diff options
6 files changed, 45 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/battstat/battstat-preferences.c b/battstat/battstat-preferences.c
index 40d38f42..88f93919 100644
--- a/battstat/battstat-preferences.c
+++ b/battstat/battstat-preferences.c
@@ -91,15 +91,16 @@ spin_ptr_cb (GtkWidget *spin_ptr,
gpointer data)
BattstatPreferences *dialog = data;
+ gdouble red_val = gtk_spin_button_get_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spin_ptr));
- dialog->battstat->red_val = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spin_ptr));
+ dialog->battstat->red_val = (guint) red_val;
/* automatically calculate orangle and yellow values from the
* red value
- dialog->battstat->orange_val = dialog->battstat->red_val * ORANGE_MULTIPLIER;
+ dialog->battstat->orange_val = (guint) (ORANGE_MULTIPLIER * red_val);
dialog->battstat->orange_val = MIN (dialog->battstat->orange_val, 100);
- dialog->battstat->yellow_val = dialog->battstat->red_val * YELLOW_MULTIPLIER;
+ dialog->battstat->yellow_val = (guint) (YELLOW_MULTIPLIER * red_val);
dialog->battstat->yellow_val = MIN (dialog->battstat->yellow_val, 100);
g_settings_set_int (dialog->battstat->settings,
diff --git a/battstat/battstat_applet.c b/battstat/battstat_applet.c
index 3382a540..99bdedfa 100644
--- a/battstat/battstat_applet.c
+++ b/battstat/battstat_applet.c
@@ -925,6 +925,7 @@ static void
load_preferences (ProgressData *battstat)
GSettings *settings = battstat->settings;
+ gdouble red_val;
if (DEBUG) g_print ("load_preferences ()\n");
@@ -933,10 +934,12 @@ load_preferences (ProgressData *battstat)
battstat->red_value_is_time = g_settings_get_boolean (settings, "red-value-is-time");
/* automatically calculate orangle and yellow values from the red value */
- battstat->orange_val = battstat->red_val * ORANGE_MULTIPLIER;
+ red_val = (gdouble) battstat->red_val;
+ battstat->orange_val = (guint) (ORANGE_MULTIPLIER * red_val);
battstat->orange_val = MIN (battstat->orange_val, 100);
- battstat->yellow_val = battstat->red_val * YELLOW_MULTIPLIER;
+ battstat->yellow_val = (guint) (YELLOW_MULTIPLIER * red_val);
battstat->yellow_val = MIN (battstat->yellow_val, 100);
battstat->lowbattnotification = g_settings_get_boolean (settings, "low-battery-notification");
diff --git a/drivemount/src/drive-button.c b/drivemount/src/drive-button.c
index 95472c86..e0b86bf1 100644
--- a/drivemount/src/drive-button.c
+++ b/drivemount/src/drive-button.c
@@ -383,13 +383,12 @@ drive_button_update (gpointer user_data)
g_free (color_string);
g_object_unref (settings);
- guchar red =*255;
- guchar green =*255;
- guchar blue =*255;
+ guchar red = (guchar) ( * 255.0);
+ guchar green = (guchar) ( * 255.0);
+ guchar blue = (guchar) ( * 255.0);
- const gdouble ratio = 0.65;
- gdouble y_start = icon_height * ratio;
- gdouble x_start = icon_height * (1 + ratio);
+ int y_start = (int) (0.65 * (gdouble) icon_height);
+ int x_start = (int) (1.65 * (gdouble) icon_height);
for (y = y_start; y < icon_height; y++)
for (x = x_start - y; x < icon_width; x++)
diff --git a/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet.c b/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet.c
index c697151e..fd903e1e 100644
--- a/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet.c
+++ b/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet.c
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ stickynotes_applet_init (MatePanelApplet *mate_panel_applet)
cairo_t *cr;
gint size, scale;
+ int screen_height;
stickynotes = g_new (StickyNotes, 1);
@@ -208,8 +209,8 @@ stickynotes_applet_init (MatePanelApplet *mate_panel_applet)
G_CALLBACK (preferences_apply_cb), NULL);
/* Max height for large notes*/
- stickynotes->max_height =
- 0.8 * HeightOfScreen (gdk_x11_screen_get_xscreen (gdk_screen_get_default ()));
+ screen_height = HeightOfScreen (gdk_x11_screen_get_xscreen (gdk_screen_get_default ()));
+ stickynotes->max_height = (int) (0.8 * (double) screen_height);
/* Load sticky notes */
stickynotes_load (gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (mate_panel_applet)));
diff --git a/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet_callbacks.c b/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet_callbacks.c
index c0889df2..6481bb82 100644
--- a/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet_callbacks.c
+++ b/stickynotes/stickynotes_applet_callbacks.c
@@ -444,18 +444,26 @@ menu_about_cb (GtkAction *action,
preferences_save_cb (gpointer data)
- gint width = gtk_adjustment_get_value (stickynotes->w_prefs_width);
- gint height = gtk_adjustment_get_value (stickynotes->w_prefs_height);
- gboolean sys_color =
- gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_sys_color));
- gboolean sys_font =
- gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_sys_font));
- gboolean sticky =
- gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_sticky));
- gboolean force_default =
- gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_force));
- gboolean desktop_hide =
- gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_desktop));
+ gint width;
+ gint height;
+ gboolean sys_color;
+ gboolean sys_font;
+ gboolean sticky;
+ gboolean force_default;
+ gboolean desktop_hide;
+ gdouble adjustment_value;
+ adjustment_value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (stickynotes->w_prefs_width);
+ width = (gint) adjustment_value;
+ adjustment_value = gtk_adjustment_get_value (stickynotes->w_prefs_height);
+ height = (gint) adjustment_value;
+ sys_color = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_sys_color));
+ sys_font = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_sys_font));
+ sticky = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_sticky));
+ force_default = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_force));
+ desktop_hide = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (stickynotes->w_prefs_desktop));
if (g_settings_is_writable (stickynotes->settings,
diff --git a/stickynotes/stickynotes_callbacks.c b/stickynotes/stickynotes_callbacks.c
index dac681a1..3f22dab7 100644
--- a/stickynotes/stickynotes_callbacks.c
+++ b/stickynotes/stickynotes_callbacks.c
@@ -49,13 +49,17 @@ gboolean stickynote_resize_cb (GtkWidget *widget,
if (widget == note->w_resize_se)
gtk_window_begin_resize_drag (GTK_WINDOW (note->w_window),
- event->button, event->x_root,
- event->y_root, event->time);
+ event->button,
+ (gint) event->x_root,
+ (gint) event->y_root,
+ event->time);
else /* if (widget == note->w_resize_sw) */
gtk_window_begin_resize_drag (GTK_WINDOW (note->w_window),
- event->button, event->x_root,
- event->y_root, event->time);
+ event->button,
+ (gint) event->x_root,
+ (gint) event->y_root,
+ event->time);
return FALSE;