path: root/src/mp-serializer.c
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authorSteve Zesch <[email protected]>2012-11-24 20:44:45 -0500
committerSteve Zesch <[email protected]>2012-11-24 20:44:45 -0500
commit6b24c91d3aa81fdb99500c8c2c12f830fabaefb6 (patch)
tree6a0038ecfaa77e156ee2cc9059220685091217d7 /src/mp-serializer.c
parenta10375c2851e8569353c0da9921b8d0d9cbea2e6 (diff)
Update codebase.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mp-serializer.c')
1 files changed, 617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mp-serializer.c b/src/mp-serializer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..356fc55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mp-serializer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Robin Sonefors
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Robert Ancell.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version. See the full text of the
+ * license.
+ */
+#include <langinfo.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mp-serializer.h"
+#include "mp-enums.h"
+enum {
+ PROP_0,
+struct MpSerializerPrivate
+ gint leading_digits; /* Number of digits to show before radix */
+ gint trailing_digits; /* Number of digits to show after radix */
+ MpDisplayFormat format; /* Number display mode. */
+ gint show_tsep; /* Set if the thousands separator should be shown. */
+ gint show_zeroes; /* Set if trailing zeroes should be shown. */
+ gint base; /* Numeric base */
+ gunichar tsep; /* Locale specific thousands separator. */
+ gunichar radix; /* Locale specific radix string. */
+ gint tsep_count; /* Number of digits between separator. */
+G_DEFINE_TYPE(MpSerializer, mp_serializer, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+MpSerializer *
+mp_serializer_new(MpDisplayFormat format, int base, int trailing_digits)
+ MpSerializer *serializer = g_object_new(mp_serializer_get_type(), /*"number-format", format,*/ NULL);
+ mp_serializer_set_number_format(serializer, format);
+ mp_serializer_set_base(serializer, base);
+ mp_serializer_set_trailing_digits(serializer, trailing_digits);
+ return serializer;
+static void
+mp_cast_to_string_real(MpSerializer *serializer, const MPNumber *x, int base, gboolean force_sign, int *n_digits, GString *string)
+ static gchar digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ MPNumber number, integer_component, fractional_component, temp;
+ int i, last_non_zero;
+ if (mp_is_negative(x))
+ mp_abs(x, &number);
+ else
+ mp_set_from_mp(x, &number);
+ /* Add rounding factor */
+ mp_set_from_integer(base, &temp);
+ mp_xpowy_integer(&temp, -(serializer->priv->trailing_digits+1), &temp);
+ mp_multiply_integer(&temp, base, &temp);
+ mp_divide_integer(&temp, 2, &temp);
+ mp_add(&number, &temp, &temp);
+ /* If trying to add rounding factor causes overflow, don't add it */
+ if (!mp_get_error())
+ mp_set_from_mp(&temp, &number);
+ /* Split into integer and fractional component */
+ mp_floor(&number, &integer_component);
+ mp_fractional_component(&number, &fractional_component);
+ /* Write out the integer component least significant digit to most */
+ mp_set_from_mp(&integer_component, &temp);
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ MPNumber t, t2, t3;
+ int64_t d;
+ if (serializer->priv->base == 10 && serializer->priv->show_tsep && i == serializer->priv->tsep_count) {
+ g_string_prepend_unichar(string, serializer->priv->tsep);
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ i++;
+ mp_divide_integer(&temp, base, &t);
+ mp_floor(&t, &t);
+ mp_multiply_integer(&t, base, &t2);
+ mp_subtract(&temp, &t2, &t3);
+ d = mp_cast_to_int(&t3);
+ g_string_prepend_c(string, d < 16 ? digits[d] : '?');
+ (*n_digits)++;
+ mp_set_from_mp(&t, &temp);
+ } while (!mp_is_zero(&temp));
+ last_non_zero = string->len;
+ g_string_append_unichar(string, serializer->priv->radix);
+ /* Write out the fractional component */
+ mp_set_from_mp(&fractional_component, &temp);
+ for (i = serializer->priv->trailing_digits; i > 0 && !mp_is_zero(&temp); i--) {
+ int d;
+ MPNumber digit;
+ mp_multiply_integer(&temp, base, &temp);
+ mp_floor(&temp, &digit);
+ d = mp_cast_to_int(&digit);
+ g_string_append_c(string, digits[d]);
+ if(d != 0)
+ last_non_zero = string->len;
+ mp_subtract(&temp, &digit, &temp);
+ }
+ /* Strip trailing zeroes */
+ if (!serializer->priv->show_zeroes || serializer->priv->trailing_digits == 0)
+ g_string_truncate(string, last_non_zero);
+ /* Add sign on non-zero values */
+ if (strcmp(string->str, "0") != 0 || force_sign) {
+ if (mp_is_negative(x))
+ g_string_prepend(string, "−");
+ else if (force_sign)
+ g_string_prepend(string, "+");
+ }
+ /* Append base suffix if not in default base */
+ if (base != serializer->priv->base) {
+ const gchar *digits[] = {"₀", "₁", "₂", "₃", "₄", "₅", "₆", "₇", "₈", "₉"};
+ int multiplier = 1;
+ int b = base;
+ while (base / multiplier != 0)
+ multiplier *= 10;
+ while (multiplier != 1) {
+ int d;
+ multiplier /= 10;
+ d = b / multiplier;
+ g_string_append(string, digits[d]);
+ b -= d * multiplier;
+ }
+ }
+static gchar *
+mp_cast_to_string(MpSerializer *serializer, const MPNumber *x, int *n_digits)
+ GString *string;
+ MPNumber x_real;
+ gchar *result;
+ string = g_string_sized_new(1024);
+ mp_real_component(x, &x_real);
+ mp_cast_to_string_real(serializer, &x_real, serializer->priv->base, FALSE, n_digits, string);
+ if (mp_is_complex(x)) {
+ GString *s;
+ gboolean force_sign = TRUE;
+ MPNumber x_im;
+ int n_complex_digits;
+ mp_imaginary_component(x, &x_im);
+ if (strcmp(string->str, "0") == 0) {
+ g_string_assign(string, "");
+ force_sign = FALSE;
+ }
+ s = g_string_sized_new(1024);
+ mp_cast_to_string_real(serializer, &x_im, 10, force_sign, &n_complex_digits, s);
+ if (n_complex_digits > *n_digits)
+ *n_digits = n_complex_digits;
+ if (strcmp(s->str, "0") == 0 || strcmp(s->str, "+0") == 0 || strcmp(s->str, "−0") == 0) {
+ /* Ignore */
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "1") == 0) {
+ g_string_append(string, "i");
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "+1") == 0) {
+ g_string_append(string, "+i");
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "−1") == 0) {
+ g_string_append(string, "−i");
+ }
+ else {
+ if (strcmp(s->str, "+0") == 0)
+ g_string_append(string, "+");
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "0") != 0)
+ g_string_append(string, s->str);
+ g_string_append(string, "i");
+ }
+ g_string_free(s, TRUE);
+ }
+ result = g_strndup(string->str, string->len + 1);
+ g_string_free(string, TRUE);
+ return result;
+static int
+mp_cast_to_exponential_string_real(MpSerializer *serializer, const MPNumber *x, GString *string, gboolean eng_format, int *n_digits)
+ gchar *fixed;
+ MPNumber t, z, base, base3, base10, base10inv, mantissa;
+ int exponent = 0;
+ mp_abs(x, &z);
+ if (mp_is_negative(x))
+ g_string_append(string, "−");
+ mp_set_from_mp(&z, &mantissa);
+ mp_set_from_integer(serializer->priv->base, &base);
+ mp_xpowy_integer(&base, 3, &base3);
+ mp_xpowy_integer(&base, 10, &base10);
+ mp_set_from_integer(1, &t);
+ mp_divide(&t, &base10, &base10inv);
+ if (!mp_is_zero(&mantissa)) {
+ while (!eng_format && mp_is_greater_equal(&mantissa, &base10)) {
+ exponent += 10;
+ mp_multiply(&mantissa, &base10inv, &mantissa);
+ }
+ while ((!eng_format && mp_is_greater_equal(&mantissa, &base)) ||
+ (eng_format && (mp_is_greater_equal(&mantissa, &base3) || exponent % 3 != 0))) {
+ exponent += 1;
+ mp_divide(&mantissa, &base, &mantissa);
+ }
+ while (!eng_format && mp_is_less_than(&mantissa, &base10inv)) {
+ exponent -= 10;
+ mp_multiply(&mantissa, &base10, &mantissa);
+ }
+ mp_set_from_integer(1, &t);
+ while (mp_is_less_than(&mantissa, &t) || (eng_format && exponent % 3 != 0)) {
+ exponent -= 1;
+ mp_multiply(&mantissa, &base, &mantissa);
+ }
+ }
+ fixed = mp_cast_to_string(serializer, &mantissa, n_digits);
+ g_string_append(string, fixed);
+ g_free(fixed);
+ return exponent;
+static void
+append_exponent(GString *string, int exponent)
+ const gchar *super_digits[] = {"⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹"};
+ gchar *super_value, *c;
+ if (exponent == 0)
+ return;
+ g_string_append_printf(string, "×10"); // FIXME: Use the current base
+ if (exponent < 0) {
+ exponent = -exponent;
+ g_string_append(string, "⁻");
+ }
+ super_value = g_strdup_printf("%d", exponent);
+ for (c = super_value; *c; c++)
+ g_string_append(string, super_digits[*c - '0']);
+ g_free (super_value);
+static gchar *
+mp_cast_to_exponential_string(MpSerializer *serializer, const MPNumber *x, gboolean eng_format, int *n_digits)
+ GString *string;
+ MPNumber x_real;
+ gchar *result;
+ int exponent;
+ string = g_string_sized_new(1024);
+ mp_real_component(x, &x_real);
+ exponent = mp_cast_to_exponential_string_real(serializer, &x_real, string, eng_format, n_digits);
+ append_exponent(string, exponent);
+ if (mp_is_complex(x)) {
+ GString *s;
+ MPNumber x_im;
+ int n_complex_digits = 0;
+ mp_imaginary_component(x, &x_im);
+ if (strcmp(string->str, "0") == 0)
+ g_string_assign(string, "");
+ s = g_string_sized_new(1024);
+ exponent = mp_cast_to_exponential_string_real(serializer, &x_im, s, eng_format, &n_complex_digits);
+ if (n_complex_digits > *n_digits)
+ *n_digits = n_complex_digits;
+ if (strcmp(s->str, "0") == 0 || strcmp(s->str, "+0") == 0 || strcmp(s->str, "−0") == 0) {
+ /* Ignore */
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "1") == 0) {
+ g_string_append(string, "i");
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "+1") == 0) {
+ g_string_append(string, "+i");
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "−1") == 0) {
+ g_string_append(string, "−i");
+ }
+ else {
+ if (strcmp(s->str, "+0") == 0)
+ g_string_append(string, "+");
+ else if (strcmp(s->str, "0") != 0)
+ g_string_append(string, s->str);
+ g_string_append(string, "i");
+ }
+ g_string_free(s, TRUE);
+ append_exponent(string, exponent);
+ }
+ result = g_strndup(string->str, string->len + 1);
+ g_string_free(string, TRUE);
+ return result;
+gchar *
+mp_serializer_to_string(MpSerializer *serializer, const MPNumber *x)
+ gchar *s0;
+ int n_digits = 0;
+ switch(serializer->priv->format) {
+ default:
+ s0 = mp_cast_to_string(serializer, x, &n_digits);
+ if (n_digits <= serializer->priv->leading_digits)
+ return s0;
+ else {
+ g_free (s0);
+ return mp_cast_to_exponential_string(serializer, x, FALSE, &n_digits);
+ }
+ break;
+ return mp_cast_to_string(serializer, x, &n_digits);
+ return mp_cast_to_exponential_string(serializer, x, FALSE, &n_digits);
+ return mp_cast_to_exponential_string(serializer, x, TRUE, &n_digits);
+ }
+mp_serializer_from_string(MpSerializer *serializer, const gchar *str, MPNumber *z)
+ return mp_set_from_string(str, serializer->priv->base, z);
+mp_serializer_set_base(MpSerializer *serializer, gint base)
+ serializer->priv->base = base;
+mp_serializer_get_base(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->base;
+mp_serializer_set_radix(MpSerializer *serializer, gunichar radix)
+ serializer->priv->radix = radix;
+mp_serializer_get_radix(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->radix;
+mp_serializer_set_thousands_separator(MpSerializer *serializer, gunichar separator)
+ serializer->priv->tsep = separator;
+mp_serializer_get_thousands_separator(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->tsep;
+mp_serializer_get_thousands_separator_count(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->tsep_count;
+mp_serializer_set_show_thousands_separators(MpSerializer *serializer, gboolean visible)
+ serializer->priv->show_tsep = visible;
+mp_serializer_get_show_thousands_separators(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->show_tsep;
+mp_serializer_set_show_trailing_zeroes(MpSerializer *serializer, gboolean visible)
+ serializer->priv->show_zeroes = visible;
+mp_serializer_get_show_trailing_zeroes(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->show_zeroes;
+mp_serializer_get_leading_digits(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->leading_digits;
+mp_serializer_set_leading_digits(MpSerializer *serializer, int leading_digits)
+ serializer->priv->leading_digits = leading_digits;
+mp_serializer_get_trailing_digits(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->trailing_digits;
+mp_serializer_set_trailing_digits(MpSerializer *serializer, int trailing_digits)
+ serializer->priv->trailing_digits = trailing_digits;
+mp_serializer_get_number_format(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ return serializer->priv->format;
+mp_serializer_set_number_format(MpSerializer *serializer, MpDisplayFormat format)
+ serializer->priv->format = format;
+static void
+mp_serializer_set_property(GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ MpSerializer *self = MP_SERIALIZER(object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ mp_serializer_set_show_thousands_separators(self, g_value_get_boolean(value));
+ break;
+ mp_serializer_set_show_trailing_zeroes(self, g_value_get_boolean(value));
+ break;
+ case PROP_BASE:
+ mp_serializer_set_base(self, g_value_get_int(value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+mp_serializer_get_property(GObject *object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue *value,
+ GParamSpec *pspec)
+ MpSerializer *self = MP_SERIALIZER(object);
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ g_value_set_boolean(value, mp_serializer_get_show_thousands_separators(self));
+ break;
+ g_value_set_boolean(value, mp_serializer_get_show_trailing_zeroes(self));
+ break;
+ case PROP_BASE:
+ g_value_set_int(value, mp_serializer_get_base(self));
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+mp_serializer_class_init(MpSerializerClass *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);
+ object_class->get_property = mp_serializer_get_property;
+ object_class->set_property = mp_serializer_set_property;
+ g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(MpSerializerPrivate));
+ g_object_class_install_property(object_class,
+ g_param_spec_boolean("show-thousands-separators",
+ "show-thousands-separators",
+ "Show thousands separators",
+ g_object_class_install_property(object_class,
+ g_param_spec_boolean("show-trailing-zeroes",
+ "show-trailing-zeroes",
+ "Show trailing zeroes",
+ g_object_class_install_property(object_class,
+ g_param_spec_enum("number-format",
+ "number-format",
+ "Display format",
+ math_mp_display_format_get_type(),
+ g_object_class_install_property(object_class,
+ g_param_spec_int("base",
+ "base",
+ "Default number base",
+ 2, 16, 10,
+static void
+mp_serializer_init(MpSerializer *serializer)
+ gchar *radix, *tsep;
+ serializer->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE(serializer, mp_serializer_get_type(), MpSerializerPrivate);
+ radix = nl_langinfo(RADIXCHAR);
+ serializer->priv->radix = radix ? g_utf8_get_char(g_locale_to_utf8(radix, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL)) : '.';
+ tsep = nl_langinfo(THOUSEP);
+ if (tsep && tsep[0] != '\0')
+ serializer->priv->tsep = g_utf8_get_char(g_locale_to_utf8(tsep, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+ else
+ serializer->priv->tsep = ' ';
+ serializer->priv->tsep_count = 3;
+ serializer->priv->base = 10;
+ serializer->priv->leading_digits = 12;
+ serializer->priv->trailing_digits = 9;
+ serializer->priv->show_zeroes = FALSE;
+ serializer->priv->show_tsep = FALSE;
+ serializer->priv->format = MP_DISPLAY_FORMAT_AUTOMATIC;