diff options
author | Perberos <[email protected]> | 2011-11-16 21:35:41 -0300 |
committer | Perberos <[email protected]> | 2011-11-16 21:35:41 -0300 |
commit | 2eb7f393a623a7e68102813825f68171cbf21fc5 (patch) | |
tree | 1cc1a342e7b7c711385b9ba44ec3a57956ef4309 /gkb-new/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-mac | |
parent | 2cadeb84dc64ab8d33dc6cff72e510f2b6038918 (diff) | |
download | mate-applets-2eb7f393a623a7e68102813825f68171cbf21fc5.tar.bz2 mate-applets-2eb7f393a623a7e68102813825f68171cbf21fc5.tar.xz |
removing empty gswitchit and unused gkb-new
Diffstat (limited to 'gkb-new/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-mac')
-rw-r--r-- | gkb-new/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-mac | 234 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/gkb-new/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-mac b/gkb-new/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-mac deleted file mode 100644 index f5645cb9..00000000 --- a/gkb-new/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-mac +++ /dev/null @@ -1,234 +0,0 @@ -! -! This is an `xmodmap' input file for Apple Extended II (MkLinux; US) keyboards. -! Automatically generated on Sat Oct 28 17:11:43 2000 by root with -! XKeyCaps 2.46; Copyright (c) 1999 Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]>. -! http://www.jwz.org/xkeycaps/ -! -! This file makes the following changes: -! -! The "Esc" key generates minus, underscore, asterisk, and dead_abovedot -! The "F1" key generates NoSymbol -! The "F2" key generates NoSymbol -! The "F3" key generates Delete -! The "F4" key generates NoSymbol -! The "F5" key generates Down -! The "F6" key generates Next -! The "F7" key generates Insert -! The "F8" key generates KP_Enter -! The "F9" key generates Control_R, and the Control modifier -! The "F10" key generates NoSymbol -! The "F11" key generates Print and Sys_Req -! The "F12" key generates NoSymbol -! The "Print Screen" key generates Mode_switch and Multi_key, and the Mod3 modifier -! The "Scroll Lock" key generates NoSymbol -! The "Pause F15" key generates NoSymbol -! The "~ `" key generates m, M, mu, and masculine -! The "! 1" key generates e and E -! The "@ 2" key generates r, R, paragraph, and registered -! The "# 3" key generates t, T, tslash, and Tslash -! The "$ 4" key generates z, Z, leftarrow, and yen -! The "% 5" key generates i, I, Iacute, and idotless -! The "^ 6" key generates u, U, downarrow, and uparrow -! The "& 7" key generates otilde, Otilde, division, and dead_abovering -! The "* 8" key generates Return -! The "( 9" key generates p, P, thorn, and THORN -! The ") 0" key generates Control_L, and the Control modifier -! The "_ -" key generates uacute, Uacute, multiply, and dead_macron -! The "+ =" key generates o, O, oslash, and Ooblique -! The "BackSpace" key generates comma, question, semicolon, and multiply -! The "Insert" key generates NoSymbol -! The "Home" key generates NoSymbol -! The "Prior" key generates NoSymbol -! The "NumLock" key generates KP_Home and KP_7 -! The "=" key generates KP_Next and KP_3 -! The "/" key generates KP_Left and KP_4 -! The "*" key generates F9 -! The "Tab" key generates b, B, braceleft, and apostrophe -! The "Q" key generates udiaeresis, Udiaeresis, diaeresis, and dead_diaeresis -! The "W" key generates oacute, Oacute, cedilla, and dead_cedilla -! The "E" key generates BackSpace -! The "R" key generates Tab and ISO_Left_Tab -! The "T" key generates w, W, bar, and Lstroke -! The "Y" key generates q, Q, backslash, and Greek_OMEGA -! The "U" key generates d, D, Dstroke, and ETH -! The "I" key generates g, G, bracketright, and ENG -! The "O" key generates s, S, dstroke, and section -! The "P" key generates h, H, hstroke, and Hstroke -! The "{ [" key generates f, F, bracketleft, and ordfeminine -! The "} ]" key generates a, A, ae, and AE -! The "| \" key generates Shift_L, and the Shift modifier -! The "Del" key generates NoSymbol -! The "End" key generates NoSymbol -! The "Next" key generates NoSymbol -! The "7" key generates Home -! The "8" key generates Prior -! The "9" key generates Left -! The "-" key generates KP_Add -! The "Caps Lock" key generates space, and has no modifiers -! The "A" key generates NoSymbol -! The "S" key generates Escape -! The "D" key generates 1, apostrophe, asciitilde, and dead_tilde -! The "F" key generates 2, quotedbl, caron, and dead_caron -! The "G" key generates 4, exclam, breve, and dead_breve -! The "H" key generates 3, plus, asciicircum, and dead_circumflex -! The "J" key generates l, L, Lstroke, and Lstroke -! The "K" key generates aacute, Aacute, ssharp, and dead_caron -! The "L" key generates k, K, lstroke, and ampersand -! The ": ;" key generates 0, section, and notsign -! The "" '" key generates eacute, Eacute, dollar, and dead_doubleacute -! The "Return" key generates j, J, and iacute -! The "4" key generates iacute, Iacute, and less -! The "5" key generates F11 -! The "6" key generates F12 -! The "+" key generates Num_Lock and Pointer_EnableKeys, and the Mod2 modifier -! The "Shift" key generates Alt_L and Meta_L, and the Mod1 modifier -! The "Z" key generates 5, percent, degree, and dead_abovering -! The "X" key generates 6, slash, ogonek, and dead_ogonek -! The "C" key generates 7, equal, grave, and dead_grave -! The "V" key generates 8, parenleft, abovedot, and dead_abovedot -! The "B" key generates odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, doubleacute, and dead_doubleacute -! The "N" key generates x, X, numbersign, and greater -! The "M" key generates c, C, ampersand, and copyright -! The "< ," key generates ucircumflex, Ucircumflex, currency, and dead_breve -! The "> ." key generates v, V, at, and grave -! The "? /" key generates y, Y, greater, and less -! The "Shift" key generates Alt_L and Meta_L, and has no modifiers -! The "UpArrow" key generates F4 -! The "1" key generates KP_Delete and KP_Decimal -! The "2" key generates Print and Sys_Req -! The "3" key generates NoSymbol -! The "Enter" key generates KP_Begin and KP_5 -! The "Ctrl" key generates Shift_R, and the Shift modifier -! The "alt" key generates Caps_Lock, and the Lock modifier -! The "%" key generates KP_Multiply, and has no modifiers -! The "space" key generates n, N, and braceright -! The "%" key generates KP_Multiply, and has no modifiers -! The "alt gr" key generates Caps_Lock -! The "Ctrl" key generates Shift_R, and has no modifiers -! The "LeftArrow" key generates F1 -! The "DownArrow" key generates F3 -! The "RightArrow" key generates F2 -! The "0" key generates KP_Insert and KP_0 -! The "." key generates F7 - -keycode 0x3D = minus underscore asterisk dead_abovedot -keycode 0x82 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x80 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x6B = Delete -keycode 0x7E = NoSymbol -keycode 0x68 = Down -keycode 0x69 = Next -keycode 0x6A = Insert -keycode 0x6C = KP_Enter -keycode 0x6D = Control_R -keycode 0x75 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x6F = Print Sys_Req -keycode 0x77 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x71 = Mode_switch Multi_key -keycode 0x73 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x79 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x3A = m M mu masculine -keycode 0x1A = e E -keycode 0x1B = r R paragraph registered -keycode 0x1C = t T tslash Tslash -keycode 0x1D = z Z leftarrow yen -keycode 0x1F = i I Iacute idotless -keycode 0x1E = u U downarrow uparrow -keycode 0x22 = otilde Otilde division dead_abovering -keycode 0x24 = Return -keycode 0x21 = p P thorn THORN -keycode 0x25 = Control_L -keycode 0x23 = uacute Uacute multiply dead_macron -keycode 0x20 = o O oslash Ooblique -keycode 0x3B = comma question semicolon multiply -keycode 0x7A = NoSymbol -keycode 0x7B = NoSymbol -keycode 0x7C = NoSymbol -keycode 0x4F = KP_Home KP_7 -keycode 0x59 = KP_Next KP_3 -keycode 0x53 = KP_Left KP_4 -keycode 0x4B = F9 -keycode 0x38 = b B braceleft apostrophe -keycode 0x14 = udiaeresis Udiaeresis diaeresis dead_diaeresis -keycode 0x15 = oacute Oacute cedilla dead_cedilla -keycode 0x16 = BackSpace -keycode 0x17 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab -keycode 0x19 = w W bar Lstroke -keycode 0x18 = q Q backslash Greek_OMEGA -keycode 0x28 = d D Dstroke ETH -keycode 0x2A = g G bracketright ENG -keycode 0x27 = s S dstroke section -keycode 0x2B = h H hstroke Hstroke -keycode 0x29 = f F bracketleft ordfeminine -keycode 0x26 = a A ae AE -keycode 0x32 = Shift_L -keycode 0x7D = NoSymbol -keycode 0x7F = NoSymbol -keycode 0x81 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x61 = Home -keycode 0x63 = Prior -keycode 0x64 = Left -keycode 0x56 = KP_Add -keycode 0x41 = space -keycode 0x08 = NoSymbol -keycode 0x09 = Escape -keycode 0x0A = 1 apostrophe asciitilde dead_tilde -keycode 0x0B = 2 quotedbl caron dead_caron -keycode 0x0D = 4 exclam breve dead_breve -keycode 0x0C = 3 plus asciicircum dead_circumflex -keycode 0x2E = l L Lstroke Lstroke -keycode 0x30 = aacute Aacute ssharp dead_caron -keycode 0x2D = k K lstroke ampersand -keycode 0x31 = 0 section notsign -keycode 0x2F = eacute Eacute dollar dead_doubleacute -keycode 0x2C = j J iacute -keycode 0x5E = iacute Iacute less -keycode 0x5F = F11 -keycode 0x60 = F12 -keycode 0x4D = Num_Lock Pointer_EnableKeys -keycode 0x40 = Alt_L Meta_L -keycode 0x0E = 5 percent degree dead_abovering -keycode 0x0F = 6 slash ogonek dead_ogonek -keycode 0x10 = 7 equal grave dead_grave -keycode 0x11 = 8 parenleft abovedot dead_abovedot -keycode 0x13 = odiaeresis Odiaeresis doubleacute dead_doubleacute -keycode 0x35 = x X numbersign greater -keycode 0x36 = c C ampersand copyright -keycode 0x33 = ucircumflex Ucircumflex currency dead_breve -keycode 0x37 = v V at grave -keycode 0x34 = y Y greater less -keycode 0x40 = Alt_L Meta_L -keycode 0x46 = F4 -keycode 0x5B = KP_Delete KP_Decimal -keycode 0x5C = Print Sys_Req -keycode 0x5D = NoSymbol -keycode 0x54 = KP_Begin KP_5 -keycode 0x3E = Shift_R -keycode 0x42 = Caps_Lock -keycode 0x3F = KP_Multiply -keycode 0x39 = n N braceright -keycode 0x3F = KP_Multiply -keycode 0x42 = Caps_Lock -keycode 0x3E = Shift_R -keycode 0x43 = F1 -keycode 0x45 = F3 -keycode 0x44 = F2 -keycode 0x5A = KP_Insert KP_0 -keycode 0x49 = F7 - -clear Shift -clear Lock -clear Control -clear Mod1 -clear Mod2 -clear Mod3 -clear Mod4 -clear Mod5 - -add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R -add Lock = Caps_Lock -add Control = Control_L Control_R -add Mod1 = Alt_L -add Mod2 = Num_Lock -add Mod3 = Mode_switch -add Mod5 = Scroll_Lock |