path: root/mate-panel/panel-applet-frame.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-09-07Remove variableScope warnings reported by cppcheckrbuj1-4/+2
cppcheck --enable=all . 2> err.txt grep variableScope err.txt
2020-07-23panel-applet-frame: Fix leaking bg_patternTomas Bzatek1-19/+21
Also acquire it only when needed. This fixes a leak for me when switching workspaces back and forth.
2020-07-05Avoid using single-line cpp commentsrbuj1-1/+1
2019-05-16[mate-panel] Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_privateWu Xiaotian1-7/+3
2019-03-10Wayland support for panel-applet-frame.cWilliam Wold1-4/+14
2018-04-09avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock idsPablo Barciela1-7/+10
2018-01-31require GTK+ 3.22 and GLib 2.50monsta1-32/+2
2018-01-25avoid deprecated GtkStockPablo Barciela1-2/+2
2018-01-16get focus when displaying "applet broken" dialogPablo Barciela1-0/+4
2016-11-21move to GTK+3 (>= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build optionmonsta1-117/+1
and require libmate-desktop >= 1.17 WARNING: use GTK+3 build of libmateweather for this build. that lib is not migrated to GTK+3 only as we will possibly use libgweather instead of it.
2016-09-01GTK+-3.20 panel-frame: use GtkSeat instead of deprecated device pointerraveit651-3/+2
2016-06-29fix some warnings and deprecationsSorokin Alexei1-1/+10
2016-03-25Gtk3.18/3.20-move background handling toplevel lukefromdc1-5/+21
2016-02-09GTK+3 panel-applet-frame: fix deprecated gdk_pointer_ungrabWolfgang Ulbrich1-1/+2
2016-01-05rename mate-panel-*.{c|h} -> panel-*.{c|h} for consistencymonsta1-0/+1193
(libmate-panel-applet files are left alone since there are public header files used by all panel applets)