path: root/plugins/snippets/snippets/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/snippets/snippets/')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/snippets/snippets/ b/plugins/snippets/snippets/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d7baead5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/snippets/snippets/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+# Gedit snippets plugin
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Jesse van den Kieboom <[email protected]>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import os
+import gio
+from Placeholder import *
+from Parser import Parser, Token
+from Helper import *
+class EvalUtilities:
+ def __init__(self, view=None):
+ self.view = view
+ self._init_namespace()
+ def _init_namespace(self):
+ self.namespace = {
+ '__builtins__': __builtins__,
+ 'align': self.util_align,
+ 'readfile': self.util_readfile,
+ 'filesize': self.util_filesize
+ }
+ def _real_len(self, s, tablen = 0):
+ if tablen == 0:
+ tablen = self.view.get_tab_width()
+ return len(s.expandtabs(tablen))
+ def _filename_to_uri(self, filename):
+ gfile = gio.File(filename)
+ return gfile.get_uri()
+ def util_readfile(self, filename):
+ stream = gio.File(filename).read()
+ if not stream:
+ return ''
+ res =
+ stream.close()
+ return res
+ def util_filesize(self, filename):
+ gfile = gio.File(filename)
+ info = gfile.query_info(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SIZE)
+ if not info:
+ return 0
+ return info.get_size()
+ def util_align(self, items):
+ maxlen = []
+ tablen = self.view.get_tab_width()
+ for row in range(0, len(items)):
+ for col in range(0, len(items[row]) - 1):
+ if row == 0:
+ maxlen.append(0)
+ items[row][col] += "\t"
+ rl = self._real_len(items[row][col], tablen)
+ if (rl > maxlen[col]):
+ maxlen[col] = rl
+ result = ''
+ for row in range(0, len(items)):
+ for col in range(0, len(items[row]) - 1):
+ item = items[row][col]
+ result += item + ("\t" * ((maxlen[col] - \
+ self._real_len(item, tablen)) / tablen))
+ result += items[row][len(items[row]) - 1]
+ if row != len(items) - 1:
+ result += "\n"
+ return result
+class Snippet:
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ = data
+ def __getitem__(self, prop):
+ return[prop]
+ def __setitem__(self, prop, value):
+[prop] = value
+ def accelerator_display(self):
+ accel = self['accelerator']
+ if accel:
+ keyval, mod = gtk.accelerator_parse(accel)
+ accel = gtk.accelerator_get_label(keyval, mod)
+ return accel or ''
+ def display(self):
+ nm = markup_escape(self['description'])
+ tag = self['tag']
+ accel = self.accelerator_display()
+ detail = []
+ if tag and tag != '':
+ detail.append(tag)
+ if accel and accel != '':
+ detail.append(accel)
+ if not detail:
+ return nm
+ else:
+ return nm + ' (<b>' + markup_escape(str.join(', ', detail)) + \
+ '</b>)'
+ def _add_placeholder(self, placeholder):
+ if placeholder.tabstop in self.placeholders:
+ if placeholder.tabstop == -1:
+ self.placeholders[-1].append(placeholder)
+ self.plugin_data.ordered_placeholders.append(placeholder)
+ elif placeholder.tabstop == -1:
+ self.placeholders[-1] = [placeholder]
+ self.plugin_data.ordered_placeholders.append(placeholder)
+ else:
+ self.placeholders[placeholder.tabstop] = placeholder
+ self.plugin_data.ordered_placeholders.append(placeholder)
+ def _insert_text(self, text):
+ # Insert text keeping indentation in mind
+ indented = unicode.join('\n' + unicode(self._indent), spaces_instead_of_tabs(self._view, text).split('\n'))
+ self._view.get_buffer().insert(self._insert_iter(), indented)
+ def _insert_iter(self):
+ return self._view.get_buffer().get_iter_at_mark(self._insert_mark)
+ def _create_environment(self, data):
+ val = ((data in os.environ) and os.environ[data]) or ''
+ # Get all the current indentation
+ all_indent = compute_indentation(self._view, self._insert_iter())
+ # Substract initial indentation to get the snippet indentation
+ indent = all_indent[len(self._indent):]
+ # Keep indentation
+ return unicode.join('\n' + unicode(indent), val.split('\n'))
+ def _create_placeholder(self, data):
+ tabstop = data['tabstop']
+ begin = self._insert_iter()
+ if tabstop == 0:
+ # End placeholder
+ return PlaceholderEnd(self._view, begin, data['default'])
+ elif tabstop in self.placeholders:
+ # Mirror placeholder
+ return PlaceholderMirror(self._view, tabstop, begin)
+ else:
+ # Default placeholder
+ return Placeholder(self._view, tabstop, data['default'], begin)
+ def _create_shell(self, data):
+ begin = self._insert_iter()
+ return PlaceholderShell(self._view, data['tabstop'], begin, data['contents'])
+ def _create_eval(self, data):
+ begin = self._insert_iter()
+ return PlaceholderEval(self._view, data['tabstop'], data['dependencies'], begin, data['contents'], self._utils.namespace)
+ def _create_regex(self, data):
+ begin = self._insert_iter()
+ return PlaceholderRegex(self._view, data['tabstop'], begin, data['input'], data['pattern'], data['substitution'], data['modifiers'])
+ def _create_text(self, data):
+ return data
+ def _invalid_placeholder(self, placeholder, remove):
+ buf = self._view.get_buffer()
+ # Remove the text because this placeholder is invalid
+ if placeholder.default and remove:
+ buf.delete(placeholder.begin_iter(), placeholder.end_iter())
+ placeholder.remove()
+ if placeholder.tabstop == -1:
+ index = self.placeholders[-1].index(placeholder)
+ del self.placeholders[-1][index]
+ else:
+ del self.placeholders[placeholder.tabstop]
+ self.plugin_data.ordered_placeholders.remove(placeholder)
+ def _parse(self, plugin_data):
+ # Initialize current variables
+ self._view = plugin_data.view
+ self._indent = compute_indentation(self._view, self._view.get_buffer().get_iter_at_mark(self.begin_mark))
+ self._utils = EvalUtilities(self._view)
+ self.placeholders = {}
+ self._insert_mark = self.end_mark
+ self.plugin_data = plugin_data
+ # Create parser
+ parser = Parser(data=self['text'])
+ # Parse tokens
+ while (True):
+ token = parser.token()
+ if not token:
+ break
+ try:
+ val = {'environment': self._create_environment,
+ 'placeholder': self._create_placeholder,
+ 'shell': self._create_shell,
+ 'eval': self._create_eval,
+ 'regex': self._create_regex,
+ 'text': self._create_text}[token.klass](
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write('Token class not supported: %s\n' % token.klass)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(val, basestring):
+ # Insert text
+ self._insert_text(val)
+ else:
+ # Insert placeholder
+ self._add_placeholder(val)
+ # Create end placeholder if there isn't one yet
+ if 0 not in self.placeholders:
+ self.placeholders[0] = PlaceholderEnd(self._view, self.end_iter(), None)
+ self.plugin_data.ordered_placeholders.append(self.placeholders[0])
+ # Make sure run_last is ran for all placeholders and remove any
+ # non `ok` placeholders
+ for tabstop in self.placeholders.copy():
+ ph = (tabstop == -1 and list(self.placeholders[-1])) or [self.placeholders[tabstop]]
+ for placeholder in ph:
+ placeholder.run_last(self.placeholders)
+ if not placeholder.ok or placeholder.done:
+ self._invalid_placeholder(placeholder, not placeholder.ok)
+ # Remove all the Expand placeholders which have a tabstop because
+ # they can be used to mirror, but they shouldn't be real tabstops
+ # (if they have mirrors installed). This is problably a bit of
+ # a dirty hack :)
+ if -1 not in self.placeholders:
+ self.placeholders[-1] = []
+ for tabstop in self.placeholders.copy():
+ placeholder = self.placeholders[tabstop]
+ if tabstop != -1:
+ if isinstance(placeholder, PlaceholderExpand) and \
+ placeholder.has_references:
+ # Add to anonymous placeholders
+ self.placeholders[-1].append(placeholder)
+ # Remove placeholder
+ del self.placeholders[tabstop]
+ self.plugin_data = None
+ def insert_into(self, plugin_data, insert):
+ buf = plugin_data.view.get_buffer()
+ last_index = 0
+ # Find closest mark at current insertion, so that we may insert
+ # our marks in the correct order
+ (current, next) = plugin_data.next_placeholder()
+ if current:
+ # Insert AFTER current
+ last_index = plugin_data.placeholders.index(current) + 1
+ elif next:
+ # Insert BEFORE next
+ last_index = plugin_data.placeholders.index(next)
+ else:
+ # Insert at first position
+ last_index = 0
+ # lastIndex now contains the position of the last mark
+ # Create snippet bounding marks
+ self.begin_mark = buf.create_mark(None, insert, True)
+ self.end_mark = buf.create_mark(None, insert, False)
+ # Now parse the contents of this snippet, create Placeholders
+ # and insert the placholder marks in the marks array of plugin_data
+ self._parse(plugin_data)
+ # So now all of the snippet is in the buffer, we have all our
+ # placeholders right here, what's next, put all marks in the
+ # plugin_data.marks
+ k = self.placeholders.keys()
+ k.sort(reverse=True)
+ plugin_data.placeholders.insert(last_index, self.placeholders[0])
+ last_iter = self.placeholders[0].end_iter()
+ for tabstop in k:
+ if tabstop != -1 and tabstop != 0:
+ placeholder = self.placeholders[tabstop]
+ end_iter = placeholder.end_iter()
+ if < 0:
+ last_iter = end_iter
+ # Inserting placeholder
+ plugin_data.placeholders.insert(last_index, placeholder)
+ # Move end mark to last placeholder
+ buf.move_mark(self.end_mark, last_iter)
+ return self
+ def deactivate(self):
+ buf = self.begin_mark.get_buffer()
+ buf.delete_mark(self.begin_mark)
+ buf.delete_mark(self.end_mark)
+ self.placeholders = {}
+ def begin_iter(self):
+ return self.begin_mark.get_buffer().get_iter_at_mark(self.begin_mark)
+ def end_iter(self):
+ return self.end_mark.get_buffer().get_iter_at_mark(self.end_mark)
+# ex:ts=8:et: