path: root/po/dv.po
diff options
authormonsta <[email protected]>2016-07-01 16:23:37 +0300
committermonsta <[email protected]>2016-07-01 16:23:37 +0300
commitede0c2dabaa582dd677b79e7e2693af2361266c7 (patch)
treea8e190bd15e8beea502bde280c408163566600d0 /po/dv.po
parent82e92355480eb1ddc38225fe16ef8d77a6a58489 (diff)
po: drop languages not present on Transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'po/dv.po')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/po/dv.po b/po/dv.po
deleted file mode 100644
index a0afa09..0000000
--- a/po/dv.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-# Divehi translation for mate-menus
-# Copyright (c) (c) 2006 Canonical Ltd, and Rosetta Contributors 2006
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the mate-menus package.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: mate-menus\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Inash Zubair <[email protected]>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-17 15:27+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-05 21:16+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Huxain <[email protected]>\n"
-"Language-Team: Divehi <[email protected]>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2009-05-23 10:44+0000\n"
-"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Multimedia menu"
-msgstr "މަލްޓިމީޑިއާ މެނޫ"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Sound & Video"
-msgstr "އަޑު އަދި ވީޑިއޯ"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Programming"
-msgstr "ޕްރޮގްރާމިންގް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Tools for software development"
-msgstr "ސޮފްޓްވެޔާރ ޑެވެލޮޕް ކުރުމުގެ ޓޫލްސްތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Education"
-msgstr "ތައުލީމު"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Games"
-msgstr "ގޭމްސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Games and amusements"
-msgstr "ގޭމުތަކާއި މުނިފޫހިފިލުވުންތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Graphics"
-msgstr "ގްރެފިކްސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Graphics applications"
-msgstr "ގްރެފިކްސް އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Hardware"
-msgstr "ހާރޑްވެއަރ"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Settings for several hardware devices"
-msgstr "ހާރޑުވެއަރ ޑިވައިސްތަކުގެ ސެޓިންގްތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Internet and Network"
-msgstr "އިންޓަރނެޓް އަދި ނެޓްވޯރކް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Network-related settings"
-msgstr "ނެޓްވޯރކާގުޅޭ ސެޓިންގްތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Look and Feel"
-msgstr "ބަލާބެލުން"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Settings controlling the desktop appearance and behavior"
-msgstr "ޑެސްކްޓޮޕް ބަލާބެލުމާއި ހަރަކާތްތައް ކޮންޓްރޯލްކުރާ ސެޓިންގްސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Internet"
-msgstr "އިންޓަނެޓް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Programs for Internet access such as web and email"
-msgstr "ވެބް އަދި އީމެއިލް ފަދަ އިންޓާނެޓްގެ ބޭނުންހިފާ ޕްރޮގްރާމުތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Office"
-msgstr "އޮފީސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Office Applications"
-msgstr "އޮފީސް އެޕްލިކޭޝަންސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Personal"
-msgstr "އަމިއްލަަ"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Personal settings"
-msgstr "އަމިއްލަ ސެޓިންތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "އިދާރީ"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Change system-wide settings (affects all users)"
-msgstr "މުޅި ސިސްޓަމް ގެ ސެޓިންގްސް ބަދަލު ކުރައްވާ - ޔޫޒާޒްއެކުލެވޭގޮތަށް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Personal preferences"
-msgstr "އަމިއްލަ ގޮތްތައްަ"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "ބޭނުންވާ ގޮތްތަށް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "System"
-msgstr "ސިސްޓަމް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "System settings"
-msgstr "ސިސްޓަމް ސެޓިންގްސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "System Tools"
-msgstr "ސިސްޓަމް ޓޫލްތައް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "System configuration and monitoring"
-msgstr "ސިސްޓަމް ކޮންފިގަރ ކުރުމާއި މޮނިޓަރ ކުރުން"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Universal Access"
-msgstr "ހުރިހާދިމލަކުން ވަދެވޭ"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Universal Access Settings"
-msgstr "ވަނުމުގެ ސެޓިން ހެދުން"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Accessories"
-msgstr "އެކްސެސަރީސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Desktop accessories"
-msgstr "ޑެސްކްޓޮޕް އެކްސެސަރީސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "އެޕްލިކޭޝަންސް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Personal preferences and administration settings"
-msgstr "އަމިއްލަ ޕުރިފަރަންސް އަދި އެޑުމިނިސްޓުރެޓަރ ސެޓިން"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Applications that did not fit in other categories"
-msgstr "އެހެން ކެޓަގަރީތަކާ ނުގުޅޭ އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތަށް"
-#: ../desktop-directories/
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "އެހެނިހެން"
-#: ../simple-editor/
-msgid "Menu Editor"
-msgstr "މެނޫއެޑިޓްކުރާ"
-#: ../simple-editor/
-msgid "Edit Menus"
-msgstr "މެނޫތައް އެޑިތްކުރުން"
-#: ../simple-editor/
-msgid "_Applications:"
-msgstr "އެޕްލިކޭޝަންސް_"
-#: ../simple-editor/
-msgid "_Defaults"
-msgstr "ޑިފޯލްޓްސް_"
-#: ../simple-editor/
-msgid "_Menus:"
-msgstr "މެނޫތަށް_"
-#: ../simple-editor/GMenuSimpleEditor/
-#: ../simple-editor/GMenuSimpleEditor/
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "ނަން"
-#: ../simple-editor/GMenuSimpleEditor/
-msgid "Show"
-msgstr "ދެއްކުން"
-#: ../simple-editor/GMenuSimpleEditor/
-msgid ""
-"Cannot find home directory: not set in /etc/passwd and no value for $HOME in "
-msgstr ""
-"ހޯމް ޑައިރޭކްޓަރީއެއް ނުފެނުނު - $HOME ނުވަތަ /etc/password މައުލޫމާތުމަދު"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:33
-msgid "Menu file"
-msgstr "މެނޫފައިލް"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:33
-msgid "MENU_FILE"
-msgstr "މެނޫ_ފައިލް"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:34
-msgid "Monitor for menu changes"
-msgstr "މެނޫ ބަދަލުވޭތޯ ބަލާ"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:35
-msgid "Include <Exclude>d entries"
-msgstr "އެންޓްރީސްތައް ހިމެނޭ <Exclude>d"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:36
-msgid "Include NoDisplay=true entries"
-msgstr "އެންޓްރީސްތައް ހިމެނޭ NoDisplay=true"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:91
-msgid "Invalid desktop file ID"
-msgstr "ި ޑެސްކުޓޮޕް ފައިލް އައިޑީ ނުބައި"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:92
-msgid "[Invalid Filename]"
-msgstr "[ނުބައި ފައިލްނަމެއް]"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:93
-msgid " <excluded>"
-msgstr " <ނުހިމެނޭ>"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:164
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"==== Menu changed, reloading ====\n"
-msgstr ""
-"==== މެނޫބަދަލުވެފައި، އަލުންލޯޑްވަނީ ====\n"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:169 ../util/test-menu-spec.c:211
-msgid "Menu tree is empty"
-msgstr "މެނޫ ޓްރީގައި އެއްޗެއްނެތް"
-#: ../util/test-menu-spec.c:189
-msgid "- test MATE's implementation of the Desktop Menu Specification"
-msgstr "ނޯމްގެ ޑެސްކުޓޮޕް މެނޫ އިމްޕުލިމެންޓޭޝަން ޓެސްޓުކުރައްވާ"