrašanās vieta. 0 - lejā; 1 - pa kreisi; 2 - "
+"augšā; 3 - pa labi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolēt attēlu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Aktīvo spraudņu saraksts. Tas nesatur aktīvo spraudņu \"Atrašanās vietu\". "
+"To var noskaidrot spraudņa .eom-plugin failā."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Cikliski iet cauri attēlu virknei"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Tālummaiņa ar peles ritentiņu"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Rādīt/slēpt attēlu kolekcijas paneļa ritināšanas pogas."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Rādīt/slēpt attēlu kolekcijas paneli."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Rādīt/slēpt loga sānu paneli."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Rādīt/slēpt loga statusa joslu."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Rādīt/slēpt loga rīkjoslu."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Reizinātājs, ko pielietot, kad tālummaiņai izmanto peles ritentiņu. Šī "
+"vērtība nosaka tālummaiņas soli. Piemēram, 0.05 atbilst 5% tālummaiņas "
+"solim, 1.00 atbilst 100% tālummaiņas solim."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Caurspīdīguma krāsa"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Caurspīdīguma indikators"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Izmest attēlus miskastē bez vaicāšanas"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no "
+#| "images are loaded."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Vai failu izvēlētājam vajadzētu rādīt lietotāja attēlu mapi, ja neviena "
+"bilde "
+"nav vēl ielādēta."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Vai attēlu kolekcijas panelim jābūt maināmam izmēram."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+#| "blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Vai attēlu vajadzētu ekstrapolēt tuvināšanas laikā. Tas var piešķirt "
+"attēliem izplūdušu izskatu un aizņem mazliet vairāk laika."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads "
+#| "to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Vai attēlu vajadzētu interpolēt tālināšanas laikā. Tas izskatās labāk, bet "
+"aizņem mazliet vairāk laika."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Vai, balstoties uz EXIF datiem, būtu automātiski jāpagriež attēls."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Vai metadatu sarakstam īpašību dialogā vajadzētu atrasties atsevišķā lapā."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Vai lietot peles ritentiņu tālummaiņai."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Nosaka, vai attēlu virkni rādīt bezgalīgā ciklā."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Tālummaiņas reizinātājs"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+#| msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Aiz_vērt bez saglabāšanas"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+#| msgid "Position"
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Jautājums"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ja nesaglabāsiet, jūsu izmaiņas tiks zaudētas."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Saglabāt \"%s\" izmaiņas pirms aizvēršanas?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Ir %d attēls ar nesaglabātām izmaiņām. Vai saglabāt izmaiņas pirms "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ir %d attēli ar nesaglabātām izmaiņām. Vai saglabāt izmaiņas pirms "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "Izvēli_eties attēlus, kurus vēlaties saglabāt:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ja nesaglabāsiet, visas jūsu izmaiņas tiks zaudētas."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Faila formāts ir neatpazīstams vai neatbalstīts"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE nevarēja noteikt ierakstāmā faila formātu pēc faila nosaukuma."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+"Lūdzu mēģiniet lietot citu faila paplašinājumu, piemēram, .png vai .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Visi faili"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Visi attēli"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pikselis"
+msgstr[1] "pikseļi"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Ielādēt attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Saglabāt attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Atvērt mapi"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Pārveidot neielādētu attēlu."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Kļūda, veicot pārveidošanu."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Šis faila formāts neatbalsta EXIF."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Kļūda, ielādējot attēlu."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nav ielādēts attēls."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Neizdevās izveidot pagaidu failu."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Neizdevās izveidot pagaidu failu, lai saglabātu: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Neizdevās piešķirt atmiņu, lai ielādētu JPEG failu"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Fotoaparāts"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Attēla dati"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Fotografēšanas apstākļi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Veidotāja piezīmes"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Cits"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP tiesību vadība"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP citi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Birka"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Vērtība"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%A, %Y. gada %d. %B, %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y. gada %d. %B"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Vēl_reiz"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Neizdevās ielādēt attēlu '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' netika atrasti attēli."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Norādītajās atrašanās vietās nav attēlu."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Attēla iestatījumi"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Attēls"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+#| msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Attēls, kuram tiks norādīti drukāšanas parametri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Lapas iestatījumi"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Lapas, uz kuras tiks drukāts, informācija"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Novietojums"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "Pa _kreisi:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "Pa _labi:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Augšā:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "A_pakšā:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrā:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nav"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontāli"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikāli"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Abos"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Izmērs"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Platums:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "Au_gstums:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "Palielinājum_s:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Vienība:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Collas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Priekšskatīt"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nezināms"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lēcas)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm filmiņa)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "kā ir"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Uzņemts"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Vismaz divu failu nosaukumi ir vienādi."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Neizdevās parādīt Eye of MATE palīdzību"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (nepareizs Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i px %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i px %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Lietot \"%s\", lai atvērtu izvēlēto attēlu"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Saglabā attēlu \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ielādē attēlu \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Kļūda, drukājot failu:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Rīkjoslas redaktors"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Atstatīt uz noklusēto"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Oskars Zīle <[email protected]>\n"
+"Anita Reitere <[email protected]>\n"
+"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
+" Artis Trops\n"
+" Māris Zinbergs\n"
+" Mārtiņš Bruņenieks\n"
+" Peteris Krisjanis\n"
+" Pēteris Caune\n"
+" Raivis Dejus\n"
+" Viesturs Zariņš"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Šī programma ir brīva programmatūra; jūs varat to izplatīt tālāk un/vai "
+"modificēt saskaņā ar GNU Vispārējās publiskās licences noteikumiem, ko "
+"publicējis Brīvas programmatūras fonds (Free Software Foundation); "
+"izmantojiet Licences versiju 2 vai (pēc jūsu izvēles) jebkuru vēlāku versiju."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Šī programma tiek izplatīta cerībā, ka tā būs noderīga, taču BEZ JEBKĀDĀM "
+"KONKRĒTIEM NOLŪKIEM garantijām. Sīkāku informāciju meklējiet GNU Vispārējā "
+"publiskajā licencē.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Kopā ar šo programmu jums vajadzēja saņemt GNU General Public License "
+"kopiju; ja tas nav noticis, rakstiet Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 "
+"Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE attēlu skatītājs."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Attēls \"%s\" iestatīts kā darbvirsmas fons.\n"
+"Vai vēlaties mainīt tā izskatu?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+#| msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Saglabā attēlu lokāli..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Vai tiešām vēlaties pārvietot\n"
+"\"%s\" uz miskasti?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Miskasti \"%s\" neizdevās atrast. Vai vēlaties dzēst šo attēlu "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Vai tiešām vēlaties pārvietot\n"
+"izvēlēto attēlu uz miskasti?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Vai tiešām vēlaties pārvietot\n"
+"%d izvēlētos attēlus uz miskasti?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Daži no izvēlētajiem attēliem nevar tikt pārvietoti uz miskasti, tos var "
+"tikai neatgriezeniski dzēst. Vai vēlaties turpināt?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Pārvie_tot uz miskasti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Neprasīt vairāk šīs sesijas laikā"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Neizdevās piekļūt miskastei."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Neizdevās izdzēst failu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Kļūda, dzēšot attēlu %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fails"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "R_ediģēt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "S_kats"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Attēls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Iet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Rīki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Palīdzība"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+#| msgid "_Open..."
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Atvērt..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Atvērt failu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Aiz_vērt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Aizvērt logu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Rīkj_osla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Rediģēt lietotnes rīkjoslu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Iesta_tījumi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE iestatījumi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Saturs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Šīs lietotnes palīdzība"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "P_ar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Par šo lietotni"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Rīkjosla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Maina aktīvā loga rīkjoslas redzamību"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusa josla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Maina aktīvā loga statusjoslas redzamību"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Attēlu kolekc_ija"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Maina aktīvā loga attēlu kolekcijas redzamību"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Sānu _panelis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Maina aktīvā loga sānu joslas redzamību"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Saglabāt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Saglabāt izmaiņas šobrīd izvēlētajos attēlos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "_Atvērt ar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Atvērt izvēlēto attēlu ar citu lietotni"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+#| msgid "Save As"
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Saglabāt _kā..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Saglabāt izvēlētos attēlus ar citu nosaukumu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+#| msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Konfigurēt lapas drukāšanas parametrus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+#| msgid "_Print..."
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Drukāt..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Drukāt izvēlēto attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Ī_pašības"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Parādīt izvēlētā attēla īpašības un metadatus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Atcelt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Atcelt pēdējo attēlā veikto izmaiņu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Apmest _horizontāli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Atspoguļot attēlu horizontāli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Apmest vertikāli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Atspoguļot attēlu vertikāli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Pag_riezt pulksteņrādītāja virzienā"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Pagriezt attēlu 90 grādus pa labi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Pagriezt pretēji pu_lksteņrādītāja virzienam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Pagriezt attēlu 90 grādus pa kreisi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Iestatīt kā _darbvirsmas fonu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Iestatīt izvēlēto attēlu kā darbvirsmas fonu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Pārvietot izvēlēto attēlu uz miskasti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Tuvināt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Palielināt attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Tā_lināt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Samazināt attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normāls izmērs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Parādīt attēlu normālā izmērā"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Labākais _izmērs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Ietilpināt attēlu logā"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+#| msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Pa visu _ekrānu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Parādīt izvēlēto attēlu pilnekrāna režīmā"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Ie_priekšējais attēls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pāriet uz iepriekšējo kolekcijas attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Nākamais attēls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pāriet uz nākamo kolekcijas attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Pirmais attēls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pāriet uz pirmo kolekcijas attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Pēdējais attē_ls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pāriet uz pēdējo kolekcijas attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+#| msgid "Reload Image"
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Ne_jauši izvēlēts attēls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+#| msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Pāriet uz kādu kolekcijas attēlu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Slīdrāde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Sākt attēlu slīdrādi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Iepriekšējais"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nākamais"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Pa labi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Pa kreisi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Tuvāk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Tālāk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normāls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Ietilpināt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kolekcija"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Miskaste"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Spraudnis"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktivizēts"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigurēt"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktivizēt"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tivizēt visus"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktivizēt visus"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktīvie s_praudņi:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "P_ar spraudni"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfigurēt spraudni"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Atvērt pilnekrāna režīmā"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Deaktivizēt attēlu kolekciju"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+#| msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Atvērt slīdrādes režīmā"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Sākt jaunu instanci, neizmantojot jau eksistējošo"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+#| msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FAILS...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Palaidiet '%s --help', lai redzētu pilnu pieejamo komandrindas opciju "
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE attēlu skatītājs"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detaļas</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Augstums:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nosaukums:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tips:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Platums:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Atvērt ar \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "S_aglabāt kā..."
diff --git a/po/mai.po b/po/mai.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9396c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/mai.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+# translation of mai.po to Hindi
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Sangeeta Kumari <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mai\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-15 00:31+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-16 12:47+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rajesh Ranjan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hindi <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:918
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "देखाबू “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1381
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "अओजारपट्टी पर लए जाउ (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "चयनित मदकेँ अओजारपट्टीमे घसकाबू"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "अओजारपट्टी सँमेटाबू (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "चयनित मदकेँ अओजारपट्टी सँ हटाबू"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "अओजारपट्टीमेटाबू (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "चयनित अओजारपट्टी हटाबू"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "विभाजक"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "बिंब प्रदर्शक"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> लेखक</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>विस्तृत वर्णन</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> बीजशब्द:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>स्थान:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>टाइप:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "सामान्य"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "चित्र विशेषता"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "मेटाडाटा"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "अगिला (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "पछिला (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फाइल नामक पूर्वावलोकन</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फाइल पथ विशिष्टतासभ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>विकल्प</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "एहिना सहेजू"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "गिनती एतए सँ शुरू करू:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "प्रति:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बिंब संवर्द्धन</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बिंब ज़ूम</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>क्रम</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पारदर्शी भाग</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "पृष्ठभूमि जहिना (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "चेक पैटर्न जहिना (_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "पसंदीदा रंग जहिना (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी क्षेत्रसभ लेल रंग"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "स्क्रीनमे फिट बैठबाक लेल बिंब पसारू (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "गनोमक आँख हेतु वरीयतासभ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "बिंब दृश्य"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "प्लगिन"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइडशो"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "जूम कएल जएबा पर मृदु बिंब (_z)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "स्वचालित अभिमुखन (_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "लूप शृंखला (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "एकर बाद बिंब स्विच करू (_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "सकेण्ड"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0 सँ अधिक मूल्य ई निर्धारित करैत अछि जे एकटा बिंब एतबा सकेण्ड तक स्क्रीन पर रहताह, जखन तक "
+"अगिला स्वचालित रूपसँ देखाइ पड़ताह. शून्य स्वचालित ब्राउज़िंगकेँ अक्षम कए देत अछि."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "प्लगिन सक्रिय"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "प्रारंभमे 100% सँ बेसी ज़ूम स्वीकारू"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "स्वचालित अभिमुखन"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "अगिला बिंब देखाबै सँ पहिला सकेण्डमे देरी"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"निर्धारित करैत अछि जे कओन प्रकार पारदर्शिता देखाओल जएताह. वैध मूल्य अछि CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR आओर NONE. जँ COLOR चुनल जाएत अछि, तब trans_color कुँजी निर्धारित करैत अछि "
+"उपयोगमे आबै बला रंग मूल्य."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"जँ पारदर्शी कुँजीमे रंग मूल्य अछि, तखन ई कुँजी निर्धारित करैत अछि जे कओन रंग पारदर्शिता "
+"केँ प्रदर्शित करबा मे उपयोगमे लेल जएताह."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "जँ एकरा गलत नियत कएल जाएत अछि तँ बिंब केँ स्क्रीन क' अनुरूप पसारल नहि जएताह."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "बिंब अंतर्वेशित करू"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "बिंब शृंखला क' द्वारा लूप करू"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "बिंब संग्रह पट्टी देखाबू/नुकाबू."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "विंडो स्थिति-पट्टी देखाबू/नुकाबू."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "विंडो अओजारपट्टी देखाबू/नुकाबू."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी रंग"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "पारदर्शिता सूचक"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "एकटा अंतहीन लूपमे बिंबक शृंखला देखाओल जाए अथवा नहि."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"की बिंब ज़ूम करबा पर अंतर्वेशित कएल जाएनाइ चाही अथवा नहि. एकरासँ नीक बिशेषता प्राप्त हाएत मुदा ई "
+"गैर अंतर्वेशित बिंबसँ किछु धीमा हएताह."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "की EXIF अभिमुखन पर आधारित बिंबकेँ स्वतः घुमाबल जएनाइ चाही अथवा नहि."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "सबहि फ़ाइलसभ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "सभ बिंब"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:132
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:134 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:722
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "पिक्सेल"
+msgstr[1] "पिक्सेल"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "बिंब लोड करू"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "चित्र सहेजू"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "फोल्डर खोलू"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "अनलोडेड बिंबमे बदलू"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:948
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF एहि फाइल प्रारूप क'लेल समर्थित नहि अछि."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1070
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1472 ../src/eom-image.c:1574
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "कोनो बिंब लोडेड नहि."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1482 ../src/eom-image.c:1586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "अस्थाइ फाइल निर्माण बिफल."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "%s केँ सहेजब लेल अस्थाइ फाइल तैआर नहि कए सकल"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG फाइल केँ लोड करब लेल मेमोरी बांटल नहि जाए सकल"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "कैमरा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "बिंब डाटा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "बिंब लेबाक परिस्थितिसभ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "बनोनिहारक टिप्पणी"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "आन"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "टैग"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "मान"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr ""
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "पुनः कोशिश करू (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "चित्र"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "पृष्ठ सेटअप"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "स्थिति"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "बामाँ (_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "दहिन्ना (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "उप्पर (_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "नीच्चाँ (_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "किछु नहि"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "क्षैतिज"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "लम्बवत"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "दुनू"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "आकार"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "चओड़ाइ (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "उँचाइ (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "एकाइ (_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "मिलीमीटर"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "इंच"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "पूर्वावलोकन"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:149 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "अज्ञात"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:228
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:239
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "जहिना अछि"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "कम सँ कम दुइ फाइल नाम समान अछि."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "गनोमक आँखि लेल मद्दति नहि देखाए सकत"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(अवैध यूनिकोड)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1133
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" क' सँग खोलू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1249
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1592
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"फाइल छापबमे त्रुटि:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2416
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "अओजारपट्टी संपादक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2419
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2505
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "संगीता कुमारी ([email protected])"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2508
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ई प्रोग्राम फ्री सोफ्टवेयर अछि; अहाँ एकरा पुनर्वितरित कए सकैत छी आओर/अथवा"
+"एकरा GNU जनरल पब्लिक लाइसेंसक शर्तक अधीन रूपांतरित कए सकैत छी"
+"जहिना फ्री सोफ्टवेयर फाउंडेशनक द्वारा प्रकाशित कएल गेल अछि; अथवा तँ लाइसेंस क' संस्करण 2"
+"अथवा कोनो बादबला संस्करण (अहाँक विकल्प अनुसार).\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2512
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr "ई प्रोग्रामकेँ एहि आशासँ वितरित कएल गेल अछि जे ई उपयोगी हएताह, मुदा बिनु कोनो वारंटीक; एतय तक जे बिनि कोनो मर्चेंटेबिलिटी अथवा खास उद्देश्य क'लेल फिटनेस क' वारंटीक. GNU जनरल पब्लिक लाइसेंसकेँ बेसी विस्तार क'लेल देखू.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2516
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "अहाँक GNU जनरल पब्लिक लाइसेंसक एकटा कॉपी एहि प्रोग्रामक सँग प्राप्त कएनाइ चाही; जँ नहि, Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA केँ लिखू."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2529
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "गनोम क' आँखि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2532
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2965
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3033
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"की अहाँ निश्चित छी जे\n"
+"\"%s\" केँ रद्दीमे देब चाहैत छी?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3036
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3041
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"की अहाँ चयनित बिंबकेँ\n"
+"रद्दीमे पठओनाइ चाहैत छी ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"की अहाँ %d चयनित बिंबकेँ\n"
+"रद्दीमे पठओनाइ चाहैत छी ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3046
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3063
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "रद्दीमे पठाबू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3099 ../src/eom-window.c:3113
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "रद्दी पर पंहुच नहि पाबि सकल."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3121
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3192
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "बिंब %s मेटाबैमे त्रुटि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3399
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "फाइल (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3400
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "संपादन (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3401
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "देखू (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "चित्र (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "जाउ (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "अओजार (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मद्दति (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3407
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "खोलू (_O)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "एकटा फ़ाइल खोलू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "बन्न करू (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3411
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "विंडो बन्न करू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "अओजारपट्टी (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3414
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "वरीयतासभ (_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ग्नोमक आँखि लेल वरीयतासभ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3419
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "विषय सूची (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3422 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "क' संबंधमे (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "एहि अनुप्रयोग क' बारेमे"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3428
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "अओजारपट्टी (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3429
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "मोजुदा विंडोमे अओजार पट्टीक दृश्यता बदलू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3431
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "स्थिति-पट्टी (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3432
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "मोजुदा विंडोमे प्रस्थिति पट्टीक दृश्यता बदलू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3434
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "बिंब संग्रह (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3435
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "मोजुदा विंडोमे बिंब संग्रह पैनक दृश्यता बदलू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3437
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "किनार क' पट्टी (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3438
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "सहेजू (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3446
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3447
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3449
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "एहन सहेजू... (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3453
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3455
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "छापू... (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3456
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3459
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3461
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "पूर्ववत् करू (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3462
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3464
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "क्षैतिज पलटू (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3465
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "लंबबत पलटू (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3468
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3470
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "दक्षिणावर्त घुमावू (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3471
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3473
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "बामावर्त घुमावू (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3474
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3476
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3477
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3479 ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "रद्दीमे लए जाउ (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3480
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3482 ../src/eom-window.c:3494 ../src/eom-window.c:3497
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "आकार पैघ करू (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3483 ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3485 ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "छोट आकार (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3486 ../src/eom-window.c:3498 ../src/eom-window.c:3501
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3488
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "सामान्य आकार (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3491
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "सर्वोत्तम अनुरूप (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3492
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3509
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "पूर्ण स्क्रीन (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3510
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3515 ../src/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "पछिला बिंब (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3516
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3518
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "अगिला बिंब (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3521 ../src/eom-window.c:3530
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "पहिला बिंब (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3522
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3524 ../src/eom-window.c:3533
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "अंतिम बिंब (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3525
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3539
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइड शो (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3606
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "पछिला"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3610
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "अगिला"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3614
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "दहिन्ना"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3617
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "बामाँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3620
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "भीतर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3623
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "बाहर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3626
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "सामान्य"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3629
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "अनुरूप"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3632
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3635
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "रद्दी"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगिन"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "सक्षम"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "कॉन्फ़िगर करू (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "सक्रिय करू (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "सबहि सक्रिय करू (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "सबहि निष्क्रिय करू (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगइन क' संबंधमे (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगइन कॉन्फ़िगर करू (_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[फाइल...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:234
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
diff --git a/po/mg.po b/po/mg.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b815f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/mg.po
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+# Malagasy translation of EOM.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Thierry Randrianiriana <[email protected]>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: EOM\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-15 05:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-20 22:56+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Fanomezana Rajaonarisoa <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Malagasy <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Mpizaha sary"
+#: ../
+msgid "View different types of images"
+msgstr "Mizaha karazan-tsary maro"
+#: ../
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Topy mason'ny anaran-drakitra</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Filazana ny sori-dàlan'ny rakitra</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fanasisihana sary</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zòman'ilay sary</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Safidy</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tranga</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Farita mangarahara</b>"
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Ekeo ny _zòma mihoatra ny 100% amboalohany"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Ataovy _afara"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Ataovy _damie"
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Ataovy _loko safidy:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Loko ho an'ny faritra mangarahara"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Lahatahiry iantefana:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Safidy manokan'ny Eye of MATE"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Lamin'ilay anaran-drakitra:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Sehon'ilay sary"
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate image on _zoom"
+msgstr "Sisiho ilay sary rehefa anaty _zòma"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Ovay anarana avy amin'ny:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Soloy underscore ireo elanelana"
+#: ../ ../shell/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Raiketo toy izao"
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Mandraikitra ilay sary"
+#: ../
+msgid "Slide Show"
+msgstr "Diaporama"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Atomboy amin'ity ny fanisana:"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Hatramin'ny:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Zahavo"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Ataovy miverinkodina"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Ovay ny sary afaka:"
+#: ../
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segaondra"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Ny sanda mihoatra ny 0 dia mamaritra ny fotoana (segaondra) ijanonan'ny sary "
+"iray eo amin'ny efijery mandra-panehoana ny manaraka. Ny 0 dia manatsahatra "
+"ny fizahana mandeha hoazy."
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Manaiky ny zòma mihoatra ny 100% amboalohany"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Elanelam-potoana (segaondra) alohan'ny anehoana ny sary manaraka"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Mamaritra ny fomba anehoana ny fangaraharana. CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR ary NONE "
+"no sanda azo ekena. Raha toa ka COLOR no voafidy, dia ny famaha trans_color "
+"no mamaritra ny sandan'ilay loko ampiasaina."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Raha toa ka COLOR ny sandan'ilay famaha fangaraharana, dia io famaha io no "
+"mamaritra ny loko ampiasaina anehoana ny fangaraharana."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Raha toa ka faritana ho FALSE izany, dia tsy hovelarina hameno efijery ny "
+"sary kely amin'ny voalohany."
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Sisio ilay sary"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "Rafitsarin'ny fikandran'ny amboara farany"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "Rafitsarin'ny fikandran'ny singleton farany"
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Averimbereno ilay trangan-tsary"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Sokafy anaty fikandrana vaovao ireo sary"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "Asehoy/afeno ny lazan'ny sarin'io amboara io."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "Asehoy/afeno ny lazan'ny sarin'io sary tokana io."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Asehoy/afeno ny takilan'ny amboaran-tsary."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Asehoy/afeno ny anjam-pivoaran'ilay fikandrana."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Asehoy/afeno ny anjam-pitaovan'ilay fikandrana."
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Loko anehoana ny mangarahara"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Mpilaza fangaraharana"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Milaza raha toa ka tokony hisokatra anaty fikandrana vaovao ny sary sokafana "
+"iray fa tsy misolo ilay sary anatin'ny fikandrana misy."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Milaza raha toa ka tokony na tsy tokony aseho miverimberina tsy misy farany "
+"ilay trangan-tsary."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Milaza raha toa ka tokony sisihana ilay sary rehefa anaty zòma. Manatsara "
+"ny endrik'ilay sary izany saingy somary manavotsa noho ny sary tsy sisihana."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:340 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Tsy afaka namorona rakitra vonjimaika ho an'ny fandraiketana: %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:359 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:600
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Tsy afaka nanokana arika hakana rakitra JPEG"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:418
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Fanovana ny sary tsy azo."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:530
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Tsy raisina an-tànana ny EXIF ho an'io lamin-drakitra io."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1190 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1403
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Misy ilay rakitra"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1343 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1471
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Tsy misy sary azo."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1352 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1480
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Tsy nahomby ny famoronana rakitra vonjimaika."
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Fakantsary"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:31
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Datan'ilay sary"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:32
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Tontolo fakana sary"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:33
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Fanamarihana"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:34
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Hafa"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:97
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Sanda"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:29 ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:31
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Anaran-drakitra"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:30
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Indra"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:31
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Haavo"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:32
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Haben'ny rakitra"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:89
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Marika manokana"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Rakitra"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:93
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:100
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1024
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Anaran-drakitra roa farafahakeliny no mitovy."
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:44
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode tsy ekena)"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:129
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Ireo rakitra rehetra"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Ireo sary rehetra"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr[0] "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr[1] "%s x %s pixel"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:397
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "Sokafy anaty fikandrana vaovao"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:425
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Alaivo io sary io"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:433
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Raiketo io sary io"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:441
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Sokafy ny lahatahiry"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:110
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Tsy afaka naneho ny toro-làlan'ny Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:32
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Fanisana"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:33
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Teny fanampiny"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:34
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Daty"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:35
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Ora"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:36
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Andro"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:37
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Volana"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:38
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Taona"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:39
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Ora"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:40
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Minitra"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:41
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Segaondra"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Safidy tsy mety ampiasaina."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"Mila ny libexif ianao vao afaka mampiasa io safidy io. Apetraho ny libexif "
+"( dia avereno compiler-na ny Eye of MATE."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:235
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "tahaka ny"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Mandraikitra ny sary %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:243
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Manafoana ny fandraiketana..."
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:500
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Fankasitrahana ny mpandika teny"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:503
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Maimaimpoana ity rindran'asa ity. Azonao zaraina ary/na ovaina mifanaraka "
+"amin'ireo fepetra voalaza anatin'ny fahazoan-dàlana ho an'ny besinimaro GNU "
+"izay navoakan'ny Free Software Foundation io rindran'asa io, na ilay kinova "
+"faha 2, na izay kinova taty afara (araka ny safidinao).\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:507
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ity rindranasa ity dia naparitaka noho ny fiheverana fa hisy ilàna azy izy "
+"io, saingy tsy misy fiantohana izy io, na dia ilay fiantohana (tsy voalaza "
+"ZAVATRA aza. Vakio ilay Fahazoan-dàlana ho an'ny besinimaro GNU ahalalanao "
+"ny antsipiriany.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:511
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
+"Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+msgstr ""
+"Tokony nahazo dika mitovin'ny Fahazoan-dàlana ho an'ny besinimaro GNU ianao "
+"niaraka tamin'ity rindranasa ity. Raha tsy nahazo izany ianao, dia manorata "
+"any amin'ny Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth "
+"Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:524 ../shell/eom-window.c:3118
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3771 ../shell/main.c:609
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:527
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Rindranasa fizahana sy fampirantiana sary an'ny MATE."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tsy afaka naneho ny toro-làlan'ny eye of MATE.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:993
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Tsindriana ny rakitra %s?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:994
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Misy ilay rakitra. Tianao tsindriana ilay izy?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1005 ../shell/eom-window.c:1021
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Dingano"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1006
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Tsindrio"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Nisy olana teo am-pandraiketana ny %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1022 ../shell/eom-window.c:1588
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Andramo indray"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1452
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "Tsy afaka namaritra ny uri iantefana."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Tsy afaka namaritra ny lamin-drakitry ny %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1575
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr "Misafidiana tovan'anaran-drakitra ekena na lamin-drakitra iray."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1713
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Nisy olana teo am-pandraiketana ireo sary."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1797
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Atontay"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1831
+msgid "Print Preview"
+msgstr "Topy mason'ny fanontana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2035
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Tianao alefa any anaty daba tokoa\n"
+"ve ny \"%s\"?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2038
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Tianao alefa any anaty daba tokoa\n"
+"ve ireo sary %d voafaritra ireo?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Tianao alefa any anaty daba tokoa\n"
+"ve ireo sary %d voafaritra ireo?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2053 ../shell/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Alefaso any"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2084
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Tsy afaka nampiasa ny daba."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2160
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Nisy olana teo am-pamafana ny sary %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixels [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2979
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3035
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr "Antony: %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3167
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "Tsy nahomby ny fakana ny sary ho an'ny %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3332
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Rakitra"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3333
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Hanova"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3334
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Seho"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3335
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Sary"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3336
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Alefa"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3337
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Toro-làlana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Sokafy..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Manokatra rakitra"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Hidio"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Manidy fikandrana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3340
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Safidy ma_nokana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3340
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Safidy manokan'ny Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Mpiaty"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Toro-làlana momba ity rindranasa ity"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3342
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Mombamomba"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3342
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Mombamomba ity rindranasa ity"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Anjan'ny fitaovana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Manovana ny fahamoram-pahitan'ny anjan'ny fitaovana amin'ity fikandrana ity"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Anjan'ny fivoarana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Manova ny fahamoram-pahitan'ny anjan'ny fivoarana amin'ity fikandrana ity"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Amboaran-tsary"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Manova ny fahamoram-pahitan'ny takilan'ny amboaran-tsary amin'ity fikandrana "
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Raiketo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Raiketo _toy izao..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "Print..."
+msgstr "Atontay..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3357
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Foano"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Mandry"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Mitsangana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3362
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Manaraka fanondrom-pamantaranandro"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "_Tsy manaraka fanondrom-pamantaranandro"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "_Ahodino 180°"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3365
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Ataovy _taratasy manaingo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3369
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Mameno efijery"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3370
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diaporama"
+#. accelerators
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3371 ../shell/eom-window.c:3377
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zòma manalehibe"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3372 ../shell/eom-window.c:3379
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zòma _manakely"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3373
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Habe tokony ho izy"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3374
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Ny _mety indrindra"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3380 ../shell/eom-window.c:3382
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3396
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Sary manaraka"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3381 ../shell/eom-window.c:3383
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3384 ../shell/eom-window.c:3395
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Sary any aloha"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Alefaso any anaty _daba"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3386 ../shell/eom-window.c:3397
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Sary _voalohany"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3387 ../shell/eom-window.c:3398
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Sary farany"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "Lazan'ilay sary"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Manova ny fahamoram-pahitana ny takilan'ny lazan'ny sary amin'ity fikandrana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Sokafy"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Hidio"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3411
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Raiketo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Foano"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Havanana"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Havia"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Anaty"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Ivelany"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3422
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Tokony ho izy"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Mifanaraka"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Manaraka"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Aloha"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3590
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "Tsy hita ny fanoritsoritana ny mpaneran'ny mpampiasa."
+#: ../shell/main.c:23
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[RAKITRA...]"
+#: ../shell/main.c:174
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "Tsy afaka namorona mpaneran'ny mpampiasa amin'ny Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/main.c:365
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Tsy hita ilay rakitra."
+msgstr[1] "Tsy hita ireo rakitra."
+#: ../shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Tsy nahasokatra ny '%s'"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open '%s'"
+msgstr "Sokafy ny '%s'"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:444
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "Foana"
diff --git a/po/mk.po b/po/mk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfa57c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/mk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1305 @@
+# translation of to Macedonian
+# translation of to
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Bozidar Proevski <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Jovan Zdraveski <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Ime Prezime <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Arangel Angov <[email protected]>, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
+# Tomislav Markovski <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Арангел Ангов <[email protected]>, 2005, 2006, 2007.
+# Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>, 2006, 2007, 2008.
+# Arangel Angov <[email protected]>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-21 10:56+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-25 18:53+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jovan Naumovski <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Macedonian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural= n==1 || n%10==1 ? 0 : 1\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:919
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Покажи „_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Премести на алатникот"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Премести го избраниот предмет на алатникот"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Отстрани од алатникот"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Отстрани го избраниот предмет од алатникот"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Избриши алатник"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1387
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Отстрани го избраниот алатник"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Разделувач"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Работи во режим на цел екран"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Активирај цел екран со двоен клик"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Цел екран со двоен клик"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Освежи слика"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Освежи ја тековната слика"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Датум на статусната лента."
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Го покажува датумот на сликата на статусната лента."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Разгледај и ротирај слики"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Прегледувач на слики"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Вредност на апертура:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Автор:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Бајти:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Модел на фотоапарат:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Датум/Време:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Опис</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Детали</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Време на изложеност:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Блиц:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Фокусна должина:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Височин:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO рејтинг на брзина:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Клучни зборови:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Локација:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Режим на мерење:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Име:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Тип:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Широчина:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Општо"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Својства на слика"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Мета податоци"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Следна"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Претходна"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Преглед на името на датотеката</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Спецификации за патеката на датотеката</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Опции</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> оригинално име на датотеката</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> бројач</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Изберете папка"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Дестинациска папка:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Формат на името на датотеката:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Преименувај од:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Замени празни места со долни црти"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Зачувај како"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Почни бројач од:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "До:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Подобрувања на сликата</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Зумирање на слика</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Секвенца</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Провидни делови</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Како _позадина"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Како шара"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Како сопствена б_оја:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Боја за транспарентна околина"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "П_рошири ги сликите за да се вклопат на приказот"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Параметри за Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Поглед на слика"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Додатоци"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слајд шоу"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Замати ги сликите при _зголемување"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Автоматска ориентација"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Секвенца на _повторување"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Смени слика по:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "секунди"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Вредност поголема од нула (0) одредува колку секунди сликата ќе биде "
+"покажана на екранот, пред да се премине на следната слика. Нула (0) "
+"оневозможува автоматско разгледување."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Активни додатоци"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Дозволи иницијално зголемување поголемо од 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Автоматска ориентација"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Задоцнување во секунди до покажување на следната слика"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Одредува како транспарентноста да биде индицирана Валидни вредности се "
+"ПРОВЕРИ_ШАРА, БОЈА и НИШТО. ако изберете БОЈА, тогаш клучот за trans_color "
+"ја одредува употребената вредност на бојата."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако транспарентното копче ја има вредноста БОЈА, тогаш ова копче ја одредува "
+"бојата која е употребена за индицирана транспарентност."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако ова е наместено како FALSE, тогаш малите слики нема да бидат растегнати "
+"при гледање."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Позиција на површината за колекција со слики. 0 за на дното; 1 за лево; 2 за "
+"горе; 3 за десно."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Интерполирај слика"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Листа на активни додатоци. Не ја содржи „Локацијата“ на активните додатоци. "
+"Проверете ја датотеката .eom-plugin за да добиете „Локација“за одреден "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Повторувај ја секвенцата на слики"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Зумирање со придвижување на тркалцето на глушецот"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Покажи/скриј ги копчињата за лизгање на површина за колекција на слики."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Покажи/скриј површина за колекција на слики."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Покажи/скриј го страничниот простор.."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Покажи/сокриј ја статусната лента."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Покажи/сокриј го алатникот."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Множителот ќе биде применет кога се користи тркалцето на глушецот за "
+"зумирање. Оваа вредност ја дефинира стапката на зумирање при секое "
+"придвижување на тркалцето. На пример, 0.05 зголемува 5% за секое "
+"придвижување на тркалцето и 1.00 золемува 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Транспарентност боја "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Транспарентност индикатор"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Дали скевенцата на слики ќе се повторува бесконечно."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Дали површината за колекцијата на слики да биде со променлива големина."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Дали сликата ќе биде интерполирана при зголемување или не. Ова води кон "
+"подобар квалитет, но е побавно отколку неинтерполираните слики."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Дали сликата треба да се ротира автоматски врз основа на EXIF ориентацијата."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Дали тркалцето на глушецот да се употребува за зумирање."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Множител на зумот"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Форматот на датотеката е непознат или неподржан."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE може да одреди поддржана датотека за запишување според името на "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Ве молам пробајте со друга екстензија како .pnd или .jpg"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Сите датотеки"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Сите слики"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:133
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:135 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:444
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:720
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "пиксел"
+msgstr[1] "пиксели"
+msgstr[2] "пиксели"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Вчитај слика"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Зачувај слика"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Отвори папка"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Трансформација на невчитана слика."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Трансформација не успеа."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:947
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF не е поддржан од страна на овој формат."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1067
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Вчитувањето на сликата не успеа."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1469 ../src/eom-image.c:1571
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Нема внесено слика."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1479 ../src/eom-image.c:1583
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Правењето на привремена датотека е неуспешно."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Не можам да креирам привремена датотека за зачувување: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Неможе да се алоцира меморија за вчитување на JPEG датотека"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Камера"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Податоци за сликата"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Услови за снимање на слика"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Забелешки од авторот"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Друго"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP менаџмент на права"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP друго"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Етикета"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Вредност"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:90
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Пробај пак"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Не можам да ја вчитам сликата „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Не се пронајдени слики во „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Дадените локации не содржат слики."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Поставувања за слики"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Слика"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Сликата чии својства за печатење ќе бидат поставени"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:847
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Поставување на страница"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Информацијата за страната каде што ќе се печати сликата"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Позиција"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:881
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Лево:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Десно:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:883
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Горе:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Дно:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Ц_ентар:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ништо"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:893
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Хоризонтално"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:895
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Вертикално"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:897
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "И двете"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Големина"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:918
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Ширина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:920
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Височина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:923
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Зголемување:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Единица:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:941
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Милиметри"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:943
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Инчи"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:973
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Преглед"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Непознато"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (леќи)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm филм)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "како што е"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:470
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Земено"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Најмалку две имиња на датотеки се еднакви."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Не може да се прикаже помош за Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (невалиден уникод)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Отвори со „%s“"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1132
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Користете \"%s\" за отворање на избраната слика"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1247
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Ја зачувувам сликата \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1590
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ја зачувувам сликата „%s“"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2286
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Грешка во печатењето на датотеката:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2414
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Уредувач на алатникот"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2417
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Ресетирај на стандардно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2503
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Арангел Ангов <[email protected]>\n"
+"Јован Наумовски <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2506
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Оваа програма е слободен софтвер; можете да ја редистрибуирате и/или "
+"менувате според условите опишани во GNU General Public лиценцата објавена од "
+"Фондацијата за слободен софтвер; без разлика дали се работи за верзијата 2 "
+"или некоја понова верзија.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2514
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Заедно со оваа програма треба да имате добиено и копија од GNU General "
+"Public лиценцата; Доколку немате добиено копија пишете на Free Software "
+"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2527 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2530
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Прегледувач на слики за MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2901
+msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+msgstr "Само локални слики може да се користат како позадини"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2905
+msgid ""
+"To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+"your computer"
+msgstr "За да можете да ја користите оваа слика како позадина, Ве молам складирајте ја локално на Вашиот компјутер"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2943
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да го преместите\n"
+"\"%s\" во ѓубрето?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2946
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ја преместите %d-та\n"
+"избрана слика во ѓубрето?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ги преместите\n"
+"избраните %d слики во ѓубрето?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ги преместите\n"
+"избраните %d слики во ѓубрето?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2961
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Премести во ѓубре"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2989 ../src/eom-window.c:3003 ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Не можам да пристапам до ѓубрето."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3075
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Грешка при зачувување на сликата %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3282
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Датотека"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3283
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Уреди"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Поглед"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3285
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3286
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Оди"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Алатки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3288
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Помош"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Отвори..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3291
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Отвори датотека"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Затвори"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3294
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Затвори го прозорецот"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3296
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "А_латник"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3297
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Уреди го алатникот на апликацијата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Преферен_ци"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3300
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Преференции за Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Содржина"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3303
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Помош за оваа апликација"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:506
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_За"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3306
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "За оваа апликација"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Лента со алатки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3312
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ја менува прегледноста на лентата со алатки во тековниот прозорец"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Статусна лента"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3315
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ја менува прегледноста на статусната лента во тековниот прозорец"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Колекција на слики"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3318
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Ја менува прегледноста на површината за колекцијата на слики во тековниот "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3320
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Страничен _простор"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3321
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ја менува прегледноста на статусниот простор во тековниот прозорец"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Зачувај"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Зачувај ги промените за избраните слики"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3329
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Отвори _со"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Отвори ја избраната слика со друга апликација"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3332
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Зачувај ка_ко..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3333
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Зачувај ги избраните слики со различни имиња"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3335
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "Поста_вување на страница..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3336
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Поставување на својствата за печатање"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Отпечати..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Испечати ја избраната слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Својс_тва"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3342
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Покажи ги својствата и мета податоците за избраната слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3344
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Врати"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3345
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Врати ја последната промена на сликата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Преврти _хоризонтално"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Направи хоризонтално огледало"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Преврти _вертикално"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Направи вертикално огледало"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Ротирај на десно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Ротирај ја сликата за 90 степени на десно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Ротирај н_а лево"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3357
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Ротирај ја сликата за 90 степени на лево"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Постави како _позадина"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "Постави ја избраната слика како позадина"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362 ../src/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Премести во _ѓубрето"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Премести ја избраната слика во ѓубрето."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3365 ../src/eom-window.c:3377 ../src/eom-window.c:3380
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Зголеми"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3366 ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Зголеми ја сликата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3368 ../src/eom-window.c:3383
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Намали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369 ../src/eom-window.c:3381 ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Намали ја сликата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3371
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Нормална големина"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Покажи ја сликата во нормалната големина"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3374
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Најдобро _собрано"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Собери ја сликата во прозорецот"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3392
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Цел екран"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Покажи ја тековната слика на цел екран"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3398 ../src/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Претходна слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3399
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Оди на претходната слика од колекцијата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3401
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Следна слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Оди на следната слика од колекцијата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404 ../src/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Прва слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Оди на правата слика од колекцијата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3407 ../src/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Последна слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Оди на последната слика од колекцијата"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3422
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Слајд шоу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Пушти слајд-шоу поглед на сликите"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Претходна"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3493
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Следна"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3497
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Десно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Лево"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Зголеми"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3506
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Намали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3509
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Нормално"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3512
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Собрано"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3515
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Колекција"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Додаток"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Вклучено"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:514
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "К_онфигурирај"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:524
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "А_ктивирај"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:536
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ак_тивирај сѐ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:541
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Деактивирај сѐ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:832
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Активни _додатоци:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:861
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_За додатокот"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:868
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "К_онфигурирај додаток"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Отвори во режим на цел екран"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Оневозможи ја колекцијата на слики"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Отвори во слајд шоу режим"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Започни нова инстанца наместо да користиш постоечка"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[ДАТОТЕКА...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:223
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE - прегледувач на слики"
diff --git a/po/ml.po b/po/ml.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2b6444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ml.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1525 @@
+# translation of ml.po to
+# translation of to
+# translation of to
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# FSF-India <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Ani Peter <[email protected]>, 2006, 2007, 2009.
+# HARI VISHNU <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Reviewed by Praveen Arimbrathodiyil <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Reviewed by മണിലാല്‍ കെ.എം|Manilal K M <[email protected]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: ml\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 21:58+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-14 14:50+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+"Language-Team: <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Malayalam\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: INDIA\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” കാണിക്കുക"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ഉപകരണപ്പട്ടയില്‍ _നീക്കുക"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത വസ്തു ഉപകരണപ്പട്ടയിലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ഉപകരണപ്പട്ടയില്‍ നിന്നും _നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത വസ്തു ഉപകരണപ്പട്ടയില്‍ നിന്നും നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "ഉപകരണപ്പട്ട _നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഉപകരണപ്പട്ട നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "വിടവടയാളം"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "സ്ക്രീന്റെ പൂര്‍ണ്ണ വലിപ്പത്തില്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിപ്പിക്കുക"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "ഇരട്ട-ക്ലിക്ക് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഫുള്‍(മുഴു) സ്ക്രീന്‍ സജീവമാക്കുക"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "ഇരട്ട-ക്ലിക്ക് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഫുള്‍(മുഴു) സ്ക്രീന്‍"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം വീണ്ടും ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "നിലവിലുള്ള ചിത്രം വീണ്ടും ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക (തുറക്കുക)"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "അവസ്ഥപട്ടയിലെ തിയതി"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്‍റെ അവസ്ഥപട്ടയില്‍ ചിത്രത്തിനെ പറ്റിയുള്ള വിവരങ്ങള്‍ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ കാണുകയും തിരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ചിത്ര ദര്‍ശിനി"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "<b>അപേര്‍ച്ചറിന്റെ മൂല്യം</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "<b>രചയിതാവ്:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "<b>ബൈറ്റ്സ്:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "<b>ക്യാമറയുടെ മോഡല്‍:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "<b>പകര്‍പ്പവകാശം:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "<b>തീയതി/സമയം:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "<b>വിവരണം:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "വിശദാംശങ്ങള്‍"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "<b>എക്സ്പോഷറിനുള്ള സമയം:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "<b>ഫ്ളാഷ്:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "<b>ഫോക്കല്‍ ലെങ്ത്</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "പൊതുവായ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "_ഉയരം:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "<b>ISO സ്പീഡ് റേറ്റിങ്:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ ഗുണഗണങ്ങള്‍"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "<b>കീവേര്‍ഡുകള്‍</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "<b>സ്ഥാനം:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "മെറ്റാ-വിവരം (ഡാറ്റ)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "<b></b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "_മുകളില്‍:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "വീതി:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_അടുത്തത്"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_മുമ്പുളളത്"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> ഫയലിന്റെ യഥാര്‍ത്ഥ പേര്</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> കൌണ്ടര്‍</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "ഒരു ഫോല്‍ഡര്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "ലക്ഷ്യ അറ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "<b>ഫയലിന്റെ പേര് സ്ക്രീനില്‍ കാണുക</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "<b>ഫയല്‍ പാഥിനുള്ള പ്രത്യേകതകള്‍</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ഫയലിന്റെ പേര് ഏത് രീതിയില്‍:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "<b>ഐച്ഛികങ്ങള്‍</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "മാറ്റം വരുത്തേണ്ട പേര്:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "സ്പെയിസുകള്‍ അണ്‍ഡര്‍സ്കോര്‍ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് മാറ്റുക"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "പേരു് മാറ്റി‌ സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "കൌണ്ടര്‍ ആരംഭിക്കേണ്ടത്:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "എവിടേക്ക്:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_പശ്ചാത്തലം പോലെ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "ചെക്ക് ‌‌_പാറ്റേണ്‍ പോലെ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "വേണ്ടപ്പെട്ട നി_റം:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "സുതാര്യമായ ഭാഗങ്ങള്‍ക്കുള്ള നിറം"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ വലുപ്പത്തിനു _യോജിച്ചതാക്കുക"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ഗ്നോം മിഴിയുടെ മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "<b>ചിത്രം മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുക</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ ദൃശ്യം"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "<b>ചിത്രം സൂം ചെയ്യുക</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "സംയോജകങ്ങള്‍"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "<b>ക്രമം</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "ഒരോ ചിത്രങ്ങളായി കാണുക"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "_വലുതാക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ സ്മൂത്ത് ആക്കുക"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "_ചെറുതാക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ സ്മൂത്ത് ആക്കുക"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "<b>സുതാര്യമായ ഭാഗങ്ങള്‍</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_തനിയെ ഉള്ള ഓരിയെന്റേഷന്‍"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_ലൂപ്പിന്റെ ക്രമം"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_ഇത്ര നേരം കഴിഞ്ഞ് ചിത്രം മാറ്റുക:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "സെക്കന്‍ഡുകള്‍"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"പൂജ്യത്തിലേറെയുള്ള ഒരു സംഖ്യ തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നു എത്ര സെക്കന്റുകള്‍ ഒരു ചിത്രം സ്ക്രീനേല്‍ നില്‍കുന്നുവെന്നു, "
+"അടുത്തത് തനിയെ കാണിക്കും മുംബേ. പൂജ്യം ഇട്ടാല്‍ തനിയെ ഉള്ള തിരച്ചില്‍ (ബ്രൗസിങ്ങ്) "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "സജീവമായ സംയോജകങ്ങള്‍"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "തുടക്കത്തില്‍ 100% കൂടുതല്‍ വലുതാകുവാന്‍ അനുവദിക്കുക "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "തനിയെ ഉള്ള ഓരിയെന്റേഷന്‍"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "അടുത്ത ഇമേജ് കാണിക്കുന്നതിന് മുന്‍പുളള ഇടവേള "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"സുതാര്യത എങ്ങനെ സൂചിപ്പിക്കണമെന്നു തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നു. CHECK_PATTERN(ചെക്ക്‌_പാറ്റേര്‍ണ്‍), COLOR"
+"(നിറം), NONE(ഒന്നുമല്ല) എന്നിവ ഉപയോഗിക്കാവുന്ന വിലകളാണു. COLOR(നിറം) തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്താല്‍, "
+"trans_color(ട്രാന്‍സ്_നിറം) കീയാണ് ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട നിറത്തിന്റെ വില തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നത്."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ഇന്റര്‍പൊളേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"സജീവമെങ്കില്‍, ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയിലേക്ക് നീക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഗ്നോ മിഴി അതുറപ്പാക്കുന്നതല്ല. ഏതെങ്കിലും "
+"ഫയല്‍ നീക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ലെങ്കില്‍ അതിനെപ്പറ്റി ചോദിക്കുന്നു, എന്നിട്ട് വെട്ടിനീക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"സജീവമാണു്, പക്ഷേ നിലവിലുള്ള ജാലകത്തില്‍ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ലഭ്യമാകുന്നില്ലെങ്കില്‍, ഉപയോക്താവിനുള്ള "
+"പ്രത്യേക XDG ഡയറക്ടറികളുപയോഗിച്ചു്, ഫയല്‍ചൂസര്‍ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ കാണിക്കുന്നു. "
+"നിര്‍ജീവെങ്കില്‍, അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ ഫോള്‍ഡര്‍ സജ്ജമല്ലെങ്കില്‍, നിലവില്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുന്ന "
+"ഡയറക്ടറി ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നു."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"സജീവമെങ്കില്‍, വിശേഷതകളുടെ ഡയലോഗിലുള്ള വിശദമായ മെറ്റഡേറ്റയുടെ പട്ടിക, ഡയലോഗിലുള്ള അതിന്റെ "
+"സ്വന്തം താളിലേക്ക് നീക്കുന്നു. ചെറിയ സ്ക്രീനുകളില്‍ ഇതു് ഡയലോഗിനെ കൂടുതല്‍ ഉപയോഗപ്രദമാക്കുന്നു, ഉദാ. "
+"നെറ്റ്ബുക്കുകള്‍. നിര്‍ജീവമെങ്കില്‍, വിഡ്ജറ്റ് \"മെറ്റഡേറ്റാ\" താളില്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്തുന്നു."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"സുതാര്യത കീയ്ക്ക് വില കളര്‍ (COLOR) ആണെങ്കില്‍, ഈ കീ സുതാര്യത സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്ന നിറം "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "ഇത് 'ഫോള്‍സ് (FALSE- വേണ്ട)' ആക്കിയാല്‍ ചെറിയ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ സ്ക്രീനില്‍ നിവര്‍ത്തുകയില്ല"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ചിത്രശേഖരണ പാളിയുടെ സ്ഥാനം. താഴെയാക്കാന്‍ 0;ഇടതു വശത്തേക്കാക്കാന്‍ 1 ; വലതു വശത്തേക്കാക്കാന്‍ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ഇന്റര്‍പൊളേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"സജീവമായ സമ്യോജകങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടിക. സജീവമായ സമ്യോജകങ്ങളുടെ \"സ്ഥാനം(Location)\" ഇതിലില്ല. "
+"തന്നിരിക്കുന്ന സമ്യോജകത്തിന്റെ \"സ്ഥാനം(Location)\" ലഭിക്കുവാന്‍. eom-plugin (.ഇ.ഒ.ജി-"
+"പ്ലഗ്-ഇന്‍) ഫയല്‍ കാണുക"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ചിത്ര ക്രമത്തിലൂടെ ലൂപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "സ്ക്രോള്‍ വീല്‍ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് സൂം ചെയ്യുക (വലുപ്പം കൂട്ടുക)"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ചിത്ര ശേഖരണ പാളി നീക്കുന്ന ബട്ടണുകള്‍ കാണിക്കുക/ഒളിപ്പിക്കുക"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ചിത്ര ശേഖരണ പാളി കാണിക്കുക/ഒളിപ്പിക്കുക"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്റെ വശത്തുള്ള പാളി കാണിക്കുക/ഒളിപ്പിക്കുക"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്‍റെ അവസ്ഥപട്ട കാണിക്കുക/അദൃശ്യമാക്കുക."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്‍റെ ഉപകരണപ്പട്ട കാണിക്കുക/അദൃശ്യമാക്കുക."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"മൗസ് സ്ക്രോള്‍ ചക്രം ഉപയോഗിച്ച് സൂം ചെയ്യുമ്പോള്‍ ഗുണന-സംഖ്യ. ഓരോ സ്ക്രോള്‍ സംവൃത്തിയുടെയും സൂമിങ്ങ് "
+"സ്റ്റെപ്പ് (വലിപ്പം മാറ്റേണ്ട പടി വലിപ്പം) ഈ വില തീരുമാനിക്കുന്നു. ഉദാഹരണത്തിനായ്, 0.05 "
+"കൊടുത്താല്‍ ഓരോ സ്ക്രോള്‍ സംവൃത്തിക്കും സൂം 5% കൂട്ടുന്നു , 1.00 ആണെങ്കില്‍ സൂം 100% കൂടുന്നു."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "സുതാര്യതയ്ക്കുള്ള നിറം"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "സുതാര്യതയുടെ അടയാളം"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "ഉറപ്പാക്കാതെ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ വെട്ടി നീക്കുക"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"ചിത്രങ്ങളൊന്നും ലഭ്യമാകുന്നില്ലെങ്കില്‍, ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ക്കുള്ള ഫോള്‍ഡര്‍ ഫയല്‍ചൂസര്‍ "
+"കാണിക്കണമോ എന്നു്."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ചിത്രശേഖരണ പാളി വലിപ്പം മാറ്റാവുന്നതാണോ എന്ന്"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ചിത്രം വലുതാക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഇന്റര്‍പൊളേറ്റ് ചെയ്യണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്. ഇതു ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് നല്ല ഗുണനിലവാരമില്ല "
+"കൂടാതെ, ഇന്റര്‍പൊളേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാത്ത ചിത്രങ്ങളേക്കാള്‍ ഇവയുടെ വേഗത കുറവാണു്."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ചിത്രം ചെറുതാക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഇന്റര്‍പൊളേറ്റ് ചെയ്യണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്. ഇതു ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് നല്ല "
+"ഗുണനിലവാരമുണ്ടു്, പക്ഷേ ഇന്റര്‍പൊളേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാത്ത ചിത്രങ്ങളേക്കാള്‍ ഇവയുടെ വേഗത കുറവാണു്."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "എക്സിഫ് (EXIF) വിന്യാസം അനുസരിച്ച് ചിത്രം തനിയെ കറക്കണോ എന്ന്."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "ഗുണഗണങ്ങളുടെ ഡയലോഗില്‍ മെറ്റാഡേറ്റയ്ക്ക് സ്വന്തം താളുണ്ടോ എന്നു്."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "സ്ക്രോള്‍ ചക്രം സൂമിങ്ങിനായി (വലിപ്പം മാറ്റാനായ്) ഉപയോഗിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ ക്രമം ഒരു നിര്‍ത്താ-വലയത്തില്‍ കാണിക്കണോ എന്ന്."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "സൂം ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഗുണിക്കേണ്ട സംഖ്യ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "ഉറപ്പാക്കാതെ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ വെട്ടി നീക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "സ്ഥാനം"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ഫയലിന്റെ രീതി അപരിചിതവും പിന്തുണ ലഭ്യമല്ലാത്തതുമാണ്"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "ഫയല്‍ പേരു ഉപയോഗിച്ച് എഴുതാവുന്ന ഫയല്‍ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കാന്‍ ഗ്നോം മിഴിയ്ക്കു് കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ".png അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ .jpg പോലുള്ള മറ്റേതെങ്കിലും ഫയല്‍ എക്സ്റ്റെന്‍ഷനുകള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "എല്ലാ ഫയലുകളും"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "എല്ലാ ചിത്രങ്ങളും"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "പിക്സല്‍"
+msgstr[1] "പിക്സലുകള്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "അറ തുറക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാത്ത ചിത്രത്തില്‍ പരിവര്‍ത്തനം ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "പരിവര്‍ത്തനം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "ഈ ഫയല്‍ രീതിയ്ക് EXIF-ന്റെ പിന്തുണയില്ല."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ഒന്നും ലോഡ് ചെയ്തിട്ടില്ല."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "താല്‍ക്കാലിക ഫയല്‍ നിര്‍മ്മാണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിനായി താല്‍ക്കാലിക ഫയല്‍ നിര്‍മ്മിക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ഫയല്‍ ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനായി മെമ്മറി മാറ്റിവയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "ക്യാമറ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ചിത്രത്തേ പറ്റിയുള്ള വിവരങ്ങള്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ചിത്ര എടുത്ത പരിതസ്ഥിതി"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "ഉണ്ടാക്കിയ ആളുടെ കുറിപ്പ്"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "മറ്റുളളവ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP അര്‍ഹതകള്‍ ക്രമീകരിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP മറ്റുളളവ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ടാഗ്"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "മൂല്യം"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "`%s' തുറക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s'-ല്‍ ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "നല്‍കിയിരിക്കുന്ന സ്ഥാനത്ത് ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ ക്രമീകരണം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "അച്ചടി ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍ ചെയ്യേണ്ടുന്ന ചിത്രം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "താളിന്റെ ക്രമികരണം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം അച്ചടിക്കാന്‍ പോകുന്ന പേജിനെ കുറിച്ചുള്ള വിവരം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "സ്ഥാനം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_ഇടത്:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_വലത്:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_മുകളില്‍:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_താഴെ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_മദ്ധ്യ ഭാഗം:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ശൂന്യം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "തിരശ്ചീനമായത്"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "ലംബമായത്"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "രണ്ടും"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "വലുപ്പം"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "വീതി:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_ഉയരം:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_തോതനുസരിച്ചാക്കല്‍)"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_യൂണിറ്റ്:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "മില്ലിമീറ്റര്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ഇഞ്ചുകള്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "തിരനോട്ടം"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "അപരിചിതം"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f ലെന്‍സ്"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35എം.എം ഫിലിം)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "അതു പോലെ"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "എടുത്ത സമയം"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "രണ്ടു ഫയലിന്റെ പേരുകള്‍ എങ്കിലും സാമ്യമുളളതാണ്."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ഗ്നോം മിഴിയ്ക്കുളള സഹായം ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(അസാധുവായ യൂണികോഡ്)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i പിക്സല്‍ %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i പിക്സല്‍ %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രം തുറക്കുന്നതിനായി \"%s\" ഉപയോഗിക്കുക"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം \"%s\" (%u/%u)സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നു"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "ചിത്രം \"%s\" ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നു"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ഫയല്‍ അച്ചടിക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "ഉപകരണപ്പട്ട എഡിറ്റര്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "സഹജമായതിലേക്ക് _മാറ്റുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"എഫ്എസ്എഫ്-ഇന്ത്യ <[email protected]>\n"
+"അനി പീറ്റര്‍ <[email protected]>\n"
+"ഹരി വിഷ്ണു <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ഈ പ്രോഗ്രാം ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വെയര്‍ ആണു്; സ്വതന്ത്ര സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വെയര്‍ ഫൌണ്ടേഷന്‍ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചഗ്നു "
+"ജനറല്‍ പബ്ലിക് ലൈസന്‍സ് അനുസരിച്ചു് നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കിതു് വീണ്ടും വിതരണം ചെയ്യാവുന്നതും "
+"മാറ്റങ്ങള്‍വരുത്താവുന്നതുമാണു്; ലൈസന്‍സിന്റെ ലക്കം 2 അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ (നിങ്ങള്‍ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്ന) അതിനു് "
+"ശേഷമുള്ളഏതെങ്കിലും ലക്കമോ ഉപയോഗിക്കാം.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ഈ പ്രോഗ്രാം നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് പ്രയോജനപ്പെടും എന്ന പ്രതീക്ഷയില്‍ വിതരണം ചെയ്യുന്നതാണു്,പക്ഷേ, ഇതിനു് ഒരു "
+"വാറണ്ടിയും ലഭ്യമല്ല; വ്യാപാരയോഗ്യതയോ ഒരു പ്രത്യേക കാര്യത്തിനു്ചേരുന്നതാണെന്നോ പരോക്ഷമായി "
+"ഉള്‍‌ക്കൊള്ളുന്ന വാറണ്ടി പോലും ഇല്ല. കൂടുതല്‍ വിവരങ്ങള്‍ക്കു്ഗ്നു ജനറല്‍ പബ്ലിക് ലൈസന്‍സ് കാണുക.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഈ പ്രോഗ്രാമിനൊപ്പം, GNU General Public License-യുടെ ഒരു പകര്‍പ്പും "
+"ലഭിച്ചിരിക്കണം; ലഭ്യമായില്ലെങ്കില്‍, ദയവായി ഈ വിലാസത്തിലേക്ക് എഴുതുക: Free Software "
+"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ഗ്നോം മിഴി"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "ഗ്നോം ചിത്രദര്‍ശിനി"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ലോക്കലായി സൂക്ഷിക്കപ്പെടുന്നു..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് \"%s\" ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയിലേക്ക്\n"
+"നീക്കണം എന്നുറപ്പാണോ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\"-നുള്ള ചവറ്റുകുട്ട ലഭ്യമാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല. നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ഈ ചിത്രം എന്നേക്കുമായി നീക്കം "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ; ചിത്രം ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയിലേക്ക്\n"
+"നീക്കണം എന്നുറപ്പാണോ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത %d ;ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയിലേക്ക്\n"
+"നീക്കണം എന്നുറപ്പാണോ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചില ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയിലേക്കു് നീക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല, കൂടാതെ അവ എന്നേക്കുമായി "
+"വെട്ടിനീക്കപ്പെടുന്നു. നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് തുടരണമെന്നുറപ്പാണോ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "_ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയിലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "ഈ സെഷനില്‍ ഇനി _ചോദിക്കരുതു്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ചവറ്റുകുട്ട ലഭ്യമാകുന്നില്ല."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ഫയല്‍ വെട്ടിനീക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം %s നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_ഫയല്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_ചിട്ട"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_കാഴ്ച"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_ചിത്രം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_പോവുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_സഹായം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_തുറക്കുക..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ഒരു ഫയല്‍ തുറക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_അടയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "ജാലകം അടയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_ഉപകരണപ്പട്ട"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "പ്രയോഗത്തിനുള്ള ഉപകരണപ്പട്ടയില്‍ മാറ്റം വരുത്തുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ഗ്നോ മിഴിയ്ക്കുള്ള മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_ഉള്ളടക്കം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "ഈ പ്രയോഗത്തിനുളള സഹായം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_സംബന്ധിച്ച്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "ഈ പ്രയോഗത്തെക്കുറിച്ച്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_ഉപകരണപ്പട്ട"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "നിലവിലുളള ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഉപകരണപ്പട്ടയുടെ ദൃശ്യത മാറ്റുന്നു"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_അവസ്ഥാപട്ട"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "നിലവിലുളള ജാലകത്തിന്റെ അവസ്ഥപട്ടയുടെ ദൃശ്യത മാറ്റുന്നു"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_ചിത്ര ശേഖരം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "നിലവിലുള്ള ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ചിത്ര ശേഖരണ പാളിയുടെ ദ്രശ്യത മാറ്റുന്നു"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_വശത്തുള്ള പാളി"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "നിലവിലുളള ജാലകത്തിന്റെ വശത്തുള്ള പാളിയുടെ ദൃശ്യത മാറ്റുന്നു"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "ഇപ്പോള്‍ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രങ്ങളിലെ വ്യത്യാസങ്ങള്‍ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "ഒരു പ്രയോഗം _ഉപയോഗിച്ച് തുറക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ വേറെ പ്രയോഗം ഉപയോഗിച്ച് തുറക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "പേരു് മാറ്റി‌ സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍ വേറെ പേരില്‍ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "അച്ചടിക്കാനായി ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ താള്‍ ക്രമീകരിയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_അച്ചടിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രം അച്ചടിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_ഗുണഗണങ്ങള്‍"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ ഗുണഗണങ്ങളും മെറ്റാ-ഡാറ്റയും കാണിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_വേണ്ട"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രത്തിലേ അവസാന മാറ്റം റദ്ദാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_തിരശ്ചീന‌മായി ഞൊടിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം തിരശ്ചീനമായി പ്രതിഫലിപ്പിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_ലംബമായി ഞൊടിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ലംബമായി പ്രതിഫലിപ്പിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ഘടികാരദിശയില്‍ _തിരിയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം വലത്തേക്ക് 90 ഡിഗ്രി കറക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "_ഘടികാരദിശയ്ക്കെതിരെ തിരിയ്ക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ഇടത്തേക്ക് 90 ഡിഗ്രി കറക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "_പണിയിട പശ്ചാത്തലമായി സജ്ജമാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രം പണിയിടത്തില്‍ വോള്‍പേപ്പറായി ഇടുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രം ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയിലേക്ക നീക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_വലുതാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം വലുതാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_ചെറുതാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം ചെറുതാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_സാധാരണ വലിപ്പം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം തനതായ വലിപ്പത്തില്‍ കാണിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_ഏറ്റവും ചേര്‍ച്ചയുള്ള"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം പുതിയ ജാലകത്തിനു പാകമാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_മുഴുവന്‍ തിരശ്ശീലയും"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "നിലവിലുള്ള ചിത്രം മുഴുവന്‍ സ്ക്രീനില്‍ കാണിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_മുമ്പത്തെ ചിത്രം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "ശേഖരണത്തില്‍ ഇതിനു മുമ്പുള്ള ചിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_അടുത്ത ചിത്രം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "ശേഖരത്തിലെ അടുത്ത ചിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_ആദ്യത്തെ ചിത്രം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "ശേഖരത്തിലെ ആദ്യത്തെ ചിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_അവസാനത്തെ ചിത്രം"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "ശേഖരത്തിലെ അവസാനത്തെ ചിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "ചിത്രം വീണ്ടും ലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "ശേഖരത്തിലെ അടുത്ത ചിത്രത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_ഒരോ സ്ലൈഡായി കാണുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ ഒരു സ്ലൈഡ്-ഷോ കാണിക്കാന്‍ തുടങ്ങുക"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "മുമ്പത്തെ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "അടുത്തത്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "വലത്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ഇടത്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "അകത്ത്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "പുറത്ത്"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "സാധാരണ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "ചേര്‍ച്ച"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "ശേഖരം "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "ചവറ്റുകുട്ട"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "സംയോജകം"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "സജ്ജമാണ്"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_ക്രമീകരിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_സജീവമാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "_എല്ലാം സജീവമാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "എല്ലാം _നിറ്‍ജ്ജീവമാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "സജീവമായ _സംയോജകങ്ങള്‍:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "സംയോജകം _സംബന്ധിച്ചു്"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "സംയോജകം _ക്രമീകരിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ പൂര്‍ണ്ണ വലിപ്പത്തില്‍ തുറക്കുക"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ ശേഖരം പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതമാക്കുക"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "ഓരോ സ്ളൈഡായി കാണിക്കുക"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ ഇന്‍സ്റ്റെന്‍സ് തുടങ്ങുക പഴയത് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിനു പകരം"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "ലഭ്യമായ കമാന്‍ഡ് ലൈന്‍ ഉപാധികള്‍ക്കായി '%s --help' കാണുക."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ഗ്നോ മിഴിയുടെ ചിത്ര ദര്‍ശിനി"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>വിശദാംശങ്ങള്‍</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ഉയരം:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>പേര്:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ഏത് തരം:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>വീതി</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "പേര് _മാറ്റി സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക..."
diff --git a/po/mn.po b/po/mn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c84e4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/mn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1216 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.po to Mongolian
+# translation of to Mongolian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Ochirbat Batzaya <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Sanlig Badral <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Sanlig Badral <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-11 19:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-09 10:37+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sanlig Badral <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Mongolian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Зураг харагч"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Зургийн олон төрлийг үзэх"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Зураг засвар</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Зургийн маштаб</b>"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Зураг засвар</b>"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Дараалал</b>"
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Тунгалаг хэсэг</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "_маштабыг 100% аас илүү болгохыг зөшөөрөх"
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Дэвсгэрээр"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "_Дөрвөлжин хээгээр"
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Хэрэглэгчийн тогтоосон ө_нгөөр"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Тунгалаг мужийн өнгө"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Хавтас нээх"
+msgid "Eye of Mate Preferences"
+msgstr "Mate тохиргооны нүд"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Файлын нэр"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "Зураг _харах"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Дараахи нэрэн дор _хадгалах..."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Зургийг хадгалаж байна"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Д_араагийн зургийг автоматаар харуулах:"
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Ү_зүүлэн харуулах"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Дээд хүрээний өргөн:"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "Х_аах"
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "Зургийн _интерполяц хийх"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Да_вталтын дараалал"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "секунтүүд"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Утга 0 ээс илүү бол дараагийн зураг автоматаар харагдах хүртэлх секунтыг "
+"танина. Тэг бол автомат харуулалт идэвхгүйжнэ."
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "_Маштабыг 100% аас илүү болгохыг зөшөөрөх"
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Дараагийн зургийг харуулах хүртэл хүлээх хугацаа"
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Тунгалаг чанар хэрхэн харагдахыг тохируулж өгнө. Хүчинтэй хэмжээсүүд нь "
+"CHECK_PATTERN COLOR болон БАЙХГҮЙ. Хэрэв COLOR сонгогдсон бол trans_color "
+"Түлхүүр нь ямар өнгө хэрэглэгдэхийг тодорхойлно."
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Хэрэв тунгалагийг заасан түлхүүр нь COLOR утгатай байвал тунгалагийг "
+"тодорхойлоход аль өнгийг ашиглахыг зааж өгнө."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Хэрэв энэ FALSE бол жижиг зургууд анхдагч дэлгэцэнд олон тавигдаж дүүргэхгүй."
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Зургийн интерполяц хийх"
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Зургийн дарааллаар циклдэх"
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Зургуудыг шинэ цонхнуудад нээх"
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Цонхны төлөв самбар харуулах/далдлах."
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Цонхны багаж самбар харуулах/далдлах."
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Тунгалагийн өнгө"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Тунгалагийн заалт"
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Зураг нээхдээ энэ цонхонд сольж харуулахын оронд шинэ цонхонд нээж харуулах "
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Зургуудын төгсгөлгүй циклээр цувуулан харагдах эсвэл үгүй эсэх."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Зургийг томруулахад интерполяц хийх эсэх. Энэ нь зургийн чанарыг сайжруулах "
+"үйлчилгээтэй ч интерполяц хийгээгүй зургуудаа бодвол удаан байх талтай."
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Бүх файлууд"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Бүх зураг"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s пиксел"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Зургийг нээх"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Зургийг хадгалах"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Хавтас нээх"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Түр хадгалах файл үүсгэх боломжгүй: %s"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG файл ачаалахын тулд санах ой нөөцлөгдөх боломжгүй байна "
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "Хоосон файл"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Файл хэдийнэ байна"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Зураг ачаалагдсангүй."
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Нэр"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Зургийн өргөний хэмжээ"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Зургийн цомог"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Торлог"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Утга"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Файлын нэр"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Өргөн"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Өндөр"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Файлын хэмжээ"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Аттрибут"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "_Файл"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of Mate."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Зургийг хадгалаж байна"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Хадгалахаа болих"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Голлуулах"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "А_гуулга"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "секунтүүд"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2167 shell/eom-window.c:2482
+#: shell/main.c:498
+msgid "Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Гноме-н нүд"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "MATE-ийн зураг үзэх болон каталогжуулах программ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of Mate.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Гноме-н нүдийн \"Тусламж\"-ийг харуулж чадсангүй .\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:627
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Та %s -г дарж бичихийг хүсэж байна уу?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:636 shell/eom-window.c:649
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:637
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:642
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:650 shell/eom-window.c:1034
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1023
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Түр хадгалах файл үүсгэх боломжгүй: %s"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1166
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Зургийг хадгалаж байна"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1399
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Та %s -г дарж бичихийг хүсэж байна уу?"
+msgstr[1] "Та %s -г дарж бичихийг хүсэж байна уу?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1437
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr ""
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2096
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i пиксэл %s %i%%"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2233
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Файл"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2234
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Боловсруулах"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2235
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Харах"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2236
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Тусламж"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Шинэ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Шинэ цонх нээх"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Нээх..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Файл нээх"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open _Directory..."
+msgstr "Лавлах _нээх..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open a directory"
+msgstr "Лавлах нээх"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Х_аах"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Цонх хаах"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Тохируулгууд"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Гноме нүдний тохируулгууд"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "А_гуулга"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Энэ х. программын талаархи тусламж"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Тухай"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Энэ х. программын талаар"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Багаж самбар"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2249
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Төлөв самбар"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2254
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Хадгалах"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2255
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Дараахи нэрэн дор _хадгалах..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Буцаад"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2259
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Хэвтээгээр тольдох"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2260
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Босоогоор тольдох"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Цагийн зүүний _дагуу эргүүлэх"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2263
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Цагийн зүүний _эсрэг эргүүлэх"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2264
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "180° _эргүүлэх"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2266
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2268
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Дэлгэц дүүрэн"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2269
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Томсгох"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2270
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Агшаах"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Энгийн хэмжээ"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2272
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Үзэмжийг тохируулах"
+#: shell/main.c:236
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"Та эдгээр %i цонхуудыг нэгэн зэрэг нээх гэж байна. Та үүний оронд эдгээрийг "
+"нэг цомогт нээх үү?"
+#: shell/main.c:240
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Олон дан цонхонд нээх үү?"
+#: shell/main.c:244
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Дан цонхууд"
+#: shell/main.c:246
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Цомог"
+#: shell/main.c:298
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Файлууд олдлоо."
+msgstr[1] "Файлууд олдлоо."
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "`%s' нээгдсэнгүй"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-зургийн цомог харагч"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-зургийн цомгийн үзвэр боловсруулагч"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "_Зургийн цомгоор харах"
+#~ msgid "View as Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Зургийн цомгоор харах"
+#~ msgid "Next"
+#~ msgstr "Дараачийн"
+#~ msgid "Next Image"
+#~ msgstr "Дараачийн зураг"
+#~ msgid "Previous"
+#~ msgstr "Өмнөх"
+#~ msgid "Previous Image"
+#~ msgstr "Өмнөх зураг"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Диафильм"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Хадгалалт дууслаа"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Хогийн саванд хая"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Цомог харах"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Зураг: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Цонхны нэр"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Статус текст"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Зураг ачаалах прогресс"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-Зураг"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-Зургийн үзүүлэн"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-зургийн үзүллэнгийн боловсруулагч"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Хүрээлүүлсэн EOM-Зураг"
+#~ msgid "Image"
+#~ msgstr "Зураг"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "Зургууд зөвхөн локал буюу дотоод файлаар л хадгалагдана."
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Хадгалахад дэмжигдээгүй зургийн файл төрөл"
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Хуудас"
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэх жинхэнэ хэлбэр"
+#~ msgid "Millimeter"
+#~ msgstr "Миллиметр"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Цаас"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "Эх хувийн хэмжээний %"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Дараах хэлбэрт тохируулах:"
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Зүсэх заавар"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Эхлээд доош нь дараа нь баруун гар тийш"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Хуудсанд багтаах"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвтээ"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Хэвтээгээр"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Хүрээ"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Эрэмбэлэх тусламж"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Давхарлах"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Давхарлах заавар"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Хуудасны дараалал"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Эхлээд баруун гар тийш дараа нь доош нь"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Шугам татах"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Харуулах"
+#~ msgid "Vertically"
+#~ msgstr "Босоо"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Босоогоор"
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Файл эсвэл хэвлэх өгөгдлийн нэр"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Таслан зогсоох"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Идэвхитэй цонхны төлөв самбарын харагдац өөрчилөх"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Идэвхитэй цонхны багаж самбарын харагдац өөрчилөх"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Шинэ"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Нээх"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Шинэ цонхонд нээх"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "Энэ цонхондоо нээх"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Программаас гарах"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Гарах"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr "Санлигийн Бадрал <[email protected]>"
+#~ msgid "Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Тааруулах"
+#~ msgid "In"
+#~ msgstr "Томоор"
+#~ msgid "Normal"
+#~ msgstr "Энгийн"
+#~ msgid "Out"
+#~ msgstr "Жижгээр"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Дэлгэц дүүрэн"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэхээр завдаж байгаа зургийг урьдчилан үзүүлэх"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "_Хэвлэх хэлбэр..."
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэлтийн ф_ормат"
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Зургийг хэвлэгчид илгээх"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Зүүнтээ эргүүлэх"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Баруунтаа эргүүлэх"
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "Одоо идэвхтэй байгаа хэвлэгчийн Хуудасны форматыг тохируулах"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Хэвлэх..."
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Цагийн зүүний дагуу эргүүлэх"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Цагийн зүүний эсрэг эргүүлэх"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Томсгох"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/_Агшаах"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Энгийн хэмжээ"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Үзэмжийг т_охируулах"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/Х_аах"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "%s зургийг ачаалж чадсангүй."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "%s зургийг ачаалж чадсангүй.\n"
+#~ "Шалтгаан нь: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Ачаалж чадсангүй"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Зураг амжилттай хадгалагдлаа"
+#~ msgid "Image saving failed"
+#~ msgstr "Зураг хадгалагдсангүй"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Зургийн өндрийн хэмжээ"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Төлөв самбарын текст"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Цонхны хүссэн өргөн"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Цонхны хүссэн өндөр"
+#~ msgid "dialog1"
+#~ msgstr "Диалог1"
+#~ msgid "Could not find files"
+#~ msgstr "Файлууд олдсонгүй"
+#~ msgid "Don't use zoom larger than 100%"
+#~ msgstr "100% аас илүү томруулахгүй"
+#~ msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom (better quality but slower)"
+#~ msgstr "Зургийг томруулахдаа _интерполяц хийх (илүү чанартай ч удах талтай)"
+#~ msgid "By Extension"
+#~ msgstr "Өргөтгөлөөр"
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image file format for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Хадгалахад дэмжигдээгүй зургийн файл формат"
+#~ msgid "Determine File Type:"
+#~ msgstr "Файлын форматыг зааж өгөх:"
+#~ msgid "Automatically pick window size"
+#~ msgstr "Цонхны хэмжээг автоматаар сонгох"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom factor for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "Дэлгэц дүүрэн харуулахад томруулах харьцааг стандартаар сонгох"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default zoom factor for the full screen view. Possible values are: 0 (use "
+#~ "1:1 zoom factor), 1 (use the same zoom factor as the image window), 2 "
+#~ "(fit the image to the screen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Дэлгэц дүүрэн харуулахад томруулах харьцааг стандартаар сонгохБоломжит "
+#~ "хэмжээнүүд нь бол: 0 (1:1 харьцаа), 1 (уг зурагны өөрийнх нь хэмжээний "
+#~ "харьцааг сонгох), 2 (зургийг дэлгэцэнд нь тааруулах)."
+#~ msgid "Fit standard-sized images to the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Стандарт хэмжээ бүхий зурагнуудыг дэлгэцэнд багтаана"
+#~ msgid "Put a bevel around the screen"
+#~ msgstr "Дэлгэцийг гадна хөвөөг дагуулан хүрээ татах"
+#~ msgid "Scrollbar policy for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Дэлгэц дүүрэн үзүүлэхэд дэлгэцийн баруун болон доод хөвөөнд гүйлгэх "
+#~ "цонхыг ашиглана"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether image windows should pick their size and zooming factor "
+#~ "automatically based on the size of the image. If this option is not set, "
+#~ "image windows will get whatever size the window manager assigns to them."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Зургийн нүдний хэмжээ болон тосгох харьцаа нь зургийн өөрийнх нь "
+#~ "хэмжээнээс хамаарах эсэх. Хэрэв энэ харьцааг тогтоож өгөөгүй бол зургийн "
+#~ "нүд нь цонхны менежерээс өгөгдсөн хэмжээг авна."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether the full screen view should display a bevel along the edges of "
+#~ "the screen."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Дэлгэц дүүрэн үзүүлэх горимд зургийн гадуур хүрээ татах эсвэл үгүйг "
+#~ "тодорхойлно."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to display scrollbars on the full screen view. Possible values "
+#~ "are: 1 (automatic; only display scrollbars if the image is larger than "
+#~ "the window), 2 (never display scrollbars)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Гүйлгэх цонх нь дэлгэц дүүрэн үзүүлэх горимд ажиллах эсэх. Боломжит "
+#~ "утгууд: 1 (автоматаар; Зураг цонхноосоо илүү гарах бол гүйлгэх цонхыг "
+#~ "идэвхжүүлэх), 2 (гүйлгэх цонхыг ерөөс үзүүлэхгүй)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to fit standard-sized images to the screen when in full screen "
+#~ "mode. These are images with sizes like 320x240, 640x480, 800x800, etc. "
+#~ "This selects whether such images should be scaled to fit the screen "
+#~ "regardless of the setting for the default zoom factor of the full screen "
+#~ "view."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Зургийн стандарт хэмжээ нь дэлгэц дүүрэн үзүүлэхтэй ижил тохируулахЭдгээр "
+#~ "зургуудын хэмуээ нь 320x240, 640x480, 800x800,г.м. Ийм хэмжээний зургууд "
+#~ "дэлгэц дүүрэн үзүүлэх хэмжээний тохируулгаас хамааралгүй дэлгэцэнд "
+#~ "зохицуулан гарна."
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "© 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "MateVFS-ийгээ таньсангүй !\n"
+#~ msgid "pts"
+#~ msgstr "pts"
+#~ msgid "points"
+#~ msgstr "Цэг"
+#~ msgid "mm"
+#~ msgstr "mm"
+#~ msgid "cm"
+#~ msgstr "cm"
+#~ msgid "centimeter"
+#~ msgstr "Сантиметр"
+#~ msgid "inch"
+#~ msgstr "Ямх"
+#~ msgid "Print Setup"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэлийн тохируулга"
+#~ msgid "Print"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэх"
+#~ msgid "Print preview"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэх жинхэнэ хэлбэр"
+#~ msgid "Units: "
+#~ msgstr "Бүхэл нэгжүүд: "
+#~ msgid "Paper size:"
+#~ msgstr "Цаасны хэмжээ:"
+#~ msgid "Orientation"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэх баримжаа"
+#~ msgid "Portrait"
+#~ msgstr "Босоо формат"
+#~ msgid "Landscape"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвтээ формат"
+#~ msgid "Left:"
+#~ msgstr "Зүүн хүрээний өргөн:"
+#~ msgid "Right:"
+#~ msgstr "Баруун хүрээний өргөн:"
+#~ msgid "Bottom:"
+#~ msgstr "Доод хүрээний өргөн::"
+#~ msgid "Overlap horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Дараах хэмжээгээр хэвтээ чиглэлд өнгөлж давхарлах"
+#~ msgid "Overlap vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Дараах хэмжээгээр босоо чиглэлд өнгөлж давхарлах"
+#~ msgid "Printing"
+#~ msgstr "Хэвлэх"
+#~ msgid "Helpers"
+#~ msgstr "Туслагчид"
+#~ msgid "Eye of Mate Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Mate-зургийн харагчийн нүд"
+#~ msgid "By c_olor"
+#~ msgstr "_Өнгөөр"
+#~ msgid "Indicate Transparency"
+#~ msgstr "Тунгалагийн зааж өгөх"
+#~ msgid "Pick a color"
+#~ msgstr "Нэг өнгө сонго"
+#~ msgid "interpolation type"
+#~ msgstr "Интерполяцийн төрөл"
+#~ msgid "the type of interpolation to use"
+#~ msgstr "Хэрэглэх итерполяцийн төрөл"
+#~ msgid "check type"
+#~ msgstr "Шатрын хөлөг_хээн төрөл"
+#~ msgid "the type of chequering to use"
+#~ msgstr "Шатарласан хээний төрөл"
+#~ msgid "the size of chequers to use"
+#~ msgstr "Шатарласан хээн хэмжээ"
+#~ msgid "dither type"
+#~ msgstr "Торлогийн төрөл"
+#~ msgid "BMP"
+#~ msgstr "BMP"
+#~ msgid "GIF"
+#~ msgstr "GIF"
+#~ msgid "ICO"
+#~ msgstr "ICO"
+#~ msgid "JPEG"
+#~ msgstr "JPEG"
+#~ msgid "PNG"
+#~ msgstr "PNG"
+#~ msgid "PNM"
+#~ msgstr "PNM"
+#~ msgid "RAS"
+#~ msgstr "RAS"
+#~ msgid "SVG"
+#~ msgstr "SVG"
+#~ msgid "TGA"
+#~ msgstr "TGA"
+#~ msgid "TIFF"
+#~ msgstr "TIFF"
+#~ msgid "XBM"
+#~ msgstr "XBM"
+#~ msgid "XPM"
+#~ msgstr "XPM"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows\n"
+#~ "simultanously. Do you want to continue?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Та %i цонхуудыг\n"
+#~ "зэрэг нээх гэж байна. Үргэлжлүүлэх үү?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not access %s\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate will not be able to display this file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Файл %s-д хандаж чадсангүй.\n"
+#~ "Eye of Mate энэ файлыг үзүүлэх боломжгүй байна."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following files cannot be displayed because Eye of Mate was not able "
+#~ "to access them:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Дараахи файлуудад хандаж чадаагүй учраас Eye of Mate энэ файлыг үзүүлэх "
+#~ "боломжгүй байна.:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "MateVFS танигдсангүй!\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not initialize MateComponent!\n"
+#~ msgstr "MateComponent танигдсангүй!\n"
+#~ msgid "Could not save image as '%s': %s."
+#~ msgstr "Зургийг %s хадгалж чадсангүй: %s"
diff --git a/po/mr.po b/po/mr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de832f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/mr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@
+# translation of mr.po to Marathi
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Sandeep Shedmake <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009.
+# Sandeep Shedmake <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: mr\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-06 07:17+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-13 09:46+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sandeep Shedmake <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Marathi <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” दाखवा"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "साधनपट्टीवर हलवा (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "निवडलेले घटक साधनपट्टीवर हलवा"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "उपकरणपट्टीवरून काढूण टाका(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "निवडलेले घटक साधनपट्टीवरून काढूण टाका"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "साधनपट्टी काढूण टाका (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "निवडलेली साधनपट्टी काढूण टाका"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "विभाजक"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "पूर्णपडदा पध्दतीत कार्यरत आहे"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "दुहेरी-क्लिक सह पूर्णत्व पद्धती सक्रीय करा"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "दुहेरी-क्लिक सह पूर्णपडदा करा"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा पुन्ह दाखल करा"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "वर्तमान प्रतिमा पुन्ह दाखल करा"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "स्थितीपट्टीत दिनांक दाखवा"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "चौकट स्थितीपट्टीत प्रतिमा दिनांक दर्शवितो"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "प्रतिमाचे संचार व गोल फिरवा"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा दर्शक"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>भोकाचे मूल्य:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>लेखक:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बाइट्स</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>कैमेरा प्रारूप:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रतिलिपी अधिकार:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>दिनांक/वेळ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>विवरण:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>तपशील</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>वास्तविक वेळ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फ्लॅश:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फोकल लांबी:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ऊंची:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO गति गुणवत्ताश्रेणी</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>मुख्यशब्द:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>स्थान:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b> मिटरींग पध्दती</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>नाव:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रकार:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>रुंदी:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "तपशील"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "सर्वसाधारण"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा गुणधर्म"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "व्यापक माहिती"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "पुढील (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "मागील (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फाइल नाव पुनरावलोकन</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फाइलची दिशा संयोजना</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पर्याय</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> मुळ फाइलनाव</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> काउंटर</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "संचयीका निवडा"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "लक्ष्य संचयीका:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "फाइल नाव स्वरूपन:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "येथून पुनःनामांकीत करा:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "जागा अंडरस्कोर सहीत बदलवून घ्या"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "असे संग्रहा"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "या ठिकाणी काउंटर सुरू करा:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "प्रती:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रतिमा विस्तारपण</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रतिमा विशालीकरण</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>अनुक्रम</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पारदर्शी भाग</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "पार्श्वभूमी नुरूप (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "नमुने तपासणी नुरूप (_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "इच्छिक रंग नुरूप (_o):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी क्षेत्र करीता रंग"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "पडद्यात घट्ट बसविण्याकरीता प्रतिमा ओढा (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE प्राधान्यता"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा दृश्य"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "प्लगईन"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाईडप्रदर्शन"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा मोठी केल्यावर गुळगुळीत करा (_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा लहान केल्यावर गुळगुळीत करा (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "स्वंयचलित निर्देशन (_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "लुप श्रृंखला (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "यानंतर प्रतिमा बदलून घ्या (_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "सेकंद"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"पडद्यावर उमटणारी प्रतिमा किती सेकंदात येत राहील ते 0 पेक्षा अधिक मूल्य असणारी ठरविते व "
+"त्यानंतरच अन्य प्रतिमा आपोआप उमटताना दिसेल. शून्य आपोआप संचार अकार्यान्वीत करतो."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "सक्रीय प्लगईन"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "आरंभी 100% पेक्षा जास्त प्रमाणात विशाल करून पहा"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "स्वंयचलित निर्देशन"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "अन्य एक प्रतिमा उमटताना सेकंदामध्ये लागणारा वेळ किंवा होणारा उशीर"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"पारदर्शिकता कशी घ्यावी ते सांगणारी कृती. योग्य मूल्य तपासा CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR व "
+"NONE अशी आहेत. जर COLOR हे मूल्य निवडले असेल तर trans_color हे बटण वापरलेला रंग ठरविते."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा एक्सट्रापोलेट करा"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE सक्रीय केल्यास, प्रतिमा कचरापेटी हलवतेवेळी खात्रीकरीता विचारू नका. तरी, "
+"कुठलिही फाइल्स् हलवण्याजोगी नाही याची तपासणी करतो व नंतरच नष्ट करतो."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"सक्रीय पटलात प्रतिमा लोड केली नसल्यास, XDG विशेष वापरकर्ता डिरेक्ट्रीज्चा वापर करून "
+"filechooser वापरकर्त्याचे चित्र फोल्डर दाखवतो. निष्क्रीय केल्यास किंवा चित्र फोल्डर सेट न "
+"केल्यास, सध्याची कार्यरत डिरेक्ट्री दाखवली जाते."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"सक्रीय केल्यास गुणधर्म संवादातील तपशील मेटाडाटा सूची स्वतःच्या पानावर हलवले जाईल. यामुळे "
+"लहान पडद्यावरील संवाद आणखी वापरण्याजोगी होतील, उ.दा. netbooks च्या वापरणीप्रमाणे. "
+"अकार्यक्षम केल्यास विजेट \"Metadata\" पानात अंतर्भूत केले जाईल."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"जर पारदर्शी बटणाला COLOR हे मूल्य असेल तर ते बटण पारदर्शिकतेसाठी कोणता रंग निवडावा ते "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"ही कृती जर चूक दाखवत असेल तर आरंभीला लघुप्रतिमा पडद्यावर घेण्यासाठी ओढता ताणता येणार "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संग्रह पटल स्थिती. तळ करीता 0; डावा करीता 1; शिर्ष करीता 2; उजवा करीता 3."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा एकमेकावर ग्या"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"सक्रीय प्लगईनची यादी. त्यात सक्रीय प्लगईनची \"स्थान\" समाविष्टीत नाही. प्रविष्ट केलेल्या "
+"प्लगइनचे \"स्थान\" प्राप्त करण्याकरीता .eom-plugin फाइल पहा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा श्रृंखला मधून वारंवार कार्यरत रहा"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "स्क्रोल चाक विशालीकरण"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संग्रह पट्टल स्क्रोल बटण दाखवा/लपवा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संग्रह पट्टल स्क्रोल बटण दाखवा/लपवा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "चौकटीतील बाजूचे पटल दाखवा/लपवा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "चौकटीतील स्थितीपट्टी दाखवा/लपवा."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "चौकटीतील साधनपट्टी दाखवा/लपवा."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"विशालीकरण करीता माउस चाक वापरतेवेळी वापराचे तो मल्टीप्लायर. हे मुल्य प्रत्येक स्क्रोल घटक "
+"करीता विशालीकरण टप्पाचे वर्णन करते. उदाहरणार्थ, प्रत्येक स्क्रोल घटना करीता 0.05 म्हणजे "
+"5% झूम वाढ व 1 म्हणजे 100% झूम वाढ दर्शवितो."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "पारदर्शिकीय रंग"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "पारदर्शिकीय सूचक"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "न विचारता प्रतिमा कचरापेटीत टाका"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "अखंड साखळीच्या रूपात प्रतिमाची क्रमवारी दाखवायची आहे की नाही."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा लोड न झाल्यास filechooser ने वापरकर्त्याचे चित्र फोल्डर दाखवायचे."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संग्रह पटल पुन्हआकार देण्याजोगी असावी किंवा नाही."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"प्रतिमा मोठे केल्यावर एक्स्ट्रापोलेट करायचे की नाही. यामुळे प्रतिमेचा दर्जा फुसट होतो व "
+"विना एक्स्ट्रापोलेट प्रतिमापेक्षा हळु होते."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"प्रतिमा लहान झाल्यावर इंटरपोलेट कारायचे की नाही. यामुळे प्रतिमेचा दर्जा उत्तम होतो परंतु "
+"विना एक्स्ट्रापोलेट प्रतिमापेक्षा हळु होते."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF निर्देशिकावर आधारीत प्रतिमा आपोआप गोलगोल फीरविले पाहिजे का."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "गुणधर्म संवाद मधील मेटाडाटा सूचीचे स्वतःचे पान असायला हवे."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "स्क्रोल चाक विशालीकरण करीता वापरले जावे किंवा नाही."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "झूम मल्टीप्लायर"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "फाइल अपरिचीत किंवा असमर्थीत आहे"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "फाइलनावावर आधारीत Eye of MATE लिहीण्याजोगी फाइल स्वरूपन निश्चित करू शकले नाही."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "कृपया अन्य फाइल विस्तार जसे की .png किंवा .jpg वापरून पहा."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "सर्व फाइल"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "सर्व प्रतिमा"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "बिंदू"
+msgstr[1] "बिंदू"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा सुरू करा"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संचयीत करा"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "संचयीका उघडा"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:546
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "दाखल न केलेल्या प्रतिमार रूपांतर."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "रूपांतर अपयशी."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:978
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "अशा फाइल रितीकरिता EXIF कृतीला सहाय्य नाही."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1093
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1498 ../src/eom-image.c:1600
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा दाखल केले नाही."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1508 ../src/eom-image.c:1612
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "तात्पुरती फाइल सुरू करण्यास अपयशी."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "संचयन करीता तात्पुरती फाइल बनविता येऊ शकले नाही: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG फाइल करीता स्मृती उपलब्ध करू शकले नाही"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "कैमेरा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा विषयक माहिती"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा निवड विषयक नियम"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "कर्त्याची नोंद"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "इतर"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP हक्क व्यवस्थापन"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP इतर"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "टॅग"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "मूल्य"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा '%s' दाखल करता आले नाही."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' मध्ये प्रतिमा आढळली नाही."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "प्रविष्ट स्थानात प्रतिमा समाविष्टीत नाही."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संयोजना"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "छपाई गुणधर्म स्थापीत केले जाईल ती प्रतिमा"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "पृष्ठ संयोजना"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा जेथे छापायची त्या पानावरील माहिती"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "जागा"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "डावी (_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "उजवी (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "शिर्ष (_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "तळ(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "मध्य (_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "कोणी नाही"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "आढवे"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "उभे"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "दोन्ही"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "आकार"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "रूंदी (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "ऊंची (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "स्केलींग (_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "यूनीट (_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "मिलीमीटर"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "इंच"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "पूर्वदृश्य"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "अपरिचीत"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "जसे आहे तसे"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "प्राप्त केले"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "किमान दोन फाइल नाव समान आहेत."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE करीता मदत दृश्यीत करू शकत नाही"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (अवैध युनिकोड)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:770
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i पिक्सेल %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i पिक्सेल्स् %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1188
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "निवडलेली प्रतिमा उघडण्याकरीता \"%s\" चा वापर करा"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1338
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा \"%s\" (%u/%u) संचयीत करीत आहे"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1677
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "प्रतिमा \"%s\" दाखल करीत आहे"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2376
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"फाइल छपाई करतेवेळी त्रुटी:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2518
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "उपकरणपट्टी संपादक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2521
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "मुलभूत करीता पुनःनिर्धारीत करा (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2607
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"संदिप शेडमाके <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009. संदिप शेडमाके "
+"<[email protected]> 2009, 2010."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2610
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2614
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2618
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2631
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2634
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE प्रतिमा दृश्यक."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3075
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "प्रतिमा स्थानीयरित्या साठवत आहे..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3157
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "तुम्हाला नक्की \"%s\" ला कचरापेटीकडे हलवायचे?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3160
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "\"%s\" करीता कचरापेटी आढळली नाही. तुम्हाला ही प्रतिमा नेहमीकरीता काढूण टाकायची?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3165
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"तुम्हाला नक्की निवडलेली प्रतिमा\n"
+"कचरापेटीकडे हलवायची?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"तुम्हाला नक्की %d निवडलेल्या प्रतिमा \n"
+"कचरापेटीकडे हलवायचे?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3170
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"काहिक निवडलेली प्रतिमा कचरापेटीत स्थानांतरीत केले जाऊ शकत नाही व नेहमीकरीता काढूण "
+"टाकले जातिल. तुम्हाला नक्की पुढे जायचे?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3187 ../src/eom-window.c:3614 ../src/eom-window.c:3638
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "कचरापेटीकडे हलवा (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3189
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "या सत्रवेळी पुनः विचारू नका (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3234 ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "कचरापेटीस प्रवेश नाही."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "फाइल नष्ट करण्यास अशक्य"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा %s काढूण टाकतेवेळी त्रुटी"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "फाइल (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "संपादन (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3536
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "दृश्य (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "जा (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3539
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "उपकरणे (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मदत (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3542
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "उघडा (_O)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "फाइल उघडा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3545
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "बंद करा(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "संचयीका बंद करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3548
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "साधनपट्टी (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "अनुप्रयोग साधनपट्टी संपादीत करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3551
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "प्राधान्यता (_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3552
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE करीता प्राधान्यता"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3554
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "अनुक्रम (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "कार्यक्रमकरीता मदत"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "विषयी (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "या अनुप्रयोग विषयी"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3563
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "साधनपट्टी (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "सद्याच्या चौकटमध्ये साधनपट्टीचे दृश्य बदलवितो"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3566
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "स्थितीपट्टी(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3567
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "सद्याच्या चौकटीमध्ये स्थितीदर्शीकेचे दृश्य बदलवितो"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3569
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संकलन (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "सद्याच्या चौकटमध्ये प्रतिमा संग्रह पटलाचे दृश्य बदलवितो"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3572
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "बाजूचे पटल (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "सद्याच्या चौकटमध्ये बाजूच्या पटलाचे दृश्य बदलवितो"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "संचयीता करा(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3579
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "सद्या निवडलेल्या प्रतिमा मध्ये संचयीत करतो"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3581
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "यासह उघडा (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "निवडलेली प्रतिमा अन्य अनुप्रयोगसह उघटा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3584
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "असे संग्रहा (_A)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3585
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "निवडलेली प्रतिमा अन्य नावाने संचयीत करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3588
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "छपाई करीता पान गुणधर्म स्थापीत करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3590
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "छापा (_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "निवडलेली प्रतिमाचे छपाई करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3593
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "गुणधर्म (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3594
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "निवडलेली प्रतिमाचे गुणधर्म व व्यापक माहिती दाखवा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3596
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "मुळ स्थितीवर या (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3597
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा मधील शेवटचे बदल रद्द करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3599
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "आडव्या दिशेने हालवा (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3600
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा आढव्या बाजूने प्रतिकृत करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3602
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "उभ्या दिशेने हालवा (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3603
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा उभ्या बाजूने प्रतिकृत करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3605
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "घड्याळ प्रमाणे फिरवा (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3606
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा 90 डीग्री उजव्या बाजूस फिरवा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3608
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "घड्याळाच्या उलट दिशेने फिरवा (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3609
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा 90 डीग्री डाव्या बाजूस फिरवा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3611
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "डेस्कटॉप पार्श्वभूमी नुरूप निश्चित करा (_b)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3612
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "निवडलेली प्रतिमा यांस डेस्कटॉप पार्श्वभूमी नुरूप निश्चित करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "निवडलेली प्रतिमा कचरापेटी संचयीका मध्ये हलवा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3617 ../src/eom-window.c:3629 ../src/eom-window.c:3632
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "मोठ्यात मोठे करा (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3618 ../src/eom-window.c:3630
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा मोठे करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3620 ../src/eom-window.c:3635
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "लहानात लहान करा (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3621 ../src/eom-window.c:3633 ../src/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संकुचीत करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3623
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "सामान्य आकार (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3624
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा सामान्य आकारात दाखवा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3626
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "सर्वात उत्तम आकार (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3627
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा चौकटीत गट्ट बसवा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3644
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "पूर्ण पडदा (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3645
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "सद्याची प्रतिमा पूर्णतया पध्दतीत दाखवा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3650 ../src/eom-window.c:3662
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "पूर्वीची प्रतिमा (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3651
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रहातील पूर्वीच्या प्रतिमाकडे जा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3653
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "पुढची प्रतिमा (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3654
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रहातील पुढच्या प्रतिमाकडे जा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3656 ../src/eom-window.c:3665
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "पहिली प्रतिमा (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रहातील पहिल्या प्रतिमाकडे जा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3659 ../src/eom-window.c:3668
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "शेवटची प्रतिमा (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3660
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "संग्रहातील शेवटच्या प्रतिमाकडे जा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3674
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाईडशो (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3675
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "प्रतिमाचे स्लाईडशो दृश्य सुरू करा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3741
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "पूर्वीचा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3745
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "पुढचा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3749
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "उजवीकडे"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "डावीकडे"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "आंतरीक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3758
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "बाहेरील"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3761
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "साधारण"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3764
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "योग्य"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3767
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "संकलन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3770
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "कचरापेटी"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगईन"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "कार्यान्वीत"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "संयोजीत (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "सक्रीय करा (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "सर्व सक्रीय करा (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "सर्व असक्रीय करा (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "सक्रीय प्लगईन (_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगईन विषयी (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगईन संयोजीत करा(_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "पूर्णपडदा पध्दती मध्ये उघडा"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "प्रतिमा संग्रह अकार्यान्वीत करा"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "स्लाईडशो पध्दतीत उघडा"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "वर्तमान घटना पुन्हा वापरण्याऐवजी नविन घटना चालवा"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[फाइल...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "उपलब्ध आदेश ओळ पर्यायची पूर्ण यादी पहाण्याकरीता '%s --help' चालवा."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE प्रतिमा दृश्यक"
diff --git a/po/ms.po b/po/ms.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b49627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ms.po
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+# Eyes of Mate, Ainul Mate Bahasa Melayu (ms)
+# Mata yang cantik, bersinar...lagi?
+# Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol) <[email protected]>, 2002-2004
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Eyes of Mate HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-11 19:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-10 02:15+0730\n"
+"Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Projek Gabai <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Pelihat Imej"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Lihat banyak jenis imej berlainan"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Prebiu Nama Fail</b>"
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Spesifikasi Laluan Fail</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Interpolasi imej</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pengzuman Imej</b>"
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opsyen</b>"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Jujukan</b>"
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bahagian Telus</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Izinkan _zum lebih besar drpd 100% pada permulaan"
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Sebagai latar _belakang"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Sebagai check_patern"
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Sebagai _warna tersendiri"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Warna bagi Kawasan Telus"
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Folder Destinasi:"
+msgid "Eye of Mate Preferences"
+msgstr "Keutamaan Ainul Mate"
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Format Namafail:"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "_Paparan Imej"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Tukarnama Drpd:"
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Ganti ruang dengan underscore"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Simpan Sebagai"
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Menyimpan Imej"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Papar imej _berikutnya secara automatik selepas:"
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Paparan Slai_d"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Mula pengiraan pada:"
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Hingga:"
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Lungsur"
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "_Interpolasi Imej semasa zum"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Jujukan gelung"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "saat"
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Nilai lebih besar drpd 0 menentukan saat bagi imej kekal pada skrin sehingga "
+"yg berikutnya dipaparkan automatik. Sifar mematikan pelungsuran automatik."
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Izinkan zum lebih besar drpd 100% pada permulaan"
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Lengahan dlm saat sehingga memapar imej berikutnya"
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Menentukan bagaimana ketelusan patut ditunjuk. Nilai sah ialah "
+"CHECK_PATERN , COLOR dan NONE. Jika COLOR dipilih, kekunci trans_color "
+"menentukan nilai warna yg digunakan."
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika kekunci ketelusan mempunyai nilai COLOR, kemudian kekunci ini "
+"menentukan warna yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketelusan"
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika ditetapkan ke FALSE imej kecil tidak akan diregangkan supaya muat pada "
+"skrin pada permulaan."
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolasi Imej"
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Gelung menerusi jujukan imej"
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Buka imej di tetingkap baru"
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Papar/sorok bar status tetingkap."
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Papar/sorok toolbar tetingkap."
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "warna ketelusan"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Penunjuk ketelusan"
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Samada pembukaan imej patut mencipta tetingkap baru selain drpd mengganti "
+"imej pada tetingkap semasa."
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Samada jujukan imej patut dipaparkan pada gelung tanpa akhir."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Samada imej patut diinterpolasikan pada zum atau tidak. Ini membawa kepada "
+"kualiti lebih baik tetapi lebih perlahan drpd imej bukan diinterpolasi."
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Semua Fail"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Semua Imej"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s piksel"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Muatkan imej"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Simpan Imej"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Buka Folder"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Tak dapat mencipta fail sementara untuk menyimpan: %s"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Tak dapat memperuntukkan memori untuk memuatkan fail JPEG"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "fail kosong"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Fail wujud"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Tiada imej dimuatkan."
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Penciptaan fail sementara gagal."
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Data Imej"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Koleksi Imej"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Lain-lain"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Nilai"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Namafail"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Lebar"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Tinggi"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Saizfail"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Atribut"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fail"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Opsyen tidak ada."
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of Mate."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Menyimpan imej %s."
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Batal menyimpan ..."
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Pengira"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Komen"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Tarikh"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Masa"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Hari"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Bulan"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Tahun"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Jam"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Minit"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Saat"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Hasbullah Bin Pit <[email protected]>\n"
+"I Love my wife & my son (Umar)"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2167 shell/eom-window.c:2482
+#: shell/main.c:498
+msgid "Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Ainul Mate"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Program untuk melihat dan mengkatalog imej MATE."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of Mate.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tak dapat memapar bantuan bagi Ainul Mate.\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Tindin fail %s?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:627
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Fail wujud. Anda ingin menindihnya?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:636 shell/eom-window.c:649
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Langkau"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:637
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Tindih"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:642
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Ralat Menyimpan %s."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:650 shell/eom-window.c:1034
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Ulangi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1023
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Tak dapat menentukan format fail bagi %s"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr "Sila guna suffiks namafail yang sesuai atau pilih satu format fail."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1166
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Ralat apabila menyimpan imej."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1399
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Adakah anda ingin memindah %i imej ke sampah?"
+msgstr[1] "Adakah anda ingin memindah %i imej ke sampah?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1437
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Tak dapat mengakses sampah."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Ralat memadam imej %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2096
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i piksel %s %i%%"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2233
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fail"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2234
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edit"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2235
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Lihat"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2236
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Bantuan"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "Ba_ru"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Buka tetingkap baru"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Buka..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Buka fail"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open _Directory..."
+msgstr "Buka _Direktori..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open a directory"
+msgstr "Buka direktori"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Tutup"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Tutup tetingkap"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Keutamaan..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Keutamaan bagi Ainul MATE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Kandungan"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Bantuan perihal aplikasi ini"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Perihal"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Perihal aplikasi ini"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Toolbar"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2249
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Bar _Status"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2254
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Simpan"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2255
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Simpan Seb_agai"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Nyahcara"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2259
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Flip Meng_ufuk"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2260
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Flip Me_negak"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2262
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Kilas _Ikut Jam"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2263
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Kilas Ber_lawanan Jam"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2264
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2266
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Padam"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2268
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "Skrin _Penuh"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2269
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Zoom _Masuk"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2270
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom _Keluar"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Saiz _Normal"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2272
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Sesuai _Muat"
+#: shell/main.c:236
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"Anda cuba membuka %i tetingkap serentakAdakah anda ingin membukanyapada "
+"koleksi sebaliknya?"
+#: shell/main.c:240
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Buka banyak tetingkap tunggal?"
+#: shell/main.c:244
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Tetingkap Tunggal"
+#: shell/main.c:246
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Koleksi"
+#: shell/main.c:298
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Gagal membuka : %s"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Pelihat Koleksi Imej EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Kilang pelihat koleksi Imej EOM"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Koleksi Imej"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Pelihat Koleksi Imej"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "LIhat sebagai Koleksi Ii_mej"
+#~ msgid "View as Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Lihat sebagai Koleksi Imej"
+#~ msgid "Next"
+#~ msgstr "Berikutnya"
+#~ msgid "Next Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imej Berikutnya"
+#~ msgid "Previous"
+#~ msgstr "Terdahulu"
+#~ msgid "Previous Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imej Terdahulu"
+#~ msgid "Rotate 180 _Degrees"
+#~ msgstr "Dikilas 180 _Darjah"
+#~ msgid "Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Kilas _Ikut Jam"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Kilas Ber_lawanan Jam"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Paparan Slaid"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving"
+#~ msgstr "Batal menyimpan"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Penyimpanan selesai"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Pindah ke Sampah"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Paparan Koleksi"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Imej: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Tajuk Tetingkap"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Teks Status"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Progrem Pemuatan Imej"
+#~ msgid "Saving image"
+#~ msgstr "Simpan imej"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imej EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Pelihat Imej EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Kilang pelihat Imej EOM"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imej EOM boleh diembed"
+#~ msgid "Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imej"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Keluar"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Tutup semua tetingkap dan keluar"
+#~ msgid "Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Muat"
+#~ msgid "In"
+#~ msgstr "Masuk"
+#~ msgid "Normal"
+#~ msgstr "Normal"
+#~ msgid "Out"
+#~ msgstr "Keluar"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Skrin Penuh"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Prebiu imej untuk dicetak"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Prebi_u Cetakan..."
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "T_etapan Cetakan..."
+#~ msgid "Print image to the printer"
+#~ msgstr "Cetak imej ke pencetak"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Kilas Kiri"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Kilas Kanan"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Simpan Seb_agai..."
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "Tetapan halaman bagi pencetak semasa"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Cetak..."
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Prebiu"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Kilas _Ikut Jam"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Kilas Ber_lawanan Jam"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/Zoom _Masuk"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Zoom _Keluar"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/Saiz _Normal"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Zoom supaya _Muat"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Tutup"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Pemuatan imej %s gagal."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pemuatan imej %s gagal.\n"
+#~ "Alasan: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Pemuatan gagal"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Imej berjaya disimpan"
+#~ msgid "Image saving failed"
+#~ msgstr "Penyimpanan imej gagal"
+#~ msgid "Image Width"
+#~ msgstr "Lebar Imej"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Tinggi Imej"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Teks Bar Status"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Lebar Tetingkap Digemari"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Tinggi Tetingkap Digemari"
diff --git a/po/nb.po b/po/nb.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c20ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nb.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1504 @@
+# Norwegian translation of eom (bokmål dialect).
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>, 1999-2010.
+# Terance Edward Sola <[email protected]>, 2005.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom 2.31.x\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-25 13:02+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-25 13:03+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmal <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language: nb\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Vis «_%s»"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Flytt på verktøylinje"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Flytt valgt oppføring på verktøylinjen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Fje_rn fra verktøylinjen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Fjern valgt oppføring fra verktøylinjen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Slett verktøylinje"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Fjern valgt verktøylinje"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Skillelinje"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktiver fullskjermmodus med dobbeltklikk"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Fullskjerm med dobbeltklikk"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Les bilde på nytt"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Les dette bildet på nytt"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Dato i statuslinje"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Viser dato for bildet i statuslinjen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Bla gjennom og roter bilder"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Bildevisning"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Blenderåpning:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Forfatter:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Kameramodell:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Opphavsrett:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Dato/klokkeslett:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beskrivelse:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detaljer"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Eksponeringstid:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Blitz:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Brennvidde:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generelt"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Høyde:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO-verdi:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Egenskaper for bilde"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Nøkkelord:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Plassering:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Lysmålingsmodus:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Navn:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Type:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Bredde:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Neste"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Forrige"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> opprinnelig filnavn"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> teller"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Velg en mappe"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Målmappe:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Forhåndsvisning av filnavn"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Spesifisert filsti"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format for filnavn:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Alternativer"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Endre navn fra:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Erstatt mellomrom med understreking"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Lagre som"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Start teller på:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Til:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Som _bakgrunn"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Som _rutemønster"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Som tilpasset f_arge:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Som egendefinert farge:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Bakgrunn"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Bakgrunnsfarge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Farge for gjennomsiktige områder"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Utvid bilder til å passe skjermen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Brukervalg for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Bildeforbedringer"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Bildevisning"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom i bilde"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Tillegg"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sekvens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Lysbildevisning"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Jevn ut bilder som _zoomes inn"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Jevn ut bilder som zoomes _ut"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Gjennomsiktige deler"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatisk orientering"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Løkkesekvens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Bytt bilde etter:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekunder"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"En verdi større enn 0 bestemmer antall sekunder før neste bilde vises "
+"automatisk. Null deaktiverer automatisk fremvisning."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktive tillegg"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Tillat zoom større enn 100% ved start"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatisk orientering"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Pause i sekunder før visning av neste bilde"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Bestemmer hvordan gjennomsiktighet skal vises. Gyldige verdier er "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR og NONE. Hvis COLOR velges bestemmes valgt fargeverdi "
+"av nøkkelen trans-color."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapoler bilde"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis nøkkel for gjennomsiktighet har verdien COLOR bestemmer denne nøkkelen "
+"farge som brukes for å indikere gjennomsiktighet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis dette settes til FALSE vil ikke små bilder strekkes for å passe til "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posisjon for bildesamlingsområde. Sett til 0 for bunn; 1 for venstre; 2 for "
+"topp; 3 for høyre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoler bilde"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Liste med aktive tillegg. Inne holder ikke «Location» for aktive tillegg. "
+"Se .eom-plugin-filen for å finne «Location» for et gitt tillegg."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Kontinuerlig visning av bildesekvensen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom med mushjul"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul rulleknapper for bildesamlingsområdet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul bildesamlingsområdet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul vinduets sidelinje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul vinduets statuslinje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Vis/skjul vinduets verktøylinje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Faktor som skal brukes ved bruk av mushjulet for zooming. Denne verdien "
+"definerer zoom-steg som brukes for hver rullehendelse. 0.05 gir f.eks 5% "
+"zoom for hver zoom-hendelse og 1.00 gir 100% per steg."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Farge for gjennomsiktighet"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indikator for gjennomsiktighet"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Slett bilder uten å spørre"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Bruk en egendefinert bakgrunnsfarge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Om filvelger skal bruke bilder fra brukers mappe hvis ingen bilder er lastet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Om bildesamlingsområdet skal kunne endre størrelse eller ikke."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Om bildet skal ekstrapoleres ved zoom inn. Dette gir en uskarp effekt og er "
+"noe tregere enn ikke-ekstrapolerte bilder."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Om bildet skal interpoleres ved zoom ut. Dette gir bedre kvalitet, men er "
+"noe tregere enn ikke-interpolerte bilder."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Om bildet skal roteres automatisk basert på EXIF-orientering."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Hvorvidt metadatalisten i egenskaper-dialogen skal ha sin egen side."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Om hjulet på musen skal brukes til å zoome eller ikke."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Om bildesekvensen skal vises i en uendelig løkke."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoom-faktor"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Kjører i fullskjermmodus"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Lukk _uten å lagre"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Spørsmål"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Hvis du ikke lagrer vil endringene gå tapt."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Lagre endringer i bilde «%s» før du lukker?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Det finnes %d bilde med endringer som ikke er lagret. Lagre endringer før "
+"programmet lukkes?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Det finnes %d bilder med endringer som ikke er lagret. Lagre endringer før "
+"programmet lukkes?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "V_elg bildene du vil lagre:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Hvis du ikke lagrer vil alle endringene dine gå tapt."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Filformatet er ukjent eller ikke støttet"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE kunne ikke bestemme et støttet skrivbart filformat basert på "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Vennligst prøv en annen filtype som .png eller .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alle filer"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Alle bilder"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "piksler"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Åpne bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Lagre bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Åpne mappe"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformasjon på bilde som ikke er lastet."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformasjon feilet."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF er ikke støttet for dette filformatet."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Lasting av bilde feilet."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ingen bilder lastet."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Oppretting av midlertidig fil feilet."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette midlertidig fil for lagring: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke reservere minne for lasting av JPEG-fil"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Bildedata"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Tilstand når bildet ble tatt"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Utvidet metadata for kameramodell"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Annet"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP rettighetshåndtering"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP annet"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Merking"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Verdi"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "P_røv igjen"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Kunne ikke laste bilde «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Ingen bilder funnet i «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Oppgitte plasseringer inneholder ingen bilder."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Egenskaper for bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Bilde som skal brukes til egenskaper for utskrift"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sideoppsett"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informasjon for siden hvor bildet skal skrives ut"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posisjon"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Venstre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "Høy_re:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Topp:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bunn:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "S_entrert:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ingen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horisontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Begge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Størrelse"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Bredde:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Høyde:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skalering:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "En_het:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimetere"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Tommer"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Forhåndsvis"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Ukjent"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (linse)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "som det er"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Tatt"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Minst to filnavn er like."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke vise hjelp for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ugyldig Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i piksel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i piksler %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Last på nytt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "S_kjul"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Bilde «%s» er endret av et ekstert program.\n"
+"Vil du laste bildet på nytt?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Bruk «%s» til å åpne valgt bilde"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Lagrer bilde «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Åpner bilde «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Feil under utskrift av fil:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Rediger verktøylinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Sett til forvalg"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dette programmet er fri programvare. Du kan redistribuere og/eller endre "
+"programmet under betingelsene gitt i GNU General Public License som utgitt "
+"av Free Software Foundation; enten versjon 2 av lisensen, eller (hvis du "
+"ønsker det) enhver senere versjon.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dette programmet distribueres i håp om at programmet er nyttig, men uten "
+"NOEN GARANTI, ikke engang implisitt garanti om at det er SALGBART eller "
+"PASSER ET BESTEMT FORMÅL. Se GNU General Public License for detaljer.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Du skal ha mottatt en kopi av GNU General Public License sammen med dette "
+"programmet. Hvis dette ikke er tilfelle, kan du skrive til Free Software "
+"Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Bildevisning for MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Åpne brukervalg for bakgrunn"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Bilde «%s» er satt som skrivebordsbakgrunn.\n"
+"Vil du forandre utseende på bildet?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Lagrer bildet lokalt …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på at du vil\n"
+"flytte «%s» til papirkurven?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Fant ikke papirkurv for «%s». Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne dette bildet "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Er du sikker på at du vil\n"
+"flytte valgt bilde til papirkurven?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Er du sikker på at du vil\n"
+"flytte %d valgte bilder til papirkurven?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Noen av de valgte bildene kan ikke flyttes til papirkurven og vil bli "
+"fjernet permanent. Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Flytt til _papirkurv"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Ikke spør i_gjen under denne sesjonen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Kunne ikke aksessere papirkurv."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke slette fil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Feil under sletting av bilde %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "R_ediger"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Vis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Gå til"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Verk_tøy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjelp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Åpne …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Åpne en fil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "L_ukk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Lukk vindu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "V_erktøylinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Rediger programmets verktøylinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Brukervalg"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Brukervalg for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Innhold"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hjelp om dette programmet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Om"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Om dette programmet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Verk_tøylinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Endrer synlighet for verktøylinjen i aktivt vindu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statuslinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Endrer synlighet for statuslinjen i aktivt vindu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "B_ildesamling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Endre synlighet for bildesamlingsområdet i aktivt vindu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Side_linje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Endrer synlighet for sidelinjen i aktivt vindu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Lagre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Lagre endringene i de aktive valgte bildene"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Åpne _med"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Åpne det valgte bildet med et annet program"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "L_agre som …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Lagre de valgte bildene med et annet navn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "S_kriv ut …"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Skriv ut valgt bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Egenskape_r"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Vis egenskaper og metadata for det valgte bildet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Angre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Angre siste endring i bildet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vend _horisontalt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Speil bildet horisontalt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Vend _vertikalt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Speil bildet vertikalt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Roter med klokken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Roter bildet 90 grader til høyre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Roter mot k_lokken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Roter bildet 90 grader til venstre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Som bakgrunn for skrivebor_det"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Sett valgt bilde som skrivebordsbakgrunn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Flytt valgt bilde til papirkurven"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zoom inn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Forstørr bildet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom _ut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Krymp bildet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normal størrelse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Vis bildet i normal størrelse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Tilpasset"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Tilpass bildet til vinduet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Full skjerm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Vis det aktive bildet i fullskjerm-modus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Sett lysbildevisning på pause"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Gjennoppta eller sett lysbildevisning på pause"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "F_orrige bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til forrige bilde i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Neste bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til neste bilde i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Første bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til første bilde i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Siste bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til siste bilde i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Tilfel_dig bilde"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til et tilfeldig bilde i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Ly_sbildevisning"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Start lysbildevisning av bildene"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Forrige"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Neste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Høyre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Venstre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Inn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Ut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Tilpass"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Samling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Legg i papirkurv"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Tillegg"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktivert"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigurer"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktiver"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tiver alle"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktiver alle"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktive _tillegg:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Om tillegg"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfigurer tillegg"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE bildevisning"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Åpne i fullskjermmodus"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Slå av bildesamling"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Åpne i presentasjonsmodus"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Starter en ny instans i stedet for å gjenbruke en eksisterende"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Vis programmets versjon"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FIL …]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Kjør «%s --help» for å se en full liste med tilgjengelige kommandolinjeflagg."
diff --git a/po/nds.po b/po/nds.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c8e7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nds.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1343 @@
+# Low German translation for eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 eom's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Nils-Christoph Fiedler <[email protected]>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom master\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-12-08 16:58+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-12-14 01:43+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nils-Christoph Fiedler <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Low German <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Wies op “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Op Warktüügbalken _verschuven"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Ut Warktüügbalken _löschen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Utwähltes Element ut Warktüügbalken löschen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Warktüügbalken _löschen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Utwählten Warktüügbalken löschen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Deeler"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Lööpt in Fullbillmodus"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Fullbill mit Doppelklick aktiveren"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Fullbill mit Doppelklick"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Bill opfrischen"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Aktuelles Bill opfrischen"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Dag im Tostandbalken"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Billdaten in Finstertostandbalken opwiesen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Billers ankieken un dreihn"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Billopwieser"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Schriever:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Knippskassenmodell:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Koperschod:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dag/Tied:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Beschrieven:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Details:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Utlöstied:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Blitz:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Höhe</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Slötelwöör:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ort:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Naam:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Typ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Brede:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Details"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Allgemeen"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Billeegenschapten"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadaten"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Vor"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Torügg"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dateinaamutblick</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Optschoonen</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Verteeknis utwählen"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Täälverteeknis:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Dateinaamformat:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Namm ännern vun:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Leerteken mit Unnerstriekens överschrieven"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Spiekern as"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Nah:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Billverbetterns</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Billgröte:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sequenz</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Döörschienen Deels</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "As _Achtergrundbill"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Klöör för döörschienen Deels"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE Eegenschapten"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Billansicht"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "Sekunnen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktive Plugins"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Döörschienenklöör"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Sluten _ohn to spiekern"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Frage"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:375
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Wenn je dat nich spiekerst, gahn de Ännerns in'n Dutt."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:410
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:605
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:622
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:640
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "All Dateien"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "All Billers"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Bill laden"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Bill spiekern"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Verteeknis opmaken"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Keen Bill laden."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Knippskassen"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Billdaten"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Annere"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Rechteoppasser"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Annere"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Slötelwoord"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Wert"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr ""
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Nohmal versöken"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Billinstellens"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Bill"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sieteninstellens"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Positschoon"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Links:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Rechts:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Boven:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bodden:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "M_idde:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Keen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Beede"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Gröte"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Brede:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Höhe:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Eenheet:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeters"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inche"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Utblick"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Unbekannt"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Scheten an"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1680
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2379
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2631
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2634
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_To Standard torüggsetten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2720
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Nils-Christoph Fiedler <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2723
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2744
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2747
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "De MATE Billopwieser."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3203
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "Bill op düssem Rekner spiekern..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3285
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Wullt je\n"
+"\"%s\" seker in'n Papierkörv verschuven?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3288
+#, c-format
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3298
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3315
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3742
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "In'n _Papierkörv verschuven"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_In düssem Törn nich nohmol fragen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Künn keen Togang to'm Papierkörv kregen."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Künn de Datei nich löschen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3662
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Datei"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3663
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Bewarken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3664
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ansicht"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3665
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Bill"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3666
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Denn man to"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3667
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Warktüüg"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3668
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hölp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3670
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Opmaken..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3671
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Datei opmaken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3673
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Sluten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3674
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Finster sluten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3676
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "W_arktüügbalken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3677
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Programmwarktüügbalken bewarken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3679
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Inste_llens"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3680
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Instellens vun Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3682
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Inholls"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3683
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hölp för düsses Programm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3685
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Över"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3686
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Över düsses Programm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3691
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Warktüügbalken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3692
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3694
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Tostandbalken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3695
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3697
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3698
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3700
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3701
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3706
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3707
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3709
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3710
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3712
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3713
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3716
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3718
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3719
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3721
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3722
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3724
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3725
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3727
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3728
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3730
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3731
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3733
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3734
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3736
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3737
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3739
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3740
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3743
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3745
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Gröter maken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3746
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3758
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3748
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Lütter maken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3749
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3761
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3764
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normale Gröte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Fullbill"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3773
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3778
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3779
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3782
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3793
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3785
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3788
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3803
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3869
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3883
+msgid "In"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3886
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3889
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3892
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3898
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Papierkörv"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Instellen"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Aktiveren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Allens a_ktiveren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Allens _deaktiveren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Över düsses Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE Billopwieser"
diff --git a/po/ne.po b/po/ne.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2446e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ne.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@
+# translation of to Nepali
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Pawan Chitrakar <[email protected]> , 2004.
+# Pawan Chitrakar <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Ganesh Ghimire <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Jyotshna Shrestha <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Jaydeep Bhusal <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Kapil Timilsina <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Shiva Pokharel <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Mahesh Subedi <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Narayan Kumar Magar <[email protected]>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-09-19 03:41+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-08 12:39+0545\n"
+"Last-Translator: Narayan Kumar Magar <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Nepali <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” सेखाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_उपकरणपट्टीमा सार्नुहोस्"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "चयन गरिएको वस्तु उपकरणपट्टीमा सार्नुहोस्"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_उपकरणपट्टीबाट हटाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "उपकरणपट्टीबाट चयन गरिएको वस्तु हटाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_उपकरणपट्टी मेट्नुहोस्"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "चयन गरिएको उपकरणपट्टी हटाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:439
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "विभाजक"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "पूरा पर्दा मोडमा चलिरहेको"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "छविहरू ब्राउज गर्नुहोस् र घुमाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "छवि प्रदर्शक"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>सुरुआत मान:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>लेखक:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>बाइट:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>क्यामेरा नमूना:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रतिलिपि अधिकार:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>मिति/समय:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>वर्णन:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>विस्तृत विवरण</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रदर्शन समय:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फाइल नाम पूर्वावलोकन</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फाइल बाटो निर्दिष्टताहरू</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फ्ल्यास गर्नुहोस्:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>नाभिय लम्बाइ:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>उच्‍‌चाइ:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>आइएसओ गति दर:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>छवि अधिकता</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>छवि जूम</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>शब्दकुञ्जी:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>स्थान:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+msgstr "<b>स्थान:</b>\t"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>मिटरिङ मोड:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>नाम:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>विकल्पहरू</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>अनुक्रम</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पारदर्शी भागहरू</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रकार:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>चौडाइ:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> मौलिक फाइल नाम</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> प्रतिकुल</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "पृष्ठभूमि जस्तै"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "जाँच्ने बान्की जस्तै"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "अनुकुलन रंग जस्तै:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "एउटा फोल्डर रोज्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी क्षेत्रहरूका लागि रंग"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "गन्तब्य फोल्डर:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "पर्दामा ठीक गर्न छवि विस्तार गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "MATE आँखाको प्राथमिकताहरू"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "फाइल नाम ढाँचा:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "साधारण"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "छवि गुण"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "छवि दृष्य"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "प्लगइन"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "यसबाट पुन:नामाकरण गर्नुहोस्:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "अन्डरस्कोरद्वारा खालीठाँउहरू प्रतिस्थापन गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "...यस रुपमा बचत गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइड प्रर्दशन"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "जुम गरिएको बेला छविहरू महीन बनाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ": मा काउन्टर सुरु गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "लाई:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_स्वाचालित अभिमुखिकरण"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "अनुक्रम लुप गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_पछिल्लो"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_अघिल्लो"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr ":पछि छवि स्विच गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "सेकेण्ड"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"० भन्दा ठूलो मानले छवि पर्दामा अर्को स्वचालित तरिकाले नदेखाएसम्म केहि सेकेण्ड रहिरहन्छ । "
+"शून्यले स्वचालित रूपमा ब्राउज अक्षम पार्दछ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "सक्रिय प्लगइन"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "पहिले १००% भन्दा ठूलो दृष्य घटबढ गर्ने अनुमति दिनुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "स्वाचालित अभिमुखिकरण"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "अर्को छवि देखाउन्जेल सम्ममा केहि सेकेण्ड विलम्ब"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"पारदर्शीलाई कसरी संकेत गरिन्छ भनेर तोक्दछ। मान्य मानहरू CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR र NONE "
+"हो । यदि COLOR रोजिएको छ भने, पार्दर्शी रंग कुन्जिले प्रयोग गरिएको रंग मान तोक्दछ ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"यदि पारदर्शि कुञ्जि संगमान्य COLOR छ भने यो कुन्जिले रंग निर्धारण गर्दछ जुन पारदर्शिता "
+"संकेतन गर्नका लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "यदि यो FALSE मा सेट गरिन्छ भने सानो छविहरू शूरूमा नै पर्दामा उपयुक्त हुनलाई तन्किदैन।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr "छवि सङ्कलन फलक स्थिति । तलका लागि ०; वायाँको लागि १; माथिको लागि २; दायाँको लागि ३ सेट गर्नुहोस् ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "इन्टरपोलेट छवि"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr "सक्रिय प्लगइनको सूची । यसले सक्रिय लगइनको \"स्थान\" समावेश गर्दैन ।दिएको प्लगइनको \"स्थान\" प्राप्त गर्न .eom-plugin फाइल हेर्नुहोस् ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "छवि अनुक्रमद्वारा लुप गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "स्क्रोल चक्र जुम"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "छवि संकलन फलक स्क्रोल बटन देखाउनुहोस्/लुकाउनुहोस् ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "छवि संकलनको फलक देखाउनुहोस्/लुकाउनुहोस् ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "सञ्झ्याल साइड फलक देखाउनुहोस्/लुकाउनुहोस् ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "सञ्झ्याल स्थितिपट्टी देखाउनुहोस्/लुकाउनुहोस् ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "सञ्झ्याल उपकरणपट्टी देखाउनुहोस्/लुकाउनुहोस् ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"जुम गर्नका लागि माउस स्क्रोल चक्र प्रयोग गर्दा लागू गरिनुपर्ने गुणक । "
+"यो मानले प्रत्येक स्क्रोल घटनाका लागि प्रयोग गरिने जुमका चरणहरू परिभाषित गर्दछ । उद्दाहरणका लागि, "
+"०.०५ ले प्रत्येक स्क्रोल घटनाका लागि ५% जुम बढोत्तरीमा परिणाम दिन्छ र १.०० ले १००% जुम बढोत्तरीमा परिणाम दिन्छ ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "पारदर्शि रंग"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "पारदर्शी संकेतकर्ता"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "छविको अनुक्रम एउटा अनवरत लुपमा देखाउनु पर्छ वा पर्दैन ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "छवि संकलन फलक रिसाइज गर्न सकिने हुनुपर्दछ वा पर्दैन ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"छविलाई जूममा इन्टरपोलेट गर्ने कि नगर्ने । यसबाट राम्रो गुण निस्कन्छ तर यो इन्टरपोलेट "
+"नगरिएको छविहरू भन्दा सुस्त हुन्छ ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "या छवि EXIF अभिमुखिकरणमा आधारित स्वाचालित रुपमा घुमाइएको हुनुपर्दछ ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "जुम गर्नका लागि स्क्रोल चक्र प्रयोग गरिनुपर्दछ वा पर्दैन ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "जुम गुणक"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:121
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "फाइल ढाँचा अज्ञात वा असमर्थित छ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:126
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "जिनोमको आँखाले फाइलनाममा आधारित एउटा समर्थित लेखनयोग्य फाइल ढाँचा निर्धारण गर्न सकेन ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "कृपया एउटा फरक फाइल विस्तार प्रयास गर्नुहोस् जस्तै .png or .jpg ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:159
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "सबै फाइलहरू"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:164
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "सबै छविहरू"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:185
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:281 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:423
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:615
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "पिक्सेल"
+msgstr[1] "पिक्सेल"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:423
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "छवि लोड गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:431
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "छवि बचत गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:439
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "फोल्डर खोल्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:516
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "अनलोड गरेको छविमा रुपान्तर ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:544
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "रूपान्तरण असफल भयो ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1050
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "यो फाइल ढाँचाकोलागि EXIF असमर्थित भयो ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1161
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "छवि लोड गराइ असफल भयो ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1432 ../src/eom-image.c:1645
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "फाइल अवस्थित छ"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1584 ../src/eom-image.c:1713
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "छवि लोड गरिएको छैन ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1593 ../src/eom-image.c:1725
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "अस्थायी फाइल सिर्जना गर्दा असफल भयो ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:357
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr ": %s बचत गर्नका लागि अस्थायी फाइल सिर्जना गर्न सकिएन"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:376
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG फाइल लोड गर्नका लागि स्मरणशक्ति निर्धारण गर्न सकिएन"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "क्यामेरा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "छवि डेटा"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "छविले लिईरहेको अवस्थाहरू"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "द्रष्टव्य निर्माता"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "अन्य"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP अधिकार व्यवस्थापन"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP अन्य"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:249
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ट्याग"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:256
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "मान"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:74
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "अज्ञात"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' छवि लोड गर्न सकेन ।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:160
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' मा छवि फेला परेन ।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:165
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "दिएको स्थानले कुनै छवि समावेश गर्दैन ।"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:806
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "छवि"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:807
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "छवि जसको मुद्रण गुण सेटअप गरिनेछ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:813
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "पृष्ठ सेटअप"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:814
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "छवि मुद्रण गरिने पृष्ठका लागि सूचना"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:838
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "स्थिति"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:843
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_बायाँ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:844
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_दायाँ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:845
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_माथि:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:846
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_तल:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "केन्द्र:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:853
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "कुनै पनि होइन"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:855
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "तेर्सो"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:857
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "ठाडो"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:859
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "दुवै"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "साइज"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_चौडाइ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_उचाइ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_मापन:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:898
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_ईकाइ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:903
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "मिलिमिटर"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:905
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "इन्च"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:925
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "पुर्वावलोकन"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "जस्तै छ"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:434
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "लिइएको"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1025
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "घटिमा दुई फाइल नामहरू उस्तै छन् ।"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE को आँखाका लागि मद्दत प्रदर्शन गर्न सकिएन ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1028
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" सँग खोल्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1029
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "चयन गरिएको छवि खोल्न \"%s\" प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" %s"
+msgstr "\"%s\" %s छवि बचत गर्दै"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1445
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" छवि लोड गर्दै"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "छवि सेटिङ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2271
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"फाइल मुद्रण गर्दा त्रुटि:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2372
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "उपकरणपट्टी सम्पादक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Mahesh subedi <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2458
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr "यो कार्यक्रम स्वतन्त्र सफ्टवेयर हो; तपाईँले स्वतन्त्र सफ्टवेयर संस्थाद्वारा प्रकाशन गरिएको GNU General Public License अन्तर्गत; या लाइसेन्सको संस्करण २ वा (तपाईँको विकल्पमा) कुनै पछाडिको संस्करणमा यसलाई पुन:वितरण गर्न र/वा यसलाई परिमार्जन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2462
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr "यो कार्यक्रम उपयोगी हुन्छ भन्ने आशामा तर वारेन्टीबिना; यहाँसम्म कि कुनै ब्यापारिक उपलक्षित वारेन्टी बिना वा कुनै विशेष उदेश्यबिना नै वितरण गरिएको छ । अरु विस्तृत विवरणका लागि GNU General Public License हेर्नुहोस् ।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2466
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"तपाईँले यो कार्क्रम सँगै GNU General Public License को प्रतिलिपि प्राप्त गरेको हुनुपर्दछ; यदि नभएमा, स्वतन्त्र सफ्टवेयर संस्था, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA लाई लेख्नुहोस् ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2479 ../src/main.c:186
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE को आँखा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2482
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "जिनोम छवि दर्शक ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2842
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"के तपाईँ साच्चै नै\n"
+"\"%s\" छवि रद्दि टोकरीमा सार्न चाहनुहुन्छ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2845
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"के तपाईँ साच्चै नै \n"
+"चयन गरेको छवि रद्दिटोकरीमा सार्न चाहनुहुन्छ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"के तपाईँ साच्चै नै \n"
+"चयन गरेको %d छवि रद्दि टोकरीमा सार्न चाहनुहुन्छ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2860
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "रद्दि टोकरीमा सार्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2906
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "रद्दिटोकरी पहुँच गर्न सकिएन ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2990
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "छवि %s मेट्ने क्रममा त्रुटि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3197
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "फाइल"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3198
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "सम्पादन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3199
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "दृश्य"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3200
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "सबै छविहरू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3201
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "जानुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3202
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_उपकरणपट्टी"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3203
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मद्दत"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3205
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "खोल्नुहोस्....."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3206
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "एउटा फाइल खोल्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3208
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "बन्द गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3209
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "सञ्झ्याल बन्द गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3211
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "उपकरणपट्टी"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3212
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "अनुप्रयोग उपकरणपट्टी सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3214
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "प्राथमिकताहरू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3215
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE को आँखाका लागि प्राथमिकताहरू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3217
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "सामग्रीहरू"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3218
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "यस अनुप्रयोगमा मद्दत गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3220 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "बारेमा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3221
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "यस अनुप्रयोगको बारेमा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3226
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "उपकरणपट्टी"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3227
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "हालको सञ्झ्यालमा उपकरणपट्टीको दृश्यता परिवर्तन गर्दछ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3229
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "स्थितिपट्टी"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3230
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "हालको सञ्झ्यालमा स्थितिपट्टीको दृश्यता परिवर्तन गर्दछ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3232
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "छवि संङ्कलन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3233
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "हालको सञ्झ्यालमा छवि सङ्कलन फलकको दृष्यात्मकता परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस् ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3235
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "साइड _फलक"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3236
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "हालको सञ्झ्यालमा साइड फलकको पारदर्शिता परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3241
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "बचत गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3244
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "यससँग _खोल्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3247
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "यस रूपमा _बचत गर्नुहोस्..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3250
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "पृष्ठ सेटअप गर्नुहोस्..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3253
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_मुद्रण गर्नुहोस्..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "गुण"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3259
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "पूर्वस्थितिमा फर्काउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3262
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "तेर्सो फ्लिप गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3265
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "ठाडो फ्लिप गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3268
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "घडीसरह घुमाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3271
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "घडीको बिपरित दिशामा घुमाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3274
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "भित्तेकागज रुपमा सेट गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277 ../src/eom-window.c:3301
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "रद्दि टोकरीमा सार्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3280 ../src/eom-window.c:3292 ../src/eom-window.c:3295
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "जूम बढाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3283 ../src/eom-window.c:3298
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "जूम घटाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3286
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "सामान्य साइज"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3289
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "सर्वोत्तम ठीक्क"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3307
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "पूरा पर्दा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3313 ../src/eom-window.c:3325
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "अघिल्लो छवि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3316
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "अर्को छवि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3319 ../src/eom-window.c:3328
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "पहिलो छवि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3322 ../src/eom-window.c:3331
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "अन्तिम छवि"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3337
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "स्लाइड प्रर्दशन"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "अघिल्लो"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "पछिल्लो"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "दायाँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "बायाँ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "मा"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "बाहिर"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "सामान्य"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3427
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "ठिक्क"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3430
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "संङ्कलन"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगइन"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "सक्षम पारियो"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "कन्फिगर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "सक्रिय बनाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "सबै सक्रिय बनाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_सबै निष्क्रिय बनाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "प्लगइन सक्रिय पार्नुहोस्:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_प्लगइनको बारेमा"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "प्लगइन कन्फिगर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "पूरा पर्दा मोडमा खोल्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "छवि संङ्कलन असक्षम पार्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "स्लाइड प्रदर्शन मोडमा खोल्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:217
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "जोनोम छवि दर्शकको आँखा"
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75eee2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1574 @@
+# Dutch translation for Eye of Mate
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Eye of Mate package.
+# Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>
+# Dennis Smit <[email protected]>, 2000
+# Michiel Sikkes <[email protected]>, 2004
+# Vincent van Adrighem <[email protected]>, 2003
+# Tino Meinen <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
+# Michiel Sikkes <[email protected]>, 2006
+# Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>, 2006–2010
+# Reinout van Schouwen <[email protected]>, 2008
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-19 18:29+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-19 18:29+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Wouter Bolsterlee <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Dutch <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "‘_%s’ tonen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Op werkbalk _plaatsen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Het geselecteerde item op de werkbalk plaatsen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Van werkbalk _verwijderen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Het geselecteerde item van de werkbalk verwijderen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Werkbalk ver_wijderen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "De geselecteerde werkbalk verwijderen"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Scheider"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Omschakelen naar volledig scherm-modus bij dubbelklikken"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Volledig scherm bij dubbelklikken"
+# opnieuw laden/herladen
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding herladen"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Huidige afbeelding herladen"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Datum in statusbalk"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Toont de datum van de afbeelding in de statusbalk"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingen doorbladeren en roteren"
+# eigenlijk moet de naam erbij want er zijn meer van dit soort
+# programma's: bv. Gthumb afbeeldingviewer
+# viewer ipv weergave om constistent te blijven met evince documentviewer
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "EOM Afbeeldingviewer"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Diafragmawaarde"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Auteur:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+# cameramodel/model camera
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model camera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Datum/tijd:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beschrijving:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Details"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Sluitertijd:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flits:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Scherptediepte:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Algemeen"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Hoogte:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO-snelheid:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingseigenschappen"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Sleutelwoorden:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Locatie:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Metering:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Naam:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Type:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Breedte:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "Vol_gende"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Vorige"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> oorspronkelijke bestandsnaam"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> teller"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Een map openen"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Doelmap:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Voorbeeld bestandsnaam"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Specificaties bestandspad"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Bestandsnaamformaat:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opties"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Hernoemen van:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Spaties vervangen door laag streepje"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Opslaan als"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Start teller op:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Naar:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Als _achtergrond"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Als tegel_patroon"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Als aangepaste _kleur:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Als aangepaste kleur:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Achtergrond"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Achtergrondkleur"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Kleur voor transparante delen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingen uit_rekken om passend te maken"
+# Voorkeuren Eye of MATE
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate-voorkeuren"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingsverbeteringen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingsweergave"
+# Vrij vertaald (Wouter Bolsterlee)
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoomen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Reeks"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diavoorstelling"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Afbeelding gladmaken bij _inzoomen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Afbeelding gladmaken bij _uizoomen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Transparante delen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automa_tische oriëntatie"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Reeks _herhalen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Naar _volgende afbeelding na:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "seconden"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Een waarde groter dan 0 geeft het aantal seconden dat een afbeelding op het "
+"scherm blijft staan voordat de volgende automatisch wordt weergegeven. Een "
+"waarde van nul schakelt deze functie uit."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Actieve plugins"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Starten met zoomfactor van meer dan 100% toestaan"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatische oriëntatie"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Pauze tussen laden van twee opeenvolgende dia's."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Bepaalt hoe de transparantie weergegeven dient te worden. Geldige waarden "
+"zijn CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR en NONE. Als COLOR wordt gebruikt, zal de sleutel "
+"‘trans-color’ de kleur voor transparantie voorstellen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding extrapoleren"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien ingeschakeld en er geen afbeelding is geladen in het huidige venster, "
+"zal de bestandskiezer de afbeeldingenmap van de gebruiker tonen met behulp "
+"van de speciale XDG-mappen. Indien uitgeschakeld, of als er geen "
+"afbeeldingenmap ingesteld is, wordt de huidige map getoond."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien ingeschakeld zal Eye of Mate niet vragen om bevestiging bij het "
+"verplaatsen van afbeeldingen naar de prullenbak. Er zal nog steeds om "
+"bevestiging gevraagd worden als afbeeldingen niet naar de prullenbak "
+"verplaatst, maar enkel definitief verwijderd kunnen worden."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien ingeschakeld wordt de metadatalijst in het eigenschappenvenster naar "
+"een eigen pagina in het venster verplaatst. Dit maakt dit venster geschikter "
+"voor kleinere schermen, zoals bijvoorbeeld netbooks. Indien uitgeschakeld "
+"wordt de lijst getoond op de pagina met metadata."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Als de transparantiesleutel de waarde COLOR heeft, bepaalt deze sleutel "
+"welke kleur de transparantie voorstelt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien ingeschakeld wordt de kleur die ingesteld is met de sleutel "
+"‘background-color’ gebruikt om de achtergrond achter de afbeelding te "
+"vullen. Indien uitgeschakeld wordt de kleur bepaald door het GTK+-thema."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien uitgeschakeld worden kleine afbeeldingen in beginsel niet tot "
+"schermvullende grootte opgerekt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Positie van het paneel met de afbeeldingsverzameling. Onderkant: 0, links: "
+"1, bovenkant: 2, rechts: 3."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding interpoleren"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lijst van actieve plugins. Deze lijst bevat de locatie van de plugin niet; "
+"zie hievoor het ‘.eom-plugin’-bestand."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "De reeks afbeeldingen blijven herhalen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoomfactor muiswiel"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Schuifknoppen naast afbeeldingsverzameling tonen of verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Tonen of verbergen van het afbeeldingsverzamelingspaneel."
+# zijbalk/informatiebalk
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Zijbalk tonen of verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Statusbalk tonen of verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Werkbalk tonen of verbergen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"De kleur die gebruikt wordt om de achtergrond achter een afbeelding te "
+"vullen. Als de sleutel ‘use-background-color’ niet ingeschakeld is, bepaalt "
+"het GTK+-thema deze kleur."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"De vermenigvuldigingsfactor die gebruikt wordt bij zoomen met een muiswiel. "
+"Deze waarde bepaalt hoeveel gezoomd wordt als het muiswiel een keer wordt "
+"bewogen. Voorbeeld: de waarde 0.05 zorgt ervoor dat er 5% in- of uitgezoomd "
+"wordt en de waarde 1.00 zorgt voor een 100% toe- of afname. "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Kleur van transparantie"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Transparantie-indicator"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Afbeelding zonder bevestiging in prullenbak gooien"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Aangepaste achtergrondkleur gebruiken"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Geeft aan of de bestandskiezer de afbeeldingenmap van de gebruiker dient te "
+"tonen als geen afbeeldingen geladen zijn."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+"Geeft aan of het paneel met de afbeeldingsverzameling van grootte kan "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Geeft aan of de afbeelding geëxtrapoleerd moet worden bij inzoomen. Dit "
+"zorgt voor een wazige beeldkwaliteit en is wat langzamer."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Geeft aan of de afbeelding geïnterpoleerd moet worden bij uitzoomen. Dit "
+"zorgt voor een betere beeldkwaliteit maar is wat langzamer."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Geeft aan of de afbeelding automatisch geroteerd dient te worden op basis "
+"van EXIF-oriëntatie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Geeft aan of de metadatalijst in het eigenschappenvenster op een eigen "
+"pagina staat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Geeft aan of het schuifwiel gebruikt kan worden voor zoomen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Geeft aan of de reeks van afbeeldingen steeds herhaald moet worden."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoomfactor"
+# openen in volledig scherm?
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "In volledig scherm"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Sluiten _zonder opslaan"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Vraag"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Als u niet opslaat, gaan uw wijzigingen verloren."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Wijzigingen aan afbeelding ‘%s’ opslaan alvorens te sluiten?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Er is %d afbeelding met niet opgeslagen wijzigingen. Wijzigingen opslaan "
+"alvorens te sluiten?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Er zijn %d afbeeldingen met niet opgeslagen wijzigingen. Wijzigingen opslaan "
+"alvorens te sluiten?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_electeer de afbeeldingen die u wilt opslaan:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Als u niet opslaat, gaan alle wijzingen verloren."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Bestandsformaat is onbekend of wordt niet ondersteund"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of Mate kon geen geschikt bestandsformaat bepalen om te schrijven, "
+"gebaseerd op de bestandsnaam."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Probeer een andere bestandsextensie zoals .png of .jpg ."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alle bestanden"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Alle afbeeldingen"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "beeldpunt"
+msgstr[1] "beeldpunten"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding openen"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding opslaan"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Map openen"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformatie bij ongeladen afbeelding."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformatie mislukt."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF wordt niet ondersteund voor dit bestandsformaat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Laden van afbeelding mislukt."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Geen afbeelding geladen."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Het aanmaken van een tijdelijk bestand mislukte."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Kon tijdelijk bestand voor opslaan van %s niet aanmaken."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Allocatie van geheugen voor JPEG-bestand is mislukt"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Camera"
+# gegevens
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingsdata"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Opnamecondities"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Maker opmerking"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Overig"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP, Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP, IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP, Rechtenbeheer"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP, Overig"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Markering"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Waarde"
+# a=verkorte weekdag, d=dag vd maand, B=maand, Y=4tallig jaar X=tijd volgens locale
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Opnieuw p_roberen"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Kan afbeelding ‘%s’ niet openen"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Geen afbeeldingen gevonden in ‘%s’."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "De opgegeven locaties bevatten geen afbeeldigen."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingsinstellingen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "De afbeelding waarvan de afdrukeigenschappen worden ingesteld"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Afdrukinstellingen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informatie over de pagina waarop de afbeelding wordt afgedrukt"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Positie"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Links:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Rechts:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Boven:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Onder:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Midden:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Geen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontaal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Verticaal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Beide"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Afmetingen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Breedte:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Hoogte"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Schaal:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Eenheden:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Duim"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Voorbeeld"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Onbekend"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm-film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "zoals het is"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Genomen op"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Tenminste twee bestandsnamen zijn identiek."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Kon de hulp voor Eye of Mate niet weergeven"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ongeldige Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+# opnieuw laden/herladen
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Herladen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Ver_bergen"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"De afbeelding ‘%s’ is door een andere toepassing aangepast.\n"
+"Wilt u de afbeelding herladen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "‘%s’ gebruiken om de geselecteerde afbeelding te openen"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Afbeelding ‘%s’ opslaan… (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Afbeelding ‘%s’ openen…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fout bij afdrukken van het bestand:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Werkbalk-editor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Terugzetten naar standaardinstellingen%s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Wouter Bolsterlee\n"
+"Tino Meinen\n"
+"Michiel Sikkes\n"
+"Vincent van Adrighem\n"
+"Dennis Smit\n"
+"Reinout van Schouwen\n"
+"Kijk voor meer informatie op"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Eye of Mate afbeeldingsweergave"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "Achtergrondvoorkeuren _openen"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"De afbeelding ‘%s’ is als bureaubladachtergrond ingesteld.\n"
+"Wilt u de weergaveopties wijzigen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Afbeelding lokaal opslaan…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Weet u zeker dat u ‘%s’ naar\n"
+"de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Er kon geen prullenbak voor ‘%s’ gevonden worden. Weet u zeker dat u deze "
+"afbeelding voorgoed wilt verwijderen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde\n"
+"afbeelding naar de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Weet u zeker dat u de %d geselecteerde\n"
+"afbeeldingen naar de prullenbak wilt verplaatsen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Enkele geselecteerde afbeeldingen kunnen niet in de prullenbak gegooid "
+"worden en zullen voorgoed verwijderd worden. Weet u zeker dat u wilt "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "In _prullenbak gooien"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Niet nogmaals vragen tijdens deze sessie"
+# benaderen/toegang krijgen/bereiken
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Kan de prullenbak niet bereiken."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Kon bestand niet verwijderen."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Fout bij het verwijderen van afbeelding %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Afbeelding"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "Be_werken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "Beel_d"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Ga naar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "E_xtra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hulp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Openen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Bestand openen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Sl_uiten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Venster sluiten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Werkbalk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "De werkbalk bewerken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Voorkeuren"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Voorkeuren voor Eye of Mate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "In_houd"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hulp voor dit programma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "I_nfo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Info over deze toepassing"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Werkbalk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Toont of verbergt de werkbalk van het huidige venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusbalk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Toont of verbergt de statusbalk van het huidige venster"
+# verzameling afbeelingen
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Afbeeldingsverzameling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Toont of verbergt de afbeeldingsverzameling in het huidige venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Zijbalk"
+# informatiebalk/zijbalk
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Toont of verbergt de zijbalk in het huidige venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Op_slaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Wijzigingen in de geselecteerde afbeeldingen opslaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Openen _met"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "De geselecteerde afbeelding openen met en andere toepassing"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Opslaan _als…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "De geselecteerde afbeeldingen opslaan onder een andere naam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Af_drukken…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "De geselecteerde afbeelding afdrukken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Eigenschappen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "De eigenschappen en metadata van de geselecteerde afbeelding tonen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Ongedaan maken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "De laatste wijziging in de afbeelding ongedaan maken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Horizontaal spiegelen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "De afbeelding horizontaal spiegelen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Verticaal spiegelen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "De afbeelding verticaal spiegelen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Met de klok mee draaien"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "De afbeelding 90 graden rechtsom draaien"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "_Tegen de klok in draaien"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "De afbeelding 90 graden linksom draaien"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Als _achtergrond instellen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr ""
+"De geselecteerde afbeelding als achtergrond van het bureaublad instellen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "De geselecteerde afbeelding naar de prullenbak verplaatsen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Inzoomen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding vergroten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Uitzoomen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding verkleinen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normale afmetingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Afbeelding weergeven op de normale grootte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Passend"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingsgrootte aanpassen aan het venster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Scherm_vullend"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Huidige afbeelding weergeven in volledig scherm-modus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diavoorstelling pauzeren"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "De diavoorstelling pauzeren of hervatten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Vo_rige afbeelding"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Naar de vorige afbeelding in de verzameling gaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "V_olgende afbeelding"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Naar de volgende afbeelding in de verzameling gaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Eerste afbeelding"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Naar de eerste afbeelding in de verzameling gaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Laatste afbeelding"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Naar de laatste afbeelding in de verzameling gaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Willekeurige afbeelding"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Naar een willekeurige afbeelding in de verzameling gaan"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diavoorstelling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Diavoorstelling van de afbeeldingen starten"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Vorige"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Volgende"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Rechts"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Links"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "In"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Uit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normaal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Passend maken"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Verzameling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "In prullenbak gooien"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Ingeschakeld"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigureren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Activeren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Alles acti_veren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Alles _deactiveren"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Actieve _plugins:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin-I_nfo"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin c_onfigureren"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate afbeeldingsweergave"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Openen in volledig scherm"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Afbeeldingsverzameling uitschakelen"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Openen als diapresentatie"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Een nieuwe instantie opstarten in plaats van de bestaande hergebruiken"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "De versie van de toepassing tonen"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[BESTAND…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Voer ‘%s --help’ uit om een volledige lisjt van alle opdrachtregelopties te "
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Afbeelding laden"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Bestand"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "De paginainstellingen voor afdrukken aanpassen"
diff --git a/po/nn.po b/po/nn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372508f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1233 @@
+# translation of nn.po to Norwegian Nynorsk
+# Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Roy-Magne Mo <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>, 2003-2008.
+# Norwegian (Nynorsk) translation of eom
+# Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, 2002
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nn\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-01 15:22+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-01 15:21+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Vis «_%s»"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Flytt på verktøylinja"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Flytt det valde elementet på verktøylinja"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1403
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Fjern frå verktøylinja"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1404
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Fjern det valde elementet frå verktøylinja"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1405
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Slett verktøylinja"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1406
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Fjern den valde verktøylinja"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:493
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Delelinje"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Køyrer i fullskjermmodus"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Bla gjennom og roter bilete"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Biletevisar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Blendaropning:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Forfattar:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kameramodell:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opphavsrett:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dato/klokkeslett:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Skildring:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Detaljar</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Eksponeringstid:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Blitz:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fokallengde:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Høgd:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO-nummer:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nøkkelord:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Stad:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Målemetode:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Namn:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Type:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Breidd:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Allment"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Bileteeigenskapar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Neste"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Førre"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Filnamn</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Filstispesifikasjon</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Val</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> opprinneleg filnamn</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> teljar</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Vel ei mappe"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Målmappe:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Filnamnformat:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Byt namn frå:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Byt ut mellomrom med understrek"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Lagra som"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Start teljar på:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Til:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bileteforbetringar</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zooming av bilete</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bileteframsyning</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gjennomskinlege delar</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Som _bakgrunn"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Som _rutemønster"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Som sjølvvald f_arge:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Farge på gjennomsiktige område"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Utvid bilete til å passa på skjermen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE-brukarval"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Bileteframsyning"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Tilleggsmodular"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Lysbileteframsyning"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Jamn ut bilete ved _zooming"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatisk orientering"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Vis bilete i _løkke"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Byt bilete etter:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekund"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Ein verdi større enn 0 er kor mange sekund eit bilete held seg på skjermen "
+"før det neste vert vist automatisk. Null slår av automatisk bytte av bilete."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktive tillegg"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Tillat at biletet er forstørra fyrste gong det vert vist"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatisk orientering"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Pause i sekund før neste bilete vert vist"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Avgjer korleis det skal visast at ein del av eit bilete er gjennomskinleg. "
+"Gyldige verdiar er <i>CHECK_PATTERN</i>, <i>COLOR</i> og </i>NONE</i>. "
+"Dersom <i>COLOR</i> er valt, vil nøkkelen <b>trans_color</b> avgjera kva for "
+"farge som vert brukt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Dersom nøkkelen <b>transparency</b> har verdien <i>COLOR</i>, vil denne "
+"nøkkelen styra kva for ein farge som vert brukt til å markera "
+"gjennomskinlege delar av eit bilete."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Dersom denne er stilt til usann, vert ikkje små bilete strekte slik at dei "
+"passar i vindauget når dei vert lasta inn."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Plassering av biletesamlingsstolpen. 0 for nedst, 1 for venstre, 2 for øvst, "
+"3 for høgre."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoler bilete"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Liste over aktive tillegg. Inneheld ikkje «plasseringa» til dei aktive "
+"tillegga. Sjå fila .eom-plugin for å finna «plasseringa» til eit tillegg."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Vis bileta i ei løkke i staden for å stoppa når siste bilete er vist"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Rullehjulzooming"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Vis/gøym rulleknappane i biletsamlingstolpen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Vis/gøym informasjon om samling."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Vis/gøym sidestolpen i vindauget."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Vis/gøym statuslinja til vindauget."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Vis/gøym verktøylinja til vindauget."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Zoomfaktor når mushjulet vert brukt til å zooma. Denne verdien definerer "
+"zoomsteget for kvar rullehending. Til dømes vil 0.05 svara til 5 % zoomsteg "
+"for kvar rullehending, og 1.00 svarar til 100 % zoomsteg."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Farge som markerer klårleik"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indikator på gjennomskin"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Om følgja av bilete skal visast i ei uendeleg løkke eller ikkje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Om det skal vera mogleg å endra storleiken på biletsamlingsstolpen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Om biletet skal interpolerast når det vert forstørra eller forminska. Dette "
+"gjer at biletet ser betre ut, men det går litt tregare å visa enn eit bilete "
+"som ikkje er interpolert."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Om biletet skal roterast automatisk ut frå EXIF-orientering."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Om rullehjulet skal brukast til å zooma med."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoom-faktor"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:121
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Filformatet er ukjend eller ikkje støtta"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:126
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE klarte ikkje å finna eit støtta filformat å skriva til ut frå "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Prøv ei anna filending, slik som .png eller .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:159
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alle filene"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:164
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Alle bileta"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:185
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:281 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:439
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:699
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "pikslar"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:423
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Last inn bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:431
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Lagra bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:439
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Opna mappe"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:527
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformasjon på ikkje lasta bilete."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:555
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformasjonen feila."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1075
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF er ikkje støtta i dette filformatet."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1192
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Lasting av bilete feila."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1462 ../src/eom-image.c:1691
+#, c-format
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Fila finst"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1625 ../src/eom-image.c:1761
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ingen bilete lasta."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1634 ../src/eom-image.c:1773
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Klarte ikkje laga mellombels fil."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:357
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Klarte ikkje laga mellombels fil til lagring: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:376
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Kan ikkje setja av minne til å lasta JPEG-bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Biletedata"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Tilhøva biletet vart teke under"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Skaparmerknad"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Anna"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP rettshandsaming"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP anna"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Merke"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Verdi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:74
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Ukjend"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "P_røv igjen"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Klarte ikkje å opna biletet «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:160
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Fann ingen bilete i «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:165
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Dei oppgjevne adressene har ingen bilete."
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:833
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Biletet å stilla inn utskriftseigenskapar på"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sideoppsett"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informasjon om arket der biletet vert skrive ut"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:869
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posisjon"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:874
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Venstre:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "Høg_re:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Topp:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Botn:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:879
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "S_entrert:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ingen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vassrett"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:888
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Loddrett"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:890
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Begge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:906
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Storleik"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:911
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Breidd:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Høgd:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:916
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skalering:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:929
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "Ei_ning:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:934
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Tommar"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:966
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Førehandsvis"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "som det er"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:455
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Teke"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1015
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Minst to filnamn er like."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Kan ikkje visa hjelp for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ugyldig Unicode)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1094
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Opna «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1095
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Bruk «%s» til å opna det valde biletet"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1210
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Lagrar biletet «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1549
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Lastar biletet «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2361
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Bileteinnstillingar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2375
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr "Feil under utskrift av biletet:%s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2503
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Verktøylinjeredigering"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2506
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Gå tilbake til standard"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2592
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Åsmund Skjæveland <[email protected]>\n"
+"Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes <[email protected]>\n"
+"Kjartan Maraas <[email protected]>\n"
+"Send feilmeldingar og kommentarar til <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2595
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dette programmet er fri programvare. Du kan, om du ynskjer, spreia det "
+"vidare det og/eller endra det, under vilkåra sett fram i GNU General Public "
+"License, gjeve ut av Free Software Foundation, anten versjon 2 av lisensen, "
+"eller (om du ynskjer) ei seinare utgåve av lisensen.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2599
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Programmet vert gjeve ut i von om at programmet vil vera nyttig, men UTAN "
+"NOKON FORM FOR GARANTI, ikkje eingong nokon implisitt garanti om at "
+"programmet er EIGNA FOR SAL eller er EIGNA FOR NOKO BESTEMT FØREMÅL. Sjå den "
+"fulle teksten i GNU General Public License for fleire detaljar.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2603
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Du skal ha fått med ein kopi av GNU General Public License i lag med dette "
+"programmet. Dersom ikkje, kan du få ein kopi av Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 300, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2616 ../src/main.c:186
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2619
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Bileteframvisar for MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2992
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "Vil du flytta «%s» til papirkorga?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Er du sikker på at du vil flytta\n"
+"det valde biletet til papirkorga?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Er du sikker på at du vil flytta\n"
+"%d bilete til papirkorga?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3010
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Flytt til papirkorga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3056
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Klarte ikkje aksessera papirkorga."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Feil under sletting av biletet «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Rediger"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Vis"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "B_ilete"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Gå"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Verktøy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjelp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Opna ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Opna ei fil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3358
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Lukk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Lukk vindauge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3361
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Verktøylinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Rediger verktøylinja til programmet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Oppsett"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3365
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Brukarval for Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Innhald"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3368
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hjelp om dette programmet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3370 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Om"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3371
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Om dette programmet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Verktøylinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3377
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Styrer om verktøylinja er synleg i det aktive vindauget"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3379
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statuslinje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3380
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Styrer om statuslinja er synleg i det aktive vindauget"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3382
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "B_iletesamling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3383
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Styrer om biletsamling-feltet er synleg i det aktive vindauget"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Sidest_olpe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Styrer om sidestolpen er synleg i det aktive vindauget"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Lagra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3392
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Lagra endringar i dei valde bileta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3394
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Opna _med"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3395
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Opna det valde biletet med eit anna program"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3397
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "L_agra som ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3398
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Lagra det valde biletet med eit anna namn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3400
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "Side_oppsett ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3401
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Juster sideeigenskapane for utskrift"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Skriv ut ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Skriv ut det valde biletet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Eigensk_apar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3407
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Vis eigenskapar og metadata for det valde biletet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Angra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Angra den siste endringa i biletet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vend _vassrett"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Spegelvend biletet vassrett"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Vend _loddrett"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Spegelvend biletet loddrett"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Roter med _klokka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3419
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Roter biletet 90 grader medurs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Roter _mot klokka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3422
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Roter biletet 90 grader moturs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Bruk som _bakgrunn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "Bruk det valde biletet som bakgrunnsbilete"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3427 ../src/eom-window.c:3451
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Flytt til _papirkorga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3428
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Flytt det valde biletet til papirkorga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3430 ../src/eom-window.c:3442 ../src/eom-window.c:3445
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "For_størr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3431 ../src/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Forstørr biletet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3433 ../src/eom-window.c:3448
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "For_minsk"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3434 ../src/eom-window.c:3446 ../src/eom-window.c:3449
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Krymp biletet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "V_anleg storleik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3437
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Vis biletet i vanleg storleik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3439
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Tilpass til _vindauget"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3440
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Tilpass biletet til vindauget"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3457
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Fullskjerm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Vis biletet i fullskjerm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463 ../src/eom-window.c:3475
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Førre bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3464
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det førre biletet i samlinga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Neste bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det neste biletet i samlinga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469 ../src/eom-window.c:3478
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "F_yrste bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3470
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det fyrste biletet i samlinga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3472 ../src/eom-window.c:3481
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Siste bilete"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3473
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå til det siste biletet i samlinga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Lysbileteframsyning"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3488
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Start ei lysbileteframsyning av bileta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3554
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Førre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Neste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3562
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Høgre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3565
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Venstre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3568
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Inn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3571
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Ut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3574
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Vanleg"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3577
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Tilpass"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3580
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Samling"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Programtillegg"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "På"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Still inn"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "Sl_å på"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Slå _på alle"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Slå av alle"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktive _tillegg:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Om tillegget"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Still inn tillegget"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Opna i fullskjerm"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Slå av biletesamling"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Opna som lysbileteframvising"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FIL ...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:217
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE biletevisar"
diff --git a/po/nso.po b/po/nso.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e513e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nso.po
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+# Northern Sotho translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Zuza Software Foundation (
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>, 2004
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-11-29 23:32+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-11-27 17:02+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Northern Sotho <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Selebeledi sa Seswantšho"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Lebelela mehuta e mentši e fapa-fapanego ya diswantšho"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ponelopele ya Leina la Faele</b>"
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ditaetšo tša Tsejana ya Faele</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Go Lokišwa ga Seswantšho</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Go Godiša Seswanšho</b>"
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dikgetho</b>"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tatelano</b>"
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dikarolo tše di Bonatšago</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Dumelela _go godiša mo go fetago 100% mathomong"
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "E le _karolo ya ka morago"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "E le mokgwa wa go _lekola"
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "E le mmala wa t_lwaelo"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Mmala Bakeng sa Mafelo a bonatšago"
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Sephuthedi sa mo yo Iwago:"
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Leihlo la tše di Ratwago tša MATE"
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Sebopego sa Leina la Faele:"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "Go Lebelela_Seswantšho"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Thea ka Leswa go Tloga go:"
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Tšeela sekgoba legato ka dintlha tša tlase"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Boloka Bjalo ka"
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Go Boloka Seswantšho"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Bontšha_seswantšho se se latelago ka mo go itiragalelago ka morago ga:"
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Go Bon_tšha Diswantšho ka go Latelana"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Thoma go bala go:"
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Go Fihla go:"
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Fetleka"
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "_Lokiša seswantšho nakong ya go godiša"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Kgaotša tsela ya tatelano"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "metsotswana"
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Tekanyo e fetago 0 e bontšha metsotswana yeo seswantšho se dulago ka yona "
+"sekirining go fihlela se se latelago se tšwelela ka go itiragalela. Lefeela "
+"le palediša fetleka mo go itiragalelago."
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Dumelela go godiša mo go fetago 100% mathomong"
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+"Diegiša ka metsotswana go fihlela go bontšhwa seswantšho se se latelago"
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Lemoga kamoo go bonagatša go swanetšego go bonagatšwa ka gona. Dilo tše di "
+"lego gona ke CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR le NONE. Ge e ba go kgethilwe COLOR, gona "
+"senotlelo sa trans_color se lemoga boleng bja mmala o dirišitšwego."
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ge e ba senotlelo se bonagatšago se na le boleng bja COLOR, gona senotlelo "
+"se se lemoga mmala o dirišeditšwego go bontšha go se bonagale."
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ge eba go beakantšwe go FALSE, diswantšho tše dinyenyane di ka se ke tša "
+"otlollwa gore di tlale sekirini mathomong."
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Lokiša Seswantšho"
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Lekola tatelano yeo seswantšho se lego ka yona"
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Bula diswantšho go lefesetere le leswa"
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Bontšha/Uta bara ya boemo ya lefesetere."
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Bontšha/uta bara ya didirišwa ya lefesetere."
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Go se bonagale ga mmala"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Selaetši se se sa bonagalego"
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Ge eba go bula seswantšho go swanetše go hlama lefesetere le leswa go e na "
+"le go bea se sengwe legatong la seswantšho sa lefesetere ya gona bjale."
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Ge eba tatelano ya diswantšho e swanetše go bonagatšwa phetlekong e sa "
+"felego goba aowa."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Ge eba seswantšho se swanetše go dirwa gore se gole goba aowa. Se se lebiša "
+"boemong bjo bokaone eupša bjo bo nanyago go e na le diswantšho tše di sa "
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Difaele ka Moka"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Diswantšho ka Moka"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s dikarolwana tše bopago seswantšho"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Laiša Seswantšho"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Boloka Seswantšho"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Bula Sephuthedi"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ga se ya kgona go hlama faele ya nakwana bakeng sa go boloka: %s"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ga se ya kgona go aba kgopolo bakeng sa go laiša faele ya JPEG"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "ntšha tšohle ka faeleng"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Faele e gona"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ga go na seswantšho se laišitšwego."
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Go hlama faele ya nakwana go padile."
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Khamera"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Tsebišo ya Seswantšho"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Maemo a go Tšea Seswantšho"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Tsebišo ya Modiri"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Tše Dingwe"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Leswao"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Boleng"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Leina la Faele"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Bophara"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Bophagamo"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Bogolo bja Faele"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Pharologanyo"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Faele"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Ga go na kgetho."
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"O swanetše go ba le bokgobapuku bja libexif e le gore o diriše selo se. Hle "
+"tsenya libexif ( gomme o kgoboketše Leihlo la MATE."
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "e le bjalo"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Go boloka seswantšho sa %s."
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Khansela go boloka ..."
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr "Maina a difaele ga se a arogana."
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Sebadi"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Tlhaloso"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Letšatši-kgwedi"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Nako"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Letšatši"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Kgwedi"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Ngwaga"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Iri"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Motsotso"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Motsotswana"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+" <[email protected]>\n"
+"Pheledi Mathibela <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2208 shell/eom-window.c:2543
+#: shell/main.c:520
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Leihlo la MATE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Go lebelela seswantšho ga MATE le lenaneo la puku ya diswantšho."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"E ka se kgone go bontšha thušo ya Leihlo la MATE.\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:647
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Ngwala godimo ga faele ya %s?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:648
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Faele e gona. Na o nyaka go ngwala godimo ga yona?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:657 shell/eom-window.c:670
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Tshela"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:658
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Ngwala godimo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:663
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Phošo ya go boloka %s."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:671 shell/eom-window.c:1055
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Leka gape"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1044
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "E ka se kgone go lemoga sebopego sa faele ya %s"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1045
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"Hle diriša moselana o swanetšego wa leina la faele goba o kgethe sebopego sa "
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1187
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Phošo ya go boloka diswantšho."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1420
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Na ruri o nyaka go šuthišetša seswantšho sa %i ditlakaleng?"
+msgstr[1] "Na ruri o nyaka go šuthišetša diswantšho tša %i ditlakaleng?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1458
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "E ka se kgone go tsena ditlakaleng."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1532
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Phošo ya go phumola seswantšho sa %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2137
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i dikarolwana tše bopago seswantšho %s %i%%"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2274
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Faele"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2275
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Lokiša"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2276
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Lebelela"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2277
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Thušo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2278
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Mpsha"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2278
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Bula lefesetere le leswa"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2279
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Bula..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2279
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Bula faele"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2280
+msgid "Open _Folder..."
+msgstr "Bula _Sephuthedi..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2280
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open a folder"
+msgstr "Bula Sephuthedi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2281
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Tswalela"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2281
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Tswalela lefesetere"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2282
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Tše ratw_ago"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2282
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Tše ratwago bakeng sa Leihlo la MATE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2283
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Dikagare"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2283
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Thušo tirišong ye"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2284
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Ka ga"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2284
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Ka ga tirišo ye"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2289
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Bara ya sedirišwa"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2289
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2290
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Bara ya boemo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2290
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2295
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Boloka"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2296
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Boloka _Bjalo ka"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2298
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Dirolla"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2300
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Go šutha ka lebelo mo _go Rapamego"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2301
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Go šutha ka lebelo mo _go Tsepamego"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2303
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Dikološa go ya ka go lagoja"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2304
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Dikološa Sebadi go ya ka go L_agoja"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2305
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "Dikološ_a go 180°"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2307
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Phumola"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2309
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Sekirini se Tletšego"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2310
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Nyenyefatša Seswantšho"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2311
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Godiša _Seswantšho"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2312
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Bogolo bjo Tlwaelegilego"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2313
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "E Lekana _Gabotse Kudu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2318
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "<b>Go Lokišwa ga Seswantšho</b>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2318
+msgid "Change the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2374
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:67
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:258
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"O kgaufsi le go bula mafesetere a %i sammaletee. Na o nyaka go a bula ka "
+#: shell/main.c:262
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Bula mafesetere a mantši ka e tee ka e tee?"
+#: shell/main.c:266
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Mafesetere a Tee ka Tee"
+#: shell/main.c:268
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kgoboketšo"
+#: shell/main.c:320
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Faele ga se ya hwetšwa."
+msgstr[1] "Difaele ga se tša hwetšwa."
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "E ka se bule `%s'"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Bula _Tšhupetšo..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Bula tšhupetšo"
diff --git a/po/oc.po b/po/oc.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a570aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/oc.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1517 @@
+# Translation of oc.po to Occitan
+# Occitan translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) <[email protected]>, 2007-2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: oc\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 13:23+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-14 13:51+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Occitan <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Visualizar “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Desplaçar sus la barra d'espleches"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Desplaçar l'element seleccionat sus la barra d'espleches"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Suprimir de la barra d'espleches"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Suprimir l'element seleccionat de la barra d'espleches"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Suprimir la barra d'espleches"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Suprimir la barra d'espleches seleccionada"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separador"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Execucion en mòde ecran complet"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activar lo mòde ecran complet amb un doble clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Ecran complet amb un doble clic"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Tornar cargar l'imatge"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Tornar cargar l'imatge actuala"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data dins la barra d'estat"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Visualiza la data de l'imatge dins la barra d'estat de la fenèstra"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Examinar e pivotar los imatges"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizaira d'imatges"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor de dobertura :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Octets :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modèl d'aparelh de fotografiar :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Dreches d'autor :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data e ora :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripcion :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalhs"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Durada d'exposicion :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distància focala :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "General"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "_Nautor :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Sensibilitat ISO :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propietats de l'imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Mots claus :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Emplaçament :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadonadas"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mòde de mesura :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Mena :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Largor :"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Seguent"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Precedent"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f :</b> nom de fichièr original"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n :</b> comptador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Causissètz un repertòri"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Repertòri de destinacion :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Apercebut del nom de fichièr"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificacions del camin"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format del nom de fichièr :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcions"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Renommar a partir de :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Remplaçar los espacis per de soslinhats"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Enregistrar coma"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Comptar a partir de :"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Destinatari :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Coma _fons"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Coma un _damièr"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Coma c_olor personalizada :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Color de las zònas transparentas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Es_pandir los imatges que emplenar l'ecran"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferéncias de Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Melhoraments de l'imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Visualizacion Imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom de l'imatge"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Ajustons"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sequéncia"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diaporamà"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Lisar l'imatge al moment del zoom a_vant"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Lisar l'imatge al moment del zoom a_rrièr"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Partidas transparentas"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientacion _automatica"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Sequéncia en boc_la"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Cambiar d'imatge aprèp :"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segondas"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Una valor pus bèla que 0 determina la durada de visualizacion d'un imatge a "
+"l'ecran, en segonda, abans de passar automaticament a l'imatge seguent. Zerò "
+"desactiva la navigacion automatica."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Ajustons actius"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Autorizar un zoom inicial pus bèl que 100 %"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientacion automatica"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Espèra, en segondas, abans de visualizar l'imatge seguent"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina cossí se deu indicar la transparéncia. Las valors validas son "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR e NONE. Se causissètz COLOR, serà la clau trans_color "
+"que determinarà la valor de la color utilizada."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolar l'imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Se activat, Eye of MATE demanda pas de confirmacion quand los imatges son "
+"meses a la banasta. Demanda totjorn se un fichièr pòt èsser mes a la banasta "
+"e deuriá doncas èsser suprimit dirèctament."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se activat e qu'i a pas d'imatge cargat dins la fenèstra principala, lo "
+"selector de fichièrs aficha lo dorsièr dels imatges de l'utilizaire en "
+"utilizant los repertòris d'utilizaires especials segon la nòrma XDG. Se "
+"desactivat o se lo repertòri dels imatges es pas configurat, aficha lo "
+"repertòri de trabalh actual."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Se activat, la lista detalhada de las metadonadas dins la bóstia de dialòg "
+"de las proprietats es desplaçada dins un onglet separat de la bóstia de "
+"dialòg. Aquò deu far la bóstia de dialòg mai legibla suls ecrans pichons, "
+"per exemple los netbooks. Se desactivat, la lista detalhada es integrada a "
+"l'onglet Metadonadas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Se la clau de transparéncia a la valor COLOR, es la clau que determinà la "
+"color que serà utilizada per indicar la transparéncia."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Se aquò es definit a FALS, los imatges pichons seràn pas estirats per "
+"qu'emplenen l'ecran a la debuta."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posicion del panèl de colleccion d'imatge. Definissètz 0 per enbàs, 1 per "
+"esquèrre, 2 per drecha."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolar l'imatge"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Tièra dels apondons actius. Conten pas l'emplaçament dels apondons actius. "
+"Legissètz lo fichièr .eom-plugin per obténer l'emplaçament d'un apondon."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Repetir la sequéncia d'imatges"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom amb la moleta de la mirga"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Visualizar/amagar los botons de desfilament del panèl de la colleccion "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Visualizar/amagar lo panèl de la colleccion d'images."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Visualizar/amagar lo panèl lateral de la fenèstra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Visualizar/amagar la barra d'estat de la fenèstra."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Visualizar/amagar la barra d'espleches de la fenèstra."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo multiplicador d'aplicar quand utilizatz la moleta de la mirga per far un "
+"zoom. Aquesta valor definís l'encrena utilizat per cada eveniment de "
+"desfilament. Per exemple, 0,05 permet d'augmentar lo zoom de 5 % del zoom "
+"per cada eveniment de desfilament e 1,00 permet d'augmentar de 100 % lo zoom."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Color de transparéncia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de transparéncia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Metre los imatges a la banasta sens confirmacion"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se lo selector de fichièrs deu afichar lo dorsièr dels imatges de "
+"l'utilizaire se cap d'imatge es pas cargat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se lo panèl de la colleccion d'imatges se deu poder redimensionar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se se deu interpolar l'imatge pendent un zoom. Balha una qualitat "
+"d'imatge melhora mas es mai lent que los imatges pas interpolats."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se se deu interpolar l'imatge pendent un zoom. Balha una qualitat "
+"d'imatge melhora mas es mai lent que los imatges pas interpolats."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se l'imatge se deu pivotar automaticament en se basant sus las "
+"entresenhas d'orientacion EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica se la lista de las metadonadas dins la bóstia de dialòg de las "
+"proprietats deu figurar dins un onglet separat."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Indica se se deu utilizar la rodeta de la mirga per zoomar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Indique se una sequéncia d'imatge se deu visualizar en bocla."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicador de zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Tampar _sens enregistrar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Question"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "S'enregistratz pas, vòstras modificacions seràn perdudas."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+"Volètz enregistrar las modificacions aportadas a l'imatge « %s » abans de "
+"tampar ?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"I a %d imatge amb de modificacions pas enregistradas. Volètz enregistrar las "
+"modificacions abans de tampar ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"I a %d imatges amb de modificacions pas enregistradas. Volètz enregistrar las "
+"modificacions abans de tampar ?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "Sel_eccionatz los imatges que volètz enregistrar :"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "S'enregistratz pas, totas vòstras modificacions seràn perdudas."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Lo format de fichièr es desconegut o pas gerit."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE a pas poscut determinar un format de fichièr que gerís "
+"l'escritura segon lo nom de fichièr."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Ensajatz una autra extension de fichièr coma .png o .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Totes los fichièrs"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Totes los imatges"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Cargar un imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Enregistrar l'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Dobrir un repertòri"
+# C'est un message d'erreur. SR
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformacion impossibla se l'imatge es pas cargat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformacion impossibla."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF es pas gerit dins aqueste format de fichièr."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Impossible de cargar l'imatge."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Pas cap d'imatge cargat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Impossible de crear un fichièr temporari."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de crear un fichièr temporari per enregistrar : %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Impossible d'atribuir de memòria per cargar lo fichièr JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Aparelh de fotografiar"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Donadas de l'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condicions de la presa d'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nòta del fabricant"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Autre"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP gestion dels dreches"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP autre"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "i a"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a %e %B %Y, %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a %e %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Tornar ensajar"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Impossible de cargar l'imatge '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Pas cap d'imatge trobat dins '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Los emplaçaments indicats contenon pas d'imatge."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres de l'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "L'imatge que las proprietats d'estampatge seràn configuradas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configuracion de la pagina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Las entresenhas de la pagina ont s'estamparà l'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posicion"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Esquèrra :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Drecha :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Naut :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Bas :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Centre"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Pas cap"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Orizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Los dos"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Talha"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Largor :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Nautor :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Mesa a l'escala :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unitat :"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimètres"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Poces"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Ulhada"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Desconegut"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (objectiu)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (filme 35 mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "coma"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Pres lo"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Al mens dos noms de fichièrs son identics."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Impossible de visualizar l'ajuda d'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode invalid)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixèl %s %i %%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixèls %s %i %%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Utilizaire \"%s\" per dobrir l'imatge seleccionat"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Enregistrament de l'imatge \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Carga de l'imatge \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Error al moment d'estampar lo fichièr :\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "_Barra d'espleches"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Reinicializar a las valors per defaut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Aqueste programa es un logicial liure ; lo podètz tornar distribuir e/o lo "
+"modificar segon los tèrmes de la licéncia publica generala GNU, coma es "
+"publicada per la Free Software Foundation ; version 2 de la licéncia, o (se "
+"volètz) tota version seguenta.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Aqueste programa es distribuit en esperant que vos serà util mas SENS CAP DE "
+"GARANTIA ; sens tanpauc la garantia implicita de VALOR MERCANDA o "
+"D'ADEQÜACION A UN BESONH PARTICULIER. Consultatz la licéncia publica "
+"generala GNU per mai d'entresenhas.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Debètz aver recebuda una còpia de la licéncia generala publica GNU amb "
+"aqueste programa ; s'es pas lo cas, escribètz a la Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "La visualizaira d'imatges de MATE."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"L'imatge « %s » es estat definit coma rèire plan del burèu.\n"
+"Volètz modificar lo biais de l'afichar ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Enregistrament de l'imatge en local…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sètz segur que volètz desplaçar\n"
+"\"%s\" dins la banasta ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de trobar una banasta per « %s ». Volètz suprimir definitivament "
+"aquestte imatge ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Sètz segur que volètz desplaçar l'imatge\n"
+"seleccionat dins la banasta ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Sètz segur que volètz desplaçar los\n"
+"%d imatges seleccionats dins la banasta ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"D'unes d'aqueles imatges seleccionats pòdon pas èsser meses a la banasta e "
+"van èsser suprimits definitivament. Sètz segur que volètz contunhar ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Desplaçar dins la _banasta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Demandar pas pus pendent aquesta sesilha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Impossible d'accedir a la banasta."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Impossible de suprimir lo fichièr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Error al moment de suprimir l'imatge %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fichièr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edicion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Visualizacion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Anar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Espleches"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Dobrir..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Dobrir un fichièr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Tampar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Tampar la fenèstra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "B_arra d'espleches"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Modificar la barra d'espleches de l'aplicacion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Preferé_ncias"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferéncias d'Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Ensenhador"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ajuda sus aquesta aplicacion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_A prepaus"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "A prepaus del logicial"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Barra d'espleches"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Modifica la visibilitat de la barra d'espleches dins la fenèstra actuala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra d'e_stat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Modifica la visibilitat de la barra d'estat dins la fenèstra actuala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Colleccion d'_imatges"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Modifica la visibilitat del panèl de colleccion d'imatges dins la fenèstra "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panèl lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Modifica la visibilitat del panèl lateral dins la fenèstra actuala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Enregistrar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr ""
+"Enregistrar las modificacions dins los imatges actualament seleccionats"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Dobrir _amb"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Dobrir l'imatge seleccionat amb una autra aplicacion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Enregistrar _coma..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Enregistrar los imatges seleccionats jos un autre nom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Configurar las proprietats de la pagina per l'estampatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Estampar..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Estampar l'imatge seleccionat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Prop_rietats"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Visualizar las proprietats e las metadonadas de l'imatge seleccionat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Anullar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Anullar la darrièra modificacion de l'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Miralh _orizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Pivòta l'imatge a l'entorn d'un axe vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Miralh _vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Pivòta l'imatge a l'entorn d'un axe orizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Pivotar dins lo sens de las agulhas d'un relòtge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Pivotar l'imatge de 90 grases a drecha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Pivotar dins lo sens _invèrs de las agulhas d'un relòtge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Pivotar l'imatge de 90 grases a esquèrra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Definir coma rèire plan del _burèu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Definir l'imatge seleccionat coma fons de burèu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Desplaçar l'imatge seleccionat dins lo repertòri de la banasta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zoom +"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Agrandir l'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoo_m +"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Redusir l'imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Talha _normala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Visualizar l'imatge a sa talha normala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Talha _ideala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Adaptar l'imatge a la fenèstra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Ecran _complet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Visualizar l'imatge actuala"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _precedent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Anar a l'imatge precedent de la colleccion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _seguent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Anar a l'imatge seguent de la colleccion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Primièr imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Anar al primièr imatge de la colleccion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Darrièr imatge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Anar al darrièr imatge de la colleccion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imatge _aleatòri"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Anar a l'imatge seguent de la colleccion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diaporamà"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Aviar un diaporamà dels imatges"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Precedent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Seguent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Drecha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquèrra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Dabans"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Darrièr"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Filtre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Colleccion"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Banasta"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Ajuston"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activat"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Configurar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "_Tot activar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desactivar tot"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "A_pondons actius :"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_A prepaus de Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar l'ajuston"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Dobrir en mòde ecran complet"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Desactivar la colleccion d'imatge"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Dobrir en mòde diaporama"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Aviar un exemplar novèl al luòc d'utilizar l'existent"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FICHIÈR...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Aviatz « %s --help » per veire la lista completa de opcions disponiblas en "
+"linha de comanda"
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizaira d'imatges Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>_Nautor :</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nom :</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipe :</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Largor :</b>"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Dobrir amb \"%s\""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the selected image to the trash?Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the %d selected images to the trash?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sètz segur que volètz desplaçar\n"
+#~ "l'imatge seleccionat dins la banasta ?Sètz segur que volètz desplaçar\n"
+#~ "los %d imatges seleccionats dins la banasta ?"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Desplaçar dins la banasta"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Enregistrar _coma..."
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Config_uracion de la pagina..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Definir coma _fons d'ecran"
diff --git a/po/or.po b/po/or.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..064e969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/or.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1568 @@
+# translation of eom.mate-2-30.or.po to Oriya
+# Oriya translation of eom.HEAD.pot.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Copyright (C) 2004, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Gora Mohanty <[email protected]>
+# $Id: or.po,v 1.10 2006/03/14 20:30:47 gmohanty Exp $
+# Gita/Shakti <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Manoj Kumar Giri <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.mate-2-30.or\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-22 20:54+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-12 12:12+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Manoj Kumar Giri <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Oriya <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s”କୁ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ସାଧନ ପଟି ଉପରେ ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "ଚୟିତ ବସ୍ତୁକୁ ସାଧନ ପଟିକୁ ଘୁଞ୍ଚାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ସାଧନପଟିରୁ କାଢ଼ିଦିଅନ୍ତୁ (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "ସାଧନ ପଟିରୁ ଚୟିତ ବସ୍ତୁକୁ ଅପସାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "ସାଧନ ପଟିକୁ ଅପସାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "ଚୟିତ ସାଧନ ପଟିକୁ ଅପସାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "ବିଭାଜକ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପରଦା ଅବସ୍ଥାରେ ଚାଲୁଅଛି"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "ଦୁଇଥର କ୍ଲିକ କରିବା ସହିତ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପରଦା ଅବସ୍ଥାକୁ ସକ୍ରିୟ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "ଦୁଇଥର କ୍ଲିକ କରିବା ସହିତ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପରଦା"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ପୁନର୍ଧାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରଚଳିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ପୁନର୍ଧାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "ଅବସ୍ଥିତି ପଟିରେ ତାରିଖ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "ୱିଣ୍ଡୋର ଅବସ୍ଥିତି ପଟିରେ ପ୍ରତିଛବି ତାରିଖ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରନ୍ତୁ ଏବଂ ଘୁରାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ଦର୍ଶକ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "<b>ଛିଦ୍ର ମୂଲ୍ୟ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "<b>ଲେଖକ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "<b>ବାଇଟ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "<b>କ୍ୟାମେରା ମଡେଲ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "ସ୍ବତ୍ତ୍ବାଧୀକାର:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "<b>ତାରିଖ/ସମୟ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "ବିସ୍ତ୍ରୁତ ବିବରଣୀ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "<b>ବିବରଣ ସମୟ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "<b>ଫ୍ଲାଶ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "<b>କେନ୍ଦ୍ର ବିନ୍ଦୁ ଲମ୍ବ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "ସାଧାରଣ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Height:"
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "ଉଚ୍ଚତା (_H):"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "<b>ISO ଗତି ମାପକ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି ଗୁଣଧର୍ମ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "<b>ସୂଚକ ଶବ୍ଦ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "ଅବସ୍ଥାନ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "ମଧ୍ଯତଥ୍ଯ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "<b>ଅନୁକ୍ରମ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "ନାମ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Top:"
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରକାର:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Width:"
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "ଓସାର (_W):"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "ପୂର୍ବବର୍ତ୍ତୀ (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+#| msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> ପ୍ରକୃତ ଫାଇଲନାମ</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+#| msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> ଗଣକ</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "ଗୋଟିଏ ଫୋଲଡର ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "ଲକ୍ଷ ଫୋଲଡର:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "<b>ଫାଇଲ ନାମର ପ୍ରାକ୍ଦର୍ଶନ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "<b>ଫାଇଲ ପଥ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ଟକରଣ</b>"
+# #-#-#-#-# libmateui.HEAD.hi.po (libmateui-2.0.hi) #-#-#-#-#
+# libmateui/mate-file-entry.c:224 libmateui/mate-icon-entry.c:188
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ଫାଇଲ ନାମର ସଂରୂପ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "ବିକଳ୍ପଗୁଡ଼ିକ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "ଏହା ଭିତରୁ ନାମ ବଦଳାନ୍ତୁ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "ଖାଲି ସ୍ଥାନଙ୍କୁ ଅବରେଖା ସହିତ ବଦଳାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ତ ଭାବରେ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ଏହି ମୂଲ୍ଯଠାରୁ ଗଣକ ପ୍ରାରମ୍ଭ କରନ୍ତୁ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତି:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "ପୃଷ୍ଠଭୂମି ରୂପେ (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "ଯାଞ୍ଚ ନମୁନା ରୂପେ (_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "ଇଚ୍ଛାରୂପ ରଙ୍ଗ ରୂପେ (_o):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "ସ୍ବଚ୍ଛ କ୍ଷେତ୍ର ପାଇଁ ରଙ୍ଗ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "ପରଦା ସହିତ ମେଳ ଖାଇବା ପାଇଁ ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବିସ୍ତାର କରନ୍ତୁ (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ନୋମର ଆଖିର ପସନ୍ଦ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "<b>ଚିତ୍ର ସାନବଡ଼ କରିବା</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ଦୃଶ୍ଯ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "<b>ଚିତ୍ର ସାନବଡ଼ କରିବା</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "ପ୍ଲଗଇନଗୁଡ଼ିକ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "<b>ଅନୁକ୍ରମ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "ସ୍ଲାଇଡ଼ ଦୃଶ୍ୟ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "ଛୋଟରୁ ବଡ଼ କରିବା ସମୟରେ ସରଳ ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକ (_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "ବଡ଼ରୁ ଛୋଟ କରିବା ସମୟରେ ସରଳ ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକ (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "<b>ସ୍ବଚ୍ଛ ଅଂଶ</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ସ୍ୱୟଂଚାଳିତ ଆବର୍ତ୍ତନ (_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "ଚକ୍ରିଳ କ୍ରମ (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "ଏହି ସମୟ ପରେ ତିତ୍ର ବଦଳାନ୍ତୁ (_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "ସେକେଣ୍ଡ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"ପରବତ୍ତୀ ଚିତ୍ରଟି ସ୍ବତଃ ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶିତ ହେବା ଯାଏଁ ଗୋଟିଏ ଚିତ୍ର ପରଦା ଉପରେ କେତେ ସେକେଣ୍ଡ ରହିବ ତାହା "
+"ଶୂନ୍ଯରୁ ଅଧିକ ମୁଲ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥିର କରେ. ଶୁନ୍ଯ ସ୍ବଂୟ ବ୍ରାଉଜକୁ ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରେ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "ସକ୍ରିୟ ପ୍ଲଗ-ଇନ"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "ଆରମ୍ଭରେ ୧୦୦ ପ୍ରତିଶତରୁ ଅଧିକ ସାନବଡ଼ କରିବାକୁ ଅନୁମତି ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ସ୍ୱୟଂଚାଳିତ ଆବର୍ତ୍ତନ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଚିତ୍ର ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶିତ କରିବା ଆଗରୁ କିଛି ସେକେଣ୍ଡ ବିଳମ୍ବ କରନ୍ତୁ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"କିପରି ସ୍ବଚ୍ଛତା ସୂଚୀତ କରାଯିବ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରିତ କରେ. ବୈଧ ମୂଲ୍ଯଗୁଡିକ ହେଲା , CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR ଓ "
+"NONE. COLOR ବଛା ହେଲେ, ଟ୍ରାନ୍ସ_ରଙ୍ଗ ଚାବି ବ୍ଯବହାର କରାଯିବା ରଙ୍ଗକୁ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରିତ କରେ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ବହିର୍ବେଶନ ପ୍ରତିଛବି"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ଯଦି ସକ୍ରିୟ କରାହୁଏ ତେବେ Eye of MATE ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର ମଧ୍ଯକୁ ପଠାଇବା ସମୟରେ "
+"ନିଶ୍ତିତକରଣ ପାଇଁ ପଚାରିବ ନାହିଁ। ଏହା ଏପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ପଚାରିବ ଯଦି ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମଧ୍ଯରୁ କାହାକୁ ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର "
+"ମଧ୍ଯକୁପଠାଯାଇପାରିବ ନାହିଁ ଏବଂ ତାହା ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତେ ଅପସାରଣ କରାଯାଏ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+#| "will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+#| "directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+#| "will show the current working directory."
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ଯଦି ସକ୍ରିୟ କରାଯାଇଥାଏ ଏବଂ ସକ୍ରିୟ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋରେ କୌଣସି ପ୍ରତିଛବି ଧାରଣ ହୋଇନଥାଏ, ସେତେବେଳେ ଫାଇଲଚୟକ "
+"ଚାଳକର ଛବି ଫୋଲଡରଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ XDG ବିଶେଷ ଚାଳକ ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି ଦର୍ଶାଇଥାଏ। ଯଦି ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ "
+"କରାହୁଏ ଅଥବା ଛବି ଫୋଲଡରକୁ ସେଟ କରାନଯାଏ ତେବେ ତାହା ପ୍ରଚଳିତ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟରତ ଡିରେକ୍ଟୋରୀକୁ ଦର୍ଶାଇବ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"ଗୁଣଧର୍ମ ସଂଳାପରେ ଯଦି ବିସ୍ତୃତ ଅଧିତଥ୍ୟ ତାଲିକାକୁ ସକ୍ରିୟ କରାଯାଏ ତେବେ ତାହା ସଂଳାପରେ ନିଜର ପୃଷ୍ଠାକୁ "
+"ଚାଲିଯିବ। ଏହା ସେହି ସଂଳାପକୁ ଛୋଟ ପରଦାରେ ଅଧିକ ବ୍ୟବହାର ଉପଯୋଗୀ କରିବା ଉଚିତ, ଯେପରିକି ନେଟବହିରେ "
+"ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଇଥାଏ। ଯଦି ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରାଯାଇଥାଏ ତେବେ ୱିଜେଟଟି \"Metadata\" ପୃଷ୍ଠାରେ ସଂଯୁକ୍ତ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"ଯଦି ସ୍ବଚ୍ଛତା ଚାବିର ମୂଲ୍ଯ COLOR, ତାହେଲେ ଏହି ଚାବି ସ୍ବଚ୍ଛତାକୁ ସୂଚୀତ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ବ୍ଯବହାର କରାଯିବା "
+"ରଙ୍ଗକୁ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରିତ କରେ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"ଯଦି ଏହାକୁ FALSE ବୋଲି ବିନ୍ଯାସ କରାଯାଏ, ଛୋଟ ଚିତ୍ରଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପ୍ରାରମ୍ବରେ ପରଦାରେ ଠିକ ଭାବରେ ପ୍ରସାରିତ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ପ୍ରତିଛବି ସଂଗ୍ରହ ପଟ୍ଟିକା ଅବସ୍ଥାନ। ତଳ ପାଇଁ 0 ସେଟକରାଯାଇଛି; ବାମ ପାଇଁ 1; ଉପର ପାଇଁ 2; ଡାହାଣ "
+"ପାଇଁ 3।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ପ୍ରକ୍ଷିପ୍ତ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"ସକ୍ରିୟ ପ୍ଲଗଇନଗୁଡ଼ିକର ତାଲିକା। ଏହା ସକ୍ରିୟ ପ୍ଲଗଇନର \"ଅବସ୍ଥାନ\"କୁ ଧାରଣ କରିନଥାଏ। ପ୍ରଦତ୍ତ \"ଅବସ୍ଥାନ"
+"\" ପ୍ଲଗଇନକୁ ଗ୍ରହଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ .eom-plugin ଫାଇଲକୁ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ରକୁ କ୍ରମାଗତ ଚକ୍ରିଳ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "ଦୃଶ୍ୟବଦଳା ଚକକୁ ଛୋଟବଡ଼ କରିବା"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ସଂଗ୍ରହ ଝରକା ଦେଖାନ୍ତୁ/ଲୁଚାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ସଂଗ୍ରହ ଝରକା ଦେଖାନ୍ତୁ/ଲୁଚାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "ୱିଣ୍ଡୋ ଅବସ୍ଥିତି ପଟିକୁ ଦେଖାନ୍ତୁ/ଲୁଚାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "ଅବସ୍ଥିତି ପଟିକୁ ଓ୍ବ୍ବିଣ୍ଡୋରେ ଦେଖାନ୍ତୁ/ଲୁଚାନ୍ତୁ ା"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "ସାଧନ ପଟିକୁ ଓ୍ବ୍ବିଣ୍ଡୋରେ ଦେଖାନ୍ତୁ/ଲୁଚାନ୍ତୁ ା"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"ଛୋଟବଡ଼ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ମାଉସ ସ୍କ୍ରଲ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିବା ସମୟରେ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ କରିବାକୁ ଥିବା ଗଣକ। ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ ସ୍କ୍ରଲ "
+"ଘଟଣା ପାଇଁ ବ୍ୟବହୃତ ଏହି ମୂଲ୍ୟଟି ଛୋଟବଡ଼ ପଦକ୍ଷେପକୁ ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା କରିଥାଏ। ଉଦାହରଣ ସ୍ୱରୂପ, 0.05 ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ "
+"ସ୍କ୍ରଲରେ ଫଳସ୍ୱରୂପ 5% ଆକାର ବୃଦ୍ଧି କରିଥାଏ ଏବଂ 1.00 ଫଳସ୍ୱରୂପ 100% ଆକାରବୃଦ୍ଧି କରିଥାଏ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "ସ୍ବଚ୍ଛତା ରଙ୍ଗ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "ସ୍ବଚ୍ଛତା ସୂଚକ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ନପଚାରି ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର ମଧ୍ଯକୁ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no "
+#| "images are loaded."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "ଫାଇଲ ଚୟକ ଚାଳକର ଛବି ଫୋଲଡରକୁ ଦର୍ଶାଇବା ଉଚିତ କି ନୁହଁ ଯଦି କୌଣସି ଛବି ଧାରଣ ହୋଇନଥାଏ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ସଂଗ୍ରହ ଝରକା ଦେଖାନ୍ତୁ/ଲୁଚାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+#| "blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ଚିତ୍ରଟି ସାନବଡ଼ କରିବା ସମୟରେ ପ୍ରକ୍ଷିପ୍ତ ହେବା ଉଚିତ କି ନାହିଁ. ଏହା ଭଲ ଗୁଣ ଆଡ଼କୁ ଅଗ୍ରସର କରାଏ କିନ୍ତୁ "
+"ଅପ୍ରକ୍ଷିପ୍ତ ଚିତ୍ରଠାରୁ କିଛି ଧୀର ଅଟେ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads "
+#| "to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ଚିତ୍ରଟି ସାନବଡ଼ କରିବା ସମୟରେ ପ୍ରକ୍ଷିପ୍ତ ହେବା ଉଚିତ କି ନାହିଁ. ଏହା ଭଲ ଗୁଣ ଆଡ଼କୁ ଅଗ୍ରସର କରାଏ କିନ୍ତୁ "
+"ଅପ୍ରକ୍ଷିପ୍ତ ଚିତ୍ରଠାରୁ କିଛି ଧୀର ଅଟେ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF ଆବର୍ତ୍ତନ ଉପରେ ଆଧାର କରି ସ୍ୱୟଂଚାଳିତ ଭାବରେ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଘୁରାଇବା ଉଚିତ କି।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "ଗୁଣଧର୍ମ ସଂଳାପରେ ଅଧିତଥ୍ୟ ତାଲିକାର ନିଜର ପୃଷ୍ଠା ଅଛି କି ନାହିଁ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "ଦୃଶ୍ୟବଦଳା ଚକଟି ଛୋଟବଡ଼ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିବା ଉଚିତ କି ନୁହଁ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ଅନୁକ୍ରମ ଅସରନ୍ତି ଚକ୍ରରେ ଦେଖାଇବା ଉଚିତ କି ନାହିଁ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "ଛୋଟବଡ଼ କରିବା ଗୁଣାଙ୍କ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ନପଚାରି ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର ମଧ୍ଯକୁ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Position"
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ଫାଇଲ ସଜ୍ଜିକରଣ ଶୈଳୀଟି ଅଜଣା ଅଥବା ଅସମର୍ଥିତ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "ଫାଇଲ ନାମ ଉପରେ ଆଧାର କରି Eye of MATE ସମର୍ଥିତ ଲେଖାଯୋଗ୍ୟ ଶୈଳୀକୁ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରଣ କରିପାରିନଥାଏ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr ".png ଅଥବା .jpg ପରି ଭିନ୍ନ ଏକ ଫାଇଲ ଅନୁଲଗ୍ନ ଚେଷ୍ଟାକରନ୍ତୁ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "ସମସ୍ତ ଫାଇଲ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "ସବୁ ଚିତ୍ର"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "ପିକ୍ସେଲ"
+msgstr[1] "ପିକ୍ସେଲ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ଧାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ଫୋଲଡର ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ଅପସାରିତ ଚିତ୍ରରେ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "ରୂପାନ୍ତରଣ ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "ଏହି ଫାଇଲ ଶୈଳୀ ପାଇଁ EXIF ଅସହାୟକ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ଧାରଣ ଅସଫଳ ହୋଇଛି।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ଧାରଣ ହୋଇ ନାହିଁ"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "ଅସ୍ଥାୟୀ ଫାଇଲ ସୃଷ୍ଟି କରିହେଲା ନାହିଁ."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଅସ୍ଥାୟୀ ଫାଇଲ ସ୍ରୁଷ୍ଟି କରିହେଲା ନାହିଁ : %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ଫାଇଲକୁ ଧାରଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ସ୍ମୃତିସ୍ଥାନ ସ୍ଥାପନ କରିହେଲା ନାହିଁ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "କ୍ଯାମେରା"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ତଥ୍ଯ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ଉଠେଇବାର ଅବସ୍ଥା"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "ସ୍ରଷ୍ଟାର ଟିପ୍ପଣୀ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "ଅନ୍ଯାନ୍ଯ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP ଅଧିକାର ପରିଚାଳନା"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP ଅନ୍ୟାନ୍ୟ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ସୂଚକ"
+# src/mateconf-editor-window.c:579
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "ମୂଲ୍ଯ"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "ପୁନଃ ପ୍ରଚେଷ୍ଟା କରନ୍ତୁ (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି '%s' କୁ ଧାରଣ କରିପାରିଲା ନାହିଁ"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "%sରେ କୌଣସି ପ୍ରତିଛବି ମିଳିଲା ନାହିଁ।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "ପ୍ରଦତ୍ତ ଅବସ୍ଥାନଗୁଡ଼ିକରେ କୌଣସି ପ୍ରତିଛବି ନାହିଁ।"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି ବିନ୍ୟାସ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି ଯାହାର ମୁଦ୍ରଣ ଗୁଣଧର୍ମ ସେଟ ହୋଇଥାଏ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "ପୃଷ୍ଠା ବ୍ଯବସ୍ଥା"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି ମୁଦ୍ରଣ ହେବାକୁ ଥିବା ପୃଷ୍ଠା ପାଇଁ ସୂଚନା ପାଇବାକୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "ଅବସ୍ଥାନ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "ବାମ (_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "ଡାହାଣ (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ଉପର (_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "ତଳ (_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "କେନ୍ଦ୍ର (_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "କିଛି ନୁହେଁ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "ସମାନ୍ତରାଳ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "ଭୂଲମ୍ବ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "ଉଭୟ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "ଆକାର"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "ଓସାର (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "ଉଚ୍ଚତା (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "ମାପୁଅଛି (_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ଏକକ (_U):"
+# libmateprint/mate-print-paper.c:52
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "ମିଲିମିଟର"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ଇଞ୍ଚ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "ପୂର୍ବାବଲୋକନ"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "ଅଜଣା"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ଯେପରି ଅଛି"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "ଗ୍ରହଣ କରିଅଛି"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "କମ ସେ କମ ଦୁଇ ଫାଇଲର ନାମ ସମାନ।"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ପାଇଁ ସାହାଯ୍ଯ ଦେଖାଇ ହେଲା ନାହଁ"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(ଅବୈଧ ୟୁନିକୋଡ୍)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଖୋଲିବା ପାଇଁ \"%s\" କୁ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି \"%s\" ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ ହେଉଛି (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବି \"%s\" ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ ହେଉଛି"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ଫାଇଲ ମୁଦ୍ରଣ କରିବାରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "ସାଧନ ପଟି ସମ୍ପାଦକ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "ପୂର୍ବନିର୍ଦ୍ଧାରିତ ଭାବରେ ପୁନଃସ୍ଥାପନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "ଶୁଭ୍ରାଂଶୁ ବେହେରା <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ଏହି ପ୍ରଗ୍ରାମଟି ଗୋଟାଏ ମୁକ୍ତ ସଫ୍ଟୱେର; ଆପଣ ଏହାକୁ ମୁକ୍ତ ସଫ୍ଟୱେର ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ; ପ୍ରମାଣପତ୍ରର ସଂସ୍କରଣ "
+"୨, ଅଥବା (ଆପଣଙ୍କ ପସନ୍ଦ ଅନୁଯାୟୀ) କୌଣସି ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ସଂସ୍କରଣ ଦ୍ୱାରା ପ୍ରକାଶିତ GNU ସାଧାରଣ "
+"ସାର୍ବଜନୀନ ପ୍ରମାଣପତ୍ରର ନିୟମାନୁସାରେ ପୁନର୍ବଣ୍ଟନ କରିପାରିବେ ଏବଂ/କିମ୍ୱା ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରିପାରିବେ।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ଏହି ପ୍ରଗ୍ରାମଟି ବ୍ୟବହାର ଉପଯୋଗୀ ହେବା ଆଶାରେ ବଣ୍ଟନ କରାଯାଇଥିଲା, କିନ୍ତୁ କୌଣସି ନିର୍ଭରୋକ୍ତି ବିନା; "
+"ବିକ୍ରୟଯୋଗ୍ଯତା ନିର୍ଭରୋକ୍ତି କିମ୍ଭା କୌଣସି ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ଠ କାର୍ଯ୍ଯ ପାଇଁ ମେଳକ ବିନା ମଧ୍ଯ। ଅଧିକ ବିସ୍ତ୍ରୁତ ବିବରଣୀ "
+"ପାଇଁ GNU ସାଧାରଣ ସାର୍ବଜନୀନ ଅନୁମତି ପତ୍ର ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"GNU ସାଧାରଣ ସାର୍ବଜନିକ ଲାଇସେନ୍ସର ଏହି କାରିକା ସହିତ ଏକ ନକଲ୍ ଆପଣ ପାଇଥିବା ଉଚିତ; ୟଦି ନୁହେଁ, "
+"ଲେଖନ୍ତୁ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, "
+"MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ନୋମର ଆଖି"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE ଚିତ୍ର ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶକ।"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ସ୍ଥାନୀୟ ଭାବରେ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରାଯାଉଛି..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"ଆପଣ ବାସ୍ତବରେ\n"
+" \"%s\"କୁ ବର୍ଜିତ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହାନ୍ତି କି?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" ପାଇଁ ଗୋଟିଏ ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର ମିଳିଲା ନାହିଁ। ଆପଣ ଏହି ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ସବୁଦିନ ପାଇଁ କାଢ଼ିଦେବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"ଆପଣ ବାସ୍ତବରେ\n"
+" %d ବଛା ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ବର୍ଜିତ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହାନ୍ତି କି?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"ଆପଣ ବାସ୍ତବରେ\n"
+" %d ବଛା ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ବର୍ଜିତ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହାନ୍ତି କି?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବି ମଧ୍ଯରୁ କିଛି ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର ମଧ୍ୟକୁ ଘୁଞ୍ଚାଯାଇପାରିବ ନାହିଁ ଏବଂ ସବୁଦିନପାଇଁ "
+"କଢ଼ାହୋଇଯିବ। ଅଗ୍ରସର ହେବା ପାଇଁ ଆପଣ ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କି?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "ବର୍ଜିତ କରନ୍ତୁ (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "ଏହି ଅଧିବେଶନ ମଧ୍ଯରେ ପୁଣିଥରେ ପଚାରନ୍ତୁ ନାହିଁ (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ରକୁ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ କରିହେଲା ନାହିଁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ଫାଇଲକୁ ଅପସାରଣ କରିହେଲା ନାହିଁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s ଚିତ୍ର ଲିଭାଇବାରେ ତ୍ରୁଟି"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "ଫାଇଲ (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "ଦ୍ରୁଶ୍ଯ (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "ସାଧନ (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ସହାୟତା (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Open..."
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ... (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ଗୋଟିଏ ଫାଇଲକୁ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "ବନ୍ଦ କରନ୍ତୁ (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "ୱିଣ୍ଡୋ ବନ୍ଦ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "ସାଧନ ପଟି (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "ଏହି ପ୍ରୟୋଗ ସାଧନପଟିକୁ ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:211
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "ପସନ୍ଦ (_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ନୋମର ଆଖି ପାଇଁ ପସନ୍ଦ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "ସୂଚୀପତ୍ର (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "ଏହି ପ୍ରୟୋଗ ବିଷୟରେ ସହାୟତା"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "ବିବରଣୀ (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "ଏହି ପ୍ରୟୋଗ ବିଷୟରେ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "ସାଧନ ପଟି (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ସାମ୍ପ୍ରତିକ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋରେ ସାଧନ ପଟିର ଦୃଶ୍ଯମାନତା ବଦଳାଇଦିଏ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "ଅବସ୍ଥିତି ପଟି (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ସାମ୍ପ୍ରତିକ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋରେ ଅବସ୍ଥିତି ପଟିର ଦୃଶ୍ଯମାନତା ବଦଳାଇଦିଏ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ସଂଗ୍ରହ (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ସାମ୍ପ୍ରତିକ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋରେ ଚିତ୍ର ସଂଗ୍ରହ ଝରକାର ଦୃଶ୍ଯମାନତା ବଦଳାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "ପାର୍ଶ୍ବ ଫଳକ (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ସାମ୍ପ୍ରତିକ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋରେ ସୂଚନା ଝରକାର ଦୃଶ୍ଯମାନତା ବଦଳାଏ"
+# libmateui/mate-app-helper.c:114
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରନ୍ତୁ (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକରେ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "ଏହା ସହିତ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ (_w)h"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "ଭିନ୍ନ ଏକ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ ସହିତ ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Save As"
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ତ ଭାବରେ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "ଭିନ୍ନ ଏକ ପ୍ରୟୋଗ ସହିତ ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ସଂରକ୍ଷଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସାମ୍ପ୍ରତିକ ମୁଦ୍ରଣୀ ପାଇଁ ପୃଷ୍ଠା ବିନ୍ଯାସର ବ୍ଯବସ୍ଥା କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Print..."
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "ମୂଦ୍ରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ (_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ମୁଦ୍ରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "ଗୁଣଧର୍ମ (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିର ଗୁଣଧର୍ମ ଏବଂ ଅଧିତଥ୍ୟ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିକାର କରନ୍ତୁ (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିରେ ଅନ୍ତିମ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନର ପଦକ୍ଷେପ ବାତିଲ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "ଭୂସମାନ୍ତର ଭାବରେ ଓଲଟାନ୍ତୁ (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ଭୂସମାନ୍ତରାଳରେ ପ୍ରତିଛବିର ପ୍ରତିବିମ୍ବ ଆଙ୍କନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "ଭୂଲମ୍ବ ଭାବରେ ଓଲଟାନ୍ତୁ (_V) "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ଭୂଲମ୍ବରେ ପ୍ରତିଛବିର ପ୍ରତିବିମ୍ବ ଆଙ୍କନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ଦକ୍ଷିଣାବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଘୂରାନ୍ତୁ (_R) "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ 90 ଡ଼ିଗ୍ରୀରେ ଡ଼ାହାଣକୁ ଘୁରାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "ବାମାବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଘୂରାନ୍ତୁ (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ 90 ଡ଼ିଗ୍ରୀରେ ବାମକୁ ଘୁରାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "ଡେସ୍କଟପ ପୃଷ୍ଠଭୂମି ରୂପେ ସେଟକରନ୍ତୁ (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିବିମ୍ବକୁ ଡେସ୍କଟପ ପୃଷ୍ଠଭୂମୀ ଭାବରେ ସେଟ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "ବଚ୍ଛିତ ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର ମଦ୍ଯକୁ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "ବଡ଼ କରନ୍ତୁ (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ବର୍ଦ୍ଧିତ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "ସାନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ସଙ୍କୁଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "ସାଧାରଣ ଆକାର (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ତାହାର ସାଧାରଣ ଆକାରରେ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "ସର୍ବୋତ୍ତମ ଭାବରେ ଖାପ ଖାଇବା (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋରେ ଖାପଖୁଆନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପରଦା (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରଚଳିତ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋକୁ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପରଦା ଅବସ୍ଥାରେ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "ପୂର୍ବବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଚିତ୍ର (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହର ପୂର୍ବ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଚିତ୍ର (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହର ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରଥମ ଚିତ୍ର (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହର ପ୍ରଥମ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "ଶେଷ ଚିତ୍ର (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହର ଅନ୍ତିମ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Reload Image"
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ରକୁ ପୁନର୍ଧାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହର ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ପ୍ରତିଛବିକୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "ସ୍ଲାଇଡ ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶନ (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ପ୍ରତିଛବିଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଦୃଶ୍ୟବଦଳା ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶନ ଆରମ୍ଭ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "ପୂର୍ବବର୍ତ୍ତୀ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ଡାହାଣ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ବାମ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ଭିତରେ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "ବାହାରେ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "ସାଧାରଣ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "ଖାପ ଖୁଆନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "ସଂଗ୍ରହ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "ପ୍ଲଗ-ଇନ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "ସକ୍ରିୟ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "ବିନ୍ୟାସ କରନ୍ତୁ (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "ସକ୍ରିୟ କରନ୍ତୁ (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କୁ ସକ୍ରିୟ କରନ୍ତୁ (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କୁ ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରନ୍ତୁ (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "ସକ୍ରିୟ ପ୍ଲଗଇନଗୁଡ଼ିକ (_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "ପ୍ଲଗ୍ଇନ୍ ବିଷୟରେ (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "ପ୍ଲଗ୍ଇନ୍ ବିନ୍ଯାସ କରନ୍ତୁ (_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପରଦା ଅବସ୍ଥାରେ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ଚିତ୍ର ସଂଗ୍ରହକୁ ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "ସ୍ଲାଇଡ ଦୃଶ୍ୟ ଧାରାରେ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "ସ୍ଥିତବାନ ପରିସ୍ଥିତି ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତେ ଗୋଟିଏ ନୂତନ ପରିସ୍ଥିତି ଆରମ୍ଭ କରନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ଫାଇଲ ...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶନାମା ବିକଳ୍ପଗୁଡ଼ିକର ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ତାଲିକା ଦେଖିବା ପାଇଁ '%s --help' ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ"
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ଚିତ୍ର ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶକ"
diff --git a/po/pa.po b/po/pa.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b72fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pa.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1546 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.po to Punjabi
+# translation of eom.HEAD.po to
+# Copyright (C) 2004 THE eom.HEAD'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom.HEAD package.
+# Amanpreet Singh Alam <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Amanpreet Singh Alam <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005,2006,2007 2008.
+# Amanpreet Singh Alam <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# A S Alam <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-20 13:24+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-22 21:20+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: A S Alam <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Punjabi/Panjabi <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” ਵੇਖੋ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਭੇਜੋ(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਚੁਣੀ ਆਈਟਮ ਹਿਲਾਓ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਤੋਂ ਹਟਾਓ(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਤੋਂ ਚੁਣੀ ਆਈਟਮ ਹਟਾਓ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਹਟਾਓ(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣੀ ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਹਟਾਓ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "ਵੱਖਰੇਵਾਂ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "ਡਬਲ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਨਾਲ ਪੂਰੀ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "ਡਬਲ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਨਾਲ ਪੂਰੀ ਸਕਰੀਨ"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਡ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਮੁੜ-ਲੋਡ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "ਹਾਲਤ-ਪੱਟੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਿਤੀ"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਹਾਲਤ-ਪੱਟੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਮਿਤੀ ਵੇਖੋ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ਝਲਕ ਅਤੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਘੁੰਮਾਓ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦਰਸ਼ਕ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "ਅਪਰਚਰ ਮੁੱਲ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "ਲੇਖਕ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "ਬਾਇਟ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਮਾਡਲ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "ਕਾਪੀਰਾਈਟ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "ਮਿਤੀ/ਸਮਾਂ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "ਵੇਰਵਾ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "ਐਕਸ਼ਪੋਜ਼ਰ ਸਮਾਂ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "ਫਲੈਸ਼:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "ਫੋਕਲ ਲੰਬਾਈ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "ਸਧਾਰਨ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "ਉਚਾਈ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO ਸਪੀਡ ਰੇਟਿੰਗ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "ਸ਼ਬਦ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "ਟਿਕਾਣਾ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "ਮੀਟਰਿੰਗ ਮੋਡ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "ਨਾਂ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "ਕਿਸਮ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "ਚੌੜਾਈ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "ਅੱਗੇ(_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "ਪਿੱਛੇ(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> ਅਸਲੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਾਂ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> ਕਾਊਂਟਰ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਫੋਲਡਰ ਚੁਣੋ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਫੋਲਡਰ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਨਾਂ ਝਲਕ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਮਾਰਗ ਹਦਾਇਤਾਂ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਨਾਂ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "ਚੋਣ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਨਾਂ ਬਦਲੋ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "ਖਾਲੀ ਥਾਂ ਹੇਠਾਂ ਹੇਠ ਰੇਖਾ ਨਾਲ ਭਰੋ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "ਇੰਝ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ਇਥੋਂ ਗਿਣਤੀ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ਤੋਂ:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਵਾਂਗ(_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "ਡੱਬੀਦਾਰ ਪੈਟਰਨ ਵਾਂਗ(_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "ਕਸਟਮ ਰੰਗ ਵਾਂਗ(_o):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "ਕਸਟਮ ਰੰਗ ਵਜੋਂ:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਰੰਗ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ੀ ਖੇਤਰਾਂ ਲਈ ਰੰਗ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਫਿੱਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫੈਲਾਓ(_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਅੱਖ ਲਈ ਪਸੰਦ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸੁਧਾਰ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਝਲਕ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜ਼ੂਮ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "ਤਰਤੀਬ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "ਸਲਾਇਡ ਸ਼ੋ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "ਜ਼ੂਮ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਮੁਲਾਇਮ ਕਰੋ(_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "ਜ਼ੂਮ ਆਉਟ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਮੁਲਾਇਮ ਕਰੋ(_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ੀ ਹਿੱਸੇ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਸਥਿਤੀ(_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "ਲੂਪ ਕ੍ਰਮ(_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸਵਿੱਚ ਕਰੋ(_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "ਸਕਿੰਟ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"ਇੱਕ ਮੁੱਲ 0 ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਇਹ ਦੱਸਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਤੇ ਕਿੰਨਾ ਸਮਾਂ ਰਹੇ, ਅਗਲਾ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਹੀ ਲੋਡ "
+"ਹੋਣ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਸਿਫ਼ਰ ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਝਲਕ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਦੇਵੇਗੀ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "ਐਕਟਿਵ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "ਮੁੱਢਲਾ ਜ਼ੂਮ ੧੦੦% ਜਿਆਦਾ ਕਰਨਾ ਯੋਗ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਸਥਿਤੀ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "ਅੰਤਰਾਲ, ਅਗਲਾ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵੇਖਾਉਣ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ (ਸਕਿੰਟਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"ਦੱਸੋ ਕਿ ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਵੇਖਾਉਣਾ ਹੈ। ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਮੁੱਲ ਹਨ ਡੱਬੀਦਾਰ ਤਰਤੀਬ (CHECK_PATTERN), ਰੰਗ "
+"(COLOR) ਅਤੇ ਕੁਝ ਨਹੀ, ਜੇਕਰ ਰੰਗ ਚੁਣਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਤਾਂ trans-color ਕੁੰਜੀ ਦਾ ਮੁੱਲ ਇਹ ਰੰਗ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਿਤ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਇੰਟਰਪੋਲੇਟ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ਜੇ ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਐਕਟਿਵ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਡ ਨਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਤਾਂ ਫਾਇਲ ਚੋਣਕਾਰ XDG ਖਾਸ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ "
+"ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦਾ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਫੋਲਡਰ ਵੇਖਾਏਗਾ। ਜੇ ਡੀ-ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂ ਤਸਵੀਰ "
+"ਫੋਲਡਰ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਨਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਵਰਕਿੰਗ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਵੇਖਾਏਗਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ਜਦੋਂ ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਤਾਂ ਗਨੋਮ ਦੀ ਅੱਖ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਰੱਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜਣ ਸਮੇਂ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਵਾਏਗੀ। ਤਾਂ "
+"ਵੀ ਇਹ ਪੁੱਛੇਗੀ, ਜੇ ਫਾਇਲ ਨੂੰ ਰੱਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਅਤੇ ਸਿੱਧਾ ਹਟਾਉਣਾ ਹੋਵੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"ਜੇ ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਤਾਂ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾ ਡਾਈਲਾਗ ਦਾ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਵੇਰਵਾ ਡਾਈਲਾਗ ਦੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਪੇਜ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜਿਆ "
+"ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਇਹ ਡਾਈਲਾਗ ਨੂੰ ਛੋਟੀਆਂ ਸਕਰੀਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਵਰਤੋਂਯੋਗ ਬਣਾਉਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਨੈੱਟਬੁੱਕ। ਜੇ ਆਯੋਗ ਹੋਇਆ ਤਾਂ "
+"ਵਿਦਜੈੱਟ ਨੂੰ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਪੇਜ਼ ਉੱਤੇ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"ਜੇਕਰ ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ੀ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਦਾ ਮੁੱਲ ਰੰਗ (COLOR) ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਜਾਣੇਗੀ ਕਿ ਕਿਹੜਾ ਰੰਗ ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ਤਾ "
+"ਵੇਖਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਣ ਹੈ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"ਜੇ ਇਹ ਸਰਗਰਮ ਰੰਗ ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਵਲੋਂ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਤਾਂ- ਰੰਗ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਨੂੰ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦੇ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਖੇਤਰ ਭਰਨ ਲਈ "
+"ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਜੇ ਇਹ ਸੈੱਟ ਨਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਤਾਂ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ GTK+ ਥੀਮ ਰੰਗ ਭਰਨ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"ਜੇਕਰ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਗਲਤ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਤਾਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਖਿੱਚਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਭੰਡਾਰ ਪੈਨ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਹੈ। ਤਲ ਲਈ 0, ਖੱਬੇ ਲਈ 1, ਉੱਤੇ ਲਈ 2 ਅਤੇ ਸੱਜੇ ਲਈ 3 ਦਿਓ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਇੰਟਰਪੋਲਟ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"ਐਕਟਿਵ ਪਲੱਗਇਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਐਕਟਿਵ ਪਲੱਗਇਨਾਂ ਦਾ \"ਟਿਕਾਣਾ\" ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਦਿੱਤੀ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ "
+"ਦਾ \"ਟਿਕਾਣਾ\" ਵੇਖਣ ਲਈ .eom-plugin ਵੇਖੋ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਤਰਤੀਬ ਇੱਕ ਲੂਪ ਰਾਹੀਂ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "ਸਕਰੋਲ ਵੀਲ ਜ਼ੂਮ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਭੰਡਾਰ ਪੈਨ ਸਕਰੋਲ ਬਟਨ ਵੇਖੋ/ਓਹਲੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਭੰਡਾਰ ਪੈਨ ਵੇਖੋ/ਓਹਲੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬਾਹੀ ਵੇਖੋ/ਓਹਲੇ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਹਾਲਤ-ਪੱਟੀ ਵੇਖੋ/ਓਹਲੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਵੇਖੋ/ਓਹਲੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦੇ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਖੇਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਭਰਨ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਰੰਗ ਹੈ। ਜਦੋਂ use-background-color ਕੁੰਜੀ ਸੈੱਟ "
+"ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਰੰਗ ਨੂੰ ਐਕਟਿਵ GTK+ ਥੀਮ ਤੋਂ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"ਮਲਟੀਪਲਾਈਰ ਨੂੰ ਮਾਊਸ ਸਕਰੋਲ ਵੀਲ ਨਾਲ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਮੁੱਲ ਨੂੰ ਹਰੇਕ ਸਕਰੋਲ "
+"ਈਵੈਂਟ ਲਈ ਜ਼ੂਮਿੰਗ ਦੇਣ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਉਦਾਹਰਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ, 0.05 ਹਰੇਕ ਸਕਰੋਲ ਈਵੈਂਟ ਲਈ 5% ਜ਼ੂਮ ਵਧਾ "
+"ਕਰੇਗਾ ਅਤੇ 1.00 ਦੇ ਨਤੀਜੇ ਵਜੋਂ 100% ਜ਼ੂਮ ਵਾਧਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ੀ ਰੰਗ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "ਪਾਰਦਰਸ਼ੀ ਇੰਡੀਕੇਟਰ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਪੁੱਛੇ ਰੱਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜੋ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਰੰਗ ਵਰਤੋਂ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "ਕੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਚੋਣਕਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦਾ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਫੋਲਡਰ ਵੇਖਾਉਣਾ ਹੈ, ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਡ ਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ਕੀ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਭੰਡਾਰ ਪੈਨ ਦਾ ਅਕਾਰ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ ਕਿ ਨਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ਕੀ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਐਕਸਟਰਾਪੋਲੇਟਡ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ ਜਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ। ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦਾ ਸਰੂਪ ਤਾਂ ਹੋਰ "
+"ਨਿਖਰ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ, ਪਰ ਨਾ-ਐਕਸਟਰਾਪੋਲੇਟਡ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਮੁਕਾਬਲੇ ਥੋੜਾ ਜਿਹਾ ਹੌਲੀ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"ਕੀ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਆਉਟ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਇੰਟਰਪੋਲੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇ ਜਾਂ ਨਾ। ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦਾ ਸਰੂਪ ਤਾਂ ਹੋਰ ਨਿਖਰ "
+"ਜਾਵੇਗਾ, ਪਰ ਨਾ-ਇੰਟਰਪੋਲੇਟਡ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦੇ ਮੁਕਾਬਲੇ ਥੋੜਾ ਜਿਹਾ ਹੌਲੀ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "ਕੀ EXIF ਸਥਿਤੀ ਦੇ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਹੀ ਘੁੰਮਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "ਕੀ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾ ਡਾਈਲਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਲਿਸਟ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਪੇਜ਼ ਲਈ ਸੰਭਾਲਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "ਕੀ ਸਕਰੋਲ ਵੀਲ ਨੂੰ ਜ਼ੂਮ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ ਕਿ ਨਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "ਕੀ ਲਗਾਤਾਰ ਲੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਕ੍ਰਮ ਵੇਖਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇ ਜਾਂ ਨਾ।"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "ਜ਼ੂਮ ਮਲਟੀਪਲਾਇਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ਪੂਰੀ-ਸਕਰੀਨ ਮੋਡ 'ਚ ਚੱਲ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "ਬਿਨਾਂ ਸੰਭਾਲੇ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ(_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "ਸਵਾਲ"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਨਾ ਸੰਭਾਲੀਆਂ ਤਾਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੀਆਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀਆਂ ਖਤਮ ਹੋ ਜਾਣਗੀਆਂ।"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "ਕੀ \"%s\" ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀਆਂ ਸੰਭਾਲਣੀਆਂ ਹਨ?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "%d ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ-ਸੰਭਾਲੇ ਬਦਲਾਅ ਹਨ। ਕੀ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਸੰਭਾਲਣੇ ਹਨ?"
+msgstr[1] "%d ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ-ਸੰਭਾਲੇ ਬਦਲਾਅ ਹਨ। ਕੀ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਸੰਭਾਲਣੇ ਹਨ?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਚੁਣੋ, ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੰਭਾਲਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ(_e):"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੰਭਾਲਦੇ, ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸਭ ਬਦਲਾਅ ਖਤਮ ਹੋ ਜਾਣਗੇ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਅਣਜਾਣ ਹੈ ਜਾਂ ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹੈ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਦੀ ਅੱਖ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਅਧਾਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਲਿਖਣਯੋਗ ਫਾਇਲ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਜਾਣ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਿਆ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਵੱਖਰੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਐਕਸ਼ਟੈਸ਼ਨ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ .png ਜਾਂ .jpg ਨਾਲ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "ਸਭ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "ਸਭ ਚਿੱਤਰ"
+# Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "ਪਿਕਸਲ"
+msgstr[1] "ਪਿਕਸਲ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "ਫੋਲਡਰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ਅਣ-ਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰਮੇਸ਼ਨ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰਮੇਸ਼ਨ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਈ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਫਾਇਲ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਲਈ EXIF ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਡ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋਇਆ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "ਆਰਜ਼ੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਿਰਮਾਣ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਇਆ।"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "ਸੰਭਾਲਣ ਲਈ ਆਰਜ਼ੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਬਣਾਈ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ ਹੈ: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ਫਾਇਲ ਨੂੰ ਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਮੈਮੋਰੀ ਜਾਰੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਡਾਟਾ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੈਣ ਦੀ ਕੰਡੀਸ਼ਨ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "ਮੇਕਰ ਨੋਟ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "ਹੋਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP ਰਾਇਟ ਪਰਬੰਧ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP ਹੋਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ਟੈਗ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "ਮੁੱਲ"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਟਰਾਈ(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ।"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "ਦਿੱਤੇ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਉੱਤੇ ਕੋਈ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ, ਜਿਸ ਦੀਆਂ ਪਰਿੰਟਿੰਗ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "ਸਫ਼ਾ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ਸਫ਼ੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਕਿ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਪਰਿੰਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "ਸਥਿਤੀ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "ਖੱਬੇ(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "ਸੱਜੇ(_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ਉੱਤੇ(_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "ਹੇਠਾਂ(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "ਸੈਂਟਰ(_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਨਹੀਂ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "ਹਰੀਜੱਟਲ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "ਵਰਟੀਕਲ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "ਦੋਵੇਂ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "ਸਾਈਜ਼"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "ਚੌੜਾਈ(_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "ਉਚਾਈ(_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "ਸਕੇਲਿੰਗ(_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ਯੂਨਿਟ(_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "ਮਿਲੀਮੀਟਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "ਇੰਚ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "ਝਲਕ"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (ਲੈਨਜ਼)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm ਫਿਲਮ)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ਇੰਝ"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "ਲਿਆ"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "ਘੱਟੋ-ਘੱਟ ਦੋ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਂ ਇੱਕੋ ਹੀ ਹਨ।"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਦੀ ਅੱਖ ਲਈ ਮੱਦਦ ਨਹੀ ਵੇਖਾਈ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ਗਲਤ ਯੂਨੀਕੋਡ)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i ਪਿਕਸਲ %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i ਪਿਕਸਲ %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+#| msgid "Reload Image"
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਲੋਡ(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "ਓਹਲੇ(_d)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+#| "Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"ਚਿੱਤਰ \"%s\" ਨੂੰ ਬਾਹਰੀ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਵਲੋਂ ਸੋਧਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।\n"
+"ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਮੁੜ-ਲੋਡ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਲਈ \"%s\" ਵਰਤੋਂ"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" (%u/%u) ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸੰਭਾਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" ਚਿੱਤਰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ਫਾਇਲ ਪਰਿੰਟਿੰਗ ਗਲਤੀ:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਐਡੀਟਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "ਡਿਫਾਲਟ ਲਈ ਰੀ-ਸੈੱਟ(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"ਅਮਨਪਰੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਬਰਾੜ ਆਲਮਵਾਲਾ, ੨੦੦੪-੨੦੦੯\n"
+"ਜਸਵਿੰਦਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਫੂਲੇਵਾਲਾ, ੨੦੦੪\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ਇਹ ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਮੁਫ਼ਤ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਹੈ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਗਨੂ (ਜਰਨਲ ਪਬਲਿਕ ਲਾਈਸੈਂਸ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਫਰੀ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਫਾਊਨਡੇਸ਼ਨ "
+"ਵਲੋਂ ਪਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ) ਦੇ ਵਰਜਨ ੨ ਜਾਂ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਨਵੇਂ (ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਸਹੂਲਤ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ) ਰਾਹੀਂ ਵੰਡਿਆ ਜਾ "
+"ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ਇਹ ਪ੍ਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਇਹ ਸੋਚ ਕਿ ਵੰਡਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਲਾਭਦਾਇਕ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ, ਪਰ ਕੋਈ ਵਾਰੰਟੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੱਤੀ "
+"ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ, ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਖਾਸ ਮਕਸਦ ਲਈ ਅਨੁਕੂਲ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਵੀ ਵਾਰੰਦੀ ਲਾਗੂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ। ਹੋਰ ਵੇਰਵੇਲਈ ਗਨੂ "
+"(GNU) ਜਰਨਲ ਪਬਲਿਕ ਲਾਈਸੈਂਸ ਵੇਖ ਲਵੋ।\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"ਤੁਸੀਂ ਗਨੂ ਜਰਨਲ ਪਬਲਿਕ ਲਾਈਸੈਂਸ ਦੀ ਇੱਕ ਨਕਲ ਗਨੋਮ ਵੈੱਬ ਝਲਕਾਰੇ ਨਾਲ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ, ਜੇਕਰ ਨਹੀਂ "
+"ਤਾਂ ਫਰੀ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਫਾਊਨਡੇਸ਼ਨ, ੫੧ ਫਰੈਕਲਿਨ ਸਟਰੀਟ, ਪੰਜਵੀਂ ਮੰਜ਼ਲ, ਬੋਸਟਨ, ਐਮ ਏ ੦੨੧੧੦-੧੩੦੧ "
+"ਅਮਰੀਕਾ ਤੋਂ ਲੈ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਦੀ ਅੱਖ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦਰਸ਼ਕ ਹੈ।"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਪਸੰਦ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ(_O)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"ਚਿੱਤਰ \"%s\" ਨੂੰ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਵਜੋਂ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।\n"
+"ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲਣੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਕਲ ਸੰਭਾਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ \"%s\" ਨੂੰ\n"
+"ਰੱਦੀ 'ਚ ਭੇਜਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "\"%s\" ਲਈ ਰੱਦੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭੀ ਹੈ। ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਹ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਪੱਕੇ ਤੌਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਹਟਾਉਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਰੱਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ\n"
+"ਭੇਜਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ %d ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ\n"
+"ਨੂੰ ਰੱਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕੁਝ ਨੂੰ ਰੱਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ ਅਤੇ ਪੱਕੇ ਤੌਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ "
+"ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "ਰੱਦੀ 'ਚ ਭੇਜੋ(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਸ਼ੈਸ਼ਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਮੁੜ ਨਾ ਪੁੱਛੋ(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ਰੱਦੀ ਨੂੰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ।"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਹਟਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ %s ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਉਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਲਤੀ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "ਸੋਧ(_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "ਵੇਖੋ(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ਜਾਓ(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲ(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ਮੱਦਦ(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ(_O)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਫਾਇਲ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ(_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਸੋਧ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "ਮੇਰੀ ਪਸੰਦ(_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਅੱਖ ਲਈ ਮੇਰੀ ਪਸੰਦ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "ਸਮੱਗਰੀ(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਬਾਰੇ ਮੱਦਦ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਬਾਰੇ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "ਟੂਲਬਾਰ(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਟੂਲਬਾਰ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "ਹਾਲਤ-ਪੱਟੀ(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਾਲਤ-ਪੱਟੀ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਭੰਡਾਰ(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਭੰਡਾਰ ਬਾਹੀ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "ਸਾਈਡ ਪੈਨ(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਾਈਡ-ਪੈਨ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "ਸੰਭਾਲੋ(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਦਲਾਅ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ(_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਖਰੀ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "ਇੰਝ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ(_A)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਖਰੇ ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "ਪਰਿੰਟ ਕਰੋ(_P)…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣਿਆ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਪਰਿੰਟ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾ(_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲਈ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੇਟਾਡਾਟਾ ਵੇਖੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "ਵਾਪਸ(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਆਖਰੀ ਬਦਲਾਅ ਵਾਪਸ ਲਵੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "ਖਿਤਿਜੀ ਝਟਕੋ(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਹਰੀਜ਼ਟਲ ਮਿੱਰਰ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "ਲੰਬਕਾਰੀ ਝਟਕੋ(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵਰਟੀਕਲ ਮਿੱਰਰ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ਸੱਜੇ ਦਾਅ ਘੁੰਮਾਓ(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ੯੦ ਡਿਗਰੀ ਸੱਜੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਘੁੰਮਾਓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "ਖੱਬੇ ਦਾਅ ਘੁੰਮਾਓ(_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ੯੦ ਡਿਗਰੀ ਖੱਬੇ ਘੁੰਮਾਓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਬਣਾਓ(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣਿਆ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਵਾਂਗ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣਿਆ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਰੱਦੀ ਫੋਲਡਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "ਜ਼ੂਮ ਇਨ(_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵੱਡਾ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "ਜ਼ੂਮ ਆਉਟ(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਸੁੰਘੜੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "ਸਧਾਰਨ ਅਕਾਰ(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਇਸ ਦੇ ਨਾਰਮਲ ਸਾਈਜ਼ ਉੱਤੇ ਵੇਖੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "ਵਧੀਆ ਫਿੱਟ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਫਿੱਟ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "ਪੂਰੀ ਸਕਰੀਨ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਪੂਰੀ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਮੋਡ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "ਸਲਾਇਡ ਸ਼ੋ ਰੋਕੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "ਸਲਾਈਡ-ਸ਼ੋ ਚਲਾਓ ਜਾਂ ਰੋਕੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਪਿੱਛੇ(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr " ਭੰਡਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਿਛਲੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਜਾਓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਅੱਗੇ(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "ਭੰਡਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਗਲੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਜਾਓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਚਿੱਤਰ(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "ਭੰਡਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਹਿਲੇ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਜਾਓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "ਆਖਰੀ ਚਿੱਤਰ(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "ਭੰਡਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਖਰੀ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਜਾਓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "ਰਲਵਾਂ ਚਿੱਤਰ(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "ਭੰਡਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਲਵੇਂ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਜਾਓ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "ਸਲਾਇਡ ਸ਼ੋ(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਸਲਾਇਡ-ਸ਼ੋ ਸਟਾਰਟ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "ਪਿੱਛੇ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "ਅੱਗੇ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ਸੱਜੇ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ਖੱਬੇ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ਅੰਦਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "ਬਾਹਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "ਸਧਾਰਨ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "ਫਿੱਟ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "ਭੰਡਾਰ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "ਰੱਦੀ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "ਯੋਗ ਕੀਤੀ"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "ਸੰਰਚਨਾ(_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ(_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "ਸਭ ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕਰੋ(_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "ਸਭ ਡੀ-ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕਰੋ(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "ਐਕਟਿਵ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ(_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਬਾਰੇ(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ(_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਅੱਖ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਦਰਸ਼ਕ"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ਪੂਰੀ-ਸਕਰੀਨ ਮੋਡ 'ਚ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਭੰਡਾਰ ਆਯੋਗ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "ਸਲਾਇਡ ਸ਼ੋ ਮੋਡ 'ਚ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਨਵਾਂ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰੋ"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਦਾ ਵਰਜਨ ਵੇਖੋ"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "ਪੂਰੀਆਂ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਲਾਈਨ ਚੋਣਾਂ ਵੇਖਣ ਵਾਸਤੇ '%s --help' ਚਲਾਓ।"
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "ਚਿੱਤਰ ਲੋਡ"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ(_F)"
+#~| msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "ਪਰਿੰਟਿੰਗ ਲਈ ਪੇਜ਼ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ਵੇਰਵਾ</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ਉਚਾਈ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ਨਾਂ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ਕਿਸਮ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ਚੌੜਾਈ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "ਇੰਝ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ(_A)..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "\"%s\" ਨਾਲ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "ਰੱਦੀ 'ਚ ਭੇਜੋ"
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fba97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1540 @@
+# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
+# Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek uwagi odnoszące się do tłumaczenia lub chcesz
+# pomóc w jego rozwijaniu i pielęgnowaniu, napisz do nas:
+# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-15 18:31+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-15 22:20+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Piotr Drąg <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Polish <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
+"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Polish\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: Poland\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Wyświetl \"_%s\""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Przesuń na pasku narzędziowym"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Przesuwa zaznaczony element na pasku narzędziowym"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Usuń z paska narzędziowego"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczony element z paska narzędziowego"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Usuń pasek narzędziowy"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Usuwa zaznaczony pasek narzędziowy"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separator"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Włączenie trybu pełnoekranowego za pomocą dwukrotnego kliknięcia myszą"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pełny ekran za pomocą dwukrotnego kliknięcia"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Wczytaj obraz ponownie"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Wczytuje bieżący obraz ponownie"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data na pasku stanu"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Wyświetla/ukrywa datę obrazu na pasku stanu okna"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Przeglądanie i obracanie obrazów"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Przeglądarka obrazów"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Przesłona:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bajty:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model aparatu:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Prawa autorskie:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/Czas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Opis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Szczegóły"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Czas ekspozycji:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Lampa błyskowa:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Ogniskowa:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Ogólne"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Wysokość:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Wartość ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Właściwości obrazu"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Słowa kluczowe:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Położenie:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadane"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Tryb pomiaru:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nazwa:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Typ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Szerokość:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Następny"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Poprzedni"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> oryginalna nazwa pliku"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> licznik"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Wybór katalogu"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Katalog docelowy:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Podgląd nazwy pliku"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Określenie ścieżki pliku"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format nazwy pliku:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcje"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Zmiana nazwy z:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Zamiana spacji na podkreślenia"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Zapis jako"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Początek licznika:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Do:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Tło"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Wzór _szachownicy"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Własny k_olor:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Własny kolor:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Tło"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Kolor tła"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Kolor dla obszarów przezroczystych"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Dopasowywanie ob_razów do rozmiaru ekranu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencje programu Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Ulepszenia obrazu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Wyświetlanie obrazu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Skalowanie obrazu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Wtyczki"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sekwencja"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pokaz slajdów"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Interpolacja obrazu przy powię_kszaniu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Interpolacja obrazu przy p_omniejszaniu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Części przezroczyste"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientacja _automatyczna"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Zapętlanie"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Zmia_na obrazu po:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundach"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Wartość większa od 0 określa liczbę sekund, jaką obraz pozostaje na ekranie "
+"przed wyświetleniem kolejnego. Wartość zero wyłącza automatyczne "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Włączone wtyczki"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Możliwe początkowe powiększenie większe od 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientacja automatyczna"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Opóźnienie w sekundach wyświetlania pojedynczego obrazu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Określa sposób prezentowania przezroczystości. Poprawnymi wartościami są: "
+"CHECK_PATTERN (wzór szachownicy), COLOR (kolor) i NONE (brak). Jeśli wybrano "
+"opcję COLOR, wówczas klucz trans-key określa wartość użytego koloru."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapolacja obrazu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeśli jest włączone, a żaden obraz nie będzie wczytany w aktywnym oknie, "
+"okno wyboru pliku wyświetli katalog obrazów użytkownika używając katalogów "
+"specjalnych użytkownika XDG. Jeśli jest wyłączone lub katalog obrazów nie "
+"został ustawiony, wyświetli się bieżący katalog roboczy."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeśli włączone, program Eye of MATE nie będzie żądał potwierdzenia podczas "
+"przenoszenia obrazów do kosza. Będzie żądał potwierdzenia, jeśli jakiś plik "
+"nie będzie mógł zostać przeniesiony i zostanie usunięty."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeśli jest włączone, szczegółowa lista metadanych w oknie dialogowym "
+"właściwości zostanie przeniesiona na osobną stronę w oknie dialogowym. "
+"Powinno to sprawić, że okno dialogowe będzie bardziej użyteczne na "
+"mniejszych ekranach, np. w netbookach. Jeśli jest wyłączone, widżet będzie "
+"zagnieżdżony na stronie \"Metadane\"."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeśli klucz transparency (przezroczystość) ma wartość COLOR (kolor), wówczas "
+"opcja ta określa kolor wykorzystywany do prezentacji przezroczystości."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeśli włączono, kolor ustawiony przez klucz background-color zostanie użyty "
+"do wypełnienia obszaru za obrazem. Jeśli nie jest ustawione, kolor "
+"wypełnienia zostanie określony z bieżącego motywu biblioteki GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeśli opcja jest ustawiona na \"false\", to małe obrazy nie będą rozciągane, "
+"aby wypełnić początkowo ekran."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Położenie panelu kolekcji obrazów. Ustawienia: 0 na dół; 1 na lewo; 2 na "
+"górę; 3 na prawo."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolacja obrazu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista włączonych wtyczek. Nie zawiera położenia włączonych wtyczek. "
+"Położenie danej wtyczki można sprawdzić w pliku .eom-plugin."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Zapętlanie sekwencji obrazów"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Przybliżanie i oddalanie za pomocą kółka myszy"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Wyświetla/ukrywa przyciski przewijania panelu kolekcji obrazów."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Wyświetla/ukrywa panel kolekcji obrazów."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Wyświetla/ukrywa boczny panel."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Wyświetla/ukrywa pasek stanu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Wyświetla/ukrywa pasek narzędziowy."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Kolor użyty do wypełnienia obszaru za obrazem. Jeśli nie ustawiono klucza "
+"use-background-color, kolor wypełnienia zostanie zamiast tego określony z "
+"bieżącego motywu biblioteki GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Mnożnik, jaki ma zostać zastosowany podczas używania kółka myszy do "
+"zbliżania i oddalania. Ta wartość definiuje poziom przybliżenia na każdy "
+"skok obrotu kółka. Przykładowo, wartość 0.05 powoduje przybliżanie o 5% na "
+"każdy skok obrotu, a 1.00 powoduje przybliżenie o 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Kolor przezroczystości"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Wskaźnik przezroczystości"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Przenoszenie obrazów do kosza bez potwierdzenia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Użycie własnego koloru tła"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Określa, czy okno wybierania pliku powinno wyświetlać katalog obrazów "
+"użytkownika, jeśli nie wczytano żadnych obrazów."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Określa, czy można zmieniać rozmiar panelu kolekcji obrazów."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Określa, czy przy powiększaniu obrazu powinien on być ekstrapolowany. "
+"Ekstrapolacja powoduje rozmazanie obrazu i spowalnia jego wyświetlanie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Określa, czy przy powiększaniu obrazu powinien on być interpolowany. "
+"Interpolacja poprawia jakość obrazu, lecz spowalnia jego wyświetlanie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Określa, czy obraz ma być automatycznie obrócony na podstawie danych EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Określa, czy lista metadanych w oknie dialogowym właściwości powinna "
+"znajdować się na osobnej stronie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Określa, czy kółko myszy ma być używane do przybliżania."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Określa, czy sekwencja obrazów powinna być zapętlana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Mnożnik przybliżania"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Praca w trybie pełnoekranowym"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Zamknij _bez zapisywania"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Zapytanie"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Jeżeli obraz nie zostanie zapisany, zmiany zostaną utracone."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Zapisać zmiany obrazu \"%s\" przed jego zamknięciem?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Jeden zmieniony obraz nie został zapisany. Zapisać zmiany przed zamknięciem?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"%d zmienione obrazy nie zostały zapisane. Zapisać zmiany przed zamknięciem?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"%d zmienionych obrazów nie zostało zapisanych. Zapisać zmiany przed "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "Wy_bór obrazów do zapisania:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Jeżeli obraz nie zostanie zapisany, wszystkie zmiany zostaną utracone."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Format pliku jest nieznany lub nieobsługiwany"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Program Eye of MATE nie mógł określić obsługiwanego zapisywalnego formatu "
+"pliku opierając się na jego nazwie."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Proszę spróbować inne rozszerzenie pliku, takie jak .png lub .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Wszystkie pliki"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Wszystkie obrazy"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "piksele"
+msgstr[2] "pikseli"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Otwarcie obrazu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Zapis obrazu"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Otwarcie katalogu"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformacja na niewczytanym obrazie."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformacja się nie powiodła."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Dane EXIF nie są obsługiwane dla tego formatu pliku."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Wczytanie obrazu się nie powiodło."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nie wczytano obrazu."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Utworzenie pliku tymczasowego się nie powiodło."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nie można utworzyć pliku tymczasowego do zapisu: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nie można przydzielić pamięci do wczytania pliku JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Aparat"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dane obrazu"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Warunki robienia zdjęcia"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Opis twórcy"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Inne"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP EXIF"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Zarządzanie uprawnieniami XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Inne XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etykieta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Wartość"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Ponów"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Nie można wczytać obrazu \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nie odnaleziono obrazów w \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Podane położenia nie zawierają obrazów."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Ustawienia obrazu"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Obraz, którego właściwości drukowania będą ustawiane"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Układ strony"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informacja o stronie, na której obraz zostanie wydrukowany"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Położenie"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Lewo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Prawo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Góra:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Dół:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Śr_odek:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Brak"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Poziomo"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Pionowo"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Oba"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Rozmiar"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Szerokość:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Wysokość:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "S_kalowanie:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Jednostka:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetry"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Cale"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Podgląd"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nieznane"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (obiektyw)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (film 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "jak jest"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Zrobione o "
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Co najmniej dwa pliki mają tę samą nazwę."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nie można wyświetlić pomocy programu Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (nieprawidłowe kodowanie Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i piksel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i piksele %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i pikseli %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Wczytaj ponownie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Ukryj"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Obraz \"%s\" został zmodyfikowany przez zewnętrzny program.\n"
+"Wczytać go ponownie?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Użycie \"%s\" do otwarcia zaznaczonego obrazu"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Zapisywanie obrazu \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Otwieranie obrazu \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Błąd podczas drukowania pliku:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Edytor paska narzędziowego"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "Przywróć _domyślne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr " <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009, 2010"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Niniejszy program jest wolnym oprogramowaniem; można go rozprowadzać dalej i/"
+"lub modyfikować na warunkach Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU, wydanej "
+"przez Fundację Wolnego Oprogramowania - według wersji drugiej tej Licencji "
+"lub którejś z późniejszych wersji.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Niniejszy program rozpowszechniany jest z nadzieją, iż będzie on użyteczny - "
+"jednak BEZ JAKIEJKOLWIEK GWARANCJI, nawet domyślnej gwarancji PRZYDATNOŚCI "
+"bliższych informacji należy zapoznać się z Powszechną Licencją Publiczną "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Z pewnością wraz z niniejszym programem dostarczono także egzemplarz "
+"Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU (GNU General Public License); jeśli nie "
+"- proszę napisać do Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite "
+"330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Przeglądarka obrazów MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "Otwórz p_referencje tła"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Obraz \"%s\" został ustawiony jako tło pulpitu.\n"
+"Zmodyfikować jego wygląd?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Zapisywanie obrazu lokalnie…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Na pewno przenieść\n"
+"\"%s\" do kosza?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Kosz dla \"%s\" nie mógł zostać odnaleziony. Usunąć obraz bezpowrotnie?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Na pewno przenieść\n"
+"zaznaczony obraz do kosza?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Na pewno przenieść\n"
+"%d zaznaczone obrazy do kosza?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Na pewno przenieść\n"
+"%d zaznaczonych obrazów do kosza?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Niektóre zaznaczone obrazy nie mogą zostać przeniesione do kosza i zostaną "
+"usunięte bezpowrotnie. Na pewno kontynuować?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Przenieś do _kosza"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Bez ponownego pytania w trakcie tej sesji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nie można uzyskać dostępu do kosza."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Nie można usunąć pliku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Błąd podczas usuwania obrazu %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edycja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Widok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "P_rzejdź"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Narzędzia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Pomo_c"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Otwórz…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Otwiera plik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Za_mknij"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zamyka okno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Pasek narzędziowy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Modyfikuje pasek narzędziowy programu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Prefere_ncje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferencje programu Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Spis treści"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Pomoc na temat programu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_O programie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "O tym programie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Pasek narzędziowy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmienia widok paska narzędziowego w bieżącym oknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Pas_ek stanu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmienia widok paska stanu w bieżącym oknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Kolekcja obrazów"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmienia widoczność panelu kolekcji obrazów w bieżącym oknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Boczny panel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmienia widoczność panelu bocznego w bieżącym oknie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Zapisz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Zapisuje zmiany w bieżąco zaznaczonych obrazach"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Otwórz _za pomocą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Otwiera zaznaczony obraz za pomocą innego programu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Z_apis jako…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Zapisuje zaznaczony obraz pod inną nazwą"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Wy_drukuj…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Drukuje zaznaczony obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Właściwości"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Wyświetla właściwości i metadane zaznaczonego obrazu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Cofnij"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Cofa ostatnie zmiany w obrazie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Odbij po_ziomo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Odbija obrazu w poziomie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Odbij pio_nowo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Odbija obraz w pionie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Obróć w p_rawo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Obraca obraz o 90 stopni w prawo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Obróć w _lewo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Obraca obraz o 90 stopni w lewo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Ustaw jako _tło pulpitu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Ustawia zaznaczony obraz jako tło pulpitu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Przenosi zaznaczony obraz do katalogu kosza"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "P_owiększ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Powiększa obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Po_mniejsz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Pomniejsza obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Zwykły rozmiar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Wyświetla obrazy w naturalnej wielkości"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Dopasuj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Dopasowuje obraz do okna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Pełny ekra_n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Wyświetla bieżący obraz w trybie pełnoekranowym"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Wstrzymaj pokaz slajdów"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Wstrzymuje lub wznawia pokaz slajdów"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Poprzedni obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Przechodzi do poprzedniego obrazu w kolekcji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Następny obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Przechodzi do następnego obrazu w kolekcji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Pier_wszy obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Przechodzi do pierwszego obrazu w kolekcji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Ostatni obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Przechodzi do ostatniego obrazu w kolekcji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Losowy obraz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Przechodzi do losowego obrazu w kolekcji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pokaz slajdó_w"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Rozpoczyna pokaz slajdów danych obrazów"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Poprzedni"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Następny"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Prawo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Lewo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Powiększ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Pomniejsz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Zwykły"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Dopasuj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kolekcja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Przenieś do kosza"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Wtyczka"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Włączona"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Skonfiguruj"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "Włą_cz"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "_Włącz wszystkie"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Wyłącz wszyst_kie"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Włączone w_tyczki:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_O wtyczce"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Skonfiguruj wtyczkę"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Przeglądarka obrazów Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Otwiera w trybie pełnoekranowym"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Wyłącza kolekcję obrazów"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Otwiera w trybie pokazu slajdów"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Uruchamia nową instancję zamiast ponownego użycia bieżącej"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Wyświetla wersję programu"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[PLIK…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Uruchomienie \"%s --help\" wyświetli pełną listę opcji wiersza poleceń."
diff --git a/po/ps.po b/po/ps.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3466705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ps.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1213 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.head\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-14 03:55+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-07-14 15:40-0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Zabeeh Khan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Pashto <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Pashto, Pushto\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: AFGHANISTAN\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "ښودل “%s_”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "په توکپټه کې خوځول_"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوی توکی په توکپټه کې خوځول"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1403
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "له توکپټې ړنګول_"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1404
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوی توکی له توکپټې ړنګول"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1405
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "توکپټه ړنګول_"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1406
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوې توکپټه ړنګول"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:493
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "بېلند"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "په ټوله پرده اکر کې ځغلي"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "په دوه ځلي کېکاږلو سره د ټولې پردې اکر چارندول"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "په دوه ځلي کېکاږلو سره ټوله پرده راوستل"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "انځور بيالېښل"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "اوسنی انځور بيالېښل"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "په انکړپټه کې نېټه"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "د کړکۍ په انکړپټه کې د انځور نېټه ښيي"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "انځورونه لټول او چورلول"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "انځور ليدانی"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:ليکوال</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:باېټه</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:د کېمرې بېلګه</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:چاپرښتې</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:نېټه/مهال</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:سپړاوی</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>خبرتياوې</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:د څرګندتيا مهال</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:برېښېدل</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:اوږدوالی</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:چټکتيا کچونه ISO د</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:اروييونه</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:ځای</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:د مېټرونې اکر</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:نوم</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:ډول</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>:پلنوالی</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "ټولګړي"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "د انځور ځانتياوې"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "پېژن اومتوک"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "راتلوکی_"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "مخکنی_"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>د دوتنې نوم مخليد</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>د دوتنې يونلور ځانګړنې</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>غوراوي</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> ار دوتنه نوم</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> شمېرونکی</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "يوه پوښۍ وټاکئ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr ":موخه پوښۍ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr ":د دوتنې نوم بڼه"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ":بيانومول له"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "تشې په لاندکرښکو ځاېناستول"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "ساتل په"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ":شمېرونکی پېلول پر"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr ":ته"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>انځور پرمختلنه</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>د انځور لويوالی</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>پرله پسې والی</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>رڼې برخې</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "لکه _شاليد"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "لکه خوښ _بېلګه"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr ":لکه دوديز ر_نګ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "د رڼو سيمو رنګ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "انځورونه غ_ځول چې پردې سره برابر شي"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "د جنومي سترګې غوراوي"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "انځور ليد"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "لګونونه"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "سلالېښود"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "د لويدو پر _مهال انځورونه ښويه کول"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "خپلکارې لورموندنه_"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "کړۍ پرله پسې والی_"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr ":انځور ونجول وروسته له_"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "سېکېنډه"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "چارنده لګونونه"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "په لومړيو کې د ۱۰۰٪ نه لويوالی ډېرول پرېښل"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "خپلکارې لورموندنه"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "د راتلونکي انځور تر ښودلو ډلو په سېکېنډونو کې "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "انځور کې اچونه کول"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr ".د انځور ټولګې چوکاټ ښودل/پټول"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr ".د کړکۍ د غاړې چوکاټ ښودل/پټول"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr ".د کړکۍ انکړپټه ښودل/پټول"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr ".د کړکۍ توکپټه ښودل/پټول"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "د روڼوالي رنګ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "د روڼوالي نغوتاند"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "د لويوالي ګڼوونکی"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "د دوتنې بڼه يا ناپېژندلې ده يا نامنلې"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "..jpg يا .png مهرباني وکړﺉ يو بل دوتنه شاتاړی وکاروﺉ لکه"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "ټولې دوتنې"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "ټول انځورونه"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:133
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:135
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:444
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:719
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "انځور لېښل"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "انځور ساتل"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "پوښۍ پرانيستل"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:531
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:559
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ".اړونه پاتې راغله"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:948
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr ".منل شوی نه دی EXIF د دې دوتنه بڼې لپاره"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1065
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr ".د انځور لېښل پاتې راغلل"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1467
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1572
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr ".کوم امنځور نه دی لېښل شوی"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1477
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1584
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ".د لنډمهاله دوتنې جوړول پاتې راغلل"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "%s :د ساتلو لپاره لنډمهاله دوتنه نه شي جوړولی"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "کېمره"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "انځور اومتوک"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "د انځور اخيستلو وختونه"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "جوړوونکی يادښت"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "بل"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "رښتو سمبالښت XMP د"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "بل XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "بچوۍ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "ارزښت"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:90
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "بياهڅه_"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr ".انځور نه شي لېښلی '%s'"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr ".کې کوم انځور ونه موندل شو '%s'"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ".ورکړل شوی ځای کوم انځور نه لري"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "انځور امستنې"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:833
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "انځور"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "هغه انځور چې د چاپولو ځانتياوې به يې وامستل شي"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "مخ امسته"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "د هغه مخ خبرتياوې چې انځور به پرې چاپيږي"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:869
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "ځای"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:874
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr ":کيڼ_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr ":ښي_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr ":بره_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr ":لاندې_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:879
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr ":م_ېنځ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "هېڅ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "پروت"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:888
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "نېغ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:890
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "دواړه"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:906
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "کچ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:911
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr ":پلنوالی_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr ":اوږدوالی_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:916
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr ":مېچنه_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:929
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr ":يوون_"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:934
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "ميلي ميټرې"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "اېنچه"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:966
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "مخليد"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "ناپېژندلی"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "څنګه چې دی"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:470
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "اخيستل شوی په"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr ".شاوخوا د دوه دوتنو نومونه يو دي"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "د جنومي سترګې لپاره مرسته نه شي ښودلی"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ناسم يونيکوډ)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1130
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "پرانيستل \"%s\" په"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "کارول \"%s\" د ټاکل شوي انځور د پرانيستلو لپاره"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1246
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" (%u/%u) انځور ساتل کيږي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1585
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "انځور لېښل کيږي \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2270
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+":د دوتنې په چاپولو کې ستونزه\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2398
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "توکپټه سمونګر"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2401
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "بېرته تلوالول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2487
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Zabeeh Khan <[email protected]>\n"
+"The Pathanisation Project <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2490
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2494
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2511
+#: ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "د جنومي سترګه"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2514
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr ".د جنومي انځور ليدانی"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2897
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "خځلنۍ ته لېږل غواړﺉ؟ \"%s\" تاسو په ډاډه توګه"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2900
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2915
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "خځلنۍ ته لېږل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2943
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2957
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2963
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr ".خځلنۍ ته لاسرس نه شي کولی"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3029
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "انځور په ړنګولو کې ستونزه %s د"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3236
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "دوتنه_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3237
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "سمون_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3238
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "ليد_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3239
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "انځور_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3240
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ورتګ_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3241
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "توکي_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3242
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "مرسته_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3244
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "...پرانيستل_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3245
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "کومه دوتنه پرانيستل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3247
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "بندول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "کړکۍ بندول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3250
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "ت_وکپټه"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3251
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "د کاريال توکپټه سمول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3253
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "غور_اوي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3254
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "د جنومي سترګې غوراوي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3256
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "منځپانګې_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3257
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "د دې کاريال مرسته"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3259
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "په اړه_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3260
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "د دې کاريال په اړه"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3265
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "توکپټه_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3266
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "په اوسنۍ کړکۍ کې د توکپټې ښکارېدنه بدلوي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3268
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "انکړپټه_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3269
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "په اوسنۍ کړکۍ کې د انکړپټې ښکارېدنه بدلوي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3271
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "انځور ټولګه_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3272
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "په اوسنۍ کړکۍ کې د انځور ټولګې چوکاټ ښکارېدنه بدلوي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3274
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "څنګ _چوکاټ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3275
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "په اوسنۍ کړکۍ کې د څنګ چوکاټ ښکارېدنه بدلوي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3280
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "ساتل_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3281
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "په اوسني ټاکل شوي انځور کې بدلونونه ساتل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3283
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "پرانيستل _په"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوی انځور په کوم بل کاريال پرانيستل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3286
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "...ساتل _په"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوی انځور په کوم بل نوم ساتل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3289
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "...مخ امس_ته"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "د چاپولو لپاره د مخ ځانتياوې امستل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3292
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "...چاپول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوی انځور چاپول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3295
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "ځانتي_اوې"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3296
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "د ټاکل شوي انځور ځانتياوې او پېژن اومتوک ښودل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3298
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "ناکړ_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "د انځور وروستی بدلون بېرته ناکړول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3301
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "پروت اړول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "انځور په پرته توګه هېندارول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3304
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "نېغ اړول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "انځور په نېغه توګه هېندارول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3307
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ګړيالغوندې چورلول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3308
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "انځور ۹۰ پوړه ښي خوا ته چورلول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3310
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "سرچپه ګړيالغوندې چورلول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "انځور ۹۰ پوړه کيڼې خوا ته چورلول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3313
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "لکه _دېوالپاڼه ټاکل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوی انځور لکه د سرپاڼې دېوالپاڼه ټاکل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3316
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3340
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "خځلنۍ ته لېږل_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "ټاکل شوی انځور خځلنۍ پوښۍ ته لېږل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3319
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3331
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3334
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "لوډېرول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3320
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3332
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "انځور لويول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3322
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3337
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "لو_کمول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3323
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3335
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "انځور وړول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3325
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "لېوی کچ_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "انځور په خپل ليوي کچ ليدل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3328
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "ښه برابرول_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3329
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "انځور په کړکۍ کې برابرول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3346
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "ټوله پرده_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "اوسنی انځور په ټوله پردې اکر کې ښودل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "مخکنی انځور_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "د ټولګې مخکني انځور ته ورتلل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "راتلونکی انځور_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "د ټولګې راتلونکي انځور ته ورتلل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3358
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "لومړی انځور_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "د ټولګې لومړي انځور ته ورتلل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3361
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3370
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "وروستی انځور_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "د ټولګې وروستي انځور ته ورتلل"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "سلالېښود_"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3377
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "د انځورونو سلالېښودل ليد پېلول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "مخکنی"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3447
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "راتلونکی"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3451
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ښي"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3454
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "کيڼ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3457
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "دننه"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3460
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "بهر"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "لېوی"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "برابرول"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "ټولګه"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "لګون"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "توانول شوي"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "س_ازول"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "چ_ارندول"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "ټول چا_رندول"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "ټول ناچارندول_"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr ":چارنده _لګونونه"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "د لګون په اړه_"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "لګون س_ازول"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "په ټولې پردې اکر کې پرانيستل"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "انځور ټولګه ناتوانول"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "په سلالۍ ښود اکر کې پرانيستل"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[...دوتنه]"
+#: ../src/main.c:223
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "د جنومي سترګه انځور ليدانی"
diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f63945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pt.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2020 @@
+# eom's Portuguese Translation
+# Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 eom
+# Distributed under the same licence as the eom package
+# Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: 2.32\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-18 12:33+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-18 12:40+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Apresentar “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mover na Barra de Ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Mover o item seleccionado na barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Remover da Barra de Ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Remover o item seleccionado da barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Apagar Barra de Ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Apagar a barra de ferramentas seleccionada"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separador"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activar o modo de ecrã completo com um clique-duplo"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Ecrã completo com um clique-duplo"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Reler Imagem"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Reler a imagem actual"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data na barra de estados"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Apresentar a data da imagem na barra de estados da janela"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Navegue e rode imagens"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizador de Imagens"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor da Abertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modelo da Câmara:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Direitos de Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/Hora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descrição:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalhes"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Tempo de Exposição:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distância Focal:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Geral"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Altura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Rácio de Velocidade ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propriedades da Imagem"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palavras Chave:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Local:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadados"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Modo de Medida de Luz:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nome:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipo:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Largura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Seguinte"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Anterior"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nome do ficheiro original"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> contador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Seleccione uma pasta"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Pasta de destino:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Antevisão do Nome do Ficheiro"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificações de Caminho de Ficheiro"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formato do nome de ficheiro:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opções"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Renomear de:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Substituir espaços por \"_\""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Gravar Como"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Iniciar o contador em:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Para:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Como _fundo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Como _padrão axadrezado"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Como c_or personalizada:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Como cor personalizada:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fundo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Cor de Fundo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Cor para Áreas Transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_xpandir as imagens para caberem no ecrã"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferências Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Melhorias da Imagem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vista de Imagem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom de Imagem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sequência"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Apresentação em Diapositivos"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Suavizar as imagens ao _aumentar o zoom"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Suavizar as imagens ao red_uzir o zoom"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Partes Transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientação _automática"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Sequência de _ciclagem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Alter_nar a imagem após:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Um valor maior do que 0 determinda os segundos que uma imagem permanece no "
+"ecrã até que a seguinte seja automaticamente apresentada. Zero desactiva a "
+"navegação automática."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins activos"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permitir inicialmente zoom maior do que 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientação automática"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Segundos de espera até apresentar a imagem seguinte"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina como deverá ser indicada a transparência. Valores válidos são "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR e NONE. Se for seleccionada COLOR, então a chave trans-"
+"color determina o valor da cor utilizada."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolar Imagem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se activo e não estiver nenhuma imagem lida na janela activa, o selector de "
+"ficheiros irá apresentar a pasta de imagens do utilizador recorrendo aos "
+"directórios especiais de utilizador XDG. Se desactivo ou a pasta de imagens "
+"não tiver sido configurada, apresentará o directório actual de trabalho."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Se activo o Eye of MATE não irá pedir confirmação ao mover imagens para o "
+"lixo. No entanto, irá pedir caso alguma das imagens não possa ser movida "
+"para o lixo e em alternativa tenha de ser apagada."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Se activo, a lista detalhada de metadados no diálogo de propriedades será "
+"movida para a sua própria página no diálogo. Isto tornará o diálogo mais "
+"utilizável em ecrãs pequenos, por ex. netbooks. Se desactivo, o widget será "
+"embutido na página \"Metadados\"."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a chave de transparência tiver o valor COLOR, esta chave determina a cor "
+"que é utilizada para indicar transparência."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Se activo, a cor definida pela chave background-color será utilizada para "
+"encher a área por trás da imagem. Se não estiver definida, o tema actual do "
+"GTK+ irá determinar qual a cor de enchimento."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Se difinido como FALSE imagens pequenas não serão inicialmente esticadas "
+"para ocuparem o ecrã."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posição do painel de colecção de imagens. Definir como 0 para área inferior; "
+"1 para à esquerda; 2 para no topo; 3 para à direita."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolar Imagem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista de plugins activos. Não contém a \"Localização\" dos plugins activos. "
+"Consulte o ficheiro .eom-plugin para obter a \"Localização\" de um plugin "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Ciclar através da sequência de imagens"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom com roda do rato"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+"Apresentar/Esconder os botões de rolar o painel de colecção de imagens."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Apresentar/Esconder o painel de colecção de imagens."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Apresentar/Esconder o painel lateral da janela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Apresentar/Esconder a barra de estados da janela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Apresentar/Esconder a barra de ferramentas da janela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"A cor que é utilizada para encher a área por trás da imagem. Se a chave use-"
+"background-color não estiver definida, a cor será determinada pelo tema GTK+ "
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"O multiplicador a ser aplicado ao utilizar a roda do rato para realizar "
+"zoom. Este valor define o incremento de zoom utilizado para cada evento de "
+"rotação. Por exemplo, 0,05 resulta num incremento de zoom de 5% para cada "
+"evento de rolamento e 1,00 resulta num incremento de zoom de 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Cor de transparência"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de transparência"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Deitar ao lixo as imagens sem pedir confirmação"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Utilizar uma cor de fundo personalizada"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o selector de ficheiros deverá apresentar a pasta de imagens do "
+"utilizador se não estiverem lidas quaisquer imagens."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Se o painel de colecção de imagens deverá ser ou não redimensionável."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a imagem deverá ou não ser extrapolada ao aumentar o zoom. Isto causa uma "
+"qualidade desfocada e é mais lento do que imagens não extrapoladas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a imagem deverá ou não ser interpolada ao reduzir o zoom. Isto assegura "
+"melhor qualidade mas é mais lento do que imagens não interpoladas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a imagem deveria ou não ser automaticamente rodada baseada na orientação "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a lista de metadados no diálogo de propriedades deverá ter a sua própria "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Se a roda do rato deverá ser ou não utilizada para realizar zoom."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a sequência de imagens deverá ou não ser apresentada num ciclo infinito."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicador de zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "A executar em modo de ecrã completo"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Fechar _sem Gravar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Questão"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se não gravar, as suas alterações serão perdidas."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Gravar as alterações realizadas na imagem \"%s\" antes de fechar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Existe %d imagem com alterações por gravar. Gravar antes de fechar?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Existem %d imagens com alterações por gravar. Gravar antes de fechar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_eleccione as imagens que deseja gravar:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se não gravar, todas as suas alterações serão perdidas."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Formato de ficheiro desconhecido ou não suportado"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE foi incapaz de determinar um formato de ficheiro de escrita "
+"suportado baseado no nome do ficheiro."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Tente uma extensão de ficheiro diferente tal como .png ou .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Todos os Ficheiros"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Todas as Imagens"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Abrir Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Gravar Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Abrir Pasta"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformação sobre uma imagem não lida."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Falha na transformação."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF não é suportado para este formato de ficheiro."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Falha ao ler a imagem."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nenhuma imagem lida."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Falha ao criar o ficheiro temporário."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Incapaz de criar ficheiro temporário para gravar: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Incapaz de alocar memória para ler ficheiro JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Câmara"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dados da Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condições de Obtenção da Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nota do Fotógrafo"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Outro"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "Exif XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Gestão de Direitos XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Outro XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Tentar Novamente"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Incapaz de ler a imagem '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nenhuma imagem encontrada em '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "As localizações indicadas não contêm imagens."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Definições da Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "A imagem para a qual serão configuradas as propriedades de impressão"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configuração de Página"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "A informação da página onde a imagem será impressa"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posição"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Esquerda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Direita:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Superior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Inferior:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrada:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nenhuma"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ambas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamanho"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Largura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Altura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Escala:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unidade:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milímetros"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Polegadas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Antever"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Desconhecido"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lente)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (rolo de 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "como está"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Tirada em"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Pelo menos dois nomes de ficheiros são idênticos."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Incapaz de apresentar a ajuda para o Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode inválido)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Reler"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Escon_der"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"A imagem \"%s\" foi alterada por uma aplicação externa.\n"
+"Deseja relê-la?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Utilizar \"%s\" para abrir a imagem seleccionada"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "A gravar a imagem \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "A abrir a imagem \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erro ao imprimir o ficheiro:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de Barra de Ferramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Repor Omissões"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Esta aplicação é livre; pode redistribuí-la e/ou alterá-la sob as condições "
+"da Licença Pública Genérica GNU tal como publicada pela Free Software "
+"Foundation; ou a versão 2 da Licença ou (à sua escolha) qualquer versão "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Esta aplicação é distribuída na expectativa de que seja útil, mas SEM "
+"QUALQUER GARANTIA; sem mesmo a garantia implícita de COMERCIABILIDADE ou "
+"ADEQUAÇÃO A UM DETERMINADO PROPÓSITO. Consulte a Licença Pública Genérica "
+"GNU para mais detalhes.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Deverá ter recebido uma cópia da Licença Pública Genérica GNU juntamente com "
+"esta aplicação; caso contrário, escreva para a Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA (em inglês)."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "O visualizador de imagens do MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Abrir as Preferências de Fundo"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"A imagem \"%s\" foi definida como Fundo da Área de Trabalho.\n"
+"Deseja alterar o seu aspecto?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "A gravar a imagem localmente…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Tem a certeza de que deseja mover\n"
+"\"%s\" para o lixo?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Não foi encontrado um lixo em \"%s\". Deseja remover esta imagem "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Tem a certeza de que deseja mover\n"
+"a imagem seleccionada para o lixo?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Tem a certeza de que deseja mover\n"
+"as %d imagens seleccionadas para o lixo?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Algumas das imagens seleccionadas não podem ser movidas para o lixo e serão "
+"removidas permanentemente. Tem a certeza de que deseja prosseguir?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mover para o _Lixo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Não voltar a questionar durante esta sessão"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Incapaz de aceder ao lixo."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Incapaz de apagar o ficheiro"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Erro ao apagar a imagem %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ver"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Ir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Ferramen_tas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Abrir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Abrir um ficheiro"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Fe_char"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Fechar janela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de Ferramen_tas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Editar a barra de ferramentas da aplicação"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Preferê_ncias"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferências para o Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Conteúdo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ajuda sobre esta aplicação"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Sobre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Sobre esta aplicação"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de Ferramen_tas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Altera a visibilidade da barra de ferramentas na janela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _Estados"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Altera a visibilidade da barra de estados na janela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Colecção de _Imagens"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Altera a visibilidade do painel de colecção de imagens na janela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Painel Lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Altera a visibilidade do painel lateral na janela actual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gravar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Gravar as alterações nas imagens seleccionadas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Abrir _com"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Abrir a imagem seleccionada com uma aplicação diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Gravar _Como…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Gravar as imagens seleccionadas com um nome diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Imprimir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprimir a imagem seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "P_ropriedades"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Apresentar as propriedades e metadados da imagem seleccionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Desfazer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Desfazer a última alteração na imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Rodar _Horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Espelhar a imagem horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Rodar _Verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Espelhar a imagem verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rodar no Sentido dos Ponteiros"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rodar a imagem 90 graus para a direita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rodar no Sentido _Contrário aos Ponteiros"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rodar a imagem 90 graus para a esquerda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Definir como _Fundo da Área de Trabalho"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Definir a imagem seleccionada como fundo da área de trabalho"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mover a imagem seleccionada para a pasta de lixo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Aum _Zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Aumentar a imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Red Zoom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Reduzir a imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Tamanho _Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Apresentar a imagem no seu tamanho original"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Mel_hor Dimensão"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Ajustar a imagem ao tamanho da janela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Ecrã Completo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Apresentar a imagem actual em modo de ecrã completo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausar a Apresentação de Diapositivos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausar ou retomar a apresentação de diapositivos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imagem _Anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir para a imagem anterior da colecção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Imagem _Seguinte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir para a imagem seguinte da colecção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Primeira Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir para a primeira imagem da colecção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Úl_tima Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir para a última imagem da colecção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imagem Aleató_ria"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Ir para uma imagem aleatória da colecção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Apresentação em _Diapositivos"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Iniciar uma visualização em diapositivos das imagens"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Seguinte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Direita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquerda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Aumentar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Reduzir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Caber"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Catálogo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Lixo"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activo"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Activar _Todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desactivar Todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Plugins Activos:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Sobre o Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar o Plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizador de Imagens Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Abrir em modo de ecrã completo"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Desactivar a colecção de imagens"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Abrir em modo de apresentação de diapositivos"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Iniciar uma nova instância em vez de reutilizar uma existente"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Apresentar a versão da aplicação"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FICHEIRO…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Execute '%s --help' para consultar uma lista de todas as opções de linha de "
+"comando disponíveis."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Ler Imagem"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Ficheiro"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Definir as propriedades da página para imprimir"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detalhes</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Altura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nome:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipo:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Largura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "_Open..."
+#~ msgstr "_Abrir..."
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Gr_avar Como..."
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "Im_primir..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Abrir com \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Mover para o Lixo"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Apenas imagens locais podem ser utilizadas como papel de parede"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para que seja possível definir esta imagem como sendo o seu papel de "
+#~ "parede, grave-a localmente no seu computador"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Config_uração da Página..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Definir como Imagem De _Fundo da Área de Trabalho"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Ficheiro existe"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Local:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria da última janela de colecção"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria da última janela de imagem única"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Abrir imagens numa nova janela"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se abrir uma imagem deverá criar uma nova janela em vez de substituir a "
+#~ "imagem na janela actual."
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Navegar"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Apresentar/esconder informação da imagem para a colecção."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Apresentar/esconder informação da imagem para uma imagem única."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Nome de Ficheiro"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Largura"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Altura"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Tamanho de Ficheiro"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Atributo"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Ficheiro"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s pixel"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Abrir numa nova janela"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "Contador"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Comentário"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "Data"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "Horas"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "Dia"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "Mês"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "Ano"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "Hora"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "Minuto"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "Segundo"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "Opção indisponível."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para utilizar esta funcionalidade necessita da biblioteca libexif. "
+#~ "Instale a libexif ( e recompile o Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Cancelar a gravação ..."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Incapaz de apresentar a ajuda para o Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "Sobrepor o ficheiro %s?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "O ficheiro existe. Deseja sobrepo-lo?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "Saltar"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "Sobrepor"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "Erro ao gravar %s."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "Incapaz de determinar o uri de destino."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "Incapaz de determinar o formato do ficheiro %s"
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Utilize um sufixo apropriado no nome do ficheiro ou seleccione um formato "
+#~ "de ficheiro."
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "Erro ao gravar as imagens."
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Motivo: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "_Informação da Imagem"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "Fechar"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "Gravar"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "Desfazer"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "Não foi encontrada a descrição de interface de utilizador."
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "Incapaz de criar o interface de utilizador do Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "O ficheiro não foi encontrado."
+#~ msgstr[1] "Os ficheiros não foram encontrados."
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "Vazio"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Visualizar tipos diferentes de imagens"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Interpolação de Imagem</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "Permitir inicialmente _zoom maior do que 100%"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Apresentação de Diapositivos"
+#~ msgid "Print Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Antever Impressão"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Ro_dar 180°"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se definido como TRUE, as imagens serão substituídas após o número de "
+#~ "segundos determinado pela chave 'full_screen/seconds'."
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "_Nova Janela"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Abrir uma nova janela"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Abrir _Pasta..."
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Apagar"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Novo"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Abrir múltiplas janelas individuais?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Está prestes a abrir %i janela simultaneamente. Deseja antes abri-la num "
+#~ "catálogo?"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Está prestes a abrir %i janelas simultaneamente. Deseja antes abri-las "
+#~ "num catálogo?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Janelas Individuais"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "Apresentação de Sli_des"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "Nomes de ficheiros não são disjuntos."
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Novo"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "ficheiro vazio"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Abrir o _Directório..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Abrir um directório"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Imagens: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Sair"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Fechar todas as janelas e terminar"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "Visualizador de Catálogos de Imagens EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "Fábrica de vista de catálogo de imagens EOM"
+#~ msgid "View as I_mage Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Ver como Catálogo de I_magens"
+#~ msgid "Rotate 180 _Degrees"
+#~ msgstr "Rodar 180 _Graus"
+#~ msgid "Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Rodar no Sentido dos _Ponteiros"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Rodar no Sentido _Contrário aos Ponteiros"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving"
+#~ msgstr "Cancelar gravação"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Gravação terminada"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Vista em Catálogo"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Título da Janela"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Texto de Estado"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Progresso de Leitura da Imagem"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "Fábrica de visualizador de imagem EOM"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Imagem EOM Embutível"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Ecrã Completo"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Antevê a imagem a ser impressa"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Rodar à Esquerda"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Rodar à Direita"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Rodar no Sentido dos _Ponteiros"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Rodar no Sentido _Contrário aos Ponteiros"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/Aum _Zoom"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/_Red Zoom"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/Tamanho _Normal"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Mel_hor Dimensão"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/Fe_char"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Falha ao ler imagem %s."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falha ao ler imagem %s.\n"
+#~ "Motivo: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Falha ao ler"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Imagem gravada com sucesso"
+#~ msgid "Image Width"
+#~ msgstr "Largura da Imagem"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Texto da Barra de Estados"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Largura de Janela Desejada"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Altura de Janela Desejada"
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Tipo de imagem não suportado para gravação."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Página"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Papel"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% do tamanho original"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Ajustar a "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda de corte"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Abaixo, depois à direita"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Caber na página"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Horizontalmente por "
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Margens"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Pedir ajuda"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Sobrepor"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Ajuda de sobreposição"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Ordenação de página"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Direita, depois abaixo"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Escala"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Apresentar"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Verticalmente por "
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "O nome do ficheiro ou dados a imprimir"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Cancelar"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Sair da aplicação"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr "Duarte Loreto <[email protected]>"
+#~ msgid "dialog1"
+#~ msgstr "diálogo1"
diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d2133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1656 @@
+# Brazilian Portuguese translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Eduardo Belloti <[email protected]>, 2000.
+# Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>, 2002, 2006.
+# David Barzilay <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Gustavo Noronha Silva <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Goedson Teixeira Paixão <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Welther José O. Esteves <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Afonso Celso Medina <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Guilherme de S. Pastore <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>, 2006-2009.
+# Og Maciel <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Rodrigo Flores <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Hugo Doria <[email protected]>, 2008.
+# Vladimir Melo <[email protected]>, 2008, 2009.
+# César Veiga <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Krix Apolinário <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Wancharle Sebastião Quirino <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Michel Recondo <[email protected]>, 2010.
+# Henrique P. Machado <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-19 17:08+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-19 19:32-0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Daniel S. Koda <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Mostrar “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mover na barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Move o item selecionado na barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Remover da barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Remove o item selecionado da barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Excluir barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Remover a barra de ferramentas selecionada"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separador"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Ativa o modo tela cheia com clique duplo"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Tela cheia com clique duplo"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Recarregar imagem"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Recarrega a imagem atual"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data na barra de status"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Mostra a data da imagem na barra de status da janela"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Navegue e gire imagens"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizador de Imagens"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valor da abertura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bytes:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Modelo da câmera:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Data/Hora:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descrição:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalhes"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Tempo de exposição:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Flash:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distância focal:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Geral"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Altura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Taxa de velocidade ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propriedades da imagem"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palavras-chave:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Localização:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadados"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Modo de medição:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nome:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tipo:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Largura:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Próxima"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Anterior"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nome de arquivo original"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> contador"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Escolha um diretório"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Pasta de destino:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Visualização do nome de arquivo"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Especificações do caminho dos arquivos"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formato do nome de arquivo:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opções"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Renomear de:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Substituir espaços por sublinhado"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Salvar como"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Iniciar contador em:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Para:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Como plano de _fundo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Como _padrão quadriculado"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Como _cor personalizada:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Como cor personalizada:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Plano de fundo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Cor do plano de fundo"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Cor para áreas transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Ajustar imagens à tela"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferências do Visualizador de Imagens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Aprimoramento de imagens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Visualização de imagem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom de imagem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plug-ins"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Seqüência"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Apresentação de slides"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Suavizar imagem ao _ampliar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Suavizar imagem ao _reduzir"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Partes transparentes"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Orientação automática"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Repetir a seqüência"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Trocar imagem após:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Um valor maior que 0 determina quantos segundos uma imagem fica na tela até "
+"que a próxima seja mostrada automaticamente. Zero desabilita a navegação "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plug-ins ativos"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permitir zoom inicial maior que 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientação automática"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Espera, em segundos, até mostrar a próxima imagem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Determina como a transparência deve ser indicada. Os valores válidos são "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR e NONE. Se COLOR for escolhido, então a chave trans-"
+"color determina o valor de cor a ser usado."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolar imagem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se ativado e nenhuma imagem for carregada na janela atual, o seletor de "
+"arquivos mostrará a pasta de fotos do usuário usando os diretórios XDG "
+"especiais do usuário. Se desativado ou a pasta de fotos não tiver sido "
+"criada, o seletor mostrará o diretório de trabalho atual."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Se ativado, o Eye of MATE não pedirá confirmação ao mover imagens para a "
+"lixeira. Ele ainda pedirá se algum dos arquivos não puder ser movido para a "
+"lixeira e em vez disso for excluído."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Se ativada, a lista detalhada de metadados no diálogo de propriedades será "
+"movida para uma página própria no diálogo. Isso deve tornar o diálogo mais "
+"utilizável em telas pequenas, por exemplo como as utilizadas por netbooks. "
+"Se desabilitado, o widget será embutido sobre a página \"Metadados\"."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Qual cor usar para indicar transparência, se a chave de transparência tiver "
+"o valor COLOR."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Se está ativo, a cor definida pela chave background-color será usada para "
+"preencher a área atrás da imagem. Se não definida, o tema GTK+ atual "
+"determinará a cor de preenchimento."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto for definido como FALSE, imagens pequenas não serão ampliadas "
+"inicialmente para se ajustarem ao tamanho da tela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Posicionamento do painel da coleção de imagens. Use 0 para baixo; 1 para a "
+"esquerda; 2 para cima; 3 para a direita."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolar imagem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista de plug-ins ativados. Não contém a sua \"Localização\". Veja o "
+"arquivo .eom-plugin para obter a \"Localização\" de um plug-in."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Voltar ao início da seqüência de imagens"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Ampliação da roda do mouse"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Mostra/Oculta os botões de rolagem do painel da coleção de imagens."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/Oculta o painel da coleção de imagens."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Mostra/Oculta o painel lateral da janela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/Oculta a barra de status da janela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostra/Oculta a barra de ferramentas da janela."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"A cor que é usada para preencher a área atrás da imagem. Se a chave use-"
+"background-color não estiver definida, a cor é determinada pelo tema GTK+ "
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"O coeficiente de multiplicação a ser adotado ao usar a roda do mouse para "
+"ampliação. Este valor define o incremento de ampliação para cada evento de "
+"rolagem. Por exemplo, 0,05 resulta em um incremento de ampliação de 5% para "
+"cada evento de rolagem e 1,00 resulta em 100% de ampliação."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Cor de transparência"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicador de transparência"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Mover para a lixeira sem perguntar"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Usar uma cor de plano de fundo personalizada"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"O seletor de arquivo deve mostrar a pasta de fotos do usuário se nenhuma "
+"imagem for carregada."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Torna redimensionável o painel da coleção de imagens."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a imagem deve ser extrapolada ao ampliar. Isso leva a uma qualidade "
+"embaçada e é um pouco mais lento do que imagens não extrapoladas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a imagem deve ser interpolada ao reduzir. Isso leva a uma qualidade "
+"melhor e é um pouco mais lento do que imagens não interpoladas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Gira ou não a imagem automaticamente com base na orientação EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"A lista de metadados no diálogo de propriedades deve ter sua própria página."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Usa a roda do mouse para ampliar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Repete as sequências de imagens indefinidamente."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicador de ampliação"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Executando em modo tela cheia"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Fechar s_em salvar"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pergunta"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se você não salvá-la, suas alterações serão perdidas."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Salvar alterações na imagem \"%s\" antes de fechar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Há %d imagem com alterações não salvas. Salvar alterações antes de fechar?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Há %d imagens com alterações não salvas. Salvar alterações antes de fechar?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_elecione as imagens para salvar:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Se você não salvar, todas as suas alterações serão perdidas."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Formato de arquivo desconhecido ou sem suporte"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Não foi possível determinar um formato de gravação de arquivo com suporte "
+"baseado no nome do arquivo."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Por favor tente uma extensão de arquivo diferente como .png ou .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Todos os arquivos"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Todas as imagens"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixels"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Abrir imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Salvar imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Abrir pasta"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformação em imagem não carregada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Falha na transformação."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Não há suporte a EXIF para este formato de arquivo."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Falha ao carregar imagem."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nenhuma imagem carregada."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Falha ao criar arquivo temporário."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Não foi possível criar um arquivo temporário para salvar: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Não foi possível alocar memória para carregar o arquivo JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Câmera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dados da imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condições da captura da imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Nota do autor"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Outras"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Gerenciamento de direitos XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP outro"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valor"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Repetir"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Não foi possível carregar a imagem \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nenhuma imagem localizada em \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Os locais informados não contém imagens."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações da imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "A imagem cujas propriedades de impressão serão configuradas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configurações de impressão"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "As informações da página onde a imagem será impressa"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posição"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Esquerda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Direita:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "Ci_ma:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Baixo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Ce_ntro:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nenhum"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ambos"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamanho"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Largura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Altura:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "E_scalar:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unidade:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milímetros"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Polegadas"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Visualizar"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Desconhecido"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (objetiva)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (filme 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "como está"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Tirada em"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Dois nomes de arquivos ou mais são iguais."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Não foi possível exibir a ajuda do Visualizador de Imagens"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode inválido)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Recarregar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Ocul_tar"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"A imagem \"%s\" foi modificada por um aplicativo externo.\n"
+"Você gostaria de recarregá-la?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Usar \"%s\" para abrir o item selecionado"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Salvando imagem \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Abrindo imagem \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erro ao imprimir arquivo:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor da barra de ferramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Restaurar padrão"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Eduardo Belloti <[email protected]>\n"
+"Francisco Petrúcio Cavalcante Junior <[email protected]>\n"
+"Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <[email protected]>\n"
+"Sun G11n <[email protected]>\n"
+"David Barzilay <[email protected]>\n"
+"Gustavo Noronha Silva <[email protected]>\n"
+"Goedson Teixeira Paixão <[email protected]>\n"
+"Welther José O. Esteves <[email protected]>\n"
+"Afonso Celso Medina <[email protected]>\n"
+"Guilherme de S. Pastore <[email protected]>\n"
+"Licio Fernando <[email protected]>\n"
+"Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <[email protected]>\n"
+"Og Maciel <[email protected]>\n"
+"Hugo Doria <[email protected]>\n"
+"Vladimir Melo <[email protected]>\n"
+"César Veiga <[email protected]>\n"
+"Krix Apolinário <[email protected]>\n"
+"Henrique P. Machado <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa é software livre; você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-lo "
+"sob os termos da Licença Pública Geral GNU (GNU General Public License) "
+"conforme publicada pela Free Software Foundation; tanto a versão 2 da "
+"Licença como (a seu critério) qualquer versão mais nova.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa é distribuído na expectativa de ser útil, mas SEM QUALQUER "
+"GARANTIA; sem mesmo a garantia implícita de COMERCIALIZAÇÃO ou de ADEQUAÇÃO "
+"A QUALQUER PROPÓSITO EM PARTICULAR. Consulte a Licença Pública Geral GNU "
+"para obter mais detalhes.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Você deve ter recebido uma cópia da GNU General Public License junto com "
+"este programa; se não, escreva para a Free Software Foundation, Inc., no "
+"endereço 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Visualizador de Imagens"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Visualizador de imagens do MATE."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "A_brir Preferências de plano de fundo"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"A imagem \"%s\" foi definida como plano de fundo da área de trabalho.\n"
+"Você gostaria de mudar a aparência dela?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Salvando a imagem localmente…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Você realmente deseja mover\n"
+"\"%s\" para a lixeira?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Uma lixeira para \"%s\" não pôde ser encontrada. Deseja remover essa imagem "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Você realmente deseja mover\n"
+"a imagem selecionada para a lixeira?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Você realmente deseja mover\n"
+"as %d imagens selecionadas para a lixeira?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Algumas das imagens selecionadas não podem ser movidas para a lixeira e "
+"serão removidas permanentemente. Tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mover para _lixeira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Não perguntar novamente durante esta sessão"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Não foi possível acessar a lixeira."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Não foi possível excluir o arquivo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Erro ao excluir a imagem %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "I_magem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ver"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Ir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Ferramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Aj_uda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Abrir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Abre um arquivo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Fechar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Fecha a janela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _ferramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Edita a barra de ferramentas do aplicativo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Preferências"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferências do Visualizador de Imagens"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "S_umário"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ajuda deste aplicativo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Sobre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Sobre este aplicativo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _ferramentas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Altera a visibilidade da barra de ferramentas na janela atual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Barra de _status"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Altera a visibilidade da barra de status na janela atual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Coleção de imagens"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Altera a visibilidade do painel da coleção de imagens na janela atual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Painel lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Altera a visibilidade do painel lateral na janela atual"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Salvar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Salva alterações nas imagens atualmente selecionadas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Abrir _com"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Abre a imagem selecionada com um aplicativo diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Salvar _como…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Salva as imagens selecionadas com um nome diferente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Imprimir…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Imprime a imagem selecionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Propriedades"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Mostra as propriedades e metadados da imagem selecionada"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Desfa_zer"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Desfaz a última alteração na imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Virar _horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Espelha a imagem horizontalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Virar _verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Espelha a imagem verticalmente"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Girar à _direita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Gira a imagem 90 graus para a direita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Girar à e_squerda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Gira a imagem 90 graus para a esquerda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Definir como plano de fun_do da área de trabalho"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Definir a imagem selecionada como plano de fundo da área de trabalho"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Move a imagem selecionada para a pasta da lixeira"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "A_mpliar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Aumenta a imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Reduzir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Encolhe a imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Tamanho _normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Mostra a imagem em seu tamanho normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Melhor ajuste"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Ajusta a imagem à janela"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Tela cheia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mostra a imagem atual em modo de tela cheia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausar apresentação de slides"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausa ou retoma a apresentação de slides"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imagem a_nterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vai para a imagem anterior da coleção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Pró_xima imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vai para próxima imagem da coleção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Primeira imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vai para a primeira imagem da coleção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Ú_ltima imagem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vai para a última imagem da coleção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Ima_gem aleatória"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vai para uma imagem aleatória da coleção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Apresentação de _slides"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Exibe as imagens como numa apresentação de slides"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Anterior"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Próxima"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Direita"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquerda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Ampliar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Reduzir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Ajustar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Coleção"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Enviar para a lixeira"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plug-in"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Habilitado"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_tivar"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "A_tivar todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Desativar todos"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Plug-ins ativos:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Sobre o plug-in"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurar plug-in"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizador de Imagens"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Abre em modo tela cheia"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Desabilita a coleção de imagens"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Abre em modo de apresentação de slides"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Iniciar uma nova instância em vez de reutilizar uma existente"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Mostra a versão do aplicativo"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ARQUIVO…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Execute \"%s --help\" para ver a lista completa das opções disponíveis na "
+"linha de comandos."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Carregar imagem"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Arquivo"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Configura as propriedades de página para impressão"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detalhes</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Altura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nome:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tipo:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Largura:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Salvar _como..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Abrir com \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Mover para lixeira"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Apenas imagens locais podem ser usadas como papéis de parede"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para ser capaz de definir esta imagem como o seu papel de parede, favor "
+#~ "salvá-la localmente em seu computador"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "C_onfigurar impressão..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Definir como _papel de parede"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "O arquivo existe"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the selected image to the trash?Are you sure you want to move\n"
+#~ "the %d selected images to the trash?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Você realmente deseja mover a imagem\n"
+#~ "selecionada para a lixeira?Você realmente deseja mover as %d imagens\n"
+#~ "selecionadas para a lixeira?"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Localização:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria da última janela de coleção"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometria da última janela de imagem única"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Criar ou não uma nova janela ao abrir uma imagem, ao invés de substituir "
+#~ "a imagem da janela atual."
+#~ msgid "Dialogs"
+#~ msgstr "Diálogos"
+#~ msgid "File Open Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Diálogo de abertura de arquivo"
+#~ msgid "Image Properties Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Diálogo de propriedades da imagem"
+#~ msgid "Initially _display pictures folder if no image is loaded"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Inicialmente _exibir pasta de fotos se nenhuma imagem estiver carregada"
+#~ msgid "_Use layout for small screens"
+#~ msgstr "_Usar disposição para telas pequenas"
diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65234b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ro.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1511 @@
+# translation of to Română
+# Eye of Mate Romanian translation
+# Copyright (C) 2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>, 2002,2003,2004, 2005, 2006.
+# Mișu Moldovan <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Adi Roiban, 2008, 2009
+# Lucian Adrian Grijincu <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-12 09:38+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-12 14:06+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Lucian Adrian Grijincu <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Romanian MATE Team <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: ro\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < "
+"20)) ? 1 : 2);;\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.5.2\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Arată „_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Mută în bara de unelte"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Mută elementul selectate pe bara de unelte"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Ște_rge din bara de unelte"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Șterge elementul ales din bara de unelte"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Șter_ge bara de unelte"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Șterge bara de unelte aleasă"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Separator"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Se ruleză pe tot ecranul"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Activare mod pe tot ecranul cu dublu-clic"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Pe tot ecranul cu dublu-clic"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Reîncarcă imaginea"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Reîncarcă imaginea curentă"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data în bara de stare"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Afișează data imaginii în bara de stare a ferestrei"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Navigare și rotire imagini"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Vizualizator imagini"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Valoare diafragmă:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Octeți:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model cameră:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Drepturi de autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Dată/Oră:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descriere:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalii"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Timp de expunere:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Bliț:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Distanța focală:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generale"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Înălțime:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Viteză ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Proprietăți imagine"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Cuvinte cheie:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Locație:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mod de măsurare:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nume:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Tip:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Lățime:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "Î_nainte"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "Îna_poi"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> nume fișier original"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> contor"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Alegeți un dosar"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Dosar destinație:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Previzualizare nume fișier"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Specificații cale fișier"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Format nume fișier:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opțiuni"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Redenumește din:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Înlocuiește spațiile cu liniuță de subliniere"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Salvează ca"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Începe numărarea de la:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Pâna la:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Ca _fundal"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Ca _model mozaic"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Ca o cul_oare personalizată:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Culoarea pentru zonele transparente"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_xtinde imaginea pentru a umple ecranul"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferințe Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Îmbunătățiri imagine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vizualizare imagine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Scalare imagine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Module"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Secvență"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Succesiune automată imagini"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Netezește imaginile când sunt măr_ite"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Netezește imaginile când sunt micș_orate"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Părți transparente"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientare _automată"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Repetă secvența‌"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Schimbă imaginea după:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "secunde"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"O valoare mai mare de 0 determină câte secunde va fi afișată o imagine pe "
+"ecran înainte ca următoarea să fie afișată automat. Zero dezactivează "
+"navigarea automată."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Module active"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permite scalarea inițială mai mare de 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientare automată"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Întârzierea în secunde până la afișarea următoarei imagini"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Determină felul în care ar trebui indicată transparența. Valorile valide "
+"sunt CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR și NONE. Dacă este aleasă COLOR, atunci cheia "
+"trans_color determină valoarea utilizată a culorii."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolează imaginea"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"La activare, Eye of MATE nu va cere confirmare la mutarea imaginilor la "
+"gunoi. Se va cere confirmare în cazul în care fișierele nu pot fi mutate la "
+"gunoi, iar în acest caz vor fi șterse."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"La activare, dacă nu sunt imagini încărcate în fereastra activă, dialogul de "
+"alegere fișiere va afișa dosarul de fotografii al utilizatorului folosind "
+"dosarul special XDG. Dacă este deactivat sau dosarul de poze nu a fost "
+"definit, va afișa dosarul curent."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"La activare, lista detaliată de metadate din dialogul de proprietăți va fi "
+"mutată într-o pagină dedicată din dialog. Aceasta ar trebui să facă dialogul "
+"mai utilizabil pe ecrane mici, cum ar fi netbook-urile. Dacă este "
+"dezactivată, lista va fi înglobată în pagina „Metadate”."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"În cazul în care cheia de transparență are valoarea COLOR, atunci această "
+"cheie determină culoarea care este utilizată pentru a indica transparența."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Dacă aceasta este setată la „FALSE” atunci imaginile mici nu vor fi mărite "
+"pentru a se potrivi dimensiunii ecranului."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Poziția panoului colecției de imagini. Setat la „0” pentru jos; „1” pentru "
+"stânga; „2” pentru sus; „3” pentru dreapta."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolează imaginea"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista modulelor active. Nu conține „locația” modulelor active. Vezi "
+"fișierul .eom-plugin pentru a determina „locația” unui modul activ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Repetă în buclă afișarea secvenței de imagini"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Sclare cu rotița de derulare"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Arată/ascunde butoanele de derulare a panoului de colecții de imagini."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Afișează/ascunde panoul pentru colecția de imagini."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Arată/ascunde panoul lateral al ferestrei."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Afișează/ascunde bara de stare a ferestrei."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Afișează/ascunde bara de unelte a ferestrei."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Multiplicator care să fie aplicat când se utilizează rotița de derulare a "
+"mausului pentru scalare. Aceasta valoare definește pasul scalării pentru "
+"fiecare eveniment de derulare. De exemplu, 0.05 înseamnă o creștere de 5% a "
+"scalării pentru fiecare eveniment de derulare și 1.00 înseamnă o creștere "
+"100% a scalării."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Culoare de transparență"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicator de transparență"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Mută imaginile la gunoi fără a mai întreba"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Dacă dialogul de alegere fișiere ar trebui să afișeze dosarul de fotografii "
+"al utilizatorului când nu sunt imagini încărcate."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Dacă panoul colecției de imagini să fie redimensionabil."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Dacă imaginea ar trebui să fie extrapolată la mărire. Aceasta implică o "
+"calitate mai bună, dar și o viteză scăzută pentru imaginile extrapolate."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Dacă imaginea ar trebui să fie interpolată la mărire. Aceasta implică o "
+"calitate mai bună, dar și o viteză scăzută pentru imaginile interpolate."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Imaginile sunt rotite automat în funcție de informațiile de orientare EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Dacă lista de metadate din dialogul de proprietăți ar trebui să aibă pagină "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Dacă rotița de derulare să fie folosită pentru scalare."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Dacă secvența de imagini să fie afișată într-un ciclu infinit."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Multiplicator scalare"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Mută imaginile la _gunoi fără a salva"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Întrebare"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Dacă nu salvați, modificările vor fi pierdute."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Salvați modificările imaginii „%s” înainge de a închide?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Există %d imagine cu modificări nesalvate. Salvați modificările înainte de "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Există %d imagini cu modificări nesalvate. Salvați modificările înainte de "
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Există %d de imagini cu modificări nesalvate. Salvați modificările înainte "
+"de închidere?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "S_electați imaginile pe care vreți să le salvați:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Dacă nu salvați, toate modificările vor fi pierdute."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Formatul fișierului este necunoscut sau nesuportat"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE nu a putut determina un format inscriptibil de fișier pe baza "
+"numelui fișierului."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Încercați o altă extensie, cu ar fi .png sau .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Toate fișierele"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Toate imaginile"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s·(*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pixel"
+msgstr[1] "pixeli"
+msgstr[2] "de pixeli"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Încarcă imaginea"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Salvează imaginea"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Deschide dosar"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformare asupra unei imagini neîncărcate."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformarea a eșuat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF nu este suportat pentru acest tip de fișier."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Încărcarea imaginii a eșuat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nicio imagine încărcată."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Fișierul temporar nu a putut fi creat."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nu s-a putut crea un fișier temporar pentru salvare: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nu s-a putut aloca memorie pentru încărcarea imaginii JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Camera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Date imagine"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condiții realizare fotografie"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Notă autor"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Altele"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Administrator de drepturi XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Altele XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etichetă"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valoare"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Reîncearcă"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Nu s-a putut încărca imaginea „%s”."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nu s-au găsit imagini în „%s”."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Locația dată nu conține imagini."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Preferințe imagine"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imagine"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Imaginea pentru care se configurează proprietățile de tipărire"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Configurare pagină"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informațiile pentru pagina pe care va fi tipărită imaginea"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Poziție"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Stânga:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "D_reapta:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "S_us:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Jos:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entru:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nici unul"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Orizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ambele"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Mărime"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Lățime:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "Î_nălțime:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Scalare:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Unități:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Țoli"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Previzualizare"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Necunoscut"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lentilă)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (film 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ca atare"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Fotografiat în"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Cel puțin două nume de fișiere sunt identice."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nu s-a putut afișa ajutorul pentru Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode nevalid)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i pixeli %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i de pixeli %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Utilizează „%s” pentru a deschide imaginea aleasă"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Se salvează imaginea „%s” (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Se încarcă imaginea „%s”"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Eroare la tipărirea fișierului:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor bară de unelte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Restabilește la implicit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Mugurel Tudor <[email protected]>\n"
+"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
+" Adi Roiban\n"
+" Cristian KLEIN\n"
+" Doru Horișco\n"
+" Ionuț Jula\n"
+" Mircea MITU\n"
+" Mugurel Tudor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Acest program este liber; îl puteți redistribui și/sau modifica în "
+"conformitate cu termenii licenței Publice Generale GNU așa cum este "
+"publicată de Free Software Foundation; fie versiunea 2 a Licenței, fie (la "
+"latitudinea dumneavoastră) orice versiune ulterioară.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Acest program este distribuit cu speranța că va fi util, dar FĂRĂ NICI O "
+"GARANȚIE, fără garanție implicită de vandabilitate și conformitate unui "
+"anumit scop. Citiți Licența Publică Generală GNU pentru detalii.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Ar fi trebuit să primiți o copie a Licenței Generale Publice (GPL) GNU "
+"împreună cu acest program; dacă nu, scrieți Fundației pentru Software Liber: "
+"Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA "
+"02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Vizualizatorul de imagini pentru MATE."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Imaginea „%s” a fost configurată ca fundal al desktopului.\n"
+"Doriți să-i modificați aspectul?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Se salvează imaginea local…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sunteți sigur(ă) că doriți să mutați\n"
+"„%s” la gunoi?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Nu s-a putut găsi gunoiul pentru „%s”. Doriți să ștergeți permanent această "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Doriți mutarea la gunoi a\n"
+"imaginii selectate?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Doriți mutarea la gunoi a\n"
+"celor %d imagini selectate?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Doriți mutarea la gunoi a\n"
+"celor %d de imagini selectate?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"O parte din imaginile selectate nu au putut fi mutate la gunoi și voi fi "
+"șterse definitiv. Doriți să continuați?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Mu_tă la gunoi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Nu întreba din nou în această sesiune"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nu s-a putut accesa gunoiul."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Nu s-a putut șterge fișierul"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Eroare la ștergerea imaginii %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fișier"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editare"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Vizualizare"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "Navi_gare"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Unel_te"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajutor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Deschide…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Deschide un fișier"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "În_chide"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Închide fereastra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Bară de _unelte"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Editează bara de unelte a aplicației"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Preferi_nțe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferințe pentru Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Conținut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ajutor pentru această aplicație"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Despre"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Despre această aplicație"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Bară de unel_te"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Comută vizibilitatea barei de unelte în fereastra curentă"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Bară de _stare"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Comută vizibilitatea barei de stare în fereastra curentă"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Colecție _imagini"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Comută vizibilitatea panoului pentru colecția de imagini în fereastra curentă"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Panou lateral"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Schimbă vizibilitatea panoului lateral în fereastra curentă"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Salvează"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Salvează modificările din imaginile selectate curent"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Desc_hide cu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Deschide imaginile selectate cu a altă aplicație"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Salvează c_a…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Salvează imaginile selectate sub un alt nume"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Configurează proprietățile paginii pentru tipărire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Ti_părește…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Tipărește imaginile selectate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Prop_rietăți"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Afișează prioprietățile și informațiile imaginii selectate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Refă"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Anulează ultima modificare din imagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Răstoarnă ori_zontal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Oglindește orizontal imaginea"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Răstoarnă _vertical"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Oglindește vertical imaginea"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rotește în sens orar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotește imaginea 90 de grade către dreapta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotire în sensulul invers al ace_lor de ceasornic"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotește imaginea 90 de grade către stânga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Definește ca fundal _desktop"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Definește imaginea selectată ca fundal pentru desktop"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Mută la gunoi imaginea selectată"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Mărește"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Mărește imaginea"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Mi_cșorează"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Micșorează imaginea"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Dimensiune _normală"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Afișează imaginea la dimensiunea ei normală"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Cea mai _bună potrivire"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Potrivește dimensiunea imaginii în fereastră"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Pe _tot ecranul"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Afișează imaginea curentă pe tot ecranul"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imaginea _precedentă"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Mergi la imaginea anterioră din colecție"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Imaginea _următoare"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Mergi la imaginea următoare din colecție"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "P_rima imagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Mergi la prima imagine din colecție"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Ul_tima imagine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Mergi la ultima imagine din colecție"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Imagine aleatoa_re"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Mergi la o imagine aleatoare din colecție"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Succesiune _automată a imaginilor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Pornește o succesiune automată a imaginilor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Precedenta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Următoarea"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Dreapta"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Stânga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Mărește"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Micșorează"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Potrivește"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Colecție"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Gunoi"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Modul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activat"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "C_onfigurează"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ctivează"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ac_tivează tot"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Dezactivează tot"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Module acti_ve:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Despre modul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "C_onfigurează modul"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Deschide pe tot ecranul"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Dezactivează colecția de imagini"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Deschide în mod succesiune automată a imaginilor"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Pornește o nouă instanță în locul refolosirii instanței curente"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FIȘIER…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Rulați „%s --help” pentru a vedea lista completă a opțiunilor liniei de "
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Vizualizatorul de imagini Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detalii</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Înălțime:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Nume:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tip:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Lățime:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Deschide cu „%s”"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Mută la gunoi"
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Setează ca _fundal pentru desktop"
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d8d599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1505 @@
+# translation of ru.po to Russian
+# Russian translation for Eye of MATE.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Evgeny Bulgakov <[email protected]>, 1999.
+# Valek Filippov <[email protected]>, 2000-2002.
+# Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Andrew W. Nosenko <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009.
+# Alexander Sigachov <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Vasiliy Faronov <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Anisimov Victor <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Alexander Saprykin <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: ru\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-14 12:17+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-19 20:55+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yuri Myasoedov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Показать «_%s»"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Переместить на панель инструментов"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Переместить выбранный элемент на панель инструментов"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Удалить с панели инструментов"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Удалить выбранный элемент с панели инструментов"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Удалить па_нель инструментов"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Удалить выбранную панель инструментов"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Разделитель"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Войти в полноэкранный режим по двойному щелчку мыши"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Полноэкранный режим по двойному щелчку"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Перезагрузить изображение"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Перезагрузить текущее изображение"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Дата в строке состояния"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Показывать дату изображения в строке состояния"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Просмотр и вращение изображений"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Просмотр изображений"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Значение апертуры:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Автор:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Байт:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Модель камеры:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Авторские права:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Дата/время:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Описание:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Подробности"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Время экспозиции:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Вспышка:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Фокусное расстояние:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Общие"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Высота:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Чувствительность ISO:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Свойства изображения"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Ключевые слова:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Местоположение:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Метаданные"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Режим замера экспозиции:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Имя:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Тип:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Ширина:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Следующее"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Предыдущее"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> исходное имя файла"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> счётчик"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Выбрать каталог"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Каталог назначения:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Просмотр имени файла"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Спецификации пути файла"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Формат имени файла:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Параметры"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Переименовать из:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Заменять пробелы на подчёркивания"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Сохранить как"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Начальное значение счётчика:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "В:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Как _фон"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "В виде клетчатого _поля"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Выбранным _цветом:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Выбранным цветом:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Фон"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Цвет фона"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Цвет для прозрачных областей"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Увеличивать изображения до размера _экрана"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Параметры программы «Глаз MATE»"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Улучшение изображений"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Просмотр изображения"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Масштабирование изображения"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Модули"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Последовательность"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слайд-шоу"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Сглаживать изображения при у_величении"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Сглаживать изображения при у_меньшении"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Прозрачные области"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Автоматическая ориентация"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "За_циклить последовательность"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Переключать изображения через:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "секунд"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "Значение больше 0 определяет количество секунд, в течение которого изображение остаётся на экране до автоматического показа следующего. Ноль запрещает автоматическую смену изображений."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Активные модули"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Разрешить изначальный масштаб более 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Автоматическая ориентация"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Задержка в секундах перед показом следующего изображения"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+#| "CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color "
+#| "key determines the used color value."
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key determines the color value used."
+msgstr "Определяет, как отрисовывать (обозначать в пользовательском интерфейсе) прозрачность. Допустимые значения: CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR и NONE. Если выбрано значение COLOR, ключ trans_color устанавливает используемый цвет."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Экстраполировать изображение"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file "
+#| "chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special "
+#| "user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set "
+#| "up it will show the current working directory."
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "Если функция активирована и в активном окне нет загруженных изображений, будет показана папка с изображениями, заданная средствами XDG. Если функция неактивна, или папка пользователя не задана, будет показан текущий рабочий каталог."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+#| "the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+#| "trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgid "If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "Если функция активирована, программа «Глаз MATE» не будет запрашивать подтверждение перед отправкой изображений в корзину; но запросит перед удалением, если какой-либо из файлов не может быть помещён в корзину."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+#| "moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more "
+#| "usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the "
+#| "widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgid "If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "Если функция активирована, подробный список метаданных в диалоговом окне свойств будет помещён в отдельную страницу в диалоговом окне. Это удобно при просмотре диалогового окна на малых экранах таких устройств, как нетбуки. Если функция отключена, виджет будет встроен в страницу «Метаданные»."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "Если ключ «transparency» имеет значение COLOR, тогда данный ключ определяет цвет, который будет обозначать прозрачность."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this is active the color set by the background-color key will be used "
+#| "to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set the current GTK theme "
+#| "will determine the fill color."
+msgid "If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme will determine the fill color."
+msgstr "Если включено, для заливки области вне изображния будет использоваться цвет, установленный ключом background-color. В противном случае, цвет заливки будет определён текущей темой GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr "Если этот ключ имеет значение FALSE, небольшие изображения при их открытии не будут растягиваться до размера окна."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr "Положение панели коллекции изображений. Установите в 0 для расположения снизу; 1 — слева; 2 — сверху; 3 — справа."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Интерполировать изображение"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr "Список активных модулей. Не указывает расположения активных модулей. О расположении можно узнать из файла .eom-plugin."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Зацикливать последовательность показа изображений"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Масштабирование вращением колёсика мыши"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Показать/скрыть кнопки прокрутки панели коллекции изображений."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Показать/скрыть панель коллекции изображений."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Показать/скрыть боковую панель."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Показать/скрыть строку состояния."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Показать/скрыть панель инструментов."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image when the use-"
+#| "background-color key is set."
+msgid "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ theme instead."
+msgstr "Цвет, использующийся для заливки области вне изображения. Если ключ use-background-color не установлен, цвет будет определён из используемой темы GTK+."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr "Множитель при использовании колёсика мыши для масштабирования. Это значение задаёт шаг масштаба, используемый при каждом событии вращения колёсика. Например, значение 0,05 даёт увеличение масштаба на 5% при каждом событии вращения, а 1,00 — на 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Цвет прозрачности"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Индикатор прозрачности"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Перемещать изображения в корзину без запроса"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Использовать другой цвет фона"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr "Отображать ли в окне выбора файлов папку изображений пользователя, если ни одно изображение не загружено."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Можно ли изменять размер панели коллекции."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "Должно ли изображение быть экстраполировано при увеличении (масштабировании). Это приводит к размытости и уменьшает скорость обработки изображения."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr "Должно ли интерполироваться изображение при уменьшении (масштабировании). Это позволяет улучшить качество, но уменьшает скорость обработки изображения."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Должно ли изображение быть автоматически повёрнуто в соответствии с данными EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Отображать ли список метаданных на отдельной вкладке в диалоговом окне свойств."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Должно ли колёсико мыши использоваться для масштабирования."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Следует ли показывать последовательность изображений в бесконечном цикле."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Коэффициент масштабирования"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "В полноэкранном режиме"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Закрыть _без сохранения"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Вопрос"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Если вы не сохраните, изменения будут безвозвратно утеряны."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Сохранить изменения изображения «%s» перед закрытием?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Есть %d изображение с несохранёнными изменениями. Сохранить изменения перед закрытием?"
+msgstr[1] "Есть %d изображения с несохранёнными изменениями. Сохранить изменения перед закрытием?"
+msgstr[2] "Есть %d изображений с несохранёнными изменениями. Сохранить изменения перед закрытием?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "Выберите изображения для сохранения:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Если вы не сохраните, все изменения будут безвозвратно утеряны."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Формат файла неизвестен или не поддерживается"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr "Программе «Глаз MATE» не удалось определить записываемый формат файла, основываясь на имени файла."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Попробуйте использовать другое расширение, вроде .png или .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Все файлы"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Все изображения"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "пиксел"
+msgstr[1] "пиксела"
+msgstr[2] "пикселов"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Открыть изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Сохранить изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Открыть папку"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Преобразование незагруженного изображения."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Не удалось выполнить преобразование."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF не поддерживается для этого формата файлов."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Не удалось загрузить изображение."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Изображение не загружено."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Не удалось создать временный файл."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Не удалось создать временный файл для сохранения: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Не удалось выделить память для загрузки файла JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Камера"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Данные изображения"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Условия съёмки изображения"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Примечания автора"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Другие"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Управление правами доступа в XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Другие поля XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Тег"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Значение"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Повторить"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Не удалось загрузить изображение «%s»."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "В «%s» не найдены изображения."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Указанные места не содержат изображений."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Параметры изображения"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Изображение, для которого будут настроены свойства печати"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Параметры страницы"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Информация о странице, на которой будет напечатано изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Положение"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "С_лева:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "С_права:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "С_верху:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "С_низу:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Центрировать:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Нет"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Горизонтально"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Вертикально"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Горизонтально и вертикально"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Размер"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Ширина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Высота:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Масштаб:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Единица:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Миллиметры"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Дюймы"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Просмотр печати"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Неизвестно"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (объектив)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (эквивалент в 35 мм)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "как есть"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Снято"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Как минимум два имени файла совпадают."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Не удалось отобразить справку для программы «Глаз MATE»"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (некорректные символы Юникод)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i пиксел %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i пиксела %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i пикселов %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+#| msgid "Reload Image"
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Перезагрузить"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "С_крыть"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+#| "Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Изображение «%s» было изменено внешним приложением.\n"
+"Хотите перезагрузить его?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Используйте «%s» для открытия выбранного изображения"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Сохранение изображения «%s» (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Загрузка изображения «%s»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ошибка при печати файла:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Редактор панели инструментов"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Сбросить до исходных"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Evgeny Bulgakov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Valek Filippov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Dmitry G. Mastrukov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Andrew W. Nosenko <[email protected]>\n"
+"Leonid Kanter <[email protected]>\n"
+"Александр Сигачёв <[email protected]>\n"
+"Василий Фаронов <[email protected]>\n"
+"Дмитрий Коданёв <[email protected]>\n"
+"Виктор Анисимов <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr "Эта программа — свободное программное обеспечение; вы можете распространять его и/или модифицировать на условиях Универсальной общественной лицензии GNU версии 2 либо любой более поздней версии.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr "Эта программа распространяется в надежде, что она может быть полезна, но БЕЗ КАКОГО-ЛИБО ВИДА ГАРАНТИЙ, ВЫРАЖЕННЫХ ЯВНО ИЛИ ПОДРАЗУМЕВАЕМЫХ, ВКЛЮЧАЯ, НО НЕ ОГРАНИЧИВАЯСЬ ПОДРАЗУМЕВАЕМЫМИ ГАРАНТИЯМИ КОММЕРЧЕСКОЙ ЦЕННОСТИ И ПРИГОДНОСТИ ДЛЯ КОНКРЕТНОЙ ЦЕЛИ. Для получения дополнительных сведений обратитесь к Универсальной Общественной Лицензии GNU.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "Вы должны были получить копию лицензии GNU c этой программой. Если лицензия не была получена, известите об этом Фонд свободного программного обеспечения по адресу Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Глаз MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Программа для просмотра изображений в MATE"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "О_ткрыть параметры фона"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Изображение «%s» установлено в качестве фона рабочего стола.\n"
+"Изменить его внешний вид?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Сохранение изображения на диск…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Действительно хотите переместить\n"
+"«%s» в корзину?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
+msgstr "Не удалось найти корзину для «%s». Удалить изображение навсегда?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Действительно хотите переместить\n"
+"%d выбранное изображение в корзину?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Действительно хотите переместить\n"
+"%d выбранных изображения в корзину?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Действительно хотите переместить\n"
+"%d выбранных изображений в корзину?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "Не удалось переместить некоторые выделенные изображения в корзину, они будут удалены навсегда. Продолжить?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Переместить в _корзину"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Не спрашивать в течение этого сеанса"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Нет доступа к корзине."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Не удалось удалить файл"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Ошибка при удалении изображения %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Правка"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Вид"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "П_ереход"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "С_ервис"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Справка"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Открыть…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Открыть файл"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Закрыть"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Закрыть окно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Панель инструментов"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Редактировать панель инструментов приложения"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "П_араметры"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Параметры программы «Глаз MATE»"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Содержание"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Справка по этому приложению"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_О программе"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Об этой программе"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Панель инструментов"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Переключает видимость панели инструментов в текущем окне"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Строка состояния"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Переключает видимость строки состояния в текущем окне"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Коллекция изображений"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Переключает видимость панели коллекции изображений в текущем окне"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Боковая панель"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Переключает видимость боковой панели в текущем окне"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Со_хранить"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Сохранить изменения во всех выделенных сейчас изображениях"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Открыть _с помощью"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Открыть выделенное изображение в другом приложении"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Сохранить _как…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Сохранить выделенные изображения под другими именами"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Печать…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Напечатать выделенное изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "С_войства"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Показать свойства и метаданные выделенного изображения"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Отменить"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Отменить последнее изменение в изображении"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Отразить по _горизотали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Отразить изображение по горизонтали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Отразить по _вертикали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Отразить изображение по вертикали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Повернуть по _часовой стрелке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Повернуть изображение на 90° по часовой стрелке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Повернуть против часовой _стрелки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Повернуть изображение на 90° против часовой стрелки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Установить как фон рабочего _стола"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Сделать выделенное изображение фоном рабочего стола"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Переместить выделенное изображение в корзину"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "У_величить"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Увеличить изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "У_меньшить"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3994
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Уменьшить изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Нормальный размер"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Показать изображение в его обычном размере"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Подо_гнать"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Уместить изображение в окне"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Развернуть на полный _экран"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Показать текущее изображение в полноэкранном режиме"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Приостановить слайд-шоу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+#| msgid "Pause or resume the slidehow"
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Приостановить или возобновить слайд-шоу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Предыдущее изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти к предыдущему изображению в коллекции"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Следующее изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти к следующему изображению в коллекции"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "П_ервое изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти к первому изображению в коллекции"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "П_оследнее изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти к последнему изображению в коллекции"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Слу_чайное изображение"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти к случайному изображению в коллекции"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слайд-_шоу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Запустить слайд-шоу изображений в коллекции"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Предыдущее"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Следующее"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Вправо"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Влево"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Увеличить"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Уменьшить"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Исходный"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Подогнать"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Коллекция изображений"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "В корзину"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Модуль"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Включено"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Параметры"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Активировать"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "А_ктивировать все"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Деактивировать все"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Акт_ивные модули:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_О модуле"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "На_строить модуль"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+#: ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Программа просмотра изображений «Глаз MATE»"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Открыть в полноэкранном режиме"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Отключить коллекцию изображений"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Открыть в режиме слайд-шоу"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Запустить новую копию программы вместо использования текущей"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Показать номер версии приложения"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Запустите «%s --help» для показа всех доступных ключей командной строки."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Загрузить изображение"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Файл"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Настроить параметры страницы для печати"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Подробности</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Высота:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Имя:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Тип:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Ширина:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Сохранить _как..."
diff --git a/po/rw.po b/po/rw.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bcdb8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/rw.po
@@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
+# translation of eom to Kinyarwanda.
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Steve Murphy <[email protected]>, 2005
+# Steve performed initial rough translation from compendium built from translations provided by the following translators:
+# Philibert Ndandali <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Viateur MUGENZI <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Noëlla Mupole <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Carole Karema <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# JEAN BAPTISTE NGENDAHAYO <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Augustin KIBERWA <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Donatien NSENGIYUMVA <[email protected]>, 2005..
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom 2.12\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-03-31 16:32-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-28 19:34-0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Steve Murphy <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Kinyarwanda <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Bya Ishusho"
+msgid " "
+msgstr ""
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<B Idosiye B"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<B Idosiye B"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Ihindurangano Biruta 100"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Mbuganyuma"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Kugenzura... Ishusho"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Kunoza Ibara"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "kugirango"
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Bya"
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Imyanya ku"
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2931
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Kubika nka"
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Komeza>> Ishusho ku buryo bwikora Nyuma"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Kwerekana Igice"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Gutangira ku"
+# address labels
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd The basic mail/news composition headers as they are seen in UI
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Kuri:"
+# setup2/source\ui\pages\pasupath.src:RESID_PAGE_PAGEASRV_USERPATH.PB_SEARCH.text
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "Gushakisha"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "Ishusho ku Ihindurangano"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+# offmgr/source\offapp\dialog\optgdlg.src:OFA_TP_MISC.FT_HELPAGENT_TIME_UNIT.text
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "amasogonda"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"A Agaciro Biruta 0 amasogonda Ishusho ku Mugaragaza Komeza>> ni ku buryo "
+"bwikora Byikoresha"
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Ihindurangano Biruta 100"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "in amasogonda Komeza>> Ishusho"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr "Ibonerana Uduciro Na ni Hanyuma Urufunguzo Ibara Agaciro"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ibonerana Urufunguzo Agaciro Hanyuma iyi Urufunguzo Ibara ni kugirango "
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "iyi ni Gushyiraho Kuri Gitoya Ishusho OYA Birambuye Kuri Mugaragaza"
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "Idirishya Iyigamashusho"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "Idirishya Iyigamashusho"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Gihinguranya Ishusho"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Ishusho in a Gishya Idirishya"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "Gushisha Ishusho Ibisobanuro kugirango"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "Gushisha Ishusho Ibisobanuro kugirango UMWE Ishusho"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Gushisha Idirishya"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Gushisha Idirishya Umwanyabikoresho"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Ibara"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Gufungura%S Ishusho Kurema a Gishya Idirishya Bya Guhindura:%s Ishusho in "
+"KIGEZWEHO Idirishya"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Cyangwa OYA Bya Ishusho in Kidahera"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr "Ishusho ku Ihindurangano Cyangwa OYA Kuri Ubwiza ni Ishusho"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:127
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Amadosiye yose"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:132
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr ""
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:150
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:243
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%sX"
+# svtools/source\uno\unoifac2.src:RID_CONTEXTMENU.RID_OPEN_LINK_NEW.text
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:405
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "Gufungurira muri New Window"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:431
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:439
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Bika Ishusho"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:447
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Kurema By'igihe gito IDOSIYE kugirango Mu kubika"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ububiko kugirango Itangira... IDOSIYE"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:404
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ku Ishusho"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:515
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "OYA kugirango iyi IDOSIYE Imiterere"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1002 libeom/eom-image.c:1213
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Idosiye"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1155 libeom/eom-image.c:1281
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ishusho"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1164 libeom/eom-image.c:1290
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "IDOSIYE Byanze"
+# svx/source\engine3d\float3d.src:RID_SVXFLOAT_3D.FL_CAMERA.text
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+# framework/source\classes\fltdlg.src:STR_FILTER_OTHERS.text
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ikindi"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Itagi"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Agaciro"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Izina ry'idosiye"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Ubugari"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Ubuhagarike"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Ikiranga"
+# sc/source\ui\src\scfuncs.src:RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_DDE.4.text
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Idosiye"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:90
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:97
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "OYA Bihari"
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:139
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr "Gukoresha iyi Umumaro Isomero Kwinjiza porogaramu HTTP Cyuzuye Na Bya"
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:215
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "Nka ni"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:192
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Ishusho"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:238
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Mu kubika"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr "OYA"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr ""
+# padmin/source\padialog.src:RID_TXT_TESTPAGE_COMMENT.text
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Icyo wongeraho"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Itariki"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Igihe"
+# svtools/source\control\calendar.src:STR_SVT_CALENDAR_DAY.text
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Umunsi"
+# sw/source\ui\utlui\initui.src:STR_AUTH_FIELD_MONTH.text
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Ukwezi"
+# sw/source\ui\utlui\initui.src:STR_AUTH_FIELD_YEAR.text
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Umwaka"
+# sc/source\core\src\compiler.src:RID_SC_FUNCTION_NAMES.SC_OPCODE_GET_HOUR.text
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "ISAHA"
+# sc/source\core\src\compiler.src:RID_SC_FUNCTION_NAMES.SC_OPCODE_GET_MIN.text
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "UMUNOTA"
+# sc/source\core\src\compiler.src:RID_SC_FUNCTION_NAMES.SC_OPCODE_GET_SEC.text
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "ISEGONDA"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:491
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Umusemuzi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:496 shell/eom-window.c:2693 shell/eom-window.c:3181
+#: shell/main.c:602
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Bya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:499
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Ishusho Na Porogaramu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:536
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr "OYA Kugaragaza Ifashayobora kugirango Bya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:831
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Gusimbuza IDOSIYE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:832
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Wifuzakurisimbura."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:841 shell/eom-window.c:854
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr ""
+# sw/source\ui\wrtsh\wrtsh.src:STR_OVR_UNDO.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:842
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Gusimbuza"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:847
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "ku Mu kubika"
+# 5169
+#: shell/eom-window.c:855 shell/eom-window.c:1405
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Ongera ugerageze"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1272
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "Ishyika"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1394
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "IDOSIYE Imiterere Bya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1395
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"Gukoresha Izina ry'idosiye: Ingereka Cyangwa Guhitamo a IDOSIYE Imiterere"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1528
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "ku Mu kubika Ishusho"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1781
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Kuri Kwimura Ishusho Kuri"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1819
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1893
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "ku Ishusho"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2618
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%iX"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2652
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2734
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "Itangira... Byanze kugirango"
+# sc/source\ui\src\globstr.src:RID_GLOBSTR.STR_HFCMD_FILE.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2872
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "IDOSIYE"
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_BASICMENU.MN_EDIT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_BASICPLUGINMENU.MN_PLEDIT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\macrodlg.src:RID_MACROCHOOSER.RID_PB_EDIT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\moduldlg.src:RID_TP_MODULS.RID_PB_EDIT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\moduldlg.src:RID_TP_LIBS.RID_PB_EDIT.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2873
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "Guhindura"
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_BASICMENU.MN_VIEW.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_BASICPLUGINMENU.MN_PLVIEW.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2874
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "Kureba"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2875
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Ifashayobora"
+# basctl/source\basicide\brkdlg.src:RID_BASICIDE_BREAKPOINTDLG.RID_PB_NEW.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "Gishya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "a Gishya Idirishya"
+# sfx2/source\appl\minbox.src:RID_MAIL_INBOX.BTN_MAILINBOX_OPEN.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2877
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "Gufungura..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2877
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "a IDOSIYE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2878
+msgid "Open _Folder..."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2878
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open a folder"
+msgstr "a Ububiko"
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\macrodlg.src:RID_MACROCHOOSER.RID_PB_CLOSE.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\macrodlg.src:RID_STR_CLOSE.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\moduldlg.src:RID_TP_MODULS.RID_PB_CLOSE.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\moduldlg.src:RID_TP_LIBS.RID_PB_CLOSE.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Gufunga"
+# sfx2/sdi\sfxslots.src:SID_CLOSEWIN.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Gufunga Idirishya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Ibyahiswemo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "kugirango Bya"
+# #-#-#-#-# sc.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# sc/source\ui\dbgui\validate.src:TP_VALIDATION_INPUTHELP.FL_CONTENT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# sc.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# sc/source\ui\dbgui\validate.src:TP_VALIDATION_ERROR.FL_CONTENT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# sc.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# sc/source\ui\navipi\navipi.src:RID_SCDLG_NAVIGATOR.TBX_CMD.IID_ZOOMOUT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# sc.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# sc/source\ui\navipi\navipi.src:SCSTR_CONTENT_ROOT.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2881
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "Ibigize"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2881
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "iyi Porogaramu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2882
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Bigyanye"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2882
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "iyi Porogaramu"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2887
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Umwanyabikoresho"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2887
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ukugaragara Bya Umwanyabikoresho in KIGEZWEHO Idirishya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2888
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2888
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ukugaragara Bya in KIGEZWEHO Idirishya"
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_STR_SAVE.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2893
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "Kubika"
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2894
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Kubika nka"
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# dbaccess/source/ui/inc/toolbox.hrc:MID_UNDO.text
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2896
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Isubiranyuma"
+# sw/source\ui\utlui\attrdesc.src:STR_HORI_MIRROR.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2898
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Guhindukiza intambike"
+# #-#-#-#-# svx.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# svx/source\svdraw\svdstr.src:STR_EditMirrorVert.text
+# #-#-#-#-# svx.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# svx/source\svdraw\svdstr.src:STR_DragMethMirrorVert.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2899
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Guhindukiza ubuhagarike"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2901
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2902
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2903
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr ""
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_POPUP_TABBAR.SID_BASICIDE_DELETECURRENT.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\brkdlg.src:RID_BASICIDE_BREAKPOINTDLG.RID_PB_DEL.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2905
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Gusiba"
+# svx/inc\globlmn.hrc:ITEM_VIEW_FULLSCREEN.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "Mugaragazi yuzuye"
+# sc/sdi\scslots.src:SID_PREVIEW_ZOOMIN.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Ihindurangano wongera"
+# sc/sdi\scslots.src:SID_PREVIEW_ZOOMOUT.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Ihindurangano ugabanya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2910
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2911
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2916
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2916
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Change the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ukugaragara Bya Ibisobanuro in KIGEZWEHO Idirishya"
+# basctl/source\basicide\brkdlg.src:RID_BASICIDE_BREAKPOINTDLG.RID_PB_NEW.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2926
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Gishya"
+# #-#-#-#-# sfx2.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# sfx2/source\accel\accel.src:STR_OPEN.text
+# #-#-#-#-# sfx2.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# sfx2/source\dialog\cfg.src:STR_OPEN.text
+# #-#-#-#-# sfx2.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# sfx2/source\dialog\versdlg.src:DLG_VERSIONS.PB_OPEN.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2927 shell/eom-window.c:2928
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Gufungura"
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\macrodlg.src:RID_MACROCHOOSER.RID_PB_CLOSE.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\macrodlg.src:RID_STR_CLOSE.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\moduldlg.src:RID_TP_MODULS.RID_PB_CLOSE.text
+# #-#-#-#-# basctl.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# basctl/source\basicide\moduldlg.src:RID_TP_LIBS.RID_PB_CLOSE.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2929
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Gufunga"
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_STR_SAVE.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2930
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Kubika"
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# dbaccess/source/ui/inc/toolbox.hrc:MID_UNDO.text
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (Mate 2.12) #-#-#-#-#
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2932
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Isubiranyuma"
+# sc/source\ui\src\optdlg.src:RID_SCPAGE_LAYOUT.LB_ALIGN.2.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2935
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Iburyo"
+# sc/source\ui\src\optdlg.src:RID_SCPAGE_LAYOUT.LB_ALIGN.4.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2936
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Ibumoso"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2938
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Imbere"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2939
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Inyuma"
+# officecfg/registry\schema\org\openoffice\Office\Common.xcs:....Save.Graphic.Format..0.text
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2940
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Bisanzwe"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2941
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:3019
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "Isobanuramiterere OYA Byabonetse"
+#: shell/main.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "Kuri Kurema Bya Ukoresha:"
+#: shell/main.c:272
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr "Ibyerekeye Kuri Gufungura Kuri Gufungura in a"
+#: shell/main.c:276
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Igikubo UMWE"
+#: shell/main.c:280
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:282
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr ""
+# sw/source\ui\utlui\navipi.src:ST_BROKEN_LINK.text
+#: shell/main.c:334
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Idosiye ntibonetse:"
+msgstr[1] "Idosiye ntibonetse:"
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "OYA Gufungura"
+#: libeom/eom-util.c:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(Sibyo"
+#: shell/eom-preferences.c:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "OYA Kugaragaza Ifashayobora kugirango Bya"
diff --git a/po/si.po b/po/si.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa99958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/si.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
+# translation of si.po to Sinhala
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Danishka Navin <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Danishka Navin <[email protected]>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: si\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-18 03:34+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-29 12:00+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Danishka Navin <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Sinhala <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” පෙන්වන්න"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1362
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "මෙවලම් පවරුව වෙත ගෙන යන්න (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1363
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "තෝරාගත් අයිතමය මෙවලම් පවරුව වෙත ගෙන යන්න"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1364
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "මෙචලම් පුවරුවෙන් ඉවත් කරන්න (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1365
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "තෝරාගත් අයිතමය මෙචලම් පුවරුවෙන් ඉවත් කරන්න"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1366
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "මෙවලම් පුවරුව මකන්න (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1367
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "තෝරාගත් මෙවලම් පුවරුව ඉවත් කරන්න"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:446
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "වෙනකරනය"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු ගවේශනය කිරීම සහ කරකැවීම"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු දසුන"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "\n"
+msgstr "\n"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "%f"
+msgstr "%f"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>බයිට්:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>කැමරා මාදිලිය:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>දිනය/වේලාව:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>පෙන්වන ගොනු නාමය</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ගොනු මාර්‍ග විශේෂණය</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>උස:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>පිළිඹිබු විශාලණය</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>පිහිටීම:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>නම:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>විකල්ප</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>පිළිවෙල</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>විනිවිද පෙනෙන කොටස්</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>වර්‍ග:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>පළල:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> මුල් ගොනු නම</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> ගණකය</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "පසුබිම ලෙස (_b)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "බහලුමක් තෝරන්න"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "විනිවිද පෙනෙන ප්‍රදේශ සඳහා වර්‍ණ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "MATE ඇසේ අභිප්‍රේත"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "ගොනු නාම සංයුතිය:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "සාමාන්‍ය"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු වත්කම්"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු දසුන"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "ප්ලගීන"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "සුරකින අයුර"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "තිරපෙන්නුම"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "ගණකයේ ආරම්භය:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "වෙත:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "මීළඟ (_N)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "පෙර (_P)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "label"
+msgstr "ලෙබලය"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "තත්පර"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/ ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබුව නව කවුළුවක විවෘත කරන්න"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "කවුළු තත්ව පුවරුව පෙන්වන්න/සඟවන්න"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "කවුළු මෙවලම් පුවරුව පෙන්වන්න/සඟවන්න"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to the applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "විනිවිදයන වර්‍ණ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:122
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "සියළුම ගොනු"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "සියළුම පිළිඹිබු"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:148
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] "%s x %s පික්සල"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:386
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබුව පූරණය"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:394
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබුව සුරකින්න"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:402
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "බහලුම විවෘත කරන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:457
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:939
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1294 ../src/eom-image.c:1502
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "ගොනුව පවතී"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1441 ../src/eom-image.c:1570
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබුව පූරණය නොවුනි."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1450 ../src/eom-image.c:1582
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "තාවකාලික ගොනු නිර්මාණය අසමත්විය."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:342
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG ගොනුව පූරණයට මතකය වෙන් කළ නොහැක"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:54
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "කැමරාව"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:55
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු දත්ත"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:56
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු ගැනිමේ සීමා"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:57
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "සටහනක් සාදන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:58
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "වෙනත්"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:222
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ඇමුණුම"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:229
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "අගය"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:74
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "නොදන්නා"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:160
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:165
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:806
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:807
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:813
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "පිටු සැකසුම"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:814
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:838
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "පිහිටීම"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:843
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "වම (_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:844
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "දකුණ (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:845
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ඉහල (_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:846
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "පහල (_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "මැද (_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:853
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "කිසිවක් නැත"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:855
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "තිරස්"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:857
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "සිරස්"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:859
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "දෙකම"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "ප්‍රමාණය"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "පළල (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "උස (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "සතිමාණය (_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:898
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ඒකක (_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:903
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "මිලි මීටර"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:905
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "අගල්"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:925
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "පුර්ව දර්ශනය"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:422 ../src/eom-window.c:587
+msgid "pixels"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "පික්සල"
+msgstr[1] "පික්සල"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:433
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1025
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "අවම වශයෙන් ගොනු නාම දෙකක් වත් අවශ්‍යවේ."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:62
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE ඇස සඳහා සහාය විවෘත කළ නොහැක"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:987
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" සමඟ විවෘත කරන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1093
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" %s"
+msgstr "\"%s\" පිළිඹිබුව සුරකිමින් %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1398
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" පිළිඹිබුව පූරණය වෙමින්"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2156
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබු සැකසුම්"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2170
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ගොනුව මුද්‍රණය දෝෂ සහිතයි:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "මෙවලම් පුවරු සකසනය"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2353
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "පරිවර්තන ස්තුතිය"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2356
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2360
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2364
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2377 ../src/main.c:180
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE ඇස"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2380
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2725
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"ඔබට විශ්වාසද ඔබට \n"
+"\"%s\" ඉවතලීමට අවශ්‍යද?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2728
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"ඔබට විශ්වාසද ඔබට තෝරාගත් \n"
+"පිළිඹිබු %d ඉවතලීමට අවශ්‍යද?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"ඔබට විශ්වාසද ඔබට තෝරාගත් \n"
+"පිළිඹිබු %d ඉවතලීමට අවශ්‍යද?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2743 ../src/eom-window.c:3153
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "ඉවතලන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2785
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ීවතලන බහලුම භාවිත කළ නොහැක."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2869
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s පිළිඹිබුව මැකීමෙදි දෝෂයකි"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3076
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "ගොනු (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3077
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "සැකසුම් (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3078
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "දසුන (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3079
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "පිළිඹිබුව (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3080
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "යන්න (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3081
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "මෙවලම් (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3082
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "සහාය (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3084
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "විවෘත කරන්න... (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3085
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ගොනුව විවෘත කරන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3087
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "වසන්න (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3088
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "කවුළුව වසන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3090
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "මෙවලම් පුවරුව (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3091
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "යෙදුම් මෙවලම් පුවරුව සකසන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3093
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "අභිප්‍රේත (_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3094
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE ඇස සඳහා අභිප්‍රේත"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3096
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "අන්තර්ගතය (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3097
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "මෙම යෙදුම සඳහා සහාය වන්න"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3099 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:504
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "සම්බන්ධව (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3100
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "මෙම යෙදුම සම්බන්ධව"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3105
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "මෙවලම් පුවරුව (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3106
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3108
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "තත්ව පුවරුව (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3109
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3111
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3112
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3117
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "සුරකීම (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3120
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3123
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "සුරකින අයුර... (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3126
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "පිටු සැකසුම... (_u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3129
+msgid "Print..."
+msgstr "මුද්‍රණය..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3132
+msgid "Properties"
+msgstr "වත්කම්"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3135
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "අහෝසි (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3138
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3141
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3144
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3147
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3150
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3156 ../src/eom-window.c:3168 ../src/eom-window.c:3171
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "විශාල කරන්න (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3159 ../src/eom-window.c:3174
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "කුඩා කරන්න (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3162
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "සාමාන්‍ය ප්‍රමාණය (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3165
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "නිසි ගැලපුම (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3177
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "ඉවතලන්න (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3183
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "සම්පූර්ණ තිරය (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3189 ../src/eom-window.c:3204 ../src/eom-window.c:3210
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3213
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "පෙර පිළිඹිබුව (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3192 ../src/eom-window.c:3201 ../src/eom-window.c:3207
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "මීළඟ පිළිඹිබුව (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3195 ../src/eom-window.c:3216
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "පළමු පිළිඹිබුව (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3198 ../src/eom-window.c:3219
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "අවසාන පිළිඹිබුව (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3225
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "තිරපෙන්නුම (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3291
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "පෙර"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3295
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "මීළඟ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "දකුණ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "වම"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ඇතුලත්"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3308
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "පිටත"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "සාමාන්‍ය"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "ප්ලගීන"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "සක්‍රීය"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:512
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "සුසරකිරීම (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:522
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "ක්‍රීයාකාරි (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:534
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "සියල්ල ක්‍රීයාකාරි කරන්න (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:539
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:865
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:872
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:60
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:61
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:62
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "තිරපෙන්නුම් අකාරයෙන් විවෘත කරන්න"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[ගොනුව...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:204
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "MATE ඇසේ දසුන"
diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3599c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1229 @@
+# translation of sk.po to Slovak
+# eom Slovak translation.
+# Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003, 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Stanislav Visnovsky <[email protected]>, 2001,2002,2003,2004.
+# Ivan Noris <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Peter Tuharsky <[email protected]>, 2007,2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-17 18:44+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-17 14:43+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Peter Tuhársky <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Slovak <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Slovak\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVAKIA\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Zobraziť “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Presunúť na paneli nástrojov"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Presunúť vybranú položku na paneli"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1403
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Odstrániť z panela nástrojov"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1404
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Odstrániť vybranú položku z panela nástrojov"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1405
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Odstrániť panel nástrojov"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1406
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Odstrániť vybraný panel nástrojov"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:493
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Oddeľovač"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Beží v režime celej obrazovky"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Prehliadať a otáčať obrázky"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Prehliadač obrázkov"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Hĺbka ostrosti:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Autor:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bajtov:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Model fotoaparátu:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dátum/Čas:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Popis:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Podrobnosti</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Expozícia:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Blesk:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ohnisková vzdialenosť:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Výška:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ekvivalent ISO rýchlosti:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kľúčové slová:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Umiestnenie:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Režim merania:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Meno:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Typ:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Šírka:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Hlavné"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Vlastnosti obrázku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metaúdaje"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Nasledujúci"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Predchádzajúci"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukážka mena súboru</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Určenie cesty k súboru</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Možnosti</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b></b> pôvodný názov súboru</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> počítadlo</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Vyberte priečinok"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Cieľový priečinok:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formát mena súboru:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Premenovať z:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Nahradiť medzery podčiarkovníkmi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Uložiť ako"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Začať počítadlo od:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Do:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vylepšenia obrázku</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lupa</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Postupnosť</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Priesvitné časti</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Ako _pozadie"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Ako _vzorka"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Ako vlastná _farba:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Farba pre priesvitné oblasti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Roztiahnuť obrázok na celú obrazovku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Predvoľby Oka MATE"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Zobrazenie obrázku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Zásuvné moduly"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Prezentácia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Vyhladzovať obrázky pri _zväčšení"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatická orientácia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Opakovať postupnosť"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Prepnúť obrázok po:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundách"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Hodnota väčšia ako 0 určuje počet sekúnd, počas ktorých zostane obrázok "
+"zobrazený, pred zobrazením ďalšieho. Nula vypne automatické prezeranie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktívne zásuvné moduly"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Povoliť počiatočnú lupu väčšiu ako 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatická orientácia"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Čakanie v sekundách pred zobrazením nasledujúceho obrázku."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Určuje, ako sa má označiť priesvitnosť. Možné hodnoty sú CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR a NONE. Ak použijete COLOR, použitú farbu určuje hodnota trans_color."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ak je hodnota kľúča pre priesvitnosť COLOR, tento kľúč určuje farbu, ktorá "
+"sa má použiť pre označenie priesvitných častí."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "Ak je toto FALSE, malé obrázky sa nebudú rozťahovať na celú obrazovku."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Umiestnenie panela zbierky obrázkov. Nastavenia sú: 0 = dole, 1 = vľavo, 2 = "
+"hore, 3 = vpravo."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolácia obrázku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Zoznam aktívnych zásuvných modulov. Neobsahuje to \"Umiestnenie\" aktívnych "
+"zásuvných modulov. Ak chcete zistiť \"Umiestnenie\" aktívnych modulov, "
+"prosím pozrite súbor .eom-plugin"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Opakovať postupnosť obrázkov"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zväčšovanie pomocou skrolovacieho tlačítka"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Zobraziť/skryť tlačítka pre posun na paneli zbierky obrázkov."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Zobraziť/skryť panel zbierky obrázkov."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Zobraziť/skryť bočný panel okna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Zobraziť/skryť stavový riadok okna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Zobraziť/skryť panel nástrojov v okne."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Násobič, ktorý sa má použiť pri zväčšovaní pomocou skrolovacieho tlačítka. "
+"Táto hodnota reprezentuje krok zväčšenia použitý pre každú udalosť "
+"skrolovacieho tlačítka. Napríklad, hodnota 0.05 znamená priblíženie o 5% a "
+"1.00 znamená priblíženie o 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Farba priesvitnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indikátor priesvitnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Určuje, či sa má opakovať postupnosť obrázkov donekonečna."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Určuje, či umožniť zmenu veľkosti panelu zbierky obrázkov."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Určuje, či sa má pri zväčšení obrázok interpolovať, alebo nie. Zobrazenie je "
+"kvalitnejšie, ale je o niečo málo pomalšie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Určuje, či sa má obrázok automaticky otáčať podľa orientácie EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Určuje, či sa má skrolovacie tlačítko používať na zväčšovanie."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Násobok zväčšenia"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Formát súboru je neznámy alebo nepodporovaný"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Program Oko MATE nedokázal určiť podporovaný zapisovateľný formát na "
+"základe tohto názvu súboru."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Prosím, skúste inú príponu súboru, napríklad .png alebo .jpg"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Všetky súbory"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Všetky obrázky"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:134
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:136 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:442
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:705
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "bod"
+msgstr[1] "body"
+msgstr[2] "bodov"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Načítať obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Uložiť obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Otvoriť priečinok"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:525
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformácia nenačítaného obrázku."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:553
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformácia zlyhala."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1067
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Tento formát súboru nepodporuje EXIF."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1184
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Načítavanie obrázku zlyhalo."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1586 ../src/eom-image.c:1691
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nenačítal sa žiadny obrázok."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1596 ../src/eom-image.c:1703
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť dočasný súbor."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť dočasný súbor pre zápis: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vyhradiť pamäť pre načítanie obrázku JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Fotoaparát"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Údaje obrázku"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Podmienky fotografovania"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Poznámka autora"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Iné"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP správa práv"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP iné"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Údaj"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Hodnota"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:74
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:152
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neznáme"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Skúsiť _znovu"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Nepodarilo sa načítať obrázok '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne obrázky v '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Zadané miesto neobsahuje obrázky."
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:833
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Obrázok, ktorému sa nastavia tlačové vlastnosti"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Nastavenie stránky"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informácie pre stránku, kde sa bude tlačiť tento obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:869
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Pozícia"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:874
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Vľavo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "V_pravo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Hore:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Dole:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:879
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Stred:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Žiadny"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vodorovne"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:888
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Zvisle"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:890
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Obidvoje"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:906
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Veľkosť"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:911
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "Ší_rka:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Výška:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:916
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "Š_kálovanie:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:929
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Jednotky:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:934
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetrov"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Palcov"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:966
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Ukážka"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:160
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "nezmenené"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:458
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Odfotené"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Najmenej dva súbory majú rovnaké meno."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Nepodarilo sa zobraziť pomocníka pre Oko MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (chybný unikód)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1113
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Otvoriť s \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Použiť \"%s\" na otvorenie vybraného obrázku"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1229
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Ukladám obrázok \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1568
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Načítavam obrázok \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2380
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Nastavenie obrázku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2394
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chyba pri tlači obrázku:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2522
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Editor panelu nástrojov"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2525
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Obnoviť základné nastavenia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2611
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Stanislav Višňovský\n"
+"Ivan Noris\n"
+"Peter Tuhársky <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2614
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tento program je free software; môžete ho redistribuovať a/alebo modifikovať "
+"za podmienok GNU General Public License publikovaných Free Software "
+"Foundation; a to buď verzie licencie 2, alebo (podľa vášho uváženia) "
+"ľubovoľnej neskoršej verzie.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2618
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tento program je distribuovaný v nádeji, že bude užitočný, ale BEZ "
+"AKEJKOĽVEK ZÁRUKY; a to ani bez predpokladanej záruky PREDAJNOSTI, alebo "
+"VHODNOSTI PRE KONKRÉTNY ÚČEL. Pre ďalšie podrobnosti viz. GNU General Public "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2622
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Kópiu GNU General Public License ste mali dostať spolu s týmto programom; ak "
+"sa tak nestalo, napíšte na Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, "
+"Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635 ../src/main.c:186
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Oko MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr ""
+"Program pre prehliadanie obrázkov a ich katalogizáciu pre prostredie MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3011
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "Chcete presunúť obrázok \"%s\" do koša?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3014
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Chcete presunúť obrázok do koša?"
+msgstr[1] "Chcete presunúť %d obrázky do koša?"
+msgstr[2] "Chcete presunúť %d obrázkov do koša?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3029
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Presunúť do koša"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3057 ../src/eom-window.c:3071 ../src/eom-window.c:3077
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nepodarilo sa použiť kôš."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Chyba pri odstraňovaní obrázku %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Súbor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Upraviť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Zobraziť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "Í_sť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Nástroje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Pomocník"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3358
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Otvoriť..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Otvorí súbor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3361
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Zavrieť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zavrie okno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Panel _nástrojov"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3365
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Upraviť panel nástrojov aplikácie"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Pre_dvoľby"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3368
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Predvoľby pre Oko MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3370
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Obsah"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3371
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Pomocník pre túto aplikáciu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3373 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:507
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_O programe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3374
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "O tejto aplikácii"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3379
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Panel _nástrojov"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3380
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmení viditeľnosť panelu nástrojov v aktuálnom okne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3382
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Stavový riadok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3383
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmení viditeľnosť stavového riadku v aktuálnom okne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Zbierku obrázkov"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmení viditeľnosť panelu zbierok obrázkov v aktuálnom okne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3388
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Bočný _panel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Zmení viditeľnosť bočného panelu v aktuálnom okne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3394
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Uložiť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3395
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Uložiť zmeny vybraných obrázkov"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3397
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Otvoriť v _programe"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3398
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Otvoriť vybraný obrázok inou aplikáciou"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3400
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Uložiť _ako..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3401
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Uložiť vybrané obrázky pod iným menom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "Nastavenie _strany..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Nastaviť vlastnosti stránky pre tlač"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Tlač..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3407
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Vytlačiť vybraný obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Vlastnosti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Zobraziť vlastnosti a metaúdaje vybraného obrázku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "V_rátiť späť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Vrátiť späť poslednú zmenu obrázku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Prevrátiť _horizontálne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Preklopiť horizontálne (zľava doprava)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Prevrátiť _vertikálne"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3419
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Preklopiť vertikálne (zhora nadol)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Otočiť v _smere hodinových ručičiek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3422
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Otočiť obrázok o 90 stupňov doprava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Otočiť p_roti smeru hodinových ručičiek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Otočiť obrázok o 90 stupňov doľava"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3427
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Nastaviť ako _tapetu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3428
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "Nastaviť vybraný obrázok ako pozadie plochy"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3430 ../src/eom-window.c:3454
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Presunúť do _koša"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3431
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Presunúť vybraný obrázok do odpadkového koša"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3433 ../src/eom-window.c:3445 ../src/eom-window.c:3448
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Z_väčšiť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3434 ../src/eom-window.c:3446
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Zväčšiť obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3451
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Z_menšiť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3437 ../src/eom-window.c:3449 ../src/eom-window.c:3452
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Zmenšiť obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3439
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normálna veľkosť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3440
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Zobraziť obrázok v jeho pôvodnej veľkosti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3442
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Na_jlepšia veľkosť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Prispôsobiť obrázok veľkosti okna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3460
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "Na _celú obrazovku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3461
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Zobraziť tento obrázok na celú obrazovku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466 ../src/eom-window.c:3478
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Predchádzajúci obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Prejsť na predchádzajúci obrázok v zbierke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Nasledujúci obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3470
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Prejsť na nasledujúci obrázok v zbierke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3472 ../src/eom-window.c:3481
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "P_rvý obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3473
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Prejsť na prvý obrázok v zbierke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3475 ../src/eom-window.c:3484
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Po_sledný obrázok"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3476
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Prejsť na posledný obrázok v zbierke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Prezentácia"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3491
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Premietať ako snímky"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Predchádzajúci"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3561
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nasledujúci"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3565
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Vpravo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3568
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Vľavo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3571
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Zväčšiť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3574
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Zmenšiť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3577
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normálna veľkosť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3580
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Prispôsobiť"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3583
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Zbierka"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Zásuvný modul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:54
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Povolené"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:515
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigurovať"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:525
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktivovať"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:537
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Aktivovať _všetko"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:542
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Deaktivovat všetko"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:833
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktívne _zásuvné moduly:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:862
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_O zásuvnom module"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:869
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfigurovať zásuvný modul"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Otvoriť v režime celej obrazovky"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Vypnúť zbierku obrázkov"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Otvoriť v režime prezentácie"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[SÚBOR...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:217
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Prehliadač obrázkov Oko MATE"
diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8494ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1501 @@
+# Slovenian translations for eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Andraž Tori <[email protected]>, 2002.
+# Matej Urbančič <[email protected]>, 2006 - 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom master\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-15 08:00+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-15 10:26+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Slovenian MATE Translation Team <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Slovenian\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVENIA\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Pokaži “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Premakni na orodni vrstici"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Premakne izbrani predmet na orodni vrstici"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Odstrani iz orodne vrstice"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Odstrani izbrani predmet iz orodne vrstice"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Izbriši orodno vrstico"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Odstrani izbrano orodno vrstico"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Ločilnik"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Omogoča preklop celozaslonskega načina z dvojnim klikom miške"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Celozaslonski način z dvojnim klikom"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Ponovno nalaganje slike"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Omogoča ponovno nalaganje trenutne slike"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Datum v vrstici stanja"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Omogoča prikaz datuma slike v oknu vrstice stanja"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Prebrskaj in zavrti slike"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Pregledovalnik slik"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Vrednost zaslonke:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Avtor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bajti:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model aparata:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Avtorske pravice:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Datum/Čas:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Opis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Podrobnosti"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Čas osvetlitve:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Bliskavica:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Goriščna razdalja:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Splošno"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Višina:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO raven hitrosti:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Lastnosti slike"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Ključne besede:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Mesto:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metapodatki"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Metrični način:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Ime:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Vrsta:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Širina:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Naslednja"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Predhodna"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> izvorno ime"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> števec"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Izbor mape"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Ciljna mapa:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Predogled imena datoteke"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Določilo poti datoteke"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Zapis datoteke:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Možnosti"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Preimenuj iz:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Zamenjaj presledke z vezaji"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Shrani kot"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Začni števec z:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Na:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "kot _ozadje"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "kot preizkusni _vzorec"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "kot barva _po meri:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Kot barvo _po meri:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Ozadje"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Barva ozadja"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Barva za prosojne površine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Razširi slike na velikost zaslona"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Možnosti Mate očesa"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Prilagajanje slike"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Pogled slike"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Približanje slike"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Vstavki"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Zaporedje"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Predstavitev"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Glajenje slik med _približevanjem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Glajenje slik med _oddaljevanjem"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Prosojni deli"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Samodejno usmerjevanje"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Slike prikazuj krožno"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Preklopi sliko vsakih:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekund"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "Vrednost večja kot 0 določi čas v sekundah, za čas, ko slika ostane na ekranu, preden se pokaže naslednja. Vrednost 0 onemogoči samodejno prikazovanje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Dejavni vstavki"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Dovoli privzeto približanje večje kot 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Samodejno usmerjevanje slike"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Zamik v sekundah pred prikazom naslednje slike."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key determines the color value used."
+msgstr "Vrednost določa kako naj bo prikazana prosojnost. Veljavne vrednosti so CHECK_PATTEREN, COLOR in NONE. V kolikor je izbran COLOR, potem uporabljeno barvo določa ključ trans-color."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Preslikaj sliko"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "Izbrana možnost omogoča, da izbirnik datotek pokaže uporabnikovo mapo s slikami z uporabo XDG uporabniških map. Pri onemogočeni možnosti ali pa pri nedoločeni mapi s slikami, pa bo prikazana trenutna delovna mapa."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "Izbrana možnost omogoči, da program ne bo več zahteval potrditve ob premikanju slik v smeti. Še vedno pa bo zahteval odgovor v primeru, da datoteke v smeti ni mogoče premakniti in bo zato slika trajno izbrisana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "Izbrana možnost omogoča, da je seznam metapodatkov na svoji strani v pogovornem oknu. S tem se uporabnost pogovornega okna poveča pri delu na majhnih zaslonih, kot so dlančniki in tablični računalniki. Onemogočen gradnik bo vključen na strani \"Metapodatkov\"."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "V primeru, da je ključ prosojnosti vrednost COLOR, potem ta ključ določa katera barva naj se uporabi kot prosojna barva."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme will determine the fill color."
+msgstr "V primeru, da je dejavna barva določena s ključem barve-ozadja, bo ta uporabljena kot barva ozadja slike. V kolikor barva ni določena, bo uporabljana barva polnila trenutne GTK+ teme."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr "V primeru, da je vrednost NAPAK, male slike med prikazovanjem ne bodo raztegnjene na velikost ekrana."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr "Položaj pladnja zbirke slik. Vrednost 0 določa spodnji del; 1 določa levega; 2 na vrhu; 3 na desni."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Preslikaj sliko"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr "Seznam dejavnih vstavkov ne vsebuje podatkov \"mesta\" dejavnega vstavka. Oglejte si .eom-plugin datoteko za podatke o \"mestu\" vstavka."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Kroži med izbranimi slikami"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Približanje z drsnikom"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Pokaži / Skrij drsne gumbe pladnja zbirke slik."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Pokaži / Skrij okno zbirke slik"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Pokaži / Skrij stranski pladenj."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Pokaži / Skrij vrstico stanja."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Pokaži / Skrij orodno vrstico."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ theme instead."
+msgstr "Dejavna barva, ki je uporabljena kot barva ozadja slike. V kolikor možnost uporabi-barvo-ozadja ni določena, bo uporabljana barva polnila trenutne GTK+ teme."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr "Vrednost približanja pri uporabi srednjega kolesa miške. Vrednost določa korak približanja za vsak premik kolesa. Vrednost 0,05, na primer, poveča sliko za 5% ob vsakem premiku srednjega gumba miške, vrednost 1,00 pa poveča za 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Barva prosojnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Določilnik prosojnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Slike vrzi v smeti brez vprašanj"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Uporabi barvo ozadja po meri"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr "Ali naj izbirnik datotek pokaže uporabnikovo mapo s slikami, kadar ni naloženih slik."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Ali naj bo pladenj zbirke slik razširljiv ali ne."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "Ali naj bo slika preslikana ob približanju ali ne. Preslikava ustvari zamegljeno sliko in je pogosto nekoliko počasnejše."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr "Ali naj bo slika preslikana ob oddaljevanju ali ne. Preslikava ustvari boljšo kakovost slike, vendar je pogosto nekoliko počasnejše."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Ali naj bo slika zavrtena samodejno na osnovi EXIF podatkov usmerjenosti."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Ali naj ima seznam metapodatkov v oknu lastnosti svojo stran."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Ali naj se srednji gumb miške uporablja za približevanje slike ali ne."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Ali naj se izbrane slike prikazujejo neprestano."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Koraki približevanja"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Zagon v celozaslonskem načinu"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Zapri _brez shranjevanja"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Vprašanje"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "V primeru, da ne shranite, bodo spremembe izgubljene."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Ali naj se shranijo spremembe slike \"%s\" pred zapiranjem?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Odprtih je %d slik s spremembami. Ali naj se spremembe shranijo?"
+msgstr[1] "Odprta je %d slika s spremembami. Ali naj se spremembe shranijo?"
+msgstr[2] "Odprti sta %d sliki s spremembami. Ali naj se spremembe shranijo?"
+msgstr[3] "Odprte so %d slike s spremembami. Ali naj se spremembe shranijo?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Izbor slike za shranjevanje:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "V primeru, da ne shranite, bodo spremembe izgubljene."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Zapis datoteke ni znan ali pa je nepodprt."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr "Program EOM ne more zaznati zapisa podprtih oblik datotek na osnovi imena datoteke."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Poskusite z drugo pripono datotek, kot na primer .png or .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Vse datoteke"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Vse slike"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "točk"
+msgstr[1] "točka"
+msgstr[2] "točki"
+msgstr[3] "točke"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Odpri sliko"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Shrani sliko"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Odpri mapo"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Pretvorba na še ne naloženi sliki."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Pretvorba ni uspela."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF ni podprta oblika zapisa slike."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Nalaganje slike ni uspelo."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ni nobene naložene slike."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Napaka med ustvarjanjem trenutne datoteke."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ni mogoče ustvariti začasne datoteke za shranjevanje: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ni mogoče rezervirati pomnilnika za nalaganje datoteke JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Fotoaparat"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Podatki slike"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Pogoji fotografiranja"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Beležnica"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ostalo"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP upravljanje dovoljenj"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Ostalo"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Oznaka"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Vrednost"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d. %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d. %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Poskusi _znova"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Ni mogoče odpreti slike `%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Ni najdenih slik v '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Izbrano mesto ne vsebuje slik."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Nastavitve slik"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Slika"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Slika kateri bodo nastavljene lastnosti tiskanja"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Nastavitev strani"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Podrobnosti strani, kjer bo natisnjena slika"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Položaj"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Levo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Desno:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Zgoraj:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Spodaj:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Sr_edina:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Brez"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vodoravno"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Navpično"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Oba"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Velikost"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Širina:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Višina:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Merilo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Enota:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Cole"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Predogled"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neznano"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (leča)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "kot je"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Prevzeto na"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Vsaj dve imeni datotek sta enaki."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ni mogoče prikazati pomoči za Mate oko."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (neveljaven Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i točk %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i točka %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i točki %s %i%%"
+msgstr[3] "%i × %i točke %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Ponovno naloži"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "_Skrij"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Slika \"%s\" je spremenjena z zunanjim programom.\n"
+"Ali želite sliko ponovno naložiti?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Uporabi \"%s\" za odpiranje izbrane slike"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Shranjevanje slike \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Odpiranje slike \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Napaka med tiskanjem datoteke:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Urejevalnik orodnih vrstic"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Povrni na privzeto"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Matej Urbančič <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr "Ta program spada med prosto programsko opremo; lahko ga širite in/ali spreminjate pod pogoji Splošnega javnega dovoljenja GNU (GNU General Public License), kot ga je objavila ustanova Free Software Foundation; bodisi različice 2 ali (po vaši izbiri) katerikoli poznejši različici.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr "Ta program je na voljo v upanju, da bo uporaben, vendar je BREZ VSAKRŠNEGA JAMSTVA; tudi brez jamstva o USTREZNOSTI ZA PRODAJO ali PRIMERNOSTI ZA UPORABO. Za več podrobnosti si glejte besedilo Splošnega javnega dovoljenja (GNU GPL).\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "S programom bi morali dobiti tudi kopijo Splošnega Javnega dovoljenja (GNU General Public License); v primeru, da je niste, stopite v stik s Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Mate oko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Pregledovalnik slik za MATE"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Odpri možnosti ozadja"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Slika \"%s\" je določena kot ozadje namizja.\n"
+"Ali želite spremeniti njen videz?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Krajevno shranjevanje slike ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ali stre prepričani, da želite premakniti\n"
+"\"%s\" v smeti?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
+msgstr "Smeti za \"%s\" ni mogoče najti. Ali želite slike trajno izbrisati?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Ali ste prepričani, da želite premakniti\n"
+"%d izbranih slik v smeti?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ali ste prepričani, da želite premakniti\n"
+"%d izbrano sliko v smeti?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Ali ste prepričani, da želite premakniti\n"
+"%d izbrani sliki v smeti?"
+msgstr[3] ""
+"Ali ste prepričani, da želite premakniti\n"
+"%d izbrane slike v smeti?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "Nekaterih izbranih slik ni mogoče premakniti v smeti in bodo trajno izbrisane. Ali ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Premakni v _smeti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_To sejo ne vprašaj več"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Ni mogoč dostop do smeti."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Ni mogoče izbrisati datoteke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Napaka med brisanjem datoteke %s."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Uredi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "Po_gled"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "P_ojdi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Orodja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Pomo_č"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Odpri ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Odpri datoteko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Zapri"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zapri okno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Orodna vrstica"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Urejanje orodne vrstice programa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Možnosti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Možnosti za enote programa EoG"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Vsebina"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Pomoč za delo s programom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_O programu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "O tem programu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Orodna vrstica"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Spremeni prikazovanje orodne vrstice trenutnega okna."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Vrstica _stanja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Spremeni prikaz vrstice stanja trenutnega okna."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Zbirka slik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Spremeni prikazovanje pladnja slik galerije v trenutnem oknu."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Stranski _pladenj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Spremeni prikazovanje stranskega pladnja v trenutnem oknu."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Shrani"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Shrani spremembe trenutno izbranih slik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Odpri _s programom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Odpri izbrano sliko z drugim programom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Shrani _kot ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Shrani izbrano sliko z drugim imenom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Natisni ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Natisni izbrano sliko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Lastnosti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Pokaži lastnosti in metapodatke izbrane slike"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Razveljavi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Razveljavi zadnje spremembe v sliki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Zrcali _vodoravno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Zrcali sliko vodoravno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Zrcali _navpično"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Zrcali sliko navpično"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Zavrti v _desno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Zavrti sliko za 90 stopinj v desno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Zavrti v _levo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Zavrti sliko za 90 stopinj v levo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Slika kot _ozadje namizja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Nastavi izbrano sliko kot ozadje namizja."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Premakni izbrano sliko v mapo smeti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Približaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Približaj sliko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Oddalji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3994
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Oddalji sliko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Običajna velikost"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Pokaži sliko v običajni velikosti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Najboljša _prilagoditev"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Prilagodi sliko velikosti okna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Celozaslonski način"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Pokaži trenutno sliko v celozaslonskem načinu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Premor predvajanja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Predvajanje ali premor predstavitve"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Predhodna slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Skoči na predhodno sliko zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Naslednja slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Skoči na naslednjo sliko zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Prva slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Skoči na prvo sliko zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Zadnja sliko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Skoči na zadnjo sliko zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Naključna slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Skoči na naključno sliko zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Predstavitev"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Začni predstavitveno prikazovanje slik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Predhodna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Naslednja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Desno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Levo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Povečaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Pomanjšaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Običajno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Prilagodi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Zbirka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Smeti"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Vstavek"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Omogočeno"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Nastavitve"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Omogoči"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Omogoči _vse"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Onemogoči vse"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Dejavni _vstavki:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_O vstavku"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Nastavitve vstavka"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+#: ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Pregledovalnik slik Mate oko"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Odpri v celozaslonskem načinu"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Onemogoči zbiranje slik"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Odpri v načinu predstavitve"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Začni novo sejo, namesto ponovne uporabe obstoječe seje programa"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Pokaži različico programa"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[DATOTEKA ...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Za popoln seznam možnosti ukazne vrstice zaženite '%s --help'."
+#~ msgid "Close main window without asking to save changes."
+#~ msgstr "Zapri glavno okno brez spraševanja o shranjevanju sprememb."
+#~ msgid "_Image Gallery"
+#~ msgstr "_Galerija slik"
+#~ msgid "Gallery"
+#~ msgstr "Galerija"
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Naloži sliko"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Nastavitev lastnosti strani za tiskanje"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Podrobnosti</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Višina</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Ime:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Vrsta:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Širina:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Shrani _kot ..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Odpri s programom \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Premakni v smeti"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Le krajevne slike je mogoče uporabiti kot ozadje namizja."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "V primeru, da želite določiti to sliko kot ozadje namizja, jo shranite "
+#~ "krajevno na računalnik."
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Nastavitev s_trani ..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Nastavi kot o_zadje"
+#~ msgid "Error loading print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Napaka med nalaganjem datoteke nastavitev tiskanja: %s"
+#~ msgid "Error saving print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Napaka med shranjevanjem datoteke nastavitev tiskanja: %s"
diff --git a/po/sq.po b/po/sq.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f91bb19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sq.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1295 @@
+# Përkthimi i mesazheve të eom në shqip
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>, 2002-2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-23 09:34+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-23 17:00+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: albanian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:919
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Shfaq “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Lëviz tek paneli i instrumentëve"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Lëviz elementin e zgjedhur tek paneli i instrumentëve"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Hiq nga paneli i instrumentëve"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Heq elementin e zgjedhur nga paneli i instrumentëve"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Fshi panelin e instrumentëve"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1387
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Heq panelin e zgjedhur të instrumentëve"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Ndarës"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Ekzekutim në modalitetin me ekran të plotë"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktivizo modalitetin me ekran të plotë me dopjo-klik"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Ekran i plotë me dopjo-klik"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Ringarko figurën"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Ringarko figurën e tanishme"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Data në menunë e gjendjes"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Shfaq datën e figurës tek menu e gjendjes së dritares"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Shfleto dhe rrotullo figurat"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Shikues figurash"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vlera e hapjes:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Autori:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Byte:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Modeli i kamerës:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Data/Ora:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Përshkrimi:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Hollësi</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Koha e ekspozimit:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Flash:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gjatësia fokale:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lartësia:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vlerësimi i shpejtësisë ISO:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fjalëkyçe:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pozicioni:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mënyra e matjes:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Emri:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lloji:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gjerësia:</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Të përgjithshme"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Pronësitë e figurës"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Në vazhdim"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Paraardhëse"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pamja e para e File</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Përcaktimi i pozicionit të file</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mundësi</b>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> emri orgjinal i file</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> numërues</i></small>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Zgjidh një kartelë"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Kartela e destinuar:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Formati i emrit të file:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Riemërto nga:"
+# (pofilter) accelerators: accelerator _ does not occur in original and should not be in translation
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Zëvendëso hapësirat me underscore (nën_ndarës)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Ruaj si"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Fillo numëruesin tek:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Për:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Shtimi i figurave</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zmadhimi i Figurave</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sekuenca</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pjesët e tejdukshme</b>"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Si _sfond"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Si _fushë shahu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Si ngjyrë e pers_onalizuar:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Ngjyra për zonat e tejdukshme"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Z_madho figurat për t'ja përshtatur ekranit"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferimet e Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Shikuesi i figurave"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Diapozitivët"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "Përshtat figurat kur _zmadhohen"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientim _automatik"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Sekuenca e _Loop"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Kalo tek figura tjetër mbas:"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekonda"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Një vlerë më e madhe se 0 përcakton kohën në sekonda gjatë së cilës një "
+"figurë qëndron në ekran para se figura në vazhdim të shfaqet automatikisht. "
+"Zero çaktivizon shfletimin automatik."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plugin aktivë"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Lejo zmadhimin më shume se 100% gjatë hapjes"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Orientim automatik"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Intervali në sekonda para se të shfaqet figura në vazhdim"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Përcakton si duhet të tregohet transparenca. Vlera të vlefshme janë "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR dhe NONE. Nëse është zgjedhur COLOR, atëhere "
+"kyçitrans_color përcakton vlerën e ngjyrës së përdorur."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Nëqoftëse kyçi i tejdukshmërisë ka vlerën COLOR, atëhere ky kyç përcakton "
+"ngjyrën e përdorur për tejdukshmërinë e treguar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Nëse kjo është vendosur në FALSE figurat e vogla nuk do të zmadhohen që t'i "
+"përshtaten ekranit gjatë hapjes."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Pozicioni i panelit të koleksionit të figurave. Vendos 0 për poshtë; 1 për "
+"majtas; 2 për sipër; 3 për djathtas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolo figurën"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista me plugin aktivë. Nuk përmban \"Vendndodhjen\" e plugin aktivë. Shiko "
+"file .eom-plugin për të marrë vendndodhjen e një plugin të dhënë."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Cikli midis sekuencës së figurave"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Zmadhimi me rrotën e mouse"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Shfaq/fshih pulsantët e rrëshkitjes në panelin e koleksionit të figurave."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Shfaq/fshih panelin e figurës së koleksionit."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Shfaq/fshih panelin anësor të dritares."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Shfaq/fshih menunë e gjendjes së dritares."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Shfaq/fshih menunë e instrumentëve të dritares."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Shumëzuesi që duhet aplikuar kur përdoret rrota e mouse për të zmadhuar. Kjo "
+"vlerë përcakton hapin e zmadhimit të përdorur për çdo rrotullim., 0.05 "
+"rezulton në një zmadhim prej 5% për çdo rrotullim dhe 1.00 sjell si pasojë "
+"zmadhimin në 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Ngjyrë e tejdukshme"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Treguesi i transparencës"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Kur dhe kur jo sekuenca e figurave duhet shfaqur në një cikël të pafund."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Nëse panelit të koleksionit të figurave mund t'i ndryshohet madhësia ose jo."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Nëse figura duhet interpoluar apo jo kur zmadhohet. Do të arrihet një "
+"kualitet më i lartë por është ndonjëherë më i ngadaltë se figurat e pa "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Nëse figura duhet rrotulluar automatikisht bazuar në orientimin EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Nëse rrota e mouse duhet përdorur ose jo për të kryer zmadhime."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Shumëfishuesi i shkallës së zmadhimit"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:125
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Format i panjohur apo i pasuportuar file"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:130
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE nuk arriti të përcaktojë një format të suportuar të "
+"shkruajtshëm file duke u nisur nga emri i file."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:131
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Të lutem provo një prapashtesë tjetër file si .png ose .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:163
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Të gjithë files"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:168
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Të gjitha figurat"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:285 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:133
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:135 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:444
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:720
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "pikë"
+msgstr[1] "pikë"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:436
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Hap figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:444
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Ruaj figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:452
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Hap kartelën"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformimi i figurës së pangarkuar."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformimi dështoi."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:947
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF nuk suportohet për këtë format file."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1067
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Ngarkimi i figurës dështoi."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1469 ../src/eom-image.c:1571
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Asnjë figurë e ngarkuar."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1479 ../src/eom-image.c:1583
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Krijimi i file të përkohshëm dështoi."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "I pamundur krijimi i file të përkohshëm për të ruajtur: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "E pamundur përgatitja e kujtesës për të ngarkuar file JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamer"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Të dhënat e figurës"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Kushtet e marrjes së figurës"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Shënime mbi marrjen"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Tjetër"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Rights Management"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Tjetër XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Vlera"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:58 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:96
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:90
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Riprovo"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "I pamundur ngarkimi i figurës '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:161
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nuk u gjet asnjë figurë tek '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:167
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Pozicioni i dhënë nuk përmban figura."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Rregullimi i figurës"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:840
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Figura"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Figura për të cilën do të rregullohen pronësitë e printimit"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:847
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Rregullimi i faqes"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:848
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informacione mbi faqen ku do të printohet figura"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Pozicioni"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:881
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Majtas:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:882
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Djathtas:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:883
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Sipër:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:884
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Poshtë:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:886
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Në q_endër:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Asnjë"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:893
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontalisht"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:895
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikalisht"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:897
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Së bashku"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:913
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Madhësia"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:918
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Gjerësia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:920
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Lartësia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:923
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Shkalla:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:936
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Njësia:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:941
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetra"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:943
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inch"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:973
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Pamja e parë"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:151
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nuk njihet"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lente)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (film 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "si është"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:470
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Marrë në"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:1013
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Të paktën dy prej emrave të file janë njësoj."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:63
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "E pamundur shfaqja e ndihmës për Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:111
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode e pavlefshme)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "Hap me \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1132
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Përdor \"%s\" për të hapur figurën e zgjedhur"
+# (pofilter) variables: do not translate: %u, %u
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1247
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Duke ruajtur figurën \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1590
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Duke ngarkuar figurën \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2286
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Gabim gjatë printimit të file:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2414
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Edituesi i panelit të instrumentëve"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2417
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Rikthe në vlerën e paracaktuar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2503
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Laurent Dhima <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2506
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ky program është software i lirë; mund ta rishpërndani apo/dhe ndryshoni nën "
+"kushtet e Liçencës Publike të Përgjithshme GNU sikurse publikuar nga "
+"Fondacioni Free Software; duke zgjedhur midis versionit 2 të Liçencës, ose "
+"(sipas dëshirës suaj) çdo versioni tjetër të mëvonshëm.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ky program shpërndahet me dëshirën që të jetë i vlefshëm për ju, por PA "
+"QËLLIME TË VEÇANTA. Shiko Liçencën Publike të Përgjithshme GNU për hollësi "
+"të mëtejshme.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2514
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Së bashku me këtë program duhet të keni marrë edhe një kopje të Liçencës "
+"Publike të Përgjithshme GNU; nëse jo, shkruaj tek Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2527 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2530
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Shfaqësi i figurave për MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2901
+msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+msgstr "Vetëm figurat lokale mund të përdoren si sfonde për hapësirën e punës"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2905
+msgid ""
+"To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+"your computer"
+msgstr ""
+"Që kjo figurë të mund të përdoret si sfond për hapësirën e punës, duhet "
+"ruajtur në kompjutër."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2943
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Me të vërtetë dëshironi të hidhni\n"
+"\"%s\" në kosh?"
+# (pofilter) variables: translation contains variables not in original: %d
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2946
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Me të vërtetë dëshironi të hidhni\n"
+"figurën e zgjedhur në kosh?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Me të vërtetë dëshironi të hidhni\n"
+"%d figurat e zgjedhura në kosh?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2961
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Hidh në Kosh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2989 ../src/eom-window.c:3003 ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Nuk kam hyrje në kosh."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3075
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Gabim gjatë fshirjes së figurës %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3282
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_File"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3283
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Ndrysho"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3284
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Shfaq"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3285
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Figura"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3286
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Shko"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3287
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Ins_trumentë"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3288
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ndihmë"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3290
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Hap..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3291
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Hap një file"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Mbyll"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3294
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Mbyll dritaren"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3296
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "P_aneli i instrumentëve"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3297
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Ndrysho panelin e instrumentëve të aplikativit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3299
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Preferi_met"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3300
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferimet për Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3302
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Përmbajtja"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3303
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ndihmë në këtë aplikativ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3305 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:506
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Informacione"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3306
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Informacione mbi këtë program"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3311
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Paneli i instrumentëve"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3312
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ndryshon dukshmërinë e shtyllës së instrumentëve në dritaren aktuale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3314
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Shtylla e gjëndjes"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3315
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ndryshon dukshmërinë e panelit të gjëndjes në dritaren aktuale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Koleksioni i _Figurave"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3318
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ndryshon dukshmërinë e panelit të koleksionit të figurave në dritaren aktuale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3320
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "_Paneli anësor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3321
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ndryshon dukshmërinë e panelit anësor në dritaren aktuale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3326
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Ruaj"
+# (pofilter) variables: translation contains variables not in original: %s
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3327
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Ruaj ndryshimet tek figurat e zgjedhura aktualisht"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3329
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Hap _me"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Hap figurën e zgjedhur me një aplikativ tjetër"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3332
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Ruaj _si..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3333
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Ruaj figurat e zgjedhura me një emër tjetër"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3335
+msgid "Page Set_up..."
+msgstr "Rreg_ullimi i faqes..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3336
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Përcakto pronësitë e faqes për printim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3338
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Printo..."
+# (pofilter) variables: translation contains variables not in original: %s
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3339
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Printo figurën e zgjedhur"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3341
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "P_ronësitë"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3342
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Shfaq pronësitë dhe metadata të figurës së zgjedhur"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3344
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Anullo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3345
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Anullo ndryshimin e fundit në figurë"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Përmbyse _Horizontalisht"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Pasqyro horizontalisht figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Përmbyse _Vertikalisht"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Pasqyro vertikalisht figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3353
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rrotullim Orar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rrotullo 90 gradë djathtas figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3356
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rrotu_llo drejtim orar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3357
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rrotullo 90 gradë majtas figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Vendose si _Sfond"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop wallpaper"
+msgstr "Cakto si sfond ekrani figurën e zgjedhur"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362 ../src/eom-window.c:3386
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Hidhe në _Kosh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Lëviz në kosh figurën e zgjedhur"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3365 ../src/eom-window.c:3377 ../src/eom-window.c:3380
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zmadho"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3366 ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Zmadho figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3368 ../src/eom-window.c:3383
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Z_vogëlo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369 ../src/eom-window.c:3381 ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Zvogëlo figurën"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3371
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Madhësia _Normale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Shfaq figurën në madhësinë natyrale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3374
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Për_shtate"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Përshtat figurën dritares"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3392
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "Ekran i _Plotë"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Shfaq figurën aktuale në modalitetin me ekran të plotë"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3398 ../src/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Figura _Paraardhëse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3399
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Shko tek figura paraardhëse e koleksionit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3401
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Figura _Në vazhdim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Shko tek figura pasardhëse e koleksionit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3404 ../src/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Figura e parë"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Shko tek figura e parë e koleksionit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3407 ../src/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Figura e _fundit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Shko tek figura e fundit e koleksionit"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3422
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Diapozitivët"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Nis shfaqjen në formë diapozitivësh të figurave"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Paraardhëse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3493
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Pasardhëse"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3497
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Djathtas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Majtas"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Zmadho"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3506
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Zvogëlo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3509
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Madhësia normale"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3512
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Përshtat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3515
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Koleksion"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:53
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktiv"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:514
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigurimi"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:524
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktivizo"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:536
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tivizoi të gjithë"
+# (pofilter) accelerators: accelerator _ appears before an invalid accelerator character 'Ç' (eg. space)
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:541
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Ç_aktivizoi të gjithë"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:832
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Plugin aktivë:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:861
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Inform_acione në lidhje me plugin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:868
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfiguro plugin"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Hap në modalitetin me ekran të plotë"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Çaktivizo koleksionimin e figurave"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Hap në modalitetin projektim diapozitivësh"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Fillo një instancë të re në vend të ripërdorimit të instancës ekzistuese"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:223
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Shfaqësi i figurave Eye of MATE"
diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f098bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1659 @@
+# Serbian translation of eom
+# Courtesy of team ( -- 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Maintainer: Горан Ракић <[email protected]>
+# Данило Шеган <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Reviewed on 2005-07-19 by: Игор Несторовић <[email protected]>
+# Милош Поповић <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-28 21:41+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-30 22:19+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Милош Поповић <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Serbian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
+"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Прикажи „_%s“"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Постави међу алатке"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Постави означену ставку на линију са алаткама"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Склони из алатки"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Склони означену ставку са линије са алаткама"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Обриши линију са алаткама"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Уклони означену линију са алаткама"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Раздвајач"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Приказује преко целог екрана на двоструки клик мишем"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Цео екран на двоструки клик"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Освежи слику"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Поново учитава текућу слику"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Татум у линији са стањем"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Приказује датум у линији са стањем"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Прегледај и изврни слике"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Очи Гнома"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Отвор бленде:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Аутор:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Бајтова:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Модел апарата:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Ауторска права:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Датум и време:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Опис:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Детаљи"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Експозиција:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Блиц:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Жижна даљина:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Опште"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Висина:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ИСО осетљивост:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Особине слике"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Кључне речи:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Место:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Мета подаци"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Мерење светла:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Име:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Врста:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Ширина:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Наредна"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Претходна"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> оригинално име датотеке"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> бројач"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Одабери фасциклу"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Одредишна фасцикла:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Преглед имена датотеке"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Одреднице путање датотека"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Облик имена датотеке:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Опције"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Преименуј од:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Замени размаке подвлаком"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Сачувај као"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Почни бројач на:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "У:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Као _позадина"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Као _квадратићи"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Као произвољна б_оја:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Као произвољна боја:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Позадина"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Боја позадине"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Боја за провидне површине"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Ра_шири слику да покрије цео екран"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Поставке Ока Гнома"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Побољшања слике"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Преглед слике"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Увећање слике"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Додаци"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Низ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слике у низу"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Изглади слику при уве_ћању"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Изглади слику при _смањењу"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Провидни делови"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Аутоматска оријентација"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Врти низ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Промени слику после:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "секунди"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Вредност већа од 0 одређује колико секунди слика остаје на екрану пре "
+"аутоматског приказа следеће. Нула искључује аутоматско разгледање."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Активирани додаци"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Дозволи почетно увећање веће од 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Аутоматска оријентација"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Одложи колико секунди пре приказа наредне слике"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+#| "CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color "
+#| "key determines the used color value."
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Утврђује начин приказа провидних делова. Исправне вредности су CHECK_PATTERN "
+"(шаховница), COLOR (боја) и NONE (ништа). Ако је изабран начина вредност "
+"COLOR, онда кључ trans-color одређује која ће боја бити коришћена."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Екстраполирај слику"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file "
+#| "chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special "
+#| "user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set "
+#| "up it will show the current working directory."
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Уколико је укључено, слика неће бити учитана у тренутном прозору, а "
+"приказаће се корисникове слике из специјалних XDG директоријума. Уколико је "
+"искључено или није постављена фасцикла са сликама, приказаће тренутни "
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+#| "the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+#| "trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Уколико је укључено, Око Гнома неће питати за потврду приликом премештања "
+"слика у смеће. Међутим, још увек ће вас питати уколико не може да премести "
+"неку од датотека у смеће, а може их обрисати."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+#| "moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more "
+#| "usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the "
+#| "widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Уколико је укључено, детаљан списак метаподатака из прозорчета за особинама "
+"ће бити премештен у засебан лист прозорчића. На тај начин ће прозорче бити "
+"употребљивије на малим екранима, као што су они на преносним рачунарима. "
+"Уколико је искључено, детаљни метаподаци ће бити додати на постојећи лист са "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако подешавање провидности има вредност COLOR, онда овај кључ утврђује боју "
+"која ће бити коришћена за обележавање провидности."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this is active the color set by the background-color key will be used "
+#| "to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set the current GTK theme "
+#| "will determine the fill color."
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Уколико укључите ову опцију, боја постављена унутар кључа background-color "
+"ће бити постављена иза слике. Уколико овај кључ није постављен биће "
+"искоришћена боја из тренутне Гтк теме."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ако је ово постављено на FALSE, мале слике се неће развући у почетку да "
+"стану на екран."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Позиција панела за збирку слика. Постави на 0 за дно, 1 за лево, 2 за горе "
+"или 3 за десно."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Интерполирај слику"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Листа активираних додатака. Не садржи локације додатака. Погледај датотеку ."
+"eom-plugin да сазнаш локацију одабраног додатка."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Врти кроз низ слика"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Точкић на мишу увећава"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Приказује/сакрива дугмиће за листање у површи са збирком слика."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Приказује/сакрива област са збирком слика."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Приказује/сакрива површ са стране прозора."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Приказује/сакрива линију са стањем."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Приказује/сакрива палету за алатке."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image when the use-"
+#| "background-color key is set."
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Боја која се користи за испуњавање области иза слике. Уколико није постављен "
+"кључ use-background-color (користи боју позадине) иза слике ће бити "
+"приказана подразумевана боја из тренутне Гтк+ теме."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Фактор множења који ће се применити када се точкић на мишу користи за "
+"увећање. Вредност дефинише корак увећања или умањења на сваки померај "
+"точкића. На пример, 0.05 значи 5% увећања на сваки померај точкића, а 1.00 "
+"значи 100% увећања."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Боја провидности"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Обележивач провидности"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Пошаљи у смеће без питања"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Употреби произвољну боју позадине"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Да ли да приказује фасциклу са сликама корисника уколико нису учитане слике."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Да ли да област са збирком слика буде променљиве величине."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Да ли да екстраполира слику приликом увећања. Таква слика изгледа мутније и "
+"учитава се спорије него приказ без екстраполације."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Да ли да интраполира слику приликом увећања. Таква слика изгледа боље, али "
+"се учитава спорије него приказ без интерполације."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Да ли слику треба аутоматски окренути на основу EXIF записа."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Да ли приказати списак метаподатака у засебном прозорчету."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Да ли се точкић на мишу користи за увећање приказа."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Да ли да се поново врти један исти низ слика."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Фактор увећања"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Радим преко целог екрана"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Затвори _без чувања"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Питање"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Уколико не сачувате, измене ће бити изгубљене."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Да сачувам измене на слици „%s“ пре затварања?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Постоји %d слика без сачуваних измена. Да их сачувам пре затварања?"
+msgstr[1] "Постоје %d слике без сачуваних измена. Да их сачувам пре затварања?"
+msgstr[2] "Постоји %d слика без сачуваних измена. Да их сачувам пре затварања?"
+msgstr[3] "Постоји слика без сачуваних измена. Да их сачувам пре затварања?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Изаберите слике које желите да сачувате:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Уколико не сачувате, све измене ће бити изгубљене."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Формат датотеке је непознат или неподржан"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Око Гнома не може да одреди подржани формат за упис датотеке на основу њеног "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Молим пробај са другачијом екстензијом попут „.png“ или „.jpg“."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Све датотеке"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Све слике"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "пиксел"
+msgstr[1] "пиксела"
+msgstr[2] "пиксела"
+msgstr[3] "пиксел"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Отвори слику"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Сачувај слику"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Отвори фасциклу"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:589
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Трансформација неучитане слике."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:617
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Неуспела трансформација."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1044
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF за овај облик датотеке није подржан."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1171
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Неуспело учитавање слике"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1576 ../src/eom-image.c:1678
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Слика није учитана."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1586 ../src/eom-image.c:1690
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Неуспешно образовање привремене датотеке."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Не могу да направим привремену датотеку за чување: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Не може да обезбеди меморију за учитавање JPEG слике"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Камера"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Подаци о слици"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Услови при снимању слике"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Белешка творца"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Остало"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Управљање правима"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Остало"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Ознака"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Вредност"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Понови"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Не могу да учитам слику „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Нису пронађене слике у „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Наведена локација не садржи слике."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Подешавања слике"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Слика"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Слика чије ће поставке штампе бити подешене"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Подешавање странице"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Подаци о страници на којој ће слика бити штампана"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Позиција"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Лево:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Десно:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Горе:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "Д_оле:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Ц_ентар:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ништа"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Водоравно"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Усправно"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Обострано"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Величина"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Ширина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Висина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Размера:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Јединица:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Милиметри"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Инчи"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Преглед"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Непознато"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (објектив)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm филм)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "у тренутном стању"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d. од %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Сликано"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Најмање два имена датотека су иста."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Не могу да прикажем помоћ за Очи Гнома"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (неисправан Уникод)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i пиксел %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i пиксела %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i пиксела %s %i%%"
+msgstr[3] "%i × %i пиксел %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1239
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Користи „%s“ да отвориш одабрану слику"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1389
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Чувам слику „%s“ (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1739
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Отварам слику „%s“"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2429
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Грешка при штампању датотеке:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2682
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Уређивач алатки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2685
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Врати на подразумевано"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2771
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Горан Ракић <[email protected]>\n"
+"Данило Шеган <[email protected]>\n"
+"Слободан Д. Средојевић <[email protected]>\n"
+" — превод на српски језик."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2774
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Овај програм је слободан софтвер; можете га расподељивати и/или га мењати "
+"под условима ГНУ Опште Јавне Лиценце (GNU GPL) како је објављује Задужбина "
+"за Слободни Софтвер (FSF); било верзије 2 те Лиценце, било (по вашем "
+"нахођењу) било које новије верзије.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2778
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Овај програм се расподељује у нади да ће бити од користи, али БЕЗ ИКАКВИХ "
+"ГАРАНЦИЈА; чак и без подразумеване гаранције КОРИСНОСТИ или ПРИЛАГОЂЕНОСТИ "
+"ОДРЕЂЕНОЈ НАМЕНИ. Видите ГНУ Општу Јавну Лиценцу за више детаља.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2782
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Требали сте да примите примерак ГНУ Опште Јавне Лиценце уз овај програм; ако "
+"нисте, пишите Задужбини за Слободни Софтвер (Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc.), 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2795
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Очи Гнома"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2798
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Прегледач слика за Гном."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2924
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "О_твори подешавања позадине"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2926
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Сакри_ј"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2938
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Слика „%s“ је постављена као позадина радне површине.\n"
+"Да ли желите да измените њен изглед?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Чувам слику локално..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Да ли заиста желите да преместите \n"
+"слику „%s“ у смеће?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Не могу да нађем „%s“ у смећу. Да ли желите да трајно уклоните ову слику?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Да ли заиста желите ли преместите \n"
+"%d слику у смеће?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Да ли заиста желите ли преместите \n"
+"%d слике у смеће?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Да ли заиста желите ли преместите \n"
+"%d слика у смеће?"
+msgstr[3] ""
+"Да ли заиста желите ли преместите \n"
+"слику у смеће?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Не могу да преместим у смеће неке од изабраних слика, па ће бити трајно "
+"уклоњене. Да ли желите да наставите?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3442 ../src/eom-window.c:3900 ../src/eom-window.c:3924
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Премести у с_меће"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Не питај поново током ове сесије"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489 ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Не могу да приступим смећу."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Не могу да обришем датотеку"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Грешка при брисању слике %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3824
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Уређивање"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "П_реглед"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3827
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "П_релаз"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Ала_ти"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Помоћ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3831
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Отвори..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Отвори датотеку"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Затвори"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Затвори прозор"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Ала_тке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Измени линију са алаткама"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Поставке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Поставке Ока Гнома"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Садржај"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Упутство за коришћење програма"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_О програму"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "О овом програму"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Ала_тке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Измени видљивост палете алатки у текућем прозору"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Линија са стањем"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3856
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Измени видљивост линије са стањем у текућем прозору"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3858
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Целокупна з_бирка"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3859
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Измени видљивост површи која садржи умањени приказ целокупне збирке слика у "
+"текућем прозору"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Бочна _површ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Измени видљивост бочне површи у текућем прозору"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Сачувај"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Чува промене над текућом сликом"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Отвори _са"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Отвара изабрану слику другим програмом"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Сачувај _као..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Чува изабрану слику под другим називом"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Штампај..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Штампа текућу слику"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Особине"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Приказује особине и мета податке о изабраној слици"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Опозови"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3883
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Опозива последњу измену над сликом"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Обрни _водоравно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3886
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Изврће слику по хоризонтали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Обрни _усправно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3889
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "изврће слику по вертикали"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3891
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Ротирај у с_меру казаљке на сату"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3892
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Ротира слику за 90 степени удесно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Ротирај супротно од смера _казаљке на сату"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Ротира слику за 90 степени улево"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3897
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Постави као _позадину"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3898
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Поставља изабрану слику у позадину радне површине"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Премешта изабрану слику у канту за смеће"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903 ../src/eom-window.c:3915 ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "У_већај"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904 ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Увећава преглед слике"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906 ../src/eom-window.c:3921
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "У_мањи"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907 ../src/eom-window.c:3919 ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Умањује преглед слике"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Нормална величина"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Приказује слику у њеној пуној величини"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Најбоље уклапање"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Уклапа величину слике како би стала у прозор"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Цео екран"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Приказује текућу слику преко целог екрана"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Паузирај приказ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+#| msgid "Pause or resume the slidehow"
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Паузира и наставља покретни приказ слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3939 ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Претходна слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3940
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Води на претходну слику из збирке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Следећа слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Води на наредну слику из збирке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945 ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Прв_а слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Води на прву слику из збирке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948 ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "З_адња слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Води на последњу слику из збирке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Насумична слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Води на случајно изабрану слику из збирке"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слике у _низу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Започиње покретни приказ слика"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4033
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Претходна"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4037
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Следећа"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Десно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4044
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Лево"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4047
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Увећај"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4050
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Умањи"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4053
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Нормално"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4056
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Уклопи величину"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4059
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Колекција"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4062
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Смеће"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Додаци"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Омогућен"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "П_одеси"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Укључи"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ук_ључи све"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Искључи све"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Активни _додаци:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_О додатку"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "П_одеси додатак"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Око Гнома — прегледник слика"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Отвори преко целог екрана"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Искључи приказ збирке слика"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Отвори у аутоматском покретном приказу"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Отвори нови програм уместо коришћења текућег"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Исписује податке о издању програма"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ДАТОТЕКА...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Покрените „%s --help“ за списак свих опција из командне линије."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Учитај слику"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Датотека"
+#~| msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Подешава особине странице за штампу"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Детаљније</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Висина:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Име:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Тип:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Ширина:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Сачувај _као..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Отвори са „%s“"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Само као локалне слике могу бити у позадини"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Да бисте слику поставили у позадини радне површи, морате је најпре "
+#~ "сачувати на рачунар"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Премести у смеће"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "По_дешавање стране..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Постави поза_динску слику"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Место:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Датотека постоји"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Разгледај"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Последња геометрија прозора колекције"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Последња геометрија прозора "
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Отвори слику у новом прозору"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Прикажи/сакриј податке о слици за колекцију."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Прикажи/сакриј податке о слици за појединачну слику."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Да ли приликом отварања слике треба направити нови прозор уместо отварања "
+#~ "слике у текућем прозору."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Име датотеке"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Ширина"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Висина"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Величина датотеке"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Особина"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Датотека"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
diff --git a/po/[email protected] b/po/[email protected]
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93edcb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/[email protected]
@@ -0,0 +1,1659 @@
+# Serbian translation of eom
+# Courtesy of team ( -- 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Maintainer: Goran Rakić <[email protected]>
+# Danilo Šegan <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Reviewed on 2005-07-19 by: Igor Nestorović <[email protected]>
+# Miloš Popović <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-28 21:41+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-30 22:19+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Miloš Popović <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Serbian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
+"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Prikaži „_%s“"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Postavi među alatke"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Postavi označenu stavku na liniju sa alatkama"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Skloni iz alatki"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Skloni označenu stavku sa linije sa alatkama"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Obriši liniju sa alatkama"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Ukloni označenu liniju sa alatkama"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Razdvajač"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Prikazuje preko celog ekrana na dvostruki klik mišem"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Ceo ekran na dvostruki klik"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Osveži sliku"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Ponovo učitava tekuću sliku"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Tatum u liniji sa stanjem"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Prikazuje datum u liniji sa stanjem"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Pregledaj i izvrni slike"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Oči Gnoma"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Otvor blende:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Bajtova:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Model aparata:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Autorska prava:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Datum i vreme:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Opis:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detalji"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Ekspozicija:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Blic:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Žižna daljina:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Opšte"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Visina:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO osetljivost:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Osobine slike"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Ključne reči:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Mesto:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Meta podaci"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Merenje svetla:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Ime:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Vrsta:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Širina:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Naredna"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Prethodna"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> originalno ime datoteke"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> brojač"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Odaberi fasciklu"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Odredišna fascikla:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Pregled imena datoteke"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Odrednice putanje datoteka"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Oblik imena datoteke:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opcije"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Preimenuj od:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Zameni razmake podvlakom"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Sačuvaj kao"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Počni brojač na:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "U:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Kao _pozadina"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Kao _kvadratići"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Kao proizvoljna b_oja:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Kao proizvoljna boja:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Pozadina"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Boja pozadine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Boja za providne površine"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Ra_širi sliku da pokrije ceo ekran"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Postavke Oka Gnoma"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Poboljšanja slike"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Pregled slike"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Uvećanje slike"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Dodaci"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Niz"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slike u nizu"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Izgladi sliku pri uve_ćanju"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Izgladi sliku pri _smanjenju"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Providni delovi"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatska orijentacija"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Vrti niz"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Promeni sliku posle:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekundi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Vrednost veća od 0 određuje koliko sekundi slika ostaje na ekranu pre "
+"automatskog prikaza sledeće. Nula isključuje automatsko razgledanje."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktivirani dodaci"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Dozvoli početno uvećanje veće od 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatska orijentacija"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Odloži koliko sekundi pre prikaza naredne slike"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+#| "CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color "
+#| "key determines the used color value."
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"Utvrđuje način prikaza providnih delova. Ispravne vrednosti su CHECK_PATTERN "
+"(šahovnica), COLOR (boja) i NONE (ništa). Ako je izabran načina vrednost "
+"COLOR, onda ključ trans-color određuje koja će boja biti korišćena."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ekstrapoliraj sliku"
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file "
+#| "chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special "
+#| "user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set "
+#| "up it will show the current working directory."
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukoliko je uključeno, slika neće biti učitana u trenutnom prozoru, a "
+"prikazaće se korisnikove slike iz specijalnih XDG direktorijuma. Ukoliko je "
+"isključeno ili nije postavljena fascikla sa slikama, prikazaće trenutni "
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+#| "the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+#| "trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukoliko je uključeno, Oko Gnoma neće pitati za potvrdu prilikom premeštanja "
+"slika u smeće. Međutim, još uvek će vas pitati ukoliko ne može da premesti "
+"neku od datoteka u smeće, a može ih obrisati."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+#| "moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more "
+#| "usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the "
+#| "widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukoliko je uključeno, detaljan spisak metapodataka iz prozorčeta za osobinama "
+"će biti premešten u zaseban list prozorčića. Na taj način će prozorče biti "
+"upotrebljivije na malim ekranima, kao što su oni na prenosnim računarima. "
+"Ukoliko je isključeno, detaljni metapodaci će biti dodati na postojeći list sa "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ako podešavanje providnosti ima vrednost COLOR, onda ovaj ključ utvrđuje boju "
+"koja će biti korišćena za obeležavanje providnosti."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this is active the color set by the background-color key will be used "
+#| "to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set the current GTK theme "
+#| "will determine the fill color."
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukoliko uključite ovu opciju, boja postavljena unutar ključa background-color "
+"će biti postavljena iza slike. Ukoliko ovaj ključ nije postavljen biće "
+"iskorišćena boja iz trenutne Gtk teme."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ako je ovo postavljeno na FALSE, male slike se neće razvući u početku da "
+"stanu na ekran."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Pozicija panela za zbirku slika. Postavi na 0 za dno, 1 za levo, 2 za gore "
+"ili 3 za desno."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpoliraj sliku"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista aktiviranih dodataka. Ne sadrži lokacije dodataka. Pogledaj datoteku ."
+"eom-plugin da saznaš lokaciju odabranog dodatka."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Vrti kroz niz slika"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Točkić na mišu uvećava"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Prikazuje/sakriva dugmiće za listanje u površi sa zbirkom slika."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Prikazuje/sakriva oblast sa zbirkom slika."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Prikazuje/sakriva površ sa strane prozora."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Prikazuje/sakriva liniju sa stanjem."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Prikazuje/sakriva paletu za alatke."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image when the use-"
+#| "background-color key is set."
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Boja koja se koristi za ispunjavanje oblasti iza slike. Ukoliko nije postavljen "
+"ključ use-background-color (koristi boju pozadine) iza slike će biti "
+"prikazana podrazumevana boja iz trenutne Gtk+ teme."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Faktor množenja koji će se primeniti kada se točkić na mišu koristi za "
+"uvećanje. Vrednost definiše korak uvećanja ili umanjenja na svaki pomeraj "
+"točkića. Na primer, 0.05 znači 5% uvećanja na svaki pomeraj točkića, a 1.00 "
+"znači 100% uvećanja."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Boja providnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Obeleživač providnosti"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Pošalji u smeće bez pitanja"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Upotrebi proizvoljnu boju pozadine"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Da li da prikazuje fasciklu sa slikama korisnika ukoliko nisu učitane slike."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Da li da oblast sa zbirkom slika bude promenljive veličine."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Da li da ekstrapolira sliku prilikom uvećanja. Takva slika izgleda mutnije i "
+"učitava se sporije nego prikaz bez ekstrapolacije."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Da li da intrapolira sliku prilikom uvećanja. Takva slika izgleda bolje, ali "
+"se učitava sporije nego prikaz bez interpolacije."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Da li sliku treba automatski okrenuti na osnovu EXIF zapisa."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Da li prikazati spisak metapodataka u zasebnom prozorčetu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Da li se točkić na mišu koristi za uvećanje prikaza."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Da li da se ponovo vrti jedan isti niz slika."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Faktor uvećanja"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Radim preko celog ekrana"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Zatvori _bez čuvanja"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pitanje"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ukoliko ne sačuvate, izmene će biti izgubljene."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Da sačuvam izmene na slici „%s“ pre zatvaranja?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Postoji %d slika bez sačuvanih izmena. Da ih sačuvam pre zatvaranja?"
+msgstr[1] "Postoje %d slike bez sačuvanih izmena. Da ih sačuvam pre zatvaranja?"
+msgstr[2] "Postoji %d slika bez sačuvanih izmena. Da ih sačuvam pre zatvaranja?"
+msgstr[3] "Postoji slika bez sačuvanih izmena. Da ih sačuvam pre zatvaranja?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Izaberite slike koje želite da sačuvate:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Ukoliko ne sačuvate, sve izmene će biti izgubljene."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Format datoteke je nepoznat ili nepodržan"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Oko Gnoma ne može da odredi podržani format za upis datoteke na osnovu njenog "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Molim probaj sa drugačijom ekstenzijom poput „.png“ ili „.jpg“."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Sve datoteke"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Sve slike"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "piksela"
+msgstr[2] "piksela"
+msgstr[3] "piksel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Otvori sliku"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Sačuvaj sliku"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Otvori fasciklu"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:589
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformacija neučitane slike."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:617
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Neuspela transformacija."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1044
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF za ovaj oblik datoteke nije podržan."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1171
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Neuspelo učitavanje slike"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1576 ../src/eom-image.c:1678
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Slika nije učitana."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1586 ../src/eom-image.c:1690
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Neuspešno obrazovanje privremene datoteke."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ne mogu da napravim privremenu datoteku za čuvanje: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ne može da obezbedi memoriju za učitavanje JPEG slike"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Podaci o slici"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Uslovi pri snimanju slike"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Beleška tvorca"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ostalo"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Upravljanje pravima"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Ostalo"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Oznaka"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Vrednost"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Ponovi"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Ne mogu da učitam sliku „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Nisu pronađene slike u „%s“."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Navedena lokacija ne sadrži slike."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Podešavanja slike"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Slika"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Slika čije će postavke štampe biti podešene"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Podešavanje stranice"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Podaci o stranici na kojoj će slika biti štampana"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Pozicija"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Levo:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Desno:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Gore:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "D_ole:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entar:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ništa"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vodoravno"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Uspravno"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Obostrano"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Veličina"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Širina:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Visina:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Razmera:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Jedinica:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inči"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Pregled"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nepoznato"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (objektiv)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "u trenutnom stanju"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d. od %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Slikano"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Najmanje dva imena datoteka su ista."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ne mogu da prikažem pomoć za Oči Gnoma"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (neispravan Unikod)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i piksel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i piksela %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i piksela %s %i%%"
+msgstr[3] "%i × %i piksel %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1239
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Koristi „%s“ da otvoriš odabranu sliku"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1389
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Čuvam sliku „%s“ (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1739
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Otvaram sliku „%s“"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2429
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Greška pri štampanju datoteke:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2682
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Uređivač alatki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2685
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Vrati na podrazumevano"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2771
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Goran Rakić <[email protected]>\n"
+"Danilo Šegan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Slobodan D. Sredojević <[email protected]>\n"
+" — prevod na srpski jezik."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2774
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ovaj program je slobodan softver; možete ga raspodeljivati i/ili ga menjati "
+"pod uslovima GNU Opšte Javne Licence (GNU GPL) kako je objavljuje Zadužbina "
+"za Slobodni Softver (FSF); bilo verzije 2 te Licence, bilo (po vašem "
+"nahođenju) bilo koje novije verzije.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2778
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ovaj program se raspodeljuje u nadi da će biti od koristi, ali BEZ IKAKVIH "
+"GARANCIJA; čak i bez podrazumevane garancije KORISNOSTI ili PRILAGOĐENOSTI "
+"ODREĐENOJ NAMENI. Vidite GNU Opštu Javnu Licencu za više detalja.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2782
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Trebali ste da primite primerak GNU Opšte Javne Licence uz ovaj program; ako "
+"niste, pišite Zadužbini za Slobodni Softver (Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc.), 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2795
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Oči Gnoma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2798
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Pregledač slika za Gnom."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2924
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "O_tvori podešavanja pozadine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2926
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Sakri_j"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2938
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Slika „%s“ je postavljena kao pozadina radne površine.\n"
+"Da li želite da izmenite njen izgled?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3330
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Čuvam sliku lokalno..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Da li zaista želite da premestite \n"
+"sliku „%s“ u smeće?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Ne mogu da nađem „%s“ u smeću. Da li želite da trajno uklonite ovu sliku?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Da li zaista želite li premestite \n"
+"%d sliku u smeće?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Da li zaista želite li premestite \n"
+"%d slike u smeće?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Da li zaista želite li premestite \n"
+"%d slika u smeće?"
+msgstr[3] ""
+"Da li zaista želite li premestite \n"
+"sliku u smeće?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ne mogu da premestim u smeće neke od izabranih slika, pa će biti trajno "
+"uklonjene. Da li želite da nastavite?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3442 ../src/eom-window.c:3900 ../src/eom-window.c:3924
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Premesti u s_meće"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Ne pitaj ponovo tokom ove sesije"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3489 ../src/eom-window.c:3503
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Ne mogu da pristupim smeću."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Ne mogu da obrišem datoteku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Greška pri brisanju slike %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3824
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Uređivanje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "P_regled"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3827
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "P_relaz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Ala_ti"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Pomoć"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3831
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Otvori..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Zatvori"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Zatvori prozor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Ala_tke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Izmeni liniju sa alatkama"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Postavke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Postavke Oka Gnoma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Sadržaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Uputstvo za korišćenje programa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_O programu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "O ovom programu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Ala_tke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Izmeni vidljivost palete alatki u tekućem prozoru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Linija sa stanjem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3856
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Izmeni vidljivost linije sa stanjem u tekućem prozoru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3858
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Celokupna z_birka"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3859
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Izmeni vidljivost površi koja sadrži umanjeni prikaz celokupne zbirke slika u "
+"tekućem prozoru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Bočna _površ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Izmeni vidljivost bočne površi u tekućem prozoru"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Sačuvaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Čuva promene nad tekućom slikom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Otvori _sa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Otvara izabranu sliku drugim programom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Sačuvaj _kao..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Čuva izabranu sliku pod drugim nazivom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Štampaj..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Štampa tekuću sliku"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Osobine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Prikazuje osobine i meta podatke o izabranoj slici"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Opozovi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3883
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Opoziva poslednju izmenu nad slikom"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Obrni _vodoravno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3886
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Izvrće sliku po horizontali"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Obrni _uspravno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3889
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "izvrće sliku po vertikali"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3891
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotiraj u s_meru kazaljke na satu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3892
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotira sliku za 90 stepeni udesno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotiraj suprotno od smera _kazaljke na satu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotira sliku za 90 stepeni ulevo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3897
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Postavi kao _pozadinu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3898
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Postavlja izabranu sliku u pozadinu radne površine"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Premešta izabranu sliku u kantu za smeće"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903 ../src/eom-window.c:3915 ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "U_većaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904 ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Uvećava pregled slike"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906 ../src/eom-window.c:3921
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "U_manji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907 ../src/eom-window.c:3919 ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Umanjuje pregled slike"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normalna veličina"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Prikazuje sliku u njenoj punoj veličini"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Najbolje uklapanje"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Uklapa veličinu slike kako bi stala u prozor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Ceo ekran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Prikazuje tekuću sliku preko celog ekrana"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pauziraj prikaz"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+#| msgid "Pause or resume the slidehow"
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pauzira i nastavlja pokretni prikaz slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3939 ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Prethodna slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3940
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vodi na prethodnu sliku iz zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Sledeća slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vodi na narednu sliku iz zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945 ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Prv_a slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vodi na prvu sliku iz zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948 ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Z_adnja slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vodi na poslednju sliku iz zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_Nasumična slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Vodi na slučajno izabranu sliku iz zbirke"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slike u _nizu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Započinje pokretni prikaz slika"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4033
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Prethodna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4037
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Sledeća"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Desno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4044
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Levo"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4047
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Uvećaj"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4050
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Umanji"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4053
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normalno"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4056
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Uklopi veličinu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4059
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Kolekcija"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4062
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Smeće"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Dodaci"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Omogućen"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "P_odesi"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Uključi"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Uk_ljuči sve"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Isključi sve"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktivni _dodaci:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_O dodatku"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "P_odesi dodatak"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Oko Gnoma — preglednik slika"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Otvori preko celog ekrana"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Isključi prikaz zbirke slika"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Otvori u automatskom pokretnom prikazu"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Otvori novi program umesto korišćenja tekućeg"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Ispisuje podatke o izdanju programa"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[DATOTEKA...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Pokrenite „%s --help“ za spisak svih opcija iz komandne linije."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Učitaj sliku"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Datoteka"
+#~| msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Podešava osobine stranice za štampu"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detaljnije</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Visina:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Ime:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Tip:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Širina:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Sačuvaj _kao..."
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Otvori sa „%s“"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Samo kao lokalne slike mogu biti u pozadini"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Da biste sliku postavili u pozadini radne površi, morate je najpre "
+#~ "sačuvati na računar"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Premesti u smeće"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Po_dešavanje strane..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Postavi poza_dinsku sliku"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mesto:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Datoteka postoji"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Razgledaj"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Poslednja geometrija prozora kolekcije"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Poslednja geometrija prozora "
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Otvori sliku u novom prozoru"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Prikaži/sakrij podatke o slici za kolekciju."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Prikaži/sakrij podatke o slici za pojedinačnu sliku."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Da li prilikom otvaranja slike treba napraviti novi prozor umesto otvaranja "
+#~ "slike u tekućem prozoru."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Ime datoteke"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Širina"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Visina"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Veličina datoteke"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Osobina"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Datoteka"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc44c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1910 @@
+# Swedish messages for eom.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Richard Hult <[email protected]>, 1999.
+# Andreas Hyden <[email protected]>, 2000.
+# Christian Rose <[email protected]>, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.
+# Martin Norbäck <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Tomas Ögren <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-16 18:26+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-16 18:26+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Visa \"_%s\""
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Flytta på verktygsraden"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Flytta markerat objekt på verktygsraden"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Ta bort från verktygsrad"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Ta bort markerat objekt från verktygsraden"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Ta bort verktygsrad"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Ta bort markerad verktygsrad"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Avgränsare"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Aktivera helskärmsläge med dubbelklick"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Helskärm med dubbelklick"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Läs om bild"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Läs om aktuell bild"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Datum i statusraden"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Visar bildens datum i fönsterstatusraden."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Bläddra och rotera bilder"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Bildvisare"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Bländarvärde:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Upphovsman:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Byte:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Kameramodell:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Datum/tid:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beskrivning:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Detaljer"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Exponeringstid:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Blixt:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Brännvidd:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Allmänt"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Höjd:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO-känslighet:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Bildegenskaper"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Nyckelord:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Plats:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Metadata"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Mätarläge:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Namn:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Typ:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Bredd:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Nästa"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Föregående"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> ursprungligt filnamn"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> räknare"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Välj en mapp"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Målmapp:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Förhandsvisning av filnamn"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Specifikationer för filsökväg"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Filnamnsformat:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Alternativ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Byt namn från:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Ersätt blanksteg med understreck"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Spara som"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Starta räknare vid:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Till:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Som _bakgrund"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Som rut_mönster"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Som anpassad f_ärg:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "Som anpassad färg:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Bakgrund"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "Bakgrundsfärg"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Färg för genomskinliga områden"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "E_xpandera bilder till att passa skärmen"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Inställningar för Eye of MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Bildförbättringar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Bildvy"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Bildzoomning"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Insticksmoduler"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Sekvens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Bildspel"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Mjuka upp bilder när _inzoomad"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Mjuka upp bilder när _utzoomad"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Genomskinliga delar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Automatisk orientering"
+# Osäker
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Slingsekvens"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Byt bild efter:"
+# Antar att detta är i sammanhanget "...every [] seconds"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekund"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "Ett värde större än 0 avgör antalet sekunder en bild blir kvar på skärmen till nästa bild automatiskt visas. Noll inaktiverar automatisk bläddring."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktiva insticksmoduler"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Tillåt zoomning större än 100% i början"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Automatisk orientering"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Fördröjning i sekunder till nästa bild visas"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key determines the color value used."
+msgstr "Avgör hur genomskinlighet ska indikeras. Giltiga värden är CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR och NONE. Om COLOR väljs så avgör nyckeln trans-color det färgvärde som används."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Extrapolera bild"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "Om aktiverad och ingen bild har lästs in i det aktiva fönstret så kommer filväljaren att visa användarens bildmapp med hjälp av speciella XDG-användarkataloger. Om inaktiverad eller om bildmappen inte har ställts in så kommer den aktuella arbetskatalogen att visas."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "Om aktiverad så kommer Eye of MATE inte att fråga efter bekräftelse när bilder flyttas till papperskorgen. Den kommer dock att fråga när någon av filerna inte kan flyttas till papperskorgen och att de ska tas bort istället."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "Om aktiverad så kommer listan över detaljerad metadata i egenskapsdialogen att flyttas till sin egna sida i dialogrutan. Detta bör göra dialogrutan mer användbar på mindre skärmar, t.ex. vid användning på ultraportabla datorer. Om inaktiverad så kommer widgeten att bäddas in i \"Metadata\"-sidan."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "Om genomskinlighetsnyckeln har värdet COLOR avgör denna nyckel den färg som används för att indikera genomskinlighet."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme will determine the fill color."
+msgstr "Om denna är aktiv kommer färgen som har ställts in av nyckeln background-color att användas för att fylla området bakom bilden. Om den inte är inställd kommer det aktuella GTK-temat att bestämma fyllnadsfärgen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr "Om detta är satt till FALSKT kommer små bilder inte att sträckas för att passa skärmen i början."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr "Positionen för bildsamlingspanelen. Ställ in till 0 för nederkant; 1 för vänster; 2 för överkant; 3 för höger."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Interpolera bild"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr "Lista över aktiva insticksmoduler. Den innehåller inte \"Location\" för de aktiva insticksmodulerna. Se filen .eom-plugin för hur man tar fram \"Location\" för en viss insticksmodul."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Bildsekvensen blir slinga"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Rullhjulszoom"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Visa/dölj rullningsknapparna på bildsamlingspanelen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Visa/dölj bildsamlingspanelen."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Visa/dölj fönstrets sidopanel."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Visa/dölj fönstrets statusrad."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Visa/dölj fönstrets verktygsrad."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ theme instead."
+msgstr "Färgen som används för att fylla området bakom bilden. Om nyckeln use-background-color inte är inställd kommer färgen istället att bestämmas av det aktiva GTK+-temat."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr "Faktorn som används för zoom med musens rullhjul. Det här värdet definierar zoomsteget som används för varje rullhändelse. Till exempel betyder 0.05 en zoomökning på 5% för varje rullhändelse och 1.00 betyder 100% zoomökning."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Genomskinlighetsfärg"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Genomskinlighetsindikator"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Kasta bilder i papperskorgen utan att fråga"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "Använd en anpassad bakgrundsfärg"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images are loaded."
+msgstr "Huruvida filväljaren ska visa användarens bildmapp om inga bilder har lästs in."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Huruvida bildsamlingspanelen ska vara möjlig att ändra storlek på."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "Huruvida bilden ska extrapoleras vid inzoomning. Detta leder till suddig kvalitet och är något långsammare än icke-extrapolerade bilder."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr "Huruvida bilden ska interpoleras vid utzoomning. Detta betyder bättre kvalitet men är något långsammare än icke-interpolerade bilder."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Huruvida bilden ska automatiskt roteras baserat på EXIF-orientering."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Huruvida listan över metadata i egenskapsdialogen ska ha sin egna sida."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Huruvida rullhjulet ska användas för att zooma."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Huruvida bildsekvensen ska visas i en ändlös slinga."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Zoomfaktor"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Kör i helskärmsläge"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Stäng _utan att spara"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Fråga"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Om du inte sparar så kommer dina ändringar att gå förlorade."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Spara ändringar i bilden \"%s\" innan stängning?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Det finns %d bild med osparade ändringar. Spara ändringarna innan stängning?"
+msgstr[1] "Det finns %d bilder med osparade ändringar. Spara ändringarna innan stängning?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Markera bilderna som du vill spara:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Om du inte sparar så kommer alla dina ändringar att gå förlorade."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Filformatet är okänt eller stöds inte"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr "Eye of MATE kunde inte fastställa ett skrivbart filformat som stöds baserat på filnamnet."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Prova en annan filändelse som exempelvis .png eller .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Alla filer"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Alla bilder"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "bildpunkt"
+msgstr[1] "bildpunkter"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Öppna bild"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Spara bild"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Öppna mapp"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformering på oinläst bild."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Transformering misslyckades."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF stöds inte för detta filformat."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Bildinläsning misslyckades."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Ingen bild inläst."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Skapandet av temporär fil misslyckades."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Kunde inte skapa temporär fil för sparande: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Kunde inte allokera minne för inläsning av JPEG-fil"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Bilddata"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Förhållanden vid fototillfället"
+# Osäker
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Anteckning från tillverkaren"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Annat"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP-rättighetshantering"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Övrigt"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Tagg"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Värde"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Försök igen"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Kunde inte läsa in bilden \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Inga bilder hittades i \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "De angivna platserna innehåller inga bilder."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Bildinställningar"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Bilden vars utskriftsegenskaper ska konfigureras"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sidinställningar"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Informationen för sidan där bilden kommer att skrivas ut"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Position"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Vänster:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Höger:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "Ö_verkant:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Nederkant:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "C_entrum:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ingen"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horisontellt"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikalt"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Båda"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Storlek"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Bredd:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Höjd:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Skalning:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Enhet:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimeter"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Tum"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Förhandsgranska"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Okänt"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lins)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "som det är"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Taget den"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Minst två filnamn är identiska."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Kunde inte visa hjälp för Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (ogiltig Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i bildpunkt %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i bildpunkter %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "_Läs in igen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "Dö_lj"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Bilden \"%s\" har ändrats av ett externt program.\n"
+"Vill du läsa in den igen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Använd \"%s\" för att öppna den markerade bilden"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Sparar bilden \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Öppnar bilden \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fel vid utskrift av fil:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Redigerare för verktygsrad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Återställ till standard"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Daniel Nylander\n"
+"Christian Rose\n"
+"Martin Norbäck\n"
+"Tomas Ögren\n"
+"Andreas Hydén\n"
+"Skicka synpunkter på översättningen till\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr "Detta program är fri programvara. Du kan distribuera det och/eller modifiera det under villkoren i GNU General Public License, publicerad av Free Software Foundation, antingen version 2 eller (om du så vill) någon senare version.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr "Detta program distribueras i hopp om att det ska vara användbart, men UTAN NÅGON SOM HELST GARANTI, även utan underförstådd garanti om SÄLJBARHET eller LÄMPLIGHET FÖR NÅGOT SPECIELLT ÄNDAMÅL. Se GNU General Public License för ytterligare information.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "Du bör ha fått en kopia av GNU General Public License tillsammans med detta program. Om inte, skriv till Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE-bildvisaren."
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "_Öppna bakgrundsinställningar"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Bilden \"%s\" har ställts in som skrivbordsbakgrund.\n"
+"Vill du ändra dess utseende?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Sparar bilden lokalt..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Är du säker att du vill flytta\n"
+"\"%s\" till papperskorgen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid "A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image permanently?"
+msgstr "En papperskorg för \"%s\" kunde inte hittas. Vill du ta bort denna bild permanent?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Är du säker att du vill flytta\n"
+"den markerade bilden till papperskorgen?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Är du säker att du vill flytta de\n"
+"%d markerade bilderna till papperskorgen?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "Några av de markerade bilderna kan inte flyttas till papperskorgen och kommer att tas bort permanent. Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Flytta till _papperskorgen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Fråga _inte igen under denna session"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Kunde inte komma åt papperskorgen."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort filen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Fel vid borttagning av bilden %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Redigera"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Visa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Gå"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "Ver_ktyg"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjälp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Öppna..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Öppna en fil"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "S_täng"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Stäng fönster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Ve_rktygsrad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Redigera programmets verktygsrad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Inställningar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Inställningar för Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Innehåll"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Hjälp för det här programmet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Om"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Om det här programmet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Verktygsrad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ändrar synligheten för verktygsraden i det aktuella fönstret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Statusrad"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Ändrar synligheten för statusraden i det aktuella fönstret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Bildsa_mling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ändrar synligheten för bildsamlingspanelen i det aktuella fönstret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Sido_panel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ändrar synligheten för sidopanelen i det aktuella fönstret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Spara"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Spara ändringar i markerade bilder"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Öppna _med"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Öppna markerad bild med ett annat program"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Spara so_m..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Spara markerade bilder med ett annat namn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Skriv _ut..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Skriv ut markerad bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Ege_nskaper"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Visa egenskaperna och metadata för markerad bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Ångra"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Ångra senaste ändringen i bilden"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Vänd _vågrätt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Spegla bilden horisontellt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Vänd _lodrätt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Spegla bilden vertikalt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Rotera medurs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotera bilden 90 grader åt höger"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Rotera _moturs"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotera bilden 90 grader till vänster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Ange som skrivbords_bakgrund"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Ange markerad bild som skrivbordsbakgrund"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Flytta markerat bild till papperskorgen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zooma in"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Förstora bilden"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zooma _ut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3994
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Förminska bilden"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normal storlek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Visa bilden i sin normala storlek"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Bästa _anpassning"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Anpassa bilden till fönstret"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Helskärm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Visa aktuell bild i helskärmsläge"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausa bildspel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "Pausa eller återuppta bildspelet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Föregående bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå till föregående bild i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Nästa bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå till nästa bild i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Första bilden"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå till första bilden i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Sista bilden"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå till sista bilden i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "S_lumpmässig bild"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Gå till en slumpmässig bild i samlingen"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Bildspel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Starta ett bildspel av bilderna"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Föregående"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nästa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Höger"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Vänster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "In"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Ut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Anpassa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Bildsamling"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Papperskorg"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Insticksmodul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Aktiverad"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "K_onfigurera"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktivera"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ak_tivera alla"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Inaktivera alla"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktiva insticks_moduler:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Om Insticksmodul"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "K_onfigurera Insticksmodul"
+#: ../src/main.c:66
+#: ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Bildvisaren Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Öppna i helskärmsläge"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Inaktivera bildsamling"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Öppna i bildspelsläge"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Starta en ny instans istället för att återanvända en befintlig"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "Visa programmets version"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FIL…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "Kör \"%s --help\" för att se en komplett lista över tillgängliga kommandoradsflaggor."
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "Läs in bild"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "_Arkiv"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "Konfigurera sidinställningarna för utskrift"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Detaljer</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Höjd:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Namn:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Typ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Bredd:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Förhandsvisning av filnamn</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Specifikationer för filsökväg</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Alternativ</b>"
+#~ msgid "_Open..."
+#~ msgstr "_Öppna..."
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "Spara so_m..."
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "S_kriv ut..."
+#~ msgid "Dialogs"
+#~ msgstr "Dialogrutor"
+#~ msgid "File Open Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Filöppningsdialog"
+#~ msgid "Image Properties Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Bildegenskapsdialog"
+#~ msgid "Initially _display pictures folder if no image is loaded"
+#~ msgstr "Visa initial b_idlmapp om ingen bild har lästs in"
+#~ msgid "_Use layout for small screens"
+#~ msgstr "A_nvänd layout för små skärmar"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Öppna med \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Flytta till papperskorgen"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Sid_inställningar..."
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "Endast lokala bilder kan användas som skrivbordsbakgrunder"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Spara den lokalt på din dator för att det ska gå att ange denna bild som "
+#~ "skrivbordsbakgrund"
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "Ställ in som _bakgrundsbild"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Error loading print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fel vid utskrift av fil:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Error saving print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fel vid utskrift av fil:\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Filen finns"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Plats:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometri för senaste bildsamlingsfönstret"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "Geometri för senaste singleton-fönstret"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna bilder i ett nytt fönster"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Huruvida öppnandet av en bild ska skapa ett nytt fönster istället för att "
+#~ "ersätta bilden i det aktuella fönstret."
+#~ msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+#~ msgstr "MATE-programmet för bildvisning och bildkatalogisering."
+#~ msgid "\n"
+#~ msgstr "\n"
+#~ msgid "%f"
+#~ msgstr "%f"
+#~ msgid "<b>Position</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Position</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Storlek</b>"
+#~ msgid "Bottom"
+#~ msgstr "Nederkant"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "Bildsamling"
+#~ msgid "Top"
+#~ msgstr "Överkant"
+#~ msgid "Use fixed size"
+#~ msgstr "Använd fast storlek"
+#~ msgid "label"
+#~ msgstr "etikett"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s × %s bildpunkt"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s × %s bildpunkter"
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "_Bläddra"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "Visa/dölj bildinformation för bildsamling."
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "Visa/dölj bildinformation för enstaka bild."
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "Filnamn"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "Räknare"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "Kommentar"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "Datum"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "Tid"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "Dag"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "Månad"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "År"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "Timme"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "Minut"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "Sekund"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "Alternativet inte tillgängligt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "För att använda denna funktion behöver du biblioteket libexif. Installera "
+#~ "libexif ( och kompilera om Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#~ msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%i × %i bildpunkt %s %i%%"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%i × %i bildpunkter %s %i%%"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "..."
+#~ msgstr "..."
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "Bredd"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "Höjd"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "Filstorlek"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "Attribut"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "Fil"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna i nytt fönster"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "Avbryt sparande..."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kunde inte visa hjälp för Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "Skriv över filen %s?"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "Filen finns. Vill du skriva över den?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "Hoppa över"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "Skriv över"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "Fel vid sparande av %s."
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "Kunde inte avgöra destinations-uri."
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr "Använd en lämplig filnamnsändelse eller välj ett filformat."
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "Fel vid sparande av bilder."
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Orsak: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "Bild_information"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "Stäng"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "Spara"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "Ångra"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "Beskrivningen av användargränssnittet hittades inte."
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "Kan inte skapa användargränssnitt för Eye of MATE"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "Filen hittades inte."
+#~ msgstr[1] "Filerna hittades inte."
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "Tom"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Visa olika typer av bilder"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "Bildspel"
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Bildinterpolation</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "Tillåt _zoomning större än 100% i början"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "Print Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Förhandsgranskning"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Rot_era 180°"
+#~ msgid "Show next image _automatically"
+#~ msgstr "Visa nästa bild _automatiskt"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Om detta är satt till SANT kommer bilder att bytas efter det antal "
+#~ "sekunder som anges av nyckeln \"full_screen/seconds\"."
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "_Nytt fönster"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna ett nytt fönster"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "Öppna _mapp..."
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "Ta bort"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Ny"
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna flera enkla fönster?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Du kommer att öppna %i fönster samtidigt. Vill du öppna dem i en "
+#~ "bildsamling istället?"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Du kommer att öppna %i fönster samtidigt. Vill du öppna dem i en "
+#~ "bildsamling istället?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "Enkla fönster"
+#~ msgid "View many different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "Visa många olika typer av bilder"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s × %s bildpunkt"
+#~ msgstr[1] "%s × %s bildpunkter"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i window simultaneously. Do you want to open it in "
+#~ "a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Du kommer att öppna %i fönster samtidigt. Vill du öppna det i en "
+#~ "bildsamling istället?"
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Du kommer att öppna %i fönster samtidigt. Vill du öppna dem i en "
+#~ "bildsamling istället?"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "Image _View"
+#~ msgstr "Bild_vy"
+#~ msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+#~ msgstr "Visa _nästa bild automatiskt efter:"
+#~ msgid "Sli_de Show"
+#~ msgstr "Bil_dspel"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "tom fil"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "Filnamnen skiljer sig inte."
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "_Ny"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Ändra synligheten för informationspanelen i det aktuella fönstret"
+#~ msgid "Open folder"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna mapp"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Ändra synligheten för verktygsraden i det aktuella fönstret"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Ändra synligheten för statusraden i det aktuella fönstret"
+#~ msgid "Image Information"
+#~ msgstr "Bildinformation"
+#~ msgid "(invalid Unicode)"
+#~ msgstr "(ogiltig Unicode)"
+#~ msgid "invalid Unicode"
+#~ msgstr "ogiltig Unicode"
+#~ msgid "Invalid Unicode"
+#~ msgstr "Ogiltig Unicode"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Öppna _katalog..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna en katalog"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Bilder: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Avsluta"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "Stäng alla fönster och avsluta"
+#~ msgid "Destination Folder"
+#~ msgstr "Målmapp"
+#~ msgid "Filename Format"
+#~ msgstr "Filnamnsformat"
+#~ msgid "Save A_s"
+#~ msgstr "Spara so_m"
+#~ msgid "Save _as"
+#~ msgstr "Spara so_m"
+#~ msgid "_Browse..."
+#~ msgstr "_Bläddra..."
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving..."
+#~ msgstr "Avbryt sparande..."
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving"
+#~ msgstr "Avbryt sparande"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Översättare:\n"
+#~ "Christian Rose\n"
+#~ "Martin Norbäck\n"
+#~ "Tomas Ögren\n"
+#~ "Andreas Hydén\n"
+#~ "Rapportera fel i översättningen till [email protected]"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s"
+#~ msgstr "Skriv över filen %s"
+#~ msgid "_Open Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "_Öppna katalog..."
+#~ msgid "Open Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Öppna katalog..."
+#~ msgid "Rotate Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera medurs"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Counter Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera moturs"
+#~ msgid "Rotate 180°"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera 180°"
+#~ msgid "_Delete"
+#~ msgstr "_Ta bort"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-bildsamlingsvisare"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-bildsamlingsvisarfabrik"
+#~ msgid "Rotate 180 _Degrees"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera 180 _grader"
+#~ msgid "Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera me_durs"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera mo_turs"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Sparande slutfört"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Bildsamlingsvy"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Fönstertitel"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Statustext"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "Förlopp för bildinläsning"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM-bildvisarfabrik"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "Inbäddbar EOM-bild"
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Bildtypen stöds inte för sparande."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Sida"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Papper"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% av originalstorleken"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "Justera till "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "Klippningshjälp"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Ner, sedan höger"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "Anpassa till sida"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "Vågrätt efter "
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Marginaler"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "Sorteringshjälp"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "Överlappning"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "Överlappningshjälp"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "Sidordning"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Höger, sedan ner"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "Skala"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Visa"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "Lodrätt efter "
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Namnet på filen eller data att skriva ut"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Avbryt"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Avsluta programmet"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Christian Rose\n"
+#~ "Tomas Ögren\n"
+#~ "Martin Norbäck\n"
+#~ "Richard Hult\n"
+#~ "Andreas Hydén\n"
+#~ "Skicka synpunkter på översättningen till [email protected]"
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "Helskärm"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Visar en förhandsgranskning av bilden som ska skrivas ut"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "_Förhandsgranska..."
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera vänster"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Rotera höger"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Rotera me_durs"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Rotera mo_turs"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Zooma in"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Zooma _ut"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Normal storlek"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/Bästa _anpassning"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/S_täng"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "Inläsning av bilden %s misslyckades."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Inläsning av bilden %s misslyckades.\n"
+#~ "Orsak: %s."
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Inläsning misslyckades"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Sparande av bilden lyckades"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Statusradstext"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "Önskad fönsterbredd"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "Önskad fönsterhöjd"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Wether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Huruvida öppnandet av en bild ska skapa ett nytt fönster istället för att "
+#~ "ersätta bilden i det aktuella fönstret."
diff --git a/po/ta.po b/po/ta.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cda965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ta.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1486 @@
+# translation of eom.HEAD.ta.po to Tamil
+# translation of ta.po to
+# Tamil translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 eom's maintainers
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Dinesh Nadarajah <[email protected]>, 2002, 2003.
+# Dinesh Nadarajah <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Jayaradha N <[email protected]>, 2004.
+# Jayaradha <[email protected]>, 2005.
+# Felix <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Jayaradha <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Dr.T.Vasudevan <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008, 2009.
+# I. Felix <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Dr,T,Vasudevan <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.HEAD.ta\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-18 08:35+0530\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-18 08:39+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dr,T,Vasudevan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Tamil <[email protected]>>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s”ஐ காட்டு"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "(_M) கருவிப்பட்டி மீது நகர்த்து"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "தேர்வு செய்யப்பட்ட உருப்படியை கருவிப்பட்டைக்கு நகர்த்து"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "(_R) கருவிப்பட்டையிலிருந்து நீக்கு"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட உருப்படியை கருவிப்பட்டையிலிருந்து நீக்குக"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "(_D) கருவிப்பட்டி ஐ நீக்குக"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட கருவிப்பட்டையை நீக்கு"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "பிரிப்பான்"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "முழுத்திரை பாங்கில் இயங்குகிறது"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "முழுத்திரை முறைமையை இரட்டிப்பு சொடுக்கால் செயல்படுத்து "
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "இரட்டிப்பு சொடுக்கால் முழுத்திரை "
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை மீள் ஏற்று"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "இப்போதைய படத்தை மீண்டும் ஏற்று "
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "நிலைப்பட்டையில் தேதிை "
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "சாளர நிலைப்பட்டையில் தேதியை காட்டுகிறது"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "பிம்பங்களை உலாவு சுழற்று"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "பிம்ப காட்டி"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "துளை மதிப்பு:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "ஆசிரியர்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "பைட்டுகள்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "காமரா மாதிரி:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "காப்புரிமை:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "தேதி/நேரம்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "விளக்கம்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "விவரங்கள்"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "வெளிக்காட்டிய நேரம்"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "மின்ஒளி:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "குவி தூரம்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "பொது"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "உயரம்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO வேக அளவு:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "பிம்ப பண்புகள்"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "முக்கிய சொற்கள்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "இடம்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "மெடாதரவு"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "மீட்டர் பாங்கு:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "பெயர்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "வகை:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "அகலம்:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "(_N) அடுத்து"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "(_P) முந்தைய"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> ஆரம்ப கோப்பின் பெயர்"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> எண்ணி"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "ஒரு அடைவை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "இலக்கு அடைவு:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "கோப்பின் பெயர் முன்தோற்றம்"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "கோப்பின் பாதை குறிப்புகள்"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "கோப்பு பெயர் வடிவமைப்பு:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "விருப்பங்கள்"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "இதிலிருந்து மறுபெயரிடு:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "இடைவெளிகளை அடிக்கோடுகளாக மாற்று"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "இப்படி சேமி"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "எண்ணிக்கையை இங்கே துவங்கு:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "இது வரை:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "(_b) பின்னனி"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "(_p) கட்ட தோரணியாக"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "(_o) தனிப்பயன் வண்ணமாக:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "ஊடு தெரியும் இடங்களின் வண்ணம்"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "(_x) திரையில் பொருந்தும் படி பிம்பத்தை பெரிதாக்குக"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ஐ ஆப் க்னோம் விருப்பங்கள்"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "பிம்ப மேம்பாடுகள்"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "பிம்ப காட்சி"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "பிம்ப அளவு மாற்றம்"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "சொருகுபொருள்கள்"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "வரிசைமுறை"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "படவில்லை காட்சி"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "(_i) படத்தை அணுகி பார்க்கும் போது பிம்பத்தை சீராக்கு"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "(_o) படத்தை விலகி பார்க்கும் போது பிம்பத்தை சீராக்கு"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "ஊடு தெரியும் பகுதிகள்"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "(_A) தானியங்கி ஆற்றுப்படுத்தல்"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "(_L) லூப் வரிசைமுறை"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "(_S) பிறகு பிம்பத்தை மாற்று:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "நொடிகள்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0 க்கும் மேற்பட்ட மதிப்புகள் அடுத்ததை காட்டுவதற்கு முன் பிம்பம் எவ்வளவு நேரம் திரையில் "
+"இருக்கும் என்பதை நொடிகளில் காட்டும். 0 தானியங்கி உலாவலை செயலிழக்க வைக்கும்."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "செயல்படும் செருகிகள்"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "100% மேல் பெரிதாக்குவதற்கு தொடக்கத்தில் அனுமதிக்கவும்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "தானியங்கி ஆற்றுப்படுத்தல்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "அடுத்த பிம்பத்தைக் காண்பிப்பதற்கு தாமதம் (நொடிகளில்)"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"எவ்வளவு ஒளிபுகும் தன்மை காட்டப்பட வேண்டும் என்பதை கண்டறியும். செல்லகூடிய மதிப்புகள் "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR மற்றும் NONE. COLOR தேர்வு செய்யப்பட்டால் trans_color விசை "
+"வண்ணத்தின் மதிப்பை கணக்கிடும்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை புறச்செருகல் செய்க"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"செயல்படுத்தினால் ஈஓஜி பிம்பங்களை குப்பைக்கு நகர்த்தும் போது உறுதிசெய்ய கேட்காது.ஒரு "
+"வேளை கோப்புகள் குப்பைக்கு நகர்த்த முடியாமல் நீக்க நேரிடும்போது மட்டுமே கேட்கும்."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"செயல் சாளரத்தில் ஒரு படமும் ஏற்றப்படாது செயல்படுத்தினால் கோப்பு தேர்வி எக்ஸ்டிஜி சிறப்பு "
+"பயனர் அடைவுகளை பயன்படுத்தி பயனரின் பட அடைவை திறக்கும். செயல்படுத்தாவிட்டால் அல்லது பட "
+"அடைவை அமைக்காவிட்டால் நடப்பு அடைவே காட்டப்படும்."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"செயல்படுத்தினால் பண்புகள் உரையாடலின் விரிவான மெடா தரவு அந்த உரையாடலில் அதற்கான "
+"பக்கத்துக்கு நகர்த்தப்படும். இது நெட்புக் போன்ற சிறு கணினிகளில் உரையாடல்கள் மேலும் "
+"பயன்படுத்த முடிந்தவையாக்கும், செயல்நீக்கினால் \"Metadata\" பக்கத்தில் இந்த சிறு நிரல் "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"ஒளிபுகும் விசையின் மதிப்பு COLOR ஆக இருந்தால், விசை ஒளிபுகும் தன்மை காட்டப்பட வேண்டிய "
+"வண்ணத்தை தேர்வு செய்யும்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "இதை பொய் என அமைத்தால் சிறிய பிம்பங்கள் திரையில் பொருந்தும் அளவிற்கு அமைக்கப்படும்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr "பிம்ப சேமிப்பு பலக நிலை. கீழே என்பதற்கு 0 அமைக்கவும்; இடது 1; மேலே 2; வலது 3"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை இடைச்சொருகுக"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"செயலில் உள்ள சொருகிகளின் பட்டியல். இதில் அவற்றின் இடம் \"Location\" கிடையாது. ஒரு "
+"சொருகியைன் இடத்தை \"Location\" அறிய .eom-plugin கோப்பை பார்க்கவும்."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "பிம்ப வரிசையில் மீண்டும் முயலவும்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "சக்கர உருட்டு பார்வை அணுகல்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "பிம்ப சேகரிப்பு பலக உருளை பொத்தான்களை காட்டு/மறை."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "பிம்ப சேகரிப்பு பலகத்தை காட்டு/மறை."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "சாளர பக்கப்பட்டையை காட்டுக/மறைக்கவும்."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "சாளர நிலைப்பட்டையை காட்டுக/மறைக்கவும்."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "சாளர கருவிப்பட்டையை காட்டுக/மறைக்கவும்."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"சக்கர உருளையால் அணுகிப் பார்க்க பயன் படும் பெருக்கி. இந்த மதிப்பு ஒவ்வொரு உருட்டுக்குமான "
+"அணுகல் படியை வரையறுக்கிறது. உதாரணமாக 0.05 என்பது ஒவ்வொரு உருட்டுக்கும் 5% அணுகல் "
+"அதிகரிப்பு. 1.00 என்பது 100% அணுகல் அதிகரிப்பு."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "ஊடு தெரிதல் வண்ணம்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "ஊடு தெரிதல் காட்டி"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "கேளாமல் பிம்பங்களை குப்பைக்கு நகர்த்துக"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "படங்கள் ஏதும் ஏற்றப்படாத போது பயனரின் படங்கள் அடைவை கோப்பு தேர்வி காட்ட வேண்டுமா?"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "பிம்ப சேகரிப்பு பலகம் மறு அளவு ஆக்க இயல வேண்டுமா இல்லையா?"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"அணுகல் போது பிம்பத்தை புறச்செருக வேண்டுமா வேண்டாமா. இதனால் தெளிவு குறைவான, "
+"புறச்செருகாத பிம்பத்தை விட மெதுவாக பிம்பம் கிடைக்கும்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"விலகல் போது பிம்பத்தை இடைச்செருக வேண்டுமா வேண்டாமா. இதனால் தரம் அதிகமான, ஆனால் "
+"இடைசெருகல் இல்லாத பிம்பத்தை விட மெதுவாக பிம்பம் கிடைக்கும்"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை EXIF ஆற்றுப்படுத்தலை ஆதாரமாக கொண்டு தானியங்கியாக சுழற்ற வேண்டுமா?"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "பண்புகள் உரையாடலின் மெடா தரவுக்கு அதற்கான பக்கம் இருக்க வேண்டுமா"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "உருளை சக்கரத்தை அணுகலுக்கு பயன்படுத்த வேண்டுமா இல்லையா?"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "முடிவற்ற சுற்றில் பிம்பங்களை வரிசையாக காட்ட வேண்டுமா இல்லையா."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "அணுகல் பெருக்கி"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "சேமிக்காமல் மூடு (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "வினா"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "நீங்கள் சேமிக்கவில்லையென்றால், நீங்கள் செய்த மாற்றங்களை இழக்க நேரும். "
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "பிம்பம் \"%s\" க்கான மாற்றங்களை மூடும் முன் சேமிக்கலாமா?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "%d பிம்பம் சேமிக்கப்படாமல் உள்ளது. மூடுவதற்கு முன் மாற்றங்களை சேமிக்க வேண்டுமா?"
+msgstr[1] "%d பிம்பங்கள் சேமிக்கப்படாமல் உள்ளன. மூடுவதற்கு முன் மாற்றங்களை சேமிக்க வேண்டுமா?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_e சேமிக்க விரும்பும் பிம்பங்களை தேர்வு செய்க:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "நீங்கள் சேமிக்கவில்லையென்றால், உங்கள் அனைத்து மாற்றங்களையும் இழக்க நேரும். "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "கோப்பு ஒழுங்கு தெரியாதது அல்லது ஆதரவு இல்லாதது"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"கோப்புப் பெயர் கொண்டு ஐ ஆப் க்னோம் ஆதரவுள்ள எழுதக்கூடிய கோப்பு ஒழுங்கை நிர்ணயிக்க "
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "தயவு செய்து .png அல்லது .jpg. போன்ற கோப்பு விரிவாக்கத்தை பயன்படுத்தவும்."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "அணைத்து கோப்புகளும்"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "அனைத்து பிம்பங்களும்"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "பிக்ஸல்"
+msgstr[1] "பிக்ஸல்"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை ஏற்று"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை சேமி"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "அடைவை திறக்கவும்"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ஏற்றப்படாத பிம்பத்தை மாற்றுதல்."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "உருமாற்றுதல் தோல்வியுற்றது."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "இந்த கோப்பு வடிவத்திற்கு EXIF துணையில்லை."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "பிம்ப ஏற்றம் தோல்வியுற்றது."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "பிம்பம் ஏதும் ஏற்றப்படவில்லை."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "தற்காலிக கோப்பு உருவாக்கம் தோல்வியில் முடிந்தது"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "இதனை சேமிப்பதற்கு தற்காலிக கோப்பு படைக்கமுடியவில்லை: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG கோப்பை ஏற்றுவதற்கு நினைவகத்தை ஒதுக்கி வைக்க முடியவில்லை"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "புகைப்பட கருவி"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "பிம்ப தகவல்"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை எடுத்த சூழ்நிலை"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "உருவாக்கியவர் குறிப்பு"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "மற்றவை"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "எக்ஸ்எம்பி(XMP) Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "எக்ஸ்எம்பி(XMP) ஐபிடிசி(IPTC)"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "எக்ஸ்எம்பி(XMP) உரிமை மேலாண்மை"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "எக்ஸ்எம்பி மற்றவை"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "குறி"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "மதிப்பு"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "(_R)மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "`%s' பிம்பத்தை ஏற்ற முடியவில்லை"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' இல் பிம்பங்கள் ஏதும் இல்லை."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "கொடுத்த இடங்களில் பிம்பங்கள் ஏதும் இல்லை."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "பிம்ப அமைப்பு"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "பிம்பம்"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "அச்சிட பண்புகளை அமைக்க வேண்டிய பிம்பம்."
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "பக்க அமைப்பு"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "பிம்பம் அச்சிடப்படும் பக்கத்திற்கு தகவல்."
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "நிலை"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "(_L) இடது:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "(_R) வலது:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "(_T) மேலே:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "(_B) கீழே:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "(_e) மையம்"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ஒன்றுமில்லை"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "கிடைதிசை"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "செங்குத்து"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "இரண்டும்"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "அளவு"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "(_W) அகலம்:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "(_H) உயரம்:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "(_S) அளவு மாற்றம்:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "(_U) அளவை:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "மில்லிமீட்டர்கள்"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "அங்குலங்கள்"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "அச்சு முன்பார்வை"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "தெரியாத"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35மிமி பிலிம்)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "இருப்பது போலவே"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "எடுக்கப்பட்ட தேதி"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "குறைந்தது இரண்டு கோப்புகளின் பெயர்கள் சமமாக உள்ளன"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ஐ ஆப் க்னோம் உதவியை காட்ட முடியவில்லை"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (தவறான யூனிகோட்)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i பிக்ஸல் %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i பிக்ஸல்கள் %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுத்த பிம்பத்தை திறக்க \"%s\" ஐ பயன்படுத்துக"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "\"%s\" பிம்பம் சேமிக்கப்படுகின்றது (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "பிம்பம் ஏற்றப்படுகின்றது \"%s\" "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"கோப்பை அச்சிடும் போது பிழை:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "கருவிப்பட்டி திருத்தி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "முன்னிருப்புக்கு்மீமீ ட்ட(_R)ரை "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "I. Felix, [email protected]"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"இது இலவச மென் பொருளாகும். இலவச மென்பொருள் அமைப்பினால் வெளியிடப்பட்ட ஜிஎன்யு பொது "
+"அனுமதிக்கான விதிகளின் படி இந்த 2ம் பதிப்பையோ / அல்லது அடுத்த பதிப்புகளையோ நீங்கள் "
+"மாற்றலாம். அல்லது மீண்டும் பறிமாறலாம்..\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"உபயோகப்படும் என்ற எதிர்பார்ப்புடன் இந்த மென்பொருள் வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. ஆனால் விற்க தகுதி,"
+"குறிப்பிட்ட செயலுக்கான தகுதி உள்பட எந்த உத்திரவாதமும் அளிக்கப்படவில்லை. மேற் கொண்டு "
+"விவரங்களுக்கு ஜிஎன்யு பொது அனுமதிக்கான விதிகளை பார்க்கவும்.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"இந்த நிரலுடன் ஜிஎன்யு பொது அனுமதிக்கான விதிகளின் பிரதி உங்களுக்கு கிடைத்திருக்க "
+"வேண்டும். இல்லையானால் கீழ் கண்ட முகவரிக்கு கடிதம் எழுதவும். Free Software Foundation, "
+"Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ,USA"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ஐ ஆப் க்னோம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "க்னோம் பிம்ப காட்டி"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"பிம்பம் \"%s\" மேல்மேசை பின்னணியாக வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள து\n"
+" அதன் தோற்றத்தை மாற்ற விருப்பமா? "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "படத்தை உள்ளமைவாக சேமிக்கிறது"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"நீங்கள் நிச்சயமாக\n"
+"\"%s\" ஐ குப்பைக்கு நகர்த்த வேண்டுமா?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "ஒரு குப்பை \"%s\"க்கு தேட முடியவில்லை. இந்த படத்தை நிரந்தரமாக நீக்க வேண்டுமா?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"நீங்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுத்த பிம்பத்தை\n"
+"குப்பை தொட்டிக்கு நகர்த்த வேண்டுமா?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"நீங்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுத்த பிம்பங்கள்\n"
+"%d ஐ குப்பை தொட்டிக்கு நகர்த்த வேண்டுமா?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"சில தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட படங்களை குப்பைக்கு நகர்த்த முடியவில்லை அவை நிரந்தரமாக நீக்கப்படும். "
+"அதனை செய்ய வேண்டுமா?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "_T குப்பைக்கு நகர்த்து"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "(_D) மீண்டும் இந்த அமர்வில் கேட்காதே"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "குப்பை தொட்டியை அணுக முடியவில்லை"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "கோப்பினை சேமிக்க முடியவில்லை"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "பிம்பத்தை நீக்கும் போது பிழை %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_F கோப்பு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_E திருத்து"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_V பார்வை"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_I பிம்பம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_G செல்க"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_T கருவிகள்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_H உதவி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "(_O) திற"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ஓர் கோப்பை திறக்கவும்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_C மூடு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "சாளரத்தை மூடு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_o கருவிப்பட்டி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "பயன்பாட்டு கருவிப்பட்டையை திருத்துக"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_n விருப்பங்கள்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ஐ ஆப் க்னோம் விருப்பங்கள்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_C உள்ளடக்கங்கள்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "இந்த செயல்பாட்டுக்கான உதவி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_A பற்றி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "இந்த பயன்பாடு பற்றி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_T கருவிப்பட்டி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "நடப்பு சாளரத்தில் கருவிப்பட்டையின் தெரிதலை மாற்றுகிறது"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_S நிலைப்பட்டை"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "நடப்பு சாளரத்தில் நிலைப்பட்டையின் தெரிதலை மாற்றுகிறது"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_I பிம்ப சேகரிப்பு "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "நடப்பு சாளரத்தில் பிம்ப சேகரிப்பு பலக தெரிதலை மாற்றுகிறது"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "பக்க பலகம் (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "நடப்பு சாளரத்தில் நிலைப்பட்டையின் தெரிதலை மாற்றுகிறது"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_S சேமிக்கவும்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுத்த பிம்பத்தில் மாற்றங்களை சேமிக்கவும் "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "_w இதனுடன் திறக்க"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட படத்தை வேறு ஒரு பயன்பாட்டால் திற"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "(_A) இப்படி சேமி..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட படத்தை வேறு ஒரு பெயரால் சேமி"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "அச்சிட பக்க பண்புகளை அமை"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_P அச்சிடு."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுத்த பிம்பத்தை அச்சிடவும்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_r பண்புகள்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட படத்தின் பண்புகள் மற்றும் மெடாதரவையும் காட்டுக"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_U தவிர்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "படத்தில் கடைசி மாற்றத்தை செயல்நீக்கு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "(_H) கிடைதிசையாக திருப்புக"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "படத்தை கிடையில் கண்ணாடி பிம்பம் போல் காட்டு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "(_V) செங்குத்தாக திருப்புக"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "படத்தை செங்குத்தில் கண்ணாடி பிம்பம் போல் காட்டு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "(_R) நேர்திசையில் சுழற்றவும்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "படத்தை 90 பாகைகள் வலமாக சுற்றுக"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "(_l) எதிர்திசையில் சுழற்றவும்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "படத்தை 90 பாகைகள் இடமாக சுற்றுக"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "பணிமேடை பின்னணியாக அமை (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "தேர்வு செய்யப்பட்ட படத்தை பணிமேடை பின்னணியாக்கு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "தேர்வு செய்யப்பட்ட உருப்படியை குப்பை அடைவுக்கு நகர்த்து"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "(_Z) அணுகிப் பார்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "படத்தை பெரிதாக்கு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "(_O) விலகிப் பார்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "படத்தை சுருக்கவும் "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "(_N) இயல்பான அளவு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "படத்தை இயல்பான அளவில் காட்டு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "(_F) நல்ல பொருத்தம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "படத்தை சாளரத்தில் பொருத்தவும்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "(_F) முழுத்திரையில்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "இப்போதைய படத்தை முழுத்திரை பாங்கில் காட்டுக"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "(_P) முந்தைய பிம்பம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "பட சேகரிப்பில் முந்தைய படத்துக்கு போ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "(_N) அடுத்த பிம்பம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "பட சேகரிப்பில் அடுத்த படத்துக்கு போ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "(_F) ஆரம்ப பிம்பம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "பட சேகரிப்பில் முதல் படத்துக்கு போ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "(_L) கடைசி பிம்பம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "பட சேகரிப்பில் கடைசி படத்துக்கு போ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "_R குறிப்பில்லா பிம்பம்"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "பட சேகரிப்பில் குறிப்பில்லா து ஒரு படத்துக்கு போ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "(_S) பட வரிசை காட்சி "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "பட வரிசை காட்சி ஒன்றை துவக்கு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "முந்தைய"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "அடுத்து"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "வலது"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "இடது"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "உள்ளே"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "வெளியே"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "இயல்பான"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "பொருத்து"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "சேகரிப்பு"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "குப்பை"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "செருகி"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "இயலுமை ஆக்கப்பட்டது"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_o கட்டமை"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_c செயல்படுத்து "
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "_t அனைத்தையும் செயல்படுத்து "
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_D அனைத்தையும் செயல்நீக்கு "
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_P செயல்படும் செருகிகள்."
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "(_A) செருகி பற்றி"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "(_o) செருகி வடிவமைப்பு"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "முழுத்திரை பாங்கில் திறக்கவும்."
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "பிம்ப சேகரிப்பை செயல் நீக்கு"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "பட வில்லை காட்சி பாங்கில் திற"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "இருப்பில் உள்ளதை பயனாக்குவது தவிர்த்து புதியது துவக்கு "
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "'%s --help' என்பதை இயக்கி இருக்கும் கட்டளை வரி விருப்பங்களை பட்டியலிடவும்."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ஐ ஆப் க்னோம் பிம்ப காட்டி"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>விவரங்கள்</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>உயரம்:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>பெயர்:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>வகை:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>அகலம்:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "_A இந்த பெயரில் சேமி... "
+#~ msgid "Dialogs"
+#~ msgstr "உரையாடல்கள்"
+#~ msgid "File Open Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "கோப்பு திறப்பு உரையாடல்"
+#~ msgid "Image Properties Dialog"
+#~ msgstr "பிம்ப பண்புகள் உரையாடல்"
+#~ msgid "Initially _display pictures folder if no image is loaded"
+#~ msgstr "_d பிம்பம் ஏதும் ஏற்றப்படவில்லையானால் முதலில் படங்கள் அடைவை காட்டவும்"
+#~ msgid "_Use layout for small screens"
+#~ msgstr "_U சிறு திரைகளுக்கு வடிவமைப்பை பயன்படுத்து"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "\"%s\" உடன் திற"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "குப்பைக்கு நகர்த்து"
diff --git a/po/te.po b/po/te.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e4a602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/te.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1507 @@
+# translation of te.po to Telugu
+# Telugu translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Bharat Kumar <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Krishna Babu K <[email protected]>, 2009, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: te\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-31 17:50+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-01 17:42+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Krishna Babu K <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Telugu <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” ని చూపూము"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "పనిముట్ల పట్టా మీద కి కదలించు (_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసుకున్నదానిని పనిముట్ల పట్టా మీద కి కదలించు"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "పనిముట్ల పట్టా నుండి తొలగించు (_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసుకున్నదానిని పనిముట్ల పట్టా నుండి తొలగించు"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "పనిముట్ల పట్టా ని తొలగించు (_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "ఎంచుకున్న పనిముట్ల పట్టా ని తీసివేయు"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "వేరుచేయునది"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "నిండుతెర సంవిధానములో నుడుచుచున్నది"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "రెండు-నొక్కలతో పూర్తితెర సంవిధానమును క్రియాశీలపర్చుము"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "రెండు-నొక్కులతో పూర్తితెర "
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును తిరిగిలోడుచేయుము"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "ప్రస్తుత ప్రతిబింబమును తిరిగి లోడుచేయుము"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "స్థితిపట్టీ నందు తేది"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "విండో స్థితిపట్టీ నందు ప్రతిబింబము స్థితిని చూపుము"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబములన్ని అన్వేషణ మరియు పరిభ్రమణం చేయు"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము దర్శిని"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "<b>:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "<b>మూలకర్త:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "<b>బైట్స్:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "<b>ఛాయాగ్రహణం నమూనా:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "<b>కాపీరైట్:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "<b>తేది/సమయం:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "<b>వివరణ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "వివరాలు"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "<b>వెల్లడిచేయు సమయం:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "<b>మెరుపు:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "<b>దర్పణ మధ్య ప్రదేశానికి దాని కిరణ కేంద్రానికి గల మధ్య దూరం :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "సర్వసామన్యమైన"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "పొడవు (_H):"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "<b> ISO వేగాన్ని విలువకట్టు:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము లక్షణాలు"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "<b>కీపదములు:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "<b>స్థానం :</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "మెటాడాటా"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "<b> కొలమానం:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "ఎగువన (_T):"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "వెడెల్పు (_W):"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "తరువాత (_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "మునుపటి (_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> వాస్తవ దస్త్రనామము</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> లెక్కించునది</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "సంచయమును కోరుకొనుము"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "గమ్య సంచయం"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "<b>దస్త్రనామ ఉపదర్శనం</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "<b>దస్త్ర త్రోవ వివరణములు</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "దస్త్రనామ రూపలావణ్యం"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "<b>ఇచ్ఛాపూర్వకాలు:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "దాన్ని నుండి పునర్నామకరణ"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "ఖాళీలను అండర్స్కోర్లతో పునఃస్థాపించు"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "ఇలాదాచు"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "దీనివద్ద లెక్కించుదానిని ప్రారంభించుము:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "యిచటకు:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "పూర్వరంగం గా (_b)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "క్రమంపద్దతిగా తనిఖీ (_p)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "మలచిన వర్ణముగా (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "పారదర్శకస్థలాలకు వర్ణము"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "తెరకు తగినవిధంగా ప్రతిబింబములను విస్తరించు (_x)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE అభీష్టాలు"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "<b> ప్రతిబింబము అతిశయములు:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము దర్శనం"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "<b> ప్రతిబింబమును జూమ్ చేయు:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "ప్లగ్ఇన్స్"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "<b> వరుస:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "స్లైడ్‌షో"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును జూమ్ చేసినప్పుడు మృదువుగా చేయుము (_i)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును జూమ్ తగ్గించినప్పుడు మృదువుగా చేయుము (_o)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "<b> పారదర్శక విభాగాలు:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "స్వయం చాలక పునశ్ఛరణ (_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "ఆవృతం క్రమము (_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "ఇన్ని సెకనుల తరువాత ప్రతిబింబమును మార్చుము (_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "క్షణములు"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0 కన్నా యెక్కువైన విలువ అనునది ప్రతిబింబము తెరపైన తరువాతిది వచ్చులోపల యెన్ని సెకలుపాటు వుండాలి అనునది "
+"నిర్ణయిస్తుంది. సున్నా స్వయంచాలక అన్వేషణను అచేతనముచేస్తుంది."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "క్రియాశీలమైన ప్లగ్ఇన్స్"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "ప్రారంభంలో జూమ్ ను 100శాతం కన్నా ఎక్కువను అనుమతించు"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "స్వయం చాలక పునశ్ఛరణ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "తరువాత ప్రతిబింబము చూపించేదాక కొన్ని క్షణాలకు జాప్యము చేయుము"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"ఎంత పారద్రశ్యత సూచించబడాలో నిర్ణయిస్తుంది. చెల్లునటువంటి విలువలు CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR మరియు "
+"NONE. COLOR యెంచుకొనబడితే, అప్పుడు trans_color కీ వుపయోగించిన వర్ణ విలువను నిర్ణయిస్తుంది."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "నడుమనచేర్చిన ప్రతిబింబము"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"క్రియాశీలపరచిన Eye of MATE ప్రతిబింబములను ట్రాష్‌నకు కదుల్చునప్పుడు నిర్ధారణ అడుగకపోయినా కూడా, "
+"ఏదైనా ఫైళ్ళను ట్రాష్‌నకు కదల్చలేక పోయినప్పుడు బదులుగా తొలగించవలసి వస్తే అప్పుడు అడుగుతుంది."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"క్రియాశీలపరచి వుండికూడా క్రియాశీల విండోనందు యే ప్రతిబింబము లోడుకాకపోతే, ఫైల్‌చూజర్ వినియోగదారి చిత్రముల "
+"ఫోల్డరును XDG ప్రత్యేక వినియోగదారి డైరెక్టరీలను వుపయోగించి ప్రదర్శిస్తుంది. క్రియాహీనపరచినా లేక చిత్రముల "
+"ఫోల్డర్ యింకా అమర్చకపోయినా యిది ప్రస్తుత డైరెక్టరీను చూపుతుంది."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"లక్షణముల డైలాగునందు విశదీకృత మెటాడాటా జాబితాను క్రియాశీలపరచితే డైలాగునందు దాని స్వంత పేజీకు "
+"కదల్చబడుతుంది. ఇది డైలాగు చిన్న తెరలపై వుపయోగకరంగా వుండునట్లు చేస్తుంది, ఉ.దా. నెట్‌బుక్‌ల ద్వారా "
+"వుపయోగించినట్లు. విడ్జట్‌ను అచేతనపరచితే \"మెటాడాటా\" పేజీనందు చేర్చబడుతుంది."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"పారద్రశ్య కీ COLOR విలువను కలిగివుంటే, అప్పుడు పారద్రశ్యతను సూచించుటకు వుపయోగించే వర్ణమును ఈ "
+"కీ నిర్ణయిస్తుంది."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"ఇది అసత్యమునకు అమర్చితే చిన్న ప్రతిబింబములు తెరకు సరిపోవునంత విధంగా ప్రారంభంలోనే అమర్చబడవు."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ప్రతిబింబపు సేకరింపు పలక స్థానము. క్రిందకు అయితే 0; ఎడమకు అయితే 1; పైనకు అయితే 2; కుడివైపు అయితే "
+"3 అమర్చుము."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "నడుమనచేర్చిన ప్రతిబింబము"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"క్రియాశీల ప్లగ్‌యిన్ల జాబితా. ఇది క్రియాశీల ప్లగ్‌యిన్ల \"Location\"ను కలిగివుండదు. ఇవ్వబడిన ప్లగ్‌యిన్ "
+"\"Location\"ను పొందుటకు .eom-plugin దస్త్రమును చూడండి."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబముల వరుస ద్వారా ఆవృతం అవ్వుము"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "వీల్ జూమ్‌ను స్క్రాల్‌చేయి"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబపు సేకరింపు పలక స్క్రాల్ బటన్‌లను చూపుము/మరుగుపరచుము."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము సేకరణ పలకని చూపు లేదా దాయు "
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "విండో ప్రక్క పలకను చూపుము/మరుగుపరచుము."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "గవాక్షపు సుస్థితి పట్టీని చూపు లేదా దాయు"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "గవాక్షపు పనిముట్ల పట్టాని చూపు లేదా దాయు"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"జూమ్‌చేయుటకు మౌస్ స్క్రాల్ వీలు వుపయోగిస్తున్నప్పుడు గుణిజము ఆపాదించబడుతుంది. ప్రతి స్క్రాల్ ఘటనకు "
+"వుపయోగించబడు జూమింగ్ అంచెను ఈ విలువ నిర్ణయిస్తుంది. ఉదాహరణకు, 0.05 అనునది ప్రతి స్క్రాల్ ఘటనకు "
+"5% జూమ్‌ను పెంచుతుంది మరియు 1.00 అనునది 100% జూమ్ పెంచుతుంది."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "పారదర్శక వర్ణము"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "పారదర్శక సూచిక"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "అడగకుండా ప్రతిబింబములను ట్రాష్‌కు పంపండి"
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "ఏ ప్రతిబింబములు లోడవకపోతే ఫైలుచూజర్ వినియోగదారియొక్క చిత్రముల ఫోల్డరును చూపాలా."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబపు సేకరింపు పలక పునఃపరిమాణం చేయదగినదిగా వుండవలెనా లేదా."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"జూమ్‌నందు ప్రతిబింబము నడుమచేర్చినదిగా వుండవలెనా లేదా. ఇది నాణ్యతా లోపమునకు దారితీస్తుంది మరియు సాధారణ "
+"ప్రతిబింబముల కన్నా నిదానంగా వుంటుంది."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"జూమ్‌తగ్గింపునందు ప్రతిబింబము నడుమచేర్చినదిగా వుండవలెనా లేదా. ఇది నాణ్యతను సమకూర్చుతుంది అయితే సాదారణ "
+"ప్రతిబింబము కన్నా యెంతోకొంత నిదానముగా వుంటుంది."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "EXIF సర్దుబాటుపై ఆధారపడి ప్రతిబింబము స్వయంచాలకంగా భ్రమణం చెందాలా."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "లక్షణముల డైలాగునందలి మెటాడాటా జాబితా దాని స్వంత పేజీను కలిగివుండాలా."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "జూమింగ్ కొరకు స్క్రాల్ వీలు వుపయోగించబడాలా లేదా."
+#: ../data/
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "అంతములేని ఆవృతములో వరుస ప్రతిబింబములు చూపించవలెనా లేదా."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "జూమ్‌ను గుణించునది"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "అడగకుండా ప్రతిబింబములను ట్రాష్‌కు పంపండి"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "స్థానము"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr ""
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "దస్త్రము ఫార్మాట్ తెలియనిది లేదా మద్దతీయనిది"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Eye of MATE అనునది దస్త్రమునామముపై ఆధారపడి మద్దతిచ్చునటువంటి వ్రాయదగిన దస్త్రపు ఫార్మాట్‌ను "
+"నిర్ణయించలేక పోయింది."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "దయచేసి వేరొక ఫైలు పొడిగింపును ప్రయత్నించండి .png లేదా .jpg వంటివి."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "అన్ని దస్త్రాలు"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "అన్ని ప్రతిబింబములు"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "పిక్సెల్"
+msgstr[1] "పిక్సెల్స్"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిమను నింపుము"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును దాయుము"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "సంచయమును తెరువుము"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "లోడవ్వని ప్రతిబింబముపై బదిలీకరణ."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "రూపాంతరం విఫలమైనది"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "ఈ దస్త్ర రూపలావణ్యానికి EXIF సహకారం లేదు"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును నింపుట విఫలమైనది"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "ఎటువంటి ప్రతిబింబము లోడవ్వలేదు."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "తాత్కాలిక దస్త్రమును సృష్టించుట విఫలమైనది"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "దాయుటకు తాత్కాలిక దస్త్రమును సృష్టించుట సాధ్యమైలేదు :%s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "లోడవుతున్న JPEG దస్త్రముకొరకు మెమొరీను కేటాయించలేక పోతోంది"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "ఛాయాగ్రహణం తీసే పరికరం"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము దత్తాంశం"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము తీయు నిబంధనలు"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "తయారుచేయువాడి రాత"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "ఇతర"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP హక్కుల నిర్వహణ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP యితర"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "బొందు"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "విలువ"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించు (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' ప్రతిబింబమును నింపుట సాధ్యమైలేదు"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' నందు ప్రతిబింబములు కనుబడలేదు"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "ఇచ్చిన స్థానాలలో ప్రతిబింబములు కలిగిలేవు"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము యొక్క అమరికలు"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "ఏదైతే ప్రతిబింబమో దాన్ని ముద్రించే లక్షణాలు అమర్చిపెట్టబడతాయి"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "పుటను అమర్చిపెట్టు"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము ముద్రించబడుతున్న పుటకి సమాచారం"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "స్థానము"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "ఎడమ (_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "కుడి (_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "ఎగువన (_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "దిగువ (_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "మధ్యభాగం (_e):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ఏదీకాదు"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "సమతలంగావున్న"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "నిలువుగావున్న"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "రెండియు"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "పరిమాణము"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "వెడెల్పు (_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "పొడవు (_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "కొలమానము (_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ప్రమాపకాంశము (_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "మిల్లీమీటర్లు"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "అంగుళాలు"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "ఉపదర్శనం"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "అపరిచిత"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "వలె ఉన్నది"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "తీసుకోబడిన"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "కనీసం రెండు దస్త్రము పేర్లు సమంగా ఉన్నాయి"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE కు సహాయం ప్రదర్శించలేకపోయింది"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (invalid Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసుకున్న ప్రతిబింబముకై \"%s\" ని ఉపయోగించుము"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము \"%s\"ను దాయుచున్నది (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబాన్ని నింపుతున్నది \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+" %s దస్త్రం ముద్రించుటలో దోషం:\n"
+" "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "పనిముట్లపట్టా సంపాదకుడు"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "అప్రమేయమునకు తిరిగివుంచు (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Bharat Kumar <[email protected]>, కృష్ణబాబు కె <[email protected]> 2009, 2010."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ఈ ప్రోగ్రామ్ స్వతంత్ర సాఫ్ట్వేర్; నీవు దానిని మరలపంచవచ్చు స్వతంత్ర సాఫ్ట్వేర్ సంస్థ వెలువరిచిన GNU "
+"సర్వసామన్యమైన ప్రజా లైసెన్సు వివరణం 2లైసెన్సు లేదా వేరే (మీ ఐచ్చికం వద్ద) వివరణల ప్రకారం మార్చవచ్చు.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ఈ ప్రోగ్రామ్ ఉపయోగపడుతుందనే నమ్మకంతో పంపిణీచేయబడుతోంది, అయితే ఏ హామీ లేకుండా; వ్యాపారసంబందంగా కాని లేదా "
+"ఒక నిర్దిష్ట అవసరానికిచెందినదని కాని హామీ లేదు. ఎక్కువ సమాచారం కొరకు GNU జనరల్ పబ్లిక్ లైసెన్స్ ను "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"మీరు ఈ ప్రోగ్రామ్ నకలు తోటి ఒక GNU జనరల్ పబ్లిక్ లైసెన్స్ నకలుగూడా పొందిఉంటారు; పొందక పోతే, Free "
+"Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-"
+"1307, USA.కు వ్రాయండి."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "The MATE image viewer."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును స్థానికంగా దాయుచున్నది..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr " \"%s\" ని చెత్తబుట్టలోకి కదలించుటకు మీరు సిధంగా ఉన్నారా?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" కొరకు ట్రాష్ కనుగొనబడలేదు. మీరు ఈ ప్రతిబింబమును శాశ్వతముగా తీసివేద్దామని అనుకొనుచున్నారా?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "ఎంచుకున్న ప్రతిబింబాన్ని చెత్తబుట్టలోకి కదలించుటకు మీరు సిధంగా ఉన్నారా?"
+msgstr[1] "ఎంచుకున్న %d ప్రతిరూపాలన్ని చెత్తబుట్టలోకి కదలించుటకు మీరు సిధంగా ఉన్నారా?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"ఎంపికచేసిన వాటిలో కొన్ని ప్రతిబింబములు ట్రాష్‌నకు కదుపబడలేవు మరియు శాశ్వతముగా తొలగించబడతాయి. మీరు "
+"ఖచ్చితముగా కొనసాగించాలని అనుకొనుచున్నారా?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "చెత్తబుట్టకు కదిలించు (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "ఈ సెషనందు మరలా అడుగవద్దు (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "చెత్తబుట్టకు సాంగత్యం కుదరలేదు"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "దస్త్రమును తొలగించలేక పోయింది"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s ప్రతిబింబాన్ని తొలగించడములో దోషం"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "దస్త్రం (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "సరిచేయు (_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "దర్శనం (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "వెళ్లు (_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "పనిముట్లు (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "సహాయం (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "తెరువుము (_O)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ఒక దస్త్రాన్ని తెరువుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "మూయుము (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "గవాక్షమును మూయుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "పనిముట్ల పట్టా (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "కార్యక్షేత్ర పనిముట్ల పట్టాని సరిచేయు"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "అభీష్టాలు (_n)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "అభీష్టాలు"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "సారాంశాలు (_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "ఈ అనువర్తనమునకై సహాయం"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "గురించి (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "ఈ కార్యక్షేత్రం గురించి"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "పనిముట్ల పట్టా (_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ప్రస్థుత గవాక్షములో పనిముట్ల పట్టా యొక్క దృశ్యమానం మార్చుతుంది"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "సుస్థితి పట్టీ (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ప్రస్థుత గవాక్షములో సుస్థితి పట్టీ యొక్క దృశ్యమానం మార్చుతుంది"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము సేకరణ (_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ప్రస్థుత గవాక్షములో ప్రతిబింబముసేకరణ పలక యొక్క దృశ్యమానం మార్చుతుంది"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "పక్కన పలక (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ప్రస్థుత విండోలో సుస్థితి పట్టీ యొక్క దృశ్యమానం మార్చుతుంది"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "దాచు (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "ప్రస్తుతం యెంపికచేసిన ప్రతిబింబములలో మార్పులను దాయను"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "దీన్ని ద్వారా తెరువుము (_w)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసిన ప్రతిబింబమును వేరొక అనువర్తనముతో తెరువుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "ఇలాదాచు"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసిన ప్రతిబింబములను వేరొక నామముతో దాయుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "ముద్రణ కొరకు పుట లక్షణములను అమర్చుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "ముద్రించు (_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసుకొన్న ప్రతిబింబమును ముద్రించుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "లక్షణాలు (_r)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసుకొన్న ప్రతిబింబముయొక్క లక్షణములను మరియు మెటాడాటాను చూపుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "చేసింది రద్దు (_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమునందు ఆఖరి మార్పును రద్దుచేయి"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "అడ్డముగా తిప్పుము (_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును అడ్డుముగా మిర్రర్ చేయుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "నిలువుగా తిప్పుము (_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును నిలువుగా మిర్రర్ చేయుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "ప్రదక్షిణముగా పరిభ్రమణమించు (_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును 90 డిగ్రీలలో కుడివైపునకు తిప్పుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "అప్రదక్షిణముగా పరిభ్రమణమించు (_l)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును 90 డిగ్రీలలో ఎడమవైపునకు తిప్పుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "డెస్కుటాప్ బ్యాక్‌గ్రౌండ్‌ను అమర్చుము (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసుకున్న ప్రతిబింబమును డెస్కుటాపు బ్యాక్‌గ్రౌండుగా అమర్చుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "ఎంపికచేసుకున్న ప్రతిబింబమును ట్రాష్ సంచయంకు కదల్చుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "జూమ్ పెంచు (_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును పెద్దది చేయుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "జూమ్ తగ్గించు (_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును కుదించుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "సాధారణ పరిమాణం (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును దాని సాదారణ పరిమాణం వద్ద చూపుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "సరి తగిన (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును విండోకు సరిపడునట్లు వుంచు"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "నిండు తెర (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "ప్రస్తుత ప్రతిబింబమును పూర్తితెర రీతినందు చూపుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "మునుపటి ప్రతిబింబము (_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "సంపుటి యొక్క మునుపటి ప్రతిబింబమునకు వెళ్ళుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "తరువాతి ప్రతిబింబము (_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "సంపుటి యొక్క తరువాతి ప్రతిబింబమునకు వెళ్ళుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "మొదటి ప్రతిబింబము (_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "సంపుటి యొక్క మొదటి ప్రతిబింబమునకు వెళ్ళుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "చివరి ప్రతిబింబము (_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "సంపుటి యొక్క చివరి ప్రతిబింబమునకు వెళ్ళుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబమును తిరిగిలోడుచేయుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "సంపుటి యొక్క తరువాతి ప్రతిబింబమునకు వెళ్ళుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "స్లైడ్‌షో (_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబముల యొక్క స్లైడ్‌షో దర్శనమును ప్రారంభించుము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "పూర్వపు"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "తరువాత"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "కుడి"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ఎడమ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "లొపలికి"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "బయటికి"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "సాధారణ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "తగిన"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "సంపుటము"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "చెత్తకుండి"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "ప్లగ్ ఇన్"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "ఉపయోగించబడిన"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "ఆకృతీకరించుము (_o)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "క్రియాశీలముచేయి (_c)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "అన్నిటిని క్రియాశీలముచేయి (_t)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "అన్నిటిని క్రియాహీనపరచు (_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "క్రియాశీలమైన ప్లగ్ఇన్స్ (_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "ప్లగ్ ఇన్ గురించి (_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "ప్లగ్ ఇన్ ఆకృతీకరణ (_o)"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "నిండుతెర సంవిధానములో తెరువుము"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ప్రతిబింబము సేకరణను నిలుపుము"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "స్లైడ్‌షో విధానమునందు తెరువుము"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "ఉన్నదానిని తిరిగివుపయోగించుటకు బదులుగా కొత్త దాన్ని ప్రారంభించుము"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[దస్త్రం...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "అందుబాటులో వున్న అదేశ వరుస ఐచ్చికముల కొరకు '%s --help' నడుపుము."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ప్రతిబింబము దృశిక"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>వివరాలు</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>పొడవు :</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b> నామము:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b> రకం:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>వెడెల్పు :</b>"
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "ఇలా దాచు (_A)..."
diff --git a/po/th.po b/po/th.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4dd10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/th.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1997 @@
+# Thai translation for oeg.
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Paisa Seeluangsawat <[email protected]>, 2003-2004.
+# Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>, 2005-2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-01 19:45+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-06 14:16+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Thai <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "แสดง “_%s”"
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_ย้ายในแถบเครื่องมือ"
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "ย้ายรายการที่เลือกไปมาในแถบเครื่องมือ"
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "ลบ_ออกจากแถบเครื่องมือ"
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "ลบรายการที่เลือกออกจากแถบเครื่องมือ"
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_ลบแถบเครื่องมือ"
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "ลบแถบเครื่องมือที่เลือก"
+#: cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "เส้นแบ่ง"
+#: cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "กำลังทำงานในแบบเต็มจอ"
+#: plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "เรียกโหมดแสดงเต็มจอด้วยดับเบิลคลิก"
+#: plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "เต็มจอด้วยดับเบิลคลิก"
+#: plugins/reload/
+#: plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "อ่านรูปใหม่"
+#: plugins/reload/
+#: plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "อ่านรูปปัจจุบันใหม่"
+#: plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "วันที่ในแถบสถานะ"
+#: plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "แสดงวันที่ของรูปภาพในแถบสถานะของหน้าต่าง"
+#: data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "เรียกดูและหมุนรูป"
+#: data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "โปรแกรมแสดงรูป"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "หน้ากล้อง:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "ผู้บันทึก:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "จำนวนไบต์:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "รุ่นกล้อง:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "ลิขสิทธิ์:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "วัน/เวลา:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "คำบรรยาย:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "รายละเอียด"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "ความเร็วชัตเตอร์:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "แฟลช:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "ระยะโฟกัส:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "ทั่วไป"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "ส่วนสูง:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ความไวแสง (ISO):"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "คุณสมบัติของรูป"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "คำหลัก:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "ตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "ข้อมูลกำกับ"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "วิธีวัดแสง:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "ชื่อ:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "ชนิด:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "ความกว้าง:"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_ถัดไป"
+#: data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_ก่อนหน้า"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> ชื่อแฟ้มเดิม"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> เลขลำดับ"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "เลือกโฟลเดอร์"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "โฟลเดอร์ปลายทาง:"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "ตัวอย่างชื่อแฟ้ม"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "ข้อกำหนดเรื่องพาธของแฟ้ม"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "รูปแบบชื่อแฟ้ม:"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "ตัวเลือก"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "เปลี่ยนชื่อจาก:"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "แทนอักษรช่องว่างด้วยตัวขีดเส้นใต้"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "บันทึกเป็_น"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "เริ่มนับเลขจาก:"
+#: data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "ไปเป็น:"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "แสดง_พื้นหลัง"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "แสดง_ลายตาราง"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "แสดง_สีที่กำหนด:"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "สีสำหรับส่วนที่โปร่งใส"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_ขยายรูปให้พอดีจอ"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "ปรับแต่ง Eye of MATE"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "การปรับแต่งรูป"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "การแสดงรูป"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "การขยายรูป"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "ปลั๊กอิน"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "ลำดับ"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "การแสดงสไลด์"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "ลบรอยหยักเมื่อขยายรูปเ_ข้า"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "ลบรอยหยักเมื่อขยายรูป_ออก"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "ส่วนที่โปร่งใส"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ปรับแ_นววางรูปอัตโนมัติ"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_หมดแล้วกลับมาเริ่มใหม่"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "เ_ปลี่ยนรูปภาพหลังจากฉายไป:"
+#: data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "วินาที"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"ค่าที่มากกว่า 0 ใช้เป็นจำนวนวินาทีที่จะแสดงรูป ก่อนพลิกไปรูปถัดไป "
+#: data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "ปลั๊กอินที่เปิดใช้"
+#: data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "ยอมให้รูปขยายใหญ่กว่า 100% ตอนที่พึ่งเปิด"
+#: data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "ปรับแนววางรูปอัตโนมัติ"
+#: data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "จำนวนวินาทีที่จะรอก่อนแสดงรูปถัดไป"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"เลือกว่าควรจะแสดงส่วนรูปที่โปรงใสอย่างไร สามารถตั้งเป็น CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR หรือ NONE "
+"ถ้าเลือก COLOR ใช้ค่า trans_color เป็นสีที่จะใช้"
+#: data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "ประมาณค่าจุดสีจากข้อมูลรอบข้าง"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ถ้าเปิดใช้ Eye of MATE จะไม่ถามยืนยันเมื่อสั่งย้ายภาพไปลงถังขยะ แต่จะยังคงถามถ้าแฟ้มต่างๆ "
+"ไม่สามารถย้ายไปลงถังขยะได้ และจะลบแฟ้มแทน"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ถ้าเปิดใช้ และไม่ได้โหลดรูปภาพในหน้าต่างที่ทำงานอยู่ "
+"กล่องโต้ตอบเลือกแฟ้มจะแสดงโฟลเดอร์รูปภาพของผู้ใช้ โดยใช้ไดเรกทอรีพิเศษของผู้ใช้ตามข้อกำหนด "
+"XDG ถ้าไม่เปิดใช้ หรือยังไม่ได้กำหนดโฟลเดอร์รูปภาพ ก็จะแสดงไดเรกทอรีปัจจุบันที่ทำงานอยู่"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"ถ้าเปิดใช้ รายละเอียดข้อมูลกำกับในกล่องโต้ตอบคุณสมบัติของรูป "
+"จะถูกย้ายไปอยู่ในหน้าต่างหากในกล่องโต้ตอบ "
+"ซึ่งจะทำให้กล่องโต้ตอบนี้ใช้งานได้สะดวกขึ้นในเครื่องที่หน้าจอเล็ก เช่น เมื่อใช้ในเน็ตบุ๊ก ถ้าไม่เปิดใช้ "
+"วิดเจ็ตก็จะฝังตัวอยู่ในหน้า \"ข้อมูลกำกับ\""
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "ถ้าคีย์ transparent ตั้งเป็น COLOR คีย์นี้จะใช้ระบุว่าจะใช้สีใดแสดงส่วนที่โปร่งใสของรูป"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "ถ้าคีย์นี้ตั้งเป็น FALSE รูปเล็กๆ จะไม่ถูกขยายให้เต็มหน้าต่างเมื่อพึ่งเปิด"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"ตำแหน่งของช่องสมุดรูป ค่า 0 หมายถึงด้านล่าง; 1 หมายถึงด้านซ้าย; 2 หมายถึงด้านบน; 3 "
+#: data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "เฉลี่ยค่าจุดสีจากข้อมูลรอบข้าง"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"รายการของปลั๊กอินที่เปิดใช้ ค่าที่เก็บไม่ใช่ \"ตำแหน่งเก็บ\" ของปลั๊กอินที่เปิดใช้ ดูที่แฟ้ม .eom-"
+"plugin เพื่อดู \"ตำแหน่งเก็บ\" ของปลั๊กอินที่ต้องการ"
+#: data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "หมดรูปที่แสดงแล้วกลับมาเริ่มต้นใหม่"
+#: data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "ใช้ล้อหมุนของเมาส์ย่อ-ขยายรูป"
+#: data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน ปุ่มเลื่อนในช่องสมุดรูป"
+#: data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน ช่องสมุดรูป"
+#: data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน แถบข้าง"
+#: data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน แถบสถานะ"
+#: data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน แถบเครื่องมือ"
+#: data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"ตัวคูณที่จะใช้เมื่อย่อ-ขยายรูปด้วยล้อหมุนของเมาส์ ค่านี้ใช้กำหนดขั้นการย่อ-"
+"ขยายสำหรับการหมุนแต่ละครั้ง ตัวอย่างเช่น 0.05 หมายถึงการเพิ่มอัตราขยายทีละ 5% และ 1.00 "
+"หมายถึงการเพิ่มอัตราขยายทีละ 100%"
+#: data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "สีโปร่งใส"
+#: data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "ตัวบ่งชี้ส่วนโปร่งใส"
+#: data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "ทิ้งรูปภาพลงถังขยะโดยไม่ต้องถาม"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"กำหนดว่ากล่องโต้ตอบเลือกแฟ้มควรแสดงโฟลเดอร์รูปภาพของผู้ใช้หรือไม่ ถ้าไม่ได้โหลดรูปภาพอยู่"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "กำหนดว่าช่องสมุดรูปควรให้ปรับขนาดได้หรือไม่"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"กำหนดว่าเมื่อขยายรูปเข้า ควรจะประมาณค่าจุดสีจากข้อมูลรอบข้างหรือไม่ ถ้าใช้ รูปอาจจะมัว "
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"กำหนดว่าเมื่อขยายรูปออก ควรจะเฉลี่ยค่าจุดสีจากข้อมูลรอบข้างหรือไม่ ถ้าใช้ "
+"คุณภาพรูปที่แสดงจะดีกว่า แต่อาจจะใช้เวลาในการแสดงผลเพิ่มขึ้นบ้าง"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "กำหนดว่าจะหมุนรูปโดยอัตโนมัติโดยอาศัยข้อมูลแนววางรูปของ EXIF หรือไม่"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "กำหนดว่าข้อมูลกำกับในกล่องโต้ตอบคุณสมบัติรูปควรแยกแสดงในหน้าต่างหากหรือไม่"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "กำหนดว่าจะใช้ล้อหมุนของเมาส์ในการย่อ-ขยายรูปหรือไม่"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "กำหนดว่าเมื่อหมดรูปที่แสดงแล้ว ควรกลับมาเริ่มต้นใหม่หรือไม่"
+#: data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "ตัวคูณสำหรับย่อ-ขยาย"
+#: src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "ปิดโดยไ_ม่ต้องบันทึก"
+#: src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "คำถาม"
+#: src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "ถ้าคุณไม่บันทึก การเปลี่ยนแปลงต่างๆ ที่คุณทำมาก็จะสูญหายไป"
+#: src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "ต้องการบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงในรูปภาพ \"%s\" ก่อนปิดหรือไม่?"
+#: src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"มีรูปภาพ %d รูปที่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงโดยยังไม่ได้บันทึก ต้องการบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงก่อนปิดหรือไม่?"
+#: src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "เ_ลือกรูปภาพที่คุณต้องการบันทึก:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "ถ้าคุณไม่บันทึก การเปลี่ยนแปลงทั้งหมดที่คุณทำมาก็จะสูญหายไป"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "ไม่รู้จักหรือไม่รองรับแฟ้มฟอร์แมตนี้"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "Eye of MATE ไม่สามารถพิจารณาฟอร์แมตแฟ้มที่รองรับที่จะเขียนจากชื่อแฟ้มนี้ได้"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "กรุณาลองใช้นามสกุลอื่น เช่น .png หรือ .jpg"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "ทุกแฟ้ม"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "ทุกรูป"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "พิกเซล"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "อ่านรูป"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "บันทึกรูป"
+#: src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "เปิดโฟลเดอร์"
+#: src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "พยายามแปลงรูปภาพที่ยังไม่ได้อ่านเข้ามา"
+#: src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "แปลงรูปภาพไม่สำเร็จ"
+#: src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "ไม่สนับสนุน EXIF สำหรับแฟ้มชนิดนี้"
+#: src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "อ่านรูปไม่สำเร็จ"
+#: src/eom-image.c:1539 src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "ไม่มีรูปที่อ่านไว้"
+#: src/eom-image.c:1549 src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "สร้างแฟ้มชั่วคราวไม่สำเร็จ"
+#: src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "ไม่สามารถสร้างแฟ้มชั่วคราวสำหรับใช้บันทึกรูป: %s"
+#: src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "หน่วยความจำไม่พอที่จะอ่านรูป JPEG"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "กล้อง"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "ข้อมูลรูป"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "สภาวะขณะถ่ายรูป"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "หมายเหตุผู้ผลิต"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "อื่นๆ"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "Exif แบบ XMP"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC แบบ XMP"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "ข้อมูลลิขสิทธิ์แบบ XMP"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP อื่นๆ"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "ป้าย"
+#: src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "ค่า"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: src/eom-exif-util.c:113 src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a %d %B %Ey %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a %d %B %Ey"
+#: src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "ลองให_ม่"
+#: src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "อ่านรูป '%s' ไม่สำเร็จ"
+#: src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "ไม่พบรูปใน '%s'"
+#: src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "ไม่มีรูปในตำแหน่งเก็บที่กำหนด"
+#: src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "ค่าตั้งของรูป"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "รูป"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "รูปที่จะตั้งค่าการพิมพ์"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "ตั้งค่าหน้ากระดาษ"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "ข้อมูลของหน้ากระดาษที่จะใช้พิมพ์รูป"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "ตำแหน่ง"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_ซ้าย:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_ขวา:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_บน:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_ล่าง:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_กึ่งกลาง:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "ไม่ต้อง"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "แนวนอน"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "แนวตั้ง"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "ทั้งสองแนว"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "ขนาด"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "ก_ว้าง:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "สู_ง:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_อัตราส่วน:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "ห_น่วย:"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "มิลลิเมตร"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "นิ้ว"
+#: src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "ตัวอย่างงานพิมพ์"
+#: src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "ไม่ทราบ"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (เลนส์)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (ฟิล์ม 35 มม.)"
+#: src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ตามที่เป็น"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "ถ่ายเมื่อ"
+#: src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "มีแฟ้มชื่อซ้ำกันอย่างน้อยสองแฟ้ม"
+#: src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ไม่สามารถแสดงเอกสารแนะนำวิธีใช้ Eye of MATE"
+#: src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (รหัสยูนิโค้ดผิด)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i พิกเซล %s %i%%"
+#: src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "ใช้ \"%s\" เปิดรูปที่เลือก"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "กำลังบันทึกรูป \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "กำลังอ่านรูป \"%s\""
+#: src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "เครื่องมือแก้ไขแถบเครื่องมือ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "เปลี่ยนกลับเป็นค่า_ปริยาย"
+#: src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"ไพศาข์ สีเหลืองสวัสดิ์\n"
+"เทพพิทักษ์ การุญบุญญานันท์\n"
+"ถ้ามีเวลาโปรดมาช่วยกันแปล :-)\n"
+#: src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"โปรแกรมนี้เป็นซอฟต์แวร์เสรี คุณสามารถแจกจ่ายต่อ และ/หรือ แก้ไขโปรแกรมได้ภายใต้เงื่อนไขของ "
+"GNU General Public License ที่เผยแพร่โดยมูลนิธิซอฟต์แวร์เสรีไม่ว่าจะเป็นสัญญาอนุญาตรุ่นที่ 2 "
+"หรือรุ่นถัดมา (ตามแต่คุณจะเลือก)\n"
+#: src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"โปรแกรมนี้ เผยแพร่ด้วยความหวังว่าโปรแกรมจะมีประโยชน์แต่ _ไม่มีการรับประกันใดๆ_ "
+"ไม่มีแม้การรับประกัน _อรรถประโยชน์เชิงพาณิชย์_หรือ "
+"_ความเหมาะสมสำหรับวัตถุประสงค์เฉพาะกิจใดๆ_ กรุณาอ่านGNU General Public License "
+#: src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"คุณควรจะได้รับสำเนาของ GNU General Public License มาพร้อมกับโปรแกรมนี้ถ้าคุณไม่ได้รับ "
+"กรุณาติดต่อไปที่ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, "
+"Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "โปรแกรมแสดงรูปของ MATE"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"รูปภาพ \"%s\" ถูกกำหนดให้เป็นภาพพื้นหลังพื้นโต๊ะแล้ว\n"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "กำลังบันทึกรูปลงในเครื่อง…"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" ไปลงถังขยะ?"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "ไม่พบที่ทิ้งขยะสำหรับ \"%s\" คุณต้องการจะลบภาพนี้อย่างถาวรหรือไม่?"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"รูป %d รูปที่เลือกไปลงถังขยะ?"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"ภาพบางภาพที่เลือกไม่สามารถทิ้งลงถังขยะได้ และจะลบทิ้งอย่างถาวร ยืนยันที่จะทำต่อไปหรือไม่?"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3389 src/eom-window.c:3831 src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "_ทิ้งลงถังขยะ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "ไ_ม่ต้องถามอีกตลอดวาระนี้"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3436 src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "เปิดใช้ถังขยะไม่สำเร็จ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "ไม่สามารถลบแฟ้มได้"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "ผิดพลาดขณะลบรูป %s"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "แ_ฟ้ม"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "แ_ก้ไข"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "มุ_มมอง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_รูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "ไ_ป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "เ_ครื่องมือ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_วีธีใช้"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_เปิด…"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "เปิดแฟ้ม"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "ปิ_ด"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "ปิดหน้าต่าง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "แถบเ_ครื่องมือ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "แก้ไขแถบเครื่องมือของโปรแกรม"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_ปรับแต่ง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "ปรับแต่ง Eye of MATE"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "เ_นื้อหา"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "วิธีใช้โปรแกรมนี้"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3774 src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "เ_กี่ยวกับ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "เกี่ยวกับโปรแกรมนี้"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "แถบเ_ครื่องมือ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน แถบเครื่องมือในหน้าต่างปัจจุบัน"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "แถบ_สถานะ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน แถบสถานะในหน้าต่างปัจจุบัน"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_สมุดรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน ช่องสมุดรูปในหน้าต่างปัจจุบัน"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "แถบ_ข้าง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน แถบข้างในหน้าต่างปัจจุบัน"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_บันทึก"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "บันทึกการแก้ไขรูปที่เลือก"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "เปิด_ด้วย"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "เปิดรูปที่เลือกด้วยโปรแกรมอื่น"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "บันทึกเป็_น…"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "บันทึกรูปที่เลือกเป็นชื่ออื่น"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "ตั้งหน้ากระดาษสำหรับการพิมพ์"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_พิมพ์…"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "พิมพ์รูปที่เลือก"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "คุณ_สมบัติ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "แสดงคุณสมบัติและข้อมูลประกอบของรูปที่เลือก"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "เรี_ยกคืน"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "เรียกคืนการแก้ไขล่าสุดที่กระทำต่อรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "พลิกแนว_นอน"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "กลับซ้ายเป็นขวา"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "พลิกแนว_ตั้ง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "กลับบนลงล่าง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "หมุนต_ามเข็มนาฬิกา"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "หมุนรูปไปทางขวา 90 องศา"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "หมุน_ทวนเข็มนาฬิกา"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "หมุนรูปไปทางซ้าย 90 องศา"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "ใช้เป็น_พื้นหลังพื้นโต๊ะ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "ใช้รูปที่เลือกอยู่เป็นภาพพื้นหลังของพื้นโต๊ะ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "ทิ้งรูปที่เลือกอยู่ลงถังขยะ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3834 src/eom-window.c:3846 src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "ขย_าย"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3835 src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "ขยายรูปให้ใหญ่ขึ้น"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3837 src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_ย่อ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3838 src/eom-window.c:3850 src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "ย่อรูปให้เล็กลง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "ขนาด_ปกติ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "แสดงรูปในขนาดปกติ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "ขนาด_พอดี"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "แสดงรูปในขนาดที่พอดีกับหน้าต่าง"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "เ_ต็มจอ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "แสดงรูปปัจจุบันแบบเต็มจอ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3867 src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "รูป_ก่อนหน้า"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "ไปยังรูปก่อนหน้าในสมุดรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "รูป_ถัดไป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "ไปยังรูปถัดไปในสมุดรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3873 src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "รูปแ_รก"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "ไปยังรูปแรกของสมุดรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3876 src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "รูปสุด_ท้าย"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "ไปยังรูปสุดท้ายของสมุดรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "สุ่_มรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "ไปยังรูปในสมุดรูปแบบสุ่ม"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "แสดงสไ_ลด์"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "เริ่มแสดงภาพต่างๆ แบบฉายสไลด์"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "ก่อนหน้า"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "ถัดไป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ขวา"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "ซ้าย"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ขยาย"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "ย่อ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "ปกติ"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "พอดี"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "สมุดรูป"
+#: src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "ทิ้งลงถังขยะ"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "ปลั๊กอิน"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "เปิดใช้"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_ตั้งค่า"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_เปิดใช้"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "เปิดใ_ช้ทั้งหมด"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "ปิ_ดทั้งหมด"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_ปลั๊กอินที่เปิดใช้:"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "เ_กี่ยวกับปลั๊กอิน"
+#: src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_ตั้งค่าปลั๊กอิน"
+#: src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "เปิดในแบบเต็มจอ"
+#: src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "ปิดการแสดงสมุดรูป"
+#: src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "เปิดในแบบแสดงสไลด์"
+#: src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "เปิดโปรแกรมตัวใหม่ แทนที่จะใช้ตัวเก่าซ้ำ"
+#: src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[FILE…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "เรียก '%s --help' เพื่อดูตัวเลือกทั้งหมดที่มีของบรรทัดคำสั่ง"
+#: src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE: โปรแกรมแสดงรูป"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>รายละเอียด</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ความสูง:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ชื่อ:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ชนิด:</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ความกว้าง:</b>"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "เปิดด้วย \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "_Open..."
+#~ msgstr "_เปิด..."
+#~ msgid "Save _As..."
+#~ msgstr "บันทึกเป็_น..."
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_พิมพ์..."
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "ทิ้งลงถังขยะ"
+#~ msgid "Only local images can be used as wallpapers"
+#~ msgstr "ใช้แฟ้มภาพในเครื่องได้เท่านั้นเป็นภาพพื้นหลัง"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To be able to set this image as your wallpaper, please save it locally in "
+#~ "your computer"
+#~ msgstr "หากต้องการใช้ภาพนี้เป็นภาพพื้นหลัง กรุณาบันทึกลงในเครื่อง"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าห_น้ากระดาษ..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "ใช้เป็นภาพ_พื้นหลัง"
+#~ msgid "Error loading print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะอ่านแฟ้มค่าตั้งการพิมพ์: %s"
+#~ msgid "Error saving print settings file: %s"
+#~ msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะบันทึกแฟ้มค่าตั้งการพิมพ์: %s"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "แฟ้มมีอยู่แล้ว"
+#~ msgid "<b>Location:</b>\t"
+#~ msgstr "<b>สถานที่:</b>\t"
+#~ msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "ตำแหน่งและขนาดของหน้าต่างสมุดรูปที่เปิดครั้งล่าสุด"
+#~ msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+#~ msgstr "ตำแหน่งและขนาดของหน้าต่างเดี่ยวๆ ที่เปิดครั้งล่าสุด"
+#~ msgid "Open images in a new window"
+#~ msgstr "เปิดรูปในหน้าต่างใหม่"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing "
+#~ "the image in the current window."
+#~ msgstr "กำหนดว่าควรเปิดรูปใหม่ในหน้าต่างใหม่ แทนที่จะทับรูปเก่าในหน้าต่างเดิมหรือไม่"
+#~ msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+#~ msgstr "โปรแกรมแสดงและจัดเรียงรูปของ MATE"
+#~ msgid "\n"
+#~ msgstr "\n"
+#~ msgid "%f"
+#~ msgstr "%f"
+#~ msgid "<b>Position</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ตำแหน่ง</b>"
+#~ msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ขนาด</b>"
+#~ msgid "Bottom"
+#~ msgstr "ล่าง"
+#~ msgid "Image Collection"
+#~ msgstr "สมุดรูป"
+#~ msgid "Top"
+#~ msgstr "บน"
+#~ msgid "Use fixed size"
+#~ msgstr "ใช้ขนาดตายตัว"
+#~ msgid "label"
+#~ msgstr "ป้าย"
+#~ msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+#~ msgstr[0] "%s x %s พิกเซล"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgid "_Browse"
+#~ msgstr "เ_รียกดู"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+#~ msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับสมุดรูป"
+#~ msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+#~ msgstr "แสดง/ซ่อน ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับรูปภาพเดี่ยวๆ"
+#~ msgid "Filename"
+#~ msgstr "ชื่อแฟ้ม"
+#~ msgid "Width"
+#~ msgstr "กว้าง"
+#~ msgid "Height"
+#~ msgstr "สูง"
+#~ msgid "Filesize"
+#~ msgstr "ขนาดแฟ้ม"
+#~ msgid "Attribute"
+#~ msgstr "คุณลักษณะ"
+#~ msgid "File"
+#~ msgstr "แฟ้ม"
+#~ msgid "EXIF"
+#~ msgstr "EXIF"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "เปิดในหน้าต่างใหม่"
+#~ msgid "Counter"
+#~ msgstr "ตัวนับ"
+#~ msgid "Comment"
+#~ msgstr "หมายเหตุ"
+#~ msgid "Date"
+#~ msgstr "วันที่"
+#~ msgid "Time"
+#~ msgstr "เวลา"
+#~ msgid "Day"
+#~ msgstr "วัน"
+#~ msgid "Month"
+#~ msgstr "เดือน"
+#~ msgid "Year"
+#~ msgstr "ปี"
+#~ msgid "Hour"
+#~ msgstr "ชั่วโมง"
+#~ msgid "Minute"
+#~ msgstr "นาที"
+#~ msgid "Second"
+#~ msgstr "วินาที"
+#~ msgid "Option not available."
+#~ msgstr "ตัวเลือกใช้ไม่ได้"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+#~ "( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ความสามารถนี้ต้องอาศัยไลบรารี libexif โปรดติดตั้ง libexif (http://libexif.sf."
+#~ "net) แล้วคอมไพล์ Eye of MATE ใหม่"
+#~ msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+#~ msgstr "ยกเลิกการบันทึก..."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ไม่สามารถแสดงเอกสารแนะนำวิธีใช้ Eye of MATE.\n"
+#~ "%s"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+#~ msgstr "เขียนทับแฟ้ม %s หรือไม่"
+#~ msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+#~ msgstr "มีแฟ้มชื่อ %s อยู่แล้ว จะเขียนทับหรือไม่?"
+#~ msgid "Skip"
+#~ msgstr "ข้าม"
+#~ msgid "Overwrite"
+#~ msgstr "เขียนทับ"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving %s."
+#~ msgstr "ผิดพลาดขณะบันทึก %s"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+#~ msgstr "ไม่สามารถติดต่อ uri ปลายทาง"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+#~ msgstr "ไม่ทราบชนิดของแฟ้ม %s"
+#~ msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+#~ msgstr "โปรดใช้ชื่อสกุลแฟ้มสำหรับชนิดแฟ้มที่ต้องการ"
+#~ msgid "Error on saving images."
+#~ msgstr "ผิดพลากขณะบันทึกรูป"
+#~ msgid "Reason: %s"
+#~ msgstr "สาเหตุ: %s"
+#~ msgid "Image _Information"
+#~ msgstr "_ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับรูปภาพ"
+#~ msgid "Close"
+#~ msgstr "ปิด"
+#~ msgid "Save"
+#~ msgstr "บันทึก"
+#~ msgid "Undo"
+#~ msgstr "เรียกคืน"
+#~ msgid "User interface description not found."
+#~ msgstr "หาแฟ้มข้อมูลสำหรับสร้างหน้าต่างติดต่อผู้ใช้ไม่พบ"
+#~ msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+#~ msgstr "ไม่สามารถสร้างหน้าต่างติดต่อผู้ใช้ของ Eye of MATE ได้"
+#~ msgid "File not found."
+#~ msgid_plural "Files not found."
+#~ msgstr[0] "ไม่พบแฟ้ม"
+#~ msgid "Empty"
+#~ msgstr "ว่างเปล่า"
+#~ msgid "View different types of images"
+#~ msgstr "ดูรูปชนิดต่างๆ"
+#~ msgid "Slide Show"
+#~ msgstr "การแสดงสไลด์"
+#~ msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ประมาณค่าสีจากข้อมูลรอบข้าง</b>"
+#~ msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+#~ msgstr "_ยอมให้รูปขยายใหญ่กว่า 100% ตอนที่พึ่งเปิด"
+#~ msgid "."
+#~ msgstr "."
+#~ msgid "Print Preview"
+#~ msgstr "ตัวอย่างงานพิมพ์"
+#~ msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+#~ msgstr "หมุน 180 _องศา"
+#~ msgid "Delete"
+#~ msgstr "ลบ"
+#~ msgid "Open _Folder..."
+#~ msgstr "เปิดโ_ฟลเดอร์..."
+#~ msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+#~ msgstr "เปิดหลายหน้าต่าง?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them "
+#~ "in a collection instead?"
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "คุณกำลังจะเปิด %i หน้าต่างพร้อมกัน คุณต้องการจะแสดงรูปเหล่านี้เป็นสมุดรูปแทนหรือไม่?"
+#~ msgid "Single Windows"
+#~ msgstr "หลายหน้าต่าง"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+#~ "determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ถ้าค่านี้ตั้งเป็น TRUE จะเปลี่ยนรูปภาพที่แสดงหลังจากเวลาผ่านไปเป็นจำนวนวินาทีตามที่กำหนดในคีย์ "
+#~ "'full_screen/seconds'"
+#~ msgid "_New Window"
+#~ msgstr "หน้าต่างใ_หม่"
+#~ msgid "Open a new window"
+#~ msgstr "เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "ใหม่"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "แฟ้มว่าง"
+#~ msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+#~ msgstr "มีชื่อแฟ้มซ้ำกัน"
+#~ msgid "_New"
+#~ msgstr "ใ_หม่"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "เปิดโ_ฟลเดอร์..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "เปิดโฟลเดอร์"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "รูป: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_ออก"
+#~ msgid "Close all windows and quit"
+#~ msgstr "ปิดหน้าต่างทั้งหมดแล้วออกจากโปรแกรม"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM ตัวแสดงรูป"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "โรงงานมุมมองสมุดรูปโดย EOM"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "บันทึกเสร็จเรียบร้อย"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "มุมมองสมุดรูป"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "ชื่อหน้าต่าง"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "ข้อความแสดงสถานะ"
+#~ msgid "Progress of Image Loading"
+#~ msgstr "ความคืบหน้าของการอ่านรูป"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "รูปสำหรับ EOM"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "โรงงาน EOM ตัวแสดงรูป"
+#~ msgid "Embeddable EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "รูป EOM ที่ฝังตัวได้"
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "บันทืกรูปชนิดนี้ไม่เป็น"
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "กระดาษ"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "กระดาษ"
+#~ msgid "% of original size"
+#~ msgstr "% ของต้นฉบับ"
+#~ msgid "Adjust to "
+#~ msgstr "ปรับเป็น "
+#~ msgid "Cutting help"
+#~ msgstr "ช่วยตัด"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "ลงแล้วขวา"
+#~ msgid "Fit to page"
+#~ msgstr "พอดีหน้า"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally by "
+#~ msgstr "ตามแนวนอน"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "ขอบ"
+#~ msgid "Ordering help"
+#~ msgstr "ช่วยเรียงลำดับ"
+#~ msgid "Overlap"
+#~ msgstr "วางซ้อน"
+#~ msgid "Overlap help"
+#~ msgstr "ช่วยวางซ้อน"
+#~ msgid "Page order"
+#~ msgstr "ลำดับหน้า"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "ขวาแล้วลง"
+#~ msgid "Scale"
+#~ msgstr "ย่อขยาย"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "แสดง"
+#~ msgid "Vertically by "
+#~ msgstr "ตามแนวตั้ง"
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "ชื่อแฟ้มหรือข้อมูลที่จะพิมพ์"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "ยกเลิก"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "ออกจากโปรแกรม"
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ไพศาข์ สีเหลืองสวัสดิ์\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "ถ้ามีเวลาโปรดมาช่วยกันแปล :-)\n"
+#~ ""
+#~ msgid "Full Screen"
+#~ msgstr "เ_ต็มจอ"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "ดูตัวอย่างการพิมพ์ของรูป"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "หมุนซ้าย"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "หมุนขวา"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/หมุน_ตามเข็มนาฬิกา"
+#~ msgid "/Rotate Counte_r Clockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/หมุน_ย้อนเข็มนาฬิกา"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/ขย_าย"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/_ย่อ"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/ขนาด_ปกติ"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/ขนาด_พอดี"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/ปิ_ด"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "อ่านรูป %s ไม่สำเร็จ"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Loading of image %s failed.\n"
+#~ "Reason: %s."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "อ่านรูป %s ไม่สำเร็จ\n"
+#~ "เหตุเพราะ: %s"
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "อ่านรูปไม่สำเร็จ"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "บันทึกรูปเรียบร้อย"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "ข้อความบนแถบสถานะ"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Width"
+#~ msgstr "ความกว้างหน้าต่างที่ต้องการ"
+#~ msgid "Desired Window Height"
+#~ msgstr "ความสูงหน้าต่างที่ต้องการ"
+#~ msgid "Don't use zoom larger than 100%"
+#~ msgstr "อย่าขยายรูปให้ใหญ่กว่าต้นฉบับ"
+#~ msgid "By Extension"
+#~ msgstr "ตามนามสกุล"
+#~ msgid "Determine File Type:"
+#~ msgstr "ตัดสินชนิดรูป:"
+#~ msgid "Automatically pick window size"
+#~ msgstr "เลือกขนาดหน้าต่างโดยอัตโนมัติ"
+#~ msgid "Default zoom factor for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "ขนาดย่อขยายสำหรับตอนที่ดูรูปเต็มจอ"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default zoom factor for the full screen view. Possible values are: 0 (use "
+#~ "1:1 zoom factor), 1 (use the same zoom factor as the image window), 2 "
+#~ "(fit the image to the screen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ขนาดย่อขยายสำหรับตอนที่ดูรูปเต็มจอ. สามารถตั้งเป็น: 0 (ใช้ขนาด 1:1), 1 "
+#~ "(ใช้ขนาดย่อขยายเดียวกับหน้าต่างรูป), 2 (ปรับขนาดรูปให้พอดีกับจอ)."
+#~ msgid "Scrollbar policy for the full screen view"
+#~ msgstr "แนวกำหนดสำหรับแถบเลื่อนตอนดูรูปเต็มจอ"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether to display scrollbars on the full screen view. Possible values "
+#~ "are: 1 (automatic; only display scrollbars if the image is larger than "
+#~ "the window), 2 (never display scrollbars)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "เลือกว่าจะแสดงแถบเลื่อนตอนที่แสดงรูปเต็มจอ. สามารถตั้งเป็น: 1 (อัตโนมัติ; "
+#~ "แสดงแถบเลื่อนแค่ตอนที่รูปใหญ่กว่าจอ), 2 (ไม่แสดงแถบเลื่อน)."
+#~ msgid "Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgstr "สงวนลิขสิทธิ์ (C) 2000-2002 The Free Software Foundation"
+#~ msgid "Couldn't initialize MateVFS!\n"
+#~ msgstr "เรียกใช้ MateVFS ไม่สำเร็จ !\n"
+#~ msgid "pts"
+#~ msgstr "จุด"
+#~ msgid "points"
+#~ msgstr "points"
+#~ msgid "mm"
+#~ msgstr "ม.ม."
+#~ msgid "cm"
+#~ msgstr "ซ.ม."
+#~ msgid "centimeter"
+#~ msgstr "เซนติเมตร"
+#~ msgid "Print Setup"
+#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าการพิมพ์"
+#~ msgid "Paper size:"
+#~ msgstr "ขนาดกระดาษ:"
+#~ msgid "Portrait"
+#~ msgstr "แนวตั้ง"
+#~ msgid "Landscape"
+#~ msgstr "แนวนอน"
+#~ msgid "Helpers"
+#~ msgstr "ตัวช่วย"
diff --git a/po/tk.po b/po/tk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d0ccb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/tk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+# Turkmen translation of epiphany
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Gurban Mühemmet Tewekgeli
+# Kakilik - Turkmen free software developers community
+# This file is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL)
+# Gurban Mühemmet Tewekgeli <[email protected]>, 2004
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom.mate VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-11 19:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-05-25 17:47+0330\n"
+"Last-Translator: Gurban Mühemmet Tewekgeli <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkmne <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Resim Namaýyşçysy"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Kop aýry resim hillerni görkez"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Resim Ulaldylşy</b>"
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Durja Bölekler</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Durja meýdançalar üçin renk"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Haltany Aç"
+msgid "Eye of Mate Preferences"
+msgstr "Mate Gäzlerniň Seçenekleri"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Faýl Ady"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "Resim _Görnöşi"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "_Aýry Gaýd Et..."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Resim Gaýd Edilýär"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Ýap"
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sanyýa"
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Resimi täze äpişgede aç"
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Äpişgäniň durum zolakyny görkez/ýygşyr"
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Äpişgäniň esbap zolakyny görkez/ýygşyr"
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Durjalyk renki"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Ehli Faýllar"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Ehli Resimler"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s piksel"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Resimi Ýükle"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Resimi Gaýd Et"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Haltany Aç"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Wagtlaýyn faýl gaýd etmek üçin bejerlip bilmedi: %s"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "puç faýl"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Faýl bar"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Hiç resim ýüklenmedi"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Ad"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Resim Giňliki"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Resym Ýygymy"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Mykdar"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Faýl Ady"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Giňlik"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Boý"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Faýl Ululyky"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "_Faýl"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of Mate."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Resim Gaýd Edilýär"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Gaýt etmeki ybtal et"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Orta"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "_Mazmunlar"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "sanyýa"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2167 shell/eom-window.c:2482
+#: shell/main.c:498
+msgid "Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Mate Gözleri"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of Mate.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Mate Gözleri üçin ýardamy görkez.\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:627
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "%s-iň üstine ýaylsynmy?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:636 shell/eom-window.c:649
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:637
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:642
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:650 shell/eom-window.c:1034
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1023
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Wagtlaýyn faýl gaýd etmek üçin bejerlip bilmedi: %s"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1024
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1166
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Resim Gaýd Edilýär"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1399
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "%s-iň üstine ýaylsynmy?"
+msgstr[1] "%s-iň üstine ýaylsynmy?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1437
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1511
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr ""
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2096
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i piksel %s %i%%"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2233
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Faýl"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2234
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Edit"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2235
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Görnöş"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2236
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ýardam"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Täze"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2237
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Bir täze äpişgäni aç"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Aç..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2238
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Bir faýly aç"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open _Directory..."
+msgstr "Bir haltany _aç..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2239
+msgid "Open a directory"
+msgstr "Bir haltany aç"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Ýap"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2240
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Äpişgäni ýap"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Seçenekler"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2241
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of Mate"
+msgstr "Mate gözlerniň seçenekleri"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Mazmunlar"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2242
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Barada"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2243
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Bu program barada"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2248
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Esbap Zolaky"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2249
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Durum Zolaky"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2254
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gaýd Et"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2255
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "_Aýry Gaýd Et..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2257
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Izine Al"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2259
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Keseleýyn Düňder"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2260
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Dikleýin Düňnder"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Sagata Gorä Tirle"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2263
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "_Sagata Gorä Tirle"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2264
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "180 _Dereje tirle"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2266
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2268
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2269
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Kiçelt"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2270
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Ulalt"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2271
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Kadaly Ululyk"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2272
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Iň gowy sigiş"
+#: shell/main.c:236
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:240
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:244
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:246
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Ýygym"
+#: shell/main.c:298
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Faýl(lar) tapylmady."
+msgstr[1] "Faýl(lar) tapylmady."
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "`%s' açilip bilmedi"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Collection Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Adly Resim Ýygym Namaýyşçysy"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image collection view factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM adly resim ýygym görnöş karhanasy"
+#~ msgid "Next"
+#~ msgstr "Indiki"
+#~ msgid "Next Image"
+#~ msgstr "Indiki Resim"
+#~ msgid "Previous"
+#~ msgstr "Öňki"
+#~ msgid "Previous Image"
+#~ msgstr "Öňki Resim"
+#~ msgid "Saving finished"
+#~ msgstr "Gaýd etme tamam boldy"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Zibile Göçir"
+#~ msgid "Collection View"
+#~ msgstr "Ýygym Görnöşi"
+#~ msgid "Images: %i/%i"
+#~ msgstr "Resim: %i/%i"
+#~ msgid "Window Title"
+#~ msgstr "Äpişge Sözbaşy"
+#~ msgid "Status Text"
+#~ msgstr "Durm Metini"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Resimi"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image Viewer"
+#~ msgstr "EOM Resim Namaýyşçysy"
+#~ msgid "EOM Image viewer factory"
+#~ msgstr "EOM resim namaýyşçysy karhanasy"
+#~ msgid "Image"
+#~ msgstr "Resim"
+#~ msgid "Images can only be saved as local files."
+#~ msgstr "Resimler diňe ýerli faýl bolyp gaýd edilip başarýar."
+#~ msgid "Unsupported image type for saving."
+#~ msgstr "Resim hili gaýd etmek üçin arkalanmady."
+#~ msgid "Page"
+#~ msgstr "Sahypa"
+#~ msgid "Preview"
+#~ msgstr "Namaýyş"
+#~ msgid "Millimeter"
+#~ msgstr "Milimetr"
+#~ msgid "Paper"
+#~ msgstr "Kagyz"
+#~ msgid "Down, then right"
+#~ msgstr "Asta, soň saga"
+#~ msgid "Horizontally"
+#~ msgstr "Keselýyn"
+#~ msgid "Margins"
+#~ msgstr "Gabdal"
+#~ msgid "Right, then down"
+#~ msgstr "Saga, soň asta"
+#~ msgid "Show"
+#~ msgstr "Görkez"
+#~ msgid "Vertically"
+#~ msgstr "Dileýin"
+#~ msgid "The name of the file or data to print"
+#~ msgstr "Çaplanjak faýl ýä maglumat ady"
+#~ msgid "Cancel"
+#~ msgstr "Ybtal"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Häzirki äpişgede durum zolakynynyň aýanlykyny üýtget"
+#~ msgid "Change the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+#~ msgstr "Häzirki äpişgede esbap zolakynynyň aýanlykyny üýtget"
+#~ msgid "New"
+#~ msgstr "Täze"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Aç"
+#~ msgid "Open in new window"
+#~ msgstr "Täze äpişgäniň içinde aç"
+#~ msgid "Open in this window"
+#~ msgstr "Bu äpişgäniň içinde aç"
+#~ msgid "Quit the program"
+#~ msgstr "Programden çyk"
+#~ msgid "_Quit"
+#~ msgstr "_Çyk..."
+#~ msgid "translator_credits-PLEASE_ADD_YOURSELF_HERE"
+#~ msgstr "Gurban Mühemmet Tewekgeli <[email protected]>"
+#~ msgid "Fit"
+#~ msgstr "Sigdir"
+#~ msgid "In"
+#~ msgstr "Iç"
+#~ msgid "Normal"
+#~ msgstr "Kadaly"
+#~ msgid "Out"
+#~ msgstr "Daş"
+#~ msgid "Previews the image to be printed"
+#~ msgstr "Çaplanjak resimi görkez"
+#~ msgid "Print Previe_w..."
+#~ msgstr "Çap _Namaýyş..."
+#~ msgid "Print Set_up"
+#~ msgstr "Çap _Çaşyrymy"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Left"
+#~ msgstr "Sola Tirle"
+#~ msgid "Rotate Right"
+#~ msgstr "Saga Tirle"
+#~ msgid "Setup the page settings for your current printer"
+#~ msgstr "Oz häzirki çapçiňiz üçin sahypanyň düzümlerni çaşyr"
+#~ msgid "_Print..."
+#~ msgstr "_Çap Et..."
+#~ msgid "/Rotate C_lockwise"
+#~ msgstr "/Sagata Gorä Tirle"
+#~ msgid "/_Zoom In"
+#~ msgstr "/_Ulalt"
+#~ msgid "/Zoom _Out"
+#~ msgstr "/Kiçelt"
+#~ msgid "/_Normal Size"
+#~ msgstr "/_Kadaly Ululyk"
+#~ msgid "/Best _Fit"
+#~ msgstr "/_Iň gowy sigiş"
+#~ msgid "/_Close"
+#~ msgstr "/_Ýap"
+#~ msgid "Loading of image %s failed."
+#~ msgstr "%s resimi ýüklemesinde hata bolfy"
+#~ msgid "Loading failed"
+#~ msgstr "Ýüklemede hata boldy"
+#~ msgid "Image successfully saved"
+#~ msgstr "Resim ýetişik bilen gaýd edildi"
+#~ msgid "Image saving failed"
+#~ msgstr "Resim gaýd etmeki hatalandy"
+#~ msgid "Image Height"
+#~ msgstr "Resim Boýy"
+#~ msgid "Statusbar Text"
+#~ msgstr "Durum zolakynyň metini"
diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a435a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1407 @@
+# Turkish translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Nilgün Belma Bugüner <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Görkem Çetin <[email protected]>, 2001.
+# Fatih Demir <[email protected]>, 1999-2000.
+# Barbaros Ulutas <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Arman Aksoy <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# RIDVAN CAN <[email protected]>, 2003.
+# Baris Cicek <[email protected]>, 2005, 2008.
+# Onur Can Çakmak <[email protected]>, 2006.
+# Askin Yollu <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# Baris Cicek <[email protected]>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-30 06:37+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-30 06:37+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Baris Cicek <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Turkish\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: TURKEY\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” Göster"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Araç Çubuğunda Taşı"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Seçilen öğeyi araç çubuğu üzerinde taşı"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Araç Çubuğundan _Sil"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Seçilen öğeyi araç çubuğundan sil"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Araç Çubuğunu _Sil"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Seçilen araç çubuğunu sil"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Ayraç"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Tam ekran kipinde çalışıyor"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Çift tıklama ile tam ekran kipini etkinleştir"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Çift tıklama ile tam ekran"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Resmi Tekrar Yükle"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Mevcut resmi tekrar yükle"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Durum çubuğunda tarih"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Pencere durum çubuğunda resmin tarihini gösterir"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Resimleri tara ve çevir"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Resim Görüntüleyici"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Açıklık Değeri:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sahibi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Boyut:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fotoğraf Makinesi Modeli:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Telif Hakkı:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tarih/Zaman:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tanım:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ayrıntılar</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Işıklama Süresi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Flaş:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Odak Uzaklığı:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Yükseklik:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ISO Hız Sıralaması:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Anahtar Kelimeler:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Konum:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ölçme Kipi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>İsim:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tür:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Genişlik:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Ayrıntılar"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Genel"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Resim Özellikleri"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Temel bilgi"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Sonraki"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "Ö_nceki"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dosya Adı Önizleme</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dosya Yolu Belirtimleri</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Seçenekler</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> özgün dosya ismi</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> sayaç</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Bir klasör seç"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Hedef klasör:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Dosya adı biçimi:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Yeniden isimlendir:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Boşlukları alt çizgilerle değiştir"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Farklı Kaydet"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Sayaç başlangıcı:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Hedef:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Resim Gelişimleri</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Resim Odaklaması</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sıra</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Şeffaf Bölümler</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Arkaplan _olarak"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Satranç tahtası _deseni olarak"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Özel _renk olarak:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Şeffaf Alanlar için Renk"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Resimleri ekrana uyması için _genişlet"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "MATE'un Gözü Tercihleri"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Resim Görünümü"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Eklentiler"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slayt Gösterisi"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Yakınlaştırırken resimleri _yumuşat"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Uzaklaştırıken resimleri _yumuşat"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Kendiliğinden yönelim"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Döngü _sırası"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Resim değiştirme süresi:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "saniye"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"0'dan büyük bir değer bir sonraki görüntülemeden önce resmin ekranda "
+"kalacağı süreyi saniye olarak belirler. Sıfır değeri otomatik gözatmayı "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Etkin eklentiler"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Başlangıçta %100'den daha fazla yakınlaştırmaya izin ver"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Kendiliğinden yönelme"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Sonraki resmin görüntülenmesinden önce beklenecek saniye olarak süre"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Şeffaflığın nasıl gösterileceğini belirler. Geçerli değerler CHECK_PATTERN, "
+"COLOR ve NONE'dır. Eğer COLOR seçilirse, trans_color anahtarı kullanılan "
+"renk değerini belirtir."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Resmi Aradeğerle"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer etkinse MATE'un Gözü dosyası çöpe taşırken onay için sormayacak. Gene "
+"de çöpe taşınamayan onun yerine silinecek olan dosyalar için sorar."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer etkinse ve hiçbir resim etkin pencerede yüklü değilse, dosya seçici XDG "
+"özel kullanıcı dizinlerindeki resimler klasörünü gösterecek. Eğer etkin "
+"değilse ya da resimler klasörü atanmamış ise, mevcut çalışan dizini "
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer etkinse özellikler penceresindeki ayrıntılı metadata listesi pencerede "
+"kendine ait sayfaya taşınacak. Bu pencereyi küçük ekranlarda örneğin "
+"netbook'larda kullanılanlar gibi daha kullanışlı yapar. Eğer kapalıysa parça "
+"\"Metadata\" sayfasında gömülü olacak."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer transparency anahtarı, COLOR değerine sahip ise, bu anahtar şeffaflığı "
+"ayarlamak için kullanılan rengi belirler."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer FALSE olarak seçiliyse, küçük resimler öntanımlı olarak ekrana sığacak "
+"biçimde boyutlandırılmaz."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Resim koleksiyonu panel pozisyonu. Alt için 0, sol için 1, üst için 2, sağ "
+"için 3 olarak ayarlayın."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Resmi Aradeğerle"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Etkin eklentilerin listesi. Etkin eklentilerin \"Konumunu\" içermez. "
+"Eklentinin \"Konumunu\" öğrenmek için .eom-plugin dosyasını "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Resim sıralamasında dön"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Kaydırma tekerleği yakınlaştırması"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Resim koleksiyon panelinde kaydırma düğmelerini göster/gizle."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Resim koleksiyon panelini göster/gizle."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Pencere kenar panelini göster/gizle."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Pencere durum çubuğunu göster/gizle."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Pencere araç çubuğunu göster/gizle."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Fare kaydırma tekerleğini yakınlaştırma için kullanırken uygulanacak çarpan. "
+"Bu değer her kaydırma eylemin kullanılacak adımı belirler. Örneğin, 0.05 her "
+"kaydırma eyleminde %5 yakınlaştırma ile sonuçlanır ve 1.00 %100 "
+"yakınlaştırma ile sonuçlanır."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Şeffaflık rengi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Şeffaflık belirteci"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Resimleri sormada çöpe at"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Resim sırası içerisindeki resimlerin sonsuz bir döngü içerisinde "
+"görüntülenip görüntülenmeyeceği."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer hiçbir resim yüklü değilse dosya seçicinin kullanıcının resimler "
+"klasörünü göstermesi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Resim koleksiyon panelinin yeniden boyutlandırılabilmesi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Yakınlaşma sırasında ara değerleme kullanılıp kullanılmayacağı. Bu özellik "
+"daha bulanık görüntü sağlar ve ara değerlenmemiş resimlerden daha yavaştır."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Uzaklaştırma sırasında ara değerleme kullanılıp kullanılmayacağı. Bu özellik "
+"daha kaliteli görüntü sağlar ancak görüntülemeyi biraz yavaşlatır."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Resmin EXIF yönelim bilgileri temel alınarak kendiliğinden yönlendirilmesi."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr ""
+"Özellikler penceresindeki metadata listesinin kendine ait sayfasının olması."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Yakınlaştırma için kaydırma tekerleğinin kullanılıp kullanılmayacağı."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Yakınlaştırma çarpanı"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Dosya biçimi bilinmiyor ya da desteklenmiyor"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"MATE'un Gözü dosya ismine bakarak desteklenen bir yazılabilir dosya "
+"biçimine karar veremedi."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Lütfen .png ya da .jpg gibi başka bir dosya uzantısı deneyin."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tüm Dosyalar"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Tüm Resimler"
+# Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:768
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Resim Yükle"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Resmi Kaydet"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Klasör Aç"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:546
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Yüklenmemiş resim üzerinde dönüşüm."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Dönüşüm başarısız oldu."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:978
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Bu dosya biçimi için EXIF desteklenmiyor."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1093
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Resim yüklemesi başarısız oldu."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1498 ../src/eom-image.c:1600
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Resim yüklenmedi."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1508 ../src/eom-image.c:1612
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Geçici dosya oluşturması başarısız."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Kayıt için geçici dosya oluşturulamadı: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG dosyası yüklemek için bellek ayrılamadı"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Fotoğraf Makinesi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Resim Verisi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Resim Kayıt Şartları"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Yapımcı Notu"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Diğer"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP Hak Yönetimi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Diğer"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etiket"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Değer"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Tekrar dene"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Resim '%s' yüklenemedi."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' içerisinde resim bulunamadı."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Verilen konumlar hiçbir resim içermiyor."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Resim Ayarları"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Resim"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Yazdırma özellikleri ayarlanacak resim"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sayfa Ayarı"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Resmi basılacak sayfa için bilgi"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Pozisyon"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Sol:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "S_ağ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "Ü_st:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Alt:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Merkez:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Hiçbiri"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Yatay"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Dikey"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "İkisi de"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Boyut"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Genişlik:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Yükseklik:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "Ö_lçekleme:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Birim:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimetre"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "İnç"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Önizleme"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:155
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Bilinmeyen"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:233
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (lens)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm film)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "olarak"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Çekildiği zaman"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "En az iki dosya ismi eşit."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE'un Gözü için yardım görüntülenemedi"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(geçersiz Unikod)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1183
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Seçilen resmi açmak için \"%s\" kullan"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1333
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Resim \"%s\" kaydediliyor (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1672
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Resim \"%s\" yükleniyor"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2368
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dosya yazdırırken hata:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2510
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Araç Çubuğu Düzenleyici"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2513
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "Öntanımlılara _Sıfırla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2599
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Barış Çiçek <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2602
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Bu program özgür bir yazılımdır, Özgür Yazılım Vakfı'nın yayınladığı GNU "
+"Genel Kamu Lisansı'nın 2. veya daha sonraki sürümlerindeki şartlar altında "
+"dağıtabilir ve/veya değiştirilebilir.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2606
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Bu program faydalı olacağı umut edilerek dağıtılmaktadır, fakat HİÇBİR "
+"de vermez. Lütfen daha fazla detay için GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı'nı "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2610
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Bu programla beraber GNU Genel Kamu Lisansını da almış olmalısınız; eğer "
+"almadıysanız, Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, "
+"Boston, MA 02110-1302, USA adresine yazınız."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2623
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE'un Gözü"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2626
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE resim görüntüleyici."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3067
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "Resim yerel olarak kaydediliyor..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3149
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" dosyasını çöpe taşımak istediğinize\n"
+"emin misiniz?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3152
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"\"%s\" için çöp kutusu bulunamadı. Bu resmi kalıcı olarak silmek istiyor "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3157
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"%d seçili resmi çöpe taşımak istediğinize\n"
+"emin misiniz?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3162
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Seçtiğiniz bazı resimler çöp kutusuna taşınamıyor ve kalıcı olarak "
+"silinecek. Bunu yapmak istediğinize emin misiniz?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3179 ../src/eom-window.c:3606 ../src/eom-window.c:3630
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Çöpe _Taşı"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3181
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Bu oturumda boyucna bir daha sorma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3226 ../src/eom-window.c:3240
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Çöpe erişilemedi."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3248
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Dosya silinemedi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3319
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s resmini silerken hata oluştu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3526
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Dosya"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3527
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "D_üzenle"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3528
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Görünüm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Resim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3530
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Git"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3531
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Araçlar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3532
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Yardım"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3534
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Aç..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3535
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Bir dosya aç"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3537
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Kapat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3538
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Pencereyi kapat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3540
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Araç Çubuğu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3541
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Uygulama araç çubuğunu düzenle"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3543
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Terci_hler"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3544
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE'un Gözü Tercihleri"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3546
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_İçindekiler"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3547
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Bu uygulama hakkında yardım"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3549 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Hakkında"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3550
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Bu uygulama hakkında"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3555
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Araç Çubuğu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3556
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Etkin penceredeki araç çubuğunun görünürlüğünü değiştir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3558
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Du_rum Çubuğu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3559
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Etkin penceredeki durum çubuğunun görünürlüğünü değiştir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3561
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Resim _Koleksiyonu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3562
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Geçerli pencere içindeki resim koleksiyonu panelinin görünürlüğünü değiştirir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Kenar _Paneli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3565
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Etkin penceredeki yan panelinin görünürlüğünü değiştirir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Kaydet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3571
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Seçilen resimlerdeki değişiklikleri kaydet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Birlikte _aç"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3574
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Seçilen resmi başka bir uygulama ile birlikte aç"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3576
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "_Farklı Kaydet..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3577
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Seçilen resmi başka bir isim ile kaydet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3580
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Yazdırma için sayfa özelliklerini ayarla"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Yazdır..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3583
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Seçilen resmi bastır"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3585
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Ö_zellikler"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Seçilen resmi özelliklerini ve temel bilgilerini göster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3588
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Geri Al"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3589
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Resimdeki son değişikliği geri al"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3591
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Yatay Ç_evir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3592
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Resmi yatay olarak yansıt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3594
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Dikey Çe_vir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3595
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Resmi dikey olarak yansıt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3597
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Saat Yönünde Döndü_r"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3598
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Resmi 90 derece sağa çevir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3600
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Saa_t Yönünün Tersine Döndür"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3601
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Resmi 90 derece sola çevir"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3603
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Masaüstü arkaplanı _olarak ata"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3604
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Seçilen resmi masaüstü arkaplanı olarak ata"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3607
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Seçili resmi çöp klasörüne taşı"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3609 ../src/eom-window.c:3621 ../src/eom-window.c:3624
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Yakınlaştır"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3610 ../src/eom-window.c:3622
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Resmi genişlet"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3612 ../src/eom-window.c:3627
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Uzaklaştır"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3613 ../src/eom-window.c:3625 ../src/eom-window.c:3628
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Resmi daralt"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3615
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Normal Boyut"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3616
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Resmi normal boyutunda göster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3618
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Sığdır"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3619
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Resmi pencereye uydur"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3636
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Tam Ekran"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3637
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mevcut resmi tam ekran kipinde göster"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3642 ../src/eom-window.c:3654
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Ö_nceki Resim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3643
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Kolleksiyondaki bir önceki resme git"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3645
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Sonraki Resim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3646
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Kolleksiyondaki bir sonraki resme git"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3648 ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_İlk Resim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3649
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Kolleksiyondaki ilk resme git"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3651 ../src/eom-window.c:3660
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Son Resim"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3652
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Kolleksiyondaki son resme git"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3666
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "S_layt Gösterisi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3667
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Resimlerin slayt gösterimini başlat"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3733
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Önceki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3737
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Sonraki"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3741
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Sağ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3744
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Sol"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3747
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Yakınlaş"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3750
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Uzaklaş"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Uydur"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Koleksiyon"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Çöp kutusu"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Eklenti"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Etkin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Yapılandır"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Etkinleştir"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Hepsini E_tkinleştir"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Hepsini Et_kinsizleştir"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Etkin _Eklentiler"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Eklenti _Hakkında"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Eklentiyi _Yapılandır"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Tam ekran kipinde aç"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Resim koleksiyonunu kapat"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Slayt gösterisi kipinde aç"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Mevcut oluşumu tekrar kullanmak yerine yeni bir oluşum başlat"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[DOSYA...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Tüm komut satırı işlemlerini görmek için '%s --help' komutunu çalıştırın."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "MATE'un Gözü Resim Görüntüleyici"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "'%s' ile aç"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Çöpe Taşı"
+#~ msgid "Page Set_up..."
+#~ msgstr "Sayfa _Ayarı..."
+#~ msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+#~ msgstr "_Duvar Kağıdı Yap"
+#~ msgid "File exists"
+#~ msgstr "Dosya mevcut"
diff --git a/po/ug.po b/po/ug.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b160c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ug.po
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+# translation of eom to Uighur
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Gheyret T.Kenji <[email protected]>, 2005.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom mate-2-12\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-06-17 13:11+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-02-12 14:00+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Gheyret T.Kenji <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: MATE Uighur Translation Project <mate-uighur@yahoogroups."
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "رەسىم كۆرگۈچ"
+#: ../
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "View different types of images"
+msgstr "ئوخشىمىغان تىپتىكى رەسىملەرنى كۆرۈش"
+#: ../
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: ../
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "كۆرۈلگەن ھۆججەت نامى"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت يولىنىڭ تەپسىلاتى"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "رەسىم تولۇقلاش"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى يىراق-يېقىنلىتىش"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>تاللانمىلار</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "تەرتىۋى"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "سۈزۈك قىسىمى"
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "(_Z) دەسلەپكى يىراق-يېقىنلىقى 100% دىن چوڭ بولسا بولىدۇ"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "(_B) ئارقا رەڭ قىلىش"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "(_C) ئۆزگىچە رەڭ بەلگىلش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "سۈزۈك رايون ئۇغۇن ئىشلىتىدىغان رەڭ"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "نىشان فولدېر(مۇندەرىجە)"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE نى سەپلەش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت نامىنىڭ فورماتى"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "رەسىم كۆرۈش(_V)"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "نامىنى ئۆزگەرتىش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "بوشلۇقنى پەس سىزىق بىلەن ئالماشتۇرۇش"
+#: ../ ../shell/eom-window.c:2932
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "باشقا نامدا ساقلاش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى ساقلاش"
+#: ../
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show next image _automatically"
+msgstr "(_n)بۇندىن كېيىنكى رەسىملەرنى ئاپتوماتىك كۆرسىتىش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "ئارقىمۇ-ئارقا كۆرسىتىش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "سانىغۇچنىڭ باش نۇمۇرى:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Switch image after"
+msgstr "رەسىمنىڭ ئالمىشىش ۋاقتى"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "نىشان:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "(_B) كۆرۈش"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "يىراق-يېقىن قىلىنغان رەسىمنى تولۇقلاش"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "(_L)دەۋرىيلىك تەرتىۋى"
+#: ../
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_seconds"
+msgstr "سېكۇند"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "دەسلەپكى يىراق-يېقىنلىقى 100% دىن چوڭ بولسا بولىدۇ"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "كېيىكى رەسىم كۆرسىتىلگىچە بىر نەچچە سېكوند ئۇزارتىش"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to TRUE images will be switched after number of seconds "
+"determined by the 'full_screen/seconds' key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى تولۇقلاش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "ئەڭ ئاخىرقى توپ رامكىنىڭ گېومېتىرىيەسى"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "ئەڭ ئاخىرقى ئايرىم رامكىنىڭ گېومېتىرىيەسى"
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "رەسىم تەرتىۋى بويىچە دەۋرىلىنىش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى يېڭى رامكىدا كۆرسىتىش"
+#: ../
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show next image automatically in fullscreen mode."
+msgstr "(_n)بۇندىن كېيىنكى رەسىملەرنى ئاپتوماتىك كۆرسىتىش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "توپ رەسىمنىڭ ئۇچۇرلىرىنى كۆرسىتىش/ يوشۇرۇش."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "ئايرىم رەسىمنىڭ ئۇچۇرلىرىنى كۆرسىتىش/ يوشۇرۇش."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "ھالەت رامكىسىنى كۆرسىتىش ياكى يوشۇرۇش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "رامكىنىڭ toolbar سىنى كۆرسىتىش/يوشۇرۇش"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "سۈزۈك رەڭ"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "سۈزۈكلۈك كۆرسەتكۈچى"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:127
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "بارلىق ھۆججەتلەر"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:132
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "بارلىق رەسىملەر"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:150
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:245
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr[0] "چېكىت %s x %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:407
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "يېڭى رامكا ئېچىش"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:433
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى ئوقۇش"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:441
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى ساقلاش"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:449
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "فولدېرنى ئېچىش"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "ساقلاشتا كېرەك بولىدىغان ۋاقىتلىق ھۆججەتنى ياسىغىلى بولمىدى: %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr ""
+"ھۆججىتىنى ئوچۇشتا كېرەك بولىدىغان ئىچكى ساقلىغۇچنى تەييارلىغىلى بولمىدى JPEG "
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:404
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "ئوقۇلمىغان رەسىمنى ئۆزگەرتىش"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:515
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "مەزكۇر فورماتتىكى ھۆججەتكە نىسپەتەن EXIF تەمىنلەنمىگەن."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1004 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1215
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت مەۋجۇت"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1157 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1283
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "ھۆججەت ئوقۇلمىدى"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1166 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1292
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "ۋاقىتلىق ھۆججەت ياساشتا مەغلۇپ بولدى"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "كامېرا"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "رەسىم مەزمۇنى"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى تەڭشەش"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "ياسىغۈچىنىڭ ئىلاۋىسى"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "باشقىلار"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "قېلىپ"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "قىممەت"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت نامى"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "كەڭلىك"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "ئىگىزلىك"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت ئۇزۇنلىقى"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "خاسلىقلىرى"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:90
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:97
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "بۇ تاللانمىنى ئىشلەتكىلى بولمايدۇ"
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:139
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:215
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "ئۆزگەرمەيدۇ"
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr " نى ساقلاش %s رەسىم"
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:238
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "...ساقلاش ئىناۋەتسىز"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "ھېچ بولمىغاندا ئىككى ھۆججەتنىڭ نامى ئوخشاش."
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "سانىغۇچ"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "ئىزاھات"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "چىسلا"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "ۋاقىت"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "كۈن"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "ئاي"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "يىل"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "سائەت"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "مىنۇت"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "سىكۇنت"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:478
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr " غەيرەت توختى كەنجى <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:485 ../shell/eom-window.c:2693
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3201 ../shell/main.c:604
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:488
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "رەسىم كۆرۈش ۋە تۈرلەرگە ئايرىش پروگراممىسى MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:517
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr "نىڭ ياردەمچى ھۆججىتىنى كورسەتكىلى بولمىدى Eye of MATE%s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:812
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "نى ئۈستىلەپ يازامسىز؟ %s ھۆججەت "
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:813
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت مەۋجۇت. ئۈستىلەپ يازامسىز؟"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:822 ../shell/eom-window.c:835
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "ئۆتكۈزۋېتىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:823
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "ئۈستىلەپ يېزىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:828
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "نى ساقلاشتا خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:836 ../shell/eom-window.c:1386
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "قايتا سىناش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1253
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "نىڭ فورماتىنى بىلگىلى بولمىدى %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1375
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "نىڭ فورماتىنى بىلگىلى بولمىدى %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1376
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr "مۇئاپىق كېڭەيتمە نام ئىشلىتىڭ ياكى ھۆججەتنىڭ فورماتىنى تاللاڭ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1509
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr ". ھۆججەتنى ساقلاشتا خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1762
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "؟ رەسىمنى راستلا ئەخلەت ساندۇقىغا يوتكەمسىز %i"
+msgstr[1] "؟ رەسىملەرنى راستلا ئەخلەت ساندۇقىغا يوتكەمسىز %i"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1800
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "ئەخلەت ساندۇقىنى زىيارەت قىلغىلى بولمىدى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1874
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "رەسىمنى ئۆچۈرۈشتە خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixels [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2616
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i چېكىت %s %i%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2652
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr "سەۋەبى: %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2734
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "%s سەۋەپتىن ھۆججەتنى ئوقۇشتا خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2872
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "(_F)ھۆججەت"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2873
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "(_E)تەھرىرلەش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2874
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "(_V)كۆرۈش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2875
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "(_H)ياردەم"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_New Window"
+msgstr "ئايرىم رامكىلار"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2876
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "يېڭى رامكا ئېچىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2877
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "(_O)...ئېچىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2877
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "ھۆججەت ئېچىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2878
+msgid "Open _Folder..."
+msgstr "(_F)...فولدېر ئېچىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2878
+msgid "Open a folder"
+msgstr "فولدېر ئېچىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2879
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "(_C)يېپىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2879
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "رامكىنى يېپىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2880
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "(_n)سەپلەش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2880
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "نىڭ سەپلىمىسىنى ئۆزگەرتىش Eye of MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2881
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "(_C) مۇندەرىجە"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2881
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "بۇ پروگرامما ھەققىدىكى ياردەم"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2882
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "(_A)ھەققىدە"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2882
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "بۇ پروگرامما توغرىسىدا"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2887
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Toolbar"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2887
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "ھازىرقى رامكىدىكى toolbar نىڭ كۆرۈنۈشچانلىقىنى ئۆزگەرتىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2888
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "(_S)ھالەت رامكىسى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2888
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"ھازىرقى رامكىدا ھالەت رامكىسىنى كۆرسىتىش ياكى كۆرسەتمەسلىكنى ئۆزگەرتىدۇ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2893
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "(_S)ساقلاش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2894
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "(_A) نام قويۇپ ساقلاش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2896
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "(_U)يېنىۋېلىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2898
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "گورزىنتال يۆنىلىشتە ئالماشتۇرۇش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2899
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "تىك يۆنىلىشتە ئالماشتۇرۇش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2901
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "(_R) سائەت ئىستېرىلكىسى يۆلۈنىشىدە چورۈش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2902
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "(_C) سائەت ئىستېرىلكىسىغا قارشى يۆلۈنىشتە چورۈش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2903
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "180° چۆرۈش(_E)"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2905
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "ئۆچۈرۈش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2907
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "(_F) تولۇق ئېكران"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2908
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "دەۋرىلىك كۆرسىتىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2909
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "(_Z)چوڭايتىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2910
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "(_O) كىچىكلىتىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2911
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "(_N)ئەسلى چوڭلىقى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2912
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "(_F) رامكىغا ماسلاشتۇرۇش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2917
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "(_I) رەسىم ئۇچۇرلىرى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2917
+msgid "Change the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "ھازىرقى رامكىدا ئۇچۇر تاختىيىنىڭ كۆرۈنۈش ياكى كۆرۈنمەسلىگىنى كۆزگەرتىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "(_N)يېڭى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2928 ../shell/eom-window.c:2929
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "(_O)...ئېچىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2930
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "(_C)يېپىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2931
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "(_S)ساقلاش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2933
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "(_U)يېنىۋېلىش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "ئوڭ"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2937
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "سول"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2940
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "ئىچى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2941
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "سىرتى"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2942
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "نۇرمال"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2943
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "دەلمۇ-دەل كەلتۈرۈش"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3039
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/main.c:92
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/main.c:272
+#, c-format
+msgid "You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/main.c:278
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "ئايرىم-ئايرىم رامكىدا ئاچامسىز؟ "
+#: ../shell/main.c:282
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "ئايرىم رامكىلار"
+#: ../shell/main.c:284
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "توپلام"
+#: ../shell/main.c:336
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "ھۆججەت تېپىلمىدى"
+msgstr[1] "ھۆججەتلەر تېپىلمىدى"
+#: ../shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "نى ئاچقىلى بولمىدى `%s' "
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:40
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "يۇنىكود ئەمەس"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:121
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "نىڭ ياردەمچى ھۆججىتىنى كورسەتكىلى بولمىدى Eye of MATE%s"
diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07037b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/uk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1473 @@
+# Ukrainian translation for Eye of MATE.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Yuri Syrota <[email protected]>, 1999, 2000.
+# Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>, 2004-2010
+# wanderlust <[email protected]>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-26 13:35+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-26 17:40+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Maxim Dziumanenko <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: ukrainian <Ukrainian <[email protected]>>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
+"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Показувати “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Перемістити на панель"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Перемістити виділений пункт на панель інструментів"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "В_идалити з панелі"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Видалити виділений пункт з панелі"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "В_идалити панель"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Видалити виділену панель"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Розділювач"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:115
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Працює у повноекранному режимі"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Активувати повноекранний режим подвійним клацанням"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "На весь екран подвійним клацанням"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Перезавантажити зображення"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Перезавантажити поточне зображення"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Дата у рядку стану"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Показати чи приховати жату у рядку стану"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Перегляд та обертання зображень"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Перегляд зображень"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "Значення апертури:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Автор:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "Байтів:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "Модель камери:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Авторські права:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "Дата/час:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Опис:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Подробиці"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "Час експозиції:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "Спалах:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "Фокусна відстань:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Загальні"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Висота:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "Чутливість (ISO):"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Властивості зображення"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Ключові слова:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Розташування:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Метадані"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "Режим виміру експозиції:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Назва:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Тип:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Ширина:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Далі"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Назад"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> початкову назву файлу"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> лічильник"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Вибрати каталог"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Тека призначення:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "Перегляд назви файлу"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "Визначення шляху файлу"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Формат назви файлу:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Параметри"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Перейменувати з:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Замінювати пробіли на підкреслення"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Зберегти як"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Починати відлік з:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "На:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Колір _тла"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "У вигляді _клітчатого поля"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "_Іншим кольором:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Колір прозорих ділянок"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Роз_ширювати зображення до розміру вікна"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Параметри програми \"Око MATE\""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "Покращення зображень"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Вигляд зображення"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "Масштаб зображення"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Модулі"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "Послідовність"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Показ слайдів"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Згладжувати зображення при збільшенні _масштабу"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Згладжувати зображення при зменшенні _масштабу"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "Прозорі елементи"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Автоматичне орієнтування"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Циклічна послідовність"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "Зм_інювати зображення через:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "секунд"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Значення більше 0 визначає кількість секунд, яку зображення лишатиметься на "
+"екрані перед автоматичною появою наступного. Нуль вимикає автоматичний "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Активні модулі"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Дозволяти початковий масштаб більше 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Автоматичне орієнтування"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Затримка у секундах перед наступним зображенням"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Визначає як потрібно позначати прозорість. Правильними значеннями є "
+"CHECK_PATTERN (клітинки), COLOR (колір) і NONE (нічого). Якщо вибрано COLOR, "
+"то колір, яким позначатиметься прозорість буде визначатися ключем "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Екстраполювати зображення"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Якщо активне, \"Око MATE\" не запитуватиме підтвердження при переміщенні "
+"зображень до смітника. Однак, Ви будете отримувати запити у випадку, якщо "
+"файли не можна перенести до смітника, а натомість їх пропонується видалити."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Якщо активне, та у активному вікні не завантажено зображення, діалог вибору "
+"файлів показуватиме теку користувача для малюнків, зі спеціальних каталогів "
+"XDG. Якщо не активне, або у вікні відрито або теку малюнків не встановлено , "
+"показуватиметься зміст поточного каталогу."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+"Якщо активне, докладний список метаданих у діалозі властивостей буде "
+"показано на власній сторінці у діалоговому вікні. Це дозволяє краще "
+"розміщуватись на маленьких екранах, наприклад нетбуках. Якщо вимкнено, "
+"віджет вбудовується у сторінку \"Метадані\"."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Якщо ключ \"transparency\" має значення COLOR, то цей ключ визначає колір, "
+"яким позначатиметься прозорість."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Якщо не відмічено, то малі зображення не будуть розтягуватись до розмірів "
+"екрану на початку."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Положення панелі колекції зображень. Встановіть 0 - знизу; 1 - ліворуч; 2 - "
+"згори; 3 - праворуч."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Інтерполювати зображення"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Список активних модулів. У списку не міститься \"Розташування\" активних "
+"модулів. Щоб дізнатись \"Розташування\" певного модуля дивіться файл .eom-"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Циклічна послідовність зображень"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Масштабувати обертання колеса миші"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Показувати/сховати кнопки прокрутки колекції зображень."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Показувати/приховувати панель колекції зображень."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Показати чи приховати бічну панель."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Показати чи приховати рядок стану вікна."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Показати чи прибрати панель інструментів."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Множник, що застосовується при використанні колеса миші для зміни масштабу. "
+"Це значення визначає крок зміни масштабу при кожній русі прокручування. "
+"Наприклад, 0.05 означає збільшення на 5% для кожної події прокручування, а "
+"1.00 - збільшення на 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Колір прозорості"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Індикатор прозорості"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Знищувати зображення не питаючи дозволу"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"Чи у діалозі вибору файлу слід показувати зображення з теки малюнків, якщо "
+"зображення не завантажено у програмі."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "Чи можна змінювати розмір панелі колекції зображень."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Визначає, чи потрібно екстраполювати зображення коли змінюється його "
+"масштаб. В результаті можна отримати кращу якість при сповільненні роботи, "
+"на відміну від неекстрапольованих зображень."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Визначає, чи потрібно інтерполювати зображення коли змінюється його масштаб. "
+"В результаті можна отримати кращу якість при сповільненні роботи, на відміну "
+"від неінтерпольованих зображень."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+"Чи повинно зображення автоматично обертатись у відповідності до даних EXIF."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Чи матиме список метаданих власну сторінку у діалозі властивостей."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "Чи використовувати прокручування колеса для зміни масштабу."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Визначає, що потрібно показувати послідовність зображень у нескінченному "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Коефіцієнт збільшення"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Закрити _без збереження"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Запитання"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Якщо ви не збережете, зміни будуть втрачені."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Зберегти зміни у зображенні \"%s\" перед закриттям?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "У %d зображенні є незбережені зміни. Зберегти їх перед закриттям?"
+msgstr[1] "У %d зображеннях є незбережені зміни. Зберегти їх перед закриттям?"
+msgstr[2] "У %d зображеннях є незбережені зміни. Зберегти їх перед закриттям?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "В_иберіть зображення, які треба зберегти:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Якщо ви не збережете, усі зміни будуть втрачені."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Формат файлу невідомий або не підтримується"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Око MATE не вдається визначити підтримуваний формат файлу для запису на "
+"основі назви файлу."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Спробуйте різні розширення файлів, наприклад .png чи .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Всі файли"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Всі зображення"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "точка"
+msgstr[1] "точки"
+msgstr[2] "точок"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Відкрити зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Зберегти зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Відкрити теку"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Перетворення для не завантаженого зображення."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Помилка при перетворенні."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Для цього формату файлів EXIF не підтримується."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Помилка завантаження зображення."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Зображення не завантажено."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Помилка при створенні тимчасового файлу."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Не вдається створити тимчасовий файл для збереження: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Не вдається виділити пам'ять для завантаження файла у форматі JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Фотоапарат"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Дані зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Умови зйомки зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Примітка автора"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Інше"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Керування правами XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "Інше XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Тег"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Значення"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Повторити"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Не вдається завантажити зображення \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Зображення не знайдено у \"%s\"."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Вказані місця не містять зображень."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Параметри зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "Зображення, для якого будуть налаштовані властивості друку"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Параметри сторінки"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Інформація про сторінку, на якій буде надруковане зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Положення"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "З_ліва:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "С_права:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "С_гори:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "С_низу:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "_Центрувати:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Немає"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Горизонтально"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Вертикально"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Горизонтально та вертикально"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Розмір"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Ширина:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Висота:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Масштаб:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Одиниця:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Міліметри"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Дюйми"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Попередній перегляд"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Невідомо"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (лінза)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35мм плівка)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "як є"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Знято"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Є принаймні два файли з однаковою назвою."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Не вдається відобразити довідку програми \"Око MATE\"."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (некоректний символ Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i точок %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i точок %s %i%%"
+msgstr[2] "%i × %i точок %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Використовувати \"%s\" для відкривання виділеного зображення"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Збереження зображення \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1683
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Завантаження зображення \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2383
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Помилка при друкуванні файлу:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2635
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Редактор панелі інструментів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2638
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Типове розташування"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2724
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Юрій Сирота\n"
+"Максим Дзюманенко <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Це вільна програма; ви можете розповсюджувати її та/чи змінювати на умовах "
+"ліцензії GNU General Public License, що опублікована Free Software "
+"Foundation; версії 2 цієх ліцензії, чи (на вашу думку) будь-якою більш "
+"пізнішої версії.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ця програма розповсюджується в сподіванні на те, що вона буде корисною, але "
+"БЕЗ БУДЬ-ЯКИХ ГАРАНТІЙ, в тому числі без неявної гарантії КОМЕРЦІЙНОЇ "
+"ЦІННОСТІ чи ПРИДАТНОСТІ ДЛЯ БУДЬ-ЯКИХ ЦІЛЕЙ. Докладніше про це дивіться GNU "
+"General Public License.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2735
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Ви мали отримати копію GNU General Public License разом з цією програмою; "
+"якщо це не так, напишіть у Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - "
+"Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2748
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Око MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Програма перегляду зображень для MATE."
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2877
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"Зображення «%s» встановлено у якості тла робочого столу.\n"
+"Змінити його зовнішній вигляд?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3277
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "Збереження зображення локально…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ви справді бажаєте перемістити\n"
+"\"%s\" у смітник?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr ""
+"Не можу знайти смітника для \"%s\". Бажаєте назавжди знищити це зображення?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Ви справді бажаєте перемістити\n"
+"%d виділене зображення у смітник?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Ви справді бажаєте перемістити\n"
+"%d виділених зображення у смітник?"
+msgstr[2] ""
+"Ви справді бажаєте перемістити\n"
+"%d виділених зображень у смітник?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3372
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Деякі з обраних зображень не можна перенести до смітника, а тому їх буде "
+"знищено. Бажаєте продовжити?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3389 ../src/eom-window.c:3831 ../src/eom-window.c:3855
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Перемістити у _смітник"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "_Не запитувати знову впродовж цього сеансу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Не вдається отримати доступ до смітника."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Не можу знищити файл"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Помилка при видаленні зображення %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Файл"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Правка"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3753
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Вигляд"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "Пере_йти"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3756
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Панель інструментів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3757
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Довідка"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3759
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "_Відкрити…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Відкрити файл"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3762
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Закрити"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Закрити вікно"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3765
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "_Панель інструментів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Редагувати панель інструментів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3768
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "П_араметри"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3769
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Параметри програми \"Око MATE\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3771
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Зміст"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Довідка про програму"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3774 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Про програму"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3775
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Про цю програму"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3780
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Панель інструментів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Змінює видимість панелі інструментів у поточному вікні"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3783
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Рядок стану"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Змінює видимість рядка стану у поточному вікні"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3786
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Колекція _зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Змінює видимість колекції зображень у поточному вікні"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3789
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Бі_чна панель"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Змінює видимість бічної панелі у поточному вікні"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3795
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "З_берегти"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Зберегти зміни у виділених зображеннях"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3798
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Відкрити _у програмі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3799
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Відкрити виділене зображення у інший програмі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3801
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Зберегти _як…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Зберегти виділене зображення з іншою назвою"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3805
+msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Встановити властивості сторінки для друку"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3807
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "Д_рук…"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3808
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Друкувати виділені зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3810
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "В_ластивості"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3811
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Відобразити властивості та метадані виділених зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3813
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "В_ернути"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3814
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Вернути останню зміну у зображенні"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3816
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Перевернути _горизонтально"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3817
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Горизонтальне віддзеркалення зображення "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3819
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Перевернути _вертикально"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3820
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Вертикальне віддзеркалення зображення "
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3822
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Обернути _за годинниковою стрілкою"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3823
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Обернути зображення за годинниковою стрілкою на 90 градусів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3825
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Обернути _проти годинникової стрілки"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3826
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Обернути зображення проти годинникової стрілки на 90 градусів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3828
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Встановити як _тло"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3829
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Встановити обране зображення як тло робочого столу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3832
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Перемістити виділене зображення у теку смітника"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3834 ../src/eom-window.c:3846 ../src/eom-window.c:3849
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "З_більшити"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3835 ../src/eom-window.c:3847
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Збільшити зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3837 ../src/eom-window.c:3852
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "З_меншити"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3838 ../src/eom-window.c:3850 ../src/eom-window.c:3853
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Зменшити зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3840
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Нормальний розмір"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3841
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Відобразити зображення зі звичайними розмірами"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3843
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Піді_гнати"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3844
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Розмістити зображення цілком у вікні"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3861
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "На _весь екран"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3862
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Відобразити зображення у повноекранному режимі"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3867 ../src/eom-window.c:3882
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Попереднє зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3868
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти до попередньої колекції зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3870
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Наступне зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3871
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти до наступної колекції зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873 ../src/eom-window.c:3885
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "П_ерше зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3874
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти до першої колекції зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3876 ../src/eom-window.c:3888
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Останнє зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти до останньої колекції зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3879
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "Випа_дкове зображення"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "Перейти до випадкового зображення у колекції"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3894
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Показ _слайдів"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Почати показ слайдів із зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Попереднє"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3965
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Наступне"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "За годинниковою"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Проти годинникової"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3975
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Збільшити"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Зменшити"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Нормальний"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Підігнати"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Колекція зображень"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3990
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Смітник"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Модуль"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Увімкнено"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "Н_алаштувати"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Налаштувати"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "_Активувати всі"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "_Деактивувати всі"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Активні _модулі:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Про модуль"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "На_лаштувати модуль"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Відкрити у повноекранному режимі"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Колекція _зображень"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "Відкрити у режимі перегляду слайдів"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Запускати новий екземпляр замість використанні існуючого"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Виконайте '%s --help' щоб побачити повний перелік параметрів командного "
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Програма \"Око MATE\""
diff --git a/po/uz.po b/po/uz.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..581eb55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/uz.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+# translation of [email protected] to Uzbek
+# translation of eom to uzbek
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom.po package.
+# Nurali Abdurahmonov <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: uz@cyrillic\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-07 19:07+0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-07 21:21+0500\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nurali Abdurahmonov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Uzbek\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n !=1;\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:919
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” koʻrsatilsin"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Asboblar paneliga _koʻchirish"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Asboblar panelidagi tanlangan elementni koʻchirish"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Asboblar panelidan _olib tashlash"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Asboblar panelidagi tanlangan elementni olib tashlash"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Asboblar panelini _olib tashlash"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1387
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Tanlangan asboblar panelini olib tashlash"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Ajratuvchi"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Butun ekranga usulida boshlash"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Ikki marta chertish bilan butun ekranga usulini aktivlashtirish"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Ikki marta chertish bilan butun ekranga"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Rasmni qayta yuklash"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Joriy rasmni qayta yuklash"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Sana holat panelida"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Oyna holat panelida rasm sanasini koʻrsatish"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Rasmni koʻrish va burish"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Rasm koʻruvchi"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Apertura qiymati:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Muallif:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bayt:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kamera rusumi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mualliflik huquqi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sana/Vaqt:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Taʼrifi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tafsilotlar</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fokus masofasi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Balandlik:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kalit soʻzlar:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Manzili:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Oʻlchash usuli:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nomi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Turi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kengligi:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Umumiy"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Rasm xossalari"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Keyingi"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Oldingi"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fayl nomini oldindan koʻrish</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fayl yoʻli tasnifi</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Parametrlar</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> asl fayl nomi</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> hisoblagich</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Jildni tanlash"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Moʻljal jild"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Fayl nomi formati:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Quyidagicha saqlash"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Hisoblagichning boshlangʻich qiymati:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rasmni yaxshilash</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rasmni yaqinlashtirish</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ketma-ketlik</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Shaffof qismlar</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Orqa fon sifatida"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Boshqa r_ang sifatida:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Shaffof hududlar uchun rang"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Rasmlarni ekranga _moslash"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "«MATE'ning koʻzi» dasturi parametrlari"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Rasmni koʻrish"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plaginlar"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slayd-shou"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "_Kattalashtirilganda rasmlarni tekislash"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Avtomatik orientir olish"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "soniya"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plaginlarni aktivlashtirish"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "100% dan ortiq kattalashtirishga ruxsat berish"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Avtomatik orientir olish"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Keyingi rasmni koʻrsatish orasidagi kechikish"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Sichqoncha gʻildiragi yordamida kattalashtirish/kichiklashtirish"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Rasm toʻplami panelini koʻrsatish/bekitish."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Oyna yon panelini koʻrsatish/bekitish."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Oyna holat panelini koʻrsatish/bekitish."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Oyna asboblar panelini koʻrsatish/bekitish."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Shaffoflik rangi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Shaffoflik indikatori"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Kattalashtirish yoki kichiklashtirish uchun sichqoncha gʻildiragidan foydalanish"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:122
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Faylning formati nomaʼlum yoki qoʻllanilmaydi"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Iltimos .png yoki .jpg kabi boshqa fayl kengaytmasidan foydalanib koʻring."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:160
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Hamma fayllar"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:165
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Hamma rasmlar"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:186
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:282 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:132
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:134 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:385
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:725
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "piksel"
+msgstr[1] "piksel"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:433
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Rasmni yuklash"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:441
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Rasmni saqlash"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:449
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Jildni ochish"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:948
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Ushbu fayl formati uchun EXIF qoʻllanilmaydi."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1070
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Rasmni yuklab boʻlmadi."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1472 ../src/eom-image.c:1574
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Rasm yuklanmadi."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1482 ../src/eom-image.c:1586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Vaqtinchalik fayl yaratib boʻlmadi."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Saqlash uchun vaqtinchalik fayl yaratib boʻlmadi: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG faylini yuklash uchun xotira ajratib boʻlmadi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Rasm maʼlumotlari"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Rasmga olish shartlari"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Muallif izohi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Boshqa"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP huquqlari boshqaruvi"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Qiymati "
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Qaytadan urinish"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' rasmini yuklab boʻlmadi."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' manzilida rasmlar mavjud emas."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Koʻrsatilgan joyda rasmlar mavjud emas."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Rasm parametrlari"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Rasm"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Sahifani moslash"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Holati"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Chapda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Oʻngda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Yuqorida:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Pastda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "M_arkazda:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Yoʻq"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Gorizontal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertikal"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Ikkalasi ham"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Hajmi"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Kengligi:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Balandligi:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Masshtab:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Birlik:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Millimetr"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Dyuym"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Oldindan koʻrish"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:149 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Nomaʼlum"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:228
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:239
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "sifatida"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:413
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Olindi"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Kamida ikkita fayl nomi bir xil."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "«MATE'ning koʻzi» uchun yordam faylini koʻrsatib boʻlmadi"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (xato yunikod)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1136
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" bilan ochish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1137
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni ochish uchun \"%s\" dan foydalaning"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1252
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1595
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" rasm yuklanmoqda"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2291
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Faylni bosib chiqarish xatosi:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2419
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Asboblar panelini tahrirlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2422
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Andoza parametrlarni tiklash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2508
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Nurali Abdurahmonov <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2511
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2515
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2519
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2532 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE'ning koʻzi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2535
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE rasm koʻruvchisi."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2968
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "Rasm lokal saqlanmoqda..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3007
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Rostdan ham \"%s\" ni chiqindilar\n"
+"qutisiga koʻchirmoqchimisiz?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3010
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Tanlangan rasmni chiqindilar qutisiga koʻchirishga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
+msgstr[1] "Tanlangan %d rasmlarni chiqindilar qutisiga koʻchirishga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3025
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Chiqindilar qutisiga koʻchirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3053 ../src/eom-window.c:3067 ../src/eom-window.c:3073
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Chiqindilar qutisiga murojaat etib boʻlmadi."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3139
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s rasmni oʻchirishda xatolik"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3346
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fayl"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Tahrirlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Koʻrish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Rasm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Oʻtish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Vositalar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Yordam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Ochish..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Faylni ochish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3357
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Yopish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3358
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Oynani yopish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "A_sboblar paneli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3361
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Dastur asboblar panelini tahrirlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Pa_rametrlar"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "«MATE'ning koʻzi» dasturi parametrlari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3366
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Tarkibi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ushbu dastur boʻyicha qoʻllanma"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Dastur _haqida"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3370
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Ushbu dastur haqida"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Asboblar paneli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Joriy oynadagi asboblar paneli koʻrinishini oʻzgartiradi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Holat paneli"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3379
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Joriy oynadagi holat paneli koʻrinishini oʻzgartiradi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3381
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Rasm toʻplami"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3382
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Joriy oynadagi rasm toʻplami paneli koʻrinishini shzgartiradi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Yon _panel"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Joriy oynadagi yon panel koʻrinishini oʻzgartiradi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3390
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Saqlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Joriy tanlangan rasmlardagi oʻzgarishlarni saqlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Boshqa dastur _bilan ochish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3394
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni boshqa dastur bilan ochish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3396
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "...sifatida s_aqlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3397
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Tanlangan rasmlarni boshqa nom bilan saqlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3400
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Bosib chiqarish..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni bosib chiqarish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Xossalari"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Bekor qilish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Rasmdagi oxirgi oʻzgarishni bekor qilish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3411
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Gorizontal akslantirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Rasmni gorizontal akslantirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3414
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Vertikal akslantirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Rasmni vertikal akslantirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Soat koʻrsatgichi boʻyicha _burish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rasmni 90 daraja oʻngga burish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Soat _koʻrsatgichiga qarshi burish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rasmni 90 daraja chapga burish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "_Ish stoli orqa foni sifatida oʻrnatish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni ish stoli orqa foni sifatida oʻrnatish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3426 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Chiqindilar _qutisiga koʻchirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3427
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Tanlangan rasmni chiqindilar qutisi jildiga joʻnatish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3429 ../src/eom-window.c:3441 ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Yaqinlashtirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3430 ../src/eom-window.c:3442
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3432 ../src/eom-window.c:3447
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Uzoqlashtirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3433 ../src/eom-window.c:3445 ../src/eom-window.c:3448
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3435
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Oʻrnatacha oʻlcham"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Rasmni asl oʻlchamida koʻrsatish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3438
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3439
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Rasmni oynaga sigʻdirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3456
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Butun ekranga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3457
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Joriy rasmni butun ekran usulida koʻrsatish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3462 ../src/eom-window.c:3474
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Oldingi rasm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Toʻplamdagi bitta oldingi rasmga oʻtish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3465
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Keyingi rasm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Toʻplamdagi keyingi rasmga oʻtish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3468 ../src/eom-window.c:3477
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Birinchi rasm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Toʻplamdagi birinchi rasmga oʻtish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3471 ../src/eom-window.c:3480
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Oxirgi rasm"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3472
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Toʻplamdagi oxirgi rasmga oʻtish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3486
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Slayd-shou"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Rasmlar slayd-shousini boshlash"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3553
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Oldingi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Keyingi"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3561
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Oʻngga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Chapga"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3567
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Yaqinlashtirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Uzoqlashtirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Oʻrtacha"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3576
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Sigʻdirish"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3579
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Toʻplam"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Plagin"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Yoqilgan"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "M_oslash"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "A_ktivlashtirish"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Hammasni ak_tivlashtirish"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Aktiv _plaginlar:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Plagin _haqida"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Plaginni _moslash"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Butun ekranga usulida ochish"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Rasm toʻplamini oʻchirish"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Slayd-shou usulida ochish"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FAYL...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:224
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "«MATE'ning koʻzi» rasm koʻruvchisi"
diff --git a/po/[email protected] b/po/[email protected]
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e7c380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/[email protected]
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+# translation of [email protected] to Uzbek
+# translation of eom to uzbek
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom.po package.
+# Nurali Abdurahmonov <[email protected]>, 2007, 2008, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: uz@cyrillic\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-07 19:07+0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-07 21:21+0500\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nurali Abdurahmonov <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Uzbek\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n !=1;\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:919
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "“_%s” кўрсатилсин"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1382
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Асбоблар панелига _кўчириш"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1383
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Асбоблар панелидаги танланган элементни кўчириш"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1384
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Асбоблар панелидан _олиб ташлаш"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1385
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Асбоблар панелидаги танланган элементни олиб ташлаш"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1386
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "Асбоблар панелини _олиб ташлаш"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1387
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Танланган асбоблар панелини олиб ташлаш"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Ажратувчи"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Бутун экранга усулида бошлаш"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Икки марта чертиш билан бутун экранга усулини активлаштириш"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Икки марта чертиш билан бутун экранга"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:38
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Расмни қайта юклаш"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:40
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Жорий расмни қайта юклаш"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Сана ҳолат панелида"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Ойна ҳолат панелида расм санасини кўрсатиш"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Расмни кўриш ва буриш"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Расм кўрувчи"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Апертура қиймати:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Муаллиф:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Байт:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Камера русуми:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Муаллифлик ҳуқуқи:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Сана/Вақт:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Таърифи:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Тафсилотлар</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Фокус масофаси:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Баландлик:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Калит сўзлар:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Манзили:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ўлчаш усули:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Номи:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Тури:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Кенглиги:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Умумий"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Расм хоссалари"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Кейинги"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "_Олдинги"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Файл номини олдиндан кўриш</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Файл йўли таснифи</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Параметрлар</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> асл файл номи</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> ҳисоблагич</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Жилдни танлаш"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Мўлжал жилд"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Файл номи формати:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Қуйидагича сақлаш"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Ҳисоблагичнинг бошланғич қиймати:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Расмни яхшилаш</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Расмни яқинлаштириш</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Кетма-кетлик</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Шаффоф қисмлар</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "_Орқа фон сифатида"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Бошқа р_анг сифатида:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Шаффоф ҳудудлар учун ранг"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "Расмларни экранга _мослаш"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "«MATE'нинг кўзи» дастури параметрлари"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Расмни кўриш"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Плагинлар"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Слайд-шоу"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgstr "_Катталаштирилганда расмларни текислаш"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "_Автоматик ориентир олиш"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "сония"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Плагинларни активлаштириш"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "100% дан ортиқ катталаштиришга рухсат бериш"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Автоматик ориентир олиш"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Кейинги расмни кўрсатиш орасидаги кечикиш"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; 3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Сичқонча ғилдираги ёрдамида катталаштириш/кичиклаштириш"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Расм тўплами панелини кўрсатиш/бекитиш."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Ойна ён панелини кўрсатиш/бекитиш."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Ойна ҳолат панелини кўрсатиш/бекитиш."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Ойна асбоблар панелини кўрсатиш/бекитиш."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, 0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Шаффофлик ранги"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Шаффофлик индикатори"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Катталаштириш ёки кичиклаштириш учун сичқонча ғилдирагидан фойдаланиш"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:122
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Файлнинг формати номаълум ёки қўлланилмайди"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:127
+msgid "Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Илтимос .png ёки .jpg каби бошқа файл кенгайтмасидан фойдаланиб кўринг."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:160
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Ҳамма файллар"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:165
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Ҳамма расмлар"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:186
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:282 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:132
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:134 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:385
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:725
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "пиксел"
+msgstr[1] "пиксел"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:433
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Расмни юклаш"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:441
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Расмни сақлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:449
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Жилдни очиш"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:948
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Ушбу файл формати учун EXIF қўлланилмайди."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1070
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Расмни юклаб бўлмади."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1472 ../src/eom-image.c:1574
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Расм юкланмади."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1482 ../src/eom-image.c:1586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Вақтинчалик файл яратиб бўлмади."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Сақлаш учун вақтинчалик файл яратиб бўлмади: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "JPEG файлини юклаш учун хотира ажратиб бўлмади"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Камера"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Расм маълумотлари"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Расмга олиш шартлари"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Муаллиф изоҳи"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Бошқа"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP ҳуқуқлари бошқаруви"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Қиймати "
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_Қайтадан уриниш"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' расмини юклаб бўлмади."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "'%s' манзилида расмлар мавжуд эмас."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Кўрсатилган жойда расмлар мавжуд эмас."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Расм параметрлари"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Расм"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Саҳифани мослаш"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Ҳолати"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "_Чапда:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Ўнгда:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Юқорида:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Пастда:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "М_арказда:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Йўқ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Горизонтал"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Вертикал"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Иккаласи ҳам"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Ҳажми"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Кенглиги:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Баландлиги:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "_Масштаб:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "_Бирлик:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Миллиметр"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Дюйм"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Олдиндан кўриш"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:149 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:150
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Номаълум"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:228
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr ""
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:239
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "сифатида"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:413
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Олинди"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Камида иккита файл номи бир хил."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "«MATE'нинг кўзи» учун ёрдам файлини кўрсатиб бўлмади"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (хато юникод)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1136
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" билан очиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1137
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Танланган расмни очиш учун \"%s\" дан фойдаланинг"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1252
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1595
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" расм юкланмоқда"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2291
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Файлни босиб чиқариш хатоси:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2419
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Асбоблар панелини таҳрирлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2422
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "_Андоза параметрларни тиклаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2508
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Нурали Абдураҳмонов <[email protected]>"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2511
+msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2515
+msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2519
+msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2532 ../src/main.c:192
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE'нинг кўзи"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2535
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE расм кўрувчиси."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2968
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "Расм локал сақланмоқда..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3007
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ростдан ҳам \"%s\" ни чиқиндилар\n"
+"қутисига кўчирмоқчимисиз?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3010
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Танланган расмни чиқиндилар қутисига кўчиришга ишончингиз комилми?"
+msgstr[1] "Танланган %d расмларни чиқиндилар қутисига кўчиришга ишончингиз комилми?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3025
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Чиқиндилар қутисига кўчириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3053 ../src/eom-window.c:3067 ../src/eom-window.c:3073
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Чиқиндилар қутисига мурожаат этиб бўлмади."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3139
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "%s расмни ўчиришда хатолик"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3346
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Файл"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3347
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Таҳрирлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3348
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Кўриш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3349
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Расм"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3350
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Ўтиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3351
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Воситалар"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3352
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ёрдам"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3354
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Очиш..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3355
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Файлни очиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3357
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Ёпиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3358
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Ойнани ёпиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3360
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "А_сбоблар панели"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3361
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Дастур асбоблар панелини таҳрирлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3363
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Па_раметрлар"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3364
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "«MATE'нинг кўзи» дастури параметрлари"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3366
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Таркиби"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3367
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Ушбу дастур бўйича қўлланма"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3369 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Дастур _ҳақида"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3370
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Ушбу дастур ҳақида"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3375
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Асбоблар панели"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Жорий ойнадаги асбоблар панели кўринишини ўзгартиради"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3378
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Ҳолат панели"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3379
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Жорий ойнадаги ҳолат панели кўринишини ўзгартиради"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3381
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Расм тўплами"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3382
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Жорий ойнадаги расм тўплами панели кўринишини шзгартиради"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Ён _панел"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3385
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Жорий ойнадаги ён панел кўринишини ўзгартиради"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3390
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Сақлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3391
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Жорий танланган расмлардаги ўзгаришларни сақлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3393
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Бошқа дастур _билан очиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3394
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Танланган расмни бошқа дастур билан очиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3396
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "...сифатида с_ақлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3397
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Танланган расмларни бошқа ном билан сақлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3400
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3402
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_Босиб чиқариш..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3403
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "Танланган расмни босиб чиқариш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "_Хоссалари"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3406
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Бекор қилиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Расмдаги охирги ўзгаришни бекор қилиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3411
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "_Горизонтал акслантириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Расмни горизонтал акслантириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3414
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "_Вертикал акслантириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Расмни вертикал акслантириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Соат кўрсатгичи бўйича _буриш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Расмни 90 даража ўнгга буриш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3420
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Соат _кўрсатгичига қарши буриш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3421
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Расмни 90 даража чапга буриш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "_Иш столи орқа фони сифатида ўрнатиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Танланган расмни иш столи орқа фони сифатида ўрнатиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3426 ../src/eom-window.c:3450
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Чиқиндилар _қутисига кўчириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3427
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Танланган расмни чиқиндилар қутиси жилдига жўнатиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3429 ../src/eom-window.c:3441 ../src/eom-window.c:3444
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Яқинлаштириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3430 ../src/eom-window.c:3442
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3432 ../src/eom-window.c:3447
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Узоқлаштириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3433 ../src/eom-window.c:3445 ../src/eom-window.c:3448
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3435
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Ўрнатача ўлчам"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3436
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Расмни асл ўлчамида кўрсатиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3438
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3439
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Расмни ойнага сиғдириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3456
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Бутун экранга"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3457
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Жорий расмни бутун экран усулида кўрсатиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3462 ../src/eom-window.c:3474
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "_Олдинги расм"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3463
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Тўпламдаги битта олдинги расмга ўтиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3465
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "_Кейинги расм"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3466
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Тўпламдаги кейинги расмга ўтиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3468 ../src/eom-window.c:3477
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Биринчи расм"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3469
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Тўпламдаги биринчи расмга ўтиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3471 ../src/eom-window.c:3480
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Охирги расм"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3472
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Тўпламдаги охирги расмга ўтиш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3486
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "_Слайд-шоу"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Расмлар слайд-шоусини бошлаш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3553
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Олдинги"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3557
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Кейинги"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3561
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Ўнгга"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Чапга"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3567
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Яқинлаштириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3570
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Узоқлаштириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3573
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Ўртача"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3576
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Сиғдириш"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3579
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Тўплам"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3582
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Плагин"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Ёқилган"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "М_ослаш"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "А_ктивлаштириш"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Ҳаммасни ак_тивлаштириш"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "Актив _плагинлар:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "Плагин _ҳақида"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "Плагинни _мослаш"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Бутун экранга усулида очиш"
+#: ../src/main.c:68
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Расм тўпламини ўчириш"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Слайд-шоу усулида очиш"
+#: ../src/main.c:71
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[ФАЙЛ...]"
+#: ../src/main.c:224
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "«MATE'нинг кўзи» расм кўрувчиси"
diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c333d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/vi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1438 @@
+# Vietnamese translation for Eye of Mate.
+# Copyright © 2008 Mate i18n Project for Vietnamese.
+# This file is distributed under the same licence as the eom package.
+# Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <[email protected]>, 2002-2004,2007-2008.
+# Phạm Thành Long <[email protected]>, 2007.
+# Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>, 2005-2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom MATE TRUNK\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-12-14 16:08+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-12-24 12:49+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Clytie Siddall <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Vietnamese <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: LocFactoryEditor 1.8\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "Hiện “_%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "Chu_yển trên Thanh công cụ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "Di chuyển mục đã chọn trên thanh công cụ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "Bỏ _ra khỏi Thanh công cụ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "Gỡ bỏ mục đã chọn ra khỏi thanh công cụ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Xoá Thanh công cụ"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "Xoá thanh công cụ đã chọn"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "Thanh phân cách"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/totem-scrsaver.c:111
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Đang chạy trong chế độ toàn màn hình"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "Kích hoạt chế độ toàn màn hình bằng cú nhấn đôi"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "Toàn màn hình bằng cú nhấn đôi"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "Nạp lại ảnh"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "Nạp lại ảnh hiện tại"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "Ngày trên thanh trạng thái"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "Hiển thị ngày tháng của ảnh trên thanh trạng thái của cửa sổ"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "Duyệt và xoay ảnh"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Bộ xem ảnh"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Aperture Value:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Độ mở:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Author:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tác giả:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Bytes:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Byte:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Camera Model:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Loại máy ảnh:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "<b>Copyright:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tác quyền:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Date/Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ngày/Giờ:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "<b>Description:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mô tả:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Chi tiết</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "<b>Exposure Time:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Thời gian phơi sáng:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "<b>Flash:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Đèn nháy:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "<b>Focal Length:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tiêu cự:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Height:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cao:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "<b>ISO Speed Rating:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tốc độ ISO:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Keywords:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Từ khoá:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Location:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Vị trí:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "<b>Metering Mode:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Chế độ đo:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "<b>Name:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tên:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Type:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kiểu:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "<b>Width:</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rộng:</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+#| msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Chi tiết"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Chung"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Thuộc tính ảnh"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "Siêu dữ liệu"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Tiếp"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "T_rước"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Xem trước theo tên tập tin</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Đặc tả đường dẫn tập tin</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tùy chọn</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%f:</b> original filename</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%f:</b> tên tập tin gốc</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<small><i><b>%n:</b> counter</i></small>"
+msgstr "<small><i><b>%n:</b> bộ đếm</i></small>"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "Chọn thư mục"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "Thư mục đích:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "Định dạng tên tập tin:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "Đổi tên từ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "Thay thế dấu cách bằng gạch dưới"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Lưu bản sao"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Bắt đầu bộ đếm từ:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Đến:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "<b>Image Enhancements</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tăng cường ảnh</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Phóng ảnh</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cảnh</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Phần trong suốt</b>"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Dùng màu _nền"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Dùng kiểu ô bàn _cờ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Dùng màu tự _chọn:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Màu trong vùng trong suốt"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "_Mở rộng ảnh để vừa khít màn hình"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Cấu hình Mắt MATE"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Ô xem ảnh"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Phần bổ sung"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Trình chiếu ảnh"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+#| msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "Làm mịn ảnh khi phóng to"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+#| msgid "Smooth images when _zoomed"
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "Làm mịn ảnh khi thu nhỏ"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Tự động định _hướng"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Lặp cảnh"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Chuyển đổi ảnh sau:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "giây"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Giá trị lớn hơn 0 xác định số giây hiển thị ảnh cho tới khi tự động hiển thị "
+"ảnh kế tiếp. Đặt là 0 để tắt khả năng duyệt tự động."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Phần bổ sung hoạt động"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Cho phép phóng to hơn 100% từ ban đầu"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "Tự động định hướng"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Thời gian chờ (giây) tới khi hiện ảnh tiếp theo"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Xác định cách chỉ thị trạng thái trong suốt. Giá trị hợp lệ là CHECK_PATTERN "
+"(ô bàn cờ), COLOR (màu sắc) và NONE (không). Nếu chọn COLOR, khoá "
+"\"trans_color\" sẽ xác định giá trị màu được dùng."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "Ngoại suy ảnh"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated Eye of MATE wont ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "Nếu kích hoạt, Mắt MATE sẽ không hỏi xác nhận khi cho ảnh vào sọt rác. Sẽ vẫn h3i nếu bất kỳ ảnh nào không thể đưa vào sọt rác và sẽ bị xóa."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the filechooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "Nếu kích hoạt và không nạp ảnh nào, trình chọn tập tin sẽ hiển thị thư mục ảnh của người dùng theo đặc tả XDG. Nếu bỏ kích hoạt hoặc thư mục ảnh chưa được tạo, hiện ảnh trong thư mục hiện tại."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled the widget will be "
+"embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "Nếu kích hoạt, danh sách metadata chi tiết trong hộp thoại thuộc tính sẽ chuyển qua một trang riêng. Việc này giúp làm hộp thoại hữu dụng hơn trên màn hình nhỏ, như netbook. Nếu tắt, toàn bộ sẽ được nhúng trong trang \"Metadata\"."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Nếu khoá trong suốt có giá trị COLOR (màu sắc), khoá này sẽ xác định màu "
+"được dùng để biểu thị trạng thái trong suốt."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Nếu đặt là FALSE (sai), ảnh nhỏ sẽ không được kéo to ra để vừa màn hình ngay "
+"từ đầu."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"Vị trí ô cửa sổ chứa tập hợp ảnh. Đặt thành: 0 (bên dưới), 1 (bên trái), 2 "
+"(bên trên) hay 3 (bên phải)."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Nội suy ảnh"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"Danh sách các phần bổ sung còn hoạt động. Nó không chứa “Vị trí” của phần bổ "
+"sung hoạt động. Xem tập tin “.eom-plugin” để tìm “Vị trí” của từng phần bổ "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Lặp lại cảnh ảnh"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "Bánh xe cuộn thu/phóng"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "Hiện/ẩn nút cuộn ở ô tập hợp ảnh."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Hiện/ẩn ô tập hợp ảnh."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "Hiện/ẩn khung lề cửa sổ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Hiện/ẩn thanh trạng thái cửa sổ."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Hiện/ẩn thanh công cụ cửa sổ."
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"Số nhân được áp dụng khi sử dụng bánh xe cuộn trên chuột để phóng to hay thu "
+"nhỏ. Giá trị này xác định bước phóng/thu dùng cho mỗi sự kiện cuộn. Chẳng "
+"hạn, giá trị 0.05 phóng to theo 5% mỗi sự kiện cuộn, còn giá trị 1.00 phóng "
+"to theo 100%."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Màu trong suốt"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Chỉ thị trong suốt"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "Cho vào sọt rác không cần hỏi"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Có hiển thị cảnh ảnh trong vòng lặp vô hạn hay không."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the filechooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "Có hiện thư mục ảnh của người dùng khi không nạp ảnh hay không."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable or not."
+msgstr "Có cho phép thay đổi kích thước ô tập hợp ảnh hay không."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in or not. This leads to "
+"blurry quality and is somewhat slower than non extrapolated images."
+msgstr "Có ngoại suy ảnh khi phóng to hay không. Tính năng này giúp nâng cao chất lượng ảnh, nhưng chạy chậm hơn ảnh không ngoại suy."
+#: ../data/
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+#| "better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr "Có nội suy ảnh khi thu nhỏ hay không. Tính năng này giúp nâng cao chất lượng ảnh, nhưng chạy chậm hơn ảnh không nội suy."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "Có tự động xoay ảnh dựa vào hướng dẫn EXIF hay không."
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "Có dùng trang riêng cho metadata trong hộp thoại thuộc tính không."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming or not."
+msgstr "Có dùng bánh xe cuộn để phóng to/thu nhỏ hay không."
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "Số nhân phóng/thu"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Đóng _không lưu"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+#| msgid "Position"
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Câu hỏi"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:375
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Nếu không lưu, các thay đổi sẽ bị mất."
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:410
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "Lưu thay đổi vào ảnh \"%s\" trước khi đóng nhé?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:605
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Có %d ảnh chưa lưu. Lưu trước khi đóng nhé?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:622
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Chọn ảnh bạn muốn lưu:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:640
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Nếu không lưu, tất cả thay đổi sẽ bị mất."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "Định dạng tập tin không rõ hay không được hỗ trợ"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr ""
+"Dựa vào tên tập tin, Mắt MATE không thể xác định một định dạng tập tin có "
+"thể ghi mà được hỗ trợ."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "Hãy thử phần mở rộng tập tin khác, v.d. .png hay .jpg."
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Mọi tập tin"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Mọi ảnh"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:379
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "điểm ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Nạp ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Lưu ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Mở thư mục"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Chuyển dạng trên ảnh đã bỏ nạp."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "Lỗi chuyển dạng."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "Không hỗ trợ EXIF cho định dạng tập tin này."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "Lỗi nạp ảnh."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1539 ../src/eom-image.c:1641
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Chưa nạp ảnh nào."
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1549 ../src/eom-image.c:1653
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Lỗi tạo tập tin tạm."
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:361
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Không thể tạo tập tin tạm để lưu: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Không thể cấp phát bộ nhớ để nạp ảnh JPEG"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Máy ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dữ liệu ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Điều kiện chụp ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Ghi chú của nhà sản xuất"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Khác"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP EXIF"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "Quản lý Quyền hạn XMP"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP Khác"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Thẻ"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Giá trị"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:110
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "Thử _lại"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:140
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "Không thể nạp ảnh '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "Không tìm thấy ảnh trong '%s'."
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:181
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "Các vị trí đã cho không chứa ảnh."
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:197
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "Thiết lập ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be setup"
+msgstr "Ảnh có thuộc tính in sẽ được thiết lập"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "Thiết lập trang"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "Thông tin cho trang nơi ảnh sẽ được in"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Vị trí"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "T_rái:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "_Phải:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "_Trên:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "_Dưới:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "Tâ_m:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Không có"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Ngang"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Dọc"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "Cả hai"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Cỡ"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Rộng:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "_Cao:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "Tỉ _lệ:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "Đơn _vị:"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "Milimet"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "Inch"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Xem thử"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Không rõ"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (ống kính)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (phim 35mm)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "như thế"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:407
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "Chụp vào"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "Ít nhất hai tên tập tin bị trùng."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Không thể hiển thị trợ giúp cho Mắt MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (Unicode không hợp lệ)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:773
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i điểm ảnh %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "Dùng “%s” để mở ảnh đã chọn"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1341
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "Đang lưu ảnh “%s” (%u/%u)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1680
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading image \"%s\""
+msgstr "Đang nạp ảnh \"%s\""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2379
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Gặp lỗi khi in tập tin:\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2631
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "Bộ sửa thanh công cụ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2634
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "Đặt lại _về mặc định"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2720
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Nhóm Việt hoá MATE ("
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2723
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chương trình này là phần mềm tự do; bạn có thể phát hành lại và/hoặc sửa đổi "
+"nó theo các điều khoản của Giấy Phép Công Cộng GNU như được xuất bản bởi Tổ "
+"chức Phần mềm Tự do; hoặc phiên bản 2 của giấy phép này, hoặc bất kì phiên "
+"bản sau nào (tuỳ ý).\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2727
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chương trình này được phát hành với mong muốn nó sẽ là một phần mềm có ích,"
+"LẠI hoặc PHÙ HỢP VỚI TỪNG MỤC ĐÍCH CỤ THỂ. Xem Giấy phép Công cộng GNU để "
+"biết thêm chi tiết.\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2731
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"Bạn đã nhận một bản sao của Giấy Phép Công Cộng GNU cùng với chương trình "
+"này; nếu không, hãy liên hệ Tổ chức Phần mềm Tự do:\n"
+"Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n"
+"51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,\n"
+"Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA (Mỹ)."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2744
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Mắt MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2747
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "Bộ xem ảnh MATE."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3203
+msgid "Saving image locally..."
+msgstr "Đang lưu ảnh một cách cục bộ..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3285
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Bạn có chắc muốn chuyển\n"
+"“%s” vào Sọt rác không?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "Không tìm thấy Sọt rác cho “%s”. Bạn có muốn xóa bỏ vĩnh viễn ảnh này?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3293
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Bạn có chắc muốn chuyển\n"
+"%d ảnh đã chọn vào Sọt rác không?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3298
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr ""
+"Một số ảnh đã chọn không thể chuyển được vào sọt rác và sẽ bị xoá bỏ vĩnh "
+"viễn. Bạn có chắc muốn tiếp tục không?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3315 ../src/eom-window.c:3742 ../src/eom-window.c:3766
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "Chuyển vào _Sọt rác"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3317
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "Đừng _hỏi lại trong phiên làm việc này"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3362 ../src/eom-window.c:3376
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Không thể truy cập Sọt rác."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3384
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "Không thể xoá tập tin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi xoá bỏ ảnh %s"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3662
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Tập tin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3663
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Sửa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3664
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Xem"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3665
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "Ản_h"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3666
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "Đi đế_n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3667
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Công cụ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3668
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Trợ _giúp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3670
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Mở..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3671
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Mở tập tin"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3673
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "Đón_g"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3674
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Đóng cửa sổ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3676
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "Thanh _công cụ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3677
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "Sửa thanh công cụ ứng dụng"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3679
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Cấu hình"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3680
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Cấu hình của Mắt MATE"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3682
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Nội dung"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3683
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "Trợ giúp về ứng dụng này"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3685 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Giới thiệu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3686
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Giới thiệu về ứng dụng này"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3691
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Thanh _công cụ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3692
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Thay đổi trạng thái hiển thị của thanh công cụ trên cửa sổ hiện thời"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3694
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Thanh t_rạng thái"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3695
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Thay đổi trạng thái hiển thị của thanh trạng thái trên cửa sổ hiện thời"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3697
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "_Tập hợp ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3698
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Thay đổi trạng thái hiển thị của ô tập hợp ảnh trên cửa sổ hiện thời"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3700
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "Khung _lề"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3701
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Thay đổi trạng thái hiển thị của khung lề của cửa sổ hiện thời"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3706
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Lưu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3707
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "Lưu thay đổi trong ảnh đang được chọn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3709
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "Mở _bằng"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3710
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "Mở ảnh được chọn bằng ứng dụng khác"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3712
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Lưu bản _sao..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3713
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "Lưu ảnh được chọn với tên khác"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3716
+msgid "Setup the page properties for printing"
+msgstr "Thiết lập thuộc tính trang in"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3718
+msgid "_Print..."
+msgstr "_In..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3719
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "In ảnh được chọn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3721
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "Th_uộc tính"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3722
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "Hiện thuộc tính và siêu dữ liệu của ảnh được chọn"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3724
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Hoàn tác"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3725
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "Huỷ bỏ thay đổi cuối cùng đối với ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3727
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Lật _ngang"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3728
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "Phản chiếu ảnh theo chiều ngang"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3730
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Lật _dọc"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3731
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "Phản chiếu ảnh theo chiều dọc"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3733
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Xoay _xuôi chiều kim đồng hồ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3734
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Quay ảnh 90 độ sang phải"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3736
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Xoay _ngược chiều kim đồng hồ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3737
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Quay ảnh 90 độ sang trái"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3739
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "Làm nền _màn hình"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3740
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "Đặt ảnh được chọn làm ảnh nền màn hình"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3743
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "Chuyển ảnh được chọn vào sọt rác"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3745 ../src/eom-window.c:3757 ../src/eom-window.c:3760
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "Phóng _to"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3746 ../src/eom-window.c:3758
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "Phóng to ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3748 ../src/eom-window.c:3763
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Thu _nhỏ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3749 ../src/eom-window.c:3761 ../src/eom-window.c:3764
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "Co ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3751
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Cỡ bình thường"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3752
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "Hiện ảnh đúng kích thước thật"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3754
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Vừa khít"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3755
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "Khít ảnh vào cửa sổ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3772
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Toàn màn hình"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3773
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Hiện ảnh hiện thời trong chế độ toàn màn hình"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3778 ../src/eom-window.c:3790
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Ảnh t_rước"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3779
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "Quay về ảnh trước đó trong tập ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3781
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Ảnh _tiếp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3782
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "Đến ảnh kế tiếp trong tập ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3784 ../src/eom-window.c:3793
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "Ảnh đầ_u tiên"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3785
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "Đến ảnh đầu tiên trong tập ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3787 ../src/eom-window.c:3796
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "Ảnh _cuối cùng"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3788
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "Đến ảnh cuối trong tập ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3802
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Trình _chiếu"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3803
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "Bắt đầu trình chiếu ảnh"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3869
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Trước"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3873
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Tiếp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3877
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Phải"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3880
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Trái"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3883
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "To"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3886
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Nhỏ"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3889
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Bình thường"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3892
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Vừa"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3895
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Tập hợp"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3898
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "Thùng rác"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Phần bổ sung"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Bật"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "_Cấu hình"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "_Bật"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "Bật _tất cả"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "Tắt tất _cả"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:831
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "_Phần bổ sung hoạt động:"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:860
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "_Giới thiệu phần bổ sung"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:867
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "_Cấu hình phần bổ sung"
+#: ../src/main.c:63
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "Mở trong chế độ toàn màn hình"
+#: ../src/main.c:64
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "Tắt tập hợp ảnh"
+#: ../src/main.c:65
+msgid "Open in slide show mode"
+msgstr "Mở trong chế độ trình chiếu ảnh"
+#: ../src/main.c:67
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "Khởi chạy một tiến trình mới thay vì dùng lại tiến trình đang chạy"
+#: ../src/main.c:69
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[TẬP TIN...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Chạy câu lệnh '%s --help' để xem danh sách tất cả các tùy chọn dòng lệnh."
+#: ../src/main.c:233
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Bộ xem ảnh Mắt MATE"
+#~ msgid "Open with \"%s\""
+#~ msgstr "Mở bằng '%s'"
+#~ msgid "Move to Trash"
+#~ msgstr "Chuyển vào Sọt rác"
diff --git a/po/wa.po b/po/wa.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3e77cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/wa.po
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+# Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-07 17:29+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-09 22:29+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Walloon <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Håyneu d' imådjes"
+#: ../
+msgid "View different types of images"
+msgstr "Vey sacwantès diferinnès sôres d' imådjes"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Prévoeyaedje do no d' fitchî</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sipecifiaedjes do tchmin</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Eterpolåcion di l' imådje</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zoumaedje di l' imådje</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tchuzes</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Secwince</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>bokets transparins</b>"
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permete on _zoumaedje di pus di 100% a l' atake"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Come li _fond"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Come on motif e c_wåreas"
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "Come ene coleur da _vosse:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Coleur po les bokets k' on voet houte"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Ridant d' destinåcion:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferinces di Eye of Mate"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Cogne do no d' fitchî:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "Vuwe d' imådje"
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate image on _zoom"
+msgstr "Eterpoler l' imådje pol _zoumaedje"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Rilomer a pårti di:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Replaecî les espåces avou des sorlignîs"
+#: ../ ../shell/eom-window.c:3488
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Schaper et rlomer"
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Schapant l' imådje"
+#: ../
+msgid "Slide Show"
+msgstr "Môde diyas"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Enonder l' conteu a:"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "A:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Foyter"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Secwince e _blouke"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "_Candjî d' imådje après:"
+#: ../
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segondes"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Ene valixhance pus grande ki 0 dene li tins e segondes ki l' imådje dimeure "
+"sol waitroûle divant d' passer al shuvante. Zero c' est po dismete li "
+"håynaedje otomatike e môde diyas."
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Permete on zoumaedje di pus di 100% a l' atake"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Tins e segondes divant d' passer a l' imådje shuvante"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Definixhe kimint indiker l' transparince. Les valixhances valides sont "
+"«CHECK_PATTERN» (motif a cwåreas), «COLOR» (ene coleur) oudonbén "
+"«NONE» (rén). Si «COLOR» a stî tchoezi, adon li clé «trans_color» definixh "
+"li coleur a-z eployî."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Si l' clé pol transparince a stî metou al valixhance «COLOR», adon cisse clé "
+"ci definixh li coleur a-z eployî po mostrer l' transparince."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Si çoula est metou a «FALSE» (fås), les ptitès imådjes èn seront nén "
+"stindowes po rimpli l' plaece li prumî côp k' ele sont håynêyes."
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Eterpoler l' imådje"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr "Djeyometreye do dierin purnea di ramexhnêye d' imådjes"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr "Djeyometreye do dierin purnea po ene seule imådje"
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Aler e blouke el secwince d' imådjes"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Drovi les imådjes en on novea purnea"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "Mostrer/catchî les informåcions des imådjes pol ramexhnêye."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "Mostrer/catchî les informåcions po ene seule imådje."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "Mostrer/catchî l' panea di ramexhnêye d' imådjes."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Mostrer/catchî l' bår ås messaedjes do purnea."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Mostrer/catchî l' bår ås usteyes do purnea."
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Coleur pol transparince"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Indicateu d' transparince"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Si l' drovaedje d' ene imådje doet drovi on novea purnea purade ki replaecî "
+"l' imådje k' est ddja dins l' purnea do moumint."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "Si l' secwince d' imådjes doet esse håynêye e blouke sins fén ou nén."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Si l' imådje doet esse eterpolêye tot zoumant ou nén. Çoula dene ene meyeuse "
+"cwålité, mins c' est eto ene miete pus londjin k' on zoumaedje sins "
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:344
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Dji n' a savou fé on fitchî timporaire po schaper: %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:363
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Dji n' a savou alouwer del memwere assez po tcherdjî l' fitchî JPEG"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:442
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Transformaedje so on fitchî nén tcherdjî."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:554
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "EXIF nén sopoirté po cisse sôre di fitchî ci."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1224 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1437
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Li fitchî egzistêye"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1377 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1505
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Nole imådje di tcherdjeye"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1386 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1514
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "L' ahivaedje do fitchî timporaire a fwait berwete."
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Camera"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:31
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Dinêyes di l' imådje"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:32
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Condicions å moumint d' prinde l' imådje"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:33
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Notes do fjheu"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:34
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Ôtes"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Etikete"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:97
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valixhance"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:29 ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:31
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "No do fitchî"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:30
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Lårdjeur"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:31
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Hôteur"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:32
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Grandeu do fitchî"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:89
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Atribut"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fitchî"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:93
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:100
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1024
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "I gn a pol moens does nos d' fitchîs ki sont les minmes."
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:44
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (unicôde nén valide)"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:129
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tos les fitchîs"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Totes les imådje"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixels"
+msgid_plural "%s x %s pixels"
+msgstr[0] "%s x %s picsels"
+msgstr[1] "%s x %s picsels"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:397
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "Drovi en on novea purnea"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:425
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Tcherdjî imådje"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:433
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Schaper imådje"
+#: ../shell/eom-file-chooser.c:441
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Drovi ridant"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:110
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Dji n' a savou håyner l' aidance di Eye of Mate"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:32
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Conteu"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:33
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Rawete"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:34
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:35
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Tins"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:36
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Djoû"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:37
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Moes"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:38
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Anêye"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:39
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Eure"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:40
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Munute"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:41
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Segonde"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:159
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Tchuze nén disponibe"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"Po-z eployî cisse fonccionålité vos dvoz aveur li livreye libexif. Astalez "
+"s' ivs plait libexif ( eyet recopilez Eye of Mate."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:235
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "come elle est"
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Schapant l' imådje %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:243
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Dji rnonce a schaper..."
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:504
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Pablo Saratxaga <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:507
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Çouchal, c' est on libe programe; vos l' poloz bén spåde et vos l' poloz bén "
+"candjî tot shuvant li Licince Publike Djeneråle (GPL) di GNU eplaideye pal "
+"Free Software Foundation; ça pout esse li 2e modêye del licince ou (si vos "
+"inmez mî) ene pus nouve.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:511
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Li programe est spårdou avou l' espwer k' i serè ahessåve, mins SINS NOLE "
+"WAERANTEYE; dji n' waeranti nén minme ki vos VINDRÎZ bén li programe ou ki "
+"vos vs È SIEVRÎZ BÉN PO ENE SÔRE OU L' ÔTE. Waitîz li Licince Publike "
+"Djeneråle (GPL) di GNU po vey les pondants eyet les djondants.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:515
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
+"Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
+msgstr ""
+"Avou ci programe ci, vos dvrîz aveur rçuvou ene copeye del Licince Publike "
+"Djeneråle (GPL) di GNU; si vos n' l' avoz nén avou, sicrijhoz al Free "
+"SoftWare Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-"
+"1301, USA"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:528 ../shell/eom-window.c:3152
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3847 ../shell/main.c:610
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of Mate"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:531
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Li programe di håynaedje et di catalogaedje d' imådjes di Mate"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:562
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dji n' a savou håyner l' aidance di Eye of Mate.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:997
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Sipotchî l' fitchî %s?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:998
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Li fitchî egzistêye dedja, el voloz vs sipotchî?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1009 ../shell/eom-window.c:1025
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Passer houte"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1010
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Sipotchî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1015
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Åk n' a nén stî tot schapant %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1026 ../shell/eom-window.c:1592
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Rissayî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1456
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "Dji n' a savou determiner l' URI d' destinåcion."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Dji n' a savou determiner l' sôre di fitchî po %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1579
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"Sicrijhoz s' i vs plait ene cawete pol no do fitchî, oudonbén tchoezixhoz "
+"ene sôre di fitchî."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1717
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Åk n' a nén stî tot schapant les imådjes."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1801
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Imprimer"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1835
+msgid "Print Preview"
+msgstr "Prévoeyadje"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2039
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+"Estoz vs seur di voleur taper\n"
+"«%s» å batch?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2042
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Estoz vs seur di voleur taper\n"
+"l' imådje tchoezeye å batch?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Estoz vs seur di voleur taper\n"
+"les %d imådjes tchoezeyes å batch?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2057 ../shell/eom-window.c:3443
+msgid "Move to Trash"
+msgstr "Taper å batch"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2088
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Dji n' sai acceder å batch."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2164
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Åk n' a nén stî tot disfaçant l' imådje %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixels [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3013
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i x %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i x %i picsels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i x %i picsels %s %i%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3069
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr "Råjhon: %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3239
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr "Li tcherdjaedje di l' imådje a fwait berwete po %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3408
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fitchî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3409
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Candjî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3410
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Vey"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3411
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Imådje"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3412
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "_Potchî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3413
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Aidance"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3414
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Drovi..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3414
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Drovi on fitchî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Clôre"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3415
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Clôre li purnea"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "_Preferinces"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3416
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Preferinces po Eye of Mate"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "Å d_vins"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3417
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Aidance so ç' programe ci"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "Å_d fwait"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3418
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Åd fwait di ç' programe ci"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "Bår ås _usteyes"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3423
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Candjî l' veyåvisté del bår ås usteyes do purnea do moumint"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "Bår ås _messaedjes"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3424
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Candjî l' veyåvisté del bår ås messaedjes do purnea do moumint"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "Rame_xhnêye d' imådjes"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3425
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+"Candjî l' veyåvisté do panea ramexhnêye d' imådjes do purnea do moumint"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3429
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Schaper"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3430
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Schaper et r_lomer..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3431
+msgid "Print..."
+msgstr "Imprimer..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3433
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Disfé"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3435
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Discandjî di _coutchî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3436
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Discandjî d' _astampé"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3438
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "Tourner dins l' sins des a_weyes"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3439
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "Tourner dins l' sins _contråve des aweyes"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3440
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "Tourner di 180 _digrés"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3441
+msgid "Set As _Wallpaper"
+msgstr "Mete come _tapisreye"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3445
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Forrimpli li waitroûle"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3446
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "Môde di_yas"
+#. accelerators
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3447 ../shell/eom-window.c:3453
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3454
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Zoumer"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3448 ../shell/eom-window.c:3455
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "_Diszoumer"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3449
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "Grandeu _normåle"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3450
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "_Rimpli å mî"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3456 ../shell/eom-window.c:3458
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3472
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "Imådje _shuvante"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3457 ../shell/eom-window.c:3459
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3460 ../shell/eom-window.c:3471
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "Imådje di d_vant"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3461
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "_Taper å batch"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3462 ../shell/eom-window.c:3473
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "_Prumire imådje"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3463 ../shell/eom-window.c:3474
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "_Dierinne imådje"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "_Informåcion d' l' imådje"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3467
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Candjî l' veyåvisté do panea d' informåcions do purnea do moumint"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3485
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Drovi"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3486
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Clôre"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3487
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Schaper"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3489
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Disfé"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3492
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Droete"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3493
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Hintche"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3496
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "Ragrandi"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3497
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "Raptiti"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3498
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normå"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3499
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "Rimpli"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Shuvant"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3501
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Di dvant"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3666
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "Li discrijhaedje di l' eterface do programe n' a nén stî trové."
+#: ../shell/main.c:24
+msgid "[FILE...]"
+msgstr "[FITCHÎ...]"
+#: ../shell/main.c:175
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "Dji n' a savou ahiver l' eterface do programe Eye of Mate"
+#: ../shell/main.c:366
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Fitchî nén trové."
+msgstr[1] "Fitchîs nén trovés."
+#: ../shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Dji n' a savou drovi «%s»"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open '%s'"
+msgstr "Drovi «%s»"
+#: ../shell/recent-files/egg-recent-view-gtk.c:444
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "Vude"
diff --git a/po/xh.po b/po/xh.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c439c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/xh.po
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+# Xhosa translation of eom
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Canonical Ltd.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Translation by Canonical Ltd <[email protected]> with thanks to
+# Translation World CC in South Africa, 2005.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-03-29 10:25+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-23 09:35+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Canonical Ltd <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Xhosa <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Isibonisi-Mfanekiso"
+#: ../
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Bona iintlobo ezininzi zemifanekiso eyahlukileyo"
+#: ../
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: ../
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukujonga Igama Lefayili Phambi Koshicilelo</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukubalula Indlela Yefayili</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukufakela Umfanekiso</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukwandisa Umfanekiso</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukhetho</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukulandelana</b>"
+#: ../
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Indawo Ecace Gca</b>"
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Vumela _isandisi esingaphezulu kwe-100% xa uqalayo"
+#: ../
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Nje_ngokungasemva"
+#: ../
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Njengepateni _yokukhangela"
+#: ../
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Njengom_bala womthengi"
+#: ../
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Umbala Weendawo Ocace Gca"
+#: ../
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Isiphelo Sesiqulathi Seefayili:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Uluhlu Lokukhethwayo KwiLiso Le-MATE"
+#: ../
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Ubume Begama Lefayili:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "Umboniso _Womfanekiso"
+#: ../
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Nika igama kwakhona ukusuka:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Faka umgca endaweni yesithuba"
+#: ../ ../shell/eom-window.c:2931
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Gcina Njenge"
+#: ../
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Ukugcina Umfanekiso"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Bonisa umfanekiso _olandelayo ngokuzenzekelayo emva:"
+#: ../
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Bonisa Islayi_di"
+#: ../
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Qalisa isibali e-:"
+#: ../
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Iya ku:"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Khangela"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "_Fakela umfanekiso kwisandisi"
+#: ../
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "_Ukulandelana kwesethi yeengxelo"
+#: ../
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "imizuzwana"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Ixabiso elingaphezulu kwe-0 limisela imizuzwana ehlalwa ngumfanekiso "
+"kwiskrini de kuboniswe olandelayo ngokuzenzekelayo. Iqanda alikuvumeli "
+"ukukhangela okuzenzekelayo."
+#: ../
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Vumela isandisi esingaphezulu kwe-100% xa kuqaliswayo"
+#: ../
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Yilibazise imizuzwana de kuvele umfanekiso olandelayo"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Imisa indlela yokubonisa isicacisi. Ukumisa okuqinisekisiweyo ngoo-"
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR noNONE. Ukuba ukhethe COLOR, iqhosha lesicacisi_mbala "
+"limisa umbala osetyenzisiweyo."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukuba iqhosha lokucace gca limele COLOR, elo qhosha limisa umbala "
+"osetyenzisiweyo ukubonisa isicacisi."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukuba le nto imiselwe ku-FALSE imifanekiso emincinane ayinako ukutsalwa "
+"ukuze yanele kwiskrini xa kuqaliswayo."
+#: ../
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Ukufakela umfanekiso"
+#: ../
+msgid "Last collection window geometry"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid "Last singleton window geometry"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Setha iingxelo uyidlulise kulandelwano lwemfanekiso"
+#: ../
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Vula imifanekiso kwifestile entsha"
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr "Bonisa/fihla ulwazi lomfanekiso ukuze luqokelelwe."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr "Bonisa/fihla ulwazi lomfanekiso womfanekiso omnye."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Bonisa/fihla ifestile yomgca wobume obuqhubekayo."
+#: ../
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Bonisa/fihla ifestile ye-toolbar."
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Umbala ocace gca"
+#: ../
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Isalathisi esicace gca"
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukuba ukuvula umfanekiso kuza kwenza ifestile entsha endaweni yokuma "
+"endaweni yomfanekiso osefestileni ngokwangoku."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukuba kunjalo okanye akunjalo ukulandelana kwemifanekiso kufuneka kubonisiwe "
+"kwisethi yeengxelo ezingenasiphelo."
+#: ../
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukuba umfanekiso ufanele ukufakelwa okanye ukungafakelwa kwisandisi. Oku "
+"kukhokelela kubunjani obungcono kodwa kuyacotha kunemifanekiso engafakelwayo."
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:127
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Zonke Iifayili"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:132
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Yonke Imifanekiso"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:150
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s ye-pixel"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:405
+msgid "Open in new window"
+msgstr "Yivule kwifestile entsha"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:431
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Faka Umfanekiso"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:439
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Gcina Umfanekiso"
+#: ../libeom/eom-file-selection.c:447
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Vula Isiqulathi Seefayili"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ayikwazanga ukwenza ifayili yexeshana yovimba wolwazi lokugcina: %s"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 ../libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ayikwazanga ukwabela uvimba wolwazi lokufakwa kwefayili ye-JPEG"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:404
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "Bonisa/fihla ulwazi lomfanekiso womfanekiso omnye."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:515
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1002 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1213
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Le fayili sele ikho"
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1155 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1281
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Akukho mfanekiso ufakiweyo."
+#: ../libeom/eom-image.c:1164 ../libeom/eom-image.c:1290
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Ukwenziwa kwefayili yexeshana akuphumelelanga."
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Ikhamera"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "I-data Yomfanekiso"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Izimo Ezithatyathwa Ngumfanekiso"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Inqaku Lomenzi"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Okunye"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Isiphawuli"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Ixabiso"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Igama lefayili"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Ububanzi"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Ubude"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Ubungakanani befayili"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Uphawu"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:81
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Ifayili"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:90
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: ../libeom/eom-info-view.c:97
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Olu khetho alufumanekanga."
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:139
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukusebenzisa lo msebenzi udinga ithala leencwadi le-libexif. Nceda useke "
+"izixhobo ze-libexif ( ze uphinde uqokelele Iliso le-"
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:215
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "njengoko injalo"
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Ukugcina umfanekiso %s."
+#: ../libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:238
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Rhoxisa ukugcina ..."
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr "Amagama eefayili akahlukaniswanga."
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Isibali"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Nika amagqabantshintshi"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Umhla"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Ixesha"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Usuku"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Inyanga"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Unyaka"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Iyure"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Umzuzu"
+#: ../libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Umzuzwana"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:491
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Canonical Ltd <[email protected]>"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:496 ../shell/eom-window.c:2693
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3181 ../shell/main.c:602
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Iliso le-MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:499
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Ukubonisa umfanekiso we-MATE kunye nenkqubo yekhathalogu."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:536
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ayikwazanga ukubonisa uncedo lweskrini seLiso le-MATE.\n"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Ufuna ukubhala phezu kwale fayili %s?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:832
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Le fayili sele ikhona. Ufuna ukubhala phezu kwayo?"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:841 ../shell/eom-window.c:854
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Tsiba"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:842
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Bhala phezu kwayo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:847
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Kwenzeke impazamo ngelixa ugcina %s."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:855 ../shell/eom-window.c:1405
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Zama kwakhona"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1272
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Couldn't determine destination uri."
+msgstr "Ayikwazanga ukumisa ubume bale fayili %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1394
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Ayikwazanga ukumisa ubume bale fayili %s"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1395
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"Nceda usebenzise isimamva segama lefayili esifanelekileyo okanye chonga "
+"ubume befayili."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1528
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Kwenzeke impazamo ngelixa kugcinwa umfanekiso."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1781
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1819
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Ayikwazanga ukufikelela emgqomeni."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:1893
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Kwenzeke impazamo ngelixa kucinywa umfanekiso %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2618
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i i-pixel %s %i%%"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2652
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reason: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2734
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2872
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "I_Fayili"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2873
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Hlela"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2874
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Bonisa"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2875
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Uncedo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2876
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Entsha"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2876
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Vula ifestile entsha"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2877
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Vula..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2877
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Vula ifayili"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2878
+msgid "Open _Folder..."
+msgstr "Vula _Isiqulathi Seefayili..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2878
+msgid "Open a folder"
+msgstr "Vula isiqulathi seefayili"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2879
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Vala"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2879
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Vala ifestile"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2880
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Uluhlu lwezinto ezikhe_thwayo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2880
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Uluhlu Lwezinto ezikhethwayo zeLiso le-MATE"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2881
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Okuqulathiweyo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2881
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Nika Uncedo kule nkqubo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2882
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Malunga"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2882
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Malunga nale nkqubo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2887
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "I-_Toolbar"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2887
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Iguqula ukubonakala kwe-toolbar kule festile ikhoyo ngoku"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2888
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Umgca wobume bokuqhubekayo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2888
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "Iguqula ukubonakala komgca wobume befestile okuyo ngoku"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2893
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gcina"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2894
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Gcina N_jenge"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2896
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Buyela Emva"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2898
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Jikelezisa Ngobu_banzi"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2899
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Jikelezisa Ngobu_de"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2901
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Jikelezisa Usa Ngakwicala Eya Kulo Iwotshi"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2902
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Jikelezisa NgokuchaseneY Noku_hamba Kwewotshi"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2903
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "Jikelezis_a 180°"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2905
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Cima"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2907
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Iskrini Esizeleyo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2908
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Yandisa"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2909
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Nciphi _sa"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2910
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Ubungakanani Obuqhelekileyo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2911
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "Ilingana _Kakuhle"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2916
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "Ulwazi _Ngemifanekiso"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2916
+msgid "Change the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr "Ukuguqula ukubonakala kolwazi olukwigilasi kwifestile okuyo ngoku"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "_Entsha"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2927 ../shell/eom-window.c:2928
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "_Vula..."
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2929
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "_Vala"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2930
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "_Gcina"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2932
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "_Buyela Emva"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2935
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Ubude"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2936
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2938
+msgid "In"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2939
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2940
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "_Ubungakanani Obuqhelekileyo"
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:2941
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../shell/eom-window.c:3019
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr "Inkcazelo yomdibanisi wemida ayifumanekanga."
+#: ../shell/main.c:92
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr "Ayikwazanga ukwenza umdibaniso wemida yomsebenzisi weLiso le-MATE"
+#: ../shell/main.c:272
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sele uza kuvula ezi festile %i ngexesha elinye. Ingaba ufuna ukuzivula "
+#: ../shell/main.c:276
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Ufuna ukuvula uninzi lweefestile ezinganye?"
+#: ../shell/main.c:280
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Iifesitle Ngazinye"
+#: ../shell/main.c:282
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Ingqokelela"
+#: ../shell/main.c:334
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: ../shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Ayikwazi ukuyivula `%s'"
+#: ../libeom/eom-util.c:40
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (i-Unicode engaqinisekiswanga)"
+#: ../shell/eom-preferences.c:98
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Ayikwazanga ukubonisa uncedo lweLiso le-MATE"
+#~ msgid "empty file"
+#~ msgstr "ifayili engenanto"
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61807ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1519 @@
+# translation of eom.po to zh_CN
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Wang Li <[email protected]>, 2002
+# Sun G11n <[email protected]>, 2002
+# Updated by He Qiangqiang <[email protected]>, 2002
+# Xiong Jiang <[email protected]>, 2003
+# Funda Wang <[email protected]>, 2003
+# YangZhang <[email protected]>, 2008
+# Deng Xiyue <[email protected]>, 2009.
+# YunQiang Su <[email protected]>, 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-16 22:55+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-16 22:58+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dean Lee <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: i18n-zh <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "显示“%s”"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "在工具栏上移动(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "将选中项在工具栏上移动"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "从工具栏删除(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "从工具栏中删除选中项目"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "删除工具栏(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "删除选中的工具栏"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "分隔符"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "双击启用全屏模式"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "双击切换全屏"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "重新装入图像"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "重新装入当前图像"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "在状态栏中显示日期"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "在窗口状态栏中显示图像日期"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "浏览及旋转图像"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "图像查看器"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "光圈值:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "作者:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "字节数:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "相机型号:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "版权:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "日期/时间:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "描述:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "细节"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "曝光时间:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "闪光灯:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "焦距:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "常规"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "高度:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO 速度评分:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "图像属性"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "关键字:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "位置:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "元数据"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "测量模式:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "名称:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "类型:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "宽度:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "下一张(_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "上一张(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> 原始文件名"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> 计数"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "选择文件夹"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "目标文件夹:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "文件名预览"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "文件路径规范"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "文件名格式:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "选项"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "重命名自:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "将空格替换为下划线"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "另存为"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "开始计数:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "到:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "与背景相同(_B)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "为十字图案(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "为自定义颜色(_O):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "为自定义颜色:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "背景颜色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "透明区域的颜色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "将图像扩展以适合屏幕(_X)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "MATE 之眼首选项"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "图像增强"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "图像查看"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "图像缩放"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "插件"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "序列"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "幻灯片放映"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "缩小时平滑图像(_I)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "放大时平滑图像(_O)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "透明部分"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "自动旋转(_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "循环(_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "切换图像的时间(_S):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "秒"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"大于 0 的值将决定自动显示下张图像之前当前图像要在屏幕上停留几秒。0 代表禁用自"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "活动插件"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "允许放大至超过原大"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "自动调整方向"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "显示下张图像前延迟的秒数"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"决定如何指示透明区域。可用的值有 CHECK_PATTERN、COLOR 和 NONE。如果选择 "
+"COLOR,则使用的颜色值将由 trans_color 键值决定。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "外插补图像"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"如果启用,并且没有在活动窗口中加载图像,文件选择器将使用 XDG 指定的用户目录来"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"如果启用,那么 MATE 之眼将不会在移动图像到回收站的时候要求确认。但是如果文件"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "如果透明键值是 COLOR,这个键值则确定用来表示透明区域的颜色。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"的 GTK+ 主题决定填充颜色。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "如果设置为 FALSE,则小图像将不会放大至适合屏幕大小。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr ""
+"图像收藏面板位置。设定为 0 代表下侧,1 代表左侧,2 代表上侧,3 代表右侧。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "插补图像"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"已激活插件列表。它并不包含激活插件的位置。参见 .eom-plugin 文件以获得相应插件"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "图像序列循环播放"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "使用滚轮缩放"
+# 此处的 收藏 需要斟酌
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "显示/隐藏图像收藏面板滚动按钮。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "显示/隐藏图像收藏面板。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "显示/隐藏窗口侧边栏。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "显示/隐藏窗口状态栏。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "显示/隐藏窗口工具栏。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"用于填充图像背后区域的颜色。如果未设置 use-background-color 键,则根据所启用"
+"的 GTK+ 主题决定颜色"
+# 此处翻译有歧义,感觉应该用 百分点
+# re:改成了系数,应该没问题了吧
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"使用鼠标滚轮缩放时的比例系数。该值定义了每一次滚动事件的缩放步幅。例如:0.05 "
+"会在每次缩放事件时放大 5% 而 1.00 则会放大 100%。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "透明区域颜色"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "透明区域指示"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "把图像移除到回收站而不询问"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "使用自定义的背景颜色"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "如果没有加载图像,文件选择器是否应当显示用户的图像文件夹。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "图像收藏面板是否可缩放。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "在放大时是否对图像进行外插补。这会使图像更平滑,不过比不插补时稍慢。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr "在缩小时是否对图像进行内插补。这会提升图像质量,不过比不插补时稍慢。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "是否应该根据 EXIF 方向自动旋转图像。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "属性对话框中的元数据列表是否有自己的页面。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "是否使用鼠标滚轮控制缩放。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "图像序列是否要无穷循环显示。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "缩放比例"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "在全屏模式中运行"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "关闭而不保存(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "问题"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "如果不保存,您的更改将会丢失。"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "在关闭之前保存更改到图像“%s”?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "还有 %d 幅图像有没有保存的更改。在关闭之前保存更改?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "选择您想保存的图像(_E):"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "如果不保存,您的所有更改都会丢失。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "文件格式未知或不支持"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "MATE 之眼无法从文件名推测出被支持的可写入的文件格式。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "请尝试一个不同的扩展名如 .png 或 .jpg。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "全部文件"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "全部图像"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "像素"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "打开图像"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "保存图像"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "打开文件夹"
+# 此句校对时,请注意!--syq
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "卸载图像时的变形。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "变形失败。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "这种文件格式不支持 EXIF。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "图像装入失败。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "没有装入图像。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "临时文件创建失败。"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "无法创建临时文件来保存 %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "无法分配内存装入 JPEG 文件"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "相机"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "图像数据"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "图像获取条件"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "制作者备忘"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "其它"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP 权限管理"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP 其它"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "标记"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "值"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%Y年%m月%d日 %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%Y年%m月%d日%A"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "重试(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "无法装入图像“%s”。"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "“%s”中无图像。"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "给定的位置不包含图像。"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "图像设置"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "图像"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "要设置打印属性的图像"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "页面设置"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "即将用来打印图像的页面的信息"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "位置"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "左(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "右(_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "上(_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "下(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "中(_E):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "无"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "水平"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "垂直"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "双向"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "大小"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "宽度(_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "高度(_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "缩放(_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "单位(_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "毫米"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "英寸"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "预览"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "未知"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (镜头)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm 电影胶片)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "原样"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "第 %d 张,共 %d 张"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "摄于"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "至少两个文件名相等。"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "无法显示 MATE 之眼的帮助"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (无效的 Unicode)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i 像素 %s %i%%"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "重新载入(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "隐藏(_D)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+"图片 “%s” 已被外部程序修改。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "使用“%s”打开选中图像"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "保存图像“%s”(第%u个,共%u个)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "正在打开图像“%s”"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "工具栏编辑器"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "重设为默认值(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"YangZhang <[email protected]>, 2008\n"
+"Xiyue Deng <[email protected]>, 2009\n"
+"YunQiang Su <[email protected]> 2010"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"此程序是自由软件;您可以按照自由软件基金会所发表的 GNU GPL 协议自由发放和/或"
+"修改它;GPL 协议应该采用第二版或您所喜欢的第二版之后的任何版本。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"它所造成的任何直接或间接后果都不承担任何责任。请参看 GNU GPL 协议中的细节。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"您应该在收到此程序的同时收到了 GNU GPL 协议的副本;如果您没有收到的话,请给自"
+"由软件基金会写信,地址是:59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-"
+"1307, USA"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE 之眼"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE 之眼图像查看器。"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "打开背景首选项(_O)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+"“%s” 这张图已设为桌面背景。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "本地保存图像..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "无法找到可用于“%s”的回收站。您想要将此图片永久移除吗?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"您真的想要将 %d 个\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "有些所选择的图片无法移动到回收站并将永久移除。您确定要这样进行吗?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "移至回收站(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "在这个会话期间不再询问(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "无法访问回收站。"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "无法删除文件"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "删除图像 %s 出错"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "图像(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "编辑(_E)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "查看(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "转到(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "工具(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "帮助(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "打开(_O)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "打开一个文件"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "关闭(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "关闭窗口"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "工具栏(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "编辑应用程序工具栏"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "首选项(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "MATE 之眼的首选项"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "内容(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "关于此应用程序的帮助"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "关于(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "关于此应用程序"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "工具栏(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "更改当前窗口工具栏的可见性"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "状态栏(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "更改当前窗口状态栏的可见性"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "图像收藏(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "更改当前窗口图像收藏面板的可见性"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "侧边栏(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "更改当前窗口侧边栏的可见性"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "保存(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "保存更改到当前选中图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "打开方式(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "用一个不同的应用程序打开选中图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "另存为"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "以一个不同的名字保存选中图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "打印(_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "打印选中图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "属性(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "显示选中图片的属性和元数据"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "撤销(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "撤销上一次对图片的修改"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "水平翻转(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "水平翻转图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "垂直翻转(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "垂直翻转图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "顺时针旋转(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "将图片顺时针旋转90度"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "逆时针旋转(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "将图片逆时针旋转90度"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "设为桌面背景(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "将选中图像设为桌面背景"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "将选中图像移至回收站文件夹"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "放大(_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "放大图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "缩小(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "缩小图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "正常大小(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "以正常大小显示图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "最佳匹配(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "使图像适合窗口"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "全屏(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "在全屏模式中显示当前图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "暂停放映"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "暂停或继续幻灯片放映"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "上一个图像(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "转到收藏中上一个图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "下一个图像(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "转到收藏中下一个图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "第一个图像(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "转到收藏中第一个图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "最后一个图像(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "转到收藏中最后一个图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "随机图像(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "转到收藏中下一个图像"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "幻灯片放映(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "以幻灯片方式查看图片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "上一张"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "下一张"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "顺时针"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "逆时针"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "放大"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "缩小"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "正常"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "适合"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "收藏"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "移入回收站"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "插件"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "已启用"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "配置(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "激活(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "全部激活(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "全部禁用(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "活动插件(_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "关于插件(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "配置插件(_O)"
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "MATE 之眼图像查看器"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "在全屏模式中打开"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "禁用图像收藏"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "在幻灯片放映模式中打开"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "启动新例程,而不是重用现有例程"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "显示应用程序版本"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[文件...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "运行“%s --help”来查看可用命令行选项的完整列表。"
+#~ msgid "Load Image"
+#~ msgstr "装入图像"
+#~ msgid "_File"
+#~ msgstr "文件(_F)"
+#~ msgid "Set up the page properties for printing"
+#~ msgstr "设置打印的页面属性"
+#~ msgid "<b>Details</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>细节</b>"
diff --git a/po/zh_HK.po b/po/zh_HK.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7481197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_HK.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1539 @@
+# Chinese (Hong Kong) translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-07 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Jing-Jong Shyue <[email protected]>, 2000
+# Abel Cheung <[email protected]>, 2001-2003
+# Lawrence Leung <[email protected]>, 2004
+# Ching-Hung Lin <[email protected]>, 2004
+# Woodman Tuen <[email protected]>, 2005-2006
+# Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>, 2008
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom 2.32.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-19 16:50+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-19 16:50+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Hong Kong) <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "顯示「%s」"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "移至工具列(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "將選取的項目移至工具列"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "從工具列移除(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "從工具列移除選取的項目"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "刪除工具列(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "移除選取的工具列"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "分隔線"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "連按兩下時使用全螢幕模式"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "連按兩下全螢幕模式"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "重新載入圖片"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "重新載入目前的圖片"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "狀態列中的日期"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "在視窗狀態列中顯示圖片日期"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "瀏覽及更改圖片的方向"
+# src/
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "圖片瀏覽程式"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "光圈值:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "作者:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "位元組:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "相機型號:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "版權:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "日期/時刻:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "描述:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "詳細資料"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "曝光時間:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "閃光燈:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "焦距:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "一般"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "高度:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO 速率:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "圖片屬性"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "關鍵字:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "位置:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "中繼資料"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "測光模式:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "名稱:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "類型:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "闊度:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "下一個(_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "上一個(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> 原始檔案名稱"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> 計數"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "選擇一個資料夾"
+# src/tb-image.c:33
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "目的地資料夾:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "檔案名稱預覽"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "檔案路徑規則"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "檔案名稱格式:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "選項"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "重新命名格式:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "以底線替代空格"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "另存新檔"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "開始計數於:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "到:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "以背景表示(_B)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "以方格表示(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "以自選顏色表示(_O):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "如同自選顏色:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "背景顏色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "表示透明區域的顏色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "放大至適合螢幕的大小(_X)"
+# src/window.c:162
+# src/window.c:573
+# src/window.c:812
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 偏好設定"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "圖片增強"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "圖片顯示"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "圖片縮放"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "外掛程式"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "播放順序"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "投影片"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "拉近時將圖片平滑化(_I)"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "拉遠時將圖片平滑化(_O)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "透明部分"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "自動調整方向(_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "循環順序(_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "在(_S)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "秒後顯示下一張圖片"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr "大於 0 的值表示,直到下一張圖片自動顯示之前,這張圖片的停留時間。0 表示取消自動瀏覽功能。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "使用的外掛程式"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "允許初始時縮放比例大於 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "自動調整方向"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "延遲多少秒才顯示下一張圖片"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr "決定表示透明的方式。有效的值為「CHECK_PATTERN」、「COLOR」及「NONE」。如果選取 COLOR,則以 trans-color 設定鍵來決定使用哪種顏色。"
+# src/
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "對圖片使用外推法"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr "如果在使用中而目前的視窗沒有載入圖片,檔案選擇程式會顯示使用 XDG 特殊使用者目錄的照片資料夾。如果沒有使用或照片資料夾尚未設定,就會顯示目前的工作目錄。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr "如果啟用,Eye of MATE 在將圖片移至回收筒時不會要求確認。但是當檔案中有任何一個無法移至回收筒而必須直接刪除時仍會先詢問。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr "如果在使用中,在屬性對話盒中的詳細中繼資料清單會移至對話盒中自已的頁面。這樣會讓對話盒在小型螢幕上更易於使用,例如用於輕省筆電。如果停用則此視窗元件會內嵌於「中繼資料」頁面。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr "如果表示透明的設定鍵的值是‘COLOR’,這個設定鍵會決定哪一種顏色會用來表示透明。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr "如果使用這個選項,會使用 background-color 設定鍵指定的顏色填滿圖片後的區域。如果沒有指定,則由目前的 GTK+ 佈景主題決定要填入的顏色。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "如果將這設定為‘FALSE’,小型圖片將不會被在初始時延展為符合視窗的大小。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr "圖片集面板位置。設為 0 是底部;1 是左方;2 是上方;3 是右方。"
+# src/
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "對圖片使用插值法"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr "使用中外掛程式的清單。這裏沒有包含這些外掛程式的「位置」。請參閱 .eom-plugin 檔案來取得這些外掛程式的「位置」資訊。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "根據圖片順序循環顯示"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "滑鼠滾輪縮放"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏圖片集窗格捲軸按鈕。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏圖片集窗格。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏視窗側邊窗格。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏視窗的狀態列。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏視窗的工具列。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr "用來填滿圖片後方區域的顏色。如果沒有設定 use-background-color 設定鍵,則由使用的 GTK+ 佈景主題來代替。"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr "使用滑鼠滾輪縮放時的倍數。這個數值定義每次滾輪事件的縮放級數。舉例來說,0.05 代表每次滾輪事件會以 5% 縮放,而 1.00 代表每次滾輪事件會以 100% 縮放。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "表示透明的顏色"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "表示透明的方式"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "無需確認便將圖片移至回收筒"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "使用自選的背景顏色"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "如果沒有載入圖片,檔案選擇程式是否要顯示使用者的照片資料夾。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "圖片集窗格是否可以重設大小。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr "當縮放圖片時是否使用外推法處理。這樣會造成品質變模糊,但顯示時會比不使用外推法的來得慢。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr "當縮放圖片時是否使用插值法處理。這樣品質會較佳,但顯示時會比不使用插值法的來得慢。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "是否以 EXIF 的方向資料自動調整圖片的方向。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "屬性對話盒中的中繼資料清單是否要自成一個頁面。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "是否使用滑鼠滾輪來做縮放動作。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "在不斷循環播放圖片時是否顯示圖片的順序。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "縮放倍數"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "在全螢幕模式執行"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "關閉但不儲存(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "問題"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "如果你不儲存它們,你的更改就會消失。"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "關閉前要儲存修改到圖片「%s」嗎?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "還有 %d 張圖片含有未儲存的更改。是否在關閉前儲存更改?"
+msgstr[1] "還有 %d 張圖片含有未儲存的更改。是否在關閉前儲存更改?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "請選擇要儲存的圖片(_E):"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "如果不儲存,你所有的更改將會消失。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "檔案格式未知或不支援"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 無法根據據此檔案名稱來判斷是否為可寫入的檔案格式。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "請嘗試不同的延伸檔名如 .png 或 .jpg。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "所有檔案"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "所有圖片"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "像素"
+msgstr[1] "像素"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "開啟圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "儲存圖片"
+# src/tb-image.c:33
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "開啟資料夾"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "改變未載入的圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "轉換失敗。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "本檔案格式不支 EXIF。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "載入圖片失敗。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "沒有載入圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "建立暫存檔失敗。"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "無法建立暫存檔來儲存: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "無法分配記憶體來載入 JPEG 檔案"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "照相機"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "圖片資料"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "拍照時的環境狀態"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "拍攝者附記"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "其他"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP 版權管理"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP 其他"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "標籤"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "數值"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "重試(_R)"
+# src/util.c:47
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "無法載入圖片‘%s’。"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "在「%s」中找不到圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "提供的位置並未包含圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "圖片設定"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "要進行打印設定的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "頁面設定"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "將打印圖片的頁面資訊"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "位置"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "左(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "右(_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "上(_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "下(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "置中(_C):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "沒有"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "水平"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "垂直"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "兩者"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "大小"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "闊度(_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "高度(_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "比率(_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "單位(_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "毫米"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "英吋"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "預覽"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "不明"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (鏡片)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm 軟片)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "原來格式"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "拍攝日"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "最少有兩個檔案的名稱相同。"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "無法顯示 Eye of MATE 的說明文件。"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(無效的統一碼)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i 像素 %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i 像素 %s %i%%"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "重新載入(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "隱藏(_D)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "使用「%s」開啟選定的圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "儲存圖片「%s」(%u/%u)"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "正在開啟圖片「%s」"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "工具列編輯器"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "重設為預設值(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"以下地址,MATE 翻譯隊伍會盡快回覆你:\n"
+"Woodman Tuen <[email protected]>, 2005-07\n"
+"Ching-Hung Lin <[email protected]>, 2004\n"
+"Lawrence Leung <[email protected]>, 2004\n"
+"Abel Cheung <[email protected]>, 2001-2003\n"
+"Jing-Jong Shyue <[email protected]>, 2000"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr "本程式為自由軟件;你可根據據自由軟件基金會所發表的 GNU 通用公共授權條款規定,就本程式再為散布與/或修改;無論你根據據的是本授權的第二版或(你自行選擇的)任一日後發行的版本。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr "本程式係基於使用目的而加以散布,然而不負任何擔保責任;亦無對適售性或特定目的適用性所為的默示性擔保。詳情請參照 GNU 通用公共授權。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr "你應已收到附隨於本程式的 GNU 通用公共授權的副本;如無,請寫信至自由軟件基金會:59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA"
+# src/window.c:162
+# src/window.c:573
+# src/window.c:812
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+# src/window.c:166
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE 圖片瀏覽程式。"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "開啟背景偏好設定(_O)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "將圖片儲存到本地端..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "確定要將“%s”移至回收筒嗎?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "找不到「%s」的回收筒。是否要永久移除這個圖片?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+"確定要將 %d 張選取的圖片\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "有部分被選取的圖片不能移至回收筒,因而將被直接刪除。你確定要繼續嗎?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "移至回收筒(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "在這個作業階段中不要再詢問(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "無法存取回收筒。"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "無法刪除檔案"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "當刪除圖片 %s 時發生錯誤"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "圖片(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "編輯(_E)"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "檢視(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "前往(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "工具(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "求助(_H)"
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "開啟(_O)…"
+# src/tb-image.c:33
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "開啟檔案"
+# src/tb-image.c:35
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "關閉(_C)"
+# src/window.c:186
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "關閉視窗"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "工具列(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "編輯應用程式工具列"
+# src/preferences.c:219
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "偏好設定(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 偏好設定"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "內容(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "本應用程式的說明文件"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "關於(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "關於此程式"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "工具列(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示工具列"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "狀態列(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示狀態列"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "圖片集(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示資訊窗格"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "側邊窗格(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示側邊窗格"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "儲存(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "儲存對目前選定圖片所做的更改"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "以此開啟(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "使用不同的應用程式開啟選定的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "儲存為(_A)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "將選定的圖片儲存為不同的名稱"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "打印(_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "打印選定的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "屬性(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "顯示選定圖片的屬性和中繼資料"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "復原(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "復原上次對該圖片所做的更改"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "左右相反(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "水平鏡射該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "上下顛倒(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "垂直鏡射該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "順時針方向旋轉(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "向右 90 度旋轉該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "逆時針方向旋轉(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "向左 90 度旋轉該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "設為桌面背景(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "將選取的圖片設為桌布"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "將選定的圖片移至回收筒"
+# src/window.c:221
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "拉近(_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "放大該圖片"
+# src/window.c:225
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "拉遠(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "縮小該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "正常大小(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "以圖片的原始尺寸顯示"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "最適大小(_F)"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "圖片符合視窗尺寸"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "全螢幕(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "以全螢幕模式顯示目前的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "暫停投影片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "暫停或繼續播放投影片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "上一幅圖片(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的上一幅圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "下一幅圖片(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的下一張圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "第一幅圖片(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的第一張圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "最後一幅圖片(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的最後一張圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "隨機圖片(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的隨意圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "投影片(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "以幻燈片檢視播放圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "上一幅"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "下一幅"
+# (Abel) Right == Clockwise,如果用「右」就不知是由頂部還是底部轉向右
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "順時針"
+# (Abel) Left == Anti-clockwise,如果用「左」就不知是由頂部還是底部轉向左
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "逆時針"
+# src/tb-image.c:43
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "拉近"
+# src/tb-image.c:44
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "拉遠"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "原來大小"
+# src/tb-image.c:46
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "符合"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "圖片集"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "回收筒"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "外掛程式"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "已啟用"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "設定(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "使用(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "全部使用(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "全部不使用(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "使用中外掛程式(_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "關於外掛程式(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "設定外掛程式(_O)"
+# src/window.c:162
+# src/window.c:573
+# src/window.c:812
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 圖片檢視器"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "以全螢幕模式開啟"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "停用圖片集"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "以投影片模式開啟"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "啟動新的實體而非重複使用既存的"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "顯示應用程式的版本"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[檔案...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "執行「%s --help」可列出命令列中可用的完整選項。"
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b9b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1570 @@
+# Chinese (Hong Kong) translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2000-07 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Jing-Jong Shyue <[email protected]>, 2000
+# Abel Cheung <[email protected]>, 2001-2003
+# Lawrence Leung <[email protected]>, 2004
+# Ching-Hung Lin <[email protected]>, 2004
+# Woodman Tuen <[email protected]>, 2005-2006
+# Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>, 2008
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom 2.32.0\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-19 16:50+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-19 10:34+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Chao-Hsiung Liao <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. Translaters: This string is for a toggle to display a toolbar.
+#. * The name of the toolbar is automatically computed from the widgets
+#. * on the toolbar, and is placed at the %s. Note the _ before the %s
+#. * which is used to add mnemonics. We know that this is likely to
+#. * produce duplicates, but don't worry about it. If your language
+#. * normally has a mnemonic at the start, please use the _. If not,
+#. * please remove.
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:934
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show “_%s”"
+msgstr "顯示「%s」"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1397
+msgid "_Move on Toolbar"
+msgstr "移至工具列(_M)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1398
+msgid "Move the selected item on the toolbar"
+msgstr "將選取的項目移至工具列"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1399
+msgid "_Remove from Toolbar"
+msgstr "從工具列移除(_R)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1400
+msgid "Remove the selected item from the toolbar"
+msgstr "從工具列移除選取的項目"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1401
+msgid "_Delete Toolbar"
+msgstr "刪除工具列(_D)"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-editable-toolbar.c:1402
+msgid "Remove the selected toolbar"
+msgstr "移除選取的工具列"
+#: ../cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/egg-toolbar-editor.c:485
+msgid "Separator"
+msgstr "分隔線"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Activate fullscreen mode with double-click"
+msgstr "雙擊時使用全螢幕模式"
+#: ../plugins/fullscreen/
+msgid "Fullscreen with double-click"
+msgstr "雙擊全螢幕模式"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:45
+msgid "Reload Image"
+msgstr "重新載入圖片"
+#: ../plugins/reload/
+#: ../plugins/reload/eom-reload-plugin.c:47
+msgid "Reload current image"
+msgstr "重新載入目前的圖片"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Date in statusbar"
+msgstr "狀態列中的日期"
+#: ../plugins/statusbar-date/
+msgid "Shows the image date in the window statusbar"
+msgstr "在視窗狀態列中顯示圖片日期"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Browse and rotate images"
+msgstr "瀏覽及更改圖片的方向"
+# src/
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "圖片瀏覽程式"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Aperture Value:"
+msgstr "光圈值:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "作者:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Bytes:"
+msgstr "位元組:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Camera Model:"
+msgstr "相機型號:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "版權:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Date/Time:"
+msgstr "日期/時刻:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "描述:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "詳細資料"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Exposure Time:"
+msgstr "曝光時間:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Flash:"
+msgstr "閃光燈:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Focal Length:"
+msgstr "焦距:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "一般"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "高度:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "ISO Speed Rating:"
+msgstr "ISO 速率:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "圖片屬性"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "關鍵字:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "位置:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Metadata"
+msgstr "中繼資料"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "Metering Mode:"
+msgstr "測光模式:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "名稱:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "類型:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "寬度:"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "下一個(_N)"
+#: ../data/eom-image-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Previous"
+msgstr "上一個(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:2
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%f:</b> original filename"
+msgstr "<b>%f:</b> 原始檔案名稱"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "<b>%n:</b> counter"
+msgstr "<b>%n:</b> 計數"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Choose a folder"
+msgstr "選擇一個資料夾"
+# src/tb-image.c:33
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Destination folder:"
+msgstr "目的地資料夾:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "File Name Preview"
+msgstr "檔案名稱預覽"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "File Path Specifications"
+msgstr "檔案路徑規則"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Filename format:"
+msgstr "檔案名稱格式:"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "選項"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Rename from:"
+msgstr "重新命名格式:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Replace spaces with underscores"
+msgstr "以底線替代空格"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "另存新檔"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "開始計數於:"
+#: ../data/eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "到:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "以背景表示(_B)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "以方格表示(_P)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "As custom c_olor:"
+msgstr "以自選顏色表示(_O):"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "As custom color:"
+msgstr "如同自訂顏色:"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:6 ../data/
+msgid "Background Color"
+msgstr "背景顏色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "表示透明區域的顏色"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "E_xpand images to fit screen"
+msgstr "放大至適合螢幕的大小(_X)"
+# src/window.c:162
+# src/window.c:573
+# src/window.c:812
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 偏好設定"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Image Enhancements"
+msgstr "圖片增強"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Image View"
+msgstr "圖片顯示"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "Image Zoom"
+msgstr "圖片縮放"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "外掛程式"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Sequence"
+msgstr "播放順序"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "投影片"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_in"
+msgstr "拉近時將圖片平滑化(_I)"
+# src/
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Smooth images when zoomed-_out"
+msgstr "拉遠時將圖片平滑化(_O)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Transparent Parts"
+msgstr "透明部分"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:19
+msgid "_Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "自動調整方向(_A)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "循環順序(_L)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:21
+msgid "_Switch image after:"
+msgstr "在(_S)"
+#: ../data/eom-preferences-dialog.ui.h:22
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "秒後顯示下一張圖片"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"大於 0 的值表示,直到下一張圖片自動顯示之前,這張圖片的停留時間。0 表示取消自"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "使用的外掛程式"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "允許初始時縮放比例大於 100%"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Automatic orientation"
+msgstr "自動調整方向"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "延遲多少秒才顯示下一張圖片"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is chosen, then the trans-color key "
+"determines the color value used."
+msgstr ""
+"取 COLOR,則以 trans-color 設定鍵來決定使用哪種顏色。"
+# src/
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Extrapolate Image"
+msgstr "對圖片使用外推法"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated and no image is loaded in the active window, the file chooser "
+"will display the user's pictures folder using the XDG special user "
+"directories. If deactivated or the pictures folder has not been set up, it "
+"will show the current working directory."
+msgstr ""
+"如果在使用中而目前的視窗沒有載入圖片,檔案選擇程式會顯示使用 XDG 特殊使用者目"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, Eye of MATE won't ask for confirmation when moving images to "
+"the trash. It will still ask if any of the files cannot be moved to the "
+"trash and would be deleted instead."
+msgstr ""
+"如果啟用,Eye of MATE 在將圖片移至回收筒時不會要求確認。但是當檔案中有任何一"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If activated, the detailed metadata list in the properties dialog will be "
+"moved to its own page in the dialog. This should make the dialog more usable "
+"on smaller screens, e.g. as used by netbooks. If disabled, the widget will "
+"be embedded on the \"Metadata\" page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is active, the color set by the background-color key will be used to "
+"fill the area behind the image. If it is not set, the current GTK+ theme "
+"will determine the fill color."
+msgstr ""
+"如果使用這個選項,會使用 background-color 設定鍵指定的顏色填滿圖片後的區域。"
+"如果沒有指定,則由目前的 GTK+ 佈景主題決定要填入的顏色。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr "如果將這設定為‘FALSE’,小型圖片將不會被在初始時延展為符合視窗的大小。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Image collection pane position. Set to 0 for bottom; 1 for left; 2 for top; "
+"3 for right."
+msgstr "圖片集面板位置。設為 0 是底部;1 是左方;2 是上方;3 是右方。"
+# src/
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "對圖片使用內插法"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the \"Location\" of the active "
+"plugins. See the .eom-plugin file for obtaining the \"Location\" of a given "
+msgstr ""
+"使用中外掛程式的清單。這裡沒有包含這些外掛程式的「位置」。請參閱 .eom-plugin "
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "依圖片順序循環顯示"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
+msgstr "滑鼠滾輪縮放"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane scroll buttons."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏圖片集窗格捲軸按鈕。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the image collection pane."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏圖片集窗格。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window side pane."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏視窗側邊窗格。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏視窗的狀態列。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Show/Hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "顯示/隱藏視窗的工具列。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"The color that is used to fill the area behind the image. If the use-"
+"background-color key is not set, the color is determined by the active GTK+ "
+"theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"用來填滿圖片後方區域的顏色。如果沒有設定 use-background-color 設定鍵,則由使"
+"用的 GTK+ 佈景主題來代替。"
+#: ../data/
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"The multiplier to be applied when using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming. "
+"This value defines the zooming step used for each scroll event. For example, "
+"0.05 results in a 5% zoom increment for each scroll event and 1.00 result in "
+"a 100% zoom increment."
+msgstr ""
+"使用滑鼠滾輪縮放時的倍數。這個數值定義每次滾輪事件的縮放級數。舉例來說,0.05 "
+"代表每次滾輪事件會以 5% 縮放,而 1.00 代表每次滾輪事件會以 100% 縮放。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "表示透明的顏色"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "表示透明的方式"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Trash images without asking"
+msgstr "無需確認便將圖片移至回收筒"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Use a custom background color"
+msgstr "使用自訂的背景顏色"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the file chooser should show the user's pictures folder if no images "
+"are loaded."
+msgstr "如果沒有載入圖片,檔案選擇程式是否要顯示使用者的照片資料夾。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the image collection pane should be resizable."
+msgstr "圖片集窗格是否可以重設大小。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be extrapolated on zoom-in. This leads to blurry "
+"quality and is somewhat slower than non-extrapolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom-out. This leads to better "
+"quality but is somewhat slower than non-interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be rotated automatically based on EXIF orientation."
+msgstr "是否以 EXIF 的方向資料自動調整圖片的方向。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the metadata list in the properties dialog should have its own page."
+msgstr "屬性對話盒中的中繼資料清單是否要自成一個頁面。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the scroll wheel should be used for zooming."
+msgstr "是否使用滑鼠滾輪來做縮放動作。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Whether the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr "在不斷循環播放圖片時是否顯示圖片的順序。"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Zoom multiplier"
+msgstr "縮放倍數"
+#: ../src/eom-application.c:123
+msgid "Running in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "在全螢幕模式執行"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:159
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "關閉但不儲存(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "問題"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:374
+msgid "If you don't save, your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "如果您不儲存它們,您的變更就會消失。"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:409
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"
+msgstr "關閉前要儲存修改到圖片「%s」嗎?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:604
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d image with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d images with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "還有 %d 張圖片含有未儲存的變更。是否在關閉前儲存變更?"
+msgstr[1] "還有 %d 張圖片含有未儲存的變更。是否在關閉前儲存變更?"
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:621
+msgid "S_elect the images you want to save:"
+msgstr "請選擇要儲存的圖片(_E):"
+#. Secondary label
+#: ../src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c:639
+msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be lost."
+msgstr "如果不儲存,您所有的變更將會消失。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:128
+msgid "File format is unknown or unsupported"
+msgstr "檔案格式未知或不支援"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:133
+msgid ""
+"Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on "
+"the filename."
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 無法依據此檔案名稱來判斷是否為可寫入的檔案格式。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:134
+msgid "Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."
+msgstr "請嘗試不同的延伸檔名如 .png 或 .jpg。"
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:166
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "所有檔案"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:171
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "所有圖片"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:192
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:288 ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:137
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:139 ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:380
+msgid "pixel"
+msgid_plural "pixels"
+msgstr[0] "像素"
+msgstr[1] "像素"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:437
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "開啟圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:445
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "儲存圖片"
+# src/tb-image.c:33
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../src/eom-file-chooser.c:453
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "開啟資料夾"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation on unloaded image."
+msgstr "改變未載入的圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Transformation failed."
+msgstr "轉換失敗。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1053
+#, c-format
+msgid "EXIF not supported for this file format."
+msgstr "本檔案格式不支 EXIF。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image loading failed."
+msgstr "載入圖片失敗。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1585 ../src/eom-image.c:1687
+#, c-format
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "沒有載入圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-image.c:1595 ../src/eom-image.c:1699
+#, c-format
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "建立暫存檔失敗。"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "無法建立暫存檔來儲存: %s"
+#: ../src/eom-image-jpeg.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "無法分配記憶體來載入 JPEG 檔案"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:68
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "照相機"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:69
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "圖片資料"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:70
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "拍照時的環境狀態"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:71
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "拍攝者附記"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:72
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "其他"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:74
+msgid "XMP Exif"
+msgstr "XMP Exif"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:75
+msgid "XMP IPTC"
+msgstr "XMP IPTC"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:76
+msgid "XMP Rights Management"
+msgstr "XMP 版權管理"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:77
+msgid "XMP Other"
+msgstr "XMP 其他"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:251
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "標籤"
+#: ../src/eom-exif-details.c:258
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "數值"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:113 ../src/eom-exif-util.c:153
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y %X"
+#. A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time.
+#: ../src/eom-exif-util.c:147
+msgid "%a, %d %B %Y"
+msgstr "%a, %d %B %Y"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:107
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "重試(_R)"
+# src/util.c:47
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not load image '%s'."
+msgstr "無法載入圖片‘%s’。"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "No images found in '%s'."
+msgstr "在「%s」中找不到圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-error-message-area.c:182
+msgid "The given locations contain no images."
+msgstr "提供的位置並未包含圖片。"
+#: ../src/eom-print.c:219
+msgid "Image Settings"
+msgstr "圖片設定"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:834
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:835
+msgid "The image whose printing properties will be set up"
+msgstr "要進行列印設定的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:841
+msgid "Page Setup"
+msgstr "頁面設定"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:842
+msgid "The information for the page where the image will be printed"
+msgstr "將列印圖片的頁面資訊"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:870
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "位置"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:875
+msgid "_Left:"
+msgstr "左(_L):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:876
+msgid "_Right:"
+msgstr "右(_R):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:877
+msgid "_Top:"
+msgstr "上(_T):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:878
+msgid "_Bottom:"
+msgstr "下(_B):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:880
+msgid "C_enter:"
+msgstr "置中(_C):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:885
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "沒有"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:887
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "水平"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:889
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "垂直"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:891
+msgid "Both"
+msgstr "兩者"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:907
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "大小"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:912
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "寬度(_W):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:914
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "高度(_H):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:917
+msgid "_Scaling:"
+msgstr "比率(_S):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:930
+msgid "_Unit:"
+msgstr "單位(_U):"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:935
+msgid "Millimeters"
+msgstr "毫米"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:937
+msgid "Inches"
+msgstr "英吋"
+#: ../src/eom-print-image-setup.c:967
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "預覽"
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:154
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "不明"
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+#. the image was taken.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (lens)"
+msgstr "%.1f (鏡片)"
+#. Print as float to get a similar look as above.
+#. TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+#. a 35mm film camera.
+#: ../src/eom-properties-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.1f (35mm film)"
+msgstr "%.1f (35mm 軟片)"
+#: ../src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:161
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "原來格式"
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+#. * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+#. * count.
+#. *
+#. * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+#. * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+#. *
+#. * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+#. * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+#. * too.
+#: ../src/eom-statusbar.c:125
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d / %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#: ../src/eom-thumb-view.c:408
+msgid "Taken on"
+msgstr "拍攝日"
+#: ../src/eom-uri-converter.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "At least two file names are equal."
+msgstr "最少有兩個檔案的名稱相同。"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:68
+msgid "Could not display help for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "無法顯示 Eye of MATE 的說明文件。"
+#: ../src/eom-util.c:116
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr "(無效的統一碼)"
+#. Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+#. * The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - image width
+#. * - image height
+#. * - image size in bytes
+#. * - zoom in percent
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i × %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgid_plural "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%"
+msgstr[0] "%i × %i 像素 %s %i%%"
+msgstr[1] "%i × %i 像素 %s %i%%"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1138
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "重新載入(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1140 ../src/eom-window.c:2995
+msgctxt "MessageArea"
+msgid "Hi_de"
+msgstr "隱藏(_D)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1150
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application.\n"
+"Would you like to reload it?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"
+msgstr "使用「%s」開啟選定的圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#. Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+#. * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+#. * - the original filename
+#. * - the current image's position in the queue
+#. * - the total number of images queued for saving
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1455
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"
+msgstr "儲存圖片「%s」(%u/%u)"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:1808
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening image \"%s\""
+msgstr "正在開啟圖片「%s」"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error printing file:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2751
+msgid "Toolbar Editor"
+msgstr "工具列編輯器"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2754
+msgid "_Reset to Default"
+msgstr "重設為預設值(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2840
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"以下地址,MATE 翻譯團隊會盡快回覆您:\n"
+"Woodman Tuen <[email protected]>, 2005-07\n"
+"Ching-Hung Lin <[email protected]>, 2004\n"
+"Lawrence Leung <[email protected]>, 2004\n"
+"Abel Cheung <[email protected]>, 2001-2003\n"
+"Jing-Jong Shyue <[email protected]>, 2000"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2843
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"本程式為自由軟體;您可依據自由軟體基金會所發表的 GNU 通用公共授權條款規定,就"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2847
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"適用性所為的默示性擔保。詳情請參照 GNU 通用公共授權。\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2851
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
+"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
+msgstr ""
+"您應已收到附隨於本程式的 GNU 通用公共授權的副本;如無,請寫信至自由軟體基金"
+"會:59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA"
+# src/window.c:162
+# src/window.c:573
+# src/window.c:812
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2864
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE"
+# src/window.c:166
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2867
+msgid "The MATE image viewer."
+msgstr "MATE 圖片瀏覽程式。"
+#. I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+#. clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:2993
+msgid "_Open Background Preferences"
+msgstr "開啟背景偏好設定(_O)"
+#. The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+#. * with the automatic line break.
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3009
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background.\n"
+"Would you like to modify its appearance?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3405
+msgid "Saving image locally…"
+msgstr "將圖片儲存到本地端..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3487
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"\"%s\" to the trash?"
+msgstr "確定要將“%s”移至回收筒嗎?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3490
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove this image "
+msgstr "找不到「%s」的回收筒。是否要永久移除這個圖片?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the selected image to the trash?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Are you sure you want to move\n"
+"the %d selected images to the trash?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+"確定要將 %d 張選取的圖片\n"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3500
+msgid ""
+"Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash and will be removed "
+"permanently. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
+msgstr "有部分被選取的圖片不能移至回收筒,因而將被直接刪除。您確定要繼續嗎?"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3517 ../src/eom-window.c:3975 ../src/eom-window.c:3999
+msgid "Move to _Trash"
+msgstr "移至回收筒(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3519
+msgid "_Do not ask again during this session"
+msgstr "在這個作業階段中不要再詢問(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3564 ../src/eom-window.c:3578
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "無法存取回收筒。"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3586
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't delete file"
+msgstr "無法刪除檔案"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3657
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "當刪除圖片 %s 時發生錯誤"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3899
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "圖片(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3900
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "編輯(_E)"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3901
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "檢視(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3902
+msgid "_Go"
+msgstr "前往(_G)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3903
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "工具(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3904
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "求助(_H)"
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3906
+msgid "_Open…"
+msgstr "開啟(_O)…"
+# src/tb-image.c:33
+# src/window.c:181
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3907
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "開啟檔案"
+# src/tb-image.c:35
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3909
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "關閉(_C)"
+# src/window.c:186
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3910
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "關閉視窗"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3912
+msgid "T_oolbar"
+msgstr "工具列(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3913
+msgid "Edit the application toolbar"
+msgstr "編輯應用程式工具列"
+# src/preferences.c:219
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3915
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "偏好設定(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3916
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 偏好設定"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3918
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "內容(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3919
+msgid "Help on this application"
+msgstr "本應用程式的說明文件"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3921 ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:505
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "關於(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3922
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "關於此程式"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3927
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "工具列(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3928
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示工具列"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3930
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "狀態列(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3931
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示狀態列"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3933
+msgid "_Image Collection"
+msgstr "圖片集(_I)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3934
+msgid ""
+"Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示資訊窗格"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3936
+msgid "Side _Pane"
+msgstr "側邊窗格(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3937
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"
+msgstr "在目前的視窗中切換是否顯示側邊窗格"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3942
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "儲存(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3943
+msgid "Save changes in currently selected images"
+msgstr "儲存對目前選定圖片所做的變更"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3945
+msgid "Open _with"
+msgstr "以此開啟(_W)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3946
+msgid "Open the selected image with a different application"
+msgstr "使用不同的應用程式開啟選定的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3948
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "儲存為(_A)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3949
+msgid "Save the selected images with a different name"
+msgstr "將選定的圖片儲存為不同的名稱"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3951
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "列印(_P)..."
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3952
+msgid "Print the selected image"
+msgstr "列印選定的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3954
+msgid "Prope_rties"
+msgstr "屬性(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3955
+msgid "Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"
+msgstr "顯示選定圖片的屬性和中繼資料"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3957
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "復原(_U)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3958
+msgid "Undo the last change in the image"
+msgstr "復原上次對該圖片所做的變更"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3960
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "左右相反(_H)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3961
+msgid "Mirror the image horizontally"
+msgstr "水平鏡射該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3963
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "上下顛倒(_V)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3964
+msgid "Mirror the image vertically"
+msgstr "垂直鏡射該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3966
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "順時針方向旋轉(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3967
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "向右 90 度旋轉該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3969
+msgid "Rotate Counterc_lockwise"
+msgstr "逆時針方向旋轉(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3970
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "向左 90 度旋轉該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3972
+msgid "Set as _Desktop Background"
+msgstr "設為桌面背景(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3973
+msgid "Set the selected image as the desktop background"
+msgstr "將選取的圖片設為桌布"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3976
+msgid "Move the selected image to the trash folder"
+msgstr "將選定的圖片移至回收筒"
+# src/window.c:221
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3978 ../src/eom-window.c:3990 ../src/eom-window.c:3993
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "拉近(_Z)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3979 ../src/eom-window.c:3991
+msgid "Enlarge the image"
+msgstr "放大該圖片"
+# src/window.c:225
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3981 ../src/eom-window.c:3996
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "拉遠(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3982 ../src/eom-window.c:3994 ../src/eom-window.c:3997
+msgid "Shrink the image"
+msgstr "縮小該圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3984
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "正常大小(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3985
+msgid "Show the image at its normal size"
+msgstr "以圖片的原始尺寸顯示"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3987
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "最適大小(_F)"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:3988
+msgid "Fit the image to the window"
+msgstr "圖片符合視窗尺寸"
+# src/
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4005
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "全螢幕(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4006
+msgid "Show the current image in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "以全螢幕模式顯示目前的圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4008
+msgid "Pause Slideshow"
+msgstr "暫停投影片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4009
+msgid "Pause or resume the slideshow"
+msgstr "暫停或繼續播放投影片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4014 ../src/eom-window.c:4029
+msgid "_Previous Image"
+msgstr "上一幅圖片(_P)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4015
+msgid "Go to the previous image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的上一幅圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4017
+msgid "_Next Image"
+msgstr "下一幅圖片(_N)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4018
+msgid "Go to the next image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的下一張圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4020 ../src/eom-window.c:4032
+msgid "_First Image"
+msgstr "第一幅圖片(_F)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4021
+msgid "Go to the first image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的第一張圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4023 ../src/eom-window.c:4035
+msgid "_Last Image"
+msgstr "最後一幅圖片(_L)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4024
+msgid "Go to the last image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的最後一張圖片"
+# src/window.c:704
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4026
+msgid "_Random Image"
+msgstr "隨機圖片(_R)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4027
+msgid "Go to a random image of the collection"
+msgstr "移至圖片集的隨意圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4041
+msgid "_Slideshow"
+msgstr "投影片(_S)"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4042
+msgid "Start a slideshow view of the images"
+msgstr "以幻燈片檢視播放圖片"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4108
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "上一幅"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4112
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "下一幅"
+# (Abel) Right == Clockwise,如果用「右」就不知是由頂部還是底部轉向右
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4116
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "順時針"
+# (Abel) Left == Anti-clockwise,如果用「左」就不知是由頂部還是底部轉向左
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4119
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "逆時針"
+# src/tb-image.c:43
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4122
+msgid "In"
+msgstr "拉近"
+# src/tb-image.c:44
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4125
+msgid "Out"
+msgstr "拉遠"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4128
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "原來大小"
+# src/tb-image.c:46
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4131
+msgid "Fit"
+msgstr "符合"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4134
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "圖片集"
+#: ../src/eom-window.c:4137
+msgctxt "action (to trash)"
+msgid "Trash"
+msgstr "回收筒"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:51
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "外掛程式"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:52
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "已啟用"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:513
+msgid "C_onfigure"
+msgstr "設定(_O)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:523
+msgid "A_ctivate"
+msgstr "使用(_C)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:535
+msgid "Ac_tivate All"
+msgstr "全部使用(_T)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:540
+msgid "_Deactivate All"
+msgstr "全部不使用(_D)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:834
+msgid "Active _Plugins:"
+msgstr "使用中外掛程式(_P):"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:863
+msgid "_About Plugin"
+msgstr "關於外掛程式(_A)"
+#: ../src/eom-plugin-manager.c:870
+msgid "C_onfigure Plugin"
+msgstr "設定外掛程式(_O)"
+# src/window.c:162
+# src/window.c:573
+# src/window.c:812
+#: ../src/main.c:66 ../src/main.c:248
+msgid "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Eye of MATE 圖片檢視器"
+#: ../src/main.c:73
+msgid "Open in fullscreen mode"
+msgstr "以全螢幕模式開啟"
+#: ../src/main.c:74
+msgid "Disable image collection"
+msgstr "停用圖片集"
+#: ../src/main.c:75
+msgid "Open in slideshow mode"
+msgstr "以投影片模式開啟"
+#: ../src/main.c:77
+msgid "Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"
+msgstr "啟動新的實體而非重複使用既存的"
+#: ../src/main.c:80
+msgid "Show the application's version"
+msgstr "顯示應用程式的版本"
+#: ../src/main.c:81
+msgid "[FILE…]"
+msgstr "[檔案...]"
+#. I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name.
+#: ../src/main.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."
+msgstr "執行「%s --help」可列出命令列中可用的完整選項。"
diff --git a/po/zu.po b/po/zu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4189ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+# Zulu translation of eom.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Zuza Software Foundation (
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the eom package.
+# Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>, 2004
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: eom HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-11-30 17:57+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-11-30 17:02+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Zuza Software Foundation <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Zulu <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+msgid "Image Viewer"
+msgstr "Umbonisa sithombe"
+msgid "View many different types of images"
+msgstr "Bonisa izithombe ezahlukene"
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+msgid "<b>File Name Preview</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Umbuyekezo wegama lehele</b>"
+msgid "<b>File Path Specifications</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Umchazi womgudu hele</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Interpolation</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Isijobelelo sesithombe</b>"
+msgid "<b>Image Zoom</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Inkulisa sithombe</b>"
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukhetho</b>"
+msgid "<b>Sequence</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ukulandelana</b>"
+msgid "<b>Transparent Parts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ingxenye ezibonisa ngale</b>"
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow _zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Vumela _inkulisa engaphezu kwekhulu 100% kuqala"
+msgid "As _background"
+msgstr "Nje _ngesizinda"
+msgid "As check _pattern"
+msgstr "Nje ngesifanekiso sokuhlola _uhlu"
+msgid "As custom c_olor"
+msgstr "Njengenkambiso m_bala"
+msgid "Color for Transparent Areas"
+msgstr "Umbala wesinqithi obonisa ngale"
+msgid "Destination Folder:"
+msgstr "Isibaya sokufikela:"
+msgid "Eye of MATE Preferences"
+msgstr "Iso lokuzithandela MATE"
+msgid "Filename Format:"
+msgstr "Isimo segamahele:"
+msgid "Image _View"
+msgstr "Umboniso _sithombe"
+msgid "Rename From:"
+msgstr "Qamba futhi kusuka:"
+msgid "Replace spaces by underscore"
+msgstr "Vala izikhala ngokudwebela ngaphansi"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Hlenga njenge"
+msgid "Saving Image"
+msgstr "Ukuhlenga umboniso"
+msgid "Show _next image automatically after:"
+msgstr "Bonisa _isithombe esilandelayo ngokuzenzakalela ngasemuva:"
+msgid "Sli_de Show"
+msgstr "Inkom_bisa zithombe"
+msgid "Start counter at:"
+msgstr "Qala ukubala ku:"
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Ku:"
+msgid "_Browse"
+msgstr "_Yaluza"
+msgid "_Interpolate image on zoom"
+msgstr "_Isijobelelo sesithombe kwinkulisa"
+msgid "_Loop sequence"
+msgstr "Isilandelaniso se_nkintsho"
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "imizuzwana"
+msgid ""
+"A value greater than 0 determines the seconds an image stays on screen until "
+"the next one is shown automatically. Zero disables the automatic browsing."
+msgstr ""
+"Inani elingaphezu kuka 0 litshengisa isikhathi sokuhlala kwesithombe "
+"ngaphambi kokuvela kwesinye ngokuzenzakalela. Iqanda limisa ukuyaluza "
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Allow zoom greater than 100% initially"
+msgstr "Vumela inkulisa engaphezu kwekhulu 100% kuqala"
+msgid "Delay in seconds until showing the next image"
+msgstr "Bambezela ngemizuzwana bese kuvela esinye isithombe"
+msgid ""
+"Determines how transparency should be indicated. Valid values are "
+"CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR and NONE. If COLOR is choosen, then the trans_color key "
+"determines the used color value."
+msgstr ""
+"Inquma ukuthi inkambiso yukubona ngale kumele yibe kanjani. Amagama afanele "
+"yilawa CHECK_PATTERN, COLOR kanye no NONE. Uma COLOR ikhethiwe, bese "
+"isihloko trans_color sinquma igama lombala osebenzile."
+msgid ""
+"If the transparency key has the value COLOR, then this key determines the "
+"color which is used for indicating transparency."
+msgstr ""
+"Makube isihloko sombonangale sinegama COLOR, bese lesisihloko sinquma umbala "
+"osebenzile ukubonisa umbonangale."
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to FALSE small images will not be stretched to fit into the "
+"screen initially."
+msgstr ""
+"Uma lokhu kuhlelwe FALSE imibonakaliso emincane ngekeyande ukulingana "
+"nesihenqo ekuqaleni."
+msgid "Interpolate Image"
+msgstr "Jobelela isithombe"
+msgid "Loop through the image sequence"
+msgstr "Dlulisela ngale kokulandelana kwesithombe"
+msgid "Open images in a new window"
+msgstr "Vula izithombe efasiteleni elisha"
+msgid "Show/hide image information for collection."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Show/hide image information for single image."
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Show/hide the window statusbar."
+msgstr "Veza/fihla izinga lokumela."
+msgid "Show/hide the window toolbar."
+msgstr "Veza/fihla ithuluzi lokumela."
+msgid "Transparency color"
+msgstr "Umbala wokubona ngale"
+msgid "Transparency indicator"
+msgstr "Intshengisa yokubona ngale"
+msgid ""
+"Whether opening an image should create a new window instead of replacing the "
+"image in the current window."
+msgstr ""
+"Noma uma uvula isithombe wakhe ifasitela elisha kunoma ubuyisele umboniso "
+"efasiteleni lelo."
+msgid ""
+"Whether or not the sequence of images should be shown in an endless loop."
+msgstr ""
+"Uma ukulandelana kwezithombe kubonakalisa enkintshweni engapheli noma cha."
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image should be interpolated on zoom or not. This leads to "
+"better quality but is somewhat slower than non interpolated images."
+msgstr ""
+"Noma isithombe sijobelelwe ngokwenkulisa noma cha. Lokhu kukhokelela "
+"esithombeni esincono kodwa cishe sibe nonwabo kunezithombe ezijobelelwe."
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:124
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Amahele wonke"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:129
+msgid "All Images"
+msgstr "Izithombe zonke"
+#. Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (*.%s)"
+msgstr "%s (*.%s)"
+#. Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s x %s pixel"
+msgstr "%s x %s ichapaza"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:396
+msgid "Load Image"
+msgstr "Faka isithombe"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:404
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Londoloza isithombe"
+#: libeom/eom-file-selection.c:412
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "Vula isibaya"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:330 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"
+msgstr "Ukungakhoni ukudala ihele lwesikhashane lokulondoza: %s"
+#: libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:349 libeom/eom-image-jpeg.c:590
+msgid "Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"
+msgstr "Ukungakhoni ukwabela umqondo wokufaka ihele JPEG"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:814
+msgid "empty file"
+msgstr "ihele elingenalutho"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1247 libeom/eom-image.c:1458
+msgid "File exists"
+msgstr "Ihele likhona"
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1400 libeom/eom-image.c:1526
+msgid "No image loaded."
+msgstr "Akunasithombe esifakiwe."
+#: libeom/eom-image.c:1409 libeom/eom-image.c:1535
+msgid "Temporary file creation failed."
+msgstr "Ukwakha ihele lwesikhashana akuphumelelanga."
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:26
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Isithwebuli"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:27
+msgid "Image Data"
+msgstr "Imininingwane yesithombe"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:28
+msgid "Image Taking Conditions"
+msgstr "Izimo zokuthatha isithombe"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:29
+msgid "Maker Note"
+msgstr "Umenzi ncwajana"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:30
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Okunye"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:212
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "Ilebula"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-exif.c:220 libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:96
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Inani"
+#. only used for internal purpose
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:25 libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:45
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Ibizohele"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:26
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Ububanzi"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:27
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Ubude"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:28
+msgid "Filesize"
+msgstr "Ubungako behele"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view-file.c:88
+msgid "Attribute"
+msgstr "Isifanekiso"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:92
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Ihele"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:101
+msgid "EXIF"
+msgstr "EXIF"
+#: libeom/eom-info-view.c:108
+msgid "IPTC"
+msgstr "IPTC"
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:137
+msgid "Option not available."
+msgstr "Akunakhetho."
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:138
+msgid ""
+"To use this function you need the libexif library. Please install libexif "
+"( and recompile Eye of MATE."
+msgstr ""
+"Ukusebenzisa lomtapo udinga umtholwazi libexif. Ngicela ufake libexif "
+"( uphinde uhlole kabusha Iso lwe MATE."
+#: libeom/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c:214
+msgid "as is"
+msgstr "njengoba injalo"
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:162
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving image %s."
+msgstr "Ukuhlenga isithombe %s."
+#: libeom/eom-save-dialog-helper.c:208
+msgid "Cancel saving ..."
+msgstr "Cisha ukulondoza..."
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.c:1023
+msgid "Filenames are not disjunct."
+msgstr "Amagama wehele awahlanganisiwe."
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:46
+msgid "Counter"
+msgstr "Isibali"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:47
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Phawula"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:48
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Usuku lwenyanga"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:49
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Isikhathi"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:50
+msgid "Day"
+msgstr "Usuku"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:51
+msgid "Month"
+msgstr "Inyanga"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:52
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Unyaka"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:53
+msgid "Hour"
+msgstr "Ihora"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:54
+msgid "Minute"
+msgstr "Umzuzu"
+#: libeom/eom-uri-converter.h:55
+msgid "Second"
+msgstr "Umzuzwana"
+#. Translators should localize the following string
+#. * which will give them credit in the About box.
+#. * E.g. "Fulano de Tal <[email protected]>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:314
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Kemi Translations <[email protected]> <[email protected]."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:319 shell/eom-window.c:2208 shell/eom-window.c:2543
+#: shell/main.c:520
+msgid "Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Iso le MATE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:322
+msgid "The MATE image viewing and cataloging program."
+msgstr "Umboniso sithombe nehlelo lokuhlelwa kwezinto MATE."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Could not display help for Eye of MATE.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Asikhonanga ukuveza usizo esweni le MATE.\n"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:647
+#, c-format
+msgid "Overwrite file %s?"
+msgstr "Cisha ihele %s?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:648
+msgid "File exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
+msgstr "Ihele likhona. Ufuna ukulicisha na?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:657 shell/eom-window.c:670
+msgid "Skip"
+msgstr "Yeqa"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:658
+msgid "Overwrite"
+msgstr "Cisha"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:663
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on saving %s."
+msgstr "Iphutha ekuhlengeni %s."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:671 shell/eom-window.c:1055
+msgid "Retry"
+msgstr "Zama futhi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1044
+#, c-format
+msgid "Couldn't determine file format of %s"
+msgstr "Asikhonanga ukuthola inkambiso yohlelo lohele %s"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1045
+msgid "Please use an appropriate filename suffix or select a file format."
+msgstr ""
+"Sicela usebenzise isijobelelo segama lehele elifanele mhlambe ukhethe isimo "
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1187
+msgid "Error on saving images."
+msgstr "Iphutha ekuhlengeni izithombe."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1420
+#, c-format
+msgid "Do you really want to move %i image to trash?"
+msgid_plural "Do you really want to move %i images to trash?"
+msgstr[0] "Ngabe ufuna ukuhambisa %i isithombe emgqonyeni?"
+msgstr[1] "Ngabe ufuna ukuhambisa %i izithombe emgqonyeni?"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1458
+msgid "Couldn't access trash."
+msgstr "Asikhonanga ukuthola umqgomu."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:1532
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error on deleting image %s"
+msgstr "Iphutha ekucimeni isithombe %s"
+#. [image width] x [image height] pixel [bytes] [zoom in percent]
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2137
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i x %i pixel %s %i%%"
+msgstr "%i x %i ichaphaza %s %i%%"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2274
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Ihele"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2275
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Hlaziya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2276
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Bona"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2277
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Usizo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2278
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Entsha"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2278
+msgid "Open a new window"
+msgstr "Vula ifasitela elisha"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2279
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Vula..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2279
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Vula ihele"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2280
+msgid "Open _Folder..."
+msgstr "Vula isi_baya..."
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2280
+msgid "Open a folder"
+msgstr "Vula isibaya"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2281
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Vala"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2281
+msgid "Close window"
+msgstr "Vala ifasitela"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2282
+msgid "Prefere_nces"
+msgstr "Okuthande_kayo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2282
+msgid "Preferences for Eye of MATE"
+msgstr "Okuthandekayo Esweni le MATE"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2283
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Okuqukethwe"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2283
+msgid "Help On this application"
+msgstr "Usizo kulesisithobo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2284
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "_Mayelana"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2284
+msgid "About this application"
+msgstr "Mayelana nalesisithobo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2289
+msgid "_Toolbar"
+msgstr "_Ithuluzi kokumele"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2289
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2290
+msgid "_Statusbar"
+msgstr "_Izinga lokumela"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2290
+msgid "Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2295
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Hlenga"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2296
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Hlenga _njenge"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2298
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Ungasenzi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2300
+msgid "Flip _Horizontal"
+msgstr "Qwabaza _ngokuqonde dindilizi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2301
+msgid "Flip _Vertical"
+msgstr "Qwabaza _ngokuma thwi"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2303
+msgid "_Rotate Clockwise"
+msgstr "_Zungeza ngokwehlongo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2304
+msgid "Rotate Counter C_lockwise"
+msgstr "Zungeza ngokweHluka nehl_ongo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2305
+msgid "Rotat_e 180°"
+msgstr "Zungez_a 180°"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2307
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Cima"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2309
+msgid "_Full Screen"
+msgstr "_Isihenqo esigcwele"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2310
+msgid "_Zoom In"
+msgstr "_Inkulisa engenelayo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2311
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Inkulisa _buqamama"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2312
+msgid "_Normal Size"
+msgstr "_Ukulingana ngokujwayelekile"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2313
+msgid "Best _Fit"
+msgstr "llingana _nqgo"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2318
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Image _Information"
+msgstr "<b>Isijobelelo sesithombe</b>"
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2318
+msgid "Change the visibility of the information pane in the current window"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/eom-window.c:2374
+msgid "User interface description not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:67
+msgid "Unable to create Eye of MATE user interface"
+msgstr ""
+#: shell/main.c:258
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You are about to open %i windows simultaneously. Do you want to open them in "
+"a collection instead?"
+msgstr ""
+"Uzovula %i amafasitela kanyekanye. Ingabe ufuna ukuwavula mhlabe wonke "
+#: shell/main.c:262
+msgid "Open multiple single windows?"
+msgstr "Vula amafasitele amaningi ngalinye?"
+#: shell/main.c:266
+msgid "Single Windows"
+msgstr "Amafasitela ngalinye"
+#: shell/main.c:268
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Iqoqo"
+#: shell/main.c:320
+msgid "File not found."
+msgid_plural "Files not found."
+msgstr[0] "Ihele alitholakalanga."
+msgstr[1] "Amahele awatholakali."
+#: shell/util.c:52
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open `%s'"
+msgstr "Akuvulekanga `%s'"
+#~ msgid "Open _Directory..."
+#~ msgstr "Vula u_mkhondo..."
+#~ msgid "Open a directory"
+#~ msgstr "Vula umkhondo"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d9e15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+jpeg_LIB = $(top_builddir)/jpegutils/
+toolbar_LIB = $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/
+screensaver_LIB = $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/
+bin_PROGRAMS = eom
+headerdir = $(prefix)/include/eom-@EOM_API_VERSION@/eom
+header_DATA = $(INST_H_FILES)
+ eom-marshal.h \
+ eom-marshal.c
+ eom-session.h \
+ eom-util.h \
+ eom-pixbuf-util.h \
+ eom-preferences-dialog.h \
+ eom-config-keys.h \
+ eom-image-jpeg.h \
+ eom-image-private.h \
+ eom-uri-converter.h \
+ eom-metadata-reader.h \
+ eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h \
+ eom-metadata-reader-png.h \
+ eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h \
+ eom-print-image-setup.h \
+ eom-print-preview.h \
+ eom-print.h \
+ eom-module.h \
+ eom-plugin-manager.h \
+ eom-plugin-engine.h \
+ uta.h \
+ eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h \
+ zoom.h
+ eom-python-module.h \
+ eom-python-plugin.h
+ eom-application.h \
+ eom-debug.h \
+ eom-window.h \
+ eom-sidebar.h \
+ eom-dialog.h \
+ eom-properties-dialog.h \
+ eom-error-message-area.h \
+ eom-file-chooser.h \
+ eom-statusbar.h \
+ eom-thumb-nav.h \
+ eom-transform.h \
+ eom-image.h \
+ eom-enums.h \
+ eom-image-save-info.h \
+ eom-scroll-view.h \
+ eom-thumb-view.h \
+ eom-list-store.h \
+ eom-thumbnail.h \
+ eom-job-queue.h \
+ eom-jobs.h \
+ eom-plugin.h
+libeom_la_SOURCES = \
+ eom-application.c \
+ eom-session.c \
+ eom-debug.c \
+ eom-util.c \
+ eom-pixbuf-util.c \
+ eom-window.c \
+ eom-sidebar.c \
+ eom-dialog.c \
+ eom-preferences-dialog.c \
+ eom-properties-dialog.c \
+ eom-error-message-area.c \
+ eom-file-chooser.c \
+ eom-statusbar.c \
+ eom-thumb-nav.c \
+ eom-transform.c \
+ eom-image.c \
+ eom-image-jpeg.c \
+ eom-image-save-info.c \
+ eom-scroll-view.c \
+ eom-thumb-view.c \
+ eom-list-store.c \
+ eom-thumbnail.c \
+ eom-job-queue.c \
+ eom-jobs.c \
+ eom-uri-converter.c \
+ eom-metadata-reader.c \
+ eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c \
+ eom-metadata-reader-png.c \
+ eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c \
+ eom-print-image-setup.c \
+ eom-print-preview.c \
+ eom-print.c \
+ eom-module.c \
+ eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c \
+ eom-plugin.c \
+ eom-plugin-manager.c \
+ eom-plugin-engine.c \
+ uta.c \
+ zoom.c \
+ eom-exif-util.h \
+ eom-exif-details.h
+libeom_la_SOURCES += \
+ eom-exif-util.c \
+ eom-exif-details.c
+libeom_la_SOURCES += \
+ eom-python-module.c \
+ eom-python-module.h \
+ eom-python-plugin.c \
+ eom-python-plugin.h
+# We need to make sure eom-exif-details.h
+# is only listed once in INST_H_FILES
+# or the build will break with automake-1.11
+ eom-exif-details.h
+endif !HAVE_EXIF
+libeom_la_SOURCES += \
+ eom-exif-details.c
+libeom_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/jpegutils \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver \
+ -DEOM_PREFIX=\""${prefix}"\" \
+ -DEOM_DATA_DIR=\""$(pkgdatadir)"\" \
+ -DEOM_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\" \
+ -DEOM_PIXMAPS_DIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/eom"\" \
+ -DEOM_PLUGIN_DIR=\""$(libdir)/eom/plugins"\"
+libeom_la_LIBADD = \
+libeom_la_CFLAGS += \
+ $(X11_CFLAGS)
+libeom_la_LIBADD += \
+ $(X11_LIBS)
+libeom_la_CFLAGS += \
+libeom_la_LIBADD += \
+ $(top_builddir)/bindings/python/
+libeom_la_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic -no-undefined -export-symbols-regex "^[[^_]].*"
+eom_SOURCES = main.c
+eom_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver \
+ -DEOM_DATA_DIR=\""$(pkgdatadir)"\" \
+ -DEOM_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\"
+eom_LDADD = \
+ \
+ $(EOM_LIBS) \
+ $(LIBJPEG) \
+ $(toolbar_LIB) \
+ $(screensaver_LIB) \
+ $(jpeg_LIB)
+eom_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic -no-undefined -export-symbols-regex "^[[^_]].*"
+ eom-enum-types.c \
+ eom-enum-types.h \
+eom-enum-types.h: eom-enum-types.h.template $(INST_H_FILES) $(GLIB_MKENUMS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)(cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) --template eom-enum-types.h.template $(INST_H_FILES)) > $@
+eom-enum-types.c: eom-enum-types.c.template $(INST_H_FILES) $(GLIB_MKENUMS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)(cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) --template eom-enum-types.c.template $(INST_H_FILES)) > $@
+eom-marshal.h: eom-marshal.list $(GLIB_GENMARSHAL)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) $< --header --internal --prefix=eom_marshal > $@
+eom-marshal.c: eom-marshal.list $(GLIB_GENMARSHAL)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) $< --body --header --prefix=eom_marshal > $@
+ eom-enum-types.h.template \
+ eom-enum-types.c.template \
+ eom-marshal.list
+BUILT_SOURCES += eom-application-service.h
+EXTRA_DIST += eom-application-service.xml
+eom-application-service.h: eom-application-service.xml
+ $(AM_V_GEN)dbus-binding-tool --prefix=eom_application --mode=glib-server --output=eom-application-service.h $<
+ cd $(distdir); rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deacf79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1326 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+bin_PROGRAMS = eom$(EXEEXT)
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@am__append_1 = \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ eom-python-module.h \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ eom-python-plugin.h
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@am__append_2 = \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ eom-exif-util.h \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ eom-exif-details.h
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@am__append_3 = \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ eom-exif-util.c \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ eom-exif-details.c
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@am__append_4 = \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ eom-python-module.c \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ eom-python-module.h \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ eom-python-plugin.c \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ eom-python-plugin.h
+# We need to make sure eom-exif-details.h
+# is only listed once in INST_H_FILES
+# or the build will break with automake-1.11
+@HAVE_EXEMPI_TRUE@@HAVE_EXIF_FALSE@ eom-exif-details.h
+@HAVE_EXEMPI_TRUE@am__append_6 = \
+@HAVE_EXEMPI_TRUE@ eom-exif-details.c
+@HAVE_LCMS_TRUE@am__append_7 = \
+@HAVE_LCMS_TRUE@am__append_8 = \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@am__append_9 = \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@am__append_10 = \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ $(top_builddir)/bindings/python/
+@HAVE_DBUS_TRUE@am__append_11 = eom-application-service.h
+@HAVE_DBUS_TRUE@am__append_12 = eom-application-service.xml
+subdir = src
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+ $(am__append_10)
+am__libeom_la_SOURCES_DIST = eom-application.c eom-session.c \
+ eom-debug.c eom-util.c eom-pixbuf-util.c eom-window.c \
+ eom-sidebar.c eom-dialog.c eom-preferences-dialog.c \
+ eom-properties-dialog.c eom-error-message-area.c \
+ eom-file-chooser.c eom-statusbar.c eom-thumb-nav.c \
+ eom-transform.c eom-image.c eom-image-jpeg.c \
+ eom-image-save-info.c eom-scroll-view.c eom-thumb-view.c \
+ eom-list-store.c eom-thumbnail.c eom-job-queue.c eom-jobs.c \
+ eom-uri-converter.c eom-metadata-reader.c \
+ eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c eom-metadata-reader-png.c \
+ eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c eom-print-image-setup.c \
+ eom-print-preview.c eom-print.c eom-module.c \
+ eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c eom-plugin.c \
+ eom-plugin-manager.c eom-plugin-engine.c uta.c zoom.c \
+ eom-enum-types.c eom-enum-types.h eom-marshal.h eom-marshal.c \
+ eom-application-service.h eom-session.h eom-util.h \
+ eom-pixbuf-util.h eom-preferences-dialog.h eom-config-keys.h \
+ eom-image-jpeg.h eom-image-private.h eom-uri-converter.h \
+ eom-metadata-reader.h eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h \
+ eom-metadata-reader-png.h eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h \
+ eom-print-image-setup.h eom-print-preview.h eom-print.h \
+ eom-module.h eom-plugin-manager.h eom-plugin-engine.h uta.h \
+ eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h zoom.h eom-python-module.h \
+ eom-python-plugin.h eom-application.h eom-debug.h eom-window.h \
+ eom-sidebar.h eom-dialog.h eom-properties-dialog.h \
+ eom-error-message-area.h eom-file-chooser.h eom-statusbar.h \
+ eom-thumb-nav.h eom-transform.h eom-image.h eom-enums.h \
+ eom-image-save-info.h eom-scroll-view.h eom-thumb-view.h \
+ eom-list-store.h eom-thumbnail.h eom-job-queue.h eom-jobs.h \
+ eom-plugin.h eom-exif-util.h eom-exif-details.h \
+ eom-exif-util.c eom-exif-details.c eom-python-module.c \
+ eom-python-plugin.c
+am__objects_1 = libeom_la-eom-marshal.lo
+am__objects_2 =
+am__objects_3 = libeom_la-eom-enum-types.lo $(am__objects_1) \
+ $(am__objects_2)
+am__objects_4 = $(am__objects_2)
+am__objects_5 = $(am__objects_2) $(am__objects_2)
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@am__objects_6 = libeom_la-eom-exif-util.lo \
+@HAVE_EXIF_TRUE@ libeom_la-eom-exif-details.lo
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@am__objects_7 = libeom_la-eom-python-module.lo \
+@ENABLE_PYTHON_TRUE@ libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.lo
+@HAVE_EXEMPI_TRUE@am__objects_8 = libeom_la-eom-exif-details.lo
+am_libeom_la_OBJECTS = libeom_la-eom-application.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-session.lo libeom_la-eom-debug.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-util.lo libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-window.lo libeom_la-eom-sidebar.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-dialog.lo libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.lo libeom_la-eom-statusbar.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.lo libeom_la-eom-transform.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-image.lo libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.lo libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.lo libeom_la-eom-list-store.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.lo libeom_la-eom-job-queue.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-jobs.lo libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-print-preview.lo libeom_la-eom-print.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-module.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-plugin.lo libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.lo \
+ libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.lo libeom_la-uta.lo \
+ libeom_la-zoom.lo $(am__objects_3) $(am__objects_4) \
+ $(am__objects_5) $(am__objects_6) $(am__objects_7) \
+ $(am__objects_8)
+libeom_la_OBJECTS = $(am_libeom_la_OBJECTS)
+AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V))
+am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_lt_0 = --silent
+libeom_la_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) \
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) \
+ $(CFLAGS) $(libeom_la_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+am__installdirs = "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(headerdir)"
+am_eom_OBJECTS = eom-main.$(OBJEXT)
+eom_OBJECTS = $(am_eom_OBJECTS)
+ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) $(toolbar_LIB) $(screensaver_LIB) \
+ $(jpeg_LIB)
+eom_LINK = $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) \
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(eom_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(eom_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I.@am__isrc@ -I$(top_builddir)
+depcomp = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/depcomp
+am__depfiles_maybe = depfiles
+am__mv = mv -f
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) \
+AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V))
+am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@;
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V))
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_at_0 = @
+CCLD = $(CC)
+ $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link $(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) \
+ $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+AM_V_CCLD = $(am__v_CCLD_$(V))
+am__v_CCLD_ = $(am__v_CCLD_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_CCLD_0 = @echo " CCLD " $@;
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V))
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@;
+SOURCES = $(libeom_la_SOURCES) $(eom_SOURCES)
+DIST_SOURCES = $(am__libeom_la_SOURCES_DIST) $(eom_SOURCES)
+am__vpath_adj_setup = srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`;
+am__vpath_adj = case $$p in \
+ $(srcdir)/*) f=`echo "$$p" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
+ *) f=$$p;; \
+ esac;
+am__strip_dir = f=`echo $$p | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`;
+am__install_max = 40
+am__nobase_strip_setup = \
+ srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*|]/\\\\&/g'`
+am__nobase_strip = \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed -e "s|$$srcdirstrip/||"
+am__nobase_list = $(am__nobase_strip_setup); \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed "s| $$srcdirstrip/| |;"' / .*\//!s/ .*/ ./; s,\( .*\)/[^/]*$$,\1,' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = "" } { files[$$2] = files[$$2] " " $$1; \
+ if (++n[$$2] == $(am__install_max)) \
+ { print $$2, files[$$2]; n[$$2] = 0; files[$$2] = "" } } \
+ END { for (dir in files) print dir, files[dir] }'
+am__base_list = \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g' | \
+ sed '$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;$$!N;s/\n/ /g'
+DATA = $(header_DATA)
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+X11_LIBS = @X11_LIBS@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+pkgpyexecdir = @pkgpyexecdir@
+pkgpythondir = @pkgpythondir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+pyexecdir = @pyexecdir@
+pythondir = @pythondir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+@ENABLE_JPEG_TRUE@jpeg_LIB = $(top_builddir)/jpegutils/
+toolbar_LIB = $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor/
+screensaver_LIB = $(top_builddir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver/
+headerdir = $(prefix)/include/eom-@EOM_API_VERSION@/eom
+header_DATA = $(INST_H_FILES)
+ eom-marshal.h \
+ eom-marshal.c
+NOINST_H_FILES = eom-session.h eom-util.h eom-pixbuf-util.h \
+ eom-preferences-dialog.h eom-config-keys.h eom-image-jpeg.h \
+ eom-image-private.h eom-uri-converter.h eom-metadata-reader.h \
+ eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h eom-metadata-reader-png.h \
+ eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h eom-print-image-setup.h \
+ eom-print-preview.h eom-print.h eom-module.h \
+ eom-plugin-manager.h eom-plugin-engine.h uta.h \
+ eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h zoom.h $(am__append_1)
+INST_H_FILES = eom-application.h eom-debug.h eom-window.h \
+ eom-sidebar.h eom-dialog.h eom-properties-dialog.h \
+ eom-error-message-area.h eom-file-chooser.h eom-statusbar.h \
+ eom-thumb-nav.h eom-transform.h eom-image.h eom-enums.h \
+ eom-image-save-info.h eom-scroll-view.h eom-thumb-view.h \
+ eom-list-store.h eom-thumbnail.h eom-job-queue.h eom-jobs.h \
+ eom-plugin.h $(am__append_2) $(am__append_5)
+libeom_la_SOURCES = eom-application.c eom-session.c eom-debug.c \
+ eom-util.c eom-pixbuf-util.c eom-window.c eom-sidebar.c \
+ eom-dialog.c eom-preferences-dialog.c eom-properties-dialog.c \
+ eom-error-message-area.c eom-file-chooser.c eom-statusbar.c \
+ eom-thumb-nav.c eom-transform.c eom-image.c eom-image-jpeg.c \
+ eom-image-save-info.c eom-scroll-view.c eom-thumb-view.c \
+ eom-list-store.c eom-thumbnail.c eom-job-queue.c eom-jobs.c \
+ eom-uri-converter.c eom-metadata-reader.c \
+ eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c eom-metadata-reader-png.c \
+ eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c eom-print-image-setup.c \
+ eom-print-preview.c eom-print.c eom-module.c \
+ eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c eom-plugin.c \
+ eom-plugin-manager.c eom-plugin-engine.c uta.c zoom.c \
+ $(am__append_3) $(am__append_4) $(am__append_6)
+libeom_la_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/jpegutils \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver $(EOM_CFLAGS) \
+ -DEOM_PREFIX=\""${prefix}"\" \
+ -DEOM_DATA_DIR=\""$(pkgdatadir)"\" \
+ -DEOM_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\" \
+ -DEOM_PIXMAPS_DIR=\""$(datadir)/pixmaps/eom"\" \
+ -DEOM_PLUGIN_DIR=\""$(libdir)/eom/plugins"\" $(am__append_7) \
+ $(am__append_9)
+libeom_la_LIBADD = $(EOM_LIBS) $(am__append_8) $(am__append_10)
+libeom_la_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic -no-undefined -export-symbols-regex "^[[^_]].*"
+eom_SOURCES = main.c
+eom_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/toolbar-editor \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/cut-n-paste/totem-screensaver \
+ -DEOM_DATA_DIR=\""$(pkgdatadir)"\" \
+ -DEOM_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(datadir)/locale"\"
+eom_LDADD = \
+ \
+ $(EOM_LIBS) \
+ $(LIBJPEG) \
+ $(toolbar_LIB) \
+ $(screensaver_LIB) \
+ $(jpeg_LIB)
+eom_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic -no-undefined -export-symbols-regex "^[[^_]].*"
+BUILT_SOURCES = eom-enum-types.c eom-enum-types.h $(MARSHAL_OUTPUT) \
+ $(am__append_11)
+EXTRA_DIST = eom-enum-types.h.template eom-enum-types.c.template \
+ eom-marshal.list $(am__append_12)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-am
+.SUFFIXES: .c .lo .o .obj
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign src/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --foreign src/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -test -z "$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)" || rm -f $(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)
+ @list='$(noinst_LTLIBRARIES)'; for p in $$list; do \
+ dir="`echo $$p | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$$||'`"; \
+ test "$$dir" != "$$p" || dir=.; \
+ echo "rm -f \"$${dir}/so_locations\""; \
+ rm -f "$${dir}/so_locations"; \
+ done $(libeom_la_OBJECTS) $(libeom_la_DEPENDENCIES)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(libeom_la_LINK) $(libeom_la_OBJECTS) $(libeom_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
+install-binPROGRAMS: $(bin_PROGRAMS)
+ test -z "$(bindir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
+ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do echo "$$p $$p"; done | \
+ sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//' | \
+ while read p p1; do if test -f $$p || test -f $$p1; \
+ then echo "$$p"; echo "$$p"; else :; fi; \
+ done | \
+ sed -e 'p;s,.*/,,;n;h' -e 's|.*|.|' \
+ -e 'p;x;s,.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform);s/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' | \
+ sed 'N;N;N;s,\n, ,g' | \
+ $(AWK) 'BEGIN { files["."] = ""; dirs["."] = 1 } \
+ { d=$$3; if (dirs[d] != 1) { print "d", d; dirs[d] = 1 } \
+ if ($$2 == $$4) files[d] = files[d] " " $$1; \
+ else { print "f", $$3 "/" $$4, $$1; } } \
+ END { for (d in files) print "f", d, files[d] }' | \
+ while read type dir files; do \
+ if test "$$dir" = .; then dir=; else dir=/$$dir; fi; \
+ test -z "$$files" || { \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV) $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=install $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)$$dir'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM_ENV) $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=install $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)$$dir" || exit $$?; \
+ } \
+ ; done
+ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$(bindir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | \
+ sed -e 'h;s,^.*/,,;s/$(EXEEXT)$$//;$(transform)' \
+ -e 's/$$/$(EXEEXT)/' `; \
+ test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" && rm -f $$files
+ @list='$(bin_PROGRAMS)'; test -n "$$list" || exit 0; \
+ echo " rm -f" $$list; \
+ rm -f $$list || exit $$?; \
+ test -n "$(EXEEXT)" || exit 0; \
+ list=`for p in $$list; do echo "$$p"; done | sed 's/$(EXEEXT)$$//'`; \
+ echo " rm -f" $$list; \
+ rm -f $$list
+ @rm -f eom$(EXEEXT)
+ $(AM_V_CCLD)$(eom_LINK) $(eom_OBJECTS) $(eom_LDADD) $(LIBS)
+ -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)
+ -rm -f *.tab.c
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/eom-main.Po@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-application.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-debug.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-dialog.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-enum-types.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-details.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-util.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-job-queue.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-jobs.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-list-store.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-marshal.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-module.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-preview.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-module.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-session.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-sidebar.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-statusbar.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-transform.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-util.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-window.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-uta.Plo@am__quote@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-zoom.Plo@am__quote@
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(COMPILE) -c `$(CYGPATH_W) '$<'`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LTCOMPILE) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo -c -o $@ $<
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/$*.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/$*.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='$<' object='$@' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LTCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+libeom_la-eom-application.lo: eom-application.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-application.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-application.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-application.lo `test -f 'eom-application.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-application.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-application.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-application.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-application.c' object='libeom_la-eom-application.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-application.lo `test -f 'eom-application.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-application.c
+libeom_la-eom-session.lo: eom-session.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-session.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-session.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-session.lo `test -f 'eom-session.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-session.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-session.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-session.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-session.c' object='libeom_la-eom-session.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-session.lo `test -f 'eom-session.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-session.c
+libeom_la-eom-debug.lo: eom-debug.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-debug.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-debug.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-debug.lo `test -f 'eom-debug.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-debug.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-debug.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-debug.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-debug.c' object='libeom_la-eom-debug.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-debug.lo `test -f 'eom-debug.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-debug.c
+libeom_la-eom-util.lo: eom-util.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-util.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-util.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-util.lo `test -f 'eom-util.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-util.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-util.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-util.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-util.c' object='libeom_la-eom-util.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-util.lo `test -f 'eom-util.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-util.c
+libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.lo: eom-pixbuf-util.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.lo `test -f 'eom-pixbuf-util.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-pixbuf-util.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-pixbuf-util.c' object='libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-pixbuf-util.lo `test -f 'eom-pixbuf-util.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-pixbuf-util.c
+libeom_la-eom-window.lo: eom-window.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-window.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-window.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-window.lo `test -f 'eom-window.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-window.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-window.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-window.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-window.c' object='libeom_la-eom-window.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-window.lo `test -f 'eom-window.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-window.c
+libeom_la-eom-sidebar.lo: eom-sidebar.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-sidebar.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-sidebar.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-sidebar.lo `test -f 'eom-sidebar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-sidebar.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-sidebar.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-sidebar.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-sidebar.c' object='libeom_la-eom-sidebar.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-sidebar.lo `test -f 'eom-sidebar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-sidebar.c
+libeom_la-eom-dialog.lo: eom-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-dialog.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-dialog.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-dialog.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-dialog.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-dialog.c' object='libeom_la-eom-dialog.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-dialog.c
+libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.lo: eom-preferences-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-preferences-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-preferences-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-preferences-dialog.c' object='libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-preferences-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-preferences-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-preferences-dialog.c
+libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.lo: eom-properties-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-properties-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-properties-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-properties-dialog.c' object='libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-properties-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-properties-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-properties-dialog.c
+libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.lo: eom-error-message-area.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.lo `test -f 'eom-error-message-area.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-error-message-area.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-error-message-area.c' object='libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-error-message-area.lo `test -f 'eom-error-message-area.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-error-message-area.c
+libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.lo: eom-file-chooser.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.lo `test -f 'eom-file-chooser.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-file-chooser.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-file-chooser.c' object='libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-file-chooser.lo `test -f 'eom-file-chooser.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-file-chooser.c
+libeom_la-eom-statusbar.lo: eom-statusbar.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-statusbar.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-statusbar.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-statusbar.lo `test -f 'eom-statusbar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-statusbar.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-statusbar.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-statusbar.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-statusbar.c' object='libeom_la-eom-statusbar.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-statusbar.lo `test -f 'eom-statusbar.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-statusbar.c
+libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.lo: eom-thumb-nav.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.lo `test -f 'eom-thumb-nav.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-thumb-nav.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-thumb-nav.c' object='libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-thumb-nav.lo `test -f 'eom-thumb-nav.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-thumb-nav.c
+libeom_la-eom-transform.lo: eom-transform.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-transform.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-transform.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-transform.lo `test -f 'eom-transform.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-transform.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-transform.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-transform.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-transform.c' object='libeom_la-eom-transform.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-transform.lo `test -f 'eom-transform.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-transform.c
+libeom_la-eom-image.lo: eom-image.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-image.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-image.lo `test -f 'eom-image.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-image.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-image.c' object='libeom_la-eom-image.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-image.lo `test -f 'eom-image.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-image.c
+libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.lo: eom-image-jpeg.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.lo `test -f 'eom-image-jpeg.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-image-jpeg.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-image-jpeg.c' object='libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-image-jpeg.lo `test -f 'eom-image-jpeg.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-image-jpeg.c
+libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.lo: eom-image-save-info.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.lo `test -f 'eom-image-save-info.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-image-save-info.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-image-save-info.c' object='libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-image-save-info.lo `test -f 'eom-image-save-info.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-image-save-info.c
+libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.lo: eom-scroll-view.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.lo `test -f 'eom-scroll-view.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-scroll-view.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-scroll-view.c' object='libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-scroll-view.lo `test -f 'eom-scroll-view.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-scroll-view.c
+libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.lo: eom-thumb-view.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.lo `test -f 'eom-thumb-view.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-thumb-view.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-thumb-view.c' object='libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-thumb-view.lo `test -f 'eom-thumb-view.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-thumb-view.c
+libeom_la-eom-list-store.lo: eom-list-store.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-list-store.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-list-store.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-list-store.lo `test -f 'eom-list-store.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-list-store.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-list-store.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-list-store.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-list-store.c' object='libeom_la-eom-list-store.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-list-store.lo `test -f 'eom-list-store.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-list-store.c
+libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.lo: eom-thumbnail.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.lo `test -f 'eom-thumbnail.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-thumbnail.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-thumbnail.c' object='libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-thumbnail.lo `test -f 'eom-thumbnail.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-thumbnail.c
+libeom_la-eom-job-queue.lo: eom-job-queue.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-job-queue.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-job-queue.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-job-queue.lo `test -f 'eom-job-queue.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-job-queue.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-job-queue.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-job-queue.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-job-queue.c' object='libeom_la-eom-job-queue.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-job-queue.lo `test -f 'eom-job-queue.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-job-queue.c
+libeom_la-eom-jobs.lo: eom-jobs.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-jobs.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-jobs.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-jobs.lo `test -f 'eom-jobs.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-jobs.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-jobs.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-jobs.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-jobs.c' object='libeom_la-eom-jobs.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-jobs.lo `test -f 'eom-jobs.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-jobs.c
+libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.lo: eom-uri-converter.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.lo `test -f 'eom-uri-converter.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-uri-converter.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-uri-converter.c' object='libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-uri-converter.lo `test -f 'eom-uri-converter.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-uri-converter.c
+libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.lo: eom-metadata-reader.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.lo `test -f 'eom-metadata-reader.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-metadata-reader.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-metadata-reader.c' object='libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader.lo `test -f 'eom-metadata-reader.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-metadata-reader.c
+libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.lo: eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.lo `test -f 'eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c' object='libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-jpg.lo `test -f 'eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c
+libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.lo: eom-metadata-reader-png.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.lo `test -f 'eom-metadata-reader-png.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-metadata-reader-png.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-metadata-reader-png.c' object='libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-metadata-reader-png.lo `test -f 'eom-metadata-reader-png.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-metadata-reader-png.c
+libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.lo: eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.lo `test -f 'eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c' object='libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-save-as-dialog-helper.lo `test -f 'eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c
+libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.lo: eom-print-image-setup.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.lo `test -f 'eom-print-image-setup.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-print-image-setup.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-print-image-setup.c' object='libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-print-image-setup.lo `test -f 'eom-print-image-setup.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-print-image-setup.c
+libeom_la-eom-print-preview.lo: eom-print-preview.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-print-preview.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-preview.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-print-preview.lo `test -f 'eom-print-preview.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-print-preview.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-preview.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print-preview.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-print-preview.c' object='libeom_la-eom-print-preview.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-print-preview.lo `test -f 'eom-print-preview.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-print-preview.c
+libeom_la-eom-print.lo: eom-print.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-print.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-print.lo `test -f 'eom-print.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-print.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-print.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-print.c' object='libeom_la-eom-print.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-print.lo `test -f 'eom-print.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-print.c
+libeom_la-eom-module.lo: eom-module.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-module.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-module.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-module.lo `test -f 'eom-module.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-module.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-module.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-module.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-module.c' object='libeom_la-eom-module.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-module.lo `test -f 'eom-module.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-module.c
+libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.lo: eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c' object='libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-close-confirmation-dialog.lo `test -f 'eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c
+libeom_la-eom-plugin.lo: eom-plugin.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-plugin.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-plugin.lo `test -f 'eom-plugin.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-plugin.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-plugin.c' object='libeom_la-eom-plugin.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-plugin.lo `test -f 'eom-plugin.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-plugin.c
+libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.lo: eom-plugin-manager.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.lo `test -f 'eom-plugin-manager.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-plugin-manager.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-plugin-manager.c' object='libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-plugin-manager.lo `test -f 'eom-plugin-manager.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-plugin-manager.c
+libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.lo: eom-plugin-engine.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.lo `test -f 'eom-plugin-engine.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-plugin-engine.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-plugin-engine.c' object='libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-plugin-engine.lo `test -f 'eom-plugin-engine.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-plugin-engine.c
+libeom_la-uta.lo: uta.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-uta.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-uta.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-uta.lo `test -f 'uta.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`uta.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-uta.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-uta.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='uta.c' object='libeom_la-uta.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-uta.lo `test -f 'uta.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`uta.c
+libeom_la-zoom.lo: zoom.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-zoom.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-zoom.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-zoom.lo `test -f 'zoom.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zoom.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-zoom.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-zoom.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='zoom.c' object='libeom_la-zoom.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-zoom.lo `test -f 'zoom.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`zoom.c
+libeom_la-eom-enum-types.lo: eom-enum-types.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-enum-types.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-enum-types.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-enum-types.lo `test -f 'eom-enum-types.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-enum-types.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-enum-types.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-enum-types.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-enum-types.c' object='libeom_la-eom-enum-types.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-enum-types.lo `test -f 'eom-enum-types.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-enum-types.c
+libeom_la-eom-marshal.lo: eom-marshal.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-marshal.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-marshal.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-marshal.lo `test -f 'eom-marshal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-marshal.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-marshal.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-marshal.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-marshal.c' object='libeom_la-eom-marshal.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-marshal.lo `test -f 'eom-marshal.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-marshal.c
+libeom_la-eom-exif-util.lo: eom-exif-util.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-exif-util.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-util.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-exif-util.lo `test -f 'eom-exif-util.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-exif-util.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-util.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-util.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-exif-util.c' object='libeom_la-eom-exif-util.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-exif-util.lo `test -f 'eom-exif-util.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-exif-util.c
+libeom_la-eom-exif-details.lo: eom-exif-details.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-exif-details.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-details.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-exif-details.lo `test -f 'eom-exif-details.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-exif-details.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-details.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-exif-details.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-exif-details.c' object='libeom_la-eom-exif-details.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-exif-details.lo `test -f 'eom-exif-details.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-exif-details.c
+libeom_la-eom-python-module.lo: eom-python-module.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-python-module.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-module.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-python-module.lo `test -f 'eom-python-module.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-python-module.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-module.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-module.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-python-module.c' object='libeom_la-eom-python-module.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-python-module.lo `test -f 'eom-python-module.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-python-module.c
+libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.lo: eom-python-plugin.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.lo -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.Tpo -c -o libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.lo `test -f 'eom-python-plugin.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-python-plugin.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.Plo
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='eom-python-plugin.c' object='libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC $(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) $(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libeom_la_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o libeom_la-eom-python-plugin.lo `test -f 'eom-python-plugin.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`eom-python-plugin.c
+eom-main.o: main.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(eom_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT eom-main.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/eom-main.Tpo -c -o eom-main.o `test -f 'main.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`main.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/eom-main.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/eom-main.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='main.c' object='eom-main.o' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(eom_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o eom-main.o `test -f 'main.c' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`main.c
+eom-main.obj: main.c
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_CC)$(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(eom_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MT eom-main.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/eom-main.Tpo -c -o eom-main.obj `if test -f 'main.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'main.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/main.c'; fi`
+@am__fastdepCC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_at)$(am__mv) $(DEPDIR)/eom-main.Tpo $(DEPDIR)/eom-main.Po
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_CC) @AM_BACKSLASH@
+@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ source='main.c' object='eom-main.obj' libtool=no @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
+@am__fastdepCC_FALSE@ $(CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(eom_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o eom-main.obj `if test -f 'main.c'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'main.c'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/main.c'; fi`
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+install-headerDATA: $(header_DATA)
+ test -z "$(headerdir)" || $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(headerdir)"
+ @list='$(header_DATA)'; test -n "$(headerdir)" || list=; \
+ for p in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$p"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$$d$$p"; \
+ done | $(am__base_list) | \
+ while read files; do \
+ echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files '$(DESTDIR)$(headerdir)'"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$files "$(DESTDIR)$(headerdir)" || exit $$?; \
+ done
+ @list='$(header_DATA)'; test -n "$(headerdir)" || list=; \
+ files=`for p in $$list; do echo $$p; done | sed -e 's|^.*/||'`; \
+ test -n "$$files" || exit 0; \
+ echo " ( cd '$(DESTDIR)$(headerdir)' && rm -f" $$files ")"; \
+ cd "$(DESTDIR)$(headerdir)" && rm -f $$files
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: TAGS
+ set x; \
+ here=`pwd`; \
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ shift; \
+ if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+ test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+ if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+ "$$@" $$unique; \
+ else \
+ $$unique; \
+ fi; \
+ fi
+ctags: CTAGS
+ list='$(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(LISP) $(TAGS_FILES)'; \
+ unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+ done | \
+ $(AWK) '{ files[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+ END { if (nonempty) { for (i in files) print i; }; }'`; \
+ test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+ $$unique
+ here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+ && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+ && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \
+ dist-hook
+check-am: all-am
+check: $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check-am
+all-am: Makefile $(LTLIBRARIES) $(PROGRAMS) $(DATA)
+ for dir in "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(headerdir)"; do \
+ test -z "$$dir" || $(MKDIR_P) "$$dir"; \
+ done
+install: $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+ -test -z "$(BUILT_SOURCES)" || rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-binPROGRAMS clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-headerDATA
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-exec-am: install-binPROGRAMS
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -rf ./$(DEPDIR)
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic \
+ mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-binPROGRAMS uninstall-headerDATA
+.MAKE: all check install install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: CTAGS GTAGS all all-am check check-am clean clean-binPROGRAMS \
+ clean-generic clean-libtool clean-noinstLTLIBRARIES ctags \
+ dist-hook distclean distclean-compile distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-tags distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-binPROGRAMS \
+ install-data install-data-am install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-headerDATA install-html \
+ install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+ install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \
+ install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+ maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-compile mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \
+ pdf pdf-am ps ps-am tags uninstall uninstall-am \
+ uninstall-binPROGRAMS uninstall-headerDATA
+eom-enum-types.h: eom-enum-types.h.template $(INST_H_FILES) $(GLIB_MKENUMS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)(cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) --template eom-enum-types.h.template $(INST_H_FILES)) > $@
+eom-enum-types.c: eom-enum-types.c.template $(INST_H_FILES) $(GLIB_MKENUMS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)(cd $(srcdir) && $(GLIB_MKENUMS) --template eom-enum-types.c.template $(INST_H_FILES)) > $@
+eom-marshal.h: eom-marshal.list $(GLIB_GENMARSHAL)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) $< --header --internal --prefix=eom_marshal > $@
+eom-marshal.c: eom-marshal.list $(GLIB_GENMARSHAL)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) $< --body --header --prefix=eom_marshal > $@
+@[email protected]: eom-application-service.xml
+@HAVE_DBUS_TRUE@ $(AM_V_GEN)dbus-binding-tool --prefix=eom_application --mode=glib-server --output=eom-application-service.h $<
+ cd $(distdir); rm -f $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/src/eom-application-service.xml b/src/eom-application-service.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6089812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-application-service.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<node name="/org/mate/eom/Eom">
+ <interface name="org.mate.eom.Application">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="eom_application"/>
+ <method name="OpenWindow">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="eom_application_open_window"/>
+ <arg type="u" name="timestamp" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="y" name="flags" direction="in"/>
+ </method>
+ <method name="OpenUris">
+ <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Glib.CSymbol" value="eom_application_open_uris"/>
+ <arg type="as" name="uris" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="u" name="timestamp" direction="in"/>
+ <arg type="y" name="flags" direction="in"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/src/eom-application.c b/src/eom-application.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da184d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-application.c
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Application Facade
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-application.h) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-session.h"
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include "eom-application.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+#include "totem-scrsaver.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+#include "eom-application-service.h"
+#include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
+#define APPLICATION_SERVICE_NAME "org.mate.eom.ApplicationService"
+static void eom_application_load_accelerators (void);
+static void eom_application_save_accelerators (void);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomApplication, eom_application, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ * eom_application_register_service:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Registers #EomApplication<!-- -->'s DBus service, to allow
+ * remote calls. If the DBus service is already registered,
+ * or there is any other connection error, returns %FALSE.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the service was registered succesfully. %FALSE
+ * otherwise.
+ **/
+eom_application_register_service (EomApplication *application)
+ static DBusGConnection *connection = NULL;
+ DBusGProxy *driver_proxy;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ guint request_name_result;
+ if (connection) {
+ g_warning ("Service already registered.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_STARTER, &err);
+ if (connection == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Service registration failed.");
+ g_error_free (err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ driver_proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
+ if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_request_name (driver_proxy,
+ &request_name_result, &err)) {
+ g_warning ("Service registration failed.");
+ g_clear_error (&err);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (driver_proxy);
+ if (request_name_result == DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dbus_g_object_type_install_info (EOM_TYPE_APPLICATION,
+ &dbus_glib_eom_application_object_info);
+ dbus_g_connection_register_g_object (connection,
+ "/org/mate/eom/Eom",
+ G_OBJECT (application));
+ application->scr_saver = totem_scrsaver_new ();
+ g_object_set (application->scr_saver,
+ "reason", _("Running in fullscreen mode"),
+ NULL);
+ return TRUE;
+#endif /* ENABLE_DBUS */
+static void
+eom_application_class_init (EomApplicationClass *eom_application_class)
+static void
+eom_application_init (EomApplication *eom_application)
+ const gchar *dot_dir = eom_util_dot_dir ();
+ eom_session_init (eom_application);
+ eom_application->toolbars_model = egg_toolbars_model_new ();
+ egg_toolbars_model_load_names (eom_application->toolbars_model,
+ EOM_DATA_DIR "/eom-toolbar.xml");
+ if (G_LIKELY (dot_dir != NULL))
+ eom_application->toolbars_file = g_build_filename
+ (dot_dir, "eom_toolbar.xml", NULL);
+ if (!dot_dir || !egg_toolbars_model_load_toolbars (eom_application->toolbars_model,
+ eom_application->toolbars_file)) {
+ egg_toolbars_model_load_toolbars (eom_application->toolbars_model,
+ EOM_DATA_DIR "/eom-toolbar.xml");
+ }
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_flags (eom_application->toolbars_model, 0,
+ eom_application_load_accelerators ();
+ * eom_application_get_instance:
+ *
+ * Returns a singleton instance of #EomApplication currently running.
+ * If not running yet, it will create one.
+ *
+ * Returns: a running #EomApplication.
+ **/
+EomApplication *
+eom_application_get_instance (void)
+ static EomApplication *instance;
+ if (!instance) {
+ instance = EOM_APPLICATION (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_APPLICATION, NULL));
+ }
+ return instance;
+static EomWindow *
+eom_application_get_empty_window (EomApplication *application)
+ EomWindow *empty_window = NULL;
+ GList *windows;
+ GList *l;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application), NULL);
+ windows = eom_application_get_windows (application);
+ for (l = windows; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (l->data);
+ if (eom_window_is_empty (window)) {
+ empty_window = window;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ g_list_free (windows);
+ return empty_window;
+ * eom_application_open_window:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ * @timestamp: The timestamp of the user interaction which triggered this call
+ * (see gtk_window_present_with_time()).
+ * @flags: A set of #EomStartupFlags influencing a new windows' state.
+ * @error: Return location for a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors.
+ *
+ * Opens and presents an empty #EomWindow to the user. If there is
+ * an empty window already open, this will be used. Otherwise, a
+ * new one will be instantiated.
+ *
+ * Returns: %FALSE if @application is invalid, %TRUE otherwise
+ **/
+eom_application_open_window (EomApplication *application,
+ guint32 timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error)
+ GtkWidget *new_window = NULL;
+ new_window = GTK_WIDGET (eom_application_get_empty_window (application));
+ if (new_window == NULL) {
+ new_window = eom_window_new (flags);
+ }
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application), FALSE);
+ gtk_window_present_with_time (GTK_WINDOW (new_window),
+ timestamp);
+ return TRUE;
+static EomWindow *
+eom_application_get_file_window (EomApplication *application, GFile *file)
+ EomWindow *file_window = NULL;
+ GList *windows;
+ GList *l;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application), NULL);
+ windows = gtk_window_list_toplevels ();
+ for (l = windows; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ if (EOM_IS_WINDOW (l->data)) {
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (l->data);
+ if (!eom_window_is_empty (window)) {
+ EomImage *image = eom_window_get_image (window);
+ GFile *window_file;
+ window_file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ if (g_file_equal (window_file, file)) {
+ file_window = window;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ g_list_free (windows);
+ return file_window;
+static void
+eom_application_show_window (EomWindow *window, gpointer user_data)
+ gtk_window_present_with_time (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ GPOINTER_TO_UINT (user_data));
+ * eom_application_open_file_list:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ * @file_list: A list of #GFile<!-- -->s.
+ * @timestamp: The timestamp of the user interaction which triggered this call
+ * (see gtk_window_present_with_time()).
+ * @flags: A set of #EomStartupFlags influencing a new windows' state.
+ * @error: Return location for a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors.
+ *
+ * Opens a list of files in a #EomWindow. If an #EomWindow displaying the first
+ * image in the list is already open, this will be used. Otherwise, an empty
+ * #EomWindow is used, either already existing or newly created.
+ *
+ * Returns: Currently always %TRUE.
+ **/
+eom_application_open_file_list (EomApplication *application,
+ GSList *file_list,
+ guint timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error)
+ EomWindow *new_window = NULL;
+ if (file_list != NULL)
+ new_window = eom_application_get_file_window (application,
+ (GFile *) file_list->data);
+ if (new_window != NULL) {
+ gtk_window_present_with_time (GTK_WINDOW (new_window),
+ timestamp);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ new_window = eom_application_get_empty_window (application);
+ if (new_window == NULL) {
+ new_window = EOM_WINDOW (eom_window_new (flags));
+ }
+ g_signal_connect (new_window,
+ "prepared",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_application_show_window),
+ GUINT_TO_POINTER (timestamp));
+ eom_window_open_file_list (new_window, file_list);
+ return TRUE;
+ * eom_application_open_uri_list:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ * @uri_list: A list of URIs.
+ * @timestamp: The timestamp of the user interaction which triggered this call
+ * (see gtk_window_present_with_time()).
+ * @flags: A set of #EomStartupFlags influencing a new windows' state.
+ * @error: Return location for a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors.
+ *
+ * Opens a list of images, from a list of URIs. See
+ * eom_application_open_file_list() for details.
+ *
+ * Returns: Currently always %TRUE.
+ **/
+eom_application_open_uri_list (EomApplication *application,
+ GSList *uri_list,
+ guint timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error)
+ GSList *file_list = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application), FALSE);
+ file_list = eom_util_string_list_to_file_list (uri_list);
+ return eom_application_open_file_list (application,
+ file_list,
+ timestamp,
+ flags,
+ error);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ * eom_application_open_uris:
+ * @application: an #EomApplication
+ * @uris: A #GList of URI strings.
+ * @timestamp: The timestamp of the user interaction which triggered this call
+ * (see gtk_window_present_with_time()).
+ * @flags: A set of #EomStartupFlags influencing a new windows' state.
+ * @error: Return location for a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors.
+ *
+ * Opens a list of images, from a list of URI strings. See
+ * eom_application_open_file_list() for details.
+ *
+ * Returns: Currently always %TRUE.
+ **/
+eom_application_open_uris (EomApplication *application,
+ gchar **uris,
+ guint timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error)
+ GSList *file_list = NULL;
+ file_list = eom_util_strings_to_file_list (uris);
+ return eom_application_open_file_list (application, file_list, timestamp,
+ flags, error);
+ * eom_application_shutdown:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Takes care of shutting down the Eye of MATE, and quits.
+ **/
+eom_application_shutdown (EomApplication *application)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application));
+ if (application->toolbars_model) {
+ g_object_unref (application->toolbars_model);
+ application->toolbars_model = NULL;
+ g_free (application->toolbars_file);
+ application->toolbars_file = NULL;
+ }
+ eom_application_save_accelerators ();
+ g_object_unref (application);
+ gtk_main_quit ();
+ * eom_application_get_windows:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Gets the list of existing #EomApplication<!-- -->s. The windows
+ * in this list are not individually referenced, you need to keep
+ * your own references if you want to perform actions that may destroy
+ * them.
+ *
+ * Returns: A new list of #EomWindow<!-- -->s.
+ **/
+GList *
+eom_application_get_windows (EomApplication *application)
+ GList *l, *toplevels;
+ GList *windows = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application), NULL);
+ toplevels = gtk_window_list_toplevels ();
+ for (l = toplevels; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+ if (EOM_IS_WINDOW (l->data)) {
+ windows = g_list_append (windows, l->data);
+ }
+ }
+ g_list_free (toplevels);
+ return windows;
+ * eom_application_get_toolbars_model:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Retrieves the #EggToolbarsModel for the toolbar in #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Returns: An #EggToolbarsModel.
+ **/
+EggToolbarsModel *
+eom_application_get_toolbars_model (EomApplication *application)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application), NULL);
+ return application->toolbars_model;
+ * eom_application_save_toolbars_model:
+ * @application: An #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Causes the saving of the model of the toolbar in #EomApplication to a file.
+ **/
+eom_application_save_toolbars_model (EomApplication *application)
+ if (G_LIKELY(application->toolbars_file != NULL))
+ egg_toolbars_model_save_toolbars (application->toolbars_model,
+ application->toolbars_file,
+ "1.0");
+ * eom_application_reset_toolbars_model:
+ * @app: an #EomApplication
+ *
+ * Restores the toolbars model to the defaults.
+ **/
+eom_application_reset_toolbars_model (EomApplication *app)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (app));
+ g_object_unref (app->toolbars_model);
+ app->toolbars_model = egg_toolbars_model_new ();
+ egg_toolbars_model_load_names (app->toolbars_model,
+ EOM_DATA_DIR "/eom-toolbar.xml");
+ egg_toolbars_model_load_toolbars (app->toolbars_model,
+ EOM_DATA_DIR "/eom-toolbar.xml");
+ egg_toolbars_model_set_flags (app->toolbars_model, 0,
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ * eom_application_screensaver_enable:
+ * @application: an #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Enables the screensaver. Usually necessary after a call to
+ * eom_application_screensaver_disable().
+ **/
+eom_application_screensaver_enable (EomApplication *application)
+ if (application->scr_saver)
+ totem_scrsaver_enable (application->scr_saver);
+ * eom_application_screensaver_disable:
+ * @application: an #EomApplication.
+ *
+ * Disables the screensaver. Useful when the application is in fullscreen or
+ * similar mode.
+ **/
+eom_application_screensaver_disable (EomApplication *application)
+ if (application->scr_saver)
+ totem_scrsaver_disable (application->scr_saver);
+static void
+eom_application_load_accelerators (void)
+ gchar *accelfile = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (),
+ ".mate2",
+ "accels",
+ "eom", NULL);
+ /* gtk_accel_map_load does nothing if the file does not exist */
+ gtk_accel_map_load (accelfile);
+ g_free (accelfile);
+static void
+eom_application_save_accelerators (void)
+ gchar *accelfile = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (),
+ ".mate2",
+ "accels",
+ "eom", NULL);
+ gtk_accel_map_save (accelfile);
+ g_free (accelfile);
diff --git a/src/eom-application.h b/src/eom-application.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4485a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-application.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Application Facade
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-application.h) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_APPLICATION_H__
+#define __EOM_APPLICATION_H__
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include "egg-toolbars-model.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+#include "totem-scrsaver.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+typedef struct _EomApplication EomApplication;
+typedef struct _EomApplicationClass EomApplicationClass;
+typedef struct _EomApplicationPrivate EomApplicationPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_APPLICATION (eom_application_get_type ())
+#define EOM_APP (eom_application_get_instance ())
+struct _EomApplication {
+ GObject base_instance;
+ EggToolbarsModel *toolbars_model;
+ gchar *toolbars_file;
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ TotemScrsaver *scr_saver;
+struct _EomApplicationClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+GType eom_application_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomApplication *eom_application_get_instance (void);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+gboolean eom_application_register_service (EomApplication *application);
+void eom_application_shutdown (EomApplication *application);
+gboolean eom_application_open_window (EomApplication *application,
+ guint timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean eom_application_open_uri_list (EomApplication *application,
+ GSList *uri_list,
+ guint timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean eom_application_open_file_list (EomApplication *application,
+ GSList *file_list,
+ guint timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+gboolean eom_application_open_uris (EomApplication *application,
+ gchar **uris,
+ guint timestamp,
+ EomStartupFlags flags,
+ GError **error);
+GList *eom_application_get_windows (EomApplication *application);
+EggToolbarsModel *eom_application_get_toolbars_model (EomApplication *application);
+void eom_application_save_toolbars_model (EomApplication *application);
+void eom_application_reset_toolbars_model (EomApplication *app);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+void eom_application_screensaver_enable (EomApplication *application);
+void eom_application_screensaver_disable (EomApplication *application);
+#endif /* __EOM_APPLICATION_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c b/src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0798c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+ * eom-close-confirmation-dialog.c
+ * This file is part of eom
+ *
+ * Author: Marcus Carlson <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-close-confirmation.c) by gedit Team
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 MATE Foundation
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include "eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h"
+#include <eom-window.h>
+/* Properties */
+ PROP_0,
+/* Mode */
+/* Columns */
+ IMG_COLUMN, /* a handy pointer to the image */
+struct _EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate
+ GList *unsaved_images;
+ GList *selected_images;
+ GtkTreeModel *list_store;
+ GtkCellRenderer *toggle_renderer;
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate))
+#define GET_MODE(priv) (((priv->unsaved_images != NULL) && \
+ (priv->unsaved_images->next == NULL)) ? \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE(EomCloseConfirmationDialog, eom_close_confirmation_dialog, GTK_TYPE_DIALOG)
+static void set_unsaved_image (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg,
+ const GList *list);
+static GList *get_selected_imgs (GtkTreeModel *store);
+static GdkPixbuf *
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_icon (const gchar *icon_name)
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GtkIconTheme *icon_theme;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default ();
+ pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (icon_theme,
+ icon_name,
+ 0,
+ &error);
+ if (!pixbuf) {
+ g_warning ("Couldn't load icon: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ return pixbuf;
+static GdkPixbuf*
+get_nothumb_pixbuf (void)
+ static GOnce nothumb_once = G_ONCE_INIT;
+ g_once (&nothumb_once, (GThreadFunc) eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_icon, "image-x-generic");
+ return GDK_PIXBUF (g_object_ref (nothumb_once.retval));
+/* Since we connect in the costructor we are sure this handler will be called
+ * before the user ones
+ */
+static void
+response_cb (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg,
+ gint response_id,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG (dlg));
+ priv = dlg->priv;
+ if (priv->selected_images != NULL)
+ g_list_free (priv->selected_images);
+ if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_YES)
+ {
+ if (GET_MODE (priv) == SINGLE_IMG_MODE)
+ {
+ priv->selected_images =
+ g_list_copy (priv->unsaved_images);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_return_if_fail (priv->list_store);
+ priv->selected_images =
+ get_selected_imgs (priv->list_store);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ priv->selected_images = NULL;
+static void
+add_buttons (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg)
+ gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dlg),
+ _("Close _without Saving"),
+ gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dlg),
+ gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dlg),
+ gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dlg),
+static void
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_init (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg)
+ AtkObject *atk_obj;
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dlg), 5);
+ gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dlg))), 14);
+ gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), FALSE);
+ gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dlg), FALSE);
+ gtk_window_set_skip_taskbar_hint (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), TRUE);
+ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), "");
+ gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), TRUE);
+ gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), TRUE);
+ atk_obj = gtk_widget_get_accessible (GTK_WIDGET (dlg));
+ atk_object_set_role (atk_obj, ATK_ROLE_ALERT);
+ atk_object_set_name (atk_obj, _("Question"));
+ g_signal_connect (dlg,
+ "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (response_cb),
+ NULL);
+static void
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG (object)->priv;
+ if (priv->unsaved_images != NULL)
+ g_list_free (priv->unsaved_images);
+ if (priv->selected_images != NULL)
+ g_list_free (priv->selected_images);
+ /* Call the parent's destructor */
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_close_confirmation_dialog_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg;
+ switch (prop_id)
+ {
+ set_unsaved_image (dlg, g_value_get_pointer (value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG (object)->priv;
+ switch( prop_id )
+ {
+ g_value_set_pointer (value, priv->unsaved_images);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_class_init (EomCloseConfirmationDialogClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ gobject_class->set_property = eom_close_confirmation_dialog_set_property;
+ gobject_class->get_property = eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_property;
+ gobject_class->finalize = eom_close_confirmation_dialog_finalize;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate));
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_pointer ("unsaved_images",
+ "Unsaved Images",
+ "List of Unsaved Images",
+static GList *
+get_selected_imgs (GtkTreeModel *store)
+ GList *list;
+ gboolean valid;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ list = NULL;
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (store, &iter);
+ while (valid)
+ {
+ gboolean to_save;
+ EomImage *img;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (store, &iter,
+ SAVE_COLUMN, &to_save,
+ IMG_COLUMN, &img,
+ -1);
+ if (to_save)
+ list = g_list_prepend (list, img);
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (store, &iter);
+ }
+ list = g_list_reverse (list);
+ return list;
+GList *
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_selected_images (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG (dlg), NULL);
+ return g_list_copy (dlg->priv->selected_images);
+GtkWidget *
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_new (GtkWindow *parent,
+ GList *unsaved_images)
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ GtkWindowGroup *wg;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (unsaved_images != NULL, NULL);
+ "unsaved_images", unsaved_images,
+ NULL));
+ g_return_val_if_fail (dlg != NULL, NULL);
+ if (parent != NULL)
+ {
+ wg = gtk_window_get_group (parent);
+ /* gtk_window_get_group returns a default group when the given
+ * window doesn't have a group. Explicitly add the window to
+ * the group here to make sure it's actually in the returned
+ * group. It makes no difference if it is already. */
+ gtk_window_group_add_window (wg, parent);
+ gtk_window_group_add_window (wg, GTK_WINDOW (dlg));
+ gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), parent);
+ }
+ return dlg;
+GtkWidget *
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_new_single (GtkWindow *parent,
+ EomImage *image)
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ GList *unsaved_images;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (image != NULL, NULL);
+ unsaved_images = g_list_prepend (NULL, image);
+ dlg = eom_close_confirmation_dialog_new (parent,
+ unsaved_images);
+ g_list_free (unsaved_images);
+ return dlg;
+static gchar *
+get_text_secondary_label (EomImage *image)
+ gchar *secondary_msg;
+ secondary_msg = g_strdup (_("If you don't save, your changes will be lost."));
+ return secondary_msg;
+static void
+build_single_img_dialog (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg)
+ GtkWidget *hbox;
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ GtkWidget *primary_label;
+ GtkWidget *secondary_label;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ EomImage *img;
+ const gchar *image_name;
+ gchar *str;
+ gchar *markup_str;
+ g_return_if_fail (dlg->priv->unsaved_images->data != NULL);
+ img = EOM_IMAGE (dlg->priv->unsaved_images->data);
+ /* Image */
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING,
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);
+ /* Primary label */
+ primary_label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (primary_label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ image_name = eom_image_get_caption (img);
+ str = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("Save changes to image \"%s\" before closing?"),
+ image_name);
+ markup_str = g_strconcat ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">", str, "</span>", NULL);
+ g_free (str);
+ gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), markup_str);
+ g_free (markup_str);
+ /* Secondary label */
+ str = get_text_secondary_label (img);
+ secondary_label = gtk_label_new (str);
+ g_free (str);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (secondary_label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), 5);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 12);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), primary_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), secondary_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dlg))),
+ hbox,
+ 0);
+ add_buttons (dlg);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (hbox);
+static void
+populate_model (GtkTreeModel *store, GList *imgs)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ while (imgs != NULL)
+ {
+ EomImage *img;
+ const gchar *name;
+ GdkPixbuf *buf = NULL;
+ GdkPixbuf *buf_scaled = NULL;
+ int width;
+ double ratio;
+ img = EOM_IMAGE (imgs->data);
+ name = eom_image_get_caption (img);
+ buf = eom_image_get_thumbnail (img);
+ if (buf) {
+ ratio = IMAGE_COLUMN_HEIGHT / (double) gdk_pixbuf_get_height (buf);
+ width = (int) (gdk_pixbuf_get_width (buf) * ratio);
+ buf_scaled = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (buf, width, IMAGE_COLUMN_HEIGHT, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR);
+ } else
+ buf_scaled = get_nothumb_pixbuf ();
+ gtk_list_store_append (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), &iter);
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), &iter,
+ IMAGE_COLUMN, buf_scaled,
+ NAME_COLUMN, name,
+ IMG_COLUMN, img,
+ -1);
+ imgs = g_list_next (imgs);
+ g_object_unref (buf_scaled);
+ }
+static void
+save_toggled (GtkCellRendererToggle *renderer, gchar *path_str, GtkTreeModel *store)
+ GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_str);
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gboolean active;
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter (store, &iter, path);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (store, &iter, SAVE_COLUMN, &active, -1);
+ active ^= 1;
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), &iter,
+ SAVE_COLUMN, active, -1);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+static GtkWidget *
+create_treeview (EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate *priv)
+ GtkListStore *store;
+ GtkWidget *treeview;
+ GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
+ GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
+ treeview = gtk_tree_view_new ();
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (treeview, 260, 120);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), FALSE);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_enable_search (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), FALSE);
+ /* Create and populate the model */
+ populate_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), priv->unsaved_images);
+ /* Set model to the treeview */
+ gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
+ g_object_unref (store);
+ priv->list_store = GTK_TREE_MODEL (store);
+ /* Add columns */
+ priv->toggle_renderer = renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new ();
+ g_signal_connect (renderer, "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (save_toggled), store);
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Save?",
+ renderer,
+ "active",
+ NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), column);
+ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Image",
+ renderer,
+ "pixbuf",
+ NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), column);
+ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("Name",
+ renderer,
+ "text",
+ NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), column);
+ return treeview;
+static void
+build_multiple_imgs_dialog (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg)
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *hbox;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ GtkWidget *primary_label;
+ GtkWidget *vbox2;
+ GtkWidget *select_label;
+ GtkWidget *scrolledwindow;
+ GtkWidget *treeview;
+ GtkWidget *secondary_label;
+ gchar *str;
+ gchar *markup_str;
+ priv = dlg->priv;
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 12);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), 5);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dlg))),
+ hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ /* Image */
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING,
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0.0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 12);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ /* Primary label */
+ primary_label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (primary_label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ str = g_strdup_printf (
+ ngettext ("There is %d image with unsaved changes. "
+ "Save changes before closing?",
+ "There are %d images with unsaved changes. "
+ "Save changes before closing?",
+ g_list_length (priv->unsaved_images)),
+ g_list_length (priv->unsaved_images));
+ markup_str = g_strconcat ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">", str, "</span>", NULL);
+ g_free (str);
+ gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), markup_str);
+ g_free (markup_str);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), primary_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ vbox2 = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 8);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), vbox2, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ select_label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("S_elect the images you want to save:"));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox2), select_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (select_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (select_label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ scrolledwindow = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox2), scrolledwindow, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow),
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolledwindow),
+ treeview = create_treeview (priv);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scrolledwindow), treeview);
+ /* Secondary label */
+ secondary_label = gtk_label_new (_("If you don't save, "
+ "all your changes will be lost."));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox2), secondary_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (secondary_label), 0, 0.5);
+ gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (select_label), treeview);
+ add_buttons (dlg);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (hbox);
+static void
+set_unsaved_image (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg,
+ const GList *list)
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (list != NULL);
+ priv = dlg->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (priv->unsaved_images == NULL);
+ priv->unsaved_images = g_list_copy ((GList *)list);
+ if (GET_MODE (priv) == SINGLE_IMG_MODE)
+ {
+ build_single_img_dialog (dlg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ build_multiple_imgs_dialog (dlg);
+ }
+const GList *
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_unsaved_images (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG (dlg), NULL);
+ return dlg->priv->unsaved_images;
+eom_close_confirmation_dialog_set_sensitive (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg,
+ gboolean value)
+ GtkWidget *action_area;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG (dlg));
+ action_area = gtk_dialog_get_action_area (GTK_DIALOG (dlg));
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (action_area, value);
+ if (dlg->priv->toggle_renderer)
+ gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_activatable (GTK_CELL_RENDERER_TOGGLE (dlg->priv->toggle_renderer), value);
diff --git a/src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h b/src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c5f44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h
+ * This file is part of eom
+ *
+ * Author: Marcus Carlson <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-close-confirmation.h) by gedit Team
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 MATE Foundation
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <eom-image.h>
+#define EOM_TYPE_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG (eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomCloseConfirmationDialog EomCloseConfirmationDialog;
+typedef struct _EomCloseConfirmationDialogClass EomCloseConfirmationDialogClass;
+typedef struct _EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate;
+struct _EomCloseConfirmationDialog
+ GtkDialog parent;
+ /*< private > */
+ EomCloseConfirmationDialogPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomCloseConfirmationDialogClass
+ GtkDialogClass parent_class;
+GType eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_close_confirmation_dialog_new (GtkWindow *parent,
+ GList *unsaved_documents);
+GtkWidget *eom_close_confirmation_dialog_new_single (GtkWindow *parent,
+ EomImage *image);
+const GList *eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_unsaved_images (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg);
+GList *eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_selected_images (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg);
+void eom_close_confirmation_dialog_set_sensitive (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg, gboolean value);
diff --git a/src/eom-config-keys.h b/src/eom-config-keys.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d7074c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-config-keys.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - MateConf Keys Macros
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_CONFIG_KEYS_H__
+#define __EOM_CONFIG_KEYS_H__
+#define EOM_CONF_DIR "/apps/eom"
+#define EOM_CONF_DESKTOP_WALLPAPER "/desktop/mate/background/picture_filename"
+#define EOM_CONF_DESKTOP_CAN_SAVE "/desktop/mate/lockdown/disable_save_to_disk"
+#define EOM_CONF_DESKTOP_CAN_PRINT "/desktop/mate/lockdown/disable_printing"
+#define EOM_CONF_DESKTOP_CAN_SETUP_PAGE "/desktop/mate/lockdown/disable_print_setup"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_BACKGROUND_COLOR "/apps/eom/view/background-color"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_INTERPOLATE "/apps/eom/view/interpolate"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_EXTRAPOLATE "/apps/eom/view/extrapolate"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_SCROLL_WHEEL_ZOOM "/apps/eom/view/scroll_wheel_zoom"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_ZOOM_MULTIPLIER "/apps/eom/view/zoom_multiplier"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_AUTOROTATE "/apps/eom/view/autorotate"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_TRANSPARENCY "/apps/eom/view/transparency"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_TRANS_COLOR "/apps/eom/view/trans_color"
+#define EOM_CONF_VIEW_USE_BG_COLOR "/apps/eom/view/use-background-color"
+#define EOM_CONF_FULLSCREEN_LOOP "/apps/eom/full_screen/loop"
+#define EOM_CONF_FULLSCREEN_UPSCALE "/apps/eom/full_screen/upscale"
+#define EOM_CONF_FULLSCREEN_SECONDS "/apps/eom/full_screen/seconds"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_TOOLBAR "/apps/eom/ui/toolbar"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_STATUSBAR "/apps/eom/ui/statusbar"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_IMAGE_COLLECTION "/apps/eom/ui/image_collection"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_IMAGE_COLLECTION_POSITION "/apps/eom/ui/image_collection_position"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_IMAGE_COLLECTION_RESIZABLE "/apps/eom/ui/image_collection_resizable"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_SIDEBAR "/apps/eom/ui/sidebar"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_SCROLL_BUTTONS "/apps/eom/ui/scroll_buttons"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_DISABLE_TRASH_CONFIRMATION "/apps/eom/ui/disable_trash_confirmation"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_FILECHOOSER_XDG_FALLBACK "/apps/eom/ui/filechooser_xdg_fallback"
+#define EOM_CONF_UI_PROPSDIALOG_NETBOOK_MODE "/apps/eom/ui/propsdialog_netbook_mode"
+#define EOM_CONF_PLUGINS_ACTIVE_PLUGINS "/apps/eom/plugins/active_plugins"
+#endif /* __EOM_CONFIG_KEYS_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-debug.c b/src/eom-debug.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d373af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Debugging
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-debug.h) by:
+ * - Alex Roberts <[email protected]>
+ * - Evan Lawrence <[email protected]>
+ * - Chema Celorio <[email protected]>
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+static GTimer *timer = NULL;
+static gdouble last = 0.0;
+static EomDebugSection debug = EOM_NO_DEBUG;
+eom_debug_init (void)
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG") != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Enable all debugging */
+ debug = ~EOM_NO_DEBUG;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_WINDOW") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_WINDOW;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_VIEW") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_VIEW;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_JOBS") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_JOBS;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_THUMBNAIL") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_THUMBNAIL;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_IMAGE_LOAD") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_IMAGE_LOAD;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_IMAGE_SAVE") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_IMAGE_SAVE;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_LIST_STORE") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_LIST_STORE;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_PREFERENCES") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_PREFERENCES;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_PRINTING") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_PRINTING;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_LCMS") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_LCMS;
+ if (g_getenv ("EOM_DEBUG_PLUGINS") != NULL)
+ debug = debug | EOM_DEBUG_PLUGINS;
+ if (debug != EOM_NO_DEBUG)
+ timer = g_timer_new ();
+ return;
+eom_debug_message (EomDebugSection section,
+ const gchar *file,
+ gint line,
+ const gchar *function,
+ const gchar *format, ...)
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (debug & section))
+ {
+ gdouble seconds;
+ va_list args;
+ gchar *msg;
+ g_return_if_fail (format != NULL);
+ va_start (args, format);
+ msg = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args);
+ va_end (args);
+ g_return_if_fail (timer != NULL);
+ seconds = g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL);
+ g_print ("[%f (%f)] %s:%d (%s) %s\n",
+ seconds, seconds - last, file, line, function, msg);
+ last = seconds;
+ g_print ("%s:%d (%s) %s\n", file, line, function, msg);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ g_free (msg);
+ }
+void eom_debug (EomDebugSection section,
+ const gchar *file,
+ gint line,
+ const gchar *function)
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (debug & section))
+ {
+ gdouble seconds;
+ g_return_if_fail (timer != NULL);
+ seconds = g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL);
+ g_print ("[%f (%f)] %s:%d (%s)\n",
+ seconds, seconds - last, file, line, function);
+ last = seconds;
+ g_print ("%s:%d (%s)\n", file, line, function);
+ fflush (stdout);
+ }
diff --git a/src/eom-debug.h b/src/eom-debug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bde758c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-debug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Debugging
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-debug.h) by:
+ * - Alex Roberts <[email protected]>
+ * - Evan Lawrence <[email protected]>
+ * - Chema Celorio <[email protected]>
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_DEBUG_H__
+#define __EOM_DEBUG_H__
+#include <glib.h>
+typedef enum {
+ EOM_DEBUG_WINDOW = 1 << 0,
+ EOM_DEBUG_VIEW = 1 << 1,
+ EOM_DEBUG_JOBS = 1 << 2,
+ EOM_DEBUG_LCMS = 1 << 10,
+} EomDebugSection;
+void eom_debug_init (void);
+void eom_debug (EomDebugSection section,
+ const gchar *file,
+ gint line,
+ const gchar *function);
+void eom_debug_message (EomDebugSection section,
+ const gchar *file,
+ gint line,
+ const gchar *function,
+ const gchar *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(5, 6);
+#endif /* __EOM_DEBUG_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-dialog.c b/src/eom-dialog.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac74a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-dialog.c
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image Dialog
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-dialog.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#define EOM_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomDialog, eom_dialog, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+struct _EomDialogPrivate {
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ GtkBuilder *xml;
+ GtkWindow *parent;
+static void
+eom_dialog_construct_impl (EomDialog *dialog,
+ const gchar *glade_file,
+ const gchar *dlg_node)
+ EomDialogPrivate *priv;
+ gchar *filename;
+ g_return_if_fail (dialog != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_DIALOG (dialog));
+ priv = dialog->priv;
+ filename = g_build_filename (EOM_DATA_DIR, glade_file, NULL);
+ priv->xml = gtk_builder_new ();
+ gtk_builder_set_translation_domain (priv->xml, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+ g_assert (gtk_builder_add_from_file (priv->xml, filename, NULL));
+ g_free (filename);
+ priv->dlg = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (priv->xml, dlg_node));
+ if (priv->parent != NULL) {
+ gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (priv->dlg),
+ priv->parent);
+ }
+static void
+eom_dialog_show_impl (EomDialog *dialog)
+ g_return_if_fail (dialog != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_DIALOG (dialog));
+ gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (dialog->priv->dlg));
+static void
+eom_dialog_hide_impl (EomDialog *dialog)
+ g_return_if_fail (dialog != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_DIALOG (dialog));
+ gtk_widget_hide (dialog->priv->dlg);
+static void
+eom_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomDialog *dialog = EOM_DIALOG (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ dialog->priv->parent = g_value_get_object (value);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomDialog *dialog = EOM_DIALOG (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ g_value_set_object (value, dialog->priv->parent);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_dialog_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomDialog *dialog;
+ EomDialogPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_DIALOG (object));
+ dialog = EOM_DIALOG (object);
+ priv = dialog->priv;
+ if (priv->dlg) {
+ gtk_widget_destroy (priv->dlg);
+ priv->dlg = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->xml) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->xml);
+ priv->xml = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_dialog_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_dialog_class_init (EomDialogClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *g_object_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
+ g_object_class->dispose = eom_dialog_dispose;
+ g_object_class->set_property = eom_dialog_set_property;
+ g_object_class->get_property = eom_dialog_get_property;
+ class->construct = eom_dialog_construct_impl;
+ class->show = eom_dialog_show_impl;
+ class->hide = eom_dialog_hide_impl;
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("parent-window",
+ "Parent window",
+ "Parent window",
+ g_type_class_add_private (g_object_class, sizeof (EomDialogPrivate));
+static void
+eom_dialog_init (EomDialog *dialog)
+ dialog->priv = EOM_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (dialog);
+ dialog->priv->dlg = NULL;
+ dialog->priv->xml = NULL;
+ dialog->priv->parent = NULL;
+eom_dialog_construct (EomDialog *dialog,
+ const gchar *glade_file,
+ const gchar *dlg_node)
+ EomDialogClass *klass = EOM_DIALOG_GET_CLASS (dialog);
+ klass->construct (dialog, glade_file, dlg_node);
+eom_dialog_show (EomDialog *dialog)
+ EomDialogClass *klass = EOM_DIALOG_GET_CLASS (dialog);
+ klass->show (dialog);
+eom_dialog_hide (EomDialog *dialog)
+ EomDialogClass *klass = EOM_DIALOG_GET_CLASS (dialog);
+ klass->hide (dialog);
+eom_dialog_get_controls (EomDialog *dialog,
+ const gchar *property_id,
+ ...)
+ EomDialogPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget **wptr;
+ va_list varargs;
+ g_return_if_fail (dialog != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_DIALOG (dialog));
+ priv = dialog->priv;
+ va_start (varargs, property_id);
+ while (property_id != NULL)
+ {
+ wptr = va_arg (varargs, GtkWidget **);
+ *wptr = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (priv->xml,
+ property_id));
+ property_id = va_arg (varargs, const gchar *);
+ }
+ va_end (varargs);
diff --git a/src/eom-dialog.h b/src/eom-dialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3022dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-dialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Dialog
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_DIALOG_H__
+#define __EOM_DIALOG_H__
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+typedef struct _EomDialog EomDialog;
+typedef struct _EomDialogClass EomDialogClass;
+typedef struct _EomDialogPrivate EomDialogPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_DIALOG (eom_dialog_get_type ())
+#define EOM_DIALOG_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_DIALOG, EomDialogClass))
+struct _EomDialog {
+ GObject object;
+ EomDialogPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomDialogClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+ void (* construct) (EomDialog *dialog,
+ const gchar *glade_file,
+ const gchar *dlg_node);
+ void (* show) (EomDialog *dialog);
+ void (* hide) (EomDialog *dialog);
+GType eom_dialog_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+void eom_dialog_construct (EomDialog *dialog,
+ const gchar *glade_file,
+ const gchar *dlg_node);
+void eom_dialog_show (EomDialog *dialog);
+void eom_dialog_hide (EomDialog *dialog);
+void eom_dialog_get_controls (EomDialog *dialog,
+ const gchar *property_id,
+ ...);
+#endif /* __EOM_DIALOG_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-enum-types.c.template b/src/eom-enum-types.c.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7212e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-enum-types.c.template
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/*** BEGIN file-header ***/
+#include "eom-enum-types.h"
+/*** END file-header ***/
+/*** BEGIN file-production ***/
+/* enumerations from "@filename@" */
+#include "@filename@"
+/*** END file-production ***/
+/*** BEGIN value-header ***/
+@enum_name@_get_type (void)
+ static GType the_type = 0;
+ if (the_type == 0)
+ {
+ static const G@Type@Value values[] = {
+/*** END value-header ***/
+/*** BEGIN value-production ***/
+ "@valuenick@" },
+/*** END value-production ***/
+/*** BEGIN value-tail ***/
+ { 0, NULL, NULL }
+ };
+ the_type = g_@type@_register_static (
+ g_intern_static_string ("@EnumName@"),
+ values);
+ }
+ return the_type;
+/*** END value-tail ***/
diff --git a/src/eom-enum-types.h.template b/src/eom-enum-types.h.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70c3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-enum-types.h.template
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/*** BEGIN file-header ***/
+#ifndef __EOM_ENUM_TYPES_H__
+#define __EOM_ENUM_TYPES_H__
+#include <glib-object.h>
+/*** END file-header ***/
+/*** BEGIN file-production ***/
+/* Enumerations from "@filename@" */
+/*** END file-production ***/
+/*** BEGIN enumeration-production ***/
+#define EOM_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())
+G_GNUC_INTERNAL GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+/*** END enumeration-production ***/
+/*** BEGIN file-tail ***/
+#endif /* __EOM_ENUM_TYPES_H__ */
+/*** END file-tail ***/
diff --git a/src/eom-enums.h b/src/eom-enums.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b39e978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-enums.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Eye of MATE - General enumerations.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_ENUMS__
+#define __EOM_ENUMS__
+typedef enum {
+} EomImageData;
diff --git a/src/eom-error-message-area.c b/src/eom-error-message-area.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a2baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-error-message-area.c
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Erro Message Area
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-message-area.h) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-error-message-area.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+static void
+set_message_area_text_and_icon (GtkInfoBar *message_area,
+ const gchar *icon_stock_id,
+ const gchar *primary_text,
+ const gchar *secondary_text)
+ GtkWidget *hbox_content;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ gchar *primary_markup;
+ gchar *secondary_markup;
+ GtkWidget *primary_label;
+ GtkWidget *secondary_label;
+ hbox_content = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 8);
+ gtk_widget_show (hbox_content);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (icon_stock_id, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);
+ gtk_widget_show (image);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox_content), image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0);
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ gtk_widget_show (vbox);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox_content), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ primary_markup = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", primary_text);
+ primary_label = gtk_label_new (primary_markup);
+ g_free (primary_markup);
+ gtk_widget_show (primary_label);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), primary_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), FALSE);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (primary_label), 0, 0.5);
+ gtk_widget_set_can_focus (primary_label, TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (primary_label), TRUE);
+ if (secondary_text != NULL) {
+ secondary_markup = g_strdup_printf ("<small>%s</small>",
+ secondary_text);
+ secondary_label = gtk_label_new (secondary_markup);
+ g_free (secondary_markup);
+ gtk_widget_show (secondary_label);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), secondary_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_set_can_focus (secondary_label, TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_label_set_selectable (GTK_LABEL (secondary_label), TRUE);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (secondary_label), 0, 0.5);
+ }
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (message_area))), hbox_content, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+static GtkWidget *
+create_error_message_area (const gchar *primary_text,
+ const gchar *secondary_text,
+ gboolean recoverable)
+ GtkWidget *message_area;
+ if (recoverable)
+ message_area = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("_Retry"),
+ NULL);
+ else
+ message_area = gtk_info_bar_new ();
+ gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (message_area),
+ set_message_area_text_and_icon (GTK_INFO_BAR (message_area),
+ primary_text,
+ secondary_text);
+ return message_area;
+GtkWidget *
+eom_image_load_error_message_area_new (const gchar *caption,
+ const GError *error)
+ GtkWidget *message_area;
+ gchar *error_message = NULL;
+ gchar *message_details = NULL;
+ gchar *pango_escaped_caption = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (caption != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (error != NULL, NULL);
+ /* Escape the caption string with respect to pango markup.
+ This is necessary because otherwise characters like "&" will
+ be interpreted as the beginning of a pango entity inside
+ the message area GtkLabel. */
+ pango_escaped_caption = g_markup_escape_text (caption, -1);
+ error_message = g_strdup_printf (_("Could not load image '%s'."),
+ pango_escaped_caption);
+ message_details = g_strdup (error->message);
+ message_area = create_error_message_area (error_message,
+ message_details,
+ TRUE);
+ g_free (pango_escaped_caption);
+ g_free (error_message);
+ g_free (message_details);
+ return message_area;
+GtkWidget *
+eom_no_images_error_message_area_new (GFile *file)
+ GtkWidget *message_area;
+ gchar *error_message = NULL;
+ if (file != NULL) {
+ gchar *uri_str, *unescaped_str, *pango_escaped_str;
+ uri_str = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ /* Unescape URI with respect to rules defined in RFC 3986. */
+ unescaped_str = g_uri_unescape_string (uri_str, NULL);
+ /* Escape the URI string with respect to pango markup.
+ This is necessary because the URI string can contain
+ for example "&" which will otherwise be interpreted
+ as a pango markup entity when inserted into a GtkLabel. */
+ pango_escaped_str = g_markup_escape_text (unescaped_str, -1);
+ error_message = g_strdup_printf (_("No images found in '%s'."),
+ pango_escaped_str);
+ g_free (pango_escaped_str);
+ g_free (uri_str);
+ g_free (unescaped_str);
+ } else {
+ error_message = g_strdup (_("The given locations contain no images."));
+ }
+ message_area = create_error_message_area (error_message,
+ g_free (error_message);
+ return message_area;
diff --git a/src/eom-error-message-area.h b/src/eom-error-message-area.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b285ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-error-message-area.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Erro Message Area
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-message-area.h) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+GtkWidget *eom_image_load_error_message_area_new (const gchar *caption,
+ const GError *error);
+GtkWidget *eom_no_images_error_message_area_new (GFile *file);
+#endif /* __EOM_ERROR_MESSAGE_AREA__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-exif-details.c b/src/eom-exif-details.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2385e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-exif-details.c
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Image Exif Details
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-exif-details.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include <libexif/exif-entry.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-utils.h>
+#include <exempi/xmp.h>
+#include <exempi/xmpconsts.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <string.h>
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomExifDetails, eom_exif_details, GTK_TYPE_TREE_VIEW)
+typedef enum {
+} ExifCategory;
+typedef struct {
+ char *label;
+ char *path;
+} ExifCategoryInfo;
+static ExifCategoryInfo exif_categories[] = {
+ { N_("Camera"), "0" },
+ { N_("Image Data"), "1" },
+ { N_("Image Taking Conditions"), "2" },
+ { N_("Maker Note"), "3" },
+ { N_("Other"), "4" },
+ { N_("XMP Exif"), "5" },
+ { N_("XMP IPTC"), "6" },
+ { N_("XMP Rights Management"), "7" },
+ { N_("XMP Other"), "8" },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+typedef struct {
+ int id;
+ ExifCategory category;
+} ExifTagCategory;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+static ExifTagCategory exif_tag_category_map[] = {
+ { -1, -1 }
+struct _EomExifDetailsPrivate {
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GHashTable *id_path_hash;
+ GHashTable *id_path_hash_mnote;
+static char* set_row_data (GtkTreeStore *store, char *path, char *parent, const char *attribute, const char *value);
+static void eom_exif_details_reset (EomExifDetails *exif_details);
+static void
+eom_exif_details_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_EXIF_DETAILS (object)->priv;
+ if (priv->model) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->model);
+ priv->model = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->id_path_hash) {
+ g_hash_table_destroy (priv->id_path_hash);
+ priv->id_path_hash = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->id_path_hash_mnote) {
+ g_hash_table_destroy (priv->id_path_hash_mnote);
+ priv->id_path_hash_mnote = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_exif_details_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_exif_details_init (EomExifDetails *exif_details)
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv;
+ GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
+ GtkCellRenderer *cell;
+ exif_details->priv = EOM_EXIF_DETAILS_GET_PRIVATE (exif_details);
+ priv = exif_details->priv;
+ priv->model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (gtk_tree_store_new (2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING));
+ priv->id_path_hash = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free);
+ priv->id_path_hash_mnote = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free);
+ /* Tag name column */
+ cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (_("Tag"), cell,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (exif_details), column);
+ /* Value column */
+ cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (_("Value"), cell,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (exif_details), column);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (exif_details), TRUE);
+ eom_exif_details_reset (exif_details);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (exif_details),
+ GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->model));
+static void
+eom_exif_details_class_init (EomExifDetailsClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ object_class->dispose = eom_exif_details_dispose;
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EomExifDetailsPrivate));
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+static ExifCategory
+get_exif_category (ExifEntry *entry)
+ ExifCategory cat = EXIF_CATEGORY_OTHER;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; exif_tag_category_map [i].id != -1; i++) {
+ if (exif_tag_category_map[i].id == (int) entry->tag) {
+ cat = exif_tag_category_map[i].category;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return cat;
+static char*
+set_row_data (GtkTreeStore *store, char *path, char *parent, const char *attribute, const char *value)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gchar *utf_attribute = NULL;
+ gchar *utf_value = NULL;
+ gboolean iter_valid = FALSE;
+ if (!attribute) return NULL;
+ if (path != NULL) {
+ iter_valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, path);
+ }
+ if (!iter_valid) {
+ GtkTreePath *tree_path;
+ GtkTreeIter parent_iter;
+ gboolean parent_valid = FALSE;
+ if (parent != NULL) {
+ parent_valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store),
+ &parent_iter,
+ parent);
+ }
+ gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, parent_valid ? &parent_iter : NULL);
+ if (path == NULL) {
+ tree_path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter);
+ if (tree_path != NULL) {
+ path = gtk_tree_path_to_string (tree_path);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (tree_path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ utf_attribute = eom_util_make_valid_utf8 (attribute);
+ gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, MODEL_COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE, utf_attribute, -1);
+ g_free (utf_attribute);
+ if (value != NULL) {
+ utf_value = eom_util_make_valid_utf8 (value);
+ gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, MODEL_COLUMN_VALUE, utf_value, -1);
+ g_free (utf_value);
+ }
+ return path;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+static void
+exif_entry_cb (ExifEntry *entry, gpointer data)
+ GtkTreeStore *store;
+ EomExifDetails *view;
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv;
+ ExifCategory cat;
+ char *path;
+ char b[1024];
+ view = EOM_EXIF_DETAILS (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ store = GTK_TREE_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (view)));
+ path = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->id_path_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER (entry->tag));
+ if (path != NULL) {
+ set_row_data (store,
+ path,
+ exif_tag_get_name (entry->tag),
+ exif_entry_get_value (entry, b, sizeof(b)));
+ } else {
+ ExifMnoteData *mnote = (entry->tag == EXIF_TAG_MAKER_NOTE ?
+ exif_data_get_mnote_data (entry->parent->parent) : NULL);
+ if (mnote) {
+ // Supported MakerNote Found
+ unsigned int i, c = exif_mnote_data_count (mnote);
+ for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
+ path = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->id_path_hash_mnote, GINT_TO_POINTER (i));
+ if (path != NULL) {
+ set_row_data (store, path, NULL,
+ exif_mnote_data_get_title (mnote, i),
+ exif_mnote_data_get_value (mnote, i, b, sizeof(b)));
+ } else {
+ path = set_row_data (store,
+ exif_categories[EXIF_CATEGORY_MAKER_NOTE].path,
+ exif_mnote_data_get_title (mnote, i),
+ exif_mnote_data_get_value (mnote, i, b, sizeof(b)));
+ g_hash_table_insert (priv->id_path_hash_mnote, GINT_TO_POINTER (i), path);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ cat = get_exif_category (entry);
+ path = set_row_data (store,
+ exif_categories[cat].path,
+ exif_tag_get_name (entry->tag),
+ exif_entry_get_value (entry, b,
+ sizeof(b)));
+ g_hash_table_insert (priv->id_path_hash,
+ GINT_TO_POINTER (entry->tag),
+ path);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+static void
+exif_content_cb (ExifContent *content, gpointer data)
+ exif_content_foreach_entry (content, exif_entry_cb, data);
+GtkWidget *
+eom_exif_details_new (void)
+ GObject *object;
+ object = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_EXIF_DETAILS, NULL);
+ return GTK_WIDGET (object);
+static void
+eom_exif_details_reset (EomExifDetails *exif_details)
+ int i;
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv = exif_details->priv;
+ gtk_tree_store_clear (GTK_TREE_STORE (priv->model));
+ g_hash_table_remove_all (priv->id_path_hash);
+ g_hash_table_remove_all (priv->id_path_hash_mnote);
+ for (i = 0; exif_categories [i].label != NULL; i++) {
+ char *translated_string;
+ translated_string = gettext (exif_categories[i].label);
+ set_row_data (GTK_TREE_STORE (priv->model),
+ exif_categories[i].path,
+ translated_string,
+ NULL);
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+eom_exif_details_update (EomExifDetails *exif_details, ExifData *data)
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_EXIF_DETAILS (exif_details));
+ priv = exif_details->priv;
+ eom_exif_details_reset (exif_details);
+ if (data) {
+ exif_data_foreach_content (data, exif_content_cb, exif_details);
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_EXIF */
+typedef struct {
+ const char *id;
+ ExifCategory category;
+} XmpNsCategory;
+static XmpNsCategory xmp_ns_category_map[] = {
+ { NULL, -1}
+static ExifCategory
+get_xmp_category (XmpStringPtr schema)
+ ExifCategory cat = XMP_CATEGORY_OTHER;
+ const char *s = xmp_string_cstr(schema);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; xmp_ns_category_map[i].id != NULL; i++) {
+ if (strcmp (xmp_ns_category_map[i].id, s) == 0) {
+ cat = xmp_ns_category_map[i].category;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return cat;
+static void
+xmp_entry_insert (EomExifDetails *view, XmpStringPtr xmp_schema,
+ XmpStringPtr xmp_path, XmpStringPtr xmp_prop)
+ GtkTreeStore *store;
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv;
+ ExifCategory cat;
+ char *path;
+ gchar *key;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ key = g_strconcat (xmp_string_cstr (xmp_schema), ":",
+ xmp_string_cstr (xmp_path), NULL);
+ store = GTK_TREE_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (view)));
+ path = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->id_path_hash, key);
+ if (path != NULL) {
+ set_row_data (store, path, NULL,
+ xmp_string_cstr (xmp_path),
+ xmp_string_cstr (xmp_prop));
+ g_free(key);
+ }
+ else {
+ cat = get_xmp_category (xmp_schema);
+ path = set_row_data (store, NULL, exif_categories[cat].path,
+ xmp_string_cstr(xmp_path),
+ xmp_string_cstr(xmp_prop));
+ g_hash_table_insert (priv->id_path_hash, key, path);
+ }
+eom_exif_details_xmp_update (EomExifDetails *view, XmpPtr data)
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_EXIF_DETAILS (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (data) {
+ XmpIteratorPtr iter = xmp_iterator_new(data, NULL, NULL, XMP_ITER_JUSTLEAFNODES);
+ XmpStringPtr the_schema = xmp_string_new ();
+ XmpStringPtr the_path = xmp_string_new ();
+ XmpStringPtr the_prop = xmp_string_new ();
+ while (xmp_iterator_next (iter, the_schema, the_path, the_prop, NULL)) {
+ xmp_entry_insert (view, the_schema, the_path, the_prop);
+ }
+ xmp_string_free (the_prop);
+ xmp_string_free (the_path);
+ xmp_string_free (the_schema);
+ xmp_iterator_free (iter);
+ }
diff --git a/src/eom-exif-details.h b/src/eom-exif-details.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5964133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-exif-details.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Image Exif Details
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_EXIF_DETAILS__
+#define __EOM_EXIF_DETAILS__
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+#include <exempi/xmp.h>
+typedef struct _EomExifDetails EomExifDetails;
+typedef struct _EomExifDetailsClass EomExifDetailsClass;
+typedef struct _EomExifDetailsPrivate EomExifDetailsPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_EXIF_DETAILS (eom_exif_details_get_type ())
+struct _EomExifDetails {
+ GtkTreeView parent;
+ EomExifDetailsPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomExifDetailsClass {
+ GtkTreeViewClass parent_class;
+GType eom_exif_details_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_exif_details_new (void);
+void eom_exif_details_update (EomExifDetails *view,
+ ExifData *data);
+void eom_exif_details_xmp_update (EomExifDetails *view,
+ XmpPtr xmp_data);
+#endif /* __EOM_EXIF_DETAILS__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-exif-util.c b/src/eom-exif-util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d54e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-exif-util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EXIF Utilities
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE
+#include <time.h>
+#include "eom-exif-util.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#define DATE_BUF_SIZE 200
+/* gboolean <-> gpointer conversion macros taken from gedit */
+#define GBOOLEAN_TO_POINTER(i) (GINT_TO_POINTER ((i) ? 2 : 1))
+#define GPOINTER_TO_BOOLEAN(i) ((gboolean) ((GPOINTER_TO_INT (i) == 2) ? TRUE : FALSE))
+static gpointer
+_check_strptime_updates_wday (gpointer data)
+ struct tm tm;
+ memset (&tm, '\0', sizeof (tm));
+ strptime ("2008:12:24 20:30:45", "%Y:%m:%d %T", &tm);
+ /* Check if tm.tm_wday is set to Wednesday (3) now */
+ return GBOOLEAN_TO_POINTER (tm.tm_wday == 3);
+ * _calculate_wday_yday:
+ * @tm: A struct tm that should be updated.
+ *
+ * Ensure tm_wday and tm_yday are set correctly in a struct tm.
+ * The other date (dmy) values must have been set already.
+ **/
+static void
+_calculate_wday_yday (struct tm *tm)
+ GDate *exif_date;
+ struct tm tmp_tm;
+ exif_date = g_date_new_dmy (tm->tm_mday,
+ tm->tm_mon+1,
+ tm->tm_year+1900);
+ g_return_if_fail (exif_date != NULL && g_date_valid (exif_date));
+ // Use this to get GLib <-> libc corrected values
+ g_date_to_struct_tm (exif_date, &tmp_tm);
+ g_date_free (exif_date);
+ tm->tm_wday = tmp_tm.tm_wday;
+ tm->tm_yday = tmp_tm.tm_yday;
+static gchar *
+eom_exif_util_format_date_with_strptime (const gchar *date)
+ static GOnce strptime_updates_wday = G_ONCE_INIT;
+ gchar *new_date = NULL;
+ gchar tmp_date[DATE_BUF_SIZE];
+ gchar *p;
+ gsize dlen;
+ struct tm tm;
+ memset (&tm, '\0', sizeof (tm));
+ p = strptime (date, "%Y:%m:%d %T", &tm);
+ if (p == date + strlen (date)) {
+ g_once (&strptime_updates_wday,
+ _check_strptime_updates_wday,
+ NULL);
+ // Ensure tm.tm_wday and tm.tm_yday are set
+ if (!GPOINTER_TO_BOOLEAN (strptime_updates_wday.retval))
+ _calculate_wday_yday (&tm);
+ /* A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken. */
+ dlen = strftime (tmp_date, DATE_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(gchar), _("%a, %d %B %Y %X"), &tm);
+ new_date = g_strndup (tmp_date, dlen);
+ }
+ return new_date;
+static gchar *
+eom_exif_util_format_date_by_hand (const gchar *date)
+ int year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds;
+ int result;
+ gchar *new_date = NULL;
+ result = sscanf (date, "%d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d",
+ &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minutes, &seconds);
+ if (result < 3 || !g_date_valid_dmy (day, month, year)) {
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ gchar tmp_date[DATE_BUF_SIZE];
+ gsize dlen;
+ time_t secs;
+ struct tm tm;
+ memset (&tm, '\0', sizeof (tm));
+ tm.tm_mday = day;
+ tm.tm_mon = month-1;
+ tm.tm_year = year-1900;
+ // Calculate tm.tm_wday
+ _calculate_wday_yday (&tm);
+ if (result < 5) {
+ /* A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken, for the case we don't have the time. */
+ dlen = strftime (tmp_date, DATE_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(gchar), _("%a, %d %B %Y"), &tm);
+ } else {
+ tm.tm_sec = result < 6 ? 0 : seconds;
+ tm.tm_min = minutes;
+ tm.tm_hour = hour;
+ /* A strftime-formatted string, to display the date the image was taken. */
+ dlen = strftime (tmp_date, DATE_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(gchar), _("%a, %d %B %Y %X"), &tm);
+ }
+ if (dlen == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ new_date = g_strndup (tmp_date, dlen);
+ }
+ return new_date;
+#endif /* HAVE_STRPTIME */
+ * eom_exif_util_format_date:
+ * @date: a date string following Exif specifications
+ *
+ * Takes a date string formatted after Exif specifications and generates a
+ * more readable, possibly localized, string out of it.
+ *
+ * Returns: a newly allocated date string formatted according to the
+ * current locale.
+ */
+gchar *
+eom_exif_util_format_date (const gchar *date)
+ gchar *new_date;
+ new_date = eom_exif_util_format_date_with_strptime (date);
+ new_date = eom_exif_util_format_date_by_hand (date);
+#endif /* HAVE_STRPTIME */
+ return new_date;
+ * eom_exif_util_get_value:
+ * @exif_data: pointer to an <structname>ExifData</structname> struct
+ * @tag_id: the requested tag's id. See <filename>exif-tag.h</filename>
+ * from the libexif package for possible values (e.g. %EXIF_TAG_EXPOSURE_MODE).
+ * @buffer: a pre-allocated output buffer
+ * @buf_size: size of @buffer
+ *
+ * Convenience function to extract a string representation of an Exif tag
+ * directly from an <structname>ExifData</structname> struct. The string is
+ * written into @buffer as far as @buf_size permits.
+ *
+ * Returns: a pointer to @buffer.
+ */
+const gchar *
+eom_exif_util_get_value (ExifData *exif_data, gint tag_id, gchar *buffer, guint buf_size)
+ ExifEntry *exif_entry;
+ const gchar *exif_value;
+ exif_entry = exif_data_get_entry (exif_data, tag_id);
+ buffer[0] = 0;
+ exif_value = exif_entry_get_value (exif_entry, buffer, buf_size);
+ return exif_value;
diff --git a/src/eom-exif-util.h b/src/eom-exif-util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9463524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-exif-util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EXIF Utilities
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_EXIF_UTIL_H__
+#define __EOM_EXIF_UTIL_H__
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+gchar* eom_exif_util_format_date (const gchar *date);
+const gchar *eom_exif_util_get_value (ExifData *exif_data, gint tag_id, gchar *buffer, guint buf_size);
+#endif /* __EOM_EXIF_UTIL_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-file-chooser.c b/src/eom-file-chooser.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a6fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-file-chooser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-file-chooser.h"
+#include "eom-config-keys.h"
+#include "eom-pixbuf-util.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <mateconf/mateconf-client.h>
+/* We must define MATE_DESKTOP_USE_UNSTABLE_API to be able
+ to use MateDesktopThumbnail */
+#include <libmateui/mate-desktop-thumbnail.h>
+static char *last_dir[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
+#define FILE_FORMAT_KEY "file-format"
+ EomFileChooserPrivate))
+struct _EomFileChooserPrivate
+ MateDesktopThumbnailFactory *thumb_factory;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ GtkWidget *size_label;
+ GtkWidget *dim_label;
+ GtkWidget *creator_label;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE(EomFileChooser, eom_file_chooser, GTK_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER_DIALOG)
+static void
+eom_file_chooser_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomFileChooserPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_FILE_CHOOSER (object)->priv;
+ if (priv->thumb_factory != NULL)
+ g_object_unref (priv->thumb_factory);
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_file_chooser_parent_class)->finalize) (object);
+static void
+eom_file_chooser_class_init (EomFileChooserClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
+ object_class->finalize = eom_file_chooser_finalize;
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EomFileChooserPrivate));
+static void
+eom_file_chooser_init (EomFileChooser *chooser)
+ chooser->priv = EOM_FILE_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE (chooser);
+static void
+response_cb (GtkDialog *dlg, gint id, gpointer data)
+ char *dir;
+ GtkFileChooserAction action;
+ if (id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
+ dir = gtk_file_chooser_get_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg));
+ action = gtk_file_chooser_get_action (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg));
+ if (last_dir [action] != NULL)
+ g_free (last_dir [action]);
+ last_dir [action] = dir;
+ }
+static void
+save_response_cb (GtkDialog *dlg, gint id, gpointer data)
+ GFile *file;
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ if (id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
+ return;
+ file = gtk_file_chooser_get_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg));
+ format = eom_pixbuf_get_format (file);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ if (!format || !gdk_pixbuf_format_is_writable (format)) {
+ GtkWidget *msg_dialog;
+ msg_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (
+ GTK_WINDOW (dlg),
+ _("File format is unknown or unsupported"));
+ gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (
+ GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (msg_dialog),
+ "%s\n%s",
+ _("Eye of MATE could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename."),
+ _("Please try a different file extension like .png or .jpg."));
+ gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (msg_dialog));
+ gtk_widget_destroy (msg_dialog);
+ g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (dlg, "response");
+ } else {
+ response_cb (dlg, id, data);
+ }
+static void
+eom_file_chooser_add_filter (EomFileChooser *chooser)
+ GSList *it;
+ GSList *formats;
+ GtkFileFilter *all_file_filter;
+ GtkFileFilter *all_img_filter;
+ GtkFileFilter *filter;
+ GSList *filters = NULL;
+ gchar **mime_types, **pattern, *tmp;
+ int i;
+ GtkFileChooserAction action;
+ action = gtk_file_chooser_get_action (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* All Files Filter */
+ all_file_filter = gtk_file_filter_new ();
+ gtk_file_filter_set_name (all_file_filter, _("All Files"));
+ gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (all_file_filter, "*");
+ /* All Image Filter */
+ all_img_filter = gtk_file_filter_new ();
+ gtk_file_filter_set_name (all_img_filter, _("All Images"));
+ formats = eom_pixbuf_get_savable_formats ();
+ }
+ else {
+ formats = gdk_pixbuf_get_formats ();
+ }
+ /* Image filters */
+ for (it = formats; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ char *filter_name;
+ char *description, *extension;
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ filter = gtk_file_filter_new ();
+ format = (GdkPixbufFormat*) it->data;
+ description = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_description (format);
+ extension = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name (format);
+ /* Filter name: First description then file extension, eg. "The PNG-Format (*.png)".*/
+ filter_name = g_strdup_printf (_("%s (*.%s)"), description, extension);
+ g_free (description);
+ g_free (extension);
+ gtk_file_filter_set_name (filter, filter_name);
+ g_free (filter_name);
+ mime_types = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_mime_types ((GdkPixbufFormat *) it->data);
+ for (i = 0; mime_types[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, mime_types[i]);
+ gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (all_img_filter, mime_types[i]);
+ }
+ g_strfreev (mime_types);
+ pattern = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_extensions ((GdkPixbufFormat *) it->data);
+ for (i = 0; pattern[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ tmp = g_strconcat ("*.", pattern[i], NULL);
+ gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter, tmp);
+ gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (all_img_filter, tmp);
+ g_free (tmp);
+ }
+ g_strfreev (pattern);
+ /* attach GdkPixbufFormat to filter, see also
+ * eom_file_chooser_get_format. */
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (filter),
+ format);
+ filters = g_slist_prepend (filters, filter);
+ }
+ g_slist_free (formats);
+ /* Add filter to filechooser */
+ gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), all_file_filter);
+ gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), all_img_filter);
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), all_img_filter);
+ for (it = filters; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), GTK_FILE_FILTER (it->data));
+ }
+ g_slist_free (filters);
+static void
+set_preview_label (GtkWidget *label, const char *str)
+ if (str == NULL) {
+ gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (label));
+ }
+ else {
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label), str);
+ gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (label));
+ }
+/* Sets the pixbuf as preview thumbnail and tries to read and display
+ * further information according to the thumbnail spec.
+ */
+static void
+set_preview_pixbuf (EomFileChooser *chooser, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, goffset size)
+ EomFileChooserPrivate *priv;
+ int bytes;
+ int pixels;
+ const char *bytes_str;
+ const char *width;
+ const char *height;
+ const char *creator = NULL;
+ char *size_str = NULL;
+ char *dim_str = NULL;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser));
+ priv = chooser->priv;
+ gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (priv->image), pixbuf);
+ if (pixbuf != NULL) {
+ /* try to read file size */
+ bytes_str = gdk_pixbuf_get_option (pixbuf, "tEXt::Thumb::Size");
+ if (bytes_str != NULL) {
+ bytes = atoi (bytes_str);
+ size_str = g_format_size_for_display (bytes);
+ }
+ else {
+ size_str = g_format_size_for_display (size);
+ }
+ /* try to read image dimensions */
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_option (pixbuf, "tEXt::Thumb::Image::Width");
+ height = gdk_pixbuf_get_option (pixbuf, "tEXt::Thumb::Image::Height");
+ if ((width != NULL) && (height != NULL)) {
+ pixels = atoi (height);
+ /* Pixel size of image: width x height in pixel */
+ dim_str = g_strdup_printf ("%s x %s %s", width, height, ngettext ("pixel", "pixels", pixels));
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* Not sure, if this is really useful, therefore its commented out for now. */
+ /* try to read creator of the thumbnail */
+ creator = gdk_pixbuf_get_option (pixbuf, "tEXt::Software");
+ /* stupid workaround to display nicer string if the
+ * thumbnail is created through the mate libraries.
+ */
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (creator, "Mate::ThumbnailFactory") == 0) {
+ creator = "MATE Libs";
+ }
+ }
+ set_preview_label (priv->size_label, size_str);
+ set_preview_label (priv->dim_label, dim_str);
+ set_preview_label (priv->creator_label, creator);
+ if (size_str != NULL) {
+ g_free (size_str);
+ }
+ if (dim_str != NULL) {
+ g_free (dim_str);
+ }
+static void
+update_preview_cb (GtkFileChooser *file_chooser, gpointer data)
+ EomFileChooserPrivate *priv;
+ char *uri;
+ char *thumb_path = NULL;
+ GFile *file;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
+ gboolean have_preview = FALSE;
+ priv = EOM_FILE_CHOOSER (file_chooser)->priv;
+ uri = gtk_file_chooser_get_preview_uri (file_chooser);
+ if (uri == NULL) {
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_preview_widget_active (file_chooser, FALSE);
+ return;
+ }
+ file = g_file_new_for_uri (uri);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ if ((file_info != NULL) && (priv->thumb_factory != NULL)) {
+ guint64 mtime;
+ mtime = g_file_info_get_attribute_uint64 (file_info,
+ thumb_path = mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_lookup (priv->thumb_factory, uri, mtime);
+ if (thumb_path == NULL) {
+ /* read files smaller than 100kb directly */
+ if (g_file_info_get_size (file_info) <= 100000) {
+ /* FIXME: we should then output also the image dimensions */
+ thumb_path = gtk_file_chooser_get_preview_filename (file_chooser);
+ }
+ }
+ if (thumb_path != NULL && g_file_test (thumb_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
+ /* try to load and display preview thumbnail */
+ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (thumb_path, NULL);
+ have_preview = (pixbuf != NULL);
+ set_preview_pixbuf (EOM_FILE_CHOOSER (file_chooser), pixbuf,
+ g_file_info_get_size (file_info));
+ if (pixbuf != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (thumb_path != NULL) {
+ g_free (thumb_path);
+ }
+ g_free (uri);
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_preview_widget_active (file_chooser, have_preview);
+static void
+eom_file_chooser_add_preview (GtkWidget *widget)
+ EomFileChooserPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ priv = EOM_FILE_CHOOSER (widget)->priv;
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 12);
+ priv->image = gtk_image_new ();
+ /* 128x128 is maximum size of thumbnails */
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->image, 128,128);
+ priv->dim_label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ priv->size_label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ priv->creator_label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), priv->image, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), priv->dim_label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), priv->size_label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), priv->creator_label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (vbox);
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_preview_widget (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (widget), vbox);
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_preview_widget_active (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (widget), FALSE);
+ priv->thumb_factory = mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_new (MATE_DESKTOP_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_NORMAL);
+ g_signal_connect (widget, "update-preview",
+ G_CALLBACK (update_preview_cb), NULL);
+GtkWidget *
+eom_file_chooser_new (GtkFileChooserAction action)
+ GtkWidget *chooser;
+ gchar *title = NULL;
+ chooser = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER,
+ "action", action,
+ "select-multiple", (action == GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN),
+ "local-only", FALSE,
+ NULL);
+ switch (action) {
+ gtk_dialog_add_buttons (GTK_DIALOG (chooser),
+ NULL);
+ title = _("Open Image");
+ break;
+ gtk_dialog_add_buttons (GTK_DIALOG (chooser),
+ NULL);
+ title = _("Save Image");
+ break;
+ gtk_dialog_add_buttons (GTK_DIALOG (chooser),
+ NULL);
+ title = _("Open Folder");
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ eom_file_chooser_add_filter (EOM_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser));
+ eom_file_chooser_add_preview (chooser);
+ }
+ if (last_dir[action] != NULL) {
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), last_dir [action]);
+ }
+ g_signal_connect (chooser, "response",
+ save_response_cb : response_cb),
+ NULL);
+ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (chooser), title);
+ gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (chooser), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), TRUE);
+ return chooser;
+GdkPixbufFormat *
+eom_file_chooser_get_format (EomFileChooser *chooser)
+ GtkFileFilter *filter;
+ GdkPixbufFormat* format;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser), NULL);
+ filter = gtk_file_chooser_get_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser));
+ if (filter == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ format = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (filter), FILE_FORMAT_KEY);
+ return format;
diff --git a/src/eom-file-chooser.h b/src/eom-file-chooser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc31fcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-file-chooser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#define EOM_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER (eom_file_chooser_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomFileChooser EomFileChooser;
+typedef struct _EomFileChooserClass EomFileChooserClass;
+typedef struct _EomFileChooserPrivate EomFileChooserPrivate;
+struct _EomFileChooser
+ GtkFileChooserDialog parent;
+ EomFileChooserPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomFileChooserClass
+ GtkFileChooserDialogClass parent_class;
+GType eom_file_chooser_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_file_chooser_new (GtkFileChooserAction action);
+GdkPixbufFormat *eom_file_chooser_get_format (EomFileChooser *chooser);
+#endif /* _EOM_FILE_CHOOSER_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-image-jpeg.c b/src/eom-image-jpeg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef7a2cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-image-jpeg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+/* This code is based on the jpeg saving code from gdk-pixbuf. Full copyright
+ * notice is given in the following:
+ */
+/* GdkPixbuf library - JPEG image loader
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 Michael Zucchi
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Progressive loading code Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Authors: Michael Zucchi <[email protected]>
+ * Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Michael Fulbright <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-image-jpeg.h"
+#include "eom-image-private.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <jpeglib.h>
+#include <jerror.h>
+#include "transupp.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+#define sigjmp_buf jmp_buf
+#define sigsetjmp(env, savesigs) setjmp (env)
+#define siglongjmp longjmp
+typedef enum {
+} EomJpegSaveMethod;
+/* error handler data */
+struct error_handler_data {
+ struct jpeg_error_mgr pub;
+ sigjmp_buf setjmp_buffer;
+ GError **error;
+ char *filename;
+static void
+fatal_error_handler (j_common_ptr cinfo)
+ struct error_handler_data *errmgr;
+ char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX];
+ errmgr = (struct error_handler_data *) cinfo->err;
+ /* Create the message */
+ (* cinfo->err->format_message) (cinfo, buffer);
+ /* broken check for *error == NULL for robustness against
+ * crappy JPEG library
+ */
+ if (errmgr->error && *errmgr->error == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (errmgr->error,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ "Error interpreting JPEG image file: %s\n\n%s",
+ g_path_get_basename (errmgr->filename),
+ buffer);
+ }
+ siglongjmp (errmgr->setjmp_buffer, 1);
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+static void
+output_message_handler (j_common_ptr cinfo)
+ /* This method keeps libjpeg from dumping crap to stderr */
+ /* do nothing */
+static void
+init_transform_info (EomImage *image, jpeg_transform_info *info)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ EomTransform *composition = NULL;
+ EomTransformType transformation;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ priv = image->priv;
+ if (priv->trans != NULL && priv->trans_autorotate != NULL) {
+ composition = eom_transform_compose (priv->trans,
+ priv->trans_autorotate);
+ } else if (priv->trans != NULL) {
+ composition = g_object_ref (priv->trans);
+ } else if (priv->trans_autorotate != NULL) {
+ composition = g_object_ref (priv->trans_autorotate);
+ }
+ if (composition != NULL) {
+ transformation = eom_transform_get_transform_type (composition);
+ switch (transformation) {
+ trans_code = JXFORM_ROT_90;
+ break;
+ trans_code = JXFORM_ROT_270;
+ break;
+ trans_code = JXFORM_ROT_180;
+ break;
+ trans_code = JXFORM_FLIP_H;
+ break;
+ trans_code = JXFORM_FLIP_V;
+ break;
+ default:
+ trans_code = JXFORM_NONE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ info->transform = trans_code;
+ info->trim = FALSE;
+ info->crop = FALSE;
+ info->force_grayscale = FALSE;
+ g_object_unref (composition);
+static gboolean
+_save_jpeg_as_jpeg (EomImage *image, const char *file, EomImageSaveInfo *source,
+ EomImageSaveInfo *target, GError **error)
+ struct jpeg_decompress_struct srcinfo;
+ struct jpeg_compress_struct dstinfo;
+ struct error_handler_data jsrcerr, jdsterr;
+ jpeg_transform_info transformoption;
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays;
+ jvirt_barray_ptr *dst_coef_arrays;
+ FILE *output_file;
+ FILE *input_file;
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gchar *infile_uri;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IMAGE (image)->priv->file != NULL, FALSE);
+ priv = image->priv;
+ init_transform_info (image, &transformoption);
+ /* Initialize the JPEG decompression object with default error
+ * handling. */
+ jsrcerr.filename = g_file_get_path (priv->file);
+ srcinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&(;
+ = fatal_error_handler;
+ = output_message_handler;
+ jsrcerr.error = error;
+ jpeg_create_decompress (&srcinfo);
+ /* Initialize the JPEG compression object with default error
+ * handling. */
+ jdsterr.filename = (char *) file;
+ dstinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&(;
+ = fatal_error_handler;
+ = output_message_handler;
+ jdsterr.error = error;
+ jpeg_create_compress (&dstinfo);
+ dstinfo.err->trace_level = 0;
+ dstinfo.arith_code = FALSE;
+ dstinfo.optimize_coding = FALSE;
+ =;
+ srcinfo.mem->max_memory_to_use = dstinfo.mem->max_memory_to_use;
+ /* Open the output file. */
+ /* FIXME: Make this a GIO aware input manager */
+ infile_uri = g_file_get_path (priv->file);
+ input_file = fopen (infile_uri, "rb");
+ if (input_file == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Input file not openable: %s\n", infile_uri);
+ g_free (jsrcerr.filename);
+ g_free (infile_uri);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ g_free (infile_uri);
+ output_file = fopen (file, "wb");
+ if (output_file == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Output file not openable: %s\n", file);
+ fclose (input_file);
+ g_free (jsrcerr.filename);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (sigsetjmp (jsrcerr.setjmp_buffer, 1)) {
+ fclose (output_file);
+ fclose (input_file);
+ jpeg_destroy_compress (&dstinfo);
+ jpeg_destroy_decompress (&srcinfo);
+ g_free (jsrcerr.filename);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (sigsetjmp (jdsterr.setjmp_buffer, 1)) {
+ fclose (output_file);
+ fclose (input_file);
+ jpeg_destroy_compress (&dstinfo);
+ jpeg_destroy_decompress (&srcinfo);
+ g_free (jsrcerr.filename);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Specify data source for decompression */
+ jpeg_stdio_src (&srcinfo, input_file);
+ /* Enable saving of extra markers that we want to copy */
+ jcopy_markers_setup (&srcinfo, JCOPYOPT_DEFAULT);
+ /* Read file header */
+ (void) jpeg_read_header (&srcinfo, TRUE);
+ /* Any space needed by a transform option must be requested before
+ * jpeg_read_coefficients so that memory allocation will be done right.
+ */
+ jtransform_request_workspace (&srcinfo, &transformoption);
+ /* Read source file as DCT coefficients */
+ src_coef_arrays = jpeg_read_coefficients (&srcinfo);
+ /* Initialize destination compression parameters from source values */
+ jpeg_copy_critical_parameters (&srcinfo, &dstinfo);
+ /* Adjust destination parameters if required by transform options;
+ * also find out which set of coefficient arrays will hold the output.
+ */
+ dst_coef_arrays = jtransform_adjust_parameters (&srcinfo,
+ &dstinfo,
+ src_coef_arrays,
+ &transformoption);
+ /* Specify data destination for compression */
+ jpeg_stdio_dest (&dstinfo, output_file);
+ /* Start compressor (note no image data is actually written here) */
+ jpeg_write_coefficients (&dstinfo, dst_coef_arrays);
+ /* handle EXIF/IPTC data explicitly */
+ /* exif_chunk and exif are mutally exclusvie, this is what we assure here */
+ g_assert (priv->exif_chunk == NULL);
+ if (priv->exif != NULL)
+ {
+ unsigned char *exif_buf;
+ unsigned int exif_buf_len;
+ exif_data_save_data (priv->exif, &exif_buf, &exif_buf_len);
+ jpeg_write_marker (&dstinfo, JPEG_APP0+1, exif_buf, exif_buf_len);
+ g_free (exif_buf);
+ }
+ if (priv->exif_chunk != NULL) {
+ jpeg_write_marker (&dstinfo, JPEG_APP0+1, priv->exif_chunk, priv->exif_chunk_len);
+ }
+ /* FIXME: Consider IPTC data too */
+ /* Copy to the output file any extra markers that we want to
+ * preserve */
+ jcopy_markers_execute (&srcinfo, &dstinfo, JCOPYOPT_DEFAULT);
+ /* Execute image transformation, if any */
+ jtransform_execute_transformation (&srcinfo,
+ &dstinfo,
+ src_coef_arrays,
+ &transformoption);
+ /* Finish compression and release memory */
+ jpeg_finish_compress (&dstinfo);
+ jpeg_destroy_compress (&dstinfo);
+ (void) jpeg_finish_decompress (&srcinfo);
+ jpeg_destroy_decompress (&srcinfo);
+ g_free (jsrcerr.filename);
+ /* Close files */
+ fclose (input_file);
+ fclose (output_file);
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+_save_any_as_jpeg (EomImage *image, const char *file, EomImageSaveInfo *source,
+ EomImageSaveInfo *target, GError **error)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
+ guchar *buf = NULL;
+ guchar *ptr;
+ guchar *pixels = NULL;
+ JSAMPROW *jbuf;
+ int y = 0;
+ volatile int quality = 75; /* default; must be between 0 and 100 */
+ int i, j;
+ int w, h = 0;
+ int rowstride = 0;
+ FILE *outfile;
+ struct error_handler_data jerr;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IMAGE (image)->priv->image != NULL, FALSE);
+ priv = image->priv;
+ pixbuf = priv->image;
+ outfile = fopen (file, "wb");
+ if (outfile == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error, /* FIXME: Better error message */
+ _("Couldn't create temporary file for saving: %s"),
+ file);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
+ w = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
+ h = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
+ /* no image data? abort */
+ pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (pixels != NULL, FALSE);
+ /* allocate a small buffer to convert image data */
+ buf = g_try_malloc (w * 3 * sizeof (guchar));
+ if (!buf) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Couldn't allocate memory for loading JPEG file"));
+ fclose (outfile);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* set up error handling */
+ jerr.filename = (char *) file;
+ cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error (&(;
+ = fatal_error_handler;
+ = output_message_handler;
+ jerr.error = error;
+ /* setup compress params */
+ jpeg_create_compress (&cinfo);
+ jpeg_stdio_dest (&cinfo, outfile);
+ cinfo.image_width = w;
+ cinfo.image_height = h;
+ cinfo.input_components = 3;
+ cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
+ /* error exit routine */
+ if (sigsetjmp (jerr.setjmp_buffer, 1)) {
+ g_free (buf);
+ fclose (outfile);
+ jpeg_destroy_compress (&cinfo);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* set desired jpeg quality if available */
+ if (target != NULL && target->jpeg_quality >= 0.0) {
+ quality = (int) MIN (target->jpeg_quality, 1.0) * 100;
+ }
+ /* set up jepg compression parameters */
+ jpeg_set_defaults (&cinfo);
+ jpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, quality, TRUE);
+ jpeg_start_compress (&cinfo, TRUE);
+ /* write EXIF/IPTC data explicitly */
+ /* exif_chunk and exif are mutally exclusvie, this is what we assure here */
+ g_assert (priv->exif_chunk == NULL);
+ if (priv->exif != NULL)
+ {
+ unsigned char *exif_buf;
+ unsigned int exif_buf_len;
+ exif_data_save_data (priv->exif, &exif_buf, &exif_buf_len);
+ jpeg_write_marker (&cinfo, 0xe1, exif_buf, exif_buf_len);
+ g_free (exif_buf);
+ }
+ if (priv->exif_chunk != NULL) {
+ jpeg_write_marker (&cinfo, JPEG_APP0+1, priv->exif_chunk, priv->exif_chunk_len);
+ }
+ /* FIXME: Consider IPTC data too */
+ /* get the start pointer */
+ ptr = pixels;
+ /* go one scanline at a time... and save */
+ i = 0;
+ while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
+ /* convert scanline from ARGB to RGB packed */
+ for (j = 0; j < w; j++)
+ memcpy (&(buf[j*3]), &(ptr[i*rowstride + j*(rowstride/w)]), 3);
+ /* write scanline */
+ jbuf = (JSAMPROW *)(&buf);
+ jpeg_write_scanlines (&cinfo, jbuf, 1);
+ i++;
+ y++;
+ }
+ /* finish off */
+ jpeg_finish_compress (&cinfo);
+ jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo);
+ g_free (buf);
+ fclose (outfile);
+ return TRUE;
+eom_image_jpeg_save_file (EomImage *image, const char *file,
+ EomImageSaveInfo *source, EomImageSaveInfo *target,
+ GError **error)
+ EomJpegSaveMethod method = EOM_SAVE_NONE;
+ gboolean source_is_jpeg = FALSE;
+ gboolean target_is_jpeg = FALSE;
+ gboolean result;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (source != NULL, FALSE);
+ source_is_jpeg = !g_ascii_strcasecmp (source->format, EOM_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG);
+ /* determine which method should be used for saving */
+ if (target == NULL) {
+ if (source_is_jpeg) {
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ target_is_jpeg = !g_ascii_strcasecmp (target->format, EOM_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG);
+ if (source_is_jpeg && target_is_jpeg) {
+ if (target->jpeg_quality < 0.0) {
+ }
+ else {
+ /* reencoding is required, cause quality is set */
+ method = EOM_SAVE_ANY_AS_JPEG;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!source_is_jpeg && target_is_jpeg) {
+ method = EOM_SAVE_ANY_AS_JPEG;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (method) {
+ result = _save_jpeg_as_jpeg (image, file, source, target, error);
+ break;
+ result = _save_any_as_jpeg (image, file, source, target, error);
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = FALSE;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/eom-image-jpeg.h b/src/eom-image-jpeg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e43d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-image-jpeg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef _EOM_IMAGE_JPEG_H_
+#define _EOM_IMAGE_JPEG_H_
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-image-save-info.h"
+/* Saves a source jpeg file in an arbitrary format (as specified by
+ * target). The target pointer may be NULL, in which case the output
+ * file is saved as jpeg too. This method tries to be as smart as
+ * possible. It will save the image as lossless as possible (if the
+ * target is a jpeg image too).
+ */
+gboolean eom_image_jpeg_save_file (EomImage *image, const char *file,
+ EomImageSaveInfo *source, EomImageSaveInfo *target,
+ GError **error);
+#endif /* _EOM_IMAGE_JPEG_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-image-private.h b/src/eom-image-private.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794d4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-image-private.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image Private Data
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_IMAGE_PRIVATE_H__
+#define __EOM_IMAGE_PRIVATE_H__
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+#include <librsvg/rsvg.h>
+struct _EomImagePrivate {
+ GFile *file;
+ EomImageStatus status;
+ EomImageStatus prev_status;
+ gboolean is_monitored;
+ EomImageMetadataStatus metadata_status;
+ GdkPixbuf *image;
+ GdkPixbufAnimation *anim;
+ GdkPixbufAnimationIter *anim_iter;
+ gboolean is_playing;
+ GdkPixbuf *thumbnail;
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ RsvgHandle *svg;
+ gint width;
+ gint height;
+ goffset bytes;
+ gchar *file_type;
+ gboolean threadsafe_format;
+ /* Holds EXIF raw data */
+ guint exif_chunk_len;
+ guchar *exif_chunk;
+ /* Holds IPTC raw data */
+ guchar *iptc_chunk;
+ guint iptc_chunk_len;
+ gboolean modified;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ gboolean autorotate;
+ gint orientation;
+ ExifData *exif;
+ XmpPtr xmp;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ cmsHPROFILE profile;
+ gchar *caption;
+ gchar *collate_key;
+ GMutex *status_mutex;
+ gboolean cancel_loading;
+ guint data_ref_count;
+ GSList *undo_stack;
+ EomTransform *trans;
+ EomTransform *trans_autorotate;
+#endif /* __EOM_IMAGE_PRIVATE_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-image-save-info.c b/src/eom-image-save-info.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d368a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-image-save-info.c
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "eom-image-save-info.h"
+#include "eom-image-private.h"
+#include "eom-pixbuf-util.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomImageSaveInfo, eom_image_save_info, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static void
+eom_image_save_info_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomImageSaveInfo *info = EOM_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (object);
+ if (info->file != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (info->file);
+ info->file = NULL;
+ }
+ if (info->format != NULL) {
+ g_free (info->format);
+ info->format = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_image_save_info_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_image_save_info_init (EomImageSaveInfo *obj)
+static void
+eom_image_save_info_class_init (EomImageSaveInfoClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ object_class->dispose = eom_image_save_info_dispose;
+/* is_local_uri:
+ *
+ * Checks if the URI points to a local file system. This tests simply
+ * if the URI scheme is 'file'. This function is used to ensure that
+ * we can write to the path-part of the URI with non-VFS aware
+ * filesystem calls.
+ */
+static gboolean
+is_local_file (GFile *file)
+ char *scheme;
+ gboolean ret;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, FALSE);
+ scheme = g_file_get_uri_scheme (file);
+ ret = (g_ascii_strcasecmp (scheme, "file") == 0);
+ g_free (scheme);
+ return ret;
+static char*
+get_save_file_type_by_file (GFile *file)
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ char *type = NULL;
+ format = eom_pixbuf_get_format (file);
+ if (format != NULL) {
+ type = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name (format);
+ }
+ return type;
+eom_image_save_info_from_image (gpointer data)
+ EomImageSaveInfo *info = NULL;
+ EomImage *image;
+ image = EOM_IMAGE (data);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL);
+ info = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO, NULL);
+ info->file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ info->format = g_strdup (image->priv->file_type);
+ info->exists = g_file_query_exists (info->file, NULL);
+ info->local = is_local_file (info->file);
+ info->has_metadata = eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF);
+ info->modified = eom_image_is_modified (image);
+ info->overwrite = FALSE;
+ info->jpeg_quality = -1.0;
+ return info;
+eom_image_save_info_from_uri (const char *txt_uri, GdkPixbufFormat *format)
+ GFile *file;
+ EomImageSaveInfo *info;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (txt_uri != NULL, NULL);
+ file = g_file_new_for_uri (txt_uri);
+ info = eom_image_save_info_from_file (file, format);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ return info;
+eom_image_save_info_from_file (GFile *file, GdkPixbufFormat *format)
+ EomImageSaveInfo *info;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, NULL);
+ info = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO, NULL);
+ info->file = g_object_ref (file);
+ if (format == NULL) {
+ info->format = get_save_file_type_by_file (info->file);
+ }
+ else {
+ info->format = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name (format);
+ }
+ info->exists = g_file_query_exists (file, NULL);
+ info->local = is_local_file (file);
+ info->has_metadata = FALSE;
+ info->modified = FALSE;
+ info->overwrite = FALSE;
+ info->jpeg_quality = -1.0;
+ g_assert (info->format != NULL);
+ return info;
diff --git a/src/eom-image-save-info.h b/src/eom-image-save-info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3c36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-image-save-info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+struct EomImage;
+#define EOM_TYPE_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (eom_image_save_info_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomImageSaveInfo EomImageSaveInfo;
+typedef struct _EomImageSaveInfoClass EomImageSaveInfoClass;
+struct _EomImageSaveInfo {
+ GObject parent;
+ GFile *file;
+ char *format;
+ gboolean exists;
+ gboolean local;
+ gboolean has_metadata;
+ gboolean modified;
+ gboolean overwrite;
+ float jpeg_quality; /* valid range: [0.0 ... 1.0] */
+struct _EomImageSaveInfoClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_klass;
+#define EOM_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG "jpeg"
+GType eom_image_save_info_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomImageSaveInfo *eom_image_save_info_from_image (gpointer data);
+EomImageSaveInfo *eom_image_save_info_from_uri (const char *uri,
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format);
+EomImageSaveInfo *eom_image_save_info_from_file (GFile *file,
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format);
+#endif /* _EOM_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-image.c b/src/eom-image.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57e7cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-image.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2237 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-image-private.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
+#include "eom-image-jpeg.h"
+#include "eom-marshal.h"
+#include "eom-pixbuf-util.h"
+#include "eom-metadata-reader.h"
+#include "eom-image-save-info.h"
+#include "eom-transform.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include "eom-thumbnail.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-utils.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-loader.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+#include <lcms.h>
+#define EXIF_TAG_GAMMA 0xa500
+#define EOM_IMAGE_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomImage, eom_image, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+enum {
+static gint signals[SIGNAL_LAST];
+static GList *supported_mime_types = NULL;
+static void
+eom_image_free_mem_private (EomImage *image)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ priv = image->priv;
+ if (priv->status == EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_LOADING) {
+ eom_image_cancel_load (image);
+ } else {
+ if (priv->anim_iter != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->anim_iter);
+ priv->anim_iter = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->anim != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->anim);
+ priv->anim = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->is_playing = FALSE;
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ if (priv->svg != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->svg);
+ priv->svg = NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ if (priv->exif != NULL) {
+ exif_data_unref (priv->exif);
+ priv->exif = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->exif_chunk != NULL) {
+ g_free (priv->exif_chunk);
+ priv->exif_chunk = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->exif_chunk_len = 0;
+ if (priv->xmp != NULL) {
+ xmp_free (priv->xmp);
+ priv->xmp = NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ if (priv->profile != NULL) {
+ cmsCloseProfile (priv->profile);
+ priv->profile = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+static void
+eom_image_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_IMAGE (object)->priv;
+ eom_image_free_mem_private (EOM_IMAGE (object));
+ if (priv->file) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->file);
+ priv->file = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->caption) {
+ g_free (priv->caption);
+ priv->caption = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->collate_key) {
+ g_free (priv->collate_key);
+ priv->collate_key = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->file_type) {
+ g_free (priv->file_type);
+ priv->file_type = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->status_mutex) {
+ g_mutex_free (priv->status_mutex);
+ priv->status_mutex = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->trans) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->trans);
+ priv->trans = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->trans_autorotate) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->trans_autorotate);
+ priv->trans_autorotate = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->undo_stack) {
+ g_slist_foreach (priv->undo_stack, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (priv->undo_stack);
+ priv->undo_stack = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_image_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_image_class_init (EomImageClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ object_class->dispose = eom_image_dispose;
+ g_signal_new ("size-prepared",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomImageClass, size_prepared),
+ eom_marshal_VOID__INT_INT,
+ signals[SIGNAL_CHANGED] =
+ g_signal_new ("changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomImageClass, changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ g_signal_new ("thumbnail-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomImageClass, thumbnail_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ g_signal_new ("save-progress",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomImageClass, save_progress),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT,
+ /**
+ * EomImage::next-frame:
+ * @img: the object which received the signal.
+ * @delay: number of milliseconds the current frame will be displayed.
+ *
+ * The ::next-frame signal will be emitted each time an animated image
+ * advances to the next frame.
+ */
+ signals[SIGNAL_NEXT_FRAME] =
+ g_signal_new ("next-frame",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomImageClass, next_frame),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+ signals[SIGNAL_FILE_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("file-changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomImageClass, file_changed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EomImagePrivate));
+static void
+eom_image_init (EomImage *img)
+ img->priv = EOM_IMAGE_GET_PRIVATE (img);
+ img->priv->file = NULL;
+ img->priv->image = NULL;
+ img->priv->anim = NULL;
+ img->priv->anim_iter = NULL;
+ img->priv->is_playing = FALSE;
+ img->priv->thumbnail = NULL;
+ img->priv->width = -1;
+ img->priv->height = -1;
+ img->priv->modified = FALSE;
+ img->priv->status_mutex = g_mutex_new ();
+ img->priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+ img->priv->metadata_status = EOM_IMAGE_METADATA_NOT_READ;
+ img->priv->is_monitored = FALSE;
+ img->priv->undo_stack = NULL;
+ img->priv->trans = NULL;
+ img->priv->trans_autorotate = NULL;
+ img->priv->data_ref_count = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ img->priv->orientation = 0;
+ img->priv->autorotate = FALSE;
+ img->priv->exif = NULL;
+ img->priv->xmp = NULL;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ img->priv->profile = NULL;
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ img->priv->svg = NULL;
+EomImage *
+eom_image_new (const char *txt_uri)
+ EomImage *img;
+ img = EOM_IMAGE (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_IMAGE, NULL));
+ img->priv->file = g_file_new_for_uri (txt_uri);
+ return img;
+EomImage *
+eom_image_new_file (GFile *file)
+ EomImage *img;
+ img = EOM_IMAGE (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_IMAGE, NULL));
+ img->priv->file = g_object_ref (file);
+ return img;
+eom_image_error_quark (void)
+ static GQuark q = 0;
+ if (q == 0) {
+ q = g_quark_from_static_string ("eom-image-error-quark");
+ }
+ return q;
+static void
+eom_image_update_exif_data (EomImage *image)
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ ExifEntry *entry;
+ ExifByteOrder bo;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ priv = image->priv;
+ if (priv->exif == NULL) return;
+ bo = exif_data_get_byte_order (priv->exif);
+ /* Update image width */
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (priv->exif, EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_X_DIMENSION);
+ if (entry != NULL && (priv->width >= 0)) {
+ if (entry->format == EXIF_FORMAT_LONG)
+ exif_set_long (entry->data, bo, priv->width);
+ else if (entry->format == EXIF_FORMAT_SHORT)
+ exif_set_short (entry->data, bo, priv->width);
+ else
+ g_warning ("Exif entry has unsupported size");
+ }
+ /* Update image height */
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (priv->exif, EXIF_TAG_PIXEL_Y_DIMENSION);
+ if (entry != NULL && (priv->height >= 0)) {
+ if (entry->format == EXIF_FORMAT_LONG)
+ exif_set_long (entry->data, bo, priv->height);
+ else if (entry->format == EXIF_FORMAT_SHORT)
+ exif_set_short (entry->data, bo, priv->height);
+ else
+ g_warning ("Exif entry has unsupported size");
+ }
+ /* Update image orientation */
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (priv->exif, EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION);
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ if (entry->format == EXIF_FORMAT_LONG)
+ exif_set_long (entry->data, bo, 1);
+ else if (entry->format == EXIF_FORMAT_SHORT)
+ exif_set_short (entry->data, bo, 1);
+ else
+ g_warning ("Exif entry has unsupported size");
+ priv->orientation = 1;
+ }
+static void
+eom_image_real_transform (EomImage *img,
+ EomTransform *trans,
+ gboolean is_undo,
+ EomJob *job)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ GdkPixbuf *transformed;
+ gboolean modified = FALSE;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (trans));
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ transformed = eom_transform_apply (trans, priv->image, job);
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = transformed;
+ priv->width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (transformed);
+ priv->height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (transformed);
+ modified = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (priv->thumbnail != NULL) {
+ transformed = eom_transform_apply (trans, priv->thumbnail, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (priv->thumbnail);
+ priv->thumbnail = transformed;
+ modified = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (modified) {
+ priv->modified = TRUE;
+ eom_image_update_exif_data (img);
+ }
+ if (priv->trans == NULL) {
+ g_object_ref (trans);
+ priv->trans = trans;
+ } else {
+ EomTransform *composition;
+ composition = eom_transform_compose (priv->trans, trans);
+ g_object_unref (priv->trans);
+ priv->trans = composition;
+ }
+ if (!is_undo) {
+ g_object_ref (trans);
+ priv->undo_stack = g_slist_prepend (priv->undo_stack, trans);
+ }
+static gboolean
+do_emit_size_prepared_signal (EomImage *img)
+ g_signal_emit (img, signals[SIGNAL_SIZE_PREPARED], 0,
+ img->priv->width, img->priv->height);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+eom_image_emit_size_prepared (EomImage *img)
+ gdk_threads_add_idle_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE,
+ (GSourceFunc) do_emit_size_prepared_signal,
+ g_object_ref (img), g_object_unref);
+static gboolean
+check_loader_threadsafety (GdkPixbufLoader *loader, gboolean *result)
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ gboolean ret_val = FALSE;
+ format = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_format (loader);
+ if (format) {
+ ret_val = TRUE;
+ if (result)
+ /* FIXME: We should not be accessing this struct internals
+ * directly. Keep track of bug #469209 to fix that. */
+ *result = format->flags & GDK_PIXBUF_FORMAT_THREADSAFE;
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+static void
+eom_image_pre_size_prepared (GdkPixbufLoader *loader,
+ gint width,
+ gint height,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomImage *img;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_IMAGE_LOAD);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (data));
+ img = EOM_IMAGE (data);
+ check_loader_threadsafety (loader, &img->priv->threadsafe_format);
+static void
+eom_image_size_prepared (GdkPixbufLoader *loader,
+ gint width,
+ gint height,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomImage *img;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_IMAGE_LOAD);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (data));
+ img = EOM_IMAGE (data);
+ g_mutex_lock (img->priv->status_mutex);
+ img->priv->width = width;
+ img->priv->height = height;
+ g_mutex_unlock (img->priv->status_mutex);
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ if (img->priv->threadsafe_format && (!img->priv->autorotate || img->priv->exif))
+ if (img->priv->threadsafe_format)
+ eom_image_emit_size_prepared (img);
+static EomMetadataReader*
+check_for_metadata_img_format (EomImage *img, guchar *buffer, guint bytes_read)
+ EomMetadataReader *md_reader = NULL;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "Check image format for jpeg: %x%x - length: %i",
+ buffer[0], buffer[1], bytes_read);
+ if (bytes_read >= 2) {
+ /* SOI (start of image) marker for JPEGs is 0xFFD8 */
+ if ((buffer[0] == 0xFF) && (buffer[1] == 0xD8)) {
+ md_reader = eom_metadata_reader_new (EOM_METADATA_JPEG);
+ }
+ if (bytes_read >= 8 &&
+ memcmp (buffer, "\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1a\x0A", 8) == 0) {
+ md_reader = eom_metadata_reader_new (EOM_METADATA_PNG);
+ }
+ }
+ return md_reader;
+static gboolean
+eom_image_needs_transformation (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ return (img->priv->trans != NULL || img->priv->trans_autorotate != NULL);
+static gboolean
+eom_image_apply_transformations (EomImage *img, GError **error)
+ GdkPixbuf *transformed = NULL;
+ EomTransform *composition = NULL;
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->trans == NULL && priv->trans_autorotate == NULL) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (priv->image == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Transformation on unloaded image."));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (priv->trans != NULL && priv->trans_autorotate != NULL) {
+ composition = eom_transform_compose (priv->trans,
+ priv->trans_autorotate);
+ } else if (priv->trans != NULL) {
+ composition = g_object_ref (priv->trans);
+ } else if (priv->trans_autorotate != NULL) {
+ composition = g_object_ref (priv->trans_autorotate);
+ }
+ if (composition != NULL) {
+ transformed = eom_transform_apply (composition, priv->image, NULL);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = transformed;
+ if (transformed != NULL) {
+ priv->width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image);
+ priv->height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->image);
+ } else {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Transformation failed."));
+ }
+ g_object_unref (composition);
+ return (transformed != NULL);
+static void
+eom_image_get_file_info (EomImage *img,
+ goffset *bytes,
+ gchar **mime_type,
+ GError **error)
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (img->priv->file,
+ 0, NULL, error);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ if (bytes)
+ *bytes = 0;
+ if (mime_type)
+ *mime_type = NULL;
+ g_set_error (error,
+ "Error in getting image file info");
+ } else {
+ if (bytes)
+ *bytes = g_file_info_get_size (file_info);
+ if (mime_type)
+ *mime_type = g_strdup (g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info));
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+eom_image_apply_display_profile (EomImage *img, cmsHPROFILE screen)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ cmsHTRANSFORM transform;
+ gint row, width, rows, stride;
+ guchar *p;
+ g_return_if_fail (img != NULL);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (screen == NULL || priv->profile == NULL) return;
+ /* TODO: support other colorspaces than RGB */
+ if (cmsGetColorSpace (priv->profile) != icSigRgbData ||
+ cmsGetColorSpace (screen) != icSigRgbData) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "One or both ICC profiles not in RGB colorspace; not correcting");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* TODO: find the right way to colorcorrect RGBA images */
+ if (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (priv->image)) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "Colorcorrecting RGBA images is unsupported.");
+ return;
+ }
+ transform = cmsCreateTransform (priv->profile,
+ screen,
+ 0);
+ if (G_LIKELY (transform != NULL)) {
+ rows = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->image);
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image);
+ stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (priv->image);
+ p = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (priv->image);
+ for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
+ cmsDoTransform (transform, p, p, width);
+ p += stride;
+ }
+ cmsDeleteTransform (transform);
+ }
+static void
+eom_image_set_icc_data (EomImage *img, EomMetadataReader *md_reader)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv = img->priv;
+ priv->profile = eom_metadata_reader_get_icc_profile (md_reader);
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+static void
+eom_image_set_orientation (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ ExifData* exif;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ priv = img->priv;
+ exif = (ExifData*) eom_image_get_exif_info (img);
+ if (exif != NULL) {
+ ExifByteOrder o = exif_data_get_byte_order (exif);
+ ExifEntry *entry = exif_data_get_entry (exif,
+ if (entry && entry->data != NULL) {
+ priv->orientation = exif_get_short (entry->data, o);
+ }
+ }
+ /* exif_data_unref handles NULL values like g_free */
+ exif_data_unref (exif);
+ if (priv->orientation > 4 &&
+ priv->orientation < 9) {
+ gint tmp;
+ tmp = priv->width;
+ priv->width = priv->height;
+ priv->height = tmp;
+ }
+static void
+eom_image_real_autorotate (EomImage *img)
+ static const EomTransformType lookup[8] = {EOM_TRANSFORM_NONE,
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ EomTransformType type;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ priv = img->priv;
+ type = (priv->orientation >= 1 && priv->orientation <= 8 ?
+ lookup[priv->orientation - 1] : EOM_TRANSFORM_NONE);
+ if (type != EOM_TRANSFORM_NONE) {
+ img->priv->trans_autorotate = eom_transform_new (type);
+ }
+ /* Disable auto orientation for next loads */
+ priv->autorotate = FALSE;
+eom_image_autorotate (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ /* Schedule auto orientation */
+ img->priv->autorotate = TRUE;
+static void
+eom_image_set_xmp_data (EomImage *img, EomMetadataReader *md_reader)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->xmp) {
+ xmp_free (priv->xmp);
+ }
+ priv->xmp = eom_metadata_reader_get_xmp_data (md_reader);
+static void
+eom_image_set_exif_data (EomImage *img, EomMetadataReader *md_reader)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ priv = img->priv;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ g_mutex_lock (priv->status_mutex);
+ if (priv->exif) {
+ exif_data_unref (priv->exif);
+ }
+ priv->exif = eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_data (md_reader);
+ g_mutex_unlock (priv->status_mutex);
+ priv->exif_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->exif_chunk_len = 0;
+ /* EXIF data is already available, set the image orientation */
+ if (priv->autorotate) {
+ eom_image_set_orientation (img);
+ /* Emit size prepared signal if we have the size */
+ if (priv->width > 0 &&
+ priv->height > 0) {
+ eom_image_emit_size_prepared (img);
+ }
+ }
+ if (priv->exif_chunk) {
+ g_free (priv->exif_chunk);
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_chunk (md_reader,
+ &priv->exif_chunk,
+ &priv->exif_chunk_len);
+ * Attempts to get the image dimensions from the thumbnail.
+ * Returns FALSE if this information is not found.
+ **/
+static gboolean
+eom_image_get_dimension_from_thumbnail (EomImage *image,
+ gint *width,
+ gint *height)
+ if (image->priv->thumbnail == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ *width = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (image->priv->thumbnail),
+ *height = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (image->priv->thumbnail),
+ return (*width || *height);
+static gboolean
+eom_image_real_load (EomImage *img,
+ guint data2read,
+ EomJob *job,
+ GError **error)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ GFileInputStream *input_stream;
+ EomMetadataReader *md_reader = NULL;
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ gchar *mime_type;
+ GdkPixbufLoader *loader = NULL;
+ guchar *buffer;
+ goffset bytes_read, bytes_read_total = 0;
+ gboolean failed = FALSE;
+ gboolean first_run = TRUE;
+ gboolean set_metadata = TRUE;
+ gboolean read_image_data = (data2read & EOM_IMAGE_DATA_IMAGE);
+ gboolean read_only_dimension = (data2read & EOM_IMAGE_DATA_DIMENSION) &&
+ ((data2read ^ EOM_IMAGE_DATA_DIMENSION) == 0);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ g_assert (!read_image_data || priv->image == NULL);
+ if (read_image_data && priv->file_type != NULL) {
+ g_free (priv->file_type);
+ priv->file_type = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->threadsafe_format = FALSE;
+ eom_image_get_file_info (img, &priv->bytes, &mime_type, error);
+ if (error && *error) {
+ g_free (mime_type);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (read_only_dimension) {
+ gint width, height;
+ gboolean done;
+ done = eom_image_get_dimension_from_thumbnail (img,
+ &width,
+ &height);
+ if (done) {
+ priv->width = width;
+ priv->height = height;
+ g_free (mime_type);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ input_stream = g_file_read (priv->file, NULL, error);
+ if (input_stream == NULL) {
+ g_free (mime_type);
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ g_clear_error (error);
+ g_set_error (error,
+ "Failed to open input stream for file");
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ buffer = g_new0 (guchar, EOM_IMAGE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ if (read_image_data || read_only_dimension) {
+ gboolean checked_threadsafety = FALSE;
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ if (priv->svg != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->svg);
+ priv->svg = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp (mime_type, "image/svg+xml")) {
+ gchar *file_path;
+ /* Keep the object for rendering */
+ priv->svg = rsvg_handle_new ();
+ file_path = g_file_get_path (priv->file);
+ rsvg_handle_set_base_uri (priv->svg, file_path);
+ g_free (file_path);
+ }
+ loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new_with_mime_type (mime_type, error);
+ if (error && *error) {
+ g_error_free (*error);
+ *error = NULL;
+ loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new ();
+ } else {
+ /* The mimetype-based loader should know the
+ * format here already. */
+ checked_threadsafety = check_loader_threadsafety (loader, &priv->threadsafe_format);
+ }
+ /* This is used to detect non-threadsafe loaders and disable
+ * any possible asyncronous task that could bring deadlocks
+ * to image loading process. */
+ if (!checked_threadsafety)
+ g_signal_connect (loader,
+ "size-prepared",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_image_pre_size_prepared),
+ img);
+ g_signal_connect_object (G_OBJECT (loader),
+ "size-prepared",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_image_size_prepared),
+ img,
+ 0);
+ }
+ g_free (mime_type);
+ while (!priv->cancel_loading) {
+ /* FIXME: make this async */
+ bytes_read = g_input_stream_read (G_INPUT_STREAM (input_stream),
+ buffer,
+ NULL, error);
+ if (bytes_read == 0) {
+ /* End of the file */
+ break;
+ } else if (bytes_read == -1) {
+ failed = TRUE;
+ g_set_error (error,
+ "Failed to read from input stream");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((read_image_data || read_only_dimension)) {
+ if (!gdk_pixbuf_loader_write (loader, buffer, bytes_read, error)) {
+ failed = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ if (eom_image_is_svg (img) &&
+ !rsvg_handle_write (priv->svg, buffer, bytes_read, error)) {
+ failed = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bytes_read_total += bytes_read;
+ if (job != NULL) {
+ float progress = (float) bytes_read_total / (float) priv->bytes;
+ eom_job_set_progress (job, progress);
+ }
+ if (first_run) {
+ md_reader = check_for_metadata_img_format (img, buffer, bytes_read);
+ if (md_reader == NULL) {
+ if (data2read == EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("EXIF not supported for this file format."));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (priv->threadsafe_format)
+ eom_image_emit_size_prepared (img);
+ priv->metadata_status = EOM_IMAGE_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE;
+ }
+ first_run = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (md_reader != NULL) {
+ eom_metadata_reader_consume (md_reader, buffer, bytes_read);
+ if (eom_metadata_reader_finished (md_reader)) {
+ if (set_metadata) {
+ eom_image_set_exif_data (img, md_reader);
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ eom_image_set_icc_data (img, md_reader);
+ eom_image_set_xmp_data (img, md_reader);
+ set_metadata = FALSE;
+ priv->metadata_status = EOM_IMAGE_METADATA_READY;
+ }
+ if (data2read == EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (read_only_dimension &&
+ eom_image_has_data (img, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_DIMENSION)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (read_image_data || read_only_dimension) {
+ if (failed) {
+ gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (loader, NULL);
+ } else if (!gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (loader, error)) {
+ if (gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf (loader) != NULL) {
+ /* Clear error in order to support partial
+ * images as well. */
+ g_clear_error (error);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ if (eom_image_is_svg (img))
+ rsvg_handle_close (priv->svg, error);
+ }
+ g_free (buffer);
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (input_stream));
+ failed = (failed ||
+ priv->cancel_loading ||
+ bytes_read_total == 0 ||
+ (error && *error != NULL));
+ if (failed) {
+ if (priv->cancel_loading) {
+ priv->cancel_loading = FALSE;
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+ } else {
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_FAILED;
+ }
+ } else if (read_image_data) {
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ }
+ priv->anim = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_animation (loader);
+ if (gdk_pixbuf_animation_is_static_image (priv->anim)) {
+ priv->image = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_static_image (priv->anim);
+ priv->anim = NULL;
+ } else {
+ priv->anim_iter = gdk_pixbuf_animation_get_iter (priv->anim,NULL);
+ priv->image = gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_pixbuf (priv->anim_iter);
+ }
+ if (G_LIKELY (priv->image != NULL)) {
+ g_object_ref (priv->image);
+ priv->width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image);
+ priv->height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->image);
+ format = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_format (loader);
+ if (format != NULL) {
+ priv->file_type = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name (format);
+ }
+ /* If it's non-threadsafe loader, then trigger window
+ * showing in the end of the process. */
+ if (!priv->threadsafe_format)
+ eom_image_emit_size_prepared (img);
+ } else {
+ /* Some loaders don't report errors correctly.
+ * Error will be set below. */
+ failed = TRUE;
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ if (loader != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (loader);
+ }
+ if (md_reader != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (md_reader);
+ md_reader = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Catch-all in case of poor-error reporting */
+ if (failed && error && *error == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Image loading failed."));
+ }
+ return !failed;
+eom_image_has_data (EomImage *img, EomImageData req_data)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gboolean has_data = TRUE;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if ((req_data & EOM_IMAGE_DATA_IMAGE) > 0) {
+ req_data = (req_data & !EOM_IMAGE_DATA_IMAGE);
+ has_data = has_data && (priv->image != NULL);
+ }
+ if ((req_data & EOM_IMAGE_DATA_DIMENSION) > 0 ) {
+ req_data = (req_data & !EOM_IMAGE_DATA_DIMENSION);
+ has_data = has_data && (priv->width >= 0) && (priv->height >= 0);
+ }
+ if ((req_data & EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF) > 0) {
+ req_data = (req_data & !EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF);
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ has_data = has_data && (priv->exif != NULL);
+ has_data = has_data && (priv->exif_chunk != NULL);
+ }
+ if ((req_data & EOM_IMAGE_DATA_XMP) > 0) {
+ req_data = (req_data & !EOM_IMAGE_DATA_XMP);
+ has_data = has_data && (priv->xmp != NULL);
+ }
+ if (req_data != 0) {
+ g_warning ("Asking for unknown data, remaining: %i\n", req_data);
+ has_data = FALSE;
+ }
+ return has_data;
+eom_image_load (EomImage *img, EomImageData data2read, EomJob *job, GError **error)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gboolean success = FALSE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_IMAGE_LOAD);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ priv = EOM_IMAGE (img)->priv;
+ if (data2read == 0) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (eom_image_has_data (img, data2read)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_LOADING;
+ success = eom_image_real_load (img, data2read, job, error);
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ /* Check that the metadata was loaded at least once before
+ * trying to autorotate. */
+ if (priv->autorotate &&
+ priv->metadata_status == EOM_IMAGE_METADATA_READY) {
+ eom_image_real_autorotate (img);
+ }
+ if (success && eom_image_needs_transformation (img)) {
+ success = eom_image_apply_transformations (img, error);
+ }
+ if (success) {
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_LOADED;
+ } else {
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_FAILED;
+ }
+ return success;
+eom_image_set_thumbnail (EomImage *img, GdkPixbuf *thumbnail)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (thumbnail) || thumbnail == NULL);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->thumbnail != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->thumbnail);
+ priv->thumbnail = NULL;
+ }
+ if (thumbnail != NULL && priv->trans != NULL) {
+ priv->thumbnail = eom_transform_apply (priv->trans, thumbnail, NULL);
+ } else {
+ priv->thumbnail = thumbnail;
+ if (thumbnail != NULL) {
+ g_object_ref (priv->thumbnail);
+ }
+ }
+ if (priv->thumbnail != NULL) {
+ g_signal_emit (img, signals[SIGNAL_THUMBNAIL_CHANGED], 0);
+ }
+GdkPixbuf *
+eom_image_get_pixbuf (EomImage *img)
+ GdkPixbuf *image = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ g_mutex_lock (img->priv->status_mutex);
+ image = img->priv->image;
+ g_mutex_unlock (img->priv->status_mutex);
+ if (image != NULL) {
+ g_object_ref (image);
+ }
+ return image;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+eom_image_get_profile (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ return img->priv->profile;
+GdkPixbuf *
+eom_image_get_thumbnail (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ if (img->priv->thumbnail != NULL) {
+ g_object_ref (img->priv->thumbnail);
+ return img->priv->thumbnail;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+eom_image_get_size (EomImage *img, int *width, int *height)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ priv = img->priv;
+ *width = priv->width;
+ *height = priv->height;
+eom_image_transform (EomImage *img, EomTransform *trans, EomJob *job)
+ eom_image_real_transform (img, trans, FALSE, job);
+eom_image_undo (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ EomTransform *trans;
+ EomTransform *inverse;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->undo_stack != NULL) {
+ trans = EOM_TRANSFORM (priv->undo_stack->data);
+ inverse = eom_transform_reverse (trans);
+ eom_image_real_transform (img, inverse, TRUE, NULL);
+ priv->undo_stack = g_slist_delete_link (priv->undo_stack, priv->undo_stack);
+ g_object_unref (trans);
+ g_object_unref (inverse);
+ if (eom_transform_is_identity (priv->trans)) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->trans);
+ priv->trans = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ priv->modified = (priv->undo_stack != NULL);
+static GFile *
+tmp_file_get (void)
+ GFile *tmp_file;
+ char *tmp_file_path;
+ gint fd;
+ tmp_file_path = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), "eom-save-XXXXXX", NULL);
+ fd = g_mkstemp (tmp_file_path);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ g_free (tmp_file_path);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ tmp_file = g_file_new_for_path (tmp_file_path);
+ g_free (tmp_file_path);
+ return tmp_file;
+ }
+static void
+transfer_progress_cb (goffset cur_bytes,
+ goffset total_bytes,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomImage *image = EOM_IMAGE (user_data);
+ if (cur_bytes > 0) {
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT(image),
+ 0,
+ (gfloat) cur_bytes / (gfloat) total_bytes);
+ }
+static gboolean
+tmp_file_move_to_uri (EomImage *image,
+ GFile *tmpfile,
+ GFile *file,
+ gboolean overwrite,
+ GError **error)
+ gboolean result;
+ GError *ioerror = NULL;
+ result = g_file_move (tmpfile,
+ file,
+ (overwrite ? G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE : 0) |
+ (GFileProgressCallback) transfer_progress_cb,
+ image,
+ &ioerror);
+ if (result == FALSE) {
+ if (g_error_matches (ioerror, G_IO_ERROR,
+ g_set_error (error, EOM_IMAGE_ERROR,
+ "File exists");
+ } else {
+ g_set_error (error, EOM_IMAGE_ERROR,
+ "VFS error moving the temp file");
+ }
+ g_clear_error (&ioerror);
+ }
+ return result;
+static gboolean
+tmp_file_delete (GFile *tmpfile)
+ gboolean result;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ if (tmpfile == NULL) return FALSE;
+ result = g_file_delete (tmpfile, NULL, &err);
+ if (result == FALSE) {
+ char *tmpfile_path;
+ if (err != NULL) {
+ if (err->code == G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) {
+ g_error_free (err);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ g_error_free (err);
+ }
+ tmpfile_path = g_file_get_path (tmpfile);
+ g_warning ("Couldn't delete temporary file: %s", tmpfile_path);
+ g_free (tmpfile_path);
+ }
+ return result;
+static void
+eom_image_reset_modifications (EomImage *image)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ priv = image->priv;
+ g_slist_foreach (priv->undo_stack, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (priv->undo_stack);
+ priv->undo_stack = NULL;
+ if (priv->trans != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->trans);
+ priv->trans = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->trans_autorotate != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->trans_autorotate);
+ priv->trans_autorotate = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->modified = FALSE;
+static void
+eom_image_link_with_target (EomImage *image, EomImageSaveInfo *target)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (target));
+ priv = image->priv;
+ /* update file location */
+ if (priv->file != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->file);
+ }
+ priv->file = g_object_ref (target->file);
+ /* Clear caption and caption key, these will be
+ * updated on next eom_image_get_caption call.
+ */
+ if (priv->caption != NULL) {
+ g_free (priv->caption);
+ priv->caption = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->collate_key != NULL) {
+ g_free (priv->collate_key);
+ priv->collate_key = NULL;
+ }
+ /* update file format */
+ if (priv->file_type != NULL) {
+ g_free (priv->file_type);
+ }
+ priv->file_type = g_strdup (target->format);
+eom_image_save_by_info (EomImage *img, EomImageSaveInfo *source, GError **error)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ EomImageStatus prev_status;
+ gboolean success = FALSE;
+ GFile *tmp_file;
+ char *tmp_file_path;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (source), FALSE);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ prev_status = priv->status;
+ /* Image is now being saved */
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_SAVING;
+ /* see if we need any saving at all */
+ if (source->exists && !source->modified) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* fail if there is no image to save */
+ if (priv->image == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error, EOM_IMAGE_ERROR,
+ _("No image loaded."));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* generate temporary file */
+ tmp_file = tmp_file_get ();
+ if (tmp_file == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error, EOM_IMAGE_ERROR,
+ _("Temporary file creation failed."));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ tmp_file_path = g_file_get_path (tmp_file);
+#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
+ /* determine kind of saving */
+ if ((g_ascii_strcasecmp (source->format, EOM_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG) == 0) &&
+ source->exists && source->modified)
+ {
+ success = eom_image_jpeg_save_file (img, tmp_file_path, source, NULL, error);
+ }
+ if (!success && (*error == NULL)) {
+ success = gdk_pixbuf_save (priv->image, tmp_file_path, source->format, error, NULL);
+ }
+ if (success) {
+ /* try to move result file to target uri */
+ success = tmp_file_move_to_uri (img, tmp_file, priv->file, TRUE /*overwrite*/, error);
+ }
+ if (success) {
+ eom_image_reset_modifications (img);
+ }
+ tmp_file_delete (tmp_file);
+ g_free (tmp_file_path);
+ g_object_unref (tmp_file);
+ priv->status = prev_status;
+ return success;
+static gboolean
+eom_image_copy_file (EomImage *image, EomImageSaveInfo *source, EomImageSaveInfo *target, GError **error)
+ gboolean result;
+ GError *ioerror = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (source), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (target), FALSE);
+ result = g_file_copy (source->file,
+ target->file,
+ (target->overwrite ? G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE : 0) |
+ EOM_IS_IMAGE (image) ? transfer_progress_cb :NULL,
+ image,
+ &ioerror);
+ if (result == FALSE) {
+ if (ioerror->code == G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS) {
+ g_set_error (error, EOM_IMAGE_ERROR,
+ "%s", ioerror->message);
+ } else {
+ g_set_error (error, EOM_IMAGE_ERROR,
+ "%s", ioerror->message);
+ }
+ g_error_free (ioerror);
+ }
+ return result;
+eom_image_save_as_by_info (EomImage *img, EomImageSaveInfo *source, EomImageSaveInfo *target, GError **error)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gboolean success = FALSE;
+ char *tmp_file_path;
+ GFile *tmp_file;
+ gboolean direct_copy = FALSE;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (source), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE_SAVE_INFO (target), FALSE);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ /* fail if there is no image to save */
+ if (priv->image == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("No image loaded."));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* generate temporary file name */
+ tmp_file = tmp_file_get ();
+ if (tmp_file == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Temporary file creation failed."));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ tmp_file_path = g_file_get_path (tmp_file);
+ /* determine kind of saving */
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (source->format, target->format) == 0 && !source->modified) {
+ success = eom_image_copy_file (img, source, target, error);
+ direct_copy = success;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_JPEG
+ else if ((g_ascii_strcasecmp (source->format, EOM_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG) == 0 && source->exists) ||
+ (g_ascii_strcasecmp (target->format, EOM_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG) == 0))
+ {
+ success = eom_image_jpeg_save_file (img, tmp_file_path, source, target, error);
+ }
+ if (!success && (*error == NULL)) {
+ success = gdk_pixbuf_save (priv->image, tmp_file_path, target->format, error, NULL);
+ }
+ if (success && !direct_copy) { /* not required if we alredy copied the file directly */
+ /* try to move result file to target uri */
+ success = tmp_file_move_to_uri (img, tmp_file, target->file, target->overwrite, error);
+ }
+ if (success) {
+ /* update image information to new uri */
+ eom_image_reset_modifications (img);
+ eom_image_link_with_target (img, target);
+ }
+ tmp_file_delete (tmp_file);
+ g_object_unref (tmp_file);
+ g_free (tmp_file_path);
+ priv->status = EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+ return success;
+ * This function is extracted from
+ * File: caja/libcaja-private/caja-file.c
+ * Revision: 1.309
+ * Author: Darin Adler <[email protected]>
+ */
+static gboolean
+have_broken_filenames (void)
+ static gboolean initialized = FALSE;
+ static gboolean broken;
+ if (initialized) {
+ return broken;
+ }
+ broken = g_getenv ("G_BROKEN_FILENAMES") != NULL;
+ initialized = TRUE;
+ return broken;
+ * This function is inspired by
+ * caja/libcaja-private/caja-file.c:caja_file_get_display_name_nocopy
+ * Revision: 1.309
+ * Author: Darin Adler <[email protected]>
+ */
+const gchar*
+eom_image_get_caption (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ char *name;
+ char *utf8_name;
+ char *scheme;
+ gboolean validated = FALSE;
+ gboolean broken_filenames;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->file == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (priv->caption != NULL)
+ /* Use cached caption string */
+ return priv->caption;
+ name = g_file_get_basename (priv->file);
+ scheme = g_file_get_uri_scheme (priv->file);
+ if (name != NULL && g_ascii_strcasecmp (scheme, "file") == 0) {
+ /* Support the G_BROKEN_FILENAMES feature of
+ * glib by using g_filename_to_utf8 to convert
+ * local filenames to UTF-8. Also do the same
+ * thing with any local filename that does not
+ * validate as good UTF-8.
+ */
+ broken_filenames = have_broken_filenames ();
+ if (broken_filenames || !g_utf8_validate (name, -1, NULL)) {
+ utf8_name = g_locale_to_utf8 (name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (utf8_name != NULL) {
+ g_free (name);
+ name = utf8_name;
+ /* Guaranteed to be correct utf8 here */
+ validated = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else if (!broken_filenames) {
+ /* name was valid, no need to re-validate */
+ validated = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!validated && !g_utf8_validate (name, -1, NULL)) {
+ if (name == NULL) {
+ name = g_strdup ("[Invalid Unicode]");
+ } else {
+ utf8_name = eom_util_make_valid_utf8 (name);
+ g_free (name);
+ name = utf8_name;
+ }
+ }
+ priv->caption = name;
+ if (priv->caption == NULL) {
+ char *short_str;
+ short_str = g_file_get_basename (priv->file);
+ if (g_utf8_validate (short_str, -1, NULL)) {
+ priv->caption = g_strdup (short_str);
+ } else {
+ priv->caption = g_filename_to_utf8 (short_str, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ g_free (short_str);
+ }
+ g_free (scheme);
+ return priv->caption;
+const gchar*
+eom_image_get_collate_key (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->collate_key == NULL) {
+ const char *caption;
+ caption = eom_image_get_caption (img);
+ priv->collate_key = g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename (caption, -1);
+ }
+ return priv->collate_key;
+eom_image_cancel_load (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ priv = img->priv;
+ g_mutex_lock (priv->status_mutex);
+ if (priv->status == EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_LOADING) {
+ priv->cancel_loading = TRUE;
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (priv->status_mutex);
+eom_image_get_exif_info (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gpointer data = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ priv = img->priv;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ g_mutex_lock (priv->status_mutex);
+ exif_data_ref (priv->exif);
+ data = priv->exif;
+ g_mutex_unlock (priv->status_mutex);
+ return data;
+eom_image_get_xmp_info (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gpointer data = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ g_mutex_lock (priv->status_mutex);
+ data = (gpointer) xmp_copy (priv->xmp);
+ g_mutex_unlock (priv->status_mutex);
+ return data;
+GFile *
+eom_image_get_file (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ return g_object_ref (img->priv->file);
+eom_image_is_modified (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ return img->priv->modified;
+eom_image_get_bytes (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), 0);
+ return img->priv->bytes;
+eom_image_modified (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (img), signals[SIGNAL_CHANGED], 0);
+eom_image_get_uri_for_display (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gchar *uri_str = NULL;
+ gchar *str = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (priv->file != NULL) {
+ uri_str = g_file_get_uri (priv->file);
+ if (uri_str != NULL) {
+ str = g_uri_unescape_string (uri_str, NULL);
+ g_free (uri_str);
+ }
+ }
+ return str;
+eom_image_get_status (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), EOM_IMAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
+ return img->priv->status;
+ * eom_image_get_metadata_status:
+ * @img: a #EomImage
+ *
+ * Returns the current status of the image metadata, that is,
+ * whether the metadata has not been read yet, is ready, or not available at all.
+ *
+ * Returns: one of #EomImageMetadataStatus
+ **/
+eom_image_get_metadata_status (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), EOM_IMAGE_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE);
+ return img->priv->metadata_status;
+eom_image_data_ref (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (img));
+ img->priv->data_ref_count++;
+ g_assert (img->priv->data_ref_count <= G_OBJECT (img)->ref_count);
+eom_image_data_unref (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ if (img->priv->data_ref_count > 0) {
+ img->priv->data_ref_count--;
+ } else {
+ g_warning ("More image data unrefs than refs.");
+ }
+ if (img->priv->data_ref_count == 0) {
+ eom_image_free_mem_private (img);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (img));
+ g_assert (img->priv->data_ref_count <= G_OBJECT (img)->ref_count);
+static gint
+compare_quarks (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
+ GQuark quark;
+ quark = g_quark_from_string ((const gchar *) a);
+ return quark - GPOINTER_TO_INT (b);
+GList *
+eom_image_get_supported_mime_types (void)
+ GSList *format_list, *it;
+ gchar **mime_types;
+ int i;
+ if (!supported_mime_types) {
+ format_list = gdk_pixbuf_get_formats ();
+ for (it = format_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ mime_types =
+ gdk_pixbuf_format_get_mime_types ((GdkPixbufFormat *) it->data);
+ for (i = 0; mime_types[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ supported_mime_types =
+ g_list_prepend (supported_mime_types,
+ g_strdup (mime_types[i]));
+ }
+ g_strfreev (mime_types);
+ }
+ supported_mime_types = g_list_sort (supported_mime_types,
+ (GCompareFunc) compare_quarks);
+ g_slist_free (format_list);
+ }
+ return supported_mime_types;
+eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (const char *mime_type)
+ GList *supported_mime_types, *result;
+ GQuark quark;
+ if (mime_type == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ supported_mime_types = eom_image_get_supported_mime_types ();
+ quark = g_quark_from_string (mime_type);
+ result = g_list_find_custom (supported_mime_types,
+ GINT_TO_POINTER (quark),
+ (GCompareFunc) compare_quarks);
+ return (result != NULL);
+static gboolean
+eom_image_iter_advance (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ gboolean new_frame;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF_ANIMATION_ITER (img->priv->anim_iter), FALSE);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if ((new_frame = gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_advance (img->priv->anim_iter, NULL)) == TRUE)
+ {
+ g_mutex_lock (priv->status_mutex);
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_pixbuf (priv->anim_iter);
+ g_object_ref (priv->image);
+ /* keep the transformation over time */
+ if (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (priv->trans)) {
+ GdkPixbuf* transformed = eom_transform_apply (priv->trans, priv->image, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = transformed;
+ priv->width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (transformed);
+ priv->height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (transformed);
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (priv->status_mutex);
+ /* Emit next frame signal so we can update the display */
+ g_signal_emit (img, signals[SIGNAL_NEXT_FRAME], 0,
+ gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_delay_time (priv->anim_iter));
+ }
+ return new_frame;
+ * eom_image_is_animation:
+ * @img: a #EomImage
+ *
+ * Checks whether a given image is animated.
+ *
+ * Returns: #TRUE if it is an animated image, #FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_image_is_animation (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ return img->priv->anim != NULL;
+static gboolean
+private_timeout (gpointer data)
+ EomImage *img = EOM_IMAGE (data);
+ EomImagePrivate *priv = img->priv;
+ if (eom_image_is_animation (img) &&
+ !g_source_is_destroyed (g_main_current_source ()) &&
+ priv->is_playing) {
+ while (eom_image_iter_advance (img) != TRUE) {}; /* cpu-sucking ? */
+ g_timeout_add (gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_delay_time (priv->anim_iter), private_timeout, img);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ priv->is_playing = FALSE;
+ return FALSE; /* stop playing */
+ * eom_image_start_animation:
+ * @img: a #EomImage
+ *
+ * Starts playing an animated image.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if @img is already playing or isn't an animated image.
+ **/
+eom_image_start_animation (EomImage *img)
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ priv = img->priv;
+ if (!eom_image_is_animation (img) || priv->is_playing)
+ return FALSE;
+ g_mutex_lock (priv->status_mutex);
+ g_object_ref (priv->anim_iter);
+ priv->is_playing = TRUE;
+ g_mutex_unlock (priv->status_mutex);
+ g_timeout_add (gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter_get_delay_time (priv->anim_iter), private_timeout, img);
+ return TRUE;
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+eom_image_is_svg (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), FALSE);
+ return (img->priv->svg != NULL);
+RsvgHandle *
+eom_image_get_svg (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ return img->priv->svg;
+EomTransform *
+eom_image_get_transform (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ return img->priv->trans;
+ * eom_image_file_changed:
+ * @img: a #EomImage
+ *
+ * Emits EomImage::file-changed signal
+ **/
+eom_image_file_changed (EomImage *img)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img));
+ g_signal_emit (img, signals[SIGNAL_FILE_CHANGED], 0);
diff --git a/src/eom-image.h b/src/eom-image.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..791eb8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-image.h
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_IMAGE_H__
+#define __EOM_IMAGE_H__
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include "eom-transform.h"
+#include "eom-image-save-info.h"
+#include "eom-enums.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+#include <lcms.h>
+#include <exempi/xmp.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+#include <librsvg/rsvg.h>
+#ifndef __EOM_IMAGE_DECLR__
+#define __EOM_IMAGE_DECLR__
+typedef struct _EomImage EomImage;
+typedef struct _EomImageClass EomImageClass;
+typedef struct _EomImagePrivate EomImagePrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_IMAGE (eom_image_get_type ())
+#define EOM_IMAGE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_IMAGE, EomImageClass))
+typedef enum {
+} EomImageError;
+#define EOM_IMAGE_ERROR eom_image_error_quark ()
+typedef enum {
+} EomImageStatus;
+typedef enum {
+} EomImageMetadataStatus;
+struct _EomImage {
+ GObject parent;
+ EomImagePrivate *priv;
+struct _EomImageClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+ void (* changed) (EomImage *img);
+ void (* size_prepared) (EomImage *img,
+ int width,
+ int height);
+ void (* thumbnail_changed) (EomImage *img);
+ void (* save_progress) (EomImage *img,
+ gfloat progress);
+ void (* next_frame) (EomImage *img,
+ gint delay);
+ void (* file_changed) (EomImage *img);
+GType eom_image_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GQuark eom_image_error_quark (void);
+EomImage *eom_image_new (const char *txt_uri);
+EomImage *eom_image_new_file (GFile *file);
+gboolean eom_image_load (EomImage *img,
+ EomImageData data2read,
+ EomJob *job,
+ GError **error);
+void eom_image_cancel_load (EomImage *img);
+gboolean eom_image_has_data (EomImage *img,
+ EomImageData data);
+void eom_image_data_ref (EomImage *img);
+void eom_image_data_unref (EomImage *img);
+void eom_image_set_thumbnail (EomImage *img,
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);
+gboolean eom_image_save_as_by_info (EomImage *img,
+ EomImageSaveInfo *source,
+ EomImageSaveInfo *target,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean eom_image_save_by_info (EomImage *img,
+ EomImageSaveInfo *source,
+ GError **error);
+GdkPixbuf* eom_image_get_pixbuf (EomImage *img);
+GdkPixbuf* eom_image_get_thumbnail (EomImage *img);
+void eom_image_get_size (EomImage *img,
+ gint *width,
+ gint *height);
+goffset eom_image_get_bytes (EomImage *img);
+gboolean eom_image_is_modified (EomImage *img);
+void eom_image_modified (EomImage *img);
+const gchar* eom_image_get_caption (EomImage *img);
+const gchar *eom_image_get_collate_key (EomImage *img);
+gpointer eom_image_get_exif_info (EomImage *img);
+gpointer eom_image_get_xmp_info (EomImage *img);
+GFile* eom_image_get_file (EomImage *img);
+gchar* eom_image_get_uri_for_display (EomImage *img);
+EomImageStatus eom_image_get_status (EomImage *img);
+EomImageMetadataStatus eom_image_get_metadata_status (EomImage *img);
+void eom_image_transform (EomImage *img,
+ EomTransform *trans,
+ EomJob *job);
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+void eom_image_autorotate (EomImage *img);
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+cmsHPROFILE eom_image_get_profile (EomImage *img);
+void eom_image_apply_display_profile (EomImage *img,
+ cmsHPROFILE display_profile);
+void eom_image_undo (EomImage *img);
+GList *eom_image_get_supported_mime_types (void);
+gboolean eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (const char *mime_type);
+gboolean eom_image_is_animation (EomImage *img);
+gboolean eom_image_start_animation (EomImage *img);
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+gboolean eom_image_is_svg (EomImage *img);
+RsvgHandle *eom_image_get_svg (EomImage *img);
+EomTransform *eom_image_get_transform (EomImage *img);
+void eom_image_file_changed (EomImage *img);
+#endif /* __EOM_IMAGE_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-job-queue.c b/src/eom-job-queue.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ed903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-job-queue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Jobs Queue
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-job-queue.c) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include "eom-job-queue.h"
+static GCond *render_cond = NULL;
+static GMutex *eom_queue_mutex = NULL;
+static GQueue *thumbnail_queue = NULL;
+static GQueue *load_queue = NULL;
+static GQueue *model_queue = NULL;
+static GQueue *transform_queue = NULL;
+static GQueue *save_queue = NULL;
+static GQueue *copy_queue = NULL;
+static gboolean
+remove_job_from_queue (GQueue *queue, EomJob *job)
+ GList *list;
+ list = g_queue_find (queue, job);
+ if (list) {
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (job));
+ g_queue_delete_link (queue, list);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+add_job_to_queue_locked (GQueue *queue, EomJob *job)
+ g_object_ref (job);
+ g_queue_push_tail (queue, job);
+ g_cond_broadcast (render_cond);
+static gboolean
+notify_finished (GObject *job)
+ eom_job_finished (EOM_JOB (job));
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+handle_job (EomJob *job)
+ g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (job));
+ // Do the EOM_JOB cast for safety
+ eom_job_run (EOM_JOB (job));
+ g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE,
+ (GSourceFunc) notify_finished,
+ job,
+ g_object_unref);
+static gboolean
+no_jobs_available_unlocked (void)
+ return g_queue_is_empty (load_queue) &&
+ g_queue_is_empty (transform_queue) &&
+ g_queue_is_empty (thumbnail_queue) &&
+ g_queue_is_empty (model_queue) &&
+ g_queue_is_empty (save_queue) &&
+ g_queue_is_empty (copy_queue);
+static EomJob *
+search_for_jobs_unlocked (void)
+ EomJob *job;
+ job = (EomJob *) g_queue_pop_head (load_queue);
+ if (job)
+ return job;
+ job = (EomJob *) g_queue_pop_head (transform_queue);
+ if (job)
+ return job;
+ job = (EomJob *) g_queue_pop_head (thumbnail_queue);
+ if (job)
+ return job;
+ job = (EomJob *) g_queue_pop_head (model_queue);
+ if (job)
+ return job;
+ job = (EomJob *) g_queue_pop_head (save_queue);
+ if (job)
+ return job;
+ job = (EomJob *) g_queue_pop_head (copy_queue);
+ if (job)
+ return job;
+ return NULL;
+static gpointer
+eom_render_thread (gpointer data)
+ while (TRUE) {
+ EomJob *job;
+ g_mutex_lock (eom_queue_mutex);
+ if (no_jobs_available_unlocked ()) {
+ g_cond_wait (render_cond, eom_queue_mutex);
+ }
+ job = search_for_jobs_unlocked ();
+ g_mutex_unlock (eom_queue_mutex);
+ /* Now that we have our job, we handle it */
+ if (job) {
+ handle_job (job);
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (job));
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+eom_job_queue_init (void)
+ if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL);
+ render_cond = g_cond_new ();
+ eom_queue_mutex = g_mutex_new ();
+ thumbnail_queue = g_queue_new ();
+ load_queue = g_queue_new ();
+ model_queue = g_queue_new ();
+ transform_queue = g_queue_new ();
+ save_queue = g_queue_new ();
+ copy_queue = g_queue_new ();
+ g_thread_create (eom_render_thread, NULL, FALSE, NULL);
+static GQueue *
+find_queue (EomJob *job)
+ if (EOM_IS_JOB_THUMBNAIL (job)) {
+ return thumbnail_queue;
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_LOAD (job)) {
+ return load_queue;
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_MODEL (job)) {
+ return model_queue;
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_TRANSFORM (job)) {
+ return transform_queue;
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_SAVE (job)) {
+ return save_queue;
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_COPY (job)) {
+ return copy_queue;
+ }
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ return NULL;
+eom_job_queue_add_job (EomJob *job)
+ GQueue *queue;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB (job));
+ queue = find_queue (job);
+ g_mutex_lock (eom_queue_mutex);
+ add_job_to_queue_locked (queue, job);
+ g_mutex_unlock (eom_queue_mutex);
+eom_job_queue_remove_job (EomJob *job)
+ gboolean retval = FALSE;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB (job), FALSE);
+ g_mutex_lock (eom_queue_mutex);
+ if (EOM_IS_JOB_THUMBNAIL (job)) {
+ retval = remove_job_from_queue (thumbnail_queue, job);
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_LOAD (job)) {
+ retval = remove_job_from_queue (load_queue, job);
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_MODEL (job)) {
+ retval = remove_job_from_queue (model_queue, job);
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_TRANSFORM (job)) {
+ retval = remove_job_from_queue (transform_queue, job);
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_SAVE (job)) {
+ retval = remove_job_from_queue (save_queue, job);
+ } else if (EOM_IS_JOB_COPY (job)) {
+ retval = remove_job_from_queue (copy_queue, job);
+ } else {
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock (eom_queue_mutex);
+ return retval;
diff --git a/src/eom-job-queue.h b/src/eom-job-queue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a71e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-job-queue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Jobs Queue
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-job-queue.h) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_JOB_QUEUE_H__
+#define __EOM_JOB_QUEUE_H__
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+void eom_job_queue_init (void);
+void eom_job_queue_add_job (EomJob *job);
+gboolean eom_job_queue_remove_job (EomJob *job);
+#endif /* __EOM_JOB_QUEUE_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-jobs.c b/src/eom-jobs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bac3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-jobs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Jobs
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-jobs.c) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "eom-uri-converter.h"
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include "eom-job-queue.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-transform.h"
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-thumbnail.h"
+#include "eom-pixbuf-util.h"
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#define EOM_JOB_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJob, eom_job, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJobThumbnail, eom_job_thumbnail, EOM_TYPE_JOB);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJobLoad, eom_job_load, EOM_TYPE_JOB);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJobModel, eom_job_model, EOM_TYPE_JOB);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJobTransform, eom_job_transform, EOM_TYPE_JOB);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJobSave, eom_job_save, EOM_TYPE_JOB);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJobSaveAs, eom_job_save_as, EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomJobCopy, eom_job_copy, EOM_TYPE_JOB);
+static guint job_signals[SIGNAL_LAST_SIGNAL];
+static void eom_job_copy_run (EomJob *ejob);
+static void eom_job_load_run (EomJob *ejob);
+static void eom_job_model_run (EomJob *ejob);
+static void eom_job_save_run (EomJob *job);
+static void eom_job_save_as_run (EomJob *job);
+static void eom_job_thumbnail_run (EomJob *ejob);
+static void eom_job_transform_run (EomJob *ejob);
+static void eom_job_init (EomJob *job)
+ job->mutex = g_mutex_new();
+ job->progress = 0.0;
+static void
+eom_job_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJob *job;
+ job = EOM_JOB (object);
+ if (job->error) {
+ g_error_free (job->error);
+ job->error = NULL;
+ }
+ if (job->mutex) {
+ g_mutex_free (job->mutex);
+ job->mutex = NULL;
+ }
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_run_default (EomJob *job)
+ g_critical ("Class \"%s\" does not implement the required run action",
+static void
+eom_job_class_init (EomJobClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *oclass;
+ oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ oclass->dispose = eom_job_dispose;
+ class->run = eom_job_run_default;
+ job_signals [SIGNAL_FINISHED] =
+ g_signal_new ("finished",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomJobClass, finished),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ job_signals [SIGNAL_PROGRESS] =
+ g_signal_new ("progress",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomJobClass, progress),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT,
+eom_job_finished (EomJob *job)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB (job));
+ g_signal_emit (job, job_signals[SIGNAL_FINISHED], 0);
+ * eom_job_run:
+ * @job: the job to execute.
+ *
+ * Executes the job passed as @job. Usually there is no need to call this
+ * on your own. Jobs should be executed by using the EomJobQueue.
+ **/
+eom_job_run (EomJob *job)
+ EomJobClass *class;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB (job));
+ class = EOM_JOB_GET_CLASS (job);
+ if (class->run)
+ class->run (job);
+ else
+ eom_job_run_default (job);
+static gboolean
+notify_progress (gpointer data)
+ EomJob *job = EOM_JOB (data);
+ g_signal_emit (job, job_signals[SIGNAL_PROGRESS], 0, job->progress);
+ return FALSE;
+eom_job_set_progress (EomJob *job, float progress)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB (job));
+ g_return_if_fail (progress >= 0.0 && progress <= 1.0);
+ g_mutex_lock (job->mutex);
+ job->progress = progress;
+ g_mutex_unlock (job->mutex);
+ g_idle_add (notify_progress, job);
+static void eom_job_thumbnail_init (EomJobThumbnail *job) { /* Do Nothing */ }
+static void
+eom_job_thumbnail_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJobThumbnail *job;
+ job = EOM_JOB_THUMBNAIL (object);
+ if (job->image) {
+ g_object_unref (job->image);
+ job->image = NULL;
+ }
+ if (job->thumbnail) {
+ g_object_unref (job->thumbnail);
+ job->thumbnail = NULL;
+ }
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_thumbnail_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_thumbnail_class_init (EomJobThumbnailClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *oclass;
+ oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ oclass->dispose = eom_job_thumbnail_dispose;
+ EOM_JOB_CLASS (class)->run = eom_job_thumbnail_run;
+EomJob *
+eom_job_thumbnail_new (EomImage *image)
+ EomJobThumbnail *job;
+ job = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_JOB_THUMBNAIL, NULL);
+ if (image) {
+ job->image = g_object_ref (image);
+ }
+ return EOM_JOB (job);
+static void
+eom_job_thumbnail_run (EomJob *ejob)
+ gchar *orig_width, *orig_height;
+ gint width, height;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ EomJobThumbnail *job;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB_THUMBNAIL (ejob));
+ job = EOM_JOB_THUMBNAIL (ejob);
+ if (ejob->error) {
+ g_error_free (ejob->error);
+ ejob->error = NULL;
+ }
+ job->thumbnail = eom_thumbnail_load (job->image,
+ &ejob->error);
+ if (!job->thumbnail) {
+ ejob->finished = TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ orig_width = g_strdup (gdk_pixbuf_get_option (job->thumbnail, "tEXt::Thumb::Image::Width"));
+ orig_height = g_strdup (gdk_pixbuf_get_option (job->thumbnail, "tEXt::Thumb::Image::Height"));
+ pixbuf = eom_thumbnail_fit_to_size (job->thumbnail, EOM_LIST_STORE_THUMB_SIZE);
+ g_object_unref (job->thumbnail);
+ job->thumbnail = eom_thumbnail_add_frame (pixbuf);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ if (orig_width) {
+ sscanf (orig_width, "%i", &width);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (job->thumbnail),
+ GINT_TO_POINTER (width));
+ g_free (orig_width);
+ }
+ if (orig_height) {
+ sscanf (orig_height, "%i", &height);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (job->thumbnail),
+ GINT_TO_POINTER (height));
+ g_free (orig_height);
+ }
+ if (ejob->error) {
+ g_warning ("%s", ejob->error->message);
+ }
+ ejob->finished = TRUE;
+static void eom_job_load_init (EomJobLoad *job) { /* Do Nothing */ }
+static void
+eom_job_load_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJobLoad *job;
+ job = EOM_JOB_LOAD (object);
+ if (job->image) {
+ g_object_unref (job->image);
+ job->image = NULL;
+ }
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_load_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_load_class_init (EomJobLoadClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *oclass;
+ oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ oclass->dispose = eom_job_load_dispose;
+ EOM_JOB_CLASS (class)->run = eom_job_load_run;
+EomJob *
+eom_job_load_new (EomImage *image, EomImageData data)
+ EomJobLoad *job;
+ job = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_JOB_LOAD, NULL);
+ if (image) {
+ job->image = g_object_ref (image);
+ }
+ job->data = data;
+ return EOM_JOB (job);
+static void
+eom_job_load_run (EomJob *job)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB_LOAD (job));
+ if (job->error) {
+ g_error_free (job->error);
+ job->error = NULL;
+ }
+ eom_image_load (EOM_IMAGE (EOM_JOB_LOAD (job)->image),
+ EOM_JOB_LOAD (job)->data,
+ job,
+ &job->error);
+ job->finished = TRUE;
+static void eom_job_model_init (EomJobModel *job) { /* Do Nothing */ }
+static void
+eom_job_model_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJobModel *job;
+ job = EOM_JOB_MODEL (object);
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_model_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_model_class_init (EomJobModelClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *oclass;
+ oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ oclass->dispose = eom_job_model_dispose;
+ EOM_JOB_CLASS (class)->run = eom_job_model_run;
+EomJob *
+eom_job_model_new (GSList *file_list)
+ EomJobModel *job;
+ job = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_JOB_MODEL, NULL);
+ job->file_list = file_list;
+ return EOM_JOB (job);
+static void
+filter_files (GSList *files, GList **file_list, GList **error_list)
+ GSList *it;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ for (it = files; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ GFile *file;
+ GFileType type = G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+ file = (GFile *) it->data;
+ if (file != NULL) {
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ } else {
+ type = g_file_info_get_file_type (file_info);
+ /* Workaround for gvfs backends that
+ don't set the GFileType. */
+ const gchar *ctype;
+ ctype = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ /* If the content type is supported
+ adjust the file_type */
+ if (eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (ctype))
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ *file_list = g_list_prepend (*file_list, g_object_ref (file));
+ break;
+ default:
+ *error_list = g_list_prepend (*error_list,
+ g_file_get_uri (file));
+ break;
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ }
+ *file_list = g_list_reverse (*file_list);
+ *error_list = g_list_reverse (*error_list);
+static void
+eom_job_model_run (EomJob *ejob)
+ GList *filtered_list = NULL;
+ GList *error_list = NULL;
+ EomJobModel *job;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB_MODEL (ejob));
+ job = EOM_JOB_MODEL (ejob);
+ filter_files (job->file_list, &filtered_list, &error_list);
+ job->store = EOM_LIST_STORE (eom_list_store_new ());
+ eom_list_store_add_files (job->store, filtered_list);
+ g_list_foreach (filtered_list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+ g_list_free (filtered_list);
+ g_list_foreach (error_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+ g_list_free (error_list);
+ ejob->finished = TRUE;
+static void eom_job_transform_init (EomJobTransform *job) { /* Do Nothing */ }
+static void
+eom_job_transform_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJobTransform *job;
+ job = EOM_JOB_TRANSFORM (object);
+ if (job->trans) {
+ g_object_unref (job->trans);
+ job->trans = NULL;
+ }
+ g_list_foreach (job->images, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+ g_list_free (job->images);
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_transform_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_transform_class_init (EomJobTransformClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *oclass;
+ oclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ oclass->dispose = eom_job_transform_dispose;
+ EOM_JOB_CLASS (class)->run = eom_job_transform_run;
+EomJob *
+eom_job_transform_new (GList *images, EomTransform *trans)
+ EomJobTransform *job;
+ job = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_JOB_TRANSFORM, NULL);
+ if (trans) {
+ job->trans = g_object_ref (trans);
+ } else {
+ job->trans = NULL;
+ }
+ job->images = images;
+ return EOM_JOB (job);
+static gboolean
+eom_job_transform_image_modified (gpointer data)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (data), FALSE);
+ eom_image_modified (EOM_IMAGE (data));
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (data));
+ return FALSE;
+eom_job_transform_run (EomJob *ejob)
+ EomJobTransform *job;
+ GList *it;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB_TRANSFORM (ejob));
+ job = EOM_JOB_TRANSFORM (ejob);
+ if (ejob->error) {
+ g_error_free (ejob->error);
+ ejob->error = NULL;
+ }
+ for (it = job->images; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ EomImage *image = EOM_IMAGE (it->data);
+ if (job->trans == NULL) {
+ eom_image_undo (image);
+ } else {
+ eom_image_transform (image, job->trans, ejob);
+ }
+ if (eom_image_is_modified (image) || job->trans == NULL) {
+ g_object_ref (image);
+ g_idle_add (eom_job_transform_image_modified, image);
+ }
+ }
+ ejob->finished = TRUE;
+static void eom_job_save_init (EomJobSave *job) { /* do nothing */ }
+static void
+eom_job_save_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJobSave *job;
+ job = EOM_JOB_SAVE (object);
+ if (job->images) {
+ g_list_foreach (job->images, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+ g_list_free (job->images);
+ job->images = NULL;
+ }
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_save_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_save_class_init (EomJobSaveClass *class)
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = eom_job_save_dispose;
+ EOM_JOB_CLASS (class)->run = eom_job_save_run;
+EomJob *
+eom_job_save_new (GList *images)
+ EomJobSave *job;
+ job = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE, NULL);
+ job->images = images;
+ job->current_image = NULL;
+ return EOM_JOB (job);
+static void
+save_progress_handler (EomImage *image, gfloat progress, gpointer data)
+ EomJobSave *job = EOM_JOB_SAVE (data);
+ guint n_images = g_list_length (job->images);
+ gfloat job_progress;
+ job_progress = (job->current_pos / (gfloat) n_images) + (progress / n_images);
+ eom_job_set_progress (EOM_JOB (job), job_progress);
+static void
+eom_job_save_run (EomJob *ejob)
+ EomJobSave *job;
+ GList *it;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB_SAVE (ejob));
+ job = EOM_JOB_SAVE (ejob);
+ job->current_pos = 0;
+ for (it = job->images; it != NULL; it = it->next, job->current_pos++) {
+ EomImage *image = EOM_IMAGE (it->data);
+ EomImageSaveInfo *save_info = NULL;
+ gulong handler_id = 0;
+ gboolean success = FALSE;
+ job->current_image = image;
+ /* Make sure the image doesn't go away while saving */
+ eom_image_data_ref (image);
+ if (!eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_ALL)) {
+ eom_image_load (image,
+ &ejob->error);
+ }
+ handler_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (image),
+ "save-progress",
+ G_CALLBACK (save_progress_handler),
+ job);
+ save_info = eom_image_save_info_from_image (image);
+ success = eom_image_save_by_info (image,
+ save_info,
+ &ejob->error);
+ if (save_info)
+ g_object_unref (save_info);
+ if (handler_id != 0)
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (image), handler_id);
+ eom_image_data_unref (image);
+ if (!success) break;
+ }
+ ejob->finished = TRUE;
+static void eom_job_save_as_init (EomJobSaveAs *job) { /* do nothing */ }
+static void eom_job_save_as_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJobSaveAs *job = EOM_JOB_SAVE_AS (object);
+ if (job->converter != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (job->converter);
+ job->converter = NULL;
+ }
+ if (job->file != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (job->file);
+ job->file = NULL;
+ }
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_save_as_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_save_as_class_init (EomJobSaveAsClass *class)
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = eom_job_save_as_dispose;
+ EOM_JOB_CLASS (class)->run = eom_job_save_as_run;
+EomJob *
+eom_job_save_as_new (GList *images, EomURIConverter *converter, GFile *file)
+ EomJobSaveAs *job;
+ g_assert (converter != NULL || g_list_length (images) == 1);
+ job = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE_AS, NULL);
+ EOM_JOB_SAVE(job)->images = images;
+ job->converter = converter ? g_object_ref (converter) : NULL;
+ job->file = file ? g_object_ref (file) : NULL;
+ return EOM_JOB (job);
+static void
+eom_job_save_as_run (EomJob *ejob)
+ EomJobSave *job;
+ EomJobSaveAs *saveas_job;
+ GList *it;
+ guint n_images;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB_SAVE_AS (ejob));
+ job = EOM_JOB_SAVE (ejob);
+ n_images = g_list_length (job->images);
+ saveas_job = EOM_JOB_SAVE_AS (job);
+ job->current_pos = 0;
+ for (it = job->images; it != NULL; it = it->next, job->current_pos++) {
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ EomImageSaveInfo *src_info, *dest_info;
+ EomImage *image = EOM_IMAGE (it->data);
+ gboolean success = FALSE;
+ gulong handler_id = 0;
+ job->current_image = image;
+ eom_image_data_ref (image);
+ if (!eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_ALL)) {
+ eom_image_load (image,
+ &ejob->error);
+ }
+ g_assert (ejob->error == NULL);
+ handler_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (image),
+ "save-progress",
+ G_CALLBACK (save_progress_handler),
+ job);
+ src_info = eom_image_save_info_from_image (image);
+ if (n_images == 1) {
+ g_assert (saveas_job->file != NULL);
+ format = eom_pixbuf_get_format (saveas_job->file);
+ dest_info = eom_image_save_info_from_file (saveas_job->file,
+ format);
+ /* SaveAsDialog has already secured permission to overwrite */
+ if (dest_info->exists) {
+ dest_info->overwrite = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ GFile *dest_file;
+ gboolean result;
+ result = eom_uri_converter_do (saveas_job->converter,
+ image,
+ &dest_file,
+ &format,
+ NULL);
+ g_assert (result);
+ dest_info = eom_image_save_info_from_file (dest_file,
+ format);
+ }
+ success = eom_image_save_as_by_info (image,
+ src_info,
+ dest_info,
+ &ejob->error);
+ if (src_info)
+ g_object_unref (src_info);
+ if (dest_info)
+ g_object_unref (dest_info);
+ if (handler_id != 0)
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (image), handler_id);
+ eom_image_data_unref (image);
+ if (!success)
+ break;
+ }
+ ejob->finished = TRUE;
+static void eom_job_copy_init (EomJobCopy *job) { /* do nothing */};
+static void
+eom_job_copy_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomJobCopy *job = EOM_JOB_COPY (object);
+ if (job->dest) {
+ g_free (job->dest);
+ job->dest = NULL;
+ }
+ (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_job_copy_parent_class)->dispose) (object);
+static void
+eom_job_copy_class_init (EomJobCopyClass *class)
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = eom_job_copy_dispose;
+ EOM_JOB_CLASS (class)->run = eom_job_copy_run;
+EomJob *
+eom_job_copy_new (GList *images, const gchar *dest)
+ EomJobCopy *job;
+ g_assert (images != NULL && dest != NULL);
+ job = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_JOB_COPY, NULL);
+ job->images = images;
+ job->dest = g_strdup (dest);
+ return EOM_JOB (job);
+static void
+eom_job_copy_progress_callback (goffset current_num_bytes,
+ goffset total_num_bytes,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ gfloat job_progress;
+ guint n_images;
+ EomJobCopy *job;
+ job = EOM_JOB_COPY (user_data);
+ n_images = g_list_length (job->images);
+ job_progress = ((current_num_bytes / (gfloat) total_num_bytes) + job->current_pos)/n_images;
+ eom_job_set_progress (EOM_JOB (job), job_progress);
+eom_job_copy_run (EomJob *ejob)
+ EomJobCopy *job;
+ GList *it;
+ guint n_images;
+ GFile *src, *dest;
+ gchar *filename, *dest_filename;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_JOB_COPY (ejob));
+ job = EOM_JOB_COPY (ejob);
+ n_images = g_list_length (job->images);
+ job->current_pos = 0;
+ for (it = job->images; it != NULL; it = g_list_next (it), job->current_pos++) {
+ src = (GFile *) it->data;
+ filename = g_file_get_basename (src);
+ dest_filename = g_build_filename (job->dest, filename, NULL);
+ dest = g_file_new_for_path (dest_filename);
+ g_file_copy (src, dest,
+ eom_job_copy_progress_callback, job,
+ &ejob->error);
+ g_free (filename);
+ g_free (dest_filename);
+ }
+ ejob->finished = TRUE;
diff --git a/src/eom-jobs.h b/src/eom-jobs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd4965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-jobs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Jobs
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-jobs.h) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_JOBS_H__
+#define __EOM_JOBS_H__
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-transform.h"
+#include "eom-enums.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#ifndef __EOM_IMAGE_DECLR__
+#define __EOM_IMAGE_DECLR__
+ typedef struct _EomImage EomImage;
+typedef struct _EomURIConverter EomURIConverter;
+#ifndef __EOM_JOB_DECLR__
+#define __EOM_JOB_DECLR__
+typedef struct _EomJob EomJob;
+typedef struct _EomJobClass EomJobClass;
+typedef struct _EomJobThumbnail EomJobThumbnail;
+typedef struct _EomJobThumbnailClass EomJobThumbnailClass;
+typedef struct _EomJobLoad EomJobLoad;
+typedef struct _EomJobLoadClass EomJobLoadClass;
+typedef struct _EomJobModel EomJobModel;
+typedef struct _EomJobModelClass EomJobModelClass;
+typedef struct _EomJobTransform EomJobTransform;
+typedef struct _EomJobTransformClass EomJobTransformClass;
+typedef struct _EomJobSave EomJobSave;
+typedef struct _EomJobSaveClass EomJobSaveClass;
+typedef struct _EomJobSaveAs EomJobSaveAs;
+typedef struct _EomJobSaveAsClass EomJobSaveAsClass;
+typedef struct _EomJobCopy EomJobCopy;
+typedef struct _EomJobCopyClass EomJobCopyClass;
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB (eom_job_get_type())
+#define EOM_JOB_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_JOB, EomJobClass))
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB_THUMBNAIL (eom_job_thumbnail_get_type())
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB_LOAD (eom_job_load_get_type())
+#define EOM_JOB_LOAD_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_JOB_LOAD, EomJobLoadClass))
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB_MODEL (eom_job_model_get_type())
+#define EOM_JOB_MODEL_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_JOB_MODEL, EomJobModelClass))
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB_TRANSFORM (eom_job_transform_get_type())
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE (eom_job_save_get_type())
+#define EOM_JOB_SAVE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE, EomJobSaveClass))
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB_SAVE_AS (eom_job_save_as_get_type())
+#define EOM_TYPE_JOB_COPY (eom_job_copy_get_type())
+#define EOM_JOB_COPY_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_JOB_COPY, EomJobCopyClass))
+struct _EomJob
+ GObject parent;
+ GError *error;
+ GMutex *mutex;
+ float progress;
+ gboolean finished;
+struct _EomJobClass
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+ void (* finished) (EomJob *job);
+ void (* progress) (EomJob *job, float progress);
+ void (*run) (EomJob *job);
+struct _EomJobThumbnail
+ EomJob parent;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GdkPixbuf *thumbnail;
+struct _EomJobThumbnailClass
+ EomJobClass parent_class;
+struct _EomJobLoad
+ EomJob parent;
+ EomImage *image;
+ EomImageData data;
+struct _EomJobLoadClass
+ EomJobClass parent_class;
+struct _EomJobModel
+ EomJob parent;
+ EomListStore *store;
+ GSList *file_list;
+struct _EomJobModelClass
+ EomJobClass parent_class;
+struct _EomJobTransform
+ EomJob parent;
+ GList *images;
+ EomTransform *trans;
+struct _EomJobTransformClass
+ EomJobClass parent_class;
+typedef enum {
+} EomJobSaveResponse;
+struct _EomJobSave
+ EomJob parent;
+ GList *images;
+ guint current_pos;
+ EomImage *current_image;
+struct _EomJobSaveClass
+ EomJobClass parent_class;
+struct _EomJobSaveAs
+ EomJobSave parent;
+ EomURIConverter *converter;
+ GFile *file;
+struct _EomJobSaveAsClass
+ EomJobSaveClass parent;
+struct _EomJobCopy
+ EomJob parent;
+ GList *images;
+ guint current_pos;
+ gchar *dest;
+struct _EomJobCopyClass
+ EomJobClass parent_class;
+/* base job class */
+GType eom_job_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+void eom_job_finished (EomJob *job);
+void eom_job_run (EomJob *job);
+void eom_job_set_progress (EomJob *job,
+ float progress);
+/* EomJobThumbnail */
+GType eom_job_thumbnail_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomJob *eom_job_thumbnail_new (EomImage *image);
+/* EomJobLoad */
+GType eom_job_load_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomJob *eom_job_load_new (EomImage *image,
+ EomImageData data);
+/* EomJobModel */
+GType eom_job_model_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomJob *eom_job_model_new (GSList *file_list);
+/* EomJobTransform */
+GType eom_job_transform_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomJob *eom_job_transform_new (GList *images,
+ EomTransform *trans);
+/* EomJobSave */
+GType eom_job_save_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomJob *eom_job_save_new (GList *images);
+/* EomJobSaveAs */
+GType eom_job_save_as_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomJob *eom_job_save_as_new (GList *images,
+ EomURIConverter *converter,
+ GFile *file);
+/*EomJobCopy */
+GType eom_job_copy_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomJob *eom_job_copy_new (GList *images,
+ const gchar *dest);
+#endif /* __EOM_JOBS_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-list-store.c b/src/eom-list-store.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..562019e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-list-store.c
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image Store
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by: Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-thumbnail.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-job-queue.h"
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#define EOM_LIST_STORE_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomListStore, eom_list_store, GTK_TYPE_LIST_STORE);
+struct _EomListStorePrivate {
+ GList *monitors; /* Monitors for the directories */
+ gint initial_image; /* The image that should be selected firstly by the view. */
+ GdkPixbuf *busy_image; /* Loading image icon */
+ GdkPixbuf *missing_image; /* Missing image icon */
+ GMutex *mutex; /* Mutex for saving the jobs in the model */
+static void
+eom_list_store_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomListStore *store = EOM_LIST_STORE (object);
+ if (store->priv != NULL) {
+ g_free (store->priv);
+ store->priv = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_list_store_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+foreach_monitors_free (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
+ g_file_monitor_cancel (G_FILE_MONITOR (data));
+static void
+eom_list_store_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomListStore *store = EOM_LIST_STORE (object);
+ g_list_foreach (store->priv->monitors,
+ foreach_monitors_free, NULL);
+ g_list_free (store->priv->monitors);
+ store->priv->monitors = NULL;
+ if(store->priv->busy_image != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (store->priv->busy_image);
+ store->priv->busy_image = NULL;
+ }
+ if(store->priv->missing_image != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (store->priv->missing_image);
+ store->priv->missing_image = NULL;
+ }
+ g_mutex_free (store->priv->mutex);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_list_store_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_list_store_class_init (EomListStoreClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->finalize = eom_list_store_finalize;
+ object_class->dispose = eom_list_store_dispose;
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EomListStorePrivate));
+ Sorting functions
+static gint
+eom_list_store_compare_func (GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter *a,
+ GtkTreeIter *b,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ gint r_value;
+ EomImage *image_a, *image_b;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, a,
+ -1);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, b,
+ -1);
+ r_value = strcmp (eom_image_get_collate_key (image_a),
+ eom_image_get_collate_key (image_b));
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (image_a));
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (image_b));
+ return r_value;
+static GdkPixbuf *
+eom_list_store_get_icon (const gchar *icon_name)
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GtkIconTheme *icon_theme;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default ();
+ pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (icon_theme,
+ icon_name,
+ 0,
+ &error);
+ if (!pixbuf) {
+ g_warning ("Couldn't load icon: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ return pixbuf;
+static void
+eom_list_store_init (EomListStore *self)
+ gtk_list_store_set_column_types (GTK_LIST_STORE (self),
+ self->priv = EOM_LIST_STORE_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+ self->priv->monitors = NULL;
+ self->priv->initial_image = -1;
+ self->priv->busy_image = eom_list_store_get_icon ("image-loading");
+ self->priv->missing_image = eom_list_store_get_icon ("image-missing");
+ self->priv->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_default_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (self),
+ eom_list_store_compare_func,
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (self),
+ * eom_list_store_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a new and empty #EomListStore.
+ *
+ * Returns: a newly created #EomListStore.
+ **/
+eom_list_store_new (void)
+ return g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_LIST_STORE, NULL);
+ Searchs for a file in the store. If found and @iter_found is not NULL,
+ then sets @iter_found to a #GtkTreeIter pointing to the file.
+ */
+static gboolean
+is_file_in_list_store (EomListStore *store,
+ const gchar *info_uri,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter_found)
+ gboolean found = FALSE;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GFile *file;
+ gchar *str;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ do {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter,
+ -1);
+ if (!image)
+ continue;
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ str = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ found = (strcmp (str, info_uri) == 0)? TRUE : FALSE;
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ g_free (str);
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (image));
+ } while (!found &&
+ gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter));
+ if (found && iter_found != NULL) {
+ *iter_found = iter;
+ }
+ return found;
+static gboolean
+is_file_in_list_store_file (EomListStore *store,
+ GFile *file,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter_found)
+ gchar *uri_str;
+ gboolean result;
+ uri_str = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ result = is_file_in_list_store (store, uri_str, iter_found);
+ g_free (uri_str);
+ return result;
+static void
+eom_job_thumbnail_cb (EomJobThumbnail *job, gpointer data)
+ EomListStore *store;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GdkPixbuf *thumbnail;
+ GFile *file;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (data));
+ store = EOM_LIST_STORE (data);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (job->image);
+ if (is_file_in_list_store_file (store, file, &iter)) {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter,
+ -1);
+ if (job->thumbnail) {
+ eom_image_set_thumbnail (image, job->thumbnail);
+ /* Getting the thumbnail, in case it needed
+ * transformations */
+ thumbnail = eom_image_get_thumbnail (image);
+ } else {
+ thumbnail = g_object_ref (store->priv->missing_image);
+ }
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), &iter,
+ -1);
+ g_object_unref (thumbnail);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+static void
+on_image_changed (EomImage *image, EomListStore *store)
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gint pos;
+ pos = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (store, image);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (pos, -1);
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, path);
+ eom_list_store_thumbnail_refresh (store, &iter);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ * eom_list_store_remove:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @iter: A #GtkTreeIter.
+ *
+ * Removes the image pointed by @iter from @store.
+ **/
+static void
+eom_list_store_remove (EomListStore *store, GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ EomImage *image;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), iter,
+ -1);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (image, on_image_changed, store);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), iter);
+ * eom_list_store_append_image:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @image: An #EomImage.
+ *
+ * Adds an #EomImage to @store. The thumbnail of the image is not
+ * loaded and will only be loaded if the thumbnail is made visible
+ * or eom_list_store_set_thumbnail() is called.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_list_store_append_image (EomListStore *store, EomImage *image)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ g_signal_connect (image, "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_image_changed),
+ store);
+ gtk_list_store_append (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), &iter);
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), &iter,
+ EOM_LIST_STORE_THUMBNAIL, store->priv->busy_image,
+ -1);
+static void
+eom_list_store_append_image_from_file (EomListStore *store,
+ GFile *file)
+ EomImage *image;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (store));
+ image = eom_image_new_file (file);
+ eom_list_store_append_image (store, image);
+static void
+file_monitor_changed_cb (GFileMonitor *monitor,
+ GFile *file,
+ GFile *other_file,
+ GFileMonitorEvent event,
+ EomListStore *store)
+ const char *mimetype;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ EomImage *image;
+ switch (event) {
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ mimetype = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ if (is_file_in_list_store_file (store, file, &iter)) {
+ if (eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (mimetype)) {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter,
+ -1);
+ eom_image_file_changed (image);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ eom_list_store_thumbnail_refresh (store, &iter);
+ } else {
+ eom_list_store_remove (store, &iter);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (mimetype)) {
+ eom_list_store_append_image_from_file (store, file);
+ }
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ break;
+ if (is_file_in_list_store_file (store, file, &iter)) {
+ EomImage *image;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter,
+ -1);
+ eom_list_store_remove (store, &iter);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (!is_file_in_list_store_file (store, file, NULL)) {
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ mimetype = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ if (eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (mimetype)) {
+ eom_list_store_append_image_from_file (store, file);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ }
+ break;
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ mimetype = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ if (is_file_in_list_store_file (store, file, &iter) &&
+ eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (mimetype)) {
+ eom_list_store_thumbnail_refresh (store, &iter);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Called for each file in a directory. Checks if the file is some
+ * sort of image. If so, it creates an image object and adds it to the
+ * list.
+ */
+static void
+directory_visit (GFile *directory,
+ GFileInfo *children_info,
+ EomListStore *store)
+ GFile *child;
+ gboolean load_uri = FALSE;
+ const char *mime_type, *name;
+ mime_type = g_file_info_get_content_type (children_info);
+ name = g_file_info_get_name (children_info);
+ if (!g_str_has_prefix (name, ".")) {
+ if (eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (mime_type)) {
+ load_uri = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (load_uri) {
+ child = g_file_get_child (directory, name);
+ eom_list_store_append_image_from_file (store, child);
+ }
+static void
+eom_list_store_append_directory (EomListStore *store,
+ GFile *file,
+ GFileType file_type)
+ GFileMonitor *file_monitor;
+ GFileEnumerator *file_enumerator;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ g_return_if_fail (file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY);
+ file_monitor = g_file_monitor_directory (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_monitor != NULL) {
+ g_signal_connect (file_monitor, "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (file_monitor_changed_cb), store);
+ /* prepend seems more efficient to me, we don't need this list
+ to be sorted */
+ store->priv->monitors = g_list_prepend (store->priv->monitors, file_monitor);
+ }
+ file_enumerator = g_file_enumerate_children (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ file_info = g_file_enumerator_next_file (file_enumerator, NULL, NULL);
+ while (file_info != NULL)
+ {
+ directory_visit (file, file_info, store);
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ file_info = g_file_enumerator_next_file (file_enumerator, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file_enumerator);
+ * eom_list_store_add_files:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @file_list: A %NULL-terminated list of #GFile's.
+ *
+ * Adds a list of #GFile's to @store. The given list
+ * must be %NULL-terminated.
+ *
+ * If any of the #GFile's in @file_list is a directory, all the images
+ * in that directory will be added to @store. If the list of files contains
+ * only one file and this is a regular file, then all the images in the same
+ * directory will be added as well to @store.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_list_store_add_files (EomListStore *store, GList *file_list)
+ GList *it;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ GFileType file_type;
+ GFile *initial_file = NULL;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ if (file_list == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (store),
+ for (it = file_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ GFile *file = (GFile *) it->data;
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ file_type = g_file_info_get_file_type (file_info);
+ /* Workaround for gvfs backends that don't set the GFileType. */
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN)) {
+ const gchar *ctype;
+ ctype = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ /* If the content type is supported adjust file_type */
+ if (eom_image_is_supported_mime_type (ctype))
+ file_type = G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR;
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ if (file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
+ eom_list_store_append_directory (store, file, file_type);
+ } else if (file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR &&
+ g_list_length (file_list) == 1) {
+ initial_file = g_file_dup (file);
+ file = g_file_get_parent (file);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ /* If we can't get a file_info,
+ file_type will stay as G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR */
+ if (file_info != NULL) {
+ file_type = g_file_info_get_file_type (file_info);
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ }
+ if (file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
+ eom_list_store_append_directory (store, file, file_type);
+ if (!is_file_in_list_store_file (store,
+ initial_file,
+ &iter)) {
+ eom_list_store_append_image_from_file (store, initial_file);
+ }
+ } else {
+ eom_list_store_append_image_from_file (store, initial_file);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ } else if (file_type == G_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR &&
+ g_list_length (file_list) > 1) {
+ eom_list_store_append_image_from_file (store, file);
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (store),
+ if (initial_file &&
+ is_file_in_list_store_file (store, initial_file, &iter)) {
+ store->priv->initial_image = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_iter (store, &iter);
+ g_object_unref (initial_file);
+ } else {
+ store->priv->initial_image = 0;
+ }
+ * eom_list_store_remove_image:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @image: An #EomImage.
+ *
+ * Removes @image from @store.
+ **/
+eom_list_store_remove_image (EomListStore *store, EomImage *image)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GFile *file;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (store));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ if (is_file_in_list_store_file (store, file, &iter)) {
+ eom_list_store_remove (store, &iter);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ * eom_list_store_new_from_glist:
+ * @list: a %NULL-terminated list of #EomImage's.
+ *
+ * Creates a new #EomListStore from a list of #EomImage's.
+ * The given list must be %NULL-terminated.
+ *
+ * Returns: a new #EomListStore.
+ **/
+GtkListStore *
+eom_list_store_new_from_glist (GList *list)
+ GList *it;
+ GtkListStore *store = eom_list_store_new ();
+ for (it = list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ eom_list_store_append_image (EOM_LIST_STORE (store),
+ EOM_IMAGE (it->data));
+ }
+ return store;
+ * eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @image: An #EomImage.
+ *
+ * Gets the position where @image is stored in @store. If @image
+ * is not stored in @store, -1 is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: the position of @image in @store or -1 if not found.
+ **/
+eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (EomListStore *store, EomImage *image)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gint pos = -1;
+ GFile *file;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (store), -1);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image), -1);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ if (is_file_in_list_store_file (store, file, &iter)) {
+ pos = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_iter (store, &iter);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ return pos;
+ * eom_list_store_get_image_by_pos:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @pos: the position of the required #EomImage.
+ *
+ * Gets the #EomImage in the position @pos of @store. If there is
+ * no image at position @pos, %NULL is returned.
+ *
+ * Returns: the #EomImage in position @pos or %NULL.
+ *
+ **/
+EomImage *
+eom_list_store_get_image_by_pos (EomListStore *store, gint pos)
+ EomImage *image = NULL;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (store), NULL);
+ if (gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, NULL, pos)) {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter,
+ -1);
+ }
+ return image;
+ * eom_list_store_get_pos_by_iter:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @iter: A #GtkTreeIter pointing to an image in @store.
+ *
+ * Gets the position of the image pointed by @iter.
+ *
+ * Returns: The position of the image pointed by @iter.
+ **/
+eom_list_store_get_pos_by_iter (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ gint *indices;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ gint pos;
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), iter);
+ indices = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path);
+ pos = indices [0];
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ return pos;
+ * eom_list_store_length:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of images in the store.
+ *
+ * Returns: The number of images in @store.
+ **/
+eom_list_store_length (EomListStore *store)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (store), -1);
+ return gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), NULL);
+ * eom_list_store_get_initial_pos:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ *
+ * Gets the position of the #EomImage that should be loaded first.
+ * If not set, it returns -1.
+ *
+ * Returns: the position of the image to be loaded first or -1.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_list_store_get_initial_pos (EomListStore *store)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (store), -1);
+ return store->priv->initial_image;
+static void
+eom_list_store_remove_thumbnail_job (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ EomJob *job;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), iter,
+ -1);
+ if (job != NULL) {
+ g_mutex_lock (store->priv->mutex);
+ eom_job_queue_remove_job (job);
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), iter,
+ -1);
+ g_mutex_unlock (store->priv->mutex);
+ }
+static void
+eom_list_store_add_thumbnail_job (EomListStore *store, GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ EomImage *image;
+ EomJob *job;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), iter,
+ -1);
+ if (job != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ return;
+ }
+ job = eom_job_thumbnail_new (image);
+ g_signal_connect (job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_thumbnail_cb),
+ store);
+ g_mutex_lock (store->priv->mutex);
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), iter,
+ -1);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (job);
+ g_mutex_unlock (store->priv->mutex);
+ g_object_unref (job);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ * eom_list_store_thumbnail_set:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @iter: A #GtkTreeIter pointing to an image in @store.
+ *
+ * Sets the thumbnail for the image pointed by @iter.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_list_store_thumbnail_set (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ gboolean thumb_set = FALSE;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), iter,
+ -1);
+ if (thumb_set) {
+ return;
+ }
+ eom_list_store_add_thumbnail_job (store, iter);
+ * eom_list_store_thumbnail_unset:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @iter: A #GtkTreeIter pointing to an image in @store.
+ *
+ * Unsets the thumbnail for the image pointed by @iter, changing
+ * it to a "busy" icon.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_list_store_thumbnail_unset (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ EomImage *image;
+ eom_list_store_remove_thumbnail_job (store, iter);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), iter,
+ -1);
+ eom_image_set_thumbnail (image, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (store), iter,
+ EOM_LIST_STORE_THUMBNAIL, store->priv->busy_image,
+ -1);
+ * eom_list_store_thumbnail_refresh:
+ * @store: An #EomListStore.
+ * @iter: A #GtkTreeIter pointing to an image in @store.
+ *
+ * Refreshes the thumbnail for the image pointed by @iter.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_list_store_thumbnail_refresh (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ eom_list_store_remove_thumbnail_job (store, iter);
+ eom_list_store_add_thumbnail_job (store, iter);
diff --git a/src/eom-list-store.h b/src/eom-list-store.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f603e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-list-store.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image Store
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by: Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#ifndef __EOM_IMAGE_DECLR__
+#define __EOM_IMAGE_DECLR__
+ typedef struct _EomImage EomImage;
+typedef struct _EomListStore EomListStore;
+typedef struct _EomListStoreClass EomListStoreClass;
+typedef struct _EomListStorePrivate EomListStorePrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_LIST_STORE eom_list_store_get_type()
+#define EOM_LIST_STORE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), EOM_TYPE_LIST_STORE, EomListStoreClass))
+typedef enum {
+} EomListStoreColumn;
+struct _EomListStore {
+ GtkListStore parent;
+ EomListStorePrivate *priv;
+struct _EomListStoreClass {
+ GtkListStoreClass parent_class;
+ /* Padding for future expansion */
+ void (* _eom_reserved1) (void);
+ void (* _eom_reserved2) (void);
+ void (* _eom_reserved3) (void);
+ void (* _eom_reserved4) (void);
+GType eom_list_store_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkListStore *eom_list_store_new (void);
+GtkListStore *eom_list_store_new_from_glist (GList *list);
+void eom_list_store_append_image (EomListStore *store,
+ EomImage *image);
+void eom_list_store_add_files (EomListStore *store,
+ GList *file_list);
+void eom_list_store_remove_image (EomListStore *store,
+ EomImage *image);
+gint eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (EomListStore *store,
+ EomImage *image);
+EomImage *eom_list_store_get_image_by_pos (EomListStore *store,
+ gint pos);
+gint eom_list_store_get_pos_by_iter (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter);
+gint eom_list_store_length (EomListStore *store);
+gint eom_list_store_get_initial_pos (EomListStore *store);
+void eom_list_store_thumbnail_set (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter);
+void eom_list_store_thumbnail_unset (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter);
+void eom_list_store_thumbnail_refresh (EomListStore *store,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter);
diff --git a/src/eom-marshal.list b/src/eom-marshal.list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a117a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-marshal.list
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/src/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c b/src/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788d2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- JPEG Metadata Reader
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on the original EomMetadataReader code.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "eom-metadata-reader.h"
+#include "eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+typedef enum {
+ EMR_READ = 0,
+} EomMetadataReaderState;
+typedef enum {
+ EJA_EXIF = 0,
+} EomJpegApp1Type;
+#define EOM_JPEG_MARKER_APP1 0xE1
+#define EOM_JPEG_MARKER_APP2 0xE2
+#define IS_FINISHED(priv) (priv->state == EMR_READ && \
+ priv->exif_chunk != NULL && \
+ priv->icc_chunk != NULL && \
+ priv->iptc_chunk != NULL && \
+ priv->xmp_chunk != NULL)
+struct _EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate {
+ EomMetadataReaderState state;
+ /* data fields */
+ guint exif_len;
+ gpointer exif_chunk;
+ gpointer iptc_chunk;
+ guint iptc_len;
+ guint icc_len;
+ gpointer icc_chunk;
+ gpointer xmp_chunk;
+ guint xmp_len;
+ /* management fields */
+ int size;
+ int last_marker;
+ int bytes_read;
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_init_emr_iface (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (EomMetadataReaderJpg, eom_metadata_reader_jpg,
+ eom_metadata_reader_jpg_init_emr_iface))
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomMetadataReaderJpg *emr = EOM_METADATA_READER_JPG (object);
+ if (emr->priv->exif_chunk != NULL) {
+ g_free (emr->priv->exif_chunk);
+ emr->priv->exif_chunk = NULL;
+ }
+ if (emr->priv->iptc_chunk != NULL) {
+ g_free (emr->priv->iptc_chunk);
+ emr->priv->iptc_chunk = NULL;
+ }
+ if (emr->priv->xmp_chunk != NULL) {
+ g_free (emr->priv->xmp_chunk);
+ emr->priv->xmp_chunk = NULL;
+ }
+ if (emr->priv->icc_chunk != NULL) {
+ g_free (emr->priv->icc_chunk);
+ emr->priv->icc_chunk = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_metadata_reader_jpg_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_init (EomMetadataReaderJpg *obj)
+ EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate *priv;
+ priv = obj->priv = EOM_METADATA_READER_JPG_GET_PRIVATE (obj);
+ priv->exif_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->exif_len = 0;
+ priv->iptc_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->iptc_len = 0;
+ priv->icc_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->icc_len = 0;
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_class_init (EomMetadataReaderJpgClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ object_class->dispose = eom_metadata_reader_jpg_dispose;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate));
+static gboolean
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_finished (EomMetadataReaderJpg *emr)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER_JPG (emr), TRUE);
+ return (emr->priv->state == EMR_FINISHED);
+static EomJpegApp1Type
+eom_metadata_identify_app1 (gchar *buf, guint len)
+ if (len < 5) {
+ return EJA_OTHER;
+ }
+ if (len < 29) {
+ return (strncmp ("Exif", buf, 5) == 0 ? EJA_EXIF : EJA_OTHER);
+ }
+ if (strncmp ("Exif", buf, 5) == 0) {
+ return EJA_EXIF;
+ } else if (strncmp ("", buf, 29) == 0) {
+ return EJA_XMP;
+ }
+ return EJA_OTHER;
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_get_next_block (EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate* priv,
+ guchar *chunk,
+ int* i,
+ const guchar *buf,
+ int len,
+ EomMetadataReaderState state)
+ if (*i + priv->size < len) {
+ /* read data in one block */
+ memcpy ((guchar*) (chunk) + priv->bytes_read, &buf[*i], priv->size);
+ priv->state = EMR_READ;
+ *i = *i + priv->size - 1; /* the for-loop consumes the other byte */
+ } else {
+ int chunk_len = len - *i;
+ memcpy ((guchar*) (chunk) + priv->bytes_read, &buf[*i], chunk_len);
+ priv->bytes_read += chunk_len; /* bytes already read */
+ priv->size = (*i + priv->size) - len; /* remaining data to read */
+ *i = len - 1;
+ priv->state = state;
+ }
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_consume (EomMetadataReaderJpg *emr, const guchar *buf, guint len)
+ EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate *priv;
+ EomJpegApp1Type app1_type;
+ int i;
+ EomMetadataReaderState next_state = EMR_READ;
+ guchar *chunk = NULL;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER_JPG (emr));
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ if (priv->state == EMR_FINISHED) return;
+ for (i = 0; (i < len) && (priv->state != EMR_FINISHED); i++) {
+ switch (priv->state) {
+ case EMR_READ:
+ if (buf[i] == EOM_JPEG_MARKER_START) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_MARKER;
+ }
+ else {
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ }
+ break;
+ if ((buf [i] & 0xF0) == 0xE0 || buf[i] == 0xFE) {
+ /* we are reading some sort of APPxx or COM marker */
+ /* these are always followed by 2 bytes of size information */
+ priv->last_marker = buf [i];
+ priv->size = 0;
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_SIZE_HIGH_BYTE;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "APPx or COM Marker Found: %x", priv->last_marker);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* otherwise simply consume the byte */
+ priv->state = EMR_READ;
+ }
+ break;
+ priv->size = (buf [i] & 0xff) << 8;
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_SIZE_LOW_BYTE;
+ break;
+ priv->size |= (buf [i] & 0xff);
+ if (priv->size > 2) /* ignore the two size-bytes */
+ priv->size -= 2;
+ if (priv->size == 0) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ;
+ } else if (priv->last_marker == EOM_JPEG_MARKER_APP1 &&
+ ((priv->exif_chunk == NULL) || (priv->xmp_chunk == NULL)))
+ {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_APP1;
+ } else if (priv->last_marker == EOM_JPEG_MARKER_APP2 &&
+ priv->icc_chunk == NULL && priv->size > 14)
+ {
+ /* Chunk has 14 bytes identification data */
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_ICC;
+ } else if (priv->last_marker == EOM_JPEG_MARKER_APP14 &&
+ priv->iptc_chunk == NULL)
+ {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_IPTC;
+ } else {
+ priv->state = EMR_SKIP_BYTES;
+ }
+ priv->last_marker = 0;
+ break;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "Skip bytes: %i", priv->size);
+ if (i + priv->size < len) {
+ i = i + priv->size - 1; /* the for-loop consumes the other byte */
+ priv->size = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ priv->size = (i + priv->size) - len;
+ i = len - 1;
+ }
+ if (priv->size == 0) { /* don't need to skip any more bytes */
+ priv->state = EMR_READ;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EMR_READ_APP1:
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "Read APP1 data, Length: %i", priv->size);
+ app1_type = eom_metadata_identify_app1 ((gchar*) &buf[i], priv->size);
+ switch (app1_type) {
+ case EJA_EXIF:
+ if (priv->exif_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->exif_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->exif_len = priv->size;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ chunk = priv->exif_chunk;
+ next_state = EMR_READ_EXIF;
+ } else {
+ chunk = NULL;
+ priv->state = EMR_SKIP_BYTES;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EJA_XMP:
+ if (priv->xmp_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->xmp_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->xmp_len = priv->size;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ chunk = priv->xmp_chunk;
+ next_state = EMR_READ_XMP;
+ } else {
+ chunk = NULL;
+ priv->state = EMR_SKIP_BYTES;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EJA_OTHER:
+ default:
+ /* skip unknown data */
+ chunk = NULL;
+ priv->state = EMR_SKIP_BYTES;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (chunk) {
+ eom_metadata_reader_get_next_block (priv, chunk,
+ &i, buf,
+ len,
+ next_state);
+ }
+ if (IS_FINISHED(priv))
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ break;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "Read continuation of EXIF data, length: %i", priv->size);
+ {
+ eom_metadata_reader_get_next_block (priv, priv->exif_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len, EMR_READ_EXIF);
+ }
+ if (IS_FINISHED(priv))
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ break;
+ case EMR_READ_XMP:
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "Read continuation of XMP data, length: %i", priv->size);
+ {
+ eom_metadata_reader_get_next_block (priv, priv->xmp_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len, EMR_READ_XMP);
+ }
+ if (IS_FINISHED (priv))
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ break;
+ case EMR_READ_ICC:
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Read continuation of ICC data, "
+ "length: %i", priv->size);
+ if (priv->icc_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->icc_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->icc_len = priv->size;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_get_next_block (priv,
+ priv->icc_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len,
+ /* Test that the chunk actually contains ICC data. */
+ if (priv->state == EMR_READ && priv->icc_chunk) {
+ const char* icc_chunk = priv->icc_chunk;
+ gboolean valid = TRUE;
+ /* Chunk should begin with the
+ * ICC_PROFILE\0 identifier */
+ valid &= strncmp (icc_chunk,
+ "ICC_PROFILE\0",12) == 0;
+ /* Make sure this is the first and only
+ * ICC chunk in the file as we don't
+ * support merging chunks yet. */
+ valid &= *(guint16*)(icc_chunk+12) == 0x101;
+ if (!valid) {
+ /* This no ICC data. Throw it away. */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Supposed ICC chunk didn't validate. "
+ "Ignoring.");
+ g_free (priv->icc_chunk);
+ priv->icc_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->icc_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (IS_FINISHED(priv))
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ break;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Read continuation of IPTC data, "
+ "length: %i", priv->size);
+ if (priv->iptc_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->iptc_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->iptc_len = priv->size;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_get_next_block (priv,
+ priv->iptc_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len,
+ if (IS_FINISHED(priv))
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ }
+/* Returns the raw exif data. NOTE: The caller of this function becomes
+ * the new owner of this piece of memory and is responsible for freeing it!
+ */
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_exif_chunk (EomMetadataReaderJpg *emr, guchar **data, guint *len)
+ EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER (emr));
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ *data = (guchar*) priv->exif_chunk;
+ *len = priv->exif_len;
+ priv->exif_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->exif_len = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+static gpointer
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_exif_data (EomMetadataReaderJpg *emr)
+ EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate *priv;
+ ExifData *data = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER (emr), NULL);
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ if (priv->exif_chunk != NULL) {
+ data = exif_data_new_from_data (priv->exif_chunk, priv->exif_len);
+ }
+ return data;
+/* skip the signature */
+#define EOM_XMP_OFFSET (29)
+static gpointer
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_xmp_data (EomMetadataReaderJpg *emr )
+ EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate *priv;
+ XmpPtr xmp = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER (emr), NULL);
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ if (priv->xmp_chunk != NULL) {
+ xmp = xmp_new (priv->xmp_chunk+EOM_XMP_OFFSET,
+ priv->xmp_len-EOM_XMP_OFFSET);
+ }
+ return (gpointer)xmp;
+ * FIXME: very broken, assumes the profile fits in a single chunk. Change to
+ * parse the sections and construct a single memory chunk, or maybe even parse
+ * the profile.
+ */
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+static gpointer
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_icc_profile (EomMetadataReaderJpg *emr)
+ EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate *priv;
+ cmsHPROFILE profile = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER (emr), NULL);
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ if (priv->icc_chunk) {
+ cmsErrorAction (LCMS_ERROR_SHOW);
+ profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(priv->icc_chunk + 14, priv->icc_len - 14);
+ if (profile) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "JPEG has ICC profile");
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "JPEG has invalid ICC profile");
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ if (!profile && priv->exif_chunk != NULL) {
+ ExifEntry *entry;
+ ExifByteOrder o;
+ gint color_space;
+ ExifData *exif = eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_exif_data (emr);
+ if (!exif) return NULL;
+ o = exif_data_get_byte_order (exif);
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (exif, EXIF_TAG_COLOR_SPACE);
+ if (entry == NULL) {
+ exif_data_unref (exif);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ color_space = exif_get_short (entry->data, o);
+ switch (color_space) {
+ case 1:
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "JPEG is sRGB");
+ profile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile ();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "JPEG is Adobe RGB (Disabled)");
+ /* TODO: create Adobe RGB profile */
+ //profile = cmsCreate_Adobe1998Profile ();
+ break;
+ case 0xFFFF:
+ {
+ cmsCIExyY whitepoint;
+ cmsCIExyYTRIPLE primaries;
+ LPGAMMATABLE gamma[3];
+ double gammaValue;
+ ExifRational r;
+ const int offset = exif_format_get_size (EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL);
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (exif, EXIF_TAG_WHITE_POINT);
+ if (entry && entry->components == 2) {
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data, o);
+ whitepoint.x = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data + offset, o);
+ whitepoint.y = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ whitepoint.Y = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "No whitepoint found");
+ break;
+ }
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (exif, EXIF_TAG_PRIMARY_CHROMATICITIES);
+ if (entry && entry->components == 6) {
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data + 0 * offset, o);
+ primaries.Red.x = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data + 1 * offset, o);
+ primaries.Red.y = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data + 2 * offset, o);
+ primaries.Green.x = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data + 3 * offset, o);
+ primaries.Green.y = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data + 4 * offset, o);
+ primaries.Blue.x = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data + 5 * offset, o);
+ primaries.Blue.y = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ primaries.Red.Y = primaries.Green.Y = primaries.Blue.Y = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "No primary chromaticities found");
+ break;
+ }
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (exif, EXIF_TAG_GAMMA);
+ if (entry) {
+ r = exif_get_rational (entry->data, o);
+ gammaValue = (double) r.numerator / r.denominator;
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "No gamma found");
+ gammaValue = 2.2;
+ }
+ gamma[0] = gamma[1] = gamma[2] = cmsBuildGamma (256, gammaValue);
+ profile = cmsCreateRGBProfile (&whitepoint, &primaries, gamma);
+ cmsFreeGamma(gamma[0]);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "JPEG is calibrated");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ exif_data_unref (exif);
+ }
+ return profile;
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_jpg_init_emr_iface (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data)
+ EomMetadataReaderInterface *iface;
+ iface = (EomMetadataReaderInterface*)g_iface;
+ iface->consume =
+ (void (*) (EomMetadataReader *self, const guchar *buf, guint len))
+ eom_metadata_reader_jpg_consume;
+ iface->finished =
+ (gboolean (*) (EomMetadataReader *self))
+ eom_metadata_reader_jpg_finished;
+ iface->get_raw_exif =
+ (void (*) (EomMetadataReader *self, guchar **data, guint *len))
+ eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_exif_chunk;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ iface->get_exif_data =
+ (gpointer (*) (EomMetadataReader *self))
+ eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_exif_data;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ iface->get_icc_profile =
+ (gpointer (*) (EomMetadataReader *self))
+ eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_icc_profile;
+ iface->get_xmp_ptr =
+ (gpointer (*) (EomMetadataReader *self))
+ eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_xmp_data;
diff --git a/src/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h b/src/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722a720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- JPEG Metadata Reader
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on the original EomMetadataReader code.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#define EOM_TYPE_METADATA_READER_JPG (eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReaderJpg EomMetadataReaderJpg;
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReaderJpgClass EomMetadataReaderJpgClass;
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate;
+struct _EomMetadataReaderJpg {
+ GObject parent;
+ EomMetadataReaderJpgPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomMetadataReaderJpgClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_klass;
+GType eom_metadata_reader_jpg_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
diff --git a/src/eom-metadata-reader-png.c b/src/eom-metadata-reader-png.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2092f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-metadata-reader-png.c
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- PNG Metadata Reader
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on the old EomMetadataReader code.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include "eom-metadata-reader.h"
+#include "eom-metadata-reader-png.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+typedef enum {
+} EomMetadataReaderPngState;
+#if 0
+#define IS_FINISHED(priv) (priv->icc_chunk != NULL && \
+ priv->xmp_chunk != NULL)
+struct _EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate {
+ EomMetadataReaderPngState state;
+ /* data fields */
+ guint32 icc_len;
+ gpointer icc_chunk;
+ gpointer xmp_chunk;
+ guint32 xmp_len;
+ guint32 sRGB_len;
+ gpointer sRGB_chunk;
+ gpointer cHRM_chunk;
+ guint32 cHRM_len;
+ guint32 gAMA_len;
+ gpointer gAMA_chunk;
+ /* management fields */
+ gsize size;
+ gsize bytes_read;
+ guint sub_step;
+ guchar chunk_name[4];
+ gpointer *crc_chunk;
+ guint32 *crc_len;
+ guint32 target_crc;
+ gboolean hasIHDR;
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_png_init_emr_iface (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (EomMetadataReaderPng, eom_metadata_reader_png,
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_init_emr_iface))
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_png_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomMetadataReaderPng *emr = EOM_METADATA_READER_PNG (object);
+ EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate *priv = emr->priv;
+ g_free (priv->xmp_chunk);
+ priv->xmp_chunk = NULL;
+ g_free (priv->icc_chunk);
+ priv->icc_chunk = NULL;
+ g_free (priv->sRGB_chunk);
+ priv->sRGB_chunk = NULL;
+ g_free (priv->cHRM_chunk);
+ priv->cHRM_chunk = NULL;
+ g_free (priv->gAMA_chunk);
+ priv->gAMA_chunk = NULL;
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_metadata_reader_png_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_png_init (EomMetadataReaderPng *obj)
+ EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate *priv;
+ priv = obj->priv = EOM_METADATA_READER_PNG_GET_PRIVATE (obj);
+ priv->icc_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->icc_len = 0;
+ priv->xmp_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->xmp_len = 0;
+ priv->sRGB_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->sRGB_len = 0;
+ priv->cHRM_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->cHRM_len = 0;
+ priv->gAMA_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->gAMA_len = 0;
+ priv->sub_step = 0;
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_MAGIC;
+ priv->hasIHDR = FALSE;
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_png_class_init (EomMetadataReaderPngClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ object_class->dispose = eom_metadata_reader_png_dispose;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate));
+static gboolean
+eom_metadata_reader_png_finished (EomMetadataReaderPng *emr)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER_PNG (emr), TRUE);
+ return (emr->priv->state == EMR_FINISHED);
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_png_get_next_block (EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate* priv,
+ guchar *chunk,
+ int* i,
+ const guchar *buf,
+ int len,
+ EomMetadataReaderPngState state)
+ if (*i + priv->size < len) {
+ /* read data in one block */
+ memcpy ((guchar*) (chunk) + priv->bytes_read, &buf[*i], priv->size);
+ priv->state = EMR_CHECK_CRC;
+ *i = *i + priv->size - 1; /* the for-loop consumes the other byte */
+ priv->size = 0;
+ } else {
+ int chunk_len = len - *i;
+ memcpy ((guchar*) (chunk) + priv->bytes_read, &buf[*i], chunk_len);
+ priv->bytes_read += chunk_len; /* bytes already read */
+ priv->size = (*i + priv->size) - len; /* remaining data to read */
+ *i = len - 1;
+ priv->state = state;
+ }
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_png_consume (EomMetadataReaderPng *emr, const guchar *buf, guint len)
+ EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate *priv;
+ int i;
+ guint32 chunk_crc;
+ static const gchar PNGMAGIC[8] = "\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1a\x0A";
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER_PNG (emr));
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ if (priv->state == EMR_FINISHED) return;
+ for (i = 0; (i < len) && (priv->state != EMR_FINISHED); i++) {
+ switch (priv->state) {
+ /* Check PNG magic string */
+ if (priv->sub_step < 8 &&
+ (gchar)buf[i] == PNGMAGIC[priv->sub_step]) {
+ if (priv->sub_step == 7)
+ priv->sub_step++;
+ } else {
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Read the high byte of the size's high word */
+ priv->size |= (buf[i] & 0xFF) << 24;
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_SIZE_HIGH_LOW_BYTE;
+ break;
+ /* Read the low byte of the size's high word */
+ priv->size |= (buf[i] & 0xFF) << 16;
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_SIZE_LOW_HIGH_BYTE;
+ break;
+ /* Read the high byte of the size's low word */
+ priv->size |= (buf [i] & 0xff) << 8;
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_SIZE_LOW_LOW_BYTE;
+ break;
+ /* Read the high byte of the size's low word */
+ priv->size |= (buf [i] & 0xff);
+ /* The maximum chunk length is 2^31-1 */
+ if (G_LIKELY (priv->size <= (guint32) 0x7fffffff)) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_CHUNK_NAME;
+ /* Make sure sub_step is 0 before next step */
+ priv->sub_step = 0;
+ } else {
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "chunk size larger than "
+ "2^31-1; stopping parser");
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Read the 4-byte chunk name */
+ if (priv->sub_step > 3)
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ priv->chunk_name[priv->sub_step] = buf[i];
+ if (priv->sub_step++ != 3)
+ break;
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (!priv->hasIHDR)) {
+ /* IHDR should be the first chunk in a PNG */
+ if (priv->size == 13
+ && memcmp (priv->chunk_name, "IHDR", 4) == 0){
+ priv->hasIHDR = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* Stop parsing if it is not */
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try to identify the chunk by its name.
+ * Already do some sanity checks where possible */
+ if (memcmp (priv->chunk_name, "iTXt", 4) == 0 &&
+ priv->size > (22 + 54) && priv->xmp_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_XMP_ITXT;
+ } else if (memcmp (priv->chunk_name, "iCCP", 4) == 0 &&
+ priv->icc_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_ICCP;
+ } else if (memcmp (priv->chunk_name, "sRGB", 4) == 0 &&
+ priv->sRGB_chunk == NULL && priv->size == 1) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_SRGB;
+ } else if (memcmp (priv->chunk_name, "cHRM", 4) == 0 &&
+ priv->cHRM_chunk == NULL && priv->size == 32) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_CHRM;
+ } else if (memcmp (priv->chunk_name, "gAMA", 4) == 0 &&
+ priv->gAMA_chunk == NULL && priv->size == 4) {
+ priv->state = EMR_READ_GAMA;
+ } else if (memcmp (priv->chunk_name, "IEND", 4) == 0) {
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ } else {
+ /* Skip chunk + 4-byte CRC32 value */
+ priv->size += 4;
+ priv->state = EMR_SKIP_BYTES;
+ }
+ priv->sub_step = 0;
+ break;
+ case EMR_SKIP_CRC:
+ /* Skip the 4-byte CRC32 value following every chunk */
+ priv->size = 4;
+ /* Skip chunk and start reading the size of the next one */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Skip bytes: %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT,
+ priv->size);
+ if (i + priv->size < len) {
+ i = i + priv->size - 1; /* the for-loop consumes the other byte */
+ priv->size = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ priv->size = (i + priv->size) - len;
+ i = len - 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Read the chunks CRC32 value from the file,... */
+ if (priv->sub_step == 0)
+ priv->target_crc = 0;
+ priv->target_crc |= buf[i] << ((3 - priv->sub_step) * 8);
+ if (priv->sub_step++ != 3)
+ break;
+ /* ...generate the chunks CRC32,... */
+ chunk_crc = crc32 (crc32 (0L, Z_NULL, 0), priv->chunk_name, 4);
+ chunk_crc = crc32 (chunk_crc, *priv->crc_chunk, *priv->crc_len);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "Checking CRC: Chunk: 0x%X - Target: 0x%X", chunk_crc, priv->target_crc);
+ /* ...and check if they match. If they don't throw
+ * the chunk away and stop parsing. */
+ if (priv->target_crc == chunk_crc) {
+ } else {
+ g_free (*priv->crc_chunk);
+ *priv->crc_chunk = NULL;
+ *priv->crc_len = 0;
+ /* Stop parsing for security reasons */
+ priv->state = EMR_FINISHED;
+ }
+ priv->sub_step = 0;
+ break;
+ /* Extract an iTXt chunk possibly containing
+ * an XMP packet */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Read XMP Chunk - size: %"
+ G_GSIZE_FORMAT, priv->size);
+ if (priv->xmp_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->xmp_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->xmp_len = priv->size;
+ priv->crc_len = &priv->xmp_len;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ priv->crc_chunk = &priv->xmp_chunk;
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_get_next_block (priv,
+ priv->xmp_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len,
+ if (priv->state == EMR_CHECK_CRC) {
+ /* Check if it is actually an XMP chunk.
+ * Throw it away if not.
+ * The check has 4 extra \0's to check
+ * if the chunk is configured correctly. */
+ if (memcmp (priv->xmp_chunk, "XML:com.adobe.xmp\0\0\0\0\0", 22) != 0) {
+ priv->state = EMR_SKIP_CRC;
+ g_free (priv->xmp_chunk);
+ priv->xmp_chunk = NULL;
+ priv->xmp_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Extract an iCCP chunk containing a
+ * deflated ICC profile. */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Read ICC Chunk - size: %"
+ G_GSIZE_FORMAT, priv->size);
+ if (priv->icc_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->icc_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->icc_len = priv->size;
+ priv->crc_len = &priv->icc_len;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ priv->crc_chunk = &priv->icc_chunk;
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_get_next_block (priv,
+ priv->icc_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len,
+ break;
+ /* Extract the sRGB chunk. Marks the image data as
+ * being in sRGB colorspace. */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Read sRGB Chunk - value: %u", *(buf+i));
+ if (priv->sRGB_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->sRGB_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->sRGB_len = priv->size;
+ priv->crc_len = &priv->sRGB_len;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ priv->crc_chunk = &priv->sRGB_chunk;
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_get_next_block (priv,
+ priv->sRGB_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len,
+ break;
+ /* Extract the cHRM chunk. Contains the coordinates of
+ * the image's whitepoint and primary chromacities. */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Read cHRM Chunk - size: %"
+ G_GSIZE_FORMAT, priv->size);
+ if (priv->cHRM_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->cHRM_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->cHRM_len = priv->size;
+ priv->crc_len = &priv->cHRM_len;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ priv->crc_chunk = &priv->cHRM_chunk;
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_get_next_block (priv,
+ priv->cHRM_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len,
+ break;
+ /* Extract the gAMA chunk containing the
+ * image's gamma value */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA,
+ "Read gAMA-Chunk - size: %"
+ G_GSIZE_FORMAT, priv->size);
+ if (priv->gAMA_chunk == NULL) {
+ priv->gAMA_chunk = g_new0 (guchar, priv->size);
+ priv->gAMA_len = priv->size;
+ priv->crc_len = &priv->gAMA_len;
+ priv->bytes_read = 0;
+ priv->crc_chunk = &priv->gAMA_chunk;
+ }
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_get_next_block (priv,
+ priv->gAMA_chunk,
+ &i, buf, len,
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ }
+/* skip the chunk ID */
+#define EOM_XMP_OFFSET (22)
+static gpointer
+eom_metadata_reader_png_get_xmp_data (EomMetadataReaderPng *emr )
+ EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate *priv;
+ XmpPtr xmp = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER_PNG (emr), NULL);
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ if (priv->xmp_chunk != NULL) {
+ xmp = xmp_new (priv->xmp_chunk+EOM_XMP_OFFSET,
+ priv->xmp_len-EOM_XMP_OFFSET);
+ }
+ return (gpointer) xmp;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+#define EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET(chunk,offset,divider) \
+ (double)(GUINT32_FROM_BE(*((guint32*)((chunk)+((offset)*4))))/(double)(divider))
+/* This is the amount of memory the inflate output buffer gets increased by
+ * while decompressing the ICC profile */
+/* I haven't seen ICC profiles larger than 1MB yet.
+ * A maximum output buffer of 5MB should be enough. */
+#define EOM_ICC_INFLATE_BUFFER_LIMIT (1024*1024*5)
+static gpointer
+eom_metadata_reader_png_get_icc_profile (EomMetadataReaderPng *emr)
+ EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate *priv;
+ cmsHPROFILE profile = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER_PNG (emr), NULL);
+ priv = emr->priv;
+ if (priv->icc_chunk) {
+ gpointer outbuf;
+ gsize offset = 0;
+ z_stream zstr;
+ int z_ret;
+ /* Use default allocation functions */
+ zstr.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ zstr.zfree = Z_NULL;
+ zstr.opaque = Z_NULL;
+ /* Skip the name of the ICC profile */
+ while (*((guchar*)priv->icc_chunk+offset) != '\0')
+ offset++;
+ /* Ensure the compression method (deflate) */
+ if (*((guchar*)priv->icc_chunk+(++offset)) != '\0')
+ return NULL;
+ ++offset; //offset now points to the start of the deflated data
+ /* Prepare the zlib data structure for decompression */
+ zstr.next_in = priv->icc_chunk + offset;
+ zstr.avail_in = priv->icc_len - offset;
+ if (inflateInit (&zstr) != Z_OK) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Prepare output buffer and make zlib aware of it */
+ outbuf = g_malloc (EOM_ICC_INFLATE_BUFFER_STEP);
+ zstr.next_out = outbuf;
+ zstr.avail_out = EOM_ICC_INFLATE_BUFFER_STEP;
+ do {
+ if (zstr.avail_out == 0) {
+ /* The output buffer was not large enough to
+ * hold all the decompressed data. Increase its
+ * size and continue decompression. */
+ gsize new_size = zstr.total_out + EOM_ICC_INFLATE_BUFFER_STEP;
+ /* Enforce a memory limit for the output
+ * buffer to avoid possible OOM cases */
+ inflateEnd (&zstr);
+ g_free (outbuf);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "ICC profile is too large. Ignoring.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ outbuf = g_realloc(outbuf, new_size);
+ zstr.avail_out = EOM_ICC_INFLATE_BUFFER_STEP;
+ zstr.next_out = outbuf + zstr.total_out;
+ }
+ z_ret = inflate (&zstr, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
+ } while (z_ret == Z_OK);
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (z_ret != Z_STREAM_END)) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_DATA, "Error while inflating ICC profile: %s (%d)", zstr.msg, z_ret);
+ inflateEnd (&zstr);
+ g_free (outbuf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cmsErrorAction (LCMS_ERROR_SHOW);
+ profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(outbuf, zstr.total_out);
+ inflateEnd (&zstr);
+ g_free (outbuf);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "PNG has %s ICC profile", profile ? "valid" : "invalid");
+ }
+ if (!profile && priv->sRGB_chunk) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "PNG is sRGB");
+ /* If the file has an sRGB chunk the image data is in the sRGB
+ * colorspace. lcms has a built-in sRGB profile. */
+ profile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile ();
+ }
+ if (!profile && priv->cHRM_chunk) {
+ cmsCIExyY whitepoint;
+ cmsCIExyYTRIPLE primaries;
+ LPGAMMATABLE gamma[3];
+ double gammaValue = 2.2; // 2.2 should be a sane default gamma
+ /* This uglyness extracts the chromacity and whitepoint values
+ * from a PNG's cHRM chunk. These can be accurate up to the
+ * 5th decimal point.
+ * They are saved as integer values multiplied by 100000. */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "Trying to calculate color profile");
+ whitepoint.x = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 0, 100000);
+ whitepoint.y = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 1, 100000);
+ primaries.Red.x = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 2, 100000);
+ primaries.Red.y = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 3, 100000);
+ primaries.Green.x = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 4, 100000);
+ primaries.Green.y = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 5, 100000);
+ primaries.Blue.x = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 6, 100000);
+ primaries.Blue.y = EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->cHRM_chunk, 7, 100000);
+ primaries.Red.Y = primaries.Green.Y = primaries.Blue.Y = 1.0;
+ /* If the gAMA_chunk is present use its value which is saved
+ * the same way as the whitepoint. Use 2.2 as default value if
+ * the chunk is not present. */
+ if (priv->gAMA_chunk)
+ gammaValue = (double) 1.0/EXTRACT_DOUBLE_UINT_BLOCK_OFFSET (priv->gAMA_chunk, 0, 100000);
+ gamma[0] = gamma[1] = gamma[2] = cmsBuildGamma (256, gammaValue);
+ profile = cmsCreateRGBProfile (&whitepoint, &primaries, gamma);
+ cmsFreeGamma(gamma[0]);
+ }
+ return profile;
+static void
+eom_metadata_reader_png_init_emr_iface (gpointer g_iface, gpointer iface_data)
+ EomMetadataReaderInterface *iface;
+ iface = (EomMetadataReaderInterface*) g_iface;
+ iface->consume =
+ (void (*) (EomMetadataReader *self, const guchar *buf, guint len))
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_consume;
+ iface->finished =
+ (gboolean (*) (EomMetadataReader *self))
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_finished;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ iface->get_icc_profile =
+ (cmsHPROFILE (*) (EomMetadataReader *self))
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_get_icc_profile;
+ iface->get_xmp_ptr =
+ (gpointer (*) (EomMetadataReader *self))
+ eom_metadata_reader_png_get_xmp_data;
diff --git a/src/eom-metadata-reader-png.h b/src/eom-metadata-reader-png.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dde41f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-metadata-reader-png.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- PNG Metadata Reader
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on the old EomMetadataReader code.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#define EOM_TYPE_METADATA_READER_PNG (eom_metadata_reader_png_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReaderPng EomMetadataReaderPng;
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReaderPngClass EomMetadataReaderPngClass;
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate;
+struct _EomMetadataReaderPng {
+ GObject parent;
+ EomMetadataReaderPngPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomMetadataReaderPngClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_klass;
+GType eom_metadata_reader_png_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
diff --git a/src/eom-metadata-reader.c b/src/eom-metadata-reader.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82955e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-metadata-reader.c
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- Metadata Reader Interface
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-metadata-reader.h"
+#include "eom-metadata-reader-jpg.h"
+#include "eom-metadata-reader-png.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+eom_metadata_reader_get_type (void)
+ static GType reader_type = 0;
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (reader_type == 0)) {
+ reader_type = g_type_register_static_simple (G_TYPE_INTERFACE,
+ "EomMetadataReader",
+ sizeof (EomMetadataReaderInterface),
+ NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ return reader_type;
+eom_metadata_reader_new (EomMetadataFileType type)
+ EomMetadataReader *emr;
+ switch (type) {
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ emr = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return emr;
+eom_metadata_reader_finished (EomMetadataReader *emr)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_METADATA_READER (emr), TRUE);
+ return EOM_METADATA_READER_GET_INTERFACE (emr)->finished (emr);
+eom_metadata_reader_consume (EomMetadataReader *emr, const guchar *buf, guint len)
+ EOM_METADATA_READER_GET_INTERFACE (emr)->consume (emr, buf, len);
+/* Returns the raw exif data. NOTE: The caller of this function becomes
+ * the new owner of this piece of memory and is responsible for freeing it!
+ */
+eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_chunk (EomMetadataReader *emr, guchar **data, guint *len)
+ EomMetadataReaderInterface *iface;
+ g_return_if_fail (data != NULL && len != NULL);
+ if (iface->get_raw_exif) {
+ iface->get_raw_exif (emr, data, len);
+ } else {
+ g_return_if_fail (data != NULL && len != NULL);
+ *data = NULL;
+ *len = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_data (EomMetadataReader *emr)
+ gpointer exif_data = NULL;
+ EomMetadataReaderInterface *iface;
+ if (iface->get_exif_data)
+ exif_data = iface->get_exif_data (emr);
+ return exif_data;
+eom_metadata_reader_get_xmp_data (EomMetadataReader *emr )
+ gpointer xmp_data = NULL;
+ EomMetadataReaderInterface *iface;
+ if (iface->get_xmp_ptr)
+ xmp_data = iface->get_xmp_ptr (emr);
+ return xmp_data;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+eom_metadata_reader_get_icc_profile (EomMetadataReader *emr)
+ EomMetadataReaderInterface *iface;
+ gpointer profile = NULL;
+ if (iface->get_icc_profile)
+ profile = iface->get_icc_profile (emr);
+ return profile;
diff --git a/src/eom-metadata-reader.h b/src/eom-metadata-reader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8803d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-metadata-reader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- Metadata Reader Interface
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Felix Riemann <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+#include <exempi/xmp.h>
+#include <lcms.h>
+#define EOM_TYPE_METADATA_READER (eom_metadata_reader_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReader EomMetadataReader;
+typedef struct _EomMetadataReaderInterface EomMetadataReaderInterface;
+struct _EomMetadataReaderInterface {
+ GTypeInterface parent;
+ void (*consume) (EomMetadataReader *self,
+ const guchar *buf,
+ guint len);
+ gboolean (*finished) (EomMetadataReader *self);
+ void (*get_raw_exif) (EomMetadataReader *self,
+ guchar **data,
+ guint *len);
+ gpointer (*get_exif_data) (EomMetadataReader *self);
+ gpointer (*get_icc_profile) (EomMetadataReader *self);
+ gpointer (*get_xmp_ptr) (EomMetadataReader *self);
+typedef enum {
+} EomMetadataFileType;
+GType eom_metadata_reader_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomMetadataReader* eom_metadata_reader_new (EomMetadataFileType type);
+void eom_metadata_reader_consume (EomMetadataReader *emr,
+ const guchar *buf,
+ guint len);
+gboolean eom_metadata_reader_finished (EomMetadataReader *emr);
+void eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_chunk (EomMetadataReader *emr,
+ guchar **data,
+ guint *len);
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ExifData* eom_metadata_reader_get_exif_data (EomMetadataReader *emr);
+XmpPtr eom_metadata_reader_get_xmp_data (EomMetadataReader *emr);
+#if 0
+gpointer eom_metadata_reader_get_iptc_chunk (EomMetadataReader *emr);
+IptcData* eom_metadata_reader_get_iptc_data (EomMetadataReader *emr);
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+cmsHPROFILE eom_metadata_reader_get_icc_profile (EomMetadataReader *emr);
+#endif /* _EOM_METADATA_READER_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-module.c b/src/eom-module.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79fac47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-module.c
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Module
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-module.c) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ * - Marco Pesenti Gritti <[email protected]>
+ * - Christian Persch <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-module.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include <gmodule.h>
+#define EOM_MODULE_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomModule, eom_module, G_TYPE_TYPE_MODULE);
+typedef GType (*EomModuleRegisterFunc) (GTypeModule *);
+static gboolean
+eom_module_load (GTypeModule *gmodule)
+ EomModule *module = EOM_MODULE (gmodule);
+ EomModuleRegisterFunc register_func;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Loading %s", module->path);
+ module->library = g_module_open (module->path, 0);
+ if (module->library == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("%s", g_module_error());
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Extract symbols from the lib */
+ if (!g_module_symbol (module->library,
+ "register_eom_plugin",
+ (void *) &register_func)) {
+ g_warning ("%s", g_module_error());
+ g_module_close (module->library);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Symbol can still be NULL even though g_module_symbol
+ * returned TRUE */
+ if (register_func == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Symbol 'register_eom_plugin' should not be NULL");
+ g_module_close (module->library);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ module->type = register_func (gmodule);
+ if (module->type == 0) {
+ g_warning ("Invalid eom plugin contained by module %s", module->path);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+eom_module_unload (GTypeModule *gmodule)
+ EomModule *module = EOM_MODULE (gmodule);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Unloading %s", module->path);
+ g_module_close (module->library);
+ module->library = NULL;
+ module->type = 0;
+const gchar *
+eom_module_get_path (EomModule *module)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_MODULE (module), NULL);
+ return module->path;
+GObject *
+eom_module_new_object (EomModule *module)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Creating object of type %s", g_type_name (module->type));
+ if (module->type == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return g_object_new (module->type, NULL);
+static void
+eom_module_init (EomModule *module)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomModule %p initialising", module);
+static void
+eom_module_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomModule *module = EOM_MODULE (object);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "EomModule %p finalising", module);
+ g_free (module->path);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_module_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+eom_module_class_init (EomModuleClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ GTypeModuleClass *module_class = G_TYPE_MODULE_CLASS (class);
+ object_class->finalize = eom_module_finalize;
+ module_class->load = eom_module_load;
+ module_class->unload = eom_module_unload;
+EomModule *
+eom_module_new (const gchar *path)
+ EomModule *module;
+ if (path == NULL || path[0] == '\0') {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ module = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_MODULE, NULL);
+ g_type_module_set_name (G_TYPE_MODULE (module), path);
+ module->path = g_strdup (path);
+ return module;
diff --git a/src/eom-module.h b/src/eom-module.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..241ba28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-module.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Main Window
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-module.c) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ * - Marco Pesenti Gritti <[email protected]>
+ * - Christian Persch <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef EOM_MODULE_H
+#define EOM_MODULE_H
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gmodule.h>
+typedef struct _EomModule EomModule;
+typedef struct _EomModuleClass EomModuleClass;
+typedef struct _EomModulePrivate EomModulePrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_MODULE (eom_module_get_type ())
+#define EOM_MODULE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), EOM_TYPE_MODULE, EomModuleClass))
+struct _EomModule {
+ GTypeModule parent_instance;
+ GModule *library;
+ gchar *path;
+ GType type;
+struct _EomModuleClass {
+ GTypeModuleClass parent_class;
+GType eom_module_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomModule *eom_module_new (const gchar *path);
+const gchar *eom_module_get_path (EomModule *module);
+GObject *eom_module_new_object (EomModule *module);
diff --git a/src/eom-pixbuf-util.c b/src/eom-pixbuf-util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..837bb42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-pixbuf-util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "eom-pixbuf-util.h"
+eom_pixbuf_get_savable_formats (void)
+ GSList *list;
+ GSList *write_list = NULL;
+ GSList *it;
+ list = gdk_pixbuf_get_formats ();
+ for (it = list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ format = (GdkPixbufFormat*) it->data;
+ if (gdk_pixbuf_format_is_writable (format)) {
+ write_list = g_slist_prepend (write_list, format);
+ }
+ }
+ g_slist_free (list);
+ write_list = g_slist_reverse (write_list);
+ return write_list;
+eom_pixbuf_get_format_by_suffix (const char *suffix)
+ GSList *list;
+ GSList *it;
+ GdkPixbufFormat *result = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (suffix != NULL, NULL);
+ list = gdk_pixbuf_get_formats ();
+ for (it = list; (it != NULL) && (result == NULL); it = it->next) {
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ gchar **extensions;
+ int i;
+ format = (GdkPixbufFormat*) it->data;
+ extensions = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_extensions (format);
+ for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ /* g_print ("check extension: %s against %s\n", extensions[i], suffix); */
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (suffix, extensions[i]) == 0) {
+ result = format;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ g_strfreev (extensions);
+ }
+ g_slist_free (list);
+ return result;
+eom_pixbuf_get_common_suffix (GdkPixbufFormat *format)
+ char **extensions;
+ int i;
+ char *result = NULL;
+ if (format == NULL) return NULL;
+ extensions = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_extensions (format);
+ if (extensions[0] == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* try to find 3-char suffix first, use the last occurence */
+ for (i = 0; extensions [i] != NULL; i++) {
+ if (strlen (extensions[i]) <= 3) {
+ g_free (result);
+ result = g_ascii_strdown (extensions[i], -1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* otherwise take the first one */
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ result = g_ascii_strdown (extensions[0], -1);
+ }
+ g_strfreev (extensions);
+ return result;
+static char*
+get_suffix_from_basename (const char *basename)
+ char *suffix;
+ char *suffix_start;
+ guint len;
+ /* FIXME: does this work for all locales? */
+ suffix_start = g_utf8_strrchr (basename, -1, '.');
+ if (suffix_start == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ len = strlen (suffix_start) - 1;
+ suffix = g_strndup (suffix_start+1, len);
+ return suffix;
+GdkPixbufFormat *
+eom_pixbuf_get_format (GFile *file)
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ char *path, *basename, *suffix;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, NULL);
+ path = g_file_get_path (file);
+ basename = g_path_get_basename (path);
+ suffix = get_suffix_from_basename (basename);
+ format = eom_pixbuf_get_format_by_suffix (suffix);
+ g_free (path);
+ g_free (basename);
+ g_free (suffix);
+ return format;
diff --git a/src/eom-pixbuf-util.h b/src/eom-pixbuf-util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3d6268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-pixbuf-util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef _EOM_PIXBUF_UTIL_H_
+#define _EOM_PIXBUF_UTIL_H_
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+GSList* eom_pixbuf_get_savable_formats (void);
+GdkPixbufFormat* eom_pixbuf_get_format_by_suffix (const char *suffix);
+GdkPixbufFormat* eom_pixbuf_get_format (GFile *file);
+char* eom_pixbuf_get_common_suffix (GdkPixbufFormat *format);
+#endif /* _EOM_PIXBUF_UTIL_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-plugin-engine.c b/src/eom-plugin-engine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09662b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-plugin-engine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Plugin Manager
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-module.c) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "eom-plugin-engine.h"
+#include "eom-plugin.h"
+#include "eom-module.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include "eom-application.h"
+#include "eom-config-keys.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <mateconf/mateconf-client.h>
+#include "eom-python-module.h"
+#define USER_EOM_PLUGINS_LOCATION "plugins/"
+#define EOM_PLUGINS_ENGINE_BASE_KEY "/apps/eom/plugins"
+#define PLUGIN_EXT ".eom-plugin"
+typedef enum {
+} EomPluginLoader;
+struct _EomPluginInfo
+ gchar *file;
+ gchar *location;
+ EomPluginLoader loader;
+ GTypeModule *module;
+ gchar *name;
+ gchar *desc;
+ gchar *icon_name;
+ gchar **authors;
+ gchar *copyright;
+ gchar *website;
+ EomPlugin *plugin;
+ gint active : 1;
+ /* A plugin is unavailable if it is not possible to activate it
+ due to an error loading the plugin module (e.g. for Python plugins
+ when the interpreter has not been correctly initializated) */
+ gint available : 1;
+static void eom_plugin_engine_active_plugins_changed (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data);
+static GList *eom_plugins_list = NULL;
+static MateConfClient *eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client = NULL;
+static GSList *active_plugins = NULL;
+static void
+eom_plugin_info_free (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ if (info->plugin != NULL) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Unref plugin %s", info->name);
+ g_object_unref (info->plugin);
+ }
+ g_free (info->file);
+ g_free (info->location);
+ g_free (info->name);
+ g_free (info->desc);
+ g_free (info->icon_name);
+ g_free (info->website);
+ g_free (info->copyright);
+ g_strfreev (info->authors);
+ g_free (info);
+static EomPluginInfo *
+eom_plugin_engine_load (const gchar *file)
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ GKeyFile *plugin_file = NULL;
+ gchar *str;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, NULL);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Loading plugin: %s", file);
+ info = g_new0 (EomPluginInfo, 1);
+ info->file = g_strdup (file);
+ plugin_file = g_key_file_new ();
+ if (!g_key_file_load_from_file (plugin_file, file, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL)) {
+ g_warning ("Bad plugin file: %s", file);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (!g_key_file_has_key (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "IAge",
+ NULL)) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS,
+ "IAge key does not exist in file: %s", file);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Check IAge=2 */
+ if (g_key_file_get_integer (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "IAge",
+ NULL) != 2) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS,
+ "Wrong IAge in file: %s", file);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Get Location */
+ str = g_key_file_get_string (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Module",
+ NULL);
+ if ((str != NULL) && (*str != '\0')) {
+ info->location = str;
+ } else {
+ g_warning ("Could not find 'Module' in %s", file);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Get the loader for this plugin */
+ str = g_key_file_get_string (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Loader",
+ NULL);
+ if (str && strcmp(str, "python") == 0) {
+ info->loader = EOM_PLUGIN_LOADER_PY;
+ g_warning ("Cannot load Python plugin '%s' since eom was not "
+ "compiled with Python support.", file);
+ goto error;
+ } else {
+ info->loader = EOM_PLUGIN_LOADER_C;
+ }
+ g_free (str);
+ /* Get Name */
+ str = g_key_file_get_locale_string (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Name",
+ if (str) {
+ info->name = str;
+ } else {
+ g_warning ("Could not find 'Name' in %s", file);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Get Description */
+ str = g_key_file_get_locale_string (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Description",
+ if (str) {
+ info->desc = str;
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Could not find 'Description' in %s", file);
+ }
+ /* Get Icon */
+ str = g_key_file_get_locale_string (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Icon",
+ if (str) {
+ info->icon_name = str;
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Could not find 'Icon' in %s, "
+ "using 'eom-plugin'", file);
+ }
+ /* Get Authors */
+ info->authors = g_key_file_get_string_list (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Authors",
+ NULL);
+ if (info->authors == NULL)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Could not find 'Authors' in %s", file);
+ /* Get Copyright */
+ str = g_key_file_get_string (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Copyright",
+ NULL);
+ if (str) {
+ info->copyright = str;
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Could not find 'Copyright' in %s", file);
+ }
+ /* Get Website */
+ str = g_key_file_get_string (plugin_file,
+ "Eom Plugin",
+ "Website",
+ NULL);
+ if (str) {
+ info->website = str;
+ } else {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Could not find 'Website' in %s", file);
+ }
+ g_key_file_free (plugin_file);
+ /* If we know nothing about the availability of the plugin,
+ set it as available */
+ info->available = TRUE;
+ return info;
+ g_free (info->file);
+ g_free (info->location);
+ g_free (info->name);
+ g_free (info);
+ g_key_file_free (plugin_file);
+ return NULL;
+static gint
+compare_plugin_info (EomPluginInfo *info1,
+ EomPluginInfo *info2)
+ return strcmp (info1->location, info2->location);
+static void
+eom_plugin_engine_load_dir (const gchar *dir)
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GDir *d;
+ const gchar *dirent;
+ if (!g_file_test (dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ g_return_if_fail (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client != NULL);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "DIR: %s", dir);
+ d = g_dir_open (dir, 0, &error);
+ if (!d) {
+ g_warning ("%s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ return;
+ }
+ while ((dirent = g_dir_read_name (d))) {
+ if (g_str_has_suffix (dirent, PLUGIN_EXT)) {
+ gchar *plugin_file;
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ plugin_file = g_build_filename (dir, dirent, NULL);
+ info = eom_plugin_engine_load (plugin_file);
+ g_free (plugin_file);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ continue;
+ /* If a plugin with this name has already been loaded
+ * drop this one (user plugins override system plugins) */
+ if (g_list_find_custom (eom_plugins_list,
+ info,
+ (GCompareFunc)compare_plugin_info) != NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Two or more plugins named '%s'. "
+ "Only the first will be considered.\n",
+ info->location);
+ eom_plugin_info_free (info);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Actually, the plugin will be activated when reactivate_all
+ * will be called for the first time. */
+ info->active = (g_slist_find_custom (active_plugins,
+ info->location,
+ (GCompareFunc)strcmp) != NULL);
+ eom_plugins_list = g_list_prepend (eom_plugins_list, info);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Plugin %s loaded", info->name);
+ }
+ }
+ eom_plugins_list = g_list_reverse (eom_plugins_list);
+ g_dir_close (d);
+static void
+eom_plugin_engine_load_all (void)
+ gchar *pdir;
+ pdir = g_build_filename (eom_util_dot_dir (),
+ /* Load user's plugins */
+ eom_plugin_engine_load_dir (pdir);
+ g_free (pdir);
+ /* Load system plugins */
+ eom_plugin_engine_load_dir (EOM_PLUGIN_DIR "/");
+eom_plugin_engine_init (void)
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (eom_plugins_list == NULL, FALSE);
+ if (!g_module_supported ()) {
+ g_warning ("eom is not able to initialize the plugins engine.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client = mateconf_client_get_default ();
+ g_return_val_if_fail (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client != NULL, FALSE);
+ mateconf_client_add_dir (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client,
+ NULL);
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client,
+ eom_plugin_engine_active_plugins_changed,
+ active_plugins = mateconf_client_get_list (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client,
+ NULL);
+ eom_plugin_engine_load_all ();
+ return TRUE;
+eom_plugin_engine_garbage_collect (void)
+ eom_python_garbage_collect ();
+eom_plugin_engine_shutdown (void)
+ GList *pl;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ /* Note: that this may cause finalization of objects (typically
+ * the EomWindow) by running the garbage collector. Since some
+ * of the plugin may have installed callbacks upon object
+ * finalization (typically they need to free the WindowData)
+ * it must run before we get rid of the plugins.
+ */
+ eom_python_shutdown ();
+ g_return_if_fail (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client != NULL);
+ for (pl = eom_plugins_list; pl; pl = pl->next) {
+ EomPluginInfo *info = (EomPluginInfo*) pl->data;
+ eom_plugin_info_free (info);
+ }
+ g_slist_foreach (active_plugins, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (active_plugins);
+ active_plugins = NULL;
+ g_list_free (eom_plugins_list);
+ eom_plugins_list = NULL;
+ g_object_unref (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client);
+ eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client = NULL;
+const GList *
+eom_plugin_engine_get_plugins_list (void)
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ return eom_plugins_list;
+static gboolean
+load_plugin_module (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ gchar *path;
+ gchar *dirname;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info->file != NULL, FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info->location != NULL, FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info->plugin == NULL, FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info->available, FALSE);
+ switch (info->loader) {
+ dirname = g_path_get_dirname (info->file);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (dirname != NULL, FALSE);
+ path = g_module_build_path (dirname, info->location);
+ g_free (dirname);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, FALSE);
+ info->module = G_TYPE_MODULE (eom_module_new (path));
+ g_free (path);
+ break;
+ {
+ gchar *dir;
+ if (!eom_python_init ()) {
+ /* Mark plugin as unavailable and fails */
+ info->available = FALSE;
+ g_warning ("Cannot load Python plugin '%s' since eom "
+ "was not able to initialize the Python interpreter.",
+ info->name);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dir = g_path_get_dirname (info->file);
+ g_return_val_if_fail ((info->location != NULL) &&
+ (info->location[0] != '\0'),
+ info->module = G_TYPE_MODULE (
+ eom_python_module_new (dir, info->location));
+ g_free (dir);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
+ }
+ if (!g_type_module_use (info->module)) {
+ switch (info->loader) {
+ g_warning ("Cannot load plugin '%s' since file '%s' cannot be read.",
+ info->name,
+ eom_module_get_path (EOM_MODULE (info->module)));
+ break;
+ g_warning ("Cannot load Python plugin '%s' since file '%s' cannot be read.",
+ info->name,
+ info->location);
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (info->module));
+ info->module = NULL;
+ /* Mark plugin as unavailable and fails */
+ info->available = FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ switch (info->loader) {
+ info->plugin =
+ EOM_PLUGIN (eom_module_new_object (EOM_MODULE (info->module)));
+ break;
+ info->plugin =
+ EOM_PLUGIN (eom_python_module_new_object (EOM_PYTHON_MODULE (info->module)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE);
+ }
+ g_type_module_unuse (info->module);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "End");
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+eom_plugin_engine_activate_plugin_real (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ gboolean res = TRUE;
+ /* Plugin is not available, don't try to activate/load it */
+ if (!info->available) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (info->plugin == NULL)
+ res = load_plugin_module (info);
+ if (res) {
+ const GList *wins = eom_application_get_windows (EOM_APP);
+ while (wins != NULL) {
+ eom_plugin_activate (info->plugin,
+ EOM_WINDOW (wins->data));
+ wins = g_list_next (wins);
+ }
+ } else {
+ g_warning ("Error activating plugin '%s'", info->name);
+ }
+ return res;
+eom_plugin_engine_activate_plugin (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, FALSE);
+ if (!info->available)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (info->active)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (eom_plugin_engine_activate_plugin_real (info)) {
+ gboolean res;
+ GSList *list;
+ /* Update plugin state */
+ info->active = TRUE;
+ list = active_plugins;
+ while (list != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp (info->location, (gchar *)list->data) == 0) {
+ g_warning ("Plugin '%s' is already active.", info->name);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ list = g_slist_next (list);
+ }
+ active_plugins = g_slist_insert_sorted (active_plugins,
+ g_strdup (info->location),
+ (GCompareFunc)strcmp);
+ res = mateconf_client_set_list (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client,
+ active_plugins,
+ NULL);
+ if (!res)
+ g_warning ("Error saving the list of active plugins.");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+eom_plugin_engine_deactivate_plugin_real (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ const GList *wins = eom_application_get_windows (EOM_APP);
+ while (wins != NULL) {
+ eom_plugin_deactivate (info->plugin,
+ EOM_WINDOW (wins->data));
+ wins = g_list_next (wins);
+ }
+eom_plugin_engine_deactivate_plugin (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ gboolean res;
+ GSList *list;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, FALSE);
+ if (!info->active || !info->available)
+ return TRUE;
+ eom_plugin_engine_deactivate_plugin_real (info);
+ /* Update plugin state */
+ info->active = FALSE;
+ list = active_plugins;
+ res = (list == NULL);
+ while (list != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp (info->location, (gchar *)list->data) == 0) {
+ g_free (list->data);
+ active_plugins = g_slist_delete_link (active_plugins, list);
+ list = NULL;
+ res = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ list = g_slist_next (list);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!res) {
+ g_warning ("Plugin '%s' is already deactivated.", info->name);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ res = mateconf_client_set_list (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client,
+ active_plugins,
+ NULL);
+ if (!res)
+ g_warning ("Error saving the list of active plugins.");
+ return TRUE;
+eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_active (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, FALSE);
+ return (info->available && info->active);
+eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, FALSE);
+ return (info->available != FALSE);
+static void
+reactivate_all (EomWindow *window)
+ GList *pl;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ for (pl = eom_plugins_list; pl; pl = pl->next) {
+ gboolean res = TRUE;
+ EomPluginInfo *info = (EomPluginInfo*)pl->data;
+ /* If plugin is not available, don't try to activate/load it */
+ if (info->available && info->active) {
+ if (info->plugin == NULL)
+ res = load_plugin_module (info);
+ if (res)
+ eom_plugin_activate (info->plugin,
+ window);
+ }
+ }
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "End");
+eom_plugin_engine_update_plugins_ui (EomWindow *window,
+ gboolean new_window)
+ GList *pl;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ if (new_window)
+ reactivate_all (window);
+ /* Updated ui of all the plugins that implement update_ui */
+ for (pl = eom_plugins_list; pl; pl = pl->next) {
+ EomPluginInfo *info = (EomPluginInfo*)pl->data;
+ if (!info->available || !info->active)
+ continue;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Updating UI of %s", info->name);
+ eom_plugin_update_ui (info->plugin, window);
+ }
+eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_configurable (EomPluginInfo *info) {
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, FALSE);
+ if ((info->plugin == NULL) || !info->active || !info->available)
+ return FALSE;
+ return eom_plugin_is_configurable (info->plugin);
+eom_plugin_engine_configure_plugin (EomPluginInfo *info,
+ GtkWindow *parent)
+ GtkWidget *conf_dlg;
+ GtkWindowGroup *wg;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);
+ conf_dlg = eom_plugin_create_configure_dialog (info->plugin);
+ g_return_if_fail (conf_dlg != NULL);
+ gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (conf_dlg),
+ parent);
+ // Will return a default group if no group is set
+ wg = gtk_window_get_group (parent);
+ // For now assign a dedicated window group if it is
+ // the default one until we know if this is really needed
+ if (wg == gtk_window_get_group (NULL)) {
+ wg = gtk_window_group_new ();
+ gtk_window_group_add_window (wg, parent);
+ }
+ gtk_window_group_add_window (wg,
+ GTK_WINDOW (conf_dlg));
+ gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (conf_dlg), TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_show (conf_dlg);
+static void
+eom_plugin_engine_active_plugins_changed (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GList *pl;
+ gboolean to_activate;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ g_return_if_fail (entry->key != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (entry->value != NULL);
+ if (!((entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_LIST) &&
+ (mateconf_value_get_list_type (entry->value) == MATECONF_VALUE_STRING))) {
+ g_warning ("The mateconf key '%s' may be corrupted.", EOM_CONF_PLUGINS_ACTIVE_PLUGINS);
+ return;
+ }
+ active_plugins = mateconf_client_get_list (eom_plugin_engine_mateconf_client,
+ NULL);
+ for (pl = eom_plugins_list; pl; pl = pl->next) {
+ EomPluginInfo *info = (EomPluginInfo*)pl->data;
+ if (!info->available)
+ continue;
+ to_activate = (g_slist_find_custom (active_plugins,
+ info->location,
+ (GCompareFunc)strcmp) != NULL);
+ if (!info->active && to_activate) {
+ /* Activate plugin */
+ if (eom_plugin_engine_activate_plugin_real (info))
+ /* Update plugin state */
+ info->active = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ if (info->active && !to_activate) {
+ eom_plugin_engine_deactivate_plugin_real (info);
+ /* Update plugin state */
+ info->active = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+const gchar *
+eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, NULL);
+ return info->name;
+const gchar *
+eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_description (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, NULL);
+ return info->desc;
+const gchar *
+eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_icon_name (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, NULL);
+ /* Use the eom-plugin icon as a default if the plugin does not
+ have its own */
+ if (info->icon_name != NULL &&
+ gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (),
+ info->icon_name))
+ return info->icon_name;
+ else
+ return "eom-plugin";
+const gchar **
+eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_authors (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, (const gchar **)NULL);
+ return (const gchar **) info->authors;
+const gchar *
+eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_website (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, NULL);
+ return info->website;
+const gchar *
+eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_copyright (EomPluginInfo *info)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, NULL);
+ return info->copyright;
diff --git a/src/eom-plugin-engine.h b/src/eom-plugin-engine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2ce7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-plugin-engine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Plugin Engine
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-plugins-engine.h) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_PLUGIN_ENGINE_H__
+#define __EOM_PLUGIN_ENGINE_H__
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+typedef struct _EomPluginInfo EomPluginInfo;
+gboolean eom_plugin_engine_init (void);
+void eom_plugin_engine_shutdown (void);
+void eom_plugin_engine_garbage_collect (void);
+const GList *eom_plugin_engine_get_plugins_list (void);
+gboolean eom_plugin_engine_activate_plugin (EomPluginInfo *info);
+gboolean eom_plugin_engine_deactivate_plugin (EomPluginInfo *info);
+gboolean eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_active (EomPluginInfo *info);
+gboolean eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available (EomPluginInfo *info);
+gboolean eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_configurable
+ (EomPluginInfo *info);
+void eom_plugin_engine_configure_plugin (EomPluginInfo *info,
+ GtkWindow *parent);
+void eom_plugin_engine_update_plugins_ui (EomWindow *window,
+ gboolean new_window);
+const gchar *eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (EomPluginInfo *info);
+const gchar *eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_description
+ (EomPluginInfo *info);
+const gchar *eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_icon_name (EomPluginInfo *info);
+const gchar **eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_authors (EomPluginInfo *info);
+const gchar *eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_website (EomPluginInfo *info);
+const gchar *eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_copyright (EomPluginInfo *info);
+#endif /* __EOM_PLUGIN_ENGINE_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-plugin-manager.c b/src/eom-plugin-manager.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..623827f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-plugin-manager.c
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Plugin Manager
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-module.c) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "eom-plugin-manager.h"
+#include "eom-plugin-engine.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include "eom-plugin.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+enum {
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomPluginManager, eom_plugin_manager, GTK_TYPE_VBOX)
+#define PLUGIN_MANAGER_NAME_TITLE _("Plugin")
+struct _EomPluginManagerPrivate {
+ GtkWidget *tree;
+ GtkWidget *about_button;
+ GtkWidget *configure_button;
+ const GList *plugins;
+ GtkWidget *about;
+ GtkWidget *popup_menu;
+static EomPluginInfo *plugin_manager_get_selected_plugin (EomPluginManager *pm);
+static void plugin_manager_toggle_active (GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeModel *model);
+static void eom_plugin_manager_finalize (GObject *object);
+static void
+eom_plugin_manager_class_init (EomPluginManagerClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->finalize = eom_plugin_manager_finalize;
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EomPluginManagerPrivate));
+static void
+about_button_cb (GtkWidget *button,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ info = plugin_manager_get_selected_plugin (pm);
+ g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);
+ /* If there is another about dialog already open destroy it */
+ if (pm->priv->about)
+ gtk_widget_destroy (pm->priv->about);
+ pm->priv->about = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_ABOUT_DIALOG,
+ "program-name" , eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info),
+ "copyright", eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_copyright (info),
+ "authors", eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_authors (info),
+ "comments", eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_description (info),
+ "website", eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_website (info),
+ "logo-icon-name", eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_icon_name (info),
+ NULL);
+ gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent (GTK_WINDOW (pm->priv->about),
+ TRUE);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->about,
+ "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy),
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->about,
+ "destroy",
+ G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroyed),
+ &pm->priv->about);
+ gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (pm->priv->about),
+ GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET(pm))));
+ gtk_widget_show (pm->priv->about);
+static void
+configure_button_cb (GtkWidget *button,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ GtkWindow *toplevel;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ info = plugin_manager_get_selected_plugin (pm);
+ g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Configuring: %s\n",
+ eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info));
+ toplevel = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET(pm)));
+ eom_plugin_engine_configure_plugin (info, toplevel);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Done");
+static void
+plugin_manager_view_info_cell_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
+ GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ gchar *text;
+ g_return_if_fail (tree_model != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (tree_column != NULL);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, INFO_COLUMN, &info, -1);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return;
+ text = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>\n%s",
+ eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info),
+ eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_description (info));
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell),
+ "markup", text,
+ "sensitive", eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available (info),
+ NULL);
+ g_free (text);
+static void
+plugin_manager_view_icon_cell_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *tree_column,
+ GtkCellRenderer *cell,
+ GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ g_return_if_fail (tree_model != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (tree_column != NULL);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, INFO_COLUMN, &info, -1);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return;
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (cell),
+ "icon-name", eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_icon_name (info),
+ "sensitive", eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available (info),
+ NULL);
+static void
+active_toggled_cb (GtkCellRendererToggle *cell,
+ gchar *path_str,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string (path_str);
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path);
+ if (&iter != NULL)
+ plugin_manager_toggle_active (&iter, model);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+static void
+cursor_changed_cb (GtkTreeView *view,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomPluginManager *pm = data;
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ info = plugin_manager_get_selected_plugin (pm);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (pm->priv->about_button),
+ info != NULL);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (pm->priv->configure_button),
+ (info != NULL) &&
+ eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_configurable (info));
+static void
+row_activated_cb (GtkTreeView *tree_view,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomPluginManager *pm = data;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path);
+ g_return_if_fail (&iter != NULL);
+ plugin_manager_toggle_active (&iter, model);
+static void
+plugin_manager_populate_lists (EomPluginManager *pm)
+ const GList *plugins;
+ GtkListStore *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ plugins = pm->priv->plugins;
+ model = GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree)));
+ while (plugins) {
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ info = (EomPluginInfo *)plugins->data;
+ gtk_list_store_append (model, &iter);
+ gtk_list_store_set (model, &iter,
+ ACTIVE_COLUMN, eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_active (info),
+ AVAILABLE_COLUMN, eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available (info),
+ INFO_COLUMN, info,
+ -1);
+ plugins = plugins->next;
+ }
+ if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter)) {
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ EomPluginInfo* info;
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_if_fail (selection != NULL);
+ gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (selection, &iter);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter,
+ INFO_COLUMN, &info, -1);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (pm->priv->configure_button),
+ eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_configurable (info));
+ }
+static gboolean
+plugin_manager_set_active (GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ GtkTreeModel *model,
+ gboolean active)
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ gboolean res = TRUE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, INFO_COLUMN, &info, -1);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (info != NULL, FALSE);
+ if (active) {
+ /* Activate the plugin */
+ if (!eom_plugin_engine_activate_plugin (info)) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Could not activate %s.\n",
+ eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info));
+ res = FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Deactivate the plugin */
+ if (!eom_plugin_engine_deactivate_plugin (info)) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Could not deactivate %s.\n",
+ eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info));
+ res = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set new value */
+ gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model),
+ iter,
+ ACTIVE_COLUMN, eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_active (info),
+ AVAILABLE_COLUMN, eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available (info),
+ -1);
+ return res;
+static void
+plugin_manager_toggle_active (GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ GtkTreeModel *model)
+ gboolean active;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, ACTIVE_COLUMN, &active, -1);
+ active ^= 1;
+ plugin_manager_set_active (iter, model, active);
+static EomPluginInfo *
+plugin_manager_get_selected_plugin (EomPluginManager *pm)
+ EomPluginInfo *info = NULL;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_val_if_fail (model != NULL, NULL);
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_val_if_fail (selection != NULL, NULL);
+ if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, NULL, &iter)) {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, INFO_COLUMN, &info, -1);
+ }
+ return info;
+static void
+plugin_manager_set_active_all (EomPluginManager *pm,
+ gboolean active)
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter);
+ do {
+ plugin_manager_set_active (&iter, model, active);
+ } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));
+/* Callback used as the interactive search comparison function */
+static gboolean
+name_search_cb (GtkTreeModel *model,
+ gint column,
+ const gchar *key,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer data)
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ gchar *normalized_string;
+ gchar *normalized_key;
+ gchar *case_normalized_string;
+ gchar *case_normalized_key;
+ gint key_len;
+ gboolean retval;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, INFO_COLUMN, &info, -1);
+ if (!info)
+ return FALSE;
+ normalized_string = g_utf8_normalize (eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info), -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);
+ normalized_key = g_utf8_normalize (key, -1, G_NORMALIZE_ALL);
+ case_normalized_string = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_string, -1);
+ case_normalized_key = g_utf8_casefold (normalized_key, -1);
+ key_len = strlen (case_normalized_key);
+ /* Oddly enough, this callback must return whether to stop the search
+ * because we found a match, not whether we actually matched. */
+ retval = (strncmp (case_normalized_key, case_normalized_string, key_len) != 0);
+ g_free (normalized_key);
+ g_free (normalized_string);
+ g_free (case_normalized_key);
+ g_free (case_normalized_string);
+ return retval;
+static void
+enable_plugin_menu_cb (GtkMenu *menu,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree));
+ g_return_if_fail (selection != NULL);
+ if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, NULL, &iter))
+ plugin_manager_toggle_active (&iter, model);
+static void
+enable_all_menu_cb (GtkMenu *menu,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ plugin_manager_set_active_all (pm, TRUE);
+static void
+disable_all_menu_cb (GtkMenu *menu,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ plugin_manager_set_active_all (pm, FALSE);
+static GtkWidget *
+create_tree_popup_menu (EomPluginManager *pm)
+ GtkWidget *menu;
+ GtkWidget *item;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ EomPluginInfo *info;
+ info = plugin_manager_get_selected_plugin (pm);
+ if (info == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ menu = gtk_menu_new ();
+ item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (_("_About"));
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_ABOUT,
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (item), image);
+ g_signal_connect (item, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (about_button_cb), pm);
+ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
+ item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (_("C_onfigure"));
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES,
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (item), image);
+ g_signal_connect (item, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (configure_button_cb), pm);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item,
+ eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_configurable (info));
+ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
+ item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (_("A_ctivate"));
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (item,
+ eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_available (info));
+ gtk_check_menu_item_set_active (GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (item),
+ eom_plugin_engine_plugin_is_active (info));
+ g_signal_connect (item, "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (enable_plugin_menu_cb), pm);
+ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
+ item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new ();
+ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
+ item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (_("Ac_tivate All"));
+ g_signal_connect (item, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (enable_all_menu_cb), pm);
+ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
+ item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Deactivate All"));
+ g_signal_connect (item, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (disable_all_menu_cb), pm);
+ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (menu);
+ return menu;
+static void
+tree_popup_menu_detach (EomPluginManager *pm,
+ GtkMenu *menu)
+ pm->priv->popup_menu = NULL;
+static void
+menu_position_under_widget (GtkMenu *menu,
+ gint *x,
+ gint *y,
+ gboolean *push_in,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET (user_data);
+ GtkRequisition requisition;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gdk_window_get_origin (gtk_widget_get_window (w), x, y);
+ gtk_widget_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (menu), &requisition);
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (w, &allocation);
+ if (gtk_widget_get_direction (w) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL) {
+ *x += allocation.x + allocation.width - requisition.width;
+ } else {
+ *x += allocation.x;
+ }
+ *y += allocation.y + allocation.height;
+ *push_in = TRUE;
+static void
+menu_position_under_tree_view (GtkMenu *menu,
+ gint *x,
+ gint *y,
+ gboolean *push_in,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkTreeView *tree = GTK_TREE_VIEW (user_data);
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (tree);
+ g_return_if_fail (model != NULL);
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (tree);
+ g_return_if_fail (selection != NULL);
+ if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, NULL, &iter)) {
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GdkRectangle rect;
+ gdk_window_get_origin (gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET (tree)),
+ x, y);
+ path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, &iter);
+ gtk_tree_view_get_cell_area (tree,
+ path,
+ gtk_tree_view_get_column (tree, 0), /* FIXME 0 for RTL ? */
+ &rect);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ *x += rect.x;
+ *y += rect.y + rect.height;
+ if (gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (tree)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL) {
+ GtkRequisition requisition;
+ gtk_widget_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (menu), &requisition);
+ *x += rect.width - requisition.width;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* No selection -> regular "under widget" positioning */
+ menu_position_under_widget (menu,
+ x, y, push_in,
+ tree);
+ }
+static void
+show_tree_popup_menu (GtkTreeView *tree,
+ EomPluginManager *pm,
+ GdkEventButton *event)
+ if (pm->priv->popup_menu)
+ gtk_widget_destroy (pm->priv->popup_menu);
+ pm->priv->popup_menu = create_tree_popup_menu (pm);
+ if (pm->priv->popup_menu == NULL)
+ return;
+ gtk_menu_attach_to_widget (GTK_MENU (pm->priv->popup_menu),
+ GTK_WIDGET (pm),
+ (GtkMenuDetachFunc) tree_popup_menu_detach);
+ if (event != NULL) {
+ gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (pm->priv->popup_menu), NULL, NULL,
+ event->button, event->time);
+ } else {
+ gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (pm->priv->popup_menu), NULL, NULL,
+ menu_position_under_tree_view, tree,
+ 0, gtk_get_current_event_time ());
+ gtk_menu_shell_select_first (GTK_MENU_SHELL (pm->priv->popup_menu),
+ }
+static gboolean
+button_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *tree,
+ GdkEventButton *event,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ /* We want the treeview selection to be updated before showing the menu.
+ * This code is evil, thanks to Federico Mena Quintero's black magic.
+ * See:
+ * FIXME: Let's remove it asap.
+ */
+ static gboolean in_press = FALSE;
+ gboolean handled;
+ if (in_press)
+ return FALSE; /* we re-entered */
+ if (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS != event->type || 3 != event->button)
+ return FALSE; /* let the normal handler run */
+ in_press = TRUE;
+ handled = gtk_widget_event (tree, (GdkEvent *) event);
+ in_press = FALSE;
+ if (!handled)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* The selection is fully updated by now */
+ show_tree_popup_menu (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree), pm, event);
+ return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+popup_menu_cb (GtkTreeView *tree,
+ EomPluginManager *pm)
+ show_tree_popup_menu (tree, pm, NULL);
+ return TRUE;
+static gint
+model_name_sort_func (GtkTreeModel *model,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter1,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter2,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPluginInfo *info1, *info2;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter1, INFO_COLUMN, &info1, -1);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter2, INFO_COLUMN, &info2, -1);
+ return g_utf8_collate (eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info1),
+ eom_plugin_engine_get_plugin_name (info2));
+static void
+plugin_manager_construct_tree (EomPluginManager *pm)
+ GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
+ GtkCellRenderer *cell;
+ GtkListStore *model;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ model = gtk_list_store_new (N_COLUMNS,
+ gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree),
+ GTK_TREE_MODEL (model));
+ g_object_unref (model);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree), TRUE);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree), FALSE);
+ /* First column */
+ cell = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new ();
+ g_object_set (cell, "xpad", 6, NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (cell,
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (active_toggled_cb),
+ pm);
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (PLUGIN_MANAGER_ACTIVE_TITLE,
+ cell,
+ "active", ACTIVE_COLUMN,
+ "activatable", AVAILABLE_COLUMN,
+ "sensitive", AVAILABLE_COLUMN,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree), column);
+ /* Second column */
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();
+ gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, PLUGIN_MANAGER_NAME_TITLE);
+ gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (column, TRUE);
+ cell = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
+ gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, cell, FALSE);
+ g_object_set (cell, "stock-size", GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell,
+ plugin_manager_view_icon_cell_cb,
+ pm, NULL);
+ cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
+ gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, cell, TRUE);
+ g_object_set (cell, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, cell,
+ plugin_manager_view_info_cell_cb,
+ pm, NULL);
+ gtk_tree_view_column_set_spacing (column, 6);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree), column);
+ /* Sort on the plugin names */
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_default_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (model),
+ model_name_sort_func,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (model),
+ /* Enable search for our non-string column */
+ gtk_tree_view_set_search_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree),
+ gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func (GTK_TREE_VIEW (pm->priv->tree),
+ name_search_cb,
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->tree,
+ "cursor_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (cursor_changed_cb),
+ pm);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->tree,
+ "row_activated",
+ G_CALLBACK (row_activated_cb),
+ pm);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->tree,
+ "button-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (button_press_event_cb),
+ pm);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->tree,
+ "popup-menu",
+ G_CALLBACK (popup_menu_cb),
+ pm);
+ gtk_widget_show (pm->priv->tree);
+static void
+eom_plugin_manager_init (EomPluginManager *pm)
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GtkWidget *viewport;
+ GtkWidget *hbuttonbox;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PLUGINS);
+ gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (pm), 6);
+ label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("Active _Plugins:"));
+ gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (pm), label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ viewport = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (viewport),
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (viewport),
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (pm), viewport, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ pm->priv->tree = gtk_tree_view_new ();
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (viewport), pm->priv->tree);
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), pm->priv->tree);
+ hbuttonbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new ();
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (pm), hbuttonbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (hbuttonbox), GTK_BUTTONBOX_END);
+ gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (hbuttonbox), 8);
+ pm->priv->about_button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("_About Plugin"));
+ gtk_button_set_image (GTK_BUTTON (pm->priv->about_button),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_ABOUT,
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbuttonbox), pm->priv->about_button);
+ pm->priv->configure_button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("C_onfigure Plugin"));
+ gtk_button_set_image (GTK_BUTTON (pm->priv->configure_button),
+ gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES,
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbuttonbox), pm->priv->configure_button);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (viewport), 270, 100);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->about_button,
+ "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (about_button_cb),
+ pm);
+ g_signal_connect (pm->priv->configure_button,
+ "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (configure_button_cb),
+ pm);
+ plugin_manager_construct_tree (pm);
+ /* Get the list of available plugins (or installed) */
+ pm->priv->plugins = eom_plugin_engine_get_plugins_list ();
+ if (pm->priv->plugins != NULL) {
+ plugin_manager_populate_lists (pm);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (pm->priv->about_button, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (pm->priv->configure_button, FALSE);
+ }
+static void
+eom_plugin_manager_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomPluginManager *pm = EOM_PLUGIN_MANAGER (object);
+ if (pm->priv->popup_menu)
+ gtk_widget_destroy (pm->priv->popup_menu);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_plugin_manager_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+GtkWidget *
+eom_plugin_manager_new (void)
+ return g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_PLUGIN_MANAGER, NULL);
diff --git a/src/eom-plugin-manager.h b/src/eom-plugin-manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e35c817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-plugin-manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Plugin Manager
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-module.c) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+typedef struct _EomPluginManager EomPluginManager;
+typedef struct _EomPluginManagerClass EomPluginManagerClass;
+typedef struct _EomPluginManagerPrivate EomPluginManagerPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_PLUGIN_MANAGER (eom_plugin_manager_get_type())
+struct _EomPluginManager {
+ GtkVBox vbox;
+ EomPluginManagerPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomPluginManagerClass {
+ GtkVBoxClass parent_class;
+GType eom_plugin_manager_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_plugin_manager_new (void);
+#endif /* __EOM_PLUGIN_MANAGER_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-plugin.c b/src/eom-plugin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7210128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-plugin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-module.c) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-plugin.h"
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomPlugin, eom_plugin, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static void
+dummy (EomPlugin *plugin, EomWindow *window)
+static GtkWidget *
+create_configure_dialog (EomPlugin *plugin)
+ return NULL;
+static gboolean
+is_configurable (EomPlugin *plugin)
+ return (EOM_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS (plugin)->create_configure_dialog !=
+ create_configure_dialog);
+static void
+eom_plugin_class_init (EomPluginClass *klass)
+ klass->activate = dummy;
+ klass->deactivate = dummy;
+ klass->update_ui = dummy;
+ klass->create_configure_dialog = create_configure_dialog;
+ klass->is_configurable = is_configurable;
+static void
+eom_plugin_init (EomPlugin *plugin)
+eom_plugin_activate (EomPlugin *plugin, EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PLUGIN (plugin));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ EOM_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS (plugin)->activate (plugin, window);
+eom_plugin_deactivate (EomPlugin *plugin, EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PLUGIN (plugin));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ EOM_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS (plugin)->deactivate (plugin, window);
+eom_plugin_update_ui (EomPlugin *plugin, EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PLUGIN (plugin));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ EOM_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS (plugin)->update_ui (plugin, window);
+eom_plugin_is_configurable (EomPlugin *plugin)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_PLUGIN (plugin), FALSE);
+ return EOM_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS (plugin)->is_configurable (plugin);
+GtkWidget *
+eom_plugin_create_configure_dialog (EomPlugin *plugin)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_PLUGIN (plugin), NULL);
+ return EOM_PLUGIN_GET_CLASS (plugin)->create_configure_dialog (plugin);
diff --git a/src/eom-plugin.h b/src/eom-plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83151e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-module.c) by:
+ * - Paolo Maggi <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_PLUGIN_H__
+#define __EOM_PLUGIN_H__
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include <glib-object.h>
+typedef struct _EomPlugin EomPlugin;
+typedef struct _EomPluginClass EomPluginClass;
+typedef struct _EomPluginPrivate EomPluginPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_PLUGIN (eom_plugin_get_type())
+#define EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_PLUGIN, EomPluginClass))
+struct _EomPlugin {
+ GObject parent;
+struct _EomPluginClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_class;
+ void (*activate) (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window);
+ void (*deactivate) (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window);
+ void (*update_ui) (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window);
+ GtkWidget *(*create_configure_dialog)
+ (EomPlugin *plugin);
+ /* Plugins should not override this, it's handled automatically
+ * by the EomPluginClass */
+ gboolean (*is_configurable)
+ (EomPlugin *plugin);
+ /* Padding for future expansion */
+ void (*_eom_reserved1) (void);
+ void (*_eom_reserved2) (void);
+ void (*_eom_reserved3) (void);
+ void (*_eom_reserved4) (void);
+GType eom_plugin_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+void eom_plugin_activate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window);
+void eom_plugin_deactivate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window);
+void eom_plugin_update_ui (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window);
+gboolean eom_plugin_is_configurable (EomPlugin *plugin);
+GtkWidget *eom_plugin_create_configure_dialog
+ (EomPlugin *plugin);
+ * Utility macro used to register plugins
+ *
+ * use: EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE_WITH_CODE(PluginName, plugin_name, CODE)
+ */
+#define EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE_WITH_CODE(PluginName, plugin_name, CODE) \
+ \
+static GType plugin_name##_type = 0; \
+ \
+GType \
+plugin_name##_get_type (void) \
+{ \
+ return plugin_name##_type; \
+} \
+ \
+static void plugin_name##_init (PluginName *self); \
+static void plugin_name##_class_init (PluginName##Class *klass); \
+static gpointer plugin_name##_parent_class = NULL; \
+static void plugin_name##_class_intern_init (gpointer klass) \
+{ \
+ plugin_name##_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); \
+ plugin_name##_class_init ((PluginName##Class *) klass); \
+} \
+ \
+register_eom_plugin (GTypeModule *module) \
+{ \
+ static const GTypeInfo our_info = \
+ { \
+ sizeof (PluginName##Class), \
+ NULL, /* base_init */ \
+ NULL, /* base_finalize */ \
+ (GClassInitFunc) plugin_name##_class_intern_init, \
+ NULL, \
+ NULL, /* class_data */ \
+ sizeof (PluginName), \
+ 0, /* n_preallocs */ \
+ (GInstanceInitFunc) plugin_name##_init \
+ }; \
+ \
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Registering " #PluginName); \
+ \
+ /* Initialise the i18n stuff */ \
+ bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, EOM_LOCALEDIR); \
+ bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); \
+ \
+ plugin_name##_type = g_type_module_register_type (module, \
+ #PluginName, \
+ &our_info, \
+ 0); \
+ \
+ CODE \
+ \
+ return plugin_name##_type; \
+ * Utility macro used to register plugins
+ *
+ * use: EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE(PluginName, plugin_name)
+ */
+#define EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE(PluginName, plugin_name) \
+ EOM_PLUGIN_REGISTER_TYPE_WITH_CODE(PluginName, plugin_name, ;)
+ * Utility macro used to register gobject types in plugins with additional code
+ *
+ */
+#define EOM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(ObjectName, object_name, PARENT_TYPE, CODE) \
+ \
+static GType g_define_type_id = 0; \
+ \
+GType \
+object_name##_get_type (void) \
+{ \
+ return g_define_type_id; \
+} \
+ \
+static void object_name##_init (ObjectName *self); \
+static void object_name##_class_init (ObjectName##Class *klass); \
+static gpointer object_name##_parent_class = NULL; \
+static void object_name##_class_intern_init (gpointer klass) \
+{ \
+ object_name##_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); \
+ object_name##_class_init ((ObjectName##Class *) klass); \
+} \
+ \
+GType \
+object_name##_register_type (GTypeModule *module) \
+{ \
+ static const GTypeInfo our_info = \
+ { \
+ sizeof (ObjectName##Class), \
+ NULL, /* base_init */ \
+ NULL, /* base_finalize */ \
+ (GClassInitFunc) object_name##_class_intern_init, \
+ NULL, \
+ NULL, /* class_data */ \
+ sizeof (ObjectName), \
+ 0, /* n_preallocs */ \
+ (GInstanceInitFunc) object_name##_init \
+ }; \
+ \
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Registering " #ObjectName); \
+ \
+ g_define_type_id = g_type_module_register_type (module, \
+ #ObjectName, \
+ &our_info, \
+ 0); \
+ \
+ CODE \
+ \
+ return g_define_type_id; \
+ * Utility macro used to register gobject types in plugins
+ *
+ * use: EOM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_TYPE(ObjectName, object_name, PARENT_TYPE)
+ */
+#define EOM_PLUGIN_DEFINE_TYPE(ObjectName, object_name, PARENT_TYPE) \
+#endif /* __EOM_PLUGIN_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-preferences-dialog.c b/src/eom-preferences-dialog.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a9772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-preferences-dialog.c
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Preferences Dialog
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-preferences-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-plugin-manager.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include "eom-config-keys.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <mateconf/mateconf-client.h>
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomPreferencesDialog, eom_preferences_dialog, EOM_TYPE_DIALOG);
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+struct _EomPreferencesDialogPrivate {
+ MateConfClient *client;
+static GObject *instance = NULL;
+static void
+pd_check_toggle_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
+ char *key = NULL;
+ gboolean invert = FALSE;
+ gboolean value;
+ key = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), MATECONF_OBJECT_KEY);
+ invert = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), TOGGLE_INVERT_VALUE));
+ value = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget));
+ if (key == NULL) return;
+ mateconf_client_set_bool (MATECONF_CLIENT (data),
+ key,
+ (invert) ? !value : value,
+ NULL);
+static void
+pd_spin_button_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
+ char *key = NULL;
+ key = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), MATECONF_OBJECT_KEY);
+ if (key == NULL) return;
+ mateconf_client_set_int (MATECONF_CLIENT (data),
+ key,
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (widget)),
+ NULL);
+static void
+pd_color_change_cb (GtkColorButton *button, gpointer data)
+ GdkColor color;
+ char *key = NULL;
+ char *value = NULL;
+ gtk_color_button_get_color (button, &color);
+ value = g_strdup_printf ("#%02X%02X%02X",
+ / 256,
+ / 256,
+ / 256);
+ key = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (button), MATECONF_OBJECT_KEY);
+ if (key == NULL || value == NULL)
+ return;
+ mateconf_client_set_string (MATECONF_CLIENT (data),
+ key,
+ value,
+ NULL);
+ g_free (value);
+static void
+pd_radio_toggle_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
+ char *key = NULL;
+ char *value = NULL;
+ if (!gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget)))
+ return;
+ key = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), MATECONF_OBJECT_KEY);
+ value = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), MATECONF_OBJECT_VALUE);
+ if (key == NULL || value == NULL)
+ return;
+ mateconf_client_set_string (MATECONF_CLIENT (data),
+ key,
+ value,
+ NULL);
+static void
+eom_preferences_response_cb (GtkDialog *dlg, gint res_id, gpointer data)
+ switch (res_id) {
+ eom_util_show_help ("eom-prefs", NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dlg));
+ instance = NULL;
+ }
+static void
+eom_preferences_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPreferencesDialog *pref_dlg = EOM_PREFERENCES_DIALOG (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ pref_dlg->priv->client = g_value_get_object (value);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_preferences_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPreferencesDialog *pref_dlg = EOM_PREFERENCES_DIALOG (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ g_value_set_object (value, pref_dlg->priv->client);
+ break;
+ }
+static GObject *
+eom_preferences_dialog_constructor (GType type,
+ guint n_construct_properties,
+ GObjectConstructParam *construct_params)
+ EomPreferencesDialogPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ GtkWidget *interpolate_check;
+ GtkWidget *extrapolate_check;
+ GtkWidget *autorotate_check;
+ GtkWidget *bg_color_check;
+ GtkWidget *bg_color_button;
+ GtkWidget *color_radio;
+ GtkWidget *checkpattern_radio;
+ GtkWidget *background_radio;
+ GtkWidget *color_button;
+ GtkWidget *upscale_check;
+ GtkWidget *loop_check;
+ GtkWidget *seconds_spin;
+ GtkWidget *plugin_manager;
+ GtkWidget *plugin_manager_container;
+ GObject *object;
+ GdkColor color;
+ gchar *value;
+ object = G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_preferences_dialog_parent_class)->constructor
+ (type, n_construct_properties, construct_params);
+ priv = EOM_PREFERENCES_DIALOG (object)->priv;
+ eom_dialog_construct (EOM_DIALOG (object),
+ "eom-preferences-dialog.ui",
+ "eom_preferences_dialog");
+ eom_dialog_get_controls (EOM_DIALOG (object),
+ "eom_preferences_dialog", &dlg,
+ "interpolate_check", &interpolate_check,
+ "extrapolate_check", &extrapolate_check,
+ "autorotate_check", &autorotate_check,
+ "bg_color_check", &bg_color_check,
+ "bg_color_button", &bg_color_button,
+ "color_radio", &color_radio,
+ "checkpattern_radio", &checkpattern_radio,
+ "background_radio", &background_radio,
+ "color_button", &color_button,
+ "upscale_check", &upscale_check,
+ "loop_check", &loop_check,
+ "seconds_spin", &seconds_spin,
+ "plugin_manager_container", &plugin_manager_container,
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dlg),
+ "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_preferences_response_cb),
+ dlg);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (interpolate_check),
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL));
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (extrapolate_check),
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL));
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (interpolate_check),
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (extrapolate_check),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (interpolate_check),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_check_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (extrapolate_check),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_check_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (autorotate_check),
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL));
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (autorotate_check),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (autorotate_check),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_check_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (bg_color_check),
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (bg_color_check),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (bg_color_check),
+ "toggled", G_CALLBACK (pd_check_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ value = mateconf_client_get_string (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ if (gdk_color_parse (value, &color)){
+ gtk_color_button_set_color (GTK_COLOR_BUTTON (bg_color_button),
+ &color);
+ }
+ g_free (value);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (bg_color_button),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (bg_color_button),
+ "color-set",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_color_change_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (color_radio),
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (color_radio),
+ "COLOR");
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (color_radio),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_radio_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (checkpattern_radio),
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (checkpattern_radio),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (checkpattern_radio),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_radio_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (background_radio),
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (background_radio),
+ "NONE");
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (background_radio),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_radio_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ value = mateconf_client_get_string (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "COLOR") == 0) {
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (color_radio), TRUE);
+ }
+ else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "CHECK_PATTERN") == 0) {
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (checkpattern_radio), TRUE);
+ }
+ else {
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (background_radio), TRUE);
+ }
+ g_free (value);
+ value = mateconf_client_get_string (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ if (gdk_color_parse (value, &color)) {
+ gtk_color_button_set_color (GTK_COLOR_BUTTON (color_button),
+ &color);
+ }
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (color_button),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (color_button),
+ "color-set",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_color_change_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ g_free (value);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (upscale_check),
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL));
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (upscale_check),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (upscale_check),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_check_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (loop_check),
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL));
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (loop_check),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (loop_check),
+ "toggled",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_check_toggle_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (seconds_spin),
+ mateconf_client_get_int (priv->client,
+ NULL));
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (seconds_spin),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (seconds_spin),
+ "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_spin_button_changed_cb),
+ priv->client);
+ plugin_manager = eom_plugin_manager_new ();
+ g_assert (plugin_manager != NULL);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (plugin_manager_container),
+ plugin_manager,
+ 0);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (plugin_manager);
+ return object;
+static void
+eom_preferences_dialog_class_init (EomPreferencesDialogClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *g_object_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
+ g_object_class->constructor = eom_preferences_dialog_constructor;
+ g_object_class->set_property = eom_preferences_dialog_set_property;
+ g_object_class->get_property = eom_preferences_dialog_get_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("mateconf-client",
+ "MateConf Client",
+ "MateConf Client",
+ g_type_class_add_private (g_object_class, sizeof (EomPreferencesDialogPrivate));
+static void
+eom_preferences_dialog_init (EomPreferencesDialog *pref_dlg)
+ pref_dlg->priv = EOM_PREFERENCES_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (pref_dlg);
+ pref_dlg->priv->client = NULL;
+GObject *
+eom_preferences_dialog_get_instance (GtkWindow *parent, MateConfClient *client)
+ if (instance == NULL) {
+ instance = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_PREFERENCES_DIALOG,
+ "parent-window", parent,
+ "mateconf-client", client,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ return instance;
diff --git a/src/eom-preferences-dialog.h b/src/eom-preferences-dialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a05f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-preferences-dialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - EOM Preferences Dialog
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "eom-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <mateconf/mateconf-client.h>
+typedef struct _EomPreferencesDialog EomPreferencesDialog;
+typedef struct _EomPreferencesDialogClass EomPreferencesDialogClass;
+typedef struct _EomPreferencesDialogPrivate EomPreferencesDialogPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_PREFERENCES_DIALOG (eom_preferences_dialog_get_type ())
+struct _EomPreferencesDialog {
+ EomDialog dialog;
+ EomPreferencesDialogPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomPreferencesDialogClass {
+ EomDialogClass parent_class;
+GType eom_preferences_dialog_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GObject *eom_preferences_dialog_get_instance (GtkWindow *parent,
+ MateConfClient *client);
+#endif /* __EOM_PREFERENCES_DIALOG_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-print-image-setup.c b/src/eom-print-image-setup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..100d7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-print-image-setup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- Print Dialog Custom Widget
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gtk/gtkunixprint.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <glib/gprintf.h>
+#include <langinfo.h>
+#include "eom-print-image-setup.h"
+#include "eom-print-preview.h"
+ * @Title: Printing Custom Widget
+ * @Short_Description: a custom widget to setup image prints.
+ * @Stability_Level: Internal
+ * @See_Also: #EomPrintPreview
+ *
+ * This widget is to be used as the custom widget in a #GtkPrintUnixDialog in
+ * EOM. Through it, you can set the position and scaling of a image
+ * interactively.
+ */
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomPrintImageSetup, eom_print_image_setup, GTK_TYPE_TABLE);
+struct EomPrintImageSetupPrivate {
+ GtkWidget *left;
+ GtkWidget *right;
+ GtkWidget *top;
+ GtkWidget *bottom;
+ GtkWidget *center;
+ GtkWidget *width;
+ GtkWidget *height;
+ GtkWidget *scaling;
+ GtkWidget *unit;
+ GtkUnit current_unit;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
+ GtkWidget *preview;
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+#define FACTOR_INCH_TO_MM 25.4
+#define FACTOR_MM_TO_INCH 0.03937007874015748
+#define FACTOR_MM_TO_PIXEL 2.834645669
+static void eom_print_image_setup_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec);
+static void eom_print_image_setup_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec);
+static void on_left_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton, gpointer user_data);
+static void on_right_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton, gpointer user_data);
+static void on_top_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton, gpointer user_data);
+static void on_bottom_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton, gpointer user_data);
+static void on_width_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton, gpointer user_data);
+static void on_height_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton, gpointer user_data);
+static void
+block_handlers (EomPrintImageSetup *setup)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = setup->priv;
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (priv->left, on_left_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (priv->right, on_right_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (priv->width, on_width_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (priv->top, on_top_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (priv->bottom, on_bottom_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (priv->height, on_height_value_changed, setup);
+static void
+unblock_handlers (EomPrintImageSetup *setup)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = setup->priv;
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (priv->left, on_left_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (priv->right, on_right_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (priv->width, on_width_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (priv->top, on_top_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (priv->bottom, on_bottom_value_changed, setup);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (priv->height, on_height_value_changed, setup);
+static gdouble
+get_scale_to_px_factor (EomPrintImageSetup *setup)
+ gdouble factor = 0.;
+ switch (setup->priv->current_unit) {
+ case GTK_UNIT_MM:
+ factor = FACTOR_MM_TO_PIXEL;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ return factor;
+static gdouble
+get_max_percentage (EomPrintImageSetup *setup)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = setup->priv;
+ gdouble p_width, p_height;
+ gdouble width, height;
+ gint pix_width, pix_height;
+ gdouble perc;
+ p_width = gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH);
+ p_height = gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH);
+ eom_image_get_size (priv->image, &pix_width, &pix_height);
+ width = (gdouble)pix_width/FACTOR_INCH_TO_PIXEL;
+ height = (gdouble)pix_height/FACTOR_INCH_TO_PIXEL;
+ if (p_width > width && p_height > height) {
+ perc = 1.;
+ } else {
+ perc = MIN (p_width/width, p_height/height);
+ }
+ return perc;
+static void
+center (gdouble page_width,
+ gdouble width,
+ GtkSpinButton *s_left,
+ GtkSpinButton *s_right)
+ gdouble left, right;
+ left = (page_width - width)/2;
+ right = page_width - left - width;
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (s_left, left);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (s_right, right);
+static void
+on_center_changed (GtkComboBox *combobox,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetup *setup;
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ gint active;
+ setup = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data);
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ active = gtk_combo_box_get_active (combobox);
+ switch (active) {
+ center (gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->width)),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->right));
+ break;
+ center (gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->height)),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->bottom));
+ break;
+ center (gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->width)),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->right));
+ center (gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->height)),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->bottom));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (combobox, active);
+static void
+update_image_pos_ranges (EomPrintImageSetup *setup,
+ gdouble page_width,
+ gdouble page_height,
+ gdouble width,
+ gdouble height)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left),
+ 0, page_width - width);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->right),
+ 0, page_width - width);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top),
+ 0, page_height - height);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->bottom),
+ 0, page_height - height);
+static gboolean
+on_scale_changed (GtkRange *range,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ gdouble scale;
+ gdouble width, height;
+ gint pix_width, pix_height;
+ gdouble left, right, top, bottom;
+ gdouble page_width, page_height;
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ EomPrintImageSetup *setup;
+ gdouble factor;
+ EomImage *image;
+ setup = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data);
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->center), CENTER_NONE);
+ image = priv->image;
+ eom_image_get_size (image, &pix_width, &pix_height);
+ factor = get_scale_to_px_factor (setup);
+ width = (gdouble)pix_width/factor;
+ height = (gdouble)pix_height/factor;
+ left = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left));
+ top = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top));
+ scale = CLAMP (0.01*gtk_range_get_value (range), 0, get_max_percentage (setup));
+ eom_print_preview_set_scale (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (priv->preview), scale);
+ width *= scale;
+ height *= scale;
+ page_width = gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup, priv->current_unit);
+ page_height = gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup, priv->current_unit);
+ update_image_pos_ranges (setup, page_width, page_height, width, height);
+ right = page_width - left - width;
+ bottom = page_height - top - height;
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->width), width);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->height), height);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->right), right);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->bottom), bottom);
+ return FALSE;
+static gchar *
+on_scale_format_value (GtkScale *scale,
+ gdouble value)
+ return g_strdup_printf ("%i%%", (gint)value);
+static void
+position_values_changed (EomPrintImageSetup *setup,
+ GtkWidget *w_changed,
+ GtkWidget *w_to_update,
+ GtkWidget *w_size,
+ gdouble total_size,
+ gint change)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ gdouble changed, to_update, size;
+ gdouble pos;
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ size = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_size));
+ changed = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_changed));
+ to_update = total_size - changed - size;
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_to_update), to_update);
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->center), CENTER_NONE);
+ switch (change) {
+ pos = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (setup->priv->left));
+ if (setup->priv->current_unit == GTK_UNIT_MM) {
+ }
+ eom_print_preview_set_image_position (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (priv->preview), pos, -1);
+ break;
+ pos = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (setup->priv->top));
+ if (setup->priv->current_unit == GTK_UNIT_MM) {
+ }
+ eom_print_preview_set_image_position (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (priv->preview), -1, pos);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+on_left_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetup *setup;
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ setup = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data);
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ position_values_changed (setup,
+ priv->left, priv->right, priv->width,
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+static void
+on_right_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data)->priv;
+ position_values_changed (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data),
+ priv->right, priv->left, priv->width,
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+static void
+on_top_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data)->priv;
+ position_values_changed (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data),
+ priv->top, priv->bottom, priv->height,
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+static void
+on_bottom_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data)->priv;
+ position_values_changed (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data),
+ priv->bottom, priv->top, priv->height,
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+static void
+size_changed (EomPrintImageSetup *setup,
+ GtkWidget *w_size_x,
+ GtkWidget *w_size_y,
+ GtkWidget *w_margin_x_1,
+ GtkWidget *w_margin_x_2,
+ GtkWidget *w_margin_y_1,
+ GtkWidget *w_margin_y_2,
+ gdouble page_size_x,
+ gdouble page_size_y,
+ gint change)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ gdouble margin_x_1, margin_x_2;
+ gdouble margin_y_1, margin_y_2;
+ gdouble orig_size_x = -1, orig_size_y = -1, scale;
+ gdouble size_x, size_y;
+ gint pix_width, pix_height;
+ gdouble factor;
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ size_x = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_size_x));
+ margin_x_1 = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_margin_x_1));
+ margin_y_1 = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_margin_y_1));
+ eom_image_get_size (priv->image, &pix_width, &pix_height);
+ factor = get_scale_to_px_factor (setup);
+ switch (change) {
+ orig_size_x = (gdouble) pix_width / factor;
+ orig_size_y = (gdouble) pix_height / factor;
+ break;
+ orig_size_y = (gdouble) pix_width / factor;
+ orig_size_x = (gdouble) pix_height / factor;
+ break;
+ }
+ scale = CLAMP (size_x / orig_size_x, 0, 1);
+ size_y = scale * orig_size_y;
+ margin_x_2 = page_size_x - margin_x_1 - size_x;
+ margin_y_2 = page_size_y - margin_y_1 - size_y;
+ eom_print_preview_set_scale (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (priv->preview), scale);
+ switch (change) {
+ update_image_pos_ranges (setup, page_size_x, page_size_y, size_x, size_y);
+ break;
+ update_image_pos_ranges (setup, page_size_y, page_size_x, size_y, size_x);
+ break;
+ }
+ gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (priv->scaling), 100*scale);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_margin_x_2), margin_x_2);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_size_y), size_y);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (w_margin_y_2), margin_y_2);
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->center), CENTER_NONE);
+static void
+on_width_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data)->priv;
+ size_changed (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data),
+ priv->width, priv->height,
+ priv->left, priv->right,
+ priv->top, priv->bottom,
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+static void
+on_height_value_changed (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data)->priv;
+ size_changed (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data),
+ priv->height, priv->width,
+ priv->top, priv->bottom,
+ priv->left, priv->right,
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup,
+ priv->current_unit),
+static void
+change_unit (GtkSpinButton *spinbutton,
+ gdouble factor,
+ gint digits,
+ gdouble step,
+ gdouble page)
+ gdouble value;
+ gdouble range;
+ gtk_spin_button_get_range (spinbutton, NULL, &range);
+ range *= factor;
+ value = gtk_spin_button_get_value (spinbutton);
+ value *= factor;
+ gtk_spin_button_set_range (spinbutton, 0, range);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (spinbutton, value);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_digits (spinbutton, digits);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_increments (spinbutton, step, page);
+static void
+set_scale_unit (EomPrintImageSetup *setup,
+ GtkUnit unit)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = setup->priv;
+ gdouble factor;
+ gdouble step, page;
+ gint digits;
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (priv->current_unit == unit))
+ return;
+ switch (unit) {
+ case GTK_UNIT_MM:
+ factor = FACTOR_INCH_TO_MM;
+ digits = 0;
+ step = 1;
+ page = 10;
+ break;
+ factor = FACTOR_MM_TO_INCH;
+ digits = 2;
+ step = 0.01;
+ page = 0.1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ block_handlers (setup);
+ change_unit (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->width), factor, digits, step, page);
+ change_unit (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->height), factor, digits, step, page);
+ change_unit (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left), factor, digits, step, page);
+ change_unit (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->right), factor, digits, step, page);
+ change_unit (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top), factor, digits, step, page);
+ change_unit (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->bottom), factor, digits, step, page);
+ unblock_handlers (setup);
+ priv->current_unit = unit;
+static void
+on_unit_changed (GtkComboBox *combobox,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkUnit unit = GTK_UNIT_INCH;
+ switch (gtk_combo_box_get_active (combobox)) {
+ case UNIT_INCH:
+ unit = GTK_UNIT_INCH;
+ break;
+ case UNIT_MM:
+ unit = GTK_UNIT_MM;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ set_scale_unit (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data), unit);
+static void
+on_preview_image_moved (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (user_data)->priv;
+ gdouble x, y;
+ eom_print_preview_get_image_position (preview, &x, &y);
+ if (priv->current_unit == GTK_UNIT_MM) {
+ }
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left), x);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top), y);
+/* Function taken from gtkprintunixdialog.c */
+static GtkWidget *
+wrap_in_frame (const gchar *label,
+ GtkWidget *child)
+ GtkWidget *frame, *alignment, *label_widget;
+ gchar *bold_text;
+ label_widget = gtk_label_new ("");
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label_widget), 0.0, 0.5);
+ gtk_widget_show (label_widget);
+ bold_text = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>", label);
+ gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label_widget), bold_text);
+ g_free (bold_text);
+ frame = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (frame), label_widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ alignment = gtk_alignment_new (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ gtk_alignment_set_padding (GTK_ALIGNMENT (alignment),
+ 0, 0, 12, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (frame), alignment, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (alignment), child);
+ gtk_widget_show (frame);
+ gtk_widget_show (alignment);
+ return frame;
+static GtkWidget *
+table_attach_spin_button_with_label (GtkWidget *table,
+ const gchar* text_label,
+ gint left, gint top)
+ GtkWidget *label, *spin_button;
+ label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (text_label);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ spin_button = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range (0, 100, 0.01);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_digits (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spin_button), 2);
+ gtk_entry_set_width_chars (GTK_ENTRY (spin_button), 6);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, left, left + 1,
+ top, top + 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), spin_button, left + 1, left + 2,
+ top, top + 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), spin_button);
+ return spin_button;
+static void
+eom_print_image_setup_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPrintImageSetup *setup = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (object);
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = setup->priv;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ case PROP_IMAGE:
+ if (priv->image) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ }
+ priv->image = EOM_IMAGE (g_value_dup_object (value));
+ if (EOM_IS_IMAGE (priv->image)) {
+ pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (priv->image);
+ g_object_set (priv->preview, "image",
+ pixbuf, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ }
+ break;
+ priv->page_setup = g_value_get_object (value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+eom_print_image_setup_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPrintImageSetup *setup = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (object);
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv = setup->priv;
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ case PROP_IMAGE:
+ g_value_set_object (value, priv->image);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_object (value, priv->page_setup);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+set_initial_values (EomPrintImageSetup *setup)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
+ EomImage *image;
+ gdouble page_width, page_height;
+ gint pix_width, pix_height;
+ gdouble factor;
+ gdouble width, height;
+ gdouble max_perc;
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ page_setup = priv->page_setup;
+ image = priv->image;
+ factor = get_scale_to_px_factor (setup);
+ eom_image_get_size (image, &pix_width, &pix_height);
+ width = (gdouble)pix_width/factor;
+ height = (gdouble)pix_height/factor;
+ max_perc = get_max_percentage (setup);
+ width *= max_perc;
+ height *= max_perc;
+ gtk_range_set_range (GTK_RANGE (priv->scaling), 1, 100*max_perc);
+ gtk_range_set_increments (GTK_RANGE (priv->scaling), max_perc, 10*max_perc);
+ gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (priv->scaling), 100*max_perc);
+ eom_print_preview_set_scale (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (priv->preview), max_perc);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->width), 0, width);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_range (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->height), 0, height);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->width), width);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->height), height);
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->center),
+ center (gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (priv->page_setup, priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->width)),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left), GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->right));
+ center (gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (priv->page_setup, priv->current_unit),
+ gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->height)),
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top), GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->bottom));
+ page_width = gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (page_setup, priv->current_unit);
+ page_height = gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (page_setup, priv->current_unit);
+ update_image_pos_ranges (setup, page_width, page_height, width, height);
+static void
+connect_signals (EomPrintImageSetup *setup)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->left), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_left_value_changed), setup);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->right), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_right_value_changed), setup);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->top), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_top_value_changed), setup);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->bottom), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_bottom_value_changed), setup);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->width), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_width_value_changed), setup);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->height), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_height_value_changed), setup);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->scaling), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_scale_changed), setup);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->scaling), "format-value",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_scale_format_value), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->preview), "image-moved",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_preview_image_moved), setup);
+static void
+eom_print_image_setup_class_init (EomPrintImageSetupClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *)class;
+ object_class->set_property = eom_print_image_setup_set_property;
+ object_class->get_property = eom_print_image_setup_get_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_IMAGE,
+ g_param_spec_object ("image",
+ _("Image"),
+ _("The image whose printing properties will be set up"),
+ g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_PAGE_SETUP,
+ g_param_spec_object ("page-setup",
+ _("Page Setup"),
+ _("The information for the page where the image will be printed"),
+ g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (EomPrintImageSetupPrivate));
+static void
+eom_print_image_setup_init (EomPrintImageSetup *setup)
+ GtkWidget *frame;
+ GtkWidget *table;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GtkWidget *hscale;
+ GtkWidget *combobox;
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ gchar *locale_scale = NULL;
+ priv = setup->priv = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP_GET_PRIVATE (setup);
+ priv->image = NULL;
+ table = gtk_table_new (3, 4, FALSE);
+ gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);
+ gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 12);
+ frame = wrap_in_frame (_("Position"), table);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (setup), frame,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, 0,
+ 0, 0);
+ priv->left = table_attach_spin_button_with_label (table, _("_Left:"), 0, 0);
+ priv->right = table_attach_spin_button_with_label (table, _("_Right:"), 0, 1);
+ priv->top = table_attach_spin_button_with_label (table, _("_Top:"), 2, 0);
+ priv->bottom = table_attach_spin_button_with_label (table, _("_Bottom:"), 2, 1);
+ label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("C_enter:"));
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ combobox = gtk_combo_box_new_text ();
+ gtk_combo_box_insert_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox),
+ CENTER_NONE, _("None"));
+ gtk_combo_box_insert_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox),
+ CENTER_HORIZONTAL, _("Horizontal"));
+ gtk_combo_box_insert_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox),
+ CENTER_VERTICAL, _("Vertical"));
+ gtk_combo_box_insert_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox),
+ CENTER_BOTH, _("Both"));
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox), CENTER_NONE);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), combobox,
+ 1, 4, 2, 3, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), combobox);
+ priv->center = combobox;
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combobox), "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_center_changed), setup);
+ table = gtk_table_new (3, 4, FALSE);
+ gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 6);
+ gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 12);
+ frame = wrap_in_frame (_("Size"), table);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (setup), frame,
+ 0, 1, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, 0,
+ 0, 0);
+ priv->width = table_attach_spin_button_with_label (table, _("_Width:"),
+ 0, 0);
+ priv->height = table_attach_spin_button_with_label (table, _("_Height:"),
+ 2, 0);
+ label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Scaling:"));
+ hscale = gtk_hscale_new_with_range (1, 100, 1);
+ gtk_scale_set_value_pos (GTK_SCALE (hscale), GTK_POS_RIGHT);
+ gtk_range_set_value (GTK_RANGE (hscale), 100);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label,
+ 0, 1, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), hscale,
+ 1, 4, 1, 2, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), hscale);
+ priv->scaling = hscale;
+ label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Unit:"));
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
+ combobox = gtk_combo_box_new_text ();
+ gtk_combo_box_insert_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox), UNIT_MM,
+ _("Millimeters"));
+ gtk_combo_box_insert_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox), UNIT_INCH,
+ _("Inches"));
+ locale_scale = nl_langinfo (_NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT);
+ if (locale_scale && locale_scale[0] == 2) {
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox), UNIT_INCH);
+ set_scale_unit (setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH);
+ } else
+ {
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combobox), UNIT_MM);
+ set_scale_unit (setup, GTK_UNIT_MM);
+ }
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), combobox,
+ 1, 4, 2, 3, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, GTK_FILL,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), combobox);
+ priv->unit = combobox;
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combobox), "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_unit_changed), setup);
+ priv->preview = eom_print_preview_new ();
+ /* FIXME: This shouldn't be set by hand */
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->preview, 250, 250);
+ frame = wrap_in_frame (_("Preview"), priv->preview);
+ gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (setup), frame,
+ 1, 2, 0, 2, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (setup));
+ * eom_print_image_setup_new:
+ * @image: the #EomImage to print
+ * @page_setup: a #GtkPageSetup specifying the page where
+ * the image will be print
+ *
+ * Creates a new #EomPrintImageSetup widget, to be used as a custom
+ * widget in a #GtkPrintUnixDialog. This widgets allows to set
+ * the image position and scale in a page.
+ *
+ * Returns: a new #EomPrintImageSetup
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_print_image_setup_new (EomImage *image, GtkPageSetup *page_setup)
+ GtkWidget *setup;
+ GtkWidget *preview;
+ setup = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP,
+ "n-rows", 2,
+ "n-columns", 2,
+ "homogeneous", FALSE,
+ "row-spacing", 18,
+ "column-spacing", 18,
+ "border-width", 12,
+ "image", image,
+ "page-setup", page_setup,
+ NULL);
+ set_initial_values (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (setup));
+ preview = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (setup)->priv->preview;
+ eom_print_preview_set_from_page_setup (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (preview),
+ page_setup);
+ connect_signals (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (setup));
+ return setup;
+ * eom_print_image_setup_get_options:
+ * @setup: a #EomPrintImageSetup
+ * @left: a pointer where to store the image's left position
+ * @top: a pointer where to store the image's top position
+ * @scale: a pointer where to store the image's scale
+ * @unit: a pointer where to store the #GtkUnit used by the @left and @top values.
+ *
+ * Gets the options set by the #EomPrintImageSetup.
+ **/
+eom_print_image_setup_get_options (EomPrintImageSetup *setup,
+ gdouble *left,
+ gdouble *top,
+ gdouble *scale,
+ GtkUnit *unit)
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (setup));
+ priv = setup->priv;
+ *left = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->left));
+ *top = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (priv->top));
+ *scale = gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (priv->scaling));
+ *unit = priv->current_unit;
+eom_print_image_setup_update (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
+ GtkWidget *custom_widget,
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup,
+ GtkPrintSettings *print_settings,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkWidget *preview;
+ gdouble pos_x;
+ gdouble pos_y;
+ EomPrintImageSetup *setup;
+ setup = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (custom_widget);
+ setup->priv->page_setup = gtk_page_setup_copy (page_setup);
+ set_initial_values (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (setup));
+ preview = EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (setup)->priv->preview;
+ eom_print_preview_set_from_page_setup (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (preview),
+ setup->priv->page_setup);
+ pos_x = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (setup->priv->left));
+ pos_y = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (setup->priv->top));
+ if (setup->priv->current_unit == GTK_UNIT_MM) {
+ pos_x *= FACTOR_MM_TO_INCH;
+ pos_y *= FACTOR_MM_TO_INCH;
+ }
+ eom_print_preview_set_image_position (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (setup->priv->preview), pos_x, pos_y);
diff --git a/src/eom-print-image-setup.h b/src/eom-print-image-setup.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ed60cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-print-image-setup.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- Print Dialog Custom Widget
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "eom-image.h"
+typedef struct _EomPrintImageSetup EomPrintImageSetup;
+typedef struct _EomPrintImageSetupClass EomPrintImageSetupClass;
+typedef struct EomPrintImageSetupPrivate EomPrintImageSetupPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (eom_print_image_setup_get_type ())
+struct _EomPrintImageSetup {
+ GtkTable parent_instance;
+ EomPrintImageSetupPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomPrintImageSetupClass {
+ GtkTableClass parent_class;
+GType eom_print_image_setup_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_print_image_setup_new (EomImage *image,
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup);
+void eom_print_image_setup_get_options (EomPrintImageSetup *setup,
+ gdouble *left,
+ gdouble *top,
+ gdouble *scale,
+ GtkUnit *unit);
+void eom_print_image_setup_update (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
+ GtkWidget *custom_widget,
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup,
+ GtkPrintSettings *print_settings,
+ gpointer user_data);
diff --git a/src/eom-print-preview.c b/src/eom-print-preview.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13957c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-print-preview.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- Print Preview Widget
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <cairo.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-print-preview.h"
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomPrintPreview, eom_print_preview, GTK_TYPE_ASPECT_FRAME)
+struct _EomPrintPreviewPrivate {
+ GtkWidget *area;
+ GdkPixbuf *image;
+ GdkPixbuf *image_scaled;
+ /* The surface to set to the cairo context, created from the image */
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ /* Flag whether we have to create surface */
+ gboolean flag_create_surface;
+ /* the alignment of the image in the page */
+ gfloat image_x_align, image_y_align;
+ /* real paper size, in inches */
+ gfloat p_width, p_height;
+ /* page margins, in inches */
+ gfloat l_margin, r_margin, t_margin, b_margin;
+ /* page margins, relatives to the widget size */
+ gint l_rmargin, r_rmargin, t_rmargin, b_rmargin;
+ /* image width, relative to the widget size */
+ gint r_width, r_height;
+ /* scale of the image, as defined by the user */
+ gfloat i_scale;
+ /* scale of the page, relative to the widget size */
+ gfloat p_scale;
+ /* whether we are currently grabbing the image */
+ gboolean grabbed;
+ /* the last cursor position */
+ gdouble cursorx, cursory;
+ /* if we reject to move the image,
+ store the delta here */
+ gdouble r_dx, r_dy;
+/* Signal IDs */
+enum {
+static gint preview_signals [SIGNAL_LAST];
+enum {
+static void eom_print_preview_draw (EomPrintPreview *preview, cairo_t *cr);
+static void eom_print_preview_finalize (GObject *object);
+static void update_relative_sizes (EomPrintPreview *preview);
+static void create_surface (EomPrintPreview *preview);
+static void create_image_scaled (EomPrintPreview *preview);
+static gboolean create_surface_when_idle (EomPrintPreview *preview);
+static void
+eom_print_preview_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (object)->priv;
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ case PROP_IMAGE:
+ g_value_set_object (value, priv->image);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->image_x_align);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->image_y_align);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->i_scale);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->p_width);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->p_height);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->l_margin);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->r_margin);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->t_margin);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_float (value, priv->b_margin);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+eom_print_preview_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (object)->priv;
+ gboolean paper_size_changed = FALSE;
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ case PROP_IMAGE:
+ if (priv->image) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ }
+ priv->image = GDK_PIXBUF (g_value_dup_object (value));
+ if (priv->image_scaled) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->image_scaled);
+ priv->image_scaled = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->flag_create_surface = TRUE;
+ break;
+ priv->image_x_align = g_value_get_float (value);
+ break;
+ priv->image_y_align = g_value_get_float (value);
+ break;
+ priv->i_scale = g_value_get_float (value);
+ priv->flag_create_surface = TRUE;
+ break;
+ priv->p_width = g_value_get_float (value);
+ paper_size_changed = TRUE;
+ break;
+ priv->p_height = g_value_get_float (value);
+ paper_size_changed = TRUE;
+ break;
+ priv->l_margin = g_value_get_float (value);
+ break;
+ priv->r_margin = g_value_get_float (value);
+ break;
+ priv->t_margin = g_value_get_float (value);
+ break;
+ priv->b_margin = g_value_get_float (value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+ if (paper_size_changed) {
+ g_object_set (object,
+ "ratio", priv->p_width/priv->p_height,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ update_relative_sizes (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (object));
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (priv->area);
+static void
+eom_print_preview_class_init (EomPrintPreviewClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ gobject_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ gobject_class->get_property = eom_print_preview_get_property;
+ gobject_class->set_property = eom_print_preview_set_property;
+ gobject_class->finalize = eom_print_preview_finalize;
+ * EomPrintPreview:image:
+ *
+ * The "image" property defines the image that is previewed
+ * in the widget.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("image",
+ "Image to show in the preview",
+ "",
+ * EomPrintPreview:image-x-align:
+ *
+ * The "image-x-align" property defines the horizontal alignment
+ * of the image in the widget.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("image-x-align",
+ "Horizontal alignment for the image",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0.5,
+ * EomPrintPreview:image-y-align:
+ *
+ * The "image-y-align" property defines the horizontal alignment
+ * of the image in the widget.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("image-y-align",
+ "Vertical alignment for the image",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0.5,
+ * EomPrintPreview:image-scale:
+ *
+ * The "image-scale" property defines the scaling of the image
+ * that the user wants for the printing.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("image-scale",
+ "The scale for the image",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ * EomPrintPreview:paper-width:
+ *
+ * The width of the previewed paper, in inches.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("paper-width",
+ "Real paper width in inches",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 100,
+ 8.5,
+ * EomPrintPreview:paper-height:
+ *
+ * The height of the previewed paper, in inches.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("paper-height",
+ "Real paper height in inches",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 200,
+ 11,
+ * EomPrintPreview:page-left-margin:
+ *
+ * The size of the page's left margin, in inches.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("page-left-margin",
+ "Left margin of the page in inches",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 100,
+ 0.25,
+ * EomPrintPreview:page-right-margin:
+ *
+ * The size of the page's right margin, in inches.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("page-right-margin",
+ "Right margin of the page in inches",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 200,
+ 0.25,
+ * EomPrintPreview:page-top-margin:
+ *
+ * The size of the page's top margin, in inches.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("page-top-margin",
+ "Top margin of the page in inches",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 100,
+ 0.25,
+ * EomPrintPreview:page-bottom-margin:
+ *
+ * The size of the page's bottom margin, in inches.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_float ("page-bottom-margin",
+ "Bottom margin of the page in inches",
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 200,
+ 0.56,
+ * EomPrintPreview::image-moved:
+ * @preview: the object which received the signal
+ *
+ * The #EomPrintPreview::image-moved signal is emitted when the position
+ * of the image is changed.
+ */
+ preview_signals [SIGNAL_IMAGE_MOVED] =
+ g_signal_new ("image_moved",
+ G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (gobject_class),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE,
+ 0, NULL);
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EomPrintPreviewPrivate));
+static void
+eom_print_preview_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (object)->priv;
+ if (priv->image) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->image_scaled) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->image_scaled);
+ priv->image_scaled = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->surface) {
+ cairo_surface_destroy (priv->surface);
+ priv->surface = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_print_preview_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+eom_print_preview_init (EomPrintPreview *preview)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ gfloat ratio;
+ priv = preview->priv = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW_GET_PRIVATE (preview);
+ priv->area = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_drawing_area_new ());
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (preview), priv->area);
+ priv->p_width = 8.5;
+ priv->p_height = 11.0;
+ ratio = priv->p_width/priv->p_height;
+ gtk_aspect_frame_set (GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (preview),
+ 0.5, 0.5, ratio, FALSE);
+ priv->image = NULL;
+ priv->image_scaled = NULL;
+ priv->image_x_align = 0.5;
+ priv->image_y_align = 0.5;
+ priv->i_scale = 1;
+ priv->surface = NULL;
+ priv->flag_create_surface = TRUE;
+ priv->p_scale = 0;
+ priv->l_margin = 0.25;
+ priv->r_margin = 0.25;
+ priv->t_margin = 0.25;
+ priv->b_margin = 0.56;
+ priv->grabbed = FALSE;
+ priv->cursorx = 0;
+ priv->cursory = 0;
+ priv->r_dx = 0;
+ priv->r_dy = 0;
+static gboolean button_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *bev, gpointer user_data);
+static gboolean button_release_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *bev, gpointer user_data);
+static gboolean motion_notify_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *mev, gpointer user_data);
+static gboolean key_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer user_data);
+static void expose_event_cb (GtkDrawingArea *drawing_area, GdkEventExpose *eev, gpointer user_data);
+static void size_allocate_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation, gpointer user_data);
+ * eom_print_preview_new_with_pixbuf:
+ * @pixbuf: a #GdkPixbuf
+ *
+ * Creates a new #EomPrintPreview widget, and sets the #GdkPixbuf to preview
+ * on it.
+ *
+ * Returns: A new #EomPrintPreview widget.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_print_preview_new_with_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf)
+ EomPrintPreview *preview;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf), NULL);
+ preview = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (eom_print_preview_new ());
+ preview->priv->image = g_object_ref (pixbuf);
+ update_relative_sizes (preview);
+ return GTK_WIDGET (preview);
+ * eom_print_preview_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a new #EomPrintPreview widget, setting it to the default values,
+ * and leaving the page empty. You still need to set the #EomPrintPreview:image
+ * property to make it useful.
+ *
+ * Returns: A new and empty #EomPrintPreview widget.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_print_preview_new (void)
+ EomPrintPreview *preview;
+ GtkWidget *area;
+ preview = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW, NULL);
+ area = preview->priv->area;
+ gtk_widget_set_events (area,
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (area),
+ "can-focus", TRUE,
+ NULL);
+/* update_relative_sizes (preview); */
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (area), "expose-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (expose_event_cb), preview);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (area), "motion-notify-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (motion_notify_event_cb), preview);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (area), "button-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (button_press_event_cb), preview);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (area), "button-release-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (button_release_event_cb), preview);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (area), "key-press-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (key_press_event_cb), preview);
+ g_signal_connect (area, "size-allocate",
+ G_CALLBACK (size_allocate_cb), preview);
+ return GTK_WIDGET (preview);
+static void
+expose_event_cb (GtkDrawingArea *drawing_area,
+ GdkEventExpose *eev,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ cairo_t *cr;
+ widget = GTK_WIDGET (drawing_area);
+ priv = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data)->priv;
+ update_relative_sizes (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data));
+ cr = gdk_cairo_create (gtk_widget_get_window (widget));
+ eom_print_preview_draw (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data), cr);
+ if (cairo_status (cr) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Cairo is unhappy: %s\n",
+ cairo_status_to_string (cairo_status (cr)));
+ }
+ cairo_destroy (cr);
+ gdk_window_get_pointer (gtk_widget_get_window (widget), NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ * get_current_image_coordinates:
+ * @preview: an #EomPrintPreview
+ * @x0: A pointer where to store the x coordinate.
+ * @y0: A pointer where to store the y coordinate.
+ *
+ * This function returns the current image coordinates, according
+ * with the properties of the given @preview widget.
+ **/
+static void
+get_current_image_coordinates (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gint *x0, gint *y0)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ priv = preview->priv;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (priv->area), &allocation);
+ *x0 = (gint)((1 - priv->image_x_align)*priv->l_rmargin + priv->image_x_align*(allocation.width - priv->r_rmargin - priv->r_width));
+ *y0 = (gint)((1 - priv->image_y_align)*priv->t_rmargin + priv->image_y_align*(allocation.height - priv->b_rmargin - priv->r_height));
+ * press_inside_image_area:
+ * @preview: an #EomPrintPreview
+ * @x: the points x coordinate
+ * @y: the points y coordinate
+ *
+ * Returns whether the given point is inside the image area.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the given point is inside of the image area,
+ * %FALSE otherwise.
+ **/
+static gboolean
+press_inside_image_area (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ guint x,
+ guint y)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ gint x0, y0;
+ priv = preview->priv;
+ get_current_image_coordinates (preview, &x0, &y0);
+ if (x >= x0 && y >= y0 &&
+ x <= x0 + priv->r_width && y <= y0 + priv->r_height)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+create_image_scaled (EomPrintPreview *preview)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv = preview->priv;
+ if (!priv->image_scaled) {
+ gint i_width, i_height;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (priv->area, &allocation);
+ i_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image);
+ i_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->image);
+ if ((i_width > allocation.width) ||
+ (i_height > allocation.height)) {
+ gdouble scale;
+ scale = MIN ((gdouble) allocation.width/i_width,
+ (gdouble) allocation.height/i_height);
+ priv->image_scaled = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (priv->image,
+ i_width*scale,
+ i_height*scale,
+ } else {
+ priv->image_scaled = priv->image;
+ g_object_ref (priv->image_scaled);
+ }
+ }
+static GdkPixbuf *
+create_preview_buffer (EomPrintPreview *preview)
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ gint width, height;
+ GdkInterpType type = GDK_INTERP_TILES;
+ if (preview->priv->image == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ create_image_scaled (preview);
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (preview->priv->image);
+ height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (preview->priv->image);
+ width *= preview->priv->i_scale * preview->priv->p_scale;
+ height *= preview->priv->i_scale * preview->priv->p_scale;
+ if (width < 1 || height < 1)
+ return NULL;
+ /* to use GDK_INTERP_TILES for small pixbufs is expensive and unnecessary */
+ if (width < 25 || height < 25)
+ if (preview->priv->image_scaled) {
+ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (preview->priv->image_scaled,
+ width, height, type);
+ } else {
+ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (preview->priv->image,
+ width, height, type);
+ }
+ return pixbuf;
+ Function inspired from gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (). The main reason is
+ that I want to save the cairo_surface_t created from the scaled buffer to
+ improve performance.
+static cairo_surface_t *
+create_surface_from_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf)
+ gint width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
+ gint height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
+ guchar *gdk_pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
+ int gdk_rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
+ int n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf);
+ int cairo_stride;
+ guchar *cairo_pixels;
+ cairo_format_t format;
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ static const cairo_user_data_key_t key;
+ int j;
+ if (n_channels == 3)
+ format = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24;
+ else
+ format = CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32;
+ cairo_stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width (format, width);
+ cairo_pixels = g_malloc (height * cairo_stride);
+ surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ((unsigned char *)cairo_pixels,
+ format,
+ width, height, cairo_stride);
+ cairo_surface_set_user_data (surface, &key,
+ cairo_pixels, (cairo_destroy_func_t)g_free);
+ for (j = height; j; j--)
+ {
+ guchar *p = gdk_pixels;
+ guchar *q = cairo_pixels;
+ if (n_channels == 3)
+ {
+ guchar *end = p + 3 * width;
+ while (p < end)
+ {
+ q[0] = p[2];
+ q[1] = p[1];
+ q[2] = p[0];
+ q[1] = p[0];
+ q[2] = p[1];
+ q[3] = p[2];
+ p += 3;
+ q += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ guchar *end = p + 4 * width;
+ guint t1,t2,t3;
+#define MULT(d,c,a,t) G_STMT_START { t = c * a + 0x7f; d = ((t >> 8) + t) >> 8; } G_STMT_END
+ while (p < end)
+ {
+ MULT(q[0], p[2], p[3], t1);
+ MULT(q[1], p[1], p[3], t2);
+ MULT(q[2], p[0], p[3], t3);
+ q[3] = p[3];
+ q[0] = p[3];
+ MULT(q[1], p[0], p[3], t1);
+ MULT(q[2], p[1], p[3], t2);
+ MULT(q[3], p[2], p[3], t3);
+ p += 4;
+ q += 4;
+ }
+#undef MULT
+ }
+ gdk_pixels += gdk_rowstride;
+ cairo_pixels += cairo_stride;
+ }
+ return surface;
+static void
+create_surface (EomPrintPreview *preview)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv = preview->priv;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ if (priv->surface) {
+ cairo_surface_destroy (priv->surface);
+ priv->surface = NULL;
+ }
+ pixbuf = create_preview_buffer (preview);
+ if (pixbuf) {
+ priv->surface = create_surface_from_pixbuf (pixbuf);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ }
+ priv->flag_create_surface = FALSE;
+static gboolean
+create_surface_when_idle (EomPrintPreview *preview)
+ create_surface (preview);
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+button_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventButton *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintPreview *preview = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data);
+ preview->priv->cursorx = event->x;
+ preview->priv->cursory = event->y;
+ switch (event->button) {
+ case 1:
+ preview->priv->grabbed = press_inside_image_area (preview, event->x, event->y);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (preview->priv->grabbed) {
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (preview));
+ }
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (preview->priv->area);
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+button_release_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventButton *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintPreview *preview = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data);
+ switch (event->button) {
+ case 1:
+ preview->priv->grabbed = FALSE;
+ preview->priv->r_dx = 0;
+ preview->priv->r_dy = 0;
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (preview));
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+key_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventKey *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ gfloat delta, align;
+ gboolean stop_emission = FALSE;
+ const gchar *property;
+ priv = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data)->priv;
+ delta = 0;
+ switch (event->keyval) {
+ case GDK_Left:
+ property = "image-x-align";
+ delta = -0.01;
+ break;
+ case GDK_Right:
+ property = "image-x-align";
+ delta = 0.01;
+ break;
+ case GDK_Up:
+ property = "image-y-align";
+ delta = -0.01;
+ break;
+ case GDK_Down:
+ property = "image-y-align";
+ delta = 0.01;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (delta != 0) {
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (user_data),
+ property, &align,
+ NULL);
+ align += delta;
+ align = CLAMP (align, 0, 1);
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (user_data),
+ property, align,
+ NULL);
+ stop_emission = TRUE;
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data),
+ preview_signals
+ }
+ return stop_emission;
+static gboolean
+motion_notify_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventMotion *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data)->priv;
+ gdouble dx, dy;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ if (priv->grabbed) {
+ dx = event->x - priv->cursorx;
+ dy = event->y - priv->cursory;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation);
+ /* Make sure the image stays inside the margins */
+ priv->image_x_align += (dx + priv->r_dx)/(allocation.width - priv->r_width - priv->l_rmargin - priv->r_rmargin);
+ if (priv->image_x_align < 0. || priv->image_x_align > 1.) {
+ priv->image_x_align = CLAMP (priv->image_x_align, 0., 1.);
+ priv->r_dx += dx;
+ }
+ else
+ priv->r_dx = 0;
+ priv->image_y_align += (dy + priv->r_dy)/(allocation.height - priv->r_height - priv->t_rmargin - priv->b_rmargin);
+ if (priv->image_y_align < 0. || priv->image_y_align > 1.) {
+ priv->image_y_align = CLAMP (priv->image_y_align, 0., 1.);
+ priv->r_dy += dy;
+ } else
+ priv->r_dy = 0;
+ /* we do this to correctly change the property values */
+ g_object_set (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data),
+ "image-x-align", priv->image_x_align,
+ "image-y-align", priv->image_y_align,
+ NULL);
+ priv->cursorx = event->x;
+ priv->cursory = event->y;
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (user_data),
+ preview_signals
+ } else {
+ if (press_inside_image_area (EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data), event->x, event->y)) {
+ GdkCursor *cursor;
+ cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (widget),
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (widget),
+ cursor);
+ gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);
+ } else {
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (widget),
+ NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+size_allocate_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkAllocation *allocation,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintPreview *preview;
+ preview = EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW (user_data);
+ update_relative_sizes (preview);
+ preview->priv->flag_create_surface = TRUE;
+ if (preview->priv->image_scaled) {
+ g_object_unref (preview->priv->image_scaled);
+ preview->priv->image_scaled = NULL;
+ }
+ g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) create_surface_when_idle, preview);
+static void
+eom_print_preview_draw (EomPrintPreview *preview, cairo_t *cr)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *area;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gint x0, y0;
+ GtkStyle *style;
+ gboolean has_focus;
+ priv = preview->priv;
+ area = priv->area;
+ has_focus = gtk_widget_has_focus (area);
+ style = gtk_widget_get_style (area);
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (area, &allocation);
+ /* draw the page */
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->white);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, allocation.width, allocation.height);
+ cairo_fill (cr);
+ /* draw the page margins */
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->black);
+ cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.1);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr,
+ priv->l_rmargin, priv->t_rmargin,
+ allocation.width - priv->l_rmargin - priv->r_rmargin,
+ allocation.height - priv->t_rmargin - priv->b_rmargin);
+ cairo_stroke (cr);
+ get_current_image_coordinates (preview, &x0, &y0);
+ if (priv->flag_create_surface) {
+ create_surface (preview);
+ }
+ if (priv->surface) {
+ cairo_set_source_surface (cr, priv->surface, x0, y0);
+ cairo_paint (cr);
+ } else if (priv->image_scaled) {
+ /* just in the remote case we don't have the surface */
+ /* adjust (x0, y0) to the new scale */
+ gdouble scale = priv->i_scale * priv->p_scale *
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image) / gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image_scaled);
+ x0 /= scale;
+ y0 /= scale;
+ cairo_scale (cr, scale, scale);
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, priv->image_scaled, x0, y0);
+ cairo_paint (cr);
+ } else if (priv->image) {
+ /* just in the remote case we don't have the surface */
+ /* adjust (x0, y0) to the new scale */
+ x0 /= priv->i_scale * priv->p_scale;
+ y0 /= priv->i_scale * priv->p_scale;
+ cairo_scale (cr, priv->i_scale*priv->p_scale, priv->i_scale*priv->p_scale);
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, priv->image, x0, y0);
+ cairo_paint (cr);
+ }
+ if (has_focus) {
+ gtk_paint_focus (style, gtk_widget_get_window (area),
+ 0, 0, allocation.width, allocation.height);
+ }
+static void
+update_relative_sizes (EomPrintPreview *preview)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gint i_width, i_height;
+ priv = preview->priv;
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ i_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image);
+ i_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->image);
+ } else {
+ i_width = i_height = 0;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (priv->area, &allocation);
+ priv->p_scale = (gfloat) allocation.width / (priv->p_width * 72.0);
+ priv->r_width = (gint) i_width * priv->i_scale * priv->p_scale;
+ priv->r_height = (gint) i_height * priv->i_scale * priv->p_scale;
+ priv->l_rmargin = (gint) (72. * priv->l_margin * priv->p_scale);
+ priv->r_rmargin = (gint) (72. * priv->r_margin * priv->p_scale);
+ priv->t_rmargin = (gint) (72. * priv->t_margin * priv->p_scale);
+ priv->b_rmargin = (gint) (72. * priv->b_margin * priv->p_scale);
+ * eom_print_preview_set_page_margins:
+ * @preview: a #EomPrintPreview
+ * @l_margin: Left margin.
+ * @r_margin: Right margin.
+ * @t_margin: Top margin.
+ * @b_margin: Bottom margin.
+ *
+ * Manually set the margins, in inches.
+ **/
+eom_print_preview_set_page_margins (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gfloat l_margin,
+ gfloat r_margin,
+ gfloat t_margin,
+ gfloat b_margin)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PRINT_PREVIEW (preview));
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT(preview),
+ "page-left-margin", l_margin,
+ "page-right-margin", r_margin,
+ "page-top-margin", t_margin,
+ "page-bottom-margin", r_margin,
+ NULL);
+ * eom_print_preview_set_from_page_setup:
+ * @preview: a #EomPrintPreview
+ * @setup: a #GtkPageSetup to set the properties from
+ *
+ * Sets up the page properties from a #GtkPageSetup. Useful when using the
+ * widget with the GtkPrint API.
+ **/
+eom_print_preview_set_from_page_setup (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ GtkPageSetup *setup)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PRINT_PREVIEW (preview));
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_PAGE_SETUP (setup));
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (preview),
+ "page-left-margin", gtk_page_setup_get_left_margin (setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH),
+ "page-right-margin", gtk_page_setup_get_right_margin (setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH),
+ "page-top-margin", gtk_page_setup_get_top_margin (setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH),
+ "page-bottom-margin", gtk_page_setup_get_bottom_margin (setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH),
+ "paper-width", gtk_page_setup_get_paper_width (setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH),
+ "paper-height", gtk_page_setup_get_paper_height (setup, GTK_UNIT_INCH),
+ NULL);
+ * eom_print_preview_get_image_position:
+ * @preview: a #EomPrintPreview
+ * @x: a pointer to a #gdouble, or %NULL to ignore it
+ * @y: a pointer to a #gdouble, or %NULL to ignore it
+ *
+ * Gets current image position in inches, relative to the margins. A
+ * (0, 0) position is the intersection between the left and top margins.
+ **/
+eom_print_preview_get_image_position (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gdouble *x,
+ gdouble *y)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ gdouble width, height;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PRINT_PREVIEW (preview));
+ priv = preview->priv;
+ if (x != NULL) {
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image) * priv->i_scale / 72.;
+ *x = priv->image_x_align * (priv->p_width - priv->l_margin - priv->r_margin - width);
+ }
+ if (y != NULL) {
+ height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->image) * priv->i_scale / 72.;
+ *y = priv->image_y_align * (priv->p_height - priv->t_margin - priv->b_margin - height);
+ }
+ * eom_print_preview_set_image_position:
+ * @preview: a #EomPrintPreview
+ * @x: The X coordinate, in inches, or -1 to ignore it.
+ * @y: The Y coordinate, in inches, or -1 to ignore it.
+ *
+ * Sets the image position. You can pass -1 to one of the coordinates if you
+ * only want to set the other.
+ **/
+eom_print_preview_set_image_position (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gdouble x,
+ gdouble y)
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+ gfloat x_align, y_align;
+ gdouble width, height;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PRINT_PREVIEW (preview));
+ priv = preview->priv;
+ if (x != -1) {
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->image) * priv->i_scale / 72.;
+ x_align = CLAMP (x/(priv->p_width - priv->l_margin - priv->r_margin - width), 0, 1);
+ g_object_set (preview, "image-x-align", x_align, NULL);
+ }
+ if (y != -1) {
+ height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->image) * priv->i_scale / 72.;
+ y_align = CLAMP (y/(priv->p_height - priv->t_margin - priv->b_margin - height), 0, 1);
+ g_object_set (preview, "image-y-align", y_align, NULL);
+ }
+ * eom_print_preview_set_scale:
+ * @preview: a #EomPrintPreview
+ * @scale: a scale value, between 0 and 1.
+ *
+ * Sets the scale for the image.
+ **/
+eom_print_preview_set_scale (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gfloat scale)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PRINT_PREVIEW (preview));
+ g_object_set (preview,
+ "image-scale", scale,
+ NULL);
diff --git a/src/eom-print-preview.h b/src/eom-print-preview.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e245146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-print-preview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* Eye of MATE -- Print Preview Widget
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+typedef struct _EomPrintPreview EomPrintPreview;
+typedef struct _EomPrintPreviewClass EomPrintPreviewClass;
+typedef struct _EomPrintPreviewPrivate EomPrintPreviewPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_PRINT_PREVIEW (eom_print_preview_get_type ())
+struct _EomPrintPreview {
+ GtkAspectFrame aspect_frame;
+ EomPrintPreviewPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomPrintPreviewClass {
+ GtkAspectFrameClass parent_class;
+GType eom_print_preview_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_print_preview_new (void);
+GtkWidget *eom_print_preview_new_with_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);
+void eom_print_preview_set_page_margins (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gfloat l_margin,
+ gfloat r_margin,
+ gfloat t_margin,
+ gfloat b_margin);
+void eom_print_preview_set_from_page_setup (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ GtkPageSetup *setup);
+void eom_print_preview_get_image_position (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gdouble *x,
+ gdouble *y);
+void eom_print_preview_set_image_position (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gdouble x,
+ gdouble y);
+void eom_print_preview_set_scale (EomPrintPreview *preview,
+ gfloat scale);
+#endif /* _EOM_PRINT_PREVIEW_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-print.c b/src/eom-print.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c0ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-print.c
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+/* Eye of Mate - Print Operations
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-print.h"
+#include "eom-print-image-setup.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+#include <librsvg/rsvg-cairo.h>
+#define EOM_PRINT_SETTINGS_FILE "eom-print-settings.ini"
+#define EOM_PAGE_SETUP_GROUP "Page Setup"
+#define EOM_PRINT_SETTINGS_GROUP "Print Settings"
+typedef struct {
+ EomImage *image;
+ gdouble left_margin;
+ gdouble top_margin;
+ gdouble scale_factor;
+ GtkUnit unit;
+} EomPrintData;
+static void
+eom_print_draw_page (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
+ GtkPrintContext *context,
+ gint page_nr,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ cairo_t *cr;
+ gdouble dpi_x, dpi_y;
+ gdouble x0, y0;
+ gdouble scale_factor;
+ gdouble p_width, p_height;
+ gint width, height;
+ EomPrintData *data;
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PRINTING);
+ data = (EomPrintData *) user_data;
+ scale_factor = data->scale_factor/100;
+ dpi_x = gtk_print_context_get_dpi_x (context);
+ dpi_y = gtk_print_context_get_dpi_y (context);
+ switch (data->unit) {
+ x0 = data->left_margin * dpi_x;
+ y0 = data->top_margin * dpi_y;
+ break;
+ case GTK_UNIT_MM:
+ x0 = data->left_margin * dpi_x/25.4;
+ y0 = data->top_margin * dpi_y/25.4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (context);
+ cairo_translate (cr, x0, y0);
+ page_setup = gtk_print_context_get_page_setup (context);
+ p_width = gtk_page_setup_get_page_width (page_setup, GTK_UNIT_POINTS);
+ p_height = gtk_page_setup_get_page_height (page_setup, GTK_UNIT_POINTS);
+ eom_image_get_size (data->image, &width, &height);
+ /* this is both a workaround for a bug in cairo's PDF backend, and
+ a way to ensure we are not printing outside the page margins */
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, MIN (width*scale_factor, p_width), MIN (height*scale_factor, p_height));
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ cairo_scale (cr, scale_factor, scale_factor);
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ if (eom_image_is_svg (data->image))
+ {
+ RsvgHandle *svg = eom_image_get_svg (data->image);
+ rsvg_handle_render_cairo (svg, cr);
+ } else
+ {
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (data->image);
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, pixbuf, 0, 0);
+ cairo_paint (cr);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ }
+static GObject *
+eom_print_create_custom_widget (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
+ EomPrintData *data;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PRINTING);
+ data = (EomPrintData *)user_data;
+ page_setup = gtk_print_operation_get_default_page_setup (operation);
+ if (page_setup == NULL)
+ page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new ();
+ return G_OBJECT (eom_print_image_setup_new (data->image, page_setup));
+static void
+eom_print_custom_widget_apply (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
+ GtkWidget *widget,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintData *data;
+ gdouble left_margin, top_margin, scale_factor;
+ GtkUnit unit;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PRINTING);
+ data = (EomPrintData *)user_data;
+ eom_print_image_setup_get_options (EOM_PRINT_IMAGE_SETUP (widget),
+ &left_margin, &top_margin,
+ &scale_factor, &unit);
+ data->left_margin = left_margin;
+ data->top_margin = top_margin;
+ data->scale_factor = scale_factor;
+ data->unit = unit;
+static void
+eom_print_end_print (GtkPrintOperation *operation,
+ GtkPrintContext *context,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomPrintData *data = (EomPrintData*) user_data;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PRINTING);
+ g_object_unref (data->image);
+ g_slice_free (EomPrintData, data);
+GtkPrintOperation *
+eom_print_operation_new (EomImage *image,
+ GtkPrintSettings *print_settings,
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup)
+ GtkPrintOperation *print;
+ EomPrintData *data;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PRINTING);
+ print = gtk_print_operation_new ();
+ data = g_slice_new0 (EomPrintData);
+ data->left_margin = 0;
+ data->top_margin = 0;
+ data->scale_factor = 100;
+ data->image = g_object_ref (image);
+ data->unit = GTK_UNIT_INCH;
+ gtk_print_operation_set_print_settings (print, print_settings);
+ gtk_print_operation_set_default_page_setup (print,
+ page_setup);
+ gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages (print, 1);
+ gtk_print_operation_set_job_name (print,
+ eom_image_get_caption (image));
+ gtk_print_operation_set_embed_page_setup (print, TRUE);
+ g_signal_connect (print, "draw_page",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_print_draw_page),
+ data);
+ g_signal_connect (print, "create-custom-widget",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_print_create_custom_widget),
+ data);
+ g_signal_connect (print, "custom-widget-apply",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_print_custom_widget_apply),
+ data);
+ g_signal_connect (print, "end-print",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_print_end_print),
+ data);
+ g_signal_connect (print, "update-custom-widget",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_print_image_setup_update),
+ data);
+ gtk_print_operation_set_custom_tab_label (print, _("Image Settings"));
+ return print;
+static GKeyFile *
+eom_print_get_key_file (void)
+ GKeyFile *key_file;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ gchar *filename;
+ GFile *file;
+ const gchar *dot_dir = eom_util_dot_dir ();
+ filename = g_build_filename (dot_dir, EOM_PRINT_SETTINGS_FILE, NULL);
+ file = g_file_new_for_path (filename);
+ key_file = g_key_file_new ();
+ if (g_file_query_exists (file, NULL)) {
+ g_key_file_load_from_file (key_file, filename,
+ &error);
+ if (error) {
+ g_warning ("Error loading print settings file: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ g_free (filename);
+ g_key_file_free (key_file);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ g_free (filename);
+ return key_file;
+GtkPageSetup *
+eom_print_get_page_setup (void)
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
+ GKeyFile *key_file;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ key_file = eom_print_get_key_file ();
+ if (key_file && g_key_file_has_group (key_file, EOM_PAGE_SETUP_GROUP)) {
+ page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new_from_key_file (key_file, EOM_PAGE_SETUP_GROUP, &error);
+ } else {
+ page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new ();
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new ();
+ g_warning ("Error loading print settings file: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ if (key_file)
+ g_key_file_free (key_file);
+ return page_setup;
+static void
+eom_print_save_key_file (GKeyFile *key_file)
+ gchar *filename;
+ gchar *data;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ const gchar *dot_dir = eom_util_dot_dir ();
+ filename = g_build_filename (dot_dir, EOM_PRINT_SETTINGS_FILE, NULL);
+ data = g_key_file_to_data (key_file, NULL, NULL);
+ g_file_set_contents (filename, data, -1, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ g_warning ("Error saving print settings file: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ g_free (filename);
+ g_free (data);
+eom_print_set_page_setup (GtkPageSetup *page_setup)
+ GKeyFile *key_file;
+ key_file = eom_print_get_key_file ();
+ if (key_file == NULL) {
+ key_file = g_key_file_new ();
+ }
+ gtk_page_setup_to_key_file (page_setup, key_file, EOM_PAGE_SETUP_GROUP);
+ eom_print_save_key_file (key_file);
+ g_key_file_free (key_file);
+GtkPrintSettings *
+eom_print_get_print_settings (void)
+ GtkPrintSettings *print_settings;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GKeyFile *key_file;
+ key_file = eom_print_get_key_file ();
+ if (key_file && g_key_file_has_group (key_file, EOM_PRINT_SETTINGS_GROUP)) {
+ print_settings = gtk_print_settings_new_from_key_file (key_file, EOM_PRINT_SETTINGS_GROUP, &error);
+ } else {
+ print_settings = gtk_print_settings_new ();
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ print_settings = gtk_print_settings_new ();
+ g_warning ("Error loading print settings file: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ if (key_file)
+ g_key_file_free (key_file);
+ return print_settings;
+eom_print_set_print_settings (GtkPrintSettings *print_settings)
+ GKeyFile *key_file;
+ key_file = eom_print_get_key_file ();
+ if (key_file == NULL) {
+ key_file = g_key_file_new ();
+ }
+ gtk_print_settings_to_key_file (print_settings, key_file, EOM_PRINT_SETTINGS_GROUP);
+ eom_print_save_key_file (key_file);
+ g_key_file_free (key_file);
diff --git a/src/eom-print.h b/src/eom-print.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3e857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-print.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* Eye of Mate - Print Operations
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_PRINT_H__
+#define __EOM_PRINT_H__
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+GtkPrintOperation* eom_print_operation_new (EomImage *image,
+ GtkPrintSettings *print_settings,
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup);
+GtkPageSetup* eom_print_get_page_setup (void);
+void eom_print_set_page_setup (GtkPageSetup *page_setup);
+GtkPrintSettings * eom_print_get_print_settings (void);
+void eom_print_set_print_settings (GtkPrintSettings *print_settings);
+#endif /* __EOM_PRINT_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-properties-dialog.c b/src/eom-properties-dialog.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21a346f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-properties-dialog.c
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image Properties Dialog
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ * Hubert Figuiere <[email protected]> (XMP support)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-properties-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include "eom-exif-util.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <exempi/xmp.h>
+#include <exempi/xmpconsts.h>
+#define HAVE_METADATA 1
+#include "eom-exif-details.h"
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomPropertiesDialog, eom_properties_dialog, EOM_TYPE_DIALOG);
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+struct _EomPropertiesDialogPrivate {
+ EomThumbView *thumbview;
+ gboolean update_page;
+ EomPropertiesDialogPage current_page;
+ GtkWidget *notebook;
+ GtkWidget *close_button;
+ GtkWidget *next_button;
+ GtkWidget *previous_button;
+ GtkWidget *general_box;
+ GtkWidget *thumbnail_image;
+ GtkWidget *name_label;
+ GtkWidget *width_label;
+ GtkWidget *height_label;
+ GtkWidget *type_label;
+ GtkWidget *bytes_label;
+ GtkWidget *location_label;
+ GtkWidget *created_label;
+ GtkWidget *modified_label;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ GtkWidget *exif_aperture_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_exposure_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_focal_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_flash_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_iso_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_metering_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_model_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_date_label;
+ GtkWidget *xmp_location_label;
+ GtkWidget *xmp_description_label;
+ GtkWidget *xmp_keywords_label;
+ GtkWidget *xmp_creator_label;
+ GtkWidget *xmp_rights_label;
+ GtkWidget *exif_box;
+ GtkWidget *exif_details_expander;
+ GtkWidget *exif_details;
+ GtkWidget *metadata_details_box;
+ GtkWidget *metadata_details_sw;
+ gboolean netbook_mode;
+static void
+pd_update_general_tab (EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg,
+ EomImage *image)
+ gchar *bytes_str, *dir_str, *uri_str;
+ gchar *width_str, *height_str;
+ GFile *file;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ const char *mime_str;
+ char *type_str;
+ gint width, height;
+ goffset bytes;
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (prop_dlg->priv->thumbnail_image),
+ "pixbuf", eom_image_get_thumbnail (image),
+ NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (prop_dlg->priv->name_label),
+ eom_image_get_caption (image));
+ eom_image_get_size (image, &width, &height);
+ width_str = g_strdup_printf ("%d %s", width,
+ ngettext ("pixel", "pixels", width));
+ height_str = g_strdup_printf ("%d %s", height,
+ ngettext ("pixel", "pixels", height));
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (prop_dlg->priv->width_label), width_str);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (prop_dlg->priv->height_label),
+ height_str);
+ g_free (height_str);
+ g_free (width_str);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ type_str = g_strdup (_("Unknown"));
+ } else {
+ mime_str = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ type_str = g_content_type_get_description (mime_str);
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ }
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (prop_dlg->priv->type_label), type_str);
+ bytes = eom_image_get_bytes (image);
+ bytes_str = g_format_size_for_display (bytes);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (prop_dlg->priv->bytes_label), bytes_str);
+ uri_str = eom_image_get_uri_for_display (image);
+ dir_str = g_path_get_dirname (uri_str);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (prop_dlg->priv->location_label),
+ dir_str);
+ g_free (type_str);
+ g_free (bytes_str);
+ g_free (dir_str);
+ g_free (uri_str);
+static void
+eom_exif_set_label (GtkWidget *w, ExifData *exif_data, gint tag_id)
+ gchar exif_buffer[512];
+ const gchar *buf_ptr;
+ gchar *label_text = NULL;
+ if (exif_data) {
+ buf_ptr = eom_exif_util_get_value (exif_data, tag_id,
+ exif_buffer, 512);
+ if (tag_id == EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL && buf_ptr)
+ label_text = eom_exif_util_format_date (buf_ptr);
+ else
+ label_text = eom_util_make_valid_utf8 (buf_ptr);
+ }
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (w), label_text);
+ g_free (label_text);
+static void
+eom_exif_set_focal_length_label (GtkWidget *w, ExifData *exif_data)
+ ExifEntry *entry = NULL, *entry35mm = NULL;
+ ExifByteOrder byte_order;
+ gfloat f_val = 0.0;
+ gchar *fl_text = NULL,*fl35_text = NULL;
+ /* If no ExifData is supplied the label will be
+ * cleared later as fl35_text is NULL. */
+ if (exif_data != NULL) {
+ entry = exif_data_get_entry (exif_data, EXIF_TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH);
+ entry35mm = exif_data_get_entry (exif_data,
+ byte_order = exif_data_get_byte_order (exif_data);
+ }
+ if (entry && G_LIKELY (entry->format == EXIF_FORMAT_RATIONAL)) {
+ ExifRational value;
+ /* Decode value by hand as libexif is not necessarily returning
+ * it in the format we want it to be.
+ */
+ value = exif_get_rational (entry->data, byte_order);
+ /* Guard against div by zero */
+ if (G_LIKELY(value.denominator != 0))
+ f_val = (gfloat)value.numerator/
+ (gfloat)value.denominator;
+ /* TRANSLATORS: This is the actual focal length used when
+ the image was taken.*/
+ fl_text = g_strdup_printf (_("%.1f (lens)"), f_val);
+ }
+ if (entry35mm && G_LIKELY (entry35mm->format == EXIF_FORMAT_SHORT)) {
+ ExifShort s_val;
+ s_val = exif_get_short (entry35mm->data, byte_order);
+ /* Print as float to get a similar look as above. */
+ /* TRANSLATORS: This is the equivalent focal length assuming
+ a 35mm film camera. */
+ fl35_text = g_strdup_printf(_("%.1f (35mm film)"),(float)s_val);
+ }
+ if (fl_text) {
+ if (fl35_text) {
+ gchar *merged_txt;
+ merged_txt = g_strconcat (fl35_text,", ", fl_text, NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (w), merged_txt);
+ g_free (merged_txt);
+ } else {
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (w), fl_text);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* This will also clear the label if no ExifData was supplied */
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (w), fl35_text);
+ }
+ g_free (fl35_text);
+ g_free (fl_text);
+static void
+eom_xmp_set_label (XmpPtr xmp,
+ const char *ns,
+ const char *propname,
+ GtkWidget *w)
+ uint32_t options;
+ XmpStringPtr value = xmp_string_new ();
+ if (xmp_get_property (xmp, ns, propname, value, &options)) {
+ if (XMP_IS_PROP_SIMPLE (options)) {
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (w), xmp_string_cstr (value));
+ } else if (XMP_IS_PROP_ARRAY (options)) {
+ XmpIteratorPtr iter = xmp_iterator_new (xmp,
+ ns,
+ propname,
+ GString *string = g_string_new ("");
+ if (iter) {
+ gboolean first = TRUE;
+ while (xmp_iterator_next (iter, NULL, NULL, value, &options)
+ && !XMP_IS_PROP_QUALIFIER (options)) {
+ if (!first) {
+ g_string_append_printf(string, ", ");
+ } else {
+ first = FALSE;
+ }
+ g_string_append_printf (string,
+ "%s",
+ xmp_string_cstr (value));
+ }
+ xmp_iterator_free (iter);
+ }
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (w), string->str);
+ g_string_free (string, TRUE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Property was not found */
+ /* Clear label so it won't show bogus data */
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (w), NULL);
+ }
+ xmp_string_free (value);
+static void
+pd_update_metadata_tab (EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg,
+ EomImage *image)
+ EomPropertiesDialogPrivate *priv;
+ GtkNotebook *notebook;
+ ExifData *exif_data;
+ XmpPtr xmp_data;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (prop_dlg));
+ priv = prop_dlg->priv;
+ notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook);
+ if (TRUE
+ && !eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF)
+ && !eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_XMP)
+ ) {
+ if (gtk_notebook_get_current_page (notebook) == EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG_PAGE_EXIF) {
+ gtk_notebook_prev_page (notebook);
+ } else if (gtk_notebook_get_current_page (notebook) == EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG_PAGE_DETAILS) {
+ gtk_notebook_set_current_page (notebook, EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG_PAGE_GENERAL);
+ }
+ if (gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->exif_box)) {
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->exif_box);
+ }
+ if (gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->metadata_details_box)) {
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->metadata_details_box);
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->exif_box))
+ gtk_widget_show_all (priv->exif_box);
+ if (priv->netbook_mode &&
+ !gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->metadata_details_box)) {
+ gtk_widget_show_all (priv->metadata_details_box);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->exif_details_expander);
+ }
+ }
+ exif_data = (ExifData *) eom_image_get_exif_info (image);
+ eom_exif_set_label (priv->exif_aperture_label,
+ exif_data, EXIF_TAG_FNUMBER);
+ eom_exif_set_label (priv->exif_exposure_label,
+ eom_exif_set_focal_length_label (priv->exif_focal_label, exif_data);
+ eom_exif_set_label (priv->exif_flash_label,
+ exif_data, EXIF_TAG_FLASH);
+ eom_exif_set_label (priv->exif_iso_label,
+ eom_exif_set_label (priv->exif_metering_label,
+ eom_exif_set_label (priv->exif_model_label,
+ exif_data, EXIF_TAG_MODEL);
+ eom_exif_set_label (priv->exif_date_label,
+ eom_exif_details_update (EOM_EXIF_DETAILS (priv->exif_details),
+ exif_data);
+ /* exif_data_unref can handle NULL-values */
+ exif_data_unref(exif_data);
+ xmp_data = (XmpPtr) eom_image_get_xmp_info (image);
+ if (xmp_data != NULL) {
+ eom_xmp_set_label (xmp_data,
+ "Location",
+ priv->xmp_location_label);
+ eom_xmp_set_label (xmp_data,
+ NS_DC,
+ "description",
+ priv->xmp_description_label);
+ eom_xmp_set_label (xmp_data,
+ NS_DC,
+ "subject",
+ priv->xmp_keywords_label);
+ eom_xmp_set_label (xmp_data,
+ NS_DC,
+ "creator",
+ priv->xmp_creator_label);
+ eom_xmp_set_label (xmp_data,
+ NS_DC,
+ "rights",
+ priv->xmp_rights_label);
+ eom_exif_details_xmp_update (EOM_EXIF_DETAILS (priv->exif_details), xmp_data);
+ xmp_free (xmp_data);
+ } else {
+ /* Image has no XMP data */
+ /* Clear the labels so they won't display foreign data.*/
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->xmp_location_label), NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->xmp_description_label),
+ NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->xmp_keywords_label), NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->xmp_creator_label), NULL);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->xmp_rights_label), NULL);
+ }
+static gboolean
+pd_resize_dialog (gpointer user_data)
+ gint width, height;
+ gtk_window_get_size (GTK_WINDOW (user_data),
+ &width,
+ &height);
+ gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (user_data), width, 1);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+pd_exif_details_activated_cb (GtkExpander *expander,
+ GParamSpec *param_spec,
+ GtkWidget *dialog)
+ gboolean expanded;
+ expanded = gtk_expander_get_expanded (expander);
+ /*FIXME: this is depending on the expander animation
+ * duration. Need to find a safer way for doing that. */
+ if (!expanded)
+ g_timeout_add (150, pd_resize_dialog, dialog);
+static void
+pd_close_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ eom_dialog_hide (EOM_DIALOG (user_data));
+static gboolean
+eom_properties_dialog_page_switch (GtkNotebook *notebook,
+ GtkNotebookPage *page,
+ gint page_index,
+ EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg)
+ if (prop_dlg->priv->update_page)
+ prop_dlg->priv->current_page = page_index;
+ return TRUE;
+static gint
+eom_properties_dialog_delete (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventAny *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (user_data), FALSE);
+ eom_dialog_hide (EOM_DIALOG (user_data));
+ return TRUE;
+eom_properties_dialog_set_netbook_mode (EomPropertiesDialog *dlg,
+ gboolean enable)
+ EomPropertiesDialogPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (dlg));
+ priv = dlg->priv;
+ if (priv->netbook_mode == enable)
+ return;
+ priv->netbook_mode = enable;
+ if (enable) {
+ gtk_widget_reparent (priv->metadata_details_sw,
+ priv->metadata_details_box);
+ // Only show details box if metadata is being displayed
+ if (gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->exif_box))
+ gtk_widget_show_all (priv->metadata_details_box);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->exif_details_expander);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_reparent (priv->metadata_details_sw,
+ priv->exif_details_expander);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (priv->exif_details_expander);
+ if (gtk_notebook_get_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook)) == EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG_PAGE_DETAILS)
+ gtk_notebook_prev_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook));
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->metadata_details_box);
+ }
+static void
+eom_properties_dialog_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg = EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ prop_dlg->priv->thumbview = g_value_get_object (value);
+ break;
+ eom_properties_dialog_set_netbook_mode (prop_dlg,
+ g_value_get_boolean (value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_properties_dialog_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg = EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ g_value_set_object (value, prop_dlg->priv->thumbview);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_boolean (value,
+ prop_dlg->priv->netbook_mode);
+ break;
+ default:
+ pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_properties_dialog_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg;
+ EomPropertiesDialogPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (object));
+ prop_dlg = EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (object);
+ priv = prop_dlg->priv;
+ if (priv->thumbview) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->thumbview);
+ priv->thumbview = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_properties_dialog_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_properties_dialog_class_init (EomPropertiesDialogClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *g_object_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
+ g_object_class->dispose = eom_properties_dialog_dispose;
+ g_object_class->set_property = eom_properties_dialog_set_property;
+ g_object_class->get_property = eom_properties_dialog_get_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("thumbview",
+ "Thumbview",
+ "Thumbview",
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class, PROP_NETBOOK_MODE,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("netbook-mode",
+ "Netbook Mode",
+ "Netbook Mode",
+ g_type_class_add_private (g_object_class, sizeof (EomPropertiesDialogPrivate));
+static void
+eom_properties_dialog_init (EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg)
+ EomPropertiesDialogPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+#ifndef HAVE_EXEMPI
+ GtkWidget *xmp_box, *xmp_box_label;
+ GtkWidget *sw;
+ prop_dlg->priv = EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (prop_dlg);
+ priv = prop_dlg->priv;
+ priv->update_page = FALSE;
+ eom_dialog_construct (EOM_DIALOG (prop_dlg),
+ "eom-image-properties-dialog.ui",
+ "eom_image_properties_dialog");
+ eom_dialog_get_controls (EOM_DIALOG (prop_dlg),
+ "eom_image_properties_dialog", &dlg,
+ "notebook", &priv->notebook,
+ "previous_button", &priv->previous_button,
+ "next_button", &priv->next_button,
+ "close_button", &priv->close_button,
+ "thumbnail_image", &priv->thumbnail_image,
+ "general_box", &priv->general_box,
+ "name_label", &priv->name_label,
+ "width_label", &priv->width_label,
+ "height_label", &priv->height_label,
+ "type_label", &priv->type_label,
+ "bytes_label", &priv->bytes_label,
+ "location_label", &priv->location_label,
+ "created_label", &priv->created_label,
+ "modified_label", &priv->modified_label,
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ "exif_aperture_label", &priv->exif_aperture_label,
+ "exif_exposure_label", &priv->exif_exposure_label,
+ "exif_focal_label", &priv->exif_focal_label,
+ "exif_flash_label", &priv->exif_flash_label,
+ "exif_iso_label", &priv->exif_iso_label,
+ "exif_metering_label", &priv->exif_metering_label,
+ "exif_model_label", &priv->exif_model_label,
+ "exif_date_label", &priv->exif_date_label,
+ "xmp_location_label", &priv->xmp_location_label,
+ "xmp_description_label", &priv->xmp_description_label,
+ "xmp_keywords_label", &priv->xmp_keywords_label,
+ "xmp_creator_label", &priv->xmp_creator_label,
+ "xmp_rights_label", &priv->xmp_rights_label,
+ "xmp_box", &xmp_box,
+ "xmp_box_label", &xmp_box_label,
+ "exif_box", &priv->exif_box,
+ "exif_details_expander", &priv->exif_details_expander,
+ "metadata_details_box", &priv->metadata_details_box,
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (dlg,
+ "delete-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_properties_dialog_delete),
+ prop_dlg);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->notebook,
+ "switch-page",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_properties_dialog_page_switch),
+ prop_dlg);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->close_button,
+ "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_close_button_clicked_cb),
+ prop_dlg);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->thumbnail_image, 100, 100);
+ sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw),
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw),
+ priv->exif_details = eom_exif_details_new ();
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->exif_details, -1, 170);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (sw), 6);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (sw), priv->exif_details);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (sw);
+ priv->metadata_details_sw = sw;
+ if (priv->netbook_mode) {
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->exif_details_expander);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->metadata_details_box),
+ sw, TRUE, TRUE, 6);
+ } else {
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->exif_details_expander),
+ sw);
+ }
+ g_signal_connect_after (G_OBJECT (priv->exif_details_expander),
+ "notify::expanded",
+ G_CALLBACK (pd_exif_details_activated_cb),
+ dlg);
+#ifndef HAVE_EXEMPI
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (xmp_box);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (xmp_box_label);
+ /* Remove pages from back to front. Otherwise the page index
+ * needs to be adjusted when deleting the next page. */
+ gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook),
+ gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->notebook),
+GObject *
+eom_properties_dialog_new (GtkWindow *parent,
+ EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ GtkAction *next_image_action,
+ GtkAction *previous_image_action)
+ GObject *prop_dlg;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WINDOW (parent), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_VIEW (thumbview), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION (next_image_action), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION (previous_image_action), NULL);
+ prop_dlg = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_PROPERTIES_DIALOG,
+ "parent-window", parent,
+ "thumbview", thumbview,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (prop_dlg)->priv->next_button), next_image_action);
+ gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (prop_dlg)->priv->previous_button), previous_image_action);
+ return prop_dlg;
+eom_properties_dialog_update (EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg,
+ EomImage *image)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (prop_dlg));
+ prop_dlg->priv->update_page = FALSE;
+ pd_update_general_tab (prop_dlg, image);
+ pd_update_metadata_tab (prop_dlg, image);
+ gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (prop_dlg->priv->notebook),
+ prop_dlg->priv->current_page);
+ prop_dlg->priv->update_page = TRUE;
+eom_properties_dialog_set_page (EomPropertiesDialog *prop_dlg,
+ EomPropertiesDialogPage page)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (prop_dlg));
+ prop_dlg->priv->current_page = page;
+ gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (prop_dlg->priv->notebook),
+ page);
diff --git a/src/eom-properties-dialog.h b/src/eom-properties-dialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95a2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-properties-dialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Image Properties Dialog
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "eom-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+typedef struct _EomPropertiesDialog EomPropertiesDialog;
+typedef struct _EomPropertiesDialogClass EomPropertiesDialogClass;
+typedef struct _EomPropertiesDialogPrivate EomPropertiesDialogPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (eom_properties_dialog_get_type ())
+typedef enum {
+} EomPropertiesDialogPage;
+struct _EomPropertiesDialog {
+ EomDialog dialog;
+ EomPropertiesDialogPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomPropertiesDialogClass {
+ EomDialogClass parent_class;
+GType eom_properties_dialog_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GObject *eom_properties_dialog_new (GtkWindow *parent,
+ EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ GtkAction *next_image_action,
+ GtkAction *previous_image_action);
+void eom_properties_dialog_update (EomPropertiesDialog *prop,
+ EomImage *image);
+void eom_properties_dialog_set_page (EomPropertiesDialog *prop,
+ EomPropertiesDialogPage page);
+void eom_properties_dialog_set_netbook_mode (EomPropertiesDialog *dlg,
+ gboolean enable);
+#endif /* __EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-python-module.c b/src/eom-python-module.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e05a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-python-module.c
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+ * eom-python-module.c
+ * This file is part of eom
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Raphael Slinckx
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+/* This needs to be included before any standard header
+ * see */
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <pygobject.h>
+#include <pygtk/pygtk.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <gmodule.h>
+#include "eom-python-module.h"
+#include "eom-python-plugin.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000
+typedef int Py_ssize_t;
+struct _EomPythonModulePrivate {
+ gchar *module;
+ gchar *path;
+ GType type;
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+void pyeom_register_classes (PyObject *d);
+void pyeom_add_constants (PyObject *module, const gchar *strip_prefix);
+extern PyMethodDef pyeom_functions[];
+static PyTypeObject *PyEomPlugin_Type;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomPythonModule, eom_python_module, G_TYPE_TYPE_MODULE)
+static gboolean
+eom_python_module_load (GTypeModule *gmodule)
+ EomPythonModulePrivate *priv = EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_GET_PRIVATE (gmodule);
+ PyObject *main_module, *main_locals, *locals, *key, *value;
+ PyObject *module, *fromlist;
+ Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (Py_IsInitialized (), FALSE);
+ main_module = PyImport_AddModule ("__main__");
+ if (main_module == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Could not get __main__.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* If we have a special path, we register it */
+ if (priv->path != NULL) {
+ PyObject *sys_path = PySys_GetObject ("path");
+ PyObject *path = PyString_FromString (priv->path);
+ if (PySequence_Contains(sys_path, path) == 0)
+ PyList_Insert (sys_path, 0, path);
+ Py_DECREF(path);
+ }
+ main_locals = PyModule_GetDict (main_module);
+ /* We need a fromlist to be able to import modules with
+ * a '.' in the name. */
+ fromlist = PyTuple_New(0);
+ module = PyImport_ImportModuleEx (priv->module, main_locals, main_locals, fromlist);
+ Py_DECREF(fromlist);
+ if (!module) {
+ PyErr_Print ();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ locals = PyModule_GetDict (module);
+ while (PyDict_Next (locals, &pos, &key, &value)) {
+ if (!PyType_Check(value))
+ continue;
+ if (PyObject_IsSubclass (value, (PyObject*) PyEomPlugin_Type)) {
+ priv->type = eom_python_plugin_get_type (gmodule, value);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+eom_python_module_unload (GTypeModule *module)
+ EomPythonModulePrivate *priv = EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_GET_PRIVATE (module);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Unloading Python module");
+ priv->type = 0;
+GObject *
+eom_python_module_new_object (EomPythonModule *module)
+ EomPythonModulePrivate *priv = EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_GET_PRIVATE (module);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Creating object of type %s", g_type_name (priv->type));
+ if (priv->type == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ return g_object_new (priv->type, NULL);
+static void
+eom_python_module_init (EomPythonModule *module)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Init of Python module");
+static void
+eom_python_module_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomPythonModulePrivate *priv = EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_GET_PRIVATE (object);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Finalizing Python module %s", g_type_name (priv->type));
+ g_free (priv->module);
+ g_free (priv->path);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_python_module_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+eom_python_module_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ g_return_if_reached ();
+static void
+eom_python_module_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomPythonModule *mod = EOM_PYTHON_MODULE (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_GET_PRIVATE (mod)->module = g_value_dup_string (value);
+ break;
+ case PROP_PATH:
+ EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_GET_PRIVATE (mod)->path = g_value_dup_string (value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_return_if_reached ();
+ }
+static void
+eom_python_module_class_init (EomPythonModuleClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ GTypeModuleClass *module_class = G_TYPE_MODULE_CLASS (class);
+ object_class->finalize = eom_python_module_finalize;
+ object_class->get_property = eom_python_module_get_property;
+ object_class->set_property = eom_python_module_set_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property
+ (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_string ("module",
+ "Module Name",
+ "The Python module to load for this plugin",
+ g_object_class_install_property
+ (object_class,
+ g_param_spec_string ("path",
+ "Path",
+ "The Python path to use when loading this module",
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EomPythonModulePrivate));
+ module_class->load = eom_python_module_load;
+ module_class->unload = eom_python_module_unload;
+EomPythonModule *
+eom_python_module_new (const gchar *path,
+ const gchar *module)
+ EomPythonModule *result;
+ if (module == NULL || module[0] == '\0')
+ return NULL;
+ result = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_PYTHON_MODULE,
+ "module", module,
+ "path", path,
+ NULL);
+ g_type_module_set_name (G_TYPE_MODULE (result), module);
+ return result;
+static gint idle_garbage_collect_id = 0;
+/* C equivalent of
+ * import pygtk
+ * pygtk.require ("2.0")
+ */
+static gboolean
+check_pygtk2 (void)
+ PyObject *pygtk, *mdict, *require;
+ /* pygtk.require("2.0") */
+ pygtk = PyImport_ImportModule ("pygtk");
+ if (pygtk == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Error initializing Python interpreter: could not import pygtk.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ mdict = PyModule_GetDict (pygtk);
+ require = PyDict_GetItemString (mdict, "require");
+ PyObject_CallObject (require,
+ Py_BuildValue ("(S)", PyString_FromString ("2.0")));
+ if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
+ g_warning ("Error initializing Python interpreter: pygtk 2 is required.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* Note: the following two functions are needed because
+ * init_pyobject and init_pygtk which are *macros* which in case
+ * case of error set the PyErr and then make the calling
+ * function return behind our back.
+ * It's up to the caller to check the result with PyErr_Occurred()
+ */
+static void
+eom_init_pygobject (void)
+ init_pygobject_check (2, 11, 5); /* FIXME: get from config */
+static void
+eom_init_pygtk (void)
+ PyObject *gtk, *mdict, *version, *required_version;
+ init_pygtk ();
+ /* There isn't init_pygtk_check(), do the version
+ * check ourselves */
+ gtk = PyImport_ImportModule("gtk");
+ mdict = PyModule_GetDict(gtk);
+ version = PyDict_GetItemString (mdict, "pygtk_version");
+ if (!version) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ImportError,
+ "PyGObject version too old");
+ return;
+ }
+ required_version = Py_BuildValue ("(iii)", 2, 4, 0); /* FIXME */
+ if (PyObject_Compare (version, required_version) == -1) {
+ PyErr_SetString (PyExc_ImportError,
+ "PyGObject version too old");
+ Py_DECREF (required_version);
+ return;
+ }
+ Py_DECREF (required_version);
+eom_python_init (void)
+ PyObject *mdict, *path, *tuple;
+ PyObject *sys_path, *eom;
+ PyObject *gettext, *install, *gettext_args;
+ struct sigaction old_sigint;
+ gint res;
+ /* Workaround for python bug. See #569228. */
+ char *argv[] = { "/dev/null/python/is/buggy/eom", NULL };
+ static gboolean init_failed = FALSE;
+ if (init_failed) {
+ /* We already failed to initialized Python, don't need to
+ * retry again */
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (Py_IsInitialized ()) {
+ /* Python has already been successfully initialized */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* We are trying to initialize Python for the first time,
+ set init_failed to FALSE only if the entire initialization process
+ ends with success */
+ init_failed = TRUE;
+ /* Hack to make python not overwrite SIGINT: this is needed to avoid
+ * the crash reported on bug #326191 */
+ /* CHECK: can't we use Py_InitializeEx instead of Py_Initialize in order
+ to avoid to manage signal handlers ? - Paolo (Dec. 31, 2006) */
+ /* Save old handler */
+ res = sigaction (SIGINT, NULL, &old_sigint);
+ if (res != 0) {
+ g_warning ("Error initializing Python interpreter: cannot get "
+ "handler to SIGINT signal (%s)", strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Python initialization */
+ Py_Initialize ();
+ /* Restore old handler */
+ res = sigaction (SIGINT, &old_sigint, NULL);
+ if (res != 0) {
+ g_warning ("Error initializing Python interpreter: cannot restore "
+ "handler to SIGINT signal (%s).", strerror (errno));
+ goto python_init_error;
+ }
+ PySys_SetArgv (1, argv);
+ /* Sanitize sys.path */
+ PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; sys.path = filter(None, sys.path)");
+ if (!check_pygtk2 ()) {
+ /* Warning message already printed in check_pygtk2 */
+ goto python_init_error;
+ }
+ /* import gobject */
+ eom_init_pygobject ();
+ if (PyErr_Occurred ()) {
+ g_warning ("Error initializing Python interpreter: could not import pygobject.");
+ goto python_init_error;
+ }
+ /* import gtk */
+ eom_init_pygtk ();
+ if (PyErr_Occurred ()) {
+ g_warning ("Error initializing Python interpreter: could not import pygtk.");
+ goto python_init_error;
+ }
+ /* sys.path.insert(0, ...) for system-wide plugins */
+ sys_path = PySys_GetObject ("path");
+ path = PyString_FromString (EOM_PLUGIN_DIR "/");
+ PyList_Insert (sys_path, 0, path);
+ Py_DECREF(path);
+ /* import eom */
+ eom = Py_InitModule ("eom", pyeom_functions);
+ mdict = PyModule_GetDict (eom);
+ pyeom_register_classes (mdict);
+ pyeom_add_constants (eom, "EOM_");
+ /* eom version */
+ tuple = Py_BuildValue("(iii)",
+ PyDict_SetItemString(mdict, "version", tuple);
+ Py_DECREF(tuple);
+ /* Retrieve the Python type for eom.Plugin */
+ PyEomPlugin_Type = (PyTypeObject *) PyDict_GetItemString (mdict, "Plugin");
+ if (PyEomPlugin_Type == NULL) {
+ PyErr_Print ();
+ goto python_init_error;
+ }
+ /* i18n support */
+ gettext = PyImport_ImportModule ("gettext");
+ if (gettext == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("Error initializing Python interpreter: could not import gettext.");
+ goto python_init_error;
+ }
+ mdict = PyModule_GetDict (gettext);
+ install = PyDict_GetItemString (mdict, "install");
+ gettext_args = Py_BuildValue ("ss", GETTEXT_PACKAGE, EOM_LOCALE_DIR);
+ PyObject_CallObject (install, gettext_args);
+ Py_DECREF (gettext_args);
+ /* Python has been successfully initialized */
+ init_failed = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ g_warning ("Please check the installation of all the Python related packages required "
+ "by eom and try again.");
+ PyErr_Clear ();
+ eom_python_shutdown ();
+ return FALSE;
+eom_python_shutdown (void)
+ if (Py_IsInitialized ()) {
+ if (idle_garbage_collect_id != 0) {
+ g_source_remove (idle_garbage_collect_id);
+ idle_garbage_collect_id = 0;
+ }
+ while (PyGC_Collect ())
+ ;
+ Py_Finalize ();
+ }
+static gboolean
+run_gc (gpointer data)
+ while (PyGC_Collect ())
+ ;
+ idle_garbage_collect_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+eom_python_garbage_collect (void)
+ if (Py_IsInitialized()) {
+ /*
+ * We both run the GC right now and we schedule
+ * a further collection in the main loop.
+ */
+ while (PyGC_Collect ())
+ ;
+ if (idle_garbage_collect_id == 0)
+ idle_garbage_collect_id = g_idle_add (run_gc, NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/src/eom-python-module.h b/src/eom-python-module.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..594884d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-python-module.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Python Module
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-python-module.h) by:
+ * - Raphael Slinckx <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_H__
+#define __EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_H__
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#define EOM_TYPE_PYTHON_MODULE (eom_python_module_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomPythonModule EomPythonModule;
+typedef struct _EomPythonModuleClass EomPythonModuleClass;
+typedef struct _EomPythonModulePrivate EomPythonModulePrivate;
+struct _EomPythonModuleClass {
+ GTypeModuleClass parent_class;
+struct _EomPythonModule {
+ GTypeModule parent_instance;
+GType eom_python_module_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+EomPythonModule *eom_python_module_new (const gchar* path,
+ const gchar *module);
+GObject *eom_python_module_new_object (EomPythonModule *module);
+gboolean eom_python_init (void);
+void eom_python_shutdown (void);
+void eom_python_garbage_collect (void);
+#endif /* __EOM_PYTHON_MODULE_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-python-plugin.c b/src/eom-python-plugin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e693b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-python-plugin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Python Plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-python-module.h) by:
+ * - Raphael Slinckx <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-python-plugin.h"
+#include "eom-plugin.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include <pygobject.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static GObjectClass *parent_class;
+static PyObject *
+call_python_method (EomPythonPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window,
+ gchar *method)
+ PyObject *py_ret = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (PyObject_HasAttrString (plugin->instance, method), NULL);
+ if (window == NULL) {
+ py_ret = PyObject_CallMethod (plugin->instance,
+ method,
+ NULL);
+ } else {
+ py_ret = PyObject_CallMethod (plugin->instance,
+ method,
+ "(N)",
+ pygobject_new (G_OBJECT (window)));
+ }
+ if (!py_ret)
+ PyErr_Print ();
+ return py_ret;
+static gboolean
+check_py_object_is_gtk_widget (PyObject *py_obj)
+ static PyTypeObject *_PyGtkWidget_Type = NULL;
+ if (_PyGtkWidget_Type == NULL) {
+ PyObject *module;
+ if ((module = PyImport_ImportModule ("gtk"))) {
+ PyObject *moddict = PyModule_GetDict (module);
+ _PyGtkWidget_Type = (PyTypeObject *) PyDict_GetItemString (moddict, "Widget");
+ }
+ if (_PyGtkWidget_Type == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "could not find Python gtk widget type");
+ PyErr_Print();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return PyObject_TypeCheck (py_obj, _PyGtkWidget_Type) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+static void
+impl_update_ui (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ PyGILState_STATE state = pyg_gil_state_ensure ();
+ EomPythonPlugin *pyplugin = (EomPythonPlugin *) plugin;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString (pyplugin->instance, "update_ui")) {
+ PyObject *py_ret = call_python_method (pyplugin, window, "update_ui");
+ if (py_ret)
+ {
+ Py_XDECREF (py_ret);
+ }
+ } else {
+ EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (parent_class)->update_ui (plugin, window);
+ }
+ pyg_gil_state_release (state);
+static void
+impl_deactivate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ PyGILState_STATE state = pyg_gil_state_ensure ();
+ EomPythonPlugin *pyplugin = (EomPythonPlugin *) plugin;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString (pyplugin->instance, "deactivate")) {
+ PyObject *py_ret = call_python_method (pyplugin, window, "deactivate");
+ if (py_ret) {
+ Py_XDECREF (py_ret);
+ }
+ } else {
+ EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (parent_class)->deactivate (plugin, window);
+ }
+ pyg_gil_state_release (state);
+static void
+impl_activate (EomPlugin *plugin,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ PyGILState_STATE state = pyg_gil_state_ensure ();
+ EomPythonPlugin *pyplugin = (EomPythonPlugin *) plugin;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString (pyplugin->instance, "activate")) {
+ PyObject *py_ret = call_python_method (pyplugin, window, "activate");
+ if (py_ret) {
+ Py_XDECREF (py_ret);
+ }
+ } else {
+ EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (parent_class)->activate (plugin, window);
+ }
+ pyg_gil_state_release (state);
+static GtkWidget *
+impl_create_configure_dialog (EomPlugin *plugin)
+ PyGILState_STATE state = pyg_gil_state_ensure ();
+ EomPythonPlugin *pyplugin = (EomPythonPlugin *) plugin;
+ GtkWidget *ret = NULL;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString (pyplugin->instance, "create_configure_dialog")) {
+ PyObject *py_ret = call_python_method (pyplugin, NULL, "create_configure_dialog");
+ if (py_ret) {
+ if (check_py_object_is_gtk_widget (py_ret)) {
+ ret = GTK_WIDGET (pygobject_get (py_ret));
+ g_object_ref (ret);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Return value for create_configure_dialog is not a GtkWidget");
+ PyErr_Print();
+ }
+ Py_DECREF (py_ret);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (parent_class)->create_configure_dialog (plugin);
+ }
+ pyg_gil_state_release (state);
+ return ret;
+static gboolean
+impl_is_configurable (EomPlugin *plugin)
+ PyGILState_STATE state = pyg_gil_state_ensure ();
+ EomPythonPlugin *pyplugin = (EomPythonPlugin *) plugin;
+ PyObject *dict = pyplugin->instance->ob_type->tp_dict;
+ gboolean result;
+ if (dict == NULL)
+ result = FALSE;
+ else if (!PyDict_Check(dict))
+ result = FALSE;
+ else
+ result = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "create_configure_dialog") != NULL;
+ pyg_gil_state_release (state);
+ return result;
+static void
+eom_python_plugin_init (EomPythonPlugin *plugin)
+ EomPythonPluginClass *class;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Creating Python plugin instance");
+ class = (EomPythonPluginClass*) (((GTypeInstance*) plugin)->g_class);
+ plugin->instance = PyObject_CallObject (class->type, NULL);
+ if (plugin->instance == NULL)
+ PyErr_Print();
+static void
+eom_python_plugin_finalize (GObject *plugin)
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Finalizing Python plugin instance");
+ Py_DECREF (((EomPythonPlugin *) plugin)->instance);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (plugin);
+static void
+eom_python_plugin_class_init (EomPythonPluginClass *klass,
+ gpointer class_data)
+ EomPluginClass *plugin_class = EOM_PLUGIN_CLASS (klass);
+ parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+ klass->type = (PyObject*) class_data;
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = eom_python_plugin_finalize;
+ plugin_class->activate = impl_activate;
+ plugin_class->deactivate = impl_deactivate;
+ plugin_class->update_ui = impl_update_ui;
+ plugin_class->create_configure_dialog = impl_create_configure_dialog;
+ plugin_class->is_configurable = impl_is_configurable;
+eom_python_plugin_get_type (GTypeModule *module,
+ PyObject *type)
+ GType gtype;
+ gchar *type_name;
+ GTypeInfo info = {
+ sizeof (EomPythonPluginClass),
+ NULL, /* base_init */
+ NULL, /* base_finalize */
+ (GClassInitFunc) eom_python_plugin_class_init,
+ NULL, /* class_finalize */
+ type, /* class_data */
+ sizeof (EomPythonPlugin),
+ 0, /* n_preallocs */
+ (GInstanceInitFunc) eom_python_plugin_init,
+ };
+ Py_INCREF (type);
+ type_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s+EomPythonPlugin",
+ PyString_AsString (PyObject_GetAttrString (type, "__name__")));
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_PLUGINS, "Registering Python plugin instance: %s", type_name);
+ gtype = g_type_module_register_type (module,
+ type_name,
+ &info, 0);
+ g_free (type_name);
+ return gtype;
diff --git a/src/eom-python-plugin.h b/src/eom-python-plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda7959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-python-plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Python Plugin
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-python-module.h) by:
+ * - Raphael Slinckx <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_PYTHON_PLUGIN_H__
+#define __EOM_PYTHON_PLUGIN_H__
+#include <Python.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include "eom-plugin.h"
+typedef struct _EomPythonPlugin EomPythonPlugin;
+typedef struct _EomPythonPluginClass EomPythonPluginClass;
+struct _EomPythonPlugin {
+ EomPlugin plugin;
+ PyObject *instance;
+struct _EomPythonPluginClass {
+ EomPluginClass parent_class;
+ PyObject *type;
+GType eom_python_plugin_get_type (GTypeModule *module, PyObject *type);
diff --git a/src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c b/src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2ff12e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h"
+#include "eom-pixbuf-util.h"
+#include "eom-file-chooser.h"
+typedef struct {
+ GtkWidget *dir_chooser;
+ GtkWidget *token_entry;
+ GtkWidget *replace_spaces_check;
+ GtkWidget *counter_spin;
+ GtkWidget *preview_label;
+ GtkWidget *format_combobox;
+ guint idle_id;
+ gint n_images;
+ EomImage *image;
+ gint nth_image;
+} SaveAsData;
+static GdkPixbufFormat *
+get_selected_format (GtkComboBox *combobox)
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ GtkTreeModel *store;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (combobox, &iter);
+ store = gtk_combo_box_get_model (combobox);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (store, &iter, 1, &format, -1);
+ return format;
+static gboolean
+update_preview (gpointer user_data)
+ SaveAsData *data;
+ char *preview_str = NULL;
+ const char *token_str;
+ gboolean convert_spaces;
+ gulong counter_start;
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ data = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (user_data), "data");
+ g_assert (data != NULL);
+ if (data->image == NULL) return FALSE;
+ /* obtain required dialog data */
+ token_str = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->token_entry));
+ convert_spaces = gtk_toggle_button_get_active
+ (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->replace_spaces_check));
+ counter_start = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int
+ (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (data->counter_spin));
+ format = get_selected_format (GTK_COMBO_BOX (data->format_combobox));
+ if (token_str != NULL) {
+ /* generate preview filename */
+ preview_str = eom_uri_converter_preview (token_str, data->image, format,
+ (counter_start + data->nth_image),
+ data->n_images,
+ convert_spaces, '_' /* FIXME: make this editable */);
+ }
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (data->preview_label), preview_str);
+ g_free (preview_str);
+ data->idle_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+request_preview_update (GtkWidget *dlg)
+ SaveAsData *data;
+ data = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dlg), "data");
+ g_assert (data != NULL);
+ if (data->idle_id != 0)
+ return;
+ data->idle_id = g_idle_add (update_preview, dlg);
+static void
+on_format_combobox_changed (GtkComboBox *widget, gpointer data)
+ request_preview_update (GTK_WIDGET (data));
+static void
+on_token_entry_changed (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data)
+ SaveAsData *data;
+ gboolean enable_save;
+ data = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (user_data), "data");
+ g_assert (data != NULL);
+ request_preview_update (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
+ enable_save = (strlen (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->token_entry))) > 0);
+ gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (user_data), GTK_RESPONSE_OK,
+ enable_save);
+static void
+on_replace_spaces_check_clicked (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
+ request_preview_update (GTK_WIDGET (data));
+static void
+on_counter_spin_changed (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
+ request_preview_update (GTK_WIDGET (data));
+static void
+prepare_format_combobox (SaveAsData *data)
+ GtkComboBox *combobox;
+ GtkCellRenderer *cell;
+ GSList *formats;
+ GtkListStore *store;
+ GSList *it;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ combobox = GTK_COMBO_BOX (data->format_combobox);
+ store = gtk_list_store_new (2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER);
+ gtk_combo_box_set_model (combobox, GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
+ cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
+ gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combobox), cell, TRUE);
+ gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combobox), cell,
+ "text", 0);
+ formats = eom_pixbuf_get_savable_formats ();
+ for (it = formats; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ GdkPixbufFormat *f;
+ f = (GdkPixbufFormat*) it->data;
+ gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
+ gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name (f), 1, f, -1);
+ }
+ g_slist_free (formats);
+ gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
+ gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, _("as is"), 1, NULL, -1);
+ gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (combobox, &iter);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (combobox));
+static void
+destroy_data_cb (gpointer data)
+ SaveAsData *sd;
+ sd = (SaveAsData*) data;
+ if (sd->image != NULL)
+ g_object_unref (sd->image);
+ if (sd->idle_id != 0)
+ g_source_remove (sd->idle_id);
+ g_slice_free (SaveAsData, sd);
+static void
+set_default_values (GtkWidget *dlg, GFile *base_file)
+ SaveAsData *sd;
+ sd = (SaveAsData*) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dlg), "data");
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (sd->counter_spin), 0.0);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (sd->replace_spaces_check),
+ if (base_file != NULL) {
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (sd->dir_chooser), base_file, NULL);
+ }
+ /*gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dlg), GTK_RESPONSE_OK, FALSE);*/
+ request_preview_update (dlg);
+eom_save_as_dialog_new (GtkWindow *main, GList *images, GFile *base_file)
+ char *filepath;
+ GtkBuilder *xml;
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ SaveAsData *data;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ filepath = g_build_filename (EOM_DATA_DIR,
+ "eom-multiple-save-as-dialog.ui",
+ NULL);
+ xml = gtk_builder_new ();
+ gtk_builder_set_translation_domain (xml, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+ g_assert (gtk_builder_add_from_file (xml, filepath, NULL));
+ g_free (filepath);
+ dlg = GTK_WIDGET (g_object_ref (gtk_builder_get_object (xml, "eom_multiple_save_as_dialog")));
+ gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), GTK_WINDOW (main));
+ gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT);
+ data = g_slice_new0 (SaveAsData);
+ /* init widget references */
+ data->dir_chooser = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml,
+ "dir_chooser"));
+ data->token_entry = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml,
+ "token_entry"));
+ data->replace_spaces_check = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml,
+ "replace_spaces_check"));
+ data->counter_spin = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml,
+ "counter_spin"));
+ data->preview_label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml,
+ "preview_label"));
+ data->format_combobox = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml,
+ "format_combobox"));
+ /* init preview information */
+ data->idle_id = 0;
+ data->n_images = g_list_length (images);
+ data->nth_image = (int) ((float) data->n_images * rand() / (float) (RAND_MAX+1.0));
+ g_assert (data->nth_image >= 0 && data->nth_image < data->n_images);
+ data->image = g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (g_list_nth_data (images, data->nth_image)));
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (dlg), "data", data, destroy_data_cb);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (data->format_combobox), "changed",
+ (GCallback) on_format_combobox_changed, dlg);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (data->token_entry), "changed",
+ (GCallback) on_token_entry_changed, dlg);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (data->replace_spaces_check), "toggled",
+ (GCallback) on_replace_spaces_check_clicked, dlg);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (data->counter_spin), "changed",
+ (GCallback) on_counter_spin_changed, dlg);
+ label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml, "preview_label_from"));
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label), eom_image_get_caption (data->image));
+ prepare_format_combobox (data);
+ set_default_values (dlg, base_file);
+ g_object_unref (xml);
+ return dlg;
+eom_save_as_dialog_get_converter (GtkWidget *dlg)
+ EomURIConverter *conv;
+ SaveAsData *data;
+ const char *format_str;
+ gboolean convert_spaces;
+ gulong counter_start;
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format;
+ GFile *base_file;
+ data = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dlg), "data");
+ g_assert (data != NULL);
+ /* obtain required dialog data */
+ format_str = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->token_entry));
+ convert_spaces = gtk_toggle_button_get_active
+ (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (data->replace_spaces_check));
+ counter_start = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int
+ (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (data->counter_spin));
+ format = get_selected_format (GTK_COMBO_BOX (data->format_combobox));
+ base_file = gtk_file_chooser_get_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (data->dir_chooser));
+ /* create converter object */
+ conv = eom_uri_converter_new (base_file, format, format_str);
+ /* set other properties */
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (conv),
+ "convert-spaces", convert_spaces,
+ "space-character", '_',
+ "counter-start", counter_start,
+ "n-images", data->n_images,
+ NULL);
+ g_object_unref (base_file);
+ return conv;
diff --git a/src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h b/src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd72fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include "eom-uri-converter.h"
+GtkWidget* eom_save_as_dialog_new (GtkWindow *main, GList *images, GFile *base_file);
+EomURIConverter* eom_save_as_dialog_get_converter (GtkWidget *dlg);
+#endif /* _EOM_SAVE_DIALOG_HELPER_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-scroll-view.c b/src/eom-scroll-view.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f37561c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-scroll-view.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2633 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+#include <librsvg/rsvg.h>
+#include <librsvg/rsvg-cairo.h>
+#include "eom-marshal.h"
+#include "eom-scroll-view.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include "uta.h"
+#include "zoom.h"
+/* Maximum size of delayed repaint rectangles */
+#define PAINT_RECT_WIDTH 128
+#define PAINT_RECT_HEIGHT 128
+/* Scroll step increment */
+#define SCROLL_STEP_SIZE 32
+/* Maximum zoom factor */
+#define MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR 20
+#define MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR 0.02
+#define CHECK_MEDIUM 8
+#define CHECK_BLACK 0x00000000
+#define CHECK_DARK 0x00555555
+#define CHECK_GRAY 0x00808080
+#define CHECK_LIGHT 0x00cccccc
+#define CHECK_WHITE 0x00ffffff
+/* Default increment for zooming. The current zoom factor is multiplied or
+ * divided by this amount on every zooming step. For consistency, you should
+ * use the same value elsewhere in the program.
+ */
+/* States for automatically adjusting the zoom factor */
+typedef enum {
+ ZOOM_MODE_FIT, /* Image is fitted to scroll view even if the latter changes size */
+ ZOOM_MODE_FREE /* The image remains at its current zoom factor even if the scrollview changes size */
+} ZoomMode;
+/* Progressive loading state */
+typedef enum {
+ PROGRESSIVE_NONE, /* We are not loading an image or it is already loaded */
+ PROGRESSIVE_LOADING, /* An image is being loaded */
+ PROGRESSIVE_POLISHING /* We have finished loading an image but have not scaled it with interpolation */
+} ProgressiveState;
+/* Signal IDs */
+enum {
+static gint view_signals [SIGNAL_LAST];
+typedef enum {
+} EomScrollViewCursor;
+/* Drag 'n Drop */
+static GtkTargetEntry target_table[] = {
+ { "text/uri-list", 0, 0},
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+/* Private part of the EomScrollView structure */
+struct _EomScrollViewPrivate {
+ /* some widgets we rely on */
+ GtkWidget *display;
+ GtkAdjustment *hadj;
+ GtkAdjustment *vadj;
+ GtkWidget *hbar;
+ GtkWidget *vbar;
+ GtkWidget *menu;
+ /* actual image */
+ EomImage *image;
+ guint image_changed_id;
+ guint frame_changed_id;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ /* zoom mode, either ZOOM_MODE_FIT or ZOOM_MODE_FREE */
+ ZoomMode zoom_mode;
+ /* whether to allow zoom > 1.0 on zoom fit */
+ gboolean upscale;
+ /* the actual zoom factor */
+ double zoom;
+ /* the minimum possible (reasonable) zoom factor */
+ double min_zoom;
+ /* Current scrolling offsets */
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ /* Microtile arrays for dirty region. This represents the dirty region
+ * for interpolated drawing.
+ */
+ EomUta *uta;
+ /* handler ID for paint idle callback */
+ guint idle_id;
+ /* Interpolation type when zoomed in*/
+ GdkInterpType interp_type_in;
+ /* Interpolation type when zoomed out*/
+ GdkInterpType interp_type_out;
+ /* Scroll wheel zoom */
+ gboolean scroll_wheel_zoom;
+ /* Scroll wheel zoom */
+ gdouble zoom_multiplier;
+ /* dragging stuff */
+ int drag_anchor_x, drag_anchor_y;
+ int drag_ofs_x, drag_ofs_y;
+ guint dragging : 1;
+ /* status of progressive loading */
+ ProgressiveState progressive_state;
+ /* how to indicate transparency in images */
+ EomTransparencyStyle transp_style;
+ guint32 transp_color;
+ /* the type of the cursor we are currently showing */
+ EomScrollViewCursor cursor;
+ gboolean use_bg_color;
+ GdkColor *background_color;
+ GdkColor *override_bg_color;
+ cairo_surface_t *background_surface;
+static void scroll_by (EomScrollView *view, int xofs, int yofs);
+static void set_zoom_fit (EomScrollView *view);
+static void request_paint_area (EomScrollView *view, GdkRectangle *area);
+static void set_minimum_zoom_factor (EomScrollView *view);
+#define EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomScrollView, eom_scroll_view, GTK_TYPE_TABLE)
+ widget size changing handler &
+ util functions
+ ---------------------------------*/
+/* Disconnects from the EomImage and removes references to it */
+static void
+free_image_resources (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->image_changed_id > 0) {
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (priv->image), priv->image_changed_id);
+ priv->image_changed_id = 0;
+ }
+ if (priv->frame_changed_id > 0) {
+ g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (priv->image), priv->frame_changed_id);
+ priv->frame_changed_id = 0;
+ }
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ eom_image_data_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->pixbuf != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf);
+ priv->pixbuf = NULL;
+ }
+/* Computes the size in pixels of the scaled image */
+static void
+compute_scaled_size (EomScrollView *view, double zoom, int *width, int *height)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->pixbuf) {
+ *width = floor (gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf) * zoom + 0.5);
+ *height = floor (gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf) * zoom + 0.5);
+ } else
+ *width = *height = 0;
+/* Computes the offsets for the new zoom value so that they keep the image
+ * centered on the view.
+ */
+static void
+compute_center_zoom_offsets (EomScrollView *view,
+ double old_zoom, double new_zoom,
+ int width, int height,
+ double zoom_x_anchor, double zoom_y_anchor,
+ int *xofs, int *yofs)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ int old_scaled_width, old_scaled_height;
+ int new_scaled_width, new_scaled_height;
+ double view_cx, view_cy;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ compute_scaled_size (view, old_zoom,
+ &old_scaled_width, &old_scaled_height);
+ if (old_scaled_width < width)
+ view_cx = (zoom_x_anchor * old_scaled_width) / old_zoom;
+ else
+ view_cx = (priv->xofs + zoom_x_anchor * width) / old_zoom;
+ if (old_scaled_height < height)
+ view_cy = (zoom_y_anchor * old_scaled_height) / old_zoom;
+ else
+ view_cy = (priv->yofs + zoom_y_anchor * height) / old_zoom;
+ compute_scaled_size (view, new_zoom,
+ &new_scaled_width, &new_scaled_height);
+ if (new_scaled_width < width)
+ *xofs = 0;
+ else {
+ *xofs = floor (view_cx * new_zoom - zoom_x_anchor * width + 0.5);
+ if (*xofs < 0)
+ *xofs = 0;
+ }
+ if (new_scaled_height < height)
+ *yofs = 0;
+ else {
+ *yofs = floor (view_cy * new_zoom - zoom_y_anchor * height + 0.5);
+ if (*yofs < 0)
+ *yofs = 0;
+ }
+/* Sets the scrollbar values based on the current scrolling offset */
+static void
+update_scrollbar_values (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ int scaled_width, scaled_height;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ gdouble page_size,page_increment,step_increment;
+ gdouble lower, upper, value;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (priv->hbar))
+ && !gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (priv->vbar)))
+ return;
+ compute_scaled_size (view, priv->zoom, &scaled_width, &scaled_height);
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display), &allocation);
+ if (gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (priv->hbar))) {
+ /* Set scroll increments */
+ page_size = MIN (scaled_width, allocation.width);
+ page_increment = allocation.width / 2;
+ step_increment = SCROLL_STEP_SIZE;
+ /* Set scroll bounds and new offsets */
+ lower = 0;
+ upper = scaled_width;
+ xofs = CLAMP (priv->xofs, 0, upper - page_size);
+ if (gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->hadj) != xofs) {
+ value = xofs;
+ priv->xofs = xofs;
+ g_signal_handlers_block_matched (
+ priv->hadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+ gtk_adjustment_configure (priv->hadj, value, lower,
+ upper, step_increment,
+ page_increment, page_size);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (
+ priv->hadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+ }
+ }
+ if (gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (priv->vbar))) {
+ page_size = MIN (scaled_height, allocation.height);
+ page_increment = allocation.height / 2;
+ step_increment = SCROLL_STEP_SIZE;
+ lower = 0;
+ upper = scaled_height;
+ yofs = CLAMP (priv->yofs, 0, upper - page_size);
+ if (gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->vadj) != yofs) {
+ value = yofs;
+ priv->yofs = yofs;
+ g_signal_handlers_block_matched (
+ priv->vadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+ gtk_adjustment_configure (priv->vadj, value, lower,
+ upper, step_increment,
+ page_increment, page_size);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (
+ priv->vadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_set_cursor (EomScrollView *view, EomScrollViewCursor new_cursor)
+ GdkCursor *cursor = NULL;
+ GdkDisplay *display;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ if (view->priv->cursor == new_cursor) {
+ return;
+ }
+ widget = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (view));
+ display = gtk_widget_get_display (widget);
+ view->priv->cursor = new_cursor;
+ switch (new_cursor) {
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (widget), NULL);
+ break;
+ cursor = gdk_cursor_new (GDK_BLANK_CURSOR);
+ break;
+ cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_FLEUR);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cursor) {
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (widget), cursor);
+ gdk_cursor_unref (cursor);
+ gdk_flush();
+ }
+/* Changes visibility of the scrollbars based on the zoom factor and the
+ * specified allocation, or the current allocation if NULL is specified.
+ */
+static void
+check_scrollbar_visibility (EomScrollView *view, GtkAllocation *alloc)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ int bar_height;
+ int bar_width;
+ int img_width;
+ int img_height;
+ GtkRequisition req;
+ int width, height;
+ gboolean hbar_visible, vbar_visible;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (alloc) {
+ width = alloc->width;
+ height = alloc->height;
+ } else {
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (view), &allocation);
+ width = allocation.width;
+ height = allocation.height;
+ }
+ compute_scaled_size (view, priv->zoom, &img_width, &img_height);
+ /* this should work fairly well in this special case for scrollbars */
+ gtk_widget_size_request (priv->hbar, &req);
+ bar_height = req.height;
+ gtk_widget_size_request (priv->vbar, &req);
+ bar_width = req.width;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_WINDOW, "Widget Size allocate: %i, %i Bar: %i, %i\n",
+ width, height, bar_width, bar_height);
+ hbar_visible = vbar_visible = FALSE;
+ if (priv->zoom_mode == ZOOM_MODE_FIT)
+ hbar_visible = vbar_visible = FALSE;
+ else if (img_width <= width && img_height <= height)
+ hbar_visible = vbar_visible = FALSE;
+ else if (img_width > width && img_height > height)
+ hbar_visible = vbar_visible = TRUE;
+ else if (img_width > width) {
+ hbar_visible = TRUE;
+ if (img_height <= (height - bar_height))
+ vbar_visible = FALSE;
+ else
+ vbar_visible = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (img_height > height) {
+ vbar_visible = TRUE;
+ if (img_width <= (width - bar_width))
+ hbar_visible = FALSE;
+ else
+ hbar_visible = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (hbar_visible != gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (priv->hbar)))
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->hbar), "visible", hbar_visible, NULL);
+ if (vbar_visible != gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (priv->vbar)))
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->vbar), "visible", vbar_visible, NULL);
+#define DOUBLE_EQUAL(a,b) (fabs (a - b) < DOUBLE_EQUAL_MAX_DIFF)
+/* Returns whether the zoom factor is 1.0 */
+static gboolean
+is_unity_zoom (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ return DOUBLE_EQUAL (priv->zoom, 1.0);
+/* Returns whether the image is zoomed in */
+static gboolean
+is_zoomed_in (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ return priv->zoom - 1.0 > DOUBLE_EQUAL_MAX_DIFF;
+/* Returns whether the image is zoomed out */
+static gboolean
+is_zoomed_out (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ return DOUBLE_EQUAL_MAX_DIFF + priv->zoom - 1.0 < 0.0;
+/* Returns wether the image is movable, that means if it is larger then
+ * the actual visible area.
+ */
+static gboolean
+is_image_movable (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ return (gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->hbar) || gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->vbar));
+/* Computes the image offsets with respect to the window */
+static void
+get_image_offsets (EomScrollView *view, int *xofs, int *yofs)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ int scaled_width, scaled_height;
+ int width, height;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ compute_scaled_size (view, priv->zoom, &scaled_width, &scaled_height);
+ width = GTK_WIDGET (priv->display)->allocation.width;
+ height = GTK_WIDGET (priv->display)->allocation.height;
+ // Compute image offsets with respect to the window
+ if (scaled_width <= width)
+ *xofs = (width - scaled_width) / 2;
+ else
+ *xofs = -priv->xofs;
+ if (scaled_height <= height)
+ *yofs = (height - scaled_height) / 2;
+ else
+ *yofs = -priv->yofs;
+ drawing core
+ ---------------------------------*/
+/* Pulls a rectangle from the specified microtile array. The rectangle is the
+ * first one that would be glommed together by art_rect_list_from_uta(), and its
+ * size is bounded by max_width and max_height. The rectangle is also removed
+ * from the microtile array.
+ */
+static void
+pull_rectangle (EomUta *uta, EomIRect *rect, int max_width, int max_height)
+ uta_find_first_glom_rect (uta, rect, max_width, max_height);
+ uta_remove_rect (uta, rect->x0, rect->y0, rect->x1, rect->y1);
+/* Paints a rectangle with the background color if the specified rectangle
+ * intersects the dirty rectangle.
+ */
+static void
+paint_background (EomScrollView *view, EomIRect *r, EomIRect *rect)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ EomIRect d;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ eom_irect_intersect (&d, r, rect);
+ if (!eom_irect_empty (&d)) {
+ gdk_window_clear_area (gtk_widget_get_window (priv->display),
+ d.x0, d.y0,
+ d.x1 - d.x0, d.y1 - d.y0);
+ }
+static void
+get_transparency_params (EomScrollView *view, int *size, guint32 *color1, guint32 *color2)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ /* Compute transparency parameters */
+ switch (priv->transp_style) {
+ GdkColor color = gtk_widget_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display))->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL];
+ *color1 = *color2 = ((( & 0xff00) << 8)
+ | ( & 0xff00)
+ | (( & 0xff00) >> 8));
+ break; }
+ *color1 = CHECK_GRAY;
+ *color2 = CHECK_LIGHT;
+ break;
+ *color1 = *color2 = priv->transp_color;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ };
+ *size = CHECK_MEDIUM;
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+static cairo_surface_t *
+create_background_surface (EomScrollView *view)
+ int check_size;
+ guint32 check_1 = 0;
+ guint32 check_2 = 0;
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ cairo_t *check_cr;
+ get_transparency_params (view, &check_size, &check_1, &check_2);
+ surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, check_size * 2, check_size * 2);
+ check_cr = cairo_create (surface);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (check_cr,
+ ((check_1 & 0xff0000) >> 16) / 255.,
+ ((check_1 & 0x00ff00) >> 8) / 255.,
+ (check_1 & 0x0000ff) / 255.,
+ 1.);
+ cairo_rectangle (check_cr, 0., 0., check_size, check_size);
+ cairo_fill (check_cr);
+ cairo_translate (check_cr, check_size, check_size);
+ cairo_rectangle (check_cr, 0., 0., check_size, check_size);
+ cairo_fill (check_cr);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (check_cr,
+ ((check_2 & 0xff0000) >> 16) / 255.,
+ ((check_2 & 0x00ff00) >> 8) / 255.,
+ (check_2 & 0x0000ff) / 255.,
+ 1.);
+ cairo_translate (check_cr, -check_size, 0);
+ cairo_rectangle (check_cr, 0., 0., check_size, check_size);
+ cairo_fill (check_cr);
+ cairo_translate (check_cr, check_size, -check_size);
+ cairo_rectangle (check_cr, 0., 0., check_size, check_size);
+ cairo_fill (check_cr);
+ cairo_destroy (check_cr);
+ return surface;
+static void
+draw_svg_background (EomScrollView *view, cairo_t *cr, EomIRect *render_rect, EomIRect *image_rect)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->background_surface == NULL)
+ priv->background_surface = create_background_surface (view);
+ cairo_set_source_surface (cr, priv->background_surface,
+ - (render_rect->x0 - image_rect->x0) % (CHECK_MEDIUM * 2),
+ - (render_rect->y0 - image_rect->y0) % (CHECK_MEDIUM * 2));
+ cairo_pattern_set_extend (cairo_get_source (cr), CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ render_rect->x1 - render_rect->x0,
+ render_rect->y1 - render_rect->y0);
+ cairo_fill (cr);
+static cairo_surface_t *
+draw_svg_on_image_surface (EomScrollView *view, EomIRect *render_rect, EomIRect *image_rect)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ cairo_t *cr;
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix, translate, scale;
+ EomTransform *transform;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
+ render_rect->x1 - render_rect->x0,
+ render_rect->y1 - render_rect->y0);
+ cr = cairo_create (surface);
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ draw_svg_background (view, cr, render_rect, image_rect);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
+ cairo_matrix_init_identity (&matrix);
+ transform = eom_image_get_transform (priv->image);
+ if (transform) {
+ cairo_matrix_t affine;
+ double image_offset_x = 0., image_offset_y = 0.;
+ eom_transform_get_affine (transform, &affine);
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &affine, &matrix);
+ switch (eom_transform_get_transform_type (transform)) {
+ image_offset_x = (double) gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf);
+ break;
+ image_offset_y = (double) gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf);
+ break;
+ image_offset_x = (double) gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf);
+ image_offset_y = (double) gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_translate (&translate, image_offset_x, image_offset_y);
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &translate);
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_scale (&scale, priv->zoom, priv->zoom);
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &scale);
+ cairo_matrix_init_translate (&translate, image_rect->x0, image_rect->y0);
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &translate);
+ cairo_matrix_init_translate (&translate, -render_rect->x0, -render_rect->y0);
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &translate);
+ cairo_set_matrix (cr, &matrix);
+ rsvg_handle_render_cairo (eom_image_get_svg (priv->image), cr);
+ cairo_destroy (cr);
+ return surface;
+static void
+draw_svg (EomScrollView *view, EomIRect *render_rect, EomIRect *image_rect)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ cairo_t *cr;
+ cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ GdkWindow *window;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ window = gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ surface = draw_svg_on_image_surface (view, render_rect, image_rect);
+ cr = gdk_cairo_create (window);
+ cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, render_rect->x0, render_rect->y0);
+ cairo_paint (cr);
+ cairo_destroy (cr);
+/* Paints a rectangle of the dirty region */
+static void
+paint_rectangle (EomScrollView *view, EomIRect *rect, GdkInterpType interp_type)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GdkPixbuf *tmp;
+ char *str;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ int scaled_width, scaled_height;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ EomIRect r, d;
+ int check_size;
+ guint32 check_1 = 0;
+ guint32 check_2 = 0;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (!gtk_widget_is_drawable (priv->display))
+ return;
+ compute_scaled_size (view, priv->zoom, &scaled_width, &scaled_height);
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display), &allocation);
+ if (scaled_width < 1 || scaled_height < 1)
+ {
+ r.x0 = 0;
+ r.y0 = 0;
+ r.x1 = allocation.width;
+ r.y1 = allocation.height;
+ paint_background (view, &r, rect);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Compute image offsets with respect to the window */
+ if (scaled_width <= allocation.width)
+ xofs = (allocation.width - scaled_width) / 2;
+ else
+ xofs = -priv->xofs;
+ if (scaled_height <= allocation.height)
+ yofs = (allocation.height - scaled_height) / 2;
+ else
+ yofs = -priv->yofs;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_WINDOW, "zoom %.2f, xofs: %i, yofs: %i scaled w: %i h: %i\n",
+ priv->zoom, xofs, yofs, scaled_width, scaled_height);
+ /* Draw background if necessary, in four steps */
+ /* Top */
+ if (yofs > 0) {
+ r.x0 = 0;
+ r.y0 = 0;
+ r.x1 = allocation.width;
+ r.y1 = yofs;
+ paint_background (view, &r, rect);
+ }
+ /* Left */
+ if (xofs > 0) {
+ r.x0 = 0;
+ r.y0 = yofs;
+ r.x1 = xofs;
+ r.y1 = yofs + scaled_height;
+ paint_background (view, &r, rect);
+ }
+ /* Right */
+ if (xofs >= 0) {
+ r.x0 = xofs + scaled_width;
+ r.y0 = yofs;
+ r.x1 = allocation.width;
+ r.y1 = yofs + scaled_height;
+ if (r.x0 < r.x1)
+ paint_background (view, &r, rect);
+ }
+ /* Bottom */
+ if (yofs >= 0) {
+ r.x0 = 0;
+ r.y0 = yofs + scaled_height;
+ r.x1 = allocation.width;
+ r.y1 = allocation.height;
+ if (r.y0 < r.y1)
+ paint_background (view, &r, rect);
+ }
+ /* Draw the scaled image
+ *
+ * FIXME: this is not using the color correction tables!
+ */
+ if (!priv->pixbuf)
+ return;
+ r.x0 = xofs;
+ r.y0 = yofs;
+ r.x1 = xofs + scaled_width;
+ r.y1 = yofs + scaled_height;
+ eom_irect_intersect (&d, &r, rect);
+ if (eom_irect_empty (&d))
+ return;
+ switch (interp_type) {
+ str = "NEAREST";
+ break;
+ default:
+ str = "ALIASED";
+ }
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_WINDOW, "%s: x0: %i,\t y0: %i,\t x1: %i,\t y1: %i\n",
+ str, d.x0, d.y0, d.x1, d.y1);
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ if (eom_image_is_svg (view->priv->image) && interp_type != GDK_INTERP_NEAREST) {
+ draw_svg (view, &d, &r);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Short-circuit the fast case to avoid a memcpy() */
+ if (is_unity_zoom (view)
+ && gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace (priv->pixbuf) == GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB
+ && !gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (priv->pixbuf)
+ && gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample (priv->pixbuf) == 8) {
+ guchar *pixels;
+ int rowstride;
+ rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (priv->pixbuf);
+ pixels = (gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (priv->pixbuf)
+ + (d.y0 - yofs) * rowstride
+ + 3 * (d.x0 - xofs));
+ gdk_draw_rgb_image_dithalign (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display)),
+ gtk_widget_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display))->black_gc,
+ d.x0, d.y0,
+ d.x1 - d.x0, d.y1 - d.y0,
+ pixels,
+ rowstride,
+ d.x0 - xofs, d.y0 - yofs);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* For all other cases, create a temporary pixbuf */
+ tmp = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, d.x1 - d.x0, d.y1 - d.y0);
+ if (!tmp) {
+ g_message ("paint_rectangle(): Could not allocate temporary pixbuf of "
+ "size (%d, %d); skipping", d.x1 - d.x0, d.y1 - d.y0);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Compute transparency parameters */
+ get_transparency_params (view, &check_size, &check_1, &check_2);
+ /* Draw! */
+ gdk_pixbuf_composite_color (priv->pixbuf,
+ tmp,
+ 0, 0,
+ d.x1 - d.x0, d.y1 - d.y0,
+ -(d.x0 - xofs), -(d.y0 - yofs),
+ priv->zoom, priv->zoom,
+ is_unity_zoom (view) ? GDK_INTERP_NEAREST : interp_type,
+ 255,
+ d.x0 - xofs, d.y0 - yofs,
+ check_size,
+ check_1, check_2);
+ gdk_draw_rgb_image_dithalign (gtk_widget_get_window (priv->display),
+ gtk_widget_get_style (priv->display)->black_gc,
+ d.x0, d.y0,
+ d.x1 - d.x0, d.y1 - d.y0,
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (tmp),
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (tmp),
+ d.x0 - xofs, d.y0 - yofs);
+ g_object_unref (tmp);
+/* Idle handler for the drawing process. We pull a rectangle from the dirty
+ * region microtile array, paint it, and leave the rest to the next idle
+ * iteration.
+ */
+static gboolean
+paint_iteration_idle (gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ EomIRect rect;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ g_assert (priv->uta != NULL);
+ pull_rectangle (priv->uta, &rect, PAINT_RECT_WIDTH, PAINT_RECT_HEIGHT);
+ if (eom_irect_empty (&rect)) {
+ eom_uta_free (priv->uta);
+ priv->uta = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (is_zoomed_in (view))
+ paint_rectangle (view, &rect, priv->interp_type_in);
+ else if (is_zoomed_out (view))
+ paint_rectangle (view, &rect, priv->interp_type_out);
+ else
+ paint_rectangle (view, &rect, GDK_INTERP_NEAREST);
+ }
+ if (!priv->uta) {
+ priv->idle_id = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* Paints the requested area in non-interpolated mode. Then, if we are
+ * configured to use interpolation, we queue an idle handler to redraw the area
+ * with interpolation. The area is in window coordinates.
+ */
+static void
+request_paint_area (EomScrollView *view, GdkRectangle *area)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ EomIRect r;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_WINDOW, "x: %i, y: %i, width: %i, height: %i\n",
+ area->x, area->y, area->width, area->height);
+ if (!gtk_widget_is_drawable (priv->display))
+ return;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display), &allocation);
+ r.x0 = MAX (0, area->x);
+ r.y0 = MAX (0, area->y);
+ r.x1 = MIN (allocation.width, area->x + area->width);
+ r.y1 = MIN (allocation.height, area->y + area->height);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_WINDOW, "r: %i, %i, %i, %i\n", r.x0, r.y0, r.x1, r.y1);
+ if (r.x0 >= r.x1 || r.y0 >= r.y1)
+ return;
+ /* Do nearest neighbor, 1:1 zoom or active progressive loading synchronously for speed. */
+ if ((is_zoomed_in (view) && priv->interp_type_in == GDK_INTERP_NEAREST) ||
+ (is_zoomed_out (view) && priv->interp_type_out == GDK_INTERP_NEAREST) ||
+ is_unity_zoom (view) ||
+ priv->progressive_state == PROGRESSIVE_LOADING) {
+ paint_rectangle (view, &r, GDK_INTERP_NEAREST);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (priv->progressive_state == PROGRESSIVE_POLISHING)
+ /* We have already a complete image with nearest neighbor mode.
+ * It's sufficient to add only a antitaliased idle update
+ */
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_NONE;
+ else if (!priv->image || !eom_image_is_animation (priv->image))
+ /* do nearest neigbor before anti aliased version,
+ except for animations to avoid a "blinking" effect. */
+ paint_rectangle (view, &r, GDK_INTERP_NEAREST);
+ /* All other interpolation types are delayed. */
+ if (priv->uta)
+ g_assert (priv->idle_id != 0);
+ else {
+ g_assert (priv->idle_id == 0);
+ priv->idle_id = g_idle_add (paint_iteration_idle, view);
+ }
+ priv->uta = uta_add_rect (priv->uta, r.x0, r.y0, r.x1, r.y1);
+/* =======================================
+ scrolling stuff
+ --------------------------------------*/
+/* Scrolls the view to the specified offsets. */
+static void
+scroll_to (EomScrollView *view, int x, int y, gboolean change_adjustments)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ GdkWindow *window;
+ int src_x, src_y;
+ int dest_x, dest_y;
+ int twidth, theight;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ /* Check bounds & Compute offsets */
+ if (gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->hbar)) {
+ x = CLAMP (x, 0, gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->hadj)
+ - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (priv->hadj));
+ xofs = x - priv->xofs;
+ } else
+ xofs = 0;
+ if (gtk_widget_get_visible (priv->vbar)) {
+ y = CLAMP (y, 0, gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->vadj)
+ - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (priv->vadj));
+ yofs = y - priv->yofs;
+ } else
+ yofs = 0;
+ if (xofs == 0 && yofs == 0)
+ return;
+ priv->xofs = x;
+ priv->yofs = y;
+ if (!gtk_widget_is_drawable (priv->display))
+ goto out;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display), &allocation);
+ if (abs (xofs) >= allocation.width || abs (yofs) >= allocation.height) {
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ goto out;
+ }
+ window = gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ /* Ensure that the uta has the full size */
+ twidth = (allocation.width + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ theight = (allocation.height + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ if (priv->uta)
+ g_assert (priv->idle_id != 0);
+ else
+ priv->idle_id = g_idle_add (paint_iteration_idle, view);
+ priv->uta = uta_ensure_size (priv->uta, 0, 0, twidth, theight);
+ /* Copy the uta area. Our synchronous handling of expose events, below,
+ * will queue the new scrolled-in areas.
+ */
+ src_x = xofs < 0 ? 0 : xofs;
+ src_y = yofs < 0 ? 0 : yofs;
+ dest_x = xofs < 0 ? -xofs : 0;
+ dest_y = yofs < 0 ? -yofs : 0;
+ uta_copy_area (priv->uta,
+ src_x, src_y,
+ dest_x, dest_y,
+ allocation.width - abs (xofs),
+ allocation.height - abs (yofs));
+ /* Scroll the window area and process exposure synchronously. */
+ gdk_window_scroll (window, -xofs, -yofs);
+ gdk_window_process_updates (window, TRUE);
+ out:
+ if (!change_adjustments)
+ return;
+ g_signal_handlers_block_matched (
+ priv->hadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+ g_signal_handlers_block_matched (
+ priv->vadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (priv->hadj, x);
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (priv->vadj, y);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (
+ priv->hadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (
+ priv->vadj, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA,
+ 0, 0, NULL, NULL, view);
+/* Scrolls the image view by the specified offsets. Notifies the adjustments
+ * about their new values.
+ */
+static void
+scroll_by (EomScrollView *view, int xofs, int yofs)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ scroll_to (view, priv->xofs + xofs, priv->yofs + yofs, TRUE);
+/* Callback used when an adjustment is changed */
+static void
+adjustment_changed_cb (GtkAdjustment *adj, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ scroll_to (view, gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->hadj),
+ gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->vadj), FALSE);
+/* Drags the image to the specified position */
+static void
+drag_to (EomScrollView *view, int x, int y)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ int dx, dy;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ dx = priv->drag_anchor_x - x;
+ dy = priv->drag_anchor_y - y;
+ x = priv->drag_ofs_x + dx;
+ y = priv->drag_ofs_y + dy;
+ scroll_to (view, x, y, TRUE);
+static void
+set_minimum_zoom_factor (EomScrollView *view)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ view->priv->min_zoom = MAX (1.0 / gdk_pixbuf_get_width (view->priv->pixbuf),
+ MAX(1.0 / gdk_pixbuf_get_height (view->priv->pixbuf),
+ return;
+ * set_zoom:
+ * @view: A scroll view.
+ * @zoom: Zoom factor.
+ * @have_anchor: Whether the anchor point specified by (@anchorx, @anchory)
+ * should be used.
+ * @anchorx: Horizontal anchor point in pixels.
+ * @anchory: Vertical anchor point in pixels.
+ *
+ * Sets the zoom factor for an image view. The anchor point can be used to
+ * specify the point that stays fixed when the image is zoomed. If @have_anchor
+ * is %TRUE, then (@anchorx, @anchory) specify the point relative to the image
+ * view widget's allocation that will stay fixed when zooming. If @have_anchor
+ * is %FALSE, then the center point of the image view will be used.
+ **/
+static void
+set_zoom (EomScrollView *view, double zoom,
+ gboolean have_anchor, int anchorx, int anchory)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ double x_rel, y_rel;
+ g_assert (zoom > 0.0);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->pixbuf == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (zoom > MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR)
+ else if (zoom < MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR)
+ if (DOUBLE_EQUAL (priv->zoom, zoom))
+ return;
+ if (DOUBLE_EQUAL (priv->zoom, priv->min_zoom) && zoom < priv->zoom)
+ return;
+ priv->zoom_mode = ZOOM_MODE_FREE;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display), &allocation);
+ /* compute new xofs/yofs values */
+ if (have_anchor) {
+ x_rel = (double) anchorx / allocation.width;
+ y_rel = (double) anchory / allocation.height;
+ } else {
+ x_rel = 0.5;
+ y_rel = 0.5;
+ }
+ compute_center_zoom_offsets (view, priv->zoom, zoom,
+ allocation.width, allocation.height,
+ x_rel, y_rel,
+ &xofs, &yofs);
+ /* set new values */
+ priv->xofs = xofs; /* (img_width * x_rel * zoom) - anchorx; */
+ priv->yofs = yofs; /* (img_height * y_rel * zoom) - anchory; */
+#if 0
+ g_print ("xofs: %i yofs: %i\n", priv->xofs, priv->yofs);
+ if (zoom <= priv->min_zoom)
+ priv->zoom = priv->min_zoom;
+ else
+ priv->zoom = zoom;
+ /* we make use of the new values here */
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, NULL);
+ update_scrollbar_values (view);
+ /* repaint the whole image */
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ g_signal_emit (view, view_signals [SIGNAL_ZOOM_CHANGED], 0, priv->zoom);
+/* Zooms the image to fit the available allocation */
+static void
+set_zoom_fit (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ double new_zoom;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ priv->zoom_mode = ZOOM_MODE_FIT;
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_mapped (GTK_WIDGET (view)))
+ return;
+ if (priv->pixbuf == NULL)
+ return;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET(priv->display), &allocation);
+ new_zoom = zoom_fit_scale (allocation.width, allocation.height,
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf),
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf),
+ priv->upscale);
+ if (new_zoom > MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR)
+ new_zoom = MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR;
+ else if (new_zoom < MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR)
+ new_zoom = MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR;
+ priv->zoom = new_zoom;
+ priv->xofs = 0;
+ priv->yofs = 0;
+ g_signal_emit (view, view_signals [SIGNAL_ZOOM_CHANGED], 0, priv->zoom);
+ internal signal callbacks
+ ---------------------------------*/
+/* Key press event handler for the image view */
+static gboolean
+display_key_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gboolean do_zoom;
+ double zoom;
+ gboolean do_scroll;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ do_zoom = FALSE;
+ do_scroll = FALSE;
+ xofs = yofs = 0;
+ zoom = 1.0;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display), &allocation);
+ /* EomScrollView doesn't handle/have any Alt+Key combos */
+ if (event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ switch (event->keyval) {
+ case GDK_Up:
+ do_scroll = TRUE;
+ xofs = 0;
+ break;
+ case GDK_Page_Up:
+ do_scroll = TRUE;
+ if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
+ xofs = -(allocation.width * 3) / 4;
+ yofs = 0;
+ } else {
+ xofs = 0;
+ yofs = -(allocation.height * 3) / 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_Down:
+ do_scroll = TRUE;
+ xofs = 0;
+ break;
+ case GDK_Page_Down:
+ do_scroll = TRUE;
+ if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
+ xofs = (allocation.width * 3) / 4;
+ yofs = 0;
+ } else {
+ xofs = 0;
+ yofs = (allocation.height * 3) / 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_Left:
+ do_scroll = TRUE;
+ yofs = 0;
+ break;
+ case GDK_Right:
+ do_scroll = TRUE;
+ yofs = 0;
+ break;
+ case GDK_plus:
+ case GDK_equal:
+ case GDK_KP_Add:
+ do_zoom = TRUE;
+ zoom = priv->zoom * priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ break;
+ case GDK_minus:
+ case GDK_KP_Subtract:
+ do_zoom = TRUE;
+ zoom = priv->zoom / priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ break;
+ case GDK_1:
+ do_zoom = TRUE;
+ zoom = 1.0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (do_zoom) {
+ gint x, y;
+ gdk_window_get_pointer (gtk_widget_get_window (widget),
+ &x, &y, NULL);
+ set_zoom (view, zoom, TRUE, x, y);
+ }
+ if (do_scroll)
+ scroll_by (view, xofs, yofs);
+ return TRUE;
+/* Button press event handler for the image view */
+static gboolean
+eom_scroll_view_button_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (!gtk_widget_has_focus (priv->display))
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ if (priv->dragging)
+ return FALSE;
+ switch (event->button) {
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ if (event->button == 1 && !priv->scroll_wheel_zoom &&
+ !(event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK))
+ break;
+ if (is_image_movable (view)) {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_cursor (view, EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_CURSOR_DRAG);
+ priv->dragging = TRUE;
+ priv->drag_anchor_x = event->x;
+ priv->drag_anchor_y = event->y;
+ priv->drag_ofs_x = priv->xofs;
+ priv->drag_ofs_y = priv->yofs;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_style_set (GtkWidget *widget, GtkStyle *old_style)
+ GtkStyle *style;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget);
+ priv = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (widget)->priv;
+ gtk_widget_set_style (priv->display, style);
+/* Button release event handler for the image view */
+static gboolean
+eom_scroll_view_button_release_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (!priv->dragging)
+ return FALSE;
+ switch (event->button) {
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ drag_to (view, event->x, event->y);
+ priv->dragging = FALSE;
+ eom_scroll_view_set_cursor (view, EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* Scroll event handler for the image view. We zoom with an event without
+ * modifiers rather than scroll; we use the Shift modifier to scroll.
+ * Rationale: images are not primarily vertical, and in EOM you scan scroll by
+ * dragging the image with button 1 anyways.
+ */
+static gboolean
+eom_scroll_view_scroll_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventScroll *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ double zoom_factor;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ /* Compute zoom factor and scrolling offsets; we'll only use either of them */
+ /* same as in gtkscrolledwindow.c */
+ xofs = gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment (priv->hadj) / 2;
+ yofs = gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment (priv->vadj) / 2;
+ switch (event->direction) {
+ zoom_factor = priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ xofs = 0;
+ yofs = -yofs;
+ break;
+ zoom_factor = 1.0 / priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ xofs = -xofs;
+ yofs = 0;
+ break;
+ zoom_factor = 1.0 / priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ xofs = 0;
+ yofs = yofs;
+ break;
+ zoom_factor = priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ xofs = xofs;
+ yofs = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (priv->scroll_wheel_zoom) {
+ if (event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)
+ scroll_by (view, yofs, xofs);
+ else if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
+ scroll_by (view, xofs, yofs);
+ else
+ set_zoom (view, priv->zoom * zoom_factor,
+ TRUE, event->x, event->y);
+ } else {
+ if (event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)
+ scroll_by (view, yofs, xofs);
+ else if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
+ set_zoom (view, priv->zoom * zoom_factor,
+ TRUE, event->x, event->y);
+ else
+ scroll_by (view, xofs, yofs);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* Motion event handler for the image view */
+static gboolean
+eom_scroll_view_motion_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ gint x, y;
+ GdkModifierType mods;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (!priv->dragging)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (event->is_hint)
+ gdk_window_get_pointer (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display)), &x, &y, &mods);
+ else {
+ x = event->x;
+ y = event->y;
+ }
+ drag_to (view, x, y);
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+display_map_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ set_zoom_fit (view);
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *alloc)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (widget);
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, alloc);
+ GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_scroll_view_parent_class)->size_allocate (widget
+ ,alloc);
+static void
+display_size_change (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->zoom_mode == ZOOM_MODE_FIT) {
+ GtkAllocation alloc;
+ alloc.width = event->width;
+ alloc.height = event->height;
+ set_zoom_fit (view);
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, &alloc);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ } else {
+ int scaled_width, scaled_height;
+ int x_offset = 0;
+ int y_offset = 0;
+ compute_scaled_size (view, priv->zoom, &scaled_width, &scaled_height);
+ if (priv->xofs + event->width > scaled_width)
+ x_offset = scaled_width - event->width - priv->xofs;
+ if (priv->yofs + event->height > scaled_height)
+ y_offset = scaled_height - event->height - priv->yofs;
+ scroll_by (view, x_offset, y_offset);
+ }
+ update_scrollbar_values (view);
+static gboolean
+eom_scroll_view_focus_in_event (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventFocus *event,
+ gpointer data)
+ g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (G_OBJECT (widget), "focus_in_event");
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+eom_scroll_view_focus_out_event (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventFocus *event,
+ gpointer data)
+ g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (G_OBJECT (widget), "focus_out_event");
+ return FALSE;
+/* Expose event handler for the drawing area. First we process the whole dirty
+ * region by drawing a non-interpolated version, which is "instantaneous", and
+ * we do this synchronously. Then, if we are set to use interpolation, we queue
+ * an idle handler to handle interpolated drawing there.
+ */
+static gboolean
+display_expose_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ GdkRectangle *rects;
+ gint n_rects;
+ int i;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_DRAWING_AREA (widget), FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (data), FALSE);
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ gdk_region_get_rectangles (event->region, &rects, &n_rects);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_rects; i++) {
+ request_paint_area (view, rects + i);
+ }
+ g_free (rects);
+ return TRUE;
+ image loading callbacks
+ -----------------------------------*/
+static void
+image_loading_update_cb (EomImage *img, int x, int y, int width, int height, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GdkRectangle area;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ int sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1;
+ view = (EomScrollView*) data;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_IMAGE_LOAD, "x: %i, y: %i, width: %i, height: %i\n",
+ x, y, width, height);
+ if (priv->pixbuf == NULL) {
+ priv->pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (img);
+ set_zoom_fit (view);
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, NULL);
+ }
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_LOADING;
+ get_image_offsets (view, &xofs, &yofs);
+ sx0 = floor (x * priv->zoom + xofs);
+ sy0 = floor (y * priv->zoom + yofs);
+ sx1 = ceil ((x + width) * priv->zoom + xofs);
+ sy1 = ceil ((y + height) * priv->zoom + yofs);
+ area.x = sx0;
+ area.y = sy0;
+ area.width = sx1 - sx0;
+ area.height = sy1 - sy0;
+ if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (priv->display))
+ gdk_window_invalidate_rect (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display)->window, &area, FALSE);
+static void
+image_loading_finished_cb (EomImage *img, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ view = (EomScrollView*) data;
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->pixbuf == NULL) {
+ priv->pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (img);
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_NONE;
+ set_zoom_fit (view);
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+ else if (priv->interp_type != GDK_INTERP_NEAREST &&
+ !is_unity_zoom (view))
+ {
+ // paint antialiased image version
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_POLISHING;
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+static void
+image_loading_failed_cb (EomImage *img, char *msg, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data)->priv;
+ g_print ("loading failed: %s.\n", msg);
+ if (priv->pixbuf != 0) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf);
+ priv->pixbuf = 0;
+ }
+ if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (priv->display)) {
+ gdk_window_clear (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display)->window);
+ }
+static void
+image_loading_cancelled_cb (EomImage *img, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data)->priv;
+ if (priv->pixbuf != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf);
+ priv->pixbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ if (GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (priv->display)) {
+ gdk_window_clear (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display)->window);
+ }
+static void
+image_changed_cb (EomImage *img, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data)->priv;
+ if (priv->pixbuf != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf);
+ priv->pixbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (img);
+ set_zoom_fit (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data));
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data), NULL);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ public API
+ ---------------------------------*/
+eom_scroll_view_hide_cursor (EomScrollView *view)
+ eom_scroll_view_set_cursor (view, EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
+eom_scroll_view_show_cursor (EomScrollView *view)
+ eom_scroll_view_set_cursor (view, EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
+/* general properties */
+eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_upscale (EomScrollView *view, gboolean upscale)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->upscale != upscale) {
+ priv->upscale = upscale;
+ if (priv->zoom_mode == ZOOM_MODE_FIT) {
+ set_zoom_fit (view);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+ }
+eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_in (EomScrollView *view, gboolean state)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GdkInterpType new_interp_type;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ new_interp_type = state ? GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR : GDK_INTERP_NEAREST;
+ if (priv->interp_type_in != new_interp_type) {
+ priv->interp_type_in = new_interp_type;
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_out (EomScrollView *view, gboolean state)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ GdkInterpType new_interp_type;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ new_interp_type = state ? GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR : GDK_INTERP_NEAREST;
+ if (priv->interp_type_out != new_interp_type) {
+ priv->interp_type_out = new_interp_type;
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+eom_scroll_view_set_transparency (EomScrollView *view, EomTransparencyStyle style, GdkColor *color)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ guint32 col = 0;
+ guint32 red, green, blue;
+ gboolean changed = FALSE;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (color != NULL) {
+ red = (color->red >> 8) << 16;
+ green = (color->green >> 8) << 8;
+ blue = (color->blue >> 8);
+ col = red + green + blue;
+ }
+ if (priv->transp_style != style) {
+ priv->transp_style = style;
+ changed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (priv->transp_style == EOM_TRANSP_COLOR && priv->transp_color != col) {
+ priv->transp_color = col;
+ changed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (changed && priv->pixbuf != NULL && gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (priv->pixbuf)) {
+ if (priv->background_surface) {
+ cairo_surface_destroy (priv->background_surface);
+ /* Will be recreated if needed during redraw */
+ priv->background_surface = NULL;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+/* zoom api */
+static double preferred_zoom_levels[] = {
+ 1.0 / 100, 1.0 / 50, 1.0 / 20,
+ 1.0 / 10.0, 1.0 / 5.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 1.5,
+ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0,
+ 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0
+static const gint n_zoom_levels = (sizeof (preferred_zoom_levels) / sizeof (double));
+eom_scroll_view_zoom_in (EomScrollView *view, gboolean smooth)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ double zoom;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (smooth) {
+ zoom = priv->zoom * priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ }
+ else {
+ int i;
+ int index = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_zoom_levels; i++) {
+ if (preferred_zoom_levels [i] - priv->zoom
+ index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (index == -1) {
+ zoom = priv->zoom;
+ }
+ else {
+ zoom = preferred_zoom_levels [i];
+ }
+ }
+ set_zoom (view, zoom, FALSE, 0, 0);
+eom_scroll_view_zoom_out (EomScrollView *view, gboolean smooth)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ double zoom;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (smooth) {
+ zoom = priv->zoom / priv->zoom_multiplier;
+ }
+ else {
+ int i;
+ int index = -1;
+ for (i = n_zoom_levels - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (priv->zoom - preferred_zoom_levels [i]
+ index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (index == -1) {
+ zoom = priv->zoom;
+ }
+ else {
+ zoom = preferred_zoom_levels [i];
+ }
+ }
+ set_zoom (view, zoom, FALSE, 0, 0);
+eom_scroll_view_zoom_fit (EomScrollView *view)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ set_zoom_fit (view);
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (view->priv->display));
+eom_scroll_view_set_zoom (EomScrollView *view, double zoom)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ set_zoom (view, zoom, FALSE, 0, 0);
+eom_scroll_view_get_zoom (EomScrollView *view)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view), 0.0);
+ return view->priv->zoom;
+eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_min (EomScrollView *view)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view), FALSE);
+ set_minimum_zoom_factor (view);
+ return DOUBLE_EQUAL (view->priv->zoom, MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR) ||
+ DOUBLE_EQUAL (view->priv->zoom, view->priv->min_zoom);
+eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_max (EomScrollView *view)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view), FALSE);
+ return DOUBLE_EQUAL (view->priv->zoom, MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR);
+static void
+display_next_frame_cb (EomImage *image, gint delay, gpointer data)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ if (!EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (data))
+ return;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (data);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->pixbuf != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf);
+ priv->pixbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (image);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+eom_scroll_view_set_image (EomScrollView *view, EomImage *image)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->image == image) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ free_image_resources (view);
+ if (gtk_widget_is_drawable (priv->display) && image == NULL) {
+ gdk_window_clear (gtk_widget_get_window (priv->display));
+ }
+ }
+ g_assert (priv->image == NULL);
+ g_assert (priv->pixbuf == NULL);
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_NONE;
+ if (image != NULL) {
+ eom_image_data_ref (image);
+ if (priv->pixbuf == NULL) {
+ priv->pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (image);
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_NONE;
+ set_zoom_fit (view);
+ check_scrollbar_visibility (view, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+ else if ((is_zoomed_in (view) && priv->interp_type_in != GDK_INTERP_NEAREST) ||
+ (is_zoomed_out (view) && priv->interp_type_out != GDK_INTERP_NEAREST))
+ {
+ /* paint antialiased image version */
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_POLISHING;
+ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display));
+ }
+ priv->image_changed_id = g_signal_connect (image, "changed",
+ (GCallback) image_changed_cb, view);
+ if (eom_image_is_animation (image) == TRUE ) {
+ eom_image_start_animation (image);
+ priv->frame_changed_id = g_signal_connect (image, "next-frame",
+ (GCallback) display_next_frame_cb, view);
+ }
+ }
+ priv->image = image;
+eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible (EomScrollView *view)
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (view->priv->hbar)) &&
+ !gtk_widget_get_visible (GTK_WIDGET (view->priv->vbar)))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ object creation/freeing
+ ---------------------------------*/
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_init (EomScrollView *view)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ priv = view->priv = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE (view);
+ priv->zoom = 1.0;
+ priv->min_zoom = MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR;
+ priv->zoom_mode = ZOOM_MODE_FIT;
+ priv->upscale = FALSE;
+ priv->uta = NULL;
+ priv->interp_type_in = GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR;
+ priv->interp_type_out = GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR;
+ priv->scroll_wheel_zoom = FALSE;
+ priv->zoom_multiplier = IMAGE_VIEW_ZOOM_MULTIPLIER;
+ priv->image = NULL;
+ priv->pixbuf = NULL;
+ priv->progressive_state = PROGRESSIVE_NONE;
+ priv->transp_style = EOM_TRANSP_BACKGROUND;
+ priv->transp_color = 0;
+ priv->menu = NULL;
+ priv->background_color = NULL;
+ priv->override_bg_color = NULL;
+ priv->background_surface = NULL;
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (object));
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (object);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->uta != NULL) {
+ eom_uta_free (priv->uta);
+ priv->uta = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->idle_id != 0) {
+ g_source_remove (priv->idle_id);
+ priv->idle_id = 0;
+ }
+ if (priv->background_color != NULL) {
+ gdk_color_free (priv->background_color);
+ priv->background_color = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->override_bg_color != NULL) {
+ gdk_color_free (priv->override_bg_color);
+ priv->override_bg_color = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->background_surface != NULL) {
+ cairo_surface_destroy (priv->background_surface);
+ priv->background_surface = NULL;
+ }
+ free_image_resources (view);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_scroll_view_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id,
+ GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (object));
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (object);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ switch (property_id) {
+ g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->use_bg_color);
+ break;
+ //FIXME: This doesn't really handle the NULL color.
+ g_value_set_boxed (value, priv->background_color);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (object));
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (object);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ switch (property_id) {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_use_bg_color (view, g_value_get_boolean (value));
+ break;
+ {
+ const GdkColor *color = g_value_get_boxed (value);
+ eom_scroll_view_set_background_color (view, color);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_class_init (EomScrollViewClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+ GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
+ gobject_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass*) klass;
+ gobject_class->dispose = eom_scroll_view_dispose;
+ gobject_class->set_property = eom_scroll_view_set_property;
+ gobject_class->get_property = eom_scroll_view_get_property;
+ /**
+ * EomScrollView:background-color:
+ *
+ * This is the default background color used for painting the background
+ * of the image view. If set to %NULL the color is determined by the
+ * active GTK theme.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (
+ gobject_class, PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR,
+ g_param_spec_boxed ("background-color", NULL, NULL,
+ g_object_class_install_property (
+ gobject_class, PROP_USE_BG_COLOR,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("use-background-color", NULL, NULL, FALSE,
+ view_signals [SIGNAL_ZOOM_CHANGED] =
+ g_signal_new ("zoom_changed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomScrollViewClass, zoom_changed),
+ eom_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE,
+ widget_class->size_allocate = eom_scroll_view_size_allocate;
+ widget_class->style_set = eom_scroll_view_style_set;
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EomScrollViewPrivate));
+static void
+view_on_drag_begin_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GdkPixbuf *thumbnail;
+ gint width, height;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (user_data);
+ image = view->priv->image;
+ thumbnail = eom_image_get_thumbnail (image);
+ if (thumbnail) {
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (thumbnail);
+ height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (thumbnail);
+ gtk_drag_set_icon_pixbuf (context, thumbnail, width/2, height/2);
+ g_object_unref (thumbnail);
+ }
+static void
+view_on_drag_data_get_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *drag_context,
+ GtkSelectionData *data,
+ guint info,
+ guint time,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomImage *image;
+ gchar *uris[2];
+ GFile *file;
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (user_data);
+ image = view->priv->image;
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ uris[0] = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ uris[1] = NULL;
+ gtk_selection_data_set_uris (data, uris);
+ g_free (uris[0]);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+eom_scroll_view_new (void)
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ GtkTable *table;
+ EomScrollView *view;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ widget = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_SCROLL_VIEW,
+ "can-focus", TRUE,
+ "n_rows", 2,
+ "n_columns", 2,
+ "homogeneous", FALSE,
+ NULL);
+ table = GTK_TABLE (widget);
+ view = EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (widget);
+ priv = view->priv;
+ priv->hadj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_adjustment_new (0, 100, 0, 10, 10, 100));
+ g_signal_connect (priv->hadj, "value_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (adjustment_changed_cb),
+ view);
+ priv->hbar = gtk_hscrollbar_new (priv->hadj);
+ priv->vadj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_adjustment_new (0, 100, 0, 10, 10, 100));
+ g_signal_connect (priv->vadj, "value_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (adjustment_changed_cb),
+ view);
+ priv->vbar = gtk_vscrollbar_new (priv->vadj);
+ priv->display = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DRAWING_AREA,
+ "can-focus", TRUE,
+ NULL);
+ /* We don't want to be double-buffered as we are SuperSmart(tm) */
+ gtk_widget_set_double_buffered (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display), FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_add_events (GTK_WIDGET (priv->display),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "configure_event", G_CALLBACK (display_size_change), view);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK (display_expose_event), view);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "map_event", G_CALLBACK (display_map_event), view);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK (eom_scroll_view_button_press_event), view);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "motion_notify_event", G_CALLBACK (eom_scroll_view_motion_event), view);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "button_release_event", G_CALLBACK (eom_scroll_view_button_release_event), view);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "scroll_event", G_CALLBACK (eom_scroll_view_scroll_event), view);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "focus_in_event", G_CALLBACK (eom_scroll_view_focus_in_event), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK (eom_scroll_view_focus_out_event), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (widget), "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK (display_key_press_event), view);
+ gtk_drag_source_set (priv->display, GDK_BUTTON1_MASK,
+ target_table, G_N_ELEMENTS (target_table),
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "drag-data-get",
+ G_CALLBACK (view_on_drag_data_get_cb), widget);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->display), "drag-begin",
+ G_CALLBACK (view_on_drag_begin_cb), widget);
+ gtk_table_attach (table, priv->display,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 0,0);
+ gtk_table_attach (table, priv->hbar,
+ 0, 1, 1, 2,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_table_attach (table, priv->vbar,
+ 1, 2, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (widget);
+ return widget;
+static void
+eom_scroll_view_popup_menu (EomScrollView *view, GdkEventButton *event)
+ GtkWidget *popup;
+ int button, event_time;
+ popup = view->priv->menu;
+ if (event) {
+ button = event->button;
+ event_time = event->time;
+ } else {
+ button = 0;
+ event_time = gtk_get_current_event_time ();
+ }
+ gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (popup), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ button, event_time);
+static gboolean
+view_on_button_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *view, GdkEventButton *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ /* Ignore double-clicks and triple-clicks */
+ if (event->button == 3 && event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
+ {
+ eom_scroll_view_popup_menu (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (view), event);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+eom_scroll_view_set_popup (EomScrollView *view,
+ GtkMenu *menu)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ g_return_if_fail (view->priv->menu == NULL);
+ view->priv->menu = g_object_ref (menu);
+ gtk_menu_attach_to_widget (GTK_MENU (view->priv->menu),
+ GTK_WIDGET (view),
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (view), "button_press_event",
+ G_CALLBACK (view_on_button_press_event_cb), NULL);
+static gboolean
+_eom_gdk_color_equal0 (const GdkColor *a, const GdkColor *b)
+ if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
+ return (a == b);
+ return gdk_color_equal (a, b);
+static gboolean
+_eom_replace_gdk_color (GdkColor **dest, const GdkColor *new)
+ GdkColor *old = *dest;
+ if (_eom_gdk_color_equal0 (old, new))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (old != NULL)
+ gdk_color_free (old);
+ *dest = (new) ? gdk_color_copy (new) : NULL;
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+_eom_scroll_view_update_bg_color (EomScrollView *view)
+ const GdkColor *selected;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv = view->priv;
+ if (priv->override_bg_color)
+ selected = priv->override_bg_color;
+ else if (priv->use_bg_color)
+ selected = priv->background_color;
+ else
+ selected = NULL;
+ if (priv->transp_style == EOM_TRANSP_BACKGROUND
+ && priv->background_surface != NULL) {
+ /* Delete the SVG background to have it recreated with
+ * the correct color during the next SVG redraw */
+ cairo_surface_destroy (priv->background_surface);
+ priv->background_surface = NULL;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg (GTK_WIDGET (view),
+ selected);
+eom_scroll_view_set_background_color (EomScrollView *view,
+ const GdkColor *color)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ if (_eom_replace_gdk_color (&view->priv->background_color, color))
+ _eom_scroll_view_update_bg_color (view);
+eom_scroll_view_override_bg_color (EomScrollView *view,
+ const GdkColor *color)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ if (_eom_replace_gdk_color (&view->priv->override_bg_color, color))
+ _eom_scroll_view_update_bg_color (view);
+eom_scroll_view_set_use_bg_color (EomScrollView *view, gboolean use)
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ priv = view->priv;
+ if (use != priv->use_bg_color) {
+ priv->use_bg_color = use;
+ _eom_scroll_view_update_bg_color (view);
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (view), "use-background-color");
+ }
+eom_scroll_view_set_scroll_wheel_zoom (EomScrollView *view,
+ gboolean scroll_wheel_zoom)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ view->priv->scroll_wheel_zoom = scroll_wheel_zoom;
+eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_multiplier (EomScrollView *view,
+ gdouble zoom_multiplier)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (view));
+ view->priv->zoom_multiplier = 1.0 + zoom_multiplier;
diff --git a/src/eom-scroll-view.h b/src/eom-scroll-view.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f8a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-scroll-view.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#ifndef _EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_H_
+#define _EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_H_
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "eom-image.h"
+typedef struct _EomScrollView EomScrollView;
+typedef struct _EomScrollViewClass EomScrollViewClass;
+typedef struct _EomScrollViewPrivate EomScrollViewPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_SCROLL_VIEW (eom_scroll_view_get_type ())
+struct _EomScrollView {
+ GtkTable widget;
+ EomScrollViewPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomScrollViewClass {
+ GtkTableClass parent_class;
+ void (* zoom_changed) (EomScrollView *view, double zoom);
+typedef enum {
+} EomTransparencyStyle;
+GType eom_scroll_view_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget* eom_scroll_view_new (void);
+/* loading stuff */
+void eom_scroll_view_set_image (EomScrollView *view, EomImage *image);
+/* general properties */
+void eom_scroll_view_set_scroll_wheel_zoom (EomScrollView *view, gboolean scroll_wheel_zoom);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_upscale (EomScrollView *view, gboolean upscale);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_multiplier (EomScrollView *view, gdouble multiplier);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_in (EomScrollView *view, gboolean state);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_out (EomScrollView *view, gboolean state);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_transparency (EomScrollView *view, EomTransparencyStyle style, GdkColor *color);
+gboolean eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible (EomScrollView *view);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_popup (EomScrollView *view, GtkMenu *menu);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_background_color (EomScrollView *view,
+ const GdkColor *color);
+void eom_scroll_view_override_bg_color (EomScrollView *view,
+ const GdkColor *color);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_use_bg_color (EomScrollView *view, gboolean use);
+/* zoom api */
+void eom_scroll_view_zoom_in (EomScrollView *view, gboolean smooth);
+void eom_scroll_view_zoom_out (EomScrollView *view, gboolean smooth);
+void eom_scroll_view_zoom_fit (EomScrollView *view);
+void eom_scroll_view_set_zoom (EomScrollView *view, double zoom);
+double eom_scroll_view_get_zoom (EomScrollView *view);
+gboolean eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_min (EomScrollView *view);
+gboolean eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_max (EomScrollView *view);
+void eom_scroll_view_show_cursor (EomScrollView *view);
+void eom_scroll_view_hide_cursor (EomScrollView *view);
+#endif /* _EOM_SCROLL_VIEW_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-session.c b/src/eom-session.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc926e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-session.c
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Session Handler
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-session.h) by:
+ * - Gedit Team
+ * - Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "eom-session.h"
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include "eom-application.h"
+eom_session_init (EomApplication *application)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_APPLICATION (application));
+ /* FIXME: Session management is currently a no-op in eom. */
+eom_session_is_restored (void)
+ return FALSE;
+eom_session_load (void)
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/eom-session.h b/src/eom-session.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cf8892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-session.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Session Handler
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on gedit code (gedit/gedit-session.h) by:
+ * - Gedit Team
+ * - Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_SESSION_H__
+#define __EOM_SESSION_H__
+#include "eom-application.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+void eom_session_init (EomApplication *application);
+gboolean eom_session_is_restored (void);
+gboolean eom_session_load (void);
+#endif /* __EOM_SESSION_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-sidebar.c b/src/eom-sidebar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c536189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-sidebar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+/* Eye of Mate - Side bar
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-sidebar.c) by:
+ * - Jonathan Blandford <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include "eom-sidebar.h"
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+enum {
+enum {
+static gint signals[SIGNAL_LAST];
+struct _EomSidebarPrivate {
+ GtkWidget *notebook;
+ GtkWidget *select_button;
+ GtkWidget *menu;
+ GtkWidget *hbox;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GtkTreeModel *page_model;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomSidebar, eom_sidebar, GTK_TYPE_VBOX)
+#define EOM_SIDEBAR_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+static void
+eom_sidebar_destroy (GtkObject *object)
+ EomSidebar *eom_sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (object);
+ if (eom_sidebar->priv->menu) {
+ gtk_menu_detach (GTK_MENU (eom_sidebar->priv->menu));
+ eom_sidebar->priv->menu = NULL;
+ }
+ if (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model) {
+ g_object_unref (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model);
+ eom_sidebar->priv->page_model = NULL;
+ }
+ (* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_sidebar_parent_class)->destroy) (object);
+static void
+eom_sidebar_select_page (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar, GtkTreeIter *iter)
+ gchar *title;
+ gint index;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, iter,
+ -1);
+ gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (eom_sidebar->priv->notebook), index);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (eom_sidebar->priv->label), title);
+ g_free (title);
+eom_sidebar_set_page (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gboolean valid;
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter);
+ while (valid) {
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ gtk_tree_model_get (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter,
+ -1);
+ if (widget == main_widget) {
+ eom_sidebar_select_page (eom_sidebar, &iter);
+ valid = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (widget);
+ }
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (eom_sidebar), "current-page");
+static GtkWidget *
+eom_sidebar_get_current_page (EomSidebar *sidebar)
+ GtkNotebook *notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK (sidebar->priv->notebook);
+ return gtk_notebook_get_nth_page
+ (notebook, gtk_notebook_get_current_page (notebook));
+static void
+eom_sidebar_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomSidebar *sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ eom_sidebar_set_page (sidebar, g_value_get_object (value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+eom_sidebar_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomSidebar *sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ g_value_set_object (value, eom_sidebar_get_current_page (sidebar));
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+eom_sidebar_class_init (EomSidebarClass *eom_sidebar_class)
+ GObjectClass *g_object_class;
+ GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
+ GtkObjectClass *gtk_object_klass;
+ g_object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_sidebar_class);
+ widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_sidebar_class);
+ gtk_object_klass = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_sidebar_class);
+ g_type_class_add_private (g_object_class, sizeof (EomSidebarPrivate));
+ gtk_object_klass->destroy = eom_sidebar_destroy;
+ g_object_class->get_property = eom_sidebar_get_property;
+ g_object_class->set_property = eom_sidebar_set_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("current-page",
+ "Current page",
+ "The currently visible page",
+ signals[SIGNAL_PAGE_ADDED] =
+ g_signal_new ("page-added",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomSidebarClass, page_added),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,
+ 1,
+ g_signal_new ("page-removed",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomSidebarClass, page_removed),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT,
+ 1,
+static void
+eom_sidebar_menu_position_under (GtkMenu *menu,
+ gint *x,
+ gint *y,
+ gboolean *push_in,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_BUTTON (user_data));
+ g_return_if_fail (!gtk_widget_get_has_window (user_data));
+ widget = GTK_WIDGET (user_data);
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation);
+ gdk_window_get_origin (gtk_widget_get_window (widget), x, y);
+ *x += allocation.x;
+ *y += allocation.y + allocation.height;
+ *push_in = FALSE;
+static gboolean
+eom_sidebar_select_button_press_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventButton *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomSidebar *eom_sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (user_data);
+ if (event->button == 1) {
+ GtkRequisition requisition;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (eom_sidebar->priv->menu, -1, -1);
+ gtk_widget_size_request (eom_sidebar->priv->menu, &requisition);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (eom_sidebar->priv->menu,
+ MAX (allocation.width,
+ requisition.width), -1);
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (widget);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget), TRUE);
+ gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (eom_sidebar->priv->menu),
+ NULL, NULL, eom_sidebar_menu_position_under, widget,
+ event->button, event->time);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+eom_sidebar_select_button_key_press_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventKey *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomSidebar *eom_sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (user_data);
+ if (event->keyval == GDK_space ||
+ event->keyval == GDK_KP_Space ||
+ event->keyval == GDK_Return ||
+ event->keyval == GDK_KP_Enter) {
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget), TRUE);
+ gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (eom_sidebar->priv->menu),
+ NULL, NULL, eom_sidebar_menu_position_under, widget,
+ 1, event->time);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+eom_sidebar_close_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomSidebar *eom_sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (user_data);
+ gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (eom_sidebar));
+static void
+eom_sidebar_menu_deactivate_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkWidget *menu_button;
+ menu_button = GTK_WIDGET (user_data);
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (menu_button), FALSE);
+static void
+eom_sidebar_menu_detach_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkMenu *menu)
+ EomSidebar *eom_sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (widget);
+ eom_sidebar->priv->menu = NULL;
+static void
+eom_sidebar_menu_item_activate_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomSidebar *eom_sidebar = EOM_SIDEBAR (user_data);
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkWidget *menu_item, *item;
+ gboolean valid;
+ menu_item = gtk_menu_get_active (GTK_MENU (eom_sidebar->priv->menu));
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter);
+ while (valid) {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter,
+ -1);
+ if (item == menu_item) {
+ eom_sidebar_select_page (eom_sidebar, &iter);
+ valid = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (item);
+ }
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (eom_sidebar), "current-page");
+static void
+eom_sidebar_init (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar)
+ GtkWidget *hbox;
+ GtkWidget *close_button;
+ GtkWidget *select_hbox;
+ GtkWidget *arrow;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ eom_sidebar->priv = EOM_SIDEBAR_GET_PRIVATE (eom_sidebar);
+ /* data model */
+ eom_sidebar->priv->page_model = (GtkTreeModel *)
+ gtk_list_store_new (PAGE_COLUMN_NUM_COLS,
+ /* top option menu */
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ eom_sidebar->priv->hbox = hbox;
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (eom_sidebar), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+ eom_sidebar->priv->select_button = gtk_toggle_button_new ();
+ gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (eom_sidebar->priv->select_button),
+ g_signal_connect (eom_sidebar->priv->select_button, "button_press_event",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_sidebar_select_button_press_cb),
+ eom_sidebar);
+ g_signal_connect (eom_sidebar->priv->select_button, "key_press_event",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_sidebar_select_button_key_press_cb),
+ eom_sidebar);
+ select_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ eom_sidebar->priv->label = gtk_label_new ("");
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (select_hbox),
+ eom_sidebar->priv->label,
+ gtk_widget_show (eom_sidebar->priv->label);
+ arrow = gtk_arrow_new (GTK_ARROW_DOWN, GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (select_hbox), arrow, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (arrow);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (eom_sidebar->priv->select_button), select_hbox);
+ gtk_widget_show (select_hbox);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), eom_sidebar->priv->select_button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (eom_sidebar->priv->select_button);
+ close_button = gtk_button_new ();
+ gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (close_button), GTK_RELIEF_NONE);
+ g_signal_connect (close_button, "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_sidebar_close_clicked_cb),
+ eom_sidebar);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CLOSE,
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (close_button), image);
+ gtk_widget_show (image);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (hbox), close_button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (close_button);
+ eom_sidebar->priv->menu = gtk_menu_new ();
+ g_signal_connect (eom_sidebar->priv->menu, "deactivate",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_sidebar_menu_deactivate_cb),
+ eom_sidebar->priv->select_button);
+ gtk_menu_attach_to_widget (GTK_MENU (eom_sidebar->priv->menu),
+ GTK_WIDGET (eom_sidebar),
+ eom_sidebar_menu_detach_cb);
+ gtk_widget_show (eom_sidebar->priv->menu);
+ eom_sidebar->priv->notebook = gtk_notebook_new ();
+ gtk_notebook_set_show_border (GTK_NOTEBOOK (eom_sidebar->priv->notebook), FALSE);
+ gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (GTK_NOTEBOOK (eom_sidebar->priv->notebook), FALSE);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (eom_sidebar), eom_sidebar->priv->notebook,
+ TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (eom_sidebar->priv->notebook);
+GtkWidget *
+eom_sidebar_new (void)
+ GtkWidget *eom_sidebar;
+ eom_sidebar = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_SIDEBAR, NULL);
+ return eom_sidebar;
+eom_sidebar_add_page (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar,
+ const gchar *title,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkWidget *menu_item;
+ gchar *label_title;
+ gint index;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SIDEBAR (eom_sidebar));
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (main_widget));
+ index = gtk_notebook_append_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (eom_sidebar->priv->notebook),
+ main_widget, NULL);
+ menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label (title);
+ g_signal_connect (menu_item, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_sidebar_menu_item_activate_cb),
+ eom_sidebar);
+ gtk_widget_show (menu_item);
+ gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (eom_sidebar->priv->menu),
+ menu_item);
+ /* Insert and move to end */
+ gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model),
+ &iter, 0,
+ -1);
+ gtk_list_store_move_before (GTK_LIST_STORE(eom_sidebar->priv->page_model),
+ &iter,
+ NULL);
+ /* Set the first item added as active */
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model,
+ &iter,
+ PAGE_COLUMN_TITLE, &label_title,
+ -1);
+ gtk_menu_set_active (GTK_MENU (eom_sidebar->priv->menu), index);
+ gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (eom_sidebar->priv->label), label_title);
+ gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (eom_sidebar->priv->notebook),
+ index);
+ g_free (label_title);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (eom_sidebar),
+ signals[SIGNAL_PAGE_ADDED], 0, main_widget);
+eom_sidebar_remove_page (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar, GtkWidget *main_widget)
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ GtkWidget *widget, *menu_item;
+ gboolean valid;
+ gint index;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SIDEBAR (eom_sidebar));
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (main_widget));
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter);
+ while (valid) {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model, &iter,
+ PAGE_COLUMN_MENU_ITEM, &menu_item,
+ -1);
+ if (widget == main_widget) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model,
+ &iter);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (menu_item);
+ g_object_unref (widget);
+ }
+ if (valid) {
+ gtk_notebook_remove_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (eom_sidebar->priv->notebook),
+ index);
+ gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (eom_sidebar->priv->menu), menu_item);
+ gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model),
+ &iter);
+ g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (eom_sidebar),
+ signals[SIGNAL_PAGE_REMOVED], 0, main_widget);
+ }
+eom_sidebar_get_n_pages (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_SIDEBAR (eom_sidebar), TRUE);
+ return gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (
+ GTK_TREE_MODEL (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model), NULL);
+eom_sidebar_is_empty (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_SIDEBAR (eom_sidebar), TRUE);
+ return gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (
+ GTK_TREE_MODEL (eom_sidebar->priv->page_model), NULL) == 0;
diff --git a/src/eom-sidebar.h b/src/eom-sidebar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..864c873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-sidebar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* Eye of Mate - Side bar
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-sidebar.h) by:
+ * - Jonathan Blandford <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_SIDEBAR_H__
+#define __EOM_SIDEBAR_H__
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+typedef struct _EomSidebar EomSidebar;
+typedef struct _EomSidebarClass EomSidebarClass;
+typedef struct _EomSidebarPrivate EomSidebarPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_SIDEBAR (eom_sidebar_get_type())
+#define EOM_SIDEBAR_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_SIDEBAR, EomSidebarClass))
+struct _EomSidebar {
+ GtkVBox base_instance;
+ EomSidebarPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomSidebarClass {
+ GtkVBoxClass base_class;
+ void (* page_added) (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget);
+ void (* page_removed) (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget);
+GType eom_sidebar_get_type (void);
+GtkWidget *eom_sidebar_new (void);
+void eom_sidebar_add_page (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar,
+ const gchar *title,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget);
+void eom_sidebar_remove_page (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget);
+void eom_sidebar_set_page (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget);
+gint eom_sidebar_get_n_pages (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar);
+gboolean eom_sidebar_is_empty (EomSidebar *eom_sidebar);
+#endif /* __EOM_SIDEBAR_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-statusbar.c b/src/eom-statusbar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4b993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-statusbar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+/* Eye of Mate - Statusbar
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-statusbar.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#define EOM_STATUSBAR_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomStatusbar, eom_statusbar, GTK_TYPE_STATUSBAR)
+struct _EomStatusbarPrivate
+ GtkWidget *progressbar;
+ GtkWidget *img_num_statusbar;
+static void
+eom_statusbar_class_init (EomStatusbarClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *g_object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ g_type_class_add_private (g_object_class, sizeof (EomStatusbarPrivate));
+static void
+eom_statusbar_init (EomStatusbar *statusbar)
+ EomStatusbarPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ statusbar->priv = EOM_STATUSBAR_GET_PRIVATE (statusbar);
+ priv = statusbar->priv;
+ gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), TRUE);
+ priv->img_num_statusbar = gtk_statusbar_new ();
+ gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->img_num_statusbar), FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->img_num_statusbar, 100, 10);
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->img_num_statusbar);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (statusbar),
+ priv->img_num_statusbar,
+ 0);
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (statusbar),
+ vbox,
+ 2);
+ statusbar->priv->progressbar = gtk_progress_bar_new ();
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (vbox),
+ priv->progressbar,
+ 2);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->progressbar, -1, 10);
+ gtk_widget_show (vbox);
+ gtk_widget_hide (statusbar->priv->progressbar);
+GtkWidget *
+eom_statusbar_new (void)
+ return GTK_WIDGET (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_STATUSBAR, NULL));
+eom_statusbar_set_image_number (EomStatusbar *statusbar,
+ gint num,
+ gint tot)
+ gchar *msg;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar));
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar->priv->img_num_statusbar), 0);
+ /* Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar.
+ * The first token is the image number, the second is total image
+ * count.
+ *
+ * Translate to "%Id" if you want to use localized digits, or
+ * translate to "%d" otherwise.
+ *
+ * Note that translating this doesn't guarantee that you get localized
+ * digits. That needs support from your system and locale definition
+ * too.*/
+ msg = g_strdup_printf (_("%d / %d"), num, tot);
+ gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar->priv->img_num_statusbar), 0, msg);
+ g_free (msg);
+eom_statusbar_set_progress (EomStatusbar *statusbar,
+ gdouble progress)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar));
+ gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (statusbar->priv->progressbar),
+ progress);
+ if (progress > 0 && progress < 1) {
+ gtk_widget_show (statusbar->priv->progressbar);
+ gtk_widget_hide (statusbar->priv->img_num_statusbar);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_hide (statusbar->priv->progressbar);
+ gtk_widget_show (statusbar->priv->img_num_statusbar);
+ }
+eom_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip (EomStatusbar *statusbar, gboolean has_resize_grip)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_STATUSBAR (statusbar));
+ gtk_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar),
+ has_resize_grip);
diff --git a/src/eom-statusbar.h b/src/eom-statusbar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cd192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-statusbar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* Eye of Mate - Statusbar
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_STATUSBAR_H__
+#define __EOM_STATUSBAR_H__
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+typedef struct _EomStatusbar EomStatusbar;
+typedef struct _EomStatusbarPrivate EomStatusbarPrivate;
+typedef struct _EomStatusbarClass EomStatusbarClass;
+#define EOM_TYPE_STATUSBAR (eom_statusbar_get_type ())
+struct _EomStatusbar
+ GtkStatusbar parent;
+ EomStatusbarPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomStatusbarClass
+ GtkStatusbarClass parent_class;
+GType eom_statusbar_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_statusbar_new (void);
+void eom_statusbar_set_image_number (EomStatusbar *statusbar,
+ gint num,
+ gint tot);
+void eom_statusbar_set_progress (EomStatusbar *statusbar,
+ gdouble progress);
+void eom_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip (EomStatusbar *statusbar,
+ gboolean has_resize_grip);
+#endif /* __EOM_STATUSBAR_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-thumb-nav.c b/src/eom-thumb-nav.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ccc352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-thumb-nav.c
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Thumbnail Navigator
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-nav.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define EOM_THUMB_NAV_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomThumbNav, eom_thumb_nav, GTK_TYPE_HBOX);
+struct _EomThumbNavPrivate {
+ EomThumbNavMode mode;
+ gboolean show_buttons;
+ gboolean scroll_dir;
+ gint scroll_pos;
+ gint scroll_id;
+ GtkWidget *button_left;
+ GtkWidget *button_right;
+ GtkWidget *sw;
+ GtkWidget *thumbview;
+ GtkAdjustment *adj;
+static gboolean
+eom_thumb_nav_scroll_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventScroll *event, gpointer user_data)
+ EomThumbNav *nav = EOM_THUMB_NAV (user_data);
+ gint inc = EOM_THUMB_NAV_SCROLL_INC * 3;
+ if (nav->priv->mode != EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_ONE_ROW)
+ return FALSE;
+ switch (event->direction) {
+ inc *= -1;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (inc < 0)
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (nav->priv->adj, MAX (0, gtk_adjustment_get_value (nav->priv->adj) + inc));
+ else
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (nav->priv->adj, MIN (gtk_adjustment_get_upper (nav->priv->adj) - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (nav->priv->adj), gtk_adjustment_get_value (nav->priv->adj) + inc));
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_adj_changed (GtkAdjustment *adj, gpointer user_data)
+ EomThumbNav *nav;
+ EomThumbNavPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean ltr;
+ nav = EOM_THUMB_NAV (user_data);
+ ltr = gtk_widget_get_direction (priv->sw) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR;
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (ltr ? priv->button_right : priv->button_left,
+ gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj)
+ < gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj)
+ - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (adj));
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_adj_value_changed (GtkAdjustment *adj, gpointer user_data)
+ EomThumbNav *nav;
+ EomThumbNavPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean ltr;
+ nav = EOM_THUMB_NAV (user_data);
+ ltr = gtk_widget_get_direction (priv->sw) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR;
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (ltr ? priv->button_left : priv->button_right,
+ gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj) > 0);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (ltr ? priv->button_right : priv->button_left,
+ gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj)
+ < gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj)
+ - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (adj));
+static gboolean
+eom_thumb_nav_scroll_step (gpointer user_data)
+ EomThumbNav *nav = EOM_THUMB_NAV (user_data);
+ GtkAdjustment *adj = nav->priv->adj;
+ gint delta;
+ if (nav->priv->scroll_pos < 10)
+ else if (nav->priv->scroll_pos < 20)
+ else if (nav->priv->scroll_pos < 30)
+ delta = EOM_THUMB_NAV_SCROLL_INC * 2 + 5;
+ else
+ delta = EOM_THUMB_NAV_SCROLL_INC * 2 + 12;
+ if (!nav->priv->scroll_dir)
+ delta *= -1;
+ if ((gint) (gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj) + (gdouble) delta) >= 0 &&
+ (gint) (gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj) + (gdouble) delta) <= gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj) - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (adj)) {
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj,
+ gtk_adjustment_get_value (adj) + (gdouble) delta);
+ nav->priv->scroll_pos++;
+ } else {
+ if (delta > 0)
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (adj,
+ gtk_adjustment_get_upper (adj) - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (adj));
+ else
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (adj, 0);
+ nav->priv->scroll_pos = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_button_clicked (GtkButton *button, EomThumbNav *nav)
+ nav->priv->scroll_pos = 0;
+ nav->priv->scroll_dir = gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (button)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR ?
+ GTK_WIDGET (button) == nav->priv->button_right :
+ GTK_WIDGET (button) == nav->priv->button_left;
+ eom_thumb_nav_scroll_step (nav);
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_start_scroll (GtkButton *button, EomThumbNav *nav)
+ nav->priv->scroll_dir = gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (button)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR ?
+ GTK_WIDGET (button) == nav->priv->button_right :
+ GTK_WIDGET (button) == nav->priv->button_left;
+ nav->priv->scroll_id = g_timeout_add (EOM_THUMB_NAV_SCROLL_TIMEOUT,
+ eom_thumb_nav_scroll_step,
+ nav);
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_stop_scroll (GtkButton *button, EomThumbNav *nav)
+ if (nav->priv->scroll_id > 0) {
+ g_source_remove (nav->priv->scroll_id);
+ nav->priv->scroll_id = 0;
+ nav->priv->scroll_pos = 0;
+ }
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomThumbNav *nav = EOM_THUMB_NAV (object);
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ g_value_set_boolean (value,
+ eom_thumb_nav_get_show_buttons (nav));
+ break;
+ g_value_set_object (value, nav->priv->thumbview);
+ break;
+ case PROP_MODE:
+ g_value_set_int (value,
+ eom_thumb_nav_get_mode (nav));
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomThumbNav *nav = EOM_THUMB_NAV (object);
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons (nav,
+ g_value_get_boolean (value));
+ break;
+ nav->priv->thumbview =
+ GTK_WIDGET (g_value_get_object (value));
+ break;
+ case PROP_MODE:
+ eom_thumb_nav_set_mode (nav,
+ g_value_get_int (value));
+ break;
+ }
+static GObject *
+eom_thumb_nav_constructor (GType type,
+ guint n_construct_properties,
+ GObjectConstructParam *construct_params)
+ GObject *object;
+ EomThumbNavPrivate *priv;
+ object = G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_thumb_nav_parent_class)->constructor
+ (type, n_construct_properties, construct_params);
+ priv = EOM_THUMB_NAV (object)->priv;
+ if (priv->thumbview != NULL) {
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->sw), priv->thumbview);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (priv->sw);
+ }
+ return object;
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_class_init (EomThumbNavClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *g_object_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
+ g_object_class->constructor = eom_thumb_nav_constructor;
+ g_object_class->get_property = eom_thumb_nav_get_property;
+ g_object_class->set_property = eom_thumb_nav_set_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("show-buttons",
+ "Show Buttons",
+ "Whether to show navigation buttons or not",
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_object ("thumbview",
+ "Thumbnail View",
+ "The internal thumbnail viewer widget",
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_int ("mode",
+ "Mode",
+ "Thumb navigator mode",
+ g_type_class_add_private (g_object_class, sizeof (EomThumbNavPrivate));
+static void
+eom_thumb_nav_init (EomThumbNav *nav)
+ EomThumbNavPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *arrow;
+ nav->priv = EOM_THUMB_NAV_GET_PRIVATE (nav);
+ priv = nav->priv;
+ priv->mode = EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_ONE_ROW;
+ priv->show_buttons = TRUE;
+ priv->button_left = gtk_button_new ();
+ gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (priv->button_left), GTK_RELIEF_NONE);
+ arrow = gtk_arrow_new (GTK_ARROW_LEFT, GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->button_left), arrow);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (priv->button_left), 25, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (nav), priv->button_left, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->button_left,
+ "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_button_clicked),
+ nav);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->button_left,
+ "pressed",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_start_scroll),
+ nav);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->button_left,
+ "released",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_stop_scroll),
+ nav);
+ priv->sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_set_name (gtk_scrolled_window_get_hscrollbar (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw)), "eom-image-collection-scrollbar");
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw),
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw),
+ g_signal_connect (priv->sw,
+ "scroll-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_scroll_event),
+ nav);
+ priv->adj = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw));
+ g_signal_connect (priv->adj,
+ "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_adj_changed),
+ nav);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->adj,
+ "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_adj_value_changed),
+ nav);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (nav), priv->sw, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ priv->button_right = gtk_button_new ();
+ gtk_button_set_relief (GTK_BUTTON (priv->button_right), GTK_RELIEF_NONE);
+ arrow = gtk_arrow_new (GTK_ARROW_RIGHT, GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->button_right), arrow);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (priv->button_right), 25, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (nav), priv->button_right, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->button_right,
+ "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_button_clicked),
+ nav);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->button_right,
+ "pressed",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_start_scroll),
+ nav);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->button_right,
+ "released",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_thumb_nav_stop_scroll),
+ nav);
+ gtk_adjustment_value_changed (priv->adj);
+ * eom_thumb_nav_new:
+ * @thumbview: an #EomThumbView to embed in the navigation widget.
+ * @mode: The navigation mode.
+ * @show_buttons: Whether to show the navigation buttons.
+ *
+ * Creates a new thumbnail navigation widget.
+ *
+ * Returns: a new #EomThumbNav object.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_thumb_nav_new (GtkWidget *thumbview,
+ EomThumbNavMode mode,
+ gboolean show_buttons)
+ GObject *nav;
+ nav = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_THUMB_NAV,
+ "show-buttons", show_buttons,
+ "mode", mode,
+ "thumbview", thumbview,
+ "homogeneous", FALSE,
+ "spacing", 0,
+ NULL);
+ return GTK_WIDGET (nav);
+ * eom_thumb_nav_get_show_buttons:
+ * @nav: an #EomThumbNav.
+ *
+ * Gets whether the navigation buttons are visible.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if the navigation buttons are visible,
+ * %FALSE otherwise.
+ **/
+eom_thumb_nav_get_show_buttons (EomThumbNav *nav)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_NAV (nav), FALSE);
+ return nav->priv->show_buttons;
+ * eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons:
+ * @nav: an #EomThumbNav.
+ * @show_buttons: %TRUE to show the buttons, %FALSE to hide them.
+ *
+ * Sets whether the navigation buttons to the left and right of the
+ * widget should be visible.
+ **/
+eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons (EomThumbNav *nav, gboolean show_buttons)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_NAV (nav));
+ g_return_if_fail (nav->priv->button_left != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (nav->priv->button_right != NULL);
+ nav->priv->show_buttons = show_buttons;
+ if (show_buttons &&
+ nav->priv->mode == EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_ONE_ROW) {
+ gtk_widget_show_all (nav->priv->button_left);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (nav->priv->button_right);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (nav->priv->button_left);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (nav->priv->button_right);
+ }
+ * eom_thumb_nav_get_mode:
+ * @nav: an #EomThumbNav.
+ *
+ * Gets the navigation mode in @nav.
+ *
+ * Returns: A value in #EomThumbNavMode.
+ **/
+eom_thumb_nav_get_mode (EomThumbNav *nav)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_NAV (nav), FALSE);
+ return nav->priv->mode;
+ * eom_thumb_nav_set_mode:
+ * @nav: An #EomThumbNav.
+ * @mode: One of #EomThumbNavMode.
+ *
+ * Sets the navigation mode in @nav. See #EomThumbNavMode for details.
+ **/
+eom_thumb_nav_set_mode (EomThumbNav *nav, EomThumbNavMode mode)
+ EomThumbNavPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_NAV (nav));
+ priv = nav->priv;
+ priv->mode = mode;
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ gtk_icon_view_set_columns (GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->thumbview, -1, -1);
+ eom_thumb_view_set_item_height (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ 115);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw),
+ eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons (nav, priv->show_buttons);
+ break;
+ gtk_icon_view_set_columns (GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->thumbview), 1);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->thumbview, -1, -1);
+ eom_thumb_view_set_item_height (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ -1);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw),
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->button_left);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->button_right);
+ break;
+ gtk_icon_view_set_columns (GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->thumbview), -1);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->thumbview, -1, 220);
+ eom_thumb_view_set_item_height (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ -1);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw),
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->button_left);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->button_right);
+ break;
+ gtk_icon_view_set_columns (GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->thumbview), -1);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->thumbview, 230, -1);
+ eom_thumb_view_set_item_height (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ -1);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->sw),
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->button_left);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->button_right);
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/src/eom-thumb-nav.h b/src/eom-thumb-nav.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b67664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-thumb-nav.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Thumbnail Navigator
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_THUMB_NAV_H__
+#define __EOM_THUMB_NAV_H__
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+typedef struct _EomThumbNav EomThumbNav;
+typedef struct _EomThumbNavClass EomThumbNavClass;
+typedef struct _EomThumbNavPrivate EomThumbNavPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_THUMB_NAV (eom_thumb_nav_get_type ())
+#define EOM_THUMB_NAV_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), EOM_TYPE_THUMB_NAV, EomThumbNavClass))
+typedef enum {
+} EomThumbNavMode;
+struct _EomThumbNav {
+ GtkHBox base_instance;
+ EomThumbNavPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomThumbNavClass {
+ GtkHBoxClass parent_class;
+GType eom_thumb_nav_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_thumb_nav_new (GtkWidget *thumbview,
+ EomThumbNavMode mode,
+ gboolean show_buttons);
+gboolean eom_thumb_nav_get_show_buttons (EomThumbNav *nav);
+void eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons (EomThumbNav *nav,
+ gboolean show_buttons);
+EomThumbNavMode eom_thumb_nav_get_mode (EomThumbNav *nav);
+void eom_thumb_nav_set_mode (EomThumbNav *nav,
+ EomThumbNavMode mode);
+#endif /* __EOM_THUMB_NAV_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-thumb-view.c b/src/eom-thumb-view.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0444a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-thumb-view.c
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Thumbnail View
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-job-queue.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+#include "eom-exif-util.h"
+#include <libexif/exif-data.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define EOM_THUMB_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomThumbView, eom_thumb_view, GTK_TYPE_ICON_VIEW);
+static EomImage* eom_thumb_view_get_image_from_path (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ GtkTreePath *path);
+static void eom_thumb_view_popup_menu (EomThumbView *widget,
+ GdkEventButton *event);
+struct _EomThumbViewPrivate {
+ gint start_thumb; /* the first visible thumbnail */
+ gint end_thumb; /* the last visible thumbnail */
+ GtkWidget *menu; /* a contextual menu for thumbnails */
+ GtkCellRenderer *pixbuf_cell;
+/* Drag 'n Drop */
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_finalize (GObject *object)
+ EomThumbView *thumbview;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_VIEW (object));
+ thumbview = EOM_THUMB_VIEW (object);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_thumb_view_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_destroy (GtkObject *object)
+ EomThumbView *thumbview;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_VIEW (object));
+ thumbview = EOM_THUMB_VIEW (object);
+ GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_thumb_view_parent_class)->destroy (object);
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_class_init (EomThumbViewClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ GtkObjectClass *object_class = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ gobject_class->finalize = eom_thumb_view_finalize;
+ object_class->destroy = eom_thumb_view_destroy;
+ g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (EomThumbViewPrivate));
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_clear_range (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ const gint start_thumb,
+ const gint end_thumb)
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ EomListStore *store = EOM_LIST_STORE (gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview)));
+ gint thumb = start_thumb;
+ gboolean result;
+ g_assert (start_thumb <= end_thumb);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (start_thumb, -1);
+ for (result = gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, path);
+ result && thumb <= end_thumb;
+ result = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter), thumb++) {
+ eom_list_store_thumbnail_unset (store, &iter);
+ }
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_add_range (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ const gint start_thumb,
+ const gint end_thumb)
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ EomListStore *store = EOM_LIST_STORE (gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview)));
+ gint thumb = start_thumb;
+ gboolean result;
+ g_assert (start_thumb <= end_thumb);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (start_thumb, -1);
+ for (result = gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, path);
+ result && thumb <= end_thumb;
+ result = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter), thumb++) {
+ eom_list_store_thumbnail_set (store, &iter);
+ }
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_update_visible_range (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ const gint start_thumb,
+ const gint end_thumb)
+ EomThumbViewPrivate *priv = thumbview->priv;
+ int old_start_thumb, old_end_thumb;
+ old_start_thumb= priv->start_thumb;
+ old_end_thumb = priv->end_thumb;
+ if (start_thumb == old_start_thumb &&
+ end_thumb == old_end_thumb) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (old_start_thumb < start_thumb)
+ eom_thumb_view_clear_range (thumbview, old_start_thumb, MIN (start_thumb - 1, old_end_thumb));
+ if (old_end_thumb > end_thumb)
+ eom_thumb_view_clear_range (thumbview, MAX (end_thumb + 1, old_start_thumb), old_end_thumb);
+ eom_thumb_view_add_range (thumbview, start_thumb, end_thumb);
+ priv->start_thumb = start_thumb;
+ priv->end_thumb = end_thumb;
+static void
+thumbview_on_visible_range_changed_cb (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkTreePath *path1, *path2;
+ if (!gtk_icon_view_get_visible_range (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), &path1, &path2)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (path1 == NULL) {
+ path1 = gtk_tree_path_new_first ();
+ }
+ if (path2 == NULL) {
+ gint n_items = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview)), NULL);
+ path2 = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (n_items - 1 , -1);
+ }
+ eom_thumb_view_update_visible_range (thumbview, gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path1) [0],
+ gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path2) [0]);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path1);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path2);
+static void
+thumbview_on_adjustment_changed_cb (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkTreePath *path1, *path2;
+ gint start_thumb, end_thumb;
+ if (!gtk_icon_view_get_visible_range (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), &path1, &path2)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (path1 == NULL) {
+ path1 = gtk_tree_path_new_first ();
+ }
+ if (path2 == NULL) {
+ gint n_items = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview)), NULL);
+ path2 = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (n_items - 1 , -1);
+ }
+ start_thumb = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path1) [0];
+ end_thumb = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path2) [0];
+ eom_thumb_view_add_range (thumbview, start_thumb, end_thumb);
+ /* case we added an image, we need to make sure that the shifted thumbnail is cleared */
+ eom_thumb_view_clear_range (thumbview, end_thumb + 1, end_thumb + 1);
+ thumbview->priv->start_thumb = start_thumb;
+ thumbview->priv->end_thumb = end_thumb;
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path1);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path2);
+static void
+thumbview_on_parent_set_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkObject *old_parent,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomThumbView *thumbview = EOM_THUMB_VIEW (widget);
+ GtkScrolledWindow *sw;
+ GtkAdjustment *hadjustment;
+ GtkAdjustment *vadjustment;
+ GtkWidget *parent = gtk_widget_get_parent (GTK_WIDGET (thumbview));
+ if (!GTK_IS_SCROLLED_WINDOW (parent)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if we have been set to a ScrolledWindow, we connect to the callback
+ to set and unset thumbnails. */
+ sw = GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (parent);
+ hadjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw));
+ vadjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (sw));
+ /* when scrolling */
+ g_signal_connect_data (G_OBJECT (hadjustment), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_visible_range_changed_cb),
+ g_signal_connect_data (G_OBJECT (vadjustment), "value-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_visible_range_changed_cb),
+ /* when the adjustment is changed, ie. probably we have new images added. */
+ g_signal_connect_data (G_OBJECT (hadjustment), "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_adjustment_changed_cb),
+ g_signal_connect_data (G_OBJECT (vadjustment), "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_adjustment_changed_cb),
+ /* when resizing the scrolled window */
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT (sw), "size-allocate",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_visible_range_changed_cb),
+ thumbview);
+static gboolean
+thumbview_on_button_press_event_cb (GtkWidget *thumbview, GdkEventButton *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ /* Ignore double-clicks and triple-clicks */
+ if (event->button == 3 && event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
+ {
+ path = gtk_icon_view_get_path_at_pos (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview),
+ (gint) event->x, (gint) event->y);
+ if (path == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!gtk_icon_view_path_is_selected (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path) ||
+ eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (thumbview)) != 1) {
+ gtk_icon_view_unselect_all (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ gtk_icon_view_select_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path);
+ gtk_icon_view_set_cursor (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path, NULL, FALSE);
+ }
+ eom_thumb_view_popup_menu (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (thumbview), event);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+thumbview_on_drag_data_get_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *drag_context,
+ GtkSelectionData *data,
+ guint info,
+ guint time,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GList *list;
+ GList *node;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GFile *file;
+ gchar **uris = NULL;
+ gint i = 0, n_images;
+ list = eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (widget));
+ n_images = eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (widget));
+ uris = g_new (gchar *, n_images + 1);
+ for (node = list; node != NULL; node = node->next, i++) {
+ image = EOM_IMAGE (node->data);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ uris[i] = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ }
+ uris[i] = NULL;
+ gtk_selection_data_set_uris (data, uris);
+ g_strfreev (uris);
+ g_list_free (list);
+static gchar *
+thumbview_get_tooltip_string (EomImage *image)
+ gchar *bytes;
+ char *type_str;
+ gint width, height;
+ GFile *file;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ const char *mime_str;
+ gchar *tooltip_string;
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ ExifData *exif_data;
+ bytes = g_format_size_for_display (eom_image_get_bytes (image));
+ eom_image_get_size (image, &width, &height);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mime_str = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (mime_str == NULL)) {
+ g_free (bytes);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ type_str = g_content_type_get_description (mime_str);
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ if (width > -1 && height > -1) {
+ tooltip_string = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b><big>%s</big></b>\n"
+ "%i x %i %s\n"
+ "%s\n"
+ "%s",
+ eom_image_get_caption (image),
+ width,
+ height,
+ ngettext ("pixel",
+ "pixels",
+ height),
+ bytes,
+ type_str);
+ } else {
+ tooltip_string = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b><big>%s</big></b>\n"
+ "%s\n"
+ "%s",
+ eom_image_get_caption (image),
+ bytes,
+ type_str);
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ exif_data = (ExifData *) eom_image_get_exif_info (image);
+ if (exif_data) {
+ gchar *extra_info, *tmp, *date;
+ /* The EXIF standard says that the DATE_TIME tag is
+ * 20 bytes long. A 32-byte buffer should be large enough. */
+ gchar time_buffer[32];
+ date = eom_exif_util_format_date (
+ eom_exif_util_get_value (exif_data, EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL, time_buffer, 32));
+ if (date) {
+ extra_info = g_strdup_printf ("\n%s %s", _("Taken on"), date);
+ tmp = g_strconcat (tooltip_string, extra_info, NULL);
+ g_free (date);
+ g_free (extra_info);
+ g_free (tooltip_string);
+ tooltip_string = tmp;
+ }
+ exif_data_unref (exif_data);
+ }
+ g_free (type_str);
+ g_free (bytes);
+ return tooltip_string;
+static void
+on_data_loaded_cb (EomJob *job, gpointer data)
+ if (!job->error) {
+ gtk_tooltip_trigger_tooltip_query (gdk_display_get_default());
+ }
+static gboolean
+thumbview_on_query_tooltip_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ gint x,
+ gint y,
+ gboolean keyboard_mode,
+ GtkTooltip *tooltip,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ EomImage *image;
+ gchar *tooltip_string;
+ EomImageData data = 0;
+ if (!gtk_icon_view_get_tooltip_context (GTK_ICON_VIEW (widget),
+ &x, &y, keyboard_mode,
+ NULL, &path, NULL)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ image = eom_thumb_view_get_image_from_path (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (widget),
+ path);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ if (image == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_EXIF) &&
+ eom_image_get_metadata_status (image) == EOM_IMAGE_METADATA_NOT_READ) {
+ }
+ if (!eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_DIMENSION)) {
+ }
+ if (data) {
+ EomJob *job;
+ job = eom_job_load_new (image, data);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (job), "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (on_data_loaded_cb),
+ widget);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (job);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ g_object_unref (job);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ tooltip_string = thumbview_get_tooltip_string (image);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ if (tooltip_string == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ gtk_tooltip_set_markup (tooltip, tooltip_string);
+ g_free (tooltip_string);
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_init (EomThumbView *thumbview)
+ thumbview->priv = EOM_THUMB_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE (thumbview);
+ thumbview->priv->pixbuf_cell = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
+ gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (thumbview),
+ thumbview->priv->pixbuf_cell,
+ g_object_set (thumbview->priv->pixbuf_cell,
+ "follow-state", FALSE,
+ "height", 100,
+ "width", 115,
+ "yalign", 0.5,
+ "xalign", 0.5,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (thumbview),
+ thumbview->priv->pixbuf_cell,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_icon_view_set_selection_mode (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview),
+ gtk_icon_view_set_column_spacing (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview),
+ gtk_icon_view_set_row_spacing (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview),
+ g_object_set (thumbview, "has-tooltip", TRUE, NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (thumbview,
+ "query-tooltip",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_query_tooltip_cb),
+ NULL);
+ thumbview->priv->start_thumb = 0;
+ thumbview->priv->end_thumb = 0;
+ thumbview->priv->menu = NULL;
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (thumbview), "parent-set",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_parent_set_cb), NULL);
+ gtk_icon_view_enable_model_drag_source (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), 0,
+ NULL, 0,
+ gtk_drag_source_add_uri_targets (GTK_WIDGET (thumbview));
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (thumbview), "drag-data-get",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_drag_data_get_cb), NULL);
+ * eom_thumb_view_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a new #EomThumbView object.
+ *
+ * Returns: a newly created #EomThumbView.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_thumb_view_new (void)
+ EomThumbView *thumbview;
+ thumbview = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_THUMB_VIEW, NULL);
+ return GTK_WIDGET (thumbview);
+ * eom_thumb_view_set_model:
+ * @thumbview: A #EomThumbView.
+ * @store: A #EomListStore.
+ *
+ * Sets the #EomListStore to be used with @thumbview. If an initial image
+ * was set during @store creation, its thumbnail will be selected and visible.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_thumb_view_set_model (EomThumbView *thumbview, EomListStore *store)
+ gint index;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_VIEW (thumbview));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_LIST_STORE (store));
+ index = eom_list_store_get_initial_pos (store);
+ gtk_icon_view_set_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (index, -1);
+ gtk_icon_view_select_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path);
+ gtk_icon_view_set_cursor (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path, NULL, FALSE);
+ gtk_icon_view_scroll_to_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path, FALSE, 0, 0);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ }
+ * eom_thumb_view_set_item_height:
+ * @thumbview: A #EomThumbView.
+ * @height: The desired height.
+ *
+ * Sets the height of each thumbnail in @thumbview.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_thumb_view_set_item_height (EomThumbView *thumbview, gint height)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_VIEW (thumbview));
+ g_object_set (thumbview->priv->pixbuf_cell,
+ "height", height,
+ NULL);
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected_helper (GtkIconView *thumbview,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ gpointer data)
+ /* data is of type (guint *) */
+ (*(guint *) data) ++;
+ * eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected:
+ * @thumbview: An #EomThumbView.
+ *
+ * Gets the number of images that are currently selected in @thumbview.
+ *
+ * Returns: the number of selected images in @thumbview.
+ **/
+eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (EomThumbView *thumbview)
+ guint count = 0;
+ gtk_icon_view_selected_foreach (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview),
+ eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected_helper,
+ (&count));
+ return count;
+ * eom_thumb_view_get_image_from_path:
+ * @thumbview: A #EomThumbView.
+ * @path: A #GtkTreePath pointing to a #EomImage in the model for @thumbview.
+ *
+ * Gets the #EomImage stored in @thumbview's #EomListStore at the position indicated
+ * by @path.
+ *
+ * Returns: A #EomImage.
+ **/
+static EomImage *
+eom_thumb_view_get_image_from_path (EomThumbView *thumbview, GtkTreePath *path)
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ EomImage *image;
+ model = gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, path);
+ gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter,
+ -1);
+ return image;
+ * eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image:
+ * @thumbview: A #EomThumbView.
+ *
+ * Returns the first selected image. Note that the returned #EomImage
+ * is not ensured to be really the first selected image in @thumbview, but
+ * generally, it will be.
+ *
+ * Returns: A #EomImage.
+ **/
+EomImage *
+eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image (EomThumbView *thumbview)
+ /* The returned list is not sorted! We need to find the
+ smaller tree path value => tricky and expensive. Do we really need this?
+ */
+ EomImage *image;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GList *list = gtk_icon_view_get_selected_items (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ if (list == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ path = (GtkTreePath *) (list->data);
+ image = eom_thumb_view_get_image_from_path (thumbview, path);
+ g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free , NULL);
+ g_list_free (list);
+ return image;
+ * eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images:
+ * @thumbview: A #EomThumbView.
+ *
+ * Gets a list with the currently selected images. Note that a new reference is
+ * hold for each image and the list must be freed with g_list_free().
+ *
+ * Returns: A newly allocated list of #EomImage's.
+ **/
+GList *
+eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images (EomThumbView *thumbview)
+ GList *l, *item;
+ GList *list = NULL;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ l = gtk_icon_view_get_selected_items (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ for (item = l; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
+ path = (GtkTreePath *) item->data;
+ list = g_list_prepend (list, eom_thumb_view_get_image_from_path (thumbview, path));
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ }
+ g_list_free (l);
+ list = g_list_reverse (list);
+ return list;
+ * eom_thumb_view_set_current_image:
+ * @thumbview: A #EomThumbView.
+ * @image: The image to be selected.
+ * @deselect_other: Whether to deselect currently selected images.
+ *
+ * Changes the status of a image, marking it as currently selected.
+ * If @deselect_other is %TRUE, all other selected images will be
+ * deselected.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_thumb_view_set_current_image (EomThumbView *thumbview, EomImage *image,
+ gboolean deselect_other)
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ EomListStore *store;
+ gint pos;
+ store = EOM_LIST_STORE (gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview)));
+ pos = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (store, image);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (pos, -1);
+ if (path == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (deselect_other) {
+ gtk_icon_view_unselect_all (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ }
+ gtk_icon_view_select_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path);
+ gtk_icon_view_set_cursor (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path, NULL, FALSE);
+ gtk_icon_view_scroll_to_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path, FALSE, 0, 0);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ * eom_thumb_view_select_single:
+ * @thumbview: A #EomThumbView.
+ * @change: A #EomThumbViewSelectionChange, describing the
+ * desired selection change.
+ *
+ * Changes the current selection according to a single movement
+ * described by #EomThumbViewSelectionChange. If there are no
+ * thumbnails currently selected, one is selected according to the
+ * natural selection according to the #EomThumbViewSelectionChange
+ * used, p.g., when %EOM_THUMB_VIEW_SELECT_RIGHT is the selected change,
+ * the first thumbnail will be selected.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_thumb_view_select_single (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ EomThumbViewSelectionChange change)
+ GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GList *list;
+ gint n_items;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_VIEW (thumbview));
+ model = gtk_icon_view_get_model (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ n_items = eom_list_store_length (EOM_LIST_STORE (model));
+ if (n_items == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (thumbview) == 0) {
+ switch (change) {
+ break;
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_first ();
+ break;
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (n_items - 1, -1);
+ break;
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices ((int)(((float)(n_items - 1) * rand()) / (float)(RAND_MAX + 1.f)), -1);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ list = gtk_icon_view_get_selected_items (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ path = gtk_tree_path_copy ((GtkTreePath *) list->data);
+ g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free , NULL);
+ g_list_free (list);
+ gtk_icon_view_unselect_all (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview));
+ switch (change) {
+ break;
+ if (!gtk_tree_path_prev (path)) {
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (n_items - 1, -1);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path) [0] == n_items - 1) {
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_first ();
+ } else {
+ gtk_tree_path_next (path);
+ }
+ break;
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_first ();
+ break;
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (n_items - 1, -1);
+ break;
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices ((int)(((float)(n_items - 1) * rand()) / (float)(RAND_MAX + 1.f)), -1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_icon_view_select_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path);
+ gtk_icon_view_set_cursor (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path, NULL, FALSE);
+ gtk_icon_view_scroll_to_path (GTK_ICON_VIEW (thumbview), path, FALSE, 0, 0);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ * eom_thumb_view_set_thumbnail_popup:
+ * @thumbview: An #EomThumbView.
+ * @menu: A #GtkMenu.
+ *
+ * Set the contextual menu to be used with the thumbnails in the
+ * widget. This can be done only once.
+ *
+ **/
+eom_thumb_view_set_thumbnail_popup (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ GtkMenu *menu)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_THUMB_VIEW (thumbview));
+ g_return_if_fail (thumbview->priv->menu == NULL);
+ thumbview->priv->menu = g_object_ref (menu);
+ gtk_menu_attach_to_widget (GTK_MENU (thumbview->priv->menu),
+ GTK_WIDGET (thumbview),
+ NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (thumbview), "button_press_event",
+ G_CALLBACK (thumbview_on_button_press_event_cb), NULL);
+static void
+eom_thumb_view_popup_menu (EomThumbView *thumbview, GdkEventButton *event)
+ GtkWidget *popup;
+ int button, event_time;
+ popup = thumbview->priv->menu;
+ if (event) {
+ button = event->button;
+ event_time = event->time;
+ } else {
+ button = 0;
+ event_time = gtk_get_current_event_time ();
+ }
+ gtk_menu_popup (GTK_MENU (popup), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ button, event_time);
diff --git a/src/eom-thumb-view.h b/src/eom-thumb-view.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0f7bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-thumb-view.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Thumbnail View
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#define EOM_TYPE_THUMB_VIEW (eom_thumb_view_get_type ())
+#define EOM_THUMB_VIEW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), EOM_TYPE_THUMB_VIEW, EomThumbViewClass))
+typedef struct _EomThumbView EomThumbView;
+typedef struct _EomThumbViewClass EomThumbViewClass;
+typedef struct _EomThumbViewPrivate EomThumbViewPrivate;
+typedef enum {
+} EomThumbViewSelectionChange;
+struct _EomThumbView {
+ GtkIconView icon_view;
+ EomThumbViewPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomThumbViewClass {
+ GtkIconViewClass icon_view_class;
+GType eom_thumb_view_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_thumb_view_new (void);
+void eom_thumb_view_set_model (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ EomListStore *store);
+void eom_thumb_view_set_item_height (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ gint height);
+guint eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (EomThumbView *thumbview);
+EomImage *eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image (EomThumbView *thumbview);
+GList *eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images (EomThumbView *thumbview);
+void eom_thumb_view_select_single (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ EomThumbViewSelectionChange change);
+void eom_thumb_view_set_current_image (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ EomImage *image,
+ gboolean deselect_other);
+void eom_thumb_view_set_thumbnail_popup (EomThumbView *thumbview,
+ GtkMenu *menu);
+#endif /* EOM_THUMB_VIEW_H */
diff --git a/src/eom-thumbnail.c b/src/eom-thumbnail.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84cb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-thumbnail.c
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Thumbnailing functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on eel code (eel/eel-graphic-effects.c) by:
+ * - Andy Hertzfeld <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+/* We must define MATE_DESKTOP_USE_UNSTABLE_API to be able
+ to use MateDesktopThumbnail */
+#include <libmateui/mate-desktop-thumbnail.h>
+#include "eom-thumbnail.h"
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#define EOM_THUMB_ERROR eom_thumb_error_quark ()
+static MateDesktopThumbnailFactory *factory = NULL;
+static GdkPixbuf *frame = NULL;
+typedef enum {
+} EomThumbError;
+typedef struct {
+ char *uri_str;
+ char *thumb_path;
+ time_t mtime;
+ char *mime_type;
+ gboolean thumb_exists;
+ gboolean failed_thumb_exists;
+ gboolean can_read;
+} EomThumbData;
+static GQuark
+eom_thumb_error_quark (void)
+ static GQuark q = 0;
+ if (q == 0)
+ q = g_quark_from_static_string ("eom-thumb-error-quark");
+ return q;
+static void
+set_vfs_error (GError **error, GError *ioerror)
+ g_set_error (error,
+ "%s", ioerror ? ioerror->message : "VFS error making a thumbnail");
+static void
+set_thumb_error (GError **error, int error_id, const char *string)
+ g_set_error (error,
+ error_id,
+ "%s", string);
+static GdkPixbuf*
+get_valid_thumbnail (EomThumbData *data, GError **error)
+ GdkPixbuf *thumb = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, NULL);
+ /* does a thumbnail under the path exists? */
+ if (data->thumb_exists) {
+ thumb = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (data->thumb_path, error);
+ /* is this thumbnail file up to date? */
+ if (thumb != NULL && !mate_desktop_thumbnail_is_valid (thumb, data->uri_str, data->mtime)) {
+ g_object_unref (thumb);
+ thumb = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return thumb;
+static GdkPixbuf *
+create_thumbnail_from_pixbuf (EomThumbData *data,
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
+ GError **error)
+ GdkPixbuf *thumb;
+ gint width, height;
+ gfloat perc;
+ g_assert (factory != NULL);
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
+ height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
+ perc = CLAMP (128.0/(MAX (width, height)), 0, 1);
+ thumb = mate_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf (pixbuf,
+ width*perc,
+ height*perc);
+ return thumb;
+static void
+eom_thumb_data_free (EomThumbData *data)
+ if (data == NULL)
+ return;
+ g_free (data->thumb_path);
+ g_free (data->mime_type);
+ g_free (data->uri_str);
+ g_slice_free (EomThumbData, data);
+static EomThumbData*
+eom_thumb_data_new (GFile *file, GError **error)
+ EomThumbData *data;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ GError *ioerror = NULL;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (file != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (error != NULL && *error == NULL, NULL);
+ data = g_slice_new0 (EomThumbData);
+ data->uri_str = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ data->thumb_path = mate_desktop_thumbnail_path_for_uri (data->uri_str, MATE_DESKTOP_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_NORMAL);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, &ioerror);
+ if (file_info == NULL)
+ {
+ set_vfs_error (error, ioerror);
+ g_clear_error (&ioerror);
+ }
+ if (*error == NULL) {
+ /* if available, copy data */
+ data->mtime = g_file_info_get_attribute_uint64 (file_info,
+ data->mime_type = g_strdup (g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info));
+ data->thumb_exists = (g_file_info_get_attribute_byte_string (file_info,
+ data->failed_thumb_exists = g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean (file_info,
+ data->can_read = TRUE;
+ if (g_file_info_has_attribute (file_info, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_READ)) {
+ data->can_read = g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean (file_info,
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ eom_thumb_data_free (data);
+ data = NULL;
+ g_clear_error (&ioerror);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ return data;
+static void
+draw_frame_row (GdkPixbuf *frame_image,
+ gint target_width,
+ gint source_width,
+ gint source_v_position,
+ gint dest_v_position,
+ GdkPixbuf *result_pixbuf,
+ gint left_offset,
+ gint height)
+ gint remaining_width, h_offset, slab_width;
+ remaining_width = target_width;
+ h_offset = 0;
+ while (remaining_width > 0) {
+ slab_width = remaining_width > source_width ?
+ source_width : remaining_width;
+ gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (frame_image,
+ left_offset,
+ source_v_position,
+ slab_width,
+ height,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ left_offset + h_offset,
+ dest_v_position);
+ remaining_width -= slab_width;
+ h_offset += slab_width;
+ }
+static void
+draw_frame_column (GdkPixbuf *frame_image,
+ gint target_height,
+ gint source_height,
+ gint source_h_position,
+ gint dest_h_position,
+ GdkPixbuf *result_pixbuf,
+ gint top_offset,
+ gint width)
+ gint remaining_height, v_offset, slab_height;
+ remaining_height = target_height;
+ v_offset = 0;
+ while (remaining_height > 0) {
+ slab_height = remaining_height > source_height ?
+ source_height : remaining_height;
+ gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (frame_image,
+ source_h_position,
+ top_offset,
+ width,
+ slab_height,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ dest_h_position,
+ top_offset + v_offset);
+ remaining_height -= slab_height;
+ v_offset += slab_height;
+ }
+static GdkPixbuf *
+eom_thumbnail_stretch_frame_image (GdkPixbuf *frame_image,
+ gint left_offset,
+ gint top_offset,
+ gint right_offset,
+ gint bottom_offset,
+ gint dest_width,
+ gint dest_height,
+ gboolean fill_flag)
+ GdkPixbuf *result_pixbuf;
+ gint frame_width, frame_height;
+ gint target_width, target_frame_width;
+ gint target_height, target_frame_height;
+ frame_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (frame_image);
+ frame_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (frame_image);
+ if (fill_flag) {
+ result_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (frame_image,
+ dest_width,
+ dest_height,
+ } else {
+ result_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,
+ 8,
+ dest_width,
+ dest_height);
+ /* Clear pixbuf to fully opaque white */
+ gdk_pixbuf_fill (result_pixbuf, 0xffffffff);
+ }
+ target_width = dest_width - left_offset - right_offset;
+ target_frame_width = frame_width - left_offset - right_offset;
+ target_height = dest_height - top_offset - bottom_offset;
+ target_frame_height = frame_height - top_offset - bottom_offset;
+ /* Draw the left top corner and top row */
+ gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (frame_image,
+ 0, 0,
+ left_offset,
+ top_offset,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ 0, 0);
+ draw_frame_row (frame_image,
+ target_width,
+ target_frame_width,
+ 0, 0,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ left_offset,
+ top_offset);
+ /* Draw the right top corner and left column */
+ gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (frame_image,
+ frame_width - right_offset,
+ 0,
+ right_offset,
+ top_offset,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ dest_width - right_offset,
+ 0);
+ draw_frame_column (frame_image,
+ target_height,
+ target_frame_height,
+ 0, 0,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ top_offset,
+ left_offset);
+ /* Draw the bottom right corner and bottom row */
+ gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (frame_image,
+ frame_width - right_offset,
+ frame_height - bottom_offset,
+ right_offset,
+ bottom_offset,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ dest_width - right_offset,
+ dest_height - bottom_offset);
+ draw_frame_row (frame_image,
+ target_width,
+ target_frame_width,
+ frame_height - bottom_offset,
+ dest_height - bottom_offset,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ left_offset, bottom_offset);
+ /* Draw the bottom left corner and the right column */
+ gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (frame_image,
+ 0,
+ frame_height - bottom_offset,
+ left_offset,
+ bottom_offset,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ 0,
+ dest_height - bottom_offset);
+ draw_frame_column (frame_image,
+ target_height,
+ target_frame_height,
+ frame_width - right_offset,
+ dest_width - right_offset,
+ result_pixbuf, top_offset,
+ right_offset);
+ return result_pixbuf;
+GdkPixbuf *
+eom_thumbnail_add_frame (GdkPixbuf *thumbnail)
+ GdkPixbuf *result_pixbuf;
+ gint source_width, source_height;
+ gint dest_width, dest_height;
+ source_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (thumbnail);
+ source_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (thumbnail);
+ dest_width = source_width + 9;
+ dest_height = source_height + 9;
+ result_pixbuf = eom_thumbnail_stretch_frame_image (frame,
+ 3, 3, 6, 6,
+ dest_width,
+ dest_height,
+ gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (thumbnail,
+ 0, 0,
+ source_width,
+ source_height,
+ result_pixbuf,
+ 3, 3);
+ return result_pixbuf;
+GdkPixbuf *
+eom_thumbnail_fit_to_size (GdkPixbuf *thumbnail, gint dimension)
+ gint width, height;
+ width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (thumbnail);
+ height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (thumbnail);
+ if (width > dimension || height > dimension) {
+ GdkPixbuf *result_pixbuf;
+ gfloat factor;
+ if (width > height) {
+ factor = (gfloat) dimension / (gfloat) width;
+ } else {
+ factor = (gfloat) dimension / (gfloat) height;
+ }
+ width = MAX (width * factor, 1);
+ height = MAX (height * factor, 1);
+ result_pixbuf = mate_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf (thumbnail, width, height);
+ return result_pixbuf;
+ }
+ return gdk_pixbuf_copy (thumbnail);
+eom_thumbnail_load (EomImage *image, GError **error)
+ GdkPixbuf *thumb = NULL;
+ GFile *file;
+ EomThumbData *data;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (image != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (error != NULL && *error == NULL, NULL);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ data = eom_thumb_data_new (file, error);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ if (data == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!data->can_read ||
+ (data->failed_thumb_exists && mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_has_valid_failed_thumbnail (factory, data->uri_str, data->mtime))) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_THUMBNAIL, "%s: bad permissions or valid failed thumbnail present",data->uri_str);
+ set_thumb_error (error, EOM_THUMB_ERROR_GENERIC, "Thumbnail creation failed");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* check if there is already a valid cached thumbnail */
+ thumb = get_valid_thumbnail (data, error);
+ if (thumb != NULL) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_THUMBNAIL, "%s: loaded from cache",data->uri_str);
+ } else if (mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_can_thumbnail (factory, data->uri_str, data->mime_type, data->mtime)) {
+ pixbuf = eom_image_get_pixbuf (image);
+ if (pixbuf != NULL) {
+ /* generate a thumbnail from the in-memory image,
+ if we have already loaded the image */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_THUMBNAIL, "%s: creating from pixbuf",data->uri_str);
+ thumb = create_thumbnail_from_pixbuf (data, pixbuf, error);
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ } else {
+ /* generate a thumbnail from the file */
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_THUMBNAIL, "%s: creating from file",data->uri_str);
+ thumb = mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_generate_thumbnail (factory, data->uri_str, data->mime_type);
+ }
+ if (thumb != NULL) {
+ /* Save the new thumbnail */
+ mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_save_thumbnail (factory, thumb, data->uri_str, data->mtime);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_THUMBNAIL, "%s: normal thumbnail saved",data->uri_str);
+ } else {
+ /* Save a failed thumbnail, to stop further thumbnail attempts */
+ mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_create_failed_thumbnail (factory, data->uri_str, data->mtime);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_THUMBNAIL, "%s: failed thumbnail saved",data->uri_str);
+ set_thumb_error (error, EOM_THUMB_ERROR_GENERIC, "Thumbnail creation failed");
+ }
+ }
+ eom_thumb_data_free (data);
+ return thumb;
+eom_thumbnail_init (void)
+ if (factory == NULL) {
+ factory = mate_desktop_thumbnail_factory_new (MATE_DESKTOP_THUMBNAIL_SIZE_NORMAL);
+ }
+ if (frame == NULL) {
+ frame = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (EOM_DATA_DIR "/pixmaps/thumbnail-frame.png", NULL);
+ }
diff --git a/src/eom-thumbnail.h b/src/eom-thumbnail.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b155f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-thumbnail.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Thumbnailing functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on caja code (libcaja-private/caja-thumbnail.c) by:
+ * - Andy Hertzfeld <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef _EOM_THUMBNAIL_H_
+#define _EOM_THUMBNAIL_H_
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#include "eom-image.h"
+void eom_thumbnail_init (void);
+GdkPixbuf* eom_thumbnail_fit_to_size (GdkPixbuf *thumbnail,
+ gint dimension);
+GdkPixbuf* eom_thumbnail_add_frame (GdkPixbuf *thumbnail);
+GdkPixbuf* eom_thumbnail_load (EomImage *image,
+ GError **error);
+#define EOM_THUMBNAIL_ORIGINAL_WIDTH "eom-thumbnail-orig-width"
+#define EOM_THUMBNAIL_ORIGINAL_HEIGHT "eom-thumbnail-orig-height"
+#endif /* _EOM_THUMBNAIL_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-transform.c b/src/eom-transform.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab6935d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-transform.c
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+/* Eye Of MATE -- Affine Transformations
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Portions based on code from libart_lgpl by Raph Levien.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <cairo/cairo.h>
+#include "eom-transform.h"
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+/* The number of progress updates per transformation */
+struct _EomTransformPrivate {
+ cairo_matrix_t affine;
+typedef struct {
+ gdouble x;
+ gdouble y;
+} EomPoint;
+/* Convert degrees into radians */
+#define EOM_DEG_TO_RAD(degree) ((degree) * (G_PI/180.0))
+#define EOM_TRANSFORM_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomTransform, eom_transform, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static void
+eom_transform_init (EomTransform *trans)
+ trans->priv = EOM_TRANSFORM_GET_PRIVATE (trans);
+static void
+eom_transform_class_init (EomTransformClass *klass)
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EomTransformPrivate));
+eom_transform_apply (EomTransform *trans, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, EomJob *job)
+ EomPoint dest_top_left;
+ EomPoint dest_bottom_right;
+ EomPoint vertices[4] = { {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1} };
+ double r_det;
+ int inverted [6];
+ EomPoint dest;
+ int src_width;
+ int src_height;
+ int src_rowstride;
+ int src_n_channels;
+ guchar *src_buffer;
+ GdkPixbuf *dest_pixbuf;
+ int dest_width;
+ int dest_height;
+ int dest_rowstride;
+ int dest_n_channels;
+ guchar *dest_buffer;
+ guchar *src_pos;
+ guchar *dest_pos;
+ int dx, dy, sx, sy;
+ int i, x, y;
+ int progress_delta;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (pixbuf != NULL, NULL);
+ g_object_ref (pixbuf);
+ src_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
+ src_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
+ src_rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
+ src_n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf);
+ src_buffer = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
+ /* find out the dimension of the destination pixbuf */
+ dest_top_left.x = 100000;
+ dest_top_left.y = 100000;
+ dest_bottom_right.x = -100000;
+ dest_bottom_right.y = -100000;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ dest.x = vertices[i].x * (src_width - 1);
+ dest.y = vertices[i].y * (src_height -1);
+ cairo_matrix_transform_point (&trans->priv->affine,
+ &dest.x, &dest.y);
+ dest_top_left.x = MIN (dest_top_left.x, dest.x);
+ dest_top_left.y = MIN (dest_top_left.y, dest.y);
+ dest_bottom_right.x = MAX (dest_bottom_right.x, dest.x);
+ dest_bottom_right.y = MAX (dest_bottom_right.y, dest.y);
+ }
+ /* create the resulting pixbuf */
+ dest_width = abs (dest_bottom_right.x - dest_top_left.x + 1);
+ dest_height = abs (dest_bottom_right.y - dest_top_left.y + 1);
+ dest_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf),
+ gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample (pixbuf),
+ dest_width,
+ dest_height);
+ dest_rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (dest_pixbuf);
+ dest_n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (dest_pixbuf);
+ dest_buffer = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (dest_pixbuf);
+ /* invert the matrix so that we can compute the source pixel
+ from the target pixel and convert the values to integer
+ ones (faster!) FIXME: Maybe we can do some more
+ improvements by using special mmx/3dnow features if
+ available.
+ */
+ r_det = 1.0 / (trans->priv->affine.xx * trans->priv->affine.yy - trans->priv->affine.yx * trans->priv->affine.xy);
+ inverted[0] = trans->priv->affine.yy * r_det;
+ inverted[1] = -trans->priv->affine.yx * r_det;
+ inverted[2] = -trans->priv->affine.xy * r_det;
+ inverted[3] = trans->priv->affine.xx * r_det;
+ inverted[4] = -trans->priv->affine.x0 * inverted[0] - trans->priv->affine.y0 * inverted[2];
+ inverted[5] = -trans->priv->affine.x0 * inverted[1] - trans->priv->affine.y0 * inverted[3];
+ progress_delta = MAX (1, dest_height / EOM_TRANSFORM_N_PROG_UPDATES);
+ /*
+ * for every destination pixel (dx,dy) compute the source pixel (sx, sy)
+ * and copy the color values
+ */
+ for (y = 0, dy = dest_top_left.y; y < dest_height; y++, dy++) {
+ for (x = 0, dx = dest_top_left.x; x < dest_width; x++, dx++) {
+ sx = dx * inverted[0] + dy * inverted[2] + inverted[4];
+ sy = dx * inverted[1] + dy * inverted[3] + inverted[5];
+ if (sx >= 0 && sx < src_width && sy >= 0 && sy < src_height) {
+ src_pos = src_buffer + sy * src_rowstride + sx * src_n_channels;
+ dest_pos = dest_buffer + y * dest_rowstride + x * dest_n_channels;
+ for (i = 0; i < src_n_channels; i++) {
+ dest_pos[i] = src_pos[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (job != NULL && y % progress_delta == 0) {
+ gfloat progress;
+ progress = (gfloat) (y + 1.0) / (gfloat) dest_height;
+ eom_job_set_progress (job, progress);
+ }
+ }
+ g_object_unref (pixbuf);
+ if (job != NULL) {
+ eom_job_set_progress (job, 1.0);
+ }
+ return dest_pixbuf;
+static void
+_eom_cairo_matrix_copy (const cairo_matrix_t *src, cairo_matrix_t *dest)
+ cairo_matrix_init (dest, src->xx, src->yx, src->xy, src->yy, src->x0, src->y0);
+#define DOUBLE_EQUAL(a,b) (fabs (a - b) < DOUBLE_EQUAL_MAX_DIFF)
+/* art_affine_equal modified to work with cairo_matrix_t */
+static gboolean
+_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (const cairo_matrix_t *a, const cairo_matrix_t *b)
+ return (DOUBLE_EQUAL (a->xx, b->xx) && DOUBLE_EQUAL (a->yx, b->yx) &&
+ DOUBLE_EQUAL (a->xy, b->xy) && DOUBLE_EQUAL (a->yy, b->yy) &&
+ DOUBLE_EQUAL (a->x0, b->x0) && DOUBLE_EQUAL (a->y0, b->y0) );
+/* art_affine_flip modified to work with cairo_matrix_t */
+static void
+_eom_cairo_matrix_flip (cairo_matrix_t *dst, const cairo_matrix_t *src, gboolean horiz, gboolean vert)
+ dst->xx = horiz ? -src->xx : src->xx;
+ dst->yx = horiz ? -src->yx : src->yx;
+ dst->xy = vert ? -src->xy : src->xy;
+ dst->yy = vert ? -src->yy : src->yy;
+ dst->x0 = horiz ? -src->x0 : src->x0;
+ dst->y0 = vert ? -src->y0 : src->y0;
+eom_transform_reverse (EomTransform *trans)
+ EomTransform *reverse;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (trans), NULL);
+ reverse = EOM_TRANSFORM (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_TRANSFORM, NULL));
+ _eom_cairo_matrix_copy (&trans->priv->affine, &reverse->priv->affine);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (cairo_matrix_invert (&reverse->priv->affine) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS, reverse);
+ return reverse;
+eom_transform_compose (EomTransform *trans, EomTransform *compose)
+ EomTransform *composition;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (trans), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (compose), NULL);
+ composition = EOM_TRANSFORM (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_TRANSFORM, NULL));
+ cairo_matrix_multiply (&composition->priv->affine,
+ &trans->priv->affine,
+ &compose->priv->affine);
+ return composition;
+eom_transform_is_identity (EomTransform *trans)
+ static const cairo_matrix_t identity = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 };
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (trans), FALSE);
+ return _eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&identity, &trans->priv->affine);
+eom_transform_identity_new (void)
+ EomTransform *trans;
+ trans = EOM_TRANSFORM (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_TRANSFORM, NULL));
+ cairo_matrix_init_identity (&trans->priv->affine);
+ return trans;
+eom_transform_rotate_new (int degree)
+ EomTransform *trans;
+ trans = EOM_TRANSFORM (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_TRANSFORM, NULL));
+ cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&trans->priv->affine, EOM_DEG_TO_RAD(degree));
+ return trans;
+eom_transform_flip_new (EomTransformType type)
+ EomTransform *trans;
+ gboolean horiz, vert;
+ trans = EOM_TRANSFORM (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_TRANSFORM, NULL));
+ cairo_matrix_init_identity (&trans->priv->affine);
+ _eom_cairo_matrix_flip (&trans->priv->affine,
+ &trans->priv->affine,
+ horiz, vert);
+ return trans;
+eom_transform_new (EomTransformType type)
+ EomTransform *trans = NULL;
+ EomTransform *temp1 = NULL, *temp2 = NULL;
+ switch (type) {
+ trans = eom_transform_identity_new ();
+ break;
+ trans = eom_transform_flip_new (EOM_TRANSFORM_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);
+ break;
+ trans = eom_transform_rotate_new (180);
+ break;
+ trans = eom_transform_flip_new (EOM_TRANSFORM_FLIP_VERTICAL);
+ break;
+ temp1 = eom_transform_rotate_new (90);
+ temp2 = eom_transform_flip_new (EOM_TRANSFORM_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);
+ trans = eom_transform_compose (temp1, temp2);
+ g_object_unref (temp1);
+ g_object_unref (temp2);
+ break;
+ trans = eom_transform_rotate_new (90);
+ break;
+ temp1 = eom_transform_rotate_new (90);
+ temp2 = eom_transform_flip_new (EOM_TRANSFORM_FLIP_VERTICAL);
+ trans = eom_transform_compose (temp1, temp2);
+ g_object_unref (temp1);
+ g_object_unref (temp2);
+ break;
+ trans = eom_transform_rotate_new (270);
+ break;
+ default:
+ trans = eom_transform_identity_new ();
+ break;
+ }
+ return trans;
+eom_transform_get_transform_type (EomTransform *trans)
+ cairo_matrix_t affine;
+ EomTransformPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (trans), EOM_TRANSFORM_NONE);
+ priv = trans->priv;
+ cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&affine, EOM_DEG_TO_RAD(90));
+ if (_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&affine, &priv->affine)) {
+ return EOM_TRANSFORM_ROT_90;
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&affine, EOM_DEG_TO_RAD(180));
+ if (_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&affine, &priv->affine)) {
+ return EOM_TRANSFORM_ROT_180;
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&affine, EOM_DEG_TO_RAD(270));
+ if (_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&affine, &priv->affine)) {
+ return EOM_TRANSFORM_ROT_270;
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_identity (&affine);
+ _eom_cairo_matrix_flip (&affine, &affine, TRUE, FALSE);
+ if (_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&affine, &priv->affine)) {
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_identity (&affine);
+ _eom_cairo_matrix_flip (&affine, &affine, FALSE, TRUE);
+ if (_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&affine, &priv->affine)) {
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&affine, EOM_DEG_TO_RAD(90));
+ _eom_cairo_matrix_flip (&affine, &affine, TRUE, FALSE);
+ if (_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&affine, &priv->affine)) {
+ }
+ cairo_matrix_init_rotate (&affine, EOM_DEG_TO_RAD(90));
+ _eom_cairo_matrix_flip (&affine, &affine, FALSE, TRUE);
+ if (_eom_cairo_matrix_equal (&affine, &priv->affine)) {
+ }
+eom_transform_get_affine (EomTransform *trans, cairo_matrix_t *affine)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_TRANSFORM (trans), FALSE);
+ _eom_cairo_matrix_copy (&trans->priv->affine, affine);
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/eom-transform.h b/src/eom-transform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a321e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-transform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#ifndef _EOM_TRANSFORM_H_
+#define _EOM_TRANSFORM_H_
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
+#ifndef __EOM_JOB_DECLR__
+#define __EOM_JOB_DECLR__
+typedef struct _EomJob EomJob;
+typedef enum {
+} EomTransformType;
+#define EOM_TYPE_TRANSFORM (eom_transform_get_type ())
+/* =========================================
+ GObjecat wrapper around an affine transformation
+ ----------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct _EomTransform EomTransform;
+typedef struct _EomTransformClass EomTransformClass;
+typedef struct _EomTransformPrivate EomTransformPrivate;
+struct _EomTransform {
+ GObject parent;
+ EomTransformPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomTransformClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_klass;
+GType eom_transform_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GdkPixbuf* eom_transform_apply (EomTransform *trans, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, EomJob *job);
+EomTransform* eom_transform_reverse (EomTransform *trans);
+EomTransform* eom_transform_compose (EomTransform *trans, EomTransform *compose);
+gboolean eom_transform_is_identity (EomTransform *trans);
+EomTransform* eom_transform_identity_new (void);
+EomTransform* eom_transform_rotate_new (int degree);
+EomTransform* eom_transform_flip_new (EomTransformType type /* only EOM_TRANSFORM_FLIP_* are valid */);
+#if 0
+EomTransform* eom_transform_scale_new (double sx, double sy);
+EomTransform* eom_transform_new (EomTransformType trans);
+EomTransformType eom_transform_get_transform_type (EomTransform *trans);
+gboolean eom_transform_get_affine (EomTransform *trans, cairo_matrix_t *affine);
+#endif /* _EOM_TRANSFORM_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-uri-converter.c b/src/eom-uri-converter.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..738820c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-uri-converter.c
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "eom-uri-converter.h"
+#include "eom-pixbuf-util.h"
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+typedef struct {
+ EomUCType type;
+ union {
+ char *string; /* if type == EOM_UC_STRING */
+ gulong counter; /* if type == EOM_UC_COUNTER */
+ } data;
+} EomUCToken;
+struct _EomURIConverterPrivate {
+ GFile *base_file;
+ GList *token_list;
+ char *suffix;
+ GdkPixbufFormat *img_format;
+ gboolean requires_exif;
+ /* options */
+ gboolean convert_spaces;
+ gchar space_character;
+ gulong counter_start;
+ guint counter_n_digits;
+static void eom_uri_converter_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec);
+static void eom_uri_converter_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomURIConverter, eom_uri_converter, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static void
+free_token (gpointer data)
+ EomUCToken *token = (EomUCToken*) data;
+ if (token->type == EOM_UC_STRING) {
+ g_free (token->data.string);
+ }
+ g_slice_free (EomUCToken, token);
+static void
+eom_uri_converter_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomURIConverter *instance = EOM_URI_CONVERTER (object);
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ priv = instance->priv;
+ if (priv->base_file) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->base_file);
+ priv->base_file = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->token_list) {
+ g_list_foreach (priv->token_list, (GFunc) free_token, NULL);
+ g_list_free (priv->token_list);
+ priv->token_list = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->suffix) {
+ g_free (priv->suffix);
+ priv->suffix = NULL;
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_uri_converter_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_uri_converter_init (EomURIConverter *obj)
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ priv = obj->priv = EOM_URI_CONVERTER_GET_PRIVATE (obj);
+ priv->convert_spaces = FALSE;
+ priv->space_character = '_';
+ priv->counter_start = 0;
+ priv->counter_n_digits = 1;
+ priv->requires_exif = FALSE;
+static void
+eom_uri_converter_class_init (EomURIConverterClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+ object_class->dispose = eom_uri_converter_dispose;
+ /* GObjectClass */
+ object_class->set_property = eom_uri_converter_set_property;
+ object_class->get_property = eom_uri_converter_get_property;
+ /* Properties */
+ g_object_class_install_property (
+ object_class,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("convert-spaces", NULL, NULL,
+ g_object_class_install_property (
+ object_class,
+ g_param_spec_char ("space-character", NULL, NULL,
+ ' ', '~', '_', G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+ g_object_class_install_property (
+ object_class,
+ g_param_spec_ulong ("counter-start", NULL, NULL,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ g_object_class_install_property (
+ object_class,
+ g_param_spec_uint ("counter-n-digits", NULL, NULL,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ g_object_class_install_property (
+ object_class,
+ g_param_spec_uint ("n-images", NULL, NULL,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EomURIConverterPrivate));
+eom_uc_error_quark (void)
+ static GQuark q = 0;
+ if (q == 0)
+ q = g_quark_from_static_string ("eom-uri-converter-error-quark");
+ return q;
+static void
+eom_uri_converter_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomURIConverter *conv;
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (object));
+ conv = EOM_URI_CONVERTER (object);
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ priv->convert_spaces = g_value_get_boolean (value);
+ break;
+ priv->space_character = g_value_get_char (value);
+ break;
+ {
+ guint new_n_digits;
+ priv->counter_start = g_value_get_ulong (value);
+ new_n_digits = ceil (log10 (priv->counter_start + pow (10, priv->counter_n_digits) - 1));
+ if (new_n_digits != priv->counter_n_digits) {
+ priv->counter_n_digits = ceil (MIN (log10 (G_MAXULONG), new_n_digits));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ priv->counter_n_digits = ceil (MIN (log10 (G_MAXULONG), g_value_get_uint (value)));
+ break;
+ priv->counter_n_digits = ceil (MIN (log10 (G_MAXULONG),
+ log10 (priv->counter_start + g_value_get_uint (value))));
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+static void
+eom_uri_converter_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomURIConverter *conv;
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (object));
+ conv = EOM_URI_CONVERTER (object);
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ switch (property_id)
+ {
+ g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->convert_spaces);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_char (value, priv->space_character);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_ulong (value, priv->counter_start);
+ break;
+ g_value_set_uint (value, priv->counter_n_digits);
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+/* parser states */
+enum {
+static EomUCToken*
+create_token_string (const char *string, int substr_start, int substr_len)
+ char *start_byte;
+ char *end_byte;
+ int n_bytes;
+ EomUCToken *token;
+ if (string == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (substr_len <= 0) return NULL;
+ start_byte = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (string, substr_start);
+ end_byte = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (string, substr_start + substr_len);
+ /* FIXME: is this right? */
+ n_bytes = end_byte - start_byte;
+ token = g_slice_new0 (EomUCToken);
+ token->type = EOM_UC_STRING;
+ token->data.string = g_new0 (char, n_bytes);
+ token->data.string = g_utf8_strncpy (token->data.string, start_byte, substr_len);
+ return token;
+static EomUCToken*
+create_token_counter (int start_counter)
+ EomUCToken *token;
+ token = g_slice_new0 (EomUCToken);
+ token->type = EOM_UC_COUNTER;
+ token->data.counter = 0;
+ return token;
+static EomUCToken*
+create_token_other (EomUCType type)
+ EomUCToken *token;
+ token = g_slice_new0 (EomUCToken);
+ token->type = type;
+ return token;
+static GList*
+eom_uri_converter_parse_string (EomURIConverter *conv, const char *string)
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ GList *list = NULL;
+ gulong len;
+ int i;
+ int state = PARSER_NONE;
+ int start = -1;
+ int substr_len = 0;
+ gunichar c;
+ const char *s;
+ EomUCToken *token;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (conv), NULL);
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ if (string == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (!g_utf8_validate (string, -1, NULL))
+ return NULL;
+ len = g_utf8_strlen (string, -1);
+ s = string;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ c = g_utf8_get_char (s);
+ token = NULL;
+ switch (state) {
+ if (c == '%') {
+ start = -1;
+ state = PARSER_TOKEN;
+ } else {
+ start = i;
+ substr_len = 1;
+ state = PARSER_STRING;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (c == '%') {
+ if (start != -1) {
+ token = create_token_string (string, start, substr_len);
+ }
+ state = PARSER_TOKEN;
+ start = -1;
+ } else {
+ substr_len++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PARSER_TOKEN: {
+ EomUCType type = EOM_UC_END;
+ if (c == 'f') {
+ }
+ else if (c == 'n') {
+ type = EOM_UC_COUNTER;
+ token = create_token_counter (priv->counter_start);
+ }
+ else if (c == 'c') {
+ type = EOM_UC_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'd') {
+ type = EOM_UC_DATE;
+ }
+ else if (c == 't') {
+ type = EOM_UC_TIME;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'a') {
+ type = EOM_UC_DAY;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'm') {
+ type = EOM_UC_MONTH;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'y') {
+ type = EOM_UC_YEAR;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'h') {
+ type = EOM_UC_HOUR;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'i') {
+ type = EOM_UC_MINUTE;
+ }
+ else if (c == 's') {
+ type = EOM_UC_SECOND;
+ }
+ if (type != EOM_UC_END && token == NULL) {
+ token = create_token_other (type);
+ priv->requires_exif = TRUE;
+ }
+ state = PARSER_NONE;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ g_assert_not_reached ();
+ }
+ if (token != NULL) {
+ list = g_list_append (list, token);
+ }
+ s = g_utf8_next_char (s);
+ }
+ if (state != PARSER_TOKEN && start >= 0) {
+ /* add remaining chars as string token */
+ list = g_list_append (list, create_token_string (string, start, substr_len));
+ }
+ return list;
+eom_uri_converter_print_list (EomURIConverter *conv)
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ GList *it;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_URI_CONVERTER (conv));
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ for (it = priv->token_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ EomUCToken *token;
+ char *str;
+ token = (EomUCToken*) it->data;
+ switch (token->type) {
+ str = g_strdup_printf ("string [%s]", token->data.string);
+ break;
+ str = "filename";
+ break;
+ str = g_strdup_printf ("counter [%lu]", token->data.counter);
+ break;
+ str = "comment";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_DATE:
+ str = "date";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_TIME:
+ str = "time";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_DAY:
+ str = "day";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_MONTH:
+ str = "month";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_YEAR:
+ str = "year";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_HOUR:
+ str = "hour";
+ break;
+ str = "minute";
+ break;
+ str = "second";
+ break;
+ default:
+ str = "unknown";
+ break;
+ }
+ g_print ("- %s\n", str);
+ if (token->type == EOM_UC_STRING || token->type == EOM_UC_COUNTER) {
+ g_free (str);
+ }
+ }
+eom_uri_converter_new (GFile *base_file, GdkPixbufFormat *img_format, const char *format_str)
+ EomURIConverter *conv;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (format_str != NULL, NULL);
+ conv = g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_URI_CONVERTER, NULL);
+ if (base_file != NULL) {
+ conv->priv->base_file = g_object_ref (base_file);
+ }
+ else {
+ conv->priv->base_file = NULL;
+ }
+ conv->priv->img_format = img_format;
+ conv->priv->token_list = eom_uri_converter_parse_string (conv, format_str);
+ return conv;
+static GFile*
+get_file_directory (EomURIConverter *conv, EomImage *image)
+ GFile *file = NULL;
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (conv), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL);
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ if (priv->base_file != NULL) {
+ file = g_object_ref (priv->base_file);
+ }
+ else {
+ GFile *img_file;
+ img_file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ g_assert (img_file != NULL);
+ file = g_file_get_parent (img_file);
+ g_object_unref (img_file);
+ }
+ return file;
+static void
+split_filename (GFile *file, char **name, char **suffix)
+ char *basename;
+ char *suffix_start;
+ guint len;
+ *name = NULL;
+ *suffix = NULL;
+ /* get unescaped string */
+ basename = g_file_get_basename (file);
+ /* FIXME: does this work for all locales? */
+ suffix_start = g_utf8_strrchr (basename, -1, '.');
+ if (suffix_start == NULL) { /* no suffix found */
+ *name = g_strdup (basename);
+ }
+ else {
+ len = (suffix_start - basename);
+ *name = g_strndup (basename, len);
+ len = strlen (basename) - len - 1;
+ *suffix = g_strndup (suffix_start+1, len);
+ }
+ g_free (basename);
+static GString*
+append_filename (GString *str, EomImage *img)
+ /* appends the name of the original file without
+ filetype suffix */
+ GFile *img_file;
+ char *name;
+ char *suffix;
+ GString *result;
+ img_file = eom_image_get_file (img);
+ split_filename (img_file, &name, &suffix);
+ result = g_string_append (str, name);
+ g_free (name);
+ g_free (suffix);
+ g_object_unref (img_file);
+ return result;
+static GString*
+append_counter (GString *str, gulong counter, EomURIConverter *conv)
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ g_string_append_printf (str, "%.*lu", priv->counter_n_digits, counter);
+ return str;
+static void
+build_absolute_file (EomURIConverter *conv, EomImage *image, GString *str, /* input */
+ GFile **file, GdkPixbufFormat **format) /* output */
+ GFile *dir_file;
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ *file = NULL;
+ if (format != NULL)
+ *format = NULL;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (conv));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ g_return_if_fail (file != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ dir_file = get_file_directory (conv, image);
+ g_assert (dir_file != NULL);
+ if (priv->img_format == NULL) {
+ /* use same file type/suffix */
+ char *name;
+ char *old_suffix;
+ GFile *img_file;
+ img_file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ split_filename (img_file, &name, &old_suffix);
+ g_assert (old_suffix != NULL);
+ g_string_append_unichar (str, '.');
+ g_string_append (str, old_suffix);
+ if (format != NULL)
+ *format = eom_pixbuf_get_format_by_suffix (old_suffix);
+ g_object_unref (img_file);
+ } else {
+ if (priv->suffix == NULL)
+ priv->suffix = eom_pixbuf_get_common_suffix (priv->img_format);
+ g_string_append_unichar (str, '.');
+ g_string_append (str, priv->suffix);
+ if (format != NULL)
+ *format = priv->img_format;
+ }
+ *file = g_file_get_child (dir_file, str->str);
+ g_object_unref (dir_file);
+static GString*
+replace_remove_chars (GString *str, gboolean convert_spaces, gunichar space_char)
+ GString *result;
+ guint len;
+ char *s;
+ int i;
+ gunichar c;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (str != NULL, NULL);
+ if (!g_utf8_validate (str->str, -1, NULL))
+ return NULL;
+ result = g_string_new (NULL);
+ len = g_utf8_strlen (str->str, -1);
+ s = str->str;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++, s = g_utf8_next_char (s)) {
+ c = g_utf8_get_char (s);
+ if (c == '/') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (g_unichar_isspace (c) && convert_spaces) {
+ result = g_string_append_unichar (result, space_char);
+ }
+ else {
+ result = g_string_append_unichar (result, c);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ensure maximum length of 250 characters */
+ len = MIN (result->len, 250);
+ result = g_string_truncate (result, len);
+ return result;
+ * This function converts the uri of the EomImage object, according to the
+ * EomUCToken list. The absolute uri (converted filename appended to base uri)
+ * is returned in uri and the image format will be in the format pointer.
+ */
+eom_uri_converter_do (EomURIConverter *conv, EomImage *image,
+ GFile **file, GdkPixbufFormat **format, GError **error)
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+ GList *it;
+ GString *str;
+ GString *repl_str;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (conv), FALSE);
+ priv = conv->priv;
+ *file = NULL;
+ if (format != NULL)
+ *format = NULL;
+ str = g_string_new ("");
+ for (it = priv->token_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ EomUCToken *token = (EomUCToken*) it->data;
+ switch (token->type) {
+ str = g_string_append (str, token->data.string);
+ break;
+ str = append_filename (str, image);
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_COUNTER: {
+ if (token->data.counter < priv->counter_start)
+ token->data.counter = priv->counter_start;
+ str = append_counter (str, token->data.counter++, conv);
+ break;
+ }
+#if 0
+ str = g_string_append_printf ();
+ str = "comment";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_DATE:
+ str = "date";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_TIME:
+ str = "time";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_DAY:
+ str = "day";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_MONTH:
+ str = "month";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_YEAR:
+ str = "year";
+ break;
+ case EOM_UC_HOUR:
+ str = "hour";
+ break;
+ str = "minute";
+ break;
+ str = "second";
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* skip all others */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ repl_str = replace_remove_chars (str, priv->convert_spaces, priv->space_character);
+ if (repl_str->len > 0) {
+ build_absolute_file (conv, image, repl_str, file, format);
+ }
+ g_string_free (repl_str, TRUE);
+ g_string_free (str, TRUE);
+ return (*file != NULL);
+eom_uri_converter_preview (const char *format_str, EomImage *img, GdkPixbufFormat *format,
+ gulong counter, guint n_images,
+ gboolean convert_spaces, gunichar space_char)
+ GString *str;
+ GString *repl_str;
+ guint n_digits;
+ guint len;
+ int i;
+ const char *s;
+ gunichar c;
+ char *filename;
+ gboolean token_next;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (format_str != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (img), NULL);
+ if (n_images == 0) return NULL;
+ n_digits = ceil (MIN (log10 (G_MAXULONG), MAX (log10 (counter), log10 (n_images))));
+ str = g_string_new ("");
+ if (!g_utf8_validate (format_str, -1, NULL))
+ return NULL;
+ len = g_utf8_strlen (format_str, -1);
+ s = format_str;
+ token_next = FALSE;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++, s = g_utf8_next_char (s)) {
+ c = g_utf8_get_char (s);
+ if (token_next) {
+ if (c == 'f') {
+ str = append_filename (str, img);
+ }
+ else if (c == 'n') {
+ g_string_append_printf (str, "%.*lu",
+ n_digits ,counter);
+ }
+#if 0 /* ignore the rest for now */
+ else if (c == 'c') {
+ type = EOM_UC_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'd') {
+ type = EOM_UC_DATE;
+ }
+ else if (c == 't') {
+ type = EOM_UC_TIME;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'a') {
+ type = EOM_UC_DAY;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'm') {
+ type = EOM_UC_MONTH;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'y') {
+ type = EOM_UC_YEAR;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'h') {
+ type = EOM_UC_HOUR;
+ }
+ else if (c == 'i') {
+ type = EOM_UC_MINUTE;
+ }
+ else if (c == 's') {
+ type = EOM_UC_SECOND;
+ }
+ token_next = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (c == '%') {
+ token_next = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ str = g_string_append_unichar (str, c);
+ }
+ }
+ filename = NULL;
+ repl_str = replace_remove_chars (str, convert_spaces, space_char);
+ if (repl_str->len > 0) {
+ if (format == NULL) {
+ /* use same file type/suffix */
+ char *name;
+ char *old_suffix;
+ GFile *img_file;
+ img_file = eom_image_get_file (img);
+ split_filename (img_file, &name, &old_suffix);
+ g_assert (old_suffix != NULL);
+ g_string_append_unichar (repl_str, '.');
+ g_string_append (repl_str, old_suffix);
+ g_free (old_suffix);
+ g_free (name);
+ g_object_unref (img_file);
+ }
+ else {
+ char *suffix = eom_pixbuf_get_common_suffix (format);
+ g_string_append_unichar (repl_str, '.');
+ g_string_append (repl_str, suffix);
+ g_free (suffix);
+ }
+ filename = repl_str->str;
+ }
+ g_string_free (repl_str, FALSE);
+ g_string_free (str, TRUE);
+ return filename;
+eom_uri_converter_requires_exif (EomURIConverter *converter)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (converter), FALSE);
+ return converter->priv->requires_exif;
+eom_uri_converter_check (EomURIConverter *converter, GList *img_list, GError **error)
+ GList *it;
+ GList *file_list = NULL;
+ gboolean all_different = TRUE;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_URI_CONVERTER (converter), FALSE);
+ /* convert all image uris */
+ for (it = img_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ gboolean result;
+ GFile *file;
+ GError *conv_error = NULL;
+ result = eom_uri_converter_do (converter, EOM_IMAGE (it->data),
+ &file, NULL, &conv_error);
+ if (result) {
+ file_list = g_list_prepend (file_list, file);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for all different uris */
+ for (it = file_list; it != NULL && all_different; it = it->next) {
+ GList *p;
+ GFile *file;
+ file = (GFile*) it->data;
+ for (p = it->next; p != NULL && all_different; p = p->next) {
+ all_different = !g_file_equal (file, (GFile*) p->data);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!all_different) {
+ g_set_error (error, EOM_UC_ERROR,
+ _("At least two file names are equal."));
+ }
+ return all_different;
diff --git a/src/eom-uri-converter.h b/src/eom-uri-converter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1cbe94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-uri-converter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#define EOM_TYPE_URI_CONVERTER (eom_uri_converter_get_type ())
+typedef struct _EomURIConverter EomURIConverter;
+typedef struct _EomURIConverterClass EomURIConverterClass;
+typedef struct _EomURIConverterPrivate EomURIConverterPrivate;
+typedef enum {
+} EomUCType;
+typedef struct {
+ char *description;
+ char *rep;
+ gboolean req_exif;
+} EomUCInfo;
+typedef enum {
+} EomUCError;
+#define EOM_UC_ERROR eom_uc_error_quark ()
+struct _EomURIConverter {
+ GObject parent;
+ EomURIConverterPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomURIConverterClass {
+ GObjectClass parent_klass;
+GType eom_uri_converter_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GQuark eom_uc_error_quark (void);
+EomURIConverter* eom_uri_converter_new (GFile *base_file,
+ GdkPixbufFormat *img_format,
+ const char *format_string);
+gboolean eom_uri_converter_check (EomURIConverter *converter,
+ GList *img_list,
+ GError **error);
+gboolean eom_uri_converter_requires_exif (EomURIConverter *converter);
+gboolean eom_uri_converter_do (EomURIConverter *converter,
+ EomImage *image,
+ GFile **file,
+ GdkPixbufFormat **format,
+ GError **error);
+char* eom_uri_converter_preview (const char *format_str,
+ EomImage *img,
+ GdkPixbufFormat *format,
+ gulong counter,
+ guint n_images,
+ gboolean convert_spaces,
+ gunichar space_char);
+/* for debugging purpose only */
+void eom_uri_converter_print_list (EomURIConverter *conv);
+#endif /* _EOM_URI_CONVERTER_H_ */
diff --git a/src/eom-util.c b/src/eom-util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d74305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - General Utilities
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE
+#endif /* HAVE_STRPTIME */
+#include <time.h>
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gprintf.h>
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+eom_util_show_help (const gchar *section, GtkWindow *parent)
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ gchar *uri = NULL;
+ if (section)
+ uri = g_strdup_printf ("ghelp:eom?%s", section);
+ gtk_show_uri (NULL, ((uri != NULL) ? uri : "ghelp:eom"),
+ gtk_get_current_event_time (), &error);
+ g_free (uri);
+ if (error) {
+ GtkWidget *dialog;
+ dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (parent,
+ 0,
+ _("Could not display help for Eye of MATE"));
+ gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog),
+ "%s", error->message);
+ g_signal_connect_swapped (dialog, "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy),
+ dialog);
+ gtk_widget_show (dialog);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+gchar *
+eom_util_make_valid_utf8 (const gchar *str)
+ GString *string;
+ const char *remainder, *invalid;
+ int remaining_bytes, valid_bytes;
+ string = NULL;
+ remainder = str;
+ remaining_bytes = strlen (str);
+ while (remaining_bytes != 0) {
+ if (g_utf8_validate (remainder, remaining_bytes, &invalid)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ valid_bytes = invalid - remainder;
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ string = g_string_sized_new (remaining_bytes);
+ }
+ g_string_append_len (string, remainder, valid_bytes);
+ g_string_append_c (string, '?');
+ remaining_bytes -= valid_bytes + 1;
+ remainder = invalid + 1;
+ }
+ if (string == NULL) {
+ return g_strdup (str);
+ }
+ g_string_append (string, remainder);
+ g_string_append (string, _(" (invalid Unicode)"));
+ g_assert (g_utf8_validate (string->str, -1, NULL));
+ return g_string_free (string, FALSE);
+eom_util_parse_uri_string_list_to_file_list (const gchar *uri_list)
+ GSList* file_list = NULL;
+ gsize i = 0;
+ gchar **uris;
+ uris = g_uri_list_extract_uris (uri_list);
+ while (uris[i] != NULL) {
+ file_list = g_slist_append (file_list, g_file_new_for_uri (uris[i]));
+ i++;
+ }
+ g_strfreev (uris);
+ return file_list;
+eom_util_string_list_to_file_list (GSList *string_list)
+ GSList *it = NULL;
+ GSList *file_list = NULL;
+ for (it = string_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ char *uri_str;
+ uri_str = (gchar *) it->data;
+ file_list = g_slist_prepend (file_list,
+ g_file_new_for_uri (uri_str));
+ }
+ return g_slist_reverse (file_list);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+eom_util_strings_to_file_list (gchar **strings)
+ int i;
+ GSList *file_list = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; strings[i]; i++) {
+ file_list = g_slist_prepend (file_list,
+ g_file_new_for_uri (strings[i]));
+ }
+ return g_slist_reverse (file_list);
+eom_util_string_array_to_list (const gchar **files, gboolean create_uri)
+ gint i;
+ GSList *list = NULL;
+ if (files == NULL) return list;
+ for (i = 0; files[i]; i++) {
+ char *str;
+ if (create_uri) {
+ GFile *file;
+ file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (files[i]);
+ str = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ } else {
+ str = g_strdup (files[i]);
+ }
+ if (str) {
+ list = g_slist_prepend (list, g_strdup (str));
+ g_free (str);
+ }
+ }
+ return g_slist_reverse (list);
+gchar **
+eom_util_string_array_make_absolute (gchar **files)
+ int i;
+ int size;
+ gchar **abs_files;
+ GFile *file;
+ if (files == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ size = g_strv_length (files);
+ /* Ensure new list is NULL-terminated */
+ abs_files = g_new0 (gchar *, size+1);
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (files[i]);
+ abs_files[i] = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ }
+ return abs_files;
+static gchar *dot_dir = NULL;
+static gboolean
+ensure_dir_exists (const char *dir)
+ if (g_file_test (dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
+ return TRUE;
+ if (g_mkdir_with_parents (dir, 0700) == 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (errno == EEXIST)
+ return g_file_test (dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR);
+ g_warning ("Failed to create directory %s: %s", dir, strerror (errno));
+ return FALSE;
+const gchar *
+eom_util_dot_dir (void)
+ if (dot_dir == NULL) {
+ gboolean exists;
+ dot_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (),
+ ".mate2",
+ "eom",
+ NULL);
+ exists = ensure_dir_exists (dot_dir);
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (!exists)) {
+ static gboolean printed_warning = FALSE;
+ if (!printed_warning) {
+ g_warning ("EOM could not save some of your preferences in its settings directory due to a file with the same name (%s) blocking its creation. Please remove that file, or move it away.", dot_dir);
+ printed_warning = TRUE;
+ }
+ dot_dir = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return dot_dir;
+/* Based on eel_filename_strip_extension() */
+ * eom_util_filename_get_extension:
+ * @filename: a filename
+ *
+ * Returns a reasonably good guess of the file extension of @filename.
+ *
+ * Returns: a newly allocated string with the file extension of @filename.
+ **/
+char *
+eom_util_filename_get_extension (const char * filename)
+ char *begin, *begin2;
+ if (filename == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ begin = strrchr (filename, '.');
+ if (begin && begin != filename) {
+ if (strcmp (begin, ".gz") == 0 ||
+ strcmp (begin, ".bz2") == 0 ||
+ strcmp (begin, ".sit") == 0 ||
+ strcmp (begin, ".Z") == 0) {
+ begin2 = begin - 1;
+ while (begin2 > filename &&
+ *begin2 != '.') {
+ begin2--;
+ }
+ if (begin2 != filename) {
+ begin = begin2;
+ }
+ }
+ begin ++;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return g_strdup (begin);
+ * eom_util_file_is_persistent:
+ * @file: a #GFile
+ *
+ * Checks whether @file is a non-removable local mount.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if @file is in a non-removable mount,
+ * %FALSE otherwise or when it is remote.
+ **/
+eom_util_file_is_persistent (GFile *file)
+ GMount *mount;
+ if (!g_file_is_native (file))
+ return FALSE;
+ mount = g_file_find_enclosing_mount (file, NULL, NULL);
+ if (mount) {
+ if (g_mount_can_unmount (mount)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/eom-util.h b/src/eom-util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a3dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - General Utilities
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_UTIL_H__
+#define __EOM_UTIL_H__
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+void eom_util_show_help (const gchar *section,
+ GtkWindow *parent);
+gchar *eom_util_make_valid_utf8 (const gchar *name);
+GSList *eom_util_parse_uri_string_list_to_file_list (const gchar *uri_list);
+GSList *eom_util_string_list_to_file_list (GSList *string_list);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+GSList *eom_util_strings_to_file_list (gchar **strings);
+GSList *eom_util_string_array_to_list (const gchar **files,
+ gboolean create_uri);
+gchar **eom_util_string_array_make_absolute (gchar **files);
+gboolean eom_util_launch_desktop_file (const gchar *filename,
+ guint32 user_time);
+const gchar *eom_util_dot_dir (void);
+char * eom_util_filename_get_extension (const char * filename_with_extension);
+gboolean eom_util_file_is_persistent (GFile *file);
+#endif /* __EOM_UTIL_H__ */
diff --git a/src/eom-window.c b/src/eom-window.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5a85e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-window.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5796 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Main Window
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-window.c) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "eom-window.h"
+#include "eom-scroll-view.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include "eom-file-chooser.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-view.h"
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-sidebar.h"
+#include "eom-statusbar.h"
+#include "eom-preferences-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-properties-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-print.h"
+#include "eom-error-message-area.h"
+#include "eom-application.h"
+#include "eom-thumb-nav.h"
+#include "eom-config-keys.h"
+#include "eom-job-queue.h"
+#include "eom-jobs.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include "eom-save-as-dialog-helper.h"
+#include "eom-plugin-engine.h"
+#include "eom-close-confirmation-dialog.h"
+#include "eom-enum-types.h"
+#include "egg-toolbar-editor.h"
+#include "egg-editable-toolbar.h"
+#include "egg-toolbars-model.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <mateconf/mateconf-client.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+#include <lcms.h>
+#define EOM_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE(object) \
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (EomWindow, eom_window, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW);
+#define EOM_RECENT_FILES_GROUP "Graphics"
+#define EOM_RECENT_FILES_APP_NAME "Eye of MATE Image Viewer"
+#define EOM_WALLPAPER_FILENAME "eom-wallpaper"
+#define is_rtl (gtk_widget_get_default_direction () == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL)
+typedef enum {
+} EomWindowStatus;
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+enum {
+static gint signals[SIGNAL_LAST];
+/* MateConfNotifications */
+enum {
+struct _EomWindowPrivate {
+ MateConfClient *client;
+ guint client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_LENGTH];
+ EomListStore *store;
+ EomImage *image;
+ EomWindowMode mode;
+ EomWindowStatus status;
+ GtkUIManager *ui_mgr;
+ GtkWidget *box;
+ GtkWidget *layout;
+ GtkWidget *cbox;
+ GtkWidget *view;
+ GtkWidget *sidebar;
+ GtkWidget *thumbview;
+ GtkWidget *statusbar;
+ GtkWidget *nav;
+ GtkWidget *message_area;
+ GtkWidget *toolbar;
+ GObject *properties_dlg;
+ GtkActionGroup *actions_window;
+ GtkActionGroup *actions_image;
+ GtkActionGroup *actions_collection;
+ GtkActionGroup *actions_recent;
+ GtkWidget *fullscreen_popup;
+ GSource *fullscreen_timeout_source;
+ gboolean slideshow_loop;
+ gint slideshow_switch_timeout;
+ GSource *slideshow_switch_source;
+ guint recent_menu_id;
+ EomJob *load_job;
+ EomJob *transform_job;
+ EomJob *save_job;
+ GFile *last_save_as_folder;
+ EomJob *copy_job;
+ guint image_info_message_cid;
+ guint tip_message_cid;
+ guint copy_file_cid;
+ EomStartupFlags flags;
+ GSList *file_list;
+ gint collection_position;
+ gboolean collection_resizable;
+ GtkActionGroup *actions_open_with;
+ guint open_with_menu_id;
+ gboolean save_disabled;
+ gboolean needs_reload_confirmation;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ cmsHPROFILE *display_profile;
+static void eom_window_cmd_fullscreen (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
+static void eom_window_run_fullscreen (EomWindow *window, gboolean slideshow);
+static void eom_window_cmd_slideshow (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
+static void eom_window_cmd_pause_slideshow (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data);
+static void eom_window_stop_fullscreen (EomWindow *window, gboolean slideshow);
+static void eom_job_load_cb (EomJobLoad *job, gpointer data);
+static void eom_job_save_progress_cb (EomJobSave *job, float progress, gpointer data);
+static void eom_job_progress_cb (EomJobLoad *job, float progress, gpointer data);
+static void eom_job_transform_cb (EomJobTransform *job, gpointer data);
+static void fullscreen_set_timeout (EomWindow *window);
+static void fullscreen_clear_timeout (EomWindow *window);
+static void update_action_groups_state (EomWindow *window);
+static void open_with_launch_application_cb (GtkAction *action, gpointer callback_data);
+static void eom_window_update_openwith_menu (EomWindow *window, EomImage *image);
+static void eom_window_list_store_image_added (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer user_data);
+static void eom_window_list_store_image_removed (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ gpointer user_data);
+static void eom_window_set_wallpaper (EomWindow *window, const gchar *filename, const gchar *visible_filename);
+static gboolean eom_window_save_images (EomWindow *window, GList *images);
+static void eom_window_finish_saving (EomWindow *window);
+static GQuark
+eom_window_error_quark (void)
+ static GQuark q = 0;
+ if (q == 0)
+ q = g_quark_from_static_string ("eom-window-error-quark");
+ return q;
+static void
+eom_window_interp_in_type_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean interpolate_in = TRUE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ interpolate_in = mateconf_value_get_bool (entry->value);
+ }
+ eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_in (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ interpolate_in);
+static void
+eom_window_interp_out_type_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean interpolate_out = TRUE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ interpolate_out = mateconf_value_get_bool (entry->value);
+ }
+ eom_scroll_view_set_antialiasing_out (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ interpolate_out);
+static void
+eom_window_scroll_wheel_zoom_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean scroll_wheel_zoom = FALSE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ scroll_wheel_zoom = mateconf_value_get_bool (entry->value);
+ }
+ eom_scroll_view_set_scroll_wheel_zoom (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ scroll_wheel_zoom);
+static void
+eom_window_zoom_multiplier_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gdouble multiplier = 0.05;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_FLOAT) {
+ multiplier = mateconf_value_get_float (entry->value);
+ }
+ eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_multiplier (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ multiplier);
+static void
+eom_window_transparency_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ const char *value = NULL;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_STRING) {
+ value = mateconf_value_get_string (entry->value);
+ }
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ return;
+ } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "COLOR") == 0) {
+ GdkColor color;
+ char *color_str;
+ color_str = mateconf_client_get_string (priv->client,
+ if (gdk_color_parse (color_str, &color)) {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_transparency (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ EOM_TRANSP_COLOR, &color);
+ }
+ g_free (color_str);
+ } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "CHECK_PATTERN") == 0) {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_transparency (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ } else {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_transparency (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_bg_color_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GdkColor color;
+ const char *color_str;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_STRING) {
+ color_str = mateconf_value_get_string (entry->value);
+ if (gdk_color_parse (color_str, &color)) {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_background_color (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view), &color);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_use_bg_color_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean use_bg_color = TRUE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ use_bg_color = mateconf_value_get_bool (entry->value);
+ }
+ eom_scroll_view_set_use_bg_color (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ use_bg_color);
+static void
+eom_window_trans_color_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GdkColor color;
+ const char *color_str;
+ char *value;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ value = mateconf_client_get_string (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ if (!value || g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "COLOR") != 0) {
+ g_free (value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_STRING) {
+ color_str = mateconf_value_get_string (entry->value);
+ if (gdk_color_parse (color_str, &color)) {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_transparency (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ EOM_TRANSP_COLOR, &color);
+ }
+ }
+ g_free (value);
+static void
+eom_window_scroll_buttons_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean show_buttons = TRUE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ show_buttons = mateconf_value_get_bool (entry->value);
+ }
+ eom_thumb_nav_set_show_buttons (EOM_THUMB_NAV (priv->nav),
+ show_buttons);
+static void
+eom_window_collection_mode_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ MateConfEntry *mode_entry;
+ GtkWidget *hpaned;
+ EomThumbNavMode mode = EOM_THUMB_NAV_MODE_ONE_ROW;
+ gint position = 0;
+ gboolean resizable = FALSE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ mode_entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (G_LIKELY (mode_entry != NULL)) {
+ if (mode_entry->value != NULL &&
+ mode_entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_INT) {
+ position = mateconf_value_get_int (mode_entry->value);
+ }
+ mateconf_entry_unref (mode_entry);
+ }
+ mode_entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (G_LIKELY (mode_entry != NULL)) {
+ if (mode_entry->value != NULL &&
+ mode_entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ resizable = mateconf_value_get_bool (mode_entry->value);
+ }
+ mateconf_entry_unref (mode_entry);
+ }
+ if (priv->collection_position == position &&
+ priv->collection_resizable == resizable)
+ return;
+ priv->collection_position = position;
+ priv->collection_resizable = resizable;
+ hpaned = gtk_widget_get_parent (priv->sidebar);
+ g_object_ref (hpaned);
+ g_object_ref (priv->nav);
+ gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->layout), hpaned);
+ gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->layout), priv->nav);
+ gtk_widget_destroy (priv->layout);
+ switch (position) {
+ case 0:
+ case 2:
+ if (resizable) {
+ priv->layout = gtk_vpaned_new ();
+ if (position == 0) {
+ gtk_paned_pack1 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, FALSE);
+ gtk_paned_pack2 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, TRUE);
+ } else {
+ gtk_paned_pack1 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, TRUE);
+ gtk_paned_pack2 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, FALSE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ priv->layout = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 2);
+ if (position == 0) {
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ } else {
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ if (resizable) {
+ priv->layout = gtk_hpaned_new ();
+ if (position == 1) {
+ gtk_paned_pack1 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, TRUE);
+ gtk_paned_pack2 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ gtk_paned_pack1 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, FALSE);
+ gtk_paned_pack2 (GTK_PANED (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, TRUE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ priv->layout = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 2);
+ if (position == 1) {
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ } else {
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (priv->cbox), priv->layout, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ eom_thumb_nav_set_mode (EOM_THUMB_NAV (priv->nav), mode);
+ if (priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_UNKNOWN) {
+ update_action_groups_state (EOM_WINDOW (user_data));
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_can_save_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomWindow *window;
+ gboolean save_disabled = FALSE;
+ GtkAction *action_save, *action_save_as;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PREFERENCES);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ if (entry->value != NULL && entry->value->type == MATECONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ save_disabled = mateconf_value_get_bool (entry->value);
+ }
+ priv->save_disabled = save_disabled;
+ action_save =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_image, "ImageSave");
+ action_save_as =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_image, "ImageSaveAs");
+ if (priv->save_disabled) {
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_save, FALSE);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_save_as, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ EomImage *image = eom_window_get_image (window);
+ if (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image)) {
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_save,
+ eom_image_is_modified (image));
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_save_as, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_pd_nbmode_changed_cb (MateConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ MateConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ if (window->priv->properties_dlg != NULL) {
+ gboolean netbook_mode;
+ EomPropertiesDialog *dlg;
+ netbook_mode = mateconf_value_get_bool (entry->value);
+ dlg = EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (window->priv->properties_dlg);
+ eom_properties_dialog_set_netbook_mode (dlg, netbook_mode);
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+static cmsHPROFILE *
+eom_window_get_display_profile (GdkScreen *screen)
+ Display *dpy;
+ Atom icc_atom, type;
+ int format;
+ gulong nitems;
+ gulong bytes_after;
+ gulong length;
+ guchar *str;
+ int result;
+ cmsHPROFILE *profile;
+ char *atom_name;
+ int lcms_error_action;
+ dpy = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (gdk_screen_get_display (screen));
+ if (gdk_screen_get_number (screen) > 0)
+ atom_name = g_strdup_printf ("_ICC_PROFILE_%d", gdk_screen_get_number (screen));
+ else
+ atom_name = g_strdup ("_ICC_PROFILE");
+ icc_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (gdk_screen_get_display (screen), atom_name);
+ g_free (atom_name);
+ result = XGetWindowProperty (dpy,
+ GDK_WINDOW_XID (gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen)),
+ icc_atom,
+ 0,
+ False,
+ &type,
+ &format,
+ &nitems,
+ &bytes_after,
+ (guchar **)&str);
+ /* TODO: handle bytes_after != 0 */
+ if ((result == Success) && (type == XA_CARDINAL) && (nitems > 0)) {
+ switch (format)
+ {
+ case 8:
+ length = nitems;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ length = sizeof(short) * nitems;
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ length = sizeof(long) * nitems;
+ break;
+ default:
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "Unable to read profile, not correcting");
+ XFree (str);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Make lcms errors non-fatal here, as it is possible
+ * to load invalid profiles with XICC.
+ * We don't want lcms to abort EOM in that case.
+ */
+ lcms_error_action = cmsErrorAction (LCMS_ERROR_IGNORE);
+ profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem (str, length);
+ // Restore the previous error setting
+ cmsErrorAction (lcms_error_action);
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (profile == NULL)) {
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS,
+ "Invalid display profile, "
+ "not correcting");
+ }
+ XFree (str);
+ } else {
+ profile = NULL;
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_LCMS, "No profile, not correcting");
+ }
+ return profile;
+static void
+update_image_pos (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gint pos, n_images;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ n_images = eom_list_store_length (EOM_LIST_STORE (priv->store));
+ if (n_images > 0) {
+ pos = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (EOM_LIST_STORE (priv->store),
+ priv->image);
+ /* Images: (image pos) / (n_total_images) */
+ eom_statusbar_set_image_number (EOM_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ pos + 1,
+ n_images);
+ }
+static void
+update_status_bar (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ char *str = NULL;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->image != NULL &&
+ eom_image_has_data (priv->image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_ALL)) {
+ int zoom, width, height;
+ goffset bytes = 0;
+ zoom = floor (100 * eom_scroll_view_get_zoom (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view)) + 0.5);
+ eom_image_get_size (priv->image, &width, &height);
+ bytes = eom_image_get_bytes (priv->image);
+ if ((width > 0) && (height > 0)) {
+ char *size_string;
+ size_string = g_format_size_for_display (bytes);
+ /* Translators: This is the string displayed in the statusbar
+ * The tokens are from left to right:
+ * - image width
+ * - image height
+ * - image size in bytes
+ * - zoom in percent */
+ str = g_strdup_printf (ngettext("%i × %i pixel %s %i%%",
+ "%i × %i pixels %s %i%%", height),
+ width,
+ height,
+ size_string,
+ zoom);
+ g_free (size_string);
+ }
+ update_image_pos (window);
+ }
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ priv->image_info_message_cid);
+ gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ priv->image_info_message_cid, str ? str : "");
+ g_free (str);
+static void
+eom_window_set_message_area (EomWindow *window,
+ GtkWidget *message_area)
+ if (window->priv->message_area == message_area)
+ return;
+ if (window->priv->message_area != NULL)
+ gtk_widget_destroy (window->priv->message_area);
+ window->priv->message_area = message_area;
+ if (message_area == NULL) return;
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (window->priv->cbox),
+ window->priv->message_area,
+ 0);
+ g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (window->priv->message_area),
+ (void *) &window->priv->message_area);
+static void
+update_action_groups_state (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAction *action_collection;
+ GtkAction *action_sidebar;
+ GtkAction *action_fscreen;
+ GtkAction *action_sshow;
+ GtkAction *action_print;
+ gboolean print_disabled = FALSE;
+ gboolean page_setup_disabled = FALSE;
+ gboolean show_image_collection = FALSE;
+ gint n_images = 0;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ action_collection =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_window,
+ "ViewImageCollection");
+ action_sidebar =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_window,
+ "ViewSidebar");
+ action_fscreen =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_image,
+ "ViewFullscreen");
+ action_sshow =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_collection,
+ "ViewSlideshow");
+ action_print =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_image,
+ "ImagePrint");
+ g_assert (action_collection != NULL);
+ g_assert (action_sidebar != NULL);
+ g_assert (action_fscreen != NULL);
+ g_assert (action_sshow != NULL);
+ g_assert (action_print != NULL);
+ if (priv->store != NULL) {
+ n_images = eom_list_store_length (EOM_LIST_STORE (priv->store));
+ }
+ if (n_images == 0) {
+ gtk_widget_hide (priv->layout);
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_window, TRUE);
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_image, FALSE);
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_collection, FALSE);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_fscreen, FALSE);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_sshow, FALSE);
+ /* If there are no images on model, initialization
+ stops here. */
+ if (priv->status == EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_INIT) {
+ priv->status = EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_NORMAL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mateconf_client_set_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ show_image_collection = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ show_image_collection =
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ show_image_collection = show_image_collection &&
+ n_images > 1 &&
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->layout);
+ if (show_image_collection)
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->nav);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action_collection),
+ show_image_collection);
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_window, TRUE);
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_image, TRUE);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_fscreen, TRUE);
+ if (n_images == 1) {
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_collection, FALSE);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_collection, FALSE);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_sshow, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_collection, TRUE);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_sshow, TRUE);
+ }
+ if (show_image_collection)
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (priv->thumbview);
+ else
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (priv->view);
+ }
+ print_disabled = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ if (print_disabled) {
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_print, FALSE);
+ }
+ page_setup_disabled = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ if (eom_sidebar_is_empty (EOM_SIDEBAR (priv->sidebar))) {
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_sidebar, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_hide (priv->sidebar);
+ }
+static void
+update_selection_ui_visibility (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAction *wallpaper_action;
+ gint n_selected;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ n_selected = eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ wallpaper_action =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_image,
+ "ImageSetAsWallpaper");
+ if (n_selected == 1) {
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (wallpaper_action, TRUE);
+ } else {
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (wallpaper_action, FALSE);
+ }
+static gboolean
+add_file_to_recent_files (GFile *file)
+ gchar *text_uri;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ GtkRecentData *recent_data;
+ static gchar *groups[2] = { EOM_RECENT_FILES_GROUP , NULL };
+ if (file == NULL) return FALSE;
+ /* The password gets stripped here because ~/.recently-used.xbel is
+ * readable by everyone (chmod 644). It also makes the workaround
+ * for the bug with gtk_recent_info_get_uri_display() easier
+ * (see the comment in eom_window_update_recent_files_menu()). */
+ text_uri = g_file_get_uri (file);
+ if (text_uri == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ recent_data = g_slice_new (GtkRecentData);
+ recent_data->display_name = NULL;
+ recent_data->description = NULL;
+ recent_data->mime_type = (gchar *) g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ recent_data->app_name = EOM_RECENT_FILES_APP_NAME;
+ recent_data->app_exec = g_strjoin(" ", g_get_prgname (), "%u", NULL);
+ recent_data->groups = groups;
+ recent_data->is_private = FALSE;
+ gtk_recent_manager_add_full (gtk_recent_manager_get_default (),
+ text_uri,
+ recent_data);
+ g_free (recent_data->app_exec);
+ g_free (text_uri);
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ g_slice_free (GtkRecentData, recent_data);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+image_thumb_changed_cb (EomImage *image, gpointer data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GdkPixbuf *thumb;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ thumb = eom_image_get_thumbnail (image);
+ if (thumb != NULL) {
+ gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (window), thumb);
+ if (window->priv->properties_dlg != NULL) {
+ eom_properties_dialog_update (EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (priv->properties_dlg),
+ image);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (thumb);
+ } else if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window->priv->nav)) {
+ gint img_pos = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (window->priv->store, image);
+ GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (img_pos,-1);
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (window->priv->store), &iter, path);
+ eom_list_store_thumbnail_set (window->priv->store, &iter);
+ gtk_tree_path_free (path);
+ }
+static void
+file_changed_info_bar_response (GtkInfoBar *info_bar,
+ gint response,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_YES) {
+ eom_window_reload_image (window);
+ }
+ window->priv->needs_reload_confirmation = TRUE;
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, NULL);
+static void
+image_file_changed_cb (EomImage *img, EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *info_bar;
+ gchar *text, *markup;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GtkWidget *hbox;
+ if (window->priv->needs_reload_confirmation == FALSE)
+ return;
+ window->priv->needs_reload_confirmation = FALSE;
+ info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("_Reload"),
+ C_("MessageArea", "Hi_de"),
+ gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar),
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION,
+ label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ /* The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+ * with the automatic line break. */
+ text = g_strdup_printf (_("The image \"%s\" has been modified by an external application."
+ "\nWould you like to reload it?"), eom_image_get_caption (img));
+ markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>", text);
+ gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup);
+ g_free (text);
+ g_free (markup);
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 8);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0, 0.5);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar))), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (hbox);
+ gtk_widget_show (info_bar);
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, info_bar);
+ g_signal_connect (info_bar, "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (file_changed_info_bar_response), window);
+static void
+eom_window_display_image (EomWindow *window, EomImage *image)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GFile *file;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ g_assert (eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_ALL));
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (image != NULL) {
+ g_signal_connect (image,
+ "thumbnail_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (image_thumb_changed_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (image, "file-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (image_file_changed_cb),
+ window);
+ image_thumb_changed_cb (image, window);
+ }
+ priv->needs_reload_confirmation = TRUE;
+ eom_scroll_view_set_image (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view), image);
+ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), eom_image_get_caption (image));
+ update_status_bar (window);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_LOW,
+ (GSourceFunc) add_file_to_recent_files,
+ file,
+ (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
+ eom_window_update_openwith_menu (window, image);
+static void
+open_with_launch_application_cb (GtkAction *action, gpointer data) {
+ EomImage *image;
+ GAppInfo *app;
+ GFile *file;
+ GList *files = NULL;
+ image = EOM_IMAGE (data);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ app = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (action), "app");
+ files = g_list_append (files, file);
+ g_app_info_launch (app,
+ files,
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ g_list_free (files);
+static void
+eom_window_update_openwith_menu (EomWindow *window, EomImage *image)
+ GFile *file;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ GList *iter;
+ gchar *label, *tip;
+ const gchar *mime_type;
+ GtkAction *action;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GList *apps;
+ guint action_id = 0;
+ GIcon *app_icon;
+ char *path;
+ GtkWidget *menuitem;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL)
+ return;
+ else {
+ mime_type = g_file_info_get_content_type (file_info);
+ }
+ if (priv->open_with_menu_id != 0) {
+ gtk_ui_manager_remove_ui (priv->ui_mgr, priv->open_with_menu_id);
+ priv->open_with_menu_id = 0;
+ }
+ if (priv->actions_open_with != NULL) {
+ gtk_ui_manager_remove_action_group (priv->ui_mgr, priv->actions_open_with);
+ priv->actions_open_with = NULL;
+ }
+ if (mime_type == NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ return;
+ }
+ apps = g_app_info_get_all_for_type (mime_type);
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ if (!apps)
+ return;
+ priv->actions_open_with = gtk_action_group_new ("OpenWithActions");
+ gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (priv->ui_mgr, priv->actions_open_with, -1);
+ priv->open_with_menu_id = gtk_ui_manager_new_merge_id (priv->ui_mgr);
+ for (iter = apps; iter; iter = iter->next) {
+ GAppInfo *app = iter->data;
+ gchar name[64];
+ /* Do not include eom itself */
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (g_app_info_get_executable (app),
+ g_get_prgname ()) == 0) {
+ g_object_unref (app);
+ continue;
+ }
+ g_snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "OpenWith%u", action_id++);
+ label = g_strdup (g_app_info_get_name (app));
+ tip = g_strdup_printf (_("Use \"%s\" to open the selected image"), g_app_info_get_name (app));
+ action = gtk_action_new (name, label, tip, NULL);
+ app_icon = g_app_info_get_icon (app);
+ if (G_LIKELY (app_icon != NULL)) {
+ g_object_ref (app_icon);
+ gtk_action_set_gicon (action, app_icon);
+ g_object_unref (app_icon);
+ }
+ g_free (label);
+ g_free (tip);
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (action), "app", app,
+ (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
+ g_signal_connect (action,
+ "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (open_with_launch_application_cb),
+ image);
+ gtk_action_group_add_action (priv->actions_open_with, action);
+ g_object_unref (action);
+ gtk_ui_manager_add_ui (priv->ui_mgr,
+ priv->open_with_menu_id,
+ "/MainMenu/Image/ImageOpenWith/Applications Placeholder",
+ name,
+ name,
+ gtk_ui_manager_add_ui (priv->ui_mgr,
+ priv->open_with_menu_id,
+ "/ThumbnailPopup/ImageOpenWith/Applications Placeholder",
+ name,
+ name,
+ gtk_ui_manager_add_ui (priv->ui_mgr,
+ priv->open_with_menu_id,
+ "/ViewPopup/ImageOpenWith/Applications Placeholder",
+ name,
+ name,
+ path = g_strdup_printf ("/MainMenu/Image/ImageOpenWith/Applications Placeholder/%s", name);
+ menuitem = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, path);
+ /* Only force displaying the icon if it is an application icon */
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), app_icon != NULL);
+ g_free (path);
+ path = g_strdup_printf ("/ThumbnailPopup/ImageOpenWith/Applications Placeholder/%s", name);
+ menuitem = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, path);
+ /* Only force displaying the icon if it is an application icon */
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), app_icon != NULL);
+ g_free (path);
+ path = g_strdup_printf ("/ViewPopup/ImageOpenWith/Applications Placeholder/%s", name);
+ menuitem = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, path);
+ /* Only force displaying the icon if it is an application icon */
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), app_icon != NULL);
+ g_free (path);
+ }
+ g_list_free (apps);
+static void
+eom_window_clear_load_job (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->load_job != NULL) {
+ if (!priv->load_job->finished)
+ eom_job_queue_remove_job (priv->load_job);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->load_job,
+ eom_job_progress_cb,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->load_job,
+ eom_job_load_cb,
+ window);
+ eom_image_cancel_load (EOM_JOB_LOAD (priv->load_job)->image);
+ g_object_unref (priv->load_job);
+ priv->load_job = NULL;
+ /* Hide statusbar */
+ eom_statusbar_set_progress (EOM_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar), 0);
+ }
+static void
+eom_job_progress_cb (EomJobLoad *job, float progress, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ eom_statusbar_set_progress (EOM_STATUSBAR (window->priv->statusbar),
+ progress);
+static void
+eom_job_save_progress_cb (EomJobSave *job, float progress, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomWindow *window;
+ static EomImage *image = NULL;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ eom_statusbar_set_progress (EOM_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ progress);
+ if (image != job->current_image) {
+ gchar *str_image, *status_message;
+ guint n_images;
+ image = job->current_image;
+ n_images = g_list_length (job->images);
+ str_image = eom_image_get_uri_for_display (image);
+ /* Translators: This string is displayed in the statusbar
+ * while saving images. The tokens are from left to right:
+ * - the original filename
+ * - the current image's position in the queue
+ * - the total number of images queued for saving */
+ status_message = g_strdup_printf (_("Saving image \"%s\" (%u/%u)"),
+ str_image,
+ job->current_pos + 1,
+ n_images);
+ g_free (str_image);
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ priv->image_info_message_cid);
+ gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ priv->image_info_message_cid,
+ status_message);
+ g_free (status_message);
+ }
+ if (progress == 1.0)
+ image = NULL;
+static void
+eom_window_obtain_desired_size (EomImage *image,
+ gint width,
+ gint height,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ GdkRectangle monitor;
+ GtkAllocation allocation;
+ gint final_width, final_height;
+ gint screen_width, screen_height;
+ gint window_width, window_height;
+ gint img_width, img_height;
+ gint view_width, view_height;
+ gint deco_width, deco_height;
+ update_action_groups_state (window);
+ img_width = width;
+ img_height = height;
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 20, 0)
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_realized (window->priv->view)) {
+ if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (window->priv->view)) {
+ gtk_widget_realize (window->priv->view);
+ }
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (window->priv->view, &allocation);
+ view_width = allocation.width;
+ view_height = allocation.height;
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 20, 0)
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_realized (GTK_WIDGET (window))) {
+ gtk_widget_realize (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+ }
+ gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (window), &allocation);
+ window_width = allocation.width;
+ window_height = allocation.height;
+ screen = gtk_window_get_screen (GTK_WINDOW (window));
+ gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen,
+ gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window (screen,
+ gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (window))),
+ &monitor);
+ screen_width = monitor.width;
+ screen_height = monitor.height;
+ deco_width = window_width - view_width;
+ deco_height = window_height - view_height;
+ if (img_width > 0 && img_height > 0) {
+ if ((img_width + deco_width > screen_width) ||
+ (img_height + deco_height > screen_height))
+ {
+ double factor;
+ if (img_width > img_height) {
+ factor = (screen_width * 0.75 - deco_width) / (double) img_width;
+ } else {
+ factor = (screen_height * 0.75 - deco_height) / (double) img_height;
+ }
+ img_width = img_width * factor;
+ img_height = img_height * factor;
+ }
+ }
+ final_width = MAX (EOM_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH, img_width + deco_width);
+ final_height = MAX (EOM_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT, img_height + deco_height);
+ eom_debug_message (DEBUG_WINDOW, "Setting window size: %d x %d", final_width, final_height);
+ gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), final_width, final_height);
+ g_signal_emit (window, signals[SIGNAL_PREPARED], 0);
+static void
+eom_window_error_message_area_response (GtkInfoBar *message_area,
+ gint response_id,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ if (response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Trigger loading for current image again */
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (window->priv->thumbview),
+static void
+eom_job_load_cb (EomJobLoad *job, gpointer data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAction *action_undo, *action_save;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ eom_statusbar_set_progress (EOM_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar), 0.0);
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (window->priv->statusbar),
+ priv->image_info_message_cid);
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->image,
+ image_thumb_changed_cb,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->image,
+ image_file_changed_cb,
+ window);
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ }
+ priv->image = g_object_ref (job->image);
+ if (EOM_JOB (job)->error == NULL) {
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ eom_image_apply_display_profile (job->image,
+ priv->display_profile);
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_image, TRUE);
+ eom_window_display_image (window, job->image);
+ } else {
+ GtkWidget *message_area;
+ message_area = eom_image_load_error_message_area_new (
+ eom_image_get_caption (job->image),
+ EOM_JOB (job)->error);
+ g_signal_connect (message_area,
+ "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_error_message_area_response),
+ window);
+ gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ eom_image_get_caption (job->image));
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, message_area);
+ gtk_info_bar_set_default_response (GTK_INFO_BAR (message_area),
+ gtk_widget_show (message_area);
+ update_status_bar (window);
+ eom_scroll_view_set_image (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view), NULL);
+ if (window->priv->status == EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_INIT) {
+ update_action_groups_state (window);
+ g_signal_emit (window, signals[SIGNAL_PREPARED], 0);
+ }
+ gtk_action_group_set_sensitive (priv->actions_image, FALSE);
+ }
+ eom_window_clear_load_job (window);
+ if (window->priv->status == EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_INIT) {
+ window->priv->status = EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_NORMAL;
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (job->image,
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_obtain_desired_size),
+ window);
+ }
+ action_save = gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_image, "ImageSave");
+ action_undo = gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_image, "EditUndo");
+ /* Set Save and Undo sensitive according to image state.
+ * Respect lockdown in case of Save.*/
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_save, (!priv->save_disabled && eom_image_is_modified (job->image)));
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_undo, eom_image_is_modified (job->image));
+ g_object_unref (job->image);
+static void
+eom_window_clear_transform_job (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->transform_job != NULL) {
+ if (!priv->transform_job->finished)
+ eom_job_queue_remove_job (priv->transform_job);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->transform_job,
+ eom_job_transform_cb,
+ window);
+ g_object_unref (priv->transform_job);
+ priv->transform_job = NULL;
+ }
+static void
+eom_job_transform_cb (EomJobTransform *job, gpointer data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ GtkAction *action_undo, *action_save;
+ EomImage *image;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (data);
+ eom_window_clear_transform_job (window);
+ action_undo =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image, "EditUndo");
+ action_save =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image, "ImageSave");
+ image = eom_window_get_image (window);
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_undo, eom_image_is_modified (image));
+ if (!window->priv->save_disabled)
+ {
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_save, eom_image_is_modified (image));
+ }
+static void
+apply_transformation (EomWindow *window, EomTransform *trans)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GList *images;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ priv = window->priv;
+ images = eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ eom_window_clear_transform_job (window);
+ priv->transform_job = eom_job_transform_new (images, trans);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->transform_job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_transform_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->transform_job,
+ "progress",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_progress_cb),
+ window);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (priv->transform_job);
+static void
+handle_image_selection_changed_cb (EomThumbView *thumbview, EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomImage *image;
+ gchar *status_message;
+ gchar *str_image;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview)) == 0)
+ return;
+ update_selection_ui_visibility (window);
+ image = eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ g_assert (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ eom_window_clear_load_job (window);
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, NULL);
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ priv->image_info_message_cid);
+ if (image == priv->image) {
+ update_status_bar (window);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (eom_image_has_data (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_ALL)) {
+ eom_window_display_image (window, image);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (priv->status == EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_INIT) {
+ g_signal_connect (image,
+ "size-prepared",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_obtain_desired_size),
+ window);
+ }
+ priv->load_job = eom_job_load_new (image, EOM_IMAGE_DATA_ALL);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->load_job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_load_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->load_job,
+ "progress",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_progress_cb),
+ window);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (priv->load_job);
+ str_image = eom_image_get_uri_for_display (image);
+ status_message = g_strdup_printf (_("Opening image \"%s\""),
+ str_image);
+ g_free (str_image);
+ gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ priv->image_info_message_cid, status_message);
+ g_free (status_message);
+static void
+view_zoom_changed_cb (GtkWidget *widget, double zoom, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ GtkAction *action_zoom_in;
+ GtkAction *action_zoom_out;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ update_status_bar (window);
+ action_zoom_in =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "ViewZoomIn");
+ action_zoom_out =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "ViewZoomOut");
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_zoom_in,
+ !eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_max (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (window->priv->view)));
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_zoom_out,
+ !eom_scroll_view_get_zoom_is_min (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (window->priv->view)));
+static void
+eom_window_open_recent_cb (GtkAction *action, EomWindow *window)
+ GtkRecentInfo *info;
+ const gchar *uri;
+ GSList *list = NULL;
+ info = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (action), "gtk-recent-info");
+ g_return_if_fail (info != NULL);
+ uri = gtk_recent_info_get_uri (info);
+ list = g_slist_prepend (list, g_strdup (uri));
+ eom_application_open_uri_list (EOM_APP,
+ list,
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ g_slist_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (list);
+static void
+file_open_dialog_response_cb (GtkWidget *chooser,
+ gint response_id,
+ EomWindow *ev_window)
+ if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
+ GSList *uris;
+ uris = gtk_file_chooser_get_uris (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (chooser));
+ eom_application_open_uri_list (EOM_APP,
+ uris,
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ g_slist_foreach (uris, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (uris);
+ }
+ gtk_widget_destroy (chooser);
+static void
+eom_window_update_fullscreen_action (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "ViewFullscreen");
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func
+ (action, G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_fullscreen), window);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action),
+ window->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func
+ (action, G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_fullscreen), window);
+static void
+eom_window_update_slideshow_action (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_collection,
+ "ViewSlideshow");
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func
+ (action, G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_slideshow), window);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action),
+ window->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func
+ (action, G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_slideshow), window);
+static void
+eom_window_update_pause_slideshow_action (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "PauseSlideshow");
+ g_signal_handlers_block_by_func
+ (action, G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_pause_slideshow), window);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action),
+ window->priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW);
+ g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func
+ (action, G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_pause_slideshow), window);
+static void
+eom_window_update_fullscreen_popup (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *popup = window->priv->fullscreen_popup;
+ GdkRectangle screen_rect;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ g_return_if_fail (popup != NULL);
+ if (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (window)) == NULL) return;
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+ gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen,
+ gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window
+ (screen,
+ gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (window))),
+ &screen_rect);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (popup,
+ screen_rect.width,
+ -1);
+ gtk_window_move (GTK_WINDOW (popup), screen_rect.x, screen_rect.y);
+static void
+screen_size_changed_cb (GdkScreen *screen, EomWindow *window)
+ eom_window_update_fullscreen_popup (window);
+static void
+fullscreen_popup_size_request_cb (GtkWidget *popup,
+ GtkRequisition *req,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ eom_window_update_fullscreen_popup (window);
+static gboolean
+fullscreen_timeout_cb (gpointer data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (data);
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (window->priv->fullscreen_popup);
+ eom_scroll_view_hide_cursor (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (window->priv->view));
+ fullscreen_clear_timeout (window);
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+slideshow_is_loop_end (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
+ EomImage *image = NULL;
+ gint pos;
+ image = eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ pos = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (priv->store, image);
+ return (pos == (eom_list_store_length (priv->store) - 1));
+static gboolean
+slideshow_switch_cb (gpointer data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (data);
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ if (!priv->slideshow_loop && slideshow_is_loop_end (window)) {
+ eom_window_stop_fullscreen (window, TRUE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+fullscreen_clear_timeout (EomWindow *window)
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ if (window->priv->fullscreen_timeout_source != NULL) {
+ g_source_unref (window->priv->fullscreen_timeout_source);
+ g_source_destroy (window->priv->fullscreen_timeout_source);
+ }
+ window->priv->fullscreen_timeout_source = NULL;
+static void
+fullscreen_set_timeout (EomWindow *window)
+ GSource *source;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ fullscreen_clear_timeout (window);
+ source = g_timeout_source_new (EOM_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_TIMEOUT);
+ g_source_set_callback (source, fullscreen_timeout_cb, window, NULL);
+ g_source_attach (source, NULL);
+ window->priv->fullscreen_timeout_source = source;
+ eom_scroll_view_show_cursor (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (window->priv->view));
+static void
+slideshow_clear_timeout (EomWindow *window)
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ if (window->priv->slideshow_switch_source != NULL) {
+ g_source_unref (window->priv->slideshow_switch_source);
+ g_source_destroy (window->priv->slideshow_switch_source);
+ }
+ window->priv->slideshow_switch_source = NULL;
+static void
+slideshow_set_timeout (EomWindow *window)
+ GSource *source;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ slideshow_clear_timeout (window);
+ if (window->priv->slideshow_switch_timeout <= 0)
+ return;
+ source = g_timeout_source_new (window->priv->slideshow_switch_timeout * 1000);
+ g_source_set_callback (source, slideshow_switch_cb, window, NULL);
+ g_source_attach (source, NULL);
+ window->priv->slideshow_switch_source = source;
+static void
+show_fullscreen_popup (EomWindow *window)
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (window->priv->fullscreen_popup)) {
+ gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (window->priv->fullscreen_popup));
+ }
+ fullscreen_set_timeout (window);
+static gboolean
+fullscreen_motion_notify_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventMotion *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ show_fullscreen_popup (window);
+ } else {
+ fullscreen_set_timeout (window);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+fullscreen_leave_notify_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventCrossing *event,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ fullscreen_clear_timeout (window);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+exit_fullscreen_button_clicked_cb (GtkWidget *button, EomWindow *window)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ if (window->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW) {
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_collection,
+ "ViewSlideshow");
+ } else {
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "ViewFullscreen");
+ }
+ g_return_if_fail (action != NULL);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action), FALSE);
+static GtkWidget *
+eom_window_get_exit_fullscreen_button (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *button;
+ button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN);
+ g_signal_connect (button, "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK (exit_fullscreen_button_clicked_cb),
+ window);
+ return button;
+static GtkWidget *
+eom_window_create_fullscreen_popup (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *popup;
+ GtkWidget *hbox;
+ GtkWidget *button;
+ GtkWidget *toolbar;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ popup = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (popup), hbox);
+ toolbar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (window->priv->ui_mgr,
+ "/FullscreenToolbar");
+ g_assert (GTK_IS_WIDGET (toolbar));
+ gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), toolbar, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ button = eom_window_get_exit_fullscreen_button (window);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (popup), FALSE);
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+ g_signal_connect_object (screen, "size-changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (screen_size_changed_cb),
+ window, 0);
+ g_signal_connect_object (popup, "size_request",
+ G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_popup_size_request_cb),
+ window, 0);
+ g_signal_connect (popup,
+ "enter-notify-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_leave_notify_cb),
+ window);
+ gtk_window_set_screen (GTK_WINDOW (popup), screen);
+ return popup;
+static void
+update_ui_visibility (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAction *action;
+ GtkWidget *menubar;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ gboolean fullscreen_mode, visible;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ fullscreen_mode = priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN ||
+ menubar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu");
+ g_assert (GTK_IS_WIDGET (menubar));
+ visible = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_TOOLBAR, &error);
+ visible = visible && !fullscreen_mode;
+ if (error) {
+ g_error_free (error);
+ error = NULL;
+ visible = !fullscreen_mode;
+ }
+ action = gtk_ui_manager_get_action (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu/View/ToolbarToggle");
+ g_assert (action != NULL);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action), visible);
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->toolbar), "visible", visible, NULL);
+ visible = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_STATUSBAR, &error);
+ visible = visible && !fullscreen_mode;
+ if (error) {
+ g_error_free (error);
+ error = NULL;
+ visible = !fullscreen_mode;
+ }
+ action = gtk_ui_manager_get_action (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu/View/StatusbarToggle");
+ g_assert (action != NULL);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action), visible);
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->statusbar), "visible", visible, NULL);
+ if (priv->status != EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_INIT) {
+ visible = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_IMAGE_COLLECTION, NULL);
+ visible = visible && priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW;
+ action = gtk_ui_manager_get_action (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu/View/ImageCollectionToggle");
+ g_assert (action != NULL);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action), visible);
+ if (visible) {
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->nav);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_hide (priv->nav);
+ }
+ }
+ visible = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_SIDEBAR, NULL);
+ visible = visible && !fullscreen_mode;
+ action = gtk_ui_manager_get_action (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu/View/SidebarToggle");
+ g_assert (action != NULL);
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action), visible);
+ if (visible) {
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->sidebar);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_hide (priv->sidebar);
+ }
+ if (priv->fullscreen_popup != NULL) {
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->fullscreen_popup);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_run_fullscreen (EomWindow *window, gboolean slideshow)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *menubar;
+ gboolean upscale;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (slideshow) {
+ } else {
+ /* Stop the timer if we come from slideshowing */
+ if (priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW)
+ slideshow_clear_timeout (window);
+ }
+ if (window->priv->fullscreen_popup == NULL)
+ priv->fullscreen_popup
+ = eom_window_create_fullscreen_popup (window);
+ update_ui_visibility (window);
+ menubar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu");
+ g_assert (GTK_IS_WIDGET (menubar));
+ gtk_widget_hide (menubar);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->view,
+ "motion-notify-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_motion_notify_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->view,
+ "leave-notify-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_leave_notify_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->thumbview,
+ "motion-notify-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_motion_notify_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->thumbview,
+ "leave-notify-event",
+ G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_leave_notify_cb),
+ window);
+ fullscreen_set_timeout (window);
+ if (slideshow) {
+ priv->slideshow_loop =
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ priv->slideshow_switch_timeout =
+ mateconf_client_get_int (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ slideshow_set_timeout (window);
+ }
+ upscale = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_upscale (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ upscale);
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (priv->view);
+ eom_scroll_view_override_bg_color (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (window->priv->view),
+ &(gtk_widget_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (window))->black));
+ {
+ GtkStyle *style;
+ style = gtk_style_copy (gtk_widget_get_style (gtk_widget_get_parent (priv->view)));
+ style->xthickness = 0;
+ style->ythickness = 0;
+ gtk_widget_set_style (gtk_widget_get_parent (priv->view),
+ style);
+ g_object_unref (style);
+ }
+ gtk_window_fullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (window));
+ eom_window_update_fullscreen_popup (window);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ eom_application_screensaver_disable (EOM_APP);
+ /* Update both actions as we could've already been in one those modes */
+ eom_window_update_slideshow_action (window);
+ eom_window_update_fullscreen_action (window);
+ eom_window_update_pause_slideshow_action (window);
+static void
+eom_window_stop_fullscreen (EomWindow *window, gboolean slideshow)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *menubar;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW &&
+ priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN) return;
+ priv->mode = EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL;
+ fullscreen_clear_timeout (window);
+ if (slideshow) {
+ slideshow_clear_timeout (window);
+ }
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->view,
+ (gpointer) fullscreen_motion_notify_cb,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->view,
+ (gpointer) fullscreen_leave_notify_cb,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->thumbview,
+ (gpointer) fullscreen_motion_notify_cb,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->thumbview,
+ (gpointer) fullscreen_leave_notify_cb,
+ window);
+ update_ui_visibility (window);
+ menubar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu");
+ g_assert (GTK_IS_WIDGET (menubar));
+ gtk_widget_show (menubar);
+ eom_scroll_view_set_zoom_upscale (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view), FALSE);
+ eom_scroll_view_override_bg_color (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (window->priv->view),
+ NULL);
+ gtk_widget_set_style (gtk_widget_get_parent (window->priv->view), NULL);
+ gtk_window_unfullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (window));
+ if (slideshow) {
+ eom_window_update_slideshow_action (window);
+ } else {
+ eom_window_update_fullscreen_action (window);
+ }
+ eom_scroll_view_show_cursor (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ eom_application_screensaver_enable (EOM_APP);
+static void
+eom_window_print (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *dialog;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GtkPrintOperation *print;
+ GtkPrintOperationResult res;
+ GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
+ GtkPrintSettings *print_settings;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_PRINTING);
+ print_settings = eom_print_get_print_settings ();
+ page_setup = eom_print_get_page_setup ();
+ /* Make sure the window stays valid while printing */
+ g_object_ref (window);
+ print = eom_print_operation_new (window->priv->image,
+ print_settings,
+ page_setup);
+ res = gtk_print_operation_run (print,
+ GTK_WINDOW (window), &error);
+ dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ _("Error printing file:\n%s"),
+ error->message);
+ g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy), NULL);
+ gtk_widget_show (dialog);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ eom_print_set_print_settings (gtk_print_operation_get_print_settings (print));
+ eom_print_set_page_setup (gtk_print_operation_get_default_page_setup (print));
+ }
+ g_object_unref (page_setup);
+ g_object_unref (print_settings);
+ g_object_unref (window);
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_file_open (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomImage *current;
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ dlg = eom_file_chooser_new (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN);
+ current = eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ if (current != NULL) {
+ gchar *dir_uri, *file_uri;
+ file_uri = eom_image_get_uri_for_display (current);
+ dir_uri = g_path_get_dirname (file_uri);
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder_uri (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg),
+ dir_uri);
+ g_free (file_uri);
+ g_free (dir_uri);
+ g_object_unref (current);
+ } else {
+ /* If desired by the user,
+ fallback to the XDG_PICTURES_DIR (if available) */
+ const gchar *pics_dir;
+ gboolean use_fallback;
+ use_fallback = mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ pics_dir = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES);
+ if (use_fallback && pics_dir) {
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg),
+ pics_dir);
+ }
+ }
+ g_signal_connect (dlg, "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (file_open_dialog_response_cb),
+ window);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (dlg);
+static void
+eom_job_close_save_cb (EomJobSave *job, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (job,
+ eom_job_close_save_cb,
+ window);
+ gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+static void
+close_confirmation_dialog_response_handler (EomCloseConfirmationDialog *dlg,
+ gint response_id,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ GList *selected_images;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ switch (response_id)
+ {
+ /* save selected images */
+ selected_images = eom_close_confirmation_dialog_get_selected_images (dlg);
+ eom_close_confirmation_dialog_set_sensitive (dlg, FALSE);
+ if (eom_window_save_images (window, selected_images)) {
+ g_signal_connect (priv->save_job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_close_save_cb),
+ window);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (priv->save_job);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* dont save */
+ gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Cancel */
+ gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dlg));
+ break;
+ }
+static gboolean
+eom_window_unsaved_images_confirm (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkWidget *dialog;
+ GList *list;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (window->priv->save_disabled) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ list = NULL;
+ if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter)) {
+ do {
+ gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter,
+ -1);
+ if (!image)
+ continue;
+ if (eom_image_is_modified (image)) {
+ list = g_list_append (list, image);
+ }
+ } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter));
+ }
+ if (list) {
+ dialog = eom_close_confirmation_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ list);
+ g_signal_connect (dialog,
+ "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (close_confirmation_dialog_response_handler),
+ window);
+ gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_show (dialog);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_close_window (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->save_job != NULL) {
+ eom_window_finish_saving (window);
+ }
+ if (!eom_window_unsaved_images_confirm (window)) {
+ gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (user_data));
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_preferences (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ GObject *pref_dlg;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ pref_dlg = eom_preferences_dialog_get_instance (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ window->priv->client);
+ eom_dialog_show (EOM_DIALOG (pref_dlg));
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_edit_toolbar_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, gint response, gpointer data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (data);
+ EggToolbarsModel *model;
+ EggToolbarEditor *editor;
+ editor = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog),
+ "EggToolbarEditor");
+ g_return_if_fail (editor != NULL);
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_edit_mode
+ (EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (window->priv->toolbar), FALSE);
+ eom_application_reset_toolbars_model (EOM_APP);
+ model = eom_application_get_toolbars_model (EOM_APP);
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_model
+ (EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (window->priv->toolbar), model);
+ egg_toolbar_editor_set_model (editor, model);
+ /* Toolbar would be uneditable now otherwise */
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_edit_mode
+ (EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (window->priv->toolbar), TRUE);
+ } else if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP) {
+ eom_util_show_help ("eom-toolbareditor", NULL);
+ } else {
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_edit_mode
+ (EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (window->priv->toolbar), FALSE);
+ eom_application_save_toolbars_model (EOM_APP);
+ gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_edit_toolbar (GtkAction *action, gpointer *user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ GtkWidget *dialog;
+ GtkWidget *editor;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Toolbar Editor"),
+ GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ _("_Reset to Default"),
+ NULL);
+ gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog),
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog), 5);
+ gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), 2);
+ gtk_dialog_set_has_separator (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), FALSE);
+ gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), 500, 400);
+ editor = egg_toolbar_editor_new (window->priv->ui_mgr,
+ eom_application_get_toolbars_model (EOM_APP));
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (editor), 5);
+ gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (EGG_TOOLBAR_EDITOR (editor)), 5);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), editor);
+ egg_editable_toolbar_set_edit_mode
+ (EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (window->priv->toolbar), TRUE);
+ g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "EggToolbarEditor", editor);
+ g_signal_connect (dialog,
+ "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_edit_toolbar_cb),
+ window);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_help (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ eom_util_show_help (NULL, GTK_WINDOW (window));
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_about (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ static const char *authors[] = {
+ "Claudio Saavedra <[email protected]> (maintainer)",
+ "Felix Riemann <[email protected]> (maintainer)",
+ "",
+ "Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>",
+ "Tim Gerla <[email protected]>",
+ "Philip Van Hoof <[email protected]>",
+ "Paolo Borelli <[email protected]>",
+ "Jens Finke <[email protected]>",
+ "Martin Baulig <[email protected]>",
+ "Arik Devens <[email protected]>",
+ "Michael Meeks <[email protected]>",
+ "Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>",
+ "Lutz M\xc3\xbcller <[email protected]>",
+ };
+ static const char *documenters[] = {
+ "Eliot Landrum <[email protected]>",
+ "Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>",
+ "Sun MATE Documentation Team <[email protected]>",
+ };
+ const char *translators;
+ translators = _("translator-credits");
+ const char *license[] = {
+ N_("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify "
+ "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by "
+ "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or "
+ "(at your option) any later version.\n"),
+ N_("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, "
+ "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of "
+ "GNU General Public License for more details.\n"),
+ N_("You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License "
+ "along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software "
+ "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.")
+ };
+ char *license_trans;
+ license_trans = g_strconcat (_(license[0]), "\n", _(license[1]), "\n",
+ _(license[2]), "\n", NULL);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ gtk_show_about_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ "program-name", _("Eye of MATE"),
+ "version", VERSION,
+ "copyright", "Copyright \xc2\xa9 2000-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.",
+ "comments",_("The MATE image viewer."),
+ "authors", authors,
+ "documenters", documenters,
+ "translator-credits", translators,
+ "website", "",
+ "logo-icon-name", "eom",
+ "wrap-license", TRUE,
+ "license", license_trans,
+ NULL);
+ g_free (license_trans);
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_show_hide_bar (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean visible;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL &&
+ priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN) return;
+ visible = gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action));
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (gtk_action_get_name (action), "ViewToolbar") == 0) {
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->toolbar), "visible", visible, NULL);
+ if (priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL)
+ mateconf_client_set_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_TOOLBAR, visible, NULL);
+ } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (gtk_action_get_name (action), "ViewStatusbar") == 0) {
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->statusbar), "visible", visible, NULL);
+ if (priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL)
+ mateconf_client_set_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_STATUSBAR, visible, NULL);
+ } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (gtk_action_get_name (action), "ViewImageCollection") == 0) {
+ if (visible) {
+ /* Make sure the focus widget is realized to
+ * avoid warnings on keypress events */
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 20, 0)
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_realized (window->priv->thumbview))
+ if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (window->priv->thumbview))
+ gtk_widget_realize (window->priv->thumbview);
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->nav);
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (priv->thumbview);
+ } else {
+ /* Make sure the focus widget is realized to
+ * avoid warnings on keypress events.
+ * Don't do it during init phase or the view
+ * will get a bogus allocation. */
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 20, 0)
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_realized (priv->view)
+ if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (priv->view)
+ && priv->status == EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_NORMAL)
+ gtk_widget_realize (priv->view);
+ gtk_widget_hide (priv->nav);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 20, 0)
+ if (gtk_widget_get_realized (priv->view))
+ if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (priv->view))
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (priv->view);
+ }
+ mateconf_client_set_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_IMAGE_COLLECTION, visible, NULL);
+ } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (gtk_action_get_name (action), "ViewSidebar") == 0) {
+ if (visible) {
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->sidebar);
+ } else {
+ gtk_widget_hide (priv->sidebar);
+ }
+ mateconf_client_set_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_UI_SIDEBAR, visible, NULL);
+ }
+static void
+wallpaper_info_bar_response (GtkInfoBar *bar, gint response, EomWindow *window)
+ if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_YES) {
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+ gdk_spawn_command_line_on_screen (screen,
+ "mate-appearance-properties"
+ " --show-page=background",
+ NULL);
+ }
+ /* Close message area on every response */
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, NULL);
+static void
+eom_window_set_wallpaper (EomWindow *window, const gchar *filename, const gchar *visible_filename)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv = EOM_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (window);
+ GtkWidget *info_bar;
+ GtkWidget *image;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ GtkWidget *hbox;
+ gchar *markup;
+ gchar *text;
+ gchar *basename;
+ mateconf_client_set_string (priv->client,
+ filename,
+ NULL);
+ /* I18N: When setting mnemonics for these strings, watch out to not
+ clash with mnemonics from eom's menubar */
+ info_bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons (_("_Open Background Preferences"),
+ C_("MessageArea","Hi_de"),
+ gtk_info_bar_set_message_type (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar),
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION,
+ label = gtk_label_new (NULL);
+ if (!visible_filename)
+ basename = g_path_get_basename (filename);
+ /* The newline character is currently necessary due to a problem
+ * with the automatic line break. */
+ text = g_strdup_printf (_("The image \"%s\" has been set as Desktop Background."
+ "\nWould you like to modify its appearance?"),
+ visible_filename ? visible_filename : basename);
+ markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>", text);
+ gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup);
+ g_free (markup);
+ g_free (text);
+ if (!visible_filename)
+ g_free (basename);
+ hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 8);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), image, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (image), 0.5, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0, 0.5);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_info_bar_get_content_area (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar))), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (hbox);
+ gtk_widget_show (info_bar);
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, info_bar);
+ gtk_info_bar_set_default_response (GTK_INFO_BAR (info_bar),
+ g_signal_connect (info_bar, "response",
+ G_CALLBACK (wallpaper_info_bar_response), window);
+static void
+eom_job_save_cb (EomJobSave *job, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ GtkAction *action_save;
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (job,
+ eom_job_save_cb,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (job,
+ eom_job_save_progress_cb,
+ window);
+ g_object_unref (window->priv->save_job);
+ window->priv->save_job = NULL;
+ update_status_bar (window);
+ action_save = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "ImageSave");
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action_save, FALSE);
+static void
+eom_job_copy_cb (EomJobCopy *job, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ gchar *filepath, *basename, *filename, *extension;
+ GtkAction *action;
+ GFile *source_file, *dest_file;
+ /* Create source GFile */
+ basename = g_file_get_basename (job->images->data);
+ filepath = g_build_filename (job->dest, basename, NULL);
+ source_file = g_file_new_for_path (filepath);
+ g_free (filepath);
+ /* Create destination GFile */
+ extension = eom_util_filename_get_extension (basename);
+ filename = g_strdup_printf ("%s.%s", EOM_WALLPAPER_FILENAME, extension);
+ filepath = g_build_filename (job->dest, filename, NULL);
+ dest_file = g_file_new_for_path (filepath);
+ g_free (filename);
+ g_free (extension);
+ /* Move the file */
+ g_file_move (source_file, dest_file, G_FILE_COPY_OVERWRITE,
+ /* Set the wallpaper */
+ eom_window_set_wallpaper (window, filepath, basename);
+ g_free (basename);
+ g_free (filepath);
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (window->priv->statusbar),
+ window->priv->copy_file_cid);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "ImageSetAsWallpaper");
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, TRUE);
+ window->priv->copy_job = NULL;
+ g_object_unref (source_file);
+ g_object_unref (dest_file);
+ g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (job->images->data));
+ g_list_free (job->images);
+ g_object_unref (job);
+static gboolean
+eom_window_save_images (EomWindow *window, GList *images)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (window->priv->save_job != NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ priv->save_job = eom_job_save_new (images);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->save_job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_save_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->save_job,
+ "progress",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_save_progress_cb),
+ window);
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_save (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomWindow *window;
+ GList *images;
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (window->priv->save_job != NULL)
+ return;
+ images = eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ if (eom_window_save_images (window, images)) {
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (priv->save_job);
+ }
+static GFile*
+eom_window_retrieve_save_as_file (EomWindow *window, EomImage *image)
+ GtkWidget *dialog;
+ GFile *save_file = NULL;
+ GFile *last_dest_folder;
+ gint response;
+ g_assert (image != NULL);
+ dialog = eom_file_chooser_new (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE);
+ last_dest_folder = window->priv->last_save_as_folder;
+ if (last_dest_folder && g_file_query_exists (last_dest_folder, NULL)) {
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), last_dest_folder, NULL);
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog),
+ eom_image_get_caption (image));
+ } else {
+ GFile *image_file;
+ image_file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ /* Setting the file will also navigate to its parent folder */
+ gtk_file_chooser_set_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog),
+ image_file, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (image_file);
+ }
+ response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
+ gtk_widget_hide (dialog);
+ if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
+ save_file = gtk_file_chooser_get_file (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog));
+ if (window->priv->last_save_as_folder)
+ g_object_unref (window->priv->last_save_as_folder);
+ window->priv->last_save_as_folder = g_file_get_parent (save_file);
+ }
+ gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
+ return save_file;
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_save_as (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomWindow *window;
+ GList *images;
+ guint n_images;
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (window->priv->save_job != NULL)
+ return;
+ images = eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ n_images = g_list_length (images);
+ if (n_images == 1) {
+ GFile *file;
+ file = eom_window_retrieve_save_as_file (window, images->data);
+ if (!file) {
+ g_list_free (images);
+ return;
+ }
+ priv->save_job = eom_job_save_as_new (images, NULL, file);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ } else if (n_images > 1) {
+ GFile *base_file;
+ GtkWidget *dialog;
+ gchar *basedir;
+ EomURIConverter *converter;
+ basedir = g_get_current_dir ();
+ base_file = g_file_new_for_path (basedir);
+ g_free (basedir);
+ dialog = eom_save_as_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ images,
+ base_file);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
+ if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
+ g_object_unref (base_file);
+ g_list_free (images);
+ gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
+ return;
+ }
+ converter = eom_save_as_dialog_get_converter (dialog);
+ g_assert (converter != NULL);
+ priv->save_job = eom_job_save_as_new (images, converter, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
+ g_object_unref (converter);
+ g_object_unref (base_file);
+ } else {
+ /* n_images = 0 -- No Image selected */
+ return;
+ }
+ g_signal_connect (priv->save_job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_save_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->save_job,
+ "progress",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_save_progress_cb),
+ window);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (priv->save_job);
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_print (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ eom_window_print (window);
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_properties (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GtkAction *next_image_action, *previous_image_action;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ next_image_action =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_collection,
+ "GoNext");
+ previous_image_action =
+ gtk_action_group_get_action (priv->actions_collection,
+ "GoPrevious");
+ if (window->priv->properties_dlg == NULL) {
+ gboolean netbook_mode;
+ window->priv->properties_dlg =
+ eom_properties_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ next_image_action,
+ previous_image_action);
+ eom_properties_dialog_update (EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (priv->properties_dlg),
+ priv->image);
+ netbook_mode =
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ eom_properties_dialog_set_netbook_mode (EOM_PROPERTIES_DIALOG (priv->properties_dlg),
+ netbook_mode);
+ }
+ eom_dialog_show (EOM_DIALOG (window->priv->properties_dlg));
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_undo (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ apply_transformation (EOM_WINDOW (user_data), NULL);
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_flip_horizontal (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ apply_transformation (EOM_WINDOW (user_data),
+ eom_transform_flip_new (EOM_TRANSFORM_FLIP_HORIZONTAL));
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_flip_vertical (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ apply_transformation (EOM_WINDOW (user_data),
+ eom_transform_flip_new (EOM_TRANSFORM_FLIP_VERTICAL));
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_rotate_90 (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ apply_transformation (EOM_WINDOW (user_data),
+ eom_transform_rotate_new (90));
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_rotate_270 (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ apply_transformation (EOM_WINDOW (user_data),
+ eom_transform_rotate_new (270));
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_wallpaper (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomImage *image;
+ GFile *file;
+ char *filename = NULL;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ /* If currently copying an image to set it as wallpaper, return. */
+ if (priv->copy_job != NULL)
+ return;
+ image = eom_thumb_view_get_first_selected_image (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image));
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ filename = g_file_get_path (file);
+ /* Currently only local files can be set as wallpaper */
+ if (filename == NULL || !eom_util_file_is_persistent (file))
+ {
+ GList *files = NULL;
+ GtkAction *action;
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_image,
+ "ImageSetAsWallpaper");
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, FALSE);
+ priv->copy_file_cid = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ "copy_file_cid");
+ gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ priv->copy_file_cid,
+ _("Saving image locally…"));
+ files = g_list_append (files, eom_image_get_file (image));
+ priv->copy_job = eom_job_copy_new (files, g_get_user_data_dir ());
+ g_signal_connect (priv->copy_job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_copy_cb),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->copy_job,
+ "progress",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_progress_cb),
+ window);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (priv->copy_job);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ g_free (filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ eom_window_set_wallpaper (window, filename, NULL);
+ g_free (filename);
+static gboolean
+eom_window_all_images_trasheable (GList *images)
+ GFile *file;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ GList *iter;
+ EomImage *image;
+ gboolean can_trash = TRUE;
+ for (iter = images; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
+ image = (EomImage *) iter->data;
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ can_trash = g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean (file_info,
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ if (can_trash == FALSE)
+ break;
+ }
+ return can_trash;
+static int
+show_move_to_trash_confirm_dialog (EomWindow *window, GList *images, gboolean can_trash)
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ char *prompt;
+ int response;
+ int n_images;
+ EomImage *image;
+ static gboolean dontaskagain = FALSE;
+ gboolean neverask = FALSE;
+ GtkWidget* dontask_cbutton = NULL;
+ /* Check if the user never wants to be bugged. Ignore the error as
+ * it returns FALSE for safety anyway */
+ neverask = mateconf_client_get_bool (window->priv->client,
+ NULL);
+ /* Assume agreement, if the user doesn't want to be
+ * asked and the trash is available */
+ if (can_trash && (dontaskagain || neverask))
+ n_images = g_list_length (images);
+ if (n_images == 1) {
+ image = EOM_IMAGE (images->data);
+ if (can_trash) {
+ prompt = g_strdup_printf (_("Are you sure you want to move\n\"%s\" to the trash?"),
+ eom_image_get_caption (image));
+ } else {
+ prompt = g_strdup_printf (_("A trash for \"%s\" couldn't be found. Do you want to remove "
+ "this image permanently?"), eom_image_get_caption (image));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (can_trash) {
+ prompt = g_strdup_printf (ngettext("Are you sure you want to move\n"
+ "the selected image to the trash?",
+ "Are you sure you want to move\n"
+ "the %d selected images to the trash?", n_images), n_images);
+ } else {
+ prompt = g_strdup (_("Some of the selected images can't be moved to the trash "
+ "and will be removed permanently. Are you sure you want "
+ "to proceed?"));
+ }
+ }
+ dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">%s</span>",
+ prompt);
+ g_free (prompt);
+ gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dlg), GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);
+ if (can_trash) {
+ gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dlg), _("Move to _Trash"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
+ dontask_cbutton = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Do not ask again during this session"));
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (dontask_cbutton), FALSE);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dlg))), dontask_cbutton, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (n_images == 1) {
+ gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dlg), GTK_STOCK_DELETE, GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
+ } else {
+ gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dlg), GTK_STOCK_YES, GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dlg), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
+ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dlg), "");
+ gtk_widget_show_all (dlg);
+ response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg));
+ /* Only update the property if the user has accepted */
+ if (can_trash && response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
+ dontaskagain = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (dontask_cbutton));
+ /* The checkbutton is destroyed together with the dialog */
+ gtk_widget_destroy (dlg);
+ return response;
+static gboolean
+move_to_trash_real (EomImage *image, GError **error)
+ GFile *file;
+ GFileInfo *file_info;
+ gboolean can_trash, result;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_IMAGE (image), FALSE);
+ file = eom_image_get_file (image);
+ file_info = g_file_query_info (file,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (file_info == NULL) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Couldn't access trash."));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ can_trash = g_file_info_get_attribute_boolean (file_info,
+ g_object_unref (file_info);
+ if (can_trash)
+ {
+ result = g_file_trash (file, NULL, NULL);
+ if (result == FALSE) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Couldn't access trash."));
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = g_file_delete (file, NULL, NULL);
+ if (result == FALSE) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ _("Couldn't delete file"));
+ }
+ }
+ g_object_unref (file);
+ return result;
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_move_to_trash (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ GList *images;
+ GList *it;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ EomListStore *list;
+ int pos;
+ EomImage *img;
+ EomWindow *window;
+ int response;
+ int n_images;
+ gboolean success;
+ gboolean can_trash;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ list = priv->store;
+ n_images = eom_thumb_view_get_n_selected (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ if (n_images < 1) return;
+ /* save position of selected image after the deletion */
+ images = eom_thumb_view_get_selected_images (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview));
+ g_assert (images != NULL);
+ /* HACK: eom_list_store_get_n_selected return list in reverse order */
+ images = g_list_reverse (images);
+ can_trash = eom_window_all_images_trasheable (images);
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (gtk_action_get_name (action), "Delete") == 0 ||
+ can_trash == FALSE) {
+ response = show_move_to_trash_confirm_dialog (window, images, can_trash);
+ if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return;
+ }
+ pos = eom_list_store_get_pos_by_image (list, EOM_IMAGE (images->data));
+ /* FIXME: make a nice progress dialog */
+ /* Do the work actually. First try to delete the image from the disk. If this
+ * is successfull, remove it from the screen. Otherwise show error dialog.
+ */
+ for (it = images; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ EomImage *image;
+ image = EOM_IMAGE (it->data);
+ success = move_to_trash_real (image, &error);
+ if (success) {
+ eom_list_store_remove_image (list, image);
+ } else {
+ char *header;
+ GtkWidget *dlg;
+ header = g_strdup_printf (_("Error on deleting image %s"),
+ eom_image_get_caption (image));
+ dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ "%s", header);
+ gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dlg),
+ "%s", error->message);
+ gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg));
+ gtk_widget_destroy (dlg);
+ g_free (header);
+ }
+ }
+ /* free list */
+ g_list_foreach (images, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+ g_list_free (images);
+ /* select image at previously saved position */
+ pos = MIN (pos, eom_list_store_length (list) - 1);
+ if (pos >= 0) {
+ img = eom_list_store_get_image_by_pos (list, pos);
+ eom_thumb_view_set_current_image (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ img,
+ TRUE);
+ if (img != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (img);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_fullscreen (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ gboolean fullscreen;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ fullscreen = gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action));
+ if (fullscreen) {
+ eom_window_run_fullscreen (window, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ eom_window_stop_fullscreen (window, FALSE);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_slideshow (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ gboolean slideshow;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ slideshow = gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action));
+ if (slideshow) {
+ eom_window_run_fullscreen (window, TRUE);
+ } else {
+ eom_window_stop_fullscreen (window, TRUE);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_pause_slideshow (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ gboolean slideshow;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ slideshow = window->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW;
+ if (!slideshow && window->priv->mode != EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN)
+ return;
+ eom_window_run_fullscreen (window, !slideshow);
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_zoom_in (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ if (priv->view) {
+ eom_scroll_view_zoom_in (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view), FALSE);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_zoom_out (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ if (priv->view) {
+ eom_scroll_view_zoom_out (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view), FALSE);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_zoom_normal (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ if (priv->view) {
+ eom_scroll_view_set_zoom (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view), 1.0);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_zoom_fit (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ if (priv->view) {
+ eom_scroll_view_zoom_fit (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view));
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_go_prev (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_go_next (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_go_first (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_go_last (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+static void
+eom_window_cmd_go_random (GtkAction *action, gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (user_data));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ priv = EOM_WINDOW (user_data)->priv;
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+static const GtkActionEntry action_entries_window[] = {
+ { "Image", NULL, N_("_Image") },
+ { "Edit", NULL, N_("_Edit") },
+ { "View", NULL, N_("_View") },
+ { "Go", NULL, N_("_Go") },
+ { "Tools", NULL, N_("_Tools") },
+ { "Help", NULL, N_("_Help") },
+ { "ImageOpen", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, N_("_Open…"), "<control>O",
+ N_("Open a file"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_file_open) },
+ { "ImageClose", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, N_("_Close"), "<control>W",
+ N_("Close window"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_close_window) },
+ { "EditToolbar", NULL, N_("T_oolbar"), NULL,
+ N_("Edit the application toolbar"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_edit_toolbar) },
+ { "EditPreferences", GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES, N_("Prefere_nces"), NULL,
+ N_("Preferences for Eye of MATE"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_preferences) },
+ { "HelpManual", GTK_STOCK_HELP, N_("_Contents"), "F1",
+ N_("Help on this application"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_help) },
+ { "HelpAbout", GTK_STOCK_ABOUT, N_("_About"), NULL,
+ N_("About this application"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_about) }
+static const GtkToggleActionEntry toggle_entries_window[] = {
+ { "ViewToolbar", NULL, N_("_Toolbar"), NULL,
+ N_("Changes the visibility of the toolbar in the current window"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_show_hide_bar), TRUE },
+ { "ViewStatusbar", NULL, N_("_Statusbar"), NULL,
+ N_("Changes the visibility of the statusbar in the current window"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_show_hide_bar), TRUE },
+ { "ViewImageCollection", "eom-image-collection", N_("_Image Collection"), "F9",
+ N_("Changes the visibility of the image collection pane in the current window"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_show_hide_bar), TRUE },
+ { "ViewSidebar", NULL, N_("Side _Pane"), "<control>F9",
+ N_("Changes the visibility of the side pane in the current window"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_show_hide_bar), TRUE },
+static const GtkActionEntry action_entries_image[] = {
+ { "ImageSave", GTK_STOCK_SAVE, N_("_Save"), "<control>s",
+ N_("Save changes in currently selected images"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_save) },
+ { "ImageOpenWith", NULL, N_("Open _with"), NULL,
+ N_("Open the selected image with a different application"),
+ NULL},
+ { "ImageSaveAs", GTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS, N_("Save _As…"), "<control><shift>s",
+ N_("Save the selected images with a different name"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_save_as) },
+ { "ImagePrint", GTK_STOCK_PRINT, N_("_Print…"), "<control>p",
+ N_("Print the selected image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_print) },
+ { "ImageProperties", GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES, N_("Prope_rties"), "<alt>Return",
+ N_("Show the properties and metadata of the selected image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_properties) },
+ { "EditUndo", GTK_STOCK_UNDO, N_("_Undo"), "<control>z",
+ N_("Undo the last change in the image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_undo) },
+ { "EditFlipHorizontal", "object-flip-horizontal", N_("Flip _Horizontal"), NULL,
+ N_("Mirror the image horizontally"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_flip_horizontal) },
+ { "EditFlipVertical", "object-flip-vertical", N_("Flip _Vertical"), NULL,
+ N_("Mirror the image vertically"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_flip_vertical) },
+ { "EditRotate90", "object-rotate-right", N_("_Rotate Clockwise"), "<control>r",
+ N_("Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_rotate_90) },
+ { "EditRotate270", "object-rotate-left", N_("Rotate Counterc_lockwise"), "<ctrl><shift>r",
+ N_("Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_rotate_270) },
+ { "ImageSetAsWallpaper", NULL, N_("Set as _Desktop Background"),
+ "<control>F8", N_("Set the selected image as the desktop background"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_wallpaper) },
+ { "EditMoveToTrash", "user-trash", N_("Move to _Trash"), NULL,
+ N_("Move the selected image to the trash folder"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_move_to_trash) },
+ { "ViewZoomIn", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "<control>plus",
+ N_("Enlarge the image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_zoom_in) },
+ { "ViewZoomOut", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom _Out"), "<control>minus",
+ N_("Shrink the image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_zoom_out) },
+ { "ViewZoomNormal", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_100, N_("_Normal Size"), "<control>0",
+ N_("Show the image at its normal size"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_zoom_normal) },
+ { "ViewZoomFit", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, N_("Best _Fit"), "F",
+ N_("Fit the image to the window"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_zoom_fit) },
+ { "ControlEqual", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "<control>equal",
+ N_("Enlarge the image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_zoom_in) },
+ { "ControlKpAdd", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_IN, N_("_Zoom In"), "<control>KP_Add",
+ N_("Shrink the image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_zoom_in) },
+ { "ControlKpSub", GTK_STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, N_("Zoom _Out"), "<control>KP_Subtract",
+ N_("Shrink the image"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_zoom_out) },
+ { "Delete", NULL, N_("Move to _Trash"), "Delete",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_move_to_trash) },
+static const GtkToggleActionEntry toggle_entries_image[] = {
+ { "ViewFullscreen", GTK_STOCK_FULLSCREEN, N_("_Fullscreen"), "F11",
+ N_("Show the current image in fullscreen mode"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_fullscreen), FALSE },
+ { "PauseSlideshow", "media-playback-pause", N_("Pause Slideshow"),
+ NULL, N_("Pause or resume the slideshow"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_pause_slideshow), FALSE },
+static const GtkActionEntry action_entries_collection[] = {
+ { "GoPrevious", GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK, N_("_Previous Image"), "<Alt>Left",
+ N_("Go to the previous image of the collection"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_prev) },
+ { "GoNext", GTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD, N_("_Next Image"), "<Alt>Right",
+ N_("Go to the next image of the collection"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_next) },
+ { "GoFirst", GTK_STOCK_GOTO_FIRST, N_("_First Image"), "<Alt>Home",
+ N_("Go to the first image of the collection"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_first) },
+ { "GoLast", GTK_STOCK_GOTO_LAST, N_("_Last Image"), "<Alt>End",
+ N_("Go to the last image of the collection"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_last) },
+ { "GoRandom", NULL, N_("_Random Image"), "<control>M",
+ N_("Go to a random image of the collection"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_random) },
+ { "BackSpace", NULL, N_("_Previous Image"), "BackSpace",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_prev) },
+ { "Home", NULL, N_("_First Image"), "Home",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_first) },
+ { "End", NULL, N_("_Last Image"), "End",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_go_last) },
+static const GtkToggleActionEntry toggle_entries_collection[] = {
+ { "ViewSlideshow", "slideshow-play", N_("_Slideshow"), "F5",
+ N_("Start a slideshow view of the images"),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_cmd_slideshow), FALSE },
+static void
+menu_item_select_cb (GtkMenuItem *proxy, EomWindow *window)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ char *message;
+ action = gtk_activatable_get_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (proxy));
+ g_return_if_fail (action != NULL);
+ g_object_get (G_OBJECT (action), "tooltip", &message, NULL);
+ if (message) {
+ gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (window->priv->statusbar),
+ window->priv->tip_message_cid, message);
+ g_free (message);
+ }
+static void
+menu_item_deselect_cb (GtkMenuItem *proxy, EomWindow *window)
+ gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (window->priv->statusbar),
+ window->priv->tip_message_cid);
+static void
+connect_proxy_cb (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ GtkAction *action,
+ GtkWidget *proxy,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ if (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (proxy)) {
+ g_signal_connect (proxy, "select",
+ G_CALLBACK (menu_item_select_cb), window);
+ g_signal_connect (proxy, "deselect",
+ G_CALLBACK (menu_item_deselect_cb), window);
+ }
+static void
+disconnect_proxy_cb (GtkUIManager *manager,
+ GtkAction *action,
+ GtkWidget *proxy,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ if (GTK_IS_MENU_ITEM (proxy)) {
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (proxy, G_CALLBACK (menu_item_select_cb), window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func
+ (proxy, G_CALLBACK (menu_item_deselect_cb), window);
+ }
+static void
+set_action_properties (GtkActionGroup *window_group,
+ GtkActionGroup *image_group,
+ GtkActionGroup *collection_group)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (collection_group, "GoPrevious");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Previous"), NULL);
+ g_object_set (action, "is-important", TRUE, NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (collection_group, "GoNext");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Next"), NULL);
+ g_object_set (action, "is-important", TRUE, NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (image_group, "EditRotate90");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Right"), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (image_group, "EditRotate270");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Left"), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (image_group, "ViewZoomIn");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("In"), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (image_group, "ViewZoomOut");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Out"), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (image_group, "ViewZoomNormal");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Normal"), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (image_group, "ViewZoomFit");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Fit"), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window_group, "ViewImageCollection");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Collection"), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (image_group, "EditMoveToTrash");
+ g_object_set (action, "short_label", C_("action (to trash)", "Trash"), NULL);
+static gint
+sort_recents_mru (GtkRecentInfo *a, GtkRecentInfo *b)
+ gboolean has_eom_a, has_eom_b;
+ /* We need to check this first as gtk_recent_info_get_application_info
+ * will treat it as a non-fatal error when the GtkRecentInfo doesn't
+ * have the application registered. */
+ has_eom_a = gtk_recent_info_has_application (a,
+ has_eom_b = gtk_recent_info_has_application (b,
+ if (has_eom_a && has_eom_b) {
+ time_t time_a, time_b;
+ /* These should not fail as we already checked that
+ * the application is registered with the info objects */
+ gtk_recent_info_get_application_info (a,
+ &time_a);
+ gtk_recent_info_get_application_info (b,
+ &time_b);
+ return (time_b - time_a);
+ } else if (has_eom_a) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (has_eom_b) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+eom_window_update_recent_files_menu (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GList *actions = NULL, *li = NULL, *items = NULL;
+ guint count_recent = 0;
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->recent_menu_id != 0)
+ gtk_ui_manager_remove_ui (priv->ui_mgr, priv->recent_menu_id);
+ actions = gtk_action_group_list_actions (priv->actions_recent);
+ for (li = actions; li != NULL; li = li->next) {
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (GTK_ACTION (li->data),
+ G_CALLBACK(eom_window_open_recent_cb),
+ window);
+ gtk_action_group_remove_action (priv->actions_recent,
+ GTK_ACTION (li->data));
+ }
+ g_list_free (actions);
+ priv->recent_menu_id = gtk_ui_manager_new_merge_id (priv->ui_mgr);
+ items = gtk_recent_manager_get_items (gtk_recent_manager_get_default());
+ items = g_list_sort (items, (GCompareFunc) sort_recents_mru);
+ for (li = items; li != NULL && count_recent < EOM_RECENT_FILES_LIMIT; li = li->next) {
+ gchar *action_name;
+ gchar *label;
+ gchar *tip;
+ gchar **display_name;
+ gchar *label_filename;
+ GtkAction *action;
+ GtkRecentInfo *info = li->data;
+ /* Sorting moves non-EOM files to the end of the list.
+ * So no file of interest will follow if this test fails */
+ if (!gtk_recent_info_has_application (info, EOM_RECENT_FILES_APP_NAME))
+ break;
+ count_recent++;
+ action_name = g_strdup_printf ("recent-info-%d", count_recent);
+ display_name = g_strsplit (gtk_recent_info_get_display_name (info), "_", -1);
+ label_filename = g_strjoinv ("__", display_name);
+ label = g_strdup_printf ("%s_%d. %s",
+ (is_rtl ? "\xE2\x80\x8F" : ""), count_recent, label_filename);
+ g_free (label_filename);
+ g_strfreev (display_name);
+ tip = gtk_recent_info_get_uri_display (info);
+ /* This is a workaround for a bug (#351945) regarding
+ * gtk_recent_info_get_uri_display() and remote URIs.
+ * mate_vfs_format_uri_for_display is sufficient here
+ * since the password gets stripped when adding the
+ * file to the recently used list. */
+ if (tip == NULL)
+ tip = g_uri_unescape_string (gtk_recent_info_get_uri (info), NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_new (action_name, label, tip, NULL);
+ gtk_action_set_always_show_image (action, TRUE);
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (action), "gtk-recent-info",
+ gtk_recent_info_ref (info),
+ (GDestroyNotify) gtk_recent_info_unref);
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (action), "icon-name", "image-x-generic", NULL);
+ g_signal_connect (action, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_open_recent_cb),
+ window);
+ gtk_action_group_add_action (priv->actions_recent, action);
+ g_object_unref (action);
+ gtk_ui_manager_add_ui (priv->ui_mgr, priv->recent_menu_id,
+ "/MainMenu/Image/RecentDocuments",
+ action_name, action_name,
+ g_free (action_name);
+ g_free (label);
+ g_free (tip);
+ }
+ g_list_foreach (items, (GFunc) gtk_recent_info_unref, NULL);
+ g_list_free (items);
+static void
+eom_window_recent_manager_changed_cb (GtkRecentManager *manager, EomWindow *window)
+ eom_window_update_recent_files_menu (window);
+static void
+eom_window_drag_data_received (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkDragContext *context,
+ gint x, gint y,
+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
+ guint info, guint time)
+ GSList *file_list;
+ EomWindow *window;
+ GdkAtom target;
+ target = gtk_selection_data_get_target (selection_data);
+ if (!gtk_targets_include_uri (&target, 1))
+ return;
+ if (context->suggested_action == GDK_ACTION_COPY) {
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (widget);
+ file_list = eom_util_parse_uri_string_list_to_file_list ((const gchar *) gtk_selection_data_get_data (selection_data));
+ eom_window_open_file_list (window, file_list);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_set_drag_dest (EomWindow *window)
+ gtk_drag_dest_set (GTK_WIDGET (window),
+ NULL, 0,
+ gtk_drag_dest_add_uri_targets (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+static void
+eom_window_sidebar_visibility_changed (GtkWidget *widget, EomWindow *window)
+ GtkAction *action;
+ gboolean visible;
+ visible = gtk_widget_get_visible (window->priv->sidebar);
+ mateconf_client_set_bool (window->priv->client,
+ visible,
+ NULL);
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_window,
+ "ViewSidebar");
+ if (gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action)) != visible)
+ gtk_toggle_action_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action), visible);
+ /* Focus the image */
+ if (!visible && window->priv->image != NULL)
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (window->priv->view);
+static void
+eom_window_sidebar_page_added (EomSidebar *sidebar,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ if (eom_sidebar_get_n_pages (sidebar) == 1) {
+ GtkAction *action;
+ gboolean show;
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_window,
+ "ViewSidebar");
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, TRUE);
+ show = gtk_toggle_action_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_ACTION (action));
+ if (show)
+ gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (sidebar));
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_sidebar_page_removed (EomSidebar *sidebar,
+ GtkWidget *main_widget,
+ EomWindow *window)
+ if (eom_sidebar_is_empty (sidebar)) {
+ GtkAction *action;
+ gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (sidebar));
+ action = gtk_action_group_get_action (window->priv->actions_window,
+ "ViewSidebar");
+ gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, FALSE);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_finish_saving (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (window), FALSE);
+ do {
+ gtk_main_iteration ();
+ } while (priv->save_job != NULL);
+static void
+eom_window_construct_ui (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GtkWidget *menubar;
+ GtkWidget *thumb_popup;
+ GtkWidget *view_popup;
+ GtkWidget *hpaned;
+ GtkWidget *menuitem;
+ MateConfEntry *entry;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ priv = window->priv;
+ priv->box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), priv->box);
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->box);
+ priv->ui_mgr = gtk_ui_manager_new ();
+ priv->actions_window = gtk_action_group_new ("MenuActionsWindow");
+ gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (priv->actions_window,
+ gtk_action_group_add_actions (priv->actions_window,
+ action_entries_window,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (action_entries_window),
+ window);
+ gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions (priv->actions_window,
+ toggle_entries_window,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (toggle_entries_window),
+ window);
+ gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (priv->ui_mgr, priv->actions_window, 0);
+ priv->actions_image = gtk_action_group_new ("MenuActionsImage");
+ gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (priv->actions_image,
+ gtk_action_group_add_actions (priv->actions_image,
+ action_entries_image,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (action_entries_image),
+ window);
+ gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions (priv->actions_image,
+ toggle_entries_image,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (toggle_entries_image),
+ window);
+ gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (priv->ui_mgr, priv->actions_image, 0);
+ priv->actions_collection = gtk_action_group_new ("MenuActionsCollection");
+ gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (priv->actions_collection,
+ gtk_action_group_add_actions (priv->actions_collection,
+ action_entries_collection,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (action_entries_collection),
+ window);
+ gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions (priv->actions_collection,
+ toggle_entries_collection,
+ G_N_ELEMENTS (toggle_entries_collection),
+ window);
+ set_action_properties (priv->actions_window,
+ priv->actions_image,
+ priv->actions_collection);
+ gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (priv->ui_mgr, priv->actions_collection, 0);
+ if (!gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_file (priv->ui_mgr,
+ EOM_DATA_DIR"/eom-ui.xml",
+ &error)) {
+ g_warning ("building menus failed: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ g_signal_connect (priv->ui_mgr, "connect_proxy",
+ G_CALLBACK (connect_proxy_cb), window);
+ g_signal_connect (priv->ui_mgr, "disconnect_proxy",
+ G_CALLBACK (disconnect_proxy_cb), window);
+ menubar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, "/MainMenu");
+ g_assert (GTK_IS_WIDGET (menubar));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->box), menubar, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (menubar);
+ menuitem = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr,
+ "/MainMenu/Edit/EditFlipHorizontal");
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image (
+ GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), TRUE);
+ menuitem = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr,
+ "/MainMenu/Edit/EditFlipVertical");
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image (
+ GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), TRUE);
+ menuitem = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr,
+ "/MainMenu/Edit/EditRotate90");
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image (
+ GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), TRUE);
+ menuitem = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr,
+ "/MainMenu/Edit/EditRotate270");
+ gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image (
+ GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menuitem), TRUE);
+ priv->toolbar = GTK_WIDGET
+ "ui-manager", priv->ui_mgr,
+ "model", eom_application_get_toolbars_model (EOM_APP),
+ NULL));
+ egg_editable_toolbar_show (EGG_EDITABLE_TOOLBAR (priv->toolbar),
+ "Toolbar");
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->box),
+ priv->toolbar,
+ 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->toolbar);
+ gtk_window_add_accel_group (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ gtk_ui_manager_get_accel_group (priv->ui_mgr));
+ priv->actions_recent = gtk_action_group_new ("RecentFilesActions");
+ gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (priv->actions_recent,
+ g_signal_connect (gtk_recent_manager_get_default (), "changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_recent_manager_changed_cb),
+ window);
+ eom_window_update_recent_files_menu (window);
+ gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (priv->ui_mgr, priv->actions_recent, 0);
+ priv->cbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->box), priv->cbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->cbox);
+ priv->statusbar = eom_statusbar_new ();
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (priv->box),
+ GTK_WIDGET (priv->statusbar),
+ gtk_widget_show (priv->statusbar);
+ priv->image_info_message_cid =
+ gtk_statusbar_get_context_id (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ "image_info_message");
+ priv->tip_message_cid =
+ gtk_statusbar_get_context_id (GTK_STATUSBAR (priv->statusbar),
+ "tip_message");
+ priv->layout = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 2);
+ hpaned = gtk_hpaned_new ();
+ priv->sidebar = eom_sidebar_new ();
+ /* The sidebar shouldn't be shown automatically on show_all(),
+ but only when the user actually wants it. */
+ gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->sidebar, TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->sidebar, 210, -1);
+ g_signal_connect_after (priv->sidebar,
+ "show",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_sidebar_visibility_changed),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect_after (priv->sidebar,
+ "hide",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_sidebar_visibility_changed),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect_after (priv->sidebar,
+ "page-added",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_sidebar_page_added),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect_after (priv->sidebar,
+ "page-removed",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_sidebar_page_removed),
+ window);
+ priv->view = eom_scroll_view_new ();
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (priv->view), 100, 100);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->view),
+ "zoom_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (view_zoom_changed_cb),
+ window);
+ view_popup = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, "/ViewPopup");
+ eom_scroll_view_set_popup (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (priv->view),
+ GTK_MENU (view_popup));
+ gtk_paned_pack1 (GTK_PANED (hpaned),
+ priv->sidebar,
+ gtk_paned_pack2 (GTK_PANED (hpaned),
+ priv->view,
+ gtk_widget_show_all (hpaned);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ priv->thumbview = eom_thumb_view_new ();
+ /* giving shape to the view */
+ gtk_icon_view_set_margin (GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->thumbview), 4);
+ gtk_icon_view_set_row_spacing (GTK_ICON_VIEW (priv->thumbview), 0);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->thumbview), "selection_changed",
+ G_CALLBACK (handle_image_selection_changed_cb), window);
+ priv->nav = eom_thumb_nav_new (priv->thumbview,
+ mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client,
+ NULL));
+ thumb_popup = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (priv->ui_mgr, "/ThumbnailPopup");
+ eom_thumb_view_set_thumbnail_popup (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview),
+ GTK_MENU (thumb_popup));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->layout), priv->nav, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (priv->cbox), priv->layout, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_interp_in_type_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_interp_out_type_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_scroll_wheel_zoom_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_zoom_multiplier_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_bg_color_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_use_bg_color_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_transparency_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_trans_color_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_collection_mode_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ entry = mateconf_client_get_entry (priv->client,
+ if (entry != NULL) {
+ eom_window_can_save_changed_cb (priv->client, 0, entry, window);
+ mateconf_entry_unref (entry);
+ entry = NULL;
+ }
+ if ((priv->flags & EOM_STARTUP_FULLSCREEN) ||
+ (priv->flags & EOM_STARTUP_SLIDE_SHOW)) {
+ eom_window_run_fullscreen (window, (priv->flags & EOM_STARTUP_SLIDE_SHOW));
+ } else {
+ priv->mode = EOM_WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL;
+ update_ui_visibility (window);
+ }
+ eom_window_set_drag_dest (window);
+static void
+eom_window_init (EomWindow *window)
+ GdkGeometry hints;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ hints.min_width = EOM_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH;
+ hints.min_height = EOM_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT;
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (window));
+ priv = window->priv = EOM_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (window);
+ priv->client = mateconf_client_get_default ();
+ mateconf_client_add_dir (window->priv->client, EOM_CONF_DIR,
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_EXTRAPOLATE] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_interp_in_type_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_INTERPOLATE] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_interp_out_type_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_SCROLLWHEEL_ZOOM] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_scroll_wheel_zoom_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_ZOOM_MULTIPLIER] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_zoom_multiplier_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_BACKGROUND_COLOR] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_bg_color_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_USE_BG_COLOR] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_use_bg_color_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_TRANSPARENCY] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_transparency_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_TRANS_COLOR] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_trans_color_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_SCROLL_BUTTONS] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_scroll_buttons_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_COLLECTION_POS] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_collection_mode_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_COLLECTION_RESIZABLE] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_collection_mode_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_CAN_SAVE] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_can_save_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ priv->client_notifications[EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_PROPSDIALOG_NETBOOK_MODE] =
+ mateconf_client_notify_add (window->priv->client,
+ eom_window_pd_nbmode_changed_cb,
+ window, NULL, NULL);
+ window->priv->store = NULL;
+ window->priv->image = NULL;
+ window->priv->fullscreen_popup = NULL;
+ window->priv->fullscreen_timeout_source = NULL;
+ window->priv->slideshow_loop = FALSE;
+ window->priv->slideshow_switch_timeout = 0;
+ window->priv->slideshow_switch_source = NULL;
+ gtk_window_set_geometry_hints (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ GTK_WIDGET (window),
+ &hints,
+ gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window),
+ gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
+ window->priv->mode = EOM_WINDOW_MODE_UNKNOWN;
+ window->priv->status = EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ window->priv->display_profile =
+ eom_window_get_display_profile (screen);
+ window->priv->recent_menu_id = 0;
+ window->priv->collection_position = 0;
+ window->priv->collection_resizable = FALSE;
+ window->priv->save_disabled = FALSE;
+static void
+eom_window_dispose (GObject *object)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (object));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (object);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ eom_plugin_engine_garbage_collect ();
+ if (priv->store != NULL) {
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->store,
+ eom_window_list_store_image_added,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->store,
+ eom_window_list_store_image_removed,
+ window);
+ g_object_unref (priv->store);
+ priv->store = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->image != NULL) {
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->image,
+ image_thumb_changed_cb,
+ window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (priv->image,
+ image_file_changed_cb,
+ window);
+ g_object_unref (priv->image);
+ priv->image = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->actions_window != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->actions_window);
+ priv->actions_window = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->actions_image != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->actions_image);
+ priv->actions_image = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->actions_collection != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->actions_collection);
+ priv->actions_collection = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->actions_recent != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->actions_recent);
+ priv->actions_recent = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->actions_open_with != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->actions_open_with);
+ priv->actions_open_with = NULL;
+ }
+ fullscreen_clear_timeout (window);
+ if (window->priv->fullscreen_popup != NULL) {
+ gtk_widget_destroy (priv->fullscreen_popup);
+ priv->fullscreen_popup = NULL;
+ }
+ slideshow_clear_timeout (window);
+ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (gtk_recent_manager_get_default (),
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_recent_manager_changed_cb),
+ window);
+ priv->recent_menu_id = 0;
+ eom_window_clear_load_job (window);
+ eom_window_clear_transform_job (window);
+ if (priv->client) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < EOM_WINDOW_NOTIFY_LENGTH; ++i) {
+ mateconf_client_notify_remove (priv->client,
+ priv->client_notifications[i]);
+ }
+ mateconf_client_remove_dir (priv->client, EOM_CONF_DIR, NULL);
+ g_object_unref (priv->client);
+ priv->client = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->file_list != NULL) {
+ g_slist_foreach (priv->file_list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (priv->file_list);
+ priv->file_list = NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
+ if (priv->display_profile != NULL) {
+ cmsCloseProfile (priv->display_profile);
+ priv->display_profile = NULL;
+ }
+ if (priv->last_save_as_folder != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->last_save_as_folder);
+ priv->last_save_as_folder = NULL;
+ }
+ eom_plugin_engine_garbage_collect ();
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->dispose (object);
+static void
+eom_window_finalize (GObject *object)
+ GList *windows = eom_application_get_windows (EOM_APP);
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (object));
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ if (windows == NULL) {
+ eom_application_shutdown (EOM_APP);
+ } else {
+ g_list_free (windows);
+ }
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static gint
+eom_window_delete (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (widget), FALSE);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (widget);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->save_job != NULL) {
+ eom_window_finish_saving (window);
+ }
+ if (eom_window_unsaved_images_confirm (window)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_destroy (widget);
+ return TRUE;
+static gint
+eom_window_key_press (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event)
+ GtkContainer *tbcontainer = GTK_CONTAINER ((EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->toolbar));
+ gint result = FALSE;
+ gboolean handle_selection = FALSE;
+ switch (event->keyval) {
+ case GDK_space:
+ if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
+ handle_selection = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ case GDK_Return:
+ if (gtk_container_get_focus_child (tbcontainer) == NULL) {
+ /* Image properties dialog case */
+ if (event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
+ result = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
+ eom_window_cmd_go_prev (NULL, EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ } else {
+ eom_window_cmd_go_next (NULL, EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ }
+ result = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_p:
+ case GDK_P:
+ if (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN || EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW) {
+ gboolean slideshow;
+ slideshow = EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW;
+ eom_window_run_fullscreen (EOM_WINDOW (widget), !slideshow);
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_Q:
+ case GDK_q:
+ case GDK_Escape:
+ if (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN) {
+ eom_window_stop_fullscreen (EOM_WINDOW (widget), FALSE);
+ } else if (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW) {
+ eom_window_stop_fullscreen (EOM_WINDOW (widget), TRUE);
+ } else {
+ eom_window_cmd_close_window (NULL, EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_Left:
+ if (event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
+ /* Alt+Left moves to previous image */
+ if (is_rtl) { /* move to next in RTL mode */
+ eom_window_cmd_go_next (NULL, EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ } else {
+ eom_window_cmd_go_prev (NULL, EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ }
+ result = TRUE;
+ break;
+ } /* else fall-trough is intended */
+ case GDK_Up:
+ if (eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->view))) {
+ /* break to let scrollview handle the key */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (gtk_container_get_focus_child (tbcontainer) != NULL)
+ break;
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->nav)) {
+ if (is_rtl && event->keyval == GDK_Left) {
+ /* handle RTL fall-through,
+ * need to behave like GDK_Down then */
+ eom_window_cmd_go_next (NULL,
+ EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ } else {
+ eom_window_cmd_go_prev (NULL,
+ EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ }
+ result = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ case GDK_Right:
+ if (event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
+ /* Alt+Right moves to next image */
+ if (is_rtl) { /* move to previous in RTL mode */
+ eom_window_cmd_go_prev (NULL, EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ } else {
+ eom_window_cmd_go_next (NULL, EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ }
+ result = TRUE;
+ break;
+ } /* else fall-trough is intended */
+ case GDK_Down:
+ if (eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->view))) {
+ /* break to let scrollview handle the key */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (gtk_container_get_focus_child (tbcontainer) != NULL)
+ break;
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->nav)) {
+ if (is_rtl && event->keyval == GDK_Right) {
+ /* handle RTL fall-through,
+ * need to behave like GDK_Up then */
+ eom_window_cmd_go_prev (NULL,
+ EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ } else {
+ eom_window_cmd_go_next (NULL,
+ EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ }
+ result = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ case GDK_Page_Up:
+ if (!eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->view))) {
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->nav)) {
+ /* If the iconview is not visible skip to the
+ * previous image manually as it won't handle
+ * the keypress then. */
+ eom_window_cmd_go_prev (NULL,
+ EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ result = TRUE;
+ } else
+ handle_selection = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_Page_Down:
+ if (!eom_scroll_view_scrollbars_visible (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->view))) {
+ if (!gtk_widget_get_visible (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->nav)) {
+ /* If the iconview is not visible skip to the
+ * next image manually as it won't handle
+ * the keypress then. */
+ eom_window_cmd_go_next (NULL,
+ EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ result = TRUE;
+ } else
+ handle_selection = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Update slideshow timeout */
+ if (result && (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW)) {
+ slideshow_set_timeout (EOM_WINDOW (widget));
+ }
+ if (handle_selection == TRUE && result == FALSE) {
+ gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->thumbview));
+ result = gtk_widget_event (GTK_WIDGET (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->thumbview),
+ (GdkEvent *) event);
+ }
+ /* If the focus is not in the toolbar and we still haven't handled the
+ event, give the scrollview a chance to do it. */
+ if (!gtk_container_get_focus_child (tbcontainer) && result == FALSE &&
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 20, 0)
+ gtk_widget_get_realized (GTK_WIDGET (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->view))) {
+ GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(GTK_WIDGET (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->view))) {
+ result = gtk_widget_event (GTK_WIDGET (EOM_WINDOW (widget)->priv->view),
+ (GdkEvent *) event);
+ }
+ if (result == FALSE && GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->key_press_event) {
+ result = (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->key_press_event) (widget, event);
+ }
+ return result;
+static gint
+eom_window_button_press (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (widget);
+ gint result = FALSE;
+ if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
+ switch (event->button) {
+ case 6:
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (window->priv->thumbview),
+ result = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (window->priv->thumbview),
+ result = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == FALSE && GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->button_press_event) {
+ result = (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->button_press_event) (widget, event);
+ }
+ return result;
+static gboolean
+eom_window_configure_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (widget), TRUE);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (widget);
+ GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->configure_event (widget, event);
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+eom_window_window_state_event (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventWindowState *event)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (widget), TRUE);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (widget);
+ if (event->changed_mask &
+ gboolean show;
+ show = !(event->new_window_state &
+ eom_statusbar_set_has_resize_grip (EOM_STATUSBAR (window->priv->statusbar),
+ show);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+eom_window_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (widget));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (widget);
+ GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->unrealize (widget);
+static gboolean
+eom_window_focus_out_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (widget);
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
+ gboolean fullscreen;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ fullscreen = priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN ||
+ if (fullscreen) {
+ gtk_widget_hide_all (priv->fullscreen_popup);
+ }
+ return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->focus_out_event (widget, event);
+static void
+eom_window_set_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (object));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (object);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ switch (property_id) {
+ priv->flags = g_value_get_flags (value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+eom_window_get_property (GObject *object,
+ guint property_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (object));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (object);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ switch (property_id) {
+ g_value_set_flags (value, priv->flags);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+ }
+static GObject *
+eom_window_constructor (GType type,
+ guint n_construct_properties,
+ GObjectConstructParam *construct_params)
+ GObject *object;
+ object = G_OBJECT_CLASS (eom_window_parent_class)->constructor
+ (type, n_construct_properties, construct_params);
+ eom_window_construct_ui (EOM_WINDOW (object));
+ eom_plugin_engine_update_plugins_ui (EOM_WINDOW (object), TRUE);
+ return object;
+static void
+eom_window_class_init (EomWindowClass *class)
+ GObjectClass *g_object_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
+ GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = (GtkWidgetClass *) class;
+ g_object_class->constructor = eom_window_constructor;
+ g_object_class->dispose = eom_window_dispose;
+ g_object_class->finalize = eom_window_finalize;
+ g_object_class->set_property = eom_window_set_property;
+ g_object_class->get_property = eom_window_get_property;
+ widget_class->delete_event = eom_window_delete;
+ widget_class->key_press_event = eom_window_key_press;
+ widget_class->button_press_event = eom_window_button_press;
+ widget_class->drag_data_received = eom_window_drag_data_received;
+ widget_class->configure_event = eom_window_configure_event;
+ widget_class->window_state_event = eom_window_window_state_event;
+ widget_class->unrealize = eom_window_unrealize;
+ widget_class->focus_out_event = eom_window_focus_out_event;
+ * EomWindow:startup-flags:
+ *
+ * A bitwise OR of #EomStartupFlags elements, indicating how the window
+ * should behave upon creation.
+ */
+ g_object_class_install_property (g_object_class,
+ g_param_spec_flags ("startup-flags",
+ 0,
+ * EomWindow::prepared:
+ * @window: the object which received the signal.
+ *
+ * The #EomWindow::prepared signal is emitted when the @window is ready
+ * to be shown.
+ */
+ signals [SIGNAL_PREPARED] =
+ g_signal_new ("prepared",
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EomWindowClass, prepared),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ g_type_class_add_private (g_object_class, sizeof (EomWindowPrivate));
+ * eom_window_new:
+ * @flags: the initialization parameters for the new window.
+ *
+ *
+ * Creates a new and empty #EomWindow. Use @flags to indicate
+ * if the window should be initialized fullscreen, in slideshow mode,
+ * and/or without the thumbnails collection visible. See #EomStartupFlags.
+ *
+ * Returns: a newly created #EomWindow.
+ **/
+eom_window_new (EomStartupFlags flags)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (g_object_new (EOM_TYPE_WINDOW,
+ "startup-flags", flags,
+ NULL));
+ return GTK_WIDGET (window);
+static void
+eom_window_list_store_image_added (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeIter *iter,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ update_image_pos (window);
+ update_action_groups_state (window);
+static void
+eom_window_list_store_image_removed (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+ GtkTreePath *path,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ EomWindow *window = EOM_WINDOW (user_data);
+ update_image_pos (window);
+ update_action_groups_state (window);
+static void
+eom_job_model_cb (EomJobModel *job, gpointer data)
+ EomWindow *window;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gint n_images;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ int i;
+ EomImage *image;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (data));
+ window = EOM_WINDOW (data);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->store != NULL) {
+ g_object_unref (priv->store);
+ priv->store = NULL;
+ }
+ priv->store = g_object_ref (job->store);
+ n_images = eom_list_store_length (EOM_LIST_STORE (priv->store));
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
+ if (mateconf_client_get_bool (priv->client, EOM_CONF_VIEW_AUTOROTATE, NULL)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n_images; i++) {
+ image = eom_list_store_get_image_by_pos (priv->store, i);
+ eom_image_autorotate (image);
+ g_object_unref (image);
+ }
+ }
+ eom_thumb_view_set_model (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (priv->thumbview), priv->store);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->store),
+ "row-inserted",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_list_store_image_added),
+ window);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->store),
+ "row-deleted",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_window_list_store_image_removed),
+ window);
+ if (n_images == 0) {
+ gint n_files;
+ priv->status = EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_NORMAL;
+ update_action_groups_state (window);
+ n_files = g_slist_length (priv->file_list);
+ if (n_files > 0) {
+ GtkWidget *message_area;
+ GFile *file = NULL;
+ if (n_files == 1) {
+ file = (GFile *) priv->file_list->data;
+ }
+ message_area = eom_no_images_error_message_area_new (file);
+ eom_window_set_message_area (window, message_area);
+ gtk_widget_show (message_area);
+ }
+ g_signal_emit (window, signals[SIGNAL_PREPARED], 0);
+ }
+ * eom_window_open_file_list:
+ * @window: An #EomWindow.
+ * @file_list: A %NULL-terminated list of #GFile's.
+ *
+ * Opens a list of files, adding them to the collection in @window.
+ * Files will be checked to be readable and later filtered according
+ * with eom_list_store_add_files().
+ **/
+eom_window_open_file_list (EomWindow *window, GSList *file_list)
+ EomJob *job;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ window->priv->status = EOM_WINDOW_STATUS_INIT;
+ g_slist_foreach (file_list, (GFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);
+ window->priv->file_list = file_list;
+ job = eom_job_model_new (file_list);
+ g_signal_connect (job,
+ "finished",
+ G_CALLBACK (eom_job_model_cb),
+ window);
+ eom_job_queue_add_job (job);
+ g_object_unref (job);
+ * eom_window_get_ui_manager:
+ * @window: An #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the #GtkUIManager that describes the UI of @window.
+ *
+ * Returns: A #GtkUIManager.
+ **/
+GtkUIManager *
+eom_window_get_ui_manager (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return window->priv->ui_mgr;
+ * eom_window_get_mode:
+ * @window: An #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the mode of @window. See #EomWindowMode for details.
+ *
+ * Returns: An #EomWindowMode.
+ **/
+eom_window_get_mode (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), EOM_WINDOW_MODE_UNKNOWN);
+ return window->priv->mode;
+ * eom_window_set_mode:
+ * @window: an #EomWindow.
+ * @mode: an #EomWindowMode value.
+ *
+ * Changes the mode of @window to normal, fullscreen, or slideshow.
+ * See #EomWindowMode for details.
+ **/
+eom_window_set_mode (EomWindow *window, EomWindowMode mode)
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ if (window->priv->mode == mode)
+ return;
+ switch (mode) {
+ eom_window_stop_fullscreen (window,
+ window->priv->mode == EOM_WINDOW_MODE_SLIDESHOW);
+ break;
+ eom_window_run_fullscreen (window, FALSE);
+ break;
+ eom_window_run_fullscreen (window, TRUE);
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ * eom_window_get_store:
+ * @window: An #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the #EomListStore that contains the images in the collection
+ * of @window.
+ *
+ * Returns: an #EomListStore.
+ **/
+EomListStore *
+eom_window_get_store (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return EOM_LIST_STORE (window->priv->store);
+ * eom_window_get_view:
+ * @window: An #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the #EomScrollView in the window.
+ *
+ * Returns: the #EomScrollView.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_window_get_view (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return window->priv->view;
+ * eom_window_get_sidebar:
+ * @window: An #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the sidebar widget of @window.
+ *
+ * Returns: the #EomSidebar.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_window_get_sidebar (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return window->priv->sidebar;
+ * eom_window_get_thumb_view:
+ * @window: an #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the thumbnails view in @window.
+ *
+ * Returns: an #EomThumbView.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_window_get_thumb_view (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return window->priv->thumbview;
+ * eom_window_get_thumb_nav:
+ * @window: an #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the thumbnails navigation pane in @window.
+ *
+ * Returns: an #EomThumbNav.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_window_get_thumb_nav (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return window->priv->nav;
+ * eom_window_get_statusbar:
+ * @window: an #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the statusbar in @window.
+ *
+ * Returns: a #EomStatusBar.
+ **/
+GtkWidget *
+eom_window_get_statusbar (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return window->priv->statusbar;
+ * eom_window_get_image:
+ * @window: an #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Gets the image currently displayed in @window or %NULL if
+ * no image is being displayed.
+ *
+ * Returns: an #EomImage.
+ **/
+EomImage *
+eom_window_get_image (EomWindow *window)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), NULL);
+ return window->priv->image;
+ * eom_window_is_empty:
+ * @window: an #EomWindow.
+ *
+ * Tells whether @window is currently empty or not.
+ *
+ * Returns: %TRUE if @window has no images, %FALSE otherwise.
+ **/
+eom_window_is_empty (EomWindow *window)
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+ gboolean empty = TRUE;
+ eom_debug (DEBUG_WINDOW);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window), FALSE);
+ priv = window->priv;
+ if (priv->store != NULL) {
+ empty = (eom_list_store_length (EOM_LIST_STORE (priv->store)) == 0);
+ }
+ return empty;
+eom_window_reload_image (EomWindow *window)
+ GtkWidget *view;
+ g_return_if_fail (EOM_IS_WINDOW (window));
+ if (window->priv->image == NULL)
+ return;
+ g_object_unref (window->priv->image);
+ window->priv->image = NULL;
+ view = eom_window_get_view (window);
+ eom_scroll_view_set_image (EOM_SCROLL_VIEW (view), NULL);
+ eom_thumb_view_select_single (EOM_THUMB_VIEW (window->priv->thumbview),
diff --git a/src/eom-window.h b/src/eom-window.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e507c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eom-window.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* Eye of Mate - Main Window
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ * Based on evince code (shell/ev-window.c) by:
+ * - Martin Kretzschmar <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __EOM_WINDOW_H__
+#define __EOM_WINDOW_H__
+#include "eom-list-store.h"
+#include "eom-image.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+typedef struct _EomWindow EomWindow;
+typedef struct _EomWindowClass EomWindowClass;
+typedef struct _EomWindowPrivate EomWindowPrivate;
+#define EOM_TYPE_WINDOW (eom_window_get_type ())
+#define EOM_WINDOW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), EOM_TYPE_WINDOW, EomWindowClass))
+#define EOM_WINDOW_ERROR (eom_window_error_quark ())
+typedef enum {
+} EomWindowMode;
+typedef enum {
+} EomWindowError;
+typedef enum {
+} EomStartupFlags;
+struct _EomWindow {
+ GtkWindow win;
+ EomWindowPrivate *priv;
+struct _EomWindowClass {
+ GtkWindowClass parent_class;
+ void (* prepared) (EomWindow *window);
+GType eom_window_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *eom_window_new (EomStartupFlags flags);
+EomWindowMode eom_window_get_mode (EomWindow *window);
+void eom_window_set_mode (EomWindow *window,
+ EomWindowMode mode);
+GtkUIManager *eom_window_get_ui_manager (EomWindow *window);
+EomListStore *eom_window_get_store (EomWindow *window);
+GtkWidget *eom_window_get_view (EomWindow *window);
+GtkWidget *eom_window_get_sidebar (EomWindow *window);
+GtkWidget *eom_window_get_thumb_view (EomWindow *window);
+GtkWidget *eom_window_get_thumb_nav (EomWindow *window);
+GtkWidget *eom_window_get_statusbar (EomWindow *window);
+EomImage *eom_window_get_image (EomWindow *window);
+void eom_window_open_file_list (EomWindow *window,
+ GSList *file_list);
+gboolean eom_window_is_empty (EomWindow *window);
+void eom_window_reload_image (EomWindow *window);
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4232ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+/* Eye Of Mate - Main
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2006 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Lucas Rocha <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Based on code by:
+ * - Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ * - Jens Finke <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+#include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+#include "eom-session.h"
+#include "eom-debug.h"
+#include "eom-thumbnail.h"
+#include "eom-job-queue.h"
+#include "eom-application.h"
+#include "eom-plugin-engine.h"
+#include "eom-util.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <exempi/xmp.h>
+static EomStartupFlags flags;
+static gboolean fullscreen = FALSE;
+static gboolean slide_show = FALSE;
+static gboolean disable_collection = FALSE;
+static gboolean force_new_instance = FALSE;
+static gchar **startup_files = NULL;
+static gboolean
+_print_version_and_exit (const gchar *option_name,
+ const gchar *value,
+ gpointer data,
+ GError **error)
+ g_print("%s %s\n", _("Eye of MATE Image Viewer"), VERSION);
+ exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ return TRUE;
+static const GOptionEntry goption_options[] =
+ { "fullscreen", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &fullscreen, N_("Open in fullscreen mode"), NULL },
+ { "disable-image-collection", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &disable_collection, N_("Disable image collection"), NULL },
+ { "slide-show", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &slide_show, N_("Open in slideshow mode"), NULL },
+ { "new-instance", 'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &force_new_instance, N_("Start a new instance instead of reusing an existing one"), NULL },
+ _print_version_and_exit, N_("Show the application's version"), NULL},
+ { G_OPTION_REMAINING, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &startup_files, NULL, N_("[FILE…]") },
+ { NULL }
+static void
+set_startup_flags (void)
+ if (fullscreen)
+ if (disable_collection)
+ if (slide_show)
+static void
+load_files (void)
+ GSList *files = NULL;
+ files = eom_util_string_array_to_list ((const gchar **) startup_files, TRUE);
+ eom_application_open_uri_list (EOM_APP,
+ files,
+ flags,
+ NULL);
+ g_slist_foreach (files, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
+ g_slist_free (files);
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+static gboolean
+load_files_remote (void)
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ DBusGConnection *connection;
+ DBusGProxy *remote_object;
+ gboolean result = TRUE;
+ GdkDisplay *display;
+ guint32 timestamp;
+ gchar **files;
+ display = gdk_display_get_default ();
+ timestamp = gdk_x11_display_get_user_time (display);
+ connection = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_STARTER, &error);
+ if (connection == NULL) {
+ g_warning ("%s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ files = eom_util_string_array_make_absolute (startup_files);
+ remote_object = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (connection,
+ "org.mate.eom.ApplicationService",
+ "/org/mate/eom/Eom",
+ "org.mate.eom.Application");
+ if (!files) {
+ if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (remote_object, "OpenWindow", &error,
+ G_TYPE_UINT, timestamp,
+ G_TYPE_UCHAR, flags,
+ g_warning ("%s", error->message);
+ g_clear_error (&error);
+ result = FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (remote_object, "OpenUris", &error,
+ G_TYPE_STRV, files,
+ G_TYPE_UINT, timestamp,
+ G_TYPE_UCHAR, flags,
+ g_warning ("%s", error->message);
+ g_clear_error (&error);
+ result = FALSE;
+ }
+ g_strfreev (files);
+ }
+ g_object_unref (remote_object);
+ dbus_g_connection_unref (connection);
+ gdk_notify_startup_complete ();
+ return result;
+#endif /* HAVE_DBUS */
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GOptionContext *ctx;
+ if (!g_thread_supported ())
+ g_thread_init (NULL);
+ bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, EOM_LOCALE_DIR);
+ bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
+ textdomain (PACKAGE);
+ gtk_rc_parse (EOM_DATA_DIR G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "gtkrc");
+ ctx = g_option_context_new (NULL);
+ g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, goption_options, PACKAGE);
+ /* Option groups are free'd together with the context
+ * Using gtk_get_option_group here initializes gtk during parsing */
+ g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gtk_get_option_group (TRUE));
+ if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &error)) {
+ gchar *help_msg;
+ /* I18N: The '%s' is replaced with eom's command name. */
+ help_msg = g_strdup_printf (_("Run '%s --help' to see a full "
+ "list of available command line "
+ "options."), argv[0]);
+ g_printerr ("%s\n%s\n", error->message, help_msg);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ g_free (help_msg);
+ g_option_context_free (ctx);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ g_option_context_free (ctx);
+ set_startup_flags ();
+#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
+ if (!force_new_instance &&
+ !eom_application_register_service (EOM_APP)) {
+ if (load_files_remote ()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_DBUS */
+ xmp_init();
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ rsvg_init();
+ eom_debug_init ();
+ eom_job_queue_init ();
+ gdk_threads_init ();
+ eom_thumbnail_init ();
+ eom_plugin_engine_init ();
+ /* Add application specific icons to search path */
+ gtk_icon_theme_append_search_path (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (),
+ gtk_window_set_default_icon_name ("eom");
+ g_set_application_name (_("Eye of MATE Image Viewer"));
+ load_files ();
+ gdk_threads_enter ();
+ gtk_main ();
+ gdk_threads_leave ();
+ if (startup_files)
+ g_strfreev (startup_files);
+ eom_plugin_engine_shutdown ();
+#ifdef HAVE_RSVG
+ rsvg_term();
+ xmp_terminate();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/uta.c b/src/uta.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df97bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uta.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1116 @@
+/* Eye of Mate image viewer - Microtile array utilities
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2009 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Portions based on code from libart_lgpl by Raph Levien.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "uta.h"
+#define EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS(x0, y0, x1, y1) (((x0) << 24) | ((y0) << 16) | \
+ ((x1) << 8) | (y1))
+#define EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0(ub) ((ub) >> 24)
+#define EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0(ub) (((ub) >> 16) & 0xff)
+#define EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1(ub) (((ub) >> 8) & 0xff)
+#define EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1(ub) ((ub) & 0xff)
+#define eom_renew(p, type, n) ((type *)g_realloc (p, (n) * sizeof(type)))
+/* This one must be used carefully - in particular, p and max should
+ be variables. They can also be pstruct->el lvalues. */
+#define eom_expand(p, type, max) do { if(max) { p = eom_renew (p, type, max <<= 1); } else { max = 1; p = g_new(type, 1); } } while (0)
+ * eom_uta_new: Allocate a new uta.
+ * @x0: Left coordinate of uta.
+ * @y0: Top coordinate of uta.
+ * @x1: Right coordinate of uta.
+ * @y1: Bottom coordinate of uta.
+ *
+ * Allocates a new microtile array. The arguments are in units of
+ * tiles, not pixels.
+ *
+ * Returns: the newly allocated #EomUta.
+ **/
+static EomUta *
+eom_uta_new (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
+ EomUta *uta;
+ uta = g_new (EomUta, 1);
+ uta->x0 = x0;
+ uta->y0 = y0;
+ uta->width = x1 - x0;
+ uta->height = y1 - y0;
+ uta->utiles = g_new0 (EomUtaBbox, uta->width * uta->height);
+ return uta;
+ * eom_uta_free: Free a uta.
+ * @uta: The uta to free.
+ *
+ * Frees the microtile array structure, including the actual microtile
+ * data.
+ **/
+eom_uta_free (EomUta *uta)
+ g_free (uta->utiles);
+ g_free (uta);
+ * eom_irect_intersect: Find intersection of two integer rectangles.
+ * @dest: Where the result is stored.
+ * @src1: A source rectangle.
+ * @src2: Another source rectangle.
+ *
+ * Finds the intersection of @src1 and @src2.
+ **/
+eom_irect_intersect (EomIRect *dest, const EomIRect *src1, const EomIRect *src2) {
+ dest->x0 = MAX (src1->x0, src2->x0);
+ dest->y0 = MAX (src1->y0, src2->y0);
+ dest->x1 = MIN (src1->x1, src2->x1);
+ dest->y1 = MIN (src1->y1, src2->y1);
+ * eom_irect_empty: Determine whether integer rectangle is empty.
+ * @src: The source rectangle.
+ *
+ * Return value: TRUE if @src is an empty rectangle, FALSE otherwise.
+ **/
+eom_irect_empty (const EomIRect *src) {
+ return (src->x1 <= src->x0 || src->y1 <= src->y0);
+ * eom_uta_from_irect: Generate uta covering a rectangle.
+ * @bbox: The source rectangle.
+ *
+ * Generates a uta exactly covering @bbox. Please do not call this
+ * function with a @bbox with zero height or width.
+ *
+ * Return value: the new uta.
+ **/
+static EomUta *
+eom_uta_from_irect (EomIRect *bbox)
+ EomUta *uta;
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles;
+ EomUtaBbox bb;
+ int width, height;
+ int x, y;
+ int xf0, yf0, xf1, yf1;
+ int ix;
+ uta = g_new (EomUta, 1);
+ uta->x0 = bbox->x0 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ uta->y0 = bbox->y0 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ width = ((bbox->x1 + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) - uta->x0;
+ height = ((bbox->y1 + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) - uta->y0;
+ utiles = g_new (EomUtaBbox, width * height);
+ uta->width = width;
+ uta->height = height;
+ uta->utiles = utiles;
+ xf0 = bbox->x0 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ yf0 = bbox->y0 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ xf1 = ((bbox->x1 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ yf1 = ((bbox->y1 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ if (height == 1)
+ {
+ if (width == 1)
+ utiles[0] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (xf0, yf0, xf1, yf1);
+ else
+ {
+ utiles[0] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (xf0, yf0, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf1);
+ bb = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (0, yf0, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf1);
+ for (x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
+ utiles[x] = bb;
+ utiles[x] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (0, yf0, xf1, yf1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (width == 1)
+ {
+ utiles[0] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (xf0, yf0, xf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ bb = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (xf0, 0, xf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ for (y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
+ utiles[y] = bb;
+ utiles[y] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (xf0, 0, xf1, yf1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ utiles[0] =
+ for (x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
+ utiles[x] = bb;
+ utiles[x] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (0, yf0, xf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ ix = width;
+ for (y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
+ {
+ utiles[ix++] =
+ for (x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
+ utiles[ix++] = bb;
+ utiles[ix++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (0, 0, xf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ }
+ utiles[ix++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (xf0, 0, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf1);
+ bb = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (0, 0, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf1);
+ for (x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
+ utiles[ix++] = bb;
+ utiles[ix++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (0, 0, xf1, yf1);
+ }
+ }
+ return uta;
+ * uta_ensure_size:
+ * @uta: A microtile array.
+ * @x1: Left microtile coordinate that must fit in new array.
+ * @y1: Top microtile coordinate that must fit in new array.
+ * @x2: Right microtile coordinate that must fit in new array.
+ * @y2: Bottom microtile coordinate that must fit in new array.
+ *
+ * Ensures that the size of a microtile array is big enough to fit the specified
+ * microtile coordinates. If it is not big enough, the specified @uta will be
+ * freed and a new one will be returned. Otherwise, the original @uta will be
+ * returned. If a new microtile array needs to be created, this function will
+ * copy the @uta's contents to the new array.
+ *
+ * Note that the specified coordinates must have already been scaled down by the
+ * ART_UTILE_SHIFT factor.
+ *
+ * Return value: The same value as @uta if the original microtile array was
+ * big enough to fit the specified microtile coordinates, or a new array if
+ * it needed to be grown. In the second case, the original @uta will be
+ * freed automatically.
+ **/
+EomUta *
+uta_ensure_size (EomUta *uta, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ EomUta *new_uta;
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles, *new_utiles;
+ int new_ofs, ofs;
+ int x, y;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (x1 < x2, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (y1 < y2, NULL);
+ if (!uta)
+ return eom_uta_new (x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ if (x1 >= uta->x0
+ && y1 >= uta->y0
+ && x2 <= uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && y2 <= uta->y0 + uta->height)
+ return uta;
+ new_uta = g_new (EomUta, 1);
+ new_uta->x0 = MIN (uta->x0, x1);
+ new_uta->y0 = MIN (uta->y0, y1);
+ new_uta->width = MAX (uta->x0 + uta->width, x2) - new_uta->x0;
+ new_uta->height = MAX (uta->y0 + uta->height, y2) - new_uta->y0;
+ new_uta->utiles = g_new (EomUtaBbox, new_uta->width * new_uta->height);
+ utiles = uta->utiles;
+ new_utiles = new_uta->utiles;
+ new_ofs = 0;
+ for (y = new_uta->y0; y < new_uta->y0 + new_uta->height; y++) {
+ if (y < uta->y0 || y >= uta->y0 + uta->height)
+ for (x = 0; x < new_uta->width; x++)
+ new_utiles[new_ofs++] = 0;
+ else {
+ ofs = (y - uta->y0) * uta->width;
+ for (x = new_uta->x0; x < new_uta->x0 + new_uta->width; x++)
+ if (x < uta->x0 || x >= uta->x0 + uta->width)
+ new_utiles[new_ofs++] = 0;
+ else
+ new_utiles[new_ofs++] = utiles[ofs++];
+ }
+ }
+ eom_uta_free (uta);
+ return new_uta;
+ * uta_add_rect:
+ * @uta: A microtile array, or NULL if a new array should be created.
+ * @x1: Left coordinate of rectangle.
+ * @y1: Top coordinate of rectangle.
+ * @x2: Right coordinate of rectangle.
+ * @y2: Bottom coordinate of rectangle.
+ *
+ * Adds the specified rectangle to a microtile array. The array is
+ * grown to fit the rectangle if necessary.
+ *
+ * Return value: The original @uta, or a new microtile array if the original one
+ * needed to be grown to fit the specified rectangle. In the second case, the
+ * original @uta will be freed automatically.
+ **/
+EomUta *
+uta_add_rect (EomUta *uta, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles;
+ EomUtaBbox bb;
+ int rect_x1, rect_y1, rect_x2, rect_y2;
+ int xf1, yf1, xf2, yf2;
+ int x, y;
+ int ofs;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (x1 < x2, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (y1 < y2, NULL);
+ /* Empty uta */
+ if (!uta) {
+ EomIRect r;
+ r.x0 = x1;
+ r.y0 = y1;
+ r.x1 = x2;
+ r.y1 = y2;
+ return eom_uta_from_irect (&r);
+ }
+ /* Grow the uta if necessary */
+ rect_x1 = x1 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_y1 = y1 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_x2 = (x2 + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_y2 = (y2 + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ uta = uta_ensure_size (uta, rect_x1, rect_y1, rect_x2, rect_y2);
+ /* Add the rectangle */
+ xf1 = x1 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ yf1 = y1 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ xf2 = ((x2 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ yf2 = ((y2 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ utiles = uta->utiles;
+ ofs = (rect_y1 - uta->y0) * uta->width + rect_x1 - uta->x0;
+ if (rect_y2 - rect_y1 == 1) {
+ if (rect_x2 - rect_x1 == 1) {
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ xf1, yf1, xf2, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ } else {
+ /* Leftmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ xf1, yf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ /* Tiles in between */
+ for (x = rect_x1 + 1; x < rect_x2 - 1; x++) {
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, yf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ }
+ /* Rightmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, yf1, xf2, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (rect_x2 - rect_x1 == 1) {
+ /* Topmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ xf1, yf1, xf2, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ ofs += uta->width;
+ /* Tiles in between */
+ for (y = rect_y1 + 1; y < rect_y2 - 1; y++) {
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ xf1, 0, xf2, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ ofs += uta->width;
+ }
+ /* Bottommost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ xf1, 0, xf2, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ } else {
+ /* Top row, leftmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ else
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ /* Top row, in between */
+ for (x = rect_x1 + 1; x < rect_x2 - 1; x++) {
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ else
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ }
+ /* Top row, rightmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, yf1, xf2, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb), yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ ofs += uta->width - (rect_x2 - rect_x1 - 1);
+ /* Rows in between */
+ for (y = rect_y1 + 1; y < rect_y2 - 1; y++) {
+ /* Leftmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ else
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ 0,
+ /* Tiles in between */
+ for (x = rect_x1 + 1; x < rect_x2 - 1; x++)
+ utiles[ofs++] = bb;
+ /* Rightmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, 0, xf2, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ ofs += uta->width - (rect_x2 - rect_x1 - 1);
+ }
+ /* Bottom row, leftmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ xf1, 0, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb), xf1),
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ /* Bottom row, tiles in between */
+ for (x = rect_x1 + 1; x < rect_x2 - 1; x++) {
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, 0, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs++] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ }
+ /* Bottom row, rightmost tile */
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, 0, xf2, yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb), xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb), yf2));
+ }
+ }
+ return uta;
+ * uta_remove_rect:
+ * @uta: A microtile array.
+ * @x1: Left coordinate of rectangle.
+ * @y1: Top coordinate of rectangle.
+ * @x2: Right coordinate of rectangle.
+ * @y2: Bottom coordinate of rectangle.
+ *
+ * Removes a rectangular region from the specified microtile array. Due to the
+ * way microtile arrays represent regions, the tiles at the edge of the
+ * rectangle may not be clipped exactly.
+ **/
+uta_remove_rect (EomUta *uta, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles;
+ int rect_x1, rect_y1, rect_x2, rect_y2;
+ int clip_x1, clip_y1, clip_x2, clip_y2;
+ int xf1, yf1, xf2, yf2;
+ int ofs;
+ int x, y;
+ g_return_if_fail (uta != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (x1 <= x2);
+ g_return_if_fail (y1 <= y2);
+ if (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2)
+ return;
+ rect_x1 = x1 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_y1 = y1 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_x2 = (x2 + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_y2 = (y2 + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ clip_x1 = MAX (rect_x1, uta->x0);
+ clip_y1 = MAX (rect_y1, uta->y0);
+ clip_x2 = MIN (rect_x2, uta->x0 + uta->width);
+ clip_y2 = MIN (rect_y2, uta->y0 + uta->height);
+ if (clip_x1 >= clip_x2 || clip_y1 >= clip_y2)
+ return;
+ xf1 = x1 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ yf1 = y1 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ xf2 = ((x2 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ yf2 = ((y2 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ utiles = uta->utiles;
+ ofs = (clip_y1 - uta->y0) * uta->width + clip_x1 - uta->x0;
+ for (y = clip_y1; y < clip_y2; y++) {
+ int cy1, cy2;
+ if (y == rect_y1)
+ cy1 = yf1;
+ else
+ cy1 = 0;
+ if (y == rect_y2 - 1)
+ cy2 = yf2;
+ else
+ for (x = clip_x1; x < clip_x2; x++) {
+ int cx1, cx2;
+ EomUtaBbox bb;
+ int bb_x1, bb_y1, bb_x2, bb_y2;
+ int bb_cx1, bb_cy1, bb_cx2, bb_cy2;
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ bb_x1 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb);
+ bb_y1 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb);
+ bb_x2 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb);
+ bb_y2 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb);
+ if (x == rect_x1)
+ cx1 = xf1;
+ else
+ cx1 = 0;
+ if (x == rect_x2 - 1)
+ cx2 = xf2;
+ else
+ /* Clip top and bottom */
+ if (cx1 <= bb_x1 && cx2 >= bb_x2) {
+ if (cy1 <= bb_y1 && cy2 > bb_y1)
+ bb_cy1 = cy2;
+ else
+ bb_cy1 = bb_y1;
+ if (cy1 < bb_y2 && cy2 >= bb_y2)
+ bb_cy2 = cy1;
+ else
+ bb_cy2 = bb_y2;
+ } else {
+ bb_cy1 = bb_y1;
+ bb_cy2 = bb_y2;
+ }
+ /* Clip left and right */
+ if (cy1 <= bb_y1 && cy2 >= bb_y2) {
+ if (cx1 <= bb_x1 && cx2 > bb_x1)
+ bb_cx1 = cx2;
+ else
+ bb_cx1 = bb_x1;
+ if (cx1 < bb_x2 && cx2 >= bb_x2)
+ bb_cx2 = cx1;
+ else
+ bb_cx2 = bb_x2;
+ } else {
+ bb_cx1 = bb_x1;
+ bb_cx2 = bb_x2;
+ }
+ if (bb_cx1 < bb_cx2 && bb_cy1 < bb_cy2)
+ utiles[ofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (bb_cx1, bb_cy1,
+ bb_cx2, bb_cy2);
+ else
+ utiles[ofs] = 0;
+ ofs++;
+ }
+ ofs += uta->width - (clip_x2 - clip_x1);
+ }
+uta_find_first_glom_rect (EomUta *uta, EomIRect *rect, int max_width, int max_height)
+ EomIRect *rects;
+ int n_rects, n_rects_max;
+ int x, y;
+ int width, height;
+ int ix;
+ int left_ix;
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles;
+ EomUtaBbox bb;
+ int x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ int *glom;
+ int glom_rect;
+ n_rects = 0;
+ n_rects_max = 1;
+ rects = g_new (EomIRect, n_rects_max);
+ width = uta->width;
+ height = uta->height;
+ utiles = uta->utiles;
+ glom = g_new (int, width * height);
+ for (ix = 0; ix < width * height; ix++)
+ glom[ix] = -1;
+ ix = 0;
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
+ {
+ bb = utiles[ix];
+ if (bb)
+ {
+ x0 = ((uta->x0 + x) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0(bb);
+ y0 = ((uta->y0 + y) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0(bb);
+ y1 = ((uta->y0 + y) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1(bb);
+ left_ix = ix;
+ /* now try to extend to the right */
+ while (x != width - 1 &&
+ (((bb & 0xffffff) ^ utiles[ix + 1]) & 0xffff00ff) == 0 &&
+ (((uta->x0 + x + 1) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) +
+ EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1(utiles[ix + 1]) -
+ x0) <= max_width)
+ {
+ bb = utiles[ix + 1];
+ ix++;
+ x++;
+ }
+ x1 = ((uta->x0 + x) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1(bb);
+ /* if rectangle nonempty */
+ if ((x1 ^ x0) || (y1 ^ y0))
+ {
+ /* try to glom onto an existing rectangle */
+ glom_rect = glom[left_ix];
+ if (glom_rect != -1 &&
+ x0 == rects[glom_rect].x0 &&
+ x1 == rects[glom_rect].x1 &&
+ y0 == rects[glom_rect].y1 &&
+ y1 - rects[glom_rect].y0 <= max_height)
+ {
+ rects[glom_rect].y1 = y1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (n_rects == n_rects_max)
+ eom_expand (rects, EomIRect, n_rects_max);
+ rects[n_rects].x0 = x0;
+ rects[n_rects].y0 = y0;
+ rects[n_rects].x1 = x1;
+ rects[n_rects].y1 = y1;
+ glom_rect = n_rects;
+ n_rects++;
+ }
+ if (y != height - 1)
+ glom[left_ix + width] = glom_rect;
+ }
+ }
+ ix++;
+ }
+ if (n_rects > 0) {
+ rect->x0 = rects[0].x0;
+ rect->y0 = rects[0].y0;
+ rect->x1 = rects[0].x1;
+ rect->y1 = rects[0].y1;
+ } else
+ rect->x0 = rect->y0 = rect->x1 = rect->y1 = 0;
+ g_free (glom);
+ g_free (rects);
+#if 0
+uta_find_first_glom_rect (EomUta *uta, EomIRect *rect, int max_width, int max_height)
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles;
+ EomUtaBbox bb;
+ int width, height;
+ int ofs;
+ int x, y;
+ int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ g_return_if_fail (uta != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (rect != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (max_width > 0 && max_height > 0);
+ utiles = uta->utiles;
+ width = uta->width;
+ height = uta->height;
+ ofs = 0;
+ /* We find the first nonempty tile, and then grow the rectangle to the
+ * right and then down.
+ */
+ x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0;
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ if (!bb) {
+ ofs++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ x1 = ((uta->x0 + x) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb);
+ y1 = ((uta->y0 + y) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb);
+ y2 = ((uta->y0 + y) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb);
+ /* Grow to the right */
+ while (x != width - 1
+ && (((bb & 0xffffff) ^ utiles[ofs + 1]) & 0xffff00ff) == 0
+ && (((uta->x0 + x + 1) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT)
+ + EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (utiles[ofs + 1])
+ - x1) <= max_width) {
+ ofs++;
+ bb = utiles[ofs];
+ x++;
+ }
+ x2 = ((uta->x0 + x) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT) + EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb);
+ goto grow_down;
+ }
+ }
+ grow_down:
+/* Copies a single microtile to another location in the UTA, offsetted by the
+ * specified distance. A microtile can thus end up being added in a single part
+ * to another microtile, in two parts to two horizontally or vertically adjacent
+ * microtiles, or in four parts to a 2x2 square of microtiles.
+ *
+ * This is basically a normal BitBlt but with copying-forwards-to-the-destination
+ * instead of fetching-backwards-from-the-source.
+ */
+static void
+copy_tile (EomUta *uta, int x, int y, int xofs, int yofs)
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles;
+ EomUtaBbox bb, dbb;
+ int t_x1, t_y1, t_x2, t_y2;
+ int d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2;
+ int d_tx1, d_ty1;
+ int d_xf1, d_yf1, d_xf2, d_yf2;
+ int dofs;
+ utiles = uta->utiles;
+ bb = utiles[(y - uta->y0) * uta->width + x - uta->x0];
+ if (bb == 0)
+ return;
+ t_x1 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (bb) + (x << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ t_y1 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (bb) + (y << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ t_x2 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (bb) + (x << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ t_y2 = EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (bb) + (y << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ d_x1 = t_x1 + xofs;
+ d_y1 = t_y1 + yofs;
+ d_x2 = t_x2 + xofs;
+ d_y2 = t_y2 + yofs;
+ d_tx1 = d_x1 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ d_ty1 = d_y1 >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ dofs = (d_ty1 - uta->y0) * uta->width + d_tx1 - uta->x0;
+ d_xf1 = d_x1 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ d_yf1 = d_y1 & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1);
+ d_xf2 = ((d_x2 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ d_yf2 = ((d_y2 - 1) & (EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
+ if (d_x2 - d_x1 <= EOM_UTILE_SIZE - d_xf1) {
+ if (d_y2 - d_y1 <= EOM_UTILE_SIZE - d_yf1) {
+ if (d_tx1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ d_xf1, d_yf1, d_xf2, d_yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (dbb), d_xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (dbb), d_yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (dbb), d_xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (dbb), d_yf2));
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Top tile */
+ if (d_tx1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ d_xf1, d_yf1, d_xf2, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (dbb), d_xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (dbb), d_yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (dbb), d_xf2),
+ }
+ dofs += uta->width;
+ /* Bottom tile */
+ if (d_tx1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 + 1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 + 1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ d_xf1, 0, d_xf2, d_yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (dbb), d_xf1),
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (dbb), d_xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (dbb), d_yf2));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (d_y2 - d_y1 <= EOM_UTILE_SIZE - d_yf1) {
+ /* Left tile */
+ if (d_tx1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ d_xf1, d_yf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, d_yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (dbb), d_xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (dbb), d_yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (dbb), d_yf2));
+ }
+ dofs++;
+ /* Right tile */
+ if (d_tx1 + 1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 + 1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, d_yf1, d_xf2, d_yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (dbb), d_yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (dbb), d_xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (dbb), d_yf2));
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Top left tile */
+ if (d_tx1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ d_xf1, d_yf1, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (dbb), d_xf1),
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (dbb), d_yf1),
+ }
+ dofs++;
+ /* Top right tile */
+ if (d_tx1 + 1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 + 1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, d_yf1, d_xf2, EOM_UTILE_SIZE);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y0 (dbb), d_yf1),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (dbb), d_xf2),
+ }
+ dofs += uta->width - 1;
+ /* Bottom left tile */
+ if (d_tx1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 + 1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 + 1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ d_xf1, 0, EOM_UTILE_SIZE, d_yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ MIN (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X0 (dbb), d_xf1),
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (dbb), d_yf2));
+ }
+ dofs++;
+ /* Bottom right tile */
+ if (d_tx1 + 1 >= uta->x0 && d_tx1 + 1 < uta->x0 + uta->width
+ && d_ty1 + 1 >= uta->y0 && d_ty1 + 1 < uta->y0 + uta->height) {
+ dbb = utiles[dofs];
+ if (dbb == 0)
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0, 0, d_xf2, d_yf2);
+ else
+ utiles[dofs] = EOM_UTA_BBOX_CONS (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_X1 (dbb), d_xf2),
+ MAX (EOM_UTA_BBOX_Y1 (dbb), d_yf2));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * uta_copy_area:
+ * @uta: A microtile array.
+ * @src_x: Left coordinate of source rectangle.
+ * @src_y: Top coordinate of source rectangle.
+ * @dest_x: Left coordinate of destination.
+ * @dest_y: Top coordinate of destination.
+ * @width: Width of region to copy.
+ * @height: Height of region to copy.
+ *
+ * Copies a rectangular region within a microtile array. The array will not be
+ * expanded if the destination area does not fit within it; rather only the area
+ * that fits will be copied. The source rectangle must be completely contained
+ * within the microtile array.
+ **/
+uta_copy_area (EomUta *uta, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height)
+ int rect_x1, rect_y1, rect_x2, rect_y2;
+ gboolean top_to_bottom, left_to_right;
+ int xofs, yofs;
+ int x, y;
+ g_return_if_fail (uta != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (width >= 0 && height >= 0);
+ g_return_if_fail (src_x >= uta->x0 << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ g_return_if_fail (src_y >= uta->y0 << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ g_return_if_fail (src_x + width <= (uta->x0 + uta->width) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ g_return_if_fail (src_y + height <= (uta->y0 + uta->height) << EOM_UTILE_SHIFT);
+ if ((src_x == dest_x && src_y == dest_y) || width == 0 || height == 0)
+ return;
+ /* FIXME: This function is not perfect. It *adds* the copied/offsetted
+ * area to the original contents of the microtile array, thus growing
+ * the region more than needed. The effect should be to "overwrite" the
+ * original contents, just like XCopyArea() does. Care needs to be
+ * taken when the edges of the rectangle do not fall on microtile
+ * boundaries, because tiles may need to be "split".
+ *
+ * Maybe this will work:
+ *
+ * 1. Copy the rectangular array of tiles that form the region to a
+ * temporary buffer.
+ *
+ * 2. uta_remove_rect() the *destination* rectangle from the original
+ * microtile array.
+ *
+ * 3. Copy back the temporary buffer to the original array while
+ * offsetting it in the same way as copy_tile() does.
+ */
+ rect_x1 = src_x >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_y1 = src_y >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_x2 = (src_x + width + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ rect_y2 = (src_y + height + EOM_UTILE_SIZE - 1) >> EOM_UTILE_SHIFT;
+ xofs = dest_x - src_x;
+ yofs = dest_y - src_y;
+ left_to_right = xofs < 0;
+ top_to_bottom = yofs < 0;
+ if (top_to_bottom && left_to_right) {
+ for (y = rect_y1; y < rect_y2; y++)
+ for (x = rect_x1; x < rect_x2; x++)
+ copy_tile (uta, x, y, xofs, yofs);
+ } else if (top_to_bottom && !left_to_right) {
+ for (y = rect_y1; y < rect_y2; y++)
+ for (x = rect_x2 - 1; x >= rect_x1; x--)
+ copy_tile (uta, x, y, xofs, yofs);
+ } else if (!top_to_bottom && left_to_right) {
+ for (y = rect_y2 - 1; y >= rect_y1; y--)
+ for (x = rect_x1; x < rect_x2; x++)
+ copy_tile (uta, x, y, xofs, yofs);
+ } else if (!top_to_bottom && !left_to_right) {
+ for (y = rect_y2 - 1; y >= rect_y1; y--)
+ for (x = rect_x2 - 1; x >= rect_x1; x--)
+ copy_tile (uta, x, y, xofs, yofs);
+ }
diff --git a/src/uta.h b/src/uta.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4152136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uta.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* Eye of Mate image viewer - Microtile array utilities
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2009 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Portions based on code from libart_lgpl by Raph Levien.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef UTA_H
+#define UTA_H
+#define EOM_UTILE_SHIFT 5
+typedef guint32 EomUtaBbox;
+struct _EomIRect {
+ int x0, y0, x1, y1;
+struct _EomUta {
+ int x0;
+ int y0;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ EomUtaBbox *utiles;
+typedef struct _EomIRect EomIRect;
+typedef struct _EomUta EomUta;
+void eom_uta_free (EomUta *uta);
+void eom_irect_intersect (EomIRect *dest,
+ const EomIRect *src1, const EomIRect *src2);
+int eom_irect_empty (const EomIRect *src);
+EomUta *uta_ensure_size (EomUta *uta, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+EomUta *uta_add_rect (EomUta *uta, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+void uta_remove_rect (EomUta *uta, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+void uta_find_first_glom_rect (EomUta *uta, EomIRect *rect, int max_width, int max_height);
+void uta_copy_area (EomUta *uta, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height);
diff --git a/src/zoom.c b/src/zoom.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa027de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zoom.c
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* Eye of Mate image viewer - utility functions for computing zoom factors
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "zoom.h"
+ * zoom_fit_size:
+ * @dest_width: Width of destination area.
+ * @dest_height: Height of destination area.
+ * @src_width: Width of source image.
+ * @src_height: Height of source image.
+ * @upscale_smaller: Whether to scale up images smaller than the destination size.
+ * @width: Return value for image width.
+ * @height: Return value for image height.
+ *
+ * Computes the final dimensions of an image that is to be scaled to fit to a
+ * certain size. If @upscale_smaller is TRUE, then images smaller than the
+ * destination size will be scaled up; otherwise, they will be left at their
+ * original size.
+ **/
+zoom_fit_size (guint dest_width, guint dest_height,
+ guint src_width, guint src_height,
+ gboolean upscale_smaller,
+ guint *width, guint *height)
+ guint w, h;
+ g_return_if_fail (width != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail (height != NULL);
+ if (src_width == 0 || src_height == 0) {
+ *width = 0;
+ *height = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (src_width <= dest_width && src_height <= dest_height && !upscale_smaller) {
+ *width = src_width;
+ *height = src_height;
+ return;
+ }
+ w = dest_width;
+ h = floor ((double) (src_height * w) / src_width + 0.5);
+ if (h > dest_height) {
+ h = dest_height;
+ w = floor ((double) (src_width * h) / src_height + 0.5);
+ }
+ g_assert (w <= dest_width);
+ g_assert (h <= dest_height);
+ *width = w;
+ *height = h;
+ * zoom_fit_scale:
+ * @dest_width: Width of destination area.
+ * @dest_height: Height of destination area.
+ * @src_width: Width of source image.
+ * @src_height: Height of source image.
+ * @upscale_smaller: Whether to scale up images smaller than the destination size.
+ *
+ * Similar to zoom_fit_size(), but returns the zoom factor of the final image
+ * with respect to the original image's size.
+ *
+ * Return value: Zoom factor with respect to the original size.
+ **/
+zoom_fit_scale (guint dest_width, guint dest_height,
+ guint src_width, guint src_height,
+ gboolean upscale_smaller)
+ guint w, h;
+ double wfactor, hfactor;
+ double factor;
+ if (src_width == 0 || src_height == 0)
+ return 1.0;
+ if (dest_width == 0 || dest_height == 0)
+ return 0.0;
+ zoom_fit_size (dest_width, dest_height, src_width, src_height, upscale_smaller, &w, &h);
+ wfactor = (double) w / src_width;
+ hfactor = (double) h / src_height;
+ factor = MIN (wfactor, hfactor);
+ return factor;
diff --git a/src/zoom.h b/src/zoom.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc91505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zoom.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* Eye of Mate image viewer - utility functions for computing zoom factors
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 The Free Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Author: Federico Mena-Quintero <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef ZOOM_H
+#define ZOOM_H
+#include <glib.h>
+void zoom_fit_size (guint dest_width, guint dest_height,
+ guint src_width, guint src_height,
+ gboolean upscale_smaller,
+ guint *width, guint *height);
+double zoom_fit_scale (guint dest_width, guint dest_height,
+ guint src_width, guint src_height,
+ gboolean upscale_smaller);