path: root/plugins/snippets/data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/snippets/data')
26 files changed, 3404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/ b/plugins/snippets/data/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8ec40419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Python snippets plugin
+SUBDIRS = lang
+snippets_DATA = \
+ css.xml \
+ c.xml \
+ cpp.xml \
+ chdr.xml \
+ docbook.xml \
+ fortran.xml \
+ global.xml \
+ haskell.xml \
+ html.xml \
+ idl.xml \
+ javascript.xml \
+ java.xml \
+ latex.xml \
+ mallard.xml \
+ perl.xml \
+ php.xml \
+ python.xml \
+ ruby.xml \
+ sh.xml \
+ snippets.xml \
+ tcl.xml \
+ xml.xml \
+ xslt.xml
+snippetsdir = $(GEDIT_PLUGINS_DATA_DIR)/snippets
+EXTRA_DIST = $(snippets_DATA)
+-include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/c.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/c.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..61171cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/c.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="C">
+ <snippet id="gpl">
+ <text><![CDATA[/*
+ * ${1:[$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME,<filename>]}
+ * This file is part of ${2:<program name>}
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) $<3: import datetime; return str(> - $<4:
+import pwd, os
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return '<author\>' >
+ *
+ * ${2} is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ${2} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with ${2}; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ <tag>gpl</tag>
+ <description>GPL License</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="lgpl">
+ <text><![CDATA[/*
+ * ${1:[$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME,<filename>]}
+ * This file is part of ${2:<library name>}
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) $<3: import datetime; return str(> - $<4:
+import pwd, os
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return '<author\>' >
+ *
+ * ${2} is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ${2} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ <tag>lgpl</tag>
+ <description>LGPL License</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="do">
+ <text><![CDATA[do
+ $0
+} while ($1);]]></text>
+ <tag>do</tag>
+ <description>do .. while</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="for">
+ <text><![CDATA[for (${1:i} = ${2:0}; ${1:i} < ${3:count}; ${1:i} += ${4:1})
+ $0
+ <tag>for</tag>
+ <description>for loop</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="while">
+ <text><![CDATA[while (${1:condition})
+ $0
+ <tag>while</tag>
+ <description>while loop</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if (${1:condition})
+ $0
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ <description>if</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="elif">
+ <text><![CDATA[else if (${1:condition})
+ $0
+ <tag>elif</tag>
+ <description>else if</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="else">
+ <text><![CDATA[else
+ $0
+ <tag>else</tag>
+ <description>else</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="Inc">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include <${1:file}.h>
+ <tag>Inc</tag>
+ <description>#include &lt;..&gt;</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="inc">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include "${1:file}.h"
+ <tag>inc</tag>
+ <description>#include ".."</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="main">
+ <text><![CDATA[int
+main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ $0
+ return 0;
+ <tag>main</tag>
+ <description>main</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="struct">
+ <text><![CDATA[struct ${1:name}
+ ${0:/* data */}
+ <tag>struct</tag>
+ <description>struct</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="endif">
+ <text><![CDATA[#endif
+ <description>#endif</description>
+ <accelerator><![CDATA[<Control><Alt>period]]></accelerator>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="td">
+ <text><![CDATA[typedef ${1:newtype} ${2:type};
+ <tag>td</tag>
+ <description>typedef</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="gobject">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include "$1.h"
+global camel_str,low_str, type_str, is_str, up_str
+components = $1.split('-')
+low_str = '_'.join(components).lower()
+up_str = '_'.join(components).upper()
+type_str = '_'.join([components[0], 'TYPE'] + components[1:]).upper()
+is_str = '_'.join([components[0], 'IS'] + components[1:]).upper()
+camel_str = ''
+for t in components:
+ camel_str += t.capitalize()
+#define $<[1]: return up_str >_GET_PRIVATE(object)(G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((object), $<[1]: return type_str >, $<[1]: return camel_str >Private))
+struct _$<[1]: return camel_str >Private
+G_DEFINE_TYPE ($<[1]: return camel_str >, $<[1]: return low_str >, ${2:G_TYPE_OBJECT})
+static void
+$<[1]: return low_str>_finalize (GObject *object)
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS ($<[1]: return low_str >_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+$<[1]: return low_str >_class_init ($<[1]: return camel_str >Class *klass)
+ GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class->finalize = $<[1]: return low_str >_finalize;
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof ($<[1]: return camel_str >Private));
+static void
+$<[1]: return low_str >_init ($<[1]: return camel_str> *self)
+ self->priv = $<[1]: return up_str >_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+$<[1]: return camel_str > *
+$<[1]: return low_str >_new ()
+ return g_object_new ($<[1]: return type_str >, NULL);
+ <tag>gobject</tag>
+ <description>GObject template</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ginterface">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include "$1.h"
+global camel_str,low_str,up_str
+components = $1.split('-')
+low_str = '_'.join(components).lower()
+up_str = '_'.join(components).upper()
+camel_str = ''
+for t in components:
+ camel_str += t.capitalize()
+/* Default implementation */
+static const gchar *
+$<[1]: return low_str>_example_method_default ($<[1]: return camel_str > *self)
+ g_return_val_if_reached (NULL);
+static void
+$<[1]: return low_str>_init ($<[1]: return camel_str >Iface *iface)
+ static gboolean initialized = FALSE;
+ iface->example_method = $<[1]: return low_str>_example_method_default;
+ if (!initialized)
+ {
+ initialized = TRUE;
+ }
+ * This is an method example for an interface
+ */
+const gchar *
+$<[1]: return low_str>_example_method ($<[1]: return camel_str > *self)
+ g_return_val_if_fail ($<[1]: return up_str> (self), NULL);
+ return $<[1]: return up_str>_GET_INTERFACE (self)->example_method (self);
+$<[1]: return low_str>_get_type ()
+ static GType $<[1]: return low_str>_type_id = 0;
+ if (!$<[1]: return low_str>_type_id)
+ {
+ static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info =
+ {
+ sizeof ($<[1]: return camel_str >Iface),
+ (GBaseInitFunc) $<[1]: return low_str>_init,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ };
+ $<[1]: return low_str>_type_id =
+ g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_INTERFACE,
+ "$<[1]: return camel_str>",
+ &g_define_type_info,
+ 0);
+ }
+ return $<[1]: return low_str>_type_id;
+ <tag>ginterface</tag>
+ <description>GObject interface</description>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/chdr.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/chdr.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f71ea901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/chdr.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="chdr">
+ <snippet id="once">
+ <text><![CDATA[#ifndef __${1:NAME}_H__
+#define __$1_H__
+#endif /* __$1_H__ */
+ <description>Header Include-Guard</description>
+ <tag>once</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="inc">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include "${1:file}"
+ <description>#include ".."</description>
+ <tag>inc</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="Inc">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include <${1:file}>
+ <description>#include &lt;..&gt;</description>
+ <tag>Inc</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="namespace">
+ <text><![CDATA[namespace ${1:ns}
+ $0
+ <description>namespace ..</description>
+ <tag>namespace</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="gpl">
+ <text><![CDATA[/*
+ * ${1:[$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME,<filename>]}
+ * This file is part of ${2:<program name>}
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) $<3: import datetime; return str(> - $<4:
+import pwd, os
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return '<author\>' >
+ *
+ * ${2} is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ${2} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with ${2}; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ <tag>gpl</tag>
+ <description>GPL License</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="lgpl">
+ <text><![CDATA[/*
+ * ${1:[$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME,<filename>]}
+ * This file is part of ${2:<library name>}
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) $<3: import datetime; return str(> - $<4:
+import pwd, os
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return '<author\>' >
+ *
+ * ${2} is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ${2} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ <tag>lgpl</tag>
+ <description>LGPL License</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="td">
+ <text><![CDATA[typedef ${1:newtype} ${2:type};
+ <tag>td</tag>
+ <description>typedef</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="class">
+ <text><![CDATA[class ${1:name}
+ public:
+ ${1:name} (${2:arguments});
+ virtual ~${1:name} ();
+ private:
+ ${0:/* data */}
+ <description>class ..</description>
+ <tag>class</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="struct">
+ <text><![CDATA[struct ${1:name}
+ ${0:/* data */}
+ <tag>struct</tag>
+ <description>struct</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="template">
+ <text><![CDATA[template <typename ${1:_InputIter}>]]></text>
+ <description>template &lt;typename ..&gt;</description>
+ <tag>template</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="gobject">
+ <text><![CDATA[#ifndef __${1:NAME}_H__
+#define __$1_H__
+#include <${2:glib-object.h}>
+global camel_str
+components = $1.split('_')
+type_str = '_'.join([components[0], 'TYPE'] + components[1:])
+is_str = '_'.join([components[0], 'IS'] + components[1:])
+camel_str = ''
+for t in components:
+ camel_str += t.capitalize()
+items = [ \
+['#define ' + type_str, '(' + $1.lower() + '_get_type ())'], \
+['#define ' + $1 + '(obj)', '(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), ' + type_str + ', ' + camel_str + '))'], \
+['#define ' + $1 + '_CONST(obj)', '(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), ' + type_str + ', ' + camel_str + ' const))'], \
+['#define ' + $1 + '_CLASS(klass)', '(G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), ' + type_str + ', ' + camel_str + 'Class))'], \
+['#define ' + is_str + '(obj)', '(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), ' + type_str + '))'], \
+['#define ' + is_str + '_CLASS(klass)', '(G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), ' + type_str + '))'], \
+['#define ' + $1 + '_GET_CLASS(obj)', '(G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), ' + type_str + ', ' + camel_str + 'Class))']
+return align(items) >
+items = [ \
+['typedef struct _' + camel_str, camel_str + ';'], \
+['typedef struct _' + camel_str + 'Class', camel_str + 'Class;'], \
+['typedef struct _' + camel_str + 'Private', camel_str + 'Private;'] \
+return align(items) >
+struct _$<[1]: return camel_str > {
+ ${7:GObject} parent;
+ $<[1]: return camel_str >Private *priv;
+struct _$<[1]: return camel_str >Class {
+ $7Class parent_class;
+GType $< return $1.lower() + '_get_type' > (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+$<[1]: return camel_str > *$< return $1.lower()>_new (void);
+#endif /* __$1_H__ */]]></text>
+ <tag>gobject</tag>
+ <description>GObject template</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ginterface">
+ <text><![CDATA[#ifndef __${1:NAME}_H__
+#define __$1_H__
+#include <${2:glib-object.h}>
+global camel_str
+components = $1.split('_')
+type_str = '_'.join([components[0], 'TYPE'] + components[1:])
+is_str = '_'.join([components[0], 'IS'] + components[1:])
+camel_str = ''
+for t in components:
+ camel_str += t.capitalize()
+items = [ \
+['#define ' + type_str, '(' + $1.lower() + '_get_type ())'], \
+['#define ' + $1 + '(obj)', '(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), ' + type_str + ', ' + camel_str + '))'], \
+['#define ' + is_str + '(obj)', '(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), ' + type_str + '))'], \
+['#define ' + $1 + '_GET_INTERFACE(obj)', '(G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE ((obj), ' + type_str + ', ' + camel_str + 'Iface))']
+return align(items) >
+items = [ \
+['typedef struct _' + camel_str, camel_str + ';'], \
+['typedef struct _' + camel_str + 'Iface', camel_str + 'Iface;'], \
+return align(items) >
+struct _$<[1]: return camel_str >Iface
+ ${7:GTypeInterface} parent;
+ const gchar * (*example_method) ($<[1]: return camel_str > *self);
+GType $< return $1.lower() + '_get_type' > (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+const gchar *$< return $1.lower()>_example_method ($<[1]: return camel_str > *self);
+#endif /* __$1_H__ */]]></text>
+ <tag>ginterface</tag>
+ <description>GObject interface</description>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/cpp.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/cpp.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7c7ccabd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/cpp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="cpp">
+ <snippet id="main">
+ <text><![CDATA[int main (int argc, char const* argv[])
+ $0
+ return 0;
+ <description>main</description>
+ <tag>main</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="for">
+ <text><![CDATA[for (${1:unsigned int} ${2:i} = ${3:0}; ${2:i} < ${4:count}; ${2:i} += ${5:1})
+ $0
+ <description>for loop</description>
+ <tag>for</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="beginend">
+ <text><![CDATA[${1:v}.begin(), ${1:v}.end()]]></text>
+ <description>$1.begin</description>
+ <tag>beginend</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="do">
+ <text><![CDATA[do
+ $0
+} while ($1 );]]></text>
+ <description>do .. while</description>
+ <tag>do</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="endif">
+ <text><![CDATA[#endif
+ <accelerator><![CDATA[<Control><Alt>period]]></accelerator>
+ <description>#endif</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if (${1:condition})
+ $0
+ <description>if ..</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="inc">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include "${1:file}"
+ <description>#include ".."</description>
+ <tag>inc</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="Inc">
+ <text><![CDATA[#include <${1:file}>
+ <description>#include &lt;..&gt;</description>
+ <tag>Inc</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="namespace">
+ <text><![CDATA[namespace ${1:ns}
+ $0
+ <description>namespace ..</description>
+ <tag>namespace</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="readfile">
+ <text><![CDATA[std::vector<uint8_t> v;
+if (FILE* fp = fopen (${1:"filename"}, "r"))
+ uint8_t buf[1024];
+ while (size_t len = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), fp))
+ v.insert (v.end(), buf, buf + len);
+ fclose(fp);
+ <description>Read File Into Vector</description>
+ <tag>readfile</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="map">
+ <text><![CDATA[std::map<${1:key}, ${2:value}> ${3:map};
+ <description>std::map</description>
+ <tag>map</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="vector">
+ <text><![CDATA[std::vector<${1:char}> ${2:v};
+ <description>std::vector</description>
+ <tag>vector</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="struct">
+ <text><![CDATA[struct ${1:name}
+ ${0:/* data */}
+ <description>struct ..</description>
+ <tag>struct</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="template">
+ <text><![CDATA[template <typename ${1:_InputIter}>]]></text>
+ <description>template &lt;typename ..&gt;</description>
+ <tag>template</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="gpl">
+ <text><![CDATA[/*
+ * ${1:[$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME,<filename>]}
+ * This file is part of ${2:<program name>}
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) $<3: import datetime; return str(> - $<4:
+import pwd, os
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return '<author\>' >
+ *
+ * ${2} is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ${2} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with ${2}; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ $0]]></text>
+ <tag>gpl</tag>
+ <description>GPL License</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="lgpl">
+ <text><![CDATA[/*
+ * ${1:[$GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME,<filename>]}
+ * This file is part of ${2:<library name>}
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) $<3: import datetime; return str(> - $<4:
+import pwd, os
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return '<author\>' >
+ *
+ * ${2} is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ${2} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ $0]]></text>
+ <tag>lgpl</tag>
+ <description>LGPL License</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="td">
+ <text><![CDATA[typedef ${1:newtype} ${2:type};
+ <tag>td</tag>
+ <description>typedef</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="while">
+ <text><![CDATA[while ($1)
+ $0
+ <tag>while</tag>
+ <description>while</description>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/css.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/css.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..babca912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/css.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="CSS">
+ <snippet id="background">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-attachment: ${1:scroll/fixed};
+ <description>background-attachment: scroll/fixed</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-color: #${1:DDD};
+ <description>background-color: color-hex</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-color: ${1:red};
+ <description>background-color: color-name</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-color: rgb(${1:255},${2:255},${3:255});
+ <description>background-color: color-rgb</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-4">
+ <text><![CDATA[background: #${1:DDD} url($2) ${3:repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/no-repeat} ${4:scroll/fixed} ${5:top letft/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right/x-% y-%/x-pos y-pos};
+ <description>background: color image repeat attachment position</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-5">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-color: transparent;
+ <description>background-color: transparent</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-6">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-image: none;
+ <description>background-image: none</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-7">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-image: url($1);
+ <description>background-image: url</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-8">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-position: ${1:top letft/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right/x-% y-%/x-pos y-pos};
+ <description>background-position: position</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="background-9">
+ <text><![CDATA[background-repeat: ${1:repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/no-repeat};
+ <description>background-repeat: r/r-x/r-y/n-r</description>
+ <tag>background</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-bottom-color: #${1:999};
+ <description>border-bottom-color: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-bottom: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-bottom: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-bottom-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};
+ <description>border-bottom-style: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-bottom-width: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-bottom-width: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-4">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-color: ${1:999};
+ <description>border-color: color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-5">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-right-color: #${1:999};
+ <description>border-left-color: color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-6">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-left: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-left: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-7">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-left-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};
+ <description>border-left-style: style</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-8">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-left-width: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-left-width: size</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-9">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-right-color: #${1:999};
+ <description>border-right-color: color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-10">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-right: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-right: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-11">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-right-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};
+ <description>border-right-style: style</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-12">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-right-width: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-right-width: size</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-13">
+ <text><![CDATA[border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-14">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};
+ <description>border-style: style</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-15">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-top-color: #${1:999};
+ <description>border-top-color: color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-16">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-top: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-top: size style color</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-17">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-top-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};
+ <description>border-top-style: style</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-18">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-top-width: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};
+ <description>border-top-width: size</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="border-19">
+ <text><![CDATA[border-color: ${1:1px};
+ <description>border-width: width</description>
+ <tag>border</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="clear">
+ <text><![CDATA[clear: ${1:left/right/both/none};
+ <description>clear: value</description>
+ <tag>clear</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="color">
+ <text><![CDATA[color: #${1:DDD};
+ <description>color: color-hex</description>
+ <tag>color</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="color-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[color: ${1:red};
+ <description>color: color-name</description>
+ <tag>color</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="color-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[color: rgb(${1:255},${2:255},${3:255});
+ <description>color: color-rgb</description>
+ <tag>color</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="cursor">
+ <text><![CDATA[cursor: {$1:default/auto/crosshair/pointer/move/*-resize/text/wait/help};
+ <description>cursor: type</description>
+ <tag>cursor</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="clear-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[cursor: url($1);
+ <description>cursor: url</description>
+ <tag>clear</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="direction">
+ <text><![CDATA[direction: ${1:ltr|rtl};
+ <description>direction: ltr|rtl</description>
+ <tag>direction</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="display">
+ <text><![CDATA[display: block;
+ <description>display: block</description>
+ <tag>display</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="display-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[display: ${1:none/inline/block/list-item/run-in/compact/marker};
+ <description>display: common-types</description>
+ <tag>display</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="display-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[display: inline;
+ <description>display: inline</description>
+ <tag>display</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="display-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[display: ${1:table/inline-table/table-row-group/table-header-group/table-footer-group/table-row/table-column-group/table-column/table-cell/table-caption};
+ <description>display: table-types</description>
+ <tag>display</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="float">
+ <text><![CDATA[float: ${1:left/right/none};
+ <description>float: left/right/none</description>
+ <tag>float</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="font">
+ <text><![CDATA[font-family: ${1:Arial, "MS Trebuchet"}, ${2:sans-}serif;
+ <description>font-family: family</description>
+ <tag>font</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="font-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[font: ${1:75%} ${2:"Lucida Grande", "Trebuchet MS", Verdana,} ${3:sans-}serif;
+ <description>font: size font</description>
+ <tag>font</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="font-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[font-size: ${1:100%};
+ <description>font-size: size</description>
+ <tag>font</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="font-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[font-style: ${1:normal/italic/oblique};
+ <description>font-style: normal/italic/oblique</description>
+ <tag>font</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="font-4">
+ <text><![CDATA[font: ${1:normal/italic/oblique} ${2:normal/small-caps} ${3:normal/bold} ${4:1em/1.5em} ${5:Arial}, ${6:sans-}serif;
+ <description>font: style variant weight size/line-height font-family</description>
+ <tag>font</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="font-5">
+ <text><![CDATA[font-variant: ${1:normal/small-caps};
+ <description>font-variant: normal/small-caps</description>
+ <tag>font</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="font-6">
+ <text><![CDATA[font-weight: ${1:normal/bold};
+ <description>font-weight: weight</description>
+ <tag>font</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="letter">
+ <text><![CDATA[letter-spacing: $1em;
+ <description>letter-spacing: length-em</description>
+ <tag>letter</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="letter-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[letter-spacing: $1px;
+ <description>letter-spacing: length-px</description>
+ <tag>letter</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style-image: url($1);
+ <description>list-style-image: url</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style-position: ${1:inside/outside};
+ <description>list-style-position: pos</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style-type: ${1:cjk-ideographic/hiragana/katakana/hiragana-iroha/katakana-iroha};
+ <description>list-style-type: asian</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style-type: ${1:none/disc/circle/square};
+ <description>list-style-type: marker</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list-4">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style-type: ${1:decimal/decimal-leading-zero/zero};
+ <description>list-style-type: numeric</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list-5">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style-type: ${1:hebrew/armenian/georgian};
+ <description>list-style-type: other</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list-6">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style: ${1:none/disc/circle/square/decimal/zero} ${2:inside/outside} url($3);
+ <description>list-style: type position image</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="list-7">
+ <text><![CDATA[list-style-type: ${1:lower-roman/uppert-roman/lower-alpha/upper-alpha/lower-greek/lower-latin/upper-latin};
+ <description>list-style-type: roman-alpha-greek</description>
+ <tag>list</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin">
+ <text><![CDATA[margin: ${1:20px};
+ <description>margin: all</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[margin-bottom: ${1:20px};
+ <description>margin-bottom: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[margin-left: ${1:20px};
+ <description>margin-left: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[margin-right: ${1:20px};
+ <description>margin-right: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-4">
+ <text><![CDATA[margin-top: ${1:20px};
+ <description>margin-top: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-5">
+ <text><![CDATA[margin: ${1:20px} ${2:0px} ${3:40px} ${4:0px};
+ <description>margin: T R B L</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-6">
+ <text><![CDATA[margin: ${1:20px} ${2:0px};
+ <description>margin: V H</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="marker">
+ <text><![CDATA[marker-offset: auto;
+ <description>marker-offset: auto</description>
+ <tag>marker</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="marker-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[marker-offset: ${1:10px};
+ <description>marker-offset: length</description>
+ <tag>marker</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="overflow">
+ <text><![CDATA[overflow: ${1:visible/hidden/scroll/auto};
+ <description>overflow: type</description>
+ <tag>overflow</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="padding">
+ <text><![CDATA[padding: ${1:20px};
+ <description>padding: all</description>
+ <tag>padding</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-7">
+ <text><![CDATA[padding-bottom: ${1:20px};
+ <description>padding-bottom: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-8">
+ <text><![CDATA[padding-left: ${1:20px};
+ <description>padding-left: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-9">
+ <text><![CDATA[padding-right: ${1:20px};
+ <description>padding-right: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="margin-10">
+ <text><![CDATA[padding-top: ${1:20px};
+ <description>padding-top: length</description>
+ <tag>margin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="padding-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[padding: ${1:20px} ${2:0px} ${3:40px} ${4:0px};
+ <description>padding: T R B L</description>
+ <tag>padding</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="padding-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[padding: ${1:20px} ${2:0px};
+ <description>padding: V H</description>
+ <tag>padding</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="position">
+ <text><![CDATA[position: ${1:static/relative/absolute/fixed};
+ <description>position: type</description>
+ <tag>position</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="{">
+ <text><![CDATA[{
+ /* $1 */
+ $0
+ <description>properties { }</description>
+ <tag>{</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-align: ${1:left/right/center/justify};
+ <description>text-align: left/center/right</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-decoration: ${1:none/underline/overline/line-through/blink};
+ <description>text-decoration: none/underline/overline/line-through/blink</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-indent: ${1:10p}x;
+ <description>text-indent: length</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-shadow: #${1:DDD} ${2:10px} ${3:10px} ${4:2px};
+ <description>text-shadow: color-hex x y blur</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text-4">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-shadow: rgb(${1:255},${2:255},${3:255}) ${4:10px} ${5:10px} ${6:2px};
+ <description>text-shadow: color-rgb x y blur</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text-5">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-shadow: none;
+ <description>text-shadow: none</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text-6">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-transform: ${1:capitalize/uppercase/lowercase};
+ <description>text-transform: capitalize/upper/lower</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text-7">
+ <text><![CDATA[text-transform: none;
+ <description>text-transform: none</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="vertical">
+ <text><![CDATA[vertical-align: ${1:baseline/sub/super/top/text-top/middle/bottom/text-bottom/length/%};
+ <description>vertical-align: type</description>
+ <tag>vertical</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="visibility">
+ <text><![CDATA[visibility: ${1:visible/hidden/collapse};
+ <description>visibility: type</description>
+ <tag>visibility</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="white">
+ <text><![CDATA[white-space: ${1:normal/pre/nowrap};
+ <description>white-space: normal/pre/nowrap</description>
+ <tag>white</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="word">
+ <text><![CDATA[word-spacing: ${1:10px};
+ <description>word-spacing: length</description>
+ <tag>word</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="word-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[word-spacing: normal;
+ <description>word-spacing: normal</description>
+ <tag>word</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="z">
+ <text><![CDATA[z-index: $1;
+ <description>z-index: index</description>
+ <tag>z</tag>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/docbook.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/docbook.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3159b603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/docbook.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="docbook">
+ <!-- useful snippets from xml set -->
+ <snippet id="&lt;">
+ <text><![CDATA[<${1}>$0</${1}>]]></text>
+ <description>XML tag</description>
+ <tag>&lt;</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="menuchoice">
+ <text><![CDATA[<menuchoice><guimenu>$1</guimenu><guimenuitem>$2</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
+ <tag>menu</tag>
+ <description>menuchoice</description>
+ <accelerator />
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="keycombo">
+ <text><![CDATA[<keycombo><keycap>${1:Ctrl}</keycap><keycap>${2}</keycap></keycombo>]]></text>
+ <tag>key</tag>
+ <description>keycombo</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="sect">
+ <text><![CDATA[<sect${1} id="${2}">
+ <title>${3}</title>
+ <tag>sect</tag>
+ <description>sect*</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="app">
+ <text><![CDATA[<application>&app;</application>]]></text>
+ <tag>app</tag>
+ <description>app entity</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="appwrap">
+ <text><![CDATA[<application>$GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT</application>]]></text>
+ <tag>application</tag>
+ <description>application tag</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="enclose">
+ <text><![CDATA[<${1}>$GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT</${1}>]]></text>
+ <tag>enclose</tag>
+ <description>enclose selected text</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="itemizedlist">
+ <text><![CDATA[<itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>${1}</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <tag>ul</tag>
+ <description>itemized list</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="orderedlist">
+ <text><![CDATA[<orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>${1}</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <tag>ol</tag>
+ <description>ordered list</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="listitem">
+ <text><![CDATA[<listitem>
+ <para>${1}</para>
+ <tag>li</tag>
+ <description>list item</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="variablelist">
+ <text><![CDATA[<variablelist>
+ $1
+ <tag>vl</tag>
+ <description>variablelist</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="varlistentry">
+ <text><![CDATA[<varlistentry><term>${1}</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>${2}</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <tag>vli</tag>
+ <description>variablelist entry</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="closepara">
+ <text><![CDATA[</para>]]></text>
+ <tag>/</tag>
+ <description>para close</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="openpara">
+ <text><![CDATA[<para>]]></text>
+ <tag>p</tag>
+ <description>para open</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="http">
+ <text><![CDATA[<ulink type="http" url="$1">$2</ulink>]]></text>
+ <tag>http</tag>
+ <description>ulink http</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="yelp">
+ <text><![CDATA[<ulink type="help" url="$1">$2</ulink>]]></text>
+ <tag>help</tag>
+ <description>ulink mate help</description>
+ <accelerator/>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/fortran.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/fortran.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c64d6461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/fortran.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<snippets language="fortran">
+ <snippet id="c">
+ <text><![CDATA[character(len=${1:10}) :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>c</tag>
+ <description>character</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="cl">
+ <text><![CDATA[close(${1:unit}, status='${2:keep}')]]></text>
+ <tag>cl</tag>
+ <description>close</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="do">
+ <text><![CDATA[do ${1:i}=$2, $3, ${4:1}
+ ${0:source}
+end do]]></text>
+ <tag>do</tag>
+ <description>do ... end do</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="func">
+ <text><![CDATA[function ${1:name}( ${2:parameter} )
+ ${3:integer/real ::} $1
+ ${4:integer/real ::} $2
+ ${0:source}
+ $1 = !result
+end function]]></text>
+ <tag>func</tag>
+ <description>function</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ifel">
+ <text><![CDATA[if( $1 ) then
+ ${2:source}
+ ${0:source}
+end if]]></text>
+ <tag>ifel</tag>
+ <description>if ... else ... end if</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if( $1 ) then
+ ${0:source}
+end if]]></text>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ <description>if ... end if</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="i">
+ <text><![CDATA[integer(kind=${1:4}) :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>i</tag>
+ <description>integer</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ida">
+ <text><![CDATA[integer(kind=${1:4}), dimension(${2::}), allocatable :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>ida</tag>
+ <description>integerdimalloc</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="id">
+ <text><![CDATA[integer(kind=${1:4}), dimension(${2::}) :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>id</tag>
+ <description>integerdim</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="l">
+ <text><![CDATA[logical(kind=${1:1}) :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>l</tag>
+ <description>logical</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="mod">
+ <text><![CDATA[module ${1:name}
+ implicit none
+ ${2:integer/real ::} $3
+ ${4:contains}
+ ${0:source}
+end module]]></text>
+ <tag>mod</tag>
+ <description>module</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="op">
+ <text><![CDATA[open(${1:unit}, file='${2:name}', status='${3:new}')]]></text>
+ <tag>op</tag>
+ <description>open</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="prog">
+ <text><![CDATA[program ${1:name}
+ implicit none
+ ${0:source}
+end program]]></text>
+ <tag>prog</tag>
+ <description>program</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="re">
+ <text><![CDATA[read(unit=${1:*},fmt=${2:*}) $0]]></text>
+ <tag>re</tag>
+ <description>read</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="r">
+ <text><![CDATA[real(kind=${1:8}) :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>r</tag>
+ <description>real</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="rda">
+ <text><![CDATA[real(kind=${1:8}), dimension(${2::}), allocatable :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>rda</tag>
+ <description>realdimalloc</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="rd">
+ <text><![CDATA[real(kind=${1:8}), dimension(${2::}) :: $0]]></text>
+ <tag>rd</tag>
+ <description>realdim</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="rec">
+ <text><![CDATA[recursive function ${1:name}( ${2:parameter} ) result( ${3:res} )
+ ${4:integer/real ::} $3
+ ${5:integer/real ::} $2
+ ${0:source}
+ $3 = !result
+end function]]></text>
+ <tag>rec</tag>
+ <description>recursivfunc</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="sel">
+ <text><![CDATA[select case( $1 )
+ case( $2 )
+ ${3:source}
+ case default
+ ${0:source}
+end select]]></text>
+ <tag>sel</tag>
+ <description>select</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="sub">
+ <text><![CDATA[subroutine ${1:name}( ${2:parameter} )
+ ${3:integer/real ::} $2
+ ${0:source}
+end subroutine]]></text>
+ <tag>sub</tag>
+ <description>subroutine</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="t">
+ <text><![CDATA[type :: ${1:name}
+ ${2:integer/real ::} $0
+end type $1]]></text>
+ <tag>t</tag>
+ <description>type</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="dow">
+ <text><![CDATA[do while( ${1} )
+ ${0:source}
+end do]]></text>
+ <tag>dow</tag>
+ <description>while</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="wr">
+ <text><![CDATA[write(unit=${1:*},fmt=${2:*}) "$3", $0]]></text>
+ <tag>wr</tag>
+ <description>write</description>
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+ $0]]></text>
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+ <tag>mod</tag>
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+ <snippet id="\">
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+// <![CDATA[
+ $0
+// ]]]]><![CDATA[>
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+ <option value="${2:value}">$3</option>
+ $4
+ <tag>select</tag>
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+/* <![CDATA[ */
+ $0
+/* ]]]]><![CDATA[> */
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+ <tr><td>${5:Data}</td></tr>
+ $0
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+ <snippet id="tr">
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+ <tag>tr</tag>
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+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ul">
+ <text><![CDATA[<ul>
+ <li>$1</li>
+ $2
+ <tag>ul</tag>
+ <description>Unordered List</description>
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+ $0
+ <tag>mod</tag>
+ <description>Module</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[interface ${1:name}
+ $0
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ <description>Interface</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="str">
+ <text><![CDATA[struct ${1:name}
+ $0
+ <tag>str</tag>
+ <description>Struct</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="exc">
+ <text><![CDATA[exception ${1:name}
+ $0
+ <tag>exc</tag>
+ <description>Exception</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="seq">
+ <text><![CDATA[sequence<${1:type}> ]]></text>
+ <tag>seq</tag>
+ <description>Sequence</description>
+ </snippet>
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+ <text><![CDATA[typedef sequence<${1:type}> ${0:newtype};]]></text>
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+ <text><![CDATA[private static final ${1:String} ${2:var} = "$0";]]></text>
+ <description>const def</description>
+ <tag>cd</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ife">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ($1) { // $2
+ $0
+} else { // $3
+ <description>if .. else</description>
+ <tag>ife</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ($1) { // $2
+ $0
+ <description>if</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="log">
+ <text><![CDATA[/** Logger for this class and subclasses. */
+protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
+ <description>logger</description>
+ <tag>log</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="tcf">
+ <text><![CDATA[try {
+ $2
+} catch (${1:Exception} e) {
+ $3
+} finally {
+ $4
+ <description>try .. catch .. finally</description>
+ <tag>tcf</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="while">
+ <text><![CDATA[while ($1) { // $2
+ $0
+ <description>while statement</description>
+ <tag>while</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="main">
+ <text><![CDATA[public static void main(String[] args) {
+ ${1:System.exit(0)};
+ <description>main</description>
+ <tag>main</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="sout">
+ <text><![CDATA[System.out.println("${1}");
+ <description>System.out.println</description>
+ <tag>sout</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="try/catch">
+ <text><![CDATA[try {
+catch (Exception e) {
+ ${1:e.printStackTrace();}
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+ <description>Wrap Selection in Try/Catch</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="tc">
+ <text><![CDATA[try {
+ $2
+} catch (${1:Exception} e) {
+ $3
+ <tag>tc</tag>
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+ ${0:# body...}
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+ <tag>fun</tag>
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+ snippets.lang
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+ Author: Jesse van den Kieboom <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Jesse van den Kieboom <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
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+ <context ref="environmental-variable"/>
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+ <text><![CDATA[\[
+ $1
+ <description>Displaymath</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
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+ <snippet>
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+ <snippet>
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+ <snippet>
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+ <snippet>
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+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
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+ <snippet>
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+ <title>${2:Title}</title>
+ <item><p>${3}</p></item>
+ <item><p>${4}</p></item>
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+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<listing>
+ <title>${1:Title}</title>
+ <desc>${2:Short description}</desc>
+ <code><![CDATA[
+ <tag>listing</tag>
+ <description>listing</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<note style="${1:advanced|bug|important|tip|warning}">
+ <p>
+ $0
+ </p>
+ <tag>note</tag>
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+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<list type="numbered">
+ <item><p>$1</p></item>
+ <item><p>$2</p></item>
+ <item><p>$3</p></item>
+</list> ]]></text>
+ <tag>num</tag>
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+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<page xmlns=""
+ type="${1:topic}" style="${2:task}"
+ id="${3:id}">
+ <desc>${4:Short description}</desc>
+ <revision pkgversion="${5:program_version}" version="${6:document_version}" date="$<7: import datetime as d; return>" status="${8:incomplete}"/>
+ <credit type="author">
+ <name>$<9:
+import pwd, os
+ return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]
+except KeyError:
+ return 'Joe Example' ></name>
+ <email>$<10:
+import os
+return os.getenv('EMAIL', '[email protected]') ></email>
+ </credit>
+ <tag>page</tag>
+ <description>page</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[</p>]]></text>
+ <tag>/</tag>
+ <description>p close</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<p>]]></text>
+ <tag>p</tag>
+ <description>p open</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<quote>
+ <p>$0</p>
+ <tag>quote</tag>
+ <description>quote</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<section id="${1}">
+ <title>${2:Section Title}</title>
+ <p>$0</p>
+ <tag>section</tag>
+ <description>section</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<steps>
+ <item><p>$0</p></item>
+ <tag>steps</tag>
+ <description>steps</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<terms>
+ <title>$1</title>
+ <item><p>$2</p></item>
+ <tag>terms</tag>
+ <description>terms</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<note style="tip">
+ <p>$1</p>
+</note> ]]></text>
+ <tag>tip</tag>
+ <description>tip note</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<title>$1</title>]]></text>
+ <tag>title</tag>
+ <description>title</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet>
+ <text><![CDATA[<note style="warning>
+ <p>$1</p>
+</note> ]]></text>
+ <tag>warn</tag>
+ <description>warning note</description>
+ </snippet>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+ <text><![CDATA[#!/usr/bin/perl
+ <tag>perl</tag>
+ <description>#!/usr/bin/perl</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ife">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+} else {
+ ${3:# else...}
+ <description>Conditional if..else</description>
+ <tag>ife</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ifee">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+} elsif ($3) {
+ ${4:# elsif...}
+} else {
+ ${5:# else...}
+ <description>Conditional if..elsif..else</description>
+ <tag>ifee</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="xunless">
+ <text><![CDATA[${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};
+ <description>Conditional one-line</description>
+ <tag>xunless</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="xif">
+ <text><![CDATA[${1:expression} if ${2:condition};
+ <description>Conditional one-line</description>
+ <tag>xif</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="eval">
+ <text><![CDATA[eval {
+ ${1:# do something risky...}
+if ($@) {
+ ${2:# handle failure...}
+ <description>Try/Except</description>
+ <tag>eval</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="fore">
+ <text><![CDATA[foreach ${1:my $${2:x} }(@${3:array}) {
+ ${4:# body...}
+ <description>Loop</description>
+ <tag>fore</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="for">
+ <text><![CDATA[for (my $${1:var} = 0; $$1 < ${2:expression}; $$1++) {
+ ${3:# body...}
+ <description>Loop</description>
+ <tag>for</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="sub">
+ <text><![CDATA[sub ${1:function_name} {
+ ${2:# body...}
+ <description>Function</description>
+ <tag>sub</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="hashpointer">
+ <text><![CDATA[ => ]]></text>
+ <accelerator><![CDATA[<Shift><Alt>l]]></accelerator>
+ <description>hash pointer</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+ <description>Conditional</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="xfore">
+ <text><![CDATA[${1:expression} foreach @${2:array};
+ <description>Loop one-line</description>
+ <tag>xfore</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="xwhile">
+ <text><![CDATA[${1:expression} while ${2:condition};
+ <description>Loop one-line</description>
+ <tag>xwhile</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="slurp">
+ <text><![CDATA[my $${1:var};
+{ local $/ = undef; local *FILE; open FILE, "<${2:file}"; $$1 = <FILE>; close FILE }
+ <description>Read File</description>
+ <tag>slurp</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="unless">
+ <text><![CDATA[unless ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+ <description>Conditional</description>
+ <tag>unless</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="while">
+ <text><![CDATA[while ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+ <description>Loop</description>
+ <tag>while</tag>
+ </snippet>
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+ <snippet id="class">
+ <text><![CDATA[#doc
+# classname: ${1:ClassName}
+# scope: ${2:PUBLIC}
+class ${1:ClassName} ${3:extends AnotherClass}
+ # internal variables
+ # Constructor
+ function __construct (${4:argument})
+ {
+ # code...
+ $0
+ }
+ ###
+ <description>class ..</description>
+ <tag>class</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_COOKIE['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>COOKIE['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="do">
+ <text><![CDATA[do
+ # code...
+ $0
+} while (${1:$a <= 10});]]></text>
+ <description>do .. while ..</description>
+ <tag>do</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="elseif">
+ <text><![CDATA[elseif (${1:condition})
+ # code...
+ $0
+ <description>elseif ..</description>
+ <tag>elseif</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="else">
+ <text><![CDATA[else
+ # code...
+ $0
+ <description>else ..</description>
+ <tag>else</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_ENV['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>ENV['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_FILES['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>FILES['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="foreach">
+ <text><![CDATA[foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} => $${3:value})
+ # code...
+ $0:
+ <description>foreach ..</description>
+ <tag>foreach</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="for">
+ <text><![CDATA[for ($${1:i} = ${2:0}; $${1:i} < $3; $${1:i}++)
+ # code...
+ $0
+ <description>for ..</description>
+ <tag>for</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="function">
+ <text><![CDATA[${1:public }function ${2:FunctionName}($3)
+ ${0:# code...}
+ <description>function ..</description>
+ <tag>function</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-3">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_GET['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>GET['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="globals">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GLOBALS['${1:variable}']${2: =} ${3:something} ${4:;}]]></text>
+ <description>$GLOBALS['..']</description>
+ <tag>globals</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if?">
+ <text><![CDATA[$${1:retVal} = (${2:condition}) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b};]]></text>
+ <description>$.. =</description>
+ <tag>iff</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ifelse">
+ <text><![CDATA[if (${1:condition})
+ ${2:# code...}
+ ${3:# code...}
+ <description>if .. else ..</description>
+ <tag>ifelse</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if (${1:condition})
+ # code...
+ $0
+ <description>if ..</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="incl1">
+ <text><![CDATA[include_once('${1:file}');$0]]></text>
+ <description>include_once</description>
+ <tag>inclo</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="incl">
+ <text><![CDATA[include('${1:file}');$0]]></text>
+ <description>include</description>
+ <tag>incl</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="array">
+ <text><![CDATA[$${1:arrayName} = array('$2'${3:,});]]></text>
+ <description>$.. = array</description>
+ <tag>array</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="php">
+ <text><![CDATA[<?php
+ $0
+ <description>&lt;?php .. ?&gt;</description>
+ <tag>php</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-4">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_POST['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>POST['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="print">
+ <text><![CDATA[print "${1:string}"${2: . };]]></text>
+ <description>print ".."</description>
+ <tag>print</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-5">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_REQUEST['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>REQUEST['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="req1">
+ <text><![CDATA[require_once('${1:file}');]]></text>
+ <description>require_once</description>
+ <tag>reqo</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="req">
+ <text><![CDATA[require('${1:file}');]]></text>
+ <description>require</description>
+ <tag>req</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-6">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_SERVER['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>SERVER['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-7">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$_SESSION['${1:variable}']]]></text>
+ <description>SESSION['..']</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="case">
+ <text><![CDATA[case '${1:variable}':
+ # code...
+ $0
+ <description>case ..</description>
+ <tag>case</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="switch">
+ <text><![CDATA[switch (${1:variable})
+ case '${2:value}':
+ ${3:# code...}
+ break;
+ $0
+ default:
+ ${4:# code...}
+ break;
+ <description>switch ..</description>
+ <tag>switch</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="while">
+ <text><![CDATA[while (${1:$a <= 10})
+ # code...
+ $0
+ <description>while ..</description>
+ <tag>while</tag>
+ </snippet>
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new file mode 100755
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="Python">
+ <snippet id="py">
+ <text><![CDATA[#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+ <description>#!/usr/bin/env python</description>
+ <tag>py</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="def">
+ <text><![CDATA[def ${1:fname}(${2:self}):
+ ${3:pass}]]></text>
+ <description>New Function</description>
+ <tag>def</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="doc">
+ <text><![CDATA["""
+ $1
+ <description>doc string</description>
+ <tag>doc</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="get">
+ <text><![CDATA[def get$1(self): return self._$1]]></text>
+ <description>New Get Method</description>
+ <tag>get</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="class">
+ <text><![CDATA[class ${1:ClassName} (${2:object}):
+ def __init__(self${3:,}):
+ ${4:pass}
+ <description>New Class</description>
+ <tag>class</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="for">
+ <text><![CDATA[for ${1:i} in ${2:xrange}(${3:count}):
+ $0]]></text>
+ <description>for loop</description>
+ <tag>for</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="from">
+ <text><![CDATA[from $1 import $2
+ <description>from</description>
+ <tag>from</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ${1:condition}:
+ $0]]></text>
+ <description>if</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="elif">
+ <text><![CDATA[elif ${1:condition}:
+ $0]]></text>
+ <description>elif</description>
+ <tag>elif</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="else">
+ <text><![CDATA[else:
+ $0]]></text>
+ <description>else</description>
+ <tag>else</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="while">
+ <text><![CDATA[while ${1:condition}:
+ $0]]></text>
+ <tag>while</tag>
+ <description>while loop</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="insert">
+ <text><![CDATA["${1:$GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT}"]]></text>
+ <accelerator><![CDATA[<Control>2]]></accelerator>
+ <description>Inside String: Insert "…"</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="insert-1">
+ <text><![CDATA['${1:$GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT}']]></text>
+ <accelerator><![CDATA[<Control>apostrophe]]></accelerator>
+ <description>Inside String: Insert '…'</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id=".">
+ <text><![CDATA[self.]]></text>
+ <description>self</description>
+ <tag>.</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="set">
+ <text><![CDATA[def set$1(self, ${2:newValue}): self._$1 = $2]]></text>
+ <description>New Set Method</description>
+ <tag>set</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="try">
+ <text><![CDATA[try:
+ $1
+except ${2:Error}:
+ $0]]></text>
+ <tag>try</tag>
+ <description>Try... Except</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="main">
+ <text><![CDATA[if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ${1:sys.exit(main())}
+ <description>main</description>
+ <tag>main</tag>
+ </snippet>
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new file mode 100755
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="Ruby">
+ <snippet id="forin">
+ <text><![CDATA[for ${1:element} in ${2:collection}
+ ${1:element}.$0
+ <description>for .. in .. end</description>
+ <tag>forin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="inject">
+ <text><![CDATA[inject(${1:object}) { |${2:injection}, ${3:element}| $0 }]]></text>
+ <description>inject object</description>
+ <tag>inject</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="reject">
+ <text><![CDATA[reject { |${1:element}| ${1:element}.$0 }]]></text>
+ <description>reject element</description>
+ <tag>reject</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="select">
+ <text><![CDATA[select { |${1:element}| ${1:element}.$0 }]]></text>
+ <description>select element</description>
+ <tag>select</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="ife">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ${1:condition}
+ $2
+ $3
+ <description>if .. else .. end</description>
+ <tag>ife</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if ${1:condition}
+ $0
+ <description>if .. end</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="case">
+ <text><![CDATA[case ${1:object}
+ when ${2:condition}
+ $0
+ <description>case .. end</description>
+ <tag>case</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="begin">
+ <text><![CDATA[begin
+ $1
+rescue ${2:Exception} => ${3:e}
+ $0
+ <description>begin .. rescue .. end</description>
+ <tag>begin</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="class">
+ <text><![CDATA[class ${1:class_name}
+ $0
+ <description>class .. end</description>
+ <tag>class</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="collecto">
+ <text><![CDATA[collect do |${1:element}|
+ ${1:element}.$0
+ <description>collect element do</description>
+ <tag>collecto</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="collect">
+ <text><![CDATA[collect { |${1:element}| ${1:element}.$0 }]]></text>
+ <description>collect element</description>
+ <tag>collect</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="def">
+ <text><![CDATA[def ${1:method_name}
+ $0
+ <description>def .. end</description>
+ <tag>def</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="do">
+ <text><![CDATA[do
+ $0
+ <description>do .. end</description>
+ <tag>do</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="doo">
+ <text><![CDATA[do |${1:object}|
+ $0
+ <description>do |object| .. end</description>
+ <tag>doo</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="eacho">
+ <text><![CDATA[each do |${1:element}|
+ ${1:element}.$0
+ <description>each element do</description>
+ <tag>eacho</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="each">
+ <text><![CDATA[each { |${1:element}| ${1:element}.$0 }]]></text>
+ <description>each element</description>
+ <tag>each</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="each_with_indexo">
+ <text><![CDATA[each_with_index do |${1:element}, ${2:idx}|
+ ${1:element}.$0
+ <description>each_with_index do</description>
+ <tag>eachwithindexo</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="each_with_index">
+ <text><![CDATA[each_with_index { |${1:element}, ${2:idx}| ${1:element}.$0 }]]></text>
+ <description>each_with_index</description>
+ <tag>eachwithindex</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id=":">
+ <text><![CDATA[:${1:key} => ${2:"value"}${3:, }]]></text>
+ <description>hash pair</description>
+ <tag>:</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="hashpointer">
+ <text><![CDATA[ => ]]></text>
+ <accelerator><![CDATA[<Shift><Alt>l]]></accelerator>
+ <description>hash pointer</description>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="injecto">
+ <text><![CDATA[inject(${1:object}) do |${2:injection}, ${3:element}|
+ $0
+ <description>inject object do</description>
+ <tag>injecto</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="rejecto">
+ <text><![CDATA[reject do |${1:element}|
+ ${1:element}.$0
+ <description>reject element do</description>
+ <tag>rejecto</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="selecto">
+ <text><![CDATA[select do |${1:element}|
+ ${1:element}.$0
+ <description>select element do</description>
+ <tag>selecto</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="unless">
+ <text><![CDATA[unless ${1:condition}
+ $0
+ <description>unless</description>
+ <tag>unless</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="when">
+ <text><![CDATA[when ${1:condition}
+ $0]]></text>
+ <description>when</description>
+ <tag>when</tag>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/sh.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/sh.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b8fc0a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/sh.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="sh">
+ <snippet id="elif">
+ <text><![CDATA[elif [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then
+ $0]]></text>
+ <description>elif ..</description>
+ <tag>elif</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="case">
+ <text><![CDATA[case ${1:choice} in
+ $3
+ ;;
+ $4
+ ;;
+ <description>case ..</description>
+ <tag>case</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="for">
+ <text><![CDATA[for (( ${1:i = 0}; ${2:i < 10}; ${3:i++} )); do
+ $0
+ <description>for .. done</description>
+ <tag>for</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then
+ $0
+ <description>if .. then</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="sh">
+ <text><![CDATA[#!/bin/sh
+ <description>#!/bin/sh</description>
+ <tag>sh</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="bash">
+ <text><![CDATA[#!/bin/bash
+ <description>#!/bin/bash</description>
+ <tag>bash</tag>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/snippets.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/snippets.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ee405e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/snippets.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="snippets">
+ <snippet id="simple">
+ <text><![CDATA[\${${1:n:default}}]]></text>
+ <description>Simple Placeholder</description>
+ <tag>simple</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="simple-fallback">
+ <text><![CDATA[\${${1:n:}[${2:default1,default2}]}]]></text>
+ <description>Simple Fallback Placeholder</description>
+ <tag>simplef</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="shell">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$(${1:n:} ${2:shell code})]]></text>
+ <description>Shell Placeholder</description>
+ <tag>shell</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="python">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$<${1:n:} ${2:[refs]:} return 'python code' >]]></text>
+ <description>Python Placeholder</description>
+ <tag>python</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="regex">
+ <text><![CDATA[\${${1:n:} ${2:input}/${3:regex-pattern}/${4:replacement}/${5:modifiers}}]]></text>
+ <description>Regular Expression Placeholder</description>
+ <tag>regex</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_DOCUMENT_PATH">
+ <description>Gedit Current Document Path Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME">
+ <description>Gedit Current Document Name Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_DOCUMENT_URI">
+ <description>Gedit Current Document Uri Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_DOCUMENT_SCHEME">
+ <description>Gedit Current Document Scheme Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_DOCUMENT_TYPE">
+ <description>Gedit Current Document Type Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-DOCUMENTS_URI">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_DOCUMENTS_URI]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Documents Uri Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-DOCUMENTS_PATH">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_DOCUMENTS_PATH]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Documents Path Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-SELECTED_TEXT">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Selected Text Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_WORD">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_CURRENT_WORD]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Current Word Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_LINE">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_CURRENT_LINE]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Current Line Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Current Line Number Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-DROP_FILENAME">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_DROP_FILENAME]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Drop Filename Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-DROP_REL_FILENAME">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_DROP_REL_FILENAME]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Drop Relative Filename Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="$-DROP_MIME_TYPE">
+ <text><![CDATA[\$GEDIT_DROP_MIME_TYPE]]></text>
+ <description>Gedit Drop Mime Type Variable</description>
+ <tag>$</tag>
+ </snippet>
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new file mode 100755
index 00000000..73a50c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/tcl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="Tcl">
+ <snippet id="foreach">
+ <text><![CDATA[foreach ${1:var} ${2:$list} {
+ ${3}
+ <description>foreach...</description>
+ <tag>foreach</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="for">
+ <text><![CDATA[for {${1:set i 0}} {${2:$i < $n}} {${3:incr i}} {
+ ${4}
+ <description>for...</description>
+ <tag>for</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[if {${1:condition}} {
+ ${2}
+ <description>if...</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="proc">
+ <text><![CDATA[proc ${1:name} {${2:args}} \
+ ${3}
+ <description>proc...</description>
+ <tag>proc</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="switch">
+ <text><![CDATA[switch ${1:-exact} -- ${2:$var} {
+ ${3:match} {
+ ${4}
+ }
+ default {${5}}
+ <description>switch...</description>
+ <tag>switch</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="while">
+ <text><![CDATA[while {${1:condition}} {
+ ${2}
+ <description>while...</description>
+ <tag>while</tag>
+ </snippet>
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/data/xml.xml b/plugins/snippets/data/xml.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a53d565b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/data/xml.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="XML">
+ <snippet id="&quot;">
+ <text><![CDATA[<${1:name} ${2:attr}="${3:value}">$0</${1}>]]></text>
+ <description>Long Attribute Tag</description>
+ <tag>"</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="&lt;">
+ <text><![CDATA[<${1:name}>$0</${1}>
+ <description>Long Tag</description>
+ <tag>&lt;</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="&gt;">
+ <text><![CDATA[<${1:name} />]]></text>
+ <description>Short Tag</description>
+ <tag>&gt;</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="cdata">
+ <text><![CDATA[<![CDATA[$0]]]]><![CDATA[>]]></text>
+ <tag>cdata</tag>
+ <description>CDATA</description>
+ </snippet>
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new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0ff5cc15
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<snippets language="xslt">
+ <snippet id="stylesheet">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
+ <description>StyleSheet</description>
+ <tag>stylesheet</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="include">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:include href="$1"/>
+ <description>Include</description>
+ <tag>inc</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="import">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:import href="$1"/>
+ <description>Import</description>
+ <tag>imp</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="param">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:param name="$1"/>
+ <description>Parameter</description>
+ <tag>param</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="template">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:template ${1:[match,name]}="$2" ${3:mode=""}>
+ $0
+ <description>Template</description>
+ <tag>templ</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="variable-1">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:variable name="$1">
+ $0
+ <description>Variable</description>
+ <tag>var</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="variable-2">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:variable name="$1" select="$2"/>
+ <description>Variable with Select Attribute</description>
+ <tag>var</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="choose">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$1">
+ $2
+ </xsl:when>
+ $3
+ <description>Choose</description>
+ <tag>choose</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="when">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:when test="$1">
+ $2
+ <description>When</description>
+ <tag>when</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="otherwise">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:otherwise>
+ $1
+ <description>Otherwise</description>
+ <tag>otherwise</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="if">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:if test="$1">
+ $2
+ <description>If</description>
+ <tag>if</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="value-of">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:value-of select="$1"/>
+ <description>Value of</description>
+ <tag>val</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="element">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:element name="$1">
+ <description>Element</description>
+ <tag>elem</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="attribute">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:attribute name="$1">$2</xsl:attribute>
+ <description>Attribute</description>
+ <tag>attr</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="text">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:text>${1:$GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT}</xsl:text>
+ <description>Text</description>
+ <tag>text</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="comment">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:comment>${1:$GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT}</xsl:comment>
+ <description>Comment</description>
+ <tag>comment</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="call-template">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:call-template name="$1"/>
+ <description>Call Template</description>
+ <tag>call</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="apply-templates">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:apply-templates mode="$1" select="$2"/>
+ <description>Apply Templates</description>
+ <tag>applyt</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="apply-imports">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:apply-imports/>
+ <description>Apply Imports</description>
+ <tag>applyimp</tag>
+ </snippet>
+ <snippet id="with-param">
+ <text><![CDATA[<xsl:with-param name="$1">
+ $2
+ <description>With Param</description>
+ <tag>with</tag>
+ </snippet>