path: root/po/[email protected]
diff options
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-rw-r--r--po/[email protected]50
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/po/[email protected] b/po/[email protected]
index e5b2447..943e141 100644
--- a/po/[email protected]
+++ b/po/[email protected]
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-# Shavian translation for gnome-user-share.
+# Shavian translation for mateuser-share.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Gnome Foundation.
-# Thomas Thurman <[email protected]>, 2010.
+# Thomas Thurman <tthurman@mateorg>, 2010.
# Transliterate Bluetooth as 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gnome-user-share\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: mateuser-share\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.mateorg/enter_bug.cgi?product=mateuser-share&component=general\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-18 11:11+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-18 10:04 -0400\n"
-"Last-Translator: Thomas Thurman <[email protected]>\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Thurman <tthurman@mateorg>\n"
"Language-Team: Shavian <[email protected]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid ""
"If this is true, Bluetooth devices can send files to the user's Downloads "
"directory when logged in."
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ msgstr ""
"饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯 饜憶饜懄饜憹饜懖饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憫 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠'饜憻 饜憶饜懍饜懐饜懁饜懘饜憶饜憻 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜憿饜懅饜懐 "
"饜懁饜應饜憸饜憶 饜懄饜懐."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid ""
"If this is true, the Public directory in the users home directory will be "
"shared over Bluetooth when the user is logged in."
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr ""
"饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠饜憻 饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憱饜懞饜憶 饜懘饜憹饜懠 "
"路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜懁饜應饜憸饜憶 饜懄饜懐."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid ""
"If this is true, the Public directory in the users home directory will be "
"shared over the network when the user is logged in."
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ msgstr ""
"饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠饜憻 饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憱饜懞饜憶 饜懘饜憹饜懠 饜憺 "
"饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜懁饜應饜憸饜憶 饜懄饜懐."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "Share Public directory over Bluetooth"
msgstr "饜憱饜懞 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜懘饜憹饜懠 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯"
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "Share Public directory over the network"
msgstr "饜憱饜懞 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜懘饜憹饜懠 饜憺 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭"
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "When to accept files sent over Bluetooth"
msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憪饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫 饜懘饜憹饜懠 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯"
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid ""
"When to accept files sent over Bluetooth. Possible values are \"always\", "
"\"bonded\" and \"ask\"."
@@ -59,37 +59,37 @@ msgstr ""
"饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憪饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憫 饜懘饜憹饜懠 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 \"always\", \"bonded\" 饜懐 "
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid ""
"When to ask for passwords. Possible values are \"never\", \"on_write\", and "
msgstr ""
"饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜憮饜懝 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶饜憻. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 \"never\", \"on_write\", 饜懐 \"always\"."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "When to require passwords"
msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶饜憻"
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "Whether Bluetooth clients can send files using ObexPush."
msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯 饜憭饜懁饜懖饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懣饜憻饜懄饜憴 路饜懘饜憵饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憪饜懌饜憱."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid ""
"Whether Bluetooth clients need to pair with the computer to send files."
msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯 饜憭饜懁饜懖饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜懐饜懓饜憶 饜憫 饜憪饜懞 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憺 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懣饜憫饜懠 饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid ""
"Whether to allow Bluetooth clients to write files, or share the files "
msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜懇饜懁饜懍 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯 饜憭饜懁饜懖饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜憫 饜懏饜懖饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻, 饜懝 饜憱饜懞 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懏饜懅饜憶-饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "Whether to allow Bluetooth clients to write files."
msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜懇饜懁饜懍 路饜憵饜懁饜懙饜憫饜懙饜憯 饜憭饜懁饜懖饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜憫 饜懏饜懖饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻."
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "Whether to notify about newly received files."
msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜懐饜懘饜憫饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫 饜懐饜懣饜懁饜懄 饜懏饜懄饜憰饜懓饜憹饜憶 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻."
@@ -145,24 +145,24 @@ msgstr "_饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠 饜憪饜懎饜憰饜憿饜懠饜憶:"
msgid "_Share public files on network"
msgstr "_饜憱饜懞 饜憪饜懗饜憵饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭"
-#: ../data/
-#: ../data/ ../src/nautilus-share-bar.c:162
+#: ../data/
+#: ../data/ ../src/caja-share-bar.c:162
msgid "Personal File Sharing"
msgstr "饜憪饜懟饜憰饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憱饜懞饜懄饜憴"
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "Preferences for sharing of files"
msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懅饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜憮饜懝 饜憱饜懞饜懄饜憴 饜憹 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
-#: ../data/
+#: ../data/
msgid "Launch Personal File Sharing if enabled"
msgstr "饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲 饜憪饜懟饜憰饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憱饜懞饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜憮 饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁饜憶"
-#: ../src/nautilus-share-bar.c:174
+#: ../src/caja-share-bar.c:174
msgid "Launch Preferences"
msgstr "饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲 饜憪饜懏饜懅饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懇饜憻"
-#: ../src/nautilus-share-bar.c:187
+#: ../src/caja-share-bar.c:187
msgid "Launch Personal File Sharing Preferences"
msgstr "饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲 饜憪饜懟饜憰饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憱饜懞饜懄饜憴 饜憪饜懏饜懅饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憰饜懇饜憻"