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+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook CALS Table Model V4.5 ........................................ -->
+<!-- File calstblx.mod .................................................... -->
+<!-- Copyright 1992-2002 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
+ Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
+ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ This DTD is based on the CALS Table Model
+ PUBLIC "-//USA-DOD//DTD Table Model 951010//EN"
+ $Id: calstblx.dtd 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook DTD
+ and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
+ is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
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+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- This module contains the definitions for the CALS Table Model
+ converted to XML. It has been modified slightly for use in the
+ combined HTML/CALS models supported by DocBook V4.5.
+<!-- These definitions are not directly related to the table model, but are
+ used in the default CALS table model and are usually defined elsewhere
+ (and prior to the inclusion of this table module) in a CALS DTD. -->
+<!ENTITY % bodyatt "">
+<!ENTITY % secur "">
+<!-- no if zero(s),
+ yes if any other digits value -->
+<!ENTITY % yesorno 'CDATA'>
+<!ENTITY % titles 'title?'>
+<!-- default for use in entry content -->
+<!ENTITY % paracon '#PCDATA'>
+The parameter entities as defined below provide the CALS table model
+as published (as part of the Example DTD) in MIL-HDBK-28001.
+These following declarations provide the CALS-compliant default definitions
+for these entities. However, these entities can and should be redefined
+(by giving the appropriate parameter entity declaration(s) prior to the
+reference to this Table Model declaration set entity) to fit the needs
+of the current application.
+<!ENTITY % "(table|chart)">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl "(tgroup+|graphic+)">
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+ %secur;
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+ charoff CDATA #IMPLIED
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+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ charoff CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!--doc:A table header consisting of one or more rows.-->
+<!ELEMENT thead %ho; (%tbl.hdft.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST thead
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %secur;
+<!--doc:A table footer consisting of one or more rows.-->
+<!ELEMENT tfoot %ho; (%tbl.hdft.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST tfoot
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %secur;
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+<!ELEMENT tbody %ho; (%tbl.tbody.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST tbody
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %secur;
+<!--doc:A row in a table.-->
+<!ELEMENT row %ho; (%tbl.row.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST row
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %secur;
+<!--doc:A subtable appearing in place of an Entry in a table.-->
+<!ELEMENT entrytbl %ho; (%tbl.entrytbl.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST entrytbl
+ %tbl.tgroup.att;
+ colname CDATA #IMPLIED
+ spanname CDATA #IMPLIED
+ nameend CDATA #IMPLIED
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ charoff CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %secur;
+<!--doc:A cell in a table.-->
+<!ELEMENT entry %ho; (%tbl.entry.mdl;)*>
+<!ATTLIST entry
+ colname CDATA #IMPLIED
+ nameend CDATA #IMPLIED
+ spanname CDATA #IMPLIED
+ morerows CDATA #IMPLIED
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ charoff CDATA #IMPLIED
+ rotate %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %secur;
+<!-- End of DocBook CALS Table Model V4.5 ................................. -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/creating-marco-themes.xml b/doc/creating_themes/C/creating-marco-themes.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/creating-marco-themes.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+ "docbookx.dtd" [
+<book id="index">
+ <bookinfo>
+ <title>Understanding Marco Themes</title>
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Thomas</firstname>
+ <surname>Thurman</surname>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+ We very much appreciate any reports of inaccuracies or other errors in
+ this document. Contributions are also most welcome. Post your
+ suggestions, critiques or addenda to the <ulink
+ url="">team</ulink>.</para>
+ </abstract>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2008</year>
+ <holder>Thomas Thurman</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>
+ <para>
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+ under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
+ or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
+ You may obtain a copy of the GNU Free Documentation License from the Free Software Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ </para>
+ </legalnotice>
+ </bookinfo>
+<chapter id="sec-introduction">
+<para>This is an article about how to theme Marco. It is a work in progress, and I have had to dig deeply to find some answers; I may well have made mistakes and I welcome corrections and suggestions.</para>
+<para>MATE lets you theme a bunch of different things, but we're only talking about <literal>window border</literal> themes here, which some people call Marco themes; <ulink url="">Wikipedia begins a sentence</ulink> with &quot;Despite the incomplete state of Marco theme development documentation&quot;, and though there <emphasis>is</emphasis> <ulink url="">documentation in the source</ulink>, apparently not many people find it, and it's written more for programmers than theme designers. Glynn Foster also wrote <ulink url="">a very good introduction to Marco themes</ulink> (<ulink url="">[de]</ulink>) six years ago, but things have changed a little since then. <ulink url="">Marco themes can also be used by Compiz</ulink>, and perhaps by other window managers for all I know.</para>
+<para>So, a Marco theme is a set of instructions about how to &quot;decorate&quot; (draw the borders around) a window. Presumably you don't want to style all windows identically, so the format lets you specify details for different kinds of window:</para>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>state:</term><listitem><para>Every window must be in exactly one of these states: <literal>normal</literal>, <literal>dialog</literal>, <literal>modal dialog</literal> (i.e. a dialogue which means you can't interact with the rest of the program while it's up), <literal>menu</literal> (torn off from the main application, not that people do that much these days), <literal>utility</literal> (that is, palettes and toolboxes and things), and <literal>border</literal>. X also allows a window to explicitly ask to be undecorated, but of course we don't provide for those in a list of decoration instructions.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>focused</term><listitem><para>Every window is either the active window (which X people call &quot;focused&quot;), or it isn't.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>maximized</term><listitem><para>Every window is either (fully) maximised (horizontal and vertical only don't count), or it isn't.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>shaded</term><listitem><para>Every window is either rolled up to show just its titlebar (which techies call &quot;shaded&quot; for some reason I can't fathom), or it isn't.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+<listitem><para><emphasis>If a window is not fully maximised and not shaded,</emphasis> it either allows horizontal resizing, or it doesn't.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><emphasis>If a window is not fully maximised and not shaded,</emphasis> it either allows vertical resizing, or it doesn't.</para></listitem>
+<title>What's in the file</title>
+<para>The files must be called either</para>
+for a theme used only by you, or</para></listitem>
+for a theme installed for all users.</para></listitem>
+<para>where <varname>N</varname> is the name of the theme and <varname>V</varname> is the version of the format. Version 2, <ulink url=";revision=2973">introduced in October 2006</ulink>, adds a few extra features, but it's rarely used. Version 1 is the original format. The formats are fixed once they're stable for both backwards and forwards compatibility; <ulink url="">new features</ulink> can't be added without introducing a new version number, which is why improvements come out rarely and in large clumps. <literal>marco-1</literal> in the names is a fossil and doesn't mean version 1 of anything.</para>
+<para>The marco-theme-V.xml files are <ulink url="">GMarkup files</ulink>, which are very similar to XML. For now, you actually have to write these in a text editor or something; you can either start with a blank page, or modify a theme someone else has made. (I am thinking of writing a general theme editor program, but that'll have to wait until I've reduced Marco's open bug queue a little.) If you want to see a fully-fledged one, you can look at <ulink url="">the current version of &quot;Atlanta&quot;</ulink>, one of the simplest themes, but even that is quite complicated-looking at first.</para>
+<para>So, let's talk about what actually goes inside the files. As in any XML file, &lt;!-<!-- x -->- &#8230; <!-- x -->&gt; are comments. At its most basic, it would go:</para>
+&lt;!-<!-- x -->- Helper stuff: -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;info &#8230;&gt; &lt;!-<!-- x -->- to be explained -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;constant &#8230;&gt; &lt;!-<!-- x -->- maybe; to be explained -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;draw_ops &#8230;&gt; &lt;!-<!-- x -->- maybe; to be explained -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;!-<!-- x -->- Things we build the top level onto: -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;frame_geometry &#8230;&gt; &lt;!-<!-- x -->- to be explained -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;frame_style &#8230;&gt; &lt;!-<!-- x -->- to be explained -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;frame_style_set &#8230;&gt; &lt;!-<!-- x -->- to be explained -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;!-<!-- x -->- And the top level: -<!-- x -->-&gt;
+&lt;window type=&quot;normal&quot; style_set=&quot;&#8230;&quot; /&gt;
+&lt;window type=&quot;dialog&quot; style_set=&quot;&#8230;&quot; /&gt;
+&lt;window type=&quot;modal_dialog&quot; style_set=&quot;&#8230;&quot; /&gt;
+&lt;window type=&quot;menu&quot; style_set=&quot;&#8230;&quot; /&gt;
+&lt;window type=&quot;utility&quot; style_set=&quot;&#8230;&quot; /&gt;
+&lt;window type=&quot;border&quot; style_set=&quot;&#8230;&quot; /&gt;
+<title>Matching windows</title>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>window</term><listitem><para>You see that at the top level we have a list of &lt;window&gt; tags, one for each window state we discussed above. The style_set argument of each of these gives the name of a frame_style_set.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>frame_style_set:</term><listitem><para>tells Marco how to draw windows according to whether they're focused or not, maximised or not, shaded or not, and allowing resizing vertically, horizontally, both, or neither. It looks like this:</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+&lt;frame focus=&quot;F&quot; state=&quot;S&quot; resize=&quot;R&quot; style=&quot;N&quot;/&gt;
+&lt;frame&#8230; /&gt;
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>F</term><listitem><para>is yes for focused, no for unfocused.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>S</term><listitem><para>combines the shaded and maximized flags: normal, maximized, shaded, or maximized_and_shaded.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>R</term><listitem><para>represents resize permissions that the window gives us: none, vertical, horizontal, or both. Frame settings for maximised windows, which can't be resized, don't have this attribute.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+<varname>N</varname> is the name of a <literal>frame_style</literal> to apply to a window which has these attributes.</para>
+<para>A <literal>frame_style_set</literal> tag may also have a &quot;parent&quot; tag, which should be the name of another <literal>frame_style_set</literal>. This means that if Marco wants to know about a kind of window which that <literal>frame_style_set</literal> doesn't describe, it should look in the parent. Most of the more complicated tags in Marco theme files also have a &quot;parent&quot; attribute which work the same way. This is particularly useful because, taken together, all the <literal>frame_style_set</literal>s in a theme file must be capable of matching every possible kind of window; if a window turns up that they can't match, there will be an error at runtime.</para>
+<para>Let's recap what we've seen so far. The combination of a <literal>window</literal>, which matches a window's state (normal, dialog, and so forth), with an entry in the corresponding <literal>frame_style_set</literal>, which matches its focus, shadedness, maximisedness, and resize permissions where relevant, will allow you to make a list of rules to match any window against. The next piece of this puzzle lets you specify what Marco should do with such windows once it's matched them.</para>
+<title>Actually drawing stuff</title>
+<para><literal>frame_style:</literal> This is probably the most complicated part of the whole system. A <literal>frame_style</literal> a series of <emphasis><literal>piece</literal></emphasis>s and <emphasis><literal>button</literal></emphasis>s. It looks like this:</para>
+&lt;frame_style name=&quot;&#8230;&quot; geometry=&quot;G&quot;&gt;
+&lt;piece position=&quot;P&quot;&gt;
+&lt;button function=&quot;F&quot; state=&quot;S&quot; draw_ops=&quot;D&quot;/&gt;
+<para>The <literal>pieces</literal> are pieces of the window frame. When Marco draws a window frame, it renders its various pieces always in the same order. The bolded parts are all the possible values of P:</para>
+<listitem><para>the <literal>entire_background</literal>, covering the whole frame</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>the <literal>titlebar</literal>, covering the entire background of the titlebar</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>the <literal>titlebar_middle</literal>, the part of the titlebar that doesn't touch its edges</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>the <literal>left_titlebar_edge</literal>, <literal>right_titlebar_edge</literal>, <literal>top_titlebar_edge</literal>, and <literal>bottom_titlebar_edge</literal></para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>the <literal>title</literal>, just exactly that area which is covered by the text on the titlebar</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>the <literal>left_edge</literal>, <literal>right_edge</literal>, and <literal>bottom_edge</literal> of the frame (yes, there is no top_edge: it's identical to top_titlebar_edge, isn't it?)</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>the <literal>overlay</literal>, which covers everything&#8211; the same as entire_background, but done last instead of first.</para></listitem>
+<para><emphasis>What</emphasis> Marco draws in these pieces is decided by the theme. If a <literal>frame_style</literal> or its parents don't specify a particular piece, nothing will be drawn for that piece. You have two ways to specify what to draw: one is that the <literal>piece</literal> tag can have a <literal>draw_ops</literal> tag inside it which lists a sequence of drawing operations in Marco's custom format. <ulink url="">You might ask why we don't use SVG</ulink>; one answer is that SVG support wasn't very strong when this format was designed, and another answer is that these days you can use SVG all you like; just include it as an image and Marco will know what to do.</para>
+<para>An alternative to including a draw_ops tag inside a piece tag is to add a draw_ops attribute to the piece tag. Then you can add a draw_ops tag at top level (inside the marco_theme tag) with a name attribute, and Marco will use that. This is useful if you use similar draw_ops over and over.</para>
+<para>I'm not going to document draw_ops at present, because this is already very long. I will write it up later and link it from here.</para>
+<para>The <literal>button</literal> tag tells Marco how, but not where, to draw buttons. Buttons are drawn after all the pieces are finished, and the way to draw them is also given using draw_ops. You ought to provide buttons for all the possible kinds of button; if you don't give one it won't be drawn, which is unfortunate for the user who wants to use it:</para>
+<listitem><para><literal>left_left_background</literal>, <literal>left_middle_background</literal>, and <literal>left_right_background</literal> don't represent buttons as such, but the background behind them, assuming there can be at most three buttons on the left. These days there can be more, so the extra ones also use left_middle_background.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><literal>right_left_background</literal>, <literal>right_middle_background</literal>, and <literal>right_right_background</literal> similarly.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><literal>close</literal>, <literal>minimize</literal>, <literal>maximize</literal> are the obvious original three buttons.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><literal>menu</literal> is the menu button you can click to get a list of actions you can perform on the window.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><literal>shade</literal>, <literal>above</literal>, <literal>stick</literal> are similar to the original buttons but only allowed in version 2</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para><literal>unshade</literal>, <literal>unabove</literal>, <literal>unstick</literal> are the toggled versions of these buttons. Again, version 2 only.</para></listitem>
+<para>The reason there are toggled versions of shade, above, and stick, and not maximize, is that by the time you get this far you've probably already decided whether you're drawing a maximised window. So if you <emphasis>are</emphasis> drawing a maximised window, you can make the button called &quot;maximize&quot; look how you want the restore button to be; otherwise, make it look like you want the maximise button to be.</para>
+<para>For each button tag you should also set a &quot;state&quot; attribute; this time the state is either <literal>normal</literal> (the way you see it most of the time), <literal>pressed</literal>, or <literal>prelight</literal> (this makes the buttons subtly light up when you hover over them). You only really need &quot;normal&quot;, but the others are good to have too.</para>
+<para>The &quot;geometry&quot; attribute of a <literal>frame_style</literal> tag is the name of a&#8230;</para>
+<para>The <literal>geometry</literal> tag defines the sizes of things around the window. It is important, but not easy to explain, and again this file has gone on too long. I'll write it up later.</para>
+<title>Other things which lie around a file</title>
+<para>The most important other thing in a theme file is the metadata held in the <literal>info</literal> tag. This contains a set of tags each of which contains some text explaining something about the theme itself, in a sort of <ulink url="">Dublin Core</ulink> sort of way. (Next time around, we should probably use the actual Dublin Core.) The tags are <literal>name</literal>, <literal>author</literal>, <literal>copyright</literal>, <literal>date</literal>, and <literal>description</literal>.</para>
+<para>Version 1 of the format had a <literal>menu_icon</literal> tag at top level, which let themes specify the icons beside options in the menu you get from the menu icon. This has become redundant; the icons are taken from the icon theme! The tag can still be used in all formats, but does nothing and is deprecated.</para>
+<para>Version 2 of the format has a <literal>fallback</literal> tag at top level, which let the theme specify what icon a window should be considered to have if it doesn't provide an icon of its own. This should also be taken from the icon theme, <ulink url="">if anyone fancies fixing it</ulink>, and the tag should also then be deprecated. It shouldn't be hard.</para>
+<title>When you're working on a theme</title>
+<para>When you're editing a theme, you can view it without using it on the whole desktop using
+<command>marco-theme-viewer YourThemeName</command></para>
+<para>and view it on the whole desktop using
+<command>mateconftool -<!-- x -->-type=string -<!-- x -->-set /apps/marco/general/theme YourThemeName</command></para>
+<para>Whenever you change the selected theme in MateConf, Marco will load the newly-chosen theme. This is how control-center does it. But when you change a theme, as you're working on it, you might want to ask Marco to reload the theme which is currently used on the whole desktop to reflect your changes. You can do this using the little-known <command>marco-message</command> program, with the command <literal>marco-message reload-theme</literal>. This works by sending the ClientMessage <literal>_MARCO_RELOAD_THEME_MESSAGE</literal> to the root window, in case you're interested.</para>
+<para>Once you're done with your theme, consider submitting it to <ulink url="">the site</ulink>, or <ulink url="">the mate-look site</ulink>.</para>
+<title>The future</title>
+<para>Please feel free to link to this so people don't have to keep asking the basic questions and can start asking the deeper ones. One of the important deeper ones is: where should we go in the future? Since this format is becoming something of a de facto standard between window managers, should we set up some kind of standards discussion? Would it be useful to spin off Marco's theme parsing code into a separate, LGPL-licensed library so that other applications could use it more easily?</para>
+<para>What would a version 3 of this format look like? Could we simplify the window / frame_style_set system? (I can imagine abolishing both, and being able to write <literal>&lt;frame_style for=&quot;normal+unfocused+maximized&quot;&gt;&#8230;</literal> and having Marco assume it applied to all resize permissions and shadednesses.) Maybe we should try to do everything with SVG we can? Getting more wild and handwavey, is it worth keeping XML-like? Maybe if other window managers were dealing with the files, .ini-style files would be more universally useful? Or perhaps not. And then of course we need a decent graphical editor for it. I have a few ideas, but if anyone fancies jumping in...</para>
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+ <!ENTITY % dbcent PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Character Entities V4.5//EN"
+ "dbcentx.mod">
+ %dbcent;
+ See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
+ entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
+ planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
+ of DocBook.
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsa.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOamsa.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN">
+<!--end of ISOamsa.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsb.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOamsb.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN">
+<!--end of ISOamsb.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsc.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOamsc.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN">
+<!--end of ISOamsc.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsn.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOamsn.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN">
+<!--end of ISOamsn.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamso.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOamso.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN">
+<!--end of ISOamso.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsr.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOamsr.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN">
+<!--end of ISOamsr.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISObox.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISObox.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN">
+<!--end of ISObox.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOcyr1.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOcyr1.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN">
+<!--end of ISOcyr1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOcyr2.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOcyr2.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN">
+<!--end of ISOcyr2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOdia.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOdia.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN">
+<!--end of ISOdia.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk1.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOgrk1.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN">
+<!--end of ISOgrk1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk2.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOgrk2.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN">
+<!--end of ISOgrk2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk3.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOgrk3.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN">
+<!--end of ISOgrk3.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk4.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOgrk4.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN">
+<!--end of ISOgrk4.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOlat1.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOlat1.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN">
+<!--end of ISOlat1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOlat2.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOlat2.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN">
+<!--end of ISOlat2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOnum.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOnum.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN">
+<!--end of ISOnum.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOpub.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOpub.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN">
+<!--end of ISOpub.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOtech.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %ISOtech.module; [
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN">
+<!--end of ISOtech.module-->]]>
+<!--end of sgml.features-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsa.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOamsa.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsb.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOamsb.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsc.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOamsc.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsn.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOamsn.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamso.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOamso.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOamsr.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOamsr.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISObox.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISObox.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOcyr1.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOcyr1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOcyr2.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOcyr2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOdia.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOdia.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk1.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOgrk1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk2.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOgrk2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk3.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOgrk3.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOgrk4.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOgrk4.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOlat1.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOlat1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOlat2.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOlat2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOnum.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOnum.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOpub.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOpub.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ISOtech.module "INCLUDE">
+"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN//XML"
+<!--end of ISOtech.module-->]]>
+<!--end of xml.features-->]]>
+<![ %ISOamsa.module; [
+<![ %ISOamsb.module; [
+<![ %ISOamsc.module; [
+<![ %ISOamsn.module; [
+<![ %ISOamso.module; [
+<![ %ISOamsr.module; [
+<![ %ISObox.module; [
+<![ %ISOcyr1.module; [
+<![ %ISOcyr2.module; [
+<![ %ISOdia.module; [
+<![ %ISOgrk1.module; [
+<![ %ISOgrk2.module; [
+<![ %ISOgrk3.module; [
+<![ %ISOgrk4.module; [
+<![ %ISOlat1.module; [
+<![ %ISOlat2.module; [
+<![ %ISOnum.module; [
+<![ %ISOpub.module; [
+<![ %ISOtech.module; [
+<!-- End of DocBook character entity sets module V4.5 ..................... -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/dbgenent.mod b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbgenent.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff5ba90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbgenent.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook additional general entities V4.5 ............................. -->
+<!-- Copyright 1992-2004 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
+ Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
+ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
+ declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
+ <!ENTITY % dbgenent PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Additional General Entities V4.5//EN"
+ "dbgenent.mod">
+ %dbgenent;
+<!-- File dbgenent.mod .................................................... -->
+<!-- You can edit this file to add the following:
+ o General entity declarations of any kind. For example:
+ <!ENTITY productname "WinWidget"> (small boilerplate)
+ <!ENTITY legal-notice SYSTEM "notice.sgm"> (large boilerplate)
+ o Notation declarations. For example:
+ <!NOTATION chicken-scratch SYSTEM>
+ o Declarations for and references to external parameter entities
+ containing collections of any of the above. For example:
+ <!ENTITY % all-titles PUBLIC "-//DocTools//ELEMENTS Book Titles//EN"
+ "booktitles.ent">
+ %all-titles;
+<!-- End of DocBook additional general entities V4.5 ...................... -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/dbhierx.mod b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbhierx.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f839f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbhierx.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,2193 @@
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook document hierarchy module V4.5 ............................... -->
+<!-- File dbhierx.mod ..................................................... -->
+<!-- Copyright 1992-2004 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
+ Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
+ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ $Id: dbhierx.mod 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook DTD
+ and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
+ is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
+ holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
+ any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
+ warranty.
+ If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for declaring and
+ referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
+ additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
+ the maintenance documentation for more information.
+ Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
+ changes to the mailing list. For more
+ information, see
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- This module contains the definitions for the overall document
+ hierarchies of DocBook documents. It covers computer documentation
+ manuals and manual fragments, as well as reference entries (such as
+ man pages) and technical journals or anthologies containing
+ articles.
+ This module depends on the DocBook information pool module. All
+ elements and entities referenced but not defined here are assumed
+ to be defined in the information pool module.
+ In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
+ declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
+ <!ENTITY % dbhier PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V4.5//EN"
+ "dbhierx.mod">
+ %dbhier;
+ See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
+ entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
+ planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
+ of DocBook.
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for module inclusions ....................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % dbhier.redecl.module "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % dbhier.redecl2.module "IGNORE">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for element classes ......................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % local.appendix.class "">
+<!ENTITY % appendix.class "appendix %local.appendix.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.article.class "">
+<!ENTITY % article.class "article %local.article.class;">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % book.class "book;">
+<!ENTITY % local.chapter.class "">
+<!ENTITY % chapter.class "chapter %local.chapter.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.index.class "">
+<!ENTITY % index.class "index|setindex %local.index.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refentry.class "">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.class "refentry %local.refentry.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.section.class "">
+<!ENTITY % section.class "section %local.section.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.nav.class "">
+<!ENTITY % nav.class "toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography
+ %local.nav.class;">
+<!-- Redeclaration placeholder ............................................ -->
+<!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
+ retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
+ this point -->
+<!-- Defining rdbhier here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
+<!ENTITY % rdbhier "">
+<!--end of dbhier.redecl.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for element mixtures ........................................ -->
+<!ENTITY % local.divcomponent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % divcomponent.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
+ |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.divcomponent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refcomponent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refcomponent.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
+ |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.refcomponent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.indexdivcomponent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % indexdivcomponent.mix
+ "itemizedlist|orderedlist|variablelist|simplelist
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |anchor|remark
+ |%link.char.class;
+ |beginpage
+ %local.indexdivcomponent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refname.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refname.char.mix
+ |%tech.char.class;
+ %local.refname.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.partcontent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % partcontent.mix
+ "%appendix.class;|%chapter.class;|%nav.class;|%article.class;
+ |preface|%refentry.class;|reference %local.partcontent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refinline.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refinline.char.mix
+ |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
+ |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
+ |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
+ |%other.char.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %local.refinline.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refclass.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refclass.char.mix
+ |application
+ %local.refclass.char.mix;">
+<!-- Redeclaration placeholder 2 .......................................... -->
+<!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
+ retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
+ this point -->
+<!-- Defining rdbhier2 here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
+<!ENTITY % rdbhier2 "">
+<!--end of dbhier.redecl2.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for content models .......................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % div.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % bookcomponent.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % sect.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % refsect.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % bookcomponent.content
+ "((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
+ (sect1*|(%refentry.class;)*|simplesect*|(%section.class;)*))
+ | (sect1+|(%refentry.class;)+|simplesect+|(%section.class;)+)">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Set and SetInfo ...................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % set.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % set.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.set.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % set.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % set.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A collection of books.-->
+<!ELEMENT set %ho; ((%div.title.content;)?, setinfo?, toc?, (set|%book.class;)+,
+ setindex?)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of set.element-->]]>
+<!-- FPI: SGML formal public identifier -->
+<!ENTITY % set.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST set
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %set.role.attrib;
+ %local.set.attrib;
+<!--end of set.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of set.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.setinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a Set.-->
+<!ELEMENT setinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of setinfo.element-->]]>
+<!-- Contents: IDs of the ToC, Books, and SetIndex that comprise
+ the set, in the order of their appearance -->
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST setinfo
+ contents IDREFS #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %setinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.setinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of setinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of setinfo.module-->]]>
+<!--end of set.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Book and BookInfo .................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % book.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % book.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % book.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % book.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A book.-->
+<!ELEMENT book %ho; ((%div.title.content;)?, bookinfo?,
+ (dedication | toc | lot
+ | glossary | bibliography | preface
+ | %chapter.class; | reference | part
+ | %article.class;
+ | %appendix.class;
+ | %index.class;
+ | colophon)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of book.element-->]]>
+<!-- FPI: SGML formal public identifier -->
+<!ENTITY % book.attlist "INCLUDE">
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %book.role.attrib;
+<!--end of book.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of book.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bookinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a Book.-->
+<!ELEMENT bookinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of bookinfo.element-->]]>
+<!-- Contents: IDs of the ToC, LoTs, Prefaces, Parts, Chapters,
+ Appendixes, References, GLossary, Bibliography, and indexes
+ comprising the Book, in the order of their appearance -->
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bookinfo
+ contents IDREFS #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bookinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.bookinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of bookinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bookinfo.module-->]]>
+<!--end of book.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Dedication, ToC, and LoT ............................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % dedication.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.dedication.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % dedication.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % dedication.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for the dedication section of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT dedication %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%legalnotice.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of dedication.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % dedication.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST dedication
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %dedication.role.attrib;
+ %local.dedication.attrib;
+<!--end of dedication.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of dedication.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % colophon.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %colophon.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.colophon.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % colophon.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % colophon.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %colophon.element; [
+<!--doc:Text at the back of a book describing facts about its production.-->
+<!ELEMENT colophon %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%textobject.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of colophon.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % colophon.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %colophon.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST colophon
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %colophon.role.attrib;
+ %local.colophon.attrib;>
+<!--end of colophon.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of colophon.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toc.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % toc.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toc.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toc.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toc.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A table of contents.-->
+<!ELEMENT toc %ho; (beginpage?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ tocfront*,
+ (tocpart | tocchap)*, tocback*)>
+<!--end of toc.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toc.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toc
+ %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toc.role.attrib;
+ %local.toc.attrib;
+<!--end of toc.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toc.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocfront.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a front matter component.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocfront %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tocfront.element-->]]>
+<!-- to element that this entry represents -->
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocfront
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocfront.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocfront.attrib;
+<!--end of tocfront.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocfront.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A component title in a table of contents.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocentry %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tocentry.element-->]]>
+<!-- to element that this entry represents -->
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocentry
+ %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocentry.attrib;
+<!--end of tocentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocpart.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a part of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocpart %ho; (tocentry+, tocchap*)>
+<!--end of tocpart.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocpart
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocpart.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocpart.attrib;
+<!--end of tocpart.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocpart.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocchap.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a component in the body of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocchap %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel1*)>
+<!--end of tocchap.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocchap
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocchap.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocchap.attrib;
+<!--end of tocchap.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocchap.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel1.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A top-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel1 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel2*)>
+<!--end of toclevel1.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toclevel1
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel1.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel1.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel1.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel2.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A second-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel2 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel3*)>
+<!--end of toclevel2.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toclevel2
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel2.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel2.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel2.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel3.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel3.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel3.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel3.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A third-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel3 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel4*)>
+<!--end of toclevel3.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel3.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel3.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel3.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel3.module-->]]>
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+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel4.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel4.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel4.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A fourth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel4 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel5*)>
+<!--end of toclevel4.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel4.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel4.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel4.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel4.module-->]]>
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+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel5.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel5.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel5.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A fifth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel5 %ho; (tocentry+)>
+<!--end of toclevel5.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel5.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel5.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel5.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel5.module-->]]>
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+<!ENTITY % local.tocback.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocback.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocback.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a back matter component.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocback %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tocback.element-->]]>
+<!-- to element that this entry represents -->
+<!ENTITY % tocback.attlist "INCLUDE">
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+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocback.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocback.attrib;
+<!--end of tocback.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocback.module-->]]>
+<!--end of toc.content.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lot.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % lot.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.lot.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % lot.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % lot.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list of the titles of formal objects (as tables or figures) in a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT lot %ho; (beginpage?, (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?, lotentry*)>
+<!--end of lot.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lot.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST lot
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %lot.role.attrib;
+ %local.lot.attrib;
+<!--end of lot.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of lot.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.lotentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a list of titles.-->
+<!ELEMENT lotentry %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of lotentry.element-->]]>
+<!-- SrcCredit: Information about the source of the entry,
+ as for a list of illustrations -->
+<!-- linkend: to element that this entry represents-->
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST lotentry
+ %linkend.attrib;
+ %pagenum.attrib;
+ srccredit CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %lotentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.lotentry.attrib;
+<!--end of lotentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of lotentry.module-->]]>
+<!--end of lot.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Appendix, Chapter, Part, Preface, Reference, PartIntro ............... -->
+<!ENTITY % appendix.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.appendix.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % appendix.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % appendix.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An appendix in a Book or Article.-->
+<!ELEMENT appendix %ho; (beginpage?,
+ appendixinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*,
+ tocchap?,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of appendix.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % appendix.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST appendix
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %appendix.role.attrib;
+ %local.appendix.attrib;
+<!--end of appendix.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of appendix.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % chapter.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.chapter.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % chapter.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % chapter.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A chapter, as of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT chapter %ho; (beginpage?,
+ chapterinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*,
+ tocchap?,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of chapter.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % chapter.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST chapter
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %chapter.role.attrib;
+ %local.chapter.attrib;
+<!--end of chapter.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of chapter.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % part.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Note that Part was to have its content model reduced in V4.5. This
+change will not be made after all. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.part.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % part.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % part.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A division in a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT part %ho; (beginpage?,
+ partinfo?, (%bookcomponent.title.content;), partintro?,
+ (%partcontent.mix;)+)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of part.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST part
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %part.role.attrib;
+ %local.part.attrib;
+<!--end of part.attlist-->]]>
+<!--ELEMENT PartIntro (defined below)-->
+<!--end of part.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % preface.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.preface.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % preface.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % preface.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Introductory matter preceding the first chapter of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT preface %ho; (beginpage?,
+ prefaceinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*,
+ tocchap?,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of preface.element-->]]>
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+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %preface.role.attrib;
+ %local.preface.attrib;
+<!--end of preface.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of preface.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % reference.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.reference.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % reference.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % reference.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A collection of reference entries.-->
+<!ELEMENT reference %ho; (beginpage?,
+ referenceinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;), partintro?,
+ (%refentry.class;)+)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of reference.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST reference
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %reference.role.attrib;
+ %local.reference.attrib;
+<!--end of reference.attlist-->]]>
+<!--ELEMENT PartIntro (defined below)-->
+<!--end of reference.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % partintro.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.partintro.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % partintro.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % partintro.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An introduction to the contents of a part.-->
+<!ELEMENT partintro %ho; ((%div.title.content;)?, (%bookcomponent.content;))
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of partintro.element-->]]>
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+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %partintro.role.attrib;
+ %local.partintro.attrib;
+<!--end of partintro.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of partintro.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Other Info elements .................................................. -->
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+<![ %appendixinfo.module; [
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %appendixinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.appendixinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of appendixinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of appendixinfo.module-->]]>
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of bibliographyinfo.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliographyinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliographyinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliographyinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliographyinfo.module-->]]>
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %chapterinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.chapterinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of chapterinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of chapterinfo.module-->]]>
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %glossaryinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossaryinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of glossaryinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossaryinfo.module-->]]>
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+<!--doc:Meta-information for an Index.-->
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexinfo.attrib;
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+ %setindexinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.setindexinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of setindexinfo.attlist-->]]>
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %partinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.partinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of partinfo.attlist-->]]>
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %prefaceinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.prefaceinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of prefaceinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of prefaceinfo.module-->]]>
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+<!ENTITY % refentryinfo.element "INCLUDE">
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+<!--doc:Meta-information for a Refentry.-->
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %refentryinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.refentryinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of refentryinfo.attlist-->]]>
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+ %refsectioninfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsectioninfo.attrib;
+<!--end of refsectioninfo.attlist-->]]>
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %refsect1info.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect1info.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect1info.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect1info.module-->]]>
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+ %refsect2info.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect2info.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect2info.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect2info.module-->]]>
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+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
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+ %refsect3info.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect3info.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect3info.attlist-->]]>
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+ %local.refsynopsisdivinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of refsynopsisdivinfo.attlist-->]]>
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+ %referenceinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.referenceinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of referenceinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of referenceinfo.module-->]]>
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+ %local.sect1info.attrib;
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+ %local.sect2info.attrib;
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+ %local.sect3info.attrib;
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+ %local.sect4info.attrib;
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+ %local.sect5info.attrib;
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+ (%sect.title.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*,
+ (((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
+ ((%refentry.class;)*|(%section.class;)*|simplesect*))
+ | (%refentry.class;)+|(%section.class;)+|simplesect+),
+ (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of section.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % section.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %section.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST section
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %section.role.attrib;
+ %local.section.attrib;
+<!--end of section.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of section.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sectioninfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %sectioninfo.module; [
+<!ENTITY % sectioninfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % local.sectioninfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sectioninfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %sectioninfo.element; [
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a recursive section.-->
+<!ELEMENT sectioninfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of sectioninfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sectioninfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %sectioninfo.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST sectioninfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sectioninfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.sectioninfo.attrib;
+<!--end of sectioninfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sectioninfo.module-->]]>
+<!--end of section.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Sect1, Sect2, Sect3, Sect4, Sect5 .................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % sect1.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sect1.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sect1.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sect1.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A top-level section of document.-->
+<!ELEMENT sect1 %ho; (sect1info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*,
+ (((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
+ ((%refentry.class;)* | sect2* | simplesect*))
+ | (%refentry.class;)+ | sect2+ | simplesect+), (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of sect1.element-->]]>
+<!-- Renderas: Indicates the format in which the heading should
+ appear -->
+<!ENTITY % sect1.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sect1
+ renderas (sect2
+ |sect3
+ |sect4
+ |sect5) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sect1.role.attrib;
+ %local.sect1.attrib;
+<!--end of sect1.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sect1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sect2.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sect2.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sect2.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sect2.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection within a Sect1.-->
+<!ELEMENT sect2 %ho; (sect2info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*,
+ (((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
+ ((%refentry.class;)* | sect3* | simplesect*))
+ | (%refentry.class;)+ | sect3+ | simplesect+), (%nav.class;)*)>
+<!--end of sect2.element-->]]>
+<!-- Renderas: Indicates the format in which the heading should
+ appear -->
+<!ENTITY % sect2.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sect2
+ renderas (sect1
+ |sect3
+ |sect4
+ |sect5) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sect2.role.attrib;
+ %local.sect2.attrib;
+<!--end of sect2.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sect2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sect3.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sect3.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sect3.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sect3.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection within a Sect2.-->
+<!ELEMENT sect3 %ho; (sect3info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*,
+ (((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
+ ((%refentry.class;)* | sect4* | simplesect*))
+ | (%refentry.class;)+ | sect4+ | simplesect+), (%nav.class;)*)>
+<!--end of sect3.element-->]]>
+<!-- Renderas: Indicates the format in which the heading should
+ appear -->
+<!ENTITY % sect3.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sect3
+ renderas (sect1
+ |sect2
+ |sect4
+ |sect5) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sect3.role.attrib;
+ %local.sect3.attrib;
+<!--end of sect3.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sect3.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sect4.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sect4.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sect4.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sect4.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection within a Sect3.-->
+<!ELEMENT sect4 %ho; (sect4info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*,
+ (((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
+ ((%refentry.class;)* | sect5* | simplesect*))
+ | (%refentry.class;)+ | sect5+ | simplesect+), (%nav.class;)*)>
+<!--end of sect4.element-->]]>
+<!-- Renderas: Indicates the format in which the heading should
+ appear -->
+<!ENTITY % sect4.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sect4
+ renderas (sect1
+ |sect2
+ |sect3
+ |sect5) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sect4.role.attrib;
+ %local.sect4.attrib;
+<!--end of sect4.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sect4.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sect5.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sect5.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sect5.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sect5.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection within a Sect4.-->
+<!ELEMENT sect5 %ho; (sect5info?, (%sect.title.content;), (%nav.class;)*,
+ (((%divcomponent.mix;)+, ((%refentry.class;)* | simplesect*))
+ | (%refentry.class;)+ | simplesect+), (%nav.class;)*)>
+<!--end of sect5.element-->]]>
+<!-- Renderas: Indicates the format in which the heading should
+ appear -->
+<!ENTITY % sect5.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sect5
+ renderas (sect1
+ |sect2
+ |sect3
+ |sect4) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sect5.role.attrib;
+ %local.sect5.attrib;
+<!--end of sect5.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sect5.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % simplesect.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.simplesect.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % simplesect.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % simplesect.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A section of a document with no subdivisions.-->
+<!ELEMENT simplesect %ho; ((%sect.title.content;), (%divcomponent.mix;)+)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of simplesect.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % simplesect.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST simplesect
+ %common.attrib;
+ %simplesect.role.attrib;
+ %local.simplesect.attrib;
+<!--end of simplesect.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of simplesect.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Bibliography ......................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % bibliography.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % bibliography.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliography.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliography.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliography.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A bibliography.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliography %ho; (bibliographyinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*,
+ (bibliodiv+ | (biblioentry|bibliomixed)+))>
+<!--end of bibliography.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliography.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliography
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliography.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliography.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliography.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliography.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliodiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliodiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliodiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliodiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A section of a Bibliography.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliodiv %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%component.mix;)*,
+ (biblioentry|bibliomixed)+)>
+<!--end of bibliodiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliodiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliodiv
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliodiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliodiv.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliodiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliodiv.module-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliography.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Glossary ............................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % glossary.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % glossary.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossary.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossary.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossary.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A glossary.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossary %ho; (glossaryinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*,
+ (glossdiv+ | glossentry+), bibliography?)>
+<!--end of glossary.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossary.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossary
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossary.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossary.attrib;
+<!--end of glossary.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossary.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossdiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A division in a Glossary.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossdiv %ho; ((%sect.title.content;), (%component.mix;)*,
+ glossentry+)>
+<!--end of glossdiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossdiv
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossdiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossdiv.attrib;
+<!--end of glossdiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossdiv.module-->]]>
+<!--end of glossary.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Index and SetIndex ................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % index.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % indexes.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.indexes.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % indexes.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % index.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An index.-->
+<!ELEMENT index %ho; (indexinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*,
+ (indexdiv* | indexentry*))
+ %ndxterm.exclusion;>
+<!--end of index.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % index.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST index
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexes.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexes.attrib;
+<!--end of index.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % setindex.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An index to a set of books.-->
+<!ELEMENT setindex %ho; (setindexinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*,
+ (indexdiv* | indexentry*))
+ %ndxterm.exclusion;>
+<!--end of setindex.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST setindex
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexes.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexes.attrib;
+<!--end of setindex.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of indexes.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- SegmentedList in this content is useful for marking up permuted
+ indices. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.indexdiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A division in an index.-->
+<!ELEMENT indexdiv %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, ((%indexdivcomponent.mix;)*,
+ (indexentry+ | segmentedlist)))>
+<!--end of indexdiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST indexdiv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexdiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexdiv.attrib;
+<!--end of indexdiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of indexdiv.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Index entries appear in the index, not the text. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.indexentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in an index.-->
+<!ELEMENT indexentry %ho; (primaryie, (seeie|seealsoie)*,
+ (secondaryie, (seeie|seealsoie|tertiaryie)*)*)>
+<!--end of indexentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST indexentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexentry.attrib;
+<!--end of indexentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of indexentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % primsecterie.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.primsecterie.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % primsecterie.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % primaryie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A primary term in an index entry, not in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT primaryie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of primaryie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexTerms that these entries represent -->
+<!ENTITY % primaryie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST primaryie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %primsecterie.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecterie.attrib;
+<!--end of primaryie.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % secondaryie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A secondary term in an index entry, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT secondaryie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of secondaryie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexTerms that these entries represent -->
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+<!ATTLIST secondaryie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %primsecterie.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecterie.attrib;
+<!--end of secondaryie.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tertiaryie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A tertiary term in an index entry, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT tertiaryie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tertiaryie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexTerms that these entries represent -->
+<!ENTITY % tertiaryie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tertiaryie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %primsecterie.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecterie.attrib;
+<!--end of tertiaryie.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of primsecterie.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seeie.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seeie.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seeie.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % seeie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A See entry in an index, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT seeie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of seeie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexEntry to look up -->
+<!ENTITY % seeie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seeie
+ %linkend.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %seeie.role.attrib;
+ %local.seeie.attrib;
+<!--end of seeie.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seeie.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seealsoie.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A See also entry in an index, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT seealsoie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of seealsoie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to related IndexEntries -->
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seealsoie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %seealsoie.role.attrib;
+ %local.seealsoie.attrib;
+<!--end of seealsoie.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seealsoie.module-->]]>
+<!--end of index.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- RefEntry ............................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % refentry.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A reference page (originally a UNIX man-style reference page).-->
+<!ELEMENT refentry %ho; (beginpage?,
+ (%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ refentryinfo?, refmeta?, (remark|%link.char.class;)*,
+ refnamediv+, refsynopsisdiv?, (refsect1+|refsection+))
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of refentry.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refentry
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.refentry.attrib;
+<!--end of refentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refentry.module-->]]>
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+<!ENTITY % local.refmeta.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refmeta.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refmeta.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a reference entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refmeta %ho; ((%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ refentrytitle, manvolnum?, refmiscinfo*,
+ (%ndxterm.class;)*)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of refmeta.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %refmeta.role.attrib;
+ %local.refmeta.attrib;
+<!--end of refmeta.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refmeta.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refmiscinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number.-->
+<!ELEMENT refmiscinfo %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refmiscinfo.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Freely assignable parameter; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refmiscinfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refmiscinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.refmiscinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of refmiscinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refmiscinfo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refnamediv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refnamediv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refnamediv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refnamediv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name, purpose, and classification of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refnamediv %ho; (refdescriptor?, refname+, refpurpose, refclass*,
+ (remark|%link.char.class;)*)>
+<!--end of refnamediv.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refnamediv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refnamediv.role.attrib;
+ %local.refnamediv.attrib;
+<!--end of refnamediv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refnamediv.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refdescriptor.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refdescriptor.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refdescriptor.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refdescriptor.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A description of the topic of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refdescriptor %ho; (%refname.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refdescriptor.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %refdescriptor.role.attrib;
+ %local.refdescriptor.attrib;
+<!--end of refdescriptor.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refdescriptor.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of (one of) the subject(s) of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refname %ho; (%refname.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refname.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refname.role.attrib;
+ %local.refname.attrib;
+<!--end of refname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refpurpose.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refpurpose.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refpurpose.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refpurpose.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refpurpose %ho; (%refinline.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refpurpose.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %refpurpose.role.attrib;
+ %local.refpurpose.attrib;
+<!--end of refpurpose.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refpurpose.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refclass.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refclass.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refclass.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refclass.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The scope or other indication of applicability of a reference entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refclass %ho; (%refclass.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refclass.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refclass.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refclass
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refclass.role.attrib;
+ %local.refclass.attrib;
+<!--end of refclass.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refclass.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsynopsisdiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsynopsisdiv %ho; (refsynopsisdivinfo?, (%refsect.title.content;)?,
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsect2*) | (refsect2+)))>
+<!--end of refsynopsisdiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refsynopsisdiv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsynopsisdiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsynopsisdiv.attrib;
+<!--end of refsynopsisdiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsynopsisdiv.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsection.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsection.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsection.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsection.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A recursive section in a refentry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsection %ho; (refsectioninfo?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsection*) | refsection+))>
+<!--end of refsection.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refsection
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsection.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsection.attrib;
+<!--end of refsection.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsection.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsect1.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsect1.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsect1.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsect1.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A major subsection of a reference entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsect1 %ho; (refsect1info?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsect2*) | refsect2+))>
+<!--end of refsect1.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refsect1
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsect1.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect1.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect1.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsect2.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsect2.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsect2.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsect2.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection of a RefSect1.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsect2 %ho; (refsect2info?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsect3*) | refsect3+))>
+<!--end of refsect2.element-->]]>
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+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsect2.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect2.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect2.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect2.module-->]]>
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+<!ENTITY % local.refsect3.attrib "">
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+<!ENTITY % refsect3.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection of a RefSect2.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsect3 %ho; (refsect3info?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (%refcomponent.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of refsect3.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsect3.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refsect3
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsect3.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect3.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect3.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect3.module-->]]>
+<!--end of refentry.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Article .............................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % article.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- An Article is a chapter-level, stand-alone document that is often,
+ but need not be, collected into a Book. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.article.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % article.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % article.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An article.-->
+<!ELEMENT article %ho; ((%div.title.content;)?, articleinfo?, tocchap?, lot*,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;|%appendix.class;|colophon|ackno)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of article.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Indicates the type of a particular article;
+ all articles have the same structure and general purpose.
+ No default. -->
+<!-- ParentBook: ID of the enclosing Book -->
+<!ENTITY % article.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST article
+ class (journalarticle
+ |productsheet
+ |whitepaper
+ |techreport
+ |specification
+ |faq) #IMPLIED
+ parentbook IDREF #IMPLIED
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %article.role.attrib;
+ %local.article.attrib;
+<!--end of article.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of article.module-->]]>
+<!-- End of DocBook document hierarchy module V4.5 ........................ -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/dbnotnx.mod b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbnotnx.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2416049b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbnotnx.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook notations module V4.5 ........................................ -->
+<!-- File dbnotnx.mod ..................................................... -->
+<!-- Copyright 1992-2004 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
+ Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
+ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ $Id: dbnotnx.mod 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook DTD
+ and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
+ is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
+ holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
+ any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
+ warranty.
+ If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for declaring and
+ referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
+ additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
+ the maintenance documentation for more information.
+ Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
+ changes to the mailing list. For more
+ information, see
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- This module contains the notation declarations used by DocBook.
+ In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
+ declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
+ <!ENTITY % dbnotn PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Notations V4.5//EN"
+ "dbnotnx.mod">
+ %dbnotn;
+ See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
+ entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
+ planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
+ of DocBook.
+<!ENTITY % local.notation.class "">
+<!ENTITY % notation.class
+ | EPS | EQN | FAX | GIF | GIF87a | GIF89a
+ | PIC | PNG | PS | SGML | TBL | TEX | TIFF | WMF | WPG
+ | SVG | PDF | SWF
+ | linespecific
+ %local.notation.class;">
+"+//ISBN 0-7923-94.2-1::Graphic Notation//NOTATION Microsoft Windows bitmap//EN">
+<!NOTATION CGM-CHAR PUBLIC "ISO 8632/2//NOTATION Character encoding//EN">
+<!NOTATION CGM-CLEAR PUBLIC "ISO 8632/4//NOTATION Clear text encoding//EN">
+"+//ISBN 0-201-18127-4::Adobe//NOTATION PostScript Language Ref. Manual//EN">
+"-//USA-DOD//NOTATION CCITT Group 4 Facsimile Type 1 Untiled Raster//EN">
+"-//CompuServe//NOTATION Graphics Interchange Format 87a//EN">
+"-//CompuServe//NOTATION Graphics Interchange Format 89a//EN">
+"-//USA-DOD//NOTATION (ASME/ANSI Y14.26M-1987) Initial Graphics Exchange Specification//EN">
+"+//ISBN 0-7923-94.2-1::Graphic Notation//NOTATION ZSoft PCX bitmap//EN">
+"ISO 8879:1986//NOTATION Standard Generalized Markup Language//EN">
+"+//ISBN 0-201-13448-9::Knuth//NOTATION The TeXbook//EN">
+"+//ISBN 0-7923-94.2-1::Graphic Notation//NOTATION Microsoft Windows Metafile//EN">
+<!NOTATION WPG SYSTEM "WPG"> <!--WordPerfect Graphic format-->
+<!NOTATION linespecific SYSTEM "linespecific">
+<!-- End of DocBook notations module V4.5 ................................. -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/dbpoolx.mod b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbpoolx.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53b07044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/dbpoolx.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,8701 @@
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook XML information pool module V4.5 ............................. -->
+<!-- File dbpoolx.mod ..................................................... -->
+<!-- Copyright 1992-2004 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
+ Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
+ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ $Id: dbpoolx.mod 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook XML DTD
+ and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
+ is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
+ holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
+ any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
+ warranty.
+ If you modify the DocBook XML DTD in any way, except for declaring and
+ referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
+ additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
+ the maintenance documentation for more information.
+ Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
+ changes to the mailing list. For more
+ information, see
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- This module contains the definitions for the objects, inline
+ elements, and so on that are available to be used as the main
+ content of DocBook documents. Some elements are useful for general
+ publishing, and others are useful specifically for computer
+ documentation.
+ This module has the following dependencies on other modules:
+ o It assumes that a %notation.class; entity is defined by the
+ driver file or other high-level module. This entity is
+ referenced in the NOTATION attributes for the graphic-related and
+ ModeSpec elements.
+ o It assumes that an appropriately parameterized table module is
+ available for use with the table-related elements.
+ In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
+ declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
+ <!ENTITY % dbpool PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Information Pool V4.5//EN"
+ "dbpoolx.mod">
+ %dbpool;
+ See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
+ entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
+ planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
+ of DocBook.
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Forms entities ....................................................... -->
+<!-- These PEs provide the hook by which the forms module can be inserted -->
+<!-- into the DTD. -->
+<!ENTITY % forminlines.hook "">
+<!ENTITY % forms.hook "">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- General-purpose semantics entities ................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % yesorno.attvals "CDATA">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for module inclusions ....................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % dbpool.redecl.module "IGNORE">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for element classes and mixtures ............................ -->
+<!-- "Ubiquitous" classes: ndxterm.class and beginpage -->
+<!ENTITY % local.ndxterm.class "">
+<!ENTITY % ndxterm.class
+ "indexterm %local.ndxterm.class;">
+<!-- Object-level classes ................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.list.class "">
+<!ENTITY % list.class
+ "calloutlist|glosslist|bibliolist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist
+ |simplelist|variablelist %local.list.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.admon.class "">
+<!ENTITY % admon.class
+ "caution|important|note|tip|warning %local.admon.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.linespecific.class "">
+<!ENTITY % linespecific.class
+ "literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen
+ |screenco|screenshot %local.linespecific.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.method.synop.class "">
+<!ENTITY % method.synop.class
+ "constructorsynopsis
+ |destructorsynopsis
+ |methodsynopsis %local.method.synop.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.synop.class "">
+<!ENTITY % synop.class
+ "synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis
+ |classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis
+ |%method.synop.class; %local.synop.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.para.class "">
+<!ENTITY % para.class
+ "formalpara|para|simpara %local.para.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.informal.class "">
+<!ENTITY % informal.class
+ "address|blockquote
+ |graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco
+ |informalequation
+ |informalexample
+ |informalfigure
+ |informaltable %local.informal.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.formal.class "">
+<!ENTITY % formal.class
+ "equation|example|figure|table %local.formal.class;">
+<!-- The DocBook TC may produce an official EBNF module for DocBook. -->
+<!-- This PE provides the hook by which it can be inserted into the DTD. -->
+<!ENTITY % ebnf.block.hook "">
+<!ENTITY % local.compound.class "">
+<!ENTITY % compound.class
+ "msgset|procedure|sidebar|qandaset|task
+ %ebnf.block.hook;
+ %local.compound.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.genobj.class "">
+<!ENTITY % genobj.class
+ "anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights
+ %local.genobj.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.descobj.class "">
+<!ENTITY % descobj.class
+ "abstract|authorblurb|epigraph
+ %local.descobj.class;">
+<!-- Character-level classes .............................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.xref.char.class "">
+<!ENTITY % xref.char.class
+ "footnoteref|xref|biblioref %local.xref.char.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.gen.char.class "">
+<!ENTITY % gen.char.class
+ "abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry|citetitle|citebiblioid|emphasis
+ |firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|termdef|footnote|phrase
+ |orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword
+ |personname %local.gen.char.class;">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % link.char.class
+ "link|olink|ulink;">
+<!-- The DocBook TC may produce an official EBNF module for DocBook. -->
+<!-- This PE provides the hook by which it can be inserted into the DTD. -->
+<!ENTITY % ebnf.inline.hook "">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % tech.char.class
+ "action|application
+ |classname|methodname|interfacename|exceptionname
+ |ooclass|oointerface|ooexception
+ |package
+ |command|computeroutput
+ |database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname|errortype|errortext|filename
+ |function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel|guimenu|guimenuitem
+ |guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap
+ |keycode|keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel
+ |menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter
+ |prompt|property|replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield
+ |structname|symbol|systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname
+ %ebnf.inline.hook;
+<!ENTITY % local.base.char.class "">
+<!ENTITY % base.char.class
+ "anchor %local.base.char.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.docinfo.char.class "">
+<!ENTITY % docinfo.char.class
+ "author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit
+ |productname|productnumber|revhistory
+ %local.docinfo.char.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.other.char.class "">
+<!ENTITY % other.char.class
+ "remark|subscript|superscript %local.other.char.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.inlineobj.char.class "">
+<!ENTITY % inlineobj.char.class
+ "inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation %local.inlineobj.char.class;">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for content models .......................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % formalobject.title.content "title, titleabbrev?">
+<!-- Redeclaration placeholder ............................................ -->
+<!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
+ retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
+ this point -->
+<!-- Defining rdbpool here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
+<!ENTITY % rdbpool "">
+<!--end of dbpool.redecl.module-->]]>
+<!-- Object-level mixtures ................................................ -->
+ list admn line synp para infm form cmpd gen desc
+Component mixture X X X X X X X X X X
+Sidebar mixture X X X X X X X a X
+Footnote mixture X X X X X
+Example mixture X X X X X
+Highlights mixture X X X
+Paragraph mixture X X X X
+Admonition mixture X X X X X X b c
+Figure mixture X X X
+Table entry mixture X X X X d
+Glossary def mixture X X X X X e
+Legal notice mixture X X X X f
+a. Just Procedure; not Sidebar itself or MsgSet.
+b. No MsgSet.
+c. No Highlights.
+d. Just Graphic; no other informal objects.
+e. No Anchor, BridgeHead, or Highlights.
+f. Just BlockQuote; no other informal objects.
+<!ENTITY % local.component.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % component.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
+ |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.component.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.sidebar.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % sidebar.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |procedure
+ |%genobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.sidebar.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.qandaset.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % qandaset.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |procedure
+ |%genobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class;
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.qandaset.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.revdescription.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % revdescription.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |procedure
+ |%genobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class;
+ %local.revdescription.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.footnote.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % footnote.mix
+ "%list.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ %local.footnote.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.example.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % example.mix
+ "%list.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ |procedure
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.example.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.highlights.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % highlights.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%para.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class;
+ %local.highlights.mix;">
+<!-- %formal.class; is explicitly excluded from many contexts in which
+ paragraphs are used -->
+<!ENTITY % local.para.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % para.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class;
+ |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class;
+ %local.para.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.admon.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % admon.mix
+ "%list.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |procedure|sidebar
+ |anchor|bridgehead|remark
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.admon.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.figure.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % figure.mix
+ "%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%informal.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.figure.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.tabentry.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % tabentry.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class;
+ |%para.class; |graphic|mediaobject
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.tabentry.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossdef.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % glossdef.mix
+ "%list.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class;
+ |remark
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %local.glossdef.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.legalnotice.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % legalnotice.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class;
+ |%para.class; |blockquote
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %local.legalnotice.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.textobject.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % textobject.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class;
+ |%para.class; |blockquote
+ %local.textobject.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.mediaobject.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % mediaobject.mix
+ "videoobject|audioobject|imageobject|imageobjectco|textobject %local.mediaobject.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.listpreamble.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % listpreamble.mix
+ " %admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.listpreamble.mix;">
+<!-- Character-level mixtures ............................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.ubiq.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % ubiq.mix "%ndxterm.class;|beginpage %local.ubiq.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % ubiq.exclusion "-(%ubiq.mix)">
+<!ENTITY % ubiq.inclusion "+(%ubiq.mix)">
+<!ENTITY % footnote.exclusion "-(footnote|%formal.class;)">
+<!ENTITY % highlights.exclusion "-(%ubiq.mix;|%formal.class;)">
+<!ENTITY % admon.exclusion "-(%admon.class;)">
+<!ENTITY % formal.exclusion "-(%formal.class;)">
+<!ENTITY % acronym.exclusion "-(acronym)">
+<!ENTITY % beginpage.exclusion "-(beginpage)">
+<!ENTITY % ndxterm.exclusion "-(%ndxterm.class;)">
+<!ENTITY % blockquote.exclusion "-(epigraph)">
+<!ENTITY % remark.exclusion "-(remark|%ubiq.mix;)">
+<!ENTITY % glossterm.exclusion "-(glossterm)">
+<!ENTITY % links.exclusion "-(link|olink|ulink|xref|biblioref)">
+]]><!-- sgml.features -->
+<!-- not [sgml.features[ -->
+<!ENTITY % local.ubiq.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % ubiq.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % ubiq.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % ubiq.inclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % footnote.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % highlights.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % admon.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % formal.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % acronym.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % beginpage.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % ndxterm.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % blockquote.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % remark.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % glossterm.exclusion "">
+<!ENTITY % links.exclusion "">
+<!-- ]] not sgml.features -->
+ #PCD xref word link cptr base dnfo othr inob (synop)
+para.char.mix X X X X X X X X X
+title.char.mix X X X X X X X X X
+ndxterm.char.mix X X X X X X X X a
+cptr.char.mix X X X X X a
+smallcptr.char.mix X b a
+word.char.mix X c X X X a
+docinfo.char.mix X d X b X a
+a. Just InlineGraphic; no InlineEquation.
+b. Just Replaceable; no other computer terms.
+c. Just Emphasis and Trademark; no other word elements.
+d. Just Acronym, Emphasis, and Trademark; no other word elements.
+<!ENTITY % local.para.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % para.char.mix
+ |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
+ |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
+ |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
+ |%other.char.class; |%inlineobj.char.class;
+ |%synop.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forminlines.hook;
+ %local.para.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.title.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % title.char.mix
+ |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
+ |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
+ |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
+ |%other.char.class; |%inlineobj.char.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class;
+ %local.title.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.ndxterm.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % ndxterm.char.mix
+ |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
+ |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
+ |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
+ |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
+ %local.ndxterm.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.cptr.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % cptr.char.mix
+ |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
+ |%base.char.class;
+ |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %local.cptr.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.smallcptr.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % smallcptr.char.mix
+ |replaceable
+ |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %local.smallcptr.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.word.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % word.char.mix
+ |acronym|emphasis|trademark
+ |%link.char.class;
+ |%base.char.class;
+ |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %local.word.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.docinfo.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % docinfo.char.mix
+ |%link.char.class;
+ |emphasis|trademark
+ |replaceable
+ |%other.char.class; |inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject
+ |%ndxterm.class;
+ %local.docinfo.char.mix;">
+<!--ENTITY % bibliocomponent.mix (see Bibliographic section, below)-->
+<!--ENTITY % person.ident.mix (see Bibliographic section, below)-->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for attributes and attribute components ..................... -->
+<!-- Effectivity attributes ............................................... -->
+<!-- Arch: Computer or chip architecture to which element applies; no
+ default -->
+<!ENTITY % arch.attrib
+ "arch CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Condition: General-purpose effectivity attribute -->
+<!ENTITY % condition.attrib
+ "condition CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Conformance: Standards conformance characteristics -->
+<!ENTITY % conformance.attrib
+ "conformance NMTOKENS #IMPLIED">
+<!-- OS: Operating system to which element applies; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % os.attrib
+<!-- Revision: Editorial revision to which element belongs; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % revision.attrib
+ "revision CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Security: Security classification; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % security.attrib
+ "security CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- UserLevel: Level of user experience to which element applies; no
+ default -->
+<!ENTITY % userlevel.attrib
+ "userlevel CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Vendor: Computer vendor to which element applies; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % vendor.attrib
+ "vendor CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Wordsize: Computer word size (32 bit, 64 bit, etc.); no default -->
+<!ENTITY % wordsize.attrib
+ "wordsize CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!ENTITY % local.effectivity.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % effectivity.attrib
+ "%arch.attrib;
+ %condition.attrib;
+ %conformance.attrib;
+ %os.attrib;
+ %revision.attrib;
+ %security.attrib;
+ %userlevel.attrib;
+ %vendor.attrib;
+ %wordsize.attrib;
+ %local.effectivity.attrib;"
+<!-- Common attributes .................................................... -->
+<!-- Id: Unique identifier of element; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % id.attrib
+ "id ID #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Id: Unique identifier of element; a value must be supplied; no
+ default -->
+<!ENTITY % idreq.attrib
+ "id ID #REQUIRED">
+<!-- Lang: Indicator of language in which element is written, for
+ translation, character set management, etc.; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % lang.attrib
+ "lang CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Remap: Previous role of element before conversion; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % remap.attrib
+ "remap CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Role: New role of element in local environment; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % role.attrib
+ "role CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- XRefLabel: Alternate labeling string for XRef text generation;
+ default is usually title or other appropriate label text already
+ contained in element -->
+<!ENTITY % xreflabel.attrib
+ "xreflabel CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- RevisionFlag: Revision status of element; default is that element
+ wasn't revised -->
+<!ENTITY % revisionflag.attrib
+ "revisionflag (changed
+ |added
+ |deleted
+ |off) #IMPLIED">
+<!ENTITY % local.common.attrib "">
+<!-- dir: Bidirectional override -->
+<!ENTITY % dir.attrib
+ "dir (ltr
+ |rtl
+ |lro
+ |rlo) #IMPLIED">
+<!-- xml:base: base URI -->
+<!ENTITY % xml-base.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % xml-base.attrib
+ "xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Role is included explicitly on each element -->
+<!ENTITY % common.attrib
+ "%id.attrib;
+ %lang.attrib;
+ %remap.attrib;
+ %xreflabel.attrib;
+ %revisionflag.attrib;
+ %effectivity.attrib;
+ %dir.attrib;
+ %xml-base.attrib;
+ %local.common.attrib;"
+<!-- Role is included explicitly on each element -->
+<!ENTITY % idreq.common.attrib
+ "%idreq.attrib;
+ %lang.attrib;
+ %remap.attrib;
+ %xreflabel.attrib;
+ %revisionflag.attrib;
+ %effectivity.attrib;
+ %dir.attrib;
+ %xml-base.attrib;
+ %local.common.attrib;"
+<!-- Semi-common attributes and other attribute entities .................. -->
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!-- EntityRef: Name of an external entity containing the content
+ of the graphic -->
+<!-- FileRef: Filename, qualified by a pathname if desired,
+ designating the file containing the content of the graphic -->
+<!-- Format: Notation of the element content, if any -->
+<!-- SrcCredit: Information about the source of the Graphic -->
+<!-- Width: Same as CALS reprowid (desired width) -->
+<!-- Depth: Same as CALS reprodep (desired depth) -->
+<!-- Align: Same as CALS hplace with 'none' removed; #IMPLIED means
+ application-specific -->
+<!-- Scale: Conflation of CALS hscale and vscale -->
+<!-- Scalefit: Same as CALS scalefit -->
+<!ENTITY % graphics.attrib
+ "
+ entityref ENTITY #IMPLIED
+ fileref CDATA #IMPLIED
+ format (%notation.class;) #IMPLIED
+ srccredit CDATA #IMPLIED
+ contentwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ contentdepth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ align (left
+ |right
+ |center) #IMPLIED
+ valign (top
+ |middle
+ |bottom) #IMPLIED
+ scalefit %yesorno.attvals;
+<!ENTITY % local.keyaction.attrib "">
+<!-- Action: Key combination type; default is unspecified if one
+ child element, Simul if there is more than one; if value is
+ Other, the OtherAction attribute must have a nonempty value -->
+<!-- OtherAction: User-defined key combination type -->
+<!ENTITY % keyaction.attrib
+ "
+ action (click
+ |double-click
+ |press
+ |seq
+ |simul
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ otheraction CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %local.keyaction.attrib;"
+<!-- Label: Identifying number or string; default is usually the
+ appropriate number or string autogenerated by a formatter -->
+<!ENTITY % label.attrib
+ "label CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- xml:space: whitespace treatment -->
+<!ENTITY % xml-space.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % xml-space.attrib
+ "xml:space (preserve) #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Format: whether element is assumed to contain significant white
+ space -->
+<!ENTITY % linespecific.attrib
+ "format NOTATION
+ (linespecific) 'linespecific'
+ %xml-space.attrib;
+ linenumbering (numbered|unnumbered) #IMPLIED
+ continuation (continues|restarts) #IMPLIED
+ startinglinenumber CDATA #IMPLIED
+ language CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Linkend: link to related information; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % linkend.attrib
+ "linkend IDREF #IMPLIED">
+<!-- Linkend: required link to related information -->
+<!ENTITY % linkendreq.attrib
+ "linkend IDREF #REQUIRED">
+<!-- Linkends: link to one or more sets of related information; no
+ default -->
+<!ENTITY % linkends.attrib
+ "linkends IDREFS #IMPLIED">
+<!ENTITY % local.mark.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % mark.attrib
+ %local.mark.attrib;"
+<!-- MoreInfo: whether element's content has an associated RefEntry -->
+<!ENTITY % moreinfo.attrib
+ "moreinfo (refentry|none) 'none'">
+<!-- Pagenum: number of page on which element appears; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % pagenum.attrib
+ "pagenum CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!ENTITY % local.status.attrib "">
+<!-- Status: Editorial or publication status of the element
+ it applies to, such as "in review" or "approved for distribution" -->
+<!ENTITY % status.attrib
+ "status CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %local.status.attrib;"
+<!-- Width: width of the longest line in the element to which it
+ pertains, in number of characters -->
+<!ENTITY % width.attrib
+ "width CDATA #IMPLIED">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Title elements ....................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % title.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.title.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % title.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % title.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The text of the title of a section of a document or of a formal block-level element.-->
+<!ELEMENT title %ho; (%title.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of title.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % title.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST title
+ %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %title.role.attrib;
+ %local.title.attrib;
+<!--end of title.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of title.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % titleabbrev.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.titleabbrev.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % titleabbrev.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % titleabbrev.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The abbreviation of a Title.-->
+<!ELEMENT titleabbrev %ho; (%title.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of titleabbrev.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % titleabbrev.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST titleabbrev
+ %common.attrib;
+ %titleabbrev.role.attrib;
+ %local.titleabbrev.attrib;
+<!--end of titleabbrev.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of titleabbrev.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % subtitle.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.subtitle.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % subtitle.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % subtitle.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The subtitle of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT subtitle %ho; (%title.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of subtitle.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % subtitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST subtitle
+ %common.attrib;
+ %subtitle.role.attrib;
+ %local.subtitle.attrib;
+<!--end of subtitle.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of subtitle.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Bibliographic entities and elements .................................. -->
+<!-- The bibliographic elements are typically used in the document
+ hierarchy. They do not appear in content models of information
+ pool elements. See also the document information elements,
+ below. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.person.ident.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % person.ident.mix
+ "honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername|affiliation
+ |authorblurb|contrib %local.person.ident.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliocomponent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliocomponent.mix
+ "abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author
+ |authorgroup|authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset
+ |collab|confgroup|contractnum|contractsponsor
+ |copyright|corpauthor|corpname|corpcredit|date|edition
+ |editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum|orgname
+ |biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation|bibliocoverage
+ |othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname
+ |productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername
+ |pubsnumber|releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums
+ |subtitle|title|titleabbrev|volumenum|citetitle
+ |personname|%person.ident.mix;
+ |%ndxterm.class;
+ %local.bibliocomponent.mix;">
+<!-- I don't think this is well placed, but it needs to be here because of -->
+<!-- the reference to bibliocomponent.mix -->
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % info.class
+ "graphic | mediaobject | legalnotice | modespec
+ | subjectset | keywordset | itermset | %bibliocomponent.mix;
+<!-- BiblioList ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % bibliolist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliolist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliolist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliolist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for a set of bibliography entries.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliolist %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (biblioentry|bibliomixed)+)>
+<!--end of bibliolist.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliolist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliolist
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliolist.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliolist.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliolist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliolist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % biblioentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.biblioentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % biblioentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % biblioentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a Bibliography.-->
+<!ELEMENT biblioentry %ho; ((articleinfo | (%bibliocomponent.mix;))+)
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of biblioentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % biblioentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST biblioentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %biblioentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.biblioentry.attrib;
+<!--end of biblioentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of biblioentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliomixed.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliomixed.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliomixed.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliomixed.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a Bibliography.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliomixed %ho; (#PCDATA | %bibliocomponent.mix; | bibliomset)*
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of bibliomixed.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliomixed.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliomixed
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliomixed.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliomixed.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliomixed.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliomixed.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % articleinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.articleinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % articleinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % articleinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for an Article.-->
+<!ELEMENT articleinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of articleinfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % articleinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST articleinfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %articleinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.articleinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of articleinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of articleinfo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % biblioset.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.biblioset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % biblioset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % biblioset.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A "raw" container for related bibliographic information.-->
+<!ELEMENT biblioset %ho; ((%bibliocomponent.mix;)+)
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of biblioset.element-->]]>
+<!-- Relation: Relationship of elements contained within BiblioSet -->
+<!ENTITY % biblioset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST biblioset
+ relation CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %biblioset.role.attrib;
+ %local.biblioset.attrib;
+<!--end of biblioset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of biblioset.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliomset.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % bibliomset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliomset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliomset.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A "cooked" container for related bibliographic information.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliomset %ho; (#PCDATA | %bibliocomponent.mix; | bibliomset)*
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of bibliomset.element-->]]>
+<!-- Relation: Relationship of elements contained within BiblioMSet -->
+<!ENTITY % bibliomset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliomset
+ relation CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliomset.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliomset.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliomset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliomset.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliomisc.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliomisc.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliomisc.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliomisc.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Untyped bibliographic information.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliomisc %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of bibliomisc.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliomisc.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliomisc
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliomisc.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliomisc.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliomisc.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliomisc.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Subject, Keyword, and ITermSet elements .............................. -->
+<!ENTITY % subjectset.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % subjectset.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.subjectset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % subjectset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % subjectset.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A set of terms describing the subject matter of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT subjectset %ho; (subject+)>
+<!--end of subjectset.element-->]]>
+<!-- Scheme: Controlled vocabulary employed in SubjectTerms -->
+<!ENTITY % subjectset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST subjectset
+ %common.attrib;
+ %subjectset.role.attrib;
+ %local.subjectset.attrib;
+<!--end of subjectset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of subjectset.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % subject.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.subject.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % subject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % subject.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:One of a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT subject %ho; (subjectterm+)>
+<!--end of subject.element-->]]>
+<!-- Weight: Ranking of this group of SubjectTerms relative
+ to others, 0 is low, no highest value specified -->
+<!ENTITY % subject.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST subject
+ %common.attrib;
+ %subject.role.attrib;
+ %local.subject.attrib;
+<!--end of subject.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of subject.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % subjectterm.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.subjectterm.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % subjectterm.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % subjectterm.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A term in a group of terms describing the subject matter of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT subjectterm %ho; (#PCDATA)>
+<!--end of subjectterm.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % subjectterm.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST subjectterm
+ %common.attrib;
+ %subjectterm.role.attrib;
+ %local.subjectterm.attrib;
+<!--end of subjectterm.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of subjectterm.module-->]]>
+<!--end of subjectset.content.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keywordset.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % keywordset.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.keywordset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % keywordset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % keywordset.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A set of keywords describing the content of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT keywordset %ho; (keyword+)>
+<!--end of keywordset.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keywordset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST keywordset
+ %common.attrib;
+ %keywordset.role.attrib;
+ %local.keywordset.attrib;
+<!--end of keywordset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of keywordset.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keyword.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.keyword.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % keyword.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % keyword.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:One of a set of keywords describing the content of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT keyword %ho; (#PCDATA)>
+<!--end of keyword.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keyword.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST keyword
+ %common.attrib;
+ %keyword.role.attrib;
+ %local.keyword.attrib;
+<!--end of keyword.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of keyword.module-->]]>
+<!--end of keywordset.content.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % itermset.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.itermset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % itermset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % itermset.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A set of index terms in the meta-information of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT itermset %ho; (indexterm+)>
+<!--end of itermset.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % itermset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST itermset
+ %common.attrib;
+ %itermset.role.attrib;
+ %local.itermset.attrib;
+<!--end of itermset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of itermset.module-->]]>
+<!-- Bibliographic info for "blocks" -->
+<!ENTITY % blockinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %blockinfo.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.blockinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % blockinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % blockinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %blockinfo.element; [
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a block element.-->
+<!ELEMENT blockinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of blockinfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % blockinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %blockinfo.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST blockinfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %blockinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.blockinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of blockinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of blockinfo.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Compound (section-ish) elements ...................................... -->
+<!-- Message set ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % msgset.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % msgset.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgset.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A detailed set of messages, usually error messages.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgset %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (msgentry+|simplemsgentry+))>
+<!--end of msgset.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgset
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgset.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgset.attrib;
+<!--end of msgset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgset.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for an entry in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgentry %ho; (msg+, msginfo?, msgexplan*)>
+<!--end of msgentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgentry.attrib;
+<!--end of msgentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % simplemsgentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %simplemsgentry.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.simplemsgentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % simplemsgentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % simplemsgentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %simplemsgentry.element; [
+<!--doc:A wrapper for a simpler entry in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT simplemsgentry %ho; (msgtext, msgexplan+)>
+<!--end of simplemsgentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % simplemsgentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %simplemsgentry.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST simplemsgentry
+ audience CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %simplemsgentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.simplemsgentry.attrib;
+<!--end of simplemsgentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of simplemsgentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msg.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msg.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msg.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msg.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msg %ho; (title?, msgmain, (msgsub | msgrel)*)>
+<!--end of msg.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msg.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msg
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msg.role.attrib;
+ %local.msg.attrib;
+<!--end of msg.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msg.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgmain.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgmain.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgmain.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgmain.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The primary component of a message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgmain %ho; (title?, msgtext)>
+<!--end of msgmain.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgmain.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgmain
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgmain.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgmain.attrib;
+<!--end of msgmain.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgmain.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgsub.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgsub.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgsub.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgsub.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subcomponent of a message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgsub %ho; (title?, msgtext)>
+<!--end of msgsub.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgsub.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgsub
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgsub.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgsub.attrib;
+<!--end of msgsub.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgsub.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgrel.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgrel.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgrel.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgrel.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A related component of a message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgrel %ho; (title?, msgtext)>
+<!--end of msgrel.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgrel.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgrel
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgrel.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgrel.attrib;
+<!--end of msgrel.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgrel.module-->]]>
+<!-- MsgText (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!ENTITY % msginfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msginfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msginfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msginfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Information about a message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msginfo %ho; ((msglevel | msgorig | msgaud)*)>
+<!--end of msginfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msginfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msginfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msginfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.msginfo.attrib;
+<!--end of msginfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msginfo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msglevel.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msglevel.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msglevel.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msglevel.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The level of importance or severity of a message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msglevel %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of msglevel.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msglevel.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msglevel
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msglevel.role.attrib;
+ %local.msglevel.attrib;
+<!--end of msglevel.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msglevel.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgorig.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgorig.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgorig.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgorig.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The origin of a message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgorig %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of msgorig.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgorig.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgorig
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgorig.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgorig.attrib;
+<!--end of msgorig.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgorig.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgaud.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgaud.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgaud.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgaud.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The audience to which a message in a message set is relevant.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgaud %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of msgaud.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgaud.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgaud
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgaud.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgaud.attrib;
+<!--end of msgaud.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgaud.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgexplan.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgexplan.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgexplan.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgexplan.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Explanatory material relating to a message in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgexplan %ho; (title?, (%component.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of msgexplan.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgexplan.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgexplan
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgexplan.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgexplan.attrib;
+<!--end of msgexplan.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgexplan.module-->]]>
+<!--end of msgset.content.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % task.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % task.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.task.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % task.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % task.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A task to be completed.-->
+<!ELEMENT task %ho; (blockinfo?,(%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ (%formalobject.title.content;),
+ tasksummary?,
+ taskprerequisites?,
+ procedure,
+ example*,
+ taskrelated?)>
+<!--end of task.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % task.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST task
+ %common.attrib;
+ %task.role.attrib;
+ %local.task.attrib;
+<!--end of task.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of task.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tasksummary.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tasksummary.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tasksummary.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tasksummary.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A summary of a task.-->
+<!ELEMENT tasksummary %ho; (blockinfo?,
+ (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of tasksummary.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tasksummary.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tasksummary
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tasksummary.role.attrib;
+ %local.tasksummary.attrib;
+<!--end of tasksummary.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tasksummary.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % taskprerequisites.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.taskprerequisites.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % taskprerequisites.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % taskprerequisites.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The prerequisites for a task.-->
+<!ELEMENT taskprerequisites %ho; (blockinfo?,
+ (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of taskprerequisites.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % taskprerequisites.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST taskprerequisites
+ %common.attrib;
+ %taskprerequisites.role.attrib;
+ %local.taskprerequisites.attrib;
+<!--end of taskprerequisites.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of taskprerequisites.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % taskrelated.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.taskrelated.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % taskrelated.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % taskrelated.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Information related to a task.-->
+<!ELEMENT taskrelated %ho; (blockinfo?,
+ (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of taskrelated.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % taskrelated.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST taskrelated
+ %common.attrib;
+ %taskrelated.role.attrib;
+ %local.taskrelated.attrib;
+<!--end of taskrelated.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of taskrelated.module-->]]>
+<!--end of task.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- QandASet ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % qandaset.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandaset.content.module; [
+<!ENTITY % qandaset.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandaset.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.qandaset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % qandaset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % qandaset.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandaset.element; [
+<!--doc:A question-and-answer set.-->
+<!ELEMENT qandaset %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%qandaset.mix;)*,
+ (qandadiv+|qandaentry+))>
+<!--end of qandaset.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % qandaset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandaset.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST qandaset
+ defaultlabel (qanda|number|none) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %qandaset.role.attrib;
+ %local.qandaset.attrib;>
+<!--end of qandaset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of qandaset.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % qandadiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandadiv.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.qandadiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % qandadiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % qandadiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandadiv.element; [
+<!--doc:A titled division in a QandASet.-->
+<!ELEMENT qandadiv %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%qandaset.mix;)*,
+ (qandadiv+|qandaentry+))>
+<!--end of qandadiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % qandadiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandadiv.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST qandadiv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %qandadiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.qandadiv.attrib;>
+<!--end of qandadiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of qandadiv.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % qandaentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandaentry.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.qandaentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % qandaentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % qandaentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandaentry.element; [
+<!--doc:A question/answer set within a QandASet.-->
+<!ELEMENT qandaentry %ho; (blockinfo?, revhistory?, question, answer*)>
+<!--end of qandaentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % qandaentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %qandaentry.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST qandaentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %qandaentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.qandaentry.attrib;>
+<!--end of qandaentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of qandaentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % question.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %question.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.question.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % question.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % question.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %question.element; [
+<!--doc:A question in a QandASet.-->
+<!ELEMENT question %ho; (label?, (%qandaset.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of question.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % question.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %question.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST question
+ %common.attrib;
+ %question.role.attrib;
+ %local.question.attrib;
+<!--end of question.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of question.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % answer.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %answer.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.answer.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % answer.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % answer.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %answer.element; [
+<!--doc:An answer to a question posed in a QandASet.-->
+<!ELEMENT answer %ho; (label?, (%qandaset.mix;)*, qandaentry*)>
+<!--end of answer.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % answer.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %answer.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST answer
+ %common.attrib;
+ %answer.role.attrib;
+ %local.answer.attrib;
+<!--end of answer.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of answer.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % label.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %label.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.label.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % label.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % label.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %label.element; [
+<!--doc:A label on a Question or Answer.-->
+<!ELEMENT label %ho; (%word.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of label.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % label.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %label.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST label
+ %common.attrib;
+ %label.role.attrib;
+ %local.label.attrib;
+<!--end of label.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of label.module-->]]>
+<!--end of qandaset.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- Procedure ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % procedure.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % procedure.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.procedure.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % procedure.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % procedure.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list of operations to be performed in a well-defined sequence.-->
+<!ELEMENT procedure %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*, step+)>
+<!--end of procedure.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % procedure.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST procedure
+ %common.attrib;
+ %procedure.role.attrib;
+ %local.procedure.attrib;
+<!--end of procedure.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of procedure.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % step.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.step.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % step.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % step.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A unit of action in a procedure.-->
+<!ELEMENT step %ho; (title?, (((%component.mix;)+, ((substeps|stepalternatives), (%component.mix;)*)?)
+ | ((substeps|stepalternatives), (%component.mix;)*)))>
+<!--end of step.element-->]]>
+<!-- Performance: Whether the Step must be performed -->
+<!-- not #REQUIRED! -->
+<!ENTITY % step.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST step
+ performance (optional
+ |required) "required"
+ %common.attrib;
+ %step.role.attrib;
+ %local.step.attrib;
+<!--end of step.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of step.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % substeps.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.substeps.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % substeps.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % substeps.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for steps that occur within steps in a procedure.-->
+<!ELEMENT substeps %ho; (step+)>
+<!--end of substeps.element-->]]>
+<!-- Performance: whether entire set of substeps must be performed -->
+<!-- not #REQUIRED! -->
+<!ENTITY % substeps.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST substeps
+ performance (optional
+ |required) "required"
+ %common.attrib;
+ %substeps.role.attrib;
+ %local.substeps.attrib;
+<!--end of substeps.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of substeps.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % stepalternatives.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.stepalternatives.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % stepalternatives.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % stepalternatives.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Alternative steps in a procedure.-->
+<!ELEMENT stepalternatives %ho; (step+)>
+<!--end of stepalternatives.element-->]]>
+<!-- Performance: Whether (one of) the alternatives must be performed -->
+<!-- not #REQUIRED! -->
+<!ENTITY % stepalternatives.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST stepalternatives
+ performance (optional
+ |required) "required"
+ %common.attrib;
+ %stepalternatives.role.attrib;
+ %local.stepalternatives.attrib;
+<!--end of stepalternatives.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of stepalternatives.module-->]]>
+<!--end of procedure.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- Sidebar .......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % sidebar.content.model "INCLUDE">
+<![ %sidebar.content.model; [
+<!ENTITY % sidebarinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %sidebarinfo.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.sidebarinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sidebarinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sidebarinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %sidebarinfo.element; [
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a Sidebar.-->
+<!ELEMENT sidebarinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of sidebarinfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sidebarinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %sidebarinfo.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST sidebarinfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sidebarinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.sidebarinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of sidebarinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sidebarinfo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sidebar.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sidebar.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sidebar.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sidebar.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A portion of a document that is isolated from the main narrative flow.-->
+<!ELEMENT sidebar %ho; (sidebarinfo?,
+ (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%sidebar.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of sidebar.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sidebar.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sidebar
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sidebar.role.attrib;
+ %local.sidebar.attrib;
+<!--end of sidebar.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sidebar.module-->]]>
+<!--end of sidebar.content.model-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Paragraph-related elements ........................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % abstract.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.abstract.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % abstract.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % abstract.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A summary.-->
+<!ELEMENT abstract %ho; (title?, (%para.class;)+)>
+<!--end of abstract.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % abstract.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST abstract
+ %common.attrib;
+ %abstract.role.attrib;
+ %local.abstract.attrib;
+<!--end of abstract.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of abstract.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % authorblurb.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.authorblurb.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % authorblurb.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % authorblurb.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A short description or note about an author.-->
+<!ELEMENT authorblurb %ho; (title?, (%para.class;)+)>
+<!--end of authorblurb.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % authorblurb.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST authorblurb
+ %common.attrib;
+ %authorblurb.role.attrib;
+ %local.authorblurb.attrib;
+<!--end of authorblurb.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of authorblurb.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % personblurb.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.personblurb.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % personblurb.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % personblurb.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A short description or note about a person.-->
+<!ELEMENT personblurb %ho; (title?, (%para.class;)+)>
+<!--end of personblurb.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % personblurb.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST personblurb
+ %common.attrib;
+ %personblurb.role.attrib;
+ %local.personblurb.attrib;
+<!--end of personblurb.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of personblurb.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % blockquote.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.blockquote.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % blockquote.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % blockquote.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A quotation set off from the main text.-->
+<!ELEMENT blockquote %ho; (blockinfo?, title?, attribution?, (%component.mix;)+)
+ %blockquote.exclusion;>
+<!--end of blockquote.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % blockquote.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST blockquote
+ %common.attrib;
+ %blockquote.role.attrib;
+ %local.blockquote.attrib;
+<!--end of blockquote.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of blockquote.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % attribution.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.attribution.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % attribution.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % attribution.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The source of a block quote or epigraph.-->
+<!ELEMENT attribution %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of attribution.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % attribution.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST attribution
+ %common.attrib;
+ %attribution.role.attrib;
+ %local.attribution.attrib;
+<!--end of attribution.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of attribution.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bridgehead.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bridgehead.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bridgehead.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bridgehead.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A free-floating heading.-->
+<!ELEMENT bridgehead %ho; (%title.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of bridgehead.element-->]]>
+<!-- Renderas: Indicates the format in which the BridgeHead
+ should appear -->
+<!ENTITY % bridgehead.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bridgehead
+ renderas (other
+ |sect1
+ |sect2
+ |sect3
+ |sect4
+ |sect5) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bridgehead.role.attrib;
+ %local.bridgehead.attrib;
+<!--end of bridgehead.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bridgehead.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % remark.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.remark.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % remark.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % remark.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A remark (or comment) intended for presentation in a draft manuscript.-->
+<!ELEMENT remark %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*
+ %remark.exclusion;>
+<!--end of remark.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % remark.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST remark
+ %common.attrib;
+ %remark.role.attrib;
+ %local.remark.attrib;
+<!--end of remark.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of remark.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % epigraph.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.epigraph.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % epigraph.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % epigraph.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A short inscription at the beginning of a document or component.-->
+<!ELEMENT epigraph %ho; (attribution?, ((%para.class;)|literallayout)+)>
+<!--end of epigraph.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % epigraph.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST epigraph
+ %common.attrib;
+ %epigraph.role.attrib;
+ %local.epigraph.attrib;
+<!--end of epigraph.attlist-->]]>
+<!-- Attribution (defined above)-->
+<!--end of epigraph.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % footnote.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.footnote.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % footnote.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % footnote.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A footnote.-->
+<!ELEMENT footnote %ho; ((%footnote.mix;)+)
+ %footnote.exclusion;>
+<!--end of footnote.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % footnote.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST footnote
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %footnote.role.attrib;
+ %local.footnote.attrib;
+<!--end of footnote.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of footnote.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % highlights.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.highlights.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % highlights.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % highlights.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A summary of the main points of the discussed component.-->
+<!ELEMENT highlights %ho; ((%highlights.mix;)+)
+ %highlights.exclusion;>
+<!--end of highlights.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % highlights.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST highlights
+ %common.attrib;
+ %highlights.role.attrib;
+ %local.highlights.attrib;
+<!--end of highlights.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of highlights.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % formalpara.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.formalpara.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % formalpara.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % formalpara.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A paragraph with a title.-->
+<!ELEMENT formalpara %ho; (title, (%ndxterm.class;)*, para)>
+<!--end of formalpara.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % formalpara.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST formalpara
+ %common.attrib;
+ %formalpara.role.attrib;
+ %local.formalpara.attrib;
+<!--end of formalpara.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of formalpara.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % para.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.para.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % para.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % para.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A paragraph.-->
+<!ELEMENT para %ho; (%para.char.mix; | %para.mix;)*>
+<!--end of para.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % para.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST para
+ %common.attrib;
+ %para.role.attrib;
+ %local.para.attrib;
+<!--end of para.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of para.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % simpara.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.simpara.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % simpara.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % simpara.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A paragraph that contains only text and inline markup, no block elements.-->
+<!ELEMENT simpara %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of simpara.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % simpara.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST simpara
+ %common.attrib;
+ %simpara.role.attrib;
+ %local.simpara.attrib;
+<!--end of simpara.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of simpara.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % admon.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.admon.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % admon.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % caution.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A note of caution.-->
+<!ELEMENT caution %ho; (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)
+ %admon.exclusion;>
+<!--end of caution.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % caution.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST caution
+ %common.attrib;
+ %admon.role.attrib;
+ %local.admon.attrib;
+<!--end of caution.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % important.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An admonition set off from the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT important %ho; (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)
+ %admon.exclusion;>
+<!--end of important.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % important.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST important
+ %common.attrib;
+ %admon.role.attrib;
+ %local.admon.attrib;
+<!--end of important.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % note.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A message set off from the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT note %ho; (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)
+ %admon.exclusion;>
+<!--end of note.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % note.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST note
+ %common.attrib;
+ %admon.role.attrib;
+ %local.admon.attrib;
+<!--end of note.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tip.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A suggestion to the user, set off from the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT tip %ho; (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)
+ %admon.exclusion;>
+<!--end of tip.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tip.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tip
+ %common.attrib;
+ %admon.role.attrib;
+ %local.admon.attrib;
+<!--end of tip.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % warning.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An admonition set off from the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT warning %ho; (title?, (%admon.mix;)+)
+ %admon.exclusion;>
+<!--end of warning.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % warning.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST warning
+ %common.attrib;
+ %admon.role.attrib;
+ %local.admon.attrib;
+<!--end of warning.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of admon.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Lists ................................................................ -->
+<!-- GlossList ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % glosslist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glosslist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glosslist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glosslist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for a set of GlossEntrys.-->
+<!ELEMENT glosslist %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?, glossentry+)>
+<!--end of glosslist.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glosslist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glosslist
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glosslist.role.attrib;
+ %local.glosslist.attrib;
+<!--end of glosslist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glosslist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossentry.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % glossentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a Glossary or GlossList.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossentry %ho; (glossterm, acronym?, abbrev?,
+ (%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ revhistory?, (glosssee|glossdef+))>
+<!--end of glossentry.element-->]]>
+<!-- SortAs: String by which the GlossEntry is to be sorted
+ (alphabetized) in lieu of its proper content -->
+<!ENTITY % glossentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossentry.attrib;
+<!--end of glossentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossentry.module-->]]>
+<!-- GlossTerm (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!ENTITY % glossdef.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossdef.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossdef.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossdef.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A definition in a GlossEntry.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossdef %ho; ((%glossdef.mix;)+, glossseealso*)>
+<!--end of glossdef.element-->]]>
+<!-- Subject: List of subjects; keywords for the definition -->
+<!ENTITY % glossdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossdef
+ subject CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossdef.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossdef.attrib;
+<!--end of glossdef.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossdef.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glosssee.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glosssee.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glosssee.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glosssee.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A cross-reference from one GlossEntry to another.-->
+<!ELEMENT glosssee %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of glosssee.element-->]]>
+<!-- OtherTerm: Reference to the GlossEntry whose GlossTerm
+ should be displayed at the point of the GlossSee -->
+<!ENTITY % glosssee.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glosssee
+ otherterm IDREF #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glosssee.role.attrib;
+ %local.glosssee.attrib;
+<!--end of glosssee.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glosssee.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossseealso.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossseealso.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossseealso.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossseealso.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A cross-reference from one GlossEntry to another.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossseealso %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of glossseealso.element-->]]>
+<!-- OtherTerm: Reference to the GlossEntry whose GlossTerm
+ should be displayed at the point of the GlossSeeAlso -->
+<!ENTITY % glossseealso.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossseealso
+ otherterm IDREF #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossseealso.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossseealso.attrib;
+<!--end of glossseealso.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossseealso.module-->]]>
+<!--end of glossentry.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ItemizedList and OrderedList ..... -->
+<!ENTITY % itemizedlist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.itemizedlist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % itemizedlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % itemizedlist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat.-->
+<!ELEMENT itemizedlist %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%listpreamble.mix;)*, listitem+)>
+<!--end of itemizedlist.element-->]]>
+<!-- Spacing: Whether the vertical space in the list should be
+ compressed -->
+<!-- Mark: Keyword, e.g., bullet, dash, checkbox, none;
+ list of keywords and defaults are implementation specific -->
+<!ENTITY % itemizedlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST itemizedlist
+ spacing (normal
+ |compact) #IMPLIED
+ %mark.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %itemizedlist.role.attrib;
+ %local.itemizedlist.attrib;
+<!--end of itemizedlist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of itemizedlist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % orderedlist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.orderedlist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % orderedlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % orderedlist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label.-->
+<!ELEMENT orderedlist %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%listpreamble.mix;)*, listitem+)>
+<!--end of orderedlist.element-->]]>
+<!-- Numeration: Style of ListItem numbered; default is expected
+ to be Arabic -->
+<!-- InheritNum: Specifies for a nested list that the numbering
+ of ListItems should include the number of the item
+ within which they are nested (e.g., 1a and 1b within 1,
+ rather than a and b) -->
+<!-- Continuation: Where list numbering begins afresh (Restarts,
+ the default) or continues that of the immediately preceding
+ list (Continues) -->
+<!-- Spacing: Whether the vertical space in the list should be
+ compressed -->
+<!ENTITY % orderedlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST orderedlist
+ numeration (arabic
+ |upperalpha
+ |loweralpha
+ |upperroman
+ |lowerroman) #IMPLIED
+ inheritnum (inherit
+ |ignore) "ignore"
+ continuation (continues
+ |restarts) "restarts"
+ spacing (normal
+ |compact) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %orderedlist.role.attrib;
+ %local.orderedlist.attrib;
+<!--end of orderedlist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of orderedlist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % listitem.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.listitem.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % listitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % listitem.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for the elements of a list item.-->
+<!ELEMENT listitem %ho; ((%component.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of listitem.element-->]]>
+<!-- Override: Indicates the mark to be used for this ListItem
+ instead of the default mark or the mark specified by
+ the Mark attribute on the enclosing ItemizedList -->
+<!ENTITY % listitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST listitem
+ override CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %listitem.role.attrib;
+ %local.listitem.attrib;
+<!--end of listitem.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of listitem.module-->]]>
+<!-- SegmentedList .................... -->
+<!ENTITY % segmentedlist.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % segmentedlist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.segmentedlist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % segmentedlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % segmentedlist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A segmented list, a list of sets of elements.-->
+<!ELEMENT segmentedlist %ho; ((%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ segtitle+,
+ seglistitem+)>
+<!--end of segmentedlist.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % segmentedlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST segmentedlist
+ %common.attrib;
+ %segmentedlist.role.attrib;
+ %local.segmentedlist.attrib;
+<!--end of segmentedlist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of segmentedlist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % segtitle.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.segtitle.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % segtitle.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % segtitle.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The title of an element of a list item in a segmented list.-->
+<!ELEMENT segtitle %ho; (%title.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of segtitle.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % segtitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST segtitle
+ %common.attrib;
+ %segtitle.role.attrib;
+ %local.segtitle.attrib;
+<!--end of segtitle.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of segtitle.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seglistitem.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seglistitem.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seglistitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % seglistitem.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list item in a segmented list.-->
+<!ELEMENT seglistitem %ho; (seg+)>
+<!--end of seglistitem.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seglistitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seglistitem
+ %common.attrib;
+ %seglistitem.role.attrib;
+ %local.seglistitem.attrib;
+<!--end of seglistitem.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seglistitem.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seg.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seg.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seg.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % seg.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An element of a list item in a segmented list.-->
+<!ELEMENT seg %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of seg.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seg.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seg
+ %common.attrib;
+ %seg.role.attrib;
+ %local.seg.attrib;
+<!--end of seg.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seg.module-->]]>
+<!--end of segmentedlist.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- SimpleList ....................... -->
+<!ENTITY % simplelist.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % simplelist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.simplelist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % simplelist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % simplelist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An undecorated list of single words or short phrases.-->
+<!ELEMENT simplelist %ho; (member+)>
+<!--end of simplelist.element-->]]>
+<!-- Columns: The number of columns the array should contain -->
+<!-- Type: How the Members of the SimpleList should be
+ formatted: Inline (members separated with commas etc.
+ inline), Vert (top to bottom in n Columns), or Horiz (in
+ the direction of text flow) in n Columns. If Column
+ is 1 or implied, Type=Vert and Type=Horiz give the same
+ results. -->
+<!ENTITY % simplelist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST simplelist
+ columns CDATA #IMPLIED
+ type (inline
+ |vert
+ |horiz) "vert"
+ %common.attrib;
+ %simplelist.role.attrib;
+ %local.simplelist.attrib;
+<!--end of simplelist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of simplelist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % member.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.member.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % member.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % member.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An element of a simple list.-->
+<!ELEMENT member %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of member.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % member.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST member
+ %common.attrib;
+ %member.role.attrib;
+ %local.member.attrib;
+<!--end of member.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of member.module-->]]>
+<!--end of simplelist.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- VariableList ..................... -->
+<!ENTITY % variablelist.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % variablelist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.variablelist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % variablelist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % variablelist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description.-->
+<!ELEMENT variablelist %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (%listpreamble.mix;)*, varlistentry+)>
+<!--end of variablelist.element-->]]>
+<!-- TermLength: Length beyond which the presentation engine
+ may consider the Term too long and select an alternate
+ presentation of the Term and, or, its associated ListItem. -->
+<!ENTITY % variablelist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST variablelist
+ termlength CDATA #IMPLIED
+ spacing (normal
+ |compact) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %variablelist.role.attrib;
+ %local.variablelist.attrib;
+<!--end of variablelist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of variablelist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % varlistentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.varlistentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % varlistentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % varlistentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for a set of terms and the associated description in a variable list.-->
+<!ELEMENT varlistentry %ho; (term+, listitem)>
+<!--end of varlistentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % varlistentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST varlistentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %varlistentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.varlistentry.attrib;
+<!--end of varlistentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of varlistentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % term.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.term.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % term.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % term.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The word or phrase being defined or described in a variable list.-->
+<!ELEMENT term %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of term.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % term.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST term
+ %common.attrib;
+ %term.role.attrib;
+ %local.term.attrib;
+<!--end of term.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of term.module-->]]>
+<!-- ListItem (defined above)-->
+<!--end of variablelist.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- CalloutList ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % calloutlist.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % calloutlist.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.calloutlist.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % calloutlist.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % calloutlist.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list of Callouts.-->
+<!ELEMENT calloutlist %ho; ((%formalobject.title.content;)?, callout+)>
+<!--end of calloutlist.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % calloutlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST calloutlist
+ %common.attrib;
+ %calloutlist.role.attrib;
+ %local.calloutlist.attrib;
+<!--end of calloutlist.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of calloutlist.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % callout.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.callout.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % callout.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % callout.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A &ldquo;called out&rdquo; description of a marked Area.-->
+<!ELEMENT callout %ho; ((%component.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of callout.element-->]]>
+<!-- AreaRefs: IDs of one or more Areas or AreaSets described
+ by this Callout -->
+<!ENTITY % callout.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST callout
+ %common.attrib;
+ %callout.role.attrib;
+ %local.callout.attrib;
+<!--end of callout.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of callout.module-->]]>
+<!--end of calloutlist.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Objects .............................................................. -->
+<!-- Examples etc. .................... -->
+<!ENTITY % example.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.example.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % example.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % example.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A formal example, with a title.-->
+<!ELEMENT example %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;), (%example.mix;)+)
+ %formal.exclusion;>
+<!--end of example.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % example.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST example
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %width.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %example.role.attrib;
+ %local.example.attrib;
+<!--end of example.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of example.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % informalexample.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.informalexample.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % informalexample.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % informalexample.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A displayed example without a title.-->
+<!ELEMENT informalexample %ho; (blockinfo?, (%example.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of informalexample.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % informalexample.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST informalexample
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %width.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %informalexample.role.attrib;
+ %local.informalexample.attrib;
+<!--end of informalexample.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of informalexample.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % programlistingco.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.programlistingco.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % programlistingco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % programlistingco.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A program listing with associated areas used in callouts.-->
+<!ELEMENT programlistingco %ho; (areaspec, programlisting, calloutlist*)>
+<!--end of programlistingco.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % programlistingco.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST programlistingco
+ %common.attrib;
+ %programlistingco.role.attrib;
+ %local.programlistingco.attrib;
+<!--end of programlistingco.attlist-->]]>
+<!-- CalloutList (defined above in Lists)-->
+<!--end of informalexample.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % areaspec.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % areaspec.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.areaspec.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % areaspec.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % areaspec.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A collection of regions in a graphic or code example.-->
+<!ELEMENT areaspec %ho; ((area|areaset)+)>
+<!--end of areaspec.element-->]]>
+<!-- Units: global unit of measure in which coordinates in
+ this spec are expressed:
+ - CALSPair "x1,y1 x2,y2": lower-left and upper-right
+ coordinates in a rectangle describing repro area in which
+ graphic is placed, where X and Y dimensions are each some
+ number 0..10000 (taken from CALS graphic attributes)
+ - LineColumn "line column": line number and column number
+ at which to start callout text in "linespecific" content
+ - LineRange "startline endline": whole lines from startline
+ to endline in "linespecific" content
+ - LineColumnPair "line1 col1 line2 col2": starting and ending
+ points of area in "linespecific" content that starts at
+ first position and ends at second position (including the
+ beginnings of any intervening lines)
+ - Other: directive to look at value of OtherUnits attribute
+ to get implementation-specific keyword
+ The default is implementation-specific; usually dependent on
+ the parent element (GraphicCO gets CALSPair, ProgramListingCO
+ and ScreenCO get LineColumn) -->
+<!-- OtherUnits: User-defined units -->
+<!ENTITY % areaspec.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST areaspec
+ units (calspair
+ |linecolumn
+ |linerange
+ |linecolumnpair
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ otherunits NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %areaspec.role.attrib;
+ %local.areaspec.attrib;
+<!--end of areaspec.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of areaspec.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % area.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.area.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % area.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % area.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A region defined for a Callout in a graphic or code example.-->
+<!ELEMENT area %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of area.element-->]]>
+<!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
+<!-- to any related information -->
+<!-- Units: unit of measure in which coordinates in this
+ area are expressed; inherits from AreaSet and AreaSpec -->
+<!-- OtherUnits: User-defined units -->
+<!ENTITY % area.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST area
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkends.attrib;
+ units (calspair
+ |linecolumn
+ |linerange
+ |linecolumnpair
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ otherunits NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+ %idreq.common.attrib;
+ %area.role.attrib;
+ %local.area.attrib;
+<!--end of area.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of area.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % areaset.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.areaset.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % areaset.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % areaset.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A set of related areas in a graphic or code example.-->
+<!ELEMENT areaset %ho; (area+)>
+<!--end of areaset.element-->]]>
+<!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
+<!-- Units: unit of measure in which coordinates in this
+ area are expressed; inherits from AreaSpec -->
+<!ENTITY % areaset.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST areaset
+ %label.attrib;
+ units (calspair
+ |linecolumn
+ |linerange
+ |linecolumnpair
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ otherunits NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+ %idreq.common.attrib;
+ %areaset.role.attrib;
+ %local.areaset.attrib;
+<!--end of areaset.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of areaset.module-->]]>
+<!--end of areaspec.content.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % programlisting.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.programlisting.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % programlisting.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % programlisting.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A literal listing of all or part of a program.-->
+<!ELEMENT programlisting %ho; (%para.char.mix;|co|coref|lineannotation|textobject)*>
+<!--end of programlisting.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % programlisting.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST programlisting
+ %width.attrib;
+ %linespecific.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %programlisting.role.attrib;
+ %local.programlisting.attrib;
+<!--end of programlisting.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of programlisting.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % literallayout.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.literallayout.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % literallayout.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % literallayout.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A block of text in which line breaks and white space are to be reproduced faithfully.-->
+<!ELEMENT literallayout %ho; (%para.char.mix;|co|coref|textobject|lineannotation)*>
+<!--end of literallayout.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % literallayout.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST literallayout
+ %width.attrib;
+ %linespecific.attrib;
+ class (monospaced|normal) "normal"
+ %common.attrib;
+ %literallayout.role.attrib;
+ %local.literallayout.attrib;
+<!--end of literallayout.attlist-->]]>
+<!-- LineAnnotation (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!--end of literallayout.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screenco.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.screenco.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % screenco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % screenco.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A screen with associated areas used in callouts.-->
+<!ELEMENT screenco %ho; (areaspec, screen, calloutlist*)>
+<!--end of screenco.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screenco.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST screenco
+ %common.attrib;
+ %screenco.role.attrib;
+ %local.screenco.attrib;
+<!--end of screenco.attlist-->]]>
+<!-- AreaSpec (defined above)-->
+<!-- CalloutList (defined above in Lists)-->
+<!--end of screenco.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screen.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.screen.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % screen.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % screen.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen.-->
+<!ELEMENT screen %ho; (%para.char.mix;|co|coref|textobject|lineannotation)*>
+<!--end of screen.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screen.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST screen
+ %width.attrib;
+ %linespecific.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %screen.role.attrib;
+ %local.screen.attrib;
+<!--end of screen.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of screen.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screenshot.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % screenshot.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.screenshot.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % screenshot.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % screenshot.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A representation of what the user sees or might see on a computer screen.-->
+<!ELEMENT screenshot %ho; (screeninfo?,
+ (graphic|graphicco
+ |mediaobject|mediaobjectco))>
+<!--end of screenshot.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screenshot.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST screenshot
+ %common.attrib;
+ %screenshot.role.attrib;
+ %local.screenshot.attrib;
+<!--end of screenshot.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of screenshot.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screeninfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.screeninfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % screeninfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % screeninfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Information about how a screen shot was produced.-->
+<!ELEMENT screeninfo %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of screeninfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % screeninfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST screeninfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %screeninfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.screeninfo.attrib;
+<!--end of screeninfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of screeninfo.module-->]]>
+<!--end of screenshot.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- Figures etc. ..................... -->
+<!ENTITY % figure.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.figure.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % figure.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % figure.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A formal figure, generally an illustration, with a title.-->
+<!ELEMENT figure %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;),
+ (%figure.mix; | %link.char.class;)+)>
+<!--end of figure.element-->]]>
+<!-- Float: Whether the Figure is supposed to be rendered
+ where convenient (yes (1) value) or at the place it occurs
+ in the text (no (0) value, the default) -->
+<!ENTITY % figure.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST figure
+ float %yesorno.attvals; '0'
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ pgwide %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %figure.role.attrib;
+ %local.figure.attrib;
+<!--end of figure.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of figure.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % informalfigure.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %informalfigure.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.informalfigure.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % informalfigure.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % informalfigure.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %informalfigure.element; [
+<!--doc:A untitled figure.-->
+<!ELEMENT informalfigure %ho; (blockinfo?, (%figure.mix; | %link.char.class;)+)>
+<!--end of informalfigure.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % informalfigure.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %informalfigure.attlist; [
+Float: Whether the Figure is supposed to be rendered
+where convenient (yes (1) value) or at the place it occurs
+in the text (no (0) value, the default)
+<!ATTLIST informalfigure
+ float %yesorno.attvals; "0"
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ pgwide %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %informalfigure.role.attrib;
+ %local.informalfigure.attrib;
+<!--end of informalfigure.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of informalfigure.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % graphicco.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.graphicco.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % graphicco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % graphicco.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A graphic that contains callout areas.-->
+<!ELEMENT graphicco %ho; (areaspec, graphic, calloutlist*)>
+<!--end of graphicco.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % graphicco.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST graphicco
+ %common.attrib;
+ %graphicco.role.attrib;
+ %local.graphicco.attrib;
+<!--end of graphicco.attlist-->]]>
+<!-- AreaSpec (defined above in Examples)-->
+<!-- CalloutList (defined above in Lists)-->
+<!--end of graphicco.module-->]]>
+<!-- Graphical data can be the content of Graphic, or you can reference
+ an external file either as an entity (Entitref) or a filename
+ (Fileref). -->
+<!ENTITY % graphic.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.graphic.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % graphic.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % graphic.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A displayed graphical object (not an inline).-->
+<!ELEMENT graphic %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of graphic.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % graphic.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST graphic
+ %graphics.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %graphic.role.attrib;
+ %local.graphic.attrib;
+<!--end of graphic.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of graphic.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.inlinegraphic.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An object containing or pointing to graphical data that will be rendered inline.-->
+<!ELEMENT inlinegraphic %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of inlinegraphic.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % inlinegraphic.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST inlinegraphic
+ %graphics.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %inlinegraphic.role.attrib;
+ %local.inlinegraphic.attrib;
+<!--end of inlinegraphic.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of inlinegraphic.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mediaobject.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %mediaobject.content.module; [
+<!ENTITY % mediaobject.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %mediaobject.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.mediaobject.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % mediaobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % mediaobject.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %mediaobject.element; [
+<!--doc:A displayed media object (video, audio, image, etc.).-->
+<!ELEMENT mediaobject %ho; (objectinfo?,
+ (%mediaobject.mix;)+,
+ caption?)>
+<!--end of mediaobject.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mediaobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %mediaobject.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST mediaobject
+ %common.attrib;
+ %mediaobject.role.attrib;
+ %local.mediaobject.attrib;
+<!--end of mediaobject.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of mediaobject.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %inlinemediaobject.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.inlinemediaobject.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %inlinemediaobject.element; [
+<!--doc:An inline media object (video, audio, image, and so on).-->
+<!ELEMENT inlinemediaobject %ho; (objectinfo?,
+ (%mediaobject.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of inlinemediaobject.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % inlinemediaobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %inlinemediaobject.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST inlinemediaobject
+ %common.attrib;
+ %inlinemediaobject.role.attrib;
+ %local.inlinemediaobject.attrib;
+<!--end of inlinemediaobject.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of inlinemediaobject.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % videoobject.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %videoobject.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.videoobject.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % videoobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % videoobject.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %videoobject.element; [
+<!--doc:A wrapper for video data and its associated meta-information.-->
+<!ELEMENT videoobject %ho; (objectinfo?, videodata)>
+<!--end of videoobject.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % videoobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %videoobject.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST videoobject
+ %common.attrib;
+ %videoobject.role.attrib;
+ %local.videoobject.attrib;
+<!--end of videoobject.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of videoobject.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % audioobject.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %audioobject.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.audioobject.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % audioobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % audioobject.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %audioobject.element; [
+<!--doc:A wrapper for audio data and its associated meta-information.-->
+<!ELEMENT audioobject %ho; (objectinfo?, audiodata)>
+<!--end of audioobject.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % audioobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %audioobject.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST audioobject
+ %common.attrib;
+ %audioobject.role.attrib;
+ %local.audioobject.attrib;
+<!--end of audioobject.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of audioobject.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % imageobject.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imageobject.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.imageobject.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % imageobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % imageobject.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imageobject.element; [
+<!--doc:A wrapper for image data and its associated meta-information.-->
+<!ELEMENT imageobject %ho; (objectinfo?, imagedata)>
+<!--end of imageobject.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % imageobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imageobject.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST imageobject
+ %common.attrib;
+ %imageobject.role.attrib;
+ %local.imageobject.attrib;
+<!--end of imageobject.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of imageobject.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % textobject.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %textobject.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.textobject.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % textobject.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % textobject.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %textobject.element; [
+<!--doc:A wrapper for a text description of an object and its associated meta-information.-->
+<!ELEMENT textobject %ho; (objectinfo?, (phrase|textdata|(%textobject.mix;)+))>
+<!--end of textobject.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % textobject.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %textobject.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST textobject
+ %common.attrib;
+ %textobject.role.attrib;
+ %local.textobject.attrib;
+<!--end of textobject.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of textobject.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % objectinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %objectinfo.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.objectinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % objectinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % objectinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %objectinfo.element; [
+<!--doc:Meta-information for an object.-->
+<!ELEMENT objectinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of objectinfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % objectinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %objectinfo.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST objectinfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %objectinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.objectinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of objectinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of objectinfo.module-->]]>
+<!--EntityRef: Name of an external entity containing the content
+ of the object data-->
+<!--FileRef: Filename, qualified by a pathname if desired,
+ designating the file containing the content of the object data-->
+<!--Format: Notation of the element content, if any-->
+<!--SrcCredit: Information about the source of the image-->
+<!ENTITY % local.objectdata.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % objectdata.attrib
+ "
+ entityref ENTITY #IMPLIED
+ fileref CDATA #IMPLIED
+ format (%notation.class;)
+ srccredit CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %local.objectdata.attrib;"
+<!ENTITY % videodata.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %videodata.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.videodata.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % videodata.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % videodata.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %videodata.element; [
+<!--doc:Pointer to external video data.-->
+<!ELEMENT videodata %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of videodata.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % videodata.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %videodata.attlist; [
+<!--Width: Same as CALS reprowid (desired width)-->
+<!--Depth: Same as CALS reprodep (desired depth)-->
+<!--Align: Same as CALS hplace with 'none' removed; #IMPLIED means
+ application-specific-->
+<!--Scale: Conflation of CALS hscale and vscale-->
+<!--Scalefit: Same as CALS scalefit-->
+<!ATTLIST videodata
+ contentwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ contentdepth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ align (left
+ |right
+ |center) #IMPLIED
+ valign (top
+ |middle
+ |bottom) #IMPLIED
+ scalefit %yesorno.attvals;
+ %objectdata.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %videodata.role.attrib;
+ %local.videodata.attrib;
+<!--end of videodata.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of videodata.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % audiodata.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %audiodata.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.audiodata.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % audiodata.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % audiodata.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %audiodata.element; [
+<!--doc:Pointer to external audio data.-->
+<!ELEMENT audiodata %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of audiodata.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % audiodata.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %audiodata.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST audiodata
+ %objectdata.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %audiodata.role.attrib;
+ %local.audiodata.attrib;
+<!--end of audiodata.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of audiodata.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % imagedata.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imagedata.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.imagedata.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % imagedata.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % imagedata.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imagedata.element; [
+<!--doc:Pointer to external image data.-->
+<!ELEMENT imagedata %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of imagedata.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % imagedata.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imagedata.attlist; [
+<!--Width: Same as CALS reprowid (desired width)-->
+<!--Depth: Same as CALS reprodep (desired depth)-->
+<!--Align: Same as CALS hplace with 'none' removed; #IMPLIED means
+ application-specific-->
+<!--Scale: Conflation of CALS hscale and vscale-->
+<!--Scalefit: Same as CALS scalefit-->
+<!ATTLIST imagedata
+ contentwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ contentdepth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ align (left
+ |right
+ |center) #IMPLIED
+ valign (top
+ |middle
+ |bottom) #IMPLIED
+ scalefit %yesorno.attvals;
+ %objectdata.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %imagedata.role.attrib;
+ %local.imagedata.attrib;
+<!--end of imagedata.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of imagedata.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % textdata.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %textdata.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.textdata.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % textdata.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % textdata.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %textdata.element; [
+<!--doc:Pointer to external text data.-->
+<!ELEMENT textdata %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of textdata.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % textdata.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %textdata.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST textdata
+ encoding CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %objectdata.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %textdata.role.attrib;
+ %local.textdata.attrib;
+<!--end of textdata.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of textdata.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %mediaobjectco.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.mediaobjectco.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %mediaobjectco.element; [
+<!--doc:A media object that contains callouts.-->
+<!ELEMENT mediaobjectco %ho; (objectinfo?, imageobjectco,
+ (imageobjectco|textobject)*)>
+<!--end of mediaobjectco.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mediaobjectco.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %mediaobjectco.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST mediaobjectco
+ %common.attrib;
+ %mediaobjectco.role.attrib;
+ %local.mediaobjectco.attrib;
+<!--end of mediaobjectco.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of mediaobjectco.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % imageobjectco.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imageobjectco.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.imageobjectco.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % imageobjectco.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % imageobjectco.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imageobjectco.element; [
+<!--doc:A wrapper for an image object with callouts.-->
+<!ELEMENT imageobjectco %ho; (areaspec, imageobject, calloutlist*)>
+<!--end of imageobjectco.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % imageobjectco.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %imageobjectco.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST imageobjectco
+ %common.attrib;
+ %imageobjectco.role.attrib;
+ %local.imageobjectco.attrib;
+<!--end of imageobjectco.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of imageobjectco.module-->]]>
+<!--end of mediaobject.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- Equations ........................ -->
+<!-- This PE provides a mechanism for replacing equation content, -->
+<!-- perhaps adding a new or different model (e.g., MathML) -->
+<!ENTITY % equation.content "(alt?, (graphic+|mediaobject+|mathphrase+))">
+<!ENTITY % inlineequation.content "(alt?, (graphic+|inlinemediaobject+|mathphrase+))">
+<!ENTITY % equation.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.equation.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % equation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % equation.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A displayed mathematical equation.-->
+<!ELEMENT equation %ho; (blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;)?,
+ (informalequation | %equation.content;))>
+<!--end of equation.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % equation.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST equation
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %equation.role.attrib;
+ %local.equation.attrib;
+<!--end of equation.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of equation.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % informalequation.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.informalequation.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % informalequation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % informalequation.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A displayed mathematical equation without a title.-->
+<!ELEMENT informalequation %ho; (blockinfo?, %equation.content;) >
+<!--end of informalequation.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % informalequation.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST informalequation
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %informalequation.role.attrib;
+ %local.informalequation.attrib;
+<!--end of informalequation.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of informalequation.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % inlineequation.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.inlineequation.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % inlineequation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % inlineequation.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A mathematical equation or expression occurring inline.-->
+<!ELEMENT inlineequation %ho; (%inlineequation.content;)>
+<!--end of inlineequation.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % inlineequation.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST inlineequation
+ %common.attrib;
+ %inlineequation.role.attrib;
+ %local.inlineequation.attrib;
+<!--end of inlineequation.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of inlineequation.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % alt.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.alt.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % alt.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % alt.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Text representation for a graphical element.-->
+<!ELEMENT alt %ho; (#PCDATA)>
+<!--end of alt.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % alt.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST alt
+ %common.attrib;
+ %alt.role.attrib;
+ %local.alt.attrib;
+<!--end of alt.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of alt.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mathphrase.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.mathphrase.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % mathphrase.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % mathphrase.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A mathematical phrase, an expression that can be represented with ordinary text and a small amount of markup.-->
+<!ELEMENT mathphrase %ho; (#PCDATA|subscript|superscript|emphasis)*>
+<!--end of mathphrase.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mathphrase.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST mathphrase
+ %common.attrib;
+ %mathphrase.role.attrib;
+ %local.mathphrase.attrib;
+<!--end of mathphrase.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of mathphrase.module-->]]>
+<!-- Tables ........................... -->
+<!ENTITY % table.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Choose a table model. CALS or OASIS XML Exchange -->
+<!ENTITY % cals.table.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % exchange.table.module "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % exchange.table.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Do we allow the HTML table model as well? -->
+<!ENTITY % allow.html.tables "INCLUDE">
+ <!-- ====================================================== -->
+ <!-- xhtmltbl.mod defines HTML tables and sets parameter
+ entities so that, when the CALS table module is read,
+ we end up allowing any table to be CALS or HTML.
+ i.e. This include must come first! -->
+ <!-- ====================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % htmltbl
+ "htmltblx.mod">
+<!--end of allow.html.tables-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tables.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!-- Add label and role attributes to table and informaltable -->
+<!ENTITY % bodyatt "
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ rowheader (firstcol|norowheader) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;"
+<!-- Add common attributes to Table, TGroup, TBody, THead, TFoot, Row,
+ EntryTbl, and Entry (and InformalTable element). -->
+<!ENTITY % secur
+ "%common.attrib;
+ %tables.role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % common.table.attribs
+ "%bodyatt;
+ %secur;">
+<!-- Content model for Table. -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl
+ "(blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;), (%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ textobject*,
+ (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+))">
+<!-- Allow either objects or inlines; beware of REs between elements. -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "%para.char.mix; | %tabentry.mix;">
+<!-- Reference CALS Table Model -->
+<!ENTITY % tablemodel
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook CALS Table Model V4.5//EN"
+ "calstblx.dtd">
+<!-- Add common attributes and the Label attribute to Table and -->
+<!-- InformalTable. -->
+<!ENTITY % bodyatt
+ "%common.attrib;
+ rowheader (firstcol|norowheader) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;
+ %tables.role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % common.table.attribs
+ "%bodyatt;">
+<!-- Add common attributes to TGroup, ColSpec, TBody, THead, Row, Entry -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att "%common.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att "%common.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att "%common.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.thead.att "%common.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att "%common.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att "%common.attrib;">
+<!-- Content model for Table. -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl
+ "(blockinfo?, (%formalobject.title.content;), (%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ textobject*,
+ (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+))">
+<!-- Allow either objects or inlines; beware of REs between elements. -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%para.char.mix; | %tabentry.mix;)*">
+<!-- Reference OASIS Exchange Table Model -->
+<!ENTITY % tablemodel
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN"
+ "soextblx.dtd">
+<!--end of table.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % informaltable.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Note that InformalTable is dependent on some of the entity
+ declarations that customize Table. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.informaltable.attrib "">
+<!-- the following entity may have been declared by the XHTML table module -->
+<!ENTITY % informal.tbl.table.mdl "textobject*, (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+)">
+<!ENTITY % informaltable.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A table without a title.-->
+<!ELEMENT informaltable %ho; (blockinfo?, (%informal.tbl.table.mdl;))>
+<!--end of informaltable.element-->]]>
+<!-- Frame, Colsep, and Rowsep must be repeated because
+ they are not in entities in the table module. -->
+<!-- includes TabStyle, ToCentry, ShortEntry,
+ Orient, PgWide -->
+<!-- includes Label -->
+<!-- includes common attributes -->
+<!ENTITY % informaltable.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST informaltable
+ frame (%tbl.frame.attval;) #IMPLIED
+ colsep %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
+ %common.table.attribs;
+ %tbl.table.att;
+ %local.informaltable.attrib;
+<!--end of informaltable.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of informaltable.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % caption.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %caption.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.caption.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % caption.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % caption.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %caption.element; [
+<!--doc:A caption.-->
+<!ELEMENT caption %ho; (#PCDATA | %textobject.mix;)*>
+<!--end of caption.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % caption.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %caption.attlist; [
+<!-- attrs comes from HTML tables ... -->
+<![ %allow.html.tables; [
+<!-- common.attrib, but without ID because ID is in attrs -->
+<!ENTITY % caption.attlist.content "
+ %caption.role.attrib;
+ %attrs;
+ align (top|bottom|left|right) #IMPLIED
+ %local.caption.attrib;
+<!ENTITY % caption.attlist.content "
+ %common.attrib;
+ %caption.role.attrib;
+ %local.caption.attrib;
+<!ATTLIST caption %caption.attlist.content;>
+<!--end of caption.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of caption.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Synopses ............................................................. -->
+<!-- Synopsis ......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % synopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.synopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % synopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % synopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A general-purpose element for representing the syntax of commands or functions.-->
+<!ELEMENT synopsis %ho; (%para.char.mix;|graphic|mediaobject|co|coref|textobject|lineannotation)*>
+<!--end of synopsis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % synopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST synopsis
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linespecific.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %synopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.synopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of synopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!-- LineAnnotation (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!--end of synopsis.module-->]]>
+<!-- CmdSynopsis ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.cmdsynopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A syntax summary for a software command.-->
+<!ELEMENT cmdsynopsis %ho; ((command | arg | group | sbr)+, synopfragment*)>
+<!--end of cmdsynopsis.element-->]]>
+<!-- Sepchar: Character that should separate command and all
+ top-level arguments; alternate value might be e.g., &Delta; -->
+<!ENTITY % cmdsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST cmdsynopsis
+ %label.attrib;
+ sepchar CDATA " "
+ cmdlength CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %cmdsynopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.cmdsynopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of cmdsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of cmdsynopsis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % arg.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.arg.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % arg.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % arg.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An argument in a CmdSynopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT arg %ho; (#PCDATA
+ | arg
+ | group
+ | option
+ | synopfragmentref
+ | replaceable
+ | sbr)*>
+<!--end of arg.element-->]]>
+<!-- Choice: Whether Arg must be supplied: Opt (optional to
+ supply, e.g. [arg]; the default), Req (required to supply,
+ e.g. {arg}), or Plain (required to supply, e.g. arg) -->
+<!-- Rep: whether Arg is repeatable: Norepeat (e.g. arg without
+ ellipsis; the default), or Repeat (e.g. arg...) -->
+<!ENTITY % arg.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST arg
+ choice (opt
+ |req
+ |plain) 'opt'
+ rep (norepeat
+ |repeat) 'norepeat'
+ %common.attrib;
+ %arg.role.attrib;
+ %local.arg.attrib;
+<!--end of arg.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of arg.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % group.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % group.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % group.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A group of elements in a CmdSynopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT group %ho; ((arg | group | option | synopfragmentref
+ | replaceable | sbr)+)>
+<!--end of group.element-->]]>
+<!-- Choice: Whether Group must be supplied: Opt (optional to
+ supply, e.g. [g1|g2|g3]; the default), Req (required to
+ supply, e.g. {g1|g2|g3}), Plain (required to supply,
+ e.g. g1|g2|g3), OptMult (can supply zero or more, e.g.
+ [[g1|g2|g3]]), or ReqMult (must supply one or more, e.g.
+ {{g1|g2|g3}}) -->
+<!-- Rep: whether Group is repeatable: Norepeat (e.g. group
+ without ellipsis; the default), or Repeat (e.g. group...) -->
+<!ENTITY % group.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST group
+ choice (opt
+ |req
+ |plain) 'opt'
+ rep (norepeat
+ |repeat) 'norepeat'
+ %common.attrib;
+ %group.role.attrib;
+<!--end of group.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of group.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sbr.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sbr.attrib "">
+<!-- Synopsis break -->
+<!ENTITY % sbr.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sbr.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An explicit line break in a command synopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT sbr %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of sbr.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sbr.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sbr
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sbr.role.attrib;
+ %local.sbr.attrib;
+<!--end of sbr.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sbr.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.synopfragmentref.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A reference to a fragment of a command synopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT synopfragmentref %ho; (#PCDATA)>
+<!--end of synopfragmentref.element-->]]>
+<!-- to SynopFragment of complex synopsis
+ material for separate referencing -->
+<!ENTITY % synopfragmentref.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST synopfragmentref
+ %linkendreq.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %synopfragmentref.role.attrib;
+ %local.synopfragmentref.attrib;
+<!--end of synopfragmentref.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of synopfragmentref.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % synopfragment.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.synopfragment.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % synopfragment.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % synopfragment.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A portion of a CmdSynopsis broken out from the main body of the synopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT synopfragment %ho; ((arg | group)+)>
+<!--end of synopfragment.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % synopfragment.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST synopfragment
+ %idreq.common.attrib;
+ %synopfragment.role.attrib;
+ %local.synopfragment.attrib;
+<!--end of synopfragment.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of synopfragment.module-->]]>
+<!-- Command (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!-- Option (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!-- Replaceable (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!--end of cmdsynopsis.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- FuncSynopsis ..................... -->
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.funcsynopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The syntax summary for a function definition.-->
+<!ELEMENT funcsynopsis %ho; ((funcsynopsisinfo | funcprototype)+)>
+<!--end of funcsynopsis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST funcsynopsis
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %funcsynopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.funcsynopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of funcsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of funcsynopsis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.funcsynopsisinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Information supplementing the FuncDefs of a FuncSynopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT funcsynopsisinfo %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;|textobject|lineannotation)*>
+<!--end of funcsynopsisinfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcsynopsisinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST funcsynopsisinfo
+ %linespecific.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %funcsynopsisinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.funcsynopsisinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of funcsynopsisinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of funcsynopsisinfo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcprototype.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.funcprototype.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % funcprototype.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % funcprototype.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The prototype of a function.-->
+<!ELEMENT funcprototype %ho; (modifier*,
+ funcdef,
+ (void|varargs|(paramdef+, varargs?)),
+ modifier*)>
+<!--end of funcprototype.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcprototype.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST funcprototype
+ %common.attrib;
+ %funcprototype.role.attrib;
+ %local.funcprototype.attrib;
+<!--end of funcprototype.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of funcprototype.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcdef.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.funcdef.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % funcdef.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % funcdef.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A function (subroutine) name and its return type.-->
+<!ELEMENT funcdef %ho; (#PCDATA
+ | type
+ | replaceable
+ | function)*>
+<!--end of funcdef.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST funcdef
+ %common.attrib;
+ %funcdef.role.attrib;
+ %local.funcdef.attrib;
+<!--end of funcdef.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of funcdef.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % void.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.void.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % void.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % void.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An empty element in a function synopsis indicating that the function in question takes no arguments.-->
+<!ELEMENT void %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of void.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % void.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST void
+ %common.attrib;
+ %void.role.attrib;
+ %local.void.attrib;
+<!--end of void.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of void.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % varargs.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.varargs.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % varargs.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % varargs.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An empty element in a function synopsis indicating a variable number of arguments.-->
+<!ELEMENT varargs %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of varargs.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % varargs.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST varargs
+ %common.attrib;
+ %varargs.role.attrib;
+ %local.varargs.attrib;
+<!--end of varargs.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of varargs.module-->]]>
+<!-- Processing assumes that only one Parameter will appear in a
+ ParamDef, and that FuncParams will be used at most once, for
+ providing information on the "inner parameters" for parameters that
+ are pointers to functions. -->
+<!ENTITY % paramdef.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.paramdef.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % paramdef.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % paramdef.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Information about a function parameter in a programming language.-->
+<!ELEMENT paramdef %ho; (#PCDATA
+ | initializer
+ | type
+ | replaceable
+ | parameter
+ | funcparams)*>
+<!--end of paramdef.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % paramdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST paramdef
+ choice (opt
+ |req) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %paramdef.role.attrib;
+ %local.paramdef.attrib;
+<!--end of paramdef.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of paramdef.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcparams.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.funcparams.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % funcparams.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % funcparams.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Parameters for a function referenced through a function pointer in a synopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT funcparams %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of funcparams.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % funcparams.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST funcparams
+ %common.attrib;
+ %funcparams.role.attrib;
+ %local.funcparams.attrib;
+<!--end of funcparams.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of funcparams.module-->]]>
+<!-- LineAnnotation (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!-- Replaceable (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!-- Function (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!-- Parameter (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+<!--end of funcsynopsis.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ClassSynopsis ..................... -->
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsis.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.classsynopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The syntax summary for a class definition.-->
+<!ELEMENT classsynopsis %ho; ((ooclass|oointerface|ooexception)+,
+ (classsynopsisinfo
+ |fieldsynopsis|%method.synop.class;)*)>
+<!--end of classsynopsis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST classsynopsis
+ language CDATA #IMPLIED
+ class (class|interface) "class"
+ %common.attrib;
+ %classsynopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.classsynopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of classsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of classsynopsis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsisinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %classsynopsisinfo.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.classsynopsisinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsisinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsisinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %classsynopsisinfo.element; [
+<!--doc:Information supplementing the contents of a ClassSynopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT classsynopsisinfo %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;|textobject|lineannotation)*>
+<!--end of classsynopsisinfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % classsynopsisinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %classsynopsisinfo.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST classsynopsisinfo
+ %linespecific.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %classsynopsisinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.classsynopsisinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of classsynopsisinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of classsynopsisinfo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ooclass.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.ooclass.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % ooclass.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % ooclass.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A class in an object-oriented programming language.-->
+<!ELEMENT ooclass %ho; ((modifier|package)*, classname)>
+<!--end of ooclass.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ooclass.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST ooclass
+ %common.attrib;
+ %ooclass.role.attrib;
+ %local.ooclass.attrib;
+<!--end of ooclass.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of ooclass.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % oointerface.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.oointerface.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % oointerface.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % oointerface.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An interface in an object-oriented programming language.-->
+<!ELEMENT oointerface %ho; ((modifier|package)*, interfacename)>
+<!--end of oointerface.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % oointerface.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST oointerface
+ %common.attrib;
+ %oointerface.role.attrib;
+ %local.oointerface.attrib;
+<!--end of oointerface.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of oointerface.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ooexception.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.ooexception.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % ooexception.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % ooexception.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An exception in an object-oriented programming language.-->
+<!ELEMENT ooexception %ho; ((modifier|package)*, exceptionname)>
+<!--end of ooexception.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ooexception.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST ooexception
+ %common.attrib;
+ %ooexception.role.attrib;
+ %local.ooexception.attrib;
+<!--end of ooexception.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of ooexception.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % modifier.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.modifier.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % modifier.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % modifier.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Modifiers in a synopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT modifier %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of modifier.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % modifier.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST modifier
+ %common.attrib;
+ %modifier.role.attrib;
+ %local.modifier.attrib;
+<!--end of modifier.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of modifier.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % interfacename.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.interfacename.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % interfacename.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % interfacename.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of an interface.-->
+<!ELEMENT interfacename %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of interfacename.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % interfacename.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST interfacename
+ %common.attrib;
+ %interfacename.role.attrib;
+ %local.interfacename.attrib;
+<!--end of interfacename.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of interfacename.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % exceptionname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.exceptionname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % exceptionname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % exceptionname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of an exception.-->
+<!ELEMENT exceptionname %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of exceptionname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % exceptionname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST exceptionname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %exceptionname.role.attrib;
+ %local.exceptionname.attrib;
+<!--end of exceptionname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of exceptionname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % fieldsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.fieldsynopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % fieldsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % fieldsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a field in a class definition.-->
+<!ELEMENT fieldsynopsis %ho; (modifier*, type?, varname, initializer?)>
+<!--end of fieldsynopsis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % fieldsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST fieldsynopsis
+ language CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %fieldsynopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.fieldsynopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of fieldsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of fieldsynopsis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % initializer.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.initializer.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % initializer.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % initializer.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The initializer for a FieldSynopsis.-->
+<!ELEMENT initializer %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of initializer.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % initializer.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST initializer
+ %common.attrib;
+ %initializer.role.attrib;
+ %local.initializer.attrib;
+<!--end of initializer.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of initializer.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.constructorsynopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A syntax summary for a constructor.-->
+<!ELEMENT constructorsynopsis %ho; (modifier*,
+ methodname?,
+ (methodparam+|void?),
+ exceptionname*)>
+<!--end of constructorsynopsis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % constructorsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST constructorsynopsis
+ language CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %constructorsynopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.constructorsynopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of constructorsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of constructorsynopsis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % destructorsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.destructorsynopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % destructorsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % destructorsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A syntax summary for a destructor.-->
+<!ELEMENT destructorsynopsis %ho; (modifier*,
+ methodname?,
+ (methodparam+|void?),
+ exceptionname*)>
+<!--end of destructorsynopsis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % destructorsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST destructorsynopsis
+ language CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %destructorsynopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.destructorsynopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of destructorsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of destructorsynopsis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.methodsynopsis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A syntax summary for a method.-->
+<!ELEMENT methodsynopsis %ho; (modifier*,
+ (type|void)?,
+ methodname,
+ (methodparam+|void?),
+ exceptionname*,
+ modifier*)>
+<!--end of methodsynopsis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % methodsynopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST methodsynopsis
+ language CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %methodsynopsis.role.attrib;
+ %local.methodsynopsis.attrib;
+<!--end of methodsynopsis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of methodsynopsis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % methodname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.methodname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % methodname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % methodname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a method.-->
+<!ELEMENT methodname %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of methodname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % methodname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST methodname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %methodname.role.attrib;
+ %local.methodname.attrib;
+<!--end of methodname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of methodname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % methodparam.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.methodparam.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % methodparam.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % methodparam.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Parameters to a method.-->
+<!ELEMENT methodparam %ho; (modifier*,
+ type?,
+ ((parameter,initializer?)|funcparams),
+ modifier*)>
+<!--end of methodparam.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % methodparam.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST methodparam
+ choice (opt
+ |req
+ |plain) "req"
+ rep (norepeat
+ |repeat) "norepeat"
+ %common.attrib;
+ %methodparam.role.attrib;
+ %local.methodparam.attrib;
+<!--end of methodparam.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of methodparam.module-->]]>
+<!--end of classsynopsis.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Document information entities and elements ........................... -->
+<!-- The document information elements include some elements that are
+ currently used only in the document hierarchy module. They are
+ defined here so that they will be available for use in customized
+ document hierarchies. -->
+<!-- .................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % docinfo.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Ackno ............................ -->
+<!ENTITY % ackno.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.ackno.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % ackno.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % ackno.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Acknowledgements in an Article.-->
+<!ELEMENT ackno %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of ackno.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ackno.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST ackno
+ %common.attrib;
+ %ackno.role.attrib;
+ %local.ackno.attrib;
+<!--end of ackno.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of ackno.module-->]]>
+<!-- Address .......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % address.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % address.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.address.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % address.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % address.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A real-world address, generally a postal address.-->
+<!ELEMENT address %ho; (#PCDATA|personname|%person.ident.mix;
+ |street|pob|postcode|city|state|country|phone
+ |fax|email|otheraddr)*>
+<!--end of address.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % address.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST address
+ %linespecific.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %address.role.attrib;
+ %local.address.attrib;
+<!--end of address.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of address.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % street.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%street.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.street.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % street.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % street.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A street address in an address.-->
+<!ELEMENT street %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of street.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % street.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST street
+ %common.attrib;
+ %street.role.attrib;
+ %local.street.attrib;
+<!--end of street.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of street.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % pob.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%pob.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.pob.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % pob.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % pob.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A post office box in an address.-->
+<!ELEMENT pob %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of pob.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % pob.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST pob
+ %common.attrib;
+ %pob.role.attrib;
+ %local.pob.attrib;
+<!--end of pob.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of pob.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % postcode.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%postcode.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.postcode.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % postcode.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % postcode.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A postal code in an address.-->
+<!ELEMENT postcode %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of postcode.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % postcode.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST postcode
+ %common.attrib;
+ %postcode.role.attrib;
+ %local.postcode.attrib;
+<!--end of postcode.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of postcode.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % city.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%city.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % "">
+ <!ENTITY % city.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % city.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a city in an address.-->
+<!ELEMENT city %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of city.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % city.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST city
+ %common.attrib;
+ %city.role.attrib;
+<!--end of city.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of city.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % state.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%state.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.state.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % state.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % state.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A state or province in an address.-->
+<!ELEMENT state %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of state.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % state.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST state
+ %common.attrib;
+ %state.role.attrib;
+ %local.state.attrib;
+<!--end of state.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of state.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % country.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%country.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % "">
+ <!ENTITY % country.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % country.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a country.-->
+<!ELEMENT country %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of country.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % country.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST country
+ %common.attrib;
+ %country.role.attrib;
+<!--end of country.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of country.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % phone.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%phone.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % "">
+ <!ENTITY % phone.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % phone.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A telephone number.-->
+<!ELEMENT phone %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of phone.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % phone.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST phone
+ %common.attrib;
+ %phone.role.attrib;
+<!--end of phone.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of phone.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % fax.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%fax.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.fax.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % fax.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % fax.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A fax number.-->
+<!ELEMENT fax %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of fax.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % fax.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST fax
+ %common.attrib;
+ %fax.role.attrib;
+ %local.fax.attrib;
+<!--end of fax.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of fax.module-->]]>
+ <!-- Email (defined in the Inlines section, below)-->
+ <!ENTITY % otheraddr.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%otheraddr.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.otheraddr.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % otheraddr.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % otheraddr.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Uncategorized information in address.-->
+<!ELEMENT otheraddr %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of otheraddr.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % otheraddr.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST otheraddr
+ %common.attrib;
+ %otheraddr.role.attrib;
+ %local.otheraddr.attrib;
+<!--end of otheraddr.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of otheraddr.module-->]]>
+<!--end of address.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- Affiliation ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % affiliation.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % affiliation.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.affiliation.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % affiliation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % affiliation.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The institutional affiliation of an individual.-->
+<!ELEMENT affiliation %ho; (shortaffil?, jobtitle*, orgname?, orgdiv*,
+ address*)>
+<!--end of affiliation.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % affiliation.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST affiliation
+ %common.attrib;
+ %affiliation.role.attrib;
+ %local.affiliation.attrib;
+<!--end of affiliation.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of affiliation.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % shortaffil.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%shortaffil.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.shortaffil.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % shortaffil.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % shortaffil.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A brief description of an affiliation.-->
+<!ELEMENT shortaffil %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of shortaffil.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % shortaffil.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST shortaffil
+ %common.attrib;
+ %shortaffil.role.attrib;
+ %local.shortaffil.attrib;
+<!--end of shortaffil.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of shortaffil.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % jobtitle.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%jobtitle.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.jobtitle.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % jobtitle.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % jobtitle.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The title of an individual in an organization.-->
+<!ELEMENT jobtitle %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of jobtitle.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % jobtitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST jobtitle
+ %common.attrib;
+ %jobtitle.role.attrib;
+ %local.jobtitle.attrib;
+<!--end of jobtitle.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of jobtitle.module-->]]>
+ <!-- OrgName (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+ <!ENTITY % orgdiv.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%orgdiv.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.orgdiv.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % orgdiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % orgdiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A division of an organization.-->
+<!ELEMENT orgdiv %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of orgdiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % orgdiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST orgdiv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %orgdiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.orgdiv.attrib;
+<!--end of orgdiv.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of orgdiv.module-->]]>
+ <!-- Address (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+<!--end of affiliation.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ArtPageNums ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % artpagenums.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.artpagenums.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % artpagenums.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % artpagenums.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The page numbers of an article as published.-->
+<!ELEMENT artpagenums %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of artpagenums.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % artpagenums.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST artpagenums
+ %common.attrib;
+ %artpagenums.role.attrib;
+ %local.artpagenums.attrib;
+<!--end of artpagenums.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of artpagenums.module-->]]>
+<!-- PersonName -->
+<!ENTITY % personname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.personname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % personname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % personname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The personal name of an individual.-->
+<!ELEMENT personname %ho; ((honorific|firstname|surname|lineage|othername)+)>
+<!--end of personname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % personname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST personname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %personname.role.attrib;
+ %local.personname.attrib;
+<!--end of personname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of personname.module-->]]>
+<!-- Author ........................... -->
+<!ENTITY % author.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % author.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % author.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of an individual author.-->
+<!ELEMENT author %ho; ((personname|(%person.ident.mix;)+),(personblurb|email|address)*)>
+<!--end of author.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % author.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST author
+ %common.attrib;
+ %author.role.attrib;
+<!--end of author.attlist-->]]>
+<!--(see "Personal identity elements" for %person.ident.mix;)-->
+<!--end of author.module-->]]>
+<!-- AuthorGroup ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % authorgroup.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % authorgroup.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.authorgroup.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % authorgroup.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % authorgroup.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Wrapper for author information when a document has multiple authors or collabarators.-->
+<!ELEMENT authorgroup %ho; ((author|editor|collab|corpauthor|corpcredit|othercredit)+)>
+<!--end of authorgroup.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % authorgroup.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST authorgroup
+ %common.attrib;
+ %authorgroup.role.attrib;
+ %local.authorgroup.attrib;
+<!--end of authorgroup.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of authorgroup.module-->]]>
+ <!-- Author (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+ <!-- Editor (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+ <!ENTITY % collab.content.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%collab.content.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % collab.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%collab.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.collab.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % collab.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % collab.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Identifies a collaborator.-->
+<!ELEMENT collab %ho; (collabname, affiliation*)>
+<!--end of collab.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % collab.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST collab
+ %common.attrib;
+ %collab.role.attrib;
+ %local.collab.attrib;
+<!--end of collab.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of collab.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % collabname.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%collabname.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.collabname.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % collabname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % collabname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a collaborator.-->
+<!ELEMENT collabname %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of collabname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % collabname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST collabname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %collabname.role.attrib;
+ %local.collabname.attrib;
+<!--end of collabname.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of collabname.module-->]]>
+ <!-- Affiliation (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+ <!--end of collab.content.module-->]]>
+ <!-- CorpAuthor (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+ <!-- OtherCredit (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+<!--end of authorgroup.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- AuthorInitials ................... -->
+<!ENTITY % authorinitials.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.authorinitials.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % authorinitials.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % authorinitials.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The initials or other short identifier for an author.-->
+<!ELEMENT authorinitials %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of authorinitials.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % authorinitials.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST authorinitials
+ %common.attrib;
+ %authorinitials.role.attrib;
+ %local.authorinitials.attrib;
+<!--end of authorinitials.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of authorinitials.module-->]]>
+<!-- ConfGroup ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % confgroup.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % confgroup.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.confgroup.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % confgroup.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % confgroup.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for document meta-information about a conference.-->
+<!ELEMENT confgroup %ho; ((confdates|conftitle|confnum|address|confsponsor)*)>
+<!--end of confgroup.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % confgroup.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST confgroup
+ %common.attrib;
+ %confgroup.role.attrib;
+ %local.confgroup.attrib;
+<!--end of confgroup.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of confgroup.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % confdates.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%confdates.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.confdates.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % confdates.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % confdates.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The dates of a conference for which a document was written.-->
+<!ELEMENT confdates %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of confdates.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % confdates.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST confdates
+ %common.attrib;
+ %confdates.role.attrib;
+ %local.confdates.attrib;
+<!--end of confdates.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of confdates.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % conftitle.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%conftitle.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.conftitle.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % conftitle.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % conftitle.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The title of a conference for which a document was written.-->
+<!ELEMENT conftitle %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of conftitle.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % conftitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST conftitle
+ %common.attrib;
+ %conftitle.role.attrib;
+ %local.conftitle.attrib;
+<!--end of conftitle.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of conftitle.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % confnum.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%confnum.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.confnum.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % confnum.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % confnum.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An identifier, frequently numerical, associated with a conference for which a document was written.-->
+<!ELEMENT confnum %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of confnum.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % confnum.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST confnum
+ %common.attrib;
+ %confnum.role.attrib;
+ %local.confnum.attrib;
+<!--end of confnum.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of confnum.module-->]]>
+ <!-- Address (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+ <!ENTITY % confsponsor.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%confsponsor.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.confsponsor.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % confsponsor.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % confsponsor.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The sponsor of a conference for which a document was written.-->
+<!ELEMENT confsponsor %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of confsponsor.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % confsponsor.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST confsponsor
+ %common.attrib;
+ %confsponsor.role.attrib;
+ %local.confsponsor.attrib;
+<!--end of confsponsor.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of confsponsor.module-->]]>
+<!--end of confgroup.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ContractNum ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % contractnum.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.contractnum.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % contractnum.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % contractnum.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The contract number of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT contractnum %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of contractnum.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % contractnum.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST contractnum
+ %common.attrib;
+ %contractnum.role.attrib;
+ %local.contractnum.attrib;
+<!--end of contractnum.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of contractnum.module-->]]>
+<!-- ContractSponsor .................. -->
+<!ENTITY % contractsponsor.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.contractsponsor.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % contractsponsor.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % contractsponsor.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The sponsor of a contract.-->
+<!ELEMENT contractsponsor %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of contractsponsor.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % contractsponsor.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST contractsponsor
+ %common.attrib;
+ %contractsponsor.role.attrib;
+ %local.contractsponsor.attrib;
+<!--end of contractsponsor.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of contractsponsor.module-->]]>
+<!-- Copyright ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % copyright.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % copyright.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.copyright.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % copyright.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % copyright.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Copyright information about a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT copyright %ho; (year+, holder*)>
+<!--end of copyright.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % copyright.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST copyright
+ %common.attrib;
+ %copyright.role.attrib;
+ %local.copyright.attrib;
+<!--end of copyright.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of copyright.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % year.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%year.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.year.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % year.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % year.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The year of publication of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT year %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of year.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % year.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST year
+ %common.attrib;
+ %year.role.attrib;
+ %local.year.attrib;
+<!--end of year.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of year.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % holder.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%holder.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.holder.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % holder.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % holder.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of the individual or organization that holds a copyright.-->
+<!ELEMENT holder %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of holder.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % holder.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST holder
+ %common.attrib;
+ %holder.role.attrib;
+ %local.holder.attrib;
+<!--end of holder.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of holder.module-->]]>
+<!--end of copyright.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- CorpAuthor ....................... -->
+<!ENTITY % corpauthor.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.corpauthor.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % corpauthor.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % corpauthor.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A corporate author, as opposed to an individual.-->
+<!ELEMENT corpauthor %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of corpauthor.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % corpauthor.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST corpauthor
+ %common.attrib;
+ %corpauthor.role.attrib;
+ %local.corpauthor.attrib;
+<!--end of corpauthor.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of corpauthor.module-->]]>
+<!-- CorpCredit ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % corpcredit.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.corpcredit.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % corpcredit.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % corpcredit.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A corporation or organization credited in a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT corpcredit %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of corpcredit.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % corpcredit.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST corpcredit
+ class (graphicdesigner
+ |productioneditor
+ |copyeditor
+ |technicaleditor
+ |translator
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %corpcredit.role.attrib;
+ %local.corpcredit.attrib;
+<!--end of corpcredit.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of corpcredit.module-->]]>
+<!-- CorpName ......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % corpname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.corpname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % corpname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a corporation.-->
+<!ELEMENT corpname %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of corpname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % corpname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % corpname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST corpname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %corpname.role.attrib;
+ %local.corpname.attrib;
+<!--end of corpname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of corpname.module-->]]>
+<!-- Date ............................. -->
+<!ENTITY % date.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % date.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % date.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The date of publication or revision of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT date %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of date.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % date.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST date
+ %common.attrib;
+ %date.role.attrib;
+<!--end of date.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of date.module-->]]>
+<!-- Edition .......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % edition.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.edition.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % edition.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % edition.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name or number of an edition of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT edition %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of edition.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % edition.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST edition
+ %common.attrib;
+ %edition.role.attrib;
+ %local.edition.attrib;
+<!--end of edition.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of edition.module-->]]>
+<!-- Editor ........................... -->
+<!ENTITY % editor.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.editor.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % editor.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % editor.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of the editor of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT editor %ho; ((personname|(%person.ident.mix;)+),(personblurb|email|address)*)>
+<!--end of editor.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % editor.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST editor
+ %common.attrib;
+ %editor.role.attrib;
+ %local.editor.attrib;
+<!--end of editor.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--(see "Personal identity elements" for %person.ident.mix;)-->
+<!--end of editor.module-->]]>
+<!-- ISBN ............................. -->
+<!ENTITY % isbn.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.isbn.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % isbn.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % isbn.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The International Standard Book Number of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT isbn %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of isbn.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % isbn.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST isbn
+ %common.attrib;
+ %isbn.role.attrib;
+ %local.isbn.attrib;
+<!--end of isbn.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of isbn.module-->]]>
+<!-- ISSN ............................. -->
+<!ENTITY % issn.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.issn.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % issn.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % issn.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The International Standard Serial Number of a periodical.-->
+<!ELEMENT issn %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of issn.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % issn.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST issn
+ %common.attrib;
+ %issn.role.attrib;
+ %local.issn.attrib;
+<!--end of issn.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of issn.module-->]]>
+<!-- BiblioId ................. -->
+<!ENTITY % biblio.class.attrib
+ "class (uri
+ |doi
+ |isbn
+ |isrn
+ |issn
+ |libraryofcongress
+ |pubnumber
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ otherclass CDATA #IMPLIED"
+<!ENTITY % biblioid.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.biblioid.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % biblioid.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % biblioid.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An identifier for a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT biblioid %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of biblioid.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % biblioid.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST biblioid
+ %biblio.class.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %biblioid.role.attrib;
+ %local.biblioid.attrib;
+<!--end of biblioid.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of biblioid.module-->]]>
+<!-- CiteBiblioId ................. -->
+<!ENTITY % citebiblioid.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.citebiblioid.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % citebiblioid.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % citebiblioid.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A citation of a bibliographic identifier.-->
+<!ELEMENT citebiblioid %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of citebiblioid.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % citebiblioid.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST citebiblioid
+ %biblio.class.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %citebiblioid.role.attrib;
+ %local.citebiblioid.attrib;
+<!--end of citebiblioid.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of citebiblioid.module-->]]>
+<!-- BiblioSource ................. -->
+<!ENTITY % bibliosource.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliosource.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliosource.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliosource.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The source of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliosource %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of bibliosource.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliosource.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliosource
+ %biblio.class.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliosource.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliosource.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliosource.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliosource.module-->]]>
+<!-- BiblioRelation ................. -->
+<!ENTITY % bibliorelation.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliorelation.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliorelation.types "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliorelation.type.attrib
+ "type (isversionof
+ |hasversion
+ |isreplacedby
+ |replaces
+ |isrequiredby
+ |requires
+ |ispartof
+ |haspart
+ |isreferencedby
+ |references
+ |isformatof
+ |hasformat
+ |othertype
+ %local.bibliorelation.types;) #IMPLIED
+ othertype CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ENTITY % bibliorelation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliorelation.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The relationship of a document to another.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliorelation %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of bibliorelation.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliorelation.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliorelation
+ %biblio.class.attrib;
+ %bibliorelation.type.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliorelation.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliorelation.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliorelation.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliorelation.module-->]]>
+<!-- BiblioCoverage ................. -->
+<!ENTITY % bibliocoverage.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bibliocoverage.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bibliocoverage.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bibliocoverage.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The spatial or temporal coverage of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliocoverage %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of bibliocoverage.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliocoverage.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliocoverage
+ spatial (dcmipoint|iso3166|dcmibox|tgn|otherspatial) #IMPLIED
+ otherspatial CDATA #IMPLIED
+ temporal (dcmiperiod|w3c-dtf|othertemporal) #IMPLIED
+ othertemporal CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliocoverage.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliocoverage.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliocoverage.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliocoverage.module-->]]>
+<!-- InvPartNumber .................... -->
+<!ENTITY % invpartnumber.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.invpartnumber.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % invpartnumber.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % invpartnumber.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An inventory part number.-->
+<!ELEMENT invpartnumber %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of invpartnumber.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % invpartnumber.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST invpartnumber
+ %common.attrib;
+ %invpartnumber.role.attrib;
+ %local.invpartnumber.attrib;
+<!--end of invpartnumber.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of invpartnumber.module-->]]>
+<!-- IssueNum ......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % issuenum.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.issuenum.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % issuenum.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % issuenum.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The number of an issue of a journal.-->
+<!ELEMENT issuenum %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of issuenum.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % issuenum.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST issuenum
+ %common.attrib;
+ %issuenum.role.attrib;
+ %local.issuenum.attrib;
+<!--end of issuenum.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of issuenum.module-->]]>
+<!-- LegalNotice ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % legalnotice.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.legalnotice.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % legalnotice.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % legalnotice.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A statement of legal obligations or requirements.-->
+<!ELEMENT legalnotice %ho; (blockinfo?, title?, (%legalnotice.mix;)+)
+ %formal.exclusion;>
+<!--end of legalnotice.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % legalnotice.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST legalnotice
+ %common.attrib;
+ %legalnotice.role.attrib;
+ %local.legalnotice.attrib;
+<!--end of legalnotice.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of legalnotice.module-->]]>
+<!-- ModeSpec ......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % modespec.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.modespec.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % modespec.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % modespec.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Application-specific information necessary for the completion of an OLink.-->
+<!ELEMENT modespec %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of modespec.element-->]]>
+<!-- Application: Type of action required for completion
+ of the links to which the ModeSpec is relevant (e.g.,
+ retrieval query) -->
+<!ENTITY % modespec.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST modespec
+ application NOTATION
+ (%notation.class;) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %modespec.role.attrib;
+ %local.modespec.attrib;
+<!--end of modespec.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of modespec.module-->]]>
+<!-- OrgName .......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % orgname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.orgname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % orgname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % orgname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of an organization other than a corporation.-->
+<!ELEMENT orgname %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of orgname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % orgname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST orgname
+ %common.attrib;
+ class (corporation|nonprofit|consortium|informal|other) #IMPLIED
+ otherclass CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %orgname.role.attrib;
+ %local.orgname.attrib;
+<!--end of orgname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of orgname.module-->]]>
+<!-- OtherCredit ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % othercredit.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.othercredit.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % othercredit.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % othercredit.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A person or entity, other than an author or editor, credited in a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT othercredit %ho; ((personname|(%person.ident.mix;)+),
+ (personblurb|email|address)*)>
+<!--end of othercredit.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % othercredit.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST othercredit
+ class (graphicdesigner
+ |productioneditor
+ |copyeditor
+ |technicaleditor
+ |translator
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %othercredit.role.attrib;
+ %local.othercredit.attrib;
+<!--end of othercredit.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--(see "Personal identity elements" for %person.ident.mix;)-->
+<!--end of othercredit.module-->]]>
+<!-- PageNums ......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % pagenums.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.pagenums.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % pagenums.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % pagenums.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The numbers of the pages in a book, for use in a bibliographic entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT pagenums %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of pagenums.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % pagenums.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST pagenums
+ %common.attrib;
+ %pagenums.role.attrib;
+ %local.pagenums.attrib;
+<!--end of pagenums.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of pagenums.module-->]]>
+<!-- Personal identity elements ....... -->
+<!-- These elements are used only within Author, Editor, and
+OtherCredit. -->
+<!ENTITY % person.ident.module "INCLUDE">
+ <!ENTITY % contrib.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%contrib.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.contrib.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % contrib.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % contrib.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A summary of the contributions made to a document by a credited source.-->
+<!ELEMENT contrib %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of contrib.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % contrib.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST contrib
+ %common.attrib;
+ %contrib.role.attrib;
+ %local.contrib.attrib;
+<!--end of contrib.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of contrib.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % firstname.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%firstname.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.firstname.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % firstname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % firstname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The first name of a person.-->
+<!ELEMENT firstname %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of firstname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % firstname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST firstname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %firstname.role.attrib;
+ %local.firstname.attrib;
+<!--end of firstname.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of firstname.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % honorific.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%honorific.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.honorific.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % honorific.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % honorific.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The title of a person.-->
+<!ELEMENT honorific %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of honorific.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % honorific.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST honorific
+ %common.attrib;
+ %honorific.role.attrib;
+ %local.honorific.attrib;
+<!--end of honorific.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of honorific.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % lineage.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%lineage.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.lineage.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % lineage.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % lineage.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The portion of a person's name indicating a relationship to ancestors.-->
+<!ELEMENT lineage %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of lineage.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lineage.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST lineage
+ %common.attrib;
+ %lineage.role.attrib;
+ %local.lineage.attrib;
+<!--end of lineage.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of lineage.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % othername.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%othername.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.othername.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % othername.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % othername.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A component of a persons name that is not a first name, surname, or lineage.-->
+<!ELEMENT othername %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of othername.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % othername.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST othername
+ %common.attrib;
+ %othername.role.attrib;
+ %local.othername.attrib;
+<!--end of othername.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of othername.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % surname.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%surname.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.surname.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % surname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % surname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A family name; in western cultures the last name.-->
+<!ELEMENT surname %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of surname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % surname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST surname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %surname.role.attrib;
+ %local.surname.attrib;
+<!--end of surname.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of surname.module-->]]>
+<!--end of person.ident.module-->]]>
+<!-- PrintHistory ..................... -->
+<!ENTITY % printhistory.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.printhistory.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % printhistory.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % printhistory.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The printing history of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT printhistory %ho; ((%para.class;)+)>
+<!--end of printhistory.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % printhistory.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST printhistory
+ %common.attrib;
+ %printhistory.role.attrib;
+ %local.printhistory.attrib;
+<!--end of printhistory.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of printhistory.module-->]]>
+<!-- ProductName ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % productname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.productname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % productname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % productname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The formal name of a product.-->
+<!ELEMENT productname %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of productname.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: More precisely identifies the item the element names -->
+<!ENTITY % productname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST productname
+ class (service
+ |trade
+ |registered
+ |copyright) 'trade'
+ %common.attrib;
+ %productname.role.attrib;
+ %local.productname.attrib;
+<!--end of productname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of productname.module-->]]>
+<!-- ProductNumber .................... -->
+<!ENTITY % productnumber.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.productnumber.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % productnumber.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % productnumber.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A number assigned to a product.-->
+<!ELEMENT productnumber %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of productnumber.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % productnumber.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST productnumber
+ %common.attrib;
+ %productnumber.role.attrib;
+ %local.productnumber.attrib;
+<!--end of productnumber.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of productnumber.module-->]]>
+<!-- PubDate .......................... -->
+<!ENTITY % pubdate.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.pubdate.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % pubdate.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % pubdate.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The date of publication of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT pubdate %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of pubdate.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % pubdate.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST pubdate
+ %common.attrib;
+ %pubdate.role.attrib;
+ %local.pubdate.attrib;
+<!--end of pubdate.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of pubdate.module-->]]>
+<!-- Publisher ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % publisher.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % publisher.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.publisher.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % publisher.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % publisher.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The publisher of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT publisher %ho; (publishername, address*)>
+<!--end of publisher.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % publisher.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST publisher
+ %common.attrib;
+ %publisher.role.attrib;
+ %local.publisher.attrib;
+<!--end of publisher.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of publisher.module-->]]>
+ <!ENTITY % publishername.module "INCLUDE">
+ <![%publishername.module;[
+ <!ENTITY % local.publishername.attrib "">
+ <!ENTITY % publishername.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % publishername.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of the publisher of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT publishername %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of publishername.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % publishername.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST publishername
+ %common.attrib;
+ %publishername.role.attrib;
+ %local.publishername.attrib;
+<!--end of publishername.attlist-->]]>
+ <!--end of publishername.module-->]]>
+ <!-- Address (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+<!--end of publisher.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- PubsNumber ....................... -->
+<!ENTITY % pubsnumber.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.pubsnumber.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % pubsnumber.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % pubsnumber.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A number assigned to a publication other than an ISBN or ISSN or inventory part number.-->
+<!ELEMENT pubsnumber %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of pubsnumber.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % pubsnumber.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST pubsnumber
+ %common.attrib;
+ %pubsnumber.role.attrib;
+ %local.pubsnumber.attrib;
+<!--end of pubsnumber.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of pubsnumber.module-->]]>
+<!-- ReleaseInfo ...................... -->
+<!ENTITY % releaseinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.releaseinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % releaseinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % releaseinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Information about a particular release of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT releaseinfo %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of releaseinfo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % releaseinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST releaseinfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %releaseinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.releaseinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of releaseinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of releaseinfo.module-->]]>
+<!-- RevHistory ....................... -->
+<!ENTITY % revhistory.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % revhistory.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.revhistory.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % revhistory.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % revhistory.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A history of the revisions to a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT revhistory %ho; (revision+)>
+<!--end of revhistory.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revhistory.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST revhistory
+ %common.attrib;
+ %revhistory.role.attrib;
+ %local.revhistory.attrib;
+<!--end of revhistory.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of revhistory.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revision.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.revision.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % revision.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % revision.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry describing a single revision in the history of the revisions to a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT revision %ho; (revnumber?, date, (author|authorinitials)*,
+ (revremark|revdescription)?)>
+<!--end of revision.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revision.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST revision
+ %common.attrib;
+ %revision.role.attrib;
+ %local.revision.attrib;
+<!--end of revision.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of revision.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revnumber.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.revnumber.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % revnumber.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % revnumber.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A document revision number.-->
+<!ELEMENT revnumber %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of revnumber.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revnumber.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST revnumber
+ %common.attrib;
+ %revnumber.role.attrib;
+ %local.revnumber.attrib;
+<!--end of revnumber.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of revnumber.module-->]]>
+<!-- Date (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+<!-- AuthorInitials (defined elsewhere in this section)-->
+<!ENTITY % revremark.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.revremark.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % revremark.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % revremark.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A description of a revision to a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT revremark %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of revremark.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revremark.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST revremark
+ %common.attrib;
+ %revremark.role.attrib;
+ %local.revremark.attrib;
+<!--end of revremark.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of revremark.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revdescription.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %revdescription.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.revdescription.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % revdescription.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % revdescription.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %revdescription.element; [
+<!--doc:A extended description of a revision to a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT revdescription %ho; ((%revdescription.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of revdescription.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % revdescription.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %revdescription.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST revdescription
+ %common.attrib;
+ %revdescription.role.attrib;
+ %local.revdescription.attrib;
+<!--end of revdescription.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of revdescription.module-->]]>
+<!--end of revhistory.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- SeriesVolNums .................... -->
+<!ENTITY % seriesvolnums.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seriesvolnums.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seriesvolnums.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % seriesvolnums.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Numbers of the volumes in a series of books.-->
+<!ELEMENT seriesvolnums %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of seriesvolnums.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seriesvolnums.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seriesvolnums
+ %common.attrib;
+ %seriesvolnums.role.attrib;
+ %local.seriesvolnums.attrib;
+<!--end of seriesvolnums.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seriesvolnums.module-->]]>
+<!-- VolumeNum ........................ -->
+<!ENTITY % volumenum.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.volumenum.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % volumenum.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % volumenum.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The volume number of a document in a set (as of books in a set or articles in a journal).-->
+<!ELEMENT volumenum %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of volumenum.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % volumenum.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST volumenum
+ %common.attrib;
+ %volumenum.role.attrib;
+ %local.volumenum.attrib;
+<!--end of volumenum.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of volumenum.module-->]]>
+<!-- .................................. -->
+<!--end of docinfo.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Inline, link, and ubiquitous elements ................................ -->
+<!-- Technical and computer terms ......................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % accel.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.accel.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % accel.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % accel.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A graphical user interface (GUI) keyboard shortcut.-->
+<!ELEMENT accel %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of accel.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % accel.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST accel
+ %common.attrib;
+ %accel.role.attrib;
+ %local.accel.attrib;
+<!--end of accel.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of accel.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % action.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.action.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % action.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % action.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A response to a user event.-->
+<!ELEMENT action %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of action.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % action.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST action
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %action.role.attrib;
+ %local.action.attrib;
+<!--end of action.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of action.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % application.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.application.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % application.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % application.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a software program.-->
+<!ELEMENT application %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of application.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % application.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST application
+ class (hardware
+ |software) #IMPLIED
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %application.role.attrib;
+ %local.application.attrib;
+<!--end of application.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of application.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % classname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.classname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % classname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % classname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a class, in the object-oriented programming sense.-->
+<!ELEMENT classname %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of classname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % classname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST classname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %classname.role.attrib;
+ %local.classname.attrib;
+<!--end of classname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of classname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % package.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.package.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % package.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % package.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A package.-->
+<!ELEMENT package %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of package.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % package.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST package
+ %common.attrib;
+ %package.role.attrib;
+ %local.package.attrib;
+<!--end of package.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of package.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % co.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!-- CO is a callout area of the LineColumn unit type (a single character
+ position); the position is directly indicated by the location of CO. -->
+<!ENTITY % co.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % co.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The location of a callout embedded in text.-->
+<!ELEMENT co %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of co.element-->]]>
+<!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
+<!-- to any related information -->
+<!ENTITY % co.attlist "INCLUDE">
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkends.attrib;
+ %idreq.common.attrib;
+ %co.role.attrib;
+<!--end of co.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of co.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % coref.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.coref.attrib "">
+<!-- COREF is a reference to a CO -->
+<!ENTITY % coref.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % coref.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A cross reference to a co.-->
+<!ELEMENT coref %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of coref.element-->]]>
+<!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
+<!-- to any related information -->
+<!ENTITY % coref.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST coref
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkendreq.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %coref.role.attrib;
+ %local.coref.attrib;
+<!--end of coref.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of coref.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % command.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.command.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % command.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % command.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of an executable program or other software command.-->
+<!ELEMENT command %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of command.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % command.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST command
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %command.role.attrib;
+ %local.command.attrib;
+<!--end of command.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of command.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % computeroutput.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.computeroutput.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % computeroutput.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % computeroutput.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Data, generally text, displayed or presented by a computer.-->
+<!ELEMENT computeroutput %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;|co)*>
+<!--end of computeroutput.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % computeroutput.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST computeroutput
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %computeroutput.role.attrib;
+ %local.computeroutput.attrib;
+<!--end of computeroutput.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of computeroutput.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % database.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.database.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % database.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % database.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a database, or part of a database.-->
+<!ELEMENT database %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of database.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of database the element names; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % database.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST database
+ class (name
+ |table
+ |field
+ |key1
+ |key2
+ |record
+ |index
+ |view
+ |primarykey
+ |secondarykey
+ |foreignkey
+ |altkey
+ |procedure
+ |datatype
+ |constraint
+ |rule
+ |user
+ |group) #IMPLIED
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %database.role.attrib;
+ %local.database.attrib;
+<!--end of database.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of database.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % email.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % email.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % email.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An email address.-->
+<!ELEMENT email %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of email.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % email.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST email
+ %common.attrib;
+ %email.role.attrib;
+<!--end of email.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of email.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % envar.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.envar.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % envar.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % envar.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A software environment variable.-->
+<!ELEMENT envar %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of envar.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % envar.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST envar
+ %common.attrib;
+ %envar.role.attrib;
+ %local.envar.attrib;
+<!--end of envar.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of envar.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errorcode.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.errorcode.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % errorcode.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % errorcode.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An error code.-->
+<!ELEMENT errorcode %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of errorcode.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errorcode.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST errorcode
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %errorcode.role.attrib;
+ %local.errorcode.attrib;
+<!--end of errorcode.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of errorcode.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errorname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.errorname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % errorname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % errorname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An error name.-->
+<!ELEMENT errorname %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of errorname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errorname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST errorname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %errorname.role.attrib;
+ %local.errorname.attrib;
+<!--end of errorname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of errorname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errortext.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.errortext.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % errortext.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % errortext.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An error message..-->
+<!ELEMENT errortext %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of errortext.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errortext.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST errortext
+ %common.attrib;
+ %errortext.role.attrib;
+ %local.errortext.attrib;
+<!--end of errortext.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of errortext.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errortype.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.errortype.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % errortype.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % errortype.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The classification of an error message.-->
+<!ELEMENT errortype %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of errortype.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % errortype.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST errortype
+ %common.attrib;
+ %errortype.role.attrib;
+ %local.errortype.attrib;
+<!--end of errortype.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of errortype.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % filename.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.filename.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % filename.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % filename.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a file.-->
+<!ELEMENT filename %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of filename.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of filename the element names; no default -->
+<!-- Path: Search path (possibly system-specific) in which
+ file can be found -->
+<!ENTITY % filename.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST filename
+ class (headerfile
+ |partition
+ |devicefile
+ |libraryfile
+ |directory
+ |extension
+ |symlink) #IMPLIED
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %filename.role.attrib;
+ %local.filename.attrib;
+<!--end of filename.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of filename.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % function.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.function.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % function.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % function.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language.-->
+<!ELEMENT function %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of function.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % function.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST function
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %function.role.attrib;
+ %local.function.attrib;
+<!--end of function.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of function.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guibutton.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.guibutton.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % guibutton.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % guibutton.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The text on a button in a GUI.-->
+<!ELEMENT guibutton %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel|superscript|subscript)*>
+<!--end of guibutton.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guibutton.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST guibutton
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %guibutton.role.attrib;
+ %local.guibutton.attrib;
+<!--end of guibutton.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of guibutton.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guiicon.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.guiicon.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % guiicon.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % guiicon.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Graphic and/or text appearing as a icon in a GUI.-->
+<!ELEMENT guiicon %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel|superscript|subscript)*>
+<!--end of guiicon.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guiicon.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST guiicon
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %guiicon.role.attrib;
+ %local.guiicon.attrib;
+<!--end of guiicon.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of guiicon.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guilabel.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.guilabel.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % guilabel.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % guilabel.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The text of a label in a GUI.-->
+<!ELEMENT guilabel %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel|superscript|subscript)*>
+<!--end of guilabel.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guilabel.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST guilabel
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %guilabel.role.attrib;
+ %local.guilabel.attrib;
+<!--end of guilabel.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of guilabel.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guimenu.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.guimenu.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % guimenu.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % guimenu.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a menu in a GUI.-->
+<!ELEMENT guimenu %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel|superscript|subscript)*>
+<!--end of guimenu.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guimenu.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST guimenu
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %guimenu.role.attrib;
+ %local.guimenu.attrib;
+<!--end of guimenu.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of guimenu.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guimenuitem.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.guimenuitem.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % guimenuitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % guimenuitem.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a terminal menu item in a GUI.-->
+<!ELEMENT guimenuitem %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel|superscript|subscript)*>
+<!--end of guimenuitem.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guimenuitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST guimenuitem
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %guimenuitem.role.attrib;
+ %local.guimenuitem.attrib;
+<!--end of guimenuitem.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of guimenuitem.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guisubmenu.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.guisubmenu.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % guisubmenu.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % guisubmenu.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a submenu in a GUI.-->
+<!ELEMENT guisubmenu %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel|superscript|subscript)*>
+<!--end of guisubmenu.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % guisubmenu.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST guisubmenu
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %guisubmenu.role.attrib;
+ %local.guisubmenu.attrib;
+<!--end of guisubmenu.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of guisubmenu.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % hardware.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.hardware.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % hardware.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % hardware.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A physical part of a computer system.-->
+<!ELEMENT hardware %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of hardware.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % hardware.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST hardware
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %hardware.role.attrib;
+ %local.hardware.attrib;
+<!--end of hardware.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of hardware.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % interface.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.interface.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % interface.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % interface.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An element of a GUI.-->
+<!ELEMENT interface %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|accel)*>
+<!--end of interface.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of the Interface item; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % interface.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST interface
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %interface.role.attrib;
+ %local.interface.attrib;
+<!--end of interface.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of interface.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keycap.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.keycap.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % keycap.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % keycap.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The text printed on a key on a keyboard.-->
+<!ELEMENT keycap %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of keycap.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keycap.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST keycap
+ function (alt
+ |control
+ |shift
+ |meta
+ |escape
+ |enter
+ |tab
+ |backspace
+ |command
+ |option
+ |space
+ |delete
+ |insert
+ |up
+ |down
+ |left
+ |right
+ |home
+ |end
+ |pageup
+ |pagedown
+ |other) #IMPLIED
+ otherfunction CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %keycap.role.attrib;
+ %local.keycap.attrib;
+<!--end of keycap.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of keycap.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keycode.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.keycode.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % keycode.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % keycode.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The internal, frequently numeric, identifier for a key on a keyboard.-->
+<!ELEMENT keycode %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of keycode.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keycode.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST keycode
+ %common.attrib;
+ %keycode.role.attrib;
+ %local.keycode.attrib;
+<!--end of keycode.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of keycode.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keycombo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.keycombo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % keycombo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % keycombo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A combination of input actions.-->
+<!ELEMENT keycombo %ho; ((keycap|keycombo|keysym|mousebutton)+)>
+<!--end of keycombo.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keycombo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST keycombo
+ %keyaction.attrib;
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %keycombo.role.attrib;
+ %local.keycombo.attrib;
+<!--end of keycombo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of keycombo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keysym.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.keysym.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % keysysm.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % keysym.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The symbolic name of a key on a keyboard.-->
+<!ELEMENT keysym %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of keysym.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % keysym.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST keysym
+ %common.attrib;
+ %keysysm.role.attrib;
+ %local.keysym.attrib;
+<!--end of keysym.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of keysym.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lineannotation.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.lineannotation.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % lineannotation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % lineannotation.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A comment on a line in a verbatim listing.-->
+<!ELEMENT lineannotation %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of lineannotation.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lineannotation.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST lineannotation
+ %common.attrib;
+ %lineannotation.role.attrib;
+ %local.lineannotation.attrib;
+<!--end of lineannotation.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of lineannotation.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % literal.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.literal.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % literal.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % literal.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Inline text that is some literal value.-->
+<!ELEMENT literal %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of literal.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % literal.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST literal
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %literal.role.attrib;
+ %local.literal.attrib;
+<!--end of literal.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of literal.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % code.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.code.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % code.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % code.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An inline code fragment.-->
+<!ELEMENT code %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of code.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % code.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST code
+ language CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %code.role.attrib;
+ %local.code.attrib;
+<!--end of code.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of code.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % constant.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %constant.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.constant.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % constant.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % constant.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %constant.element; [
+<!--doc:A programming or system constant.-->
+<!ELEMENT constant %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of constant.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % constant.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %constant.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST constant
+ class (limit) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %constant.role.attrib;
+ %local.constant.attrib;
+<!--end of constant.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of constant.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % varname.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %varname.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.varname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % varname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % varname.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %varname.element; [
+<!--doc:The name of a variable.-->
+<!ELEMENT varname %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of varname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % varname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %varname.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST varname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %varname.role.attrib;
+ %local.varname.attrib;
+<!--end of varname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of varname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % markup.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.markup.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % markup.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % markup.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A string of formatting markup in text that is to be represented literally.-->
+<!ELEMENT markup %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of markup.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % markup.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST markup
+ %common.attrib;
+ %markup.role.attrib;
+ %local.markup.attrib;
+<!--end of markup.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of markup.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % medialabel.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.medialabel.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % medialabel.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % medialabel.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A name that identifies the physical medium on which some information resides.-->
+<!ELEMENT medialabel %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of medialabel.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of medium named by the element; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % medialabel.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST medialabel
+ class (cartridge
+ |cdrom
+ |disk
+ |tape) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %medialabel.role.attrib;
+ %local.medialabel.attrib;
+<!--end of medialabel.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of medialabel.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % menuchoice.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % menuchoice.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.menuchoice.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % menuchoice.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % menuchoice.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A selection or series of selections from a menu.-->
+<!ELEMENT menuchoice %ho; (shortcut?, (guibutton|guiicon|guilabel
+ |guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|interface)+)>
+<!--end of menuchoice.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % menuchoice.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST menuchoice
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %menuchoice.role.attrib;
+ %local.menuchoice.attrib;
+<!--end of menuchoice.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of menuchoice.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % shortcut.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- See also KeyCombo -->
+<!ENTITY % local.shortcut.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % shortcut.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % shortcut.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A key combination for an action that is also accessible through a menu.-->
+<!ELEMENT shortcut %ho; ((keycap|keycombo|keysym|mousebutton)+)>
+<!--end of shortcut.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % shortcut.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST shortcut
+ %keyaction.attrib;
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %shortcut.role.attrib;
+ %local.shortcut.attrib;
+<!--end of shortcut.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of shortcut.module-->]]>
+<!--end of menuchoice.content.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mousebutton.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.mousebutton.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % mousebutton.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % mousebutton.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The conventional name of a mouse button.-->
+<!ELEMENT mousebutton %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of mousebutton.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % mousebutton.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST mousebutton
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %mousebutton.role.attrib;
+ %local.mousebutton.attrib;
+<!--end of mousebutton.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of mousebutton.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgtext.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.msgtext.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % msgtext.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % msgtext.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The actual text of a message component in a message set.-->
+<!ELEMENT msgtext %ho; ((%component.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of msgtext.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % msgtext.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST msgtext
+ %common.attrib;
+ %msgtext.role.attrib;
+ %local.msgtext.attrib;
+<!--end of msgtext.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of msgtext.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % option.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.option.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % option.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % option.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An option for a software command.-->
+<!ELEMENT option %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of option.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % option.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST option
+ %common.attrib;
+ %option.role.attrib;
+ %local.option.attrib;
+<!--end of option.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of option.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % optional.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.optional.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % optional.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % optional.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Optional information.-->
+<!ELEMENT optional %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of optional.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % optional.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST optional
+ %common.attrib;
+ %optional.role.attrib;
+ %local.optional.attrib;
+<!--end of optional.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of optional.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % parameter.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.parameter.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % parameter.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % parameter.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A value or a symbolic reference to a value.-->
+<!ELEMENT parameter %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of parameter.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of the Parameter; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % parameter.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST parameter
+ class (command
+ |function
+ |option) #IMPLIED
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %parameter.role.attrib;
+ %local.parameter.attrib;
+<!--end of parameter.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of parameter.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % prompt.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.prompt.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % prompt.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % prompt.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display.-->
+<!ELEMENT prompt %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;|co)*>
+<!--end of prompt.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % prompt.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST prompt
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %prompt.role.attrib;
+ %local.prompt.attrib;
+<!--end of prompt.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of prompt.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % property.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % property.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % property.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A unit of data associated with some part of a computer system.-->
+<!ELEMENT property %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of property.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % property.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST property
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %property.role.attrib;
+<!--end of property.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of property.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % replaceable.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.replaceable.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % replaceable.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % replaceable.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Content that may or must be replaced by the user.-->
+<!ELEMENT replaceable %ho; (#PCDATA
+ | %link.char.class;
+ | optional
+ | %base.char.class;
+ | %other.char.class;
+ | inlinegraphic
+ | inlinemediaobject
+ | co)*>
+<!--end of replaceable.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of information the element represents; no
+ default -->
+<!ENTITY % replaceable.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST replaceable
+ class (command
+ |function
+ |option
+ |parameter) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %replaceable.role.attrib;
+ %local.replaceable.attrib;
+<!--end of replaceable.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of replaceable.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % returnvalue.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.returnvalue.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % returnvalue.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % returnvalue.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The value returned by a function.-->
+<!ELEMENT returnvalue %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of returnvalue.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % returnvalue.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST returnvalue
+ %common.attrib;
+ %returnvalue.role.attrib;
+ %local.returnvalue.attrib;
+<!--end of returnvalue.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of returnvalue.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % sgmltag.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.sgmltag.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % sgmltag.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % sgmltag.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A component of SGML markup.-->
+<!ELEMENT sgmltag %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of sgmltag.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of SGML construct the element names; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % sgmltag.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST sgmltag
+ class (attribute
+ |attvalue
+ |element
+ |endtag
+ |emptytag
+ |genentity
+ |numcharref
+ |paramentity
+ |pi
+ |xmlpi
+ |starttag
+ |sgmlcomment
+ |prefix
+ |namespace
+ |localname) #IMPLIED
+ namespace CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %sgmltag.role.attrib;
+ %local.sgmltag.attrib;
+<!--end of sgmltag.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of sgmltag.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % structfield.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.structfield.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % structfield.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % structfield.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A field in a structure (in the programming language sense).-->
+<!ELEMENT structfield %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of structfield.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % structfield.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST structfield
+ %common.attrib;
+ %structfield.role.attrib;
+ %local.structfield.attrib;
+<!--end of structfield.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of structfield.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % structname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.structname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % structname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % structname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of a structure (in the programming language sense).-->
+<!ELEMENT structname %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of structname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % structname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST structname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %structname.role.attrib;
+ %local.structname.attrib;
+<!--end of structname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of structname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % symbol.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.symbol.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % symbol.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % symbol.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A name that is replaced by a value before processing.-->
+<!ELEMENT symbol %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of symbol.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of symbol; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % symbol.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST symbol
+ class (limit) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %symbol.role.attrib;
+ %local.symbol.attrib;
+<!--end of symbol.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of symbol.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % systemitem.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.systemitem.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % systemitem.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % systemitem.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A system-related item or term.-->
+<!ELEMENT systemitem %ho; (%cptr.char.mix; | acronym | co)*>
+<!--end of systemitem.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Type of system item the element names; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % systemitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST systemitem
+ class (constant
+ |daemon
+ |domainname
+ |etheraddress
+ |event
+ |eventhandler
+ |filesystem
+ |fqdomainname
+ |groupname
+ |ipaddress
+ |library
+ |macro
+ |netmask
+ |newsgroup
+ |osname
+ |protocol
+ |resource
+ |systemname
+ |username
+ |process
+ |server
+ |service) #IMPLIED
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %systemitem.role.attrib;
+ %local.systemitem.attrib;
+<!--end of systemitem.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of systemitem.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % uri.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.uri.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % uri.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % uri.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A Uniform Resource Identifier.-->
+<!ELEMENT uri %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of uri.element-->]]>
+<!-- Type: Type of URI; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % uri.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST uri
+ %common.attrib;
+ %uri.role.attrib;
+ %local.uri.attrib;
+<!--end of uri.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of uri.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % token.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.token.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % token.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % token.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A unit of information.-->
+<!ELEMENT token %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of token.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % token.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST token
+ %common.attrib;
+ %token.role.attrib;
+ %local.token.attrib;
+<!--end of token.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of token.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % type.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.type.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % type.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % type.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The classification of a value.-->
+<!ELEMENT type %ho; (%smallcptr.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of type.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % type.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST type
+ %common.attrib;
+ %type.role.attrib;
+ %local.type.attrib;
+<!--end of type.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of type.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % userinput.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.userinput.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % userinput.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % userinput.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Data entered by the user.-->
+<!ELEMENT userinput %ho; (%cptr.char.mix;|co)*>
+<!--end of userinput.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % userinput.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST userinput
+ %moreinfo.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %userinput.role.attrib;
+ %local.userinput.attrib;
+<!--end of userinput.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of userinput.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % termdef.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.termdef.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % termdef.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % termdef.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An inline definition of a term.-->
+<!ELEMENT termdef %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of termdef.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % termdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST termdef
+ %common.attrib;
+ %termdef.role.attrib;
+ %local.termdef.attrib;
+<!--end of termdef.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of termdef.module-->]]>
+<!-- General words and phrases ............................................ -->
+<!ENTITY % abbrev.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.abbrev.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % abbrev.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % abbrev.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An abbreviation, especially one followed by a period.-->
+<!ELEMENT abbrev %ho; (%word.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of abbrev.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % abbrev.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST abbrev
+ %common.attrib;
+ %abbrev.role.attrib;
+ %local.abbrev.attrib;
+<!--end of abbrev.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of abbrev.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % acronym.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.acronym.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % acronym.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % acronym.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An often pronounceable word made from the initial (or selected) letters of a name or phrase.-->
+<!ELEMENT acronym %ho; (%word.char.mix;)*
+ %acronym.exclusion;>
+<!--end of acronym.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % acronym.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST acronym
+ %common.attrib;
+ %acronym.role.attrib;
+ %local.acronym.attrib;
+<!--end of acronym.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of acronym.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % citation.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.citation.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % citation.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % citation.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An inline bibliographic reference to another published work.-->
+<!ELEMENT citation %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of citation.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % citation.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST citation
+ %common.attrib;
+ %citation.role.attrib;
+ %local.citation.attrib;
+<!--end of citation.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of citation.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % citerefentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.citerefentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % citerefentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % citerefentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A citation to a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT citerefentry %ho; (refentrytitle, manvolnum?)>
+<!--end of citerefentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % citerefentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST citerefentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %citerefentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.citerefentry.attrib;
+<!--end of citerefentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of citerefentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refentrytitle.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refentrytitle.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refentrytitle.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refentrytitle.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The title of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refentrytitle %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refentrytitle.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refentrytitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refentrytitle
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refentrytitle.role.attrib;
+ %local.refentrytitle.attrib;
+<!--end of refentrytitle.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refentrytitle.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % manvolnum.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.manvolnum.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % namvolnum.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % manvolnum.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A reference volume number.-->
+<!ELEMENT manvolnum %ho; (%word.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of manvolnum.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % manvolnum.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST manvolnum
+ %common.attrib;
+ %namvolnum.role.attrib;
+ %local.manvolnum.attrib;
+<!--end of manvolnum.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of manvolnum.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % citetitle.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.citetitle.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % citetitle.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % citetitle.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The title of a cited work.-->
+<!ELEMENT citetitle %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of citetitle.element-->]]>
+<!-- Pubwork: Genre of published work cited; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % citetitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST citetitle
+ pubwork (article
+ |book
+ |chapter
+ |part
+ |refentry
+ |section
+ |journal
+ |series
+ |set
+ |manuscript
+ |cdrom
+ |dvd
+ |wiki
+ |gopher
+ |bbs
+ |emailmessage
+ |webpage
+ |newsposting) #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %citetitle.role.attrib;
+ %local.citetitle.attrib;
+<!--end of citetitle.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of citetitle.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % emphasis.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.emphasis.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % emphasis.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % emphasis.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Emphasized text.-->
+<!ELEMENT emphasis %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of emphasis.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % emphasis.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST emphasis
+ %common.attrib;
+ %emphasis.role.attrib;
+ %local.emphasis.attrib;
+<!--end of emphasis.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of emphasis.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % foreignphrase.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.foreignphrase.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % foreignphrase.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % foreignphrase.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A word or phrase in a language other than the primary language of the document.-->
+<!ELEMENT foreignphrase %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of foreignphrase.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % foreignphrase.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST foreignphrase
+ %common.attrib;
+ %foreignphrase.role.attrib;
+ %local.foreignphrase.attrib;
+<!--end of foreignphrase.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of foreignphrase.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossterm.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossterm.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossterm.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossterm.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A glossary term.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossterm %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*
+ %glossterm.exclusion;>
+<!--end of glossterm.element-->]]>
+<!-- to GlossEntry if Glossterm used in text -->
+<!-- BaseForm: Provides the form of GlossTerm to be used
+ for indexing -->
+<!ENTITY % glossterm.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossterm
+ baseform CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %linkend.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossterm.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossterm.attrib;
+<!--end of glossterm.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossterm.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % firstterm.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.firstterm.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % firstterm.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % firstterm.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The first occurrence of a term.-->
+<!ELEMENT firstterm %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*
+ %glossterm.exclusion;>
+<!--end of firstterm.element-->]]>
+<!-- to GlossEntry or other explanation -->
+<!ENTITY % firstterm.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST firstterm
+ baseform CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %linkend.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %firstterm.role.attrib;
+ %local.firstterm.attrib;
+<!--end of firstterm.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of firstterm.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % phrase.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.phrase.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % phrase.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % phrase.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A span of text.-->
+<!ELEMENT phrase %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of phrase.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % phrase.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST phrase
+ %common.attrib;
+ %phrase.role.attrib;
+ %local.phrase.attrib;
+<!--end of phrase.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of phrase.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % quote.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.quote.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % quote.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % quote.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An inline quotation.-->
+<!ELEMENT quote %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of quote.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % quote.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST quote
+ %common.attrib;
+ %quote.role.attrib;
+ %local.quote.attrib;
+<!--end of quote.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of quote.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ssscript.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.ssscript.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % ssscript.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % subscript.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subscript (as in H{^2}O, the molecular formula for water).-->
+<!ELEMENT subscript %ho; (#PCDATA
+ | %link.char.class;
+ | emphasis
+ | replaceable
+ | symbol
+ | inlinegraphic
+ | inlinemediaobject
+ | %base.char.class;
+ | %other.char.class;)*
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of subscript.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % subscript.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST subscript
+ %common.attrib;
+ %ssscript.role.attrib;
+ %local.ssscript.attrib;
+<!--end of subscript.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % superscript.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A superscript (as in x^2, the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself).-->
+<!ELEMENT superscript %ho; (#PCDATA
+ | %link.char.class;
+ | emphasis
+ | replaceable
+ | symbol
+ | inlinegraphic
+ | inlinemediaobject
+ | %base.char.class;
+ | %other.char.class;)*
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of superscript.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % superscript.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST superscript
+ %common.attrib;
+ %ssscript.role.attrib;
+ %local.ssscript.attrib;
+<!--end of superscript.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of ssscript.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % trademark.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.trademark.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % trademark.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % trademark.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A trademark.-->
+<!ELEMENT trademark %ho; (#PCDATA
+ | %link.char.class;
+ | %tech.char.class;
+ | %base.char.class;
+ | %other.char.class;
+ | inlinegraphic
+ | inlinemediaobject
+ | emphasis)*>
+<!--end of trademark.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: More precisely identifies the item the element names -->
+<!ENTITY % trademark.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST trademark
+ class (service
+ |trade
+ |registered
+ |copyright) 'trade'
+ %common.attrib;
+ %trademark.role.attrib;
+ %local.trademark.attrib;
+<!--end of trademark.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of trademark.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % wordasword.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.wordasword.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % wordasword.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % wordasword.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A word meant specifically as a word and not representing anything else.-->
+<!ELEMENT wordasword %ho; (%word.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of wordasword.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % wordasword.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST wordasword
+ %common.attrib;
+ %wordasword.role.attrib;
+ %local.wordasword.attrib;
+<!--end of wordasword.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of wordasword.module-->]]>
+<!-- Links and cross-references ........................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % link.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % link.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % link.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A hypertext link.-->
+<!ELEMENT link %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*
+ %links.exclusion;>
+<!--end of link.element-->]]>
+<!-- Endterm: ID of element containing text that is to be
+ fetched from elsewhere in the document to appear as
+ the content of this element -->
+<!-- to linked-to object -->
+<!-- Type: Freely assignable parameter -->
+<!ENTITY % link.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST link
+ endterm IDREF #IMPLIED
+ xrefstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %linkendreq.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %link.role.attrib;
+<!--end of link.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of link.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % olink.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.olink.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % olink.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % olink.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A link that addresses its target indirectly, through an entity.-->
+<!ELEMENT olink %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*
+ %links.exclusion;>
+<!--end of olink.element-->]]>
+<!-- TargetDocEnt: Name of an entity to be the target of the link -->
+<!-- LinkMode: ID of a ModeSpec containing instructions for
+ operating on the entity named by TargetDocEnt -->
+<!-- LocalInfo: Information that may be passed to ModeSpec -->
+<!-- Type: Freely assignable parameter -->
+<!ENTITY % olink.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST olink
+ targetdocent ENTITY #IMPLIED
+ linkmode IDREF #IMPLIED
+ localinfo CDATA #IMPLIED
+ targetdoc CDATA #IMPLIED
+ targetptr CDATA #IMPLIED
+ xrefstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %olink.role.attrib;
+ %local.olink.attrib;
+<!--end of olink.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of olink.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % ulink.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.ulink.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % ulink.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % ulink.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A link that addresses its target by means of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).-->
+<!ELEMENT ulink %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*
+ %links.exclusion;>
+<!--end of ulink.element-->]]>
+<!-- URL: uniform resource locator; the target of the ULink -->
+<!-- Type: Freely assignable parameter -->
+<!ENTITY % ulink.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST ulink
+ xrefstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %ulink.role.attrib;
+ %local.ulink.attrib;
+<!--end of ulink.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of ulink.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % footnoteref.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.footnoteref.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % footnoteref.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % footnoteref.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A cross reference to a footnote (a footnote mark).-->
+<!ELEMENT footnoteref %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of footnoteref.element-->]]>
+<!-- to footnote content supplied elsewhere -->
+<!ENTITY % footnoteref.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST footnoteref
+ %linkendreq.attrib; %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %footnoteref.role.attrib;
+ %local.footnoteref.attrib;
+<!--end of footnoteref.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of footnoteref.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % xref.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.xref.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % xref.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % xref.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A cross reference to another part of the document.-->
+<!ELEMENT xref %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of xref.element-->]]>
+<!-- Endterm: ID of element containing text that is to be
+ fetched from elsewhere in the document to appear as
+ the content of this element -->
+<!-- to linked-to object -->
+<!ENTITY % xref.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST xref
+ endterm IDREF #IMPLIED
+ xrefstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %linkendreq.attrib;
+ %xref.role.attrib;
+ %local.xref.attrib;
+<!--end of xref.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of xref.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % biblioref.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.biblioref.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % biblioref.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % biblioref.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A cross reference to a bibliographic entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT biblioref %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of biblioref.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % biblioref.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST biblioref
+ endterm IDREF #IMPLIED
+ xrefstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %linkendreq.attrib;
+ %biblioref.role.attrib;
+ %local.biblioref.attrib;
+<!--end of biblioref.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of biblioref.module-->]]>
+<!-- Ubiquitous elements .................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % anchor.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.anchor.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % anchor.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % anchor.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A spot in the document.-->
+<!ELEMENT anchor %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of anchor.element-->]]>
+<!-- required -->
+<!-- replaces Lang -->
+<!ENTITY % anchor.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST anchor
+ %idreq.attrib; %pagenum.attrib; %remap.attrib;
+ %xreflabel.attrib;
+ %revisionflag.attrib;
+ %effectivity.attrib;
+ %anchor.role.attrib;
+ %local.anchor.attrib;
+<!--end of anchor.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of anchor.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % beginpage.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.beginpage.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % beginpage.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % beginpage.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The location of a page break in a print version of the document.-->
+<!ELEMENT beginpage %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of beginpage.element-->]]>
+<!-- PageNum: Number of page that begins at this point -->
+<!ENTITY % beginpage.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST beginpage
+ %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %beginpage.role.attrib;
+ %local.beginpage.attrib;
+<!--end of beginpage.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of beginpage.module-->]]>
+<!-- IndexTerms appear in the text flow for generating or linking an
+ index. -->
+<!ENTITY % indexterm.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % indexterm.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.indexterm.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % indexterm.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % indexterm.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for terms to be indexed.-->
+<!ELEMENT indexterm %ho; (primary?, ((secondary, ((tertiary, (see|seealso+)?)
+ | see | seealso+)?) | see | seealso+)?)
+ %ubiq.exclusion;>
+<!--end of indexterm.element-->]]>
+<!-- Scope: Indicates which generated indices the IndexTerm
+ should appear in: Global (whole document set), Local (this
+ document only), or All (both) -->
+<!-- Significance: Whether this IndexTerm is the most pertinent
+ of its series (Preferred) or not (Normal, the default) -->
+<!-- Class: Indicates type of IndexTerm; default is Singular,
+ or EndOfRange if StartRef is supplied; StartOfRange value
+ must be supplied explicitly on starts of ranges -->
+<!-- StartRef: ID of the IndexTerm that starts the indexing
+ range ended by this IndexTerm -->
+<!-- Zone: IDs of the elements to which the IndexTerm applies,
+ and indicates that the IndexTerm applies to those entire
+ elements rather than the point at which the IndexTerm
+ occurs -->
+<!ENTITY % indexterm.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST indexterm
+ %pagenum.attrib;
+ scope (all
+ |global
+ |local) #IMPLIED
+ significance (preferred
+ |normal) "normal"
+ class (singular
+ |startofrange
+ |endofrange) #IMPLIED
+ startref IDREF #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexterm.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexterm.attrib;
+<!--end of indexterm.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of indexterm.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % primsecter.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.primsecter.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % primsecter.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % primary.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The primary word or phrase under which an index term should be sorted.-->
+<!ELEMENT primary %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of primary.element-->]]>
+<!-- SortAs: Alternate sort string for index sorting, e.g.,
+ "fourteen" for an element containing "14" -->
+<!ENTITY % primary.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST primary
+ %common.attrib;
+ %primsecter.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecter.attrib;
+<!--end of primary.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % secondary.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A secondary word or phrase in an index term.-->
+<!ELEMENT secondary %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of secondary.element-->]]>
+<!-- SortAs: Alternate sort string for index sorting, e.g.,
+ "fourteen" for an element containing "14" -->
+<!ENTITY % secondary.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST secondary
+ %common.attrib;
+ %primsecter.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecter.attrib;
+<!--end of secondary.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tertiary.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A tertiary word or phrase in an index term.-->
+<!ELEMENT tertiary %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tertiary.element-->]]>
+<!-- SortAs: Alternate sort string for index sorting, e.g.,
+ "fourteen" for an element containing "14" -->
+<!ENTITY % tertiary.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tertiary
+ %common.attrib;
+ %primsecter.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecter.attrib;
+<!--end of tertiary.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of primsecter.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seeseealso.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seeseealso.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seeseealso.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % see.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Part of an index term directing the reader instead to another entry in the index.-->
+<!ELEMENT see %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of see.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % see.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST see
+ %common.attrib;
+ %seeseealso.role.attrib;
+ %local.seeseealso.attrib;
+<!--end of see.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seealso.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Part of an index term directing the reader also to another entry in the index.-->
+<!ELEMENT seealso %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of seealso.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seealso.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seealso
+ %common.attrib;
+ %seeseealso.role.attrib;
+ %local.seeseealso.attrib;
+<!--end of seealso.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seeseealso.module-->]]>
+<!--end of indexterm.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- End of DocBook XML information pool module V4.5 ...................... -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/docbookx.dtd b/doc/creating_themes/C/docbookx.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b43c59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/docbookx.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook XML DTD V4.5 ................................................. -->
+<!-- File docbookx.dtd .................................................... -->
+<!-- Copyright 1992-2006 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
+ Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
+ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ See also
+ $Id: docbookx.dtd 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook XML DTD
+ and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
+ is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
+ holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
+ any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
+ warranty.
+ If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for declaring and
+ referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
+ additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
+ the maintenance documentation for more information.
+ Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
+ changes to the mailing list. For more
+ information, see
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- This is the driver file for V4.5 of the DocBook DTD.
+ Please use the following formal public identifier to identify it:
+ "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+ For example, if your document's top-level element is Book, and
+ you are using DocBook directly, use the FPI in the DOCTYPE
+ declaration:
+ <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+ ""
+ [...]>
+ Or, if you have a higher-level driver file that customizes DocBook,
+ use the FPI in the parameter entity declaration:
+ <!ENTITY % DocBookDTD PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+ "">
+ %DocBookDTD;
+ See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
+ entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
+ planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
+ of DocBook.
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Enable SGML features ................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % sgml.features "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % xml.features "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % xml.features "INCLUDE">
+<!-- ERROR: Exactly one of xml.features and sgml.features must be turned on! -->
+<!ENTITY % dbnotn SYSTEM "">
+<!ENTITY % dbcent SYSTEM "">
+<!ENTITY % dbpool SYSTEM "">
+<!ENTITY % dbhier SYSTEM "">
+<!ENTITY % dbgenent SYSTEM "">
+<!ENTITY % ho "- O">
+<!ENTITY % hh "- -">
+<!ENTITY % ho "">
+<!ENTITY % hh "">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Notation declarations ................................................ -->
+<!ENTITY % dbnotn.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % dbnotn PUBLIC
+"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Notations V4.5//EN"
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- ISO character entity sets ............................................ -->
+<!ENTITY % dbcent.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % dbcent.euro "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY euro SDATA "[euro ]"><!-- euro sign -->
+<!ENTITY euro "&#x20AC;"><!-- euro sign, U+20AC NEW -->
+<!ENTITY % dbcent PUBLIC
+"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Character Entities V4.5//EN"
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DTD modules .......................................................... -->
+<!-- Information pool .............. -->
+<!ENTITY % dbpool.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %dbpool.module; [
+<!ENTITY % dbpool PUBLIC
+"-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Information Pool V4.5//EN"
+<!-- Redeclaration placeholder ..... -->
+<!ENTITY % intermod.redecl.module "IGNORE">
+<!-- Defining rdbmods here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
+<!ENTITY % rdbmods "">
+<!--end of intermod.redecl.module-->]]>
+<!-- Document hierarchy ............ -->
+<!ENTITY % dbhier.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %dbhier.module; [
+<!ENTITY % dbhier PUBLIC
+"-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V4.5//EN"
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Other general entities ............................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % dbgenent.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %dbgenent.module; [
+<!ENTITY % dbgenent PUBLIC
+"-//OASIS//ENTITIES DocBook Additional General Entities V4.5//EN"
+<!-- End of DocBook XML DTD V4.5 .......................................... -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/htmltblx.mod b/doc/creating_themes/C/htmltblx.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdaefed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/htmltblx.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook XML HTML Table Module V4.5 ................................... -->
+<!-- File htmltblx.mod .................................................... -->
+<!-- Copyright 2003-2006 ArborText, Inc., Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems,
+ Inc., and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ $Id: htmltblx.mod 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook XML DTD
+ and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
+ is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
+ holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
+ any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
+ warranty.
+ If you modify the DocBook XML DTD in any way, except for declaring and
+ referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
+ additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
+ the maintenance documentation for more information.
+ Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
+ changes to the mailing list. For more
+ information, see
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- This module contains the definitions for elements that are
+ isomorphic to the HTML elements. One could argue we should
+ instead have based ourselves on the XHTML Table Module, but the
+ HTML one is more like what browsers are likely to accept today
+ and users are likely to use.
+ This module has been developed for use with the DocBook V4.5
+ "union table model" in which elements and attlists common to both
+ models are defined (as the union) in the CALS table module by
+ setting various parameter entities appropriately in this file.
+ In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
+ declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
+ <!ENTITY % htmltbl PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML HTML Tables V4.5//EN"
+ "htmltblx.mod">
+ %htmltbl;
+ See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
+ entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
+ planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
+ of DocBook.
+<!--======================= XHTML Tables =======================================-->
+<!ENTITY % html.coreattrs
+ "%common.attrib;
+ >
+<!-- Does not contain lang or dir because they are in %common.attribs -->
+<!ENTITY % i18n "">
+<!ENTITY % i18n
+ "xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED"
+ >
+<!ENTITY % events
+ "onclick CDATA #IMPLIED
+ ondblclick CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onmousedown CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onmouseup CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onmouseover CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onmousemove CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onmouseout CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onkeypress CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onkeydown CDATA #IMPLIED
+ onkeyup CDATA #IMPLIED"
+ >
+<!ENTITY % attrs "%html.coreattrs; %i18n; %events;">
+<!ENTITY % cellhalign
+ "align (left|center|right|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ charoff CDATA #IMPLIED"
+ >
+<!ENTITY % cellvalign
+ "valign (top|middle|bottom|baseline) #IMPLIED"
+ >
+<!--doc:A group of columns in an HTML table.-->
+<!ELEMENT colgroup %ho; (col)*>
+<!--doc:Specifications for a column in an HTML table.-->
+<!ELEMENT col %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--doc:A row in an HTML table.-->
+<!ELEMENT tr %ho; (th|td)+>
+<!--doc:A table header entry in an HTML table.-->
+<!ELEMENT th %ho; (%para.char.mix; | %tabentry.mix; | table | informaltable)*>
+<!--doc:A table ntry in an HTML table.-->
+<!ELEMENT td %ho; (%para.char.mix; | %tabentry.mix; | table | informaltable)*>
+<!ATTLIST colgroup
+ %attrs;
+ span CDATA "1"
+ %cellhalign;
+ %cellvalign;
+ >
+<!ATTLIST col
+ %attrs;
+ span CDATA "1"
+ %cellhalign;
+ %cellvalign;
+ >
+ %attrs;
+ %cellhalign;
+ %cellvalign;
+ bgcolor CDATA #IMPLIED
+ >
+ %attrs;
+ scope (row|col|rowgroup|colgroup) #IMPLIED
+ rowspan CDATA "1"
+ colspan CDATA "1"
+ %cellhalign;
+ %cellvalign;
+ nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED
+ bgcolor CDATA #IMPLIED
+ >
+ %attrs;
+ scope (row|col|rowgroup|colgroup) #IMPLIED
+ rowspan CDATA "1"
+ colspan CDATA "1"
+ %cellhalign;
+ %cellvalign;
+ nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED
+ bgcolor CDATA #IMPLIED
+ >
+<!-- ====================================================== -->
+<!-- Set up to read in the CALS model configured to
+ merge with the XHTML table model -->
+<!-- ====================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % tables.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!-- Add label and role attributes to table and informaltable -->
+<!ENTITY % bodyatt "
+ floatstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ rowheader (firstcol|norowheader) #IMPLIED
+ %label.attrib;"
+<!-- Add common attributes to Table, TGroup, TBody, THead, TFoot, Row,
+ EntryTbl, and Entry (and InformalTable element). -->
+<!ENTITY % secur "
+ %common.attrib;
+ %i18n;
+ %events;
+ %tables.role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % common.table.attribs
+ "%bodyatt;
+ %secur;">
+<!-- Content model for Table (that also allows HTML tables) -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl
+ "((blockinfo?,
+ (%formalobject.title.content;),
+ (%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ textobject*,
+ (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+))
+ |(caption, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, (tbody+|tr+)))">
+<!ENTITY % informal.tbl.table.mdl
+ "(textobject*,
+ (graphic+|mediaobject+|tgroup+))
+ | ((col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, (tbody+|tr+))">
+<!-- Attributes for Table (including HTML ones) -->
+<!-- N.B. rules = (none | groups | rows | cols | all) but it can't be spec'd -->
+<!-- that way because 'all' already occurs in a different enumeration in -->
+<!-- CALS tables (frame). -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.att '
+ tabstyle CDATA #IMPLIED
+ tocentry %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
+ shortentry %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
+ orient (port|land) #IMPLIED
+ pgwide %yesorno.attvals; #IMPLIED
+ summary CDATA #IMPLIED
+ cellspacing CDATA #IMPLIED
+ cellpadding CDATA #IMPLIED
+ align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
+ bgcolor CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ENTITY % tbl.frame.attval "void|above|below|hsides|lhs|rhs|vsides|box|border|
+<!-- Allow either objects or inlines; beware of REs between elements. -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "%para.char.mix; | %tabentry.mix;">
+<!-- thead, tfoot, and tbody are defined in both table models,
+ so we set up parameter entities to define union models for them
+ -->
+<!ENTITY % tbl.hdft.mdl "(tr+|(colspec*,row+))">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.mdl "(tr+|row+)">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.valign.attval "top|middle|bottom|baseline">
+<!-- End of DocBook XML HTML Table Module V4.5 ............................ -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/C/soextblx.dtd b/doc/creating_themes/C/soextblx.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a92e116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/C/soextblx.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+<!-- This set of declarations defines the XML version of the Exchange
+ Table Model as of the date shown in the Formal Public Identifier
+ (FPI) for this entity.
+ This set of declarations may be referred to using a public external
+ entity declaration and reference as shown in the following three
+ lines:
+ <!ENTITY % calstblx
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN">
+ %calstblx;
+ If various parameter entities used within this set of declarations
+ are to be given non-default values, the appropriate declarations
+ should be given before calling in this package (i.e., before the
+ "%calstblx;" reference).
+<!-- The motivation for this XML version of the Exchange Table Model
+ is simply to create an XML version of the SGML Exchange Table
+ Model. By design, no effort has been made to "improve" the model.
+ This XML version incorporates the logical bare minimum changes
+ necessary to make the Exchange Table Model a valid XML DTD.
+ It has been modified slightly for use in the combined HTML/CALS models
+ supported by DocBook V4.3 and later.
+<!-- The XML version of the Exchange Table Model differs from
+ the SGML version in the following ways:
+ The following parameter entities have been removed:
+ - tbl.table.excep, tbl.hdft.excep, tbl.row.excep, tbl.entry.excep
+ There are no exceptions in XML. The following normative statement
+ is made in lieu of exceptions: the exchange table model explicitly
+ forbids a table from occurring within another table. If the
+ content model of an entry includes a table element, then this
+ cannot be enforced by the DTD, but it is a deviation from the
+ exchange table model to include a table within a table.
+ -, tbl.hdft.mdl, tbl.hdft.excep, tbl.hdft.att
+ The motivation for these elements was to change the table
+ header/footer elements. Since XML does not allow element declarations
+ to contain name groups, and the exchange table model does not
+ allow a table to contain footers, the continued presence of these
+ attributes seems unnecessary.
+ The following parameter entity has been added:
+ - tbl.thead.att
+ This entity parameterizes the attributes on thead. It replaces
+ the tbl.hdft.att parameter entity.
+ Other miscellaneous changes:
+ - Tag ommission indicators have been removed
+ - Comments have been removed from declarations
+ - NUMBER attributes have been changed to NMTOKEN
+ - NUTOKEN attributes have been to changed to NMTOKEN
+ - Removed the grouping characters around the content model
+ parameter entry for the 'entry' element. This is necessary
+ so that an entry can contain #PCDATA and be defined as an
+ optional, repeatable OR group beginning with #PCDATA.
+<!-- This entity includes a set of element and attribute declarations
+ that partially defines the Exchange table model. However, the model
+ is not well-defined without the accompanying natural language
+ description of the semantics (meanings) of these various elements,
+ attributes, and attribute values. The semantic writeup, also available
+ from SGML Open, should be used in conjunction with this entity.
+<!-- In order to use the Exchange table model, various parameter entity
+ declarations are required. A brief description is as follows:
+ %yesorno In ATTLIST of: An attribute declared value
+ almost all elements for a "boolean" attribute
+ %paracon In content model of: The "text" (logical content)
+ <entry> of the model group for <entry>
+ %titles In content model of: The "title" part of the model
+ table element group for the table element
+ In declaration of: The name of the "table"
+ table element element
+ %tbl.table-titles.mdl In content model of: The model group for the title
+ table elements part of the content model for
+ table element
+ %tbl.table.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ table elements model for table element,
+ often (and by default) defined
+ in terms of %tbl.table-titles.mdl
+ and tgroup
+ %tbl.table.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ table element table element
+ %bodyatt In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ table element table element (for backward
+ compatibility with the SGML
+ model)
+ %tbl.tgroup.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ <tgroup> model for <tgroup>
+ %tbl.tgroup.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <tgroup> <tgroup> element
+ %tbl.thead.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <thead> <thead> element
+ %tbl.tbody.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <tbody> <tbody> element
+ %tbl.colspec.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <colspec> <colspec> element
+ %tbl.row.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ <row> model for <row>
+ %tbl.row.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <row> <row> element
+ %tbl.entry.mdl In content model of: The model group for the content
+ <entry> model for <entry>
+ %tbl.entry.att In ATTLIST of: Additional attributes on the
+ <entry> <entry> element
+ This set of declarations will use the default definitions shown below
+ for any of these parameter entities that are not declared before this
+ set of declarations is referenced.
+<!-- These definitions are not directly related to the table model, but are
+ used in the default CALS table model and may be defined elsewhere (and
+ prior to the inclusion of this table module) in the referencing DTD. -->
+<!ENTITY % yesorno 'NMTOKEN'> <!-- no if zero(s), yes if any other value -->
+<!ENTITY % titles 'title?'>
+<!ENTITY % pcd "#PCDATA">
+<!ENTITY % paracon '%pcd;'> <!-- default for use in entry content -->
+The parameter entities as defined below change and simplify the CALS table
+model as published (as part of the Example DTD) in MIL-HDBK-28001. The
+resulting simplified DTD has support from the SGML Open vendors and is
+therefore more interoperable among different systems.
+These following declarations provide the Exchange default definitions
+for these entities. However, these entities can be redefined (by giving
+the appropriate parameter entity declaration(s) prior to the reference
+to this Table Model declaration set entity) to fit the needs of the
+current application.
+Note, however, that changes may have significant effect on the ability to
+interchange table information. These changes may manifest themselves
+in useability, presentation, and possible structure information degradation.
+<!ENTITY % "table">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl "tgroup+">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles.mdl; %tbl.table-main.mdl;">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
+ pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED ">
+<!ENTITY % bodyatt "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.thead.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att "">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.frame.attval "top|bottom|topbot|all|sides|none">
+<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.mdl "row+">
+<!-- ===== Element and attribute declarations follow. ===== -->
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % "table"
+ ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,"
+ ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "%tbl.table-titles; tgroup+"
+ ENTITY % tbl.table.att "
+ pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED "
+<!ELEMENT; (%tbl.table.mdl;)>
+ frame (%tbl.frame.attval;) #IMPLIED
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.table.att;
+ %bodyatt;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec*,thead?,tbody"
+ ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att ""
+<!--doc:A wrapper for the main content of a table, or part of a table.-->
+<!ELEMENT tgroup (%tbl.tgroup.mdl;) >
+<!ATTLIST tgroup
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.tgroup.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att ""
+<!--doc:Specifications for a column in a table.-->
+<!ELEMENT colspec EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST colspec
+ colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.colspec.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.thead.att ""
+<!--doc:A table header consisting of one or more rows.-->
+<!ELEMENT thead (row+)>
+<!ATTLIST thead
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.thead.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att ""
+<!--doc:A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table.-->
+<!ELEMENT tbody (%tbl.tbody.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST tbody
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.tbody.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl "entry+"
+ ENTITY % tbl.row.att ""
+<!--doc:A row in a table.-->
+<!ELEMENT row (%tbl.row.mdl;)>
+<!ATTLIST row
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.row.att;
+ Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
+ referenced below include:
+ ENTITY % paracon "#PCDATA"
+ ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%paracon;)*"
+ ENTITY % tbl.entry.att ""
+<!--doc:A cell in a table.-->
+<!ELEMENT entry (%tbl.entry.mdl;)*>
+<!ATTLIST entry
+ colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
+ align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
+ valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED
+ %tbl.entry.att;
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/ b/doc/creating_themes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b848256c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+### This part of can be customized by you.
+# mate-doc-utils standard variables:
+include $(top_srcdir)/mate-doc-utils.make
+dist-hook: doc-dist-hook
+# The name of the directory in /usr/share/mate/help/,
+# and the name of the main .xml file:
+DOC_MODULE = creating-marco-themes
+# The names of any files included via entity declarations.
+# The names of any files included by xincluded (preferred):
+# The names of any pictures:
+# The names of any locales for which documentation translations exist:
diff --git a/doc/creating_themes/ b/doc/creating_themes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86601c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/creating_themes/
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+# generated by automake 1.11.1 from
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
+# 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+### This part of can be customized by you.
+# mate-doc-utils.make - make magic for building documentation
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Shaun McCance <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ \
+ $(top_srcdir)/mate-doc-utils.make
+subdir = doc/creating_themes
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs
+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
+AR = @AR@
+AS = @AS@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+_clean_doc_header = $(if $(DOC_H_FILE),clean-doc-header)
+_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS = $(if $(filter environment,$(origin LINGUAS)), \
+ $(filter $(LINGUAS),$(DOC_LINGUAS)), \
+_DOC_ABS_SRCDIR = @abs_srcdir@
+_xml2po_mode = $(if $(DOC_ID),mallard,docbook)
+db2omf_args = \
+ --stringparam db2omf.basename $(DOC_MODULE) \
+ --stringparam db2omf.format $(3) \
+ --stringparam db2omf.dtd \
+ $(shell xmllint --format $(2) | grep -h PUBLIC | head -n 1 \
+ | sed -e 's/.*PUBLIC \(\"[^\"]*\"\).*/\1/') \
+ --stringparam db2omf.lang $(notdir $(patsubst %/$(notdir $(2)),%,$(2))) \
+ --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "$(OMF_DIR)" \
+ --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "$(HELP_DIR)" \
+ --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "$(_DOC_OMF_IN)" \
+ $(if $(_ENABLE_SK), \
+ --stringparam db2omf.scrollkeeper_cl "$(_skcontentslist)") \
+ $(_db2omf) $(2)
+_DOC_OMF_IN = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(wildcard $(_DOC_ABS_SRCDIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)
+_DOC_OMF_DB = $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN), \
+ $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(DOC_MODULE)-$(lc).omf))
+_DOC_OMF_HTML = $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN), \
+ $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(DOC_MODULE)-html-$(lc).omf))
+ $(if $(filter docbook,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)),$(_DOC_OMF_DB)) \
+ $(if $(filter html HTML,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)),$(_DOC_OMF_HTML))
+_DOC_C_PAGES = $(foreach page,$(DOC_PAGES),C/$(page))
+_DOC_C_ENTITIES = $(foreach ent,$(DOC_ENTITIES),C/$(ent))
+_DOC_C_INCLUDES = $(foreach inc,$(DOC_INCLUDES),C/$(inc))
+_DOC_C_DOCS = \
+ $(foreach fig,$(DOC_FIGURES),C/$(fig)), \
+ $(patsubst $(srcdir)/%,%,$(wildcard $(srcdir)/C/figures/*.png)))
+# FIXME: probably have to shell escape to determine the file names
+_DOC_C_HTML = $(foreach f, \
+ $(shell xsltproc --xinclude \
+ --stringparam db.chunk.basename "$(DOC_MODULE)" \
+ $(_chunks) "C/$(DOC_MODULE).xml"), \
+ C/$(f).xhtml)
+ $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(lc)/$(lc).po))
+_DOC_MOFILES = $(patsubst %.po,,$(_DOC_POFILES))
+ $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(lc)/$(DOC_MODULE).xml))
+ $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(foreach page,$(_DOC_C_PAGES), \
+ $(lc)/$(notdir $(page)) ))
+ $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(foreach inc,$(_DOC_C_INCLUDES), \
+ $(lc)/$(notdir $(inc)) ))
+# FIXME: probably have to shell escape to determine the file names
+ $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(foreach doc,$(_DOC_C_HTML), \
+ $(lc)/$(notdir $(doc)) ))
+ $(if $(filter html HTML,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)),$(_DOC_LC_HTML))
+_DOC_LC_FIGURES = $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS), \
+ $(patsubst C/%,$(lc)/%,$(_DOC_C_FIGURES)) )
+ $(foreach fig,$(_DOC_C_FIGURES), $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS), \
+ $(wildcard $(srcdir)/$(lc)/$(patsubst C/%,%,$(fig))) ))
+_DOC_POT = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(DOC_MODULE).pot)
+_DOC_HTML_ALL = $(if $(filter html HTML,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)), \
+_DOC_HTML_TOPS = $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(lc)/$(DOC_MODULE).xhtml)
+_clean_omf = $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),clean-doc-omf)
+_clean_dsk = $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),clean-doc-dsk)
+_clean_lc = $(if $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),clean-doc-lc)
+_clean_dir = $(if $(DOC_MODULE)$(DOC_ID),clean-doc-dir)
+_doc_install_dir = $(if $(DOC_ID),$(DOC_ID),$(DOC_MODULE))
+# The name of the directory in /usr/share/mate/help/,
+# and the name of the main .xml file:
+DOC_MODULE = creating-marco-themes
+# The names of any files included via entity declarations.
+# The names of any files included by xincluded (preferred):
+# The names of any pictures:
+# The names of any locales for which documentation translations exist:
+all: all-am
+$(srcdir)/ @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/mate-doc-utils.make $(am__configure_deps)
+ @for dep in $?; do \
+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+ *$$dep*) \
+ ( cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh ) \
+ && { if test -f $@; then exit 0; else break; fi; }; \
+ exit 1;; \
+ esac; \
+ done; \
+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu doc/creating_themes/Makefile'; \
+ $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+ $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu doc/creating_themes/Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
+ @case '$?' in \
+ *config.status*) \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
+ *) \
+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+ esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
+ -rm -f *.lo
+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
+tags: TAGS
+ctags: CTAGS
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+ dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+ sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+ -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+ case $$dist_files in \
+ */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+ sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+ sort -u` ;; \
+ esac; \
+ for file in $$dist_files; do \
+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+ dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+ if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+ cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+ fi; \
+ cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+ else \
+ test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+ || exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \
+ dist-hook
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-am
+all-am: Makefile
+install: install-am
+install-exec: install-exec-am
+install-data: install-data-am
+uninstall: uninstall-am
+install-am: all-am
+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-am
+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+ -test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-am
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-local mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-local
+dvi: dvi-am
+html: html-am
+info: info-am
+install-data-am: install-data-local
+install-dvi: install-dvi-am
+install-html: install-html-am
+install-info: install-info-am
+install-pdf: install-pdf-am
+install-ps: install-ps-am
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
+ -rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic \
+ maintainer-clean-local
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool \
+ mostlyclean-local
+pdf: pdf-am
+ps: ps-am
+uninstall-am: uninstall-local
+.MAKE: install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
+ clean-local dist-hook distclean distclean-generic \
+ distclean-libtool distclean-local distdir dvi dvi-am html \
+ html-am info info-am install install-am install-data \
+ install-data-am install-data-local install-dvi install-dvi-am \
+ install-exec install-exec-am install-html install-html-am \
+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-pdf \
+ install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am install-strip \
+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
+ maintainer-clean-generic maintainer-clean-local mostlyclean \
+ mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool mostlyclean-local pdf \
+ pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-local
+ @rm -f $@.tmp; touch $@.tmp;
+ echo 'const gchar* documentation_credits[] = {' >> $@.tmp
+ list='$(DOC_H_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do \
+ xmlpath="`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`:$(srcdir)/`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`"; \
+ if ! test -f "$$doc"; then doc="$(srcdir)/$$doc"; fi; \
+ xsltproc --path "$$xmlpath" $(_credits) $$doc; \
+ done | sort | uniq \
+ | awk 'BEGIN{s=""}{n=split($$0,w,"<");if(s!=""&&s!=substr(w[1],1,length(w[1])-1)){print s};if(n>1){print $$0;s=""}else{s=$$0}};END{if(s!=""){print s}}' \
+ | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/' -e 's/"/\\"/' -e 's/\(.*\)/\t"\1",/' >> $@.tmp
+ echo ' NULL' >> $@.tmp
+ echo '};' >> $@.tmp
+ echo >> $@.tmp
+ list='$(DOC_H_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do \
+ xmlpath="`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`:$(srcdir)/`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`"; \
+ if ! test -f "$$doc"; then doc="$(srcdir)/$$doc"; fi; \
+ docid=`echo "$$doc" | sed -e 's/.*\/\([^/]*\)\.xml/\1/' \
+ | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z_]/_/g' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`; \
+ echo $$xmlpath; \
+ ids=`xsltproc --xinclude --path "$$xmlpath" $(_ids) $$doc`; \
+ for id in $$ids; do \
+ echo '#define HELP_'`echo $$docid`'_'`echo $$id \
+ | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z_]/_/g' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`' "'$$id'"' >> $@.tmp; \
+ done; \
+ echo >> $@.tmp; \
+ done;
+ cp $@.tmp $@ && rm -f $@.tmp
+@HAVE_MATE_DOC_UTILS_FALSE@ @echo "*** MATE Doc Utils must be installed in order to make dist"
+.PHONY: dist-doc-header
+dist-doc-header: $(DOC_H_FILE)
+ @if test -f "$(DOC_H_FILE)"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $${d}$(DOC_H_FILE) $(distdir)/$(DOC_H_FILE)"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) "$${d}$(DOC_H_FILE)" "$(distdir)/$(DOC_H_FILE)";
+doc-dist-hook: dist-check-gdu $(if $(DOC_H_FILE),dist-doc-header)
+.PHONY: clean-doc-header
+clean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
+distclean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
+mostlyclean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
+maintainer-clean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
+ rm -f $(DOC_H_FILE)
+all: $(DOC_H_FILE)
+DOC_ID ?=
+DOC_FORMATS ?= docbook
+_xml2po ?= `which xml2po`
+_db2html ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable db2html mate-doc-utils`
+_db2omf ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable db2omf mate-doc-utils`
+_malrng ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable malrng mate-doc-utils`
+_chunks ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable xmldir mate-doc-utils`/mate/xslt/docbook/utils/chunks.xsl
+_credits ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable xmldir mate-doc-utils`/mate/xslt/docbook/utils/credits.xsl
+_ids ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable xmldir mate-doc-utils`/mate/xslt/docbook/utils/ids.xsl
+@ENABLE_SK_TRUE@_skpkgdatadir ?= `scrollkeeper-config --pkgdatadir`
+@ENABLE_SK_TRUE@_sklocalstatedir ?= `scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir`
+@ENABLE_SK_TRUE@_skcontentslist ?= $(_skpkgdatadir)/Templates/C/scrollkeeper_cl.xml
+$(_DOC_OMF_DB) : $(_DOC_OMF_IN)
+$(_DOC_OMF_DB) : $(DOC_MODULE)-%.omf : %/$(DOC_MODULE).xml
+ @test "x$(_ENABLE_SK)" != "xtrue" -o -f "$(_skcontentslist)" || { \
+ echo "The file '$(_skcontentslist)' does not exist." >&2; \
+ echo "Please check your ScrollKeeper installation." >&2; \
+ exit 1; }
+ xsltproc -o $@ $(call db2omf_args,$@,$<,'docbook') || { rm -f "$@"; exit 1; }
+$(_DOC_OMF_HTML) : $(DOC_MODULE)-html-%.omf : %/$(DOC_MODULE).xml
+@ENABLE_SK_TRUE@ @test "x$(_ENABLE_SK)" != "xtrue" -o -f "$(_skcontentslist)" || { \
+@ENABLE_SK_TRUE@ echo "The file '$(_skcontentslist)' does not exist" >&2; \
+@ENABLE_SK_TRUE@ echo "Please check your ScrollKeeper installation." >&2; \
+@ENABLE_SK_TRUE@ exit 1; }
+ xsltproc -o $@ $(call db2omf_args,$@,$<,'xhtml') || { rm -f "$@"; exit 1; }
+.PHONY: omf
+omf: $(_DOC_OMF_ALL)
+.PHONY: po
+po: $(_DOC_POFILES)
+.PHONY: mo
+mo: $(_DOC_MOFILES)
+ @if ! test -d $(dir $@); then \
+ echo "mkdir $(dir $@)"; \
+ mkdir "$(dir $@)"; \
+ fi
+ @if test ! -f $@ -a -f $(srcdir)/$@; then \
+ echo "cp $(srcdir)/$@ $@"; \
+ cp "$(srcdir)/$@" "$@"; \
+ fi;
+ @docs=; \
+ list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS_NOENT)'; for doc in $$list; do \
+ docs="$$docs $(_DOC_ABS_SRCDIR)/$$doc"; \
+ done; \
+ if ! test -f $@; then \
+ echo "(cd $(dir $@) && \
+ $(_xml2po) -m $(_xml2po_mode) -e $$docs > $(notdir $@).tmp && \
+ cp $(notdir $@).tmp $(notdir $@) && rm -f $(notdir $@).tmp)"; \
+ (cd $(dir $@) && \
+ $(_xml2po) -m $(_xml2po_mode) -e $$docs > $(notdir $@).tmp && \
+ cp $(notdir $@).tmp $(notdir $@) && rm -f $(notdir $@).tmp); \
+ else \
+ echo "(cd $(dir $@) && \
+ $(_xml2po) -m $(_xml2po_mode) -e -u $(notdir $@) $$docs)"; \
+ (cd $(dir $@) && \
+ $(_xml2po) -m $(_xml2po_mode) -e -u $(notdir $@) $$docs); \
+ fi
+$(_DOC_MOFILES): %.po
+ @if ! test -d $(dir $@); then \
+ echo "mkdir $(dir $@)"; \
+ mkdir "$(dir $@)"; \
+ fi
+ msgfmt -o $@ $<
+# FIXME: fix the dependancy
+# FIXME: hook xml2po up
+ if ! test -d $(dir $@); then mkdir $(dir $@); fi
+ if [ -f "C/$(notdir $@)" ]; then d="../"; else d="$(_DOC_ABS_SRCDIR)/"; fi; \
+ mo="$(dir $@)$(patsubst %/$(notdir $@),%,$@).mo"; \
+ if [ -f "$${mo}" ]; then mo="../$${mo}"; else mo="$(_DOC_ABS_SRCDIR)/$${mo}"; fi; \
+ (cd $(dir $@) && \
+ $(_xml2po) -m $(_xml2po_mode) -e -t "$${mo}" \
+ "$${d}C/$(notdir $@)" > $(notdir $@).tmp && \
+ cp $(notdir $@).tmp $(notdir $@) && rm -f $(notdir $@).tmp)
+.PHONY: pot
+pot: $(_DOC_POT)
+ $(_xml2po) -m $(_xml2po_mode) -e -o $@ $^
+ xsltproc -o $@ --xinclude --param db.chunk.chunk_top "false()" --stringparam db.chunk.basename "$(DOC_MODULE)" --stringparam db.chunk.extension ".xhtml" $(_db2html) $(patsubst %.xhtml,%.xml,$@)
+all: \
+ $(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS) \
+.PHONY: clean-doc-omf clean-doc-dsk clean-doc-lc clean-doc-dir
+clean-doc-omf: ; rm -f $(_DOC_OMF_DB) $(_DOC_OMF_HTML)
+clean-doc-dsk: ; rm -f $(_DOC_DSK_DB) $(_DOC_DSK_HTML)
+ rm -f $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)
+ rm -f $(_DOC_MOFILES)
+ @list='$(_DOC_POFILES)'; for po in $$list; do \
+ if ! test "$$po" -ef "$(srcdir)/$$po"; then \
+ echo "rm -f $$po"; \
+ rm -f "$$po"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+# cleaning is obsolete as of 0.18.1 and could be removed in 0.20.x
+ @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do \
+ if test -f "$$lc/"; then \
+ echo "rm -f $$lc/"; \
+ rm -f "$$lc/"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+clean-doc-dir: clean-doc-lc
+ @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do \
+ for dir in `find $$lc -depth -type d`; do \
+ if ! test $$dir -ef $(srcdir)/$$dir; then \
+ echo "rmdir $$dir"; \
+ rmdir "$$dir"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ done
+clean-local: \
+ $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk) \
+ $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
+distclean-local: \
+ $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk) \
+ $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
+mostlyclean-local: \
+ $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk) \
+ $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
+maintainer-clean-local: \
+ $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk) \
+ $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
+.PHONY: dist-doc-docs dist-doc-pages dist-doc-figs dist-doc-omf dist-doc-dsk
+doc-dist-hook: \
+ $(if $(DOC_MODULE)$(DOC_ID),dist-doc-docs) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_C_FIGURES),dist-doc-figs) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),dist-doc-omf)
+# $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),dist-doc-dsk)
+dist-doc-docs: $(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS) $(_DOC_POFILES)
+ @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do \
+ echo " $(mkinstalldirs) $(distdir)/$$lc"; \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) "$(distdir)/$$lc"; \
+ done
+ @list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS) $(_DOC_POFILES)'; \
+ for doc in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$doc"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ docdir=`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`; \
+ if ! test -d "$(distdir)/$$docdir"; then \
+ echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $(distdir)/$$docdir"; \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) "$(distdir)/$$docdir"; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$doc $(distdir)/$$doc"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$$doc" "$(distdir)/$$doc"; \
+ done
+dist-doc-figs: $(_DOC_SRC_FIGURES)
+ @list='$(_DOC_C_FIGURES) $(_DOC_LC_FIGURES)'; \
+ for fig in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$fig"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ if test -f "$$d$$fig"; then \
+ figdir=`echo $$fig | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`; \
+ if ! test -d "$(distdir)/$$figdir"; then \
+ echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $(distdir)/$$figdir"; \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) "$(distdir)/$$figdir"; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$fig $(distdir)/$$fig"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$$fig" "$(distdir)/$$fig"; \
+ fi; \
+ done;
+ @if test -f "$(_DOC_OMF_IN)"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$(_DOC_OMF_IN) $(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_OMF_IN))"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$(_DOC_OMF_IN)" "$(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_OMF_IN))"
+ @if test -f "$(_DOC_DSK_IN)"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$(_DOC_DSK_IN) $(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_DSK_IN))"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$(_DOC_DSK_IN)" "$(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_DSK_IN))"
+.PHONY: check-doc-docs check-doc-omf
+check: \
+ $(if $(DOC_MODULE),check-doc-docs) \
+ $(if $(DOC_ID),check-doc-pages) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),check-doc-omf)
+check-doc-docs: $(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)
+ @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do \
+ if test -f "$$lc"; \
+ then d=; \
+ xmlpath="$$lc"; \
+ else \
+ d="$(srcdir)/"; \
+ xmlpath="$$lc:$(srcdir)/$$lc"; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "xmllint --noout --noent --path $$xmlpath --xinclude --postvalid $$d$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).xml"; \
+ xmllint --noout --noent --path "$$xmlpath" --xinclude --postvalid "$$d$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).xml"; \
+ done
+check-doc-pages: $(_DOC_C_PAGES) $(_DOC_LC_PAGES)
+ for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do \
+ if test -f "$$lc"; \
+ then d=; \
+ xmlpath="$$lc"; \
+ else \
+ d="$(srcdir)/"; \
+ xmlpath="$$lc:$(srcdir)/$$lc"; \
+ fi; \
+ for page in $(DOC_PAGES); do \
+ echo "xmllint --noout --noent --path $$xmlpath --xinclude --relaxng $(_malrng) $$d$$lc/$$page"; \
+ xmllint --noout --noent --path "$$xmlpath" --xinclude --relaxng "$(_malrng)" "$$d$$lc/$$page"; \
+ done; \
+ done
+check-doc-omf: $(_DOC_OMF_ALL)
+ @list='$(_DOC_OMF_ALL)'; for omf in $$list; do \
+ echo "xmllint --noout --xinclude --dtdvalid '' $$omf"; \
+ xmllint --noout --xinclude --dtdvalid '' $$omf; \
+ done
+.PHONY: install-doc-docs install-doc-html install-doc-figs install-doc-omf install-doc-dsk
+install-data-local: \
+ $(if $(DOC_MODULE)$(DOC_ID),install-doc-docs) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_HTML_ALL),install-doc-html) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_C_FIGURES),install-doc-figs) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),install-doc-omf)
+# $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),install-doc-dsk)
+ @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do \
+ echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$lc"; \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$lc; \
+ done
+ @list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do \
+ if test -f "$$doc"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
+ docdir="$$lc/"`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`; \
+ docdir="$(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$docdir"; \
+ if ! test -d "$$docdir"; then \
+ echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $$docdir"; \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) "$$docdir"; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$doc $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$doc"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$doc $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$doc; \
+ done
+ @list='$(patsubst C/%,%,$(_DOC_C_FIGURES))'; for fig in $$list; do \
+ for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do \
+ figsymlink=false; \
+ if test -f "$$lc/$$fig"; then \
+ figfile="$$lc/$$fig"; \
+ elif test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$$fig"; then \
+ figfile="$(srcdir)/$$lc/$$fig"; \
+ else \
+ figsymlink=true; \
+ fi; \
+ figdir="$$lc/"`echo $$fig | sed -e 's/^\(.*\/\).*/\1/' -e '/\//!s/.*//'`; \
+ figdir="$(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$figdir"; \
+ if ! test -d "$$figdir"; then \
+ echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $$figdir"; \
+ $(mkinstalldirs) "$$figdir"; \
+ fi; \
+ figbase=`echo $$fig | sed -e 's/^.*\///'`; \
+ if $$figsymlink; then \
+ echo "cd $$figdir && $(LN_S) -f ../../C/$$fig $$figbase"; \
+ ( cd "$$figdir" && $(LN_S) -f "../../C/$$fig" "$$figbase" ); \
+ else \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$figfile $$figdir$$figbase"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$figfile" "$$figdir$$figbase"; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ done
+ echo install-html
+ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)
+ @list='$(_DOC_OMF_ALL)'; for omf in $$list; do \
+ echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$omf $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$omf"; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$omf $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$omf; \
+ done
+ @if test "x$(_ENABLE_SK)" = "xtrue"; then \
+ echo "scrollkeeper-update -p $(DESTDIR)$(_sklocalstatedir) -o $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)"; \
+ scrollkeeper-update -p "$(DESTDIR)$(_sklocalstatedir)" -o "$(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)"; \
+ fi;
+ echo install-dsk
+.PHONY: uninstall-doc-docs uninstall-doc-html uninstall-doc-figs uninstall-doc-omf uninstall-doc-dsk
+uninstall-local: \
+ $(if $(DOC_MODULE)$(DOC_ID),uninstall-doc-docs) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_HTML_ALL),uninstall-doc-html) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_C_FIGURES),uninstall-doc-figs) \
+ $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),uninstall-doc-omf)
+# $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),uninstall-doc-dsk)
+ @list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do \
+ echo " rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$doc"; \
+ rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$doc"; \
+ done
+ @list='$(_DOC_C_FIGURES) $(_DOC_LC_FIGURES)'; for fig in $$list; do \
+ echo "rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$fig"; \
+ rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$fig"; \
+ done;
+ @list='$(_DOC_OMF_ALL)'; for omf in $$list; do \
+ if test "x$(_ENABLE_SK)" = "xtrue"; then \
+ echo "scrollkeeper-uninstall -p $(_sklocalstatedir) $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$omf"; \
+ scrollkeeper-uninstall -p "$(_sklocalstatedir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$omf"; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$omf"; \
+ rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(_doc_install_dir)/$$omf"; \
+ done
+# mate-doc-utils standard variables:
+dist-hook: doc-dist-hook
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.