path: root/invest-applet/invest/
diff options
authormonsta <[email protected]>2018-01-13 13:54:33 +0300
committerraveit65 <[email protected]>2018-01-14 16:19:48 +0100
commit41f7b7a2a38ca9f3929fcbd88d228b3815034876 (patch)
tree4da95992b542ba378b7ccc82b8d55a3dd86302d3 /invest-applet/invest/
parent55fbad37580a11d2ac539b382f463af2f12e114c (diff)
drop broken invest-applet and all Python dependencies
Diffstat (limited to 'invest-applet/invest/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/invest-applet/invest/ b/invest-applet/invest/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5322cb..00000000
--- a/invest-applet/invest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import gi
-gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
-from gi.repository import Gtk
-from gi.repository import Gdk
-from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf
-from gi.repository import GObject
-import os
-import mate_invest
-from gettext import gettext as _
-from mate_invest import *
-import sys
-from os.path import join
-import urllib
-from threading import Thread
-import time
-AUTOREFRESH_TIMEOUT = 20*60*1000 # 15 minutes
-# based on
-class _IdleObject(GObject.GObject):
- """
- Override GObject.GObject to always emit signals in the main thread
- by emmitting on an idle handler
- """
- def __init__(self):
- GObject.GObject.__init__(self)
- def emit(self, *args):
- GObject.idle_add(GObject.GObject.emit,self,*args)
-class ImageRetriever(Thread, _IdleObject):
- """
- Thread which uses gobject signals to return information
- to the GUI.
- """
- __gsignals__ = {
- "completed": (
- GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, []),
- # FIXME: should we be making use of this?
- #"progress": (
- # GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, [
- # GObject.TYPE_FLOAT]) #percent complete
- }
- def __init__(self, image_url):
- Thread.__init__(self)
- _IdleObject.__init__(self)
- self.image_url = image_url
- self.retrieved = False
- def run(self):
- self.image = Gtk.Image()
- try: sock = urllib.urlopen(self.image_url, proxies = mate_invest.PROXY)
- except Exception, msg:
- mate_invest.debug("Error while opening %s: %s" % (self.image_url, msg))
- else:
- loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader()
- loader.connect("closed", lambda loader: self.image.set_from_pixbuf(loader.get_pixbuf()))
- loader.write(
- sock.close()
- loader.close()
- self.retrieved = True
- self.emit("completed")
-# p:
-# eX = Exponential Moving Average
-# mX = Moving Average
-# b = Bollinger Bands Overlay
-# v = Volume Overlay
-# p = Parabolic SAR overlay
-# s = Splits Overlay
-# q:
-# l = Line
-# c = Candles
-# b = Bars
-# l:
-# on = Logarithmic
-# off = Linear
-# z:
-# l = Large
-# m = Medium
-# t:
-# Xd = X Days
-# Xm = X Months
-# Xy = X Years
-# a:
-# fX = MFI X days
-# ss = Slow Stochastic
-# fs = Fast Stochastic
-# wX = W%R X Days
-# mX-Y-Z = MACD X Days, Y Days, Signal
-# pX = ROC X Days
-# rX = RSI X Days
-# v = Volume
-# vm = Volume +MA
-# c:
-# X = compare with X
-class FinancialChart:
- def __init__(self, ui):
- self.ui = ui
- #Time ranges of the plot (parameter / combo-box t)
- self.time_ranges = ["1d", "5d", "3m", "6m", "1y", "5y", "my"]
- #plot types (parameter / combo-box q)
- self.plot_types = ["l", "b", "c"]
- #plot scales (parameter / combo-box l)
- self.plot_scales = ["off", "on"]
- # Window Properties
- win = ui.get_object("window")
- win.set_title(_("Financial Chart"))
- try:
- pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(join(mate_invest.ART_DATA_DIR, "invest_neutral.svg"), 96,96)
- self.ui.get_object("plot").set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
- except Exception, msg:
- mate_invest.debug("Could not load 'invest-neutral.svg' file: %s" % msg)
- pass
- # Defaut comboboxes values
- for widget in ["t", "q", "l"]:
- ui.get_object(widget).set_active(0)
- # Connect every option widget to its corresponding change signal
- symbolentry = ui.get_object("s")
- refresh_chart_callback = lambda w: self.on_refresh_chart()
- for widgets, signal in [
- (("pm5","pm10","pm20","pm50","pm100","pm200",
- "pe5","pe10", "pe20","pe50","pe100","pe200",
- "pb","pp","ps","pv",
- "ar","af","ap","aw","am","ass","afs","av","avm"), "toggled"),
- (("t", "q", "l"), "changed"),
- (("s",), "activate"),
- ]:
- for widget in widgets:
- ui.get_object(widget).connect(signal, refresh_chart_callback)
- ui.get_object("progress").hide()
- # Connect auto-refresh widget
- self.autorefresh_id = 0
- ui.get_object("autorefresh").connect("toggled", self.on_autorefresh_toggled)
- def on_refresh_chart(self, from_timer=False):
- tickers = self.ui.get_object("s").get_text()
- if tickers.strip() == "":
- return True
- # FIXME: We don't just do US stocks, so we can't be this
- # simplistic about it, but it is a good idea.
- #if from_timer and not ustime.hour_between(9, 16):
- # return True
- tickers = [ticker.strip().upper() for ticker in tickers.split(' ') if ticker != ""]
- # Update Window Title ------------------------------------------------------
- win = self.ui.get_object("window")
- title = _("Financial Chart - %s")
- titletail = ""
- for ticker in tickers:
- titletail += "%s / " % ticker
- title = title % titletail
- win.set_title(title[:-3])
- # Detect Comparison or simple chart ----------------------------------------
- opt = ""
- for ticker in tickers[1:]:
- opt += "&c=%s" % ticker
- # Create the overlay string ------------------------------------------------
- p = ""
- for name, param in [
- ("pm5", 5),
- ("pm10", 10),
- ("pm20", 20),
- ("pm50", 50),
- ("pm100", 100),
- ("pm200", 200),
- ("pe5", 5),
- ("pe10", 10),
- ("pe20", 20),
- ("pe50", 50),
- ("pe100", 100),
- ("pe200", 200),
- ("pb", ""),
- ("pp", ""),
- ("ps", ""),
- ("pv", ""),
- ]:
- if self.ui.get_object(name).get_active():
- p += "%s%s," % (name[1], param)
- # Create the indicators string ---------------------------------------------
- a = ""
- for name, param in [
- ("ar", 14),
- ("af", 14),
- ("ap", 12),
- ("aw", 14),
- ("am", "26-12-9"),
- ("ass", ""),
- ("afs", ""),
- ("av", ""),
- ("avm", ""),
- ]:
- if self.ui.get_object(name).get_active():
- a += "%s%s," % (name[1:], param)
- # Create the image URL -----------------------------------------------------
- chart_base_url = ""
- url = chart_base_url % {
- "s": tickers[0],
- "t": self.time_ranges[self.ui.get_object("t").get_active()],
- "q": self.plot_types[self.ui.get_object("q").get_active()],
- "l": self.plot_scales[self.ui.get_object("l").get_active()],
- "z": "l",
- "p": p,
- "a": a,
- "opt": opt,
- }
- # Download and display the image -------------------------------------------
- progress = self.ui.get_object("progress")
- progress.set_text(_("Opening Chart"))
- image_retriever = ImageRetriever(url)
- image_retriever.connect("completed", self.on_retriever_completed)
- image_retriever.start()
- # Update timer if needed
- self.on_autorefresh_toggled(self.ui.get_object("autorefresh"))
- return True
- def on_retriever_completed(self, retriever):
- self.ui.get_object("plot").set_from_pixbuf(retriever.image.get_pixbuf())
- progress = self.ui.get_object("progress")
- if retriever.retrieved == True:
- progress.set_text(_("Chart downloaded"))
- else:
- progress.set_text(_("Chart could not be downloaded"))
- def on_autorefresh_toggled(self, autorefresh):
- if self.autorefresh_id != 0:
- GObject.source_remove(self.autorefresh_id)
- self.autorefresh_id = 0
- if autorefresh.get_active():
- self.autorefresh_id = GObject.timeout_add(AUTOREFRESH_TIMEOUT, self.on_refresh_chart, True)
-def show_chart(tickers):
- ui = Gtk.Builder();
- ui.add_from_file(os.path.join(mate_invest.BUILDER_DATA_DIR, "financialchart.ui"))
- chart = FinancialChart(ui)
- ui.get_object("s").set_text(' '.join(tickers))
- chart.on_refresh_chart()
- return ui.get_object("window")